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Giant Horn Simulates Sound
of Saturn Firing
The Wyle Laboratories Acoustic
Fatigue Test Facility, activated on
2 February 1963 adjacent to the
George C. Marshall Space Flight
Center at Huntsville, Alabama,
emits the loudest sustained noise
ever produced by man. The 167-
decibel roar, which shattered a
quarter-inch sheet of safety plate
glass in its "ribbon-cutting" cere-
mony, is a simulation of the noise
anticipated from the firing of the
first-stage of the Saturn C-5
booster, which will launch the
Apollo spacecraft toward the
The source is a giant loud-
speaker, which will be able to fur-
nish information on the levels of
durability necessary for compo-
nents of the Saturn and for
launch-site, ground-support equip-
ment to withstand the tremendous
pressure waves created by the 789
million-pound-thrust blast-off.
Acoustic fatigue testing is rela-
tively new to the aerospace indus-
try. Little was known--or even ex-
pected-of the role sound would
play in the conquest of space. But
its effects proved to be destructive
in many early missile and rocket
firings. The sounds created by
high-velocity gases escaping from
the rocket exhausts and their im-
pact against the launching pad
are of such intensity that the pres-
sure waves can actually break steel
plates. The C-5's cluster of F-1
engines comprises the most power-
ful rocket yet devised. Therefore,
it can be assumed that this tremen-
dous power plant will create acous-
tic problems that could cause dis-
aster in the Saturn program if they are not solved in advance of
the actual launchings.
The Wyle horn measuring 48
feet end to end (see photograph)
is capable of producing sounds
rated at 167 decibels, the sound-
pressure level expected from
the Saturn's blast. The faintest
audible sound to a person with
sensitive hearing is zero decibels
(see Table I). As sound increases
it is measured logarithmically to
180 decibels, equivalent to the
noise of one million roaring auto-
mobile engines. Above this level the
vibrations caused by sound are measured as shock waves and are
so intense they sometimes become
visible, producing an effect similar
to heat waves rising from an as-
phalt pavement under a hot sun.
Examples of this can be seen at
the leading edge of a supersonic
aircraft's wing or emanating from
a nucelar explosion. ]t is these
waves "dropping off" a jet air-
plane as it passes Mach 1 that
cause sonic booms.
Soft, relatively pliable objects,
such as the human body, have the
ability to "give" under the on-
slaught of sound waves, although
T.~BIJE I. Typical sound-pressure levels for various acoustic sources.
Sound-pressure level
(decibels re 0.0002
dynes/square centimeter) Source
--0-- Maximum near rocket engine
Maximum near field 10 000-pound thrust jet engine
75-piece orchestra\ Pipe organ J Peak revolutions/minute levels
Small aircraft engine
Large chipping hammer
BB~ tuba Peak revolutions/minute levels
Blaring radio
Centrifugal ventilating fan (13 000 cubic feet/minute)
Vane-axial ventilating fan (1500 cubic feet/minute)
Voice shouting
Turbojet airlines landing @500 foot altitude
Voice conversational level
Voice--very soft whisper
Minimum audible sound
34 SOUND Volume 2, Number 3
Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:11:28Giant horn of new high-lntensity acoustic test facility at Wyle Laboratories, Huntville, Alabama, is 48 feet long and con-
structed of reinforced concrete up to and more than a foot thick. Special siren at left, feeding into small end of horn,
simulates sound of rocket engines. At maximum output, horn emits loudest sustained noise ever produced by man.
the maximum sound levels which
can be tolerated have not been ac-
curately determined. Coincident
with the Saturn testing, Wyle is
planning extensive research into
the human factors involved in such
sound levels. One of the psycho-
logical effects to be studied is that,
although no pain is experienced,
time seems interminable under ex-
treme noise conditions, causing the
human being to want subcon-
sciously to get away from the noise
source. An example of this was dis-
covered among the deck personnel
aboard a jet aircraft carrier.
Although the three astronauts
aboard the Apollo spacecraft will
not be subjected to the pressures
of the blast-off sound, it is, in the
final analysis, their presence which
establishes the need for extreme re-
liability in the Saturn program.
In America's space program, noth-
ing takes priority over human life. Discounting the fact that giant
Saturn boosters cost many times
the amount of money involved in
the testing of unmanned rockets
and missiles, the Saturn, with its
human cargo, must perform flaw-
Whereas soft materials can ab-
sorb and dissipate the effects of
high-intensity sound, metals, glass,
and other firm materials tend to
vibrate in resonance. When a cer-
tain level of vibration is reached,
the material can no longer sustain
the stresses and, as a result, frac-
tures. Through this type of fatigue-
testing, researchers will discover
which materials and structural de-
signs will qualify for Saturn ap-
Obviously, the noise created by
the Wyle horn must be kept under
control since it approaches 170
decibels, which is 300 million times
the lowest audible sound. Wyle en- gineers therefore built the walls of
the horn and its chambers of one-
foot-thick concrete. At the large,
or "bell," end of the horn, they
installed sound-absorbing fiber-
glass wedges to muffle the blast,
after it had passed by the test
specimen. The horn then was en-
tirely enclosed in a blockhouse
built of acoustic-absorbing mate-
rials. The result is that conversa-
tions can be held in normal voices
just outside the blockhouse during
tests. Wyle engineers, wearing ear
protection, will even be able to
work inside the blockhouse during
most of the horn's operations.
Sound in the test chamber is pro-
duced by a siren with a variable
aperture created by four closely
spaced spinning disks with open-
ings which coincide at random,
permitting blasts of compressed
air to pass through to create
"white noise." A regular loud-
SOUND May-June 1963 35
Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:11:28(Top) Control room is insulated to the
degree that engineers need not wear ear
protectors, though giant horn is only a
few feet away. Test specimen can be oh-
served through windows at left. (Right)
Wyle Laboratories manager, William
Brooks, in center, and Wyle engineers,
Robert Jeffries and Dan Bozich, at right,
inspect four-foot-square test panel of one-
fourth-inch safety plate glass shattered
by sound waves during demonstration of
new high-intensity sound generator.
speaker, of the type found in a
radio, would be impractical, inas-
much as, in the size required, the
voice coil would exert forces that
would destroy the cone. The acous-
tic facility was built by Wyle at
a cost of $250 000. Engineers who
operate the system rate it as the
most versatile acoustic test facility
in existence. Although it was de-
signed primarily for the Saturn
program, construction is such that
the horn is adaptable to any an-
ticipated aerospace acoustic test
requirement. 9
U. S. Sonics Acquires
Underwater Test Facility
U. S. Sonics, Inc., of Cambridge,
Massachusetts, advanced acoustic
materials research and develop-
ment company, has acquired one
of the largest underwater test sites
in New England, a mile square
lake with a 40-foot depth near Bo]-
ton, Massachusetts. It is now build- ing a floating laboratory equipped
with electronic and acoustic test
equipment to facilitate develop-
ment of antisubmarine warfare de
vices for the Navy, and develop-
ment of new underwater sensing
devices for commercial use.
The free-field test facility is
expected to provide a number of
advantages over standard tank-
testing equipment. Without rever-
beration from tank walls, engineers will be able to determine more pre-
cisely the sensitivity of Navy hy-
drophones. Under outdoor condi-
tions, such as icy water, the effects
of temperature variations on trans-
ducers can be determined.
The company will shortly begin
testing devices such as sonar heads,
depth sounders, and underwater
distance indicators as well as
Navy hydrophones in the new
facility. 9
36 SOUND Volume 2, Number 3
Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:11:28Transistor Microphone
In 1957, Warren P. Mason of
Bell Telephone Laboratories sug-
gested that the piezoresistive prop-
erties of some semiconductors could
be used for converting mechanical
or acoustic pressure into electrical
signals and vice versa. Such de-
vices are widely used by industry
to obtain very sensitive strain and
pressure measurements. They are
also useful in picking up and gen-
erating acoustic signals in air, sea
water, and solids; in detecting
earth tremors ; in phonograph pick-
ups; as roughness indicators; and
as gauges for measuring tension,
compression, acceleration, pressure,
shear force, and torque.
Since then, it has been shown
that thin p-n junctions (Esaki
diodes) can also be used as
very sensitive hydrostatic pressure
transducers, and models made of
silicon, germanium, gallium-arse-
nide, or gallium-antimonide tun-
nel diodes have been built. An ex-
perimental semiconductor micro-
phone was made by F. P. Burns
of Bell Laboratories. This micro-
phone produced a power output
only one ten-millionth that of a
typical carbon microphone.
Research on transistor micro-
phones has been carried forward
independently and concurrently by
Bell Laboratories and Raytheon
On 21 August 1962, at the West-
ern Electronic Show and Conven-
tion, Los Angeles, W. Rindner and
R. Nelson of Raytheon described
a semiconductor strain transducer
based on the sensitivity of shallow
p-n junctions to suitably applied
anisotropic stress.
The Bell Laboratories transistor
microphone was described first by
M. E. Sikorski and P. Andreatch
on 29 August 1962 at The Ameri-
can Physical Society Meeting in
Seattle. (A summary of the talk
had been sent to the Bulletin of
The American Physical Society on
19 June.)
During the last week of Septem-
ber, Dr. Rindner and R. Nelson
of Raytheon disclosed to the news-
papers that they were working on a similar device---a very small
transistor microphone of high sen-
sitivity. They described the device
in the October issue of the Pro-
ceedings of the IRE. (Their article
was sent to the IRE Proceedings
before 30 July 1962.)
The Bell Laboratories transistor
microphone is described in the Oc-
tober 1962 issue of The Review of
Scientific Instruments in a paper
by 5I. E. Sikorski, P. Andreatch,
A. Grieco, and H. Christensen. The
paper was sent to the RSI on 15
August 1962.
Both the Raytheon and the
Bell Laboratories devices were
described in detail on 27 October
at the IRE 1962 Electron Devices
Meeting in Washington, D. C.
The Bell Laboratories transistor
microphone has the following char-
acteristics as compared with a typ-
ical carbon-granule microphone
and an earlier semiconductor mi-
crophone that made use of the
piezoresistive effect.
The transistor microphone is
more sensitive (approximately four
times on the voltage basis) and
gives a higher signal-to-noise ratio
(54 decibels) than the carbon mi-
crophone. Harmonic distortion is
less than 3% at 1000 cycles per
second and a sound pressure of
3 dynes/centimeter ~. Its fre-
quency response is limited by the
design of the diaphragm and the
stress-transmitting system.
The idea that a transistor could
be used as a pressure transducer
is not new. It was previously pro-
posed that, were pressure to be ap-
plied to the point contact of a
point-contact transistor, the point
would deform, varying the area of
its contact with the emitter sur-
face. Thus, contact resistance would
vary in proportion to the applied
stress. Such a transducer was not developed because its efficiency was
not very high.
Bell Laboratories' microphone
uses a junction transistor. Pressure
applied to a point on the surface
of the emitter is passed through the
emitter region and across the two
p-n junctions of the transistor.
At each junction, there is a thin
region of high resistivity called a
depletion layer. (The difference in
Fermi levels of the negative- and
positive-type materials at an inter-
face gives rise to an internal elec-
tric field that sweeps or "depletes"
a thin region free of mobile charge
carriers, thereby increasing its re-
sistance.) The stress across the de-
pletion layer changes its resistance
and, therefore, the current flowing
in the transistor changes.
This modulation of the current
may be due to various mechanisms.
For example, at strains of 1000
microinches per inch, current
changes can be explained by the
effect of piezoresistance. However,
at higher strains, a change in the
energy gap of the semiconductor
material can be the dominant fac-
tor. There is also a possibility that
at large strains recombination cen-
ters may be created in the semi-
conductor material under the in-
denter. This would affect the life-
time of the carriers.
In any case, the flow of current
across the junctions is affected.
Since the emitter-base junction is
nearer the point of pressure than
the collector-base junction, the
stress on it is greater and the con-
duction through it is affected to a
larger extent. The change in the
resistance of the emitter-base junc-
tion is analogous to the application
of a signal to the base-emitter cir-
cuit in a transistor amplifier: an
amplified signal in the collector-
emitter circuit is obtained.
Microphone Sensitivity
(in millivolts ~c revolutions/
minute for a 1 dyne/centi-
meter 2 pressure at
1 kilocycle/second Efficiency
ac power out'~
dc power in ]
(at 10 dyne/centimeter 2
Transistor microphone
Carbon-granule microphone
Piezoresistive microphone 63 millivo!ts
16 millivolts
2 X 10 ~ millivolts 11%
1.4XlO 6%
SOUND May-June 1963 37
Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:11:28The electrical output is com-
paratively large. For example, in
the experimental transistor micro-
phone, a sound pressure of 1
dyne/centimeter 2 at a frequency
of 1 kilocycle/second resulted in
a voltage signal of 63 millivolts
(revolutions/minute). The noise
(in the frequency range of 600
to 4000 cycles/second) accompany-
ing the 63-millivoIts signal was 0.12
millivolts; thus the signal-to-noise
ratio was 54 decibels. Although
the signal was measured at an im-
pedance of 30 000 ohms, the above
figures have been reduced to 100
ohms impedance level for compari-
son purposes.
The experimental transistor mike
was made from a Western Elec-
tric 20C NPN transistor; however,
other types of commercially avail-
able junction transistors--such as
diffused-base, double-diffused mesa,
microalloy-diffused, epitaxial mesa,
double-diffused planar, epitaxial
planar, surface barrier, and mul-
tiple-junction transistors--can be
used. Some of these transistors
have comparatively large emitter
and collector regions to which
stress can be applied.
The transistor of the microphone
is a common, diffused-base tran-
sistor in which the collector region
is n-type silicon. The base is a
p-type film that was diffused onto
the collector. The emitter region,
which was diffused onto the base,
is n type.
Metal films provide electrical
contacts to the base layer and emit-
ter. The transistor wafer is bonded
to a metal base, which serves as
the collector contact. The tran-
sistor is biased with the emitter
lead grounded.
Stress is applied to the emitter
surface through a l-rail radius
sapphire stylus ; however, any hard
metal such as molybdenum, tung-
sten, or steel, a hard ceramic, or
hard crystal such as diamond could
be used.
In the experimental model, the
diaphragm that collects the acous-
tic energy and funnels it to the sty-
lus is of standard design. Smaller
diaphragms can also be used; how-
ever, sensitivity will be reduced.
Sensitivity can be increased by de- creasing the thickness of the emit-
ter region or by using a germa-
nium instead of a silicon transistor.
Bell scientists have also sug-
gested even more effective meth-
ods for stressing the transistor
junctions. For example, the tran-
sistor can be affixed directly to a
diaphragm without need of a sty-
lus. Or, a deformable semiconduc-
tor sheet or wafer may be used
as a diaphragm and the transistor
junctions diffused directly into or
epitaxially grown onto it.
Various other modifications and
extensions of this invention are
apparent. For example, with ap-
propriate circuitry, the transistor
transducer can be used as a pres-
sure-responsive switch. As the pres-
sure reaches a critical point and
changes the voltage across the
junction, a compensating or cor-
rective circuit can be activated
that will trigger an alarm signal.
Also, transistors made of piezo-
electric materials, such as GaAs,
CdS, or CdSe, could be used, which
might result in even greater sen-
sitivity. 9
OTS Bibliography Gives over
500 References on Shock and
Vibration Environment
More than 500 references on
shock and vibration environment
including references on space en-
vironmental conditions and testing
methods are presented in an Armed
Services Technical Information
Agency bibliography just released
to science and industry through
the Office of Technical Services,
U. S. Department of Commerce.
W. L. Hercules, Shock and Vibra-
tion Environment A Report Bib-
liography. (Armed Forces Techni-
cal Information Agency, August
1962.) Pp. 135. (Order AD 277 392
from OTS, U. S. Department of
Commerce, Washington 25, D. C.)
Price $3.00.
More than 500 reports of re-
search and conference proceedings
on shock and vibration environ-
ment have been abstracted and
cited in this bibliography. The ref-
erences are grouped within these
broad topic areas: mechanical shock and vibration; application
to particular fields such as space
technology, naval engineering., mil-
itary equipment, test facilities ;
and associated environments. Un-
der associated environments are
included references to space en-
vironmental conditions, radiation
effects on electronic equipment,
and radiation effects on fuel and
organic materials.
Entries are arranged alphabeti-
cally by subject area. Within each
subject area, reports published by
Department of Defense contractors
are listed alphabetically by source,
contract, and date; military orig-
inated reports are arranged by
source and title. 9
Korfund Dynamics Corporation
Provides "Silence" for
U. S. Scientists
Korfund Dynamics Corporation,
Westbury, New York, is doing its
part to help the United States land
a man on the moon by providing
the quiet atmosphere in which the
nation's space scientists can work
Korfund has recently completed
its contract to design and fabricate
four huge high-velocity "silenc-
ers" for the air-distribution sys-
tems at the George C. Marshall
Space Flight Center, Huntsville,
Alabama. These silencers are in-
tended for insertion into the duct-
ing system in order to quiet the
roar of the high-pressure blowers
which force a total of 73 000 cubic
feet of air per minute through four
large ducts. The silencers, tubular
in design with a baffle located con-
centrically within each of them,
are ten feet long and forty-four
inches in diameter--among the
largest ever built. They were de-
signed to cut the noise level of
air under high pressure from 100
decibels down to 60 decibels. To
give an idea of the significance of
this reduction, 110 decibels is the
level of noise encountered in a
heavy machine shop operation,
where prolonged exposure will def-
initely affect hearing. Sixty deci-
bels is the level of the noise en-
countered in a quiet office and is
38 SOUND Volume 2, Number 3
Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:11:28somewhat less than the level of
noise of normal conversation.
This significant reduction in
noise level is being achieved with
a four-inch layer of a high density,
noneroding type of sound-absorb-
ing material, specially developed
by Korfund Dynamics. The outside
steel casing of the silencers are
specially constructed to withstand
the extremely high pressures gen-
erated by the air conditioning sys-
tem's huge blowers. As a part of
the same project, Korfund is also
supplying a special acoustical hous-
ing for the blowers which pumps
out a total of 200 000 cubic feet of
air per minute. This enclosure
contains the airborne noise within
its confines, thereby reducing the
noise level of areas that are ad-
jacent to the blowers. This housing,
69 feet long by 14 feet wide by 11
feet high, is constructed of Noise-
guard acoustical panels. In this
instance, the noise level will be re-
duced to approximately 70 decibels.
Korfund's Noiseguard acousti-
cal products are of metal-clad con-
struction with fire-retardant acous-
tical inner cores which provide for
sound absorption as well as the
reduction in the transmission of
sound from one area to another. In
addition to their use in air-condi-
tioning systems for offices, theaters,
hospitals, and other places, where
excessive noise may pose a serious
problem, Noiseguard panels are
used in the construction of audio-
metric rooms, and industrial and
business machinery enclosures.
The silencing of air involves the
reduction of four major types of
noises. These are: (1) mechanical
vibration in the fan or motor, (2)
noise in the fan due to the motion
of high velocity air, (3) duct rum-
ble, and (4) grille noise. In the
older, heavy concrete structures,
where air conditioning and other
mechanical equipment were set in
the basement rather far away from
occupants, the effects of vibration
and noise were fairly well con-
tained. Today's buildings are made
of lighter weight, conductive mate-
rials, principally steel and alumi-
num, which transmit vibration and
sound readily. Also, mechanical
equipment is now placed on roofs and intermediate floors, very close
to building occupants. This can
make for serious noise problems.
Moreover, the general noise level
of office buildings has been raised
substantially by the introduction
of more persons per square foot
of area, accounting machines, com-
puters, and other devices which re-
quire special equipment to abate
noise and vibration. 9
Dawe Instruments on Display:
London Physical Society
Exhibition 1963
Dawe Instruments has again had
a range of newly developed instru-
ments accepted for display at the
1963 London Physical Society Ex-
hibition. Production on all the new
instruments is planned for 1963
and all the following instruments
are being demonstrated on the
Type 1109 Visigauge 14. The
Visigauge 14 employs an ultrasonic
resonance method to measure the
thickness of a wide range of mate-
rials from one side of the material.
The resonance method is particu-
larly suitable for thin materials in
the range 0.005 to 2 inches, and
an accuracy of thickness measure-
ment to 0.1% can be achieved. The
particular feature of this new de-
sign is the innnersion testing'
facility, which permits thickness
measurements to be taken without
physical contact between the trans-
ducer and the material under test.
Coupling for the ultrasonic waves
can be provided either by a water
column or by immersion of trans-
ducer and test piece in a tank of
The obvious advantages are that
there is no transducer wear, con-
tinuous measurement can be made
on flow-line production, and con-
sistently uniform coupling permits
very high accuracy of both visual
and recorded measurements.
Type 1419 Octave-Band Sound-
Level Meter. This instrument is a
combination of an accurate sound-
level meter and high-stability oc-
tave-band filter, enabling sound
levels in the range 24 to 140 deci-
bels to be directly measured and
analyzed. The equipment is fully transis-
torized and the sound-level-meter
section incorporates the three
weighting networks A, B, and C
recommended in IEC and BS spec-
ifications for sound-level meters.
The filter section covers the range
90 cycles/second to 5.6 kilocycles/
second in six filter steps, each of
one octave, and center frequencies
of 125, 250, and 500 cycles/second,
1, 2 and 4 kilocycles/second, sup-
plemented by low-pass setting with
cutoff at 90 cycles/second and
highpass setting with cutoff at 5.6
Type 1463 One-Third Octave-
Band Filter. This compact light-
weight filter is intended for use
in conjunction with the Dawc se-
ries 1400 sound-level meters for
one-third octave-band analysis of
sound spectra. It meets and ex-
ceeds tile requirements of the pro-
posed IEC specification for one-
third-octave bandwidth filters. The
filter covers the frequency range
25 cycles/second to 22.4 kilocycles/
second in thirty steps of one-third
octave bandwidth, with normalized
minimum insertion loss and mid-
band frequencies equally spaced
within each of the three decades
of the frequency spectrum. Typi-
cally the attenuation exceeds 50
decibels one octave away from the
midband frequency. 9
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission
Research Reports in Acoustics
The Omce of Technical Services
of the U. S. Department of Com-
merce (Washington 25, D. C.) an-
nounces the availability of the fol-
lowing research reports of interest
to acousticians :
NYO-9586. "Applications of Ultra-
sonic Energy. Ultrasonic Casting
of Ceramic and Cermet Slips."
November 1961. Pp. 47. $1.25.
NY0-9587. "Ultrasonic Filling of
Tubular Cladding with Ceramic
Fuel Powders." November 1961.
Pp. 4O. $1.
NYO-10007. "Ultrasonic Hot-Press-
ing of Metals and Ceramics." De-
cember 1961. Pp. 27. $.50.
HW-70638. "Ultrasonic Testing of
Heavy-Walled Zircaloy Tubing."
August 1961. Pp. 40. $1. *
SOUND May-June 1963 39
Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:11:28Suggested Solutions to Aircraft
Noise Given in Recent OTS Report
Some possible answers to the
problem of noisy aircraft and the
reactions of a community to the
recurring noise of aircraft opera-
tions are offered in a research re-
port now available through the Of-
fice of Technical Services (OTS),
U. S. Department of Commerce.
This report, and two others relat-
ing to aircraft noise, may be ob-
tained from OTS. The three re-
ports are discussed below.
There are more than 150 active
Air Force bases in the United
States, the first report notes, and
"the majority of these bases have
noise problems."
A. Pitrasanta et al., Guide for the
Analysis and Solution of Air-Base
Noise Problems. (Bolt Beranek and
Newman Inc. for the U. S. Air
Force, November 1961.) Pp. 163.
(Order AD 278 688 from OTS,
U. S. Department of Commerce,
Washington 25, D. C.) Price : $3.00.
Eleven possible answers to the
problem of aircraft noise originat-
ing at a military airfield are given
in this report which presents
procedures for analyzing air-base
noise problems and the reactions
of the nearby community. One of
the few ways that the noise ex-
posure from take-off operations can
be reduced in nearby communities,
the report says, is to alter the flight
path during take-off to avoid popu-
lated areas as much as possible.
Because of their noise potential,
jet-powered aircraft receive special
attention in this study but the find-
ings may be applied to piston-en-
gined, propeller-driven planes as
well. Three recommendations be-
lieved to be of particular value are
to re-orient aircraft run-ups (of
engines) so that the noise extend-
ing back along the exhaust path is
turned toward another direction,
changes runway utilization both as
to time and to the choice of run-
way and to use runup noise sup-
pressors. The latter are of several
different types, some absorbing
part of the sound and others di- verting a large part of the noise
Other methods presented are:
Increase the distance between the
noise source (aircraft) and the lo-
cation affected; use buildings, hilly
terrain, or other shielding struc-
tures to decrease the noise; and
construct buildings, near the air-
base or on it, so as to absorb sound.
Proper windows in the buildings
are particularly important.
Welden Clark, Reaction to Air-
craft Noise. (Bolt Beranek and
Newman Inc. for the U. S. Air
Force, November 1961.) Pp. 138.
(Order AD 278 622 from OTS,
U. S. Department of Commerce,
Washington 25, D.C.) Price : $3.00.
One of several conclusions
reached in this study, to analyze
and evaluate the reaction of per-
sons to aircraft noise, states that
no single prediction procedure is
adequate for estimating the reac-
tion of nearby residents. Moderate
fear of air crashes on or near
homes appeared to be a factor to
many of individuals questioned.
Reasons prompting the study
are: "Noise intrusion evokes nega-
tive feelings," the report explains,
"and in extreme cases overt ac-
tions against the aircraft opera-
tors." A series of socio-psychologi-
eal interview studies were made of
people in the vicinity of airports
including prediction of community
reaction, prediction of reaction to
noise inside airfield office buildings,
and a review of other noise studies.
An interesting finding estab-
lished by the researchers was that
important differences may exist in
the attitudes of individuals to air-
craft (or other noise) and that dif-
ferences may exist in the noise
stimulus as well.
W. E. Clark, Noise from Aircraft
Operations. (Bolt Beranek and
Newman Inc., for the U. S. Air
Force, November 1961.) Pp. 124.
(Order AD 278 625 from OTS,
U. S. Department of Commerce,
Washington 25, D.C.) Price : $2.75.
Purpose of this work is to pre-
sent a generalized and organized
collection of information obtained during the course of air-base noise
studies. It is intended to be inter-
mediate in complexity between
simple handbooks and complex,
specific studies. Information from
other than Air Force sources in-
cludes the U. S. Navy, U. S. Army,
and Port of New York Authority
studies on airport-noise problems.
The report is organized into
three main areas: noise-source
characteristics of aircraft, charac-
teristics of aircraft operations, and
propagation of aircraft noise. Pro-
cedures are presented for making
engineering estimates of noise due
to aircraft operations. 9
ITT Calibration Seminars
Engineers and technicians
throughout the nation concerned
with vibration measurements are
indicating an awareness for the
necessity of special training in
proper calibration of their accel-
erometers and other instruments.
This is evidenced by the attend-
ance at a series of seminars, en-
titled "Calibration of Vibration
and Shock Pickups," held in San
Fernando, California by the In-
dustrial Products Division of the
International Telephone and Tele-
graph Corporation (ITT).
The first five-day lecture and
laboratory seminar was from 7
January to 11 January 1963. Other
sessions were held from 11 Febru-
ary to 15 February 1963 and from
4 March to 8 March 1963.
Most of the students attending
the ITT seminars were standards
and calibration personnel con-
nected with aerospace industries,
or with military or Government
research facilities. Also repre-
sented were environmental test en-
gineers who calibrate their own
instrumentation. In addition to
aerospace organizations, men at-
tending were drawn from the elec-
tronics, automotive, naval ship-
building, and other industries.
Further information concerning
these seminars may be obtained
from Wayne Tustin, seminar con-
sultant to ITT, 15191 Bledsoe
Street, San Fernando. *
40 SOUND Volume 2, Number 3
Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:11:28NBS Standard Frequency
Broadcasts Unchanged for 1963
During 1963 the standard fre-
quency broadcasts of stations
WWVB of the National Bureau of
Standards (NBS) (U. S. Depart-
ment of Commerce) will continue
to be offset from Ephemeris Time
by 13 parts in one billion. This off-
set--which follows the current rec-
ommendation of the International
Bureau of Time, Paris, France--is
so slight that it cannot be detected
by ordinary radio receivers. How-
ever, it could be significant to lab-
oratories and industries making
highly precise time or frequency
measurements. This could be of im-
portance, for example, in very pre-
cise work in acoustics.
The standard frequency and
time signals broadcast by NBS are
regulated by cesium atomic stand-
ards. The cesium atoms "tick"
9,192,631,770 times during an
ephemeris second which is the in-
ternational basis for scientific time.
A time scale, UT2, on which we
base the time of day, is determined
by the period of the earth's rota-
tion on its axis, which we subdivide
into hours, minutes, and seconds.
As the period of the earth's rota-
tion is not constant--in fact, varies
from day to day--the length of the
second as given by the atomic
standards does not exactly coincide
with the second determined from
the earth's rotation. Therefore, the
broadcast signals are offset from
the scientific scale as much as is
necessary to keep them in close
agerement with UT2.
During 1962 the International
Bureau of Time consulted observa-
tories throughout the world and
compared astronomical and atomic
measurements of time. From these
data was determined the average
variation from Ephemeris Time ex-
pected in the speed of the earth's
rotation during 1963. Their find-
ings indicate a difference of about
13 parts in a billion--the same
value as was used in 1962. The cor-
rect frequency on the ephemeric
scale can be determined by adding
13 parts in a billion to the fre-
quency signal as received. 9 Donald W. Kuester
Naval Ordnance Laboratory Senior
Scientist Lost with U.S.S. Thresher
A Senior Scientist and Division
Chief of the Acoustics and Elec-
tronics Division, V. S. Naval Ord-
nance Laboratory, White Oak,
Maryland, Donald W. Kuester, 41,
was aboard the nuclear-powered
submarine, U.S.S. THRESHER,
lost at sea with all hands, Wednes-
day, April 10.
Kuester, formerly of West Hy-
attsville, Maryland, had boarded
the submarine on April 8, in Ports-
mouth, New Hampshire, as an elec-
trical engineer. He was to perform
various tests and recording meas-
urements in connection with a new,
classified acoustics material he had
recently invented and which was
installed on board the THRESHER.
He had been involved in under-
water acoustics and weapon re-
search and development since com-
ing to the Laboratory in 1943 and
held patents for two other inven-
tions for which the Laboratory re-
cently recognized him. These in-
clude a low-frequency hydrophone
for receiving underwater signals
and a low-frequency transducer
for sending underwater signals.
In 20 years at the Naval Ord-
nance Laboratory, Kuester re-
ceived the Secretary of the Navy's
Meritorious Civilian Certificate, a
Superior Accomplishment Award
and several Certificates of Com-
mendation. He received his B. S.
degree in Electrical Engineering
from Iowa State University
(1943), and was an associate mem-
ber of the IEEE and a member of
Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu.
Survivors include his wife and
three children. 9 llie
in this country than any other
type of cancer. Because so
many people ignore its
symptoms. Or hope they will
"go away." Or expect to do
something "tomorrow." In short,
they avoid the one thing that
will help-seeing their doctors.
For cancer of the colon and rectum
can be cured in 3 out of 4
patients when discovered early
and treated properly. Its danger
signs-change in bowel habits
or unusual bleeding-call
for prompt medical examination.
It may not be cancer, but
only a physician will know.
Every adult man and woman can
have life-saving protection
from cancer of the colon and rectum.
An annual health checkup,
including digital and proctoscopic
examinations, can detect this cancer
before any symptoms appear.
Call your local American Cancer
Society Unit for more information
and material on this subject.
This space contributed by the publisher
SOUND May-June 1963 41
Redistribution subject to ASA license or copyright; see http://acousticalsociety.org/content/terms. Download to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:11:28 |
1.1777031.pdf | Optical Absorption Edge in GaAs and Its Dependence on Electric Field
T. S. Moss
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 32, 2136 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.1777031
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1777031
View Table of Contents: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/JAPIAU/v32/i10
Published by the American Institute of Physics.
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Downloaded 19 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions2136 PALIK, TEITLER, AND WALLIS
TABLE II. Effective mass ratios obtained by Faraday and Voigt
effects at liquid-nitrogen temperature.
Faraday Voigt of Voigt and
Carrier effect effect Faraday
Material concentration m*/m m*/m effects
InSb 4.0XI016 0.019
InSb 2.0X 10" 0.023
InAs 7XI015 0.026
InAs 1 X 1017 0.030 0.031
GaAs 4.3XI016 0.076 0.071
available. Consequently, for a new sample with N
known, the Faraday effect would usually be measured first as it produces the largest rotation. However, if N
is not known, the two experiments will yield both N
and m*.
We wish to thank G. S. Picus and J. R. Stevenson for
contributions to portions of work presented in this
paper. We benefited from discussions with E. Burstein,
F. Stern, and R. Toupin. Samples were kindly provided
by the National Bureau of Standards, Naval Ordnance
Laboratory, R.C.A. Research Laboratory, Services
Electronics Research Laboratory, and Texas Instru
ments, Inc.
Optical Absorption Edge in GaAs and Its Dependence on Electric Field
T. S. Moss
Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, Hants, Rngland
Values of absorption constant covering the range 1 cm-l to 104 cm-l have been derived from transmission
measurements made on single-crystal gallium arsenide. The absorption edge is very steep up to ",4000 em-I,
where there is a knee beyond which the absorption increases relatively slowly with photon energy. The energy
bands have been calculated using Kane's theory. From these a theoretical absorption curve has been ob
tained which shows very good agreement with the experimental data.
Using semi-insulating material, it has been possible to measure the shift of the edge with applied electric
field. The effect is small (",200-J' ev shift for 5000-v/cm field) but is in good agreement with theory.
GALLIUM arsenide is one of the group III-V inter
metallic semiconductors which were first studied
by Welkerl and his colleagues. It has many interesting
properties, and is currently of much technological
interest for making various solid-state devices, par
ticularly transistors, parameteric diodes, and tunnel
diodes. It shows promise of being the best solar battery
material,2 and for this application in particular it is
necessary to have detailed information on the optical
absorption up to high levels. Early measurements of
absorption in the neighborhood of the edge have been
published/ but they reached an absorption level of
only 100 cm-1• Some of this work has already been
described in a recent pUblication.4
The material used for the study of the absorption
edge was pure single-crystal GaAs containing ...... 3 X 1016
cm-3 excess electrons. Plane parallel samples were
prepared by grinding with silicon carbide and polishing
with diamond paste. Specimens from 1 cm down to 7-J.L
I H. Welker, Z. Naturforsch. 7a, 744 (1952); 8a, 248 (1953).
2 T. S. Moss, Solid State Elect~onics 2, 222 (1961).
3 F. von Oswald and R. Schade, Z. Naturforsch. 9a, 611 (1954).
4 T. S. Moss and T. D. Hawkins, Infrared Phys.l, 111 (1961). thickness were used. The thickness of the thin speci
mens was found by measuring interference fringes in
the 5 to lS-Jlo waveband.
For the measurements of the edge shift produced by
an electric field, samples of very high resistance GaAs
were obtained. This material contains about the same
density of impurities as the above, but the free carrier
density is only 107 cm-3 free electrons.5 Specimens of
this material were prepared in the same way except that
they were etched after polishing, since this was found
to give a considerable increase in specimen resistance.
It was possible to prepare fairly thick specimens of
resistance > 1011 ~, and to use applied voltages up to
10 kv. In order to avoid heating effects, the specimens
were immersed in a liquid. Ligroin proved convenient
for this purpose.
The radiation was provided by a tungsten lamp and
a Leiss double-prism monochromator. The prisms were
flint glass and a resolution of 3 X 10-3 ev was used on the
steepest part of the absorption curve. On the flatter
part of the curve, at high K levels, the resolution was
6X 10-3 ev. Great care was taken to ensure spectral
purity, and measurements could be made with insertion
losses of up to 104: 1 on the flatter part of the absorption
6 J. W. Allen, Nature 187, 403 (1960); W. R. Harding,
C. Hilsum, M. E. Moncaster, D. C. Northrop, and O. Simpson,
ibid., 405 (1960).
Downloaded 19 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsOPTICAL ABSORPTION EDGE IN GaAs 2137
curve. The detector system was an infrared photo-,."'-----------------;r---,
multiplier followed by an 800-cps amplifier.
The measured values of absorption coefficient (K)
are plotted in Fig. 1, from which it will be seen that the
main part of the edge is very steep, K rising rapidly
from 4 to 4000 em-I. Over this range the edge is ex
ponential-as has been observed for many other
materials6-with a slope "" 100 ev-1• The steepness of
the edge indicates that no phonon-assisted transitions
are involved, i.e., the absorption edge is due to the onset
of vertical transitions.
The E-k curves have been computed using Kane's
theory.7 They are given by
k2= [2m/E(E-G) (E+Ll) (G+2Ll/3)]
/[(E+2Ll/3)G(G+Ll)], a.u.8 (1)
where G is the energy gap, Ll the spin-orbit splitting,
m/ is the electron mass at the bottom of the conduction
band, and E refers to the conduction band (Ee), the
light-hole band (E2), or the split-off valence band (Ea).
The heavy-hole band (E1) is assumed to be a simple,
parabolic band corresponding to a mass m/=0.68 mo.9
~ 10' ~------+.Jj-------+------
~ .. z ...
~ loll--------J4..l------J-------j ...
o v
z o
~IO~--~---+------+---------j ., ..,
I'~ 1'4 1'5
P HOT 0 N ENE R" Y (e v)
FIG. 1. Absorption in gallium arsenide. H.
6 T. S. Moss, Optical Properties oj Semiconductors (Butterworths
Scientific Publications Ltd., London, and Academic Press Inc.,
New York, 1959, 1961), pp. 39, 86.
1 E. O. Kane, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 1, 249 (1957).
8 In a.u., m=e=k/2.".= 1.
9 H. Ehrenreich, Phys. Rev. 120, 1951 (1960). ,.~
~ >
.~ 01'~~========::~~~~~~~~====J
FIG. 2. E-k curves for gallium arsenide.
The curves have been computed using the parameters
Eg= 1.4 ev, Ll=0.33 ev,IO and mc*=O.072 mo,l! and are
plotted in Fig. 2. The conduction band is slightly non
parabolic, the effective mass increasing with energy.
Using the expression for effective mass which occurs in
Faraday effect or dispersion experiments,6 namely,
m*=h2(kdk/ dE) F, (2)
where the subscript F means the value at the Fermi
level, the electron mass should increase to m*=0.082
mo at 0.1 ev above the bottom of the conduction band,
i.e., for 3 X 1018 em-a carriers.
The masses of the light-hole and split-off valence
bands are given by the slopes as k~ 0, namely
m2*=0.085 mo, ma*=O.25 mo .
The absorption coefficient can be calculated directly
from the E-k curves.7 Assuming direct, vertical transi
tions, we have
K= (4r/cnhv) Lj Mrpj, a.u., (3)
where n is the refractive index and the summation is
over the three valence bands (j= 1,2,3).
10 R. Braunstein, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 8, 280 (1959).
11 T. S. Moss and A. K. Walton, Proe. Phys. Soc. (London) 74,
131 (1959).
Downloaded 19 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions213,11 T. S. MOSS
~" 0
/ / e so
) •
0 / 0 I
5 ) 2
~ z ::>
~ c:
at: 6
...J c:
Z 5 10
.... PPLIEO 'IIOL.T .... GE (kV Tms)
FIG. 3. Dependence of absorption edge on electric field.
The optical matrix element is
Ml= (2P2j3){ (AcCj+CcAj)2+ (AcBj-BcAj)2}, (4)
where the bracketed term-which is always near unity
-is computed for each k value from the coefficients
C= (E-G) (E+2N3)jN,
whereN isa normalizing factor such thatA2+ B2+C2= 1,
and P=E(E+t1)j2(E+2t1j3)mc*. For the parabolic
El band, Al = 0, Bl = 1, and C 1 = O. The density of states
Pi is given in terms of the slopes of the E-k curves by
The absorption coefficient plotted from Eq. (3) is
shown in Fig. 1. The agreement with the experimental
data is seen to be very good, particularly at short wave
lengths where the calculated curve does not depend on
the use of any arbitrary constants or adjustable parame
ters. In the neighborhood of the absorption edge, the
fit has been improved by sliding the curve slightly side
ways. This process gives a value for the energy gap at 292°K of Eg= 1.41 ev, which is considered to be some
what more accurate than the value of 1.4 ev assumed in
the analysis.
The above absorption theory is essentially that for a
perfect GaAs lattice, with n~ pe;turbati~~s ~~e to
thermal vibrations or crystallme megulantles. The
presence of these could well explain the slope of the
edge observed under the experimental conditions .
As the shift of the edge with electric field is quite
small, it was esse,ntial to use very high fields; this
necessitated using high resistance specimens in order to
prevent heating. The best material obtained had a
specific resistance> 1080 cm (when in complete .dark
ness) and using this, it was possible to make speCImens
of resistance > 101lQ. As the temperature dependence
of the edge in GaAs is fairly large (dEj dT= 500
l1-ev;oC), the measurements were always made with
specimens in a liquid bath.
Measurements with dc electric fields and chopped
radiation were inconclusive; therefore, a system using
steady radiation and ac fields was developed.
It was assumed that the effect would be independent
of the sign of the field (F), and would be proportional
to F2. The frequency used for the field, therefore, was
made half that of the amplifying system, namely 400
cps. (Subsequent comparisons made with 800 cps
and 400-cps fields confirmed this hypothesis, the effect
with 800 cps being many times smaller than with 400
The dependence of the observed signal at optimum
wavelength on electric field is shown in Fig. 3, from
which it will be seen that the points lie well on a line
of slope 2 for rms voltages up to 4 kv. The reason for
the tendency to saturate at the highest fields used is
not completely understood; it is probably due in part
to deterioration in the waveform from the amplifier
used to supply the field when working near its maximum
The spectral dependence of the field-induced signal
is shown in Fig. 4. The response peaks sharply at the
wavelength where the zero-field transmission curve is
steepest, having a width at half-amplitude which is
<kT. As Fig. 4 shows, its shape and position are vir
tually identical with the derivative of the transmissions,
thus proving that the signal observed is due to a pure
shift of the absorption edge by the applied field. The
absolute magnitude of this shift can be determined from
the relative magnitudes of the field-induced signal and
the differential transmission when they are measured
under comparable conditions. In the experiments, the
optical conditions were identical for the two measure
ments but it was convenient to use different waveforms,
namely, sinusoidal for the applied voltage, and square
wave chopping for the zero-field transmission. The
12 R. H. Paramenter, Phys. Rev. 97, 587 (1955).
Downloaded 19 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsOPTICAL ABSORPTION EDGE 11'\ GaAs 2139
OJ ...
It •
... • z ., -t:,....b- SIGNAL DUE TO FIELD (4I<Vrml)
O~--~I,3~g~----~I.+3e~----~ ... ~~~----~I.~3bL.e~Y~
FIG. 4. Spectral dependence of change in transmission
due to an electric field.
latter signal must, therefore, be reduced by 7l'/4: 1 to
obtain the equivalent signal for sinusoidal chopping.
For 3 kv rms at 400 cps applied to a specimen 8.8 mm
long, the observed shift was IJ.E= 198±2-,uev. The
peak-to-peak field at 800 cps in this case is
F=3(2)!/0.88=4.83 kv/cm.
~E/p2=8,SX1O-16 ev per (v/m)2. (6)
It has been shown theoretically by Franz13 that at
low absorption levels, for an exponential absorption
edge defined by
A =Ao expa(w-wo), (7)
13 W. Franz, Z. Naturforsch. 13a, 484 (1958). the displacement is such that the edge becomes
A = Ao expa(w-wo+a2e2p2/12Izm*);
the shift is then
or (8)
lz~w/ep2=cx2e/12m* ev per (v/m)2. (9)
The effective mass in this equation should presumably
be the reduced mass of the electron-hole pair, i.e.,
1/m*= 1/mc+1/ml, or m*=0.06Smo. (10)
From Fig. 1, a=98 ev-r, so that from Eq. (9) the
expected shift is
~E/p2=9.3X1O-16 ev per (v/cm)2, (11)
This is less than 10% greater than the observed shift
[Eq. (6)J, so that the agreement between theory and
experiment can be considered quite satisfactory. The
experiment, therefore, may be a useful way of obtaining
fairly accurate values of effective masses in high-resis
tance materials for which, at present, no other reasonable
method is available.
Measurements have been made of the absorption
coefficient of single-crystal GaAs in the neighborhood
of the absorption edge. The results obtained agree well
in absolute magnitude with values calculated from the
E-k curves which have been computed for this
A shift of the absorption edge with electric field has
been observed. The good agreement found between the
measured shift and theory indicates that this might be
a useful method of measuring effective mass in insula
tors or near-insulators.
Thanks are due to D. H. Roberts of the Plessey
Company, C. Hilsum of S.E.R.L., and D. J. Dowling
of Mining and Chemical Products, for providing the
gallium arsenide used in this work, and to T. D. F.
Hawkins for assistance with the measurements.
Downloaded 19 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions |
1.1702660.pdf | Gas—Solid Suspensions at High Temperatures
S. L. Soo
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 34, 1689 (1963); doi: 10.1063/1.1702660
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1702660
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/34/6?ver=pdfcov
Published by the AIP Publishing
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J. Appl. Phys. 34, 3644 (1963); 10.1063/1.1729288
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded
to ] IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 15:18:38JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 34. NUMBER 6 JUNE 1963
Gas-Solid Suspensions at High Temperatures*
S. L. Soo
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
(Received 10 December 1962)
The study consists of thermal electrification of a gas-solid suspension and its electrical conductivity at
high temperatures. Possibilities of enhancing ionization and removal of electrons of a high temperature gas
by solid particles were considered.
INTRODUCTION A STUDY of equilibrium between thermionic emis-
sion from solid particles and space charges of the
phases in a gas-solid suspension is made. Hereafter,
we refer to this reaction as thermal electrification. It is
shown that at magnitudes of temperatures of 103 OK,
ionization of the gaseous phase can be neglected, and
thermionic emission as opposed by space charges is the
major mechanism, and that the time to reach equi
librium is extremely short.
In this paper we consider thermal electrification of a
gas-solid system with regard to the following items:
(1) Effect of material and energy gap of the solid
phase, (2) initial charge on the solid particles, (3) rate
processes, (4) electrical conductivity of the suspension.
Ionization of carbon particles at high temperatures
was considered by Smith, who used the analogy of
ionization of a gas.! In the following, the difference
between thermal electrification and ionization of a solid
particle surrounded by an electron cloud is clarified.
First, let us consider a static system of a single solid
particle in a finite volume.
Due to continuous thermionic emission, equilibrium
is unobtainable whenever a solid particle· exists in an
infinite medium which consists of a vacuum or a gas.
Equilibrium state is attainable, however, when a solid
particle is in a finite volume that is evacuated or gas
filled, because at equilibrium it is as likely for an
electron to escape from the field of a solid particle
electron cloud assembly as it is for a free electron to be
attracted into the assembly. the case where there is negligible evaporation of the
solid material. The potential V around a solid particle
is given by: .
where r is measured from the center of the spherical
particle of radius a, Zp is the charge on the solid particle e is the electronic charge, E is the permittivity, and n:
is the electron density around it. Assuming Maxwellian
velocity distribution of these electrons, their density is
given by2:
ne(r)=nea exp( -eV /kT), (1.2)
where k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the tem
perature of the system. nea is just the density of elec
trons at radius a, which is given by equating the
thermionic current density to the current density of
electrons in a cavity3:
nea=2(27rmkT/h2)J exp[ -(lI'+eVa)/kT]
=n,s exp[ -1I'/kT], (1.3)
(the first equality applies to a metal, the latter defini
tion makes the relation general) where a= Zp& / 4'/1'wkT,
the ratio of electrostatic to kinetic energy; h is the
Planck constant, m is the electronic mass, II' is the
thermionic potential energy, and ne. is the density of
conduction electrons in the solid phase; for a metal at
high temperatures,4 nes~(total electron concentration
in the solid)Xexp(-EF/kT), where Ep is the energy of
the Fermi level; for an insulator, the number of free
electrons are fewer and its distribution follows Max
wellian and no further qualification on the above defini
tion needs be made. We consider the case of a solid particle of radius a in
a spherical gas volume of radius R, with the whole
system at a given temperature. The inside wall of the
container is taken as a pure geometric surface. The
phenomena thus include equilibrium of thermal elec- 2 E. H. Kennard, Kinetic Theory of Gases (McGraw-Hill Book t'fi . f h l'd . 1 d Company, Inc., New York, 1938), pp. 75,83. n catlOn 0 t e so 1 partlc e an first degree thermal 3 D. ter Haar, Elements of Statistical Mechanics (Rinehart and
ionization of the gas. We further restrict ourselves to Company, New York, 1956), p. 246. ____ 4 The number of electrons per unit volume of solid is approxi-
* This work was sponsored by Project SQUID which is sup-mated semiclassically by
ported by the U. S. Office of Naval Research, Department of the J
Navy, under contract U. S. Nonr-3623(S-6) NR-098-038. Repro- (8n-jh3) exp(EF!kT) exp( -E/kT)p2dp
duction in full or in P3:rt is permitted for any use of the United States Government. ThIS paper was prepared from Project SQUID· = 2 (21rmkT /h2)J exp(EF/kT),
~eports ILL-5-P and ILL-7-P, March and June 1962. Revision where. is the kinetic energy and p is the momentum.6
mcludes Report ILL-lO-P March 1963. 6 L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifschitz Statistical Physics.
1 F. T. Smith, Proceedi~gs of the Third Conference on Carbon (Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, I~c., Reading, Massa-
1957 (Pergamon Press, Inc., New York, 1959), pp. 419-424. ' chusetts, 1958).
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For convenience in the derivation, we denote r* =r/ a,
p=4rr~r* (ne-nz)r*2dr*/n ea= (Ne-Nz)/neaa3, (1.4)
where nz is the ion density at r*; nz is produced by gas
atoms only; N e and N z are the total number of elec
trons and ions inside radius r*, and
PR=411' ~ (ne-nz)r*2dr*/nea=Zp/neaa3, (1.5)
where R*=R/a, and P*=P/PR. Equation (1.2) becomes
(ne-n.)/n ea= PR(dp* / dr*)/ 4rrr*2. (1.6)
Various parts of Eq. (1.6) can be dealt with according
to the following considerations:
(1) The total charge on a solid particle is given by:
(1. 7)
where nCH is the density of conduction electrons in the
solid when there is no thermionic emission (or when
the solid particle is grounded). Combining Eqs. (1.7),
(1.3), and (1.5) gives:
(411/ PR)a= ({3.-3a) exp[ -qJ/kTJ, (1.8) FIG. 1. Distributions around a solid particle in argon of R* = 10
(I-JL zirconia particle at 3000oK, no= 1()20 1m3, Zp=206,a = 2.27).
for singly charged ions and
nza=nzR exp(-a). (1.15)
From Eqs. (1.9) and (1.11), for {3o=noIPa2/ekT, we get
(nea/nzR) = ({3,/{30)2 exp[ -(2qJ/kT)-aJpK p
+ ({3J (3o) exp[ -qJ/kT]' (1.16)
Substitution of Eqs. (1.8) and (1.16) into Eq. (1.6)
(dp*/r*2dr*)={3,A exp[ -a+a(l-p*)/r*J/a
where {3,=n Cbe2a2/ ekT, and
nea= [ncs-(3Zp/4rra3)J exp[ -qJ/kT]' -(3o exp[ -a(l-p*)/r*J/a[B exp( -a)+ 1J, (1.17)
(1.9) where
(2) ne and n. are related by ionization equilibrium
at R where V =0 and dV /dr=O, and
n/ (neR+nzR) = pK p/ (neR+nzR+n), (1.10)
where n is the neutral atoms left at the equilibnum
condition, nzR=nz(R), neR=ne(R), p is the pressure,
Kp is the equilibrium constant, and n+nzR=nO, the
original number of gas atoms per unit volume. We get
nzR= nO(neR+nO)/[neR(pK p+ l)+noJ
the latter approximation is for pKp»l, nO»neR, and5
pKp= (g/2gz) (211'mkT/h2)!(nO+neR) exp(I/kT),
where g and gz are the statistical weights of the ground
states of the atom and the ion, I is the ionization po
tential of the first degree of ionization. The extension
to higher degrees of ionization is a matter of detail.
(3) Since there is no net loss of electrons, Eq. (1.2)
ne=nea exp[ -a+a(1-p*)/r*J,
neR=nea exp( -a),
nz= nzR exp[ -a(l-p*)/r*J, (1.12)
(1.14) A =exp( -qJ/kT),
B=nC8 exp[(I/kT)- (qJ/kT)J(g/2g.)(211'mkT/h 2)!;
with the boundary conditions: r*=1, p*=O; r*=R*,
Integration of ~q. (1.17) with a trial value of a to
satisfy the boundary condition and to get equilibrium
value of a is straightforward. It is to be noted that at
T=O (103), the second term on the right hand side of
Eq. (1.17) is extremely small.
As an example, we take a 1-~ zirconia6 particle in
argon of no= 102°/m3, R*= 10, all at 30000K (this ap
proxima tes a gas-solid suspension of n p = 2 X 1015/ m3 •
qJ=3.4 eV, 1=15.756 eV (5), gz=6, g= 1. Here we
have A = 2.04XH)-6, B=2.66X104s• Integration by
trial values of a gives a=2.27 and Zp=206, nea=4.62
XlOls/m3, neR=4.76XlO17/ m3, while nzR,,-,lo-2°/m3
(that is, negligible effect of ionization of the gas.
Without the solid particle, nz=ne= 1.8X lo-5/m3). The
distributions are shown in Fig. 1. Since the extent of
ionization is extremely small, Fig. 1 also applies to the
case of a finite vacuum. The curves include: the total
electrons included in r* around a solid particle, p*
=Ne/Zp; the distribution with respect to the radius,
6 J. D. Cobine, Gaseous Conductors (Dover Publication, Inc.,
New York, 1958).
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TABLE 1. Examples of thermal electrification of suspension.
Points in Fig. 2 A B
T, oK 2500 2500
np, /m3 1016 lOIS
d, micron 1 0.1
Z p, holes/particle 442 18 n., /m3 4.42 X 1017 1.8X 1019
Pp, kg/m3 1.3 1.3
dp* I dr* = d (N el Z p) I dr*; the potential distribution, V*
=47rt:a V I Zpe; the field, dV* Idr*= d(47rfa2V I Zpe)ldr;
the density, n*=nelnea.
It is seen that the solid particle is surrounded by an
electron cloud of diminishing density, bound by the
distributed potential. Ionization of this system occurs
when part of the above electron cloud is set free (moved
to infinity theoretically). This can be accomplished by
an external electric field greater than dV I dr at a given
radius, by a magnetic field to produce spin of electrons
around the solid particle and attendant drift, or by
scattering of gas atoms such as in a turbulent suspen
sion. In general, thermal electrification is not identical
to ionization of solid particles. From the trend of the
field in Fig. 1 it is seen that more than 80% of the
bound electrons can be easily set free by disturbances
such as turbulence.
When applied to a uniform gas-solid suspension of
np solid particles per unit volume, the volume ratio of
gas to solid is (R*3-1). When applied to a solid of
density pp and particle cloud density Pp,
R*3", (nppplpp) + 1. (2.1)
The mass ratio of solid to gas (subscript g) is
(M pi M 0)'" ppl pgR*3. (2.2)
The above applies to a uniform suspension for large R*
without external field or turbulent field.
In a turbulent gas-solid suspension, a sufficient
amount of emitted electrons becomes free due to scat
tering. The field around a solid particle has to be dealt
with statistically, based on average free-electron den
sity ne, given by
ne=nes exp[ -CPelkTJ, (2.3)
where CPo is the equivalent thermionic potential energy.
Summing over a field which is much greater than each
solid particle-electron cloud system, 5
Zpe2 f n,e2 CP.= cP+-+ :E --d (volume)
4?rr volume 4?rfr. B C D
2500 3000 3000
1017 1015 lOIS
1 1 0.1
180 387 16.1
1.8X 1019 3.87X1017 1.61 X 1019
130 2.7 2.7
where ns is the space-charge density at r. from the
solid particle under consideration, and Ro is the Debye
Huckel length given by summing over locations i, or
R02= (t::E npiZpi)-lkTfe2> (np)-l. (2.5)
Combining Eqs. (1.7), (2.3), (2.4), and the condition
of charge neutrality within Ro, that is,
we get
a exp[(cp/kT)+aJ~ncse2/47rmpakT, (2.7)
for np(47ra3/3) exp[(cplkT)+aJ»l, which is the usual
case of interest. In Eq. (2.7) the magnitude nCB depends
on whether the solid particle is a metal or insulator.
It is noted that (cplkT)/a>3 in the latter case, there
fore, the effect of thermionic emission is not usually
negligible. For the example in the previous section,
a"-'2.2 was obtained from Eq. (2.7). Hence, the order
of magnitude of thermal electrification was not altered
by this approximation.
Take the case of liquid aluminum particles (cp=3.57 v)
ncs'" 1028/m3, we have the situation shown in Table I.
Hence, small particles produce greater numbers of free
electrons for a given mass of solids. (Items A, B, B.)
For the case of zirconia particles, ncs remains to be
where Af is the energy gap ('" 10 eV for insulators, '" 1
eV for insulators at high temperatures and depending
on impurities). At Af'" 1 eV, ncs'" 1026/m3• In this case,
we have in Fig. 2 the information represented by points
C and D in Table I. Hence, for nonmetals, less emission
is expected, but not in direct proportion to ncs. Ac
tually, similar order of magnitude of electron concen
tration is expected, although less in amount.
It should be noted that thermal electrification de
pends on the temperature of the solid particles pri
marily. In a gas-solid system such as that at the exit
of a rocket, the temperature of the solid particles could
be much higher than that of the gas phase.7
The above examples also show that, in a gas-solid
(or gas-liquid) suspension with a distribution in size
7 S. L. Soo, A.1.Ch.E. ]. 7, 384 (1961).
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... ... ..
~ v ~ V 10
/ / / 1'/ '-A
/ / / ICft / /
/ / '// /
2 / I I o'a / I I I
/ / / oil 'j 1
I II I I I 5 J J L
2 I J II frs 10 15 i i I Iff 10" 10' 10'
"ell .,.. ,..ak T "p
FIG. 2. Equilibrium thermal electrification.
of particles, an estimate can be made on charges on
particles of various sizes and the average electron
Due to the nature of the equivalent thermionic po
tential, ionization or thermal electrification can be
suppressed or enhanced by the initial charge on the
solid particles prior to their release in the gas phase.
This suggests the possibility of removing electrons from
the jet of a rocket, or the boundary layer at re-entry,
thus reducing the interference of the gas jet to radio
The initial (subscript i) charge on a solid particle can
be represented by:
Zpi is taken as positive for positively charged solid
particles. Taking the general case of introducing charged
solid particles into a monatomic ionized gas with ion
concentration nr, the resultant electron concentration
(initially equal to nr) is:
Substitution of Eqs. (2.3) and (2.4), and (3.1) into
Eq. (3.2) gives, for the same condition of Eq. (2.7),
the resultant electron concentration as:
( nr ZPi)
n.'" nC8
-npV P -V P
Equation (3.3) shows that, to suppress ionization or to remove electrons in the gas phase, an insulator is pre
ferred to a metal for the solid particles (lower nrs).
Large thermionic potential of solid material and low
inlet particle temperature [although effect of cooling is
not included in Eq. (3.3)J are also desirable. The
above relation gives a conservative estimate of the
extent of removal of electrons because recombination
at the surface of the solid is neglected here for
simplicity .
We take, for our example, an ionized gas of n[= 1017,
to which l015/m3 of 1-J.L zirconia particles (1.3 kg/m3)
charged initially to Zpi is released. The result of calcu
lations is shown in Fig. 3, assuming a constant tem
perature of 3000°K, It is interesting to note that as
long as the solid particles are well (uniformly) dis
persed, relatively small charge to mass ratio of solid
particles can produce significant modification to electron
concentration. The value of n. for initially uncharged
solid particles is much higher than in the gas alone
because the ions in the gas initially reduces the space
charge to which solid particles emit electrons.
The reverse case of initially negatively charged solid
particles is also interesting in that it enhances ioniza
tion in a significant manner.
The trend as shown in Fig. 3 probably is the reason
for the anomaly of experimental result of water injec
tion into a rocket jet, which increases the electron con
centration in some cases and decreases it in others.s
The charge-to-mass ratio required in the above ex
ample is well within the reach of corona charging.9.10
The latter requires the particles to be not too small.
Increase of electron concentration by one order of
£!l !!IM:~ARGE
I Icr. r'E~~ -
...J u
",I i=
~1",15 :z:i i i ZpI
FIG. 3. Effect of initial charge of solid particles on an ionized
gas (data based on example of const temp. of 3000oK, n,i = 1017/
m3, l-~ zirconia particles, np= lou/m3, charged to Zpi).
8 W. W. Balwanz, "Ionization Phenomena," paper presented
at the annual meeting of Project SQUID, Univ. of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia, 28 February 1962.
9 D. M. Tombs, "Seed Sorting," La Physique des Forces Elec
trostatiques (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris,
1961), pp. 392-402.
10 A. T. Murphy, F. T. Adler, G. W. Penney, Trans. AlEE 78,
318-326 (1959).
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magnitude due to solid particles was observed in MHD
generator experiments with combustion gas, which was
not recognized as thermal electrification, however.
The general case involving rate of thermionic emis
sion is more complicated. The thermionic current
density would then be affected by the equivalent work
function given byEq. (2.4) which becomes time
dependent at nonequilibrium.
In treating an ionized system as in this case, the
conventional magnetohydrodynamic procedures will not
be adequate. This is in the sense that different stream
lines of gaseous phase and the particle phasell render
the usual charge neutrality consideration entirely in
adequate. Redistribution of charges by local states of
unbalance will render charge to mass ratio of particles
and local electron concentration dependent on the
dynamics of fluid motion; variables further include
local solid particle concentration, local charge density,
and rate of emission and electron removal.
The non equilibrium in a gas-solid suspension, be
sides that in momentum, energy (or temperature of
phases), and mass (when chemical reaction is con
sidered) transport,1 should include charge transport
(a form of chemical process in the general sense) be
tween the phases.
The rate of electrification before equilibrium is
reached can be determined from the electrons escaping
at a finite rate in analogy to the loss of planetary
atmosphere, with velocity Vc at the surface of the solid
particle given by mvN2=Z pe2/47rea. The maximum
rate of escape per unit area is given by2:
riec= [2/ (7r)lJnea[m/ (2kT)lJ3
1'" 1"/2 X v3 exp( -mv2/2kT)dv sinO cos8dO
Vc 0
=nea(kT/27rm)1(1+a) exp(-a). (4.1)
The rate of thermal electrification is therefore:
dZp/ dt= 47ra2riec
= (47reT/e2) ({38-3a) exp[ -(cp/kT)-aJ
X (1+a) (kT/27rm)t, (4.2)
da/dt*= ({3.-3a) (l+a) exp(-a)/{3., (4.3)
where t*= {3.(kT /27rma2)1 exp( -cp/kT)t. Integration of
Eq. (4.3) gives
t*= -'- exp( -1) [exp(y)/yJdy ( (3)[ j(1+a)
{3.+3 a 1
j-(,3,I3)+a ]
-exp({3./3) -{38/3 [exp(y)/yJdy. (4.4)
11 S. L. Soo, Proceedings of Third Congress of Chemical Engineers,
London (Bartholomew Press, Dorking, 1962), p. A40. 4 --7 f!
. ""
FIG. 4. Thermal electrification as a rate process.
In the case of a metal at T=30000K, {38,,,7X106'{3.
is slightly smaller for insulators, but, in general, (3.» 1.
Hence, Eq. (4.4) reduces to
t*"'exp(-l) ~ [exp(y)/yJdy. (4.5)
Equation (4.5) is plotted as shown in Fig. 4. The value
of t* for a metal is given by: t*=texp(-cp/kT)
X (47rmkTe2a/eh3). At 30000K and cp",3.5 eV, t*=5
X lOto t. Figure 4 shows that the initial stage of thermal
electrification occurs at an extremely fast rate. In the
above example, the value of t*"'SX 1010 t. However, it
is interesting to note that it takes 10106 sec for a 1 fJ.
metallic particle to lose 90% of its electrons in an
infinite vacuum. The fraction of electron loss is given
by 3a/{38'
It is also interesting to determine the heat removed
from the solid particle due to thermal electrification,
in addition to other energy transports. Where there is
no loss of energy due to convection and radiation, each
electron emitted requires an excitation of cp eV. The
temperature change of a solid particle due to emission
is given by:
mpcp(dT/dt) = -cp(dZp/dt)
= -(47reakcp/e3)d(aT)/dt, (4.6)
where mp is the mass of the solid particle and Cp is its
specific heat. Equation (4.6) integrates to, for change
from state 1 to state 2,
where K= (mpcpe2/47rwkcp) = (e2a2cppp/3ekcp), where Pp
is the density of the solid material. For most solids,
K", lOS, hence, the temperature drop due to thermal
electrification alone is negligible within the time of
most experiments. Equation (4.7) may be considered as
the adiabatic equation of thermal electrification.
The rate of removal of free electrons is, of course,
an important quantity. The rate is affected by at
least two phenomena: one is the rate of dispersing
solid particles in a given volume of a gas; another is
the rate of removal of electrons by collision with solid
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particles. When applied to dispersion through a viscous
medium, the equation of spherically symmetric motion
should be written as:
vdv =(~)2 Mp _~ CDpv2a2, (5.1)
dr mp 47r~r2 2 mp
where v is the radial (r) velocity, (q/mp) is the charge
to-mass ratio, M p is the total mass of solid particles,
CD is the drag coefficient of the particles, p is the
density of the gas, mp is the mass of a particle. The
terminal velocity of the particles without the last term
on the right hand side of the above equation was given
as: which gives the decay of ne with time for sufficient
npZpi to begin with according to Eq. (3.3). For Zpi in
the example in Fig. 3, for removal of 90% of initial
concentration by Zpi= 2000,
tanh t "'0.95
8 (mE)! (5.11)
or t'" 10-8 sec.
Hence, the rate of dispersion of solid particles is the
controlling factor in removal of electrons by charged
solid particles.
R being the initial radius, which gives the total time
for particles charged to 0.1 C/kg to take 10-5 sec to be
dispersed from a radius of 1 cm to 1 m.
Take the motion at relatively high speed such that
CD is nearly constant, Eq. (5.1) is integrable in simple
form or
( q )2 M [( 1 1) r e{3r' I r ] v2= --p ----{3e-{3r' -, dr' ,
mp 2rE R r -r I R (5.3)
f3= (r)(CD/mp)a2= (3CDP/4ap p), (5.4)
and the latter integral (logarithmic integral) is given
by reference 12; this term modifies the above rate of
dispersion by the viscous force. For CD'" 1, p/ Pp'" 10-8,
f3"'0.06, V is reduced by 5% from that given by Eq.
The phenomenon of capture of electrons by posi
tively charged particles is complicated. The order of
magnitude of the event can be seen from a simple
model of collision based on the geometrical cross section
of the solid particles. The rate of capture can be ap
proximated by: (t is the time)
dn./ dt= inpra2neC,
and the mean speed
The mean field intensity is approximated by
E", (Zpe/rE) (np) I,
and mean free path A give:;} by
A ........ 1/ (npra2) (5.5)
The rate of capture is, by substitution of the above:
dn./dt= [denpl/4(mE)l]ne(npZpi-ne)t. (5.9)
This equation is readily integrated to:
(S.lO) It is interesting to investigate the electrical con
ductivity of the above mixture consisting of charged
solid particles (of micron or submicron range), elec
trons (due to thermal electrification alone), and the
gas atoms of the suspending gas. It is seen that the
cross section for collision between electrons (subscripts
e below) and charged solid particles (subscripts p below)
with Coulomb (C) interaction far exceeds that between,
say, helium atoms (subscript a) and electrons interact
ing with an inverse fifth power relation. Due to large
Debye shielding distance in this case, combination of
effects of diffuse scattering and space charge should
lead to lower electrical conductivity than in an ionized
gas of similar electron concentration.
The method of calculation of electrical conductivity
of a gas consisting of ions, electrons and atoms as
presented in reference 13, and reduced by Cann,14 can
be simplifi.ed for the present case as:
(1= (3/16) (2r/mkT)t(e2/qep), (6.1)
where the reference cross section qep is given by:
qep=r(e2Z p/8rkTE)2l n(ad)ep (6.2)
and the cutoff parameter in C interactions is given by:
(aa)ep= l+4(12rEkT/Z pe2)2(€kT/2e2ne). (6.3)
Thus, for 0.1 Ji. zirconia particles at lOl8/ma in helium
at 30000K and 1 atm (3X lQ24/m3) with n.= 1019/m3,
the electrical conductivity of the mixture is 2.8 mho/m
and is nearly independent of the pressure of the sus
pending gas. This is in comparison to a combustion
gas at 30000K seeded with, say, 1% potassium whose
electrical conductivity is nearly 60 mho/m at 1 atm,15
but is reduced considerably as the pressure increases_
12 E. Jahnke and F. Emde, Tables of Functions (Dover Publi
cations, Inc., New York, 1945), p. 2.
13 S. Chapman and T. G. Cowling, The Mathematical Theory of
Non-Uniform Gases (Cambridge University Press, New York
~~. '
14 G. L. Cann, "Energy Transfer Processes in a Partially
Ionized Gas," Memo No. 61, California Institute of Technology
Army Ordinance Contracts No. DA-04-495-0rb-1960 and 323i
16 R. G. Deissler, NASA-TN D-680 (1961).
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/ ~
V IOrr
2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000
Tp. OK
FIG. 5. Electron concentration due to thermal electrification by
zirconia particles (d=O.l J.', np= 1018).
For the electron concentration of the above gas-solid
mixture as given in Fig. 5 at different temperatures,
curve A in Fig. 6 was calculated. From the point of
view of C scattering of electrons by solid particles alone,
a large reference cross section suggests higher electrical
conductivity as the charge on solid particles decreases.
In general,
In the case illustrated, a'>!, and therefore the elec
trical conductivity increases with decrease in tempera
ture from the range considered.
However, for the given pressure of the suspending
gas, as the influence of C scattering decreases, the elastic
scattering of gas atoms becomes more significant. The
electrical conductivity may then be approximated by:
Equation (6.6) gives the electrical conductivity as
shown by curve B in Fig. 5. This suggests an optimum
electrical conductivity in a medium due to thermal
electrification at an intermediate temperature below
the boiling point of the solid particles.
It is known that in an electric field E, a spherical
dielectric particle such as zirconia will polarize with
the surface charge density of 3EE cose, where e is
measured from the direction of the field.ls It can be
shown that for an 0.1-~ particle, the chance of polari
zation with one electron is no more than 10-4 for a field
of 100 V /m while for the above example of 0.1-~ zir
conia, the total charge is 10 holes per particle (or a
charge to mass ratio 0.32 C/kg) j therefore, no signifi
cant effect on thermal electrification can be expected
from polarization of solid particles.
16 J. D. Jackson, Electrodynamics (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1962), p. 461. For submicron particles in a high-temperature me
dium, one can also expect sufficient partition of energy
in the rotational degrees of freedom. For O.l-~ zirconia
particles at 30000K the mass is 5 X 10-8 kg and the
moment of inertia amounts to (t)XIQ-32 kg-m2, the
root mean squared angular velocity (w2)1 amounts to
. 3 X 106 rad/sec for each degree of freedom (partition
of mean translational energy gives rise to a velocity of
no more than 10-1 m/ sec). The energy of the solid is
still due to its temperature; its ratio to that of kinetic
partition is mpNo/M, where mp is the mass of each
particle, No is the Avogadro number, M is the molec
ular weight (this ratio is 2.5X 107 for 0.1-~ zirconia
particles). The rotational random motion further elimi
nates the effect of polarization of a particle in a field.
The above study shows that besides the interesting
features of a gas-solid system as presented earlier/·ll
thermal electrifIcation is an important phenomenon
when dealing with solid propellant rockets and MHD
propulsion and generating systems.
In the intermediate range of temperature where
solid or liquid particles can exist, thermal electrifica
tion is a signifIcant contributor to electron concentra
tion in a gas-solid system. Thermal electrification can
be controlled by the initial charge on the solid particles:
positive charge on solid particles can suppress ioniza
tion of a hot gas, while electrically neutral solid par
ticles or negative charge on solid particles initially can
promote ionization at a given temperature. Important
application here is the removal of electrons from an
ionized gas by positively charged particles. It has also
been shown that, other conditions being the same,
insulators are useful for electron removal, and metals
are useful to promote ionization.
The interesting feature of electrical conductivity of
FIG. 6. Electrical conduc
tivity due to thermal e1ec- lIE
trification and comparison a
to combustion gas seeded i
with potassium. .. 10
01 J
I ~-
/ "-
/B(lA™I "
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a gas-solid suspension has been demonstrated. It is
seen that thermal electrification alone cannot contribute
to high electrical conductivity of a gas-solid suspen
sion. However, solid particles such as due to ash or
soot from combustion or deliberately introduced par
ticles of controlled size contribute favorably to MHD
generation. Presence of solid particles in plasma MHD .
accelerators in general would reduce the performance
of such thrust producing devicesP Presence of the
\7 Note: Patents pending concerning deionization and MHD
generation with gas-solid systems. solid particles, in general, increases the electron con
centration in an ionized gas. Even at moderate tem
peratures (20000K) where the gas phase is not ionized,
presence of solid particles and its concentration of
electric charge produces large acceleration of free elec
trons in the gas, and thus may produce electromag
netic radiation of high frequency.8
The author wishes to thank Professor E. A. Jackson
for discussion with him.
Ferrimagnetic Resonance Linewidth in Dense Polycrystalline Ferrites
IBM Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York
Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
(Received 30 March 1962)
The linewidth of polycrystalline ferrites has been calculated from the dipole narrowing theory including
both anisotropy and porosity effects. It is shown that porosity broadening is successfully accounted for and
that porosity is the dominant line broadener even in very dense ferrites. The temperature dependence of the
linewidth for samples of yttrium iron garnet and manganese ferrite are in good agreement with the predictions
of the theory.
IN this paper we want to consider the contributions
to the linewidth in dense polycrystalline ferrites. It
has previously been recognized that the porosity of
the material is a determining factor in materials whose
densities are low with respect to the theoretical den
sity; however, it has been assumed that for dense
samples porosity effects are negligible and the crystal
line anisotropy of the material determines the linewidth.
We show here that for a majority of common ferrites
one must still consider porosity broadening to be a
large and even a dominant factor in determining the
polycrystalline linewidth in samples having porosities
of less than 1%.
For the majority of dense ferrites except those wit.h
very low saturation magnetizations one finds that the
mean square fluctuation field (H F2), which is respon
sible for both the anisotropy and porosity broadening
effects in the material, is small compared to the satura
tion magnetization. This means that dipole narrowing
effects are important1-a and therefore we calculate line-
* Part of this work was done under a National Science Founda
tion Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute Fourier of the Uni
versity of Grenoble, Grenoble, France.
1 S. Geschwind and A. M. Clogston, Phys. Rev. 108, 49 (1957).
2 E. Schlomann, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 6, 242 (1958).
3 P. E. Seiden, C. F. Kooi, and J. M. Katz, J. App!. Phys. 31,
1291 (1960). widths including this effect. This problem has been
considered by both Geschwind and Clogston1 and by
Sch16mann.2 They find that when 4trM»(H F) one ob
tains a linewidth narrower than that expected from
the simple independent particle inhomogeneity broaden
ing mode1.4 Their calculations give the dipole narrowed
linewidth as1
where 4trM is the saturation magnetization and J is a
shape factor which for the spherical samples considered
here is
Ho being the resonant magnetic field.
We consider the fluctuation fields as arising from
two sources, the first being the crystalline anisotropy.
The mean square fluctuation field due to anisotropy
has been calculated by Schlomann.2 He finds that
4 E. Schlomann, Proc. Coni. on Magnetism and Magnetic
Materials (1956), p. 600. Raytheon Research Division Technical
Report R-15 (15 September 1956).
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1.1735965.pdf | Theory of Tunneling
Evan O. Kane
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 32, 83 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.1735965
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735965
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Downloaded 15 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsJ 0 (; R N ,\ L 0 F ,\ P P L I Ii n P H Y S T C S VOLUME 32. NITMRER I J ,\ N 11 ,\ R V. I I) Ii I
Theory of Tunneling
Semiconductor Materials Department, Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu, California
(Received June 6, 1960)
The theory of "direct" and "phonon-assisted" tunneling is reviewed. Theoretical I-V characteristics are
calculated using the constant field model. Generalizations to non constant field and more coml"llicateJ bln:J
structure models are discussed briefly.
THE theory of tunneling has been investigated by
a number of authors,! most recently by Franz,2
Keldysh,3 the author,4 and Price.5 The problem is most
simply discussed by making the assumption of a con
stant field. The Hamiltonian for an electron may then
be written4
The Hamiltonian is written using a Bloch function
basis; En (k) is the band energy, F the constant force on
the electron taken to be in the x direction, and X nn' is
the interband matrix element of the position operator. 6
E is the eigenvalue, or total energy of the state. In the
more familiar position representation the wave func
tion is
rf>(r) = L cxn(k)if;nk(r), (2)
where the if;nk(r) are Bloch functions. If we ignore the
term containing X nn', a complete set of eigenfunctions
of the Hamiltonian may be written down
I i ikX
} qn(k)=NntexPIF 0 [E-En(k')]dkx'
Xo(ky-kyo)o(kz-kzo). (3)
The "perpendicular" components of k, kyo, and kzo are
constants of the motion. N n is a normalization factor.
The functions qn(k) are "localized" to a single band,
since we have neglected the interband coupling X nn'.
If this term is now included using ordinary time-depend
ent perturbation theory, a Zener tunneling between
bands results.4
1 C. Zener, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 145, 523 (1934); W. V.
Houston, Phys. Rev. 57, 184 (1940); G. H. Wannier, Resumes
Intern. Congr. Sol. State Phys., Brussels 89 (1958); Phys. Rev.
100,1227 (1955); 101, 1835 (1956); P. Feuer, ibid. 88, 92 (1952).
2 W. Franz, International Conference on Semiconductors, Gar
misch-Partenkirchen, 1956) (Interscience Publishers, Inc., New
York, 1958), p. 317. Z. Naturforsch. 14a, 415 (1959).
3 L. V. Keldysh, Soviet Phys.-JETP 6(33), 763 (1958); 34(7),
665 (1958).
4 E. O. Kane, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 12, 181 (1960).
5 P. J. Price and J. M. Radcliffe, IBM J. Research Develop. 3,
364 (1959).
6 E. N. Adams, J. Chern. Phys. 21, 2013 (1953). The "tunneling functions" qn(k), are most easily
understood with the use of Eq. (2) and an application
of the method of stationary phase.4 The method is valid
when the motion is semiclassical, in this case when the
electric field is small. Stationary phase gives results
reminiscent of the WKB approximation; in fact, the
WKB equations can be derived by the method of
stationary phase, using Feynman's wave propagation
formulation of quantum mechanics.7 The "tunneling
functions" may be written
Qn(r) = L qn(k)if;nk(r)
~Nn!(Lx) (27rF/ JEn)! un(k,r)
27r Jkx (V)t
XexPij fX kx'dX'+kYOY+kzoz} (4)
un(k,r) is the periodic part of the Bloch function. Lx is
the length of the junction in the x direction and V is the
volume. In Eq. (4), kx is understood to be a function
of x through the energy conservation relation, Eq. (5).
The solutions of Eq. (5) in the forbidden band involve
imaginary kx so that the exponential phase factor in
Eq. (4) leads to attenuation. When k is real, ±k are
both solutions for a given x and Qn(r) should be
written as a sum of two terms. Qn(r) is then a standing
rather than a running wave.
83 The semiclassical nature of the approach is evident
in Eq. (5). Quantum mechanically, kx and x cannot be
simultaneously determined, hence Eq. (5) is only mean
ingful in the classical limit.
"Direct" tunneling can occur between two extrema
located at the same point in k space. The "forbidden"
gap is bridged by proceeding along the imaginary k axis
as shown in Fig. 1. The two bands come together at a
branch point kB, on the imaginary axis. One may think
of the electron as penetrating the forbidden gap along
the imaginary k axis and making a "smooth" transition
into the other band at the branch point.
7 R. P. Feynman, Revs. Modern Phys. 20, 367 (1948).
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, ,
~i}c conduction band
valence bond
FIG. 1. E vs k illustrating "direct" and phonon assisted
("indirect") tunneling. The dashed lines in the forbidden gap
represent imaginary k bands, thought of as perpendicular to the
plane of the paper. The branch point kB is the point of stationary
phase for direct tunneling. k, and k,' are the points of stationary
phase for indirect tunneling. They are the points between which
the phonon scattering takes place .
.More rigorously, we use the wave functions of Eg.
(3) and treat the last term in the Hamiltonian of Eg. (1)
as a perturbation. This treatment is carried out in the
work cited in footnote 4. The results are most easily
adapted to the tunnel diode problem by determining
the transmission coefficient T of an electron striking
the junction barrier. In the constant field case, the
electron cycles repeatedly through the Brillouin zone.
The period to is given by
to=IiK/F. (6)
K is the width of the zone in the x direction, assumed
to be a principal vector. The transmission coefficient
is given by
T=wto, (7)
where w is the transition probability per unit time,
computed in the work cited in footnote 4. The result
for T may be written
11"2 1 fX' T=-exp -2 Kdx; K=ik
9 Xl
11"2 r-1I"m*!EG1} T=-exp\ exp{ -2Ei/Ei}
9 2V1hF
El =h2(kl+k z2)/2m*
Ei =V1hF /1I"m*~EG!. (8)
In Eg. (8), Xl and X2 are the classical turning points
(see Fig. 2). Except for the factor 11"2/9, the transmission
is just what would be intuitively expected for a
"smooth" transition through the branch point. K is to
be determined from Eg. (5), the transition from con
duction band to valence band occurring at the branch
point. The factor r/9 does not actually disagree with
the WKB picture, since the coefficient (iJE/iJk)-! in Eq. (4) is zero at the branch point. Consequently, the
simple matching approach is indeterminate.
The effect of "perpendicular energy" is to further
reduce the transmission, since the tunneling gap is
larger. "Perpendicular momentum" is conserved in
direct tunneling.
To obtain the tunneling current for the tunnel diode,
we use the simple model of a diode shown in Fig. 2. We
compute the incident current per unit area in the energy
range dr~xdEi
v_v +E' E -~2k2/2 L'.J-~x 1, x-flt x mx (12)
By taking m* as isotropic and equal for the nand p
sides, and by using Eqs. (9) and (13), we obtain the
tunnel current per unit area, it:
We have used Eq. (12) to give E, Ei as the variables of
integration rather than Ex, Ei. The limits of integration
are determined by the conditions
O~Ei~El (15)
where El and E2 are the electron energy measured from
the nand p band edge, respectively, as shown in Fig. 2.
hand fz are occupancy factors. The limits on E are
given by the band edges.
The integral over Ei can be carried out immediately
with the result
't= em* exp 1-1I"m*!Eo!} (Ei)
J 18h3 I 2V1hF 2
Xf [h(E 1)-h(E2)][1-exp(-2E s/Ei)]dE, (15')
where Es is the smaller of El, E2•
We now give complete formulas for T=OoK, so that
h, fz are step functions.8 The symbols are as shown in
Fig. 3. All quantities are positive except D and V which
are positive for forward bias and negative for reverse
D= f [l-exp( -2Es/Ei)]dE,
eV~t min-t max
D=eV+(Er/2){exp( -2t n/Ei)+exp( -2t P/Ei) (16)
-2 exp[(eV -t n-t p)/Ei]}, (17)
8 Similar expressions have recently been derived by R. Stratton.
Downloaded 15 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsTHEORY OF TUNNELING RS
rUlil1-rmA.X~e V ::;~Iflin, rlllax- S1I1ilt
D=eV -(Ed2){cxp{2(eV -tmin)/E\}
-cXp(-2tmin/E 1)}, (18)
t rnin:SeV:St max-tmin
S max-t min:S e V:S S min
D=eV + (El/2){2 cxp[(eV -S n-S p)/ E1J
-cxp[2(e V -t n)/E\]-exp[2(e V -t p)/E1]}, (20)
tmin, rmax-tmin::;eV::;rmax
D=t min+(Ed2){2 exp[(eV -t n-S p)/E1J
-exp[2(eV -S max)/E1J-1}, (21)
D= (t n+t p-eV)
+El{exp[(eV-tn-sp)/El]-l}. (22)
S min and t max refer to the smaller and larger of r n, S p,
respectively. The composite pieces of the characteristic
join continuously with continuous slope so that the
transition from one region to another is not very marked.
Eq. (19) shows that for r max> 2s min, D has a "£lat
topped" form as a function of voltage. However, F
also varies with voltage which affects D slightly through
El and which also affects the main tunneling attenua
tion factor. For forward bias, F decreases so the I-V
characteristic will "droop."
Consider the case E1«eV, r min. The exponential
terms in Eqs. (17)-(22) may then be ignored. The "D"
factor has a trapezoidal form as a function of voltage
as shown in Fig. 3. (The corners of the trapezoid are
rounded over a range et:.V,,-,El in conformity with the
continuous joining property mentioned above.)
The opposite limiting case is E1»smin, eV. The ex
ponentials may then be expanded to lowest nonvanish
ing order. These expansions are calculated below.
FIG. 2. Constant field model of a p-n junction
with illustration of symbols. o
FIG. 3. Effective .density of states" D" ys voltage for "direct" or
"indirect" tunneling with El very small.
eV:Ss min-S max
D= (tE1-l)[2(t n-t p)2+4(t n+t p)eV -2(eV)2], (17')
Smin-Smax:SeV:SSmin, Smax-Smin
D= (eVjEl)[2tmin-eV] (18')
D~s min2jEl (19')
S max-S min:S eV:St min
D= (!E1-l) [2 (tn+Sp)eV -3(eV)2- (tn-Sp)2] (20')
S min; S max-S min:S e V:SS max
D= CtE1-l)[2S minL 2s max2+4t nS p
-4eVCSmin-Smax)-2(eV)2] (21')
t max:S e V:S S max+t min
D= (!E1-l) (Sn+Sp-eV)2. (22')
The maximum value of D for forward bias occurs for
eV=Smin when Smax~2Smin and for eV=(Sn+Sp)/3
when S max:S 2s min. The quantity D is shown in Fig. 4 for
the case Sp=Sn and smax=3s min.
We now give a few numerical estimates. For an abrupt
junction the width W is given by
where K is the dielectric constant, nand p are the
majority carrier concentrations, and V is the potential
difference between the nand p sides. By taking
n=p=1019jcc, K=16, and V=1 v, we compute
W= 1.9X1Q-s cm.
By defining an average F by WF= eV, we have
F=5.3X105 ev/cm.
By taking mn*=O.04m, mp*=0.4m, and EG= 1 ev we
E1=0.033 ev; Sn=0.42 ev; Sp=0.042 ev;
jmax= 3X 105 exp( -15) ampsjcm 2.
An increase in the forward bias by 0.05 v would reduce
F by 2.5% and cause a decrease of a factor 1.5 in the
Downloaded 15 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions86 EVAN O. KANE
o .2 .4 . 6
o .4 .8 1.2 -.. .. , ,
.8 , , , , , , , ,
1.0 \ ,
1.2 \
\ , ----DIRECT
, , , ,
I . , .. .... ... ......
~max.· 3~min. . . , , , , , , ,
\ , , , , .. .. ..
1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.6
(b) 2.0
FIG. 4. Effective density of states "D~ vs forward voltage for
"direct" and "indirect" tunneling with El very large. (ak p=t n;
(b) tmax=3tmin.
exponential factor. Hence in this case the I-V charac
teristic would not be very "flat-topped." The negative
resistance in I vs V would result from the tunneling
attenuation factor rather than the density of states. To
minimize the negative resistance it may be desirable
to eliminate the "flat-topped" region of D by doping so
that tn=tp.
In the above example we have used m*=mn* in the
tunneling attenuation factor. The very much larger
value of mp does not affect the tunneling which is
governed by the light hole mass, mpZ (mpz=mn in the
approximation we are using). The heavy valence mass
is here principally important in determining the Fermi
The large value of t n in the preceding example is
related to the low n-type mass. If t n exceeds the band
gap, the energy bands cannot actually be uncrossed.
This circumstance can occur in lnSb and, perhaps, in
other III-V's as well, although a large mass conduction
minimum lying less than Ea above the (000) minimum
will tend to prevent it. Negative resistances will still be
found, because of decreasing barrier transmission with
increasing forward bias. III. INDIRECT TUNNELING
The "indirect" type of tunneling will occur when
the energy band extrema are not located at the same
point in k space. This situation is illustrated in Fig. 1.
The tunneling states extend into the forbidden gap as
before but do not meet at a common value of k. Tunnel
ing can occur if the momentum difference between the
states is supplied by a scatterer such as phonons or
impurities. The phonon case has been calculated by
Keldysh3 and by Price.5
We adapt Keldysh's result to the tunnel diode by
determining a transmission coefficient as in the direct
[ [-4(2mrx)! ]
X (n+l) exp 3hF (EaOFhw)!
{ -4(2mrx)! }]
+n exp 3hF (Ea±hw)!
E 1 = JiF j2V2mrxt Eat (25)
Ji2 (kiy-kOiy)2 Ji2(kiz-kOiz)2
Eli = + . (26)
2miy 2miz
n is the phonon occupation number. kOI and k02 are the
k vectors of the extrema. The upper signs in Eq. (24)
are for n to p tunneling (forward bias), the lower signs
for p to n tunneling (reverse bias). The reason for the
difference may be seen qualitatively by noticing that
for phonon emission with forward bias the classical
turning points are closer together than for phonon
absorption, while for reverse bias the opposite is true.
In M2'U, 'U is the volume. M is the phonon matrix
element for scattering from one extremum to the other
at the imaginary k vector kxs for which the scattering
takes place.
M(kol+k xs; k02+kxs)
kxs= -i(2mrx)!Ea!jlt (27)
Eq. (28) for kX8 is given by the method of stationary
phase. The x component of phonon wave vector is in
the vicinity of kOl:&-k02x. Since kx is not a constant of
the motion, a range of phonons with different x momen
tum can take the electron from a given initial state to a
given final state. These phonons have been summed
over in deriving Eq. (24). On the other hand, Eq. (24)
refers to a transition between an electronic state of
definite perpendicular momentum in band 1 to an
Downloaded 15 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsTHEORY OF TUNNELING 87
electronic state of definite perpendicular momentum in
band 2. The perpendicular momentum of the phonon
is then exactly the difference of the perpendicular
momenta of the two states. T should be summed over
phonon polarizations and over the optical and acoustical
phonon branches. Account should also be taken of the
multiple conduction minima and the orientation of the
mass ellipsoid with respect to the field. In our calcula
tions we ignore all but one ellipsoid which we take to
have the optimum alignment for tunneling, namely,
with the transverse (low) mass in the junction field
direction. The parabolic approximation for the energy
bands was used in deriving Eq. (24).
In computing the tunnel current, we integrate T
over all possible states of differing Eu into which transi
tions can be made. This gives the total transmission
factor for a single electron from side 1. The total T is
then multiplied by the differential incident current
[Eq. (13)J from side 1 and integrated again as in the
direct tunneling case.
We require the density of "perpendicular" states on
side 2, P12
dn12= P12dE12
P12= A (mY2mz2)~/27r-h2. (29)
A is the area of the junction. Using Eqs. (13), (24), and
(30), we obtain a triple integral of the form
f [j1(E1)-fz(E2)J
Xexp[ -(Ell+El2)/ElJdEdElldEl2. (31)
The integrals over Eli can be performed immediately,
(El)2f [h(E 1)-fz(E2)J[1-exp(-E 1/El)J
X[1-exp( -E2/El)JdE. (32)
EI and E2 are the energies of the state measured from
the respective band edges as shown in Fig. 2. The final
result may be written
{ [-4(2mrx)! ]
XD (n+l) exp 3liF (EGTIiw)!
r -4(2mrx)! } }
+n eXPl 3liF (EG±liw)!
D= f [h(E 1)-fz(R2)J[1-exp(-EJ/E 1)J
X[l-exp( -E2/E1)JdR. (33)
D is evaluated below for the case T=OoK so that the
distribution functions h, 12 are step functions. In deriving the formulas, we have ignored the phonon
energy. All quantities are positive except D and V
which are positive for forward bias and negative for
reverse bias:
[ (eV-f -f )] D=eV 1+exp E: p
+E1{ exp( -f n/El)+exp( -f iEl)
-exp[(eV -f n)/EIJ-exp[(eV -f p)/ElJ} (35)
f min:::; eV:::;f max
D=f min{1+eXP[(eV -f n-f p)/ElJ}
+El{eXp( -f min/El)+eXP[(eV -t n-fp)/El]-l
-exp[(eV-fmax)/ElJ} (36)
D= (f n+f p-eV){l +exp[(eV -f n-f p)/ElJ}
+2El{exp[(eV -f n-f p)/E1J-l}. (37)
As in the direct case, the composite pieces join together
with continuous value and continuous slope. In deter
mining the I-V characteristic, account should also be
taken of the field dependence on forward bias which
most strongly affects the exponential tunneling factor.
Increasing forward bias causes the tunneling factor to
Consider the two limiting cases of the above formulas.
For the case El«f n, f p, leV I the exponential terms may
all be ignored and a trapezoidal form for "D" results
as in the direct case (see Fig. 3). The "corners" of the
trapezoid are rounded over a voltage range el1 V",E l.
In the opposite limiting case E1»f n, f p, leV I the
exponentials may be expanded to the lowest non
vanishing order with the results
The maximum in the forward characteristic comes at
The maximum value of D is
The "indirect" D factors have a stronger voltage de
pendence than the "direct" D factors because of the
Downloaded 15 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions88 EVAN O. KANE
extra "perpendicular" degrees of freedom. No "flat
topped" region of D vs V exists in the "indirect" case.
Instead the D factor decreases linearly with voltage
in the region t min <eV <t max·
The "trapezoidal" limiting case is shown in Fig. 3.
The case of Eqs. (35')-(37') is shown in Fig. 4 for
tmin=rmax and rmax=3 min o
We now give a few numerical estimates, roughly
applicable to germanium.
n= p= 1019/cc; K= 16; eV=EG=0.78 ev;
W=1.7XlO-6cm; F=4.7X105ev/cm; tn=0.031j
tp=0.048 ev.
We estimate M2'U from the magnitude of indirect
optical absorption to be
M2'U=4.3X10-49 erg2 cm3.9
[Optical absorption gives M2'U for scattering from the
(000) to the (111) conduction band minimum. What
we really need is M2'U for scattering between extrema
at k values near the middle of the forbidden band. Use
of the above value is obviously extremely rough.] The
current should be summed over all ellipsoids. We
assume that just one ellipsoid is most favorably aligned
for tunneling and take
mxl = myl = 0.08m; mzl = 1.58m; mx2= my2= mz2= 0.04m.
Very roughly, we set D= t n3/MiJ~2 and compute
E1=0.031 ev; j=3 exp( -17) amp/cm2•
The factor in front of the exponent is observed to be
~4X 103 smaller than the coefficient in the "direct"
case previously computed. For III-V's the phonons
may be relatively more important, because the polar
character gives a larger scattering matrix element.lO
Although we have ignored the phonon energy in
deriving expressions for D, it can be important. At low
temperature, no "indirect" current caused by phonons
can flow until the forward bias is 2 the phonon energy.
The experimental observation of phonon energies has
provided the most conclusive proof of the importance
of phonons in tunneling processes and has given as well
very accurate measurements of the phonon energies
The maximum phonon assisted current densities
(exp~1) are considerably less than maximum observed
current densities which implies that phonons are not
important in these cases. This statement is proved more
directly by experimental observation of the phonons.
The impurities giving high current densities, P and As
9 This value corrects the estimate given in footnote 12.
10 H. Ehrenreich, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 2, 131 (1957).
11 N. Holonyak, Jr., 1. A. Lesk, R. N. Hall, J. J. Tiemann, and
H. Ehrenreich, Phys. Rev. Letters 3, 167 (1959). More extensive
data, as yet unpublished, were reported hy R. N. Hall, Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc. Ser. II 5, 38 (1960) and at the January, 1960 Meeting
of the American Physical Society, the West Coast Tunnel Diode
Symposium of the AlEE-IRE; L. Esaki and Y. Miyahara, Solid
State Electronics 1, 13, (1960). 4-_---....,.L!
FIG. 5. Tunneling with energy loss mechanism can lead to
"excess" current. Electron one is scattered by coulomb-coulomb
interaction into state three. Excess energy is given to electron two
which is scattered into state four.
in germanium, are also those for which the phonons are
observed to make a small contribution to the total
The contrast between "direct" and "indirect" tun
neling has been observed in the reverse characteristic of
germanium.12 Because "direct" tunneling has a much
larger prefactor than phonon assisted tunneling, an
abrupt rise in tunneling current is noted when the
reverse bias is sufficient for electrons from the valence
band to tunnel into the (000) conduction band
The foregoing theory contains a number of approxi
mations. Some of these can be improved upon fairly
easily while others are more difficult. We give a rather
brief discussion of some of these approximations.
A. Band Structure
The "direct" tunneling calculations were made on
the basis of the "two band" model which applies fairly
well to InSb but less accurately to the other III-V's
and germanium. This approximation can be improved
on by going to the "three band" model where the
"k· p" interactions between the conduction band, the
low mass valence band, and the spin-orbit split off
valence band are all treated exactly.13 The formulas of
the work cited in footnote 13 may be analytically con
tinued into the complex plane to give the necessary
E vs k for the tunneling calculation. Using Eq. (4) of
the work in footnote 13 we obtain the secular equation
for E vs k as
E3+E2(il-EG)-E( k2P2+~il2+ilEG)
-jilk2P2=O. (40)
12 J. V. Morgan and E. O. Kane, Phys. Rev. Letters 3, 466
13 E. O. Kane, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 1, 249 (1957).
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~ is the spin-orbit splitting. P may be determined from
the relation
J>2( 2 1) Hmn*)-l=3 EG + EG+~ . (41)
In Eq. (41) 11m is neglected as small compared to l/m*.
In Eqs. (40) and (41) higher bands are ignored. In
germanium, higher bands contribute about 10% to
l/mn*. A plot of E vs k2 is given in Fig. 6. The method
can be generalized to "n" bands if the information on
band gaps and momentum matrix elements is available.
Strictly speaking, the three band approximation is a
four band approximation, since the heavy mass band
should also be considered. However, the heavy mass
band does not interact via the k·p perturbation with
the other three bands. It will have a branch point con
nection with some higher band but may be ignored for
most purposes in tunneling calculations. Indirect effects
of the heavy mass band such as determination of the
Fermi level will, of course, be important.
In calculating the tunneling current with the new
band structure, the tunneling attenuation factor of
Eq. (8) must be recomputed with the use of Eq. (5). A
new value of El must be determined from the relation
-2 E in eV
conduction band
EG = .9 eV
fj, = .3 eV
E in eV split off band
conduction band
E = .9 eV
JO. : 87 eV
(b) (42)
FIG. 6. R vs ,,2 for "three hand" model showing connection
between conduction band and low mass band at branch point
(subscripted B). In addition, the values of Din Eqs. (17)-(22) must be
recalculated, since the light hole mass no longer equals
the electron mass. The more general expressions for
D are given in the Appendix in Eqs. (17A)-(22A). The
current is then
em* { i jt=--exp -2
18h3 x (43)
In the indirect case, present calculations have as
sumed parabolic bands. This assumption is rather in
accurate in germanium. To improve on the calculation,
we must first note that the scattering between minima
may be thought of as taking place at the point of
stationary phase, k., Xs which is given by
En (ks) = En' (k/)±hw (44)
ks-ks'=rr (45)
In Eq. (46) we have generalized on Eq. (5) by writing
the potential energy as V (x). (J' is the separation of the
energy extrema in k space.
The F in the prefactor of Eq. (24) is to be calculated
at the point of stationary phase x •. The value of mxl
and mx2 in Eq. (24) must be calculated at the point k •.
The tunneling attenuation factor must be recalculated
as in the direct case using more accurate En(k) in
Eq. (5). In the integral f~i Kdx, the transition from
band n to band n' occurs at the point ks, x8• El must
also be recalculated as in the direct case. No change
in D is required. With these corrections, Eq. (33) may
be used to compute the current.
It should be noted that there are two types of quanti
ties appearing in Eq. (33). The first type, which pertains
to the scattering during the act of tunneling, comes from
Eq. (24) and is to be evaluated at the point of stationary
phase. The second type of quantity comes from bound
ary conditions imposed by the field free material on
either side of the junction and is to be evaluated in the
field free region.
In the case of germanium, the principal nonparabolic
effects in indirect tunneling will come from the valence
band. The use of Eq. (40) should considerably improve
the calculation. The point of stationary phase ks will
actually occur above the branch point so that the
electron will go from the (000) light mass valence band
into the (000) conduction band and then be scattered
into the (111) conduction band at the point of stationary
phase k.,. This case is shown in Fig. 1. The transition
through the branch point will introduce a factor 7r2/9 as
in the direct tunneling case. Between the branch point
ku and the point of stationary phase k. the F"Ck) in Eq.
(47) should be that of the (000) conduction band.
Downloaded 15 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions90 EVAN O. KANE
FIG. 7. Forward tunnel diode characteristic
showing "excess" current.
B. Variable Field
If the derivatives of the field can be ignored, the
preceding work can be generalized to nonconstant field
by simply replacing Eq. (5) by
in all calculations. This generalization is important,
since in forward biased tunnel diodes the field is far
from constant. If more general band structure is used,
the use of a nonconstant field presents no further
difficulty, providing we make the approximation that
we can use an average field in determining D. If this is
not permissible, the integrals in Eq. (14) and Eq. (31)
must also be evaluated numerically.
C. Field Effect on Band Structure
The electric field modifies the band structure through
the term Xnn, in Eq. (1). This effect is discussed in
the work in footnote 4. In a material lacking inversion
symmetry a finite X nn may exist leading to a band shift
linear in F. This effect may be of either sign, but is
probably too small to be of importance. The quadratic
shift may be larger. Here bands effectively "repel" each
other so that gaps increase at high fields. Calculations
for InSb and germanium indicate that the quadratic
shift is not too important for the fields of interest in
tunnel diodes.
D. Other Effects
Franz2 has estimated the effect of electron-hole
attraction on tunneling. The effect is not important in
the materials of present interest in tunnel diodeB. Typical tunnel diode fields are so large that the
approximation of stationary phase is becoming in
accurate. In this case a direct numerical evaluation of
Eq. (7) in the work in footnote 4 may be in order. If the
approximation of stationary phase becomes bad, then
the high degree of cancellation which makes numerical
approaches difficult will largely disappear.
No theory yet exists for computing the effects due to
derivatives of the field. Discontinuities in the field such
as that at the junction boundary may be treated by
matching. The matching approach is most easily handled
when the accurate wave functions in k space can be
converted into equations in r space by the method of
stationary phase as was done in Eq. (3).
"Excess" current is the name given to the diode
current occuring for voltages where the energy bands
have been "uncrossed" so that energy conserving tun
neling processes are no longer possible (see Fig. 7).
At high temperature or low doping, the steeply
rising part of the characteristic at high voltages is
caused by internal thermionic emission in accord with
the familiar rectifier equation. At low temperature or
high doping a steeply rising characteristic remains
which cannot be attributed to thermionic emission.
The possible mechanisms leading to excess current
may be divided into two classes: that which requires
states in the forbidden gap and that which does not.
A. No Gap States
If gap states are ignored, "excess" current can flow
only if the electron can lose energy in the act of tun
neling. The possible energy loss mechanisms are:
photons, phonons, electrons, or plasmons.
1. Photons
The photon mechanism has been calculated by the
author and by Pricel4 and has been found to be too
small to be important.
2. Phonons
Since typical "excess" current biases are much larger
than phonon energies, energy loss by phonons must be
of the "multiphonon" type. In germanium, these
processes are most probably unimportant. In silicon,
however, two phonon processes have been identified,
both in opticap5 and tunnel diodell work. These observa
tions suggest that three or even higher numbers of
phonons may be observable in silicon. Also, phonons
have been observed in direct materialsll where none are
needed. However, it seems doubtful that mUltiphonon
transitions can be responsible for "excess" currents
comparable to "normal" tunnel currents.
14 P. J. Price (unpublished). .
15 B. N. Brockhouse, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 8/ 400 (1959).
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3. Electrons and Plasmons
The electron-electron energy loss mechanism can
be described as follows: Two electrons tunnel into the
junction region; one drops into a tunneling hole and
gives up its excess energy to the other electron (see
Fig. 5). This mechanism has been calculated and has
been found to be too small to explain the "excess"
currents which are usually observed.16
The plasmon mechanism has not yet been calculated.
Typical plasma energies are large (",0.1 ev), so that if
this process is important it might be identified by its
energy threshold.
Plasmon and electron-electron interactions are both
mitigated by the fact that electrons are excluded from
the junction region.
B. Gap States
It seems likely that most excess current is in some
way associated with the presence of gap states. In an
impure material there is no sharp band edge; the
density of states "tails off" into the forbidden band in
a manner which is not quantitatively understood at
present. In addition, imperfections such as dislocations
will introduce states into the forbidden gap. Disloca
tions surrounded by precipitated material would be
particularly important sources of gap states. Some
correlation of "excess" current with dislocations has
been observed at reverse biasesY
"Excess" current mechanisms involving gap states
contain two essential ingredients, either of which may
turn out to be rate limiting. The first ingredient is the
rate of transport through the states; the second
ingredient is rate of energy loss. The injected carriers
ultimately end up at the Fermi level on the p side having
lost an energy equal to e V where V is the forward bias.
If the transport rate through the gap states is high,
conduction may proceed by this mechanism and the
energy loss mechanisms may not be rate limiting. If
the transport rate through the gap states is low, they
will not conduct current and the current flow will
depend on the rate at which the electron can lose energy
and descend into a higher mobility state. The "mobility"
of gap states would be expected to be a minimum near
the center of the gap.
Energy loss through gap states may occur through
a succession of first order phonon emissions. The energy
loss mechanism would then be aided at high tempera
ture, probably proportional to T.
If energy loss is rate limiting, some correlation be
tween "excess" current and carrier lifetime may be
16 E. O. Kane (unpublished).
17 A. Goetzberger and W. Shockley, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. II
4, 411 (1959). APPENDIX
In the evaluation of the density of states factor "D"
for direct tunneling [Eqs. (17)-(22)J, equal masses were
assumed for electrons and light mass holes. ~'e now
generalize these formulas to the case of unequal masses.
The analog of Eq. (16) may be written
D= f [1-exp( -4rsRs/.E\)JdE
rs=ms/m,,+mp (16A)
e V < (r8!:8-rl!:l)/r8
E~{ exp( -4rn!:n/E~) exp( -4rp!: p/El )
D=eV+- +-----
4 rn rp
r.!:. and rl!:l are, respectively, the smaller and larger of
r n!: n, r p!: po All quantities are positive except V and D
(r.!:8-rl!:I)/r.<eV <!: min; (rl!:l-rs!:.)/rl
D= eV + (Ed4rmin){ exp( -4rmin!: min/El)
-exp[4Tmin(eV -!: min)J}. (18A)
Note :The subscript min refers to the minimum of
!: n, !: p; the subscript s refers to the minimum of
rn!: n, T pI p.
!:min<eV < (rl!;l-rs!;.)/rl
D=!: min+ (El/4rmin)[exp( -4rmin!: min/E l) -lJ, (19A)
1 --exp[4rn(eV -!; n)/ElJ
-~ exp[4rp(e V -!; P)/ElJ}, (20A)
El{ 1 1 D=!; min+--exp[4rnTp(eV-!;n-!: p)/ElJ--
4 rnrp rmin
!:rnax <e V <!: max+!:min
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1.1735110.pdf | Dislocation Acceptor Levels in Germanium
Rolf K. Mueller
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 30, 2015 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1735110
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735110
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/30/12?ver=pdfcov
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IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:43:25LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 2015
Dislocation Acceptor Levels in Germanium
General Mills, Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota
(Received July 27, 1959)
LOGAN, Pearson, and Kleinmannl reported in a recent paper
measurements of the carrier depletion in plastically de
formed germanium and derived from these measurements using
Read's dislocation model' for the acceptor levels, connected with
the dislocations, a value of 0.17 to 0.20 ev below the edge of the
conduction band. Conductance and capacitance measurements on
germanium bicrystals with low angles of misfit (4°_6°),-5 lead to
a value of the acceptor level connected with the grain boundaries
of O.06±2 ev above the valence band. This value agrees also with
unpublished data obtained with 1 ° boundaries currently under
investigation. Since in 4° tilt boundaries the dislocations are
already 60 A apart one should expect that the acceptor levels
manifest in these boundaries are of the same nature as those
connected with random dislocations.
Since the number of dislocations introduced into a germanium
specimen by plastic bending is known only in its order of magni
tudel•6 this number provides an additional adjustable parameter
besides the position of the acceptor level in any theoretical model
used to describe the observed phenomena. One can expect there
fore that widely different models can be successfully adjusted to
the experimental data yielding different best fitting values for the
acceptor level. If one chooses as proposed by Read' single, non
interacting acceptor sites to describe the dangling bonds along the
dislocation, the acceptor level has to be placed in the upper half
of the energy gap in order to account for the experimental data.I.6
If one assumes that the electrons in the closely spaced dangling
bonds (each able to accommodate up to two electrons) interact to
form a narrow band of electron states along the dislocation,' the
following discussion shows that one has to place this band in the
lower half of the energy gap in order to account for the same data.
The carrier depletion data alone are therefore insufficient to
ascertain a definite position of the dislocation level. They provide,
however, the possibility of evaluating the relative merits of the
two competing highly simplified dislocation models if the dis
location level can be determined independently.
Figure 1 in which the results of the following discussion are
summarized shows that the carrier depletion data are in good
agreement with acceptor levels observed in grain boundaries if
the dislocation band model, briefly described in the following
paragraphs, is used for the interpretation of the data.
O. 6 --~ ~ ib ~ 4 F ~ r----- a --~ --2 ~~ O.
0 o 50 100 150 200 250 300
FIG. 1. The relative carrier depletion E. The circles are experimental
points obtained by Logan, Pearson, and Kleinmann.l Curve a. Theoretical
relation given by Logan, Pearson, and Kleinmann 1 based on Read's dis
location model with the two available parameters E, and N adjusted for
best fit (E, =0.179 ev below conduction band, N =8No where No is the
number of dislocations calculated from observed bending radius). Curve b.
Theoretical relation based on dislocation band model and the energy level
E2 =0.06 ev above valence band observed in grain boundaries. N adjusted
to N =3No. We assume with Shockley7 and Read' that the observed
acceptor sites are connected with the dangling bonds along the
dislocation. Since the dangling bond sites on the dislocation of
interest are closely spaced (3-8 A)I we shall assume that they
interact to form a band of electron states along the dislocation
with 2N, states per centimeter of dislocation where Nt is the
number of dangling bonds per centimeter. The dislocation as a
whole is electrically neutral if the band is half-filled. Assuming the
energy level observed on grain boundaries, the electrons in this
band are tightly bound to the dislocation, which implies that the
radial extension of the electron cloud in the dislocation band is of
the order of the extension of the electron cloud in a bond orbital,
i.e., a",,3 A. We can therefore for the purpose of this discussion
treat the dislocation as a cylinder of radius "a" which carries a
homogeneously distributed net charge of ql1nt coul/cm if Nt+l1nt
electrons per cm are present in the band.
In order to avoid the introduction of an undetermined parameter
which measures the density of states in the dislocation band we
replace the band approximately by a single level characterized by
the ionization energy Ei of an electron from a neutral dislocation.
Since the filling level J of this band deviates even for the
highest observed net charges relatively little from j = 1, this
approximation is not only valid for a narrow band but also for
wider bands with a sufficiently high density of states around Ei.
Following Read's' analysis one finds for the equilibrium condi
tion of a dislocation with the host crystal
where 1\* is the electrostatic work necessary to bring one electron
from the undisturbed bulk to the dislocation charged to its
equilibrium value. EF is the Fermi energy in the bulk measured
upward from the valence band and E, is the position of the
dislocation level for a neutral dislocation measured upward from
the valence band.
where Ey is the gap energy.
Equation (1), though formally identical with Read's expression,
is different in two respects. E* in our case is simply given by
E*= -q</>o (3)
where </>0 is the electrostatic potential difference between the
undisturbed bulk and the homogeneously charged dislocation at
equilibrium. E* differs from Read's case by the rearrangement
energy which is characteristic for a localized charge model.
Furthermore, the term kT In(l/ j-1) is in our case a small
correction term which can be written in the form
kT In[(l/ j) -1]",,2kT(l1nt/N,) (4)
where l1nt is the number of excess electrons in the band above the
Nt electrons present in a neutral dislocation. Since l1nt/Nt is, even
for the highest charge accumulation, of the order of lO-',
kT In(l/ j-l) can be neglected against the temperature dependent
part of EF. We find therefore for the eqUilibrium potential of the
charged dislocation cylinder against the undisturbed bulk in good
which gives in the temperature range above .'lOOK where practically
all donors are ionized
, No -q</>o=Eg o-E2-OlT-kT In-'-CN-d---N=-:-a) (6)
where Ego is the gap energy at OK, Ego=0.78 eV,8 Ol is the tem
perature coefficient for the gap energy at constant pressure,
0l=4.4Xl0-4 ev;oK,· and No is the effective number of states in
the conduction band,· N, = 2 X lO15TI.
The charged dislocation is surrounded by a space charge
cylinder of radius R. Replacing the space charge due to ionized
donors by a homogeneously distributed space charge of equal
average density and disregarding the hole population in the
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IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:43:252016 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
neighborhood of the dislocation, one finds, neglecting (aiR)'
against unity
q(NrN a) (7)
where K is the dielectric constant in germanium. Neglecting the
hole population around the dislocation is, in our case with the low
lying level, more serious than in Read's case. The solution of
Poisson's equation which includes the contribution of the hole
inversion layer shows, however, that due to the small volume of
the region in which the hole density is appreciable, Eq. (7) is,
with the adopted value of E2=0.06 ev, a good approximation up
to temperatures of about 250oK. We can therefore use the relation
of Eq. (7) for our further discussion.
The electron depletion on per centimeter length of dislocation is
given by
The quantity on which is experimentally determined in electron
depletion experiments is not identical with !ln" the number of
excess electrons in the dislocation, but differs from !ln, by the hole
contribution to the total space charge in the space-charge cylinder
which is small for sufficiently low temperatures.
The total relative electron depletion G due to the introduction
of N dislocations pr em' is given by
G= onX~=N7rR2.
(Nil-N a) (9)
Equation (7) shows that R', and therefore G, is insensitive to
variations (compatible with our model) of the value of the
parameter "a." We choose for our numerical calculations a=3 A.
A change of "a" to 6 A changes the G versus T characteristic only
One can further derive from Eqs. (6) and (7) that in the higher
temperature regime dR2/dT depends only logarithmically on
(fluo-E 2) which shows that the slope of the G versus T charac
teristic depends, for our model, essentially on the bulk properties
and the number N of dislocations present. Since only the order of
magnitude of N is determined directly in Logan's et at. experi
ments, N has to be found from the observed maximum value of
G. G should according to both models show a plateau below 200K.
Disregarding, with Logan et al., the lowest temperature points
which do not fit into this picture, one estimates Gmax""0.56.
For T -> 0, Eq. (5) reduces to
where Ed=O.Ol ev is the donor ionization energy and E2=0.06 the
dislocation level determined from grain boundaries. From Eqs.
(10), (9), and (7) one finds for N
(11) Simplifications in X-Ray Diffraction Line
Breadth Analysis
Department of Physics, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology,
Haifa, Israel
(Received July 23, 1959)
THE pure diffraction breadth is a much employed measure of
crystallite size and state of strain. However, the observed
breadth is always somewhat greater than the desired pure breadth
because of instrumental effects. Stokes1 has solved the problem
of correcting for the instrumental broadening for the general case
of arbitrary line profiles by the Fourier integral method. The
usefulness of this solution is however diminished by its tedious
ness. It will be shown here that by introducing the generally non
restrictive assumption that the pure diffraction line profile is a
symmetric function, the observed line profile and the broadening
profile being arbitrary functions, the labor involved in the Stokes
method can be halved. It will further be shown that the final step
of the Stokes method, the synthesis of the pure diffraction profile,
is unnecessary so that actual calculation time can be reduced by
a factor of about }, thus making the method competitive with
the generally used rougher approximations2 even from the labor
We let f(x) be the pure diffraction profile, hex) be the observed
line profile and g(x) be the instrumental broadening profile, the
last being observable as the diffraction profile from "perfect"
material under identical experimental conditions. Jones2 has shown
that the functions are related by the convolution integral:
h(xl = i: f(y)g(x-y)dy.
If we form the image function:
h(-x)= i:f(z)g(-x-z)dz,
use the assumed symmetry f( -y) = j(y), and make the change of
variable y= -z we obtain that:
h( -x) = i:j(y)g[ -(x-y)]dy,
and hence:
where ;',= II (x) +h( -x) and g,= g(x)+g( -x) are even functions.
Thus in the Stokes method where it would normally be necessary
to express hex), g(x), and f(x) as complete Fourier integrals
including both sin and cos terms, the symmetry of j(x) allows the
convolution integral to be formulated in terms of even functions
only and hence only cos analysis is required. The actual operations
involved are two cos analyses:
lI(z) = (z",)-'i: h(x) cos27rxzdx,
where No is the value of N expected from the bending radius. This and
value has to be compared with the one determined by Logan et al.
using Read's model
With N determined we have no additional free parameter left to
adjust our theoretical G versus T relation to the experimental
data. The good agreement shown in Fig. 1 is therefore a strong
indication for the validity of our model which allows a unified
description of the phenomena observed on random dislocations
and low angle grain boundaries.
1 Logan, Pearson, and Kleinrnann, J. Appl. Phys. 30, 885 (1959). 'W. T. Read, Jr., Phil. Mag. 45, 775 (1954).
3 R. Mueller, Report on 18th Annual Conference on Physical Electronics,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1957), p. 33.
4 R. Mueller, J. Appl. Phys. 30, 546 (1959). 'R. Mueller, J. Chern. Phys. Solids 8, 157 (1959).
6 Pearson, Read, and Morin, Phys. Rev. 93, 666 (1954).
7 W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 91, 228 (1953).
• F. S. Morin and J. P. Maita, Phys. Rev. 96, 28 (1954). "H. Brooks, Advances in Electronics and Electron Phys. 7, 120 (1955). and a cos synthesis:
f(x) = (211-)-li)1(z)/G(z) cosz",xzdz.
But this final synthesis does not require explicit solution if only
the integral breadth is required. The integral breadth is defined as
!3=f-: f(x)dx/ fma, where in practice fmax= f(O). Thus we obtain
without Fourier synthesis:
frO) = (27r)-IJ: II (zl/G(z)dz
i>(x)dx= i1j(x1dx= (27r)-li)1(z)/G(z)J:~ cosz",xzdxdz,
limL ....... 00
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IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 11:43:25 |
1.3062556.pdf | Nuclear sizes and density distributions
Kamal K. Seth
Citation: Physics Today 11, 5, 24 (1958); doi: 10.1063/1.3062556
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3062556
View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/11/5
Published by the American Institute of Physicsa
By Kamal K. Sethconference
Hi report
|"N recent years a large number of conferences some-
-*- what vaguely devoted to nuclear structure have been
held both within and without the United States. While
conferences, especially those abroad, are more than
welcome, quite often such conferences tend to be too
diffuse in their objective and more or less repetitive in
their subject matter. The International Conference on
Nuclear Sizes and Density Distributions held at Stan-
ford University, Stanford, Calif., on December 17, 18,
and 19 was, by definition, above this criticism. It con-
cerned itself with a topic which had never before been
the exclusive subject of any conference, and the man-
ner in which it was organized by Dr. Hofstadter and
his colleagues on the steering committee left no room
for vagueness or confusion.
The conference was jointly sponsored by the Na-
tional Science Foundation and Stanford University, with
the cooperation of the Office of Naval Research and
the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research. It met
each day for morning and afternoon sessions, each of
three hours duration, thus allowing ample time for the
presentation and discussion of twenty-two invited pa-
pers and about ten short contributions. The precise defi-
nition of the domain of the conference allowed a sys-
tematic development of its deliberations. The subject
of nuclear sizes was vigorously examined from all pos-
sible angles. The variety of these approaches, which
ranged from the classic atomic to those "a week old",
might at first suggest unending confusion; however, it
can be safely said that the conference succeeded in re-
solving quite a few discrepancies, and reconciling many
more differences. Of course no conference could be of
lasting value if it did not pose twice as many questions
as it answered. The Stanford meeting was no exception
in this respect.
It is extremely difficult to summarize a good confer-
ence; it is impossible to summarize Bethe's summary
of the conference. Yet this is exactly what I must try
to do here.
Currently engaged in neutron physics research at Duke University,
Kamal Kishore Seth was born in 1933 in Lucknow, India. He re-
ceived his bachelor's degree (1951) and his master's degree in physics
(1954) from Lucknow University. He came to the US in 1954 and
was awarded the PhD in physics by the University of Pittsburgh in
1957.The problem of nuclear sizes has been defined in
terms of three fundamental properties of all nuclei—
they all have a mass, a charge, and a field of spe-
cifically nuclear force. The determination of the radial
and angular variations in the distributions of these three
quantities provide one of the most reliable ways of un-
derstanding nuclear structure as well as some insight
into the structure of nucleons. Only the nuclei which
correspond to closed shell numbers of protons and/or
neutrons are known to be spherical, others are more or
less deformed. In the first approximation, however, we
may consider a typical nucleus as spherical. The sim-
plest conjecture about its size, on assuming a uniform
density, is that the nuclear volume is proportional to
the total number of nucleons (A) contained, i.e., the
radius Ro = r^A1/'*. But uniform density is quantum
mechanically impossible; the nuclei must have a sur-
face region over which the density falls slowly from its
central value to zero. Accurate experiments have, as a
matter of fact, shown that this is the case. Most of the
data is now analyzed in terms of such a distribution
(Fig. 1), which is characterized by a parameter r1 =
R-LA-1/3 where Ry is the "halfway radius", i.e., the
radius at which the density reaches half its central
value, and t, a parameter specifying the "surface thick-
ness", i.e., the distance in which density falls from 90
percent to 10 percent of its value at the center. The
questions that now arise are:
(a) Is such a picture of nuclear density borne out
by all experiments? If so, what are the values of rx
and t?
Fig. 1. One of the com-
monly used rounded
edge distributions,
RADIAL DISTANCE , RVariously called Saxon
or Fermi distribution,
its equivalent square
well radius Ro is larger
than the half-density
radius Ri.
24 PHYSICS TODAY(b) Are the values of these parameters different for
the three distributions (matter, charge, and potential)
that one can measure?
(c) Are neutrons and protons point particles, or do
they have a structure also?
The theoretician has his share of questions too:
(a) Is nuclear radius just an "operational concept"
or does it have a physical meaning—how can it be ex-
plained in terms of the general problem of nuclear
saturation, compressibility, etc.?
(b) How and why are the different values of r1 and
t for the three distributions related?
(c) How does nucleon structure arise—can it be ex-
plained with the help of meson theory?
The purpose of the Stanford Conference was to bring
together the latest experimental information on the sub-
ject and the most recent developments in the theoreti-
cal understanding of nuclear structure in order to an-
swer these questions.
TT7HEN a projectile which interacts strongly with
* » all the nucleons in a nucleus is employed, the in-
teraction can always be described in terms of the opti-
cal model, in which a complex average potential re-
places the actual nucleus. Such projectiles are neutrons,
protons, alpha particles, and w mesons, and the optical
model analysis of experiments with them was reviewed
in detail by Fernbach, Glassgold, Rasmussen, Seth, and
Fernbach and Glassgold reviewed the data on the
total and differential cross section of neutrons and pro-
tons, respectively, and concluded that a diffuse edge
potential with a halfway radius parameter rx = 1.2S
± 0.0S fermis (1 fermi = 10"13 cm) fits all the exist-
ing data up to. 1.3 Bev. Fernbach, in a historical de-
velopment of the optical model, emphasized the im-
portance of spin-orbit potential being included in the
interpretation of high-energy data. Glassgold discussed
the energy dependence of the optical model parameters,
which is very clearly brought out by proton elastic
scattering experiments, and stressed the basic difficulty
of optical model analyses. Such analyses always tend
to yield the value of a combination of potential depth
with the radius (V0Rn, n = 2 at low energy, 2 ^ n ^ 4
at higher energy). Thus it is difficult to arrive at a
unique value of the radius parameter.
Rasmussen surveyed the alpha-particle scattering as
well as alpha-decay experiments. The interpretation of
these experiments is particularly difficult because of the
relative insensitivity of the a particle to the potential
value in the inside of the nucleus. However, recent
analyses yield results in essential agreement with neu-
tron and proton experiments. Seth pointed out the
rather pronounced effect of nuclear deformations in the
very low-energy (1 ev to 100 kev) neutron experi-
ments, and presented experimental evidence for defor-
mation of medium heavy and heavy nuclei. No theo-
retical justification was forthcoming for the very large
(^ 35 times the value estimated by the conventional
theory) value of the spin-orbit potential required bySession on nuclear surface; E. Teller of Berkeley (presid-
ing) and L. Wilets of the Institute for Advanced Study.
E. Segre (Berkeley) ... an interpretation
of large proton-antiproton cross sections . . .
A question from the floor by L. B. Okun (USSR)
the experimental data at high energy. Only direct po-
larization experiments can be expected to settle this
question. Similarly, though theoretical considerations
favor the idea that absorption should take place pre-
dominantly on the nuclear surface (where the Pauli
principle inhibits capture less than it does deep inside
the nucleus), the experimental data which has been suc-
MAY 1958Delegation from the USSR: Dzhele-
puv, Blokhintsev, Okun, Nikitin.Conversation with F. Bloch. A. de-Shalit (Weizmann In-
stitute) and F. Villars (MIT).
cessfully analyzed in terms of an imaginary potential
confined to the nuclear surface is still too meager for
one to say how successful this interpretation is. How-
ever, it appears that the optical model is undergoing
sophistication at such a rapid rate that before long it
will qualify as a full-fledged theory.
Cool presented the results of optical model analysis
of if absorption cross sections at energies near 1 Bev.
At these energies the -w meson wavelength is so small
compared to the nuclear size that it essentially sees the
nuclear matter distribution as modified by the range of
pion-nucleon interaction. Cool's results agree with a
rounded-edge optical potential with rx — 1.14 fermis.
When the effect of the finite range of interaction is un-
folded Cool essentially gets the measure of nuclear
matter distribution. However, a more direct measure
of matter radius can only be obtained when a very
weakly interacting projectile is used. Leiss reported on
the coherent photoproduction of neutral pions in car-
bon. These experiments were done at energies 0-70
Mev above the TT° production threshold so that elastic
production was the major contribution. Since the 7r°
production cross section is almost the same for protons
and neutrons, these experiments essentially measure av-
erage nuclear matter distribution. Mention was also
made of Jones' suggestion that the A"~ meson capture
by heavy nuclei in the nuclear emulsions, giving 2"
mesons and TT* mesons, might be used not only to de-
termine matter radius but also to look into the ques-
tion of neutron excess on the nuclear surface where the
absorption occurs. The analyses of Cool, Leiss, and
Jones essentially bear out the hypothesis that, within
the limits of experimental error, the nuclear matter dis-
tribution has the same extent as nuclear charge dis-
tribution. Can this be interpreted to mean that neu-
tron and proton distributions in a nucleus have the
same extent ? Opinion on this question was divided and
nobody was prepared to commit himself. For the dif-
ference rn - rp numbers like — (0.3 ± 0.3) and + (0.8
± 0.8) fermi were quoted and it is not surprising that
few attached any real significance to them.
A rather interesting report came from Segre and
Chew on the interpretation of abnormally large proton-
antiproton cross sections. A few months back the only
way of interpreting these results seemed to be in terms
of an interaction radius which was disconcertingly large.
Using a model in which the strong repulsive core of the
phenomenological two-nucleon potential was replaced
by an infinite sink (in which every antiproton was
annihilated) Chew has been able to account for thelarge experimental cross sections at an antiproton en-
ergy of 140 Mev in a simple manner. The application
of the optical model by Glassgold to antiproton inter-
action with heavy nuclei leads to r0 = 1.3 fermis.
SO far I have dwelt only on the potential and mat-
ter distributions in the nucleus. There are numer-
ous ways of looking at the nuclear charge distribution,
but the field is unquestionably dominated by the high-
energy electron scattering experiments. Though Hof-
stadter likes to call them "nonprecision experiments",
these are probably the most definitive experiments in
the whole field of nuclear sizes. These experiments are
too well known to require any elaboration here. How-
ever, the final results of experiments with a large num-
ber of elements may be mentioned. Ravenhall summa-
rized the up-to-date situation on the interpretation of
these experiments. It is found that the nuclear charge
distribution is not uniform throughout. In the central
region it is more or less uniform (the accuracy of the
present experiments cannot distinguish between slight
modifications in the central charge density), but on the
surface it gradually tapers off. The half-density radius
is R-i = 1.07A1/3 fermis and the surface thickness is t
~ 2.5 fermis. Alternatively the radius of the equiva-
lent uniform model is Ro ~ 1.07^11/3 + 0.7 fermis,
which gives i?0 = 1.35A1/3 for the very light nuclei
and Ro — 1.18 for the very heavy nuclei.*
Amongst other methods of determining nuclear
charge distribution, Henley discussed results obtained
by studying the transitions between levels of jn-mesic
atoms. The energies of these transitions are very
strongly dependent on the finite nuclear charge dis-
tribution, the ^-meson orbits being very close to the
nucleus because of the meson's heavier mass. These ex-
periments yield values of r0 in excellent agreement with
those obtained by electron scattering. Kofoed-Hansen
discussed the coulomb energy difference between mirror
nuclei. Hitherto these measurements led to values of
r0 as large as 1.4S fermis. However, when one takes
into account the fact that the mirror nuclei differ in
the single nucleon which is one of the outermost, it is
found that ro= 1.28 ± 0.05 fermis. It may be noted
that electron scattering gives almost the same value of
* Elton reported on more accurate semiempirical formulae for both
i?i and Ro, and they might be mentioned here as an illustration of the
complicated nature of seemingly simple things.
Ri = 1.1214V" — O.97OA-1'* fermis,
t = 2.53 ± 0.06 fermis, or
Ro = l.UU1/* + 2.4264-V — 6.6HA-* fermis.
Of course these describe the experimental results better.
NEUTRONFig. 2. Two of the vari-
ous possible states of
neutrons and protons.
The "bare" proton is
denoted by the filled
circle and the "bare"
neutron by the open
r0 in this region of atomic weights. Similar improve-
ments in agreement with the results of the electron
scattering experiments were reported by Breit and Brix,
who discussed isotope shifts, Shacklett, who discussed
x-ray fine structure, and Jaccarino, who reported on
magnetic hyperfine splitting. These experiments are not
easy to interpret but it is encouraging to note that as
knowledge of the corrections that must be applied in
interpreting the data is increasing, the results are tend-
ing to be in better and better agreement with electron
scattering experiments. The subject of nuclear shapes
was excellently reviewed by Temmer, who described the
complementary nature of the experiments based on the
effects of nuclear deformations on the electron cloud
around the nucleus, and experiments which determine
nuclear deformations by observing the effects they give
rise to in the nucleus itself, e.g., the rotational spectra.
The major triumph, upset, or sensation (it depends
on whether you are an experimentalist, theorist, or a
newspaperman) of the electron scattering experiments
is provided by the results for the proton and the neu-
tron. Experiments done over a large range of energies
and for a number of different angles of scattering lead
Hofstadter and his co-workers (Yearian and Bumiller)
to the conclusion that both the charge and the mag-
netic moment scattering of the electrons by protons is
very different from what would be predicted on assum-
ing that the proton is a point particle. Stated in the
physicist's jargon, the form factor for both charge and
magnetic moment scattering by a proton has a value
different from unity (< 1). This implies that the pro-
ton charge and magnetic moment are both distributed
over a finite volume. Hofstadter, in fact, finds the root-
mean-square radii rcharge = rmag. mom. = 0.8 fermi for
the proton. Moreover, the magnetic moment dis-
tribution of the neutron is found to have the same
radius. Since the net charge of a neutron is zero, the
determination of the charge distribution of a neutron
is much more difficult. However, whether it turns out
to be concentrated positive in the center and diffuse
negative on the outside, or identically zero everywhere,
it poses problems. In order to appreciate this and the
consequent distress of Goldberger, Chew, and other
theorists present at the conference, let us look into
what structure theory would expect protons and neu-
trons to have.
The suggestion of a structure of the nucleons comes
directly from the fact that they have magnetic mo-
ments (fly = + 2.79 ran, /% = — 1.91 nm) which can-
not be explained in terms of their over-all charge alone.27
The charge of the proton accounts only for one unit
of its magnetic moment, so that we are left with an
anomalous magnetic moment which is equal and oppo-
site for the proton and the neutron (^ ± 1.85 nm).
The explanation for this is traditionally given in terms
of the weak coupling meson theory. Here one postulates
that part of the time a physical nucleon is made of a
"bare nucleon" core with a meson cloud enveloping it
(Fig. 2). The nucleon core is by definition without ex-
tension, while the meson cloud has a finite size (of the
order of h//xc = 1.4 fermis). The motion of the charged
meson cloud gives rise to the anomalous magnetic mo-
The electron-neutron interaction, which was discussed
in detail by Foldy, provides the main principal evidence
for the idea that the charge core of the neutron is al-
most a point. However, Hofstadter's experiments claim
that the proton core is 0.8 fermi in radius. If there is a
charge symmetry, the "bare neutron" should have the
same extension also. This would mean that somehow
the picture of nuclear structure drawn from the elec-
tron-neutron interaction experiments is fallacious. One
hates to say so, because that is the picture the theory
also predicts, and that is the picture which explains
anomalous magnetic moments rather well. If, however,
both Hofstadter's and the electron-neutron interaction
experiments are being correctly interpreted, one would
have to re-examine one of the long cherished ideas of
physics, namely, charge symmetry. On the other hand
there is always the possibility that we are not inter-
preting the electron scattering experiments correctly.
The present interpretation, however, is based on the
fundamentals of electrodynamics. A modification would
have to be basic in nature, and rather sensational, like
postulating that the electron has a finite size, or that
electrodynamics breaks down at small distances (.--'1
In this connection it was pointed out by Blokhintsev
(USSR) that Tamm has recently postulated that one
need not be so radical as to revise these basic concepts.
If only one considers that the •jr-meson cloud around
the core dissociates continuously into nucleon-antinu-
cleon pairs, and the antinucleons annihilate with the
bare nucleon in the center, then the net result is a core
which is extended as far as the meson cloud (Fig. 3).
This viewpoint would not require that there be a
mirror symmetry between the charge distributions of
the proton and the neutron and would therefore pre-
serve the result of the electron-neutron interaction as
well as electron scattering experiments.
0 j •> • + O
Fig. 3. Illustrating Tamm
hypothesis: annihilation of
antinucleon N (of each N
-\-N pair produced) with
the central "bare" nucleon
is denoted by arrows, with
distribution of bare nu-
cleons left behind through-
nut the volume.
MAY 195828
There are objections to this explanation and it ap-
pears that more elaborate and accurate experiments on
the electron scattering by neutrons will have to be done
in order to determine higher moments of the neutron's
charge distribution. At the moment, a phenomenologi-
cal model like Schiff's is the best one can do. As to the
validity of the electrodynamics at small distances, Okun
pointed out that it has been proposed by Pomeranchuk
that scattering of polarized electrons from polarized
protons be studied. This must be considered a rather
distant prospect.
The theoretical aspects of nuclear matter, the sur-
face, saturation, and compressibility problems were the
subject of papers presented by Wilets, Brueckner, and
Watson. Wilets reported on the phenomenological self-
consistent statistical considerations developed by him-
self, Swiatecki, Brueckner, and others. According to
this treatment there is a fundamental nonlinear rela-
tionship between nuclear matter density and the aver-
age potential to which it gives rise. This causes a rela-
tive extension of the potential distribution beyond the
matter distribution, and, when the "finite range of nu-
clear force" effect is folded in, completely accounts for
the difference between the potential radius (ra = 1.25
fermis) and charge radius (rx = 1.07 fermis). Since the
nonlinearity does not exist for the potential as seen by
a meson, this also explains the lower radius obtained
by Cool (Vj = 1.14 fermis). Wilets' theory also shows
how coulomb repulsion, which tries to push protons on
towards the nuclear surface, and the symmetry energy,
which tries to push neutrons to the surface, balance
each other, so that there is hardly any net excess of
neutrons over the protons on the surface. This explains
the experimental results for rn — rp already mentioned.
Brueckner and Watson took up the subject of nuclear
saturation from the point of view of the many-body
problem. The numerical results of these theories as ap-
plied to finite size nuclei are so far not available. Green
discussed the information about nuclear structure that
one obtains from the study of nuclear masses. His re-
vised mass formula yields results in good agreement
with electron scattering experiments and Wilets' theory.
THE conference concluded in a joint session with
the American Physical Society, presided over by
Dr. K. K. Darrow, in the music auditorium of Stan-
ford University. A capacity crowd heard Bethe de-
liver the closing talk, a masterly summary of the de-
liberations of the conference—the excellence of which
can be savored only by listening to him or reading the
transcript which is to be published along with other
contributions made at the conference in the Reviews of
Modern Physics. (We wish to take this opportunity to
thank Dr. E. U. Condon for this new trend in RMP
which enables those who cannot attend such confer-
ences to keep from falling behind the latest develop-
ments in physics.)
It is a pity that in any attempt at reporting on such
a conference, one of the best parts invariably remains
unreported. These are the discussions across the dinnertable, in bathrooms and lounges, and in private sessions
between little groups of two or three during coffee
breaks. It is impossible to report on these because
sometimes they consist of frank opinions and pro-
jected thoughts on which people would rather remain
unquoted, and sometimes detailed discussions of mi-
nutiae, which are out of place in such a report. How-
ever, I feel that it would not be out of place if I took
this opportunity of stating how stimulating and refresh-
ing these personal contacts are.
It would be unjust if I gave an exclusively academic
picture of the conference, for it had its social high-
lights too. The traditional banquet was held on the
17th at Rickey's Studio Inn, after a cocktail party.
The banquet itself was much more relaxed and infor-
mal than any I have attended in a long time. Much of
the credit for this must be given to the dozen foreign
speakers who tried to outperform each other in saying
thank you to America and thank you to Hofstadter
and his colleagues. In his after-dinner talk, Condon
reminisced aloud about the good old days of physics,
when quantum mechanics was embryonic, and nuclear
physics only a young upstart. The best physicists of
today were only graduate students, or fresh PhD's, and
tended to congregate at the universities of Munich and
Gottingen. Condon gave a picturesque description of
the plight of these young men (which included Condon,
Bethe, Oppenheimer, Rabi, and others), as they labored
to keep pace with physics which was entering the awk-
ward age of adolescence, an age when it grew very fast,
and was most difficult to understand. The uninhibited
laughter which greeted Condon's jokes made one of the
foreign physicists comment that he had "never seen
physicists who looked and acted more unlike physi-
cists than those present that evening!" On the 19th the
Blochs, Chodorows, Schiffs, and Hofstadters said thank
you to the participants of the conference by being hosts
at another cocktail party at Hofstadter's home.
If you are impressed by statistics, here are some:
Registration showed two hundred and thirty-seven
physicists in attendance, but a conservative estimate
of the over-all number is about four hundred. This
included delegates from Australia, Canada, Denmark,
England, France, Germany, Holland, Israel, Italy,
Switzerland, and the USSR. (The Russian delegation
was headed by Dr. D. I. Blokhintsev and comprised of
Drs. D. I. Blokhintsev, V. P. Dzhelepov, S. Nikitin,
and L. B. Okun.)
The delegates were lodged mostly in the Stern Hall
Dormitory where the arrangements were perfect. The
travel arrangements and other personal conveniences
were expertly taken care of by the Physics Department,
and tours of the high-energy and microwave labora-
tories were conducted a number of times.
After this conference it can hardly be said that "nu-
clear radius" is merely an operational definition. It is
beginning to have a rather well-defined physical mean-
ing now. The nucleons; well, they are still a different
1.3057513.pdf | Physics Calculations
George I. Sackheim Jacques Romain ,
Citation: Physics Today 14, 4, 62 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.3057513
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3057513
View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/14/4
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specific topics are vacuum
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and Space
Administrationof which the editor is a member, and under the spon-
sorship of the Office of Ordnance Research of the US
Army. It contains fifteen papers reviewing recent theo-
retical and experimental work on liquids and solids sub-
ject to high and in many cases impulsive stresses. Such
stresses are propagated through materials in various
ways, depending on the stress intensity and on the
elastic properties of the substance in question. The
classical theory of elastic radiation is adequate in some
cases, but in general one faces extra complexity in the
guise of viscoelastic and anelastic behavior in various
combinations. Fortunately the necessary mathematical
techniques are pretty well understood and numerical
solutions can be obtained in many interesting and prac-
tically significant cases by the use of computers.
The symposium reported here covered considerable
scope and included references to stress waves produc-
ing fracture in solids, seismic pulses in layered media,
photoelastic methods for studying stress propagation,
the dispersion of surface waves in solids, measurement
of dynamic elastic properties, and other related matters.
The treatment throughout concentrates on the macro-
scopic behavior of the material under stress and there
is little or no attention to the connection between this
and the internal constitution. Thus there is no discus-
sion of relaxation behavior in terms of lattice proper-
ties and the like. Nevertheless the solid- and liquid-
state physicist will find here much background material
of value to him in his fundamental investigations.
The survey of recent research results in a broad field
through the publication of symposium papers as in the
volume under review obviously has both advantages and
disadvantages. On the good side can be reckoned the
usefulness of having under one pair of covers a collec-
tion of very readable, up-to-date articles which other-
wise might be scattered through a number of periodi-
cals. On the other side, it must be admitted that the
scheme does not lend itself to a completely coherent
and well-organized presentation such as one can get in
an account prepared by a single well-qualified authority.
There appears to be no solution to this problem, though
the authorities on communication and information the-
ory are doubtless giving it some attention.
Physics Calculations. By George I. Sackheim. 267 pp.
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difficulties might arise are duly stressed.
Each of the many short sections into which the book
is divided deals with a definite topic. In each section
the basic principles are recalled in a few precise words,
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general discussions and detailed information on the size and
shape of Fermi surfaces. 1961. 356 pages. $10.00.
The Physical Principles
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Fundamentals of Dynamical Astronomy
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Quantum Mechanics
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quantum mechanics and its application to simple physical
systems. 1961. Approx. 580 pages. Prob. $11.00.*
Introduction to Geometry
By H. S. M. COXETER, University of Toronto. A lively,
rigorous presentation of the subject. 1961. Approx. 384
pages. Prob. $9.75.Fundamentals of Modern Physics
By ROBERT MARTIN EISBERG, University of Minne-
sota. Contains an integrated presentation of the historical
development of quantum mechanics and its applications, and
uses the theory to evolve a much more mature discussion of
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1961. 729 pages. Prob. $10.50.
Boundary and Eigenvalue
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values from boundary value problems in mathematical
physics. 1961. Approx. 416 pages. Prob. $9.50*
Plasmas and Controlled Fusion
of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Stresses principles
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terest, and presents the material as a unified, detailed whole.
1961. In press.
Radioactive Wastes:
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of experimental methods and a critical appraisal of their
applicability to polymeric materials of different character-
istics. 1961. 482 pages. $15.00.
Progress in Dielectrics—Volume III
Edited by J. B. BIRKS, Manchester University; American
Editor: JOHN HART. Co-ordinates current knowledge of
dielectric phenomena, materials, and techniques, and reviews
recent progress. In Press.
' Textbook edition also available for college adoption.Send for examination copies.
JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc. 440 Park Avenue South, New York 16, N.Y.
April 196164
(a table of conversion from mks to cgs units is avail-
able in an appendix), and the author provides detailed
solutions of some simple problems. The section is then
concluded with numerous problems, both in metric and
English units, with the answer to every other problem
given (why not to all of them? The habit of giving
answers for only odd-numbered problems seems less
justified here than anywhere else).
The whole field of general introductory physics is
covered in this book: mechanics, heat, electricity and
magnetism, sound, light, and some atomic physics. The
general level is that of a first course, but a few non-
elementary topics are included (e.g., reverberation of
sound in a room). Four-place logarithms and trigono-
metric tables make the book self-contained.
Such a book should be the proper place to accustom
students to the use of standard symbols for the units,
but nt is used for newton, KW for kilowatt, and the
like, and even LB and FT are used for lb and ft in
the drawings.
Plasma Physics. By J. G. Linhart. 278 pp. (North-
Holland, Amsterdam) Interscience Publishers, Inc., New
York, 1960. $7.00. Reviewed by D. J. Rose, Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology.
LINHART'S book is not wholly good, and not wholly
' bad. If you are planning a one-semester course
in plasma theory, you should keep it in mind. It is more
satisfactory for that purpose than any of the smaller
monographs on the subject and gives a somewhat
broader coverage. However, watch carefully for typo-
graphical errors not included in the errata and for am-
biguous figures. The treatise is strictly theoretical; the
last two parts (Chaps. 7 and 8), y-clept Applications, is
a brief summary of principles (of controlled fusion,
electromagnetic energy generation, MHD conversion,
propulsion, and energy storage). Little is said about the
recent developments of the 6A^-dimensional Liouville
formulation, giving purported solutions for the plasma
particle correlations. Lack of such intensive study might
seem like fishing in a prepared bucket because it's
simpler, rather than out in the ocean where the fish
really come from. Such an appearance, while partly
correct, omits the fact that assembly of the appropriate
theoretical tackle for such an expedition would occupy
a whole book this size. Thus Linhart chooses his mate-
rial well enough for a short treatise, bringing the reader
up to about the level of the Fokker-Planck equation.
Complete plasma theory may share with its alchemical
offspring—controlled fusion devices—the property that
neither will come in small sizes. Particularly good are
Linhart's analyses of individual particle motions. The
fluid description starts off with the Liouville equation,
conveniently explained, with the relativistic and non-
relativistic Boltzmann equations, and velocity averages
derived as consequences. Strangely enough, the Fokker-
Planck equation is not built directly on this foundation.
but is developed much later under the title of Collision
and Relaxation Processes. One fifth of the book isgiven over to waves and instabilities. Under this topic,
Linhart packs in considerable information, particularly
about the oscillations of a plasma cylinder. A very use-
ful bibilography of some 200 pertinent papers and IS
books is listed at the end.
Physique et Technique des Tubes electroniques.
Volume 1, Elements de Technique due Vide, 214 pp.,
1958, 29 NF; Volume 2, Theorie et Fabrication des
Tubes, 427 pp., 1960, 58 NF. By R. Champeix. Dunod,
Paris. Reviewed by L. Marton, National Bureau of
IT would be misleading to the readers of this journal
if I were to classify the two volumes of Physique et
Technique des Tubes electroniques as books on physics.
They are books on a technology used by physicists, and
while they may be quite useful for them, they have not
been written for the physicist but, as reflected by the
organization of the book, for the technician. Both, the
author and Professor Boutry, who wrote the preface,
emphasize that the books have been written for the
instruction of students at the Ecole Nationale de Radio-
technique and at the Ecole Franchise de Radio-Electri-
cite. The present volumes indicate clearly that the
instruction at these institutions is not at the university
level. Wherever physics background is needed for the
understanding of the phenomena some of the mathe-
matical background is given without elaborate proof.
Most of the treatment is at the technician's level.
Both volumes contain sets of problems (without solu-
tions) for the student, which are probably the best fea-
ture of the book.
I believe that a person who is familiar with the
subject may find some interesting information in these
two volumes, but for a beginner I would not recommend
the use of either of these volumes unless it is supple-
mented by ample other reading material.
Finite Difference Equations. By H. Levy and F.
Lessman. 278 pp. Pitman Publishing Corp., New York,
1959. $9.25. Reviewed by Herman Feshbach, Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology.
THIS book forms an excellent introduction into a
subject which is unfortunately often completely
missing from the mathematical background of most
physicists. Difference equations can be treated in a
manner quite analogous to the procedures employed to
solve differential equations; and once the fundamental
background is developed (Chapters 1-3), linear differ-
ence equations with constant coefficients, with variable
coefficients, eigenvalue problems as well as partial dif-
ference equations can be discussed (Chapters 4 and 8).
The solution of nonlinear first-order equations is con-
sidered in Chapter 5. Chapter 7 deals with applications
which are unfortunately quite uninteresting. There
seems to be no treatment of the use of continued frac-
tions. Many problems are given, together with some
of the answers.
1.1730619.pdf | Dependence of C13Proton Spin Coupling Constants on s Character of the Bond
J. N. Shoolery
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 31, 1427 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1730619
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1730619
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/31/5?ver=pdfcov
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Deuterium Isotope Effect in Proton—13C Coupling Constants
J. Chem. Phys. 42, 3724 (1965); 10.1063/1.1695788
Bond Characters and Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants of Halogen Molecules
J. Chem. Phys. 30, 598 (1959); 10.1063/1.1730007
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 18:28:53LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 1427
of the neutral fragment R. This may indicate that the
competing process
becomes more probable in the sequence R = CHg, I, Br.
Electron transfer between an ion A-and a neutral
molecule B can take place only if the electron affinity
of B is higher or equal to that of A provided that A
is not formed with significant vibrational energy. The
occurence of the charge transfer processes listed in the
table shows that EA(S02) > EA(SO), EA(S02) >
EA(CsH.N02) and EA(N0 2»EA(O). In the case of
sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide the parent ions
S02-and N02-are not observed as primary ions even
at low electron energies. The capture of a thermal elec
tron apparently leads to a high-lying vibrational level
of S02-and N02-. These ions must rapidly decompose
by the reverse process since no third body is present
to take up the vibrational energy. As a result of the
electron transfer process low-lying levels of S02-
and N02-are reached so that the potential energy is
below that of the ground vibrational level of the neutral
molecules. The ions are therefore stable with respect
to spontaneous ejection of the attached electron. In
the transfer processes the excess energy EA(B)
EA(A) probably appears as vibrational energy of
both A and B.
The results show that certain negative ion-molecule
reactions can occur with very high cross sections and
that they therefore cannot have any activation energy.
Negative ions are generally formed less frequently
than positive ions when ionizing radiation is absorbed
in material. However, in systems containing atoms of
high electron affinities negative ions may play an
important role as intermediates in radiation chemical
reactions. It is obvious from the present results that
negative ion-molecule reactions can frequently occur
in these cases. Finally the observation of charge trans
fer reactions between negative ions and molecules may
become important for studies of the electron affinities
of molecules where the negative ions cannot be formed
directly by electron bombardment.
* Th.is :vork is supported, in part, by the U. S. Atomic Energy
I D. P. Stevenson and D. O. Schissler, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 1353
(1955); 29, 282 (1958).
2 Field, Franklin, and Lampe, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 79, 2419
(1957) .
3 R. F. Pottie and W. H. Hamill, J. Phys. Chern. 63, 877 (1959).
• Eyring, Hirschfelder, and Taylor, J. Chern. Phys. 4, 479
(1936) .
• G. Gioumousis and D. P. Stevenson, J. Chern. Phys. 29, 294
(1958) .
6 T. R. Hagness and R. W. Harkness, Phys. Rev. 32, 784
(1928) .
7 O. Rosenbaum and H. Neuert, Z. Naturforsch. 9A, 990
(1954) .
8 Lampe, Field, and Franklin, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 79, 6132
(1957) . Dependence of Cia-Proton Spin Coupling
Constants on s Character of the Bond
Varian Associates, Palo Alto, California
(Received July 13, 1959)
ARECENT observation of the various multiplet
splittings in the high resolution NMR spectrum
of methyl acetylene! has yielded the value 248 cps for
the =C!3H coupling constant. This measurement,
along with values previously obtained for singly bonded
and olefinic carbon atoms, permits an interesting test
of the relative importance of the contact term and all
other terms in the expression for the electron-spin
coupling of the proton magnetic moment with other
nuclear moments. 2,g
The energy of interaction between two nuclei X
and N' with spins IN and IN' is generally written
with J NN' being made up of terms involving magnetic
dipolar interactions between electrons in non-s orbitals
and nuclear moments, and a term which is proportional
to the Fermi4 contact interaction between s electrons
and nuclear spins. If we consider only the coupling
which arises from the contact term we expect that it
will depend upon the square of the coefficient of the 2s
wave function in the LCAO description of the hybrid
orbitals characteristic of singly, doubly, and triply
bonded carbon; i.e., 1/4, 1/3, and 1/2 the coupling
which would be expected if the bond to carbon were
formed exclusively with the 2s orbital.
Table I lists the observed CI3_H coupling constants
for a number of compounds of the type described
above. These J values have been plotted against the
s character of the corresponding bond type in Fig. 1.
The linearity of the plot and the absence of an appreci
able intercept strongly supports the estimate that the
contact term dominates the coupling.
TABLE 1. C13-H coupling constants and bond types.
Benzene Compound
/ CHa-C (aldehyde proton)
'" H
Methyl acetylene (acetylenic proton) Hybridization lc13_H (cps)
Sp3 120
Sp3 120
Sp2 170
Sp2 159
Sp2 174
sp 248"
a See reference 1. All other 'dlues from P. C. Lauterhur, J. Chern. Phys. 26,
2!7 (1957).
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CCpS) 300
o I
.25 .333 .50
FIG. 1. Dependence of JC13_H on s character.
Electronegative atoms bonded to the carbon would
be expected to lower the electron density about the
carbon nucleus and to decrease the screening. The
coupling will then increase as the cube of the effective
nuclear charge seen by the s electron. Points corres
ponding to halogen or oxygen substituted hydro
carbons invariably fall above the line in Fig. 1.
It is interesting to note that if we estimate the
coupling for 100% s character to be four times that for
spa bonds, i.e., 480 cps, and take account of other fac
tors we can compute the coupling for the H2 molecule.
Replacing the CIa with a proton increases the coupling
by the ratio of the magnetic moments, 3.98, while
decreasing the effective charge· from 3.25 to 1.0 intro
duces the factor (0.308) a. A factor (2\1'2)2 must also be
introduced to take account of the normalizing factors
for 1s and 2s orbitals. The result, JH_H(calc) =330 cps
is in surprisingly good agreement with the value of
280 cps observed by Carr and Purcell,6 and lends
further support to the dominance of the contact term.
Similarly, good agreement is obtained for coupling
constants to other first row elements.
'0bservation in the laboratories of Varian Associates Palo
Alto, California (to be published). '
2 N. F. Ramsey, Phys. Rev. 91, 303 (1953).
3 H. M. McConnell, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 460 (1956).
4 E. Fermi, Z. Physik 60, 320 (1930).
5 Screening constants taken from Quantum Chemistry by
Eyring, Walter, and Kimball (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 'New
York), p. 163.
6 H. Y. Carr and E. M. Purcell, Phys. Rev. 88, 415 (1952).
Note added in proof: The linear relationship of Jc13_H and s
character has also been observed by Muller and Pritchard, J.
Chern. Phys. 31, 768 (1959). Signs of the Proton Spin-Spin Coupling
Constants in Pure Ethyl Alcohol*
Kedzie Chemical Laboratory, Michigan State University,
East Lansing, Michigan
(Received June 12, 1959)
RECENTL YI-a much interest has centered around
the relative signs of the spin-spin coupling con
stants in the NMR spectrum of a molecule and in
this connection we have examined the possibility of
determining the relative sign of the two coupling con
stants in pure ethyl alcohol. The Hamiltonian4 •• for
this system may be written
where the subscripts A, B, C refer to the CHa, CH2,
and OH group protons, respectively. VA, VB, Vc refer to
the common resonance frequencies of the protons of
the A, B, and C groups. JAB and J BC (cps) are the two
spin-spin coupling constants; J AC apparently is zero.4
From the experimental high-resolution proton resonance
spectrum of pure ethanol at 30.5 Mc Arnold has ob
tained the values of the two coupling constants as well
as the internal chemical shifts OI=VA-VB and 02=
To determine the relative signs of JAB and J BC one
has to calculate the NMR spectrum of this compound
for both the case where the constants have like signs
and the case where they have opposite signs and com
pare these with the experimental spectrum. Anderson·
and Arnold 4 employed perturbation theory to calculate
line frequencies and relative intensities. A third-order
treatment of frequencies and a first-order treatment of
intensities yielded a theoretical spectrum in reasonable
agreement with the experimental spectrum. However,
they apparently made no attempt to determine the
relative signs of the coupling constants. We have
therefore made a calculation of the theoretical spectrum
of ethyl alcohol treating it as an AaB2C system (Bern
stein, Pople, and Schneider6) and solving the secular
equation directly without recourse to the approxima
tions necessarily involved in perturbation calculations.
The zero-order spin eigenfunctions for the system
were built up by forming the products of the symmetry
functions7 of A (D3h) and B(Dcn h) groups with the two
spin functions of C. The secular determinant could be
factored according to the different allowed values of the
total spin ~I z of the system and the energy levels and
stationary state eigenfunctions were obtained in the
usual manner following the evaluation of the various
matrix elements. The NMR transition frequencies and
relative intensities could then be obtained in accordance
with well-known selection rules. The above general
scheme of computations has been successfully pro-
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1.1777137.pdf | Physical Chemistry of Compound Semiconductors
Jerome S. Prener
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 33, 434 (1962); doi: 10.1063/1.1777137
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1777137
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/33/1?ver=pdfcov
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of the annual conferences on the physics and chemistry of semiconductor interfaces
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J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 1, 732 (1983); 10.1116/1.582682
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J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 21, 643 (1982); 10.1116/1.571805
Physics of compound semiconductor interfaces: A historical perspective
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 16, 1108 (1979); 10.1116/1.570169
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded
to ] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:57:14JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT TO VOL. 33, NO.1 JANUARY, 1962
Physical Chemistry of Compound Semiconductors
General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, New York
The problem of point-defect equilibria in compound semiconductors is considered. It is shown that the
e~pe~ted ?o~or or acceptor. properties of a defect in a compouud are entirely independent of the type of
bmdmg (lOme or covalent)}n}he compound. From general thermodynamic arguments it is shown that the
num~er of degrees of freedom o~ a compound in internal equilibrium is one more than the number of chemical
constItuents of the compound mdependent of the number and nature of the defects it contains. The conse
quences of this are discussed and it is shown how mass action laws result, describing internal reactions among
the defects. A~ example from the literat~re is ~resented to illustrate the methods of setting up and solving
t~ese mass actIOn laws and how the solutIOns mIght be compared with experimental results. Finally associa-
tIon between oppositely charged defects in solids is discussed. '
THE physical chemistry of compound semi
conductors obviously includes a large area of
investigation, but this paper is concerned primarily
with one aspect of this subject; the problem of point
defect equilibria in solid compounds. These defects are
impurities, charge carriers, the so-called "native
defects" such as vacancies, interstitials, and misplaced
host crystal atoms, and associates of the atomic
defects. It is the presence of the native defects in a
compound which result in a property obviously not
possessed by an element; namely the ability to exist
as a single phase over a range of composition. Since
many investigations have indicated that these native
defects as well as impurities can behave in the solid
as singly or multiply ionizable donors or acceptors, it
is evident that the control of stoichiometry becomes as
important as the control of impurity content in this
class of compound semiconductors. In this paper we
first consider the symbols used to represent point
defects in solids and then present the thermodynamics
of defect equilibria in solids. Of primary importance
will be the result giving the number of degrees of
freedom of a compound containing defects since this
tells us the number of intensive variables whose values
must be fixed in order that the compound have fixed
defect concentrations. The relationships between the
concentrations of the defects and the values of these
intensive variables also follow,from the thermodynamic
treatment. Finally, association of charged defects are
The material presented in this paper is a composite
of the work of many people to whom reference is not
always made. Very complete lists of references and
more detailed discussions of many of the points made
in this paper can be found in references 1 through 4.
1 F. A. Kroger and H. J. Vink, Solid-State Physics edited by F.
Seitz and D. Turnbull (Academic Press Inc., New York, 1956),
Vol. 3, pp. 307-435.
2 F. A. Kroger, F. H. Stieltjes, and H. J. Vink, Philips Research
Repts. 14,557 (1959).
3 R. F. Brebrick, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 4, 190 (1958) .
• W. Schottky, Halbleiterprobleme, edited by W. Schottky
. (Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig, Germany, 1958),
Vol. 4, pp. 235-281. The pioneer work in the field of defect equilibria in
solids was published thirty years ago by Wagner and
Schottky ..
The symbols adopted by Kroger and Vink1 are the
ones that will be used here. Thus in the binary com
pound MaX b vacancies are represented by V m and
V x interstitials by Mi and Xi and misplaced atoms by
Mx and Xm and finally, Mm, Xx, and Vi represent the
constituents of the compound at their normal lattice
sites and empty interstitial sites. Impurities are repre
sented by their chemical symbol and the site they
occupy (e.g., CUzn for Cu impurity at a Zn site in
ZnS). With regard to the use of these symbols, several
comments should be made. First, since the ratio of
lattice sites alb as well as the ratio of interstitial to
lattice sites are fixed, the various defects represented by
the above symbols cannot be added or taken from the
lattice independently. For example V m cannot be added
to the lattice without removing M m or adding V x
simultaneously. For this reason chemical potentials
cannot be assigned to these defects as represented by
the symbols but this does not lead to any difficulty in
the thermodynamic formulation of the problem of
defects in solid compounds.2 The second point concerns
the charge of the defect. Except in the case of extreme
ionic compounds, the charge on a particular atom of a
compound is not well defined. It is for this reason that
the "atomic symbolism" is used in which only the
effective charge of the defect is indicated; the con
stituents of the compound having by definition zero
effective charges. The details of the charge distribution
near a defect are needed neither for the thermodynamic
formulation of the problem, nor in the qualitative
arguments leading to a decision as to whether a particu
lar defect can act as a donor or acceptor. An example
will be used to illustrate the concept of effective charge
of a defect and to illustrate how consideration of
different types of binding in a compound leads to the
6 C. Wagner and W. Schottky, Z. physik. Chern. (Leipzig)
B11, 163 (1931).
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to ] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:57:14P H Y SIC ALe HEM 1ST R Y 0 F COM PO U N D S E M leo N DUe TOR S 435
same conclusions regarding the donor or acceptor
nature of a defect.
In the II-VI compound ZnS each Zn is tetrahedrally
surrounded by four S and vice versa. We consider first
that ZnS is an ionic compound composed of Zn++ and
S= ions. If we remove a neutral sulfur atom from the
solid into the gas phase, the defect left behind is ob
viously neutral, V.o, and the two electrons left behind
can be considered as being trapped in the vicinity of
the defect. These can be removed one at a time into
the conduction band by thermal or optical ionization
giving first V.+ and then V.++ and conduction electrons.
In the simplest model due to Bethe,6 the binding
energies of the electrons to V.+ and V.++ are equal to
those in a hydrogen atom or helium ion in a polarizable
medium whose static dielectric constant is that of
ZnS (about 8). It is obvious from the above discussion
that a V.o can act as a double donor and later in this
paper evidence will be presented for such behavior in
ZnS. If we now consider the other extreme of covalent
binding then ZnS is made up of Zn=( .. ·3d104s4p3) and
S++(·· . 3s3p3) , each with the tetrahedral Sp3 electron
configuration.1 Thus four covalent bonds are formed
by Zn and S to neighboring atoms. Incidentally, the
electron distributions will be strongly enhanced in the
region of the S and this is equivalent to an ionic contri
bution to the bonding. The removal of a neutral
S(3s23p4) to the gas phase removes six of the eight
bonding electrons leaving two electrons, as before, in
the vicinity of the V.o which is formed. Thus the atomic
notation using effective charges yields the same results
for the nature of the defect formed independent of the
type of binding of the compound. By similar arguments,
a zinc vacancy, V Zno can bind two holes and behave as a
double acceptor, ionization of which gives V Zn-and
V Zn=. Analogously an impurity such as Cu substituting
for Zn or As substituting for S can behave as a singly
ionizable acceptor whereas Al substituting for S or Cl
for Zn can behave as a singly ionizable donor.8
In this section the number of degrees of freedom
will be determined for a compound containing any
number of chemical constituents and defects. This will
give the number of intensive variables which a free
to be altered independently and arbitrarily when the
solid is in a state of internal equilibrium. For this
purpose we consider a solid compound containing Q
different chemical constituents A 1, A 2, "', A Q, and
containing a total of S different types of neutral and
charged defects (constituent atoms at interstitial sites,
vacancies, misplaced constituent atoms, associates,
electrons and holes) and constituent atoms on lattice
6 H. Bethe, MIT Radiation Laboratory Rept. No. 43-12(1942).
7 C. A. Coulson, Valence (Oxford University Press, London,
1952), p. 263.
8 J. S. Prener and F. E. Williams, J. Electrochem. Soc. 103,
342 (1956). sites. We denote by n(Di) the number of defects or
constituent atoms of type Di in the solid. Since the
ratios of the number of different sites, both lattice and
interstitial are fixed for a particular structure and since
electrical neutrality of the crystal as a whole must be
preserved, there will be some total number R of "ratio
of site" and neutrality restrictions relating the n(D)'s
each of the type:
:E aj>-n(Di)=Oj j=1, 2, "', R. (1)
The a's may be positive, negative, or zero. Accordingly
the number of independent composition variables are
reduced from 5 in number to V = (5 -R) and will be
represented by N 1, N 2, "', Ny. These are the com
ponents of the solid phase and the Gibbs free energy
may be written as:
G= :E Jl.iNi•
;=1 (2)
The JI.;'S are the chemical potentials given by:
The condition for internal equilibrium of a closed phaes
is that the change in the Gibbs free energy be zero for
any infinitesimal process occurring at constant tem
perature and pressure. Therefore:
(dG)r. P. closed phase=O= L Jl.idNi, (4)
:E dJ.l.;N.=O
under the stated conditions. If N (A j) are the total
number of atoms of the constituent Ai at lattice and
interstitial sites, then the requirement for a closed
phase is met by Q relations of the type:
dN(Aj)=O= :E bjidNij j=l, 2, "', Q. (5)
The Q Eqs. (5) and Eq. (4) give a-set of (Q+l) equa
tions in the V variations dNi. This leads to a set of
(V -Q) relations among the chemical potentials:
:E CjiJl.i=Oj j=l, 2, "', (V-Q). (6)
In a solid phase, the number of independent intensive
variables can generally be represented by T, p, and
(V -1) ratios of the V components j the number of
independent intensive variables are (V + 1). However,
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to ] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:57:14436 JEROME S. PRENER
for a compound at equilibrium, Eq. (6) gives a set. of
(V -Q) relations between int.ensive variables, the
chemical potentials. Hence the number of intensive
variables which remain independent and can therefore
be altered arbitrarily (i.e., the number of degrees of
freedom) when the compound is in a state of internal
equilibrium is (V + 1) -(V -Q) = Q+ 1. This is an
important result, for it tells us that for a binary com
pound (Q=2), the number of degrees of freedom is
three. If we fix the temperature and pressure and the
chemical potential of one of the constituents, say by
contact with an external gaseous phase containing the
constituent at a given partial pressure, then the concen
trations of the various defects in the solid are fixed. For
a ternary compound or a binary compound containing
an impurity (e.g., ZnS: Cu), if we fix the temperature,
pressure, the concentration of copper in the solid and
the chemical potential of sulfur, then again the concen
tration of all other defects are fixed. In Sec. V, we
give the results of some experimental work on this
The set of Eqs. (6) can be expressed in terms of the
concentrations of the various defects, when we ascertain
how the chemical potential depend on T, p and the
composition of the solid. No details will be given here
for obtaining this dependence by statistical methods
since they can be found in many of the references
cited.2-5•9 The parameters involved in the f..L/s that are
characteristic of the solid, are in the first place deter
mined by the electronic structure of the solid, namely;
the thermal band gap, the thermal ionization energies
of donor and acceptor levels and the effective density of
states in the conduction and valence bands. The other
energy parameters are the cohesive energy of the ideal
solid relative to the state of infinite dispersion of the
atoms in their lowest states, and the energies required
to create the various defects in the solid. Finally there
are thermal entropy, and pressure volume terms.
When the concentration of defects is small [n(Di)
«number of lattice sites lVli that can be occupied by
DiJ, and when the Fermi level is sufficiently far removed
from the band edges so that classical statistics is
applicable to the electrons and holes in their respective
bands, then the set of equations (6) become mass-action
law expressions involving the concentration of defects.2,3
The IIi's can be related to the n's by the set of S
n(Di)= L dijNj; i=l, 2, "', S (7)
the d's being chosen so that the R equations (1) are
9 H. Reiss,]. Chern. Phys, 21, 1209 (1953). fulfilled. From this seL of equations we gel
f..Lj= L djiHDi); j = 1, 2, "', V. (8)
The quantities HDi), discussed in great detail in
reference 2, and called by the authors "virtual thermo
dynamic potentials," are defined by:
ac* HD,)=---,
an(Di) (9)
where C*=G for sets of n's obeying the R restriction
equations (1). Under the conditions stated at the
beginning of this section, the es can be written as
When the defect is an electron or a hole, ;Vli becomes
the effective density of states in the bands. The quanti
ties ~O(Di) are functions of temperature and pressure
and contain the parameters characteristic of the
compound. If these expressions for HDi) are put into
Eq. (8), then the set of V -Q equations (6) become
mass action law expressions, in which the equilibrium
constants are functions of temperature and pressure.
Actually for condensed phases, the pressure dependence
of the equilibrium constants is negligible, except at
extremely high pressures, and is usually omitted from
A very simple example involving an impurity and a
vacancy will be given to illustrate the method outlined
in the previous sections and some experimental data
will be presented.lo
Copper in small concentrations (10-4 to 10-2 mol
percent) substituting for Zn in ZnS gives rise to a
singly ionizable acceptor level. The presence of CUD
(nonionized acceptor) is shown by absorption bands in
the infrared due to hole transitions from CUD to valence
band and subsequent infrared luminescence by the
reverse process. The intensity of the infrared lumi
nescence is proportional to the concentration of CUD
and was used as a measure of this concentration. The
total copper concentration in the solid was fixed and
the material was equilibrated at a fixed temperature in
contact with a gaseous phase containing sulfur at
various fixed pressures from 7X 10-5 to 30 atm. Under
the conditions of the experiment only the following
defects were considered: CUD, Cu-, h+, and V8++.
Applying the methods of the previous sections, we
find that the conditions for internal equilibrium of the
10 E. F. Apple and J. S. Prener, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 13, 81
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solid phase is given by:
This then gives the required mass action expression:
where the brackets denote concentrations in number
per unit volume. This is the mass action expression for
the reaction describing the thermal ionization of the
Cu acceptor:
Furthermore it can be easily found from (5), (7), and
(8) that the chemical potential of sulfur in the solid is
given by
J.L(S) = HS.)-HV.++)+2Hh+). (14)
For a gas phase containing primarily S2 molecules:
When the solid and gas phases are in equilibrium, these
two are equal and we get the mass action expression for
the formation of ionized sulfur vacancies:
P(S2)![V.++ J/[h+ J2= K2(T,p) (16)
ZnS(e-h+)2~ -7 ZnSl_~(V.++);(e-)2~+-S2(gas). (17)
The constant concentration of copper in the solid is
expressed by
[CUOJ+[Cu-J=[CuJ (total). (18)
Equations (12), (17), and (18) and the neutrality
condition [Cu-J=2[V.++J+[h+J give a set of four
equations for the four unknowns in terms of the four
intensive variables T, p, [CuJ (total) and P(S2). It is
generally not possible to get solutions of these equa
tions in analytic form. The graphical method of Kroger
and Vink1 can be used to good advantage however.
It can be shown, using these methods, that there
is a region of low-sulfur pressure in which [CUO] and
[h+ ]ap(S2)t and [Cu-] and [V.++] are constant. In
this region the incorporation of Cu may be represented
by the equation:
ZnCU6S1+~ -7 ZnCu6-(V.++)o/2 S1+o/2+-S2(gas)
and the ZnS is nonstoichiometric. This region IS
followed by one at higher sulfur pressures in which
[CUO], [Cu-], and [h+] are constant. In this region,
the incorporation of Cu may be represented by:
ZnCu~Sl+O -7 ZnCuo-ho+S1+o. After equilibration at the high temperature, the
material was quenched rapidly to room temperature.
It is generally assumed that the atomic equilibria are
frozen in at their high temperature values, but free
charge carriers redistribute themselves among the
available levels. We could therefore expect that the
infrared emission intensity, measured at -196°C,
should be proportional to p (52)1 at low pressures and
become constant at higher pressures. The experimental
data do indeed show a t power dependence from
7 X 10-5 atm to about 10-1 atm and a leveling off above
this pressure.
References to the very large number of studies of
defect equilibria in solids can be found in reference 1.
So far we have not considered the association of
defects. Defects with opposite effective charges interact
coulombically and will therefore not be randomly
distributed in the solid. These may be treated within
the framework already outlined if one considers the
interaction energy only of those oppositely charged
defects at near neighbor sites.2,1l Thus charged defects
are divided into two groups; associated pairs at nearest
neighbor sites and isolated defects. Another approach
to the problem of association in solids in the case when
only two types of oppositely charged defects are
involved, is to apply the methods used in aqueous
solution of electrolytes,J2 taking into account that
charged defects occupy lattice sites. The statistical
analysis leads to an expressionl3 for the fraction ai of
pairs separated by the distance ri
ai=AcZi[exp(+qlq2/Dr ikT)][exp(-c L Zj)J, (19)
where c is the concentration of the oppositely charged
defects, Zi the number of sites at ri, ql, q2 are the effec
tive charges on the two types of defects considered, D
the static dielectric constant of the 'solid, and T is the
temperature below which diffusion over interimpurity
distances does not occur. A is a normalization constant.
Calculations using this equation indicate that associa
tion into nearest-neighbor pairs is expected to be
appreciable. This is particularly true when one or both
of the defects is doubly charged. ZnS containing any
one of the donor impurities AI, Ga, CI, Br, or I
exhibits an intense blue emission band. There is
evidence14,15 that this is due to a recombination between
a conduction electron and a hole trapped at an acceptor
level resulting from the associated pair formed between
11 A. B. Lidiard, Phys. Rev. 101, 1427 (1956).
12 R. M. Fuoss, Trans. Faraday Soc. 30, 967 (1934); H. Reiss, J. Chern. Phys. 25, 400 (1956).
13 J. S. Prener, J. Chern. Phys. 25, 1294 (1956).
14 J. S. Prener and D. J. Weil, J. Electrochern. Soc. 106 409
(1959). '
15 P. H. Kasai and Y. Otorno, Phys. Rev. Letters 7,17 (1961).
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V Zn= and ])+ (D being any of the donor impurities).
Such an associated pair will have an effective single
negative charge and can trap a hole to give a neutral
species, hence it may be considered an acceptor. The
binding energy of the hole to the associated pair should
be different depending on whether the donor impurity
occupies one of the sulfur sites adjacent to the vacancy
(CI, Br, I) or one of the next nearest-neighbor Zn sites
(Al, Ga). This effect has been observed experimentally
in slight differences in the luminescent spectra. These
differences are in accord with calculations based on a
simple Bethe-type model.14 More recently EPR studies
of this system has led to further confirmation of the
model involving an associated pair.15 VII. SUMMARY
We have discussed in a general way the expected
donor or acceptor characteristics of defects in com
pounds. Thermodynamic analysis leads to the result
that the number of degrees of freedom of a compound
containing Q-chemical constituents is Q+ 1 independent
of the number of defects. Further, under certain
limiting conditions very often realized in experimental
studies of defects in compounds, mass action expressions
result from the analysis. These relate the concentration
of defects to the values of the independent intensive
variables of the system. Finally association of defects
was considered, and it was indicated that this is
frequently a very important effect in solids.
Kinetics and Equilibria Involving Copper and Oxygen in Germanium
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey
Germanium solutions supersaturated with respect to both oxygen and copper have been investigated in
the range 300-500°C by means of conductivity and Hall effect measurements. Kinetics results indicate that
the initial rates of disappearance of holes is second order in both the Cu and the 0 concentrations. The
failure of the hole mobility to increase with degree of reaction suggests the formation of an ion cluster.
Determinations of ionization energy during reaction show changes in the level scheme of Cu to occur and
confirm previous work on the ionization properties of donors produced by oxygen. A tentative model is
proposed consisting of an initial cluster of two Cu and four 0 atoms on which further oxygen reactions take
place. The diffusion of 0 :ygen is found to be accelerated by the presence of Cu.
REACTIONS between impurity atoms in crystals
are of interest not only for the information they
furnish on diffusion, but also because they offer an
opportunity to examine the electrical behaviors of
complex solutes in crystals. Kinetics and equilibrium
measurements are very useful in the investigation of
such reactions. As in chemical reactions taking place in
organic liquids or water, one mu~t. ~etermine the c?n
centrations (or preferably the actIVItIes) of the reactmg
species as functions of time at a series of temperatures
and concentrations. The problem is much more difficult
in solids, however, because of the greater influence of
the medium-in this case, the host lattice---on the
reactions. The measurement of the concentrations of
the impurity atoms themselves also presents special
problems. Finally, since the solutes are ~enera~ly
charged, the possibility of interaction to form IOn paIrs
must be a first consideration.
It is convenient to distinguish different reactions
depending upon the kinds of solutes taking part. Re
actions may occur between (1) neutral atoms, such as
between oxygen atoms in Si and Ge, (2) ions and atoms
to form charged products, for example, Li+ ions with oxygen in Si,1 and (3) oppositely charged ions, such as
in ion pair formation.2
In the reactions of oxygen in Si or Ge, there is evi
dence that atoms of oxygen migrate through the crystal
lattices to form molecular aggregates of two, three, and
four oxygen atoms which, in the presence of one another,
acquire donor properties.3 The process is similar to that
which occurs in the formation of Guinier-Preston zones
or in general precipitation in metal alloys.4 The com
bination of two oxygens, referred to later as the "02
donor," in the case of Ge, has been found to have a
donor ionization energy of 0.2 ev from the conduction
band.3 The "04 donor," comprising four oxygen atoms,
shows a donor level at 0.017 ev from the conduction
band. No level corresponding to an 03 compound has
yet been identified. Additional unidentified donor levels
resulting from oxygen in both Si and Ge have, however,
1 E. M. Pell in Solid-State Physics in Electronic Telecommunica·
tions, edited by M. Desirant and J. L. Michiels (Academic Press,
Inc., New York, 1960), Vol. I, p. 261.
2 H. Reiss, C. S. Fuller, and F. J. Morin, Bell System Tech. J.
35, 535 (1956).
3 c. S. Fuller and F. H. Doleiden, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 19, 251
(1961) and references therein.
4 This similarity was pointed out to one of the authors by
Professor A. G. Guy of the University of Florida.
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1.1733361.pdf | Field Desorption of Barium from Tungsten
H. Utsugi and R. Gomer
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 37, 1706 (1962); doi: 10.1063/1.1733361
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1733361
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:30:36THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 37, NUMBER 8 OCTOBER 15, 1962
Field Desorption of Barium from Tungsten
Institute for the Study of M elals and Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago 37, Illinois
(Received May 16, 1962)
The field desorption of Ba has been studied over a range of
fields and coverages in an attempt to determine the mechanism of
desorption and the charge of the desorbing species. It was found
that adsorption seems to be polar but not ionic and that desorp
tion of Ba ++ occurs under our conditions. If this interpretation is
correct ",~60 13 for the polarizability of adsorbed Ba results,
close to the value for the free atom. The accessible field-tempera
ture range is restricted by the onset of field-dependent surface
diffusion, which was also investigated. It was found that positive
fields have more effect on the activation energy Ed and pre-
DESORPTION from metal surfaces under the
action of very high electric fields was discovered
by Muller! for electropositive metals and subsequently
found by him2 and others3 to extend to all types of
adsorbates, as well as to the substrate metal lattice
itself.2 Muller postulated direct ionic evaporation to
account for his observations. A theory based on the
deformation of the relevant potential energy curves
by the field was advanced by Gomer4 and recently
extended by Gomer and Swanson5 to a more detailed
treatment of the rate constant of field desorption, par
ticularly for the case of electronegative adsorbates. As
pointed out previously,4.5 field desorption is not only of
intrinsic interest but can shed considerable light on the
nature of the adsorbed state. In the case of electro
negative adsorbates this may consist of a fairly direct
determination of the shape of the potential energy
curve of adsorption; in the case of electropositive
adsorbates it may be possible to decide between co
valent and ionic adsorption, and to find out how well
the interaction of an ion with a metal surface can be
described by an image potential. Recent developments
in energy conversion lend added interest to systems of
this kind.
The first study of field desorption of Ba from tungsten
was carried out by Muller2 who determined the field
necessary for desorption in a fixed time of 3 sec as a
function of temperature. MUller concluded that the
desorbing species was Ba+ +; his results at low coverage
were later reinterpreted by Gomer4 who concluded
that desorption occurred as Ba+ + at high fields and
* Present address: Dept. of Applied Science, Faculty of Engi-
neering, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
t Alfred P. Sloan Fellow.
1 E. W. Miiller, Naturwiss. 29, 533 (1941).
2 (a) E. W. Miiller, Phys. Rev. 102, 618 (1956) j (b) E. W.
Miiller, Adv. in Electronics and Electron Phys. XIII, 102 (1960);
(c) E. W. Miiller and R. D. Young, J. App!. Phys. 32, 2425
(1961) .
3 M. G. Inghram and R. Gomer, Z. Naturforsch. lOa, 863
(1955) .
4 R. Gomer, J. Chern. Phys. 31, 341 (1959).
6 R. Gomer and L. W. Swanson, J. Chern. Phys. (to be pub
lished). exponential term of the diffusion coefficient than negative ones.
While a t ",[?2 dependence of Ed is compatible with the limited
data obtained for negative fields, no simple behavior was found
for positive ones, Ed going through a minimum of 0, accompanied
by a drastic reduction in pre-exponential term. A tentative ex
planation in terms of a compensation effect is advanced.
Values for the zero field heat of adsorption were obtained over
a wide coverage interval and agree well with those of Moore and
Allison where overlap occurs.
low temperatures and as Ba+ at low fields and high
temperatures. This interpretation of Muller's data also
indicated abnormally low-frequency factors in the rate
constants. In view of these suggestive results and the
fact that it is impossible to determine frequency
factors and activation energies independently from
rate constants determined at only one temperature,
it was decided to obtain these quantities by measuring
desorption rates at various fixed fields as a function of
temperature. In order to have relevant thermal data
the activation energy of desorption at zero field was
also determined over a wide coverage range.
The field emission tubes and tip assemblies used were
conventiona1.6 The latter were supplied with potential
leads for temperature measurement and control.
The Ba source consisted of an electrically heatable
hairpin of Fe-clad Ba wire,7 with a notch cut into the
Fe cladding at the apex. To prevent Ba deposition on
the cooler portions of the tip assembly, e.g., the po
tential leads, the Ba source was surrounded by a
conical glass shield with a small hole at the apex.
As indicated in Fig. 1 the Ba source was mounted
perpendicular to the tip axis so that only one side of the
tip received a Ba deposit. This made it possible to work
either with unilateral deposits, or to permit equiliza
tion by surface diffusion.
The sources were prepared by spotwelding the Ba
wire to its electrical leads and separately outgassing this
entire assembly in high vacuum. The Fe cladding was
then notched, the shield mounted, and the completed
source assembly rapidly installed in the tube which
was then baked out on a conventional, all glass high
vacuum line. High vacuum after seal-off was insured
by depositing molybdenum and/or tantalum films in a
connecting getter bulb. In operation tubes were im-
6 R. Gomer, Field Emission and Field Ionization (Harvard
University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1961), Appendix I.
7 Obtained from the Kemet Company. An analysis kindly sup
plied by Kemet indicated an impurity content of 0.1-1% Sr and
no other impurities above 0.01 %.
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mersed in liquid nitrogen. Under these conditions clean
W patterns could be maintained for many hours, indi
cating pressures of adsorbable gases < 10-11 mm Hg.
After slight aging, sources produced gas-free Ba as
indicated by the fact that no gas contamination could
be noted after Ba deposition, either on the still Ba free
portion of the tip or on any portion of it after thermal
or field desoption. Since the desorption temperatures
and fields for Ba are below that of most common con
taminant gases, this proves their absence. It was oc
casionally noted that bursts of H2, identified by its
characteristic emission pattern and desorption tempera
ture from tungsten,S were released by sources after
they had been performing satisfactorily for varying
periods. It is believed that this resulted from the
opening of H2 pockets in the Ba, although the phe
nomenon was not further investigated. The H2 so pro
duced could be gettered with Ta.
The electrical equipment used has been described in
detail previously.6 A 30-kV beta dc power supply mod
ified by the inclusion of a reversing switch was used to
supply desorption alld electron emission voltages. A
50-MQ precision high-voltage resistance tapped at 500 Q
was used with a millivolt potentiometer for voltage
measurements. Electron emission currents were meas
ured with a vibrating reed or a Keithley electrometer.
Tip temperatures were controlled with a servo device
similar to one described previously. 6
Coverage Detenninations
Before describing desorption experiments it will be
useful to indicate how the values of coverage 8 were
arrived at. No absolute determinations were attempted;
FIG. 1. Schematic diagram
of field emission tube for field
desorption of Ba from tung
sten. Ta, Mo, getter filaments;
TA tip assembly; Ba iron clad
Ba wire; Sh shield for Ba
source; G guard electrode,
equipotential with screen, S;
C conducting coating on glass 4.J[
FIG. 2. Plot of average work <j>(eV)
function (thermionic) vs cov-
erage for Ba on W. Solid line 3~'
refers to data of Moore and I
Allison,IO dotted line to data of
o 05 1.0
8 1.5
all values are based on work function measurements
obtained from Fowler-Nordheim plots. These were
then combined with the data of Becker9 and of Moore
and Allison,I° which are shown in Fig. 2.
The former are relative values, corresponding to
thermionic work functions obtained when successive
equal but unknown Ba doses were evaporated onto a W
filament. The latter represent absolute values deter
mined by a radio-tracer technique, but again refer to
thermionic work functions. It is seen that the agree
ment between the two sets of data is very good. In
order to use these results for field-emission work
functions one must rely on the substantial equality of
thermionic and field emission contact potentials. In
all cases where reliable data exist for comparison
this equality has been found to hold very well. In the
present case we were able to duplicate closely the
minimum in the curve of Fig. 2, obtaining cf>min = 2.08
eV. It is therefore felt that the present method of
estimating coverages yields reliable average values.
As will be seen later there is some emission anisotropy
at most coverages so that the () values require some
interpretation when referred to a given situation.
It is interesting to know whether one is dealing with a
mobile or immobile film in any desorption experiment.
This knowledge is particularly important in field
desorption, which occurs only from the region of high
field at the tip, so that diffusion into this zone may
vitiate desorption measurements. The situation is
further complicated by the fact, first noted by Drech-
envelope; PL potential leads, 1§~~~~~ on tip, and Ba source assem- =\
blies. c sler,ll that the mobility of highly polarizable adsor
bates is enhanced by the applied field, so that there
may be a region on the shank where the field is too low
for desorption but high enough for appreciable diffu
sion. It was therefore attempted to see whether diffu-
8 R. Gomer, R. Wortman, and R. Lundy, J. Chern. Phys. 26,
1147 (1957). 9 J. A. Becker, Trans. Faraday Soc. 28, 151 (1932).
10 G. E. Moore and H. W. Allison, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 1609
(1955) .
11 M. Drechsler, Field Emission Symposium 1958, and private
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FIG. 3. Field emission pattern from field desorbed tip and Ba
covered shank, prepared by applying a field of F= 1.85 V I A, at
77°K to an assembly with original ¢=3.51 eV, 11=0.24.
sion could have affected our results. This was done by
ascertaining (a) whether there was appreciable diffu
sion into the tip zone during the time of a desorption
experiment and (b) by attempting to determine whether
there was appreciable transport in the tip zone itself.
Measurements of the first type were carried out as
follows. Ba was evaporated onto the tip, spread by
heating, and the desired initial coverage {} obtained by
further heating, i.e., partial thermal desorption. The
tip was then allowed to cool and complete field desorp
tion carried out at 77°K, resulting in a clean tip and a
Ba covered shank (Fig 3). The tip assembly was
then sUbjected to the fields and temperatures used in
the actual field desorption experiments, and the ap
pearance of Ba in the tip zone looked for (Fig. 4).
Negative results indicated that diffusion into the
desorption zone either did not occur at all, or in such a
way that all the infiowing Ba was desorbed in times
much less than those required for the actual field
desorption from {}i to {}f. Experiments of type (b) were
performed by using a unilateral deposit and looking
FIG. 4. Tip prepared as in Fig. 3 under conditions where diffu
sion does interfere with desorption: T=400oK, F=0.69 VIA. FIG. 5. Unilateral Ba deposit.
for diffusion into the initially clean portions of the tip,
under various combinations of field and temperature
(Figs. 5-7). In this way the permissible range of
fields and temperatures for desorption experiments was
ascertained, as indicated by the lowest F and highest T
values in Table III At lower fields diffusion into and
over the tip did occur when it was attempted to apply
temperatures leading to desorption in times of 100-
1000 sec, so that the upper limit of activation energies
of field desorption accessible by the present method
was limited to at most O.B eV.
These results are unable to differentiate between
total absence of diffusion and diffusion (from a limited
zone) so rapid as not to be rate controlling. Since it was
of interest to know this and also to have an idea of the
mean diffusion length within the desorption zone itself,
the diffusion coefficient D and activation energy of
diffusion Ed were determined as a function of applied
positive and negative fields. This was done by starting
with a reproducible unilateral Ba deposit and deter
mining the time required for diffusion to proceed to
various stages as a function of T at a given field. The
endpoints chosen were the first appearance of Ba just
beyond the (initially clean) central 110 face and the
appearance of Ba on 123. The initial and endpoints are
shown in Figs. B~lO. The results obtained for Ed are
show in Fig. 11 and Table I. The range was limited in
the case of positive fields by the onset of desorption,
and in the case of negative ones by excessive electron
FIG. 6. Tip of Fig. 5
under conditions where
diffusion predominates
over desorption: F=
0.61 V / A, T= 425°K.
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FIG. 7. Tip prepared as in Fig. 5 under conditions where desorp
tion predominates over diffusion: T= 77°K, F=0.89 V / A.
FIG. 8. Field emission
pattern corresponding
to starting point of sur
face diffusion experi
ments for Ba on W. Tip
prepared by evaporating
Ba with tip at 77°K, fol
lowed by heating to
484°K without applied
field for 10 sec to smooth
the deposit.
FIG. 9. Pattern of Fig. 3
after heating to 484°K for
200 sec with al.0sitive field
of F=0.15 V / . This stage
was taken as the endpoint
for diffusion over the 110
FIG. 10. Tip of Fig. 4
after additional heating
under the same condi
tions for 300 sec. This
stage was taken as the
end-point for diffusion
over the 123 planes. FIG. 11. Activation energy
of surface diffusion Ed and
pre-exponential term of diffu
sion coefficient A as function of
applied field F. Fields are posi
tive in all cases except (x)
points which correspond to
negative fields. Full points
correspond to diffusion over
123, empty ones to diffusion
over 110. -2 [-r-Tl -4 --I
« \ j' :s -6 \
-I \
-8 -..!~-~- -x \. I
I 0 \~ 1
-10 r-" 1
I " 1 '.-.....
lot --T
emission to the values shown. It is seen that positive
fields have a greater effect on Ed and A than negative
ones. The values of the pre-exponential term A)hown
in Fig. 11 were calculated by using the relations
where x is the mean distance traversed by the diffusate,
determined directly from the field emission pattern
and the known tip radius, and t the diffusion time.
Thermal Desorption
In order to have values of the zero field heat of ad
sorption Ha the activation energy of thermal desorption
was determined at various coverages. If, as seems
reasonable, there is no activation energy of adsorption
these values may be equated with Ha. The experimental
TABLE 1. Summary of surface diffusion results. The column T
indicates the temperature range over which diffusion rates were
measured. The pre-exponential term A is determined from Eq.
(1) and the values of activation energy Ed. The figures in pa
rentheses (110, 123) are Miller indices of ;the pertinent diffusion
469-540 0.0 0.41 7.50 0.83 3.8
425-497 +0.15 0.22 9.4 0.44 7.5
382-481 +0.26 0.14 -10.0 0.32 8.4
330-400 +0.33 0.10 -10.0 0.22 9.0
274-370 +0.50 0.0 -11.7 0.07 -11.2
77-191 +0.60 0.05 9.9 0.005 -11.2
133-163 +0.75 0.12 7.7 0.04 -11.1
372-432 -0.14 0.36 8.4
234-266 --0.28 0.27 7.3
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g 80
60 o
o 02 04 0.6 0.8 10 1.2
e FIG. 12. Heat of
adsorption H a and
pre exponential term
Vo of thermal desorp
tion rate constant as
function of average
coverage (J for Ba on
thermally annealed
tungsten .
procedure consisted of dosing the tip with Ba, spreading
the dose by diffusion and heating until the desired
initial coverage had been attained by partial desorp
tion. The time t required to reach the final coverage
Of was then determined as a function of temperature T.
Initial and endpoints were first established by work
function measurements and subsequently determined
by emission at fixed voltages. Activation energies were
determined from the slopes of the corresponding
Arrhenius plots. For reasons indicated in the discus
sion, the form log tiT vs liT was preferred to log t vs
liT. 'Vhile the value of the pre-exponential term
of the desorption rate constant is sensitive to the form
chosen, the value of the activation energy is unaffected
well within the experimental error. The results are
summarized in Fig. 12 and in Table II. Since mobility
was high at the desorption temperatures the results
represent average values over the crystal surface.
As pointed out previously,S such averages are weighted
heavily in favor of the highest value of Ha occurring in a
TABLE II. Summary of thermal desorption results. Initial and
final work functions <p and coverages (J are indicated by subscripts
i and j, respectively. Po is based on Eg. (18) with the last term
included. T column indicates temperature range for desorption in
60-600 sec.
<Pi eV (Ji <PJ cV OJ Q eV log Vo TOK
4.20 0.08 4.50 0.00 3.77 12.8 1350-1520
3.29 0.29 3.79 0.17 3.77 12.3 1270-1367
2.67 0.55 3.62 0.21 3.71 11.4 1267-1386
2.32 0.72 3.01 0.37 3.39 10.5 1163-1298
2.05 1.00 2.54 0.58 2.86 9.8 1100-1240
2.16 0.87 2.46 0.63 2.82 9.3 1040-1165
2.20 0.82 2.36 0.70 2.44 8.8 930-1046
2.06 1.00 2.21 0.80 2.08 19.7 790-856
2.07 1.00 2.17 0.86 1.96 6.9 943-1040
2.12 1.14 2.08 1.00 1.94 10.0 708-774
2.18 1.23 2.11 1.12 1.96 8.2 800-880 given coverage interval. Since desorption occurs at
temperatures where fIeld evaporated tungsten tips
begin to rearrange to the thermally annealed form,
measurements were restricted a priori to the latter.
It is seen that our values of Ha agree well with Moore
and Allison'slO value at low coverage and approach the
binding energy of Ba at high coverage.
Field Desorption
Field desorption from thermally annealed tips was
carried out at a number of coverages in essentially the
same way as thermal desorption, except for the pre
sence of the applied positive field. The data were
analyzed as in the thermal case to yield values of the
activation energy Q and a pre-exponential term B.
In addition, field desorption was also carried out from
field-evaporated W tips. These were prepared by ap
plying very high fields (4-5 V I A) at 300o-S00oK
FIG. 1.3. Field-emission pattern of field evaporated tungsten tip.
until the electron-emission pattern typical of the field
evaporated end form, shown in Fig. 13, was obtained.
Tips were not checked for atomic perfection by ion
microscopy, but reliance was placed on the corre
spondence of the electron to the ion emission pat terns.
Attempts to cover the central 110 plane of a field
evaporated tip with a uniform Ba deposit at low
coverage failed, probably because of the high mobility
of Ba on this plane and the fact that its high work
function makes detection at low coverage very difficult.
These experiments were therefore restricted to the
100 and 211 regions, and carried out by evaporating
very small doses of Ba onto the tip while the latter was
kept at 260oK. In this way diffusion did not occur,
but a smooth, nongranular Ba deposit resulted, indi
cating the absence of crystallites. Endpoints (complete
desorption) were determined visually in this case by
comparing the appearance of the initially Ba covered
region with that of the corresponding Ba free region.
The fIeld desorption results are summarized in
Table III. Initial and endpoints arc shown in Figs.
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T ABLE III. Summary of field desorption results. Coverage and
work function ranges for each set indicated in the table. Sets 1,2,3
refer to thermally annealed tungsten substrates, and desorption
mainly from the vicinals of 110, as shown in Figs. 14-19. Set 4
refers to desorption from the 211 region of a field evaporated tip
(Fig. 13) at low coverage. The cf> and 0 values shown in brackets
are averages which do not correspond to the desorption region
where cf> was much higher. Set 5 corresponds to desorption from
the 100 region (Fig. 20) of a field evaporated W tip. In this case
the cf> value listed corresponds closely to the actual desorption
region. B values are based on Eq. (18) with the last term in
cluded. T column lists temperature range used in finding activa
tion energies Q.
FI'/A Q eV
curve 1:
0.89 0.00
0.83 0.15
0.76 0.27
0.71 0.37
0.68 0.48
cf>i= [3.43J
curve 2:
1.06 0
1.02 0
0.985 0
0.885 0.27
0.949 0.017
0.876 0.19
0.841 0.46
0.803 0.49
0.845 0.50
0.809 0.47
0.762 0.65
0.762 0.67
0.784 0.61
0.757 0.63
0.694 0.87
curve 3:
Iii = [0.46J
1.19 0.006
1.17 0.08
1.10 0.25
1.00 0.59
1.03 0.49
1.10 0.24
1.05 0.36
curve 4:
0.950 0.0
0.867 0.17
0.806 0.26
0.745 0.44
0.682 0.65
curve 5:
1.25 0.007
1.21 0.14
1.12 0.28
1.06 0.38
1.01 0.54 roK
cf>f= [3 .9J
250-284 262-290
325-373 log B
9.7 9.5
4.9 FIG. 14. Emission
pattern of tip dosed
with Ba, then heated
to 14100K for 30
sec. cf>=4.20 eV, 0=
0.08. This is the
starting coverage for
set 1.
14-20, except for desorption from 211 on field evapo
rated tips, where contrast was too low for effective
It is estimated that activation energies could be
determined to ±5% to 10% in all cases. Fields were
determined from Fowler-Nordheim plots on clean W
tips, so that average values could be determined to
better than 1 %. Since these refer to electron emission
they may deviate considerably from the absolute
values of locally effective fields. Relative field strengths
on the same region are not affected by this consider
Surface Diffusion
Although the principal subject of this paper is field
desorption the diffusion results obtained in this con
nection are interesting in their own right and deserve
discussion. We consider first the results at zero field.
Our values of Ed are somewhat higher than the corre
sponding ones obtained by Drechsler,12 who found, at
8= 1, 0.2 eV for 110 and 0.65-0.67 for 123, while our
corresponding values are 0.4 and 0.8 eV, respectively.
The difference is probably due to the fact that Drechsler
used an applied negative, (i.e., electron emission field)
of the order of 0.1-0.3 VIA and to the fact that diffu
sion at high coverage may involve various coopera
tive effects, particularly on the smooth regions of the
surface. However, our values for the 110 plane are
FIG. 15. Pattern cor
responding to endpoint
for set 1. cf>~4.5, O~O.
12 M. Drechsler, Z. Elektrochem. 58, 340 (1954).
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FIG. 16. Pattern from
tip dosed with Ba then
heated to 13000K for
130 sec 4>=3.29 eV,
0=0.29. This was the
starting point for set 2.
subject to some uncertainty since they are based on the
assumption that the appearance of Ba just beyond this
plane can be equated with the endpoint of diffusion
over 110, while diffusion over a region with higher Ed
may have contributed. If the pre-exponential term A
is equated with A = va2, where v is a jump frequency
and a is a jump length ,,-,3A, values of V123= lOll secr
and VllO= 108 secr are obtained. The former is es
sentially normal while the latter is quite low. This
suggests that our value on 110 may in fact have mixed
in diffusion with a higher Ed. If the values Ha=3.7 eV
on 123 and Ha=2.0 eV on 110 are used our results
lead to ratios EdIHa"-'0.2 in both cases. These assign
ments of Ha are speculative, and based on the assump
tion that the high value, obtained from thermal de
sorption at low coverage, can be equated with adsorp
tion on the tigh t binding regions of the tip while
the low value, obtained at high coverage can be as
signed to binding on the smoother, 110-like regions.
This argument ignores decreases in Ha with coverage
due to ad-ad interactions and thus underestimates it
on 110. Consequently, the true value of EdlHa on that
plane is likely to be less than 0.2. The values fall in the
"normal" range in any case.
Figure 11 and Table I show that applied positive
fiel4s cause Ed to fall off to zero at F=O.S and 0.6
V I A for 110 and 123, respectively, and then to increase
again. The values of A show similar behavior, and go
through a minimum. It was first pointed out by
Drechslerll that an effect on diffusion is to be expected
from the fact that the ad-particle may experience a
higher field in the activated state, which may corre
spond to a more exposed position. However, a simple
FIG. 17. Pattern cor
responding to endpoint
of set 2, obtained in this
case by applying a posi
tive field of 1.10 V / A
for 60 sec at n°K. De
sorption has occurred
mainly around 110. The
work function and aver
age coverage on 111 and
around 100 is the same
as that in Fig. 16. FIG. 18. Emission pat
tern from tip dosed with
Ba and heated to
110soK for 60 sec. 4>=
2.7 eV, 0=0.53. This
represents the starting
point for set 3.
field dipole (P) or polarization interaction should lead
to decreases in Ed of the form P. Fr (1-F21 Fr) or
taFl[l- (F21 FrF], where Fr is the field in the
activated position and F2 the field in the normal
position. It will be seen from Fig. 11 that our results
cannot be fittted in this way. Furthermore, this model
fails to account for the remarkable behavior of A.
These results must be contrasted to those for negative
fields: A is relatively unaffected while the Ed values
can be reconciled with a taP dependence. These
observations suggest that the assumption of constant
polarizability and a fixed ratio between the field ex
perienced in the potential minimum and the saddle
point is inadequate. It is probably more correct to
regard interaction between substrate and adsorbate as a
metallic-like bonding, so that the adsorbate becomes
more or less a part of the metal. In this case the elec
trostatic energy of the system in its various configura
tions will still depend on P but the effective polariza
bility will be a complicated function of average electron
concentration at the adsorbate, and will vary with its
position. Consequently, the effect on the activation
energy should be given by an expression like
LlEd= tarFr2[l- (adar) (F22IFr) 2]+ Pl.F1-P2.F2,
with ar and a2 themselves functions of field and posi
tion. Since the effective polarizabilities depend on the
electron concentration at the adsorbate, they will also
be different for positive and negative fields; in addition
FIG. 19. Endpoint for
set 3, obtained in this
case by applying a field
of 1.2 V / A for 60 sec at
nOK. Desorption oc
curs mainly around the
central 110 face, but
has also taken place on
the still bright (i.e.,
Ba covered) regions of
the tip where now 4>=
2.97 and 0=0.40.
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the P.F contribution will change sign, so that the
difference in t!.Ed for positive and negative fields can
be accounted for. As the field is increased the erstwhile
saddle point for diffusion may become depressed below
the erstwhile minimum, i.e., an inversion of the po
tential structure may occur, thus accounting for the
fact that Ed goes through a minimum as F is increased.
It is still necessary to explain the behavior of the
pre exponential term with field. If there is a choice of
reaction paths, as is almost surely the case on any
real surface, the system will select that one which
maximizes the total rate. At zero field where diffusion
occurs at relatively high temperatures, this may not be
the path of minimum activation energy, if the latter
involves too unfavorable a pre-exponential term.
At the lower temperatures where diffusion occurs in the
presence of applied fields, a different, intrinsically lower
energy path may be more economical, even if this in
volves a decrease in pre-exponential term. As the field is
increased and the temperature falls, the reaction path
may be selected more and more on the basis of activa
tion energy rather than entropy. At fields where the
potential structure has been inverted and the activation
energy rises again, this behavior may reverse itself.
The hypothesis is illustrated in Fig. 21. It is obvious
that this explanation must be considered tentative and
that phenomena of considerable complexity are in
volved. If diffusion were accompanied by field desorp
tion the apparent Ed and the apparent A would both
be decreased. It is conceivable that this occurs at the
higher fields but is improbable at low ones, and fails in
any case to account for the increases in Ed and A
beyond the minimum values.
Effect of Diffusion on Desorption
Before discussing the desorption experiments proper
it is necessary to investigate the conditions under which
they will yield meaningful results. As already pointed
out, field desorption is complicated by the fact that
diffusion into the desorption zone may occur either
from the entire Ba covered shank (if the temperature
is high enough), or from a limited region just beyond
the desorption zone, where the field may be sufficient
FIG. 20. Pattern from field
evaporated tungsten tip, after
Ba deposition in lower 100
region. Tip heated to 3500K
for 60 sec without applied field.
<1>=4.35 eV, 8=0.04. This rep
resents the starting point for
set 5. The endpoint is obtained
when the lower 100 region is
Ba free and is shown in Fig. 13. FIG. 21. Hypothetical potential energy scheme to explain effect
of positive fields on surface diffusion behavior of Ba on W. Solid
curves represent adsorption, each minimum corresponding to a
equilibrium adsorption site. Path from one minimum to the next
along solid curves represents "normal" diffusion path. Dotted
curve represents possible path corresponding to changed location
of the saddle point configuration for diffusion. As the field increases
from left to right, (F=O at far left) the curves are deformed in
such a way that the activation energy is lowered to zero. At even
higher fields the erstwhile saddle point is now the point of lowest
to enhance diffusion, but too low to cause desorption.
A detailed analysis, taking into account the field de
pendence of D and the diffusion potential is difficult
but the following simple treatment delineates various
cases adequately. Let us assume that the diffusion zone
just behind the desorption region (tip zone) can be
characterized by a width d. Then diffusion will not be
rate controlling in two limiting cases.
(1) Diffusion is very rapid relative to desorption.
Under these conditions d will be determined by the
tip-shank geometry and the applied field. If every
adatom in the diffusion zone can reach the desorption
zone in a time short compared to its mean lifetime T
in the latter, diffusion will not be rate controlling.
This condition becomes
where kl~l/T is the field desorption rate constant. In
this case d is likely to be of the order r, the tip radius,
under field desorption conditions.
(2) Diffusion is very slow compared to desorption.
Under these conditions desorption will be controlling
if the number of adatoms desorbed in a given time inter
val is much larger than the number entering the de
sorption zone, or if
71'r20kl»-27rr(O/kT)D gradJl, (4)
where it is assumed that the coverage is uniform in the
desorption zone and continuous across its boundary
where the gradient of the chemical potential Jl must be
evaluated. Since
Jl=JlO+kT InO-texP-P.F, (5)
"VJl= kT ao _(exFaF +paF)a{3, (6)
o ax a{3 a{3 ax
where ex is the polarizability of the adatoms, P their
dipole moment, F the local field, and {3 the polar angle
measured from the tip apex. Since
a{3/ax~l/r (7)
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FIG. 22. Schematic potential energy diagram for ionic adsorp
tion (a) in the absence of, (b) in the presence of an applied field.
The neutral curve is labeled M+A, the ionic M-+A+. H. heat of
adsorption with respect to the neutral free adsorbate A; Q acti
vation energy of desorption in the presence of a field; I ionization
potential of A, cf> work function of metal M; applied potential
we have on combining Eqs. (4), (6), and (7)
k?= [aFo2(F /Fo)+ p.Fo]a(F)/Fo/a{3 (9)
- rkT
and Fo is the field at the tip apex. When Eqs. (4) and
(8) are valid, d is approximately given by (D/kl)t so
The condition of validity for desorption as the rate con
trolling step then becomes
If it is assumed that the polarizability of adsorbed
Ba is essentially that of the free atoms,13 £¥",70A3; if
r",10-5 em; if F/Fo"'0.5 and a(F/Fo)/a{3=0.4 at the
boundary,14 a value of k2= 2.8X 1013Fo2/T results, with
Fo in volts/ A.
If l/kl is replaced by the experimentally observed
desorption time, which was adjusted to range from
60-600 sec in most cases, we obtain from Eqs. (3) and
D«1O-9 (12b)
as the conditions of validity for desorption experi
ments. That is to say, D= 10-8 to 10-9 cm2/sec is the
excluded range of D values where, under our experi
mental conditions, diffusion interferes with desorption.
If our results for the diffusion coefficient can be
extrapolated to the region where field desorption occurs,
values of ",10-11 cm2/sec result, indicating that de-
13 M. Drechsler, Naturwiss. 43, 52 (1956); M. Drechsler and
E. W. Miiller, Z. Physik 132, 195 (1952).
14 W. P. Dyke, J. K. Trolan, W. W. Dolan, and G. Barnes,
J. App!. Phys. 24,575 (1953). sorption occurred from an effectively immobile layer.
However, the diffusion behavior is seen to be so complex
that such an extrapolation cannot be trusted very
much. It is quite possible for instance, that in sets 2
and 3 where coverage was high some diffusion into the
central 110 plane preceded desorption, or that mo
bility within the dark desorption zone was high.
Field Desorption
The adsorption of electropositive atoms for which
I -cp is small but positive can be described in terms of
potential energy diagrams as follows. At large dis
tances the ground state consists of neutral metal sub
strate (M) and neutral adsorbate (A), and the lowest
ionic state, M-+A+, formed by ionizing A and letting
the electron enter the metal at the Fermi level /J., lies
above it by It-cpq, where It is the ionization energy
required to produce the ion of charge qe. As the surface
adsorbate distance x is decreased, the ionic curve can
be described by an image potential Vim= (qeF/4x
(=3.6q2/X in eV-angstrom units). As x decreases even
further the level of the adsorbate from which ionization
is being considered will broaden if it falls within the
metal band, i.e., if I -qcp is not too large. The concept
of a broadened A leveP5 is a short-hand way of saying
that those allowed states of the total system with
energies not too different from that of the unperturbed
A level will have larger amplitudes at A than anywhere
else. More correctly, we should speak of an A band;
the latter may be wholly adsorbed into the main band
at the equilibrium separation Xo and in that case
adsorption will be purely metallic. The half-width r
of the A band is related to the tunneling time T by
and thus increases as the potential barrier between the
metal and the adsorbate becomes thinner with decreas
ing x.
If the image potential raises the A band wholly
above the Fermi level /J., as x decreases, the ionic state
will be that of lowest energy at distances less than
x= 3.6q2/ (I -qcp+ r), (14)
and the M+A curve which ceases to have meaning
beyond this point will merge with the ionic one in this
region, as shown in Fig. 22(a). The potential curve
will remain pure ionic until the broadening of the A
band and/or the effect of repulsive terms specifically
resulting from the charge on A+ again take it partially
below /J.. If this occurs only when x<xo, the ground
state will still be ionic at Xo.
An applied positive field will then deform the ground
state curve as shown in Fig. 22 (b). The highest point on
the desorption path will be the Schottky saddle and de-
15 R. W. Gurney, Phys. Rev. 47,479 (1935).
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sorption will occur by vibrational activation to this
point with a rate constate given by
kd=1l exp( -Q/kT), (15)
where Il is the vibration frequency along the desorp
tion coordinate and the activation energy Q repre
sents the energy difference between the minimum
and maximum of the curve in Fig. 22 (b). Since there
is some field penetration into the metal when an ex
ternal field is applied, the potential of the surface will
be approximately F / g and the surface of zero potential
will have been pushed into the metal by a distance g-1,
where g-l is a Debye-Fermi screening length, of the
order of 0.5 A, which can be found from
where me is the effective electron mass and p the normal
electron density. Consequently the Schottky saddle is
to be found as the maximum of the potential
-Fq(x+g-1) -(qeF/4(x+g-1) which leads to the
ordinary result -(q3rJlF)!( = -3.8qtF~ in eV-angstrom
units) relative to the field free zero of the M-+A+
curve. The minimum of the ionic curve will be shifted
from the field free value by qF(~XO+g-l), where ~xo
represents the shift that would occur with field even
if g-l = O. The activation energy of desorption will
therefore be
( 17)
where xo is the effective position of the minimum and
Ha being the zero field heat of adsorption with respect
to the neutral atom.
If the A band lies partly below /J. its states will be
filled to that height. If A + approaches the surface rapid
electron exchange will occur at distances where the A
level loses its sharpness, and beyond this point the
ionic state loses its meaning as a stationary quantum
state, merging with the M+A curve into a polar
FIG. 23. Proposed potential energy diagram for Ba adsorption
in the (a) absence of and (b) presence of an applied field, (here
F=O.7S VIA). Pure ionic curves are labeled Ba+, Ba++, respec
tively, polar curve is labeled Ba. Dotted lines represent virtual
states. It is seen that the polar curve can lie below the ionic ones
in the region of maximum binding. "~
06 \(4) &\;1'.
(I) \
Q(eV) \ \ A A "\\
FIG. 24. Activation energy of field desorptoni Q vs F!. Numbers
refer to sets listed in Table III.
ground state. This situation is depicted in Fig. 23 (a).
The presence of an applied field will be to lift the A
band above /J. as x increases, and consequently the
potential curve will be deformed as shown in Fig. 23 (b).
If the applied field raises the A band wholly above /J.
for x~xo, i.e., if M-+A+ becomes the ground state in
the presence of the field, the previously described
situation and Eqs. (15) and (17) apply. If the (now
polarized) fIeld-free ground state remains that of lowest
energy in the vicinity of Xo but if the Schottky saddle
occurs at distances where the A band already lies
wholly above /J., it will represent the maximum of the
desorption path and the activation energy will be given
Here aa is the effective polarizability in the adsorbed
state, ai the ionic polarizability, and P the dipole
moment formed by the adsorbate and its electrical
image at -Xo. The terms !aqF2+!P.F. represent
the electrostatic energy by which the system is lowered
when the adsorbate is at Xo. Strictly speaking, this
should be written as
1XO 1° -00 Fxpdx --co Fxpdx,
where the first integral is to be taken in the presence and
the second in the absence of the adsorbate. Since the
charge in the region of A depends on the potential
there, this expression will have the form if not the
strict meaning of a polarization and dipole interaction.
The fields to be used in Eqs. (17) and (19) are those
existing at the surface after the adsorbate has become
If the A band has merged completely with the
conduction band of the metal near Xo the mechanism of
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TABLE lV. Summary of polarization, valence, and heats of adsorption values computed from field desorption. q.PP is based on Eq.
(13) and Fig. 24, while the other results are based on Eqs. (17), (19), and (20) and Figs. 26 and 27. "'c, "'i polarizabilities of absorbate
and free ion, respectively.
Set <Pi <P, Qo Ha ac-ai Q.
no. (eV) (eV) q.PP (eV) (eV) (A3) (eV)
4.35 4.50 1.01 3.4 2.6 -8.7 8.0
2 3.43 [3.90J 1.29 4.0 2.2 -20 8.8
3 2.78 [2.97J 1.41 1.41 1.9 -20 10.1
4 [4.3J [4.5J 1.05 3.7 3.0 -14 8.3
5 4.35 4.5 1.05 4.2 3.5 -10 9.7
desorption will be essentially identical to that just
described for the broadened, partially submerged A
level. However, the P.F term should probably be
omitted, the adsorbate being essentially a part of the
substrate and experiencing a different field at Xo from
that existing there after A has been desorbed.
It should therefore be possible to determine the
charge of the desorbing species and the mechanism of
desorption from the field dependence of Q. We start
by plotting Q vs F~ as shown in Fig. 24. It is seen that
reasonably good straight lines result, but that their
slopes yield values of q increasing from 1 to 1.5 as ()
increases. (Table IV)
The mere existence of an integral value of q under
some conditions is, of course no guarantee that this re
presents the actual charge of the departing ion, as
indicated by the results for es, where an apparent
q=0.8 is found.16 If Eq. (17) is tested by plotting
Q+3.8qiF! vs F, negative values of Xo are obtained
with q= 1 for all sets, while q= 2 leads to xo= 1.8-2.0 A
for sets 1, 4, 5 (low coverage) and xo= 1.4-1.5 A for
sets 2 and 3 (high coverage). If the adsorbed species
were Ba+ but came off as Ba+ + the xo values listed
above would have to be doubled (if polarization can be
neglected) and are then seen to be implausibly large.
For q= 2 throughout, extrapolation leads to the Qo
and Ha values listed in Table IV. The latter are un
reasonably small, even if allowance is made for the
fact that the nominal work functions used for sets 1, 2,
3, 4 may have been too low and that the thermal Ha
values may refer to regions where binding is stronger
than those from which field desorption occurred.
However the Xo values for q= 2 are not unreasonable
since rBa++= 1.4 A and g-l=O.S A so that xO=rBa+++
g-l= 2.0 A, which is close to the values found. Hence
adsorption as Ba+ + cannot be ruled out completely
in the presence of an applied field, although the Ha
values make this improbable. If the effective dipole
moment per ada tom is calculated from the data of
16 H. Utsugi and R. Gomer, J. Chern. Phys. 37, 1720 (1962),
following article. based on Eq. (20) based on Eq. (17)
q=2 with xo=2A with q=2
Ha Uc-Ui Qo Ha -UBa++ Qo Ha Xo
(eV) (A3) (eV) (eV) (A3) (eV) (eV) (A)
1.9 63 7.4 1.3 36 6.5 0.4 2.0
0.5 44 8.1 -0.2 19 7.9 -0.6 1.4
0.6 23 8.6 -0.9 16 8.6 -0.9 1.4
2.2 56 6.8 0.7 27 7.1 1.0 1.8
3.5 33 8.8 2.6 16 7.8 1.7 1.8
Moore and Allison1o on the basis P= A¢>/27rA~oO a value
of 4.4 D is obtained at low coverage, and smaller ones as
() increases. If the extrapolation to low coverage can
be trusted the dipole moment is too small even at low ()
for adsorption as Ba+ let alone Ba+ +, in the absence
of applied fields, even at the lowest coverage where the
work function is most favorable for ionic adsorption.
We attempt next to apply Eq. (19) with q= 1 or
q=2. Figure 25 shows plots of Q+3.8q!pt-P.P vs p2
for q= 1 and q= 2. While better fits are obtained for
q= 2 the insufficient accuracy and limited range of the
data do not permit the exclusion of q= 1 on this basis
alone. The slopes of the resultant curves lead to values
for aa-ai which are listed in Table IV. It is seen that
q= 1 leads to negative aa-ai implying higher polariza
bility in the ionic than in the adsorbed state. This
result is intuitively not very appealing and hard to
reconcile with the diffusion results. If q= 2, aa-ai=
60 A3 at low coverage (except for set 5), in close agree
ment with the value obtained by Drechsler and Muller
for free Ba,13 and suggests that the effective polariza
bility of electropositive adsorbates is close to that of
the free atoms. As () increases the apparent value of aa
drops, probably because of depolarization effects within
the adlayer. The low value of 30 A3 obtained for set 5
at low coverage may be due to some screening of the
adsorbate by the local substrate geometry.
As already mentioned, it is conceivable that, at low
coverage, adsorption occurs as Ba+ and desorption as
Ba+ +. If polarization is included the activation energy
of desorption should give given by
where xo is the effective equilibrium distance of the
adsorbed Ba+ ion.
Figure 26 shows a plot of Q+3.8(2)!P!-x oF, vs p2
with xu= 2 A. The data cannot be particularly well
represented in this way; the polarizabilities obtained
on this basis are listed in Table IV; it is seen that
values of aBa+ -aBa++ ranging from 16-40 A3 are ob
tained. In particular it should be noted that the high
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value refers to low 0 while the low values refer to high o.
Since there is little doubt that adsorption cannot occur
as Ba+ except at very low coverage this would indicate
that this interpretation is unlikely to be correct.
Extrapolation of the curves in Figs. 25 and 26 to
p2=0 permits a determination of Qo and hence Ha if rf>
can be correctly assigned. Table IV lists the results for
all cases. It is seen that the Ha values are considerably
lower than the corresponding thermal desorption
values at the same nominal o. The reasons for this are
probably the following:
(1) Desorption occurred mainly from the vicinals
of 110 (except for case 5) so that the rf> values, based
on rf>ll'=4.5 are too low. This is probably a major
effect, as indicated by the relatively good agreement
between thermal and field desorption Ha values in case
5 where the assignment of rf>ll'=4.5 is appropriate. In
the case of desorption as Ba+ + it must be noted that
where II and 12 are the first and second ionization
potentials of Ba so that any errors in rf> appear doubled
in the resultant Ha values. If, in the extreme case, a
value of rf>w=5.95 eV, i.e., that of the 110 planel7 is
used the Ha values for curves 1, 2, 3, and 4 would be
increased by 1.5 eV for q= 1 and by 3 eV for q= 2.
It is therefore obvious that the agreement in Table IV
could have been made to look much better by plausible
adjustments of rf>w.
11.0 -q "2
100 f--
a 4.0
3.0 -",Ai
q "I (3)
(2) (5)~
(4)~ II)~
0.2 0.6 1.0 14
F2 IV jA)2 -
FIG. 25. Plots of QeXDt1+3.8q!Fi-P.F. (with P=O.45 1-1) vs
F' for Ba field desorption. Numbers refer to sets listed in Table
III. Upper curves refer to q=2, lower ones to q= 1.
17 R. D. Young and E. W. Muller, J. Appl. Phys. 33, 91 (1962)
and previous papers there referred to. 5
FIG. 26. Plots of QexDt.+3.8 2'F!-2F vs F' for Ba field desorp
tion. Numbers refer to sets listed in Table III.
(2) Field anisotropies may have resulted in the
inversion of the potential structure discussed in con
nection with the diffusion experiments, so that the
field desorption values of Ha may be too small by Ed,
the activation energy of surface diffuson.
(3) There is no obvious one-to-one correspondence
between the average Ha values obtained in thermal
desorption and those obtained by field desorption since
the respective desorption regions need not coincide and
field desorption may have occurred from an immobile
layer. In particular field desorption is most likely from
high work function regions, in view of Eqs. (18) and
(19), and since these are atomically smoothest, they
are also likely to have smaller Ha values than the
atomically rougher, low work function regions from
which thermal desorption occurs (or better, whose H a
values will be the ones measured in thermal desorption
experiments) .
It is seen from Table IV that the disagreement be
tween thermal and field desorption values is least for
q= 1, and worst for the assumption of Ba++ adsorption
and desorption. The values obtained in the latter case
do, in fact, constitute strong evidence against ionic
The measurements of desorption rate and its tem
perature variation also permit a determination of the
pre-exponential term B of the rate constant. If Q
changes appreciably during a desorption experiment
the desorption time t will yield, in the limit of large I:!.O
information on the smallest rate constant involved.18
If n=aQ/ao is positive, this will be ki the rate constant
corresponding to the initial coverage Oi. If n is negative
it will be k" the rate constant corresponding to Of.
The relations are
ki=B exp( -Qi/kT) = (kT/Oi \n\)/I, (22a)
kj=B exp( -Qt/kT) = (kT/Oj \n\)/t, (22b) -----
18 L. W. Swanson and R. Gomer, J. Chern. Phys. (to be pub
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100 =--,
6 a l-
~ 6,
CD I ~ 0 g 2.0 r-• •
~ ...
-" ~ 6, 6,
• • • •
6, •
Q -eV 0 •• • • •
5 = 0 •
FIG. 27. Plot of logarithm of preexponential term B of field
desorption rate constant vs. Q for Ba field desorption. Numbers
refer to sets listed in Table III. Log B computed on the basis of
Eq. (24) including the term log (kT/();n).
respectively. In the case of thermal desorption n is just
the slope of the Ha vs 0 plot and seen to be negative,
so that Eq. (22b) applies and the experimental heats
approach Ha(O,). In the case of field desorption of
electroposi tive adsorb a tes
and thus positive since act>/ao is negative and exceeds
aHa/aO. Consequently in the limit of large I:J,.(j the
Arrhenius plots will yield Qi and
B=QjkT-lnt+ln(kT/Oin) (24)
while in the limit of small f::,.O the last term must be
omitted and the subscript (i) becomes superfluous.
Figure 27 shows a plot of 10gB vs Q based on Eq.
(24) with the last term included. It is seen from Eq.
(24) that its inclusion leads to B values smaller by
approximately 102• Even in the most favorable case,
i.e., if the term In(kT IOn) can be omitted, B decreases
markedly with decreasing Q in all cases.
Compensation effects of this kind are observed in
a large variety of activated processes and suggest the
existence of multiple reaction paths, among which the
system chooses the one which optimizes the rate under
a given set of conditions. It is known from ion micro
scopy that field anisotropies exist on the atomic scale
even on atomically almost perfect surfaces. In the
present case this may mean that the desorption path is
a relatively tortuous one to take advantage of these
Our interpretation of the results indicates the
desorption of Ba+ + from a polar but not ionic ground
state to be most likely. If the mechanism we have
outlined is correct, this involves an essentially adiabatic
smooth depletion of the electron population of the
s band of Ba as it moves from the surface. In the field
and temperature range involved the energetics cer-tainly favor formation of Ba+ +, as indicated in Fig.
23 (b). It is possible however that the s band of Ba is
broad only for removal of the first electron, i.e., that
the second is more tightly bound and must be removed
by tunneling from an almost sharp level on Ba+. If
this were the case a relatively slow transition from
the adiabatic curve (which would lead to Ba+ desorp
tion but with higher activation energy) to the Ba+ +
curve might occur where these "intersect." It is possi
ble that the decrease in pre-exponential term is partly
due to this effect.
If the present interpretation of the desorption results
is correct it permits some deductions about the shape
and location of the potential energy curve of adsorp
tion. If, as we have assumed, the maximum on the
desorption path is given by a Schottky saddle, the
latter must always lie to the right, or coincide with the
ground state potential curve. The location of the
Schottky saddle is given by
Xs= (3.6q/F)!-g-t, (25)
in angstroms for F in volts/A. For Q=O we therefore
find that xo+g-IS2.4-2.7 .A. in the various cases, if
desorption occurred as Ba+ +. If the desorbing species
had .been Ba+ this value would have been XO+g-IS
1. 7 A, which is implausibly small. The fact that the
potential curve of adsorption may reach its minimum
at relatively large values of x helps to explain why the
adsorbed state is not purely ionic, since Vim may be
too small at these distances to lower a pure ionic state
below the actual one, i.e., cannot raise the s band of Ba
completely above p.. At distances where an image poten
tial would lower the ionic below the actual groundstate,
repulsive forces may predominate, because of the large
size of Ba and its ions, and the s band of Ba may be too
broad for pure ionic adsorption. Thus the absence of
ionic adsorption is evidence for the breakdown of the
image law near xo.
Comparison with Muller's Results
Muller determined the field required to cause
desorption from the edge of the 110 plane in 3 sec as a
_.t! 0.9
'<{ " > 0.8
T OK FIG. 28. Plot of Fl
vs T for the Ba field
desorption data of
Miiller2 at low cov
erage. Some of the
corresponding data
of set 1 ofthe present
paper extrapolated
into this region are
shown as the black
points. For interpre
tation, see text.
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function of temperature. If it is assumed that
kl=B exp( -Q/kT) =t secI, (26)
Q=kT In3B, (27)
Fl= (Qo/3.8q~) -(kT In3B/3.8 ql). (28)
When Muller's data are plotted on this basis the curve
of Fig. 28 results, which led Gomer4 to postulate de
sorption of Ba+ on the high T and Ba+ + on the low T
limb. If our data for the comparable coverage range
0=0.05, set 1, are extrapolated for a given F to yield
the value of T required for desorption in 3 sec the
superimposed black points on Fig. 28 result, indicating
essential experimental agreement between Muller's
data and ours in the region where they overlap. Since
our experiments indicate diffusion into the tip zone at
higher temperature and lower fields, they were not
extended into the region corresponding to Ba+ on Fig.
28. It is likely that Muller's results in this region are
valid but correspond to desorption with mobility, i.e.,
to the case given by Eq. (3), since his desorption times
were quite short. Valid results by our (Arrhenius plot)
method in this region would require special techniques
not currently available.
It may be useful to summarize at this point the
salient experimental results and their interpretation.
It was found that field desorption conforms approxi
mately to a simple image law but that nonintegral ionic
valences are obtained in this way. When the effect of
the field on the adsorption minimum at Xo is taken into
account the assumption of Ba+ adsorption overcorrects
(if Ba+ is the desorbing species), or leads to excessive Xo values and low Ha values (if Ba+ + is the desorbing
species), while the assumption of Ba+ + adsorption
(with Ba+ + as the desorbing species) leads to exces
sively small Ha values. This suggests that adsorption
is polar rather than ionic, so that correction terms to
the activation energy of desorption arise from polariza
tion. The charge of the desorbing ion can be determined
in principle from the fit of the experimental data to
various models. In practice, the limited range of fields
and activation energies does not permit an unequivocal
answer on this basis alone. An interpretation in terms of
Ba+ desorption leads to the conclusion that the effective
polarizability of the adsorbed state is smaller than that
of the ion. An interpretation in terms of Ba+ + desorp
tion indicates an effective polarizability closer to that of
the free atom. This interpretation is more appealing and
it is therefore probable, though not proved that the de
sorbing species under our conditions was Ba+ +.
The pre-exponential terms of the desorption rate
constant as well as of the surface diffusion coefficients
show a marked dependence on activation energy
when the latter is altered by the application of high
fields. This suggests the existence of multiple reaction
paths, and perhaps in the former case a fairly slow
electronic transition to the final desorbing state.
While these experiments are necessarily incomplete,
in large part because of severe restrictions on the
readily accessible T -F region for significant experi
ments, they indicate the type of information and
conclusions to be gained from field desorption studies.
We wish to thank the California Research Corpora
tion and the National Science Foundation for financial
support of this work.
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1.1734265.pdf | Electron Spin Resonance Spectrum of XeF in γIrradiated Xenon Tetrafluoride
J. R. Morton and W. E. Falconer
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 39, 427 (1963); doi: 10.1063/1.1734265
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1734265
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:12:08SPECTRA OF METAL CHELATE COMPOUNDS. IX 427
between these two groups. Thus it is concluded from
the shift of As that the Pt-S bond is slightly weaker in
the ethyl than in the methyl derivative.
Previously Chatt et at.1 concluded that the contribu
tion of lb, IIb, and lIIb to the total structure is about
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS equal in N-alkyl and "\ N-dialkyldithiocarbamato com
plexes. The present infrared study suggests, however,
that the contribution of lb is larger than the others
even in dithiocarbamato complexes and it increases
appreciably in N-alkyl derivatives.
VOLUME 39, NUMBER 2 15 JULY 1963
Electron Spin Resonance Spectrum of XeF in 'Y-Irradiated Xenon Tetrafluoride*
Division of Applied Chemistry, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada
(Received 5 April 1963)
The radical XeF has been detected by means of electron spin resonance in a single crystal of XeF4 'Y-irra
diated at 77°K. The following hyperfine interaction constants were obtained for magnetic field directions
parallel and perpendicular to the Xe-F bond: F1I19= 2649 Mc, F .1.19=540 Mc, Xel1129= 2368 Mc, and Xe.l.129=
1224 Mc. The unpaired electron occupies a fI orbital, and it was sbown from parameters derived from the
respective atomic wavefunctions that the orbital is predominantly F 2p and Xe 5p in character. The ex
perimentally determined g values for XeF were gll=1.974O, g.l.=2.1251. Departures from the free-spin
value are interpreted in terms of interaction between the orbital ground state and excited states of the
THE discovery of the first stable compounds of
xenon1,2 has excited considerable interest in the
chemistry of the rare gases. The existence of such
compounds was suggested by Pauling,3 but his sug
gestion remained unsubstantiated by an unfortunate
failure to prepare a chloride or fluoride of xenon by
Yost and Kaye.4 Thirty years later Bartlett1 prepared
xenon hexafluoroplatinate and this synthesis was fol
lowed by that of xenon difluoride,5,6 tetrafluoride,2
and hexafluoride,7-9 The crystal structures of the
difluoridelO,ll and tetrafluoride10,12-14 have been de
Since single crystals of the three fluorides of xenon
can be grown with moderate ease, it seemed of interest
to investigate the electron spin resonance (ESR)
* N.R.C. No. 7449.
1 N. Bartlett, Proc. Chern. Soc. 1962, 218.
2 H. H. Claassen, H. Selig, and J. G. Maim, J. Am. Chern. Soc.
84,3593 (1962).
3 L. C. Pauling, quoted in J. Am. Chern. Soc. 55, 3890 (1933).
4 D. M. Yost and A. L. Kaye, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 55, 3890
(1933) .
5 J. L. Weeks, C. L. Chernick, and M. S. Matheson, Ref. 2,
6 D. F. Smith, J. Chern. Phys. 38, 270 (1963).
7 J. G. MaIm, I. Sheft, and C. L. Chernick, J. Am. Chern. Soc.
85, 110 (1963).
8 E. E. Weaver, B. Weinstock, and C. P. Knop, Ref. 7, p. 111.
9 F. B. Dudley, G. Gard, and G. H. Cady, Inorg. Chern. 2,
228 (1963).
10 S. Siegel and E. Gebert, Ref. 7, p. 240.
11 H. A. Levy and P. A. Agron, Ref. 7, p. 241.
12 J. A. Ibers and W. C. Hamilton, Science 139, 106 (1963).
13 J. H. Burns, J. Phys. Chern. 67, 536 (1963).
14 D. H. Templeton, A. Zalkin, J. D. Forrester, and S. M.
Williamson, Ref. 7, p. 242. spectra of a radiation-damaged single crystal of XeF4,
in the hope that a paramagnetic fragment would be
trapped in the lattice. The ESR method is especially
powerful when applied to the study of oriented species
trapped in a crystal lattice, and can yield information
on both the s and the p-character of the orbital of the
unpaired electron. The trapped radical XeF was de
tected,15 and in the present paper its ESR spectra are
discussed in detail. The hyperfine interaction of the
P9, Xel3l, and Xe129 nuclei are analyzed in terms of
second-order theory and the results are related to
parameters derived from the respective atomic wave
Xenon tetrafluoride was prepared by a method
similar to that described by Claassen, Selig, and Malm.2
A 400-cm3 Monel-K pressure vessel was charged at
room temperature with t-atm xenon and i-atm fluorine.
After heating to 400°C for two h the product was dis
tilled into a small Pyrex and quartz vacuum system.
The single stopcock, which isolated the system from
the pumps, had a Teflon barreL The xenon tetra
fluoride was purified by resublimation and finally was
distilled into quartz tubes which were then sealed off.
A mass-spectroscopic analysis confirmed16 the presence
of XeF4, since peaks corresponding to XeFn+ (n=O, 1,
2, 3, 4) were detected. Single crystals of XeF4 were
grown at approximately 7°C inside the sealed tubes
by careful sublimation down a temperature gradient.
15 W. E. Falconer and J. R. Morton, Proc. Chern. Soc. 1963, 95.
16 F. P. Lossing (private communication).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:12:08428 J. R. MORTON AND W. E. FALCONER
FIG. 1. Diagram of XeF4
crystal, identifying the
crystallographic a, b, c axis
system and the x, y, z axis
system used in the text.
Many of the crystals (including the one used in the
ESR experiments) had the form shown in Fig. 1, and
were identified17 as the low-density form of XeF4.
This modification of XeF4 is monoclinic with14 a= 5.050,
b= 5.922, c= 5.771 A, (3= 99.6°. Unit-cell parameters
determined17 from several crystals of this type were
in good (0.5%) agreement with this data. Figure 1
establishes the relationship between the crystallographic
a, b, c axis system and the x, y, z axis system to be
used later.
The single crystal used in the ESR experiments was
approximately 3 mm long and was ,,-irradiated at
77 oK. The irradiation was carried out by the Com
mercial Products Division, Atomic Energy of Canada
Limited, using an 1l00-Ci C060 source (Gammacell
220). The total radiation dose was 5 Mrad. On ir
radiation the crystal turned blue and exhibited an
ESR spectrum.15 Warmup experiments on a powder
sample showed that the blue color and the ESR spec
trum diminished rapidly in intensity at approximately
140°K. The ESR spectra of the sample crystal were
obtained with a Varian V-4502 X-band spectrometer
having 100-kc modulation. All spectra were obtained
at 77°K using the V-4546 quartz Dewar accessory
filled with liquid nitrogen. The irradiated crystal was
placed successively in quartz sample tubes specially
designed to hold the crystal with one of the axes x,
y, or z (see Fig. 1) vertical. The magnetic field of the
spectrometer explored the yz, XZ, and xy planes, re
spectively. The crystal was transferred from tube to
tube in a dry box previously flushed with dry nitrogen.
The crystal was kept under liquid nitrogen except for
the few tenths of a second when it fell out of one tube
into another. No reirradiation was necessary even after
several such transfers. A quartz rod sealed to the top
of the sample tube enabled the crystal to be rotated
about the vertical axis. The rod connected to a small
single-circle goniometer attached to the V-4553 wave
guide bend. The strength of the magnetic field at
resonance was measured with the aid of an NMR
proble (ff1 and Li7) placed coaxially with the para
magnetic sample in the magnet gap. The frequency of
the NMR marginal oscillator was counted with a
Computer Measurements Company model 731B fre
quency converter and 707B frequency-period counter.
17 L. D. Calvert (private communication). The measurement of the magnetic field was to within
±0.5 G. The microwave frequency was measured
to within ±0.1 Mc using a Hewlett-Packard model
540B transfer oscillator in conjunction with the C.M.C.
model 732B frequency converter and the 707B fre
quency-period counter. Sufficient microwave power
was available from the 20-db coupler in the V-4500-40
X-band microwave bridge to enable this measurement
to be made.
General Features
It was observed that within the accuracy of align
ment of the crystal in the magnetic field (±3°), the
ESR spectra of the irradiated XeF4 crystal were highly
anisotropic in the magnetic field direction except when
the field explored the xy plane. The spectrum15 for
the orientation H parallel to x was virtually indis
tinguishable from that obtained for H parallel to y,
but these spectra differed from that obtained when
H was parallel to z. The spectrum for the orientation H
parallel to z was unique and is reproduced in Fig. 2.
It was apparent from the spectra that the paramag
netic fragment XeF was present in the lattice of the
irradiated crystal, and that all the Xe-F bonds were
aligned parallel to the longitudinal axis of the crystal.
Analysis of the spectrum shown in Fig. 2 in terms of the
different isotopes of xenon is indicated. The strongest
lines18 in the spectrum are due to XeF radicals con
taining xenon isotopes of zero nuclear spin, i.e., the
even mass numbers 124 through 136. The zero-spin
isotopes constitute 52.5% of naturally occurring xenon
and cannot be distinguished from each other by ESR.
The symbol Xe132 hereafter represents all zero-spin
isotopes of xenon, of which mass 132 is the most
abundant. The splitting between the lines assigned to
Xe132F is due to a hyperfine interaction with the p9
nucleus (spin 1= t). The xenon nucleus of mass 129
(abundance 26.2%) also has spin I=t, and accord
ingly Xe129F contributes a four-line pattern to the
spectrum. Finally, Xe131 (21.2%, I =~) in Xe131F
contributes eight lines to the spectrum. Although no
accurate relative intensity measurements were under
taken, it is obvious that the individual line intensities
are in accordance with the isotopic distribution in
naturally occurring xenon. Taking into account the
xenon nuclear spin, individual lines in the spectrum
due, respectively, to Xe132F, Xe129F, and Xe131F should
have intensities approximately in the ratios 8: 2: 1.
As soon as it became apparent that the XeF radi
cals were all aligned parallel to the longitudinal axis
of the crystal, the spectra for those crystal orientations
such that this axis was either parallel or perpendicular
18 The doublet structure of the lines in Fig. 2 is due to hyperfine
interaction with a Fl" nucleus on a neighboring XeF4 molecule.
This splitting is never fully resolved, but reaches a maximum of
10 G for this orientation. It is ignored hereafter.
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2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 kiloGauss
v = 9070 Me/sec
I I I X~31F I I I I I
X 129 e F
132 Xe F etc.
FIG. 2. First derivative ESR spectrum of XeF in a -y-irradiated single crystal of XeF.
(H parallel to z). The doublet structure of the lines is due to a near-neighbor interac
tion with p9 on an adjacent XeF. molecule.
to the magnetic field became of special interest. The
spectra for H parallel to z and for H perpendicular to
z are respectively called the "parallel" and the "per
pendicular" spectra. This designation refers both to
the orientation of the longitudinal axis of the crystal,
and to the orientation of the Xe-F bonds in the mag
netic field. The field strengths of the centers of all the
hyperfine lines were measured for both the "parallel"
and "perpendicular" (H parallel to x) orientations,
and at the same time the microwave frequency was
T ABLE I. ESR field strengths (gauss) of XeF radicals in -y
irradiated XeF. for directions' of H parallel and perpendicular
to the Xe-F bond.
Species M1(F), M1(Xe) Parallel Perpendicularb
Xel32F H 2792.6±0.5 2915.1±0.5
-! 3752.0 3098.9
Xel29F +!, H 2343.2 2671. 7
H, -! 3210.2 (3095)·
_1. H 3308.3 2848.9 2,
_1. -! 4165.4 3273.6 2,
Xe131F H, H 2403.7 2719.8
H, H 2655.8 2810.8
H, 1 2911.4 (2915) c -.
H, -! 3171. 7 3035.8
-i, H 3368.4 2935.1
-i, H 3617.2 3069.5
-.1 _.1 2, 2 3868.9 3162.9
-j, -! 4127.5 (3275)0
Microwave frequency (Mc) 9049.5 9046.2
a The error is ±3°,
b H was parallel to x.
e Overlapped, error ±5 G. also determined. The mean results of several such
measurements are collected in Table I. The field
strength measurements are accurate to ±O.S G, and
the microwave frequency did not deviate more than
±O.S Mc during the measurements on a particular
Determination of Hyperfine Interaction and
g Tensors
It will be seen at once from Table I that the hyper
fine spliUings of the nuclei p9, Xe!29, and Xe!3! are
exceedingly large. For this reason the electron spin
cannot be assumed to be quantized along the magnetic
field direction, and terms of second order in the hyper
fine interactions of the nuclei with the unpaired electron
must be retained in the Hamiltonian.
For Xe!32F the hyperfine interaction is that of a single
nucleus (P9) of spin I=!. The application of second
order theory to such a case has been developed!9.20
for P3! in the P03= radical. With the magnetic field
along the z-axis the simplified Hamiltonian
3C= {3S,gzzH ,-"II ,H ,+ SxFxJx+ SlIFlIyIlI+ S,F "I.
may be used, where {3 is the Bohr magneton and "I the
magnetogyric ratio of the p9 nucleus. It is assumed that
the axis-system x, y, z diagonalizes both the g tensor
g and the p9 hyperfine interaction tensor F. If Sx
and Sy are nonzero, the electron spin is not quantized
along z, and it can be shown with the aid of electron
and nuclear spin raising and lowering operators that
a mixing of certain electron spin states occurs. Off
diagonal terms in the energy matrix cause shifts in the
energy levels, the perturbations being of the order
of F2/411 where II is the microwave frequency. If the
spectrum is observed at constant microwave fre-
19 A. Horsfield, J. R. Morton, and D. H. Whiffen, Mol. Phys.
4, 475 (1961).
20 M. W. Hanna and L. J. Altman, J. Chem. Phys. 36, 1788
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:12:08430 J. R. MORTON AND W. E. FALCONER
TABLE II. Principal values of the hyperfine interaction tensorsa
and g tensorsb of the radical XeF.
Species Xell XeJ.
Xe129F 2368 1224
Xel3lF 701
a Units are Me, errors ±1O Me.
b Errors ±O.OOO8. FII
quency it may be shown21 that F ... gil
540 1.9740
526 1.9740
1.9740 gJ.
p=g.J3H.-+ !F .. + (F.",2+F lly2)/Sg .. j3Hz-
for the low-field line at H.-G, and
v= gzzj3Hz+ -iF •• + (F.,,?+F yi)/Sgzzj3H z+
for t~e high-field line at Hz+ G. The corresponding
~quatlOns for H parallel to x or yare obtained by mak
Ing the necessary changes in the subscripts. In the
present case (Xe132F) axial symmetry about the z
direction may be safely assumed, so that F II = F II
and F.,,,= Fyy= F.I.. The four equations which were
solved iteratively for FI II F.I., gil and g.l. are for the
"parallel" orientation, '
VII=gllj3H II± =F !FII + F.l.2/4gllj3HII±,
and for the "perpendicular" orientation,
P.I.= g.l.j3H.I.± =F !F.I.+(F II2 + F.l.2)/Sg.l.j3H.I.±.
With the aid of these equations and the data in
Table I the principal values of the g tensor g and the
FI9 hyperfine tensor F for the radical Xe132F were de
termined. These data appear in the first row of Table II.
The hyperfine interaction in Xe129F is that of two
nuclei of spin 1= t, resulting in a four-line contribu
tion to the spectrum. The second-order correction out
lin~ above was applied first to the p9 hyperfine inter
actIOn, then to the Xe129 interaction, and this process
was repeated until the iteration converged. The
results of this calculation also appear in Table II.
The data for Xel29F is quite independent of that for
Xe132F but the agreement between the respective
principal values of the FI9 hyperfine tensor and the
g tensor is reasonably good.
The nucleus Xe131 has spin I = ~, and so an eight-line
pattern was contributed by Xe131F, taking into account
also the spin I=t of FI9. To first order the four lines
arising from hyperfine interaction with the Xe131
nucleus should be equally spaced in the magnetic
fie~d .. Taken to. second order, however, the M1(Xe) =
~2 hnes are displaced downfield by 8 G, and the ±~
hnes by 0.58 G, where 8'-' .. Xe2/g/Jv. Having corrected
for the second-order perturbation the values of Xelll3l.
FII, and gil (Table II) were calculated from the
21 In the .equ~t~ons .which follow the "{I.H. term has been neg
lected for simpliCIty; It was retained in the actual calculation. "parallel" spectrum. It will be noted that within the
~xperimental error the value of XeIl129/XeII181 is 3.375,
In accordance with the ratio of their respective mag
netogyric ratios. It was not possible to determine the
p~rameters Xe.l.l81, F.I., and g.l. from the "perpen
dicular" spectrum because three of the eight lines due
to Xe13IF were overlapped by lines arising from the
other isotopic species (see Table I). However, these
parameters would not have represented any new in
. The ~rincipal values of the FI9 and Xel29 hyperfine
InteractlOn tensors may be resolved into isotropic
components CAF, Axe) and anisotropic components
(BF, Bxe). The parameters A and B are defined such
that the principal values of a tensor possessing cylindri
cal symmetry are A+2B parallel to the unique direc
tion, and A - B perpendicular to this direction. With
the values from Table II of FII, F.I. for XeI32F and
X~lh X,=.1. for Xel29F the respective isotropic and
alllsotropiC components were determined:
AF=1243 Mc,
Ax.= 1605 Mc, BF=703 Mc,
Bxe=3S2 Mc.
Nature of the XeF Radical
It is apparent that XeF is a u-electron radical' that
is,. the unpaired electron occupies an orbital poss~ssing
aXIal symmetry about the internuclear (z) axis. This
orbital can be described by a combination (with various
coefficients) of atomic orbitals of the same symmetry,
for example F 2s, 2pz and Xe 5s, 5p •. Since SCF wave
functions of both the n= 2 shell of fluorine22 and the
n= 5 shell of xenon23 are available it was possible to
use the spectroscopic parameters A and B to estimate
the contribution of the various atomic orbitals to the
molecular u-orbital.
If inner-shell polarization can be neglected the iso
tropic parameter A is a measure of the co;tribution
of the valence s atomic orbital to the molecular orbital
occupied by the unpaired electron. Thus AF, being
the Fermi "contact" interaction of the unpaired elec
tron with the pR nucleus, is a measure of the spin
density at that nucleus. Furthermore, F(2s)f2(0) =
11.97 a.u. corresponds24 to a pure 2s hyperfine inter
action with FI9 of [S7rg/J'Y/3h)p2(0) or 47 900 Mc. The
observe~ value of A~, 1243 Mc, indicates an F 2s spin
pop~latlOn of 2.6% If such a figure has any meaning
III VIew of the possibility of Is polarization. Similarly,
the value23 of Xe(5s)f2(0) is 26.71 a.u. corresponding
to a pure 5s hyperfine interaction with Xel29 of 33 030
Mc. In the absence of inner shell polarization the ob-
22 E. Clementi, C. C. J. Roothaan, and M. Yoshimine Phys
Rev. 127, 1618 (1962). ' .
23 D. F. Mayers, University of Oxford (private communication).
241.. R. Morton, J. R. Rowlands, and D. H. Whiffen, National
PhYSical Laboratory Report No. BPR13.
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TABLE III. Comparison of experimentally determined isotropic (A) and anisotropic (B) tensor parameters with the corresponding
one-electron parameters derived from atomic wavefunetions.
[87rgi3"Y /3h] %nsspin
Nucleus Aobs X.pn8(0) population
F19(n=2) 1243 47900 Me 3
Xe129(n=5) 1605 33 030 Me 5
served Axe, 1605 Mc, would correspond to 4.9% Xe Ss
spin population.
The traceless part of the hyperfine interaction tensor,
represented by the parameter B, arises from the inter
action between the electron spin and nuclear dipoles.
If the unpaired electron is in a pure p orbital the inter
action depends on the value of (r-3 )np for the atom
and orbital in question. Thus for the fluorine 2p or
bita124 (r-3)2p is 7.546 a.u. and the pure 2p hyperfine
interaction with p9 is [2gi1I'/ShJ(r-3)2p or 1515 Mc
for directions of H perpendicular to the p orbital di
rection. The experimentally determined value of BF,
703 Mc, is therefore indicative of approximately 47%
F (2p) character in the orbital of the unpaired electron.
For Xe (Sp), the value23 of (r-3)5p is 17.825 a.u. and
[2gi1I'/ShJ(r-3).p for Xe129 is 1052 Mc. Compared with
this, the observed BXe of 382 Mc corresponds to 36%
Xe Sp character for the orbital of the unpaired elec
tron. The results of these calculations are summarized
in Table III.
In the absence of nd wavefunctions for xenon, no
estimate can be made of the contribution of such or
bitals to the experimentally determined Bxe. However,
the above discussion indicates that a reasonable de
scription of the u-orbital of the unpaired electron in
XeF is possible in terms of sand p wavefunctions only.
The g-Tensor g
The departures of the principal g-values of XeF
from 2.0023 (free spin) must be associated with a spin
orbit interaction between the ground u-state and
excited 7r-states of the molecule. A hypothetical term
scheme may be constructed for XeF using fluorine
2p and xenon Sp atomic orbitals, the ground-state
configuration being written ... ; (U2PF+USPXe, ul)2;
(7r2PF+7rSPXe, 7rl.2)4; (7r2PF-7rSPXe, 7r3.4)4; (u2PF
uSPXe, (2)t, or, more briefly, U12; 7rli; 7r3.44; U21. The
degeneracy between 7rl.2 and between 7r3.4 may be lifted
by the crystalline field, but this possibility is ignored
in the following discussion. The transitions
and [2gi3-y/5h] %np spin
Nucleus Bobs X( r-'}np population
f19(n=2) 703 1515 Mc 47
Xe129(n=5) 382 1052 Me 36
are responsible for the g shifts, since both excited states
are connected to the ground state by the spin-orbit
interaction. If the energy difference between the states
connected by the spin-orbit interaction is E Cln-t, and
the spin-orbit coupling constant is A cm-\ it can be
shown25•26 that
~gJ.= gJ. -go ~ -2a2Aj E,
where a2 is the fractional p character of the orbital of
the unpaired electron, and go is the free-spin g value,
2.0023. Of course the exact values of the (AI E)'s are
not known but they will be of the order -0.05, so that
~gll is predicted small and negative, whereas ~gJ. should
be larger, but positive. The experimentally determined
g tensor corresponds to ~gll = -0.028 and ~gJ.=
+0.123, in general agreement with these considerations.
Electron spin resonance measurements on a l'-ir
radiated single crystal of xenon tetrafluoride have
yielded information on the trapped radical XeF. The
highly anisotropic p9 and Xe129 hyperfine interactions
indicate that the unpaired electron occupies an anti
bonding u orbital of chiefly F 2p and Xe Sp character.
Deviations from the free-spin g-value are consistent
with this interpretation.
The authors are grateful to Dr. L. D. Calvert for
his painstaking x-ray analysis of the crystals, and also
to Dr. F. P. Lossing for mass-spectrometric measure
ments. Thanks are also extended to Dr. D. F. Mayers,
who allowed the authors to use his values of Xe lV5.(0)
and Xe (r-3 )5p in advance of publication, and also
to Dr. E. Whalley who gave valuable advice on the
fluorine experimentation.
25T. G. Castner and W. Kanzig, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 3,178
26 T. Inui, S. Harasawa, and Y. Obata, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 11,
612 (1956).
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1.1728609.pdf | Nuclear Resonance in Ferromagnetic Alloys
Toshimoto Kushida, A. H. Silver, Yoshitaka Koi, and Akira Tsujimura
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 33, 1079 (1962); doi: 10.1063/1.1728609
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1728609
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded
to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:53:18JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT TO VOL. 33. NO.3 MARCH, 1962
de Haas van Alphen Effect in Zinc Manganese Alloys*
The Franklin Institute Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Observations of the long period de Haas van Alphen effect in pure zinc and in a zinc alloy containing 0.01
at.% manganese have been made to determine whether the Fermi surface of the alloy changes in the tem
perature region where the zinc manganese alloy exhibits an electrical resistance minimum. On the basis of a
nearly free electron interpretation it has been shown that: (i) \Vithin the experimental error the Fermi sur
face of pure zinc and the 0.01 at. % zinc manganese alloy are identical. (ii) The number of electrons added or
subtracted from the conduction band on alloying cannot be greater than 1 electron per impurity atom. (iii)
If the resistance minimum is due to a change in the density of states in the conduction band, this change is
less than 0.0015%. (iv) If the ionic state of the manganese ions changes in the temperature range of the
resistance minimum, then less than half of the ions are involved. In order to obtain a consistent interpreta
tion of the variation of the amplitude of the de Haas van Alphen oscillations in the alloy it was necessary to
assume that the collision damping (Dingle) factor varies with magnetic field. A simple extension of
the Schmitt scattering model [R. W. Schmitt, Phys. Rev. 103,83 (1956)J would predict this behavior both
for the relaxation time derived from magnetoresistance and the de Haas van Alphen effect.
* To be submitted for publication in full to The Physical Review. t Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Ph.D. degree at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
Nuclear Resonance in Ferromagnetic Alloys
Scientific Laboratory, Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan
Faculty of Engineering, Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan
The internal fields Hi in ferromagnetic alloys were measured at both the solvent and the solute nuclei at
magnetic and nonmagnetic atoms using NMR techniques. C059 resonances in Co-rich alloys (Co-Fe, -Ni,
-Cu, -Cr, -Mn, -AI) have fine structures which depend on the kind and the concentration of impurity metals.
Similar structures are found for the Fe·7 resonances in Fe-rich alloys. These structures are tentatively in
terpreted as caused by the anisotropy of Hi at the nearest neighbors. The C059 resonance is also observed in
Fe-rich Co-Fe alloys, and it is found that Hi seen at the Co site is lower by about 50 koe than that at the
Fe site. The CO·9 line width is about 400 kc for (Fe+ 1 % Co) alloy. Both the temperature and the pressure
dependences of the CO·9 frequency were measured. Hi at CU63 and CuG5 was measured in Co-rich Co-Cu
and in Fe-rich Fe-Cu ferromagnetic alloys. The magnitude of these internal fields at Cu and their observed
pressure dependence are, at least, not inconsistent with the contention that the observed Hi is mainly
produced by the 4s conduction-electron polarization, although Hi at the Cu nucleus, 217.7 koe for Fe-Cu
alloy and 157.5 koe for Co-Cu alloy, is considerably higher than the usual theoretical prediction.
SINCE Portis and Gossard! discovered a strong
nuclear resonance signal of C059 in ferromagnetic
fcc cobalt metal, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
technique has been used to investigate the internal field
Hi which is the magnetic field seen at the nucleus in
many ferromagnetic materials.
High accuracy of this method enables us to measure
the pressure dependence of Hi2,3 as well as to measure
its temperature dependence very precisely. The inhomo
geneity of Hi inside the samples caused by either alloy-
1 A. M. Portis and A. C. Gossard, J. Appl. Phys. 31, 205S (1960).
2 Y. Koi, A. Tsujimura, and T. Kushida, J. Phys. Soc. Japan
15, 2100 (1960).
3 G. B. Benedek and J. Armstrong, J. Appl. Phys. 32, 1065
(1961 ). int,5 or by mechanical defects5,6 has been observed as
an increase in line width or as additional lines. Thereby
more detailed information about the distribution of Hi
can be obtained than from a single averaged value of
Hi which is obtained from a low-temperature-specific
heat measurement,1 although if the inhomogeneity
exceeds a certain amount, the lines are smeared out and
unable to be observed.
The present article will deal with Hi measured at the
4 Y. Koi, A. Tsujimura, T. Hihara, and T. Kushida, ]. Phys.
Soc. Japan 16,574 (1961); R. Street, D. S. Rodbell, and W. L.
Roth, Phys. Rev. 121,84 (1961).
5 R. C. LaForce, S. F. Ravitz, and G. F. Dav, Phvs. Rev.
Letters 6, 226 (1961). . .
6 W. A. Hardy, J. Appl. Phys. 32, 122S (1961).
7 V. Arp, D. Edmonds, and R. Petersen, Phys. Rev. Letters 3,
212 (1959).
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded
to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:53:181080 KUSHIDA, SILVER, KOI, AND TSUJIMURA
nucleus of both magnetic and non-magnetic impurity
metal atoms in ferromagnets, and the distribution of Hi
among solvent ferromagnetic atoms.
NMR in the alloys has been measured using a mar
ginal-oscillator spectrometer in zero external field. The
spectrometer is frequency modulated and is operated
either regeneratively or superregeneratively.
The samples were powders of dilute alloys prepared
from high purity metals in an induction furnace. The
pressure dependence of the resonance frequency has
been measured in a steel bomb in conjunction with a
modified Bridgman press8 in the range 1 to 8000 kg/cm2•
Hi at Magnetic Solute Atoms in Ferromagnets
The NMR line of C059 in iron-rich Fe-Co alloy was
observed as a function of temperature9 and pressure.
The resonance frequency in (Fe+ 1 % Co) was measured
from liquid N2 temperature to 650oK. The resonance
frequency at OaK, 1'(0), was extrapolated from these
values using a T~ law, as 289.2 Mc, corresponding to
Hi(O) equal to 289.7 koe. This value is about 30 koe
smaller than the value deduced from specific-heat meas
urements/ which is much less accurate than NMR
measuremen ts.
It is noted that although Hi(O) seen at Co in Fe is
about 50 koe lower than that at Fe, 339 koe, it is
appreciably higher than that at Co nuclei in any of
fcc and hcp Co metals.
Hi(T)/H;(O) at the Co nucleus decreases with in
creasing temperature more rapidly than that at the Fe
nucleus. Recently a similar discrepancy between the
temperature dependences of Ni61 and C059 resonance
frequencies in Ni-rich Ni-Co alloy was noted by Bennett
and Streever,lO although the Co frequency drops off
more slowly with temperature than the Ni resonance
It is interesting to see whether this discrepancy
between the temperature dependences of the Fe and
the Co resonance frequencies in Fe-Co alloy is caused
simply by an implicit effect of temperature via thermal
expansion or by an explicit temperature effect, namely,
to see whether or not this discrepancy still exists at
constant volume.
Measurement of the pressure dependence of the
resonance frequency makes this point clear. Since the
pressure dependence of the Fe57 frequency in pure Fe
has been measured by Benedek and Armstrong3 and
this pressure dependence is not expected to change
8 T. Fuke, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 16, 266 (1961). .
9 Y. Koi, A. Tsujimura, T. Hihara, and T. Kushlda, J. Phys.
Soc Japan 16, 1040 (1961).
IOL. H. Bennett and R. L. Streever, Jr., J. Appl. Phys. 33,1093
(1962), this issue. One of the a~thors! T. K., is gra::ef~l to Dr.
Bennett for sending the manuscnpt pnor to the publIcatIOn. TABLE 1. The pressure dependence of the internal field Hi at
Co·, nucleus in iron-rich Fe-Co alloy, Cu's nucleus in iron-rich
Fe-Cu alloy, and Fe67 in pure iron.
Co" in Fe
Cu·3 in Fe
Fc57 in Fe
a See reference 3. dlnHddP
-1.6X 10-78
appreciably in our alloy (Fe+ 1 % Co), only the Co
resonance frequency in this alloy was measured as a
function of pressure. The Co resonance frequency in
creases linearly with increasing pressure. On the other
hand, the Fe resonance frequency decreases with pres
sure. The results are shown in Table 1. The pressure
dependence of Cu6:J NMR frequency in Fe, which will
be mentioned in the next section, is also shown.
Using the pressure dependence of Hi in conjunction
with the values of compressibility and thermal expan
sion coefficient, the temperature dependence of the in
ternal fIeld Hi(T) at constant pressure can be converted
into that at constant volume.!! The results are shown in
Fig. 1 in a reduced scale, namely as Hi(T)/Hi(O) versus
T/Tc, where Tc is the Curie temperature of each
There is a definite discrepancy between Hi(T)/Hi(O)
at Co and Fe even at constant volume. This difference
in explicit temperature dependence may suggest that
the numbers of localized d electrons at Co atom may
be slightly increased at higher temperature, though a
unique interpretation is very difficult as will be shown
If the similar discrepancy between Hi(T) at Ni and
Co in the Ni-rich Ni-Co alloy found by Bennett and
StreeverlO is also predominantly due to an explicit
temperature effect, we might speculate that the explicit
temperature effect tends to push the d electrons at Fe
atoms into adjacent Co atoms and to expel the Co d elec
trons into surrounding Ni atoms.
The linewidth of the Co resonance was measured as
a function of Co concentration from 0.5 to 5%. The
width for 0.5% sample is 370 kc and increases with the
increasing concentration to 900 kc for the 5% alloy.
The center frequency does not change with concentra
tion within the experimental error.
According to MarshalF2 the internal field at the
nucleus in iron group ferromagnets arises mainly from
the contact interaction of the nucleus with the 4s elec
trons and with the inner core electrons. The contribution
from the 4s electrons consists of two parts. The first
part is due to the 4s conduction electrons polariz:d by
the spins of the 3d electrons, and the second part 15 due
to some mixing of the 4s wave function into the 3d band.
11 T. Kushida, G. B. Benedek, and N. Bloembergen, Phys. Rev.
104, 1364 (1956).
12 W. Marshall, Phys. Rev. 110, 1280 (1958).
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to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 21:53:18N U C LEA R RES 0 NAN C E IN FER ROM A G NET T CAL I. 0 Y S 1081
The magnitude of Hi due to this mechanism is ex
pressed by
lJi= -(8'IT/3),u I if; (0) 12np,
p= p+2Sa2/n, (1)
where I if;(0)j2 is the average probability density of 4s
electrons at nucleus, n is the number of conduction
electrons per atom, p is their polarization, S is the mean
spin per atom, and a2 is an average of the amount of 4s
wave function mixed into the 3d wave function. Both
parts produce a positive field, i.e., a field parallel to the
direction of the magnetization, since the electron g value
is negative. On the other hand, the inner core s electrons
polarized by the spin of the 3d electrons produce a
negative field. The actual field has a negative sign.
In the case of dilute ferromagnetic alloys, the main
internal field at a solute atom nucleus may come from
the following sources: (1) 4s electron polarization at the
solute atom. The 4s electrons are polarized by the 3d
electrons of the solvent atoms as well as those of the
solute atom itself. The internal field from this origin is
expressed by Eq. (1). (2) Transfer of 3d electrons
between the solvent and the solute atoms on alloying.
The change in the number of 3d electrons affects both
the 4s electron polarization and the core polarization at
the solute atom. (3) Other contributions from the 3d
electrons of the solvent atoms surrounding the solute
atom. For instance, the core s electrons at the solute
atom could be polarized by the 3d spins of the sur
rounding atoms directlyl3 and/or indirectly through
the 3d shell of the solute atom.
Hj (TJ 0.91--------------'i~---_;
Hj (OJ
I Fe57 in Pure Fe at Const. P
2 Fe57jn Pure Fe al ConsI.V 3
3 Co59jn(Fe+ I%CoJal ConsI.P
4 Co59jn(Fe + I%CoJ 01 ConsI.V
0.80'----'0.-1 -0-'-.2--0 ..... 3--0'-.4-0-'.-5 -0-'-.6--0"".7--'
FIG. 1. Temperature dependence of the internal field Hi(T) at
Fe57 and Co" in iron both at constant pressure and at constant
volume in a reduced scale.
13 A. J. F. Boyle, D. St. P. Bunbury, and C. Edwards, Phys.
Rev. Letters 5, 553 (1960). TABLE II. The internal field IIi at the Cu nucleus in iron and
in cubic cobalt. The data for pure iron and cobalt are included
for comparison.
Resonance Internal
Temperature frequency field
Nucleus DC Me koe
CU63 in Fe 240.0
0 212.7
Cu6• in Fe 257.1
CU63 in Co 177.9
9 157.5
CU65 in Co 190.7
Fe" in Fe 0 46.65 330.5"
C059 in Co 0 213.2 213.5b
II. See reference 3.
b See reference 1.
These interactions make a unique interpretation of
the origins of the internal field at the ferromagnetic
impurities in ferromagnet& very difficult.l4
Hi at a Nonmagnetic Solute Atom in
The measurement of the internal field at nonmagnetic
solute atoms, however, could eliminate some of the
causes mentioned above and would help to elucidate
the various contributions to Hi in ferromagnets. For
instance, a proper choice of nonmagnetic atoms as a
field probe could minimize the sources (2) and (3). One
could hope to measure the magnitude of conduction
electron polarization as in the case of Knight shift ex
periments in nonmagnetic metals.
Hi at relatively heavy nonmagnetic metals in
ferromagnets have been measured using different
methods.l3,l5,l6 The internal field caused by (3), how
ever, seems to make an estimate of conduction electron
polarization difficult.l 3 For instance, the relative magni
tudes of Hi at Sn1l9 measured by means of Mossbauer
effect in Fe, Co, and Ni give inconsistent values with
those expected from conduction electron polarization
picture.l3 As a part of a systematic study of Hi at non
magnetic metal atoms in ferromagnets, Hi at the Cu
nucleus in iron and cubic cobalt has been measured
using NMR techniques. Results of the measurements
are shown in Table II together with data for pure iron3
and cubic cobaltl for comparison. Unfortunately the
sign of the field has not yet been determined. The
pressure dependence of Hi at Cu in iron has also been
measured, and the results are given in Table 1. The
resonance frequency of CU63 decreases linearly with in
creasing pressure.
It is noted that the internal fields at the Cu atoms
14 G. K. Wertheim, J. App!. Phys. 32, 110S (1961).
15 C. T. Wei, C. H. Cheng, and P. A. Beck, Phys. Rev. 122, 1129
(1961 ).
16 B. N. Samoilov, V. V. Sklyarevskii, and E. P. Stepanov,
Soviet Phys.-JETP 11, 261 (1960).
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in iron and in cobalt are comparable in magnitude
(~70%) with the fields in pure iron and in cobalt· the
ratio of the fields at the eu nucleus in iron and in c~balt
i~ nearly.equal to the ratio of the saturation magnetiza
tIOns of Iron and cobalt; and the pressure dependence
of the field at the Cu nucleus in iron is more negative
than that at the Fe in iron.
These results suggest that Hi at Cu in these ferro
magnets is mainly produced by the conduction electron
polarization in ferromagnets. Namely, the mechanism
(1) mentioned in the previous section seems to be the
dominant one, where the second part of the effective
polarization p in Eq. (1), may not be important. Since
[f(O) [2 is practically unchangedl3 for Fe and Co, the
:al~e of. Hi arising from the conduction electron polar
Iza~IOn .IS roughly proportional to the saturation mag
n~tlzatlOn. F~rt~ermore, H, at Cu in Co agrees roughly
with our prehmmary measurement using Al27 as a field
I2robe in fcc CoP This is in agreement with the model
~p. The disturbances caused by the mechanisms (2)
and (3) are expected to be much smaller in this case.
One of the possible objections to this model is that the
magnitude of Hi itself is appreciably larger than the
usual theoretical estimatesl2; but it could be within
the uncertainty in the theoretical estimations,18,19 if we
assume that these measured values have the same sign.
The second mechanism (2)20 is, at least, not likely to
be the dominant source of the measured Hi. If (2) were
the main effect, we may expect d InH;/dP for Hi at Cu
to be positive or at least equal to that at Fe. The ob
served pressure dependence is, however, in disagreement
with this expectation. Furthermore, there seems to be
no positive evidence for the Cu impurity in Fe possessing
a localized magnetic moment. .
The third mechanism (3) cannot be the main source
of the field. If it were the dominant term, the same
mechanism would play an important role in pure ferro
magnets also. This makes it difficult to understand the
experimental results that H, at Cu is roughly 70% of
that at solvent nuclei, since there is a large additional
(subtractive) core-polarization field as expected from
the localized magnetic moment at ferromagnetic atoms.
In addition, if this assumption is true, the presence of
a Cu atom in Co metal will greatly affect the field at Co
atoms surrounding the Cu atom. The observed change 4
however, is less than 1%. '
Although the model that the conduction electron
polarization is mainly responsible for the observed Hi
is not inconsistent with the present experimental results,
a more systematic investigation using different non
magnetic atoms as the field probes and a determination
17 The preliminary value of Al27 NMR frequency in fcc Co
(Co+ 1 % AI) is 189.1 Mc, which corresponds to 170.4 koe.
18 R. E. Watson and A. J. Freeman, J. App!. Phys. 32 118S
(1961). '
'9 D. A. Goodings and V. Heine, Phys. Rev. Letters 5 370
(1960). '
20 W. M. Lomer and W. Marshall, Phil. Mag. 3, 185 (1958). of the sign of Hi at these atoms are highly desirable in
order to clarify this problem.
Hi at Solvent Atoms in Ferromagnets
Internal fields at solvent ferromagnetic atoms which
have been disturbed by the presence of impurity atoms
can also be observed using NMR techniques. Co reso
nance lines in fcc Co-rich alloys have been observed in
Co-Fe, Co-~i, Co-.Cu, C?-AI, Co-Mn, and Co-Cr alloys
as a function of Impunty concentration. 4 Essentially
the same results for Co-Fe and Co-Ni alloys, with
so~ewhat better re~olution probably because of higher
punty of the constituent metals, have been reported
b'y La Force et af.O Similar but less systematic observa
tIOns have been made for the Fe resonance in Fe-rich
The alloy NMR lines generally have structures
which are less pronounced in highly-doped specimens:
Resolved satellites are observed for cubic Co-Fe and
Co-Ni, whereas for the other Co-rich alloys investigated
the lower-frequency tails (some of which have fine
structures) spread more strongly than the higher
frequency tails upon alloying. Since the quadrupole
broadening of Co lines in the alloys can be estimated to
be of the order of 1 MC,4 the observed structures of the
lines essentially describe the distribution of the internal
field ~n t~e alloys. !he sh5ft of the center of gravity of
the lme IS compatible With the average Hi in Co-Fe
and Co-~i alloys observed by means of a low-tempera
ture speCIfic-heat measurement/ although the intensity
of the far wings in the NMR lines is difficult to meas
ure because of the uncertainty in the base line.
.Fe57 NMR lines in (Fe+0.9% Cr) and (Fe+0.5%
N.I) all?ys. ha:e longer tails at the higher frequency
wmgs, mdlCatmg poorly resolved satellites. Since the
~e57 nucleus has no nuclear quadrupole moment, the
lme shape change upon alloying has a magnetic origin.
Some of the satellite lines observed in very dilute Co
alloys have been identified as produced by the presence
of stacking faults5,6 and of the hcp phase.2,5,6 These
lines are also observed in pure Co samples, and their
relative intensities depend on the metallurgical history
of the samples.
The other satellites in the alloys are produced by the
spacial distribution of internal field around the im
purity. However, the assignment of each satellite to a
particular neighboring site around the impurity is am
biguous at present.
It is known that the disturbance of the electronic
structure in metals caused by an impurity is confined
to the immediate neighborhood of the impurity.22-24
The spacial distribution of Hi around the impurity is
divided into two parts: (1) a radial distribution, i.e., Hi
21 J. I. Budnick, L. J. Bruner, E. L. Boyd, and R. J. Blume, Bull.
Am. Phys. Soc. 5, 491 (1960).
22 J. Friedel, Nuovo cimento, Supp!. 7, 287 (1958).
23 N. Bloembergen and T. J. Rowland, Acta Met. 1, 731 (1953).
24 K. Yosida, Phys. Rev. 106, 893 (1957).
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varies sharply with the distance, Til between the
impurity and the pertinent nucleus j; and (2) an
angular distribution, i.e., Hi at the neighboring atoms
with the same distance Tj from the impurity might not
be equal and could depend on the angle 8 between the
direction of the magnetization and the radius vector of
the position of the pertinent nucleus. In the case of the
NMR lines in the nonmagnetic or the paramagnetic
alloys, the hyperfine field in these metals, Knight
shift, has been successfully interpreted in terms of
(1) and (2).25,26
The density of conduction electrons p(r) about the
impurity is modulated as 25,26
Here j! and nl are Bessel and Neumann functions, 01 is
a scattering phase shift, and km is the wave number at
the Fermi level. The oscillatory nature of Eq. (2) pre
dicts the presence of satellites in the NMR lines in these
metals.25 Usually the linewidth of each component
smears out the expected structure.
When the impurity atom has a magnetic moment, the
polarization of the conduction electron is also modulated
though a spin dependent interaction between the
magnetic electrons at the impurity and s-band electrons.
The internal field at the neighboring atoms will be
doubly modulated in this case.24•26
In the case of ferromagnetic alloys an impurity will
affect the internal field at its neighbors in a more com
plicated manner. The transfer of 3d electrons between
the impurity and the neighboring atoms will strongly
affect the value of Hi at the neighbors as well as at the
impurity. The 3d electrons at the' impurity would
directly polarize the inner core of the neighboring atoms.
H. at the nearest neighbors may have a strong angular
26 A. Blandin and E. Daniel, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 10, 126
26 D. L. Weinberg and N. Bloembergen, J. Phys. Chern. Solids
15,240 (1960). dependence as welL A classical dipole field from the
impurity and anisotropic indirect-coupling26 through
the conduction electron may produce this angular de
pendence in H ,. A crude estimate of this effect at the
nearest neighbors gives about the same order of mag
nitude as the observed satellite separation.27
Since the total intensity of the satellite lines in
Co+ 1 % Fe or Co+ 1 % Ni alloys is of the order of 10%
of the intensity of the entire spectral line and the
relative intensity among the satellites are essentially
independent of the impurity concentration, it is sug
gested that the satellite lines are mainly caused by the
anisotropy of Hi at the nearest neighbors, the number
of the nearest neighbors being 12 in a fcc structure. The
radial distribution of Hi and its anisotropy at the
further neighbors may produce the broadening of the
component lines, although some of the fine structure
could come from the radial part.
The internal field Hi in ferromagnetic dilute alloys
was measured at both the solvent and the solute metal
nuclei using NMR techniques. Hi at Co in Fe-rich
Fe-Co alloy lies about midway between H. at Fe-in-Fe
and Co-in-Co. Hi at Cu was measured in Co-rich Co-Cu
and in Fe-rich Fe-Cu alloys. The magnitude of these
internal fields at Cu and their pressure dependence are,
at least, not inconsistent with the contention that the
observed Hi is mainly produced by the 4s conduction
electron polarization. The structures usually observed
in the solute-atom NMR lines are tentatively inter
preted as caused by the anisotropy of Hi at the nearest
The authors would like to express their appreciation
to Professors A. M. Portis, T. Nagamiya, and K.
Yosida for valuable discussions.
27 The difference between Hi at Co in fcc Co and in hcp Co has
been explained in terms of the dipole field.28
28 Y. Koi, A. Tsujimura, T. Hihara, and T. Kushida, Report of
International Conference of Magnetism in Japan (1961), to be
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1.1729824.pdf | Co60 γRadiationInduced Point Defects in Bi2Te3
M. J. Smith
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 34, 2879 (1963); doi: 10.1063/1.1729824
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1729824
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Co60 y-Radiation-Induced Point Defects in BbTea
Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, * Oak Ridge, Tennessee
(Received 6 March 1963)
The effects of extended C060 'Y radiation upon the electrical resistivity, Hall coefficient, and magneto
resistance of Bi2Tea have been examined. C060 'Y radiation causes an increase in, the Hall coefficient in n-type
Bi.Tea and a decrease in p type. For 'Y-ray exposures in the range of 1018 photons cm-<l, the apparent carrier
removal rate is ",10--1 carriers per Coso photon. Thermal annealing of radiation-induced damage was also
investigated. The results may be most consistently analyzed in terms of a model which consists of radiation
induced tellurium vacancies and interlaminar clusters of Te interstitials. The effects of the radiation-induced
point defects are discussed. Evidence of an effect on impurity band conduction at low temperatures in n-type
Bi2Tea is observed.
BISMUTH telluride crystallizes in a rhombohedral
lattice, although, for convenience it may be in
dexed as a hexagonal structure.! The crystal lattice of
the compound is constructed of layers (or leaves2) of
atoms lying perpendicular to the major axis of the unit
rhombohedral cell. Each layer is composed of atomic
sublayers arranged in the sequence TecBi-Te1cBi-TeI.
The superscripts are used to distinguish types of
differently bonded tellurium atoms.2 The bonding
between tellurium atoms in adjacent layers is assumed
to be of the van der Waals typea indicating an electron
density of effectivelv zero between these bonds. Bi-Tell
bonds are assumed' to be fully covalent, while there is
some degree of ionicity in the Bi-TeI bonds.2
It is assumed that excess Bi atoms occupy Tell sites
and behave as single ionized acceptors, whereas excess
Te atoms substitute for Bi atoms and act as single
ionized donors.4 These donor and acceptor levels lie in
the conduction and valence bands, respectively, so that
the defects are ionized at all temperatures.5 Airapetiants
et al.6 propose that electron conduction proceeds along
Bi layers, and holes move within the Te sublattice.
Schultz et aU conclude that bismuth and tellurium
vacancies (V Bi, V Te) are electrically active defects and
are acceptor and donor types, respectively; whereas,
interstitials are effectively neutral.
Most theoretical treatments of the band structure of
Bi2Tea have assumed that only one current carrier type
is present. While this simplifying assumption gives
qualitative explanation of most of the phenomena, the
real picture of conduction in BhTea is suspected to be
* Oak ~idge National Laboratory is operated by Union Carbide
Corporation for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.
1 M. H. Francombe, Brit. J. App!. Phys. 9, 415 (1958).
2 J. R. Drabble and C. H. L. Goodman, J. Phys. Chern. Solids
5,142 (1958).
3 J. Black, E. Conwell, L. Seigle, and C. W. Spenc.er, J. Phys.
Chern. Solids 2,240 (1957).
4 C. B. Satterthwaite and R. W. Ure, Jr., Phys. Rev. 108, 1164
5 B. Yates, J. Electron. 6,26 (1959).
• S. V. Airapetiants, B. A. Efimove, T. S. Slavilskaia, L. S.
Stil'bans, and L. M. Sysoeva, Zh. Tekhn. Fiz. (to be published).
7 J. M. Schultz, J. P. McHugh, and W. A, Tiller, Scientific
Paper No. 929-8901-Pl, Westinghouse Research Laboratories
(1961). considerably more complex.5,s,9 Drabble and Wolfe10
suggested a "six tilted ellipsoids" model for both the
conduction and valence bands. Assuming that only one
current carrier type is present, they derive 12 indepen
dent galvanomagnetic terms and show that the dimen
sionless factors P12a2/Pl1{Jijkl (where the notation is the
same as that of Ref. 11) are equal to a constant:
P1232/ PllPijkZ=B2(R/ p)2p/6.p=KijkZ. (1)
This relation was substantiated for n-type material
over a limited range of dopingY However, the results
could not be repeated by Goldsmid8 on highly doped
n-type crystals.
Since most of the electrical and thermal properties of
BizTea are extremely sensitive to constitutent-element
ratios,4 it is difficult to obtain quantitatively repro
ducible data from one specimen to the next. Conse
quently, the models which have been proposed for
Bi2Tea have been based, for the most part, on qualita
tive trends. In order to study the influence of defects on
the electronic behavior of extrinsic BizTea, it is desirable
to measure the properties of a particular specimen,
change its properties by some controlled method of
defect introduction without altering stoichiometric
proportions, and then quantitatively evaluate the
It has been shown in groups IV and III-V semicon
ductors that C060 'Y radiation produces point defects
which result in a shift of the Fermi level.12 The small,
total amount of lattice damage introduced by 'Y radi
ation in these semiconductors does not generally alter
lattice parameters, bonding strength, effective mass, or
over-all band structure. The damage is due primarily to
vacancies and interstitials which result in additional
doping levels, trapping centers, and variation in current
. carrier mobility.
8 H. J. Goldsmid, J. App!. Phys. 32, 2198 (1961).
91. Ya. Korenblit, Fiz. Tverd. Tela 2, 3083 (1961) [English
trans!': Soviet Phys.-Solid State 2, 2737 (1961)].
!O J. R. Drabble and R. Wolfe, Proc. Phys. Soc. (Lonoon) 69
1101 (1956). '
11 J. R. Drabble, R. D. Groves, and R. Wolfe, Proe. PhI'S. So('.
(London) 71,430 (1958). '
12 D. S. Billington and J. H. Crawford, Jr., Radiation Damage in
Solids (Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1961).
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IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 06:26:112880 M. ]. SMITH
This investigation of radiation damage in p-and
n-type Bi2Tea was undertaken with the hope that the
results can be used to contribute to the existing knowl
ledge concerning point defects in Bi2Tea.
The literature contains a limited amount of informa
tion on the effects of radiation upon the electrical
properties of V-VI compoundsP-17 Artman and
Goland1a have studied the effects of a total dose of
'" lOla C060 'Y photons at near dry ice temperature on
Bi2Tea. The electrical resistivity and thermoelectric
power increased in n-type polycrystalline BbTea under
these conditions; whereas in p-type specimens, the
thermoelectric power increased and the resistivity
decreased. The effects annealed with a half-life of 29 h
in n'-type specimens. Levy14 observed a decrease in the
thermoelectric power of polycrystalline, n-type BhTea
after 100-A-h dosage of 2-MeV electrons from a Van de
Graaff accelerator. Work on the effects of fast and
thermal neutrons upon p-and n-type BbTea has also
been reported. 15--17 However, analyses neglected the
effects of the high-energy 'Y radiation produced by the
Cd used to shield against thermal neutrons.18
Crystals were prepared from 99.999% pure bismuth
and tellurium obtained from the American Smelting and
Refining Company. Thirty gram samples of the correct
composition ratios were weighed to an accuracy of
±1XIo-4 g. Current carrier type and resistivity were
controlled by the excess or deficit of tellurium in the
melt.4 The samples were sealed in 9-mm Vycor tubes
under a vacuum of '" 10-5 mm of Hg. To obtain an
ingot of Bi2Tea, the capsules were dropped through a
Bridgman furnace at a rate of '" 1.3 cm h-1• The cap
sules were broken and the ingots placed in reactor-grade
graphite crucibles. The crucibles and ingots were re
sealed in Vycor capsules. The capsules were held above
the melting point of Bi2Tea in a Bridgman furnace for
24 h, in order to provide thorough mixing in the liquid
phase. The capsules were then lowered through a
temperature gradient of ",80°C cm-1 at a rate of 0.14
cm h-1• Single-crystal specimens were usually obtained,
although frequently the ends of the ingot were poly
crystalline. The cleavage planes (0015) were parallel to
the growth direction within 20.
Single crystals of both p-and n-type specimens with
a range of electrical conductivity were cleaved from the
ingots. The samples for electrical measurements were
13 R, A, Artman and A, N, Goland, Bull. Am, Phys, Soc. 5, 168
14 R, A. Levy, BulL Am. Phys. Soc. 5, 168 (1960).
14 R. A. Levy, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, 168 (1960),
151-C. Corelli, R. T. Frost, and F. A. White, Bull. Am. Phys.
Soc. 5, 168 (1960).
16 M. Balicki, J. c. Corelli, and R. T. Frost, Metallurgy of
J(lemental and Compound Semiconductors (Interscience Publishers,
Inc., New York, 1961), Vo!' 12.
17 R. A. Artman, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 7, 187 (1962).
18 J. W. Cleland, R. F. Bass, and J. H. Crawford, Jr., J. Appl.
Phys. 33,2906 (1962). cut with "dog-ears" electrical leads by a Glenite ultra
sonic cutter. Specimen measurements were ",0.OSXO.20
XO.6S cm. Electrical leads were soldered in place with
No. 4300-R liquid flux and No. 4300 Bi solder obtained
from the American Brazing Alloys Corporation. Since
cutting and preparing of the specimens introduced
defects, it was necessary to anneal the specimens at
50°C for a period of ",24 h prior to measurement of
preirradiation properties.
Measurements were to be made on each specimen
before and after radiation in a C060 'Y source. Therefore,
to avoid annealing of the radiation damage upon re
soldering the leads, the leads were soldered to the
specimen before beginning the experiment, the specimen
and leads were secured to a specimen mount, the
measurements taken, and the entire specimen mount
assembly was placed in the 'Y source for irradiation.
Since percentage changes in properties upon radiation
were the main points of interest, this technique in
creased the accuracy of the measurements by eliminat
ing errors in measurements of specimen dimensions. The
Co60'Y source which was employed has a photon flux of
1016 cm-2 h-1 and an ambient temperature of ",45°C.
Resistivity and Hall measurements, parallel to the
cleavage plane, were made by employing the constant
temperature apparatus described by Ure.19 This appara
tus gives good temperature control and avoids thermal
gradients, thereby nullifying thermoelectric voltages.
An aluminum specimen mount was used which fits
snugly into the specimen chamber indicated in Ref. 19.
The Ure apparatus was used also for thermal anneal
ing of the specimens before and after radiations. Post
anneal electrical properties were measured at -196°
and -123°C and recorded vs time of anneal. Annealing
temperatures ranged from room temperature to 130°C.
Anneal data were taken before and after radiations to
insure that the observed changes in properties upon
annealing were due only to radiation effects.
The measurements of Drabble et aZ.n were repeated,
in part, on irradiated BbTea primarily to determine the
validity of Eq. (1). Because of experimental difficulties
discussed above, data were restricted to those which
could be obtained with the current parallel to the
cleavage plane. As a consequence only Kllll and K1l33
of Eq. (1) were obtained.
C060 'Y radiation produces two independent effects
upon the electrical properties of Bi2Tea. The first effect
is seen after small doses ('" 1016 photons cro-2) of 'Y and
x radiation, and is not significantly dependent upon the
energy of the photon or specimen temperature during
irradiation. The second and most important effect
appears after extended exposures (> 1018 photons cm-2)
and is considered to be associated with lattice
19 R. 'V. Ure, Jr., Rev. Sci. Insle. 28, 836 (1957).
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] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 06:26:11CO'; 0 'Y -RAn I A T ION -INn IT C ED POI N T DE FEe T SIN R i, T (,,, 2SS1
TABLE 1. Properties of Bi2Te, after varying exposures to C060 'Y radiation. Temperature of measurement: -196°C.
4> RJ R2 pXlO-3 J P2XlO-'
Specimen h cm'/C cm'/C O-cm O-cm
An 0 2.72 2.72 0.563 0.563
I 2 2.53 2.72 0.530 0.566
94 2.91 3.09 0.572 0.608 1 191 3.02 3.25 0.610 0.630
291 3.1.J. 3.34 0.630 0.661
Bn 0 2.38 0.305
j 100 2.70 0.327
200 2.92 0.344
300 3.00 0.357
0 0.305
100 0.327
200 0.344
300 0.357
A. 0 3.73 3.73 1.40 1.40 1 2 3.92 3.73 1.46 1.35
102 3.10 2.87 1.28 1.14
Bp 0 4.66 4.66 1.93 1.93
1 99 5.25 4.55 2.06 1.97
103 5.26 4.56 2.06 1.91
298 4.42 3.69 1.72 1.70
"8 =arc SinC~~!J
For reasons given, the low 'Y-fiux effect is described as
electronic. The electronic effect decreases the magnitude
of the Hall coefficient in n-type and increases it in
p-type Bi2Tea and is observed in all specimens. It
anneals at room temperature in 10 to 24 h. The magni
tude of the electronic effect is dependent upon the
initial characteristics of the crystal and is relatively
insensitive to the radiation history of the crystal. Table
I gives changes in the Hall coefficient and resistivity of
several illustrative specimens as a function of radiation
histories. The values tabulated under the heading
R1-R2 give the Hall coefficient after the specified time
in the source minus the coefficient after a 24-h anneal at
room temperature. Hence, this column gives the changes
in the Hall coefficient which are due only to the elec
tronic effect. The temperature of measurement of the
data of Table I is -196°C.
For C060 'Y-ray exposures > 1018 photons cm-2, the
second, or lattice damage, effect appears. This effect
reduces the magnitudes of the Hall coefficient and
electrical resistivity in p-type and increases them in
n-type Bi2Tea. Magnetoresistance parallel to the cleav
age planes increases in n-type Bi2Tea with extended
'Y radiation. Room temperature annealing is negligible
after a period of 100 h. The values tabulated in columns
R2, P2, and t.p/ p of Table I indicate the changes in the
Hall coefficient, resistivity, and magnetoresistance due
to the second effect. These values were all recorded
after sufficient time had elapsed for complete anneal of
the low 'Y-fiux, electronic effect.
At annealing temperatures greater than 50°C, re
covery of the high 'Y-fiux effect is observed. When post
annealing properties are obtained at -196°C, approach
to preirradiation properties occurs in two stages. At low
annealing temperatures or short times, the Hall coeffi-R,-R2 P,-P2 R/,?X106
cm3/C X 10-' O-cm cm/V-sec t:.p/p Ki;kl OS
8.58 90°
-0.19 -00.36 8.50 j -0.18 -0.036 8.35
-0.23 -0.020 8.19
-0.20 -0.031 7.64
25.6 20.92 1.046 90°
25.4 22.94 1.070 1 24.7 23.41 1.108
23.5 22.30 1.139
6.70 3.27 00
6.68 3.68 1 6.67 3.89
6.65 3.82
+0.19 +0.11 1 +0.23 +0.14
1.25 90°
+0.70 +0.09 1.17 1 +0.70 +0.15 1.25
+0.73 +0.02 1.28
cient increases in p-type and decreases in n-type BbTea
with time; whereas, the resistivity changes only slightly.
This process is reversible in the following sense: If the
specimen is held at room temperature for "-'12 h after a
period of anneal during the first stage, the Hall coeffi-
cient returns to the postirradiation value. At higher
anneal temperatures or long times, the recovery process
TABLE II. Thermal anneal of C060 'Y-radiation damage in
specimen Ap. (Req=3.730 cm'/C, peq= 1.40 O-cm, time in source:
102 h, temperature of measurement: -196°C.)
Anneal Anneal
temperature time I/R P (
(OC) • (103 sec) C/em' (lO-'O-em) (%) ---.------ -
50 0 0.3483 1.14 100
I 9 0.3451 1.14 96
18 0.3371 1.15 86
35 0.3323 1.16 80
52 0.3258 1.16 72
67 0.3218 1.15 67
78 0.3194 1.16 64
96 0.3210 1.16 66
113 0.3178 1.17 62
130 0.3162 1.17 60
72 0 0.3389 1.14 100
9 0.3247 1.14 80
18 0.3141 1.15 65
30 0.3070 1.16 55
43 0.3070 1.17 55
69 0.3021 1.22 48
94 0.2957 1.23 39
113 0.2957 1.26 39
123 0.2915 1.26 33
100 0 0.3194 1.19 100
j 9 0.2964 1.26 40
18 0.2830 1.28 21
30 0.2773 1.34 13
38 0.2738 1.37 8
44 0.2716 1.36 5
54 0.2702 1.39 3
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] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 06:26:112~82 1\[. .1. S 1\1 IT H
.23.5 .-____ 4-•• ~~ ____ ~
FIG. 1. Effect of Coso l' radiation upon R/,J of Bi2Tea. Temperature
of measurement: -196°C.
becomes irreversible. The ratio of the Hall coefficient to
resistivity, which usually defines the Hall mobility,
increases slightly during the second stage. Table II
shows the annealing behavior of the Hall coefficient and
resistivity of a typical specimen which had received
1018 C060 'Y photons. Post anneal data are taken at
If data are taken at temperatures above -123°C after
anneal at temperatures greater than 50°C, only one
anneal step is observed. Post anneal data at -123°C
follow the same general trends as the second anneal
process of Table II.
When p-and n-type BbTe3 are exposed to light doses
of "I or x radiation, an electronic effect appears which
causes an increase in the ratio R/ p. This condition is
unstable at room temperature. Since this effect is in
dependent of the energy of radiation and saturates after
very small doses, it is considered to be purely electronic.
The changes in the electrical properties and the re
covery of these changes are in qualitative agreement
with the low "I-exposure results reported by Artman
et alY and the preliminary results of Smith.20
Extended 'Y radiation produces a more stable effect
upon p-and n-type Bi2Tes which appears to be associ
ated with lattice damage. The observable changes in
the resistivity and galvanomagnetic properties after
1018 photons cm-2 of C060 'Y radiation are surprisingly
large for the high number of current carriers (1017 to
1019 cm-a) present in the samples. Significant changes in
the Hall coefficient of Ge cannot be seen after 1018
photons cm-2 if the number of carriers significantly
exceeds 1015 cm-3.12 If the simple relation,
n=1/eRH (2)
for the number of current carriers as a function Hall
20 M. J. Smith, Solid State Div. Ann. Progr. Rept., 31 August
1962, ORNL-3364, p. 91. coefficient is assumed, the apparent C060 'Y radiation
carrier removal rate in Bi2Tes is '" 10-1 current carrier
per C060 'Y photon in the range of 1018 photons cm-2•
The galvanomagnetic factors of Eq. (1) are tabulated
in Table I as a function of C060'Y exposure. It is evident
that K is not constant but is a slowly varying function
of lattice damage. A reasonable condition for the con
tradiction of Eq. (1) is the existence of more than one
current carrier type at low temperatures in Bi2Tes.
Multiple carrier type conduction was also proposed by
Yates5 who suggested impurity band conduction as a
model for explaining the temperature dependence of the
electrical properties of n-type Bi2Tea.
If one can assume only one n-and one p-lype im
purity band which is capable of conduction, the general
expression for the Hall coefficient is given by:
R/ p2= e(rlnMI2-r2PM22+rsniJ1.l-r4PiJ.L42), (3)
where the subscript i refers to impurity band. The first
two terms correspond to conduction and valence band
conduction, respectively. We assume that radiation
damage modulates one or more of the quantities in
Eq. (3) and that the isothermal expression
H¢)=A¢ (4)
is valid; here ~ is the physical quantity which is modu
lated, A is a constant, and ¢ is the total integrated C060
'Y flux. It now becomes informative to plot experimental
values of R/ p2 vs ¢2 and ¢. Figures 1 and 2 give these
plots of data taken at -196° and -123°C, respectively,
for an n-type crystal. It is seen that R/ p2 may be ex
pressed by:
at low temperatures j whereas,
R/p2=B'-C'¢ (5)
at higher temperatures, where Band C are constants.
Assuming r of Eq. (3) remains relatively constant and
Eq. (4) is correct, one may conject from Eqs. (3), (5),
,----- -~---~ ---,
I '
\ 25 ! • I'i ' ~ 1.20 L _____ ~ ____ ~_~ _____ ._----"~-----i
o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
.. Ih I
FIG. 2. Effect of Coso l' radiation upon R/,J of Bi2Tea. Temperature
of measurement: -123°C.
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] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 06:26:11C 060 'Y -R A D I A T I 0 i\' -I N Due E D POI N T D E FEe T SIN B i 2 T e 3 2883
and (6) that at low temperatures, where impurity con
duction is significant, radiation damage affects pri
marily mobilities, JJ.3 and JJ.4 of Eq. (3). However, at
higher temperatures, where conduction occurs primarily
via the conduction and/or the valence band, the concen
tration of carriers is altered by irradiation. The quantity
R/ p2 is relatively constant in the case of the p-type
specimen. This phenomenon suggests that the impurity
bonding effect is not so important in p-type material.
Until a more sophisticated model for impurity band
conduction in Bi2Tea is available, a simple explanation
for this discrepancy in the case of p-type material can
not be offered.
With the use of the foregoing model, which appears to
be appropriate at least for n-type BbTea, some conclu
sions may be drawn from the anneal data. Two stages
of anneal are observed when the post-annealing meas
urements are made at -196°C; whereas, only one is
observed if the data are taken above -123°C. It
appears that the first stage involves reduction of the
disturbance to the impurity band; whereas, the second
is associated with recovery of carrier concentration and
annihilation of radiation damage. The anneal stages
seem to be first-order processes.
In a first-order anneal process, the fraction of defects
remaining after t seconds of anneal at temperature T is
given by:
f=A exp(-kt), (7)
where k is defined as the rate constant. If the reciprocal
of the Hall coefficient is proportional to the defect
concentration,I2 the fraction of defects remaining is
WO ....::~--,-------,-----,-----r-----,--------,
=--r-----' •
T=60 DC T=50 °C
4 -.-------l..---+-----'~__c=~-_1___--_+----
10 12
f (sec)
FIG. 3. Fraction of defects remaining in specimen Ap vs time of
anneal. (A constant correction factor has been subtracted from
each point. See text.) TEMPERATURE (OC)
120 100 80 60 40
~t:=±=:t~~--~--~:::!f:±! ---=::"l--t:::-:-~-=-tl, ~: ---=-==_ ~_ == __ ~~~
r---~±-:..:~t1 :------;--+-----l---i
5 ---~---+--
2 f--T--:~-t
4,,66 "---_-'---_-"--_--L_-----' __ L-.--'-------'
2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20
1000/r (OK)
FIG. 4. Rate constant vs lOOOIT for the secondary anneal process.
defined by:
f= (1/Req-1/R)/(l/Req-1/R i), (8)
where Req is the equilibrium or preirradiation Hall
coefficient, R is the Hall coefficient following anneal, and
Ri is the postirradiation Hall coefficient. If the recovery
process has a unique activation energy, the rate con
stant k is given by:
k=koexp(-E/kT), (9)
where E is the activation energy for annihilation of the
Figure 3 gives a plot of the fraction of defects remain
ing in the specimen of Table II after anneal. Since
preparation of the specimens introduce annealable
defects, the postirradiation annealing often resulted in
a greater recovery than expected from the radiation
induced property change. Hence, it was necessary in
many instances to adjust Req of Eq. (8) by a constant
correction factor of ",5%, or less, in order to obtain the
exponential behavior of Eq. (7). When the total inte
grated 'Y flux significantly exceeds 1018 photons, the
anneal curves begin to deviate from Eq. (7). Neverthe
less, the electrical properties continue to approach the
same post anneal values after long anneal times.
The elevated temperature anneal process evidently
involves annihilation of a charged defect. The activation
energy obtained from Fig. 4 and Eq. (9) for the annihi
lation of the defect is 0.9±0.05 eV. Kuliev and Abdul
laev21 report an activation energy of 2.18 eV for the
diffusion of Se in Bi2Sea. Since Te and Se are similar in
size and electronic configuration, it is reasonable to
assume that the activation energy for the diffusion of
21 A. A. Kuliev and G. D. Abdullaev, Fiz. Tverd. Tela I, 603
(1959) [English trans!': Soviet Phys.-Solid State 1,545 (1959)].
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] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 06:26:112884 :VI. J. S MIT H
3 x 10'3 r-'C,0-----, __ ',OO-,-_---,-8,O_..,- __ 6rO_----,_----,,40
2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20
'OOO/r (OK)
FIG. 5. Rate constant vs 1000/T for the initial anneal process.
Te in Bi2Tea is similar to that for the diffusion of Se in
Bi2Sea. The activation energy for diffusion Ed is the sum
of the vacancy formation energy Ej and the vacancy
motion energy Em, i.e.,
If it is assumed that22
the results of Ref. 21 indicate that Em~ 1 eV for the
energy of motion of Te vacancies in Bi2Tea. This value
is in reasonable accord with the activation energy of
O.9±O.05 eV obtained from the slope of the curve of
Fig. 4.
When postirradiation data are taken at -196°C
after low temperatures of anneal, the Hall coefficient
anneals reversibly in temperature with an activation
energy obtained from Fig. 5 of O.7±O.1 eV. If dusters of
interlaminar, defect atoms result in a buckling of the
22 C. E. Birchenal, Atom Movements (American Society for
Metals, Cleveland, Ohio, 1951). la ttice such as has been observed in graphi te, 12 one would
expect that the reversible anneal process might well be
dissociation of dusters of interstitial Te atoms at anneal
temperatures. On cooling to room temperature, the Te
atoms reassociate. Higher thermal energies are neces
sary for dissociation, diffusion, and annihilation of the
Te vacancy-interstitial defect. It is significant that the
lattice buckling phenomenon does not affect the elec
trical properties when the property measurements are
made above -123°C which is the temperature range in
which the impurity band contribution should be negli
gible. However, preliminary measurements indicate
that thermal phonons are scat tered over the entire
temperature range. Hence, it appears that Te inter
stitials resulting in the buckling of the lattice scatter
only impurity carriers.
It would appear, therefore, that the model for 'Y
radiation damage which most consistently agrees with
the experimental results presented above consists of, at
least in part, a radiation-induced Te vacancy which is
an electrically active defect in both p-and n-type
BhTea and interlaminar dusters of interstitial Te atoms.
The rate of anneal of radiation damage is controlled by
the motion of the Te vacancies. Radiation disturbance
of the electrical properties is acceptor type and reduces
the apparent Hall mobility only slightly at room tem
perature. It may be concluded from the data that more
than one type of carrier is present in n-type Bi2Tea at
low temperatures and that radiation induced inter
laminar clusters of Te atoms alter the carrier mobility
in the impurity band.
The author is grateful to O. L. Curtis, Jr., and J. H.
Crawford, Jr., of this laboratory for their consultations
and suggestions in the interpretations of the results of
this research program.
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IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 06:26:11 |
1.1725637.pdf | Paramagnetic Resonance of Mn++ in NaN3, KN3, and RbN3
Gerard J. King and Brian S. Miller
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 41, 28 (1964); doi: 10.1063/1.1725637
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1725637
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/41/1?ver=pdfcov
Published by the AIP Publishing
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:16:4428 JAMES A. IBERS
values are approximately 10% higher than the corre
sponding ones for KHF2 and KDF2 (Table I). For the
NaHF2-NaDF2 systeml a careful study of the isotope
effect was carried out by superposition of high-order
reflections from both substances on the same Weissen
berg film. With the use of CoKal and CoKa2 on the
0.0.15 reflection it was found that at 27°C CH-Cn=
0.0137±0.0016 A; with MoKal and MoKa2 on the 220
reflection it was found that aH is equal to an to within
0.001 A. Because of the three-layer repeat in sodium
acid fluoridel these data lead, on the assumption of
localization of isotopic changes, to These differences in frequencies and in isotope effect
between the sodium and potassium salts undoubtedly
arise from differences in the bifluoride ion environment.
The potential function used here, since it is based on
the assumption of an isolated ion, cannot account for
such environmental effects. Nevertheless, the simple
function proposed here should be useful in the inter
pretation of bifluoride ion spectra, and the collection
of reliable infrared and Raman data on the NaHF2-
NaDF2 and KHF2-KDF2 systems is to be encouraged.
(F-H-F)- (F-D-F)=0.0046±0.0005 A.
This assumption is made more credible by the absence
of an isotope effect in the a direction.
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS It is a pleasure to thank M. Wolfsberg for his interest,
for some very helpful discussions, and for criticism of
the manuscript.
Paramagnetic Resonance of Mn ++ in NaN 3, KN 3, and RbN 3
Basic Research Laboratory, USAERDL, Ft. Belvoir, Virginia
(Received 4 November 1963)
The paramagnetic resonance of Mn++ in single crystals of NaNa, KNa, and RbNa is studied at 9.1 Gc/sec
as a function of crystal orientation in the magnetic field. In KN3 and RbN3 containing Mn++ the crystalline
electric field is the resultant of a large axial field in the [001] direction plus a small cubic field. The g values
for Mn++ in KN3 are gil = 1.9961±0.OO05, g.l= 1.9878±0.OOSOj and for Mn++ in RbN3 gil =2.000S±0.OOOS,
g.l=1.9971±0.00SO. The axial electric field parameter D is -S34±3.0 G for KNa and -278±3.0 G for
RbNa at 2SoC. The cubic field parameter ao is lO±O.S G for KN3 and 8.7±0.S G for RbNa. The Mn++
hyperfine coupling constants A and Bare -89.7 and -91.1±0.S G, respectively, in KNa. In RbN3, A and
Bare -88.0 and -88.9±0.S G, respectively. The large magnitudes of D, A, and B allow the forbidden
LlM=±I, Llm=±1 transitions to be intense. Two inequivalent sites result from the displacement of the
Mn++ from a cation site toward a bound nearest-neighbor cation vacancy.
For an unheated crystal of NaN3, the main Mn++ resonance is a single broad line at g= 1.9S±0.01. Heat
ing the NaN3 crystal changes this broad line into mUltiple sets of 30-line spectra. At 2SoC these sets of
30-line spectra decay slowly and the original broad line regrows. A similar effect previously found for
Mn++ in NaCl has been attributed to mobility of Mn++-cation vacancy complexes. One type of Mn++
spectrum in NaN3 is due to the vacancy-associated complex and another type is due to the dissociated
or excited complex. For both types of spectra gO =g.l= 2.001±O.OO2 and A ""B=87±1.0 G. For the dis
sociated Mn++ complex state the spectrum has axial symmetry about the c axis and D= -240 G. For the
vacancy-paired Mn++ spectrum an additional rhombic distortion occurs, and D= -265 and E= +S7 G.
The variation of linewidth with temperature is used to show that the KNa spectra result from charge com
pensation by vacancy pairing. Additional effects produced by vacancy jumping are noted. Differences
between the high-temperature properties of Mn++ in NaNa and KNa are related to cation size effects. A low
temperature line broadening of the Mn++ spectrum in KNa and RbNa is reported, and the similarity to the
Mn++ resonances in solution-grown KCI and KBr is noted.
WHEN Mn+ + ions are substituted in an alkali ion
site in alkali halide crystals, the ion charge dis
parity results in the generation of an alkali ion vacancy
to preserve electrical neutrality. For the proper thermal
conditions, the alkali ion vacancy will associate directly
with the Mn+ + ion and a complex defect center will
form. The existence and the properties of these Mn+ +
complexes have been established and studied by many authors, but strongest evidence has been presented by
Breckenridge,! by Schneider and Caffyn,2 and later, by
1 R. G. Breckenridge, J. Chem. Phys. 18, 913 (1950); Imper
fections in Nearly Perfect Crystals (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, 19S2), p. 219.
2 E. E. Schneider and J. E. Caffyn, Report on the Bristol Con
ference on Defects in Crystalline Solids, 1954 (The Physical So
ciety, London, 19S5) , p. 74.
3 G. D. Watkins, Phys. Rev. 113, 79, 91 (1959).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:16:44ESR OF Mn++ IN NaN., KN., AND RbNa 29
Breckenridge l investigated the electrical effects of
impurity divalent cations in alkali halides and attrib
uted the temperature-dependent, resonant electrical loss
effects to the defect structure generated for charge
compensation of the divalent ion. Watkinsa used para
magnetic resonance experiments to study Mn+ + in
alkali chlorides. He was successful in interpreting the
spectra by attributing the orientational properties of
the electric field splittings of the resonance patterns to
the alkali ion vacancy sites associated with the Mn+ +.
It was shown that a number of energetically equivalent
positions could be assumed by the associated vacancy
in the cubic lattice near the Mn+ +. This site degeneracy
was removed by the field interactions in the paramag
netic resonance experiment, producing extremely com
plex sets of spectra. By relating the symmetry proper
ties of the electric field splittings of the spectra with the
symmetry of the host lattice site, Watkins was able to
assign the different spectra to specific configurations of
the Mn+ + and its paired vacancy.
Watkinsa also studied the thermal effects on the line
widths of the paramagnetic resonance spectra. Ther
mally promoted jumping of the vacancy from one
neighboring cation site to another can produce a Stark
modulation of the paramagnetic resonance spectra if
lifetime conditions are favorable. This was observed as
a lifetime broadening of the resonance lines as temper
ature was increased above 200°C. Relaxation times were
computed for these jump processes from linewidth
measurements. Watkins determined the relaxation times
for the same process in separate dielectric loss measure
ments and obtained a direct correlation with the para
magnetic resonance results.
It is our intent in this paper to present some para
magnetic resonance experiments which indicate that a
similar type of Mn+ +-alkali-ion-vacancy complex exists
in a series of compounds related to alkali halides, namely,
the alkali azides. The azide ion is usually considered as
a halogenoid 4 with respect to chemical behavior. In
ionic materials, the azide ion is a linear symmetric tri
atomic chain of nitrogen atoms which are covalently
bonded together. Potassium, rubidium, and cesium
azides are highly ionic and have body-centered tetrago
nal crystal structure. The structural similarity of alkali
halides and alkali azides was noted by Hendricks and
Pauling.5 The deformation of the CsCl structure to the
body-centered tetragonal structure is in such a manner
as to accommodate the nonspherical shape of the azide
ion itself. Recent optical studies have shown that alkali
azides have exciton levels and band-to-band transitions6
which are strikingly similar to those of alkali halides.
An additional optical absorption band group around
2225 A has been attributed to a low-lying excited level
of the azide ion. In sodium azide, which has rhombo-
4 L. F. Audrieth, Chern. Revs. 15, 169 (1934). is. B. Hendricks and L. Pauling, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 47,2904
6 S. K. Deb, J. Chern. Phys. 35,2122 (1961). hedral or hexagonal structure, irradiation produces elec
tron spin resonance absorptions and an optical band,
both attributable to an F center.7,8 Other electron spin
resonances found in sodium and potassium azides after
irradiation have been attributed to nitrogen or nitrogen
The alkali azides exhibit behavior attributable to
general lattice behavior in some cases and to specific
properties of the azide ion in some cases. The general
lattice behavior is similar to that observed in the alkali
halides. To study this latter behavior, an attempt is
made here to extend the Mn+ + doping experiments
to the alkali azides for purposes of comparison with
Mn+ + -doped alkali halides.
Single crystals of NaNa, KNa, or RbNa were grown
at 25°C by slow evaporation of 200 ml of aqueous solu
tion in polyethylene containers. Doping with Mn+ +
was usually accomplished by adding milligram quanti
ties of MnCb or MnS04 to the growth solution. Crystals
used in these experiments had, typically, a manganese
concentration of 1 X 10-4 mole fraction as determined by
colorimetric analysis after appropriate chemical treat
ment. The body-centered tetragonal5 crystals of KNa
and RbNa were clear, colorless, and showed a well
developed bipyramidal form. The tetragonal c axis
([OOlJ direction) ran between the peaks of the bipyra
mid, and the equivalent [110J; [IlOJ axes formed the
edges of the common basal plane. Crystals containing
lO-a mole % Mn+ + were found to have strongly re
tarded growth in the c-axis direction. Orientations were
checked by x-ray analysis and optical goniometry.
Sodium azide crystals were found to grow in plates
with major surfaces perpendicular to the c axis. Addi
tion of Mn+ + to the growth solution in this case pro
moted growth in the c-axis direction. Sodium azide has
hexagona15 crystal structure, with the hexagonal plane
lying in the developed crystal face for temperatures
above 19°C.la
Paramagnetic resonance measurements were made
using a Varian V-4500 X-band spectrometer with 100-
kc/sec modulation and a V-4531 multipurpose cavity.
Magnetic fields were measured by proton resonance,
and microwave frequencies were determined by a
Hewlett-Packard 540B counting system.
The crystals were glued to vertical glass rods which
connected to a pointer for indicating angular orientation.
7 F. F. Carlson, G. J. King, and B. S. Miller, J. Chern. Phys.
33,1266 (1960).
8 G. J. King, B. S. Miller, F. F. Carlson, and R. C. McMillan, J. Chern. Phys. 35,1442 (1961).
9 A. J. Shuskus, C. G. Young, O. R. Gilliam, and P. W. Levy,
J. Chern. Phys. 33, 622 (1960).
10 D. W. Wylie, A. J. Shuskus, C. G. Young, O. R. Gilliam, and
P. W. Levy, Phys. Rev. 125, 451 (1962).
11 G. J. King, F. F. Carlson, B. S. Miller, and R. C. McMillan,
J. Chern. Phys. 34, 1499 (1961).
12 F. F. Carlson, J. Chern. Phys. 39, 1206 (1963).
13 B. S. Miller and G. J. King, J. Chern. Phys. 39, 2779 (1963).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:16:4430 G. J. KING AND B. S. MILLER
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90 \
\ J
\ /
\ J J/
1\ ./ VI \/ ~ II /\ j:1 v /]
r---.../ IV /-, '..l\ V ij~ -" '\
1 /
1 .I
r-FIG. 1. Fine structure lines RNa:Mn++.
Magnetic field position of the centers of
the sextets as a function of angle ()
between c axis and magnetic field (in
gauss) for Mn++ in RNa. The solid lines
are computed from Formula (1) using
the value of D derived from the ()=o
spectrum. ® Experiment; -theory.
1.200 2200 3200 4200 5200
The end of the rod was ground off square to give a
reference plane for the crystal. The magnet remained
fixed while the crystal was rotated by turning the glass
rod around its vertical axis. The cavity was a TE102 type
with the broad faces parallel to the pole faces of the
magnet. The entry point for the glass-rod crystal mount
was at the center point of the narrow 02 face, which
was horizontal. The crystals of KNa: Mn+ + and
RbNa:Mn++ were glued to the end of the rod in two
positions. In one position, the c axis was perpendicular
to the cylindrical axis of the rod, with a [110J edge of
the crystal contacting the square end of the rod. For
this orientation, rotation of the rod around its vertical
axis displayed the spectra as a function of the angle (J
between the c axis and the dc magnetic field. In the
other position, the crystal was mounted with the c axis
aligned with the vertical axis of the glass rod. Rotation
of the rod around its vertical axis displayed the spectrum
as a function of the angle if; between the [110J direction
and the magnetic field.
In connection with the growth habit of KNa and
RbNa, it was found that all of our crystals, pure or
doped, grew with basal plane edges which were [110J,
[110J crystal directions. This represents the results of
x-ray analysis and optical goniometry, as well as the
results from paramagnetic resonance. This same result
has been obtained by others.14 One reference 15 states
14 R. B. Horst, J. H. Anderson, and D. E. Milligan, Proceedings
of the Tenth Basic Research Group Symposium, 1961 (unpub
16 B. L. Evans, A. D. Yoffe, and Peter Gray, Chern. Revs. 59,
515, 525 (1959). that crystals of KNa "may be" grown in another habit,
but we have not found this effect in our crystals. For
high-temperature measurements, the use of glue was
eliminated by cutting and shaping crystals to fit closely
into quartz tubes, which were then evacuated and sealed
The discussion in this section pertains to the spectra
of Mn+ + in KNa and RbNa. The spectra observed in
NaNa show special features which warrant separate
discussion. The results for NaNa: Mn+ + lend strong
TABLE 1. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters· for
Mn++ in RNa and RbNa.
gil = 1. 9961±O.OO05
gJ.= 1. 9878±O.OO50
A = (-)89. 7±O.5 Gb
D=-534±3.0 G
a=+10±O.5 G RbNa
gil =2.0005±O.OOO5
gJ. = 1. 9971±O.0050
A = (-)88.0±O.5 Gb
B = ( - ) 88 . 9±O .5 G
D=-278±3.0 G
a=+8.7±O.S G
Temperature = 25°C
• Preliminary values were reported byG. J. King, R. C.McMillan, B. S.Mil
Ier, and F. F. CarIson, BuH. Am. Phys. Soc. 7, 449 (1962); and by G. J. King
and B. S. Miller, ibid. 8, 344 (1963).
b The sign for A and B for manganese is assumed negative, and the signs for
the other parameters are derived on this basis.
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support to the interpretation of results for Mn+ + in
both KNa and RbNa.
The spectra for Mn+ + in both KNa and RbNa show
axial symmetry with the axial field parameter D larger
than A, the hyperfine coupling constant. The axial field
in both cases is aligned with the tetragonal [OOlJ or c
axis. There is an additional cubic field splitting which
is very much smaller than D but which is also symmetric
about the [OOlJ axis. For the strong magnetic field case,
the axis of quantization is taken along the direction of
magnetization and the solution for the resonance line
positions for electric axial and hyperfine interactions
are, to the second orderl6-18:
Mf--+M -1, ~m=O
H=Ho-D(M -!) [3(gINg.l.2) cos2{j-1J
+ (D2/2Ho)[4S(S+1) -24M(M -1) -9J
X (gIl2g.l.2/g4) sin2{j cos2{j-(D2/8Ho)[2S(S+1)
-6M(M -1) -3J(g.l.2/ g4) sin4{j-Km -(A2/2Ho)
X[I(I+1)-m 2+m(2M-1)J gauss. (1)
The experimental results are given in Table I and Fig. 1.
For the orientational studies shown in the figures, each
crystal was rotated about a vertical [110J axis, which
was thus perpendicular to the dc magnetic field. This
rotation displays the very large variation in the field
position of the resonance lines as a function of the angle
(j between the magnetic field direction and the c axis
direction, which is also the main symmetry axis. The
signs of D and A were obtained by observing the second
order effects in line spacing after Bleaney and Ingram,16
and by assuming A is negative.a,17
Spectrum of Mn++ in KN a
In Fig. 2 (I) the lowest-field sextet is the M = -~ -! transition, and the one at highest field is the
M = +~+! transition. The m= +! line is the highest
field line in each sextet. Each of the five sets is a single
fine-structure line which is split into six lines by the
electron-nuclear interaction. The cross-over of the fine
structure lines observed around 54° is typical of the
strong magnetic field case for predominantly axial sym
metry. The normal resonance lines in Fig. 2(1) are the
~M=±l, ~m=O. For angles other than {j=0° or 90°,
the ~M=±l, ~m=±l and ~M=±1, ~m=±2 trans
itions are allowed. For a large value of D, particularly
for KN a: Mn+ +, the so-called "forbidden" ~m = ± 1,
±2 lines will be intense. The ratio of the intensity of
the (M, m+1f--+M-1, m) and (M, mf--+M-l, m+l)
16 B. Bleaney and D, J. E. Ingram, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A205,336 (1951).
17 W. Low, Paramagnetic Resonance in Solids (Academic Press
Inc., New York, 1960).
18 F. K. Hurd, M. Sacks, and W. D. Hershberger, Phys. Rev.
93,373 (1954). transitions to that of the ~m=O transition is19
[3D sin2{j/4g(jHJ2{ 1 +[S(S+ 1) /3M(M -1) Jl2
X[I(I+l) -m2+m]. (2)
This formula is expected to be accurate for small values
of {j if D is large, since it is obtained by perturbation
theory and D is assumed very small compared to g{3H.
The agreement with the Bleaney-Rubins theory is good
at small (j, and a more thorough study of the data by
computer techniques is currently in preparation. Some
general observations can be made. As predicted by the
computer calculations of Bleaney and Rubins the
~m= ± 1 and ~m = ± 2 do exceed the" normal" ~m = 0
nuclear lines for intermediate orientation [see especially
Figs. 2(11) and 2(111)]. For {j<5° the ~m=±1 doub
lets are well resolved within the electronic !f--+-! sextet.
They are symmetrically disposed between the ~m=O
lines and have the intensity ratio 5:8:9:8:5 for m= -!,
3 lId 3 t' 1 Th . -2, -2, 2, an 2, respec lve y. e asymmetry m
doublet spacing found for Mn+ + in A120a does not occur
here; as noted by Folen,20 this may be related to the
negative sign of D. For angles greater than (j= 5°, the
~m= ±2 transitions begin to interfere and resolution is
In the ±~±! electronic transitions, four of the
~m = ± 1 nuclear lines fall outside the main ~m = 0
transition, two on the high field side and two more on
the low field side. In Fig. 2(11) this effect is observable
on the extreme right. The line positions agree well with
the work of Friedman and LOW.21 The +~+t trans
ition shows particularly well the ~m= ± 1 lines for
{j= 7.5°, as shown in Fig. 3. The positions of the three
doublets and the four single lines are correct for an
S=!, I=! atom. The clutter introduced by the intens
ity and closeness of the ~m= ±2 and ~m= ±3 lines for
(j near 45° is sufficient to prevent identification of the
individual lines.
As may be seen in Fig. 2 [extreme left in (III), (IV),
and (V) J, the ~M = ±2 electronic half-field transitions
also have appreciable intensity in the KNa: Mn+ +
spectrum. We note that the center set of lines for
KNa: Mn+ + in Fig. 2(1), appears diminished in intensity.
The lines in the center set are superimposed on a broad
resonance at g= 2, and the power is shared.
Spectrum of Mn++ in RbN a
The spectrum for Mn+ + in RbNa is similar to the
KNa case. The axial symmetry around the crystal c
axis is quite apparent (see Fig. 4). The main transitions
are ~M=±l, ~m=O. The ~m=±l nuclear transition
lines are easily seen, but are not nearly so intense as in
KN a: Mn+ +. This result is expected for the smaller
19 B. Bleaney and R. Rubins, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) 77
103 (1961). '
20 V. Folen, Phys. Rev. 125, 1581 (1962).
21 E. Friedman and W. Low, Phys. Rev. 120, 408 (1960).
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FIG. 2. (I) Spectrum of Mn++ in KN3 at maximum splitting (8=0°). Marker is at g=2.0005±OJ)OO3.
(II) Spectrum for 8=22.5°. The breakup of the i ..... -i and -i--! fine structure groups is caused by the electron-nuclear inter
action of Bleaney and Rubins (see text). At the extreme right, a doublet occurring outside the related sextet is seen.
(III) Spectrum for 8=45°. For this orientation the electronic M -M -2 transitions are strong and interfere on the left with the -! ..... -! fine-structure transition.
(IV) Spectrum for 8=67.5°. This spectrum occurs after the cross-over point. The tiny lines on the extreme left are the M-M-2
electronic lines.
(V) Spectrum for 8=90°. The large shift in the position of the l--l set caused by the large value of D is apparent from the marker
position. Two of the lines are exactly superposed and hence appear as a single clipped line.
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FIG. 3. The M=!-M=! transition group of KNa:Mn++. The
six main lines are the normal tJ.m=O electronic lines. The 10 small
lines are the electronic transitions accompanied by a nuclear
transition (tJ.m= ±1). The angle () is 7.5°. At larger angles the
tJ.m = ±2 lines are clearly visible, also. The line intensity for the
tJ.m = ± 1 lines is in substantial agreement with the Bleaney
Rubins theory.
value of D in RbN3:Mn+ + and from Formula (2).
Here, smallness of D prevents easy identification of the
line structure due to Am~O transitions. The usual
Am= ± 1 doublets appear symmetrically between the
Am= 0 lines in the +~-! electronic transition for
small values of O. In addition to the usual features of
the KN3:Mn++ spectrum, the central set of +!~-!
electronic lines in the RbN3:Mn++ spectrum is badly
distorted at room temperature. This latter effect is
being investigated further.
Cubic Splitting
A pure axial field splitting for a paramagnetic ion in
a host crystal is not a complete physical description,
and one usually observes a secondary cubic field for a
tetragonal host. In the case of KN 3: Mn+ + the value of
a, the cubic field parameter, can be obtained from line
shifts in the 0=0° spectrum, as described by Bleaney
and Ingram.I6 It turns out that this procedure is valid
for KN3:Mn++ and RbN3:Mn++, but the actual
spectra are complicated by the unique" cubic" struc
tural effects. Measurement of the angular variation of
fine-structure splitting due to the cubic field can be done
FIG. 4. The spectrum of Mn++ in RbNa at 25°C. The value of
() is 0° in a and 90° in b. The intensity of the central set is anoma
lous. At somewhat lower temperatures, the relative intensity of
the sets approaches the theoretical value of 5: 8: 9: 8: 5. IjI (Degrees)
FIG. 5. "Cubic" line doubling for KN3:Mn++. For the unsplit
spectrum the appearance is identical to Fig. 2 (V). Each single
line in that figure appears to double every 45° of rotation of angle
>/to We show here the fit of Formula (9) to the observed data. The
magnetic field is measured from an arbitrarily fixed point, and the M=-i-M=-!, m=-i line is used here.
accurately only in the position for 0= 90°. Thus, if one
rotates the crystal in the 0= 90° position in such a
manner that the angle if; (see Sec. II) is described, then
the large variations in fine structure due to D, and the
complication due to the AM = ± 1, Am~O lines are both
eliminated. The expected result of such a rotational
study is a fourfold variation in the fine structure which
can be described by the first-order Kronig-Boukamp
calculation. 17.22
When the orientational studies were performed it
was found that there were two apparent cubic sites
present, and this gave the effect of a small line splitting
of 15 G for every 45 deg of the angle 1/;. A related line
doubling for Mn+ + in calcite has been found by Kikuchi
and Matarrese23 (KM); we will use their techniques
for analysis here. Analysis of the data showed that a
fairly good fit was obtained by two separate cos41/; terms
shifted roughly 50° (see Fig. 5). The source of this
doubling became apparent from the x-ray data.5 If the
Mn+ +interacted with the nearest nitrogen atom in each
azide ion (see Fig. 6) then local symmetry would consist
of a" cube" which has the top twisted some 49°38' from
the bottom. If we were to untwist this" cube" its
dimensions would be 3.3X3.3X3.5 A.
We will assume that the Mn+ + interacts with the
nearest nitrogen atom on each of the eight nearest-
FIG. 6. Projection on (001) plane of
the Mn++ ion site. When the solid-line
square is the upper one, this is an A site.
In a B site, the dashed-line square is the
upper one.
22 R. De L. Kronig and C. J. Bouwkamp, Physica 6,290 (1939).
23 C. Kikuchi and L. M. Matarrese, J. Chern. Phys. 33, 601
(1960). These authors are referred to as KM in the text.
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®@ 0 ...
Mnt+ K' N3 FIG. 7. The structure of KN •. Manf!a
nese replaces any K ion but the com
pensating vacancy locates only directly
above or below the Mn++. The [001]
direction is vertical in the figure.
neighbor azide ions, as the data suggest. In order to
understand how the twist angle gives the effect of two
"cubic" sites, it is useful to analvze the effect in a
manner similar to that of KM. The line doubling ob
served by KM for Mn+ + in calcite was the result of two
inequivalent sites. For KNs:Mn++, in an undistorted
state, there are two geometrically inequivalent sites.
In Fig. 7, the c axis is vertical. If Mn+ + ion is inserted
in an upper K ion site, then the interaction with the
ei?ht nearest nitrogen atoms is shown in projection in
FIg. 6. The upper (solid-line) net of four nitrogen atoms
is twisted 24 °49' clockwise from [001]. The lower square
net of four nitrogen atoms (dashed lines) which interact
with the Mn+ + is twisted 24°49' counterclockwise. For
the K ion site directly beneath the one we have been
consid~ring, the rotation of the square nets of nitrogen
atoms IS reversed. We call the first site an A site and
the second, a B site. We can show that if these two sites
are undistorted, then the A and B sites are entirely
equivalent in the paramagnetic resonance experiment
even though they are not geometrically equivalent. If
the Mn+ + ions are displaced from the K ion sites along
the c axis direction, the A and B sites are no longer
equivalent in the resonance experiment and we can
account for the observed results accurately. The mech
anism we propose for the distortion is the attraction of
the Mn+ + for a positive-ion vacancy in the nearest
neighbor site. This nearest-neighbor site is always in
the c-axis direction for KNa and RbNa as a result of
the body-centered tetragonal structure. The require
ment for ~ posi~iv~-ion vacancy is based upon charge
~ompensatlOn prInClples. That the charge compensation
IS produced by a vacancy and not by a negative impurity
ion is discussed in Sec. IV.
We first show the necessity for including distortion
effects by solving the undistorted case where the Mn+ +
is exactly in the K ion site and no vacancy or other
mechanism is included. We will then use the simple
result t? calculate the distorted case, assuming the
calculatlOn of the crystal field matrix elements is still
valid for small distortions. Using the Mn+ + as the origin
and [OOlJ as the polar axis, the potential due to the
interaction with the nearest end nitrogen atom in each
of the neighboring azide ions is given by24 V = a20Y20+
a4oY4o+.a44Y44+a4-4Y 4-;" where the Y1m are spherical
harmomcs. The selectlOn of the particular terms for
24 B. Bleaneyand K. W. H. Stevens in Rept Progr Phys 16 108 (1953). . . . t the potential is discussed by Bleaney and Stevens24 and
by Sachs.25 The crystal parameters a44 and a4-4 contain
the information about the angle of twist. We follow the
analysis of KM and write the potential here as
V = a20Y20+a40[Y40+b4Y 44+b-4Y4-4], (3)
b±4= a4±4/ a40
= '2;RrSP4;f:4(cosaj) exp(Ti4~j)/L:RrsP40(coSaj)
J j
and ~j is the azimuthal angular position of the lattice
p_oint j and aj i~ the colatitude of the point j. Both
P40(C05aj) and P44(C05aj) are even functions of COsaj
b4 = b-4 = P 44 (cosao) cos4~o/ P40 (cosao) ,
where 0'.0 is the colatitude of anyone of the eight lattice
points and 2~o is the twist angle (see Fig. 6). This
means that b±4 is the same for both the A and B sites
and hence the two sites are identical. No crystal field
doublets can arise from Mn+ + exactly in a cation site.
1£ we assume a distortion along the c axis, which is
the only one permitted by the observed axial symmetry
of the spectrum, then the A and B sites are inequivalent
and four possible sites arise since the vacancy can be
above or below the A or B sites (see Fig. 8). The
resonance experiment can distinguish only two different
sites although higher order effects may produce line
bro~dening as a result of the four sites. The physical
baSIS for the generation of inequivalent sites is that the
displaced Mn+ + reacts more strongly with the nearer
s~uare net of nitrogen atoms. The orientational proper
ties of the stronger interaction are dominant in the
reso?an~e experiment. For Site A (or B), an upward
c-aXIS dIsplacement yields a strong interaction which is
t:visted 2~o from that obtained by a downward c-axis
dIsplacement. Information concerning the displacements
is contained in both a40 and a4±4.
In calculating the matrix elements of the potential
(3) one can use the operator equivalent method of
Stevens or the tensor operator formalism of Racah.
Suitable operator forms and evaluated matrix elements
are provided by KM.
0-MnH [~~-vacancy FIG. 8. The four sites created
by the displacement of the Mn++
along the c axis. A 1 and B2 are
equivalent, as are A2 and B1. The
result of the distortions is a pre
dominant clockwise rotation for
one class and a predominant
counterclockwise rotation for the
other. Two sites are thus resolved
in the resonance experiment. The
solid and the dashed lines repre
sent edge views of the squares in
Fig. 6.
2Ii M. Sachs, Solid State Theory (McGraw-Hill Book Company
Illc./ New York,1963). •
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In order to give the usual meaning to the spin
Hamiltonian parameter ao, the "cubic" part of the
crystal field expression needs to be multiplied by an
appropriate constant. This is determined by requiring
that when all distortions are eliminated and the twist
angle is reduced to zero, then the crystal field reduces to
to that of a simple cube. The equation for the crystal
field can be written in operator form in the notation of
V=D[SzLtS(S+1) J
+-l5ao[To(4)+b4T4(4)+b--4T --4(4)J. (5)
The second term in (5) has been multiplied by n, so
that solution of the secular equation yields three twofold
degenerate levels at
When D= 0 and 2{3o= 0 then I b4 12= -h for a cube,24 and
one obtains a quartet energy level at E= ao and a
doublet at E= -2ao. This is the usual result for a cubic
material and an 6Sl state ion, as indicated by Bethe.26
The ao term here is the same one used by KM, and
ao= a-F in the notation of Bleaney and Trenam.27 The
sign of ao is positive as we can show from the experi
mental data, in agreement with the theory of
For our solution of the problem we have taken the
z axis along [OOlJ in the crystal electric field calcula
tion, since this is the fourfold symmetry axis. We treat
the Zeeman problem as a strong magnetic field case
and thus the axis of quantization must lie in the direc
tion of the magnetic field in the isotropic case. The
perturbation procedure requires that all terms be eval
uated using the coordinate system which has its z axis
aligned with the magnetic field. Because the experi
mental equipment is different, it is not immediately
obvious that the Euler angles 8 and I/; of KM are the
same as ours. This is the case, however, and we measure
8 as the angle between the magnetic field and the crys
tal c axis, which is the fourfold axis. We must remount
the crystal to display the pure I/; variation. It is the I/;
variation which allows accurate measurement of the
"cubic" effect. We rotate the crystal coordinate system
into the magnetic coordinate system and, in doing so,
we obtain the transformed spherical harmonics
y Im(8., 1/;.) = Lamm' (8,1/;, cp) Y 1m' (8.',1/;.').
All terms have same meaning as in the KM calculations,
and (8.',1/;.') and (8.,1/;.) are the spherical coordinates in
the new and old coordinate systems, respectively. For
26 H. A. Bethe, Ann. Physik 3, 133 (1929) (English trans!.:
Consultants Bureau, Inc., New York.)
'n B. Bleaney and R. S. Trenam, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A223,1 (1954).
28 H. Watanabe, Progr. Theoret. Phys. (Kyoto) 18,405 (1957). a first-order perturbation, m' = O. This is sufficient here,
since we are dealing with a relatively small energy term.
The amo(l) are given by KM, and
Y2o(8.,I/;.) = (2/5)tP20(cosO) Y20(8.',I/;.') ,
Y4o(8., 1/;.) = (2/9) IP40( cosO) Y40(8.', 1/;.') ,
Y44(8e, 1/;.) = (2/9) !P4--4 (cos8) exp[i4I/;JY 40(8.', 1/;.') ,
Y 4--4(8.,1/;.) = (2/9) tP4--4 ( cosO) exp[ -i41/;J Y40(8.', 1/;.') ,
where P1m(cosO) are normalized associated Legendre
A solution to the energy equation
JC=g{3H·S+AI·S+ V,
where g and A are assumed isotropic, is given by the
diagonal term for site A 1 (or B2) :
(M, ml JC 1M, m)(Al)=g{3HM+AMm
+DaOO(2) (MI Y20'l M)+ (2/9)tnaO[P40(COsO)
+b4(AI) exp( i41/;) P4--4( cos8)
+b_PI) exp( -i41/;)P4--4(cos8) J (MI Y40' 1M). (6)
Sites A 1 and B2 are equivalent, and sites" A2 and B1
are also equivalent. For site A 1 (or B2), .
(M, ml JC 1M, m )(AIL (M -1, ml JC 1M -1, m )(AI)
+ DaOO(2l[ (MI Y20' IM)-(M -11 Y20' 1M -1) J
+nao[P40(cos8) + 105/(8!)!
sin40\ b4(AI) exp( i41/;) +bjAI) exp( -i41/;) I J
X[(MI Y4o'l M)-(M-11 Y40'l M-1)J. (7)
If we consider the c axis to be held in a vertical position
(8=90°) and the crystal rotated about this axis, the
angle y, is described. The only variation in the spectrum
is produced by the last term in (7) . We call this term
Referring to Fig. 8, Formula (4) can be expressed as
P4±4(cosa) exp(±i4{30)
b±4= - -P 40 ( cosa) + [ R/ R'J5 P 40 ( cosa')
P4±4 (cosa') exp (=Fi4{30) + - -P40( cosa') +[R' / RJ6P40C cosa)
= S exp(±i4{30) + S' exp(=Fi4{30), (8)
where a and R refer to the upper square and a' and
R' refer to the lower square in all four cases. Using this
definition of Sand S' one can write for the last term
of Formula (7) for M = -~-!
C(A 1) =nao\P40( cos8) +[2/(8 !) lJP44 (cos8)
XeS cos4(1/;+{30) + s' cos4(1/;-{30) Jl (¥), (9)
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FIG. 9. Mixed spectra of Mn++ in NaN3 at 25°C. Spectra in b
are found for a crystal wit~ no th:rmal tr~atment: The ~~o~d
line results from exchange mteractlOn of hIgh-densIty Mn m
defects. Heating the same crystal to 200°C, followed by quen~h
ing to 25°C disperses the Mn++ throughout the crystal, leavmg
sharp lines ~s in a. The strongest 30-line spectrum is the Mn++
in the Type II spectrum. The six small lines at each end are from
one of the Type III sets of va.cancy-compensated Mn++ io~s. The
spectra in a revert to those m b after several days at 25 C. In
strument gain in b is 10 times the gain in a.
for the equivalent A 1 and B2 sites. The expression
C(A2) for the equivalent A2 and B1 sites is the same
as (9) except Sand S' are interchanged.
The terms Sand S' and f30 were used as adjustable
parameters to fit the formulas for C~A1) and C(.;t-2)
to the experimental points. The partlcular set of hnes
chosen were the M = -~-!, m= -! lines and the
formulas are multiplied by the value of the matrix ele
ments for this transition (+¥). The fitting of the
formulas was accomplished by trial and error. A dis
placement of the Mn+ + away from its cation site
toward the vacancy was assumed and the angles and
distances in the formulas for Sand S' were then com
puted using known x-ray data. The best-fit angle f30
was found to be 23°30', which is close to the undistorted
value of 24°49' from x-ray data. The best-fit distortion
was found to be 0.26 A, which is about 7% of the cation
to-cation spacing in the c direction. The distortion for
the similar case of Mn+ + in NaCl is about 10%. Both
values here are entirely reasonable. The agreement of
the theory with observed line splittings for 8= 90° is
shown in Fig. 5. The angle if; is measured between the
[110J direction (an edge of the basal plane) and the dc
magnetic field. The parameter ao is obtained from a
separate experiment in which the 8= 0° spectrum is
The maximum line separation of C(A1) and C(A2)
in Fig. 5 is about 14.5 G. The same result is obtained
for the M = !~! group. The absolute value of the matrix
elements in (9) for the M=~! and M=-~-!
groups is ¥, and the maximum line separation should be tx 14.5= 11.6 G. The high field (for 8= 71/2)M =
_!!~_J!. group maximum line separation is 14 G but
2 2 •• 15G the low field M =~! maximum separatIOn IS on y .
In addition, the M = !~! group lines are 1.5 times
broader than the other lines for this orientation. On the
basis of the first-order perturbation calculation, there should be no line separation in the M = !~-! group.
We observe, however, that there is a line broaden~ng
having the same orientational propert~es as the l~ne
separations of the other groups. The hne broademng
corresponds to a 2-G separation of the centers of the
lines. The discrepancies noted here are likely the result
of the use of perturbation treatment which requires the
Zeeman energy to be much larger than the crystal field
energy. The large magnetic field separation of the
±~±! groups may introduce magnetic field-depend
ent differences.
The most remarkable feature of the resonance spec
trum of Mn+ + in NaNa is its similarity in behavior
to Mn+ + in N aCl. When grown slowly from aqueous
solution29 or from the melt,23 the Mn+ + spectrum in
NaCl crystals is primarily a single broad line with
rudimentary fine structure. Heating the crystal to
around 250°C, followed by quenching, produces sets of
characteristic 30-line Mn+ + spectra. The cubic structure
of NaCI allows vacancy-type charge compensation to
be energetically equivalent when the vacancy is in any
one of the six nearest-neighbor cation sites. The para
magnetic resonance crystal field splittings are sensitive
to the direction between the vacancy and the manganese.
There are at least two other inequivalent sets of spectra
observed whenever one set is observed at maximum
splitting, and there is a 90° rotation around a crystal
axis separating the maximum splittings for each set.
We have observed similar effects for Mn+ + in NaN3.
The crystals, when first grown from solution, show. a
single broad resonance (Fig. 9) with an apparently dIS
ordered line structure superimposed. The similar broad
line has been attributed, in NaCl, to precipitation of
vacancy-Mn+ + complexes in sites where the density of
Mn+ + is sufficient to cause broadening by dipole-dipole
and exchange effects. When NaN3:Mn++ is heated to
150°C the broad line vanishes and multiple sets of
30-line spectra occur which are semistable at 25~C.
This effect is qualitatively the same as that occurnng
in NaCl and is shown in Fig. 9. The positive-ion
vacancy-Mn+ + pair has high mobility in the lattice,
and heating followed by quenching causes the pairs to
be trapped in low concentration throughout the crystal.
The spectra are then sharp-lined. The Mn+ + spectra
in NaNa, like those in NaCl, decay slowly at .25°C and
return to the original broad-line spectrum III several
Charge Compensation
The sharp-line spectra of Mn+ + in NaN3 show the
symmetry of the hexagonal structure. Sodium azide has
a layer-type structure (see drawings in Ref. 5) and the
symmetry in the metal plane is trigonal. The c axis
29 K. Morigaki, M. Fujimoto, and J. Itoh, J. Phys. Soc. Japan
13, 1174 (1958).
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([00.1J) is normal to the metal and the azide planes.
Rotational studies performed with the c axis perpendic
ular to the de magnetic field show that a different set
of lines reaches a maximum splitting every 60°. The
vacancy can form a pair with equal binding energy in
anyone of the six nearest-neighbor cation positions,
which all are in the metal plane. The resonance experi
ment distinguishes only three sets of 30-line spectra for
a predominant axial field splitting. This coordination in
NaNa should be compared with the coordination in
KNa and RbNa. In these two compounds, there are
only two possible nearest-neighbor cation sites, one on
either side of the Mn+ + in the c-axis direction. These
two positions allow the best charge compensation to be
by a vacancy mechanism; since they are equivalent in
axial symmetry, we see only one axial30-line spectrum.
It is useful to note that the symmetry of the KNa and
RbNa spectra seems to require a vacancy for charge
compensation of the Mn+ +. The inclusion of a com
pensating doubly charged negative ion would require
it to be in a positive-ion site, to satisfy the observed
symmetry of the spectra.
Vacancy-Mn+ + complexes in alkali chlorides can
exist in excited states in which, for instance, the vacancy
can be removed to the next-nearest cation site. In fact,
the ground state separation of the complex need not be
the closest separation permitted by the geometry.3o.a1
For NaNa:Mn++, determinations of the relation of the
crystal axes to the symmetry of the spectra indicate
that vacancy compensation does occur for the nearest
site, but an excited state also exists in which the vacancy
and Mn+ + are dissociated.
Spin Hamiltonian
The dominant 30-line spectrum shown in Fig. 9(a)
is not from vacancy-compensated Mn+ + but from the
dissociated vacancy-Mn+ + complex. This differentia
tion is easy to make, since the line shape is roughly
independent of temperature in the range 20°-300°C.
The line shapes for the vacancy-compensated Mn+ +
spectra are very sensitive to temperature and broaden
in a characteristic manner (see Sec. V). These two types
of spectra are in thermal equilibrium, and at tempera
tures above 180°C the vacancy-compensated spectra
convert into the uncompensated spectrum. For NaCl
the high-temperature spectrum is a single set of six lines,
in accord with the cubic structure. For NaNa, the high
temperature spectrum also shows the undistorted crystal
symmetry. Following the work of Watkins,a we call the
high temperature spectrum Type II and the vacancy
compensated spectrum Type III. Figure 9(b) corre
sponds to Watkins' Type I spectrum.
The relationship of the Type II and Type III spectra
in NaNa is obvious from the values of the parameters
in the spin Hamiltonians. In both cases we use the
30 M. P. Tosi and G. Airoldi, Nuovo Cimento 8, 584 (1958).
31 F. Bassani and F. G. Fumi, Nuovo Cimento 11, 274 (1954). II> SO
::a:: 20 l-e .i. ... 10 z
::::; J ~
FIG. 10. The linewidth of the m= -! line in the M = -i
M = -! transition of KN3:Mn++. The solid line is the result of
Watkins3 for manganese in NaCl and the circles are the experi
mental results for manganese in KN3. 0 KN3; -NaC!.
crystal c axis as the major symmetry axis, and the
crystal field is described by
JC= DS12+ E( Sa2-S22) ,
where the subscript 1 refers to the c axis, 2 refers to the
trigonal axis direction between the vacancy and the
manganese, and the 3 axis is perpendicular to both the
1 and 2 axes. For the Type II, or dissociated defect,
the value of D is -240 G, E=O and g=2.00i±0.002.
For the Type III spectrum, the vacancy produces a
rhombic distortion, and D= -265 G, E= +57 G, and
g= 2.00i±0.OO2. In both cases A, the hyperfine coupling
constant, is 87 G. The signs of the spin-Hamiltonian
parameters are determined by observation of the second
order effects in the spacing of the hyperfine lines.
The Type I spectrum in NaNa is caused by dipole
dipole and exchange effects resulting from the high
density of Mn+ + ions. This line is always strong in
heavily doped samples and always absent in weakly
doped samples. The central g value is 1.95±O.01 and
the linewidth (peak-to-peak on the derivative curve)
is 240 G.
We find no evidence of a defect related to the Type
IV spectrum found by Watkins in NaCl. This spectrum
in NaCI is thought to be due to Mn+ + compensated by
a divalent impurity anion. In order for the observed
symmetry of the type II spectrum to be conserved, the
position of such a divalent anion would be along a c
axis direction from the Mn+ +. The nearest anion site
in this direction is 7.5 A away from the Mn+ + site. In
addition the anion site is coordinated with six close-in
sodium ions, making charge compensation from this
source very unlikely.
Other Effects
When NaNa is heated above 300°C the crystal de
composes and the remaining powder is dark blue. Dis
ordered Mn+ + spectra are evident, and at g= 2 a strong
sharp line appears. This line is the typical resonance of
conduction electrons in sodium colloids.a2 This result is
confirmed by cooling the material through the melting
32 G. J. King, B. S. Miller, F. F. Carlson, and R. C. McMillan,
J. Chern. Phys. 32, 940 (1960).
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point of sodium and observing the linewidth change33
in resonance. This behavior is not typical of pure
sodium azide, since ultraviolet or x irradiation is neces
sary, in addition to heating, to produce the colloid
There is an additional complication in the Mn+ +
resonance in NaNa which we have not observed in KN3
and RbN3. We have reported a crystal structure trans
formationl3 in NaNa which occurs at 19± 1°C. The
observations were made using optical, x-ray, and para
magnetic resonance data. The transformation involves
a reduction of symmetry in the lattice from rhombo
hedral (or hexagonal) to orthorhombic. The major
transformation occurs sharply at 19°C, but secondary
changes in the Mn+ + resonance are observed down to
about lOoC. At the present time we have no definite
interpretation of the effect, but the appearance of
domain structure in our optical studies suggests ferro-or
antiferroelectric phenomena. Crystals of sodium azide
which are multidomained show red and blue bands when
cooled below 19°C, even though the crystals are clear
and water-white above 19°C.
The linewidths of the resolved Mn+ + spectra in
alkali chlorides are generally around 9 G wide (peak
to peak on the derivative curve) at room temperature. a
For NaNa and KNa, the linewidths and line shapes
observed at room temperature are identical to those
observed in alkali chlorides. Heavily doped KNa crystals
show some line broadening and line asymmetry which
may be instrumental. The linewidths for RbNa are
slightly greater than for KNa or NaNa. For Mn+ +, the
linewidths in both the alkali chlorides and alkali azides
are unusually broad. Watkins attributes this condition
in the alkali chlorides to possible covalency effects. It
seems possible that a similar situation exists for the
alkali azides.
High-Temperature Effects
The Type III (resolved 30-line Mn+ +) spectra in
N aCI show a special line shape change and increase in
linewidth as the temperature is increased. Each of the
30 lines changes from roughly Gaussian to Lorentzian
shape at elevated temperatures. Watkins demonstrates
that such an effect can be produced by vacancy hopping
if the vacancy is largely responsible for the electric-field
splitting of the resonance. Increasing temperature in
creases the rate of vacancy hopping, and if the hopping
rate becomes comparable to the low-temperature or
natural-resonance linewidth then lifetime broadening
can occur. This result follows because the jumping of
the vacancy modulates the Stark splitting of the reso
nance. In principle, another effect can be observed. The
central M = -~M = +t set of lines in the Mn+ +
spectra are superimposed as a result of the like g values.
33 R. C. McMillan, G. ]. King, B. S. Miller, and F. F. Carlson, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 23, 1379 (1962). These lines are affected only in the second order by
modulation of D. As a result it is expected that the
other sextets will decrease in apparent intensity com
pared to the central -~+t set. Watkins looked for
such an effect and reached the conclusion that his Type
II spectrum was not the result of such a process but
represented the dissociated Mn+ + in a pure cubic site.
In KNa and RbNa we can resolve only one pure axial
spectrum, if we ignore the cubic doubling due to the
azide ions. If we observe the spectrum in KNa at 0=0°,
we get the pattern of Fig. 2(1). As the temperature of
the sample is increased the line shapes of the outer
sextets change to Lorentzian and the linewidths in
crease in a manner which is numerically identical to
NaCI:Mn++ (see Fig. 10).
The results of simple theory indicate that line broad
ening of the Mn+ +-vacancy complex in KNa should be
the same as found for NaCl. The formula for the dis
sociation34 temperature To characteristic of the centers
is given by kTo=e2/ksTo, where k. is the static dielectric
constant and To is the metal-to-metal lattice spacing.
For an undistorted site, the value of k.To for NaCl at
20° is 22.4 X, using k.= 5.62. No value for the static
dielectric constant is available for KNa, but using the
c axis separation of 3.5 X and k= 6.85 at 50 Me/sec
one gets kTo= 24.2 X. For comparison, if we compute
kTo for NaCl using the audio-frequency dielectric con
stant of 6.12, then we obtain the value 24.4. The agree
ment of the data on the linewidth increase and the'disso
ciation temperature of the two defects is significant.
The central -t~t set, which is relatively unaffected
by D, becomes the dominant feature of the spectrum
ab()ve 250°C, and above 300°C there is difficulty in
measuring any other than the central set. In order for
the effect to occur, the site for the Mn+ + must appear
to be approximately cubic after the vacancy hops far
enough away. The shortest jump that a cation vacancy
can take in KNa is 3.5 X along the c axis. Such a jump
will separate the Mn+ + by 7 X from the vacancy, and
at this distance its influence is likely to be reduced
sufficiently so as to leave the Mn+ + in the" cubic" site
referred to in Sec. III.
There is an essential difference between the
KNa:Mn++ spectrum and the NaCl:Mn++ or the
NaNa:Mn++ spectra. For KNa, but not for NaNa or
NaCI, the total intensity of the 30-line spectrum de
creases as an irreversible rate process at high tempera
tures, and the effect can be noted as low as 275°C. If
the sample is heated for 1 h at 330°C, which is only
20 deg below the melting point, a single, intense line
of 70 G width (peak to peak on the derivative) appears
at 25°C, and no other resonances are seen in any
strength. This behavior is nearly identical to the
behavior observed by Forrester and Schneider35 for
KBr, KCI, and KI salts, also grown from aqueous solu-
M F. Seitz, Rev. Mod. Phys. 26, 7 (1954).
36 P. A. Forrester and E. E. Schneider, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
B69, 833 (1956).
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tion. RbNs shows the same general behavior as KNa,
but the development of the high-temperature, single
line spectrum occurs rapidly around 300°C. The de
velopment of the line broadening in the 30-line spectrum
begins strongly at 250°C, and bleaching of these lines
is more rapid than in KNs. The single-line, high-tem
perature spectrum is about 65 G wide at room tem
perature and is stable.
The single-line, high-temperature spectrum is surely
from manganese concentrated in defects, since the
shape is Lorentzian and obviously exchange narrowed.
Forrester and Schneiders5 point out that manganese
fits rather well into the NaCllattice but that manganese
is too small to fit into potassium halides without lattice
distortion. Apparently we are seeing the same effect
here. When the manganese becomes thermally excited
and wanders into a defect site, it is permanently trapped,
since it requires special accommodation to re-enter the
lattice. Perhaps this difficulty would not occur if one
could heat the crystal to high temperatures, but the
instability of the azide materials prevents this. In any
event, trapping of the manganese on grain boundaries,
cracks, or other defects would produce clusters of
manganese, and this would account for all the observed
One further observation should be made on KNs and
RbNs high temperature spectra. There is sometimes
superimposed on the exchange-narrowed single line a
much weaker (0.5% of the total intensity) 30-line
spectrum. This spectrum has the general appearance of
vacancy-compensated spectra, but the lack of variation
of line width with temperature indicates that it prob
ably is an impurity-compensated spectrum.
In contrast to the behavior of KNs and RbNs, the
Mn+ + spectrum in NaNa at high temperature can be
observed in undiminished intensity up to 320°C. In this
temperature range, gross thermal decomposition and
fracture of the crystals occur. Fragments of the crystal
of NaNa:Mn++, when recovered and remounted, still
show the Type II and Type III spectra. In addition to
the Type II and Type III spectra there is the sharp
(9 G wide) sodium colloid line referred to in Sec. VI.
The coagulated-manganese resonance is always stable
in NaNa at 25°C, but we have not observed any trace
of coagulation at high temperature or immediately after
Low-Temperature Effects
In addition to the high-temperature line-broadening
effects due to vacancy hopping, there is a remarkable
low-temperature line broadening in KNa and RbNs. A
minimum in linewidth for KNa actually occurs at 115°C.
The line broadening is so strong that the spectrum of
KNa:Mn++ nearly vanishes at -180°C. A possibly
related effect was observed by Fo.rrester and Schneider35
for Mn+ + in solution-grown KBr, KCl, and KI. The
effect is apparently not observed in melt-grown crystals
of potassium halides. The NaN a: Mn+ + spectrum does not broaden at -180°C, although the crystals were
solution grown. NaCI:Mn++ grown from the melt or
from solution also does not show a line-broadened spec
trum at -180°C. We must qualify our statement con
cerning NaNa somewhat, since it undegoes a structural
transformation1S at 19°C. The orientation of the ob
served spectra change when the structure is transformed,
but our measurements indicate that the same type of
spectra persist at -180°C.
There are several possible explanations for this broad
ening effect, including exchange interactions, dipole
dipole effects, and the electric field effects mentioned
by Forrester and Schneider. Electric field effects can
enter in two ways; directly, through the fine structure
splitting D, and indirectly through the forbidden19
hyperfine lines. If, at low temperature, there are slight
distortions of the Mn+ + in some direction other than
the c-axis direction, such a broadening might occur. In
such an event the four sites (Sec. III) become inequiv
alent. In addition, the hyperfine effects will tend to
become quite pronounced under these conditions. The
variation of D with temperature is large and is given
within ±3% for KNa by
I D 1=553-0.76T G (-180° to +250°C),
where T is the temperature in centigrade degrees and
D is in gauss. This very powerful field induces the .:lm~O
nuclear transitions which even for small values of the
angle 0 are larger in intensity than the lines correspond
ing to .:lm= 0 nuclear transitions. The fine structure is
observed at 0=0 in order to avoid powerful broadening
due to the forbidden transitions. Any distortion of the
Mn+ + in a direction not along the c axis will change
the effective value of O. For a large D value this will
admit the forbidden transitions with the .:lm=O nuclear
transitions and, in addition, will shift the field positions
of the .:lm= 0 resonance lines. At -180°C, where I D I
is 680 G, the effect is stronger than at 25°C, where
I D I is 534 G. The reason the nonaxial distortion be
comes apparent only at low temperature is probably
related to the fact that the vacancy jumping involves
the exchange of position of the Mn+ + and its paired
cation vacancy. As noted by Watkins,S this special
type of jumping produces line narrowing in the usual
sense of motional narrowing. We have a minimum in
our linewidth for KNa which occurs at 115°C, and it is
expected that such an effect would become apparent
before high temperature line broadening takes over. It
is likely that such vacancy-manganese interchange
prevents the distortion from occurring or averages out
its effect. The decrease of the vacancy-manganese inter
change rate at low temperature allows the distortion to
have a net effect. For KNa:Mn+ + the "cubic" doubling,
which measures the amount of distortion of the Mn+ +
ion from the center of the cation site, is temperature
dependent. We hope to correlate the observations with
a specific distortion in the lattice. As a preliminary
matter, however, we must determine by x-ray analysis
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:16:4440 G. J. KING AND B. S. MILLER
whether KNa and RbNs undergo structural transforma
tions at low temperature similar to the one found in
Paramagnetic resonance data show that manganese
enters the KNa and RbNa structures in the Mn+ + state.
The existence of two inequivalent sites in KNa and
RbNs results from the displacement of the Mn+ + from
a cation site. This displacement results from the attrac
tion to a nearest-neighbor cation vacancy. The tetrag
onal structure of KNa and RbNa permits only two Mn+ +
spectra to occur.
The spectra of Mn++ in NaNs show a remarkable
similarity to those of Mn+ + in NaCl. The same mobility
and coagulation effects are noted for both materials
and multiple sets of Mn+ +-cation-vacancy complexes
are also observed. An excited state of the Mn+ +-cation
vacancy complex is observed in NaNs, just as in NaCl.
Vacancy hopping, which produces lifetime broaden
ing of the resonance lines, is observed in KNa, RbN~,
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS and NaNa. The line broadening in KNa and NaCI is
numerically equal, in agreement (with simple theory.
The spectra of Mn+ + in NaNa shows the same high
and low-temperature behavior as the spectra of Mn+ +
in solution-grown or melt-grown NaCl. The Mn+ +
spectra in. KNa and RbNa show the same high-and
low-temperature behavior as Mn+ + spectra in solution
grown KCI, KBr and KI. This behavior is completely
different from that observed in melt-grown Mn+ +-doped
Mn+ + in NaNs, KNa, and RbNa exhibits most of the
paramagnetic resonance properties shown by Mn+ + in
alkali chlorides that are also grown from aqueous solu
tion. Where differences exist, reasonable explanations
for these differences can be proposed.
The authors wish to thank Dr. Z. V. Harvalik,
Director of the Basic Research Laboratory, for his
interest in this work. It is a pleasure to also acknowledge
the assistance and encouragement of Dr. H. J. Mueller.
Band Shape of the OH Stretching Vibration in Aliphatic Alcohols. Evidence for the
Occurrence of an Intramolecular Interaction *
Gulf Research &-Development Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
(Received 14 February 1964)
The band shape of the OH stretching vibration in a series of aliphatic alcohols has been investigated.
The asymmetric shape which occurs in the majority of alcohols is due to an overlapping band on the low
frequency side of the major band. The asymmetry, which is concentration independent, is shown to occur
in the deuterated species and in the first overtone vibration as well. The temperature dependence of the
minor band has been investigated and a negative !!.H found which suggests that the minor band is due
to an intramolecular interaction. A model is proposed in which the hydrogen of a CH group at the 'Y position
interacts with the lone pair electrons at the hydroxyl oxygen atom. The model qualitatively predicts the
correlation between the formation constant and the number of available 'Y-CH groups which is experi
mentally observed.
THE band shape of the OH stretching vibration in
saturated alcohols has been known to be asymmetric
for a number of years. Phenols, on the other hand,
exhibit a symmetric band shape. The asymmetrical
shape in the saturated alcohols is produced by the
occurrence of a weak band which overlaps the major
band on the low-frequency side. In the aliphatic
alcohols, there are a few exceptions such as methanol,
ethanol, and I-butanol which have symmetric band
shapes; but by far, the majority are asymmetric.
It has been shown that the overtone is asymmetric
as well as the fundamental and that this asymmetry
* Presented at the Symposium on Molecular Structure and
Spectroscopy, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June
1963. is also present in the comparable vibration of the deu
terated species.I·2 The asymmetry is also known to be
concentration independenU-6 Several attempts to iden
tify this minor band have been made. Fermi resonance
between the fundamental OH stretching vibration and
an overtone or combination tone was suggested as a
possible explanation by Flynn el al.a; however, the
majority of workersl•2•4•5 have favored the "conforma-
l R. Piccolini and S. Winstein, Tetrahedron Letters No. 13, 4
(1959) .
2 F. Dalton, G. D. Meakins, J. H. Robinson, and W. Zaharia,
J. Chern. Soc. 1962, 1566.
3 T. D. Flynn, R. L. Werner, and B. M. Graham, Australian J. Chern. 12, 575 (1959).
4 M. Oki and H. Iwamura, Bull. Chern. Soc. 32, 567, 950
(1959) .
i P. Arnaud and Y. Armand, Compt. Rend. 253, 1426, 1547
(1961); 255,1718 (1962).
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1.1729133.pdf | XRay Analysis of Stacking Fault Structures in Epitaxially Grown Silicon
G. H. Schwuttke and V. Sils
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 34, 3127 (1963); doi: 10.1063/1.1729133
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1729133
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ]
IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:41:28J 0 URN A L 0 F ,\ I' P LIE D P H Y SIC S VOLUME .34, "UMBER 10 OCTOBER 1'11>3
X-Ray Analysis of Stacking Fault Structures in Epitaxially Grown Silicon
General Telephone E:f Hlectronics Laboratories, {nc., Bayside, Ne1<J York
Sylvania lolectric Products Inc., Woburn, Massachusetts
(Received 1 March 1963; in final form 25 May 1963)
X-ray diffraction microscopy measurements were made on epitaxial silicon. The diffraction contrast
produced by different stacking fault combinations was investigated. Fault structures were deduced from
changes in diffraction contrast that occur in topographs recorded by dilIerent Bragg reflections. It was
found that diffraction contrast of single-bend and multihend faults is in agreement with the occurrence of
stair-rod dislocations at each bend. Diffraction contrast due to line defects is not consistent with the idea
of simple stacking faults. The x-ray measurements indicate that the line defects are also traces of bent
stacking faults. The bend must be parallel to the substrate-layer interface. It is concluded that line defect:;
are generated by a stress relief mechanism.
CR YSTALL()(~RAPHIC imperfections in epitaxial
silicon have recently been investigated by optical
microscopy/ by transmission electron microscopy,2.3
and by x-ray diffraction microscopy.4.5 ['sually, these
defects are revealed by microscopic inspection of the
layer surface after etching. Different etching procedures
have been described in the literature.l,6 A typical etch
pattern of an n-type layer grown on an n-type substrate
of (111) orientation is seen in Fig. 1. This micrograph
shows an epitaxial layer surface after etching for one
hour in copper nitrate etch.6,7 All fault combinations
known to occur on epitaxial silicon are present. The
defect s can be classified as single lines, open triangles,
closed triangles, and other more complicated arrange
ments. In the photomicrograph of Fig. 1 single lines are
seen at position 3 b, open triangles at position 1 c,
closed triangles at position 4 d, and a complex arrange
ment at position 2 a.
By now it is well established that etch patterns 011
* Research supported by the U. S. Air Jiorce Cambridge Re
search Laboratories.
t Present address: IBM Corporation, Poughkeepsie, New York.
l T. B. Light, Metallurl!.Y of Semiconductor Jlaterials, AIME
:Vletallurgical Society Conference, Los Angeles, August 1961
(Interscience Publishers, Inc., ="iew York, 1962), Vo!' 15, p. 137.
2 O. Haase, Jl etallur{!,y o( Semiconductor Jl aterials, AIME
:\fetallurgical Society Conference, Los Angeles, August 1961
(Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1962), Vo!' 15, p. 159.
3 H. J. Queisser, R. H. Finch. and ]. Washburn. J. App!. Phys.
33, 1536 (1962).
'G. H. Schwuttke, Semiconductor Symposium, ECS, Detroit.
Michigan, October 1961; 19th Annual Diffraction Conference,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ="iovember 1961; J. App!. Phys. 33.
1:;38 (1962).
5 G. H. Schwuttke and V. Sils, Semiconductor Symposium.
ECS, Los Angeles, May 1962.
6 R. Giang and E. S. \;radja, Jletallurgy of Semiconductor
JIaterials AIME Metallurgical Society Conference, Los Angeles,
August 1961 (Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1962), Va!.
15, p. 27; H. J. Beatty, R. Giang, and J. G. Kren, "Vapor Phase
Growth of Silicon," Report No.7, Contract No. DA 36-039-SC-
1;7395. epitaxial silicon are t races of stacking faults. '.9 Possible
fault structures connected with these traces have been
deduced from electron diffraction microscopy measure
ments.8•9 The results are listed in Table 1. It is noted
that a single line could be the trace of a simple stacking
fault bounded by two Shockley partials and lying in
FIG. 1. Optical photomicrograph of an (111) epitaxial silicon
surface showing etch traces of stacking fault structures. The
crystal area is 3 mmX4 mm.
6 R. H. Finch, H. J. Queisser, J. WashLurn, and G. Thomas, J.
7 Copper nitrate etch consists of 30-ml hydrofluoric acid, 15-ml Apr!. Phys. 34,406 (1963).
nitric acid, l.l-g copper nitrate O.l-ml bromine, and 450-ml water. 9 G. R. Booker ann R. Stickler, J. Appl. Phys. 33, J2R1 (1962).
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IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:41:283128 G. H. SCHWUTTKE AND V. SILS
TABLE 1. Etch traces and possible fault structures
on (111) epitaxial silicon layers.
Fault Form Dislocation vector ----------A-B Line 2 Partials ia(112)
at A,B
/1 Open 2 Partials ~a(1l2)
C triangle at A,B; ka(llO)
"'B stair rod
at C A
B/"'C Closed 3 Stair rods Aa(llO,
triangle at A,B,C
/~'" ~ultibenrl Stair rods at ka(IIOl
every bend
========= ~-"===-=cc-..cCC=
anyone of the octahedral planes. More complex faults
occur if a simple stacking fault bends from one octa
hedral plane into another. An open triangle is thus con
nected with one stair-rod dislocation located at the bend
and two partials terminating the fault, while closed
figures contain stair-rod dislocations at each bend.
In this paper we report x-ray diffraction microscopy
measurements made on epitaxial silicon. The diffraction
contrast produced by the different fault combinations
was investigated. Fault structures were deduced from
changes in diff:action contrast observed in topographs
recorded by dIfferent Bragg reflections. It was found
that the diffraction contrast of single-bent and multi
bent faults is in agreement with the presence of stair-rod
dislocations at each bend. Diffraction contrast due to
line ~efects is not consistent with the idea of a simple
stackmg fault. The x-ray measurements indicate that
line defects are also traces of bent stacking faults. The
bend must be parallel to the interface plane.
The epitaxial layers were prepared by SiCl4 vapor
decomposition at 1265°C in a hydrogen atmosphere.lO
T~n-and thirty-micron layers were grown in a multi
s~lce furnace on. the (111) face of 100-1-' slices of As-doped
smgle-crystal SIlicon ranging in resistivity from 0.01 to
0.?06.Q-cm. The substrate surface was prepared by
gnndmg and finally polishing with Linde alumina
abrasive type A. For the x-ray investigations the sub
strate was etched down as close as possible to the inter
face without penetrating the interface .
. The experiments were conducted by x-ray diffraction
mIcr~scopy usi~g the extinction contrast technique as
descnbed prevIOusly.11,12 Mo-radiation was used at
50 k V and 20 mAo The micrographs were recorded on
Ilford nuclear plates type GS, emulsion 50 I-' thick.
Triangle defects can be thought of as tetrahedrons
with one corner at the interface. For the following dis-
:~ H. C. Theurer, J. Electrochem. Soc. 108, 649 (1961).
12 A. R. Lang, J. App!. Phys. 30, 1748 (1959); 29, 597l(1958).
G. H. Schwuttke, J. Electrochem. Soc, 109, 27 (1962). cussion it is convenient to use the geometry sketched in
Fig. 2, which shows a tetrahedron opened up into the
(111) layer surface. The tetrahedron has been drawn in
such a way that the position of the triangle ABC cor
responds to the position of any triangle fault in Fig. 1.
The triangle sides AB, AC, CB are thus parallel to the
directions of the line defects in Fig. 1. Since D designates
the corner of the tetrahedron, the lines AD, BD, and
CD can be used to describe the location of stair-rod
Defect analysis by x-ray diffraction microscopy is
based on fault vector determination. Burgers vector
directions of total dislocations are rather conveniently
determined by this techniqueY Any main Bragg reflec
tion is normally picked up with ease, and therefore the
use of the criterion o no contrast
cos1: (gb)=
1 max contrast (1)
permits complete determination of the fault vector
direction. The procedure is as follows: The x-ray image
of the specimen is recorded by using different reflections
until the reflection is found for which the dislocation
concerned is out of contrast and the one for which the
contrast appears to be maximum. The diffraction vector
g is perpendicular to the Burgers vector if the reflection
is out of contrast and parallel to the Burgers vector
when the dislocation shows maximum contrast. This
fixes the direction of the Burgers vector; its magnitUde
cannot be found in this way, but must be deduced from
consideration of the crystal structure.
We have found that criterion (1) is also true for
p.artial dislocations; Burgers vectors of partial disloca
tIOns are therefore determined the same way as for
total dislocations.
A stacking fault is characterized by its fault vector
R. Stacking faults are in contrast for g. R~0.13 For
o AS = [T 1 oj
At = [TO IJ
Cit· [011]
FIG. 2. Sketch of fault tetrahedron opened up into the (111) plane.
13 K. Kohra and M. Yoshimatsu, J. Phvs Soc JaT}an 17 1041 (1962). _. . t , ,
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TABLE II. Values of cos 4: (gb) for dislocations and principal reflections in silicon.
Plane Direction cos 4: (gb) for different g
h,k,l of b 112 121 211 il0 iOl oli 111 lli ill 1il
112 1 1 0 -!~ !~ 0 ~v2 -1v2 -1v'1 -2 -2
121 -! I 1 -i~ 0 -!~ 0 -iv'1 -1v2 ~v2 -2
211 1 1 !~ !v'3 0 0 -1v2 }v'1 -1v2 -2 -2
(111) ilO 0 -!v'J !VJ I 1 1 0 0 1(6)1 -1(6)1 2 2
iOl -!VJ 0 !~ ! 1 0 -1(6)1 1(6)1 0 -.
1 Oli !VJ -!VJ 0 ! -2 I 0 1(6)! 0 -1(6)1
III 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 1 1 3 3
112 1 1 0 !vJ -l~ 1\>2 0 1v:2 1vl -3 Ii
12i 1 2 -!v3 -1~ -!~ -iv'1 0 -~v2 1vl " 3
(IIi) iti -t; !VJ !~ 1VJ "":1v2 0 1v'2 -!Vl
101 -i 1 1 -! 0 1 1(6)! 0 0 !(6)! -. -2
11i N:2 -iv2 -1v'1 0 -l(6)1 l(6)! 1 1 1 3 -, -.
il2 2 !~ -!VJ !VJ -1v'2 1v'2 0 -~v'1 -3
i21 5 2 -tVJ 1~ -!VJ -1v2 -~v'1 0 1v2 -. -"3
(i II) 211 1 1 1 -t~ -!VJ 0 iV:2 1v2 0 *,,2 6 .. -,
1 110 !v3 -tv3 -tv:} 0 -l[ ! t(6)! t(6)! 0 0
il1 -1v2 -lv2 ~v'1 -!(6)! t(6Jl 0 1 1 -, -3
tii 1 -1VJ -!~ lVJ -!v2 1v2 -~y2 0 • 121 1 !VJ -3
(til) iiI 1 2 AvJ " :l
011 -tVJ -tyJ !VJ 1 ..-
iii -!v'1 NZ -1v2 -!(6)!
x-ray diffraction microscopy of stacking faults in thin
films, the stacking fault area is relatively small. Its
contribution to the diffraction contrast is negligible.
Values for cos1: (gb) for the different fault vectors are
listed in Table II for all strong reflections.
Experimentally, it is found that the contrast of line
defects is strongly reflection-dependent while single
and multibend faults produce diffraction contrast that
varies only very little with the recording reflection. This
can be seen in the topographs shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
These topographs represent the 112 and the 110 x-ray
images of the crystal shown in Fig. 1. Practically every
fault visible on the surface of this crystal can be cor
related with a diffraction contrast spot in the 112 topo
graphs. (A correlation is conveniently done by preparing
an overlay of Fig. 1 that can be superimposed on the
different topographs.)
The slight variation in contrast which is observed for
single-and multibend faults is in agreement with the
presence of stair-rod dislocations at each bend. Stair-rod
dislocations in a triangle defect should have their axis in
AD, BD, or CD along (110) directions (Fig. 2). The
corresponding Burgers vectors would be,6'Y= (a/6)[011],
'Ya= (a/6)[101], and 0:{3= (a/6)[liO]. Table II shows
that, for such a dislocation configuration, at least two
dislocations out of three are always in contrast for any
listed reflection. An open triangle also contains three
dislocations. If the fault, for instance, bends from the 0 t~ ~v2 !v2 !v2 0
!VJ -ty3 -1v2 -~v'1 !v2 0
1 ..-
0 0 !(6)! 0 !(6)1 0
-t(6)! 1 1 1 -3 -,
(lil) plane into the (111) plane the stair-rod dislocation
would be in CD along the direction [110]. The Burgers
vector of CD is a,6= (a/6)[liO]. The other two partials
lie in the (lil) plane, respectively, (111) with Burgers
vectors in these two planes along (112) directions. Here
again, two dislocations out of three are always in con
trast for any listed reflection.
Line defects produce diffraction contrast that is
strongly reflection-dependent. This is very clearly
visible in the topographs shown in Figs. 3 and 4. In the
Figs. 3(a), 3(b), and 3(c) it can be noticed that lines in
AB orientation produce more contrast for the 112 re
flection than those of AC and AB orientation, while
defects in AC orientation produce more diffraction con
trast for the 121 reflection than lines in AB and CB
orientation, and defects CB appear stronger in the 211
reflection than those of AB and CB orientation. For
certain reflections line defects produce no contrast at
all. This is shown in the topographs of Fig. 4. In the ilo
topograph of Fig. 4(a) all lines of AB orientation are out
of contrast, therefore faults of AB orientation must
have their fault vectors parallel to the (110) plane. In
the 101 topograph of Fig. 4(b) lines of AC orientation
are out of contrast, and therefore the fault vectors must
lie in the (101) plane. Finally, in the 011 topograph of
Fig. 4(c) lines of CB orientation are out of contrast,
indicating fault vectors parallel to the (Oli) plane.
Obviously, line defects have strong fault vector com
ponents active in the (112) direction, which is perpen
dicular to the line direction. This indicates that line
defects are not traces of simple stacking faults lying in
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] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:41:283130
a b C
(h) (a)
d (i. H. S C H W LJ T T K E f\ N V \'. S I L S
FIG. 3. 112 diffraction topographs of epitaxial silicon laye[
shawn in Fig. 1. Jhe crystal area is_the same as in Fig. 1. (a) 112
topograph. (b) 121 topograph. (c) 211 tapograph.
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IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:41:28X-RAY ..... :-.;ALySrS OF STACKING FAULT STRCCTURES 3131
laJ (b)
FIG. 4. 110 topographs of epitaxial silicon layer shown in Fig. 1.
Ca) i10 topograph, (b) iOt topograph, (c) oli topograph.
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] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:41:283132 G. H. SCHWUTTKE ;\.\il) V. SILS
FIG. 5. Sketch of line fault structure deduced
from x-ray measurements.
one octahedral plane and bounded by two Shockley
There are apparently two sets of vectors that satisfy
the cos<}:: (gb) = 0 criterion for zero contrast; for lines in
the AB direction they are {(a/3)[111J, (a/6)[112J),
and {(aj3)[111J, (ai6)[112J}. Each of these pairs
describes an extended dislocation of the Shockley
Frank type, which is sessile. In the diamond lattice the
Shockley-Frank extended dislocation is not stable.
HornstraI4 points out that the Frank partial may dis
sociate into two partials:
(al 3)[111 J~(a/6)[11OJ+ (ai6)[112J
(a/3)[11IJ~(a/6)[110J+ (a/6)[112} (2)
Taking this reaction into account, the contrast criterion
should be satisfied by the three vectors: (a/6)[11OJ,
(a/6)[112J, and (a/6)[112]. For g= [llOJ one obtains
cos<}:: ([~ lOJ[llOJ) {O
cos<}:: ([11OJ[112J)= 0 (3)
cos<}:: ([1 lOJ[112J) 0
and with the help of Table II it can be shown that this
set of fault vectors also gives maximum contrast for the
112 reflection.
Since (a/6)[110J is the Burgers vector of a stair-rod
dislocation, it follows that the line defect must contain
one bend. In Fig. 5 the fault has been drawn with an
acu te bend; an obtuse bend is also possible. The bend is
parallel to the substrate-layer interface. Evidently, this
fault is also sessile, which is in good agreement with the
electron microscopic observation that none of the de
fects has ever been observed to move.
To date, faults of this lype have escaped detection by
the electron microscope. Samples for transmission elec
tron microscopy are prepared by etching off the lower
part.8,9 What is left is the top section of the epitaxial
1·' J. Hamstra, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 5, 129 (1958). layer; line faults appear, therefore, as simple stacking
Surface damage and surface contamination prior to
the deposition have been considered to be the main
causes of fault formation in epitaxial silicon. Finch
et af.k have shown that a change of stacking sequence
can be caused by oxide patches on the substrate surface.
They have presented evidence that impurity deposits,
in particular oxide films on the substrate surface,
nucleate stacking faults that grow into the layer along
{ 111} planes. Booker and Stickler9 propose that first a
stacking fault forms on the (111) plane parallel to the
substrate surface. As a result, a small area grows on the
(111) plane which is crystallographically mismatched
with respect to the surrounding areas. Mismatch
boundaries form when these areas come together. If the
layer grows, the boundaries propagate as stacking faults
on {111} planes. The shape of the mismatch boundary
determines the geometrical form of the defect.
Both explanations assume that fault formation begins
at the substrate-layer interface. This is certainly true
for closed figures, because the dimensions of triangles
can be used to measure the layer thickness quite accur
ately.1 No such conclusion can be reached for line de
fects. Their size can vary considerably, showing that
they may also originate in the layer itself.
2\1echanical damage and! or impurity contamination
of the surface can certainly initiate fault formation.
Triangle and multibend faults are probable growth
defects in the sense tha t they are initiated by the occur
rence of mismatch boundaries. Line defects form by a
different mechanism than triangle or multibend faults.
This is already suggested by the difference in fault
geometry (bend parallel to the layer surface) and also
by their spontaneous nucleation throughout the layer
volume. A mechanism leading to line faults could, for
FIG. 6. Optical micrograph of an etched epitaxial layer surface.
The layer was grown on a slightly stressed substrate. Line faults
are visible along (110) direction. Crystal area ~1 mmX 1.2 mm.
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IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:41:28x· !{ ,\ Y .\ X A. L Y SIS 0 F S T.\ C K I \ C F.\ t' L T S T J< li C T U RES 3133
instance, become active if localized stresses arise in the
layer due to clustering of impurities that have become
incorporated during the deposition process. Another
possible source could be the lattice mismatch at the
substrate-layer interface caused by impurity concen
tration gradients between substrate and layer. A rather
severe lattice mismatch, for instance, occurs if a boron
doped layer is grown on an arsenic-doped substra te. The
mismatch is more critical for t he higher doping con
cen t ra t ions.
Stresses in thin films caused by impurity concentra
tion gradients are relieved by the generation of dis
locati;ll1s.l,j,ln Stress-induced dislocations lie in the tilm
surface and have a positive Burgers vect or edge C0111-
ponent in the surface.11i Dislocations in silicon providing
the necessary stress relief have been identified by x-ray
diffraction microscopy as edge dislocations with {Om}
glide planeP It is interesting to note that this pure edge
dislocation cannot split with a stacking fault parallel to
its {OOl} glide plane. If it splits a partial with (a 3)
[111 J Burgers vector is formed which is not stable and
consequently dissociates into two partials according to
the reaction (2).].1
For a dislocation in the .18 direction t he following
reaction may occur:
(a 2)[110J:;::=:(a/6)[112J+ (a 6)[11OJ+ (a 6)[112].
The result of this dissociation is exactly the defect
described in Fig. S. The Burgers vector-squared meas
ure of energy ~hows practically no change in energy,
therefore the dislocation t ha tact ually forms is deter
IIlined by the local stress situation.
That in silicon, faults of the type described in Fig. S
are a rather efficient means of stress relief is supported
by experimental evidence. Figure 6 shows part of an
epitaxial layer surface after etching for one hour in
copper nitrate etch.' The layer is II-type, and was grown
to 10 J.l thick on an II-type substrate. During growth the
substrate was submitted to a slight stress. The etching
reveals line defects aligned along the (110) slip direc
tions. The defects are of the type shown in Fig. 5; they
produce diffraction contrast that is zero for (l10) and
maximum for (112;.
Theobservation t hat in boron-eloped layers line defects
prevail, if fault nucleation centers on the substrate sur
face have been eliminated, is also in good agreement
with the assumption that line defects are caused by a
stress relief mechanism. Figure 7 shows two topographs
of a boron-doped layer, -t £2-C111 resistivity, grown on an
II-type substrate. Figure 7(a) is the 112 reflection and
Fig. 7(b) the 110 reflection. The defects are deiinitely
line faults (Fig. 5). Two things can be noted: the defects
appear to be aligned in (110) directions and, in addition,
If, H. J. Queisser, J. AppL Ph:,s. 32, 1776 (1961).
16 S. Prussin, J AppJ. Phys. 32, 1876 (1961).
17 G. H. Schwuttke and H. J. Queisser, J. :\ppJ. Phys. 33, 15~()
(1962) . la)
I,'IG. 7. X-ray tupographs of uoron-doped epitaxial layer gruwn
011 a fault free substrate surface. The faults are line defects. Crystal
area -~ mmX~ mm. taJ 112 topograph (h) 110 lopograph.
there exists a tendency to cluster. This is in good agree
ment with the experimental observation that boron
clusters in silicon and t ha t these clusters cause micro
st rains. I'
\\'e have also observed that for conventional doping
levels, stresses that arise at the interface due to lattice
mismatch, do not interfere with the formation of layers
of good perfection. As a matter of fact, slight boron
doping seems to make the growths of good layers easier.
For higher boron doping the growth of fault-free layers
becomes more and more difficult, in agreement with the
rising lattice mismatch at the interface.
I' G, H. Schwultke, Bull .. \m. Phys. Soc. 8,64 (1963); ], AppJ.
1'h:'5. 34, 1662 (1963).
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] IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:41:283134 G. H. SCHWUTTKE AND V. SILS
The authors are indebted to E. D. Jungbluth and
R. J. Modena for their help in performing the measure-ments. The research reported here was sponsored in
part by the U. S. Air Force Cambridge Research
Laboratories under Contract AF 19(604)7313.
Colloid Absorption Band in CsBr*
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
(Received 29 April 1963)
An optical extinction band in colored CsBr at 1050 mil is attributed to colloidal cesium precipitates. The
peak wavelength may be closely predicted by assuming the extinction is due to a plasma resonance of con
duction electrons in the cesium particles. The band is relatively insensitive to temperature change. The
bandwidth decreases as the particle size increases. The shape of the extinction curve is distorted at low
temperatures, indicating a distortion of the particle shape. The band resists bleaching.
RECENT studies1.2 on the optical absorption bands
in irradiated and additively colored CsBr have
shown a broad absorption band at about 1050 m,u which
is relatively insensitive to variations in temperature.
Evidence is presented here that this band is due to
colloidal cesium in CsBr.
A narrow, temperature-sensitive band1.3 has also
been observed in this spectral region. Lynch! has sug
gested it may be an M band. It is unstable at room
temperature in the dark. The experimental curves pre
sented here were obtained from samples irradiated with
x rays at room temperature and were bleached with
strong light in the spectral region from about SSO to
3000 m,u. No evidence of the M band is seen in these
Hampe4 has suggested that the absorption of colloidal
metal particles in a dielectric medium is due to a plasma
resonance of the conduction electrons. For spherical
particles, the plasma resonance occurs at an angular
frequency determined by
where n= density of electrons in the metal, q= electron
charge, m = electron mass, Em = permittivity of the sur
rounding medium. On the basis of the Bohm-Pines5
theory, one might expect that if !two< (EF-Ec), with
EF the energy on the Fermi surface and Ee the energy
on the bottom of the conduction band and ft Planck's
constant divided by h, n might be less than one elec
tron per atom and m would be an effective mass, or that
if !two> (EF-E c), n would be one electron per atom
* This work was supported by the U. S. Atomic Energy
1 David W. Lynch, Phys. Rev. 127, 1537 (1962).
2 H. Rabin and James H. Schulman, Phys. Rev. 125, 1584
3 P. Avakian and A. Smakula, Phys. Rev. 120, 2007 (1960).
4 Wilfried Hampe, Z. Physik 152, 476 (1958).
6 D. Pines and D. Bohm, Phys. Rev. 85, 338 (1952). and m the electronic mass. However, Gossick6 has noted
that a number of observed colloid bands in alkali
halides agree approximately with Eq. (1) taking n as
one electron per atom, and m the electronic mass, al
though (EF-Ec) for the bulk metal exceeds !two. For
cesium particles in CsBr, the plasma resonance cor
responds to a wavelength of 1060 m,u assuming 1 elec
tron per atom for n and the free mass for m. This com
pares remarkably well with the observed wavelength of
1OS0 m,u (Fig. 1).
Examination of the CsBr crystals with a dark-field
microscope for direct evidence of the cesium particles
has not been successful. The scattering cross section of
the particles is a maximum at resonance which is in the
infrared. In the visible region scattering is due to
Thomson scattering and depends on the particle size.
The absence of visible scattering from the particles sug
gests that linear dimensions of the particles should be
~ 'w
°0'5 a
.2 a. o
Waveleng th em pI
FIG. 1. Extinction spectrum of colloid band in cesium bromide.
Solid curve taken at room temperature. Dotted curve taken at
liquid-nitrogen temperature.
• B. R. Gossick, J. App!. Phys. 31, 650, (1960).
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IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:41:28 |
1.1735630.pdf | Effect of Temperature on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion
Joseph J. Wysocki and Paul Rappaport
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 31, 571 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1735630
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735630
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/31/3?ver=pdfcov
Published by the AIP Publishing
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IP: On: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 22:22:42JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 31, NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1960
Effect of Temperature on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion*
RCA Laboratories, Princetun, New Jersey
(Received August 3, 1959)
Photovoltaic solar energy conversion is investigated theoretically over a temperature range of 0-400°C
using semiconductor materials with band gaps varying from 0.7 to 2.4 ev. Three cases are considered. In
Case I, the junction current is the ideal current. In Case I I, the junction current is the ideal plus a re
combination current; and in Case I I I, a recombination current. The best conversion performance is obtained
for the ideal current; the worst, for the recombination current. The maximum conversion efficiency occurs in
materials with higher band gap as the temperature is increased. GaAs is close to the optimum material for
temperatures below 200°C. Experimental measurements are presented on Si, GaAs, and CdS cells. The
measurements on Si and GaAs agree with theoretical expectations as far as the gross behavior is concerned.
The CdS cell behaves anomalously as if it were made from a material with band gap of 1.1 ev.
concentration gradient in a diffused junction
absorption coefficient in a semiconductor
diffusion constant for electrons
diffusion constant for holes
Dn[1 + (Dp/ Dn)!J2, effective diffusion constant
energy gap of a semiconductor
Fermi energy level
energy level of traps
intrinsic energy level
permittivity of semiconductor
generation rate of electron-hole pairs per cm3
per sec
I. short-circuit current density
Ij junction current density
I L load current density
Imp load current density at maximum power
10 reverse saturation current of a p-n junction
k Boltzmann's constant
K dielectric constant of semiconductor
Ln diffusion length of electrons
Lp diffusion length of holes
l thickness of absorbing semiconductor
mp+ hole effective mass for density of states
mn+ electron effective mass for density of states
nph(Eo) number of photons with energy greater than
the band gap Eo
1/ solar conversion efficiency
N A number of net acceptor impurities per unit
N D number of net donor impurities per unit volume
N. geometrical mean of the number of states in the
conduction and valence bands
ni intrinsic carrier density
¢ barrier height in a p-n junction
P mp maximum power output of a solar converter
Q collection efficiency of p-n junction
Rmp load resistance at maximum power
* This work was supported by the U. S. Army Signal Research
and Development Laboratory, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. r
T reflection coefficient of front face of solar con-
temperature in OK
electron lifetime
hole lifetime
electron lifetime in material in which all the traps
are empty
Tpo hole lifetime in material in which all the traps
are full
voltage at maximum power
width of the depletion region
A SEMICONDUCTOR photovoltaic cell converts
. solar energy directly into electrical energy by
means of a p-n junction. Incident photons with energies
greater than the band gap of the semiconductor create
electrons and holes which are separated by the junction.
A potential is thus created across the junction, and
energy can be delivered to a resistive load.1-12 The
factors which make the conversion process temperature
dependent are introduced by the properties of the semi
conductor and the behavior of p-n junctions. This
temperature dependence is the subject of the present
paper. The discussion will be concerned with solar
energy conversion. However, the conclusions are equally
applicable to the conversion of other forms of ionizing
1 Early history: V. K. Zworykin and E. G. Ramberg, Photo
electricity and Its Applications (John Wiley~& Sons. Inc., New
York, 1949).
2 K. Lehovec, Phys. Rev. 74, 463 (1948).
3 R. Cummerow, Phys. Rev. 95, 16 (1954).
4 R. Cummerow, Phys. Rev. 95, 561 (1954).
5 Reynolds, Leies, Antes, and Marburger, Phys. Rev. 96, 533
6 E. Rittner, Phys. Rev. 96, 1708 (1954).
7 Chapin, Fuller, and Pearson, J. AppJ. Phys. 25, 676 (1954).
8 W. Pfann and W. van Roosbroeck, J. App!. Phys. 25, 1422
9 M. Prince, J. App!. Phys. 26, 534 (1955).
10 Jenny, Loferski, and Rappaport, Phys. Rev. 101, 1208 (1956).
11 J. J. Loferski, J. App!. Phys. 27, 777 (1956).
12 Rappaport, Loferski, and Linder, RCA Rev. 17, 100 (1956).
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IP: On: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 22:22:42572 ]. ]. WYSOCKI AND P. RAPPAPORT
IS! Iii
(II IL• Is-[i
121 IJ• l:Iole"-I)
1. General FIG. 1. Equivalent cir
cuit of photovoltaic solar
The equivalent circuit of a photovoltaic cellll•12 is
shown in Fig. 1. Series resistances and shunt conduct
ances are assumed negligible.
The junction current Ij is related to the junction
voltage V by an equation of the form,
where the summation sign is used to indicate that more
than one mechanism may determine the junction be
havior; i.e., the total current may be the sum of the
ideal junction current,13 a recombination current,14 and
a leakage current,16 all of which can have a voltage
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
v (Y I FIG. 2. Junction cur
rent liS voltage.
13 W. Shockley, Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors (D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey, 1950), p. 314.
14 Sah, Noyce, and Shockley, Proc. lnst. Radio Engrs. 45, 1228
15 M. Cutler and H. Bath, Proc. lnst. Radio Engrs. 45, 39
(1957). dependence of the type shown under certain conditions.
The short-circuit current I. is related to the input
radiation by the following equationll
I.=Q(1-r)(1-e-a1)qnph(Eg). (2)
When the p-n junction is suitably located and the life
times are sufficiently great, I. can be express as16
2. Effect of Temperature on 1.
The temperature dependence of the short-circuit
current arises primarily with the diffusion lengths,
which can be expressed as
L= (Dr)l. (4)
1000 .---..,.---.---y--,---,
T. ·C FIG. 3. V malt liS T, N
as parameter.
Since the temperature dependence of the diffusion
constant is. 1'-1, the net effect on L is small. It was
assumed that the temperature dependence of the life
time is determined by the single-level recombination
statistics of Hall, Shockley, and Read17,18 who show the
lifetime in the n-type region to be
[ (ET-EF)] r=rpo l+exp kT ' (5)
16 R. Gremmelmaier, Proc. lnst. Radio Engrs. 46, 1045 (1958).
17 W. Shockley and W. T. Read, Phys. Rev. 87, 835 (1952).
IS R. Hall, Phys. Rev. 87, 387 (1952).
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in the p-type region. The temperature dependence of the
lifetime arises from the exponential terms in the fore
going equations. If the difference between EF and ET is
large compared to kT, the exponential terms in Eq. (5)
and (6) are negligible, and they remain negligible as the
temperature is increased until EF is within a few kT of
ET• The temperature at which the lifetime increases
depends upon the doping and the trap level. For con
venience in performing the calculations, the trap level
will be located at the intrinsic Fermi level. The lifetime
will thus be approximately constant in the temperature
range in which solar energy conversion will be con
sidered for material with a doping level of 1017 per cm3•
Another factor in I. to consider is the generation
rate g. The generation rate increases slightly with temper-
1000 ,---...,---.,--
900 N = 10" /em!
FIG. 4. V max vs T, case -" 500
as parameter. }
o L--~O-~IO~0~~2~0~0-~3~00~-4~00
T I °C
ature. This increase is due to the decrease in band gap,
and consequent increase in the number of photons
which are effective in creating electron-hole pairs. The
effect is small in the temperature range considered,
however, and will be neglected.
It is concluded that I. is not a rapidly varying"
function of T for heavily doped material, and its
temperature dependence will be neglected hereafter.
3. Effect of Temperature on Ij
The junction current, as has been indicated, can be
determined by several mechanisms. The leakage mecha
nism will not be considered in what follows because
leakage through surface channels gives rise to equations
similar in form to those obtained with the recombination 2.o,---..,.------,.-----,--,---...,..-----,
1.8 N 'lo'T/eM'
~ 1.0 >
" ...
:: 0.8 InP
FIG. 5. Vmux vs temperature.
model. Its effect can be inferred, therefore, from the
results obtained with the recombination model. The
following two mechanisms will he considered in detail.
a. Ideal Junction Current
This current arises from carriers which flow over the
junction barrier; it depends upon voltage in the follow-
E " -: 40
16 Go
N = 101T/em,
FlO. 6. Imp vs temperature.
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IP: On: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 22:22:42574 J. J. WYSOCKI AND P. RAPPAPORT
~ 16
ing manner13: G.
1.0 Cdli
Y( 70%GoAs N-10"/c"'-
30% GoPI
1.4 1.8
Eg (evl Z(50%GoAs-
2.2 2.6 3.0
FIG. 7. Efficiency us energy gap.
The behavior predicted by Eqs. (7) and (8) is well
known. The magnitude of 10 and Ij is determined
primarily by the band gap of the semiconductor through
its effect on the square of the intrinsic density n/'. The
coefficient 10 increases exponentially with temperature
resulting in an exponential increase in Ii'
~ 16
4 GoAs
Si yt\CdTe '( (70% GaAs-30% GaP)
Vi --,
/ "-
"-\//', 'T·298·K , .... __ ...... 373 0
". ,/ / - - - - 423·
I _----473· / '. // .---.--;;i::
/ ...... ' 1/ \/ ...... /
~.~. /' .....-/ Ii '\~:/ / td J....-r 673·
0.6 1.0· 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0
E9 (evl
FIG. 8. Efficiency l'S energy gap. b. Recombination current
The recombination current arises from carriers which
recombine in the depletion region from centers existing
in the forbidden gap.14 For single-level centers, the
current is determined by integrating the Shockley
Read expression for the recombination rate17 over the
depletion region, leading to the following equation14:
Ii qn; 2 sinh(qV/2kT)f(b) ---w .
(TpOTnO)! (¢-V) (q/kT) (9)
f(b) is a slowly varying function of the voltage, trap
level; lifetimes, and barrier height. The magnitude of
the current varies as ni, instead of nl consequently, it is
determined by half the band gap. The current increases
exponentially with temperature with an activation
00.2 GoA. AISb InP CelT. Y(70%GoAs-30"I.GoP)
/11\1'1'" __ Z(50%GoA.·
v' v "\.. 50% GoP I Si
/ ""CdS
Ge / / "- "\..T'298.K
/ -"-
0.6 1.0 \ ",--'_"373·
1/' ,/ .... 423'
\ ",/ :/ - - - 473·
V _-523· /"'V/: __ ~_573.
;1::1--.... 673"
1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 3.0
Eg (evl
FI~. 9. Efficiency '/IS energy gap.
energy which depends upon the location of the trap
4. Effect of Temperature on Solar Energy
The temperature effects already considered were
incorporated into the equations governing photovoltaic
energy conversion, and conversion performance was
calculated as a function of temperature. The calcula
tions were performed on an IBM 650 Digital Computer.
Three cases were considered.
In Case I, Ij was the ideal junction current. Con
sequently the equations for photovoltaic energy con
version could be put into the following closed form:
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TABLE 1. Semiconductor parameters used in calculations. (Note: estimated and state-of-the-art values.)
Semiconductor I" cm'lv-sec 1'0 cm'lv-sec TO -Tn (seC) mn+
Ge 3000 13S0 10-6 O.SS
Si 710 360 10-7 LOS
InP 4000 100 10-8 O.OS
GaAs SOOO 400 10-8 0.06
CdTe 300 30 10-8 LOS
AISb 710 360 10-8 LOS
(70% GaAs-30% GaP) 200 20 10-8 LOS
(SO% GaAs-SO% GaP) 200 20 10-8 LOS
CdS 200 20 10-8 LOS
Rmp ,
XIoe'~Vmp (11)
!mp=X V mpe)..Vmv!o, (13)
XVmp2 !. ( 10)
'11 1+-1 +X V mp 1.35 I.' (14)
for a power input of 135 mw / cm2• ! 0 is given by Eq. (8).
The junction current in Case II was the sum of the
ideal junction current and a recombination current.
1;= Io(e)..v -1)+1 n feb), (15)
where f': dz f(b) = ;
<I Z2+2bZ+1
b=exp( _ X;);
Z1.2= e'f)"/2(~V);
FIG. 10. V max TiS tem
perature-silicon solar
cell. 700
E 400
100 (16)
N' 10"/. CMS
x-Si "I
T ,DC m.+
and n.
No. [. cm' (3000K) (ma/cm') E. (ev)
S.3XlO12 16 S$ 0.83-4X1o- 4 T
1.1 X 1010 12 5S 1.2-3.SX1O-4 T
SX107 11 SO 1.39-4.6X1o-4 T
9.2X106 11 4S l.S-SXlO-4 T
1.2X 107 12 42 1.S7-4X10- 4 T
1.7 X 106 10 40 1.67-4X 10-4 T
3.7X104 12 30 1.9-4 X 10-4 T
3.1XlQ2 12 24 2.1-4X10-4 T
1.2X1O-1 12 14 2.S2-4X 10-4 T
In 2qn; --[(12e/qa)(t/>- V)Jl.
(T pOTnO)! (19)
10 is again given by Eq. (8). The energy conversion
equation could not be put into closed form for this case.
In Case III, I; was a recombination current given by
In' (21)
The energy conversion equations could again be put
into closed form yielding equations similar to Eqs. (10)
(14) with the exceptions that 10 is replaced by In' and
X is divided by 2.
5. Assumptions and Values Used in
Semiconductors with band gaps ranging from 0.7 to
2.4 ev were studied over a temperature range of
0-400°C. The generated current I. was determined by
solar conditions outside the atmosphere where the solar
power density is 135 mw/cm2• The number of photons
FIG. 11. P!I. 'liS tempera
ture for silicon solar cell. 0.6
o a 100 200
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IP: On: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 22:22:42576 J. J. WYSOCKI AND P. RAPPAPORT
2: O.B
" .. :l 0.6
0 ~
N = 1017 /CM'
, CASE m
.~ FOR SILICON , ., .,
I'., , ,
o 100 200 300 400 T "C
FIG. 12. V max vs temperature for cadmium sulfide.
effective in creating hole-electron pairs was taken from
published curves.
The following assumptions were made to simplify and
to facilitate the calculations. The collection efficiency
was taken as unity. Losses due to reflection, leakage
conductance, and series resistance were assumed negli
gible. The electron and hole lifetimes, and impurity
concentrations in the nand p regions were assumed
equal. Traps were located at the intrinsic energy level
and a concentration gradient of 4X 1019 per cm4 was
assumed' for diffused junctions.
Table I lists the values used in the calculations for
the various semiconductor parameters. These values are
state-of-the-art values in some cases, and in others
estimates of the actual values.
The results of the calculations are summarized in
Figs. 2 through 10. Figure 2 illustrates the forward
current-voltage characteristic of a GaAs p-n junction
for the different cases assumed in the calculations. Two
sets of curves are shown-one for a temperature of 25°C
and the other for 300°C.
Figure 3 shows V max of a GaAs solar converter as a
function of doping for Case I. The curves indicate that
the highest value of V max and the lowest rate of decrease
with temperature is obtained at the higher doping
TABLE II. Characteristics of Cells.
Room temperature
Cell Area (em') efficiency
Silicon 1.7 10%
GaAs 0.2 3.8
CdS 0.385 3.6 levels. The effect of the different!j on V max of a GaAs
junction doped to 1017 per cms is depicted in Fig. 4. It
is obvious that best performance is obtained with Case I
operation. Figure 5 is a plot of V max vs T for the semi
conductors investigated for Case I and a doping level
of 1017 per ems. The slopes of the lines are all roughly
the same-approximately 2 mv;oC. The maximum
voltage is greater, of course, for higher band gap values.
A composi te curve of Imp vs T for Case I and a doping
level of 1017 per cm3 is shown in Fig. 6. Imp approaches
!I. as the temperature is increased. This asymptotic
behavior is a consequence of the fact that junction
resistance approaches zero as the temperature is
increased. It is therefore not apparent in the higher
band gap materials over the temperature range studied.
Composite curves of efficiency and power vs bandgap
are shown in Figs. 7 to 9. Case I is considered in Fig. 7.
> O.B
11. ... '"I"'
0.2 -
0 CASE m ,"'"'' "
0 100 200 LEGEND
N= 1017/cM3
X-Cd S '" I
300 400 roc
FIG. 13. Pmp/J. vs temperature for cadmium sulfide.
The material with optimum efficiency at room tempera
ture is GaAsY The optimum shifts to higher bandgaps
as the temperature is increased in agreement with the
results of Halsted.19
Figure 8 shows the efficiency for Case II, while Fig. 9
is a similar plot for Case III. The optimum band gap is
roughly the same for all cases, however the efficiency is
much less for Case III as compared to Case I.
Measurements were made on three cells. Table II
specifies the area and room temperature efficiency of
each cell. The silicon cell was a commercial unit made
by Hoffman Semiconductor Corporation and the CdS
cell was kindly furnished by Reynolds of WADC.
19 R. Halsted, J. Appl. Phys. 28, 1131 (1957).
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During measurement, the cells were mounted in a
small furnace with a glass window to allow the cells to
be irradiated. A Chromel-Alumel thermocouple was
attached to the cells to measure the temperature, and
dry helium was pumped through the system to main
tain a standard atmosphere. A light source supplied an
input power density of 100 mw/cm2 to the cells.
The results of the measurements are plotted in Figs.
10 to 16 together with theoretical curves for Case I and
Case III at a doping level of 1017 per cma• Figure 10 is a
plot of V max vs T for silicon. The experimental points
fall between the theoretical curves, and the rate of
decrease agrees well with the theoretical value. Similar
agreement is found in Fig. 11 where (P mp/ I.) is
plotted vs T. .
The CdS curves are shown in Figs. 12 and 13. The
experimental points fall below the theoretical curves; in
fact, they lie roughly on the theoretical curves for Si,
Case III.
I (mAl
FIG. 14. Current-voltage characteristics of gallium
arsenide cell vs temperature.
The curves for GaAs are shown in Figs. 14 to Hi.
Figure 14 is a plot of the i-v characteristics of the GaAs
cell in the light with temperature as a parameter. The
figure illustrates that I. is substantially independent of
T as assumed in the calculations. The experimental
curves in Figs. 15 and 16 are somewhat below the
theoretical curves but not to as great an extent as in
the case of CdS. The theoretical curves for Si, Case III,
are also shown for comparison.
The temperature measurements on these cells agree
quite well with theory as far as the rates of decrease
with temperature is ~oncerned. The lack of agreement
in absolute values in some cases can be ascribed to the
use of nonoptimilm cells. One feature of the measure~
ments is the behavior of the CdS cell which corroborates
the results found in spectral analyses of similar cells
where appreciable absorption is found at wavelengths 1000r---v----r---,----,---,
-600 g
200 CASE \
a-GAM 27 #3A
o 100 200 300 400
FIG. 15. Maximum voltage 1)$ temperature for gallium
arsenide solar cell.
greater than that corresponding to the band edge.20 The
spectral response and the temperature behavior of the
solar cell indicate that the CdS cell is behaving as if it
were made from a material whose band gap is closer to
that of Si than that of CdS.
The optimum conversion performance is obtained
when the junction current is the ideaL current. A deg-
}'IG. 16, Pmp/I. vs.
temperature for GaAs
solar cell. 0.9 r--n---,-----y---,
:::: 0.4 0. E
0.1 GAM 27 #3A
o 100 200 300
T, be
20 D. C. Reynolds, "The photovoltaic effect in CdS c~stals,"
Trans. Conf. Use of Solar Energy (Tucson, Arizona, 1955). .
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IP: On: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 22:22:42578 J. J. WYSOCKI AND P. RAPPAPORT
radation in performance results when the current is
influenaed by recombination or leakage through surface
channels. The conversion performance of any given
semiconductor improves as the doping level is increased.
Practical limits may be set by the onset of degeneracy.
The optimum material for solar energy conversion is
a function of temperature. As the temperature is
increased, the maximum efficiency shifts to materials
with a larger band gap. For temperatures below 200°C,
the band gap of GaAs is close to the optimum band gap.
Temperature measurements on a commercial Si cell agree well with theory. Measurements on experimental
GaAs and CdS cells indicate the following. The GaAs
cell was not optimum. Losses which were not considered
in the analysis led to lower values of V max and P mp/ I.
than expected. The CdS cell, on the other hand, behaved
as if it were made from a material with lower band gap.
The authors wish to acknowledge the suggestions and
discussions of Joseph J. Loferski. The calculations were
performed by Paul Rygg and Sherwood Skillman.
Penetration of Rotating Shaped Charges
Defence Science Laboratory, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi, India
(Received September 10, 1959)
This paper presents an attempt to correlate theoretically the depth of penetration and the angular velocity
of the liner in a rotating shaped charge. Each element of the rotating liner imparts an angular velocity to the
corresponding jet element, and this results in a continuous increase of the cross-sectional area of the jet
element as it travels in space and a corresponding decrease in the depth of penetration. In order to check the
theory, numerical evaluations have been carried out in case of standard M9A1 steel cones. The theoretical
results seem to explain the scanty published experimental data of the rotating shaped charges.
and is given by the expression
and "1= CAL'(Ri)2
AL Rt (2)
(3) IT is well established that when a shaped charge
rotates about its axis, there is loss of penetration.
Kerr cell photographsl and x-ray flash photographs2 of
rotating shaped charges about their axes show that
rotation brings about an increase of the cross-sectional
area of the jet. The theory of penetration by rotating
!lhaped charges was developed by Singh3-6 and the basic
equation of the theory is
AP=EAL(:~y[ 1-p~V2 { (::Y+1}1 (1) where AL' represents the length of an element of the jet
that is just formed from a finite element in the slant
surface of the liner, C an "elongation" constant, Rj the
where AP is the depth penetration, E an empirical con
stant, AL the length of a jet element at the instant when
it strikes a target, p the density of the liner material,
Pt the density of the target material, V the mean
velocity of the jet element, and the quantity u is the
difference between two quantities, Ut and Uj, which
represent the resistance of the target and the jet,
respectively, to the plastic deformation required by the
penetration process. The term 'Y takes into consideration
all corrections for discontinuities within the jet element,
i.e. the breakup of the jet into particles and the waver of
the jet element due to imperfections in charge or liner;
1 L. E. Simon, German Research in World War II (John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, 1947), p. 119.
2 R. Schall and G. Thorner, Proceedings of the Second Inter
national Congress on High-Speed Photography (Dunod, Paris,
3 S. Singh, Proc. Natl. Inst. Sci. India 19, 665 (1953).
, S. Singh, J. Sci. Ind. Research (India) 14B, 669 (1955).
6 S. Singh, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) 71, 508 (1958). I.OO"":~---------------.
" z 0.8
~ a: z 0.6 ~
" 0.4 z
~ b a: 0.2
0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
FIG. 1. Ratio of the depth of penetration by rotating charges/
depth of penetration by unrotating charges at 7.62 cm standoff
distance in mild steel targets as a function of the speed of rotation
of the standard M9A1 steel linear in the standard C.I.T. labora
tory charge.
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IP: On: Sun, 12 Jan 2014 22:22:42 |
1.3057461.pdf | Lev Davydovich Landau: Winner of the second Fritz London Award
J. R. Pellam
Citation: Physics Today 14, 3, 42 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.3057461
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3057461
View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/14/3
Published by the American Institute of PhysicsLEV
An address presented at the 7th International Con-
ference on Low Temperature Physics (Toronto, Aug.
29 to Sept. 3, 1960) on the occasion of the 2nd Fritz
London Award ceremony. Dr. Landau was unable to
By J. R. Pellam
Photo by L. Aiwa
IHAVE been asked by the Committee for the Second
Fritz London Award to give an account of the life
and work of this eminent recipient of the Award,
Lev Davydovich Landau. I was very honored that I
had been asked to undertake this task but felt rather
overwhelmed by the responsibility it entailed. Because
Landau has contributed to so many fields of physics,
an award could have been made to him at any one of
several conferences in any one of several fields. The
main problem, I found, was to limit myself primarily
to Landau's work in the field of low-temperature phys-
ics for which this Award is made. My own work in this
field has been so strongly influenced by these significant
contributions that I, like so many of us similarly influ-
enced, feel that I do know him, although I have never
met him personally.
A considerable wealth of material is available de-
scribing Landau's work in the many fields of physics
to which he has contributed. The following outline of
John R. Pellam is professor of physics at the California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, Calif.Landau's career is drawn from two articles }>2 published
in Soviet scientific journals commemorating his fiftieth
birthday, which he kindly arranged to have fall two
years before winning the Fritz London Award.
Lev Davydovich Landau was born on January 22,
1908, in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan on the Caspian
Sea. His father was an engineer; his mother a doctor.
His mathematical talents were apparent at a very early
age and he can scarcely remember not being able to
differentiate and integrate. At the age of fourteen he
entered Baku University, from which he transferred
two years later to the University of Leningrad, where
he completed his studies in 1927 at the age of nineteen.
Scientific writing did not await the completion of his
studies, however, for he published twice during each of
his last two school years. He developed an active inter-
est in the new science of quantum mechanics, and at
the age of nineteen introduced the concept of the den-
sity matrix for energy which is now so widely used in
'Soviet Physics—JETP 7, 1 (1958).
2Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk 64, 616 (1958).
quantum mechanics. His active scientific research career
began in the Leningrad Physicotechnical Institute where
he stayed from 1927 to 1929, working on the theory of
the magnetic electron and on quantum electrodynamics.
In 1929 he was sent abroad and spent a year and a half
as guest of the Danes, the Germans, the Swiss, the
Dutch, and the English. Of particular importance to
Landau's development was his work at the Institute in
Copenhagen during this period, and he considers him-
self a student of Niels Bohr. (At Bohr's invitation,
Landau was in Copenhagen again in 1933 and in 1934,
participating in theoretical conferences.)
OOME measure of his personality can be gained by
^ the following quotations from letters which I have
received from two physicists associated with Landau
during this period. The first is from Professor Niels
Bohr, his teacher:
It is a great pleasure indeed to learn that the Fritz
London Award will be presented to Landau. Of course
we all here share in the appreciation of Landau's great
work and have vivid remembrances from the time
about thirty years ago when he joined our group in
Copenhagen. From the very beginning we got a deep
impression of his power to penetrate into the root of
physical problems and his strong views on all aspects
of human life, which gave rise to many discussions.
In the booklet which was published at my seventieth
birthday, Rosenfeld has given a vivid picture of the
stir at the Institute caused by the paper of Landau
and Peierls on the measurability of field quantities,
which eventually gave rise to a long treatise by Rosen-
feld and myself. Also from our visits to Russia before
the war my wife and I have many treasured remem-
brances of Landau's personal attachment and his striv-
ing for promoting mathematical physical research in
Russia, in which he since has had so great success. In
the years after the war we have constantly hoped to
see Landau here again, but so far he has not been able
to come. However, my son Aage and several of the
other members of the Institute have, on visits to Rus-
sia, met and spoken with Landau and not only learned
about the admiration in which he naturally is held by
his colleagues, but in him found the same warm and
enthusiastic personality, which we all here hold in so
deep affection.
The other letter is from Professor Edward Teller, a
contemporary of Landau:
I met Landau in Leipzig in 1930 and later I spent
some time with him in Copenhagen in 1934. My most
vivid visual memory of him is the red coat he wore in
Copenhagen. Mrs. Bohr teased him that he was wear-
ing precisely the correct outfit for a postman. You will
understand the somewhat strange circumstances that
I would have forgotten about the red coats of the
Copenhagen postmen except for this incident. I liked
Landau very much and learned from him a great deal
of physics. He enjoyed making statements calculated to
shock members of the bourgeois society. While we were
both in Copenhagen I married. He approved of my
choice (and played tennis with my wife). He also asked
both of us how long we intended to stay married. When
we told him that our plans were definitely for a ratherlong duration and, in fact, We had given no thought
to terminating the marriage, he expressed most strong
disapproval and argued that only a capitalistic society
could induce its members to spoil a basically good thing
by exaggerating it to this extent. In Copenhagen Lan-
dau had many arguments with James Franck about
religion. He considered his religious belief incredibly
outmoded for a scientist and expressed himself in im-
moderate terms both in the presence and absence of
Franck. Franck always laughed at him. It was very
nice that when Landau left Copenhagen he made a
very special point to say good-bye to Franck. It was
quite clear that if he meant what he said about
Franck, he did mean it in rather a peculiar way and,
in fact, he meant perhaps the opposite of what he said.
I continue to have a great deal of affection for
Landau and I am glad that he is getting the Fritz
London Award; he fully deserves it.
One should remember that Landau was very young
at this time; he may have mellowed some since.
During this period abroad there occurred the first
step which represented a transition of his interests and
was destined to confront him with the major problems
of low-temperature physics. The interesting pattern
which had dominated his previous work provided the
ammunition for tackling new problems. This became a
cumulative process. At the age of 22 he developed the
theory of "Landau diamagnetism" of metals, showing
that a degenerate ideal electron gas possessed a dia-
magnetic susceptibility equal to h the paramagnetic
susceptibility. Some years later (1937-38) this led to
the explanation of the de Haas-van Alphen effect. In
this very case of diamagnetism, the proficiency which
in his early years Landau had developed in manipulat-
ing Fermi systems has been basic to his latest theory
predicting "zero sound" in liquid helium-3, involving
distortions of the Fermi surface. Landau's ease of han-
dling this situation is quite understandable considering
the mastery of Fermi systems which he gained thirty
years earlier.
HIS return to Leningrad was of short duration, for
at the age of 24 he went to Kharkov to head the
theoretical section of the Physicotechnical Institute
(1932-37), where versatility both in achievement and
outlook began to appear. His publications during the
first year at Kharkov range from a paper "On the The-
ory of Stars" to a paper "On the Theory of Energy
Transfer in Collisions". The latter characterizes a Lan-
dau specialty: the solution of difficult theoretical prob-
lems by brilliant mathematical flank attacks. The same
methods have held him in good stead—his mastery of
collision problems reached a peak in 1949 when he con-
sidered roton-roton and roton-phonon collisions (with
Khalatnikov) to predict (correctly) the attenuation of
second-sound waves.
Landau's convictions that independent creative work
in any field of theoretical physics must begin with a
sufficiently deep mastery of all its branches took root
at Kharkov, where he developed the special program
widely known among his physics students as the "theo-
March 196144
retical minimum'. Here also he began to accumulate a
following among students, of whom the best known in
low-temperature physics include Lifshitz and Pome-
ranchuk. His versatility is illustrated by quoting the
titles of the papers which he wrote during his last two
years at Kharkov:
Theory of Photo-emf in Semiconductors, Theory of
Monomolecular Reactions, Theory of Sound Dispersion
(with E. Teller), Kinetic Equation of the Coulomb
Effect, Properties of Metals at Very Low Tempera-
tures, Scattering of Light by Light, Theory of Phase
All these were published in 1935. In 1936 he published:
The Kinetic Equation for the Case of Coulomb Inter-
action, Absorption of Sound in Solids, Theory of Phase
Transitions, Theory of Superconductivity, Statistical
Model of Nuclei, Scattering of X-Rays by Crystals
Near the Curie Point, Scattering of X-Rays by Crystals
with Variable Structure, Origin of Stellar Energy.
Of deeper consequence to the field of low-tempera-
ture physics, however, was a direction of interest which
he developed at Kharkov and continued after moving
to Moscow, during the organization of the P. L. Kapitza
Institute for Physical Problems. Landau's attention to
diamagnetism proved transitional between quantum me-
chanics and the theory of metals. Besides explaining
the de Haas-van Alphen effect, Landau's applications of
thermodynamics to electronic systems at low tempera-
tures included the following:
1. He introduced the concept of antiferromagnetic or-
dering as a new thermodynamic phase;
2. He developed the thermodynamic theory of mag-
netic domains (with Lifshitz), providing a founda-
tion for theories of magnetic permeability and reso-
nance of ferromagnetics;
3. He studied phase transitions and determined the pro-
found relation between transitions of the second or-
der and variation of symmetry of the system. He
gave a detailed thermodynamic theory of the behav-
ior of systems near the transition point;
4. He studied the intermediate state of superconductors
and proposed a theory of laminar structure of super-
Also during this Kharkov period, Landau started the
series of now well-known monographs on theoretical
FT was only natural upon his arrival at Moscow in
-*• 1937, where he was appointed head of the theoreti-
cal section of the Institute for Physical Problems, that
his interests turned to the subject of superfluidity which
was then being investigated experimentally by Kapitza
himself. This marks an all-out assault by Landau on
pure low-temperature physics, and under his attack the
major problem of the nature of the helium II phase of
liquid helium-4 soon withered. This work was close to
the well-known interests of Fritz London, who solved
the problem using another approach. The crux of Lan-dau's cracking the helium problem (published in 1941)
was his ability to deduce semiempirically the energy
spectrum 3 of the Bose excitations in this liquid. The
shape of the now well-known curve of energy versus
momentum for such quasi-particles included a valley
occurring at an energy height (equivalent kT) of 8 — 10
°K. Such a spectrum permitted these quasi-particles to
exist in equilibrium at this level, and these, following
a suggestion by I. Tamm, Landau named "rotons". The
energy gap, A, inherent to these rotons, permits the
existence of superfluidity.
As a consequence of Landau's interpretation of super-
fluidity, he was able to predict independently the exist-
ence of the "second-sound" mode of wave propagation
in liquid helium II (independently, because Tisza some-
what earlier had predicted second sound on the basis
of Fritz London's approach).
Two aspects of Landau's manner of handling the
second-sound problem are particularly noteworthy, in
that they may also bear on his most recent predictions
of "zero sound" in liquid helium-3:
1. Landau's presentation shows certain detachment
from the problems of experimental generation and de-
tection of second sound. Early efforts by Shalnikov and
Sokolov before the war were unrewarding because they
attempted to detect second sound using standard acous-
tical methods. In fact, the problem was clarified by a
subsequent publication by Lifshitz, who pointed out the
essential thermal nature of second sound. On the basis
of this prescription, Peshkov observed second sound
experimentally in 1944.
2. In the same 1941 paper, Landau correctly pre-
dicted the magnitude of the velocity of second sound
in the vicinity of absolute zero as CJ/A/3, where cx is
velocity of ordinary sound. He produced this result
only after complicated mathematical acrobatics, and
one wonders how much faith could possibly be placed
in such a conclusion. Landau's own faith in his result
was eloquently expressed, in a 1949 Letter to the Editor
of The Physical Review defending his theory:
... I have no doubt whatever that at tempera-
tures of 1.0—1.1 °K the second-sound velocity
will have a minimum and will increase with the
further decrease in temperature. This follows from
the thermodynamic quantities in helium II calcu-
lated by me.
Who could be so certain? This clearly demonstrates
Landau's extraordinary physical intuition. Despite the
intricate mathematics he recognized the situation at
absolute zero, not as an extrapolation, but as an end
position for buttressing the results. Thermodynamic
complications dissolved as T —> 0 °K. With only
phonons of first sound present, the root-mean-square
velocity component along any particular propagation
direction of any more subtle propagation could occur
only 1/V3 as fast. This was perhaps Landau's ace-in-
the-hole and private little joke besides. We will later
3 A purely quantum-mechanical derivation of this spectrum has been
achieved recently by Feynman.
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recall these two facets in connection with the theory of
"zero sound" in liquid helium-3, and how they may
bear on this subject.
FT is quite out of the question to consider all aspects
-*- of Landau's accomplishments. Typical of his versa-
tility is a series of five papers published in 1945 con-
cerning shock waves at large distances from their place
of origin, and related subjects. (This work was car-
ried out under the Engineering Committee of the Red
Army.) Then, in 1946, papers appeared on oscillations
of plasmas, which, it is stated, "received specially large
notice recently in connection with the study of the
properties of plasmas". A large amount of work in this
field has been carried out recently by a group under
A. E. Akhasier in Kharkov.
During the late 1940's Landau devoted his efforts to
a whole gamut of activities. Efforts in the field of low-
temperature physics consisted primarily of further ap-
plications of his spectrum of excitations in liquid helium
to examining various kinetic processes. This included
viscosity, thermal conductivity, and attenuation of
second-sound waves (with Khalatnikov). In recent
years his efforts have included a series of papers (with
A. A. Abrikosov and M. I. Khalatnikov) on quantum
electrodynamics. During the period when nonconserva-
tion of parity in weak interactions had been proposed
by Lee and Yang, but before experimental verification,
Landau proposed the hypothesis of the conservation of
combined parity. He transferred his attention to the
fact that nonconservation of parity does not, without
fail, require violation of the properties of symmetry of
space, if it is assumed that also <charge conjugation>
is not conserved simultaneously but the product of these
quantities, named by him "combined parity", is con-
served. This puts definite restrictions on the general hy-
pothesis of conservation of parity. He predicted the
polarization of the neutrino, as did Lee and Yang, who
did not however connect it with the principle of com-
bined parity. He also discussed the polarization of /?
The theory of "zero sound" in liquid helium-3 may
quite possibly develop into Landau's greatest contribu-
tion to low-temperature physics. This combines Lan-
dau's talents in the fields of diamagnetism and of the
properties of quantum liquids. Essentially it is a treat-
ment of oscillations of the surface of the Fermi sea,
and Landau is quite at home navigating waves on the
Fermi sea.
As in his successful approach to the helium-4 prob-
lem, Landau considers not the individual particle mo-
tion, but instead the collective motion of particles, i.e.,
the "elementary excitations" or quasi-particles. Also, as
in the case of his second-sound predictions, the precise
nature of "zero sound" in the sense of the experimental
techniques for generation or detection is not discussed;
at least, this is the case for the experimentalist who is
speaking! The ubiquitous V? shows itself again, and,
as before, I feel sure that it carries more physical sig-
nificance than the limiting form of a complicated for-mula. But here the velocity of "zero sound" equals the
velocity (cx) times v3, rather than (cx) divided by
\5. Probably this is the key to the reason Landau has
named this mode of propagation "zero sound" rather
than "third sound", for example. It evidently repre-
sents 4 a turning back of the crank to arrive at an even
more elementary excitation than first sound!
The scientific accomplishments of Lev Davydovich
Landau have received due recognition within his own
country. In 1946 he was elected an active member of
the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He has been
awarded the Stalin prize three times (once in 1941 for
his theory of liquid helium and work on phase transi-
tions). Outside his own country, Landau has been
elected to membership in the Danish and the Dutch
Academies of Sciences; he has recently been elected a
foreign member of the Royal Society of London and
of the US National Academy of Sciences. He has pub-
lished well over a hundred papers in more than a
dozen scientific journals, and is the author or coauthor
of a total of ten books. I will conclude with two ex-
cerpts from the JETP article x written on the occasion
of his fiftieth birthday, which to me appear particu-
larly appropriate:
It is not without significance that at the weekly
seminar which Lev Davydovich conducts at the Insti-
tute for Physical Problems, reports are presented not
only on theoretical researches but also on the results
of experimental work on the most varied problems in
physics. Participants in the seminar are repeatedly
amazed to see Lev Davydovich show equal enthusiasm
and thorough knowledge in discussing, for example, the
energy spectrum of the electrons in silicon, directly
after dealing with the properties of the so-called
"strange" particles. . . .
The breadth of Lev Davydovich's grasp of con-
temporary physics is even more convincingly shown
by the course of theoretical physics which he has writ-
ten together with E. M. Lifshitz.
Taken together, these books are a fundamental trea-
tise on theoretical physics. In originality of exposition
and broad grasp of the material they are unprecedented
in the whole world-wide literature of physics, and so
have attained wide popularity not only in this country
but also abroad.
The contribution for which theoretical physics is in-
debted to Lev Davydovich is not exhausted by his own
scientific writings. We have already spoken of another
side of his activity—his founding of a broad school of
Soviet theorists. His inextinguishable enthusiasm for
science, his acute criticism, his talent and clarity of
thought attract many young people to Lev Davydovich.
The number of those, both young and mature scien-
tists, who turn to Dau (as his pupils and associates
have come to call him) is very large. Lev Davydovich's
criticism is hot and merciless, but behind this outer
sharpness is hidden devotion to high scientific princi-
ples and a great human heart and human kindness.
Equally sincere is his wish to aid the success of others
with his criticism, and equally warm is his expression
of approval.
4 Zero sound appears distinguished from first sound primarily as a
distortion, rather than a displacement, of the Fermi surface.
1.1731246.pdf | Spin Densities in Organic Free Radicals
Thomas H. Brown, D. H. Anderson, and H. S. Gutowsky
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 33, 720 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1731246
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1731246
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 13:02:43THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 33, NUMBER 3 SEPTEMBER,1960
Spin Densities in Organic Free Radicals*
Noyes Chemical LavoraJory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
(Received March 30, 1960)
The proton hyperfine constants obtained from proton magnetic resonance spectra of polycrystalline free
radicals and from valence bond calculations of 'lI"-orbital spin densities are compared for the free radicals
a ,a'-diphenyl-,B-picryl hydrazyl, and tris-p-chlorophenylaminium perchlorate. Two lines are observed in the
proton magnetic resonance spectra, one shifted upfield and one downfield from the normal resonance fre
quency. These are assigned to the ortha and para protons, and the meta protons of the free radicals, re
spectively. Though the agreement between theory and experiment is not quantitative for the hyperfine
constants, the theoretical and experimental ratios of hyperfine constants agree within experimental error.
This serves to verify the existence of positive and negative spin densities and the signs of Rome of the rela
tionships involved.
THE nuclear spin-electron spin coupling in organic
free radicals is an important source of detailed
information concerning molecular electronic structure.
Usually, the nuclear hyperfine coupling constant ai is
obtained by observing the splitting of the electron
magnetic resonance spectrum.1,2 The experimental
value is then compared with the results of calculations
for various theoretical models of the free radical. In this
paper we are concerned with proton hyperfine con
stants obtained from observations of the nuclear
magnetic resonance shifts in the solid free radicals
a, a'-diphenyl-,B-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) and tris-p
chlorophenylaminium perchlorate (TPPAP). A brief
account has been givenS of such observations and pre
liminary valence-bond calculations which demon
strated the existence of both positive and negative
proton coupling constants in DPPH. Similar observa
tions are reported here for TPPAP and the details of
the calculations are presented for both substances.
In these substances, we consider the values of ai
to be determined very largely by the contact term4
where ['l'(0) Jl is the density of the unpaired electron
at the ith nucleus, and the g and ,B are the g factors
and magnetons for the electron and nucleus. The cal
culations of the coupling constants are conveniently
expressed in terms of the spin densities5-8 Pi at the
* Acknowledgment is made to the donors of the Petroleum Re
search Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society,
and to the Office of Naval Research and E. 1. du Pont de Nemours
and Company for partial support of this research.
t Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of General Medical Sciences,
United States Public Health Service.
:j: Now at Sandia Corporation, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
1 C. Kikuchi and V. W. Cohen, Phys. Rev. 93, 394 (1954).
2 C. A. Hutchinson, R. C. Pastor, and A. G. Kowalsky, J. Chelll.
Phys. 20, 534 (1952).
3 H. S. Gutowsky, H. Kusumoto, T. H. Brown and D, H. Ander
son, J. Chern. Phys. 30, 860 (1959). Independent experimental
evidence for the negative sign in Eq. (2) and for negative spin
densities on carbon atoms has been obtained in several studies;
see footnote reference 42 and prior work cited there.
4 E. Fermi, Z. Physik 60, 320 (1930). various nuclei in a radical. For protons attached to
carbon atoms in an aromatic ring, the proton hyperfine
splitting results from a q-7r exchange interaction,5.9-n
for which McConnell5-7 has given an approximate
semiempirical relation between the 7r-electron spin
density at the carbon and aH. This relation,
aH= -22.Spc, (2)
where aH is the splitting in gauss of the electron reso
nance, is approximately independent of the substituents
in the aromatic system. We will calculate PC from the
wave function and then use Eq. (2) to obtain values of
aH for comparison with experiment.
Simple valence bond and molecular orbital calcula
tions have been attempted for a number of free radi
calsa,6,s-ls; however, the agreement with experiment
varies considerably from radical to radical. Two general
types of radicals have been distinguished. These are the
even-alternate radicals, of which the aromatic hydro
carbon negative ionsl7,18 are examples, and the odd
alternate radicals such as DPPH,19,20 perinaphthyl,21
a H. M. McConnell, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 632,764 (1956).
6 H. M. McConnell and H. H. Dearman, J. Chern. Phys. 28, 51
(1958) .
7 H. M. McConnell and D. B. Chesnut, J. Chern. Phys. 28, 107
(1958); 27, 984 (1957).
8 H. S. Jarrett and G. J. Sloan, J. Chern. Phys, 22,1783 (1954),
9 B. Venkataraman and G. K. Fraenkel, J. Chern. Phys. 24,737
(1956) .
10 R. Bersohn, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 1066 (1956); Arch. sci,
(Geneva) 11,12 (1958).
11 S. I. Weissman, J. Chern. Phys. 25, 890 (1956).
12 P. Brovetto and S. Ferroni, Nuovo cimento 5, 142 (1957).
13 H. M. McConnell, J. Chern. Phys. 28, 1188 (1958); 29, 244
(1958) .
14 D. B. Chesnut, J. Chern. Phys. 29,43 (1958).
IS G. J. Hoijtink, Mol. Phys. I, 157 (1958).
16 A. D. McLachlan, Mol. Phys. 1,233 (1958).
17 R. L. Ward and S. I. Weissman, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 76, 3612
18 R. C. Pastor and J. Turkevich, J. Chern. Phys, 23, 1731
19 A. N. Holden, C. Kittel, F. R, Merritt, and W. A. Yager,
Phys. Rev. 77,147 (1950).
20 C. H. Townes and J. Turkevich, Phys. Rev. 77, 148 (1950).
21 P. B. Sogo, M. Nakazaki, and M. Calvin, J. Chern. Phys. 26,
1343 (1957).
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and the triphenyl aminium salts.22.23 For radicals of the
first type, the results of molecular orbita15.24 and valence
bond calculations25 agree with experiment and with each
other, though not always to the extent that one might
wish. However, for odd-alternate radicals, simple
molecular orbital calculations yield positive Spill densi
ties of reasonable magnitude or zero values depending
upon the position in the molecule.6•10 The valence-bond
calculations, on the other hand, yield both positive and
negative spin densities, all of reasonable magnitude,
with the negative spin densities occurring at those
positions which were zero in the molecular orbital
case.5- Inasmuch as we present experimental
evidence for the existence of negative spin densities, we
employ a valence-bond approach in our calculations.
The experimental magnitudes and signs of the proton
hyperfine constants reported here were determined by
observing the proton magnetic resonance spectra of
solid molecular free radicals. The magnitudes of the
hyperfine constants in free radicals are usually obtained
from the hyperfine splittings observed in electron mag
netic resonance spectra. The energy levels involved are
given by the expression
E=g-/3Jloms- LgJ3NHomi+ Laige{3emsmi, (3)
i i
where ai in the hyperfine interaction term is here the
splitting in gauss of the electron magnetic resonance
by the ith nucleus.26 The selection rules for electron
magnetic resonance are ~ms = ± 1 and ~mi = 0; and
for nuclear magnetic resonance, ~ms=O and ~mi= ±1.
The symmetry of the hyperfine interaction in the plus
and minus values of ms and mi makes it impossible to
determine the sign of ai from the splittings and transi
tion frequenCIes. Changing the sign of aN simply inter
changes the hyperfine components within the NMR
spectrum and also within the electron resonance.
However, at thermal equilibrium, the upper energy
levels are labeled by their decreasing population, and
the order of the levels does depend upon the sign of aN.
This difference produces small differences in the in
tensities of the hyperfine components of both the elec
tron and nuclear magnetic resonances, which in prin
ciple could be used to establish the sign of aN. Un
fortunately, the differences in intensity produced by
changing the sign of aN are of the order of one part in 10:;
and too small for practical use except at very low
temperatures. A more readily observed effect results3.7
when the hyperfine structure is averaged out by some
dynamic process, such as a short electron Tl or by
electron exchange as in our experiments on solid DPPH
22 R. S. Codrington, J. D. Olds, and H. C. Torrey, Phys. Rev.
95,607 A (1954).
23 R. 1. Walter, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 77, 5999 (1955).
24 E. de Boer, J. Chern. Phys. 25, 190 (1956).
25 T. H. Brown, H. S. Gutowsky and J. C. Schug (to be puh
26 Absolute values are used for g" gN, fI" and fiN. and TPPAP. In this case, the hyperfine splitting term
where (mS)i is the average value of ms in radicals with
nuclear spin states defined by mi. The value of (ms)i
is determined by the populations of the ms= + ! and
ms= -t states for which the i nuclear spins have speci
fic values mi; in particular we find that
(ms)i= LNs,ms/LN s,""'.J-ge!3Jlo/4kT. (5)
ms ms
The NSi are the populations of radicals in which the
electron and nuclear spin states are ms and mi. The last
step in Eq. (5) makes the reasonable approximations
that kT» 1 ge{3eHo I» 1 gi{3NHo I, 1 aige!3e I. Upon sub
stituting Eqs. (4) and (5) in Eq. (3), we find that the
~E corresponding to nuclear magnetic resonance, i.e.,
Ami=±1, ~ms=O, is given as
AE= gJ3NHo+aige{3c(ge/3 eHo/4kT). (6)
The net effect of the averaged hyperfine interaction is
thus a displacement of the ith nuclear resonance by an
amount and direction depending upon the sign and
magnitude of ai. The effect is similar to the Knight
shift27 produced by the conduction electrons in metals
and also to the dynamic averaging of other types of
NMR splittings and shifts.28 The averaging out of the
hyperfine splitting occurs when either the electron
exchange time T or the electron Tl is short enough that
its reciprocal exceeds aige!3e. In our experiments, the
proton resonance was observed with a fixed frequency
spectrometer,29 in which case Eq. (6) predicts a differ
~H=H*-Ho= -ai('Yel'lH) (ge{3eHo/4kT), (7)
between H*, the magnetic field required for the reso
nance of the ith group of protons in the radical, and Ho,
the resonance field for protons not subjected to any
hyperfine interaction. The 'Yare the magnetogyric
ratios g{3.
Of the two free radicals considered here, the experi
mental results for a,a'-{3-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH)
have been reported previously.3 For tris-p-chloro
phenylaminium perchlorate23 (TPPAP), the derivative
of the proton resonance was observed29 at 77°K in a
polycrystalline sample at 26.90 Mc. The integrated line
shape, as given in Fig. 1, can be resolved into two
components with the same intensity but different
widths, one shifted upfield by 3.90 gauss and the other
downfield by 2.30 gauss from the proton resonance in a
diagmagnetic reference sample. For this particular
radical, there are only two types of protons, the ortho
27 W. D. Knight, Phys. Rev. 76,1259 (1949).
28 H. S. Gutowsky, D. W. McCall and C. P. Slichter, J. Chern.
Phys. 21, 279 (1953); H. S. Gutowsky and A. Saika, ibid. 21,
1688 (1953).
29 H. S. Gutowsky, L. H. Meyer and R. E. McClure, Rev. Sci.
Instr. 24, 644 (1953).
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and meta ring protons, and the assignments are simpler
than in the case of DPPH. In the latter, under the same
conditions as for TPPAP, the four proton resonance
components expected were only partially resolved into
two components of unequal widths but having the
same intensity, one shifted upfield by 2.95 gauss, the
other downfield by 1.75 gauss.3 The assignments are
based upon the results of the theoretical calculation
discussed in the next section.
A typical structure for each of the two free radicals
considered is given by Formulas (I) and (II), respec
tively. The calculations
:N-N-~-N02 I .. ~-
I o NC,
I o
I CI-( )-~+-( )-Cl
of the ground-state wave functions are quite similar to
those reported previously for triphenyl methyU2
For our two radicals, only the mono-phenyl aminyl
fragment need be considered in detail. The rules de
veloped by Pauling and Wheland30 can then be used to
extend the results to the biphenyl and triphenyl cases.
For the mono-phenyl aminyl fragment, the three types
of structures which enter into the ground state are
Formulas (III)-(V):
. o 0 .0
(III) (IV) (V)
ao L. Pauling and G. Wheland, J. Chern. Phys. 1, 362 (1933). ~It$-'N~ r H H J3
-10 • 0 H-tio-GAUSS
FIG. 1. The proton magnetic resonance absorption observed at
26.90 Mc in polycrystalline tris-p-chlorophenylaminium per
chlorate (TPPAP) at 77°K. H* is the magnetic field applied to
the sample while Ho (~631O gauss) is that at which the proton
resonance occurred in a diamagnetic reference, corrected for bulk
magnetic susceptibility differences.
The wave function is the linear combination given by
Eq. (8),
where 1/;N represents the contribution of structures
where the unpaired electron is on the nitrogen atom,
1/;p on the para position, and 1/;0 on the ortho positions.
It is important to note that, within the framework of
simple valence bond theory, it is not possible to draw
structures which have the unpaired electron on the
meta ring positions.
By using simple valence-bond theory, which con
siders only near-neighbor interactions, and simple
overlap, the coefficients Cl, C2, and C3 may be obtained.
From these, using the spin-density operator given by
(PA) ij= (1/;i I PA I 1/;j)= (1/ Sz) (1/;i I L~A(k)Skz l1/;j),
the spin densities in the various orbitals may be ob
tained. In Eq. (9), (PA) ij represents the contribution
to the 7r-orbital spin density at atom A from structures
i and j. The total 7r-orbital spin density at atom A,
PA, is then obtained by the appropriate use of Eq. (8).
The values of the spin densities given by Eq. (9) can
be obtained by modification of the Pauling rules con
cerning the coefficients of exchange integrals from super
positions diagrams.6•l2 We now consider in detail the
calculations and results obtained for the two free radi
The usual structural formula for DPPH is Formula
(I). However, even though the unpaired electron is
allotted to the nitrogen adjacent to the picryl ring, it is
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clear that, in order for the radical to be stable, the
unpaired electron must be considerably delocalized
over both sets of ring systems. Stability of this type is
evidenced in the contrast between the triphenyl
methyl radical and the considerably more reactive
phenyl methyl radical. In addition, electron magnetic
resonance studies2 indicate large spin densities on both
the central nitrogen atoms of DPPH. The only
plausible way in which the unpaired electron can
migrate onto the phenyl rings and onto the other
nitrogen is to assume that an ionic structure contributes
to the molecular wave function. Therefore, we repre
sent the ground state of DPPH as a superposition of the
two structures, Formulas (VI) and (VII):
rhN-N-P rhN-N-P,
(VI) (VII)
where cf> is a phenyl ring and P a picryl ring. The
coordinate pair of electrons on each nitrogen atom
has been drawn in for clarity. The fact that (VI)
allows migration only onto the picryl ring and (VII)
only onto the phenyl rings, suggests that the calcula
tion may be decomposed into two parts involving the
monophenyl aminyl (MPA) and the biphenyl aminium
(BPA) fragments. As a further simplification, the nitro
groups on the picryl ring as well as the positive charge
on the aminium nitrogen will not be considered. The
problem has thus become one of calculating the un
paired electron spin densities of MPA and BPA,
Formulas (VIII) and (IX). Each fragment will be
assigned O.S electron, which assumes
(VIII) BPA 00 ""/ N
that (VIII) and (IX) make approximately equal
contributions to the ground-state wave function. This
assumption will be considered in the discussion section.
TABLE 1. Electron spin densities at the nitrogen and carbon nuclei
in the monophenyl aminyl (MP A) and biphenyl aminium
(BPA) fragments. The values were calculated via Eqs. (8)
and (9) using 1.2 for the ratio « of the carbon-nitrogen to the
carbon-carbon exchange integral."
PN PIC po Pm
MPA +0.300 -0.160 +0.185 -0.100 +0.190
BPA +0.266 -0.129 +0.131 -0.060 +0.122
& PIC is the spin density at the carbon to which the nitrogen is attached;
Po. Pml and pp are the spin densities at the carbons ortM, meta, and para to the
I-carbon. TABLE II. Electron spin densities at the nitrogen and carbon nuclei
in tris-p-chlorophenylaminium perchlorate as a function of
«, the ratio of the carbon-nitrogen and carbon-carbon exchange
p""a 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.2
PN +0.800 +0.646 +0.562 +0.484 +0.430 +0.331
PIC -0.191 -0.224 -0.228 -0.219 -0.227 -0.215
po +0.135 +0.181 +0.200 +0.213 +0.225 +0.239
Pm -0.076 -0.096 -0.104 -0.109 -0.113 -0.116
pp +0.140 +0.171 +0.182 +0.189 +0.193 +0.192
Po/Pm-1.78 -1.89 -1.93 -1.96 -1.99 -2.06
" PIC is the spin density at the carbon to which the nitrogen is attached;
Po, Pm, and pp are the spin densities at the carbons orllw, meta, and para to the
The absolute values of the energy levels are not re
quired; all that is needed to solve the secular equation
which leads to the ground-state wave function is the
ratio a of the carbon-nitrogen to the carbon-carbon
exchange integral. By using a value of 1.2 for this ratio,
which is based on an analysis of bond energies, the
following values are obtained for the coefficients in
Eq. (8):
-0.134 C2
-0.117 C3
The effect of varying the ratio of the exchange integrals
will be discussed in more detail in the following section.
By combining Eqs. (8) and (9), the spin densities
at the various nitrogen and carbon nuclei can be ex
pressed in terms of the coefficients C1, C2, and C3. The re
sults for the two fragments, using the numerical values
of C1, C2, and C3 given above for a= 1.2, are listed in Table
VI A comparison of these results with experiment will
be given in the concluding section.
The calculation of the spin densities in TPPAP, of
which a typical structure is (II), proceeds in a fashion
similar to the calculations for DPPH and triphenyl
methyJ.l2 The preliminary calculations for TPPAP
neglect the effect of the chlorine substituents.32 Because
of the uncertainty in the value of the carbon-nitrogen
exchange integral involving the charged nitrogen
and because the assignment of the proton shifts ob
served for this radical is unambiguous, the calculations
were performed using several values of a, the ratio of
the carbon-nitrogen to carbon-carbon exchange in-
31 The results for DPPH are slightly different from those re
ported earlier in footnote reference 3. The details of the ground
state wave function calculation and the expressions for the spin
densities in DPPH may be found elsewhere, David H. Anderson,
Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois, 1959. The formulas for PIC on
pp. 90 and 114 are in error, which changes slightly the numerical
results reported therein.
32 This assumption seems to be a reasonable first approximation
in light of the relatively small effect chlorine has on the proton
hyperfine constants in substituted semiquinones, as shown by the
experimental results of B. Venkataraman, B. G. Segal, and G. K.
Fraenkel, J. Chern. Phys. 30, 1006 (1959).
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TABLE III. Experimental and theoretical values for !he p:oton
hyperfine splitting constant in DPPH and TPPAP, In Units of
gauss splitting of the electron spin resonance.
Radical Type of proton Theory··b ExptC
ortho (phenyl) -2.94 -1.63
para (phenyl) -2.74 -1.63
meta (phenyl) +1.55 +0.97
meta (picryl) +2.55 +0.97
(ortho) Av/(meta) Av -1.82 -1.68 DPPH
TPPAP ortho -4.77 -2.16
meta +2.29 +1.27
(orlho)/(meta) -1.96 -1.70
• See footnote reference 31.
b Calculated fora= 1.2; see Table II and footnote reference 38 for other values
for TPPAP.
C The values for DPPH are from the two proton resonance lines resolved, each
of which presumably has two unresolved components.
tegral. The results are listed in Table II. It should be
pointed out that in the calculations reported here for
both radicals the rules used to obtain the spin densities
at the various carbon positions were modified when
considering the central nitrogen atoms.33
By means of Eq. (7), values for the proton hyperfine
constant aH, including the sign, can be obtained from
the proton shifts observed in the solid free radicals.
Also, Eq. (2) can be used to calculate aH from the
theoretical spin densities at the carbons. Table III lists
such theoretical values, for a= 1.2, as well as the experi
mental values from the proton shifts. The assignments
for the experimental results were made by comparing
the experimental values with the relative magnitudes
of the theoretical results.
The results in Table III indicate that the proton
hyperfine constants are negative at the ortho and para
positions and positive at the meta positions. Unfor
tunately, the theoretical values of aH for DPPH are
based upon such an approximate model that better
agreement between the experimental and theoretical
magnitudes probably cannot be expected. It should also
be noted that the dipolar contribution to the proton
shift was neglected in the calculation. However, even
though the magnitudes of aH depend upon good values
for exchange integrals, relative electron affinities of the
aromatic rings, and other quantities which are difficult
obtain, the resulting errors in aH tend to be system
atic, as shown in Table II. Consequently, it is better to
compare the ratios of the splitting constants than their
The· proton resonance observed upfield is assigned to
the unresolved absorption of the four ortho and two
para protons and that downfield, to the four meta
(phenyl) and two meta (picryl) protons. The ratio of
33 T. H. Brown and J. C. Schug (unpublished results). these shifts is -1.68. To obtain a comparable theoreti
cal value, we take the weighted averages of the corre
sponding aH and obtain a theoretical ratio of -1.82.
The agreement between these ratios is excellent inas
much as the difference between the two is within the
intrinsic error of decomposing the experimental curve
into components. The approximate agreement between
the experimental and theoretical aH, and the quantita
tive agreement between the experimental and theoreti
cal ratios confirm the existence of positive and negative
spin densities.
The results actually give us more information since
the theoretical values leave little doubt that the ortho
and para protons have shifts which are larger in magni
tude than those of the meta protons. The experiments
demonstrate that the upfield proton shift is larger than
the downfield. Therefore, the upfield shift is assigned
to the ortho and para protons. However, in view of Eq.
(7), aH for the upfield protons must be negative. But the
approximate valence bond treatment shows that the
ortho and para carbon spin densities are positive, and
hence the sign of all is the opposite of the spin density
on the adjacent carbon, as given in Eq. (2). The ratio
of the ortho and para spin densities are relatively in
sensitive to the parameters in the calculation, so this
conclusion seems unambiguous.
Now let us return to our rather arbitrary assignment
of O.S electron, each, to the MPA and BPA fragments
used in the theoretical treatment. The actual electron
distribution can be represented to a better approxima
tion by alloting a different fraction of the unpaired
electron to each fragment. However, if the fractions
differed very much from O.S, the agreement between
the experimental and theoretical ratios of all for the
ortho and meta protons would suffer,34 indicating that
the assignment of O.S electron to each fragment is a good
A final point concerns the relative electron spin densi
ties on the nitrogen atoms. Our theoretical results
summarized in Table I give an electron spin density
which is 13% greater at the nitrogen adjacent to the
picryl ring than at the nitrogen adjacent to the phenyl
rings. Recent detailed studies of the hyperfine splittings
by the two central nitrogen atoms in solutions of DPPH
indicate that they are not equal.35 The ratio of the two
nitrogen hyperfine constants was found to be 0.82±
0.01. Because of the different bonding of these two
atoms and the effects of the nitro groups on the picryl
rina one would expect the ratio of the nitrogen hyper
fin:'constants to differ somewhat from the ratio of the
7T-orbital spin densities given here. In addition, the
contributions to the nitrogen splittings from spin
densities on adjacent atoms are not known, but the
34 The theoretical ratio can be fitted to the observed ratio of
-1.68 by assigning different fractions of an electron to the two
fragments; this gives 0.525 and 0.475 electrons to MPA and
BPA, respectively.
35 R. M. Deal and W. S. Koski, J. Chern. Phys. 31,1138 (1959).
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agreement of the theoretical ratio of the nitrogen spin
densities (PN lPN' = 0.89) 36 with the ratio of experimental
hyperfine constants, 0.82, is, however, encouraging. The
experimental results obtained so far do not indicate
which nitrogen atom has the greater hyperfine con~
stant.35 Recently, both the isotropic and anisotropic
contributions to the nitrogen hyperfine constants in
DPPH have been investigated in experiments37 on dilute
single crystals containing N15. There is, however, an
ambiguity in the interpretation of the hyperfine tensor
such that there are two choices for the isotropic and
anisotropic contributions to aN', i.e., for the ,B-nitrogen,
and two values for the ratio aNI aN'. Studies in liquid
solution of the N15 DPPH are needed, apparently, to
resolve the question, or else detailed calculations of
the hyperfine constants from the ?r-orbital spin densi~
With this free radical, as in the case of DPPH, the
quantitative agreement between the theoretical and
experimental values of the proton hyperfine constant is
not too good. However, the ratio of the theoretical
hyperfine constants as given in Table III agrees well
with experiment and can, in fact, be fitted by varying
the parameter a as shown in Table II.3s Though it is
probably not meaningful to fit the theoretical value of
the ratio to experiment, the agreement between theory
and experiment supports the existence of both positive
and negative spin densities. s In addition, it is concluded
that the sign of aH is opposite to the sign of the ob
~erved proton shift and of the theoretical spin densities
at the carbons.3 These conclusions are the same as those
reached in the case of DPPH and should hold quite
generally for this type of free radical.
In contrast to the case of DPPH, the comparison
between theory and experiment for TPPAP can be
made without considering unresolved lines and average
values of shifts, except insofar as they might arise from
nonequivalence of protons in the crystal unit cell.
Within the existing framework of the calculation, one
might first consider the value of the ratio of exchange in
tegrals a, discussed previously. It is seen, however, from
Table II that, though a has a small effect on the spin
densities at the ortho and meta positions, it can not
provide the factor of two which is necessary for quanti
tative agreement between theory and experiment.
However, the spin density on the nitrogen atom is
quite sensitive to the value of a. It is possible that
'6 A ratio PN/PN,=0.93 was obtained for DPPH by R. Bersohn,
iootnote reference 10, using a molecular orbital calculation. This
result, however, suffers from the difficulties mentioned in the
'" R. W. Holmberg, R. Livingston and W. T. Smith, J. Chern.
Phys. 33, 540 (1960).
as The effect of varying a in the DPPH calculations gives re
sults similar to those in Table II (see footnote reference 31). A
more complete calculation using all of the canonical structures
for the phenyl aminium fragment gives agreement between the
theoretical and experimental ratios for a value of a of 1.0; T. H.
Brown and J. C. Schug (unpublished calculations). comparison of theoretical values for aN obtained from
the spin densities given here, with experimental re
sults39 will serve to determine the best value of a. In
this way values for some of the integrals occurring
in the valence bond theory may possibly be obtained
from good experimental values of hyperfine constants.
Though the measurements of the proton shifts in free
radicals give the sign of the hyperfine constant as well
as a value for its magnitude, a more accurate method
for determining the latter is the measurement of elec
tron magnetic resonance splittings. A comparison of
the results of the two methods would be useful in the
present case in determining the extent of the dipolar
contribution to the proton shifts in the solid free radi
cals and as a further check on the results of the theoret
ical calculations. Unfortunately, in the case of both
TPPAp39 and DPPH,2,35 no proton splittings of the
electron magnetic resonance have been resolved.40 It is
clear, however, from the number of nonequivalent
magnetic nuclei present, that in DPPH there may be
as many as 17 875 transitions. All that is necessary to
account for the apparent absence of proton splittings,
therefore, is to assume that the protons have several
much smaller hyperfine constants than the central
nitrogen nuclei. Kaplan,41 in fact, has ascribed the width
of the rather broad nitrogen hyperfine lines to un
resolved proton lines, using the values given previously
for aH.3
In the case of TPPAP, however, one would predict a
maximum of only 147 lines in the electron magnetic
resonance spectrum, neglecting the chlorine nuclei.
The value of aN is fairly large, about 10 gauss,39 and
even if the proton spliUings cannot be resolved com
pletely, the general shape of the envelope of partially
resolved lines is sensitive to the values of all. In par
ticular, it may be possible to differentiate between
the theoretical and experimental sets of values for aH
given in Table III.
C. General Comments
Further comment is warranted on the relatively poor
quantitative agreement between the calculated and
experimental spin densities for both radicals, even
'9 O. R. Gilliam, R. 1. Walter and V. H. Cohen, J. Chern. Phys.
23, 1540 (1955).
40 Note added in proof. Partial resolution of the proton hyperfine
splitting has just been reported by Y. Deguchi U. Chern. Phys.
32, 1584 (1960) 1 for DPPH in carefully purified solvents. A
continuous series of fairly regular splittings of about 0.45 gauss
is observed in addition to the much larger splittings of 10 gauss
produced by the N14 nuclei. The intensity distribution leads us to
suggest that each nitrogen hyperfine component is split by the
protons into a series of lines extending over a range of about 15
gauss, certainly no less than the NI4 splitting of 10 gauss. The ex
tent to which the protons should split each NI4 hyperfine compo
nent is given by 2;n 1 an I. The values for an obtained from our
observations of the proton shifts in solid DPPH are given in
Table III. They lead to a value for 2;n 1 an 1 of 15.6 gauss which
agrees with our interpretation of the ESR spectrum reported by
41 J. 1. Kaplan; (private communication).
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though ratios of the densities at the various ring
carbons agree reasonably well. There is some evidence33
that valence-bond structures in addition to those
considered here and in earlier treatments of odd
alternant radicals may contribute appreciably to the
ground state of DPPH and TPPAP. The extent to
which they also contribute to the spin densities is
presently being investigated. Also, it should be re
membered that in the calculation of the hyperfine
coupling and proton shifts we neglected the anisotropic
contribution, which arises mainly from the electron
spin, nuclear-spin dipolar interaction.42
The contribution can be of the same order42 as the
isotropic interaction which we also treat. However, in
polycrystalline samples such as we used, the anisotropic
component of the hyperfine interaction tensor would
produce a distribution of proton resonance shifts and
hence broaden the proton resonance, and perhaps shift
its center of gravity as well. It is difficult to determine
experimentally the extent of such broadening, because
of the partial resolution of the proton resonance com
ponents in DPPH and TPPAP. However, the second
moments of the two proton resonance components for
TPPAP, in Fig. 1, suggest that any "anisotropy
broadening" is a modest fraction « t) of the isotopic
shift. Moreover, the fact that the proton resonance
components are symmetrical indicates that any aniso
tropy is itself "symmetrical" about the average shift,
which must, therefore, be that from the isotropic part
of the hyperfine splitting.
To be sure, these arguments are qualitative and
42 H. M. McConnell, C. Heller, T. Cole, and R. W. Fessenden, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 82, 766 (1960). We are indebted to a kindly
referee who pointed out the relevance of this work to ours. subject to considerable experimental uncertainty. They
are nonetheless compatible with the detailed treatment
by McConnell et al.42 of the proton hyperfine splitting
tensor in the CH (C02Hh radical in a single crystal of
malonic acid. In any event, the existence of "aniso
tropy broadening" of the proton resonance in TPP AP
is supported by the upfield proton line, in Fig. 1, which
is not only shifted more than the downfield line but also
is appreciably broader. Part of this greater breadth can
arise from larger proton-proton dipolar broadening,
which would be expected for the ortho protons. In
addition, the proton spin-lattice relaxation times are
short enough to broaden the proton resonances ap
preciably; attempts to measure them by rf pulse
methods indicate that they are of the order of 100
,",sec. Such relaxation no doubt arises from the large
magnetic fields produced at the protons by the elec
trons and the resultant broadening would be propor
tional to the proton resonance shift. In conclusion, if
the crystal structure were known in detail and the
proton lines could be completely resolved in experi
ments at higher fields and lower temperatures, it should
be possible in principle to obtain all three diagonal
components of a nuclear hyperfine splitting tensor from
a study of the nuclear resonance shifts and absorption
line shapes in a polycrystalline free radical.
We wish to express our thanks to Professor Martin
Karplus for helpful discussions and to John Schug
for assistance in some of the calculations. Our apprecia
ation is extended to Professor R. I. Walter for gener
ously supplying the samples of the tris-p-chlorophenyl
aminium perchlorate used in our experiments.
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1.1728928.pdf | Some Electrical Properties of the Porous Graphite Contact on pType Silicon
George G. Harman, Theodore Higier, and Owen L. Meyer
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 33, 2206 (1962); doi: 10.1063/1.1728928
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1728928
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to
] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 20:29:272206 G. G. HARMAN AND T. HIGIER
mental resistance should be greater than 10 times the
bulk resistance. Now the theoretical ratio will be given
q,theory (A2)
This ratio is now set equal to the experimental ratio of
resistances at V 2 and V 3. When V 3 is chosen so that
V3=3V, a reasonable approximation is to take
(<p-Va) = O. By repeating this calculation for a few
points an estimate of the error in Sand cf> can be
When both barriers contribute to the surface re
sistance, in general the values of S]<p]! and S2<P21 must
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS be equal within 2 or 3%. In this case, the resistance of
the two barriers will be equal, and the value of voltage
used in formula 2 will be just t the experimental volt
age. In general, when SI differs from S2 and <PI differs
from t/!2, four experimental points will be needed to
determine these parameters.
One other value can be calculated from Eq. (2) when
Sand <P are known. This is the voltage V at which
Eq. (2) has a maximum. The main variation in Eq. (2)
when V is greater than 0.1 v is due to
6.q."" Vexp[1.025S(t/!V/2)iJ. (A3)
The maximum of this expression is determined by put
ting its derivative equal to zero, which gives
1.025SV(t/!- V /2)-b4. (A4)
Some Electrical Properties of the Porous Graphite Contact on p-Type Silicon *
National Bureau oj Standards, Washington, D. C.
Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories, Wasltington, D. C.
(Received January 22, 1962)
Some unusual properties of the porous graphite contact on p-type silicon are described. Current through
the sample reaches a saturation level that is inversely proportional to the amount of adhered water vapor.
Other gases such as ammonia, H2S, and HCl modify the shape or amplitude of the saturation current. There
is a hysteresis loop in the low voltage region which is similar in appearance to that of a ferroelectric. The
general method of measurement can be applied to studying the semiconductor surface as well as the contact
phenomena. The possible applications include such devices as current regulators, humidity detectors, and
surface-barrier radiation detectors.
An electronic band model, which includes a trap-dominated inversion layer, is presented to explain the
phenomena. This model also integrates various conflicting theories of metal-semiconductor contacts.
IN the course of studying the surface properties of
semiconductors, using "dirty contacts," it was found
(after a study of work function dependence) that gra
phite rubbed onto the surface of p-type silicon produced
an essentially ohmic contact.! For ease of application, a
water-based paste of graphite was applied to etched,2
p-type silicon. The characteristics were essentially
ohmic when the graphite dried. However, this contact
was not ohmic when it was in high humidity. Instead
the current reached a saturation value that was stable
to about 100 V, as shown in Fig. 1 (a). Stable charac
teristics with values intermediate between the saturated
* Part of this work was sponsored by the Air Force Cambridge
Research Center, Bedford, Massachusetts.
I G. G. Harman and T. Higier, J. Appl. Phys. 33, 2198 (1962),
preceding paper.
2 All samples described in this letter were etched in 90% HNOs + 10% HF for one minute. One sample was etched in CP4 and
appeared to have a lower breakdown than the others, but this
etching effect was not investigated further. humidity and dry curves of Fig. 1 (a) were achieved by
controlling the sample humidity. • It should be pointed out that the experimental curves
(Fig. 1) were obtained with two identical contacts
back-to-back, the reverse electrode (determined by
applied-voltage polarity) controlling the current flow.
A single contact was studied by alloying aluminum, for
a coiwentional ohmic contact, as the counter electrode.
When reverse-biased (positive on graphite), the graphite
contact had the same characteristics as in Fig. 1, but it
showed injection under forward bias.
At low voltage there is a hysteresis loop [Fig. 1(b)J
which changes shape and magnitude with the bulk
resistivity, the humidity, and the rate of change in
applied voltage with respect to time (dv/ dt). The barrier
capacity was measured in the hysteresis region and
showed an increase with reverse bias, in contrast to tht.
usual decrease with depletion layer widening. This
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to
] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 20:29:27POROUS GRAPHITE CONTACT ON p-TYPE SILICO;\' 2207
implies that the surface was driven into a strong inver
sion layer, with accompanying minority-carrier storage,
and therefore that the hysteresis is at least partially the
result of charging a nonlinear capacitor. It is probable
that the first molecular layer of water adsorbed on the
surface will have a fixed orientation.3,4 The additional
molecular layers of water can exhibit a field-induced
polarization which would contribute to the hysteresis
effect similar to that seen in a ferroelectric material
[Fig. 1 (b)].
Ammonia is known to create a silicon surface state
with properties similar to those of water5 (but irrever
sible). To observe this effect, etched samples were
coated with a collodial graphite dispersion,6 dried, and
then exposed to the vapor of NH40H. The effect was
immediate, but the I-V characteristics were basically
similar, with some exceptions, to those for water alone.
However, a sample so treated, subsequently gave a
lower saturation current for a given humidity. The NHa
appears to enhance the surface attraction for H20, and
Jlat curves of the type in Fig. 1 (a) could be obtained in
lower humidities than before NHs treatment, Other
gases such as HCI and HzS had pronounced effects
upon the shape of the I-V curve. The magnitude and
nature of these ambient effects were very dependent
upon the silicon substrate. Surfaces which had been
sandblasted before applying the electrodes resulted in
an essentially ohmic contact, and with an etched sample,
the lower the bulk resistivity the higher the saturation
current for a given humidity.
The effect appeared to be continuous over the entire
temperature range (+80° down to 170°C) when the
measurements were carried out in a nitrogen-water
vapor atmosp!lere. The saturation current decreased
slowly with decreasing temperature. The sample re
sponse time was measured by observing the current
waveform in response to applied dc and ac voltages.
The saturation current value was the same for both dc
and low frequency ac. The barrier shunt capacity
appears to be the limiting factor at high frequency and
on a typical sample (contact area ",0.5 cm2) this was
great enough to obscure the saturation current region
at about 100 kc.
Both p-type germanium and SiC showed effects
analogous to those of Fig. 1 (a). Fifteen Q-cm Ge
3 W. A. Yager and S. O. Morgan, J. Phys. Chern. 35, 2026 (1931).
4 H. Statz and G. A. deMars, Proceedings oj the International
Conference on SaUd State Physics in Electronics and Telecommunica
tions (Proceedings of the Brussels Conference), edited by M.
Desirant and J. Michiels (Academic Press Inc., Ncw York, 1960),
Vol. 1, p. 587.
5 H. Statz, G. deMars, L. Davis, Jr., and A. Adams, Jr., Phys.
Rev. 106,455 (1957).
6 Dag dispersion #226 was used in all of the experiments re
ported here. It is obtainable from Acheson Colloids, Port Huron,
Michigan; other commerical graphite dispersions were tested and
all gave the same gencral characteristics but resulted in either
erratic, noisy behavior, lowered breakdown voltages, or poor
adhesion. However, a reasonably satisfactory electrode can he
made hy simply combining distilled water 5---10% silicates (waler
glass) and fmely powdered graphite into a paste consistency. Good
contact is made 10 the "Dag" by pressing a wire against it. (a)
FIG. 1.(a) Current vs voltage (I-V) oscilloscope trace for a
graphi~e contact on 140 U-cm p-type silicon at 25°C. Horiwntal
curve IS for the contact saturated with water vapor. The origin is
at the dot on the right. Scale: 2 V /horizontal division and 0.1
mA/verlical division. Vertical curve shows the ohmic nature of
t he same contact after it was desiccated. Scale: 2 V /horizontal
division and 2 rnA/vertical division. (b) The 60 cps 1-V hysteresis
loop for a 40 n-cm p-ty-pe silicon sample with a graphi e electrode,
in air saturated with water vapor at 25°C. The origin is at the dot
in the center. Scale: 2 V /horizontal division and 1 rnA/vertical
required a totally H20 saturated ambient to produce the
effect, and displayed only a neglibible hysteresis. The
addition of NH3 changed the contact to essentially
ohmic, On SiC the effect was observed only when the
graphite was actually wet; NHs produced no change in
the characteristics and the hysteresis effect dominated
the entire curve.
Our interpretation of the above phenomena is based
on a detailed model for a trap-dominated surface barrier
contact7 which can be represented as an extension of a
graphical treatment by Johnson.8 To complete the
picture one need only consider the possibility that the
field in the dielectric (between the surface and metal)
can be of opposite polarity to that in the semiconductor
space-charge region. This results in the unorthodox
band scheme shown in Fig. 2(a), with two dipoles
back-to-back. Here, the net surface donor charge (shown
in the figure by a distributed-in-energy box-scheme for
simplicity) is opposite to that in the metal (or dielectric),
7 O. L. :Vlcycr (to be published).
8 E. O. Johnson, RCA Rev_ 18,525 (1957).
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] IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 20:29:272208 HARMAN, HIGIER, AND MAYER
U lOti
...... ,OIZ
!:: z
(b) (!)
<t 10" I
o I v,-
1 v.'
FIG. 2. (a) An equilibrium model of the energy diagram of gra
phite on p-type silicon showing the inversion layer caused by
adhered water. Ec and E. denote conduction and valence bands,
F is the equilibrium Fermi level, X is the electron affinity, <PM and
q, denote work functions of metal and semiconductor, V F-and
V R+ denote forward and reverse voltages. (b) Charge balance and
equilibrium barrier diagram for the contact of 2(a), where q is the
electronic charge and Y MO is the barrier height for QM = 0 or
q,M=q, [see Fig. 2(a)].
but so large that it dominates the equilibrium situation.
One then writes for the charge neutrality equation
where the symbols, with the charge sign as superscript,
denote the space charge, surface trap charge, and charge on the metal, respectively. One can reverse the sign of
the charge on the metal in Johnson's graphical treat
ment9 and show its logarithmic curve bending toward a
barrier increase in a mirror image (about Y MO) of the
former, as seen in Fig. 2(b). The curves for surface
charge and charge on the metal now subtract rather
than add, as formerly, yielding a resultant curve which
plunges asymptotically to zero where they cross at A.
This resultant curve, in tum, gives the equilibrium
barrier height Yo by its intersection with the space
charge curve at B.
The saturation current for the phenomena of Fig. 1
can be descirbed by simple diode theorylO assuming an
electrode spacing (by an oxide-impurity complex) thin
enough for tunnel transport of the barrier-controlled
current. The equation takes the form
J=Jpo(eQVlkT-l), (2)
where the saturation current is primarily a majority
carrier or hole current for contacts of this sort on long
lifetime p-type material with negligible minority
carrier generation. A Richardson-type emission which,
in conjunction with Eq. (2), relates the saturation
current density to the equilibrium barrier of Fig. 2(b)
where VT denotes the carrier thermal velocity, po the
extrinsic doping, and Yo the equilibrium barrier height
in kT / q units.
Thus by using porous, ohmic contacts on semicon
ductors it is possible to study the effects of various
ambients by passing current perpendicularly through
the surface (analogous to Lehovec's capacitive methodY)
rather than parallel, as in the field-effect method. In
addition it is demonstrated, both theoretically and
experimentally, how it is possible for a single metal
semiconductor contact to show complete work function
domination of characteristics12 (ohmic when dry), and
total surface state domination of characteristics13
(highly nonohmic in various ambients). The possible
applications of the above characteristics include such
devices as current-regulator diodes, surface-barrier
radiation detectors, and humidity detectors.
9 See Fig. 17 in reference 8. Note that all charge and potential
signs need to be reversed in Johnson's treatment of an n-type
semiconductor in order to fit the present p-type situation.
10 E. Spenke, Electronic Semiconductors (McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, 1958), Chap. 4.
11 K. Lehovec, J. Minahan, A. Sloboskoy, and J. Sprague,
Twenty-First Annual Conference on Physical Electronics, Cam
bridge, Massachusetts, (March 1961). Also see L. M. Terman,
Technical Report No. 1655-1 (February 1961), Stanford Electronics
Laboratories, Stanford, California, ASTIA No. AD-253926.
12 E. C. Wurst, Jr., and E. H. Borneman, J. Appl. Phys. 28, 235
13 J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. 71, 717 (1947).
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1.1702641.pdf | DC Electroluminescence in Thin Films of ZnS
P. Goldberg and J. W. Nickerson
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 34, 1601 (1963); doi: 10.1063/1.1702641
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1702641
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded
to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:16:24JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 34. NUMBER 6 JUNE 1963
DC Electroluminescence in Thin Films of ZnS
General Telephone &-Electronics Laboratories, Inc., Bayside 60, New York
(Received 12 November 1962)
Electroluminescent thin films of the composition ZnS:Cu,Mn,C1, which are capable of dc excitation, are
examined for their optical, chemical, and electrical properties. The emission is dominated by electronic and
ionic processes occurring at the anode. A model is proposed for the excitation mechanism which is based
on hole injection across a heterojunction composed of ZnS and a copper-rich phase. The mechanism ex
plains emission at lower-than-band-gap voltages. The spectrum of the yellow emission of Mn in these
films is composed of two closely spaced emission bands and is, therefore, different from the known yellow
emission from Mn in ZnS phosphors.
THIS paper describes the results of studies on the
mechanism of electroluminescence excited in zinc
sulfide thin-film structures by dc fields. This problem
assumes special importance because of the attainment
by Thornton! of field excitation at voltages smaller than
the band gap energy divided by the electronic charge.
Thornton has reported detectible emission at potentials
as low as 2-V dc. He explained this on the basis of
forward-biased p-n junctions in the film and minority
carrier injection culminating in recombination lumines
cence. Thornton has investigated films activated either
by Cu or by Cu and Mn and coactivated by Cl, but
only in the films containing both Cu and Mn was dc
electroluminescence at 2 V mentioned. For this reason
we have stressed the ZnS: Cu, Mn, Cl system in our
work. Other investigators2-6 have reported on electro
luminescence in ZnS films, but not on films activated
with both Cu and Mn. We show that p-n junctions in
the ZnS phase, as proposed by Thornton, is not likely to
be the correct explanation of light generation in ZnS: Cu,
Mn, Cl films. Our experimental results support a model
of the excitation process which involves the injection of
holes across a heterojunction composed of a p-type
copper compound phase and a ZnS phosphor phase.
The films were formed by vacuum deposition of ZnS
with Cu and Mn activators and CI coactivator on sub
strates of glass conductively coated with tin oxide. Sub
sequent thermal treatment served to crystallize the films
and to incorporate the activator impurities, providing
a thin-film phosphor.
After completion of activation, a suitable metal coun
ter electrode was evaporated over the film, usually in
circular areas t in. in diameter, providing a "sandwich" geometry. The nature of the planar contact between
the metal electrode and the sulfide film is critical in
determining the ability of a given film to emit under the
application of dc voltages. Observations on this point
are described in more detail in the following section.
Schematic views of typical film geometry and electrode
arrangement are shown in Fig. 1 (a). In most of the work
reported here, film thickness falls in the range of 1 to
2 fJ..
Useful information was also obtained from a gap cell
geometry. In this configuration the film was prepared by
evaporation and crystallization on a nonconducting
glass substrate. The metal electrodes were then evapo
rated onto the crystalline film, the electrode separation
in this case being 25 fJ.. This arrangement is shown in
Fig. 1(b).
Strong electroluminescence was obtained in films
made by widely divergent techniques of deposition and
activation. The differences among these films were
mainly in optical quality (i. e., transparency and light
scattering) and continuity (i. e., presence or absence of
gross defects, pin-holes, etc.) The results to be reported
below on electroluminescence and electrical character
istics are considered, therefore, to be reasonably general
for ZnS: Cu, Mn, CI films and not to be specific effects
for a particular film synthesis.
The manganese content of the films is like that of
bright, yellow-emitting electroluminescent phosphor
powders, i. e., 0.3%-1% by weight. The total Cu con
centration is somewhat higher than in representative
phosphors and falls in the range 0.5%-0.8% by weight.
As in powder syntheses, no electroluminescence is ob
tained if the copper content of the films is too low. The
copper concentration probably exceeds the solubility
limit in the film, the excess residing mostly near the
outer ZnS surface. Both Cu and Mn are essential if the
films are to show appreciable dc conduction and strong * On leave of absence at The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, emission under low-voltage dc excitation. Israel, during academic year 1962-63.
1 W. A. Thornton, J. Electrochem. Soc. 108,636 (1961). Some crystal structure studies have been made of the
2 R. E. Halsted and L. R. Koller, Phys. Rev. 93, 349 (1954). d . d d b tl til' d fil B f
3 N. A. Vlasenko and Iu. A. Popkov, Opt. i Spektroskopiya 8, eposlte an su sequen y crys a lze ms. e ore
81 (1960) [Opt. Spectr. (USSR) (English Transl.) 9,39 (1960)]. crystallization, the ZnS in the films possesses a small
4 D. A. Cusano, General Electric Research Laboratory Report particle size, as revealed by x-ray line broadening, and
No. 61-RL-2879G, November 1961. h h . ( h 1 . ) Af h 1
6 W. J. Harper, J. Electrochem. Soc. 109, 103 (1962). sows t e CUbIC sp a ente structure. ter t erma
6 F. A. Schwertz and R. E. Freund, Phys. Rev. 98, 1134 (1955). treatment, appreciable crystal growth is in evidence.
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to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:16:241602 P. GOLDBERG AND J. W. NICKERSON
(b) FIG. 1. Schematic
views of electrolu
minescent thin film
(a) on transparent
conductively coated
glass; (b) on micro
scope slide with gap
electrodes. Relative
dimensions exagger
ated. (1) Sn02 elec
trode, (2) ZnS film,
(3) metal electrode,
(4) contact points,
(5) nonconducting
area, (6) glass
The crystalline film shows a random distribution of
crystallite orientations (still cubic).
The surface emittance of the films was measured with
a photomultiplier having an S-4 surface sensitivity, cor
rected for "eye response" by a Wratten No. 106 filter
and calibrated by a standard diffuse tungsten light
source obtained from the National Bureau of Standards.
The typical dependence of surface brightness L on
dc voltage V is shown in Fig. 2 for a film with Sn02 and
aluminum electrodes in the sandwich geometry. The
strongly nonlinear brightness-voltage characteristic of
FILM 505-1
FIG. 2. Brightness vs voltage for representative ZnS: Cu, Mn, CI
film; Sn02 and Al electrodes. The curve is the smoothed version of
an X-V recorder tracing. these films cannot be rendered linear by the various
L-V formulas previously applied to electroluminescent
ZnS. Near linearity is achieved with log L vs V-I as in
Fig. 3. The curvature may be influenced by Joule
"The current-voltage relationship, shown in Fig. 4,
closely resembles a rectifier characteristic. It is most
significant that light is emitted only when the voltage
on the aluminum is positive, i. e., the reverse direction
for the rectifier. This polarity is opposite to that re
ported by Cusano.4,7 The differences between our films
and his,8 however subtle, are apparently significant
enough to produce quite different electroluminescent
characteristics. Light can readily be detected in most
films of this kind at voltages where the current begins
I l
lL 5 7
FIG. 3. Log L vs V-I plot
for the line in Fig. 2.
:; .5
.15 .10
(VOLTS1-1 .05
to rise sharply (cross-hatched range in Fig. 4.) Thorn
ton's observations of light emission at 2-V dc have been
verified with these films using a refrigerated photo
multiplier tube as described by Wiggins and Earley.9
The luminous efficiency is constant for all brightness
levels, as can be seen from the plot of brightness vs
power in Fig. S. Most efficiencies fall in the range 10-3
to lO-2Im/W. Efficiencies under ac excitation also fall in
this range.
We have found that all electrode metals tested thus
7 D. A. Cusano, Doctoral dissertation, Rensselaer Poly tech. In
stitute (January 1959).
8 The primary differences between Cusano's films and ours are:
(1) His use of a vapor phase reaction to synthesize the films, (2)
The use of a Ti02 film as a transparent electrode, and (3) His films
belong to the phosphor system ZnS:Mn, CI and had only a chemi
cally precipitated surface phase of copper sulJide deposited on
them, where our phosphor films are compositionally ZnS:Cu, Mn,
CI as the copper was diffused in at high temperatures.
9 C. Wiggms and K. Earley, Rev. Sci. Instr. 33,~1057 (1962).
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to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:16:24DC ELECTROLUMINESCENCE IN THIN FILMS OF ZnS 1603
t " u 200
100 I
Voltage on 5n02 external reflected illumination. Figure 6(c) shows the
emission from the cell, excited by 12S-V dc, to be local
ized at the anode. Emission can be generated in gap
cells using Al electrodes at potentials of about 20 V;
i. e., at average field strengths nearly a factor of five
lower than in the sandwich geometry. This result sug-
6 a 10 12 14 (a)
RANGE i +--OF --
FIG. 4. Current-voltage diagram of ZnS:Cu, Mn, CI film with
SnO. and Al electrodes. The characteristic resembles that of a
rectifier. Light is emitted only in the "reverse" direction.
far can successfully produce electroluminescence in (b)
these films provided that the gap cell geometry is
employed. The metals include eu, Ag, Mg, AI, and In.
In every case the light is localized at the anode. This
observation cannot be emphasized too strongly since it
forms the basis for our rejection of the existence of
emitting p-n junctions in the ZnS phase in favor of a
different model of excitation to be discussed subse
quently. Figures 6(a) and (b) are micrographs of a gap
cell made with aluminum electrodes photographed under
6r-----------------------------------~--__, o
CELL AREA. 1.25, .. 2
.2 ... .6 .8 to 1.2 1.4 1.6
FIG. 5. Brightness L vs power showing approximately
constant efficiency over complete brightness range. 1.8 (c)
FIG. 6. (a) Photograph (reflected light) of unoperated gap cell;
25-p. gap, AI electrodes; (b) same cell after operation showing
presence of anodic deposits; (e) same cell under 125-V dc excitation
showing emission at anode; some reflected light used to make
photograph. Top electrode is anode in (a), (b), and (c).
gests that the excitation and emission processes are
dominated by the magnitude of the applied voltage
and not by the magnitude of the field.
In the sandwich electrode construction, not all of the
above metals permit electroluminescence even though
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to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:16:241604 P. GOLDBERG AND J. W. NICKERSON
~ 200
I-100 z
II: ::> u 650 mA 01 12 V
FIG. 7. Current-voltage diagrams of ZnS:Cu, Mn, Cl films with Cu
electrodes with and without SiD between sulfide film and Cu.
the film may be electroluminescent with the gap elec
trode configuration. Cu, Ag, and In have thus far failed
in sandwich geometries. We believe that this results
from the formation of excessive short circuits with these
metals when used in the sandwich construction. It is
likely that all of the metals form some shorting contacts
through the film during the metallizing step. In the case
of Al and Mg, however, these shorts burn out, and
furthermore, with a positive potential on these metals
an anodically produced insulating oxide film forms that
serves a blocking or current-limiting function. With Cu
and Ag, no insulating anodic film can form, and any
conducting inhomogeneity initially present or subse
quently produced carries all the current. The blocking
contact is not needed in gap cells because of the wide
interelectrode spacing (2S p,).
The effect of an artificial insulating layer at the metal
ZnS interface can be seen in the following experiment.
A copper metal electrode was evaporated directly onto
a typical sulfide film. The film electroded in this way
was not electroluminescent and was nearly Ohmic under
both polarities. Another representative film was first
coated with an insulating film of silicon monoxide and
then with copper. This film showed strong electrolumi
nescence and nonlinear I-V characteristics similar to
those of the aluminized film of Fig. 4. In Fig. 7 the I-V
curves for the films, with and without SiO, are shown.
The intensity of light depends strongly on the thickness of SiO. Harper5 has extensively discussed the effects of
insulating films of this kind in ZnS: Cu, Cl excited by
alternating voltages of triangular waveform.
Indium does not function in sandwich constructions,
probably because of its low-melting point (1SS°C).
Molten In soaks through all pin-holes in the film, re
sulting in an excessive number of shorts. Indium may
melt during In evaporation or during passage of current.
After the application of dc voltages, several kinds of
electrolytically produced changes in gap cells can readily
be seen. For example, with Al gap electrodes, deposits
are generated near the anode edge soon after voltage
is first applied. The deposits form at voltages below
that required for electroluminescence to appear and,
with time, develop in thickness to the extent that New
ton rings can be detected. The deposits can be seen
along the anode in Fig. 6(b). Some additional change
also occurs at the ZnSj Al interface apart from these
visibly detectible deposits. This change is manifested
by a change in the reflectivity of the aluminum over an
area which corresponds precisely with the narrow area
of the anode that emits light.
With Cu electrodes a thin line of increased reflectivity
appears at the cathode, although electroluminescence
appears at the anode. In all gap cells black deposits
bridging the gap form with time. No light appears along
these lines, but occasionally a greater emission intensity
is observed at the intersection of these lines with the
anode edge.
Previously we stated that no electroluminescence is
observed in the films if the Cu content of the film is too
low. This is true in all cases except for gap cells in which
Cu metal electrodes are used. Evidently an electrolytic
process occurs at the anode which converts the electrode
Cu to a chemical form that is useful in generating elec
troluminescence, probably a sulfide or oxide of copper.
If after the initial operation of a gap cell with Cu elec
trodes the polarity is reversed, light appears at the new
anode and at other locations in the gap as well. An
unusual but reproducible occurrence is the existence of
thin lines of emission outside of the area enclosed by the
gap, which can grow in size or diminish depending upon
the polarity of the applied voltage. These atypical
effects have been found only when Cu electrodes are
When Al is used for electrodes in gap cells, light
appears at the anode as described above. Upon reversal
of polarity, the light may first appear at the "new"
cathode (i. e., the former anode) for a few seconds and
then, in a period too short to be resolved by eye, will
rapidly extinguish and reappear at the "new" anode.
Additional microscopic observations were made with
sandwich cells to establish the spatial distribution of
light, i. e., to determine if the light is emitted in discrete
points and lines as in powder granules10 or in continuous
planar array. A magnification of X440 was used which
10 J. F. Waymouth and F. Bitter, Phys. Rev. 95, 941 (1954).
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to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:16:24DC ELECTROLUMINESCENCE IN THIN FILMS OF ZnS 1605
permitted a resolution of about 0.5 p.. It was found that
the pattern of light was distinctly more uniform than
one usually observes in powder particles. There was a
mild nonuniformity in intensity oJ emission which cor
responds qualitatively to the pattern one sees under
reflected external illumination. There were in addition a
few bright points of emission that could not be cor
related with any physical heterogeneities in the film.
More precise statements than these about the uni
formity of light are rendered difficult by limitations
imposed by crystal size and substrate roughness.
A significant electrical phenomenon has been ob
served repeatedly in all electroluminescent films pro
duced for this study. Upon the initial application of
voltage to a freshly prepared film in the light-producing
polarity, high Ohmic currents and no emission are ob
served. This is true even if the voltage is 12 V or more.
Continued application of the voltage for approximately
30 sec results in a rapid decrease in current, accompanied
by the appearance of light in the shape of a crescent at
one edge of the circularly electroded areas. The region
first showing light is usually that for which the series
resistance along the Sn02 electrode is lowest. The cur
rent continues to fall and the illuminated area grows
until the entire electroded surface is uniformly excited
and the current has fallen to a constant value deter
mined by the de voltage. This process is called "form
ing," a term which is consistent with similar effects in
many kinds of area rectifiersll and which also was ob
served by Cusan07 in ZnS:Mn, Cl films. After forming,
the L-V and J-V curves are as shown in Figs. 2-5. It
must be emphasized that this process cannot be due
solely to burning out of evaporated metal shorts be
cause forming is required even' for the gap cells de
scribed above and also because films with sandwich
electrodes sometimes require repetitions of the forming
processes after a period in the nonexcited state. Also,
the forming process may be reversed in a previously
operated film by a brief passage of current in the oppo
site direction. For example, if after the passage of cur
rent in the "no electroluminescence" direction the
normal polarity for electroluminescence is reapplied, the
forming process proceeds again before electrolumines
cence develops to its former level.
The bright yellow emission color is similar in visual
appearance to the electroluminescence of ZnS: Cu, Mn,
CI powder phosphors. Most of the films exhibit qualita
tively the same emission color under ion-bombardment
excitation as under field excitation. The photolumines
cence, however, is quite different. Visually, the in
tensity under 3650-A uv excitation is always very weak
and more orange in color than either the field-or ion
excited emissions. Films with a frosty appearance tend
to show more intense photoluminescence than highly
transparent ones.
The spectra of the characteristic yellow emission from
11 H. K. Henisch, Rectifying Semi-Conductor Contacts (Oxford
University Press, New York, 1957), p. 97. 7r-----------~====~~----~
5461 (H; line). 5700 5900 6050
FIG. 8. Densitometer recordings of spectral energy distribution
from a film excited by 11.0 V dc, and from a powder layer excited
by 600 V, 400 cps. The film spectrum possesses a double band with
peaks at 5700 and 6050 A.
three of these films were recorded photographically using
a Gaertner quartz spectrograph, model 165. A repre
sentative spectrum in the form of a densitometer trace
of the photographic negative (Kodak panatomic-X) is
shown in Fig. 8 for a film operated by 11.0-V de. For
comparison, the spectrum of a yellow-emitting ZnS: Cu,
Mn, Cl powder phosphor is included. The powder was
excited by 400 cps, 600 V, impressed across a cell 6 mils
thick with castor oil as embedment dielectric; the phos
phor: oil weight ratio was 2: 1. It is clear that a pro
nounced difference exists between the two spectra in
that the film spectrum exhibits a double emission band.
The band maxima reside near 5700-5750 A and 6050 A.
The phosphor emission band falls close to the value of
5850 A found by Bube12 for ZnS: Mn and ZnS: Mn, CI
and by Shionoya13 for ZnS: Cu, Mn, Cl, but has a larger
half-width than reported by these workers.
Thermoelectric power measurements using a hot
probe technique did not give a sufficiently strong signal
to provide an estimate of the ZnS film conductivity
The life of the films under dc operation is short,
standing presently at tens of hours to half initial bright
ness. The contributing factors to poor life are similar to
those of conventional powder cells; e. g., humidity and
localized heating. The importance of the heating in these
films can be judged upon calculation of the density of
the power dissipation. A film under 10-V de passes the
12 R. H. Bube, Phys. Rev. 90, 70 (1953).
13 S. Shionoya, Bull. Chern. Soc. Japan 29, 935 (1956).
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3.7eV ==
--------Resonance IRad,at,ve T~ Transition
FIG. 9. Energy band scheme of heterojunction between CuxS and
ZnS semiconductor phases, including Cu and Mn !,-ctivator l~vel~:
(a) no field applied; and (b) exciting voltage apphed; CuxS SIde IS
order of 0.1 A/cm2 of current. For films 1/J. thick (our
present case) the power density is therefore about 10
A film may be effectively cooled and moisture effects
minimized by training a strong jet of dry nitrogen on the
film during operation. This improves life slightly, but
the time to half initial brightness is still of the order
of tens of hours for Al-electroded films. The reasons
for this may in part be related physically to the forming
process and are discussed further below. Some of the
brightness lost during an aging experiment can be re
generated after passage of current in the opposite di
rection for a brief period.
We now offer a mechanism for the generation of light
in electroluminescent films of ZnS: Cu, Mn, Cl that is
consistent with our observations and with the observa
tions of others. The critical facts upon which the mecha
nism is based are: (1) the appearance of electrolumines
cence in gap cells when metals of diverse character are
used (2) the appearance of light exclusively at the
anode, (3) the requirement in the films of a min~um
amount of Cu, and (4) the occurrence of electrolummes
cence at 2-V dc. The mechanism, qualitatively stated,
relies upon the formation at the anode of a copper-rich
phase. The phase is probably a sulfide or oxide of copper.
In the absence of further information we refer to it as
CuzS. The CuzS phase forms a heterojunction with the ZnS crystallites of the film. When the dc voltage is
applied, holes pass from the CuzS phase (probably
p type) into the ZnS phase (probably well-compensate~,
but of unknown conductivity type), the holes ultI
mately residing at Cu activator sited in the ZnS. These
holes combine with conduction electrons, and the re
combination energy is transferred to the Mn impurity
centers yielding the yellow emission characteristic of
the center. Energy transfer is like the resonance transfer
proposed by Shionoya to explain sensitized lumin~s
cence in ZnS: Cu, Mn, CI phosphors.13 Electroneutrahty
is preserved by the entrance of electrons through the
nearlv Ohmic Sn02-ZnS interface.
The CUzS phase is formed by an anodic process that
utilizes the excess Cu in the film or, if there is no excess,
the Cu from the Cu anode. The above model is capable
of explaining the low-voltage effects reported by Thorn
ton and the low efficiencies reported in this work, as
shown subsequently.
l A schematic presentation of the energy band diagram
at the important contact region between the CuzS phase
and the zinc sulfide phase is given in Figs. 9(a) and (b).
These figures are intended to serve as an aid in discuss
ing the proposed electronic transitions and should not
be quantitatively interpreted. Even in dealing with a
more tractable system (one which employs a hetero-
junction between single crystal phases), considerable
difficulties arise in constructing a quantitative theory
of heterojunctions.14
Figure 9(a) shows the electronic energy in the CuzS
ZnS heterojunction before application of the exciting
field. Also shown are the activator levels of Cu and for
Mn as proposed by Shionoya. When the CuzS is biased
positively at a voltage sufficiently high, injection of .holes
into the ZnS phase occurs [Fig. 9(b)]. Electrons sImul
taneously enter the film from the Ohmic Sn02-ZnS con
tact (not shown) to preserve charge neutrality and
recombine with trapped holes. The recombination en
ergy is transferred to the nearby Mn center which emits
its characteristic radiation.
At a voltage of the order of V h (neglecting voltage
drops outside the heterojunction), holes originating in
the CuzS phase are sufficiently energetic to enter the
ZnS and electroluminescence occurs. If the Fermi level
lies roughly near the middle of the forbidden gap (a
reasonable location for well-compensated ZnS phos
phors), then electroluminescence shou!d in principle ~e
possible at voltages the order of Vh, 1. e., 2 V. In .th~s
way we explain Thornton's low-voltage results. A SIml
lar scheme has already been applied by Fischer and
Masonl5 to the problem of emission from powder phos
phors. Their model leans heavily on the physics of field
14 R. L. Anderson, IBM J. Res. Develop. 4, 283 (1960).
1. A. G. Fischer and A. S. Mason, Airforce Cambridge Res. Labs.
Rept. Contr. No. AF19(604)8018, 15 February 1962 (RCA LlI:b
oratories, Princeton, New Jersey); Electrochem. Soc. ElectrOnICs
Div. Abstracts 11, S5 (1962).
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emission processes from pointed conducting lines in the
ZnS insulator.
Low luminous efficiency is to be expected from this
model, since energy is also dissipated in processes not
related to light emission. Thus energy is spent in bring
ing conduction electrons from the cathode to the hetero
junction and to the anode.
The observations reported here cannot be reconciled
with a p-n mechanism as offered by Thornton. If junc
tions were present in the bulk of the ZnS film, then light
should exist not only at the anode but throughout the
width of the gap. Figure 6(c) shows that this is obvi
ously not the case.
We now present a possible mechanism of the "form
ing" process which explains most of the observed facts
in sandwich and gap cells. This mechanism involves
the anodic oxidation of the Al electrode following the
application of voltage in the electroluminescence-gener
ating direction. The formation of the AbOa film between
the ZnS and Al constitutes a partially blocking layer
which prevents excessive shorting of the ZnS film. The
fall in current coincident with the increase in electro
luminescence is a direct consequence of the developing
insulating layer. Some current passes through the block
ing layer, probably by tunneling or by a path associated
with pin-holes. The decline in current during forming
may also partly result from a segregation of Cu into an
anodic deposit from an initial filamentary conducting
array through the film bulk.
The components of an emitting film, with, e. g., an
Al anode and Sn02 cathode, can be summarized as
follows; glass/Sn02/ZnS; Cu, Mn, C1/ Cu",S/ AI20a/ AI.
The direction of current rectification of a complex
structure such as this would be rather difficult to predict
without simplifying assumptions. If it is assumed that
the main determinants of over-all current flow are Cu",S
(p type)/ Al203/ AI, then based on the reasoning applied
to artificial blocking layers between semiconductor
metal contacts by Dilworth,16 it can be shown that the
direction of rectification should actually be as found in
Fig. 4. If our reasoning is correct, then the current
voltage characteristics of the films have only indirect
connection with charge carriers participating in lumines
cent processes. In contrast, Thornton heavily stresses
the current-voltage functionality in support of his p-n
junction mode.
The mechanism whereby Mn serves to increase the
dc electroluminescence of ZnS; Cu, Cl is a puzzling one.
The high concentrations at which Mn is found in ZnS
phosphor lattices attests to its presence at substitutional
sites. This receives independent confirmation from the
structure studies of Skinner17 on the ZnS-MnS system.
It is widely held that Mn is present in the Mn+2 valence
state, and little effect on Mn on conductivity should be
apparent. We present the following speculative answer
16 C. C. Dilworth, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) 60,315 (1948).
17 B. J. Skinner, Am. Mineral. 46, 1399 (1961). for the increase in dc conductivity (and, thereby, in dc
electroluminescence) of ZnS containing Cu and Mn.
Following Shionoya,13 we propose that energy contained
in the Cu centers in the form of holes in transferred
from the Cu centers to the Mn center by a resonance
process. In addition, we propose that this transfer
is reversible and that the energy can be propagated
through the lattice from Mn to Cu as well. The number of
lattice sites for one transfer step is of the order of 500
(i. e., about 0.25)1. in ZnS), and thus only four transfer
steps are required to propagate a hole produced at the
CuxS-ZnS interface through the 1-)1. film to the cathode.
Some of the transmitted energy may be involved in
radiative processes. At this time we can offer no proof
that this mechanism is valid. No explanation can be
made of the twin banded emission (Fig. 8) that would
not be unduly arbitrary.
We do not wish to extend the discussion of excitation
structures and mechanisms proposed here to the case
of ZnS powder phosphors or films and crystals with
different activators. It should be stated, however, that
electro luminescence mechanisms hitherto proposed
cannot be used to explain the observations reported
above. The earlier mechanisms and the reasons for their
rejection may be summarized as follows;
Impact ionization by electrons. (See Zalm18 for a dis
cussion of this mechanism.) Light is emitted at the
anode. Impact ionization by electrons accelerated in
the high-field barrier region should produce light at the
cathode. Also, the observation of emission at lower
than-band-gap voltages is damaging evidence against
impact ionization. See also the discussion by Henisch19
on this point.
p-n junction in the ZnS phase.i,20.2i The films produce
light at the anode. Light should appear throughout the
gap for this mechanism to hold.
Carrier accumulation.22 Emission is observed at the
anode, which runs counter to the theory of this mech
anism when applied to n-type phosphors. The only
means by which carrier accumulation could explain
emission at the anode is to have p-type ZnS, which is
possible but unlikely.
Minority carrier injection at planar metal-semicon
ductor contact.19 The films require a Cu-rich phase. Gen
erally it is found that metal-film contacts do not produce
electroluminescence unless sufficient copper is present.
Bi-polar field emission of carriers from filament con
ductors embedded in a semiconductor.a This theory is
close in some respects to the model presented here.
Fischer and Mason have used the heterojunction model
18 P. Zalm, Philips Res. Rept. 11, 353,417 (1956).
19 H. K. Henisch, Electroluminescence (Pergamon Press Inc.,
New York, 1962), p. 252.
20 D. W. G. Ballentyne, J. Electrochem. Soc. 107, 807 (1960).
21 J. L. Gillson and F. J. Darnell, Phys. Rev. 125, 149 (1962).
22 H. K. Hensich and B. R. Marathe, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London)
76, 782 (1960).
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to explain the commonly observed spatial distribution
of light in powder particles that occurs in the form of
points and lines. In our application of heterojunctions
to the problem of dc emission from films we have no
need to propose the existence of filamentary conductors.
Finally, we suggest that poor operating life of films
with Al electrodes is related to the anodic film formed
on the metal electrode. While the anodic film serves a
positive function in limiting the current through the
whole structure, its growth with time ultimately de
creases the flow of all carriers, some of which are in
volved in luminescence processes. Also the growth of
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS the AbOa film correspondingly decreases the excitation
voltage available at the Cu"S-ZnS heterojunction.
It is a pleasure to acknowledge helpful discussions
with Dr. L. J. Bodi during the course of the research.
F. Palilla and F. Avella made numerous valuable sug
gestions for improvement of the manuscript. We ex
press sincere appreciation to Dr. A. K. Levine who
provided encouragement and advice from the outset
and to C. O. Creter for skillful aid in the preparation of
the films.
Microwave Frequency Multiplication by Hot Electrons
II. Physikalisches Institut der Universitiit Heidelberg, Germany
(Received 20 December 1962)
An experimental study is made of microwave frequency multiplication observed in germanium at power
levels of several kW. Using a fundamental frequency of 9.4 Gc/sec, a third harmonic yield of about 1 % was
found. The data agree with calculations based on the observed deviations from Ohm's law. The anisotropy
and the high frequency limit of the multiplication are calculated.
RECENTLY, the generation of microwaves with
frequencies of more than 100 Gc/sec has been
successful in various ways.1-6 The largest known peak
power of SO W has been obtained at 140 Gc/sec by
harmonic generation using a ferrite.
In this paper carrier heating in semiconductors is
used as a method of generating harmonics. The drift
velocity of the carriers rises slower than linearly with
increasing field intensity if lattice scattering is domi
nant, as has been found for germanium at room tem
perature.7 In the case of a sinusoidal field intensity this
nonlinearity produces an alternating current, the
Fourier components of which are odd harmonics of the
fundamental frequency. Even harmonics do not occur
since a field reversal causes a current reversal. There
fore, the harmonic with maximum intensity is the third.
This is different from ferrites where the second har
monic is the one with maximum intensity and where the
1 R. W. Roberts, W. P. Ayres, and P. H. Vartanian in Quantum
Electronics, edited by C. H. Townes (Columbia University Press,
New York, 1960), p. 314.
2 B. B. von Iperen, Philips Tech. Rundschau 21,217 (1959/60).
3 G. Wade, paper presented at the AlEE Winter General
Meeting, January 1962.
4 G. Convert, paper presented at the AlEE Winter General
Meeting, January 1962.
5 C. S. Gaskell, Proc. IRE 50, 326 (1962).
6 A. S. Risley and I. Kaufman, J. Appl. Phys. 33, 1269 and
1395 (1962).
7 K. Seeger, Phys. Rev. 114,476 (1959). third harmonic has not yet been detected with cer
tainty.6 In this way the hot-electron method of generat
ing high microwave frequencies may have an advantage
over the ferrite method.
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the experimental
arrangement. A pulsed magnetron (JP9-7D) was
operated at a frequency of 9.378 Gc/sec. It generated a
standing wave in a short-circuited waveguide. By means
of two E-H tuners and a variable short, a standing wave
maximum was placed at the position of the sample.
The microwave power could be varied continuously
using an attenuator. The incident and reflected power
FIG. 1. Block diagram of the experimental arrangement
(dotted: 8-mm waveguide).
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1.1736063.pdf | Current Flow across Grain Boundaries in nType Germanium. II
R. K. Mueller
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 32, 640 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.1736063
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1736063
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Current Flow across Grain Boundaries in nType Germanium. I
J. Appl. Phys. 32, 635 (1961); 10.1063/1.1736062
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IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:21:38JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 32, NUMBER 4 APRIL, 1961
Current Flow across Grain Boundaries in n-Type Germanium. II
J{ecltanical Diz'isivn of General Mills, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota
(Received Septemher 6, 1960)
The current flow across grain boundaries in n-type germanium has been measured in the temperature
range of 350-200oK. Precisely oriented bicrystals have been grown for this study with 4, 6, and 25° tilt
boundaries and 6° twist boundaries. The experimental data were found to be in good agreement with theo
retical calculations given in the accompanying article [R. K. Mueller, J. App!. Phys. 32, 635 (1961)].
The current across the boundary is mainly carried by electrons crossing the barrier, and it increases with
decreasing boundary angle. The activation energy was found to be 0.71±0.01 ev for all boundaries.
A lower limit of N B ~ 1013 (cm-2 ev-1) was found for the density of boundary states of 6 and 25° boundaries.
No significant difference between tilt and twist boundaries has been observed.
IN a previous paper,l referred to as Paper I in the
following, a theoretical discussion of the current
flow across homogeneous-plane grain boundaries has
been given. It is the purpose of the present paper to
report experimental results of a study of the current
flow across grain boundaries in carefully oriented ger
manium bicrystals with different boundary structures
and a wide range of donor content. Good agreement
between theory and experiment has been found for
boundaries with misfit angles of 60 and larger. Devia
tions from the behavior expected for homogeneous
boundaries have been observed on 40 boundaries. These
FIG. 1. Two bicrystals with 4°
tilt boundary grown from both
ends of a double seed. deviations are interpreted as evidence for the dislocation
array structure of these boundaries.
A. Preparation of Samples
The bicrystals for this study were grown in a hori
zontal zone melting furnace. The growth speed was
~ in./hr for all bicrystals. The following boundary con
figurations have been prepared:
(a) Axis of relative rotation parallel to a [100J
direction common to both grains; boundary
plane incident with the common [l00J axis and
located symmetrically between the (011) planes
of the two grains. Tilt angles 4, 6, and 25°.
(b) Tilt axis as in (a); boundary plane symmetrically
between the (001) planes of the two grains. Tilt
angle 6°.
(c) Axis of relative rotation parallel to a [100J
direction common to both grains; boundary
plane perpendicular to axis of rotation [i.e.,
common (100) plane]. Twist angle 6°.
The growth direction for the bicrystals with tilt
boundaries [configurations (a) and (b)J was the
common [100J direction; for bicrystals with the twist
boundary it was the mean [OlOJ direction.
X-ray analysis of the bicrystals showed that the
misalignment of the "common" [100J axis of the two
grains was in all cases less than /0 deg.
Two 40 bicrystals grown from the two ends of a
double seed are shown in Fig. 1.
Laue back-reflection pat terns from bicrystals with
a 6° tilt boundary [configuration (a)J and a 6° twist
boundary [configuration (c)] are shown in Fig. 2. The
photographs were obtained from slices cut perpendicu
lar to the growth direction with the cut planes normal
to the x-ray beam. The x-ray beam straddled the
boundary, giving one-half spot for each grain of the
hicrystal. The diameter bisecting the Laue spot indi
rates the direction oi the boundary on the l'Ut plane.
The Laue patterns :ohow that the axis of relative ro-
1 R. K. Mueller, J. AJljll. Phys. 32, 635 (1961), preceding paper. tation is parallel to the beam for the tilt boundary and
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IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:21:38CUR R E N T F L () \ \. T" 11 T Y l' E C E R 1\1.\ :\ It· 1\ I. I I 641
J "
• • • • • ,. ,.
• • • • ,.
t • ,.
t t ,. • ,. • •
• (a)
FIG. 2. Laue back-reflection patterns from bicrystals 'Yith the
x-ray beam straddling the boundary. (a) (,0 t,yist boundary;
(b) 6° tilt boundary.
perpendicular to the beam for the twist boundary, but
in bot h cases perpendicular to the intersection of the
boundary with the cut plane.
From the bicrystab, rods with rectangular cross
section were cut such that the grain boundary was per
pendicular to the long axis of the rod, and one pair of
the faces parallel to t he long axis of t he rod 'Nas a
common or mean (100) plane. All samples were etched
in CP-l: after cutting to remove the damaged surface
layer and finally etched electrolytically in sodium
hydroxide. j\licrographs of the etch grooves of a -10
boundary on the two different faces of a typical sample
are shown in Fig. 3. The deep etch groove occurs on the
common (100) plane.
B. Instrumentation
The samples were mounted in a glass metal system
for measurement. The sample chamber wa,; evacuated
by a mercury diffusion pump, and helium as a heal
transfer medium could be introduced into the system
by controlled diffusion through a heated quartz tube.
Preliminary experiments showed that the sample characteristic;; were Hot afrccted Ly the helium
The voltage currcnt c1taracteri~tic" were mea~ured
with a breaker amplifier followed by an x-y recorder.
Urea t care was used to keep t he contact polent ials in
the measuring circuit at a low Jevel, so that good data
could he obt ained wi t h applied biases of the order of
mv acros,; the sample. This permitted accurate meas
urement of the zero bias conductance across the samples.
C. Surface Effects
The impedance of the grain boundary especially at
lower temperatures is very high. ~urface leakage can
therefore alter t he voltage-current characteristic ap
preciably.2 Great care was taken to prevent surface
effects from interfering with the accuracy of the meas
urements. Preliminary experiments showed that on
adequately etched samples the voltage-current char
acteristic was reproducibJe under subsequent etchings.
Intentional mist realment of samples, e.g., a spark
discharge in the system, altered the characteristic
drastically but the original characteristic could be re
stored by subsequent etching. It was further observed
F1G. 3. Micrographs of etch groove on 40 sample. (a) Etch groove
on common (100) plane. :\lagnilication Ll25X103. (b) Etch
groove on mean (011) plane. Magnification 0.75 X 103•
2 R. H. Kingston, J. Appl. Phys. 27, 101 (1956).
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IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:21:38642 R. K. MUELLER
TABLE 1. Zero hias conductance Go for 13 bicrystal samples.
concentration Configuration and
Sample Nd cm-3 boundary angle
4-1-A 2.0.1015 4° tilt
4-4 1.4.1015 Configuration (a)
4-ID-2 1.1.105
6-3-C 1.9.1015 6° tilt
6-5-A 7.0.1015 Configuration (a)
6-7 3.6.1016
100-6-2 1.4.1014 6° tilt
100-6-4 1.0.1014 Configuration (b)
100-6-5 8.5.1013
6-T-1 1.2.1016 6° twist
Configuration (c)
25-X 4.8.1015 25° tilt
25-Y 1.3.1015 Configuration (a)
25-ID-1 6.0.1015
that small induced changes of the surface affected the
voltage-current characteristic mainly in the quasi
saturation region, i.e., for applied voltages large com
pared to kT / q, but had little or no effect on the low
bias conductance across the sample. This, together with
the excellent agreement of the observed zero bias con
ductance with theoretical prediction, makes it very
unlikely that the observed zero bias conductance is
significantly influenced by surface effects. Surface
effects, however, may influence the differential con
ductance in the quasi-saturation region. This conduc
tance, discussed in Sec. III B, was two to three orders
of magnitude smaller than the zero bias conductance
and therefore much more susceptible to changes from
uncontrolled surface effects. Occasionally, relatively
large variations of Gsat were observed with no measura
ble change in Go. However, values of G.at which were
higher than the observed minimum were always ac
companied by typical changes in the appearance of the
voltage-current characteristic. With the minimum
values of Gsat the voltage-current characteristic was
symmetrical under voltage reversal, showed a linear
voltage current relation over an extended voltage
range, and a sharp transition from the low bias to the
quasi-saturation region (see Fig. 6). All data discussed
below were taken from those "minimum" character
istics. The temperature dependence of Gsat showed an
activation energy similar to that of Go, i.e., of the order
of the gap energy. This rules out an ohmic surface
leakage, e.g" an n-type surface channel across the
boundary area. It leaves open the possibility of a p-type
channel with a current-flow mechanism as described by
lVIcWorther and Kingston. s However, the shape of the
voltage-current characteristic, the correlation of Gsat
with the boundary angles, and the good agreement of
the temperature dependence of Gsat/Go with that ex-
3 A. L. McWorther and R. H. Kingston, Proc. I.R.E. 42 1376
(1954). ' Goe<l>olk7'
Go mho/cm2 Capture rate Kexpu=----·1O-8
at T=273°K I' T· (1-1'/2)
1.5 ·10-2 7.6
1.2.10-2 0.2 6.1
1.3 .10-2 6.7
5.5.10- 3 2.9
4.6.10- 3 0.3 2.5
3.8 '10-3 2.1
3.8.10-3 2.1
4.4.10- 3 0.3 2.3
4.1.10- 3 2.2
1.9.10- 3 0.6 1.3
1.4.10- 3 0.9
2.2.10- 3 0.6 1.4
3.4.10- 3 2.1
pected for the grain boundary response lead us to
believe that the observed behavior is a true grain
boundary response.
A. Zero Bias Conductance
Dependence on Donor Concentration and Boundary Angle
The zero bias conductance Go in mho/cm2 at 273°K
for 13 bicrystal samples with crystallographically dif
ferent boundaries and widely varying donor concentra
tions is given in Table 1. The donor concentration has
been determined from capacitance measurements4 and
resistance measurements. Both methods agreed within
. experimental accuracy. Since the capacitance measure
ments give the donor concentration in the immediate
neighborhood of the boundary, and the resistance
measurements the donor concentration out in the bulk
material, the close agreement of these measurements
shows that no significant accumulation of the intro
duced impurities occurred around the boundaries. The
capacitance measurements showed further that the
donor concentration on both sides of the boundary was
equal within experimental accuracy.
It may be seen from Table I that no correlation
between the donor concentration and the zero bias
conductance exists in the samples investigated. It has
been shown in Paper I that only the hole contribution
to Go depends on the donor density. The independence
of Go from the donor concentration demonstrates there
fore that the hole contribution to the current flow
across the boundary is small against the electron con
tribution, as predicted in Paper I by theoretical
A correlation exists, however, between the zero bias
conductance and the boundary angle. Go increases with
4 R. K. Mueller, J. App!. Phys. 30, 546 (1959).
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] IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:21:38CURRENT FLOW IN n-TYPE GERMANIUM. II 643
decreasing boundary angle. The close agreement of Go
for different samples with the same boundary con
figuration indicates that the variation of Go with the
boundary angle reflects differences in the barrier struc
ture of the different boundaries. Assuming a minimum
dislocation array for the 4° boundary,O one finds a dis
location spacing of 52 A. This is already of the order of
magnitude of the width of the barrier region discussed
in Paper I, and one has to expect an effect on the current
flow from the finite dislocation spacing. This interpre
tation of the increase in the current flow for the lower
angle boundary as a manifestation of the dislocation
spacing in the boundary is corroborated by experimental
results on 1 and 2° boundaries currently under
It is of interest to note that the twist boundary
(sample 6-T -1) does not show a higher conductance
than other 6 and 25° tilt boundaries. The minimum
dislocation array for this boundary is a network of two
sets of screw-type dislocations with a spacing of 28 A
intersecting at right angles.o According to an analysis
by Homstra,6 screw dislocations in a diamond lattice
should have no dangling bonds, and it was surprising
to find no significant difference in the zero bias con
ductance between twist and tilt boundaries.
Temperature Dependence of Zero Bias Conductance
The temperature dependence of Go in the temperature
range where the effect of space-charge generation can be
neglected has been determined in Paper I as
Go= (1-'Y/2)KTe-4>olkT, (1)
3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 40 42 4.4 4.6
10' T-
FIG. 4. Temperature dependence of zero bias conductance for
samples with various boundary angles.
6 F. C. Frank, Pittsburgh Report, p. 150 (1950). Office of Naval
Research (NAVEXOS-P-834).
6 J. Homstra, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 5, 129 (1958). wl~ J1 E E u 10-15
1000 __
FIG. 5. Temperature dependence of zero bias conductance for
lowest-doped sample.
where 'Y is the capture rate for electrons at the bound
ary,7 K a constant determined in Paper I as 2.2.108
mhorK cm2, q the electronic charge, k the Boltzmann
constant, T the absolute temperature, and cf>o the ap
parent activation energy: cf>o=Ecm-EF+cT, where
Ecm is the edge of the conduction band at the barrier
maximum. EF is the Fermi energy and c is the tempera
ture coefficient for the energy gap.
Figure 4 shows a plot of InGolT vs the reciprocal
absolute temperature T for 4, 6, and 25° samples. The
close agreement between the activation energies of the
different samples in the temperature range 320-2400K
is evident in Fig. 4. The activation energy cf>o was found
to be 0.71±0.01 ev for all samples studied. The devia
tion from this activation energy for lower temperatures
(evident in the lowest temperature points of Fig. 4) is
because of the increasing relative importance of the
space-charge generation process which, as shown in
Paper I, becomes for sufficiently low temperatures the
determining process for the current flow. The tempera
ture at which the effect of space-charge generation
becomes of importance increases with decreasing donor
concentration. The effect is demonstrated in Fig. 5,
which gives the lnGolT vs liT relation for the lowest
doped sample 100-6-5, with .LV d= 8.5 .1013 compared to
N d> 1010 for the samples in Fig. 4. The "plateau" value
TO of the lifetime determined from the zero bias con
ductance at lower temperatures for various samples was
found to lie in the range from 0.2-2 J.Lsec in agreement
with lifetimes determined from optical measurements
at 800K on similar grain boundary samples.8 These
values are lower than those observed on p-n junctions9
7 R. K. Mueller, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 8, 157 (1959).
8 W. W. Lindernann,:,and R. K. Mueller, J. App!. Phys. 31,
1746 (1960).
9 E. M. Pell, J. App!. Phys. 26, 658 (1955).
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] IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:21:38644 R. K. MUELLER
Sample 6-3-C
T= 2730 K
.75 .5
15 25 .5 75
FIG. 6. Voltage-current characteristic for sample 6-3-C. Dashed
line represents 1=10 tanh(qV /2kT).
in material with bulk lifetime at room temperature
similar to our samples (T of the order of 200 (.Lsec).
Since TO derived from the present data are character
istic of the density of recombination centers in the im
mediate neighborhood of the boundary, one can specu
late that the relatively low values of TO indicate an in
creased density of trapping centers in close proximity
to the boundary.
In column 6 of Table I the experimental values Kexptl
for the constant K are given as determined according
to Eq. (1) from the observed zero bias conductance Go,
the observed activation energy <1>0= 0.71 ev for all
samples, and the observed values7 of ')' except for the
6° twist boundary where a value of ,},=0.6 has been
assumed. The agreement with the theoretical value of
2.2.108 for a homogeneous boundary is excellent. The
consistently high values of Kexptl for the 4° boundaries
are, as discussed above, an indication of the wider dis-
location spacing in these boundaries. .
B. Voltage-Current Characteristic
A typical voltage-current characteristic (sample
6-3-C) is shown in Fig. 6. The theoretical voltage
current dependence derived in Paper I, by neglecting
the effects of the finite density of states in the boundary
band and of the field asymmetry at the barrier top, is:
1 =10 tanh(q Vo/2kT). (2)
This dependence is shown in Fig. 6 as a dotted line.
The experimental curve transcribed from an x-y re
cording coincides with the theoretical curve up to
applied voltages of about 4 kT/q but fails to saturate
for higher applied voltages. Over a considerable voltage
range the current increase is linear with the applied
voltage. In this region the differential conductance is
Gsat= (1-10)/V, and we can describe the deviation
from saturation by a dimensionless parameter
p=G.at/G o. The ratio has been measured for several
samples as a function of temperature. The experimental
results are shown in Fig. 7.
The theoretical model discussed in Paper I gives for
p the relation
(3) where F is the field at the barrier maximum at equi
librium, N B the density of states in the boundary band
per cm2/ev, K the dielectric constant, and f a factor of
the order of unity. The first term in Eq. (3) represents
the effect of the change under applied bias of the filling
level of the boundary states for which complete de
generacy has been assumed; the second term describes
the effect of the variation of the image force depression.
The electrical field at the barrier top can be deter
mined from calculations given by Kingston and
NeustadterlO with the observed activation energy in
terpreted according to the barrier model given in
Paper 1. It follows that F for our parameter values is
practically independent of the donor concentration and
lies between 3.lOc6.104 v/cm in the temperature range
considered. With F, the expression (q/KF)! from Eq. (3)
can be determined, and is shown together with p/Nd
in Fig. 7.
Since Eq. (3) and the electrical field calculated from
Kingston and Neustadter expressions are, as discussed
in Paper I, only approximately true, no significance can
be placed on the coincidence of piN d for sample 6-5-A
and the (q/ KF)! relation. What is significant in the
results shown in Fig. 7 is the agreement in the order of
magnitude between piN d and (q/ KF)! for all 6 and 25°
samples and the similarity between observed and cal
culated temperature dependence. This agreement indi
cates that the observed nonsaturation is the inherent
grain boundary response and, if this interpretation is
accepted, that the effect of the finite number of bound
ary states on the saturation behavior is masked by the
effect of the variation of the image force depression. We
can derive from Eq. (3), however, a lower limit for the
density of states in the boundary band:
which is valid whether the image force effect assumed
here or any other surface or bulk effect contributes to
the observed values of p/Nd• The inequality Eq. (4)
gives for the 25 and 6° samples a value of
This value is of the same order of magnitude as values
derived for the densities of surface states on free
It is interesting to note that here again the 6° twist
boundary did not show a behavior significantly different
from that of other 6 and 25° boundaries.
In spite of their already higher Go values, the 4°
samples show consistently larger values of p/ N d than
the 6 and 25° samples. This again indicates a wider dis
location spacing which gives rise to an additional
current contribution in the quasi-saturation region.
10 R. H. Kingston and S. F. Neustadter, J. Appl. Phys. 26 210
0~~. '
11 J. Bardeen, Semiconductors and Phosphors (Interscience
Publishers, Inc., New York, 1958), p. 81.
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] IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:21:38CURRENT FLOW IN n-TYPE GERMANIUM. II 645
This will be discussed in a forthcoming paper together
with related effects on 1 and 2° boundaries.
It has been shown that the current flow across grain
boundaries with boundary angles of 6 and 25° is in
excellent quantitative agreement with a theoretical
treatment of the current flow across alhomogeneous
boundary given in the accompanying paper.!
In the temperature range where carrier generation in
the space-charge region can be neglected, the current
is essentially carried by electrons crossing the barrier.
The activation energy characteristic for the height of
the potential barrier was found to be 0.71 ev. This high
activation energy. interpreted according to the barrier
model given in Paper I, implies that the Fermi energy
at the boundary lies close to or within the valence band.
A lower limit of NB~ 1013(cm-2 ev) for the density
of the states in the boundary band has been determined.
No significant difference in the behavior of 6° twist
and 6° tilt boundaries has been found. This is of interest
since the dislocation array model for a twist boundary
is an array of intersecting screw-type dislocations, and
screw-type dislocations are assumed to have no dangling
bonds associated with them.6
The lowest boundary angles considered in this paper
were 4° tilt boundaries which showed significant varia
tions in their voltage-current characteristics from the
6 and 25° samples. These variations are believed to be 10·"
+ 4-I·A
• 6-T·1
0 6-3-C
x 25-X . 6-5·A
101t * 25·Y
+ +
+ 01-
." Z
Q: 1617
~ ('YKE) 2
~ & & • * x 0 x
• L--.".L-..."..l--~~,..L.."..._'-,--=,~~ 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310
T °K---.
FIG. 7. Ratio p of differential conductance in quasi-saturation
region to zero bias conductance over Nd as function of temperature
compared with theoretical expression p/Nd~ (q/KF)i. Valid for
densities of boundary states large compared to 1013 (cm-2 ev-l).
connected with the wider spacing of dislocations III
these boundaries.
The author would like to thank Mr. F. Jaeger for
his help with the experimental work.
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IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:21:38 |
1.1732988.pdf | ValenceBond Studies of the Dependence upon Substituents of C13–H and Si29–H
Cynthia Juan and H. S. Gutowsky
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 37, 2198 (1962); doi: 10.1063/1.1732988
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1732988
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/37/10?ver=pdfcov
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 16:00:06THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 37, KUMBER 10 KOVEMBER 15,1962
Valence-Bond Studies of the Dependence upon Substituents of C13-H and Si29_H Coupling*
Noyes Chemical Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
(Received June 1, 1962)
An interpretation is presented for the additivity of substituent
effects on the CILH coupling constant, which has been observed
previously in the high-resolution NMR spectra of substituted
methanes. Each atom or group X is assigned a characteristic
"affinity" for s character in the carbon hybrid orbital of the C-X
bond. Distribution of s character among the carbon orbitals in
accord with the relative s affinities of the four substituents leads
to the observed additivity relation provided that the total s
character is conserved. The valence-bond approach used with
this model gives a linear relation between the s character of the
carbon hybrid orbital involved in the C-H bond (aIt) and the
observed OLH coupling constant (JcH=500 aIt). Also, it allows
the determination of the s character of the other carbon orbitals.
The dependence of the s character of the C-X bond on the elec
tronegativity of X is discussed in terms of electron spin and
charge correlation. It is noted that the hybridization changes
should affect not only JCH but also JHH, which is consistent with
IN earlier work,I-3 the CILH spin-spin coupling
constant (JCR) found in high-resolution nuclear
magnetic resonance spectra has been related to the
parameters used in describing the C-H bond, namely
the carbon orbital hybridization and the coefficient A
of the ionic term. The mathematical form of the valence
bond equation for JCR is such that increasing A de
creases JCR. However, the observed trend2 appears to
be the opposite; that is, compounds in which A is
expected to be large because of electronegative sub
stituents have large values of JCR rather than small.
Muller2 called attention to this fact and concluded that
the dependence of J CR on the s character of the carbon
orbital used in forming the C-H bond predominates
over the dependence of JCR on the C-H-bond polarity.
This is shown to be so in the present paper by a calcula
tion of the explicit dependence of JCR on A and s char
acter. We find, by means of the valence bond approach
used by Karplus and Grant,4 that JCR is relatively
insensitive to the value of A, within certain limits, and
directly proportional to the s character.
This finding is basic to an analysis of the empirical
linear additivity of group contributions to JCR in sub-
* Acknowledgment is made to the donors of The Petroleum
Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society,
for partial support of this research. The work was also supported
by the Office of Naval Research.
1 M. Karplus and D. M. Grant, Proc. Nat!. Acad. Sci. U. S.
45, 1269 (1959). See also H. S. Gutowsky, D. W. McCall, and
C. P. Slichter, J. Chern. Phys. 21, 279 (1953), for an earlier dis
cussion of the coupling of directly bonded nuclei and its depend
ence upon the perfect pairing structure.
2 N. Muller and D. Pritchard, J. Chern. Phys. 31, 768, 1471
(1959); N. Muller, ibid. 36, 359 (1962).
a J. Shoolery, J. Chern. Phys. 31, 1427 (1959).
• Karplus and Grant,l have given general expressions for JCH.
We proceed from there to illustrate the explicit dependence of
Jrm on). and s character. the observed proportionality between JCH (CH,X) and the cis
and trans H-H coupling constants in CH2=C13HX.
The treatment developed for methanes has been extended to
JCH in substituted ethylenes and to the Si2!LH coupling in silanes.
For the former, introduction of the s-electron affinities, obtained
from the values of JCH(CH 3X) observed for the substituted
methanes, leads to the result that JCH(CH,,==CIaHX) =
JCH(CH 2=CH 2) +~[JCH(CHaX) -JCH(CH 4)]. Values predicted
in this manner are systematically larger than those observed,
which implies that there is a small, negative ",-electron contribution
of 5 to 10 cps to JCH(CH,,--CI'HX). Such a contribution is com
patible with current theories for proton and CIa hyperfine splittings
in ESR spectra of free radicals. The Si2!LH coupling constants
observed in substituted silanes exhibit large, systematic devia
tions from the simple additivity found in the methanes. These
deviations are explicable qualitatively in terms of changes in the
Si-H-bond polarity.
stituted methanes, which is our main concern. Malinow
ski5 reported that the CILH coupling constant observed
in compounds of the form CHXYZ was expressible to
a very good approximation as:
where S-x, the contribution of group X to JCR, is defined
from experiment by the relations
tH=tJCR(CH 4)
This is only one of several equivalent forms6 in which
the additivity may be expressed, all stemming from
the basic, empirical relationship,
JcH(CHXYZ) = JCR(CH3X) + Jcn(CH3Y)
Spin-spin coupling constants have been shown to
depend mainly on the Fermi contact term for the
CILH group.l Furthermore, for coupling between di
rectly bonded atoms, deviations from perfect pairing
are not importanLI Using these approximations and a
simple model, we have been able to derive Eqs. (1)
and (3) describing the observed linear additivity of
group contributions to CILH coupling constants in the
substituted methanes. Also, as mentioned in a pre
liminary account of this work,7 the analysis has been
extended to JCR in substituted ethylenes and it enables
values of JcR(CHr=CI3HX) to be predicted from those
5 E. Malinowski, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 83, 4479 (1961).
• We thank Dr. T. H. Brown for discussion leading to this con
clusion. One other equivalent form is JCH(CHXYZ) =i"H'+
i"x'+i"y'+i"z', where i"x'=JcH(CH,X) -lJcH(CH.).
7 H. S. Gutowsky and C. S. Juan, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 84, 307
(1962) .
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 16:00:06C13-H AND SPLH COUPLING 2199
observed for JcH(CHaX). However, the predicted
values are systematically somewhat (5 to 10 cps)
larger than those observed (150 to 200 cps). If, as
seems likely, these discrepancies result from negative
7r-electron contributions to JCH, they may provide
useful information on u-rr interactions and hyperfine
constants in free radicals. Also, we consider the Si2LH
coupling constant J SiR in the substituted silanes, to
which the additivity rule does not apply.7 At first we
thought this might be due to the use of d electrons in
the silicon bonding orbitals. However, since then, a
more detailed analysis indicates that the deviations
from additivity result largely from changes in polarity
of the Si-H bond. Finally, as discussed elsewhere,s
if our model is correct for the effect of X upon J CH
in CHaX or CH~CHX molecules, it should lead to a
better understanding of substituted effects upon JRH,
because the latter also is affected by hybridization of
orbitals in the C-H bonds. In fact, the hybridization
changes which appear to dominate JCH are consistent,
at least semiquantitatively, with the observed de
pendences of Jci.HH and JtransHH upon the substituent
General Treatment
The coupling constant J NN' for a pair of nuclei N
and N' may be calculated by second-order perturbation
theory using the Hamiltonian given by Ramsey.9 The
expression for Jmv' consists of several terms; however,
in this paper we are concerned only with the Fermi
contact term which has been shownl to be the dominant
term for the CILH coupling:
- 2 (167r{3fi)2 JCH= (JCH) contact = 3ht1E -3-
X 'YC'YH ('lto [ La(rkC) lJ(rjH) Sk' Sj [ %). (4)
The symbols used above have their standard meanings.
The perfect pairing approximation may be used for the
ground-state wavefunction 'lto since for electron-spin
interactions between bonded atoms deviations from
perfect pairing are not important,I,1O We use the
separated electron-pair wavefunction,
'lto= (8!)-!2) -1)P P[l/tax (1 , 2)l/tbu(3, 4)l/tcz(5, 6)
Xl/tdh(7, 8)], (5)
l/tr(i,j) =ur(i,j) {[a(i){3(j) -(3(i)a(j) ]/V1} (6)
8 H. S. Gutowsky and C. S. Juan, Discussions Faraday Soc.
34, (in press) (1962).
9 N. F. Ramsey, Phys. Rev. 91,303 (1953).
10 For CH,,"I]Io= 1.08 'h+0.OO1 h-0.028 "'3, where "" is the per
fect pairing structure, and "'2 and "'3 are nonperfect pairing terms
[M. Karplus and D. H. Anderson, J. Chern. Phys. 30, 6 (1959)].
Although "'2 and "'3 account for JHH', they are not important in
JCH. and ur(i,j) is taken to be of the valence-bond form with
inclusion of ionic terms
Ul (1, 2) = 7Jl[ CPa (1) CPx( 2) + CPa (2) CPx( 1) + AaCPa (1) CPa ( 2)
+Axf/)x(1)CPx(2)]. (7)
In the latter CPa, CPb, CPo, and CPd are carbon atomic or
bitals; CPx, cp", CP., and CPh are atomic orbitals on the atoms
bonded to the carbon, and 7J is the normalization con
stant. The coefficients of the ionic terms are Aa and Ax.
Substituting 'lto into Eq. (4) and using the Dirac
identity Sk'Sj=t(2P k/-l), in which Pk/ is an oper
ator interchanging the spins of electrons k and j,
one obtains
l' C'YH(167r{3fi)2 JCH= ME -3- 7J2(cf>d [ a(r,e) [CPd)
X (CPh [ a(rjH) [ CPh). (8)
We assume carbon hybrid orbitals formed from one
2s orbital and three 2p orbitals; e.g., for the C-H bond,
CPd=aHs+(1-aH2)!Pa. (9)
aH2 is commonly called the S character of the carbon
hybrid orbital. The p,/s are linear combinations of px,
p", and p. orbitals and are oriented along different
directions in space. In general, ax,Y, or Z will depend
on the group or atom X, Y, or Z bonded to the carbon.
Substituting CPd and CPh= lsH into Eq. (8), one finds that
JCH= ('Yc'YH/ME) (\67r/3fi)27J2aH2 [2sc(0) [2 [lsH(O) [2,
7J-2= {2+(2+ACAH) [aH2S1.2/+ (1-aH2) S1B2p2
+2aH(1-aH2)!S1828S1s2p]+4(AC+AH) ( 10)
X [aHS182s+ (1-aH2)!S182p]+Ac2+AH21, (11)
2sc(0) is the 2s wavefunction of carbon evaluated at
the carbon nucleus, and lsH(O) is the corresponding
quantity for the hydrogen 1s function. S182s and Sls2p
are the overlap integrals between the hydrogen 1s
atomic orbital and the respective carbon atomic
orbitals. In Eq. (11) for 7J-2, AH is much less than AC
and can be neglected, because the electronegativity of
C is greater than that of H. Also, Eqs. (7) and (11)
are symmetrical in AC and AH, so the coefficient of the
ionic contribution to the wavefunction is hereafter
denoted by AC-H.
Equation (10) leads to
where A is a collection of constants, and Jo is 500 cps,
as determined from the observed valuel,2 of 125 cps
for JcH(CH4). This value for Jo is consistent with the
valence-bond theory inasmuch as Karplus and Grantl
obtained a reasonable value of 0.374 for AC-H, using the
same approach, with J CH = 124 cps, in combination
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TABLE 1. The calculated dependence> upon s character of the
normalization constant >f(Xc.-H, aa), defined in Eq. (11) for the
valence bond function describing the C-H bond.
aIt 7]2 aIt >f
0.2400 0.2419 0.3600 0.2395
0.2600 0.2412 0.3800 0.2394
0.2800 0.2407 0.4000 0.2393
0.3000 0.2403 0.4200 0.2394
0.3200 0.2399 0.4400 0.2395
0.3400 0.2397 0.4500 0.2396
• Calculated using Xc_H=O.374 and overlap integrals from reference 11.
with an estimate of tl.E and calculations of the overlap
integrals from Hartree-Fock functions. We have ob
tained virtually identical results using Kotani's tablesIl
for the integrals.
Dependence of JCH upon tl.E, AC-H and aH2
Although Eq. (12) was derived for JCIl in substituted
methanes, it applies in general to directly bonded
nuclei for which the (]' electron, Fermi contact term is
dominant. Moreover, depending upon the sensitivity
of tl.E and rl to substituents, it affords an attractive
semiempirical way to obtain the s character of bonding
orbitals from coupling constants. For the substituted
methanes, or other classes of closely related compounds,
one would expect the tl.E pertinent to Eq. (12) to be
very nearly constant. This follows from the fact that
tl.E is approximately twice the bond energy,l which
varies by only a few percent for C-H bonds.
Such an easy semiquantitative generalization can not
be made for 1'/2 because of its complex dependence on A,
a2, and the overlap integrals, which differ with the
atomic species in the bond and also with the substi
tuents. However, these dependences can be calculated
relatively simply and directly. For the C-H bond,
1'/2 (AC_H, aH) was found to be relatively insensitive to
the value of aH, as shown in Table I. 1'/2 changes very
0.6 .-------------~~
0.4 AC'H
AM'H A •. H
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Fr<:. 1. The M-H "bond polarity parameter," AM-H in MR.,
and Its dependence upon the difference in electronegativities I XM-XH I of M and H. The empirical AM-H values are from
reference 1 and the electronegativities from Pauling.
!1 M. Kotani, A. Amemiya, E. Ishiguro, and T. Kimura, Table
of Molecular Integrals (Maruzen and Company, Tokyo, 1955). slowly with aH2 and goes through a minimum at aH2=
0.400. The total change in 1'/2 over the entire range of
values of aR2 of interest here is only 0.2%. 1'/2 is also
relatively insensitive to AC-R as discussed in the follow
ing paragraph.
Electron-withdrawing substituents are expected to
increase electronegativity of the C atom by about 0.1
to 0.2 units according to estimates of effective electro
negativities by proton chemical-shift measurements.l2
From the empirical values of AB-H, AC_H, and AN-n
given by Karplus and Grant,1 and plotted in Fig. 1/3
it is apparent that an increase in electronegativity of
the carbon by 0.2 units would change Ac-n, from 0.374
to about 0.44. The dependence of 1/2 on AC_H, contained
in Eq. (11), was demonstrated by Karplus and Grantl
and is shown in Fig. 2. From Fig. 2 we find that the
0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45
FIG. 2. Variation of the normalization constant >f, in units of
>f (CH.), with the C-H bond polarity parameter Xc.-H. These
values are from reference 1 for aIt=0.25.
estimated increase in Ac-R with the most electronega
tive substituents decreases 1/2 to about 0.951/2 (CH4) •
However, such an increase in Ac-H is accompanied
by an increase in Zeff for the 2s and 2p electrons of
carbon which leads to a decrease in the overlap inte
grals S1s2s, S182P' and to an increase in 1'/2. Therefore,
the effects tend to cancel, and even though aH, AC-H,
and the overlap integrals all change with the substi
tuents, 1/2 is expected to remain about the same for the
substituted methanes. This leads to J~500 cps and
to the conclusion that JCR is linearly proportional to
aR2, the s character of the carbon orbital in the C-H
Derivation of the Additivity Relation
Two additional assumptions are required to derive
the additivity relation observed by Malinowski.6 The
first is that one carbon 2s orbital is used in forming the
12 B. Dailey and J. Shoolery, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 77, 3977
18 The electronegativity of B is less than that of H. Hence, the
coefficient of the <PH (l)<pH (2) term ("-H) is much larger than the
coefficient of the <PB(1)4>B(2) term (AB) so that AB is neglected
and AH is plotted as AB-H. In the case of C-H and N-H, the
electronegativities of C and N are greater than that of H so that
AH is neglected and Xc and "-N are plotted as Ac-H and AN-H. The
Si-H case is similar to that of B-H.
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C-H, C-X, C-Y, and C-Z bonds. In this case, ax,
IXY, az, and aH are related by
The second concerns the manner in which the 2s
orbital is destributed among the four bonds. We present
a simple model for this, the physical basis of which is
explained later.
A substituent may prefer bond formation with a
carbon hybrid orbital having more or less s character
than the normal Sp3 value of t. If so, substituents may
be arranged in their order of "affinity for s character,"
analogous to the way in which elements are arranged
in the electromotive series or electronegativity scale.
Let .1x be a measure of the "affinity" of substituent X
for carbon 2s character; further, let .1x be measured
with respect to H such that .1x is positive if the "s
affinity" of X is less than H and negative if greater than
H. Consider the four bonds to be four equivalent
interconnected potential wells of possibly different
depths as shown diagrammatically in Fig. 3. The differ
ence between the depths of the wells for X and H is
defined as .1x. The 2s character distributes itself among
the wells to give a common 2s level, because of their
interconnection. Moreover, this common 2s level, and
the content of each well, can be obtained very readily
via Eq. (13), i.e., by the assumption that the sum of
the 2s content of the four wells is unity.
In CH4 or CX4 the four wells are all of the same
depth so that 2s character is distributed equally among
them. In CHaX, since the H wells are deeper than that
of X by the amount .1x, then an H well in CHaX has
t.1x 2s character more than an H well in CH4. In general,
the H well in CHXYZ has [i.1x+t.1y+t.1z] 2s
character more than an H well in CH4• Expressed
mathematically, this means that for CH3X
H H TAllLE II. Substituent parameters Ilx obtained" from values of
oa_H coupling constants observed in some CHaX compounds.
CHaX (cps) CXJt Ilx
AI2(CHa)6 113 0.226 -0.096
Si(CHa), 118 0.236 -0.056
(CHa)aSiCN 122 0.244 -0.024
CHaC(CH a). 124 0.248 -0.008
CH, 125 0.250 0.000
CHaCOCH, 126 0.252 +0.008
CHaCHa 126 0.252 +0.008
CHaCHCH,Br 126· 0.252 +0.008
CHa<J> 126 0.252 +0.008
CHaCHO 127 0.254 +0.016
CHaCH2Br 128· 0.256 +0.024
CHaCH2Cl 128· 0.256 +0.024
CHaCOOH 130 0.260 +0.040
CHaCHCb 131 • 0.262 +0.048
CHaN (CHah 131 0.262 +0.048
CHaCH21 132· 0.264 +0.056
CBaNHCH, 132 0.264 +0.056
CHaC=CH 132 0.264 +0.056
CHaNH2 133 0.266 +0.064
CHaCCIa 134 0.268 +0.072
CHaCN 136 0.272 +0.088
(CHahNCHO 138 0.276 +0.104
CH,SH 138 0.276 +0.104
(CHahS 138 0.276 +0.104
CBaSOCH, 138 0.276 +0.104
CHaOH 141 0.282 +0.128
CH,O<J> 143 0.286 +0.144
(CH,OhCO 147 0.294 +0.176
CHaF 149 0.298 +0.192
CHaCI 150 0.300 +0.200
CHal 151 0.302 +0.208
CHaBr 152 0.304 +0.216
• ax was calculated using Eq. (14) with values of aH' obtained from
JCH(CH,x) by means of Eq. (12). In the latter, Jo was given by JCH(CHJ ~
iJ.=125 cps.
b Taken from reference 2 unless otherwise specified.
• Taken from reference 5.
and for CHXYZ,
aH2( CHXYZ) = aH2 (CH4) +t.1x+t.1y+t.1 z. (15)
Eliminating .1x, .1y, and .1z from Eq. (15), with Eq.
(14) and similar equations for Y and Z, we obtain
FIG. 3. A diagram of the model used in deriving the additivity
relation for the effects of substituents upon JCH(CHXYZ). The aH2(CHXYZ) =aH2(CHaX) +aH2(CH3Y)
vertical lines enclose the four interconnected potential wells for
the 2s electrons; these are the four bonding orbitals of the carbon atom. +aH2(CHaZ) -2aH2(CH4)' (16)
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TABLE III. A comparison of aH2, in CHXYZ, obtained directly
from the observed values of JOH(CHXYZ) by the relation ~=
JOH/ Jo and from the additivity of the substituent effects,
a~(CHXYZ) =i(l+/lx+/ly+/lz).
JOB" aH2(CHXYZ) Differ-
CHXYZ (cps) JOH/JOb i(1+/lx+/ly+/lz) ence
.pCH2'/> 127 0.254 0.254 0.0
CH2(COOHh 132" 0.264 0.270 +0.006
CH2(CN)2 1450 0.290 0.294 +0.004
CH3C13H21 149 0.298 0.304 +0.006
CH3C13H2Br 151 0.302 0.306 +0.004
(CH3)2CI3HBr 151 0.302 0.308 +0.006
.pCH2CI 152 0.304 0.302 -0.002
.pCH2Br 153 0.306 0.306 0.0
CICH2CH2CI 154 0.308 0.306 -0.002
BrCH 2CH2Br 157 0.314 0.310 -0.004
CH2CICN 161 0.322 0.322 0.0
CH2I2 173 0.346 0.354 +0.008
CH2Br2 178 0.356 0.358 +0.002
CH2CI2 178 0.356 0.350 -0.006
ChCHCHCb 182 0.364 0.362 -0.002
CH2F2 1850 0.370 0.346 -0.024
CHCl 2CN 189 0.378 0.372 -0.006
CHBra 2060 0.412 0.412 0.0
CHCla 209" 0.418 0.400 -0.018
• These observed values were obtained from reference 5, or from references
therein, unless otherwise specified.
b Calculated using J.=4JOH(CH,) =500 cps.
e From reference 2.
Equation (16) may be rearranged to give
aH2( CHXYZ) = [aH2( CHaX) -jaH2( C~) ]
+[aH2(CHaY) -jaH2(C~) ]
+ [aH2 ( CHaZ) -jaH2( CH,)].
And by means of Eq. (12) this leads to
lCH(CHXYZ) =5"x+5"Y+5"z, (1)
which is exactly the form of additivity observed by
Malinowski." Equation (16) may also be combined
with Eq. (12) to give Eq. (3) and to lead to the other
forms6.8 of the additivity relation.
The valence bond approach gives a direct relation
between the s character of the carbon orbital involved
in the C-H bond in substituted me thanes and the C13_
H coupling constant. The s character of the carbon
orbital in the C-X bond may also be obtained with
the use of Eq. (13) for CHaX, CH2X2, and CHX 3; and in general, according to the model presented here,
ax2(CHXYZ) =t(1+Ax+ Ay+Az) -Ax, (17)
as shown graphically in Fig. 3. The values of Ax for a
number of substituents are given in Table II. These
values exhibit an interesting relation between the s
electron affinity Ax and the electronegativity of sub
stituent X, with the Ax being small for electropositive
substituents ( -0.096 for AI) and large for electronega
tive (+0.2 for the halogens). In addition, Table III
shows that the effects of substituents upon aH2 are addi
tive to within an accuracy of 2% for about 20 polysub
stituted methanes. The additivity can be expressed in
terms of fCH by taking the product of aH2 and fo, with
a value of 500 cps for the latter.
The model presented here may seem somewhat
arbitrary at first glance. But at least one of its main
aspects, the relation between Ax and the electronega
tivity of X, can be explained qualitatively as a simple
consequence of electron correlation effects. Apart from
charge correlation, i.e., the tendency for all electrons
to keep apart from each other because of Coulombic
repulsion, there is spin correlation, which arises as a
result of the Pauli principle. Electrons having the same
spin have a low probability of being near one another
while those having opposed spins have no tendency to
keep apart in this way. Consider the C4-ion. Because of
charge and spin correlation of the 8 L-shell electrons, a
configuration of four pairs arranged tetrahedrally has
the highest probability.!' Methane can be pictured as
formed from C4-by attaching four protons and it is at
equilibrium in a regular tetrahedral configuration. The
electron distribution is most conveniently described in
terms of Sp3 hybrid orbitals on the carbon.
Now suppose we attach two protons and two X+
TABLE IV. Dependence of /lx on electronegativity and number
of lone pair electrons of first atom in the substituent X.
First atom No. of JCBs range JCB av /lx av Pauling
of X compo (cps) (cps) electroneg.
AI 113 113 -0.096 1.5
Si 2 118-122 120 -0.040 1.8
H 125 125 0.0 2.1
C 23 124-136 129 +0.032 2.5
N 11 131-139 137 +0.096 3.0
S 4 138-140 138.5 +0.108 2.5
0 8 141-147 144 +0.152 3.5
Halogen 4 149-152 150.5 +0.204 2.2--4.0
• From reference 2; E. Snyder and}. D. Roberts, }. Am. Chern. Soc. 84, 1582
(1962); P. C. Lauterbur, J. Chern. Phys. 26, 217 (1957).
14 P. G. Dickens and J. W. Linnett, Quart. Revs. (London) 11,
291 (1957).
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to C4-, where X is a substituent with electronegativity
greater than that of hydrogen It is to be expected that
the two bonding pairs to X will be "centered" farther
from the carbon nucleus than the two bonding pairs to
H. Consequently, the four pairs will no longer tend to
be oriented in the form of a regular tetrahedron but both
spin and charge correlation would cause the angle sub
tended by the bonding pairs between C and X to be less
than that subtended by the bonding pairs between C and
H. The electron distribution can then be described by
nonequivalent hybrids with greater s character in the
C-H bonds and less s character in the C-X bonds
than the equivalent hybrids in methane. Or, in terms
of the parameter introduced here, ~x would be positive
as observed.
On the other hand, for a substituent X whose electro
negativity is less than H, the two bonding pairs to H
will be "centered" farther from the carbon nucleus than
the two bonding pairs to X. Consequently, the electron
distribution can be described by hybrids with greater
s character in the C-X bonds than in the C-H bonds,
or by a negative ~x. The greater the difference between
the electronegativity of X and H is, the more enhanced
is this effect, i.e., ~x is a larger number. Therefore,
~x is a characteristic of an atom or group X and de
pends on the algebraic difference between the electro
negativity of X and H.IS This is shown clearly by the
summary of ~x values in Table IV.
Also, the latter reveals the importance of another
factor. When X possesses lone-pair electrons there are
interactions between the lone pairs and the electrons
of the other substituents and a possibility of multiple
bonds, so that ~x depends upon the electron pairs of
the substituent as well as upon its electronegativity.
This is apparent in Table IV, where it may be seen that
for substituents with the same electronegativity ~x
tends to be greater for those which have the greater
number of lone-pair electrons.
A less satisfactory feature of our results is their
TABLE V. "Interorbital" angles calculated from aa" and ar for
halomethanes, and their comparison with the observed bond
x H-C-X angle in CH3X X-C-X angle in CHaX2
Calc. Obs." Diff. Calc. Obs.b Diff.
I 102.2° 106.9° 4.7° 100.5° 114.7° 14.2°
Br lO1.S 107.3 5.5 99.7 112±2 ",12
CI 102.6 10S.0 5.4 99.7 l11.S 12.1
F 103.0 10S.5 4.5 9S.5 10S.3 9.S
• C. Costain, J. Chern. Phys. 29, 864 (1958).
b Interatomic Distances, edited by L. E. Sutton (The Chemical Society, Lon
don, 1958); R. A. Levy and L. O. Brockway, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 59, 1662 (1937);
R. J. Myers and W. D. Gwinn, J. Chern. Phys. 20, 1420 (1952).
16 We are indebted to a referee for pointing out that a similar
idea has been advanced by H. A. Bent, Chern. Revs. 61, 275
(1961). relation to observed bond angles. The "interorbital"
angles (angles between the symmetry axes of the
carbon hybrid orbitals) corresponding to the hybridiza
tion parameters obtained from JCH data are compared
with observed bond angles (angles between the lines
joining the bonded nuclei) in Table V. We note that
the H-C-X angles observed for CH3X are less than
tetrahedral in spite of the fact that X is bigger than H.
This is clearly due to the effect described above. None
thelesss, all of the observed H-C-X and X-C-X
angles are significantly greater than the angles cal
culated from i:¥H2 and i:¥X2, assuming orbital following.
This difference seems to increase with increasing size
of X and is greater for CH~2 (""12°) than for CH3X
(""5°), presumably due to steric interactions.
The incompatibility of i:¥H2 hybridization parameters
obtained previously from JCH data with the observed
bond angles has been discussed by Muller.2 He invoked
"bent bonds" to explain differences found for the
methyl halides. However, high-resolution microwave
studies made recently by Flygare et al.16 rule out bent
C-CI bonds in compounds where they were long be
lieved to be present. So it seems unlikely that differ
ences given in Table V result from "bent bonds."
Furthermore, the plot of i:¥H2 vs "interorbital" angles is
almost a perfectly straight line, especially in the region
of values of i:¥H2 encountered here so that vibrational
averaging17 of the C-H coupling constant assuming
orbital followingl8 yields the same value as for the
"static" equilibrium configuration. So the discrepancies
can not be attributed to vibrational averaging effects.
Quite apart from the relationship derived here between
hybridization and JCH, the bond angles in CH2Cb, 1,1-
dichlorocyclopropane and other molecules can not be
reconciled with any carbon hybrid orbitals built only
from sand p functions. The problem, therefore, is of a
more general nature and does not arise simply from the
approximations used in the expression for JCR.
In closing this discussion of results for the substi
tuted methanes, we wish to amplify on our earlier
statement7 that a simple molecular orbital formulation
gives results equivalent to the valence bond treatment
presented above. A two-center molecular orbital of the
f=Cl(lsH) +c2(2sc) +ca(2p"c),
yields essentially the same equation as Eq. (12). The
main difference is the normalization constant, which
now depends upon the coefficients CI, C2, and Ca. How
ever, these coefficients define the amount of carbon 2s
orbital involved in and the polarity of the C-H bond;
and the normalization constant for the molecular orbital
16 W. H. Flygare, A. Narath, and W. D. Gwinn, J. Chern. Phys.
36, 200 (1962); W. H. Flygare and W. D. Gwinn, ibid. 36, 7S7
(1962) .
17 This was approximated for J.emHHI by H. S. Gutowsky, V. D.
Mochel, and B. G. Somers, J. Chern. Phys. 36, 1153 (1962).
18 J. W. Linnett and P. J. Wheatley, Trans. Faraday Soc. 45,
33, 39 (1949).
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FIG. 4. A diagram of the model used in extending the treat
ment of substituent effects from methanes to ethylenes (CH.=
CI3JIX). The vertical lines enclose the three O'-bonding orbitals
of the carbon atom in the CI3HX group. In a planar st2 CI3H3
radical, the three potential wells would be of the same depth and
equally occupied by the 2s electrons. LlCH2 and LlCi represent the
different s electron affinities of the CH. = CI3 and C13-CI 0' bonds
in CH2=CI3HX, which lead to the redistribution, among the
three 0' bonds, of the s character indicated by the horizontal lines
at the top.
equivalent of Eq. (12) is no more sensitive to changes
in these parameters than we found in the valence bond
analysis. The model leading from Eq. (12) to Eqs. (1),
(3) and (15) to (17) is the same for both approaches.
Finally, we wish to point out that the valence bond
treatment given below in Sec. III for substituted
ethylenes and acetylenes may be formulated as well in
terms of the two-center molecular orbital.
The treatment carried out for the me thanes may be
extended (with some reservation) to the (J' electron
contribution to JCH in Sp2 and sp hybridized carbon.
Equation (10) applies to the latter, subject to the same
approximations. Using Ac_H=0.374 and the overlap
integralsll appropriate to the C-H bond distances in
ethylene and acetylene, we find 'Y}2 for these two com
pounds to be 0.987'Y}Z(CH 4) and 0.977'Y}2(CH 4), respec
tively. Moreover, 'Y}Zj f:.E for ethylene and acetylene
is affected no more by substituent effects, i.e., by
changes in aH2, bond polarity and bond strength, than
for the methanes. Hence JCH"'SOOaH2 for Sp2 and sp
hybridized carbon, as well as for Sp3, except for possible
effects of the 7r electrons. Because of this, the
model developed for the effects of substituents on
Jca(CHXYZ) should apply to ethylenes as well.
Calculation of JcH(CH2=CI3HX) from f:.x for CH3X
The main difference encountered in extending the
treatment of substituent effects in the me thanes
to the ethylenes is that there are three 2s wells instead
of four. In ethylene itself the first two are identical H
wells and the third differs in depth from these two by
f:.CH2' where the subscript denotes the doubly bonded
group, CHr-. In substituted ethylenes all three wells
are of different depths, as shown in Fig. 4. Following
our previous arguments that f:.x depends mainly on the
difference in electronegativity of X and H, we should
expect the same values for f:.x in the ethylenes as in
the methanes. The value for f:.CH2 (ethylenes) is taken
as equal to f:.CHa (methanes), i.e., +0.008, since the
"substituent" CHz in the ethylenes has no direct counterpart in the methanes. For the same reason, the
values for f:.CHX, f:.CXY, and f:.CX2 are taken to be equal
to f:.CHoX, f:.CHXY, and f:.CHX2 respectively.
On this basis the s character for a monosubstituted
ethylene is given by
aH2(CHr-CI3HX) =t[1+f:.CH.+f:.X]
=aH2(CHr-CH2) +tf:.x, (18)
which with Eq. (12) gives rise to
J cn (CHz=CI3HX) = J CII ( CHr-CH2)
+-lUcH(CH 3X) -Jcn(CH 4)]. (19)
A comparison of Eq. (18) for CHr-CI3HX with Eq.
(14) for CH3X shows that X causes a change in aH2
and in JCH, which in the ethylene is t that in the
methane. This is because the substituent effect is
spread among four bonds in the Sp3 methanes and only
among three in the Sp2 ethylenes.
Comparison with Experiment of Predicted Values
for aH2
The f:.x values obtained from JCH( CH3X) , listed in
Table II, have been used in Eq. (18) to predict an2
for eight substituted ethylenes for which JCH has been
reported. The results are listed in the middle of Table
VI, while in Fig. 5 the corresponding, observed value
TABLE VI. Summary of JCH coupling constants observed in
hydrocarbons, with sp2 and sp hybridization of the carbon orbi
tals, and "predicted" values& for aH2.
Compound JCH (cps) aH' Reference
naphthalene 157 sp' b
benzene 159 spz 3
mesitylene (2,4,6 protons) 160 Sp2 h
(CH3).C=C=CI3H. 166 Sp2 c
cyclohexene 170 Sp2 3
ethylene 157±2 0.336 2
CHCI=CH 2 (cis) d 160 0.341 e
CHCI=C13H 2 (trans) d 161 0.341 e
1,1 dichloroethylene 166 0.349 e
CH2=CI3HCI 195 0.402 e
cisCHCI=CHCI 198.5 0.408 e
transCHCI CHCI 199.1 0.408 e
CCb=CHCI 201.2 0.416 e
CH3C=CI3_H 248 sp 2
",C==CI3-H 251 sp 2
H-C==C-C=C-H 259.4 sp c
8. For those compounds with aH21isted as Sp2 or sp, there is at present no sim
ple means of correcting for the substituent effects. For the ethylenes, aH2
was obtained with Eq. (18) using Llx values from Table II for the methanes.
b P. C. Lauterbur, J. Chern. Phys. 26, 217 (1957).
C E. Snyder and J. D. Roberts, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 84, 1582 (1%2).
d CI is cis or trans to the proton to which CI3 is coupled.
• E. B. Whipple, W. E. Stewart, G. S. Reddy, and J. H. Goldstein, J. Chern.
Phys. 34,2136 (1%1).
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for JCH is plotted against the predicted Cl:H2. The straight
line in the figure corresponds to JCH= JOCl:H2=500Cl:H2
cps, and the open circles for the ethylenes should fall
on this line if the theory is correct and the s electron
affinities of substituents are transferrable from aliphatic
to olefinic derivatives. It may be seen that the circles
are consistently 5 to 10 cps below the theoretical line,
suggesting a deficiency in the treatment of the substi
tuted ethylenes.
Some check on the significance of the deviations is
afforded by the other points plotted in Fig. 5. Two
sets of points represent the J CH values observed for the
five Sp2 and the three sp hydrocarbons listed in Table
200 eO
cps • • •
150 •
• sp
C(2 0.4
H 0.5
FIG. 5. A plot of observed J OR values versus predicted values
of <x.Jt. The straight line is J OR = 500 OIFf cps, upon which all
points would fall if the methods for predicting OIFf were sufficiently
accurate. The points at <x.Jt=! and!, i.e., for Sp2 and sp hybridiza
tion, are from Table VI with no corrections for the effects of sub
stituents upon the hybridization. The open circles are for the sub
stituted ethylenes in Table VI, for which OIFf was predicted using
the Llx values obtained from substituted methanes. The other
points represent the polysubstituted methanes in Table III, for
which 0IH2 was predicted by the additivity relation.
VI, with Cl:H2 taken to be 1 and !, respectively. In these
cases no corrections have been applied to Cl:H2 for the
(unknown) substituent effects. The remaining points
are for the polysubstituted me thanes in Table III,
with the Cl:H2 values being those predicted for additive
substituent effects. These points fall very close to the
theoretical line, showing graphically the accuracy of the
additivity relation for substituted methanes. In some
cases the experimental uncertainties in JCH are com
parable with the scatter of points from the line. The
points for Sp2 and sp compounds, without correction
for substituents, exhibit relatively large displacements,
both positive and negative, from the line. But the over
all scatter of the points is small enough, in spite of the
wide range of Cl:H2 and JCH covered, to show that the
magnitude of the CILH coupling constant is indeed
determined mainly by the s character of the C-H TABLE VII. Si29-H coupling constants observed in SiH. and the
silyl halides' and the substituent parameters IX obtained from
Jsm(obs)a IX
SiHaX (cps) (cps)
SiH. 202.5 67.5
SiHaF 229 94
SiHaCl 238.1 103.1
SiHaBr 240.5 105.5
SiHaI 240.1 105.1
• E. Ebsworth and J. J. Turner, J. Chern. Phys. 36, 2628 (1962). We wish to
thank the authors for making these results available to us prior to publication.
bondl9 and that the Fermi contact term is the dominant
term in the coupling.
1I"-Electron Contributions to JCH
Nonetheless, the fact that the circles for the sub
stituted ethylenes fall quite closely along a straight
line about 7 cps below the one drawn in Fig. 5, leaves
little doubt about there being a real, systematic dis
crepancy. Part of the discrepancy could result from our
assumption of +0.008 for LlCH2' which enters in each
of the predicted Cl:H2 values. However, for this to be the
sole factor, LlCH2 would need to be -0.040 and such a
negative value seems an unreasonable departure from
the Llx values for the methanes. It appears more likely
that a 11" electron contribution to JCH is involved in the
ethylenes. This can be estimated by the following
extension of Karplus' formulation20 for the 11" contribu
tion to JHH, namely-
where, for ethylene, Ll1l"= 6 eV and aH, the proton hyper
fine splitting constant is -65X 106 cps. The Cia hyper
fine splitting constant aC may be estimated by the
TABLE VIII. Deviations (D) from additivity of the Si-H coupling
constants observed a in the di-and tri-halosilanes.
JSiH(obs)a JSiH(add)b 15
SiHnX4-n (cps) (cps) (cps) --------_._--
SiH2F2 282 255.5 26.5
SiH2CI, 288 273.7 14.3
SiH2Br2 289 278.5 10.5
SiH2I2 280.5 277.7 2.8
SiHF. 381. 7 282 99.7
SiHC!, 362.9 309.3 53.6
• E. Ebsworth and J. J. Turner, J. Chern. Phys. 36, 2628 (1962). We wish to
thank lhe authors for making these results available to us prior to publication.
b JSiH(add) =i'x+i'y+i'z, or (n-l)IR+(4-n)IX for SiHnX.--n.
19 Also noted previously by Muller and Pritchard,2 and by
20 M. Karplus, J. Chern. Phys. 33, 1842 (1960).
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Karplus-Fraenkel expression,21 which for the CCHz
fragment involved here is given by
Using their values for the parameters, SC= -12.7,
Qcq,c=+14.4, and QCHc=+19.5, one obtains the re
sult aC= +40.7 G.
~his. leads to a value for Jcu7f equal to -2.6 cps,
whIch IS of the same sign and order of magnitude as the
discrepancy. The agreement provides some indirect
evidence that the CI3 hyperfine interaction constant is
positive in free radicals related to ethylenes. Also, it
leads us to suggest that at least some of the spread of
the spz and sp points in Fig. 5 reflects differences in
JCH>:, and thus in aC, and that a more detailed study
of the matter is desirable.
A final point on the substituted ethylenes is that the
various bond angles inferred from the predicted values
of aH2 and ax2 do not agree well with experiment. The
data available are limited, but it appears that the
differences and the factors involved are very similar
to those discussed in Sec. II for the methanes.
Examination of the data in Tables VII and VIII
shows that the Si2LH coupling constants of substituted
silanes can be arranged in the same order as their
corresponding methane analogs (except for CH2F 2) .
This seems to indicate that in the silanes, the J SiH
dependence on ASi-H and s character of the Si-H bond
is of the same form as in the methanes. However, as
noted previously,1 and as may be seen in Table VIII
for the di-and tri-halo silanes, the substituent effects
in the silanes deviate by as much as 30% from the
additivity rule followed by the methanes.
Deviations from Additivity of Substituent Effects
The case of the substituted silanes is complicated by
the possibility of d hybridization with sand p, which is
assumed to be negligible in the case of the methanes
owing to the large carbon 2p~3d promotional energy
required. The promotional energy from 3p to 3d in Si
is much smaller, so that some d character may be ex
pected in the Si hybrid orbitals. This complicates
matters because it introduces an additional parameter
into the expression for JSiH, and our initial reaction7
was that the d electrons might be the cause of the devia
tions from additive substituent effects. But further
study of the question indicates that the deviations
may result in large part from the greater polarizability
of Si, compared to C, and the correspondingly larger
changes in ASi-H.
The deviations I) from additivity for the halosilanes
21 M. Karplus and G. K. Fraenkel, J. Chern. Phys. 35 1312
(1961). ' in Table VIII are found to be systematic in the follow
ing ways:
(1) They are all positive, that is
Jobs = Jadd+O,
where Jobs and Jadd are taken to be positive.
(2) They occur in the order of the halogens, namely
o(SiH 2F2) > I)(SiH 2CI2) > o(SiH2Br2) > o(SiH 2I2)
o(SiHFa) > o(SiHCIs).
(3) For a given halogen, the deviation increases with
the number of substituents,
o (SiHX 3) > I) (SiH2X2) •
Changes in ASi-H can account for these three observed
Inductive Changes in ASi-H and Their Effect
Consider the effect of an electronegative substituent
X on AC-H [the coefficient of th e 4>c ( 1) 4>c ( 2) term] vs
~hat on ASi-H [the coefficient of the 4>H(1)4>u(2) term],
III a wave function such as that defined by Eq. (7).
The main differences between the me thanes and silanes
in this respect are: (a) the direction of change of
AM-H with increasing electronegativity of substituent
X and with increasing number of substituents, and (b)
the order of magnitude of the change of AM-H. In both
cases the effect is to increase the effective electro
negativity X M of the central atom M insofar as the
M-H bond is concerned. We expect the effect of the
halogens to be in the order F> CI> Br > I (electro
negativities 4.0> 3.0> 2.8> 2.5) and, of course, X3>
X2> X. This leads to an increase in the electronegativity
difference / XC-XH / for the C-H bond (XC>X H)
and a decrease in / XSi - XH I for the Si-H bond
(XH>X Si).
In general, the coefficient AA-B of the ionic term in
the perfect pairing wavefunction describing the bond
A-B is related to /XA-XB I (e.g., by a relationship
such as shown in Fig. 1). Although the exact relation
ship is disputable, it is knovm that as / XA -XB I in
creases, so does AA_B.22 Thus (a) by the previous
discussion, the effect of a more electronegative sub
stituent or a greater number of substituents is toward
increasing AC-H and decreasing ASi-H, and (b) since
the polarizability of the electron cloud of Si is much
greater than that of C, the effect of the electronegative
substituent(s) on the electron distribution in Si is
much more drastic than that on C. Therefore with the
same substituent(s), the change in ASi-H is' expected
to be of greater magnitude than the change in AC-H.
22 See for example: L. Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond
(Cornell UniverSIty Press, New York, 1960), p. 99; B. P. Dailey
and C. H. Townes, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 118 (1955)' W. Gordy
ibid. 19, 792 (1951). "
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The form of J SiR under approximations similar to
those used in deriving Eqs. (10) and (11) for the
methanes, is23
'fJ-2= [2+2 (a2S82+iJ2Sp2+'Y2Si) +4 (aiJS8Sp
+iJ'YSpSd+a'YS8Sd) +4Asi-H(aS.+iJSp+'Y Sd)
+ASi_H2]. (23)
In Eq. (23) a2, iJ2, and '1'2 are, respectively, the s, p,
and d character of the Si hybrid orbital for the Si-H
bond, and S., Sp, and Sa are the overlap integrals
between the Is orbital on H and the respective orbitals
on Si.
With the use of Eq. (22), the expression for the
deviation from additivity,
may be written as
8= I A I ['fJ2(SiHnX4-n) -'fJ2(SiH4) Ja2, (24)
where A is a collection of constants. From Eq. (23)
we see that a decrease in ASi-H leads to a larger 'fJ2.
Therefore, the decrease in ASi-H produced by replace
ment of a hydrogen with a substituent which is more
electronegative than hydrogen, causes 'fJ2(SiHnX4_n)
to be greater than 'fJ2(SiH4)' Hence, the deviations 8
are all positive. Furthermore, since by the previous
discussion the effect on ASi-H is more drastic as one
goes from X = I to X = F and from SiH3X to SiHXa,
then the deviations should be in the order, as observed
8(SiH2F2) > 8(SiH2Cb) > 8 (SiH2Br2) > (8(SiH2I2)
8(SiHF 3) > 8(SiHCh),
Therefore, it seems that the deviations of JSiH from
additivity are governed by the inductive effect of the
electronegative substituents.
Such inductive effects should also occur in the silyl
halides, but the evidence on this point is obscure. For
the methanes, the .1x values are about +0.20 for all four
halogens. However, for the silanes, the "apparent" .1x
increases from +0.13 for F to +0.19 for Br and I.
This trend is the reverse of what would be predicted
on the basis of the proposed inductive effects, if the .1x
values would otherwise be about the same for silanes
and methanes. The close agreement between the Br
23 This is not to say that the same approximations are good for
the silanes. We present this equation to illustrate the dependence
of JSiH on ASi-H. Note that 1'8; is a negative quantity. and I .1x values for me thanes and silanes (+0.20 and
+0.19) suggests that further comparisons of this sort
may be significant. In fact, the deviations from addi
tivity in the halomethanes, although small, parallej24
the deviations in the halosilanes, i.e., 8 (CHX 3) >
8( CHzX2) and in the order F> Cl> Br> I (+12, +3,
-1, -4, respectively, for CH2X2). But this does not
necessarily mean that the factor(s) responsible for the
deviations in the halosilanes is the same factor which
causes the small deviations in the halomethanes. The
latter are in the wrong direction to be explained by the
inductive effect on AC-H although the deviations in the
silanes are compatible with changes in ASi-H.
An accurate theoretical estimate of the inductive
effects upon JSiR would require at least a knowledge
of all the appropriate constants in Eqs. (22) and (23).
However, several of these are not available so a simpli
fied treatment was made by neglecting the d electron
terms in Eq. (23) for 'fJ2, calculating the remaining
overlap integrals,ll and obtaining an equation for
'fJ2(ASi_H, a2). Reference to Fig. (1) indicates that
ASi-H(SiH 4) is about 0.35. With this value, and the
equation for 'fJ2, it was found that ASi-H would need to
be 0.23 in SiH2F2 if 8(SiH 2F2) were entirely due to the
inductive effect. Such a change, while large, is not
We have not considered the complication of the silane
problem by the reasonance effect, i.e., contributions
by structures of the form
I I H-Si X+ H-Si X-.
II X- X+
These are expected to be greatest for F and least for I,
for it is well known that large atoms form multiple
bonds less readily. This effect is probably also present
in the me thanes but to a smaller extent, for Si can form
d7r bonds. This resonance effect tends to make Si more
electropositive, which is opposite to the inductive effect.
In addition, the above structures bring up the possi
bility of 7r contributions to the Si-H coupling. In
view of the consistent trend in the deviations 8 it
seems that these two effects largely cancel one another,
thus maintaining the trends in 8 which would be ex
pected from inductive effects alone.
In the foregoing discussions we have ignored alto
gether the noncontact contributions (01 and O2),
Karplus and Grant1 estimated 01 and O2 to be 2 and 8
cps, respectively, for CH4 and stated that these contri
butions are not necessarily small for compounds which
deviate from tetrahedral symmetry. The contributions
01 and O2 are extremely difficult to calculate at present,
but an approximate relationship has been found by
24 We wish to thank a referee for calling this relation to our
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Pople26 between OINN' and the anisotropy of the screen
ing constants for Nand N'. An extension of this treat
ment to OlCH and OlSiH shows that these contributions
to JCH and JSi-H are not additive.
As a final point, the deviations from additivity in
dicate that such factors as inductive effect on X, con
tributions of doubly-bonded ionic structures to the
ground state, and non contact terms may very well be
responsible for some part of the substituent parameter rx which we have treated here as if it were attributable
entirely to hybridization changes.
In the derivation of Eq. (8) the following, usual
approximation was used:
(cf>N(rl) 1 o(rIN") 1 cf>N,(rI) )~ 1 cf>N(O) 12oNN"ON'N",
where cf>N(rl) is an atomic orbital centered on nucleus
N. For Nand N' separated by two or more bonds, this
is a very good approximation which has always been
used in calculating JNN', as in the case of H-C-C
H'. In order to determine how valid this approximation
is in the case of directly bonded nuclei,26 more specifi
cally for JCH, let us examine in detail the integral
involved in deriving Eq. (8), namely
p=t(u(1,2) lo(rlH)o(rze)
+o(rZH) O(rlC) 1 u(1, 2) )+PB (26)
PB=! L (uB(1,2) lo(rlH)o(rze)
uH(1, 2) =n[cf>H(1)cf>c(2) +cf>c(1)cf>H(2)
+XHcf>H(1)cf>H(2) +Accf>c(1)cf>c(2)],
ux(1, 2) =nx[cf>x(1)cf>c'(2) +cf>c'(1)cf>x(2)
+Xxcf>x(1)cf>x(2) +Xc'cf>c' (1)cf>c' (2)],
in which cf>c is the carbon hybrid orbital directed toward
the hydrogen and cf>c, is the carbon hybrid orbital di
rected toward the substituent X. The leading term
which arises upon calculating the integral P is
po=n21 cf>c(0) 121 cf>H(O) 12=7P£l'H212sc(0) 12IlsH(0) 12.
The use of the approximation expressed in Eq. (25) in
evaluating P gives rise to only the leading term, and
this results in Eq. (to). The other, smaller terms in P
are products of integrals of the form,
(cf>H(ri) 1 o(rm) 1 cf>H(ri) )=cf>H(O)cf>c(R) ,
25 J. A. Pople, Mol. Phys. 1, 216 (1958).
26 We wish to thank Dr. Ralph M. Deal for raising the question
which led to this analysis. where R is the equilibrium distance between the C and
H nuclei.
The complete expression for P is given by
p!?12= 1 cf>H(O) 121 cf>c(0) 12+ 1 cf>H(R) 121 cf>c(R) 12
+XH21 cf>H(O) 121 cf>H(R) 1 2+XC2 1 cf>c(0) 121 cf>c(R) 1 ~
+2(1 +XCXH) [cf>H(O) cf>c(R)cf>c(O)cf>u(R)]
+2XH[1 cf>H(O) 12cf>c(0)cf>H(R) + 1 cf>u(R) 12cf>c(R)cf>II(O) J
+2Xc[1 cf>c(0) 1 2cf>H(0)cf>c(R) + 1 cf>c(R) 12cf>n(R)cf>c(O)]
The terms in the summation, Eq. (27), which con
tribute the most to PB are of the form
2nx2Xcx2(cf>c,(1) 1 O(rIe) 1 cf>c,(1) ) (cf>c, (2) lo(r2H)
X 1 cf>c,(2) ).
(cf>x(2) 1 o(rZH) 1 cf>x(2) ) is the density at the H nucleus
of an electron in the X orbital, which is vanishingly
small, and (cf>c'(2) 1 o(rZH) 1 cf>c'(2) ) is the density at
the H nucleus of an electron in the carbon hybrid
orbital directed toward X, which is also small and
approximately equal to £l'x21 sc(R) 12. Therefore PB,
the contribution to P of the orbitals involved in the other
bonds, clearly is very small.
The hydrogen atom 1s wavefunction gives cf>H(O) =
0.5642 and cf>H(R) =0.0716 in units of aof; and from the
Hartree-Fock atomic wavefunctions for carbon we
obtain the values
2sc(0) = 1.664
2p~(0) =0
which lead to 2sc(R) = -0.0791
2p~(R) = 0.0788,
cf>c(0) = 1.664£l'H
cf>c(R) = -0.0791£l'u+0.0788(1-£l'H2)t.
The range of £l'H2 of interest here is 0.25 to 0.50. cf>c(R)
is equal to 0.0287 for £l'H2=0.25 and decreases mono
tonically and reaches zero at £l'H2=0.498. PB also de
creases monotonically with increasing £l'H2. Therefore,
by using the value of cf>c(R) for £l'H2=0.25, one can find
the upper limit for the error incurred by dropping all
terms containing cf>N(R) ; i.e., in using the approxima
tion expressed by Eq. (25).
Using Xc=0.374 and XH=0.01, one obtains PO/1)2=
0.2203 and p/n2=0.2312+PB/n2 in units of ao6• pB/n2
is found to be 0.0005 in CH4• The maximum error is,
therefore, 5% or 6 cps. The percentage error decreases
monotonically with Q'H2 and goes to a minimum of 0.17%
at Q'u2=0.498, where JCH is around 250 cps, i.e., an
error of 0.4 cps.
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1.1701266.pdf | Hyperfine Interactions in XIrradiated Magnesium Phosphite Hexahydrate
Melvin W. Hanna and Larry J. Altman
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 36, 1788 (1962); doi: 10.1063/1.1701266
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1701266
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 02:22:44THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 36, NUMBER 7 APR I L I, 1 962
Hyperfine Interactions in X-Irradiated Magnesium Phosphite Hexahydrate*
Gates and CreUin Laboratories of Chemistry,t California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
(Received September 11, 1961)
An analysis of t~e .electron spin resonance spectra of X-irradiated single crystals of MgHP0 3·6H.O has
shown that the prlllClpallong-lived paramagnetic species produced by irradiation is a POa fragment. This
fragmen.t retains the same orientati~m within the unit cell as the undamaged molecule. The parallel and
perpendicular components of the diagonal (electron-spin)-(nuc1ear-spin) coupling dyadic for the phos
phorus nucleus are fou~d to be of .the same sign and of magnitude 2210 and 1730 Mc, respectively. These
results are compared wlth theoretical values of the distributed dipole and contact hyperfine interactions
calculated on the assumption that the unpaired electron is located in an spa hybrid orbital centered on
IT is now well known that detailed information about
the electronic structure of radiation produced para
magnetic defects in single crystals can be obtained by
studies of the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra
of these defects.1-9 Most of the recent studies in this
field have dealt with the hyperfine interactions between
an unpaired electron in a 2p-atomic orbital and an
adjacent hydrogen atom,l-4.7-9 These interactions can
be of two experimentally distinguishable types. In one
type, the hydrogen atom is attached to the carbon
bearing the unpaired electron and lies in the nodal
plane of the 2p-atomic orbital.1•3•4,7-9 In this case the
isotropic component of the hyperfine interaction arises
from configurational mixing of the orbital containing
the unpaired electron with excited states of the sigma
bond framework. In the second type the hydrogen
atom is attached to an adjacent carbon and the hyper
fine splittings arise because of "hyperconjugative"
type interactions.2,7 In both of these cases the isotropic
hyperfine interactions are between 60-75 Mc, and in
the first type the anisotropic hyperfine interaction is
±30 Mc. The anisotropic interactions in the second
type are very small.
There have been a few studies on fragments in which
the unpaired electron was localized in an orbital
centered on the magnetic nucleus. In 'Y-irradiated
dimethylglyoxime the unpaired electron is reported to
be localized in an Sp2 hybrid orbital localized on
* Supported in part by the U. S. Public Health Service and
the Arthur Amos Noyes Fund. t Arthur Amos Noyes Fellow. Present address, Department of
Chemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. t Contribution No. 2504.
1 H. M. McConnell, C. Heller, T. Cole, and R. W. Fessenden,
J. Am. Chern. Soc. 82,766 (1960).
2 C. Heller and H. M. McConnell, J. Chern. Phys. 32, 1535
3 D. K. Ghosh and D. H. Whiffen, Mol. Phys.2, 285 (1959).
• N. M. Atherton and D. H. Whiffen, Mol. Phys. 3, 1 (1960).
• D. Pooley and D. H. Whiffen, Mol. Phys. 4, 81 (1961).
• I. Miyagawa and W. Gordy, J. Chern, Phys. 30, 1590 (1959).
7 L Miyagawa and W. Gordy, J. Chern, Phys. 32, 255 (1960).
• M. Katayama and W. Gordy, J. Chern. Phys. 35,117 (1961).
9 D. V. G. L. Narasimha Rao and W. Gordy, J. Chem. Phys.
35,362 (1961). nitrogen,6 and in the case of X-irradiated malonic acid
the principal values of the C13 hyperfine interactions
have been evaluated.l°
An interesting characteristic of all of the radiation
produced fragments studied so far, with the possible
exception of dimethylglyoxime, is that the paramagnetic
fragment has a different hybridization than the un
damaged molecule. This holds true in spite of the fact
that the main skeleton of the fragment retains the same
orientation as the undamaged molecule, within the
accuracy of the ESR experiment. Thus, in the case of
undamaged malonic acid, HOOCCH 2COOH, the central
carbon atom is tetrahedrally (Sp3) hybridized, but it
has been conclusively shown! that in the radiation
produced fragment, HOOCCHCOOH, the unpaired
electron occupies a pure p-type atomic orbital. Further,
the (l' hydrogen atom has apparently moved up into
the plane defined by the two carbon-carbon bonds.
It is the purpose of this paper to present the first
complete analysis of hyperfine interactions with a pal
nucleus. Also, in this study it will be shown that the
paramagnetic fragment not only retains the same
orientation as the undamaged molecule, but also retains
approximately the Sp3 hybridization. Since the unpaired
electron is localized in an Sp3 hybrid orbital (see below)
there is a direct means of getting unpaired spin density
at the magnetic nucleus. The isotropic hyperfine inter
actions reported in this work are about 30 times
larger than the interactions mentioned above where
the odd electron density at the nucleus arises from a
more indirect type of interaction.
Single crystals of MgHP03·6H 20 were grown by
slow evaporation of aqueous solutions. The crystal
that was used in the ESR study was in the form of a
hemimorphic trigonal pyramid approximately 3 mm
high and 3 mm across the base. The crystal structure
has been determined by Corbridge.ll The dimensions
of the hexagonal unit cell are [aJ=8.88 A, [cJ=9.10 A.
10 T. Cole and C. Heller, J. Chern. Phys. 34, 1085 (1961).
liD. E. C. Corbridge, Acta. Cryst. 9, 991 (1956).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 02:22:44x -I R R A D I ATE D MAG N E S I U MPH 0 S PHI T E HEX A H Y D RAT E 1789
The unit cell, of space group symmetry R-3, contains
three molecules. In this unit cell there is a threefold
symmetry axis parallel to the c axis of the crystal and
the magnesium atom and the phosphorus-hydrogen
bond lie along this threefold axis.
A single crystal was X-irradiated for approximately
1 hr from a copper target x-ray tube operating at 45 kv
and 14 mao The crystal was approximately 3 em from
the target. The ESR spectra were taken on a Varian
V-4500, X-band spectrometer employing lOO-kc field
modulation. The crystal was mounted on a special
goniometer head designed to fit in the microwave
cavity which allowed rotation of the crystal about an
axis perpendicular to the magnetic field.
Illustrative spectra are shown in Fig. 1. The co
ordinate system used in these figures is fixed in the
molecule and is defined as follows: The z axis lies along
the threefold symmetry axis. The x, and y axes are
defined as any two orthogonal axes perpendicular to
the z axis. For convenience the origin was placed at
the phosphorus nucleus. As can be seen from Fig. 1 (a),
the ESR spectrum of X-irradiated MgHPO ao6H20
consists of a doublet with an extremely large separation
between the two components. In addition, at some
orientations of the crystal small satellite lines were
observed on either side of the main hyperfine line
[Fig. 1 (b)]. At high gain the space between the two
lines from the paragmagnetic fragment contained a
complex spectrum due to a small quantity of Mn2+
impurity in the crystal. This spectrum was present
even in the absence of irradiation and was similar to
that reported by Low for other Mn2+ doped Mg2+ host
The three-line spectrum of peroxylamine disulfonate
JJL t-'1.------WIo,',II------Jlr
FIG. 1. (a) ESR spectrum of POa with the applied magnetic
field, along the z axis. The center three lines are due to the per
oxylamine disulfonate standard. The other weak lines are due to
a Mn2+ impurity. (b) ESR spectrum with the applied field at
45° to II axis showing the satellite lines on either side of the main
hyperfine component.
12 W. Low, Phys. Rev. 105, 793 (1957). in aqueous solution was used for scan and g-value
calibration purposes.
The spin Hamiltonian that can be used to interpret
the ESR spectra of oriented radicals is
Here X. is the Zeeman coupling of the electronic and
nuclear magnetic moments to the externally applied
field, Ho, and XM includes the combined (electron-spin)
(nuclear-spin) Fermi contact and dipolar interac
tions.l,l3 If a coordinate system is chosen such that the
dipolar-coupling dyadic in XM is diagonal this
Hamiltonian can be written
In Eq. (2) I p.1 and Pp are the electron and pal
nuclear resonance frequencies and A, B, and C are the
principal values of the hyperfine coupling dyadic. In
the case that the unpaired electron distribution pos
sesses an axis of cylindrical symmetry B = C and the
spin Hamiltonian then contains only two parameters.
For the magnetic field along the axis of cylindrical
symmetry (z axis) Eq. (2) can be written in the
alternate form
X=h I p.1 S.-hppl.+hASzI.+!hB[S-rI_+SJ+], (3)
where S+, 1+ and S_, 1_ are the electron and nuclear
spin raising and lowering operators, respectively.14,l5
For the "strong field" case, i.e., I p.1 »A, B, the eigen
energies, spin eigenfunctions, electron resonance transi
tion frequencies and transition probabilities are simple
extensions of the results obtained for the two spin
system in x-irradiated malonic acid.l In the present
study, however, the approximation that I p.1 »A, B
does not hold, and the calculation of the electron
resonance spectra for this "intermediate field" case is a
little more involved. Of the zero-order spin functions
(4) only 1/11° and 1/14° are eigenfunctions of the
Hamiltonian (3). The eigenenergies for the case
I/Ilo=a(e) a(p), 1/12o=a(e){3(p) ,
I/Il={3(e)a(p) , 1/14o={3(e){3(p) , (4)
of Ho along the z axis are, therefore,
El=!h I p.1 -!hpp+thA,
E+=!h[(1 p.1 +Pp)2+B2Jl_thA,
E_= -!h[(1 P81 +pp)2+B2]i-ihA,
E4= -!h I p.1 +!hpp+thA,
13 S. M. Blinder, J. Chern. Phys. 33, 748 (1960).
14 H. M. McConnell (unpublished notes). (5)
16 K. D. Bowers and J. Owen, Repts. Progr. in Phys. 18, 304
(1955) .
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 02:22:441790 M. W. HANNA AND L. J. ALTMAN
" 0-0
9-0 12 a Me x 10-' a 12
• 9-0
---'I'="'O .....L.~e --Mco;o'O'""'-.""-~e:-'-~,o--
FIG. 2. Angular dependence of the hypcrfine splittings in POa•
(a) Applied field in 2X quadrant. (b) Applied field in xy quadrant.
and the corresponding eigenfunctions are
'/II= V;lo,
where V;+= cosf},N+ sin8if;3°,
V;-= -sin8if;2°+ cosfh/;ao,
V;4= V;40, (6)
cOtf}=B/\[(! v.l +vp)2+B2]L(1 vel +vp]l (7)
at high values of the applied magnetic field 1 vel »B,
and 0-.0 giving the usual high field eigenfunctions.
The perpendicular electron resonance transition
frequencies are
(E1-E+)h-1=HI vel -vp)+tA
-!e(1 Ve 1 +vp)2+B2]!, (8a)
(E1-E_)h-I=HI Pe I -vp)+tA
+t[(lve I +vll)2+B2J!, (8b)
(E+-E 4)h-1 HIVe l-vp)-tA
+K(I Ve I +vll)2+B2]t, (8c)
(E4-E_)h-1= -HI Ve j -vp)+tA
+t[(jVe I +vp)2+B2Ji. (8d)
The electron resonance transition intensities are
proportional to the absolute square of the matrix
elements, I (V;.\,u..L lV;i) 12, where,u..L= -go! J3! S.LiS the
electron spin magnetic moment operator for a component of S perpendicular to H. Thus,
I (v;+ I J.l.J. I Ytl) 19o2 I J3 12 sin28,
! (V;-\ J.l..L \V;l) 12= tgo2 \ {3 12 cos20,
I (Yt4! J.l..L ! Yt+) !2= tgo2\ {3\2 cos20,
I (Yt4! J.l...L 1 Yt-) 12=tgo2\ {3\2 sin20,
I (Yt4 ! J.l..L 1V;1) (Yt+ I JLJ.!V;-) 12= o. (9)
There is one allowed parallel transition, Yt-->1f;+, with
(E+-E_)h-1=[(1 Ve! +vp)2+B2Ji (10)
and intensity proportional to
For the applied field perpendicular to the z axis the
spin Hamiltonian can be written in the form
JC=th Iv. 1 Sx-thvpIx+hBSxIx+lh(A+B)
,(S+,L'+S_'I+') +ih(A -B) (S+,I/+S_'L') (12)
and the calculation of the electron resonance transition
frequencies and intensities follows the same procedure
as above. The problem is somewhat simplified if one
constructs new spin functions a' and (3' which are
eigenfunctions of the operators S" and I x, and also
uses the corresponding spin raising and lowering
operators S+" I+' and S_', 1_'. In this case the zero
order spin functions v;lo', and Ytr are also connected by
nonvanishing matrix elements so that two 2X2
secular equations must be solved.
The problem of calculating the energy levels and the
dipole intensities for a P03 fragment for a general
orientation of the intermediate field is, in principle, a
straightforward extension of the methods described
above. The calculations are tedious, however, since
every zero-order spin function is connected to every
other zero-order spin function by a nonvanishing
matrix element. This means that a full 4X 4 secular
equation must be solved for every orientation of the
applied intermediate field to obtain the eigenvalues.
The doublet hyperfine pattern observed in irradiated
MgHP03'6H20 is indicative of the interaction between
the unpaired electron and a single nucleus of spin t.
The observed hyperfine splittings are too large to be
due to interaction with a proton, consequently the
ESR doublet must arise from the interactions of the
unpaired electron with a PSl nucleus. The variation in
the doublet separation as the applied magnetic field is
rotated in the zx and xy planes is shown in Fig. 2. The
largest hyperfine splitting (hfs) is observed with the
applied field along the z axis, and the smallest hfs is
observed with Ho in the xy plane. There is no change in
the hfs as Ho is rotated in the xy plane [Fig. 2 (b) ].
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These results confirm the fact that the unpaired spin
distribution in the parmagnetic fragment retains at
least a threefold symmetry axis. In the undamaged
molecule, this threefold symmetry axis lies along the
phosphorus-hydrogen bond. Thus, the paramagnetic
fragment apparently results from homopolar cleavage
of the P-H bond and has the formula· P03•
A. Hypedine Interactions
In this study the parameters of interest are the
following: I v. I =8300-10500 Mc, vp=5-6 Mc, A
221O±30 Me, B= 1730±30 Mc. Since the pal resonance
frequency is considerably smaller than the uncertainty
in A and B it will be neglected in the calculations which
follow. Using the above values, the angle () in Eqs. (6)
and (7) is 5°-6°. The only transitions having ap
preciable dipole intensity will be those whose intensity
depends on cos2(}, i.e., 1/I-~1, and 1/Ir+1/I+. The 1/1+---'>1/11,
and 1/1-~4 transitions will be approximately 165
times weaker.l6 The allowed parallel transition 1/1-~4
should be observable, but suitable apparatus was not
available for detecting it. With Ho along the z axis the
ESR spectra will, therefore, consist of a strong doublet
whose transition frequencies are given by Eqs. (Sb),
(Sc). This doublet will be separated by approximately
the frequency A, and the center of gravity of the
spectrum will be at
B2[ 1 1 ] Hillel++ 1 lie 1-)+8 Iv.l+ + \11.1-. (13)
In this equation I lie 1+ and I v. 1-are the electron
resonance frequencies at the field strength of the high
and the low field line respectively.17 With Ho perpen
dicular to the z axis the doublet will be separated by
approximately the frequency B, and the center of
gravity will be at
I lie 1_)+h[(A+B)2+(A-B)2]
.[_1 +_1 ] 1 v. 1+ I V. 1-. (14)
The values of A and B given above were obtained by
measuring the hyperfine splittings for these two
orientations of Ho.1s
The quantities A and B are of special interest because
they give information about the electronic structure of
the paramagnetic fragment. These parameters are a
sum of two parts-the isotropic or Fermi contact
interaction aP and the anisotropic or dipolar inter
actions Ad and Bd• Since the trace of the dipolar
16 It is impossible to observe these transitions in a constant
frequency experiment.
17 The authors are grateful to Dr. David Whiffen and Mr. John
Morton of the National Physical Laboratory, Middlesex, England
for much constructive criticism on this point.
18 In the intermediate field case a small correction must be
made to the observed splittings to get A and B but in the present
work this correction is less than the experimental error and has
been neglected. t------l
15 Gauss
FIG. 3. ESR spectrum of the high field hyperfine line at high
microwave power showing the two sets of satellite lines.
coupling dyadic must be zerol•13 aP=t I A+2B I =
1890±30 Me, and Ad= +320±30 Mc, Bd= -160±30
Mc. Calculations of Ad using the distributed dipole
for an odd electron localized in a p orbital centered on
the magnetic nucleus show that Ad is positive.20 Since
only the p part of the Sp3 orbital contributes to Ad,
the sign of Ad for an Sp3 hybrid should be the same as
the sign for a pure p orbital. In Eq. 15, per) is the spin
density distribution function21 and 0' is the polar angle
which the vector from the nucleus to the unpaired
electron makes in the xyz coordinate system. The iso
tropic coupling constant aP must, therefore, also be
positive. This is in accord with previous theoretical
predictions.22,23 The extremely large value observed for
aP in this study indicates that there is a direct mecha
nism for getting odd electron density at the nucleus.
The orbital containing the unpaired electron must,
therefore, be a hybrid orbital containing considerable
s character. Since the bond angles in the undamaged
molecule were 109°, it is likely that the unpaired
electron is localized in an Sp3 hybrid orbital. If this
were the case the hyperfine coupling constant for a 3s
electron on phosphorus would be approximately 7560
Mc. A calculation of aP using recently calculated
19 H. M. McConnell and]. Strathdee, Mol. Phys. 2, 129 (1959),
20 See, for example, W. V. Smith, P. P. Sorokin, I. L. Gelles,
and G. J. Lasher, Phys. Rev. 115, 1546 (1959); R. G. Barnes
and W. V. Smith, ibid. 93, 95 (1954).
21 H. M. McConnell, J. Chern. Phys. 28, 1188 (1958).
2' H. M. McConnell and D. B. Chesnut, J. Chern. Phys. 28,
107 (1958).
23 A. D. McLachlan, H. H. Dearman, and R. Lefebvre, J. Chern.
Phys. 33, 65 (1960).
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Hartree-Fock functions for phosphorus24 gives aP=
11 000 Me in fair order-of-magnitude agreement.
A further point of interest in this study are the large
values of the anisotropic spliUings Ad and Bd. Calcula
tion of Ad for an Sp3 orbital constructed from 3s and 3p
Slater orbitals using a shielding value Z = 4.8 gives a
maximum value of Ad= +35 Me, an order of magnitude
too low . Neglecting the shielding due to electrons in
the same shell only raises Ad by a factor of 2. Either
Slater orbitals give a rather poor value of (1/r3 )AV, or
the unpaired electron distribution is much more
complex than that represented by an Sp3 hybrid
orbital. A further possibility is that the odd electron
in the 3p. orbital differentially "polarizes" the spins of
the paired electrons in the 2p. orbital. This effect would
give rise to a larger value of (1/r3)AV. Such a mechanism
has been used to explain the large contact hyperfine
interactions in transition metal ions.25
As mentioned in the introduction, many previous
paramagnetic fragments have had a different hybridiza
tion than the undamaged molecule. In the present
case, however, the P03 fragment retains approximately
the same hybridization as the undamaged molecule. A
comparison of the structure of MgHP0 3 with these
other compounds reveals a possible reason for this
behavior. In the cases where a change in hybridization
occurred, the atom on which the unpaired electron was
localized was also bonded to another hydrogen atom.
After radiation damage it would be possible for this
other hydrogen atom to change position in order to
give a planar fragment without invoking large changes
in the intermolecular forces in the crystal. This would
then allow the unpaired electron to reside in a pure
p-atomic orbital. In the case of MgHP0 3, the other
three atoms are still firmly held in the crystal by
hydrogen bonds after damage. For this fragment to
rehybridize, these hydrogen bonds would have to be
broken or at least drastically distorted from their most
stable configuration. The resulting loss of stability
would not be compensated by the gain in stability
24 R. E. Watson and A. J. Freeman, Quart. Progr. Rept. No.
41, Solid State and Molecular Theory Group, M.LT. (1961), p. 6.
!5 See, for example, J. S. Van Wierengen, Discussions Faraday
Soc. 19, 118 (1955). from rehybridization. Weare currently checking this
hypothesis by studying irradiated MgH 2P02·6H20. In
this case the paramagnetic fragment is expected to
contain a second hydrogen atom and should rehybridize.
B. Spectroscopic Splitting Factors
In the intermediate field strength case the spectro
scopic splitting factors must be measured relative to
the central frequency given by Eqs. 13 and 14. The
results for the P03 fragment are gil = 1.998 and g.l. =
1.999. These values are accurate to ±O.002.
c. Satellite Lines
When Ho is moved off of the canonical directions
i.e., along the z axis and in the xy plane, satellite line~
begin to appear on either side of the main hyperfine
lines. The spacing of these satellites corresponds to
the proton resonance frequency at the magnetic field of
each hyperfine component. Thus, the satellites around
the high field line are spaced a little farther apart and
are better resolved than those around the low field line
[see Fig. 1 (b) J. These satellites have been previously
observed in the ESR spectrum of atomic hydrogen,26
and a theoretical treatment of this phenomenon has
been given.27 These satellite lines result from a weak
magnetic dipole-dipole interaction coupling the electron
spin to a neighboring nuclear spin. In the present case
the satellites are due to coupling with the protons in the
waters of hydration. The theoretical treatment sug
gested that under conditions of high sensitivity a second
set of satellite lines should be observed corresponding
to two neighboring protons concurrently changing
state.27 At very high microwave powers this second set
of lines appears in the high field component of the P03
spectrum. Figure 3 shows this spectrum in which the
two sets of satellites can readily be seen.
The authors wish to thank Professor Harden
McConnell for helpful discussions regarding this work
and for the use of his ESR spectrometer.
26 H. Zeldes and R. Livingston, Phys. Rev. 96, 1702 (1954).
27 G. T. Trammell, H. Zeldes and R. Livingston Phys. Rev no, 630 (1958). ,.
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1.1735786.pdf | Photoemission in the Photovoltaic Effect in Cadmium Sulfide Crystals
Richard Williams and Richard H. Bube
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 31, 968 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1735786
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735786
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Downloaded 31 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions968 ACRIVOS, SHAH, AND PETERSEN
x-defined by Eq. (7)
y-defined by Eq. (7)
Yl-a constant defined by Eqs. (22a) and (23)
z-polar coordinate, distance perpendicular to the
surface of the disk
?)-defined by Eq. (10)
?)!-defined by Eqs. (17) and (18) ?)!-defined by Eqs. (19) and (20)
p-density of the fluid
r-shear stress
q,(?))-defined by Eq. (10)
q,!-defined by Eqs. (17) and (18)
q,~-defined by Eqs. (20) and (21)
w-the angular velocity of the disk
Photoemission in the Photovoltaic Effect in Cadmium Sulfide Crystals
Radio Corporation of America, RCA Laboratories Division, Princeton, New Jersey
(Received November 5, 1959; revised manuscript received December 17, 1959)
A. study has been ~ade of the ,Phot?voltaic effect in Cu-CdS cells and related systems, associated with
undlffused metal-semiconductor JunctIOns. The photovoltaic current has been shown to result from the
p~otoemissi?n of electrons fr~n: the copper metal into the CdS crystal. Direct evidence is presented for
this conclusl~n, and the conditions reqUired tor ~he photoemission process to occur are demonstrated by
several expenments. Important factors contnbutmg to the efficiency of Cu-CdS photovoltaic cells of this
type are: (a) ~~e optical ?roper~ies of copper, (b) th~ rectifying contact between the metal and CdS, (c) the
good conductiVity and high optical transparency which can be achieved in CdS crystals and (d) the favor-
able relation between the work function of copper and the electron affinity of CdS. '
PHOTOVOLTAIC effects have been observed in a
variety of systems in which a metal and a semi
conductor are in contact. It has been demonstrated that
the effect is produced predominantly by the light which
is absorbed near this contact.l The accepted explanation
is that light is absorbed by the semiconductor, producing
hole-electron pairs, and that both the holes and the
electrons are mobile. These carriers are accelerated by
the electric field existing in the barrier layer of the semi
conductor where it contacts the metal. Holes and elec
trons move in opposite directions and give rise to the
observed photovoltaic currents. In a number of cases,
where the exciting light has energy greater than that of
the band gap of the semiconductor, the above explana
tion fits the experimental facts very well.
In some systems, however, photovoltaic effects are
produced with high efficiency by light whose energy is
far less than that of the band gap. Two such systems
which have been extensively investigated are the Cu
Cu20 system and the Cu-CdS system.2 Photovoltaic
cells utilizing these junctions may be constructed so that
the light must traverse a considerable thickness of the
semiconductor before reaching the junctions. This ge
ometry is illustrated in Fig. 1. The dotted line is a
1 N. F. Mott and R. W. Gurney, Electronic Processes in Ionic
Crystals (Oxford University Press, New York, 1948), 2nd ed.,
2 D. C. Reynolds, G. Leies, L. L. Antes, and R. E. Marburger,
Phys. Rev. %, 533 (1954); D. C. Reynolds and S. J. Czyzak,
Phys. Rev. 96, 1705 (1954). A summary of the results for the
Cu-Cu 20 system is given by V. K Zworykin and E. G. Ramberg,
in Photoelectricity Oohn Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1949). schematic indication of the semiconductor barrier layer.
Under typical conditions this thickness is 1 p. or less.3
Only light of those wavelengths, which are not strongly
absorbed, may reach the junction where the effect is
produced. Light whose energy is as little as half that of
the band gap is effective in both the foregoing systems.
These facts raise two major problems in the use of the
preceding interpretation of the photovoltaic effect for
the description of the results in this part of the spectrum.
The first of these may be illustrated by reference to
Fig. 1. Only holes and electrons produced in or near the
barrier layer are accelerated by the existing internal
e~ectric field.to produce a net current with high efficiency.
Smce the thIckness of the barrier layer is of the order of
a micron, the total thickness of the semiconductor may
be more than one thousand times this. For weakly
FIG. 1. Schematic construction of a typical
Cu-CdS photovoltaic cell.
S See footnote 1, p. 174.
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absorbed light the absorption in any given layer is
approximately proportional to the thickness of the layer.
Thus only one-thousandth of the light would be ab
sorbed in the barrier and this should set an upper limit
of 0.001 for the quantum yield of photovoltaic current.
The observed quantum yields may be as much as one
hundred times larger. In order to account for the experi
mental facts, it is necessary to assume that the absorp
tion spectrum of the semiconductor in the barrier is
several orders of magnitude greater than that in the
bulk. Although there may be some basis for such an
assumption in the case of a junction formed by diffusing
a metal into a semiconductor, it does not appear appli
cable to the experiments described in this paper with
plated nondiffused metal layers.
The second problem arises from the requirement that
both the hole and the electron produced by light absorp
tion must be mobile. When the energy of the light is less
than that of the semiconductor band gap, then either
the electron or the hole produced on absorption must be
bound at a level in the forbidden energy gap where its
mobility would be very low. This problem can be over
come, at least in principle, by the postulation of the
existence of an impurity band in which photo-excited
holes could have sufficient mobility to produce the
photovoltaic effect.2 Such a postulation may be relevant
when a semiconductor is used with a high concentration
of metallic impurity sufficient to cause impurity band
ing, but in the experiments described in this paper it
cannot be applied.
It is the purpose of this paper to show that the resolu
tion of these problems for undiffused plated metallic
contacts on transparent semiconducting CdS crystals
lies in the interpretation of the effects as resulting from
the photoemission of electrons from the metal into the
CdS crystal. Several properties of the system combine
to make it a favorable one for the observation of this
Most experiments were done with conducting CdS: I
crystals grown by L. A. Barton. These had been grown
from the vapor phase in an atmosphere containing a
few mm partial pressure of iodine. The crystals are
n-type semiconductors, with about 3X 1017 electrons
cm-8, and with resistivities of 0.1 to 1 ohm cm. They are
in the form of thin flat plates about 0.1 mm thick and
4X5 mm2 in area. Their optical properties are very
similar to those of pure CdS and they are quite trans
parent to wavelengths longer than 5200 A. Spectro
graphic analysis of the crystals by H. H. Whitaker
showed only the following metallic impurities in parts
per million: Cu-3, Si-O.3, and Mg<O.1. Except for about
30 ppm of iodine, therefore, the crystals are relatively
free from impurities.
Photovoltaic cells were made with the geometry
illustrated in Fig. 1. The metal layer, usually copper,
was applied to one of the broad faces of the platelike crystal by electroplating. For this purpose crystals were
cemented to a sheet of transparent vinylite l2 thick.
Figure 2 shows a side view of the mounted crystal. A
0.050-in. diam indium dot was fused to the crystal before
mounting by heating briefly to 180°C. A hole about the
diameter of the crystal was drilled in the vinylite and
the crystal was positioned so that its broad face covered
the hole with the indium dot on the face opposite the
vinylite. The mounted crystal was placed on a micro
manipulator with the crystal on the bottom of the
vinylite sheet. A drop of the plating solution was .then
placed in the hole so that it covered the exposed portion
of the upper surface of the crystal. Contact was made
from the negative terminal of a battery to the indium
dot and the positive connection was made to the drop
of solution through an anode made of the metal being
plated. Current densities of the order of 1 ma/cm2 were
used to give a proper rate of deposition of the metal on
the crystal. To plate crystals of high resistivity, a wire
screen anode was used and the crystal was illuminated
from above through the anode to give it the necessary
conductivity. Silver paste was used to complete the
external contacts to the indium dot and the metal layer.
Silver and gold were plated from standard cyanide
plating solutions obtained from the plating shop in this
laboratory. Other metals were plated from solutions
made up according to the recommendations· in the
Plating and Finishing Guidebook.4 The area covered by
the plated metal was typically 0.1 cm2.
The nature and appearance of the electroplated cop
per layer depended on the plating solution used. Layers
deposited from copper cyanide solution were smooth
and adherent with the bright metallic lustre character
istic of clean copper. Layers plated from acidified copper
sulfate solution were darker, less uniform, and less ad
herent. Since a number of the experiments to be de
scribed required uniform, adherent copper layers, most
of the layers were plated from cyanide solution. How
ever, somewhat higher photovoltaic yields have been
obtained from cells on which the copper was plated
from acid solution.
Highly efficient photovoltaic cells, consisting of a
junction formed by thermally diffusiug copper into CdS
crystals, have been made by Reynolds and co-workers.2
In contrast to this method of preparation, the cells de
scribed in this paper were prepared without any heat
FIG. 2. Schematic drawing of the mounting of
crystal for electroplating.
4 Plating and Finishing Guidebook (Metal Industry Publishing
Company, New York, 1946), 15th ed.
Downloaded 31 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions970 R. WILLIAMS AND R. H. BUBE
-04 0 +~4
Volts applied
FIG. 3 (a). Current-voltage curve showing the rectifying proper
ties of a Cu-CdS junction. The sign of the voltage is referred to
the polarity of the metal side of the junction.
treatment, unless otherwise specified. Plated layers of
other metals, used in some of the experiments, were
applied to crystals in the same way.
',~ To obtain spectral response curves, cells were illumi
nated with monocrhomatic radiation from a Bausch and
Lomb monochromator equipped with a tungsten light
source. These were calibrated to give known relative
output in photons/sec over the wavelength range used.
Photovoltaic currents were measured with a Leeds and
Northrup dc micromicroammeter. Absolute quantum
yields were obtained using a calibrated tungsten lamp
with known color temperature and controlled geometry,
together with cells whose spectral response had been
measured independently.
General Behavior
The sign of the photo-emf produced by these cells is
always such that the metal layer becomes positive. Thus
the direction of electron flow within the cell is from the
metal to the crystal. According to diode rectifier theory,
the contact between an n type semiconductor and a
metal of high work function should be a rectifying one.
The current-voltage characteristic curve for a Cu-CdS
photovoltaic cell is shown in Fig. 3 (a). Marked rectifica
tion is shown and the easy current flow occurs when the
metal is positive, which is in agreement with theory.
Curvature of the energy bands of the semiconductor
near the junction with the metal is responsible for
rectification, according to theory. This is illustrated in
Fig. 3(b). The electric field resulting from this curvature
of the energy bands has the direction necessary to
produce the observed sign of the photo-emf. Free elec-
-rrrr;..n-7i- __ ~_-_-_-_-_-_-J CON~~~bION
-........>...>..l ......... ll.:>~} FILLED BAND
FIG. 3(b). Configuration of energy bands at a
metal-semiconductor junction. trons would be accelerated away from the metal while
free holes would move toward the metal. In either case,
the existence of excess free carriers in the barrier region
would lead to an emf with the metal becoming positive.
As is usual for photovoltaic cells, the open circuit emf
increases linearly with light intensity at low intensities
and tends toward a fixed value at high intensities. Values
of 0.25 to 0.3 v were developed in the light of a focused
microscope lamp. The saturation values are probably
somewhat higher.
Short circuit currents are proportional to light in
tensity. Whenever we speak of quantum yield cf> in the
following discussion, we mean the number of electrons
measured in the external circuit for each quantum of
light incident on the crystal. For typical good cells, cf> is
about 0.1. Figure 4 shows cf> as a function of the wave
length of the exciting light. The response is highest for
light whose energy is smaller than that of the band gap
and falls sharply for those wavelengths which are
strongly absorbed by the crystal. Absorption spectra of
the crystals show that there is not enough absorption of
5000 6000 7000 .6000 9000 10000 11000
FIG. 4. Quantum yield of photo voltaic short circuit current
as a function of the wavelength of the exciting lighL
light in the bulk of the crystal to account for the photo
voltaic current at long wavelengths. It may be inferred
from the spectral response that the light producing the
effect is absorbed either by the metal layer or by the
semiconductor adjacent to the metal, whose optical
properties might differ from those of the bulk material.
Since no heat treatment or abrasive action was used in
the preparation of the copper layers on the crystals, any
diffusion of the metal or extensive surface damage is
very unlikely. It is possible that a reaction with the
surface layers of the semiconductor might occur during
the electroplating process in which a layer of material
would be formed between the bulk crystal and the metal
layer. If this material had strong optical absorption in
the range 5000 to 10 000 A, then it might give rise to the
observed photovoltaic effect. Visual inspection of the
copper layers plated onto crystals makes this seem
rather unlikely since they have an appearance indis
tinguishable from that of copper metal. Such evidence,
however, is suggestive rather than definitive and more
direct evidence on this question will be presented.
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IRe suits with Layers of Different Metals on CdS
Cells were constructed using CdS crystals with vari
ous metals in place of the copper described above. These
metals were also applied to the crystals by electroplat
ing. To compare the properties of these the following
were observed: the short circuit current per unit area
of junction produced by room light; the open circuit
voltage developed in the light of a focussed microscope
illuminator; the current-voltage characteristic of the
junction displayed on an oscilloscope. Results are sum
marized in Table I. Because of the small currents in
volved and other experimental difficulties the spectral
response was obtained only for Cu and Au layers. These
are plotted together for comparison, as a function of
photon energy, in Fig. 5. The points of interest here are
that the two curves are distinctly different and that
the response of the gold layer begins its steep rise at
higher photon energies that that of the copper. This is
in agreement with the hypothesis that light absorbed by
Ni TABLE 1. Properties of photovoltaic cells made by
plating various metals onto CdS crystals.
Short circuit work
current in Maximum Rectifying function
room light open circuit properties of metal,
JI. amp/em' emf, v of contact eva
20.00 0.3 good rectifier 4.45
0.08 0.Q2 good rectifier 4.49
0.02 0.5 good rectifier
0.13 0.3 good rectifier 4.89
0.06 very small nonrectifying 4.10
0.05 0.Q2 poor rectifier 4.45
very small very small poor rectifier 4.96
• Electron work functions are taken from a critical compilation made by
G. Herrmann and S. Wagener in The Oxide Coated Cathode (Chapman and
Hall. Ltd., London, England, 1951), Vol. 2.
the metal layer produces the photovoltaic current.
Strong optical absorption begins at longer wavelengths
in copper than in gold (see Figs. 17 and 18). Thus the
relationship between the curves shown in Fig. 5 may
depend on the optical properties of the metals involved.
The alternative hypothesis that the effect originates in
an adjacent layer of modified CdS is not excluded by
these considerations.
Other metals are less effective than copper and gold
as seen in Table I. It is evident that the observed differ
ences cannot be explained by differences in the work
functions of the metals though one might expect these
to be a determining factor. None of the metals tried
approaches copper in its usefulness for the construction
of photovoltaic cells.
Experiments with Semitransparent Metal Layers
A definite answer to the question of whether the
photovoltaic effects in the long wavelength range are
produced by light absorbed in the metal or by light FIG. 5. Photovol
taic current vs pho
ton energy for a
Cu-CdS cell and a
Au-CdS cell.
" , ,
I /\ ,/ Au-CdS .-
absorbed in a layer of the semiconductor adjacent to
the metal is provided by experiments with semitrans
parent metal layers which will now be described.
In the first of these experiments, a layer of copper
was plated onto a CdS crystal and the plating was
stopped at a point where the layer was thin enough to be
semitransparent. The optical transmission spectrum of
this layer is shown in Fig. 6 where the ratio of incident
to transmitted light intensity is given as a function of
wavelength. It is seen that the intensity of incident
light is cut down by a factor ranging from 20 to 70 on
passing through the layer of metal. Connections were
made using the geometry illustrated in Fig. 1. The
spectral response was now determined with light in
cident on the crystal side of the cell as done in the fore
going. It was then determined again on the same cell,
but this time with the light incident on the opposite side
of the cell, directly on the metal layer (from the bottom
in Fig. 1). These two spectral response curves are com
pared in Fig. 7. Arbitrary units are employed but the
same units are used for each curve and the two curves
may be quantitatively compared. When the cell is
illuminated from the crystal side the response was simi
lar to that in Fig. 4 as expected. When it was illuminated
from the metal side the response was quite different. A
new strong current appears from wavelengths shorter
than that corresponding to the band gap. This is un
doubtedly the result of the formation of hole-electron
pairs in the barrier layer of the semiconductor by
strongly absorbed light; the process discussed in the
introduction. It is the response at longer wavelengths
which is of principal interest here. At some particular
FIG. 6. Ratio of
incident light inten
sity 10 to transmitted
Jight intensity I for a
thin la.yer of copper
on a CdS crystal. 20
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'" 4 a: a: ::>z uo
!::b3 ::>:I: un.
~~2 00 :I:Z ",-
'" 0 ~ .L~~~~~ __ ~,-~~~~~~~~~~ a: 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000
FIG. 7. Comparison of the spectral respu.nse curv~s obtained
on illuminating a eu-CdS cell from two different sides. Equal
light intensities were used in each case.
wavelength, say 7000 A, the current produced when the
cell is illuminated from the crystal side is 3.8 times as
great as when it is illuminated with the same light in
tensity but from the metal side. From Fig. 6 it can be
seen that light of wavelength 7000 A is diminished in
intensity by a factor of 55 on passing through the metal
layer. If the light producing the photovoltaic current
were absorbed in a zone of material lying between the
metal layer and the bulk crystal, it would have to pass
through the metal layer before producing its eff~ct in
the case where the light enters from the metal sIde of
the cell. Light entering from the crystal side of the cell
would not have to pass through any regions of strong
absorption to reach this hypothetical zone and would
arrive with its intensity undiminished. As a result, the
photovoltaic currents produced by equal illumination
from the crystal side and from the metal side of the cell,
respectively, should differ by a factor of about 55.
Alternatively, if light absorbed by the metal produces
the effect then this difference should be much smaller.
For neither direction of illumination would there be a
region of strong light absorption between the light
source and the origin of the photovoltaic current. The
observed difference, a factor of 3.8, strongly supports the
contention that light absorbed by the metal layer,
itself, produces the effect. Presumably photo-excited
electrons are emitted from the metal into the CdS
crystal. A second facet of the same experiment is illus
trated by Fig. 8. Here the long wavelength parts of the
FIG. 8. Comparison of the curves from Fig. 7 after normalization. curves from Fig. 7 have been replotted after dividing all
values of current from the upper curve by 3.75. Both
curves now coincide along their entire length and are
thus related by a simple factor of proportionality which
is independent of wavelength. The physical meaning is
that illuminating the cell from the two different direc
tions gives rise to two values of current which differ by a
proportionality factor and that thi.s factor is the. same
for all wavelengths. Referring to FIg. 6, the fractlOn of
light transmitted by the metal layer varies by a factor of
3 between the wavelengths of 6000 and 8000 A. Consider
first the case where the light is incident from the metal
layer side of the cell. Again, if the light needed to pass
through the metal layer to be effective then the photo
voltaic current should be diminished 3 times as much at
8000 A as at 6000 A due to the light absorption of the
metal layer. This effect would be absent when the cell
was illuminated from the crystal side. Hence the spectral
response curves obtained with the two different .dir~c
tions of illumination could not be made to cOlllClde
along their entire length by a single proportionality
factor as is actually done in Fig. 8. This again can best
be explained by assuming that light absorbed in the
metal layer is producing the photovoltaic current. In
this case variations of the optical density of the metal
layer with wavelel1gth have the same effect regardless
of the direction from which the exciting light is incident.
A second experiment bearing on the same question is
the following. A thin layer of copper was plated onto a
CdS crystal. The layer was semitransparent, having an
optical density of 0.4 at 7000 A. Microscopic examination
of the layer showed it to be smooth, continuous, and
unbroken. The photovoltaic response was observed with
the light coming from the crystal side of the cell. Then
the original layer of copper was made thicker by plating
more copper on top of it until an optical density of 0.75
was reached. The photovoltaic response was observed
again under the same conditions of incident light in
tensity and geometry. Finally, more copper was plated
on top of the layer until it became opaque and the
response was observed for the third time. The same
alternatives as before are considered. If the response
was caused by light absorbed in a zone between the
original metal layer and the bulk crystal, then maki~g
the metal layer thicker would not affect the photovoitaic
response. On the other hand, if the effect originates in
the metal layer, making the layer thicker should enhance
the response. A separate experiment with a cell having
a metal layer as thin as any used here showed the short
circuit current to be directly proportional to light in
tensity up to much higher intensities than were used
in the measurements. At these intensities, the cells were
carrying much higher currents than were observed in
the measurements. Therefore, the resistance of the thin
metal layer cannot be limiting the performance of the
cell. The results are shown in Figs. 9(a) and 9(b). In
9(a) the three spectral response curves are plotted to
gether. The photovoltaic current is considerably en-
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hanced by increasing the thickness of the copper layer,
again strongly suggesting that light absorption by the
metal produces the effect. There is no quantitative
proportionality between the amount of light stopped by
the metal and the enhancement of photovoltaic current
between curves 1 and 2. This is not an objection to the
interpretation of the experiment since the optical den
sity of a thin metal film is a complicated combination
of reflection and absorption, and there is no simple
relation between the optical density and the amount
of true absorption by the metal.
Figure 9(b) compares more carefully the differences
in the three spectral response curves from 9(a). The
three curves have been normalized by multiplying two
two of them by constant factors such that all coincide
at their maxima. It is seen that there are small differences
which are easily understood from the fact that light of
different wavelengths penetrates different depths into
the metal. The point of interest here is that making the
layer thicker by adding more of the same metal makes
only small changes in the spectral response.
~ :r
'" o
'" Q. 8 ... z
'" 0: 0:
:::> u
... 4 a 0: u
.... 0:
o 0 ~~--::-:!-::-:o--'---:::!-:::-::--'--=="'" ili 4000 ,8000
z o
~ 12
'" o
'" Q. 8
.... z
0: a:: a
t: 4
0:: AlA)
oo~~~~~~~~-,-~~~ Vi 4000
FIG. 9(a). Response of a Cu-CdS photovoltaic cell as the copper
layer is made successively thicker. (1) Optical density of cop
per = 0.4. (2) Optical density of copper=0.75. (3) Opaque copper
layer. (b) Curves from Fig. 9(a) replotted after normalization to
compare their shapes. Curve 3 replotted unchanged. Curves 1 and
2 have been multiplied by constant factors such that all three
curves coincide at their maxima. ~ 1 1 1
FIG. 10. Construction of photovoltaic cell with successive
layers of two different metals.
The final experiment in this vein was the preparation
of cells with successive layers of two different metals
and observation of the response at each stage, illuminat
ing the cell from the crystal side. Some initial experi
ments were done by plating semitransparent layers of
silver onto CdS, followed by a thicker layer of copper
on top of the silver. The short circuit currents produced
by exposure to a tungsten lamp of constant intensity
were compared for the cell having the silver layer alone
and for the finished cell having both layers together.
Several such cells were constructed and in each case the
response was enhanced by adding the copper layer on
top of the silver layer. The factor by which the short
circuit current was enhanced ranged from 2 to 4. These
cells gave rather small total currents and it was not
possible to obtain their spectral response.
A more definitive experiment was done in which a
semitransparent gold layer (optical density of 0.8 at
7000 A) was first plated onto CdS. This cell gave enough
current to allow the spectral response to be recorded
with the light incident from the crystal side. Then a
thicker layer of copper was plated over the top of the
gold. The final cell is illustrated schematically in Fig. 10.
After the copper layer had been added, the spectral
response of the cell was again determined. Results are
in Fig. 11. Again the parts of the curves lying at wave
lengths greater than 5200 A are of primary interest. The
~ o :r
.... 2 z w o
l3 z
0: w "-
'" ~I a
6000 LEGEND,
BOOO 10000
FIG. 11. Spectral response of cell made by plating copper over
a thin layer of gold on CdS. The curves compare the cell having
only the gold layer with that having the combined layer with
copper over gold.
Downloaded 31 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions974 R. WILLIAMS AND R. H. BUBE
spectral response for the gold layer alone is like that
shown earlier for a gold layer in Fig. 5. Addition of the
copper layer over the top of the gold layer increases the
currents by a large factor. (Note that all the values of
current from the curve giving the response of the com
bined layer have been divided by ten). Also the spectral
distribution has been greatly changed and is now that
which is characteristic for copper. The only explanation
of the experiment seems to be that in the final cell, light
passes completely through the gold layer, is absorbed
by the copper and produces excited electrons which
diffuse back through the gold layer and are emitted into
the CdS crystal. Here again the photovoltaic current
appears to be caused by photoemission of electrons from
the metal into the crystal, but here the electrons are
excited in the metal layer furthest from the crystal.
The short circuit current per unit light intensity for the
cell with combined Cu-Au layer is about i that of the
cells made with a Cu layer alone.
Experiments with Photoconducting CdS Crystals
Some further experiments will now be described to
show how the properties of the CdS crystal can affect
the behavior of photovoltaic cells. The effect of varia
tions in the resistivity was investigated by constructing
a photovoltaic cell froni a crystal of high gain photo
conducting CdS. A layer of copper was plated on the
crystal, which was illuminated during the plating opera
tion to increase its conductivity. The geometry of the
finished cell was that shown in Fig. 1 and its spectral
response was the same as that shown in Fig. 4. It was
a -' !!:!3 >
:l a
.... >1 5 ....
a: 0.L--J......J'--'--L~-L.-L--'---'-:1:-""---'--''--'~ '1 o 5 10 15.10
r ',------------77117'l1i7'l1l7'lJl7'lJl7'l)}7'liimr ----.-ELECTRON FERMI LEVEL
..... _-----------
FIG. 12(a). Changes in the quantum yield of photovoltaic cur
rent of a Cu-CdS cell as the conductivity of the CdS changes.
(b) Theoretically expected changes in a metal-CdS barrier region
as CdS resistivity changes. illuminated with the light of a tungsten lamp and vari
ous known relative intensities were obtained by inter
posing calibrated wire screens between the lamp and
the cell. The resistance of the cell and the photovoltaic
short circuit current were measured for each value of the
intensity. It was possible to obtain data over a range of
crystal resistivity from 105 to 108 ohm-cm. In Fig. 12
the relative quantum yield of photovoltaic current is
given as a function of the conductivity of the CdS
crystal. A sharp drop in the quantum yield occurs when
the conductivity drops below 10-7 ohm-1 cm-1• This
may be caused by changes in the metal-semiconductor
barrier brought about by changes in the density of free
carriers in the semiconductor. In the low resistivity
crystals used earlier, the carrier density is high and the
energy of the electron Fermi level lies near that of the
bottom of the conduction band, as shown in Fig. 3(b).
The difference between the electron Fermi energy EF
and the energy Ec of the bottom of the conduction
band is given by the equation
EF=Ec-kT In(N cln),
where n is the density of free carriers and N c is the
density of. states in the conduction band and n«N c.
As n becomes smaller the Fermi level becomes further
removed from the bottom of the conduction band. The
Fermi level lies 0.4 v further from the bottom of the
conduction band in a crystal having 107 ohm-cm re
sistivity than it does in a crystal having 1 ohm-cm re
sistivity. If the difference between the work function of
copper and the electron affinity of CdS were around
0.4 v then this displacement of the Fermi level with
increasing resistivity would ultimately remove the
curvature of the bands near the junction which is shown
in Fig. 3. The resulting configuration of the bands is
in Fig. 12(a). At this stage there would be no strong
field to accelerate electrons emitted from the metal and
the quantum yield of photovoltaic current would be
expected to drop. This interpretation suggests that the
height of the metal-semiconductor barrier is around
0.4 v.
Experiments with Pure CdS Crystals
To observe the effect in a crystal of still higher re
sistivity a cell was made by plating copper onto a crystal
of very pure insulating CdS whose dark resistance was
greater than 1011 ohms. Such crystals are normally rela
tively 'free of defects and traps (no spectrographically
detectable impurities; trap density about 1013 cm-3),5
and their photoconductivity gain is about unity. Thus
in light of reasonable intensity their resistivity is still
very high. Figure 13(a) shows the spectral response of
this cell which was constructed with the geometry shown
in Fig. 1. There is no photovoltaic current at longer
wavelengths (for the same reasons given in the previous
section), but for wavelengths shorter than that corre-
DR. H. Bube and L. A. Barton, R. C. A. Rev. 20, 1959.
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FIG. 13(a). Spectral response of Cu-CdS cell made from in
sulating CdS crystal. (b) Configuration of the energy bands of an
insulating crystal making contact on opposite faces to two metals
having different work functions.
sponding to the band gap a response occurs. This is very
likely because of the creation of hole-electron pairs by
light absorption in the CdS and the subsequent motion
of both types of carrier through the crystal. The sign of
the photo-emf (0.3 v) is the same as that observed in cells
made from low resistance crystals with the copper metal
electrode becoming positive under illumination. The
assumption of hole motion in pure CdS crystals is sup
ported by experimental evidence,6 and in an insulating
crystal making contact to two different metals a slope
of the energy bands may extend throughout the crystal
as shown in Fig. 13(b). Apparently, the motion of holes
and electrons through the crystal under these circum
stances occurs with considerably greater efficiency than
photoemission of electrons into the crystal. The results
suggest that a smaller accelerating field suffices to move
carriers through the crystal efficiently than is necessary
to move electrons into the crystal by the photoemission
Effect of Heating Layer
One experiment was done in order to determine the
effect on a Cu-CdS cell of heating to a temperature
where a slight diffusion of copper into the CdS occurs. A
copper layer was plated onto one of the conducting CdS
6 H. S. Sommers, R. E. Berry, and I. Sochard, Phys. Rev. 101,
987 (1956). crystals described at the beginning of the report The
photovoltaic yield and spectral response of this cell were
determined. After this the cell was heated to 380°C for
15 sec, a treatment reported to cause slight diffusion of
copper into CdS:7 Then the spectral response was d~
termined again. As seen in Fig. 14, the diffusion of
copper into the CdS greatly lowers the photovoltaic
response and changes its spectral distribution. The re
sult indicates that the heat treatment produces a layer
of high resistance photo conducting CdS next to the
metal and that the photovoltaic effect is then dominated
by the properties of this layer. Measurement of the cell
resistance showed that there was a large increase in
resistance during the heat treatment and the i-v charac
teristic indicated the existence of a photoconductirtg
layer in the CdS.
Experiments Using Other Materials
Photovoltaic cells with CdSe crystals in place of CdS
have been made using both copper and gold as the
barrier electrode. The CdSe crystals contain incorpo
rated iodine, show n type conductivity and have a band
gap of 1.74 ev.8 Thus, only infrared radiation can pass
through the crystal without absorption and the photo
voltaic response is confined to this region of the spec
trum. Spectral response curves are very similar to those
obtained with CdS, rising gradually with decreasing
wavelength and cutting off sharply when the rvavelength
corresponding to the band gap is reached. Apparently,
the fundamental nature of the effect is exactly the same
as in the CdS crystals.
Attempts to make photovoltaic cells by plating metals
onto conducting ZnO crystals9 were not successful.
Copper and gold electrodes applied in this way make
" I' , I
r I
I \
I ' .... o J ...... ___
4000 6000 LEGEND:
FIG. 14. Change in the properties of a Cu-CdS photovoltaic
cell caused by heat treatment. Both curves have the same vertical
1 D. A. Hammond, F. A. Shirland, and R. J. Baughman, WADC
Tech. Rept. 57-770.
B R. H. Bube, Proc. I.R.E. 43, 1836 (1955).
9 A generous supply of conducting ZnO crystals was provided
by the New Jersey Zinc Company.
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FIG. 15. Spectral response curves for Cu-CdS photovoltaic cells
in which the copper was applied by electroplating from different
plating solutions.
ohmic contact to the ZnO, and no useful photovoltaic
effect can occur at an ohmic contact.
It was mentioned earlier that the character of the
copper deposit obtained by electroplating onto CdS
crystals depends on the plating solution used. The
bright adherent layers plated from copper cyanide solu
tion are most useful for the type of experiments reported
here. Layers plated from copper sulfate solution are
darker in appearance and less adherent. The spectral
response of a CdS cell with such a copper layer is shown
in Fig. 15. Though the general features are the same as
those shown in Fig. 4, the relative response in the region
from 6000 to 9000 A is enhanced. It is possible that this
is simply caused by the obvious difference in the optical
properties of the copper deposited in this way. The more
fundamental question of what makes the optical prop
erties of the copper different is one to which there is
no ready answer.
The evidence given above is best interpreted to mea,n
that the observed photovoltaic effects are the result of
the photo emission of electrons from a metal into an
adjacent semiconductor. This picture naturally invites
comparison with the phenomenon of photoemission of
electrons from metals into vacuum.
Recent experiments by Thomas and MayerlO show
that the photoelectric effect in potassium is a volume
effect. This is in contradiction to the earlier picture of
photoemission being essentially a surface effect.!l The
experiments of Thomas and Mayer show that light
absorbed within the volume of the metal is responsible
for the emitted electrons. They were able to demonstrate
this by measuring the quantum yield of photoemission
at a number of wavelengths for thin layers of metal
having various known thicknesses. It was shown that
electrons excited within the metal at distances as great
as 1000 A from the surface may reach the surface and
10 H. Thomas, Z. Physik 147, 395 (1957); H. Mayer and H.
Thomas, Z. Physik 147, 419 (1957).
11 A. L. Hughes and L. A. DuBridge, Photoelectric Phenonema
(McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1932). emerge into the vacuum. The simplest kind of strong
light absorption which can occur for visible and ultra
violet frequencies in the interior of an alkali metal is a
band-to-band transition in which a conduction electron
is raised to a state in the next higher unfilled band. The
assumption of this kind of transition enabled Mayer
and Thomas to account satisfactorily for the wavelength
dependence of the photoelectric quantum yield.
For the present work the important thing is that in
the only thoroughly investigated case the photoelectric
effect is a volume effect and that electrons excited at a
considerable distance from the surface are able to reach
the surface and escape from the metal.
Photovoltaic results obtained here will now be com
pared with this picture of the photoelectric effect. The
most important difference between photoemission of
electrons from a metal into an adjacent semiconductor
and photoemission into vacuum is, of course, the fact
that in the former case the potential barrier which the
electron must surmount in order to escape is much
smaller. To escape from the metal into vacuum the
electron must have excess energy greater than the elec
tron work function which is 4.5 ev for copper. To escape
from the metal into an adjacent crystal, its excess energy
need only be greater than the difference between the
work function of the metal and the electron affinity of
the crystal. Though the electron affinity of CdS is not
accurately known this difference is very likely in the
range 0.5 to 1.5 ev. Thus photoemission into the crystal
might be stimulated by light having quite low energies.
A discussion of this point has been given by Mott and
Gurney (footnote 1, pp. 73-74) who were apparently the
first to suggest that this kind of photoemission might
occur. More recent evidence for the existence of the
process has been given by Gilleo.12 Inspection of Fig. 4
20 40 60
'X ' hv
FIG. 16. Fowler plot of the photovoltaic currents near the long
wavelength threshold for a Cu-CdS photovoltaic cell.
12 M. A. Gilleo, Phys. Rev. 91, 534 (1953).
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K ....
Ag-x ..................... -"x - x .:;-._ -'x-x -x-x-x_x_
FIG. 17. Fraction of light at normal incidence which enters
metals. as a function of wavelength. Data for all metals except
potasslUm taken from R. Wood, Physical Optics, Macmillan and
Company, Ltd., London England, 1934), p. 550; data for potas
sium from American Institute of Physics Handbook (McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., New York, 1957), p. 6-106.
shows that the low energy threshold of the photovoltaic
effect in the Cu-CdS system occurs for photon energies
somewhere around 1 ev. A more quantitative determina
tion of the threshold may be provided by a conventional
Fowler plot of the photovoltaic currents near the long
wavelength limit.l1 For a photoemission process the
shape of the curve of quantum yield vs energy is, in the
vicinity of the threshold, determined by the distribution
of electrons near the Fermi surface. This allows a plot to
be made which gives an objective value for the true
threshold energy from data taken near the threshold.
Such a plot of the data from Fig. 4 is shown in Fig. 16.
The indicated threshold value is 1.1 ev. This value is in
disagreement with the value of about 0.4 v obtained
from the previous discussion of the results with photo
conducting crystals. An accurate knowledge of the elec
tron affinity of CdS would help to answer the question
raised by this experiment.
A second consideration is that of the optical properties
of the metal involved. Clearly, light which is reflected
from the surface can produce no photoeffect. Light
which is not reflected enters the metal and is absorbed.
The fraction of light at normal incidence which enters
the metal is 1 minus the fraction reflected. This is shown
as a function of wavelength for four metals in Fig. 17.
It is clear that the spectral response curves for photo
voltaic cells made with Cu and Au layers are in good
agreement with the notion that light must enter into
the volume of the metal to produce the effect. The
optical absorption coefficient nx is also important here.
Once light enters the metal, its intensity diminishes
with distance d according to the equation
1= Ioe---d,
~o nx is the absorption coefficient and Ao is the vacuum
wavelength of the light. A high-absorption coefficient
leads to light absorption near the surface and the nearer
an excited electron is to the surface the better are its
chances of getting out. Hence a high value of nx favors
a high photoemission efficiency. The absorption con
stants for Cu, Ag, and Au are shown as a function of
wavelength in Fig. 18, taken from the data of Joos and
Klopfer.13 The strong absorption peak lying near 5000 A
in the copper spectrum is assigned by these authors as
a transition of a 3d electron to a 4s level,
3d104s -+ 3d94s2•
It may be noted that the high values of the absorption
coefficients of copper and gold between 5000 and 6000 A
guarantee that there will be appreciable light absorption
in the metal within a few hundred angstroms of the
surface. Thus both the reflectivity and absorption data
are in agreement with the spectral response data for the
photovoltaic cells. The low absorption and high re
flectivity of silver are also in agreement with its rather
poor performance in the photovoltaic cells. In all these
metals there is a weaker absorption extending into the
near infrared which presumably arises from transitions
in which momentum is conserved through the participa
tion of a lattice vibration.
Finally, a comparison must be made between the
quantum yields obtained in the photovoltaic cells and
those obtained for photoemission of electrons into
vacuum. From Fig. 4 it is seen that in the photovoltaic
cells there may be quantum yields as high as 0.15 elec
trons per incident quantum. For photoemission from
metals into vacuum the number of electrons per incident
light quantum for good metals is likely to be around
0.005. It might appear from this comparison that the
efficiency of the process considered here is 30 times as
great as that for photoemission into vacuum. However,
the comparison based on incident light is not the most
instructive one because of the great differences in re
flectivity among different metals. (It is given here be
cause literature data are so frequently reported in this
n~ 3r---'---'---'---~
£hoo ,
\ x .,
X Ag 'x-x'" x-x-x-x-x-x"
3000 4000
).(A> 5000 6000
FIG. 18. Optical absorption index for three metals.
Data taken from footnote 12.
13 G. Joos and A. Klopfer, Z. Physik 138, 251 (1954).
Downloaded 31 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions978 R. WILLIAMS AND R. H. BUBE
way.) A better quantity for comparison is the number
of electrons per absorbed light quantum. This turns out
to be 0.3 electrons/quantum absorbed for the Cu-CdS
cells. For photoemission from potassium metal into
vacuum the quantum yield reaches 0.08 electrons/ quan
tum absorbed.10 Thus the quantum yields really differ
only by a factor of 3.7 and the high efficiency of the
photovoltaic cells is not inconsistent with previous data
on the photoelectric effect.
It is worthy of note that the quantum yield of 0.15,
although somewhat larger than that expected for photo
emission into vacuum, is also significantly smaller than
that expected for a photovoltaic effect at a semicon
ductor-semiconductor junction. Marburger et al.,14 for
example, measured a quantum yield of unity on a photo
voltaic cell made by diffusing copper into CdS.
The general features of the behavior of undiffused
metal-cadmium sulfide photovoltaic cells are under
standable on the basis of a simple model. It has been
demonstrated that photovoltaic currents are produced
with high-quantum efficiency by the photoemission of
electrons from a metal into the CdS crystal. The princi
pal pieces of evidence are the following:
1. Comparison of the spectral response with the cell
geometry and the optical properties of the CdS shows
that the effect cannot be caused by light absorbed in
the bulk CdS.
2. Rectification properties of the Cu-CdS junction
show the existence of a typical metal-semiconductor
barrier layer.
3. An experiment in which a cell made with a semi
transparent layer of copper was illuminated from two
different sides shows that the effect is produced by light
absorbed in the metal layer.
14 R. E. Marburger, D. C. Reynolds, L. L. Antes, and R. S.
Hogan, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 2448 (1955). 4. Experiments on cells constructed with several suc
cessive thin layers of metal show that the quantum yield
is increased when successive layers of metal are added
to an initial layer of the same metal. At the same time
only small changes in the spectral response occur. When
a layer of copper is added to an initial thin layer of gold
there is an increase in the quantum yield and there is
also a large change in the spectral response of the cell.
When only the gold layer is present the spectral response
is that characteristic for gold and when the copper layer
is added the spectral response changes to that character
istic for copper. Thus the photovoltaic current may be
strongly affected by light absorbed in layers of metal
which are not immediately adjacent to the CdS crystal.
5. Optical properties of copper and gold agree well
with the spectral responses characteristic of photovoltaic
cells made with these metals.
6. Comparison with recent work on the photoemis
sion of electrons from metals into vacuum shows that
the mean free paths of excited electrons in metals are
large enough to explain the results obtained here.
The results suggest that the following features are
important in selecting materials for metal-semiconductor
photovoltaic cells of this type. The metal should have
low reflectivity and a high absorption coefficient over
the wavelength range to be covered. For the semicon
ductor the important requirements are that it should be
transparent, have high conductivity, make rectifying
contact to the metal used and have an appropriate
value of electron affinity. Apparently, the chemical
properties of the semiconductor are not the dominating
We wish to thank D. O. North, A. Rose, and W.
Spicer for several valuable discussions of this problem,
and H. E. MacDonald for assisting in some of the
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1.1723365.pdf | Simplified Theory of OneCarrier Currents with FieldDependent Mobilities
Murray A. Lampert
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 29, 1082 (1958); doi: 10.1063/1.1723365
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1723365
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ]
IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:53:511082 L. H. GERMER
and are to be compared with values reported here of
lX 10-14 cc/erg and 4Xlo--14 cc/erg.
It is natural to wonder why the complicating factors
of glow discharge, showering, and activation do not con
fuse the results in the Holm and Holm data. The
reason is to be found in the large currents, 1.02 to 21.2
amp, at which a steady arc of the inactive type without
glow or shower is to be expected at breaking contacts.
The data at these large currents on break can, in fact,
be taken to supplement and extend the work of the
present paper to currents much above the half-ampere
range reported here. The current experiments on
closure have indeed extended to 100 amp, but the break
tests were much more restricted.
Many other experimenters have also measured elec
trode loss as contacts are pulled apart to break current
in an inductive circuit.27-32 Very commonly they have
• 7 W. G. Pfann (unpublished).
• 8 A. L. Allen, Proc. Inst. Elec. Engrs. (London) 100, Pt. I, 158
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS found net anode loss for low values of circuit inductance
changing to net cathode loss at high values. In
some cases the change has been reported at fairly high
values of inductance for metals of high electrical con
ductivity and at lower values for low conductivity
metals and alloys.SJ.31 These observations are in qualita
tive agreement with the work reported here, but in
most cases quantitative comparison is impossible.
This paper has benefited greatly from many discus
sions with the author's colleagues of whom the following
have made the greatest contributions: Mr. J. L. Smith,
Dr. P. Kisliuk and Dr. W. S. Boyle, and Mr. R. H.
Gumley. Most of the erosion measurements were
carried out by Mr. J. W. Ammons.
.. J. Warham, Proc. Inst. Elec. Engrs. (London) 100, Pt. I, 163
(1953) .
30 A. Keil and W. Merl, Z. Metallk. 48, 16 (1957) .
3) W. Merl, Elektrotech. Z. A77, 201 (1956).
32 W. B. Ittner, J. App!. Phys. 27, 382 (1956).
Simplified Theory of One-Carrier Currents with Field-Dependent Mobilities
RCA Laboratories, Princeton, New Jersey
(Received February 12, 1958)
A general method is presented for the calculation of steady-state, one-carrier currents in nonmetallic
solids where the mobility is field dependent. The analysis includes the effects of space charge and trapping.
The essential mathematical step is the representation of the electric-field intensity as a polynomial in the
drift velocity. Detailed applications are made to semiconductor and insulator problems. A new mobility func
tion of convenient mathematical form is proposed for the case that the carrier has a constant mean free path.
Some very general properties of the current flow are established by geometric analysis.
FIELD dependence of the electron mobility in ger
manium has been established by measurements of
Ryder1 and more recently, of Gunn,2 Gibson and col
laborators,S and Morgan.4 The dependence is com
plicated in form and furthermore sets in at relatively
low field strengths. In view of these results it would be
desirable to extend the analysis of current-flow prob
lems so as to include the field dependence of the carrier
mobility. The necessity for such an extension has
already appeared, for example, in Dacey's· study of
one-carrier, space-charge-limited currents in germanium
crystals with suitable junctions.
In the present study we discuss a general method for
the calculation of one-carrier currents where the
IE. J. Ryder, Phys. Rev. 90, 766 (1953).
Z J. B. Gunn, J. Electronics 2, 87 (1956).
a. Arthur, Gibson, and Granville, J. Electronics 2, 145 (1956);
b A. F. Gibson and J. W. Granville, J. Electronics 2,259 (1956).
• T. N. Morgan, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., Ser. II, 2, 266 (1957).
• G. C. Dacey, Phys. Rev. 90, 759 (1953). mobility is field dependent. The key step in the method
is the representation of the electric-field intensity as a
polynomial in the drift velocity. We show that by this
procedure a substantial class of one-carrier current
problems are made analytically tractable. For the case
that the polynomial is simply a quadratic it is shown
that this leads to a new. mobility function which is
appropriate for problems in which the carrier has a
mean free path which is independent of its velocity.
These results are applied, in some detail, to two simple,
prototype problems which have already been studied
in the literature, the perfect insulator and the effectively
trap-free insulator or semiconductor. The report con
cludes with a discussion of the limitations of the simpli
fied theory herein presented.
In the first appendix some additional problems of
current flow are discussed very briefly. In the second
appendix a geometric approach to the theory is out
lined and the main results presented.
Throughout this report a one-dimensional current
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IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:53:51ONE -CAR R I ERe U R R E N T S WIT H FIE L D -D E PEN DEN T MOB I LIT I E S 1083
How in a plane geometry is assumed. The units em
ployed are mks except where otherwise stated.
A simplified theory of one-carrier,6 space-charge
limited currents is based on a simplified current-How
Eq. (1), the Poisson equation (2), on Eq. (3') which
functionally relates the electric-field intensity and the
carrier drift velocity, and on "equation of state" (4)
relating the trapped-carrier density to the free-carrier
J:::::enVa=constantj va=p.o
E do
--= (n-n)+ (nt-fit)
e dx
0= O(Va) or Va= va( 0)
nt=nt(n,o) in steady-state equilibrium. (1)
These equations are written with regard to the sign
J=-]x, 8=-ox, and Vd=VdX,
where x is a unit vector in the x direction; J is the
current density, ] = I J j ; 8 is the electric-field intensity,
0= 181; 'lid is the electron drift velocity, Va= IVdj;}L is
the electron mobility, defined by the second relation
in (1) j e is the magnitude of the electronic charge; ds
the static dielectric constant; n,nt are the densities of
free and trapped electrons, respectively; they are func
tions of position x. The trapped electrons are held in
spatially localized states located energywise in the
forbidden gap. n,nt are the values of n and nt, re
spectively, in the bulk, neutral crystal in thermal and
electrical equilibrium (no applied voltage). The theory
defined by the Eqs. (1)-(4) is a simplified one in that
the diffusive contribution to the current How has been
neglected in (1).
The physically correct solutions to the Eqs. (1)-(4)
are determined by two boundary conditions. Assuming
complete space-charge-limitation of the current, in
jected via an ohmic contact located at x=O, the appro
priate boundary condition is
8=0 at x=O. (5)
For the second boundary condition it is convenient
to regard the solid as a semiinfinite crystal, extending
to x= 00, in which case the it and tit of (2) are taken at
x= 00. The se~ond condition then is
n(x)-m as x~oo. (6)
For a :finite crystal, with the anode contact at x=a,
we simply use the solutions for the semiinfinite crystal
out to x=a.
'Since this study is concerned throughout with one-carrier
currents, we have for the sake of definiteness, taken the carriers
to be electrons. AU results obtained are, with appropriate changes
of terminology and signs, valid also for hole currents. For further analytical work we find it convenient
to express the functional relation between 0 and Vd,
(3'), as a polynomial relationship:
0= 'l!a+~(Vd)2+~(Vd)3+ ... +_l_('IId)m+l. (3)
}Lo 01}La 022 p.fj Omm p.o
Here P.o is the "low-field," field-independent mobility
and 01, 02, .. " Om are the coefficients of the expansion,
all with the dimensions of electric-field intensity. In all
that follows we assume that the Oi are constants, in
dependent of the electron density n.
For a nondegenerate semiconductor or insulator,
under fairly general conditions, the "equation of state"
(4), for carriers held in traps of density Nt located at
energy Et, can be written
nt=JtNli Jt={l+(C,,} Nt-I.
(Cn) 2n f (7)
Here N =Ne exp{ (Et-Ec)/kT}, where Ee is the energy
of the conduction-band minima, k is Boltzmann's
constant, T is the lattice temperature in degrees
Kelvin, and No is the effective density of states7 in the
conduction band. Cn is the probability per unit time per
unit density of electrons of capture of an electron
from the conduction band into an unoccupied trap.
C,,=vO"n(V), where v is the velocity of the electron and
0",,('11) the cross section for its capture by the trap. (Cn)
is the average of Cn over the velocity distribution of the
electrons, and (cn) denotes the thermal-equilibrium value
of {en}. The relation (7) follows from a straightforward
treatmentS of the kinetics of trapping under the assump
tion that (en), the probability per unit time of ejection
of an electron from an occupied trap into the conduction
band in the steady state, is unchanged from its thermal
equilibrium value {en). For the case that {c,,)"""{c,,}, It
reduces to the Fermi-Dirac occupation function referred
to the steady-state electron Fermi level,9 and It depends
explicitly on n but not on O. In Eq. (7) a statistical
weight of the trapping state of 2 has been assumed,
i.e., only spin degeneracy exists. If <Cn)~{Cn), then It can
depend explicitly on 0 as well, through the factor
(c,,)/{c n).
In obtaining the solutions to Eqs. (1-4) it is con
venient to define a dimension-less density variable u,
distance variable w, and potential variable'll as follows:
n e'ln2/LoX W=--' v eJ' (8)
7 See, e.g., W. Shockley, Electrons and Holes in SemiconiluctllTs
(D. Van Nostrand Compariy, Inc., New York, 1950), p. 240.
8 W. Shockley and W. T. Read, Jr., Phys. Rev. 87, 835 (1952).
9 For a discussion of the role of the steady-state Fermi level in
space-charge-limited current flow problems see A. Rose, Phys.
Rev. 97, 1538 (1955).
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IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:53:511084 MURRAY A. LAMPERT
The potential V in (8) is defined by V = fox 6dx. The
polynomial relationship (3) is rewritten as
6= 6J{u+Blu2+B2u3+ .. ·+Bmum+1}, (9)
6J=J/efip.o, Bl=6J/6l,
B2= (6J/ 62)2, ... , Bm = (6J/ 6m)m.
It is convenient to define the "equation-of-state" func
tion K(u), henceforth referred to as the "kernel," by
{(n ) (nt fit)l-l K(u) = ;;-1 + fi -fi f . (10)
The kernels for a number of specific current-flow
problems are listed in Appendix 1.
With these definitions it is now easily seen that that
mathematical solution to the problem is given im
plicitly through the two quadratures;
w= fU {1+2Blu+3B2u2+ ... + (m+l)B mum}
° XK(u)du (11)
v= i" {1+Blu+B 2u2+ .. ·+Bmum}
X {1+2Blu+3B2u2+ ... + (m+1)Bmum}
XuK(u)du. (12)
The lower limits of integration in (11) and (12) are
taken equal to zero, since the free-carrier density at the
cathode must be infinite, as follows from (1) and (5).
The ordinary low-field case, in which the mobility
is independent of the field, is obtained from (11)
and (12l.. by taking Bl:::=B2=·· . =Bm=O and by taking
K(u)=K(u), where K(u) denotes the functional form
for the kernel appropriate to "low fields" [that is, no 6
dependence of nt in (4), and (cn) = (cn) in (7)J:
"low fields"
w= iU
K(u)du; v= i" uK(u)du. (13)
° 0
A one-carrier current-flow problem may be said to be
"analytically tractable" if the quadratures of (11) and
(12) for the field-dependent case, or of (13) for the
field-independent, low-field case, may be explicitly
carried out in terms of known functions. For the
problems examined to date, in the low-field region,
successful analytic evaluation of the integrals in (13)
has, in ~ach case, proceeded from an expansion of the
kernel K(u) in integrable, partial fractions.
The major result, and indeed the motivation, of the
present formulation is the following theorem, valid for
the more general field-dependent case:
If the kernel K (u) can be expanded in integrable partial fractions then the current-flow problem is analytically
The proof is very simple and rests on the observation
that if J K(u)du can be evaluated through an expansion
of K(u) in integrable partial fractions, then so likewise
can JuPK(u)du, with p any integer. The integrations
in (11) and (12) can therefore be carried out in term-by
term fashion.
The kernels listed in Appendix I all are of a form so
as to yield analytic tractability under quasi-thermal
equilibri~m conditions, i.e., for (Cn)=(Cn) in (7) giving
K(u)=K(u). We also indicate in Appendix I, for the
various problems list~d, the extent to which K(u) may be
generalized beyond K(u), i.e., the allowable functional
form of (Cn)/(Cn) in (7), without loss of analytic tract
ability for the field-dependent case.
With analytic evaluation of the integrals in (11) and
(12), wand v are obtained as explicit functions of u and
the B's;
w=!Jo(u)+2B l!Jl(U)+' .. + (m+ I)Bm!Jm(u) (14)
v=Ao(u)+3BlAl(U)+2(Bl2+2B2)A2(U)+···. (15)
For discussion of the current-voltage characteristic
it is convenient to define dimensionless current and
voltage parameters, "I and a, respectively:
1 El EoVa "1=-=--; a=va'Y2=--.
Wa e2fi2p.oa efia2 (16)
In (16), subscript "a" denotes the value of a quantity
at the anode, x=a. Va is the applied voltage. Further,
the "constants" Bl, B2, ••• are rewritten as
Bl=Cl'Y with Cl=efia/ E6l;
B2=Cd with C2= (mal E62)2, .... (17)
Using (16) and (17), (14), and (15) may be written, at
the anode, as
1!'Y=!Jo(u a)+Cl'Y!Jl(ua)+Cd!J2(u a)+,,' (18)
a = 'Y2Ao(u a)+ 3CdAl(ua)
+2(Cl2+2C2h4A2(Ua)+ .. ·. (19)
To obtain current as a function of voltage, "I must be
determined as a function of a. Explicit elimination of
Ua from the solution, (18) and (19), is generally im
possible, even for the low-field case. Therefore it is
generally impossible to exhibit 'Y explicitly as a func
tion of a, except over certain limited ranges of a. Where
analytic elimination of Ua is impossible, an obvious
graphical procedure may be employed
In this section we have pursued the analytical devel
opment of one-carrier current-flow theory. As previously
shown,1° geometric methods can also be used to ad
vantage in the study of these problems. In Appendix
II we outline the geometric approach and present the
results obtained from this line of reasoning.
10 M. A. Lampert, Phys. Rev. 103, 1648 (1956).
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IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:53:51ONE -CAR R I ERe U R R E N T S WIT H FIE L D -D E PEN DEN T MOB I LIT I E S 1085
The "quadratic case," defined by
8= Vd +~(Vd)2
p'o 81 p'o (20)
merits special attention. First, it represents the simplest
form of field-dependence of the mobility in the present
mathematical framework. Further aspects of interest
are brought out by solution of (20) for Vd, which gives
for p. = Vd/ 8 :
At low fields, (21) approximates to
8«81: P.=P.0(1-:).
At high fields, (21) approximates to (22)
Regarding the leading terms of (22) and (23), we see
that the mobility function (21) has the following
(i) At low fields it approaches a constant.
(ii) At high fields it has a field-dependence appropri
ate to a scattering mechanism which yields a mean-free
path A independent of carrier velocityll (e.g., scattering
by the acoustic modes of the lattice vibrations). Indeed,
the leading term of (23) has already been used in one
carrier current calculations, e.g., by Dacey.1i
(iii) It smoothly connects the low and high-field
(iv) It will not impair the analytic tractability of
many one-carrier problems which are tractable in the
low-field, constant-mobility case.
Therefore we are led to propose the form (21) as a
useful mathematical representation of the mobility for
constant-mean-free-path problems.
The parameter 81 in (20)-(23) is a measure of the
field strength at which the transition to substantial
field dependence of the mobility takes place. A rough
estimate for 81 is that field which, over a mean-free
path, imparts an additional kinetic energy to the
carrier equal to its thermal energy; &1~3kT /2eA. For
scattering mechanisms that yield a constant mean-free
path,12 A=4.1 X 10-10 (m*T /m)tp.o with IJ.0 in cm2/volt sec
and T in degrees Kelvin. m* is an average effective mass
for the carrier. Thus, 81~S.3X106(mT/300m*)lp.o-l.
For sufficiently pure n-Ge, the experimental tempera-
11 W. Shockley, Bell System Tech. J. 30, 1006 (1951).
12 See reference 7, pp. 277 and 289. ture dependence18 of the mobility, namely Y-1.66, is
close enough to y-t to expect that long-wavelength
phonon scattering is the dominant mechanism deter
mining the low-field electron mobility. Theoretical
analysis14 confirms this. Therefore the preceding relation
estimating 81 should be appropriate for this case.
Taking m/m*=4 and p.o=3800 cm2/volt sec at 300oK,
81~2.8X108 volts/em at 300oK. Since there is no
range of fields over which the measured drift velocity
has a simple &t dependence,!" a precise comparison with
experiment cannot be made. However, noting that
Gunn's low-field data2 is exactly of the form (22), an
empirical 81=S.6X10 8 volts/cm at 3000K is thereby
determined. This is in good agreement with the pre
ceding estimate.
For p-Ge at 300oK, the preceding estimate for 81,
taking m/m*=4 for the heavy holes and p.o=1800 cm2/
volt sec, gives 81~S.9X1OS volts/em, which is to be
compared to an observed break in the Vd vs 8 curve14 at
about 1000 volts/em. That our estimated 81 gives such
poor agreement in this case is probably due to the fact
that lattice scattering of holes is not characterized by a
constant mean free path, as evidenced by the experi
mental Y-2.8-temperature dependence16 of the hole
mobility as well as by theoretical considerationsP
Nonetheless the field dependence of the mobility of the
holes in Ge at 3000K is empirically14 of the form (23)
(leading term), and so (21) is a useful representation
of the hole mobility, taking 01= lOS volt/cm.
In the following sections we consider applications of
the foregoing theory to two specific current-flow
The problem of current flow in an insulator con
taining neither traps nor free equilibrium-charge is the
simplest possible one-carrier, space-charge-limited cur
rent problem and the one that has received most
attention in the literature. It has been studied by Mott
and Gurney18 in its simplest form, by Shockley and
Prim19 including the diffusive contribution to the
current, and by Dacey" who omitted diffusion but in
cluded field dependence of the mobility. The following
presentation is a generalization of Dacey's solution and
reduces to his, for the quadratic case, in the limit of high
13 F. Morin, Phys. Rev. 93, 62 (1953).
14 W. P. Dumke, Phys. Rev. 101, 531 (1956). This analysis
shows that electron mobility is due primarily to the scattering
by shears produced by long wavelength longitudinal and trans
verse phonons. The magnitude of the mobility at 3000K is
thereby predicted to within a factor of two.
15 Figure 3 of reference 3b and Fig. 3 of this paper. Absence of a
range of fields over which VdCl' el is very likely related to the early
onset, at 4X 1()3 volts/cm at 300oK, of saturation of the drift
velocity. (See Sec. VII, ii).
16 F. J. Morin and J. P. Maita, Phys. Rev. 94, 1525 (1954).
17 H. Ehrenreich and A. W. Overhauser, Phys. Rev. 104, 331,
649 (1956).
18 N. F. Mott and R. W. Gurney, Electronic Processes in Ionic
Crystals (Oxford University Press, New York, 1940), first edition,
19 W. Shockley and R. C. Prim, Phys. Rev. 90, 753 (1953).
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IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:53:511086 MURRAY A. LAMPERT
fields. It has the additional property of covering the
entire range of fields, from low to high, smoothly. The
solution to this problem can be generally useful because
it gives the limiting form approached by the solution
to any injection problem when finally the injected free
charge exceeds the injected trapped charge.
The problem is characterized mathematically by Eq.
(1), Eq. (2) with ii=iit=nt=O, and Eq. (3). Since
there is neither neutralized free charge nor fixed excess
charge in this problem we depart from the dimensionless
variables u, w, v, and a of (8) and (16) and introduce
in their place the dimensionless variables '1/, p, w, and
{3 defined by:
Ix Vd J p=--; '1/=--=--
E{J.o612 {J.o61 en{J.o61
IV Wa Va w=--; {3=-=-.
E{J.o61S Pa a61
The expansion (3) is then rewritten as
8= 81{'1+'12+A27/S+A3'1/4+ ... +Am'lmH} (25)
with A2=(6!/62)2, AS=(6!/6s)3, "', A",=(61/6",)"'.
Following along similar lines as led to (14), (15), (18),
and (19), we readily obtain
p= !'12+i'ls+iA2'1/4+tAs'l6+ .. " (26)
W=!'IS+h4+HA2+th5+HAs+A2h6+ ... , (27)
!+ha+HA 2+tha2+ ... fJ='f/a---------t+ha+iA 2'1a2+ ... (28)
To obtain I vs V we must obtain Pa as a function of {3.
Generally this can be done only graphically, although
over limited ranges of {3 analytic expressions are
Results are given here for the quadratic case of field
dependence, Sec. IV [A2=As='" =Am=O in (25)
(28)J. Analytic approximations are given for small and
large {3, respectively.
(3$O.3: Pa"-'(9/8)fJ2(1-i{3). (29)
The first term alone is just Child's law for solids,
J = 9E{J.O V N8as, corresponding to the low-field mobility
relation, {J. = {J.o, independent of field.
2(5fJ)l[ 15( 3 )1J
{3;;;:4: Pa"-'3"3 1-16 5fJ . (30)
The first term is just Dacey's6 modification of Child's
corresponding to the mobility relation, {J. = {J.o( 61/ 8)t. A graphical plot of Pa vs {3 in the intermediate region,
0.3<{3<10, is given in Fig. 1, together with plots of the
approximations (29) and (30). As to be expected, the
transition from the Child law to the Dacey-Child law
occurs in the vicinity of p=1, or Va=a81•
In order to study theoretically departures from Ohm's
law in crystals with ohmic contacts, one must employ a
model which allows for the presence of free carriers in
thermal equilibrium. The simplest model for this
purpose is that of the effectively trap-free insulator or
semiconductor, characterized by ii;060, n,=ii,=O in
Eq. (2). The kernel for this problem is K(u)=u(l-u)-l.
This problem has previously been studied10 for the case
of a low-field, field-independent mobility.
The dimensionless variables employed here are those
of Sec. III. Here we consider specifically the quad
ratic case of field dependence of the mobility: B2=Ba
= ... =B",=O and C2=CS='" =Cm=O in (9)-(19).
Performance of the integrations in (11) and (12) leads
to the equations:
a= -tC2-y4ua4-!DyS(2Dy+3)ua3
-h2(20y+ 1) (Dy+ 1)ua2_'Y2(2Dy+ 1) (C'Y+ l)u"
I O. 0.1 -'Y2(2C'Y+ l)(C,+ 1) In(1-u a) (33)
€_i{~p)'Z ,
1/ , ,
j' /: /, >\ v.j' Po '~(iJl)3:2
V (I_~~) I 5
9 2
~'i~ i~/
Q~ ~ -lll(l-iP)
FIG. 1. Theoretical current-voltage characteristic (solid line),
in normalized variables, for the perfect insulator, for the "quad
ratic case" of field dependence of the mobility: S == ('Od/ p.OJ + (1/ S\)
X (Vd/P.O)·. The dashed curves correspond to high-and low-field
approximations. p.=Ja/Ep.OSli and {J== V./aSI.
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IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:53:51ONE -CAR R I ERe U R R E N T S WIT H FIE L D -D E PEN DEN T MOB I LIT IE S 1087
with C=C1=ena/e01. Equations (32) and (33) are the
specific forms of Egs. (18) and (19), respectively, for the
present problem.
It is clearly impossible, through elimination of Ua
from Egs. (32) and (33), to exhibit l' explicitly as an
analytic function of a. However, since Eq. (32) is only
quadratic in 1', there is no algebraic difficulty in elimi
nating Ua graphically. The salient features of the re
sultant solution for current J (or 1') as a function of
applied voltage Va (or a) are exhibited in Fig. 2. These
features are conveniently discussed in terms of two
characteristic voltages, Vatr and Vacr, defined, re
spectively, by
In terms of these voltages, C= VatT/Vacranda= Va/Vatr.
In Fig. 2, the region to the left of Vatr corresponds to
neutrality in the crystal, ua"",1, and the region to the
right of V atr corresponds to injection of substantial
space charge into the crystal, ua«1. It is seen that for
C-::;, 1, Ohm's law is valid over the whole of the neu
trality region, whereas for C> 1 there is departure from
Ohm's law within this region, the linear J, V relation
breaking over into a (V)! dependence in the neighbor
hood of Vacr. For C;;::l, Dacey's law (31), giving a Vi
dependence, holds throughout the injection region,
whereas for C<l, Child's law for solids with its V2
dependence, holds in the voltage range Va tr < Va < Va cr,
and Dacey's law (31) for Va> Va cr.
»1\ 1/ / / VJ /
i/ c1: /
J V ~l~ c<~ II
I ......... II
/ Vac
, I
/ VIer / v.~c,
Va : a
/ V II /
/ V ~ / '" V Va
/ IV
FIG. 2. Possible types of current-voltage characteristics for the
effectively trap-free insulator or semiconductor for the "quadratic
case" of field dependence of the mobility: s= (Vd/.uO) + (1/S1)
X (Va/p.o)2. V4cr=aSl, V4tr=eiia2/., and C= V4tr/V4cr. 30~-1---+--~--+---r--1--~J+-~
~7r--+---r--+-~r--+-+-r--+-~ d 6r-~~~---+---r--~~1---~~
t -~~~~==l=~-~--t-~ '5- 2 4 5 6 7 8
V=Vd xlO
FIG. 3. Replot of Gunn's data2 on the field-dependence of the
mobility in 2Ocm. n-Ge at room temperature, and polynomial
approximations to the data.
The theory outlined has certain limitations which we
now consider.
(i) The theory as developed ignores all field effects
other than the electrostatic, space-charge effects, Eq. (2)
and the field dependence of the mobility, Eg. (3).
Therefore such processes as impact ionization of
localized states and avalanche breakdown across the
band gap are assumed not to occur. Further, in deriving
Eg. (7), a possible Stark shifting of the trap levels is
ignored, as is also the possibility of field-induced
emission of trapped carriers.
(ii) In a range of fields where the drift velocity
saturates, that is, becomes independent of field, our
representation of the field as a polynomial in the drift
velocity breaks down. This occurs in germanium, for
example, as illustrated by a replot in Fig. 3 of Gunn's
data2 for n-Ge at 300°1\.. The vertical segment, occurring
between fields of 4X103 and 8XIQ3 volt/cm, is the
saturation region. It is seen however that the data at
lower fields, below 3000 volts/cm, can be closely ap
proximated by a third-order polynomial, but is poorly
represented by a linear form.
(iii) It has been assumed in our polynomial repre
sentation (3) of the field dependence of the mobility
that the coefficients 0; are constants which are inde
pendent of the free carrier density n. Actually, when the
electron density is sufficiently large that the electrons
exchange energy amongst themselves at a rate faster
than they exchange energy with the lattice, the precise
details of the "heating-up" of the electrons under an
applied field will depend on the electron density. Such
will be the case with many semiconductors, even in the
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IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:53:511088 MURRAY A. LAMPERT
intrinsic range, at room temperature.20 In this case,
we may expect an n dependence of the parameters 0;,
and average values for the 0; should be used in the
(iv) For problems in which the dynamic equilibrium
between free and trapped carriers plays a role, that is,
in which Eq. (7) must be used, analytic tractability
depends on the detailed functional form of the capture
probability ratio (Cn)/(Cn), if tbis ratio departs signifi
cantly from unity. Each case must then be individually
examined, as is done for several special cases in
Appendix I.
(v) The neglect of diffusion currents in the simplified
theory leads to an incorrect description of the details
of current flow in the immediate vicinity of the cathode
and anode contacts. Even in thermal equilibrium there
will generally be a large diffusion current in such a region
which exactly cancels the field-driven current. Under
current-flow conditions (for currents substantially
smaller than the temperature-limited current), each of
these large currents in the contact region is modified
only slightly, the measured current being just the differ
ence between them. That the simplified theory in
correctly describes the fields and carrier densities in the
immediate vicinity of the cathode is also evident from
the fact that the current-flow Eq. (1) and boundary
condition (5) together require that n= 00 at the cathode
interface. Therefore, generally speaking, the results
calculated from the simplified theory will be quanti
tatively useful only under the condition that the widths
of the contact regions are not a significant fraction of
the total crystal length. If this condition is satisfied
then the errors in the calculated current-voltage rela
tionship, introduced through the neglect of diffusion,
are expectedlO to be correspondingly small.
(vi) The details of the theory as presented here are
based on the assumption of complete space-charge limi
tation of the current, boundary condition (5). There is
no difficulty in extending the theory to the case of
partial space-charge limitation of the current, 0~0 at
x=O. This extension is necessary, for example, in the
study of the depletion of majority carriers.
The author would like to express his particular in
debtedness to Dr. H. S. Sommers, Jr., for many stimu
lating discussions. He also obtained assistance and
encouragement from conversations with Dr. W. J. Merz,
Dr. D. O. North, and Dr. L. S. Nergaard. The earlier
work of Dr. A. Rose has, at all times, served as a guide
for the present studies.
1IO B. V. Paranjape, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B70, 628 (1957). APPENDIX I: KERNELS FOR ONE-CARRIER
Current-Flow Problem
A. Effectively Trap
Free Solid
B. Solid with Fixed,
Excess Charge
C. Shallow Trap Level
D. Deep Trap Level
E. Single, Discrete
Trap Level K(u)
Rug(u)+ (1-Tu){g(u)+Su}
The kernel, K(u), is defined by (10). The trapped
carrier density nt, appearing in (to), is given by (7).
The total trap density is Nt. Further, we have taken
(Cn)/(Cn)=g(u) = 1-Pu-QuL ... , so that nt/n=Rg(u)
X{g(u)+SU}-l with R=Nt/n and S=N/2n. N=Nc
Xexp{ (E,-Ec)/kT}. Also, 0=N/2N t and it is assumed
that 0«1, L=NtN/2n2, and T=l+nt/n.
Problem A is discussed, for the quadratic case of field
dependence of the mobility, in Sec. VI.
Problem B is the "diode" problem of semiconductor
physics, previously studied for the case of low-field,
field-independent mobility by Shockley and Prim13
and by Dacey5 employing the mobility function
J.I.=J.l.o( 01/ 8)1. Here the fixed, excess charge is that of
the impurity ions in the "punched-through" region
between a pair of back-to-back junctions. Problem B is
also the traps-filled-limit problem10 of insulator physics.
Here the fixed, excess charge is that required to fill all
traps on the insulator which are empty at thermo
dynamic equilibrium.
In problems A and B, the function g(u) does not
appear explicitly in the kernel and therefore the
analytic-tractability theorem of Sec. III is valid without
In problems C, D, and E there is an equilibrium
between free and trapped charge characterized in part,
by the function g(u). This equilibrium is said to be
"quasi-thermal" if g(u) = 1, in which case the steady
state electron Fermi level alone determines the oc
cupancy of the traps, as mentioned in Sec. II.
Problem C refers to the case that the trap level is
"shallow" energetically, that is, the trap is almost
certainly empty, or nt«N t. From the form of the kernel
it follows that this problem is analytically tractable if
g(u) is not higher than quadratic in u. For quasi
thermal equilibrium, the kernel differs from that of
problem A only through the multiplicative constant O.
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IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:53:51ONE -CAR R I ERe U R R E N T S WIT H FIE L 0 -0 E PEN 0 E N T MOB I LIT I E S 1089
In this case, after renormalization of the dimensionless
variables, the solution to problem A can be used also
for this problem.
Problem D refers to the case that the trap level is
"deep" energetically, that is, that the trap is almost
certainly occupied, or Nt-nt«Nt. This problem is
analytically tractable if g(u) is not higher than linear
in u. For quasi-thermal equilibrium, the analytical
work is simplified through the partial-fraction decom
position of the kernel:
K(u) = (L+l)-I{ (l-u)-L (1 +LU)-l}.
This case is of particular interest for problems involving
majority-carrier depletion, which has not been covered
in the present report.
Problem E has been previously studiedlO for the case
of low-field, field-independent mobility and quasi
thermal equilibrium. It is of interest because it furnishes
the likeliest area for a detailed, quantitative check of
the theory, namely through experiments with a solid
controllably doped with a suitable impurity. The
problem is analytically tractable if g(u) is not higher
than linear in u.
Problems C and D are just-special cases o(E. How
ever these special cases are of particular interest in
themselves, and further, represent considerable ana
lytical simplifications of the more general case E.
Therefore we have listed them separately.
It is possible, by geometric reasoning, to obtain some
quite general results if the two following assumptions
are added to the basic equations of Sec. II:
Vd( &) is a nondecreasing21 function of &, (Al)
(cn) is a nonincreasing function of Vd. (A2)
The importance of (A2) is that it insures that
(Cn)/(Cn) in (7) is a nondecreasing function of Vd. By the
same token, (A2) is essential for the following develop
ments only for those cases where the equilibrium be
tween free and trapped carriers is the dynamic one
described by (7).
From Eqs. (1), (2), and (7), boundary condition (6)
and assumptions (Al) and (A2) follows:
Theorem 1. In a crystal under injection,22 nand d&/dx
are nonincreasing functions of distance from the ca thode,
and & is a monotonic-increasing function.
This theorem is readily proven by assuming it is
untrue and then obtaining a contradiction. The details
21 By specifying that Vd be a non decreasing function of S, instead
of simply a monotonic-increasing function of S, we thereby allow
Va to saturate over one or more ranges of S, as observed in n-Ge
(see reference 2, Fig. 2).
22 In a crystal under conditions of depletion of the majority
carrier, the complementary theorem holds: nand de/dx are
nondecreasing functions of distance from the cathode, and S
is a monotonic-decreasing function. ~------------------------~~~ /-""
./" ./'
/ ./' /" /"
FIG. 4. Convexity of the electric-field-intensity distribution S
and consequent inequalities. The straight-line segment in the
plot of S vs x corresponds to a region of saturation of the drift
velocity, va=constant, such as observed by Gunn2 for n-Ge.
(See also Fig. 3.) The quantities under the geometric figures are
the areas of the corresponding figures.
of the argument parallel closely those of the "geometric"
arguments of Sec. IV of reference 10, and will not be
repeated here. From Theorem 1 follows directly:
Theorem 2. There cannot exist simultaneously in the
same crystal regions of injection and depletion; the
entire crystal must be in either one condition or the
We are further able to obtain a useful inequality:
Theorem 3. In a crystal under injection,
Here &0 and &a are the electric-field intensities at the
cathode and anode, respectively, and &n is the "ohmic"
field intensity, Va being the applied voltage and "a" the
cathode-anode spacing.
The proof follows from a comparison of three areas
as in Fig. 4. This comparison yields directly the
(&a+&0)/2<&n<&a, which is equivalent to (A3).
The inequalities (A3) are a generalization of those
given in (8) of reference 10, and reduce to them for com
plete space-charge limitation, &0=0.
There follows readily from theorem 3:
Theorem 4. For &0=0, the capacitor relationship,
Q = CVa, is valid within a factor of two:
CVa<Q<2CV a. (A4)
Here Q is the total excess charge in the crystal per unit
area, Q= foaqdx, with q the excess charge density (free
plus trapped charge), and C is the geometric capacitance
per unit area C= e/a. (Al) and (A3) yield directly the
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IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:53:511090 MURRAY A. LAMPERT
Jo, (AS)
where J=enavd(oa), na being the free electron density
at the anode and Jo,=enavd(oO).
For both the electrons2 and holes3 in germanium at
room temperature the function Vd( 0)/ 0 is a nonincreas
ing function of O. In this case, (AS) can be replaced by
the inequalities,
J 20a Vd(O)
1~-~---~2, for --nonincreasing. (A6)
In oa+O< 0
Because of the inequalities (A6), an adequate esti
mate of the current often is: J~O=enavd(oO). The
form of this relation suggests the usefulness of con
sidering separately two ranges of currents, a "neutrality"
range over which the free carrier density does not depart
substantially from its thermal equilibrium value, say
n<na<2n, and a "space-charge-limited range" over
which the injected free carriers overwhelm the ther
mally generated ones, n> 2n. In these two ranges we
have, respectively:
with l(Va) =na/(na+nt. a), the ratio of free, excess
charge to total excess charge, both taken at the anode.
From (A7) it is clear that in the neutrality range, the
form of the dependence of J on Va is precisely that of
'lid on V .. /a.
Although the ratio l(V .. ) in (A8) is generally a func
tion of voltage, it is independent of voltage for the
special case of shallow traps in quasi-thermal equilib
rium with the free carriers (Appendix I, Case C).
In writing (A8) we have used (A4) , taking ~CVa
= EVa/a. Further, we have taken Q~ea(na+nt.a),
thereby assuming that the excess charge densities at
the anode do not differ greatly from the average excess
charge densities in the crystal. Although inequalities of
the type (A3), relating densities at the anode to average
densities, cannot be rigorously established, nevertheless,
in practice the errors incurred by the substitution will
be small (see, for example, the discussion in Appendix A
of reference 10).
The voltage V,lr at which the transition takes place
from the neutrality range of currents to the space-charge-limited range is given by
Here nt. atr is the excess trapped charge density at the
anode when na~2n, that is, under quasi-thermal
equilibrium, when the steady-state Fermi level F at the
anode has risen from its thermodynamic-equilibrium
value F by the amount kT.
Because the geometric approach rests on assumptions
(Al) and (A2) it is important to explore the extent to
which these assumptions are realized in practice. Over
the range of fields for which drift-velocity measurements
have been made to date, assumption (Al) has always
been realized.23
As regards assumption (A2) there is as yet no de
tailed quantitative experimental information available
on the velocity-dependence of cross sections for the
capture of free carriers by localized trapping states in
solids. However we can use as a guide the analogous
cross sections for the capture of free electrons by atoms
and ions in vacuum. For the radiative capture of elec
trons by ionized hydrogen atoms un"-''/J2 for E/E,«l,
with E the electron kinetic energy and E; the ionization
energy for atomic hydrogen.24 Theoretical calculations2~
indicate that this same 1/v2 dependence of the cross
section also holds for both the radiative and non
radiative (with single phonon emission) capture of free
carriers by ionized, hydrogen-like impurity states in
solids, under the same condition, E/E,«1. For these
important cases assumption (A2) is realized. However
for the capture of electrons by neutral hydrogen atoms
in vacuum u(E) goes through a maximum at E"'"2/3 ev
and for capture by neutral oxygen atoms u(E) goes
through a minimum at E"'" 2 ev.24 In both of these cases
assumption (A2) is violated over substantial ranges of
electron velocity.
Summing up, for capture of an electron by a Coulomb
attractive center at room temperature, assumption
(A2) is very likely correct. For capture by a neutral
center, the likelihood is that (A2) is not valid over
certain ranges of electron velocity. In any case, from
the above remarks it is apparent that the extent of the
validity of (A2) for solids is a subject requiring con
siderable investiga tion.
!3 The theoretical possibility of a negative, differential, bulk
resistance at high fields has been pointed out by H. Kroemer, Z.
Physik 134, 435 (1953). Such an effect, if present, might well be
masked by other high field processes, for example field-or impact
induced avalanches, which have not been incorporated into the
present work.
24 H. S. W. Massey and E. H. S. Burhop, Electronic and Ionic
Impact Phenomena (Oxford University Press, New York, 1952),
Chap. VI.
25 M. A. Lampert reported in the final report of Contract II
DA 36-039-sc-5548, in 1954 (Signal Corps the U. S. Army) j
M. Lax and H. Gummel, Phys. Rev. 97, 1469 (1955).
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IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:53:51 |
1.1722613.pdf | Evidence for Subgrains in MnBi Crystals from Bitter Patterns
W. C. Ellis, H. J. Williams, and R. C. Sherwood
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 28, 1215 (1957); doi: 10.1063/1.1722613
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1722613
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/28/10?ver=pdfcov
Published by the AIP Publishing
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IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 14:56:58LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 1215
into the lower-lying new acceptor states to the extent their
relative numbers permit. The thus-emptied donors are then
available for trapping conduction electrons in n-type germanium
where the initial Fermi level is high. Similarly, the thus-filled
acceptors are then available for trapping holes in strongly p-type
germanium where the initial Fermi level is low. In weaker p-type
material where the initial Fermi level is higher, only the empty
level in the lower middle of the gap will be active; it will tend to
create some new holes and thus increase the conductivity .
. \ccording to this model the "acceptors" described in the first
paragraph are really ionized (empty) donors, and the "donors"
are reallv ionized (filled) acceptors.
The n'ew experimental evidence was developed from studies of
the effect of small compressions on the electrical conductivity
of germanium specimens of various initial conductivities. The
compressions were carried out at 525°C in an inert atmosphere
followed by cooling at about 100°C per minute. A standard
schedule was always followed. Contamination of specimens was
prevented by gold plating7 as demonstrated by the constant
conductivity of control specimens which underwent the same
thermal cycle.
Figure 1 shows the changes in conductivity at room temperature
produced by compressions ranging up to 5%. The scatter appears
to derive from lack of homogeneity of compressions. The new
tinding is the reversal in the behavior of p-type material: the
conductivity increases with deformation in low-conductivity
germanium and decreases in high-conductivity germanium. In
the absence of any electrically active composition changes, these
facts can be explained if both interstitials and vacancies are
produced during deformation, but not if only one type of defect is
produced. Thus, if only vacancies were produced, the number of
conducting holes could only increase by ionization of the low-lying
vacancy levels. The increase in carriers would then always
dominate the decrease in mobility brought about by the new
ionized centers,s and the conductivity would therefore increase
no matter what the initial conductivity. On the other hand, if only
interstitials were produced, they could always act as hole traps
and would thus decrease both the number of carriers and the
mobility, and the conductivity would decrease no matter what the
initial conductivity. If both defects are present, the above model
requires the conductivity to behave as is observed.
A quantitative treatment of these effects is being worked out
on the basis of the model described. It is believed that useful
estimates of the numbers of vacancies and interstitials can be
obtained separately from conductivity or Hall measurements at
two or more temperatures.
I C. J. Gallagher, Phys. Rev. 88. 721 (1952).
2 W. C. Ellis and E. S. Greiner, Phys. Rev. 92, 1061 (1953).
'A. G. Tweet, Phys. Rev. 99. 1245 (1955).
4 Greiner, Breidt, Hobstetter, and Ellis, J. Metals (to be published). 'H. M. James and K. Lark-Horovitz, Z. physik. Chern. 48, 107 (1951).
'Cleland, Crawford, and Pigg, Phys. Rev. 99, 1170 (1955).
; C. S. Fuller (private communication). See also R. S. Logan and M.
Schwartz, J. Appl. Phys. 26. 1287 (1955). 'M. B. Prince, Ph},s. Rev. 92,681 (1953).
Evidence for Subgrains in MnBi Crystals
from Bitter Patterns
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Murray Hill, New Jersey
(Received July 25, 1957)
CRYSTALS of MnBi have been made by crystallization from
a liquid solution in a temperature gradient. To prepare the
crystals electrolytic manganese was continuously dissolved in
high purity bismuth at 500°C (solubility -8 wt % Mnl) and
crystallized as the compound at 300°C (solubility -1.5 wt %
Mnl) in an evacuated Pyrex glass tube about one inch in diameter
and ten inches in length. Crystal aggregates grew from the cold
end and extended into the tube about four inches in the course C AXIS
FIG. 1. Bitt(;'r pattern for an area of ~ ~urfa('e containing the c ~xis of
a MnBi crystal. Magnetic field wa~ applif'd nmmal to !-1urfan' examined.
of four to 5even days. In one instance, the aggregate was pre
dominantly a single crystal; in another, three crystals. The
crystals contained a free bismuth phase to the extent of about
18 wt %.
A single crystal specimen, about OAXO.iX1.2 cm, cut from
an aggregate of about 200 grams had a saturation magnetization
(B-H) in the easy direction (parallel to c axis) of 7300 gauss.
Allowing for the volume of free bismuth present, a saturation
magnetization of approximately 8800 gauss was calculated for
pure MnBi at room temperature.
Laue reflections from a given plane, although quite sharp, had
in some instances a distribution of about 2 deg. This spread
indicated that the crystal was composed of subgrains, subcrystal
FIG, 2. Pattern for another area of same surface as in Fig. 1.
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IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 14:56:581216 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
regions differing by only a small angle in orientation. Bitter
patterns2-4 on a surface containing the c axis, shown in Fig. 1, are
interpreted as further evidence for the presence of subgrains. An
external magnetic field, applied normal to the surface, resulted in
the differential collection of colloid depicted. Portions of three
subgrains are shown in the figure; the vertical traces are inter
sections of subgrain boundaries with the surface of the crystal.
The horizontal traces are intersections of domain walls with the
surface. The magnetic domains extend along the c axis and across
the three subgrains.
Each magnetic domain consists of "sub domains" (three are
shown for each domain in Fig. 1) because of the slight difference
in orientation of the c axis in each subgrain. The c axis is the
preferred direction of magnetization in MnBi which has a high
uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. If the c axis is tilted up or down
with respect to the surface, magnetic poles will be formed on the
surface. The applied normal field, by either increasing or de
creasing the local fields, causes some subdomains to attract more
colloid than do others. This results in the checkerboard pattern
which reverses when the applied field is reversed. With no applied
field there is no checkerboard pattern, and only the horizontal
domain boundaries can be seen extending completely across the
figure. These domain boundaries move under the influence of high
magnetic fields; however, the vertical traces due to subgrain
boundaries do not. The immobility of vertical traces indicates
that the associated boundaries are crystallographic.
Figure 2 shows sub-boundaries on another portion of this crystal
also with a normal applied field. The "spike" pattern at the
sub-boundary trace near the center of the section has its origin in
reverse domains caused by the presence of magnetic poles at the
subboundary. Spike patterns also occur in the proximity of
bismuth inclusions where the c axis intersects the inclusion. The
curving lines extending in a generally vertical direction are fine
cracks in the crystal which developed in the course of the
1 Seybolt, Hansen, Roberts, and Yurcisin. Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met.
Engrs. 206. 606 (t 956). 'F. Bitter. Phys. Rev. 38.1903 (1931).
• W. C. Elmore and L. W. McKeehan. Trans. Am. lnst. Mining Met.
Engrs. 120. 236 (1936).
'Williams. Bozarth. and Shockley. Ph)",. Re\". 75. 155 (\949).
Addendum: Evaporation of Impurities
from Semiconductors
[J. App!. Phys. 28. 420 (1957)J
Sprague Electric Company. North Adams. Massachusetts
IN connection with our above-mentioned paper, reference should
have been made to the paper "Heat Treatment of Semi
conductors and Contact Rectification" by B. Serin.' In this paper
the hypothesis was advanced that heat treatment of impurity
semiconductors may generate a depletion of impurities near the
surface and thus influences the current voltage relationship and
the capacitance of a metallic rectifying contact. The resulting
impurity distribution is derived under assumptions identical
with those leading to our Eq. (5).
1 B. Serin. Phys. Rev. 69. 357 (1946).
Erratum: Electrical Conductivity of Fused Quartz
D. App!. Phys. 28. 795 (1957)J
Physics Laboratory. Sylvania Electric Products. Inc .• Bayside, New York
IN Fig. 3, I(d) should be equal to 1.1XlO-4 amp. Estimate of the Time Constant of
Secondary Emission *
Electrical Engineering Department, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis. Minnesota
(Received July 31, 1957)
IT is the aim of this note to show that energy considerations
allow a simple estimate of the time constant 7' of secondary
emission. To do so, the lattice electrons are divided into two
groups: the unexcited or "normal" electrons and the "hot"
electrons that have been excited by the primaries; part of the
latter can escape and give rise to the observed secondary emission.
The time constant 7' of secondary emission can now be defined
as the time necessary to build up a steady-state distribution of
"hot" electrons in the surface layer; since one "hole" is created
for each hot electron, there is a corresponding steady-state distri
bution of the holes, too.
Let Jp be the primary electron current density, J.=oJp the
secondary electron current density, where 0 is the secondary
emission factor, and Epo the energy of the primary electrons. If N
is the equilibrium number of hot electrons per cm2 of surface area
and if E, and Eh are the average energies of the electrons and the
holes, taken with respect to the bottom of the conduction band,
then the total energy stored per cm2 surface area is
The primary electrons 'deliver a power per cm'
P=J "Epo=J.Ep%. (1)
If it is assumed that the primary electrons are 100%)ffective in
the production of hot electrons, the value of 7' is
The problem is thus solved if the quantities N / J. and (E.+E h)
can be calculated. This is not difficult, since it is known that the
velocity distribution of the escaping secondaries is nearly Max
wellian with a large equivalent temperature T.(kT.le~2-3 vJ.
The hot electrons should therefore also have a Maxwellian distri
bution with an equivalent temperature T.. Since the energy
distribution of the secondaries depends very little upon the
primary energy, it may be assumed that T, is independent of the
primary energy and independent of the position in the lattice.
Because of the interaction with the other electrons and with the
lattice, the velocity distribution of the hot electrons should be
isotropic in space. It is thus possible to calculate E. and to express
J. and N in terms of the surface density no of the hot electrons.
In metals one can only talk about "hot" electrons when their
energy is above the Fermi level E[; in semiconductors and
insulators their minimum energy is zero. Both cases can be
considered simultaneously by defining a hot electron as an electron
with a speed v~to with Vo= (2eEolm)t; one then has Eo=E/ for
metals and Eo=O for semiconductors and insulators.
Let n(x) be the density of the hot electrons at a depth x below
the surface. If (vx,vy,v.) are their velocity components, their
velocity distribution is
dnx = Cn(x) (2trkT./m)-J exp(!mv2/kT,)dv xdvydv., (4)
where V= (vl+vy2+vz2)! and the normalization factor C is defined
such that fdnx=n(x) when the integration is carried out over all
hot electrons. Let no and dno be the values of n(x) and dnx at the
surface (x=O). If x is the electron affinity of the material then
only those electrons at the surface can escape for which
v.> (2ex/m)!. We thus have
J.= fvxdno=eCno(kT./2rrm)! exp( -ex./kT.), (5)
where the integration is carried out over all escaping electrons.
C-1=2rr!q exp( -q2)+1-erf(q), (6)
E.=C(kT /e){rr-'(2tf+3q) exp( -q2)+Kl-erf(q)J}, (7)
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1.1731676.pdf | Capacitive Energy and the Ionization of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Felix T. Smith
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 34, 793 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.1731676
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1731676
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Published by the AIP Publishing
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 21:51:20THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 34, NUMBER J MARCH, 1961
Capacitive Energy and the Ionization of Aromatic Hydrocarbons*
Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California
(Received April 21, 1960)
Large polynuclear aromatic molecules ionize like fragments of graphite, and their ionization potentials
approach the sum of the graphite work function Vgr and the electrostatic work of charging a conductor the
Slze and shape of the molecule. The capacitive work for a single charge is u=e2/2C, where C is the molecular
capacitance. In the limit of large size, the work to remove n electrons is Wn=nvgr+n2u. This limiting law
implies a relation among successive ionization potentials and the electron affinity, which is well satisfied by
anthracene and phenanthrene, and moderately well by naphthalene and even benzene. For larger mole
cules, C, and therefore u, can be estimated classically by assuming the conducting region is bounded by the
carbon skeleton, and computed by analog measurements on metallic models; results are tabulated for a
series of aromatics. The relation b~tween the limiting law and more detailed quantal formulations is dis
cussed, and the magnitude and trend of some expected deviations are explored with the help of a simple
free electron picture.
THAT many properties of large polynuclear aro
matics must approach those of graphite in the limit
of large size is common knowledge. Among these
properties are the ionization potential and the electron
affinity, which are expected to approach the work
function of graphite. Although the work function itself
depends upon the inevitably quantal behavior of the
1r-electron gas, it may be looked upon as a macroscopic
property of the material, measured by experiment, and
as such, it gives a classical limit for the ionization
potential and electron affinity of the large aromatics.
So much is well known. It seems not to have been
noticed that an improved classical limit can be found
by considering the electrical properties of finite par
ticles of graphite. My purpose in this paper is: to
develop this new classical limit; to show that it leads
(a) to a relationship between successive ionization
potentials, and (b) to an approximate, classical calcu
lation of the ionization potentials; to demonstrate that
both (a) and (b) are in reasonable agreement with
experiment; to provide predictions for other un
measured molecules for comparison with future meas
urements and with more detailed calculations; to esti
mate roughly the points at which this classical limit
must diverge from the correct microscopic quantal
behavior; to show how this classical limit must ulti
mately merge with a more detailed quantum me
chanical formulation of the problem; and to point out
that quantal calculations should be tested by seeing if
they extrapolate properly to this classical limit.
This approach originates from recent work on the
ionization of solid conducting particles, where the
potentials for successive levels of ionization differ from
* Supported by U. S. Air Force, Air Research and'Develop
ment Command. the work function of the solid in bulk by the classical
electrostatic work required to charge up the particle. If
the particle is a conductor of capacitance C, its cou
lombic capacitive energy when it is charged to a level
of n electronic charges is (ne)2/2C; to this must be
added n times the work function v, which is the energy
needed to raise an electron from the Fermi level in the
lattice to a level where it could escape from the semi
infinite solid, for which the coulombic charging energy
vanishes. The total work to remove n electrons is then
Wn=nv+ (ne)2/2C, (1)
and the nth ionization potential, corresponding to the
process A+n-4A+n+e, is1.2
CPn=v+ (n-!)e2/C. (2)
If n<O, electron affinities are obtained. It is often
assumed that the particles are spherical, in which case
C=41rEor, where Eo=8.854·1Q-12 farad/meter is the
dielectric constant of space. Another simple shape,
which might be approached by graphite particles, is the
thin circular disk, for which C=8Eor.
It is generally accepted that the ionization potential
and electron affinity of the polynuclear aromatics
approach a common limit which is close to the work
function of bulk graphite. This seems justified by the
fact that the layers in bulk graphite are so far apart
and so weakly bound (about 1.5 kcal or 0.065 ev per
atom interlayer binding energy3) ; there is also evidence
1 F. T. Smith, J. Chern. Phys. 28, 746 (1958) and Proceedings
of The Third Conference on Carbon (Pergamon Press, London,
1959), p. 419; see also T. M. Sugden and B. A. Thrush, Nature
168, 703 (1951).
2 H. Einbinder, J. Chern. Phys. 26, 948 (1957), interested pri
marily in the average behavior of large highly charged particles,
makes an approximation equivalent to neglecting a term e2/2C
in Eq. (2); in this he is followed without comment by A. A.
Arshinov and A. K. Musin, Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 118,
461 (1958), and Yu. S. Sayasov, ibid. 122, 848 (1958).
3 H. Inokuchi, S. Shiba, T. Handa, and H. Akamatsu, Bull.
Chern. Soc. Japan 25, 299 (1952).
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TABLE I. The relation between successive ionization potentials.a
Experimental values Effective work triple
Graphite WI
a All values in electron volts. W.
b Extrapolated value (reference 9). function
(A->A-) V21 Vl,_l
(+0.54)b 5.55 4.42
-0.65 5.15 4.46
-1.19 4.55 4.37
-0.69 4.50 4.36
4.39 4.39
from the dielectric susceptibility that the interlayer
effect on the conduction electrons is very small.' We
may thus assume that large enough particles of a single
graphitic layer will have successive ionization potentials
governed by Eqs. (1) and (2) with'll approximated
very closely by the work function of graphite, 'IIgr=4.39
ev.o This, then, is the limiting behavior that must be
approached by the ionization potentials of large fused
ring-aromatic molecules.
Two consequences can be derived from Eqs. (1) and
(2) which have predictive value and can be compared
with experiment. These will now be examined in turn.
A. Relationship between Successive Ionization
Besides the work function, which is known, Eqs. (1)
and (2) contain only one additional parameter, the
capacitance C of the molecule or particle. H this is
unknown, these equations nevertheless predict a
relationship between successive ionization potentials
for a single molecule. It will be informative to see how
closely this limiting relationship is obeyed by the
molecules for which measurements are available.
Since the capacitance occurs inconveniently in the
denominator, let us introduce the specific capacitive
potential (or simply specific potential) by the equation
with this, Eq. (1) becomes (3)
Eliminating u between equations of this form for two
different levels of ionization, nand m, we can predict
successive ionization potentials (or electron affinities)
from the measured value of anyone of them. Equiva
lently, from measured values W" and W m, we can
• R. R. Haering and P. R. Wallace, Proceedings of the Third
Conference on Carbon (Pergamon Press, London, 1959), p. 183.
6 A. Braun and G. Busch, Helv. Phys. Acta 20, 33 (1947). Effective specific potential ionization
'V2.-1 UIO U20 U_I,O 1~ Ul,_l 112._1 (limits) Wa
4.0 4.99 4.40 4.96 3.8 4.96 4.58 55.5:1::2.7
4.2 3.87 3.48 3.81 3.1 3.80 3.57 46.2:1::1.8
4.3 3.16 3.08 3.18 3.0 3.18 3.12 41.4±0.5
4.3 3.64 3.58 3.67 3.5 3.67 3.62 45.8±0.4
Vnm=[mn/(m-n)][(W .. /n2) -(W",/m2)]=vgr, (5)
and test the predicted relation by seeing how close the
values Vnm come to each other and to Vgr. On the other
hand, eliminating v, we can also compute
Unm= (n-m)-l[(W,,/n) -(W ... /m)], (6)
and see, for a given molecule, how close these come to a
common value u. Electron affinities can be used in the
same comparison, since the electron affinity is
A".=-W ......... (8)
A special case of Eq. (5), derived long since on other
grounds,S is the rule that the electron affinity and the
first ionization potential tend to be equidistant from
the work function of graphite, A1+W1=2'111._1:::::::2vgr.
The recent experiments of Wacks and Dibeler7 make
it possible for the first time to compare single and
double ionization potentials for a series of polynuclear
aromatics.s Their values of WI and W2 are used for
such a comparison in Table I. In addition, I have used
what seem to be the only available experimental data
on electron affinities for these molecules, those of
Blackedge and Hush, cited by Hush and Pople9 but
apparently not yet published elsewhere; they seem to
give a striking confirmation of the rule that Al and WI
are balanced about the graphite work function. It is
worthy of remark that '1121, depending on W2, also
converges rapidly to the graphite value, the deviation
being only 3% for anthracene and 2% for phenanth-
6 R. S. Mulliken, J. chim. phys. 46,497 (1949).
7 M. E. Wacks and V. H. Dibeler, J. Chern. Phys. 31, 1557
8 For benzene, the double ionization potential was observed
earlier by A. Hustrulid, P. Kusch and J. T. Tate, Phys. Rev. 54,
1037 (1938).
9 N. S. Hush and J. A. Pople, Trans. Faraday Soc. 51, 600
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TABLE II. Ionization potentials and the classical specific potential.
Experimental Effective potential Corrected
ionization specific
potential potential (from metallic
model) potential
Molecule Reference WI (A----A+) UIO=WI-V g, uo=t?/2C.
• 3.05 calculated for circular disk. 7 9.38
7 8.26
7 7.55
7 8.03
12,11 7.71,7.00
11 7.60
12 8.40
11 7.55
11 7.8
11 7.15
11 7.6
rene. One may confidently predict that the agreement
will be even better for larger molecules, and not much
worse for triple and higher ionization. Predicted values
of W3, based on Eq. (7) and the spread of values of
Uno, are given in Table I.
B. Classical Estimates of Molecular-Capacitance
If the molecule is large enough, it should be possible
to estimate its capacitance, and thus the parameter u,
classically. It seems reasonable to assume that the
molecule behaves as a conducting plate, bounded by the
peripheral carbon skeleton of the aromatic system.
How small a particle can be treated by this model?
The molecule coronene, C24H12, is sufficiently symmetric
to be treated as a circular conducting disk bounded by
the outer carbon atoms, for which r=3.70A; from
this C=8Eor=2.62·1O-8 pp,j, u=e2/2C=3.0S ev, and
W1=vgr+u=7.44 ev. Unfortunately the ionization
potential of coronene has not been measured directly,
but Matsen has derived a value of 7.S0 ev from a
correlation of ionization potentials and electronic
spectra10 while Briegleb and Czekalla have deduced
7.6 ev from charge-transfer spectra of complexes.l1
This agreement is sufficiently encouraging to prompt
similar comparisons for other molecules, even though
computation is not so easy for less symmetrical con
figurations. However, numerical computation can be
evaded by taking advantage of the fact that capaci
tances scale just as a linear dimension. I have, there
fore, resorted to measuring the capacitances of flat
metallic models composed of hexagons three inches
10 F. A. Matsen, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 602 (1956).
11 G. Briegleb and J. Czekalla, Z. Elektrochem. 63, 6 (1959). 4.99
3.2 8.24
on an edge; details of the method and necessary cor
rections are given in the Appendix. A comparison with
available experimental values7•11,12 is given in Table II.
The computed and measured values of u appear to be
converging satisfactorily for the larger of the still
small molecules for which they are known; beyond
phenanthrene, a considerable error no doubt resides in
much of the experimental data for WI. In general,
Table II shows that the simple classical models predict
values for u that come within about 30% of the experi
mental ones; in terms of the total ionization potential
WI the error is reduced to about lS%. Thus, the simple
classical limit gives an excellent first approximation to
these ionization potentials. In the expectation that
further experimental data will improve the quality of
the agreement, and perhaps reveal systematic effects
worth more detailed study, results of the analog com
putation with metallic models are given for an extensive
series of molecules in Table III.
A. Molecular Capacitive Energy
How does the macroscopic, classical treatment of
the last section tie in with a microscopic, quantum
mechanical description of the molecular system?
Consider the molecule as an array of N more or less
graphitic carbon atoms, surrounded by other atoms
such as hydrogen that need not be closely specified.
The total energy of the molecule, or of any of its ions,
in the lowest state, can be divided uniquely into
kinetic and potential energies, plus magnetic and spin
12 D. P. Stevenson (unpublished).
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TABLE III. Specific potential computed classically.-
Molec.ule b Uo Molecule b uo Molecule b Uo
• 8.24 ~ 2.95 .... < 2.66
-5.89 ~ 2.95 ~ 3.41
--4:43 ~ 2.63 Y 2. T3
-3.81 V 3.98 I 2.48
• • • • III 3.30 '\....J 3.33 ~ I 2.72
\ 4.63 \...-J 2.98 >-< 3.18
~ 4.04 ~ 3.40 Z 3.67
~ 3.32 ~ 2.96 l 3.22
.... \ 2.98 ~ 2.61 L 3.21
\ 3.26 ~ 2.60 L 3.01
~ 2.96 V 3.27 .+. 2.%
~ 3.81 \..r 3.31 ~ 2.97
~ 3.28 -0 3.53 x: 3.00
~ 2.99 -( 3.85 V 2.46
\ ... \ 2.63 -( 3.41 L0y ~ 2.98
~ 3.41 ---< 2.98 \1 4.22
uo ~ e I2Co' Co from measurement on metallic model. Units are electron valls.
b A dot or the intersection of two lines represent a benzene hexagon, a line
represents the junction of two hexagons through a common edge. MOleculeb
<txt> uo Molecule b uo
3.68 ~ 2.51
3.22 ~ 2.53
3.23 ~ 2.60
3.56 IStSl 3.48
3.17 ....1S!r I 2,79
3.23 psi 2.64
2.56 « 3.53
3.25 ... ~
2.56 i . f? · 2.80
2.86 I IA 3.34 I
2.95 /Sl5lSl 3.01
3.23 ® 3.34 I
3.23 Xl 3.00
2.79 ®r 2.84
2.98 @ 2.73
3.05 «K'V 2.28
ylJJA 2.54
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terms that can be neglected here:
Eo= To+Uo+···
E+n= T+n+U+ n+···. (9)
Sin~e we need not actually compute them, we may
envIsage T and U as average values obtained by ap
plying the appropriate quantal operator to the com
plete, accurate, wave function for the ground state of
the molecule or ion. The potential energy U +n includes
the mutual repulsion of all the nuclei as well as the
electron interactions, so it includes all the energy of the
electrostatic field. The nfold ionization potential is
given by
= (T+n-To)+(U+n-U O)+· .• , (10)
and the potential energy contribution (U +n -Uo)
includes the nuclear repulsion as well as their attrac
tion for the electrons.
Let us now compare this with the description of a
large flat graphitic sheet, in which the total energy per
atom is
Es= T.+U.+···. (11)
The work function, the energy required to remove an
electron from the semi-infinite two-dimensional solid,
can be formally defined by taking the limit of Eq. (10)
as the number of atoms in the particle goes to infinity
(in such a way that the size of the particle grows
as N4 in 2 perpendicular directions) :
v= lim W+1(N) = Tv+U v+···. (12)
It is useful to consider the difference function defined by
This includes all effects due to the edge of the molecule
(including the nongraphitic border atoms), and also
the energy of compressing the excess positive charge
into the region of the molecule. The effects around
the edge (such as (]' bonds to the bordering H atoms)
will in large part cancel out when we subtract 00 from
O+n to construct the quantity
Let us now look at the electrostatic energy contribu
tion to r n,O. It is convenient to use units such that
47rEo= e= 1. If the total electron density at any point r,
when the molecule is in the +n ionized state, is P+n(r)
and the nuclei are fixed at the positions r i (their
zero-point vibrations are unimportant in this context),
the potential energy of the system is
U -~ qiqj ~ jP+n(r)d3r +n-L.... ~-L....qi
. "-<·2r·· . 1 r-r'l t,J7"'"""'i. tJ t t
+(1_~1_) ({P+n(r)P+n(r')d3rd3r'
M-n JJ 21 r-r' 1 +l+n, (15) where M is the total number of electrons in the neutral
molecule, and 1 +n is a correlation term which com
pensates for the use of the product of densities P+n(r)
P+n(r') in the double integral instead of the correct
correlated double density per, r').
We can define the quantity
which obeys the condition
nS+n(r) is the distribution of electron holes, by com
parison with the neutral molecule. Subtracting Uo
from U +n, we find
=njs+n(r)[ ~ 1 r~iri 1-( 1-M~JjPlo~~:,r;}3r
n ({po(r) po(r')d3raar'
M(M-n)}} 21 r-r' I
+ 2(1-_-.!_~_)lyS+n (r) S+n (r') d3rd3r' ( _ ) n M 21' 1 + l+n 10• ~-n r-r
In the limit of large N the first term in (18) becomes
the potential energy contribution to the work function,
Uv, the second vanishes as M-!, and the third gives
the classical capacitive energy. The correlation term
(l+n-10) may also contribute to Uv and to the double
integral that becomes the capacitive energy. However,
its contribution to the latter integral is tantamount to a
correlation of the holes represented by the distribution
S+n(r), and must become insignificant as the density
of holes diminishes with the increase in N.
For any ionized system, small or large, a capacitive
energy can be defined by the third term in (18), that is,
by inserting the distribution of holes nS+n(r) in the
classical integral for the electrostatic energy of the sys
tem. This will make it possible to compare the results
of quantum mechanical calculations with the simple
classical limit, n2u=n2(e2j2C). Obviously, the distri
bution of holes S+n will tend to become independent of
n and will closely approach the classical distribution
of charge, in order to minimize the total energy of the
B. The Ionization Potential as a Power Series
The character of the limiting law can be seen more
clearly if one expands W +n in negative powers of the
average molecular radius R. In the limit, u is inversely
proportional to R, and it is convenient to introduce a
quantity that depends only nn the shape S of the
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mol("cule or particle and can be computed classically:
gs= lim (Ru) = lim (Re2/2C). (19)
R-+oo R-+co
Since the work function v is defined by the limit (12),
it may be necessary to include in the effective work
function (as it appears in Eq. (5), for instance) an
R-l term involving another, possibly shape dependent,
parameter as. Such a term represents, among other
things, the second term on the right of Eq. (18). With
these terms, the expansion is
W+n(R, S) =n(v+asR-l)+n2R-lgs
+R-2hs(n)+ .. ·. (20) motion of the electrons parallel to the plane of the
molecule as an isolated problem. (In the perpendicular
direction, all 'II' orbitals have the same structure, so the
electrons behave as two-dimensional conduction elec
trons only.) The energy levels in a two-dimensional
box of area A are
where U is measured from the bottom of the box,
-Eo. The highest filled level is the Fermi level nF,
with energy U F, and the total number of filled levels,
with U ~ U F, is roughly 'II'nF2. Each level can ac
commodate 2 electrons, so the total number of 'II' elec
trons is related to nF and U F by
(25) The form of the terms of order through R-l is such as to
satisfy Eq. (12) and the requirements of classical
electrostatics when R is large but finite. and
Using this expansion Eqs. (5)-(7) become (26)
vnm= v+asR-l+R-2(m-n)-1[(m/n) hs(n) In graphite, N,,=N and
-(n/m)hs(m)]-··, (21) A =agrN = (i)v3"re2N, (27)
Unm= R-lgS+ R-2(n-m)-1[n-1hs(n) -m-1hs(m)]- . " where agr is the area per C atom in a graphite layer and
(22) ro= 1.42A is the C-C distance, so
+R-lg S+R-2n-2hs(n) .. ·. (23) and we can make the identification
As we have seen, the difference (v-vgr) is probably
negligible (<<0.1); and it appears from the close
convergence of the values of Uno for each of the mole
cules in Table I that I as I is probably very small
compared to gs, so that the entire first term in Eq. (23)
can usually be neglected.
In practice, one would like to use the first terms of
Eq. (20) not merely as a limiting law, but to estimate
ionization potentials of real, not very large, molecules.
For this purpose it is desirable to have some idea,
even if very rough, of the principal sources of deviation
from the ideal limiting classical model. The next sub
sections are devoted to this question.
C. Kinetic Energy
It has so far been assumed implicitly that the
kinetic energy contribution to the ionization potential
W +n is assignable to the work function v. In order to
verify this and assess possible corrections, it is useful to
assume that the kinetic energy of the 'II' electrons that
participate in the ionization behaves much like the
kinetic energy of particles in a box. This permits us to
use the simple considerations of the free electron theory
of metals.
If one treats the molecule as a fragment of graphite
-containing N aromatic carbon atoms and N 11' conduc
tion electrons, and neglects edge effects and the
periodicity of the lattice, the separation of variables
in the dynamical problem allows one to examine the (29)
In the aromatic ions, the number of 'II' electrons,
N ... =N-n, (30)
is not very large, and the Fermi level shifts as electrons
are added or removed. The work of removing an elec
tron from the (+n-l) ion is then
Wn,n-l= Eo-UF,n-l= Eo-e/1-[(n-l)/NJ}
=vgr+(n-l)eN-l. (31)
Including the capacitive term, the nfold ionization
potential becomes
The kinetic energy thus contributes a correction varying
as N-l or R-2 to both the effective work function and
the effective specific potential. The magnitude of this
correction is not reliably estimated by this simple
argument (a more sophisticated metallic model would
introduce the band structure and a corrected effective
mass for the electron, changing the magnitude of e),
but taken at face value it would amount to about 0.3 ev
for anthracene and phenanthrene. In this simple model,
the pairing of the electrons in an orbital has been
neglected insofar as it would introduce a correction of
similar magnitude, alternating as n is even or odd.
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Another effect of the kinetic energy term is revealed
by this picture of the electron as a free particle in a box.
Conditions at the edge of the molecule may give the
electron an effective area for free motion different from
that corresponding to N graphitic unit cells. Introducing
the area A+oA in place of A = Nagr in Eq. (26), one
+n2( u+ 2~ A :OA). (33)
As an edge effect, the term ilA/(A+oA) varies as
R:-1, and diminishes slowly with size. However, it is
expected to be very small, since any pronounced
redistribution of electrons to or from the edge will lead
to a charge separation opposed by the electrostatic
forces, which tend to maintain charge neutrality in
each unit cell in the neutral molecule and the classical
capacitive distribution in the ion.
This discussion suggests a general observation. It is
often assumed, on the basis of Koopman's theorem, that
ionization potentials and electronic excitation levels are
linearly related. However, electronically excited mole
cules are still electrically neutral, and probably main
tain charge neutrality very closely in each unit cell.
Thus, the levels of electronic excitation can be thought
of as involving mainly changes in the kinetic energy
of the electrons; this would make the success of the
free electron model in its various forms understandable.
If this is the case, the electronic spectrum should tend
to vary as R:-2 with increase in molecular size, while
we have seen that the ionization potential depends
mainly on the capacitive energy which varies as R:-l,
D. Polarization
In the customary phenomenological discussion of the
work function, it is pointed out that the electron, once
it has been removed to a finite distance from the solid,
exerts a polarizing influence on the conducting surface.
This interaction is included in the work function, but
its magnitude will depend on the size and shape of the
particle, and it is worthwhile to estimate how it changes.
For an ideal semi-infinite plane conductor, the inter
action can be treated as being due to an image force
which varies as -ell/161rEo.r, where x is the distance
from electron to surface. This corresponds to an effec
tive potential energy -ell/161rEoX. When x is as small as
atomic dimensions, the surface no longer appears as an
ideal plane conductor; this is usually treated by
assuming a cutoff in this image potential at some'
distance Xo. The work function then includes a term
of the form -vi=e2/167rEoXo.
When the molecule to be ionized is not very large,
the image force is reduced, and an estimate of the
magnitude of the resulting change in the effective image potential can be obtained in the case of a spherical
particle of radius R, for which the image force is
Fi,R= -(e2/167rEo) (x-2-(x+2R)-2). (34)
This can be derived from the effective image potential
This will have a cutoff at the same distance Xo, and the
work function then has a term
-Vi,R(XO) =e2/161r1;oXo-e2/161rEo(xo+2R). (36)
The effective work function for a sphere is therefore
reduced below what it is for the semi-infinite solid:
AVi=ell/167reo(xo+2R) = (ell/8C) (1+xo/2R)-l, (37)
It is not quite clear how the computation should be
made for a nonspherical molecule, since the cutoff
distance Xo will then have to depend on the path the
electron is supposed to follow, However, we can ignore
Xo in (37) and assume the correction in general to be
represented roughly by e2/SC=u/4. Adding this to the
principal terms in the effective work function from
Eq. (33), we have
v=vgr+[(EOA/ A) -(u/4) J-(E/2N). (38)
The terms in parentheses are grouped together because
they fall off as R-l. The experimental data in Table I
suggest that the polarization effect has been con
siderably exaggerated by this argument, and that if it
exists it is much smaller than u/4.
E. The Classical Capacitance
The classical capacitances used in Tables II and III
were obtained from metallic models which assumed the
capacitive charge distribution to reside inside the
carbon skeleton of the molecule. As Eq. (IS) shows, the
capacitive energy properly is computed from a dis
tribution of holes in an electron cloud that may extend
somewhat beyond the framework of the nuclei. Thus the
capacitive energies were overestimated, and the error is
worst for the smallest molecules; this is borne out by
Table II. To correct for this error, the classical estimate
Ucl can be multiplied by (1+or/R)-l. Including the
term from Eq, (33), the effective specific potential is
U=ucl(1+or/ R)-1+Ej2N =ucl+[(e/2N) -Ucl(or/ R) ]
+ucI(or/R)2.... (39)
In the limit, all the correction terms vanish faster than
Ucl itself.
The requirement that the electron distribution lead to
approximate charge neutrality in the region of each
nucleus in the neutral molecule suggests an alternative
simple model for the electrical behavior. Let us suppose
that the molecule is simply cut from a sheet of graphite
in such a way as to bisect all the exterior C-C bonds,
leaving each nucleus surrounded by a triangular unit
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cell throughout which the electrons are free to move.
Metallic models constructed for this configuration
would give another classical estimate for the capacitive
energy. Benzene and coronene are then embedded in
hexagonal figures, for which the capacitive energies are
uci'=4.76 ev (benzene), uci'=2.38 ev (coronene).
Alternatively, one may use Eq. (39), assuming or=
0.71A, half the C-C distance, and taking R as the
geometric mean of the longest and shortest diameters
of the molecular skeleton. The values of uct" in Table II
were obtained in this way, with the addition of the
term ej2N (which varies from 0.76 ev for benzene to
0.19 ev for coronene).
It is interesting to compare the quantal distribution
of holes S+n(r) with the classical distribution in an
ideal conductor. If the conductor is a circular disk,
the classical distribution is well known,13
Near the center of the disk, the charge density is half
of what it is in a uniform distribution. Quantally, the
infinity at the edge will be reduced to a high peak near
the edge, and a gradual tail will remain beyond the
classical edge.
F. Discussion
In a properly rigorous treatment, the argument of the
last three subsections would have been based on Eq.
(18) and its analog for the kinetic energy. However,
such a line of argument could not have been pursued
very far without introducing drastic approximations,
and it seemed more fruitful at the beginning to use very
simple intuitive arguments, realizing that they should be
superseded later and may be wrong at some points.
The modern structure of molecular orbital theory
has been quite successful in predicting some single and
double ionization potentials,9.14 and it is clear that a
bridge should eventually be built between that ap
proach and the one of this paper.
Among the points that have been neglected in this
paper are spin dependent effects, which are of some
importance in the smaller aromatics because the spin
multiplicity changes from level to level of ionization.
Also, the change in nuclear equilibrium positions has
been ignored, on the double grounds that it rapidly
becomes small for the larger molecules, and that we are
usually confronted experimentally with "vertical"
ionization potentials, in which the nuclei have not had
time to move toward a new equilibrium position.
It hardly need be said that many of the considera
tions in this paper apply to other large systems of con
jugated double bonds as well as to the fused-ring
aromatics. It will be interesting, for instance, when the
13 J. H. Jeans, Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Mag
netism (Cambridge University Press, 1925), 5th ed., p. 249.
14 R. M. Hedges and F. A. Matsen, J. Chern. Phys. 28, 950
(1958) . potentials for single and double ionization of other such
systems become known, to compute the effective work
function and specific potential from them, and see how
the former compares with the work function of graphite.
It may also be possible to estimate their molecular
capacitances by classical metallic models judiciously
designed. It has also been suggested to me recently by
Professor D. F. Hornig that the same principles may
apply to the ionization of large aliphatic systems, where
the electron may be removed from the aggregate of
(J electrons of the molecular skeleton; in this case, the
effective work function will be quite different from that
for 7r electrons.
An Analog Estimate of Molecular Capacitances
Formulas are known for the capacitance of con
ducting objects of various simple shapes including
circular and elliptic disks, and they can be used for a
classical estimate of the capacitance of symmetrical
molecules like coronene. For less regular shapes nu
merical methods would be tedious, and it is possible
instead to make use of the fact that capacitances scale
in proportion to a linear dimension for objects of
similar shape and can be measured readily for models of
reasonable size. We have therefore been able to use
metallic models composed of hexagonal disks to
simulate the conducting region within the C-C
skeleton of polynuclear aromatic molecules. Chemical
syntheses can be performed rapidly with a soldering
iron, and capacitances measured with a Q-meter do the
duty of appearance potentials in a mass spectrometer.
The models were made of hexagons, 3 in. on an edge,
cut from brass sheet (the models of benzene, naph
thalene, and anthracene were bigger, 5.635 in. on an
edge). A wire running in the plane of the model and
from an extremity of it connected it to the Q-meter.
The wire was 73 in. long, 0.01264 in. in diameter.
Measurements were made in the open, away from
conductors and dielectrics; the model lay on a polyfoam
support, 3 ft from the nearest wood and 6 ft from the
ground. The frequency used was about 50 kc; capaci
tance was measured by comparison with a known
impedance. The capacitance of the wire alone was
Cw= 12.1 /L/Lf, and that of the model plus wire, Cmw•
Since the capacitance of the model Cm was of about the
same magnitude as that of the wire, and the charge on
each influenced the other, the capacitance of the model
could not be computed simply by subtraction, Cm~
Cmw-Cw, but an approximate correction was used
which will now be derived.
Consider a sphere S of radius rs and a wire W of
length hw running normal to it, both charged to a
potential V'. In this condition, the total charge on the
sphere is Qs', and the charge on an element dx of the
wire is qw'(x)dx, where x is measured from the center of
the sphere. Compare this with the situation where the
wire has been removed, the sphere is again charged
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to the potential Va" = V' with a charge Q.", and the
potential along the path of the wire is V w" (x) = V'r./x,
while qw" (x) =0 everywhere on this path. The dis
tributions of potential and charge in these two situa
tions are connected by Green's reciprocation theorem,
Lq/'V/= Lq/V/', (At)
i i so
Q."V' Q.'V'+ V'rs x-1q'w(x)dx.
r. (A2)
Since When the model is not a sphere, a further approxi
mation is required. The potential which is used in the
integrand in Eq. (A2) should now contain higher terms
of a multipole expansion, but these fall off rapidly with
distance and can be ignored, and the leading term in
the expansion is taken to be the potential which would
be created by a sphere with the same capacitance as
that of the model, Cm. Since C.=47rEors= Cm, and the
wire begins at a distance rm from the electrical center of
the model, we now have instead of (A7)
Cm= Cmw-Cw+ (CmCw/41rEohw) In (1 +hw/r m). (AS)
(A3) This was used to compute the capacitance of the
model Cm from the measured Crow and Cw in the form
one finds
Cm=[1-(Cw/47r€ohw) In(1+hw/r m)]-l(C mw-Cw). j,.+hw
Qa"=Qsw'- (1-r./x)qw'(x)dx. (A4) (A9)
Far from the sphere the charge distribution on the wire
approaches constancy, qw'(x)-+qwO, and if end effects
are neglected this constant value is related to the
capacitance of the isolated wire by
If one substitutes qwO for qw'(x) in the integral in Eq.
(A4) , the error that is introduced at small values of x
will be diminished by the factor (1-rsl x). With this
approximation, we have
The capacitance of the sphere is Cs=Q." IV' and that
of sphere plus wire is Csw=Qsw'IV', so For a symmetrical molecule, the electrical center is at
the center of symmetry, and rm was measured from
there to the point of attachment of the wire. Where
there was no center of symmetry, the effective center
of mass was estimated by eye, and rm measured from
Measurements on a sphere, a circle, and an elliptic
disk, for which the capacitance could be computed
exactly, gave agreement within ±3%. Results for the
molecular models should be reliable to better than
±S%. Reduced to molecular dimensions, these results
are tabulated as the quantity Uo= e2/2Co in Table III.
I am grateful to Dr. Robert L. Tanner for help with
the capacitance measurements and advice about the
correction required, and to John A. Briski for making
the models and the measurements.
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1.1734118.pdf | Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Irradiated Glasses Containing Boron
Sook Lee and P. J. Bray
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 39, 2863 (1963); doi: 10.1063/1.1734118
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1734118
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:43:03THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 39, NUMBER 11 1 DECEMBER 1963
Electron Spin Resonance Studies of Irradiated Glasses Containing Boron*
Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
(Received 12 July 1963)
Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra have been observed for various types of alkali borate and boro
silicate glasses which were exposed to -y-ray or thermal neutron irradiations. The irradiated alkali borate
glasses (LhO-B 203, Na20-B203, K20-B203, Rb20-B20a, and Cs20-B20a) containing less than 25 mole %
alkali oxide exhibit spectra consisting of five peaks in the resonance absorption curve at an operating micro
wave frequency in the vicinity of 9.2 kMc/sec. The same five-line resonance has also been observed in
the irradiated borosilicate glasses (Corning 7070, 7740, and 7720). Investigations of the irradiated glasses
by means of a K-band ESR spectrometer operating at approximately 23.3 kMc/sec have yielded spectra
which are partially resolved into six lines. Alkali borate glasses isotopically enriched with BlO display a 10-line
resonance at the X-band frequency when irradiated with l' rays or neutrons. It is concluded that the five
and six-line resonances arise from an axially symmetric hyperfine interaction of a hole with a BlI nucleus,
while the 10-line structure arises from such a hyper fine interaction with a BlO nucleus. The atom containing
this BlI or BIO nucleus is believed to be in a B04 tetrahedral configuration in the glass structure.
ELECTRON spin resonance (ESR) studies of defect
centers in irradiated glasses containing boron were
first reported by Yasaitis and Smaller.! They observed
an ESR spectrum consisting of four lines in irradiated
borosilicate glasses at an operating frequency of 375
Mc/sec. This four-line structure was attributed to a
hy-perfine interaction with a Bll nucleus. No detailed
experimental results and analysis of the structure have
been reported.
The authors of the present paper have previously
reported2 that irradiated alkali borosilicate glasses simi
lar to the glasses investigated by Yasaitis and Smaller
display ESR spectra which are partially resolved into
five absorption lines at X-band frequencies. The same
five-line structure has also been observed by the au
thors in irradiated alkali borate glasses containing less
than approximately 25 mole % alkali oxide.2,3 This
report is concerned with detailed analyses of the five
line structure observed in the irradiated alkali borate
and borosilicate glasses. It will be shown that the
five-line resonance can be explained satisfactorily as
arising from an axially symmetric hyperfine interaction
with the Bll nucleus. The atom containing this nucleus
is believed to be the boron atom which is at the center
of a B04 tetrahedral configuration in the glass struc
ture. An appropriate spin Hamiltonian has been found
for the center giving rise to the five-line structure.
The apparatus used in this investigation was a Varian
Model V-4S00 spectrometer operating at a microwave
* Research supported by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
under Contract AT (30-1)-2024.
t Based on work performed by Sook Lee in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at
Brown University.
1 E. L. Yasaitis and B. Smaller, Phys. Rev. 92, 1068 (1953).
2 S. Lee and P. J. Bray, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 6, 246 (1961).
3 S. Lee and P. J. Bray, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 7, 306 (1962). frequency near 9.2 kMc/sec with 100 kc/sec field modu
lation. The spectrometer provides a recorder tracing of
the first derivative of the resonance absorption curve.
Measurements at K-band microwave frequency were
made elsewhere.4 Unless specified in the figures, the
ESR data presented in this paper were obtained with
the X-band ESR spectrometer at room temperature;
measurement at liquid-nitrogen temperature yielded
the same data obtained at room temperature.
Samples of alkali borate glasses (Li20-B203, Na20-
B203, K20-B203, Rb20-B20a, and Cs20-B20a) were pre
pared in this laboratory using the methods reported
previously.5,6 More details of these methods can be
found in Ref. 7. Borosilicate glasses-Corning 7070,
7740 (Pyrex), and 7720 (Nonex)-were obtained com
mercially. The samples were irradiated with C060'Y rays
(lXlOLIX108 R), or in the reactor at the Brookhaven
National Laboratory for thermal neutron doses rang
ing from 1017 to 1019 n/cm2• All of the irradiations were
carried out at ambient temperatures near room tem
The 'Y-or neutron-irradiated alkali borate glasses
containing less than approximately 25 mole % alkali
oxide exhibit ESR spectra which are partially resolved
into five major absorption lines. The first-derivative
curve of the spectra is displayed in Fig. 1 (a). The
derivative peaks denoted by P2, Pa, P4, and P6 are
approximately equally spaced with an average spacing
of 14.0±0.5 G, and the g value at the center of these
four peaks was measured to be 2.0024±0.OO06. The
separation between the derivative peaks Pl and P6 is
61.0±0.5 G. (The basis for the choice of derivative
peaks to be labeled by PI, P2, •• ·P6 in Fig. lea)
becomes clear later in this paper.) In addition to the
4 MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, Massachusetts.
6 A. H. Silver and P. J. Bray, J. Chern. Phys. 29, 984 (1958).
6 P. J. Bray and J. G. O'Keefe, Phys. Chern. Glasses 4, 37
(1963) .
7 S. Lee, Ph.D. thesis, Brown University, 1963.
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:43:032864 S. LEE AND P. J. BRAY
(b) Ff
-oj. ~ 61 GAUSS--1
II--f V
FIG. 1. The ESR spectrum obtained for a 'Y-ray irradiated
(1X108 R) sodium borate glass of molar composition 15% Na20-
85% B,O. (a.) before and (b) after thermal treatment at 250°C
for 10 min.
10 derivative peaks of the five-line resonance, the ob
served spectrum appears to display another broad de
rivative peak on the low-magnetic-field side. This addi
tional broad peak will be denoted by PB• Since the
additional derivative peak is very broad, the exact
location of this peak in the magnetic field cannot be
determined; however, it is located in the vicinity of
Figure 1 (b) shows the ESR spectrum obtained after
heat treatment of the samples at 250°C for approxi
mately 10 min. The five-line structure has been re
moved completely; the resultant spectrum has no
resolved structure and its line shape indicates an
anisotropic resonance. [It should be noted that the
intensity gain of the spectrometer for the structureless,
anisotropic resonance shown in Fig. 1 (b) was approxi
mately five times larger than that for Fig. 1(a).] The
g value of this latter resonance, measured at the point
where the derivative curve crosses the horizontal base
line, is 2.0095±0.OO08, and the linewidth (taken to
be the separation between the positive and negative
extremum points in the derivative curve) is approxi
mately 14 G. The thermal annealing experiments were
also performed at 100°, 150°, and 200°C for a period
up to one hour; however, these heat treatments were
not sufficient to remove completely the five-line struc
It was difficult to investigate in detail the response
of the broad derivative peak PB to thermal treatment
of the samples, since the location of this peak (g value)
is approximately the same as that of the peak PI of
the structureless, anisotropic resonance. However, it
appeared that the broad peak PE was removed in the
thermal annealing experiments in which the five-line
structure was destroyed completely. (The derivative peak PB has been observed in all of the irradiated
glasses investigated at X-band frequency in this ex
periment, and its g value and response to heat treat
ment were found7 to be nearly the same as described
Detailed investigations of the five-line resonance
were made as a function of the type and concentration
of alkali oxide. These investigations were made on
the samples which received a ')I-ray irradiation of 1 X 108
R. The locations of the derivative peaks (in the mag
netic field) of the five-line spectrum shown in Fig. 1(a)
are independent of the kind of alkali oxide incorporated
in the alkali borate glasses. It was also noted that the
intensity of the five-line resonance tends to increase
as the alkali oxide concentration increases. That is,
the sample containing about five mole % alkali oxide
exhibits spectra consisting of both the five-line and
the structureless resonance which are superimposed on
one another (Fig. 2); however, when the alkali oxide
concentration becomes higher than approximately 10
mole %, the five-line resonance becomes so intense
that the structureless resonance can hardly be recog
In connection with the above experiment, irradiated
"pure" B20a glasses have also been investigated. The
B203 glass which received a /,-ray dose of 1 X 108 R also
displays the spectrum exhibiting the five-line structure
observed in the irradiated alkali borate glasses [Fig.
1 (a)]. However, the intensity of the five-line spectrum
in the B203 glass is very roughly 20 times less than
that of the five-line resonance in the alkali borate
glasses containing 15 mole % alkali oxide. When the
B203 glass received heat treatment at 250°C for about
10 min, the five-line resonance was destroyed com
pletely; the resultant spectrum displayed the struc
tureless, anisotropic resonance observed in the irradi
ated alkali borate glasses after similar heat treatment
[Fig. 1 (b)].
Figure 3(a) displays a typical ESR trace obtained
from the /'-or neutron-irradiated borosilicate glasses.
The spectrum consists of a five-line structure simi
lar to that observed in the alkali borate glasses, and
in addition contains a"sharp, intense line which is
superimposed on one of the five lines. (No such
additional intense line appeared in the spectra ob
served in the borosilicate glasses which were irradi
ated with 40-kV x rays for up to 200 h, or which
received a /,-ray dose less than 5X 106 R.) The posi-
If-61 GAUSS ---lI
FIG. 2. The ESR spectrum observed for a 'Y-ray irradiated
(1 X 108 R) sodium borate glass of composition 5% Na,O-95%
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 19:43:03PAR A MAG NET I C RES 0 NAN CEO FIR R A D I ATE D G LAS S E S 2865
tions of the derivative peaks of the five-line structure
are the same as those of the five-line structure obtained
in the irradiated alkali borate glasses.
Thermal annealing at 250°C for about 15 min was
sufficient to remove the five-line resonance observed
in the irradiated borosilicate glasses, leaving the sharp,
intense line and an anisotropic resonance without re
solved structure [Fig. 3(b)]. [The intensity gain of
the spectrometer for Fig. 3(b) is ten times larger than
that for Fig. 3(a).J The g value, linewidth, and line
shape of the latter resonance are the same as those
of the structureless resonance observed in the alkali
borate glasses after heat treatment [Fig. 1 (b)].
(b) H
I ~ 61 GAUSS -iI
FIG. 3. The five-line spectrum observed for a Corning 7740
(Pyrex) borosilicate glass (a) before and (b) after thermal
treatment at 250°C for 15 min.
A microwave power-saturation experiment was per
formed on the five-line resonance observed in both
the irradiated alkali borate and borosilicate glasses.
All the peaks in the derivative curve of the five-line
resonance have the same response to the increase of
the microwave power level. Two other observations
also suggest a common origin of the five lines; the
growth rate with irradiation dose is the same for each
of the peaks in the derivative curve; all of the peaks
decrease at the same rate when the spectrum is held
at 250°C.
The irradiated alkali borate glasses were also in
vestigated by means of a K-band ESR spectrometer
operating at a microwave frequency in the vicinity of
23.3 kMc/sec. This investigation showed that the ir
radiated glasses which display the five-line structure
at X-band frequency exhibit a spectrum consisting of
six major absorption lines at K-band. The first-deriva
tive curve of this spectrum is shown in Fig. 4. The FIG. 4. The six-line ESR
spectrum obtained at a
K-band frequency of 23.3
kMc/sec for a sodium bo
rate glass of .composition ----
15% Na20-85% B20,. This -J:4
sample has received a ')'-ray
irradiation of 1 X 108 R. ~ 83 GAUSS -of
If Il
derivative peaks denoted by P3, P4, Po, and Ps are
nearly equally spaced with an average spacing of 14± 1
G, and the g value measured at the center of these
four peaks is 2.0026±0.0009. The separation between
the derivative peaks PI and P2 is 17±1 G.
In order to investigate the role played by the boron
nucleus in the observed five-line structure, alkali bo
rate glasses were isotopically enriched with Blo. This
was done by using boric acidS in which about 96% of
the boron nuclei are BIO. Investigations of these glasses
irradiated with "Y rays or neutrons have yielded an
entirely new type of spectrum. The spectrum obtained
at liquid-nitrogen temperature with the X-band ESR
spectrometer consists of 10 absorption lines with a
resolution poorer than that for the five-line structure
observed in the normal (nonenriched) glasses. Figure
5 shows the first-derivative curve of this lO-line reso
nance. (The magnetic-field-scanning rate used in ob
taining this spectrum was 2.5 times slower than that
used for Figs. 1, 2, and 3.) The seven derivative peaks
from P4 to PIO are nearly equally spaced with an
average spacing of 4.8±0.s G; the peak P7, which is
at the center of these seven peaks, has a g value of
2.0027±0.0008. The separation of approximately 5.5
G between the peaks PI and P2 is nearly the same as
that between peaks P2 and P3• In addition to the
derivative peaks of the lO-line resonance, the broad
derivative peak PB was also observed at the low
magnetic-field side of the spectrum.
Investigation of the BID-enriched sample at room
temperature yielded the same type of resonance, ex
cept that the resolution of the spectrum became so
poor that it was difficult to recognize all of the 10
lines. After heat treatment of the samples at 250°C
for 10 min, the lO-line structure disappeared com
pletely, and there remained a structureless, anisotropic
~ 4S GAUSS -----iI
'is 'r ~ ~ I I I
FIG. 5. The 10-line resonance obtained for a ')'-ray irradiated
(1 X 10' R) sodium borate glass enriched in the B'0 isotope. The
composition of this sample is 15% Na20-85% B203•
8 The boric acid enriched with BIO was prepared by the Oak
Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge. Tennessee.
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resonance. The line shape, g value, and linewidth of
the latter resonance are the same as those of the struc
tureless resonance observed in the normal alkali bo
rate glasses after the same heat treatment.
For the purpose of investigating effects of water on
the observed five-line spectra, some alkali borate glasses
were deuterated.7 The ESR spectra obtained from the
deuterated samples after a 'Y-ray irradiation were found
to be the same as those obtained from the normal
(nondeuterated) samples (Fig. 1).
The following facts suggest that the five lines ob
served in the irradiated glasses may arise from only
one type of paramagnetic center: (1) All of the peaks
in the derivative curve of the five-line resonance have
the same response in the thermal-annealing and micro
wave-power-saturation experiments: (2) The growth
rate for each of the derivative peaks is the same with
respect to the irradiation dose. It is then reasonable
to assume that the five partially resolved lines in the
resonance spectra arise from a hyperfine interaction
in the irradiated glasses.
If a hyperfine interaction takes place with the nu
cleus of an alkali ion in the glass, the resultant hyper
fine structure should be dependent on the kind of
alkali oxide incorporated. The basis for this is the fact
that the spins and magnetic moments associated with
the nuclei of the alkali ions arc not the same. Experi
mentally, the five-line structure is independent of the
type of alkali oxide incorporated into the alkali borate
glass. In addition, the samples enriched with the BIO
isotope did not show the five-line structure, although
these samples were made from the same batch of alkali
oxide chemical used in the normal samples. It can be
seen, then, that the alkali ions or impurities present
in the alkali oxide are not responsible for the five-line
It appears unlikely that impurities which may be
introduced into the glasses along with boron oxide are
the primary source for the five-line resonance. If such
impurities give rise to the observed five-line structure,
the resonance intensity of this structure would prob
ably decrease as the alkali oxide content increases and
the boron oxide content correspondingly decreases.
However, the experimental results show that the in
tensity of the five-line resonance tends to increase
rather than decrease as the alkali oxide content in
If hydrogens, which are believed to be present in
the glasses, are responsible for a part or all of the
five-line resonance, the deuterated samples would dis
play ESR spectra which differ from those observed
in the normal glasses. Experimentally, the deuterated
alkali borate glasses exhibit the same type of five-line
resonance observed in the normal samples. It appears
quite unlikely that the five-line resonance has any direct connection with the presence .of water in the
irradiated alkali borate glasses.
The arguments presented in the preceding para
graphs lead one to consider the following possibilities:
The nucleus which is responsible for the observed five
line hyperfine structure is either Bll with a spin 1 of
t Bill with a spin 1=3, or 017 with 1=!. The natural
abundances of BIl, BlO, and 017 arc 81.17, 18.83, and
3.7X10~2 at. %, respectively. However, the possibility
that 017 is responsible for the spectrum can be ruled
out by the fact that the alkali borate glasses enriched
with the BIO isotope exhibit a spectrum entirely differ
ent from the five-line resonance. If the 017 is responsi
ble for the five-line resonance, the same structure
should be observed regardless of the type of boron
nucleus. It is then concluded that the five-line reso
nance observed in the normal glasses arises from a
hyperfine interaction with the WI nuclei, while the
lO-line resonance observed in the glasses enriched with
the BIO isotope arises from a hyper fine interaction with
the BlO nuclei.
The structure of alkali borate glasses has been stud
ied extensively by means of nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR)5.6 and other techniques.9 It is believed that
an alkali borate glass is composed of triangular BOa
and tetrahedral B04 units connected by the sharing
of oxygen atoms. (The alkali ions reside near B04 units
in the boron~oxygen network as positively charged
ions.6•g) The fraction of boron atoms contained in B04
tetrahedral units in the alkali borate glasses has been
shown to increase as the alkali oxide content increases
up to approximately 40 mole %.6 The experimental
result that the (ESR) intensity of the five-line struc
ture tends to increase as the alkali oxide concentration
increases suggests that the Bll nucleus responsible for
the five-line structure is the one which is at the center
of a B04 tetrahedral configuration in the glass struc
As for the five-line structure observed in the irradi
ated borosilicate glasses, the following facts should be
noted: (1) irradiated alkali silicate glasses containing
no boron atoms do not exhibit any resolved hyperfine
structure/'lO (2) NMR investigations have shown that
the borosilicate glasses also contain some B04 tetra
hedral units,5 and (3) the five-line structure observed
in the borosilicate glasses is the same as that produced
in the alkali borate glasses. These facts suggest that
the five-line structure observed in the borosilicate
glasses also arises from a hyperfine interaction with
the Bll nucleus which is at the center of a B04 tetra
hedral configuration.
The remainder of this section is devoted to detailed
studies of the boron center which gives rise to the
observed five-line hyperfine structure. In these studies
9]. Biscoe and B. E. Warren, ]. Am. Ceram. Soc. 21, 287
(1938) .
10 ]. S. van Wieringcn and ;\. Kals, Philips Res. Rcpt. 12, 432
(1957) .
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the possibility of a quadrupole interaction in the boron
center will be neglected in view of the following con
siderations. (1) According to the NMR studies," the
electric-field gradient at the site of the nucleus of a
four-coordinated boron atom in the alkali borate glasses
is very small. Consequently, the quadrupole interac
tion would be very weak, although the Bll and BIO
nuclei have a substantial quadrupole moment. (2) The
ESR spectra observed for the irradiated glasses in this
experiment show no definite indication of quadrupolar
effects. Thus it appears to be reasonable to neglect
the quadrupole interaction in order to simplify the
analysis of the observed hyperfine structures. The di
rect interaction between the nuclear spin and the ex
ternal magnetic field can also be neglected in this case.
A. Influence of Crystalline Fields
If the crystalline electric field experienced by the
boron center were spherically symmetric, the resultant
hyperfine structure would consist of four equally spaced
lines of equal intensity.ll It is therefore highly improb
able that the boron center responsible for the observed
five-line structure experiences a spherically symmetric
crystalline field.
If the crystalline-field symmetry is axial, one can
A =K., B=K",=K y, (1)
where (gx, gy, g.) and (Ke., Ky, K.) are the principal
values of the g and hyperfine tensor, respectively, and
the symmetry axis is taken to be the z direction. The
first-order hyperfine resonance condition in single crys
tals is given by12
Il = (1/ g(3) (hvo-KM) = (hvo/{3) (g1l2 cos28+g.L2 sin28)-i
-(M/{3) (A2g112 cos28+B2g.L2 sin28)!
X (g1l2 cos28+g.L2 sin20)-r, (2)
where K is the hyperfine splitting constant, M is the
magnetic quantum number of the nuclear spin I, and
8 is the angle between the symmetry axis and the
direction of the applied magnetic field. In this equa
tion it is assumed that the principal axes are the same
for both the g and hyperfine tensors. The signs of the
components, gil and g.L, of the g tensor are always
taken to be positive, while the components A and B
of the hyperfine tensor may have either sign. How
ever, the absolute sign of A and B cannot be deter
mined from the experimental ESR data when the
hyperfine resonance condition is given by Eq. (2).
Only I A I and I B I can be found experimentally.
In the case of a glassy or powdered substance, 0
II See, for example, D. J. E. Ingram, Free Radicals as Studied
by Electron Spin Resonance (Butterworths Scientific Publica
tions, Ltd., London, 1958).
12 B. Bleaney, Phil. Mag. 42,441 (1951). ~.--- A H( I)
H , ,iL OJ' i ~ ~ , f ~ ~ I + + ,
~ 1§ ~ ~ :::: ::::
~ ~ ~
H; ~
FIG. 6. The theoretical hYFerfine structure in glass for the case
of I=i!, I:II>I:~, and 1 A I> B 1>0.
takes random values, and the hyperfine structure will
be the envelope of the properly weighted spectra ob
tained in single crystals at all possible orientations.
According to the theoretical calculations,13.14 the hyper
fine structure in glass consists of two sets of 21+1
equally spaced peaks, as illustrated in Fig. 6 for the
case oU =!, gil> g.l., and I A I > I B I >0. (The "shoul
ders" or "wings" at HI1(M) are also called peaks.)
The locations of the peaks in the magnetic field are
given by
IlII(M) = (/Zru/gll(3) (M I A l/gll(3), (0=0); (3a)
H.L(M) = (hvo/g.L{3)-(M iB l/g.L(3), (o=i1r). (3b)
The spacing of one set of 21+1 equally spaced peaks
is given by I A I / gll{3, and that of the other set of
21+1 equally spaced peaks by I B l/g.L{3.
If one denotes Ilil 0 and H.L 0 as the centers of the
21+1 equally spaced peaks of IlI1(M) and H.L(M),
respectively, the separation between III I 0 and H.L 0
llHo is given by
AHo ° 0 hvo( 1 1 ) 4.l =IlJ.. -HII =----.
(3 g.L gil (4)
This expression indicates that llIlo is linearly propor
tional to the operating frequency Vo. On the other hand,
the spacing between the 21+1 peaks, I A I / gll(3 and I B I / g.L(3, is independent of vo. Furthermore, if the
spacing [Il.L(M=-I)-H11(M +I)J between the
peaks at Il.L(M=-I) and H11(M=+I) is denoted
by !:J.Il(I) , the following relation holds:
I( I A I /glli3) + !:J.Ho +1 ( I B I /gJ./J) =llH(I). (5)
It should be pointed out that in certain cases one
peak may overlap another peak, so that fewer than
the total of 2 (21 + 1) peaks are observed in the hyper
fine structure in glasses. A typical example of this
13 R. H. Sands, Phys. Rev. 99, 1222 (1955).
14 R. Neiman and D. KivelsolJ, J. Chern. Phys. 35,156 (1961).
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"'x 1 I-X ..,x I , f
~ <:: ~ ~
, ,
(a) " H
l HU .:;r:. HO .:;r:. -i ~.,..
J: .. § ~ &
FIG. 7. The hyperfine structure in glass characterized by Eq.
(6) for the case of I = ~, gil> g J.. The solid curve is the theoretical
line shape obtained by neglecting the fact that the resonance
components are broadened by spin-spin and spin-lattice interac
tions and other mechanisms. The dashed curve represents the case
for which such broadening effects are included. The structure
displayed in (b) is an approximate derivative curve of the
dashed curve in (a).
occurs if the following relations holds:
I A l/gW3= I B l/g.l.)3=AHo. (6)
Under this condition, a hyperfine interaction with a
nuclear spin of J =! produces five peaks in the reso
nance absorption curve, as illustrated in Fig. 7. In
this figure the solid curve represents the theoretical
line shape obtained by neglecting the fact that the
resonance components are broadened by spin-spin and
spin-lattice interactions, while the dashed curve repre
sents roughly the case for which such broadening
effects are included. It is therefore possible that the
observed five-line resonance arises from an axially
symmetric hyperfine interaction with a Bll nucleus.
If the symmetry of the crystalline field were lower
than axial, the theoretical hyperfine structure in glass
would be more complicated. According to the theo
retical calculations for this case,I5 in the absence of
any overlap, the hyperfine structure would consist of
a total of 3 (2I + 1) peaks in the resonance absorption
curve. Even if some peaks overlap, it is likely that a
hyperfine interaction with a nuclear spin of J =! would
produce more than five peaks in the resonance absorp
tion spectrum, when the symmetry of the crystalline
field departs substantially from axial.
B. Spin Hamiltonian for Boron Center
In order to analyze the observed five-line structure
in terms of a hyperfine interaction of an unpaired
spin, S=!, with a BIl nucleus, it is assumed that the
boron center which is responsible for the five-line struc-
)5 H. Sternlicht, J. Chern. Phys. 33, 1128 (1960). ture experiences a crystalline field whose symmetry is
axial, with gll>gl.. Now if one considers the hyperfine
structure in Fig. 7 (a), for which the broadening effects
are included (the dashed curve), it is probable that
the first derivative of the absorption curve will exhibit
extrema at or near the values of magnetic field labeled
HI through Hs in Fig. 7 (a) [see Fig. 7 (b) J.
Considering the hyperfine structure shown in Fig. 7,
it is suggested that the peak PI in the derivative curve
of the observed five-line resonance [Fig. 1 (a) J arises
from the extremum in the first derivative at HII (M =
+t), while the peaks P2, Pa, P4, and Pa arise from
the extrema in the first derivative at Hl.(M=+t),
Hl.(M=+!), Hl.(M=-!), and l!J.(M=-!), re
spectively. However, it is not necessary that the con
ditions given in Eq, (6) hold strictly true for the
observed five-line resonance. For the hyperfine struc
ture characterized by Eq. (6) (Fig. 7), the peak (for
example) at HII(M =+!) is exactly coincident with
that at Hl.(M=+t). If these two peaks do not actu
ally coincide, but are separated by an amount which
is small compared to ! A ! /gll{3, I B l/gJ.{3, or AHo,
the resultant hyperfine structure that can be observed
experimentally would still consist of five peaks in the
absorption curve, due to the line-broadening effects.
If the tentative identification of the peaks in the
first-derivative curve of the five-line resonance is ac
cepted, the values of I B I and gl. can be determined.
That is, the value of I B I /gl.{3 is given by the separa
tion between the four equally spaced peaks, P2, p.,
P4, and Po in Fig. l(a), which was measured to be
14.0±O.5 Gj gJ. is given by the g value at the center of
these four peaks. Thus, one obtains
I B 1 /gl.{3=14.0±O.5 G, gl.=2.0024±O.0006,
I B I = 1.31±O.05X 10-3 cm-I, (7)
The locations of HII(M=+!), HII(M=-!), and
HII(M = -t) and, consequently, the values of I A l/gII{3
and gIl could not be found from the observed five-line
structure. However, since the peaks Pl and Po were
assumed to correspond to the positions of HII (M = +!)
and Hl.(M = -!), respectively, the separation between
the peaks PI and Ps is simply the AH(I) of Eq. (5).
I::..H(J) was found to be 61.0±O.5 G. One can there
fore write the following relation using Eq. (5):
!( I A I /gll(3) +I::..Ho+21 =61 (in gauss). (8)
The _ third term in this equation comes from the fact
that I B I /gl.{3=14 G, and consequently HI B I /gl.(3) =
21 G. Here, I::..Ho is unknown from the five-line structure
because gil is unknown.
If the assumptions and analysis of the preceding
paragraphs are correct, one should anticipate that the
five-line structure would be altered in the case of ESR
investigations at a K-band microwave frequency, since
I::..Ho and 1::..1I(I) depend on the operating frequency.
Indeed, the samples which display the five-line struc-
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ture at 9.2 kMc/sec exhibit a six-line structure at 23.3
The separation between Pl and P6 in the derivative
curve of the six-line resonance (Fig. 4) is measured
to be 83±1 G, which would be the value of f:J.H(I)
for the case of the K-band measurement. Furthermore,
the K-band microwave frequency is about 2.5 times
the X-band frequency. Thus the expression correspond
ing to Eq. (8) is
!( I A l/gll.B)+2.5f:J.Ho+21=83 (in gauss). (9)
Solving Eqs. (8) and (9) for I A I /gll/3 and f:J.Ho, one
I A I /gll/3=16.9±1.0 G,
which yield
gil =2.0121±0.OO09, f:J.Ho=14.6±1.0 G, (10)
I A I = 1.59±0.09X 1o-a cm-I•
The theoretical hyperfine structure constructed for
the case of the K-band microwave frequency by using
the values of Eqs. (7) and (11) is shown in Fig. 8.
The solid lines refer to the case in which the broaden
ing effects are neglected. If one takes into account the
broadening effects, the resultant hyperfine structure
would consist of six peaks in the absorption curve, as
indicated by the dashed curve in Fig. 8(b). Figure 8(c)
FIG. 8. The hyperfine structure in glass constructed from the
spin Hamiltonian in Eq. (12) for the case of K-band frequency.
The summation of all of the hyperfine components in (a) yields
the structure shown in (b). An approximate derivative curve of
the dashed line in (b) is displayed in (c). G=GAUSS It-14 G-!I
It-16.9 G -iI
(a) H
(b) H
(c) I
.. :~~"" .,~""""··'I. H
) /\
FIG. 9. The hyperfine structure in glass constructed from the
spin Hamiltonian of Eq. (12) for the case of X-band frequency.
The structure displayed in (b) is the result of the summation
of all of the hyperfine lines in (a). A rough derivative curve of
the dashed curve in (b) is shown in (c).
is an approximate derivative curve of the dashed line
in Fig. S(b). The positions of the peaks denoted by
pI in Fig. S(c) are in good agreement with those of
the derivative peaks for the six-line structure observed
experimentally (Fig. 4). The predicted hyperfine struc
ture for the case of the X-band frequency (Fig. 9)
also fits well with the observed five-line structure in
Fig. lea).
It appears that the boron center which gives rise
to the five-line hyperfine structure observed at X-band
frequency in the irradiated glasses can be satisfactorily
described by the following spin Hamiltonian:
JC=/3[gIIHzSz+gJ.(HxSx+HIISII) ]
+AlzSz+B(IxSx+IIISII)' (12)
where S=t, I =t, gil =2.0121, gJ.=2.0024, I A I =
1.59X1o-a cm-I (16.9 G), and I B I =1.31X1o-a cm-I
If the preceding analysis is correct, the ESR spec
trum observed for the samples enriched with the BIO
isotope should also be describable in terms of the
quoted spin Hamiltonian. The value of /-t/I (where /-t
is the magnetic moment of the nucleus) for the BIO
nucleus is approximately one-third of that for Bll.
Therefore, the hyperfine spacing for the case of a hy
perfine interaction with a BIO nucleus should be one
third of that obtained for the hyperfine interaction
with a Bll nucleus, assuming that the wavefunction
of the unpaired spin is unaltered in replacing Bll by
BIO. In this case the parameters for the spin Hamil-
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(c) H
... H
FIG. 10. The hyperfine structure in glass characterized by the
parameters in Eq. (13) at X-band frequency. The summation of
all of the hyperfine components in (a) yields the structure ex
hibited in (b). The structure shown in (c) represents an approx
imate derivative curve of the dashed curve in (b).
tonian in Eq. (12) should be
s=!, 1=3, gJ. = 2.0024,
I A I ~0.53XlO-3 cm-! (5.6 G),
I B I ~0.44X1O-3 cm-1 (4.7 G). (13)
Figure 10 shows the hyperfine structure predicted
from the spin Hamiltonian using these values for the
case of X-band frequency. This hyperfine structure
involves 10 peaks in the absorption curve, as indi
cated by the dashed curve in Fig. lO(b). Experimen
tally, a lO-line structure was observed in the samples
enriched with the BlO isotope (Fig. 5). The positions
of the observed derivative peaks in the magnetic field
are found to be in good agreement with those predicted
in Fig. lO(c).
The quoted spin Hamiltonian should also account for
the four-line structure observed in the irradiated boro
silicate glasses investigated by Yasaitis and Smaller!
at an operating frequency of 375 Mc/sec. If the oper
ating frequency becomes 375 Me/sec, I1Ho of Eq. (4)
becomes extremely small (less than 1 G). Figure 11
shows the hyperfine structure predicted for this fre
quency from the quoted spin Hamiltonian. If one takes
account of the broadening effects, the hyperfine struc
ture is expected to consist of only four peaks in the
resonance absorption curve, which is quite consistent
with the four-line structure observed by Yasaitis and
It was assumed in the preceding analysis that the
first derivatives at H11(M) and HJ.(M) in the theoret
ical hyperfine line shape reach a positive and negative
extremum, respectively. This assumption may be true
only in a first approximation. Strictly speaking, the
first derivatives at H11(M) and HJ.(M) may not be
extrema, thereby introducing errors into the values
obtained for the various parameters in the spin Hamil
tonian of the boron center investigated here. However,
these errors can hardly be found or estimated in the
present work. The main reasons for this are: (1) the
theoretical hyperfine line shape in glass, for which the
width of the resonance in single crystals is taken into
account, has not been calculated; and (2) the line
shape or width of the resonance in single crystals for
the boron center is not known, since the boron center
observed in this experiment has not been identified in
any single crystals.
For the case of a single resonance (without hyperfine
interaction) with an axially symmetric g tensor, the
resonance line shape in glasses has been calculated
taking account of the line shape and width of the
resonance in single crystals.16•17 From results of this
calculation, one can predict not only the location but
also the intensity of each peak in the resonance ab
sorption curve. However, since such a calculation has
not been made for the case of hyperfine interactions,
it is not possible to predict the ESR intensity of each
peak with respect to other peaks in the observed hyper
fine structures. Furthermore, the true intensity of each
peak in the observed hyperfine structure could not be
measured or estimated experimentally, since the ob
served hyperfine structure was superimposed on a
structureless, anisotropic resonance, as the thermal
annealing experiments showed. (The intensity of the
r 14 G + 14 G+ 14 G -1
0,,-2.0121 ~f2.0024 r-16.9 G+ 16.9 G + 16.9 G -1
FIG. 11. The hyperfine structure in glass constructed from the
spin Hamiltonian of Eq. (12) for the case of an operating fre
quency of 375 Mc/sec.
16 J. W. Searl, R. C. Smith, and S. J. Wyard, Proc. Phys. Soc.
(London) 78, 1174 (1961).
17 J. A. Ibers and J. D. Swalen, Phys. Rev. 127, 1914 (1962).
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lattcr rcsonancc could not be obtained accurately be
cause the thermal annealing necessary to destroy the
hypcrfine structure seemed to affect the intensity of
the structureless resonance.) It should also be noted
that the lO-line hyperfine structure (Fig. 5) arising
from a hyperfine interaction with BIO should be present
underneath the spectra exhibiting the five-line struc
ture, sincc the naturql abundance of the BlO (18.83
at. %) is not very small compared to that of the Bll
(81.17 at. %). The presence of the lO-line resonance
presumably affects not only the shape but also the
resolution of the observed five-line structurc.
Recently, Keiman and Kivelson14 havc pointed out
that, for certain intcrrelationships of the paramctcrs
in thc spin Hamiltonian, H of Eq. (2) is not a mono
tonicfunction of 0 or cosO in the range of 0=0 to 0=1r/2.
In this situation thcre appear one or more additional
peaks in the theoretical hyperfine structure in glass
which normally consists of two sets of 21+1 peaks.
It was assumed that such has not been the case in the
hyperfine structure observed in irradiated glasses in
this experiment. The result that the preceding analysis
of the boron center is consistent with all of the hyper
fine structures observed in the irradiated glasses is an
indication that this assumption is justified.
In view of the fact that the principal values of the
g tensor of the boron center are larger than the free
electron g value, it is indicated that the unpaired spin
which interacts with the Bll or BIO nuclcus in aBO,
unit is a hole rather than an electron. The production
of a hole in an oxygen tetrahedral unit by irradiation
has already been discussed for the case of the aluminum
center observed in irradiated quartz single crystals.18,19
For the case of the aluminum center, it was suggested
that the hole is mainly associated with an oxygen atom
and spends only a small fraction of its time on the
aluminum nucleus at the center of an AI04 tetrahedral
unit, resulting in a small hyperfine interaction with
the aluminum nucleus. Such a conclusion could not
be drawn directly from the experimental data obtained
for the boron center in this investigation. However,
there are two possibilities to be considered: that the
hole is trapped on (1) an oxygen, or (2) the boron
atom in the B04 unit. In the following paragraphs,
discussion will be presented, which suggests that the
hole is probably trapped on one of the oxygen atoms
and only weakly associated with the boron atom of the
BO, unit.
In the alkali borate glasses containing less than 30
mole % alkali oxide, most of the oxygen atoms are
shared by two boron atoms. In the event that the hole
is produced on an oxygen atom which is bonded to
two four-(or three-) coordinated borons, it is probable
18 M. C. M. O'Brien, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A231, 404
(1955) .
19 J. H. E. Griffiths, J. Owen, and 1. M. Ward, Report of the
Conference on Defects in Crystalline Solids (The Physical Society,
London, 1955). that the hole will interact approximately equally with
two boron nuclei. This suggestion is made on the as
sumption that the eharacteristics of the two R·O bonrl
ings are identical, and the hole associated with the
oxygen ion "sees" two identical boron electronic con
figurations. This situation corresponds to a hyperfine
interaction with the total nuclear spin of 1 =3. As the
analysis of the preceding section showed, there is no
indication of such a hyperfine interaction in the ob
served spectra.
The hole may be trapped on an oxygen atom which
is shared by one four-and one three-coordinated boron
atom. In this case the B-O bonding between the oxy
gen and the three-coordinated boron atom is not the
samc as that between the oxygen and the four-coordi
nated boron, and the hole will "see" two different
boron electronic configurations. The preceding analysis
of the five-line structure has indicated that the hole
interacts predominantly with only one boron nucleus.
It was also suggested that the boron nucleus interact
ing with the hole is the one which is at the center of a
tetrahedral BO, configuration. If this suggestion is cor
rect, then the hole giving rise to the observed resonance
spectrum is trapped on an oxygen shared by one three
coordinated and one four-coordinated boron atom. It
is, in fact, probable that the hole will be attraded
more to the four-than to the three-coordinated boron,
since the former atom has a higher electron density
than the latter; that is, the four-coordinated boron
has obtained an extra electron in order to form a fourth
In the alkali borate glass containing low alkali oxide
concentration (less than approximately 30 mole %),
the majority of oxygen atoms are shared by two boron
atoms. However, some oxygen atoms may be bonded
only to one boron atom; such singly bonded oxygen
atoms9 are known to exist in various glasses. Thus it
is also possible that the hole interacting with the boron
nucleus is produced on a singly bonded oxygen atom
in the B04 tetrahedral unit in the glass network.
The second possibility is that whereby the hole is
trapped on the boron atom in the BO, unit. If this is
the case, one may predict the strength of the hyperfine
interaction with the Bll nucleus in the following
manner. When the hole is mainly associated with
the boron atom, the wavefunction of the hole can
be considered to consist mainly of a tetrahedral bond
ing orbital of the form C (4-!) C I 2s )+v'J I 2p», where
I 2s) and I 2p) are, respectively, the 2s and 2p or
bitals of the boron atom that are used in the B-O
covalent bondings.
The hyperfine interaction of an s electron is charac
terized by the interaction energy20
JCs=i1rg{3CJ.l/I) \1{;(0) I 2S·1 = <XsCS,,,I,,,+SyIII+ S.I.) ,
2Q E. Fermi, Z. Physik 60,320 (1930).
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where I 1/;(0) 12 is the density of the s electron wave
function at the nucleus, and as is defined to be
On the other hand, the interaction between the nucleus
and an electron in a single p orbita121 is
JCp= -!g{3(/-L/1) (r-3 ) (lxSxlx+lySv1y+1zSzlz) , (16)
where 1z=-%, lx=ly=t for the orbital pz. If one de
ap= !g{3(J!./ 1) (r-3),
Eq. (16) can be written as (17)
JCp=ap( -tSx1x-! Syly+iSzI.). (18)
Then the hyperfine interaction of the orbita14- 1(12s)+
VJ I 2pz» is characterized by
Kx=KlI=B=t(a.-a p),
Kz=A =t(a s+2ap). (19)
Here, a. and ap have the same sign; for boron they are
In order to estimate the isotropic interaction part,
as, one needs to know the values of 11/;(0) 12. So far
as the authors know, the value of 11/;(0) 12 for the 2s
electron of the boron atom has not been found or cal
culated theoretically. It is therefore not possible at
this time to estimate the value of as. However, for the
boron center, the experimental value of 1 A I is larger
than that of I B I, and ( I A I -I B I) is small com
pared to I A I or I B I. This indicates that as must be
larger than ap for the hyperfine interaction of the boron
center, as can readily be seen from Eq. (20). It can
also be concluded from Eq. (20) that the sign of both
A and B is positive for the boron center, since a. and
ap are positive and a.>a p•
To evaluate the anisotropic part of the hyperfine
interaction, ap, it is necessary to know the value of
(r-3) for the boron atom. This can be obtained from
the well-known expression22
aJ= -({32gr/h) [2L(L+l) / J(J +1) ] (r-3)5'J (21)
and the experimental value of at=366.2 Me/sec ob
tained for the 2 Pi ground state of the boron atom by
Wesse1.23 Neglecting the relativity correction factor,
5' J, one finds
for the ground state of the boron atom. Using this
21 B. Segall, G. W. Ludwig, H. H. Woodbury, and P. D. John
son, Phys. Rev. 128, 76 (1962).
22 L. Davis, Jr., B. T. Feld, C. W. Zabel, and J. R. Zacharias,
Phys. Rev. 76, 1076 (1949).
23 Gunter Wessel, Phys. Rev. 92, 1581 (1953). value in Eq. (17), one obtains
(ip=5.69XI0-3 cm-I• (23)
That is, if the hole of the boron center is trapped en
tirely on the boron atom, the value of (ip must be that
of Eq. (23).
From Eq. (20), (ip can be expressed as
(ip=t(A-B) (24)
The upper limit of the value of (A -B) found for the
boron center in this experiment is 0.42 X 10-3 cm-I•
This indicates that if the hyperfine splitting constants
found for the boron center are correct, the value of (il'
for this center must be less than 0.56X to-3 em-I,
which is approximately an order of magnitude less than
the value required in Eq. (23). It can be seen, then,
that the experimental data obtained for the boron
center suggest that the hole interacting with Bll or
BIO nucleus is only weakly associated with the boron
It is interesting to note that irradiated glassy B203
also exhibits, in addition to the structureless, aniso
tropic resonance, the same five-line resonance observed
in the alkali borate glasses. If the interpretation that
the five-line structure arises from a hyperfine interac
tion with the BII nucleus in a B04 tetrahedral unit is
correct, it is indicated that the B203 glass contains
some B04 units. However, the possible number of B04
units in this glass is considered to be very small, if
one notes the following facts. In the alkali borate
glasses containing less than approximately 30 mole %
alkali oxide, the fraction of four-coordinated boron
atoms is given by x/(1-x), where x is the mole frac
tion of the alkali oxide incorporated in the glasses.6
For x=0:15, x/(1-x) is about 0.18; that is, in the
alkali borate glasses containing 15 mole % alkali oxide,
18 % of the borons are four-coordinated. The intensity
of the five-line resonance in the irradiated B203 glass
is roughly 20 times smaller than that of the five-line
resonance observed in the irradiated alkali borate
glasses containing 15 mole % alkali oxide. Therefore,
the fraction of four-coordinated boron atoms in the
B20a glass may be estimated as only 1% or less.
In connection with the present experiment, it should
be pointed out that Nakai24 has also made ESR studies
of irradiated alkali borate glasses. The latter author
has observed a fIVe-line resonance which is the same
as that observed in this experiment. In some instances,
however, he observed only four lines; such has not
been found to be the case in any of the irradiated
alkali borate glasses (containing less than 25 mole %
alkali oxide) investigated in the present work. Nakai
has suggested that only four lines in the five-line reso
nance arise from a hyperfine interaction with a Ell
24 K. Nakai, Nippon Kagaku Zasshi 82. 1629 (1961) [Ahstract
138, Phys. Chern; Glasses 4. 13A (1963)].
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nucleus, considering an isotropic crystalline electric
field. In view of the analyses of the five-line structure
made in the present work, this interpretation appears
to be unjustified.
Very recently, Karapetyan and Yudin25 also inves
tigated sodium borate glasses irradiated with l' rays
and observed the same five-line resonance studied in
the present work. Their analysis of the five-line struc
ture differs from the analyses by both Nakai and the
present paper.
Final comments will be concerned with the reso
nances other than the five-line structure observed for
the irradiated glasses in this experiment. The line
shape, g value, and linewidth of the structureless,
anisotropic resonance observed in both the irradiated
alkali borate and borosilicate glasses are nearly the
same as those of the hole resonance observed in ir
radiated Si02 glass by Weeks.26 Details of a study of
this anisotropic resonance will be reported later in
conjunction with ESR investigations of irradiated alkali
borate glasses containing high alkali oxide concentra
tions. As for the sharp, intense line produced only in
the irradiated borosilicate glasses, the line shape, line
width, and g value are the same within the experi
mental error as those found for the trapped-electron
resonance produced in irradiated Si02 glass.26
The origin of the broad derivative peak, denoted by
PB, in the observed spectra is not certain at the pres
ent time. Since the resonance giving rise to this de
rivative peak is partially masked by the five-line
structure, difficulties are encountered in finding details
of the resonance. Experimental results obtained7 so
far for this broad peak indicate that the paramagnetic
center giving rise to the latter peak is not associated
25 G. O. Karapetyan and D. M. Yudin, Fiz. Tverd. Tela 4,
2647 (1962) [English transl.: Soviet Phys.-Solid State 4, 1943
.e R. A. Weeks, J. Appl. Phys. 27, 1376 (1956). with boron, alkali ions, or protons. The authors believe
that the paramagnetic center is associated with oxygen
in the glass structure.
Irradiated alkali borate and borosilicate glasses have
exhibited ESR spectra consisting of a five-line struc
ture at X-band. This hyperfine structure is independ
ent of the kinds of alkali oxide incorporated in the
glasses. It has been shown that the five-line structure
arises from an axially symmetric hyperfine interaction
of a hole with a Bll nucleus. The atom containing this
nucleus is believed to be the boron atom which is at
the center of a B04 tetrahedral configuration in the
glass structure. The hole interacting with this nucleus
is produced in the B04 unit by irradiation and is prob
ably trapped on an oxygen atom that is shared by the
four-coordinated boron and a three-coordinated boron.
A spin Hamiltonian has been found for the boron
center responsible for the five-line structure. This spin
Hamiltonian has been shown to describe satisfactorily
the other hyperfine structures observed in the irradi
ated alkali borate and borosilicate glasses.
The authors have recently extended their ESR work
to irradiated alkali borate glasses with higher alkali
oxide concentration and alkali borate crystalline com
pounds. The results of these investigations will be re
ported later.
The authors wish to thank Dr. W. H. From of the
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, who made available to the
authors the K-band ESR measurements made in his
laboratory. They also wish to express their apprecia
tion to Dr. H. O. Hooper, Mr. Y. M. Kim, and Mr. D.
Griscom of this laboratory for their assistance with the
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1.1702530.pdf | LowFrequency Negative Resistance in Thin Anodic Oxide Films
T. W. Hickmott
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 33, 2669 (1962); doi: 10.1063/1.1702530
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1702530
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Downloaded 06 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 33, NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER 1962
Low-Frequency Negative Resistance in Thin Anodic Oxide Films
General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, New York
(Received February 5, 1962)
Negative resistance and large current densities have been ob
served in the direct-current-voltage characteristics of five metal
oxide-metal sandwiches prepared from evaporated metal films.
The systems studied and their voltages for maximum current are:
AI-SiO-Au, 3.1 V; A1-Al.Oa-Au, 2.9 V; Ta-Ta20.-Au, 2.2 V;
Zr-Zr02-Au, 2.1 V; and Ti-Ti02-Au, 1.7 V. For aluminum oxide,
which has been most extensively studied, the voltage for maximum
current is independent of film thickness for films between 150
and 1000 A thick; the phenomenon is not field dependent. Peak
to-valley ratios of 30: 1 and current densities of 10 A/cm2 are
typical. Maximum current densities at peak voltage are 25 A/cm2;
THIN insulating films of controlled thickness can
be formed on a number of metals, including
aluminum, tantalum, titanium, and zirconium by
anodization of the metals in a suitable electrolyte.
Anodic oxide films formed in this way have been widely
used in electrolytic capacitors, and many studies of the
formation and properties of oxide films have been
made.1,2,2& However, electrical conduction in thick oxide
films is still poorly understood. Recently, electron
tunneling through very thin «50 A) oxide films has
proved to be a powerful tool in the study of super
conductivity.3,4 Tunneling has also been proposed as the
basis of a family of solid state devices.6 Anodic oxide
films between 150 and 1000 A thick, too thin to be good
capacitor dielectrics and too thick for electrons to
tunnel through, have received little study. Some of the
electrical properties of anodic oxide films in this inter
mediate thickness range is described in the present
Aluminum oxide films have been investigated most
extensively because of their ease of preparation and
their excellent dielectric properties. Steps in the prepara
tion of the aluminum oxide sandwiches are indicated
schematically in Fig. l.4 A 2-mm strip of aluminum,
2000-4000 A thick, is evaporated onto a carefully
cleaned glass microscope slide, the aluminum film is
anodized in a suitable electrolyte to form an insulating
oxide, and a counterelectrode of gold, 100-1000 A thick,
is then evaporated through a mask onto the slide.
Capacitor grade aluminum, 99.99% pure, has been
1 T. P. Hoar, Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry (Academic
Press Inc., New York, 1959), Vol. 2, p. 262.
2 D. Vermilyea, Advances in Electrochemistry [Interscience
Publishers, Inc., New York (to be published)].
2. L. Young, Anodic Oxide Films (Academic Press Inc., New
York, 1961).
a I. Giaever and K. Megerle, Phys. Rev. 122, 1101 (1961).
4 J. C. Fisher and I. Giaever, J. AppJ. Phys. 32, 172 (1961).
• C. A. Mead, J. Appl. Phys. 32, 646 (1961). minimum current densities are 0.01 A/cm2. Switching time from
peak current to valley current is <0.5 !,sec but negative resistance
is not found for 6O-cycle voltages. Establishment of the de char
acteristics and dependence on temperature and atmosphere are
described. Electron emission from aluminum oxide sandwiches
can occur at 2.5 V. Space-charge-limited currents in the insulator
provide a possible mechanism for the current-voltage curves and
large currents below the voltage for maximum current through
the oxide films. The mechanism responsible for negative resistance
is uncertain.
used. Evaporations are carried out in a bell jar at
1 X 10-4 Torr or less.
Hydrogen ions incorporated into aluminum oxide
films prepared by anodization in aqueous solutions may
adversely affect the resistivity of the film and increase
its leakage current.6 To minimize hydrogen ions in the
oxide, a molten salt bath of NH4HS04 and KHS0 4 in
equimolar portions was used as the electrolyte in form
ing the anodic oxide films that have been most exten
sively studied in this work.7 The eutectic melts at 150°C
and has sufficiently low viscosity above 180°C for
FIG. 1. Preparation of metal-anodic oxide-metal sandwiches.
Circuit for measuring electrical characteristics.
6 W. E. Tragert (private communication).
7 S. Tajima, M. Soda, T. Mori, and N.
Acta 1, 205 (1959). Baba, Electrochim.
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FIG. 2. Tracing of X-V recorder plot of the establishment of con
ductivity in a 350-A. aluminum oxide film. Au= +, AI=-.
anodization to occur readily. In prolonged use, or above
about 275°C, the melt decomposes by the evolution of
H20 to form S207~. Deterioration of the melt is retarded
by using a stainless steel cathode through which oxygen
is bubbled.8 The aluminum strips are anodized at a
constant current density of 1 to 2 mA/cm2. Film forma
tion proceeds rapidly and capacitance of the films is
inversely proportional to the final anodizing voltage.
Oxide films formed in molten bisulfate eutectic are
dense and resistant to chemical attack.7 X-ray fluores
cence analysis indicates about 5% sulfur is incorporated
in the oxide film; x-ray diffraction shows it is in the
form of KAb(S04k Electron diffraction shows the film
to be amorphous and no hydroxyl ion was detected by
infrared reflection from the oxide film.8 After anodiza
tion the aluminum strips frequently have many small
blisters. Fortunately, the presence of these blisters does
not seriously affect the electrical properties of the oxide
Although most of the experimental results have been
obtained on oxide films containing a significant amount
of sulfate impurity, the electrical properties of
aluminum oxide films formed in a solution of boric acid
and borax in water are essentially identical.
Gold counterelectrodes are formed by evaporation
through a mask with alternating !-and 1-mm slits to
give total contact areas of 1 and 2 mm2. Contact to
electrodes is made mechanically rather than soldering
to either gold or aluminum. Advantages of the crossed
film configuration are the well-defined contact areas and
elimination of mechanical damage to the thin oxide
films in making contact. Film thicknesses in this report
have been derived from capacitance measurements
using a value of 8 for the dielectric constant of AhOa
formed by anodization.9
. A conventional potentiometer circuit, shown in
Fig. 1, was used to measure direct-current-voltage
8 W. Lambrechtse and W. E. Tragert (private communication).
• W. Ch. van Geel and B. J. J. Schelen Philips Research Rept 12, 240 (1957). ' . characteristics of the oxide sandwiches. Film currents
below 10-4 A were measured with a Keithley model 415
micromicroammeter. Leakage currents in the voltage
divider network of the potentiometer limited minimum
currents to about 10-12 A. Above 10-5 A, current-voltage
curves were plotted directly with a Moseley X-Y
recorder. Potentials across the oxide films were deter
mined by either two-probe or four-probe measurements;
potential values reported that are affected by the use
of only two probes will be indicated. All measurements
have been made with the oxide sandwiches in an
evacuated bell jar because of the effects of atmosphere
in modifying conductivity and electrical properties.
de Electrical Conductivity and
Negative Resistance
After anodization, the aluminum oxide films are very
good insulators. Resistivities of freshly anodized films
are between 1014 and 1018 Q-cm. An exponential relation
between current and voltage is usually found which
could easily be mistaken for electron tunneling between
the metal films; however, oxide thicknesses of over
100 A preclude this.1O
As the voltage across a film is gradually increased, a
critical voltage is reached at which a sharp increase in
current through the oxide occurs, as shown in Fig. 1.
In Fig. 2 the current increase occurs at 4.1 V. On lower
ing the voltage across the 350-A film, a pronounced
negative resistance region occurs. On raising the voltage
to successively higher values, the current-voltage
characteristic continues to show a negative resistance
region for both increasing and decreasing voltages.
Currents through the oxide film are noisy and highly
erratic during the first time that a voltage range is
covered. However, on successive tracings of a character
istic the currents are much less erratic. The voltage for
the onset of the sharp increase in film conductivity
varies from film to film but usually occurs at higher
voltages for thicker films.
Breakdown of the oxide film, in the sense of a sharp
increase of current, has produced an irreversible and
permanent change in the aluminum oxide film; the
original high resistivity and exponential dependence of
current on voltage are not recovered. However, break
down that causes increased oxide conductivity and
negative resistance can be distinguished from dielectric
breakdown which destroys the insulating film. The term
"forming" of an oxide film will be used to mean estab
lishment of a negative resistance region in the current
voltage characteristic by a nondestructive breakdown
of the film. During forming the maximum current
through the oxide film increases as the voltage applied
to the film is increased. Figure 3 shows the current
voltage characteristic that developed after forming the
10 R. Holm, J. Appl. Phys. 22, 569 (1951).
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film of Fig. 2 by applying 10 V to it. Maximum current
through the 2-mm2 film is 125 rnA. The negative resist
ance region was not traced out by the recorder because
of circuit instabilities. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the
general features of forming of conductivity in oxide
films; a sharp and irreversible rise in film conductivity
at some voltage which increases with film thickness, the
appearance of a negative resistance region above 2.9 V,
and the increase of maximum film current by applying
higher voltages to the oxide film.
Figure 4(a) shows a typical current-voltage character
istic for a completely formed aluminum-aluminum
oxide-gold sandwich prepared by anodization in a
molten bisulfate mixture. Four distinct current regions
can be distinguished:
(1) Below 2.9 V, film current increases rapidly with
increasing voltage. [A two-probe potential measure
ment has shifted the voltage for maximum current to
3.4 V in Fig. 4(a)]. Maximum current densities of
25 AI cm2 have been observed; typical peak current
densities are 5 to 10 AI cm2 and well developed charac
teristics with peak currents as low as 0.01 A/cm2 have
been found.
(2) Above 2.9 V, the current decrease is exponential
in voltage. In Fig. 4(a), as in a number of other figures,
a dotted line shows that the complete current-voltage
characteristic was not traced out because of circuit
instability in the negative resistance region. However,
in many instances this portion of the curve can be
traced by a recorder if the impedance of the film is
greater than the impedance of the voltage source.
(3) A shallow minimum is reached between 8 and
10 V, followed by a small increase in current. Peak-to
valley ratios are typically 30: 1 and may be as high
as 300: 1.
(4) Beyond 9 V, current through the film in Fig. 4(a)
decreases again. This is the region of dielectric break
down in which the gold film will melt back in small
globules, and the oxide film is destroyed. Holding the
FIG. 3. Tracing of x-v recorder plot of the fully developed
direct-current-voltage characteristic of a 350-A aluminum oxide
film showing negative resistance for increasing and decreasing
voltage. Au=+, Al=-. 80
FIG. 4. Dependence of direct-current-voltage characteristics
of Al-AbOa-Au sandwich on aluminum oxide thickness. Al = +,
voltage above that required for dielectric breakdown
destroys the oxide and reduces the peak current at
2.9 V, since the effective area of the film is reduced.
Dielectric breakdown occurs at higher voltages in
thicker films; in Fig. 4(b), about 15 V were required for
dielectric breakdown.
Negative resistance is observed with either aluminum
or gold positive, with no qualitative difference in
characteristics. Varying polarity for forming the film
may change the characteristic between 10 and 12 V
slightly; with aluminum positive, the current rises
above the minimum at 8 V, with gold positive, the
minimum is reached when dielectric breakdown of the
Downloaded 06 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions2672 T. W. HICKMOTT
... z ... a: a: :>
\ \.
FIG. 5. Direct-current-voltage characteristics of 450-A
aluminum oxide film when placed in atmospheric pressure of dry
nitrogen and dry helium. AI= +, Au=-.
film occurs. The voltage for maximum current V M is
voltage dependent, not field dependent, since the location
of the voltage for maximum current is independent of
film thickness as shown in Fig. 4. Varying oxide film
thickness between 1.5 X 10-6 cm and 9.5 X 10-6 cm
produces no change in the voltage for maximum current.
However, V M will change if metals other than gold are
used as the evaporated electrode. Some hysteresis
occurs for increasing and decreasing voltage with the
maximum current usually smaller for decreasing
voltage. Switching time from peak current to valley
current can be measured by inserting a small resistance
in series with the negative resistance element to define
a suitable load line. Switching times of <! p,sec have
been measured for a film with an RC time constant
estimated at about t p,sec. Switching times are ex
tremely fast and are limited by the time constant
inherent in the capacitative nature of the oxide film
Effects of Atmosphere on dc Conductivity
Development of negative resistance characteristics
such as those in Figs. 2-4 have been accomplished with
the aluminum oxide sandwich in vacuum. Attempts to
form a negative resistance region with the films in air
have been unsuccessful. Instead, currents through the
film are small and extremely erratic for voltages less
than the voltage at which dielectric breakdown occurs.
Dielectric breakdown of the films occurs at the same
voltage in either air or vacuum and the destroyed films look the same after dielectric breakdown in either
medium. Microscopic examination of dielectric break
down in air shows that it occurs over the whole film and
is not confined to structural defects or blisters in the
oxide. Some preferential dielectric breakdown does take
place at edges of the metal films.
Once the electrical characteristics of the oxide sand
wiches are established, increasing pressure in the bell
jar to atmospheric pressure does not change qualitative
features of the current-voltage curves but markedly
reduces the peak current and the valley current and
may cause the negative resistance to disappear com
pletely. Polarity effects become particularly noticeable
at atmospheric pressure. Figure 5 shows current-voltage
curves for a film in vacuum and in atmospheric pressure
of two unreactive gases, dry helium and dry nitrogen.
With the aluminum film positive, both helium and
nitrogen reduce the peak current but helium has a
greater effect than nitrogen. The peak-to-valley ratio
in nitrogen is three hundred, the highest observed for
any oxide sandwiches, and the reproducibility between
successive curves is good. With aluminum negative, the
effect of atmospheric pressure is to reduce the peak
current to nearly equal values (about 10 mA) in both
helium and nitrogen, and to give a rather noisy charac
teristic. Figure 5 was obtained by successive cycling
between vacuum, helium, vacuum, nitrogen and
~ i
~ 20 a
~ ;;:
FIG. 6. Temperature dependence of the direct-current-voltage
characteristic of a 4so-A aluminum oxide film. Note constancy of
voltage for maximum current and disappearance of negative
resistance at 195 OK.
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FIG. 7. Derivative of direct-current-voltage characteristic of a
4so-A aluminum oxide film at different temperatures. Note con
stancy of maximum, zero, and minimum slope.
vacuum. In each cycle, the high peak current in vacuum
was constant within 10% indicating that an oxide film
which has had a negative resistance characteristic
formed in vacuum is not permanently changed by
operation at atmospheric pressure of unreactive gases.
Temperature Dependence of dc Conductivity
An evacuated cryostat was used to measure the
temperature dependence of the conductivity of alumi
num oxide sandwiches between 1800 and 300°K. A
copper-Constantan thermocouple attached to the glass
slide behind the aluminum film measured temperature.
Power dissipated by the oxide elements was sufficient
to increase the glass temperature by as much as lOoK
at 2S00K when more than 70 mA of current was carried.
Temperatures in the film are not accurately known
when large powers are dissipated.
Figure 6 shows the change of current-voltage charac
teristics of a 4.5 X 10-6 cm film as the temperature is
lowered. The shape of the curves, particularly the
location of the peak current, remains unchanged.
Between 300° and 206°K, the peak current decreased
from 130 to 35 mA, while between 206° and 195°K the
peak current decreased from 35 to 2 mAo At 195°K,
negative resistance was observed when the voltage was
t:ncreased to 10 V; the negative resistance characteristic
vanished for decreasing voltage leaving only a smoothly
varying, small film current. Further voltage cycling at
temperatures below 195°K produced no dc negative resistance region and very low currents « 1 rnA for
11 V applied). Increasing temperature above 195°K
resulted in the re-establishment of the negative resist
ance region, and when the film was raised to room
temperature the maximum current was as large as
previously. In Fig. 6 the apparent shift of voltage for
maximum current to 3.6 V at 3000K arises because two
probe potential measurements were made. Figure 7,
which plots the derivative of the current-voltage curves,
shows that the maximum and minimum values of
dIldV, as well as the point of zero slope, are unchanged
as a function of temperature.
A "memory" effect, the maintenance of a room
temperature characteristic at a temperature, 188°K,
where no negative resistance would normally occur is
shown in Fig. 8. The current-voltage characteristic was
established at 3000K, and the film was then cooled. At
188°K, increasing voltage gave a large peak current
nearly equal to the maximum current at 300oK, and a
pronounced negative resistance; decreasing voltage
showed no negative resistance region and much reduced
currents. Cycling of the voltage to 10 V and back at
188°K retraced the decreasing voltage curve in Fig. 8
and raising the film to 3000K restored the original
Thus, reducing film temperature decreases the film
conductivity reversibility while the negative resistance
region remains unchanged until it disappears com
pletely over a narrow temperature range of only one or
two degrees. Raising the temperature allows higher film
conductivity and negative resistance to re-establish,
80 T'188'K
~60 \
~ , ,
::E ,
-50 ,
~ ,
I g; ,
., 40 \ :I I lA: , ,
30 ,
20 I 1.0 ,
I ,
6 VOlTS 8 10
FIG. 8. Persistence of room temperature direct-current-voltage
characteristil; of a 4so-A aluminum oxide film at low temperature.
Downloaded 06 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions2674 T. W. HICKMOTT
and raising the film temperature to 3000K restores the
initial current-voltage characteristic.
ac Conductivity of Aluminum Oxide Films
Negative resistance observed when slowly varying dc
voltage is applied to aluminum oxide sandwiches is no
longer found when 60-cycle voltage from a low imped
ance source is applied to the oxide film. Instead, the
locus of the maximum ac voltage traces out the dc
negative resistance characteristic.
Figures 9 and 10 show the changes in current-voltage
curves as the applied 60-cycle voltage across an oxide
film is gradually increased. The film had an initial low
conductivity. For low voltages, the current is ohmic.
As the voltage increases the conductivity, measured by
the slope at zero voltage, increases steeply when more
than 1.8 V is applied to the film until a maximum
conductivity is found with 3.3 V (6.6 V peak-to-peak)
across the film. Further increasing the ac voltage
decreases the conductivity of the oxide film until at 10 V
the film conductivity has returned to its original low
value. If the voltage is turned off, the low conductivity
that is characteristic of 10 V across the film will remain
and the cycle can be repeated. For all voltages, current
voltage traces are symmetrical. In Fig. 11 film conduc
tivity is plotted against maximum applied potential for
the traces in Figs. 9 and 10. Peak values of conductivity
occur at voltages corresponding to the maximum current
for slow dc voltage changes. If the dc negative resistance
were traced for 60-cycle voltages, there would be a peak
I mA/em
I volt I em
20 mAl em
Ivolt lem 5 mAl em
I volt I em
FIG. 9. 60-cycle current-voltage characteristic of an aluminum
oxide film with initial low conductivity as the voltage across the
film is increased. Abscissa, voltage; ordinate, current. 20 mA/em
2volt I em
10 mA/em
2 volt I em 20mAlem
2 volt I em
10 mAiem
FIG. 10. 60-cycle current-voltage characteristic of an aluminum
oxide film with further increase in voltage. Abscissa, voltage;
ordinate, current.
in the current at about 3 V and a region of negative
slope above 3 V. Instead, "hash" appears at this
voltage, as if the film were trying to follow a negative
resistance, but the slope of the current-voltage curve is
positive at all voltages across the film.
Film conductivity can be established and negative
resistance formed, as described previously, by slowly
increasing the dc potential applied to the film, by
increasing an alternating potential across the film or,
in addition, by applying 100-,usec pulses of suitable
magnitude to the unformed film. With each method of
formation of the film, the same dc negative resistance
characteristics are found. Once film conductivity has
been established, ohmic current-voltage curves are
found for voltages across the film of less than O.S V. The
film conductivity under small signal conditions can be
varied over wide limits, and is extremely stable if only
small ac or dc voltages are applied to the oxide film.
Photoconductivity of the film causes an increase of
conductivity, measured with small applied voltage,
~ 35
:E 30
~ 20
~ 15
3 10
MAXIMUM 60 'V VOLTAGE FIG. 11. Change of
conductivity of
aluminum oxide film
by increase of 60-
cycle voltage across
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when a microscope light shines on the film. The response
is to the blue light transmitted by the thin gold film.
Thus, there is an anomaly here in that switching from
maximum to minimum current through the negative
resistance region for slowly varying dc voltages occurs
in less than 0.5 J.lsec, but 60-cycle voltages will not trace
out a negative resistance. Conduction processes with
widely varying time constants must be involved in
aluminum oxide sandwiches.
Pulsed Voltage Measurements
Conductivity of aluminum oxide sandwiches can be
varied over wide limits by varying the voltage across
the film as shown for 6O-cycle potentials in Fig. 11. If
conductivity is measured with a small voltage, where
current-voltage relations are linear, changes of conduc
tivity reflect changes in the number of mobile charge
carriers in the oxide. Pulsed voltages of I-J.lsec duration
can remove or inject carriers as well as 60-cycle voltages
Figures 12 and 13 show changes in oxide film con
ductivity that can be made by single voltage pulses.
To obtain such curves, film conductivity was established
at some desired value Uo, and measured by a small
(0.3 V) signal. With the ac measuring signal removed,
a single lO-J.lsec pulse of arbitrary amplitude was applied
to the oxide film from a Tektronix type 163 pulse
generator. Current-time and voltage-time traces for
the single pulse were measured on a Tektronix type 555
dual-beam oscilloscope to determine the voltage across
the film just as the voltage pulse was turned off. Film
conductivity u was again measured with the small ac
11" u;--0.4
-0.9 " •
• 5.0
" "
FIG. 12. Change of conductivity of aluminum oxide film
by lO-JLsec pulses of varying voltage. 1.2 "."~B' 10"1l1-cmt'
" • 10 P SIC PlJLSES
1.0 • '100 P sec PULSES
.Ju:. 0.2
" -0.4 •• •
" -0.6 A
FIG. 13. Change of conductivity of aluminum oxide fihn
by lO-l'sec and 100-l'sec pulses of varying voltage.
signal, the conductivity was re-established to its initial
value Uo, and the cycle was repeated. Figure 12 shows
;lu/uo for different values of the voltage pulse. For films
of low initial conductivity, the number of charge
carriers in the oxide could be either increased or de
creased. For films with higher initial conductivity,
single voltage pulses below 3 V left the conductivity
unchanged while pulses above 3 V removed charge
carriers from the oxide and reduced the conductivity.
For still lower initial film conductivities, as in Fig. 13
even larger increases in ;lu / Uo by lO-J.lsec pulses were
found. Identical results are found for pulses as short as
1 J.lsec. In Fig. 13 it can be seen that pulses of longer
duration produce greater changes in film conductivity
although voltages that increase or decrease conductivity
are the same. The extreme example of this effect is that
slowly varying dc voltages which produce negative
resistance in the current-voltage curves will also produce
the maximum film conductivity.
FIG. 14. Dependence
of voltage for maximum
current through metal
oxide-metal sandwiches
that show negative re
sistance on the square
root of the dielectric
constant of the oxide.
Au = +, base metal
I 1-.-1
4 6 8 10
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J .. liP G6.83.1()1(";") ';'inlfU
FIG. 15. Schematic of metal-oxide-metaI sandwich
as a cold cathode.
Multifilm Structures
Limited experiments have been made on sandwiches
with three metal films separated by aluminum oxide
layers.5 In several multifilm structures, a negative
resistance characteristic and high conductivity could be
established between the base electrode and the top
electrode without having any detectable conductivity
between base and middle electrode, or between middle
and top electrode. For example, O.S V between base and
top electrode produced a current of 43 rnA between
these two electrodes. The same voltage between middle
and top electrodes or between middle and base elec
trodes caused less than 0.01 rnA to pass between these
electrodes. If a voltage high enough to develop con
ductivity and form a negative resistance characteristic
were applied to the middle electrode, current could
then be drawn between any pair of electrodes.
Such large currents between base electrode and top
electrode with no current drawn to the middle electrode
can occur if establishment of film conductivity and
negative resistance of the oxide film is a surface phenom
enon. The base electrode and top electrode were evapor
ated in such a way that there was no direct path between
them except through the middle electrode. The middle
electrode was formed as an aluminum film a few
hundred angstroms thick and then anodized to form an
aluminum oxide film that was 200 A thick. This oxide
film provided insulation between middle electrode and
the top electrode. Evaporated films of this thickness
usually have a discontinuous structure with many small
holes in them.!! Anodizing such an initially discon
tinuous film would produce even more tiny holes in the
middle aluminum electrode. Through these holes,
current could pass between base electrode and top
electrode during establishment of film conductivity. The
lack of current to the middle electrode as well as its
11 G. A. Bassett, J. W. Menter, and D. W. Pashley, Structure and
Properties of Thin Films (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York
1959), p. 3. ' inability to affect current flow between base and top
electrode strongly imply that the barrier to conduction
is at the oxide-metal interface, and that forming of
conducting oxide films occurs at the same interface.
Negative Resistance in Other Oxides
Negative resistance for slowly varying dc voltages
has so far been found in five oxide systems, though
properties of other systems have not been studied in the
detail that aluminum oxide has. For tantalum, titanium,
and zirconium, preparation of the metal oxide sand
wiches was the same as indicated in Fig. 1, except that
the base metal film was prepared by sputtering in argon.
The oxide film for these metals was formed by anodizing
in a saturated solution of ammonium borate in ethylene
glycol with 4% of water added to increase solution
conductivity. Silicon monoxide films were prepared by
evaporation onto an aluminum strip.l2 Gold counter
electrodes were evaporated through the same mask as
was used with the aluminum oxide films.
Table I summarizes the location of the peak voltage
with base metal negative and gold positive for all the
oxide systems in which negative resistance occurs, and
Fig. 14 shows the correlation that exists between
voltage for peak current and the square root of the
dielectric constant of the anodized oxide film. Values
of K used are; SiO=5.2-6,13 AI203=8,9 Ta206=25,14
Zr02= 28/5 and Ti02=40.!6 For tantalum, titanium,
and zirconium it is difficult to obtain a negative resist
ance region. These films tend to break down to a very
high conductivity state rather than exhibiting negative
resistance. Table I also lists the position of the minimum
in the current-voltage curves. There is some correlation
between this voltage and the band gap of anodic oxide
films, where the gap is known. Thus, high conductivity
and negative resistance regions in the current-voltage
curves seem to be general properties of metal-insulator
systems if proper conditions for their establishment can
be determined.
TABLE I. Voltage for the onset of negative resistance
in metal-oxide-metal sandwiches.
Ti-Ti02-Au Voltage for maximum Voltage for minimum
current current
1.7 8-9
12 R. L. Wilson of the General Engineering Laboratory,
Schenectady, New York prepared the evaporated SiO films.
13 P. Molenda, General Engineering Laboratory (private
14 D. A. Vermilyea, J. Electrochem. Soc. 102, 655 (1955).
15 L. Young, Trans. Faraday Soc. 55, 632 (1959).
16 F. Huber and J. Bloxsom, Trans. IRE CP·8, 80 (1961).
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Electron Emission into Vacuum-Possible
Cold Cathode
It has recently been proposed that electron tunneling
through oxide sandwich structures similar to those
described here could be used as a cold cathode.5 Figure
15 indicates schematically the basic concept. cPmin is the
barrier to the emission of electrons from metal A into
the insulator. Electrons from metal A tunnel through
the insulating oxide film under the influence of an elec
tric field of the order of 107 V jcm. In metal B, the tunnel
electrons are "hot" electrons which are not in equilib
rium with other electrons in metal B. If the potential
drop between metals A and B is greater than the work
function of metal B, cPB, some of the tunnel electrons
could pass through a thin layer of metal B without
being attenuated significantly, surmount the barrier to
electron emission from B, and appear in the vacuum.
Current between A and B would be exponential in
voltage and insensitive to temperature changes if
tunneling from metal to metal occurs. Since the work
functions of metals are generally larger than 4 V, there
are two contradictory requirements for such emission
into vacuum; the oxide must be thin enough (d<50 A)
for electrons to tunnel through it and it must be thick
enough to support between 5 and 10 V without being
destroyed by dielectric breakdown, in order to obtain
significant amounts of electron emission into the
vacuum. In electron tunneling between metals, the
oxide film is simply a barrier or spacer between
Unfortunately the dielectric breakdown strength of
i 50
~ 40
~ 30 ... z w '" '" 20 " u
'3 ;;:
I • I
JL..L...L~_L L _1 __ _
6 6 4 2 0
FIG. 16. Electron emission from an aluminum-aluminum oxide
gold sandwich during establishment of film conductivity. 14
~ 100
::E 3 80 ~ ... z
'" <r "
'3 40 ..: I
\ ,
FIG. 17. Electron emission from an aluminum-aluminum oxide
gold sandwich after direct-current-voltage characteristic is fully
most insulators ",5 X 106 V jcm, is less than the fields of
107 V j em needed for electrons to tunnel from metal to
metaP7.18 One approach to this dilemma is to reduce the
work function of metal B by adsorbing cesium or some
other alkali metal. A second approach is to go to
thicker films where problems of dielectric breakdown
are minimized and try to get sufficient electrons into
metal B by mechanisms other than tunneling from
metal A through the insulating oxide. In such a case the
oxide ceases to be just a spacer and its electrical
properties become of prime importance.
Electron emission into vacuum from oxide sandwiches
occurs both during forming of the film characteristics
and after a negative resistance has been established.
Electrons appearing in the vacuum are not due to
tunneling between metals. In Figs. 16 and 17, the
current between metal electrodes and the current
emitted into vacuum are both displayed for the same
voltage across the oxide film. Figure 16 shows that
electron emission during forming of a 5 X 10-6 cm film
can occur at applied voltages as low as 2.5 V, substan
tially below the work function of gold, 4.7 V.19 Once a
negative resistance characteristic is established, elec
tron emission is closely tied to whatever mechanism is
responsible for switching from maximum to minimum
current, as shown in Fig. 17. Two probe measurement
of film potential causes the current maximum to appear
at 6 V instead of 2.9 V. No electron emission could be
J7 S. Whitehead, Dielectric Breakdown in Sulids (Clarendon
Press, Oxford, England, 1951).
18 P. D. Lomer, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B63, 818 (1950).
19 J. C. Riviere, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B70, 676 (1957).
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FIG. 18. Schematic diagram of the band structure of a metal,
an insulator, and a metal-insulator contact.
detected above noise until a sharp burst occurred at the
same time as the oxide film sandwich switched from
maximum to minimum conductivity. Electron emission
into the vacuum shows a second maximum at voltages
just below those which will produce dielectric break
down of the oxide films. Maximum electron emission
which has been observed is 2 X 10-6 A with 13 V across
the film and a current between metal films of
",1XI0-3 A.
Band Structure of an Insulator and the
Metal-Insulator Interface
The essentials of a simple model for the band struc
ture of an insulator, developed by Mott and Gurney,20
are indicated schematically in Fig. 18. The character
istics of an ideal insulator are: The valence band is
completely occupied, the conduction band is un
occupied, and the forbidden energy gap Eg is large
enough that thermal excitation of carriers across the
band gap is negligible. The electron affinity X is the
energy required to take an electron from the lowest
state of the conduction band into the vacuum. No
impurity levels have been included in Fig. 18 though
they will probably be present in an amorphous anodic
oxide film.
The simple model of Fig. 18 was developed for an
ideal single crystal; its application to highly amorphous
and impure substances such as anodic oxide films is
dubious at best. However, it is useful in defining some
of the energy relationships in an insulating film and will
serve for approximate calculations. We shall assume
that electrons and not holes are the charge carriers in
thin insulating oxide films. Partial justification is
provided by Fig. 16 which shows that signficant
electron emission into vacuum can occur from oxide
20 N. F. Matt and R. W. Gurney, Electronic Processes in Ionic
Crystals (Oxford University Press, London, 1948), 2nd edition. A metal-insulator contact is also indicated schemati
cally in Fig. 18. The work function of the metal cf> is the
energy required to raise electrons from the Fermi level
of the metal into the vacuum. On contact with an
insulator, a barrier to the emission of electrons into the
insulator is established. The minimum value of this
barrier is cf>min =cf>-X, as shown in Fig. 18; however, the
surface barrier may also be larger than this.
Space-Charge-Limited Currents in Solids
An unusual feature of the currents through thin oxide
films after conductivity has been established is the
magnitude of the current for voltages less than 2.9 V.
Current densities as high as 25 A/cm2 can be passed
through films 3X 10-6 em thick without destroying or
changing the oxide film.
Mott and Gurney20 first showed that large currents
could be drawn through very thin insulating films if
space charge in the insulator rather than injection of
charge into the conduction band of the insulator con
trolled the current. More general treatments21-27 that
include diffusion of charge carriers, and traps in the
insulator, have extended the simple analysis. Space
charge-limited currents have been observed in thin
single crystals of CdS,28.29 ZnS/o and GaAs,31 and their
possible use in solid state electronics has been dis
cussed.32.33 However, de space-charge-limited currents
in anodic films or in thin amorphous oxide films have
not been reported. Two requirements must be satisfied
if space-charge-limited currents of appreciable magni
tude are to be observed22; at least one electrode must
make ohmic contact to the insulator and the insulator
must be relatively free from trapping defects. If these
requirements are met, the space-charge-limited current
where V is the applied voltage, d is the thickness of the
insulator, p. is the drift mobility of charge carriers, and K
is the dielectric constant of the insulator. Equation (1)
is Child's law for a solid-state space-charge-limited
diode. Shallow traps reduce the effective mobility of the
charge carriers by an amount 8, the fraction of total
charge injected into the insulator which is free. The
space-charge-limited current retains the same voltage
21 A. Rose, RCA Rev. 12, 362 (1951).
22 A. Rose, Phys. Rev. 97, 1538 (1955).
23 M. A. Lampert, Phys. Rev. 103, 1648 (1956).
24 S. M. Skinner, J. App!. Phys. 26, 498 (1955).
25 G. H. Suits, J. App!. Phys. 28, 454 (1957).
2. G. T. Wright, Solid State Electronics 2, 165 (1961).
27 F. Stockmann, Halbleiterprobleme (Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn,
Braunschweig, Germany, 1961), Vol. 6, p. 279.
28 R. W. Smith and A. Rose, Phys. Rev. 97, 1531 (1955).
'" G. T. Wright, Nature 182, 1296 (1958).
30 W. Ruppel, Helv. Phys. Acta 31, 311 (1958).
31 J. W. Allen and R. J. Cherry, Nature 189, 297 (1961).
32 W. Ruppel and R. W. Smith, RCA Rev. 20, 702 (1959).
33 G. T. Wright, J. Brit. lnst. Radio Engrs. 20, 337 (1960).
Downloaded 06 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions~ EGA T I V ERE SIS TAN eEl NTH I NAN 0 DIe 0 X IDE F I L M S 2679
110 0 T:300'K .. T. 253'1<
D Tc tit 't(
100 0 T· Z06'K
iii 70
~ FIG. 19. Space-..
<C charge-limited cur-:3 60
rents in a 450-A ii
aluminum oxide film ....
at different tempera-
~ 50
3 40
dependence, and
where JLO is the mobility of free carriers. For anodically
formed aluminum oxide, K=8, but values of the
mobility JL are not known. A value of 10 cm2/V-sec will
be used for an order of magnitude calculation. For
d=5X1O-6 cm and V=l V, I~6X104 A/cm2, for a
trap-free insulator, an extremely large current.
In Fig. 19, the current through a 4.5X1o-6 cm film
before negative resistance occurs is plotted against V2
for different temperatures. From the excellent fit and
from the magnitude of the currents which can be drawn
through thin anodic oxide films, we conclude that
currents below the negative resistance region of the
current-voltage curves are space-charge-limited. The
curves of Fig. 6 that are plotted in Fig. 19 were meas
ured under slowly varying dc voltages that maximized
currents through the films. If the voltage were increased
across films of lower initial conductivity, a steep rise in
current would occur above 2 V until the maximum film
conductivity was obtained. For films of maximum
conductivity, Child's law for solids (10:: P) is obeyed at
temperatures at which negative resistance is observed
in aluminum oxide sandwiches.
An ohmic contact between electrode and insulator is
required to observe space-charge-limited currentsP
With an ohmic contact, the metal serves as a reservoir of
electrons in thermal and electrical equilibrium with the
insulator; the value of "'min in Fig. 18 should be low
enough that thermionic emission into the insulator is
significant. The number of electrons/ cm3 emitted into
the insulator from the metal may be approximated by
No~2.5XlO19 exp("'min/kT). TABLE IT. Thermal emission of electrons
into an insulator, T=300DK.
cpmin (eV) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
No (electrons/cm3) 5X1017 lX1016 2X1014 5Xl012 lXl011
IMt (A/cm2) 8Xl0· 2X104 3X1Q2 8 0.2
-------------- :------cc===
In Table II, No at 3000K is calculated for different
values of "'min. Saturation in a solid-state diode is not
predicted by Eq. (1), but will occur when all injected
electrons are drawn to the anode. In Table II, Isat is
calculated from Isot= ]\;' oJLeF, assuming that F= 106
V /cm, and JL is 10 cm2/V-sec. Saturation currents for
"'min=0.3 V are in reasonable agreement with maximum
currents observed through anodized films. In calculating
Isat, it is assumed that JL is independent of field and that
no electrons are produced in the insulator by impact
ionization. Current in the space-charge-limited current
region of a solid-state diode will be relatively insensitive
to temperature so long as No is larger than the number
of electrons being drawn to the anode. Figure 6 shows
this to be the case for aluminum oxide sandwiches.
The role of traps22,23 in the oxide film in determining
the experimental current-voltage characteristics is un
certain. The relative absence of traps is a requirement
for observing space-charge-limited currents in an
insulator. Anodic oxide films generally have an amor
phous structure that gives no identifiable electron or
x-ray diffraction pattern. The density of traps in such
structurally irregular films may be very high. In addi
tion, anodic films formed in molten bisulfate have
about 15% of sulfate which could provide trapping sites.
In spite of the possible high density of traps, fair agree
ment between experiment and a theory for trap-free
insulators is found for oxide films that have maximum
conductivity. Some mechanism for the effective
neutralization of trapping sites in the oxide appears to
minimize trapping of electrons in the conduction band.
Electrons injected by an ohmic contact into an insulat
ing film may neutralize many of the electron traps in
the insulator provided No is greater than the number of
traps. Such neutralization of traps in the oxide film
would make possible the observation of space-charge
limited currents in thin films of highly amorphous and
impure substances.
The sensitive dependence of current On film thickness
predicted by Eq. (1), I 0:: ljd3, is not confirmed quantita
tively. However, thick films (>600 A) generally have
much lower maximum currents than can be developed
in thin films ( <300 A) made under the same conditions.
Establishment of Oxide Conductivity
Space-charge-limited currents in thin oxide films re
quire a low barrier to the emission of electrons from the
metal into the insulator. Simple band theory of a metal
insulator contact predicts that the barrier should be
'" -x, the difference between the work function of the
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metal and the electron affinity of the insulator. For clean
AI,cJ>=4.2 VI9while oxidized aluminum has been reported
(0 have cJ>=5.4 V.:J4 Values of the electron affinity of
oxides are poorly known. For BaO and SrO, x"",0.5 V,a6
while Mgoa6 has an electron affinity of """ 1 V; the value
for Ab03 has not been determined.
Figure 16 shows that electron emission from AI-AI20a
Au sandwiches can occur when only 2.5 V are applied
across the film. If emission were from electrons that
have passed through the oxide, into the gold anode, and
then out into the vacuum, as in Fig. 15, no emission
should be detected below 4.7 V, the work function of
gold. However, since very thin evaporated gold films
«100 A) have many small holes,!1 electron emission
can occur at 2.5 V, two volts less than the work function
of gold, if the electrons escape into vacuum directly
from the conduction band of the oxide through pinholes
in the gold film.37 For this to happen, the maximum
value of the electron affinity of aluminum oxide is 2.5 V;
electron emission can occur if X is less than 2.5 V and
the electrons lose significant amounts of energy in
traversing the oxide. If 2.5 V is the maximum value of
x, cJ> -X is greater than 1. 7 Vat the aluminum-aluminum
oxide interface, and greater than 2.2 V at the gold
aluminum oxide interface, assuming that cJ> has the
same value as the work function in vacuum. Resisti
vities of 1014 to 1017 !2-cm at 300 oK, observed for oxide
sandwiches after anodization, are in agreement with
such high barriers at the metal-insulator interface.
On this model, establishment of conductivity and
negative resistance in the oxide film by the application
of a high field to the film in vacuum, results in the
reduction of cJ>min to a value between 0.2 and 0.5 V.
The barrier height is reduced by at least 1.2 V and
possibly by as much as 3.5 V during forming. Reduction
of the barrier will occur if a positive dipole is produced
at the metal-oxide interface with the positive end of the
dipole in the oxide. One possible source of a positive
dipole is field ionization of neutral donors, homogene
ously distributed throughout the bulk of the oxide film,
to produce immobile positive traps. However, reason
able numbers of donors, 1016 to 1018/cm3, will only
reduce the barrier a few hundredths of a volt if they are
fully ionized.
To reduce the barrier height by more than 1.2 V,
positively charged centers in the oxide need to be
located close to the metal-insulator interface rather than
distributed uniformly throughout the insulator. The
reduction in the work function at a surface due to
positive charges at a distance d from the metal surface
is ~ V = 41rued, where e is the electronic charge and u is
the number of positive charges per unit area. If d""" 10-7
34 A. F. Ioffe, Physics of Semiconductors (Academic Press Inc.,
New York, 1960), p. 229.
35 D. A. Wright, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) 60, 13 (1948).
36 J. R. Stevenson and E. B. Hensley, J. App!. Phys. 32, 166
37 R. N. Hall, Solid State Electronics 3, 320 (1961). cm, u""" 1013/cm2 positive charges will reduce the barrier
by 1 V. Thus, reasonable numbers of positively charged
states at the metal-oxide interface will lower the barrier
to electron emission from the metal into the insulator,
while positive centers homogeneously distributed
throughout the thickness of the oxide film will not. From
this point of view, establishment of film conductivity
may result from the field ionization of initially neutral
states to form immobile positive states at the metal
insulator interface. Since the field-free oxide film will be
electrically neutral, the number of positive centers at
the surface and in the bulk of the oxide will equ~l the
number of injected electrons. Surface states in the
insulator, of the type discussed by Bardeen38 for semi
conductors, may be the source of the positive centers.
Leakage Currents in Anodized Films
Anodic films with thicknesses between 150 and
1000 A generally have very high resistivities and expo
nential current-voltage characteristics before the irrever
sible establishment of conductivity. Experimental
values of the currents for small applied voltages, 10-10
to 10-7 A/cm2, while small, are much larger than should
be observed if electrons are thermally excited from the
metal into the insulator, and very much larger than if
valence electrons were thermally excited across the
band gap. Tunneling of electrons from one metal film
to the other would produce an exponential current
voltage characteristic 4,5 but tunneling currents are
insignificant for insulating films greater than 50 A
thick when the value of cJ>min is greater than 1 V.
FrenkeP9 showed that the lowering, by high fields, of
the barrier to thermal emission of an electron from an
impurity into the conduction band gave a conductivity
U=Uo exp[(e3F/K)t/kT]' Vermilyea40 applied the theory
to measurements of conductivity in anodized Zr02
films41 with good fit to the data, but he has recently
criticized the validity of the agreement with experi
ment.2 Tunneling of electrons from donor impurity
levels in the oxide42 is an alternate process that provides
semiquantitative agreement with experimental current
voltage curves for freshly anodized oxide films.
For oxide films that are greater than 50 A thick,
great care will be needed to distinguish between expo
nential current-voltage characteristics due to tunneling
of electrons from one metal electrode to the other, due
to tunneling combined with thermionic emission, or
due to field ionization of impurities in the oxide. The
mere existence of an exponential current-voltage
characteristic in insulating films is not sufficient
38 J. Bardeen, Phys, Rev. 71, 717 (1947).
39 J. Frenkel, Phys. Rev, 54, 647 (1938),
40 D. A, Vermilyea, Acta Met. 2, 346 (1954).
41 A. Charlesby, Acta Met. 1, 348 (1953).
42 W. Franz, Handbuch der Physik (Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
1956), Va!. 17, p. 155.
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evidence that electron tunneling from one metal to the
other is the dominant conduction process.5
Dielectric Breakdown
The establishment of space-charge-limited currents
in thin insulating films presents certain difficulties in
determining their dielectric breakdown strength. The
breakdown strength is usually determined experi
mentallyl7,43 as a value of the electric field at which a
rapid and destructive increase of current through the
insulator occurs. In establishing the conductivity of
oxide films by applying a voltage, as in Fig. 2, a rapid
and irreversible current increase occurs at fields of
around 106 V / cm, a rather small breakdown strength.
The current increase looks like dielectric breakdown.
However, the current increases are not destructive and
the simultaneous establishment of a negative resistance
region shows unequivocally that dielectric breakdown
has not occurred. Instead, destructive breakdown of
the films occurs at higher voltages, as in Fig. 4, and
manifests itself in melting back of the gold counter
electrode in small islands for dc voltages. Final break
down of the aluminum oxide film causes a decrease in
current through the film due to loss of contact with the
gold electrode. Thus, it is somewhat uncertain what the
definition of the dielectric strength of these films should
Negative Resistance in Oxide Films
Negative resistance similar to the characteristic for
anodized aluminum has been found in five metal-oxide
metal systems.# It should be of general occurrence in
metal-insula tor-metal sandwiches provided certain
limiting conditions are satisfied:
(1) The insulator should be thin enough that fields
needed to establish conductivity are less than the
dielectric breakdown strength of the insulator. Maxi
mum insulator thickness will be around 1000 A.
(2) The insulator should be thick enough that dielec
tric breakdown of the insulator does not occur at
voltages below the voltage for peak current. This sets
a minimum thickness around 80 A.
(3) The band gap of the insulator should be larger
than the voltage for peak current. Otherwise, currents
due to band-to-band tunneling and other avalanche
processes may swamp space-charge-limited currents
and a negative resistance region.
(4) Low dielectric constant insulators form a charac
teristic most easily. For high dielectric constant
materials, K> 25, breakdown to a high conductivity
state may obscure the negative resistance region.
4. R. Stratton, Progress in Dielectrics (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1961), Vol. 3, p. 233.
44 G. S. Kreinina, L. N. Selivanov, and T. I. Schumskaia
Ra?iotekh~ika i elektronika 5,1338 (1960), have reported negativ~
reslstance In AbO. films. A few insulators that might show negative resistance,
if thin films without pinholes can be obtained, are MgO,
Nb206, CaO, SrO, BaO, ZnS, and most of the alkali
Although predictions of the occurrence of negative
resistance in metal-insula tor-metal sandwiches can be
made, the mechanism responsible for the effect is
essentially unknown. Experimental observations on
aluminum oxide may be summarized:
(1) Location of the voltage for peak current is
independent of film thickness. It is a voltage phenomenon
not a field phenomenon unless the field is across a
surface barrier whose thickness is independent of film
thickness but dependent on dielectric constant.
(2) The shape of the current-voltage curve is inde
pendent of temperature although the peak current
decreases with decreasing temperature. Thermal effects
do not appear to determine the negative resistance
since a seventy-fold decrease in power dissipated in the
oxide film leaves the shape of the current-voltage
characteristic unchanged, as shown in Fig. 6.
(3) Electron emission into the vacuum seems to be
closely coupled with onset of dc negative resistance.
(4) Current decrease is exponential in voltage
through the negative resistance region.
(5) Switching from peak to valley occurs in less than
0.5 J.lsec and current through the film can be increased
or decreased in J.lsec. On the other hand, a 60-cycle
voltage does not trace out the negative resistance.
Processes with widely varying time constants may be
involved in both conductivity and in the observation
of negative resistance.
(6) Qualitatively, current-voltage curves in the
negative resistance region are independent of polarity
or of the electrode metal. This eliminates the possibility
that a p-n junction in the oxide is responsible as in
tunnel diodes. The precise region of the voltage for maxi
mum current depends on the metal electrode.
(7) Negative resistance regions are of general
occurrence in metal-insulator sandwiches.
Some possible mechanisms can be suggested. Negative
resistance in aluminum oxide above 2.9 V may be due
to an increase in tPmin. Tunneling of electrons from the
metal into positive states located in the insulator at a
distance of "'" 10-7 cm from the metal would neutralize
them and increase tPmin. An increase of only 0.1 V in
tPmin will reduce the number of thermally injected elec
trons by nearly a factor of 100. Such tunneling would
be extremely rapid and could be voltage dependent if
the voltage drop in the oxide were primarily across a
surface layer independent of total film thickness. An
alternative source of a decrease in oxide conductivity is
voltage-sensitive traps, traps that become effective
when the free charge carriers reach a certain voltage.
Further experiments are necessary to determine whether
either of these possible mechanisms is correct or whether
Downloaded 06 May 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions2682 T. W. HICKMOTT
some other phenomenon such as a decrease in carrier
mobility is responsible for the occurrence of negative
resistance in metal-insulator-metal sandwiches. The
possibility that singular sites in anodic oxide films are
the primary factors in determining current-voltage
characteristics must also be explored.2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Discussions with many people at the General Electric
Research Laboratory have assisted in this work. In
particular, L. Apker, I. Giaever, W. A. Harrison,
R. H. Pry, J. J. Tiemann, and D. A. Vermilyea have
offered advice and encouragement.
Interdiffusion of Gases in a Low Permeability Graphite at Uniform Pressure
Oak Ridge National Laboratory,* Oak Ridge, Tennessee
(Received February 26, 1962)
An experimental investigation of the interdiffusion behavior of
gases in a low permeability graphite was performed by sweeping
the opposite faces of a graphite septum with helium and argon
at uniform pressure and measuring the diffusive flux of both gases.
The objectives were to ascertain the diffusion mechanism, to
verify the applicable equations and associated theories, and to
determine the parameters required to use these equations. At all
experimental pressures, contributions of both normal and Knudsen
diffusion effects were detectable via the pressure dependence
of the diffusion fluxes. It was found that a previously proposed
A. Applied Processes
THE experimental results described in this paper
are not limited to any particular application;
however, it may be pertinent to consider the applied
problem which stimulated our initial interest in the
transport behavior of gases in graphite. The problem
concerns the maintenance of low concentrations of
radioactive contaminants in the coolant gas streams of
nuclear reactors. A partial solution involves attempts
to segregate gases which surround the fuel elements
(the contaminant source) from those serving as a heat
transfer fluid. A simplified diagram of such a system is
shown in Fig. 1. The fuel element system' is composed
FIG. 1. Possible graphite canned-fuel element. -----* Operated for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission by Union
Carbide Corporation.
1 G. E. Lockett and R. A. U. Huddle, Nuclear Power 5, 112
(1960). dusty-gas model formed an excellent basis for correlating the
results. The dusty-gas model yields flux equations which predict
the diffusion behavior over a wide range of pressures for particular
gas concentrations at the boundaries. Only two experimentally
determined parameters (characteristic of the gases and graphite)
are required. These are: an effective normal-diffusion coefficient
obtained through interdiffusion experiments and a Knudsen
coefficient obtained through single-gas (permeability) experiments.
The procedures used to evaluate these parameters in terms of the
experimental data are described in detail.
of two graphite components: a low-permeability
graphite sleeve and a uranium-fueled graphite body.
During operation, the pressure in the annulus between
the components is to be adjusted such that a forced
flow of coolant gas enters the annulus through the sleeve.
This should backflush the gaseous fission products
which tend to diffuse out through the pores of the
sleeve, while reducing the concentration driving force
upon which the diffusion depends.
Perhaps, for convenience and by coincidence (rather
than by intent), a majority of the studies of the steady
state interdiffusion behavior of gases within porous
media have been carried out in the laboratory [under
uniform or nonuniform total-pressure conditions (see
Fig. 2)] with an experimental setup2 which is nearly
identical to the scheme outlined in Fig. 1. For an experi
ment, the fueled body is replaced by a source of a
second gas and the operating conditions such as tem
perature, pressures, and gas concentrations are not as
drastic as those visualized for a nuclear reactor.
Another interesting application involves the develop
ment of methods to bring about a separation within a
flowing gas mixture. Separations are accomplished
under steady-state conditions by allowing a mixture
to flow through screens or barriers composed of either
a porous medium3 or a condensable third gas com-
2 The experimental apparatus described in Fig. 2 was first
employed by E. Wicke and R. Kallenbach, Kolloid-Z. 97, 135
(1941 ).
3 Typical examples of barrier separation processes are de
scribed by P. C. Carman, Flow of Gases Through Porous Media
(Academic Press Inc., New York, 1956), p. 139.
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1.1732141.pdf | Thermal Dissociation Rate of Hydrogen
W. C. Gardiner and G. B. Kistiakowsky
Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 35, 1765 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.1732141
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1732141
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Downloaded 11 Apr 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsMATRIX ELEMENTS FOR ASYMMETRIC ROTORS 1765
where use has been made of the fact that A,L, and 1/, are pure imaginary operators so that M'",=M." and
el"I'!'''=0 unless p,~p,', p,~p,", p,'~p,"
( -lV, P=parity of the permutation of p,'p,p," from Z, X, Y
LeI"!'!''' A,"A., !'" = LAv" 1" eV",.1 (A.8)
IJ.Jj" JIll
and EM JI'IIleVIlJlyl = (p") S
.. I
TIN'" (l)=} (v") s (A.9)
The other terms in TIN(l) arise from the decomposition of M .. , into trace, skew tensor (axial vector), and sym~
metric second rank traceless tensor.
The term [S]I[I]m+[I]I[S](l} is treated in the same way, except that S and I commute. It yields three terms,
one is absorbed in the dipole-dipole interaction, another in the Fermi interaction leaving only [T5N(l) XS]l,1 as
a new form.
Thermal Dissociation Rate of Hydrogen
Gibbs Chemical Laboratory, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts
(Received February 3, 1961)
The thermal dissociation rate of hydrogen in xenon-hydrogen mixtures has been studied with shock-wave
techniques over the temperature range 30CJ0-4500oK. The observed density profiles were consistent with
the rate constant expressions:
Hz+H=3H k= 1.8X1017T"i exp( -V/ RT)cm3 mole-1 secl
k=1.8X1Q20T-i exp( -V/RT)cm3 mole-1 sec-l
k= 1.2X101sT-i exp( -V/RT)cm3 rnole-1 sec-l.
THE dissociation of hydrogen molecules into atoms
is of interest as the simplest of all chemical reac
tions. Extensive studies of the reverse reaction have
been carried out at low temperature, but a direct study
of the dissociation reaction itself at shock-wave tem
peratures has not been amenable to the usual shock
wave techniques. On the one hand, it is difficult to heat
hydrogen strongly with shock waves due to its high
sound speed. On the other hand, the progress of the
dissociation reaction is difficult to observe by previ
ously used techniques. The electronic transitions
available for absorption measurements are all at very
short wavelengths, and an interferometric technique
would be insensitive due to the low refractive index.
The use of soft x-ray absorption for density measure
ments in detonation waves has been shown to combine
reliability and high time resolution.l Its application to
the measurement of the hydrogen dissociation rate
solved both the sound-speed problem and the analytical
problem, since the use of xenon as diluent gas and
• Present address: Department of Chemistry, The University of
Texas, Austin 12, Texas.
1 G. B. Kistiakowsky and P. H. Kydd, J. Chern. Phys. 25, 824
(1956); J. P. Chesick and G. B. Kistiakowsky, ibid. 28,956 (1958). x-ray absorber decreased the sound speed of the experi
mental gas to a point where strong incident shocks
could be obtained with moderate driver-gas pressures.
We have assumed the dissociation to proceed by
three bimolecular mechanisms:
H2+Xe-+Xe+2 H,
H2+H2--tH2+2 H,
H2+H--t3H. (1)
Recent theoretical studies2 have shown that such a
simple scheme certainly does not represent the correct
mechanism for the dissociation of diatomic molecules.
It is clear that the rate-determining step is the gradual
collisional activation to successive vibrational levels
until the dissociation limit is approached, rather than a
direct transition from the ground or first vibrational
level to the continuum. The details of the collisional
activation process, however, are still so uncertain that
there is no immediate prospect of making reliable rate
2 E. V. Stupochenko and A. T. Osipov, J. Phys. Chern. U.S.S.R.
32, 1673 (1958); E. M. Montroll and K. E. Shuler, Advances in
Chern. Phys. I, 361 (1959); E. E. Nikitin and N. D. Sokolov,
J. Chern. Phys. 31, 1371 (1959); and others.
Downloaded 11 Apr 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1766 W. C. GARDINER, JR., AND G. B. KISTIAKOWSKY
TABLE I. Shock conditions before dissociation.
Shock Shock Shock
Run Mixture velocity pressure temperature
(m/sec) (atm) (deg K)
12 4:1 1346 0.6081 4350
13 4:1 1358 0.5926 4420
14 4: 1 1313 0.6197 4155
15 4: 1 1438 0.5190 4910
18 4:1 1405 0.5334 4700
19 4: 1 1413 0.5485 4750
20 4:1 1510 0.4887 5360
21 1:1 1890 0.3629 4670
22 1: 1 1583 0.5286 3430
23 1:1 1735 0.4830 4015
24 1:1 1747 0.4827 4065
25 4:1 1364 0.5945 4455
26 1:1 1518 0.5062 3190
calculations using this model. For the purposes of data
analysis there would be no advantage in doing so, since
dissociation-rate data are not capable of distinguishing
between "one-shot" and ladder climbing models.3 We
shall therefore use the classical collision theory expres-
sion for the dissociation-rate constants
k=CT(!-s) exp(-DIRT), (4)
where D=dissociation energy, C=a constant, and
s=! the number of classical degrees of freedom of
internal energy which can contribute to the dissocia
tion energy, if itlis assumed that relative translational
energy only along the line of centers can contribute.
Ideally, an experimental study of the dissociation
rate, should provide values for both sand C. In prac
tice, however, it is difficult to extend measurements
over a sufficiently wide temperature range to obtain an
independent measurement of s. In this investigation
we have assumed values of s and'determined the con
stants C in (4) for reactions (1)-(3).
S~paration of the"rate constants for reactions (1) and
(2) would be accomplished in an ideal case by observ
ing the initial dissociation rates in mixtures containing
almost 100% xenon and almost 100% hydrogen, re
spectively. With these two rate constants determined,
the hydrogen-atom rate constant could be found by
observing the later stages of the dissociation reaction.
The limitations of our apparatus, however, forced a
retreat to considerably less ideal conditions. At high
xenon concentrations the density changes due to
dissociation become small. At high hydrogen concen
trations the sound speed of the gas increases to a point
where exceedingly high driver-gas pressures are re
quired to produce shocks strong enough to dissociate
a E. V. Stupochenko and A. T. Osipov, reference 2. appreciable fractions of the hydrogen. Preliminary
experiments indicated that the former problem would
become serious when the xenon content exceeded 80%,
and the latter problem would become serious when the
hydrogen content exceeded 50%. The compositions
used in the experiments reported here were xenon
82.97%, hydrogen 17.03%, xenon 52.33%, and hydro
gen 47.67%.
It should be pointed out that since the increase in
hydrogen-atom concentration through the shock is
accompanied by a very substantial decrease in tem
perature, any misassignment of temperature depend
ence to the rate constants (i.e., any error in s or D) will
result in an incorrect assessment of the effect of the
growing hydrogen-atom concentration on the over-all
rate. This inseparability of temperature and hydrogen
atom effects is the major source of uncertainty in the
present experimental method. The rate constant for
dissociation upon collision with hydrogen atoms which
is derived from the results of these experiments is
therefore meaningful only to the extent to which the
assumed temperature dependence of the rate constants
is correct. This point will be discussed again later.
The apparatus described previouslyl was rebuilt to
permit shock-wave studies under clean vacuum condi
tions. The shock tube was made from 3-in. i.d. Rockrite
steel tubing and had a 10-ft driver section and an
l1-ft expansion section. It could be pumped to a
vacuum of less than 10-5 mm Hg and had an outgassing
rate of 2-3 M/hr. It was cleaned thoroughly with
various solvents before experiments were started. The
two sections of the tube were separated by Kodapak
cellulose acetate diaphragms. Before each experiment
all diaphragm fragments from the previous experiment
were carefully removed from the tube.
Shock velocities were measured with a series of five
ionization gauges equally spaced upstream and down
stream of the x-ray slits. The signals were displayed on
a raster sweep oscilloscope. Attenuation of the wave
was found to be less than 0.2% in 50 cm.
A Machlett AEG 50-A x-ray tube with a copper
anode was operated at 28 kv, 21 ma emission current
to supply the x-ray power. Sixty-cycle ripple in the
x-ray output intensity, a source of data scatter in the
previous apparatus, was reduced to less than 5% by
using a dc filament supply to the x-ray tube and
strongly filtered high voltage. A redesigned slit system
allowed the entire solid angle of radiation emitted by
the tube to be utilized for absorption measurements.
The x-ray beam was defined by lo5-mm slits through
the wall of the shock tube. The curved O.OIO-in.
beryllium windows were recessed 0.012 in. back from
the inside wall of the shock tube. This indentation was
the only irregularity presented to the gas flow.
The intensity of the x-ray beam emerging from the
shock tube was measured by a detector consisting of a
plastic scintillator block (Plastic Scintillator B, Pilot
Downloaded 11 Apr 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsDISSOCIATION RATE OF HYDROGEN 1767
Chemical Company) machined into a truncated rec
tangular pyramid and a DuMont 6364 photomultiplier
tube. To minimize fluorescence loss the sides and top
of the pyramid were coated with a thin layer of alu
minum. The photomultiplier tube signal was converted
to low impedance by a cathode follower and displayed
on a Tektronix 531 oscilloscope. A single sweep of the
oscilloscope was triggered by the arrival of the shock
at a platinum resistance gauge upstream from the slits
and was photographed. A circuit for supplying accu
rately measured simulated photomultiplier currents to
the cathode follower allowed calibration lines to be
traced on the same photograph.
The effective extinction coefficient of xenon for the
28-kv x rays was determined by static calibration. Ex
periments with shock waves in pure xenon confirmed
that density measurements correct to about 3-4%
could be made in single experiments, and that there
were no systematic errors.
A shutter prevented the x-ray beam from passing
through the shock tube until about 5 msec before the
arrival of the shock wave. Synchronization of the
shutter and the shock was accomplished by allowing a
signal from the opening shutter to trigger a thyratron
driven, solenoid operated, diaphragm slitting device.
Experimental mixtures were prepared in a glass
vacuum system of conventional design. Hydrogen was
prepared from uranium hydride.4 Xenon was purified
by gettering over titanium at 900°C. Mass spectro
metric analysis of the gas mixtures indicated that the
impurity level was below 0.005%. The compositions of
the mixtures were determined by careful manometric
measurements during their preparation.
Thirteen experiments were analyzed in this study.
Observations were made in incident shocks only. The
conditions in these shock waves before the onset of
dissociation are summarized in Table I. Shock densities
and temperatures were determined from the measured
shock velocities by interpolation on graphs constructed
using the Rankine-Hugoniot equations and standard
enthalpy tables.s It was assumed that the vibrational
relaxation of the hydrogen was complete before dis
sociation was appreciable.6
Sample oscilloscope records are shown in Fig. 1.
Density values were calculated from photomultiplier
currents read from the records at 5-or 10-,usec inter
vals. Reference point for the density measurements
was the final density at dissociation equilibrium.
During the dissociation reaction all the hydro
dynamic and thermodynamic parameters change by
large amounts. Under these circumstances data reduc
tion becomes a complicated affair. The arguments in-
4 F. H. Sped ding et al. , Nucleonics 4, 4 (1949).
• S~lected Values of Chemical Thermodynamic Properties
(NatIOnal Bureau of Standards Washington D. C. 1952)
Ser. III. ""
6 M. Salkoff and E. Bauer, J. Chern. Phys. 29, 26 (1958). FIG. !. Sample ~scilloscope records. Density increases up
wards. 1< ull sweep = ;,00 /Lsec.
volved are described in Byron's work on oxygen.7 The
adva~tages of a digital computer for analyzing the
expenmental data in a situation like this are obvious.
We were fortunate in receiving an offer from the
United Aircraft Corporation Research Laboratories to
use their computation facilities and a program written
by R. W. Patch for integrating the hydrodynamic and
kinetic equations describing a shock wave in a mixture
of dissociating diatomic gas and inert gas. This program
accepts an assumed set of rate constants and the condi
tions in a shock before dissociation commences as input
and computes the reaction profile through the wave
until dissociation equilibrium is attained. The data
reduction procedure used in this work was therefore a
series of comparisons between computed and experi
mental density profiles, revising the input-rate con
stants each time until agreement between computed
and experimental density profiles was obtained.
Experimental values for s in Eq. (4) could not be
obtained in this work. The pre-exponential temperature
dependence of the rate constants was taken to be the
same as that obtained by Byron in his \york on the dis
sociation rate of oxygen.7 For the atom-molecule reac
tions, we assume s = 1 and for the molecule-molecule
reaction s=2, values which are in accord with the
classical collision-theory analysis.8
Of the several studies of the gas phase recomBination
rate of hydrogen atoms the most reliable appears to be
that of Farkas and Sachsse.9 These workers studied
the room-temperature recombination rate in the
presence of argon as inert gas by a photochemical
steady-state method. They found that the rate con
stants for argon, hydrogen molecules, and hydrogen
atoms were the same within the accuracy of their
mea~urements. If it is assumed that the third body
effiCiency of xenon for recombining hydrogen atoms is
7 S. R. Byron, J. Chern. Phys. 30, 1380 (1959).
8 R. H. Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim Statistical Tlzermo-
1r.amics (Cambridge University Press, Ne\~ York, 1952), Chap.
9 L. Farkas and H. Sachsse Z. physik. Chern. (Leipzig) B27,
111 (1934). '
Downloaded 11 Apr 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1768 W. C. GARDINER, JR., AND G. B. KISTIAKOWSKY
14 RUN 20
,..",.--;;: 1,4
g. ....... RUN 23~: ~O. RUN 24 RUN 25 " ....... !4~ ...... .
...... ..I..-_....I.....L. ..... 10 17 ...... "'--..1..-..1..-_....1..
14 '{}"-_ .... _.
...:1"0" _----10....... .-2 n../ b· 1.8.IBO
Y RUN 23 c· 2 .(}{)---""" ..
/ b-18
RUN 23 C' .2,20
12 L..;..J.......L....L...L....L
21 -~~ ....
~;:,~---rI , .... r/
• -2 1,6 .-2
b • LO,IOO , b • 18
C • 2 ,e .. 2,20
RUN 18 RUN 18 RUN 18
'41-..I..-_....I.. ....... ...L 14 ..... ..I..-..&-....I.....&..-I. 14 ..... ..I..-..&--'-...&.."""""
FIG, 2. Comparison of calculated and experimental density
profiles. Abscissa = laboratory time, Ordinate = density, g/ccX
1()5 .••• = equilibrium density. --=computed using final rate
constant expressions. -----=Computed using the rate-constant
expressions kx.=aXI017r-t exp(-D/RT) , kBl=bX1019 :r-t
exp( -D/RT), kH=cXI017r-t exp( -D/RT). the same as the third body efficiency of argon, then the
recombination-rate constants of Farkas and Sachsse
can be converted to the bimolecular dissociation rate
kXe=2XI0l7T-!exp(-DIRT) ems mole-I seci
kH2=1.8XI02or-! exp( -DIRT) cm3 mole-l seci
kH=2XlO17T-l exp( -DIRT) ems mole-I seci.
D=4.4769 ev.
These expressions for the rate constants were taken
as a starting point for the first trial integrations. Density
profiles were computed for runs 18, 19, 22, and 23.
Additional integrations were carried out with increased
and decreased values for each of the rate constants
separately to determine the magnitude of the effect
that such variations would have on the density profile.
A check was made to ensure that reducing the size of
the integration increment used had no effect on the
The density profiles computed for runs 18, 19, and
23 were in reasonable agreement with the experimental
results, whereas there was serious disagreement in run
22. The lack of agreement in 22 is discussed below, It
appeared that the agreement between calculation and
experiment could be improved by reducing the xenon
rate constant and increasing the hydrogen-atom rate
constant. The former was reduced by a factor of 0.9
and the latter was increased by factors of 6 and 10 for
the second set of trial integrations. These were carried
out for runs 14, 20, and 21. Comparison of the results
indicated that more satisfactory agreement was ob
tained with the sixfold increase in hydrogen-atom
efficiency. The serious disagreement in run 20 is dis
cussed below.
At this point all of the density records were compared
with one another and with the computed density pro
files. It was decided that no significant improvement in
the agreement between computed and experimental
density profiles would be obtained by further adjust
ment of the rate constants. Density profiles were then
computed for all 13 experiments using
kxe=1.8XI0I7T-!exp(-DIRT) ems mole-I seci
kH2=1.8X1020r-J exp( -DIRT) ems mole-I seci
kH=1.2XlOlsT-! exp( -DIRT) ems mole-l secl •
These profiles and the corresponding experimental
data are shown in Fig. 2. The solid lines are computed
profiles corresponding to the final rate constants. The
other lines correspond to rate constants altered as
The classical collision theory expression for the dis
sociation rate constant isS
k=pu2(87rRTlp.)i Sl-I(DIRT)8 exp( -DIRT), (5)
Downloaded 11 Apr 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsDISSOCIATION RATE OF HYDROGEN 1769
where Il=reduced mass of colliding pair, u=collision
diameter, p = 1 for collisions between unlike molecules
and! for collisions between like molecules. Equation
(5) allows the experimental rate constants to be con
verted into effective collision diameters for the three
collision partners. The collision diameters are thus
found to be for xenon 1.2 A, for hydrogen molecules
0.31 A, and for hydrogen atoms 2.6 A. The exceptionally
high value for hydrogen atoms is not in agreement
with the low-temperature recombination results of
Steiner and Wicke.10
The form of data reduction used does not lend itself
readily to a determination of the error limits within
which the rate constants have been measured. An
estimate of this can best be made by comparing the
agreement between experimental and computed density
profiles with the variations in computed density profile
effected by altering input-rate constants. The rate
constant for xenon is of course the most closely deter
mined and is unlikely to be incorrect by as much as a
factor of 2. The rate constants for hydrogen atoms and
molecules are probably correct to a factor of 4, if the
assumed temperature dependence of the rate constants
is correct. To the extent that the classical collision
theory is an adequate description of the dissociation
process it would seem unreasonable to ascribe such a
relatively large collision diameter to the hydrogen
atom as follows from the above expressions for the
rate constants.
The most uncertain factor in the interpretation of
our results lies in the temperature dependence of the
rate constants. During the course of the dissociation
the temperature changes by as much as 14000
• This
means that any misassignment of temperature de
pendence will lead to a misinterpretation of the relative
contribution of the hydrogen atom reaction to the
over-all dissociation process, since changing this was
the means used to adjust the later portion of the
density profiles to agree with the experimental data.
There are two indications that the temperature de
pendence that we have assigned to the three rate
constants may not be correct. First, there is a uniform
tendency for the experimental points to lie below the
computed density profiles at the start of the dis
sociation.H This means that the rate of dissociation at
10 W. Steiner and F. W. Wicke, Z. physik. Chern. Bodenstein
Festband, 817 (1931).
11 In the coolest shocks in the 1: 1 mixture (runs 22 and 26) the
observed density after 5 pSec is in fact less than the calculated
initial density before dissociation starts. If this is a real effect,
then it is also an interesting one. An obvious interpretation
would be incomplete vibrational equilibration. Theoretical cal
culations indicate, however, that vibrational relaxation in hydro
gen is too fast under these conditions to be observed on the time
scale of our experiments.6 An independent experimental measure
ment of the hydrogen vibration relaxation time would be required
to check this point. A complication due to incomplete rotational
equilibration would seem still more unlikely, even though rota
tional relaxation in hydrogen and translational energy exchange
between xenon and hydrogen are inefficient processes. As a result
of the extreme difference in mass between hydrogen and xenon
the two gases are thermally insulated from one another in passing
through the shock front. Immediately behind the wave the the higher temperatures prevailing at the start of the
dissociation may in fact be lower than it should be
compared to the rate later on. Moreover, there is sig
nificant disagreement between computed and experi
mental density profiles for the hottest and coolest
shocks (runs 15, 20, 22, and 26). The sense of the dis
agreement is such as to indicate that the computed
rates are too slow at low temperatures and too fast at
high temperatures.
The agreement with experiment could be improved
by reducing the temperature dependence of the rate
constants.l2 For a start it would be quite reasonable to
increase the value of s. Camac and Vaughn 13 have
recently completed a detailed study of the dissociation
of oxygen by argon over the temperature range 3300°-
7SoooK and find s=1.S±0.2. We would not feel justi
fied in recomputing all of our results with s = 1.5 rather
than 1.0, since there is no strong analogy between
collisions where the masses of the collision partners
are about equal and collisions where the mass of one
partner is 65 times the mass of the other. Qualitatively,
however, we see that such a change would reduce the
increase in the xenon rate between 30000 and 50000 by
about 30%. This in itself would allow the disagreement
at the highest and lowest temperatures to be reduced
Furthermore, it is by no means impossible that the
activation energy for the dissociation might be less
than the spectroscopic dissociation energy. The usual
requirement that the activation energy of an endo
thermic reaction must be at least equal to the endo
thermicity of the reaction presupposes that the reacting
molecules are in thermal equilibrium with the heat
bath which defines the temperature of the system. This
condition, however, is almost certainly not fulfilled in
the situation at hand, since it has been shown that the
dissociation causes an extensive depopulation of the
highest vibrationallevels.2 It does not seem unreason
able to suggest that the process of depopulating the
high vibrational levels may be so much faster than the
vibrational excitation process, since the former can
readily occur by thermal collisions, that all molecules
which reach the highest discrete level can just as well
be counted as part of the continuum. This is supported
xenon temperature is therefore much higher than the hydrogen
temperature. Translational relaxation to a common tempera
ture, however, would be expected to be complete in a few hundred
collisions at most. Rotational equilibration in hydrogen requires
about 300 molecular collisions at room temperature [W. Griffith,
J. Appl. Phys. 21, 1319 (1950) J. Under the conditions of these
experiments 1 J.tsec laboratory time corresponds to about 20
thousand molecular collisions, so that processes on the time scale
of hundreds of collisions are not observable. It might be possible
to observe a combined translational-rotational relaxation in low
pressure shock waves in xenon-hydrogen mixtures.
12 In the limited temperature range studied here it would be
quite difficult experimentally to determine which temperature
dependent term, i.e., activation energy or s, should be adjusted.
These two terms are separable from one another, however, if a
wider temperature range is covered.
13 M. Camac and A. Vaughn, Avco-Everett Research Labora
tory Research Rept. 84, AFBMD-TR-60-22 (1959); J. Chern.
Phys. 34, 448, 460 (1961).
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by Osipov and Stupochenko's conclusion that transi
tions from the highest vibrational levels to the con
tinuum are much more probable than transitions
between adjacent discrete levels near the dissociation
limit.2 The net result of such a situation would be a
slight reduction in the activation energy for the dissocia
tion process as a whole. This, in turn, would easily alter
the temperature dependence of the rate constants
enough to allow the highest and lowest temperature ex
periments to be described by the same set of rate
We hesitate, however, to ascribe the disagreement
between experimental and computer results to such an
effect without further investigation. The strongest
argument for this is the excellent agreement with ex
periment obtained in the oxygen-dissociation study of
Camac and Vaughn using an expression of the form of
Eq. (4) and the spectroscopic dissociation energy. The
upper vibrational levels are more closely spaced in
oxygen than in hydrogen, which would mean that any
depopulation effect should show itself more strongly in
the former. Unless some new evidence becomes avail
able, then, we would be reluctant to propose an activa-
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS tion energy for the hydrogen dissociation reaction other
than the spectroscopic dissociation energy.
A large share of the disagreement observed between
computed and experimental density profiles for the
highest and lowest temperature shocks can be ac
counted for as indicating that higher values of s in
Eq. (1) are more appropriate to the hydrogen-dissocia
tion process. For the present we interpret the remaining
disagreement to indicate the presence of an unap
preciated experimental difficulty. It does not seem
likely that there could be a complication in this tem
perature range due to incomplete vibrational relaxation
of the hydrogen4 or ionization or electronic excitation
of the xenon.14 It is hoped that an extension of the
temperature and composition range studied in the ex
periments reported here may resolve the difficulty.
We are indebted to R. W. Patch of the United Air
craft Corporation Research Laboratories for his
generous assistance with the computations and to
P. H. Kydd for helpful discussions.
14 W. Roth and P. Gloersen, J. Chern. Phys. 29, 820 (1958).
Proton Magnetic Resonance Study of Ferroelectric Potassium Ferrocyanide Trihydrate
Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Chemical and Solid State Physics, and Research Laboratory of Electronics,§
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
(Received April 13, 1961)
Proton magnetic resonance and vibrational spectra of potassium ferrocyanide trihydrate have been
studied between 77° and 300oK. From the observed two sets of O-H stretching frequencies it has been
possible to suggest the probable positions of four previously undetermined water molecules in the unit cell.
Changes in the vibrational spectra and in the proton resonance second moment in the neighborhood of the
Curie point indicate that the onset of ferroelectric behavior is associated with a dynamical orientational
ordering of the hydrogen-bonded water molecules. Apparently there is also a contribution to the spontane
ous polarization and internal field from displacements and polarizability of the K+ and Fe (CN) ,-4 ions.
FERROELECTRIC phenomena in hydrogen
bonded crystals have been extensively studied
in recent years, and every year several new ferroelec
tries are discovered. However, our understanding of
the basic interactions and the nature of ferroelectricity
is not increasing so rapidly, and no comprehensive
theory yet exists. In order to improve this situation it
* Alfred P. Sloan Postdoctoral Fellow in the School for Ad
vanced Study, on leave from the Institut J. Stefan, Ljubljana,
Yugoslavia. t Buenos Aires University Postdoctoral Fellow, on leave from
the National Microbiological Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
t Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow.
§ This work was supported in part by the U. S. Army (Signal
Corps), the U. S. Navy (Office of Naval Research), and the
U. S. Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research and
Development Command). seems highly desirable to clarify the role of hydrogen
atoms in the ferroelectric transition, i.e., to get precise
knowledge of the distribution and dynamics of protons
in a number of ferroelectric crystals.
Solid-state proton magnetic resonance studies pro
vide an ideal approach to this problem in many ways,
particularly if the interproton distances are of the
same order of magnitude as the distances over which
important protonic motions occur. In contrast to the
situation in ferroelectrics of the KH2P04 type, this
condition is obviously fulfilled in the object of the
present investigation, potassium ferrocyanide tri
hydrate, K4Fe (CN) 6· 3H20 (hereinafter abbreviated
KFCT), which has recently been found to show ferro
electric behavior below -24.S°C. '
1 S. Waku, H. Hirubayashi, H. Toyoda, and H. Iwusaki, J.
Phys. Soc. Japan 14, 973 (1959).
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1.1702716.pdf | GalvanoThermomagnetic Phenomena. IV. Application to Anisotropic Adiabatic
Nernst Generators
T. C. Harman, J. M. Honig, and B. M. Tarmy
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 34, 2215 (1963); doi: 10.1063/1.1702716
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1702716
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ]
IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:13:39FA 11 L T I :\ G A:"-J DEL E C T R 0 L U MIN ESC E N C E I:"-J Z n S PH 0 S P H 0 R S 2215
3-1ayer system, is at 120°. The calculated functions
shown are for the indicated Jagodzinski parameters lX
and (:3. The misfit was not essentially improved by
changes from these values and has been attributed
to heterogeneity.13 Series 1 granules showed sharper
maxima for both cubic and hexagonal phases than did
those in Series 2. In both Figs. 6 and 7 there is indication
of the superposition of scattering from coherent and
extensively disordered material. The observed scatter
ing can be better fitted by the addition of two Jagod
zinski functions, each with its own set of lX, (:3 param
eters, but this approach was not pursued any further.
The diffractometer patterns obscure much, or most, of
the disorder in the background; the line broadening of
whatever hexagonal material is left contains only a
fraction of the total disorder information. The bright
EL powders were of this type; their granules show very
low-order birefringent colors which could easily be mistaken for isotropy. The close connection between Cu
entry and faulting suggests that Cu enters by means of,
and perhaps resides in, defects due to faulting. This
view has been summarized and particularly emphasized
recently.6 Where faulting is much less, or nonexistent,
the EL activity may be associated with other defects,21
with due reservations concerning the accuracy of the
structural identifications. A by-product of faulting may
be the significant surface roughening reported above
which could assist in releasing light from the highly
refractive (n= 2.37) crystal.
We wish to express appreciation to F. Palilla of this
Laboratory for his help with problems in the phosphor
21 A. Wachtel, ]. Electrochem. Soc. 107, 682 (1960).
Galvano-Thermomagnetic Phenomena. IV. Application to Anisotropic
Adiabatic N ernst Generators
Lincoln Laboratory,t Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington 73, Massachusetts
(Received 24 October 1962; in final form 14 February 1963)
Tensor components have been derived for the matrix relating entropy flux and gradient of electrochemical
potential to gradient of temperature and electrical current. The entries have been specified in terms of six
basic galvano-thermomagnetic transport coefficients; the Casimir~Onsager reciprocity conditions have
been utilized to reduce the number of independent coefficients. These relationships have also been employed
to extend the Bridgman-Heurlinger identities to anisotropic materials. Using these equations along with
the phenomenological relations, the characteristics for galvano-thermomagnetic Nernst generators operating
under adiabatic conditions have been formulated. The results are compared with the equations which are
valid for the isothermal case.
WE present here a rather detailed derivation of the
tensor for the representation of galvano-thermo
magnetic (GTM) phenomena exhibited by anisotropic
materials under the combined influence of temperature
gradients, electric and magnetic fields. This is followed
by a derivation of the Reurlinger-Bridgman relations,
on the basis of which the operating characteristics of
transverse Nernst generators, constructed from aniso
tropic materials, and working under adiabatic condi
tions, are investigated. In so doing, we extend to the
present situation the methods employed in earlier
In applying the theory of paper III, we are interested
* Summer staff member. Permanent address: University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
t Operated with support from the U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and
U. S. Air Force.
IT. C. Harman and J. M. Honig,]. App\. Phys. 33, 3178, 3188
(962); 34, 189 (1963), hereafter referred to as I, II, and III. in the tensor which connects the x, y, z components of
the entropy flux J s and of the Fermi level gradient
VY;=:Vf/e with those of the temperature gradient vT
and the current density J. Rere, f is the electrochemical
potential (Fermi level relative to an electron at rest at
infinity) of the electrons. A schematic representation of
the desired relations is given by
lr !~A = r~ '~~( H,) ~~ ! TI" (If') ~ T I [~~ ~jl
'l"y; C9n,(H.) I PAA' (Hz) fA'
l : J
(A,A'=X,Y,z). (1)
As is seen by inspection of (1), the matrix has been
partitioned into four blocks, each of which contains nine
entries. We distinguish between the two blocks -KIT
and p on diagonal locations (DB) and those not on the
diagonal (ODB).
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IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:13:392216 HARMAN, HONIG, Al\D TARMY
The phenomenological equations (1) have been written
in partially inverted form, as originally suggested by
Mazur and Prigogine2 and by Callen? The advantage of
this formulation is that all entries in the tensor (1) can
be given a simple physical interpretation, as is detailed
later. For the present, we note that the entries in each
block of the partitioned tensor are of the general form
[Gxx(Hz) Gxy(Hz) Gxz(Hz)]
Gyx(Hz) Gyy(Hz) Gyz(Hz)
Gzx(Hz) Gzy(Hz) Gzz(Hz)
[s xx(H z2)+ H zT .Ix(H z2)
= Syx(H})+H,T"x(H z2)
Szx(H})+HzTzx(H}) ... ] ... , (2)
where G= -KjT, IIIT, (p, or p depending upon the
block under consideration. As is mathematically per
missible, Gu' has been split into contributions Su' and
HzTxx'(}.., }..'=x, y, z) that are, respectively, even and
odd with respect to reversal of magnetic field direction.
One should note that T u' by itself is an even function
of the magnetic field. Without loss of generality, it is
assumed throughout that this field lies along the z axis.
The entries in (1) and (2) are not independent of one
another. One can prove by the simple method of paper
III or by more elegant procedures4 that for the entries in
the DB, G= -KjT and p,
Gu' (Hz) =Gx'x( -Hz), (G= -KIT, p)
(}.., }..' = x, y, z). (3)
The relations between entries in the ODB are summa
rized bya,6
(Px'x(Hz)='+IIn,(-Hz)IT (}.., }..'=x, y, z). (4)
It must be emphasized that, in general, there exist no
relations between entries within each of the ODB; as
shown in (4), the Casimir~Onsager reciprocal conditions
(CORe) apply to the entire matrix (1), and hence relate
entries in different ODE. Only if the crystal exhibits a
sufficiently high degree of symmetry will the more
stringent conditions (3) also apply to the case where
G=(P or IIIT.7
At this point, we digress to consider some proper
ties of the diagonal elements in each block. When
Gu= -KuIT or pxx, condition (3) for }..=}..' reads
Gu(Hz) =Sn(H})+ HzTn(H}) =Gn( -Hz) = Sn(Hz2)
-HzTn(Hz2). If these conditions are to hold for arbi-trary Hz, one must require that Tn=O for }..=x, y, z. In
other words, only the symmetric parts survive in the
diagonal entries of the DB.
To examine the general situation, let us carry out a
rotation of the sample by an angle 0 about the z axis.
The transformation matrix for this rotation is given by'
[R(O)]= [~~~!O ~~:: ~]. o 0 1 (5)
The entries in (2) before and after the rotation are re
lated by a similarity transformation. Thus, if we first
write the tensor (1) as a sum of even and odd matrices,
then the latter entries before and after the rotation are
connected as follows:
[T xx T xy T xz]
[T']= [R][T][R] = [R] Tyx Tyy T yz [R],
Tzx Tzy Tzz (6)
where the tilde symbol designates the transpose of
[R(O)]. When (5) is substituted in (6) and the indicated
matrix calculations are carried out, one obtains the
following entries of interest:
T xx' = cos20T xx+sin20T yy+cosO sinO(T Xy+ T yx), (7a)
T yv' = sin20T xx+cos20T yy-cosO sinO(T Xy+ T yx), (7b)
T xv' = cos20T xy-sin20T yx+cosO sinO(T yy-T xx), (7c)
T YX' = cos20T yx-sin20T Xy+cosO sinO(T yy-T xx). (7d)
Let us suppose that prior to rotation, the diagonal
entries Txx=Tyy=O; Eq. (3), as applied to the odd
entries, reads T Xy(Hz2)= -Tyx(Hz2). Hence, it emerges
from (7a) and (7b) that T xx' = T vv' =0 regardless ofthe
value of O. This is the situation encountered in the
diagonal blocks. In general, the CORC are of no
relevance for entries within a given ODB; under these
conditions, there is no relation between T xy and Tyx;
T xx' and T yy' will represent nonzero entries even if T xx
and T yy vanish. Hence, all entries in ODB will, in
general, contain both even and odd terms. Only for
sufficiently great crystal symmetry, where T>.0Hz2)
= TX'>.(Hz2) within a given ODB, are the odd entries
missing from diagonal positions of the ODE.
With the above remarks as a guide, we now return to
our main discussion. The following partial matrices can
be constructed, as explained below:
[ Pxx Pxy+HzlSt xy pxz+HzlStxz]
[PH,(Hz)]= Pxy-HzlSt xy pyy pyz+HzlSt yz ,
Pxz-HzlSt xz pyz-HzlSt yz pz. (8)
2 P. Mazur and I. Prigogine, J. Phys. Radium 12, 616 (1951).
3 H. B. Callen, Phys. Rev. 85,16 (1952); H. B. Callen, Thermodynamics (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1960), Chaps. 16,17,
4 H. G. B. Casimir, Rev. Mod. Phys. 17, 343 (1945); R. Fieschi, Nuovo Cimento Suppl. 1, 1 (1955).
5 Consistency wi~h the results of ~II may be est.ablished as shown in the following example: According to III, £ol4(H ,)
= -£41 (-H ,). Th1s seems to contradiCt Eq. (4) of th1s paper, but one must note that in matrix (4) of paper III, the entries G",
read: Gn(II,) = -£ou(H z) and Gl4(H ,) = -£o41( -Hz), respectively, and these entries are consistent with Eq. (4) cited here.
6 R. Fieschi, S. R. de Groot, and P. Mazur, Physica 20, 67 (1954).
7 C. Herring, T. H. Geballe, and J. E. Kunzler, Phys. Rev. Ill, 36 (1958).
8 J. F. Nye, Physical Properties of Crystals (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1957).
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to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 15:13:39GAL V A :\T 0 -THE R !VI 0 MAG :\T E T [C P H E :\T 0 :'vI E N A. [V 2217
where we have used the definitions
pxx= V' xif;1 I X)e}
pyx: V' yif;1 I:)e IY= Iz= V' xT= V' yT= V'zT=O
HziJtyx= V' yif;1 I )0 (lla)
( 11£)
( lli)
( llj) Kxx= -T I sxlV' .cT)e}
Kyx= -T jsylV' xT)c Ix=Iy=jz= V' yT= V'zT=O
Hz'Jrryx= V' yT IV' xT)o jx=]y= jZ= j sy= V'zT=O
with analogous ones applying to the remaining sub
It is noted that odd diagonal terms are missing from
(8) for reasons detailed earlier. The entry Pxy+HziJt xy
arises as follows: For anisotropic materials, J and vif; do
not necessarily coincide in direction; Pxy thus correlates
V' xif; with Iy under conditions where V'xT=Ix=Iz=O.
This, however, does not fully take account of the ex
perimental situation. For, in the presence of a magnetic
field, an additional contribution to V' xif; arises from the
Hall effect, as represented by V' xif;=HziJtxyjY when
V'xT=jx=jz=O. For this reason, we have introduced
the subscripts e and 0 in (llb) and (11c); the two
contributions can easily be distinguished experimentally
by reversal of the magnetic field direction. We see that
when the entry PXy+HziJtXY is used in (1) under the
indicated restrictive conditions, we obtain the relation
V' xif;1 ]Y= (V' xif;1 jY)e+ (V' xif;! ]Y)o= PXy+ HziJtxy which
conforms to the definitions (llb) and (11c). The first
and second index refer to the components of the de
pendent and independent variable, respectively. The
entry Pxy-HziJt xy now follows directly from the CORC.
Similar arguments yield the remaining terms in (8).
The entries in (9) are slightly more complicated.
Again, only even terms appear in the diagonal positions,
and those in the off-diagonal slots are associated with
the intrinsic anisotropy of the sample under considera
tion. For example, we find from (9) and (1) that
Kxy= -(T j s"/V'yT)e when V' xT= V'zT=]X=O, and this
is fully in accord with the definition (11e). In con
structing the odd entries, we are guided by the require
ment that they must reduce to the form HzK/im[
in the isotropic case.! The subscripts are dictated by the following consideration: According to Eqs. (1) and (9),
T j sx= -KxxV' xT -Kxy V' yT+HzKxx;;rrxyV' yT when V'zT
=]X=O. If we now set j sx=O, we obtain V' xTIV' yT
= (V' xT IV' yT) c + (V' xT IV' yT)o = -(K xyl K xx) + H Z;;rrXY'
Here the ratio KxylKxx is even; hence we can identify
(V' xT IV' yT)o with H Z;;rrXY' which, under the restrictive
conditions enumerated above, conforms to (11f).
Finally, as concerns (10), we note the presence of
terms of the type H;;J(xx, and we again call attention to
the fact that there is in general no relation between Cxx'
and CA'A within this matrix. Entries in the lIlT block
are constructed in accordance with requirement (4). If
the crystal exhibits a sufficiently high degree of sym
metry, however, the off-diagonal entries in (10) are re
lated as shown in (3). A special case of this is repre
sented by an isotropic material, where (Pxx' = O(A~ t..')
and where -:nXX,=+:nA'A=:n(A~t..').
In view of our intended applications, we henceforth
restrict ourselves to the two-dimensional form of Eq.
(1). As will be shown in a subsequent publication,9 it is
permissible to use the two-dimensional analog of
Eq. (1) providing one assumes (a) 1'= V'zT= 0 and (b)
that the transport coefficients in (1) are independent of
position (and hence, of T). One can use (8)-(10) to
write out the resultant matrix in final two-dimensional
form. However, the subsequent work is materially
simplified by deferring the total use of the CORC
to a later stage of the derivation. Accordingly, in setting
up Eg. (12) below, we employ Eqs. (8) and (9) only as a
general guide to establish the form of the entries in the
DB of Eq. (12). However, the two-dimensional analog
9 T. C. Harman, ]. M. Honig, and B. M. Tarney, J. App!.
Phys. 34,2225 (1963), Part V, following paper.
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of (10) is the lower ODB in (12), and the upper right
ODB is found by use of the CORC [Eq. (4)]. The
fundamental tensor of interest now takes the form (12a).
For easy identification of entries, we have also set up the companion matrix (12b), where the entries are
identifIed as F i/ or F ,r according as the antisymmetric
portions in (12a) are preceded by a positive or negative
( -Kxy(I)+Hz'JfLxyKxx(l)IT
l~fj (P Xl/([)+ H z:rLx/l)
(p yy w+ H z:rLyy(l)
In the above, we have introduced the superscript (I)
explicitly to indicate that the entries refer to isothermal
conditions of measurement.
Summarizing, we note that all ODB entries in (12b)
conform to the pattern
Splitting the general entry F into even and odd contri
butions Fi},(Hz)=Fij,(e)(H.2)+H zF'j'(O)(H z2), we fur
ther note that
s= -KIT, p, (P,
For isotropic materials
Special note should be taken of the relationship (l3b)
Kxx(l)ffi!xy= -Ky)l)ffi!yx. (13g)
This completes the fundamental considerations required
for our later development.
Before proceeding with the device analysis, we
need to investigate interrelations pertaining to the
general set of galvano-thermomagnetic transport coeffi
cients (GTMTC). These form the analogs of the
Reurlinger-Bridgman relationslO that apply to isotropic
materials. Relations between the isothermal and adia
batic Seebeck and Nernst coefficients may be estab
lished on the following basis: Let us compute the ratio
10 R. G. Chambers, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) A65, 903 (1952);
H. B. Callen, Thermodynamics (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, 1960), Chap. 17. (l2a)
'V yif;I'il xT under the conditions (a) J"= jy= j sy= O.
On imposing these constraints, the second and fourth
rows in (12b) become
'V yif;=F41+'il xT+F42+'V yT, (14a)
O=F2!+'il xT+F22'VyT. (14b)
After eliminating 'il yT from (14), we find
'V yif;I'V xT= F41+-F 21+F 42+ IF 22=(P YXCA)+ Hz:rLYXCA)
(for P=jy=j sy=O), (lSa)
where the right-hand side follows by definition [see
Eqs. (l1h), (ltj)] from the ratio on the left, since the
quantities of interest were determined subject to the
condition T j sY=O. Let us now reverse the magnetic
field direction and the F ij superscripts in (1Sa), keeping
in mind Eqs. (13); this converts Eq. (lSa) to
F 41--F 21-F 42-IF 22=(PyxCA) -lIz:rLyx(A) (ISb)
on reversal of the magnetic field. Adding or subtracting
(1Sa) and (ISb) and replacing the F ij± with the entries
from Eq. (l2a), we obtain the desired relationships
(P yx(A) = (P yx(l) -(P yyCl)Kyx(l) I Kyy(I)
+ lIz2:rLyy(l)'JfLy x, (16a)
:rLy x(.4) =:rLy x(I) -:rLyy (l)Kyx(I) I Kyy(I)
+(Pyy(l)'JfL yx. (16b)
Using precisely the same approach in connection with
the ratio 'il xif;/'V yT we find
(P Xy(A) = (P XyU) -(P xx(l)Kxy(l) IKxxU)
+ Hi:TLx/f)ffi!XY, (17a)
:rLXy(.4) = :rLXYU) -:rL xxWKx/l) / Kxx(l)
+(P xxCl)ffi!XY' (17b)
Next, we determine the quantity 'il x1f'=F31+'il xT
+ F 32+'il yT which is obtained from the third row of Eq.
(12b) under the constraint (a). Again, Eq. (14b) applies
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here so that on elimination of v!JT, one can write
v zf/v xT=F:l1+-- F:l2+F21+/Fn
= Cp xxCI)+ H zm:xx(·1) (lSa)
which is the analog of (lSa). Reversal of the magnetic
field direction yields the companion relation
F31--F32-F21-IF22=CP xx(·4)- H/J'{xx(A). (18b)
On adding and subtracting, this leads to the results
Cp xx(A) = Cp xx(1) -Cp xy (l)Ky xU) 1 Kyy(I)
+ H /m:Xy(l):m: yx, (19a)
;)I xx (A) = ;)I xx ([) -;)I xy (1)Ky x(I) 1 Kyy (l) +CP xy (l):m:y x. (19b)
Similarly, one may proceed to determine the ratio
11 yif;/Il yT as
Cp yy(A) = Cp yy (I) -Cp y x(l)K y xU) 1 K xxU)
+ H }:m:xy;)Iyx(l), (20a)
;)Iyy (A) = m:yv (l) -;)Iy x(l)Ky x(1) 1 K x/I) +CP y x(l):m:XY' (20b)
Let us now impose condition (a) on the first row of
(12b); we then find TJsx=F1lllxT+F12+llyT. Elimi
nating 'ilyT through (14b) and applying (13), one can
solve for
-TJ sxl'il xT
=Kxx(A) = -TF 11[1- F 12+F21+ IFI1F22J
=K (I){l-K (l)2IK (I)K (1)-H 2CYn' CYn'} (21a) xx yx Xl; yy z ulLxyJILyx ,
where the F ij have been replaced as indicated on the
Using precisely similar techniques, one obtains an
interrelation involving Kyy(A), namely,
Kyy(A) = Kyy(I) {1-Kyx(I)2/ KxxCI)KyyCI)
_Hz2:m:Xy:m:yx}. (21b)
From (21) it now follows that
Still another set of interrelations is obtained bv im
posing the boundary condition (b) 11 ,] = J y = J ,; y = O.
The second and third rows of (12b) then read
0=F22'ilyT+F32-J~, (23a)
'ilxf=F32+llyT+FaaJx (23b)
and when 11 yT is eliminated, one can solve for
11 xf/ J"= F 33(1-F 32+F 32-1 F 22F 33) = Pxx(A). (24)
The quantity on the right follows as a definition from
the ratio on the left, subject to conditions (b). After
substituting for the F ij±, one obtains
Pxx(A) = Pu(l){ 1 + T[CP Xy(I)2- Hz2;)Ix1J(I)2JI
Kyy(1)pxP)}. (2Sa)
The companion relation to (2Sa) reads
pyyCA) = pyyU){ 1 + T[cpyx(I)2-Hz2;)Iyx(l)2JI
Kxx(1)pyy(I)}. (2Sb) We can obtain other relationships by imposing con
dition (b) on the fourth row of Eq. (12b), which is
thereby reduced to the form 'il1l>./;=F42+'ilyT+F43+JI.
On eliminating v yT via (23a), one can solve for the
where the central quantity is the definition appropriate
to the ratio indicated on the left under condition (b).
Magnetic field reversal brings (26a) into the form
pyxCA)-Hzffi.yx(A) =F43--F32+F42-IF22. (26b)
Equations (26) may be solved separately for the adia
batic resistivity and Rall coefficient by appropriate
additions and subtractions. On subsequently replacing
the F;j± with the entries in (12a), one finds
py x(·t) = py x(1)+CP Xy(l)cp yy (l) T / Kyy (I)
-H };)IXY (l);)Iyy(l)T 1 Kyy(l), (27a)
ffi.y x (A) = ffi.y x (ll +CP xy (ll;)Iyy (l) T / Ky/I)
-;)IXy(l)CPyy(l)TIK yy(/). (27b)
The companion relations to (27) are obtained by solving
for the ratio 'ilxflJY under the boundary condition (c)
'il yT= J.r= J sX= O. This procedure leads to the results
Pxy (.4) = Pxy (l)+cp y x (l)CP xx (I) T 1 K xx (I)
- H z2;)Iyx(1);)Ixx(l)T 1 Kx/I), (2Sa)
ffi. xy (A) = ffi. x/I) +CP y x(I);)I x x (I) T 1 K xx(I)
-'J'Lyx(I)(J>xY)TIKxx(I). (28b)
Other Reurlinger relations may be found using similar
methods, but only those listed above are of relevance in
the further development.
With the preliminaries out of the way, we proceed
with an analysis of the characteristics of GTM genera
tors, constructed from anisotropic materials and oper
ating under adiabatic conditions. We follow closely the
procedures outlined in papers I and III. The reader
should refer to Fig. 1 for a schematic diagram of the
apparatus geometry and conventions, which follow
those of the earlier papers. Under operating conditions
considered here, Jx= 0; the phenomenological equations
of interest may then be rewritten as
where the matrix entries are given by Eq. (12a). Under
steady-state conditions, V·J=O; however, since Jx=O,
the above condition specializes to the result V' xJx
= 11 yJY = O. Again, under steady-state conditions, V· J g
=0, where J e is the total energy flux vector, given by3
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(w) (w)
FIG. 1. Schematic diagram for apparatus geometry.
J s= TJ s-if;J. Under conditions contemplated here, the
law of conservation of energy reads
V' x(T] sX)+ V' y(T] sY-if;]v) = O. (30)
As explained earlier, the conservation equation does not
involve z components when experimental conditions
have been presupposed such that ]z=V'zT=O.
On substituting from Eq. (29) into (30) and simpli
fying, one obtains the following differential equation for
the temperature in a device arm
TFn V' ,,2T+ T(F12++F21+)V' xV' yT+ TF22V' y2T
+ ]Y(F42--F 42+) V' yT+ (F41--F41+)]yV' xT
-F44(Jv)2=0. (31)
We now introduce the definitions
a=.F44(JY)2, b=. (F42--F42+)]Y, C=.FllT,
d=.T(F 12++F21+), j=]Y(F 41--F 41+), g=1'f22 (32)
in connection with which one should note that the
product TF ij in c, d, and g is independent of T,as may be
verified by inspection of the matrix entries in (12a). We
then attempt to solve Eq. (31) using a Taylor's series
expansion about a point (xo,yo):
T(x,y) = T(xo,yo)+ (x-xo)Tx'(xo,yo)+ (y-yo)T u'(xo,yo)
+H (x-xo}2T xx"(xo,yo)
+ 2 (x-xo) (y-yo)T x/' (xo,yo)
+ (y-yo)2T yy" (xo,Yo)}, (33)
where the primed quantities indicate partial derivatives
with respect to the independent variable occurring as a
subscript. To determine the constants in (33), we re
quire boundary conditions. One of these is obtained by introduction of the trial solution and (33) in (31). This
yields the following relationship, valid at x= XI) and
gT yy" (xo,yo)+cT xx" (xo,yo)+dT Xy" (xo,yo)
+ jT x'(xo,Yo)+bT,/ (xo,Yo) = a. (34)
Another boundary condition may be formulated on the
basis that, under adiabatic operation, the power trans
port remains constant across any junction between the
lead wires (w) and the device arm (d). This means that
at any junction point, the condition Ay(w)] sY(w)
= AyCd)] cy(d) = Ay(W) (T] sew) -if;w] wY) = AyCd) (T] SCd)
-if;d]aV) must hold. On substituting from Eq. (12b),
this condition may be reformulated as
Ay(W) (F21+T'V xT+F22TV'yT+F42-T ]Y-if;]u)(w)
= A y (d) (F 21 +TV' xT + F 22TV' yT
+ F 42-T ]Y_if;]y)(d). (35)
We now introduce the following simplifications: First,
we neglect the junction resistance between the wire and
device arm. This means that if;(w) _if;(d) = 0, or, alter
nately, that the two terms containing if; cancel each
other in Eq. (35). Further, we can safely assume that
V' xTCw) = 0 for the wire, thereby eliminating the first
term on the left of Eq. (35). Next, we presuppose an
experimental arrangement in which F22cw)Aycw)V'yT(w)
«F22Cd) AyCd)V' yTCd); in this event, the heat flow through
the wire by conduction is much smaller than that by
conduction through the device arm. Finally, we assume
that the device is constructed from semiconducting
materials, and that the leads are metallic and outside
the magnetic field. Then the term involving F42-on the
left of (35) is much smaller than that on the right. We
are thus left with the simple relation
and where the properties in (37) refer to those of the
TI ----------------------------- T2
(0,0) (O,Ly)
FIG. 2. Geometry
pertaining to one de
vice arm.
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device arm. Strict ly speaking, this relation applies only
at the position of the junction between the lead and the
device. In practice, we see that under the assumed con
ditions, no reference is made to the wire in the final
equation; for this reason, Eq. (36) can be assumed to
hold at any position along the lateral edges of the
device. On introducing Eq. (33) into (36) and carrying
out the evaluation at x= Xo and y= Yo, we find that
Ty' (xo,yo) =aT x' (xo,Yo)+iJT(xo,Yo). (38)
The remaining requirements are found by reference to
Fig. 2 where we have indicated the temperatures pre
vailing at each corner of the device arm. In order not to
come into conflict with the assumption of adiabatic
operating conditions, we have replaced the actual bar,
whose ends are in contact with the reservoir, with a
somewhat shorter bar, as indicated by the dotted lines.
Initially, all algebraic manipulations are done on the
T x' (0,0) assumption that the four temperatures TI, "', T4
differ; later, we allow T2 ---. TI and T3 ---. T4•
We study first the situation in the upper left-hand
corner, where Xo= yo= 0. On applying the boundary con
ditions T(O,O)= TI, T(O,L y) = T2, T(Lx,L y) = T3, T(Lx,O)
= T4 in Eq. (33), we obtain the relationships
TI = T(O,O), (39a)
T2= T(O,O)+ LyT/ (0,0)+!L y2T,,/' (0,0), (39b)
T3= T(O,O)+ LxT x' (0,0)+ LyT u' (0,0)+!L x2T xx" (0,0)
+ LxLyT Xy" (O,O)+tLyT y,," (0,0), (39c)
T4= T(O,O)+ LxT x'(0,0)+!Lx2T xx" (0,0). (39d)
The six equations (39), (38), and (34) with Xo= Yo= 0,
may now be solved for the various T' (0,0) and T" (0,0).
After straightforward though lengthy algebraic manipu
lations, one obtains the following results of interest
Lxj Lx b Lx g 1-----a-+--a-
2 c 2 C Ly C
where 2D-==(T l-T2)+(T3-T4).
Proceeding similarly with the upper right-hand corner, where xo=O and Yo=L y, one finds that
T3-T2 1 d Lx g Lx g Lx b Lx a --+- -D+--(TI-T2)+--iJT2+-iJ-T 2---
Lx LyeLl e Lv C 2 C 2 e
Lx j Lx b Lx g 1-----a---a-
On the basis of Eqs. (40) and (41), one can now com
pute the average temperature gradient near the plane
X= ° according to the relation
(\1 xT)o=![T x' (0,0)+ T x' (O,Ly)]. (42)
The resulting expressions are extremely complex due to
the difference in signs of the denominators of (40) and
(41). To keep the subsequent theory manageable, we
have therefore resorted to an expansion of these de
nominators. Under the assumption that an experimental
arrangement is achieved whereby Lx«Ly and jy as
well as D is small, so that 13, jle, and ble are small, we
obtain the following result:
where only the leading terms have been retained. Here,
(~xT)=[(T4-Tl)+ (Ta-T2)]/2. Aside from (43) which 2 e 2 C Ly C
is needed for our subsequent development, we also
require the following average: (\1 yT)o=![\1 yT(O,O) + \1 yT(O,Ly) J; according to (36), this quantity is given
Let us now extend the region under consideration so
that the entire device arm is being covered. This means
that we are now concerned with the plane x=o im
mediately adjacent to the heat reservoir at temperature
To. In these circumstances, we can remove the averaging
symbols from (43) and (44) and replace (TI+T2)/2
with To. Equations (43) and (44) thus modified may
then be used in the following expression for the rate of
energy flux past the plane x= 0:
ex~o= TvA xj sx=A xTo[FuO(\1 xT)o
+F12+O(\1yT)o+F 41-jY]. (45)
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One is thereby led to the relations
tx~o= + A xTo{ (F 1l0+aF 12+0) (\7 xT)u+{3F l2+OTO+ F41-.fY}
where the superscripts 0 on appropriate Fij signify that the temperature in the corresponding matrix entries is to be
equated with To.
The F ij combinations encountered in (46) can be eliminated through the use of Eqs. (lSb) and (21a). We then
It is expedient to replace Kxx(A) with the relation on the right-hand side of Eq. (21a). In general, the Righi-Leduc
coefficients and the quantity Ki/x(I) may be considered small, so that their product with fl2e, abl2e, or ale may be
neglected compared to other leading terms. In effect, we thereby replace Kxx(A) with Kxx(l) in products containing
the quantity e; Kx'/!) and c cancel, and Eq. (47) may be rewritten as
Returning to Eq. (IS), we see that the quantity in curly braces is given by -2lJz'J'l1l./AJ- ToF42-2H z;myx' Since we
are only interested in the zero-order approximation, we simplify matters further by neglecting the second term
relative to the first. With this cascading of approximations, we finally arrive at the relationship
where the superscript (v) has been introduced to remind us that we have so far dealt with only one device arm.
The total energy flux, taking account of all device arms is given by
As in the earlier publications, we determine the cur
rent by evaluation of the line integral §'il yif;dy= 0
around the transverse circuit; as shown, this quantity
vanishes. For the various device arms, the integrand is
specified by the fourth row of Eq. (12a); reference to
Fig. 1 shows that the integrand is to be evaluated at
x= Lx12. We neglect all junction and lead wire resist
ances; since J x = 0, we then find (SO)
Here, pq and Lq are the resistivity and length of the load
resistor; the integration covers the y dimension of each
arm. We determine 'il xThxl 2 as
\7 xT) Ld2= H ![T :x' (0,0)+ T x' (O,Ly) ]
+![Tx'(Lx,O)+Tx'(Lx,L y)]}. (53)
The first term on the right may be evaluated from (40)
and (41); the leading terms are (TcTl)ILx and
(Ts-T2)1 L!J), respectively. Following the steps taken in
deriving Eqs. (40) and (41), one can obtain corre
sponding expressions for use in the second term on the
right of Eq. (53); it turns out that the leading terms are
exactly the same as those just cited. After substituting
these results in (53), and allowing T2 -+ T1, Ts -+ T4,
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one obtains
(\7 xT)-=\7 xTk/2,,=,b. xT/Lx, (54)
which result may then be used in the first term of
Eq. (52).
To determine the second term, we avail ourselves of
Eq. (36). Strictly speaking, this relationship applies only
at the boundaries between lead wires and device arms.
However, to the extent to which the approximations
introduced 'so far are applicable, one may use an
averaging procedure by utilizing Eq. (36) in the form
(\7"T)=a(\7 xT)+i3T and then introducing Eq. (54). On
carrying out the indicated operation, the result and
Eq. (54) can be employed to rewrite the integrand in the
central expression of (52) as
b.xT (b.xT_) Vyt/;=F41+--+F42+ a--+{31' +F4dy
Lx Lx
= --(cp yx(A)+ H.:n.yx(A»+P!ly(B) J", (55)
where use was made of Eq. (15a) and of the matrix
entries in (l2a); furthermore, we have introduced the
R"y(B)=R yy(1){1+'YL(l)T}, (56)
'YL (1) -= [('13yy(I})2- (H.9cyy(l»2J/ K yy(1) Ryy(l}, (57)
and 'YL (1) being a generalized figure of merit for the iso
thennal, longitudinal mode of operation of the generator.
We now introduce Eqs. (55)-(57) into (52), carry out
the indicated integration, and solve the result for
I y= -b.xT('13 !Jx(,1)+Hz91yx(·4»/ (Ryy(B)+ Rq);
(b.xT<O) (58)
in which we have used defining relations analogous
to (51).
We are finally at the point where the efficiency of the
device of Fig. 1 can be computed according to the
relation 'Y/=I y2Rq/ 8x=0, into which we substitute from
Eqs. (50) and (58). Consistent with our aim of keeping
the zero-order theory free from unnecessary encum
brance, we follow the method used in an earlier paper by
an ad hoc replacement of Ryy(I} with Ryy(B) in Eq. (SO).
Such a substitution is not necessary but it does simplify
considerably the subsequent mathematical operations.
This is not likely to lead to serious errors in the final
results, since the replacement is made in the smallest
term of (SO).
Let us then use the revised equation (SO) and Eq. (58)
in the efficiency relation; on simplifying, the final result
(b.xT<O), (59)
lIT(A) = ('13y,,<.1)+H,91 y.,(A»2/K "",(A) RyyCB). (60)
Finally, we note that the third term in the denominator of (59) may be rewritten as
'13y",(A) -TLH.91y",(A) /To T('13yxCA) -H .91y",(A»-~b.xT('13yP)+ Hz91yx(A»
m (A)+Hffi (A) +,yx z;,l'lyx To ('13 yx(A)+ H .91yx(A»
which defines the quantity QA as shown on the right. Equation (59) may now be written as
b.xT{ Oy(A) }
'Y/= -To (1+0y(A»)2I lIT(A)To+b.xT/2To-QA(1+0/A»/To (b.xT<O) (62)
which is identical in form to Eq. (23) of paper III. It follows that the various statements made in paper III con
cerning the characteristics of generators operating under isothermal conditions also apply here. Except for the
replacement of Ryu(I) by RlIy(B), the symbol I appearing either as a sub-or a superscript in paper III can now be
replaced by the sub-or superscript A.
In view of the formal identity between the results obtained here and those cited in III, only a summary of the
principal conclusions need be presented. The operating efficiency obtained on optimizing the ratio (60) is given as
b.xT{ 1-0y*(A) }
'Y/*-- (b.xT<O) (64)
To Tr A (1 +Oy *(A»/To-b.",T(1-o y *(A»/2To
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FIG. 3. Plot of V vs '1J1' according to Eq. (64), for
To=310oK, TL=300oK.
in which
and (65)
It is seen that the optimal device efficiency is governed
not only by the figure of merit [Eq. (61)J but also by
the anisotropy parameter r A defined above. In general,
the smaller r A, the smaller is the value of 'Y T(Al required
for efficient operation of the generator. The method of
paper III may also be used to show that Carnot effi
ciency can only be achieved in the range -1:::; r A:::; 1 ;
this presents no problem since r A can always be adjusted
by proper choice of magnitude and direction of Hz.
Further, since we cannot exceed Carnot efficiency, the
quantity in curly braces in Eq. (64) cannot exceed
unity. One can show that this leads to the requirement
1'H/"Ryx(Al2/K xx(Al Ryy(B):::; 1, (67)
Carnot efficiency being achieved only if the inequality is
replaced with an equality. It is worth noting that the
limits on 'YT(Al1' are given by -rYJ <'YT(Al1'<1.
We now consider briefly the limitations of the present
treatment. The principal restriction is the requirement
that !!..T/1'«I, which must be imposed for the following
reasons: (1) The entire treatment is based on a linear
set of macroscopic equations, as given by Eqs. (1). The
linear formulation presupposes only minute deviations
from equilibrium3; in principle, any theory purporting
to deal with large departures from equilibrium (such as obtain when !!..T","1') must be based on a nonlinear
theory. However, it is found in the zero-field, thermo
electric power generation case that the predictions
derived from the linear theory check experimental re
sults to within 10% even when !!..T"-'1'. It remains to be
established whether this happy cancellation of errors
also occurs in the present case. (2) To obtain analyti
cally manageable results, we have assumed that the
transport coefficients are independent of position and
hence, of T. For AT comparable to T, this is a very poor
approximation. Any attempts to extend the theory by
elimination of this assumption would require machine
calculations. In this connection, one should note that it
is no longer permissible to "decouple" the z-direction
effects from those in the x-y plane if the transport
coefficients are allowed to depend on spatial coordi
nates. (3) In the derivations the simplifying assumption
that all P are constant has been used throughout. It can
be shown that this is a good approximation only when
In line with the above, we have therefore approxi
mated the temperature dependence on position by the
Taylor's series expansion (33) ; inclusion of higher-order
terms or attempts to obtain exact solutions are unwar
ranted in the present approximation scheme.
For AxT/To«l, the second term in the denominator
of Eq. (64) is small, relative to the first. Therefore, a
good approximation to the quantity (-1'}*To/ AxT)= V
V"'" (l-oy *(Al)/r A (1 +Oy *(A»), (68)
which is independent of the Carnot efficiency A xT /To
and depends only on the material parameters involved
in the quantities 3T(A) and r A as well as on 1'. Therefore,
the extent to which Carnot efficiency is approached at a
given l' is essentially determined by the properties of
the material of construction.
In Fig. 3 is shown the dependence of Von 'Y1' for a set
of rA values; here we have set To=31OoK, TL=300oK.
This curve is analogous to Figs. 3 and 4 of Ref. 1, paper
III. It is seen that the smaller the r A value the smaller
is the value of 'Y1' required to reach Carnot efficiency.
For rA=O, 'YA vanishes likewise; Eq. (64) is now inde
terminate since 0 y *(A) = 1. Application of I'Hopital's
rule shows that
Thus, to remain below the Carnot efficiency limit (VrA-+O
= 1 in this case), it is sufficient that Eq. (61), mUltiplied
by 1'( < To), be less than 4. In view of the requirement
(67), the approach to Carnot efficiency for r A = 0 leads
to the condition that both 'J,3yx(A)1'/K xx(AlRyy(A) and
Hz2"Ryx(A)1'/Kxx(A)Ryy(A) be unity.
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1.1728756.pdf | Current Voltage Characteristics of Germanium Tunnel Diodes
Marshall I. Nathan
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 33, 1460 (1962); doi: 10.1063/1.1728756
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1728756
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ]
IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:36:551460 S. AMELINCKX AND P. DELAVIGNETTE
evident that the relative magnitudes of the stacking
fault energies are correctly reflected in the widths of
the stacking fault ribbons. Contrast effects fluther show
that lines (a) and (c) and lines (b) and (d) have the
same Burgers vectors, while (ef) behaves differently.
The directions of the Burgers vectors as determined by
diffraction are also in agreement with this model.
Depending on the direction and sense of the X1Xa
glide vectors, one can obtain ribbons with the high
energy stacking fault at the right (at the left) or in the
center [Fig. 3 (i), (ii) ] ; both cases are observed (Figs. 4
and 5).
There are two kinds of fourfold ribbons, as shown
in Fig. 3(iii) and (iv). The first is more or less sym-metrical: no high energy stacking fault occurs (Fig.
6). For the second kind one ribbon contains a high energy
stacking fault and the two bordering partials combine;
the fourfold ribbon looks threefold. [Fig. 3 (iv)].
The dislocations in Bils are similar in most respects
to those in CrCla, while in cadmium iodide they consist
of two partials of the Shockley type.
We wish to thank Mr. J. Goens, director of the
C.E.N., for permission to publish this paper. We also
wish to thank Mr. J. Nicasy for skillful preparation of
specimens and Mr. H. Beyens for careful photographic
Current Voltage Characteristics of Germanium Tunnel Diodes*
International Business Machines Corporation, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York
(Received August 7, 1961)
The current-voltage characteristics of germanium tunnel diodes with phonon assisted current predominant
have been measured for reverse biases at 297°K. The tunneling exponent is deduced from the data and
found to be in agreement with that obtained from high pressure experiments. The value of the pre-expo
nential factor obtained from both experiments is much larger than predicted by theory. Calculations of the
tunneling current which take into account nonparabolic effects of the energy band structure and the electric
field variation with position in the junction are presented and compared with experiment. The results of
current-voltage measurements on germanium diodes with non-phonon current predominant are also pre
sented and discussed.
THE properties of tunnel diodes have been investi
gated by a number of workers. Esakil has shown
that simple tunneling theory accounts for many of the
electrical properties. Esaki and Miyahara2 and Hall and
co-workers3 have demonstrated that phonons can par
ticipate in the tunneling process in diodes constructed
in a large number of materials. The pressure dependence
of the tunneling current has been examined,4 and its
general aspects have been found to be in agreement
with theory; however, there are quantitative dis
crepancies. Chynoweth and co-workers5 have studied
the current-voltage characteristics of backward diodes
* A preliminary account of this work was presented at the
March, 1961 APS Meeting, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 6, 106 (1961).
1 L. Esaki, Phys. Rev. 109,603 (1958).
2 L. Esaki and Y. Miyahara, Solid State Electronics 1,13 (1960).
3 N. Holonyak, I. A. Lesk, R. N. Hall, J. J. Tiemann, and
H. Ehrenreich, Phys. Rev. Letters 3, 167 (1959); R. N. Hall,
Proceedings International Conference on Semiconductors, Prague,
1960 (Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,
Prague, 1961),p. 193.
4 S. L. Miller, M. 1. Nathan, and A. C. Smith, Phys. Rev.
Letters 4, 60 (1960); M. 1. Nathan and W. Paul, Proceedings
International Conference on Semiconductors, Prague, 1960 (Pub
lishing House of the Czeckoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague,
1961), p. 209.
Ii A. G. Chynoweth, W. L. Feldman, C. A. Lee, R. A. Logan,
G. L. Pearson, and P. Aigrain, Phys. Rev. 118, 425 (1960);
A. G. Chynoweth and R. A. Logan, Phys. Rev. 118, 1470 (1960). in several materials. These diodes, which have lower
impurity densities than tunnel diodes, exhibit tunneling
current at low reverse voltages (p side negative) but
have at most a small amount of tunneling in the forward
directJon and no negative resistance region. they found
general agreement with theory.
The widespread interest in tunneling phenomena
would seem to make a detailed comparison of simple
tunneling theory with tunnel diode current-voltage
characteristics worthwhile.
It might seem at first sight that it would be best to
make initial comparisons on backward diodes. The
relatively low impurity density will minimize effects
due to the discrete nature of the charge density and due
to rapid changes in potential, which have not been
treated theoretically. However, the theory6.7 is most
apt to be applicable for small applied biases. The tun
neling will be between the lowest conduction band
minima and the highest valence band maxima, and the
dependence of the junction field on bias, as we shall see,
should be simple. It is important to be certain that the
tunneling current predominates at small bias. The ob-
6 P. J. Price and J. M. Radcliffe, IBM J. Research and Develop.
3,364 (1959).
7 E. O. Kane, J. App!. Phys. 32, 83 (1961).
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IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:36:55CUR R E N T VOL TAG E C H A RAe T E R 1ST I C S 0 F GeT U NNE L D I 0 DES 1461
servation of negative resistance in the current-voltage
curve ensures the predominance of tunneling current.
Therefore we have chosen to study tunnel diodes.
We have examined germanium diodes, mainly those
which exhibit predominantly phonon assisted tunneling
current at 4.2°K. We have restricted the investigation
of the characteristic to reverse voltages, so that compli
cations due to distortion of the energy bands near the
edges are not expected to be important.
A simple expression for the tunneling current density
J as a function of applied voltage V which can be ob
tained from the results of Price and Radcliffe6 and of
Kane7 is, for reverse voltage,
J=AVexp[ -XCV)]. (1)
We shall take the pre-exponential factor A to be a
This assumption, which is an important one for what
follows, is not strictly valid, A is expected to depend on
both V and X. The exact variation depends on the par
ticular tunneling process involved. However, we shall
show in the discussion section that these dependences
can be accounted for and do not affect the conclusions
of this paper. Therefore, in order to keep the analysis
simple at the outset, we shall take A constant. The
exponent X (V) is given by
fX' lX' a XCV) = 2 adx= 2 -dE,
Xl Xl eF (2)
where Xl and Xz are the classical turning points, a is the
imaginary part of the x component of the wave vector
at the energy cp; of the tunneling electron, F is the elec
tric field, e is the electronic charge, and E is the energy
of the conduction band edge Ecex) or the valence band
FIG. 1. The potential profile for a reverse biased junction. </>,.
and </>p are the quasi-Fermi energies for electrons and holes,
respectively. F
FIG. 2. The field as a function of distance x in the space-charge
region at OaK. x" and Xp are the edges of the depleted region. The
field has two linear portions between x" and Xp.
edge E.(x) relative to rpi. The situation is illustrated in
Fig. 1, which is the conventional diagram of a reverse
biased p-n junction. CPi is any energy between the quasi
Fermi energies8 CPn for electrons on the n side and CPP for
holes on the p side. Equations (1) and (2) are derived
with the assumption that X»l, that the potential
does not change much in a distance 1/a, and that X is
approximately independent of the energy cp;. The wave
vector a which goes into Eq. (2) is the smaller of the
wave vectors ac and a. of the conduction and the
valence bands. For "spherical parabolic" bands
cP;-E. =ft2a.2j2m.,
where me and m. are the effective masses in the conduc
tion and valence bands. If the field is taken to be con·
stant and if the bands are assumed to be spherical and
parabolic, Eq. (2) can be integrated with the result
X(V)=H2m*)!ENheF, (4)
where (1/m*)= (1/mc)+ (l/m.) and Eg=Ee-E •.
For an actual junction the field is not constant. If
thej unction is abrupt the field has two linear portions
in the spaceccharge region as shown in Fig. 2. (We are
neglecting the discrete nature of the ionic charge.) At
OOK the maximum field can easily be shown to be
Fmax=[81r(E g+ir,,+irp-eV)N o/KJi, (5)
where rn=CPn-Ec; rp=E.-cpp; (1/No) = (1/Nd) + (1/ N a) ; N d is the net impurity density on the n side;
N a is the net impurity density on the p side; and K is
the dielectric constant. For the constant field approxi
mation we might take the field to be a constant fraction
of Fm"". If then we expand Eq. (5) for rn, rp, and eV
small compared with Eg and substitute in Eq. (4), we
find for the current density in Eq. (1)
J=AV exp[ -h(O) (l+eV /2EgH (6)
This equation does not apply at low temperatures
(......,4 OK) to phonon assisted tunneling current. Since an
the phonons which induce current are "frozen out",
only tunneling with phonon emission is possible and the
S w. Shockly, Bell System Tech. J. 28,435 (1949).
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] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:36:551462 MARSHALL I. NATHAN
usual structure is observed in the current-voltage
curve.2.3 A term like Eq. (6) with an onset voltage equal
to the phonon energy hw and with Eo replaced by
Eg+hw is expected for each participating phonon. At
higher temperatures (3000K), however, both emission
and absorption of phonons occur in the tunneling
process. Moreover, the onset voltage for emission dis
appears since kT""'hw' It seems reasonable to see if a
law of the form of Eq. (6) then holds.
The reasons for making the attempt to fit the current
voltage curves of germanium diodes with phonon as
sisted current predominant are twofold: First, the
diodes were readily available in a range of current den
sities for which the series resistance is negligible for a
fairly large voltage range. Second, high pressure experi
ments on them gave results,4 which could be interpreted
in terms of simple theory.
The diodes studied were made by alloying nominally
1% gallium in indium dots into antimony-doped ger
manium substrates. The alloying process was carried
out on a heater strip. The heater strip temperature was
raised until the dot started to alloy. Then the power was
either turned off immediately or it was held constant for
about one second and then reduced over a period of a
few seconds. No dependence of the diode characteristics
on the heat cycle was found. It was not possible in most
cases to determine accurately the impurity concentra
tion in the substrates, since they were most times small
single crystals from a polycrystalline ingot.
In order to determine the current density of the
diodes it was necessary to measure their area. This was
accomplished by etching the diodes until they were in
the shape of well defined pedestals of several
thousandths of an inch in diameter and then measuring
J!! 100
i 50 II: ...
~ ..
0.02 0.04 0.06 008 0.10 0.12 0.14
-v (VOLTS)
FIG. 3. In (J IV) vs -V for phonon-type diodes. T=297°K. ~'r-r-------~------------------~
0;., 10' .
16 18 20 22 24 26 28
FIG. 4. In JO' vs -d In (J /V)/dV for phonon-type diodes.
the projected diameter in several directions through a
microscope. The average was taken and the cross
section was assumed to be circular. It is felt that this
method could be in error by as much as ± 50%. An
attempt was made to eliminate those diodes which had
nonuniform current density. Both the peak current and
the area were measured between successive etches. If
the peak current was not a linear function of the area,
the diode was discarded. This technique will not elimi
nate diodes with microscopic inhomogeneities.
Figure 3 shows In (J I V) plotted as a function of
reverse voltage at room temperature for two typical
diodes. The linear dependence suggested by Eq. (6) is
found until about -0.11 v in one case and -0.07 v in
the other. The increase in slope above these voltages is
undoubtedly at least in part due to the onset of tunnel
ing from the valence band to the (000) conduction band
minimum.9 The (000) minimum is approximately 0.14
ev above the Fermi level on the n side of the junction.
Since the energy distribution of carriers is smeared out
by a few kT around the Fermi energy, this direct tun
neling would be expected to begin at approximately
-0.1 v at room temperature. The exact value of the
onset voltage will depend on the impurity densities on
the two sides of the junction. (The p-side density can be
involved since the top of the valence band can provide
a lower limit on the onset voltage.)
According to Eq. (6) the slopes of In (J IV) vs V
plots in Fig. 3 should be given by
dIn (JIV)ldV=-eA/2E g• (7)
• J. V. Morgan and E. O. Kane, Phys. Rev. Letters 3, 466
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] IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:36:55CUR R E N T VOL TAG E C H A RAe T E R 1ST I C S 0 F GeT U NNE L D I 0 DES 1463
From Eqs. (7) and (6) we see that Jo'= (dJ/dV)v=o is
expected to vary exponentially with dIn (J /V)/ dV for
different diodes.
In Jo'=ln A+(2Eg/e)(d In (J/V)/dV). (8)
] 0' is determined by extrapolation of Fig. 3 type plots
to V = O. In Fig. 4 In] 0' is plotted against the slope
obtained from plots like Fig. 3 for several diodes. The
systematic relationship is evident. All the diodes except
one are on the line labeled "1= 1.25 within experimental
error. Unfortunately, the exceptional diode was broken
before it had been checked for uniformity of current
density over its area in the manner previously men
tioned. The line labeled "I = 2 has the slope 2 E / e pre
dicted by Eq. (8). It is seen that a better fit to the data
is obtained for the line labeled "1= 1.25, which has a
slope 1.25 Eg/ e. This suggests that Eq. (6) is replaced by
In (J/V)=lnA-X(l+eVhE g), (9)
where "1= 1.25. To account for Eq. (9) it is sufficient for
the field F to be changing faster with bias than the
square root law given by Eq. (5). The derivation of
Eq. (5) assumes that the junction is abrupt, that is that
the impurity density on both sides is constant and that
t~e transition from n-to p-type doping occurs in a
distance s~all compared to the width of the space
charge regIOn. If, however, the junction is graded so
that th:re. is a gradual transition from n to p type, the
field Will III fact vary faster with bias. For instance
lin.ear gradin? would make F proportional to (Eg-e V)i;
thiS would give a slope of 1.5 Eg/ e in Eq. (9) in much
cl?ser ~greem~nt ~ith experiment. The space-charge
Widths III the JunctIOns investigated are in the range of
100 to 200 A. Over such distances it is difficult to
exclude the possibility of grading caused by diffusion of
imp~rities. This is regarded as unlikely, however, since
varylllg the alloying time for the junctions did not
seem to affect markedly the peak current densities.
In the derivation of Eq. (4) it is assumed that the
~eld i.n the junction is constant. Actually for an abrupt
JunctIon the field has two linear portions as shown in
Fig. 2. The tunneling occurs between the classical
turning points, which at zero bias coincide with the
~dges. of .the space-charge region, XnO and XpO. If the
JunctIOn IS reverse biased, only the maximum field in
t~e junction Fmax is proportional to (Eg-eV)!, pro
Vided r n, r p«Eg. The field at all other points in the
space-charge region (Xn <x <xp) will increase with in
creasing reverse bias by the same absolute amount as
F ~ax. Hence, the relative change in the average field
Will be greater than (Eg-eV)!. This will account for
the fact that the coefficient of e V in Eq. (9) is larger
than the 1/ (2Eg) predicted by the simple theory. A
c~lculation of the dependence of the exponent on bias
With a varia~le junction field is given in the Appendix.
The calculatIOn shows that in agreement with experi
ment In(J IV) or the exponent varies faster with bias than the constant field approximation suggests. How
ever, the calculated exponent does not vary linearly
with bias. A curve like that in Fig. 5 results. This is to
be compared directly with the In(] IV) vs V plots ob
tained experimentally. It is seen that the experimental
curves are much more nearly linear than the calculated
A calculation of the exponent which takes account of
the nonparabolic nature of the valence band and the
variable junction field is also in the Appendix. This does
not materially change the conclusions.
The ]/V vs V data show that the pre-exponential
factor for current has a linear dependence on V from
-0.01 to approximately -0.1 v. For a linear depend
ence Kane's7 calculation requires that
This condition is obviously not satisfied for the voltage
range of the data. This might also account for the fact
that "I~2 is found experimentally in Eq. (9).
Similar experiments have been carried out on diodes
made by alloying 1% gallium in indium dots into
arsenic doped germanium substrates. These diodes
exhibit evidence of structure at 4°K caused by phonon
participation in the tunneling process, but the major
part of the tunneling current shows no evidence of
phonon participation. Typical curves of] /V plotted on
a logarithmic scale as a function of reverse bias are
shown in Fig. 6. The same kind of linear dependence as
for the "phonon diodes" shown in Fig. 3 is found. The
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14
FIG. 5. I/; = Xo(tre'Noh'/m*K)! vs -V. The curves are computed
from Eq. (.'\2) and the straight line is for the constant field
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IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:36:551464 MARSHALL I. NATHAN
" 10 5
0: ....
"'\> 5
IL--~-~-~--L---L-~-~O~ o 0.02 004 0.01 001 0.10 0.12
FIG. 6. In (J IV) vs -V for nonphonon diodes. T= 297°K.
results of In Jo' vs dOn J /V)/dV for several nonphonon
diodes is shown in Fig. 7. The line drawn has the slope
of 2Eg/ e predicted by Eq. (8). The systematic trend is
evident but comparison with Fig. 4 shows that the
scatter in the points is somewhat greater than for the
phonon diodes. This scatter is outside the experimental
A similar correlation of tunneling current density for
different diodes can be made with the results of high
pressure experiments. For some kinds of diodes it has
been found4 that the major effect of high pressure is to
cause A to vary linearly with pressure, P, i.e.,
A=A(P=O)(I+aP), (10)
where a is a constant independent of A. Equations (1)
and (10) imply that for f!xed small applied bias J will
vary exponentially with pressure. It has been found
experimentally4 that the voltage V p at which J is equal
to its maximum value J p for forward bias is independent
of pressure in germanIum. For phonon assisted tunnel
ing the exponential variation of J p with pressure is
shown in Fig. 8 curve (a). It has also been found4 that
din J / dP is independent of bias for small bias. If we
differentiate Eq. (1) with respect to P and eliminate A
between the equation obtained and Eq. (1), we have the
following relationship between the conductances at
zero voltage J 0' in different diodes and their pressure
coefficients provided we neglect the small pressure de
pendence of A :
In Jo'=lnA+(l/a)d In Jp/dP. (11) Equation (11) shows that for different diodes In Jo'
should vary linearly with din J 1'/ dP with a slope of
1/ a. Figure 9 shows the data on phonon-type ger
manium diodes of Miller, Nathan, and Smith4 together
with some more recent data.l°
For parabolic energy bands and constant field we see
from Eq. (4) that
A a: Eo", (12)
where n is usually between 1 and 2. Its actual value is
determined by the manner in which m* and F vary with
Eg. Equation (12) implies that
a=n(d In Eo/dP). (13)
(d In Eg/dP) is known from experiments on pure mate
rial to be 0.OnXlO- 4 (cm2/kg). The line in Fig. 9 is
drawn for n= 1.1.
The results of high pressure experiments on the
"nonphonon" diodes are complicated. J p does not show
a simple exponential dependence on pressure as found
for the phonon diodes. A typical example is shown by
curve (b) of Fig. 8. A change in slope in the pressure
dependence of J p occurs at approximately 8000 kg/ cm2
over a range of J p from 10-1 to 103 amp/ cm2• As yet
there is no satisfactory explanation of this. With
In J p plotted as a function of its low pressure coefficient
(P<8000 kg/cm2), on the basis of early data a relation
of the form of Eq. (11) was found4 with n=2. However,
more recent measurements carried out at Harvard
UniversitylO have shown this to:be incorrect. The data
are shown in Fig. 10 where In J p is plotted as a function
of d In J p/ dP for different diodes. I(is necessary to plot
J p rather than J 0' on the ordinate of Fig. 10 since, for
the higher current density diodes, series resistance pre
vented an accurate determination of Jo'. The results
_ dl.tn J/Y) (YOLTS)'
dY FIG. 7. In Jot vs
-dIn (J/V)/dV for
non phonon diodes.
10 M. I. Nathan and W. Paul (to be published).
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IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:36:55CUR R E N T VOL TAG E C H A RAe T E R 1ST I C S 0 F GeT {) NNE L D I 0 DES 1465
for three kinds of diodes are plotted in Fig. 10: (1) The
circles represent diodes made by alloying 1% gallium
in indium dots onto arsenic-doped substrates; (2) the
squares represent diodes made by alloying 1% gallium
in tin dots onto arsenic-doped substrates; and (3) the
triangles represent ones made by alloying 1% gallium
in tin dots onto phosphorus doped substrates. All three
types of diodes have the same shape of pressure de
pendence as pictured in Fig. 8 curve (b), and all of them
have nonphonon tunneling current predominant at
4°K. The scatter in the data in Fig. 10 is large when all
the points are considered. However, if just units of type
(1) are considered, the data are fairly consistent with a
line of almost the same slope as for the phonon diodes
discussed earlier. This suggests that the pre-exponential
factor A for the nonphonon current in the three types
of diodes is different.
.,;;: Q2
P \kl/em2) 20000 30000
FIG. 8. In Jp vs P. Curve (a) is for a germanium diode with
phonon tunneling current predominant. Curve (b) is for a diode
with nonphonon current predominant.
The data of Fig. 4 verify the linear relation between
Info' and dIn (J/V)/dV predicted by Eq. (9) for
phonon assisted current. However, the best fit to the
data of Fig. 4 is a slope of 1.25 Eo/ e, rather than 2Eo/ e
as predicted by Eq. (8). We can determine an exponent
AV= -1.25 (Eo/e)d In (J/V)/dV, (14)
where the subscript V refers to the fact that Av is
deduced from the f vs V data. A can also be deduced
from the high pressure data
Ap= -(d In fp/dP)/a. (15)
For those phonon diodes on which both high pressure
data and f vs V data exist, Av=Ap to within 15%.
The pre-exponential factor for phonon current Aph
can also be determined from the experimental data.
However, before doing this it is necessary to consider
the dependence of Aph on A. At T=OoK and for para-10' r--------.-----------,
~ 10' Ln SLOPE a 11,9.10. !!.. em
10°L-_J-_~ __ L__~_---'~~
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
_ d.in Jp (164 em')
dP kl
FIG. 9. In Jo' vs -d In J p/dP for germanium diodes with
phonon current predominant.
bolic energy bands, Aph can be written in the form6,7,1l-13
10' .....-.---------------,
10' o
./.n SLOPE -12.4 xlO· 4 em
10~ L--_-'-_--'- __ "'--_-'-_---''--_-'--_-'
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
d.in Jp --dP-1.2
~ -4 em') 10 -k, 1.4 I •• 1.8 (16)
FIG. 10. In Jp vs -d In Jp/dP for nonphonon diodes. 0 repre
sents diodes made by alloying 1% gallium in indium dots into
arsenic doped substrates; 0, 1% gallium in tin dots into arsenic
doped substrates; L., 1 % gallium in tin dots into phosphorus sub
strates. The line has almost the same slope as in Fig. 4.
11 L. V. Keldysh, J. Exptl. Theoret. Phys. U.S.S.R. 34, 962
(1958) [translation: Soviet Phys.-JETP 34(7), 665 (1958)].
12 Eq. (38) of reference 6, which gives the value of A contains
an arithmetic error and is too large by a factor 16r. '
13 The numerical value of the ratio of direct to phonon current
quoted on p. 88 of reference 7 is in error. E. O. Kane (private
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IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:36:551466 MARSHALL I. NATHAN
where M is the phonon matrix element for scattering
from one extremum to the other at the point of sta
tionary phase; V is the volume; n is the number of
valleys in the conduction band favorably oriented for
tunneling; mex, mey, mez, m.x, m.y, mvz are the com
ponents of the conduction band and valence band mass
tensors; and mrx is the reduced mass in the direction of
the field. We see that Aph is proportional to A-i. This
means that dIn (J / V)dV will contain a term
din Aph/dV. Moreover the ordinate in Fig. 4 should
strictly be multiplied by At to obtain a linear relation.
However, since the range of the experimental
din (J/V)/dV only from 17.4 to 25.5 (47%) this makes
little difference to the form of Eq. (9), but it does affect
somewhat the actual values of Aph and 'I' deduced from
experiment. Taking this variation into account we find
from the data of Fig. 4 that '1'=1.13 and Aph=7·106
X (Q cm2)-1 for A= 15.
Similar corrections must be made to the high pressure
data in Fig. 9. We assume that dAph/dP=O since the
pressure dependence due to A will tend to be cancelled
out by the pressure dependence of Eo and the masses.
Then from Fig. 9 we find Aph=5·10 6(Qcm2)-1 for
A= 15. The values of Aph deduced from the two experi
ments are in much better agreement than the experi
mental errors would indicate.
The theoretical value of Aph can be computed from
Eq. (16). We take n=3; mex=mey=0.08 mo, mez=1.58
mo; mvx=mvy=mvz=0.04 mo; mo=free electron mass.
Eo=0.65 ev; M2V=4.3·1O-49 erg2 cm3, the value used
by Kane.7 It is necessary to correct Aph to the finite
temperature of the experiment (297°K), since the
phonon occupation numbers are finite at this tempera
ture. There is also a correction due to neglect of the
finite phonon energy in the exponent. We have esti
mated these corrections to cause a factor of three in
crease in Aph. Then from Eq. (16) we find Aph=4·103
X (Q cm2)-1 for A= 15 at 297°K. The experimental
values are 103 times the theoretical one.
The question might be raised as to whether the dis
crepancy might be due to an incorrect estimate of A.
1.1 Ibl
FIG. 11. (a) E vs ",2. The solid curve is the (000) band for the
two band approximation. The dotted line represents the (111)
conduction band. (b) The approximate E vs ",2 curves used in
computation of the integrals which take into account variable
field. (See Appendix.) There are two pieces of evidence against this. First,
from measurement of the Hall effect it was possible to
estimate the density of impurity atoms in one substrate
to be 3.5.1018 cm-3• Diodes made on this substrate had
values of A v between 17 and 19. If we take N a = 2 . 1019
cm-3, me=0.08 mo and mv=0.04 mo, we find from
Eq. (4) that the average field F=0.63 F max' F= 2/3F max
is expected on the basis of the calculations in the Ap
pendix. Thus the values of A found from experiment are
reasonable. Second, diodes have been made14 on vapor
deposited antimony doped substrates which have
Jo'=4·103(Q cm2)-1. Observation of the current-voltage
curve at 4.2°K leads to the estimate that the tunneling
current is approximately 3/4 phonon assisted, which
gives J 0' = 3 .103 for phonon current. If the calculated
Aph is correct this corresponds to A = 3 for these diodes,
which is unreasonably smalL
We have assumed in making all calculations of A
thus far that the energy bands are spherical and para
bolic. In germanium the constant energy surfaces of the
lowest conduction band minima are prolate ellipsoids
along the (111) directions. The valence band maximum,
which is at the center of the zone is doubly degenerate
with warped energy surfaces. It is difficult to do any
thing about the fact that the bands are degenerate and
non-spherical but we can examine the effect on A and A
of nonparabolicity. If the tunneling is from the light
hole valence band, Kane7 has pointed out the major
nonparabolic effects will be due to the valence band. He
has calculated the E(a) curve for the light hole band
taking into account three interacting bands. It can be
shown,15 however, that the three band approximation
changes the tunneling probability only very slightly
from the two band approximation,16 We shall use the
latter. If mv is small compared to the free electron mass,
as it is in germanium we have for the light hole valence
E(I-E/ Eo) =h2a.z/2mv. (17)
Eo is the energy gap between the (000) valence and con
duction band extrema, and mv is taken to be equal to
(000) conduction band mass. The zero of energy is
taken at the valence band maximum. For E <Eo/2,
Eq. (17) represents the valence band, and for E>Eo/2
it represents the (000) conduction band. E(a) for the
(111) conduction band is
if nonparabolic effects are neglected. It is easy to show
that this is justified for our purposes. The energy E.
of the point of stationary phase, where the integration
in Eq. (2) changes from the valence band to the con
duction band is given by the condition ac=av. Hence,
by Eqs. (17) and (18)
14 J. C. Marinace (private communication).
16 W. P. Dumke (private communcation).
16 E. O. Kane, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 12, 181 (1960).
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IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:36:55CUR R E N T VOL TAG E C H A RAe T E R 1ST I C S 0 F GeT U NNE L D I 0 DES 1467
i .!
-2 10
2.10' L--.JJ._--!-:---:l::---:l:-.......l--=---!:---:=---::! o . J2 .14 .16 .18
FIG. 12. Current density -J vs reverse voltage -V for a
phonon-type diode at 4.ZOK.
E8= {(mc+mv)_[(mc+mv)2_ EumcJl}Eo. (19)
2mv 2mv Eom.
If we take Eo=0.8 ev, Eg=0.65 ev, mv=0.04 mo,
mc=0.08 mo we find E.=0.57 ev. The tunneling wave
function belongs to the (000) system of Eq. (17) almost
all the way across the energy gap. Nonparabolic effects
due to the (111) conduction band will become important
when Eg-E is some reasonable fraction of the vertical
energy gap to the nearest interacting band, which in
germanium is probably 2.1 evP Since this is large com
pared to Ee-E. we are justified in using Eq. (18).
The E(a) curves are illustrated schematically in
Fig. 11 (a). The solid curve belongs to the (000) system
and the dotted line to the (111) conduction band. To
evaluate A the path of integration is OSG. For the con
stant field approximation we find from Eq. (2)
m.t {[ (2E. ) 7rJ A=--EoJ sin-1 --1 +-
hF2! Eo 2
+ 16(me)!(Eg~E8)!}. (20)
3 mv Ro
In the Appendix, A for this band structure is evaluated
approximately allowing for a variable field. The form
17 J. C. Phillips, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 12, 208 (1960). of the voltage dependence shown in Fig. 5 is found to
be unaffected by inclusion of both the variable field and
nonparabolic effects.
A value of a in Eq. (10) may be calculated by differ
entiating Eq. (20) and using the experimentally deter
mined values of dEg/dP and dEo/dP.18
If we assume Frx.Egt, m.rx.Eo, me is constant we find
a=0.235. From the simple theory given by Eq. (4) for
parabolic bands, we find a=O.077 if we take the masses
independent of pressure. The experimental value de
duced from the data of Fig. 9 is a=0.09 where we have
corrected for the A dependence of Aph. It is seen that the
parabolic approximation gives much closer agreement
with experiment than the two band theory. The reason
for this is not understood, but it may be related to the
fact that we have not taken account of the degenerate
valence band structure.
Using the methods outlined in references 6 and 7 we
have calculated the effect of the two band approxima
tion on Aph. The result is to increase Aph by only a factor
of 1.7 over its value obtained by the parabolic
For reverse biases in germanium direct tunneling
from the valence band to the conduction band minimum
at k=O is observed9 at low temperatures with an onset
voltage given by -(Eo-Eg-r n)/ e.
The ratio of Aph to the pre-exponential factor Ad for
direct tunneling can be estimated roughly from experi
ment in the following-manner. Figure 12 shows current
density vs reverse voltage for a phonon type diode at
4.2°K. The inflection at about -V =0.135 v we assume
to be the onset of direct tunneling. We take the approxi
mate onset voltage for the phonon current to be -0.03
v, since three of the phonons involved start to give
current near this voltage.3 From comparison of the
currents at equal reverse voltages above these onset
voltages we estimate the ratio of direct current to
phonon current to be 100. This ratio is expected to be
independent of current only for voltages above the onset
large compared to E.J./e""0.02 v/ so that the roughness
of the estimate should be appreciated. This ratio is
approximately the same for the diodes having current
densities in the range shown in Fig. 4. The value of the
exponent Ad for the direct tunneling process is
for the two band approximation. If we compare this
with Eq. (20) for A for phonon assisted tunneling and
we allow for the difference of field due to the comparison
of currents at different voltages we find that the ex
ponents for the processes are within 5% of each other.
Therefore the ratio of currents is expected to be equal
to the ratio of the pre-exponential factors. This leads to
an experimental value of Ad= 2 '108(n cm2)-1 for A= 15
at 4°K (we have corrected ApI> by a factor of 3 for the
18 A summary of high pressure results is given in W. Paul, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 8,196 (1959).
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IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:36:551468 MARSHALL I. NATHAN
TABLE.1. The experimental and theoretical values of the pre
exponential factors Ad, Aph, A for germanium diodes in units of
(n cm2)-I.
Phonon Nonphonon
Direct assisted assisted
Process WK) 297 oK 297°K
Experiment 2X108 6X106 107
Theory 107 7X103
temperature change). From references 6 and 7 the theo
retical value of Ad can be put into the following form
for the two band approximation and constant field:
For Eo=O.9 ev and m.=O.04 mo this gives Ad=1·107
X (12 cm2)-1 for X = 15. In view of the roughness of the
method of determining the experimental value this is
regarded as being within experimental error.
For non-phonon current by procedures similar to
those outlined previously, an experimental value of
A = 107 (12 cm2)-I for X = 15 can be estimated from the
~ig~ pressu~e data of .Fig. 10 for diodes made by alloying
mdmm-gallIum dots mto arsenic doped substrates. (We
have taken Jo'/Jp=50 V-I for X=15 and assumed A
is proportional to X-7/2.) The J vs V data are not re
garded as good enough to estimate a value of A.
We have seen that from J vs V data we have been
able to deduce the exponent for germanium tunnel
diodes which exhibit predominantly phonon assisted
current. The value obtained is in agreement with that
found from high pressure measurements provided that
we accept a dependence of the field on voltage stronger
than the simple theory predicts. Calculations which
take into account the linear variation of the field
through the junction give the necessary stronger de
pendence; however, the calculated curve for the ex
ponent vs voltage is not as straight as the one deduced
from experiment. The very good straight lines obtained
experimentally are not completely understood.
The theoretical and experimental values of the pre
exponential factors are given in Table I for X= 15. For
A d the discrepancy is not regarded as significant in view
of the roughness of the experimental estimate. The dis
crepancy for phonon induced current on the other hand
is significant and suggests that the theory is inadequate.
The theoretical valueI9 of Aph takes account of non
parabolic effects of the valence band.
J .vs V measurements have also been made on ger
mamum diodes which exhibit predominantly non
phonon current. The data can be analyzed similarly to
19 A similar calculation for A ph has been made by P. J. Price,
IBM Research Note NW-2. He obtains a value a factor of two
larger. The difference is mainly due to the use of a different value
of the the phonon matrix element. that for the phonon type diodes. However, the correla
tion of current density with the exponent deduced from
the In (J / V) vs V data is not as good as for the phonon
I should like to thank Dr. P. j. Price, at whose sug
gestion this work was undertaken, for many very helpful
discussions. His encouragement throughout its course
was invaluable. My colleagues at the IBM Research
~enter have helped me in many ways. I am particularly
mdebted to Dr. W. P. Dumke, Dr. L. Esaki, Dr. R. R.
Haering, Dr. R. W. Keyes, and Dr. P. B. Miller for
helpful discussions and to Mr. J. Reinhold for experi
mental assistance. The high pressure experiments were
carried out at Harvard University in collaboration with
Professor W. Paul with equipment supported by the
Office of Naval Research. I want to acknowledge his
permission to discuss the results prior to publication.
It is a straightforward matter to see what quantita
~ive ~ifference the variation of the field through the
JunctIOn makes to the exponent X. It is necessary to
inte_grate Eq. (2). First Ec(x) and E.(x) must be cal
culated. Their variation through the junction is de
termined by the field, i.e.,
where Ec(a) is the conduction band edge energy and
X= a is a point on the n side of the junction. At T= OOK,
~her~ degenerate statistics apply throughout the
JunctIOn, the field can be calculated as a function of
Ec(x) throughout. In the charge depleted region
(x" <x<x~), the field is linear in x. The integration of
Eq. (A1) IS elementary. Ec(x) is a quadratic function
rath~r th~n the linear func~ion in the constant field ap
~roxI.matlOn. For zero applIed bias the path of integra
tIon IS at the Fermi energy, EF=CPn=CPp, XI=X"O and
X2~XpO. (We are neglecting the phonon energy.) For
fimte reverse bias the current is given by a sum over
all equi-ener~y paths with occupied states on the p side
ar:d unocc~pled states on the n side, i.e., those paths
with energies between the quasi-Fermi energies CPn and
CPP in Fig. 1. Rather than sum over all paths it will be
sufficient for our purposes to consider just a few paths
such as those at CPn, CPP' CPo, the path of minimum
distance between classical turning points.
To see explicitly what effect the variation uf field has
on the exponent we shall consider a very simple case-a
completely symmetrical junction with "spherical para
bolic" bands, mc=m., Na=Nd, t,,=tp=t. We shall
ca~c~late Xo. the exponent for the path at energy CPo of
mlllimum distance through the space charge region. We
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AO=( m*K )!{[Eg~(Eg-eV+1.2.\)!J
The function 1/I=Aoh(7reWo/m*K)i is plotted in Fig. 5
as a function of -V for Eg=0.65 ev and two values of
.1,0.01 ev and 0.025 ev. The straight line in Fig. 11 has
the slope of t predicted by the constant field approxi
mation from Eqs. (3), (4), and (5). It is seen that the
slope of the curves is greater than t, in agreement with
our experimental results. The calculated plot in Fig. 5
should be compared directly with the experimental
curves of In (J / V) vs V in Fig. 3. The marked curva
ture evident in the calculated curve is not present in the
experimental one. It is possible that the onset of tun
neling to (000) minimum at about 0.1 v masks the
curvature at the high voltage end of the curve. Never
theless, the experimental curve still appears much
straighter than the theoretical one. The explanation of
this may be related to the fact that the experiment was
carried out at room temperature while the theory is for
We have carried out the integration of Eq. (2) for
other paths-q,,, and r/>p in Fig. 1. We have also allowed
for an asymmetrical junction me"" m. and N a"" N d.
None of this makes any difference to our conclusions:
(1) A varies faster with V than predicted by theconstant
field approximation. (2) The experimental curve of A
vs V is much more nearly linear than the theoretical
It should be pointed out that the exponent given in
Eq. (A2) has to a first approximation, for eV, r«Eg, a
linear dependence on Eg in agreement with simple
theory. Allowance for asymmetry does not affect this conclusion. Hence the interpretation of the results of the
high pressure experiments is not affected by the variable
Nonparabolic effects of the valence band and variable
field can be taken into account. The E(a) curves given
by Eqs. (17) and (18) must be used in Eq. (2) with the
variable field. The integration can be performed in
terms of elliptic integrals. Rather than do this we have
approximated the E(a) curves as shown in Fig. 11 (b).
The path of integration is OS'. For the (000) band
For the (111) band E<Eo/2
The integral can then be easily evaluated. The result
for eV, .In, ,Ip«Eg is
where !J.E= Eo-Eg. The path of integration is at the
energy r/>p in Fig. 1. If we differentiate Eq. (A3) with
respect to voltage we find as before that the derivative
is greater than that obtained from simple theory and
that there is more curvature in the A vs V plot than the
simple theory predicts.
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IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:36:55 |
1.1729057.pdf | Sputtering Experiments with 1 to 5keV Ar+ Ions
A. L. Southern, William R. Willis, and Mark T. Robinson
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 34, 153 (1963); doi: 10.1063/1.1729057
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1729057
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/34/1?ver=pdfcov
Published by the AIP Publishing
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to
] IP: On: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:32:29JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 34, NUMBER 1 JANUARY 1963
Sputtering Experiments with 1-to 5-keV Ar+ Ions
Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratoryt, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
(Received 13 July 1962)
Sput~ering yields have been determined with 1-to 5-keV Ar+ ions normally incident upon targets of type
304 stamless steel, three different types of polycrystalline Cu, a wide variety of Cu monocrystals and mono
crystals of Si and Ge. Ejection patterns have been recorded from these targets and from a mo~ocrystal of
InS.b .. The.sputtering yi:ld of.polycryst~lline Cu depends on the source of the metal, apparently due to
vanatlOns m preferred onentatlOn. The yIeld from Cu monocrystals is strongly dependent on orientation the
effect becoming more pronounced as the energy is increased. A simple model is presented which account~ for
this behavior in terms of the variation with direction of the initial mean free path of the incident ion. The
ejection patterns leave little doubt that focusing collision chains are primarily responsible for the transport
of momentum to the surfaces of close-packed metals.
THE erosion of metal targets during ion bombard-
ment has been widely studied in recent years,
both for technological reasons and because of its rela
tionship to fundamental radiation-damage processes.
The experiments reported in this communication were
begun in the hope that a quantitative understanding
of the mechanism of sputtering might be more readily
obtained than could the corresponding understanding
of more conventional radiation damage processes and
with a view towards aiding in the interpretation of the
latter. Perhaps the most striking aspect of sputtering
is the fact, first observed by Wehner,! that the bulk
of the material ejected from metal monocrystals leaves
the surface in a limited number of principal crystal
lographic directions, a fact that is generally taken
as the primary evidence for the reality of the correlated
collision sequences ("focusing collisions") postulated
by Silsbee.2 Some of the experiments reported here
were intended to settle certain doubts remaining in our
minds about the correspondence between the experi
mental phenomenon and Silsbee's theory. The quanti
tative aspect of sputtering is generally reported in
terms of the yield, that is, the average number of target
atoms ejected per incident ion. The remaining experi
ments were performed to obtain information on the
dependence of the yield on crystallographic variables
and on the energy of the bombarding ions in the 1 to 5
keY range, primarily for eu targets.
A block diagram of the apparatus used to determine
sputtering yields is shown in Fig. 1. The ion source was
of the type designed by Moak, Reese, and Good.3 It
* Professor of Ph~si~s,. West Virginia Wesleyan College,
Buckhannon, West VlrglnIa. Consultant to ORNL Solid State
, t Oak ~idge N ational Labora~ory is operated by Union Carbide
(.orporatlOn for the U. S. AtomIc Energy Commission.
IG. K. Wehner, J. App!. Phys. 26,1056 (1955)' Phys. Rev.
102,690 (1956). '
2 R. H. Silsbee, J. App!. Phys. 28, 1246 (1957); G. Leibfried,
J. App!. Phys. 31, 117 (1960).
3 C. D. Moak, H. Reese, Jr., and W. M. Good Nucleonics 9
No.3, 18 (September 1951). " was mounted in the tank coil of a self-exciting oscillator
operated at 38 Mc. The rf power was smoothly variable
from 0 to 150 W. Argon ions formed in the source were
accelerated and were then focused onto a defining iris by
a zero-energy electrostatic lens. The collimated beam fell
at normal incidence onto the surface of the target which
was an integral part of a Faraday cup provided with a
guard ring to suppress the current of secondary elec
trons generated at the target. The apparatus used to
record ejection patterns was essentially similar, except
that the target holder shown in Fig. 2 replaced the
Faraday cup.
Without the beam, the pressure in the system was
reduced to about 2X 10-7 Torr by an oil diffusion pump
fitted with a liquid nitrogen cooled baffle. When the
beam was turned on, the pressure in the target chamber
reached 2 to 7 X 10-6 Torr, the increase being due to
argon gas. Since current densities of SO to 200,uA/cm2
were employed, the rate of arrival of background gas
atoms at the target surface (not induding Ar) was
about t to 1/20 the rate of arrival of Ar+ ions. No
evidence of a pressure effect on sputtering yields4 was
found in this work, over the total pressure range from
1 to lOX 10-6 Torr. This result suggests that contamina
tion of our target surfaces does not play a significant
role in determining the observed yields.
FIG. 1. Block diagram of the apparatus for ___ ~~ determining sputtering yields.
'0. C. Yonts and D. E. Harrison, Jr., J. App!.l'hys 31 1583 (1960). . ,
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] IP: On: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:32:29154 SOUTHERN, WILLIS, AND ROBINSON
1 0 1 2
"""""""" -- 1""""1 INCHES STAINLESS STEEL
FIG. 2. The target holder used for recording ejection
patterns during ion bombardment.
The energy distribution of the ion beam was studied
by inserting a counter-field lens5 between the electron
suppressor and the Faraday cup. Results of analyses
made with }-and i-in. defining irises are shown in
Fig. 3. In yield determinations above 2 keY, the
smaller iris was used, while below 2 ke V the larger was
employed in order to make use of the greater current
available. Ninety-five percent of the beam current had
energy within 100 eV of the desired value: The fraction
of energetic neutral atoms in the beam was estimated
by measuring the sputtering yield of Cu at 2.5 keY,
first with the normal beam and then with the charged
particles in the beam deflected by the counter-field
lens and an external permanent magnet.. The results
suggest that less than about 1.4% of the beam par
ticles are uncharged. Since the Ar-Ar+ charge exchange
cross section probably does not vary greatly in the 1
to 5 keY energy range, this result is believed to be
representative of our beam over the entire range of
measurements reported here. The fraction of multiply
charged particles is unknown, but the experience of
others6 with similar Ar+ ion sources suggests that there
will be less than about 6% Ar++ ions produced from
the source. The fraction of ArB in the beam arriving
at the target will be reduced by action of the focusing
lens and by the effects of space charge, both of which
will tend to throw Ar++ to the outside of the beam
where it will be removed by the defining iris.
Sputtering yields were determined by measuring the
weight loss of the target during bombardment and
the total charge collected in the Faraday cup. Weight
losses, which ranged from 0.2 to 1.2 mg, were deter
mined on an Ainsworth microchemical balance. The
current collected by the Faraday cup was recorded on
a Minneapolis-Honeywell strip chart recorder equipped
with a transmitting slide wire which operated a Brown
continuous integrator. The total collected charge could
5 G. Forst, Z. angew. Phys. 10, 546 (1958).
6 P. H. Ste!son, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (private
[.olllmllnj(:ation). be determined to within about ±2% and the weight
loss to within about ± 1 to ±4%, depending on its
magnitude. The reported yields are believed to be ac
curate to within ±S percent. All yield experiments
were carried out at room temperature with normally
incident ions.
Ejection patterns were recorded by allowing the
material ejected from the target to deposit onto Pyrex
glass plates 3t in. in diameter and l6 in. thick. In some
experiments with Cu, a thin (",,25 A) layer of Pd was
evaporated onto the plate before recording the ejection
pattern in an attempt to suppress any surface migra
tion of the depositing atoms, but no clear-cut result
was obtained. The ejection patterns, particularly those
of Cu, do not keep especially well,7 although some
success has been had in preserving them by spraying
with a plastic film after removal from the apparatus.
The patterns were photographed and in several cases
densitometer measurements were made. All ejection pat
tern experiments were carried out at room temperature.
The argon gas used in the ion source was assayed by
mass spectrometry to contain 99.97% Ar. The target
materials used, their sources, and their preparative
treatment were as follows:
(1) Type 304 stainless steel. The targets were cut
from a single sheet of steel, cleaned in dilute nitric
acid, degreased in perchloroethylene, and hydrogen
fired. They were then placed in a vacuum dessicator,
evacuated, and stored under 1 atm of air. For this
alloy, an effective "atomic weight" of 55.13 was de
duced from its composition, for use in converting
weight losses to the molar basis.
(2) Polycrystalline Cu. Material from three different
sources was used. Targets designated ASR were cut
100 "\'
£ 20
~ 0 co (a)
co a 100 ,.
CD 80 f-
40 f---
o o (b) r--, '\
1985V 2900V 3760 V
~ ~ "\ ~
1985 V 2900 V \ 3760V
FIG. 3. The energy distribution of the ion beam. (a) With t-in.
defining iris. (b) With i-in. defining iris. ----
7 R. S. Nelson and M. W. Thompson, Proc. Roy. Soc. (Lohdon)
A259,458 (1961).
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] IP: On: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:32:29SPUTTERING EXPERIMENTS WITH 1-TO 5-keV Ar+ IONS 1SS
1 o I "" /
/ / ---?7 ~ OFHC Cu
~ ~ -~-+==-V f- 4 /-~- DUTCHCu'
V V --,I-~---
7-~~ STAIJ.ESS rEEL -,-
II I i
2 3 4 5
FIG. 4. The sputtering yields of type 304 stainless steel and
?f polycrystalline Cu as functions of the normally incident Ar+
IOn energy.
from rolled sheets of 99.999% Cu purchased from the
American Smelting and Refining Company. Those
designated OFHC were cut from a sheet of OFHC
grade Cu obtained from O. C. Yonts of this Laboratory;
the sheet was from the same stock as that used by
Yonts, Normand, and Harrison8 in their sputtering
experiments. The third set of targets, designated Dutch,
was cut from a sheet of Cu obtained from Professor
J. Kistemaker, Laboratorium voor Massascheiding,
Amsterdam, which was from the stock used in the
experiments of Rol, Fluit, and Kistemaker.9 All of
these targets were cleaned by etching in SO% nitric
acid, followed by rinses in 5% nitric acid and in dis
tilled water.
(3) M onocrystalline Cu. Single crystals grown from
99.999% Cu were cut to provide targets of the desired
orientation. Some of these targets were prepared in
this Laboratory and some were purchased from the
Virginia Institute for Scientific Research, Richmond.
The targets were polished on an acid polishing ma
chine,1O cleaned in a mixture of equal parts of nitric,
phosphoric, and glacial acetic acids, and, finally,
(4) Monocrystalline Si, Ge, and InSb. The targets
were cut from high-purity single crystals, obtained
from E. Sander and J. W. Cleland of this Laboratory,
and were etched in CP-4 before use.
The orientations of the various monocrystalline tar
gets were determined by the Laue x-ray back-reflection
technique, the indices of the surface normal being evalu
ated to within ±2 degrees, except as noted below. The
'0. C. Yonts, C. E. Normand, and D. E. Harrison, Jr., J.
Appl. Phys. 31, 447 (1960).
9 P. K: Rol, J. M. Fluit, and J. Kistemaker, Proceedings Third
I nternatwnal Conference on Ionization Phenomena in Gases Venice
1957 (Societa Italiana di Fisica, Milan, 1957), p. 871' Physica 26'
1000 (1960); Cf. also references 18, 19, and 23.' ,
10 F. W. Young, Jr., and T. R. Wilson, Rev. Sci. lnstr. 32
559 (1961). ' targets, the Laue photographs, and the glass plates
used to record ejection patterns were all marked in a
corresponding way so that direct comparisons of the
x-ray and sputtering patterns could be made reliably.
Polycrystalline Materials
The sputtering yields obtained from type 304 sta.in
less steel and from the three sorts of poly crystalline
Cu are shown as functions of the Ar+ ion energy in
Fig. 4. The data obtained for ASR Cu are in excellent
agreement with the values reported by Bader, Witte
born, and Snousell and by Yonts, Normand, and
Harrison4 (who did not work below 5 keV); those ob
tained for OFHC Cu are consistent with the results of
Rol, Fluit, and Kistemak er9 (who did not work below
5 keV); and those obtained for the Dutch Cu agree
well with the results of Keywell.12 In attempting to
find a reason for the variation of the yields from the
various types of Cu, an ejection pattern was recorded
from each one. Most surprisingly, the ASR Cu showed
clear evidence of spots of the type observed from mono
crystals (see below), whereas the OFHC Cu showed
only a continuous deposit of circular symmetry, as
expected from polycrystalline targets. The Dutch Cu
showed a continuous deposit, but of approximately
elliptical symmetry, not unlike the pattern from a
(011) monocrystal. The ASR pattern is shown in Fig.
9(d). It appears probable from these results that differ
ences in preferred orientation of the individual grains
are responsible for the yield differences among the
three sources of Cu. In view of the very large differ
ences in yields observed from various Cu monocrystals
(see below), it is not at all surprising that polycrystal
line materials from different sources and in the hands
.9 3
" E o o
:l 2 w
(!l z
a:: w
~ 1
ll. (f) Si
2 3 4 5
FIG. 5. The sputtering yields of monocrystalline Si and Ge
as functions of the normally incident Ar+ ion energy. ----
11 M. Bader, F. C. Witteborn, and T. W. Snouse, Nationa,
Aeronautics and Space Agency Report NASA-TR-R-I05 (1961).
12 F. KeywelI, Phys. Rev. 97,1611 (1955).
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] IP: On: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:32:29156 SOUTHERN, WILLIS, AND ROBINSON
FIG. 6. Orientations of Cu monocrystals used in Ar+ sputtering
experiments. The crystals marked with open circles were ex
amined only at 5 keY. The other crystals were studied at several
ion energies.
of different investigators should give rather disparate
yield data. Almen and Bruce13 have found similar
variations in the sputtering of Ag from different sources
by 45-keV Kr+ ions.
Monocrystalline Semiconductors
The yields obtained from (001), (011), and (Ill) Ge
and from (Ill) Si monocrystals are shown as functions
of the Ar+ ion energy in Fig. 5. No yield measurements
were made on InSb. There do not appear to be signifi
cant differences in the yields of the three Ge mono-
o , 9 -
I 6
'" 5 -;::
~ <001)
(011) l_..I,.-+--+-+-+
Ar i'" ION ENERGY (keVl
FIG. 7. The sputtering yields of some Cu monocrystals under
normally incident Ar+ ion bombardment, as functions of the ion
energy. The arrows indicate points obtained on freshly electro
polished (111) surfaces.
13 O. Almen and G. Bruce, Nuclear rnstr. Methods 11, 257
(1961). crystals except possibly at the higher energies where
the order of yields seems to be (001»(111)? (OIl).
Ejection patterns from Si and Ge showed only con
tinuous deposits. No evidence of a "body-centered"
pattern, as reported by Anderson and Wehner,14 was
seen. In the energy range from 1.0 to 1. 7 ke V, a (111)
InSb monocrystal produced an ejection pattern con
sisting of three light spots superimposed on a continu
ous background. The best definition of the spots was
obtained at 1.5 keY. Unfortunately, the loss of con
trast in the photographic process prevents a useful
copy of this remarkable pattern from being included
in this communication. The three light spots, indicative
of less than average probability of sputtering, were
located at the (011) poles of the pattern. This result
provides a rather compelling argument for the reality
of the Silsbee correlated collision sequences2 and seems
at the same time to exclude "tunnel focusing"!' as the
primary source of ejection pattern spots. In space
groups F43m (InSb) and Fd3m (Si,Ge), there are
rather large channels running in (011) directions,
bordered by what may be regarded as either zig-zag
lines (made up of (Ill) segments) of atoms or as
closely spaced double lines parallel to (011). As an
atom in one of the double lines moves parallel to
(011), it does not first strike the next member of its
line, as would be necessary to obtain Silsbee focusing,
but, instead, suffers a glancing collision with an inter
vening member of the other line of the doublet, thus
causing both atoms to move away at substantial
angles from (011). The consequence is that ejection of
atoms parallel to (011) is inhibited in F43m by pre
cisely the analog of the process causing preferential
ejection parallel to (011) in space group Fm3m. Further
more, if tunneling were primarily responsible for ejec-
1-----1 OR'~NTAJ'ON 1 1 1 1 1 rl I
0(0,1,6) I
I o <0,1,11)
~ (1,1,14) I
f----.. (1,6,26) I ! • (1,3,15) I
---.- ~---
j!...--: .....- ~O",6) V I
~ I ~ (0,1,11) c-~-\P V
I 3
2 o 3 4 5 6
FIG, 8. The sputtering yields of some Cu monocrystals under
normally incident Ar+ ion bombardment, as functions of the ion
14 G. S. Anderson and G. K. Wehner, J. App!. Phys. 31, 2305
16 M. T. Robinson, D. K. Holmes, and O. S. Oen, Bull. Am.
Phys. Soc. 7, 171 (1962); C. Lehmann and G. Leibfried (to be
published) .
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] IP: On: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:32:29SPUTTERING EXPERIMENTS WITH 1 TO 5-keV Ar+ IONS 157
(a) (b) (e) (d)
FIG 9 Ejection patterns obtained from some Cu monocrystals and from ASR polyerystalline Cu under normally incident
A~+ion bombardment. (a) {001) at 4 keY, (b) {111) at 2.5 keY, (e) {122) at 4 keY, (d) ASR polycrystalline at 4 keY.
tion pattern spots, one would expect that Ge and Si
would show tendencies toward spot formation and that
InSb would give dark spots at the (011) poles. No
attempt was made to study the chemical composition
of the deposits from InSb.
Monocrystalline eu
The orientations of the Cu monocrystals used in our
sputtering experiments are shown on the stereographic
projection of Fig. 6. The observed sputtering yields
for twelve of these crystals are shown in Figs. 7 and 8
as functions of the Ar+ ion energy. In Fig. 13 the
sputtering yields at 5 keY of ten (Okl) monocrystals are
shown as a function of the angle between the surface
normal and (001) (note that the incident beam was
always perpendicular to the target surface!). Figure 9
shows the ejection patterns obtained from monocrys
tals of (001), (111), and (122) orientation, as well as
the pattern obtained from an ASR polycrystalline
target. Ejection patterns were also recorded from the
fourteen other crystals shown in Fig. 6.
In agreement with previous observations,1,7,14,16,17 the
ejection patterns always consist of a limited number of
intense spots accompanied by varying amounts of low
intensity background. Comparison of the ejection pat
terns with Laue back-reflection photographs made from
the same surfaces of the same crystals shows all of the
intense spots to be accounted for by the (011), (001),
and (111) directions. The (011) spots seem to be the
consequences of Silsbee focusing collision chains,! while
the (Om) and (111) spots result from the very similar
"assisted" focusing chains discussed by Nelson and
Thompson.7 No spots corresponding to (112) or (013),
both of which are more closely packed lines than (111),
have been observed, as was to be expected since
assisted focusing is not possible in these directions
because of the relatively unsymmetrical disposition of
16 M. Koedam, Thesis, Utrecht (1960); M. Koedam ~nd A.
Hoogendoorn, Physica 26, 351 (1960); M. Koedam, Physlca 25,
742 (1959).
17 V. E. Yurasova, N. V. Pleshivtsev, and 1. V. Orfanov, Zhur.
Eksp. i Teoret. Fiz. 37,966 (1959); Soviet Phys.-JETP 37,689
(1960). parallel neighboring lines about a (112) or (013) line.
The patterns did not appear to change significantly
over the energy range from 1 to 5 keY.
The (001) pattern, Fig. 9(a), shows four (011) and
one (001) spots, accompanied by considerable haze.
Crystals cut a few degrees from (001) yield patterns in
which these five spots move in the directions and to the
extent expected from crystallographic considerations.
This result greatly increases our confidence that the
spots are really the consequences of focusing collision
chains. Furthermore, as a spot moves away from the
surface normal, its intensity decreases rapidly, pre
sumably because of the increased length of the collision
chains leading to the surface. At least near (001), the
orientation of a crystal can be determined about as
accurately from sputtering ejection patterns as from
Laue back-reflection of x rays. The intensity of the
(001) (central) spot in Fig. 9(a) is at least as great as
that of one of the (011) spots. Note that the ellipticity
of the (011) spots on this and other patterns results
from the geometry of the apparatus used to record the
The (111) pattern, Fig. 9(b), shows the expected
group of three intense (011) spots. The central, (111),
spot does not appear in this particular pattern because
of its small size compared to that of the hole in the
plate, but in other patterns, taken at small angles of
beam incidence ('"'-'2 degrees from the surface normal),
this spot was clearly evident. Midway between the
(011) spots, there are streaks, running from (111) in
the general direction of (114) and (001), which give
the over-all pattern a hexagonal appearance. The outer
bulge of each of these streaks may be interpreted as
due to (001) focusing events. The appearance of
"streaks" seems to be largely illusory: if the outer
bulges towards (001) and the (011) spots are ignored,
the background seems to be quite uniform. The (122)
pattern, Fig. 9(c), shows six spots. Near the center is a
very intense (011), two others appearing in the lower
right quadrant of the pattern. Two faint (Om) spots
and one (111) are also present. A point of some interest
is that relatively less background appears in this
pattern than in the (001) and (111) projections. This
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] IP: On: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:32:29158 SOUTHERN, WILLIS, AND ROBINSON
FIG. to. Sketches to illustrate deviations of ejection directions from
the directions of close-packed lines (see text for discussion).
is also true of other patterns obtained at large angles
from the principal directions.
Patterns from a (011) crystal (not shown) consisted
of an intense central (011) spot, two much weaker
(001) spots, and four faint streaks leading from the
center of the pattern towards the positions of the
peripheral (011) poles, which are at an angle of 60
degrees from the surface normal. After the yield from
this crystal proved to be lower than expected theo
retically (see below), the ejection pattern and Laue
photograph were re-examined. The surface normal was
found to be about 3 degrees from (011); the indices of
the normal were approximately (1,16,17).
The noncentral ejection pattern spots seem always
to occur somewhat closer to the surface normal (by
'" 2 to '" 5 degrees) than is expected from crystallo
graphic considerations. Since location of the center of
a spot is rather subjective, no attempt was made to
study these angular deviations in detail. The angular
discrepancies are easily understood as due to the in
fluence of neighboring rows on the motion of the last
member of a sequence of correlated collisions. Figure
lO(a) shows a correlated collision sequence along the
row AIA2 . . . which makes an angle cf>theor with the
surface normal; the last atom in the row Al is ejected.
Note that this atom experiences a force from atom BI
which is unbalanced by an atom in the row C1C2 ...
and which causes atom At to be ejected at an angle
from the surface normal cf>obs<cf>theGr. In an unpublished
calculation based on the momentum approximation,
C. Lehmann of this Laboratory has obtained a value
of about 3 degrees for cf>ti.£Or-cf>obs for (011) chains at
a {oo1} surface assuming a Born-Mayer interaction
potential between the atoms of the crystal. It should be pointed out that any distortion of the lattice near the
surface which increases the interatomic separation
normal to the surface (or decreases that within the
surface) will also cause the surface atoms to be ejected
closer to the surface normal than is expected from bulk
crystallography. Such distortions might arise either
from radiation damage to the crystal or from the in
fluence of trapped argon atoms on the structure.
If such distortions of the crystal are carried to an
extreme, so that surface atoms are displaced from their
normal lattice sites, the direction of ejection may be
quite different from that of the associated correlated
collision sequence, as is shown in Fig. lOeb), where the
atom BI of Fig. toea) has been removed and Al has
"relaxed" into the vacancy. A similar effect would be
shown, if, instead of there being a vacancy in the last
complete atomic layer, an "extra" atom were placed
above the last full layer, but not always in a normal
lattice site. During sputtering, on account of the high
rate of removal of material, the last atomic layer is
surely incomplete and, even if all momentum reaches
the surface via correlated collision sequences, some
ejection in quite general directions must occur. This
presumably could account for the background observed
in our patterns. The point is that the presence of con
tinuous background in these ejection patterns does not
definitely indicate the existence of a mechanism for
sputtering which does not involve collision chains.
The dependence of the sputtering yield on the orien
tation of the target crystals, shown in Figs. 7, 8, and
13, is very marked. Although there are resemblances
to the experiments of Rol, Fluit, and Kistemak erl8
with 15-to 20-keV Ar+ on Cu and to those of Almen
and Bruce13 with 45-keV Kr+ on Cu, there are also
marked differences, which we attribute partly to the
fact that the present experiments were always carried
out at normal incidence, while the others were per
formed at varying angles of incidence on a small
number of principally oriented monocrystals, and
partly to the differences in energy in the various ex
periments. Some of the detailed difference may, of
course, be due to uncertainties in the orientations of
our crystals. It must also be noted that the pretreat
ment of the targets influences the yields observed from
Cu monocrystals. The (111) crystal points in Fig. 7
marked with arrows were obtained on freshly electro
polished surfaces, whereas the other points were ob
tained on surfaces which had been previously irradi
ated, but which were not repolished. While no de
tailed study of this effect has been made, it is clear
from the figure that significant changes in the yield
can occur after a previous irradiation has been per
mitted to modify the crystal surface. A partial inter
pretation of this behavior can be given in terms of the
model which we shall now discuss.
18 P. K. Rol, J. M. Fluit, and J. Kistemaker, Progress in Astro
nautics and Rocketry (Academic Press Inc., New York, 1961), Vol.
5, p. 203; P. K. Rol, Thesis, Amsterdam (1960).
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] IP: On: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:32:29s PUT T E R IN G EX PER 1M E N T S WIT H 1-TO 5 - k e V A r + ION S 159
Prescntly available theories of sputtering19-21 are not
sufficiently developed to account for the dependence
of the yield on crystallographic variables. Harrison22
has had some success in fitting his theory to some of
our data on eu monocrystals, insofar as the energy
dependence is concerned, but the orientation depend
ence of the resulting "fitting parameter" remains un
explained. It is possible, however, to obtain a reasonable
account of the crystallographic orientation dependence
of our eu data by using the theory of Rol, Fluit, and
Kistemaker19 in conjunction with a "transparency"
model similar to that of Fluit.23 It should be empha
sized that the present treatment of this model is quite
different from that of Fluit.
The basic assumptions of the theory are that the
sputtering yield is determined with sufficient accuracy
by the first collision of the incident ion with an atom
of the target and that the collision may be imagined
to take place between hard spheres whose size de
termines the total (microscopic) cross section for
scattering of the incident ions by the target atoms.24
The yield is regarded as proportional to the stopping
power of the target for incident ions at their initial
energy, i.e., as proportional to the average energy
transferred to a target atom in a collision and as in
versely proportional to the mean free path of the in
cident ions to their first collisions. Thus, the sputtering
yield for ions of energy E, normally incident upon a
target surface in a direction specified by the unit vector
u, may be written as
S(E,u) = Cf.T(E,u)E/A(E,u), (1)
where a is a proportionality constant, X(E,u) IS the
mean free path of the incident ion, and
r(E,u) = 2T(E,u)/T m(E), (2)
where T(E,u) is the average energy transferred to a
target atom, and T m(E) is the maximum energy that
can be transferred in a single collision. No mass factors
19 P. K. Rol, J. M. Fluit, and J. Kistemaker, Physica 26 1009
(19~0) i Proce.edings of t~e In~ernational Symposium on Elect;omag
netzc Separatwn of Radwactzve Isotopes, Vienna, 1960 (Springer
Verlag, Vienna, 1961), p. 207.
20 D. E. Harrison, Jr., Phys. Rev. 102, 1473 (1956) i J. Chem.
Phys. 32, 1336 (1960) i Proceedings of the International Colloquium
on Ion Bombardment, Paris, 1961 (Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, Paris, to be published).
21 R. S. Pease, Rend. Scuola Intern. Fis. "Enrico Fermi" 13
158 (1959). '
22 D.~. H~rrison, Jr., U. S. Naval Postgraduate School (private
commumcatlOn) .
23 J. M. Fluit, Proceedings of the International Colloquium on
Bombardment, Paris, 1961 (Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, Paris, to be published).
24 For discussions of the validity of the hard sphere approXI
mation, see M. T. Robinson, D. K. Holmes, and O. S. Oen,
Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Ion Bombardment
Paris, 1961 (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Paris'
t? be publi~hed) i and D. K. Holmes, Proceedings of the I~terna~
twn.al Atomtc Energy Agency Symposium on Radiation Damage in
Sohds and Reactor Materials, Venice, 1962 (to be published). appear in Eq. (1) since they have been absorbed into
the constant a. The reason for specifying a directional
dependence in Eq. (2) will appear presently.
The target is considered to be an array of sphcres,
arranged on a crystalline lattice. The radius of each
sphere R defines the total cross section for those ion
atom interactions which will, eventually, lead to sput
tering. For ions which are incident upon the surface
of the crystal in an (hkl) direction, it is necessary to
consider only the "elementary crystal" defined by the
elementary translations thkl, th' k' I', th" k" I" where, for
cubic lattices, (h'k'l') and (h"k"l") are perpendicular to
(hkl) and to each other, since the unit so defined con
tains all but the translational symmetry of the lattice.
If the surface of this elementary crystal is uniformly
irradiated with ions, a fraction Phkl of them will make
collisions within the element, while the balance will
pass through it without making any collisions at all.
It is from this property of the model that the term
"transparency" arises. The average distance from the
surface which the colliding ions move in reaching their
collision points Xhkl is their contribution to the first
mean free path of all the ions. It is assumed that those
ions which do not make collisions in the elementary
crystal have a mean free path AO measured from the
surface of the crystal, which is independent of their
direction. Thus, in terms of this model, the mean free
path for all ions may be written as
The energy transferred in a collision may be defined in
terms of the impact parameter b, the perpendicular
distance from the path of an ion to the center of the
atom with which it collides. For hard sphere interactions,
where ( ) denotes the average value. If the spheres
comprising the elementary crystal are sufficiently small
that they do not overlap when projected onto an {hkl}
plane, then W/R2) = 1/2 and r(E,u)=l, but for large
enough spheres this will not be true because of shadow
ing. It is assumed that shadowing may be ignored for
those ions which make collisions beyond the elementary
crystal. Then,
r(E,u)==Thkl(E) = 1+Phkl[1-2(b2/R2)hkl]. (5)
Finally, introducing Eqs. (3) and (5) into (1),
S hkZ(E) =o{1 +phkl(1- 2(b2j R2)hkl) JE/
[PhkIXhkl+ (1-PI.kI)Ao]. (6)
If the sizes of the spheres of which the lattice is
composed are sufficiently small that the contents of an
elementary unit do not overlap when projected onto
an {hkl} plane, the several quantities introduced above
may be written in terms of the indices. For fcc crystals
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of lattice constant an,
thk1/ aO= alQ/2, (7a)
P)'kl= 47r(R/ ao)2tkhZ/ ao= 2al7r(R/ ao)2Q, (7b)
Xhkl/ au= (aIQ2-az)/4Q, (7c)
where Q= W+k2+12)1/2 and,
if h+k+l is even
if lz+k+l is odd,
{ 1 if lz+k, h+l, or k+l is odd
02= 2 if h+k, h+t, and k+l are even.
Unfortunately, except for the lowest index directions.
even for quite small spheres, these simple formulas will
not suffice [except, of course, for (7a)J. An IBM 7090
program has been written to permit the easy evaluation
of the various quantities for arbitrary sphere sizes and
indices in the fcc lattice. The elementary crystal is
defined by the three mutually perpendicular axes
(hkt), (O,l, -k), and (k2+l2, -lzk, -hi), where it is
assumed that O~h~k~l and that each set of indices
is coprime. The machine automatically orders the in
cident beam indices if necessary and removes any
common factors to make the sets coprime. Storage
limitations in the current version of the code limit the
program to those for which
i.e., to those elementary crystals containing fewer than
1000 atoms. The starting coordinates of the incident
FIG. 11. (a) Projection of the fcc lattice onto the (122) plane.
The radius of the atomic spheres is O.147ao. The shaded atoms
are in the first four (122) layers, the darkest being nearest the
surface. (b) The collision probability for (122) as a function of
penetration. O~~ __ -J ______ ~ __ -L __ -L __ ~J--
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
IMPACT PARAMETER (lunil=0.01414 00)
FIG. 12. The impact parameter distributions for (122) and (0,1,11)
monocrystals for spheres of radius 0.21 ao.
ion are selected uniformly over the rectangle defined
by the unit translations th'k'l' and t""k"l" by the use of
random numbers and the ion is followed until it makes
a collision with a lattice atom or until it passes com
pletely through the elementary unit. Its collision point
and impact parameter are scored and the run is re
peated as often as desired. Generally, 10 000 histories
constitute a single "experiment," giving results for
Xhkl and (b2/R2)hkl which are accurate to within about
±1 percent. Such a run requires from about 15 sec for
a principal direction to a few minutes for a high-index
direction such as (049). Figure 11 shows the projection
of the fcc lattice onto the (122) plane and the proba
bility of a collision occurring at various depths beneath
the surface for ions incident in a (122) direction. For
small spheres (R/ ao<0.118 for this direction), the
collision probability is independent of depth, but as the
size of the spheres increases, the probability gradually
approaches the exponential behavior expected for ran
dom orientations. Similar behavior is observed in all
directions, although for principal directions, shadowing
effects set in only for rather large spheres (R/ ao> 0.306,
0.250, 0.204 for (011), (001), and (111), respectively).
Study of the projection in Fig. 11 shows also the
effects of shadowing on the impact parameter distribu
tion. The shaded spheres, which are the ones nearest
to the surface, prevent collisions of large impact pa
rameter (i.e., of small energy transfer) with atoms
lying deeper within the crystal. In the upper plot of
Fig. 12 is shown the distribution of impact parameters
for a (122) direction for a sphere radius of 0.2Iao. The
dashed line shows the "no shadowing" histogram. The
preference for small impact parameter shown in this
figure is not universal. For other directions the reverse
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] IP: On: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:32:29S P II T T E R IN G EX PER 1M E N T S WIT H 1-TO 5 -k e V A r + ION S 161
TABLE 1. Comparison of observed and calculated sputtering yields for 5.0-keV Ar+ normally incident monocrystalline Cu.
Scale Sob, Sob,-Seale
(hkl) Pkkl Xhkl/ ao (b2/ R2)hkl atoms/ion atoms/ion atoms/ion
011- 0.397 0.177 0.500 3.41 2.60 -0.81
001 0.555 0.250 0.500 4.36 4.20 -0.16
013 0.754 0.656 0.467 5.57 6.30 +0.73
111 0.947 0.577 0.494 9.44 9.35 -0.09
123 0.682 0.661 0.497 4.65 4.90 +0.25
012 0.803 0.753 0.500 5.50 5.65 +0.15
015 0.813 0.808 0.516 5.27 5.20 -0.07
122 1.000 1.066 0.451 6.98 6.85 -0.13
113 0.998 0.944 0.469 7.59 7.53 -0.06
• As noted in the text, the normal to this crystal actually was (1,16,17).
may be true, as is shown in the lower plot of Fig. 12
for a (0,1,11) direction. As a consequence of the effects
shown in Fig. 12, it is necessary to retain a directional
dependence in the average transferred energy as was
done in writing Eq. (6).
In principle, the isotropic contribution to the mean
free path Ao ought to be related to the hard sphere
radius so that Eq. (6) contains only two parameters.
For fcc crystals, one should have
Ao/ ao= l/47r(R/ ao)2. (8)
Furthermore, the radius should be calculable from the
interatomic potential between the incident ion and a
target atom, e.g., from the distance of closest approach
of the two particles in a head-on (b = 0) collision. If the
Bohr exponentially screened Coulomb potential is used
as the basis of such a hard sphere approximation, the
radii calculated for Ar+-Cu interactions in the 1-to 5-
keY energy region are in the range of 0.08 ao to 0.11 ao,
although, on the basis of studies of the ranges of ener
getic atoms in solids,25 values some 30% higher are
probably more reasonable.
Equation (6) was fitted to our experimental data on
the sputtering yield of monocrystalline Cu under
normally incident Ar+ ion bombardment. The pro
cedure was to evaluate Phkl, Xhkl, and (b2/ R2)hkl for a
particular hard sphere radius using the computer pro
gram. The values of a and AO were then obtained from
the data by the method of least squares. This procedure
was repeated for each of several values of the radius.
The quantity
where N the number of observations in the data set,
was plotted against the radius and the "best" value of
R was selected from the minimum in this curve. It was
not felt worthwhile to locate the "best" value of the
radius with better precision than about ±O.OOS ao.
The calculated and observed yields at 5 keY are com-
25 D. K. Holmes and G. Leibfried, J. App!. Phys. 31, 1046
(1960); V. A. J. van Lint, R. A. Schmitt, and C. S. Suffrerlini,
Phys. Rev. 121, 1457 (1961). pared in Table I, which also lists the values of Phkl,
Xhkl, and (b2/R2)hkl used. The parameters derived at
each of four bombarding ion energies are listed in
Table II, along with a test of Eq. (8) and the quantity
O'ext2• Finally, in Fig. 13, the theoretical sputtering
yields for (Okl) Cu monocrystals are plotted against the
angle between the surface normal and (001), using the
S.O-keV parameters of Table II, and the resulting curve
is compared with our experimental data.
The results of the data fitting are very gratifying in
that the calculated and observed yields are always in
quite good agreement. The calculated yield for (011)
crystals is consistently higher than the observed value
and the calculated yield for (013) is rather too low, but
otherwise the calculations are always within the experi
mental uncertainties of the observed values. Perhaps
the most remarkable feature of Fig. 13 is the fact that
the two deep minima do not occur precisely at (001)
and (011), but are displaced by about 2 degrees. (Note
that the exact location of these minima is in some
~ 5r---~~--~~--~~----~r---~
'" E o
o -' w
>= 4
~ 3r-----T------r-----+----~--_b~
cr w >-
!; 2
0.. en
O~ __ --~-----L----~------L- __ ~ o 10 20 30 40 50
FIG. 13. The sputtering yields of (Okl) Cu m()nocrystals under
normally incident 5-keV Ar+ ion bombardment, plotted against
the angle between the surface normal and (001). The line repre
sents the theoretical yield, the points the experimental.
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TABLE II. Parameters derived from Cu-Ar+ sputtering data.
Uext2 (atoms2/ion2)
a/ao (atoms/ion keY)
(ao/411'Ao) 112
RBobr/ao 2.0
2.25 ±O.OS
2.51 ±0.20
doubt; the computer program does not permit calcula
tions within about 2.5 degrees of the principal direc
tions, except, of course, exactly at their positions.) An
error of orientation of as little as about 0.5 degrees in
our (011) crystal could account for the entire dis
crepancy between calculation and observation. Further
more, the great scatter observed in data obtained from
this crystal (d. Fig. 7) can be accounted for by small
random variations in the angle of incidence of the
beam because of the great sensitivity to direction of the
yield in the vicinity of (011). The same sensitivity,
which seems to occur near all three principal directions,
presumably is responsible for the scatter observed in
data from the other crystals also. As noted above, the
discrepancy between calculated and observed yields
led us to re-examine the Laue pattern from the "(011)"
crystal, with the result that the surface normal was
found actually to lie about 3 degrees from (011), its
indices being expressible as (1,16,17). Similar re-exami
nation of the (001), (013), and (111) crystal patterns
showed no observable error in orientation (i.e., less
than about 0.5 degrees).
The parameters derived from the fitting of Eq. (6)
to our experimental data are shown in Table II. The
parameter 0:, expected to be independent of energy,
decreases with increasing energy, and in fact is pro
portional to E-1I2. Put another way, the factor o:E in
the numerator of Eq. (6) should be replaced by a
factor 0:' E112, suggesting that the "driving force" of
sputtering is not the transferred energy, but the trans
ferred momentum. The point should not, however, be
much emphasized, since it likely results from over
simplifications in the theory. The value obtained for
R, on the other hand, is apparently independent of
energy, instead of decreasing with increasing E as was
anticipated. Furthermore, Eq. (8) is not satisfied, the
value of (ao/%Ao)112 being 15 to 20% smaller than that
of (R/ao). Finally, both radii (R/ao) and (ao/411'Ao)112,
are substantially larger than expected from the hard
sphere approximation to the Bohr potential, as is
shown by the values of RBohr/ ao entered in the table.
The origin of the behavior of 0: may, of course, be con
nected with those of Rand Ao and represent merely
the inadequacy of the theory. The large values ob
tained for R are similar in magnitude to the value
(R/ao)=0.19, deduced by Fluit2S from experiments 18
on the 20-keV Ar+ ion bombardment of monocrystalline Ar+ ion energy (keV)
3.0 4.0
1.85 ±0.07
2.S2 ±0.23
0.091 0.147
1.56 ±0.05
3.06 ±0.25
0.084 5.0
1.35 ±0.05
3.18 ±0.25
Cu. We suggest that tbese large radii result, at least
in part, from one or the other of two seriously com
plicating features which must be taken into account
before the transparency model of monocrystal sputter
ing can be said to have been adequately tested.
First, as Almen and Bruce13 have emphasized, the
fate of the stopped incident beam atoms is important.
If one assumes that sputtering is the only mechanism
for removal of the trapped material (Le., if diffusion
is ignored), it is easily seen that the average steady
state concentration of beam material in the irradiated
region of the target is (1 +S)-l atomic fraction. Thus,
in our Cu monocrystal experiments, the sputtered
material originates not in pure Cu, but in an "alloy"
containing from 10 to 30 at. % Ar, depending on the
orientation. There would seem to be little question that
considerable distortion of the crystal could be conse
quent upon this large impurity content, or, at the
least, that the possibilities of interaction of the incident
ions with their trapped predecessors (interstitially
located?) would have to be included in the formulation
of the transparency modeL
Second, the question of radiation damage is impor
tant. Following Kinchin and Pease,26 assuming a hard
sphere scattering law and ignoring the mass difference
between Ar and Cu (an Ar atom can transfer up to
94.8% of its energy to a Cu atom in a single collision),
and taking 25 eV as the displacement threshold in
Cu, it can be calculated that, on the average, a 5-keV
Ar+ ion will initiate a cascade ultimately involving
about 100 displaced Cu atoms as it slows down to rest.
Using 60 A as the range27 of 5-ke V Ar+ in Cu and as
suming that the displacements are produced uniformly
along its track, then the total displacement rate from
iJLA Ar+/cm2 is about iX1021 displaced Cu atoms/cm s
sec. At 100 JLA/cm2, the mean life against displacement
of a Cu atom in the disturbed region of the crystal is
only about 1 sec. The very existence of the ejection
patterns shows clearly that the annealing of this dam
age must be extremely rapid. It may be noted that a
current density of 100 JLA Ar+/cm2 produces a damage
rate equivalent to a fission neutron flux density of'" l()2o
neutrons/ cm2 sec, higher by more than five orders of
26 G. H. Kinchin and R. S. Pease, Repts. Progr. Phys. 18, 1
27 Unpublished calculation. The method is discussed in refer
ences 15 and 24.
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IP: On: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 16:32:29s PUT T E R I N G E X PER I MEN T S WIT H 1 - T 0 5 - k e V A r + ION S 163
magnitude than is available in any presently operating
nuclear reactor.
The effects of trapped gas atoms and of radiation
damage can be included, at least to some extent, in the
transparency model, and work along this line is pro
gressing. Further tests of the model must await this
development as well as experimental studies of the
sputtering of monocrystals of other than fcc crystals,
a topic which we are also investigating.
The authors are greatly indebted to D. R. Burrow
bridge, a cooperative program student from the
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, for his assistance in
performing many of the experiments. They express their appreciation to T. Giles for his continuous help
in constructing the electronic apparatus, to R. M.
Wallace for his skilled photographic work, to F. A.
Sherrill for making the many Laue photographs, and
to L. D. Hulett and F. W. Young for guidance in the
treatment of Cu targets. They wish to thank J. W.
Cleland, L. D. Hulett, E. Sonder, O. C. Yonts, and
F. W. Young of this Laboratory, and Professor J. Kiste
maker of the Laboratorium voor Massascheiding,
Amsterdam, for providing many of the samples studied.
They are also grateful to D. K. Holmes, C. Lehmann,
G. Leibfried, and O. S. Oen of this Laboratory, and to
D. E. Harrison of the U. S. Naval Postgraduate School,
Monterey, California, for many stimulating and fruitful
Photoconductivity in CdSe
International Business Machines Corporation, Thomas 1. Watson Research Center,
Yorktown Heights, New York
(Received 27 June 1962)
The photoconductivity in cadmium selenide single crystals is investigated to determine if the Klasens
picture properly describes the electronic phenomena in this material. It is found that the simple two-state
model is inadequate and at least three recombination centers, and possibly four, are needed for consistency.
It is furthermore found that for the model to be acceptable, it must be assumed that activation occurs at
impurity levels below that available in the purest material. Some of the limitations of using sintered photo
conductors in a study of this type are also described.
A MODEL of electronic processes introduced to
describe photoconductivity in insulating materials
must explain the occurrence of (a) luminescence,
(b) superlinearity of photoconductivity and lumines
cence, (c) activation, (d) infrared quenching, and (e)
thermal quenching. It has been shown by Rosel and
Klasens2 that a single recombination center could not
account for these phenomena. Rosel was able to obtain
a qualitative description of all of these by using
distributions of two types of states in the forbidden gap.
Klasens2 was able to describe semi-quantitatively the
complete steady-state behavior of insulating photo
conductors with two discrete recombination centers by
using an approximation due to Duboc.3
In this paper4 we investigate the ability of the Klasens
model to describe some of the above phenomena in
cadmium selenide photoconductors, with specific empha-
* Present address: Philips Laboratories, Irvington-on-Hudson,
New York.
1 A. Rose, Phys. Rev. 97, 322 (1955).
2 H. A. Klasens, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 7, 175 (1958).
3 C. A. Duboc, Brit. J. Appl. Phys. Suppl. 4, S107 (1954).
4 An account of some aspects of the present work has previously
been reported: E. H. Stupp, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 7, 173 (1962). sis on the temperature effects. A brief discussion of this
model is given and the nature of the experimental results
to be expected on the basis of it are described. The data
are compared to the theory in the discussion section
and a possible interpretation is offered. It is shown that
the experimental results can be consistent with the
model and other published data if assumptions are made
about the relative lifetimes that are associated with the
different activators and the number of centers present.
It is also necessary to reconsider the nature of the acti
vation process to admit the possibility that the addition
of activator impurities to the photo conductor only
serves to compensate for shallow impurities. Finally,
some effects arising only in sintered photo conductors
are presented to indicate the extent to which this type
of material may be used for a study of this type.
The CdSe used was either obtained from the General
Electric Company or was made by reacting the elements
in a sealed quartz capsule. The reacted material was
preferred since the foreign impurity level, as determined
spectroscopically, could be kept below 1 ppm while the
purchased CdSe had 10-20 ppm group I impurities
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1.1702409.pdf | Dislocation Planes in Semiconductors
H. F. Mataré
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 30, 581 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1702409
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1702409
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/30/4?ver=pdfcov
Published by the AIP Publishing
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to ] IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 18:41:14J 0 URN A L 0 F .\ P P LIE 0 P H V SIC S VOLUME 30. NUMBER 4 APRIL. 1959
Dislocation Planes in Semiconductors
Research Labamtaries, Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., Bayside, New York*
(Received September 3, 1958)
Dislocations and mainly dislocation planes, as the most important nonchemical imperfections in semi
conductor crystals, are discusse:i from the point of view of their influence on carrier transport. After a short
review of the general propertie3 of grain boundary planes of medium angle of misfit, the electrical effects
are discussed, including the barrier behavior, the band structure, and lifetime anisotropy. Devices tructures
based on these properties of dislocation planes are described among which the dislocation field effect tran
sistor shows promising features as the first temperature independent transistor in the range 3000K to 2°K.
THE electrical properties of dislocations randomly
distributed over large crystal volumes (plas
tically deformed crystals) have been studied for some
time. Following the concept of the supposed electrical
behavior of a single edge dislocation, which is believed
to be the major form of an electrically active imper
fection, the influence on the transport of charge carriers
can be found.
Some conclusions drawn from the picture of arrays
of dislocations (lineage) and their influence on crystal
properties could first not be verified experimentally (see
e.g., the paper by Read!).
In a simple model, an edge dislocation site is assumed
to be a free bond with acceptor character whose energy
level is situated below the Fermi level in N-type
material. Free electrons may combine with the free
acceptor level and form double dangling bonds. This
causes the buildup of a space charge region around the
electrically active zone which repels other conduction
electrons. If lineage is formed with an overlap of
dangling bond levels a space charge cylinder will form
with high conductivity along the pipe.
In order to study the characteristics of such anom
alous structure in crystals other than by microscopic
(optical) methods it is necessary to make electrical
measurements with direct contact to these regions.
This can be achieved by growing dislocation planes or
grain boundaries such that potential measurements,
those of barrier-layer characteristics, capacity measure
ments and conductivity measurements can easily be
The following survey covers the field of the electrical
behavior of dislocation layers as it appears today, and
extends into the field of electronic devices that make
use of the remarkable properties of dislocation planes.
Although some original work on grain boundary
layers was performed on accidentally grown grain boundaries of uncontrolled angle of misfit,2 some meas
urements of resistivity and Hall coefficient of gold
doped bicrystals were done on medium-angle grain
boundaries grown in bicrystals from the melt.3
Further work on the behavior of grain boundaries
showed the desirability of defining clearly the range
of misfit and symmetry of these planets.4
Figure 1 gives a schematic view of a bicrystal ar
rangement. There are three degrees of freedom for the
seeds (e, r, t). The angle of inclination e defines the
number of dangling bonds. The angles of rotation and
twist must be kept near zero to avoid screw-type dis
locations. The dislocation plane has two degrees of
freedom. The symmetrical case is that in which the
angle of orientation cp= 90° (Fig. 1). Figure 2 shows the
grain boundary plane cross sectioned and the energy
amounts combined with the local stress and the isolated
dangling bond. The distance D= a/ (2 sine) (a= lattice
FIG. 1. Bicrystal-seed arrangement and grain boundary orien
tation in semiperspective representation. ----
* Now TE KA DE-Semiconductor Laboratory, Numberg, 2 Taylor, Odell, and Fan, Phys. Rev. 88, 867-875 (1952).
Germany. 3 A. G. Tweet, Phys. Rev. 99, 1182-1189 (1955).
1 W. T. Read, (a) Phil. Mag., 45, 6, 775-796 (1954); (b) 45, 4 H. F. Matare and H. A. R. Wegener Z. Physik 148 631-645
1119-1128 (1954); (c) 46, 111-131 (1955). (1957). "
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to ] IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 18:41:14582 H. F. MATARE
FIG. 2. Schematic picture of cross section through a grain
boundary plane in the simple cubic case with energv expressions
(Shockley-Read). <
constant) is dependent on the angle of misfit e. In this
context it is important to define three ranges of misfit:
(1) low-angle boundaries, H< 10
; (2) medium-angle
boundaries, 10< (-:) < 25°; (3) high-angle boundaries,
The first case leads to lineage problems where no
clear overlap of the wave function of the dangling bond
levels occurs laterally from pipe to pipe. The Bohr
radius for Ge, for example, is
where K = dielectric constant, m* = effective mass,
h= Planck's constant/27r, and e= electron charge.
For K=16 and m=m* this gives rB~8.5 A which
is larger than a lattice constant, (a~5 A). With K
higher than 16 inside the distorted region and m*«m,
due to band gap changes by a local pressure com
ponent, one has to assume rather large radii. Thus for
medium-angle grain boundaries, overlap can safely be
assumed. Large-angle boundaries are excluded here in
order to avoid diffusion problems and a region in which
t he energy E can be no longer be expressed in terms of
FIG. 3. Preferentially etched (IOO)-surface of a grown bicrystal.
(1500X.) the Read-Shockley model. 5 Figure 3 shows a micro
scopic view of a grain boundary on a (100) surface of
a Ge crystal. The oil immersion microscope is focused
on a structural etch pit. Conforming to the above, one
of the most outstanding properties of these medium
angle dislocation planes is their conductivity.
It has been shown6•i that the conductivity of these
planes is practically independent of the doping of the
original material from which the bicrystals are grown.
Gold doping is in no way essential to bring out their
conductivity mechanism.
Contact to these layers can be made in germanium
by P-type alloy zones either jet deposited or evaporated.
The leakage current to the bulk can be maintained at
a level small compared to the cross current through the
sheet. This method is very efficient, especially at low
temperature, since the leakage current is given by the
(Dnnp DpPn) i,,=e---+-- [l-exp(-eV/kT)],
Ln Lp (2.2)
with Dn; Dp=diffusion constants for electrons and
holes; np; pn = minority carrier densities; Ln; Lp= dif
fusion lengths for electrons and holes, respectively;
V=voltage applied; and e/kT=usual exponent in
Boltzman factor.
Formula (2) shows that eet. par. the decrease of
temperature brings the leakage current rapidly to its
ultimate saturation value « 10-8 A). At liquid nitrogen
temperatures this is already below the current through
the dislocation sheet. At 4.2°K the leakage junction
current may be neglected completely, since the sheet
resistivity stays practically constant throughout the
entire temperature scale with a linear I-V characteristic
of slope 10 p,A/v for about 1-mm sheet width.
Figure 4 shows the temperature dependence of the
resistivity (in ohm cm) of a Ge monocrystal as com
pared to the grain boundary sheet. The thickness of
the sheet is assumed to be 100 A. This is understood to
be the innermost part of the disturbed layer with its
dangling bonds. Potential measurements, capacity
measurements and etching with successive microscopic
studies revealed a maximum thickness of 10-4 cm
(104 A) which is the actual space charge width. The
inversion layer region formed by holes from the valence
band at either boundary side is imbedded into the
space charge region ('" 10-6 cm= 102 A) and may be
considered the actual high conductivity zone. As Fig. 4
• W. T. Read and W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 78, 275 (1950).
• Weinreich, Matare, and Reed, "Electrical and photoelectrical
properties of grain boundary layers," paper presented at the
International Conference on Solid State, Brussels, June 1958.
Mata[(~, Reed, and Weinreich, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. II 3, 14
7 H. F. Matare, "Anisotropy of carrier transport in semicon
ductor bicrystals," paper presented at the International Con
ference on Solid State, Brussels, June (1958).
8 E. Spenke, Electronische Halbleiter (Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
1954), p. 99.
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shows, the grain boundary conductivity departs clearly
from the conductivity of the monocrystal below lOOK.
Its conductivity, however, can be shown to be
constant also above lOoK. If, as mentioned before,
rectifying contacts are applied (Fig. 5), the grain
boundary layer shows clearly an almost constant re
sistivity while a Ge monocrystal shows the well-known
minimum at lower temperatures and a strong increase
in resistivity at very low temperatures. The resistivity
minimum being the onset of predominant impurity
scattering at low temperature.
The medium-angle dislocation plane therefore may
be considered as having a form of degenerate behavior
with a quite different conductivity mechanism from an
extrinsic or intrinsic semiconductor. The overlap of the
wave functions and the resulting change in statistics of
the filling of available free bonds7 causes a very low
activation energy over the entire temperature scale
from 3000K to 2°K. This behavior, as well as the
building up of a barrier layer at either side of the plane,
makes the bicrystal interface interesting from a device
The minor importance of impurity segregation at the
boundary can be demonstrated by the fact that per
pendicularly to the individual edge pipes the dilation
and compression regions D and L overlap to a certain
extent, diminishing the Cottrell-atmospheres. For
angles of misfit 8> 25° this is apparently no longer the
case. Measurements of penetration in diffusion experi
ments show that grain boundary diffusion depends on
the angle of misfit and is important for 8> 25°. Work
in this laboratory has shown also that the properties of
grain boundary layers are in no way correlated to
impurity density and type of the crystal in general. 6
~ :r
<I.. 2xIO'
2.0 12 G.B.15
ri--, -<>-GRAIN
(l00ftil00) BOUNDARY
FIG. 4. Temperature dependence of the resistivity for a Ge mono
crystal (1 ohm em) and a bicrystal interface. 10 ,
U2 ~
~ Ge(5n~'
;: I '
t:~ / ~ l ,
w 4 *i 5 \
tr 3 •........•.•... /' P(FOR 100 II LAYER)
;/..,_",,-_ (IOO~~O~)
--..L..... __ ._
T .... lo'L----"-------,--'-:-"..,..,---100 200· K
FIG. 5. Temperature dependence of resistivity over wide tempera
ture range for Ge monocrystal (5 ohm em) and bicrystal layer.
Ge bicrystals with a resistivity of 36 ohm cm down to
1 ohm cm, doped with gallium, antimony or copper,
show a constant sheet resistivity of p=0.007±5.1O-3
ohm cm (for 100 A) without correlation to the bulk
impurity type or amount.
Figure 6 gives a schematic view of the probable
energy band situation along the grain boundary plane
perpendicularly to the pipes. For germanium with a
negative pressure band gap coefficient the forbidden
gap widens at the compression zones. Since partial
overlap sets up a stabilizing grain boundary energy,
the total plane is a zone of a higher gap than the mono
crystal. Thus the original gap E is not widened to the
full amount El = E+ 2t::.E bu t to an amoun t Eg """ E+ t::.E
For silicon new gap pressure coefficients are available
(the figure of -30 given by Shockley9 is not correct)
FIG. 6. Probable band scheme at grain boundary interface.
Dilation (D) and compression regions (e) correlated to band gap
9 W. Shockley, Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors (D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc., Princeton, 1950), p. 334.
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3.5-G.B. -10
2.18 IN(.n.Cm)
...... ___ ._._ ~m)
.31~--~~~~~~~ __ --~ __ -
4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0
FIG. 7. Plot of integrated resistivity taken over bicrystal surface
using a one-point microprobe equipment.
which show a slightly positive value.lO One can calculate
the energy of an edge dislocation El in dynes, and
express from this the total energy in dyne/cm over the
width of the layer (100 A) which is acting on the
adjacent lattice points at the monocrystal grain bound
ary plane interface. This gives a specific strain per
lattice site!::.E= E/ / a (a= lattice constant) on the
adjacent lattice, or using the stress-strain relation with
Poisson's constant 11=0.4, one can deduce from this
the unit compression ratio at the adjacent lattice,
!::.P E//a[dynes/cm2] -=0.4 ,
P ,u[dynes/cm2]
with J.L the elastic constant for Ge. With the gap pressure
constant EgI= -5 (ev) this gives a band gap change of
!::.E"-'0.15 ev for Germanium. We have to take into
account uncertainty in the determination of El since
the grain boundary width is not exactly known. Also,
the stress-strain relation might no longer be governed
by Hooke's law.
The gap change described would explain certain
features of the grain boundary layers such as high injec
tion efficiency and the lifetime anisotropy. These
phenomena will be described in what follows.
The early work on grain boundary layers began with
a search for an explanation of the high blocking action
at the interfacey,I2 Carrier injection into bicrystal
10 L. J. Neuringer, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. 2 2, 134 (1957).
See also W. Paul, "The effect of pressure on the properties of Ge
and Si," International Conference on Semiconductors, Rochester,
New York (1958).
11 G. Pearson, Phys. Rev. 76, 459 (1949).
12 Taylor, Odell, and Fan, Phys. Rev. 88, 867-875 (1952). interfaces and modulation effects were studiedI3 and
measurements were extended to bicrystals produced by
defined growth with double seeds.14
This technique gave a means for studying the de
pendence of the electrical behavior of the misfit and to
grow very precisely4 larger dislocation planes to which
contacts (formed points or alloyed) could be applied.I5
The photoelectrical behavior of these interfaces was
also studied and showed interesting properties.I6 Here
we can only briefly describe the main features of these
blocking layers .
. If the bicrystal is polarized across the N-P-N
interface, one of the junctions works in the forward
direction while the other one is biased in reverse and
shows a high blocking voltage. A single-probe mapping
shows the integrated resistivity as in Fig. 7. The voltage
is taken between the probe and one end of the bicrystal
o x (3.1)
(q=cross section, l=length, R-resistance) is plotted
against x.
The steep region of the potential drop occurs in a
distance of less than 1/10 mm. Actually the inversion
region is much smaller and could be measured more
precisely optically. As mentioned already, the upper
limit for the space charge region is 10-4 cm or 104 A
which is a width measured photoelectrically with a
fine beam. One must assume that the actual grain
boundary width lies within a factor of between 10 to
100 below this value. The I-V characteristic Fig. 8, of
a grain boundary layer, measured in both directions, is
rarely symmetric because of slight differences at the
surfaces. In dc operation the blocking voltages may
reach values as high as 100 v and more. In pulsed
operation these voltages are much higher (up to 1500 v
with leakage currents below 1 rnA have been measured).
\ 1(1'0)
C I "o'\"'''~T ) J(j.L0) I
I --01 A I-- I I
I III 1 .... / I II_--r
0 I ---1-)1.---- I I I •• ~ I _+--1 I
-50 (' : I I I
-100 I _VOLTS
FIG. 8. 1-V, characteristic of Ge bicrystal.
13 H. F. Matare, Z. Naturforsch. 9a, 7-8 (1954).
"H. F. Matare, Phys. Rev. 98,1179 (1955).
,. H. F. Matare, Z. Naturforsch. lOa, 640 (1955).
16 H. F. Matare, Z. Physik 145, 206-234 (1956). 150
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The rather sharp increase in current near the zero
point (Form A, Fig. 8) is a peculiarity of the grain
boundary. It shows that empty states are being filled
as the voltage increases and that this buildup is com
plete for voltages of the order of 1 v. This can be
deduced from the simplified model of the grain boundary
as shown later in this paper. Assume a grain boundary
barrier of a height e V D to which an external voltage V.
is applied such that VI=VD+V e (Fig. 9).
Assume furthermore that the carrier densities ni and
n2 on either boundary side are equal. The fields at both
boundary sides are then
EI = -grad VI; E2= -gradV2;
V<[n(1)~n(2)~nJ =--(E12- E22).
87ren (3.2)
Equation (3.3) follows from the potential/field ex
pression for equidistributed charges in a medium with
dielectric constant K.2,15
Now we need a relation between the charge density
q in boundary states and the fields at both sides. This
is the line integral along the grain-boundary plane
(q is actual charge density in grain boundary states).
In equilibrium we have V10= -V20=ct>/e with ct>=bar
rier height and ct>1=ct>2=ct>. This gives, from (3.4),
ElO= -E20= -27rqo/K,
qo= equilibrium charge in boundary states.
If we now introduce E12 from (3.4),
E12= E2L 87rqE2/K + (47rq/K)2,
into Eq. (3.3), we get
E2=27rq/K- (en/q)V e,
E1= -27rq/K- (en/q)V e• (3.5)
These two equations give a relation between the field
strength at both bicrystal sides and the polarizing
voltage in terms of the surface charge density in
dangling bonds.
Introducing now the field expression in terms of the
equilibrium number of charges in boundary states, (3.5)
into (3.6) gives
-27rqo/K=27rq/K- Ve(en/q) , II 1;;(,
, 1 I ,
FIG. 9. Band scheme of grain boundary. Ef)=fixed donors,
P=dangling bond layer (,,-,100A wide), 8=fixed acceptors, + -= free holes, electrons, N d -N a = space charge region = .1.XT
= 10-4 cm. (See text.)
with the critical voltage relation
27r ct>
Ken e
for the case E1=E2=O from (3.6) using (3.3) and (3.4).
This is an important ratio of the actual number of
surface (boundary) states as caused by an applied
voltage Ve and the equilibrium number qo without an
external voltage applied.
Actually q/ qo is equal to the ratio of the filling factor
of boundary states, f, and the factor fo, without
voltage applied (Vc=O). fo is the statistical value for
thermal equilibrium,
~ ,(3.8)
1 +exp[(Eo-Ep)/kT]
where Eo=dislocation level and Ep=Fermi level, if
Fermi-Dirac statistics applies. This is the case for the
foEo<kT (3.9)
with Eo= foe2/k·c, where e=electron charge, K=di
electric constant, k= Boltzman constant, and c= spacing
between dangling bonds. We can express fo in terms of
the dislocation spacing c and the spacing between
added electrons, ao, at equilibrium,
fo=c/ao. (3.10)
Thus if q/ qo changes due to a voltage Ve applied, f/ fo
changes, or f is a new distribution fUnction, depending
on Ve
q(Ve) f(Ve) f(Ve)
qo fo C (3.11)
q/qo= ![1+ (1 +eVe/ct»i] The implication of this for the distribution law has
(3.7) been considered. 7 Also~the change in number of electrons
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in boundary states in the case of voltage applied has
been calculated.l6
Starting from a Shockley-type barrier layer equation
one may express the electron density in terms of the
equilibrium density nco and the voltage VIand V D(V 2)
at the barrier sides in equilibrium.
Introducing relation (3.7) and differentiating leads
to16 :
iJn. 2neo 1
iJVe qo 1+[1+ (eVeI</»]i
x{ V2!C~2-k~);;: exp( _:~2)
-Vl{2~1- k~);;>xp( _:~l)
1 e/</> + -----
l+[1+(eV.!<p)]! 2[1+(eV e!<p)]t
x[ Vliexp( _ e;)_ V2texP( _ e;) ]}, (3.12)
where V2= V D=voltage on one side of the barrier,
V1=voltage on other side of the barrier, V.=external
voltage V.= V1-V2, and </>=barrier height in ev.
Analysing this change for normal conditions16 leads
to the conclusion that ne increases rather rapidly for
small voltages Ve applied.
One may express the voltage VIand V 2 (V D in
Fig. 9) directly by inserting (3.6) into (3.3) and finds
under consideration of (3.7) an expression for the
voltages of the form (see references 2, 15, 16)
7rqo2 enK 1
8enK 27rqo2 a (3.13)
(The negative sign is valid for V 2) with the abbreviation
{ [ (eVe)!] eVe} a= 2 1+ 1+-; +-;
(all other notations as in the foregoing).
FIG. 10. Efficient injector
electrode using gap increase
oE in grain boundary region. Function (3.13) can be developed into a series for
a= (eVe/</» :::;1; a= (x+l)2
and x2= l+a. With the abbreviation C=7rqo2/enK
one gets16
In this range the quadratic member is predominant.
For a> 1 or a»l we get
[ C 1 (</»2] V. V1(2)" ...... a -+--±-.
8 2C e 2 (3.15)
Since </>"'" 1 ev, V. is less than 1 v for case (3.14) or a
quadratic increase of the barrier height with V. is bnly
valid for small polarization. From there on the linear
increase as in (3.15) is predominant. The current
voltage relation for a grain boundary barrier may be
approximated by assuming a uniform charge density
in the boundary plane. For </>>>kT this leads to the
Schottky-type exhaustion layer with variable thick
It is, however, still important to know, as pointed
out here, how strong a dependence on the number of
states arises from the external field applied to the
barrier. This may be the explanation for the extremely
high blocking voltages of over 1500 v measured on
some Ge boundaries in pulsed operation.
As discussed in Sec. 2, the grain boundary in Ge is
to be considered as a region with large band gap. It is
known that a contact region between two semicon
ductors of different band gaps exerts forces on the
charge carriers (Fig. 10). Thus electrons have a drift
component to the left, holes to the right. An external
voltage Ve applied in the forward direction at such a
P-N interface therefore causes enhanced hole injection
into the N-type material. (The widening oE of the gap
causes an effect similar to a forward voltage applied.)
Therefore such a zone could be used as an efficient
injector (Fig. 10).
Other consequences of this inhomogeneity are strong
photoelectric effects and anisotropy with respect to
minority carrier lifetime.
Figure 11 shows a set of measurements of the voltage
at a collector probe with respect to the base plating
versus the distance of a light spot (usual ..1x-lifetime
method7). It turns out that these curves show a st-rong
change in slope or even a minimum and maximum when
the light spot crosses the grain boundary.ls With the
17 R. Stratton, Pmc. Phys. Soc. (London) B64, 513 (1956).
18 H. F. Matare and B. Reed, Z. Naturforsch. 10, 876 (1956).
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collector very near to the boundary the effect is less
strong, also with increased collector bias the strong
anisotropy decreases leaving only a change in slope
behind (Fig. 12).
Ordinarily, for monocrystals the results are expressed
in terms of a single lifetime parameter 1', which is
assumed to be a homogeneous property of the crystal.
The results attained for bicrystals do not lend them
selves to such easy interpretation. The usual diffusion
equation for minority carriers has to be modified to
take into account the sink behavior of the boundary
field for X~Xl with Xl = boundary location. The influ
ence of the boundary field depends on the diffusion
length. After the light line or light spot has entered the
10 GB 25
.,. -0 55 mils from G.B.
b,-b 80 ..
O-c 110 ..
FIG. 11. Collector voltage vs light spot position (Ax-lifetime
method) on bicrystal for different positions of the collector probe
with respect to the boundary.
boundary region there is an increased electron-hole
pair production due to the hook effect and the internal
stress field (band gap change).
The diffusion equation with a sink influence at Xl
may be written
div gradP=~(l--=-), (4.1)
Dr Xl
with p=added hole density, Dr= (diffusion length)2
=Lp2, 1'= lifetime, D=diffusion constant, and xl=sink
abscissa. In cylindrical coordinates and with the light
line at r= 0 this is equivalent to 11GB 20
Bias effect
4 'Vbios' 0.00 VOLTS .. -0.10
X· -0.20
T' -0.40
Q. -1.42
X(miIS), .I-'---.,-.--r-;h-....---.---,-·--i,--...
20 40" 60 BO 100 120 140
FIG. 12. Same as 11 only for fixed position of collector probe but
different collector base potentials .
Since, by definition, r=Lp'x, this becomes
IFp +~ dp -P(l--=-) =0, (4.3)
dx?-x dx Xl
Solution to this must be found for three different ranges,
1. XI»X.
This is the normal case with the solution
alnV alnp
(4.5) --=--=-------,
ar ar Lp iHo(I)(ix)
H 0 (1) and HI (I) = Hankel functions of first degree and
zero and first order. For the light point source we find
M= a InV = a lnp = _ [~+~], (4.6)
ar ar Lp r
where M = experimental slope on natural log paper.
For the case Xl = X a logarithmic solution follows
from (4.4), d Inpjdr= Inr. For the normally small value
of r this means a small or at least decreased slope, as
is found. However, the full detail of the complicated
a InV jar curve cannot be brought out by a sink alone.
As mentioned before, an increase in injection efficiency
or a higher number of holes reaching the collector is the
main reason for the increase in collector voltage some
times as high as the maximum voltage when the light
falls directly on the collector spot.
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+ 15
I /
mils. /+
O'+---~~~--~~~--~--,~~'--ao ";-'_'- 20 40 60
~! -15-1---------=------ __
FIG. 13. Photoelectric scanning of bicrystal. Photo
voltage vs position of light beam.
(a) Photoelectric Devices
At the end of our survey of the properties of bicrystal
interfaces we discuss a few device applications starting
with the grain boundary photocell.
The most important property of these layers is their
high photoelectric sensitivity, combined with a strongly
localizing action due to the fineness of the P-type layer.
As described at the beginning, the innermost highly
conductive region may have a width of only 100 A
while the resulting space charge region is as wide as
10-4 cm or 104 A.
When a light beam falls on the sample, say to the
left of the grain boundary (Fig. 13), the barrier layer
FIG. 14. Grain boundary transistor and band scheme. as a hole sink separates the charges and a current
through the sample results. This current is highly
increased for voltages applied to the bicrystal because
in this case the injected holes lower the barrier and an
increased photocurrent through the sample results.
When the light spot is located to the right, the charge
separation works in the opposite direction and an
opposite current results. If the light spot is placed so
that the grain boundary lies exactly in the middle of the
illuminated area, no photovoltage develops. The finer
the P-type region the steeper the zero passage of the
photovoltage across the sample.19 This device has the
unique property of following in its response to any
optics since the grain boundary layer width cannot be
matched by any focusing system for ordinary light.
Zero passage from + max to -max of the photo
voltage of less than 10-4 cm have been measured. An
example of such a sensitivity curve is shown in Fig. 13.
Photocells with these properties can be used for homing
purposes where utmost precision of localization is
(b) Grain Boundary Transistors
The P-type grain boundary layer could be considered
as an ideally thin base layer if it were not for the high
recombination probability in this zone. There is, how
ever, the possibility of using such a device in an
emitter-to-ground connection such that the signal is
fed in between the grain boundary layer and one side
(ground) while the load is in series with the cross
polarization of the sample. The probable band scheme
AW'/AWz' AI,' V,/Ah.Vz· f (V"A l2 )
--.1, (mA)
.3 I , , , I .:h .4 _ V,IVOLTS)
4 6 14
FIG. 15. Power differential of grain boundary transistor in
emitter to ground connection as function of cross current (voltage)
with sheet current as parameter.
19 Weinreich, Matare, and Reed, Enlarged Abstract 58, Elec
trochemical Society Meeting, Washington, D. C., May (1957).
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of such an arrangement is shown in Fig. 14. The extra
levels in the forbidden gap are indicated in the grain
boundary zone. Here the bands curve up. An external
polarization, as indicated, creates a drift field for holes
and electrons. The injection of holes into the grain
boundary layer modulates the barrier height-the quasi
Fermi level-and in this way power amplification is
achieved. In Fig. 15 the power differential for different
currents II (voltages VI) across the bicrystal bar is
plotted with tlI2, the grain boundary modulation
current, as parameter.
Saturation values (""30 db) are reached for modu
lation (sheet) currents of 20-30 j.l.A. Due to the high
capacity of the sheet with respect to the bulk the
frequency response is rather limited.
Figure 16 describes schematically another possi
bility, namely, to build an N-P-N-P structure using a
bicrystal. For bistable devices this scheme might have
merit because of the high sensitivity of the grain
boundary layer for injected minority carriers and its
fast recovery.
( c ) Grain Boundary Field Effect Transistors
A class of devices, in which the logical use of grain
boundaries can be made, are the field effect transistors.
The temperature-independent sheet current is sensitive
to field changes at both sides. Since the sheet has
already a natural width of less than an inversion layer
(10-4 cm) this device is relatively easy to build and
represents a unique transistor amplifying throughout
a temperature range from below liquid helium tem
perature up to room temperature. The sensitivity of
I I -+l1~ I I I
£~eV I /////'i / /
EF ..LI_r+--+-
E ' F
FIG. 16. N--P-N-P unit using a grain boundary layer 11
and band scheme. 1200 I, V, 4 -29 -58
1100 ~BULK
1000 SHE!
900 I2 V2
o~~~~ 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
FIG. 17. Characteristic chart for grain boundary field effect
transistor. Sheet conductance at 4.2°K; 150 em N-type Ge sample
the sheet current to field changes is expressed by Eq.
(3.12) which gives the change in electron density at
boundary states with the voltage Vc applied. We have
seen that saturation for this process is reached at
rather low voltages. Therefore one expects the current
modulation to level off for rather low field voltages.
Figure 17 shows this to be the case. The cross current
is plotted vs the cross voltage with the field voltage as
parameter. [Corresponding to Ve in (3.12).J Maximum
changes occur for higher cross voltages but for low
values of the field potential VI.
While the contacts to the sheet have to be made by
careful alloying to the sheet in order to avoid leakage
in the blocking direction of these junctions with respect
to the bulk, one may use ohmic or nonohmic contacts
for the field electrode since currents here are minimized
« 10-8 A) due to blocking layers at both sides and the
contact geometry. Transconductance values of several
100 J.i.mho are easily reached with devices a few mm
long and 1 mm wide. An increase by a factor of 10 in
transconductance can easily be achieved by proper
geometry. The frequency response of these devices is
similar to the one of other known field effect structures.
The author wishes to thank his colleagues at the
Sylvania Research Laboratories for helpful comments.
Especially E. M. Conwell, A. Many, H. Vasileff, O.
Weinreich, and B. Reed who contributed directly or in
discussions. Thanks are due to P. H. Keck and G. D.
O'Neill for comments and help with the editing.
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1.3058129.pdf | Horizons in physics: Cryogenics
John G. Daunt
Citation: Physics Today 15, 4, 26 (1962); doi: 10.1063/1.3058129
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3058129
View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/15/4
Published by the American Institute of PhysicsHORIZONS IN PHYSICS:
By John G. Daunt
The following paper was presented as part of a symposium entitled "New
Knowledge in Physics: A National Resource", which was held on September
28, 1961, during the fourth annual meeting of the Corporate Associates of
the American Institute of Physics at the Ardcn House, Harriman, N. Y.
THE present activity in low-temperature physics
research, together with the current rapid appli-
cation of the results of this research to com-
mercial and military uses, is on a far grander and, we
may hope, on an equally significant scale as that
occurring in that great period at the turn of the cen-
tury which saw the birth of cryogenics. In the space
of little over a decade at that time, the first major
achievements in the production of low temperatures
were realized, namely the liquefaction of air, hydrogen,
and helium; new laboratories dedicated for the first
time to low-temperature research were established and
through their work the frontiers of our physical knowl-
edge were handsomely enlarged, especially concerning
the early foundations of quantum theory. As if this
were not enough, this early period saw the beginning
of cryogenic engineering on a substantial scale in the
almost immediate application of air liquefaction to
the separation and production of liquid oxygen and
liquid nitrogen. This application of cryogenics, as we
are now well aware, was destined to grow into a major
industry, separating and supplying not only oxygen and
nitrogen but also other gases and products. It is not
my purpose to dwell on the many significant contribu-
tions which this industry makes to our complex society.
I only wish to note how immediate were the uses it
made, and still makes, of frontier knowledge in re-
The present period is outstanding also in its broad
coverage of every facet of cryogenic endeavor. Several
hundred research laboratories have facilities for work
to temperatures down to 1°K, thanks to the com-
mercial production of a reliable helium liquefier. Many
J. G. Daunt was born in Ireland and earned his PhD in physics
at Oxford. He is professor of physics at Ohio State University.have facilities for reaching to temperatures more than
a hundred times lower. The output of research work,
both theoretical and experimental, is considerable. It is
some of the highlights of this work which I wish to dis-
cuss today, in the hope that this may give some insight
into present, and more importantly future, objectives
and the means whereby these objectives may be
BEFORE coming to these matters, I wish to men-
tion, in passing, items which concern the recent
application of this research to engineering uses at much
lower temperatures than heretofore and the stimulat-
ing feed-back these applications have on the tech-
nology of research. First, concerning the production
and handling of low temperatures, liquid hydrogen and
liquid helium, so long available only in small quan-
tities in advanced laboratories, are now commercially
produced and distributed, the production of liquid
hydrogen for rocket fuel being on a tonnage basis.
Liquid hydrogen is being handled on a scale similar
to that already long familiar with liquid oxygen. Trailer
trucks for 5000 gallons are not uncommon. However,
in making the step from liquid oxygen to liquid hydro-
gen, storage and insulation difficulties increase greatly,
corresponding to the almost order-of-magnitude differ-
ence in their latent heat of evaporation per unit volume
of liquid. This step, and the more difficult step to
liquid-helium handling, has provoked many new de-
velopments and reappraisals in cryogenic-engineering
techniques. A most notable development here has been
in multilayer insulations (the so-called "superinsula-
tions"), which are replacing the conventional "Dewar
systems in many applications.
The new engineering at liquid-hydrogen and liquid-
helium temperatures has highlighted our previous
scarcity of information on the general properties of
materials, and especially on the mechanical properties
of metallic alloys and of nonmetallic materials (insu-
lators, seals and gaskets, adhesives, embediment and
encapsulating components). The past few years have
witnessed the establishment of many laboratories dedi-
cated to gathering the required information and to
component and material testing. Such laboratories and
test installations are engaged now in large-scale opera-
tions, especially stimulated by the needs of the missile
industry. A whole new race of cryogenic engineers is
being evolved, and this in turn is generating its own
problems in education.
A relatively recent development has been the re-
introduction of closed-cycle refrigerating systems, using
a reversed Stirling cycle and a variant of this which
I call the Taconis cycle. Such systems, used singly or
in cascade, can provide refrigeration reliably and con-
tinuously at temperature levels down to helium tem-
peratures and can be made in sizes from miniature
to very large to suit the individual heat load. They
have great advantages over the conventional cryogenic
liquid baths and will be of increasing future impor-
tance for providing no-loss liquid storage systems and
for maintaining the desired temperatures for cryogenic
devices, for example, infrared detectors, masers, super-
conducting computers, gyroscopes, dc transformers,
high-field magnets, and a host of others which have
become or are just about to become current engineer-
ing realities. This refrigeration development is so cru-
cial for so many future applications that it deserves
much more emphasis than it has already been accorded.
A recent industrial operation at liquid-hydrogen
temperatures has been the construction, in several
European countries, of distillation plants for the iso-
topic separation of deuterium from hydrogen. These
plants produce several tons of heavy water per year
for moderator material for nuclear reactors. Low-
temperature techniques for isotopic separation are, of
course, not new on a small scale; for example, not
only the hydrogen isotopes but also the neon and the
helium isotopes have been separated cryogenically.
The helium separation techniques were interesting in
that the preliminary enrichment of the He3 in He4
from about one part per million to about one percent
was done not by distillation but by superfluid osmosis.
Operations at liquid-hydrogen temperatures, and
below, now concern large-scale "space" simulators—
large tanks providing an environment similar to that
encountered by satellites or space vehicles. Cold walls
simulate the thermal radiative environment. Surfaces
cooled to 20°K or below act as vacuum pumps by
condensing the residual gas on them and maintain the
desired high vacua. This simple application of low
temperatures now goes by the name of "cryopumping".
It would be difficult and tedious to enumerate all
the present applications of the new cryogenics—the
extension of work to liquid-hydrogen temperatures and
below—and any enumeration would rapidly becomeincomplete. However, my brief list will serve, I hope,
to show that the business of making and maintaining
very low temperatures is no longer a laboratory gim-
mick and consequently it is timely for the serious
promotion of cryogenic devices and processes fathered
by low-temperature research.
Interwoven with the business of making and main-
taining very low temperatures is an active and grow-
ing industry in instrumentation. Many companies now
market an increasing diversity of specialized instru-
ments and equipment for low-temperature work (ther-
mometers of many varieties, depth gauges, level con-
trols, pressure transducers and controls, dewars, tanks,
valves, etc.) benefitting both the research laboratories
as well as the industry they serve.
FUNDAMENTAL research at very low tempera-
tures falls into two general categories: the first,
in which the low temperatures are employed only as
an extension of observation over a wider temperature
range, and the second, in which the phenomena of
interest are characteristic of the low-temperature en-
vironment itself. The first category cannot be dis-
cussed here, nor indeed would such discussion be justi-
fied. It represents, however, a large field and has
encouraged many research institutes to regard low
temperatures as just another research tool and to aban-
don any specialized cryogenic groups. There are, how-
ever, many laboratories which still believe in low-
temperature physics as a viable area to itself and, in
my opinion, they have amply justified their belief.
The most significant phenomena associated uniquely
with very-low-temperature physics include the proper-
ties of the heliums, He4 and Hea, especially in their
liquid phases, superconductivity, and certain aspects
of magnetism and metal physics.
Liquid He4 has long been known to transform to a
superrluid phase below about 2.2°K, and the properties
of this peculiar phase have been of great interest,
theoretically and experimentally, for many years. In
the past several years more interest has been paid to
the rarer isotope, He3, which in pure form has recently
been available as a man-made product. Both He3 and
He4 remain liquid to the absolute zero of tempera-
ture, but it was anticipated at first that liquid He3,
being a fermion system, would not show the compli-
cation of a superrluid phase. Experimental results to
date confirm this anticipation. However, a general theo-
retical picture of superfluidity both in boson (He4)
and fermion systems has evolved, based on the suc-
cessful theoretical treatment of superconductivity in
metals by Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer, which now
postulates the occurrence of superfluidity in liquid
He3 at temperatures of a few tenths of a millidegree
Kelvin. This prediction provides one of the more inter-
esting problems in low-temperature physics facing the
experimentalist today, requiring him to push his meas-
urements on liquid He3 to yet lower temperatures. Al-
ready, measurements have been made to 0.008°K, but
April 196228
this is not far enough. The problem is not trivial, since
it pertains to current concepts of the many-body prob-
lem, concepts which are applicable not only to the
macroscopic superfluid systems occurring at low tem-
peratures, but also to nuclear matter.
In passing I must note that temperatures of a few
microdegrees Kelvin have been obtained, first by
Kurd and co-workers, by adiabatic demagnetization of
copper nuclei starting from about 0.01 °K. However,
there is still a big gulf between cooling a nuclear-spin
system itself to these unbelievably low temperatures
and using the technique to cool a calorimeter filled, for
example, with He3. Technical problems of thermal con-
tact, thermal isolation, and relaxation times remain,
and they art- formidable.
Solid He1 and He:i are valuable "model" solids. No
other solid is so compressible. By pressurization, both
can be readily changed in volume by over 30 percent.
Measurement of the properties of these solids at
widely different possible densities, therefore, allows
the theory of insulating solids to be thoroughly ex-
plored. He3, moreover, is magnetic, with nucleus of
spin J. A big field lies open here for observation of
possible ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic transitions
under changing density and its consequential signifi-
cance to our understanding of magnetism. Nuclear
ferromagnetism or antiferromagnetism in solid He3,
however, is another very-low-temperature problem
(T < 0.01 °K), so that again these problems emphasize
the need for exploration well below the now commer-
cially familiar temperature range of liquid He1 (1°K
to 4.2°K). Magnetic-cooling techniques of the most
advanced kind are required.
Unlike what I shall discuss about superconductivity,
there appears no obvious or immediate application
stemming from research on He3 and He4. It appears
to be a fine example of research for knowledge only.
I would be happy, however, to be proved wrong
in this.
Superconductivity in metals, one of the most
startling macroscopic phenomena occurring at low
temperatures, has recently received and continues to
receive much attention. For a long time it was con-
sidered to be almost worked out experimentally, until
in 1957 the successful theory of Bardeen, Cooper, and
Schrieffer stimulated further investigations. Today, the
study of this effect is intense, both of the fundamental
properties and of its applications in devices. Work
continues on pure superconducting metals, especially
in thin films, and one of the more interesting develop-
ments relates to the quantization of magnetic flux
trapped in superconducting rings. The properties of
superconducting alloys also are being re-examined and
the question of the applicability of existing theory to
them, and also to isotopes of transition elements, is a
matter of recent concern, and of increasing importance.
Development of studies of superconducting thin films
has led to a new technique of measurement of impor-
tant parameters, such as the energy gap, which sup-
plement those based on thermal, infrared absorptionand other techniques. The next several years will COT
tainly see a profound consolidation of our knowledge
of the phenomenon.
In the low-temperature field, the phenomenon on
superconductivity is generating more devices and use-1
ful instruments than any other. The superconducting
switch, or "cryotron" as it is now called, was first
used more than two decades ago in conjunction with
superconducting galvanometers. Recent interest in it
stems from its development into a very-high-speed,
bistable element suitable for computer applications in
memories and in logical circuits. One recent type con- i
sists of a thin film of superconducting tin as the "gate".
crossed by and insulated from a thin, evaporated j
ribbon of lead, acting as "control", current through the
control serving to make the adjacent part of the gate
go "normal" and hence exhibit resistance. Other ty
use the phenomenon of persistent currents in su
conducting rings. These devices, and related ones st
ming from them, hold great promise. Cheaper, morl
compact computers are in the offing and their develi
ment proceeds.
There are many other possible applications of sup
conductivity which are now being investigated
developed: superconducting, almost-frictionless, be
ings for gyroscopes and motors; superconducting tran
formers (both dc and acj; superconducting rectifie
tunnel diodes, amplifiers, oscillators, etc. One of
more interesting and potentially significant is the high-
field electromagnet. It has been recently found that
many high-transition-temperature alloys and com-
pounds, as for example Nb-Zr, Nb-Ti, V-Ti,
Nb3Sn, when drawn into fine wire, not only remaifl
superconducting in very high external fields but also
can carry high current densities, thus lending them-
selves to the construction of high-field magnets.
Solenoids yielding fields of over 60 kilogauss havj
already been constructed, and research observations!
so far indicate that, with proper choice of materials,
fields of 200 kilogauss or even higher are feasible.
Fields of this magnitude are not impossible to obtain^
by more conventional means, but with the super-
conducting magnet no Joule heating is developed; the
power requirements are negligible and the bottleneck
of heat transfer is nonexistent. The future here is a]
rosy one, not only for research magnets, but also fon
application to masers, microwave devices, accelerators,
and plasma physics, to name but a few. We are begin-
ning here a new era in the technology of physics.
I regret there is no time left to discuss other active
areas of low-temperature physics research; for exam-
ple, the many fascinating techniques for study of
energy bands and the Fermi surface in metals, the
magnetic properties of solids with application to
masers, developments in ferromagnetism and ferro-
magnetic superconductors, nuclear orientation and t
study of hyperfine structure in solids, thermoelectricity.
and observations on frozen free radicals. I know that
this cryogenic area of physics will continue to be fertile
and repay the effort expended on it.
1.1728874.pdf | Electrical Conduction and the Photovoltaic Effect in Semiconductors with
PositionDependent Band Gaps
P. R. Emtage
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 33, 1950 (1962); doi: 10.1063/1.1728874
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1728874
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] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 11:39:21JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 33, NUMBER 6 JUNE 1962
Electrical Conduction and the Photovoltaic Effect in Semiconductors
with Position-Dependent Band Gaps*
Electronics Laboratory, General Electric Company, Syracuse, New York
(Received November 6, 1961)
The semiphenomenological transport equations that are commonly used in the theory of semiconductors
have been rewritten in variables appropriate to the discussion of an illuminated isothermal semiconductor
in which the band gap is a linear function of one of the position coordinates. It has been found necessary to
neglect those terms in the transport equations that arise from variations in mobility and effective mass.
The first section considers electrical conduction in a uniformly doped specimen under weak illumination;
deviations from Ohm's law were found to be small. In the second section, the potential distribution in a
highly illuminated sample of such material, both with and without a junction present, is found. The major
contribution to the total potential is the same as that found earlier by Tauc. These results are then used to
determine the best geometry for a solar-energy converter in which such materials are used, and to calculate
the efficiency of this converter as a function of illumination. The greatest efficiency possible was found to
be 43%.
THERE exists now sufficient theoretical evidence to
show that it may be possible to treat the alloyed
transition region between two similar semiconductors as
a region of continuously varying band gap, mobility,
effective mass, and density of states, provided the
alloying is sufficiently gradual. That is, we may at each
point define an effective mass, a band gap, etc., having
the same values as those which would be found in an
infinitely extended homogeneous crystal of the same
composition as has the inhomogeneous crystal at that
The first treatment of this problem was that due to
Bardeen and Shockley,! whose discussion was confined
to a description of inhomogeneities arising from a
varying elastic strain in an otherwise homogeneous
crystal, and who showed that in this case the concept of
a variable band gap was legitimate. The basis of their
work has been criticized by Hunter and Nabarro,2 who
find a weaker dependence of the mobilitjes on the rate of
change of strain than was found by Bardeen and
Shockley. This work has been extended by Kroemer,3
who considers the general case of an arbitrary change in
the shape of the local crystal potential without reference
to the origin of such variation.
In view of these results, it will be supposed that it is
valid to describe an alloy of variable composition as
being at each point equivalent to an infinite homogene
ous crystal of the proper composition, the electron dy
namics being governed by the same quantities as would
be found in the infinite. crystal. The subsequent argu
ment of this paper is based on the usual semiphenome
nological type of transport theory that is commonly
used in semiconductor theory, extended to cover the
case where the band gap and other quantities are func
tions of position. The first part of this paper develops
* This work was supported by Air Research and Development
Command, U. S. Air Force.
1 J. Bardeen and W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 80, 72 (1950).
2 S. C. Hunter and F. R. N. Nabarro, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A220, 542 (1953).
3 H. Kroemer, Arch. Elek. Ubertragung 8, 499 (1954). the appropriate transport equations, in the absence of a
thermal gradient or magnetic field, and uses them to
discuss the deviation of the electrical conductivity of
such a system from Ohm's law.
It has been suggested to the author4 that if a variable
band-gap system can be formed, it may be of use in the
construction of an efficient photovoltaic converter. For
in a simple junction converter, one of the major losses
arises from the dissipation of excess energy when a high
energy photon is absorbed, while if a continuous range
of band gaps is present, each photon will be absorbed at,
or close to the point at which its energy is equal to the
band gap. Furthermore, in the simple converter the
band gap must be quite high if any substantial voltage
is to be extracted from it, so that all low-energy photons
will be lost, while with the variable band-gap material
it may be possible to make the least band gap small,
thereby eliminating this loss. The use of such material
may therefore form a practicable substitute for the
cascaded cell. 5 The last section of this paper is devoted
to an investigation of this possibility.
In this section the isothermal transport equations
pertinent to an illuminated semiconductor in which the
band gap varies in a distance that is comparable to the
diffusion and Debye lengths will be derived, and used to
discuss the conduction properties when the illumination
is low. The doping will be taken as constant, since
variations in doping will tend to obscure any peculi
arities arising from the variation in band gap.
Distri bu tion
Suppose that at a point x the conduction and valence
band edges have energies E1(x) and E2(x), measured
from the zero of electrostatic potential, the electrostatic
4 J. F. Elliott (private communication), General Electric Com
pany, Syracuse, New York.
S See for example, W. R. Cherry, Proc. 14th Annual Power
Sources Conference, May 1960.
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potential at x being cf>(x). The band gap is defined as
EB(x)=E1(x)-E2(x), see Fig. 1.
If a current is flowing, or the system is illuminated,
the hole and electron distributions must be charac
terized by the two different pseudoelectrochemical po
tentials!t' and !2' introduced by Shockley; in thermo
dynamic equilibrium these potentials will be equal. The
total energy of an electron in the conduction band is
H]=-ecf>+E1+€1, where €l is its kinetic energy. The
Fermi distribution for the electrons in the conduction
band is then
11 = 1/[1+exp(H 1-!1')/kT]
=1/[1+exp(€1-!1)jkT], (1a)
where !I=!t'+ecf>-Et, the difference between the
electrochemical potential and the conduction band edge.
The energy of an electron in the valence band is
H2= -ecf>+E2-€2, where €2 is the kinetic energy. The
hole-distribution function is therefore
12= 1-1/[1+exp(H 2-!2')/kTJ
= 1/[1 +exp( €2-!2)/kT], (1b)
where !2=E2-ecf>-!2'.
It should be remarked here, that El and E2 are
properties of the material alone, since they are measured
from the zero of potential energy, and do not depend on
the doping or electrostatic potential.
In semiconductor physics, the electron and hole
distributions are generally far from degeneracy, i.e.,
-!I, -!2»kT, so that the electron distribution, for
example, becomes exp(!l-€l)/kT. If the bands are
spherical, then the density of states is
Pie €i) = 41r(2mi/h2)!€it, i= 1, 2,
where mi is the effective mass. Multiplying by the
distribution function and integrating over € from 0 to a;; ,
the hole and electron densities are found to be
Transport Equations
The partial currents due to the electrons and the
holes have been written by Shockley6 in the form
II = nel-'l(at//aX), 12 = Pel-'2 (a!2'/iJX) , (4)
where II and 12 are the electron and hole currents, 1-'1
and 1-'2 their mobilities. It is readily verified that these
forms hold even when the band gap and effective masses
vary, either from the Boltzmann equation or from
thermodynamic arguments.
In a steady state the net current I = I 1+ 12 is a con
stant, independent of position, since the rate of change
of charge at any point must be zero. The equation of
6 W. Shockley, Bell System Tech. J. 28, 435 (1949). E
-e '"
FIG. 1. Energy level diagrams and notation.
continuity is then
(alt! ax) = -(aId ax) =e(R-g),
where R is the recombination rate, g the rate of pair
production by both phonons and external illumination.
It will be assumed that the recombination rate has the
simplest form possible (R cr. np). But in thermodynamic
equilibrium, with no current or illumination, R= go, go
being the equilibrium rate of pair production, and the
product np=n?, where ni is the intrinsic density,
defined by
The equation of continuity therefore takes the form
(all/iJx)=ego[(np/n;2)- (g/go)]. (6)
One further equation is needed in conjunction with the
above for the system to be defined completely, this being
Poisson's equation relating the rate of change of the
electrical displacement to the charge. Using Poisson's
aD/ax = 41rp= 47re(N+p-n) ;
N is the total background charge in the ionized donors
and acceptors (N = N D+ -N A-) and D is the electrical
displacement. Since D=Kacf>/ax, where K is the dielec
tric constant, this becomes
a2cf> a InK acf> 41re -+--=--(N+p-n). (7)
ax2 ax ax K
These equations are now sufficient, but the form in
which they have been written in not suitable for further
computation. It will be found convenient to introduce
new dimensionless variables ~ and 'Y/ defined by
e~= (n/p)l and e~=np/n,2. (8a)
In terms of the potentials used before, these are
~=[ecf>+Hrt'+r2')-Eo]/kT, 'Y/= (rt'-.\2')/kT, (8b)
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IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 11:39:211952 P. R. EMTAGE
where Eo=HEl+E2)-!kT InA 1/ A2. In terms of these
variables, the current and potential equations above are
/ = /1+ / 2= constant,
a/I = ego(e~-~),
ax go
a2tP a InK atP 47re -+---=-[ -N+2nie hsinhH ax2 ax ax K (9)
These constitute a set of seven equations for the
unknowns p, n, ~, 'I), /1, /2, and cp, so that, provided ap
propriate boundary conditions are given, the problem is
completely determined.
The final transport equations will be written in terms
of ~ and 'I) alone. By adding the pair of equations (10) the
gradient of the potential can be expressed in terms of the total current
acp / kT[a~ a'l)] 1 aEo -=--+- -+Ht 1-t2)-+--, ax 17 e ax ax e ax (14)
\\here the following abbreviations for local quantities
have been introduced:
171 = nej.ll = n;ej.lleHh,
172= pej.l2= n;ej.lle-H!\
t1=U1/U, t2=u2iU. (15)
tl and t2 will be used extensively in the ensuing calcula
tions. It should be borne in mind that t1+t2= 1, and
that they are functions of ~ alone. For an n-type
semiconductor, t2 is nearly zero, tl nearly one, and vice
versa if the material is p type.
On substituting (14) into (10), it is found that
kT 171172 OTJ /l=td+---.
e 17 ax (16)
Now by substituting (16) into (12) and (14) into (13),
the set of equations (9)-(13) can be reduced to a pair of
linked, nonlinear, second-order differential equations
relating ~ and TJ. The results of the substitution are
a InK{ / kT[a~ aTJ] 1 aEO} 47re2 +----+--+Ht 1-t2)-+-- =--(-N+2n;ehsinh~), ax 17 e ax ax e ax KkT (17)
This pair of expressions constitutes the final form for
the transport equations, and it is clear that they cannot
be solved in their entirety. Since we are only interested
in those peculiarities of the system that arise from the
variation in band gap the following simplifying as
sumptions are made immediately: (1) The dielectric
constant will be assumed constant; this assumption is
fairly good, as K is a very weak function of the band
gap, (2) the mobilities will be assumed constant; this is
not a good assumption, but is necessary, as the terms
involving the mobility variations are among the most (18)
complex of those present, (3) the effective masses are
constant, again a poor assumption. The complete set of
assumptions necessary will be given later.
Before proceeding to find the effect of weak illumi
nation, the forms of ~ and TJ in equilibrium will be
Thermodynamic Equilibrium
If / =0 and g= go it can be seen by inspection that
TJ=O is a solution of (18). This is clearly the solution
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IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 11:39:21E LEe T RIC ALe 0 N Due T ION AND THE P HOT 0 VOL T A ICE F FEe T 1953
required, for then r/ = r2' so that the electrochemical tron concentrations are
potentials of the two systems become equal. Equation
(17) then reduces to no=N[1+(~y/(1-,82LN2)J po=nNN. (23)
where ~o is the equilibrium value of ~.
It was remarked in the introduction that N would be
set constant, so that effects arising from the variation of
band gap would not be obscured by those arising from
variations in the doping. If any reasonably simple de
pendence of ~o on the band gap is to be found, iJ2 Eo/ iJx2
must be made zero, and ni must depend on the band gap
alone. Since Eo contains the ratio of the effective masses,
and ni contains their product, the effective masses must
be supposed independent of position. The remaining
condition is that the band edges be assumed linear
functions of position.
Under these conditions, solutions to (19) can be found
(1) when the doping is zero, ~0=0, and (2) when the
doping is everywhere larger than the intrinsic density.
In this latter case, the solution is found by observing
that for n-type material, to is large and positive j further,
the intrinsic density can be written in the form
ni=niOe-!~x, where niO is the intrinsic density at the
origin, and
,8= (l/kT) (aEBjax). (20)
That the length 1/,8 characterizing the rate of change of
the band gap is a constant is ensured by the condition
that the band edges are linear functions of position. It
is now found that
being the first two terms in a series in (ni/N)2. Here LN
is defined by
and will be referred to as the Debye length in the doped
crystal. It is the length LN that governs the rate of
change of internal fields arising from small perturbations
in the doped crystal, when no current is flowing. With a
doping of 1016, K = 10 and T= 300 OK, LN= 7X 10-6 cm
and is therefore much smaller than any of the other
lengths that will be considered with reference to the
The above expression for ~o is only valid if LN«1/,8.
It is unlikely that the alloying can be carried out over a
distance less than 10 I-' or that the description in term of
local states would be valid for much smaller lengths. If
the band gap changes by 1 ev in this distance, then at
room temperature 1/,B=2.SX10- o cm. This condition
will be complied with in all systems that will be con
With this form for h, the equilibrium hole and elec-For a p-type material, /;0 changes sign and the hole and
electron concentrations are switched. Since the calcula
tion with the p-type material is exactly the same as with
the n type, only the latter will be given.
Before listing the approximations made, one more
that will be necessary is discussed. On the right-hand
side of (18) there is a term which may be reduced, in
equilibrium, to the form
k;~/::+::)= ~2' (24)
where L is the diffusion length.
The quantity go may be written in the form (function
of lattice parameters)Xe-EBlkT. Since the materials to
be alloyed must have a similar structure, the function of
lattice parameters will vary only slowly, and will be
taken as constant. If the doping is large, compared with
the intrinsic density, then no will be nearly constant, and
therefore, so will the diffusion length.
The approximations which have been made are now
(a) The effective masses ml, m2 are constant;
(b) The mobilities 1-'1, 1-'2 are constant;
(c) The dielectric constant K is constant;
(d) The recombination factor can be written in the
form go=constXe-EBlkTj
(e) The doping N is constant, the ratio (n;jNY being
everywhere of the first order of small quantities.
(f) The band edges EI and E2 are linear functions of
For the purposes of this section, it will also be as
sumed that the current and illumination are so small,
that changes in I; and TJ resulting from them are less than
unity. It is not possible to calculate the dependence of
the current on the applied potential and illumination in
any closed form, so that instead the potential will be
expressed as a power series in the current and illumina
tion, the series being carried only as far as quadratic
terms in I and g. This procedure then gives an estimate
of the current necessary before the conduction properties
deviate from linearity. We now write g=go+g', where g'
is the rate of pair production due to the incident pho
tons, and 1;= I;o+h+h' . " TJ=TJI+TJ2 where h, TJI are of
the first and h, TJ2 are of the second order in I and g'.
Only first-order terms in (n;j N)2 will be included.
Equation (17) will then reduce to a set of equations in
h+!TJI, /;2+!TJ2, etc., and (18) to a set of equations in
T}I, TJ2' . '. For reasons which will appear ~+!TJ will be
needed to only first-order terms in I, g', and (n;jN)2,
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while 71 will be needed as far as quadratic terms in I and
g' but only zero order in (nil N)2, if the conduction
properties are to be found as far as quadratic terms in I
and g', and linear terms in (niIN)2. Under these condi
tions, Eq. (17) reduces to
a2 1 -(h+h)--(h+h)
ax2 LN2
where On regarding the right-hand side as a set of source
terms, it appears that h+!71 is of the order of (n;/N)2,
so that the first term on the right can be ignored.
Equation (18) then reduces to
and a2711 a7l1 1 1 g' Ie --{3---rJl= ----(3--,
ax2 ax L2 L2 go kT(Jo (26)
The only one of these to which an explicit solution will
be needed is (26); this solution can readily be found,
and is
1 g' Ie
f(x) = ----(3-.
L2 go kT(Jo
Considering the perturbations of ~ and 71 from equilib
rium as being small, the expression (14) for the gradient
of the potential may be rewritten in the form
act> =~ aEo+ kT a~o+ kT(ah+~ aTf)_~
ax e ax e AX e ax 2 ax (Jo
The potential tending to produce a current in the
positive direction along the sample is -f (act>jax)dx.
The first and second terms in the above are a difference
in contact potentials and must be subtracted in order to
find the observed potential. The boundary conditions
will be so chosen that the integral of the third term will
vanish, and the fourth term is a simple ohmic resist
ance; the terms of interest are therefore the fifth, sixth
and seventh. The fifth term is multiplied by I, so that
~l+h need be found to only first order in I and g' in
order to calculate quadratic terms in the current. The
sixth and last terms are multiplied by (n;/N)2, so that 7J
need to be found to only zero order in this parameter.
The approximations made in deriving (25)-(27) are
thereby justified.
This calculation is concerned only with the intrinsic
conduction properties of the variable band-gap semi-conductor, it being desirable to exclude effects arising
from contact potentials at the ends, or any other term
depending on how the sample is terminated. It can be
seen that ~l and 7J would both be zero if it were not for
the presence of the inhomogeneous terms on the right of
Eqs. (25)-(27); it is the presence of these source terms
that gives rise to any peculiarities the system may ex
hibit. In order to eliminate any specific method of
terminating the material it is supposed that the sample
extends between -!l and +!l only. Between these
limits hand 71 obey Eqs. (25)-(27); outside these limits
hand 71 obey the homogeneous equations, with the
source terms on the right made zero. The boundary
conditions are therefore that hand 71----t 07 as x ----t ± 00.
Using these boundary conditions, the total potential
along the sample may be reduced to a set of integrals
over source terms, the result being that the potential V
tending to produce a current in the positive direction
7 Many of the terms in the potential are of the form
i: e-pxTJdx or i: e-Px(~,+h)dx.
When x is large and negative,
TJ -> exp[~+ (b+~r}
as can be seen from (28), therefore, this term does not diverge.
Also, ~,+h -> e-XiLN so that this term does not diverge provided
LN< 1/{J. This last condition has already been introduced in the
discussion of thermodynamic equilibrium.
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takes the form
V a= Jl.2(niO)2 ~ AE,
Jl.l N goo el
1 (niO)2 G { Jl.2[ {3V ]} pa=---1+-1--[(1+4/{32V)-!-!{3L] ,
uo N goo Jl.1 I
Where G is the total number of incident photons, AE the
change in band gap along the length I, niO and goo are the
values of ni and go at the origin, and nm is the intrinsic
density at the point -!l where the band gap is least. In
calculating the above, it was supposed that g' was con
stant between -!l and +!l. Terms of the order e-I1ElkT
have been ignored in comparison with unity, so that it
appears that P2 does not vanish when AE=O. Here Va
is the voltage produced by illumination, Po the decrease
in resistivity due to the current-carrier pairs formed by
illumination, PO+P1 is a simple resistivity, P2 a second
order term arising from the change in band gap.
In a real system the mobilities and effective masses
will not be constant, so that the values to be used in
Eqs. (30) must be specified. The contributions to the
integrals giving po, Pa, and Va come uniformly from the
whole sample, for which reason average values of all
quantities should be used in numerical calculation. The
main contributions to PI and P2 come from near x= -!l,
so that the mobilities used in evaluating them should be
those found in the narrow band-gap material. (30)
It appears from the previous section that a potential
is developed in a variable band-gap semiconductor
under illumination, even when the doping is uniform.
This result has been reached by previous investigators.8
It is therefore possible that such materials may be used
in the construction of photovoltaic cells. As is well
known, such cells cannot be efficient unless the rate of
pair production due to incident illumination is much
greater than that due to lattice excitations. For the
moment the discussion of the high illumination case will
still be confined to the case of a uniformly doped
Suppose that the semiconductor is illuminated with
an intense uniform spectrum, the number of photons in
a given energy interval being constant. The rate of pair
production per unit volume g' will then be constant, the
criterion for high illumination being g'»go at all points.
Then, dropping the terms due to variations of mobility,
Eqs. (17) and (18) may be written as
a2~ a21/ a~ a1/ Ie [ a~ 1 a1/ 1 ani] 47re2 N 87re2niO -+Ht 1-/2)-+2/ 1t2--+- (t1-t2)-+--+-- +--=--eH>rPx) sinh~,
ax2 ax2 ax ax kTu ax 2 ax ni ax KkT KkT (31)
a21/ 1(a1/)2 a1/ a~ a1/ 2Ie a~ e(Jl.le~+Jl.2e-~) -+---!(3-- (t1-t2)--+--= [gooeH>rPx)-g'e-H>rPx)].
ax2 2 ax ax ax ax kTu ax Jl.IJl.2kTniO (32)
It is first necessary to find the forms of ~ and 1/ in the
bulk of the illuminated region, neglecting end effects.
On supposing that Eqs. (31) and (32) are valid for all x,
then by inspection the required solution is
N (gOO)l 1/a={3x+lng'/goo, sinh~a=-- --; ,
2niO g (33) where goo, niO are the values of go and ni at the
It should be noted that ~a is a constant, and that both
~a and 1/a are independent of I, so that the material is
strictly ohmic within the boundaries of illumination.
The subscript G will be used to distinguish quantities
8 Jan Tauc, Revs. Modern Phys. 29, 308 (1957).
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. I ~I'
.. ---.. ' , , . ~ , ...... 1 I /' -"7::"--1'" I , , ./ \. r .... -__ '2 ~.
..... --... FIG. 2. Sketch of po
tentials in limited region
of intense illumination.
pertinent to the illuminated region, far from its
Here LG and LNG stand for the diffusion and Debye
lengths in the illuminated region, and are smaller than
Land LN, respectively. LNG will therefore be small com
pared with 1/{3, and calculation with various systems
shows that LG will remain large compared with 1/ {3
unless the illumination is far greater than any that will
be considered.
The solutions to the pair of Eqs. (35) must be of the
form fJ1 =Aex/\ ~1 = Bex/X. Substituting these forms into
(35) and taking LNa«1/{3«L G, approximate expres
sions for these quantities are
1/}"= 1/ LNG-t{3{ 1-(t1O-t2G) tanh~G}
A/ B={3LNG(t1O-t2G),
1/}..= -1/ LNG-!{3{l- (t1O-12O) tanh~G}l
A/B= -(3LNG(t1O-t2G), .
1/}"=2/{3LG2{1+(tw-t2G) tanh~G}
A/B= -2 coth~G,
1/}"= -!{3{1+ (tW-t2G) tanh~G}
A/B= -2 coth~G' (1+1{32LN2(t1O-t2G)}. (37a)
(37d) Figure 2 shows the forms of the Fermi levels and of ~
and fJ arising from a limited region of intense illumi
nation; if there is no current, ~ and fJ revert to the values
corresponding to thermodynamic equilibrium outside
the region of illumination. For this reason f (au ax)dx
does not contribute to the potential between the ends
of the material, so that it will be convenient to use a
pseudopotential tj/ defined by
acjJ' 1 kT afJ -=---(11-/2)-' ax 2 e ax (34)
The change in cjJ' between the ends of the material gives
the observed potential.
Consider the illuminated region, and suppose that
near its edge ~ and fJ change to ~G+~l and fJG+fJ1 where
band fJ1 are small. Then on neglecting second-order
terms, Eqs. (31) and (32) become, in the absence of a
These are of two main physical types: In (37a) and
(37b) the lengths}.. are close to ±LNG, and the change
in fJ associated with a given change in ~ is small. The
change in partial currents is therefore small [see Eq.
(16)J, so that these solutions correspond to a change in
electrostatic potential such as is found at a junction, in
the absence of a current. Solutions (37c) and (37d)
correspond to diffusion processes, the lengths }.. being
close to the forward and backward diffusion lengths
[d., Eq. (28) J with large changes in ~, fJ, and the partial
currents occurring simultaneously.
Edge and Junction Potentials
Consider one sharp illumination boundary only, all
the region to the left being illuminated, and all to the
right being dark. Near the boundary, rapid changes in ~
FIG. 3. Sketch of ~ and 7/ at illumination boundary.
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and 1/ occur simultaneously, as shown in Fig. 3. There
are also large changes in the partial currents, which are
zero on the right and equal and opposite on the left,
where (a1/1 ax) = (3. The changes in potentials to the left
of the boundary will therefore be mainly those asso
ciated with diffusion processes, and will be predomi
nantly of the types (37c) and (37d).
Since it is not possible to solve the equations govern
ing ~ and 1/ accurately when large changes occur, the
following method will be used in estimating the po
tential change across the boundary: choose some point
Xo such that Hxo) is so large that t1(x) is very close to
unitywhenx>xo. Then
f~ (t1-t2) (a'Y/lax)dx= -1/(xo),
since 'Y/ ---t 0 as x ---t 00. To the left of Xo the integral is
evaluated using the forms of ~1 and 1/1 calculated in (37).
Since the result so found will be shown to be only
weakly dependent on Xo, Xo can be replaced by the value
of x at the boundary.
On the left, assume 'Y/1=Aex/\ b=Bex/A; then
fXO a'Y/1 A Ioh(XO)
(t1-t2)-dx=-- db(/J.1e~G+h-/J.2e-~G-h)1
-00 ax B 0
e r -dx= -!kT 'Y/o(xo)--lntw , acp' [ A ]
J boundary aX B (38a)
if the material is n type. If the material is p type then
e r -dx=!kT 'Y/o(xo)+-lnI2G, (38b) acp' [ A ]
J boundary aX B
where AlB is given by (37c). Similar forms may be ob
tained if the illumination is on the right of the boundary,
with AlB given by (37d).
If there is a junction at some point in the illuminated
material, then ~ changes sign in the neighborhood of the
junction. Assume that ~G is small, having the value ~GI
on the left of the junction, ~Gr on its right. The potential
change across the junction may be found by using the
forms (37) for small changes in ~ and 'Y/, so as to fit ~, 1/,
and their derivatives at the junction.
On evaluating the integrals, it is found that
e r -dxrovkTaOI-~Or), (39) J junction aX
when I ~Ol-~Grl is small.
The existence of this term depends on the fact that {3
is not zero, but if the condition 1/{3«LG is satisfied, then
{3 disappears from the result, to a first approximation. Total Potential
The remaining contribution to f (acp' I ax)dx is the
region between the boundaries of illumination. If the
illumination extends between Xl and X2, this bulk con
tribution is
2 acp' 1 kT fX
2 -dx=-- (tw-t2G){3dx
Xl ax 2 e Xl
1 liE
=--(lw-t2G)' (40)
2 e
Uniform doping. If the material is n type, then on
adding the bulk term (40) and the two boundary terms,
the total potential developed under illumination is
elicp= -t2GliE+"ikT{32LN2(tw-t2G) coth~G lntw.
Here the first term is the same as that found earlier
by Tauc, while the second is an end correction, being the
difference in the ratios of A to B for forward and back
ward diffusion. This end-correction is the difference be
tween two large and nearly equal terms. The two terms
are nearly equal because of the assumption that the
mobilities are constant, but even if this is not so,
the magnitude of the correction still cannot exceed
kT coth~G lntw, which will be fairly small.
If the material is p type, the potential developed is
elicp=twliE+(correction). It will be seen that for a
substantial potential to be developed, the illumination
must be so intense that the partial conductivity of the
minority carriers becomes appreciable; the tendency of
very strong illumination is to make the ratio of the
concentration of the minority carriers to that of the
majority carriers nearly equal to unity. The largest
value of tw for a p-type material under intense illumi
nation is /J.11 (/J.l+/J.2), so that to achieve a high potential
from a variable band-gap p-type material, one requires
/J.1> /J.2· This condition is satisfied for most semicon
ductors, so that it will generally be desirable to use
acceptor doping in the variable band-gap material.
Junction. Suppose that the illumination extends be
tween Xl and X3, there being a junction at a point X2
between Xl and X3, the material being n type on the left
of the junction, p type on the right. Quantities on the
left and on the right of the junction are distinguished by
the subscripts land r. For convenience, it is supposed
that the dopings on the left and on the right are equal
and opposite, so that ~GI = -~Gr= ~G, ~G being positive.
Then on adding the various contributions, the total
potential is found to be
e!1cp= kT'Y/o(X2) -!1E12t2GI+ !1E23tWr
+2kT coth~G IntlGlt2Gr+2kT~G, (41)
where liEij is the change in band gap between Xi
and Xj.
The first term on the right is the usual value for the
potential developed across a junction; the second and
third terms are the major parts of the potential de-
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veloped in the variable band-gap material on the left
and on the right, and have the same form as is to be
expected from (40); the remaining two terms are end
and junction corrections. It should be remarked that
using Eqs. (33), the junction term can be written in the
formkn]G(x2)=E B(x2)-2kTln[(2A/N) sinhtG], where
A = (A1A2)!, Al and A2 being defined in (3).
Clearly, one need not consider the uniformly doped
semiconductor alone as being a possible energy con
verter, for the greatest voltage that can be obtained
from it is less than the change in band gap, while if a
junction is incorporated, a voltage of the order of the
greatest band gap can be attained. Further, as has been
shown, the uniform material is ohmic under high illumi
nation, while one might hope that with a junction
present the current-voltage relationship would be nearer
to the square box form that is ideal in a generator.
As can be seen from (41), the graded material to the
left of the junction produces a potential opposite in sign
to that produced in the junction and on the right, so
that it appears best to have the junction as far to the
left as is possible. Nevertheless, it might be possible to
have the junction on the right provided t2G! could be
kept small, were it not that the diffusion length to the
right is of the order of 1/13, so that none of the pairs
formed on the left will be separated by the junction.
Such an arrangement, therefore, could not be better
than a single junction in wide band-gap materia1.9
For these reasons, the only geometry that will be
considered is that with a sharp junction at the narrow
band-gap end of the graded material, it being considered
that n-type material with a constant and small band
gap extends to the left of the junction, the variable
band-gap material being p type. There is no need to
consider a diffuse junction, for if the graded material
extends to the illuminated surface there is ipso facto a
strong field at the illuminated surface tending to move
the current carriers towards the junction.
Current-Voltage Relationships
Only the geometry mentioned above will be con
sidered, it being assumed that the junction is so narrow
that recombination within it is negligible. The starting
point of the discussion is the realization that even under
open circuit conditions two large partial currents of
holes and electrons flow into the junction from the
right. When some current I is flowing, the partial cur
rents in question are I1r and I2r, with I =I1r+I2r. On
the left the currents will change to Ill=I and 121=0.
There is therefore a change in the electron current from
I1r to I occurring on the left of the junction alone, since
recombination within the junction is negligible.
9 Much the same conclusion has been reached by WolflO for this
geometry, although he did not consider the contribution to the
potential due to the graded material.
10 M. Wolf, Proc. Inst. Radio Engrs. 48, 1246 (1960). Let the electron current at some point on the left be
Ill; then if there is no illumination on the left, Eq. (12)
Since this is a diffusion process, we may write '1]'" Aexl L
on the left, then
But Ilr=Ilor+tlGrI, where I10r is the value of IJr on
open circuit. The current therefore takes the form
eAo= 1 + I lorl egO!L.
The potential developed across the junction is pro
portional to A ; on using (37) the potential on the left is
given by HkTle)[tanh~G+1]A. In general, if <P is the
total potential across the junction, it is found that
A = e<pt! fkT, where f is a factor of the order of unity.
Then if <PO! is the open-circuit potential existing across
the junction
I = I 0t{1-exp[e(<Pl-<POI)/ fkT]}. (43)
It has already been shown that the graded material on
the right is substantially ohmic; then if <POr is the open
circuit potential developed across it, and <Pr the po
tential when a current I is flowing, the ohmic property
where Ior= 2110r is the short-circuit current for the
right. The total potential across the cell when a current
I is flowing is therefore
where <Pr and <PI are found from (43) and (44) when the
current I is given. But since 101, lor, <POI, and <POr may be
found from formulas already given, these relationships
are sufficient to determine the connection between I and
<P for any particular case.
Since it is not possible to write a general form for the
I -<P curve, a particular case has been chosen to help
clarify the physical situation. 101 and lOr can be expected
to be of the same order of magnitude, so they have both
been set equal to 10; it has also been supposed that
<POl=<POr=! v. The resulting set of curves for <PI, <Pr,
and <P against 1/10 is shown in Fig. 4.
The essence of the above treatment for estimating the
current-voltage relationships is that the junction and
the graded material have been considered as separate,
the junction being so close to the graded material that
it is affected by the proximity. This appears in Fig. 4,
where the net potential <P is controlled almost entirely
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by the graded material when the current is low, by the
junction when the current is high. Physically, it is the
injection of holes into the junction that is responsible
for this separation into regions. As long as the hole
current remains high, the junction is swamped by this
current and the potential across it alters very little.
When the hole current becomes sufficiently small, the
junction characteristics take over and the total current
rapidly reaches the junction saturation value.
If the number of photons incident on the cell is G,
then the short-circuit current lois
10= (1-r)eG, (46)
where r is the fractional recombination. No accurate
estimate of r can be given, since to do so would require
a precise knowledge of ~ and T/ everywhere. However, it
is possible to calculate r when the illumination is low,
and hence to estimate it for strong illumination. By
using (28), T/ may be found when g'«go; the excess rate
of recombination within the illuminated region is then
L~~l gOT/dx.
On assuming L»1/{3 we find
1( 1)2 kT
r=tl/L2{3=-Z L I:J.E· (47)
This result is plausible, since D{3 is the diffusion
length to the left within the graded material. It will be
assumed that under illumination the recombination is
given by replacing L with LG in (47).
If the potential across the cell is cp when the current
is I, the output power is W =Icp. If W is plotted against
cp, it reaches a maximum at some point between cp=O
and Cp=CPo, where CPo is the open circuit potential. It is
~a 0.1
---------, , , ,
I , ,
I ,
J ,
! , , ,
I ,
I :
I ,/
--Particukr case (in lextl
-------Simple p-n junction
FIG. 4. Current-voltage relationships for particular photovoltaic
cell discussed in text, showing contributions of <PI and <Pr to <p. The
current-voltage relationship for a simple junction giving 1 v on
open circuit is shown for comparison. ~
~ 0.2
S lOS 10ZS J03S
FIG. 5. Efficiency vs illumination (S=3X 1017 photons/cm2/sec)
for GaAs-InAs combination.
common practice to write the value of Wat this maxi
mum in terms of CPo and 10, 10 being the short-circuit
Wmax=aloc/Jo, (48)
where a is a number between 0 and 1. In the case of an
ohmic generator, a=0.25; for a p-n junction, ~0.85,
it being this high value of a that gives the junction-type
cell its high efficiency. For the case shown in Fig. 4, a is
found graphically to be 0.45. For the case under
investigation, a must be found graphically for each
arrangement of band gaps and each intensity of
If the mean energy of the incident photons is written
as e(cp) , the incident energy is Ge(cp); the greatest
efficiency is therefore
t=a(1-r)cpo/(cp). (49)
The system will be considered to be illuminated with a
uniform spectrum extending between the greatest and
least band gaps present only, so that e(cp) = HEmax + Emin). The efficiencies are calculated using the light
proper to the system rather than sunlight, since it is
these values of the efficiency that are pertinent if a
system is designed for use under sunlight.
Numerical values of the efficiencies attainable have
been calculated using a GaAs-InAs alloy (e(cp)=0.89 ev).
These compounds have identical structures, and will
alloy at all compositionsY Some relevant quantities
EB (ev) ni
InAs 0.4 1.6 X 1015
GaAs 1.3 7 107 J!.dJ!.2
15 K
14 mdm
0.078 mdm
The minority carrier lifetime is about 10-7 sec when
the doping is 1017, so that gO=3X1020 for InAs, and the
hole diffusion length is 8 jJ.. It has been considered that
the shortest distance over which the alloying can
plausibly be carried out is about 10 jJ., so 1 has been set
equal to this amount.
11 B. A. Smith and ]. C. Wooley, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) 72,
214 (1958).
12 N. B. Hannay, Semiconductors (Reinhold Publishing Corpora
tion, New York, 1959), pp. 406-415, 451.
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TABLE 1. Potentials and efficiency in GaAs-InAs cell under various illuminations; S=3X 1017 photons/cm2/sec.
Intensity S lOS 30S lQ2S 3X1Q2S l()3S 3Xl()3S l()4S 105S
<por 0.017 0.10 0.25 0.50 0.65 0.80 0.90 0.93 0.96
<Po/ 0.045 0.14 0.22 0.36 0.39 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
<Pc 0 -0.02 -0.03 -0.037 -0.045 -0.06 -0.116
<Po 0.062 0.22 0.44 0.82 1.00 1.14 1.18 1.19 1.20
r 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.045 0.055 0.06 0.10 0.18
a 0.47 0.45 0.43 0.39 0.38 0.36 0.35 0.34 0.34
E 0.031 0.106 0.203 0.344 0.403 0.431 0.435 0.407 0.374
• The last two terms in the end-correction are inaccurate; if (41) is used, they become so large that the observed potential decreases. <Po has therefore been
estimated by using the criterion that the open-circuit potential does not decrease when the illumination increases.
The number of photons incident on a square centi
meter of surface per second in sunlight is 3X 1017; if
these are absorbed in a distance of 10 j.L, the pair forma
tion density g' is 3X1()2°. The intensities used in the
calculation of efficiency have been expressed as mUltiples
of the intensity of sunlight, S=3X1017• The values of
CPOr are calculated using the average of t2G for InAs and
GaAs, Table I gives the relevant quantities and effi
ciencies, CPc being the end and junction corrections, the
temperature being 300°K.
The resulting curve for efficiency vs illumination is
shown in Fig. 5, It will be seen that the efficiency
reaches a maximum of 43% when the illumination has
an intensity of about 2000 times the intensity of sun
light, but is still above 40% when the illumination is as
low as 300 times sunlight.
The necessity for high intensities of illumination with
the GaAs-lnAs combination arises from their very low
minority carrier lifetime, which in turn is probably
related to the fact that the optical transition is direct.
In materials such as silicon, where the transition is in
direct, a lifetime as high as 10-3 to 10-4 sec is found, so
that the minority carrier concentration can be made
high under much weaker illumination. The high values
of CPOr under strong illumination arise from the high
mobility ratio, The efficiency is only high so long as the light proper to the system is used: thus if amplified
sunlight (e(cp) = 1.8 ev) were used on the combination
under consideration, the maximum efficiency would be
about 20%, If such a system is to be designed for use
under sunlight, the range of band gaps present must
span the regions of greatest intensity of sunlight.
From the above considerations one may find the re
quirements for the materials necessary to construct an
efficient solar cell of this type: A pair of alloyable
materials must be found to fit the following specifica
tions; (a) the lesser band gap must be near 0.75 ev, the
greater near 2.5 ev; (b) the minority carrier lifetime
must be of the order of 10-3 to 10-4 sec when the doping
is between 1015 and 1016; and (c) the mobility ratio must
be greater than 10. If these requirements can be met, an
efficiency of 35% can be achieved under direct sunlight.
I wish to thank Dr. J. F, Elliott, who has suggested
this problem to me, and has supplied me throughout
with such information as I needed; Dr, N, Schwartz, for
whose continued encouragement and suggestions I am
most grateful; and Dr. B. Segall, whose excellent dis
cussion of the uniformly doped case has suggested many
useful methods.
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] IP: On: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 11:39:21 |
1.1742161.pdf | Effect of Fermi Resonance on the Centrifugal Stretching Constants in CO2
C. P. Courtoy and G. Herzberg
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 23, 975 (1955); doi: 10.1063/1.1742161
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1742161
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/23/5?ver=pdfcov
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Finite Nuclear Mass Effects on the Centrifugal Stretching Constant in H35Cl
J. Chem. Phys. 45, 2433 (1966); 10.1063/1.1727958
Computation of Asymmetric Rotator Constants from Energy Moments. III. FirstOrder Centrifugal Stretching
J. Chem. Phys. 31, 1227 (1959); 10.1063/1.1730573
Errata: Influence of Fermi Resonance of the Centrifugal Stretching Constant of a Linear Molecule
J. Chem. Phys. 25, 800 (1956); 10.1063/1.1743085
Influence of Fermi Resonance on the Centrifugal Stretching Constant of a Linear Molecule
J. Chem. Phys. 24, 44 (1956); 10.1063/1.1700851
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 17:15:49LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 975
\ o
\ '
\ 0
2.3 0 \
" \ 0 '\ " '\ '\
.... 0
'\ \ 0
" 0 \ \ 0
" \
.... 0
" 0 N'O
"' ",0
2,1 "-
2, 0.8 e 5
3 -.
'0 ~ , '0 '0 , \
'0 \
0 ,0 , '\ , \0\ , \
~ '" '\, ~ 'o\,
, 0, \'0
" ",\
"" 0.9 1.0
FIG. 1. Plot of the sums of coexistent densities (ordinates on left) and
coexistent volumes (upper curves, ordinates on right) against reduced
temperature (abscissa) for van der Waal's type equation. The limiting
slopes are indicated by dotted lines (Table I). Open circles and full curves
represent calculated data •. ~ecause of the proximity of the cu!'ves and
limiting slopes for the densIties, the curves have not been drawn m.
so that it is possible to calculate x for any value of Z and from the
inverse transformations, the corresponding values of Ll1 and Ll2. It
is interesting to note that the form of the equations is such that
the sets of coexistent densities are simply related to temperature
by a scale factor 8"+1.
The behavior of the coexistent densities and volumes is shown
in Fig. 1 for different values of the exponent n=O, i, and 1. All
three equations indicate reasonably good agreement with the
law of rectilinear densities, Ll,+Ll2-2=k(1-8), the best fit over
the widest range being given by the Berthellot equation (n= 1).
None of them, however, shows good agreement with the law of
rectilinear volumes, 4>, +4>2 -2 = k' (1-0). However, in the
immediate vicinity of the critical, (Le., in the range 8=0.998 to 1)
both laws are obeyed to within ±0.01 percent by all three values
of n. Table I gives the limiting slopes (ko and ko') for this region.
Guggenheiml has proposed an empirical formula for t.he difference
of the coexistent densities, (Llz-Lll) =7/2(1-8)1, whJle both Gug
genheim and Fowl(~r2 and Landau and Lifschitz3 have predicted
on theoretical grounds a parabolic relation, (Ll2-A,) =a(1-0)i.
In fact it has been generally supposed that van der Waals' type
equations will have a parabolic coexistence plot in the immediate
neighborhood of the critical. However,.if 10g~Ll2-Ll:) is I:l~t~ed
against log(1-(J), then it is found that In the ImmedIate VICinity
of the critical the slope of the curve is 1/1.68 for n =! or 1 and
1/1.84 for n =0. This seems to indicate some serious difficulty with
TABl.E I. Values of limiting slopes for rectilinear plots.
n=t n=l k.
1.58 k.'
14.4 the expansion methods which have been used in the afore
mentioned derivations.
In conclusion it should be noted that the equation with n= i
gives a reasonably good representation of the properties of non
associated liquids. At 8=0.625 which corresponds to the normal
boiling point of most liquids, the Trouton constant is 9.4 (ob
served 10) and the reduced liquid density is 2.47 (observed 2.68).
This is a marked improvement over both van der Waals' and
Berthellot's equations.
We are pleased to acknowledge our indebtedness to Mr. David
Pearson of this department for his assistance with the computa
tions and to the Office of Naval Research for their support
(Contract No. N6-onr-23811).
'E. A. Guggenheim, J. Chern. Phys. 13,253 (1945).
t R. Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim, Statistical Thermodynamics (Cam.
bridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1949), Section 729.
• L. Landau and E. Lifschitz, Statistical Physics (Oxford University
Press, Oxford, England, 1938), Section 50.
Effect of Fermi Resonance on the Centrifugal
Stretching Constants in CO 2
Dit'is;on of Physics, N aUona! Research Council, Ottawa, Canada
(Received Marcl1 2, 1955)
USUALLY it has been assumed that the centrifugal stretching
constants D are essentially the same for all vibrational
levels of a polyatomic molecule in its electronic ground state.
Since D itself is very small and therefore not measurable with high
accuracy, any small changes of D with vibration would normally
be expected to be beyond the accuracy of most measurements.
We were therefore greatly surprised when we found large differ
ences in the D-values of various Fermi polyads of vibrational
levels in CO •.
The CO2 bands Vt+"3, 2"2+V3; 2"'+"3, ".+2".+"3, 4"2+V3;
3Vl+va, 2"1+2"2+"3, 11,+4"2+113, 6"2+"3; "2+2"3; 3"3 and most
of the corresponding "hot" bands were measured with a high
resolution infrared spectrometer with a PbS receiver using up to
68 traversals' through a 1-m absorption cell. The D-values in
Table I were obtained for the levels indicated. The relative accu
racy of these numbers is much better than the absolute accuracy.
The V-values for the TI states (upper and lower states of hot bands,
l= 1) are less accurate than those of the 2: states (l=O). Within the
accuracy of the determination, the average D-values of the polyads
are the same as those of the lowest vibrational level and of the
single unperturbed states (monads). However, within a polyad
the individual D-values differ greatly, in the case of the tetrad by
as much as a factor three.
v, .,1 v.
0 (JO 0
1 (JO 1
0 2· 1
2 (JO 1
1 2' 1
0 4' 1
3 (JO 1
2 2' 1
I 4· I
0 6" 1
0 (JO 3
0 11 0
0 l' 2
0 l' 3
1 11 1
0 31 1
2 I' 1
1 3' 1
0 51 1
2 3' 1
I 51 1 TABLE I.
II D(10- S cm-')
9 .•
18 .•
7 ••
10 .•
16 .•
13 .•
14 .•
12 .• \
ii:'} 14.8
16 •• Mean for
13 .•
13 .•
14 .•
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 17:15:49976 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
The D-values have been determined by means of the combina
tion sums R(J)+P(J) which, when plotted against J(J+1),
would give straight lines if D' -D" were zero. To illustrate the
effect of the variation of D within a polyad, Fig. 1 shows R(J)
+ P (J) + 2 (B" -B')J (J + 1) for the four bands of the tetrad
3PI+P3. If the D'-values were all the same as in the ground state,
four horizontal straight lines should be obtained. The strong
R (J)+P (J)+2 (e'!...e') J(J+I)
FIG. 1. Combination sums for the Fermi tetrad 3.1 +., of CO,.
deviation from linearity actually found is a measure of the devia
tion of D' from Dooo. The symmetrical way in which D' varies for
the four components of the tetrad is striking.
If the D-values of the ~ states are plotted against the order of
the polyad, the diagram Fig. 2 is obtained. The variation for the
II states is similar but less completely observed. The D-values of
the II states given in Table I are averages of the D-values of the
two l-doubling components. Actually there is a systematic
difference in the D-values of the two l-doubling components which
increases rather rapidly with V2. However, this difference may
equally well be considered as due to a quartic term in the formula
for the l-type doubling.
----__ 0
..""...",.",." ..."..".."" ___ 0 0--
....-_--tJ---- .",...,.,."...".,
0:::::- 0----... .................. ---0 ......... -------- .................. 0 -0 ____ -_ .... _
-0 __ ...... --20
0' lOr-
O~~I ________ ~ ______ ~ ________ ~ ________ -J
3 4
FIG. 2. The D-values of CO, in Fermi polyads (2: states).
It is remarkable that while the B-values in a Fermi polyad
approach one another more closely than they would without
Fermi resonance, the D-values are pushed apart from one another
quite strongly. Following the preliminary report of this work at
the Columbus meeting last June, Amat, Goldsmith, and Nielsen
have discussed the theory of this effect. We understand that they
will report about it shortly. The detailed analyses of the bands on which the above discussion
is based will be submitted for publication shortly. A similar study
for Cl302 is in progress and has already yielded similar differences
in the D-values.
* National Research Laboratories Postdoctorate Fellow.
Ionization Potential of Benzyl Radical
Division of Pure Ch,mistry, National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada,
and Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Tokyo, Japan
(Received March 8, 1955)
BENZYL radical has C2v symmetry (see Fig. 1). The electronic
structure has already been investigated by Tanakal using
simple LCAO approximation.
The authors calculated the energy levels and wave functions
by the SCF method. The SCF determinant was constructed for
benzyl cation, a six ,..-electron system, using 2jnr Slater functions
for neutral carbon atoms (Z=3.18). According to Parr and
Mulliken,2 a solution of SCF determinant is given to be
Ei = 1.+"1:. (2Jii-Kii)' (1)
It was assumed here that the lowest three MO's of the benzyl
cation obtained can be applied to benzyl radical, a seven ,..
electron system as approximation. Then, using (1) the energy E4
was represented as
and it can be used for benzyl radical as approximation. Also cf>4 can
be used for it. Moreover, as the radical is a neutral molecule, use
of Z=3.18 gives a better approximation to E4 and cf>4 than lower
levels and MO's. The energy E4 and the corresponding 4>4 obtained
from SCF calculation are
E4=E2p+3.30 ev, (3)
4>4 =O.04OXI -O.506X4 -O.679x7+0.414(x2+Xs)
+O.OO2(X3+XS). (4)
The ionization potential of benzyl radical becomes immediately
from (3),
Recently Lossing and his co-workers3 obtained by electron
These two values are in good agreement.
Lossing4 also obtained 7.61±O.05, 7.65±O.05, and 7.46 ±O.05
ev for the ionization potentials of ortho-, meta-, and para-methyl
radicals respectively.
Using the aforementioned orbital, and making simple pertur
bation calculations, the authors reached the following results.
According to second-order perturbation theory,
Wk" IHkl'12
WkO-W1o (5)
where Wk" is second-order perturbation energy, Wko is above E4
the energy of cf>4 orbital, and W10 is the energy of the methyi
radical in its ground state. Now
Kkl'= JXSH'4>4 dT (6)
where xs is 2p,.. Slater function of the new-coming eighth carbol1
atom. Neglecting all {3=fxsH'XidT but for the nearest neighbors
it becomes '
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1.1717071.pdf | Instrumentation for Medium Energy GammaRay Scattering Measurements
E. L. Garwin and A. S. Penfold
Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 31, 853 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1717071
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1717071
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/rsi/31/8?ver=pdfcov
Published by the AIP Publishing
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Ruler: An instrument to measure gammaray burster distances
AIP Conf. Proc. 307, 665 (1994); 10.1063/1.45824
Instrumentation for gammaray spectroscopy
Phys. Today 19, 86 (1966); 10.1063/1.3048395
Scattering and Absorption of GammaRays
J. Appl. Phys. 22, 350 (1951); 10.1063/1.1699954
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:48E-H GRADIENT SPECTROMETER 853
however, the balance condition can be approximately satis
fied for such beams. For example, with a beam width of
0.025 em in a field whose gradient is 2.SE v/cm2, the maxi
mum unbalanced force suffered by beam atoms is about
5% of the force due to either E or H alone. The average
unbalance is about 2.5%. Furthermore, the balance condi
tion may be achieved for very broad beams by choosing a
subs tate and field such that f.Leff is proportional to Hover
a wide range of H (e.g., the F= 1, mF=O state of hydrogen
in the field region 0 to 150 gauss).
An apparatus of this kind has been built and is presently
being used to perform precision measurements of the po
larizabilities of the alkalis. Figure 1 shows a beam profile
taken with the balance condition being satisfied for the
-jJ.o state of K39, for a magnetic field of 290 gauss and an
electric field of about 81 500 v/cm. Beam profiles with no
fields, and with an H field of 290 gauss (no E field), are
shown for comparison. It is seen that the -f.Lo state is
indeed quite narrow, while the +f.Lo state is broadened by
both E and H fields.
By adding a second E-H gradient spectrometer, flopout
THE REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS magnetic resonance experiments may be performed.
Figure 2 shows a sketch of such an arrangement. The
usual collimator slit can now be replaced by a number of
optically aligned slits to produce very accurate alignment.
The resolution may thus be significantly improved. By
using narrow slits and a suitable geometry, states with
f.Leff of the order of nuclear magnetons can be separated by
fulfilling Eq. (1). Thus the method is applicable to atoms
(or molecules) in ISO (or 12:0) ground states.
When J~O, it is possible to separate nuclear magnetic
substates by working in the low field region where different
mI states have effective moments which differ by fractions
of a Bohr magneton.2 A given nuclear magnetic subs tate
can then be made to pass through the gradient spectrom
eter without deflection or broadening, with all the original
velocity distribution present. Such an application would
be useful in producing high intensity polarized ion beams,
which are of considerable importance for nuclear physics
scattering experiments.
2 Since "'eff is then somewhat field-dependent it is important to
choose th e so-called focusing state. See S. Millman, 1. 1. Rabi, and
]. R. Zacharias, Phys. Rev. 53, 384 (1938).
Instrumentation for Medium Energy Gamma-Ray Scattering Measurements*
The Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies, The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
(Received May 6, 1960)
A system for the energy analysis of scattered gamma rays of up to 70-Mev energy is described. A 5-in. diam,
4-in. long NaI(TI) crystal was the energy sensitive element. The net amplification between the ten-stage photo
multiplier output and the pulse-height analyzer input was 1.8. The pulse-height-to-channel transfer characteristic
of the system departs from linearity by less than 0.05 channel between the 50th and 16th channel and by one
channel between the 16th and sixth. It is demonstrated that the light-to-voltage transfer characteristic of the
photomultiplier is linear up to at least 30-v output levels. Provision for direct determination of the effect of super
posed pulses (pileup) is incorporated into the system. Careful shaping of the pulses reduced pileup to a minimum,
commensurate with obtaining good resolution from the NaI(TJ) crystal. Some typical pulse-height spectra are
given, and the novel features of the circuits are described.
RECENTLY, there has been considerable interest in
the measurement of nuclear gamma-ray scattering
in the energy range from 10 to 70 Mev. The measurements
which have been made at the University of Chicago 100-
Mev betatron1,2 have employed pulse-height analysis in
conjunction with as-in. diam, 4-in. thick NaI (TI) scin
tillation crystal. The equipment, whose novel features are
* Research supported by a joint program of the Office of Naval
Research and the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. t Now at the Department of Physics, University of Illinois,
Urbana, Illinois. t Now at Litton Industries, Beverly Hills, California.
1 E. L. Garwin, Phys. Rev. 114, 143 (1959).
2 A. S. Penfold and E. L. Garwin, Phys. Rev. 116, 120 (1959). described here, was designed to minimize pileup of small
pulses and to ensure good resolution for gamma rays of
high energy (10 Mev and above). Small pileup was par
ticularly necessary in these experiments because the ratio
of the number of gamma rays in a 1-Mev energy interval
at 3 Mev to the number in the same energy interval at
20 Mev was many thousand under some conditions of
irradiation. In addition, there were many scattered low
energy electrons present.
Data were recorded on a 50-channel analyzer of the
pulse-height-to-digital conversion type. The analyzer was
capable of handling pulses with rise times of 50 mf.Lsec
and had a voltage sensitivity of 1 v/channel. The net
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:48854 E. L. GAR\VIN AND A. S. PENFOLD
Anti-Coine. Signal
All Cobles RG-1I4/U
Int. Disc.-Integral
Threshold Set at
Channel 51 edge in
Anal er
amplification employed between the ten-stage photomul
tiplier tube and the analyzer input was 1.8. In addition,
a single tube feedback amplifier with a gain of 13 was
incorporated to allow calibration of the photomultiplier
gain by means of a Na22 radioactive source.
The electronic equipment employed as low a gain as
possible to minimize effects of overload, baseline shift,
and electronic instability so often observed in experiments
with short duty cycle accelerators. Highly fedback cathode
followers3 and amplifiers were employed throughout. Du
mont type 6364 photomultiplier tubes (5 in. diam, ten
stage) were used at high gain to deliver, directly, stable
pulses of magnitude up to 30 v. The high photomultiplier
gain was attained without exceeding the manufacturer's
voltage ratings. Experiments with a light pulser demon
strated that there were no nonlinear effects in the photo
multiplier when it was producing the 30-v output signals.
The pulses at the photomultiplier anode had a full rise
time of 0.2 j.Lsec (0 to 100%). These pulses were subse
quently processed by a pulse shaping circuit which rendered
them bipolar and of total length 0.5 j.Lsec. The pulses were
presented to a 0.2-j.Lsec linear gate opened by a fast trigger
branch of the circuit only for pulses: exceeding a set
threshold, arriving during the time of the x-ray burst, and
not associated with a pulse in the anti-coincidence counter.
The equipment has provision for direct determination
of the effect of pileup on the pulse-height spectrum and
for measurement of counting losses in the pulse-height
A block diagram of the electronic system is shown in
Fig. 1. The current pulses from the Dumont type 6364
photomultiplier were integrated with 0.1S-j.Lsec time con-
a E. L. C. White, U. S. Patent No. 2,358,428. f· J<'JG. 1. The block dia
gram for the energy analy
sis system.
stant at the grid of cathode follower 1. The latter drove
cathode. followers 2a and 2b through 3 ft of 18S-ohm
RG-114/u cable. These powerful cathode followers then
drove the pulses through 30 ft of cable to the remaining
circuitry located outside the beam area. The differentia
tors in the fast sides delivered prompt pulses of height
proportional to the ultimate height of the pulses passed
by the slow side. The anti-coincidence circuit produced an
output pulse (in the absence of a charged particle pulse,
and for photon pulses exceeding the threshold set by the
attenuators in the fast branches) which was transmitted
through the betatron beam gate and used to trigger the
linear gate of 0.2-j.Lsec duration.4 This trigger pulse could
only pass through the betatron beam gate during a time
encompassing the betatron beam pulse. Thus, the cosmic
ray background was reduced by the duty cycle of the
betatron beam.
The pulses in the slow side of the equipment were first
separately clipped with delay lines of 0.1-j.Lsec length, and
added. This sum pulse was then rendered bipolar by a
shorted 0.2-j.Lsec length of delay line and presented to the
signal input of the linear gate. All pulses which passed
through the linear gate were presented to the SO-channel
pulse-height analyzer for analysis. The threshold above
which pulses were analyzed was, therefore, determined
entirely by the setting of the step attenuators in the fast
branches of the equipment.
If the pulse exceeded channel SO in the pulse-height
analyzer, it did not appear in the memory or memory
totalizer, but instead triggered the integral discriminator
whose threshold was set at the upper edge of channel SO
in the analyzer, and so was counted in the overbound
scaler. The pulse-height analyzer circuitry was so arranged
4 E. L. Garwin and A. S. Penfold, Rev. Sci. Instr. 28, 116 (1957).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:48GAMMA-RAY SCATTERING 855
that only one pulse per betatron burst could be analyzed.
This restriction did not apply to pulses of heights corre
sponding to channels larger than channel SO, however,
which had only a few microseconds dead time per pulse.
In order to correct for counting losses, this procedure was
followed: The difference of counts in the gate scaler and
the overbound scaler was formed. This difference was then
divided by the count in the memory totalizer to yield the
correction factor by which the spectrum in the pulse
height analyzer was multiplied. The resultant spectrum
was then quantitatively correct, as long as no pulses were
lost in the pulse-height analyzer due to thresholds set in
its internal circuitry. To ensure that, the low channel
cutoff of the spectrum was always set above channel
three by means of the attenuators in the fast sides of the
The voltage-to-channel transfer characteristic of the
system departs from linearity by less than 0.05 channels
between the 50th and 16th channel, and by one channel
between the 16th and the sixth. The differential linearity
for the electronic system is shown in Fig. 2. This curve
was obtained with a motorized sliding pulser. The fine
structure (one channel high and the next low) was due to
irregularities in the motion of the motor-driven poten
tiometer slider which stuck momentarily in one chAnnel
and then traversed the next at higher than normal speed
in order to maintain the constant average velocity set by
the synchronous motor drive. This mechanism explains the
two channel correlations of Fig. 2.
The output of cathode follower 1 was transmitted to the
paralleled inputs of cathode followers 2a and 2b, whose
outputs in turn supplied parallel branches of the succeed
ing circuitry. These parallel branches were designed to
accept and add pulses from two separate photomultipliers
for the study, for instance, of gamma-ray cascades. When
used as shown in Fig. 1, the gain of the adder circuit was
reduced by a factor of two. The parallel arrangement was
most useful for measuring the effect of small pulse pileup
present at any given betatron intensity level. Pileup tests
were performed by introducing, at one of the cathode
follower inputs, standard flat-topped pulses from a pulser
triggered at the peak intensity of the betatron photon
pulse. The linear gate was opened only by these standard
pulses. The photomultiplier was connected to the other
cathode follower input. Since the pulses from the two
branches were added before being presented to the linear
gate, the observed pulse-height spectrum yielded a direct
measure of pileup at the given beam intensity. When the
x-ray intensity was reduced to zero, the standard pulses
were all recorded in one channel in the analyzer. As the
x-ray intensity was increased, the pileup produced by
small pulses from the NaI(Tl) crystal caused the recorded
pulses to spread into more than one channel. The effect
of pileup was always a symmetric broadening with no 200
..J ...
Z z 150 .. :r: <.J
~ 100
'" ... z ::>
0 u 50
0 10 20 30 40 50
FIG. 2. The differential linearity of the electronic system. The
two channel correlations are due to imperfections in the pulser used
for the test.
shift of the peak position, because the pulses were rendered
bipolar at the input to the linear gate. The broadening
was always kept less than plus or minus one channel in
Cathode follower 1 was in the same box which held the
photomultiplier socket. The schematic diagram for this
assembly is shown in Fig. 3. The divider chain for the
photomultiplier was chosen so that the lens between the
photocathode and first dynode would remain saturated
over a large range of supply voltages. The focus electrode
was connected to the first dynode, as this gave very nearly
the optimum resolution for all the tubes tested. The last
four dynodes were supplied from a separate high current,
-420-v source, so that saturation effects in these dynodes
were minimized and made independent of multiplier gain
(at a fixed output voltage). The last dynode was grounded
to eliminate one large bypass capacitor and the anode was
direct-coupled to the cathode follower grid to eliminate
the dc shifts associated with caflacitor coupling. The ca
pacitors in the divider chain were so chosen that (to first
approximation) the photomultiplier gain remained con
stant if the often repeated pulse currents alter (sag) the
voltages across the capacitors. This was made possible by
forcing the redistribution of the fixed power supply volt
ages so that the decrease of voltage across some stages was
compensated by an increase across others, in such a way
as to maintain constant gain. The time constant of the
RC combination was on the order of a millisecond, allowing
ample time to recover in the 16-msec interpulse interval of
the betatron.
The stray capacity at the anode of the photomultiplier,
coupled with the impedance at the cathode follower grid,
gave an integration time constant of 0.15 J-Lsec for the
signal. The cathode follower was fed-back; with an output
impedance of 20 ohms for negative pulses. The thermionic
diode-catch in the grid limited the phototube output to
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:48856 E. L. GA R WIN AND A. s. PENFOLD
-H.V •
• 001
47K 37.51< 2.7K
05 33K
.001 .25
.001 •• 01 07 -420'1
08 .10 .001 .1 820 .01 -50'1 09
FIG, 3. The photomultiplier socket, cathode follower 1 assembly.
30 V to prevent severe overloading of succeeding circuits
due to cosmic-ray pulses which were as big as 70 v. This
diode is a subminiature tube and was wired directly into
the circuit to reduce stray capacity. A thermionic diode
was necessary because the impedance variation with tem
perature of typical germanium diodes is large enough to
have a I or 2% effect on the magnitude of the signal for
the changes in ambient temperature encountered. Silicon
diodes were too slow for this application (at the time of
construction), as a fast recovery diode was required.
To determine the linearity of the light-to-current trans-
1000 12.00 1400
FIG. 4. Results of a linearity test carried out with the light pulser
and a typical photomultiplier tube. The parallel nature of the curves,
and their spacing, indicate lack of saturation at the 24-v level. fer characteristic of the photomultiplier and associated
circuitry, a light pulser was constructed from a type
5823. gas triode run as a relaxation oscillator. The light
attendant to the discharge in the tube illuminated the
photomultiplier, while the electrical breakdown pulse
furnished a convenient coincident trigger signal. Many
photomultipliers were tested with the light pulser, and a
typical set of data is presented in Fig. 4. In Fig. 4, we have
plotted the logarithm of the reciprocal of the incident
light intensity (varied by the insertion of Kodak neutral
density Wratten filters) versus the photomultiplier high
voltage. This procedure was carried out for various output
levels from the photomultiplier. The similarity of the
curves indicated that any saturation effects were inde
pendent of output voltage level, while the relative spac
ings of the curves indicated that the filters attenuated
by the amount obtained by calibration against a con
tinuously variable density wedge. Because the curves of
Fig. 4 are quite closely parallel for photomultiplier output
voltages from 2.4 to 24 v, we concluded that there were
no serious saturation effects present at those output levels.
Indeed, some tubes were found to have no saturation
effects at 50-v output. Saturation effects in the photo
multiplier used in the experiment were not apparent at
30-v output levels.
Figure 5 shows the circuit diagram of one of the power
ful cathode followers employed to transmit pulses through
30 ft of RG-114/u cable (185-ohm impedance). This
circuit was quite similar to that of cathode follower 1,
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:48GAMMA-RAY SCATTERI"\G 857
100M (
IW' 220K
0.1 15K 6BQ7A
100 100
0.1 330K
lOOK +300v.
FiG. 5. The circuit for cathode follower two and the gain-of-13 amplifier. The plate supply voltage is regulated.
with" the exception that the tubes in this circuit were
capable of higher current operation.
The 6BCS tube served as a fedback amplifier of gain
13. It is essentially a grounded-grid amplifier with feed
back applied to the grid. This allowed the photomultiplier
gain to be standardized against the 'Y rays from natural
radioactive sources, Na22 in our case. The unfedback gain
of this low input impedance amplifier was 60, which
allowed a comfortably large feedback ratio.
All the pulse-shaping circuits were constructed on one
chassis. The description given will be for one branch only.
The differentia tor employed in the fast side was simply a
6AU8 tube connected as a fedback cathode follower3
(similarly to Fig. 3), with a 33-,uj.Lf output condenser
which fed the junction of a shorted 6 ft length of RG-114/u
cable and a length of similar cable leading to the impedance
matched attenuator and thence through two Hewlett
Packard wideband amplifiers to the anti-coincidence cir
cuit. The anti-coincidence circuit was a fourfold coinci
dence onefold anti-coincidence of the type described by
Garwin.5 One of the fourfold inputs was switched out of
circuit; the other was short-circuited and the associated
switch used to start and stop data taking.
Directly from the input to the differentiator, a 7S0-ohm
resistor (to match the l80-ohm line to the 950-ohm delay
cable) led to the slow pulse-shaping circuit shown in
Fig. 6. The pulse shaping was effected by the carefully
terminated RG-65/u delay line, as will be discussed. The
shaped pulse is transmitted to the adder circuit by the
6AU8 cathode follower, to be added to the pulse from the
other branch of the slow side of the circuit.
The adder is a 6AH6 tube connected as in a "see-saw"6
5 Richard L. Garwin, Rev. Sci. Instr. 24, 618 (1953).
6 B. Chance, V. Hughes, E. F. MacNichol, D. Sayre, and F. C.
Williams, W/71'eJnrms (~fcGraw-Hi1l Book Company, Inc., New York,
1949), p. 28. circuit. In the circuit of Fig. 6 the negative feedback
applied through the l5-k resistor to the 6AH6 grid from
the double 6CL6 cathode follower caused the grid to act
as a ground point. The ratio of output from the cathode
follower to the sum of the applied inputs was, therefore,
the ratio of the feedback resistor value to the input
resistor value, here a factor of three. The output polarity
was positive, while the input was negative. This is a
simple, fast rise time (30 mj.Lsec), highly fedback circuit,
which has proved quite reliable. The small capacitor
across the l5-k feedback resistor compensates the feed
back for the capacity at the grid of the 6AH6. The variable
capacitors across the 5-k resistors are adjusted until the
output pulse shape is identical to the input pulse shape.
The powerful cathode follower is required to drive the
pulses into the 1900-ohm impedance formed by the 950-
ohm shorted delay cable and the 950-ohm series terminat
ing resistor.
The output from the adder circuit was delayed by 0.2
j.Lsec in the 58 in. length of RG-65/u cable to center it in
the 0.2 j.Lsec gate interval of the succeeding linear gate.
This was required by the delays in the various amplifiers
and trigger circuits in the fast sides. At the end of this
58-in. delay cable (at the input to the gate circuit) was a
58 in. length of shorted RG-65/u cable, which rendered
the input pulse to the gate bipolar in nature. When the
gate opened, it accepted only the positive part of the
bipolar pulse; however, the bipolar nature of the pulses
prevented baseline shifts due to input circuit condensers
sagging while the gate was closed.
The major pulse shaping was performed, as mentioned
previously, by the 0.1 j.Lsec length of delay cable at the
input to the cathode follower preceding the adder. This
delay cable was not short-circuited, but rather terminated
by a carefully chosen parallel combination of resistance
and capacitance. The time constant at the photomultiplier
anode was 0.15 j.Lsec, while the decay time of light from
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:48858 E. L. GAR'vVIN .-\;\JD A. S. PENFOLD
"A" Input
Negotiv~ 750
"e" Input
r 750p.p.
Dlflerentiator 150k
L 29"
I ... RG 65/U
As Above 6AU 8
2.2k 6 Ati.6
1.5 -7 p.p.
RG65/U 960 Gel6
220k Ik +300
A + e Out (Positive)
58"RG~ ..JlL 6" RG 114/U
() To Linear Got.
FIG. 6. The slow side shaping circuitry and adder. Only one branch of the shaping circuit is
shown in detail, the other is indicated by the box.
NaI(TI) was 0.25 J.Lsec. These parameters gave rise to a
pulse which had the shape of the curve marked "input
pulse" in Fig. 7. The remaining curves of Fig. 7 show the
calculated response of a O.l-J.Lsec long shaping cable of
characteristic impedance 950 ohms (RG-65/u), when pre
sented with the input pulse shape indicated and termi
nated by the parallel combinations of resistance and ca
pacitance noted. The resistance values are in ohms and
the capacitance values in micromicrofarads. It is obvious
that one can do very much better than merely to short
circuit the line.
'" :> ,..
~ I
'" W
t; Of--~~-
L 'R'120 C'1240
.~~' ~~~~-<----.J o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
TIME IN f'sec
FIG. 7. The calculated response of a 950-ohm pUlse-shaping cable
(of 0.1 !,sec length) to the input pulse indicated, when the cable is
terminated by the parallel RC combinations indicated. Values of R
are in ohms; values of C in Jl.jJ.f. Oscilloscope observation of the actual pulses indicated
agreement with Fig. 7, and gave the following optimum
values for the termination parameters: R= 200 ohms;
C= 750 J.LJ.Lf. These values differ from the calculated ones
somewhat, not only because of small deviations in the
actual pulse from the assumed shape, but also because of
the nonideal characteristics of the delay line which has
significant attenuation. The amplitude of the shaped
pulse was 30% of the amplitude which would have been
attained for a I-J.Lsec long pulse, providing the resistance
at the grid of cathode follower 1 were infinite, and the
capacity the same as in our case. Since the major contribu
tor to the lack of crystal resolution at high energies was
not the smallness of the amount of light collected, this
shaping scheme reduced pileup significantly without no
ticeably increasing the width of the resolution function.
The linear gate circuit faithfully reproduced pulses with
SO-mJ.Lsec rise times, had an open period of 0.2 J.Lsec,
accepted positive input pulses, and provided negative out
put pulses. It has been described in detail.4
Because the pulse-height analyzer required positive in
put pulses, it was necessary to invert the output signal
from the gate circuit. The circuit of the inverter is shown
in Fig. 8. It was a single input "see-saw" circuit6 with a
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1.5-7p.p. SAU8
IN38A +300v
lOOK 85<>
.01 qf
10p.f . 150
50V .1
r-f 22K .14S•SK 2p.p. 10K .01
1% .01
FIG. 8. The inverter circuit following the linear gate. The cathode follower is modified to deliver large positive output pulses.
gain of two, similar to the circuit of Fig. 6. Here, however,
it was necessary to have large positive output pulses and
the 6AU8 was connected in a somewhat different manner.
The triode section of the 6AU8 was used as a constant
current load for the pentode section which became the
cathode follower. The screen grid was capacitively coupled
to the output, so that during the pulse the screen-cathode
voltage was constant, thus increasing the maximum current
available from the pentode. The diode from the positive
supply to the screen grid assured fast recharging of the
cathode-screen capacitor after the pulse had passed. Be
cause the output impedance of this cathode follower was
about 90 ohms, the series terminating resistor for the open
circuited i8S-ohm cable leading to the pulse-height ana
lyzer was made 100 ohms. The diode and capacitor at the
inverter input stretched the pulse with a O.S-j.lsec decay
time in order to reduce the requirements on the pulse
height analyzer and thus assured improved long term
The betatron beam gate allowed pulses from the anti
coincidence circuit output to pass through to trigger the
linear gate only during the time encompassing the x-ray
pulse from the accelerator. The (negative) ejection current
pulse from the betatron cut off a high gain triode in whose
plate was a parallel RC combination which caused the
plate voltage to rise with a time constant of 400 j.lsec.
The plate was capacitively coupled to a Schmidt dis
criminator, whose trigger threshold determined the open
ing time of the betatron gate with respect to the beginning
of the ejection pulse. The output of this discriminator triggered a phantastron which controlled the open time,
variable from 25 to 500 j.lsec. The screen gate pulse of the
phantastron actuated one side of a diode "and" gate,
while the output from the coincidence circuit was con
nected to the other side. The output from this gate led
to a trigger circuit and thence to a pair of conventional
cathode followers which fed the trigger input of the linear
gate and the gate scaler. The circuit was conventional and
does not require a figure.
The integral discriminator shown in Fig. 1 was a diode
with variable bias feeding a fixed threshold trigger circuit.
The diode bias was set so that the discriminator fired at
the level of the top of channel 50 in the pulse-height
The electronic gain of the system was monitored by
means of a mercury switch pulser whose output was care
fully shaped to match the output pulse from the photo
multiplier. The repetition rate of the pulser was deter
mined by a S823 gas triode in a relaxation oscillator circuit,
which fed the 6J6 mercury reed driver at a frequency
different from 60 cps. In this way, 60-cps pickup in the
circuits would have appeared as a broadening of the
channel edges in the pulse-height analyzer. The pulser
, was arranged to deliver either positive or negative output
pulses in order that it could also be used to test the pulse
height analyzer directly. The electronic gain of the system
was found to be stable to better than 1% over periods of
several months.
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 16:13:48860 E. L. GARWIN A~D A. S. PEXFOLD
W •
Z lOll
Z • ."a « • :::c • i U i .! i
Q. 0
C/) I-
10 20 30 40 50
FIG. 9. A typical pulse-height spectrum for the IS. I-Mev level in
02• The logarithm of the number of counts per channel is plotted
versus channel number. The solid line indicates the extrapolation
used to find the resolution function of the NaI(Tl) crystal at this
In order to monitor the gain of the photomultiplier, a
spectrum of a radioactive source (Na22) was taken by
connecting cathode follower 1 to the gain-of-13 amplifier
shown in Fig. 2. The position of the peak (11% wide at
half-height) was determined immediately before and after
each experimental run, and the average taken to indicate
the gain during the run. The largest variation of Na22 peak
position over the 2-hr period of a run was observed to be
2%. Prior to determining a Na22 spectrum, the betatron
was always operated for several minutes at the intensity
to be used during the run, with the scattering target
("I-ray source) in place. This procedure was necessary
because an increase in gain of the photomultiplier with
high counting rate was observed. This amounted to 5%
gain change at the highest counting rates employed in the
experiment. After the betatron was shut off, the gain de
cayed to its original value with a 1O-min half-life, allowing ...J
Z lI!
U • ••
• •••••• 1..Ii •
C/) l-
:::> ---0 o
10 20 30 40 50
FIG. 10. A typical spectrum from the radioactive source Na22,
taken with the gain-of-13 amplifier. The logarithm of the number of
counts per channel is plotted versus channel number.
ample time to make the O.S-min Ka22 peak positioning
run without significant change in gain.
A typical pulse-height spectrum for the 1S.1-l\lev CI2
level is shown in Fig. 9. The logarithm of the number of
counts per channel (corrected for counting rate losses) is
plotted versus channel number. This was the result of a
2-hr irradiation of a t-g/cm2 scatterer in a 42-"Mev brems
strahlung beam, with the counter at 135° to the beam
direction. The solid line in the figure shows the extra
polation used to find the resolution function of the NaI(Tl)
crystal at this energy. There is evidence2 that this resolu
tion function is a universal function of energy from 15 to
60 Mev. The sharp edge in the spectrum near channel 20
is due to photons associated with the scattering target.
Figure 10 gives a typical Na22 spectrum for comparison
with Fig. 9. Note that the positions of the Na22 peak
(taken with the amplifier) and of the 1S.1-Mev peak
nearly coincide. This was a considerable convemence m
scattering experiments carried out on C12.
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1.1777022.pdf | Band Structure of the Intermetallic Semiconductors from Pressure
William Paul
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 32, 2082 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.1777022
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1777022
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Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT TO VOL. 32, KG. 10 OCTOBER, 1961
Band Structure of the Intermetallic Semiconductors from
Pressure Experiments*
Division oj Engineering and Applied Physics, IIarvard Uni!'ersity, Cambridge, ,~f assac/msetis
Three types of conduction band extrema in the (000), (100), and (111) directions in k space seem to
determine many of the properties of the group 4 and group 3-5 semiconductors. Early experimental work on
the pressure coefficients of the energy separations of these extrema from the valence band maximum energy,
carried out on Ge (111), (000), (100), Si (100), and InSb (000), suggested that the three pressure coefficients
might be independent of the specific element or compound in the group 4 and group 3-5 series. This work is
discussed in detail, and the theoretical basis is briefly considered. All of the completed pressure measurements
on these compounds are critically reviewed, and the correlation of unique pressure coefficients with specific
band edges examined. It is demonstrated that pressure experiments can be planned to show up details of the
band structure unavailable for study at atmospheric pressure. Particular attention is paid to GaP, and a
new model for excess absorption occurring in n-type samples of this compound and in Si, GaAs, and AISb
is suggested. The application of similar techniques to PbS, PbSe, and PbTe is discussed, and results of
electrical and optical measurements of energy gap and electron and hole mobilities presented.
THE earliest experiments on the effect of pressure
on the electrical resistivity of Ge1a demonstrated
that the minimum energy gap between conduction and
valence bands increased linearly at low pressures;
later work2 was interpreted to mean that at higher
pressures this linear change decreased and possibly
reversed sign, due to the increasing importance of some
new set of states having a different pressure coefficient
from those important at low pressures. In Si, pressure
decreased the minimum energy gap.3a After theoretical
and experimental work had identified the conduction
and valence band "edges" in Ge and Si, investigation
of Ge-Si alloys, interpreted by Herman, plausibly
identified this new set of Ge states as a (100) conduction
band set, possessing properties similar to the (100)
set forming the conduction band extrema in Si.4
Quantitative studies showed that the energy gap
between these (100) extrema and the (000) valence
band extremum decreased at about the same rate in Ge
* This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research.
1 (a) P. W. Bridgman, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 79, 129 (1951);
P. H. Miller and J. H. Taylor, Phys. Rev. 76, 179 (1949); J. H.
Taylor, Phys. Rev. 80, 919 (1950); H. H. Hall, J. Bardeen, and
G. L. Pearson, Phys. Rev. 84, 129 (1951). (b) D. M. Warschauer,
W. Paul, and H. Brooks, Phys. Rev. 98, 1193 (1955); H. Y. Fan,
M. L. Shepherd, and W. G. Spitzer, Photoconductivity Conference
at Atlantic City, edited by R. G. Breckenridge, B. R. Russell, and
E. E. Hahn (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1956); W. Paul
and D. M. Warschauer, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 5, 89 (1958);
A. Michels, J. van Eck, S. Machlup, and C. A. ten Seldam, J. Phys.
Chem. Solids 10, 12 (1959).
2 W. Paul, Phys. Rev. 90, 336 (1953); W. Paul and H. Brooks,
Phys. Rev. 94, 1128 (1954).
3 (a) W. Paul and G. L. Pearson, Phys. Rev. 98, 1755 (1955),
(b) M. I. Nathan and W. Paul, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 2, 134
(1957); W. Paul and D. M. Warschauer, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 5,
102 (1958); H. Y. Fan, M. L. Shepherd, and W. G. Spitzer,
Photocanductivity Canference at Atlantic City, edited by R. G.
Breckenridge, B. R. Russell, and E. E. Hahn (John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York, 1956); L. J. Neuringer, Phys. Rev. 113, 1495
(1959); T. E. Slykhouse and H. G. Drickamer, J. Phys. Chern.
Solids 7, 210 (1958).
4 F. Herman, M. Glicksman, and R. H. Parmenter, Progress in
Semiconductors, edited by A. F. Gibson, P. Aigrain, and R. E.
Burgess (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1957), Vol. 2. and Si.5 This observation, emphasized by the un
expected difference in sign of the effect for the (111)
and (100) band edges6 in Ge and Si, naturally led to
some speculation regarding the uniqueness of the
association of pressure coefficient and type of band
edge in the group 4 semiconductors. Subsequent
experiments that qualitatively supported this associa
tion broadened the extent of the speculation to include
the group 3-5 and group 2-6 compounds and led to a
cautious use of the correlation that does exist in the
investigation of these materials.7 It is the purpose of
this paper to examine the sources of this speculation,
the extent of its success, and its prospects for continued
The basis for any association of a unique pressure
coefficient with the energy gap between the common
valence band maximum and a particular type of
conduction band minimum is primarily experimental.
Since lattice dilatation would seem to be a more
fundamental parameter than pressure, we shall on
occasion quote experimental results in terms of either
pressure or dilatation, or both. Theoretical arguments
are naturally based on dilatation, while greater corre
lation exists among the pressure coefficients. The
lattice compressibilities are different enough so that
the one correlation does not imply the other.
5 M. r. Nathan, thesis, Harvard University (1958); Report
HPI (1958); M. I. Nathan, W. Paul, and H. Brooks, Phys. Rev.
(to be published); see references 2 and 3.
6 We shall frequently refer to a coefficient pertaining to the
energy separation between the valence band and a band extremum
X as the coefficient of the extremum X. However, this does not
imply that we have any information regarding the absolute value
or sign of the coefficient for the extremum X relative to the energy
of an electron at infinity. This has particularly to be kept in mind
when discussing "different signs of effects for different band
edges." In some cases, notably germanium, the actual deformation
potential for a particular band edge can be found.
7 A. L. Edwards, T. E. Slykhouse, and H. G. Drickamer, J. Phys.
Chern. Solids 11,140 (1959); see reference 35.
Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsBAND STRUCTCRE FROi\l PRESSURE EXPERIME:-.JTS 2083
TABLE I. Pro erties of group 4 and group 3-S compounds. Compou~ds contain!ng boron, ni~rogen, thall!um, and bismuth are not
included Cond!ction band minima are labelled "speculative" ("spec.") If the type IS a systematIc extrapolat!O~ or based ~n a press,;!re
coefficie~t, and are unlabelled if the type is considered assured through measurement of c:fclotron resonan~e, optIcal abs?rpt!On~ e~ectIve
mass, etc. Temperatures of energy gaps are mixed; the room temperature gaps more eaSIly. allow compansons where hIgher mlmma are
present Little attempt has been made to obtain the very latest values of the parameters III columns 1-3. On the other hand, columns
4--5 rep~esent our best present assessment of the pressure coefficients. Numbers in parenthesis are references.
Lattice constant Energy gap Conduction (dE./dP)T (dE./d In V)T
(ev) Compound (A) (25°C) (ev) band minima (ev /kg cm-2)
C 3.567 5.3 (3000K) ~I(spec.) <10--6(31)
Si 5.43 1.21 (OOK) III
0.66(3000K) LI
Ge 5.66 0.803 (3000K) r2'
0.85 (3000K) III + 1.SX 10-6(3)
12X 10-6(23) (25) (27) o to -2X 10-6(19)(20)(21) +1.5
-9 o to +1.5
Sn 6.489 0.08(OOK) LI(spec.) 5:><10-6(31)
AlP 5.47 3.1 (3000K) Il, (spec.)
AlAs 5.66 2.16(3000K) III (spec.)
-1.6X 10--6(35) AISb 6.10 1.6 (3000K) III (spec.)
GaP 5.47 2.2 (3000K) D.I(spec.) { -1.7XlO-6(38)
-1.8X 10--6(39)
2.6(3000K) r\(spec.)
GaAs 5.66 1.53 (OOK) r\ -7 -9 {9.4X 10--6(7)
1.89 (OOK) III (spec.) negative
GaSb 6.10 0.81 (OOK) rl {16X 10--6(49)
12X 10-6(35) -9
L\ ~5X 10-6(47) -2.8
Il\(spec.) negative (35) InP 5.9 1.34(OOK) r\ 4.6X 10--6(35) -6.15
InAs 6.07 0.36(3000K) III (spec.) -lOX 10--6(35) +7.45
-3.3 rl
lnSb 6.49 0.2357 (OOK) 1\
Systematic Trends
Since the band structures of the 2-6 compounds are
less well determined, we confine our attention, for the
moment, to the group 4 and group 3-5 materials. They
are listed in Table I, along with selected data about
them. We note that the minimum energy gap decreases
as the average atomic number increases. The minimum
gap is greater in a compound than in its isoelectronic
group 4 element. The valence band structure is similar
in all of the compounds, and will not further concern us.
On the other hand, the lowest identified states in the
conduction bands are of three types8: (1) at the (000)
position in the Brillouin zone (f2' or rl), (2) along the
(100) directions (~,), (3) along the (111) directions
(LI). There appears to be some systematic trend of the
relative energies of these three minima with average
atomic number. Thus the ~, states are lowest in Si, are
probably lowest in GaP, and perhaps also for diamond.
The L, states are . lowest in Ge, where the atomic
number is higher, and they appear to be close to the
extreme position in GaSb and in gray Sn. The r,
minimum is lowest in InSb and tends to be low for
compounds of high average atomic number. The
variation is not entirely systematic, but if we knew
8 The states r2' and r2.' in the diamond lattice become r, and r,., respectively, in the zinc blende. The III minima may shift to
the Brillouin zone edge point X I, but for ease in writing, we shall
refer to ~l states only. {5.SX 10--6 (S8)
8.5X 10--6(49)
4.8X 10--6(35)
\14.2X 10-6(28) -5.1
how to account correctly for electronic energy changes
due to changes in ionicity (for want of a better term),
it might well become so.
Alloy Studies
Where such examination is possible, alloys of group
members show intermediate properties. However,
strikingly nonlinear effects occur when the changeover
in properties involves a change in conduction band
extrema. An early example of this arose from the study
of the optical energy gap in Si-Ge alloys.9 From 0 to
about 15% Si the lowest conduction band minimum
is of the Ll type, while from 15-100% Si, the ~, states
form the extrema. Measurements of magnetoresistance9
have confirmed this interpretation, and have also shown
that the mass ratio (and quite probably the masses)
in the LI and ~l minima in the alloys are very close to
their values in the pure substances. Although changes
in lattice constant accompany changes in alloy com
position, this is not the prime cause of the change in
energy gap; thus, for example, the energy gap changes
by about 0.15 ev between 0 and 10% Si content,
whereas the gap change that would result from the
change in lattice constant by this composition is only
0.05 ev. For the (100) minima, a decrease in the lattice
constant through alloying increases the appropriate
9 See reference 4.
Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions2084 WILLIAM PAUL
energy gap, whereas a decrease caused by pressure
decreases it. Extrapolation from its variation in energy
in Si-rich alloys is clearly useful in fixing the energy of
the Al minima in pure Ge. A thorough study of the
effects of alloying on all possible alloy systems of the
group might establish a systematic behavior of the
different minima with lattice constant and ionicity,
and in fact, this seems a logical consequence of any
systematic variation among the compounds them
selves.IO This systematic behavior, however, does not
have to extend as far as a relative constancy of energy
shift with dilatation for anyone type of extremum,
independent of substance studied, which is the question
we are addressing ourselves to here.
Many of the properties of the r2' or rl, AI, and LI
extrema are similar in the different materials. The
similarity in properties that depend only on the
symmetry of the states is trivial. Less obvious are
similarities in effective mass, yet the Al states seem to
maintain the same mass ratio (and thus probably mass)
between 100 and 15% Si in Si-Ge alloys, and analysis
of pressure results in Ge involving higher minima, that
are most probably of a Al type, requires an effective
mass very similar to that of Si. The masses in all r2'
or rl states are small, and the matrix element between
the light hole states and the r2' or rl states appears to
be constant for all members of the group,!l so that,
neglecting spin orbit interaction, the mass vanes
almost directly with the energy gap at k=O.
Bond Theory
Various authors have discussed the systematic
variations of energy gap, carrier mobility, melting
point, and hardness with lattice constant, average
atomic number, and degree of ionicity.12 The basis for
these discussions has been the connection between
bond strengths, bond lengths, and atomic constitution.
Extrapolations from such systematic variations have
been rather successful, especially in predicting new
semiconductors, but the theory used does not give the
details of band structure and band interaction, and
fails to explain the changes in effective mass and carrier
mobility associated with changes in the extrema of the
conduction band. To choose one example, the violent
effect of pressure on the conductivity of extrinsic
GaAs,l3 which depends probably on a change of band
extrema, would be inexplicable in this "bond" theory.
However, it is not our purpose to examine critically the
explanations offered for this systematic behavior, but
simply to recognize that systematic variations do exist,
10 Solubility differences might thwart this study in specific
11 See references 43 and 53.
12 See, for example, H. Welker and H. Weiss, Advances in Solid
State Physics, edited by F. Seitz and D. Turnbull (Academic Press,
Inc., New York, 1956), Vol. 3; O. Folberth and H. Welker, J.
Phys. Chern. Solids 8, 14 (1959).
13 W. E. Howard and W. Paul (to be published); see reference
43. and that the explanation of some of them may be
related to the pressure coefficient correlations that are
the subject of this paper.
We can examine the predictions of a bond theory for
the pressure coefficient of an energy gap. Decrease
in lattice constant implies decreased bond length and
so increased bond strength. Since the energy gap is the
difference in energy between a bonding and an anti
bonding configuration, this implies an increased energy
gap; the increase in energy gap in the Sn, Ge, Si, C
sequence is consistent with this argument. In practice,
a small decrease of the lattice constant produced by
pressure may increase or decrease the energy gap, as is
indicated by the opposite effects in Ge and Si. However,
in both of these cases, the dielectric constant decreases
with decreases in lattice constant,14 from which we
infer that there is a general tendency for the separation
between conduction and valence bands to increase.
Thus the predictions of the bond theory probably
correlate with the behavior of the average separation
of conduction and valence bands, but do not describe
well the behavior (induding pressure behavior) of
the extrema of the bands, on which many of the critical
properties depend.
Band Theory
Apart from some work of Parmenter on dilatational
and alloying effects in Ge and Si,16 the author knows of
no attempt, from a band theory viewpoint, to estimate
the perturbation of band structure caused by changes
in lattice constant. It would appear, nevertheless, that
satisfaction of the known experimental behavior of
different band edges with dilatation is not an unfair
test for any theory pretending to compute the band
structure ab initio. It has been argued that the valence
and conduction band electrons in our group of com
pounds move in an almost-free electron potential
caused by the cancellation of the attractive periodic
potential of the cores by a repulsive potential; this
repulsive potential is introduced to simulate the result
of orthogonalizing the valence electron wave function
to the core wave function.16 To the extent that this
reduces the importance of the details of the charge
structure of the core and yields a band structure only
slightly perturbed from that of the empty lattice, we
should expect similar band structures in all of the
compounds. In terms of the absolute energies, the
fluctuations in energy of the r2', rl, AI, and LI minima
are relatively small. The differences between the empty
lattice energies and those in the actual lattice depend
on the symmetry of the state considered. In general,
one expects that states of s character will be raised in
14 M. Cardona, W. Paul, and H. Brooks, Solid State Physics in
Electronics and Telecommunications, edited by M. Desirant and
J. L. Michiels (Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1960), Vol. 1,
16 R. H. Parmenter, Phys. Rev. 99, 1759 (1955).
16 J. C. Phillips and L. Kleinman, Phys. Rev. 116, 287 (1959).
Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsBAND STRUCTURE FROM PRESSURE EXPERIMENTS 20S5
energy relative to those of p character, due to the
action of the pseudorepulsive potential.
Presumably, the larger interatomic separation of the
compounds of higher atomic number can be regarded
as part of a scaling operation involving the mean radius
of the host ion. It is not clear what the effect of a change
in lattice constant on the energies of the different states
will be, but it is very probable that it will be different
for states of different symmetries and it is not im
plausible that it will be about the same for states of
the same symmetry, especially if the constitutions of
the cores are nearly the same. While this is encouraging,
it is not apparent, even on a qualitative basis, what the
relative changes will be. We might expect to obtain
some clues by observing the changes in energy of the
different states as we change from the empty lattice to
the real one,17 as this is qualitatively similar to the
effect of pressure in increasing the ratio of the size of
host ion to unit cell (we regard the host ion core as
relatively incompressible). Then we find that in Ge,
the behavior of the r2', L1, and ~l state energies with
respect to the r 25' state is not well reproduced; for
example, the ~l state energy increases rapidly over the
r26', opposite to the effect of decreasing the lattice
Similarities in the dilatational (or pressure) coeffi
cients for any particular set of minima may depend
partly on their occupying similar positions in the over
all band structure. This is assured by the nature of the
experiments performed, which usually examine minima
fairly close to the absolute maximum of the valence
band. The minima might have a different pressure
coefficient if that could be measured when the minima
were far from being the lowest conduction band states.
The latter type of measurement has not been carried
out but, in certain specific cases, it seems that it is
feasible (see Sec. IV).
These qualitative arguments are not, of course, the
starting point of the present article, and are little more
than an attempt to rationalize the experimental
situation. Our conclusion is that there is no clear-cut
reason why wide correlations of behavior under pressure
of similar minima in the compounds should exist, even
though experimentally it appears that the different
types of minima can be identified by their pressure
coefficient. We examine next the experimental situation.
Experimental Basis
Experiments carried out by Bridgmanl established
that the conductivity of n-type Ge decreased rapidly at
pressures above 12 000 kg/ cm2 and went through a
minimum near 50 000 kg/cm2• Later work by Paul
and Brooks2 on pure and impure material showed that
this effect was probably due to the growing importance
of a second set of minima in the conduction band. The
investigation of Ge-Si alloys,4 interpreted by Herman,
17 F. FIerman, Revs, Modern Phys. 30, 102 (1958), suggested that it was very plausible that the new
states needed were a ~1 set, which also formed the
conduction band edge in Si. Smith's experimentsl8
on the drift mobility of electrons at pressures up to
30 000 kg/ cm2 established that the observed conduc
tivity decrease was a mobility effect, not a carrier
density variation. The analysis of Paul and Brooks
and a more complete study by Nathanl9 concluded,
inter alia, that the pressure coefficient, relative to a
fixed valence band maximum, of the ~l states was
between a and -2X10-a ev/kg cm-2• More recent work
on magnetoconductance of n-type Ge at pressures up to
20 000 kg/ cm2 by Howard20 has shown this pressure
coefficient to be -1.5 X 10-6 ev /kg cm-2• Optical
absorption experiments of Slykhouse and Drickamer21
to pressures of 100 000 kg/ cm2 have shown that the
energy gap of Ge passes through a maximum with
pressure near SO 000 kg/ cm2 and that at higher pressures
the decrease7 is at -1.2X10-6 ev/kg cm-2•
To the author's knowledge, the symmetry of the
higher states in Ge to which these pressure phenomena
are attributed has never been directly established. The
Harvard laboratory has been unable so far to reach
pressures above 20 000 kg/ cm2 in nonmagnetic pressure
vessels so that magnetoresistance measurements could
be performed; probably the most feasible experiment
would be a study of elastoresistance under pressure,
following the methods described by R. W. Keyes and
his collaborators.22 However, this is very likely only a
question of experimental tidiness as the Si-Ge alloy
work makes it almost certain that the additional states
are of the Al type. The energy of these states, found
from extrapolation to 0% Si content, is roughly 0.22 ev.
Nathan, Paul, and Brooksl9 find from the pressure data
O.lS±O.03 ev, Howard20 0.21±0.03 ev, and Slykhouse
and Drickamer21 0.2 ev.
The first measurements of the pressure coefficient of
the r26/-~1 gap in Si, by Paul and Pearson,3& gave a
coefficient of -1.5 X 10-6 ev /kg cm-2• Subsequent
optical measurements by Paul and Warschauer3b gave
-1.3XlO-6 ev/kg cm-2, and by Fan, Shepherd, and
Spitzerb +5X10-6 ev/kg cm-2. Later Neuringer23
found results in agreement with Paul and Warschauer,
and Slykhouse and Drickamer,2l in experiments to
140000 kg/cm2, determined a coefficient of -2X10-6
ev/kg cm-2. Quite different measurements by Nathan
and Paul,3h on the change in ionization energy of gold
impurity in Si, determined the gap change at low
18 A. C. Smith, thesis, FIarvard University (1958); Report HP2
(1958); Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 3, 14 (1958).
19 FI. Brooks and W. Paul, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. ], 48 (1956);
Also see reference 5.
20 W. E. Howard, thesis, Harvard University (1961); Report
HP7 (1961).
21 T. E. Slykhouse and H. G. Drickamer, J. Phys. Chern. Solids
7, 210 (1958).
22 R. W. Keyes, Advances in Solid State Physics, edited by
F. Seitz and D. Turnbull (Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1960),
Vol. 11.
23 L. J. Neurin~er, Phys. Rev. 113, 1495 (1959),
Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions2086 \\7 ILL I AMP A U L
pressures as -1.5 X 10-6 ev /kg cm-2• It, therefore,
seems to be fairly well established that the Si gap
decreases with pressure, and we shall assume the rate
to be -1.S X 10-6 ev /kg cm-2.
Thus we see that the behavior of the r25'-L1 gap
and the r25'-~1 gap in Ge is qualitatively different
and that there is quite close quantitative agreement
between the coefficient for the r25'-~1 gap in Ge and
the corresponding gap in Si.
The agreement persists if we convert the pressure
coefficients into dilatational coefficients by computing
El = dEy/ d In V, as we see by examining Table 1.
Second Experimental Basis
The similar behavior of the ~1 states in Ge and Si
under pressure form the first basis for our speCUlative
scheme of pressure coefficients. The second is afforded
by a comparison of the pressure coefficients of the r2'
minimum in Ge and the r1 minimum in InSb. The
pressure coefficient of the r26'-r2' energy separation in
Ge was first observed in results of Fan, Shepherd, and
Spitzer.1b They found an increased pressure coefficient
(over that appropriate for the r26'-L1 separation) for
that part of the absorption edge attributed to direct
transitions. Later, oscillatory magnetoabsorption experi
ments24 showed that the experiments of Fan et at. were
carried out at energies just below the edge. Paul and
Warschauer25 deduced a coefficient for the r26'-r2' gap
by assuming that the r2' state was the only intermediate
state in the indirect transition absorption into the Ll
extrema, and using the expressions of Bardeen, Blatt,
and Ha1l26 in analyzing the change of shape in their
absorption edges with pressure. Neuringer23 also
reported a coefficient for this edge, also at energies
slightly below that corresponding to the onset of direct
transitions. Still later, Cardona and Paup7 measured
the direct transition absorption in very thin films well
into the appropriate energy region. Their coefficient for
the r25'-r2' energy separation, measured at different
absorption levels, was between 1.2 and 1.3 X 10-5
ev/kg cm-2 which is in substantial agreement with all
of the earlier determinations despite their different
shortcomings. Although the reasons for this agreement
are not established, two can be considered: (1) that
the absorption at energies just less than the direct gap
is due to direct optical-phonon-aided transitions, and
thus has the same pressure coefficient as the direct gap,
(2) that the spectral resolution of the early experiments
was low, so that at a nominal energy setting less than
24 S. Zwerdling, B. Lax, K. J. Button, and 1. M. Roth, J.
Phys. Chern. Solids 9, 320 (1959).
25 W. Paul and D. M. Warschauer, ]. Phys. Chern. Solids 5,
89 (1958).
26 J. Bardeen, F. J. Blatt, and 1. H. Hall, Photoconductivity
Conference at Atlantic City, edited by R. G. Breckenridge, B. R.
Russell, and E. E. Hahn (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York
1956). '
27 M. Cardona and W. Paul, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 17, 138
(1960). the direct gap, some direct gap absorption spectrum
was included.
Long28 and Keyes29 measured the pressure coefficient
of the resistivity of intrinsic InSb and deduced there
from the coefficient for the energy gap. Keyes' value,
determined to the higher pressures, was 1.SS X 10-5
ev /kg cm-2; Long's result was 1.42 X 10-5 ev /kg cm-2•
Thus these two sets of results for the 1'2' and 1'1
states in Ge and InSb give coefficients two and a half
times larger than that for the Ll states in Ge, and an
order of magnitude larger, and with the opposite sign,
than the coefficient for the ~1 states. The agreement for
the dilatational coetlicients is however inferior (see
Table I).
It therefore appears that the coefficients are
grouped-so far-into three sets; the first, appropriate
to the r2' or 1\ state, of order approximately 2.S in
arbitrary units; the second, for the Ll states,la,lb,2 of
order 1; and the third of order -0.4. We shall not
consider further the exactness of the agreement within
anyone set. On the one hand, the pressure coefficients
have experimental errors almost sufficient to allow exact
agreement. On the other, we do not need exact agree
ment for further progress, and so shall be content to
keep a watching brief on the matter.
\Ve now speculate that the pressure coefficients of the
energies of the r2' or rl, LI and ~I states with respect
to the r 25' (or r 15) valence band maximum in all of the
group 4 and group 3-S semiconductors fall into three
groups and that the coefficients are close to the values
12.S X 10-6 ev /kg cm-2, S X 10-6 ev /kg cm-2, and
- 2 X 10-6 ev /kg cm-2, i,e" in the ratio 2.S: 1: -0.4. For
ease of expression we shall refer to the r25'-1'2',
r25'-LI, and r26'-~I, energy gaps and pressure coeffi
cients as r2', LI, and ~I [or less precisely as (000),
(111), and (100)J gaps and coefficients. In this section
we shall briefly review the knowledge or speCUlation
regarding the conduction band minima in the com
pounds, and the related pressure experiments.
The conduction band extrema in diamond have not
been clearly established. Systematic extrapolation from
the Si band structure suggests either the ~l conduction
band state or some other energy extrema not en
countered in the group 4 and group 3-5 compounds of
larger atomic number. Optical absorption data of
Clark30 may be tentatively interpreted as indicating
minima of ~I type. Regarding the pressure coefficient,
there is one rather inconclusive piece of evidence.
Champion and Prior31 report that they found no shift
28 D, Long, Phys, Rev. 99, 388 (1955),
29 R. W. Keyes, Phys. Rev. 99, 490 (1955),
30 C. D. Clark, J. Phys. Chern, Solids 8, 481 (1955),
31 F. C, Champion and J, R. Prior, Nature 182, 1079 (1958),
Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsBAND STRUCTURE FROM PRESSURE EXPERIMENTS 2087
in the absorption edge to pressures (nonhydrostatic)
of about 10000 kg/cm2, although their spectrometer
was capable of detecting a shift of 1 A, or a coefficient
of about 2 X 10-7 ev/kg cm-z. They also report a
theoretical expectation of 10-8 ev/kg cm-2 without
quoting a source for their theory. Whatever the theory,
and whatever the nature of the experimental stresses
applied by Champion and Prior were, it would appear
that the pressure coefficient is small. We note that this
agrees with our systematic extrapolation to AI-type
Only the Al states in the conduction band have been
positively identified, and their pressure coefficient is
one of the bases for our discussion.
Gray Tin
The band structure of gray tin is being actively
investigated at atmospheric and elevated pressures.
Magnetoresistance32 and pressure33 measurements both
indicate complexity in the band structure, in which Ll
minima are probably involved. Paul has reported34 a
result of Groves on the variation of intrinsic resistivity
with pressure to 2000 kg/cm2 at -40°Cj without
mobility corrections, the energy gap is deduced to
change at 5 X 10-6 ev /kg cm-2, precisely the coefficient
for the LI gap in Ge. Measurements at lower tempera
tures, however, give a temperature-dependent pressure
coefficient of electron mobility which is possibly the
result of a complex conduction and valence band
It is the author's view that Groves' coefficient will
prove to be that of an LI gap, and that it will therefore
agree very well with the LI coefficient in Ge. The low
electron mobility in n-type Sn and the magneto
resistance results support this contention. It is empha
sized, however, that even if electrons in the LI states
make the major contribution to the conductivity at
-40°C, these are not necessarily the only low-lying
conduction band states and they may not even
be the lowest minima at this temperature or lower
Aluminum Phosphide, Arsenide, Antimonide
Data pertinent to these relatively neglected sub
stances are shown in Table 1. For technical reasons the
conduction band extremum has not been investig~ted
either by cyclotron resonance, magnetoresistance, or
e1astoconductance, all of which could potentially
identify the lowest states. Systematic extrapolation
from Si might suggest that the ~l states are lowest in
ali three.
32 A. W. Ewald (private communication).
33 S. H. Groves and W. Paul (unpublished measurements).
.14 Prague International Conference on Semiconductors (1960). Optical absorption measurements under quasi
hydrostatic pressure conditions to 50000 kg/cm2 have
recently been carried out by Edwards and Drickamer31i
on AlSb; they deduce a coefficient of -1.6Xlo-6
ev/kg cm-2 from the shift of the frequency with pressure
for a fixed (low) absorption coefficient. If the Al states
are indeed lowest, this coefficient would correlate very
well with our chosen one. No pressure experiments on
AlP or AlAs have been reported.
Gallium Phosphide
The gallium compounds have provided a rich harvest
for pressure studies. Data for GaP are listed in Table I.
The lowest conduction band minimum has not been
identified by any of the conventional methods although
systematic extrapolation from Si suggests one of Al
type. Spitzer et a[.36 have reported two optical absorp
tion edges, the lower at 2.2 ev and apparently an
indirect transition, the higher nearer 2.55 ev, and
probably a direct transition. Extrapolation from
absorption studies on GaAs-GaP alloys37 suggests that
the latter transition may involve a rl conduction band
Edwards, Slykhouse, and Drickamer38 have measured
the absorption spectrum to pressures of 50 000 kg/ cmz
and have deduced from the slope of curves of hv versus
P at constant absorption coefficient that (1) the lowest
minima have a pressure coefficient of -1.7XlO-s
ev /kg cm-2 (2) there is probably a higher minimum
which produces direct transition absorption, and whose
energy gap has a positive pressure coefficient.
Thus, on the surface, these two studies qualitatively
agree. However, the direct transitions in Spitzer's
study supposedly occur above 2.55 ev and at absorption
coefficients greater than 1000 em-I, while Edwards et al.
estimate that the higher minimum is 0.1 ev above the
lowest set, and that it contributes heavily to the
absorption at atmospheric pressure for energies above
2.4 ev and absorption coefficients greater than 100
em-I. Severe discrepancies exist therefore in the
interpretation of the edge. Our later discussion suggests
that neither interpretation is well-established.
Zallen39 has recently remeasured the GaP absorption
edge over a wide energy range. At atmospheric pressure,
his results agree within experimental error with those
of Spitzer et al. At high pressures, he finds that the
shape of the low-ertergy edge changes in such a way
that graphs of hv versus P at constant absorption
might be interpreted to give either sign of pressure
35 A. L. Edwards and H. G. Drickamer, Phys. Rev. 122 1149
(1961). '
36 W. G. Spitzer, M. Gershenzon, C. J. Frosch. and D. F. Gibbs, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 11, 339 (1959). .
~7 H. Welker .and H. Weiss, Advances in Solid State Physics
edited by F. Seltz and D. Turnbull (Academic Press, Inc., New
York, 1956), Vol. 3.
38 A. L. Edwards, T. E. Slykhouse, and H. G. Drickamer, J.
Phys. Chern. Solids 11, 140 (1959) .
39 R. Zallen and W. Paul (unpublished measurements).
Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions2088 \V Ii L L I AMP A U L
coefficient. This is simply explained on the basis of a
few reasonable assumptions. If we ignore phonon
energy terms, and assume that only one intermediate
state is involved (which may not be strictly accurate),
we find that the absorption coefficient for parity
allowed indirect transitions is
where a is the absorption coefficient, A a combination
of constants, Eg(P) the indirect gap, and tlE(P) the
energy separation of the lowest state from the mter
mediate state. Then, at fixed a, and close to P=O,
Eg(P) = Eg(O),
) = (~(hP») -Chp-Eg(O)J(a IntlE) .
ap T ap a ap l' (2)
We can determine (a(hp)/ap)a and Jtp for various ct,
and then plot the first quantity against the second.
The resultant line has slope (a IntlEjaPh and intercept
at (a(hp)/ap)a=O of
) / (~ntlE) .
ap T ap T
From (2), it is clear that if (aEg/aph is negative,
and (a IntlE/aPh positive, then the sign of (a (hp)/ap)a
can be either positive or negative. Carrying out the
above procedure for measurements on a pure sample
of GaP and assuming Eg(O) = 2.2 ev, Zallen finds
(aEg/aph=-1.8X1O-6 ev/kg cm-2
(1/ tlE) (atlE/ap) = l.4X 10-5 kg-l cm2•
This pressure coefficient agrees very well with that of
Edwards et at., although derived by a different pro
cedure, and is very close to that for the gap in Ge and
Si. If the intermediate state is indeed a 1\ state, and
we assign it the appropriate pressure coefficient, we
shall require tlE(O) """ 1 ev. This is quantitatively
different from Spitzer's deduction; however, his
experimental curves seem to us to be consistent with a
second minimum at.a somewhat higher energy, and
our assumption of a single intermediate state of large
pressure coefficient naturally leads to a high value of
Spitzer et at. also report an absorption peak near 4 JI.,
due to absorption in excess of the normal free carrier
absorption. Similar excess absorption has been observed
in Si,40 GaAs,41 and AISb.42 The explanation proposed
by Spitzer et at. is that the absorption is due to transi
tions between the two conduction bands that give the
40 W. G. Spitzer and H. Y. Fan, Phys. Rev. 108, 268 (1957).
41 W. G. Spitzer and J. M. Whelan, Phys. Rev. 114,59 (1959).
42 R. F. Blunt, H. P. R. Frederikse, J. H. Becker, and W. R.
Hosler, Phys. Rev. 96, 578 (1954). W. J. Turner and W. E. Reese,
Phys. Rev. 117, 1003 (1960). z 20-
<! cr: I-
~ 10 w u
0.4 0.6 0.8
FIG. 1. Transmission curves at two pressur~s for aGe-GaP
sandwich, illustrating the small pressur~ coeflicle!lt of. the trans
mission near 4 p.. The shift of the germamum edge III thiS measure
ment is in agreement with that found in the work of Paul a~d
Warschauer (reference 25). The magnitude of the Ge edg~ shift
(not the energy gap change) is ~9XlO-6 ev/kg cm-'; I~ .the
transmission minimum in GaP were due to a 4.1 -; r1 tranSitIOn,
its shift would be about 14X 10--6 ev /kg cm-2 (Zallen and Paul,
unpublished data).
two parts of the main absorption edge. This mechani.sm
is favored over excitation or ionization of deep lymg
impurities. ..
To digress for a moment, at least partlal resolutlOn
of the source of the absorption should be afforded by
photoconductivity measurements.. ~hotoionizati?n
should give a distinct effect, photoexcltatlOn none, whIle
free carrier interband transitions could yield slight
photoconductance or photoresistance, dependi~g on .the
mobilities in the two bands and the relaxatIOn tIme
between bands.
Measurement of the pressure coefficient of the two
parts of the main absorption edge and of the excess
absorption should unambiguously confirm whe~her
interconduction band transitions cause the absorptIOn.
Preliminary measurements by Zallen39 have not yet
clearly established a coefficient for the higher minimum.
Measurements of the transmission in the excess absorp
tion region at pressures of 90 and 4250 kg/cm2 are
shown in Fig. 1. The shift of the "bump" with pressure
is certainly at a rate smaller than 10-6 ev /kg cm-2•
If the minima involved were tll and rl, and if our
postulates regarding the rl state are correct, the rate
might be expected to be 1.4X1Q-5 ev/kg cm-2• It seems
very unlikely, from Zallen's measurement, that tll ---+ rl
transitions cause the absorption. We shall return to
this problem in Sec. IV.
Gallium Arsenide
GaAs has been intensively studied recently by
Ehrenreich,43 who has concluded that the lowest
conduction band minimum is at the (000) position;
presumably it is of the rl symmetry. Pressure measure-
43 H. Ehrenreich, Phys. Rev. 120, 1951 (1960).
Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsBAND STRUCTURE FROM PRESSURE EXPERIMENTS 2089
ments by Howardl3 and Sagar,44 Hall coefficient data,
and data on GaAs-GaP alloys are analyzed to demon
strate the presence of a second set of minima, of the Lli
variety, roughly 0.35 ev above the r1 set. Free carrier
absorption supposedly involving interconduction-band
transitions suggest an additional set of minima only 0.25
cv above the lowest set,41 but as noted by Ehrenreich,
the threshold for absorption into the Lli minima may
be reduced by 0.10 ev in highly doped samples, due to
filling of the lowest states of the rl minimum.
Optical absorption measurements at high pressures
by Edwards, Slykhouse, and Drickamer7 have been
interpreted to give a coefficient for the rl gap of
9.4XIQ-6 ev/kg cm-~2. Sagar44 and Howardl3 have
measured the extrinsic n-type conductivity as a
function of pressure at room temperature. Howard's
striking curve for this variation is shown in Fig. 2; the
rapid resistivity increase, caused presumably by
change-over of carriers from the r1 minimum to a
higher set, continues beyond 30 000 kg/cm2• Ehrenreich
assumed the coefficient of 9.4XIQ-6 ev/kg cm-2 for his
analysis and deduced a coefficient of -1.4XIQ-6
ev /kg cm-2 for the higher set of minima.
This coefficient would be in fine agreement with the
value we postulated for the Lll minima. However, again
there are disturbing features about the experimental
situation. Unpublished measurements of Paul and
Warschauer45 gave a coefficient for the rl gap of
",12XIQ-6 ev/kg cm-2• The difference between this
value and that of Edwards et al. is significant for Ehren
reich's interpretation, and might radically alter his
conclusions regarding identification of the higher
4 GoAs n~type
o LlA p,.13J1.em, R'230 em'leaul,
R'P1800 emzlv·see
A LLB p •. 27fl.·em
FIG. 2. Resistivity vs pressure for n-type GaAs, at room tempera
ture (W. E. Howard and W. Paul, to be published).
44 A. Sagar, Westinghouse Research Rept. 6-40602-3~R1 (1959).
4. W. Paul and D. M. Warschauer (unpublished measurements). 4.0r----,---r--,---,-----r--,---"
2.0 ~/
• n~type GoSb n_IO,s/em'
Rcr -2600 em" lv-sec
on-type Go Sb n ~ 3 x lOiS/em'
Rcr -2280 cm2/v_ sec
• p-type Ga Sb
o 4 8 12 16 20 24
P(IO' r.9 lem2) 28
FIG. 3. Resistivity vs pressure for n-type GaSb, at room tempera
ture (W. E. Howard and W. Paul, to be published).
minima.43 Either coefficient, however, lies close to the
value for the same minimum in Ge.
Furthermore, Edwards et at. determine a maximum
gap near 60000 kg/cm2 whereas Ehrenreich's analysis
predicts that the r1 and ,11 minima are equal in energy
near 33000 kg/cm2• Beyond the maximum gap,
Edwards et al. determine that the energy gap decreases
at a rate of -8.7XIQ-6 ev/kg cm-2•
More recent quasi-hydrostatic measurements46 to
higher pressures seem to reach a plateau of resistivity
a factor of 600 greater than that at atmospheric
To our mind, the situation in GaAs is not adequately
explained. The coefficient for the r1 minimum (which
ever of the two determinations is nearer correct) agrees
well enough with our postulates. However, in order to
allow interpretation of the other data, this measurement
should be repeated. We do not believe all of the higher
energy minima have been accounted for, and suspect
the positions of the r15 and the Ll minima should also be
Gallium Antimonide
Sagar has reported47 measurements of resistivity,
Hall effect, and piezoresistivity as a function of tem
perature and pressure. His results confirm previous
deductions that the lowest conduction band minimum
is in the (000) position, and presumably of r1 symmetry.
He finds that he can fit all his results reasonably well
by assuming a second set of minima along the (t 11 )
46 W. E. Howard (unpublished measurements).
47 A. Sagar, Phys. Rev. 117, 93 (1960); R. W. Keyes and M.
Pollak,_Phys. Rev. 118, 1001 (1960).
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axes of the Ll type and by postulating that the de
formation potentials for the r1 and Ll states are similar
to those for germanium. Sagar's model has been con
firmed in part by Keyes and Pollak.47
Since Dr. Sagar's paper in this volume analyzes the
present situation regarding GaSb in detail, we need not
go into it here. Special attention should be drawn,
however, to the unpublished measurement of Howard,48
reproduced in Fig. 3, which shows that the resistivity
increases sharply at pressures near 25000 kg/cm2. We
suppose that a third set of minima is beginning to
contribute; these states have not been positively
identified, nor their pressure coefficient estimated from
the electrical measurements.
Edwards and Drickamer35 have reported measure
ments of the change in the optical absorption spectrum
with pressure. For pressures up to 18000 kg/cm2,
they find a shift of the frequency for fixed low absorption
coefficient of 12XIo--6 ev/kg Cn12, which confirms their
previous measurement,38 and qualitatively agrees with
earlier data of Taylor49 on the optical absorption
coefficient, which gave 15.7 X 10-6 ev /kg cm-2. Thus
the pressure coefficient for the r1 minimum is in the
range of values we postulated.
Edwards and Drickamer also report a change in
slope of their curve of frequency versus pressure (at
fixed absorption coefficient) which they attribute to a
change in the extrema from the r1 type to extrema in
the (111) direction, approximately 0.09 ev~,higher in
energy at atmospheric pressure, and with a pressure
coefficient of 7.3X1O-6 ev/kg cm-2• At 45000 kg/cm2
the pressure coefficient passes through a maximum, and
then decreases, indicating the existence of a third set
of minima. These observations are generally consistent
with the experiments of Sagar and of Howard. We shall
not, however, use their coefficient quoted for the (111)
minima as we feel sure that it is hard to obtain from
the published data, and moreover, in cases where
indirect optical transitions are involved, shape changes
of the absorption edge tend to give misleading coeffi
cients in (hIJ)a versus P plots. The shape change we
expect in this case will depend on (E/JlJO_ EPl)-2 where
E/JOO and E}l1 are the energies of the (000) and (111)
minima. This quantity is increasing rapidly with
pressure above 18000 kg/cm2, which will tend to
increase pressure coefficients estimated from iso
absorption curves. Similarly high values50 (in our
opinion) of the pressure coefficient of the Ll states in
Ge were obtained by Slykhouse and Drickamer,21
Neuringer,23 and Fan, Shepherd, and Spitzer,3b by
neglecting the possibilities of shape changes. Paul and
Warschauer25 found that inclusion of such effects
reduced apparent coefficients of 8XIo--6 ev/kg cm-2
" W. E. Howard and W. Paul (unpublished measurements).
49 J, H. Taylor, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 3, 121 (1958).
60 It should be remarked that this statement may be debated
by all of these workers. The work by Paul and Warschauer is the
only one where the necessity for this sort of correction is asserted. by about half, bringing the gap coefficient close to that
determined from intrinsic resistivity. It would appear
that similar corrections would bring the coefficient for
the (111) states in GaSb close to our postulated one for
the Ll type of extrema.
Although no coefficient is given for the third set of
states, important above 45000 kg/cm2, we note that
the coefficient is negative, which is the distinguishing
feature of the .11 type of extrema.
Indium Phosphide
Measurements of optical absorption51 and magneto
resistance 52 show that the lowest states in this com
pound lie at (000), and the effective mass is low,
consistent with r1 states.63 The pressure dependence
of the optical energy gap has been measured recently by
Edwards and Drickamer,35 who find a coefficient of
4.6XIO--6 ev/kg cm-2. This coefficient is close to that
we found for minima of the Ll type in Ge and GaSb
and is therefore not in agreement with our postulates.
The optica151 and galvanomagnetic52 measurements
have also been interpreted to suggest the existence of
higher minima. The interpretation of Edwards' measure
ments gives a maximum gap near 40000 kg/cm2, and
a decrease at a rate54 of -1OXIo-- 6 ev/kg cm-2 at high
pressures. The latter decrease is far greater than we
postulated for the .11 states; it implies that the higher
minima are 0.7 ev54 higher in energy than the r1 states
at atmospheric pressure.
The pressure dependence of the n-type resistivity at
room temperature has been measured by Sagar56 and by
Howard,56 whose results qualitatively agree. Howard's
measurements show that the resistivity of his purest
sample increases linearly to 30 000 kg/ cm2 by 35%;
this agrees roughly with the effects of changes in the
elastic constants and in the effective mass of the r1
minimum. The separation of the minima implied by the
optical work is consistent with the fact that there is no
evidence of any effect of higher minima on the electrical
resistivity a.t high pressures, but is inconsistent with
the indications of the presence of higher minima shown
by the galvanomagnetic and optical experiments at
atmospheric pressure.
Indium Arsenide
Experiments on infrared cyclotron resonance 53.57
indicate that the conduction band structure of this
compound has an extremum at (000), probably of the
r1 type. 53 The pressure coefficient of the electron
mobility and the energy gap were first measured, to
61 R. Newman, Phys. Rev. 111, 1518 (1958).
62 M. Glicksman, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 8, 511 (1959).
63 H. Ehrenreich, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 12, 97 (1959).
64 Our figures.
65 A. Sagar (private communication). See this volume.
56 W. E. Howard and W. Paul (unpublished measurements).
61 B. Lax, Revs. Modern Phys. 30, 122 (1958).
Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsBAND STRUCTURE FROM PRESSURE EXPERIMENTS 2091
2000 kg/cm2, by Taylor,58 who deduced a gap coefficient
of 5.S X 10-6 ev/kg cm-2• Later optical measurements49
by the same worker were interpreted to give an optical
gap coefficient of 8.5 X 1(}-6 ev /kg cm2• Recently
published optical measurements by Edwards and
Drickamer35 to SO 000 kg/ cm2 are interpreted to give
an optical gap coefficient of 4.8X10-6 ev/kg cm-2 to
20000 kg/cm2 with a change-over to a coefficient of
3.2 X 1(}-6 ev /kg cm-2 bet ween 20 000 kg/ cm2 and
SO 000 kg/cm2. Taylor's variation58 of electron mobility
to 2000 kg/cm2 at room temperature has been confirmed
by DeMeis,59 who has also extended the measurement
to 30 000 kg/cm2, without any spectacular change of the
coefficient. His results are thus qualitatively consistent
with those of Edwards and Drickamer. We note that
all of the coefficients quoted are considerably lower
than the one we have postulated for r1 type minima.
Indium Antimonide
The pressure coefficients for lnSb have been discussed
already. These measurements have been extended to
30000 kg/cm2 in the Harvard laboratory, where it has
been confirmed that there is no evidence for phenomena
attributable to minima higher than the lowest (r1) one
at atmospheric pressure.
We must now examine the agreement between our
speculative pressure (or dilatational) coefficients and
experiment. In doing so we should weigh most heavily
data on identified conduction band minima, by proved
methods on good samples, and from several laboratories.
Minima of A 1 Type
From the last two columns of Table I, we see that
the correlation of the pressure coefficients for .11
minima is good. All of the pressure coefficients are
negative, and, except for the single measurement at
very high pressures on InP, in rather good agreement.
The six measurements (on C, AISb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb,
InP) confirming our basis (Ge, Si) are all on minima
labelled "speculative," but it seems hardly possible
that all could be in error.
The discrepancy for the .11 minima in InP found by
Edwards and Drickamer is not, in our view, serious.
The optical experiments to extremely high pressures of
Drickamer and his collaborators are very informative,
but need very careful interpretation. The technique
is such that the fine details of the structure of absorption
edges, and their variation at pressures below 20 000
kg/cm2 may not be resolved.36 Nevertheless, the
experiments are superb in delineating the gross behavior
of the extrema of the band structure, and giving guide
lines for more detailed experiments. The interpretative
58 J. H. Taylor, Phys. Rev. 100, 1593 (1958).
69 M. DeMeis (unpublished Harvard measurements). method usually used is to determine the change in
frequency for fixed absorptioll coefficient. We empha
~ize, as we did under Sec. III in discussing GaP and
(iaSb, that this may lead to quite erroneous results in
the case of indirect transition absorption. For InP, if
the pertinent intermediate state for transitions into the
.11 state is the r1 state, the shape change will be like that
in GaP, leading to either sign of pressure coefficient for
the .11 states. The negative pressure coefficient, when
measured, will be too small. That of Edwards and
Drickamer is already an order of magnitude too large.
Changes of deformation potential and compressibility
with volume have not been considered here, yet they
clearly cannot be omitted. Such changes make it
surprising that we get any correlation at all with
Drickamer's coefficient at pressures above SO 000
kg/ cm2• If we agree to restrict our examination of
correlations to pressures below 30 000 kg/ cm2, a
reasonable (but still possibly high) limit for constancy
of compressibilities and deformation potentials, the
agreement among the .11 coefficients is excellent.
Minima of L 1 Type
The correlation in Sn and GaSb is adequate. Further
identification of the minima in gray 8n is required, and
confirmation of the coefficient in GaSb.
Minima of r 2' or r 1 Type
In GaAs and GaSb, the correlation is adequate, while
in In As and InP it is certainly inadequate. However,
on examining both the electrical and optical experi
ments,35.49,58 it seems to us that at least two effects have
not been considered, both of which alter the observed
(1) The transitions in InAs and InP are presumably
from r16 to r1 and are allowed. Thus the absorption
coefficient can be shown to be, under certain limiting
conditions on the oscillator strengths,
where 11 contains constants only, and n is the refractive
index. If we assume Ey~hv, the band edge shape depends
on m*t/n, m will increase with pressure, n will decrease,
and the slope of the edge will become steeper. As a
result, if the energy gap is increasing, isoabsorption
plots will give a spuriously low coefficient. (2) In
semiconductors of low electron effective mass, n-type
samples can be degenerate at room temperature. The
increase of mass with pressure tends to reduce the
degeneracy by lowering the Fermi level in the conduc
tion band, and decreasing the photon energy required
for the transition. This also reduces the apparent
pressure coefficient of the energy gap. Crude estimates
of the corrections necessary because of (1) and (2),
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which depend on the actual conditions of (he experi
ment, indicate that they are considerable.
The samples used by Edwards and Drickamer are
not too well characterized, so that we cannot estimate
what corrections are required. However, for InAs, they
report a decrease in the slope of the absorption curve by
50000 kg/cm2 by a factor of about 6. We do not see
any explanation for this, but it seems quite apparent
that isoabsorption plots cannot give coefficients of the
energy gap in such circumstances.
In summary, we believe a large degree of correlation
exists. It is not evident whether or not there is a
systematic slow trend in the coefficients for anyone
minimum with starting energy gap or ionicity. The
correlation of the dilatational coefficients is, if any
thing, poorer than that for the pressure coefficients. We
have no explanation to offer for this.
Obviously, experiments to check and confirm the
coefficients of Table I should be carried out. It would
also be advisable if other energy separations could be
measured under pressure. Chief among these are the
"vertical" energy gaps supposedly investigated in the
reflection spectra.60 From such measurements we might
expect further correlations, and also we might gain
information on the rigidity of the whole valence band
structure under dilatation.
We have said very little about the 2-6 or 1-7 com
pounds, although these have been investigated in
tensively by Drickamer and his co-workers, and by
others. We believe it is too early to say, either from an
experimental or theoretical standpoint, whether much
correlation is to be expected. Space limitations forbid
our considering the present evidence at any length.
However, it is certainly valid to remark that we should,
on the basis of our experience with the group 4 and
group 3-5 compounds, look for internal correlations
among the 2-6 compounds themselves, or indeed among
any group of compounds that are similarly derived.
Experience shows that different band edges very
probably have different deformation potentials so that
the pressure experiments have great value in sorting out
effects in complex structures. The experiments on
Ge, Sn, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, and InP demonstrate this
fact, which is independent of the presence of correlated
pressure coefficients, although correlation improves the
technique. A few illustrative examples of investigations
that are based on a knowledge of the pressure coefficients
can be given.
Already published are experiments on hot electrons6l
and tunnel diodes.62 Near infrared free carrier absorp-
60 H. R. Philipp and E. A. Taft, Phys. Rev. 113, 1002 (1959);
J. C. Phillips, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 12, 208 (1960).
61 S. H. Koenig, M. I. Nathan, W. Paul, and A. C. Smith, Phys.
Rev. 118, 1217 (1960).
62 M. 1. Nathan and W. Paul, Prague International Semi
conductor Conference (1960). tion involving interband transitions is a suitable
example for our present purpose. Thus we have already
demonstrated that the "extra" absorption in GaP36 is
probably not caused by a ~l to rl transition. We intend
to extend this examination to Si,40 GaAs,4l and AISb.42
Our investigation is based on the supposition63 that
the excess absorption observed by Spitzer and Fan
in Si is caused by vertical ~l ---> ~2' conduction band
transitions. In the intermetallics, the degeneracy at
X 1 splits into Xl and X 3. The minima mayor may not be
on the zone boundary; the splitting has been calculated
to be '" 1.4 ev for BN64 but may be smaller. Whether
or not the minima are on the boundary, the transition
from ~l to ~l (or Xl to X3) is allowed, whereas it is
disallowed in Si. We speculate that the absorption in
GaP and AlSb is caused by such transitions, and will
give a small pressure coefficient, which can be tested.
It is perhaps significant that no absorption of this type
has been seen in Ge, GaSb, InP, and InAs; these
materials do not have ~l states lowest, and have no
close minima vertically above the Ll and rl states. A
disturbing feature is the observation of excess absorp
tion in GaAs. It is not inconceivable, however, that
this could be caused by rl ---> rl6 transitions. Again,
we can suggest that the pressure measurement may be
As a second example of the use of pressure measure
ments in illuminating semiconductor properties, we
wish to report our recent measurements on the series
PbS, PbSe, and PbTe. We have been concerned in
examining several aspects of their behavior: (a) any
similarity in the conduction or valence band structures
and scattering mechanisms, as shown by similarity in
¢ tJ n-PbS-E2 ot 196°1( 4.0
o tJ n-PbS-E2 at 296°1( 9.3
'" Ii n-PbSe H at 196°1( .48
A d n-PbSe H at 296°1( 1.2
o d p-PbSe G at 196°1( 4.1
0.6 o d p-PbSe F at 296°1( 13.7
v <I p-PbTe -C2 at 196°1( 3.5
v <I p-PbTe-C2 at 296°1( .16
o 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8
POO' Kg/em')
FIG. 4. Resistivity vs pressure, at 196°K and 296°K, of extrinsic
samples of PbS, PbSe, and PbTe (L. Finegold, M. DeMeis, and
W. Paul, unpublished data).
63 W. Paul (to be pUblished).
64 L. Kleinman and J. C. Phillips, Phys. Rev. 117,460 (1960).
Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsBAND STRUCTURE FROM PRESSURE EXPERIMENTS 2093
Log,O _
IA ..
2.8 • ..,v:;- 2960 K .. " ... , .
• 0 <f
316°K~ Iyi 0 OD6-Ja3
306°K~ .y • -£2
296°K .0 a
• o'b .
270 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
P(IO' Kg/em2)
FIG. 5. Resistivity vs pressure for a near intrinsic (Ja3) and
impure n-type sample (E2) of PbS, at 296°K (L. Finegold, M. De
Meis, and W. Paul, unpublished data).
the pressure coefficients of the extrinsic conductivity;
(b) any nonlinearity with pressure of the coefficients for
the extrinsic mobility which may be evidence of
complexity in the band structure; (c) any dependence
of the pressure coefficients of the extrinsic mobility
on temperature or impurity concentration, which gives
us clues concerning the presence of different scattering
mechanisms, particularly impurity scattering, and of
multiple extrema having different pressure coefficients;
Cd) the pressure coefficient of the energy gaps, which
allows us to separate the explicit and implicit (volume)
contributions to the temperature coefficient of the gap;
(e) the changes with pressure of the position and shape
of the optical absorption edge, which gives similar
information to (c) and (d). Part of this program has
been completed, the rest continues.
Thus, we are unable to distinguish much qualitative
difference in the pressure coefficients of the extrinsic
conductivity of n-type PbS, n-and p-type PbSe and
p-type PbTe shown in Fig. 4, although the magni
tudes of the effects are different. We find nonlinearity
in all of these compounds, but neither the magnitude
nor the nonlinearity is sufficient in itself to establish
a complex band structure. Thus, the size of the pressure
coefficient of p-type PbTe at low pressures can be ex
plained on the basis of a simple band structure, if we
assume that the mobility is (roughly) quadratically de
pendent on the effective mass, and the effective mass
changes are given by the pressure coefficient of the
energy gap we find for PbS. The nonlinearity is similarly
accounted for. This evidence is not conclusive, though,
since we can think of combinations of circumstances
that would obscure complexity in the band structure. We are at present investigating these combinations
(see below).
From Fig. 4 we see that there is no change in the
pressure coefficient of extrinsic n-type PbS and n-type
PbSe between 196° and 296°K. This is consistent with
the absence of all scattering except lattice scattering,
and suggests that, if the band structure is complex, the
pressure coefficients of its parts must be similar. Other
wise, we should require that the additional extrema do
not contribute much to the conductivity. A difference
in the pressure coefficients of p-type PbSe and p-type
PbTe at 196° and 296°K is found; for PbTe this is
consistent with the model of a two-band valence band
that has been suggested previously.60 The result for
PbSe suggests that its valence band structure is similar.
We find measurable differences in the pressure coeffi
cients for samples of n-type PbS of different impurity
concentration at 196°K, but have done insufficient
measurements to draw firm conclusions from these.
We have determined the pressure coefficient of the
energy gap of PbS from both measurements on photo
conductivity and absorption spectrum under pressure,
and on the intrinsic resistivity. The optical measure
ments carried out by Prakash66 gave a coefficient of
8 X 10-6 ev /kg cm-2, and some evidence (which has to be
confirmed) of a change of shape of the absorption edge
with pressure. Figure 5 shows a determination of the
variation of the intrinsic resistivity with pressure at
several temperatures.67 The variation of the resistivity
at low pressures is due primarily to mobility effects, but
the rapid decrease of gap makes the sample more
intrinsic at high pressures. If the curves for the different
temperatures are corrected for the variation of the
mobility of the electrons, determined at 23°C on an
impure sample, and if (in lieu of such data for p-type
PbS, our material being insufficiently impure) the
correction for hole mobility is taken to be the same as
that for the electrons, then a gap coefficient of 7 X 10-6
ev /kg cm-2 is obtained. The optical and electrical
determinations are thus in fair agreement. One im
portant consequence is that the deduced volume
contribution to the temperature coefficient of the energy
gap is only + 2.2 X 10-4 ev rK, assuming a volume
thermal expansion coefficient of 6X 10-'rK and a
compressibility of 1.9X 10-12 cm2/ dyne. This is to be com
pared with a total temperature coefficient of +4X 10-4
ev rK, and implies a positive explicit effect of tempera
ture on the energy gap. This seems to us to be incon
sistent with any of the present theories for this effect
of the electron-phonon interaction.
I am happy to acknowledge stimulating di!!!cussions
on the subject of this paper with Professor Harvey
6. J. R. Burke, Jr., B. B. Houston, Jr., and R. S. Allgaier, Bull.
Am. Phys. Soc. 6,136 (1961); R. S. Allgaier, this volume.
65 V. Prakash and W. Paul (unpublished measurements).
67 L. Finegold, M. DeMeis, and W. Paul (unpublished
measurements ).
Downloaded 31 Aug 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions2094 WILLIAM PAUL
Brooks, Dr. H. Ehrenreich, Dr. W. E. Howard, and
Dr. G. Peterson.
The measurements on GaP were carried out by Mr.
R. Zallen and on the lead salts by Dr. L. Finegold and
Mr. M. DeMeis. All of us are grateful to Mr. J. Inglis
and Mr. A. Manning for necessary machine work and
to Mr. D. Macleod for fashioning the samples used in
the optical and electrical investigations.
The samples of GaP measured in the new data reported were generously given us by the Monsanto
Chemical Company and by Dr. W. G. Spitzer. For the
PbS samples, we are indebted to Professor R. V. Jones
of Aberdeen University and Dr. W. D. Lawson of the
Radar Research Establishment; for the PbSe samples,
to Dr. W. D. Lawson and Dr. A. C. Prior of R. R. E.
and Dr. A. Strauss of Lincoln Laboratory, and for the
p-type PbTe samples, to Dr. W. W. Scanlon of Naval
Ordnance Laboratory.
Energy Band Structure of Gallium Antimonide*
Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana
Resistivity, Hall coefficient, and magnetoresistance were
studied for n-and p-type GaSb. The infrared absorption edge was
investigated using relatively pure p-type, degenerate n-type, and
compensated samples. Infrared absorption of carriers and the
effect of carriers on the reflectivity were studied. The magneto
resistance as a function of Hall coefficient for n-type samples at
4.2°K gave clear evidence for a second energy minimum lying
above the edge of the conduction band; the energy separation is
equal to the Fermi energy for a Hall coefficient of 5 cm3/coulomb.
The shift of absorption edge in n-type samples showed that the
conduction band has a single valley at the edge, with a density
of-state mass mdl =0.052 m. By combining the results on the edge
shift, magnetoresistance, and Hall coefficient, it was possible to
deduce: the density-of-states mass ratio mdjmdl = 17.3, the
mobility ratio ~2/~1=0.06, and the energy separation 1l=0.08 ev
between the two sets of valleys at 4.2°K. Anisotropy of magneto-
INFORMA TION on the band structure of GaSb has
been obtained from various investigations. Roberts
and Quarrington1 found that the intrinsic infrared ab
sorption edge extrapolated to 0.704 ev at 2900K and
0.798 ev at 4.2°K and had a temperature coefficient of
-2.9X1O-4 ev;oC in the range 100o-290°K. The
shape of the absorption edge led the authors to suggest
that either the minimum of the conduction band or the
maximum of the valence band is not at k=O. Ramdas
and Fan2 attributed the absorption at high levels to
direct transitions but found a temperature dependent
absorption tail indicative of indirect transitions. They
reported also effective mass values obtained from in
frared reflectivity measurements: me= 0.04 m and
mh=0.23 m. From studies of the resistivity and Hall
coefficient in the intrinsic and extrinsic temperature
* Work supported by Signal Corps contract.
1 V. Roberts and J. E. Quarrington, J. Electronics 1, 152
2 A. K. Ramdas and H. Y. Fan, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 3, 121
(1958). The value of hole effective mass reported was in error and
should have been mh=0.23 m. The experimental data used are
shown in Fig. 8. resistance, observed at 300oK, showed that the higher valleys are
situated along (111) directions. The infrared reflectivity of n-type
samples can be used to deduce the anisotropy of the higher valleys;
tentative estimates were obtained. Infrared reflectivity gave an
estimate of 0.23 m for the effective mass of holes. The variation of
Hall coefficient and transverse magnetoresistance with magnetic
field and the infrared absorption spectrum of holes showed the
presence of two types of holes. Appreciable anisotropy of magneto
resistance was observed in a p-type sample, indicating that the
heavy hole band is not isotropic; this was confirmed by the
infrared absorption spectrum of holes. The results on the absorp
tion edge in various samples seemed to indicate that the maximum
of the valence band is not at k=O. However, it appears likely that
transitions from impurity states near the valence band produced
ahsorption beyond the threshold of direct transitions.
ranges, Leifer and Dunlap3 deduced EG(T=0)=0.80
ev, me=0.20 m and mh=0.39 m. Zwerdling et aZ.4 ob
served magneto-optical oscillations in the intrinsic
infrared absorption which indicated that the absorption
at high levels corresponded to direct transitions. By
attributing the oscillations to Landau levels in the con
duction band, an electron effective mass m.= 0.047 m
was obtained. Sagar5 studied the temperature and
pressure dependences of the Hall coefficient of n-type
samples. The results were explained by postulating a
second band with a minimum above the minimum of
the conduction band. The second band was assumed to
have minima along <111) directions by analogy with
germanium, and piezoresistance effect was observed
which supports the suggestion that the band has many
valleys. Assuming the valleys to have the mass parame
ters as in germanium, Sagar estimated a density-of
states ratio of 40 and an energy separation of 0.074 ev
at room temperature between the two conduction
bands. The two-band model has since been used by
other authors to interpret measurements on resistivity
3 H. N. Leifer and W. C. Dunlap, Jr., Phys. Rev. 95, 51 (1954).
4 S. Zwerdling, B. Lax, K. Button, and L. M. Roth, J. Phys.
Chem. Solids 9, 320 (1959).
5 A. Sagar, Phys. Rev. 117, 93 (1960).
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1.1735738.pdf | On the Neutron Bombardment Reduction of Transistor Current Gain
J. W. Easley and J. A. Dooley
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 31, 1024 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1735738
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735738
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to
] IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:03:49JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 31. NUMBER 6 JUNE. 1960
On the Neutron Bombardment Reduction of Transistor Current Gain*
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Whippany, New Jersey
Wright Air Development Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
(Received January 5, 1960)
Detailed measurements of the fast-neutron and gamma-ray bombardment behavior of germanium-alloy
transistor current-gain have been obtained concurrent with exposure. These data indicate that previously
reported analyses, which lead to a linear dependence of common-base current-gain on fast neutron exposure,
yield a good approximation for the npn device, but are not of general validity for the pnp germanium transis
tor. The extent of departure from the linear approximation depends on the width and conductivity of the
base-region and can be appreciable in many cases of practical interest.
For the pnp germanium transistor it is necessary to take additional account of both changes during bom
bardment of the minority-carrier recombination rate at bombardment introduced and initially present
recombination centers and changes in the width of the collector junction depletion layer. Observed bom
bardment curves are in good agreement with an analysis which includes these effects. From initial slopes
of the current-gain bombardment curves, values of the product of fast-neutron-exposure times minority
carrier-lifetime at bombardment introduced recombination centers are 9.7X107 for 2.7 ohm-em p-type and
14.2X107, 6.0X107, and 1.3 X 107, for 3.6 ohm-em, 1.2 ohm-em, and 0.2 ohm-em n-type germanium, re
spectively, in units of sec-neutrons/cm2•
IT has been reported1•2 on the basis of analysis and
experiment that the common-base current gain of
the transistor decreases linearly with fast neutron ex
posure. Although this is a good approximation for silicon
and npn germanium transistors/ our experimental data
show that it is not of general validity for the pnp ger
manium transistor. The extent of departure from the
linear approximation depends on the width and conduc
tivity of the base-region. This departure can be appre
ciable in many cases of practical interest. vides a good fit to the observed bombardment curves
for the current gain of both pnp and npn devices.
For the pnp germanium case it is necessary to con
sider two effects which result from any appreciable
bombardment induced change in the net donor concen
tration of the n-type4 base region. The first is the de
crease in recombination rate at bombardment intro
duced or initially present recombination centers as the
Fermi-level moves toward the lower half of the band
gap; and the second is the change of effective base
width, for a given applied collector voltage, as the col
lector depletion layer widens.
Consideration has been taken of these two effects in
an analysis appropriate to the germanium-alloy struc
ture. The alloy-transistor affords a considerable sim
plification in both analysis and experiment and although
the following arguments will be quantitatively most
exact for this structure the qualitative results apply to
other structures. The application of this analysis pro-
* This work was supported by the Air Research and Develop-
ment Command, United States Air Force.
1 J. J. Loferski, J. Appl. Phys. 29, 35 (1958). ANALYSIS
The case of a uniform conductivity base-region alloy
transistor will be considered herein for simplicity. The
symbols employed are defined in the Appendix.
It can be shown that the injection efficiency and the
collector multiplication factor are relatively insensitive
to bombardment arid the argument is therefore un
changed by considering 'Y=O:*= 1. Therefore, the
current gain5,6 can be written as:
W2 SA8W W2 0:(<1»=1-------,
2DTo DA. 2DTb (1)
where the effective base width, W = W(<I», is not a con
stant but is a function of the bombardment exposure.
The quantity Tb is the minority carrier lifetime of bom
bardment introduced recombination centers and de
pends not only on the density of these centers but also
depends, as does TO, on the position of the Fermi-Ievel,1
which is modified with bombardment. In the subse
quent analysis it is assumed that the surface recom
bination velocity is not altered by bombardment. The
validity of this assumption is discussed in a later section.
A very simple expression results, if, following Webster,6
it is assumed that surface recombination occurs pre
dominantly in an annular region about the emitter of
2 G. C. Messenger and J. P. Spratt, Proc. LR.E. 46, 1957 (1958).
3 J. W. Easley, IRE-WESCON Conv. Rec. 3, 149 (1958). 5 W. Shockley, Bell System Tech. J. 28, 435. (1949).
• J. W. Cleland, J. H. Crawford, and J. C. Pigg, Phys. Rev. 6 W. M. Webster, Proc. I.R.E. 42, 914 (1954).
98, 1742 (1955). 7 W. Shockley and W. T. Read, Phys. Rev. 87, 835 (1952).
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] IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:03:49REDUCTION OF TRANSISTOR CURRENT GAIN 1025
width W. Then the quantity (i-a) can be expressed as
(i-a) (<I»= [(l-ao)+ W02](W)2,
2DTb Wo (2)
where the zero subscripts denote initial unirradiated
values and Wand Tb are the exposure dependent
variables, since dD/d<I><.<dTb/d<I>. The value of effective
base width is given by
where d is the geometric width of the base-region and
X m (<J» is the width of the collector depletion layer. For
constant applied voltage, the depletion layer width
varies during a bombardment because the net donor
acceptor concentration N1(if» depends on exposure.
This variation can be expressed and determined experi
mentally in ~erms of the collector capacity since"
Xm(if»=4.3X103(V /N1)!= 1.44[Ac/C c(<I»] cm, (4)
where V is the collector voltage in volts, Ac the area of
the collector junction in cm2, C(if» the collector ca
pacity in J.l.J.I.f, and the numerical coefficients are appro
priate to germanium. In expression (2) the change in
recombination rate at initially present centers has been
neglected because the relative large values of TO in ger
manium alloy transistors permit the neglect of these
changes in the second term of expression (1). In transis
tors exhibiting initial low values of TO, such that at
exposures of interest TO and Tb are of the same order of
magnitude, this approximation may not be valid. Em
ploying a first order approximation for this change in
rate of recombination at bombardment introduced re
combination centers, the quantity Tb can be written as
Tb= (a+bif»/<I>. (5)
Relations (2), (4), and (5), in conjunction with values
for the constants a and b and the empirical relationships
of Cleland et al.4 for N1(<I», provide a description of the
current gain bombardment curve applicable to either
the pnp or npn device.
For cases in which bif>«a and W(if»~Wo, Eqs. (1)
and (2) reduce to the previously reported form
2Da (6)
by which a decreases linearly with exposure. These con
ditions are satisfied to good approximation for p-type
base-regions but not in general for those of n-type
caused by the greater relative change in net carrier
concentration for equal exposure and generally larger
values of b for the latter material.
Bombardment curves of current gain have been ob
tained from measurements of (i-a) concurrent with irradiation. A fission plate source at the Brookhaven
National Laboratory reactor was employed to provide
a mixed flux of neutrons and gamma rays. A C060 source
was employed separately to approximately duplicate
the gamma dose-rate encountered in the mixed spec
trum and thereby determine the effect of the gamma-ray
component. The effect of the gamma component on
current gain behavior was determined to be negligible.
Various lots of transistor samples were prepared at
the Allentown branch of Bell Telephone Laboratories
with 'as uniform characteristics as possible except for a
variation in base-width within each lot. For npn devices,
a single lot with base material of 2.7 ohm-cm average
resistivity was employed. For pnp devices, three lots
with base material of 3.6, 1.2, and 0.2 ohm-cm average
resistivity were employed. These values of initial base
resistivity were determined from collector and emitter
junction capacity and area measurements. Values of
initial base widths employed in all calculations were
determined indirectly from frequency cutoff measure
ments for each unit. For these determinations, values
of the diffusion constant D as reported by PrinceS were
employed. Direct measurements from subsequent cross
sections of approximately 10% of the devices yield
values of base width which are on the average 15% less
than those obtained indirectly from electrical
Values of (i-a) were obtained from small signal
measurements and recorded on a Leeds and Northrup
recorder with a duty cycle of 8% per device, ten of
which were employed per bombardment. The calibra
tion of the complete measurement channel was similarly
monitored. The resultant bombardment curves and the
calibration record, which each comprise more than a
hundred data points, are, therefore, essentially continu
ous. The maximum experimental error in the measured
value of (1-a) is estimated as approximately 3% so
that the measurement uncertainty in a is of the order
of a few tenths of a percent. The emitter bias for all
measurements was approximately 0.3 amp/ cm2 so that
any correction to the low current level approximation,
implicit in Eq. (1), should be small.
The temperature of the transistors was monitored
throughout the bombardments by a thermocouple
soldered to the case of one of the ten devices measured
during a bombardment. The case of these devices was
in good thermal contact with the collector. The recorded
temperature was constant to within a few" tenths of a
degree centigrade throughout the bombard~ents.
The values of fast neutron exposure employed herein
were determined from the measured change in conduc
tivity of approximately 2 ohm-em n-type Ge exposed
with the transistors in each bombardment. The ob
served conductivity change was converted to a value
of "fast neutron flux," employing the data of Cleland
et al.4 Values of fast neutron flux for neutrons of energy
8 M. B. Prince, Phys. Rev. 92, 681 (1953).
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] IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:03:491026 J. W. EASLEY AND J. A. DOOLEY
FIG. 1. Representative bombardment curves for five npn ger
manium-alloy-transistors of 2.7 ohm-cm resistivity base-material.
The values of frequency cutoff are 7.2, 5.8, 5.0, 2.4, and 1.4 Mc
for units 7,9, 11,3, and 2, respectively. The solid lines each consist
of a smooth curve drawn through the experimental points.
greater than 0.1 Mev obtained by threshold-reaction
activation techniques indicate that the fast neutron
exposure determined and specified in this manner is
approximately 60% of that determined from the con
ductivity alteration method. The values obtained from
conductivity alteration are employed herein as a con
venience in correlating data with that of the ORNL
Representative bombardment curves of current gain
vs fast neutron exposure for the 2.7 ohm-cm p-type base
transistors are shown in Fig. 1. The curves shown have
been selected to include units over the range of base
width available in the sample lot. The approximations
2.10-15 PB~ 2.7 Jl.-CM ,
I 1.10-15 z 0 '\ .', • •• ),.
a: ... .
:::> ~ ... z Gle 4.10-16 <1<1 '~~ ... '\ . "
'\ '\ '\
2 4 6 8 10 20
FIG. 2. Values of the initial slope of the bombardment curves
versus frequency cutoff for 2.7 ohm-cm base-material npn
9 O. L. Curtis, Jr., J. W. Cleland, and J. H. Crawford, Jr., J.
Appl. Phys. 29,1722 (1958). of Eq. (6) are valid and an approximately linear a-<I>
relationship is observed. The small departure from
linearity is attributed to annealing of damage during
the bombardment. Since the frequency cutoff of the
current gain5 is inversely proportional to W2, Eq. (6)
predicts a slope of the a vs <I> curve inversely propor
tional to frequency cutoff for any given base material,
injection level and junction temperature. Values of the
observed initial slope vs frequency cutoff for the 27
samples measured of this lot are shown in Fig. 2. The
dotted line is that determined via Eq. (6) employing
the average value of the constant a= Tb<l> computed
from the measured data. Values of a determined from
the initial slopes of the bombardment curves and cor
responding to the pre-bombardment base-material re
sistivity of the four sample lots are tabulated in Table 1.
The departures of individual points from the average
is most likely on account of random errors in the fre
quency cutoff measurements and departures in device
structure from the model on which Eq. (1) is based. Any
variations in base resistivity among samples of a lot
also result in a displacement of a point perpendicular
to the average line and contributes to the spread.
TABLE 1. Values of the product Tb'P=a corresponding to various
prebombardment values of germanium base-material resistivity
as determined through Eq. (6).
Resistivity a
Base ohm-cm sec cm--2
p-type 2.7 9.7±1.3X107
n-type 3.6 14.2±2.1X107
1.2 6.0±0.9X 107
0.2 1.3±0.3XI0 7
Representative bombardment curves of current gain
vs fast neutron exposure for the 1.2 ohm-cm n-type base
transistors are shown in Fig. 3. As in Fig. 1, the curves
have been selected to include units over the range of
base width available in the sample lot. A distinct cur
vature is observed for these n-type base region units in
contrast to the approximately linear curves for the
p-type base units. Values of WND of Eq. (2) cover a
similar range for the two cases. For the exposure dura
tions employed, the a vs <I> curves for the units of smaller
W 0 exhibit a minimum, gradual increase and subsequent
sudden rapid decrease. The point of initiation of this
rapid decrease corresponds to "punch-through" or con
tact of the collector depletion layer with the emitter.
The approximations of Eq. (6), as discussed previously,
are not valid for pnp units and Eq. (2) must be em
ployed. The initial or approximately zero exposure value
of the slope is to good approximation given by
lim -"'---(.1a) W02
<1'-+0 .1<1> -2Da' (7)
and consequently the relationship between initial slope,
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IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:03:49REDUCTION OF TRANSISTOR CURRENT GAIN 1027
frequency cutoff and the constant a is equivalent to
that for the npn devices discussed previously. Values of
the observed initial slope vs frequency cutoff for the
38 samples measured of the 1.2 ohm-em resistivity
n-type base material are shown in Fig. 4. The dashed
line is determined as in Fig. 2 and the consideration of
dispersion of points is equivalent. Bombardment curves
obtained from ten samples each for equivalent devices
of 3.6 and 0.2 ohm-em n-type base material are quali
tatively similar to those shown in Fig. 3 except for those
differences expected from the different initial resistivi
ties and the associated differences in recombination
rates at bombardment introduced recombination
centers. In the devices of 3.6 ohm-em base material the
slopes of the a vs <I> curves are substantially less and
punch-through occurs at an earlier point in the exposure
history. In the devices of 0.2 ohm-cm base material the
C:l 0.90
0.82 ~ ______ .... _,E-5
""... ...... .
~---="':..:"'::-:..-- 0-9 •
. ..,." ... -. 0-1
0.80 '----'-_-'-_..L-..-J-..L---'-_....L..._J.-..-J_---'----' o O.~ 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.~ 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
q. (FAST NEUTRONS/ CM2 x 10-14)
FIG. 3. Representative bombardment curves for five pnp ger
manium-alloy-transistors of 1.2 ohm-cm resistivity base-material.
The values of frequency cutoff are 9.8, 6.0, 4.7, 2.7, and 2.3 Mc
for units E-5, D-9, D-l, C-3, and C-4, respectively. The solid lines
are those calculated from Eqs. (1) and (5) as outlined in the text.
slopes of the bombardment curves are substantially
greater. For values of base width available in these
samples, a is drastically reduced (i.e., to the order of
0.5) by exposure in which the term b<I> is small com
pared with a [see Eq. (5)J and consequently only a
small amount of curvature is observed. For this initial
resistivity, punch-through is not observed for exposures
of the order tlf magnitude obtained.
From Eqs. (1), (4), and (5), values of the constants
a and b of Eq. (5) required to fit each of the 38 measured
bombardment curves of the 1.2 ohm-em base material
devices have been determined. The calculations are not
sensitive to the relative values of TO and S. An estimated
value of TO equal to 10 .usee was employed and the cor
responding value of S obtained from the preirradiation
values of (l-a). The average value of the constant a
employed to fit the curves was 6.0±0.9X 107 sec
neutrons/ cm2 and was determined from the initial slope N
2 <.)
'j z 0
II: ....
'" Z ale <1<1 4,10-15
2,10"'15 ~,
~~ . .... . . .
~" I ....
" ,
" ,
2 4 6 8 10 20 40
FIG. 4. Values of the initial slope of the bombardment curves
versus frequency cutoff for 1.2 ohm-cm base-material pnp
in the v~cinity of zero bombardment, as previously
mentioned. The average value of b required to fit the
curves was 2.5±0.4X 10-7 sec. The fit obtained from
these constants begins to depart from the observed
curves in the latter portion of the exposure, as shown in
Fig. 3. This arises in part from a less rapid decrease in
Tb with <I> than is given by the first-order approximation
of Eq. (5). A portion of this departure is also possibly
caused by the effect of departures from uniform plan
arity of the collector and emitter interfaces.
These values of curve fitting parameters can be com
pared with values obtained independently from other
data. Values of Tb<P products obtained from initial slopes
of the bombardment curves for three sample lots and
from other sources9•10 are plotted versus equilibrium
electron concentrations in Fig. 5. The value of a for any
10 9
FIG. 5. Values of the product 1'b<fl = a versus equilibrium electron
concentration for n-type germanium from the data of Curtis el al.,9
Walters,lO and that reported in this paper.
10 A. E. Walters, private communication.
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IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:03:491028 J. W. EASLEY AND J. A. DOOLEY
net donor-acceptor concentration is equal to the cor
responding Tbell product.
Values of d(Tbell)/dNr can be obtained from these
data and employed with the values of dN r/ dell reported
by Cleland et al.4 to yield a value of b. The value of b
obtained in this manner is equal to approximately
1 X 10--7 sec. This value corresponds to a partially re
duced donor concentration at an exposure value such
that the term b<P has become appreciable with respect
to a. The average value of a required to fit the curves
is in good agreement with the data of Curtis et al. and
Walters. Although the corresponding agreement in b
values is not as good, it is considered reasonable in view
of the approximations involved.
The justification of the assumption that surface re
combination velocity is a constant, implicit in the pre
ceding analysis, is based on correlation between the
results of analysis and observed behavior, and on the
post-irradiation re-etch of devices. The npn bombard
ment curves and relation (1) require that any variation
in surface recombination velocity be either small or
varying approximately linearly with bombardment. The
latter appears unlikely as the bombardment alteration
of other surface sensitive parameters which have been
measured is generally observed to saturate early in a
bombardment. The bombardment behavior of current
gain has been observed to not be sensitive to variations
in initial surface conditions and ambients. Post-irradia
tion re-etch and subsequent measurement of current
gain indicates that the bombardment alteration of the
surface recombination velocity is negligible after any
appreciable exposure.
The bombardment curves of current gain versus in
tegrated fast neutron flux for the npn germanium tran
sistor are represented to good approximation by relation
(6), which indicates a constant rate of decrease of
current gain with fast neutron exposure. This linear
relationship, however, is not of general validity for the
germanium pnp device. For the pnp germanium transis
tor, it is necessary to include consideration of both
changes during bombardment of the minority-carrier
recombination rate at bombardment introduced and
initially present recombination centers and changes in the width of the collector junction depletion layer. A
good approximation to the major portion of the ob
served current gain-exposure curves can be obtained
through expressions (1), (4), and (5). The constants
required to fit the curves are in reasonable agreement
with independently determined macroscopic electrical
properties of the semiconductor material.
The authors wish to express their appreciation for the
assistance of W. P. Knox and G. Kiriokos in the prepa
ration of experimental apparatus and Mrs. A. K. Knoop
for assistance in the considerable amount of data reduc
tion and numerical calculation.
Symbols Employed in Text
a Common-base short circuit current gain
'Y Injection efficiency
a* Collector mUltiplication factor
W Effective base width of transistor, i.e., distance in
base from interfaces of emitter and collector de
pletion layers
d Width of base as measured between discontinuities
in net donor-acceptor concentrations at emitter and
X m Width of collector depletion layer
TO Initial minority carrier lifetime in base region
Tb Minority carrier lifetime in base region associated
with bombardment introduced recombination
D Diffusion constant for minority carriers in the base
S Surface recombination velocity
A 8 Effective surface recombination area
A e Emitter junction area
A c Collector junction area
ell Fast neutron exposure, i.e., integrated fast neutron
N I Net donor-acceptor concentration in base
Cc Collector capacity
a Constant defined by Eq. (5) and equal to the
product Tbell for any given resistivity
b Constant defined by Eq. (5)
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IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:03:49 |
1.1743110.pdf | GasPhase Oxidation of Ammonia by Nitrogen Dioxide
Willis A. Rosser Jr. and Henry Wise
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 25, 1078 (1956); doi: 10.1063/1.1743110
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1743110
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Published by the AIP Publishing
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:37:181078 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Fermi Interaction Terms in C1?0216 and N 214016t
Department of Physics. The Ohio State University. Columbus. Ohio
(Received September 7. 1956)
RESULTS reported earlier from this laboratoryl.2 on some of
the carbon dioxide bands at 15 jJ. enable us to evaluate a few
other constants pertaining to the Fermi diad 10°0 and 02°0 of the
C120216 molecule. The object of these evaluations is first to examine
how the Fermi interaction term of C1202I6 calculated from these
data compares with that derived by Dennison3 and secondly, to see
how the CO2 interaction term differs from that in the nitrous oxide
The relevant theoretical formulas are
~O [B,ooo-B o2oo]pe,tu,bed = (-0'1+20'2) (~o2+2K2)t approx, (1)
~ being the separation between the perturbed levels 10°0 and 02°0,
~o, the separation for no perturbation and K the Fermi interaction
term which is (Wv'1) in Herzberg's notation. The remaining sym
bols are as described by Herzberg.' Since (0',+20',) is not affected
by Fermi resonance, the B values for the levels 10°0 and 02°0
reported earlier2 give (0'1+20'2)= -0.21 5XlO-S cm-1. Moreover,
the measurement 1 of v, of CO2 gave rise to (B01'o(d) -Boooo) = 0.410
X lO-s cm-I= -0'2PR. This value of 0'2PR combined with qOl0
= 0.65 X lO-s cm-1 quoted by Herzberg and Herzberg' gives
0',= -0.73,XlO- s cm-1 since 0'2= -(qolo/2)+0'2 PR. The values of
(0'1+20'2) and 0'2 thus derived lead to (-"1+20'2) = -2.72,X 10-s
cm-I. Equations (1) and (2) can now be solved for ~o and K be
cause [Blooo-Bo2oo]p",tu,bed=-0.27,XlO-s cm-I and ~=102.76
cm-1 are measured quantities. From these calculations we arrive at
~o= 10., cm-I and K = 72.3 cm-I. Similar processing of the data2 on
(VI +VS) and (2v,'+vs) of 020216 gives ~o' = 16.7 cm-I and K = 71.1
cm-I. These values for K agree very well with that derived by
Dennison. s
Rao and Nielsen6 have recently remeasured and discussed the VI
and 2V2' bands of nitrous oxide by following the same procedure as
outlined above and deduced that ~o= 100±3 cm-1 and K =42±3
cm-I for the N214016 molecule. In other words, in nitrous oxide,
although the separation of the unperturbed levels of the Fermi
diad 10°0 and 02°0 is nearly ten times the separation between
similar levels in the carbon dioxide molecule, the Fermi interaction
term in N20 is comparatively quite appreciable.
t Supported in part by the Office of Ordnance Research. U. S. Army.
through contracts with the Ohio State University Research Foundation.
'Rossmann. Narahari Rao. and Nielsen. J. Chern. Phys. 24. 103 (1956).
'Rossmann. France. Narahari Rao. and Nielsen. J. Chern. Phys. 24.
1007 (1956).
3 D. M. Dennison. Revs. Modern Phys. 12. 175 (1940).
• G. Herzberg. Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules (D.
Van Nostrand Company. Inc .• New York. 1945).
'G. Herzberg and L. Herzberg. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 43.1037 (1953).
'K. Narahari Rao and H. H. l\ieIsen. Can. J. Phys. (to be published).
Gas-Phase Oxidation of Ammonia
by Nitrogen Dioxide*
Jet Propulsion Laboratory. California Institute of Technology.
Pasadena 3, California
(Received August 30. 1956)
THE reaction between N02 and NHs is conveniently di
vided into two temperature regions. At temperatures below
the melting point of NH,NOs, NO, reacts with NHs to form
NH,NOs.'·2 At higher temperatures (>6000K) the course of the
reaction changes and neither NH,NOs nor its principal decomposi
tion produce (N,O) are observed.
The present experimental measurements in the temperature
range 600 to 8000K were carried out in a static system identical to that described in reference 3. The reactants NHs and N02 were
introduced separately into the reaction vessel. Initial concentra
tions of (N02) were varied from 10-8 to 10-7 mole/cc, and initial
ammonia concentrations from 10-6 to 10-5 mole/cc. The progress
of the reaction was followed by continuous measurement of the
optical density of the nitrogen dioxide in the reaction vessel.s
After a time sufficient for mixing of reactants, the rate of disap
pearance of N02 was found to follow the rate expression
-d(N0 2)/dt= k1(N02) (NHs). (1)
As shown in Fig. 1, the temperature variation of the specific rate
'0 \ 0 • 1'\
\ ,\
. ~~ : .
~ 10 ....
r'l9" \
'. , 1\
1.20 .... 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.10
liT (OK. 10')
FIG. 1. Specific rate constant as a function of temperature.
constant kl corresponds to the Arrhenius expression
kl = lO'2.7e-27500/RT cc/mole sec. 'AO
As the reaction proceeded in a Vycor reaction vessel, the ap
parent value of kl decreased. However, in the presence of a surface
coating of KCI or of additional surface (Pyrex beads in the
uncoated Vycor vessel) this time variation of kl disappeared.
Although under these conditions Eq. (1) was obeyed throughout
the reaction, the rate constants were lower than those obtained
from initial rates in an uncoated vessel. Similarly, with the addi
tion of NO to the reaction mixture the rate of disappearance of
N02 was reduced and kl was independent of time. At 6400K an
initial concentration ratio (NO)/(N0 2)=8 resulted in a fourfold
reduction in rate.
The reaction products were found to include nitrogen, nitric
oxide, and water. Analysis for N2 and NO based on fractional
distillation of the product mixture followed by catalytic com
bustion indicated that approximately equal molar concentrations
of NO and N, were formed: (NO formed) / (N02 consumed) = 0.53,
(N2 formed) / (N02 consumed) = 0.45. Therefore, within the experi
mental error, the sum of the concentrations of NO and N2 is equal
to the concentration of N02 reacted. The ratio (N2 formed)/(NO.
consumed) increased with the addition of NO to the reaction mix-
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ture from 0.45 for (NO/N0 2)i=0 to 1.6 for (NO/N02)i= 15 and
appeared to approach the value 2 corresponding to the limiting
The rate expression, Eq. (1), suggests a bimolecular reaction
between NH3 and N02 as the initial step. However, the decrease in
the rate constant with time and its dependence on surface imply
complexity in the mechanism. In addition, the inhibition by NO
suggests that the over-all reaction includes some chain character.
These observations may be interpreted in terms of an initiating
followed by a chain reaction involving NH2• The amino radicals
may also be destroyed by wall reactions or by reaction with NO, a
reaction product (2HN02 = NO+ N02+ H20). The accumulation
of NO during the course of reaction causes a reduction in the
concentration of NH2 radicals essential to the propagation of the
chain. Consequently, the rate constant kl decreases with time. The
reaction4 between NO and NH2 produces N2 according to the
which is in accord with the observation that the total number of
moles of NO and N2 produced in the over-all reaction equal the
number of moles of N02 reacted.
* This paper presents the results of one phase of research carried out at
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory under Contract No. DA-04-495-0RD 18,
sponsored by the Department of the Army, Ordnance Corps. t Present address: Department of Chemical Physics, Stanford Research
Institute, Menlo Park, California.
1 D. M. Yost and H. Russell, Systematic Inorganic Chemistry (Prentice-
Hall, Inc .. New York, 1946), p. 17.
2 R. N. Pease and R. Falk, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 76, 4766 (1954).
I W. Rosser and H. Wise, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 493 (1956).
• C. H. Bamford, Trans. Faraday Soc. 35, 568 (1939).
Catalytic Effects of Ti02 and Mn02 on the
Phase Transformation of Gothite
Indian Association for the cultivation of Science, Calcutta 32, India
(Received July 31, 1956)
IN recent years a number of workers studied the effect of the
impurities on the phase transformation of different minerals.
It was found in most cases that the transition temperature for the same mineral varies with geological origin. Extensive physical and
chemical studies of the minerals showed that the amount of
impurities present played an important role in the phase trans
formation of the minerals during thermal treatment. Dasgupta1
studied the complete phase transformation of the two minerals
gothite and limonite during thermal treatment. Posnjack and
Merwin2 and Dasgupta 3 have shown from their x-ray analysis that
gothite and limonite have identical crystal structure. Dasgupta3
also observed that though these two minerals have identical
structure and the same chemical formula, the transition tempera
ture for the two minerals were different; limonite and gothite
changes into Fe20, at 210°C and 250°C, respectively. Chemical
analysis showed presence of Si02 in limonite as impurities, whereas
in gothite no trace of Si02 was found. Dasgupta3 attributed this
cause for different transition temperatures for the two minerals to
the presence of impurities in the minerals. To verify this explana
tion, Dasgupta4 also studied the effect of Si02 on the phase
transformation of gothite and found that with the gradual increase
of the amount of Si02 added to gothite, the transition temperature
fell down to 210°C. From mineralogical data, it is seen that the
other impurities which can be found in limonite and gothite are
Ti02, MnO, etc. The present investigation was carried out to see
the effect present of Ti02 and Mn02 on the transition temperature
of gothite and whether the transition temperature also depends on
the nature of impurities added.
Known weight of Mn02 and Ti02 was added separately to a
known weight of powdered gothite. The resulting mixture was
then heated at a particular temperature for at least 24 hours.
Different samples having different percentages of Ti02 and
Mn02 (Ti02 from 0.397% to 5.2% and Mn02 from 0.67% to
1.74%) in gothite were then heated to various temperatures.
X-ray powder diffraction photographs of all samples having
different thermal history were taken in cylindrical cameras using
Fe-K" radiation from a sealed tube, run at 30 kv 20 rnA.
X-ray diffraction study reveals that the gradual addition of
Mn02 and Ti02 causes a lowering of the transition temperature of
gothite from 250°C; the decrease being regularly up to a certain
range of the percentages of the two agents added. In the case of
Ti02 the transition temperature of gothite comes down to 210°C,
(Ti02 -1.1 % by weight) which cannot be changed with further
addition of Ti02. But in the case of Mn02, transition starts at
190°C. The microphotometric records (Fig. 1) of the powder
diffraction pattern will clearly show the change of gothite in Fe203.
In the case of Ti02 and Si02 (Dasgupta)3 the transition tempera
ture of gothite came down to 210°C, but in the case of Mn02 the
transition temperature was 190°C. The cause for this different
---lcr----------------------fo~---- ------------------5rj-----------------------t6'--- -------------.-----;;,--------------
FIG. 1. Micrqphotometric records of the powder diffraction patterns. (a) Gothite and TiO, (1.1 %) before heating. (b) Gothite and TiO.
(1.1 %) heated up to 210°C. (c) Gothite and MnO, (1.009%) before heating. (d) Gothite and MnO, (1.009%) heated up to 190°C.
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1.1731899.pdf | Effect of Chemisorbed Hydrogen on the Magnetization of Nickel
R. E. Dietz and P. W. Selwood
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 35, 270 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.1731899
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1731899
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Effect of Chemisorbed Hydrogen on the Magnetization of Nickel at Low Temperatures
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 16:56:02270 J. N. BRADLEY AND G. B. KISTIAKOWSKY
carbon with an odd number of carbon atoms as a final
product. No products with masses in the range 12-16
have been observed, but since argon in large excess was
used as a diluent, Ca products with masses in the range
36-44 would have been difficult to detect. In particular
it is possible to construct mechanisms involving
2C2H2+OH or 0 which produce CO+CaH4(allene).
The mass spectrum of the latter has its parent peak at
mass 40 and successively smaller peaks at masses 39 to
36. The individual steps in these mechanisms are
exothermic and obey the spin conservation rule render
ing them plausible. That some such Ca intermediate is
formed is suggested also by the observation that the
concentration of carbon monoxide continues to increase
after that of acetylene has reached a stationary value.
The chief result of these experiments has been to
demonstrate the presence of hydrocarbon intermediates
in both the pyrolysis and oxidation of acetylene. In the
pyrolysis there are three intermediates which are
formed from acetylene by rapid bimolecular reactions
and which reach equilibrium concentrations. After a
time which correlates with the measured induction time
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS for carbon precipitation their concentrations drop
sharply to a new steady state value. There is some
evidence that the carbon is formed directly from the
polymers. In the oxidation reaction there is an induc
tion period after which there is a rapid branching chain
reaction consuming acetylene and oxygen and producing
diacetylene. By combining this with earlier results a
plausible mechanism for the chain may be written.
There are also reactions which produce carbon monoxide
at a rate comparable to that of the chain reaction. It is
felt that these reactions must involve a second hydro
carbon intermediate which was unobservable in the
present experiments.
This work was supported by a grant from the Na
tional Science Foundation. One of the authors (J. N. B.)
is indebted to the Commonwealth Fund of New York
for the award of a Fellowship. The authors wish to
express their appreciation to Dr. P. H. Kydd for
valuable assistance in the interpretation of the data
and the preparation of the manuscript.
Effect of Chemisorbed Hydrogen on the Magnetization of Nickel
Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
(Received October 20, 1960)
The effect of chemisorbed hydrogen on the saturation magnetization of nickel was investigated on fine
particles of nickel. For certain preparations the saturation moment of the nickel was within 1 or 2% of that
of massive nickel; this is considered evidence that the surfaces of the nickel in these samples were sub
stantially free from chemisorbed impurities, and that the electronic state of the nickel was identical to that
of massive nickel. For these preparations, hydrogen decreases the saturation moment of the nickel by
about 0.7 Bohr magneton per average atom of hydrogen adsorbed. This effect appears independent of
temperature up to 3000K (the highest temperature investigated) and of surface coverage over nearly
the entire range.
THE effect of chemisorbed hydrogen on the mag
netization of fine nickel particles has been investi
gated by Selwood and co-workers1,2, and by Broeder,
van Reijen, and Korswagen.a Measurements at high
magnetic fields and at temperatures as low as 200K
indicated that the magnetization of nickel suffers a
decrease, but measurements at still lower temperatures
were necessary for a quantitative determination of the
* Present address: Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill,
New Jersey.
I P. W. Selwood, S. Adler, and T. R. Phillips, J. Am. Chern.
Soc. 76, 2281 (1954).
2 P. W. Selwood, S. Adler, and T. R. Phillips, J. Am. Chern. Soc.
77, 1462 (1955), and later papers.
3 J. J. Broeder, L. L. van Reijen, and A. R. Korswagen, J. chim.
Phys. 54, 37 (1957). effect on the saturation. Measurements of the effect
of hydrogen were also carried out in alternating mag
netic fields of low intensity; at 3000K a decrease in the
magnetization was observed while at 200K an increase
was observed in some samples.
The present work extends these measurements to
4.2°K, and to dc magnetic fields of 10 000 oe, conditions
which enable the saturation magnetization of nickel
particles in certain nickel-silica catalysts to be meas
ured precisely; this investigation occupies the first four
sections of this paper. In the fifth and remaining sec
tions are discussed the magnetic properties of these
systems measured under less strenuous conditions of
temperature and magnetic field intensity; these non
saturation investigations not only further characterize
the hydrogen-nickel surface interaction, but also
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establish a basis for comparing the present saturation
experiments to the results of those investigations per
formed under less rigorous conditions, which have been
previously reported in the literature.
In a typical experiment the following sequence of
steps was carried out. A pellet containing fine particles
of nickel was reduced for about 12 hr in flowing hydro
gen at 350°C. To remove the residual hydrogen, the
sample was evacuated at 350°C for several hours until
a pressure of 10-6 mm Hg was attained. The sample was
then cooled, and magnetization measurements as a
function of magnetic field intensity were made at
temperatures ranging from 4.2° to 300°K. The sample
was warmed to room temperature, and a measured
volume of hydrogen was admitted. The magnetization
measurements were then repeated. In all cases, about
0.1 ml of helium gas was introduced to induce thermal
Since the maximum changes in magnetization for
these systems are about 10% or less, the saturation
must be measurable to ±0.1 % to provide a precision in
the relative change in saturation magnetization of 1 %.
Since actual measurement of the saturation magnetiza
tion is impossible, the magnetization must be extra
polated to infinite field intensity. This improves pre
cision by almost another order of magnitude under the
most favorable circumstances. Thus, magnetization
measurements and the corresponding measurements
of the magnetic field intensity are sufficiently precise if
made with an average error of 1 % or less over a linear
portion of the magnetization curve comprising about
10 experimental points.
Construction of the Apparatus
The apparatus developed for the magnetic measure
ments, shown in Fig. 1, was adapted from a method of
Weiss and Forrer.4 Magnetization was measured by
moving the sample from one set of sensing coils to
another set having the same number of turns, but
wound in opposition; the current induced in the coils
by the change in flux was integrated by a Leeds and
Northrup model 2290 ballistic galvanometer used as a
fluxmeter. The bucking sets of coils balanced out
currents induced by transient changes in the applied
magnetic field. Thermal emf's were balanced out by
superimposing a small reverse emf.
The sample, consisting of a single cylindrical pellet,
0.63 cm in diameter and about the same length, fitted
snugly in the bottom of a Pyrex tube, the upper end of
which was attached to a glass-encased iron slug. A
movable solenoid then raised or lowered the assembly
in the vacuum envelope. The sample tube was fitted
4 P. Weiss and R. Forrer, Ann. Phys. 5, 153 (1926). WIRE LOOP FOR SUSPENDING I-t--- SAMPLE CARRIER TUBE
r.----'---i-T.-iiii-i----- H2 EXHAUST DURING REDUCTION
1.,,----- SENSING COIL 300 TURNS
FIG. 1. Apparatus designed for in situ measurements of mag
netization after various surface treatments.
with a hook at its upper end which permitted the
sample to be suspended about 15 cm above the sensing
coils. This was necessary during reduction and evacua
tion at elevated temperatures to avoid overheating the
sensing coils by the electrical resistance sleeve furnace
used to obtain these temperatures.
A homogeneous magnetic field of intensities to 10 000
oe was provided by a 4-in. electromagnet of the Weiss
design. The field in the region of the sensing coils was
uniform within the sensitivity of a Rawson model 720
rotating coil gaussmeter used to monitor the field while
the magnetization was being measured.
The lower portion of the vacuum envelope around the
sample tube was cooled by immersion in a double Dewar
containing a refrigerant. Boiling helium was used for the
saturation experiments. Measurements could also be
made at elevated temperature by using a small sleeve
type resistance furnace.
Analysis of the Method
The question now arises as to whether the current
integrated by the fluxmeter actually was a measure of
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 16:56:02272 R. E. DIETZ AND P. W. SELWOOD
the magnetization of the sample. Unfortunately two
complicating effects render a complete analysis of the
method impracticable, but these can be treated semi
empirically. They are (a) demagnetizing fields and
inhomogeneous magnetization of the samples, and (b)
the effects of polarization of the pole pieces of the
magnet by the induced field of the sample. If these
effects are ignored, elementary electromagnetic theory
shows that the integrated current induced in the
sensing coils is proportional to the specific magnetiza
tion of the sample. Because the samples never contained
more than 10 volume percent of nickel, effects of
demagnetizing fields were small. Corrections were ap
plied by subtracting the demagnetizing field from the
applied field to obtain the internal field; since the de
magnetizing field approaches a constant value propor
tional to the magnetization at high fields, it affects only
slightly the slope of a M vs l/H plot near saturation,
and has no influence on the saturation intercept. When
corrections for demagnetizing fields were necessary at
low magnetic fields, the demagnetizing factor for the
samples was approximated by that of the sphere.
Although the contributions to the apparent, meas
ured magnetizatiQn from the polarization of the pole
pieces by the sample (commonly known as the "image
effect") amounted to several percent of the observed
magnetization, it was possible to show· that corrections
for the effect were unnecessary for the relative meas
urement techniques employed in this investigation.
Calibration of the Apparatus
The apparatus was calibrated to obtain the saturation
of the various samples relative to pure, polycrystalline
nickel, for which the saturation megnetization is pre
cisely known.6 Very pure, powdered nickel, obtained
from the International Nickel Company, was mixed
with graphite and silica gel and was pressed into
pellets of the same shapes, sizes, and density of nickel
as those employed in experiment. To insure complete
reduction of the nickel, the pellets were heated in
hydrogen for 12 hr at 350°C prior to measurement.
The saturation per gram of nickel, of the various cali
bration samples, showed a standard deviation of 0.6%.
The extrapolations to infinite field were made from
M vs 1/H2 plots7• The approaches to saturation on
these plots were quite linear above 2000 oe.
Preparation of Samples
Since a large surface to volume ratio is necessary
to observe appreciable changes in the saturation mag
netization due to absorbed molecules, the selection of
samples was restricted to those containing nickel par
ticles of diameters less than 100 A. Such systems are
most stable and reproducible when the nickel particles
6 R. E. Dietz, doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University,
6 H. Danon, Compt. rend. 246, 73 (1958).
7 C. P. Bean and J. S. Jacobs, J. AppJ. Phys. 31, 1228 (1960). are suspended in a matrix of silica, and several different
preparations of this type were used. These samples were
generally prepared either by impregnating an existing
silica matrix, such as kesselguhr or Davison gel, with a
concentrated solution of nickel nitrate, drying, com
pressing into pellets, and finally reducing in situ in a
stream of flowing hydrogen at 350°C for about 12 hr; or
by coprecipitating nickel hydroxide and silica by mixing
boiling solutions of nickel nitrate and basic sodium
silicate according to the method described by van Eijk
van Voorthuysen and Franzen.s
The impregnation-type samples were commercial
nickel-silica hydrogenation catalysts prepared by the
Universal Oil Products Company. For some saturation
experiments, these catalysts were sintered at elevated
temperatures in hydrogen. Graphite was used as a
binder and lubricant during the pellet forming process
for all but the coprecipitate samples. All samples were
evacuated after reduction with a mercury diffusion
pump for four hours at 350°C. This lowered the pressure,
during pumping, to 10-6 mm Hg.
Electrolytic tank hydrogen, used both for reducing
the nickel samples and subsequent chemisorption, was
purified by catalytically combining any free oxygen with
the hydrogen in a "Deoxo" unit. The resulting water
was then frozen out of the gas stream in a silica gel
trap at 2oooK. The helium used to attain thermal
equilibrium was purified by passage over finely divided,
hydrogen-reduced copper at 600°C, and then through
a dry-iced silica gel trap. A mercury micro gas buret
was used to measure aliquots of hydrogen to the
sample, and the pressure was measured by a McLeod
Each sample was quantitatively analyzed for nickel
by solution in hydrofluoric acid and electrodeposition of
the nickel on weighed platinum electrodes. The samples
were also examined spectrochemically for impurities.
Calcium and sodium present to 1 % were the chief
impurities in the impregnation-type samples. These
were believed present in the preexisting silica matrix.
Other impurities, such as the transition metals, con
stituted less than 0.3% by weight of the sample. The
coprecipitate samples contained less than 0.1% im
Since the saturation magnetization of massive poly
crystalline nickel has been thoroughly investigated,
a comparison of the sa~uration of the experimental
systems of fine particles and the massive nickel calibra
tion samples was first attempted. Any differences
found should arise chiefly from the differences in
specific surface area. The polycrystalline nickel had a
negligible surface area; the particles used for ad
sorption studies, on the other hand, had approximately
8 J. J. B. Van Eijk van Voorthuysen and P. Franzen, Rec. trav.
chim. 70, 793 (1951).
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20 to 30% of their atoms on the surface. Thus any
factors which significantly alter the saturation proper
ties of these surface atoms would produce large differ
ences in the relative saturation.
We now must consider the problem of how to deter
mine the saturation from the magnetization data:
Should extrapolations to infinite field intensity be
made from a plot of M vs l/B, or M vs 1/B2, or per
haps some other function of B? The answer must lie in
the equation of state for the magnetization of the
particular sample, and it is obvious that different
types of samples probably follow different laws of
approach. The question of the proper inverse power
of B for extrapolation to saturation is a critical one,
since serious errors may result in the determination of
saturation from improper extrapolation technique.7
It is not surprising that the samples containing the
smallest particles are also the most difficult to saturate.
These particles approach molecular dimensions and are
quite disordered by thermal energy, even at liquid
helium temperatures (in the absence of a magnetic
field). In Sec. 5 we shall show that such particles follow
a l/B law of approach to saturation if measurements
are carried out under certain conditions. For some
samples, however, the particles are so small that our
maximum field intensities were inadequate to bring all
of the particles into the l/B law region. Figures 2 and
3 depict the approach to saturation for two types of
samples, measured at different temperatures, as a
function of l/B. Inspection of these curves shows that
for disperse systems of small particles the curves are
concave upward, and linear for larger particles. Al
though these samples contain approximately the same
volume fraction of nickel as the calibration samples of
polydomain nickel, they show no indication of the
1/B2 approach law. This behavior is due, apparently,
to the large effect of thermal disordering of the particle
moments which obscures the effects of the magneto-
z 4.2°K Q 12
.... D
w \ D it , D t..I 10 ,
0 \
a: \
!oJ \ .... 8 \AA W 77°K ~ , A A 0 A Z \ A A .c \ A A ~ 8 OqOo A
-< 296°K \!)
" 000 \ 0 ° 4 \
0 7
FIG. 2. Approach to saturation ma!!;netization of a sample of
coprecipitated nickel in silica at 4.2°, 77°, and 296°K. The dashed
line is used to estimate the mean particle volume by Eq. (14). 11~~ __ ~ __ -L __ ~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~~
o o.~ 1.0 1.~ 2.0 2.~ 3.0 3.~ 4.0 4.~
l/H oe-I Xl04
FIG. 3. Approach to saturation magnetization of a sample of
sintered UOP catalyst with and without chemisorbed hydrogen,
at 4.2°K.
crystalline anisotropy. If the l/B approach law con
verts to a 1/B2 law at very high magnetic fields, then
the saturation as extrapolated from the portion of the
curve going by a l/B law will be higher than the true
saturation. However, if the difference between the
magnetization represented by the last experimental
point and the saturation magnetization is already a
small fraction of the saturation magnetization, as
shown in Fig. 3, then the error induced in performing
the l/B extrapolation will be at least as small, and
probably smaller. At any rate, the ratio of particular
interest is the saturation after adsorption of hydrogen
to the saturation before adsorption. Since the law of
approach does not seem to change greatly after adsorp
tion, the error here will also be very small.
The measurements showed that the saturation of the
samples prepared by the impregnation process was very
close to that of massive nickel. If these samples are
sintered slightly at SOO°C in helium, the approaches to
saturation become long linear curves for M vs l/B
plots, affording accurate extrapolations to infinite field.
Five experiments with the sintered UOP nickel-silica
catalyst produced an average saturation of 9S.4±1.0%
that of massive nickel. The preparations made by the
coprecipitation procedure showed consistently high
saturations, about 130% that of massive nickel. These
samples consisted of extremely fine particles, and the
approach to saturation was quite steep. Consequently
the extrapolations are somewhat uncertain for these
samples, but we do not feel that this uncertainty can
account entirely for the observed discrepancy with the
saturation of massive nickel.
There are several reasons why the saturation mag
netization of these systems might be less than that
observed for massive nickel. A common apprehension
regarding adsorption on powders concerns the difficulty
of obtaining and characterizing "clean" surfaces under
the moderately high vacuum conditions of this in
vestigation. Such criticism may not apply to this
investigation, however, for two reasons: (a) The surface
area of nickel in each pellet is of order of 10 m2,
while the external area of the pellet is about one square
centimeter. Thus the rate at which the internal surface
area of the pellet is covered is limited by the rate at
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~ u
z a
~ w -' ... w o
cr 12 w I-w
::!! a z 11
~ -' °
° ~ 10~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~~~~~~~~ __ ~ o 1.5 2.0 3.5
I/H oe-1Xlo4
FIG. 4. Approach to saturation magnetization of a sample of
coprecipitated nickel in silica with and without chemisorbed
hydrogen, at 4.2°K.
which the gas molecules impinge on the external surface
of the pellet. The rate at which the internal surface
of the pellet is covered with gas, in this case at 10-6
mm Hg, is comparable to the rate of coverage for a
plane surface at 10-11 mm Hg. (b) Since the individual
particles are insulated from one another by the silica
matrix, the gas molecules crossing the surface of the
pellet must penetrate inward by a gaseous diffusion
mechanism. As the interstices between the particles are
of the same order of size as the particles (less than 100
A), the diffusion mechanism is of the Knudsen type
and is, therefore, relatively slow.
The factors discussed above determine that provided
the surface were initially clean, it would remain rela
tively clean for the duration of an experiment. The
point that the surfaces were initially clean remains to
be established. To this effect, we may use the data of
Roberts and Sykes9 who measured adsorption isotherms
for hydrogen on coarse nickel powders at low pressures
and to about 430°C. They found that very little hydro
gen is adsorbed at 305°C and pressures less than 10-3
mm Hg, relative to the amount adsorbed at higher
pressure and lower temperatures. From the isotherms
published by Roberts and Sykes, we estimate that
the equilibrium adsorption at 305°C and 10-3 mm Hg
represents no more than 4% of the coverage at -183°C
and 0.1 mm Hg. Another reason for considering that the
surfaces of the nickel as prepared under the conditions
described above are essentially clean is that the satura
tion moment of the nickel particles in the sintered
samples coincides with that of massive nickel within 1
or 2%, depending on the run. Since the admission of
hydrogen to atmospheric pressure results in a decrease
in the saturation of about 10%, we can safely say that
at the onset of an experiment, the surface is 80-90%
free of hydrogen atoms. The saturation is also reduced
by 30-40% when the sample is exposed to air; although
such oxidation probably proceeds to a depth of several
9 M. W. Roberts and K. W. Sykes, Trans. Faraday Soc. 54,
548 (1958). monolayers, it nevertheless serves to support the view
that reduction is virtually complete.
Although there has been a reportIo that supported
nickel suffers an appreciable decrease in magnetization
because of electronic interaction between the support
(generally alumina or alumina doped with semi
conducting oxides) and the metallic phase, no such be
havior was observed for the silica supports.
The saturation data also suggest that samples
showing good agreement with the saturation of massive
nickel are in a similar electronic state with respect to
ferromagnetic ordering and number of unpaired spins.
Considerable conjecture and evidence have been pre
sented in the past few years that the exchange energy is
a function of the particle size (or in the case of films,
the film thickness) and that below certain critical
dimensions this energy rather abruptly becomes very
small compared to thermal energy, and a transition
from a ferromagnetic, ordered state to a paramagnetic,
disordered state ensues. However, other investigations,
chiefly measurements of the saturation magnetization
of fine ferromagnetic particles precipitated from
copper alloys or from mercury amalgams, have demon
strated that the saturation magnetization at 3()()OK
and below is not significantly different from that of the
bulk substance.ll Neugebauer12 has also shown that the
spontaneous magnetization of thin nickel films prepared
under ultrahigh vacuum conditions exhibit a tempera
ture dependent spontaneous magnetization similar
to that of massive nickel.
In conclusion, these saturation results demonstrate
that, with the exception of the coprecipitated sample~,
the adsorption occurs on a nickel substrate that IS
electronically similar to massive nickel, insofar as the
saturation moment is sensitive to these electronic
properties. Since we may, therefore, use the saturation
magneton number for massive nickel to describe the
saturation of these experimental systems, we are
justified in relating the fractional change in saturation
of the samples to a change in the saturation magneton
number. For the experiments on the sintered uor
samples, there appears to be good evidence that the
surface is substantially free from impurities.
Because of the complexity of the nonsaturation
magnetization of these systems, an accurate determina
tion of the saturation magnetization is possible only at
very low temperatures. This necessitates adsorption of
hydrogen at ambient temperature, followed by cooling
with liquid helium to the temperature of measurement.
The unadsorbed hydrogen remaining in the free space
10 G. M. Schwab, J. Block, and D. Schultze, Z. angew. Chern.
71, 101 (1959). ... .
11 C. P. Bean, in Structure and Properttes of Thln Ftlms, edIted
by C. A. Neugebauer et al. (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1959),
12 C. A. Neugebauer, Phys. Rev. 116, 1441 (1959).
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was maintained at such low pressures that any sub
sequent adsorption on the sample during cooling would
represent a small fraction of the total amount of gas
initially adsorbed.
Figures 3 and 4 represent typical experiments of
this type, performed on two different nickel substrates.
It is apparent that some difficulty was encountered in
making precise extrapolations to saturation mag
netization for samples containing very fine particles.
We note that these results are in fair agreement with
Moore and Selwood13 on sintered samples, but that
they do not confirm that the fractional change in mag
netization diminishes as saturation is approached for
unsintered samples. The new results also differ from
the work of Lee, Sabatka, and Selwood14 who observed
that the low-field magnetization of similar nickel prepa
ration increased with chemisorption of hydrogen. The
reasons for our differences with Moore and Selwood
are doubtless based on the increased precision of the
present work. The observations of Lee et at. are now
understood and will be discussed in the next section.
We must express the relative change in saturation
t:.M./M. in terms of the fundamental electronic inter
action. The appropriate unit for this purpose is the
Bohr magneton (3. Since saturation magnetization at
absolute zero corresponds to the state with maximum
multiplicity for the particle and for the assembly of
particles, we can write
t:.Mo/Mo = t:.(NNi'uNi) /NNi'uNi, (1)
where NNi is the total number of nickel atoms, and
,UNi is the saturation magnetic moment of a metallic
nickel atom defined by
V. being the volume of the sample. 'uNi is well known to
be about 0.60 (3; NNi may be obtained by analysis of the
sample. t:.(NNi,UNi) must be related to the effect of the
chemisorbed hydrogen. We assume an average attri
tion ~ of the magnetic moment of the nickel for each
hydrogen atom chemisorbed so that
where NH represents the total number of hydrogen
atoms chemisorbed. By combining Eqs. (1) and (3),
The parameter ~ is not a completely experimental
quantity since it depends on an assumed value of 'uNi;
however, if we restrict our consideration to samples
which show good agreement with the saturation
magnetization of massive nickel, then we may consider
the direct calculation of ~ justified.
13 L. E. Moore and P. W. Selwood, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 78, 697
(1956) .
14 E. L. Lee, J. A. Sabatka, and P. W. Selwood, J. Am. Chern.
Soc. 79, 5391 (1957). To express ~ more graphically, we may relate it
to the number of electron spins cancelled by pairing in
the d band. In fact, we occasionally identify ~ as "the
number of spins cancelled per hydrogen atom adsorbed."
To validate this interpretation, however, we must
consider the sources of magnetic moment ,UNi.
If we define
,U={3(L+2S) = g{3(S), (5)
where Land S are the orbital and spin angular mo
mentum respectively, g is the "spectroscopic splitting
factor." We can then write g= 2+~, where ~ is a measure
of orbital contribution to the magnetic moment.
Bagguley,16 using electron spin resonance on fine
particles of nickel gives g=2.22. Standley and Reich16
obtained g=2.19, and Meyer17 obtained g=2.193.
Argyres and KitteP8 have pointed out that the number
of effective electron spins n. contributing to the satura
tion magnetization is just ,UNi(2/g); thus n.=0.54.
If the change in magnetic moment arises solely
from a cancelling of electron spins, then ~ calculated
by Eq. (4) represents the actual number of spins can
celed. If the change in magnetic moment arises from a
simultaneous quenching of the orbital magnetic mo
ment with the spin moment so as to keep g constant,
then the number of electron spin moments canceled per
hydrogen atom adsorbed will be ~X (0.54/0.60) =0.90~.
Values for ~ have been determined for the various
preparations of nickel previously described. For the
unsintered samples (this does not include the co
precipitated preparations which exhibit high saturation
moments), ~=0.56±0.09. For the sintered UOP
samples, ~ = o. 71±0.04. Because of the uncertainty in
the extrapolations for preparations containing very
small particles, we do not believe that definite con
clusions can be reached from these data alone as to
whether ~ varies with particle size,.and we shall there
fore use the value 0.7 in the following discussions to
characterize the interaction of hydrogen and nickel
The fact that only a fractional number of spin
moments are canceled when a hydrogen atom chemi
sorbs on nickel may be rationalized as follows: One can
consider that the protons create a set of levels, either
continuous or discrete, which the electrons may fill
with the restriction that only states below the Fermi
energy may be occupied; the remainder of the electrons
will occupy holes in the d and s bands of the nickel.
A second possibility pertains to the similarity
between ~ and 'uNi, suggesting that for each hydrogen
atom chemisorbed the moment of a nickel atom is lost
to the crystal. One may argue that this atom no longer
,. D. M. S. Bagguley, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A228, 549
(1955) .
16 K. J. Standley and K. H. Reich, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London)
B68,713 (1955).
17 A. J. P. Meyer, Compt. rend. 246, 1517 (1953).
18 P. Argyres and C. Kittel, Acta Met. 1, 241 (1953).
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FIG. 5. The Langevin function and its approximations
contributes to the moment of the particle, and that the
hydrogen-nickel interaction does not affect the moment
of neighboring atoms.
The first mechanism has an analogy in the magnetic
properties of the transition metal alloys, such as the
copper-nickel series. Recent experiments19,20 have shown
that the saturation magnetization of copper-nickel
alloys decreases linearly with added copper, reaching
zero at 53 at. % copper, corresponding to an E for this
system of about 0.46 for each copper atom added.
(This is just the number of 4s electrons a metallic
copper atom possesses in excess of metallic nickel atom).
It is generally considered that the copper atoms in
Cu-Ni retain all ten of their d electrons, the remaining
electron being divided between the sand d bands of the
alloy. A fraction of this electron must occupy the 4s
state of the copper atom as dictated by the Fermi level,
and the remainder may then occupy states in the d
band of the alloy, thus accounting for the fractional
value of E for Cu-Ni.21,22 This case may be analogous
to that for hydrogen chemisorbed on a nickel surface,
and if so, the value of E=0.7 suggests that the electron
of the chemisorbed hydrogen atom may likewise have
an appreciable density about the hydrogen nucleus.
Several questions, important for this investigation,
cannot be answered by data derived from our satura
tion measurements. These concern the dependence of the
spin-pairing effect of chemisorbed hydrogen on tem
perature and of surface coverage over a wide range of
coverages. The effect of temperature cannot be ob
tained from saturation measurements because satura
tion can only be approached at low temperatures with
19 S. A. Ahern, M. J. Martin, and W. Sucksmith, Proc. Roy.
Soc. (London) A248, 145 (1958).
20 A. J. P. Meyer and C. Wolff, Compt. rend· 246, 576 (1958).
21 Lomer and W. Marshall, Phil. Mag. 3, 185 (1958).
22 Absorbed hydrogen has also been observed to d~crease the
susceptibility of palladium metal to zero at a H:Pd ratio of about
0.7. Although. is generally taken to be unity for this system [see
J. Wucher, Ann. phys. 7, 317 (1952)], there is no reliable, inde
pendent measurement of the moment of palladium to substantiate
this assumption. the highest available magnetic fields. The effect of
surface coverage is difficult because of lack of sensi
tivity in the method, as described. But both factors
influence the nonsaturation magnetization strongly,
and if we can relate the nonsaturation magnetization to
the spontaneous magnetization of the particles, we can
separate out the effects.
Fortunately, a theoretical model exists which has
been very successful in describing the magnetization
curve of fine-particle ferromagnetic systems. Bean and
Livingston23 review the magnetic properties of fine
single domain particles.
Bulk ferromagnetic materials consist of regions,
called "domains," in which the magnetization is es
sentially constant and arises spontaneously because of
the ferromagnetic exchange energy. The upper limit
for the volume of a single domain particle depends on
the shape of the particle, but an approximate figure
corresponding to a sphere is 150 A in radius. Although
a polydomain particle may magnetize by both domain
boundary motion and then rotation of the atomic
moments, the single domain particle is constrained to
magnetize solely by rotation processes. Particles not too
eccentric in shape probably magnetize by a coherent
rotation of all of the atomic moments in the particle.
If such rotation is uniformly facile over all directions,
then the particle may be thought of as a paramagnetic
atom of very large quantum number, and provided the
particles do not interact with one another, their mag
netization obeys the classical Langevin equation of
MIM.= coth (p.HlkT) -(kTlp.H), (6)
where M is the magnetization under the conditions of
field intensity H and temperature T, p. is the magnetic
moment of the particles, and M. is the saturation mag
netization corresponding to perfect alignment of the
particle moments with the field. Since p.=np.Ni, where n
is the number of atoms in a particle, approximately 102
to 105, and P.Ni is the moment per ferromagnetic nickel
atom (=0.6/3) the particle acts as an atom with a very
large atomic moment: hence the appellation, "super
paramagnetism." This equation is derived by applying
the Boltzmann distribution law to the assembly of
isotropic, noninteracting dipoles, and therefore requires
that the assembly be in thermal equilibrium.
Real particles never exhibit such isotropic behavior,
however, and magnetization in certain directions al
ways requires more energy than in others. The sources
of this anisotropy may lie in the dependence of the
magnetostatic energy on the shape of the particle, in
differences in energy for magnetizing along the different
crystal lattice directions, or from magnetizing energy
differences resulting from applications of stress. If the
anisotropy is of cubic or randomly oriented uniaxial
symmetry, the above equation can be shown to hold at
23 C. P. Bean, J. D. Livingston, J. Appl. Phys. 30, 120S (1959).
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very low fields where the approximation
MIM.=p,HI3kT (7)
is valid, and also for very high fields where the approxi
MIM.=l-(kTlp,H) (8)
is valid. Figure 5 shows Eqs. (6)-(8) plotted vs
x=p,HlkT, and l/x. However, if the anisotropy energy
is very great, the particle moments may not be in
thermal equilibrium, and the Langevin function would
not apply. Since the total anisotropy energy is pro·
portional to the volume of the particle, larger particle:>
will be found often to deviate considerably from super
paramagnetic behavior, while very small particles
should obey the Langevin function more closely.
Neel24 has shown that the approach to equilibrium
for an assembly of initially aligned uniaxial particles
proceeds as a decay in the remanent magnetization,
characterized by a relaxation time T, where
l/T=jo exp( -KvlkT), (9)
10 is a frequency factor of the order of 109 secI, K is
the anisotropy energy per unit volume, and v is the
volume of the particle. Thus there will be some critical
particle volume for which T will become very long
with respect to experiment, while smaller particles
will approach equilibrium almost instantaneously. If
particles larger than the critical volume are present,
appreciable remanence will be measurable, and this
effect is in itself indicative of nonsuperparamagnetic
Throughout the above discussion we have assumed
that Ji. was independent of the variables of state T and
H. This is not strictly true, for the spontaneous mag
netization of nickel is a function of both variables, but
to a negligible extent for the conditions of this in
Consideration of Eq. (6), and the approximations,
shows the magnetization to be a function only of the
combined state variable HIT. Thus magnetization
'" 0.6
:E -:E 0.4
FIG. 6. Test of HIT superposition for a sample of sintered
UOP catalyst.
24 L. Neel, Compt. rend. 228,664 (1949) j see also W. F. Brown,
Jr., J. App!. Phys. 30, 130S (1959). ::I 6 I I I I I r d II ""\ 0 ° II .
~ oil" 5f- Oil". ~ •
z ° II • ..".
0 II
i= 4"-'? ". • 0 0 .. -
~ II •
"-OIl. BEFORE ADMISSION OF Hz .... 3-0 .. ° 3000K
II: <1>.
11 77°K w
dll 'WITH Hz I-2f--.... -
:E III .300OK 0 £; + '77°K
~ 1,· -
~ oP I I
0 Z 4 6 8 10 12 14 18 18
FIG. 7. Test of HIT superposition with and without chemi
sorbed hydrogen for a sample of coprecipitated nickel on silica.
Small corrections were made to correct H for demagnetizing
fields as described in the text.
measurements for a variety of field intensities and
temperatures should fall on the same curve when M is
plotted versus HIT. Such behavior has been observed
by Bean and Jacobs25 with fine particles of iron sus
pended in mercury, Becker26 with cobalt particles pre
cipitated from a homogeneous copper-cobalt (copper
rich) alloy, and others. The data of Heukelom et al.,27
who were the first to apply the Neel theory to catalyst
systems, may also be made to show HIT superposition
for nickel-silica catalysts.
We have also made such a study as an adjunct to the
chemisorption experiments. Figures 6 and 7 describe
tests of HIT superposition for two types of samples. Of
our preparations the coprecipitated samples alone ex
hibit good HIT superposition below 3000K and can,
therefore, be classified as superparamagnetic in that
region. The behavior of the other samples is apparently
complicated by effects of anisotropy, particle inter
action, or perhaps other phenomena to cause varying
degrees of deviation from the HIT superposition
Since a consequence of the short relaxation time
criterion for superparamagnetic behavior requires that
no remanence should be observed, the appearance of
remanent magnetization is also a quick indication of
nonsuperparamagnetic behavior. The coprecipitated
samples, for instance, fail to exhibit measurable re
manence at 77°K and above. They do possess re
manence at 4.2°K amounting to about 0.10 M •. Meas
urements of the remanent magnetization are sum
marized in Table I for a number of samples.
In such preparations, the particles of metal always
have a distribution of sizes. The expression for the
magnetization must, therefore, be modified to account
25 C. P. Bean and I. S. Jacobs, J. App!. Phys. 27, 1448 (1956).
26 J. J. Becker, Trans. Am. Inst. Mining, Met. Petrol. Engrs.
209,59 (1957).
27 W. Heukelom, J. J. Broeder, and L. L. van Reijen, J. chim.
phys. 51, 474 (1954).
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TABLE I. Remanent magnetization as a function of temperature.
Relative remanent magnetization M r/ M.
Sample type 4.2°K nOK 3000K
Sintered UOP 0.10
0.26 0.00
0.02 0.07
for such a distribution, as28
M= LniJ.l.i£(J.l.iH/kT) , 0.00
where ni represents the number of particles having a
volume Vi and £ is the Langevin function. By sub
stituting J.l.i= vJs, we obtain for the low-field approxi
M = (J.2H/3kT) Lnivi2 (11)
from which an average particle volume (V2)Av/V may be
(V2)AV/V= (3kTll.H) (MIM.). (12)
The high-field approximation (note, this equation pre
dicts a IIH law for the approach to saturation, as is
experimentally observed for our samples)
M =1 Ln 'v .(1-~)
8 i " vJ.H (13)
yields an expression for the mean volume ii:
kT[ 1 ] ii=I.H l-(M/M.) . (14)
Because of the deviation due to anisotropy from
superparamagnetic behavior at the high field intensities
and low temperatures needed to effect saturation, the
use of Eq. (7) is generally prohibited, and the low-field
volume average must be relied upon. This average
(v2 ) Aviv, of course, is always larger than the mean
volume v by a factor characteristic of the volume dis
tribution. As shown in Fig. 2, use of the 77°K data for a
coprecipitated sample, which exhibits H/T superposi
tion, would lead to a very low value for the saturation
and would not reflect the true slope of the approach to
saturation at that temperature. If we suppose that the
4.2°K data reflect true saturation, then the dashed line
represents the maximum possible slope. Measurement
at higher fields would certainly reveal an even steeper
slope for the actual magnetization curve. The dashed
line, however, when used to calculate the high field
average particle volume gives v=4.SXlO-21 cms, cor
responding to a spherical particle radius of 10 A. This
value, although an upper limit for v, is considerably
smaller than the value (V2)AV/V calculated from the
28 J. w. Cahn, Trans. Am. Inst. Mining, Met. Petrol. Engrs.
209,1309 (1957). initial slope of the magnetization curve for the same
sample: (v2)Av/v=63XIO--21 cms, corresponding to a
spherical particle radius of 2S A. The low-field average
volume, therefore, must be used with the understand
ing that ii may be appreciably smaller. If we use the
value 10 A to calculate the surface area per gram of
nickel, we obtain a value of 31 m2. The volume of
hydrogen adsorbed at complete coverage for similar
samples has been estimated by Dr. P. G. Fox in this
Laboratory to be about 24 cc/g of nickel. This figure
may be related to the surface area by mUltiplying the
number of hydrogen atoms adsorbed by 6.4 A2, the area
of a single adsorption site.8 Thus the adsorption meas
urements indicate an approximate surface area of 43
m2/g of nickel.29 This figure is in agreement with the
magnetic measurement in the sense that the figure 10 A
represents an upper limit for v and therefore a lower
limit for the surface area.
Average particle volumes were also determined for
two other preparations using the low field calculations.
The corresponding sphere radius for the unsintered
UOP preparation was 42 A, and for the sintered UOP
64 A. But as these two preparations did not exhibit
HIT superposition at 77° and 300oK, these determina
tions must be regarded as uncertain.
The simplest description for the nonsaturation mag
netization is from a viewpoint of superparamagnetism:
that is, we consider the effects on systems of particles
which show good HIT superposition and zero re
manence. The effects of adsorption on nonsuperpara
magnetic systems are then approached by considering
how these systems deviate from ideal superparamag
netic behavior.
In Sec. S we showed that the spontaneous mag
netization of samples which exhibit H/T superposition,
such as the coprecipitated samples, does not change ap
preciably over the range of temperature measure
ments. A similar experiment after hydrogen was ad
sorbed shows the magnetization curve depressed below
that of the same sample with a "clean" surface as
expected. Figure 7 shows magnetization vs HIT for
the clean sample and also with hydrogen adsorbed.
Although this sample did not show quite as good
superposition as other samples of the same preparation,
H/T superposition after chemisorption is as good, or
better than prior to chemisorption.
To ensure that the same amount of gas was adsorbed
at both 77° and 3000K, the hydrogen was admitted to
the sample at 3000K until a pressure of several mm Hg
had been attained. The vacuum pumps were then con
nected, and the free space evacuated to an equilibrium
29 Measurements on similar preparations by adsorption of
carbon monoxide have produced nickel surfaces between 31 and
75 m2/g (see reference 2). The total BET surface area on these
preparations is about 200 m2/g, but a large fraction of this is of
course, due to the silica support. '
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pressure of about 0.01 mm Hg. The magnetization was
then measured as a function of field intensity at 300°,
at 77°, and finally again at 3000K. There was no
hysteresis between the two sets of measurements at
Although the HIT superposition of this particular
sample was poorer than desired, it probably permits the
following conclusions. Since HIT superposition implies
constancy of the spontaneous magnetization with
temperature, we must conclude that the degree of spin
pairing by the chemisorbed hydrogen does not change
appreciably over the range between 77° and 3000K.
Thus if two different kinds of chemisorbed species are
present in equilibrium at some temperature T then
either (a) the equilibrium constant does not vary
appreciably over the range 77 < T<300, or (b) the two
(or more) species have the same spin-pairing effect.
In order for (a) to be correct, AH for conversion of one
type of adsorbed species into another would have to
be very small. However, if the conversion is from an
atomically adsorbed state to a molecular species as
often postulated to account for changes in heats of
adsorption and surface potentials with coverage, AH
would be rather large, making (a) implausible; also (b)
would be equally implausible for such a system. On the
other hand, if the distribution of bond types is governed
by some temperature invariant surface heterogeneity,
as the nature of the lattice site, then the distribution of
bond types need not necessarily be an equilibrium
distribution characteristic of any particular tempera
ture at very high coverages.
A better defined consequence of HIT superposition
of the sample with chemisorbed hydrogen is that the
spontaneous magnetization has decreased by approxi
mately the amount expected from the spin-pairing
mechanism only. These results provide no evidence
that the exchange interaction is altered to produce
large decreases in the Curie temperature of the particles,
as was previously suspected. But the possibility that
this may occur at higher temperatures is not yet ex
Because of the unsuitability of saturation measure
ments for investigating the effect of adsorbed gases over
wide ranges of coverage at room temperatures and
above, Selwood30 developed a low frequency ac induc
tion apparatus capable of high sensitivity for low field
magnetization measurements at elevated tempera
tures and pressures. Many studies have been performed
with this apparatus, most of the results being reported
as magnetization-volume isotherms similar to that in
Fig. 8. The relative magnetizations so measured have
been considered proportional to the relative saturation
magnetization. If this is true, then the linearity of the
magnetization-volume isotherm is good evidence for the
independence of the number of electrons paired per gas
atom chemisorbed over a wide range of coverage. Also,
ao P. W. Selwood, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 78, 3893 (1956). 0.8!-__ -!I:-__ -=-'1:--__ ~I:-_ _7.
o !) 10 1!) 20
FIG. 8. Three successive magnetization-volume isotherms for
hydrogen adsorbed on a sample of unsintered UOP nickel-silica
catalyst (after Lee, Sabatka, and Selwood). The ordinate is the
ratio of magnetization after some degree of coverage to the initial
magnetization. The measurements were performed in a low field
(about 100 rms oe) ac induction apparatus at 300oK, and are
described in detail in reference 14.
the slope of the isotherm is proportional to the number
of spins paired per atom adsorbed E and if this slope
could be related to a similar experiment for hydrogen,
then the number of d electrons involved in the chemi
sorption bond with any other molecule could be
As discussed in Sec. 5, the magnetization of an
assembly of fine nickel particles is evidently not always
linearly related to their saturation magnetization; thus
changes in nonsaturation magnetization may not be
proportional to the change in saturation. Therefore, we
must determine under what conditions these changes
are proportional to the corresponding changes in
saturation, to validate analysis of the data described
in the previous paragraph.
Since we would not expect linear relations between
the low field magnetization and saturation magnetiza
tion in samples which exhibit remanence or other non
equilibrium behavior, the following discussion will be
limited to superparamagnetic systems. This is not a
severe practical limitation since the coprecipitated prep
arations show good superparamagnetic behavior, and in
addition have large surface areas. Moreover, other
preparations such as nickel-impregnated Davison Gel
also exhibit ideal superparamagnetism, and possess
superior adsorption properties. at
In constructing a theory for the change in mag
netization resulting from the adsorption of a given
volume of gas, considerable mathematical simplifica
tion is attained by limiting consideration to the region
jJ.HlkT<0.5, where we may use thtl low field approxi
mation of the Langevin function with a maximum error
31 G. C. A. Schuit and L. L. van Reijen, Advances in Catalysis
10,242 (1958).
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TABLE II. Values of a and a/o for certain arbitrary
particle size distributions.
Particle size distribution a a/o
Delta function 2.000 2.000
Infinitely wide rectangle 1.600 2.400
Maxwellian distribution of volumes 3.734 2.100
Maxwellian distribution of radii 1.471 2.500
of 2%. For nickel particles of 100 A in diameter, this
region includes fields up to 100 oe at 300°K. Both the
unsintered UOP and the coprecipitated samples meet
this requirement at 300°K.
By allowing for an arbitrary change in the moment
of a particle, tJ.J.l.i characterized only by the size of the
particle, the low field magnetization of such an as
sembly of superparamagnetic particles is
M' = (H/3kT) Lni(J.l.i- tJ.J.l.i) 2. (15)
The relative change in the magnetization tJ.M/M IS
(tJ.M/M) = Lni(tJ.J.l.i)L2LniJ.l.itJ.J.l.i. (16) LniJ.I.i2
Notice that Eq. (16) is independent of Hand T. If we
assume spherical particles,
where r i is the particle radius, fI is the number of
molecules adsorbed per unit area of surface at complete
coverage, and e is the fraction of the surface covered.
We notice that
(7]fJe) A/I. Vo=tJ.M./M., (18)
where A is the total surface area of the particles, and Vo
is the total vQlume of ferromagnetic metal. Upon solving
Eq. (18) for flee and substituting into Eq. (17), and
converting the radius to the sphere volume, we obtain
tJ.J.l.i= (tJ.M./Ms) (I.Vo/ A) 411'(3v;/47r) 2/3. (19)
It is convenient to transform ni into a continuous
volume distribution function26:
n,--"7f(v)dv/v, (20)
{O f(v)dv= Yo. (21)
Expressing A in terms of the continuous distribution
A = {O 41rT2[f( v)dv/v ] = 47r(3/47r ) I{O [f(v)dv/v1]. (22)
Substitution of Eq. (22) in Eq. (16) gives
I1M/M = -a (tJ.M 8/M.) +o(LlMs/M.) 2, (23) where a and a are parameters related to the particle
size distribution:
{"VY(V)dV {"f(V)dV
v-y( v) dv 1aoo
vf( v) dv
vY( v) dv 1aoo
v-Y( v) dv
From the symmetry of the ratio of integrals, we
expect that a/a and a both are approximately equal to
the number 2. Calculations applying these functions to
arbitrary volume distributions, summarized in Table II,
indicate this expectation to be substantially correct.
Furthermore, experimental values for a are: For un
sintered UOP, a""2.5; for coprecipitate, a",,3.3, in ap
proximate agreement with the theoretical values in
Table II.
Provided a/a is of the order of 2 or larger, the
second term of Eq. (23) may be neglected, and tJ.M /M
is proportional to tJ.M./M •. By Eq. (18), tJ.Ms/M. is
linear with e provided e is independent of e. Since linear
magnetization-gas volume isotherms are obtained
experimentally, as shown in Fig. 8, we conclude that e
is indepe~dent of surface coverage from e=o to that
coverage corresponding to a hydrogen pressure over
the nickel of nearly an atmosphere.
So far we have not discussed in detail the behavior
of particles which do not exhibit superparamagnetic
behavior. It is now obvious that the anomalous effects
observed by Lee et al.,14 namely, that the effect of
chemisorbed hydrogen increased the magnetization of a
nickel-silica catalyst when measured at 200K but
decreased the magnetization at 3000K probably arose
C 4.Z0K
'" 71"K ° 303°K
• 77°K
• 30,OK
FIG. 9. Approach to saturation of a sample of sintered UOP
nickel-silica catalyst, with and without chemisorbed hydrogen.
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because the nickel particles were not behaving super
paramagnetically at such a low temperature. Taking a
cue from Leak's observation82 that larger particles
appear to give the increases in magnetization at higher
temperatures than smaller particles, we determined
the magnetization curves of a sample of sintered UOP,
shown in Fig. 9. Adsorption of hydrogen decreases the
magnetization at 300oK, as Lee observed. However, the
corresponding data at 77°K show a decrease at high
fields, but an increase at low fields. One observes the
same sort of effect by merely lowering the temperature
of the sample, as evidenced by the curve at 4.2°K.
Thus the increase in magnetization at 77°K observed at
low fields after adsorbing hydrogen does not result from
an increase in the spontaneous moment, but rather from
an alteration in the process by which the particle
moments rotate to align themselves with the applied
magnetic field. It seems possible that the magnetic
anisotropy is decreased by the hydrogen, thereby
decreasing the relaxation time for the particles; however,
as we observed earlier, the remanence of a sample at low
temperatures did not appear to be altered appreciably
by adsorbed hydrogen. In any event the effects pre
viously thought to be evidence for a change in bond
type with, perhaps, formation of a negative hydride ion
are seen to be a consequence of deviations from super
paramagnetic behavior.
The effect of chemisorbed hydrogen on the saturation
magnetization of nickel was investigated on fine
particles of nickel. For certain preparations the satura
tion moment of the nickel was within 1 or 2% of that of
32 R. J. Leak and P. W. Selwood, J. Phys. Chern. 64, 1114
(1960) . massive nickel; this is considered evidence that the
surfaces of the nickel in these samples were substantially
free from chemisorbed impurities, and that the elec
tronic state of the nickel was identical to that of
massive nickel. For these preparations, hydrogen de
creases the saturation moment of the nickel by about
0.7 Bohr magneton per average atom of hydrogen
adsorbed. The decrease in the saturation magnetiza
tion was attributed, as previously suspected,2 to spin
moment cancellation of the nickel 3d electrons by the
hydrogen electrons. A comparison was made with the
magnetic properties of homogeneous alloys. If valid,
this comparison indicates that the interacting electrons
have an appreciable density around the hydrogen
Investigations of the effect of hydrogen on the
magnetization of these systems under conditions far
from superparamagnetic saturation indicate that: (1)
The effect of chemisorbed hydrogen on the saturation
magnetization of nickel appears independent of tem
perature up to 3000K (the highest temperature in
vestigated) and the surface coverage over nearly the
entire range; (2) the effect of hydrogen on the satura
tion magnetization can be simply related to the effect
on the low field magnetization of superparamagnetic
nickel particle systems; and (3) anomalous effects
observed by other investigators probably arose because
of deviations from superparamagnetic behavior.
The authors would like to express their gratitude to
Professor J. A. Marcus for his advice and assistance in
supplying liquid helium, and to C. R. Abeledo for in
formative discussions. This work was performed under
contract with the Office of Naval Research.
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1.1728927.pdf | Some Properties of Dirty Contacts on Semiconductors and Resistivity
Measurements by a TwoTerminal Method
George G. Harman and Theodore Higier
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 33, 2198 (1962); doi: 10.1063/1.1728927
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1728927
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IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:21:47JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 33, NUMBER 7 JULY 1962
Some Properties of Dirty Contacts on Semiconductors and Resistivity
Measurements by a Two-Terminal Methodt
Electron Devices Section, NaJional Bureau oj Standards, Washington 25, D. C.
(Received December 8, 1961)
. The surface and bulk properties of semiconductors have been studied by a two-terminal method using
duty contacts. These contacts are defined as ones that are easily applied and removed and that are separated
from the bulk by surface states, oxides, adhered gasses, and chemical films. The method essentially involves
measuring the resistance-voltage (R-V) characteristics from the millivolt range up to about 100 V, and from
these data the sample resistivity can be obtained directly. The effect of work damaging or etching the semi
conductor surface can be readily evaluated. By observation of the shape of the R-V curves it is possible to
separ~te the bulk from .the surface effects, ca~cul~te the surface barrier height and thickness from tunneling
equahons, and determme whether the barner IS a surface film or due to metal-semiconductor contact
potential difference. An application of the theory of electric field tunneling of Holm to the data of silicon
carbide gives values of about 2.4 eV for the barrier height and 13 A for the barrier width of the film on the
surface. ~ufficient information is included on electrode techniques and pitfalls so that the experimentalist
can readily make ilie measurements. Efforts were concentrated on silicon carbide and silicon but the
techniques are applicable to all types of semiconductors. '
THE properties of metal-semiconductor contacts
have been studied by many investigatorsl-4 and
reviewed by Henisch.5 In most studies the contacts were
applied in such a manner that they produced either
definitely ohmic or rectifying conditions. Some in
vestigators, however, studied the case in which an
artificial barrier layer existed between the electrode
and the semiconductor.6,7 But in general most workers
are interested in either the surface or the bulk properties
and go to great lengths to exclude the effects of the
undesired portion. Surface measurements are frequently
made using the field effect method, aptly described by
Statz.s Four-terminal techniques are usually considered
essential for bulk measurements, such as resistivity.9
However, the present work is a study of both the semi
conductor bulk and surface properties, using only two
dirty contacts applied to opposite sample faces.
Dirty contacts are defined, for this paper, as ones that
are easily applied and removed, and that are separated
from intimate contact with the bulk by barriers consist
ing of surface states, atmospheric contaminants, worked
semiconductor surfaces, oxide layers, chemical films,
etc. The electronic representation of these are shown
later in Fig. 6. In general, these contacts are applied at
t This work was supported by Air Force Research Division
Hqts. Det. 2, L. G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts. A
more detailed report on this subject was issued on 5/15/62
AFCRL-62-190. '
1 J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. 71,717 (1947).
2 R. F. Schwarz and J. F. Walsh, Proc. IRE 41, 1715 (1953).
• E. H. Borneman, R. F. Schwarz, and J. J. Stickler, J. AppJ.
Phys. 26, 1021 (1955).
• E. C. Wurst, Jr., and E. H. Borneman J. App!. Phvs. 28 235 (1957). ,- ,
'H. K. Henisch, Rectifying Semicondttctor Contacts (Oxford
University Press, New York, 1957).
6 C. C. Dilworth, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) 60, 315 (1948).
7 P. A. Hartig and R. N. Noyce, J. App!. Phys. 27, 843 (1956).
8 H. Statz, G. deMars, L. Davis, Jr., and A. Adams, Jr., Phvs.
Rev. 106,455 (1956). •
• G. H. Rudenherg, Semiconductor Products 2,28 (1959). room temperature and include such materials as liquid
gallium alloys, air-drying silver paint, graphite, and
simple pressure contacts of soft metals such as indium
and lead. This definition is made to specifically exclude
diffused and alloyed contacts and in most cases to
exclude the type of contacts used on thin film tunnel
devices. These latter ones may be dirty in the sense of
having oxide layers interposed, but the techniques and
conditions of application are completely controlled and
very sophisticated compared with those employed in the
present work.
The major problem to be overcome in measuring bulk
resistivity using dirty contacts is the resulting contact
resistance which may be much larger than the bulk
resistance of the sample. The 4-point probe is most
commonly used to avoid these barrier effects. Many of
the available new wide-gap semiconductor single
crystals (e.g., {1-SiC, BP, and AlB12) are simply too
small (approximately 1 mm on a side) to satisfactorily
attach leads for 4-terminal measurements from room
temperature to perhaps as high as 1200°C. In addition
easily applied ohmic contacts may not have been de~
veloped. Thus, a 2-terminal method based upon the
characteristics of readily available electrodes is both
desirable and necessary. One method of doing this is to
measure with a high frequency ac bridge,lO,l! in order to
reduce the impedance of the barrier by capacitive shunt
ing. For this method one must use a special crystal
holder. Also barrier relaxation effects may be encount
ered that can confuse interpretation of the data.
Therefore, it is desirable in many instances to have an
alternate 2-terminal method of measuring resistivity
that can be adapted to existing crystal holders, cryo
stats, ovens, etc.
Easily applied and removable ohmic contacts are not
available for most semiconductors, but in the study of
10 M. Pollak and T. H. Geballe, Phys. Rev. 122, 1742 (1961).
II W. Keller, Z. Angew. Physik 11, 346 (1959).
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IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:21:47DIRTY CONTACTS ON SEMICONDUCTORS 2199
dirty contacts it was found possible to usc their voltagc
characteristics to obtain accurate bulk measurements.
From the variation of surface resistance with voltage it
is possible to distinguish whether a barrier is a surface
film or an electrode-semiconductor exhaustion region.
For the case of 'surface films,information is obtained
about the barrier height and width. Variation of the
surface resistance with different etching treatments,
impurity diffusion, and the work function of the applied
electrodes are apparent.
Thus far, measurements by this method have been
successfully made on SiC, BP, GaAs, AlBa, silicon and
germanium single-crystal samples in wide resistivity
ranges and of both carrier types. The limitations of the
method have been determined, and, bearing these in
mind, the procedure is applicable for measurements on
any semiconductor. It is possible to adapt it to the
production testing of small semiconductor slices using a
single-point probe and a large conducting plate. Details
of this latter technique will be described in a later
publication. .
A. The R-V Curve
The present semiconductor-electrode study is bascd
upon the resistance vs voltage (R-V) characteristics of
the contact resistance of non-ohmic area electrodes.
These characteristics have been used for many years in
studies of switch and relay contacts and of thin film
tunneling by Holm.I2,l3 Other workers14.15 have used
similar curves to experimentally evaluate different
electrical contacts on ferrites and ceramic semicon
ductors to determine the electrode material best suited
for their particular application. In general, however,
modem workers in the field of semiconductors use the
standard I-V characteristics, and such data are fre
quently not as revealing as the R-V method. In the
present work a convenient electrode is chosen, and by
applying the correct voltage its characteristics are
forced to conform to the desired use.
The experimental procedure was to apply the appro
priate dirty contacts to opposite faces of the sample.
Then a known voltage was applied and the current was
measured. The resistance was calculated from these
data. The dc measurements were made in the low
voltage region ($1 V) where currents < 1 jlA are usually
encountered. At higher voltages it is generally necessary
to use a low-duty cycle «1%) pulse supply to avoid
JOUle heating. However, the pulse width must be long
enough to overcome any transient effects. These can
arise from stray capacity but at times appear to be
associated with the nature of the barrier. Conductive
1! R. Holm, F.kclric Contacts (H. Gebers, Stockholm, 1946).
13 R. Holm, J. Appl. Phys. 22, 569 (1951).
uS. S. Flaschenand L. G. Van Uitert, J. App!. Phys. 27, 190
U H. A. Sauer and S. S. Flaschen, Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 39,
3,04 (1960). A-25 t
-... _-...... ,
'flO',· \
o \
I \
0::: C-600 ·C
f-IOZ~_ --.. -- \ z \
<! - &10'
10·' 10.' 10° 10' 10'
FIG. 1. R-V characteristics of an unetched 560 O-cm n-type SiC
sample using liquid tin-gallium electrodes.
samples ($1 Q-cm) normally do not exhibit transient
effects so that one may use duty cycles,,-,O.Ol%. For
such samples, pulse widths of 20 to 50 jlsec are usually
satisfactory. But widths of up to 1000 jlsec are desirable
for semiconductors in the > 100 Q-cm range. The
pulser used in the early part of this investigation was a
Rutherford model B-2, which had a peak output of
90 V at 200 rnA. Later a system was constructed using
power transistors, which would supply 180 V at 6
amp with up to 10 amp at lower voltages. At all times
voltage and current were measured on an oscilloscope,
the latter across a one-ohm resistor, which is placed in
series with the sample. In all measurements except
those with qualifications, a value of 100 V was found
adequate to reduce the barrier resistance to approxi
mately ohmic.I6
Figure I gives the R-V characteristics of an unetched
high resistivity (560 Q-cm at 25°C) n-type SiC sample
at 25°, 400°, and 600°C using liquid tin-gallium elec
trodes. Voltage in the dotted curve is in the reverse
direction from the solid curve. The curves show sig
nificant differences in the forward and reverse character
istics in the 0.1-1.0-V region, which appear frequently in
these studies. This is partly due to different surface
conditions of the opposite electroded surfaces and their
effect upon tunneling, to be described later. These
curves demonstrate how the resistance of the metal
semiconductor surface barrier is reduced by voltage.
On the extreme left, region I, in the low voltage portion,
the surface barrier dominates the measurement, its
resistance area product being obtained by multiplying
the apparent resistivity in region I by the sample length.
On the right, region III, in the high voltage portion the
16 A few measurements were made on polycrystalline silicon
samples, with unsatisfactory results. It is quite probable that a
much higher voltage than was available is needed to overcome the
multitudinous grain boundaries and obtain a bulk value. However,
a sample containing only a few grain boundaries should give
accurate results.
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IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:21:472200 G. G. HARMAN AND T. HIGIER
E u CIO"
1-10· :>
0:: 10' I
ct B-elched
0... 10°L,--,--,-,-.L.U-uL..----,--,-",-,-,..c.ul;;--'----''--'-'...J..U'-';--'---'--'...w..,-,:,: « 10-' 10-' 10° 10' 10'
FIG. 2. R-V characteristics of a 3 O-cm SiC sample ~t ~oom
temperature showing the effect of etching. Dashed hnes mdlcate
change to pulser.
barrier is negligible, and this is defined as the ohmic or
bulk properties region. The middle transition region (II)
shows the reduction in barrier resistance by the tunnel
ing process.
Figure 2 presents similar characteristics for a 3 r2-cm
p-type SiC crystal. For curve A the crystal was cl.eaned
in HF to remove oxides and other surface contammants
(this produces no etching of the SiC), and tin-gallium
electrodes were applied. A barrier exists, but its re
sistance is only about two orders of magnitude higher
than the bulk. There is a considerable spread between
the forward and reverse current in the 0.1-to 1-V
region indicating different semiconductor surface tun
neling conditions under each electrode. The electrodes
were removed, and the sample was electrolytically
etched in an alcohol-HF solutionl7 to a depth of
'" 100 IJ.. This great depth was chosen to assure that
all damaged surface was totally removed. The electrodes
were applied and the result is given in curve B. The
barrier resistance is almost 5 orders of magnitude higher
than that of the bulk. In addition, the variations
between forward and reverse directions are negligible,
indicating that the semiconductor surface barriers are
nearly identical. The resistance differences between
curves A and B in the 100-V region are probably caused
by slightly different areas being wet by the liquid metal
electrodes after etching, since the sample ends to be
electroded were uneven. At any rate, the values are
within 20%, which is considered the accuracy of the
measurement, as discussed in Sec. lIB.
Thus the R-V method offers a simple means of
studyin~ the effect of an etchant or the depth of w~rk
damage on SiC. One should also be able to determme
the depth of a diffusion or alloying process by measuring
the low voltage R-V effect after successive shallow
The voltage used in Figs. 1 and 2 was extended down
into the millivolt range to demonstrate the measuring
17 H. C. Chang, Research on Silicon Carbide Transistors, Con
tract AF33(616)5592 (1958), ASTIA No. AD214, 955. circuit impedance required (0 make resistivity, thermo
electric Hall and other type measurements. These
curves 'readil; demonstrate why there is difficulty in
obtaining good 4-point probe resistivity measurements
on high resistivity (> 10 n-cm) SiC at room temperature.
The potential probes may have only a'few millivolts on
them and thus the barrier resistance is at its maximum.
Valu~s of > 109 r2 have been measured from such
probes. The low voltage data is also useful in calculating
the surface barrier height and width from electric field
tunneling theory as shown in Sec. IVB. .
It should be pointed out that the R-V effect IS a com
pletely reversible process and is in no way related to
capacitor-discharge forming of small-point contacts.
Area contacts are used in this procedure and thus no
local heating occurs as could happen with a point con
tact. The reversibility of the characteristics has been
demonstrated by repetitive oscilloscope traces. How
ever if electrodes are removed and then re-applied,
ther~ may be resistance differences of about a factor of
2 in the low voltage region. This is negligible compared
to the differences due to changes in surface treatment as
shown in Fig. 2.
Experiments similar to those of Figs. 1 and 2 were
run on etched and unetched, 145 r2-cm p-type silicon
samples and the results are shown in Fig. 3. There is a
resistance factor of 17 between the work-damaged
(sandblasted) surface, curve B, and the well-etc~ed
surface curve A. Curve A also presents the pnme
situati~n to be avoided, namely avalanche injection.
Minority carrier injection by an avalanche breakdown
process occurred and was sufficient to reduce ~he bulk
resistance by a factor of 3.8 to 85 V. The great dIfference
between the shapes of curve'3A and those of Figs. 1 and
2 is immediately apparent; the curve does not level
out at high voltages. If a curve is not relatively flat by
75 to 100 V, then the chosen contact or surface treat
ment is not satisfactory for bulk-resistivity measure
ments. There remain two choices. The first is to use the
same electrode but work damage the surface, as was
done in curve B. It produces ohmic results, within
20%, either at low or high voltages. The reason for the
resistance increase in the middle range is not presently
understood, but it occurs consistently on other p-type
silicon samples given the same surface treatment and
electrodes. The second alternative is to choose a differ
ent electrode, such as was done in curve C. Here it is
shown that graphite rubbed onto etched p-type silicon
surfaces produced ohmic resultS.17a In all cases, the
dotted portion on the right side of the curve represents
the change from dc to low-duty cycle pulse measure
ments. The pulsed current experiences a higher barrier
than dc, indicating barrier relaxation effects, but this
becomes less significant at higher voltages.
17. Note added in the proof. Rubbed-on graphite will not s~ick
to a highly polished, mirror-like silicon surf3;c~, but a collOld~1
graphite suspension may be substituted provldmg the sample IS
desiccated before making the measurement (see reference 24).
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] IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:21:47DIRTY CONTACTS ON SEMICONDUCTORS 2201
B. Resistivity Measurements
Using the characteristics presented in Figs. 1-3, a
simple measurement of the semiconductor bulk resis
tivity can be made with only two electrodes. One
merely records the voltage and current in the ohmic or
bulk region III of the curve and uses the following
well-known formula:
Pb= (VA/IL) Q-cm, (1)
where Pb is the .bulk resistivity, V the voltage, I is the
current, A the cross sectional area, and L is the length
of the sample. If high voltage is needed as in Figs. 1 and
2, it is applied by low-duty cycle pulses to avoid
heating. Certain precautions must be observed with
respect to avalanche injection [Fig. 3(A)] and the
maximum allowable field strength. These will be dis
cussed in following sections.
As mentioned in the Introduction, the resistivities of
many different semiconductors have been measured by
this method. These were within 20% and usually 10%
of results obtained by a 4-terminal method. Normally
the results are on the high side because, even when 100 V
is applied, 5 or so volts must appear across the barrier.
Therefore, unless the contact is definitely ohmic
[Fig. 3(C)] or injecting [Fig. 3(A)], the measured
resistivity will be at least 5 to 10% higher than the true
bulk value. This inaccuracy varies with the type of
sample and the condition of the surface. Since pulses
are used, the measurement is generally made with an
oscilloscope, which may introduce a 5% error in
reading. Other errors may be introduced in the measure
ment of sample geometry and in the improper applica
tion of electrodes to the intended area. These latter
errors are also present in other 4-terminal measurements
and may be minimized. In some cases, reversing the
polarity of the applied voltage results in 5 to 10% lower
resistance in one direction. This results from the two
barriers having different heights or widths, so the lower
value should be adopted for the more accurate results.
A. Electrode Techniques and Temperature
The same type of electrode material was used for all
except one of the curves presented in this paper. It was
semiliquid tin-galliuml4 which was applied by dipping a
piece of tin into liquid tin-gallium eutectic and then
rubbing it on the semiconductor. In addition to being
easily applied, this material has the advantage that
after measurements it can be easily removed by dipping
in dilute HCI and wiping or shaking off the remainder.
This alloy is quite useful in the high temperature
range (in both air or inert atmospheres) since both tin
and gallium have high boiling points. However, diffu
sion of the constituents into the semiconductor may
become a serious problem long before the boiling point A
10-' 10° 10' 10'
FIG. 3. R-V characteristics for a 145 Q-cm p-type silicon sample
with various surface treatments and electrodes, measured at room
temperature. (A) Etched surface with Sn-Ga electrodes; (B)
sandblasted surface with Sn-Ga electrodes; and (C) etched sur
face with rubbed graphite electrodes. The arrow on the resistance
axis indicates 145 Q-cm. Dashed lines indicate pulser.
is reached. Typically one may wish to make an experi
mental measurement of the type shown in Fig. 1 from
room temperature to perhaps 1000°C. Based on a very
conservative diffusion coefficient of 5 X 10-14 cm2/sec
and a maximum of 1 h of testing time near the peak
temperature, diffusion should not become a problem
with tin-gallium electrodes up to ",750°C for germa
nium, l000°C for silicon,18 and 1400°C for SiC.19
Verification tests have been made on SiC up to 850°C
with no noticeable diffusion. But when silicon, with
tin-gallium electrodes, was heated to only 300°C, there
was a definite change in the contact characteristics that
indicated some diffusion had occurred. The contact
became relatively ohmic on p-type samples resembling
Fig. 3(B) and could be used thereafter as an ohmic
contact. However, it produced a barrier with avalanche
effects on n-type, similar to Fig. 3(A) and just the
opposite of the results at 25°C. These changed condi
tions remained when the temperature was lowered.
The electrodes were removed with HCI (which does not
etch Si) and then re-applied. For most samples the
initial contact conditions were again observed, which
indicates that no true diffusion occurred but rather a
purely surface interaction. Nevertheless, this surface
effect would ruin a measurement.
In an effort to reduce the barrier effects the surface of
an n-type silicon sample was sandblasted before
electrodes were applied. Subsequent high-temperature
tests showed that although avalanche injection was
eliminated, a barrier was still created which resulted in
apparent resistivities of from 25 to 50% higher than the
bulk value. Therefore, the tin-gallium electrode cannot
be safely used on n-type silicon at temperatures sig
nificantly higher than room temperature. Graphite can
18 Diffusion data for both silicon and germanium were taken
from F. J. Biondi, Transistor Technology III (D. Van Nostrand
Co~pa!1Y' Inc., ~rinc~ton, New Jersey, .1958), Chap. 3 .
• 1 ~hls value IS esumated from published data on aluminum
dIffuSIOn, J. R. O'Connor and J. Smiltens, Silicon Carbide (Perga
mon Press, New York, 1960), Chap. V-3.
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IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:21:472202 G. G. HARMAN AND T. HIGIER
be used to very high temperatures on p-type Si in an
inert atmosphere, and as mentioned previously, Sn-Ga
produces no noticeable diffusion effect on SiC to at least
850°C. The III-V semiconductors should be amenable
to indium-gallium electrodes. But choice of electrodes
must be investigated with preliminary tests for each
particular semiconductor before it can be relied upon for
accurate measurements.
There are two additional precautions that should be
observed when using liquid gallium (alloys) at high
temperatures. The first is that it readily alloys with
most metals. Therefore, in addition to the semicon
ductor, gallium should touch only such materials as
tungsten, graphite, glass, or ceramic20 portions of a
crystal holder. The second is that occasionally on the
first temperature cycle the Sn-Ga will cease to wet one
or more small portions of the semiconductor surface.
The extent of this will depend upon the particular
semiconductor and the condition of its surface. This
retraction may not be visible upon examination, but it
can produce apparent changes in resistivity. The
simplest solution is to heat the sample to the peak
desired temperature on a quick preliminary run. The
contact will then be stable for actual measurements,
and the data may be normalized to the initial value for
resistivity measurements. Another alternative is to
re-apply the electrode after the preliminary run by
re-rubbing. Then it will generally be stable.
Tin-gallium can only be used for electrodes down to
'"V lO°C. Below this it solidifies, and, because of its
large expansion coefficient, usually separates from the
semiconductor. Similar liquid mixtures of indium
mercury14 and indium-thallium-mercury21 can be used
to about -40°C. Rubbed-on graphite, or indium either
pressed against the surface or soldered to it, can be
used for measurements down to at least liquid nitrogen
In general, one may use any electrode that covers the
surface area uniformly, is convenient to apply and
reasonably matches the semiconductors' expansion
coefficient in the desired temperature range, or is in the
form of a thin film so that the expansion differences are
less significant.
B. Physical Considerations
Some consideration must be given to the effect of the
electrode material on the observed contact resistance to
the particular semiconductor. By careful etching fol
lowed by jet electroplating of contacts, Wurst22 has
20 For a discussion of gallium corrosion (alloying) properties see c. A. Hampel, Rare lvI etals Handbook (Reinhold Publishing
Corporation, New York, 1961), Chap. 10.
21 V. J. King, 'Rev. Sci. Instr. 32, 1407 (1961).
22 See reference 4. They used pressure contacts for their alkali
metal results. These could fall within the present definition of
dirty contacts, except that these measurements may have been
made in vacuum. No information was given, but it was obvious
that the work was not performed in an oxygen or water vapor rich
atmosphere. shown that there is a reasonable correlation among the
nature of the contact, the work function of the metal,
and the semiconductor carrier type. In general, he finds
that metals with low work functions ( <4 eV) are ohmic
when used as contacts on n-type silicon and injecting
on p-type silicon. For metals with work functions
>4 eV the converse is true. We have also found this to
be the case in our work using dirty contacts, where the
work function of the pure metal and the semiconductor
are of importance irrespective of the surface condition.
Tin-gallium and indium-gallium electrodes which
have low work functions23 show very slight barriers
(essentially ohmic) on etched n-type silicon and quite
high ones with avalanche injection in the lOO-V region
on p type. Pressure indium and tin contacts produced
similar results. However, rubbed graphite (see Fig. 3)
or a water-based paste of it,24 pressure-gold contacts,
and air-drying silver paint,25 all of which have work
functions >4 eV, gave exactly the opposite results. The
water-graphite mixture introduces surface states which
lead to an ohmic contact at low voltages « 1 V) and
non-ohmic behavior at higher voltages.
C. Field Strength Considerations
There is a field strength precaution that must be
observed in using the 2-terminal method. At very high
field strengths (E) the carrier velocity decreases, from a
linear function of E to an Et relationship, as was shown
by Ryder26 for silicon and germanium. His values of
maximum fields for a linear velocity relationship are
reproduced in Table I for convenience. In addition, we
have added data for SiC based on a drift-mobility
extrapolation. These SiC data are approximate but
should be within a factor of two. When using the present
method one should not exceed these values if good
resistivity measurements are to be made. If, however, a
higher field strength is necessary, then a correction for
Ge n type
Ge p type
Si n type
Si p type
SiC n type
SiC p type TABLE I.
Critical field (V /cm at 25°C)
100 000
23 H. B. Michaelson, J. App!. Phys. 21, 536 (1950).
21 For instance, Dag dispersion No. 226, obtainable from
A~heson C:olloids Company, P?rt Huron, Michigan. When dry,
thiS matenal produces an ohmiC contact on p-type germanium.
For a discussion of some properties of this type of contact on
p-type silicon, see G. G. Harman, T. Higier, and O. L. Meyer, J. App!. Phys. 33, 2206 (1962), following paper.
26 Of the several silver paints tested, Degussa #200 produced the
most consistent results. It is obtainable· from Materials for
Electronics, Inc., Jamaica, New York. In general, such paints
required that ~150 V be applied before they would yield ohmic
results on p. type silicon.
2. E. J. Ryder, Phys. Rev. 90, 766 (11).'i3).
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] IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:21:47DIRTY CO:'llTACTS O'\' SEMICO~DUCTORS 2203
FIG. 4. 145 [I-cm p-type silicon sample. Sn-Ga electrodes, 25°C.
(a) Pre-breakdown current pulse, 26 V applied, 0.5 rnA/major
div vertical and 200 J'sec/div horizontal; (b) first stable break
down current pulse, 35 V applied, 1 mA/div vertical and 200
J'sec/div horizontal; (c) voltage pulse on top (75 Vat Y intercept)
and current pulse (0.17 A at intercept) decaying rapidly below,
and (d) same sample with graphite electrode showing linear volt
age-current relationship. Upper pulse is voltage; lower is current.
the E! mobility relationship could be applied and the
field increased by at least a factor of five. From Table I,
it is apparent that there should be no critical field
problems when working with very small crystals of
SiC and other semiconductors that have relatively low
drift mobility.
There are several mechanisms capable of producing
current flow across a semiconductor surface barrier,
but only two are of significance in the present work:
(1) The tunnel effect6,12,13; this dominates the situation
in Figs. 1 and 2 and any others where the barrier width
is <50 A; (2) avalanche breakdown27,28; this is ac
companied by noise pulses in the pre-breakdown region
and has been observed in several cases [Fig. 3(A)].
A. Avalanche Breakdown
Avalanche breakdown and its resulting minority car
rier injection have been definitely observed on J!-and
p-type etched silicon samples, depending upon the work
function of the applied electrode, Where this breakdown
occurred it resulted in significantly lower apparent
resistivity values than measU'Ied by a 4-terminal
method, as was shown in the injection region part of
Fig. 3(A). It is always evident that the current-voltage
relationship varies during the pulse duration. Figure
4(a) gives the current pulse just before breakdown.
Except for an initial capacitive spike, the current wave
shape is identical to the voltage wave. Figure 4(b)
shows the current shape just after the breakdown had
become stable enough to photograph. The current in
this picture is almost four times that in 4(a), while the
voltage was only raised 35%. Figure 4(c) gives the
27 P. A. Wolff, Phys. Rev. 95, 1415 (1954).
28 Y. Yamashita, Profiress in Semiconductors (John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, ]<)()O), Vo!' 4, p. oS. voltage and current curves for the stabilized breakdown
(~75 V). The top curve is voltage and the lower is cur
rent. Note the non-ohmic I-l~ relationship as the cur
rent drops away from the voltage. This cannot be at
tributed to heating since the current changes in the
wrong direction. Figure 4(d) is present for compari
son. It represents the usual current and voltage pulse
shape obtained when the barrier is overcome by the
tunneling process. The voltage and current maintain
the same relationship as a function of time.
A valanche injection can be eliminated from silicon
and most other materials, regardless of the electrode,
by sandblasting or other methods of work damaging
the surface before electrodes are applied (Fig. 3). This
has the effect of enormously increasing surface recombi
nation, thus preventing minority carrier injection into
the bulk, and relatively ohmic results are obtained by
applying voltage pulses, as was shown in Fig. 3(B).
This offers one explanation of why neither n-nor p-type
silicon carbide, nor other semiconductors that have
short minority carrier lifetimes and low mobilities
(diffusion lengths of only a micron or so) , have not
shown avalanche injection and the resulting lowered
bulk resistance as in the discussed case of silicon.z9
Wolff27 has given the threshold for electron-hole pair
production (and thus the initiation of avalanche break
down) as 2.3 eV for silicon. This is just over twice the
band gap. Assuming the same general relationship to
hold for SiC, it is necessary for the electrons to be ac
celerated to ~6 eV before avalanche breakdown could
occur. The attainment of such high energies is less prob
able than 2 eV, so avalanche injection should be less
significant in large-gap semiconductors. The occurrence
of avalanche breakdown should also be inversely related
to the critical field discussed in Sec. lIIC.
B. Tunneling
Holm13 and Dilworth6 have given equations for the
tunnel effect through an insulating film in the case where
both contact members consist of the same semicon
ducting materials. In the present work their theory is
applied to the somewhat different situation of Fig. 6(A)
in which electrodes are applied to two faces of one
semiconductor which is covered by a uniform surface
Holm gives the equation (including V in the numera
tor30) for the surface resistance area product qs in units
of \1-cm2 as follows:
1014Vexp[0.683(S/V)(4>~- (4)-V)~)] ---------------\1- cmz,
2.5nT~[1-exp( -eV/kT)] (2)
29 One very high purity n-type SiC sample (",10000 [I-cm) out
of the 13 that were tested did show evidence of an avalanche
effect. The R-V curve did not decrease in regions II or III; thus
it was obvious that the data could not be used for resistivity
'" R. Holm (private communication).
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] IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:21:472204 G. G. HARMAN AND T. HIGIER
FIG. 5. Curve A is the data of Fig. 1 (A) (560 U-cm, n-type
SIC) replotted in units of U-cm2 accompanied by its theoretical
curve. Curve B is similar data for the 3 U-cm p-type SiC crystal
of Fig. 2(B).
S is the surface film thickness in angstroms, cp is the
barrier height in volts, V is the total voltage across the
barrier, n is the density of majority carriers per cmS in
the bulk of the semiconductor, T is the absolute tem
perature, e is the charge of the electron, and k is Boltz
mann's constant. In order to adapt this equation to the
situation of Fig. 6(A), it is necessary to extend Eq.
(1) as follows:
q81+q 82+PBL= VI/IA Q-cm2, (3)
where q8t and q82 are the resistance area product of the
two semiconductor surface films, and VI is the total
voltage applied to the electrodes. This relates the bulk
and surface resistance, in units of Q-cm2, to the experi
mentally measured parameters. The data of Figs. 1 (A)
and 2(B) are re-plotted in Fig. 5 in units of Q-cm2
and accompanied by the theoretical curves calculated
with Eqs. (2) and (3). For the best fit with curve SA
it was necessary to use the entire Eq. (3) to include
the resistance of two barriers, but curve 5B was
calculated on the basis of only one barrier. Thus it is
apparent that the barrier on the p-type sample, biased
in the forward direction, is significantly lower than the
one in the reverse direction.
The main features of the R vs V I curves of Fig. 5 can
be discussed by considering the three separate regions
as described in Sec. IIA. For region I, at low voltages,
Holm gives a simple expression for the exponential in
the numerator of Eq. (2),
exp[1.025S(cp-YV)t]. (4)
This exponential can be considered constant when
V <O.2cfi. All of the voltage drop is across the surface
barrier in this case. The factor
V /[l-exp( -eV/kT)], (5)
accounts for the rectification of the semiconductor
and Holm has shown that it leads to an increase i~ resistivity with voltage when V"'kT. The curve, Fig.
1(B), taken at T=400°C shows a maximum at 0.5 V,
which agrees with the value predicted31 (see Appendix).
In the reverse direction of this curve the resistivity
decreases when V>O.l V. It is probable that there is a
built-in voltage V 0, and this rectifying effect could be
accounted for by changing the entire factor to the
form of
l-exp[ -e(V o+ V)/kT]' (6)
Dilworth6 uses an expression of this general type. A
built-in voltage Vo of this type will lead to a more rapid
fall-off of the resistance vs voltage in region II. In the
second region V>O.2cfi. The dominant resistance is
again qs, and the main variation in resistivity vs voltage
is due to electric-field-induced tunneling.
A further discussion of the application of these equa
tions was recently given by the present authors.S! This
work considered experimental. curves of the type
shown in Fig. 1 (B) in greater detail.
By using expression 4 we can obtain an estimate of
cp from the value of the voltage at which the resistance
starts to decrease rapidly in Fig. 5. The values obtained
by this method are cp= 2.5±.5 eV for the n-type sample
and cp=2.3±.5 .eV for the p-type sample. The barrier
thickness S can be determined from the slope of the
log-log plot and is S= 11 A+2 A for the n-type sample
and S= 16 A+2 A for the p-type one. Sand cp are esti
mated by determining the variations of Sand cp which
change the exponential by a factor of 10. The agreement
of the two curves is good at the low voltage end. How
ever, the theoretical curve gives a somewhat low value
at intermediate voltages. The agreement could be im
proved by taking into account the fact that the two
films may have slightly different Sand cp and by assum
ing a small amount of field-induced band-bending, as
described by Spenke.32 Although only a few measure
ments have been made on GaAs, this material was the
only one measured that had a decrease sharp enough to
produce a good fit throughout the entire region II.
The value S of surface thickness which is determined
by these measurements will be related to the true
surface thickness by the relation S' =KS, where S' is
the true surface thickness, and K is a relative dielectric
coefficient. A discussion of this is included in Henisch5
(Chap. 7).
c. General
From the preceding it is apparent that there are two
different types of barriers of significance in this study
• 31 T. Higier and G. G. ~arman, Paper presented at the Interna
tional Research SymposIUm on Electric Contact Phenomena
Orono, Maine, November 1961 (to be published in the Conferenc~
32 E. Spenke, Electronic Semiconductors (McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, 1958), Chap. 10.
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] IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:21:47DIRTY CONTACTS ON SEMICONDUCTORS 2205
.FIG. 6. Equilibrium metal-semiconductor energy level diagram
for n-type semiconductors. (A) is for approximately equal work
functions, but with an artificial layer-type barrier. q, is the energy
difference of the barrier above the Fermi level of the metal. S is
the barrier width; (B) is for a metal with a work function greater
than the semiconductor and results in an additional barrier due to
bending of the bands.
of dirty contacts. One results in avalanche breakdown
and the other in tunneling.
The most important consideration for silicon is the
contact potential difference between the electrode and
the specimen, the ever-present layer of Si02 ( ",30-40 A·
and of low barrier height) being of little consequence.
For an ohmic contact (indium or tin-gallium on n-type,
or graphite on p-type) there is no bending of the bands.
Adhered· oxygen, water vapor, or other surface con
taminants produce only slow states which do not hinder
dc measurements and are swamped by high voltage
pulses as shown in Fig. 3, curves Band C. For this
situation in the band picture of Fig. 6(A) is representa
tive. The thin barrier due to the artificial layer is
penetrated by tunneling. When the electrode work func
tion is such that avalanche breakdown and injection
occur (less than 4 eVan p type and greater than 4 eV
on n-type Si), then another model is applicable. In this
case, there is significant bending of the bands, and an
exhaustion layer is created as shown in Fig. 6(B).
When voltage is applied, the height and width of the
reverse-biased barrier will increase, and its character
istics will totally dominate current flow through the
sample. The width (> 1000 A on a typical sample) of
this region is so much greater than that of the Si02
that it dominates the characteristics. Tunneling or field
emission is improbable through such a wide region so,
as reverse voltage is applied to the barrier, avalanche
breakdown occurs. There is, however, always the pos
sibility that tunneling can occur for the case shown in
Fig. 6(B), providing that the composite barrier width
is <50 A. This might occur if the semiconductor is
degenerate or near degenerate. If the composite barrier is > 50 A, then there is the possibility of field emission
or Schottky emission. These will be obvious by the
relatively high voltage required to enter region II and
the impossibility of fitting the resulting data to Eq. (3).
Nevertheless good two-terminal resistivity measure
ments can be achieved for either of these cases, since
they do not result in minority carrier injection as did
avalanche breakdown in Fig. 3(A).
The nature of the surface layer and/or surface states
on SiC is quite different from those of silicon. No dirty
contact could be found that produced ohmic results
similar to those obtained by rubbing graphite on p-type
silicon [Fig. 3(C)]. There is always a significant
barrier on both n-and p-type SiC. Since the Si02 layer
on the surface was removed by HF and this layer re
builds very slowly, if at all, at room temperature, there
must be a very dominant atmospheric type surface
state present. It must be of sufficient width or height
to cause tunnel-effect limiting of the current. Dillon
et al.33 have shown that oxygen is adsorbed on the SiC
surface with a sticking coefficient of approximately O.Ol.
Its effect is sufficient to reduce the photoelectric yield
and increase the work function by 0.61 eV above the
argon-bombarded high vacuum-treated surface. Such a
surface state, with perhaps a contribution from water
vapor or other ambient gases, could well explain the
present observations.
The authors wish to acknowledge many valuable
discussions with Owen L. Meyer of the Diamond
Ordnance Fuze Laboratories.
The barrier thickness S and height cp can be calculated
from a given experimental R-V curve by considering
the variation of the main terms in Eq. (2). The case
when only one barrier contributes to the surface
resistance is given first.
Two equations are required to determine Sand cp.
The experimental ratio at two different voltages V 1 and
V 2 are equated to the theoretical ratios as deter
mined from Eqs. (2). To obtain the first equation, two
values of voltage V 1 and V 2 can be chosen in the range
0.1> V 2': 0.3cp. The theoretical ratio will then be given
q,theory V 1exp[1.025S(cp- V 1/2)IJ
q,theory V 2exp[l.025S(cp- V z/2)tJ (A1)
This ratio is equated to the experimental resistance
ratio between V 1 and V 2.
A second equation is obtained by taking a point in
region II. A value V 3 can be taken which lies between
2 and 4 V.6 One limit on the value V3 is that the experi-
33 J. A. Dillon, Jr. R. E. Schlier, and H. E. Farnsworth, J. App\.
Phys. 30, 675 (1959).
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IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:21:472206 G. G. HARMAN AND T. HIGIER
mental resistance should be greater than 10 times the
bulk resistance. Now the theoretical ratio will be given
q,theory (A2)
This ratio is now set equal to the experimental ratio of
resistances at V 2 and V 3. When V 3 is chosen so that
V3=3V, a reasonable approximation is to take
(<p-Va) = O. By repeating this calculation for a few
points an estimate of the error in Sand cf> can be
When both barriers contribute to the surface re
sistance, in general the values of S]<p]! and S2<P21 must
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS be equal within 2 or 3%. In this case, the resistance of
the two barriers will be equal, and the value of voltage
used in formula 2 will be just t the experimental volt
age. In general, when SI differs from S2 and <PI differs
from t/!2, four experimental points will be needed to
determine these parameters.
One other value can be calculated from Eq. (2) when
Sand <P are known. This is the voltage V at which
Eq. (2) has a maximum. The main variation in Eq. (2)
when V is greater than 0.1 v is due to
6.q."" Vexp[1.025S(t/!V/2)iJ. (A3)
The maximum of this expression is determined by put
ting its derivative equal to zero, which gives
1.025SV(t/!- V /2)-b4. (A4)
Some Electrical Properties of the Porous Graphite Contact on p-Type Silicon *
National Bureau oj Standards, Washington, D. C.
Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories, Wasltington, D. C.
(Received January 22, 1962)
Some unusual properties of the porous graphite contact on p-type silicon are described. Current through
the sample reaches a saturation level that is inversely proportional to the amount of adhered water vapor.
Other gases such as ammonia, H2S, and HCl modify the shape or amplitude of the saturation current. There
is a hysteresis loop in the low voltage region which is similar in appearance to that of a ferroelectric. The
general method of measurement can be applied to studying the semiconductor surface as well as the contact
phenomena. The possible applications include such devices as current regulators, humidity detectors, and
surface-barrier radiation detectors.
An electronic band model, which includes a trap-dominated inversion layer, is presented to explain the
phenomena. This model also integrates various conflicting theories of metal-semiconductor contacts.
IN the course of studying the surface properties of
semiconductors, using "dirty contacts," it was found
(after a study of work function dependence) that gra
phite rubbed onto the surface of p-type silicon produced
an essentially ohmic contact.! For ease of application, a
water-based paste of graphite was applied to etched,2
p-type silicon. The characteristics were essentially
ohmic when the graphite dried. However, this contact
was not ohmic when it was in high humidity. Instead
the current reached a saturation value that was stable
to about 100 V, as shown in Fig. 1 (a). Stable charac
teristics with values intermediate between the saturated
* Part of this work was sponsored by the Air Force Cambridge
Research Center, Bedford, Massachusetts.
I G. G. Harman and T. Higier, J. Appl. Phys. 33, 2198 (1962),
preceding paper.
2 All samples described in this letter were etched in 90% HNOs + 10% HF for one minute. One sample was etched in CP4 and
appeared to have a lower breakdown than the others, but this
etching effect was not investigated further. humidity and dry curves of Fig. 1 (a) were achieved by
controlling the sample humidity. • It should be pointed out that the experimental curves
(Fig. 1) were obtained with two identical contacts
back-to-back, the reverse electrode (determined by
applied-voltage polarity) controlling the current flow.
A single contact was studied by alloying aluminum, for
a coiwentional ohmic contact, as the counter electrode.
When reverse-biased (positive on graphite), the graphite
contact had the same characteristics as in Fig. 1, but it
showed injection under forward bias.
At low voltage there is a hysteresis loop [Fig. 1(b)J
which changes shape and magnitude with the bulk
resistivity, the humidity, and the rate of change in
applied voltage with respect to time (dv/ dt). The barrier
capacity was measured in the hysteresis region and
showed an increase with reverse bias, in contrast to tht.
usual decrease with depletion layer widening. This
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] IP: On: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 18:21:47 |
1.1735850.pdf | Contribution of Anode Emission to Space Charge in Thermionic Power
Anthony F. Dugan
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 31, 1397 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1735850
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735850
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Extended SpaceCharge Theory in LowPressure Thermionic Converters
J. Appl. Phys. 33, 2485 (1962); 10.1063/1.1729001
Electron SpaceChargeLimited Operation of Cesium Thermionic Converters
J. Appl. Phys. 33, 1445 (1962); 10.1063/1.1728752
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IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 04:55:43ELECTRODES IN A LOW-PRESSURE PLASMA 1397
in the low ion energy region when a light ion bombards
a material of much heavier atoms because the accommo
dation coefficients here are expected to become sub
stantially less than unity. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The skillful and patient work of B. Richelman, R.
Moseson, and our glass experts, Emil Benz and Arthur
Haut, is gratefully acknowledged.
Contribution of Anode Emission to Space Charge in Thermionic Power Converters
Lockheed Missiles and Space Division, Sunnyvale, California
(Received December 16, 1959; and in final form April 6, 1960)
The space charge theory of Langmuir has been extended to include the effects of anode emission on the
performance of a vacuum thermionic power converter. The basic equation is similar to Langmuir's ~-7J
equation, but it involves two additional parameters which depend on the temperatures and thermionic
properties of the electrodes. An iterative technique is described for obtaining solutions in specific cases, and
some sample calculations based on hypothetical diodes are presented. The calculations indicate that the effect
of the anode temperature is considerably more pronounced if the cathode-anode work function difference is
IN the treatment of space charge effe8ts in vacuum
thermionic diodes, it is usually assumed that the
anode emission is sufficiently small to be neglected. An
analysis based upon this assumption leads to the
familiar Langmuir space charge equation.1,2 This
equation has been used by several authors, for example,
Webster,3 to determine performance characteristics of
thermionic power converters. In many cases, however,
neglect of anode emission cannot be justified; for
instance, in space applications it is desirable to reject
waste heat by radiation directly from the anode in order
to minimize the weight of the system. A converter
operating at 20% efficiency and producing 3 w/cm2
requires the anode to reject 12 w/cm2• Assuming black
body conditions, the anode temperature would have to
be greater than 1200°K. At this temperature, the anode
emission can be appreciable and should, therefore, be
considered in determining the expected performance.
The effects of anode back current on the efficiency
of a thermionic diode have been considered by Houston.4
In his paper, however, he did not consider the contri
bution of the anode to cathode current to the space
charge. The purpose of the present paper is to describe a
method of calculating space charge when both cathode
and anode are emi tting.
Figure 1 is a schematic representation of the potential
energy of an electron in a thermionic power converter.
tPc and tPa are the true work functions of cathode and
11. M. Langmuir, Phys. Rev. 21,419 (1923).
2 T. C. Fry, Phys. Rev. 17, 441 (1921).
3 H. F. Webster, J. AppI. Phys. 30, 488 (1959).
4 J. M. Houston, J. AppI. Phys. 30, 481 (1959). anode, respectively. Vo is the effective output voltage of
the converter and is determined in actual practice by
matching the external electrical load to the operating
characteristics of the converter. V m is the potential
energy maximum, and is determined by the distri
bution of electrons between the electrodes. The follow
ing derivation of the space charge distribution employs
an analytical approach similar to that used by Fry.2
If a surface is at temperature T, it will emit electrons
with a Maxwell velocity distribution characteristic of T.
For a single surface, say the cathode, the number of
FL c
I a
'---......--- FL
I I eVo
---.J __ t ______ l ____ _
-----l xmJ-1 .... ---
FIG. 1. Schematic representation of an~electron's potential
energy in a thermionic power converter. FL denotes the Fermi
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IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 04:55:431398 ANTHONY F. DUGAN
electrons emitted per unit time per unit area with
velocity components normal to the surface between Vo
and vo+dvo is
dNe=Ne-exp( -mvo2/2kTc)dvo.
kTe (1)
The charge density at a point x where the potential is
V can be found from
pe=ei'" dNe(Vo),
'Vo' V (2)
[ 2e(V -4>e)]! v= vo2
m (3)
is the velocity which an electron whose initial velocity
was Vo has when it reaches x. Equation (2) must be
integrated over the appropriate velocities. If x<xm,
one finds at x, in addition to those electrons whose
initial velocities were sufficient to carry them past x""
a reverse current consisting of those electrons whose
initial velocities were sufficient to carry them past x,
but not past xm. For X>Xm, one finds these electrons
missing. The charge density is, therefore,
Pe=eNe~ exp(-e(V -4>e»)[i'" exp(-mv2
kTc kTe 0 2kTe
i[2eCVm-V)/mJ' ( mV2) ]
± exp --- dv ,
o 2kTc (5)
in which the upper and lower signs refer, respectively, to
x<xm and x>xm• Equation (3) has been used to change
the variable of integration Vo to v. The result of inte
grating Eq. (4) is:
pc=eNc(7rm/2kTc)1 exp[ -e(V-4>c)/kTc]
X[l±erf{[e(V m-V)/kTc]!}], (5)
2 iZ
erf(z)=-- exp(-i)dy.
(n')! 0
When the anode emits, the charge density will be
increased by a term similar to that given by Eq. (5).
Poisson's equation relates the potential to the charge
(7) [ J [e(V m-V)]!}] 1 X FFerf1 -kT:- f' (8)
With the following changes of variables:
'I)=e(V m-V)/kTc,
a=Tc/T a,
and some manipulations, Eq. (8) can be put into the
where 'l)c and 'l)a are the values of 'I) at cathode and anode,
and the upper signs are to be used for ~<O and the
lower signs are to be used for ~>O. Equation (10) is
readily seen to reduce to Langmuir's equation if the
anode temperature goes to zero. N a and N c are simply
proportional to the saturation current densities which
can be computed from Richardson's equation:
18=A J'2 exp( -e4>/kT),
where A is the emission coefficient in amp/cm2 °K2. For
the purpose of demonstrating the method, values of A
and 4> were chosen which were obtained from Richardson
plots for some materials. Strictly speaking, one should
use the true work functions and set A = 120 amp/cm2
°K2. In the calculations described below, however, the
empirical values of A and r/> were used throughout and
no temperature dependence was considered. The
calculations, therefore, describe hypothetical diodes for
which the true work function and the Richardson work
function are identical. The main features of the results
are not seriously effected by this assumption, and the
computational procedure is the same if the true work
functions are used.
A first integral of Eq. (10) can be obtained, but from
there on one must use numerical methods. Letting 1'0
and I.e be the saturation currents from anode and
cathode, and integrating Eq. (to),
d'l)/ d~= {e~(l±erf'l)!) -[1± (2/7r!)r,!]
+ B(ea~[1 =r=erf(a'l)!]- [1 =r= (2/7r!) (a'l)t])}, (11)
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] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 04:55:43A NOD E EM ISS ION I N T Fl E R M ION I CPO W ERe 0 N V E R T E R S 1399
where B=(I.,;/I. c)a-ltexp('I1c-O!'I1,,). The net current
drawn by the diode is
Since '110 and '11 .. involve V m, an iterative procedure is
required to solve for V",. If the anode-cathode sepa
ration is d, then
with 18e in amp/cm2 and d in em.
The procedure for finding V m is as foHows! Calculate
"1c-1Ja=e(V o+cp,.-cpc)/kT c, Vo is the output voltage
of the converter and is a known quantity. WebsterS
assumes that the current is known, and calculates V(l.
With the anode emitting, however, it is more con
venient to assume Vi) and calculate the current. Now,
1Jc=e(V,,,- V)/kTc>'1.-'1Q' Choose, therefore, a value
of '1c>'lc-1/al and find 71". Using Eg. 14, ~,.-~c can be
calculated. Using the values of '11. and 71", Eq. (11) can
be numerically integrated to obtain ~. and ~a. Next,
compare the value of ~,,-~e obtained by integration of
Eq. 11 with the value obtained from Eq. 14. Let
o=(~a-~c)14-(~,,-~c)n where the subscript refers to
the number of the equation by which the quantity is
calculated. 0 will be zero for the correct value of 11 •• If o is not zero, fie should be improved by decreH.sing or
increasing according to whether a is negative or positive.
The process can usually be made to converge in five or
six iterations. A program was set up for the IBM 709
to perform the calculations, and several performance
curves were obtained.
It would appear worthwhile to be able to generate
a family of solutions of Eq. 11 for various values of a
and B. If B were a function of a only, it would be
possible to generate such a family, but B depends on
CPc, CPa, Te, and To, through l$c and I$(J' The result of this
situation is that each converter under consideration
must be treated as a special case. The usefulness of the
method lies in the fact that it furnishes a way of
determining under what conditions anode emission
becomes a serious problem. This is demonstrated by
some calculations based on the properties of some
materials from which typical converters might be
In the calculations described below, the cathode has
the emission properties of the L-metal cathode, €Pc':::: 1.65
volt, and Ac=3 amp/cm2 °K2. The usual type of
converter has an anode with a low work function,
therefore, calculations were made for cP,,= 1.0 v and
A,,=6.5 a.mp/cm2°K2. In order to determine the effects O~ __ ~_I __ ~ __ ~~~~~~~~~
FIG. 2. Current voltage characteristics for t\VO types of ther
mionic power converters. In the upper three curves, the anode has
a work function of 1.0 v and emission coefficient of 6.5 amp/cm2
°K2. In the lower three curves, the anode has the same properties
as the cathode, work function 1.65 v and emission coefficient 3.0
amp/em2 "K'. The electrode separation is 0.002 em and the
cathode temperature is 1400°K,
of changing the anode work function, some compu
tations were made for the case in which the anode was
the same material as the cathode.
The effect of anode work function can be seen from
Fig. 2 where current is plotted vs output voltage for
various anode temperatures. The curves for which
cPg,= 1.0 v start at higher currents than those for cp" = 1.65
v. As the anode temperature increases, the current
drops more noticeably for the upper curves (cp,.= 1.0 v)
than for the lower curves. The threshold t.emperature
beyond which anode emission is appreciable is lower
for a diode with a low anode work function. The drop
in current as VQ is increased is attributable to two
mechanisms. First, the forward current from cathode
to anode decreases. Second, the back current from
anode to cathode increases. Both these effects are
readily understood from Fig. 1. Increasing V Q increases
V m, and also causes V", to move doser to the anode.
The limiting position of V m is at the anode surface.
This implies that as Vo increases, (V",-CPa- Vo)
decreases which in turn increases the anode emission.
The forward current on the other hand decreases
exponentially with increase in Vo. At highe.r tempera
tures, the effect of increased back emission is greater
than the effect of decreased forward emission. Figure 2
demonstrates this fact. If there is no anode emission,
T ~ 8()()OK and T ~ l0000K for CPa= to v and 1.65 v,
respectively, the current asymptotically goes to zero as
V 0 is increased. At temperatures at which anode
emission is appreciable, however, the current decreases
more rapidly as Vo is increased, and becomes negative
at some voltage which is not particularly large. Figures
3 and 4 are power output as a function of load voltage
for the two types of converters. In Fig. 4, the anode has
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IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 04:55:431400 ANTHONY F. DUGAN
~ 0.06
~ .: 0.04
" ~
Q. 0.02
Load, volts
FIG. 3. Output power as a function of load voltage. Anode and
cathode have the same thermionic properties </>= 1.65 v and
A =3.0 amp/cm2 °K2. Electrode separation is 0.002 em and
cathode temperature is 1400oK.
the low-work function, and the power output is seen
to be quite sensitive to the anode temperature. Even
at Ta=900oK, the power peak has dropped to about
two-thirds of what it was at Ta=O°K. With the high
anode work function, an anode temperature of 9000K
causes only a slight diminution in power, and then
only at higher voltages.
The effect of cathode-anode separation is quite
interesting. It is usually stated in discussions of ther-
~ 0.25
.... .. ::
~ 0.20
~ 0.15
Load, volts
FIG. 4. Power output as a function of load voltage for </>a= 1.0 v,
A =6.5 amp/cm2 °K2, </>c= 1.65 Y, Ac=3.0 amp/cm2 °K2. Electrode
separation is 0.002 em. Cathode temperature is 1400oK. mionic power converters that one way to eliminate
space charge is to uS,e very small separations. Figure 5
shows the effect of spacing on the power output for the
low-work function anode type of converter. There is a
crossing of the power curves. This is understandable
by the same argument that was used to explain the fact
that increasing Vo increases the anode emission.
Reducing the spacing causes a reduction in the height
of the potential energy maximum, and also reduces the
values of Vo for which the maximum reaches its limiting
~ .3
.1 .2 .3 .4 .6
FIG. 5. Comparison of power output for spacings of 0.001 em
and 0.002 em. The anode properties are </>a= 1.0 v, Aa=6.5
amp/cm2 °K2, Ta=l000°K. For the cathode, </>.=1.65 Y, Ac=3.0
amp/cm2 °K2, and Tc= 1400oK. Whereas the peak is considerably
higher for d=O.ool em, note the much sharper drop as the peak
voltage is passed .
position-the anode surface. As a result, for higher
voltages, the net current drops as the spacing is de
creased. This occurs however, at such a voltage that the
net power output is too low to be of interest.
The anode emission problem, it can be concluded,
becomes most serious at voltages beyond that which
yields peak power output. Radiation can, therefore,
still be effectively used to reject waste heat, but if the
anode work function is much lower than the cathode
work function, one is limited to low operating voltages.
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] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 04:55:43 |
1.1744459.pdf | MolecularOrbital Treatment of Isotropic Hyperfine Interactions in Simple Aliphatic
Donald B. Chesnut
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 29, 43 (1958); doi: 10.1063/1.1744459
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1744459
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/29/1?ver=pdfcov
Published by the AIP Publishing
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Molecular Orbital Calculation of the Isotropic Hyperfine Interactions in Triatomic Nitrogen Radicals
J. Chem. Phys. 57, 2212 (1972); 10.1063/1.1678556
Theory of Isotropic Hyperfine Interactions in PiElectron Free Radicals. I. Basic Molecular Orbital Theory
with Applications to Simple Hydrocarbon Systems
J. Chem. Phys. 50, 511 (1969); 10.1063/1.1670829
MolecularOrbital Theory of Geometry and Hyperfine Coupling Constants of Fluorinated Methyl Radicals
J. Chem. Phys. 48, 4802 (1968); 10.1063/1.1668077
Configuration Interaction in MolecularOrbital Theory
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Isotropic Hyperfine Interactions in Aromatic Free Radicals
J. Chem. Phys. 25, 890 (1956); 10.1063/1.1743137
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 01:00:52CLEANUP OF ATOMIC HYDROGEN 43
nitrogen, and the tube was then allowed to warm up
very slowly. Measurements were made every 10 min,
but not all the data are shown on the curve, so some of
the points correspond to measurements made 30 min
apart. With measurements made at this slow rate no
large amount of hydrogen was recovered until after
the temperature had risen above -150°C.
The author wishes to acknowledge the help she
received from Dr. Irving Langmuir who recommended
the problem and made many suggestions, and to
Lloyd B. Nesbitt who took charge of filling the Dewar
flash with liquid hydrogen.
Molecular-Orbital Treatment of Isotropic Hyperfine Interactions in Simple Aliphatic
Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
(Received March 12, 1958)
The problem of isotropic hyperfine interactions in the EPR spectra of aliphatic free radicals is approached
from the molecular-orbital picture of hyperconjugation. The ethyl, methylethyl, and 1,l-dimethylethyl
radicals are treated by this approximation; with a reasonable choice of parameters, the results can be cor
related rather well with our present knowledge of aliphatic radicals. The calculated coupling constants of
methyl group hydrogens are of the order of 15 to 25 gauss, do not decrease radically with the presence of
additional methyl groups, and are very nearly proportional to the molecular-orbital unpaired electron
density at the central carbon atom.
THE occurrence of isotropic hyperfine interaction
in the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
spectra of aromatic free radicals is well known. Weiss
manl and McConnelJ2 have shown that the coupling
mechanism can be explained in terms of configuration
interaction, and Jarrett3 has shown that this postulate
leads to interaction terms of the order of magnitude of
those observed experimentally. McConnell and Ches
nut4 have given a molecular orbital (MO) treatment of
the configuration interaction problem and have ex
plained the apparent proportionality of the coupling
constant for proton i to the MO unpaired electron
density at the adjacent carbon atom and thus the
observation that the total spread of spectra is approxi
mately independent of the number of coupling protons.5
The occurrence of isotropic hyperfine interaction in
the EPR spectra of aliphatic free radicals is also well
known, but not so readily understood. Contrary to the
case of aromatic radicals, the total spread of certain
series of aliphatic radicals is very sensitive to the
number of coupling protons, at times being apparently
almost directly proportional with a constant of pro
portionality of about 20-25 gauss per proton.6 Also
* This research was supported by the U. S. Air Force through
the Air Force Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research
and Development Command under Contract No. AFI8(600)-497.
1 S. I. Weissman, J. Chern. Phys. 25, 890 (1956).
2 H. M. McConnell, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 764 (1956).
3 H. S. Jarrett, J. Chern. Phys. 25, 1289 (1956).
4 H. M. McConnell and D. B. Chesnut, J. Chern. Phys. 28, 107
• See, however, H. M. McConnell and D. B. Chesnut, J. Chern.
Phys. 27, 984 (1957).
6 See, e.g., Gordy, Ard, and Shields, Proc. Nat!. Acad. Sci. U. S.
41, 983, 996 (1955). spectra are often obtained which are indicative of
equivalent protons when the radical felt to be present
contains chemically nonequivalent protons.
In the absence of a multi-?r system, one means of
achieving multiple isotropic electron-proton spin-spin
interactio.ns in aliphatic free radicals is through hyper
conjugation. Crawford and Coulson7 have treated
hyperconjugation in methylated benzenes and have
given numerical parameters which, in simple MO
theory, lead to a satisfactory correlation of certain
molecular properties, e.g., the dipole moment, with
experimental observation. Bersohn8 has treated iso
tropic hyperfine interaction through hyperconjugation
in methylated semiquinones by a perturbation method
and has achieved good agreement with the observed
results. With the necessary data available, it would
seem worthwhile to treat isotropic hyperfine interaction
through hyperconjugation in a few of the simpler
aliphatic free radicals by simple MO theory. The
molecular systems chosen for the present calculations
are the ethyl radical (I), the methylethyl radical
(II), and the 1, 1-dimethylethyl radical (III).
"" /
H ·C-CH3
(I) H
"" /
H3C ·C-CH3
7 V. A. Crawford and C. A. Coulson, J. Chern. Soc. 1953, 2052.
8 R. Bersohn, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 1066 (1956).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 01:00:5244 DONALD B. CHESNUT
Molecular-Orbital Treatment
The treatment of hyperconjugation in MO-LCAO
theory entails the use of hydrogen group orbitals.9
These group orbitals are listed in Table I along with
TABLE 1. Hydrogen group orbitals for the methyl group.
Hydrogen group orbItal"
XI = (3+6SHH)'/2
X2= (6-6SHH)I/2
4>2-4>, Methyl-carbon wave
" 4> i = hydrogen Is atomic orbital of hydrogen i. SHH={ 4>il4>j). i",j
the methyl carbon atom wave functions of similar
symmetry. The 1 axis is the threefold symmetry axis
of the methyl group and axes 2 and 3 are at right
angles to it and to one another. The orientation of
axes 2 and 3 is such that they are parallel to the pseudo-p
orbitals Xl! and Xa. One may picture the bonding in the
methyl group as follows: one of the two SPI hybrids of
the carbon bonds with Xl forming a II bond, while the
carbon P orbitals P2 and Pa form 7r-type bonds with
X2 and X3, respectively; the second SPI carbon atomic
orbital is available for II bonding the methyl group to
some other atom or molecular group. If the methyl
group is attached to a 7r system, the hydrogen group
may be thought of as a pseudo-atom X contributing
one electron to the total pseudo-7r or hyperconjugated
system; likewise, the methyl-carbon will be part of this
system, also contributing one electron. Coulomb and
resonance integrals are assigned to the various centers
and the calculations made in the usual way. Thus, if
if;i denotes the 7r orbital centered on atom i, the mole
cular wave function for the Xth energy level is given by where, in the case of hyperconjugation here considered,
some of the if;. will correspond to 7r orbitals of methyl
carbon atoms and the pseudo-atoms X.
In the present calculations overlap of all but adjacent
atomic orbitals is neglected. It is assumed that the
central carbon atom (that atom holding the odd electron
in classical valence structures) is sp2 hybridized, and
that resonance integrals may be taken as proportional
to the corresponding overlap integrals.lO Thus, following
the notation of Crawford and Coulson,7 the quantities
of interest are
5ii= (if;ilif;i),
H ii= (if;iIHIif;i)=a+Ei,
Hii= (if;iIHIif;i)=I'i{=Piil'O,
I'ii 5ij p"=-=-'
'1 1'0 50' (2)
where 1'0, (30, and 50 are the values of these parameters
for unsubstituted benzene.
The calculations may be illustrated by considering
the ethyl radical (I). A schematic picture of hypercon
jugation for this radical is shown in Fig. 1 where two
"static" geometrical configurations of optimum con
jugation are shown. In configuration (a) the central
carbon pz orbital conjugates with the pseudo-7r system
composed of P2 and X2, while in configuration (b) the
pseudo-7r system is made up of Pa and Xa. Now it can
easily be shown that
so that our calculations will not be affected by taking
the ethyl radical, for purposes of simplicity, to have
either configuration (a) or configuration (b) so far as
the molecular wave functions or energy levels are
concerned. It will, however, prove useful in the later
problem of calculating the coupling constants if we
picture each configuration as contributing an equal
amount to the "real" state of the system. In a sense
what one is doing then is to allow the methyl group to
Let the 7r centers in the ethyl radical be labeled as
'lIx= L,C;if;i, (1) The secular determinate is then ---------------------------------------
It may easily be shown with the use of group theory
that the calculations for the methylethyl (II) and
1,1-dimethylethyl (III) radicals-so far as the eigen-
9 C. A. Coulson, Valence (Oxford University Press, London,
1952),310. o
P23[{30+ 50(a-W) ] = O. (4)
value for the unpaired electron level is concerned
are identical to Eq. (4) if one replaces P12 by (m)!P12,
where m= 2, 3 is the number of methyl groups attached
10 R. S. Mulliken, ]. chim. phys. 46, 497 (1949).
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FIG. 1. A sche
matic representa
tion of hypercon
jugation in the
ethyl radical.
to the central carbon atom. It is assumed that the
molecule may be represented by a single electronic
configuration and that the odd or unpaired electron
occupies the lowest energy level remaining after the
lowest levels have been filled with electron pairs.
The parameters in Eq. (2) were given the following
values (radicals II and III as well as I) .
E2= -0.1/30,
Ea= -0.5/30, P13= 0,
P2a= 2.5,
P12=0.7 or P12=0.93.
These are taken from Crawford and Coulson7 with the
exception of P12=0.93, which was the value of P12 used
by Bersohn8 in his work. Calculations were made for
both of these values of P12, the results appearing in
Table II.
Normalization and Unpaired-Electron Density
The inclusion of overlap requires the normalization
condition to be
where 1= (\}fxi\}fx)= LUCiXCiA(ifiiiifij)
= Li.iCiXCiASij
= LiCiAYiA, (5) If'l'o is the MO wave function of the odd electron, the
odd-electron density at atom k, qk, is given byll
The foregoing definition of unpaired-electron density
as given by Chirgwin and Coulson is the same as that
given here by McConnell and Chesnut's5 spin density,
Pk,nin, which, in the present approximation, reduces to
Pk8nin= (\}foiAki\}fo)
= LiiC;oCiO(ifiiiAkiifii)
=CkOY kO,
where the operator Ak satisfies the equation
tJ.kifi i= ojkifi i· (8)
It should be noted that the present approximation
requires values of the spin density to be positive, a
situation which is not always necessarily SO,4.5 and which
may not be true in the present problem.
Calculation of Isotropic Hyperfine Interaction
The Fermi contact Hamiltonian for isotropic hyper
fine interactions has been discussed. 4 We consider here
only the coupling of the methyl-group protons; it is
assumed, as discussed later, that a knowledge of the
electron density distribution will allow us to predict
the coupling of protons bonded to the central carbon
atom. Assuming the strong field case, the Fermi term
for proton I reduces in the MO approximation to the
evaluation of
where Il(rl) is the Dirac delta function for the distance
r I measured from the lth proton.
01= Li';CiOC iO (ifiiio (rl) [ifii)
TABLE II. Results in the treatment of isotropic hyperfine (6) It is at this point that our model of the radical being
composed of two equally contributing "static" con
figurations is useful. It is immediately obvious that had
we chosen one static configuration the three protons of a
hyperconjugating methyl group would be mathe
matically non equivalent and would acquire different ° values, whereas they are chemically equivalent. In
our simple model, however, each configuration con
tributes to the Il value of each proton. Thus, we must
modify the definition of ri;' in Eq. (12) to be interaction through hyperconjugation for two values of the
parameter PI'.
Coupling Odd-electron density
constant q, qx jAm,1 IAm,1 IAm.1 Central
Radical (gauss) carbon Pseudo-atom q, qx
I 16.9 0.9160 0.0815 18.48 207.6
II 15.5 0.8433 0.0743 18.33 208.0
III 14.2 0.7825 0.0684 18.19 208.2
I 27.8 0.8677
II 24.2 0.7669
III 21.5 0.6897 0.1307 31.99
0.1137 31.57
0.1008 31.17 212.4
213.4 (13)
11 B. H. Chirgwin and C. A. Coulson, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A201, 196 (1950); see also R. S. Mulliken, J. Chern. Phys. 23,
1833 (1955).
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so that r i/ represents the average value of the quantity
in brackets averaged over the equally contributing
"static" configurations. For example, r231 of the ethyl
radical will be
It is easily shown that this procedure makes the r i/
equal for all I, thus giving each proton the same value
of O. It may be mentioned that had one chosen the
static conjugating system PzP2X2 (as is usually done)
and taken an average 0 by averaging the individual
oz's over this one configuration, the results would be
the same. This latter approach, however, has the disad
vantage that it apparently initially requires the methyl
group to remain fixed in order to present a picture of
"static" conjugation as in benzene, and then requires a
rapid rotation to achieve proton coupling equivalence.
Explicit calculations show that only the matrix ele
ments r is (i= 1, 2, 3) are important in the evaluation
of 0 for the ethyl radical (and also the analogous terms
in radicals II and III). Thus, for the ethyl radical we
may calculate () to a very good approximation as
0= LiC ;oCaor i3(2-OiS) , (14)
where Oi3 is the Kronecker delta. Values of 0 are con
verted to coupling constants (in gauss) for the methyl
protons, IAmel, by the equation
IAmel = ¢2(0) 506.2, (15)
where ¢ is the hydrogen 1s atomic wave function, and
506.2 the coupling constant in gauss for atomic hydro
gen. The values of the important r matrix elements are:
r23= 0.22050, r13= 0.00811,
(4)(0) = 1.4707).
In evaluating these elements the following distances
and angles were assumed:
/ ·C-C-H
'" H
·C-C=1.54 A,
C-H=l.09 A,
L ·CCH=109°28',
Hydrogen-like wave functions were used with
(Z.ff) carbon = 3.25 and (Z.ffhYdrOKen = 1.00.
Table II shows the results for the two values of P12.
Bersohn 8 initially tried P12= 0.7 in his treatment of the semiquinone problem, but found that by using P12=
0.93 one could obtain much better agreement with the
experimental data. Here, too, the larger value of P12
gives coupling constants closer to the often observed
splitting of 20-25 gauss. The results of interest in the
present work are not, however, in the exact numerical
values obtained-which, due to the extremely crude
approximations involved, are of dubious significance-
but in the following:
(1) The coupling constants are of the observed
order of magnitude. The choice of a value for P12 is
quite arbitrary. If one accepts P12=0.7 for the methyl
benzenes, it seems reasonable to expect P12 in the present
problem to be somewhere between 0.7 and 1.0. (It is
assumed that the other parameters may be kept the
same.) The coupling constant is rather sensitive to
this parameter, varying essentially in a linear manner
in this region; a value for P12 of unity gives a coupling
constant of about 31.5 gauss for the ethyl radical. The
order of magnitude is, however, preserved. One's only
justification for perhaps putting more emphasis on
P12=0.93 is that it gives good agreement with experi
ment in another similar problem.8 The isopropanol
postulated by Ingram et at.,t2 containing equivalent
protons (assuming the hydroxyl proton is prevented
from coupling by the shielding of the oxygen), has a
line spacing of about 20 gauss and a total spread of
120 gauss, close to the results one would predict from
the present calculations.
(2) The coupling constant is not radically di
minished when more than one methyl group hyper
conjugates with the central carbon atom. This helps to
explain why the total spread of the EPR spectra of
aliphatic radicals often seems to increase linearly with
the number of coupling protons, as opposed to the case
of aromatic free radicals where, as mentioned pre
viously, the total spread remains roughly constant.
(3) The coupling constant, to a good degree of ap
proximation, is proportional to the MO odd-electron
density at the central carbon atom. If this is in fact
true, it allows the "accidental" equalization of proton
coupling resulting from two apparently different
mechanisms. It has been proposed4 that for aromatic
systems in which the carbon atoms are sp2 hybridized,
the coupling constant for an sp2-bonded hydrogen is
approximately -22 (±5) gauss per unit of spin density
on the bonding carbon atom.IS Table II shows that for a
specific value of P12 the ratio of the methyl-hydrogen
coupling constant to the odd-electron density on the
central carbon atom is essentially constant, varying
12 Ingram, Gibson, Symons, and Townsend, Trans. Faraday
Soc. 53, 914 (1957).
13 See reference 8 and H. M. McConnell and H. H. Dearman, J. Chem. Phys. 28, 51 (1958).
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with PI2 from about 18 to 32 in the range 0.7 :S;PI2:S; 0.93. t
Thus, it is not inconceivable that within current experi
mental accuracy it would be possible for chemically
nonequivalent protons to give rise to hyperfine spectra
indicative of equally coupling protons. For example,
the ethyl radical, while containing two sets of chemi
cally nonequivalent protons, might give rise to a sym
metric six-line spectrum with a constant line spacing
of about 20-25 gauss and a total spread of 100-125
gaussY For the methylethyl radical one might expect to
find an eight-line spectrum with a spacing of 17-22
gauss and a total spread of 120-150 gauss. Accepting
McConnell and Chesnut's value of -22 gauss per unit
of spin density for sp2-bonded hydrogens, to achieve
equal coupling for all five protons in the ethyl radical
the value of PI2 would have to be close to 0.75, yielding
a coupling constant of about 18 gauss in this particular
The validity of the numerical results obtained from
the approach used in this problem lies in the justifica
tion of the numerical parameters used and, of course,
in the validity of the molecular-orbital approximation
in general. Unfortunately, at present there is no way
to tell just how different the radical is from the neutral
molecule, so that one must assume them to be similar
and approach the problem from a semiempirical point
of view. It is gratifying, however, that the solution of
the present problem leads to agreement with our experi
mental observations in more than one aspect, as illu
strated in (2) and (3) above.
In valence-bond language the presence of isotropic
hyperfine interaction is explained in terms of the rela
tive contributions of structures such as
'" / ·C-C-H
/ '" HI H
(g) HI ·H
'" C=C-H
/ '" HI H
to the ground state of the system.t Here, as III the
t The fact that the ratio of the methyl-hydrogen coupling con
stant to the odd-electron density on the pseudo-atom X is essen
tially constant and independant of the choice of Pl2 follows from
the fact that the term of greatest weight in the evaluation of IJ
[Eq. (14)1 is C2aoraa, and that CaoCao=CaoYao=qa.
14 See W. Gordy and C. G. McCormick, ]. Am. Chern. Soc. 78,
3243 (1956). According to Professor Gordy (private communica
tion), more recent work has placed the observed spread in the
range of 100--130 gauss. t A very simple treatment of the present problem in valence
bond language is given here. Each of the radicals above (I, II, molecular-orbital treatment, one must guess at the
necessary parameters, in the valence-bond case the
relative "weights" of the contributing structures. In
the case of the ethyl radical, Table II shows us that
each of the three equivalent structures of type e must
have a weight of about tx (0.1307) X100%=4% to
agree with the MO calculations. IS
The treatment of more complicated radicals such as
'CH(R) (R') 'C(R) (R') (R") ,
where R is something other than a methyl group has
been omitted in the present considerations. It is hoped
that a better understanding and mathematical treat
ment of the simpler cases and the approximations in
volved will lead to a satisfactory treatment of these
more complicated molecular systems. Since the ma
jority of the aliphatic radicals which have been ob
served by paramagnetic resonance to date have been
radicals "trapped" in the solid or pseudo-solid state, a
detailed analysis of a given spectrum will require a
correspondingly detailed knowledge of g-factor aniso
tropies and dipole-dipole interactions which may be
present as well as the isotropic interactions.
I would like to thank Professor Walter Gordy for
many helpful suggestions and stimulating discussions.
III) receive contributions from the two types of structures g and
e. If W is the weight of a given structure, the normalization con
dition for n (= 1, 2, 3) methyl groups is
~iWin=1=Won+3nW",. (i)
Denote the coupling constant of protons of type H' by Q and that
for protons of type H by QO (the coupling constant for atomic
hydrogen). If one now requires that in the radical the two sets
of protons have identical coupling constants we may write
QWon=QoWw=An, (ii)
so that in the general case of n methyl groups surrounding the
central carbon, the combination of (i) and (ii) requires the molecu
lar coupling constant to be
An= [Q/1 +3n(Q/QO)]. (iii)
If we now set Q equal to 32 gauss (Qo= 506 gauss), the coupling
constants for the three radicals I, II, and III are
AI = 26.9 gauss,
Arrr= 19.1. (iv)
in moderately good agreement with the results in Table II for
15 See Gordy and Shields, Gordy, and McCormick [J. Am.
Chern. Soc. (to be published) ] for a discussion in terms of valence
bond language of the observed hyperfine spectra in a number 0
amino acids and peptides.
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1.1730581.pdf | Electrical Conductivity of Single Crystals of MgO
S. P. Mitoff
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 31, 1261 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1730581
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1730581
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 18:28:21A R SO R P T ION C 0 E F F I C lEN T S FRO 1\1 I N F R ARE D DIS PER S ION 1261
disagreement with those previously reported for CS23.
The results for CS2 indicated that the directly deter
mined absorption coefficients were essentially equal
and in turn agreed with the dispersion value for A g.
On the other hand, A I calculated from the dispersion
data was greater by the expected factor of 1.40.
With CH212, a fundamentally different situation
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS exists in that the directly measured values for A I and
A. are again equal but agree with the dispersion value
for A I rather than A •. This apparent discrepancy can
not be resolved at the present time but must await
similar measurements on a number of other com
pounds or more accurate measurements on CS2 and
Electrical Conductivity of Single Crystals of MgO
S. P. Muon
General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, New York
(Received May 13, 1959)
The electrical conductivity of magnesium oxide at temperatures in the region of 1300°C is observed
to depend upon the partial pressure of oxygen surrounding the sample. The conductivity increases at
oxygen pressures both higher and lower than 10-5 atmospheres. At this pressure the conductivity is a mini
mum. This effect is increased as the iron content is increased and is almost absent in the purest samples.
The conductivity is electronic rather than ionic and the number of charge carriers is controlled by the
number of lattice vacancies. The dependence of conductivity on oxygen pressure may be satisfactorily
explained by changes in stoichiometry and thus lattice defects in magnesium oxide. These changes in
stoichiometry are larger when the magnesium oxide is contaminated with a variable valence impurity like
iron than when it is pure.
If an explanation based on iron changing valance state is accepted, then it may be demonstrated by an
analysis of the chemical equilibria involved that anion deficiencies must appear at low oxygen pressures,
cation deficiences at high oxygen pressures, and that all defects must lie close to the variable valence im
purity ions.
THE electrical conductivity of magnesium oxide at
temperatures in the range of 800 to 1400°C has
been attributed to electrons due to excess magnesium,!
to positive holes due to excess oxygen,2 and to intrinsic
valence electrons and holes.3,4 The absolute values for
the conductivity reported by various investigators at a
given temperature differ by as much as an order of
magnitude (from one investigator to another), but
there is general agreement in a value for the thermal
activation energy of about 2 ev.
No one has reported ionic conductivity as being
important. Transport experiments at this Laboratory
and by D. W. Magee5 have indicated that electronic
conductivity predominates in this temperature range
and also at higher temperatures (in excess of 1700°C).
As is true for most oxides, the effects of impurities
on the electrical properties of magnesium oxide has not
been adequately explored. It has, therefore, not been
1 E. Yamaka and K. Sawamoto, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 10, 176
2 R. Mansfield, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B66,612 (1953).
3 A. Lempicki, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B66, 281 (1953).
4 G. F. J. Garlick, JIandbllcit dey Physik (S. Fliigge, editor,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 19S6) , Vol. 19, p. 317.
5 D. W. Magee, Lamp Development Department, General
Electric Company, Cleveland, Ohio (private communication). resolved whether the observed conduction results from
charge carriers from magnesium oxide and the ther
mally stable defects in it, or from impurities and those
defects which result from the impurities.
If we knew, for example, the first and second ioniza
tion potentials of trapped electrons and positive holes
from vacant ion sites, and the energy for vacancy
creation, we could make reasonable guesses of the
expected electrical behavior of pure oxides and thus
deduce whether impurities were important. Unfortu
nately, there is too much latitude in the reasonable
values to be assigned to these energies, so that such
estimates are very uncertain. More positive evidence
of the role of impurities may, of course, be obtained if
new properties are observed on crystals of higher
Schottky and Wagner6 have shown that point defects
and the conduction electrons and/or positive holes
which result from them may all be treated as chemical
species, so that their concentrations are given by
6 C. Wagner and W. Schottky, Z. physik. Chem. B11, 163
(1931); C. Wagner, Z. Elektrochem. 39, 543 (1933); W. Schottky,
ibid. 45, 33 (1939); W. Schottky, editor, Halbleiter Probleme
(Friedrich Vieweg and Sohn, Rrausc~weig, Germany, 1954), Vol.
1, p. 139.
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Concentration of
Concentration of
Schottky defects Reduced neutrality electrons in
condition conduction band
Negligible with respect [oJ = [OO'J
to nonstoichiometric
defect concentration
Equal to nonstoichio- 2[MgO"J=[00'J [oJ= (KIK2)2!3X
metric defect concen- (K3/2K4)1!3X
tion PO,-1!3
Much larger than non-[MgO"J= [OO"J [oJ= (KIK2K3) 1!2X
stoichiometric defect (K4)-i/4PO,-1!4
equilibrium constants according to the law of mass
action. With this approach, equations may be derived
to relate electrical conductivity to the large number
of variables which may be expected to influence con
ductivity at high temperatures. Schottky's notation is
8 Electron in the conduction band.
OOx Oxygen vacancy containing two trapped
electrons-overcharge equals zero (difference
in charge from that normally at the lattice
point) .
00' Oxygen vacancy containing one trapped
electron-overcharge equals plus one.
00" Oxygen vacancy-overcharge equals plus
MgO" Magnesium vacancy-overcharge equals
minus two.
[ J Brackets indicate concentrations.
P 02 Oxygen partial pressure.
A reasonable ideal model for a metal excess oxide,
such as that proposed for MgO by Yamaka and
Sawamot01 at high temperatures and low oxygen pres
sures would be one in which the following equilibria
and equilibrium constants are considered:
1. The loss of oxygen creates oxygen vacancies with
two trapped electrons:
Lattice=i02(gas)+00x, K1=[00xJP o}. (1)
2. The first and second electrons are excited from
the trap to the conduction band, leaving effective
positive charges at the lattice site:
00·=00'+8, [00-][8 J
K2= [OOxJ '
Ks= [00-] . (2)
3. Assume that Schottky defects are most stable, and
are created according to the equilibrium reaction:
Lattice=OO·+MgO", K4= [OO .. J[MgO"], (4)
A Schottky defect is thus defined as a missing cation, MgO", and a missing anion, 00". It is possible in
MgO that the defined Schottky defect does not exist
in thermal equilibrium. It would not if the absolute
sum of the ionization potentials for the second electron
from the anion vacancy and the second hole from the
cation vacancy were greater than the band gap. This
would result in "Schottky" pairs of a different type
which would contain one trapped electron and one
trapped hole each, i.e., "Schottky" pair= MgO' +00·.
The equilibrium constants may be evaluated theo
retically. For instance, assuming that there is no
degeneracy, K2 and Ks are the products of the effective
density of states in the conduction band and the frac
tional occupation of these states,1 and hence:
K2= 2 (27rme *kT/h2)! exp[ -(Ec-E1) /kTJ, (5)
Ks= 2 (27rme *kT/h2)i exp[ -(Ec-E2) /kTJ, (6)
where Ec-E1 and Ec-E2 are, respectively, the energies
necessary to excite the first electron and the second
electron to the conduction band from the trap, and me *
is the effective mass of an electron. K1 is a function of
the total deviation from stoichiometry (the ionized
vacancies must also be included). A fifth equilibrium
reaction which occurs, that for the association of the
Schottky defect pairs, need not be considered for the
following reasons: The effect of this reaction in reducing
the concentration of unassociated pairs may be in
cluded in the constant K4, and the possibility of the
associated defects acting as traps for holes and/or
electrons must certainly be negligible at the high
temperatures for which these equilibria are valid.
Equations (1)-(4) may be combined with Eq. (7)
which is a balance of electrical charge
[8J+2[MgO"J=[00-]+2[00"J, (7)
to yield the quartic
[8 J4+[8 J3(K~i~s)P02-L[8 J(K1~i:K3)p02-1
(K1K2Ks)2p -1=0 (8)
K4 02 •
The simplified solutions to this equation for small
concentrations of conduction electrons are summarized
in Table r. The solutions are given in terms of the
equilibrium constants and the partial pressure of oxy
gen surrounding the sample. The three solutions are for
different equilibrium concentrations of Schottky de
fects relative to concentrations of the nonstoichiometric
(oxygen vacancy) defects. The appropriate reduced
neutrality condition is given for each case. The reduced
conditions result from choosing the most important
terms in Eq. (7) for the defect conditions set in the
first column.
7 E. Spenke, Electronic Semiconductors (McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, 1958), see especially p. 4S ff.
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Kroger and Vink8 have generalized this approach
by using some approximations to handle even larger
numbers of variables including the effect of impurities.
The effect of impurities are discussed later for the case
of MgO, but a different treatment is necessary.
Examination of Table I and Eq. (8) reveals that no
single dependence of the conductivity on the oxygen
pressure is to be expected even from this simplified
model. From Table I, which is applicable at low con
centrations of conduction electrons (i.e., where Ec
&«kT) , the conductivity varies between the minus
one-fourth and minus one-third power of the oxygen
pressure. At higher conduction electron concentrations
a simple power dependence no longer prevails. Also, the
variation in the exponentials of K2, Ka, and K4 in
Table I is a direct factor of the difference between the
thermal activation energy for conduction which is a
function of the Fermi level and the optical absorbtion
energy of the trapped electrons. The exponentials
indicate the position of the Fermi level for the relative
concentrations to which Table I applies. For example,
if the conduction electron concentration is small and
the Schottky and nonstoichiometric defect concentra
tions are equal, from the table,
[8 J oe K22/3 KaliS,
and from Eqs. (5) and (6),
[8 Joe exp[ -(Ec-2/3E 1-1/3&)/kT].
From the simplified Fermi Dirac distribution function,
Finally, solving for the Fermi energy, EF,
Of course, the choices of metal excess MgO rather
than oxygen excess MgO, vacancies rather than
interstitials, and Schottky pairs rather than Frenkel
pairs were entirely arbitrary. However, models based
on any combination of the above possibilities yield
similar equations and oxygen pressure dependencies
(but with positive exponentials of the oxygen pressure
for oxygen excess compounds). These models serve to
define the limits of conductivity behavior expected
from an oxide in which no impurities are present.
The results reported here are direct-current con
ductivity measurements made on single crystals of
magnesium oxide by using both temperature and
partial pressure of oxygen as parameters. The experi
mental methods are discussed in the light of the diffi
culties one may expect in making such measurements.
8 F. A. Kroger and H. J. Vink, Solid State Physics, F. Seitz
and D. Turnbull, editors, (Academic Press, Inc., New York,
1956), Vol. 3, p. 307. Sample
ohm-1cm- 1
Temperature pressure four-probe two-probe
1306°C 1 atmos 5.0XlO-s 3. OX 10-6
1334°C 1 atmos 6.7XI0-6 4.3XlO-6
1343°C > 10-12 at mas 7.7XlO- 5 2.0XlO-5
1320°C 1 atmos 5.5XI0-6 3.8XI0-6
1320°C > 10-12 atmos 1.8XlO-5 2.0XI0- 5
1. Contact Resistance, Space Charge,
and Polarization
Measurements were made by employing both flat
plates with sputtered platinum electrodes and bar
shaped samples by using a four-contact scheme so that
no current was allowed to flow through the measuring
probes. Table II presents a comparison of the con
ductivities calculated from two-probe versus four
probe measurements in which the probes were merely
wrapped around single crystal bars of MgO. The
results show that the change in conductivity with
oxygen pressure is not a result of contact effects. The
measuring potential was varied between 0.1 volt and
250.0 volts. No substantial difference was noted at any
potential below about 50 volts; at higher potentials,
however, the current increased with time.
2. Surface Conductivity
The size and geometry of the samples were altered
so that the ratio of surface to bulk conductivity was
changed with no detected difference in the calculated
specific conductance.
3. Extraneous Gas Effects
High and low partial pressures of oxygen were
obtained by diluting flowing argon gas with water
vapor and small amounts of. oxygen or hydrogen.
The oxygen partial pressure was then calculated by
using the thermodynamic data for the decomposition
of water. Intermediate partial pressures were obtained
by flowing mixtures of CO and CO2 over the sample.
Low oxygen pressures were also obtained by using an
atmosphere of argon which was purified by passing it
over heated Cu foil, followed by heated oxidized
copper foil, and finally through a cold trap. The
oxygen pressures thus obtained are low but unknown.
Therefore, the results are not quantitatively reported
but they eliminate possible interfering effects of hydro
gen or other gases, because they qualitatively agree
with the results obtained by using hydrogen and water.
4. Equilibrium
In some oxides, notably quartz, the dc conductivity
is observed to change with time. An explanation9
9 H. E. Wenden, Amer. Mineralogist 42,859 (19.17).
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~ '" ~ -I
U 10
1O'~'-:-6---0=-'7=---~0-\-~--~0 9=----~--'
10'/ T' K
FIG. 1. Conductivity of optical quality MgO ploited against
reciprocal temperature. The points represented by circles were
obtained with a surrounding oxygen partial pressure of 10-2
atmos, and the points represented by triangles at an oxygen pres
sure of less than 10-8 atmos. The slopes indicate activation
energies of 2.3 ev and 2.5 ev, respectively.
for this is that the current is being carried by impurity
ions. The conductivity in single crystals of MgO
has also been reported1o to change with time, possibly
for the same reason. In this work, however, these
effects were observed to disappear after heating the
sample to temperatures of about 1300°C, and the
results reported were reproducible and independent of
5. Ionic Conductivity
In order to determine if an important fraction of the
current was being carried by motion of ions, the follow
ing experiment was performed. A flat sample of MgO
was heated to 1600°C with a total surrounding gas
pressure of 1 millimeter of argon for fifty minutes.
The weight loss from evaporation was determined by
removing the sample and weighing it. The sample was
returned to the furnace and a 12-volt dc potential was
applied to the sample, other conditions being un
changed. The total charge transferred by the crystal
would be sufficient to decompose 8.1 milligrams of
MgO to magnesium and oxygen gas if the current was
carried by either ion. However, the evaporation loss
from the first (no current) run was 7.2 milligrams and
10 E. G, Rochow, J. Appl. Phys. 9,664 (19311). the total weight loss from the second (current) run
was 5.2 milligrams. Therefore, no increase in weight
loss was detected and we conclude that the majority
of the current is not carried by ions.
Further support of the conclusion that ionic con
ductivity is relatively unimportant comes from the
appearance of the crystals after passing the current
through them. Ionic conduction without weight loss
would require vapor transport of magnesium or oxygen
and recombination at one or the other (or both)
electrodes. One would expect that decomposition
and regrowth at the exposed parts would distort the
shape of the crystal. The crystals did not have any such
1. Activation Energy
Figure 1 is a plot of log conductivity as a function
of reciprocal temperature for optical quality single
crystals of MgO. * The results are given for two differ
ent oxygen partial pressures. In Fig. 2 the results are
compared with those of previous investigators. In
Fig. 3 the temperature dependence of conductivity of
the MgO crystal is compared with that of a MgO
crystal, R-58, of higher purity especially with respect
~ .,
\ \ ,
\ ,
10,6 \ \ ,
\ ,
\ \
\ \ \
\ \
10,7 \ \ \ \ \ \
\ , \ \ \ \ ,
\ \ \ t; 10-8-\ \
~ \ \ \ \ 8 \ \ \ \ \ \
10,9 \ \
FIG. 2. Results of previous investigators compared with those
obtained on optical quality MgO at an oxygen partial pressure of
10--2 atmos.
* Obtained from the Norton Company, \Vorchester, :\Iassa
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to iron contend The conductivity is less in the R-58
crystal and the activation energy between 1050°C
and 1500°C is larger, 3.5 ev. compared with 2.3 ev for
the optical quality MgO, giving indication that the
2.3-ev activation energy process is one which results
from impurities. At temperatures lower than 1050°C
the R-58 MgO takes on a much lower activation energy
(0.9 ev) which probably results from an impurity.
2. Oxygen Pressure Dependence
The increase in conductivity with decreasing oxygen
pressure (see Fig. 1) is the behavior one expects from
an n-type semiconductor in which the electrons result
from a stoichiometric excess of metal. If this is the case,
MgO may be represented by a model such as that pre
viously mentioned, containing oxygen vacancies, or a
similar model employing interstitial magnesiums.
From Table I the oxygen pressure dependence of the
number of conduction electrons and the conductivity
must be somewhere in the range
rrrx; PO,-1I3 to Po 2-114.
Other models, i.e., ones involving interstitials, Frenkel
1O.5..-----.--~I20~O~---.------.-:';:00:::.0 ----r-----T''---~~
JO-~L.6 ----:0:l=7----:0""8----,0;;-';9:-----;';;----'
FIG. 3. Comparison of conductivity of optical quality MgO
with higher purity R-58 MgO. The activation energy for optical
quality is 2.3 ev and the energies for R-58 are 3.5 ev and 0.9 ev.
t The crystals were made by Lewis Schupp of the Lamp De
velopment Department, General Electric Company, Cleveland,
Ohio, by fusion of MgO powder between carbon arcs. They were
analyzed by R. P. Taylor of the same laboratory. The analysis
indicated an iron content of 7.9 parts per million, strontium 5
ppm and lithium 3 ppm. In addition spectroscopic analysis
indicated calcium and several other trace impurities. -;
1'l .. -6.0
i5 -50
ti 5
3 -4.0 \~ 0
":-. \, ° \" \"
\ " \ "-\ , o
\ " \" .1/,
\ ' a' CPo,
"/, \ Y a, CPo " ,~ "
\ " -30 L--.':!--!.4:---.-:-6 -.-J,B,--'--:_I~O -.0':;-I'--!.14;---.-!;:-16-.-;';,B:----;;.';;.0 -.-;-;;-"
FIG. 4. The points show the variation of optical quality MgO
conductivity with oxygen pressure at 1300°C. This is compared
with the limits predicted for a cation vacancy model.
defects, or Schottky defects with one electron and one
hole per pair rather than none, also yield a pressure
dependence in this range.
Figure 4 shows the oxygen pressure dependence of
the conductivity of MgO measured by the four-probe
method. The points observed do not fall within or even
close to the pressure dependence range predicted by the
model for pure MgO. We take the lack of agreement
between the model and the experiment as evidence that
the conduction mechanism in these crystals is not that
resulting from deviations from stoichiometry in a
pure crystal. Support for this conclusion is the observa
tion that the higher purity R-58 crystals exhibited
even less variation of conductivity with oxygen pressure
(Fig. 5) than did optical quality MgO. Experiments
were, therefore, also made on magnesium oxide crystals
which analysis showed to contain 1300 ppm iron.
Averaged conductivity results from several experiments
for samples of three different iron contents at three
different oxygen pressures are given in Fig. 5. The
following correlations were found with increasing iron
content: The conductivity increased, the reversible
changes in conductivity with changes in oxygen pres
sure were greater, and the conductivity increased at
high as well as at low oxygen pressures, compared to a
minimum value at intermediate oxygen pressures.
1. Conduction in Pure Magnesium Oxide
The high thermal activation energy and reduced
conductivity and oxygen pressure dependence of con
ductivity in the pure MgO crystals indicate that the
conduction mechanism in absolutely pure MgO is
different from that in ordinary crystals. The possible
ways in which a pure crystal might conduct are: (1)
transport of cations, anions, or both, (2) transport of
intrinsic electrons and holes, and (3) transport of
extrinsic electrons or holes which arise from deviations
from stoichiometry.
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FIG. 5. Averaged values of conductivity of MgO at three oxygen
pressures at 1300°C. Circles are for MgO with 1300 parts per
million iron, triangles about 100 parts per million iron, and the
squares for R-58 containing 8 parts per million iron.
There is experimental or theoretical evidence against
each of these mechanisms. For ionic conductivity, the
evidence is entirely experimentaL Ionic conduction
has been ruled out by transport measurements as men
tioned previously. Curiously, however, if one calculated
the ionic conductivity to be expected from magnesium
transport alone, by using the diffusion data of Lindner
and Parfitt,ll and the Nernst-Einstein equation,
D=O.249 exp[ -3.37 ev/kTJ
(in the range of 1400°C to 1600°C),
(where D is the diffusion constant, z in the valence, e
is the electronic charge, and n is the number of ion
pairs per cma) , the result is a conductivity-temperature
curve which is a nearly exact extrapolation of the
experimental conductivity data for the purer MgO
crystals. Barring the possibility that the experimental
conductivity values are too low or the diffusion values
too high, interpretation of the data requires that the
self-diffusion of magnesium ions occurs largely by a
neutral pair mechanism.
Intrinsic electronic conductivity, as observed in
semiconductors, is unlikely because the mobilities one
calculates from the observed conductivity and esti
mates of the band width are far too large to be reason-
11 R. Lindner and G. D. Parfitt, J. Chern. Phys. 26, 182-185
(1957) . able. However, the observed thermal activation energy
(3.5 ev) is not much lower than one would expect for
intrinsic conduction. Nelson12 has deduced from
optical reflection measurements that the width of the
band gap in MgO is about ten electron volts; it would
then be expected that the activation energy for elec
trical conduction is somewhat less than one-half this
value (less because of the lattice relaxation which
subtracts from the thermal activation process and not
from the optical absorption).
Finally, extrinsic conduction because of deviations
from stoichiometry is also unlikely on the basis of re
quiring unreasonably high mobilitiest if the thermal
activation energy for conduction results only from the
ionization of traps. The experimental evidence that the
conductivity is relatively insensitive to oxygen pressure
again makes any model based on metal excess or
deficiency unlikely.
All of the simple models, therefore, meet with some
objection, whether it is the objections or the models
which are in error cannot be resolved by the experi
ments so far performed.
2. Conduction in Norton MgO and High-Iron MgO
At this point it is prudent to state those points which
are proven by the data, because that which follows
in subsequent paragraphs is largely speculation which
one can make with our present knowledge of the semi
conducting properties of ionic compounds. In crystals
of typical purity «99.9% MgO and in the order of
0.01% Fe) the conductivity is higher and the activation
energy for conduction is much less than in purer
(R-S8) crystals. Increased conduction occurs both at
high and at low oxygen pressures, and the magnitude
of this dependence upon pressure is lower than we
expect for compound semiconductors with deviations
from stoichiometry. Crystals with large iron contents
show an increase in the oxygen pressure dependence of
conductivity and a further increase in total conduc
A reasonable deduction is that the charge carriers
in magnesium oxide arise from impurities or from
defects caused by the presence of impurities. By
pursuing this, one may speculate as to the mechanism
involved. Iron in the plus-two state is both more readily
oxidized to higher valency and reduced to lower
valency than Mg2+, thus a model may be proposed in
which iron ions in magnesium oxide are responsible for
oxygen deficiency at low oxygen pressures and oxygen
excess at high pressures. Any other impurity ion of
variable valence would do as well for the model. At
high oxygen pressures the magnesium oxide lattice
may contain cation vacancies by virtue of some of the
12 J. R. Nelson, Phys. Rev. 99, 1902 (1955).
tAssuming T=1673°K, u=1.5X1O-v, [OJ=1O '8, and E/2=
3.5 ev, solving for the mobility results in 2X104 cmz/volt sec,
whereas one would consider even 1()2, as being high at this tem
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iron ions existing in the plus-three state, and at low
oxygen pressures anion vacancies may be present
with reduced iron ions (Fe or Fe+).
High Oxygen Pressure Model
At oxygen partial pressures of greater than 10-5
atmosphere we assume that cation vacancies and
Fe+3 ions will be present in significant quantities.
Two important points must be made before proceeding
with the model. The first and more obvious is that a
cation vacancy (or other excess of anions) must
necessarily be present to explain the increase of con
ductivity with increasing oxygen partial pressure. The
second is that cation vacancies must be physically
associated with the Fe3+ ions. Qualitatively, we can
see this because conductivity, and therefore sources of
charge carriers which must involve the vacancy, in
crease in proportion to the iron concentration. The
defect concentration is limited by the iron concentra
tion. We know from the oxygen pressure insensitivity
of conductivity in the purer R-S8 MgO that the
equilibrium constant for the reaction,
is so small that it is unimportant to the conductivity.
In a less pure crystal the identical equilibrium constant
will hold except in the immediate vicinity of the iron
impurity ions. Therefore, we expect an increased
vacancy concentration near the iron ions only. The
inadequacy of a model in which the defects are inde
pendent of the iron is demonstrated in greater detail,
and more rigorously in the Appendix.
The equilibria which we consider are that for the
creation of an iron ion plus cation vacancy complex,
Fe2++1/20 2= (Fe-CatO)4++0--,
Ks= [(Fe-CatO)4+ J/[Fe2+ JP02t, (10)
and that for the ionization of the complex to form a
positive hole, and iron balance,
[Fe( total) J= [Fe2+ J+[(Fe- CatO) 3+ J
+[(Fe-CatO)4+J, (14)
to give th~ quadratic
[EEl J2[(1/K 6) + (l/K5K6PO}) J+[EEl J= [Fe( total)].
When the hole concentration is small with respect to
the other concentrations this reduces to
[EEl J""'[Fe( total]!K 5!K6!Po/14. (16)
The hole concentration will then be proportional to the
1/4th power of the oxygen pressure until the oxygen
pressure becomes large enough to make the vacancy
concentration significant with respect to the total iron.
Low Oxygen Pressure Model
At very low oxygen pressures we propose that anion
vacancies are formed. Again association with impurity
ions is a necessary condition for the validity of the
model. We may take an iron plus anion vacancy com
plex to be formed according to the equation
Fe2++0--= 1/202+ (Fe-AnD),
Po2t[(Fe-AnO) J K7 [Fe2+J
For the ionization,
(Fe-AnD) = (Fe-AnO)++ e, (17)
Ks=[(Fe-AnO)+J[eJ. (18)
Here, the iron ion makes possible the creation of the
vacancy by increasing the stability of one or both of the
trapped electrons from the vacancy. The conditions
for charge balance
(Fe-CatO)4+= (Fe-CatO)3++EEl, [e J= [Fe-AnO)+J, (19)
K6= 1 [(Fe-CatO)3+ J[EEl Jl /[(Fe-CatO)4+]. (11) and iron balance
The (Fe-CatO)4+ complex is an iron ion in the
three-plus valence state having lost one electron to the
associated vacancy. The vacancy now has a net charge
of plus one. The iron may take on an electron from the
valence band to form a charge carrier and the (Fe
CatO)3+ complex. An alternative, but perhaps less
likely, assumption is that two three-plus iron ions lose
electrons to a single vacancy completely canceling its
effective positive charge:
Equations (10) and (11) may be combined with the
relationships, for charge balance,
[(Fe-CatD)3+ J= [EEl J, (13) [Fe (total) J= [Fe2+ J+ [(Fe-AnD) J
+[(Fe-AnD)+J, (20)
lead to the quadratic
[e J2[(1/ Ks) + (POHK7KS) J+[e J= [Fe( total)].
For small electron and complex concentrations this is
At low oxygen pressures this predicts that conductivity
will increase with decreasing oxygen pressure, as was
demonstrated for MgO of typical purity.
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::IE u
Z -. 10
10 -'0 -2 -4
FIG. 6. Conductivity vs oxygen pressure at 1300°C for 13--58
(triangles) and high iron (dots) MgO. The curves are explamed
in the text.
The total conductivity as a function of the oxygen
pressure may be approximated by the addition of the
contributions from electrons from cation vacancies,
holes from anion vacancies, and electrons or holes from
other sources UX• The last contribution is not a function
of the stoichiometry or impurities of multiple valences.
We have
q total = UCat+U An+Ux-
From the previous models
u= e[Fe]!{J.LEllKstK6!Po/14+J.LoK7!Ks!Po2-1/4j +ux. (23)
Shoshea, Dekker, and Sturzl3 have recently proposed
a model to explain the x-ray induced color centers in
MgO. In this model positive holes result from cation
vacancies which are present by virtue of iron (or
similar ion) impurities, and electrons may be ionized
from Fe2+ ions. However, their model is not sufficient
to explain the electrical conductivity of MgO as a
function of oxygen pressure. The following equations
very nearly apply for the concentrations of electrons
and positive holes according to their model:
(1+1/K5Po21), (24)
13 Shoshea, Dekker, ancl Sturtz, Phys. and Chern. Solids 5,
23 (1958). where Ks is the equilibrium constant for the excitation
of a hole from the vacancy and K9 is the equilibrium
constant for the excitation of an electron from Fe2+.
From the above equations it can be seen that there
will be a change in total conductivity only through
the narrow pressure range in which KSPo2t is quite
close to unity, whereas the conductivity was observed
to change over more than ten orders of magnitude of
pressure variation. In the model proposed in the present
paper in which both cation and anion vacancies are
assumed to exist, there are two different constants
corresponding to the term K5 in Eqs. (24) and (25).
Test of Model
The agreement of Eq. (23) with the experimental
results may be empirically tested in the form
u= CIPoF4+C2P02-1/4+ux. (26)
Figure 6 shows the agreement for R-58 MgO and
high iron MgO. The points are the experimental con
ductivity results at 1300°C and the solid curves were
computed from Eq. (26) by using a total of three
experimental points to fix the constants for both curves.
The dashed lines are the best fit to the equation
u= CIPo/16+C2P02-1/6+ux. (27)
This corresponds to the assumption that both the
cation vacancy complex and the anion vacancy com
plex contain two iron atoms per vacancy, as in Eq.
(12). The best fit appears to be something between a
one-fourth and a one-sixth power dependence.
A rough test of the model may be obtained by seeing
if Eqs. (15) and (21) yield reasonable conductivity
values at their limits. At oxygen pressures sufficient to
oxidize all the iron ions, Eq. (15) approaches
Chemical analysis of the high iron sample showed
[Fe]=5X1018 cm-3• K6, approximated from the
activation energy for conduction and Eq. (6), is equal
to 4X 105 cm-3 at 1300°C. Therefore, Eq. (15) predicts
a maximum number of hole carriers of l.4X 1012 cm-3
to result from the iron-cation vacancy complexes at
1300°C. By assuming a mobility close to that measured
for electrons in BaO by Pell,J4 in the order of 5 cm2/volt
sec, the maximum conductivity expected is 1.1X 10-6•
The highest observed conductivity at high oxygen
pressure was 4X 10-6• The agreement is not as good at
low oxygen pressures where the same calculation
applies and the conductivity was as high as 2 X 10-5
without evidence of saturation. However, for this type
of calculation order of magnitude agreement is en
14 E. M. Pell, Phys. Rev. 87, 457 (1952).
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A different conduction mechanism occurs in crystals
of magnesium oxide of higher purity than those ordi
narily available. This is evidenced by lower conduc
tivity, higher thermal activation energy for conduction,
and diminished oxygen pressure dependence of con
ductivity in the temperature region studied (800°C to
1400°C). The source of charge carriers in high purity
magnesium oxide is not known.
Conductivity in crystals of ordinary purity is domi
nated by impurities. There is a minimum in conduc
tivity at a partial pressure of oxygen of 10-5 atmos
pheres at 1300°C, and increasing conductivity at both
higher and lower oxygen partial pressures. The effect
of oxygen pressure on the conductivity may be ex
plained on the basis of a tentative model in which (1)
the impurities are ions of multiple valence states, pos
sibly iron; (2) cation vacancies are created at high
oxygen pressures and anion vacancies at low oxygen
pressures; and (3) the vacancies are associated with the
impurity ions.
The author is indebted to J. E. Burke, R. E. Carter,
and Werner Kanzig for helpful discussions and review
of the manuscript.
If the iron impurities are not associated with the
vacancies, the following equilibrium equation will
describe the effect of oxygen to produce cation vacan-
Cles: tions down to the following four equations:
1/202 (g) =0--+MgD",
MgOx= MgO' + $, K1= [MgOx][O- -]/ P021/2,
K1'=[MgOx]/P021/2, (31)
K2= [MgO'][EB ]/[MgOx], (32)
MgO' = MgO" + EB,
K3= [MgO"][EB ]/[MgO'], (33)
2Fe3+= 2Fe2++2EB,
K41/2= K/ = [Fe2+ ][EB ]/[FeH]. (34)
The material balance for iron is
[Fe total] = [Fe2+ ]+[FeH], (35)
and that for excess charge is
[FeH]+[EB]=[MgO']+2[MgO"], (36)
combining (34) and (35)
[FeH] = [EB ][Fe,ot.1J! K/ +[EB].
From (31) and (32)
K'KP l/"
[M O'J= 1 2 02-
g [EB J '
and from (33)
Substitution of the last three concentrations into (36)
2Fe2++ 1/202(g) = 2FeH+0--+ MgO". (29) and rearranging gives
The positive holes may be released by the iron to form
charge carriers:
It is thermodynamically possible to break these reac-[EB J4+[EB J3([Fetot.1J+ K/) -[EB J2Kl'K2K3P02112
-[EB J2K/K2K3P021/2_2K/K~~/ Po/12=0. (37)
Inspection of Eq. (37) reveals that the effect of in
creasing iron concentration will always be to decrease
the hole concentration and the conductivity. This is the
opposite of what is observed experimentally.
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1.1730774.pdf | Mean Square Amplitudes and Force Constants of Tetrahedral Molecules. I. Carbon
Tetrachloride and Germanium Tetrachloride
Yonezo Morino, Yasushi Nakamura, and Takao Iijima
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 32, 643 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1730774
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1730774
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Published by the AIP Publishing
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:01:13THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 32, NUMBER 3 MARCH,1960
Mean Square Amplitudes and Force Constants of Tetrahedral Molecules. I. Carbon
Tetrachloride and Gennanium Tetrachloride
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan
(Received September 11, 1959)
The atomic distances and mean square amplitudes of carbon tetrachloride and germanium tetrachloride
were measured by the sector-microphotometer method of electron diffraction. The force constants were
calculated by use of the mean square amplitudes thus obtained, combined with the normal frequencies.
The results indicate that a force field of the Urey-Bradley type is approximately realized in these molecules.
THE forces acting between atoms in a molecule hav
usually been obtained by the analysis of vibra
tional spectra. The number of frequencies observed is,
in general, not enough to determine all the force con
stants in general quadratic form of potential energy:
for example, even for such a simple molecule as carbon
tetrachloride, which has Td symmetry, three force
constants are necessary for the F2 type vibrations, but
we have only two frequencies of this class. Thus, in
molecular spectroscopy, some special form is tenta
tively assumed for the force field to reduce the number
of unknown parameters. The simplest one is the so
called valence force system, in which only the forces
along the valence bonds and those against the deforma
tion of valence angles are taken into account. This
assumption is, however, too simple to have actual
significance. The first improvement to be made in this
assumption is to add force constants which represent
the interaction between nonbonded atoms. The result
is a force field of the Urey-Bradley typel which has
been applied to many molecules and proven to be
successful by Mizushima, Shimanouchi, and others.2
In this situation any phenomenon can be used to fill
up the deficiency of the data mentioned above, if it has
a close connection with the force field of the molecule.
In fact, isotopic shifts of vibrational spectra,3 Coriolis
coupling constants in rotation-vibration spectra,4 and
centrifugal distortion constants in microwave spectra,5,6
etc. have been used heretofore. It is the purpose of this
article to show that the mean square amplitude ob-
I H. C. Urey and C. A. Bradley, Phys. Rev. 28, 1969 (1939).
2 T. Shimanouchi, J. Chern. Phys. 17, 245, 734, 848 (1949);
S. Mizushirna and T. Shimanouchi, ibid. 17, 1102 (1949); J. Am.
Chern. Soc. 71, 1320 (1949); I. Nakagawa, J. Chern. Soc. Japan
76, 813 (1955); 77, 1030 (1956); T. Miyazawa, ibid. 77, 366
(1956) , etc.
3 Cf. G. Herzberg, },folecular Spectra and Molecular Structure
(D. Van Nostrand, Princeton New Jersey, 1945).
4 J. H. Meal and S. R. Polo, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 1119, 1126
(1956) .
• D. Kivelson and E. B. Wilson, Jr., J. Chern. Phys. 20, 1575
(1952); 21, 1229 (1953); D. Kivelson, ibid. 22, 904 (1954);
L. Pierce, ibid. 24, 139 (1956); P. H. Verdier and E. B. Wilson,
Jr., ibid. 30, 1372 (1959).
6 Y. Morino and E. Hirota, Bull. Chern. Soc. Japan 31, 423
(1958) . tained by electron diffraction offers another basis for
determining the force constants of molecules.
A few words should be added here concerning the
previous studies of electron diffraction on carbon tetra
chloride and germanium tetrachloride. Since the pioneer
work by Mark and WierF in 1930, carbon tetrachloride
has been used as a reference substance for electron
diffraction. It was on this molecule that Karle and
Karle8 first demonstrated the usefulness of the sector
method in 1949, and the most reliable measurement
at present by the sector-microphotometer method must
be that by Bartell, Brockway, and Schwendeman9
on the same substance. Morino and KuchitsulO used the
substance for a test of their new sector apparatus.
The reason why the same substance was again in
vestigated was to get the most reliable values of the
mean square amplitudes, by focusing attention upon
their determination.
The molecular structure of germanium tetrachloride
was studied by Pauling and Brockwayll in 1935 by the
visual method with the result Ge-Cl=2.08±0.02 A.
The diffraction apparatus used is the same as that
reported in the previous paper by Morino and
Kuchitsu.lO An ,a sector was used with the shorter
camera length, 11.8 cm, and an ,2 sector with the longer
camera length, 27.9 cm. The accelerating voltage was
about 45 kv, the fluctuation and the drift of the voltage
being automatically regulated within 0.1 %. A pure
sample of germanium tetrachloride was kindly pro
vided by Mr. H. Oikawa, of the Coal Research In
stitute of Mitsui Chemical Industrial Company, Ltd.
About 10 cc of the sample was consumed in this work.
The gaseous sample was kept in a l-liter glass bulb
at a pressure of 30 to 35 mm Hg and was led to the
diffraction camera through a fine nozzle. The pressure
decrease of the sample holder during exposure, 2 to 4
7 H. Mark and R. Wier!, Naturwiss. 18,205 (1930).
81. L. Kar!e and J. Karle,]. Chern. Phys. 17, 1052 (1949).
9 Bartell, Bruck way, and Schwendeman, J. Chern. Phys. 23,
1854 (1955).
10 Y. Morino and K. Kuchitsu, J. Chem. Phys. 28,175 (19581.
II L. Pauling and L. O. Brockway, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 57, 2684
(1935) .
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:01:13644 MORINO, NAKAMURA, AND IIJIMA
min., was a few mm Hg. The diffraction pattern was
recorded on Fuji Process Plates which were developed
with FD-131 developer at 20°C. The wavelength of the
primary electron beam was calibrated by a transmission
pattern of gold foil.
Microphotometer traCing was carried out either with
a Riken B type microphotometer using a photographic
recording system or with a Rigaku Denki MP-3
microphotometer using a pen-recording system. They
are both equipped with a rotating disk on which the
diffraction photograph is mounted and spun rapidly
in order to average out irregularities in the photographic
plate. Both types of photometers gave results con
sistent with each other. Six pairs of diffraction photo
graphs including two pairs for small-angle region
(q=8-30) were selected from about 40 plates and
analyzed by the procedure described below.
In order to avoid difficulties in the density-intensity
calibration,12.13 the plates of optical densities less than
0.5 were used for the analysis. Having been well estab
lished by experiment, a linear relation was assumed
between the density and intensity in the above region.
The molecular intensities were obtained by drawing a
smooth background line which was iteratively cor
rected with the criterion of minimum ghost in the
radial distribution curve.
In order to obtain mean square amplitudes ac
curately enough to allow a useful determination of the
force field, every possible correction should be taken
into consideration. The errors involved in the measure
ment of mean amplitudes were thoroughly criticized
by KuchitsuY He concluded that the largest error had
its origin in the finite gas spread at the diffraction
center. He found a method for estimating the distribu
tion of gas molecules by the measurement of the devia
tion of the slope of the background curve from the
theoretical one. Another source of uncertainty is the
failure of the Born approximation which was first
pointed out by Schomaker and Glauber.lb We can
roughly correct it by using Ibers and Hoemi's table.16
Anharmonicity of intramolecular vibration of atoms
and the displacements of atoms perpendicular to the
bond direction provide serious difficulties in the deter
mination of equilibrium distances and mean square
amplitudes. In this section the procedure of the analysis
shall be presented, with an attempt to eliminate as
many uncertainties as possible.
1. Molecular Intensity
As was shown by Morino and Hirota,17 the intensity
of the coherent beam diffracted by a tetrahedral mole-
12 J. Karle and I. L. Karle, J. Chem. Phys. 18,957 (1950).
13 L. S. Bartell and L. O. Brockway, J. App!. Phys. 24, 656
14 K. Kuchitsu, Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan 32,748 (1959).
16 V. Schomaker and R. Glauber, Nature 170, 290 (1952).
16 J. A. Ibers and J. A. Hoerni, Acta Cryst. 7, 405 (1954).
17 Y. Morino and E. Hirota, J. Chem. Phys. 23, 737 (1955). cule is given by
() ,,1 F ,,(s) II F/(s) I exp( -as2) sM s = L..J COS~l1--=----
i.i IB r.
.( sinsr.-(s/r.) [(,iz2)_t( (~X2)+ (~y2»)] cossr.), (1)
where s has the usual meaning of (47r/X) ·sinO/2 and IB
is the sum of coherent and incoherent atomic scattering.
F ,,(s) denotes the atomic structure factor of the ith
atom for electron beam, * and COS~l1 is due to the
imaginary part of F ,'(s) F/(s), that is, to the failure
of Born approximation. Here 2a= (,iz2) is the mean
square amplitude parallel to the equilibrium direction
of the distance r., and (~X2) and (~y2) are the mean
square amplitudes of the atomic displacements perpen
dicular to the equilibrium direction. This formula was
derived based on the probability function Ph(r) of the
distance r, for which the intramolecular potential is
assumed to be harmonic,
Ph(r) = (l/47ra)![l +y(r-r.)] exp[ -(r-r.)2/4a], (2)
Now, considering the fact that s(,iz2)(1-'Yr.)/r. is
much less than unity in the region s;£30, we have a
simple form of
sM(s) = L(I F,'(s) II F/(s) I/IB) COS~l1
·exp( -as2) (l/r.) sinsra, (3)
where the apparent distance ra is related to '. by the
relation of
and the background intensity I B can be given by the
IB= L IF ,"(s) 12+ LS;(s). (5)
i i
2. Anharmonicity of Vibration
The effect of anharmonicity of vibration upon M(s)
was discussed by Bartell21 for the ground state of a
diatomic molecule, and was calculated by Reitan for
Hz, H20, and CO2 molecules.22 For an atom in a poly
atomic molecule the following expression of the dis
tribution function seems to be adequate:
Pa(r) = [l+/1t(r-r.) +;J2 (r-r.)2+/3s(r-r.) 3] Ph (r) ,
* F,e(s) =Zi-j,(S) [or the first Born approximation.
18 L. H. Thomas and K, Umeda, J. Chem. Phys. 26, 293 (1957).
" H. Viervoll and O. l)grim, Acta Cryst. 2, 277 (1949).
20 L. Bewilogua, Physik Z. 32, 740 (1931).
21 L. S. Bartell, J. Chem. Phys. 23, 1219 (1955).
22 A. Reitan, Acta Chern. Scand. 12, 131, 785 (1958).
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where Ph (r) designates the distribution function of a
harmonic case given by Eq. (2). A manipulation similar
to that carried out in the case of a harmonic potential
provides an expression for the molecular intensity
corresponding to Eq. (3),
sM (s) = L(I F ,·(s) II F/(s) II I B) cos6.7j
i, i
·exp( -a's2) (l/r.) sins(ra-Ks2). (7)
ra = re-2a' /r.+2 (131+1') a' + 12 (133+1'132) a'2, (8)
a' = a+4a2 (132+1'131) , (9)
K=8a'3(!33+'Y!32) . (10)
The information obtained by the analysis of the
intensity curve is ra and a', and, if a precise measure
ment is performed, one more parameter K shall be
obtained. In order to get r., the values of 131, 132, 133,
and l' are required. Although l' can be calculated from
spectroscopic data,11 other parameters cannot be esti
mated without precise expressions of them. Similarly,
the correction term of the mean square amplitude,
4(!32+'Y!31)a 2, is left out of the measurement.
In this connection it may be mentioned that
ro= ~aJrPa(r)dr / ~aJ Pa(r) dr,
= r.+2 (131+1') a' + 12 (133+1'132) a'2. (11)
Therefore, comparing it with Eq. (8), we have
that is, ro,t the mean of the distance with regard to
the anharmonic probability function, is given in a
straightforward way by ra and a'; it is independent
of the !3's which are necessary for calculating reo
It would be worthwhile to consider here the precise
meaning of the mean square amplitude. In particular,
for the anharmonic case we must consider the effect of
anharmonicity on the mean square amplitude. Since
2a= (6.z2) is the mean of the square of the deviation of
the atomic distance from the equilibrium position,
averaged with regard to the distribution function for a
harmonic potential function, we find
However, as was pointed out by Reitan22 and discussed
by Kuchitsu,14 there are a number of slightly different
definitions of the mean square amplitude, for example,
t r. is the same as r.(O) defined by Bartell (reference 21). + Exactly speaking, (t1z2) is the mean of (Z_Z.)2, but it coin
cides with ((r-T.)2) in the first approximation. and
where 1.2 is the mean of the deviation from the equi
librium position of the atom pair, II that from the
distance corresponding to the center of gravity of the
distribution function, both being averaged with respect
to the distribution function for the actual anharmonic
potential function. The definition of 1/ is quite ana
logous with (6.z2), the difference being only in the
respect that the mean is made with regard to the
anliarmonic, rather than the harmonic probability
function. If we assume Eq. (6) for Pa(r) , they are
easily calculated as follows:
and (16)
Comparison of Eq. (16) with Eq. (9) reveals that
1/=2a'. (18)
Thus it is I. that is obtained by the analysis of the
intensity curve, because, as will be described in the
following section, a' is treated as a parameter to be
determined by least squares calculation. This is in
sharp contrast to the fact that for the equilibrium dis
tance, rg is directly obtained by the measurement,
whereas r. is too difficult to be calculated.
3. Method of Least Squares
The least squares method has the advantage that it
is not influenced by the termination effect which is
encountered in the radial distribution method. At the
same time it makes it possible to get the most reason
able values of the parameters with their standard errors.
The procedure applied here is essentially the same as
that reported by Bastiansen, Hedberg, and Hedberg.23
The observed values of molecular intensity qM(q) at
each q value,§ denoted by Fo, are fitted by Fc, the
theoretically calculated values of qM(q) , so as to
reduce the square sum of residuals as much as possible,
by changing the molecular parameters which specify
the Fc.
For the analysis of the diffraction data of GeC4 and
CC4, the following formula corresponding to Eq. (7)
is assumed for Fc:
Fc=i{ C1(1/ral) exp( -at' S2) sins(ral-Kls2)
+C2(1/ra2) exp( -ab2) sins(ra2-K2s2)}, (19)
in which the subscript 1 designates the Ge-Cl or C-Cl
pair and 2 the Cl-Cl pair. The ro's in the denominators
23 O. Bastiansen, K. Hedberg, and L. Hedberg, J. Chem. Phys.
27, 1311 (1957).
§ The analysis in this article was carried out by use of the
q scale (q= 10s/ ... ) though the description of the article is pre
sented by the term s.
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TABLE 1. Results of the least squares analysis of the molecular
intensity curves of GeCLI at 23°C.
(2a/)1 (Ge-Cl)
Kl(Ge-Cl) XI05
K2(Cl-Cl) XI06 With five unknown With seven unknown
parameters parameters
0.97.±0.02 3 A
2. 112dO.ooh
3.440 9±0.004o
0.048 6±0.0020
O. 0995±0. 0033 0.97dO.023 A
2. 110D±0.oola
3. 4433±0. 006.
0.048 6±0.OO2 o
0.099.±O.OO3 3
in Eq. (7) were safely approximated by ra's .• The
81 Fo:(s) II Fd(s) I
L: I F;'(s) 12+ L:Si(S)-COS~1), (20)
are numerically calculated at each q by use of a number
of tables16.18.19,20 and inserted into Eq. (19). The
parameters to be determined by least squares are ra, a',
and K for each atom pair and the index of resolution i.
The preliminary values of the parameters for the
starting model of least squares are given by the analysis
of the radial distribution curve. The result of the radial
distribution curve was so close to the final one that only
one trial was necessary to get well-converged values.
As for the weight to be multiplied to the difference of
Fo-Fe at every q in the calculation of least squares,
we have no exact knowledge except that it decreases at
both ends of large and small q values. An approximate
form was tentatively assumed for each case so as to
realize the damping feature of the observed curves. All
the numerical computations were carried out by the
use of the parametron digital computer PC-1, at the
Department of Physics.
4. Radial Distribution Function
The modified radial distribution function which
offers the starting model is provided by the Fourier
transformation of the ideal molecular intensity with an
artificial damping factor exp ( -bs2) , that is,
f(r)=foSMi(S) exp(-bs2)·sinsrds. (22)
The ideal molecular intensity SMi(S) is that of a
fictitious model which has constant scattering factors
instead of the true atomic structural factors depending
. "" Z ;,z i sinsr a
sM'(s) = t'L:Z,(Z,+l) .----;;-exp[ -(B+a') s2]. (23) This is the very function that was introduced by
Bartell, Brockway, and Schwendeman,9 except for a
term exp( -BS2) which expresses the phase shift due
to the failure of Born approximation. The factor B
can be properly assumed14 by the condition that the
function exp( -BS2) expresses the term COS~1) with
minimum deviation in the required range of s,
18m"[coS~1)(s) -exp( -BS2) Jexp[ -(a' +b)S2Jds=0,
o (24)
where b is an artificial temperature factor for eliminating
the termination effect. The value of B was estimated
to be 0.464X 10-3 for the Ge-CI pair, by the value of
COSA1) obtained from the table of Ibers and Hoerni and
corrected for the accelerating voltage 45 kv by the use
of their transformation formula.
The correction of sM(s) to SMi(S) was made by the
procedure proposed by Brockway, Bartell, and Schwen
deman,9 that is, the difference between Mi(S) and
M(s) is calculated for an approximate model, the
difference AM(s) =Mi(S) -M(s) is added to the
observed molecular intensity, and the structural param
eters of the model are successively corrected with the
result of the analysis of the radial distribution curve
which is obtained by the Fourier transformation of the
SMob8(S) +s~M(s).
Four curves of the observed molecular intensity were
separately analyzed by the method described in the
preceding. They gave results sufficiently consistent
with one another, the average of which are listed in
Table I with the standard deviaticms. The weight
function w(q) in the least squares was tentatively
chosen as
w(q) =N1q exp( -alq2) for 8~q~25,
w(q) = 1 for 25~q~43,
w(q) =N2q exp( -a2q2) for 43~q~97, (25)
{) 20 40 60 80 100
FIG. 1. Calculated and observed molecular intensity curves of
GeCI •.
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where Cll=8.00XlO-4 and Cl2=2.70X10-4. Normaliza
tion coefficients Nl and N2 are taken so that the weight
function w(q) is continuous at q=25 and 43. The least
squares treatment was applied to the molecular in
tensity curves, first with five unknown parameters, i,
al, ~', ral, and ra2, neglecting the parameters Kl and K2,
and then with seven parameters including Kl and K2.
Equation (19) shows that the anharmonicity of vibra
tion produces a phase shift -KS2, in the molecular
intensity curve, so that it seems better to carry out
the calculation with seven parameters. It was re
vealed, however, that the values of the mean amplitudes
obtained with seven parameters were almost the same
as those obtained with five parameters and the dis
tances were only slightly affected within the magnitude
of the standard error. In addition, as the standard
error of the phase shift parameter K is of comparable
order with the value of K itself, the values of K obtained
A_ CI-Cl
1\ b J. o 1 2 3 4 5
"" = ,
-==-= b
o 1 2 3 4 5
FIG. 2. Radial distribution curve of GeCl •. Curve B indicates the
difference between the experimental RD (curve a) and synthetic
RD for the final model.
are meaningless. Thus there is no substantial difference
whether the analysis is performed with five or with
seven parameters.
The calculated molecular intensity curve is com
pared with the observed one in Fig. 1, and the experi
mental radial distribution curvef(r) is shown in Fig. 2.
It is well fitted by Gaussian peaks computed with the
molecular parameters determined by the least squares.
The difference between the experimental and the
calculated f(r) is plotted in Fig. 2. The maximum
difference is about 3% of the height of the Ge--Cl peak;
it is comparable to the level of the ghost signals.
The observed background line is compared with the
theoretical one in Fig. 3. The theoretical background
intensity for an 1'3 sector was calculated by the equation
I(q) = (l/q) (l-o(q» {L:F i'(q)2+ L:s .(q)}, (26)
i i
o(q) = (313200)}.2q2,
a constant coefficient beimg omitted. Equation (26)
was derived by taking into account the intensity of o 20 40 60 80 100
FIG. 3. Background line of GeCI •. The deviation beyond q= 70
is due to the finite spread of gas molecules at the nozzle.
scattered electrons which hit a unit area of a plate
placed at right angles to the primary beam.
The distribution of gas molecules around the nozzle
was estimated by the discrepancy of the slope of the
observed background line from the theoretical one, in
the region of q larger than 70 as shown in Fig. 3, and
the corresponding corrections of the root mean square
amplitudes were found to be -0.0013 A for the Ge--Cl
and -0.0016 A for the Cl-Cl pair, respectively.
In Table II the final results of the analysis are
tabulated, in which the distance parameters Yg were
computed by Eq. (12) and the mean amplitudes were
corrected for the finite sample size. The standard errors
were determined by considering the standard devia
tions of the least squares as well as other possible
systematic errors. The effect of uncertainty in the
values of cosA'1 for the Ge--CI pair was assumed to
be about 2%.
1. Equilibrium Distance
In order to obtain the equilibrium distance Ye,
we have to have the correction terms in the expression
1'e= Ya+2a' 11'.-2,},a' -2fJra' -12a'2(!13+y!12). (8')
As for ,,/, the perpendicular amplitudes (AX2) and (Ay2)
must be evaluated, in addition to the parallel amplitude
(AZ2). They are easily obtained by the relation17
«(X.-Xj)2)= [Di/(M-IB')]'U' (~-l)' <Q2)~-lU
. [Di/(M-IB')], (27)
The ~ matrix elements were calculated with the force
constants obtained by the consideration described
TABLE II. Final result for the molecular parameters of
GeCIt at 23°C.
I. Ge-Cl
2. 113±0.003 A
O.047.±0.003. CI-Cl
3.444±0.006 A
0.097 .±O. 0033
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TABLE III. Parallel and perpendicular mean amplitudes of GeCl. in A computed by the use of the force constants obtained by the
present study (at 296°K).
Cl-Cl (AZ2)
0.009708 (Ay2)
below. The results of the calculation are listed in
Table III.
The term -2a'.B1-12a'2(.Ba+'Y.B2) is estimated to
amount to -0.006 A, if a Morse type potential func
tion is assumed
V(r) =Dl1-exp[ -tl(r-r.) JP, (28)
with tl=2.0 A-I. The correction is comparable to the
term of 2'Ya', or rather larger than that. For the present
as the exact values of the anharmonicity parameters are
not available, it is impossible to get the r. with suffi
cient accuracy.
2. Mean Square Amplitude
As mentioned in the preceding section, the mean
square amplitude obtained by the experiment is a',
whereas the quantity obtained by the theoretical
calculation is 2a= (&2), that for the harmonic po
tential. In order to obtain the mean square amplitude
which may be compared with the experimental result,
we must make a correction for the anharmonicity of the
potential function, which is expressed by the term
4a2(.B2+'Y.Bl) in Eq. (9). To make the argument simple,
a case of diatomic molecules is taken as an example.
In this case 1'=0, and .82 has the following relation to
the Morse function parameters:
(30) 0.009790
0.010711 r
3.444 2a/r
0.00282 0.00416
mean square amplitude must be corrected by an in
crease of about 1 %.
In this connection it must be mentioned that the
theoretical calculation should be performed by the use
of the frequencies 11. but the actual frequencies we have
for GeCl4 and CCl4 are 1I0'S: we have no means of secur
ing the anharmonicity factor of these molecules. As the
mean square amplitude is approximately inversely pro
portional to the frequency, as indicated by Eq. (32), the
true mean amplitude is obtained by multiplying the
factor 110/11. to apparent mean amplitude l02 which was
calculated by substituting 110 for 11.,
2a' = 102(1 +Xe) (1-2x.) = 102(1-xe). (35)
Thus the correction due to the 1I0'S would be partially
canceled if we used a' instead of a in the comparison
of the observed mean amplitude with the calculated
one. This consideration is valid only for diatomic mole
cules. However, even in polyatomic molecules, the error
would be of the order of Xe, and the comparison of 2a'
with 102 would have the smallest deviation. Considering
the accuracy of the measurement of mean square
amplitude by electron diffraction at present, we can
safely neglect the correction and directly compare 2a',
the factor obtained by electron diffraction, with the
values calculated by the use of fundamental frequen
cies 110.
3. Force Constants
xe=hlle/4De• The general quadratic form of potential energy
(31) expression of a tetrahedral molecule is given by
For the calculation of the correction term, 4a.B2, an
approximate relation,
which holds exactly only in the ground state, can be
safely used, and the result is
Therefore, the correction is of the order of Xe. In fact,
Reitan22 calculated the effect for a number of diatomic
molecules and arrived at a similar conclusion that root 2V= L)r(Mi)2+ L:2krr(Mi) (Mj) + L:ka(re~aij)2
+ L:2kaa(re~aij) (re~ajk) + L:2kaa' (re~aij) (r.~akl)
+ L:2kraMi(r.~aij)+ L:2kra'~ri(r.~ajk), (36)
where ~r denotes the displacement of bond distances
and . ~a the change of valency angles. This equation
has seven force constants, but the symmetry of the
molecule Td reduces the number to five:
2V = FllS12+F22 (S2a2+S2b2) +Fa3(Sa}+Sab2+ Sa})
+2F34(SaaS4a+S3bS4b+S 3cS4c)
+F44(S4a2+S4b2+S4c2), (37)
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TABLE IV. Fundamental frequencies PO of GeC4 in em-I.
396 132 453 172
Sl=Z-I(ilrl+ilr2+ilr3+ilr4) ,
S2a= (lZ)-1r.(Zila12- ila23-ila13- ila14-ila24+ZilaM) ,
S2b= 2-lr.(ila23- ila13+ila14- il(24),
S2a=6-1(ilrl+Ar2- 2ilr3),
Sab= (12)-1(ilrl+Ar2+Ara-3Ar4),
Sac = Z-1 ( -ilrl+Ar2),
S40.= (12)-1r.(Zila12- Aa23-ilala+ ila14 + Aa24-2 A(34) ,
S4b = 6-1r. (Aa12+ ila2a+ ilala -ila14 -Aa24 -ilaM) ,
S4c = Z-lr.(Aa23- AalS-Aa14+il(24) '
S& = 6-1r. (ila12+ ila23+ ila13+ ilal4 + ila24 + ilaM) . (38)
The elements of the F matrix have the following rela
tions to the constants in Eq. (36):
The symmetry coordinates relate to the normal co
ordinates by the transformation matrix L,
S=LQ. (40)
FIG. 4. Correlation curve of lJ(Ge-CI) and MCI-Cl) of GeC4.
The shaded area indicates the observed values. The boundary
lines are drawn to show the standard errors. The cross corresponds
to the Urey-Bradley force field. TABLE V. Force constants of GeC4 in millidyne/A.
For symmetry coordinate
Fll 3.276
F22 0.121
F$3 2.63±0.30
F$4 O.12±0.20
F44 O.IS±O.Ol For internal coordinate
k.,,-k.,,' 2.79±O.23
Now, the method to calculate mean square ampli
tudes was previously presented by Morino et al.24j the
mean amplitude of the vibration of a pair of the atoms
whose displacements are given by the matrix relation
is given by
(.lR2) = A'L (Q2)L' A, (41)
where (Q2) is a diagonal matrix having the elements of
For a tetrahedral molecule Eq. (41) provides the
following equations:
1l2(Ge-Cl) =iGu (Q12)+!L332(Qa2)+!LM2(Q42), (43)
k2(CI-Cl) =jGll (QI2)+tG 22 (Q22) +H2L33+ L43)2(Qa2)
+H2L 34+L44)2(Q42), (44)
where the G.;'s are the elements of the well-known
Wilson G matrix and are given by the masses of the
atoms and the geometry of the molecule. L33, ~3, and
L44 are calculated for every set of Fa3, F34, and F44 which
satisfy the two observed frequencies, Va and V4, through
the secular equation I GF-AE 1=0. As infinite sets of
force constants are allowed to express the A3 and A4,
there must be a correlation between the values of 11
and k which satisfy the two frequencies. They were
calculated by the use of the fundamental frequencies
measured by the Raman effect (Table IV),2& The
result is shown in Fig. 4, where the observed values of
the root mean square amplitudes are indicated by the
TABLE VI. F matrix elements of GeC1 in millidyne/A calculated
with the assumption of Urey-Bradley force field.
a With an assumption of 9'=0.
b With an assumption of F'=-F/lO. 2.639
0.174 Present experiment
24 Morino, Kuchitsu, and Shimanouchi, J. Chem. Phys. 20,
726 (1952).
.. Delwaulle et al., J. Phys. radium 15, 206 (1954).
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TABLE VII. Results of the least squares analysis of molecular intensity curves of CCl. at 22°C.
Observer ra1(C-Cl) Ta2(Cl-Cl) (2a1,)1(C-Cl) (2~')1(Cl-Cl) K1(C-Cl)X1()5 K2(Cl-Cl)X1()5
1"1 1. 769±0.OO31 2.888±0.0016 0.0531±0.0020 0.0736±0.OOl1 -5.7±3.1 -1.2±1.9 99.9±1.5
1"1 1.768±0.OO31 2.887±0.0019 0.0499±0.OO22 O. 0723±0. 0012 -4.7±4A -4.8±2.6 93.7±1.6
1"1 1. 7 59±0. 0033 2. 882±0. 0013 0.0497±0.0024 0.0697±0.0013 3.1±3.5 0.9±2.1 99 A±1. 7
I 1. 769±0.0062 2.899±0.0031 0.0503±0.0042 0.0737±0.OO22 2.8±6.2 1.5±3.8 94.5±3.1
AI 1. 763±0.0036 2.888±0.0018 O. 0525±0. 0024 0.0718±0.0013 -3.0±3.6 3.9±2.2 95.5±1.8
Mean 1. 7653±0.002o 2. 8864±0.0021 0.0513±0.OO14 0.072b±0.0007 -2.12±2.6. 0.lo±1.4o 97.07±1.3 3
TABLE VIII. Final results for the molecular parameters of CCl4 at 22°C.
Present measurement
ra 1. 7653±0.002o
2alr 0.0014
Tg 1. 7667±0.003
(2a')~ 0.0513±0.001
t.l -0.0012
I. 0.0505±0.OO2 Cl-Cl
2. 8864±0. 0021
shaded area, the boundaries being drawn by the
standard errors. The values of the F matrix elements
corresponding to the line belonging to this area are
shown in Table V. It should be noted that each of the
force constants listed in Table V is not independent
but must have a mutual correlation by the restriction
that the set of force constants is consistent with the
observed fundamental frequencies.
The values of force constants in the usual potential
energy expression of Eq. (36) were calculated by
Eq. (39) and are listed in Table V.
The Urey-Bradley force field
2V= LK(Mi)2+ LH(reAai;) 2+ LF(Aqii)2
+ L2H're2Aaii+ L2F'qe(Aqii) , (45)
has the following relations to the F matrix expression:
F34=1(F+F') ,
F44=H+!F-iF'-[3/(8)!]H'. (46)
The F matrix elements corresponding to the Urey
Bradley field which satisfy the observed frequencies are
listed in Table VI, one with the assumption H' = 0/6
and the other with F' = -F /10.27 Both sets of mean
amplitudes which were calculated with these constants
are indicated by the cross in Fig. 4. Thus it can be
concluded that the molecular field of germanium tetra
chloride is very close to the Urey-Bradley force field.
26 T. Shimanouchi, J. Chern. Phys. 17, 245 (1949).
27 T. Shimanouchi, J. Chern. Soc. Japan 74, 28 (1953). Bartell, Brockway, and Schwendeman
'RD= 1. 769±0.003
rRDo=1. 766±0.003
0.058±0.005 Cl-Cl
It should be mentioned that Cyvin28 also arrived at the
same conclusion, using his new secular equation
method for calculating mean square amplitudes.
The same treatment was applied for carbon tetra
chloride. The least squares calculation was carried out
with seven unknown parameters. The weight factor for
the measurement was assumed to have a similar form
to that for GeC4, with the slight modification that the
weight was assumed to be unity from q=21 to 60,
both sides of which were spliced by two Gaussian
w(q) =exp[ -0.040(q-21)2], for 19~q~21,
w(q) = 1, for 21~q~60,
w(q) =exp[ -0.002 (q-60)2], for 60~q~95. (47)
This function is somewhat arbitrary and of no par
ticular significance, of course, but it was found that the
result was not sensitive to the assumption about the
weight factor.
In order to check personal errors made by observers
and fluctuations of photographic plates, three persons
performed independent measurements on different
plates. The results are shown in Table VII, in which
the figures after ± signs indicate the standard devia
tions in the least squares, not including systematic
errors such as those due to finite sample size. Table
VII clearly shows that the variation of results from
person to person is of the same order as that arising in
the course of one person's measurement and of the
order of the standard error. Judging from the magnitude
28 S. Cyvin (private communication).
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of the standard deviations, the values of K are meaning
less, just as in the case of GeC4. The mean values listed
on the lowest line are the weighted mean of the five
observations, by taking into account their standard
deviations obtained by least squares.
The distribution of gas molecules around the nozzle
was found to require a correction of -0.0012 A for the
root mean square amplitude of the C-Cl pair and
-0.0025 A for that of the Cl--Cl pair. The error in the
measurement of the scale factor which might give a
direct influence on the atomic distance was estimated
to be about 0.1 %. It gives to the mean amplitudes an
error of the same order but it is negligible compared
with the standard errors.
The final values corrected for the finite sample size
are shown in Table VIII. It is noted that the results
are in excellent agreement with those of Bartell,
Brockway, and Schwendeman,9 except the root mean
square amplitude of C-Cl: 0.0505±0.002 A is defi
nitely smaller than their value, 0.058±0.005 A.II
As for the calculation of the force constants, the same
procedure as that applied to GeC4 was found to give
the result shown by curve A in Fig. 5. In this calcula
tion the frequencies observed by the Raman effect in
the gaseous state29 were adopted for the frequencies of
the normal vibrations (Table IX). It is well-known
that the 113 is perturbed by a Fermi resonance with
111+114 to yield a doublet, 751.1 and 790.6 cm-I• The
frequency of the stronger line, 790.6 cm-I was used as
the frequency of 113. It will be recognized that the
shaded square for the observed values cuts the theo
retical curve A only with an edge. It seems likely that
one of the reasons for this discrepancy comes from the
ambiguity of the frequencies due to the Fermi reso
nance and other causes. If small deviations are allowed
I, (CI-Cl)
0;050 0.055 A
I, (C-CI)
FIG. 5. Comparison of the observed and calculated root mean
square amplitudes of CCL.. Curve A indicates the calculated values
with the observed frequencies, point B designates the calculated
values for the most probable set of force constants, and cross C
corresponds to the U rey-Bradley force field for the set of frequen
cies of point B.
II Private communication. Bartell obtained 0.058 A in place of
0.060 A. which he reported in reference 9, by recalculating the
correction for the failure of the Born approximation.
29 Morino, Watanabe, and Mizushima, Sci. Papers Inst. Phys.
Chern. Research, 39,348 (1942). TABLE IX. Comparison of the frequencies and root mean square
amplitudes of CCI. at 295°K.
Observed Calculated Difference
Pl(A) 455.7 cm-1 454.0 cm-1 +0.4% p.(E) 213.5 211.2 +1.1% pa(F2) 790.6 794.9 -0.5%
P4(F2) 309.7 304.4 +1.7%
It(C-CI) 0.0505 A 0.0515 A -1.8% l.(C1-CI) 0.0696 0.0688 +1.2%
for the frequencies as well as for the mean square
amplitudes, it might be interesting to select a set of
force constants which represent both the frequencies
and the root mean square amplitudes with the smallest
deviations in the sense that
L:[ (1I,.ob.-lI(alc/II,.ob. J2+ L:[ (l,ob'-l,calc) /l,.ob. J2
=min, (48)
where equal weight is tentatively assumed for II. and
l;. ~ The best set of the root mean square amplitudes
and the frequencies thus obtained are compared with
the observed ones in Table IX, and the elements of the
F matrix corresponding to this choice are tabulated in
Table X. In the latter the figures after the ± signs
indicate the ranges of the force constants found only
when the root mean square amplitudes have devia
tions which are the same as the observed standard
errors. Point B in Fig. 5 designates this best choice.
Though it does not coincide exactly with the observed
point 0, it is positively within the shaded area of the
standard errors of the observation.
The force constants in the usual potential expression
(36) in terms of the displacements of bond distances
and bond angles were calculated from the F matrix
elements thus obtained; the result is listed in Table X.
They compare well with those of germanium tetra
chloride shown in Table VI.
One of the main objects of this study is to examine
the availability of the Urey-Bradley force field, as
already mentioned. The mean amplitudes of the
force set of the Urey-Bradley type** which satisfies
the four frequencies of the best set is indicated by
cross C in Fig. 5. It does not fall in the shaded area
of the observed point 0, but it is located very close
to the borderline of the area, and it is surely within the
same range from the point B of the best set, which is
shown by dotted lines. Judging from the nature of the
estimated errors, this point can not be excluded as an
unreasonable choice, but rather it may be preferable to
say that the Urey-Bradley field is approximately
~ It may be most reasonable to assume the weight of each quan
tity to be proportional to its accuracy, but the accuracy of the
frequencies can not be evaluated because of the Fermi resonance
and other unavoidable causes.
** With the assumption of F' = -F /10.
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TABLE X. Force constants of CC4 in millidyne/A,
For symmetry For internal
coordinate coordinate
system system
Fa 4.305 k. 3.59±0.56
F22 0.311 k., 0.24±0.19
Faa 3.35±0.75 ka-kaa I 0.38±0.03
Fat 0.52±0.21 kaa-kaa I 0.03±0.01
F44 0.38±0.03 k.a-k.a I 0.36±0.15
realized. The conclusion is also supported by the fol
lowing comparison: the values of the constants, K,
H, F, F', and H' of Eq. (45) are calculated by use of the
relations (46) from the F matrix elements obtained
above, without any restriction imposed upon F' or H'.
The values thus obtained, which are listed in Table X,
are compatible with the assumption of F' = -F /10
or H'=O, which has frequently been assumed for the
usual Urey-Bradley type of force field. The set of force
constants obtained by Shimanouchi,27 though they
were adjusted to the frequencies of liquid carbon
tetrachloride, are also included in the range of errors.
Looking at Table IX, it will be noticed easily that the
discrepancies of the frequencies are not confined to the
"3 which suffers a perturbation by Fermi resonance but
they are equally distributed over all the frequencies.
Thus it seems likely that the discrepancies are not
only due to the Fermi resonance but also due to the
anharmonicity of the frequencies. In fact, in a tetra
hedral molecule three fundamental frequencies are
degenerate so that the effect of anharmonicity would
be exaggerated two or three times. Moreover, the
location of curve B corresponding to given values of
"3 and "4, is sensitive to the frequency of the 1'2. In this For Urey-Bradley force system
Present authors Shimanouchi
K 2.32±0.86 1.81
H 0.34±0.20 0.10
F 0.50±0.22 0.64
F' 0.28±0.38 -0.06
H' -0.31±0.37 -0.03
sense it would be most indispensable to get exact
values of lIe, the frequencies of normal vibrations, not
the "0 of the fundamental frequencies.
In this connection it is supposed that the anhar
monicity is more serious in CC4 than in GeC4, because
the calculated values of the mean square amplitudes are
closer to the observed ones in GeC4 than in CC4. It is
likely that the compact packing of chlorine atoms in the
carbon tetrachloride molecule would produce a force
field with high anharmonicity, whereas in germanium
tetrachloride larger atomic distances would bring the
molecular field to a more regular one.
The authors wish to express their gratitude to
Professor H. Takahashi and his co-workers, in the
Department of Physics, for the use of the PC-l com
puter, and to Mr. H. Oikawa, of the Coal~Research
Institute of Mitsui Chemical Industrial Company,
Ltd., for his kind offer of germanium tetrachloride.
They wish also to thank Mr. Y. Murata for reading
one of the microphotometer tracings. They are in
debted to the Ministry of Education of Japan for the
re!';earch grant.
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1.1777001.pdf | Dynamic Properties of the Polarizability in BaTiO3 Crystal
Kazuo Husimi
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 30, 978 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1777001
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1777001
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded
to ] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:09:36JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 30, NUMBER 7 JULY, 1959
Dynamic Properties of the Polarizability in BaTi0 3 Crystal
Electrical Communication Laboratories, Nippon, TelegraPh and Telephone Public Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
(Received November 21, 1958)
The second harmonic distortion by a BaTi0 3 crystal of a small high-frequency sinusoidal electric field,
superimposed on a low-frequency switching field, is studied by the filter method. From the phase relationship
of the second harmonic distortion with respect to the measuring signal, together with the increase of the
fundamental component of the capacitive current, it is concluded that the polarizability increases markedly
for the backward direction during switching.
FERROELECTRICS have well-known technical
applications as nonlinear dielectrics. A measure
of nonlinearity is the second harmonic content in the
capacitive current response to a small sinusoidal
electric field. In the experiment concerning nonlinearity
of a BaTi0 3 crystal, an abnormal increase of the
second harmonic distortion was observed during
switching. This phenomenon has been studied by
measuring it with a small high-frequency measuring
signal superimposed on a low-frequency switching
field by means of the filter method.
The measuring circuit is shown schematically in
Fig. 1. The switching voltage is applied to the crystal
through the resistance RI. The liberated charge due to
switching charges the 1-Jlf standard capacitor C8• The
terminal voltage of C. is amplified and is displayed on
the oscilloscope C.R.O.-l· for hysteresis indication. At
the same time, the output voltage developed across
R2 is separated into the fundamental and second
harmonic components of the capacitive current by
means of band-pass filters. The two components are
amplified separately, with the fundamental appearing
on C.R.O.-2 and the harmonic appearing on C.R.O.-3,
both against the switching voltage. For determination
of the phase relationship, the Lissajous trajectory of
the second harmonic distortion is also indicated for
the measuring signal on the oscilloscope C.R.O.-4,
which is unblanked by the switching voltage to be able
to see only positive or negative half-cycle of switching.
FIG. 1. Experimental arrangement. This circuit is devised to accommodate standard instru
ments with 7SQ impedance. High-frequency signals are
indicated by the level difference with respect to the
standard O-db level (0.274 v-7SQ) ordinal. Instead of
0.05 Jlf Ca in Fig. 1, larger coupling capacitors are used
for measuring frequencies below 1 Mc.
In Fig. 2(a) is shown the ordinary SO-cps hysteresis
loop on the C.R.O.-1. The second harmonic signal
pattern of 400 kclsec due to the 200 kclsec measuring
signal is also shown in Fig. 2(b). It is clear from these
photographs that the second harmonic distortion in
creases markedly in the vicinity of the steep rise portions
of the SO-cps hysteresis loop and diminishes with the
completion of switching.
The fundamental component measured at the same
time is shown in Fig. 2(c). In this case, the gain of the
amplifier is several times smaller than that of Fig. 2 (b).
This picture shows that the capacitive current also
increases considerably over the same portions of the
hysteresis loop.
The second harmonic distortion is caused by the
difference of the" polarizability of the crystal between
positive and negative half-cycles of the measuring
(c) FIG. 2. Photographs on
the oscillographs. (a) 50-
cps hysteresis loop; (b)
second harmonic compo
nent of the capacitive
current; (c) fundamental
component of the capacitive
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded
to ] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:09:36DY:\AMICS OF POLARIZABTLITY I:'\J BaTi0 3 979
signal. \\ie may imagine four possibilities in accounting
for the difference in polarizability during switching.
First, polarizability increases for the forward direction
(case 1); second, it increases for the backward direction
(case 2); third, it decreases for the forward direction
(case 3); and fourth it decreases for the backward
direction (cast! ~).
If we assume that the polarizability change occurs
only in the half-cycle of the measuring signal, the
current response to the measuring signal v sin",/ with
nonlinear distortion due to this polarizability change
can be expressed by the following Fourier series:
CASE 2 i= iu+ Lim cosmwt,
i 1 = (1 +~)wCov,
-37f '
j , i,
//Z)yQy ¥ J. \[J'J[) V .,: \ \.' ! ';, \ \ .. ~.:! '", I
\ I \ I
v I \ I V \.j
FIG. 3. Phase relation of the second harmonic component
of the measuring signal for cases 1 and 2.
where Co is the normal small signal capacitance and 0 is
the fraction of the polarizability change. If the polariza
bility decreases during switching, 0 is negative; hence
Eq. (2) shows that the fundamental component should
also decrease during switching. Figure 2(c) shows that
such a decrease does not occur; the third and fourth
possibilities are, therefore, rejected.
We must next determine whether the polarizability
increases for the forward direction or for the backward
direction during switching. This can be decided from
the Lissajous trajectory of the second harmonic
distortion of the measuring signal. In Fig. 3, the phase
relations between the second harmonic component and
the measuring signal are shown both for forward
direction and backward direction during negative half
cycle switching. The V-type pattern corresponds to
forward direction and the inverted V-type pattern to
bachvard direction.
The experimental results are shown in Figs. 4(a) and
(b). Figure 4(a) is the pattern without brightness FIG. 4. Photographs of
the Lissajous trajectory of
the second harmonic com
ponent to the measuring
signaL (a) Signal pattern
without brightness control;
(b) signal pattern with
negative half-cycle of
switching unhlanking. (a)
control in which two patterns due to positive and
negative half-cycles of switching are superimposed.
Figure 4(b) is the pattern for the negative half-cycle
alone. The inverted V-type pattern shows that the
forward direction should be rejected.
The peak output voltages of the second harmonic
component V2p across R2 under the 50-cps switching
field are shown in Fig. 5 for the measuring frequency
range from 30 kc/sec to 14 J\Ic/sec. In this figure, the
output voltage across R2 due to the fundamental
component of the capacitive current is shown without
switching ~'I and at its peak value during switching ~'Ip.
Both are shown for the 20-db measuring signal level
(2.74 v-7SQ) together with the maximum second
harmonic output voltage without switching (max V2),
the value of which is influenced by the remanent state.
The samples used here, produced by the KF method,
has a thickness of 0.22 mm and an electrode area
of 1 mm2•
Figure 5 shows that the second harmonic output
voltages V2p is nearly independent of the measuring
frequency. VI due to the capacitive current itself in
creases linearly with the measuring frequency; hence
the harmonic content V2p/VI decreases as l/f. The
amplitude dependence is shown more clearly in Fig. 6
where the measuring signal level is taken as a parameter.
At a lower measuring signal level, the second harmonic
-' ° >-30
ii: -20
°_10 ""'-
-<>-~ V,p
"" --
V,p -
mClX 7Jz. I"-
........ .....,
"" 15 v
20 db "-
0001 0.02 004 0.1 0.2 0.4 I 2 r-,~
3 4 10 20
FIG. 5. VI, VIp, V2p, and max V2 versus measuring frequency.
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to
] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:09:36980 KAZUO HUSIMI
20db .......... • . 25 db
10 db ........ ....... r-.
....... ~
o db-o... ....... j'-., ~ ~
-Iodb ..........,
r--..... ~
~"""'" r--.. 10
r--r--t--R ~ -.. r---.. r--SWITCHING VOLTAGE 15 V 1'-... f', ...... -30
-5 0 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.1 0.2 0.4 2 4 6 10 20
FIG. 6. Second harmonic contents V2p!Vl versus
measuring frequency.
content itself and its frequency dependence become
small and at the -10-db level (0.087 v-75r2), it is
nearly proportional to II!!. If, on the other hand,
measuring signal level exceeds 20 db, the capacitive
current increases more rapidly because the dielectric
constant increases for the larger measuring signal and,
therefore, v2plvj decreases.
In Fig. 7, the relationship between the second
harmonic content V2p/Vl and the switching current
density is shown for the 20-db level with the measuring
frequency taken as a parameter. The second harmonic
distortion increases linearly with the increase of switch
ing current density for a low-intensity switching field,
but after saturation its increase becomes more gradual.
The increase in pol ariz ability will be represented by
o. The values of 0 which are calculated from the di
electric constant increase and the second harmonic
distortion using the coefficients of the Fourier series
are denoted as OJ and 021> respectively. These values
are nearly in accord, but 02j is slightly larger than OJ for
measuring frequencies above 100 kc/sec. This discre
pancy comes from the assumption that the polarizability
;::S 1.0
500 1000 1500 2000
200 KC
500 KC
1000 KC
0 5 15 20 25 30 35
FIG. 7. Switching current density and V2p!Vl versus
switching voltage. :;e
~ «
100 ~
~ BOr iii Z
a:: a::
20~ 0
40 does not change for the forward direction. If we
furthermore assume that the polarizability decreases
by E for the forward direction, and increases by 0 for
the backward direction, Eqs. (2) and (3) can be modi
fied as follows:
i2=-(0+E)WC OV.
371" (4)
The values of E and the modified 0 calculated by this
method are shown in Fig. 8.
As for the fundamental component, the real and
imaginary parts of complex polarizability can be
separated by the bridge method. The second harmonic
distortion due to nonlinearity of the loss component is,
however, 1800 out of phase with that of nonlinearity
of polarizability; so we have no suitable method to
separate them.
20db 25
0 1\
\ 15
10 t\
E~ 1\
5 1\
~ "" ~1,-
-5 i
10 20 40 100 200 400 1000
versus measuring
Drougard et aU have measured this dielectric con
stant increase with their bridge method and shown that
it can be expressed by a relaxation formula similar to
the Debye type. According to their results, the fact
that the frequency dependence of the second harmonic
distortion is of the form 1/! rather than l/P means
that, at high frequency the contribution of the non
linearity of the loss component becomes dominant. In
this case, from the phase relationship, it should be
concluded that the conductivity increases for the
forward direction during switching.
Landauer et al.2 tried to explain their results by the
e-a/E type field dependence of the switching rate,
pointed out by Merz,3 but they were unsuccessful in
1 Drougard, Funk, and Young, J. Appl. Phys. 25, 1166 (1954).
2 Landauer, Young, and Drougard, J. Appl. Phys. 27, 752 (1956).
3 M. J. Merz, Phys. Rev. 95, 690 (1954).
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to ] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:09:36DYNAMICS OF POLARIZABILITY IN BaTi0 3 981
explaining the dielectric constant increase during
switching. Previous results clarify this question. The
polarizability increase for the backward direction is a
kind of hysteresis phenomenon in switching rate which
has been observed by the ultrasonic method.4 Similar
results have also been obtained with ferromagnetic
materials, indicating that this is a common property
of materials with domain structure.
4 K. Husimi and K. Kataoka (to be published), also Electrical
Communication Laboratories Research Rept. No. 662 (1958-(}2). V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The author wishes to express his hearty thanks to
the Head of Communication Research Section, Mr.
Z. Kiyasu, for his constant encouragement and valuable
suggestions for this work. He is also indebted to Mr.
H. Minami,* a student of Osaka University, with whom
this work was done as a part of his summer exercise
in 1957. Thanks are also due Mr. S. Waku for the good
quality crystal and Mr. K. Kataoka for his kind
* Now at Tokyo Shibaura Electric Company, Kawasaki, Japan.
Spectrum of Thin Target Bremsstrahlung Bounded by a Forward Circular Cone
NationaJ Bureau oj Standards, Washington, D. C.
(Received November 12, 1958)
The Schiff expression for the cross section per nucleus, for thin-target brem_sstrahlung into the angular
and energy ranges dOo and dk, is integrated analytically over angle from zero to (10. Results are shown for the
case Z=78, Eo-mc2=40 Mev and x,:,0.5, 1,2,4, and 8, where Eo-mc2 is the kinetic energy of the incoming
electron and x is the reduced angle OoEo/mc2• The fraction of the total cross section included in a cone of
angle 80 can be approximated to within 20% by ;t2/(1+;t2). At x=d, or 80=0.723°, the ratio of energy
delivered by photons above (Eo-mc2)/2 to that below is 9% greater than for the limiting spectral shape
at (10=0, or that given by the Schiff expression at 80=0, and 13% greater than for the spectrum integrated
over all angles. For a target of finite thickness, multiple electron scattering should partially suppress the
spectral dependence on t.
THE Schiff! expression for the energy-angle dis
tribution of thin-target bremsstrahlung has been
widely used because of ease of evaluation in closed form
and reasonable agreement with experiment.2 Targets
used with present and proposed high-intensity, medium
energy electron linear accelerators may in practice be
sufficiently thin for this expression to be applicable.
However, to obtain the energy distribution incident on
an object of finite extent, integration over the angular
aperture of the utilized beam should be performed. This
paper reports the result of such integration over a
forward circular cone of arbitrary aperture.
The notation used in this paper will follow reference
1, according to which
Eo= incident electron total energy,
E= scattered electron total energy,
k=Eo-E=photon energy,
JJ=mc2=electron rest energy,
80= angle in radians between photon and incident
electrons directions, and
x= ErlJo/ JJ= the "reduced angle."
Equation (1) of reference. 1 was obtained by inte
gration of the Born-approximation Bethe-Heitler
1 L. I. Schiff, Phys. Rev. 83, 252 (1951), Eq. (1).
2 N. Starfelt and H. W. Koch, Phys. Rev. 102, 1598 (1956). differential cross sectionS over the angle of the outgoing
electron, using an approximate screening potential of
the form (Ze/r) exp( -r/ a), where a is taken to be
C,,/mcZt. For convenience it is repeated here
where (Eo+E)2
l/M(x) = (JJk/2EaE?+ [Zt/C (x2+ 1)]2. (2)
The constant C was evaluated by integrating Eq.
(1) between the limits X=O and x= OCJ [reference 1,
Eq. (3)] and comparing numerically with a result
derived by Bethe4 in which complete screening and the
Thomas-Fermipotential6 were assumed. This yields
the value C= 111.
Neglect of higher order terms in obtaining Eq. (1)
3 W. HeitJer, The Quantum Theory of Radiation (Oxford Uni
versity Press, London, 1954), third edition, p. 244.
4 H. A. Bethe,. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 30, 524 (1934).
• L. H. Thomas, Proc. Cambridge Phil. So('. 23, 542 (1926);
E. Fermi, Z. Physik 48, 73 (1928).
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IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:09:36 |
1.1722317.pdf | Review of Germanium Surface Phenomena
R. H. Kingston
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 27, 101 (1956); doi: 10.1063/1.1722317
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1722317
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Applied Physics
Volume 27, Number 2 February, 1956
Special Article
Review of Germanium Surface Phenomena
Lincoln Laboratory,* Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, Massachusetts
(Received August 27, 1955)
Germanium surface behavior has become of great interest recently, chiefly for its importance in the
understanding of diode and transistor technology. In general, the surface may be treated as an assemblage of
allowed electron states occurring in the normally forbidden energy range. A review of the measurements of
the electrical properties suggests that there are two distinct types of state. The "fast" state has a hole or
electron capture time not greater than a microsecond and is chiefly involved in the recombination process.
The "slow" state has capture times from a millisecond to several minutes and determines the density and
type of carrier at the surface. "Fast" states are believed to occur at the interface between the germanium
and the oxide layer, and their density of about 10" cm-' is determined by the initial surface treatment.
"Slow" states are associated with the structure of the oxide layer and the gaseous ambient and have a
density greater than 1013 cm-'. Since these states determine the conductivity type at the ~urface they
contribute to surface "leakage" in diodes and transistors and, because of their long equilibrium ti~es to
low-frequency noise. The adsorption of gases such as water vapor, not only controls the density and ene~gy
of the "slow" states but also leads to possible electrolytic conduction along the surface, in addition to the
normal electron flow in the bulk semiconductor.
IN 1947, Bardeenlt considered the properties of a
free semiconductor surface and also a metal-to
semiconductor contact in terms of the possible occur
rence of extra allowed energy states at the boundary of
the material. These surface states were postulated to
have energies in the forbidden region or energy gap of
the semiconductor, and their inclusion in the theory
successfully explained previous results of Benzer2 and
Meyerhoff3 on contact potential and rectification in
semiconductors. Shortly after this work further studies
of semiconductor surfaces led to the discovery of transis
tor action by Bardeen and Brattain4 in 1948. Following this development, research into semiconductor behavior
and transistor development led to rapid advances in the
understanding of the bulk properties of germanium as
well as the technology of transistor fabrication. Al
though this work stemmed from studies of the ger
manium surface, it has not been until recent years that
a commensurate effort has been placed on the problem
of the surface behavior. This interest in the surface has
arisen largely from the practical problems posed by
transistor fabrication, namely the failure of the bulk
properties of the semiconductor to account for the
anomalous behavior of diodes and transistors. Such
effects as surface recombination of minority carriers,
"leakage" current in diodes, and excess noise are found
to be sensitive functions of the surface preparation and • This Laboratory is supported jointly by the Army, Navy, and
Air Force under contract with the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. t References which have "A" following the page number refer
to abstracts of papers presented orally. ambient, and the present understanding of these
phenomena will be of chief interest in this paper.
1 J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. 71, 717 (1947).
• S. Benzer, Phys. Rev. 71, 141 (1947).
a W. E. Meyerhoff, Phys. Rev. 71, 727 (1947). 'J. Bardeen and W. H. Brattain, Phys. Rev. 74, 230 (1948). Since the majority of the surface effects to be dis
cussed may be considered in the light of the surface
state picture of Bardeenl the work may be conveniently
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divided into four major sections. First, experiments will
be described which measure the electronic properties of
the surface and which may be interpreted by a general
ized distribution of surface states. Second, the present
data available from these experiments will be reviewed
leading to a semiquantitative description of the states.
The third section will discuss the possible relation be
tween the surface state distribution and the chemistry
and atomic structure of the surface, while the last
section will deal with the practical embodiments of
these surface phenomena in semiconductor devices.
In general the surface measurements to be described
may be analyzed in terms of the energy level diagram of
Fig. 1. This represents the equilibrium situation at the
surface of a semiconductor, where Ec and Ev are the
energies at the bottom of the conduction band and the
top of the valence band, respectively. The dashed line,
EF, represents the Fermi energy, which is a measure of
the relative concentration of holes and electrons in the
respective bands, while the dotted line, Ei, is the value
of EF for intrinsic material, having equal densities of
holes and electrons. For convenience the position of the
Fermi energy will be defined with respect to Ei by the
This leads to the expressions for the hole and electron
densities at any point in the semiconductor,·
n= ni exp(qrP/kT), p=ni exp( -qrP/kT)
where ni is the density of either carrier in intrinsic
material. The value of rP in the bulk, far from the surface,
is determined by the bulk impurity density and will be
designated rPB, while the value of rP at the surface will
be called rPs. In this notation, positive values of rP
correspond to excess electron or n-type conduction;
negative values, to excess hole or p-type conduction. In
• •
FIG. 1. Energy level diagram of germanium surface.
6 W. Shockley, Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors (D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1950), p. 304. addition to the allowed energy levels in the bulk of the
material, a general distribution of states will be assumed
to exist at the surface represented by the squares in
Fig. 1. Now, under equilibrium conditions, the net
charge at the surface must be zero, assuming no external
field. If there were no surface states, this criterion would
be satisfied if rP were constant and equal to rPB right up
to the surface. If, now, states are added at the surface
as in Fig. 1, they will contain a net charge which is a
function of the position of the Fermi level or the
quantity, rPs. In the case shown, the states would con
tain too much negative charge if rPs were equal to rPB,
and therefore the energy bands must bend up at the
surface producing extra holes in the bulk material, and
reducing the negative charge in the surface states. The
equilibrium value of rPs is reached when these two ex
cess charge distributions are equal and opposite in sign.
(There will, of course, be a constant charge contribution
associated with the states which is independent of rPs.
This quantity depends upon the net charge of the state
when empty, that is, whether it is a donor or acceptor.)
In the presence of an external field applied perpendic
ular to the surface, the neutrality criterion will be
modified such that the net charge in the bulk plus the
charge in surface states is of proper magnitude and
sign to terminate the field. The charge in the bulk, the
space charge, may be calculated from the values of rPB
and rPs, and the appropriate value of ni for germanium
at the temperature considered.6•7 Such a calculation
also yields the expected depth of penetration of the
space charge region into the semiconductor, which under
normal conditions is the order of 10-6 cm, many orders
of magnitude greater than that expected in a metallic
conductor. This result, stemming from the much
smaller free carrier density in the semiconductor, leads
to a correspondingly greater potential change between
the bulk and the surface, and thus explains why the
semiconductor is much more sensitive to accumulated
charge on the surface than a metal.
1. Surface Conductance
The surface conductance of germanium may be
measured by preparing a thin slab of the material such
that changes in the conductance at the surface are a
reasonable percentage of the over-all sample conduct
ance. Measurements of conductance as a function of
surface treatment give, in theory, a direct measure of
rPs, since the density of holes and electrons in the space
charge region is a unique function of rPs and rPB, the
latter quantity known from the bulk resistivity. Strictly
speaking, one can only measure changes of conductance
in such an experiment; however, if the surface treatment
is varied such that rPs moves over a large enough range,
a minimum in conductance will be found which may be
6 W. Shockley, Bell System Tech. J. 28,435 (1949).
7 R. H. Kingston and S. F. Neustadter, J. AppJ. Phys. 26, 718
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~ 30
" ~
~ " .r:
E : 20 w
<..> z <t I-
0 z
U 10
FIG. 2. Room temperature surface conductance 'ilS q,s for several
values of q,B.
used as a reference. This minimum occurs near CPs, equal
to zero, or when the surface is near intrinsic, and is
dependent upon CPB and the carrier mobilities. Curves of
surface conductance vs CPs for different values of cP B have
been calculated by Schrieffer,8 taking into account
reduction of the free carrier mobility in the presence of
a potential well at the surface. The curves of Fig. 2,
taken from this work, show the conductance as a func
tion of cps, with the zero value chosen arbitrarily at
cfJs=O. Data obtained in this type of experiment,
relating CPs to surface treatment, thus lead to a relation
ship between surface state distribution and surface
2. Surface Recombination Velocity
The surface recombination rate of excess minority
carriers is measured by the recombination velocity,
defined by
where J is the recombination current in hole-electron
pairs per unit area per unit time and ap is the excess
minority carrier density at the surface just inside the
space-charge layer, that is, where cP equals CPB. Brattain
and Bardeen9 first treated the surface recombination
process by considering transitions through an inter
mediate state in the gap similar to the bulk process
treated by Hallio and Shockley and Read.1! Considering
states at one discrete energy, Stevenson and Keyesl2
have generalized this treatment to give
s= cpc"N I (po+no)[c n (n8+n81)+cp(P.+ P.l)J-1
8 J. R. Schrieffer, Phys. Rev. 97, 641 (1955).
9 W. H. Brattain and J. Bardeen, Bell System Tech. J. 32, 1
lOR. N. Hall, Phys. Rev. 83, 228 (1951); 87,387 (1952).
11 W. Shockley and W. T. Read, Phys. Rev. 87 835 (1952).
12 D. T. Stevenson and R. J. Keyes, Physica 20, 1041 (1954). where: N I is the number of states per unit area, cp and
Cn are the capture probabilities per state per unit time
for holes and electrons and are given by the product of
the respective capture cross sections and the thermal
velocity, p. and n. are the free carrier densities at the
surface, P8I and n.l are the surface densities, if the Fermi
level passes through the state, and po and no are the bulk
carrier densities. This function is plotted in Fig. 3, for
the case where the state energy EI, is greater than Ei.
The recombination velocity is seen to be constant over
a middle range, falling off rapidly where qcps equals
(EI-Ei) and qcps equals kT In(cp/c n)-(Et-E,). For
the case shown, the states being near the conduction
band, the maximum recombination rate is determined
by the capture probability of the holes by the surface
state. The region of constant s for cps near zero results
from the constancy of the product, ntp., where nt is
the trapped electron density; that is, because of the
Boltzmann statistics, the number of electrons in surface
states is inversely proportional to the number of holes
in the valence band. If the Fermi level is at the trap
energy or beyond, then, the states become saturated,
and although p. is decreasing, nt is now fixed and the
rate then falls off with p •. At the other extreme, the
Fermi level approaches the valence band, and the rate
becomes limited by the flow of electrons into surface
states, since p. is now large enough to maintain equilib
rium with the state. The rapid decrease of s in this
region is thus associated with the decrease in the surface
electron density with decreasing CPs. There are a variety
of techniques for measuring the recombination velocity,
some of which will be discussed in the following section,
along with the information that has been obtained by
application of the foregoing equation.
3. Field-Induced Surface Conductance
One of the earliest attempts to utilize a semiconductor
for electrical amplification was made by Shockley and
Pearsonl3 in 1948. They measured the change in con~
ductance of a thin evaporated film of germanium as a
function of the electric field applied perpendicular to
FIG. 3. Surface recombination velocity, s, 'liS q,s for a
recombination center near the conduction band.
13 W. Shockley and G. L. Pearson, Phys. Rev. 74, 232 (1948).
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+ 1,- -,1+
I' 'I
FIG. 4. Sectioned view of junction transistor with n-type
channel on base region.
the surface. Since the film was thin, the increased
carrier density required to neutralize the field was ex
pected to produce an appreciable change in film con
ductance, leading to possible power amplification. This
experiment, the "field effect," established that the
charge drawn to the surface was largely immobilized in
surface states, with only about 10% consisting of free
carriers. Since the material was polycrystalline, it was
difficult to interpret the measurements; however, this
first direct experimental evidence of surface trapping
led to the experiments which evolved the transistor.
Application of this experiment to single crystal ger
manium leads to two types of information about the
surface states. First, the change in conductance with
induced charge determines whether the surface is
n-type or p-type and what fraction of the free carriers
are trapped in surface states, while second, the time
dependence of the conductance after application of the
field yields information about the capture probability
of these states. Schrieffer8 has calculated the expected
behavior in the absence of surface states but including
reduction of the mobility in the potential well at the
surface. A general treatment is extremely difficult
without some simplifying assumptions and these will
be discussed in connection with the experimental data.
4. Contact Potential
The contact potential of a semiconductor may be
measured by the Kelvin method,9 and with a known
value of work function for the reference electrode, gives
the work function of the germanium, which, from Fig. 1,
may be written
Unfortunately, there is no unique way to determine the
reference electrode work function in a gaseous ambient,
so that the measurements are limited to a determination
of the changes in the germanium value with ambient,
assuming that the reference work function remains
constant. Since the resultant changes in work function
are made up of two terms, one in 4>" and one in 4>s,
interpretation of the data requires either a relationship
between the two, or an independent determination of
one of the quantities.
Another quantity of interest is the change in contact
potential with light, which, subject to the experimental
restrictions discussed later in the paper, is a measure of the changes in CPs with light. If the germanium is illu
minated, then the density of minority carriers in the
bulk will be increased above its equilibrium value, re
sulting in a proportional increase in this carrier density
at the surface. As discussed by Brattain and Bardeen,9
the fractional increase in carrier density must be the
same at the surface as in the bulk; that is, the quasi
Fermi levelS will be continuous across the space-charge
region. Therefore, unless the bulk and surface carrier
densities are equal at equilibrium, there will be a net
change in charge in the space charge layer. For a p-type
surface on n-type, for example, doubling the hole
density in the bulk by illumination will also double the
hole density at the surface, while the electrons, which
are the majority carrier, will not have their density
changed appreciably. The same increase in positive
charge will occur in the surface states, the net result
being a deviation from the charge neutrality criterion.
Actually, since the net charge must be zero, there will
be a compensating shift in the potential energy of the
surface which will restore the carrier distribution to a
value producing zero net charge. In the example cited,
the potential will decrease, thus increasing the electron
density and decreasing the hole density. The work
function therefore will decrease, corresponding to an
increase in 4>s. Brattain and Bardeen9 have treated the
theory of this effect considering only the charge balance
in surface states; while more recently, Garrett and
BrattainI' have considered the general case including
the charge in the space charge region. The measurement
of the change in contact potential with light, with
certain assumptions, gives the type and magnitude of
the carrier density at the surface and is thus an inde
pendent method of determining 4>s.
5. Surface Conduction "Channels"
One of the earliest practical surface problems with
junction transistors was studied by Brownl5 in 1953.
This involved the occurrence of an anomalous conduc
tion path between the emitter and collector of an
n-p-n transistor under conditions of reverse bias.
This phenomenon, called "channeling" was found to be
the result of an n-type surface layer on the normally
p-type base material, producing a high resistance ohmic
path between emitter and collector. In addition to its
practical significance, it turns out that a study of this
effect is a valuable tool in the basic understanding of the
surface. Consider the structure of Fig. 4, which is a
sectioned view of an n-p-n junction transistor. It is
found that under the proper surface conditions, the
surface of the germanium will become n-type and even
with application of the reverse bias shown, will main
tain its n-type conductivity, leading to a reverse
biased p-n junction between the bulk material and the
If C. G. B. Garrett and W. H. Brattain, Phys. Rev. 99 376
(1955). '
16 W. L. Brown, Phys. Rev. 91, 518 (1953).
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surface. Since this junction has a high impedance it is
possible to measure accurately the conductance ~f the
thin n-type region by passing a small current between
the emitter and collector. The expected value of the
conductance may be predicted from a knowledge of IPs
at the surface and the applied bias; thus measurements
of the channel properties lead to information about the
behavior of the surface states. In addition, information
about the capture times may be obtained by varying
the reverse bias, which is equivalent to varying the
applied field in the field effect experiment. Similar
re~~~s can be obtained with p-n-p structures by
~tillZl~g surface treatments which produce a p-type
mverSlOn layer.
One of the first detailed studies of germanium surface
properties was carried out by Brattain and Bardeen9 in
1953, where they measured the contact potential,
change of contact potential with light, and surface
recombinati~n. s.imultaneously on the same sample.The
surface was Imtlally etched and then exposed cyclically
to the three ambients, dry oxygen, ozone, and wet
oxygen. By this treatment it was found that the contact
potential could be shifted by about 0.5 volt, the positive
e~treme in wet oxygen and the negative, in dry ozone;
wIth the values relatively independent of the bulk
resistivity. This corresponds to the highest work func
tion in ozone, and the lowest in wet oxygen. The mean
value of the contact potential between these two ex
tremes was also found to drift in the positive direction
during the cycling process, changing by about 0.2 vol~
after the freshly etched surface had been exposed to the
ambients for several hours. The surface recombination
velocity was found to be constant over this range of
ambients, within the precision of their measurements
a~d the change in contact potential with light agreed
wIth the proposed surface model. This model predicted
that the changes in IPS were approximately 20% of the
observed change in contact potential, the remaining
part consisting of changes in IP. of Fig. 1. Later, Morri
sonl6 measured surface conductance in the same ambient
cycle and found that the changes in IPs required to
explain the data were more nearly equal to the accom
panying change in contact potential. As discussed by
Bardeen and Morrison,17 this indicates that the charge
in the space-charge region changes more rapidly with
IPs than the charge in the surface states, contrary to the
original Brattain-Bardeen conclusions. 9 Attempts to
reproduce the original contact potential measurements
have cast doubt on the assumption that the reference
electrode is stable, and can give anomalous results,
apparently as a result of charge collection on the high
impedance reference electrode.ls
16 S. R. Morrison, J. Phys. Chern. 57, 860 (1953).
17 J. Bardeen and S. R. Morrison, Physica 20,873 (1954).
18 H. Kolm and G. W. Pratt, Jr., Phys. Rev. 99, 1644(A) (1955). TABLE I. Surface Fermi level vs ambient.
N, (dry)
Air (dry)
H20, (peroxide)
03 (ozone) n-type <1>8 positive
p-type <1>8 negative
Further measurements of IPs as a function of surface
treatment have been carried out both by surface con
ductance and "channel" conductance measurements.I9--26
The results are summarized in Table I, which shows the
behavior of an etched surface in terms of the value of IPs.
The range of this quantity is 0.3 to 0.4 volt from the
lowest to the highest value, with the ambients in the
middle of the list corresponding to IPs near zero. It is
not possible to list quantitative values of IPs, since as
described in the contact potential measurements 'the
value is also a function of surface history, IPs incre~sing
by as much as 0.2 volt with prolonged exposure to air or
oxygen after etching. In addition to the data of Table
I, it is also found that n-type surfaces are produced by
alcohol vapor,9 ammonia gas,24 and ultraviolet illumi
nated mercury vapor ;22 p-type, by chlorine9.24 and ultra
violet radiation in vacuO.22 The general conclusion from
all these measurements is that the carrier type and
density at the surface, or the quantity, IPs, is independ
ent of the bulk resistivity of the germanium.
Before considering the significance of these results in
terms of the surface state structure, it is best to first
consider the information on recombination velocity.
Brattain and Bardeen's9 measurements, leading to a
value of s which was independent of the ambients used,
were performed by measuring the diffusion length of the
minority carriers by the light-spot scanning technique.26
This method is not the most accurate since an inversion
layer on the surface can produce anomalous results.
(See Sec. IV.) More recent measurements, using the
decay of photoconductivity in a thin slab,12 indicate
that s may change by as much as a factor of two or three
in the Brattain-Bardeen ambient cycle. These later
results, however, tend to verify the original observation
that the density of recombination centers is relatively
independent of ambient, since the changes in s may be
attributed to changes in IPs as shown in Fig. 3. Experi
ments in which the recombination velocity and the
Ig E. N. Clarke, Phys. Rev. 91, 756 (1953).
10 E. N. Clarke, Phys. Rev. 95, 284 (1954).
11 H. Christensen, Proc. lnst. Radio En~rs. 42, 1371 (1954).
22 H. Christensen, Phys. Rev. 98, 1178(A) (1955).
.. deMars, Statz, and Davis, Phys. Rev. 98, 539 (1955).
Z4 R. N. Noyce, Meeting of the Electrochemical Society,
Cincinnati, May, 1955. ,6 R. H. Kingston, Phys. Rev. 98, 1766 (1955).
,6 F. S. Goucher, Phys. Rev. 81, 475 (1951).
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surface conductance are measured simultaneously24.27
do not give results in exact agreement with this curve,
however a reasonable distribution of surface states in
energy would fit the results within experimental error.
Unfortunately the available data are not complete
enough to determine the energy of the states, and lack
ing a value for the capture probabilities, Cp and Cn, it is
not possible to measure the density, Nt, by this tech
nique. Other measurements to be discussed below in
dicate that this density is the order of 1011 per cm2 for a
well-etched surface, and since s is relatively constant
over the middle range of r!>s, the states are probably
located some distance from the center of the energy gap.
Attempts to determine the energy by measurements of
the temperature coefficient12.28.29 have not been too
successful, since the variation of r!>s with temperature
complicates the interpretation of the data. The variation
of s with bulk resistivity has been considered by
Schultz,30 and found to be in essential agreement with
the variation expected from the term, (po+no) in the
theory. In addition, measurements of s vs applied
field31.32 are also consistent with the theory. Although
the density of states is apparently independent of
ambient, it is found to be a definite function of initial
surface treatment. A careful etching procedure can
produce a value as low as 20 cm/sec while sandblasting
raises the value to the order of 106 em/sec, higher values
being difficult to measure by present experimental
As described in the previous section, one expects the
value of r!>s to be determined by the distribution of
surface states, taking into account the bulk resistivity,
or r!>B. Since the surface conductance measurements
indicate that r!>s is a function of ambient only, then one
must conclude that the states associated with this am
bient are dense enough to completely overpower the
effect of the space charge region. Bardeen1 finds that
such a condition would require more than 1013 states/
cm2. In addition, since the variation of r!>s with ambient
requires a change in state density and energy, one must
conclude that the surface state density is both large and
ambient sensitive. This would, at first, seem to be in
conflict with the conclusions reached from the surface
recombination velocity measurements. This inconsist
ency may be resolved by considering two different
types of states; "fast" states which have a high capture
probability and a density of the order of 1011 cm-2 and
"slow" states with a capture probability many orders of
magnitude smaller and a density greater than 1013
cm-2• Bardeen and Morrisonl7 have suggested that the
"fast" states, which are involved in the recombination
process, are at the interface between the germanium
and the oxide layer while the "slow" states, which con-
27 D. T. Stevenson, Phys. Rev. 98, 1566(A) (1955).
28 Y. Kanai, J. Phys. Soc. Uapan) 9, 292 (1954).
29 W. H. Brattain and T. M. Buck (to be published).
00 B. H. Schultz, Physica 20, 1031 (1954).
31 Henisch, Reynolds, and Tipple, Physica 20, 1033 (1954).
32]. E. Thomas, Jr., and R. H. Rediker (to be published). trol r!>s, are on the outside of the oxide layer. The chem
ical aspects of this model will be considered later.
The most direct measurement of the capture times of
the states is obtained from the field-effect and channel
experiments. If an external field is applied to the semi
conductor surface, a change in surface conductance will
be produced as a result of the net change in charge. The
behavior of the surface conductance after application of
the field is generally found to exhibit two easily sepa
rable transient phenomena. First, in a time comparable
to the over-all recombination lifetime of the thin slab
(of the order of 10 microseconds in a typical case), the
conductance is found to shift from its initial instan
taneous value to a new quasi-static value. Then, if
observed for a longer time, from a millisecond to several
minutes, the conductance returns to the same value
observed before application of the field. Considering
the process in detail, the initial transient may be
associated with the approach to equilibrium of the holes
and electrons by means of surface and volume recom
bination. This equilibrium is initially disturbed since,
except, in the unique case of r!>S=r!>B, injection or ex·
traction may occur between the bulk and the surface
due to the different hole and electron densities. LOW,33
in such an experiment, finds that, apparently because of
an inversion layer, the instantaneous conductance
change may be opposite in sign to the quasi-static value
occurring after recombination equilibrium occurs.
Considering an n-type surface on p-type material, the
initial current flow with an induced positive charge will
consist of holes flowing into the surface space charge
region and electrons flowing from the surface into the
bulk. After recombination has occurred the net distri
bution will correspond to a decrease in surface electron
density, this decrease supplying the required induced
positive charge. On this basis, the conductance will
initially increase, while after recombination, it will be
less than the value before field application. After a much
longer time, the conductance returns to its zero-field
value, indicating that the surface densities have re
turned to normal, or that r!>s is restored to its equilib
rium value. Thus one concludes that the induced
carriers are eventually captured by surface st~tes, the
state density being so dense that there need be no
perceptible change in r!>s to produce the change in state
occupation. One may say that the charge in the surface
states now shields the free carriers from the effect of
the field.
Although the initial transient has not been studied
to obtain information about the capture time of the
"fast" states, the quasi-static value of the conductance
before the slow decay has been used by Brown and
Montgomery34.36 to measure the density of these states.
33 G. G. E. Low, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B68, 10 (1955), see
also S. G. Kalashnikov and A. E. Yunovich, Zhur. Tekh. Fiz. 25,
952 (1955).
34 W. L. Brown, Phys. Rev. 98, 1565(A) (1955).
36 H. C. Montgomery and W. L. Brown, Phys. Rev. 98, 1565(A)
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They used an ac field having a period short compared
to the long time decay but long compared with the
recombination time. With a sufficient field amplitude it
was possible to produce enough induced charge density
to move CPs through the minimum conductance point
shown in Fig. 2, thus obtaining a reference value for
CPs. By comparing the experimental conductance vs
induced charge curve with a theoretical curve based on
all the charge being free carriers, the amount of trapped
charge was obtained as a function of CPs. This experi
ment indicated that approximately two-thirds of the
charge was trapped for the range studied. Statz,
deMars, and Davis36 have also measured the charge in
"fast" states by means of the channel conductance on a
p-n-p transistor structure. If the bias between the
n-type material and the p-type channel is changed
abruptly, the charge terminating the internal field at
the surface must be supplied by a change in the free and
trapped charge in the channel. Since the conductance of
the channel may be measured directly, and the field
may be calculated, the change in free carrier charge may
be compared with the total change, the difference being
the charge in "fast" states. Here CPs may be calculated
directly from the measured channel conductance taking
into account the reduced mobility in the channel,s as
discussed below. The curve obtained in this experiment
may be fitted by assuming a density of lOll states per
cm2, at an energy of 0.20 volt above the valence band.
The exact number is somewhat sensitive to the surface
treatment. The charge vs CPs curve found by Brown and
Montgomery did not level off at a particular value of
CPs, corresponding to the Fermi level passing through
the trap. Consequently, no absolute state density or
energy is available. There is reasonable agreement,
however, where the curves overlap, and an indication
that there are additional traps near the conduction band
of. about the same density. Substitution of these values
into the recombination velocity equation gives a capture
cross section of the order of 10-15 cm2, which is a reason
able value. This seems to support the conclusion that
these states are the recombination centers and this is
probably valid; however, it should be emphasized that,
although such a state comes to rapid equilibrium with
the free carriers, it is not necessarily a recombination
center. If the capture probability is high for only one
type of carrier, the above transient phenomena would
still apply, but the state might have no effect on recom
bination. Since there is evidence for the existence of such
trapping states37-39 at the surface, this possibility should
not be eliminated. If such were the case, then it is
possible that the recombination centers are even closer
to the valence or conduction band than the transient
experiments indicate. Lacking more detailed evidence,
36 Statz, Davis, and deMars, Phys. Rev. 98, 540 (1955).
37 R. Lawrance, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B67, 18 (1954).
38 Lawrance, Gibson, and Granville, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London)
B67, 625 (1954).
39 H. A. Gebbie, and K. Blodgett III, Phys. Rev. 100, 970(A)
(1955). it will be assumed that the "fast" state density is the
order of lOll cm-2, bearing in mind this uncertainty.
The decay of carriers into the "slow" states has been
observed both in the field-effect17.25.4o-43 and channel
conductance experimen ts. 36.25 In the channel experimen t,
a sudden change in bias results in a change in channel
conductance followed by a gradual return to a new
steady conductance value. This final value is found to
correspond to the same CPs at the surface as that before
the bias change. In fact, it is well established that, over
the range of biases considered, the "slow" state density
is large enough to completely control the surface Fermi
level, just as in the field effect. The value of CPs may be
calculated from a knowledge of the field at the surface,
which is a function of the bias and the bulk resistivity,
and the variation of mobility with effective thickness of
the channel.s The values so obtained are in excellent
agreement with the surface conductance data and are
incorporated in Table 1.
The "slow" state decay, as observed in the field
effect, is not a simple exponential except in a few
special cases. A study of the transient40-43 indicates that
the mean decay time is extremely sensitive to surface
treatment and ambient. McWhorter42 has postulated
that the capture probability of the states varies from
one point to another over the surface, while Morrison41
attributes the nonexponential character to the variation
of the capture probability with occupation of the states.
This problem will be mentioned later in connection with
the noise properties of the surface.
A re-examination of the contact potential measure
ments of Brattain and Bar"cieen9 indicates that the sur
face states in their model are the "fast" states, while the
fixed ionic charge, which they attribute to the ambient
may be treated as charge in "slow" states. This is con
sistent with the observation by Garrett and Brattain14
that the change in contact potential with light slowly
disappears after illumination with a time constant the
same as that of the slow decay in the field effect. Since
Brattain and Bardeen used chopped light in their
experiments, the charge in the "slow" states remained
constant and since CPo may be associated with these
states, the change in contact potential may be correctly
identified with changes in CPs.
It is generally agreed that, under the normal condi
tions of surface preparation, a germanium crystal is
covered by a thin layer of oxide ranging in thickness
from 10 to SO A.9 Because of this, it is reasonable to
assume that the "fast" states are at the interface be
tween the bulk germanium and the oxide layer, and that
the "slow" states are either in the oxide layer or on its
40 R. H. Kingston and A. L. McWhorter, Phys. Rev. 98, 1191 (A)
US. R. Morrison, Phys. Rev. 99, 1655(A) (1955).
42 A. L. McWhorter, Sc.D. thesis, Dept. of Elec. Eng., M.LT.,
May, 1955.
a R. H. Kingston and A. L. McWhorter (to be published).
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FIG. 5. State structure at germanium surface.
surface.17.26 This situation is shown schematically in
Fig. 5, where the "fast" or interface states are desig
nated by circles and the "slow" states by squares. The
difference in capture times between these two types of
state may then be associated with the barrier to flow of
electrons into the "slow" states.
Considering first the interface states, the results of
the previous section indicate that their density is a
function of the original surface treatment and not the
ambient to which the surface is exposed. This fact may
be seen to be consistent with the structure of Fig. 5 since
the oxide layer should effectively shield the interface
from any chemical effects of the ambient. Thus, one
might expect the density to be largely dependent upon
the structure of the first layer of oxide or the way it
bonds to the germanium lattice.36 There are a variety of
surface treatments available which produce a low
surface recombination velocity and consequently a low
interface state density. These treatments generally con
sist of a mechanical polish followed by a chemical or
electrolytic etch, leading to surface recombination
velocities of about 100 cm/sec.44•29 The chemical etchant
usually consists of hydrofluoric acid, in which the oxide
is soluble, oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide
or nitric acid, and "moderating" agents such as acetic
acid, metal salts, or bromine. The low value of s with
this type etch is consistent with the assumption
that the mechanically disturbed oxide and germanium
must first be removed and the surface reoxidized in a
uniform manner. The electrolytic process behaves in a
similar way. The electrolyte is usually sodium hydroxide
and the germanium is made positive with respect to the
solution. Such an anodic process evidently combines the
removal of the disturbed layer with the deposition of a
u~ifo~ oxide ~oating in one operation. High recom
bmatlOn veloClty surfaces, or high interface state
densities, are obtained on mechanically treated surfaces
befor~ etching, and in addition may be produced by
chemIcal treatments. A "sand-blasted" or abrasive
polished surface could have a high "fast" state density
(l;5{/' McKelvey and R. L. Longini, J. Appl. Phys. 25, 634 due to the irregularity of the oxide structure' however .. " smce the reductlOn of s requires removal of as much as a
micron of material,44-46 the recombination centers are
undoubtedly associated with mechanical imperfections
many lattice spacings into the bulk material. Clarke,47
for instance has found that sandblasting produces a
high acceptor density many microns into the germanium
resulting in a low resistivity p-type layer on the surface.
High recombination velocities are also observed if an
initially low s surface is etched in hydrofluoric acid,48
cathodically etched in most electrolytes 48 bombarded
with ions,49 or heated in vacuO.48 With th~ exception of
the vacuum heating, the increase in recombination
velocity could arise from either a disturbance of the
germanium-oxide bonding or mechanical damage to the
germaniu~ lattice. In the acid and electrolyte cases,
not only IS the oxide removed, but it is quite probable
that the atomic hydrogen evolved could produce lattice
damage many atomic layers below the surface. DO The
inc~ease of s with heating in vacuo is not as easily ex
plamed, other than invoking some evaporation mecha
nism such as the loss of the last tightly bound water
molecules which could have an effect on the germanium
oxide bonds.61 It is apparent from all the data that the
recombination centers are not Tamm states, which
would be expected to occur with a density of about 1016
cm-2, or one state per lattice site. Although the Tamm
treatment is strictly applicable to clean surfaces,
Pratt62 has considered similar states at the boundary
between two semiconducting crystals, and finds that
the same number would be expected. In all probability
then, the recombination centers are associated with th~
lack of perfection of the interface rather than the change
in the periodic structure at the crystal boundary.
Since the oxide layer on an etched germanium surface
is at least several monolayers thick it seems reasonable
to consider t~e "~low" states as represented in Fig. 6,
where the OXIde IS assumed to behave like a semicon
ductor having an energy gap of about 3 electron volts.
It is not possible to predict how the energy bands of the
two materials will line up, so that it is assumed that the
c~nters of the respective gaps are at the same energy.
FIgure 6(a) shows the possible states in the oxide which
rna! b~ due to imperfections or chemical imp~rities,
whIle FIg. 6(b) shows the possible potential energy of an
electron in the presence of an adsorbed atom or mole
cule. Either or both types of state may be important in
~he .surface behavio~. The states in the oxide may be
Justified by comparIson with nonstoichiometric semi-
'A P. R. Camp, Meeting of the Electrochemical Society Chicago
May, 1954. ' ,
'6. T. M .. Bu~k an.d F. S. McKim, Meeting of the Electrochemical
Society, Cmcmnatl, May, 1955.
:: E. N. Clarke, Phys. Rev. 91, 1566 (1953).
Green, Keyes, and Stevenson (unpublished data)
(1;5~). Holonyak, Jr., and H. Letaw, Jr., J. Appl. Phys. 26, 355
I!O J. E. Thomas, Jr., and M. Green (private communication).
iii J. T. Law, J. Phys. Chem. 59, 67 (1955).
H G. W. Pratt, Jr., Phys. Rev. 98, 1543(A) (1955).
Downloaded 12 Oct 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsGERMANIUM SURFACE PHENOMENA 109
conducting oxides, while the adsorption states have
already been considered in connection with catalysis, 63
and adsorption,64,66 theories. With either type of state
an electron transition from the germanium would have
to occur by thermionic emission over the barrier
presented by the oxide energy gap, or by quantum
mechanical tunneling, through it. Either process would
explain the long time constants observed in the field
effect and "channel" experiments. The density of such
states could be much greater than the value of 1013 per
cm2 required by the experimental data; in fact, it
would be probable that, at least in the adsorption case,
the density is as high as 1015, or one state per lattice site
for a monolayer adsorption. Since the value of <fos is a
measure of the position of the Fermi level required to
maintain charge neutrality at the surface, the states
associated with the different ambients would be ex
pected to be concentrated in the vicinity of the ob
served position of the Fermi level. Thus, on the basis of
Eo Ec
E. E.
(a) (b)
FlO. 6. Physical model of "slow" states at surface: (a) oxide states,
and (b) adsorption states.
the chart in Table I, one expects the average energy of
the states in or on the oxide to increase as the ambient
is changed from ozone through the successive gases to
wet nitrogen. The actual chemical behavior is not clear;
for instance, water vapor might produce adsorption
levels near the conduction band, or its high dielectric
constant might decrease the binding energy of other
levels in the oxide thus raising the average energy level
of these states. Oxygen or ozone by themselves, since
they have a high electron affinity, would certainly be
expected to produce low lying states, thus acting as
electron acceptors.66 It is important to point out that
the concept of an adsorption state is not limited to
atoms adsorbed in both a neutral and ionized state.
Actually, the adsorbed species could be completely
ionized and the empty or un-ionized state might exist in
i3 D. A. Dowden, J. Chern. Soc. (London) 242 (1950).
M P. Aigrain and C. Dugas, Z. Elektrochem. 56, 363 (1952).
66 P. B. Weisz, J. Chern. Phys. 20, 1483 (1952); 21,1531 (1953).
58 N. F. Mott, Semiconducting M a/erials (Butterworth Scientific
Publications Ltd., London, 1951), p. 1. the gas phase. If a field were now applied which pro
duced extra electrons at the surface, then a neutral
atom striking the surface could adsorb an electron and
after successive ionizations the surface would be re
turned to its original value of <fos. Since the rate at which
atoms strike the surface is much greater than the rate
at which electrons can cross the oxide layer, this con
sideration will not invalidate the assumption of fixed
adsorption states. Stated in a different manner, one may
consider the gas as producing a set of "virtual" states,
since, the electron transition being so slow, there is
always a large number of atoms available to capture
the electron.
A complete understanding of the energy states
associated with the gaseous ambient will depend upon
further knowledge of the chemical structure and the
mechanism of the adsorption processes. LawS! has
studied the adsorption of water on a vacuum-fired
surface and finds a multilayer process with the first
layer irreversibly adsorbed. A comparison of his data
with that obtained for <fos vs partial pressure of water
vapor25 on a well-oxidized surface is shown in Fig. 7. The
results tend to indicate that only the first and second
layers of water have a pronounced effect, but further
interpretation is difficult, since the surface treatments
were different. Law67 has also measured the adsorption
of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and
hydrogen and finds that the first three are physically
adsorbed, while the last, hydrogen, is both physically
and chemically adsorbed. Since chemisorption requires
electron transfer, one would expect that of these four,
only hydrogen would have any electrical effect, al
though there is no information available at present on
this point.
Another phenomenon which has not been interpreted
at this time is the increase of <fos with time over many
hours during exposure to air or oxygen. It has been
proposed that this gradual increase may be related to
the slow growth of the oxide layer.23•25 Recently, how
ever, Green and Kafalas68,&\l have attempted to measure
0.1 ..
~ 0.0
~ .. ... 2
0 I --x x-X
2 3 4 5 6 7
FIG. 7. Surface Fermi level, <(Is vs rnonolayers of adsorbed water.
67 J. W. Law, J. Phys. Chern. 59, 543 (1955).
68 M. Green and J. Kafalas, Phys. Rev. 98, 1566(A) (1955).
69 M. Green and J. Kafalas, Meeting of the Electrochemical
Society, Cincinnati, May, 1955.
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E<------1 ! E
f - - - - ---'-___ ---L_ 1------ EF
FIG. 8. Metal to semiconductor contact behavior with no surface
states: (a) before contact, and (b) after contact.
the oxygen uptake on a freshly etched germanium sur
face and although they could detect less than a mono
layer, found no observable oxidation. Since their
measurements were not made until 30 minutes after the
etch, it is possible that most of the oxidation occurred
during this time; however, the contact potential results
of Brattain and Bardeen9 indicate that the surface
drifts appreciably for many hours. In another experi
ment: utilizing the dissolution of the oxide in aqueous
solutIOn, Green and Smythe60 have found that the oxide
is approximately three layers thick five minutes after
etching, and increases to six layer~ after a three day
exposure to room air. This is in substantial agreement
with Heidenreich's electron diffraction results as re
ported by Brattain and Bardeen.9 This result is consis
tent with the previous observation if one assumes that
the oxidation occurs during the first 30 minutes of
exposure, however, it is obvious that much more
experimental data is necessary to understand the long
time surface changes.
Another approach to the chemistry of the germanium
surface is to consider the behavior of a "clean" ger
manium surface. Heretofore, only an etched surface has
been :onsidered, which, in all cases, is expected to have
an OXide layer plus other impurities introduced in the
preparation. There have been two recent approaches to
this problem, one utilizing a freshly fractured surface
a?d the other depending upon ultra-high vacuum tech
mque~ to remove all foreign materials. The first type of
exper~ment, a study. of the oxygen adsorption after
crushmg of a germamum sample, has been carried out
by Green and Kafalas.68,69 A comparison of the total
60 M. Green and R. Smythe (unpublished data). oxygen uptake with a separate measurement of the
surface area of the crushed sample leads to the number
of oxygen atoms per lattice site. The preliminary results
of this work indicate that oxidation occurs only to the
extent of about 1.S layers. This is quite surprising in
comparison with the known information on an etched
surface, where as many as six layers of oxide are ob
served. Statz et al.36 have suggested that the oxidation
process is similar to that suggested by Cabrera and
Mott.fil In this model the layer forms by the migration
of positive metal ions through the oxide to the surface
under the influence of the large electric field produced
by the adsorbed negative oxygen ions. Such a mecha
nism, however, leads to thicknesses of from 6 to 60 layers
which indicates that the freshly fractured surfaces d~
not behave in this manner. Whether the Cabrera-Mott
model is valid for an etched surface, as suggested above,
cannot be answered at this time. It would be interesting
to compare the electrical properties of a cleaved surface
with those of an etched surface, since the oxidation
properties seem to be markedly different. Although such
experiments might be feasible, the vacuum preparation
of a clean surface now seems to offer the best possibilities
in this direction. Farnsworth and co-workers62 have
found, by slow speed electron diffraction measurements
that the surface of germanium may be cleaned by bom~
bardment with argon and subsequent annealing. Meas
urements of hydrogen and oxygen adsorption63 and
contact potential 64,fi5 have already been carried out on
such surfaces and experiments of the type discussed in
Sec. II should yield valuable information about the
surface structure. The low-speed electron diffraction
techniques might also reveal the difference between the
oxide on an etched and a clean surface. It is quite pos
sible that this difference may lie in the crystal structure
of the oxide. The occurrence of different crystal forms
has been suggested by Clarke66 and Kmetk061 as a
possible explanation of some of the electrical anomalies.
1. Surface Contacts
As mentioned in the introduction, Bardeen's treat
ment of surface states was developed to explain the
anomalies of metal-to-semiconductor rectification. In
particular, it was found that the rectification properties
of the contact were not markedly dependent upon the
work function of the metal. In Fig. 8, the expected
(1;4~'. Cabrera and N. F. Mott, Repts. Progr. Phys. 12, 163
62 Farnsworth, Schlier, George, and Burger J Appl Phys 26 252 (1955). ,. . .,
63 Burger, Farnsworth, and Schlier Phys Rev 98 1179(A) (1955). ' . . ,
... F .. G. Allen, Meeting of the Electrochemical Society Cin-
cmnatI, May, 1955. '
86 J. A. Dillon and H. E. Farnsworth Phys Rev 99 l""(A) (1955). ' . ., \r.tJ
86 E. N. Clarke, Phys. Rev. 98, 1178(A) (1955).
67 E. Kmetko, Phys. Rev. 98, 1535(A) (1955).
Downloaded 12 Oct 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsGERMANIUM SURFACE PHENOMENA 111
behavior is shown, where the value, (cPS-cPB) for the
semiconductor, is equal to the difference in work func
tions between the metal and the semiconductor. This
model attributes the curvature of the energy bands at
the surface to the effect of the contacting metal; how
ever, Bardeen pointed out that, if the density of surface
states is large enough, cPs is determined by these states,
and the induced charge associated with the difference
in work functions (or the contact potential), is supplied
by the surface states with no appreciable change in
Fermi level at the semiconductor surface. The impor
tant properties of the contact, such as its rectification
and minority carrier emission efficiency are determined
by cPs and the bulk resistivity, or cPB. For a metal point
contact, it is generally found that the surface is p-type
or cPs is negative, resulting in good rectification and
emission efficiency on n-type germanium. Unfortunately
an understanding of the point contact is complicated by
the geometry and the fact that "forming," or the
passage of large currents through the point, has a
profound effect upon its behavior. There are a large
number of theories about the behavior of point con
tacts, especially the minority carrier multiplication at
a reverse-biased collector contact. Since these theories
are more directly related to the bulk behavior of the
semiconductor they will not be discussed here; the
reader is referred to two of the more recent articles, on
rectification, by Simpson and Armstrong,68 and on
collector multiplication, by Hogarth.69 Basic to all of
the theories is the height of the surface barrier or the
value of cPs, which is apparently determined by the
germanium and not by the metal, except in the case of
forming. It should be emphasized that although the
work function of the metal does not determine cPs, the
metal is directly involved, since the point undoubtedly
damages the surface and changes the properties of the
oxide. One of the important considerations is that cPs
under the metal may be entirely different from that of
the free surface around the periphery of the contact.
There is, at present, no clear explanation of the behavior
of cPs under the point other than the suggestion that the
physical damage could possibly produce acceptor levels
similar to those observed by Clarke47 and it is probably
academic to attempt a distinction between the "fast"
and "slow" states. A metal-to-semiconductor contact
which is more clear cut in its behavior is that considered
by Bradley et al.70 and Gunn.71 This is an electroplated
or evaporated contact, whose area is large enough so
that the geometrical and mechanical problems of the
point contact no longer arise. These contacts exhibit a
voltage-current characteristic much nearer to that of an
ideal rectifier and, as a consequence, it is quite easy to
obtain a value of cPs from the experimental data. As in
68 J. H. Simpson and H. L. Armstrong, J. App!. Phys. 24, 25
69 C. A. Hogarth, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B67, 636 (1954).
70 W. E. Bradley et al., Proc. lnst. Radio Engrs. 41, 1702 (1953).
71 ]. B. Gunn, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B67, 409 (1954). the point contact case, the surface is generally found to
be p-type, or cPs, negative, and the behavior is relatively
independent of the work function of the metal. Boccia
rellj72 and Hartig73 have studied the effects of different
surface treatments and gaseous ambients on the height
of the surface barrier both before and after application
of the contact. There does not seem to be a direct
correlation between the observed values of cPs in the
diode and those reported in experiments on free surfaces.
(See Sec. II.) Evidently the surface structure beneath
the metal layer is sufficiently modified by the evapora
tion or electroplating process so that the data on etched
surfaces no longer hold. Bradley74 has considered the
metal-semiconductor boundary conditions in terms of
the chemical potential for the electrons and concludes
that the value of cPs may be controlled by the proper
choice of impurities in the oxide layer between the
semiconductor and the metal.
Another type contact which has been studied in de
tail is that between germanium and an electrolyte. In
this case, Brattain and Garrett7li-77 find that the surface
conductivity type is determined by the polarity of the
germanium with respect to the solution. Thus if the
germanium is anode or positive with respect to the elec
trolyte, the voltage-current characteristic indicates that
the surface is p-type; that is, negative ions attracted to
the germanium produce an excess hole density beneath
the surface. By measurements of the change in electrode
voltage with illumination and independent measure
ments of minority carrier density at the surface, it was
also established that the anodic current was limited by
the supply of holes from the bulk and that the cathodic
current depended on the flow of electrons to the surface.
Thus, n-type germanium rectifies when biased positive
with respect to the electrolyte and conversely p-type,
when biased negative. In the anodic n-type case, it is
also found that the minority carrier multiplication
occurs with a factor of approximately two. The be
havior is generally the same for any electrolyte, the
ones studied in detail by Brattain and Garrett, being
potassium hydroxide, potassium chloride, and hydro
chloric acid. In addition to the interesting chemical and
physical behavior of these contacts, the results yield
information which is pertinent to the discussion of diode
leakage, below.
2. Surface Leakage
One of the most serious problems in semiconductor
junctions is the occurrence of excess current flow in the
reverse direction due to the surface behavior. Since the
72 C. V. Bocciarelli, Physica 20, 1020 (1954).
73 P. A. Hartig, Meeting of the Electrochemical Society,
Cincinnati, May, 1955.
74 W. E. Bradley, Meeting of the Electrochemical Society,
Cincinnati, May, 1955.
75 W. H. Brattain, Semiconducting Materials (Butterworth
Scientific Publications, Ltd., London, 1951), p. 37.
78 W. H. Brattain and C. G. B. Garrett, Physica 20, 885 (1954).
77 W. H. Brattain and C. G. B. Garrett, Bell System Tech. ].
34, 129 (1955).
Downloaded 12 Oct 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions112 R. H. KINGSTON
saturation current is determined by the rate of genera
tion of minority carriers, the most obvious problem is
associated with abnormally high surface generation in
the vicinity of the junction. This may be induced on a
normally prepared diode by ion bombardment49•78 or
heating in vacuO.79 Although these effects associated with
the increase in surface generation or recombination rate
are important in transistors80 as well as diodes, a much
more serious problem arises from true leakage along the
surface, both of an ionic and an electronic nature. The
electronic leakage effect will be considered first.
As described in Sec. I, one of the first direct observa
tions of surface inversion layer conductance was made
by Brownl5 in studies of the channel effect in n-p-n
grown junction transistors. Although the original quan
titative data were taken at low temperatures more re
cent work on both n-p-n26 and p-n-p'l:d structures
indicates that the room temperature surface conduct
ance may be treated theoretically by assuming that the
value of IPs is independent of the applied bias between
the bulk germanium and the surface region. Considering
the potential plot of Fig. 9, which represents the channel
on an n-p-n structure, such as in Fig. 4, the conduct
ance per square of the surface may be calculated, given
the quantities, IPs, IPB, and V A, the applied bias. The re
sult, which utilizes Schrieffer's8 calculations of mobility
in a narrow well, is consistent with the experimental
data, if IPs is made a constant which is a function only of
the surface treatment and not the applied bias or bulk
resistivity. Under these conditions the conductance is
found to decrease with increasing bias, approaching a
V [1 relationship at large VA. This may be seen qualita
tively, in Fig. 9, from the fact that the field at the sur
face increases as V A!, causing the effective thickness of
the channel to decrease inversely with this quantity.
Since both the number of electrons and also the mobility
for such a thin region decreases with the thickness, the
resultant conductance variation approaches V A-I.
Ec------------------ __ '----:q!-----------
FIG. 9. Energy level structure for n-type channel
on p-type germanium.
78 H. Baldus, Z. angew Phys. 6, 241 (1954).
79 D. P. Kennedy, A.I.E.E. Winter Meeting, New York,
January, 1954.
110 See, e.g., K. F. Stripp and A. R. Moore, Proc. Inst. Radio
Engrs. 43, 856 (1955). The effect of inversion layers or channels on rectifica
tion was first considered by Bardeen and Brattain81 and
later by Aigrain et al.82 A model of the diode behavior is
shown in Fig. lO(a), where a p-type inversion layer
exists on the surface of normally n-type material. If the
diode is now reverse biased, minority carriers may flow
into the p-type region over a much larger area than that
of the point itself. The effective collection area will be
determined by the radial voltage drop along the surface
away from the point. When this drop becomes com
parable with the applied reverse bias then the p-n
junction will no longer collect carriers and the limits of
the active area will be reached. Since the active col
lecting area is thus a function of applied bias, the diode
no longer saturates and the reverse characteristic may
have a low dynamic resistance. This type of leakage has
been studied in great detail over the past few years,
mostly on grown junction diodes. In Brown'slO original
channel paper, it was suggested that the occurrence of
the channel could be detected by measuring the
photocurrent of the diode as a point source of light was
moved along the surface near the junction. In Fig. lOeb),
one would expect the photo response to fall off exponen-
,., ~-rYPE
FIG. 10. Channel formation on diodes: (a) point contact,
(b) grown junction, and (c) fused junction.
tially to the left of the true junction while to the right,
the n-type region would act as an efficient minority
carrier collector and thus the photoresponse would
remain high for an appreciable distance along the surface.
Eventually, the active region would end, since the
voltage drop along the channel would decrease the bias
so that the surface junction was no longer a sink for
majority carriers. The direct observation of the channel
by this technique was first carried out by Christensen83•21
and later work by McWhorter84 established the relation
between excess reverse current, channel length, and
reverse bias. In this work it was found that the addi
tional current beyond the normal saturation value was
directly proportional to the measured channel length
and could be attributed to bulk and surface minority
carrier generation. It was also possible to predict the
variation of channel length with bias by using the known
channel conductance data for n-p-n structures25 in a
treatment of the voltage drop along the surface. The
81 J. Bardeen and W. H. Brattain, Phys. Rev. 75, 1208 (1949).
112 Aigrain, Dugas, and Etzel, Semiconducting Materials (Butter
worth Scientific Publications Ltd., London, 1951), p. 102; P.
Aigrain, Ann. phys. 7, 140 (1952).
83 H. Christensen, Phys. Rev. 96, 827 (1954).
84 A. L. McWhorter and R. H. Kingston, Proc. Inst. Radio
Engrs. 42, 1376 (1954).
Downloaded 12 Oct 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsGERMANIUM SURFACE PHENOMENA 113
resultant voltage current relationship showed that the
excess current should increase roughly logarithmically
with the bias, as observed in the experiments for
voltages up to ten volts. Similar channel observations
have been carried out by Noyce24 with a novel direct
observation technique utilizing a modified television
system, and theory and experiment for a fused junction
similar to Fig. 1O(c) have been given by Cutler and
Bath.86 One of the complicating effects in these experi
ments is the transient behavior of the surface states
wh.ich ~aintain CPs constant. As discussed previously, a
fimte tIme, of the order of seconds to minutes is re
quired for the surface states to come to equilibriu~ with
the bulk. Therefore the calculations of excess current
are strictly valid for only the dc case. As soon as the
voltage is varied at an appreciable rate, then the con
stancy of CPs no longer holds and the reverse character
istics may exhibit strong time-dependent effects. Such
drift or "creep" of the current is observed not only in
junction structures but also in point contact diodes.86.87
Another problem presently under study is the behavior
J J---------
FIG. 11. Channel on low resistivity material leading
to possible breakdown.
of a diode where the channel occurs on extremely low
resistivity material. In Fig. 11, for example, an n-type
channel is shown on low resistivity p-type germanium,
which might be the case in the diode of Fig. 10(c). It
turns out that the field between the channel and the
bulk. is in general a function only of the bulk resistivity,
and m this case, one would expect a breakdown voltage
from channel to bulk much lower than that across the
true junction.84 Such an effect has been observed by
Miller88 in transistor experiments and by Bernstein89 in
measurements of photomultiplication at the channel
to-bulk junction.
Despite the success of the simple channel theory in
explaining many of the anomalies of reverse biased
diodes, it is apparent that the behavior in the presence
of water or other electrolytes is much more complicated.
Over the range of voltages from 10 to 100 volts, the
current is found to be approximately linear with volt-
Ii M. Cutler and H. Bath, J. App!. Phys. 25, 1440 (1954).
88 M. Kikuchi and T. Onishi, J. Phys. Soc. Gapan) 9, 130 (1954).
87 M. Kikuchi, J. Phys. Soc. Gapan) 9, 665 (1954).
88 S. L. Miller, private communication.
811 H. Bernstein and R. H. Kingston, Phys. Rev. 98, 1566(A)
(1955). -9
p-TYPE ~;t.e _c....:9~_..!!~"-~~_..!!9~_ 9!;!._..!!~~_.!!.9 _-r.!!.....!L.!!-.!!.-..!-...!!.....!!~Ln -TYPE
FIG. 12. Channels on a junction in contact with an electrolyte.
age,90 which rules out the simple channel explanation
which should give a logarithmic variation. In addition,
more recent work by Law and Meigs91 and Statz92
indicates that channel length measurements by the
light-spot technique show poor correlation with the
excess current at these voltages. By comparing the leak
age current in water vapor with that produced by a
field-induced channel, Clarke93 concludes that this extra
current is due to nonuniformities in the channel. On the
other hand, Law90 has made a direct correlation between
the amount of adsorbed water and the leakage current
in grown-junction germanium diodes and attributes the
current to ionic conduction. One of the difficulties in this
electrolytic conduction theory is the lack of any
apparent by-product of the reaction. If true electrolysis
were occurring, one would expect either a gaseous
product or mass transfer along the surface. At this
writing there is no unequivocal evidence of either of
these cases. It is possible, of course, that some electro
chemical process could occur with no measurable
product; however, any such system is speculative at this
time. In addition to the complications of the electro
chemical process, there is the additional difficulty of
treating the electrolytic process quantitatively. On
the basis of Brattain and Garrett's work,7fr-77 one would
expect the situation depicted in Fig. 12, where positive
and negative ions will collect as shown. As in the above
authors' studies, it is probable that rectification will
occur between the electrolyte and the underlying mate
rial thus limiting the flow of current into and out of the
solution. Thus the leakage current should be limited
both by the semiconductor-electrolyte barrier and by
the high resistance of the thin film of electrolyte. Again,
from Brattain and Garrett's results, it is apparent that
the leakage current will be photosensitive, due to the
semiconductor-electrolyte barrier. Compounding all
these difficulties is the additional fact that the behavior
of the electrolyte in Fig. 12 is such as to produce a
channel on both sides of the junction. Thus, even though
one is certain that any electrolyte in contact with the
germanium has a high enough resistance to produce
negligible ionic leakage, the slow drift of ions in the
til) J. T. Law, Proc. lnst. Radio Engrs. 42, 1367 (1954).
II J. T. Law and P. S. Meigs, Meeting of the Electrochemical
Society, Cincinnati, May, 1955 (to be published).
H H. Statz (private communication).
D3 E. N. Clarke (to be published).
Downloaded 12 Oct 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions114 R. H. KINGSTON
medium under reverse bias conditions may lead to slow
creation of a channel. This last phenomenon is an
alternative explanation of the slow drift of reverse
current observed in diodes and transistors.
3. Excess Noise
Experiments by Montgomery,94 and Gebbie et al.95 on
germanium filaments and Kennedy79 and Slocum and
Shive96 on p-n junctions indicate that excess or 1/f
noise is dominantly a surface effect. This type of noise97
is characterized by a power spectrum which increases in
amplitude with decreasing frequency as Ilfn where n is
usually between 1 and 1.5. The chief difficulty in
explaining the noise has been the lack of known physical
phenomena in the germanium having correlation times
or "memory" of the order of minutes to hours, since
the spectrum is known to extend to frequencies as low
as 10-5 cps. Several theories98 have been proposed to
relate the surface properties to the noise; however,the
ones of immediate interest here are those suggested by
M c Whorter99•42 and Morrison,41 since they directly relate
the noise properties to the "slow" states. Since the re
laxation of the surface conductance in the "field-effect"
experiment takes a time comparable to the times re
quired to explain Ilf noise, one might expect a relation
ship between the time dependence of this decay and the
noise spectrum.
The two noise theories differ in their interpretation of
the nonexponential character of the decay. McWhorter,
on the basis of ac measurements of the field-effect
response,40·43 assumes that the capture times of the
"slow" states vary from point to point over the surface.
An analysis of the data with this model gives l/f noise,
if one associates simple shot noise with each state and
weights the noise according to the observed state
distribution, which is roughly inversely proportional to
the capture time. Morrison, in contrast, attributes the
nonexponential behavior to a change in capture proba
bility with time, due to changes in barrier height as
114 H. C. Montgomery, Bell System. Tech. J. 31, 950 (1952).
16 Gebbie, Maple, and Bess, J. App!. Phys. 26,490 (1955).
116 A. Slocum and J. N. Shive, J. App!. Phys. 25, 406 (1954).
87 For a general discussion of semiconductor noise, see R. L.
Petritz, Proc. lnst. Radio Engrs. 40, 1440 (1952).
.8 See L. Bess, Phys. Rev. 91, 1569 (1953) and reference 97.
118 A. L. McWhorter, Phys. Rev. 98, 1191(A) (1955). charge enters or leaves the "slow" state. By considering
the frequency content of the associated decay transient,
he also obtains a l/f noise spectrum. Tlius, although
both theories relate the noise directly to the flow of
carriers into "slow" states, the chief difference is the
proposed mechanism for the decay process. McWhorter42
has calculated the magnitude and spectrum of the noise
in germanium filaments based on the "field-effect"
data and finds consistent agreement with the experi
mental noise measurements. His theory, as applied to
p-n junctions, is less satisfactory apparently as a
result of leakage currents associated with the electro
lytic process, and also the complicated geometry of the
junction-surface region. The exact nature of the electron
transition process from the germanium to the "slow"
states is not clear; however, since l/f noise is relatively
temperature independent, a quantum-mechanical tun
neling process42 has been suggested as the most satis
factory explanation. Much more experimental data will
be required before these questions can be resolved.
On the basis of the results discussed in this paper, it
seems fair to say that the electronic behavior of the bulk
semiconductor as influenced by the surface is fairly well
understood, in principle, if not in detail. The major
unsolved problems lie in the realm of chemistry and
atomic structure, and it is hoped that future work will
resolve many of the difficulties associated with the state
structure and the possible electrochemical processes.
Little is known about the behavior of silicon surfaces
at this time, however there is reason to believe that the
general approach as presented in this paper will be
valid in the case of silicon, but possibly with different
orders of magnitude for the effects.
It is obvious that a paper of this scope depended upon
discussions and suggestions from a large number of
workers in the field in addition to those cited in the
references. The author wishes to acknowledge their help
and in particular is indebted to J. E. Thomas, Jr., now
at Wayne University, for his continuing encouragement
and criticisms.
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1.1735261.pdf | Effect of Variations in Surface Potential on Junction Characteristics
J. H. Forster and H. S. Veloric
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 30, 906 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1735261
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735261
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IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:33:09JOURNAL OF APpLIED PHYSlts VOLUME 30. NUMBER 6 JUNE. 1959
Effect of Variations in Surface Potential on Junction Characteristics
Bell Telephone LabMatories, Inc., Murray Hill, New Jersey
(Received October 27,1958)
A filamentary structure has been used to compare the electrical properties of a germanium surface with
those of an adjacent p-n junction intersecting the same surface. Surface charge is varied by field effect plates
in the isolated portion of the filament and near the junction. An orderlv relation can be found between surface
potential variations and changes in the reverse currents across the jun"ction. At low bias, the junction current
varies with surface recombination velocity, and for bias near breakdown, the breakdown voltage varies with
induced charge at the surface. For inverted surfaces, the low bias current varies rapidly as expected from
channel length variations. With inverted surfaces, channel growth leads to large reverse current variations
with surface potential, but breakdown voltage becomes independent of surface charge. These variations are
considered in terms of simple theory, and device implications are discussed.
PROPERTIES of semiconductor surfaces have been
the subject of numerous investigations.1,2 Of in
terest here are studies of semiconductor device surfaces
which can be divided into two categories: physical
studies of surface structure on a single conductivity
semiconductor and studies of surface problems related
to device characteristics and their stability. In general,
these two kinds of study have been carried out sepa
rately; for example, changes in surface potential have
been inferred from changes in p-n junction charac
teristics, and changes in junction characteristics have
been predicted from single conductivity filamentary
It is the purpose of this paper to describe experiments
which utilize a filamentary structure for direct compari
son of the electrical characteristics of a p-n junction
with physical properties of the semiconductor surface
intersecting the junction. In this way, the two kinds of
study mentioned above can be carried out simultane
ously with the same material and surface preparation.
In these experiments, a single filamentary germanium
specimen is employed. The specimen consists of an
extended single conductivity (p-type) portion, with an
n+ region grown on one end to form an n+ -p junction.
Using an ac field effect technique,· surface conductance4
and surface recombination velocity5 are determined as
functions of surface charge on the single conductivity
portion of the specimen. Using the ac field effect tech
nique to vary the surface charge at the surface inter
secting the n+-p junction, the nature and magnitude of
the reverse bias junction current has been investigated
for corresponding values of surface charge.
At low junction bias, the reverse current variations
* Now at RCA Semiconductor Division, Somerville, New
1 R. H. Kingston, J. App!. Phys. 27, 101 (1956).
2 R. H. Kingston, editor, Semiconductor Surface Physics (Uni
versity of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1956),
• W. L. Brown and H. C. Montgomery, Phys. Rev. 98, 1565(A)
4 W. L. Brown, Phys. Rev. 100, 590 (1955).
5 C. G. B. Garrett and W. H. Brattain, Bell System Tech. J. 35,
1019 (1955). are calculable in terms of the measured changes in
surface recombination velocity, provided the surface
conductivity type remains the same as that of the body.
For inverted surfaces, an additional current appears,
which is approximately calculable in terms of channel
At higher bias voltages (with noninverted surfaces),
surface avalanche breakdown8,g is found to be an addi
tional source of reverse current. The junction break
down voltage increases with increasing magnitude of
negative surface charge, reaching the body value soon
after the surface becomes inverted. This measured
variation of breakdown voltage with surface charge is
not calculable on the basis of simple theory.9
The expected relations between an n+-p junction
characteristic and the surface properties of the low
conductivity side of the junction are discussed in more
detail in the following section.
A. Physical Properties of Surfaces
Some of the properties of semiconductor surfaces have
been successfully interpreted in terms of electronic
energy level diagrams similar to the one in Fig. 1 which
represents an idealized equilibrium situation at a semi
conductor surface boundary. Ec and Ev represent the
lowest energy in the conduction band and the highest
energy in the valence band, respectively. Ei represents
the Fermi energy for an intrinsic semiconductor and Er
represents the Fermi energy in a p-type specimen. A
quantity 'P may be defined by
• W. L. Brown, Phys. Rev. 91, 518 (1953).
7 A. L. McWhorter and R. H. Kingston, Proc. lnst. Radio
Engrs. 42, 1376 (1954).
B A. J. Wahl and J. J. Kleimack, Proc. lnst. Radio Engrs. 44, 494
• C. G. B. Garrett and W. H. Brattain, J. App\. Phys. 27, 299
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ]
where q is the electronic charge. Referring to Fig. 1, ip EC
varies from a value ipb in the semiconductor to a value
CPs at the surface. The corresponding hole and electron
densities vary from Pb and nb to ps and n., and are given
n=nicf3<P. (2)
The density of holes and electrons in the space charge
region is a unique function of CPs and ipb.4 If we assume
the surface carrier mobilitieslO are the same as the bulk
mobilities (i.e., small magnitudes of CPs), then the
surface conductance is a unique function of ips and CPb.
As the carrier concentration at the surface varies, the
conductance of the semiconductor will vary. This con
ductance change is given by
!1P and !1N are the changes in the hole and electron
concentration per unit surface area summed over the
region in the filament where cP~ ipb. The!1P and !1N are
functions of CPs and CPb and have been tabulated by
Kingston and Neustadterll and by Garrett and
Bra ttain.'2
Brown4 has shown that measurements of changes in
!1G produced by changes in an applied field directed
normal to the surface can be used to determine the
values of ips, provided that the boG range includes the
minimum value of surface conductance.
The surface recombination rate of excess minority
carriers is defined as
S=J/!1n, (5)
where J is the recombination current and !1n is the
excess minority carrier concentration near the surface,
but far enough inside the semiconductor so that ip= CPb.
Recombination at surfaces has been considered by
Brattain and Bardeen '3 in terms of intermediate states
in the gap (fast surface states), in an analogous manner
to the bulk recombination process considered by
Shockley and ReadY Using this kind of analysis, con
sidering states at one discrete energy, Stevenson and
Keyes'• have arrived at the following expression for S:
S= N tCpC n(Pb+nb)/C n(n8+nsl)+C p(Ps+PsI), (6)
where N t= the density of recombination centers (per
unit area of surface), and Cp= the capture probability
per center per unit time for holes if all centers are filled,
Cn=capture probability per center per unit time for
electrons if all centers are empty, psI = hole density at
10 J. R. Schrieffer, Phys. Rev. 97, 641 (1955).
11 R. H. Kingston and J. F. Neustadter, J. App!. Phys. 26, 718
12 c. G. B. Garrett and W. H. Brattain, Phys. Rev. 99, 376
13 W. H. Brattain and J. Bardeen, Bell System Tech. ]. 32, 1
14 W. Shockley and W. T. Read, Phys. Rev. 87, 835 (1952).
15 D. T. Stevenson and R. ]. Keyes, Physica 20, 1041 (1954). E I ---1-------------------------" ", -Q'Pa '
Ef _____ ~ ________________________ _;~Q'Ps
FIG. 1. Energy level diagram for a p-type semiconductor.
the surface if Ef=E t, where Ee is the effective energy
level of the center, and nsl = the electron density at the
surface if Ef=E t•
According to this model, S has a maximum value,
SM, at a value of {3ipM given by {3CPM=t 10gCp/C n and is
symmetrical in cP about ipM.
Thus, for a ratio of Cp/Cn close to 1, S generally in
creases, goes through a maximum, and decreases as CPs is
varied from negative to positive values.16
B. Low Bias Reverse Junction Current
The term "low bias" is used here to denote reverse
bias values low enough to preclude avalanche multi
plication effects at the junction (to be discussed in the
following section), but substantially large compared
to 1/{3.
The current across a p-n junction at low reverse bias
depends on the minority carrier generation on both
sides of the junctionY For a junction between heavily
doped n type and lightly doped P type, i.e., an n+-p
junction, most of the reverse current is carried by
electrons generated in the body and at the surface of the
p-type material. For a rectangular geometry, in which
surface generated carriers are appreciable, the current
density is given by
j=qn{:r(Cf3V-l), (7)
where V is the applied voltage, D is the diffusion con
stant for electrons in the p-type semiconductor and TE
is an effective lifetime given by
2S 1 l/TE=-+-.
t Tb (8)
Here t is the thickness of the filament and T b is the body
lifetime. This expression applies for rectangular fila-
16 Many, Harnik, and Margoninski in reference 2, page 89.
17 W. Shockley, Bell Syst. Tech. J. 28, 346 (1949).
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IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:33:09908 J. H. FORSTER AND H. S. VELORIC
ments for which t is small compared to width and length
and is valid for Sf/ D«1. It is to be expected that the
reverse current will be related to changes in CPs near the
junction, since S is related to CP8 by a function similar
to the one given in Eq. (6). Variations in the saturation
current of p-n junctions attributed to variations of S
with <Ps have been reported.s,ls
In the case of 2S/t»1/ Tb the reverse junction current
primarily results from surface generation. According to
Eqs. (6), (7), and (8), the low bias current increases as
(3cps is varied from negative towards positive values,
reaching a maximum near (3<P8=O if Cp/Cn~1.
However, when (3<ps becomes positive, the surface
becomes n type, and the inversion layer, or channel,
tends to increase the area of the junction effective in
collecting minority carriers. Thus, although for ~uffi
ciently positive (3<p. Eq. (6) indicates a decrease in S,
Eqs. (7) and (8) are not expected to apply for i3<Ps>O,
and the junction current continues to increase with f1<P ••
An approximate expression for the channel current7 as a
function of f3<P. is given in Sec. B of the Appendix.
C. Breakdown Voltage
Wahl and Kleimack s have shown that changes in <p,
may produce large changes in the collector breakdown
voltage of alloy junction transistors. Garrett and
Brattain9 have carried out a more detailed study of the
breakdown of reverse biased germanium alloy junctions.
Their experiments indicate that reverse biased p-n
junctions can exhibit a multiplicative breakdown near
-10 20
~ o >
10 <I
-6 -5 -4 -3 _20
-5 -'4 -'3 -'2 ~I <>
Os x 10-8 COULOMBS
FIG. 2. Change in V BO as a function of surface charge.
18 J. E. Thomas and R. H. Rediker, Phys. Rev. 101,984 (1956). the surface at considerably lower bias values than those
necessary to produce a multiplicative breakdown in the
body of the semiconductor. Thus the observed break
down voltage of a p-n junction, V BO, can be less than or
equal to the body value, VB. The magnitude of the
change in breakdown voltage, ~ V B, defined as
I V B-V BO I is found to be a function of the fixed charge
covering the surface in the vicinity of the junction. The
value of ~ V B for p-n junctions in which the doping is
substantially greater on one side (i.e., n+-p or p+-n
junctions) is sensitive to the surface charge on the
higher resistivity side of the junction. If this charge is of
that sign which tends to induce a channel on the high
resistivity side of the junction ~ V B is essentially zero.
If the surface charge is of opposite sign, and sufficiently
large, ~ V B becomes appreciable.
Using the simplified model proposed by Garrett and
Brattain, the value of ~ V B has been calculated as a
function of (3<ps for the particular case of an n+-p
germanium step junction with a resistivity value of 2.5
ohm-cm on the p-type side of the junction. This varia
tion of ~ VB is indicated in Fig. 2. Indicated on the
lower horizontal scale are values of Q" (the surface
2 3
A El
FIG. 3. Experimental filamentary germanium diode.
charge density required to neutralize the charge density
just inside the semiconductor surface, neglecting charge
in "fast" surface states) corresponding to indicated
values on the (3<p., scale.
As indicated in the figure, the theory predicts that at
small positive values of (3<ps, the junction should exhibit
body breakdown, and should do so until (31/'8 reaches
negative values large enough in magnitude that a
substantial enrichment layer has begun to develop.
Then breakdown begins at the surface, and the observed
~ V H increases rapidly as -f3 <Ps increases.
The brief discussion of surface and junction properties
indicates that the junction saturation current and
breakdown voltage should be uniquely related to <Ps. In
order to investigate such relationships, the experimental
structure described below can be used.
Referring to Fig. 3, the filamentary grown junction
germanium diode is placed on a thin mica spacer, sup
ported by two similar flat metal plates cemented to a
glass microscope slide. Electrodes 1 and 2 permit
longitudinal flow of current through the p-type side of
the junction and electrodes 1 and 3 permit current
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flow across the n+-p junction. One of the plates at A,
extending only along the p-type filament, serves to
apply a field directed along the normal to the surface of
the p-type material, and the other plate, at B, serves to
apply a field in the same direction but at one of the
surfaces where the junction current is generated. It is
assumed that the effect of the field at the n+ surface
produces changes which are unimportant compared to
those produced at the high resistivity side of the
Electrical measurements are made with the circuit
shown in Fig. 4. By passing direct current down the
filament by means of electrodes 1 and 2, and modulating
with an ac voltage on the field effect plate A, a measure
ment of the ac field effect can be made in the manner
described by Montgomery and Brown.3,19 After proper
balancing out of the capacitive currents in the plate
circuit by adjustment of R}, changes in surface con
ductance (as changes in voltage across Rc) appear on the
oscilloscope against changes in plate voltage. Using
electrodes 1 and 3, a reverse dc bias is applied to the
junction. The plate B is used to modulate the surface
potential near the junction, and the effect on the reverse
H o
FIG. 4. Large signal field effect measurement circuit.
current of the junction is observed as a function of the
plate voltage. This provides a plot of I J, the reverse
junction current change against QT, the charge per unit
area on the field effect electrode.
By increasing the bias sufficiently, the junction may
be biased to breakdown voltage, defined as the voltage
at 50-~amp reverse current. The current may be held
constant at this value by increasing Re. The voltage
changes induced across Re by the modulating plate
voltage are essentially changes in breakdown voltage,
and these changes are plotted against plate voltage on
the oscilloscope. Thus, a plot of ~ V B against QT may be
In theory, for sufficient applied fields, this equipment
allows a determination of the variation in CPs and QT on
the single conductivity p-type portion of the specimen,
for direct comparison with variations in I J and ~ V B at
the junction. Such a comparison should be a valid one,
since the whole specimen has been subjected to the
same surface prepara.tion and is exposed to the same
19 H. C. Montgomery and W. L. Brown, Phys. Rev. 103, 865
(1956). n 6G vs Or (LIGHT)
-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 ·/0
X 24 :liE
-4.5 -4 -3 -2 -I 0 I 2 3 4 4.5
~¢Js 20
FIG. 5. Surface conductance as a function ot surface charge
(2.5 ohm-em p-type germanium).
In the interest of brevity, the single conductivity p
type portion of the specimen between the electrodes 1
and 2 will be referred to as the "filament," and measure
ments made on this portion of the specimen as "fila
mentary measurements." In this section, the data from
a typical filamentary measurement is presented. The
specimen was etched in CP-8, and during the course of
the experiment, was exposed to a dry oxygen ambient.
A plot of the experimental ~G as a function of QT is
indicated in Fig. 5 (curve I). The zero values for the
~G and QT scales are arbitrarily taken at the position
of the conductance minimum. The frequency applied to.
the field effect plate was 80 cycles per second (the trace
was insensitive to frequency in the range of 60 to 500
cycles per second). The total excursion in plate voltage,
V p, is about 400 volts which represents peak to peak
fields on the order of 106 volts per centimeter. Curve II
represents ~G as a function of QT during illumination by
chopped light.
The separation of these curves, after a correction has
been made to account for the fact that the plate modu
lates S on only one side of the filament, is proportional
to liS". The data are obtained in a dry oxygen ambient.
Ambient cycling is not necessary since the voltage
sweep in the large signal field effect contains the con
ductance minimum. Then it is not necessary to make
the assumption that changes in ambient will vary the
surface charge but not the nature of the surface states. t
A calculated curve of ~G as a function of Q, is superim
posed on the experimental dark curve so that the
minima coincide. (Curve III, Fig. S.)
From these three curves, the position of the energy
bands at the surface,4,19 CP" and the variation of surface
recombination velocity" can be determined as function,;
t In several experiments we have observed that ozone ap
parently changes the nature of the surface states as well as the
surface charge.
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IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:33:09910 J. H. FORSTER AND H. S. VELORIC
1.0 I \ / I \-
04 I V ,/ I 02
- - -2 4 6
FIG. 6. Surface recombination velocity as a function of /3'Ps.
of QT. The values of /3ifJs, corresponding to values of QT
are indicated on the lower horizontal scale. The relative
surface recombination velocity, SjSM, where SM is the
maximum value observed, is plotted as a function of
/3ifJs in Fig. 6. S has its maximum value at /3ifJs near 2.
These filamentary data are qualitatively similar to
those observed by other workers.20.21
These quantities will be used in later sections in the
analysis of the characteristics of the filamentary diode
as a function of the same values of surface charge.
A. Small Signal Variations
The reverse junction current, I J, is observed to be
sensitive to modulation by voltage changes on the field
plate. For a given surface preparation and ambient,
these effects are reproducible. In ambients favoring
surface breakdown, the direction and magnitude of the
changes in I J produced by a given change in plate
voltage are found to depend on the dc bias applied to the
The field produced change in reverse current and the
dc reverse junction current are compared for increasing
bias on the junction in Fig. 7. While these measurements
were made, the specimen was exposed to an ozone
ambient. Curve I is a plot of the junction current as a
function of the dc bias on the junction, V J. Curve II
represents Al J+ as a function of V J where AI J+ is the
reverse current change produced by a positive change in
the field plate voltage, AV p' Curve III represents AI J
as a function of V J, where AIr is the reverse current
change produced by applying -A V p to the plate. It is
apparent that Ah+ and Ah-are independent of V J
until the reverse characteristic begins to soften (i.e., for
V J near 60 volts). If we assume that the current col
lected at the junction at low bias results from the
20 Many, Harnik, and Margoninski in reference 2, p. 85.
21 Garrett, Brattain, Brown, and Montgomery in reference 2,
p. 126. generation of carriers at the surface, then Ah+ and
AI J-should be independent of bias. For voltages ap
proaching the surface breakdown voltage, the effect of
the plate is to modulate the multiplication factor, which
is in itself bias sensitive. Therefore, at these voltages the
AI J+ and AIr are bias sensitive.
Field effect conductance measurements on the single
conductivity end of the specimen in this ambient indi
cate that for the surface conditions maintained during
this experiment (tending in the direction of an enrich
ment layer on p-type material), S increases with in
creasing positive charge on the field effect plate. Thus
the AI J+ and AI J-at low V J values have the signs
expected if the junction current is supplied by surface
recombination. The fact that AI J-and AI J+ increase
rapidly and change sign as V J is increased toward
2 8
o o II(IIIH)
20 r
~ -\ 1/ ll(t.IJ-l
J I(J/
40 60 80 100
W a:: w
c( o a:
o i
120 .,
FIG. 7. Comparison of field produced current changes with dc
junction characteristics.
breakdown voltage is in qualitative agreement with the
trends discussed by Garrett and Brattain.9 A positive
increase in V p produces a more n-type surface, a de
crease in the surface mUltiplication factor, and a decrease
in current. The filamentary field effect measurement
indicates that the sign of the equilibrium value of /3ifJs
favors surface breakdown. Photoconductance measure
ments indicate the current at large V J is multiplicative
and ambient variations of measured breakdown voltage
indicate surface breakdown.
These data therefore indicate that the field produced
changes in junction current are related to the dc junction
characteristic in a qualitatively appropriate manner if
it is assumed that the junction current at low bias values
arises from surface generation of minority carriers, and
at higher bias values, can arise from multiplicative
surface breakdown.
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Larger signal variations in the low and high bias
junction currents will be discussed more quantitatively
in the following two sections.
B. Low Bias Reverse Current Variations
Field produced junction current changes are shown in
Fig. 8 for the low bias case. Experimental conditions are
the same as those described in Sec. IV. The lower solid
curve (I) is the experimentally determined dark reverse
current as a function of QT. The upper curve (II) is the
reverse current as a function of QT measured with the
filament illuminated.
The relative junction current as a function of QT is
obtained by using the field effect plate on the junction
side of the specimen as described in Sec. III. The absolute
value of reverse current is determined by dc measure
ment with V p=O. The field effect plates are identical
and experimental conditions are the same at the junc
tion as they are at the filament. If the surface conditions
near the junction are the same as on the filament, then
JI-____ ~
-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10
t , , I I I 4
10 20
-4.5 -4 -3 -2 -I 0 +1 +2+3 +4 +4.5
(3 CPs
FIG. 8. Field produced current changes for an n+-p junction.
the abscissa of Fig. 5 is the same as that of Fig. 8. The
junction current for all values of QT is relatively in
sensitive to junction bias up to values near the break
down voltage.
For a filamentary junction of the dimensions used
(see Appendix), with equal S on both sides, the dark
reverse current density is given by Eq. (7). However,
the field effect plate can modulate S on one side only.
The variation of the dark current with S changing on
one side only is given by Eq. (14) derived in the ap
pendix. The solid points shown on curve I, Fig. 8, are
calculated from Eq. (14), using the values of S given in
Fig. 6 corresponding to the appropriate values of IPs.
The points on curve II are calculated from Eq. (19) in
the Appendix, using the same values of S, after normal
izing one theoretical point to fit the data at V p= O.
Both light and dark curves agree well with theory for
IPs less than O. When IPs becomes positive, an inversion
layer begins to form at the surface, and the collecting
area of the junction increases. Thus, for IPs> 0 it is ex
pected that I J no longer depends simply on S. Curves I and II should begin to diverge from the calculated
values as they are observed to do.
The lower set of open points indicate values of the
excess dark channel current, calculated using Eq. (25)
in the Appendix. The upper set of open points represent
the illuminated channel current, calculated from Eq.
(26), using an experimental value of the light current L
obtained with the help of Eq. (27). It is evident that the
excess current at the large values of (3cps is of the order
expected from channel formation. Since the experi
ment is performed in a dry ambient with a field
induced channel,22 ionic surface currents,23 and anoma
lous channel conductances of the kind considered by
Statz and associates24 are not encountered.
C. Breakdown Voltage Variations
Figure 9 shows the field produced variations in break
down voltage. These data were obtained under the same
experimental conditions as used in obtaining the data in
Figs. 5 and 8. ~ V B is the magnitude of the change in
breakdown voltage produced by a charge QT on the
field effect electrode. ~ V B is small for positive values of
IPs and increases as CPs decreases. Thus, as indicated in
Sec. II C on breakdown voltage, a decrease in surface
breakdown is favored by a negative surface potential.
However, for this junction the theoretical plot of Fig. 2
indicates no substantial increase in the magnitude of
~V B until (3IP, is near -4.5. Therefore, the observed
values of ~ VB for (31P,> -4.5 are inconsistent with the
theory of Garrett and Brattain. This trend has previ
ously been inferred by these authors from measure
ments on alloy junction transistors.
The dual specimen has permitted direct examination
of the variations in surface potential in the single
conductivity portion for use in calculating variations in
junction characteristics. Variation of (3lPs from about
-4.5 to +4.8 on this part of the specimen produces a
regular change in S with IPsanda maximum near (31P8= 2.
-4 -3 -2 I ,
-I 0
l3f/Js 12
i 2 ;; 4.5
FIG. 9. Field produced variations in breakdown voltage.
22 Field induced channels have been studied under dc conditions
by E. N. Clarke, Phys. Rev. 99, 1899 (1955).
23 J. T. Law, Proc. lnst. Radio Engrs. 42, 1367 (1954).
24 Statz, deMars, Davis, and Adams in reference 2, p. 139.
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IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:33:09912 J. H. FORSTER AND H. S. VELORIC
This variation does not contradict the assumption of a
recombination center at an energy level roughly SkT
above the center of the gapP Our data are insufficient to
confirm this unambigously. Comparison of the two
curves, tlG as a function of Qr and tlG as a function of
Q., indicates a buildup of the density of fast states from
values of about 1010 cm-2 near the middle of the gap to
values on the order of 1011 cm-2 at energies about
±SkT from the center of the gap.24.25 Thus, our fila
mentary measurements indicate a regular variation of
((J. and S with surface charge corresponding to a unique
system of fast surface states with similar properties to
those observed by other experimenters on higher re
sistivity germanium.
The junction measurements indicate that in principle
the properties of this system can be used to calculate the
variation in junction current with ((J •.
In a range of interest for practical device design,
variations in low bias junction current are calculated in
terms of variations in S for (3((J8<0. For (3((J.>O, varia
tions are on the order expected for channel currents
dependent on the rate of surface generation. The reverse
current at high bias, although varying reproducibly
with ((J" is in qualitative, but not quantitative agree
ment with the assumption of multiplicative surface
If nonuniform surface conditions exist near the junc
tion (patches), they would have a tendency to be
averaged out in the measurement for the low bias case.
However, the same conditions would produce appreci
able effects in the measurement of surface breakdown,
acting to reduce the observed breakdown voltage. The
high dc bias voltages and the accompanying high field
across the body junction subject the breakdown voltage
measurement to another possible source of error. This is
the shift in ((J. near the junction (for Vp=O) produced
by the application of dc bias to the junction. The
"clamping" of ((J8 by slow surface states (observed by
deMars et al.26 and Kingston27) tends to suppress this
effect, provided time is allowed for stabilization of the
surface before the ac measurement is made. In any
event, this effect tends to shift ((J. (on the p-type side of
the junction) in the direction of positive increase, the
wrong direction to account for observed values of tl V B
for /3((Js> -4.5.
The results discussed above provide a basis for pre
diction of surface dependent properties of junction
devices. Device parameters of importance are reverse
currents, breakdown voltage, and transistor current
gain (a). The data indicate that these parameters can
be discussed in terms of a single parameter ({J •• Referring
to Fig. 8, the low bias reverse current can be relatively
26 Similar results have been reported by Bardeen, Coovert,
Morrison, Schriefier, and Sun, Phys. Rev. 104,47 (1956).
26 deMars, Statz, and Davis, Phys. Rev. 98, 540 (1955).
27 R. H. Kingston, Phys. Rev. 98, 1766 (1955). small for (3((J.<O. However, as shown in Fig. 9, break
down voltage decreases as ((J. decreases, and in fact, if
body breakdown is desirable, ((J, must be positive. The
drop in VB becomes substantial for ({J, approaching ((Jb·
Thus, to insure low reverse currents and reasonable
breakdown voltage, ((J. must be kept close to the
interval ((Jb< ((J,<O. For high resistivity material, ((Jb-> 0
and the desired working range becomes small. For
devices where current gain is influenced by surface
recombination, confining ({Js to this interval tends to
exact a further price of lower current gain. (See Fig. 6.)
However, for surface sensitive transistors, probably the
most satisfactory compromise is a value of ({J8 near zero.
The experiments reported by Wahl and Kleimack seem
to lead to a similar conclusion.
Modulation of both low bias saturation current and
breakdown voltage of filamentary n+-p junctions by an
electric field applied at the surface is possible. By
combining this "junction field effect" with conventional
field effect measurements, a filamentary structure has
been used to compare surface properties of a free surface
with those of an adjacent n+-p junction. The measure
ment allows direct comparison of field induced varia
tions in ({J, and S with field induced variations in junc
tion current.
This comparison indicates that junction current
variations can be calculated from variations in S meas
ured on the filament, provided the surface conductivity
type remains the same as that of the body. When the
surface conductivity becomes opposite in type to that of
the body, an additional current appears which is roughly
calculable in terms of channel growth. However, the
variations in junction breakdown voltage are not
quantitatively predictable from measured variations in
({Js, at least on the basis of the theory of Garrett and
Brattain. These variations are qualitatively predictable,
however, in the sense that shifting ({J, in the direction of
an inverted surface tends to suppress surface breakdown.
The observed dependence of junction characteristics
on surface potential indicates that, for many surface
sensitive devices, an optimum value of surface potential
can be specified.
The authors acknowledge the assistance of C. G. B.
Garrett in the form of many stimulating discussions and
suggestions. The encouragement of R. M. Ryder is also
acknowledged. Many of the experiments were carried
out by W. C. Meyer and A. R. Tretola.
A. Filamentary Junction Currents
(1) Dark Current
The rectangular geometry of the filamentary diode is
illustrated in Fig. 10. The shaded boundary at x= 0
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FIG. 10. Geometry for the filamentary junction.
indicates the n+-p junction, with the n+ material ex
tending in the negative x direction. The ratios tlw
(filament thickness to width) and wll (width to length)
are small. It is, therefore, assumed that the filament is
infinite in the z and x directions. We consider only the
portion of the filament in the region x>O, bounded by
the planes y= ° and y= t, on which the values of surface
recombination velocity are S1 and S2. Under these
conditions, t:J.n=n-no must satisfy the boundary
condi tions, 11
D--=S1.6.n, y=O, (9)
D--=-S2t:J.n, y=t. (10)
The fractional change in t:J.n across the filament in the y
direction must be less than Stl D, where S is the larger of
S1 and S2. In our experiment, values of S encountered
are less than 103 cm secI, and t is less than 8X 10-3 cm.
Thus StlD is small. Under these conditions the equation
for the steady state is, neglecting recombination in the
body of the filament,
S1+S2 d2t:J.n(x)
0= --~t:J.n(x)+D----. (11)
t dx2
For reverse bias »kTlq, t:J.n(O)~-no, the solution of
physical interest is
[ (51+52)tJ t:J.n= -no exp -x --m ' (12)
and the electron current density across the junction at
x=O is
d1ZI' (Sl+52)! jD=qD- =qno(D)~ -- .
dx x=o t (13)
Experimentally, a field effect plate serves to modulate
S2 only. If So is the value of S2=S1 for zero voltage on
the plate and the field produces a change t:J.S in S2, then
the reverse dark junction current, I JD, for a junction
area A, is given by
J J[)=Aqnn(D)! --t -. (14) (2) Light Current
We consider the case where the filament is weakly
illuminated on the surface y=O. For generation of L
electron-hole pairs per cm2 per sec near one surface
by an external light source, the continuity equation
is, approximately,
The important solution is
( L) [ (Sl+S2)!] t:J.n= -no+--- exp -x ---
S1+S2 Dt
the current density is
and if I JL is the junction current with illumination,
L( Dt ! t:J.IJL=IJL-IJD=Aq- ---).
t S1+S2 (18)
The value of t:J.I J L produced by a change from 0
voltage on the field effect plate is then
MJL=Aq!:...( Dt )1.
t 2So+t:J.S
B. Channel Current
(1) Dark Channel Current (19)
With a large positive voltage on the field effect plate
(on the surface y= t) {3 CPs is positive, the surface is n-type
(see Fig. 11), and an n-p junction is formed on this
surface. With reverse bias applied to the n+-p junction, a
current I(x) flows down the inversion layer. The n-p
junction is biased to a potential Vex), and will act as a
collector of electrons from the p-type filament until
Vex), drops to a value Vel) which is insufficient to
ensure collection. The distance l is defined as the
channel length and depends on the value of I., the
magnitude of the current density collected by the
channel. McWhorter and Kingston23 have given the
following expression for the excess reverse, or channel
current, I CD:
(Va )i ICD=I.tp 2goln-- ,
Vel) (20)
where P is the perimeter of the junction, and Va is the
voltage applied to the junction. They assume the
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IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:33:09914 J. H. FORSTER AND H. S. VELORIC
~: )(=1
Hl() 1 :
---+ 1.1 <It--- N
P IsWctI
1=O----~------L- __ _
FIG. 11. Channel on the filamentary junction,
channel conductance, Gc, is given by
Gc= go/Vex). (21)
Garrett and Brattain6 give an appropriate expression
for go. With an n surface on p-type germanium this is
where Ld= lAX 10-4 em, and In is the mean free path
for electrons. For our experimental case,
g~4.5X1O-9 exp(!1""s)=K exp(!1.,.,.). (23)
If we make the approximation that all carriers gener
ated at the surfaces are collected by the channel, then
1.= qnO(Sl+S~) = qno (2So+ AS), (24) and for P=w
(Va )t I CD= (2So+AS)! exp(!1.,.,./2)w qnoK In- .
V (I) (25)
Equation (24) can only be accurate for values of
channel length I large compared to (Dt/2So+AS)l, a
condition not too well fulfilled in our experiments, even
when !1""8 approaches 4 or S.
(2) Channel Current with Illumination
If the surface y=O is illuminated with nonpenetrating
light, the effect is to increase the channel current to a
value approximately given by
lCL= L lCD. (26)
The value of L can be estimated from the measurement
of I J made when p.,.,. is negative and the channel does
not exist. Using Eqs. (14) and (19)
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IP: On: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 11:33:09 |
1.1735699.pdf | Stable, High Density Field Emission Cold Cathode
E. E. Martin, J. K. Trolan, and W. P. Dyke
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 31, 782 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1735699
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735699
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Published by the American Institute of Physics.
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Downloaded 27 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions782 M. T. WEISS
for detailed understanding of these instabilities. The
remarkable flat-topped nature of the absorption curves
[Fig. 6(g)] at very high power levels also needs further
The experimental results described in this paper
clearly demonstrate the importance of the scattering
of the uniform precession at impurities and imperfec
tions in manganese ferrite single crystals. This in not
surprising since these crystals were grown by the flame
fusion process. The validity of the Suhl analysis of the
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS saturation of the main resonance is, of course, also
The above experiments also reveal various unexpected
high power effects such as an asymmetry in the line
shape, an increase in the magnetic field required for
resonance, bistabilities and jitter arising at power levels
of about S db above critical, and flat-topped absorption
curves at very high power levels.
The author is indebted to H. Suhl for many helpful
discussions and to J. F. Dillon, Jr. for kindly supplying
several oriented spheres.
Stable, High Density Field Emission Cold Cathode*
Linfield Research Institute, McMinnville, Oregon
(Received October 28, 1959)
The practical application of the field emission electron source has heretofore been impeded by insufficient
reliability. Instability (Le., changes in emitted current at a fixed applied voltage) results from changes in the
cold cathode surface associated with contamination and sputtering. The cold clean cathode is shown to be
electrically stable at dc emission densities up to 107 amp/cm2• Techniques are discussed which permitted
stable operation of a single needle tungsten cathode during 1000 hr at an average beam power of 35 w (cor
responding to a beam power density of 35 billion w per unit cathode area). A simple method is described which
permits reconditioning of the cathode surface when required, and apparently extends life indefinitely; oper
ating periods in excess of 12 000 hr are reported. An explanation is suggested for the small, gradual residual
changes observed in the emitted current.
ELECTRONS are emitted from metals in the pres
ence of a strong electric field, a process called field
emission which has properties suited to several elec
tronic devicesl; however, the field emitter has heretofore
exhibited insufficient reliability for applications. In the
present paper the smooth clean cathode is shown to
have electrical stability and longevity; contamination
and sputtering are recognized as sources of earlier
Improved environments described herein have en
abled a cold, microscopic, needle shaped field emitter
to yield stably a current density of 107 amp/cm2 during
1000 hr of unattended dc operation in a sealed off
vacuum tube. An average beam power of 3S w from a
cathode area of 10-9 cm2 can be exploited for either
extreme miniaturization or very high power. The field
emission gun can be as small as a hypodermic needlel;
a related emission process has recently been used in a
300 megawatt flash x-ray tube.2
* This work was sponsored by ARDC, United States Air Force,
through The Electronic Components Laboratory, Wright Air
Development Center.
1 W. P. Dyke, Proc. Inst. Radio Engrs. 43, 162 (1955); IRE
Trans. on Military Electronics, MIL-4, 38-45 (1960).
2 F. J. Grundhauser, et al.., paper presented at Field Emission
Symposium, 1959 (to be published). Field emission was discovered in 1897 by R. W. Wood.3
Millikan and Lauritsen4 recognized the dependence of
stability upon high vacuum, and achieved sufficient
reliability to determine empirically the field current
voltage relationship. More recently, field emission mi
croscopy5 has been used to identify the clean emission
surface and conventional electron microscopy has re
vealed the emitter geometry. Haefer6 used these tech
niques to develop sufficient stability to draw stable
current densities up to 106 amp/cm2 for short periods.
The application of pulse techniques and very high
vacuums7 led to field current densities of the order of
lOB amp/cm2 and, at lower densities, to cathode life of
the order of 100 hr.B Elinson and co-workers9 have in~
vestigated ion trapping in an attempt to obtain stability
at conventional pressures; while stable operating periods
were increased by a factor of about 100, the reported
3 R. W. Wood, Phys. Rev. 5, 1 (1897).
4 R. A. Millikan and C. C. Lauritsen, Proc. Natl. Adac. Sci.
(U.S.) 14, 45 (1928).
6 E. W. Muller, Z. Physik 106, 541 (1937).
6 R. H. Haefer, Z. Physik 116, 604 (1940).
7 R. T. Bayard and D. Alpert, Rev. Sci. Instr. 21, 571 (1950).
8 W. P. Dyke and W. W. Dolan, Advances in Electron Physics,
8,89 (1956).
9 M. I. Elinson, V. A. Gor'kov, and G. F. VasiJiev, Radiotekh.
i. Elektron 2, 205 (1957).
Downloaded 27 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsS TAB L E, II I G H DEN SIT Y FIE L D E MIS S ION COL DCA THO D E 7R3
N~ 8
~ 6
~ 4
~r 0 4> • 6.3
FIG. 1. Graph of the modified Fowler-Nordheim equation for
field emission, showing field current density J as a function of
applied surface electric field F, for several values of the work
function cf> in ev. The vertical line at the upper end of each curve
corresponds to a field sufficient to lower the top of the surface
potential barrier down to the Fermi level.
performance was considerably less than that required
in most devices.
In the present work, further improvements in vacuum
are combined with ion and electron trapping to yield
the stability mentioned above together with emitter
life in excess of 12000 hr. It appears that sufficient
stability and life are thus available for several applica
tions including a new tetrode structure which will
amplify microwave signals.tO
The term "electrical stability" is used herein to de
scribe the condition in which the relationship between
field current and applied voltage remains essentially
unchanged with time. It will be helpful first to examine
the causes of instability (i.e., effects which alter the
current-voltage relationship), and then to note how such
effects may be reduced or avoided.
Field emission instability usually arises through
changes in two variables on which the electron current
density has a sensitive dependence, namely ¢, the work
function of the emitting surface, and /3, a geometric
factor having units of cm-l and defined as the ratio of
the electric field F at the cathode to the applied po
tential V. An indication of the dependence of this ratio
on the electrode geometries can be gained from the
expression 11
/3=2[r In(4R/r)J-r, (1)
which is based on the approximation of the field emitter
geometry as a hyperboloid of revolution. Here r is the
emitter tip radius, and R is the anode to cathode spac
ing, both in cm. The importance of ¢ and /3 is seen in the
following variation of the Fowler-Nordheim equation
expressing the emission current density J at zero or low
10 F. M. Charbonnier, J. E. Henderson, and W. P. Dyke (to be
11 C. F. Eyring, S. Mackeown, and R. A. Millikan, Phys. Rev.
31, 900 (1928). 10
'" ..,
~ 8
10 g
~ 6
~ 4
Q: :>
u 2 '",. A
"'-8 ''''''. ~. B c
-----. c -------.-.
FIG. 2. A graph showing decrease of emission current with time
at constant voltage when work function is increased by adsorption
of an electronegative gas such as oxygen; emission patterns show
preferential adsorption on different surfaces.
temperaturel2,13 :
where KI and K2 are constants, V is the applied voltage,
and fey) is an elliptic function which takes account of
the image force. A good treatment of the theory leading
to this relationship is given by Sommerfeld and Bethe/4
and tables of current density as a function of F and ¢
have been published by Dolan.15
Figure 1, which presents a graph of Eq. (2), further
illustrates the strong dependence of current density on
/3 and ¢. For a typical field strength of 5 X 107 V / cm and
a work function of 4.5 ev (the central region of the
figure), a 1 % change in /3 results in about a 15% change
in J, ¢ and V remaining constant. For the same field
and work function, a 1 % change in ¢ results in a change
of about 20% in J, /3 and V remaining constant.
Clearly, both ¢ and /3 must be carefully controlled in
order to stabilize the emission mechanism described by
Eq. (2). In the present work, stability was achieved by
holding the ratio ¢3/2//3 constant by maintaining a clean
smooth cathode surface of constant configuration.
Changes in the work function of metal surfaces caused
by the adsorption of various contaminants are well
established. Sources of such contaminants are residual
gases, materials adsorbed on electrode surfaces, de
composition products formed at tube envelope surfaces
during electron bombardment, etc. The corresponding
rate of contamination observed during operation of a
field cathode is large at conventional tube pressures, e.g.,
10-7 mm of Hg. In fact, even in tubes having very low
static residual gas pressures, contamination may occur
when an electronic discharge is drawn from the cathode.
A typical example of instability arising from changes in
12 R. H. Fowler and L. W. Nordheim, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A119, 173 (1928).
13 L. W. Nordheim, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A121, 626 (1928).
14 A. Sommerfeld and H. Bethe, IIandbuch der Physik (Springer
Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1933), Vol. XXIV, Part 2, p. 441.
15 W. W. Dolan, Phys. Rev. 91, 510 (1953).
Downloaded 27 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions784 MAR TIN, T R 0 L 1\ N, AND D Y K E
emitter work function is shown in Fig. 2. The current
voltage relationship and emission pat terns were ob
served during the operation of a cOllventional diode elec
tron projection tube consisting of a needle shaped tung
sten cathode at the center of a hemispherical aluminized
phosphor anode. Localized changes in cathode work
function, caused by the selective adsorption of electro
negative gas such as oxygen, resulted in changes in the
emission pattern and a decrease of total current with
Changes in {3 are also frequently observed in practice.
At the highly curved field emitter, both strong surface
forces and large opposing electrostatic forces are present,
so that deformation of the surface is possible when
energy is added. The deformation may merely alter the
current-voltage relationship, as for example when a
heated cathode is dulled in the absence of electrostatic
forces, or it may also lead to a destructive vacuum arc16
when increasing surface roughness causes localized in
creases in {3 and, correspondingly, excessive values of
current densityY
A common deformation mechanism is surface migra
tion18 which is appreciable at intermediate temperatures
for tungsten emitters of conventional size. The time
rate of change of length dz/dl of a small projection of
length z and tip radius r is given by
-Qo2~oeXp(-Q/RT)['Y F2] dz/dt=-- ----,
All r2kT r 87l' (3)
where Qo is the atomic volume in cm:J/atom, 'Y is the
surface tension in d/cm, Ao is the surface area in cm"/
atom, ~II is the diffusivity constant in cm2/sec, Q is the
activation energy in cal/mole, T is the temperature of
the projection in OK, and F is the applied electric field
in v / cm.19 At the field strengths needed for appreciable
emission, and with tungsten emitters of conventional
size (i.e., F>3XlOi v/cm and r>3XlO-6cm), the term
in brackets is negative; hence dz/ dt is positive and a
surface projection tends to grow outward or extrude
when either the temperature is high enough to cause
appreciable surface migration or when surface atoms
gain energy from ionic bombardment. It is observed
that extrusion usually increases (3, and hence current
density at a given voltage; this in turn may further in
crease the emitter temperature through such processes
as resistive heating and bombardment by ions formed
in the residual gas. The process is thus regenerative,
leading to further increases of both the extrusion rate
and current density and ultimately to a low impedance
16 W. P. Dyke, et al., Phys. Rev. 91, 1043 (1953).
17 W. W. Dolan, W.P. Dyke, and J. K. Trolan, Phys. Rev. 91,
1054 (1953).
18 J. L. Boling and W. W. Dolan, J. App!. Phys. 29,556 (1958).
19 J. P. Barbour, F . .:\I. Charbonnier, W. W. Dolan, \V. P. Dyke,
E. E. Martin, and J. K. Trolan, Phys. Rev. 117, 1452 (1960). 60
(/) w
~ 40
~ o
'" ~ 30 ::;; A B
O~~L-~L-~L-~L-~L-~L-~L-~~~ o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
FIG. 3. A graph shO\yin" the increase of emission current with
time at constant voltage, attributed to cathode sputtering by
helium ions.
vacuum arc and cathode damage. It is convenient to
refer to this process as extrusion breakdown.2l1
Extrusion breakdown can be initiated when suffi
ciently large surface projections are formed by cumula
tive cathode sputtering. This occurs for example when
energetic helium ions impinge on the cold tungsten
surface in the presence of a high field, a phenomenon
which is commonly observed in tubes having envelopes
of Corning 77 -!O Pyrex glass, or other similar glasses,
and results from cliuffsion of helium from the atmosphere.
Figure 3 illustrates effects which can be attributed to
this mechanism. At a constant applied voltage, emission
from the smooth, clean cathode (at A) is stable except
for a gradual increase of current with time which is
accompanied by changes in the emission pattern (as at
B and C). Small areas develop (bright spots) at which
current density is increased by several orders of mag
nit ude as estimated from emission pattern analysis.
\Vhen the current increase exceeds about a factor of
five, the current-voltage relationship usually fluctuates
erratically and cathode damage is likely. Sudden current
decreases are accompanied by the disappearance of the
brightest spots whose corresponding surface projections
arc presumably "burned off" during localized vacuum
arcs initiated by resistive heating. The criteria which
determine whether such an arc merely removes the ini
tiating projection or spreads to the entire emitting tip
have not been fully determined.
In experiments with a tube having a Corning 7740
glass envelope which was sealed off with an ion gauge,
the relative time rate of increase of the current at fixed
voltage was found to be proportional to helium pressure
and approximately to the current level, as may be seen
in Fig. 4 which presents data taken in the range
1O-8<p< 10-6 mm Hg, 10-7 <I <5X 10-5 amp. Insta-
20 Extrusion is complicated by the dependence of surface mi
gration on crystallographic detail, a fact which is ignored in
Eq. (3) without serious effect on the foregoing generalization. In
practice, extrusion leads to a polyhedral cathode form whose
planes are crystal surfaces with low :Vliller indices. B is increased
at the ridges formed by the intersections of these planes, leading
as before to extrusion breakdown.
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314 ~ ~ 4 D ~ ~
FIG. 4. A graph of the relative time rate of change of field emis
sion current at fixed voltage as a function of the partial pressure
of helium within the tube and emission current level; the solid
line graphs the empirical equation I-ldI/dt=1011p(I)i. (Pressure
values are equivalent nitrogen pressure.)
bility was appreciable at pressures as low as 10-9 mm
of Hg, a pressure which is supplied by the diffusion of
helium from the atmosphere in a period less than 1 hr
in a one liter sealed envelope made of Corning 7740
Pyrex glass.21 Although ionic pumping helpfully reduced
the helium pressure, it was not found adequate to main
tain stability in such envelopes.
Envelope Material
The diffusion of atmospheric gases into the tube en
velope was effectively reduced at room temperatures by
use of high density glass selected on the basis of data
given by Norton,22 which identifies a number of glasses
having helium permeation rates several orders of mag
nitude lower than that of Corning 7740 Pyrex. In the
present series of tests, both Corning 0120 lead glass and
Corning 1720 alumino-silicate glass were satisfactory
in this respect. However, the latter material is con
siderably superior for ultra-high vacuum work for two
reasons: first, the rate of release of gas from the heated
glass is very low as compared to that from alternate
glasses23; and second, its annealing point of 712°C makes
possible high bakeout temperatures. Except where
otherwise noted, all tests reported herein were in tubes
having envelopes of this material. Some difficulty was
initially experienced with fabrication of envelopes and
electrical inseals from the alumino-silicate glass; how
ever, it was found that it could be satisfactorily sealed
to molybdenum leads and, if thoroughly clean and free
of fingerprints, could be readily worked in a slightly re
ducing hydrogen-oxygen flame. Detailed procedures for
working alumino-silicate glass of different manufacture
21 D. Alpert and R. S. Buritz, J. App!. Phys. 25, 202 (1954).
22 Francis J. Norton, J. App!. Phys. 28, 34 (1957).
23 B.~LTodd,~J. App!. Phys. 27,1209 (1956). have been outlined and are generally applicable to the
above material.24
Experimental tubes were sealed off following evacua
tion with a three stage, 70 liters/sec, all glass mercury
diffusion pump with liquid nitrogen traps. Metal elec
trodes were fabricated from molybdenum or tungsten
and during evacuation were heated to a temperature of
approximately 2000°C until a pressure of the order of
10-9 mm Hg could be maintained while the metal was
hot. The glass was baked and the metals were heated
alternately. Satisfactory evacuation of alumino-silicate
glass envelopes was achieved using both 500° and 650°C
oven temperatures. During the latter treatment, the
tubes were contained in a stainless steel muffle filled
with nitrogen derived from the boiling liquid. Such an
atmosphere protected the exposed portions of the
molybdenum leads from excessive oxidation and was
found to be almost completely free of helium. The re
sultant low level of dissolved helium in the envelope
walls reduced the subsequent diffusion of that gas into
the tube when the envelope became heated during either
post-seal-off heating of electrodes or operation of the
tube at higher power levels. In most cases evacuation
was continued for periods as long as 50 or 100 hr; how
ever, equivalent results can probably be achieved in a
much shorter period if glass and metal are treated simul
taneously insofar as possible and if bake periods are
not unnecessarily prolonged.
Pressure prior to seal-off was in most cases at or
below the x-ray limit of a Bayard-Alpert type ionization
gauge, i.e., of the order of 10-10 mm Hg. The pressure
increased momentarily to 10-8 mm at the instant of
seal-off, but returned to the lower value thereafter.
Gettering by evaporation of titanium from a previously
degassed filament and brief heating of the electrodes
established the final environment. In most cases no
change in the electrical characteristics of initially clean
tungsten field emitters was observable after inoperative
shelf periods of 1000 hr or more. A conservative estimate
of residual pressure of chemically active gas based on
kinetic theory reveals that the static pressure could not
have exceeded 10-13 mm Hg during that period. Absence
of pronounced sputtering of the cathode during pro
longed operation, as reported later herein, indicates that
the partial pressure of inert gases was similarly low.
Tube Design
Although some work was done in more complex struc
tures, as for example in field emission tetrodes, the
stability tests reported herein were made in simple
diodes employing well outgassed metal anodes and some
form of secondary electron trapping to inhibit bom
bardment of envelope surfaces.
In tubes of the type shown schematically in Fig. 5
24 M. Hillier and R. L. Bell, British J. App!. Phys. 9, 94 (1958).
Downloaded 27 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions786 MARTIN, TROLAN, AND DYKE
FIG. S. Schematic diagram of experimental field emission diode
tube which provides electrostatic trapping of secondary electrons.
Envelope of Corning type 1720 glass; A, tungsten anode; B, bom
bardment filament; C, cathode; G, getter.
secondary electron trapping was achieved through use
of a coaxial anode-cathode configuration in which
secondary electrons were returned to the anode by the
radial electric field between the cylindrical anode skirt
and the emitter support filament. The effectiveness of
such trapping can be estimated by calculation of elec
tron trajectories. In the present series of tests anodes
having a length to diameter ratio of approximately five
were used, a configuration which insured that even those
elastically deflected primary electrons having optimum
direction for escape interacted a minimum of three times
with the anode. Envelope bombardment is believed to
have been reduced by about four orders of magnitude
from that which would have occurred if a planar anode
had been used.
A second tube was developed to provide similar elec
tron trapping with an additional provision to view the
emission pattern periodically in order to judge the con
dition of the emitter surface; the electrode configuration
and typical electron trajectories for this tube are illus
trated in Fig. 6. The anodes consisted of two parallel
S-mil tungsten plates each 3XS em and spaced 2 em
apart. The field emitter was placed midway between
the plates with the emitter axis normal to an aluminum
backed willemite phosphor screen. During prolonged
periods of operation, a one kilogauss magnetic field
supplied by a permanent magnet constrained the elec
trons to helical paths which terminated near the mid
points of the plates and inhibited secondary electron
bombardment of the envelope walls. The use of a mag
netic field also led to reduced bombardment of the
cathode by anode formed ions. The emission pattern
could be viewed at will by removing the magnetic field.
Stability was judged on the basis of the current re
sponse at a fixed value of the applied voltage during
both steady state and pulsed operation. The sensitivity
of field current to small changes of either cf> or {3 has been
previously noted; since current was similarly sensitive
to the value of the applied voltage, several precautions were taken to prevent its fluctuation. Steady voltage in
the kilovolt range was supplied from a power supply
controlled by a series array of gaseous voltage regulator
tubes. As an additional precaution, a Sola constant
voltage transformer was used in the ac circuit and
output voltage was monitored periodically as a safe
guard against possible drift. The emitted de currents
were continuously recorded with a Leeds and Northrup
Speedomax G chart recorder. Pulsed voltages of 1 j.l.sec
duration were supplied at a repetition rate of 120
pulses/sec by a pulseforming network with resonant
charging. Both the current and voltage pulses were
monitored by Tektronix type 511 oscilloscopes. A
Sorensen regulator controlled the input voltage of these
First, it may be of interest to note the general effect
of electron trapping on emitter stability which was
demonstrated by the following simple experiment. Two
nearly identical emitters were operated in the same
Corning 0120 glass envelope, which contained a tubular
molybdenum anode, closed near one end by a partition
as shown in Fig. 7. The emitters were so positioned, one
inside and one outside the anode enclosure, that the
entire primary emission of each would fall on the cor
responding and opposite sides of the partition; thus
they were presumably exposed to the same anode con
ditions but to different sources of ions and gas at other
surfaces since secondary electrons were trapped in one
case and not in the other. Figure 8 compares the sta
bility observed during the independent operation of the
enclosed emitter (curve A) and the exposed emitter
(curve B), i.e., emission was drawn first from one and
then from the other. Curve C displays data from the
enclosed emitter which was taken at the same time that
its companion was yielding curve B, i.e., both emitters
were operated simultaneously. It is seen that the current
from the enclosed emitter was, in both cases, relatively
stable while that from the external emitter decreased
rapidly. These data illustrate the improvement of field
emission stability by use of electron trapping.
~ __ I---..... ~ ANODE PLATES
FIG. 6. Schematic diagram of electrode configuration and elec
tron trajectories in magnetically switched tube, which allows
optional viewing of the emission pattern.
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Second, even in the presence of electron trapping,
there are apparently residual mechanisms which affect
the emitter stability at a lower rate and over a longer
time period; the data may be used to identify and
evaluate such residual mechanisms. Figure 9 presents
typical data obtained from fixed voltage operation of
electrostatically trapped field cathodes in tubes of the
type shown in Fig. S. The data are presented in semi
logarithmic form in order both to compare performance
over a wide range of currents and to relate the current
changes to the ratio cf}12/{3 on which they depend ex
ponentially in view of Eq. (2). These data are char
acterized by a small initial current increase of short
duration followed by a long period of essentially stable
operation during which the current gradually decreased
in some tubes and increased in others. The behavior of
a given tube was reproducible, i.e., its operation could
be repeated after cleaning the emitter by momentarily
heating it to 2000°C; similar behavior was also noted
over a wide range of currents.
However, in a given tube, the rate of change of
current was usually found to depend directly on the
average current during both the initial transient and
the later gradual change, provided that the anode tem
perature ,vas less than about lOOO°C, i.e., when the
power was limited to a level of 5 to 10 w in tubes of the
type shown in Fig. S. This observation led to the as
sumption that the rate of arrival of foreign material at
the cathode of a given tube was proportional to the
emit ted current. This suggests two possible mechanisms:
ionization of residual gas and release of surface material
by electron bombardment through a momentum trans
fer process. The following experiment was performed to
evaluate the relative contributions of these mechanisms.
Two emitters were mounted in a field emission mi
croscope tube having an aluminum backed willemite
phosphor anode. During operation of the tube both
c, c,
FIG. 7. Schematic diagram of anode used in experimental tube
to determine the effectiveness of electrostatic trapping of secondary
electrons by comparing the stability of cathodcs C1 and C,.
~ c
lo6L-L_--J,--_~--!::----::'_~~~~,?:,=~= o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
FIG. 8. Comparison of the operation of the enclosed emitter C\
of Fig. 7, curve A, \,ith that of the exposed emitter C2, curve B;
curve C shows performance of C, during simultaneous opcration
of Ce. t--3 10
~ -5 .................... 3014 . . ............................................... .
........................................................ ~RlI.~ .•
3 100L----5'0-0--10~0-0--15LOO-~2~0~00~-2~5~0~0-~3~00
FIG. 9. Graphs of the current emitted at fixed voltage in two
test diodes of the type shown in Fig. 5.
emitters were equally exposed to contaminants origi
nating at the anode; however, one emitter was subject
to bombardment by ions formed in the residual gas
while the other was relatively isolated from such bom
bardment. By a proper choice of emitter radii, and hence
electric field strengths at a common voltage, one emitter
could be operated while the other, although also
cathodic, was quiescent. During the test the smaller
cathode was operated and its current-voltage relation
ship was continuously monitored; the larger cathode
was quiescent, except during brief intervals when
current was drawn to check its characteristics. For that
purpose the sharper emitter was electrically connected
to the anode and the voltage was increased. Because of
the configuration of the electric field in the vicinity of
a needle-shaped emitter, only ions formed ncar the
needle axis follow trajectories which terminate on the
emitting portion of the needle and thus affect subse
quent emission. In view of the divergence of the elec
tron beam and the decrease in ionization probability
with increased electron energy, the majority of such
ions originate ncar the electron source. Thus, the
quiescent needle was considerably less subject to bom
bardment by ions formed in the gas than the emitting
needle, resulting from the use of an inter-emitter spacing
which was large compared to the emitter dimensions.
Figure 10 indicates that the two emitters exhibited
__ --~--------------B
r------------- ____ D
A B 11 o
I'll:. lO. Graphs and emission patterns obtained from two emit
ters held at the samc voltage in a comillon tube; upper curve
( .. j to B) was oiJtained during operation of the smaller tip while
thc lower curve (C to D) was obtained by periodic monitoring of
the normally Ilonemitting larger tip.
Downloaded 27 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions788 M A l{ TIN, T R 0 L A ~, 1\ ,'" 0 D Y K E
similar stability; thus, the observed current changes
were apparently due primarily to contaminants arriving
at the cathodes from the anode instead of from the
residual gas in the tube.
The curves of Fig. 10 arc sutIiciently similar to those
of Fig. 9, although the rate of change in the former case
is much higher, to suggest that similar mechanisms may
have been involved in both cases. The mottled appear
ance of the emission patterns obtained during the
present test indicated that the surface was roughened
by ionic bombardment (note the similarity to the
patterns from the sputtered emitter shown in Fig. 3).
That this was indeed the case was confirmed by a second
experiment during which one needle was, except for
periodic monitoring, maintained at anode potential.
The curves and patterns obtained during this test are
shown in Fig. 11; the behavior of the emitting tip wa3
essentially the same as before, while both the emission
pattern and current-voltage relationship for the non
emitting needle underwent changes characteristic of
adsorption of electronegative gas (note the similarity
to Fig. 2). Thus, in this tube and probably in the metal
anode tubes which yielded the curves of Fig. 9 as well,
both sputtering and adsorption processes were active
at the emitting surface. Therefore, both neutral and
ionized material appear to have been released during
electron bombardment of the anode. It is interesting to
note that the relative effects caused by these two con
stituents remained essentially constant over long periods
of time, over an appreciable range of current, and
furthermore, apparently did not vary greatly bet ween
different anode surfaces.
The electrical stability of cold tungsten emit ters in
electro-statically trapped tubes was also studied during
pulsed operation. Curve A of Fig. 12 describes 5000 hr
of operation at a peak current of approximately 45 ma
from a single needle at an applied voltage of 17.1 kv.
The overall rate of current drift during this test did not
exceed 1 %/100 hr. Curve B shows the similar operation
of another single needle emitter at a pulsed current in
FJ(;. 11. Graphs and emission patterns obtained \\ith the same
tube as in Fig. 10 but with the larf(er emitter held at anode
potential. (Note. on the vertical axis, the upper coordinate should
read 10-4 instead of -4.) the order of 100 ma and an applied voltage of 24.9 kv.
An over-all current drift at the rate of 3%/100 hr was
observed in this case and the test terminated with
failure of the cathode after 850 hr of operation. The
reason for this failure has not been established; however,
the pulsed current density in both of these tests was of
the order of 107 amp/cm2, i.e., approaching the resistive
heating limit for tungsten emitters of this size. The
curves of Fig. 11 show random current variations of the
order of 10%, superimposed on the systematic drift. It
is felt that these variations are not related to changes
in q}/2/ /3, but rather to small fluctuations in applied
voltage (less than 1 % voltage fluctuation would account
for the observed current fluctuation). The limited accu
racy of the voltage measurement by oscillographic tech
niques did not allow this assumption to be verified.
In more recent tests with magnetically switched
tubes, having the electrode configuration shown in
Fig. 6, a further increase in the milliampere hours of
~ -2
.... 10
'" ::> u W2BI4 17.1kv
W2B27 24.9kv
FIG. 12. Graphs of the pulse currents obtained during pulsed
operation of tungsten emitters in tubes of the type shown in
Fig. 5; micro-second voltage pulses of fixed magnitude were
applied at a repetition rate of 120 pps.
unattended operation has been observed during dc op
eration. Figure 13 shows the observed current during
two 1000 hr tests of such a tube at two different fixed
levels of applied voltage. The tungsten emitter used in
these tests had a terminal radius of approximately
1.5 X 1O~5 cm, hence, an emitting area of approximately
7X10~lo cm2; an average current of 7.5 ma was emitted
during the first 1000 hr. This corresponded to an emis
sion current density of 107 amp/cm2, a level which was
heretofore achieved only during pulsed operation25; it
also approaches the upper limit set by resistive heating
and vacuum arc initiation.16 Emission pattern changes
were noted at this extreme current density as can be
seen in Fig. 13, A and B. However, during the subse
quent operation at 2 ma, the current varied by only 10%
in 1000 hr and the initial and final pattern pictures,
C and D, are nearly indistinguishable.
The greatly improved performance observed in mag
net ically trapped tubes has not yet been completely
25 W. P. Dyke and J. K. Trolan, Phys. Rev. 89, 799 (1953).
Downloaded 27 Feb 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsS T I\. B L E, H r G H DEN SIT Y F r E L n E!VI ISS r 0 ~ C () L DCA THO D E 7R9
explained; however, the following generalizations can
apparently be made: increased anode area led to im
proved heat dissipation; increased anode to cathode
distance (by about a factor of 4) led to decreased proba
bility of neutral material reaching the tip from the
anode, and the combined influence of magnetic and
electric fields apparently reduced the incidence of ions
on the emitting surface. The latter effect is also assumed
to have accounted for the reduced initial transient
current increase which was reported earlier in the curves
of Fig. 9.
Thus, the unattended operation of the cold field
emission cathode has been extended to a level of ap
proximately 104 ma-hr (Fig. 13); however, the useful
life of the cathode is much longer. The initial cathode
condition may be restored and the operation repeated
when the cathode is resmoothed and cleaned by heating
~ 8 .• ..••.••••••••.••••••.•••••••••••.••••••••••••••• 8
..J :i4
~ 3
.-2 ... ·········································.····0
~ 'c
a I "'0-;;10"'0'""'201>0"'0'"'31";;0"'07140"'0"'50=0"6"'00"'7"'0"'0"8"'0""0""9';;0""0"1000
FIG. 13. Graphs and emission patterns obtained during fixed
voltage operation of a magnetically switched tube having elec
trodes as shown in Fig. 6.
it briefly at say 2000°K. Contaminants are evaporated
and roughness is smoothed by surface migration during
a heat flash of a msec duration which can be supplied
by discharging a condenser through the cathode support
filament. Provided that the period of heating is short,
the reconditioning may be done without interrupting
the electron emission; surface migration is preferential
at small projections, which can be smoothed in a time
short compared with that required for buildup, i.e., the
deformation of the heated tip by electrostatic forces.2
By periodic reconditioning, cathodes have been op
erated for periods up to 12 000 hr without any indication
of a limit on further operation. It is probable that the
actual cathode life is much longer than any period yet
reached. Clearly, this observed longevity of the field
emitter is due at least in part to its ability to yield
useful currents at low temperatures where a number of TUBE MS 5
IOOOhrs.. 7.5ma, 35W.~/
3000hrs., 300/La, 3w. ,/ /:3500 hr., 300/La,3w
3300 hrs., 80/La,04w .• /'" • IOOhrs.,4ma, 30w
/' /' /.IOOOhrs.,80fLO, O.7w.
,'""' iCoo hrs., 20/La, 0.08w.
~ ". /'" • 200lvs., BfL 0, O.06w
u::: "e/ iOhrs., 25fLo, O.2w
~ 0.1//
ii5 :;19:f54~';;:195~""-':1956~-~19:;;:57;---;1958~--;:195""'9 --;1""96"'0.--0.'1961
!/l YEAR
F!G. 14. Improvement with time of the stability figure of merit
Q=It for a single needle cold field cathode operated de at fixed
applicd voltage. I is the dc emitted currcnt, and t is the period
of continuous operation without cathode reconditioning. The
cathode current density in tube MS 5 exceeds 10' a/cm2• The rate
of progress over the past 5 years has heen exponential with a time
constant of ! year.
disturbing mechanisms are minimized, e.g., chemical
changes, transport mechanisms, etc .
In summary, the clean, smooth, cold tungsten field
emitter is electrically stable; it is possible to maintain
stability during periods of the order of 1000 hr of un
attended operation at useful levels of current and power.
By a simple reconditioning process, the operation may
be repeated; cathode life thus appears to be indefinite;
operating periods in excess of 12 000 hr have been
Longevity and stability have been observed at a dc
current density of 10; amp/cm2 which corresponded to
35 billion w of beam power per unit cathode area. At
tention has been called to the possibility of utilizing this
cathode in an electron gun having either extreme minia
turization at conventional power levels or unusually
high peak power26; several possible applications were
noted in the same reference.
In general, the emission current level and the period
during which the cathode can be operated stably
without attention are found to be reciprocal quantities.
Thus, the product of these two variables serves as a
useful fIgure of merit for judgment of stability. In
Fig. 14 are shown values of this product which had
been obtained during the course of the work for de
operation of cold tungsten field emitters. If the per
formance of the cold cathode continues to increase at
the rate shown, a number of additional applications may
soon be possible.
26 w. P. Dyke, "Field Emission A Newly Practical Electron
Source" (to be published) ; this is a reference to footnote 1.
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1.1723260.pdf | Field Modulation of Liquid Induced Excess Surface Currents on Germanium pn
W. T. Eriksen
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 29, 730 (1958); doi: 10.1063/1.1723260
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1723260
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IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:13:55JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 29, NUMBER 4 APRIL, 1958
Field Modulation of Liquid Induced Excess Surface Currents on
Germanium p-n Junctions
Research Division, Raytheon Manufacturing Company, Waltham, Massachusetts
(Received November 15, 1957)
The field modulation of liquid induced surface currents on germanium surfaces has been investigated. The
field induced current is shown to conform to the behavior seen by liquid induced currents on germanium
surfaces. The modulation increases with decreasing temperature down to the melting point of the liquid and
then decreases radically to nearly zero. The modulation effect is seen only when polar liquid ambients are
used. A qualitative explanation of the effect is discussed in terms of a model for current conduction in which
the charge carriers move in the liquid outside of the semiconductor. The increased current with external
field is thought to arise from the orientation of the dipoles in the liquid giving increased mobility to the
charge carriers.
IT has been shown recently that the surface currents
which flow on a reverse biased germanium diode can
be conveniently divided into two contributions.' One
of these, conduction by inversion layers, has been ex
tensively investigated and is reasonably well under
stood.2 The second contribution, which will be called
liquid layer conduction, is exhibited when p-n junctions
are placed in ambients of certain condensible vapors.3
These include water vapor and the vapors of many or
ganic liquids. If the condensible vapor molecules have
a permanent dipole moment, the total surface current
can be modulated by an external field. This phenomenon
has been used to make an amplifying device called the
Fieldistor.4 The purpose of this paper is to show that
the modulation takes place in the liquid layer and to
discuss some further aspects of the phenomenon.
Two experiments were performed. One large area
grown junction germanium diodes with the resistivity
of the p and n sides of 6 ohm-cm were used. The bars
were 1 inch long, 0.1 inch on edge, with the junction in
the center. The units were etched until they exhibited
a flat reverse characteristic in dry nitrogen. In all units
v the dry reverse saturation current was less than 10 p.A
at 25°C, In the second experiment grown junction p-n-p
transistor structures were used. The resistivities of the
p-n-p regions were 8, 6, 4 ohm-cm, respectively. The
bars were 1 inch long, with the n region 2S mils wide,
situated approximately in the center. These were pre
pared in advance by etching until the conductivity be
tween p regions across the base n region was less than
10-8 mhos in dry N 2. Two liquids, nitrobenzene and
dioxane, were chosen for the experiments. Both of these
give liquid layer conduction on germanium. They were
chosen because nitrobenzene has a large permanent
dipole moment (4.27 D.D.) while dioxane is a nonpolar
Figure 1 shows a diagrammatic scheme of the experi
ments from which data were taken. In (lA), diode re
verse characteristics as a function of field were obtained.
In (lB), surface conduction of the base (n) region was
measured as a function of reverse bias and field. The
samples and the field electrode were immersed directly
in the liquid, which had previously been purified by
distillation, and which had been dried by standing over
a dehydrating agent (Dehydrite). A microammeter was
in field circuit in all experiments and the current in this
circuit was always less than 0.05 p.A. The external field
had no effect on the measurements in dioxane; however,
/000 CYCLE FIG. 1. Circuit diagrams of
TUNED experimental setups.
1 Eriksen, Statz, and DeMars, J. Appl. Phys. 28, 133 (1957).
2 Statz, DeMars, Davis, and Adams, Phys. Rev. 101, 1722 (1956).
3 J. T. Law, Proc. lnst. Radio Engrs. 43, 1367 (1954).
4 O. M. Stuetzer, Proc. Inst. Radio Engrs. 40, 1377 (1952).
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IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:13:55L I QUI DIN Due E D SUR F ACE CUR R E N T SON G E R MAN I U M 731
~ ',:~ a 140
i 120
J 2 ~ A 5 ~ 7 • • w u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cr
FIG. 2. Reverse current-voltage characteristics of germanium
diode under different ambient conditions.
the effects of external field were quite pronounced in
Figure 2 shows typical reverse current-voltage be
havior at various external field strengths for the diode
in nitrobenzene. A curve is included which shows the
behavior of a diode with pure inversion layer conduc
tion. The final curve is the saturation current of the
diode in dry nitrogen, prior to immersion in nitroben
zene. An external field had no observable effect on the
reverse characteristics in dry nitrogen. Figure 3 illus
trates the variation of surface conductance with applied
bias and field.
The effect of the external field on reverse character
istics of a diode can be expressed as the ratio of current
with field to current with no field at the same reverse
bias. The ratio expressed is
where IF=current with field 10= current with no field
M = modulation coefficient.
~ ::;:
W o
'" ;=
:> o
'" o o & NITROBENZENE 5 'feN F"lELD
10" '---+-+--+-~H-!-H----+--+-+-+-I-HH
2 3456789
FIG. 3. Conductance vs reverse bias for germanium p-n-p
grown junction transistor in nitrobenzene. °O~~J~2~'~4~5~£~7~~.~3~LO~"~'.~2~'~'~1~4~1~5~L6~
FIG. 4. Modulation coefficient vs reverse bias for germanium
diode at various field strengths in nitrobenzene.
Figure 4 shows a typical plot of M 'Vs bias at three
values of field at 30oe. M 'Vs bias was also measured at
selected temperatures down to below the freezing point
of nitrobenzene. The effect of temperature is shown in
Fig. 5 where values of M at a constant bias of 0.6 v are
plotted against temperature.
The results presented in the last section will be dis
cussed in terms of the qualitative mechanism of liquid
layer conduction proposed in reference 1. For the pur
pose of this discussion it will be valuable to restate the
main features of that mechanism in a form more imme
diately applicable to the results presented in this paper.
The system germanium-liquid can be considered from
a physical chemical point of view as a two phase system
with one common component, electrons. The interface
is a membrane impermeable to both germanium and
liquid but perfectly permeable to electrons. The con
dition for thermal equilibrium is that the electrochemi-
FIG. 5. Modulation coefficient vs temperature for
germanium diode in nitrobenzene.
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IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:13:55732 W. T. ERIKSEN
---, :; I :t I P -+ I :t I ------I-! I r· L.J. --j ~, = I 11.1 =+ I Z
P -I ~
+ :: I ::;
e-L- N ~it ! ~ CONDUCTION
(thlckn, .. exaggerated)
-+ 1 :t I
N ::1: I :t I :t I
-+ I -+ I __ J
:::1:: I . -t+ I r -+! I __ oJ
FIG. 6. Germanium surface-nitrobenzene system at thermal
equilibrium and under reverse bias.
cal potential (Fermi level) for electrons is equal in both
phases. The attainment of this equilibrium will require
charge transfer with a resulting space charge at the
interface. This space charge is the seat of the surface
conduction exhibited by the semiconductor. The liquid
layer conduction is assumed to take place in the half
of the double layer on the liquid side of the interface.
Under the influence of the bias vol tage, charge will
migrate along the surface of the semiconductor. On the
side of the p-n junction where this charge accumulates,
the equilibrium between liquid and semiconductor will
be displaced, resulting in charge transfer across the
interface. The same will apply on the side of the junc
tion which becomes charge deficient except that the
equilibrium is displaced in the opposite sense and the
resulting charge transfer will be in the opposite direc
tion. This is illustrated in Fig. 6 where transfer of elec
trons across the interface is shown.
This qualitative discussion has neglected the half of
the space charge on the semiconductor side of the inter
face. It mayor may not consist of mobile charge,
depending on the number of localized states at the
germanium surface. In those cases where it is mobile,
inversion layer conduction will result and both con
tributions to surface conduction will be present
It has been found experimentally and confirmed
theoreticallyl that when inversion layer conduction pre
dominates, the current on a grown junction germanium
diode varies as log v. In the presence of condensible
vapors (when liquid layer conduction predominates),
one observes a linear dependence of voltage on current.
The difference in voltage dependence affords a means
of identifying the dominant process. In Fig. 2 the linear
behavior of the reverse characteristic at all values of
field provides evidence that the liquid layer conduction
is the dominant process. The no field characteristic
shows some nonlinearity at low values of bias, which
indicates that liquid layer conduction has not yet
become the dominant process. This is further shown in
Fig. 2, where the conduction vs bias shows typical in
version layer behavior at low bias and liquid behavior
at higher bias. The characteristic at 7.5 v/cm field in .+/++++
•• + .//
FIG. 7. Energy diagram of germanium surface-water film system
Fig. 1 indicates some decrease from linear behavior at
higher bias, which seems to be because of a current
saturation. The same effect is shown in Fig. 3, where the
conduction at no field and at 5 v/cm approach one
another at the high bias value. The discussion of this
will be postponed until a later section.
The absolute value of the surface current decreases
with decreasing temperature but M, the modulation
coefficient, gives a relative measure of the ability of the
external field to induce extra current into the diode cir
cuit at different temperatures. Figure 4 plots the varia
tion in M with bias at constant temperature. The data
at 20°C is typical of that obtained at other tempera
tures. The characteristic feature is the maximum in M
occurring at a bias of about 0.5 v. This is a further indi
cation of a current saturation occurring at higher bias
values. Figure 5 shows the very striking behavior of M
with temperature at a constant value of bias. The in
verse dependence on temperature, plus the fact that in
nonpolar liquids M is zero under all conditions, indicates
that the orientation of the liquid molecules in the ex
ternal field is responsible for the modulation effect.
Referring to Fig. 6 as a model of what is occurring at
the surface during liquid layer conduction, one can see
that the total current at any bias is a function of at
least three factors:
1. The rate at which charge can move across the p-n
junction in the liquid layer.
2. The rate at which charge can transfer across the
liquid-semiconductor interface.
3. The magnitude of the space charge at thermal
equilibrium, which depends on the difference in Fermi
levels of the phases making up the system before
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IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:13:55L I QUI DIN Due E D SUR FA C E CUR R E N T SON G E R MAN I U M 733
Current saturation can be a result of either of the
first two processes being a rate limiting one. In view of
previous work on electrolyte semiconductor behavior, 6
it does not seem likely that charge transfer across the
interface will be rate limiting at the low current levels
used in these experiments. One would expect, however,
a rather low mobility of charge carriers in the liquid
film and it seems most probable that saturation occurs
because of this. A much more exaggerated example of
current saturation can be seen in Fig. 3 of reference 1.
The above consideration points out one way in which
the external field can cause an increase in conductivity
of the liquid film. Figure 7 is a model of the semicon
ductor liquid system, using water as the specific ex
ample. The bands in the liquid are shown as well formed.
Obviously the degree of order in the liquid is low and
the bands will be hazy and ill defined. This will resul t
in a low mobility of carriers in the liquid band. The
orientation introduced by the field further orders the
liquid and results in an increased mobility of the charge
carriers. The total current which will flow at any bias
will increase; subject to the rate at which charge can
transfer across the p-n junction and the liquid semi
conductor interface.
6 W. H. Brattain and C. G. B. Garrett, Bell System Tech. J.
34, 129 (1955). FIELDISTOR EFFECT
The field modulation of a germanium diode in nitro
benzene has been used to make a device called the
fieldistor.4 One of the main characteristics of the device
is the low frequency at which it gives appreciable gain.
The poor frequency response can be understood in terms
of the time necessary to readjust the charger distribu
tion at the liquid semiconductor interface after appli
cation of the field. It should be mentioned that all the
data reported here are steady-state values. Long tran
sients were observed after a rapid change of external
field. This is in agreement with the work of Statz et al.2
who reported that the outer surface states require a
long time to come into equilibrium after a change in
The field modulation of surface current on a germa
nium diode immersed in nitrobenzene is due to liquid
layer conduction. The field induced excess current flows
in the liquid next to the semiconductor surface and is
the result of the increased order introduced into the
liquid by the external field.
The author wishes to thank H. Brawley for assistance
in the experimental work.
Cover Photo
The cover photograph was taken by Dr. W. H. Bennett of the
U. S. Naval Research Laboratory, using the StOrmertron which
is a laboratory tube in which can be produced scale models of the
forms assumed by streams of protons from the sun as they enter
the earth's magnetic field. The stream forms consist of bundles of
StOrmertron orbits, i.e., the orbits of individually charged particles
in the earth's magnetic field. The earth is simulated with an
approximately uniformly magnetized sphere whose magnetic field has approximately the same shape as that of the earth. Electron
streams are used to simulate proton streams with the direction of
the magnet reversed. The tube contains mercury vapor in a low
enough density to avoid appreciable falsification of the electron
stream shapes due to gas focusing or other ionization effects. See
also W. H. Bennett and E. O. Hulburt, Phys. Rev. 91, 1562
(1953), Phys. Rev. 95, 915-919 (1954), and J. Atmospheric
and Terrest. Phys. 5, 211-218 (1954).
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IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 08:13:55 |
1.1744711.pdf | Correlation Correction Study of CH, NH, and OH
M. Krauss and J. F. Wehner
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 29, 1287 (1958); doi: 10.1063/1.1744711
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1744711
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/29/6?ver=pdfcov
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:42:10THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 29, NUMBER 6 DECEMBER, 1958
Correlation Correction Study of CH, NH, and OH
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.
(Received June 26, 1958)
The semiempirical intra-atomic correlation correction (ICC) of Hurley and a configuration-interaction
(CI) calculation are applied to previous single configuration calculations of the ground states of CH, NH,
and OH. Results are reported for the 2II, 4~-, and 2~ states of CH, the 3~-state of NH, and the 2II state of
OH. The binding energies and dipole moments obtained for the hydrides are compared with experimental
values and with the results of a similar calculation by Hurley of the ground states of these molecules. Results
of a calculation of the Fermi contact term of the magnetic hyperfine interaction are also given.
THE results of extensive applications of the Roothaan1
self-consistent field (SCF) procedure contain con
siderable information regarding the accuracy of the
calculations based on the single configuration approxi
mation.2-4 For many of the significant properties of
the simple molecules that have been treated, the results
have been somewhat disappointing. This is especially
true of the calculation of binding energies which are
obtained as the difference of two large quantities, the
calculated molecular and atomic energies. A straight
forward method of improving the calculation by means
of configuration interaction (CI) employs a linear
combination of configurations formed from some
basic set of one-electron functions as a trial function.
However, it has been found that significant improve
ment would be obtained only if the basic set is in
creased over the few Slater or Hartree-Fock orbitals
usually chosen for molecular calculations.5 Computa
tional difficulties have precluded such a solution and
are likely to prevent such an attempt for some time
in the future.
This situation has led Moffitt to introduce certain
semiempirical techniques.6 Moffitt observed that the
energy of atomization of any molecule is a small fraction
of the total binding energy. It was further noted that
the errors in the molecular calculations are due to the
poor representation of the dominant terms of the
atomic type. The errors in a molecular or atomic
calculation have been ascribed by Moffitt and by
Hurley7 to essentially two causes. The first is the
correlation error8 implicit in the almost universal choice
* Now at the Chemical Engineering Department Catholic
University of America, Washington, D. C. '
1 C. c. J. Roothaan, Revs. Modern Phys. 23, 69 (1951).
2 C. W. Scherr, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 569 (1955).
3 R. C. Sahni, J. Chern. Phys. 25, 332 (1956).
4 Various other studies have been published of which a large
number are described in the Solid-State and Molecular Theory
Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Progress Reports
of the last three years.
5 A. J. Freeman, J. Chern. Phys. 28, 230 (1958).
6 W. Moffitt, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A210, 245 (1951).
7 A. C. Hurley, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) A69, 49 (1956).
8 Correlation energy or error is defined as the difference between
the correct energy and the energy obtained from Fock's equa
tions. See P. O. Lowdin, Advances in Phys. 5, 31 (1956). of an antisymmetrized product of single electron
orbitals as a trial function. The second error is due to
the use of nonoptimum values for the parameters in
the trial functions. There have been few attempts at
varying the effective nuclear charges. It must be
assumed that the usual choice of Slater shielding
parameters is sufficiently accurate so that the larger
error is the correlation one.
These considerations lead to a scheme that permits
the construction of the energy matrix with the terms
atomic in character separated from the interatomic
ones. In one formulation the energy matrix is corrected
to give asymptotically the experimentally observed
energies of the atoms. The Hurley correction is of the
asymptotic type and also recognizes the importance of
variation of the effective nuclear charges (all param
eters) in constructing the energy matrix for infinite
atom separations.9 The error to be eliminated can be
identified with the correlation energy for the separated
atoms, since the computed energies in the cases con
sidered are reasonable approximations to Hartree-Fock
energies. Because of this Hurley has designated the
correction the intra-atomic correlation correction (ICC) .
Hurley has applied the ICC correction to several
molecules with very good results.9-11 Somewhat more
disappointing results were obtained by Hurley and
Freemanl2 for OH with a basic set of Hartree-Fock
functions. Toward the end of this research we received
a manuscript from Hurley reporting results for a con
sistent treatment of the ground states of the hydrides
BH, CH, NH, OH, and FH.13 Our results for CH, NH,
and OH are in essential agreement with Hurley's
and are being reported to support and supplement
values obtained by a different procedure. Results are
also reported for a straightforward CI calculation.
9 HF, A. C. Hurley, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) A69, 30 (1956).
10 N2, A. C. Hurley, ProC. Phys. Soc. (London) A69, 767 (1956).
11 BH, A. C. Hurley, Quarterly Progress Reports, Solid-State
and Molecular Theory Group, Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology, (January 15, 1957).
12 A. C. Hurley and A. J. Freeman, Quarterly Progress Report,
Solid-State and Molecular Theory Group, Massachusetts Insti
tute of Technology, (July 15, 1957).
13 A. C. Hurley (to be published).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:42:101288 M. KRA USS AND J . F. WEHNER
TABLE I. Molecular orbital determinantal eigenfunctions."
e. Coefficient 10-20-30-4u 'Ir+ 'Ir_ e, Coefficient 10-20-30-40- 'Ir+ 'Ir_
1 1 +-+-+- + 1 1 +-+-+ +-
2 1 +-+-+-+ 2 1 +-+- + +-
3 1 +-+-+-+ 3 1 +-+ +-+-
4 Ij.J2 +-+-+ + 4 1 +-+-+ +--1/ ..J2 +-+- + + 5 1 +-+ +-+-
5 Ij.J2 +-+ +- + 6 1 +- + +- +--1j.J2 +-+-+ + 7 2j.J6 +-+ + +-
6 Ij.J 2 +-+ +-+ -l/..J6 +-+ + +-
-1/..J 2 +- + +-+ -1j.J6 +- + + +-
7 1 +-+- +-+ 8 Ij.J 2 +-+ + +-
8 1 +- +- +-+ -1/..J 2 +- + + +-
9 1 +- +- +- +
10 Ij.J 2 +-+ +-+ NH3~-
-l/..J2 +- + +-+ Ij.J 2 +-+-+- + 11 Ij.J 2 +-+ +-+ -1/ ";2 +-- + +-+ Ij.J 2 +-+-+- +
12 Ij.J2 +- + +-+ 2 Ij.J 2 +- +- +- +
-1/..J 2 +- + +-+ Ij.J 2 +- +- +- +
13 2j.J6 +-+-+ + 3 Ij.J 2 +-+-+-+
-1I..J6 +-+-+ + Ij.J 2 +-+-+- +
-1/ ..J6 +-+- + + 4 Ij.J 2 +-+-+ +
14 2j.J6 +-+ +-+ -1/..J 2 +- +- + +
-1/..J 6 +-+ +- + 5 Ij.J 2 +-+ +-+
-1/..J 6 +-+-+ + -1/";2 +- +- + +
15 2j.J6 +-+ + +-6 Ij.J 2 +-+ + +-
-1/..J 6 +-+ +-+ -1/";2 +- +-+ +
-1j.J6 +- + +-+ 7 1/2 +-+-+ +
16 2j.J6 +-+ + +-1/2 +- +- + +
-1/..J 6 +-+ +-+ -1/2 +-+- + +
-1/ ";6 +- + +-+ -1/2 +-+- + +
17 2j.J6 +-+ + +-8 1/2 +-+ +- +
-1j.J6 +-+ +-+ 1/2 +-+ +- +
-1j.J6 +-- + +-+ -1/2 +- +- + + -1/2 +- +- + + 18 2j.J6 +- + + +- 9 1/2 +-+ +-+ -1j.J6 +- + +-+ 1/2 +-+ +- + -1/ ..J6 +- + +-+ -1/2 +- + +-+
CH4~--1/2 +- + +- +
1 1 +- +- + + + OH2JI
2 1 +- +- + + + 1 1 +-+-+- +- +
3 1 +-+ +- + + 2 1 +-+-+-+-+
4 1 +-+-+ + + 3 1 +-+-+- +- +
5 1 +-+ +-+ + 4 1 +- +- +- +- +
6 1 +- + +-+ + 5 Ij.J 2 +-+-+ +-+
7 2j.J6 +-+ + + + -1/";2 +-+- + +-+
6 Ij.J 2 +-+ +-+-+ -1j.J6 +-+ + + + -1I..J 2 +-+-+ +-+ -1/..J 6 +-+ + + + 7 Ij.J 2 +-+ +-+-+
8 3/ ..J 12 +- + + + + -1/..J 2 +- + +- +- +
-1j.J 12 +-+ + + + 8 2j.J6 +-+-+ + +-
-1j.J12 +-+ + + + -1/ ..J6 +- +- + +-+
-1j.J 12 +-+ + + + -1j.J6 +-+- + +-+
9 4/..J 20 +-+ + + + 9 2j.J6 +-+ +-+ +-
-1/..J 20 +- + + + + -1/..J 6 +-+ +- +- + -1j.J6 +-+-+ +-+ -1j.J20 +-+ + + + 10 2j.J6 +-+ + +-+--1j.J20 +-+ + + + -1/..J 6 +-+ +- +- + -1j.J20 +-+ + + + -1/..J 6 +- + +- +- +
" In this and subsequent tables (+) ( -) denote orbitals with plus or minus spins, respectively.
II. CONFIGURATION INTERACTION for all orbitals. The solution of the Roothaan SCF
The basis atomic orbital set chosen for the CH, NH, equations for the ground-state configurations14 of CH,
and OH molecules consists of the ls, 2s, 2p., and 2p± NH, and OH therefore give four orbitals in addition
carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen orbitals, and the 1s to the doubly degenerate 7r orbital, which is determined
hydrogen orbital. Slater screening factors were chosen 14 M. Krauss, J. Chern. Phys. 28, 1021 (1958).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:42:10CORRELATION CORRECTION STUDY OF CH, NH, AND OH 1289
TABLE II. Atomic orbital determinantal eigenfunctions.
Carbon dissociation
1/ti Coefficient c s z h 11'+ 11'_ product
1/..J 2 +-+- +- + 'Do, C-
1/..J 2 +-+- +- +
2 0.9745 +-+- +- + 'po, C
-0.2243/..J2 +- +-+- +
0.2243/..J2 +- +- +- +
3 1/..J 2 +- +-+- 'Do, C
1/..J 2 +- +-+- + 4 0.9888/..J 2 +-+- + + ID,C
-0.9888/..J2 +-+- + +
0.1488/..J 2 +- + + +--0. 1488/..J2 +- + +- + 5 1/2 +- +- + + IPO, C
-1/2 +- + +- + -1/2 +- + +- +
1/2 +- + + +-
6 1/..J 2 +- + + +- 'D, C
-1/..J2 +- + +- +
7 0.9814/..J2 +- +- +- + 'po, C-
-0.9814/V2 +-+- +- +
0.1918 +- +- +- +
8 -0.1918/V2 +- +- +- + 'po, C-
0.1918/V2 +-+- +- +
0.9814 +- +- +- + 9 0.2243 +- +- +- + 'po, C
0.9745/..J 2 +- +- +- + -0. 9745/..J 2 +- +-+- +
10 1/..J 2 +- + + +- 'D, C-
-1/..J2 +- + +- +
11 1/2 +- +- + + IDo, C
1/2 +- + +- + -1/2 +- + +- + -1/2 +- + + +-
12 -0.1488/V2 +-+- + + ID,C
0.1488/..J2 +-+- + +
0.9888/..J 2 +- + + +-
-O. 9888/..J 2 +- + +- +
13 1. 9776/V 6 +- +- + + 3P, C
-0.9888/..J6 +- +- + + -0.9888/V6 +-+- + +
0.2976/..J6 +- + +- + -0. 1488/..J6 +- + +- + -0. 1488/..J 6 +- + + +-
14 2/..J 12 +- + +- + 3PO, C
-2/..J 12 +- + +- + -1/..J 12 +- +- + +
-1/..J 12 +- + +- +
1/"; 12 +- + +- +
1/..J 12 +- + + +-
15 2/..J6 +- + +- + 'P, C-
-1/..J6 +- + + +-
-1/..J6 +- + +- +
16 2/..J6 +- + +- + 'P, C-
-1/..J6 +- + + +-
-1/..J6 +- + +- +
17 2/..J 12 +- + +- + 3Do, C
2/..J 12 +- + +- + -1/..J 12 +- +- + + -1/..J 12 +- + +- +
-1/..J12 +- + +- + -1/..J12 +- + + +-
18 -0.2976/..J6 +-+- + + 3P, C
O.1488/..J6 +-+- + +
0.1488/..J 6 +- +- + +
1. 9776/..J 6 +- + +- +
-0.9888/..J6 +- + +- +
-0.9888/..J6 +- + + +-
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TABLE II.-Continued.
Carbon dissociation
1/;i Coefficient c Iz 1r+ 1r_ product
1 1 +- +- + + + 4S0, C-
2 0.9888 +- +- + + + 'P, C
0.1488 +- +- + + +
3 1 +- + +- + + 4P, C-
4 0.9888 +- +- + + + 'P, C
-0.1488 +-+- + + +
5 1 +- + +- + + 4P, C+
6 1 +- + +- + + 4S0, C+
7 2N6 +- + + + + 'Do, C
-IN6 +- + + + + -l/v6 +- + + + +
8 3/ v 12 +- + + + + 'So, C
-INI2 +- + + + + -INI2 +- + + + + -INI2 +- + + + +
9 4/v2O +- + + + + 6S0, C
-IN20 +- + + + + -IN20 +- + + + + -IN20 +- + + + + -IN20 +- + + + +
1 1 +- +- + +-2Do, C-
2 0.9888 +- +- + +- ID, C
-0.1492 +- +- + +-
3 1 +- + +- +- 2D, C-
4 0.1492 +-+- + +- ID, C
0.9888 +- +- + +-
5 1 +- + +- +- 2D, C+
6 1 +- + +-+-2Do, C+
·7 2N6 +- + + +- 'Do, C
-IN6 +- + + +--IN6 +- + + +-
8 IN2 +- + + +- IDo, C
-IN2 +- + + +-
Nitrogen dissociation
1/;i Coefficient c z 11 1r+ 1r_ product
IN2 +-+- +- + 'P, N-
IN2 +-+- +- +
2 0.1344N2 +-+- +- + ap,N+
0.1344N2 +- +- +- +
0.9909N2 +- +-+- +
0.9909N2 +- +-+- +
3 -0. 1344N 2 +- +-+- + 'P, N+
-0.1344N2 +- +- +- +
0.9909N2 +-+- +- +
0.9909N2 +-+- +- +
4 IN6 +-+- + + 4S0, N
IN6 +- +- + + IN6 +- +- + + -1/v6 +- +- + + -IN6 +-+- + + -IN6 +- +- + +
5 IN6 +- + +- + 4P,N
IN6 +- +- + + IN6 +- +- + + -IN6 +- +- + + -1/v6 +- + +- + -IN6 +- + +- + 6 IN6 +- + + +- 'So, N+
IN6 +- + +- + IN6 +- + +- + -IN6 +- +- + + -IN6 +- + +- + -IN6 +- + +- +
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TABLE Ir.-Continued.
Nitrogen dissociation
.pi Coefficient s It 'Ir+ 'Ir_ product
7 1/ V 12 +-+- + + 'Do, N
1/ V 12 +- +- + + -2!V 12 +-+- + + -1!V 12 +-+- + + -1!V12 +-+- + +
2/ V 12 +-+- + +
8 1/ V 12 +- +- + + 'P, N
1/ V 12 +- +- + + -2!V12 +- + +- + -1!V 12 +- + +- + -1!V 12 +- + +- +
2/ V 12 +- +- + +
9 1/ V 12 +- + +- + 3Do, N+
1/ V 12 +- + +- + -2!V12 +- + + +--1!V 12 +- + +- + -1!V 12 +- + +- +
2/ V 12 +- +- + +
Oxygen dissociation
.pi Coefficient 0 z II 'Ir+ 'Ir_ product
0.1786 +- +-+-+- + 'PO, 0+
0.9839!V 2 +- +- +-+- + -0.9839!V2 +-+- +-+- +
2 1 +- +- +- +- + 'po,O-
3 1!V2 +- +- +-+- + 'DO, 0+
1!V2 +-+- +- +- +
4 0.9839 +- +- +- +- + 'PO, 0+
-0. 1786!V 2 +-+-+- +- + 0.1786!V2 +-+- +-+- +
5 2!V6 +- +- + +- + 'P,O -1!V6 +-+- + + +- + -1!V6 +-+- + +- +
6 2!V6 +- + +- +- + 'PO, 0
-1!V6 +- + +- + +- + -1!V6 +- +- + +- + 7 2!V6 +- + +- +- + 'P,O+
-1!V6 +- + + +- +- +
-1/-oJ6 +- + +- +- +
8 1!V2 +-+- + + +- + ID,O
-1!V2 +-+- + +- + 9 1!V2 +- + +- + +- + IDO, 0
-1!V2 +- +- + +- + 10 1!V2 +- + + +- +- + 'D,O+
-1!V2 +- + +- +- +
by symmetry. The rr orbitals are obtained as linear tions of determinants of atomic orbitals, are listed
combinations of the basis atomic orbital set, in Table II along with the symmetry states of C, N,
irr= LaiiXi> (1) or 0 atoms into which the state, 'It;, decomposes at
infinite internuclear distance.
The molecular wave function <P is chosen as a linear
with Xi= is, 2s, 2p., iSH and i= 1, 2, 3, 4. In each case combination of the 8i.
the 4rr orbital is not occupied in the ground state, but <P= LCl8;. (2) must be considered in enumerating all functions of a ;
given symmetry. In Table I we list the symmetry The variation of the coefficients in the energy expres-states, 8;, as linear combinations of determinantal sian eigenfunctions formed from the molecular orbitals for
the following molecular states: CR, 2II, 4~-, 26.; NR, E= J <p*H<pdp= ~ J;CkO*HklOClO (3)
3~-; OR, 2II. The states, 'It i, which are linear combina-
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TABLE III. CI Coefficients.
Ci CH'1l CH4Z- CH'.!l NH'Z-
1 0.9765 0.9650 0.9893 0.9893
2 -0.0808 0.0409 0.0061 -0.0437
3 -0.0479 0.2178 0.0829 -0.0968
4 -0.0110 -0.0299 -0.0148 0.0336
5 -0.0098 -0.0505 -0.0361 -0.0793
6 -0.0536 -0.0658 -0.0618 0.0009
7 0.1207 -0.0968 0.0184 -0.0023
8 0.0799 -0.0009 -0.0934 0.0028
9 -0.0190 -0.0509 -0.0499
10 -0.1011
11 -0.0028
12 -0.0017
13 0.0065
14 -0.0523
15 0.0003
16 0.0058
17 -0.0079
18 0.0040
leads to the usual variation equation
L (Hk1L EOk1) C10= 0,
where OH21l
It is to be noted that the basic functions, i(l, are ortho
normal and, therefore, so are the 8i. The matrix ele
ments are relatively easily determined and solutions of
the secular determinants were obtained on the IBM
704 computer. The coefficients of the wave functions
are given in Table III and in Table IV the total energy
is listed. The CI and ICC calculations were both
performed for the following distances: CH, 2.1240 a.u.;
NH, 1.9614 a.u.; OH, 1.8342 a.u. with 1 a.u.= 0.S293 A.
The Slater parameters chosen for the atomic orbitals
used in the molecular calculations were as follows:
H, 01=1.0; C, 01=S.7, ~=1.62S; N, 01=6.7, 02=1.95;
When constructing the SCF equations we do not
independently vary the space parts of the molecular
orbitals assigned different spins. All equations are
obtained, essentially, from a variation of the closed
shell configuration 1(122(123(12 which interacts with the
potential of the fixed 7r electrons. These SCF equa
tions may be considered as modified by an average
equivalence restriction.I5 As a result, Brillouin's
theorem16 is of little use, as single substitution energy
matrix elements are not necessarily zero or even small.
It is also assumed that states arising from excitation
of the 1(1 electrons do not interact strongly with the
states listed here. For this reason no states arising from
excitation of the 1(1 orbital are considered for the
8's and similarly for the \[I's with regard to the 1s
1. R. K. Nesbet, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A230, 312 (1955).
16 L. Brillouin, Actualites sci. et indo No. 159 (1934). In Table V we list the CI molecular energies, atomic
energies calculated from Slater atomic orbitals, and the
binding energies for the CI and single configuration
cases. For the CH case we have also considered the
interaction of the C2S2p2 and c2p4, 3 P, configurations of
the carbon atom in computing the CI binding energy.
It is seen that the corrections obtained here are of the
same order as those found in other works.5 As noted
before, the CI calculations do not appreciably improve
the agreement with experiment over that obtained
for a single configuration.
The energy matrix for any basis set \[I, for which
it is asymptotically diagonal may be decomposed into
two Hermitian matrices.6
H=!(MW+WM)+!(V+ vt), (6)
where vt is the Hermitian conjugate. The W matrix
has the observed atomic energies for diagonal elements.
We also see that
V=H-MW', (7)
where W' is the asymptotic form of H for increasing
internuclear separations. Therefore the corrected energy
matrix in the 'It basis is given by
H=H+!!M(W-W')+(W-W')M}, (8)
Hii= !\[IiH'ltidv
M ii= ! \[I i\[lidv
W= diag (WA, W B, ... )
W'=diag(W'A, W'B, ... ). (9)
The \[I's were so chosen that the asymptotic form of H
and W' is diagonal as prescribed above.
In the process of molecule formation a change in the
coupling of the orbitals is usually involved. Another and
perhaps more important change from atom to molecule
is that of the charge density of the orbital of each
electron. Both effects lead to different correlation
energies for the atoms and the molecule composed of
these atoms. In Moffitt's treatment such changes were
assumed unimportant. They are discussed more fully
by Hurley7 and Arai.I7 In the earliest applications the
separation to infinite distance was assumed to occur
in a nonadiabatic fashion. The orbital parameters
determined at the finite (usually equilibrium inter
nuclear) distance were used to evaluate all the atom
states in the W' matrix.I8 Hurley and RahmanI9 have
17 T. Arai, J. Chern. Phys. 26, 435, (1957).
18 W. Moffitt, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A2tO, 224 (1951).
19 A. Rahman, Physica 20,623 (1954); A. C. Hurley, Proc. Phys.
Soc. (London) A68, 149 (1955).
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TABLE IV. Total and binding energy.&
B(exp)e CH,2fl
3.64 CH, 'z- CH,2LJ.
-38.205 -38.068
-38.449 -38.364
-38.384 NH,2z- OH,2fl
-54.810 -75.086
-55.240 -75.764
-55.232 -75.753
-55.259 -75.778
3.27 3.93
4.01 4.58
& Atomic units used for all but binding energies which are in ev. 1 atomic unit (a.u.) =27.210 ev.
b Slater shielding parameters in atomic aclculations.
C Roothaan shielding parameters in atomic calculations. See reference 21.
d ER(ICC) results used for NH and OH and Es(ICC) for CH.
e Includes zero-point energy. Atomic energies from C. E. Moore, Nat!. Bur. Standards (U.S.) Circ. No. 467, (1949). Molecular
energies from reference 20.
shown that this procedure is in error. Hurley has
emphasized that the W' elements should be the best
atomic energies which can be obtained from the chosen
basic set when all parameters are varied as the atom
separations go to infinity. This is the prescription for
the construction of W' in Eq. (7). It is assumed that
the molecular correlation errors may be attributed to
the atomic correlation errors with no allowance for
orbital deformation on molecule formation. However,
Hurley showed that the earlier approach to the con
struction of the W' matrix also included errors due to
non optimum parameter values which should not be
considered with the correlation error.
For our purposes the solution of the secular deter
was more practicable than that of the determinant
which would be based on the energy matrix of Eq. (8).
We have
in the 8 basis. The transformation matrix is given by
'lr=8S, (12)
We now see that
(W -W/)O= S(W -W') S-1. (14)
We must, however, justify the use of Eq. (12), for
neither 8 nor'l' is complete; they do not include states
arising from excitation of the 10" or 1s functions. S
"hould then be an mX n matrix where m equals the total
number of 8 states and n is the number of 'lr states
chosen for the problem. We note, though, that in the
construction of the correction matrix in the 8 basis
the nXn part corresponding to the restricted 8 basis arises from the application of only the nXn part of S
in Eq. (14). The correction matrix in the'lr basis is an
nX n diagonal matrix and no consideration need be
made for those 'lr functions which would complete the
The neglect of certain of the 8 states gives rise to
two errors. st S is no longer equal to M and the energy
matrix elements corresponding to functions arising
from excitation of the 10" orbital are neglected. The
latter error is very small and essentially is identical
with the original one incurred by not considering
excitation of the 1s orbitals. The correction terms will
not change previous considerations of second-order
perturbation theory that contributions of such excited
states are negligible. The errors in M or concomitant
errors in the coefficients of the states due to improper
normalization will lead to small errors in those relations
such as the populations which concern themselves with
the charge distribution. However, direct computation
of M shows that such errors amount to only several
parts in the ten thousandth place.
The calculated and observed atomic energies required
for the correction matrix are given in Table VI. The
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the secular deter
minants are given in Tables IV and VII, respectively.
Secular determinants arising only from the more
strongly interacting states were solved for the CH 2II,
NH3~-, and OH2II cases. The results for the 81> 82,
TABLE V. Hydride binding energy.
-75.086 Slater
a Zero-point energy included.
b CI energy included.
c See reference 13. CI
1.4 Single
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84,87,88, and 810 states of CH were essentially identical
to that obtained by considering all 18 states. For NH
and OH the difference was greater, but we see that a
TABLE VI. Experimental and calculated atomic energies (a.u.).
State Experimental- Theoretical (Slater)
C S2p2 3p -37.855 -37.6383b
'D -37.809 -37.5697b
Sp3 .50 -37.701 -37.5218
3Do -37.563 -37.2932
3pO -37.512 -37.2248
'DO -37.409 -37.0418
350 -37.373 -37.0190
'po -37.309 -36.9732
p' 3p -37.144c -36.7863b
'D -37.097c -36.7177b
C+ S2p 2p -37.441 -37.2853 b
Sp2 .p -37.245 -37.1125
2D -37.100 -36.8999 2p -36.937 -36.7027
p3 ·5 -36.794 -36.6346
2D -36.756 -36.5206 2p -36.672 -36.4001b
C-S2p3 ·5 -37.895d -37.5609
2D -37.843 c -37.4691 2p -37.819 c -37.4393 b
sp' .p -37.637c -37.2351
2D -37.551c -37.0603 2p -37.429c -36.8943
po 2p -37.234c -36.5867 b
Theoretical Theoretical
State Experimental- (Slater) (Roothaan)
N S2p3 '5
sp· .p
N S2p3 3p
Sp2 3D
p' 3p
N-S2p' 3p
H-h2 '5
H h 25
H o S2p' 3p
'D sp. 3p
Ip o S2p3 2D
sp' 2D 2p
p. 2p o s2p. 2p -54.612
-53.892 c
-0.5 o
-75.1641 -54.2651
-52.6987 b
-0.5 o
-74.2863 -54.2689
-53.8114 -53.3694
-53.8347 b
-72.5316 b
• All values not otherwise designated taken from C. E. Moore,
see Table IV, reference d.
b CI included.
c Quadratic extrapolation.
d C. R. Lagergren, thesis, University of Minnesota (1956).
• Arbitrarily chosen 0.01 a.u. above '5 of N. See Branscomb and
Smith, J. Chem. Phys. 25, 598 (1956).
1 Branscomb and Smith, Phys. Rev. 98, 1127 (1955).
smaller number of trial functions can be chosen by a
second-order calculation to give essentially the same
results as would be obtained from the solution of the TABLE VII. ICC coeflicients.
Ci CH2IT CH42:- CH2~ NH22:- OH2fl
1 0.9771 0.9757 0.9854 0.9838 0.0130
2 -0.0452 0.0796 0.0940 -0.0110 0.9813
3 -0.0049 0.1737 0.1074 -0.1020 -0.0417
4 0.0786 -0.0106 -0.0188 0.0187 -0.0081
5 -0.0395 0.0124 0.0115 -0.0505 0.1727
6 -0.0066 -0.0188 -0.0041 -0.0619 -0.0508
7 0.1339 -0.0865 0.0755 0.1075 -0.0089
8 0.0785 -0.0011 -0.0481 -0.0555 0.0117
9 -0.0057 0.0577 -0.0177 0.0465
10 -0.0985 -0.0171
11 -0.0195
12 0.0109
13 -0.0021
14 -0.0311
15 0.0002
16 0.0028
17 0.0000
18 0.0035
complete energy matrix. The energy computed by a
second-order calculation also differed inappreciably
from that obtained by solution of the complete secular
determinant. However, such computational short-cuts
would lose significant information which, we shall see
later, resides in the energetically less important states.
In Table VIII we list the ICC results that have been
obtained for various hydrides. Although the results
are very definite improvements over those values
obtained by SCF of CI calculations, it is stilI not
possible to choose between experimental values sepa
rated by O.S ev or less. In NH and OH the binding
energies computed from ER and Es, listed in Table IV,
differ by about 0.3 ev. Assuming a smaller change for
CH we then obtain approximately 2.7 ev for the CH
binding energy which should be compared with the
value reported by Hurley who used optimum two
parameter Slater functions.
The 2II_2~ separation for CH is found to be 2.7 ev
for the ICC calculation. This agrees quite well with the
TABLE VIII. ICC binding energies.-
Molecule ICC Hurleyb ICC This work Experimentalc
-In ev. 2.72
b See reference 13.
c See reference d of Table IV.
d See reference 12. 2.97
3.93 3.15±0.4
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experimental20 value of 2.87 ev but, of course, the 2~
level is in error, absolutely by the same amount as the
2II level. However, the agreement for this level separa
tion indicates that some faith may be put in the
2II -41;-separation of 0.4 ev. A CI calculation shows
the 2~ state 3.7 ev above the 2II (Table IX). Hurley
has obtained extremely accurate vertical excitation
energies for all the excited states18 of CH, NH, and
OH; the 2II_2~ separation for CH is reported as 2.83
ev. Although such results extend the feeling of con
fidence in the method, any judgment valid for the
ground state should apply here. We can only state that
more accurate single configuration calculations and
extensive parameter variation in the molecular ICC
calculation are probably required before the method
can be thoroughly checked.
A discussion of the dipole results will offer some
insight into the effects of the correlation correction
(Table X). The values computed in the molecular
orbital basis agree closely with those found by Hurley
who used a restricted valence bond basis. This IS
another indication that such a restricted basis is
adequate for most purposes.
TABLE IX. ICC excitation energies of CH.·
This work This work Hurleyb Experimentalc
• In ev. o
-0.0 5
b See reference 13.
c See reference 20. o
3.97 o
The increase in the OH moment over that found for
the SCF or CI cases is due mainly to a large admixture
of 8.; that of NH arises mainly from the 81 state. In
both cases these states give no contribution in the
second order in the uncorrected energy matrix, but are
the second most important states in the corrected
matrix. The contributions to the correction matrix
have been broken down with reference to the individual
atom state corrections for the 1,1 and 1 ,7 elements of
NH, the 2,2 and 2,5 elements of OH, and the 1,1 ele
ment of CH. These are exhibited in Table XI.
The importance of the negative ion states has already
been noted by Hurley and the basis for this can be seen
in their contributions to the corrections. It must be
noted that the ICC procedure as applied here empha
sizes these states, which are very poorly represented by
20 G. Herzberg, Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure,
I. Spectra of Diatomic Molecules (D. Van Nostrand Company,
Inc., Princeton, New Jersey, 1950), second edition. TABLE X. Dipole moment."
Molecule BH CH NH OH FH
SCF 0.99b 0.93c 0.90c 0.920 0.87b
CI 0.99b O.60b 0.53b 0.82b 0.96h
0.77 0.85 0.78
ICC 1.26b 1.61b 1.94b 2.16h 2.35b
1.54 1.63 2.05
Experimental 1.541 1.91-
" Direction X-H+ in all cases and in units of Debyes.
b See reference 13.
c See reference 14.
d See reference 5.
o See reference 12.
1 R. P. Madden and W. S. Benedict, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 408
(1955) .
-N. Hannay and C. Smythe, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 68, 171 (1946).
the two or three21 parameter functions and therefore
lead to large corrections. For CH the largest term in
the correction arises from the 8 P ground state of the
carbon atom. The ground state of the carbon negative
ion, the 4S, plus a proton do not correlate with a 2II
molecular state but apparently this leads to no anoma
lous break in the trend of dipole moments or other
similar quantities.
Hurley has noted that another striking feature of the
ICC calculation is the reduction of the antibonding of
(W -W')iko=~Si;(W -W') ;,;S;k-1
",(i,kH,i) 11 11 (1,7+7,1) 22 j", 2' , 2 '
1 -0.0472 -0.1952 -0.1793 -0.0319
2 -0.0343 -0.0003 0.0037 -0.2794
3 -0.0005 -0.0541 0.0971 -0.0401
4 -0,0257 -0.0813 0,0295 -0.0098
5 -0.0025 -0.0060 -0.0304 -0.1968
6 -0.0034 -0.0230 -0.0074 -0.0192
7 -0,0462 -0.0446 0.0162 -0.0122
8 -0.0031 -0.0039 -0.0199 -0.0683
9 -0.0098 -0.0101 -0.0033 -0.0069
10 0 -0,0037
11 -0,0028
12 -0.0009
13 -0.0698
14 -0.0066
15 -0,0115
16 0
17 -0,0062
18 -0.0026
]; -0.2731 -0.4185 -0.0938 -0.6685
; OH
21 C. C. J. Roothaan, Technical Report, Laboratory of Molec
ular Structure and Spectra, University of Chicago (1955).
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TABLE XII. Atomic and overlap populations.
Calculation N(k) N(s) N(u)
CI 2.001 1.840 1.104 1.063
ICC 2.001 1.827 1.255 1.069
CI 2.001 1.908 1.159 2.000
ICC 2.001 1.933 1.320 2.000
CI 2.000 1.919 1.203 2.999
ICC 2.000 1.938 1.443 2.999
the s orbital, as measured by the overlap population,22
from that found in the single configuration. The popu
lations in the molecular orbital basis are in qualitative
agreement with those obtained by Hurley with the
most significant difference in the case of CH. The
functions we employ allow for U-'>1r excitation and we
note a small transfer of 0.069 electrons in the ICC case.
However, the total popUlation N(p) of all p electrons
is 2.324 which is in very good agreement with Hurley's
valuel3 of 2.228. For completeness these values are
given in Table XII.
In NH the following valence states are neglected by
Hurley, N(SZ2xy, i2P+14P)+H, N+(szxy, i3D+13S)
+H-, and N+(Z2xy, 3P)+H-, whose occupation
numbers, as defined by Hurley,23 are -0.0003, 0.0004,
and -0.023, respectively. In OH the occupation
numbers of the valence states 0+ (szx2y, PP+!2D) +Ho (SZ2x2y, !ID+t3P)+H, 0+ (S2z2y, !2D+!2P)+H-,
and 0+(Z2x2y, 2P)+H- are 0.0001, -0.000 0, O.OO~, and
-0.0002, respectively. These are to be compared with
the weights of the negative ion states which are 0.443
and 0.405 for 0-and N-, respectively. We see that the
neglect of these states is justified.
Another important way of assessing the merits of
the CI or ICC calculations is from a study of the
Fermi contact term of the magnetic hyperfine interac
tion.24 Unfortunately, an experimental determination of
the contact term for any of the radicals studied here
is lacking; the contact term has not been separated
from the dipole-dipole terms.25 Matheson and Smaller26
find a resonance absorption doublet at g= 2.0 in ice
irradiated at 4 OK which they attribute to the OH
radical. The splitting of about 30 Mc, however, arises
22 For the ICC or CI cases the population analysis of R. S.
Mulliken, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 1833 (1955) can be generalized by
using the equations of P. O. Lowdin, Phys. Rev. 97, 1474 (1955)
on the first-order density matrix i,n the case of CL See Hurley,
reference 13.
23 A. C. Hurley, J. Chern. Phys. 28, 532 (1958).
24 Kotani, Mizurno, Kayama, and Ishiguro, J. Phys. Soc. Japan
12, 707 (1957).
'Ii Dousrnanis, Sanders, and Townes, Phys. Rev. 100, 1735
26 M. S. Matheson and B. Smaller, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 521
(1955). N(h) n(kh) n(sh) n(uh) n
0.991 -0.010 -0.300 0.647 0.367
0.848 -0.008 -0.138 0.644 0.497
0.932 -0.008 -0.287 0.581 0.286
0.746 -0.007 -0.210 0.547 0.330
0.878 -0.006 -0.253 0.526 0.267
0.617 -0.004 -0.111 0.478 0.363
from both the contact term and the dipole-dipole
term since at 4 OK rapid rotation of the radicals, by
which the dipole-dipole term averages to zero,27 is not
to be expected. Nevertheless, it is of interest to calculate
the quantity
167r /3 (I-'Ol-'r/ I S.)\jt2 (0) . (15)
1-'0 is the Bohr magneton and I-'r and I are the nuclear
magnetic moment and spin, respectively. 'lF2(0) is the
spin density at the magnetic nucleus. Usually, \jt2(0)
is assumed to be zero as this corresponds to the zero
order eigenfunction with the free spin localized on the
nonmagnetic nucleus in a 1r orbital. As has been noted
by a number of authors, CI is one means of determining
free spin at the hydrogen atom.2B For OH the values
obtained for the contact constant are 1.0 and 15.0 Mc
for the CI and ICC cases, respectively. Two points
are of interest in connection with this computation.
The most important terms in the calculation of the
contact term are the cross terms between the most
important or ground state and the higher states for
which the matrix elements are nonzero. The higher
states required for OH and CH have been those
which could be neglected without serious error in
the energy calculation. We see that complete calcula
tions must be attempted if quantities other than the
energy are of interest. For OH we also observed con
siderable cancellation among the matrix elements
which raises a serious question as to the accuracy of the
OH results. For NH we note that the contact interac
tion vanishes identically for the nine states considered
here. The results for CH may be of more direct interest
as this radical provides the simplest case of a phe
nomenon widely exhibited in the aromatic radicals and
ions, the delocalization of the free spin initially as
sociated with a 1r orbital, and rough calculations for
analogous CH fragments have been employed to
elucidate the more complicated situation.26 We have
27 S. I. Weissman, J. Chern. Phys. 22, 1378 (1954).
28 H. M. McConnell and D. B. Chesnut, J. Chern. Phys. 28,
107 (1958).
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obtained -75.2 and -34.2 Mc for the CI and ICC
cases, respectively, which agrees very well with the
results of McConnell and Chesnut. However, we note
that only approximately 50% of the splitting arises
from the matrix elements connecting the ground state
and singly excited states; the CH system cannot be
treated quantitatively by only a first-order perturba
tion treatment. We must also recognize that a first
order treatment is very dependent upon the exact form
chosen for the SCF equations by the application of
equivalence restriction considerations as this strongly
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS affects the value of the single substitution energy
matrix elements.15•16 It must be noted also that some
20 to 30% of the foregoing values arise from contribu
tions of the unpaired oxygen or carbon fT electron
density at the proton.
The authors are indebted to Mr. P. J. Walsh and
Dr. E. Haynesworth for their invaluable assistance in
facilitating the computations and to Dr. A. C. Hurley
for his very helpful comments and criticisms.
Theory of Orientational Effects and Related Phenomena in Dielectric Liquids
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science, A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
(Received January 13, 1958)
Formulas are developed for the molar constants of five non
linear effects of molecular orientation in liquids; namely, the di
electric saturation in electric, magnetic, or optical fields and the
electric as well as the magnetic birefringence. No assumption is made
concerning the nature of the intermolecular forces, and no special
model of molecular interaction is introduced. If the molecules may
be considered to possess axial symmetry, four correlation factors
Rp , ReM, Rj{, and Rs can be derived. These factors appear in
the formulas of the molar constants of the Cotton-Mouton and
Kerr effects, and of the effect of dielectric saturation in an electric,
magnetic, or optical field. The correlation factors have been
calculated as functions of ()(pq), the angle between the axes of
ORIENTATIONAL nonlinear effects, or phenomena
of molecular orientation, are phenomena in which
the external electric or magnetic field produces align
ment of anisotropic molecules causing a change in
electric, magnetic, optical, or other properties of the
medium. There are five nonlinear phenomena of
molecular orientation which the authors intend to
consider in the present paper, namely: (1) dielectric
saturation in the electric field or the effect of the
electric field on the electric permittivity of the medium,
(2) dielectric saturation in the magnetic field, (3)
dielectric saturation in the optical field or the effect of
an intense light beam on the electric permittivity, (4)
electric birefringence or the electro-optical Kerr effect,
(5) magnetic birefringence or the Cotton-Mouton
effect. In dense gases and liquids these phenomena are
influenced by intermolecular forces, among which
directional forces causing short-range molecular orien
tation are of importance. Because of intermolecular
forces, such phenomena as the scattering of light or
the lowering of the freezing point of solutions are
intimately related with the orientational effects. symmetry of the pth and qth molecules, in the absence of a bias
ing field. The theory makes it possible to predict the value of the
magnetodielectric saturation effect in diamagnetic liquids, as well
as the photodielectric saturation, relating these phenomena to
magnetic or electric birefringence. Moreover, the meaning of this
theory consists in the fact that it gives a quantitative explanation
of the inverse saturation effect appearing in some polar liquids and
increasing their dielectric constant. Satisfactory results have been
obtained by applying this theory to such phenomena as light
scattering in liquids or the lowering of the freezing point, in which
the orientationally dependent intermolecular forces play an im
portant part.
One of us (A. P.) had previously given a theory of
molecular orientational effects in polar liquids and
their solutions in nonpolar solvents.1-7 That theory,
however, which was based on the assumption that the
directional forces due to the effect of the momentarily
nearest molecule playa greater part than other inter
molecular forces, had but a restricted field of applica
tion. Nevertheless, very good agreement with experi
mental results had been obtained for nitrobenzene and
its solutions in nonpolar solvents,6.7 and it had been
supported by cryoscopic measurements. s In particular,
the theory yielded a quantitative explanation of the
rather peculiar phenomenon of the positive or inverse
saturation effect consisting in an increase in the
permittivity of polar liquids, when placed in an electric
1 A. Piekara, Acta Phys. Poloruca 4, 53, 73, 163 (1935).
2 A. Piekara, Acta Phys. Poloruca 6,130,150 (1937); Physik. Z.
38, 671 (1937).
~ A. Piekara, Z. Physik 108, 395 (1938).
4A. Piekara, Compt. rend. 204, 1106 (1937); 208,990, 1150
• A. Piekara, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) Al72, 360 (1939).
6 A. Piekara, Nature 159, 337 (1947).
7 A. Piekara, Acta Phys. Poloruca 10, 37, 107 (1950).
8 A. Piekara, Acta Phys. Poloruca 11, 99 (1951).
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1.1735065.pdf | ``OpenCircuit'' Voltages in the Plasma Thermocouple
H. W. Lewis and J. R. Reitz
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 30, 1838 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1735065
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735065
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Downloaded 16 Jul 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 30. NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER. 1959
Letters to the Editor
"Open-Circuit" Voltages in the
Plasma Thermocouple*
H. w. LEwIst AND J. R. REITz~
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Los Alamos, New .I'vI exico
(Received August 3. 1959)
INa previous note,I we have discussed the characteristics of the
plasma thermocouple from a thermodynamic point of view.
We here rederive and extend our results on the open-circuit
voltage of the cell, so as to clarify the mechanism involved, and
to take into account the circumstance that few experimental
measurements are made at zero current.
We begin by considering the equilibrium, in vacuum, between
a hot thermionic cathode, and the associated electron gas. This
equilibrium is determined by the equality between the Richardson
current flowing out of the cathode,
jsat = jout = A T"e-W/kT,
and the current into the cathode from the electron gas
jin= lnev= (nkTe)/(21rmkT)', (1)
where n is the density of the electron gas. In equilibrium, (1) and
(2) are equal, which determines the pressure p, of the electron gas.
The result is
p,= (jout/e) (21rmkT)!
or, roughly, between 20000K and 3000oK,
pc(mm Hg)"" (l/5000)j,at(amp/cm'). (3)
This result is, of course, equally well obtained from the equality
of the electrochemical potential inside and outside the cathode.
For plasma densities leading to electron pressures greater than
that given by (3) or (4), the electron gas is neutralized, so that, in
equilibrium, a barrier B is erected against jiD, over a distance of a
Debye length. Then the pressure becomes an independent
parameter, and B is determined by equating
jin= (nkT)/(21rmkT)!e-B/kT (5)
to jout, still given by (1).
In the regime governed by (5), consider a cathode at tempera
ture TI, and an anode at temperature T" in contact with the
plasma (see Fig. 1), at constant pressure. Suppose further that
LEVEL I } ~ " }. j
FIG. 1. Potential diagram for plasma diode during passage of a trickle
current. ! ,is the chemical potential of electrons in the plasma i =kT In[h'n/
2 (2 .. mkT).J.
there is no temperature drop across the Debye sheath near'either
cathode and anode. Then
Bc= We +kTI InLTI2(2:mkTl)l] (6) and similarly for the anode. The emf of the cell is given by
E=Ba-Bc+W c-Wa= -kTllnLTI2(2~mkTl)']
+kTzlnLT2'(2;mkT2)J (7)
With the correct value of A, this is exactly the formula given in
the previous note. It is clear that it is only correct for a genuine
open circuit, since the current balance at the anode is important,
and the emission current of the anode is generally small. §
Suppose now that we draw a current of density j through the
cell, large compared to the anode emission current, as we will
normally do with even a good high-resistance voltmeter. We shall
suppose it small compared to the emission of the cathode, since
we do not propose here to discuss the full characteristic of the cell.
Then Ba is determined by setting (5) equal to j:
Ba(j) =kT,lnC(21r:Ze
kT2)J (8)
so that
= kT'lnC(h~ekT,)I] -kT1lnLTl'(2:mkTl)l] -Wo. (9)
This formula represents, in effect, the fact that the cathode and
anode are acting as junction rectifiers, with the cathode operating
in the direction of easy current flow, and the anode reversed.
Consider now a special case, that for which Tl = T2• By this we
mean that the electron gas in the vicinity of the anode is at the
cathode temperature, not that the cathode and anode are at the
same temperature. There are reasons for believing that this is a
good approximation in some cases, when the current drawn is not
too large (or too small); other cases are outside the intended
scope of this note. Then (9) becomes
It is important to note that the j appearing in this formula is the
current density at the anode, which may differ from that at the
cathode in, for example, a cylindrical device.
This can now be written in an interesting form by bringing the
work function of the anode into the logarithm, and observing that
A T"e-Wa/kT is the saturation current the anode would have, if its
temperature were T. Call this jo(T). Then
E(j; T1=T2)=kTln[jo(T)/jJ (11)
which is our final result for this case, which we now discuss. It is
valid only for a uniform temperature of the plasma, and for a
trickle current j large compared to the actual emission current of
the anode.
First, it is clear from (10) that, for a given trickle current j
and temperature T, the voltage depends upon the anode work
function Wo. This explains in a simple way the increase in "open
circuit" voltage observed by Pidd et al.,' when 10-6 mm of cesium
was released into their cell at constant temperature. The cesium
coated the anode, reducing its work function by a volt or two,
and the output voltage increased accordingly. It therefore pays
to have a low work function anode, for a high-voltage output.
At the higher cesium pressures we believe that coating of the
insulators, and another geometric effect, to be discussed below,
have affected the results.
The second point to be noticed is that, as mentioned before,
the current density j appearing in (11) is the current density at
the anode. This means that, for a given trickle current, a large
area anode increases the "open-circuit" voltage. For example, a
cylindrical geometry, with the anode on the outside, will give an
increased voltage t:.E given by
t:.E=kT In (R/r) (12)
over the corresponding plane case, where Rand r are the outer
and inner radii of the plasma volume. This is simply a consequence
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of the fact that a larger anode area requires a biggcr barrier
voltage to limit the total current.
\Ve want also to point out that we must be circumspect about
quantitative analysis of the voltages in geometries such as those
used by Pidd et al.,' in which an emitter button is welded to the
center of a plate. In such a geometry, very large leakage currents
flow from the button to the surrounding colel plate, through the
plasma, even when no current is drawn from the anode. Indeed,
the button is probably always loaded nearly to saturation by the
surrounding short~circuit load. In such a case, one can believe
the effects that depend upon the anode, but not, in detail, those
depending on the current balance at the cathode. It is much
easier to analyze quantitatively either cylindrical or more nearly
plane geometries.
* \\'ork perfornwd under the atl~pic('s of the {T. S. Atomic Encrgy
Commission. t Permanent addres,",: UniVf'fsity of \\,iscoll::;in, Madbon, \Viscon:.;in. t Permanent address: Case Institute of Technology, Clevelanrl, Ohio.
I II. W. Lewio amlJ. R. Reitz. J .. -\ppl. I'hys. 30,1439 (1959).
§ There is, in addition, a small arlditional voltage in the cell, which has
been determined by SpitZf'f and by LanrlsllOff to be 0.7/;:('1'1 ~T2). \Ve have
ignored this term, which amounts to a COli pIe of tenths of a volt in the case
of interest to ll~.
2 Pidd,'.Gro\·rr, Salmi, Roehling, and Erickson, J. Appl. Phy.<. 30, IS7S
(1959). •
On Graphite Whiskers*
P.\PL J. BJ{Y.\~'[, T. HRITE DA;-;n:r., A-"'l"D FRED R. ROLl.I:--.lS, JR.
.~lid'W('st Researrh Institute, Kansas City 10, lfiss()llri
(Rccciwo July 1,1959)
THE structure of graphite whiskers is being studied in
connection with some experiments on the mechanism of
friction. Whiskers were selected for these experiments because it
was thought that they were single crystals. The whiskers grow
inside a solid boule which is deposited by a high-pressure dc
carbon arc. I-a '\licroscopic examination of (he whiskers showed
damage which may have occured when the houle was broken
apart and the whiskers pulled out. A technique for removing them
from the boule without causing damage was developed.4"
\Vhiskers have been removed from a boule by heating to 525°C
for 2 min in a stream of oxygen moving about 1 cm/sec. The
method also works when the boule is heated in still air although
more time is required. Selective oxidation takes place for two
reasons: first, the whiskers have a more stable crystal structure
than the matrix; second, they are preferentially cooled because of
their large surface to volume ratio. A practical advantage of
FI(;. 1. Graphite whiskf'r siJ()\ving se\'f'ral cn:~tal
segl1leIlt~. ScalP marker, lOp. thermal e,traction is that large numbers of whiskers can be
caught on a screen placed downstream from the boule.
Figure 1, taken through an oil immersion objective, shows a
graphite whisker which was removed from a boule by the method
described in (he foregoing. The whisker shows several crvstal
segments each having a polygonal cross section. -
We wish to express our appreciation to Dr. Roger Bacon of the
;\;'ational Carbon Company for providing us with several houles.
* Thiti research \vati supporU'd by the U. S. Air Force under Contract No.
A.F33(616)-6277, monitored by the Materials Laboratory, \Vright Air
Df'w'lopment CE'nter, \Vright-Patterson Air Force Hase, Ohio.
1 R. Bacon and J. C. Bowman, BIlII. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. I 1,2, 131 (1 ()S7).
2 R. Bacon, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. II, 3, lOS (1958).
;) R. Bacon in Growth (lild Perfection 0/ Crystals (John \Yiley & Sons, InC'.,
Kew York, 1958).
4 P. J. Bryant, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. II, 4,265 (1959).
" T. B. DaniC'1 in ProaetiinRs of the First Symposium on ,r..,'urJarr Effects on
,f..;pace Craft ,\4a/erials (John \Viley & Sons, Inc., .:'\P\\' York) (to b(' Pllbli~hed
late iu 1959).
Theory of Coehsive Peeling of Adhesive Joints
Jlystih Adhesive Proriucls, Inc., Sorthjuld, Illinois
(Rf'cE'ivE'd 11arcb 9, 1(59)
WHEN an adhesive joint is subjected to peeling, the adhesive
film breaks into tiny strings. In the first phase of peeling
the number of strings increases and the strings are stretched longer
and longer. As a result the peeling force required increases accord
ingly. When the first layer of strings reaches the maximum
elongation allowed by the circumstance, a "steady state" is
reached: the peeling force is a maximum, the first layer of strings
starts to break, and a new layer of strings comes into being at the
other end of the strained rcgion. When the first layer of strings
is broken, the peeling force drops down, but climbs up again to the
maximum as the peeling goes on. The cycle repeats itself again
and again until the joint is completely peeled. The maximum
peeling force just before the breaking of strings will be dealt where
in this report. The treatment in this rcport is restricted to the case
of 90° cohesive peeling, in which no interfacial break is allowed and
the joint or the "glue line" remains perpendicular to the line
formed by the free ends of the adherenc1s as shown in Fig. L
Sincc the adhesive film is assumed to be homogeneous, the
strained region is symmetrical to a line bisecting the joint. Thus
only one~half of the joint needs to be considered. From the theory
of elasticity one has dO/dL=Jf / IiI, where 0, M, l~, anel] are the
bending angle, bending moment, Young's ,modulus, and moment
of inertia of the adhcrend, respectively, anu dL is an infinitesimal
length of the adherend. It follows that
(d'o/dV) = (1/ HI) (d2M /dD) = (1/ FJ) (dV /dL) , (I)
where dV is the load on dL.
When the number of strings per unit area of adherend is
designated by m, the contact area bet ween the string and the
adherend is l/m. The stress S is referred to the projection of this
area on the x axis, which is cosO/m. The component of the strctch~
ing force perpendicular to the adhercnd is S cos'fl / m and the
number of strings on the area W dL is mW dL, W being the width
of the joint. So the bending force on this area is d l' = -WS cos2lJdL.
Putting this quantity into] and expressing 0 in terms of the
elongation y by use of the relation dy/dL=sinO, we have
Y4 (1-y,2)2+3YlY2y:;(1- y,2) +yi+2 yI2y,'
WS + JU (l-y,2)'/'=O, (II)
where Yi is the ith derivative of y with respect to L.
To compute the stress S, a 3-element mechanical model,l as
shown in Fig. 2, is used to represent the behavior of the adhesive,
which consists of an elastic spring of Young's modulus l~, con~
nected in series with a parallel combination of a viscous flow
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1.1744665.pdf | 1,2 versus 1,4Addition to 1,3Butadiene by a Simple LCAOMO Method
Frank L. Pilar
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 29, 1119 (1958); doi: 10.1063/1.1744665
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1744665
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/29/5?ver=pdfcov
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 13:06:25THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 29, NUMBER 5 NOVEMBER, 1958
1,2-versus 1 ,4-Addition to 1 ,3-Butadiene by a Simple LCAO-MO Method
Department of Chemistry, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire
(Received June 9, 1958)
The addition of various reagents such as halogens and hydrogen halides to 1,3-butadiene by an ionic
mechanism is ideally visualized as proceeding in two steps, viz., the electrophilic attack of the 1-or 2-position
followed by nucleophilic attack to form either the 1,2-or 1, 4-addition product. A simple LCAO-MO ap
proach was applied to a proposed transition state arising from the first step of the reaction. Atom stabilization
energies and frontier electron densities were calculated for the various positions of attack involved during the
final step of the addition. The effect of the electronegativity of the group adding during the first step relative
to the electronegativity of the carbon atoms in the conjugated system was used to alter certain of the
LCAO-MO parameters. Agreement of the results with experiment is discussed briefly.
WHEN a reagent RA (such as Br2 and Hel) adds to 1 ,3-butadiene by an ionic mechanism, it is customary
to depict the addition as occurring in two steps:
(\) R+ +CH~-CH-CH ~CH,----> [ ~~/ CH -CH~CH, r
(2) A-+ [~H2/ CH-CH =CH2l+~~H2-CH =CH-~H2
Wheland1 has shown that both 1,2-and 1, 4-addition
are compatible with molecular orbital theory but that
"We are unable to predict which of the two possible
products will predominate." This paper will suggest
an approach whereby it appears possible to predict
the predominant product in certain simple cases.
The exact nature of the bracketed transition-state
carbonium ion is not known although the author's
depiction as a cyclic complex has found some favor.2
However, it will be assumed that at some point prior
to attack by the nucleophilic species A-the configura
tion of the transition state may be represented by
[R-C-C-C-C]+ 0' [C-J-C-C r
where the remaining two pi electrons are confined to
three 2jnr orbitals of carbon (the hydrogen atoms have
been omitted for clarity).
The first step in the problem is to choose the more
likely transition state by some useful criterion of
1 G. W. Wheland, Resonance in Organic Chemistry (John Wiley
and Sons, Inc., New York, 1955), p. 459.
2 K. Mislow and H. M. Hellman, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 73, 244
(1951). and
chemical reactivity, i.e., is the R-atom more stable
in the I-position (transition state I) or in the 2-position
(transition state II)? This paper will suggest how this
choice may be made and, furthermore, how the chosen
transition state may be treated to predict the position
attacked during the second step of the addition.
The molecular orbitals (MO's) for the 1, 3-butadiene
molecule are formed by
where the cp's are 2P7r atomic orbitals of the rth carbon
atom and the subscript j refers to the particular energy
levels obtained by solution of the secular equations
for r values of the pi electron energy E. The following
assumptions are made:
Hr.(1 r-s 1 = 1) =(3; Hr.(1 r-s 1 >1)=0
the standard C-C resonance integral;
Hr.(r=s) =a;
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TABLE 1. Atom stabilization energies and frontier electron
densities of 1,3-butadiene.a
r=2 0.6708
a Atom numbering scheme RC1C2CaC •.
b In units of {3.
o In units of electron charge e. 0.725
the standard carbon coulombic integral; i.e., all overlap
integrals are neglected (or.= Kronecker delta).
Solution of the secular Eqs. (2) using the above
assumptions and the normalization condition,
leads to the well-known MO's (lowest to highest) and
corresponding values of E (in units of fJ) :
1/11 = 0.3718(</>1+</>4) +0.6015 (4)2+<pa)
1/12= 0.6015 (</>1-<P4) +0.3718 (4)2-<t>s)
1/Ia= 0.6015(</>1+</>4) -0.3718 (c1>2+<t>s)
1/14= 0.3718 (<pl-<P4) -0.6015 (c1>2-<Pa) E1= 1.6180
Ea= -0.6180
E4= -1.6180.
From these MO's and pi electron energies it is
possible to calculate quantities useful for predicting the
relative reactivities of the various carbon atoms in the
1 ,3-butadiene molecule. For the purposes of this paper
only two of these quantities will be considered, viz.,
the atom stabilization energy of the rth carbon atom
defined by Nakajima3 as
1:,:1-'= l:.2Cr/Ej±crle"
i (4)
where the superscript (+) refers to electrophilic attack
and (-) to nucleophilic attack, and the frontier elec
tron density of Fukui et al.4
In both of the latter equations the subscript f refers
to the frontier orbital (the lowest unoccupied orbital
for electrophilic attack and the highest occupied orbital
for nucleophilic attack). For alternant hydrocarbons,
Eq. (4) leads to Er-=€r+.
The atom stabilization energy is regarded as the
energy required to promote the pi electrons of atom r
from the conjugated state to the valence state (er= 0) ,
and it is apparent from Table I that transition state I
would be favored since the lowest atom stabilization
energy arises when the R-atom is attached to carbon
atom 1. It will thus be assumed that it is this particular
3 T. Nakajima, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 587 (1955).
4 Fukui, Yonezawa, and Shlngu, J. Chern. Phys. 20,722 (1952). transition state which will be attacked by the nucleo
philic species A-. Note that the frontier electron densi
ties lead to the same choice of transition state since
attack by R might be expected to occur at the position
of highest frontier electron density.
The next step of the problem is to utilize the criteria
(4) and (5) to predict the most reactive position of
transition state I with respect to nucleophilic attack
Transition state I consists of two pi electrons re
stricted to the 2P7r orbitals of carbon atoms 2, 3, and 4.
This transition state is conveniently represented by
where Q=R-C 1-C2 and may be regarded as a pseudo
heteroatom whose electronic characteristics have been
modified by the presence of the R-atom in the 1-posi
tion. The atom numbering system Q2CaC4 will be used
for this transition state.
The presence of the R-atom will have an effect upon
both the resonance and Coulombic integrals of carbon
atom 2. If R is more electronegative than carbon, the
electron density of the 2-atom will be enhanced at the
expense of the charge density of the 3-atom. Since
Hrs is related to the pi electron densities of the atoms r
and s, i.e., it is a property of the r-s bond, then
H23> H34• Similarly, the Coulombic integral is a rough
measure of the electronegativity of an atom and is
directly proportional to the charge density on that
atom. Thus, if the R-atom is more electronegative than
carbon, then H22> Ha3• In the case that R is less electro
negative than carbon, the converse effect occurs.
The MO's for the transition state I are formed by (1)
as before but now c1>2 refers to the modified 2P7r orbital of
the second carbon atom. The parameters in the secular
Eqs. (2) are now redefined in the light of the preceding
paragraph by
where k> 1 if R is more electronegative than carbon
and k< 1 if R is less electronegative than carbon,
Sr.= 0",
where c>O if k> 1 and c<O if k< 1,
It is assumed that the R-atom has no effect upon the
Coulombic integrals of the carbon atoms 3 and 4, al
though this approximation cannot be strictly true.
H34 in this case cannot be the same resonance integral
as used previously since the values of H23 and H34
must necessarily be mutually dependent. However,
this will not affect the relative values of the final
calculated pi electron energies.
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The secular determinant to be solved is
k -e 1 =0, (6)
where a= 0 is used as the zero for expressing the pi
electron energies. If the value of (3 is arbitrarily set
equal to unity (the e values are then expressed in units
of (3) then expansion of (6) yields
This expression could be solved analytically for the
three values of e, but it is convenient to resort to some
simplification at this point. If c is not much different
from zero, which is not too unreasonable in view of the
fact that the inductive effect of R is transmitted
through carbon atom 1, then all terms containing c
may be dropped. The resulting expression readily
yields the solutions
and leads to the normalized MO's (lowest to highest),
'1/;1 = (2k2+ 2) -l[ k¢2+ (k2+ 1) IcP3+cP4],
'1/;2= (k2+1)-l[¢2+kcP4],
'1/;3= (2k2+2)-~[k¢2- (k2+1)}cP3+cP4].
It must be borne in mind that if the assumption of
negligible c is invalid, then Eq. (7) must be solved
analytically. Although this task is relatively easy in
principle, the resulting expressions for the MO'5,
er's and qr/S become rather intractable.
Calculation of the atom stabilization energies Er
Examination of the atom stabilization energies shows
that for
(1 ,4-addition predominates),
(1, 2-addition predominates) ,
(1 ,2-and 1, 4-addi tion equal) .
It is interesting to note that in all cases carbon atom 3 is the least probable point of attack as would most
certainly be expected.
The frontier electron densities for the lowest un
occupied MO '1/;2 are
Thus if
k= 1 q42= q22> q32 (1,2-and 1 ,4-addition are equally
probable) .
If the most probable point of attack is the position of
highest frontier electron density, then this gives results
in agreement with the atom stabilization energies. In the
light of present-day knowledge it appears impossible to
decide ab initio whether atom stabilization energies or
frontier electron densities are better criteria of chemical
reactivity. The final test of such criteria will have to
lie in the agreement of theory and experiment.
Coulson and Longuet-Higgins5 have shown that the
use of self-polarizabilities obtained by means of pertur
bation theory appear to be better criteria of chemical
reactivity than are charge densities. Nakajima3 has
shown that in many cases predictions of chemical
reactivity by use of atom stabilization energies agree
well with predictions obtained by the use of self
polarizabilities. Greenwood6 has shown that the
predictions based on the frontier electron densities
do not always parallel the predictions of the Coulson
and Longuet-Higgins perturbation treatment.
Since the results of the calculations show agreement
between atom stabilization energies and frontier elec
tron densities, it can be shown that the treatment in this
paper leads to results not in conflict with the experi
mental data reported in the literature.
For Br2 addition k> 1 and the atom stabilization
energy predicts a predominance of l,4-product. The
experimental data on this reaction are not completely
unambiguous but appear to support the result pre
dicted.! Mislow and Hellman2 have shown that the
analogous addition of Cl2 results in the 1, 4-product.
For hydrogen halide addition k< 1 (since the initial
attack involves addition of a proton) and addition
should be mainly 1,2-, a prediction in accord with
5 C. A. Coulson and H. C. Longuet-Higgins, Proc. Roy. Soc.
(London) A191, 39 (1947); A192, 16 (1947).
6 H. H. Greenwood, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 77, 2055 (1955).
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experiment.7 In the addition of HCI to isoprene the
main product is reported to be 1,4-,8 however, Ultee9
states that the main addition product is the 1, 2-pro
duct which then rearranges in the presence of HCI to
the more thermodynamically stable 1, 4-product.
On the basis of the above few examples it appears as if
both the atom stabilization energy and the frontier
electron density are valid criteria of chemical reactivity.
A more detailed and rigorous examination of this prob
lem is necessary before it is possible to draw definite
conclusions concerning this matter. At present we are
using the facilities of the MIT computation center for
1 W. J. Jones and H. W. T. Chorley, J. Chern. Soc. 832 (1945).
8 M. S. Kharasch et at., J. Org. Chern. 2, 489 (1937).
9 A. J. Ultee, J. Chern. Soc. (London) 530 (1948).
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS programing a more detailed treatment of this problem
and will publish the results when they are obtained. *
The writer expresses his gratitude to a former
teacher, Professor Hans H. Jaffe of the University of
Cincinnati, for inspiring interest in this problem and to
Mr. M. Donald Jordan, Jr., for helpful discussion.
* Note added in proof.-Numerical solutions of Eq. (7) show that
the inclusion of c increases the highest qr{ and 'r-and decreases the
lowest qr' and 'r-, thereby emphasizing the predicted direction
of attack.
It should also be mentioned that consideration of total electron
density leads to the same prediction as given by the qrj and
.,-. This is readily verified from the Cri, keeping in mind that only
>/;1 is occupied and that the most reactive position is the most
positively charged.
On the Statistical Mechanical Theory of Solutions*
R. M. MAZot
Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
(Received July 1, 1958)
A perturbation expansion of the excess free energy of a binary mixture based on the theory of composition
fluctuations in an open system is presented. The theory is applied to classical mixtures and quantum mechan
ical isotope mixtures, and comparisons with conformal solution theory and Chester's theory of isotope mix
tures are made. The advantage of the present theory is that it contains in summed form, in each order of
perturbation, terms which in the direct expansion of the partition function would be considered to be
higher order.
IN recent years there has been a great interest in
what may be called perturbation theories of solu
tions.t-8 These are theories which attempt to express
the properties of a solution in terms of those of some
suitable pure substance plus correction terms. The
theories are usually couched in terms of a Taylor's
series development of the partition function with
respect to some appropriate parameters.
* This research supported by the U. S. Atomic Energy Com
mission. t Present address: Gates and Crellin Laboratories, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.
I H. C. Longuet-Higgins, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A205, 247
2 W. B. Brown and H. C. Longuet-Higgins, Proc. Roy. Soc.
(London) A209, 416 (1951).
a W. B. Brown, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A240, 561 (1957).
• W. B. Brown, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (London) A250, 175
& R. L. Scott, J. Chern. Phys. 25, 193 (1956).
6 Prigogine, Bellemans, and Englert-Chwoles, J. Chern. Phys.
24, 518 (1956).
7 Salsburg, Wojtowicz, and Kirkwood, J. Chern. Phys. 26,1533
8 Wojtowicz, Salsburg, and Kirkwood, J. Chern. Phys. 27, 505
(1957). There are also several exact theories of solutions,9-11
which have, until now, been mainly useful for providing
power series expansions in the concentrations of the
various solutes. The object of this paper is to demon
strate that one of these exact theories, that of Kirk
wood and Buff/o is a particularly convenient starting
point for a perturbation expansion which has the ad
vantage of including, in a given order of perturbation,
some of the terms which would be considered as higher
order in the conventional treatments.
In this paper we develop the theory for both classical
solutions and quantum mechanical isotope mixtures,
to the lowest nonvanishing order of approximation in
each case. This is the first order in the classical case,
and second order for the isotope mixtures. Part I
contains the general theory, and Parts II and III the
specializations to the two cases considered. We restrict
ourselves to binary mixtures, and assume that all
internal partition functions are independent of the
state of aggregation.
9 W. G. McMillan and J. E. Mayer, J. Chern. Phys. 13, 276
10 J. G. Kirkwood and F. P. Buff, J. Chem. Phys. 19, 774 (1951).
11 T. Hill, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 74, 4885 (1957).
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1.1723040.pdf | Theoretical Surface Conductivity Changes and Space Charge in Germanium
and Silicon
V. O. Mowery
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 29, 1753 (1958); doi: 10.1063/1.1723040
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1723040
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/29/12?ver=pdfcov
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ]
Theoretical Surface Conductivity Changes and Space Charge in
Germanium and Silicon
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Whippany, New Jersey
(Received May 21, 1958)
Graphs are presented displaying predicted surface conductivity changes as a function of resistivity for
various values of surface potential, and space charge as a function of resistivity for the same range of surface
potential, in germanium and silicon. The curves display the trends of the two properties over wide resistivity
ranges and are particularly convenient for obtaining theoretical field effect curves. A brief discussion of
values for the electrical properties of germanium and silicon is included.
SINCE charge neutrality is maintained deep within
the bulk of semiconductor, any electric field
appearing at the surface must be terminated in an in
duced charge. Part of this charge can be distributed
throughout a space charge region near the surface; in
addition there can be bound charge localized at the
surface in surface states having energies within the
energy gap. These surface states could be due to the
termination of the crystal lattice as predicted by Tamm1
and further examined by Shockley2 and others, or they
could. result from surface imperfections or absorbed
impurity atoms. Because of these surface states there
can also be a charge double-layer with zero external
field. Under these conditions the potential at the sur
face can differ from that within the bulk beyond the
space charge layer, and a difference in conductivity can
result from an excess or deficiency of mobile carriers
appearing in the space charge layer. This description of
a semiconductor surface has been useful in theoretical
work, such as explanation of contact potential differ
ence,3 dependence of surface potential on chemical
environment,4 channel conductance,6 field induced con
ductivity changes,6 etc., and it is becoming extremely
useful in studying surface behavior in semiconductor
device technology.
Using results of the analyses of Bardeen,3 Kingston
and Neustadter,7 and Garrett and Brattain8 for prop
erties of a semiconductor surface, and assuming reason
able estimates for the necessary constants of germanium
and silicon, condensed charts have been obtained for
the amount of space charge as a function of bulk resis
tivity for various values of surface potential, and change
in surface conductivity as a function of bulk resistivity
for various values of surface potential. The data in this
11. Tamm, Physik Z. Sowjetunion 1, 733 (1932).
2 W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 56, 317 (1939). .
3 J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. 71, 717 (1947).
'W. H. Brattain and J. Bardeen, Bell System Tech. J. 32, 1
5 W. L. Brown, Phys. Rev. 91, 518 (1953).
6 For an extensive list of germanium field effect measurement
references see R. H. Kingston, J. Appl. Phys. 27, 101 (1956).
7 R. H. Kingston and S. F. Neustadter, MIT Lincoln Lab.
Rept., (August, 1954) p. 10; J. Appl. Phys. 26, 718 (1955).
8 C. G. B. Garrett and W. H. Brattain, Phys. Rev. 99 376 form, Figs. 1-5, conveniently display behavior over
wide resistivity ranges.
Electric field in a semiconductor can be found by
integrating Poisson's equation in which charge density
is expressed in terms of mobile hole and electron den
sities and bound ionized donor and acceptor densities.
Normally the assumption is made that all donors and
acceptors are ionized throughout the material up to the
surface regardless of the bending of the bands. Assuming
also that Fermi statistics apply throughout the semi
conductor up to the surface, we have, using the notation
of Shockley,9
p=nie{3('Po-t), n=nl/p. (1)
Figure 6 shows the relationship between energy levels
near the surface of a semiconductor and defines the
Far enough from the surface, where 1/1=1/10, charge
neutrality exists and therefore the donor and acceptor
densities can be expressed in terms of bulk hole and
electron densities. If we assume there are no surface
states, then the charge terminating the electric field
appears in a space charge layer and can be written in
terms of a "surface excess"8 (charge per unit surface
area) from Gauss' law
~ •• = _KEO(dl/l)
dx t=t,
= -2yqniKEo/2fj{ ±v'2[ coshfj(1/I- cpo)
-coshfj(I/Io- cpo)+fj(1/I-1/Io) sinhfj(1/Io- cpo) r L =>/1,
= -2qniLDF[ (1/1,-cpo), (1/10-<PO)]. (2)
where LD is the Debye length for the semiconductor,9
LD= [KEo/2qn;,BJI (rationalized units).
If a surface potential, in units of 1/ fj= kT / q, is defined
relative to the bulk potential by Y=fj(1/I.-1/I0), then for
(1955). ' 9 W. Shockley, Bell System Tech. J. 28, 435 (1949).
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IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:48:341754 V. O. MOWERY
200 P-TYPE
I 10000
::IE u
~ j z 4( 3 ::IE
II: ::>
1&1 0 " 0
u .
I-i iii I ( II
P-TYPE 1.0 ;;-b FIG. 1. Space charge x ~ .. as a function of re
;; sistivity for vanous
~ values of surface poten
;;; z tial Y in germanium and
~ 8 silicon. The signs of Y
o J should be reversed for 5 iii n-type material. Sign to 8 be used for 2:.. is ex
~ plained in the analysis.
I 0.1
I I I! , I !! 10
0.01 0.1 "-TYPE
a positive surface potential the energy hands are bent
downward at the surface and the positive square-root
branch of the F function must be used giving a negative
space charge. Similarly, for a negative surface potential
the negative square-root branch is used giving a positive
space charge.
80Or~--------~--------r-----r---' \
rn o :z:
::IE 600
IE 200 o -5
"" -4
~ --"2
~14 +19
0_+ 1 Surface excesses r p and r n of holes and electrons in
the space charge layer result in a change of conductivity
~G=q.up(rp+brn). (3)
When the potential at the surface is shifted from 1/;0 to
1/;., the change in holes per unit area is the integral of the
p -TYPE GERMANIUM FIG. 2. Change in sur
face conductivity AG as
a function of resistivity
for various values of sur
face potential Y in
p-type germanium.
-4000.02 0.1 05 -5
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800.------:\:------,\:------' 300..-,\----:-,--,--:-\--:,-...,
+4 +5 Y·+S +6 -IS +7 -14
<J) 0
0 :z: :z: ::E
FIG. 3. Change in ::E 0
0 It:
surface conductivity t!J.G It: 0
0 200 i as a function of resis-i
tivity for various values ~ ~
of surface potential Y C!> C!>
in n-type germanium. <I <I
difference between the hole density where the potential
is 1/; and hole density in the bulk where the potential is
1/;0 from the surface to far within the bulk. Using Eg.
(1) and dif;/ dx as in Eg. (2) the result is
i1/l0 e-{J(1/I-"'0'-e-{J(1/Io-"'0'
rp=n;/3LD d1/;
1/1. F[(1/;-cpo), (1/;-1/;o)J S
and by symmetry the change in electrons per unit area
is given by the same expression with a change of sign
for the potentials. The F and G functions have been
plotted by Kingston and Neustadter7 for limited ranges
of the variables UB=/3(1/;O- cpo) and u.=/3(1/;.- cpo).
Seiwatz and Green10 have shown that the expressions
simplify for extended ranges. Validity of the assump
tions used in the analysis have been discussed
=n.LDG[(1/;.- 1<'0), (1/;.-1/;0)]' (4) previously.8-10
FIG. 4. Change in
surface conductivity t!J.G
as a function of resis
tivity for various valeus
of surface potential Y
in p-type silicon. 7·r--7,-------~\-~~ / / -6 -7 +19 -8+18
S - 5
200 1000
10 R. Seiwatz and M. Green, J. Appl. Phys. 29, 1034 (1958). \ I 14 Y=-6 +14 \ /
-7 +13 \ /
10000 50000
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IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:48:341756 V. O. MOWERY
n • TYPE SILICON / " /
n-TYPE SILICON FIG. 5. Change in sur·
face conductivity tlG as
a function of resistivity
for various values of sur· '
face potential Y in
n· type silicon.
2000 10 000
In order to evaluate the expressions for space charge
and change in "surface conductivity," it is necessary to
assume reasonable values for the constants in ger
manium and silicon. These constants and estimates of
their numerical values are listed in Table I. Empirical
evaluations have been made at room temperature
(3000K) where lattice scattering should predominate,
at least for low impurity content material.
The mobilities used in resistivity and change in sur
face conductivity calculations have been assumed to be
lattice-scattering mobilities and agree with the experi
mental expressions of Morin and Maita for siliconll and
germanium.12 Intrinsic carrier concentrations ni have
been determined from the experimental expressions
obtained by Morin and Maita from their mobility
measurements. The values of the dielectric constant are
those commonly used and agree with the refractive
indices reported by Briggs.13
The most important contribution to drift mobility
other than lattice scattering is usually impurity scat
tering.14 Ionized impurity scattering has been investi
gated by Conwell and Weisskopf, Brooks and Herring,
and Sclar.16 The Conwell-Weisskopf treatment is a
classical calculation using the Coulomb scattering
11 F. J. Morin and J. P. Maita, Phys. Rev. 96, 28 (1954).
It F. J. Morin and J. P. Maita, Phys. Rev. 94, 1525 (1954)
11 H. B. Briggs, Phys. Rev. 77, 287 (1950). .
It M. B. Prince, Phys. Rev. 92, 681 (1953) and Phys. Rev 93
1204 (1954). . ,
16 E. M. Conwell and V. F. Weisskopf, Phys. Rev. 77, 388
(1950)i.H. Brooks, Phys. Rev. 83, 879 (1951); N. Sclar, Phys.
Rev. 1114, 1548 (1956). RESISTIVITY IN OHM-CM
cross section suitably cut off. Since this is a classical
calculation it requires that the scattering trajectory be
well defined. This implies the restriction kta» 1 where
kl is the wave number for the charge carrier and 'a is the
cutoff distance assumed for the scattering potential.
The Brooks-Herring treatment uses the cross section
for scattering from a screened Coulomb potential calcu
lated using the Born approximation. The requirement
that the phase shift in the wave function of the charge
carrier be small is equivalent also to the condition
k1a»1. In both treatments, mobility due to ionized
impurity scattering varies inversely with impurity
density. Because of the restriction on a, the results are
less valid for very high impurity densities.
Sclar's treatment uses the partial wave technique
with square-well or square-barrier potential character
istics for the scattering by an attractive impurity or a
repulsive impurity, respectively. The results are valid
for k1a«1 and at low temperatures and high impurity
densities predict a mobility higher than obtained by
the Brooks-Herring or Conwell-Weisskopf formulas.
These analyses assume the simple model of isotropic
quadratic energy dependence of the charge carriers on
momentum resulting in spherical energy surfaces in
momentum space and have not been revised to account
for more intricate band structures. Results of these
investigations could be used to modify the data given
here. However, in using impurity scattering formulas,
the effective mass of the charge carriers must be known
and the total density of ionized impurities must be
approximated. If the ionized impurity density is
assumed to be the same as the density of free charge
carriers, then a relationship (empirical or otherwise)
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---------------E v
X=O FIG. 6. Diagram of
levels of energy near a
semiconductor surface,
n type with Y>O.
between charge carrier density and resistivity must be
Determination of mobility for a given resistivity is
further complicated in compensated samples where both
donors and acceptors are present. If only one type of
impurity is present in any appreciable density, the
minori~y carriers will see about twice as many charge
scattermg centers as do the majority carriers. Conse
quently the minority carriers will have decreased
mobility which means that the ratio b for heavily doped
material should be larger in an n-type semiconductor.
Measured mobilities for germanium decrease by
about ten percent at one ohm-cm (greater for p type,
less for n type) and by about twenty or thirty percent
at a tenth ohm-cm.14 The ratio of electron mobility to
hole mobility increases for decreasing resistivity.
Mobilities for germanium listed in Table I are less than
those reported by Prince14 and greater than those
repo:ted by Haynes and Shockley,l6 but are nearly
wlthm the probable errors of both. Applying the fore
going orders of magnitude correction for p.p and b de
creases the conductivity changes in germanium at the
lower resistivities by about one-fourth in n type of
1& J. R. Haynes and W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 81, 835 (1951). TABLE I. Semiconductor constants.
Numerical value
Constants Silicon Germanium
/(= dielectric constant
n;=intrinsic carrier
density (em-a)
ILn = electron mobility
ILp=hole mobility
b=ratio of mobilities
LD= Debye length (em) 12
2.33X1O-s 16
Fig. 3 and one-half in p type of Fig. 2. Measured mo
bilities in silicon decrease very little in the resistivity
range considered here; therefore, the near intrinsic
values of lattice scattering mobilities are probably good
approximations for silicon. Values listed in Table I are
the extrapolated values given by Prince.14 The ratio b
may decrease for decreasing resistivity in silicon.
Charge carriers confined to a narrow layer near the
surface of a semiconductor could have reduced mobili
ties due to scattering from the surface,l7 Since the space
charge layer is two or three Debye lengths for the
higher surface potentials on high resistivity material,7
the correction for germanium is of the order of a few
percent for the higher surface potentials. The correction
is even less for silicon because of the longer Debye
The author wishes to thank T. M. Buck for use of his
extended curves of the F and G functions as computed
on the IBM 650, and E. J. Scheibner and M. M. Atalla
for numerous discussions.
17 J. R. Schrieffer, Phys. Rev. 97, 641 (1955).
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IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:48:34 |
1.1735514.pdf | Experimental Investigations of the Cesium Plasma Cell
W. A. Ranken, G. M. Grover, and E. W. Salmi
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 31, 2140 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1735514
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735514
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] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:26:09JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 31, NUMBER 12 DECEMBER, 1960
Experimental Investigations of the Cesium Plasma CeU*
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico
(Received December 16, 1959; and in final form July 25, 1960)
Some aspects of the performance of a cesium plasma cell with tantalum emitter are evaluated in terms of
experimental determinations of the effects of variations in such parameters as cesium vapor pressure, emitter
temperature, and emitter-collector separation distance. Experiments relating to the effect of collector
serrations and to the feasibility of radiation shielding are described. Voltage-current characteristics are
presented for several emitter temperatures and for a wide range of cesium vapor pressure.
THE direct conversion of heat to electricity through
the use of what has been called either a thermionic
converter or a plasma thermocouple, depending pri
marily on the pressure of cesium vapor used to neutral
ize the electronic space charge, has been reported by
several research groupS.l-5 Basically, the device is a
simple diode with a hot filament or button serving as an
electron emitter and a cold surface serving as an
electron collecting electrode. The region between the
electrodes is filled with cesium vapor which is ionized
either upon contact with tne hot high work function
emitter, or by other processes, and hence serves to
neutralize the electronic space charge so that saturated
Richardson emission currents can be obtained. The
source of the voltages observed across the cell terminals
has been attributed to the contact potential difference
existing between the high work function emitter and the
low work function collector by Hernqvist et al,2 when
cesium pressures are sufficiently low so that electrons
making the transit from the emitter to the collector do
so with few or no collisions with ions or atoms in the gas.
In applying this model it is assumed that the low work
function collecting electrode is maintained at a tempera
ture sufficiently low for its thermionic emission to be
negligible compared to emission from the hot electrode.
For cesium pressures where the number of collisions
made in the region between electrodes is large, the
situation becomes more obscure. Lewis and Reitz6 have
treated the cell as a plasma thermocouple and when no
current flows have used transport theory and thermo
dynamical considerations to calculate the thermoelectric
voltage generated when an electron temperature gradi
ent exists. Pidd et al.4 have demonstrated that the zero
current voltages of the cell follew roughly the behavior predicted from this theory for cesium pressures of the
order of 0.3 mm Hg and above.
This paper describes experiments performed with cell
configurations where tantalum is used as the emitter.
The general purpose of these experiments was primarily
to determine optimum operating conditions for such a
cell and secondarily to obtain a measure of under
standing of the physical mechanisms involved in its
performance at high (on the order of 1 mm Hg) cesium
pressure. Reported herein are investigations relating to
the effects on cell performance of modifications of the
geometrical configuration of the cell, including the effect
of varying the separation distance of the emitter and
collector, the effect of serrations of the collector electrode
(designed to double the effective collecting area exposed
to the cesium plasma), and the effect of introducing
radiation shielding between the emitter and collector.
In the process of these investigations the behavior of
the voltage-current characteristics and power outputs
of the cell were studied over a wide range of cesium
vapor pressure and emitter temperature.
The basic design features of the cell have been
described in an earlier reportl but for the sake of clarity
these will be presented again insofar as they relate to the
present set of experiments.
Figure 1 shows the more important aspects of the
design of the cell with adjustable emitter-collector
spacing. A tantalum button i in. thick and i in. in
diameter is welded into a 0.Ol2-in. thick tantalum disk
and the assembly is mounted between two circular
knife edges thus dividing the cell into two chambers.
The upper chamber, which is continuously evacuated,
houses the electron gun used to heat the tantalum
button. In the normal range of operation the gun
* This work was performed under the auspices of the U. S. bombards the tantalum button with electron currents
Atomic Energy Commission. of from 0.3-0.8 amp at voltages up to 2600 v. Consider-
1 G. M. Grover, D. J. Roehling, E. W. Salmi, and R. W. Pidd, ing that the resistance of the button and disk is less than J. App\. Phys. 29, 1611 (1958).
• K. G. Hernqvist, M. Kanefsky, and F. H. Norman, RCA Rev. 10-a ohm it can be seen that the extraneous voltages
19, 244 (1958). associated with button heating are very small.
3 V. C. Wilson, J. App\. Phys. 30, 475 (1959). The quartz viewport mounted on the insulator at the
4 R. W. Pidd, G. M. Grover, E. W. Salmi, D. J. Roehling, and
G. F. Erickson, J. Appl. Phys. 30, 1861 (1959). top of the gun chamber allows pyrometric observation of
5 R. Fox and W. Gust, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. II, 4, 322 the button temperatures. For this purpose, also, small (1959).
6 H. W. Lewis and J. R. Reitz, J. AppJ. Phys. 30, 1439 (1959). holes are drilled four-fifths of the way through the
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tantalum button. The length to diameter ratio of these
holes is 5 to 1, and hence only small emissivity correc
tions to the pyrometrically observed temperatures are
required. Of more importance, however, is the fact that
temperatures can be measured without regard to
changes in emissivity of the button surface brought
about by prolonged bombardment heating. In addition,
the effect of reflected light, from the tungsten filament
in the electron gun, on the observed temperature is
negligible. Temperature drops of up to 200°C occur from
one face of the button to the other and hence a calibra
tion must be made of the temperature of the lower face
of the button (the emitting surface of the cell) vs
observed hole temperatures.
The emitting area of the cell is taken to be that of the
tantalum button (2 cm2). Justification for this assump
tion is given in Fig. 2, which shows a typical temperature
profile for the button and disk geometry. Since electron
emission falls off exponentially with temperature, the
'-f.l\F==~t==Jt'cu COlLECTOR
Sf\-----1l--Cu BELLOWS
l!::::::::~!~~~~~~·COOUNG OIL LINES
FIG. 1. Schematic illustration of experimental cell showing
assembly details and electrical circuits.
error made in neglecting the emission from the disk is
small insofar as this emission is characterized by the
work function of tantalum. For cesium pressures on the
order of 10-2 mm Hg and higher, the possibility exists
that annular regions of the disk are partially coated with
cesium with the resulting formation of low work func
tion surfaces.3 In this instance it is likely that the
emission per unit area of portions of the disk is com
parable with the emission per unit area of the button
and the emittet area is no longer well defined. This
effect will be further discussed in Sec. III. The region of
the button and disk where positive ion formation takes
place is not generally well defined.
The lower chamber depicted in Fig. 1 forms the
thermoelectric cell. The collector is a i-in. diam capped
copper tube through which silicone oil is circulated.
Thermocouples are inserted in the oil stream, as shown,
to determine the oil inlet and outlet temperatures, thus
providing a somewhat rough calorimetric measure of the
total heat flow to the collector. The oil is circulated by <> .
iii I~OO
II: ...
... 1000 :. ... ..,
FIG. 2. Temperature profile of tantalum button and mounting disk
as viewed from cesium side of cell.
a centrifugal pump driven by an air motor. The latter is
used so that no problem arises from pickup voltages
appearing across the cell terminals when open circuit
voltages are being measured.
The spacing between the emitter and collector may
be changed by means of three adjusting screws which
expand or contract the copper bellows. The cesium is
encapsulated in glass and placed in a side tube as shown.
After the cell has been thoroughly baked out at a
temperature of about 350°C the copper pumping tube is
pinched off in a hydraulic press, forming a reliable cold
weld joint, and the cesium capsule is crushed. The whole
assembly is immersed in a thermostatically controlled
silicone oil bath by means of which the cesium pressure
in the cell can be controlled over a range of 10-"-6 mm
Hg. The insulator through which the collector leads
pass is maintained about 50°C hotter than the oil bath
to combat the formation of a cesium coating. When this
precaution is taken the leakage resistance across this
insulator is generally in the range of 1 X 105 to
3X105 ohms.
The cell configuration shown in Fig. 1 is that used to
obtain data on the effect of emitter-collector spacing on
o "4 I.tz ~ , , ! ,I !
Fw. 3. Schematic illustration of radiation shield mounting.
Scale is in inches.
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IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:26:092142 RANKEN, GROVER, AND SALMI
----,------r---l--'-:"-"-----J--- f-:----r-------,-- r---i------r-----,---r-
(0): . (b) :
1 I -3 10 ~ •• 10-4mmHQI ~.'1.6x10 mm HQ
(/) 100.
Q.. 10
2 I I ~I~--~+-~
r n
c( -2 : TE I 10 CURVESr! 25400K
I-CURVES:][ 2300 OK
CURVESrJ[ 20100K
Z -3 CURVESrlll 11200K
~ I 0 ~"'----'---'---;--'--'----'-- ~--'----L.--'.---+_'--.l-
II: g 101
~ 10
IIJ (/)
~ 101
r n FIG. 4. Current-voltage charac
teristics of cell with tantalum
emitter and serrated copper col
lector. Curves I through IV cover
the emitter temperature range of
2540 to 1720°K. Figures 4(a)
through 4(f) cover the cesium
vapor pressure range of 10-4 to
2 mm Hg.
-3t I
1Q4;--'--_';;2--.J'--0;;..1 --'-----,:2;--L-_4 -2 0 2 -4 -2 a 2 4
cell performance. The experimental configuration used
in the experiments on the value of collector serrations is
identical to that shown in Fig. 1 with the exception of
circular serrations in the face of the copper collector.
These circular grooves were 0.032 in. deep and served
to double the surface area of the collector face.
The experimental arrangement used to obtain some
idea of the feasibility of improving the cell efficiency
through the use of radiation shields is sketched in Fig. 3.
The radiation shield consists of 10 circular 1-mil thick
tantalum foils spot welded together at several points.
Through the center of the stack is a k-in. diam hole.
This arrangement is mounted on a tantalum support
disk which is mounted, in turn, on an alumina insu
lator. The shield is allowed to float electrically. The
collector used in this experiment was fabricated from
stainless steel.
Of the various cell configurations, that which was
studied most extensively was the cell with the serrated
copper collector described in Sec. II. This cell had a
collector-emitter separation distance of 2.5 mm. Cur
rent-voltage characteristics were obtained for a voltage
range of -24 v to +24 v except where cell currents
exceeded 30 amp.
The voltage source consisted of a 6-ohm rheostat
placed across two 12-v storage batteries. Such a voltage
source has the disadvantage of variation of the load
across the cell as the voltage is changed, but this is of
consequence only in the region of high cesium pressure and positive applied voltages where arc discharges are
encountered. In the working region of the cell the
voltage current relations obtained by this method
duplicate exactly those obtained by varying a load
In measuring most of the voltage-current charac
teristics of the cell it was not found necessary to correct
the emitter temperature for the variation in Peltier
cooling occurring as electron currents were varied from
zero to short circuit values. The geometry of this cell
is sufficiently inefficient for the amount of heat removed
by Peltier cooling to be small compared to the amount
lost by radiation and conduction from the button and
disk. As a result, changes of emitter temperature
occurring as the cell current was changed from zero to
values up to about 20 amp were too small to be detected
with the optical pyrometer, (less than about lOOK).
When cell currents significantly larger than 20 amp were
obtained (Sec. IV) it was necessary to vary the power
supplied to the emitter in order to obtain a constant
emitter temperature current-voltage characteristic.
Voltage-current characteristics obtai·ned for the ser
rated collector cell in the range of net electron current
are presented in Fig. 4 for emitter temperatures (T E)
ranging from 17200K to 25400K and for cesium pres
sures PCs covering the range of 10-4 to 2 mm Hg. For the
two lowest cesium pressures [Fig. 4(a) and 4(b)] the
curves are similar to those observed by Hernqvist et al.2
Even for these low cesium pressures the electron
currents are completely space-charge neutralized. In
fact, with the exception of the curve for emitter tem
perature equal to 25400K and cesium pressure of 10-4
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] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:26:09E X PER I MEN TAL I N V EST I GAT ION S 0 FeE S I U M P LAS MAC ELL 2143
mm Hg, the electron space charge is over-neutralized;
more positive ions are being produced than are required
for space charge neutralization. The observed currents
rise from zero with a behavior dependent upon electron
temperature until they essentially level off at a voltage
close to the contact potential difference between the
cesium-coated copper collector and the uncoated tanta
lum emitter. The magnitudes of the currents at the
points where current saturation occurs are slightly more
than half the expected thermionic emission from tanta
lum. At these low pressures this discrepancy can be
partially ascribed to the fact that some of the electrons
from the emitter travel to the walls of the vacuum
chamber rather than to the collector. Except for the
curve with TE=2070oK and Pc.=1.6XlO-3 mm, the
currents increase slowly with applied positive voltage in
the range of 4-24 v not shown in Fig. 4. The behavior
of the excepted curve is unusual in that the cell ap
parently goes into a thermionic arc discharge at a lower
applied voltage (3.5 v) than the voltages (>24 v) for
which breakdown occurs at higher emitter temperatures.
For a cesium pressure of 2.3 X 10-2 mm [Fig. 4( c) ] the
voltage at which the transition from the normal operat
ing mode of the cell to the discharge mode occurs de
creases with emitter temperature in accord with early
experiments on thermionic arcs in cesium vapor.7 The
most striking behavior at this pressure occurs for
T E= 1720oK, where an abrupt increase of current of
more than three orders of magnitude takes place in the
voltage range of 1-3 v positive. The currents obtained
in the discharge region show very little dependence on
emitter temperature.
It is difficult to explain the magnitude of the electron
currents obtained for positive cell voltages on the basis
of effects occurring at the button surface. It is more
probable that these high current values result from the
coating of the support disk with cesium. This formation
of fractions of a monolayer of cesium on tantalum
produces low work function surface areas even if the
tantalum is at a relatively high temperature, provided
the cesium pressure is sufficiently high. Hence, portions
of the emitter support disk may be prolific electron
emitters. However, these surface regions, because of
their low work function, are not good ion producers.
Hence the emitted electrons cannot reach the collector
until the collector is made positive relative to the emitter
and the accelerating field between the electrodes be
comes large enough to enable ionization by impact of
electrons with neutral cesium atoms to take place.
Extension of the emitting area beyond the confines of
the emitter button apparently has little effect on the
shape of the current voltage characteristics in the work
ing region of the cell, at least for the higher emitter
temperatures. This conclusion is based on a series of
measurements in which a small, cooled, Langmuir plane
probe was mounted flush and central with respect to
7 F. H. Newman, Phil. Mag. 50, 463 (1925). 100
z o -.01
UJ >
Ul o a.
.001 ......
• Pes TE(OKl
1.6 x 10-32540
MM 2300
Hg 2070
2 2540
MM 2300
Hg 2070
.OO~~ __ ~ ____ ~ __ -7.~ __ ~ __ ~~ __ ~ __ ~ o -4 -8 -12 -16 -20 -24 28
FIG. 5 .. Positive ion current versus negative potential applied to
cell termmals. Curves 1 through 3 were obtained for a cesium
vaI;l0r pressure of 1.6X 10-3 mm Hg. Curves 4 through 6 are for a
cesIUm vapor pressure of 2.0 mm Hg.
the collector surface in a cell with tantalum emitter
and a 3-mm collector-emitter separation distance. The
collector diameter was 0.625 in. When the collector and
probe were maintained at the same voltage the collector
served as a guard ring for the probe and shielded it from
any effects of emission from the support disk. Under
these conditions, and for an emitter temperature of
2540oK, the ratio of short circuit currents to the probe
and the collector was just the ratio of their areas for
values of cesium pressure up to 0.5 mm Hg, the highest
pressure at which probe measurements were made. This
result is not to be expected if the collector is drawing
appreciable current from the support disk. Measure
ments of this type were not made at the lower emitter
tempera tUres.
The behavior of the current-voltage characteristics m
the region of reverse (positive ion) currents for pressures
on the order of 10--1 mm and less is typified by curves 1,
2, and 3 which are presented in Fig. 5. These curves
were obtained at a cesium pressure of 1.6 X 10-3 mm Hg.
Above 10-1 mm pressure, arclike discharges are en-
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] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:26:092144 RANKEN, GROVER, AND SALMI
CL 2
Z ...
(MM. HvJ
1.0x 10-4
5 0.1
Z o II: t- EMITTER TEMP •• 2540·K o ...
-4 1.0)(10 ...
~ 1.6 X 10-5 Z
1-0.01 3 1.6 X 10'"
o.OOI~~J- __ ~ ____ ~ __ -L __ ~~ __ J-__ -J
-5 -3 -2 -I 0
FIG. 6. Plot of true electron current (observed current corrected
for magnitude of positive ion current) versus cell terminal voltage.
(a) Emitter temperature = 23000K, cesium vapor pressures of
1 X 10-', 2X to .... , and 1.6X 10-1 mm Hg. (b) Emitter temperature
= 2540oK, cesium vapor pressures of 1 X 10-4, 1.6X to-3, and
1.6XIO-I mm Hg.
countered, with breakdown voltages decreasing with
increasing pressure until at 2-mm pressure the behavior
demonstrated by curves 4, 5, and 6 in Fig. 5 is en
countered. The reverse current increases from zero (at equivalent open circuit voltage) to 25 amp with no sign
of a transition region.
Low and intermediate pressure ion curves show the
behavior expected from a plane Langmuir probe in a
plasma.s Carrying the similarity a little further, one can
extrapolate the flat region of the ion curves to less
negative voltage values and add the magnitudes of the
extrapolated ion currents to the observed electron
currents to obtain curves of true electron current vs
collector voltage. This is, of course, the procedure
followed in constructing Langmuir probe characteristics.
When collector characteristics are plotted in this
manner, curves of the type shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b)
are obtained. The similarity to probe characteristics is
obvious. The initial increase of true electron current
with voltage is indeed exponential. For a true probe the
slope of this portion of the characteristic is (on a semi
logarithmic plot) proportional to the reciprocal of the
electron temperature in the plasma. Electron tempera
tures obtained from the curves in Fig. 6(a) and (b) for
a pressure of 10-4 mm are within 100 deg (Kelvin) of
the emitter temperatures. This result has been predicted
by Hernqvist et af.2 However, as the cesium pressure
increases, the behavior of the collector characteristics
in Fig. 6(a) and (b) suggests that the electron tempera
ture increases to values on the order of twice the emitter
temperature. That such high electron temperatures
should exist in the cell plasma is reasonable enough for
large currents flowing through the cell, but the collector
characteristics do not give evidence of electron tempera
ture depending on the current.
The relatively abrupt change in slope of the charac
teristics is identified, in the case of true probes, with the
point at which probe voltage is equal to the plasma
potential. Ideally this is the potential for which all
electrons in the plasma are able to diffuse to the probe
and further increase in probe voltage will not increase
the electron current. In the case of the collector the
change in slope (pseudosaturation of electron current)
occurs, at low pressures, when the electron current
reaches the value of Richardson emission of the emitting
surface. The voltage at which this break occurs is not
necessarily related to the plasma potential. For high
cesium pressures diffusion limiting may also falsify ap
parent space potentials. (Diffusion limiting refers to the
case where the collector drains electrons from the
plasma adjacent to it at a rate limited by the electron
replacement by field free diffusion from more remote
regions in the plasma.) In any case, measurements of
plasma potentials and electron densities obtained from
the collector characteristics in the usual manner are
likely to be in error. Plasma densities may, however, be
estimated from the saturation values of the positive ion
8 A complete discussion of the Langmuir probe and probe
characteristics is given in L. B. Loeb, Basic Processes oj Gaseolts
Hectronics (University of California Press, Berkeley, California,
1955), pp. 332-370.
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] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:26:09EX PER I MEN TAL I N V EST I GAT ION S 0 FeE S I U M P LAS MAC ELL 2145
currents.9 That these estimates are reliable, at least for
cesium pressures below 10-1 mm Hg, has been verified
by results obtained with the Langmuir probe mentioned
earlier. In principle, if the electron velocity distribution
is indeed Maxwellian then once the electron densities
are established the plasma potential may be obtained.
In most cases this procedure involves large extrapola
tions of the initial portions of the collector charac
teristics and hence is subject to considerable error. The
general trend of plasma potential with cesium pressure
is from a value of about zero for a Cs pressure of 10-4
mm Hg to values of about 2 v positive (relative to the
emitter) for to-I mm Hg.
It is perhaps worthwhile to point out that although
the short circuit currents for a given emitter tempera
ture increase with cesium pressure, as can be gleaned
from the curves in Figs. 4 and 6, the maximum power
does not follow this behavior. Figure 7 depicts the
dependence of maximum power output on cesium pres
sure for several emitter temperatures. The power
maximum is seen to decrease slightly with increasing
cesium pressure until at a pressure of about 2X to-I
mm Hg a rapid rise occurs. This pressure is in the range
for which cesium coating of the emitter is expected to
become appreciable. It can be seen that the rate of
increase of power with pressure is greater for lower
emitter temperatures.
The improvement of the power density of the cell
brought about by doubling the effective area of the
collector through the use of serrations was about a
factor of two for high cesium pressure and high emitter
temperature operation. At the lower emitter tempera
tures little or no improvement was observed. Hence the
evaluation of the effect of the serrations is not straight
forward. For low pressure operation, where the cell
currents are known to be emission limited, there was no
increase in power density nor does one expect any.
'" m 0
w w > > II: II: ::> ::> 0 0
12 2.4 W
Jo.6 ,,11'1 1111I]'i i i\lilil i i tlCilll
A 2540
B 2300
C 2060 en 1O 2.0 0.5 l-i 8 1.6 0.4
:6 I. A 0.3
0.2 4 0.8 " i
2· Q4 / ----------- .. _---------.... __ .9 ____ ..-"''; 0.1
° 1O'
FIG. 7. Maximum output power in watts (Pm•x) versus cesium
vapor pressure (Pc,). Note separate ordinate scale for each emitter
.,J. E."Allen, R. L. F. Boyd, and P. Reynolds, Proc. Phys. Soc.
The two phenomena expected to influence the amount
of current drawn at a given cell terminal voltage (in the
working region of the cell) and at a given emitter
temperature are the emission limit of the emitter and
the effective impedance of the plasma, be it due to
multiple scattering of electrons by ions or to negative
space charge formation resulting from positive ion
deficiency. It has been seen in Sec. III that for cesium
pressures below about to-2 mm the electron currents
drawn are definitely emission limited. For the higher
pressures it was found that the current was a strong
function of the collector voltage in the range of - 2 to o v and indeed, at the latter voltage, exceeded the
expected Richardson emission for tantalum.
At the low pressures the plasma impedance should be
negligible since electron and ion mean free paths are
large compared with the dimensions of the cell and the
electron space charge is completely neutralized. For
high pressures the interaction of electrons and ions with
each other and with the neutral atoms can no longer be
neglected and it becomes of interest to determine the
relative importance of emission and plasma impedance
in limiting the current output of the cell.
The behavior of the current output of the cell as a
function of emitter collector spacing can be used as an
indication of the importance of plasma impedance in
limiting the current flow, provided that this impedance
is associated with the bulk of the plasma between the
electrodes rather then confined to thin layers adjacent
to one or both of the electrodes.4,6 Figure Sea) gives the
dependence of maximum power vs electrode separation
for a cesium pressure of 0.5 mm Hg and for four emitter
temperatures. The curves are normalized to the value
for T E= 25400K at 6.7-mm separation. These measure
ments were obtained with the cell configuration shown
in Fig. 1. Since for this pressure the cell voltages were
nearly independent of spacing the behavior of zero
voltage (short circuit equivalent) current with spacing
is similar to that shown in Fig. Sea). It can be seen that
as the spacing is decreased from 6.7 mm to 1.2 mm the
maximum power is increased by an average of only 50%.
Much of this effect can be attributed to increased loss
of positive ions and electrons from the working region of
the cell as the spacing is increased. It appears that the
bulk impedance of the plasma has a negligible effect
in limiting the cell's performance in this range of
Some experimental data were also taken at a cesium
pressure of 2.0 mm Hg. The results are presented in
Fig. S(b). Again the curves are normalized to a point
at 6.7 mm and T E= 2540oK. As compared to the results
in Fig. Sea) the increase of power with the reciprocal of
electrode separation is somewhat more pronounced for
an emitter temperature of 24200K and much more
pronounced for the emitter temperature equal to
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I!! 5
~ 4 . o e ... 3 CESIUM PRESSURE:O.~mm ti9
2~40 -K Pmax x 1.0
2420 -K Pmoa x 2.15
2300 -K Pmoll x 5.7
2175 'K PmG• 11. 9.6
00 2 3 4 5 6
I!! 4.0 I-; .
~ 3.0 ...
P",u x 1.0
Pmax x !5.6
FIG. 8. Effect of emitter-collector separation distance on
maximum output power (P max) for several emitter temperatures.
(a) Cesium vapor pressure=O.5 mm Hg. (b) Cesium vapor
pressure=2 mm Hg. Power values have been multiplied by the
factors given in the columns labeled "ordinate scale" in order to
normalize the curves for different emitter temperatures to the
same value for a separation distance of 6.75 mm.
2175°K. The latter behavior may result from a space
charge limiting effect near the collector and will be
discussed in Sec. VII.
Electrode separation for the cell with the serrated
collector was reduced to about 0.1 mm and the cell was
operated at a cesium pressure of 6 mm Hg and an
emitter temperature of 271OoK. This operating point
represented the highest value of cesium pressure that
could be safely attained with the silicone oil bath and
the highest controlled emitter temperature attainable.
The zero-voltage current was 110 amp and the maximum
power produced in an external load was 60 watts,
representing an approximate efficiency of 15%. The
method of measuring a value for the efficiency is dis
cussed in Sec. V. At this close spacing there was no
indication that the power would not continue to increase
with increase in cesium pressure or emitter temperature. V. CELL WITH RADIATION SHIELD
The parallel requirements of high electron emission
and sufficient ionization of cesium necessitate high
temperature operation of the plasma cell emitter. At the
temperatures required, radiation transport from the
emitter to the collector constitutes a major effect in
limiting cell efficiency. The spacing experiments de
scribed in Sec. IV indicated that limitation of cell per
formance by plasma impedance at the optimum operat
ing point was not a major consideration. This being the
case, it was of interest to investigate the feasibility of
placing shields between the emitter and collector which
would intercept radiant energy while allowing the flow
of electrical current.
The initial experiment to explore the value of the
radiation shielding concept was done with the cell con
figuration depicted in Fig. 3 and discussed in Sec. II.
The tantalum shield was allowed to assume the wall
potential (potential at which electron and positive ion
currents to the shield are equal) determined by some
average value of the parameters of the plasma in contact
with it. The flow of r:adiation is restricted to that which
passes through the l-in. diam hole in the center of the
radiation shield. The temperature of the collector side
of the radiation shield rides about SOOoK below that of
the emitter .
Observations made with this cell configuration re
vealed some unexpected results. Perhaps the most sur
prising was the fact that at high cesium pressures the
maximum power obtained was equal to that of an un
shielded cell with identical electrode spacing performing
at the same pressure and the same emitter temperature.
Hence the cell efficiency was considerably higher. The
relationship of efficiency and emitter temperature for
optimum cesium pressures for the shielded and com
parable unshielded cell are shown in Fig. 9. It must be
emphasized that the efficiencies shown are not typical
of the values that can be obtained with the cell at lesser
electrode separations and higher cesium pressures. The
large value of the spacing used was necessitated by the
crudity of the initial radiation shield design.
Efficiency values quoted are those obtained by divid
ing the maximum measured electrical power by the total
power received by the collector. The heat transfer to the
collector is measured through the use of a differential
thermocouple measurement of the temperature rise of
the cooling oil as it passes by the collector. This
efficiency measurement neglects heat loss through the
electrical (and mechanical) connections to the emitter.
The efficiency curves demonstrate the effectiveness of
radiation shielding. However, the maximum efficiency
obtained with the shielded cell is still considerably
below the maximum value attained with an unshielded
cell (Sec. IV). It is to be presumed that an improved
design for the radiation shield (one which, in particular,
allows smaller electrode separations) will increase the
cell efficiency. However, attention must be given to the
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] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:26:09EX PER 1M EN TAL I N V EST I GAT ION S 0 FeE S I U M P LAS MAC ELL 214i
problem of exposing too much surface area to the plasma
and hence draining its supply of positive ions through
recombination on the exposed area.
The behavior of the voltage-current characteristics of
the cell for a cesium pressure of 0.5 mm Hg is demon
strated in Fig. 10. It is seen that the introduction of the
constriction between the electrodes has resulted in
pronounced double mode behavior. The results of
positive ion measurements indicate that for cesium
pressures above 10-2 mm and emitter temperatures
above 21000K the positive ion densities are of approxi
mately the right magnitude to support the electron
currents observed in the low current modes. There are
not nearly enough ions to provide neutralization for the
electron flow observed in the high current modes. Thus
it is apparent that for these high current modes addi
tional ions are being produced. It is reasonable to
expect that as the cell terminal voltage is brought
toward zero, electric fields are built up in the vicinity of
the hole in the radiation shield so that eventually the
cell current jumps to the high current mode, with the
ion deficiency now removed by the formation of ions as
a result of electron impact with neutral cesium atoms.
In this regard it is of interest to note that the current
voltage relations in the high current mode are quite
similar, in shape and magnitude, especially in the range
of -0.5 to 0.5 v, to those obtained for the unshielded cell
..: ...
'" o /'
/ B
2100 2300 2500 2700
FIG. 9. Measured cell efficiency versus emitter temperature for
tantalum emitter cells with and without radiation shielding. The
cesium vapor pressure was 0.5 mm Hg for each curve. Efficiency
measurements neglected thermal losses through the electrical
connection to the emitter. The maximum measured efficiency for
the unshielded cell is comparatively low because of the large
emitter-collector spacing (10.8 mm). ii)
II:: t-o
II:: t-100r----.-----r----.-----,----.-----,--~
0.01 Ca VAPOR PRESS. -0.5 MM. HQ.
I: 2385·C
2: 2150·C
3: 2025·C
4: 1905·C
0.001 '------_-!:-3-------:_2e-----_-"-, -------:Oe-----,L, ----..J2e----~3
FIG. 10. Current-voltage characteristics of cell with radiation
shield for a cesium vapor pressure of 0.5 mm Hg and several emit
ter temperatures.
in the same range of high emitter temperature and
cesium pressure.
On referring to Fig. 3 it can be seen that a possible
current path exists from the emitter, around the outside
of the radiation shield support insulator, to the copper
retainer. However, it is quite unlikely that electrons
would choose this path because of its length and because
the temperature of the cesium vapor in the region be
tween the outside of the insulator and the vacuum
chamber wall must be near that of the oil bath. Hence
the plasma density in this region should be very low. On
the other hand, since the emitter-radiation shield
combination can be considered as an approximation to
a cavity emitter, it is obvious that the distance from
the hot plasma (at a temperature near that of the
emitter) to the collector is only about 4 mm by way of
the hole in the radiation shield.
Since the existence of a copious supply of positive
ions is essential to the operation of the plasma cell, a
certain amount of effort has been devoted to the study
of the behavior of ion currents as a function of emitter
temperature and cesium pressure for various cell
configura tions.
Another reason for studying these ion currents is that,
as indicated earlier, a plot of saturated ion currents as a
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I 2660
2 2540
3 2415
4 2325
, 5 2180
FIG. 11. Saturation magnitudes of positive ion current versus
cesium vapor pressure for several emitter temperatures as observed
for a tantalum emitter cell with an emitter-collector separation
distance of 13 mm. The areas of the emitter button and copper
collector were each 2 cm2• Measured ion current values have been
corrected for a background of photoelectron current from the
collector. The dashed line indicates the behavior of the un
corrected data obtained for an emitter temperature of 2540oK.
function of cesium pressure is essentially a plot of the
dependence of the plasma density at the collector on
cesium pressure.
The dependence of ion current on cesium pressure is
shown in Fig. 11. The various curves were obtained for
five different emitter temperatures in the range of 2180-
2660oK. The range of cesium pressure is from 2 X 1O-L 1
mm Hg. The cell used to obtain these results was of the
type shown in Fig. 1. The copper collector was! in. in
diam and was spaced 13 mm from the tantalum emitter.
The cylindrical surface of the collector was coated with
a 0.015-in. thick layer of alumina.
In the pressure region of 1O-L1O-5 mm Hg it was
necessary to wait 1 or 2 hr, for each change of emitter
temperature, in order to allow the cesium vapor pressure
in the cell to reach equilibrium with the cesium in the
reservoir. A similar waiting period of 20-to 30-min
duration followed each small change in the bath
The observed ion currents have been corrected for
background currents of photoelectrons ejected from the
cesium coated collector by thermal radiation from the
emitter. The dashed line in the pressure range of 10-6-
10-5 mm Hg (Fig. 11) shows the behavior of the un
corrected data for the emitter temperature of 2540oK.
The background corrections were first estimated roughly
from the shape of the uncorrected data. Values thus
obtained were modified slightly in order to give the
corrected curves the expected linear dependence of ion
current on cesium pressure in this pressure region. This
correction procedure produced the result apparent in
Fig. 11 where the data for each emitter temperature can
be represented at the lowest cesium pressures by the
same straight line. Further justification of the correction
procedure arises from the fact that the photoelectron
background current obtained in this manner had the
correct dependence on the temperature of the emitter. , In the cesium pressure range of 1O-LIO-1 mm Hg it
can be seen that the ion currents rise to values as high
as 350 ma/cm2• There is little doubt but what this
current magnitude represents a flow of ions to the
collector rather than a flow of electrons away from it.
In the latter instance the mechanism of electron produc
tion is restricted to the possibility of significant thermi
onic emission from the low work function collector
(since the order of magnitudes of photoelectron currents
have already been reasonably well established as much
less than the reverse currents obtained at 10-1 mm Hg
cesium pressure). Since the collector temperature is
known it is possible to calculate the collector work func
tion required to obtain a thermionic current of the
magnitude observed for the reverse currents. This work
function is found to be about 0.6 v. Even in the very
unlikely event that the collector work function was this
low (the current voltage characteristics indicate it is
more like 1.4 v) the dependence of the reverse current
magnitude on emitter temperature cannot be explained
on a basis of thermionic emission because the variation
in collector temperature with varying emitter tempera
ture is not sufficiently great.
When potassium is used in place of cesium in a cell of
the same geometry used to obtain Fig. 11, the current
voltage characteristics indicate a collector work function
greater than 2 v. Yet the magnitude of the reverse
current at the maximum is only about 25% less than
that obtained with cesium when the emitter tempera
ture is 25400K for both cells. Thus the invoking of
thermionic emission to explain the observed reverse
currents is not rewarding.
For cesium pressures higher than about 5 X 10-2 mm
Hg the ion current data is not very reproducible, both
from one run to another and from one experimental cell
to another. At the 13-mm emitter-collector spacing the
data are consistent in that the decrease in ion current
with cesium pressure invariably occurs. However, the
pressure at which the decrease begins may vary by a
factor of 2 or 3 from one cell to another and the slope of
the decreasing portion of the ion current shows some
variation. These difficulties arise from the instability of
the cell at these high pressures for voltages at which
saturation of the ion current appears (about - 5 to
-6 v). A voltage transient, such as opening and closing
a switch, may produce an arclike mode of discharge with
currents on the order of tens of amperes being drawn.
For emitter-collector spacings of 3 mm this discharge
behavior occurs so readily (see Fig. 5) that it is im
possible to obtain any realistic measurements of the true
ion current for cesium pressures higher than 0.1 mm Hg.
A full understanding of the behavior of the plasma
cell as exemplified by the various experiments reported
in the previous sections cannot as yet be said to exist.
However, there are a number of features about cell
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operation which are understood qualitatively if not
The role of potential barriers formed both at the
emitting and collecting surfaces is an important con
sideration in the interpretation of cell characteristics.
Some of the effects of potential barriers at the emitting
surface can be seen in Fig. 11. For the lowest cesium
pressures the rate of ion production is insufficient to
neutralize the electron emission. Hence, there is formed
at the emitter surface a negative potential barrier
whose magnitude is sufficient to limit the number of
electrons entering the plasma per second to approxi
mately the rate required to neutralize the ions. (For
cesium this rate is about 500 times the ion production
rate. However, when ion currents are being measured it
drops to 250 times the ion production rate since elec
trons are reflected from the collector back to the emitter
whereas ions are neutralized at the collector.) Since more
than enough electrons are generated to neutralize the
ions, the ion currents measured at the collector are
independent of the emitter temperature.
As the cesium pressure in the cell is increased, with the
emitter temperature held constant, the negative poten
tial barrier decreases in magnitude and eventually
becomes a positive potential barrier when the rate of
ion production exceeds that required to neutralize the
electron emission. This positive potential barrier forms
because, in a plane parallel geometry and in the absence
of collisions, the plasma density in the region between
the emitter collector is established by the rate at which
electrons are emitted. The emitted electrons are
accelerated by the emitter potential sheath, reflected
by the collector potential sheath (when ion current
is being collected) and returned to the emitter, having
suffered no net energy gain or loss in transit.
The potential diagram for the plasma cell, for the case
of a positive potential barrier at the emitter and non
colliding electrons, is shown in Fig. 12 (a). In the dia
gram the cell is at open circuit voltage so that the height
of the collector barrier is established by the condition
that the magnitude of the electron current reaching the
collector must be limited to the magnitude of the posi
tive ion current. This means that approximately 249 out
of 250 electrons are reflected by the barrier and return
to the emitter. For this particular case the energy of the
electrons impinging against the collector barrier con
sists of the usual thermal energy imparted to them by
the hot emitter, plus the directed energy component
imparted by the emitter potential sheath.
The formation of the positive potential barrier at the
emitter surface means that, even though the rate of
formation of ions increases about linearly with increas
ing cesium pressure, the ion current obtained at the
collector should remain constant, at the value deter
mined by the electron emission rate. As this rate is
increased, by increasing the emitter temperature, the
pressure at which the transition from negative to
positive potential sheath occurs is naturally higher. (0)
FERMI LEVEL ____________ ::16E
(b) I I
FIG. 12. Schematic diagram of electron potential energy versus
distance for plasma cell at open circuit when ion production rate
is significantly greater than that required to ~e~traJ!ze elec~ron
emission. (a) Case where electrons make no colliSIOns m transltJo
and from the collector. (b) Many-collision case.
The type of behavior described in the foregoing ap
pears to be occurring in Fig. 11 for cesium pressures
between 10-6 and 10-4 mm Hg. However, the ion
currents never become truly constant with increasing
cesium pressure, possibly as a result of electron
electron and electron-ion collisions not being entirely
A change in the behavior of the saturation ion cur
rents with cesium pressure can be seen to occur in Fig. 11
at a cesium pressure of 10-4 mm Hg. The slopes of the
ion curves increase rather abruptly at this pressure. For
the higher emitter temperature the ion currents once
more approach a linear dependence on cesium pressure.
This effect is not well understood. Certainly the discus
sion of ion current behavior at low pressure does not
apply when collisions become an important considera
tion. In fact, for the many-collision case, the' simple
procedure of equating both inward and outward going
electron currents and inward and outward going ion
currents at the emitter-plasma boundary suggests that,
for a Maxwellian distribution of particles, the plasma
density should increase as the square root of the
If one takes the collision cross section for ions with
neutral cesium atoms to be 0.14X 10-3 at O°C and 1 mm
Hg,1O then one finds that, at l.4X 10-4 mm Hg, the mean
free path of the ions is equal to the emitter-collector
spacing.ll Presumably, the electron mean free path for
10 A. Von Engel, Ionized Gases (Oxford University Press, New
York, 1955), p. 27.
11 In calculating this mean free path the temperature of ~he
neutral cesium is taken to be that of the oil bath used to establish
the cesium vapor pressure. This procedure is reasonable since only
a small fraction of the cesium particles leaving the hot emitter are
neutral atoms and until such time as the mean free paths for ion
neutral and neutral:neutral collisions become considerably smaller
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10- 10- 10-
FI(~. 13. Zer? current (open circuit) voltage of plasma cell as a
functIOn of ceSlUm vapor pressure for several emitter temperatures.
Cesium pressure is given in mm Hg.
scattering by neutrals is comparable. Thus, it appears
that for a pressure of 10-4 mm Hg collisions of ions and
electrons with neutral cesium atoms can no longer be
neglected. Hence, a correlation of the change in slope
of t~e ion current curves with the onset of charged
p~rtlcle-neutral atom collisions seems reasonable, espe
CIally when note is taken of the fact that the pressure at
which the change in slope occurs is independent of
emitter temperature, and, thus, also independent of
plasma density.
Another effect correlated with the change of slope of
the ion currents is the onset of a decrease of open circuit
voltage with increasing cesium pressure. This behavior
is shown in Fig. 13, which presents open circuit voltage
as a function of cesium pressure for four emitter tem
peratures. These data were taken with a cell having a
3-mm emitter-collector separation distance. The minima
in the open circuit voltages which occur between 4 and
8X 10--2 mm Hg cesium pressure are considerably
smaller in magnitude than these observed for the
serrated collector cell with 2.5-mm spacing (Fig. 4).
This difference may be an effect of the collector serra
tions, but it appears more likely that it represents a
difference in the emitter-collector spacings of the two
cells. It is known that the magnitudes of the open circuit
voltage minima are dependent on the emitter-collector
spacing. For instance, at a spacing of 12.5 mm the open
circuit voltage obtained for an emitter temperature of
25400K dips to a value of 0.6 v. The difference in the
emitter-collector spacing of the two cells in question has
been quoted as 0.5 mm. However, this value may be in
error by an amount on the order of a millimeter since ,
the spacing is determined when the emitter is cold and
procedures undertaken to correct for the change in
than th~ emitter-collector spacing, the neutral cesium vapor must
be conSidered as a Knudsen gas whose temperature is determined
by the cell walls and the collector surface. As the number of free
paths between the emitter and collector increases the average
~emperature. of the cesium vapor between the two ~Iectrodes will
mc:ease untIl It approaches a value midway between that of the
emitter a~d the collector. ~ote ~hat a consequence of this effect is
that. a reglO!I of pressure will eXist for which the macroscopic cross
s~ctIon for lon-neutral scattering will increase more slowly than
lmearly with increasing cesium pressure. spacing as the emitter is brought up to temperature are
not always accurate.
In any case, Fig. 13 shows the general behavior of
open circuit voltage as a function of cesium pressure. A
direct comparison of Fig. 13 and Fig. 11 is not possible
because of the difference in emitter-collector spacing.
However, it is known from other experiments that the
decrease in open circuit voltage begins at the same
cesium pressure for which the ion current renews its
almost linear rise with cesium pressure for a given
emitter-collector spacing.
The commencement of the decrease of open circuit
voltage at the same pressure for which the ion currents
change slope is expected on the basis of the development
of a .:\laxwellian electron distribution when the effect of
electron collisions with neutrals becomes important.
Such collisions serve to increase the time a given electron
spends in the region between the emitter and collector
and, hence, the time during which this electron can
exchange energy with other electrons. For cesium pres
sures sufficiently low for collision effects to be treated
as negligible, the voltage picture is that shown in
Fig. 12(a). The collector barrier is larger than the
emitter potential sheath by an amount required to turn
back 249 of 250 electrons with a velocity distribution
equivalent to electrons at emitter temperature. How
ever, as the electron distribution becomes more random
with increasing cesium pressure the anode barrier
decreases. The component of velocity in the direction
of the collector is gradually reduced until eventually the
energy distribution of electrons in the plasma is
completely Maxwellian with an electron temperature
approximately that of the emitter. Although the plasma
density is now much greater, the collector barrier con
sists only of the kinetic energy term approximately equal
to the voltage required to repel now on the order of 499
of 500 electrons. The fact that the rise in ion current in
this pressure region is linear with pressure implies that
the height of the emitter barrier has not changed. As a
result, the open circuit voltage has decreased as shown in
Fig. 12(b). While the mechanism suggested here can ac
count for the correlation between the rise of plasma
density and decrease in open circuit voltage, it can only
account for a voltage drop of the order of a volt or less.
Hence some other effect is required to explain the full
magnitude of the voltage drop shown in Fig. 12.
It is possible to relate the behaivor of the ion current
with pressures above 10--2 mm Hg (Fig. 11) to the
combined effect of ion diffusion and the recombination
of ions and electrons. The calculational procedure in
volves three assumptions. The first of these is that the
source of ions in the plasma cell is restricted to the net
numbe: per second which enter the plasma through the
potentIal sheath at the emitter. The second is that the
loss of ions from the plasma occurs only through re
combination and through neutralization at the collector
surf~ce. The third assumption is that the mean free path
for lOn-neutral scattering does not vary in the region
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between the emitter and collector. This assumption is
not very realistic, since the temperature of the neutral
cesium atoms certainly varies in this region. However,
it is required if the mathematical treatment of the
problem is to be at all tractable.
With the foregoing assumptions, the transfer of ions
from the emitter to the collector can be represented by
the steady-state diffusion equation
Here N is the ion or electron density and p is the
recombination coefficient for ions and electrons. Da is
the ambipolar diffusion coefficient for the ions and
electrons. When the ion and electron temperatures are
equal, Da is just twice the ion diffusion coefficient and
can be represented by the relation Da= (Av)/3, where A
is twice the ion-neutral scattering mean free path and v
is the mean ionic velocity. When the electron tempera
ture is greater than the ion temperature, Da is greater
than twice the ion diffusion coefficient. This effect can
be more than compensated for by calculating Da in
the plasma region immediately adjacent to the emitter
and, in keeping with the third assumption made above,
taking this value as representative of the entire plasma
region. In calculating the ambipolar diffusion coefficient,
collisions of ions with electrons and with other ions are
not considered. The neglecting of ion-electron collisions
is of little consequence, and it seems apparent that the
effect of an individual ion-ion encounter in impeding
the flow of ions from emitter to collector is of much less
importance than an ion-neutral encounter, since in the
former instance there can be no distinction made as to
which particle is which. An ion proceeding in the direc
tion of the emitter may lose its momentum in this
direction through collision with another ion, but the
second ion will gain the momentum lost by the
initial ion.
In Eq. (1) it can be seen that the first term represents
the net rate at which ions diffuse into a unit volume of
plasma while the second term is the rate at which ions
are lost as a result of recombination. For a plane parallel
geometry the equation can be restricted to one dimen
sion and integrated. This procedure yields
dN =_(2PNJ +A)t,
dx 3Da (2)
where A is the constant of integration.
As a first boundary condition, the diffusion current at
the collector is set equal to the ion current received by
the collector. This conditions may be written as
where nl refers to the ion density immediately adjacent
to the collector sheath. This relation evaluates the constant A and Eq. (2) may be rewritten and integrated
[(nJv/4D,,)2- (2p/3Da)nJ3+(2p/3Da)N·J-!d~Y
= [XI dx, (4)
where n is the ion density in the plasma region adjacent
to the emitter. With the following substitutions
Da=AV/3, a=32pAnl/9v, 17=a/(1-a),
z= 17! (N/nl),
Eq. (4) may be rewritten as
4A (5)
The range of interest of values of the dimensionless
parameter a is from 10-1 to 10-9 so that with little error
17t and at (1-a)116 can be replaced by al. The integral in
Eq. (5) represents an elliptic function of the first kind
which may be written as
f dz -0.75984F(a,q,)+constant, (6)
(1 +Z3)!
where F(ex,q,) is given by
F(ex,q,)= ~ (l-sin2a sin2.J;)-tdlj;.
In the solution [Eq. (6)J above, ex is 75° and q, is given
by the relation
cosq,= ,
where -l~z~ 00.
The simplest calculational procedure is to evaluate
the integral in Eq. (6) by making a binomial expansion
of (1 + z3)-i for the two cases of z < 1 and z> 1 and
combining the two solutions obtained by the use of the
exact result for the value of the integral from zero to
infinity, this value being obtained from tables of
elliptic functions. Once a graph of the value of the
integral in Eq. (5) has been plotted as a function of z, it
is a straightforward procedure to obtain graphs of
a(n/nl) as a function of !eX/A) for various values of a.
These graphs form a set of master curves from which the
behavior of the ion density as a function of !eX/A) may
be obtained for various assumed dependences of the ion
density at the emitter on cesium pressure.
These master curves are shown in Fig. 14. If the ion
density adjacent to the emitter is assumed to increase
linearly with pressure (and A is assumed inversely
proportional to pressure) then a(n/nl) is a constant.
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":7L"_~ ___ ~~,~" ~_,_~~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
3 x 4"1:
FIG. 14. Curves showing the behavior of the quantity a (n/nl) as
a function of !(X/A) for several values of the parameter
a=32pAnl/9v. The ordinate is essentially a constant times nA,
where n is the ion density at the emitter and A is twice the mean
free path for ion-neutral elastic scattering. Hence a constant value
of the ordinate describes the case where the ion density at the
emitter increases linearly with cesium vapor pressure if A is taken
to be inversely proportional to this pressure.
Various values of a(n/nl) then correspond to various
emitter temperatures and curves of !(x/A)a vs !(X/A),
obtained from Fig. 14, are essentially plots of the ion
current versus cesium pressure. A set of such curves is
shown in Fig. 15. It can be seen that the behavior of ion
current versus cesium pressure is similar to that shown
in Fig. 11. It has been found that the assumption of a
linear increase of the ion density at the emitter with
cesium pressure results in a considerably better fit to
the observed data than does the assumption of a square
root dependence of the ion density on cesium pressure.
Fits to experimental curves such as shown in Fig. 11
require that A be evaluated as discussed previously, and
that p be given a value of from 1 to 4XI0-12 cma/sec
instead of the accepted value for cesium of 3 X 10-10
cm3/sec.12 The ion current curve for the highest emitter
temperature shown in Fig. 11 (curve number 1) cannot
be fitted with the same parameters which fit curves 2,
3, and 5 obtained at lower emitter temperatures. It may
be that this discrepancy results from a breakdown of the
assumption that the ion source is restricted to ions
entering the plasma from the emitter, that is, photo
ionization and ionization by electron impact with
cesium atoms may be relatively more important for
very high emitter temperatures.
In Fig. 15, it is apparent that for high cesium pres
sures the ion density at the collector becomes inde
pendent of the ion density at the emitter. This limiting
curve is given by the relationship
nl= 14.6(v/ p)(A2/xB)
for a«1. The equation indicates that the ion current at
12 See p. 141 of work cited in footnote to. the collector eventually falls off as the inverse square of
the cesium pressure for a given emitter-collector spacing.
In Fig. 4(e) and Fig. 10 there appeared instances of a
double valued dependence of current on voltage. This
double mode behavior of the plasma cell in the region
of high pressure and relatively large electrode spacing
can be understood, in part at least, in terms of positive
ion deficiency and hence electron space charge limitation
in the region near the collector. The results of the
experiments with the radiation shielded cell (Sec. V,
Fig. 10) demonstrated that the positive ion currents
obtained at the high pressures are of about the right
magnitude to neutralize the electron current obtained in
the low current mode. The high current mode requires a
source of ionization other than the formation of iom at
the emitter.
A similar situation exists for the cell with 12-mm
electrode spacing at high cesium pressure. As a result of
FIG. 15. Behavior of the quantity HX/A)a as a function of
!(X/A) for various values of a(n/nl), corresponding to various
emitter temperatures. The ordinate is equal to a constant times the
ion density at the collector for the case of X=XI, the emitter
collector separation distance. Hence these curves represent the
behavior of collector ion current as a function of cesium vapor
pressure when the ion-neutral scattering mean free path is taken to
be inversely proportional to the cesium pressure.
recombination, the ion density at the collector can fall
below the level required to pass all the electron current
from the emitter. Hence a space charge barrier will
become established in the region near the collector and
the cell current will satuarate at a level determined by
the ion density at the collector. As in the radiation
shielded cell, if an additional source of ions is provided,
the current will increase to values apparently limited by
the emission of the electron source.
The double mode behavior which occurs for a tanta
lum emitter cell with 12-mm spacing and a 51-mm diam
collector is depicted in Fig. 16. With emitter tempera
ture at 2175°K [Fig. 16(a)] two modes are not observed.
At a pressure of O.S mm the current increases continu
ously with voltage. For the two higher pressures the
current levels off at values which decrease with pressure.
Electron accelerating fields in the cell are not sufficient
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] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:26:09EX PER 1M EN TAL I N V EST I GAT ION 5 0 FeE 5 I U M P LAS MAC ELL 2153
to increase the electron temperatures to the point where
ionization by collision can occur frequently enough to
maintain the high current discharge mode. At the next
higher emitter temperature [Fig. 16(b)] a double mode
exists for pc.= 1 mm. For the lower pressure only the
high mode exists and for the higher pressure only the
low mode is observed.
Further increase in emitter temperature [Fig. 16(c)]
brings about the appearance of double modes at pc. = 2
mm. For Tp=2540oK, PC8= 1 mm, a discontinuity in
the slope of the current voltage characteristic is the only
indication of the tendency for double mode operation.
It can be seen that the minimum voltage for which the
high current can be sustained increases with increase in
cesium pressure and decreases (becomes more negative)
with increasing emitter temperature. Other experiments
have demonstrated that for a given emitter temperature
the double mode behavior will first appear at a fixed
10 r--~------" -----,----,----,--r----,--..,.-,I -01 ---'1 ~
(f) t CURVES C. PRESSURE ( .... H,)
.... I :r 0.5 (d) T .. 2540.K ffi 10' lr 1.0
IL JI[ 2.0
I 0
~ 10 (.) .... 2175 .K .... a:: a::
:::l of (,) 10
Q .... > a:: ·z .... 10
CD o
I~~~~ __ ~_~I ~I __ ~I __ ~I~ __ ~I __ L-~~
-3 0 -2 -I 0 -2 -I 0 -2 -I 0 -2 -I
FIG. 16. Current-voltage characteristics at high cesium pressures
for tantalum emitter cell having collector-emitter separation dis
tance of 12-mm and 51-mm diam copper collector. Each set of
curves represents the characteristics at the given emitter tem
perature for cesium pressures of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mm Hg.
value of pressure times electrode separation distance, a
result to be expected from similarity considerations.
The general behavior of the transitions from low to
high current modes is closely analogous to the transi
tions to temperature limited arcs described by Malter
et al.13 as occurring in rare gases. Malter also observed
that such arcs could be maintained even when the
voltage applied across the gas was reduced to negative
13 L. Malter, E. O. Johnson, and W. M. Webster, RCA Rev. 12,
415 (1951). The identification of cell behavior at high cesium
pressures as arclike suggests a potential distribution
observed by Compton and Eckart14 for a mercury vapor
arc wherein the emitter barrier is about equal to the
ionization potential (of cesium, in this case) and the
plasma potential decreases from this maximum to values
near zero at the collector. For the case where the emitter
work function is higher than that of the collector the
voltage at the collector can be negative.Ia,15 In the body
of the plasma the electron current is sustained by forces
of thermoelectric origin, i.e., electron temperature and
concentration gradients.
Confirmation that the plasma cell is generating a
temperature limited arc discharge at high cesium pres
sure and low cell voltage has recently been obtained
from observations made in the Los Alamos Laboratory.16
These observations were made through the use of a
tantalum emitter cell equipped with a sapphire window
to permit visual (and spectrographic) observation of the
plasma region between the emitter and collector. Visual
inspection of this region demonstrated that the dis
continuous transition from the low current to high
current mode was accompanied by the abrupt appear
ance of a yellow glow which filled the region between
the emitter and collector. In the low current mode of
cell operation no light from the plasma region would be
distinguished from the background of scattered light
originating from the emitter. In the high current mode
increasing the cell voltage in a positive sense (to and
beyond the condition of short circuit) resulted first in
the intensification of the glow. In the region from zero
to one volt positive the cell current increased rapidly
with voltage while at the same time the light from the
discharge could be seen to spread across the tantalum
support disk. This indicates, as suggested in Sec. III,
that the high currents obtained at high cesium pressure
for positive cell voltages result from the fact that a large
region of the tantalum support disk is furnishing elec
trons to the plasma under these conditions.
The authors would like to acknowledge the assistance
of D. J. Kelly, R. E. Aamodt, D. J. Roehling, and G. F.
Erickson in obtaining various portions of the experi
mental data described herein.
14 K. T. Compton and C. Eckart, Phys. Rev. 25, 139 (1925).
15 See p, 254 of work cited in footnote 10.
16 L. E. Agnew, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (private
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] IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 20:26:09 |
1.1742600.pdf | ProtonDeuteron Hyperfine Structure in Paramagnetic Resonance: A πδ Interaction
Balu Venkataraman and George K. Fraenkel
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 24, 737 (1956); doi: 10.1063/1.1742600
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1742600
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 13:55:01CELL AND CELL-CLUSTER MODELS FOR LIQUIDS 737
If one neglects contributions from multiply occupied
f f exp{ -(3(if;1(a)+if;1(b»)}dXl(a)dX1(b)
This integral will be evaluated approximately by ex
panding gl(a)l(b) in powers of (3(<I>l(a)l(b)-W1(a)l(b)
-W1(b)l(a)+U 1(a)l(b»), neglecting cubes and higher
powers. The linear term vanishes when inserted in (50),
because of the definitions in (18) and (24) ofW1(a)l(b)
and U1(a)l(b). Hence Kab/(KaKb) is approximately the
average value of !(32{<I>I(a)l(b)2- U1(a)l(b)2}, the average
being calculated with the weight factor exp{ -(3(W1(a)
+W1(b»)}, or, again approximately, the average value
(v.lv)' 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
(J(").. •• -)...) 0.028 0.033 0.029 0.022 0.016 0.013 0.009
p(p'-P)!i* +0.076 -0.042 -0.067 -0.045 -0.015 -0.003 -0.002
of !f32{Wl(a)1(b)2- U 1(a)1(b)2}, the average being calcu
lated with the weight factor exp( -(3Wl(a»). The values
of (3 CAao-Aa) calculated in this way for (3A = 10 are shown
in Table III. In the last row are the corrections con
tributed by clusters of two cells to the values of (3pv*
calculated in the previous section. It will be noticed
that the quantitative effect of these corrections is to
this approximation not great, and to this extent the
cell model is vindicated. But the introduction of cell
clusters is necessary if one wishes to achieve a self
consistent model for a particular cell size. Actually
this self-consistency remains rather theoretical in the
above calculation: one still cannot use (39) to calculate
the pressure, owing to the fact that multiple occupation
of cells has been disregarded. However, one is assured
that if more detailed calculations were made, no mathe
matical contradiction would be found.
Proton-Deuteron Hyperfine Structure in Paramagnetic Resonance: A 7C-a Interaction*
Department of Chemistry, Columbia UniVersity, New York 27, New York
(Received July 18, 1955)
The mechanism of the hyperfine splitting observed in paramagnetic resonance spectra of certain aromatic
free radicals containing protons adjacent to the aromatic ring is examined. It is shown that the magnitude
of the interaction between an unpaired electron in a 7r orbital and a vibrating hydrogen atom is insufficient
to account for the observed splitting. Such a vibrational mechanism is considered to be untenable: (i) on
the basis of quantitative calculations, (ii) by the failure to observe lines corresponding to the first excited
vibrational state, and (iii) by a comparison of the splitting caused by protons and deuterons. It is sug
gested that the unpaired electron is not in a purely 7r state and that the splitting may be accounted for by
configuration interaction between 7r and u states.
RECENT studies of the paramagnetic resonance
spectra of solutions of aromatic free radicals
have shown the existence of small but complex fine
structure,I-3 It was tentatively concluded that this
structure was caused by intramolecular hyperfine
interactions between protons and the unpaired electron,
and a confirmation of this hypothesis was provided by
performing complete analyses of the spectra of methyl
substituted and unsubstituted p-benzosemiquinone
* This research was supported in part by the United States Air
Force through the Office of Scientific Research.
1 Weissman, Townsend, Paul, and Pake, J. Chern. Phys. 21,
2227 (1953).
2 S. I. Weissman, J. Chern. Phys. 22, 1135 (1954); Lipkin,
Paul, Townsend, and Weissman, Science 117, 534 (1953); Chu,
Pake, Paul, Townsend, and Weissman, J. Phys. Chern. 57, 504
3 H. S. Jarrett and G. J. Sloan, J. Chern. Phys. 22, 1783 (1954). ions.4.6 One interesting feature of the spectra, which is
considered in detail in the present article, is the
existence of a splitting, of the order of two gauss,
attributable to the protons on the aromatic ring.
Clearly, since the unpaired electron in a conjugated
system is in a 11' state, and since the splittings measured
in solution are caused by an unpaired-electron density
at the proton in question,6 a proton in the plane of the
aromatic ring, which is the nodal plane of a 1J' orbital,
should not give rise to any interaction. Weissman and
co-workers have suggested that the requisite splitting
4 B. Venkataraman and G. K. Fraenkel, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 77,
2707 (1955).
6 B. Venkataraman and G. K. Fraenkel, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 588
6 S. 1. Weissman, J. Chern. Phys. 22, 1378 (1954).
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could arise from the zero-point vibrations of the
protons,! and Jarrett and Sloan have proposed an
indirect coupling between the electron and proton
moments through the chemical bond,3 of a type similar
to the coupling between nuclear moments observed in
nuclear magnetic resonance spectra.7,s An account is
given in the following of three different approaches
that have been used to study the nature of this inter
action: the magnitude of the splitting has been calcu
lated on simple theoretical grounds; a search has been
made for the spectrum that should arise, assuming the
existence of a vibrational mechanism, from the first
excited vibrational state; and a study has been made
of the spectrum of the deuterated p-benzosemiquinone
The calculation of the magnitude of the interaction
caused by a vibrational mechanism proceeds as follows:
The Hamiltonian contains a term that depends on the
nuclear spin of the form L i a;S .1;, where S and I; are
electron and nuclear spin angular momenta, respec
tively, in units of h/2'1T', and the summation is extended
over all nuclei possessing magnetic moments. The expec
tation value of the parameter ai is given by a formula
due to Fermi9: ai=(8'1T'/3)g{3gi{3N!,p(i)J2Av, where g is
the spectroscopic splitting factor of the electron
(g= 2.0023 for a free electron), {3 is the Bohr magneton,
gi is the nuclear g factor of the ith nucleus, and (3N is
the nuclear magneton. !,p(i) !2AV is the density of the
unpaired electron at the ith nucleus averaged over the
vibrational motions; the average introduced here is an
appropriate modification of Fermi's result. The calcu
lation of the hyperfine splitting thus requires an
evaluation of ! ,p(i) !2AV'
We first calculate the interaction for one 'IT' electron
on a carbon atom adjacent to a proton. It is assumed
that the carbon orbital is adequately represented by a
Slater-typelO 2p orbital (the Hartree-Fock wave function
of Torrance gives similar resultsll) and that the vibration
is equivalent to a one-dimensional oscillator performing
simple harmonic motion in a direction parallel to the
direction of the p-orbital. The average over the vibra
tional motion of the density of the 2p orbital at a
distance x from the carbon atom, in a direction per
pendicular to the orbital, is given by
where n is the vibrational quantum number, m is the
effective reduced mass of the appropriate normal mode
with frequency II, and ao is the Bohr radius. For sim
plicity, we assume that m is the mass of the proton and
II is the frequency of the perpendicular C-H bonding
7 Gutowsky, McCall, and Slichter, J. Chern. Phys. 21, 279
8 N. F. Ramsey, Phys. Rev. 91,303 (1953).
9 E. Fermi, Z. Physik 60, 320 (1930).
10 J. C. Slater, Phys. Rev. 36, 57 (1930).
11 C. C. Torrance, Phys. Rev. 46, 388 (1934). mode in benzene (II/C= 671 cm-I),12 Although the proper
decomposition of the motion into normal modes is not
carried out, the result will not be seriously in error. By
using this formula for ! ,p2p !2AV, the value of the splitting
constant for one 2p-carbon orbital and a proton exe
cuting zero-point vibrations at a distance of 1.08 A
(C-H bond distance) is found to be ai= 0.68 gauss.
To determine the interaction constant for a semi
quinone molecule, the coefficient of the 2p wave function
for a carbon atom adjacent to a proton in the total
orbital of the unpaired electron must be determined.
An estimate of the coefficient was made by performing
a rudimentary molecular orbital calculation in which all
but nearest neighbor exchange integrals and all overlap
integrals were neglected,13 and in which the Coulomb
integral for oxygen was assumed to differ from that for
carbon by the resonance integral {3. (Hoo-Hcc={3 in
Coulson's notation.) The unpaired electron occupies the
fifth orbital (energy E=Eo+0.2541(3) and the wave
function is
,p6=0.4700(4)0-4>0,)+0.3505 (4)1-4>4)
-0.2795 (4)2-4>3-4>6+4>6),
where 4>1 to 4>6 are the six 2p-carbon orbitals numbered
according to the usual chemical convention, and 4>0,4>0'
are the 2p-oxygen orbitals. The calculated splitting
constant for a proton in the p-benzosemiquinone ion
is therefore aH= (0.68)X (0.2795)2=0.053 gauss.
This estimate of 0.053 gauss is about one-fiftieth of
the experimental value of 2.4 gauss. In all probability,
because of the tendency for the 'IT' orbital to follow the
vibrational motion and thus remain perpendicular to
the C-H bond,t4 this calculated value is an over
estimate. Conventional ideas about 'IT' orbitals and vibra
tional motion cannot therefore account for the experi
mentally observed splitting.
It is conceivable that a vibrational mechanism is
possible but that for some unexplained reason the mag
nitude of the wave function of the unpaired electron at
the protons is in error. If this were the case, the
spectrum of molecules in the first excited vibrational
state should be detectable, and the splitting constant
for the excited molecules should differ from the constant
for molecules in the ground state. Assuming a frequency
of 671 cm-t, the population of molecules in the first
excited vibrational state at room temperature is about
4% of the population of the ground state. Since by this
mechanism the splitting constant is determined by the
mean-square vibration amplitude, the constant for the
excited state should be three times the constant for the
12 G. Herzberg, Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure: II.
Infra-Red and Raman Spectra of Diatomic Molecules (D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1954), first edition, p. 363.
E. B. Wilson, Phys. Rev. 45, 706 (1934).
13 C. A. Coulson, Valence (Oxford University Press, New York,
1953), first edition, p. 238.
14 P. ]. Wheatley and J. W. Linnett, Trans. Faraday Soc. 45,
897 (1949); D. F. Eggers, Jr., J. Chern. Phys. 23, 221 (1955).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 13:55:01H Y PER FIN EST Rue T U REI N PAR A MAG NET I eRE SON A NeE 739
ground state, and therefore all but the central line of
the spectrum of the excited state of the p-benzosemi
quinone ion should occur outside the spectrum due to
the ground-state vibration. A search, which was made
under conditions of spectrometer sensitivity such that a
1 % rather than a 4% contribution of the excited state
should have been detectable, failed to reveal the
presence of these lines.
The above argument assumes that the line width in
the excited state is the same as in the ground state. The
line width is probably determined by the lifetime of a
spin state, and if a vibrational mechanism were respon
sible for the hyperfine interaction, the lifetime of a
spin state would be determined by the lifetime of the
vibrational state. Since these lifetimes are controlled
by collisions, it is unlikely that the lifetime of an excited
vibrational state should be markedly different from the
lifetime of the ground state and, therefore, the widths
of lines from ground and excited states should be of the
same order of magnitude. Furthermore, since the lines
have a width of only 0.3 gauss or about 1 Me/sec, a
spin state persists for the order of 107 oscillations of a
vibrational state with frequency 671 cm-I. Since a life
time of 10-6 sec for a vibrational state in solution is
excessively long, the narrowness of the observed ab
sorption lines also points to the impossibility of a
vibrational mechanism for the hyperfine structure.
A third prediction can be made from the theory of
the vibrational mechanism: since the ratio of the
splitting constants for protons and deuterons (aH and
aD, respectively) will be
(aH/aD)= (gH/gD)(!,p(H) 12Avll,p(D) !\,),
a measurement of the experimental ratio would give
the ratio of the average odd-electron density at the
protons and the deuterons. If a vibrational mechanism
is responsible for the splitting, the mean odd-electron
density is determined by the mean-square vibration
amplitude which, in turn, is inversely proportional to
the square-root of the mass of the vibrator. Neglecting
the proper normal modes and reduced mass, this implies
that, since gH/gD=6.514,t5 aH/aD"-'V2 6.5=9.2. If a
vibrational mechanism is not primarily responsible for
the splitting, a ratio of aH/aD=6.514 would be expected.
The deuterated p-benzosemiquinone ion was prepared
from the deuterated hydroquinone by atmospheric
oxidation of the hydroquinone in alkaline ethanol
solution. The deuterated hydroquinone was obtained by
allowing ordinary hydroquinone to exchange with 0.1 M
NaOH in D20 at 150°C for three days16; the exchange
was carried out in a sealed tube in the absence of oxygen
to avoid oxidation of the hydroquinone. The deuterated
hydroquinone was recovered by freezing the tube in dry
15 N. F. Ramsey, Nuclear Mommts (John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1953), p. 78.
161. P. Gragerov and A. I. Brodskii, Doklady Akad. Nauk S. S.
S. R. 79, 277 (1951); 1. P. Gragerov and G. P. Miklukhin, Zhur.
Fiz. Khim. 24, 582 (1950). FIG. 1. Paramagnetic res
onance spectrum of partial
ly deuteratecl p-benzosemi
quinone ion. Upper half:
entire spectrum. Lower half:
the low field portion of the
spectrum including part of
the central peak.
ice before opening the tube to the atmosphere, adding
sufficient HeI to the opened tube to neutralize the
alkali, and then evacuating the tube before the mixture
was allowed to thaw. The slightly acidic solution thus
obtained was dried under reduced pressure, the residue
was extracted with ether four or five times, and the
residue obtained by evaporating the ether extracts was
recrystallized from 99% D20Y
The predicted spectrum of the completely deuterated
p-benzosemiquinone ion consists of nine equally spaced
lines with intensity ratios 1:4:10:16:19:16:10:4:1.
The predicted spectrum for the deuterated ion with
three deuterons and one proton consists of fourteen
lines which, taking the central line of the completely
deuterated species as the origin, would be spaced at
± (3aD+aH/2), ± (2aD+aH/2), ± (aD+aH/2), ±aH/2,
± (aD-aH/2), ± (2aD-aH/2), ± (3aD-aH/2), and
would have intensity ratios 1:3:6:7:6:3:1:1:3:6:7:
6: 3: 1. If the ratio aH/ aD"-'6.5, all but four lines (the
two extreme pairs) of the partially deuterated molecule
containing three deuterons and one proton would lie
very close to the lines of the completely deuterated
species and as such would not be distinguishable if the
partially deuterated compound were at very low con
centration. The actual spectrum contains thirteen lines,
in agreement with a prediction based on a mixture of
the fully deuterated and the 3-1 partially deuterated
molecules. The eleven strongest lines are shown in
Fig. 1; the two outside lines are too weak to be seen
on the scale used in the photograph.
The other partially deuterated molecules containing
fewer deuterons could not be detected in our sample.
The failure to detect these other partially deuterated
17 Ordinary water probably could have been used for the
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molecules is consistent with the relative concentra
tions predicted by assuming equilibrium between all
protons and deuterons in the reaction mixture. If the
isotope effect is neglected, the concentrations of the
molecules containing 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0 deuterons in the
ring would be, respectively, in the ratio d4:4d3h:6d2h2:
4dh3:h4, where d and h are the fraction of hydrogen
isotopes in the reaction mixture in the form of deuterons
and protons, respectively. The value of d calculated
from the stoichiometric proportions used in the reaction
mixture is 0.986; while that estimated from the spectrum
(assuming the ratio of the 4-deuteron compound to the
3-deuteron compound is given by d/4h) is 0.97. This
discrepancy is presumably caused by incomplete equi
librium and by the neglect, in the calculations, of the
isotope effect. The value of d=0.97 means that the
mixture contained at least 80% of the completely
deuterated species.
The hyperfine splitting constant for the deuteron in
the p-benzosemiquinone ion, aD, was found to be 0.365
gauss. This value is somewhat uncertain because of
overlap between the hyperfine components and con
tamination of the spectrum by the 3--1 partially deu
terated species. To obtain this value the spacings
between the different peaks of the spectrum had to be
corrected for overlap. The spectrum was assumed to
consist of individual lines arising from the fully deu
terated and 3-1 partially deuterated molecules and an
estimate of the ratio of the concentration of the two
types of molecules was made. This estimate was ob
tained by comparing the observed spectrum, using
successive approximations, with a computed derivative
spectrum assuming that the lines were of Lorentz-type
shape with identical widths.4 Since the line width of the
deuterated compound depended slightly on the concen
tration of the radical, which in turn decreased with time,
only an approximate estimate of the line width could be
made. The width between extrema on the derivative of
the spectrum was found to be approximately 0.18 gauss,
corresponding to a full width at half-intensity for a
Lorentz line of 0.32 gauss. The uncertainties in the line
width and concentration of the partially deuterated
species made the corrections for overlap somewhat
uncertain, and we estimate that the splitting constant
an may be in error by as much as 2%.
The splitting constant of the protons in the p-benzo
semiquinone ion was remeasured and found to be
2.366±0.006 gauss. The ratio is therefore aH/ aD= 6.48
to within about 2%. Since the value of gH/gD=6.514,
these measurements indicate that the unpaired-electron
density at either deuterons or protons is the same within
experimental error. The value for this ratio of about 9 predicted on the basis of a mechanism involving vibra
tion of the hydrogen atoms is clearly incompatible with
the experimental observations, and therefore such a
vibrational mechanism can only contribute a minor
amount to the splitting.
In the search for a satisfactory explanation of the
hyperfine splitting, the suggestion of Jarrett and Sloan3
that an indirect coupling between the electron and
proton moments through the chemical bonds, similar to
the coupling between nuclear moments observed in
nuclear magnetic resonance spectra,8 has to be con
sidered. Not only have no quantitative estimates of
this mechanism been made but, in addition, it is not
clear that such a mechanism is qualitatively correct:
no demonstration has been given that a nonvanishing
S . I interaction of this nature could arise from an
electron in a 'If' orbital. We are thus at present forced to
find another mechanism.
It is suggested that the unpaired electron is partly
in a 0' state; this hypothesis is a contradiction of the
previous assumption that the odd electron is in a purely
11" state. Just as the hyperfine interaction between the
unpaired electron and the methyl-group protons in
methyl-substituted semiquinones is believed to be due
to hyperconjugation,6 it is suggested that the inter
action between the unpaired electron and the ring
proton is due to configuration interaction between 0'
and 'If' states. Configuration interaction can give rise to
an odd-electron density at the ring protons either by
uncoupling one C-H 0' bond, promoting one of the
0' electrons to an excited 0' state, or by unpairing two
such bonds simultaneously and promoting one electron
from each bond to 11" states. Altmann has pointed out
that the usual Huckel approximation for the treatment
of the energy levels of conjugated systems, in which the
'If' electrons and 0' electrons are considered independently,
is adequate for the ground state, but that the effect of
'If'-0' interactions is of great importance in computing
exited state energies.1s Although such a 11"-0' interac
tion would leave a finite odd-electron density at the
ring protons, only quantitative calculations along the
lines suggested by Altmann for the ethylene molecule19
could show whether or not this effect is of sufficient
magnitude to account for the interaction constant
The authors gratefully acknowledge numerous helpful
discussions with Professor George E. Kimball and
Professor Richard Bersohn.
18 S. L. Altmann, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) Al10, 327 (1951)_
19 S. L. Altmann, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A2l0, 343 (1951).
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1.1735414.pdf | Dipole Mode of Minority Carrier Diffusion with Reference to Point Contact
B. R. Gossick
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 31, 29 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1735414
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735414
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Dipole Mode of Minority Carrier Diffusion with Reference to
Point Contact Rectification
Physics Department, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
(August 5, 1959)
The dipole mode of minority carrier diffusion about a spherical emitter is presented. The current-voltage
relationship, and frequency characteristics of this mode are determined. Compared with the unipole mode,
which has been treated extensively, the dipole mode offers superior high-frequency performance, which is
partially offset by an inferior dc characteristic curve. A representative numerical example gives 40 mllsec
mean response time with the unipole mode and 0.5 mllsec with the dipole mode. It is proposed that the
reproducibility of special diode characterictics might be improved by designing diodes to suppress either
the unipole or dipole mode. Methods are suggested for the suppression of either mode.
THE behavior of rectifying point contacts which
inject minority carriers has been analyzed by
solving the heat equation with only one space coordi
nate, viz., the radial distance about the point.1-6 The
result is that in the work reported to date, all spherical
harmonics in the general solution have been ignored
save one. The intention here is to obtain an answer to
the question: What is the relative importance of the
dominant higher mode of excitation, as compared with
the fundamental mode? The answer happens to have a
significant bearing on diode performance, and therefore
it is important.
Although we refer here to point contact rectifiers, the
discussion applies not only to rectifiers with a metal
point contact on n-type germanium, but to hemispheri
cal alloy junctions, "gold-bonded" diodes, and in fact
any semiconducting device with a rectifying barrier of
the type indicated in Fig. 1. In the discussion hereafter,
minority carriers will be represented by holes.
Although the unipole mode has been used as a model
for point contact rectification, it appears impossible
to design a practical experiment to illustrate the case.
We resort to a "dedanken experiment," in which an
imaginary electrical connection couples a central sphere
with one terminal of a generator, and a real electrical
connection couples a surrounding concentric shell with
the other terminal of the generator (Fig. 2). The
central sphere is an injecting contact. The surrounding
concentric shell is an ohmic contact, and the concentric
layer in between is an n-type semiconductor. With such
* Work supported by U. S. Atomic Energy Commission
1 P. C. Banbury, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) B66, 833-840
2 Melvin Cutler, Phys. Rev. 96, 255-259 (1954).
3 H. L. Armstrong, J. App!. Phys. 27,420 (1956).
4 B. R. Gossick, J. App!. Phys. 27, 905-911 (1956).
6 E. Hofmeister and E. Groschwitz, Z. angew. Phys. 10, 109-114
6 Heinz Beneking, Z. angew. Phys. 10, 216-225 (1958). geometry, the flow of holes is radial from the spherical
injecting contact, which typifies the unipole mode of
minority carrier diffusion. The excess concentration of
holes about the injecting sphere obeys, for the unipole
mode, the relation
p(r)-p.= p.(eqV/kT -1)ro/r, (1)
in which V represents applied voltage; k, T, and q
denote respectively Boltzmann's constant, absolute tem
perature, and electronic charge; p. denotes equilibrium
hole concentration; ro, the exterior boundary of the
space charge region (Fig. 1); and r, the radial coordi
nate. The hole current through one hemisphere is given
by the well-known Wagner7 relation
I(V)= I. (eqV/kT -1). (2)
The saturation current I. stands for the expression
27rrolT pkT / q in which IT p gives the conductivity due to
holes. The unipole mode of hole diffusion has been
applied to rectifiers with geometric design typified by
Fig. 3. The n-type semiconducting die is either a
rectangular parallelopiped or right cylinder, with an
ohmic contact across the bottom surface, and a rectify
ing point contact on the center of the opposite surface.
v.o-}i-~~ __ ~~~~~~BA~ND~ ____ ~I
~------,------------------------I I FERMI LEVEL 1
I I :
I I I t-o ,arm "'0 r=~
FIG. 1. Profile of potential energy of electrons shown with the
diode in equilibrium. The radii rm, To, and T1 refer to the radius of
the metal contact (rm) , the exterior radius of the space charge
layer (ro), and the distance between the center of the injecting
contact and the boundary of the ohmic contact Crt) as shown
in Fig. 4.
7 C. Wagner, Physik. Z. 32, 641 (1931).
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IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 15:48:4930 B. R. GOSSICK
I I ,
I , _______________ J
FIG. 2. Hypothetical arrangement to illustrate spherically sym
metric diffusion of minority carriers, i.e., by the unipole mode.
The flow pattern of hole current injected from the
point contact has been sketched to conform reasonably
to the pattern required for the unipole mode shown in
Fig. 2. However, such a pattern can be attained only
with either a very large surface recombination velocity
on the sides of the die, or by extending the ohmic
contact to the sides. On the contrary, the free surfaces
are normally etched to minimize leakage current about
the point contact. Therefore, in practice, the current
density is nonuniform across the surface of the emitting
contact, less current being emitted from the sides and
more being emitted from the center. It becomes evident
in the next paragraph that such a departure from the
unipolar flow pattern leads to the characteristic pattern
of the dipole mode.
One can, at least in principle, design an experiment to
illustrate the dipole mode of hole diffusion. Such an
arrangement is shown in Fig. 4. The injecting contact
floats electrically in the center of the semiconducting
sample. While one hemisphere of this contact emits
holes, the opposite hemisphere collects them. In order
to discuss this case, it is necessary to introduce another
coordinate, viz., the angle e between the applied field
E and the radius vector r. The excess concentration of
holes about the central sphere obeys, for the dipole
mode, the relation
p(r,e) -pe= Pe(eQV cos8/kT -1)rNr2. (3)
As defined here, the term applied voltage V refers to one
hemisphere in the case of the dipole mode (Fig. 4). The
purpose for so defining applied voltage is to make it
serve for the practical scheme illustrated in Fig. 6. The
density of radial hole current at the edge of the space
FIG. 3. Conventional point contact-semiconductor die arrangement
with current How pattern typical of theunipole mode. charge layer may be written
J(ro,e) = 20'pkT(eQV cosB/kT -1) (qrO)-l. (4)
We have also for the hole current through one
J(V)= 2I8[kT(eQV/kT -1) (qV)-L 1]. (S)
The current-voltage characteristic (5) is indeed dif
ferent from the Wagner law (2), as may be seen in Fig. S.
The ultimate reverse current with the dipole mode is
twice as great as that with the unipole mode, and the
forward current with the dipole mode is somewhat lower
as compared with the unipole mode. The dipole mode of
hole diffusion is applicable to rectifiers with the geo~
metric design sketched in Fig. 6. Once more, the
n-type semiconducting die may be either a rectangular
parallelopiped or right cylinder, with an ohmic contact
across the bottom surface, and a rectifying contact on
the center of the opposite surface. The flow pattern is
just what might be expected with a well-etched die.
T v 1-T
FIG. 4. Schematic arrangement to illustrate the diffusion of
minority carriers by the dipole mode. A small spherical injecting
contact floats electrically in the center of a semiconductor. The
lower hemisphere of the central contact emits, while the upper
hemisphere collects holes. The hole current which bypasses the
spherical contact is not shown.
Therefore, from the viewpoint of the practitioner, the
dipole mode of minority carrier diffusion merits as much
study as the unipole mode.
The dipole mode exhibits a shorter injection recovery
time than the unipole mode for the following reason.
The excess holes obey the relation l/r with the unipole
mode, but are distributed as 1/r2 with the dipole mode.
Hence the total injection is localized nearer the contact
with the dipole mode, and can be collected faster when
the diode is cut off. This advantage of the dipole mode
is partially offset by a longer time constant for the
space charge layer with forward bias, because the slope
of (S) is less than the slope of (2) with V>O.
In order to illustrate briefly the main features of
dipolar diffusion, some details have been brushed
aside which will be considered in the following sections.
The analysis which follows employs a set of initial
postulates and corollaries stated in an earlier paper.4
Only minority carriers will be discussed.
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The equation of continuity for excess hole concentra
tion [pl(1',B)= p(1',B)-P.] provides the basis from which
the hole current will be determined:
Symbols D and r' denote, respectively, the diffusion
coefficient and lifetime of holes. The initial statement
(6) will be solved for the region outside an injecting
sphere (1'0<1') as illustrated in Fig. 4. subject to the
boundary conditions
and FIG. 6. Conventional point contact-semiconductor die arrangement
with current flow pattern typical of the dipole mode.
1 d d8
pl(ro,B,t) = p.(eQV(t) cos8/kT -1). (8) with --sinO-+l(l+1)8=0
sinO dO dfJ '
The first boundary condition (7) specifies that the flow
18 • I
:1 I
~ 6 I
14 I ,
I ,
12 , ,
____ un/llOle mode I
10 I _dipole mode I , ,
8 ,
I , , , ,
FIG. 5. Current-voltage characteristic curves for
the unipole and dipole modes.
of holes from the injecting sphere must be stable. The
second boundary condition (8) comes from the Boltz
mann distribution.4 For example, when the injecting
sphere (Fig. 4) is polarized, it is surrounded by an
electric dipole field. The dipole potential about the
exterior surface of the space charge layer obeys the
familiar relation V (1'0, B) = V cosB, which has been used
with the Boltzmann distribution to give (8).
Taking the Fourier transform of Pl(r,B,t) as the
product of two functions R(r,jw) 8 (B,jw), then it
follows from (6) that these functions separately satisfy
the differential equations
(9) 1/A2= (1+ jwr)/(Dr), (11)
and l= 0, 1, 2,3,' . '. The solution of (10) consists of the
well-known Legendre polynomials 8 I of the first kind .
An equation of the same form as (9) was solved by
Poisson8 in the course of investigating the asymmetric
propagation of heat in a sphere. It was demonstrated
later by Lommel8 that, except for a factor (A/ j1')l,
Poisson's solution consists of Bessel functions of order
(l+!). For example, the function R(r,jw) may be
Rl(1',jw)= {AlHz-H(jr/ A)+ BlH I-t-t(jr/ A)*}(A/ jr)t, (12)
in which HI-t-!(jr/A) is a Bessel function of the form for
complex arguments introduced by Hankel, HI-t-!(j1'/A)*
is the conjugate, A I and Bl are constants to be evaluated
from the boundary conditions.
The constants Bl vanish immediately from the
boundary condition (7). Therefore, the Fourier trans
form of the excess hole concentration reduces to eigen
functions of the form
Take now the dc case, which is formally obtained by
making V (t) a constant in the boundary condition (8)
and forcing the angular frequency w to vanish in the
diffusion length A. The constants A I are determined by
expressing the boundary condition (8) by an expansion
of (13), e.g.,
p.(eQVCo88/kT_1)= (A/ jro)! L A lHI-t-!(jro/A) 81• (14)
The unipole mode, with l=O, for which 80= 1, has been
discussed in an earlier paper.4 It is excluded from the
expansion (14) because it gives a spherically symmetric
distribution of holes about the injecting sphere, and
therefore cannot contribute to the solution for the
dipole mode. The following procedure may be used to
evaluate each constant A I in (14). One mUltiplies both
sides of (14) by 81" and then integrates over the solid
8 G. N, Watson, Bessel Functions (The Macmillan Company
Inc., New York, 1948), second edition. '
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IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 15:48:4932 B, R. GOSSIeK
angle 4n-. By employing the well-known orthogonality
and the integral formula after Gegenbauer8,9
one obtains the constants. They are given by the
(21+1) Az= -2-(j)l+l
(27rrOkT)i JZ+1'( -jqV/kT) Xp. -- .
AqV HIH(jro/A) (14c)
The diffusion current, as a function of applied voltage, is
obtained by integrating the radial current density over
one hemisphere of the space charge layer. The current,
as presented here, is based only on the term for 1= 1,
but, as the integral fob 82dQ vanishes, we have neg
lected only the terms for which l~ 3. The result may be
( ro 1 ) I(V)=iI. 1+-+--
A 1+ (ro/A)
(qV qV qV) (kT)2 X -cosh--sinh- - ,
kT kT kT qV (14d)
which takes the form
I(V)=V.(1+ ro + 1 )
A 1+ (ro/A)
x[--=-qV +~(qV)3+~(qV)5+ .. 'J, (14e)
3! kT 5! kT 7! kT
with qV/kT«1.
Note that the dipole mode, as based on Fig. 4, gives
a current which is an odd function of applied voltage, in
contrast to the unipole mode which displays an asym
metric dependence between current and voltage with
the well known "forward" and "reverse" characteris
tics. However, the symmetry in the dipolar current
voltage function would no longer remain in a hemi
spherical system applicable to point contact rectifiers
(see Fig. 6), but would give way to a "forward" and
"reverse" characteristic typical of rectifiers. A mathe
matical model for analyzing such a hemispherical
system is required, and the model proposed here
9 The function h+i' (-jz) in Gegenbauer's formula is a Bessel
function of the first kind. proceeds from the boundary condition (8). As a starting
point (8) gives the excess hole concentration at the
exterior surface of the space charge layer. Since the
dependence of excess holes on the coordinate 8 is
contained in the factor (eq v 0008/ kT -1), and the de~
pendence on the radius can be approximated by the
factor 1/r2, therefore the excess hole concentration may
be written as (3) which leads to the dipolar rectifier
formula (5).
Consider small voltage fluctuations of amplitude
V«kT/q, about a fixed bias Vo. This case requires only
a single term (1= 1) of (13), e.g., the boundary condition
(8) may be expressed as
p.eqVOooS8/kTqV cos8/kT
which immediately gives the constant A 1, and permits
expressing the transform of the fluctuation in hole
qV Pe( A+r) (ro)2 p1(r,8,jw)=-- -- -
kT A+ro r,
Xexp[(ro-r)/A+qV o cos9/kT]' (16)
The following expression for the small amplitude
fluctuation of diffusion current density comes directly
from (16):
let) =G(Vo)[1+ro/ A+ (1+ro/ A)-1JVeiwt/2. (17)
The conductance G(Vo) represents the slope of the
current-voltage characteristic (5) evaluated for a bias
voltage Vo. The admittance for the dipole mode may
be written
Y(jw) = jwC(Vo)
+G(Vo)[1 +ro/ A + (1 +ro/ A)-1]/2, (18)
in which C(Vo) is the barrier capacitance with bias Vo.
The transform Y(jW)-1 may be regarded as a transfer
function, and its inverse transform as a weighting
function jet), after James and Weiss.lO The physical
significance of the weighting function jet), in this
instance, is that it gives the voltage response to a unit
impulse in current density. As before,4 we use a method
described by Elmore and Sandsll to determine the
mean response time, as weighted by the function jet),
and obtain the relation
(t)AV= T d+ (rN2D), (dipole mode) (19)
in which T d is the time constant of the space charge
layer C(Vo)/G(Vo). The term rND will be called the
10 H. M. James and P. R. Weiss, Theory oj Servomechanisms,
edited by James, Nichols, and Phillips (McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, 1947), Chap. 2.
11 W. Elmore and M. Sands, Electronics (McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, 1949), p. 137.
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diffusion time hereafter in this paper. The mean
response time with the unipole mode, as reported
earlier,4 may be written
(t)AV= Tu+ (ro/2) (r/D)t (unipole mode). (20)
The second term of (20) is one-half the geometric mean
of the diffusion time and the bulk lifetime, which is
(Dr)l/ro times as great (a large factor) as the corre
sponding term in (19). However, this advantage of the
dipole over the unipole mode is somewhat offset by the
ratio of the charging time constants Td/T" which
increases with increasing forward bias.
At frequencies for which the relation wr02«2D holds,
the admittance reduces to
Y(jw)=G(V o)[l+ jW(t)AV], (21)
which has the frequency dependence of a simple
relaxation process. At high frequencies (wr02»2D) the
admittance obeys the relation
{ (wr02)1 [ (wr02)1]} Y(jw)=G(V o) 1+ 2D +j wTa+ 2D ' (22)
which has the same form as the corresponding admit
tance with the unipole mode.
In practice it would be very difficult to confirm or
disprove a formal solution for both modes operating
simultaneously. The justification for sketching such a
solution is that it reveals an important dependence of
both frequency and amplitude response on variations in
surface conditions. To treat both unipole and dipole
modes simultaneously, it is necessary to rewrite the
boundary condition (8) as follows
h(ro,fJ,t) = p.(exp{ q[1-/3+/3 cosfJ] V (t)/kT} -1), (23)
in which /3V is the fraction of the applied voltage taken
up by the dipole mode. By expressing (23) by the
expansion of (13), viz.,
p.(exp{q[l-/3+/3 cosfJ] V (t)/kT} -1)
= (A/jro) 1 L: A1H1-H(jro/A)E>I, (24)
the constants A I can be evaluated, and, in principle, the
hole concentration and, in turn, the hole current are
determined. The essential difficulty which impedes the
practical utilization of such a solution is the evaluation
of /3. The fraction /3 depends in a subtle way on the
geometrical design of the point contact diode and the
surface recombination velocity at all free surfaces of
the semiconducting die. Most important of all, /3 is not
truly constant, but varies with injection level. There
fore, the constants A I which determine the relative
magnitude of the modes contributing to the current can
themselves vary during the operation. In this way, (a)
FIG. 7. (a) Point contact-semiconductor die arrangement de
signed to suppress the unipole mode. (b) Point contact-semi
conductor die arrangement designed to suppress the dipole mode.
variations in frequency response might occur which
would be unjustifiable by the theoretical expressions for
dynamic behavior of the individual modes listed in the
previous section and in an earlier paper.4 Also, as surface
condition is difficult to control, it might be expected
that current-voltage characteristics representing various
combinations of (2) and (5) might appear in diodes
made under more 'or less similar conditions. It would
appear that more reproducible characteristics might be
obtained if diodes were designed deliberately to suppress
either the unipole or dipole mode, as dictated by the
application. Two simple geometric designs (Fig. 7) are
shown, one to suppress the unipole mode, and the
other to suppress the dipole mode.
The solutions for the higher modes (1) 1) of minority
carrier diffusion about a point contact should be un
important as long as the radius of the space charge
layer ro is small compared with the wavelength of the
applied field. With the present size of injecting contacts
and the frequency bands in use, the higher modes
should be of minor concern.
The validity of approximations (3), (19), and (21)
requires that the radius of the space charge layer ro be
small compared with the diffusion length (Dr)!, i.e.,
the dc value of A. Furthermore, the radius of the space
charge layer ro enters into the mean response time
(t)AV with both unipole and dipole modes. Therefore, the
magnitude of ro is of practical concern, and we are led
to ask questions such as the following. Are there limits
to the miniaturization of ro? If so, what are the limits,
and what do they indicate for attainable operating
The limits on ro may be inferred from a study of the
space charge surrounding disordered regions in germa-
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IP: On: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 15:48:4934 B. R. GOSSICK
nium.12 According to that study, if the radius of the
metal contact r m is small compared with the Debye
Htickel length (kTE)!(qW)-!, in which N is the con
centration of ionized donor impurities, then we have
a space charge layer with radius
ro= (3 ipErm/qN) 1, rm«(kTE/qW)! (25)
in which ip is the equilibrium barrier height. On the
other hand, if the Debye-Huckel length is small
compared with the contact radius, or of the same order,
then we have
Equation (25) gives a radius ro of extent 3500 A for a
metal contact with radius r m of 150 A on an n-type
germanium die with 10 ohm-cm resistivity, while (26)
gives a radius ro of 1400 A for the same contact on a
0.03 ohm-cm die. One might remark that ro is not a
sensitive function of resistivity, because a reduction by
more than two orders of magnitude in resistivity
produced, in this instance, a reduction in ro of less than
one order of magnitude. A reasonable conclusion is
that ro cannot be reduced significantly below around
3000 A with n-type germanium suited for diodes.
The diffusion length (Dr)! may be as much as 2500
times as great as the radius ro taking material with bulk
lifetime 200 J.Lsec, and diffusion coefficient 40 cm2/sec.
Therefore, the condition (Dr)t»ro, required for the
validity of (3), (19), and (21), can be met. Furthermore,
the same figures for ro and D give a diffusion time
r02/Drv3XIO-11 sec, which indicates that diodes could
be made to obey (21) up to a frequency of about
5 kMc/sec. At zero bias, the time constant of the space
Equations (27)-(30) become inaccurate with increasing
forward voltage because the hole concentration within
the range rm<r<ro has been neglected in the deter
mination of these expressions. However, in the range of
applied voltage over which motion of the space charge
layer noticeably influences the hole current, Eqs.
(27)-(30) are accurate.
As the space charge boundary is relatively insensitive
12 B. R. Gossick, J. Appl. Phys. 30, 1214 (1959). charge layer is about 5X 10-10 sec with n-type germa
nium having resistivity of 10 ohm-cm regardless of the
mode, which, with ro=3500 A, gives attainable values
of response time (t)AV"-' 5 X 10-10 sec with the dipole mode
as compared with (t)Av,,-,4X 10-8 sec with the unipole
mode. The mean response time of the dipole mode is
about two orders of magnitude smaller with this
example, and by consideration of the general expressions
for (t)AV, Eqs. (19) and (20) in Sec. III, it is evident that
the dipole mode is inherently superior to the unipole
mode for high frequency applications.
The motion of the boundary of the space charge layer
with variations in applied voltage has been neglected
thus far. As the boundary of the space charge layer is at
the same time the bounding surface for current flow, the
current for a given applied voltage is restricted by the
area of this bounding surface. Therefore, motion of the
space charge layer is of interest in connection with the
current-voltage characteristics. While the size but not
the shape of the space charge layer varies in the case
of the unipole mode, both size and shape vary with
applied voltage in the case of the dipole mode. As only
the size of the space charge layer varies with the
unipole mode, its dependence on applied voltage can be
treated by expressing the exterior radius as the function
ro(V). The departure from spherical form with the
dipole mode is treated here by considering the space
charge layer as a sphere with bounding radius equal to
the average radial coordinate (ro(V) )AV of the exterior
boundary. The average is taken over the range of the
angular coordinate 0<0<71/2. The expressions ro(V),
for the unipole mode, and (ro(V) )AV, for the dipole mode,
may be approximated by the following modifications
of (25) and (26):
rm« -(27))
to applied voltage, its effect on the expressions for dc
current (2) with the unipole mode, and (5) with the
dipole mode, can be accounted for by direct substitution
of the appropriate radius, ro(V) or (ro(V) )AY from (27)
through (30) for ro in the saturation current (I.). This
has been done with the current-voltage characteristic
curves for reverse voltage, sketched in Figs. 8 and 9.
These curves apply to diodes made of the same material,
viz., n-type germanium with 10 ohm-em resistivity.
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A 0.3 v equilibrium barrier (cp) has been assumed in
each example. Figure 8 refers to a low-frequency diode
with 33:3-tL contact radius (rm), which by (26) gives a
35-tL space charge bounding radius (ro) with zero bias.
Taking 200 tLsec bulk lifetime (T) and zero bias gives
4 tLsec for the mean response time (tjAV with the unipole
mode, and 0.15 tLsec with the dipole mode (with
reference only to Fig. 8).
The motion of the space charge layer with reverse
bias qV jkT= -2000, which is -50 v at room tempera
ture, makes the reverse current increase in magnitude
from -1. to -1.61. with the unipole mode, and from
-21. to 1.4(21.) with the dipole mode (Fig. 8). Figure 9
refers to a high-frequency diode with 150 A contact
radius (r m) which by (25) gives a 3500 A space charge
FIG. 8. Reverse current-voltage characteristics of both unipole
and dipole modes for a large contact radius suitable for low
frequency applications.
layer radius (ro) with zero bias. Taking 200 tLsec bulk
lifetime (T) and zero bias gives 40 mtLsec for the mean
response time (tjAY with the unipole mode and 0.5 mtLsec
with the dipole mode. In this case, the motion of the
space charge layer with reverse bias qVjkT= -2000,
makes the reverse current increase in magnitude from
-1. to -5.51. with theunipole mode, and from -218 to
-4.1(21.) with the dipole mode (Fig. 9). The percent-
agewise variation in saturation current through its !!.
-'103 -3.1,} -2.103 -.103
-5 1:
-6 1:s
FIG. 9. Reverse current-voltage characteristics of both unipole
and dipole modes for a small contact radius suitable for high
frequency applications.
dependence on the space charge boundary is less with
the dipole mode in both examples, the physical explana
tion being that the motion of the boundary with the
dipole mode is restricted by a constraint at (J=7rj2
where it is held stationary. A final conclusion, which
comes from a comparison of Figs. 8 and 9, is that a
smaller (i.e., faster) contact inherently gives a larger
magnitude of reverse current.
On the basis of this discussion it is clear that the
dipole mode has characteristics which are distinctly
different from and in certain respects superior to those
of the unipole mode. Therefore, the experimental
investigation of the dipole versus the unipole modes of
minority carrier diffusion is obviously warranted.
It is a pleasure to thank both H. C. Schweinler and
A. T. Wager for helpful comments.
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1.1743211.pdf | Hyperfine Structure in Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption Spectra
H. S. Jarrett
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 25, 1289 (1956); doi: 10.1063/1.1743211
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1743211
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:33:20LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 1289
splittings as (Al2+AI3); the other is (Al2-A13). In this manner
the relative signs of A I' and A 13 are found, as well as approximate
numerical values. The numerical values can be refined by a de
tailed analysis of the fluorine spectrum.
The best example we have found is 1,4-difluoro, 2,5,6-trichloro
benzene for which the proton and fluorine spectra were first
observed by Holm.7 Inspection of the line intensities in the fluorine
spectrum shows that the quartets are 1357 and 2468; the assign
ment is confirmed by calculation of the relative intensities. This
assignment of the fluorine spectrum gives AOHF +AmHF= 14.7 cps,
where the subscripts designate ortho-and meta-orientations. There
fore, the 2.3 cps splitting in the proton spectrum is AOHF -AmHF.
The final result for the absolute values is AeHF= 8.5 cps and
A mHF = 6.2 cps; the signs of the coupling constants are alike.
Similar analyses have been made of the spectra of several other
fluorobenzenes. The general method can be used to determine
relative signs of the coupling constants in CF 2 = CFCI and several
other fluoroethylenes,8 work on which is in progress. A more
detailed report, including determination of numerical values of
H-H, H-F and F-F coupling constants for ortho-, meta-, and
para-orientations,7 is being prepared.
We are indebted to Dr. G. L. Finger and Dr. R. E. Oesterling of
the Illinois State Geological Survey for the samples and to Dr. C.
H. Holm for the original observations of the high resolution
* Assisted by the U. S. Office of Naval Research and by Grants-in-Aid
from E. l. du Pont de Nemours and Company and The Upjohn Company.
1 Gutowsky. McCall. and Slichter, J. Chern. Phys. 21. 279 (1953).
2 N. F. Ramsey. Phys. Rev. 91. 303 (1953).
3 H. M. McConnell. J. Chern. Phys. 24, 460 (1956) .
• McConnell. McLean, and Reilly, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 1152 (1955). 'E. L. Hahn and D. E. Maxwell, Phys. Rev. 84, 246 (1951); 88,1070
• W. A. Anderson, Phys. Rev. 102, 151 (1956); this article also notes the
possibility of determining relative signs of coupling constants.
7 C. H. Holm. "Structural applications of radiofrequency spectroscopy,"
Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois (1955).
'McConnell, Reilly ,and McLean, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 479 (1956).
Anisotropic Chemical Shielding and Nuclear
Magnetic Relaxation in Liquids
Shell Development Company, Emeryville, California
(Received August 9, 1956)
THE purpose of this note is to suggest that anisotropic
chemical shielding can sometimes provide significant nuclear
spin-lattice relaxation in liquids. We consider first the theory of
anisotropic chemical shielding.
Let Ho be the external field applied to a molecule containing a
nucleus N; Ho is the z direction of a system x, y, z fixed in the
laboratory. The field at N, HN, is related to Ho by the shielding
tensor 0',
An equation for (1 can be obtained by extending Ramsey's
shielding theoryl to the anisotropic case. In Ramsey's notation,l
(1= (1/2m) (e/c)'(o 1 ~i(IrrLririri-3) 10)
-2 ~n 1/(En-Eo){(nl ~i m;"rr310)(01 ~i m;"ln)
+(01 ~im;"ri-3In)(nl ~im;"lo)}, (2)
where I is the unit tensor.
For simplicity consider a molecule axially symmetric at Nj (2)
where 0'.1. is the shielding perpendicular to the symmetry axis l
(a unit vector) and tJ.0' is the difference between the shielding
parallel to the symmetry axis and 0'.1.. The Fourier spectrum of the
x, y components of HN, i.e.,
HNz=sint'J(t) cost'J(t) cos",(t)tJ.O'H o (4) can have components of the proper frequency, Vo= (2 ... )-I-yHo, to
give spin-lattice relaxation. t'J and '" give the orientation of l
relative to x, y, z. The procedure of Bloembergen, Purcell, and
Pound' gives for T1, for nuclei of spin !,
TI-l= (8 ... '/15) (tJ.0')'vo'Tc(1 +4...'VO'Tc')-I. (5)
From (2), and from solid-state studies on anisotropic chemical
shielding,3 we infer that tJ.0' is sometimes of the order of 0' itself,
i.e., 10--2-10-6• Numerical estimates using (2), (5), and empirical
shielding data can thus support the idea that anisotropic tensor
coupling of the x, y components of the nuclear magnetization to
the external field Ho yields strong spin-lattice relaxation in some
molecules. According to (5), TI always decreases with increasing
vo. Exactly the opposite behavior is expected for magnetic dipolar
The foregoing discussion is further supported by our finding of
experimental evidence for (a) a short T 1 (",60 sec) for C13 in
un enriched oxygen-free CS2, and (b) an apparently long Tl for
CI3 in CCl4• For (a) the chemical shift relaxation must be dominant
because of the virtual absence of magnetic nuclei in CS2• In (b) the
chemical shift is isotropic by symmetry and cannot contribute
to TI-l.
* Address after August 24, 1956: Department of Chemistry, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.
1 N. F. Ramsey, Phys. Rev. 78, 699 (1950).
2 Bloembergen, Purcell and Pound, Phys. Rev. 73, 679 (1948).
3 N. Bloembergen and T. J. Rowland, Phys. Rev. 97, 1679 (1955).
Hyperfine Structure in Paramagnetic Resonance
Absorption Spectra
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Wilmington 98, Delaware
(Received September 6, 1956)
ISOTROPIC proton hfs in paramagnetic resonance absorption
spectra of solutions of aromatic organic free radicals has been
shown in order of magnitude calculations by McConnell1 and
Bersohn' to arise from configuration interaction. It is the purpose
of this note to show that a calculation similar to that of McConnell,
if carried to completion without neglect of certain terms, leads to a
value of the hfs splitting in excellent agreement with experiment.
Valence bond calculations were made on the three-electron
system consisting of two 0' electrons and one unpaired ... electron
of an aromatic CH fragment. In second order, other orbitals do not
give rise to hfs and were not considered. Configuration interaction
between the two doublet states in conjunction with the Fermj3
isotropic hyperfine interaction yields a hyperfine splitting
H _ 16... [h2(rH) -u'(rH) J>.
tJ. -3 IJ.HIJ.. 1-Suh' '
where h2(rH) and u'(rH) represent the squares of the magnitude of
the hydrogen electron wave function and the carbon 0' wave
function at the position of the proton and Suh is the overlap inte
gral. The configuration interaction constant, >.= (J n-J rh)/ tJ.E,
where the energy separation between the doublets tJ.E= V1{ (J h1r
-Ju,..)'+ (Jh1r-Juh)'+ (Ju.--Juh)'}t. The part of tJ.H involving
h'(rH) is just the hfs of a free hydrogen atom and is equal to 510
gauss. The 0' bond contribution at the proton can be determined
from the self-consistent field calculations of Torrance4; viz.,
0'2 (rH)/h'(rH) =0.17, and tJ.H=423>./(1-S uh') gauss.
The matrix element, Jh.-=0.745 ev, which is a two-center
integral, was obtained by Altmann6 with use of Slater wave
functions. Although Slater wave functions are not a faithful
representation of the actual radial wave functions, they represent
the outer parts of the actual wave functions where an appreciable
contribution to this integral is expected.
J u.-, which is an atomic integral, is also given by Altmann.
However, his value is too large because the Slater functions do not
represent the inner parts of the actual radial wave function where
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there is a strong contribution to this atomic integral. The value of
In was obtained from the relation, J .... =i(G I+2F2)=0.88 ev,
where GI and F2 are the radial exchange and Coulomb integrals,
respectively.6 Voge7 obtained the values of GI and F2 empirically
by adjusting these parameters to fit the electron energy levels of
carbon. J"h= -2.3 ev was obtained by Van Vleck.s
S"h=0.80 was obtained by fitting a series of Slater wave
functions to the self-consistent field calculations of Torrance and
then computing from the tables of Mulliken et al.,9 the uk overlap
integral at the CH equilibrium bond distance. Substitution of the
values of the matrix elements yields t:J.E=6.2 ev and A=0.024. The
hyperfine interaction then becomes t:J.H = 28 gauss.
It has been assumed that there is unit unpaired electron density
in the 11' orbital. Actually, in an aromatic free radical, the unpaired
electron is distributed over many carbon atoms and the magnitude
of the hfs would be expected to be proportional to the actual
unpaired electron density on the carbon. The value of 28 gauss per
unit unpaired electron density is in excellent agreement with
experimental results.lO This result does not imply that t:J.H is
constant for all free radicals. Higher order terms that take into
account the symmetry of the molecule and the contributions from
other orbitals could cause variations of several gauss in this
calculated value. Calculations for CI3 hfs become increasingly
difficult since many more orbitals contribute to the hfs in second
The author wishes to acknowledge several helpful discussions
with Professor S. I. Weissman.
* Contribution No. 400 from the Chemical Department, E. 1. du Pont de
Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Delaware
I H. M. McConnell, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 764 (1956).
'R. Bersohn, J. Chern. Phys. 24. 1066 (1956). 'E. Fermi, Z. Physik 60, 320 (1930).
• C. C. Torrance, Phys. Rev. 46, 388 (1934).
• S. L. Altmann, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A210, 327, 343 (1951-1952).
• E. U. Condon and G. H. Shortley, Theory oj Atomic Spectra (Cambridge
University Press, New York, 1951) p. 177.
, H. H. Voge, J. Chern. Phys. 16,984 (1948).
• J. H. Van Vleck, J. Chern. Phys. 2. 20 (1934).
'Mulliken, Rieke, Orloff, and Orloff, J. Chern. Phys. 17, 1248 (1949).
lOH. M. McConnell, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 632 (1956); E. De Boer, J.
Chern. Phys. 25,190 (1956); H. S. Jarrett (to be published).
Bond Localization and the Hyperconjugative Effect
in the Aromatic Carbonium Ions
DePartment oj Chemistry, Faculty oj Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University,
Fukasawa-cho, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
(Received September 24, 1956)
THE absorption spectra of methylbenzene carbonium ions
indicate the "blue-shifts" of the corresponding absorption
bands, with increasing number of methyl substituents.1 To inter
pret this, the wavelengths of the first transition for benzenium (E),
toluenium (T), and mesitylenium (M) ions are calculated, using
the semiempirical LCAO MO method including overlap. As the
molecular models, the following two are adopted; (1) the hyper
conjugation model, in which the pseudo-atom H2 formed by
attached proton together with hydrogen atom already present at
the position of proton attack conjugates with the ring; (II) the
bond localization model, in which the H2- C bond is localized with
respect to the rest of the molecule and other things are identical
with (I). Table I shows theoretical and experimental data, ac
cording to which, assuming that the singlet-triplet separations are
not the same but do not differ so much among these substances, the
blue-shifts in question can be explained by neither model. If model
(II) is accepted for (B) and (T), whereas model (I) for (M), the
self-consistency of the theoretical data in relation to the experi
mental results will be achieved. Table II shows the conclusive
theoretical data. It is likely that these substances do not fix to TABLE 1. First excitation energies calculated for the two models and
experimental values.
ForHCJ For B.L. Absorption Oscillator
Carbonium modelb model' wavelength strength
ions (-{J') (-{J') obs (A) obs
Benzenium 0.870829 0.801925 4170 0.15
Tolueniuma 0.879022 0.815739 4000 0.15
Mesitylenium 0.818010
0.814447 d 0.760181 3900 0.27
• For only the type which belongs to C" symmetry group, computation
is carried aut.
b HCJ =Hyperconjugation. The values in this column are those calcu
lated using 5 = -0.3. See Y. I'haya, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 1165 (1955).
0(3 is the resonance integral including overlap between the adjacent
carbon atoms in benzene molecule, and adopted the value of -60 kcal/mole.
See C. C. J. Roothaan and R. S. Mulliken, J. Chern. Phys. 16, 118 (1948).
d This is the value obtained using, besides 5 = -0.3, the auxiliary induc
tive parameter, l5ind = -0.1.
e B.L. = Bond localization. The values in this column are those calculated
using, besides 15 = -0.3, the auxiliary inductive parameter, l5ind = -0.1.
either model. If the eigenfunction of such molecules is written as
<I>=a<l>I+b4>rr (<1>1, <I>/I: eigenfunction of (I) and (II), respectively;
a, b; coefficients), the behaviors of these substances are understood
in the unified point of view.
In the case of isomeric xylene carbonium ions also, this idea is
adequate to interpret the basicity of parent hydrocarbons. Our
calculation shows the 11'-electron energies of m-, 0-, and p-xylene
carbonium ions in the bond localization model are -11.4819,
-11.4914, and -11.4905 (in -fj), respectively.2 From Gold and
Tye's equation,3 we obtain for KI/KII (KI, KIl; equilibrium
constants for carbonium ion formation of m-and p-xylene,
InKI/KIl= -{ -x+c+0.696}/RT,
where, -X=EI_EI.O; -c=EIl_Err,o; EpI_EpIl= -0.18 kcal/
mole4; EI.O_O.516 (kcal/mole)=Ell,o; EI, Ell; EI,O, EIl.O; 11'
electron energies for the actual and bond localization states of m
and p-xylene carbonium ions, respectively; EpI, EpIl: 11'-electron
energies of m-and p-xylene. Admitting the actual state of
carbonium ions to be the hybrid of hyperconjugation and bond
localization states, the magnitudes of x and c indicate the stabiliza
tion energies by the hyperconjugation of H2 pseudo-atom in m-and
p-xylene carbonium ions compared with their bond localization
states, respectively. Taking KI / Kll = 26 at 20°C· into account, the
TABLE II. Conclusive theoretical data on the aromatic carbonium ions.
Singlet- Longest
triplet absorption
Carbonium separations wavelength Oscillator
ions Model assumed (ev) (A) strength
Benzenium B.L. 1.77 4168 0.31
Toluenium B.L. 1.95 3999 0.20
Mesitylenium HCJ 2.10 3909 0.32
percent fraction of the hyperconjugation state of carbonium ion of
m-xylene relative to that of p xylene may be obtained by 100
X (x-c)/5.9, on the assumption that the stabilization energy
through the perfect hyperconjugation is 5.9 kcal/mole.6 Our
calculations indicate that the extent of the hyperconjugation state
in the carbonium ion of m-xylene is larger by 44% than that of
p-xylene carbonium ion, which is almost identical with that of
o-xylene carbonium ion.
! C. Reid, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 76, 3264 (1954).
2 These values are those for the most stable of all possible different types
produced, depending on the position of proton attack. As for m-xylene
carbonium ion, the next stable type is accepted owing to the consideration
on the experimental facts of nitration reaction of m-xylene.
3 V. Gold and F. L. Tye. J. Chern. Soc. 1952,2184.
4 C. A. Coulson and V. A. Cra,,{ord, J. Chern. Soc. 1953.2052. 'M. Kilpatrick and F. E. Luborsky, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 75, 577 (1953).
• Muller, Pickett, and Mulliken, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 76. 4770 (1954).
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1.1735246.pdf | Interdiffusion in Binary Ionic Semiconductors
R. F. Brebrick
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 30, 811 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1735246
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735246
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Downloaded 28 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsPYROELECTRIC HYSTERESIS LOOPS IN BaTiO. 811
asymmetry in the electric field direction, and this has
been confirmed in the present experiments. It is usually
easier to reverse the polarization from +p to -p, where
+p refers to the polarization vector pointing from the
inside to the outside of the original BaTiOa butterfly
wing. Husimi gives no quantitative data on this asym
metry; however, in the present experiments, the field
asymmetry is much less than that sometimes observed
by Chynoweth.2 Thus, while the present results would
seem to explain the previously measured pyroelectric
asymmetry without resort to space-charge layers, the
large bias with respect to the electric field axis observed
by Chynoweth cannot be attributed to the edge effects
considered in the present paper.
There is also the question of the origin of residual
pyroelectric signals observed at temperatures above the
Curie point of the bulk material.2 Are these residual
signals affected in any serious manner by electrode
fringe effects? Several samples were appropriately
masked and measured pyroelectrically as they were
heated up through the Curie point. These experiments
show that residual signals are indeed observed above the
Curie point with masked, as well as unmasked samples,
and the data are in qualitative agreement with the
results given by Chynoweth.2 However, in general, the
residual signals measured in the present research, with masked or unmasked samples, are about one order of
magnitude smaller than those reported by Chynoweth.
The residual signals are found to be of the order of 1%
of the room temperature pyroelectric signals,19 The
wide variation of the characteristics of the residual
pyroelectric pulses observed by Chynoweth, and in the
present experiments, leads one to suspect that these
signals are not an inherent characteristic of BaTi0 3, but
that they may depend in an important way on the
particular electrode-BaTi0 3 structure under study. It is
clear that much more work in the neighborhood of the
Curie point is required to explain the observed phe
nomena in detail. In any event, the present results
support the conclusions given by Chynoweth which
indicate the presence of a polarized surface layer above
the Curie point of the bulk material.
The authors would like to take this opportunity to
thank Dr. A. G. Chynoweth and Dr. H. L. Stadler for
many informative discussions on the subject of this
19 This result is in agreement with unpublished data obtained by
Chynoweth after the publication of his paper given as reference 2.
The residual signals reported by Chynoweth in reference 2 were
perhaps something like an order of magnitude larger than those
observed in later work.
Interdiffusion in Binary Ionic Semiconductors
U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Silver Spring, Maryland
(Received October 27,1958)
Interdiffusion in a nondegenerate, exhaustion range, binary ionic semiconductor is investigated using the
recently improved theory for the concentrations of defects in crystals and Wagner's phenomenological flow
equation. The composition dependence of the interdiffusion constant is found to be determined by the ratio
of the ion jump frequencies, the Schottky constant, and the intrinsic concentration of conduction band
electrons. The removal of the restriction to an exhaustion range semiconductor and the replacement of the
basic assumption of local electroneutrality are discussed.
SOME binary ionic semiconductors have been shown
to be stable over a small but measurable com
position range; the excesses of the metallic and non
metallic components behave, respectively, as donor and
acceptor impurities. We are concerned with inter
diffusion in pure crystals of this type, i.e., the propa
gation of composition changes by the diffusion of the
crystal components. The theoretical basis of inter
diffusion in binary salts was first given by Wagner in
connection with an analysis of tarnishing reactions.l,2
1 C. Wagner, Z. physik. Chern. B21, 25 (1933).
2 C. Wagner, Z, physik. Chern. B32, 447 (1936). Semiconductors were treated as a special case charac
terized by the electronic transport number being
essentially unity. The early experimental techniques
consisted mainly of exposing a metal to an electro
negative gas or vapor and following the weight change
or uptake of gas. The experimental techniques of semi
conductor physics now offer the possibility of more
refined diffusion experiments.3 It is therefore worthwhile
to re-examine the basic assumptions of Wagner's
phenomenological theory. Moreover an extension of
• W. C. Dunlap, Jr., Progress in Semiconductors (John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., New York, 1957), Vol. II, p. 167.
Downloaded 28 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions812 R. F. BREBRICK
his results can be made using the recently improved
theory4,. of the concentrations of defects in crystals.
We shall be mainly concerned with binary ionic
semiconductors which are non degenerate and in the
exhaustion range. The analysis is then as simple as
possible and the results available in analytical form.
The essential meaning of ionic, as used here, is that
place exchange between the two atomic species is not an
important type of defect. Although the arguments
given and the results obtained here are more general,
we shall consider only crystals in which vacancies are
the predominant point defects and in which movement
by vacancies is the predominant diffusion mechanism.
We consider a homogeneous uni-univalent ionic
crystal which can deviate from the stoichiometric
composition by the inclusion of vacancies in the cation
and anion sublattices. The vacancies distribute them
selves at random over the lattice sites and increase the
internal energy of the crystal proportional to their
concentrations. Each cation (anion) vacancy has
associated with it an acceptor (donor) level in the
electronic energy band structure with a degeneracy of
two and a maximum occupancy of one. If there is no
electron (hole) in the associated level, the anion (cation)
vacancy is said to be ionized. This model contains the
essential features of those used to correlate the optical
properties of CdS crystals4 and the electrical properties
of PbS crystals· with the conditions of preparation. It
represents an extension over the earlier treatments in
that it takes better account of the electronic band
structure of solids. A statistical mechanical analysis
has been given by the author which can be consulted
for details.6
Provided the deviation from the stoichiometric
composition is small the internal variables of the crystal
are related by mass action law equations. For those
equations containing the concentration of conduction
band electrons, n, or that of the valence band holes, p,
to be valid, it is also necessary that the electron chemical
potential, Ji.e, be a few units of kT away from both the
bottom of the conduction band and the top of the
valence band (nondegenerate semiconductor). Two
pertinent and well-known expressions are given by
where V c and V A are the concentrations of ionized
cation vacancies and ionized anion vacancies, respec
tively. The constants k; and ni are the Schottky
constant and intrinsic carrier concentration, respec
tively. They are functions of temperature only and
4 Kroger, Vink, and van den Boomgaard, Z. physik. Chern.
B203, 1 (1954).
5 J. Bloem, Philips Research Repts, 11, 329 (1956).
6 R. F. Brebrick, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 4, 190 (1958). are a measure of the intrinsic ionic and electronic
The chemical potentials of the metallic component,
Ji.m, and that of the nonmetallic component; Ji.x, are
given by6,*
Ji.m=kT In(SjVc)+Ji..+ h(T)
Ji.x=kT In(S/VA)-Ji.e+ h(T) (3)
where S is the concentration of sites in both the cation
and anion sublattices and is of the order of 1022• The
first terms of the right-hand members of these equations
are the cation and anion chemical potentials.
At this point we narrow our considerations to a
nondegenerate, exhaustion range semiconductor. Only
a negligible fraction of the vacancies of each kind are
then un-ionized. The electroneutrality condition reduces
Nc-NA=n-p (5)
where N c and N A are respectively the concentrations
of cations and anions. Defining the deviation from
stoichiometry, del, as the difference in the cation and
anion concentrations, i.e.,
the electron chemical potential can be written as
follows7 :
Finally the conservation of lattice sites gives
Nc+Vc=NA+VA=S. (8)
Equations (1)-(8) define the crystal model sufficiently
for our purposes. It is to be noted that all of the internal
variables of the crystal are fixed when the temperature
and deviation from stoichiometry are given. Moreover
the chemical potentials of the cations, anions, and
electrons do not correspond to an ideal solution. They
depend much more strongly on the crystal compositionl
This is in contrast to the chemical potentials of im.
purities in elemental semiconductors which show non
ideal behavior at very small concentrations only
through the electron chemical potential. 7
In the case of an inhomogeneous crystal it is assumed
that local thermodynamic equilibrium exists. Because
of the different mobilities of the charged particles
present, a position-dependent space charge density
and electrostatic potential can be present. It is assumed
that the effect of the electrostatic potential is to shift
the energies of the ions and the electronic energy levels
proportional to this potential. Then if the space charge
density is everywhere zero (local electroneutrality),
the above equations for a homogeneous crystal are still
* For an exhaustion range semiconductor these expressions are
the same as those given by Wagner (reference 2). In their appli
cation, however, Wagner only considered limiting cases.
7 R. L. Longini and R. F. Greene, Phys. Rev. 102,922 (1956).
Downloaded 28 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsIN T E R D IFF U S ION IN BIN A R Y ION I C S E M leo N Due TOR S 813
valid. Otherwise Eq. (5) must be replaced by
6.=n-p+p/e, (9)
where p is the space charge density and e is the electronic
charge, and Eq. (7) for the electron chemical potential
must be modified by replacing 6. by 6.-p/e in the right
hand member. Therefore in the absence of local electro
neutrality, the temperature and deviation from stoichi
ometry, are not sufficient to determine the local values
of the internal variables.
Following Wagner2 the flow of the deviation from
stoichiometry, which is the difference of the cation and
anion flows, is given by
J 6 = J e -J A = -D 6 grad6.. (10)
For a semiconductor the interdiffusion constant is
given by
The flows, J, are given in terms of number per cm2
per sec; and the mobilities be and bA are the velocities
per unit force of the cations and anions, respectively. If
the crystal is not a semiconductor the electronic trans
port number must be included as a factor in the right
hand member of Eq. (11).
In the absence of an over-all composition gradient
the rate of self-diffusion of either cations or anions is
determined by the corresponding ion mobility as given
by the following relations:
De*=kTb c
DA*=kTb A (l2a)
where De* and DA* are the self-diffusion constants for
the cations and anions, respectively. Since the ion
mobilities are non-negative, comparison of Eqs. (11)
and (12) shows that a minimum value for the ratio of
the interdiffusion constant to either self-diffusion
constant is given by the product of the concentration
of lattice sites by the derivative of the chemical
potential. As can be seen from the last section the latter
is of the order of the reciprocal of the total vacancy
concentration, i.e., (Ve+ V A)-I. The interdiffusion
constant is therefore 10L 106 times as large as the larger
of the self-diffusion constants.
The fundamental assumptions upon which Eqs. (10)
and (11) are based are: (a) local thermodynamic
equilibrium previals; (b) local electroneutrality pre
vails; (c) the mobile charged species are cations, anions,
conduction band electrons, and valence band holes;
(d) the flow of each charged species is given by the
negative product of the concentration of that species
by its mobility by the gradient in its electrochemical
The assumption of local electroneutrality is an approximation which is better the shorter the Debye
length (the larger the concentration of conduction band
electrons).8 A better approximation for diffusion in
semiconductors is obtained if one assumes that the
gradient of the electron electrochemical potential
(Fermi level) is negligible relative to that of the ion
electrochemical potentialst and discards the assump
tion of local electroneutrality. Then one again obtains
the flow of the deviation from stoichiometry as
Now, however, the chemical potential of the metallic
component is no longer a function of the temperature
and deviation from stoichiometry alone as discussed in
Sec. II. As a result the diffusion boundary value problem
is not complete with Eq. (13) and the boundary con
ditions. Poisson's equation and the equation for
conservation of charge [Eq. (9)J must be included also.
Unless explicitly stated otherwise the assumption of
local electroneutrality will be made in the following
It is assumed that the predominant diffusion mechan
ism is that of vacancies. The flows of cation and anion
vacancies are opposite and equal to the cation and
anion flows, respectively. It is therefore unnecessary
to treat explicitly the vacancy flows in the phenomeno
logical approach. It can be shown by a kinetic treatment
that the vacancy mechanism of diffusion is consistent
with the phenomenological equations of the last
section.9 Moreover the composition dependence of the
ion mobilities can be obtained and is given by
kTbc= kCX2(V c/ S)
kTbA = kAX2(V .1/ S) (14a)
where X is the ion jump distance and the k's with
subscripts are the ion jump frequencies which are
independent of composition but depend exponentially
on the temperature.
Although we are primarily interested in the case
where all the vacancies are ionized (exhaustion range
semiconductor), the discussion in this and the previous
section remains unchanged in the more general case
if the un-ionized vacancies are assumed to be immobile.
We shall not take account of the correlation effect in
vacancy diffusion.lo This results in the self-diffusion
being smaller by a factor of the order of one to two than
predicted by Eq. (14).
8 W. Schockley, Bell System Tech. J. 28, 435 (1949). t If, as is the case in a semiconductor, the electronic transport
number is essentially unity, then local electroneutrality implies
this. The converse of course is not necessarily true.
9 J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. 76, 1403 (1949).
10 J. Bardeen and C. Herring, Atom Movements (American
Society for Metals, Cleveland, Ohio, 1956), p. 87.
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The phenomenological expression for the inter
diffusion constant given by Eq. (11) can now be written
more explicitly for a nondegenerate, exhaustion range
semiconductor. The ion mobilities are given by Eqs.
(14a) and (b), and the required derivative of the chemi
cal potential can be obtained from Eqs. (1) through (8).
The result is given by
where j is the fraction of vacancies which are cation
vacancies, i.e.,
2j= 2V cI (V c+ V A) = 1-b./ (<l2+4k.) 1. (16)
The first factor in braces in Eq. (15), A, is essentially
the sum of the ion mobilities multiplied by the deriva
tive of the cation chemical potential with respect to del.
Provided the range of stability of the crystal is large
enough the fraction of cation vacancies, j, appearing
in this factor can vary from near zero on the excess
metal side of the stoichiometric composition (n-type
semiconductor) to near unity on the excess nonmetal
side (p-type semiconductor). In this case A can vary
by a factor which is the ratio of the ion jump fre
quencies. In general the ratio of ion jump frequencies
is expected to differ considerably from unity. On the
other hand, if the range of stability of the crystal is
small enough and the Schottky constant large enough
A will be nearly constant. '
The second factor in braces in Eq. (IS), B, is the
derivative of the chemical potential of the metallic
component divided by that of the cation, both deriva
tives being taken with respect to del. The composition
dependence of B is symmetrical about the stoichiometric
composition. For large deviations from stoichiometry
(.<l2»4k., 4ni2), B approaches the value two asymptoti
cally. At the stoichiometric composition its value
depends on the "intrinsic disorder ratio," k.l/ni, and
is greater or less than two as this ratio is respectively
greater or less than unity. It is not to be expected that
the ion transport number will remain negligible, as
the intrinsic disorder ratio increases indefinitely. In
practice, therefore, the contribution of B to the com
position dependence of the interdiffusion constant of
semiconductors is probably limited to a factor of ten
or less.
The ratio of the interdiffusion constant to the cation
self-diffusion constant, evaluated at the stoichiometric
composition, is given by
Dd/Dc*= 1/2(1 +kA/kc)(S/k.!+S/ni); .<l=O. (17)
Since the square root of the Schottky constant and the
intrin~ic carrier concentration are generally orders of
magmtude smaller than the total concentration of lattice sites, this ratio can be quite large. The behavior
of this ratio with crystal composition depends upon the
ratio of the ion jump frequencies, the Schottky constant,
and the intrinsic concentration of conduction band
electrons. Its asymptotic values for large deviations
from stoichiometry (large in the above sense) is no less
than 2S/.<l and is therefore still quite large. The ratio
of the interdiffusion constant to the anion self diffusion
constant is analogous.
Equation (15) for the interdiffusion constant is not
valid when the deviation from stoichiometry becomes
large enough that the semiconductor crystal is no longer
in the exhaustion range. One easily visualized reason
stems from the fact that the type of vacancy (cation
or anion) in excess is then largely un-ionized. Since a
repulsive force exists between an ion and an un-ionized
vacancy in its sublattice, the mobility of the ion is
smaller for a given vacancy concentration when a
significant fraction of these vacancies are un-ionized.
The dependence of the chemical potential of the metallic
component on composition is also not as strong as
when the crystal is in the exhaustion range. The net
effect is to decrease the diffusion constant for large
deviations from stoichiometry below the values given
by Eq. (IS).
The general approach used in this paper can be
applied with analogous results to crystal models with
interstitial rather than vacancy point defects and in
which the interstitial rather than the vacancy diffusion
mechanism predominates.
In essence we have accepted Wagner's phenomeno
logical flow equation [Eqs. (10) and (11)] but have
used expressions different than his for the ion mobilities
and the chemical potential. He neglected the com
position dependence of the ion mobilities and used
crystal models with only one type of point defect. The
latter is not important for large values of the deviation
from stoichiometry (.<l2»4k8, 4ni2) but is for smaller
values. As a result Wagner's values of the interdiffusion
constant2 for large deviations from stoichiometry agree
with the asymptotic values of Eq. (1S). His values at
the stoichiometric composition, however, only include
the case in which the intrinsic disorder ratio k!/ n·
and one of the ion jump frequencies are zero. ' 8 "
Finally for completeness the flow equation is given
for the case in which the basic assumption of local
electroneutrality is discarded as discussed in the last
part of Sec. III. The flow of the deviation from stoichi
ometry then depends not only on the gradient in that
concentration but also on that of the space charge
density, p, and for a nondegenerate exhaustion range
semiconductor is given by
( [ .:l2+4k. )1 ) X grad.:l+ grad[.:l-p/eJ . (18)
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Equation (17) reduces to our previous results when
the space charge density is zero.
Our final results CEq. (1S)J apply only to a non
degenerate, exhaustion range semiconductor. In order
that a compound semiconductor meet this restriction
over a significant range of composition, it is necessary
that the donor and acceptor levels be relatively close
to respectively the conduction and valence bands com
pared to the width of the energy gap itself. This is the
case over a wide temperature range for lead sulfide and
probably also for lead selenide and telluride. The inter
diffusion constants have been measured in lead sulfidell
and lead telluridel2•13 by electrical means although
experiments were not carried out to investigate their
composition dependence.
An experimental study of the lead-sulfur phase dia
gram in the neighborhood of the composition, PbS, has
established the composition range of stability of crystal
line lead sulfide and the temperature variations of the
Schottky constant and intrinsic carrier concentration.5,14
The crystal model used to analyze the experimental
data is substantially the one used here. We, however,
consider lead sulfide to be a uni-univalent compound
since each excess lead or sulfur atom yields only one
current carrier. The intrinsic disorder ratio, k81/ni'
varies from a value of 0.05 at 8000K to 0.7 at 1350oK.
Factor B in Eq. (15) for the interdiffusion constant
varies with composition by a factor of two or less, being
smallest at the stoichiometric composition. Over this
same temperature range the fraction of cation vacancies
varies from near unity to near zero between the com
position limits of stability. Factor A in Eq. (15) there
fore varies by the ratio of the ion jump frequencies
which has not yet been determined. Since the jump
frequency for the sulfur ion is most likely smaller than
that for the lead ion, the interdiffusion constant is
smaller for n-type lead sulfide than for p-type.
11 R. F. Brebrick and W. W. Scanlon, Phys. Rev. 96, 598 (1954).
12 Edward L. Brady, J. Electrochern. Soc. 101,466 (1954).
13 B. 1. Boltaks and Yu N. Mokhov, Zhur. Tekh. Fiz. 26, 2448
14 J. Bloem and F. A. Kroger, Z. physik, Chern. 7, 1 (1956). The diffusion of radioactive lead in pressed lead
sulfide powders has been measured by Anderson and
Richards.ls Assuming the tracer diffusion occurred with
no gradient in the composition and in samples that
were stoichiometric, their diffusion constant is that for
the self-diffusion of lead. A minimum value for the
interdiffusion constant can then be calculated for
stoichiometric lead sulfide using Eq. (17) with the
sulfur ion jump frequency set equal to zero. At 823°K
the lead ion self-diffusion constant is 2XIO-11 cm2/sec,
the Schottky constant is S.8X 1032, and the intrinsic
carrier concentration is 4X 1017. Using the value,
2X 1022, for the concentration of lattice sites, the
minimum value of the interdiffusion constant at 823°K
is 9X 10-6 cm2/sec. The interdiffusion constant in
initially near stoichiometric, n-type lead sulfide crystals
has been measured at 823°K by following the pene
trating p-n junction and is 2X 10-6 cm2jsecY The
agreement with the value calculated above is sur
prisingly good in view of the assumptions concerning
the conditions during the tracer experiments.
Recently the diffusion of impurities in elemental
semiconductors by the vacancy mechanism has been
of experimental and theoretical interest.7.16.17 In many
respects such diffusion and interdiffusion in binary
ionic semiconductors are analogous. There are however
two main points of difference. First, vacancies asso
ciated with only one type of atomic species are present
in the elemental semiconductors and these vacancies
are associated with acceptor levels. Therefore the
diffusion of n-type impurities tends to be favored by the
coulombic interaction between the impurity ions and
those vacancies that are ionized. Secondly, the chemical
potential of an impurity atom in an elemental semi
conductor is nonideal only through its dependence on
the electron chemical potential. Consequently if the
latter is fixed by heavy doping the impurity diffusion
constant is independent of composition whereas the
interdiffusion constant is not.
15 J. S. Anderson and J. R. Richards, J. Chern. Soc. 1946,537.
16 M. W. Valenta and C. Rarnasastry, Phys. Rev. 106, 73 (1957).
17 R. A. Swalin, J. App!. Phys. 29, 670 (1958).
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1.1735392.pdf | Figure of Merit for Thermionic Energy Conversion
N. S. Rasor
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 31, 163 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1735392
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735392
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Figure of Merit for Thermionic Energy Conversion*
Atomics International, A Division of North American Aviation, Inc., Canoga Park, California
(Received August 3, 1959)
The optimum performance for emission-limited thermionic energy conversion is derived in convenient
analytical form. The steps which are thereby indicated to reduce fundamental performance limitations are
enumerated and briefly discussed. A figure of merit is defined with brief description of its usefulness and
significance. A comparison of thermionic and thermoelectric conversion is thereby afforded by the analysis.
SEVERAL analyses of the direct conversion of ther
mal energy to electrical energy by thermionic emis
sion have been published.1-4 However, these analyses
do not yield a simple single parameter as a figure of
merit for comparing prospective materials, such as that
extensively used5,6 in the development of thermoelectric
conversion. In the following, a similarly useful figure of
merit for the thermionic system is obtained by an
analysis analogous to that used in the thermoelectric
case. This parameter permits a quick estimate of the
efficiency of a thermionic converter, quantitatively
illustrates the relative importance of the various
materials properties, and permits direct intuitive and
quantitative comparison of thermoelectric and therm
ionic systems.
Figure 1 is a diagram of negative electric potential for
a thermionic diode. V c and Va are the potential differ
ence between the maximum negative potential of the
system and the Fermi levels of the cathode (hot
electrode) and anode, respectively; cPo and cPa are the
respective work functions, T c and T a the respective
temperatures, and J c and J a the saturation electron
emission current densities of the respective electrodes,
and V the potential drop across the external load. The
potential curve between the two electrodes depends on
the space charge formed there by the emitted electrons.
The nature of the space charge and means for its
suppression are important problems which have received
detailed attention elsewhere,1-l0 and concerning which
significant progress is presently being made. While such
effects are important factors in the performance of
existing devices, there already exist means by which
* Supported in part by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission
under Contract No. AT(1l-1)-GEN-8.
1 W. Schlichter, dissertation, University of Gottingen (1915).
2 M. J. O. Strutt, Proc. lnst. Radio Engrs. 40, 601 (1952).
3 H. Moss, Brit. J. Electronics 2,305 (1957).
4 J. M. Houston, J. Appl. Phys. 30, 481 (1959).
• A. F. Ioffe, Semiconducting Thermoelements and Thermoelectric
Cooling (Infosearch, Ltd., London, 1956).
6 C. Zener, Ind. Labs. 9, 538 (1958).
1 V. C. Wilson, J. Appl. Phys. 30, 475 (1959).
8 H. F. Webster, J. Appl. Phys. 30, 488 (1959).
9 Hernqvist, Kanefsky and Norman, RCA Rev. 19,244 (1958).
10 G. N. Hatsopoulos and J. Kaye, J. App!. Phys. 29, 1124
(1958). they can, in principle, be made negligibly small. The
primary purpose of the present analysis is to display the
fundamental system requirements and limitations with
the greatest simplicity consistent with generality.
Therefore, the absence of space charge limitation will be
assumed in the analysis, with subsequent consideration
of such effects as perturbations. This is similar to the
omission of contact resistance, nonuniformity, and
other troublesome but nonessential effects from the
classic thermoelectric analysis, which indeed have been
largely overcome as that technology has matured.
The potential diagram for a thermonic diode deliver
ing maximum power to its load, but without space
charge limitation, is shown in Fig. 2. The Richardson
Dushman equation for the saturation emission currents
will be assumed
Jc=ATl exp( -ecPc/kTc)
la=AT} exp( -e¢a/kTa), (1)
where A = 120 amp/ cm2-°K2 is the theoretical con
stant, e the electronic charge, and k the Boltzmann
constant. This assumption neglects electrode patchiness,
electron reflection, temperature dependence of the work
function, and energy transfer between the electron gas
and other gas present in the interelectrode space.4 The
influence of these effects on Eqs. (1) and (2) as used
herein is either negligible or can be made arbitrarily
small in most practical applications.
For simplicity it will be assumed that the anode
temperature T a is so low that J a is negligibly small. The
thermal efficiency of the emission-limited thermionic
converter at its optimum output emf (VO=cPc-cJ>a) is
'--D-IS-TA-N-C-E "'c
FIG. 1. Negative electric potential diagram for a space-charge
limited thermionic diode with arbitrary load.
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IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:06:06164 N. S. RASOR
FIG. 2. Negative electric potential for an emission-limited
thermionic diode with optimum load.
then given4•1l by
Jc(cf>c-cf>a- V w)
'T/ Jc(cf>c+2kTc/e)+PL' (3)
where V w is the potential drop across the lead wires to
the load. PL=Pr+Pm+(Pw-JcVw/2) is the net extra
neous power loss per unit cathode emitting area due to
radiation (Pr) heat conduction along the cathode lead
wire (Pw), and other miscellaneous losses (Pm) such as
gaseous heat conduction. By superposition, half of the
Joule heat dissipated in this wire flows back to the
cathode and thus subtracts from the conduction loss
Pw• Thus the numerator of Eq. (3) is the electrical
power per unit emitting area delivered to the load,
while the denominator is the sum of the heat per unit
emitting area required to emit the electrons from the
cathode and supply its extraneous heat losses.
Since P wand V ware both functions of the lead wire
size, Eq. (3) can be maximized with respect to this
variable. The optimum lead configuration may be
shownt to be given by
Aw ( P )l( 'T/)l -=J A 1--Xc. 'T/K(Tc-Ta) 2' (4)
where Aw, X, p, and K are the area, length, average
electrical resistivity, and thermal conductivity, re
spectively, of the cathode lead wire, and Ae is the
effective electron emitting area of the cathode. As will
be shown later, even under ideal conditions the efficiency
'T/ is usually less than 50%, allowing 'T/«2 to be used as
a very good approximation in the remaining analysis.
Using this optimum lead size, the optimized efficiency is
found from Eq. (3) to be
F[( Be)l ]2 'T/o= B2 1+F -1 , (5)
11 G. N. Hatsopoulos, Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (1956). t The optimum values given by Houston (see reference 4) are
not strictly correct. His otherwise logical description of the opti
mization may be corrected by replacing" in his Eqs. (12) through
(15) by ,,/(1-,,) where F=pK(Tc-Ta)/cf>c2, C=1-cf>a/cf>c, and B=1
+ 2kT cI ecf>c+ (P r+ P m)/ J ccf>c.
As in the thermoelectric case, this fairly exact but
formidable expression for the optimized efficiency may
be greatly simplified by the use of a few generally
valid but restrictive approximations, as follows. Up to
this point it has been tacitly assumed that the anode is
so cold that no electrons are emitted from it. However,
for minimum PL in a given system, the temperature of
the anode should be as high as the absence of appreciable
back-emission permits. It may be seen from Eqs. (1)
and (2) that the ratio of anode to cathode emission
currents is negligibly small if the anode temperature is
slightly less than the optimum anode temperature
Tao defined by
Tao Tc -=-=a.
cf>a cf>c (6)
As will be shown below, values for Jc within an order of
magnitude of 1 amp/cm2 are required for efficient
energy conversion. Therefore Eq. (1) gives to an
adequate approximation
for 1 <Jc<10 amp/cm2 at 1500oK. Furthermore, it may
be shown that (BC/F)l»1 if the cathode lead wire is
made of a typical metal obeying the Lorentz (Wiede
mann-Franz) relation pK=L(Tc+Ta)/2, where the
constant L=2.45X1O-s w-ohmsrK2.
Assuming the anode to be operated at the optimum
temperature given by Eq. (6), assuming for the moment
o ..,
:::: w
E 1/3 4>0
FIG. 3. Relation between anode work function CPa and cathode
work function CPc for maximum conversion efficiency.
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TABLE I. Performance summary for thermionic conversion.
Performance for arbitrary
anode and cathode Performance for arbitrary anode,
and optimum cathode From
q,. <t>. Given anode work function
Cathode work function q,c (given) FO!1!>l% (13)
</>co= 0.92</>.+0.411 El
Optimum anode temperature
Required cathode temperature T.o==aif>. T.o=aq,.
Tco=a<f>cQ (6)
Maximum efficiency T,,=aq,c
'fJo=f3 1+ .&pl[1- (<t>aI<t>c)4] nmax=---- and
that miscellaneous heat losses (Pm) may be neglected,
and using the approximations discussed in the preced
ing paragraph, Eq. (5) gives for the optimized efficiency
where I1t=1-T,,/T e=1-<p,,/<pe=maximum thermody
namic (Carnot) efficiency, D=lJ(1+2ka/e), and (3/D
= 1-[2LDa2(1 + Ta/Te)! (1+ DP rIJ .4>.)Jl. The param
eters D and PID are very insensitive to all variables
(e.g., O.82<(3/D<1), a value of "'0.9 being typical
for both.
Finally, the radiative heat transfer term is given by
where Ar is the effective area for heat radiation from
the cathode, t is the effective emissivity of the cathode
anode system, and q is the Stephen-Boltzmann radiation
constant. Using Egs. (6) and (9), Eq. (8) becomes
Equations (10) and (11) yield the efficiency for arbitrary
values of <Pe and tP",· However, for a given value of tP/J' it
may be seen from Eq. (10) that an optimum value of
¢c exists at which '1)0 is a maximum. Physically, this
maximum occurs when the gain in Carnot efficiency
with increasing cathode temperature (increasing ¢c) is
compensated by the rapid onset of radiation losses. 1+4.&p,o~
Specifically, this maximum occurs when (11)
where ¢cQ is the optimum cathode work function
defined by this equation. Equation (12) is plotted in
Fig. 3, and can be represented to a good approxi.
mation by
for 0.1 < Ei<Pa <3, which covers the entire region of
present practical interest. The corresponding maximum
value of '1)0, which is thus the maximum attainable
conversion efficiency, is found to be
The results of the foregoing analysis are summarized
in Table 1.
Thus the problem of developing a highly efficient
thermionic converter reduces to: (1) obtaining a surface
with the lowest usable work function for the anode;
(2) obtaining a surface for the cathode with a work
function near the optimum value [given by Eg. (13)
or Fig. 2J; (3) constructing and operating these
electrodes to give the smallest obtainable value of the
parameter E defined in Eq. (11); (4) reducing extra
neous heat losses, including use of the optimum lead
size given by Eq. (4). The maximum efficiency of the
resulting converter is then given by Eq. (14) if the
optimum cathode work function is achieved, and by
Eq. (to) if it is not.
Item (1) has a twofold critical importance. Firstly,
for a low efficiency converter, the maximum obtainable
efficiency is about inversely proportiona.l to the cube of
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IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:06:06166 N. S. RASOR
the anode work function [Eqs. (13) and (14)]. Secondly,
the temperature at which the cathode must operate for
maximum efficiency is roughly proportional to the
anode work function [Eqs. (6) and (13)]. The lowest
usable work function is that which corresponds [through
Eq. (6)J to the system heat sink temperature. Thus
work functions as low as ! ev, corresponding to room
temperature as the optimum anode temperature, are
of interest for thermionic conversion. Since the lowest
work function presently known is greater than 1 ev,
and there appears to be no fundamental reason why it
cannot be lower, considerably increased efficiencies and
substantially lower temperature requirements could
result from development of surfaces with lower work
functions. Such surfaces must be compatible with the
methods of space charge neutralization, however.
Item (2) does not appear too formidable in itself
since a variety of materials are available having work
functions in the 1 to 5 ev region of interest for a con
verter cathode. Also, the efficiency maximum is rela
tively broad in CPe. However, in a practical application,
the highest temperature available from the heat source
may limit the cathode temperature, and thus its work
function, to values smaller than Teo and CPeO.
Item (3) permits further discrimination among those
electrode materials most closely satisfying items (1) and
(2). The material property affording the greatest
latitude in the parameter E is the saturation current
density Ie obtainable from the cathode surface. The
relationship in Eq. (1) tends to obscure the important
intuitive fact that this current density is an intrinsic
property of a surface once a maximum permissible rate
of its vaporization is imposed by a practical application.
As is shown in the Appendix, the limitation on Ie is
primarily determined for a surface by its ratio of
cohesive energy to work function. Although existing
data indicate that most known materials are incapable
of emitting more than 10 amp/cm2 without serious
volatization, there is apparently no fundamental reason
why surfaces capable of substantially higher emission
cannot be developed. As stated previously, in some
existing devices Ie is limited principally by inter
electrode space charge. The present analysis may be
applied, using observed values of Ie, when space charge
limitation is small enough to be considered as a per
turbation (i.e., when Ve~e and Va::::CPa), and in any
case gives the maximum performance obtainable.
Having obtained the largest possible emission current
I e, further reduction in the parameter E is possible by
reducing the emissivity E, and the heat-radiating to
electron-emitting area ratio AT/A •. The latter ratio can
in principle be made arbitrarily small in gas filled
devices where the electron mean-free-path is sufficiently
small to allow the electric field to penetrate small
cavities. Using such an approach, "heat-shielded"
cathodes have been developed12 for high power rectifiers
12 E. F. Lowry, Electronics 6, 280 (1933). TABLE II. Fundamental correspondence of thermoelectric and
thermionic converter performance.
Thermoelectric Thermionic
1 1
Fraction of Camot efficiency 0.5----- 0.8-------
1+KdK, 1+0.9 (Pr/Jc</>,)
Usable energy transport
Extraneous energy transport
Figure of merit
and thyratrons with an electron-emitting area more
than 100 times the effective heat-radiating area. If this
principle could be similarly applied to existing gas-filled
converters/·9 quite high fractions of Carnot efficiency
could be obtained using existing materials.
The only noteworthy extraneous heat loss relative to
item (4) which has not been treated is that due to
gaseous conduction. It is completely absent in the
vacuum converter, and affects the efficiency to only a
negligible extent in existing gas filled devices. For those
cases where it might be important, an analysis similar to
that subsequent to Eq. (8) may be carried out including
F m, yielding similar but somewhat more complex results.
Finally, for a thermionic converter operating in the
range of practical power density and temperature
implied by the typical value a=640oK/v, the ideal
upper limit of efficiency may be seen from Eq. (14) to
be "-'74% (i.e., for Fr= Ta=O). Of the ",26% intrinsic
inefficiency, '" 16% arises from cathode lead losses,
and "" 10% from the kinetic energy transported by the
emitted electrons.
From Eqs. (10) and (14) it may be seen that the single
dimensionless parameter
1 1 Aele M=-=--
ECPe3 Dua4 ATEc/Je3 (15)
is a convenient figure of merit for the thermionic
converter. Converters having maximum conversion
efficiencies greater than 16% are distinguished from
those of lower efficiency by a value of M greater or less
than unity, repspectively. Indeed for low efficiency
converters (i.e., M«1), the parameter M is approxi
mately equal to the largest fraction of Carnot efficiency
obtainable, and M/4 is approximately the maximum
over-all efficiency obtainable by optimizing such a
converter. Taking A./ A~1 and substituting numerical
values for the constants in Eq. (15) (using a= 640oK/v),
M is found to be essentially numerically equal to
IciEc/Je3, for Ie in amp/cm2 and CPc in ev.
A direct comparison between thermionic and thermo
electric converters may readily be made using the results
of the present analysis [Eqs. (8) and (15)J and the
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IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:06:06FIG U REO F MER I T FOR THE R M ION ICE N ERG yeo N V E R S ION 167
analogous thermoelectric results obtained elsewhere.5,6
The correspondence is displayed in Table II. K L, K.,
and K, are the lattice, electronic, and total thermal
conductivities, respectively, S the Seebeck coefficient
and p the electrical resistivity of the thermoelectric
material. T is the hot junction temperature.
It should be recognized that in both cases the figure
of merit is essentially the electrical power delivered to
the load divided by the heat lost from the heat source,
for an inefficient converter with its heat sink at absolute
zero temperature. Specifically
(TS)2/ -p-KT +-t A.l r!fJci ArO"ETc4.
It has been found that the use of a few generally valid
approximations permits the optimum efficiency of
thermionic energy conversion to be expressed in simple
analytical form. The resulting expressions are similar to
those extensively used in thermoelectric conversion
technology, and should be correspondingly useful in
comparing prospective materials and configurations for
thermionic converters. The optimum relationship be
tween the work functions of the electrodes, their
required or optimum operating temperatures, and a
figure of merit for convenient quantitative comparison
of thermionic conversion systems have been defined.
Examination of steps toward improving thermionic
converter performance reveals no fundamental limita
tion preventing achievement of conversion efficiencies
as high as 74%.
The rate of vaporization of the emitting surface may
be represented13 by
q=Q exp( -eE/kT c), (16)
where q is the flux density of evaporating atoms, E is
the cohesive or adsorption energy, in electron potential
units, of the emitting surface. Q is dependent on various
factors such as temperature and the nature of the
evaporating species. These factors do not in general
cause Q to vary by more than an order of magnitude for
present purposes, so that it may be considered constant
compared with the extreme sensitivity of the ex
ponential to its argument.
13 E. H. Kennard, Kinetic Theory of Gasses (McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., New York, 1938), pp. 409 and 69. TABLE III. Effect of E/</>c on emitter vaporization rate.
2.6 Evaporation rate
Combining Eqs. (1), (6), and (16) yields
l~qP expr~(: -1) 1 (17)
where P likewise may be considered constant for
purposes of the present illustration. Thus, since in any
practical application q is limited to some maximum
value, leis likewise limited to a value determined by q
and the surface property E/tPc. Indeed, since lc is
enormously more dependent on the property E/tPc than
on q, the suitability of a material as an emitter is
primarily determined by this property. The importance
of the property Ehc is illustrated in Table III for a
typical value of lc required for efficient conversion
(10 amp/cm2 at lS000K). The value of P used was
obtained from observed data for tungsten. It would thus
appear that surfaces having E/tPc<2.0 are totally un
suitable for use as a converter cathode, while those
having E/tPc>2.4 would be excellent. Using this
criterion on the pure metals whose E/tPc is known,
tungsten and tantalum are marginal and the rest
are distinctly unsuitable. Dispenser cathodes14,15 and
cathodes using an adsorbed film in equilibrium with its
vapor7 allow substitution of a high adsorption energy
for a low cohesive energy, and permit substantially
higher values of q. Examples have been found which are
suitable for continuous emission of 10 amp/cm2• Al
though little suitable data are available for evaluating the
large number of refractory compounds which might be
considered for use as a cathode, some of the data which
do exist imply spectacular emission capabilities. For in
stance, the value of E/tPc for zirconium carbide (ZrC),
computed from the reported work function16 (corrected
for the temperature dependence of ¢c) and thermo
chemical data, is found to be in the vicinity of S.
14 A. W. Hull, Phys. Rev. 56, 86 (1939).
16 A. Venema et al., Phillips Tech. Rev. 19, 177 (1957).
16 D. L. Goldwater and R. E. Haddad, J. App!. Phys. 22, 70
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IP: On: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 05:06:06 |
1.1742374.pdf | On the Application of the Kinetic Theory of Liquids of Born and Green to the
Problem of the Calculation of the Volume Viscosity
R. E. Nettleton
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 23, 1560 (1955); doi: 10.1063/1.1742374
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1742374
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On the Application of the Kinetic Theory of Liquids
of Born and Green to the Problem of the
Calculation of the Volume Viscosity
Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence 12, Rhode Island
(Received June IS, 1955)
BORN and Greenl have proposed to apply the superposition
approximation of Kirkwood' to the second in the hierarchy
of recurrence relations originally obtained by Yvon3 for the con
figuration-velocity distribution functions in a fluid to yield a
closed equation for the pair distribution function for two molecules
in the twelve-dimensional space of pairs. Following the method
suggested by Born and Green, a solution to this equation was
assumed in the form of an expansion in the gradients of tempera
ture and fluid velocity. On substitution of this solution into the
integro-differential equation for the pair distribution function,
equations are obtained for the coefficients in the assumed solution.
From these coefficients, if they could be calculated, one could
obtain the contribution of collisional transfer to the transport
coefficients in a liquid.
Unfortunately, the equations for the coefficients in the assumed
expansion for the pair distribution function are found to be homo
geneous, in agreement with Klein and Prigogine,4 so that while
approximate solutions can be obtained by a Fourier transform
method similar to that of Born and Green, they are undetermined
to the extent of an arbitrary multiplicative constant. There ap
pears to be lacking a principle of irreversibility.
An attempt was made to estimate the bulk viscosity in a gas by
going out to the next order in the calculation and comparing
coefficients of second-order space derivatives of temperature in
the expression obtained after substitution of the assumed expan
sion into the equation for the pair distribution function. On the
neglect of terms which should be of the order of the contributions
of triple collisions, a formula was obtained yielding the value of 4
micropoises for the bulk viscosity of gaseous argon, zero for
nitrogen, both at O°C, 1 atmos. The formula has the form:
'10= 2Am (3P -Pav- 2pk)+~c.
3Pavk T m 3
Here '10= bulk viscosity, A= thermal conductivity, P= pressure,
k=Boltzmann's constant, av=l/p(ap/aT)v, T=absolute tem
perature, m=molecular mass, p=mass density, and 'Ic=contribu
tion of collisional transfer to the shear viscosity. The latter quan
tity was estimated by subtracting from the measured value of
shear viscosity a value for the kinetic component calculated from
a formula of Lennard-Jones.' The estimate for argon is probably
too high because of inaccuracies in the available data. It is, how
ever, still too small to show up in the acoustic absorption and
streaming experiments which have been made.6
* Corrinna Borden Keen Research Fellow, Brown University, 1954-1955.
'Born and Green, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A190, 455 (1947). 'J. G. Kirkwood, and E. M. Boggs, J. Chern. Phys. 10,394 (1942).
• J. Yvon, Actualites Scientifiques et Industrielles, No. 203 (1935).
• Klein and Prigogine, Physica 19, 89 (1953). 'S. Chapman and T. G. Cowling, The Mathematical Theory of Non
uniform Gases (Cambridge University Press, London, 1952), Chapter 12.
'See, e.g., H. Medwin, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 26, 332 (1954).
Reply to Tietz' Letter: "Approximate Analytic
Solution of the Thomas-Fermi Equation
for Atoms"
Central Laboratory T.N.D., Delft, Netherlands
(Received April 21,1955)
IN a recent letter to the editor, Tietzl gives a modification of
my method of solving the Thomas-Fermi equation' applied to
atoms. The following remarks may serve to compare the relative
positions of Tietz' modification and my original method for atoms: Approximations
Exact Brinkman Tietz
Equation d' .. /dx' =x-i .. t d' .. /dx' = (x .. )!~ .. ' d' .. /dx'=--
X (X .. )!
(x .. )! =c, =0.64 (x .. )+ =c, =0.576
.. =cx+k, (2c,+x+) 6c,
Solution numerical .. /x+(6c,)+}'
behavior x-+ "', .. -+144/x' exponential .. -+6c./x'
The approximate solutions do not differ much numerically for
intermediate values of x, while Tietz' solution has a simpler form.
For x--> 00 my solution decreases too fast and Tietz' solution too
However, the essential difference lies in the fact that my equa
tion is linear, while Tietz' equation is not. Linearity greatly
facilitates the application of the method to molecules, as was
shown in my treatment of the H20 molecule.3 On the other hand,
the extension of Tietz' method to molecules seems to be hardly
'T. Tietz, J. Chern. Phys. 22, 2094 (1954).
, H. C. Brinkman, Physica 20, 44 (1954).
3 H C. Brinkman and B. Peperzak, Physica 21, 48 (1955).
Reply to Brinkman's Letter: Concerning My Letter
"Approximate Analytic Solution of the
Thomas-Fermi Equation for Atoms"
Department of Theoretical Physics, University of L6dz, L6dz, Poland
(Received May 19, 1955)
My approximatel analytic solution of the Thomas-Fermi
equation for a free neutral atom
<I>=_b_2 _= __ 1_. ~""b
(b+X)2 (1+ax)" a (1)
is the next homolog of the simplest form given by Kerner2 1/1 +cx.
The general homolog l/(1+ax)" has not only sufficient founda
tion in the modification of Brinkman's method3 given by me, but
also has foundation through the following variational integral:
For the measure of the approximate degree of the approximate
solution of the Thomas-Fermi equation for a free neutral atom,
Umeda4 proposes to employ the nU[I1erical value of the variational
integral evaluated by putting the given approximate solution in
place of <1>. Since the minimization of I is equivalent to the integra
tion of the Thomas-Fermi equation, the better approximate solu
tion being the convergence limits. For Miranda's· exact solution,
direct numerical quadrature of (2) gives the value
which should be, of course, the limiting minimum value of I. The
general homolog is now being studied on the basis of the approxi
mation degree mentioned above. For the Sommerfeld approxi
mation, Umeda4 has found for I the best value 1=1.3670. Ac
cording to Table I, we see that the general homolog seems to be
capable of extensive application by virtue of its simplicity and
higher degree of approximation. The simplicity is of essential
interest for the approximate solutions. The linearity of nonlinearity
of the equation in different problems of this field has no great
importance, because the simplicity of the approximate solution
is of essential interest. The application of Brinkman's method to
the following problems: free positive ion, compressed neutral
atom, the solution of the Schriidinger equation for an approximate
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TABLE 1. The functional dependence of I and a of the general homolog for a.
a a=1.0
1.3679 a =1.2
1.1565 aminimum=1.3939a a=7/S=1.4
1.3635 1.3636
0.88608 0.881206 a =3/2 =1.5
0.80812 a =8/5 =1.6
0.74566 a =9/5 =1.8
0.64599 a=2
• The values of this column were privately communicated to the author by Professor K. Umeda for which I am very grateful.
atomic field and so on, we see to be complicated or hardly possible.
My method' seems to have an application to these problems.
Brinkman's solution has two constants whose values we find by
trial. For x---> 00, my solution decreases too slowly, Brinkman's
solution too fast. But for x>20, my solution is more accurate
than Brinkman's solution as we see in the following:
x Fermi
20 0.0058 Sommerfeld
0.0056 Brinkman
0.0027 Tietz7
Brinkman's solution has exponential behavior and my solution
has the following behavior: .
<I>->_1_ for x---> 00 •
The application to Brinkman'ss method to molecules is much
simpler than my method, which seems to be hardly possible.
1 T. Tietz, J. Chem. Phys. 22, 2094 (1954).
, E. H. Kerner, Phys. Rev. 83, 71 (1951).
3 H. C. Brinkman, Physica 20, 42 (1954).
'K. Umeda, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 9, 290 (1954). 'C. Miranda, Mem. R. Acad. d'Italia 5,285 (1934).
6 T. Tietz, Nuovo cimento (to be published).
7 The value for a in Eq. (1) is given in Table 1.
• H. C. Brinkman and B. Peprzak, Physica 21, 48 (1955).
r-Centroids for Diatomic Molecules*
Department of Physics, University of Western Ontario. London, Canada
(Received June 6, 1955)
THE fairly general conditions under which it is possible to
use a quantity fv'v" associated with the v'--->v" molecular
band, where
f'l)'1)" fif-'v'f1/;v"dr
and also under which it is possible to write (1)
have been discussed elsewhere by Fraser.I if-'v' and if-'v" are molecular
vibrational wave functions and r is the internuclear separation.
Because of Eq. (1), the name r-centroid is ascribed to fv'v" which is
evidently an "average" internuclear separation with respect to
the weighting factor if-"'if-'v", associated with the v'->v" transition.
An array of r-centroids for a band system is a set of discrete values
which lie across the range experienced by the molecules in all
levels of both electronic states of the transition. fv'v" lies within
or close to the range of r which is common to the regions between
the classical turning points of motion in the upper (v') and lower
(v") levels, respectively.
The use to which r-centroids have so far been put is, through
Eq. (2), to determine how the electronic transition moment
f (r) in this case-varies with internuclear separation,l-4 and it
is to be expected that similar uses may be found to determine
other r-dependent quantities. A number of methods by which
arrays of r-centroids may be evaluated for band systems have been
developed and will be published shortly. Arrays of r-centroids are
available for some band systems.'
A further interpretation or fv'v" may be seen in the following: By definition, the average or expectation value of r experienced
by the molecule in the level v' is
(v',v") = f if-'v'if-'v"dr.
The Franck-Condon factor of the transition is
It strongly influences the relative probability that the transition
From Eqs. (1), (3), (4), and (5)
It may thus be observed from Eqs. (6) and (7) that the expecta
tion values fv' and fv" may be considered as weighted averages of
r-centroids with respect to the Franck-Condon factors and that
qv'v"fv'v" is the contribution to each from the v'--->v" transition.
Finally it may be remarked that a smooth variation has been
observed, and established analytically, between fv'v" and the
band wavelength Av'v'" If ro' and ro" are the equilibrium inter
nuclear separations of the upper and lower states of the transition,
fv'v" is an increasing function of Av'v" when r.'>r." and is a
decreasing function of Av'v" when r 0' <r .".
* This work has been made possible by the Air Force Cambridge Re-
search Center through Contract AF 19(122)-470.
1 P. A. Fraser, Can. J. Phys. 32, 515 (1954). 'R. G. Turner and R. W. Nicholls, Can. J. Phys. 32, 468-474 (1954).
• R. G. Turner and R. W. Nicholls, Can. J. Phys. 32,475-479 (1954). 'L. V. Wallace and R. W. Nicholls, J. Atm. and Terrest. Phys. (to be
'W. R. J armain and R. W. Nicholls, Scientific Report No. 20, Contract
AF 19(122)-470, Department of Physics, University of Western Ontario,
April, 1955.
Lattice Energies of the Alkaline Earth Imides and
the Heat of Formation of NH-2
2715 East 116th Street, Cleveland 20, Ohio
(Received June 13, 1955)
THE lattice constants of the alkaline earth imides, CaNH,
SrNH, and BaNH, have been determined.1•2 They are found
to have the NaCl type lattice as do the alkaline earth oxides and
sulfides.2 The lattice energies of CaNH, SrNH, and BaNH can
be calculated by the Born equation.' A more detailed calculation
is unjustified since the compressibilities of the alkaline earth
imides and the polarizability and "main frequency" energy< of
NH-2 are unavailable. The minimum cation-anion distances for
CaNH, SrNH, and BaNH are 2.58, 2.725, and 2.92 A, respec
tively.l,2 The repulsion constants n used here for CaNH, SrNH,
and BaNH, 8, 8.5, and 9.5, are the same as those used formerly
for the corresponding alkaline earth oxides" The lattice energies
calculated for CaNH, SrNH, and BaNH are 787, 752, and 711
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1.1743212.pdf | Bond Localization and the Hyperconjugative Effect in the Aromatic Carbonium
Toshifumi Morita
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 25, 1290 (1956); doi: 10.1063/1.1743212
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1743212
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/25/6?ver=pdfcov
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 03:40:581290 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
there is a strong contribution to this atomic integral. The value of
In was obtained from the relation, J .... =i(G I+2F2)=0.88 ev,
where GI and F2 are the radial exchange and Coulomb integrals,
respectively.6 Voge7 obtained the values of GI and F2 empirically
by adjusting these parameters to fit the electron energy levels of
carbon. J"h= -2.3 ev was obtained by Van Vleck.s
S"h=0.80 was obtained by fitting a series of Slater wave
functions to the self-consistent field calculations of Torrance and
then computing from the tables of Mulliken et al.,9 the uk overlap
integral at the CH equilibrium bond distance. Substitution of the
values of the matrix elements yields t:J.E=6.2 ev and A=0.024. The
hyperfine interaction then becomes t:J.H = 28 gauss.
It has been assumed that there is unit unpaired electron density
in the 11' orbital. Actually, in an aromatic free radical, the unpaired
electron is distributed over many carbon atoms and the magnitude
of the hfs would be expected to be proportional to the actual
unpaired electron density on the carbon. The value of 28 gauss per
unit unpaired electron density is in excellent agreement with
experimental results.lO This result does not imply that t:J.H is
constant for all free radicals. Higher order terms that take into
account the symmetry of the molecule and the contributions from
other orbitals could cause variations of several gauss in this
calculated value. Calculations for CI3 hfs become increasingly
difficult since many more orbitals contribute to the hfs in second
The author wishes to acknowledge several helpful discussions
with Professor S. I. Weissman.
* Contribution No. 400 from the Chemical Department, E. 1. du Pont de
Nemours and Company, Wilmington, Delaware
I H. M. McConnell, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 764 (1956).
'R. Bersohn, J. Chern. Phys. 24. 1066 (1956). 'E. Fermi, Z. Physik 60, 320 (1930).
• C. C. Torrance, Phys. Rev. 46, 388 (1934).
• S. L. Altmann, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A210, 327, 343 (1951-1952).
• E. U. Condon and G. H. Shortley, Theory oj Atomic Spectra (Cambridge
University Press, New York, 1951) p. 177.
, H. H. Voge, J. Chern. Phys. 16,984 (1948).
• J. H. Van Vleck, J. Chern. Phys. 2. 20 (1934).
'Mulliken, Rieke, Orloff, and Orloff, J. Chern. Phys. 17, 1248 (1949).
lOH. M. McConnell, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 632 (1956); E. De Boer, J.
Chern. Phys. 25,190 (1956); H. S. Jarrett (to be published).
Bond Localization and the Hyperconjugative Effect
in the Aromatic Carbonium Ions
DePartment oj Chemistry, Faculty oj Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University,
Fukasawa-cho, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
(Received September 24, 1956)
THE absorption spectra of methylbenzene carbonium ions
indicate the "blue-shifts" of the corresponding absorption
bands, with increasing number of methyl substituents.1 To inter
pret this, the wavelengths of the first transition for benzenium (E),
toluenium (T), and mesitylenium (M) ions are calculated, using
the semiempirical LCAO MO method including overlap. As the
molecular models, the following two are adopted; (1) the hyper
conjugation model, in which the pseudo-atom H2 formed by
attached proton together with hydrogen atom already present at
the position of proton attack conjugates with the ring; (II) the
bond localization model, in which the H2- C bond is localized with
respect to the rest of the molecule and other things are identical
with (I). Table I shows theoretical and experimental data, ac
cording to which, assuming that the singlet-triplet separations are
not the same but do not differ so much among these substances, the
blue-shifts in question can be explained by neither model. If model
(II) is accepted for (B) and (T), whereas model (I) for (M), the
self-consistency of the theoretical data in relation to the experi
mental results will be achieved. Table II shows the conclusive
theoretical data. It is likely that these substances do not fix to TABLE 1. First excitation energies calculated for the two models and
experimental values.
ForHCJ For B.L. Absorption Oscillator
Carbonium modelb model' wavelength strength
ions (-{J') (-{J') obs (A) obs
Benzenium 0.870829 0.801925 4170 0.15
Tolueniuma 0.879022 0.815739 4000 0.15
Mesitylenium 0.818010
0.814447 d 0.760181 3900 0.27
• For only the type which belongs to C" symmetry group, computation
is carried aut.
b HCJ =Hyperconjugation. The values in this column are those calcu
lated using 5 = -0.3. See Y. I'haya, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 1165 (1955).
0(3 is the resonance integral including overlap between the adjacent
carbon atoms in benzene molecule, and adopted the value of -60 kcal/mole.
See C. C. J. Roothaan and R. S. Mulliken, J. Chern. Phys. 16, 118 (1948).
d This is the value obtained using, besides 5 = -0.3, the auxiliary induc
tive parameter, l5ind = -0.1.
e B.L. = Bond localization. The values in this column are those calculated
using, besides 15 = -0.3, the auxiliary inductive parameter, l5ind = -0.1.
either model. If the eigenfunction of such molecules is written as
<I>=a<l>I+b4>rr (<1>1, <I>/I: eigenfunction of (I) and (II), respectively;
a, b; coefficients), the behaviors of these substances are understood
in the unified point of view.
In the case of isomeric xylene carbonium ions also, this idea is
adequate to interpret the basicity of parent hydrocarbons. Our
calculation shows the 11'-electron energies of m-, 0-, and p-xylene
carbonium ions in the bond localization model are -11.4819,
-11.4914, and -11.4905 (in -fj), respectively.2 From Gold and
Tye's equation,3 we obtain for KI/KII (KI, KIl; equilibrium
constants for carbonium ion formation of m-and p-xylene,
InKI/KIl= -{ -x+c+0.696}/RT,
where, -X=EI_EI.O; -c=EIl_Err,o; EpI_EpIl= -0.18 kcal/
mole4; EI.O_O.516 (kcal/mole)=Ell,o; EI, Ell; EI,O, EIl.O; 11'
electron energies for the actual and bond localization states of m
and p-xylene carbonium ions, respectively; EpI, EpIl: 11'-electron
energies of m-and p-xylene. Admitting the actual state of
carbonium ions to be the hybrid of hyperconjugation and bond
localization states, the magnitudes of x and c indicate the stabiliza
tion energies by the hyperconjugation of H2 pseudo-atom in m-and
p-xylene carbonium ions compared with their bond localization
states, respectively. Taking KI / Kll = 26 at 20°C· into account, the
TABLE II. Conclusive theoretical data on the aromatic carbonium ions.
Singlet- Longest
triplet absorption
Carbonium separations wavelength Oscillator
ions Model assumed (ev) (A) strength
Benzenium B.L. 1.77 4168 0.31
Toluenium B.L. 1.95 3999 0.20
Mesitylenium HCJ 2.10 3909 0.32
percent fraction of the hyperconjugation state of carbonium ion of
m-xylene relative to that of p xylene may be obtained by 100
X (x-c)/5.9, on the assumption that the stabilization energy
through the perfect hyperconjugation is 5.9 kcal/mole.6 Our
calculations indicate that the extent of the hyperconjugation state
in the carbonium ion of m-xylene is larger by 44% than that of
p-xylene carbonium ion, which is almost identical with that of
o-xylene carbonium ion.
! C. Reid, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 76, 3264 (1954).
2 These values are those for the most stable of all possible different types
produced, depending on the position of proton attack. As for m-xylene
carbonium ion, the next stable type is accepted owing to the consideration
on the experimental facts of nitration reaction of m-xylene.
3 V. Gold and F. L. Tye. J. Chern. Soc. 1952,2184.
4 C. A. Coulson and V. A. Cra,,{ord, J. Chern. Soc. 1953.2052. 'M. Kilpatrick and F. E. Luborsky, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 75, 577 (1953).
• Muller, Pickett, and Mulliken, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 76. 4770 (1954).
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1.1730881.pdf | Absolute Infrared Intensities of the Ammonium Ion in Crystals
C. C. Ferriso and D. F. Hornig
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 32, 1240 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1730881
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1730881
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:51:19tHE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 32, NUMBER 4 APRIL,1960
Absolute Infrared Intensities of the Ammonium Ion in Crystals*
Metcalf Chemical Laboratories, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
(Received October 26, 1959)
The absolute intensities of the two infrared active fundamentals of the ammonium ion, .3 and .', have
been studied in several environments. Dilute solid solutions of NH.+ ions in KCl, KI, CsCl, and CsI were
studied and compared with pure NH.I. After separating the effect of the net charge, the apparent bond
moments ranged from 0.63 d to 0.80 d (av 0.71) and the bond dipole derivatives, ap./ar, from 2.06 d/A to
3.59 d/ A (av 2.80 d/ A). The bond moment is substantially the same as in NH3.
Up to the present time no direct experimental
studies of the absolute infrared absorption
intensities of ions in crystals have been carried out.
Deciusl-3 has estimated dipole moment derivatives
(from which intensities may be calculated) from the
magnitude of the frequency splittings caused by inter
molecular coupling, basing the calculation on the
assumption that only dipole-dipole forces were im
portant. Haas and Hornig4 have computed intensities
and dipole moment derivatives from the frequency
difference between longitudinal and transverse waves in
crystals, obtained either from Raman spectra or infra
red reflection spectra. This calculation depends on the
validity of the assumption of purely electrostatic
interactions. It seemed important to us to obtain a
direct measurement involving as few auxiliary assump
tions as possible.
Straightforward measurement of single crystal speci
mens is exceedingly difficult because the thickness re
quired to study fundamentals in ionic crystals is of the
order of 10 J.I. or less. Techniques for producing such
specimens have not yet been developed. In some cases,
such as the ammonium salts, suitably thin samples can
be made by sublimation. In order to measure intensi
ties, the number of absorbing molecules per cm2 of
beam must be known. This might be determined by
measuring the thickness and index of refraction of the
film optically. Alternatively, if it is established that the
film is of uniform thickness this same quantity can be
found by quantitative chemical determination of the
amount of material in the film. We have used the
latter method to study the absolute infrared intensities
of the two infrared active bands of the ammonium ion
in films of ammonium iodide.
* Based on a thesis submitted by C. C. Ferriso in partial fulfill
ment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree, Brown University,
1956. This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research
and presented at the Symposium on Molecular Structure and
Spectroscopy, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June, 1955. t Present address: Convair Astronautics, Applied Research,
San Diego, California. We have also studied the intensities of dilute solid
solutions of ammonium ions in alkali halide crystals.5
The ammonium ions can thus be placed in crystalline
environments which closely approximate all of the
phases of pure ammonium halides, but any complica
tions produced by intermolecular coupling are avoided
since in a dilute solution the ammonium ions are far
apart. In addition, the specimens can be made con
veniently thick. The integrated infrared absorption
intensities of the NH4+ ion were therefore measured in
KCI and KI, which have the NaCl structure character
istic of the high-temperature phases of the pure am
monium salts, as well as in CsCI and CsI which have
the same structure as the low-temperature phases.
(a) Sample Preparation
The NaI films were deposited on masked KBr
plates by sublimation in a high vacuum. The KBr
plates were cooled to about O°C and the NaI heated to
about 100°. The growth of the films was followed by
observing the color of reflected light when they were
illuminated with white light and in this way the
thickness could be estimated accurately enough to
prepare films for the intensity measurements. The
fact that the color was relatively uniform over the
entire film surfaces indicated that they were homo
genous. The amount of material deposited was deter
mined later by dissolving the specimen and analyzing
for NH4+. Since the mask determined the coated area
accurately, this was sufficient to give the concentration
of NH4+ per cm2•
The solid solutions were prepared by adding an
aliquot of stock NH~ solution to a saturated water
solution of the corresponding alkali halide. Some of the
material in the solution was then precipitated, either by
evaporation or by the addition of ethanol, yielding
crystals in which the ammonium ion replaced a small
proportion of the alkali ions. No differences were noted
between the spectra of samples prepared by the two
methods. t Present address: Department of Chemistry, Princeton Uni-
versity, Princeton, New Jersey. 6 All the systems studied form solid solutions at the concentra-
1 J. C. Decius, J. Chem. Phys. 22, 1941, 1946 (1954). tions used, e.g., R. W. Havighurst, E. Mack, Jr., and E. C. Blake,
2 J. C. Decius, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 1290 (1955). J. Am. Chern. Soc. 47, 29 (1925). This is also evident from our
3 W. C. Steele and J. C. Decius, J. Chem. Phys. 25, 1184 (1956). spectra which are characteristically different from those of the
• C. Haas and D. F. Hornig, J. Chern. Phys. 26,707 (1957). pure phases.
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:51:19A B SOL UTE I N F R ARE DIN TEN SIT I E S 0 F THE A M M 0 N I U M ION 1241
The sample, usually about 7 to 8 g, was dried over
night at 115°C and then ground for 30 min in an agate
mortar. The powder was then dried again overnight,
ground once more for 15 to 30 min and stored in the
oven until used. For study, this powder was pressed
into pellets in a press of our own design and construc
tion. The powder was placed in the mold and evenly
distributed by inserting the plunger and rotating it
several times. The mold was assembled, evacuated to
about 20 J.I. Hg for 5 min, and the pellet formed by
pressing at about 100000 psi for 1 min or so. The
pressing was repeated two or more times, rotating the
mold 120° after each pressing. The resulting pellet
was transferred with tongs to the absorption cell or a
The pellets were of 20.6 mm diam and their thickness,
measured with micrometers, was uniform to within 1
or 2% over the entire area. Their thicknesses were
usually in the range 0.3 mm to 1.4 mm. The powdered
alkali halides were pressed to within less than 1% of
their theoretical densities. The pellets prepared in this
way remained optically transparent for more than four
months if stored in a desiccator.
(b) Pellet Press
Many evacuable molds which produce good quality
pellets have been described in the literature ;6-8 how
ever, some of them suffer from the fact that the pellet
may be fractured and chipped when removed from the
mold. The unique feature of our mold is the tapered
lower die (3 degrees) which eliminates the problem of
fracture when the pellet is removed from the mold.
Figure 1 shows a section through the vacuum mold.
The powder is pressed in the cylinder D between the
polished surfaces of the quench hardened tool steel
dies (E) and (F). Pressure is applied by means of the
plunger A and supported by the lower anvil (C) which
screws into the carbon steel body of the mold (B).
The sample chamber (D) can be evacuated through the
port (G) about 3/4-in. above the sample. The 0 rings
on the plunger and anvil provide the vacuum seal.
The pressure was delivered by a hydraulic ram which
provided a total force of up to 55 000 lb, yielding a
pressure up to 110 000 psi on the sample.
(c) Analysis of the Pellets
In order to measure the ammonium ion concen
tration, a weighed pellet was dissolved in 100 ml of
water. The NH4+ was then determined as NH3, using
Nessler's reagent prepared as suggested by Winkler.9
The colorimetric analysis was carried out utilizing a
6 V. Schiedt and H. Rernwein, Z. Naturforsch. 7b, 270 (1952).
7:VI. A. Ford and G. R. Wilkinson, J. Sci. Instr. 31,338 (1954).
8 D. H. Anderson and N. H. 'vVoodall, Anal. Chern. 25, 1906
9 L. W. Winkler, Z. Untersuch. Nahr. u. Genussrn. 49, 164
(1925). FIG. 1. Section
through the vacuum
spectrophotometer as described by Kistiakowsky et al.1O
In order to obtain reproducible and accurate results it
was found necessary to prepare fresh Nessler's reagent
before each analysis and to carry out the spectro
photometric determination as soon as the color was
fully developed, approximately 5 min after the addition
of reagent to the solution being analyzed. The calibra
tion curves were constructed by analyzing standard
solutions containing from 10-7 to 10-8 mole of NH4+
per cc of water in the presence of from 0.01 cc to
0.001 cc of alkali halide per cc of water. It must be
noted that by analogy to liquid solutions concentra
tions in the pellets were expressed in moles of N~+
per cc of alkali halide, the alkali halide being treated
as if it were a solvent. The alkali halides used included
KCI, KI, and CsCI; no effect on the calibration curve
depending on the salt was found. It was concluded from
the study of standard solutions that the absolute error
was within ± LOX HJ-9 mole of N~+ per cc of water.
This represents an error of 1.5% in the crystal solutions.
(d) Measurement of Intensities
The absolute intensity is defined by the relation
A = (l/le) f In (IolI) truedv,
where 10 and 1 are the true values of the intensities of
the incident and transmitted beams, I is the thickness
and e is the concentration of NH4+ in the specimen.
The quantity which can be measured is
B= (llle) f In(ToIT)expt.dv,
which may differ from A because of the finite resolution
of the spectrometer.ll Here T is the apparent trans
mission measured by the spectrometer. It is readily
shown that B----+A as le----+O. Consequently, if Ble is
plotted vs te, B= A in that region of Ie where a straight
line is obtained. Another test is also available in that
10 G. B. Kistiakowsky, P. C. Manglesdorf, Jr., A. J. Rosenberg,
and W. H. R. Shaw, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 74, 5015 (1952).
11 E. B. Wilson, Jr., and A. J. Wells, J. Chern. Phys. 14, 578
(1946); A. M. Thorndike, A. J. Wells, and E. B. Wilson, Jr.,
ibid. 15. 157,868 (1947).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:51:191242 C. C. FERRI SO AND D. F. HORNIG
~ 20
.6 .8 1.0 1.2
FIG. 2. Blc. vs lc. of eopreeipitated mixtures in the 7p. band.
when B7"'A, B must depend on the resolution of the
The infrared spectra were obtained on a Perkin
Elmer Model 83 monochromator which was modified
for use as a ratio-recording double beam instrument.12
A CaF2 prism, calibrated by the procedure of Dowie
et al.,13 was used. Intensities were measured for both
infrared active fundamentals of NH4+, the triply
degenerate stretching vibration, 113, and the triply
degenerate bending vibration, 114. To obtain the base
line corresponding to 10, a spectral region through the
absorption band was scanned, with a blank pellet
made from the same salt substituted for the sample.
In first order this procedure should have eliminated
both reflection and scattering errors for solid solutions.
The same is not necessarily true for the NH4I films;
~ .. 25
~ 15
c ..::..
" 100
FIG. 3. Blc. vs lc. of copreeipitated mixtures in the 3p. band.
12 D. F. Hornig, G. E. Hyde, and W. A. Adcock, J. Opt. Soc.
Am. 40, 497 (1950).
13 A. R. Dowie, M. C. Magoon, T. Purcell, and B. Crawford,
Jr., J. Opt. Soc. Am. 43, 941 (1953). however, the reflectivity is sufficiently small in bulk
specimens, even at the 113 and 114 peaks, so that the
correction should be negligible for films whose thick
ness is much smaller than the wave length of the radia
tion, since the reflection is still further attenuated.
Measured intensities (B) were obtained by replotting
the measured TofT as In( TofT) vs frequency.
The measured intensities were very little influenced
by changes in spectral resolution. When the resolution
was decreased two-or threefold, the change in B
was only 2 or 3%, the decrease in peak intensity being
roughly compensated by the increase in band width.
The spectral resolution used in the 7-f.L region ranged
from 6 to 15 cm-l and that in the 3-f.L region varied
from 20 to 40 cm-l.
As a second check on the extent to which B was equal
to A, a series of pellets of varying thickness and con
centration were prepared. These pellets were not
analyzed but it was assumed that the concentration of
NH4+ ion in each pellet was proportional to the ratio
c lc
System (moles/ee) (p.M/em2) B(va)a B(v,)a
NH.+-KCI 8.346XlO-S 0.771 259.8 28.9
NH.+-KI 12.353X10--6 0.726 212.9 39.5
NH.+-CsCI 16.425X 10--6 1.257 117.9 20.9
NH.+-CsI 7.490X1O- s 0.770 106.4 22.4
NH.I 1. 732XlO-2 0.39 80 18
a Units: Darks=cm-1/p.M cm'XIO-' [D. G. Williams, W. B. Person, and B.
Crawford, Jr., J. Chern. Phys. 23,179 (1955).
of NH4+ and alkali halide concentrations in the solution
(cs). The resul ting plots of BlcB vs lcs for both 113 and 114
are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. It is seen that in all cases
the points fall on a straight line passing through the
origin so throughout this range of Ie, it may be con
cluded that B= A and the measured intensities are
reliable .
The final experimental values, given in Table I, were
determined from a set of three-intensity runs for each
ammonium ion-alkali halide system, and for the pure
N~I films from a set of ten films ranging from about
0.5 to 2.3 f.L in thickness. All of these specimens were
carefully analyzed to determine the NH4+ concentra
tion. The magnitude of the absorption in each case
placed them within the intensity range covered by Figs.
2 and 3.
It should be noted that the intensity measured for
113 includes that of the combination band, 112+114, which
is in Fermi resonance with itY We assume that the
major part of the intensity of the entire band derives
from the fundamental.
14 E. L. Wagner and D. F. Hornig, J. Chern. Phys. 18, 296, 305
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The previous absolute intensities have been deter
mined in a medium with refractive index differing from
unity; they must be corrected for the fact that the
effective field of the radiation is not that in free space.
This problem has been considered by Polo and Wilsonl5
for the case of a molecule embedded in a spherical
cavity in a continuous dielectric medium and experi
encing an Onsager reaction field. Their result was that
A i= N1r(n2+2)2(~)2,
3cn 3 aQi (3)
where A i is the absolute integrated intensity of the ith
normal mode; N the number of absorbing molecules
per cc, c the velocity of light in a vacuum, n the re
fractive index of the medium, and af.L/aQi the rate of
change of vector dipole moment with normal coordi
nate Qi. This expression should be a good approxi-
Substance ± (ap./ aQa) ± (ap./ aQ4)
NH4+-KCI 305 101
NH4+-KI 256 110
NH4+-CsCI 193 81
NH4+-CsI 173 79
NH4I 163 71
NH,Cla (-190°C) 99
NH,Brb (-190°C) 104
a Reference 4, Raman frequency difference between longitudinal and trans
verse modes.
b Reference 4, infrared reflection spectrum.
mation for an ion embedded in a cubic crystal. The
resulting ap,jaQ/s for the NH4+ ion in various lattices
are given in Table II, together with the results of Haas
and Hornig for comparison. The experimental intensi
ties were divided by three since both modes are triply
degenerate. The sign ambiguity is present because
(ap,/aQi) appears as the square in Eq. (3).
The general agreement between the results obtained
with two different methods in the present work and two
dissimilar methods in reference 4 is very satisfying.
The intensities obtained from solid solutions in the
NaCl-type lattices were generally greater than in the
CsCI-type lattices, but those for NH4I, which has an
NaCllattice, were lower than in any of the solid solu
tions. It is hard to rule out systematic errors but pre
sumably the differences reflect the differing local en
vironment of the NH4 ion in the various lattices.
Calculation of af.L/ aRi
To obtain information about the N-H bonds m
NH4+ the af.L/aQ's must be related to the change m
moment during stretching and bending motions of
15 S. R. Polo and M. Kent Wilson, J. Chern. Phys. 23, 2376
(1955). FIG. 4. Orientation of atoms for calcu
lation of ap./aR •. • Z
known amplitude. Using the orientation of atoms shown
in Fig. 4, we have employed the symmetry coordinates
R4a= (aI2+a23+aI3-a14-a24-a34)/(6)! (5)
for the infrared active species, where T i is the change in
length of the NHi bond and aij is the change in the
angle HiNH j• The coefficients in the transformation
can be worked out by the method of Wilson.16 The
details of the calculation for a tetrahedral molecule
have been given previouslyY In order to carry it
through it is necessary to know the force constants.
Since there are three force constants, F33, ToF34, and
T02 F44, in the most general potential function for the F 2
species of a tetrahedral molecule, the two frequencies
of NH4+ are not enough to solve the problem. If the
frequencies of ND4+ are also used, there are just enough
frequencies to solve for all the force constants. The
frequencies used in our calculation were as followsl4:
3130 cm-l
1400 cm-l ND4+
2350 cm-l
1067 cm-l•
Because of the anharmonicity, these frequencies do
not follow the Teller-Redlich product rule, the fre
quency product differing from the harmonic oscillator
TABLE III. Summary of results for the ammonium ion in KCI.
Set I Set II
(L-I)"X1Q--12 1.2439 1.2440 (L-I)4,XIQ--12 -0.0316 -0.0299 (L-I)34XlO- 20 0.1262 0.1238
(L-I)44X 10-20 0.8668 0.8643
f (a",jaQsL+ (a,u/ aR4) = 1. 265 d 1. 256 d
or (a",/ aQ4) -(ap./aRa) =3.759 d/A 3.760 d/A
f (ap./ aQ,) (a",/aR,) =0.497 d 0.501 d
or (ap./aQ,) =-(ap./ aRs) =3.823 d/ A -3.822 d/A
16 E. B. Wilson, Jr., J. Chern. Phys. 7, 1047 (1939); 9, 76 (1941).
17 P. N. Schatz and D. F. Hornig, J. Chern. Phvs. 21, 1516 (1953). •
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TABLE IV. (ap.jaRi) for the ammonium ion in various alkali
KCI (ap./aR.) = 1.27 d 0.50 d
(ap./aR 3) = +3. 76 d/A -3.82 d/A
KI (ap./aR.) 1.28 d 0.60 d
(ap./aR,) +3.16 d/A -3.23 d/A
CsCl (ap./aR,) 0.95 d 0.46 d
(ap./ aR3) +2.38 d/A -3.23 d/A
CsI (ap./aR.) 0.91 d 0.47d
(ap./aR 3) +2.14d/A -2.19 d/A
NH.I (ap.jaR.) 0.82 d 0.41d
(ap./ aR3) 2.00 d/ A -2.05 d/A
8 Preferred solution.
value by about 3%. The anharmonicity resides largely
in Va since the first overtone of the bending vibration,
2V4, is found at almost exactly twice the fundamental
These frequencies therefore yield two sets of force
constants. The first (I) is obtained from the two bend
ing frequencies plus the NH4+ stretching frequency, v •.
The other (II) is obtained from the two bending fre
quencies plus the ND4+ stretching frequency, V3.
Taking ro= 1.035 A from nuclear magnetic resonance
studies18 the results obtained are as follows:
Set I
5.380X106 dynes/em
0.539 Set II
5. 719XI05 dynes/em
The consistency of the two values of F44 and the differ
ences in Fa3 tend to bear out the initial assumption that
the anharmonicity resides in Va. In order to test the sen
sitivity of the a}J./aR's to these uncertainties in the force
field, a complete calculation was carried out with both
sets for Na+ in KCI and the results are summarized in
Table III. The two sets of force constants yielded
such consistent results that only Set I was used in
calculating the dipole derivatives in the other lattices;
the results are given in Table IV. The two solutions
result from the sign ambiguity arising because only
(a}J./aQ)2 is measured.
In order to choose between the formal solutions it is
important to note that positive Ra and R4 result in
proton motions in opposite directions. Hence any model
with an effective charge located on the protons will
predict that aJ.l./aRa and aJ.l./a~ have opposite signs.
Consequently, we feel that the last column of Table
IV is most probably the correct one.
The results given in Table IV cannot be interpreted
immediately in terms of bond characteristics since the
18 H. S. Gutowsky, G. E. Pake, and R. Bersohn, J. Chern. Phys.
22, 643 (1954). dipole moment change includes the total charge times
the displacement of the origin with respect to which
dipole moment is measured. The magnitude of this
effect (which does not occur in neutral species) can
readily be estimated if the nitrogen atom is chosen
as an origin for the definition of internal moments and
the coupling of the internal vibrations to the lattice
vibration is neglected. The extra apparent moment is
then the electronic charge times the displacement of the
nitrogen atom, yielding
(aJ.l./aRa) = (a}J./aRa)0_ (2e/3) (mH/M)
= (aJ.l./aRa) °-0.306 d/ A
(aJ.l./aR 4) = (aJ.l./aR 4)0-(2ero/3) (mH/M)
= (aJ.l./aR 4) °-0.319 d, (7)
where mH is the proton mass and M is the total mass of
the ion. In Eqs. (7) and (8) it is assumed that the net
effective charge on the protons is positive in both
motions. Otherwise the sign of the second term, repre
senting the displacement of the positive center of
charge, must be changed. It would be possible to
improve on these assumptions if the frequency and
intensity of the Reststrahlen mode were also measured.
If the additional assumption is now made of additive
changes in bond moments, directed parallel to bonds
when they are stretched and perpendicular when they
are bent, we have also that
(aJ.l./ar) = (v3/2) (a}J./aRa)0
}J.o= (v3/2) (a}J./aR 4)0.
The resulting dipole derivatives and bond moments
are given in Table V.
Several points are worth noting. First, the bond
moment is not high; interpreted as effective charge it
corresponds to a charge +0.14e on each proton and
+O.44e on the nitrogen.19 It is interesting that the NH
moment found is identical with the bond moment found
in NHa.20
Secondly, a}J./ar, which also has the significance of an
effective charge, is very much larger, corresponding to
over +0.6e. This is presumably the case because
TABLE V. Bond moments and bond moment derivatives for
ammonium ions in various crystals.
KCI -4.13 0.82 3.59 0.72
KI -3.54 0.92 3.08 0.81
CsCI -3.54 0.78 3.08 0.69
CsI -2.50 0.79 2.18 0.69
NH,I (pure) -2.36 0.73 2.06 0.64
avo -3.21 0.81 2.80 0.71
19 L. Pauling, Nature of the Chemical Bond (Cornell University
Press, Ithaca, New York, 1948).
20 D. C. McKean and P. N. Schatz, J. Chern. Phys. 24, 316
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the motion involved in the anti symmetric stretch
corresponds roughly to the process NH4+-.H++ NHa so
that the polarity changes violently as the protons
Thirdly, the differences between the various environ-
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS ments appear to be real and outside the experimental
error. On the other hand, no particularly systematic
trend appears and no immediate explanations can be
given. It seems clear, though, that there is considerable
polarization of the NH4+ ions by the surrounding ions.
Unimolecular Decomposition of Chemically Activated sec-Deuterobutyl Radicals
from D Atoms plus cis-Burene-2*
Department of Chemistry, University of Washington, Seattle 5, Washington
(Received November 2, 1959)
Chemically activated sec-deuterobutyl radicals were produced at 25°C by the reaction of D atoms with
cis-butene-2. These vibrationally excited species contain an increm'ent of energy above that of the corre
sponding light radicals as formed from H plus cis-butene-2 in a previous study [B. S. Rabinovitch and
R. W. Diesen, J. Chern. Phys. 30,735 (1959)]. Apparent rate constants for the unimolecular decomposition
to propylene of the deuterobutyl radicals were obtained as a function of pressure, relative to the collision
induced stabilization process. Theoretical values for the rate constants at the limits of high and low pressures
were calculated using a direct count for the density of vibrational energy levels. The calculated and experi
mental results are compared with one another, and with the results of the previous study of the sec-butyl
radical decomposition. The expected energy effect is observed; the deuterobutyl radicals appear slightly
more monoenergetic than the equivalent nondeuterated species.
VIBRATIONALLY excited alkyl radicals may be
produced homogeneously in the gas phase by the
addition of atoms or radicals to an olefin. The ensuing
unimolecular decomposition and collisional stabilization
processes can be studied concurrently under varying
conditions of temperature and pressure. Although the
method is restricted in some ways, it nevertheless
provides a means of studying rapid unimolecular
processes at low temperatures such that the excited
species are nearly monoenergetic. Rabinovitch and
Diesen (RD) 1 have described experimental and theo
retical aspects of the method and its application to the
formation of sec-butyl radicals, by addition of H atoms
to cis-butene-2, and their decomposition to propylene
plus methyl. Reference should be made to this work
for details and for nomenclature used here.
It is of value to employ different addition reactions
to produce the same (or virtually the same) species in
different states of vibrational excitation. In this paper
we present the experimental findings for the uni
molecular decomposition of chemically activated sec
deuterobutyl radicals formed by addition of D atoms
to cis-butene-2. The deuterobutyl radicals have a
minimum energy, Emin, which is ,...",2 kcal/mole larger
than that of butyl radicals produced with H atoms due
to zero point energy factors. A comparison is made
* Abstracted in part from a Ph.D. thesis by R. E. H. to be
submitted to the Graduate School, University of Washington.
1 B. S. Rabinovitch and R. W. Diesen,}. Chern. Phys. 30,735
(1959). between this work and the earlier results. In the
calculation of ka, the average observed rate constant
for decomposition, the semiclassical approximation
of RD for the evaluation of the density and weights of
vibrational energy levels, based upon expressions of
Marcus and Rice,2 has been replaced by direct count.
Deuterium gas (purity 99.5%) was passed through
a silica gel trap at -195°C and was used without
further purification. Other experimental details were as
Corrections to the Data
In addition to providing an experimental verification
of the primary and secondary reaction mechanisms
given by RD, the use of deterium atoms disclosed two
additional complicating processes. The first was the
contamination of the reaction products by CD4• This
arose from "cracking" to CD4 of butene which effused
into the discharge tube, followed by back-effusion of
CD4 into the reactor. The effect was most marked at
the higher run pressures. Methane analyses were
performed mass spectrographically; only light CH4
was considered in the computation of stabilization
products resulting from disproportion at ion of methyl
and sec-butyl.
2 R. A. Marcus and O. K. Rice, }. Phys. Colloid Chern. 55, 894
(1951); R. A. Marcus, J. Chern. Phys. 20,352,359 (1952).
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1.1722031.pdf | Diffusion, Static Charges, and the Conduction of Electricity in Nonmetallic
Solids by a Single Charge Carrier. II. Solution of the Rectifier Equations for
Insulating Layers
Selby M. Skinner
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 26, 509 (1955); doi: 10.1063/1.1722031
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1722031
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to ] IP: On: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:08:33JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 26. NUMBER 5 MAY. 1955
Diffusion, Static Charges, and the Conduction of Electricity in Nonmetallic Solids
by a Single Charge Carrier.*·t II. Solution of the Rectifier
Equations for Insulating Layers
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland, Ohio
(Received June 15, 1954)
The discussion of the thermodynamic equilibrium of an electron atmosphere in a dielectric is extended to
the current-carrying steady state. Under the assumption that the experimental behavior at zero current is
continuous with that when there are finite electrical currents, it is found that forward and reverse currents
show distinct behavior. Expressions are developed for the electrostatic potential, field, charge density, the
current-applied voltage relation, and the capacity and rectifying behavior of dielectric layers. The non-ohmic
conduction exhibits rectification, and departures from the Wagner relation are predicted, of the type observed
experimentally, including turnover voltages. The contact charging of a dielectric is the zero-current limit of
the non-ohmic behavior which causes rectification.
1. Current-Carrying State
WHEN the insulator is no longer in a condition of
electrostatic charge equilibrium only, ~but is
transmitting current:
(a) An applied voltage exists, so that U2-U1 must
(b) The thermodynamical state of the system is not
an equilibrium one, but a steady state one.
(c) The electron· gas outside the second electrode is
at a potential 'P2-'Pl+eV with respect to that outside
the first electrode. Appropriate changes must be made in
the boundary conditions.
(d) The temperature will rise because of the PR heat
unless provision is made for cooling. Since constant
temperature has been assumed, it is necessary to assume
that suitable cooling is provided. For small currents, it
may be assumed that with natural cooling the observed
behavior will be sufficiently well represented by as
suming constant temperature.
(e) Since actually observed insulating layers (at least
in small thicknesses) show rectifying properties, e.g., the
copper oxide layer, the results should indicate such
2. Continuity of Physical Behavior
The equilibrium sta te discussed in I (with zero current
flow) is not essentially different physically from one
with small current flow. The solution of Eq. (9) for
small current should reduce to the solution at zero
current as the current flow becomes zero.l If this is
* Originally received, November 3, 1953. Received in final form
June 15, 1954. Portions of this paper were presented at the same
times and places as mentioned in reference 1 of the first paper of
this series, J. Appl. Phys. 26, 498, 1955, hereafter referred to as I. t With the support of the Aeronautical Research Laboratory,
Wright Air Development Center, U. S. Air Force.
1 There exist in the literature statements that the equilibrium possible, the validity of the whole range of solutions is
intuitively more satisfying, since the two types of
phenomena are thus directly related, and, for example,
equilibrium charge densities at contact are the natural
consequence and limiting result of the observed current
flows at the interface between two materials when the
net current becomes zero.2
The condition will therefore be applied that there be no
discontinuity in the potential, field, or charge density, as j
is continuously changed from any finite value through zero
to a finite magnitude of opposite sign.
3. Solution of the Diffusion Equation
for Nonzero Current3
Since the equation is nonlinear, considerably more
complex interrelationships between the experimental
parameters may be expected than in equations of the
usual linear type. The experimental behavior of die
lectrics varies sufficiently from sample to sample, and,
for example, with thickness and temperature so that
some such complexity is indicated.
Equation (9) of I has been obtained by an integration
with respect to x, and therefore g2 does not depend upon
x, but it may well depend upon j, or T, or b. When there
is a current, in analogy to the treatment in reference 3,
condition at zero current may differ by finite amounts from that
approached as the current decreases to zero.
Such a metastable state is not considered here. With the
equalizing tendency of diffusion and thermodynamic fluctuations,
it would not be expected to persist.
2 While the considerations are applicable to a part of the
phenomena in triboelectric charging, they are not the complete
explanation; it is not at all clear that equilibrium (and certainly
not, constant temperature) exists in the instances usually ob
served. The subject is comprehensively covered by P. S. H. Henry,
Science Progr. 41, 617 (1951).
3 A solution to Eq. (9) has been obtained by F. Borgnis, Z.
Physik 100, 478 (1936). However, his treatment is not suitable for
the present purpose since he determined the values of his constants
to agree with Ohm's law at infinity, considering only the electro
static potential. An approximate treatment has also been given by
Mott and Gurney (I, reference 5), and R. C. Prim, Phys. Rev. 90,
753 (1953), Appendix II.
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Eq. (9) of I is modified by the substitutions
where 2kT F=-(3y; z=(3(x+XO)+,s-2 a2
(33 = 27re2 j / Ebk2P
becoming thereby a Ricatti equation
dz (1)
The form of the solution depends upon whether z is
positive or negative. If z>O,
A L2/3(w)+ BI2/3(w) y= -zl -zlR(w), (3)
where W= (2/3)z! and the I" are Bessel functions of
imaginary argument. If z<O,
AJ_2/3(W)- BJ2/3(W)
y= (z)i (z)lR(w), (4)
where: z= -z; w= (2/3)(z)l; the J" are the Bessel
functions of the first kind, of real argument. Only one
constant in y is significant. While separate solutions are
not additive, analogous relations may be found in the
Defining the charge density by Poisson's equation,
the solutions for the electric potential energy, field, and
charge density, ne, are for z>O,
1/;=2kT In[zi{AIl(W)+BLl(w)}]+constl
F= -(2kT/e)(3ziR(w) ~,
n=(EkT/27re2)(32 z[R2(w)-IJ J
and for z<O,
1/;=2kT InCZl{1J!(W)+BLl(W))J+const}
F= -(2kT/e)(3z}R(w) .
n= (EkT /27re2),82Z[R2(w)+ IJ (5.1)
By Eq. (1), the coefficient{3, and therefore, the quantities
z and w, depend upon the value of the current.
4. Evaluation of the Constants A and B
By the foregoing paragraph 2, Eqs. (5) must continu
ously approach the solutions given in Eqs. (10)-(12) of
I, as j approaches zero. The evaluation of A and B to
satisfy this condition requires a mathematical strata
gem, but can be shown to be valid by considering the
4 For example, G. N. Watson, Bessel Functions (The Cambridge
University Press, New York, 1948), revised edition, Chap. IV. asymptotic or near-zero values, respectively, of the final
The result of the development in Appendix I is that
the three types of solution for g2~0, corresponding to
Eqs. (10)-(12) of I, are:
I. 1/;-1/;0= 2kT In[ wi~ 2(W)] I
F=-(2kT/e)(3z1G '
n= (EkT /27re2)(32Z[G2+ IJ (6)
where the subscript zero refers to the value at x= 0, and
[ 2 U !
Z=_Z=,s-2gL(3(x+xo); w=iz!=~ 1-3~] ;
f= -t={3-2g2; ~=H!; u=g(x+xo); G=ii 1/ii2;
iil=JiWJ2/3(W)+LlWJ-2/3(W) ;
ii2=Jta)J -l(W)-J -tWJt(w).
II. 1/;-1/;0=2kT In[ Wi
H2(W)] I
F= -(2kT/e){3z1G '
n= (EkT /27re2)(32z[G2-1J (7)
z=,s-2a2+(3(x+xo); W=iZI={l+~~r a2=_g2j
t=,s-2a2j ~=it!j u=a(x+xo)j G=H 1/H2j
H1=LIWL2/3(w)-IIWI 2/3(w) ;
III. (a) For z<O: the expressions in Case I, just above,
except that
g=O; ii1=J-2/3(W) j ii2=Jl(W);
w=i[ -(3(x+xo)JI. (8.1)
(b) For z>O: the expressions in Case II, just above,
except that
a=Oj H1=L2/3(W) j H2=Ii(W) j
w= i[{3(x+xo) J!. (8.2)
These solutions reduce, when (3~, to those of (I),
Section II, 4, as follows:
III Becomes solution in
Section 4 of I, for
g2= -a2=O
and pass continuously into each other, if the constants
in the potentials are properly chosen. Since the argu
ments of the Bessel functions must be real or imaginary
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and not complex, in order to carry physical significance,
the valid solutions are those in which z or z is positive.
This imposes the conditions:
Solution I: g2/(X+XO) >,83> -OC) III. a: ,83<0
II: -a2/(x+xo) <,83< OC) b: ~3>0.
The behavior of I in the negative current range or II in
the positive current range is straightforward. From the
point of view of an observer at x=O, the former is the
forward current and the latter the reverse current as
defined in rectification theory. At the limit of the other
part of the range, the argument of the Bessel functions
of either kind becomes zero and a continuous transition
to the other type solution takes place.
The values in Eqs. (6)-(8) are independent of the
choice of origin. Ii The difference in the expressions for
positive and negative current is indicative of the physical
difference between the forward and reverse currents in
rectifying contacts. However, the solutions may not be
accepted uncritically exactly as given above; con
siderations analogous to those in I must be used.
5. Electrochemical Potential
The fact that the electrical potentials are represented
by logarithmic functions of functions of the space
coordinates yields for the electrochemical potentials,
U=if;+kT In(n)+const:
U-Uo=kT Inn,
where n has the values
w4/3[H 12(W)+Hl(w)]
W4/3[H 12(W) -H22(W) ]
W04/3[H 12 (Wo) -H22(WO)]' (9)
respectively, and corresponding terms in the cases in
Eqs. (8.1) and (8.2).
The space rate of variation of U must have a definite
value to produce a particular current, since j= -nbVU.6
6 A change of origin which decreases the value of x will increase
the value of Xo and leave unchanged their sum. This has been
accomplished by the choice of the constant in Eq. (9) in I. Other
wise a change of origin would have required a different value of g2
to return to a designation of the same eJqlerimental conditions.
Independence of choice of origin is essential to physical reality,
just as in the solution of a linear equation. Equation (9) likens the
current flow, caused by diffusion and electric field, to that at a
distance from a source plane of infinite charge density, whose
distance behind the electrode is determined by the physical
conditions of the problem, such as the energy gap at the interface;
the description should be unaffected by whether the origin is taken
at the electrode or away from it.
6 This value may be distributed in any way between the space
variation of the electrostatic potential and the space variation of
the logarithm of the concentrations without changing the com
puted current. However, the considerations in reference 16 of I,
and the assumption of the simultaneous validity of the diffusion
equation and Poisson's equation provide the differentiation be
tween how much of the gradient of the electrochemical potential is
attributable to each of the two terms, and permit unambiguous Repeating Eq. (14) of I, the externally applied
potential is related to the values of U at the ends of the
dielectric by:
The relationship between applied voltage and current
may be obtained from Eq. (10.1) either by inserting the
expressions for the U's or as follows:
dU j
(10.2) -=--*
dx nb'
Equation (10.2) shows that the applied voltage is at
least of the first order in the current.
6. The Constant, g2 or a2
Using Poisson's equation, the relation (Eq. 9 in I) for
g2 becomes
( eF)2 (27re2n) 27re2j ---- =~2Z= __ (X+XO)_g2,
2kT ekT ebk2p (11)
which is the generalization of Eq. (10.4) in I to the case
of current flow. If both the field and charge density are
known at a boundary for a particular current, g2 is
thereby determined; the xo which enters into Eq. (11) is
evaluated by the condition on n at the boundaries, and
all other quantities are measurable. If (x+xo)¢O,
current flow causes a change in the relation between
field, charge density, and g2. Using the solutions of
Eqs. (6) to (8), and Eq. (11), it may be shown that
j= -nbdU /dx, identically.
Experimentally, the charge density and potential at
the boundary of the dielectric may be regarded as
measurable quantities; the measurement of the electric
field at the boundary, is, on the other hand, not a
convenient procedure, and other means of determining
the value of g2 are desired.
7. Asymptotic Development
In Eqs. (6) to (9), the quantity ~ is proportional to
j-I. Since the substances considered are insulators, only
small currents need be considered, and development in
powers of the current requires an asymptotic develop
ment in terms of t1• Physically, it is obvious that the
location of the inner potential maximum, and other
eJqlressions for the field and charge densities within anyone
The question is not one of the reality of the Galvani potential;
Gibbs, Guggenheim, and van Rysselberghe have shown that the
attempt to define the Galvani potential as apart from the electro
chemical potential is without meaning; exhaustive recent attempts
to improve the situation, such as that in the third reference below
do not make the Galvani potential operationally significant. The
inner potential used here is that discussed in I, Sec. III, 1, defined
with the use of the eJqlerimentally determinable x. J. W. Gibbs, Collected Works (Longmans Green and Company,
New York, 1928), pp. 429-30; E. A. Guggenheim, Thermodynamics
(North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1950), second
edition. International Committee on Electrochemical Thermodynam
ics and Kinetics: Proc. of the IIIrd Meeting, Berne, 1951 (Carlo
Manfredi, Milan, 1952), especially_Sec. IV, pp. 275-403.
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FIG. 1. Energy levels in a dielectric with metal electrodes, when
voltage is applied.
parameters such as g, the xo's, and the charge densities
at the boundaries may depend upon the current. The
development under these conditions is indicated in
Appendix II. The results are:
U-Uo=kT In(A/Ao), t/t-t/to=2kT In(B/Bo),}
F= -(2kT/e)C, n= (EkT/27re2)D, (12)
where the quantities A, B, C, D, are power series in the
current defined in Appendix II, and the subscript zero
means that u is evaluated at the electrode-dielectric
8. Finite Current-Carrying Dielectric
Since the solutions pass continuously into those for
zero current described in I, it is to be expected that the
energy level differences at the boundaries will affect the
observed current-carrying behavior. It is again neces
sary to consider separately the case when the electro
static potential is monotonic, and that when a potential
maximum occurs in the dielectric.
(a) Monotonic Potential
Consider a dielectric specimen of thickness D, with,
for example, identical energy gaps at each electrode. To
be physically meaningful, it is necessary that the solu
tion for small positive current at x=O shows the same
behavior as the solution for negative current of the
same magnitude does at X= D, provided the origin is
changed from x=o to x=D, and the directions of the
axis and the applied potential are reversed. If the
electrodes are different, or for any other reason, the
energy gap is different at the two electrodes, it is
necessary to make appropriate adjustments of where the
energy gaps are inserted into the boundary conditions
when the origin and direction of the axis are changed. If the contact is between the dielectric and a metal, it
is unnecessary to consider changes in the Fermi level of
the metal due to the current, except the raising of the
level in one metal relative to the other by the amount of
the applied voltage. This also causes the conduction
level in the dielectric at that boundary to be raised by
eV, so that the same boundary conditions on n are
applicable as before; this is illustrated in Fig. 1. If an
equilibrium existed, and the Fermi levels in both metals
were at the same height, a conduction level at height
'1'2-x+ e V would imply an equilibrium charge density
in the dielectric of Nc exp[-(tp2-x+eV)/kT]; the
applied voltage raises the Fermi level and increases the
charge density to Nc exp[ -(tp2-x)/kT]; the steady
state flow of current is the attempt to reach thermo
dynamic equilibrium by decreasing the charge density
to the former value, unsuccessful because of the charges
continually supplied by the source of external voltage.
The boundary conditions, therefore, will be taken as:
t/t",-o= tpI-Xj t/t",-D= tp2-X+eVj
no,=N c exp[ -(tpi-x)/kT];
g= gO+,83gI+ .. '; xo.= XOO.+,83XH+ ... ; (13)
with the definitions of p and VI:
,83=2pjj eV=2pjv IkT;
in which only the first-order terms have been retained,
and the electrostatic potential zero is at the Fermi level
in the first metal. A single set of equations, Eqs. (12)
suffice in the monotonic case. Applying these conditions:
(1) the zero order terms are found to satisfy the zero
current expressions given in I, and, (2) the first-order
terms yield
4g04Xli= 4g02 (tanuo.- uo.) gl
-2UOi tanuo.+sin2uo.+uor. (14)
The evaluation of gi requires additional considerations
similar to those used in I in showing that go is the same
in the monotonic case as in the potential maximum
case j it is not needed in the voltage-current relation
however, since the same gl applies at both boundaries.
The voltage-current relation is obtained by substituting
the equations from Appendix II into Eq. (10.1), giving
the analog of the Wagner equations, namely
exp(eV/kT)-l=L: hd',
hI = pgo-S[sinuo cosuo-uO-4g02g1]I2= 2PVI,
h2= p2(8go6)-I[16g02gI(u-sinu cosu-u sin2u)
+3 (1-2u2+4u sinu cosu-2 sin2u) + 2u2 sin2u (15)
-16go4XOI sin2u+2 sin4uJr2.
The u's are evaluated at the boundaries as in Eq. (14),
and the subscript and superscript on the brackets have
the same meaning as in the expression of the value of a
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definite integral. The coefficient h1 may be written
--[{sin(goD)/goD} cos(goS)-l], (16)
goS=1r(D+2 x01)/(D+x01+X02) ;
goD = 1rD/ (D+X01+X02).
The quantity in brackets is always less than zero; by
Sec. 4, this solution is valid if j is negative; there
fore, Eqs. (15) and (16) correspond to the direction
of easy flow. A similar treatment of Eqs. (II) yields
h1=pgo-2D[{sinh(goD)/goD} cosh(goS)-l] (17)
the solution being valid for positive j. This, therefore,
represents the current-applied voltage relation in the
reverse direction. The expressions (16) to (17) may also
be obtained by inserting the zero-current approximation
for n into Eq. (10.2), and higher terms in the series
result from use in Eq. (10.2) of the higher terms in the
expression for n in Appendix II. The higher terms give
promise of explaining the turnover voltage observed in
rectification by, for example, copper-oxide rectifiers.
This will be discussed in Sec. 13 below.
The observed limit of resistivity of the material under
steady-state conditions and uniform temperature as the
current is decreased, is
p= V / jD= (e/kT)(eb)-t[(D+x02+xol)2jr]~, (IS)
where ~ is the expression in brackets in Eqs. (16) or (17).
(b) Potential Maximum
As in I, it is necessary to use separate solutions on
either side of the maximum; on the right-hand side
(side 2), x is replaced by D-x, and the negative sign in
front of the expression for the electrostatic field becomes
a plus sign.
{ sinu1
lh=2kT In -.-[1+ (pgo-Sj/2){Ul-Sg02gu
+ (4go2guUl-U12+4v1) COtUl} ::~] }+lpl-X
{ sinu2
"'2= 2kT In -. -[1 + (pgo-a j/2) {U2-Sgo2g12
+ (4go2g12U2-U22+4v2) COtU2} ::~] } + 1,02-x+e V
in which, as in Appendix II,
Ul=gO(X+XOl); u2=go(D-x+X02);
V1 = go4(xn+al) ; V2= go4(X12-al), (19)
with analogous relations for the fields and charge
densities. The boundary conditions are:
at x=O: (1) "'1= 1p1-X; }
(2) nOl=Nc exp[ -(1p1-x)/kT];
at x=D: (3) "'2= 1p2-x+eV; (20)
(4) n02=Nc exp[ -(1p2-x)/kT];
at x=a: (5) "'1="'2; (6) F1=0; (7) F2=0; and in Eq. (19) the conditions on the potential at x=O,
D, have been incorporated. The other five conditions
applied to the zero order terms yield the same results as
in the zero-current case treated in I. Applied to the
first-order terms in the current (remembering that the
term eV is of the first order in the current), they supply
five relationships for the five quantities: Xu; X12; gu; g12;
and a1. The term a1 accounts for the shift of the potential
maximum with increasing current, and since this shift
is the same whether viewed from the right or from the
left, it must enter into the v's in the manner shown in
Eqs. (19). Applying the boundary conditions, and
utilizing the results from the zero order terms, there is
obtained a set of five simultaneous equations:
in which
Cu = -C12 = Cn = Ca2 = 21rgo2 ; C13 = C14 = C16 = C22 = C24
= Cal = Caa= C42= C44= C45= C5l = C5a= C55= 0;
C23= -C25= C34= C36= 4go4;
C4l = 4go2(I-uo2 COtU02); C52= 4go2(I-uOI COtUOl);
C43= _4go4 COtU02; C54= -4go4 COtUOl;
lit = 1rg03V1-(1r /2) (sinuo2 COSU02
02=03= (r/4+1);
04=U022 cotuo2+sinuo2 cosUo2+2u02;
05 = U012 COtUOl + sinuol COSUOI + 2UOl. (21)
The first is obtained from boundary conditions 2, 4, and
5; the remainder, in order are obtained from the
conditions 6, 7, 4, and 2 separately. The five simultane
ous equations suffice to determine the five unknown
Since the electrical quanties are given by different
expressions on the two sides of the maximum, the
current-voltage relationship must be obtained as
exp[(U2-U ,,2)/kT]
= 1+ [sinu cosu-u-4go 2g1],,2
exp[(U1-U "NkT]
= 1+ [sinu cosu-u-4go2gl]1" (22)
eV /kT=exp[(U 2-U1)/kT]
= 1 + (1/3~o)[sinuo2 COSU02
+sinuol COSUOl-(U02+UOl)+1r]
since U,,= 1r/2; U02= gOX02, UOl = gOXOl. Therefore
exp(e V /kT) -1 = pgo-2jD[ (singoD/ goD) cosgot+ 1J, (23)
where got=gO(X02-XOl). Recalling from I that the loca
tion of the maximum is at x=a= [D+ (X02-XOl)]/2, it
is possible to show that the current-voltage relationship
Eq. (23) passes continuously into that given by Eq. (15)
as the maximum passes either interface by variation of
the xo's. The choice between Eqs. (15) and (23) is
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determined by whether the maximum is inside the
dielectric at zero current.
To examine the behavior of the potential maximum
as the current is increased from zero, it is necessary to
examine al. Solving Eqs. (21), there is obtained
r = 4tlt2(7r+3sl-S2) +t2[27r (3U2-S2) +47r (Sl+S2)
+4(1 +4ul2+Ulsl)+3r]- tl[27r(3ul-Sl)
+4(1+4ul+u2 s2)+r]+[,r+ 2rsl
41= 16go4(t2+tl+7r),
ti= tanuOi-uOi; S;= sinuoi COSUOi- UOi.
If the electrodes are of the same material, U02 = UOl, and
Eq. (24) becomes
al = [(Ss+47r)t2+S7rst+4Tt
+2rs+,r]/16g o4(7r+2t). (25)
In this case, a large energy gap at the boundary produces
a very large Xo, compared to which the thickness
of the dielectric is negligible. The quantities Uo being
7rxo/(D+2xo) may be represented by (7r/2)-0 where
0'::::.7rD/4xo. The value of al therefore, in the case of a
large energy gap and little zero-current charging of the
dielectric is
If, on the other hand, the zero-current energy gap is
small, so that the xo's are small, and considerable charge
transfer occurs at equilibrium, the value of al is
Thus, in both limiting cases, the location of the maxi
mum is found approximately from
a=ao+ (2go4)-1{33= (D/2)+go-4pj,
so that its rate of transfer from the center of the
dielectric, with current is
In the former case go is approximately 7r/2, and in the
latter case, it is approximately 7rxo/D.
9. Effect of the Boundary Energy Gaps
on the Resistivity
The great variety of behavior of different dielectrics
follows from Eqs. (IS) and (23). The resistivity is
inversely proportional to the charge carrier mobility,
and depends both upon the energy gaps at the bound
aries, and upon the thickness of the dielectric as related
to the characteristic lengths Xo. Since, as in I, a small
energy gap and large zero-current transfer of charge
between electrode and dielectric implies a small Xo which
may range as low as 10-7 em, and a large energy gap and a small charge transfer implies an Xo of astronomical
length, there would be expected considerable ranges of
behavior. If both xo's are small compared to D,7 whether
or not they are equal to each other, Eq. (23) gives for the
kT Eb 7r2 (26.1)
If both xo's are large compared to the thickness of the
dielectric, and both about equal, the resistivity is
e 2go-2
~---= (47rnoeb)-l
kT Eb (26.2)
the second equation being obtained by use of Eqs. (17)
of I. In this case,
j a: noebF, (26.3)
so that with a dielectric-metal combination in which
large energy gaps exist between the electrode and the
dielectric conduction levels, the observed behavior for
small currents will approximate that in the case of a
metal, but interpretation of the results as metallic
conduction will give a slightly incorrect value of the
product of charge density and mobility.
If both xo's are large compared to the thickness of the
dielectric, and quite different from each other,
e 1 D2 p=---,
kT Eb 6 (26.4)
which is not essentially different from Eq. (26.1).
Equation (26.4) also is valid if one Xo is large compared
to D and the other is small compared to D.
Intermediate values are more complex. The tempera
ture dependence includes both a specific dependence
upon r-1, and the dependence of parameters such as the
mobility and the quantities Xo upon T, and requires
special consideration for each case encountered ex
lO. The Applied Voltage-Current Characteristic
When the electrodes are identical, a zero-current
potential maximum exists, and Eq. (23) is applicable.
The Wagner relation becomes
exp(eV)_1=~ D[SingoD +1]j,
kT Ebk2P go2 goD (27)
showing that the voltage rises rapidly with current. The
greatest slope occurs when goD is small, i.e., large energy
gaps at the boundaries; the slope approaches zero, if
g~. Physically this means that, for a given thick
ness, a large initial charge transfer from the electrodes
introduces a sufficient number of carriers so that the
conductivity is large, whereas with a large energy gap at
7 This is the limit of the solution I, and corresponds essentially to
the solution IlIa.
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the boundary, insufficient carriers exist to permit ap
preciable current without large voltages.
In the case of considerably different energy gaps at
the boundaries, e.g., when the electrodes are of metals of
quite different work functions, Eq. (17) is applicable.
The slope of the analogous expression on the right-hand
side is now negative, so that the voltage does not rise so
rapidly with the current for the same absolute value of
the coefficient of the current. However, the absolute
value of this coefficient is now smallest when goD-->O,
and got approaches zero. This occurs when XOi and Dare
small compared to X02; the resistivity decreases not only
with the thickness but also with a decrease of energy gap
as before.
If an essentially infinite dielectric is considered, as in
the second paragraph of the next section, the voltage
current relation becomes in the direction of easy flow:
exp(eV/kT)-l=cij-cdl+ ... ;
in the opposite direction:
exp(eV /kT)-1=cij+C3)2, (28.1)
where Ci=i{U23-U13)P; C2= (p2/9)(U26+4u18U28_5u16);
C3= (p2/9)(5u26_4u18U28_U16) and u2=D+xo, Ui=XO;
Considering only the first term on the right in either
If the energy gap 1P1-X, is large, so that the dielectric is
not appreciably charged at equilibrium, xo»D, and
remembering that for this case, no= EkT /27re2no2 there is
obtained eV= jD/nob or its equivalent j=noebF. If, on
the other hand, the energy gaps are small, and appreci
able contact charging occurs at equilibrium,
7re2Vj jV
eV = (2/3)--=--.
EbkT 3bnoxo2
It was shown in I that the total charge in the dielectric
is noexo ; letting this total charge equal CV where C is the
capacity of the condenser formed by the electrodes and
the dielectric, and substituting for Xo in terms of no by
the equation first given,
K= (V/3bC)[~Nc exp{ -(lPl-X)/kT}].
Since the capacity may be taken as constant, there
should be observed a current proportional to the square
of the applied voltage for small currents.8
11. Rectification Ratio
By the expressions developed, the slope on either side
of zero current is the same, and the rectification ratio is
8 Compare Mott and Gurney, reference 5 of I, p. 172. one. This, however, does not mean that rectification
cannot be obtained. In Sec. 4 it was shown that each
type of solution, (I), and (II), is valid on both sides of
zero current; on one side the solution is valid for any
current, no matter how large, but on the other side the
solution is valid only up to a particular current. At this
current, the argument of the Bessel functions becomes
zero, and further increase of current causes the argu
ment to become pure imaginary, so that the analytic
continuation of the solution involves Bessel functions of
the other type. The slopes of the current-voltage curve
are quite different on either side of this transition. When
the transition occurs in the vicinity of zero current, the
generally observed rectification behavior is predicted.
Consider, first, an insulator which is, for all practical
purposes, infinitely thick. What is implied is not so much
the actual thickness as the ratio of the thickness to the
xo's. In this case, go approaches zero, and the solutions
(8.1) and (8.2) are applicable. These solutions have not
been treated in detail, since they are continuously ap
proached as go becomes zero, and accordingly all equa
tions previously derived apply if go is allowed suitably to
approach zero. Both represent the same zero-current
solution, corresponding to the infinite dielectric case in
I and departures therefrom with increasing forward or
reverse current are in opposite directions.
In the vicinity of zero current, they can be expanded
in the usual infinite series for small argument. The
voltage-current relations, Eqs. (28), imply slopes on
either side of the equilibrium point of
Ci-j(C12+2c2); Ci-j(CiL2c8). (31)
The rectification ratio is therefore 1+2[(C2+C8)j]/Ci
and increases with the current.
If, on the other hand, the thickness of the dielectric
is not large compared to the xo's the other solutions must
be used. In this case, the transition occurs not at zero
current but at z=O, or z=O, for which the current has
the value, at x= 0, of
EbPT2 7r j=-- .
2e2 (D= X02+XOi)2XO (32)
Accordingly, in many cases, the transition occurs
sufficiently near zero current so that for all practical
purposes it is at zero current. The behavior in the
vicinity of the transition will be treated in more detail
The hyperbolic functions (and Bessel functions of
imaginary argument) do not ever, at zero or near zero
current, represent the same solution as the circular
functions (and Bessel functions of real argument). The
same zero-current solution must be used for the current
in both directions; small departures therefrom in either
direction must be made with the asymptotic solutions
previously discussed. In one direction the current may
increase indefinitely without changing the type of
Bessel functions. In the other direction, as the current
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TABLE I. Limiting values of the rectification ratio.
roD goS R
0 0 1 1.0
1r/2 cosh(1r/2)-1 = 1.5
1r [(cosh1r)-lJ/2= 5.3
21r 00
0 ~(Sinh1r)/1rj-l= 2.7
1r sinh211-/211" - 1 = 42
21r sinh1l" cosh21r/1r J-1 = loa
increases, there comes a point at which the transition
must be made to Bessel functions of the other type,
with, however, the same values of the zero order
parameters. If different initial (zero current) conditions
are encountered, the values of the parameters change,
and a different solution must be followed through
An examina tion of the rectifica tion ra tio, R = Eq. (17) /
Eq. (16) shows that if the dielectric is thin, goD may
approach zero, and then the maximum possible range of
rectification ratios is encountered. The limiting cases are
given in Table 1.
The largest rectification ratio is obtained when X02 is
much less than XOl and D is small. Therefore, the
rectification efficiency is greatest for thin layers of
dielectric, and considerable difference in energy gaps at
the two boundaries. This energy gap may be controlled
by the use of proper electrodes, or by the use of one
electrode (or a layer upon the electrodes) which exhibits
nonmetallic properties. Thus, the use of semiconducting
electrodes or the treatments such as "forming" of the
copper oxide and other rectifiers can be expected to
produce necessary differences in energy gaps at the
boundaries. In this connection, reference should be
made to the discussion on the nature of the energy gaps
in actual contacts which was given in I, Sec. V, 4.
It is obviously impossible to obtain zero thickness of
useful dielectric, and if the dielectric thickness is reduced
below about 10--5 or 10--6 cm, the tunnel effect enters so
that complete diffusion equilibrium cannot be attained,
and the considerations used here commence not to
apply. However, such thicknesses are not desirable, even
apart from considerations of chemical behavior and
homogeneity, for it is known that the tunnel effect
produces the opposite behavior from the diffusion equi
librium and therefore rectifying properties would be
A small layer of dielectric between a point contact and
a semiconductor would increase the measured rectifica
tion ratio; this could help explain some of the anomalies
in slope and shape of curve observed in such cases.9
9 H. K. Henisch, Metal Rectifiers (Clarendon Press, Oxford,
England, 1941); H. C. Torrey and C. A. Witmer, Crystal Rectifiers
(McGraw-Hili Book Company, Inc., New York, 1948); Blake
more, DeBarr, and Gunn, Semiconductor Circuit Elements, Reports
on Progress in Physics (physical Society, London, 1953), Vol. XVI;
M. F. Manning and M. E. Bell, Revs. Modem Phys. 12, 215
(1940); and many others. As the energy gaps at the boundary become more
nearly equal, the rectification decreases, so that the
initially prepared rectifier would not be expected to
show efficient performance. This discussion has dealt
with the ratio only; if the slope is large in the easy flow
direction, a large voltage is required for a given current,
and rectifier heating and other effects may make the
dielectric unsuitable.
12. Capacity of the Rectifying Junction
The capacity of the dielectric specimen per unit area
may be defined as
c= I Qel and since Q= fD ndx,
eV ",=0
E IF2-Fl/ E IF2+Fl/ c=--- or----
411" eV ",=0. D 411" eV ",=0. D' (33)
which for small current, in the easy flow direction,
c= EgO[Si.n(U02~U01)],
411" smU02 SmUOl (34)
in which the positive sign is taken if there is a potential
maximum. The extension to the first term in j is obvious
from Appendix II.
13. Turnover Voltage (Fig. 2)
The current enters into the voltage-current equation
in an infinite series. Considering only the first two
terms, we have
eV/kT= Ihdj± Ih2-(1/2)JzlIP,
so that a voltage maximum in the current occurs if
(h2/h1)-(h1/2)<O, and j=h1/(2h2-h12)I. This ex·
plains the turnover voltage usually observed, Fig. 2.
To determine the location of the maximum, it is neces-
FIG. 2. Schematic diagram of rectifying behavior showing the
turnover voltage, V T.
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sary to insert the expressions for hi and h2, using the
correct values for gl and ai, as the particular case re
quires. This is a lengthy procedure, and since the
succeeding terms in the series will modify the location of
the potential maximum, it will not be undertaken here.
The qualitative prediction of a voltage turnover, is,
however, evident, and may be illustrated for the infinite
dielectric, by Eqs. (31).
In this case only one turnover voltage is found j this
occurs for
j= (3Ebk2']'2/27rt!)fJ,
where for small Xo, fJ~IFs, and for large xo/D,
fJ"'(6xoS)-I. In the former case the turnover voltage is
approximately kT / e= 39 volts j in the latter, it is at
(D/2xo)(kT/e)~0 volts.
14. Discussion
The electric field, for a given current is nonlinear and
has a steep gradient in the vicinity of the electrode with
the small energy gap, the steepness being independent
of the current at small currents. Most of the potential
drop measured in the dielectric between zero-current
probes applied to the rectifying junction will be in the
immediate vicinity of the interface.
The relationships pictured by the equations are those
due to the behavior of space charges in thermodynamic
equilibrium both throughout the dielectric, and with
other space charges in the electrodes. The rectification
is, of course, due to the piling up of the space charges
towards one or the other electrode j the special behavior
in the case of initially equal energy gaps is related to the
symmetry of the initial electrical conditions. The energy
gaps at the boundaries and the applied voltage enable
the distinction between forward and reverse current
behavior. Since only one carrier has been assumed, the
equations are not applicable at large applied voltages
when intrinsic charges appear. With the usual insulators,
however, the intrinsic energy gap is so large that this is
not likely to occur with applied voltage gradients short
of internal breakdown. It has not been necessary to
assume image forces or any other detailed characteristic
of the interface, except the presence at either end of the
dielectric of materials of suitable energy gaps. The
energy gaps may be due to the contact potentials of the
original metals and the conduction level of the original
dielectric or may depend upon energetic considerations
and chemical reactions between the metal and dielectric
at the interface, but may be regarded as unambiguously
Certain conclusions follow: (1) The intrinsic gap
should be large enough so that smoothing effects from
the thermal release of intrinsic electrons do not wash out
the rectification. (2) The best rectification is obtained
when the initial energy gaps at the boundaries are quite
different. (3) There is a particular thickness of dielectric
which will give the best rectification, for each combina
tion of dielectric and electrodes. (4) In general, the best rectification will be obtained with quite thin, but not too
thin layers of dielectric. (5) Since the resistance of the
dielectric becomes great if its conduction level is much
higher than both initial Fermi levels of the metal
electrodes, it is desirable that the energy gap be not too
large at one boundary. (6) Observed contact charge
distributions in 'insulators are the limiting case of the
current-carrying behavior which exhibits rectification,
and both are due to the non-ohmic thermodynamic be
havior of the charges in the insulator.
Because of Eqs. (5) it is immaterial whether the
evaluation of A and B is accomplished by 1f, F or n, and
on account of its greater simplicity, the expression for 1f
will be used. Considering first, Eq. (5.1), and defining
u=a(x+xo), as in I, there results by Eq. (1)
z= ({3u/a)+[r2 a2j w=jz., (Al)
and A and B are to be evaluated so that Eq. (5.1)
reduces to Eq. (12.1) of I as {3 approaches zero. Disre
garding the additive constants for the time being, this
requires that
where limCPI = sinhu } 13--+0
CPI(U) = wl[AIl(W) + BLl(W)] (A2)
An expansion in terms of (3 is not useful, but if CPI is
expanded as a Taylor's series in u, there is obtained
CPI=,E CPI(n)(O)'_j
" n!
CPI' (0) = ~![AL2/SW+ BI 2/sW],
cp/'(O) = (3/2)f({3/a)2~fcpI(0),
cp/" (0) = ({3/ a)scpI (0)+ (3/2)f({3/ a)2~lcp/ (0),
and, in general, if
CPI(n-l) = X n-I' CPI+ Y n-I' CPI',
then (A3)
[ (3W)f dY n-I ] + ({3/a) 2 dw+Xn-I CPI'.
From the foregoing expressions, there may be obtained
by induction, and by the series expansion of sinhu, the
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necessary conditions desired. That they are sufficient
conditions also, may be shown by asymptotic expansion
of the resulting expression for the electrostatic potential,
namely Eq. (7). These conditions are
and 'Pl(O) =0, 'PI' (0) = 1,
lim C/3/a)2t = 1, limC/3/a)3=0.
i->O i->O (A4.1)
By the definition of t in Eq. (A3.2) (/3/ a)2t= 1, and by
the definition of /3, limj-+o[,8/a]=O if arfO. Equations
(A4.2) are therefore satisfied. Using the well-known
Wronskian relation
2 sinn'll'
Ln(w)I n-l(w)-I n(w)Ln+1(w)=--,
there are obtained, after solving Eqs. (A4.1) for A and B
A=c~ILiW }
B=-c~lJiW ' (AS)
where the constant is the same in both expressions and
may be absorbed in the additive constant in Eq. (7).
An analogous procedure and Wronskian yields, in the
case of the Bessel functions of real argument, i.e.,
Eq. (5.1)
A=Cl~fJ_lm }.
B= -cl~IJim (A6)
In the intermediate case, when a2=0, continuity with
the cases a2rfO is obtained by the choice B=O. When
these values of the constants are used, the expressions
for all quantities, electrostatic and electrochemical po
tential and potential differences, field and charge
density, are continuous through j=O and a2=g2=0.
Since the solutions of Eq. (7) may be obtained from
those of Eq. (6), by the substitutions g= -ia, and
~= i~, only the former will be developed. With obvious
adjustments, these become the expansions about j = 0
of Eqs. (8). The fact that the latter is a convergent
series about j=O, suggests that Eqs. (12) and its
analog may be a convergent series. This is not taken
up here, but it may be noted that the expressions in
(B2) below and its analog may be differentiated with
respect to x, and the corresponding next lower expres
sion is obtained, after multiplication by the appropriate
constants which follow from the electrostatic laws. All Bessel functions are defined as in reference 10.
Using asymptotic expansions of the Bessel functions Jt
etc., of the Stokes type, there results
H2=R cos(w-O-S sin(w-~),
where (Bl)
[ 5·7·13 5·7·11 5·7 ]
'Il'(w~)!P=3i 1+ + ... ,
2 (72W)2 2(72~)2 (72w)(72~)
'Il'(w~)iQ=3i[(7 /72w) + (5/72~)+·· .],
'Il'(w~)tR= 3i[ (5/72w)- (5/72~)+· .. ],
[ 5·7·11 5·7·11 5·5 ]
'Il'(w~)lS=3! 1 + + ....
2(72w)2 (72~)2 (72w)(72~)
Next there are obtained appropriate expressions for w
and ~; it is necessary to remember that since the location
of the potential maximum may depend upon the cur
rent, and boundary conditions will be encountered
there, x must also be treated as a function of the current
in the general development. Therefore, let
g= go+/33g1+/36g2+· . '; X=X+/33 a1+···;
Then XOi= oXOi+/33 X1+' . '; UOi= go (oXOi+X) ;
V= go4(xl+al); ~o= i,B-3go3.
(3~O)-I= pgo-3j where P='Il't?/Ebk2P.
w= ~o[l + (1/ ~o) (2go2g1-UO) + ... ];
~= ~o[1 + (1/ ~o) (2go2g1) + ... ];
w-~= -uo+ (1/6~o)( -4g02g1UO+uo2-4v),
and after some manipulation, there is obtained for the
quantities in Eq. (12):
A = 1 +pgo-{sinuo cosuo
-uo-4go2g1]j+· . "
B = sinuo+ (pgo-3/2)[ (uo-8go2g1) sinuo + (4go2g1uo-uo2+4v) cosuo]j+ .. "
go-IC=cotuo+(pgo-3/2)[(4go2g1-2uo) cotuo (B2)
+ (uo2-4v-4go2gIUO) csc2uo+ l]j+· . "
go-2D= csc2uo[1 + (pgo-3){ (4go2g1-2uo)
+ (sin2uo+uo2-4go2g1uo-4v)
Xcotuo}j+'" ].
At the metal dielectric interfaces both x or D-x, and
al are taken as zero.
10 H. Jeffreys and B. S. Jeffreys, Methods of Mathematical
Physics (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England,
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1.1722004.pdf | Moderation of Neutrons in SiO2 and CaCO3
Jay Tittman
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 26, 394 (1955); doi: 10.1063/1.1722004
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Downloaded 03 Apr 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 26. NUMBER 4 APRIL. 1955
Moderation of Neutrons in Si02 and CaC0 3*
Research Laboratory, Schlumberger Well Surveying Corporation, Ridgefield, Connecticut
(Received June 23, 1954)
The spatial distributions of indium resonance neutrons about a "point" Ra-Be source have been measured
in pure CaCOa (limestone) and Si02 (sand) out to r",,91'. Both media show nearly Gaussian distributions
corresponding to Fermi ages 1'(Si02) = 1906±90 cm2 and l' (CaCOa) =461±23 cm' over most of the range
observed. Excess resonance flux near the source, more pronounced in CaCO, than in Si02, appears to be due
to inelastic scattering although such interpretation is not unambiguous. Space integrals indicate ",10 percent
more absorption in CaCO, than in Si02 during moderation. Data were corrected for 4.5-hr activity, 54-min
activation by high energy neutrons, and edge effects; considera.tion was given to the 3.9-and 9-ev In levels
in defining the mean detection energy and to the nonmonoenergetic nature of the Ra-Be source in affecting
the shape of the indium resonance spatial distribution.
THE moderation of fast neutrons has been studied
experimentally primarily in the media of interest
in pile design! and shielding,2 and for the purpose of
examining source spectra and slow neutron resonance
phenomena.a The present paper investigates how well
age theory describes the moderation of Ra-Be neutrons
to In resonance energy in two media of geologic interest,
limestone (CaCOa) and silica (Si02), and measures the
effective ages, 1'.4
The Boltzmann transport equation as applied to
neutron moderation,6 is usually written to imply (a)
spherical symmetry (in the center-of-mass system) of
the elastic scattering, (b) a lack of inelastic scattering,
and (c) the neglect of chemical binding. Reduction to
the Fermi age equation involves the further assumptions:
(a) nearly isotropic collision density, (b) small fractional
energy loss per collision, (c) slow variation of scattering
mean-free-path, X., with neutron energy, and (d)
energy independence of ~, the mean logarithmic energy
loss per collision. For a point monoenergetic source in an
infinite medium the well-known age solution for the
isotropic component of the neutron flux per unit energy
interval is
The second-order approximation in anisotropy and in
energy dependence of the collision density6 then corrects
* For preliminary reports see J. Tittman and F. F. Johnson,
Phys. Rev. 91, 452 (1953); J. Tittman, Phys. Rev. 95, 660 (1954).
1 D. J. Hughes, Pile Neutron Research tAddison-Wesley Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1953); S. Bernstein, Phys .. Rev. 73,
956 (1948).
2 A. M. Munn and B. Pontecorvo, Can. J. Research A25, 157
(1947); P. C. Gugelot and M. G. White, Phys. Rev. 74, 1215
(1948). See also reference 6.
a E. Amaldi and E. Fermi, Phys. Rev. 50, 899 (1936); Amaldi,
Hafstad, and Tuve, Phys. Rev. 51, 896 (1937); R. D. O'Neal,
Phys. Rev. 70, 1 (1946); J. H. Rush, Phys. Rev. 73,271 (1948).
4 Throuidlout this paper experimental 1"S refer to the param
eters in tlie best fitting Gaussians..,i calculated 1"5 are evaluated
from T-lf ~~~u/~(I- (C0s8)Av)J.
6 R. E. M , Revs. Modem Phys. 19, 185 (1947); Marshak,
Brooks, and Hurwitz, Nucleonics, 4, No.5, 19; 4, No.6, 43; 5, No.
1,53; 5, No.2, 59 (1949). Eq. (1) by the factor
G= 1 + (4u)-2F(r2/T) (2)
and where u=ln(Eo/E) is the lethargy, and the a's are
positive constants depending on the mass of the nuclei
in the medium.
Age theory should fit CaCOa and Si02 quite well be
cause of their relatively large average nuclear masses.
Furthermore, chemical binding effects are negligible for
In resonance detectors. However, strict comparison,
even with second-order theory, is hampered by the
broad energy spectrum of Ra-Be neutrons and by the
perturbing effects of inelastic scattering.
A 1.03 g Ra-Be source was used throughout these
experiments. Earlier measurements using the same type
of source in other media6 indicate that a single age,
corresponding to an average source energy of roughly
5 Mev, dominates the moderation process. From the
work of Roberts, Hill, and McCammon7 it is to be
expected that the finite extension of the source (I inch
diameter by 1 inch high) does not perturb the In
resonance neutron distributions in the present measure
One-inch diameter In foils, 99.97 percent pure and
104 mg/ cm2 thick, were exposed in Cd cassettes of
20-mil thiCkness. These were attached to the ends of
long aluminum "swords" which were placed in fs-inch
wall aluminum "sheaths" in the silica or in slots milled
in the limestone so that the foil centers were in the
horizontal plane of the source. Experiments established
that no significant 54-min activity was induced by the
Ra ')'-rays. Subsequent to subtraction of background,
S Dacey, Paine, and Goodman, Technical Report No. 23
(Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Engineering, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1949); C. W. Tittle, Ph.D. thesis,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1948; B. T. Feld, MDDC-
1437; E. Fermi, Nuclear Physics (University of Chicago Press,
Chicago, 1950), revised edition, p. 191.
7 Roberts, Hill and McCammon, Phys. Rev. 80, 6 (1950).
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TABLE I. Properties of the moderating media.
Composition (g/cm l) Size Purity Principal impurities
CaCO. 2.72±.01 5-ft cube >98% Al-o.l % Mg-o.6%
Fe-o.05% Organic-o.06~ Si-o.I% H,O-<O.OO8 o SiO. 1.61±.O2 8-ft cube 99.89% Fe-o.OX%
which was < 10 percent of the total counting rate for
all foil positions except those farthest from the source,
the measured activities were corrected to zero time and
front-and-back counting rates were averaged to give
AM, one-half the 54-min saturation activity. Since the
two media were studied one year apart, a 2.8 percent
adjustment was made to one of the sets of data to
compensate for decay of a Sr90 source used as a reference.
The limestone moderator consisted of ground
Vermont marble blocks (see Table I), most of which
were eon-foot cubes, the remainder being 1 ft by 1 ft by
3 in. A l-inch hole was drilled vertically through the
central column for insertion of the source. During all
exposures, this hole was filled with a thin-walled alu
minum tube packed with limestone powder to reduce
the effect of this inhomogeneity in the medium. Density
and spectrographic analyses showed a high degree of
homogeneity as well as the absence of any impurities
which might affect the slowing-down properties.
The silica moderator consisted of an 8-foot cubical
pit filled with silica sand (see Table I). Thin-walled
aluminum tubes were shaped to provide t\-inch thick
sheaths running vertically through the medium. In
agreement with Kolbuszewski,8 there exists continuous
variation in density of the poured sand from bottom to
top, ranging from 1.63 to 1.59 g/cm3, with a median
plane value of 1.61 g/cm3• Extensive examination of
the sand indicated negligible adsorbed moisture. All
exposures were made with a thin-walled tube of sand
resting on the source to mjnimize inhomogeneity of the
The counting rate data were normalized to the srOO
reference source and experimentally corrected for the
4.S-hr activity induced by 'Y-rays9 and high-energy
neutrons.lO In both media this correction was found to
be negligible for r2> r/2.
The 54-min activation cross section extends into the
Mev regionll so that activation by high-energy neutrons
can affect "resonance" distributions, particularly in the
vicinity of the source. Roberts, et al.7 have corrected for
this effect, using data taken with Cd and with Cd+In
8 J. Kolbuszewski, Research (London) 3, 478 (1950).
9 Collins, Waldman, Stubblefield, and Goldhaber, Phys. Rev.
55,507, 1129 (1939).
10 S. G. Cohen, Nature 161, 475 (1948); A. A. Ebel and C. Good
man, Phys. Rev. 93, 197 (1954); Martin, Diven and Taschek,
Phys. Rev. 93, 199 (1954).
11 Neutron Cross Sections, AECU-2040, (Office of Technical
Services, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C., 1952);
Hughes, Garth, and Levin, Phys. Rev. 91, 1423 (1953). Frn .9 /; ~. Sin. ~
/ .8
10 20 60
FIG. 1. The experimental correction factor, FIn, for high energy
neutron 54-min activa:tion. See Eq. (4).
absorbers surrounding the detector, by means of the
where r is the position of the foil, r' is some distance
from the source sufficiently large to insure negligible
contribution to the 54-min activity from high energy
neutrons, and u is the lethargy corresponding to
In resonance. Equation (4) assumes that the only
effective resonance is at 1.46 ev. It is now known that
the 3.9 ev and 9.2 ev resonances are also due to Inur, and
lead to this activity.12 However, estimates of the effect
of these other levels on the present measurements
indicate that it is quite small. (See Appendix.) We have
thus ignored the presence of these levels in making the
Figure 1 shows the experimental values of F In as a
function of position for the two media. In neither
moderator does the value of the dominant 1" depend
critically upon the points thus corrected. However,
appreciably better fit of Eq. (1) to the data at small
distances is brought about by taking this effect into
The first-order correction to age theory, expressed by
Eq. (2), was calculated for a range of mass values and
is shown in Fig. 2. We assumed Eo= 5 Mev and E= 1.5
ev in evaluating u; appropriate averages over nuclei
and energy were taken in determining the effective
masses M(CaCO a) = 18.9 and M(Si0 2) = 18.7.
The CaCOa pile was assembled on the floor of a large
room, far from all walls. Since the source and detectors
were in the median plane, the concrete floor had no
effect on the data. However, the two foils farthest from
the source on either side were sufficiently close to the
surface to be affected by the loss of neutrons into the
room. The two circled experimental points of Fig. 3
were thus moved upward by 4.6 and 2.7 percent for the
smaller and larger r, respectively. The corrections were
a V. L. Sailor, Phys. Rev. 87, 222 (1952); v. L. Sailor and L. B.
Borst, Phys. Rev. 87, 161 (1952).
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1\ ;r-
l\\ //~
~ I r.=_
T +3.0 +5
+2,0 +,
0 ~ 4 S S 10 IZ ~~ if) 0/
-, \~ M;40 ---:;;;:: 1'j 4
------/ -
I~ M~ c-
O M120 ~ r-
:~ -
0 -4 U 10
-2. -,
FIG. 2. First-order correction to age theory for several nuclear
masses. Left-hand scale is the function of Eq. (3) which depends
only on fliT for given M; right-hand scale is percent correction for
present measurements, using tt= 15.1.
calculated from the ratio of the age theory predictions
of the slow neutron fluxes in infinite and finite media.Is
The silica moderator was in a cubical pit, surrounded
on five sides by cement walls backed by earth. The
source and detectors were located in the median plane,
about 4 feet from the cement bottom and an equal
distance from the open surface. Experiments revealed
no measurable edge effects in this medium.
Indium resonance neutron distributions, extending to
r2R:9T, are shown in Fig. 3. In each medium a single T
is adequate to describe the distribution, within the
experimental error, except in the immediate vicinity of
the source. The excess of resonance neutrons at small r
in CaCOa can be ascribed to a component (T s;too cmZ)
of ::;; 1 percent strength in the source spectrum.14 In
Si02, the fit at r2<300 cmz can be improved somewhat
by assuming a low energy component of T::;; 100 cm2 and
strength ::;;0.1 percent. The presence of a low energy
component in the source spectrum is consistent with the
results of other investigators.s.15 However, their re
ported strengths or upper limits on strengths are con
siderably larger. Some of the earlier work did not in
clude the correction ofEq. (4) which may account for
at least part of this difference. In the present measure
ments, however, this component must be considered
purely empirical since it is not known whether the
smaller T'S in the two media correspond to the same
source energy. Furthermore, the fact that the low
energy source strengths required in CaCO g and in SiOz
differ by an order of magnitude indicates that the excess
resonance flux at small r depends upon the slowing
down medium to an appreciable extent.
The experimental result that Ra-Be neutrons produce
)3 P. R. Wallace and J. Lecaine, Elementary Approximations in
the Theory of Neutron Diffusion, MT-12 (National Research
Council of Canada, Chalk River), p. 63.
14 The la.rger value of the source strength given in a preliminary
report was due to a numerical error.
15 Ya]ow, Yalow, and Goldhaber, Phys. Rev. 69,253 (1946); D.
L. Hill, AECD-1945. Gaussian spatial distributions in these media despite
their broad energy spectrumHdS is to be expected
theoretically. From Eq. (1) the spatial distribution of
neutrons of energy E about a nonmonoenergetic source
is proportional to
fdS(T) exp( -r2/41') ._- dl'
dl' T! '
where we see that the source spectrum-in-T is required
rather than the specturm-in-E o. Now the fractional
width of the Ra-Be spectrum-in-T for most moderators
will be smaller than that for the spectrum-in-Eo by
roughly the factor4 A.z![3Hl- (COsO)AV) TO] where 1'0 is
evaluated at the peak of the Eo spectrum. Qualitatively
one can see, for example, that all neutrons in a source
spectrum which has a lower cut-off at, say, 1 Mev
:;l .
"'0 0:: 9 ,
E 8
" 7 .o.
.£ 5 _.
~ 7
~ . 'c 5
, :::::210
"0 i <t 7
(j) • g 5 g 4
If) l
'" '6 c • J I
(2.72 g/cm')
"-, -!..--
~ :r-..
~ ~
-t------."" -_ .. , ..... "-•.
. --~ i-r-=-
lOOO 2000 3000 4000 5000
(1.61 g/cm')
1 I
'" l"- I I
:'" ~III I
I ' '" ,
, '" i l"-
i ! I
i I I I i I i I , -10Q j 2: -3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 II Ii 13 14 15 16 17:11 10
FIG. 3. Indium resonance neutron distributions in SiOs and
CaCO •. Vertical bars represent standard deviations of several
independent measurements; horiwntal bars are estimated un
certainties in fl. Solid curves are age theory Gaussians corrected
by Eq. (2) and fit to last six experimental points in CaCO. and
last five in Si02• Circled points were corrected for edge effects.
16 P. Demers, MP-204, Nat!. Research Council of Canada Ann.
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suffer energy degradation in common over roughly six
decades in E. Hence, if the upper Eo cut-off of the spec
trum is at !"V10 Mev, the fractional width of the spec
trum-in-T is of the order 1/7 while that of the spectrum
in-Eo is of the order unity. A detailed calculation of the
expected spatial distribution of In resonance neutrons
in CaCOa about a Ra-Be source yields a Gaussian
(to within better than one percent from 1'2=0 to
1'2= 9To) having a T slightly smaller than TO' An average
of the data of Hilll5 and Demers16 was taken for the
source spectrum-in-E o. It can be shown rather gen
erally17 that for a source spectrum-in-T describable by a
peak at TO and a width w, a Gaussian spatial distri
bution results for (1'2/ To)~<256( TO/W)2, a condition
which is satisfied easily by the present measurements.
Table II lists the measured dominant T'S for the two
media, as well as the calculatedl8 values for an assumed
Eo= 5 Mev. Wherever a gap in the cross-section data
exists, a smooth connection to data on either side of the
gap was made. Further, in the cases of Si and Ca,
averages over resonances were used to smooth out
Aa (E); in all cases it was assumed that Atotal = A8• Be
cause of these approximations, and the likelihood that
the appropriate Eo;;zf5 Mev, it is questionable whether
the Si02 difference is significant. In view of the larger
discrepancy in the case of CaCOa, however, it is possible
that at least part of the difference is due to inelastic
scattering which can reduce the effective age. A further
possible manifestation of inelastic scattering is the intro
duction of an apparent component in the source having
a smaller T than the dominant component. This could
account qualitatively for the excess resonance flux at
small l' in CaCOa and also explain the apparent de
pendence of the strength of the low-energy component
in the source upon the moderator. The difficulty in
making a unique assignment of causes for these effects
arises from the lack of exact knowledge of the Ra-Be
source spectrum and inelastic scattering data.
The coefficient (4?rT)-! in Eq. (1) arises from normal
ization, since the absence of absorption in the medium
requires the space integral of the slowing-down density
to equal the source strength. Since the same source and
foils were used in both media, we should expect
B(CaCO a) (Aa/~)cacoa
B(Si02) (A./~)SI02' (5)
where B= fo"'r2A54dr and ),. and ~ are evaluated at the
detection energy. The B's were determined by ex
tending the experimental data to infinity using Eq. (1)
and the experimental T'S of Table II. It should be noted
that the data at small r, which are subject to the largest
17 J. Tittman (unpublished).
18 Cross sections were taken from E. Melkonian, Phys. Rev. 76,
1750 (1949); Rainwater, Havens, Dunning, and Wu, Phys. Rev.
73, 733 (1948); Havens, Rainwater, Wu, and Dunning, Phys.
Rev. 73, 963 (1948); AECU-2040. (See reference 11.) TABLE II. Measured and calculated slowing-down parameters.
Parameter Measured Calculated"
r~Si02) (em!) 1906::1::90 2130
r CaCOa) (cm2) 461::1::23b 560
B(CaC03)c 0.36 0.43 B(Si0 2)
• Assumes E. =5 Mev, Ed •• = 1.6 ev (see appendix).
b The slight discrepancy between this value and that of an earlier report
is caused by the introduction of the correction factor G(u,r'lr) of Eq. (2)
'" c B = h r2Ali4dr.
corrections, contribute only weakly to the total area
because of the r factor in the integrand.
A comparison of the experimental left-hand side of
Eq. (7) with the computed18 right-hand side yields a
measure of the relative integrated absorption in the two
media. The values thus obtained are listed in Table II,
where we note that CaCOa shows a 14 percent reduction
in In resonance flux relative to that of Si02• A calcula
tion of exp[ -fou(J a/ «(J .~)du Ji9 for both media, using an
assumed l/v absorption normalized to the known
thermal values, accounts for only about 2 percent of the
measured effect. The remainder is presumably due to
excess resonance absorption in CaCOa during the
slowing down process. Although the appropriate ),'s are
not known with high accuracy,18 it seems unlikely that
the remaining discrepancy is due to errors in these
The author wishes to thank the Schlumberger Well
Surveying Corporation for permission to publish these
results. The measurements and calculations were
carried out with the assistance of F. F. Johnson and
A. H. Heim. Cooperation of the Vermont Marble
Company is gratefully acknowledged.
Indium Resonance Detection Energy
Since the recent work of Sailor12 has shown that
several In resonances contribute to the 54-min activity,
it is of interest to examine how this affects the average
energy at which neutrons are detected in these measure
ments For this purpose, we took the average detection
energy to be
o (E)Av=----------f1fleV
where f is the age theory flux, TCd is the transmission
through the Cd cassette, and TIn is the transmission of
19 See reference 6, E. Fermi, p. 184.
Downloaded 03 Apr 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions398 JAY TITTMAN
the In detector foil. In the calculation of TIn, twice the
measured foil thickness was used to account for the
isotropic nature of the flux in which the foils were placed;
also the potential scattering cross section was subtracted
from the total cross section20 for In so that [1-T In (E) ]
is a fairly good representation of the activability of the
foils. Since the quality of the slow neutron flux changes
with " it is apparent that (E)AV is , dependent. Thus
(E)AV was evaluated in each medium at r=O and at the
, corresponding to the farthest foil. The results are the
same for both media to within the precision of the cal-
~ A detailed experimental curve of q(E) for In was kindly
provided by V. L. Sailor. culation: ,2=0, (E)Av=1.80 ev and ,2""9T, (E)Av=1.73
ev. The larger value at ,=0 is to be expected since the
flux in the vicinity of the source is richer in the higher
energy neutrons. Actually, the values given above repre
sent rough upper limits on (E)AV since no account has
been taken of the relative detectability of (3-rays
originating at different depths in the foil. This latter
effect will tend to weight more strongly the importance
of the 1.46 ev level. We have thus arbitrarily assumed
that the present measurements refer to an energy of
approximately 1.6 ev rather than 1.46 ev, corresponding
to a reduction in T by slightly less than one percent in
both media.
Re-Examination of the N onsteady Theory of Jet Formation by Lined Cavity Charges*t
Department of Physics, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
(Received May 26, 1954)
A new type of analysis is applied to observations on jets from lined cavity charges in order to test the
nonsteady-state hydrodynamic theory of a jet formation. The results support previous findings that the
theory is qualitatively accurate, but give evidence of departures from the ideal situation assumed in the
theory. An attempt is made to assess one of the more likely sources of error, the neglect of acceleration of
the liner.
THE nonsteady theory of jet formationl is based on
the same steady-state hydrodyanmical concepts
of streamline flow used by Taylor and Birkhoff in the
original steady-state theory.2 The conservation laws
lead to the same equations for jet velocity, jet mass,
and other jet characteristics, for a given set of condi
tions at the stagnation point where the jet is being
formed. The important equations are
Va coSa sinh=--- (Taylor's relation); (1)
Vj= Vo csc(3/2 cos (a+o-(3/2) ; (2)
dm./dm=cos2(3/2; (3)
dmi/dm= sin2(3/2. (4)
8 is the angle between the direction an element of the
liner travels after being struck by the detonation wave
and the normal to the liner surface; Va is the velocity
at which the liner element travels toward the axis; a is
* Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
de~ee of doctor of philosophy at Carnegie Institute of Technology. r This work was performed under research cOI!tract with. ~e
Office of the Chief of Ordnance, U. S. Army, and WIth the Ballistic
Research Laboratories, Aberdeen Proving Ground.
1 Pugh, Eichelberger, and Rostoker, J. Appl. Phys. 23, 532
2 Birkhoff, MacDougall, Pugh, and Taylor, J. Appl. Phys. 19,
563 (1948). the half-angle of the conical liner; U D, the detonation
rate of the explosive; V;, the velocity of the jet element
formed; {3, the angle between the collapsing liner wall
and the axis; m., the mass of the slug; mj, the mass
of the jet; and m, the mass of the liner. The masses m.,
mil and m are each functions of x. The mass m is that
part of the mass of the liner that is included between
the top (apex) (x= 0) of the cone and the plane per
pendicular to cone axis at x= x. The masses m. and mj
are the parts of m that end up in the slug and the jet
respectively. Except for the differential form of Eqs. (3)
and (4), these are identical with the results of the
steady-state theory, but all parameters except a and
U D vary with x, the original position of the liner
element. The essential difference between the original
and the nonsteady theories lies in the fact that varia
tions of Va that are taken into account in the latter
make the collapsing liner assume a far more complex
form, and (3, instead of being a constant given by
(3= 2h+a=a+ 2 sin-l (Va cosal2U D), (5)
is variable and is given as a function of x by the far
more complex formula
sin(28+a)-x sina(l-tanh tan[a+8J) Vo'iVo
tan(3 cos(26+a)+xsina(tan[a+hJ+taoo)Vo'IVo' (6)
where V 0' = dVo/ dx.
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1.3062648.pdf | Astrophysics I
S. Flügge , C. C. Kiess ,
Citation: Physics Today 11, 7, 26 (1958); doi: 10.1063/1.3062648
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3062648
View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/11/7
Published by the American Institute of Physics26
Principles of Quantum Theory I. Vol. 5, Part 1 of
Handbuch der Physik. Edited by S. Fliigge. 376 pp.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1958. DM 90.00
(subscription price DM 72.00). Reviewed by Freeman
J. Dyson, Institute for Advanced Study.
Volume 5 of the new Handbuch der Physik comes in
two parts, one real and one imaginary (nomenclature
due to Weisskopf). The real part, which is now before
us, consists of Pauli's 1933 article on the general prin-
ciples of quantum mechanics and a new article by
Kallen on quantum electrodynamics. The imaginary part
will consist of an article on field theory by Schwinger.
Pauli's article has been reprinted without any im-
portant changes except that the last 28 pages have been
amputated. Those pages dealt in a preliminary way
with the quantization of the Maxwell field and are now
superseded by Kallen's fuller exposition. It is not nec-
essary in a review to say much about Pauli's article. It
remains as it was long ago described by Oppenheimer
"the only adult introduction to quantum mechanics".
It concentrates exclusively on the basic theoretical and
conceptual framework, does not discuss examples or
applications, and contains little that has become irrele-
vant or incorrect during the 25 years since it was
written. The famous error in the 1933 article, in which
Pauli derived the 2-component neutrino equation only
to dismiss it with the remark "These wave-equations
are not invariant under reflection and are therefore not
applicable to physical reality," has been rectified by the
omission of the last eight words.
Kallen's article is written in a quite different style
from Pauli's. It is much closer to standard textbook
form, pedestrian in its full development of computa-
tional details, and suitable for students who are learning
the subject for the first time. The subject matter is
quantum electrodynamics in the narrow sense, that is
to say, the study of radiation phenomena involving elec-
trons, positrons, and photons alone. There is heavy
emphasis on the applications of the formalism to spe-
cific problems by means of second-order perturbation
theory. In particular, the shift in the fine structure of
the hydrogen spectrum, which was discovered by Lamb
in 1947 and which stimulated the modern development
of quantum electrodynamics, is calculated in full detail.
Kallen begins with the quantization of the Maxwell
and Dirac fields without interaction, continues with the
formal theory of the interacting fields, covariant per-
turbation theory, the calculation of radiative corrections
to specific processes, the procedures of mass and chargerenormalization, and ends with a general discussion of
the renormalization program. Most of this material is
already to be found in various textbooks. Only the last
section, containing Kallen's proof that at least one of
the renormalization constants must be infinite inde-
pendently of any perturbation-theory approximations,
appears for the first time between hard covers.
It is clear from the content of Kallen's article that
it must have been written and essentially completed
in 1954 or 1955. Its publication was delayed by the
editors of the Handbuch in a vain attempt to avoid
the division of Volume 5 into two parts. The delay is
not Kallen's fault, but it is none the less regrettable.
It has the effect of making the article look old-fash-
ioned. Kallen has been careful to revise his numerical
results and to put in references to electrodynamic cal-
culations published as recently as 1957. But the point
of view of the article is still definitely 1954. Of the
"New Look" which came into field theory after 1954,
with various attempts to abandon altogether perturba-
tion theory and the renormalization program, the article
reflects no trace. While the recent attempts to rebuild
the theory upon a more secure mathematical foundation
have not been notably successful, still it is a disappoint-
ment not to find them subjected to Kallen's critical
Astrophysics I: Stellar Surfaces—Binaries. Vol. 50
of Handbuch der Physik. Edited by S. Fliigge. 458 pp.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 1958. DM 98.00
(subscription price DM 78.40). Reviewed by C. C.
Kiess, National Bureau of Standards.
This fiftieth volume of the Encyclopedia of Physics
is the first of a series on astrophysics. The term "ency-
clopedia" gives promise of articles containing a com-
prehensive survey of the knowledge relating to the
topics discussed, with ample references to the pertinent
literature. This expectation is realized in all the articles
except one. As indicated in the title, one set of articles
deals with the surfaces of the stars, the other with
binary stars.
The light from stars, revelatory of the physical state
of their surfaces, is investigated best with photometers
and spectroscopes. Early fruits of this work revealed
that many stars can be assigned to a sequence of spec-
tral classes in which temperature is the principal physi-
cal parameter. Later, when spectroscopic and photomet-
ric details became more abundant a second parameter,
luminosity, was needed to mark subdivisions of the
classes in a 2-dimensional scheme. More recently still,
the distribution of energy in the continuous spectra of
stars has led to a 3-dimensional classification. All these
subjects are treated fully in the article in French, "The
Spectral Classifications of Normal Stars", by Charles
Fehrenbach, director of the Marseilles Observatory.
Not all stars, however, fit neatly into the normal sys-
tems of classification. The article "Stars with Peculiar
Spectra" by Philip C. Keenan, astronomer at the Per-
kins Observatory, discusses groups of stars, usually
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10 days for full, immediate refund.small in number, whose spectra are related to the nor-
mal classes but exhibit some peculiarities. Although the
basis for labelling a star "Pec" has shifted over the
years, yet the designation carries with it recognition
of abnormalities in the physical and chemical properties
of the stars' atmospheres.
"The Spectra of the White Dwarfs" is the title of
the article by Jesse L. Greenstein, professor of astro-
physics, California Institute of Technology. White
dwarfs are stars of low luminosity, of small volume and
mass, but of exceedingly high density, which tells us
that the material composing them is in a very unusual
state. Although more than 200 of these objects are
known, yet owing to their faintness, spectroscopic data
are available for fewer than half of them. These have
proved sufficient, however, to set up several classes with
distinctive spectral features, and differing in tempera-
ture and color.
Tenuous clouds of gas surrounding very hot stars
appear under telescopic scrutiny as disk-shaped or ring-
shaped objects. This has led to their designation as
planetary nebulae. Two articles in German, "The
Spectra of the Planetary Nebulae" and "Theory of the
Planetary Nebulae", by Karl Wurm, professor and
observer in the Hamburg-Bergedorf Observatory, are
devoted to them. Logically these thorough articles be-
long together and should be read together, but, for
some reason not apparent, the editor has separated
them by more than 200 pages.
The spectral features of stars with surface tempera-
tures above 7000° are those of gases in the atomic
state. At lower temperatures some atoms combine to
form diatomic molecules, hydrides and oxides, and their
spectra will appear together with the atomic spectra.
In the atmospheres of the coolest stars these molecular
features become so prominent that their strengths and
chemical nature are criteria for the classification of the
cool, red stars. These and related topics are fully dis-
cussed by P. Swings, professor in the University of
Liege, in his article, written in French, "Molecular
Bands in the Stellar Spectra".
The spectral features described in the foregoing
articles are the consequences of the interaction between
the energy generated in the stellar interiors and the
matter in the outer gaseous layers. How does this
interaction take place? The attempt to answer this
question has led to a vast amount of theoretical work
which is thoroughly presented in the article "General
Theory of Stellar Atmospheres", written in French by
Daniel Barbier, astronomer at the Paris Observatory.
The second group of articles, written in English,
deals with the mechanical and physical properties of
binary stars—pairs of stars that revolve around a com-
mon center of gravity. Some of these pairs are sepa-
rated widely enough to be seen telescopically as double
stars. The problems concerning them are treated in the
article "Visual Binaries" by Peter van de Kamp, pro-
fessor of astronomy, Swarthmore College. The subject
of "Spectroscopic Binaries" and their problems are
discussed by Otto Struve, professor of astrophysics, andhis colleague Su-Shu Huang, research fellow, in the
Department of Astronomy, University of California.
Both articles are comprehensive in content and provide
ample references to pertinent literature for further
The article remaining for consideration is "The
Eclipsing Binaries" by Sergei Gaposchkin, astronomer
at the Harvard College Observatory. It is offered by
him "in condensed form (as) a summary of the multi-
farious known data on eclipsing binaries". As such it
lacks the comprehensiveness that should be the main
attribute of an encyclopedic article. Although the
authorities for the tabulated data are named, there are
only seven specific citations to the extensive literature
covering this subject, none of them, however, referring
to the epoch-making work, at the Princeton Observa-
tory, that initiated this branch of astrophysics more
than four decades ago.
In composition, illustrations, and presentation of
tabular matter, this book maintains the high standard
for which the Springer-Verlag is noted. The trilingual
indexes are detailed and run to nearly 40 pages. On the
whole the standard set by the articles in this volume
is high; and one hopes that it will be maintained in
the succeeding volumes of the series.
Nuclear Reactions III. Vol. 42 of Handbuch der
Physik. Edited by S. Fliigge. 626 pp. Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, Germany, 1957. DM 135.00 (subscription price
DM108.00). Reviewed by E. R. Rae, A.E.R.E., Ear-
well, England.
The latest volume of this well-known reference series
contains six monographs on important topics in nuclear
physics in a text of 610 pages, together with an English-
German and German-English subject index. The articles
included in the present volume are as follows:
(1) Nuclear Isomerism, by D. E. Alburger, 108 pages.
The author starts with an account of the historical de-
velopment of the idea of nuclear isomerism and pro-
ceeds to discuss the methods available for obtaining
information about the isomeric states from their life-
times and from the radiations emitted in the decay of
those states. The account is followed by fifty pages of
level diagrams and tables describing the present state
of knowledge of isomeric states. The review is com-
pleted by a brief discussion of the systematics of the
lifetimes of the isomeric states.
(2) Alpha Radioactivity, by I. Perlman and J. O.
Rasmussen, 96 pages. This article considers first the
systematics of alpha-decay energies, the type of spectra
observed from even-even and from odd nuclei and the
interpretation in terms of nuclear models. This is fol-
lowed by a consideration of the theory of the lifetimes
of alpha-emitters for even-even and odd nucleon types
and the article is rounded off with some illustrative
examples of individual decay schemes.
(3) The Transuranium Elements, by E. K. Hyde and
G. T. Seaborg, 104 pages. The place of the heaviest
1.1734999.pdf | TwoCarrier SpaceChargeLimited Current in a TrapFree Insulator
R. H. Parmenter and W. Ruppel
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 30, 1548 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1734999
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1734999
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particular cases
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IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 05:08:001548 K. E. MORTE~SON
fabricated diode performance and calculated values
were obtained. In addition, maximum capacitor Q's in
excess of 200 at 1 kmc are achievable when alloying
on the (111) planes.
The fabrication of high Q, large swing, diode capac
itors using a double alloying technique has been
demonstrated. Such diodes would be useful in par
ametric amplifiers with "pump" frequencies in excess
of X band. Finally, it is anticipated that capacitor Q's in excess
of 500 at 1 kmc will be achieved with closer control
of the alloying process.
The author acknowledges the valuable assistance
and suggestions of E. P. Teter in the actual fabrication
of the diodes and is further grateful to E. 1\1. Pell and
R. N. Hall for their helpful discussions on diode
fabrication. The author also expresses his thanks to
W. W. Tyler for the germanium crystals he provided.
Two-Carrier Space-Charge-Limited Current in a Trap-Free Insulator
Laboratories RCA, Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland
(Received January 20, 1959)
The space-charge-limited electrical behavior of a trap-free
insulator containing both mobile electrons and holes is investi
gated under the approximation of neglecting diffusion current.
When both contacts are ohmic, the dependence of two-carrier
space-charge-limited current on voltage and interelectrode
spacing remains the same as in the one-carrier case; i.e., the
current varies as the square of the voltage and as the inverse cube
of the spacing. For given voltage and spacing, however, the two
carrier current is usually orders of magnitude larger than the
one-carrier current. This is in striking contrast to the case of
space-charge-limited flow of electrons and positive ions in a
vacuum. The two-carrier current in an insulator can be reduced to
the size of the one-carrier current either by making one contact
highly blocking or by reducing the mobility of one of the carriers
THE charge carriers by which a current is carried
in an insulator are either generated in the volume
of the insulator or injected from the contacts. While the
volume generation of carriers-thermally or by incident
radiation-leaves the volume of the crystal electrically
neutral, the injection of excess carriers from the elec
trodes or the extraction of carriers from the volume
gives rise to a net space charge in the insulator. The
importance of excess majority carrier injection for the
conduction mechanism of an insulator has first been
shown by Smith and Rose.l In general, when a voltage
is applied to an insulator across ohmic contacts,
appreciable number of excess carriers will be injected
as soon as the transit time through the crystal reaches
the order of the field-free dielectric relaxation time
(i.e., the relaxation time associated with the thermal
equilibrium carrier concentration). For example, con
sider a trap-free n-type insulator having a dielectric
* Now at RCA Laboratories, Princeton, New Jersey.
1 R. W. Smith and A. Rose, Phys. Rev. 97, 1531 (1955); A.
Rose, ibid 97, 1538 (1955). to zero. While the first approach yields in detail the well-known
one-carrier case, the second approach differs from the one-carrier
case in that no net excess space charge can be injected into the
insulator. The intermediate case of a slightly blocking contact
shows that, while the current may be carried mainly by one sign
of carrier, the net space charge of the insulator can have the
opposite sign. When both contacts are blocking, the current
saturates for sufficiently high voltages. The current is smaller
than the saturation value by an amount proportional to the cube
of the interelectrode spacing and the inverse square of the voltage.
Near such saturation, the space charge is negligible and the
electric field is uniform across the insulator. It is plausible that
many of the above results will also be true for an insulator with
relaxation time
'Trel = EEO(nOeJ.Le)-l
and a transit time
(Here E is the dielectric constant, no the thermal
equilibrium conduction electron density, J.Le the electron
mobility, d the electrode spacing, and V the applied
voltage.) These two times become equal at a voltage
Vi= noed2( EEo)-l.
Alternatively we could equally well define Vi as the
voltage where the space-charge-limited (SCL) current
becomes comparable with the ohmic current, or, what
is equivalent, where the injected carrier density n
becomes comparable with the thermal-equilibrium
carrier density no. To see this, we note that,
n= EEO V (ed2)-l
(this being obtained by setting the injected charge
equal to the voltage times the geometrical capacitance).
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IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 05:08:00SPA C E -C H A R G E -LIM I TED CUR R E N TIN A N INS U L A TOR 1549
Setting the foregoing expression equal to no, we see
that we obtain the previous expression for Vi.
If the insulator contains traps, then a certain fraction
"of the injected electrons go into the conduction band;
the remainder going into the traps. (The ratio" depends
upon the position of the steady-state Fermi leveL),
The SCL current density will be reduced by this factor
'" so that the threshold voltage Vi will be increased by a
factor ,,-1,
ViK= noed2("HO)-I.
To discuss this case by means of transit-time arguments'
we see that we must redefine an effective transit time
TTK=d2("V /-L.)-1
increased by a factor ,,-lover the trap-free case.
If the cathode is ohmic for electron flow and the
anode is ohmic for hole flow, then carriers of both signs
can be injected into the volume of the insulator. The
resulting current will be ohmic or SCL depending on
the relative magnitudes of the dielectric relaxation time
and the transit times for electrons and holes. There are
three cases to consider:
(1) Trel < Tre and Trh;
(2) Tre<Trel<TrhOr Tre> Trel> Trh;
(3) Trel> Tre and Trh•
The first case is that of a semiconductor into which
only minority carriers can be injected. No net space
charge will be formed since the injected minority
carrier charge is compensated after time T reI by the
majority carriers. The increase in current due to
minority carrier injection is ohmic, with an increase in
conductivity of
Au= e(/-Le+/-Lh)AP,
Ap being the injected minority carrier density and /-L.
and /-Lh the electron and hole mobilities.
In the second case the current will be carried es
sentially as a one-carrier SCL current by the carrier
whose transit time is shorter than the relaxation time.
The space charge of the other carrier will be compen
sated by the majority carrier over most of the volume
of the crystaL The total current will thus be a one
carrier SCL current, having an "ohmic part" modified
by the injected minority carriers.
In the third case the contribution to the total current
of each of the carriers will be SCL over large parts of the
crystal volume, and the resulting current may be called
a two-carrier SCL current.
The three categories indicate the ranges of carrier
injection into an insulator. They are not sharply
separated from each other, but they will give an idea
whether to expect ohmic or SCL behavior of an insulator
and, in the case of SCL conduction, whether or not the
contribution of the second carrier is important. Since
the presence of traps raises considerably the voltage
required to make the SCL current exceed the ohmic current, it might be possible that by varying the applied
voltage one switches from one case to another.
The problem of one-carrier SCL current in an
insulator with traps has been treated by Rosel and by
Lampert.2 By the detection of band-gap dc-electro
luminescent emission from CdS and ZnS, Smith3.4 has
shown, however, that both carriers can be injected
into an insulator. The nonlinear current-voltage curve
obtained3 for CdS points to SCL conduction.
For this reason it seemed worthwhile to the writers
to examine the problem of two-carrier SCL current in
insulators. It was found that with the aid of three
approximations one could obtain an analytic expression
for the current-voltage curve. These three approxi
mations are:
(1) diffusion current neglected;
(2) thermal equilibrium carrier densities neglected;
(3) traps neglected.
The first approximation is probably no more serious
than it is in the one-carrier case." None of the results
should be affected qualitatively by neglecting diffusion
current. We shall return to this question when we
discuss the results of the present calculation.
The second approximation means only that one is
unable to discuss in quantitative detail the transition
from ohmic behavior at low voltages to SCL behavior
at higher voltages. Since the thermal equilibrium
concentration of electrons and holes is assumed to be
zero, the dielectric relaxation time associated with the
thermal carrier concentrations becomes infinite and the
current contribution of both electrons and holes is SCL
at any voltage. For the case of dark conductivity (which
is what we consider exclusively here), this is not a
serious deficiency. The transit-time discussion given
earlier always allows one to determine the voltage
above which the approximation will be valid.
The third approximation is the most serious
physically. It is fair to say, however, that the trap-free
solution gives physical insight into the more general
problem involving traps. Many of the conclusions
obtained in this paper for the current flow through the
crystal, the field distribution inside the crystal, and
the net space charge accumulated in the crystal will
also be valid for an insulator with traps. Qualitatively,
the presence of traps will probably affect the two
carrier problem just as it does the one-carrier problem.
The solution obtained by the writers can be simply
2 M. A, Lampert, Phys. Rev. 103, 1648 (1956),
3 R. W, Smith, Phys. Rev. 105,900 (1957).
4 R. W. Smith, Phys, Rev. 100, 760 (1955).
;; For a discussion of this approximation in the one-carrier case,
see reference 2. Forward diffusion currents playa predominant
role in the case of a semiconductor p-i-n or p-i-metal junction.
This case has been treated by A, Herlet and K Spenke, Z. angew.
Phys. 7, 99, 149, 195 (1955); A. Herlet, Z. Physik 141, 335 (1955);
K Spenke, Z, Naturforsch. 11a, 440 (1956), Throughout these
papers in the intrinsic region space-charge neutrality is assumed.
The two-carrier SCL current in an insulator corresponds to
current flow at extremely high forward voltages in a semicon
ductor p-i-n junction.
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generalized to include the case where there are shallow
electron and hole traps but recombination occurs only
between free carriers. This case, however, is less
interesting physically than is the case where the traps
assist in the recombination process.
In addition to the three approximations already
discussed, it should be mentioned that we shall assume
constant electron and hole mobilities. This of course
puts an upper limit on the size of the electric field for
which our analysis is valid. For the present purposes
such a restriction is not serious. A discussion of the
effect of field-dependent mobilities upon one-carrier
current flow has recently been given by Lampert. 6
If we neglect the diffusive contribution, the current
density J through the insulator becomes
Since the thermal equilibrium carrier concentrations
are taken to be zero, nand p are the injected electron
and hole concentrations. Both nand p and the electric
field E depend on the position x in the crystal.
We consider the current flow in the steady state
where divJ= divJe+divJ h= 0, Je and Jh being the
electron and the hole contributions to the current:
Je=nefJ.eE, Jh=PefJ.hE.
Neglecting traps in the recombination process, the
recombination rate of the carriers becomes npvs, where
v is the thermal velocity of the carriers and s their
recombination cross section. Thus we have as continuity
-fJ.e(d/dx) (nE) = +fJ.h(d/dx) (pE) = npvs. (2)
A third equation is given by Poisson's law
dE/dx= (e/HO) (n-p). (3)
We have chosen the sign convention for the electric
field E such that E is the positive gradient of the voltage.
Taking x=O at the cathode and x=d at the anode, we
see that E is never a negative quantity. The total
current density J, the electron concentration n and the
hole concentration p are likewise always positive or
If we wished not to neglect the tht;rmal equilibrium
carrier densities no and po, then the right-hand sides
of Eqs. (2) and (3) would be changed to (np-nopo) vs
and e(Ho)-I(n-p-no+Po), respectively. The addi
tional term nopovs represents the rate of thermal
generation of carriers. The additional term e(HO)-1
X (po-no) results from the bound charge in the
insulator. With these additional terms present, we see
that when n= no and p= po we can immediately solve
the differential equations to obtain the case of ohmic
current flow.
6 M. A. Lampert, J. App!. Phys. 29, 1082 (1958). Let us define the constants
fJ.o= Hovs(2e)-1
IIh=fJ.h/fJ.O. (4)
The constant fJ.o has the dimensions of a mobility. We
shall refer to it as the "recombination mobility."
Picking reasonable values for v and s (v= 107 cm/sec,
s=3X10-19 cm2 in CdS4), one sees that fJ.o is of the order
of 10-5 cm2/v sec. This means that the pure numbers
lie and IIh are usually much larger than unity. The
significance of these facts will become apparent in
Sec. III.
In order to integrate Eqs. (1)-(3) we must make a
change of variables. Defining the constants
a= fJ.efJ.hHO(2fJ.oJ)-1 (7)
(3=efJ.e/J (8)
"1= efJ.h/ J (9)
and the variables
A=aE2 (10)
B=(3nE (11)
C='YpE, (12)
we may rewrite Eqs. (1)-(3) as
B+C=1 (13)
-B'=+C'=BC/A (14)
A'=lIhB-IIeC, (15)
the prime denoting differentiation with respect to x.
The variables Band C represent at any point x the
fraction of the total current carried by electrons and
holes, respectively, at that point.
At this point let us interject the remark that if we
had included shallow electron and hole traps (traps
unable to assist in recombination), then Eqs. (13)-(15)
would still hold true provided we redefine lie as fJ.e(KefJ.o)-l
(Ke being the fraction of electrons which are in the
conduction band) and we similarly redefine IIh. (This
implies that nand p are the mobile carrier densities.)
Since we assume shallow traps, Ke and Kh are constants
independent of position in the crystal. Although we
see that there are no additional mathematical diffi
culties with treating the more general problem, we shall
not do so in order to keep the physical discussion as
simple as possible.
Substituting Eq. (14) into (15), we get
(A'/A)=lI e(B'/B)+lIh(C'/C) (16)
which can be immediately integrated to
A = KB"C'h= KB"(1-B)'\ (17)
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K being an integration constant. Differentiating this,
we get
d [VhB-ve(1-B)] A'=KB'-[Bv'(1-B)Vh]= -B'A .
dB B(1-B)
But Eq. (15) implies that
A'=v hB-v,(1-B).
Thus it follows that
dx= -A[B(I-B)]-ldB= -KBv,-l(l-B)vHdB.
Integrating from the cathode (x=O) to the
(x= d), we get
[fBC ]-1
K = d Ba Bv,-I (1-B)vHdB (18)
where Be is the value of B at the cathode, Ba the value
at the anode. Equation (19) serves to define the
constant K in terms of the two (as yet unknown)
integration constants Ba and Be. Combining Eqs. (10),
(17), and (18), we have
Rdx= -adA ![B(1-B)]-ldB
= -c:c!KIBh-I(1-B)!vHdB. (20)
Integrating (20) from the cathode to the anode and
making use of (19), we find the applied voltage V to be
This is as far as we can go without saying something
about the boundary conditions, since we need to
determine the integration constants Ba and Be. Before
doing so, however, we must point out the following
difficulty. In the immediate vicinity of any real contact,
the density of carriers being injected is never greater
than the thermal equilibrium value.7 This means that
Eqs. (2) and (3) are invariably incorrect at the contacts.
In addition, in many cases the diffusion current is more
important than the ohmic current at the contact. When
such is the case, Eq. (1) is also incorrect at the contact.
Thus the question of what boundary conditions to
choose becomes somewhat ambiguous since we are
integrating differential equations which are incorrect
at the boundaries. There is one boundary condition
which is reasonably unambiguous, however. We define
a cathode to be blocking if the cathode is incapable of
supplying to the insulator an electron current density
greater than a saturation value J.e• If J.e is infinite, we
say that the cathode is ohmic. Analogously, the anode
7 The injected carrier density may in fact be smaller than the
thermal equilibrium value, as has been pointed out by M. A.
Lampert, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. 11,3,218 (1958). is either blocking or ohmic depending on whether or not
there is a finite saturation hole current J.a connected
with the anode. We shall assume that we are dealing
with contacts where there are no further restraints.
This of course is an idealization in that any real contact
has the further restraint already mentioned with regard
to the injected carrier density. We do not wish to
invoke this further restraint since it is incompatible
with our assumed differential equations.
Because of the lack of any further restraints on our
contacts, there is still a degree of freedom left with
regard to specification of the boundary conditions.
This degree of freedom can be removed with the aid of
irreversible thermodynamics. Prigogine8 has proved a
theorem which shows that the steady state of a system
in which irreversible processes are occurring is that
state in which the rate of entropy production is a
minimum subject to any external constraints. For the
present problem, the rate of entropy production is
simply the power dissipation divided by the absolute
temperature. The power dissipation in turn is simply
IV times the contact area.t Thus for a given value of
I we wish to minimize Eq. (21) with respect to Ba and
Be, subject to the restraints imposed by the nature of
the contacts. Although the writers have not found a
general mathematical proof, they have convinced
themselves empirically of the truthfulness of the follow
ing conjecture:
Conjecture: The voltage V, as expressed by Eq. (21),
is always minimized by making Be as large as possible
and Ba as small as possible, where O~ Ba~ Be~ 1.
A discussion of the reasons for believing the conjecture
will be found in Appendix A, where it is also proved
that the conjecture holds whenever Ba and Be lie in the
vicinity of zero or one. We will see shortly that this
corresponds to the cases of greatest physical interest
(the case of two ohmic contacts, and the case of one
ohmic and one blocking contact). In Appendix B
proofs are given for two auxiliary theorems used in
Appendix A. One of these theorems (theorem I) shows
that the conjecture holds whenever O<Ba ---> Be< 1.
This corresponds to another case of considerable
physical interest (the case of two saturated blocking
Expressed in physical terms, the conjecture states
that we wish to maximize the fraction of the current
8 I. Prigogine, Etude thermodynamique des phenomenes irreversi
bies (Desoer, Liege, 1947). t This is not as trivial a statement as it may appear. In addition
to the heat generated by the ohmic resistance, there is heat (or
light) generated by the carrier recombination. This second source
of power dissipation is not included in the expression JV. For the
case of a band gap independent of position (such as we consider
here), this second form of power dissipation is exactly cancelled
by the heat absorbed in generating the carriers at the electrodes,
so that the net power dissipation is still JV. This cancellation will
not occur, however, if the band gap varies with position from
cathode to anode. Under such conditions, there will be either
thermoelectric heating or cooling, with a net electric power
dissipation greater or less, respectively, than JV,
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IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 05:08:001552 R. H. PARMENTER AND W. RUPPEL
carried by the electrons at the cathode and the fraction
of the current carried by the holes at the anode. By so
doing, we minimize the accumulation of space charge
in the crystal, and thus the potential drop across the
(a) Ohmic or Nonsaturated Blocking Contacts
If both contacts are ohmic, or more generally if the
total current I is smaller than either 18c or 18a, then
clearly the conjecture tells us to compose the cathode
current entirely out of electrons (Bc= 1) and the anode
current entirely out of holes (Ba=O). Making use of
Eq. (7), the definition of a, and making use of the fact
(m+n+1)!' m and n> -1, (22)
we may rewrite Eq. (21) ast
I = (9/8)HOJ.!effd-3V2, (23)
where the effective mobility J.!eff is defined as
Equation (23) shows that the current depends upon
applied voltage V and interelectrode spacing d just
as in the one-carrier case.1.2 The only difference between
the one-carrier case and the two-carrier case is that for
the latter we use the effective mobility J.!eff. It was
mentioned in Sec. II that II. and IIh are usually quite
large numbers. This suggests invoking Stirling's
for the factorials appearing in Eq. (24). If this is done,
we find
This shows that the current is enhanced (as compared
with the one-carrier case) roughly by the square root
of the ratio of the smaller carrier mobility to the
recombination mobility. With a smaller carrier mo-
t Note added in prooj.-This same result, with J.leff as given in
Eq. (26) multiplied by a number of order unity, has recently been
obtained by M. A. Lampert of the RCA Laboratories, using a
semiquantitative approach which does not entail rigorous solu
tion of the differential equations. His approach also makes it
possible to handle situations where the drift velocity is field
dependent and where the recombination is of monomolecular
character. This work will be reported in the December, 1959, issue
of the RCA RC1!iew. bility of 10 cm2/vsec this enhancement factor will be
of the order of a thousand.9
This large enhancement factor is somewhat surprising
since it was shown many years ago by LangmuirlO that
the space-charge-limited current of nonrecombining
electrons and positive ions in a vacuum is only about
double the size of the space-charge-limited current
when electrons alone are present. Even if we take the
rather unrealistic case where the positive ions have the
electronic mass (e.g., positrons), we still only get an
enhancement factor of about four. The essential
difference between the vacuum case and the insulator
case lies in the fact that space-charge neutralization is
much smaller in the former than in the latter. Near the
cathode in the vacuum the positive ions are moving
rapidly, the electrons slowly. Thus the positive-ion
space-charge density is too small to effectively neutralize
the electron space-charge-density. Interchanging the
roles of electrons and positive ions, we may take similar
statements for the anode. In the insulator, on the other
hand, the carrier velocity depends only on the local
field, not the total potential through which the carrier
has dropped. This means that the densities of the two
types of carriers can be more nearly equal in the
insulator than in the vacuum.
Returning to Eq. (24), let us now examine the
situation where the smaller of the carrier mobilities is
much smaller than J.!O. Once again J.!eff simplifies.
Consider the case where J.!h«J.!O so that IIh«1. In
general, for 5«1, we have
(5-1) !=5 lj5""Olj5= 5-1,
so that when J.!h«J.!O, Eq. (24) simplifies to
thereby becoming the one-carrier expression for the
mobility. Similarly, when J.!e«J.!O the effective mobility
becomes equal to the hole mobility.
(b) One Saturated Blocking Contact
In the previous section we discussed the case where
the total current I is smaller than 18c or lsa, the satura
tion currents associated with the cathode and anode,
respectively. Next let us consider the case where I is
larger than one of the saturation currents but smaller
than the other. For definiteness, we take the case where
I.a <I <Isc. Thus the cathode acts ohmic, while the
anode is blocking.
The voltage V is obtained from Eq. (21). Since the
total current density I exceeds the saturation hole
current l,w, the maximum value C can take at the anode
9 Such an enhancement may possibly be the explanation of the
huge currents seen in copper-doped germanium at liquid nitrogen
temperature by P. J. van Heerden, Phys. Rev. 108, 230 (1957).
10 I. Langmuir, Phys. Rev. 33, 954 (1929).
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is Ca=J.a/J, and hence
In general, it is impossible to evaluate the integrals in
Eq. (21) analytically. There are two limiting cases
which we can handle, however.
First we restrict ourselves to the case of a strongly
saturated blocking anode where J.,a«J. Equation (21)
is then approximated by
v (28)
Inserting Eq. (7) for a yields
1= (9/8)Ho,u ed-3V2, (29)
so that once again we recover the one-carrier expression
for the current. This case of the highly blocking anode
thus has the same current-voltage relation as does the
case of ohmic contacts with a very small hole mobility.
Next we restrict ourselves to a weakly saturated
blocking anode where Ba=l-I. a/I«l. Here Eq. (21)
is approximated by
[ I I-Jw/J ]
d~ f B!ve-1(1-B)~vHdB-f . B~ve-ldB o. c v
a{CBve-l(l-B)VHdB- ~l-J,"/J Bv.-ldB r
Neglecting the small terms involving (l-I.a/I), we
obtain Eq. (23) for the current, so that the current
voltage relation is the same for the weakly blocking
anode as it is for the ohmic contact case.
(c) Two Saturated Blocking Contacts
We now consider the case where both contacts are
blocking and saturated, so that J is greater than either
I.e or I.a. It is obvious, however, that is is physically
impossible for I to be greater than 18c+I8a• This means
that the total current must saturate for sufficiently
large voltage. We restrict the discussion to the case
where we are close to saturation 50 that the ratio
Now Be cannot be larger than 18e/ I, while Ba cannot be
smaller than (l-I.a/I). Thus Be-Ba cannot be larger
than 0, so that the range of integration of the integrals
in Eg. (21) is very small. Treating the integrands as constants over this limited range of integration, we get
It is obvious that V is minimized by setting Bc-Ba
equal to its maximum value o. This is also an immediate
consequence of theorem I or Appendix A. Making use
of the definition of a, Eq. (31) can be written as
We see that the current is smaller than the saturation
value by an amount proportional to the cube of the
interelectrode spacing and the inverse square of the
In principle, our analysis allows us to determine the
potential V (x) at an arbitrary point x in the crystal.
By integrating Eq. (18) between x=O and x=x, we get
This is an implicit relation for B (x), the value of B at the
point x. Knowing B(x), we can integrate Eq. (20)
between x= 0 and x= x to obtain
Making use of (33), this can be written in the suggestive
xl B!ve-l (1-B) JvHdB
For the discussion of the potential close to the anode,
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it is convenient to write Eq. (33) in the form
and Eqs. (34) and (35) in the form
V(d)-Vex) (37)
V(d)-Vex) (38)
Unfortunately, it is in general impossible to evaluate
the integrals appearing in Eqs. (33)-(38). For this
reason we shall limit ourselves to the special cases
discussed in the previous section. Even here we must
content ourselves with calculating the potential in the
vicinity of the contacts. (The only exception is the case
where at least one of the contacts is blocking and
strongly saturated, for which case we can evaluate the
potential distribution throughout the crystal.) From
the potential distribution, we can immediately calculate
the field E(x) in the vicinity of the contacts. Alterna
tively we can directly calculate E from Eqs. (10) and
(17). Knowing the field at both contacts, we can
determine the net space charge accumulated in the
(a) Weakly Blocking and Ohmic Contacts
We wish to evaluate the potential in the vicinity of a
weakly blocking contact (the other contact being
ohmic). To be consistent with the previous section we
take the anode to be blocking. At a weakly blocking
anode the current is not any more carried exclusively
by holes as it was in the ohmic case, but the total
current exceeds only slightly the anode saturation hole
current. The ratio of the hole current to the total
current at the anode is given by
Jsa/ J = 1-0, where 0«1.
0=0 covers the ohmic case since the total current does
not exceed the saturation current. The integral in the x-a
FIG. 1. Potential distribution for ohmic cathode, weakly
blocking anode. (a) !J,h.«!J,Q and !J,e; (b) !J,e>!J,h»!J,O; (c) !J,h>!J,e»!J,O;
(d)JI.,«!J,o and !J,h.
denominators of Eqs. (36) and (37) becomes
where CI3(Ve,Vh) is Euler's beta function given by Eq.
(22). Since Vex) is evaluated only in the vicinity of
the anode, the integrals in the numerators of Eqs. (36)
and (37) are approximated by
B(x) 1 Bv,-l(l-B)vHdB"-'Ve-l[Bve(x)-ov,] (40)
respectively. With the aid of these approximations, we
get expressions for x and Vex) as functions of B(x).
Eliminating B(x), we get Vex) in terms of x,
( Jaa)Ve]il ( J,a)ilV'} + 1-- -1-- .
J J (42)
In Fig. 1, VeX) is plotted for various values of the
mobilities in the case of a weakly blocking contact.
For the field in the vicinity of the anode, we get
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.\t the anode the field reduces to
Since in this discussion the cathode is considered to be
ohmic and hence the field at the cathode to be zero, the
net space charge Q accumulated in the insulator per
uni t contact area is just given by
Q= HuE(d). (45)
In Fig. 4 the charge Q in the crystal is plotted as a
function of the degree of blocking of the anode to hole
injection. The range described by Eq. (44) is indicated
by the full line on the right-hand side of the figure.
The crystal has a net negative charge when the anode
is weakly blocking. This holds true even if the electron
mobility is much smaller than the hole mobility, so that
most of the current is carried by holes. Thus we have
the rather striking situation where the sign of the net
charge in the insulator is opposite to the sign of the
carriers which predominate in carrying the current.
Although we have examined only the case where
the anode is blocking, analogous results hold if the
cathode is blocking and the anode is ohmic.
When both contacts are ohmic (or nonsaturated
blocking), we can see that the field vanishes at both
contacts. This is an immedaite consequence of the fact
that A=aE2 vanishes at B=O and B=l, as may be
seen from Eq. (17). This is consistent with Eq. (44)
vanishing when I = I,a, the limit of the case of a
nonsaturated blocking anode. This result leads to the
conclusion that there is no net space charge in an
insulator with ohmic (or nonsaturated blocking§)
contacts. In the case where f.Lh«f.LO, this means that the
electron space charge distributed throughout the bulk
of the insulator is exactly cancelled by hole space
charge lying very close to the anode.
Although it was shown in Sec. IV(a) that the one
carrier expression for the current is recovered when the
smaller carrier mobility is much smaller than the
recombination mobility, in this limit the one-carrier
and the two-carrier cases are not in all respects identical,
since in the two-carriers case quite generally the total
injected space charge vanishes whenever both contacts
are ohmic.11 The conclusion to be drawn from the
§ It should be pointed out that for a real blocking contact, the
field at the contact may become finite before saturation sets in.
This is a manifestation of the fact that actually there are con
straints on carrier density as well as current density. For reasons
already discussed, we are considering only idealized contacts in
this paper, these idealized contacts being ones having restraints
on current density but not on carrier density. This idealization of
a blocking contact will have no effect on the results when the
contact is saturated or when the contact is well below saturation
(so that it is essentially ohmic).
II One might ask how the inclusion of diffusion current in the
theory would affect this result of vanishing electric field at the
contact. The neglect of diffusion current is most serious in the
regions of low electric field, since it is here that the diffusion
current can become comparable to or larger than the ohmic X<O
FIG. 2. Potential distribution for ohmic cathode and anode.
(a) !J,h«P.O and p.,; (b) P.,>P.h»P.O; (c) p.,,>p.,»p.o; (d) p..«p.o
and P.h.
discussion of this section is that the net charge in the
insulator depends almost entirely on the nature of the
contacts rather than on the bulk properties of the
insulator itself.
For the potential distribution near the anode in case
of an ohmic anode, Eq. (42) reduces to
V(x)= V(d)-1[2J/(Ho,uh)]!(d-x)f
v (x) = {1-(f.Leff/ f.Lh)![ (d-x)/ dJ} V (d). (46)
The corresponding expression for the potential near
the cathode is
V(x)= (f.Leff/f.Le)!(x/d)lV(d). (47)
The potential distribution in case of two ohmic contacts
is plotted for some representative mobilities in Fig. 2.
The vanishing of E at ohmic contacts will un
doubtedly hold true for a more realistic model of an
insulator, containing traps that assist in the recombina
tion process. In fact, one might choose to define ohmic
behavior of a contact as that behavior which results
in vanishing electric field at the contact. For the
purposes of the present paper, the writers feel it is
better not to use such behavior as a definition but rather
to show that such behavior follows automatically, when
there is no restraint on the contact, from the concept
of minimum entropy production.
(b) One Strongly Blocking Contact
Let us consider the case where the cathode is ohmic
and the anode is strongly blocking, i.e., I8a/ I = 0«1.
The integral in the denominators of Eqs. (36) and (37)
current. However, one can argue that the inclusion of diffusion
will affect the electric field at a given point only by tending to'
decrease E (the idea being that since the total current is no longer
entirely ohmic, E can afford to be smaller). This reasoning is not
rigorous (since the effect on the carrier densities of including
diffusion is ignored). The writers nevertheless feel that such
reasoning is qualitatively correct in predicting that the vanishing
of E at the contacts will be unchanged by including diffusion.
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FIG. 3. Potential distribution for ohmic cathode,
strongly blocking anode.
The integrals in the numerators of Egs. (36) and (37)
are appr9ximated by
= __ [O~vh-C~vh(X)J, (50)
respectively. With the aid of these approximations, we
get expressions for x and Vex) as functions of C(x).
Eliminating C(x), we get Vex) in terms of x,
V(x)= V(d) (x/d)!. (51)
It is illustrated in Fig. 3. This potential distribution
is valid throughout the insulator. It is the familiar one
of the one-carrier case.1.2 The corresponding field
distribution is
and the net charge in the insulator given by Eg. (45) Q [ cg~~Bl
" \
o \
"" \
FIG. 4. Net space charge in an insulator for ohmic cathode.
Anode varying from blocking to ohmic.
carrier treatment of Rosel and Lampert2 is approached
for the trap-free case from the two carrier treatment by
making one contact more and more blocking. (In the
work of Rose and Lampert it is tacitly assumed that
the anode is completely blocking for holes.) The
approach of lowering the mobility of one carrier leads
also to the well-known one-carrier current-voltage
relation. The potential distribution and the net space
charge in the insulator turn out, however, differently
from the one-carrier case with one highly blocking
contact, as has been discussed in the previous section.
(c) Two Saturated Blocking Contacts
When both contacts are blocking and the total
current is near the saturation value of J.,,+J 8a, we
have already seen in Sec. IV(c) that B is essentially
constant over the entire thickness of the crystal. It
immediately follows from Egs. (10) and (17) that the
field E is constant over the crystal. Thus E may be
obtained simply by dividing the total voltage drop by
the interelectrode spacing d. Since E is the same at
both contacts, it follows that the net space charge in
the crystal is negligible.
The conjecture used in Sec. III states that in Eg. (21)
Ba is to be minimized and Be is to be maximized in order
to minimize the voltage drop across the insulator for a
given current density. In other words, the conjecture
claims that
becomes and
This result Is shown as the full line at the left of Fig. 4.
In the dse of a highly blocking contact both the
current-voltage relation, Eg. (29), and the voltage
distribution, Egs. (51)-(53), of the trap-free one carrier
case1.2 are reproduced. It thus turns out that the one-aV;aBa~O (A2)
whenever O~ Ba~ Be~ 1.
We first point out that we need consider only that
portion of the conjecture involving the upper limit
Be, since Eg. (Al) implies (A2). This can be seen
immediately by replacing B as an integration variable
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IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 05:08:00SPA C E - C H A R G E - LIM I TED CUR R E N TIN A N INS U L A TOR 1557
by C in the integrals in Eg. (21). Although we have been
unable to prove the conjecture, in Appendix B we prove
the following two theorems:
Theorem I: Whenever Be?:. Ba such that Bc"(l-Be)'"
:S;9j4Ba"(1-Ba)'\ then aVjaBc:S;O.
Theorem II: If aVjaBe:S;O holds for O=Ba:S;Be:S; 1,
then it also holds for O:S; Ba:S; Be:S; 1.
Theorem II is particularly useful in checking the
conjecture empirically, since it is much easier to examine
av jaBe when Ba is zero than it is when Ba is finite. We have checked the conjecture for a number of special
cases where Ve and Vk are integers. [The integrals
appearing in Eg. (21) can be evaluated analytically for
arbitrary integration limits whenever Ve and Vh are
Fortunately we can show that the conjecture holds
whenever Ba and Be lie in the vicinity of zero or one,
which corresponds to the cases of greatest physical
interest. First let us take Ba= Oa, Bc= l-oc, where oa
and 0,«1. Then
II foa (' (!ve-l) l(!vk-l)! 20a1', 20el'h
B~'.-I(1-B)!'HdB- B~'.-ldB- Cl.HdC
(![ve+vh]-l) ! o o· 0 3ve 3Vh
a~d-lV""' (A3) [fl foa foe r [(ve-l) !(Vh-1)! Oa" oc'hf B·.-I(1-B).HdB- B'e-ldB- C'h-ldC
(v.+vh- 1)1 o 0 IJ Ve Vh
Here we have made use of Eg. (22). One can see by
inspection that the right-hand side of (A3) achieves a
minimum when oa and oe vanish. Next let us consider
the case where both Ba and Be lie in the vicinity of one.
By theorem I it follows that V is minimized by making
Be=1. Thus we look at the case Ba=l-o, Bc=1.
° f O·H[l- (!v.-l)C]dC
This is clearly minimized by making 0 as large as
possible. In exactly the same fashion, we can show that
the conjecture holds when Ba and Be both lie in the
vici?ity of zero.
We prove here the two theorems mentioned in
Appendix A. It is convenient to make some changes in
notation as compared with Appendix A and the text.
F(a,b) fbG'Y(B)D(B)dB
L£bG(B)D(B)dB r (Bl) where
D(B)=B-I(l-B)-I. (B2)
We assume that a and b lie in the range zero to one.
We take 1'> 1. (We are of course actually interested in
the particular case I' = !.) We wish to determine under
what conditions we have
aF jab:S; O.
Rather than look at aF jab, we shall look at
M(a,b) = [G(b)D(b)]-1 (B4)
x[ibG(B)D(B)dB r+1
(aF jab). (BS)
[fb ]'Y+I [G(b)D(b)]-1 a G(B)D(B)dB ?:. 0 (B6)
under all conditions, it follows that M and aF j ab will
always have the same sign. We have
M(a,b) =G'Y-l(b) fbG(B)D(B)dB
-I' fbG'Y(B)D(B)dB. (B7)
Let us pick some fixed value of b and ask how M varies
with a. In the limit as a -> b, we have
M(a,b) -> (l-'Y)(b-a)G'Y(b)D(b). (B8)
Since 1'> 1, it follows that
M(a,b):S; 0
in this region of a -> b. In general (B9)
(aM jaa)=G(a)D(a)[ 'YG'Y-I(a)-G'Y-I(b)]. (BlO)
We see that (aMjaa) can vanish at the point a=O. If
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IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 05:08:001558 R. H. PARMENTER AND W. RUPPEL
b= 1, then (aMlaa) can also vanish as a -'; b= 1, the
point considered previously. In addition, (aM laa) can
always vanish at the point a= aI, defined such that
[G(al)]/[G(b)]= (l/y)I/('Y-il. (Bll)
Since 1'> 1, Eq. (Bll) is less than one. For the case of
interest to us ('Y=!), we have
[G(al) ]/[G(b)]= 4/9. (B12)
From the definition of G(B), it is apparent that there
is always just one value of al which satisfies (Btl) or
(B12). This value of al will always be smaller than
m(m+n)-t, the value of B for which G(B) achieves a
maximum. [This follows from the facts that G(al)
<G(b), al<b, and G(B) has a single maximum.]
The significance of this fact is that it implies that
G(al) ~ G(B) (Bl3)
for all values of B lying between al and b. Thus
M(al,b) =G-y-I(b) f"G(B)D(B)dB
-I' f"G'Y(B)D(B)dB~ [G'Y-l(b) -I'Gy-l(al)]
X f"G(B)D(B)dB=O. (B14)
at Thus (B9) holds at a= al as well as at a= b. At a= al
we have
a2M ae
-=['Y('Y-l)G'Y-1(a)D(a)-] . (BlS)
da2 da a =al
Since al<m(m+n)-t, it follows that (aGlda)~O.
Therefore at a= al
Since there are no minima or maxima of M as a function
of a for al<a<b, since (B9) holds at a=al and a=b,
and since (B16) holds at a= aI, it follows that (B9) must
hold for all a lying between al and b. Theorem I follows
In order to prove theorem II, we assume (B9) holds
at a= O. Since there are no minima or maxima of M as a
function of a for O<a<al, since (B9) holds at a=O
and a= aI, and since (B16) holds at a= aI, it follows that
(B9) holds for O~ a~ al. Since in the last paragraph
we showed that (B9) holds for al~a~b, we see that
(B9) holds for O~ a~ b. Theorem II follows im
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IP: On: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 05:08:00 |
1.1735058.pdf | Plastic Deformation of InSb by Uniaxial Compression
J. J. Duga, R. K. Willardson, and A. C. Beer
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 30, 1798 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1735058
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735058
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/30/11?ver=pdfcov
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IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:51:091798 R. I. BEECROFT AND C. A. SWE:\SON
.... z
'" U
'" "-z
Vi z .. "-x
'" Q: ..
'" z ::;
280 290 300
TEMPERATURE, oK 310 FIG. 4. Linear ther
mal expansion of
Teflon in the transi
tion region. Points
are shown only for
the lowest tempera
tures, where the
maximum scatter oc
cured. The expan
sion is expressed as
percent of the meas
uredlengthat 298°K.
Measurements were
made with an aver
age, but not con
stant, temperature
change of 0.2 deg/hr,
with a maximum of
0.6 deg/hr.
measurements was 0.002 mm, and readings were esti
mated to lo division. The maximum scatter was less
than 0.005 mm, so a discontinuity in length as small as
0.05% would have been easily detected. It is possible
for Teflon to be anisotropic in the extruded form, a
factor which would explain the difference between the
values for A VI-II as obtained from the pressure meas
urements and as calculated from the single linear ther
mal expansion measurements. Anisotropy could also
possibly mask the second room temperature transition
in the thermal expansion measurements, although not
in the pressure measurements where it should have been
seen. It is apparent from zero pressure data that there is
some modification of the structure of Teflon at about
3000 to 305°K, but from the pressure results and other
evidence in the literature there is some doubt that it is
a true first-order transition. It seems more likely that
this temperature marks the beginning of some type of
dynamic disorder similar to that occuring in amorphous
polymers at the transition point. This view is supported
by the stress relaxation experiments of Nagamatsu,
Yoshitomi, and Takemoto,20 who found an activation
energy peak at 298°K of the type which is character
istic of such second-order transitions, and by the x-ray
studies, which indicate gradually increasing disorder
above this temperature.
The effect of crystallinity on the transitions and
x-ray studies at elevated pressures should provide in
teresting additional information about the complex be
havior in this temperature region.
The authors are indebted to E. 1. du Pont de Nemours
& Company for providing the sample, and they par
ticularly wish to express their appreciation to Dr. M. 1.
Bro, who graciously provided the sample analysis and
much of the available literature on the properties of
2() Nagamatsu, Yoshitomi, and Takemoto, ]. Colloid Sci. 13,
257 (1958).
Plastic Deformation of InSb by Uniaxial Compression*t
Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio
(Received March 12, 1959)
Plastic deformation of InSb by uniaxial compression was found to produce decreases in both the electron
mobility and magnetoresistance, but to have no effect on the Hall coefficient. Analyses of the temperature
dependence of the conductivity mobility and the weak-field magneto resistance, in terms of mixed scattering
by acoustic lattice vibrations and ionized impurities, suggest that the principal effect of this mode of de
formation is the creation of ionized vacancies and interstitials in approximately equal densities. The analysis
permits an estimate of the density of point defects, which can then be related to the total energy expended
during deformation. Reference is made to the effects of plastic bending of InSb where the carrier concen
tration is affected. This behavior is similar to results on silicon and germanium which have been analyzed
in terms of the Shockley-Read trapping model.
IT is well known that the electrical properties of both
metals and semiconductors are altered by the pres
ence of various imperfections in the crystal lattice. For
* This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research. t A preliminary account of this work was presented at the
Chicago Meeting of the American Physical Society in March, 1958. example, the resistivity of copper, following severe cold
work, may increase by 2% over the value for a well
annealed sample, and the resistivity of other metals may
increase by as much as 18%.1 More pronounced changes
occur in semiconductors where the charge carrier density
I E. Schmid and W. Boas, Kristallplastizitat (Verlag Julius
Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1930), p. 214.
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ]
may change and lifetime and conductivity decrease by
a factor of 10 or more.2 Thus the increased sensitivity
to physical defects, which is exhibited by semiconduc
tors, renders a study of such defects more amenable
to investigation.
Various treatments of the changes in the electrical
properties have been proposed. In the case of metals,
Koehler3 has considered the resistance due to the scatter
ing of electrons by the distorted potential associated
with an edge dislocation, the amount of lattice distortion
having been calculated by elastic continuum theory.4
Assuming the validity of l\fatthiessen's rule, his calcula
tions resulted in values of the dislocation-induced resis
tance which were in good agreement with experiment.
A similar calculation has been carried out by Dexter
and Seitz· for the effects of dislocation scattering in
semiconductors. The principal difference from Koehler's
work is that they used the Maxwell distribution to re
place the Fermi function. Their results show that the
electron mobility should increase as the first power of
the absolute temperature.
The experiments on germanium have led to another
model, proposed by Shockley6 and elaborated by Read.7
At an edge dislocation, there is one atom which has a
covalent bond with only three, rather than four, nearest
neighbors. Associated with each atom at an edge dis
location, there is a "dangling unpaired electron" which
introduces a deep-lying acceptor site, thereby reducing
the density of conduction electrons and the lifetime of
minority carriers. Furthermore, an additional scattering
mechanism is present as a result of the linear charge
distribution arising from the conduction electrons which
are trapped by these sites. A change in carrier mobility
thus results. This model seems to be applicable to the
effects observed in germanium and silicon crystals which
have been deformed by bending.
Recent experiments by Greiner and co-work ers8 have
shown that the electrical properties of germanium
samples which have been deformed by uniaxial compres
sion may be qualitatively explained in terms of two
mechanisms; (a) scattering by neutral dislocations and
(b) scattering from vacancies and interstitials intro
duced during the deformation.
The experimental data on InSb samples which have
also been deformed by uniaxial compression suggest
that the predominant effect of the deformation is the
creation of ionized vacancies and interstitials producing
acceptor and donor centers in approximately equal
numbers. There are indications that this effect is promi
nent initially and that scattering from neutral disloca-
2 G. K. Wertheim and G. L. Pearson, Phys. Rev. 107, 694
(1957); Pearson, Read, and Morin, Phys. Rev. 93, 666 (1954).
3 J. S. Koehler, Phys. Rev. 75, 106 (1949).
4 J. S. Koehler, Phys. Rev. 60,398 (1941).
5 D. L. Dexter and F. Seitz, Phys. Rev. 86, 964 (1952).
6 W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 91, 228 (1953).
7 W. T. Read, Jr., Phil. Mag. 45, 775 (1954); 45, 1119 (1954);
46, 111 (1955).
8 Greiner, Breidt, Hobstetter, and Ellis, J. Metals 9,813 (1957). tions may contribute to the scattering as the deforma
tion proceeds. The difficulties associated with the isola
tion and analysis of dislocation scattering are discussed
in the following.
A. Deformation of Samples
Single crystal specimens having an excess donor con
centration of 1 X 1016 cm-3 were grown by the Czochral
ski technique and cut into parallepipeds (3X3X8 mm)
such that the bounding planes were (110), (211), and
(111). Samples of higher purity but of unknown orienta
tion (excess donor concentration of 1 X 1014 cm-3) were
cut from large crystallites in zone-refined ingots.
Plastic deformation was carried out by uniaxial com
pression at 300°C, at pressures of 500, 1500, and 2000
psi. These temperatures and pressures were chosen as a
result of earlier experiments using dislocation etch pits
as a means of observing deformation.9 In the case of the
oriented crystals, the compression stresses were applied
parallel to the [111J direction, in the same direction as
the current for the electrical measurements reported
below. Compression of the zone-refined specimens was
in a direction perpendicular to the current. At intervals
in the course of deformation, the samples were cooled
and removed from the compression apparatus for elec
trical measurements.
B. Electrical Measurements
To detect the presence of scattering mechanisms with
a temperature dependence differing from that associated
with lattice vibrations or ionized impurities, measure
ments were made of the Hall coefficient and resistivity
as a function of temperature in the extrinsic range be
tween 77 and 300oK. The magneto resistance at 77°K
was also determined as a function of magnetic field
strength between 300 and 20 000 gauss. All measure
ments were made by conventional dc techniques, the
pertinent voltages being read on a Leeds and Northrup
K-2 potentiometer.
In Fig. 1 is shown the temperature dependence of the
resistivity of a sample having an original excess donor
concentration of 1 X 1016 cm-3• The different curves
correspond to various stages of deformation, the total
time under compression being indicated. Since the Hall
coefficient remained constant, it is seen that the mobility
jJ. (= RH .... "po) decreased steadily as the deformation
progressed. A decrease is also observed in the mobility
jJ.M which is calculated from the low-field limit of the
magneto resistance (Fig. 2), although the change is not
so pronounced.
The lack of change in the Hall coefficient with defor
mation indicated that if there were trapping of conduc
tion electrons on dislocation sites, the density of such
events was negligibly small compared to the original
9 Maringer, Duga, and Beer (to be published).
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IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:51:091800 DUGA, WILLARDSON, AND BEER
TOIOI li~. (hrs) of ~m -
4 pressiOn (300oC,:>
3 ~
~ ~ ~
~ 2
~ ...0-5 ~
~I P .-rr-
9 ~ .c.
......... 8 Jt'.f'
1, ~,~ . r-.... ~ I---..... 0-
6, (
41 ~
4 12 14
FIG. 1. Resistivity vs reciprocal temperature at various
stages of compression; N D -N A = 1 X 1016 em-a.
carrier concentration. Such effects, if present, should be
more readily observed in samples of higher purity. Con
sequently a sample having an excess donor concentra
tion of 1 X 1014 cm-3 was deformed at 300°C under a
pressure of 500 psi. The temperature dependence of the
mobility before and after one-half hour of deformation
is shown in Fig. 3. The large decrease (by a factor of 6)
in the mobility at 77°K resulting from small deforma
tion is indicative of the sensitivity of InSb as a tool for
studying effects of physical imperfections on electrical
properties. As in the previous example, there was no
change in the carrier concentration. Further deforma
tion resulted in a continued decrease in the electron
mobility and very slight decreases in carrier concentra
tion (less than 5%). This concentration change is not
considered significant. It could, for example, be ac
counted for by the dissociation of the compound and
the subsequent evaporation of antimony from the
The field dependence of the magnetoresistance co
efficient of this high-purity sample is shown in Fig. 4.
It is noted that the behavior of the coefficient was
changed only slightly following the first compression,
but further deformation resulted in a steady decrease of
the low-field values.
In view of the constancy in the extrinsic Hall co
efficient as the deformation progressed, (aside from
small changes attributed to dissociation of the compound
10 Whether dissociation is of importance depends on the temper
ature, the total time of heating, and the purity of the specimen.
Preliminary investigations showed that for our experiments at
300°C, the effects were insignificant compared to those introduced
by deformation. This was not true for n-type specimens at 450°C. and evaporation of antimony), no further consideration
will be given to the Shockley-Read trapping mechanism
as an explanation of the experiments reported here. It
should be mentioned that the work of other investi
gators has shown that plastic deformation by bending in
silicon and germanium has resulted in changes of the
electrical properties of the type considered by Read7;
however, Greiner's experiments on compression were
analyzed by consideration of the combined processes
of scattering from neutral line imperfections and an
nealable vacancies and interstitials. A similar approach
is used here on the analysis of data from compressed
samples. Deformation of InSb by bending, on the other
hand, is found to affect the electrical properties in a
manner which may be expected if the Shockley-Read
mechanism is effective. This behavior will be discussed
When scattering of current carriers arises from both
lattice vibrations and ionized impurities, the tempera
ture dependence of the carrier mobility in nondegenerate
samples may be approximated reasonably well by
-=aLT!+ar T-!,
p. (1)
where the aL and ar terms describe the effects of scatter
ing by lattice vibrations and ionized impurities, respec
tively.u When the effects of a localized distorted poten
tial as created by a dislocation are considered,5 the
carrier mobility given in Eq. (1) is altered to the form
2.5 1
-=aLT!+a[l!+a DT-I,
p. (2)
2 ff)tal time (tin) of compression
IJIlf"C. 2000 .. ,) ,,::;r'0"---+ ___ ...... __
• 1
FIG. 2. Magnetoresistance coefficient vs magnetic field at
various stages of compression; N D-N A = IX 1016 em-a.
II Strictly, the reciprocal relaxation times for the different scat
tering processes should be summed before the result is averaged
over energy. This has actually been done [see Eqs. (3)J for cal
culations representative of mixed scattering by the lattice and
ionized impurities. Where three scattering mechanisms are opera
tive, however, the evaluation of the integrals is tedious, and for
practical purposes one resorts to the approximation of Eq. (2).
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~ ..
~ 2xI05t--t---t----tT--+--f----~
6XI~'--~--..J'--...L..--'--'- ___ _J 34 6810 20
FIG. 3. Electron mobility vs inverse temperature before
and after compression; N D-N A = IX 10" em-a.
the (XD term describing the effects of scattering from
neutral dislocation lines.
The upper curve in Fig. 3, representing the unde
formed specimen, is very well described by a function
of the form of Eq. (1). From the values of (XL and CY.[,
the impurity scattering parameter /3= 6f.J.d IJ.I was found
to be in good agreement with that found by other tech
niques. If it is assumed that the only factor contributing
to the decrease in mobility after deformation is scatter
ing from neutral dislocations, it should then be possible
with those values of (XL and (XI representative of the
undeformed specimen, to determine (XD so as to fit the
lower curve in Fig. 3. However, this procedure was not
successful. Any choice of aD resulted in much broader
maxima than were observed experimenatlly. It was
noted that the mobility at low temperatures decreased
more rapidly than that predicted by a linear dependence
on T. Actually the general shape of the curve is remi
niscent of that obtained from samples which were
known to be highly compensated. It was, in fact, found
that the curve can be approximated fairly well by the
scattering mechanisms represented by expression (1)
with an appreciable increase in (XI as a result of the
deformation. Since (XI is approximately proportional to
the density of ionized impurities, this finding lends con
siderable support to the hypothesis that the primary
result of the compression is an introduction of ionized
scattering centers, say vacancies and interstitials, in
approximately equal numbers. These act as acceptor
and donor sites so that the net density of charge carriers
(and hence the Hall coefficient) is not changed.
Analysis of the magnetoresistance data (Fig. 4) also
suggests that such a mechanism is predominant. A
more quantitative consideration of these concepts now
The solution of the Boltzmann equation (neglecting
the effects of heat currents and temperature gradients)
leads to expressions for the current densities of the
Spherical energy surfaces, classical statistics, and a
mixed scattering process have been assumed. The pa
rameters indicating the degree of impurity scattering
and the magnetic field strength are defined, respectively,
by /3= 6f.J.d f.J.I and 'Y= (97r/16) (f.J.LH)2. The mobility f.J.L
is that resulting from lattice vibrations; f.J.I, that from
ionized impurities. The functions K(/3;y) and L(/3,'Y)
have been evaluated13 for various choices of /3 and 'Y.
The expression for the weak-field magnetoresistance
may be found by expanding K and L in power series in
'Y, and neglecting terms containing the magnetic field
in powers greater than HZ; whence we have14
/1p = 'Y[_-_K_' (_/3,_0)
p K(/3,O)
where K'(/3,O)=[aK(/3,'Y)/a'YJ'Y=o. From the definition
2 3 __ -..~.,11!.
Totol lime (hts) of --i~~t----f--;
compression (300·
C. 500 psI)
.ar~ 1'109t--t---t--+--""'N1}--+--~
Ii. gous5
FIG. 4. Magnetoresistance coefficient vs magnetic field at
various stages of compression; N n-N A = IX 1014 em-a.
12 See for example, V. A. Johnson and W. J. Whitesell, Phys.
Rev. 89, 941 (1953).
13 Beer, Armstrong, and Greenberg, Phys. Rev. 107, 1506 (1957).
" J. Appel. Z. Naturforsch. 9a, 167 (1954).
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IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:51:091802 DUGA, WILLARDSON, AND BEER
0. 0
8 00
004 1-1"-
1"-I 1,1
, I'L' K(~)
~ [\
I' ,.I'L .~
1 i
, . fH· 'LK(M t
r--( '~
-.' ~~H-O 91I(1~~/4j} = 'LF(~) 0.02
I 0.0
0006 I f\ ,\
i \
~ i
I 1\
~\ I
0~01 002 005 01 02 05 I 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 KlOO
-FIG. 5. Relative conductivity and magnetoresistance mobilities
as a function of the impurity scattering parameter {3=6Jl.dJl.I'
of 'Y, the expression for lattice mobility is
{ ( I1p ) 16[-K' ((3,0)
/LL= pH2 H ... O 911" K((3,O) (4)
We define the magnetoresistaoce mobility J.LM in terms
of the constants for (3 = 0, namely
{[ K' ((3,0) 7r V ((3,0) J}"
F((3) = K((3,O) 4 K2((3,0) .
1-11"/4 (6)
In terms of the strong-field limit of the Hall co
efficient, the actual conductivity mobility can be ex
pressed as IL=RH-+oo(Jo. From (3) this is seen to be
IL = ILLK ((3,0) = ILLK ({3).
In Fig. 5 are shown K ((3) and F ((3) as functions of (3.
The experimental results will be analyzed in terms of
these curves.
It has been pointed out above that the electrical
properties of plastically compressed InSb indicate that
the primary electrical changes resulting from this mode
of deformation were due to the introduction of ionized
vacancies and interstitials in approximately equal den
sities. In particular, the character of the electron mo-bility as a function of temperature, following deforma
tion, is quite similar to that in specimens which are
known to be well compensated or in specimens which
have been subjected to radiation damage. In the latter
case, many of the observed changes in the electrical
properties are directly attributed to the formation of
such ionized point imperfectionsl5 and their subsequent
recovery upon annealing is well accounted for in terms
of recombination and annihilation processes.16
From the curves of Fig. 5, we may qualitatively
follow the experimental data by first considering two
separate ranges of the impurity scattering parameter, (3.
For values of (3 such that 1 </3 < 10, it is seen that
although the mobility IL, as calculated from the Hall
coefficient, decreases rather strongly with increasing /3,
the magnetoresistance mobility, J.LM, remains essentially
constant. However, for /3'230, both IL and ILM decrease
steadily with increasing (3. Since (3 is approximately pro
portional to the total ionized impurity concentration,
a comparison of this qualitative description with the
experimental curves (Figs. 1-4) lends further support
to the hypothesis that the principal effect of the de
formation is the creation of ionized vacancies and inter
stitials in nearly equal densities.
A more quantitative comparison is shown in Fig. 6
where the experimental data have been superimposed on
the theoretical curves. In plotting these points for com
parison to the theory, the value for (3 was determined by
fitting the experimental value of IL=RH-+oo(Jo=ILLK((3)
since this value is more unambiguously determined than
is the weak-field magnetoresistance. The corresponding
value of ILM was then calculated and plotted at this
same value of (3. Although the experimental points are
all somewhat above the theoretical curve, the agreement
is quite good, especially considering the difficulties
associated with accurate measurement of the weak-field
magnetoresistance and the limitations of the theory.
Thus far, it has appeared to be sufficient to account
for the experimental curves by assuming that ionized
vacancies and interstitials are created in the course of
the plastic deformation. Although we shall not discuss
the details associated with the production of the point
defects, it appears that they are created by the mecha
nism of the crossing of moving dislocationsP Since the
samples were oriented in such a way that different slip
systems would be operative, it is reasonable to assume
that a random distribution of these defects would be
Thus the above data and conclusions suggest that
one might make a semiquantitative determination of the
energy dissipated in the creation of a vacant lattice site
or an interstitial. Although exact measurements of the
amount of deformation were not made in the course of
15 Brown, Fletcher, and Wright, Phys. Rev, 92, 591 (1953).
16 R. C. Fletcher and W. L. Brown, Phys. Rev. 92, 585 (1953).
17 F. Seitz, Advances in Physics 1,43 (1952).
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ]
o 6
Q 4r--
0.0 a
00 2-
000 a
0006 1
I -+-+ .1. I'-.
~ --~ ~e Ie,' K(M
"" '" r\
~ r\
~M/e" F(~) r-r
i I
1 I I
e ' ...s.. , " K(~I E,H ,
eM' {~zL 9T1U!%/4f 'e,F(~)
I I -
i --
I i
,\ • 1
1 \\
I ~\\
0004001002 005 01 0.2 0.5 I 2
~ 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
FIG. 6. Experimental determinations of III ilL and IlM I ilL, super
imposed on the theoretical values. To facilitate interpretation of
the data, the following legend applies: On the K ({3) curve, symbols
of one kind (say, all squares) refer to one specimen. The open
symbol represents conditions in the un deformed sample; the
symbol with a vertical line through it corresponds to the com
pressed sample; and that with the + sign inscribed applies to later
compression of the sample. The experimental value determined
by magnetoresistance for F ((3) lies directly above or below that
for K((3) and is blacked-in completely.
the experiments reported here, earlier data indicate that
a compression on the order of approximately 2% re
sulted in an increase in the number of scattering centers
by about 2 X 1016 cm-3• This latter figure is calculable
from knowing K (f3) necessary to account for the mo
bility J.I., from which a value for {3 and hence J.l.1 is found.
Using the Brooks-Herring relation for J.l.1, the total im
purity density may be determined. The resulting calcu
lations show that one lattice defect is produced for every
50 ev of energy expended in effecting the deformation.
This value is in good agreement with the order-of
magnitude calculations in experiments on copper and
rock salt specimens which were deformed in a similar
18 The data on these, as well as other materials, has been re
viewed and evaluated by Seitz (see reference 17). VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS
We have seen that the behavior of the Hall coefficient,
the transverse magnetoresistance, and the conductivity
mobility suggest the predominating effect of small
amounts of uniaxial compression of InSb at 300°C to be
the production of ionized vacancies and interstitials in
approximately equal densities. Such a hypothesisqualita
tively accounts for the salient features of the electrical
data. A more quantitative determination of the damage
produced and energy expended in creating these defects
would require not only a more precise measurement of
the amount of deformation, but also a more involved
treatment of the charge-scattering mechanism. For
example, one would have to consider the effects of polar,
rather than only acoustic-mode, scattering by the
latticel9; an improved treatment of scattering by ionized
impurities2o,21; and the effects of carrier degeneracy.22
In contrast with the behavior described above, pre
liminary experiments on plastic bending of InSb show
results entirely different from the effects described above
for compressed samples.23 Even a very slight bending
(radius of curvature> 2 m) was found to introduce an
acceptor level near the middle of the band gap resulting
in a decrease in carrier concentration and electron mo
bility. This is precisely the behavior found in plastically
bent germanium and silicon and a qualitative descrip
tion in terms of Read's scattering mechanism is possible
so long as impurity scattering is negligible. However,
there are certain experimental data which suggest that
the discrete character of the trapped charges must
be taken into account. A more detailed description
of these effects of plastic bending is being prepared for
The authors wish to thank 1\1r. R. E. Maringer for
his helpful comments and suggestions during the course
of the work reported herein. We also wish to thank
Dr. Peter B. Hirsh for his helpful discussions on the
mechanism of the formation of vacancies and inter
stitials in the lattice.
19 See, for example, the comments made by Bate, Willardson,
and Beer, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 9, 119 (1959).
2Q F. J. Blatt in Solid State Physics, edited by F. Seitz and D.
Turnbull (Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1956), Vol. 4, p. 199.
21 N. Sclar, Phys. Rev. 104, 1548 (1956).
22 Due to the low effective mass, degeneracy effects in InSb begin
to appear at nOK for electron concentrations of around 7X 1014
23 J. J. Duga, Bull. Am. Phys, Soc. Ser. II 3, 378 (1958).
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IP: On: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:51:09 |
1.3060461.pdf | Statistische Thermodynamik
Arnold Münster T. Teichmann ,
Citation: Physics Today 10, 8, 26 (1957); doi: 10.1063/1.3060461
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3060461
View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/10/8
Published by the American Institute of Physics26
tions are chosen to illustrate the principles and methods
involved in the various types of chain processes. The
most interesting section of the book deals with the
mathematical treatment of chain reactions including
nonsteady state conditions. The rigorous mathematical
representation may at first appear to be an exercise in
the solution of complex differential equations. How-
ever the labor is well justified in the application of the
theoretical results to an analysis of the characteristics
of spontaneously explosive reactions, such as the hy-
drogen-oxygen reaction and the oxidation of carbon
monoxide. The final chapter is devoted to the kinetics
of an unbranched chain reaction as encountered in ad-
dition polymerization of unsaturated compounds.
In general this book serves the very fine purpose of
examining the theoretical principles of the kinetics of
chain reactions, including the interplay of mass trans-
port and chemical interaction. The treatment is not di-
rected at the specialist engaged in research in chemical
kinetics, rather it is a brief account of a rapidly ex-
panding field of scientific endeavor. The keen interest
in combustion processes and polymerization reactions
coupled with the availability of modem computing de-
vices promises major advances in chemical kinetics dur-
ing the next twenty years.
An Introduction to Junction Transistor Theory.
By R. D. Middlebrook. 296 pp. John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York, 1957. $8.50. Reviewed by R. Hobart
Ellis, Jr., New York City.
As engineers take over radar's microwaves and the
nuclear chain reaction, the physicist's frontier seems to
be shifting to the study of solids. The ten-year-old
transistor is the most useful contribution to come from
this study. It is still so young that to most physicists
it is just a tiny substitute for a vacuum tube. This book
will serve as a simple path to a more subtle under-
For convenience we can divide transistor study into
semiconductor physics, electrical action of transistors,
and transistor circuitry. Dr. Middlebrook aims at the
second. He offers some semiconductor theory as a
foundation, discusses electrical function thoroughly, and
leaves circuitry to others. In terms of minority carrier
density and migration he describes transistor action for
us and develops in detail the equivalent circuit on which
he has worked at Stanford University.
The nonpragmatic scientist, curious about the nature
of things for the fun in it, may be a little unhappy at
the physics in the book. The relationships among elec-
tron orbitals, holes, and conduction electrons are not
clearly delineated. One hard-to-take model pictures hole
migration in terms of a cluster of negative mass elec-
trons that moves as a unit in a direction opposite to
the force of the electric field and carries the hole along
in the center. But the author frequently refers his
reader to Shockley's basic Electrons and Holes in Semi-
conductors, in which such matters are treated exactly.
He assumes the Fermi-Dirac population formula with-out derivation and discusses Brillouin zone conduction
in only a cursory manner.
We must compliment author and editor on the plan-
ning of the book. It has been wisely said that the way
to teach a subject is to describe it completely in a page,
then do it over again in a complete chapter, then at
book length, and so on. This book follows this plan.
Quantitative descriptions follow qualitative ones, and
the reader is kept constantly aware of what is ahead of
In a few years the term "circuit design" will not im-
ply only vacuum-tube circuits as it does in current book
titles. People will learn to use the transistor for its
unique properties as a current amplifier, and this book
will help them learn.
Statistische Thermodynamik. By Arnold Miinster.
852 pp. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Germany, 1956. DM
138.00. Reviewed by T. Teichmann, Lockheed Aircraft
While statistical and mechanical thermodynamics re-
main among the most basic and unifying aspects of
modern science, the development of new techniques and
their application to new problems lead to an inevitable
change of emphasis and approach. Professor Miinster
has recognized this in his work which essays to satisfy
the needs of the practicing physicist and physical chem-
ist while yet retaining some of the aspects of a text-
book and providing the student with a thorough foun-
dation. Naturally such an ambitious approach has ne-
cessitated certain restrictions in topics and methods—
for example, only equilibrium states of matter are con-
sidered and while the basic methods are thoroughly de-
scribed, many possible variants are omitted—but the
book remains the most comprehensive and palatable ac-
count presently available. In order to make this great
mass of material more accessible to beginners, the more
advanced topics for application are "starred" and can
be omitted at the first reading.
The book consists of four sections dealing with the
foundations of statistical mechanics, the theory of gases,
the theory of crystals, and the theory of liquids. It is,
of course, impossible in a review of this length to list
all the significant subjects described but certain fea-
tures of the treatment seem of particular interest. There
are included a very thorough treatment of Gibbs' method
and a discussion of the ergodic problem, and an ex-
tended discussion of phase transition including the new
methods of Lee and Yang, a description of the general
theory of condensation, and discussion of the Born-
Green theory of molecular distribution function. In the
section on crystals, a detailed description of the Kram-
ers-Wannier theory is given and Onsager's solution of
the two-dimensional Ising problem is presented in the
form first given by Montroll and Newell. The implica-
tion of this method for three-dimensional problems is
touched on, though not as thoroughly. The electron
conductivity of metals and the Nernst heat theorem are
also given thorough consideration in this section. The
AN NCR PHYSICS RESEARCH TEAM examines the new N-400 cores.
This NCR Physics Research team has developed a quality magnetic ferrite
core — the N-400. The success which has resulted from such an integrated
research program underscores the team spirit and high degree of com-
petence you will find at NCR.
Exploring new techniques and processes enabled this research team to
develop toroidal cores that have significant advantages over other types
of square-loop ferrites. The N-400 core has stability when used with low-
current transistor circuitry that permits advances in the design of future
core-memory computers and solid-state business machines.
There is a team position open for you now at NCR where research is
unlimited. Perhaps you are interested in magnetics or other solid-state
research areas such as cryogenics, electro-luminescence, ferroelectrics, or
NCR consistently earns national recognition as one of America's best
managed companies. Our Research Division is growing steadily and NCR
is a growing company within a growing industry. That three-fold growth
factor can mean only one thing to you — opportunity.MAKE PLANS NOW to take an active part in
one of the world's most successful corpora-
tions. Write to the Director of Scientific
Personnel, Section A, The National Cash
Register Company, Dayton 9, Ohio.
final section on the theory of liquids deals with the
problems of melting and of solutions of weak and strong
electrolytes and more of solutions of macromolecules.
The book is distinguished by many recent references
and by the inclusion of most of the significant modern
work in this field. In particular, the author has given
careful attention to the work of Kirkwood and his col-
laborators and has even included references to such an
exotic item as Kirkwood's "Princeton notes of 1947".
Great effort seems to have been made throughout to
make the presentation both comprehensive and per-
spicuous and at the same time to avoid overwhelming
the reader with inessential mathematical minutae. The
book has the excellent typographic format which the
readers are led to expect from this series and is a
worthy addition to the Springer collection.
Annual Review of Nuclear Science. Vol. 6. Edited
by J. G. Beckerley, M. D. Kamen, L. I. Schiff. 471 pp.
Annual Reviews, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif., 1956. $7.00.
Reviewed by S. F. Singer, University of Maryland.
The present volume is the sixth in the series and takes
in nuclear physics from its astrophysical aspects to its
biological aspects. The variations of primary cosmic
rays are discussed by Sarabhai and Nerurkar with par-
ticular emphasis on the special interest of the authors,
the solar diurnal variation. No universally accepted ex-
planation exists, but the accumulation of data on the
time variations, particularly during the forthcoming In-
ternational Geophysical Year, should advance our un-
derstanding of their causes. The polarization of fast
nucleons is discussed by Wolfenstein with emphasis in
the region 100 to 400 Mev. The article develops a for-
malism which may be used in the analysis of experi-
ments with polarized nucleons. Heydenburg and Tem-
mer treat the Coulomb excitation or electric excitation
due to a passing charged particle of low-lying nuclear
excited states. Excitation by electrons is briefly touched
upon but the main portion of the article is devoted to
heavy particle excitation and includes a brief discus-
sion of the theory as well as an account of experiments
in the field. In particular the interpretation of the ex-
periments in terms of the electric quadrupole moments
of nuclei is described. Mack and Arroe give a brief dis-
cussion on the isotope shift in atomic spectra. Way,
Kundu, McGinnis, and Lieshout have a lengthy paper
on the properties of medium-weight nuclei giving much
tabular material on their ground state, spins, magnetic
moments, quadrupole moments, levels, and gamma-ray
lifetimes. Home, Coryell, and Goldring present a short
paper on generalized acidity in radiochemical separa-
tions. Mattauch, Waldmann, Bieri, and Everling give a
detailed discussion with much tabular material on the
masses of light nuclides. Brooks gives a very topical
and comprehensive paper on nuclear radiation effects in
solids. It discusses the theory of atomic displacements
and includes such items as thermal spikes due to in-
tense heating in a region of atomic dimensions, phase
changes, and cold working. The rest of the chapterdeals with particular materials, such as graphite, ura-
nium. The final portion discusses damage to various
solids: semiconductors, metals, valence crystals, and
alkali halides. Taube discusses some applications of
oxygen isotopes in chemical studies. Oxygen unfortu-
nately has no radioactive isotopes which makes the
problem rather difficult. Recent advances in low-level
counting techniques is the subject treated by Anderson
and Hayes and deals with advances in the techniques
for beta counting (Cu and H3), gamma-counting, dou-
ble beta-decay, and the problem of detecting the neu-
trino. One of the longest chapters is on nuclear reactors
for electric power generation by Davidson, Loeb, and
Young. It discusses a great variety of power reactor
designs, 27 of them. Of interest is the economic discus-
sion at the end of the chapter which compares the cost
per kilowatt for different installations. Values as low as
$250 per kilowatt are mentioned. The longest chapter
is on cellular radiobiology by Gray. Over 380 papers
are reviewed, most of them published in 1955, iadicat-
ing the tremendous activity in this field. The review
covers the radiobiology of the cell including the influ-
ence of various environmental factors and the genetic
damage problem. The second part deals with the radio-
biology of various tissues. O'Brien has a chapter on
vertebrate radiobiology which deals with the effects of
ionizing radiations on the embryonic development of
fish, amphibia, birds, and mammals.
Relaxation Spectrometry. By E. G. Richardson. 140
pp. (North-Holland, Holland) Interscience Publishers,
Inc., New York, 1957. $5.75. Reviewed by J. G. Castle,
Jr., Westinghouse Research Laboratories.
In this pleasant little book, printed on soft white
paper, Professor Richardson surveys the experimental
spectrometry of acoustical relaxation. His historical dis-
cussions of experimental work, including much of his
own, serve to outline the bibliographies and to occa-
sionally describe the cardinal sample configurations, but
are not often detailed enough to support the author's
conclusions. Certainly the discussions serve well to out-
line the work in the various areas.
After an appropriate introduction of concepts of re-
laxational behavior and their illustration by models, the
author covers in order spectra in the infrasonic, sonic,
and ultrasonic regions. He points out the use of analog
simulation of the physical sample's relaxation processes
as a considerable aid in the parametric interpretation of
observed relaxation phenomena. Then under Dielectric
Relaxation he describes the strong similarity between
viscoelastic behavior and dielectric behavior, conclud-
ing with graphs showing the "concurrence" of the di-
electric and acoustic relaxation spectra of glycerin at
— 28° C. In the final chapter, on Spectrum Analysis,
he points up some of the roadblocks and useful detours
on the way toward resolution and shape studies on
relaxation spectra.
The book was read without conscious inspection for
accuracy because the reviewer is not an expert in the
1.1721791.pdf | DirectCurrent Transients in Polymethyl Methacrylate and in Polystyrene
Paul Ehrlich
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 25, 1056 (1954); doi: 10.1063/1.1721791
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1721791
View Table of Contents: http://jap.aip.org/resource/1/JAPIAU/v25/i8
Published by the AIP Publishing LLC.
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Downloaded 26 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1056 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
fields. With the approximate solution the maximum is no longer
smooth; also it is necessary to relax one condition. A double
layer or a charge sheet must be permitted at x=d; the latter
introduces considerable error, the former negligible error, so it is
chosen. Using these boundary conditions, the expressions in the
paper are obtained, except that the right-hand side of (3) above
appears in the constants in the potential expressions; the space
dependence of the inner potentials, the fields, and charge densities,
and the computed adhesive forces are those of the paper. The
energy gap is kT InK'; K, independent of either 'P or x. The
deisred quantities, namely charge transferred and adhesive
forces, are accurate to within a fraction of experimental error.
The difference from the solution in the paper does not affect
the adhesion to the metal, but takes account of a transfer of
electrons between the dielectrics themselves; this equalizes Fermi
levels in them and produces an electrostatic attraction between
them if they are solids.
3. See Morant's Sec. 5: By the expressions, the maximum inner
potential difference (with respect to the interface) attainable
within even a 2-cm thick layer of adhesive at room temperature
and minimum Xo is 0.75 v and reasonable values are 0.1-0.7 v.
The energy gap in insulators is from 2 to 7 volts. However a more
fundamental point is involved: the charge density decreases as
the inner potential increases, and the Fermi level remains constant;
in the general nonmetal, it is known that electrons are raised
thermally to conduction levels only if the Fermi level moves up.
Field emission requires much higher (externally applied) fields
and a decreasing rather than increasing inner potential. Com
mercial insulators and plastics are insulators precisely because
precaution has been taken to avoid impurity levels in the intrinsic
gap. Thermal contributions are not therefore a limitation on
the inner electrostatic potential in insulators, though they may be
in semiconductors.
4. With respect also to Morant's Sec. 5, mathematically it is
possible to assume insulator resistance to be due to small charge
concentration or small mobility. It is quite possible that the
mobility is smaller than in semiconductors, but to attribute the
small conductivity entirely or even in major part to smaller
mobility raises conceptual difficulties. (1) Astronomical periods are
required to reach equilibrium. (2) Even amorphous substances
have molecular structure. Since polystyrene, for example, has
10--18 the conductivity of germanium, attributing the insulating
value to poor mobility requires assuming an electron mean free
path 10--18 that in germanium, i.e., less than 1()--22 cm. Such a
value has little physical significance; even reasonable modifications
of assumed electron temperature do not correct the difficulty.
Electron concentration in the conduction level, however, depends
exponentially on the intrinsic energy gap; a gap of 0.7 to 2 ev
would be sufficient to explain, on the basis of charge concentration,
observed insulating properties. KimbalF has shown that in
FIG. 1. Energy levels after infinite time. diamond the gap may be as great as 7 ev. The question can, of
course, only be settled by measuring both nand b by experimental
methods suitable to insulating materials.
5. Morant's Sec. 3 appears to refer to the legend on Fig. 5 (b) (2)
of (I). This is the charge density at x=d not at the metal; at the
metal, n goes to No not 0, though at d it reaches a fraction of No.
We agree with him that the present treatment does not explain
frictional electrification, and did not make such claim.
6. The intention of the article was to point out that the transfer
of electrons from a metal into a dielectric adhesive could bring
about a significant electrostatic contribution to the measured
adhesion. Such transfer does not depend upon the properties of
the valence bonds or energy levels of the dielectric alone (which
determine the intrinsic energy gap), but upon the energy gap at
contact, i.e., between the Fermi level of the metal and the conduc
tion level of the adhesive; therefore the force cannot be predicted
from the measured chemical properties of the adhesive alone.
It is our understanding that in at least two commercial research
laboratories the subject is now being investigated in detail; the
results of such investigations together with ours should yield
useful data on contacts between adhesives or similar materials
and metals, and help to determine the range of applicability of
the present considerations.
* With the support of the Aeronautical Research Laboratory. Wright
Air Development Center. U. S. Air Force. t Since much of what follows was in manuscript when the preceding
letters were received, their acknowledgment was to be incorporated
therein. A delay in the second article makes it desirable to treat the points
raised, directly. For lack of space much of the contents of correspondence
to Dr. West and Mr. Morant is omitted and will be included elsewhere.
The first article by the present authors is designated by (n.
I Treated by v. Laue (as mentioned above); Richardson (references in
Fowler. Statistical Mechanics); Fowler himself; Mott and Gurney, Elec
tronic Processes in Ionic Crystals (Oxford University Press, London, 1948)
second edition; and F. Borgnis. Z. Physik 100, 117 (1936).
• S. M. Skinner, J. Appl. Phys. (to be published).
• This is discussed more fully in the second article on the contributiont
of electron atmospheres to adhesion. Skinner. Savage, and Rutzler, which
will be submitted in the near future to J. Appl. Phys.
'The additional surface charge density at the metal due to the dis·
continuous charge sheet is at most 4 percent and usually of the order of
10-3 or less.
Ii The electrostatic component of adhesion at room temperature between
a metal surface coming up in air to one side of a thin dielectric film already
adhering on its other side to a metal surface will be far less than one micro
dyne cm -., whereas the electrostatic component of the adhesion of the
film to the first metal could be 600-1000 Ib in.--.
• See R. H. Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim. Statistical Thermodynamics
(Macmillan Company, New York, 1939), p. 486.
7 G. E. Kimball, J. Chern. Phys. 3, 365 (1935).
Direct-Current Transients in Polymethyl
Methacrylate and in Polystyrene
Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratories. t Washington 25, D. C.
(Received February 17. 1954)
QUANTITATIVE measurements of the dc transients in
materials with dc conductivities of the order of 10-18
mho/em and less have not been reported previously. This com
munication reports on such measurements made with a commercial
Vibrating Reed Electrometer1 on two widely used high polymer
insulating materials. The procedure used was that of plotting on
an automatic recorder the charge accumulated on the internal
capacitor of the instrument. The voltage across this capacitor
was 1 volt maximum which was only a small fraction of the battery
voltage. The effect of the measuring instrument on the normal
current flow through the specimen was therefore negligible. The
samples were molded disks ft in. thick with an effective electrode
diameter of approximately 3 in. Data are presented for two
different brands of commercial polymethyl methacrylate, a
sample of polystyrene vacuum-polymerized at the National
Bureau of Standards, as well as a commercial sample of the same
polymer. Figure 1 is an illustration of the circuit used,
Downloaded 26 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsLETTERS TO THE EDITOR 1057
20~~ vLJ I07Jl o
: ~
o r"
o __________________________________ ..J
FIG. 1. Circuit used in conjunction with Vibrating Reed Electrometer
(V.R.E.) for the measurement of very low dc conductivities.
Figures 2 and 3 present data of charging and of discharge
currents in polymethyl methacrylate and in polystyrene as a
function of time. It is seen that in all cases measurable absorption
currents continue to persist over the entire time scale and that,
even at the longest times, it is impossible to report steady-state
conductivities. In one of the polystyrene samples the steady-state
conductivity must be only a small fraction of the smallest trans
ient conductivity observed, as can be seen from the identity of
charging and discharge curves over the entire time scale.2 In the
other two cases, the charging curves bend upward and away from
the discharge curves at the upper end of the time scale, indicating
that the steady-state conductivities have become a substantial
fraction of the total conductivities. There is a significant difference
in the data for the two samples of polystyrene; data obtained for
a different commercial brand of polymethyl methacrylate,
however, gave, within experimental error, identical results with
the ones presented, except that the charging curves did not bend
away from the discharge curves at long times, indicating the
absence of any substantial steady-state conductivity.
It is of interest to examine the connection between the measure
ments reported and the ac loss factor. It is well known that a
relation exists between the frequency-dependent dielectric
constant .' (w) the loss factor ." (w) and the dc transient current,
i(t).3 Von Schweidler4 has calculated apparent capacitances and
resistances for a decay function of the form i(t)=Arn and .'(w),
~ -18
~ o
co o .J
1.0 2.0 3.0
Log Time (Seconds) 4.0
FIG. 2. Logarithm of the dc conductivity of a sample of polymethyl
methacrylate plotted as a function of the logarithm of the time after
application (0,0) and removal (.6.,';;7) of the potential. The second
symbol in each case refers to a run made under reversal of the battery
terminals. -17r-----------------------
:::J -19
~ u
co o .J
1.0 2.0 3.0
Log Time (Seconds) 4.0
FIG. 3. Logarithm of the dc conductivity of a commercial sample of
polystyrene plotted as a function of the logarithm of the time after applica
tion (0.0) and removal (.6.,';;7) of the potential. The second symbol in
each case refers to a run made under reversal of the battery terminals.
The filled in symbols refer to a sample of vacuum-polymerized polystyrene.
as well as ."(w), can be immediately obtained from this develop
ment with the following result for the loss factor:~
."(w)= 1/C.[Go/w+,sCown-1r(1-n) cos(n"./2)], (1)
where C. is the capacitance of a sample of air which has replaced
the dielectric, Co is the capacitance of the dielectric at very high
frequencies, Go is the steady-state dc conductivity, and A, ,s,
and n are constants. It is readily seen that the loss factor may
increase, decrease, or remain constant with frequency, depending
on the exponent n of the decay function. By a suitable variation
of the exponent through the time scale, the loss factor may be
made to assume any of the shapes ordinarily observed. Hamon
has shown' that, subject to certain requirements almost invariably
satisfied, Von Schweidler's method can be made the basis of an
approximation which is valid even where the exponent is not
constant over the entire time scale. Hamon obtains
."~i(O.1/f)/2"'fC. V,
which may be written as
."~G(O.1/f)/2"'f<o, (2)
where i(O.l/f) and G(O.l/f) are transient current and transient
conductivity, respectively, at a time equal to one tenth of the
recipricol cps frequency, V is the applied voltage and <0 is the
permittivity of free space (8.854X 10-14 farads/em).
Table I presents values of the loss factor for polymethyl metha
crylate and polystyrene calculated from the transient measure
ments by Eq. (3), and values at higher frequencies obtained
TABLE I. Loss factor of polymethyl methacrylate and polystyrene.
Polystyrene Polystyrene
Polymethyl Vacuum- commercial
methacrylate polymerized sample
Fre- Fre- Fre-
quency Loss quency Loss quency Loss
(cps) factor (cps) factor (cps) factor
10'" 8.1 XIO-' 10--' 3.2 XIO-' 10-' II. XIO-'
6.7 X 10-3 9.3 X 10-3 10-' 2.0 XIO-' 10-' 3.6 X 10-'
10' 2.1 XIO-l 10' 2.5XIO-· 10' 2.8 XIO'"
10' 1.4 XIO-l 10' 2.5 XIO-' 10' 2.8 X 10-'
Downloaded 26 Jun 2013 to This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1058 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
directly on a Schering bridge. Barring a sharp dispersion region
between 1()2 and 10--2 cps, polystyrene would therefore appear to
undergo no very decided change in loss factor at room temperature
over most of the interval considered. Polymethyl methacrylate,
on the other hand, has to undergo roughly a 20-fold drop in loss
factor in a little over four frequency decades. Judging from the
behavior of this polymer at other temperatures and frequencies,'
this value would seem quite high; nevertheless, polymethyl meth
acrylate has been shown to have a 100 cps loss factor maximum
at about room temperature" and a marked drop in loss factor on
the low-frequency side of this maximum should, therefore, be
The author gratefully acknowledges helpful advice given to
him by Dr. A. H. Scott and Mr. N. Doctor in setting up the
measuring circuit. He is also indebted to Dr. L. A. Wall for provid
ng the vacuum-polymerized polystyrene.
* Present Address: Department of Chemistry, Harvard University, Cam-bridge 38, Massachusetts. t Formerly a part of the U. S. National Bureau of Standards.
I Palevsky, Swank, and Grenchik, Rev. Sci. lnstr. 18,298 (1947) . • A de conductivity of 10 ..... mho/em for a very pure polystyrene 45 minutes after application of the potential has just been reported in another investigation. Warner, Muller, Nordlin, J. App!. Phys. 25,131 (1954).
• K. S. Cole and R. H. Cole, J. Chem. Phys. 10,98 (1942).
4 E. Von Schweidler, Ann. phys. 24, 711 (1907). , B. V. Hamon, Proc. lnst. Elec. Engrs. 99, Part IV, 151 (1952).
'D. J. Mead and R. M. Fuoss, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 64, 2389 (1942).
Optimal Loading of a Thermoelectric Generator
Convair, Fort Worth, Texas
(Received March 3, 1954)
TELKESI has derived an equation for the over-all efficiency of
a thermoelectric generator, for which it was assumed that
the maximum over-all efficiency would be obtained by matching
the load resistance R. to the generator internal resistance R. Papet2
has pointed out that, while for a given generator the maximum
power output can be achieved by matching impedances, the
optimal operating condition is one corresponding to a maximum
over-all efficiency and that this can be obtained by using a load
resistance, R" somewhat greater than the internal resistance R
of the tenerator. Following Papet's suggestion, Greeff3 has
calculated efficiencies for various loading conditions. Some of the
calculated efficiencies are in error by more than a factor of two,
however, as a result of neglecting the Peltier effect. For instance, if
one analyzes generator II according to the reasoning applied
to cases III, IV, and V, one concludes that, since generator II is
only 1/25 as large as generator I, it will absorb only 1/25 as much
heat at the hot junction. Since the outputs of I and II are the
same as we have: Efficiency of I1=25XEfficiency of I=25X2.34
percent = 58.8 percent. By comparison, the actual efficiency of
II was calculated by use of Telkes' formula to be 20.9 percent.
If one generalizes Telkes' equation to include the value of the
load resistance, one obtains
where Efficiency
A = l/(Carnot efficiency) = TH/ (TH-Te).
B 4.92X1O-8(TH+Te)
The condition for maximum efficiency, which is easily obtained by
differentiating with respect to R./R, is
(R./R) optimal = (A+B)!/B'.
In the limiting case of A/B->O, i.e., the case of vanishing
efficiency, the Peltier term does not contribute to the heat
transfer. Hence, maximum efficiency corresponds to maximum output, and thus is obtained by impedance matching, R,=R. In
Greeff's Case I, for example, we find A/B=1.546/1O.3=0.15,
and (R./R)optimal=1.075.
The limiting case A/B->oo corresponds to a generator whose
thermal partial efficiency, as defined by Papet, is independent of
Re. Over-all efficiency is thus proportional to electrical efficiency
71.= R./(R+R.) and is maximized by choosing R. much larger than
R, i.e., (R,/ R)optimal-> 00.
In Greeff's case II we find A/B= 1.546/0.412=3.74, R. optimal
= 2.18R=4.36 ohms, EfficiencYoptimal = 24.0 percent as compared
to Efficiency R. = R = 20.9 percent.
At still higher efficiencies the improvement in efficiency obtained
by proper loading becomes more significant. For a generator with
e= 1000", V rC, operated at the temperature difference of 500°C
considered by Greeff, we have Efficiency R. = R= 28.6 percent,
EfficiencYoptimal = 39.0 percent, (R./ R)oPtimal = 4.0.
'M. Telkes, J. App!. Phys. 18, 1116 (1947). , R. M. Papet, J. App!. Phys. 19. 1180 (1948). 'M. B. Greeff, J. App!. Phys. 21, 943 (1950).
Power Output of Thermoelectric Generators
Research Division, College of Engineering, New York Unhtersity,
New York. N. Y.
(Received May 25, 1954)
THERMOELECTRIC generators~theoretically~may offer
numerous advantages, when compared with conventional
electric power generators. There are no moving parts, nothing to
wear out, if thermal deterioration at the hot junction could be
avoided. The efficiency of the modern power generating stations
is around 30 percent. The writer's calculations' indicated that such
efficiencies may be approached, if thermocouple materials are
available giving a thermoelectric power of 1000 microvoltrC
(one millivolt per 0c), operating at a temperature difference of
500°C, provided that the thermocouple materials have "normal"
Wiedemann-Franz-Lorenz relation. This relation is expressed by
where k=specific heat conductivity, p=resistivity, u=specific
electric conductivity, and T=absolute temperature. When the
thermocouple is operated in a temperature range with Tk hot
junction and Tc cold junction temperature, the corresponding
k, u, or p values should be used.
The writer has constructed numerous experimental thermo
electric generators, operated at various temperature ranges.
The results have been summarizedl and another article on "Solar
Thermoelectric Generators" will appear in the near future.2
The highest efficiency obtained by the writer was around seven
percent, using thermoelectric materials of 300 to 400 microvoltrC
with moderate deviations from the normal Wiedemann-Franz
Lorenz relation. In addition many materials have been used, some
of them with thermoelectric power values in excess of 1000
microvoltrC (but unfavorable k·p values), but it was impossible
to obtain higher efficiencies, except the values predicted by the
theoretical calculation.
Papet3 and Greeff4 published additional calculations indicating
that the efficiency of thermoelectric generators could be increased
by structural changes and by variations in the external load
resistance, R. as compared with the internal resistance Ri.
Anyone who has constructed thermoelectric generators would
naturally wish to obtain the maximum power output and for
this reason would change the R./R. ratio in the widest possible
range. The writer has naturally done this, and found that the
maximum power output could be obtained when R./Ri was 1,
or between 1.05 and 0.95.
Perkins,6 in a recent letter to the editor, calculated that the
R./R. ratio change may increase the theoretically calculated
efficiency of thermoelectric generators, provided that thermo-
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1.1743011.pdf | Soft XRay Absorption Edges of Metal Ions in Complexes. I. Theoretical
F. Albert Cotton and Carl J. Ballhausen
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 25, 617 (1956); doi: 10.1063/1.1743011
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1743011
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/25/4?ver=pdfcov
Published by the AIP Publishing
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:57:27THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 25, NUMBER 4 OCTOBER, 1956
Soft X-Ray Absorption Edges of Metal Ions in Complexes. I. Theoretical Considerations
Mallinckrodt Laboratory, Harvard Uni~'ersity, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts
(Received December 5, 1955)
The effect of crystal field symmetry on the appearance of K x-ray absorption edges of metal ions in com
plexes is considered. In particular, the splitting of the Is-4p absorption for first row transition elements is
related to the splitting of the degeneracy of the 4p energy levels in the ion by the crystal field.
THE intention of this and following papersl is to
study the relation of symmetry and bond type
in complexes of transition metals to the structure of the
soft x-ray absorption edges. The central theme will be
that in complexes where the interaction of the metal
ion and ligands can be regarded as primarily ionic an
adequate description of the essential features of the
fine structure of the edge may be obtained by consider
ing the crystal field splitting of the p orbitals of the
metal ion. That this may be so has been suggested to
us by the fact that the "visible" absorption spectra
of such complexes can be accounted for by considering
the perturbations of the partially filled 3d orbitals by
the crystal field resulting from the surrounding ligands.
The K x-ray absorption edge of an assembly of
noninteracting identical atoms is assumed to result
from the absorption by these atoms of x-ray quanta
with the energies required to cause the Is (K) electrons
to jump first to the lowest available p orbital, and
with increasing energy to higher-lying levels which
finally converge to a limit representing complete
removal of the K electron from the atom. For argon
gas the requirements of noninteracting atoms and good
spectrometer resolution are well satisfied, and in this
instance it has been shown by Parratt2 that the ob··
served edge structure is precisely in accord with the
above description. For an isolated metal ion of the first
transition series the K edge would begin with a sharp
rise to a maximum corresponding to the Is-4p transi
tion followed by a series of converging maxima corre
sponding to Is-np (n= 5,6) transitions. In practice
only metal ions in salts, complexes, and other com
pounds can be studied and usually only the first strong
maximum is well resolved. In some cases a second
maximum probably assignable as Is-5p is discernible,
but usually little or no other well-defined structure is
observed until, in solids, the region of the Kronig
structure is reached.
* Present address: Denartment of Chemistry, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts. t Permanent address: Chemistry Department A, Technical
University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1 Part II is the following paper. Parts III and IV will shortly
be submitted to this Journal.
2 L. G. Parratt, Phys. Rev. 56, 295 (1939). We wish to determine the effect of the crystal field
provided by the ligands of the complex upon the
appearance of the Is-4p transition. If these ligands
may be regarded as ions or dipoles whose major effect
upon the metal ion is to cause perturbation of the
energy levels of the metal ion, then we may attempt
to predict the appearance of this absorption maximum
by considering how these ions and/or dipoles split the
4p levels of the metal ion.t The expressions for the
energies of the perturbed p orbitals are derived, to
the first order in a manner quite similar to that of an
earlier work.3 We shall be considering octahedral
coordina tion.
The zero-order wave functions for an unperturbed
p electron are the following combinations of hydrogen
like wave functions
'l'= 1/\12 ('/II-1/;-l)'
1/;0 (1)
The subscript on the 1/; refers to the magnetic quantum
number m, with
1/;m=R(r)Yml(o,~)-I~m~l, (la)
where yml is a spherical harmonic normalized to unity
and R(r) is the radial wave function also normalized
to unity. The first-order perturbation matrix then
contains the elements
in which
1 00 I 4r ~I X=-L L D(m,q)--
(2r)~ l~ m~l 21+1 r>l+l
t The appearance of the Is-4p absorption will not correspond
with the splitting of the 4p band if the presence of the crystal
field places other levels to which Is electrons may jump at energies
near the 4/) band (vide infra).
3 C. J. Ballhausen, Kgl. Danske Vid. Selskab. Mat.-fys. Medd.
29, No.4 (1954).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:57:27618 F. A. COTTON AND C. J. BALL HAUSEN
The perturbed energies are then
E3(1)=Hoo. (3)
In order to evaluate the integrals (2) containing
products of three spherical harmonics, we utilize the
tables in Condon and Shortley4 for the values of ck
given by
ck(lm,l'm') = (2/2k+1)t f'/l'
X8(k, m-m') 8 (I,m) 8 (l',m') sinOdO.
It is also necessary to evaluate the functions of charge
distribution denoted in (2) as D(m,q) and F(q). D(m,q)
is a function only of the equatorial charges and of m
in Eq. (2). We number the equatorial charges ql-q4,
placing ql and q3 on the y axis, q2 and q4 on the x axis,
and placing the remaining charges, q6 and q6, on the
z axis as in Fig. 1 in reference 3. It is readily shown3 that
{ + if m=O D(m,q) = (ql+q3)± (q2+q4) _ if m= 2
F(q) = (q6+q6). (4)
Inspection of Eq. (4) reveals that only three cases
need be considered since insofar as the matrix elements
depend upon the arrangement of charges (or dipoles)
in the octahedral coordination sphere, it is only the
sums of the charges on each axis which are important.
We shall henceforth use Qx, Qy, and Qz to denote
these sums.
Upons solving Eq. (2) the matrix elements are
found to have the following values, in all of which
there should be a constant factor of 8/45(Z/3) which
we have omitted for convenience.
Hoo= (Qx+Qy)[GO-iG2]+Qz[GO+~G2]
Hl1=H_I-I= (Qx+Qy)[G O+ioG2]
+Qz[GO-iG2] (5)
HI-I =H-11 = 130 (Qy-Qx)G 2
These expressions are valid when the qi are point
charges. For dipole ligands the qi are to be regarded
as point dipoles, the common factor then being 8/45
X (Z/3)2 while each Gl is replaced by another related
radial integral.3 .
A qualitative prediction of the splittings can, of
course, be made on the basis of symmetry alone. When
all q/s are identical, the complex belongs to symmetry
group Ok in which the p orbital transforms as TI,.. It
will be seen from Eqs. (3) and (5) that more generally
4 E. U. Condon and G. H. Shortley, The Theory of Atomic
Spectra (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1953). TABLE. 1.
Symmetry group
whenever Qx=Qy=Qz no first-order splitting occurs.
If Qx=Qy;6-Qz the complex will have symmetry D4h
if ql=q2=q3=q4;6-q6=q6 or symmetry C2v if ql=q2;6-q3
= q4 and q6= q6 (it is unimportant whether or not
q6=ql or q3). In these two cases the representations of
the p orbitals contain the following irreducible repre
sentations shown in Table I. From Eqs. (3) and (5)
it is seen that for either point group symmetry a
splitting into only two levels separated by HQz-Qx)G 2
is to be expected. While for D4h the splitting predicted
from symmetry is in agreement with that calculated,
there might appear to be a contradiction in the C2v
case. However, this is not so, for although not of course
rigorously degenerate, the A I and B2 levels are ac
cidentally degenerate in the crystal field approxima
tion. § 6 Finally in case ql = q3, q2 = q4 and q6 = q6 with
no other equalities present the complex has symmetry
D2h and for the representation of the p orbitals we have
r p=Blu+B2u+B3u
with splitting into three sublevels to be expected. From
Eqs. (3) and (5) the energy differences are found to be
EI(1)-E2(1) = 2H1_1 =HQy-Qx)G 2
EI(I)-E3(1) =H11+HI_I-Hoo= HQy-Qz)G 2.
In order to ascertain the order of magnitude of the
splitting of the 4p orbitals the integration of the radial
portion of the wave function was performed for the
case of a four-coordinated square planar complex. Using
reasonable values of the various parameters a value of
,,-,7 ev was obtained. The nature of this approximation
is such that the value is probably a few volts higher
than would be expected for octahedrally coordinated
complexes. It may be noted that this value of 7 ev is
about three times as great as the over-all splitting for a
3d electron under the same conditions.
Thus far we have taken no account of possible
interactions of the p level with other orbitals. For
example, in cubic symmetry, the 41 orbitals will split
into components of symmetry A2, TI, and T2• Since
the p level in cubic symmetry transforms as T I there
may be significant interaction under a crystal field
of this symmetry if the 41 and 4p levels are not too far
separated in energy. Similarly, under crystal fields of
lower symmetry, 1 and p levels will again have com
ponents with the same transformation properties which
may interact. Owing to a lack of information about
§ This has been stated earlier6 by saying that so far as the
crystal field symmetry is concerned both cis-and trans-isomers
have "tetragonal" symmetry.
6 Basolo, Ballhausen, and Bjerrum, Acta. Chern. Scand.9, 810
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the energies of 41 levels in elements of interest here,
we have not considered such effects but have preferred
to wait and see whether forthcoming experimental
data require considerations of this kind.
Subsequently, experimental results for complexes of
Cu (II) (Part II) and for other metal ions will be
presented and analyzed on the basis of the theory
developed here. In addition some results will be re
ported for complexes in which the ligand to metal
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS bonding is presumed to be highly or even completely
Thanks are due Professor Geoffrey Wilkinson for
his interest and encouragement and Professor H. P.
Hanson of the University of Texas for interesting dis
cussions. This work was supported by the U. S. Atomic
Energy Commission.
Soft X-Ray Absorption Edges of Metal Ions in Complexes.
II. Cu K Edge in Some Cupric Complexes*
F. ALBER.T COfTON,t Department of Chemistry, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts
HAR.OLD P. HANSON, Department of Physics, University of Texas, Austin, Texas
(Received December 5, 1955)
It is shown that the crystal field splitting of the 4p orbitals of Cu (II) in some complexes can be correlated
with the splitting of the 1s-4p transition observed in studies of the K absorption edges of these complexes
provided the ligand-metal bonding is not appreciably covalent. '
THE gross features of x-ray spectroscopy such as
the diagram lines are understood in complete
detail. The situation for nondiagram lines is not quite
so clear, but the explanation in terms of multiple ioniza
tion seems to account for most of these satellites in a
satisfactory fashion. However, our understanding of
the radiation associated with phenomena near the ab
sorption edge is still incomplete; this applies to both the
absorption and emission processes.
There are essentially only two types of experiments
that have yielded results which seem amenable to
simple and consistent interpretation. First, the K-ab
sorption edge structure for argonl was explained in
terms of the excitation of the is electron to np states of
a potassium-like atom. Since there are no perturbing
influences due to neighboring atoms, one expects that
absorption will be restricted to ls-np transitions. Thus
Parratt found that on analyzing the edge into such
transitions, reasonable values for the transition proba
bilities were obtained.
The second type of experiment yielding results
which are fairly predictable in terms of a general theory
is the emission of very soft x-rays from the light ele
ments, principally the metals.2 The valence electrons
* Part I is the preceding paper. t Present address: Department of Chemistry and Laboratory
for Nuclear Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge 39, Massachusetts.
1 L. G. Parratt, Phys. Rev. 56, 295 (1939).
2 H. W. B. Skinner, Repts. Progr. Phys. 5, 257 (1938). in a metal are presumed to occupy a band of energies
in contrast to the discrete levels of the individual atoms.
The theoretical predictions of the variation of the
density of electronic states with the energy in the band
and of the sharp cut off at the Fermi level are well
verified in the x-ray emission spectrum. Thus one can
explain with fair confidence the absorption spectrum
of isolated atoms in the Angstrom range and the emis
sion spectrum of solids in the hundred Angstrom range.3
The explanation of the K-absorption spectra of salts
with edges of the order of angstroms in terms of solid
state concepts has not been particularly successful.
Several recent articles4 have discussed the structure of
K edges as an example of exciton formation. This may
be a perfectly valid approach to the problem, but it
would seem more circuitous than necessary. First of all,
the hole associated with the exciton is essentially im
mobile since it is a K electron which has been excited.
Furthermore, exciton levels are usually discussed in
relation to the bands of the solid. In the energy range
of K edges of the elements of the first transition series,
at least, one finds that experimentally this relation
ship is not an obvious one.
3 The interpretation of edges of the transition metals advanced
in a series of papers by Beeman, Bearden, and Friedman [Phys.
Rev. 56, 392 (1939); 58, 400 (1940); 61, 455 (1942)] undoubtedly
have considerable validity. Since, however, lack of knowledge
about transition probabilities does not permit one to analyze
the edge structure into a plot of density of states versus wave
length, one cannot be certain that all factors have been considered
or explained.
4 See, for example, L. G. Parratt and E. L. Jossem, Phys. Rev.
97,916 (1955).
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1.3059807.pdf | Physics of Semiconductor Surfaces
H. K. Henisch
Citation: Physics Today 9, 10, 48 (1956); doi: 10.1063/1.3059807
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3059807
View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/9/10
Published by the American Institute of Physics48
To apply training or experience in:
Pure or Applied Mathematics
Mathematical Statistics
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Toward solution of challenging and widely diversi-
fied military and industrial problems. Currently
expanding activities include:
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Equipment Reliability Analysis
Counter measure Development
These are full time positions offering salaries com-
parable with those in industry and educational bene-
fits for graduate study. Qualifications include ad-
vanced degree, prior operations research experience,'
familiarity with application of electronic computers.
J. A. Metzger
of Illinois Institute of Technology
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Chicago 16. Illinois
L 4.8
Conttant 50n 63n 70n Impedances
TRANSRADIO LTD. 138A Cromwell Rd. London SW7 ENGLANDClllft Tilt SIMS.eetings
Physics of Semiconductor Surfaces
THE current interest in the surface properties of
semiconducting materials has its origin largely in
earlier attempts (e.g., 1938-47) to understand rectifica-
tion phenomena at contacts between semiconductors
and metals. To account for the lack of correlation be-
tween rectification properties and the thermionic work
functions of the surfaces concerned, Bardeen suggested
in 1947 that the free surface of a semiconductor is as-
sociated with a potential barrier arising from the pres-
ence of surface states. Electrons accommodated in
these states would act as an electrostatic screen and
would protect the barrier (in varying degree, depend-
ing on the density of surface states) from interaction
with external charges. This would make the barrier in-
dependent of (or, at any rate, insensitive to) differ-
ences between the work functions of one contacting
metal and another. Since then, surface states and asso-
ciated phenomena have been the subject of intensive
research, and the interest is no longer confined to con-
tact rectification. Surface properties influence the per-
formance and, notably, the stability of a variety of
semiconductor devices, and independent arguments have
established the importance of surface states in a whole
range of catalytic phenomena and oxidation processes.
The investigations are thus supported by important
practical as well as theoretical interests.
To survey the progress made during the last ten
years or so, a "Conference on the Physics of Semi-
conductor Surfaces" was held at the University of
Pennsylvania, June 4th-6th, 1956. It was sponsored
by the University, by the Office of Naval Research,
and by the Lincoln Laboratory of MIT and was or-
ganized by a committee under the co-chairmanship of
J. L. Jackson, R. H. Kingston, and P. H. Miller, Jr.
123 research workers participated by invitation, in-
cluding many from abroad. The detailed proceedings of
the Conference are being published by the University
of Pennsylvania Press under the general editorship of
R. H. Kingston. The present report is intended as a
summary and is, as always in such circumstances, in-
escapably personal and necessarily incomplete.
Since surface properties are sensitive to contamina-
tion, two complementary lines of research have de-
veloped. In the conference program these were desig-
nated respectively as "clean surfaces" (free from con-
taminants and approaching perfect structure) and "real
surfaces" (as encountered in practice and covered at
least by an oxide film). Most of the investigations have
been carried out on germanium (though certainly not
all of them) since the bulk properties of this material
are reasonably well understood.
The session on "clean surfaces" was under the chair-
manship of J. Bardeen. C. Herring gave a general in-
troduction to the theory of surface states, distinguishing
between those which arise from surface imperfections
and those associated with the perfect lattice. He dis-
cussed the origin of Tamm and Shockley levels and
dealt with some of the practical complications which
have to be envisaged, e.g., strain and the interaction of
surface imperfections with one another.
Among the important problems under discussion was,
of course, that of obtaining a really clean surface. This
can be done, for instance, by cleaving a crystal in
high vacuum, but experimental results of this kind
were not available in time for the conference. Alterna-
tively, a "real" surface can be subjected to a number
of sputtering and annealing cycles, as described by R.
E. Schlier and H. E. Farnsworth, who also showed
how the resulting surfaces can be sensitively examined
by means of low-energy electron diffraction.
Some recent measurements of the thermionic work
function, photoconductance, surface conductance, and
(transverse) field effect in ultra-high vacuum were dis-
cussed by P. Handler. A model was presented which ac-
counted for the strong dependence of the observed
effects on chemisorbed oxygen in terms of the un-
filled germanium orbitals at the surface. R. H. Kingston
then gave a brief historical review of the critical ex-
periments which have served to establish our present
picture of surface structure: the discovery of the in-
version layer and injection, the demonstration of field
effects, first studies of the oxide layer on germanium,
and investigations of the surface conductance under
static as well as transient conditions.
The sessions on "real surfaces" were under the chair-
manship of A. F. Gibson and H. K. Henisch. Studies
of lateral conduction within the inversion layer of a
barrier call for a knowledge of the effective carrier
mobility. This important quantity has to be calculated,
and J. R. Schrieffer reviewed his analysis of the scatter-
ing and averaging problems involved. P. C. Banbury, G.
G. E. Low, and J. D. Nixon dealt with the effect of
capacitively applied fields on the surface conductance
and surface recombination, with particular reference to
the changes occurring within the first few hundred
microseconds. The results have led to an evaluation of
the capture cross section of surface states for majority
carriers in w-type and p-type material. The surface
states involved in these phenomena are designated as
the "fast" states, to distinguish them from those which
give rise to changes over a period of minutes or so. A.
Many, E. Hamik, and Y. Margoninski described ex-
periments in which the surface recombination velocity
was measured as a function of barrier height, giving
good agreement with theoretical expectations. Capture
cross sections could again be evaluated. B. H. Schultz
presented results on hole storage in a semiconductingANALYTICAL
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THE HONEYWELL Research Center offers physi-
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Reply in confidence to:
Physics Today, 57 E. 55 St., New York 22, N. Y.| plate as a function of plate thickness. The effective
carrier lifetime was found to increase with diminishing
plate thickness. Hole storage with delayed recombina-
tion is thus possible at the surface. Experiments of this
kind, together with recently obtained information on
the capture cross sections of surface states should soon
make it possible to analyze the transient behavior of
the surface recombination process in detail. There is
as yet only partial agreement as regards the energetic
distribution of these states, which implies some un-
certainty as to whether the surfaces used in different
experiments are really of identical structure. To clarify
the problem of energy distribution, W. L. Brown, W.
H. Brattain, C. G. B. Garrett, and H. C. Montgomery
added capacitance measurements to the techniques
more commonly employed, making use of the fact
that the capacitance is not influenced by the carrier
mobility. Capture cross sections of "fast states" were
again deduced, in this case from measurements on
transients performed throughout an oxidation cycle.
H. Statz, G. A. de Mars, L. Davis, Jr., and A. Adams.
Jr. reported experiments on the static and transient
surface conductance of germanium and silicon and
estimates for the energy distribution of the fast states
which are also believed to be responsible for surface
recombination. Certain interesting anomalies were ob-
served in the presence of organic vapors. Experiments
on the "slow states" which are thought to be located
on the outside of the oxide film were reviewed by S. R.
Morrison. The observed time relations are generally
nonexponential and an analysis can be made in terms
of the barrier height which governs the probability of
charge transfer from the bulk material to these "slow
states". The time constants involved have been studied
in detail by M. Lasser, C. Wysocki, and B. Bernstein
and were found to increase with increasing oxide thick-
ness. The surface can in fact be stabilized by growing
a thick oxide film. Problems connected with noise gen-
eration at semiconductor surfaces were reviewed and
discussed by A. L. McWhorter, who also presented re-
sults which indicate that the fluctuating charge density
in "slow states" is responsible for the so-called excess or
1// noise found in germanium. The absolute magnitude
of the 1// noise in devices still represents an unsolved
problem. In recent models, mentioned by Petritz, the
noise energy is derived from the applied field. R. L.
Petritz and W. W. Scanlon then presented experimental
results relating to thin films of lead sulphide and also
to surfaces on bulk crystals. These surfaces are evi-
dently highly sensitive to changes of external environ-
A special session was devoted to problems con-
nected with adsorption and catalysis, under the chair-
manship of P. Agrain. In his introductory lecture, P.
B. Weisz gave a general survey of catalytic phenomena.
He also discussed some of the interesting results which
arise from the fact that many large periodic structures
(e.g., some organic molecules) have common energy
levels and can, in a sense, be likened to semiconducting
crystals. A contribution by K. Hauffe dealt with cata-
lytic processes which involve an electron exchange be-
tween the semiconductor surface and the surrounding
gas, and with the dependence of these processes on the
Fermi level at the surface. The general aim is, of course,
to relate the observations on reaction kinetics to our
knowledge of Fermi potentials, space charge distribu-
tions, and thermionic work functions. G. M. Schwab
distinguished between donor reactions involving elec-
tron transfer to the catalyst, and acceptor reactions in-
volving electron loss from the catalyst. He showed how
information concerning the rate-determining step can
be obtained from experiments in which the kinetics of
a reaction are analyzed as a function of donor or ac-
ceptor impurity content. G. W. Pratt, Jr. and H. H.
Holm reported observations of thermionic work func-
tions on gold, germanium, and silicon as a function of
the ambient atmosphere. It was shown that the slow
changes of work function which can be stimulated by
electrostatic fields or by illumination in a gas at-
mosphere are related to the changes of surface con-
ductance observed by other workers and interpreted in
terms of the "slow surface states".
The last session of the Conference was devoted to
surface oxidation, under the chairmanship of W. H.
Brattain. In the opening lecture, N. Cabrera pointed
out that oxide formation depends initially on nuclea-
tion and only in the later stages on diffusion, two proc-
esses which may have very different activation energies.
The presence of impurities and of surface imperfec-
tions, e.g., places where dislocations terminate, plays
an important part in the formation of oxide nuclei, as,
indeed, it does in etching treatments and perhaps also
in certain forms of catalysis. M. Green, J. Kafalas, and
P. H. Robinson described experiments in the course of
which germanium crystals were first crushed in high
vacuum and in which the subsequent oxygen uptake
was kept under observation as a function of time, tem-
perature, and pressure. The results have led to a pro-
posed model for the structure of the first oxide layer.
Its quantitative confirmation depends on the accuracy
with which surface areas can be measured by inde-
pendent methods, e.g., krypton adsorption. J. T. Law
and P. S. Meigs have studied the oxidation rate of dif-
ferent crystal faces on germanium and have found that
a protective surface film is formed after a few minutes
at 700°C, after which the oxygen uptake ceases. The
pressure dependence of the oxidation rate is entirely
different below 500°C and above S5O°C and different
rate-controlling mechanisms have been suggested for
these ranges. Above 55O°C the oxidation rate becomes
independent of crystal orientation. The session ended
with concluding remarks by J. Bardeen on the Con-
ference as a whole.
That there should have been so little overlap between
numerous contributions on so narrow a subject bears
eloquent testimony to the amount of planning and
judgment exercised by the Committee. To the guest
from abroad, the high standard maintained throughout
and, amongst other things, the young average age of
the participants were impressive features of the Con-DU PONTNOW HAS AVAILABLE
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194 Nassau Street, Princeton, N. J.ference, with important and highly encouraging impli-
cations for the future. A banquet was held in the Uni-
versity Museum on the evening of the second day. It
was a splendid occasion, cordial, hilarious, full of good
fellowship and warmth which left only the surrounding
Egyptian statues unmoved.
H. K. Henisch
University of Reading
Solar Energy
TNTEREST in the direct utilization of solar energy
A is increasing rapidly. At a symposium in Wisconsin
in 1953 and again in India in 1954 there was an attend-
ance of about forty. At the conference on solar energy
utilization in Arizona last November there were nearly
a thousand registrants including 130 scientists from 31
foreign countries. The Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller
Foundation, UNESCO and several agencies of the
United States Government made possible the partici-
pation of the foreign guests.
The conferences were sponsored jointly by the newly-
formed Association for Applied Solar Energy, the Stan-
ford Research Institute, and the University of Arizona.
Leaders in the organization plans were Merritt L. Kas-
tens, Henry B. Sargent, and Louis W. Douglas. The
conference attracted a great variety of people—physi-
cists, chemists, biologists, engineers, and many observ-
ers, writers, industrialists, and businessmen who were
keeping an eye on new developments in a field of ex-
panding potentialities.
The conference was divided into three parts: The
Scientific Basis at Tucson; The World Symposium on
Applied Solar Energy at Phoenix; and the Solar Engi-
neering Exhibition at Phoenix.
There was a great demand for places on the scientific
programs at Tucson and it was necessary to hold sev-
eral meetings simultaneously, morning, noon, and eve-
ning. It was unfortunate that these programs had to
overlap in time and that there was insufficient time for
discussion, but the program committee under the chair-
manship of Edwin F. Carpenter did an effective job in
making available many last-minute contributions. Over
one hundred papers describing frontier researches were
emphasized at Tucson, while thirty reviews and sum-
maries, stressing practical applications, were given at
The Tucson program dealt with thermal, photochemi-
cal, and electrical processes. The thermal processes in-
cluded flat-plate collectors, high-temperature furnaces,
solar stoves, house-heating and cooling, solar power, and
solar distillation of saline water; the photochemical
processes covered algal culture and higher plants and
nonbiological systems; and the electrical processes con-
tained papers on thermal, photogalvanic, and photo-
voltaic systems.
There were many controversies, such as that between
the advocates of flat-plate collectors for heating water
and other liquids and the advocates of converging re-
flectors which can give higher temperatures. It may
1.1731152.pdf | Osmotic Pressure of Moderately Concentrated Polymer Solutions
Marshall Fixman
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 33, 370 (1960); doi: 10.1063/1.1731152
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1731152
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:27:28THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 33, NUMBER 2 AUGUST, 1960
Osmotic Pressure of Moderately Concentrated Polymer Solutions
Mellon Institute, Pittsbltrgh, Pennsylvania
(Received March 17, 1960)
~y t'"':o ~eth.ods, a Iin.eari~ation and a va~ational principle, the Born-Green-Kirkwood equation for the
radial distributIOn functIOn IS solved approximately and the osmotic pressure of chain polymer solutions
~omputed at arbitrary concentration. The gaussian intermolecular potential energy of Flory and Krigbaum
IS used, and this restricts the range of validity of the theory to volume fractions less than one-tenth. It is
shown how the distribution of polymer molecules in the solvent becomes random as the concentration is
increased. For good solvents, the quantity [(P/c2)-RT/Mc], where P is the osmotic pressure and M
the molecular weig~t, is predict~d to incre~se rapidly with concentration c, and then to level off rapidly,
the whole ~ffect bemg accom?hs~ed .at qUite low concentrations as the molecules are forced to overlap.
Some experimental corroboratIOn IS displayed. Severe doubt is cast on the practicality of the virial expan
sion of P, and possibly=on the validity, beyond quite low concentrations.
"S the first stage in a calculation of the changes in .ft polymer dimensions with concentration, and for
its own interest, we present here a discussion of the
osmotic pressure of chain polymer solutions of moderate
As the concentration of polymer molecules increases
through the range of interest here, a particular polymer
molecule begins to overlap the domain occupied by
other molecules until at sufficiently high concentrations
the solution satisfies one of the assumptions of the
Flory-Huggins theory, and the centers of the polymer
molecules become almost randomly distributed in the
solvent. The behavior of thermodynamic or dimen
sional properties in the transition range of concentration
is exceedingly interesting both from the experimental
and theoretical side.! The bearing on polymer science
needs no comment, but the model of polymer interac
tions in dilute solution, devised by Flory2 and to be
applied here, also furnishes a very interesting applica
tion of the general statistical mechanics of fluids and
solutions. The intermolecular potential is very soft and
weak as measured by the usual standards of this field.
The centers of two or more molecules may occupy the
same volume element with appreciable probability, and
moreover, an increase in concentration, instead of
leading to a more ordered structure, as is common, may
produce a more random distribution of molecules!
In the model we use, the polymer molecule is pictured
as a continuous, spherically symmetric distribution of
segments, the average number of segments in a unit
volume being peaked at the center of mass and spherical
1 L. Kotin, Doctoral Dissertation, Harvard Cniversity 1959.
Kotin has given an extensive discussion of the observed ~ffects,
and several approaches to the theory. Occasional observations of
apparent discontinuities in the rate of change of thermodynamic
or dimensional properties with concentration have been made.
In this work we shall attempt neither a critique of nor extensive
comparison with experiment.
2 P. J. Flory and W. R. Krigbaum, J. Chern. Phys. 18, 1086
(1950). symmetry of the molecule. The interaction energy of
one polymer molecule with another is assumed to be an
integral over an energy density, which is in turn as
sumed to be proportional to the product of segment
densities (number of segments per unit volume),
at each point. The assumption by Flory and Krigbaum
that the segment density is a gaussian function of the
distance from the point of observation to the center of
mass, has as its consequence that the intermolecular
potential is a gaussian function of the distance between
molecular centers. It is this potential that we shall use
in subsequent calculations.
When we speak of intermolecular potentials here, it is
no doubt clear that we refer to potentials of average
force, the average being with respect to the configura
tion of all solvent molecules. Many molecular formulas
for thermodynamic functions of single species systems
may be used in the theory of mixtures if the potential of
"instantaneous" force is replaced by the potential of
average force. This was demonstrated by McMillan
and Mayer3j see also Hil1.4 It is true of the cluster
expansion of the pressure, in particular, which becomes
the osmotic pressure under the transformation from
intermolecular potentials to potentials of average force
evaluated at infinite dilution.
Unfortunately, it is not true that the potential of
average force between solute molecules is in general
independent of solute concentration. The nature and
distribution of the solvent molecules implicitly affects
the potential of average force, and the distribution will
change with solute concentration. We shall however
assume as a first approximation· that this ~otential i;
independent of concentration and pairwise additive,
3 W. G. McMillan and J. E. Mayer, J. Chern. Phys. 13 276
(1945). '
4 T. L. Hill, Statistical ),[ecitanics (McGraw-Hill Book Com
pany, Inc., New York, 1956), Chap. 6.
6 The second approximation, which we only anticipate and do
not use here, will take into account the change in potential caused
by the change with concentration of polymer dimensions. The
latter change is in !a.ct .our. ultimate object, and presumably may
be evaluated by mlmmlzatlOn of the free energy of the solution.
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:27:28OSMOTIC PRESSURE OF POLYMER SOLUTIONS 371
and we may expect the assumption to be fairly good up
to some finite concentration. Both experimental and
theoretical arguments may be adduced a priori for the
belief that the limit of validity is a solute volume
fraction of about 0.1, and the quantitative comparison
with experiment seems to confirm this expectation. An
experimental observation in favor of this limit comes
from the behavior of osmotic pressure as a function of
concentration under conditions such that the second
virial coefficient vanishes. For an intermolecular po
tential which is a monotonic function of intermolecular
separation (the kind we consider), the second virial
coefficient may be made to vanish only by making
the potential vanish, and in this situation all higher
virial coefficients vanish. But in practice6,7 the osmotic
pressure in these solvents begins to deviate noticeably
from ideal solution behavior at volume fractions of
about 0.1. On the theoretical side, we refer to Flory's
derivation of the intermolecular potentia1.2 The energy
density was calculated from the Flory-Huggins free
energy of mixing, with the suppression of terms arising
from the entropy of mixing solute molecules (these
being at specified positions). In the course of the
derivation an expansion of the entropy term In(1 -V2),
where V2 is the local solute volume fraction, was made
In(1-v2) = -t'z -(vN2) -(vN3) -""". Terms of order
vz3 and higher were suppressed.8 It may be supposed as
a very rough consideration that this assumption is
adequate at a bulk volume fraction V2 such that
(2V2/3) «1, and that it breaks down when the inequality
becomes feebler, at say V2>0.1.
In sum, we here take the intermolecular potential
VCR) to be independent of concentration, pairwise
additive, and
VCR) =kTX exp( -BR2) , ( 1)
where a relating of the parameters X and B to the
dimensions of the polymer chain and to the segment
segment excluded volume will be deferred to part V.
With the choice of potential established, there now
remains the choice of a statistical mechanical method
of calculation. Two broad categories are lattice model
calculations, and integral-differential equations for the
radial distribution function g(R) that are based on the
superposition approximation. We have excluded lattice
calculations for three reasons: first, we are interested in
concentrations sufficiently high that a restriction to
nearest neighbor interactions only would not suffice,
and so the major simplification of lattice calculations is
lost; secondly, because the possibility of rapid changes
in thermodynamic properties in the transition concen-
6 W. R. Krigbaum and D. O. Geymer, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 81,
1859 (1959).
7 P. J. Flory and H. Daoust, J. Polymer Sci. 25, 429 (1957).
S See T. A. Orofino and P. J. Flory, J. Chern. Phys. 26, 1067
(1957), where the second virial coefficient is discussed without
this assumption. tration range would seem so innate in a lattice model
that their finding could easily be regarded as an artifact
of the calculation, and third, because of the well-known
inadequacy of lattice models at very low concentra
From the radial distribution function approaches we
select the Born-Green-Yvon-Kirkwood4 method, which
begins with
kT\\g( 12) +g( 12) v\ V (12)
+p jg(l, 2, 3)v\V(13)dR a=0, (2)
an equation rigorous under the assumption of a pairwise
additive potential. Equation (2) relates the radial
distribution function g(12) to the triplet correlation
function g(l, 2, 3) for assigned number density p
(polymer molecules per unit volume), and intermo
lecular potential VCR). In Eq. (2) the integers 1,12
stand for R1, R12=R2 -RI, and so on. The equation is
purely formal until the superposition approximation
g(1, 2, 3) =g(12)g(23)g(13)
is employed.lO Its use in Eq. (2) yields
kT"V1lng( 12) + "VI V (12) (3)
+p f g(13) g(23)"VI V(13)dRa=O, (4)
which is sufficient to determine g(R) and through it the
thermodynamic properties. The exact solutions of
Eq. (4) seem to be quite good, though not perfect
determinations4 of g(R); but to obtain these exact
solutions is a'numerical problem of the first magnitude
and does not seem warranted here. We will look into
two other possibilities. First, Eq. (4) may be line
arized,1l,12 and when so modified, its solution becomes
tractable (after a few other approximations). We
will follow the linearization procedure in part II, but
we originally regard the method with distrust in the
context of this work. For the basic assumption of the
linearization method is that g(R) ",-,exp[ -V(R)/kT],
the latter being the exact solution at low concentrations,
whereas we wish to be able to follow g(R) through the
concentration range in which the molecules become
randomly distributed, that is g(R)",-,l for all R. We
desire, at least, that this be a possible outcome of the
calculation, and the linearization would seem to exclude
it. However, the actual outcome of part II is qualita-
9 See work cited in footnote reference 4, Chap. 8.
10 It should be understood that the additivity of average forces
has been assumed in two different connections: first for V, where
the average is with respect to the positions of all solvent molecules,
and second in Eq. (3), where the additional average is over the
positions of all but two solute molecules.
II M, Born and H. S. Green, A General Kinetic Theory of
Liquids (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1949), Chap. II.
12 A. E. Rodriguez, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A196, 73 (1949).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 08:27:28372 MARSHALL FIXMAN
tively quite similar to the result of the more extended
calculation of part IV, probably because of the lineariza
tion of exp( -V/kT) in part II.
Our second approach to Eq. (4) entails the construc
tion of a variational principle equivalent to Eq. (4),
and use of a suitably simple trial function for its solu
tion. The trial function that we use is unrealistic for
large X, and the number of variational parameters in
g(R) is restricted to two for small X, and one for
large X. Nevertheless, the trial g(R) is most strained,
and the thermodynamic properties most sensitive to the
choice of parameters in the very low concentration
range, where the calculation of the second virial
coefficient2 is available as an encouraging check.
The calculations are carried to the numerical stage
only for positive deviation of the osmotic pressure from
ideal behavior, that is X;::::O.
A. General Derivation
The original derivationl1•12 of the linear approxima
tion to Eq. (4) proceeds through an equation derived
from Eq. (4) by a very complicated integration by
parts. As far as the requirements of the linear theory go,
this was a pointless detour. By an application of the
desired approximations directly to Eq. (4), the linear
theory can be derived almost as quickly as the approxi
mations can be stated. To demonstrate this, and to
make this section self-contained, we here proceed with
such a derivation.
g(R)=exp[j(R) -V(R)/kTJ (5)
a(R)=[exp -V(R)/kTJ -1, (6)
as the definitions of feR) and a(R), respectively. The
motivation of Eq. (5) is the hope that feR) is small,
so that when the definitions are entered into Eq. (4)
the expansion
g(R)::[1 +a(R) J[1 +f(R) ] (7)
may be used on the rhs. The substitutions of (5), (6),
and (7) being made, Eq. (4) becomes
Vrf(12) -p / [1+f(13)][a(23) +lJ
X[1+f(23)]V 1a(13)dR 3=0. (8)
A further approximation is now introduced, motivated
by the desire that Eq. (8) be simply soluble by Fourier
transformation, which is possible only when the integral
has the form of a convolution; that is, the integrand is a
product of a known or easily evaluated function of R13
and f(23). This form is obtained by the assumption
that wheref(R) is multiplied by a(R) or its derivative,
these being very short range functions, feR) may be replaced by the constant t -1, an average value in the
neighborhood of the origin
f(R)~€ -1 = jf(R)a(R)dR / / a(R)dR. (9)
This step and the observation that
because a(R) is spherically symmetric, short range and
bounded, bring Eq. (8) to the form
Vlf(12) -pel [j(23) +ea(23) ]Vla(13)dR3=O. (to)
Fourier resolutions of feR) and a(R) are now intro
duced into Eq. (to)
f,.=(27r)-3/ feR) exp-ik·RdR;
feR) = j fk expik·Rdk (11)
a(R) = jak expik·Rdk (12)
are the definitions, while
j f(23)a(13)dR3= (27ryj flA!k expik.Rl~k. (13)
Substitution of Eqs. (11), (12), and (13) into Eq. (10)
The factor in curly brackets must be zero to within an
arbitrary additive multiple of a () function of k, since
j{)(k)k expik·Rl~k=O. (15)
But a 0 function in fk contributes a constant term to
fCR), as may be seen in Eq. (11), and this constant
term must be zero, since g(R)~l as R~oo. There
fore, the arbitrary multiple of ()(k) is a zero multiple
and Eq. (14) gives
fk=81i3p(Eak)2/(1-81i3PEak)' (16)
Equations (7) and (16) constitute the Greenll
Rodriguez12 linear approximation to g(R).
B. Application to Chain Polymers
We will first evaluatefk explicitly, and then use it to
obtain the osmotic pressure. Even with all the approxi-
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mations made to obtain Eq. (16), a computation of the
transform ak with VCR) given by Eq. (1) cannot be
effected in finite terms. Consequently we employ the
device used by Stockmayer and Casassa13 in their calcu
lation of the third virial coefficient. They make the
and for given X and B choose Xo and Bo so as to give
the correct second virial coefficient, and by a graphical
comparison, an adequate similarity of a(R) to ao(R).
The graphical agreement is thought to be adequate for
X <4. From Eqs. (12) and (17),
ak= -Xo(27r)-3! exp( -BoR2 -ik·R)dR. (1S)
The integration is effected by completion of the square
in the exponential, and gives
Next in Eq. (16) we must get E as a function of p, XG,
and Bo. We substitute in Eq. (9)
ja(R)dR= -Xo(1r/Bo)l, (20)
and from (11) and (12), we get
j !(R)a(R)dR= ! !kOf.(R) expik·RdRdk
which gives
E-1= -8(7rBo)IXOljak!I:dk. (22)
Substitution of Eqs. (1S) and (16) into (22) gives
E -1 = (pE2XNSBo3) 1"" 41rk2 exp( _k2/4Bo)dk
o 1+tpXo(1r/Bo)! exp( -k2/4Bo)'
which has to be solved for E as a function of p, Xo, and B.
The following scheme accomplishes this, though only
numerically. This, however, is sufficient since the
calculation is now at a late stage. Put
'Y= (1r/Bo)'EpXO,
and also in Eq. (23) change variables to
k=2Botx. (24)
13 W. H. Stock mayer and E. F. Casassa, J. Chern. Phys. 20,
t560 (1952). Equation (23) becomes
where e -1 = (4eXo!1ri)-yI("Y),
I(-y) =[OOx2 exp -3x2dx.
o 1+yexp-x2 (25)
The procedure now is to obtain I (I') in terms of tabu
lated functions, tabulate t as a function of "y for a
specified Xc using Eq. (25), and then divide the values
of I' by EXo to get from (24)
Vo= ('Y/EXo) = (7r/Bo)tp. (27)
The result amounts to a tabulation of E against the
dimensionless measure of concentra tion Vo for the
desired XG.
First, then, expand the integrand of I (1'), Eq. (26),
in partial fractions,
'Y exp( -x2) ] + x2dx. (28) 1 +1' exp( -x2)
The first two terms integrate readily, and in the last
term, the substitution x2=y permits the integral to be
written as a tabulated function
Fp(~) =1'" yPdy. (30)
o 1 +exp(y -~)
The functions F p (.i') occur in the Fermi-Dirac statis
tics,14 and have been tabulated by McDougall and
Stoner15 and Beer et al.16
The numerical completion of the procedure described
in the foregoing furnishes!k, Eq. (16). We now compute
the osmotic pressure P from4
P=pkT _(21rp2j3) £,0 R3g(R)aV(R)joRdR (31)
=PkT{ 1+ (21rpj3) LX> R3(l+!(R)]aa(R)/oRdR},
the second form deriving from Eqs. (6) and (7). We
may note that the status of Eq. (31) for the osmotic
14 A. H. Wilson, The T~eory oj Metals (Cambridge University
Press, New York, 1953), p. 332.
15 J. McDougall and E. C. Stoner, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. (Lon
don) A237,67 (1938).
16 A. C. Beer, M. N. Chase, and P. F. Choquard, Helv. Phys.
Acta 28, 529 (1955).
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pressure is somewhat lower than the equivalent form
for the hydrostatic pressure, as Eq. (31) requires4
pairwise additivity of the potentials of average force
V(Rii) .
The problematical integral in Eq. (32) is the one
involving f(R). It may, however, be reduced by a
procedure analogous to that used for €
L= j R3f(R)aOl(R)/aRdR
= (41f')-1/f(R) R· \7ROI(R)dR
after introducing the Fourier representation of OI( R).
The divergence theorems may be used in k space to
rewrite the k integral, giving
L= _(41f')-1j[301k+aOlJ./akJf(R) expik·RdkdR,
or with Eq. (11)
L= -2r ![301kfk+klkaOik/akJdk. (34)
Equation (22) provides the first term on the rhs, in
terms of E -1. In the second term, with Eqs. (16) and
(19) for fk and OIk, respectively, the identical changes of
variables used subsequent to Eq. (22) here give
or -2r jkfkaOik/akdk= -2€X 02Bo-!J('Y), (35)
() jx4 exp -3x2dx
J 'Y ='Y 1+'Y exp -:x;2' (36)
J ('Y) = (31f'i/8'Y) (2-5/2'Y -1) + (1/2'Y2) FiG"), (37)
where FJG") is defined in Eq. (30). We now put all the
pieces, namely Eqs. (33), (34), (22) [to be used in
(34)J, and (35), back into Eq. (32) for P
p-1[(P/pkT) -lJ
=€Xo(1f'/Bo)!(1/2)[1-8X oJ('Y)/31f'i]. (38)
For comparison of Eq. (38) with experiment or with
the results of the variational calculation, it will be
convenient to introduce the concentration c in g/ml
c=Mp/N o, (39)
where M is the polymer molecular weight and No is
Avogadro's number. Furthermore, we define an "ap
parent second virial coefficient" S as
S=[(P/c) -(RT/M)J(RTc)-1 j (40) the verbal description of S arises from the fact that
the second virial coefficient. Equations (38) and (40)
S=N€Xo(1f'/Bo)t(1/2M2)[1-8X oJ('Y)/3!]. (42)
We will not compare Eq. (42) directly with experi
ment, but we will compare it with the variational calcu
lation for a value of X which has accidentally turned
out to be close to an X used in the experimental com
parison in part V. We take Xo=V2, which corresponds,
according to Stockmayer and Casassa,13 to X=4 in
Eq. (1). From their paper the requirement that the
exact and approximate a's give the same A2 results in
for Xo= 1.4, so that the dimensionless variable
used in part V, is
v=0.579vo. (43)
We now compare S/ A2 for the two methods. Equa
tions (41) and (42) give
S/ A2={1-8X oJ('Y)/31f'!]. (46)
From Eqs. (25), (29), and (37) we have tabulated in
Table I, E and (S/ A2) for a range of 'Y, and from Eqs.
(27) and (45), the corresponding values of v. As an
incidental result, the differences between € and S/A2
give a rough measure of the validity of replacing f( R)
by an average value where it multiplies OI(R) or OI'(R)
in Eq. (8); if the same substitution were made for thef
occurring in Eq. (32·) for P, it would turn out that
In Fig. 1 is a graph of S / A2 vs v from Eq. (-16),
curve (3), and from the results of part V, curve (2).
The latter was obtained from Table 11117 in part V at
A = X 1f'i /4 = 1.8. We also present in Fig. 1 the osmotic
pressure expansion
broken off at the term containing the third virial
coefficient. The Stockmayer-Casassa equations for A3
give, in general,
or, with Eq. (45) and Xo=V2, we have for curve (1)
Several conclusions can be drawn from Fig. 1. (1) The
linear theory gives the correct third virial coefficient.
17 To fill out the curve, the table was extended to a few smaller
values of v by the procedure described at the end of part IV.
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This is not surprising; it is known18 that the linear
theory does in general give the correct A3, but the
numerical verification is a good check on lengthy
calculations. (2) The variational calculation is in quite
good agreement with the linear theory in the region of
small II. This is surprising, and we should understand
clearly what it means. The variational calculation gives
an A2 about 2% too large for A = 1.8, as is shown by
comparison with the Flory-Krigbaum theory2.8 (see
Table IV). The consequence of Fig. 1 is that according
to Eq. (47), the variational calculation also gives A3
about 2% too large, and, in sum, A3/ A2 correctly,
if we accept the A3 of Stockmayer and Casassa. (3) At a
quite low concentration, the virial series broken off at
As becomes a grossly inadequate description of the
osmotic pressure (11= 1 corresponds to a concentration
of about 2g/100 ml for the experiment considered in
part V). (4) At large II, the linear theory makes S/ A2
much too small, the variational calculation makes
S/ A2 slightly too small. We assert this because the
variational calculation must give S( 00) correctly if
the calculation has any merit at all; the value of S( 00)
involves the results of the calculation only to the
qualitative extent that g(R)---tl, all R, as II---too. On
the other hand, A2 is made about 2% too large; hence
S( ::t::J ) / A2= 1.65, according to part V, is 2% too small,
and S( 'Xl) / A2= 1.5 according to the linear theory, is
10% too small.
The quantitative defects of the vi rial series through
A3 suggests to us that the virial series itself has a finite
radius of convergence that may be exceeded experi
mentally. Of course we cannot prove this assertion,
because we don't know the true vi rial coefficients, but
it is easily shown that the linear theory assigns a finite
radius of convergence to a virial expansion. We examine,
TABLE 1. Linear theory. Average .-1 of J( R) near the origin, and
"apparent second virial coefficient" S tabulated against di
mensionless measures of concentration 'Y and P. Potential
energy parameter X =2'.
'Y p SjA2
0.1353 1.035 0.053 1.023
0.6065 1.136 0.219 1.087
1.105 1.217 0.371 1.136
2.014 1.328 0.621 1.199
3.669 1.459 1.029 1.270
6.686 1.596 1. 714 1.338
12.18 1. 719 2.899 1.394
40.45 1.887 8.764 1.463
co 2 1.5 1.6
FIG. 1. Apparent second virial coefficient S divided by S (0) =
A2, vs dimensionless measure of concentration p. X=2'. Curve
(1) third virial coefficient. Curve (2) variational theory. Curve
(3) linear theory.
in Eq. (42), a series expansion of J( 1'). From Eq. (36),
J(-y) =1' t Jx4( -'Y)n exp -(3+n)x2dx
= (3'Y1I'i/8) t( _'Y)n/(3+n)512• (SO)
Consequently the series diverges at l' = 1. The same
radius applies to E, in Eqs. (25) and (26). A value of
l' = 1 corresponds, for the example considered here
(X =.4), to 11"-'0.34, as Table I shows. Nothing very
remarkable occurs at 11=0.34 in fig. I, and for just
this reason an attempt to fit the lower part of curve (2)
by a virial series would yield virial coefficients in severe
disagreement with the values actually predicted by the
linear theory.
Two remarks are pertinent in conclusion. First, the
comments on the divergence of the virial series have
relevance only for fairly good solvents. For sufficiently
poor solvents the divergence will occur at a concentra
tion greater than the anticipated limit of validity of the
original potential, Eq. (1). Secondly, the divergence
might well be an artifact of the linearization procedure;
we indicate a question rather than claim an answer.
Our reasons for discontent with the linear theory have
been mentioned at the end of part I and in various
places in II. In brief, the linear theory is a priori
unreliable except at very low concentrations (though
the suspicion is relieved by the qualitative agreement
with part IV), numerically tedious, and most im
portantly, because of the approximate potential we
were forced to use, subjective in the relation between
(Xo, Bo) and (X, B). Stockmayer and Casassa thought
the approximate potential so poor for X> 4, that they
abandoned its use. Here we lay the basis for our varia
tional calculation, but as such an approach may have
other applications, we discuss it more fully than our
18 G. S. Rushbrooke and H. I. Scoins, Phil. Mag. 42, 582 (1951). particular application might warrant.
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The point of departure is again Eq. (4). The first
step is the removal of the differential operator v'l from
the equation. To this end define Q(13) by
g(13)V IV(13)=v\Q(13). (51)
It is readily verified that
Q(13) = ex> g(R)aV(R)/aRdR (52)
suffices in the definition (51); the lower limit is arbi
trary, but it proves convenient to have Q( 00) =0. Use
of (51) and (52) in Eq. (4) allows VI to be factored
from the integral in (4), and subsequently from the
whole equation. These operations yield
kT Ing(12) + V(12) +p f Q(13) g(23)dRa=K, (53)
where K is a constant of integration which is found
from Eq. (53) and the boundary conditions: 1 -g(R)
and V (R) approach zero as R-H$;) ,
During the variational procedure Q (13), and therefore
K, will be kept constant, so it is interesting to note that
K is linear in the pressure (here, osmotic pressure);
from Eqs. (52) and (54), an integration by parts gives
K = -(41rp/3) f RI33aQ (RIa) / a RladRI3
= -(41rp/3) f R3g(R)aV(R)/aRdR, (55)
K = 2 (P -pk T) / p, (56)
by comparison of Eq. (55) with (31).
There is no unique variational function for a given
equation, and although variational functions can be
constructed by formal procedures,19 we will simply
present such a functional Wand demonstrate its
suitability. Let
W=kT fg(12) Ing(12)dR I+ f V(12)g(12)dR I
+ (p/2) f Q(13) (g(23) -1)g(12)dRadRI. (57)
Possible variations og of g are subject to the constraint
which we impose to maintain g( 00) = 1. We assert that
oW =0, together with Eq. (58), yields Eq. (53) if
18 P. M. Morse and H. Feshbach, Methods of Theoretical Physics
(McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1953), Chap. 9. Q(13) is treated as known and not subject to variation.
Variation of W gives
oW = f[ kT Ing(l2) + V(l2) +p f Q(13)g(23)dR 3
+kT+M -K/2]og(12)dRl (59)
with the aid of an interchange of the dummy variables
in the double integral of (57); M is a Lagrange multi
plier for Eq. (58). Now if the variations in g(12) are
subject to completely arbitrary variation, it follows
from oW = 0 that the coefficient of og( 12) in (59) is
identically zero. Thus, Eq. (53) is recovered, after
imposition of g( 00) =1 gives M= -(kT+K/2) for the
Lagrange multiplier. Therefore, W is an adequate
variation function.
If g(R) is not subject to arbitrary variation, but has
an assigned functional form with several parameters
an, it is no longer true that oW =0 implies (53). Rather,
by the usual application of a variation procedure, and
oW =0 and Eq. (59) give the "best" values of the
parameters from
j[kT Ing(12) + V(12) +p j Q(13)g(23)dRa -K]
X (ag(12)/aa n)dRI =0, (60)
with one such equation for each n. Evaluation of Q( 13)
with the trial g(R) in Eq. (52) completes the set of
equations for the determination of all an.
The resemblance of Eq. (57) to cell model calcula
tions of the free energy is strong, and suggests that W
might be simply related to a free energy expression
under the terms of the Kirkwood superposition approxi
mation. We have not been able to confirm this suspicion.
Rather the treatment of Q(13), and therefore K, as
constants in the variational process, seems to have the
physical interpretation of a mechanical equilibrium
condition. Since (1), K is the contribution of inter
molecular forces to the pressure, Eq. (56), and (2),
the Ihs of Eq. (53) gives an estimate of K for every
value of the intermolecular separation R12, Eq. (60)
determines g(12) by attempting to make the pressure
the same at all points R2 when it is known that a
molecule is at RI•
An attempt to force a free energy out of Eq. (53) by
comparison of it with Kirkwood's expressions20 for the
chemical potential J.I. and g(R), which are based on a
coupling parameter,20 yielded only
20 See work cited in footnote reference 4, pp. 192 and 203.
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where A=h(27rmkT)-l. Equation (61) is incorrect
beyond the second virial coefficient, the meager result
stemming from the fact that the comparison involves
the superposition approximation in the first term of a
virial expansion of the excess chemical potential;
consequently, the coefficient of the second power of p
will be incorrect.
In an application of Eq. (60), the choice of a trial
function g(R) is governed by three considerations: the
ease of the numerical work, the desired flexibility of the
trial function, and our intuition regarding the expected
form of the correct g(R). If X>O, the intermolecular
potential Eq. (1) decreases monotonically to zero from
a finite maximum XkT, as R increases. It seems un
likely, then, that a calculation of the osmotic pressure
would be greatly affected by the suppression of maxima
and minima in g(R). To be sure, the latter behavior
results even for a hard sphere potential,' which VCR)
may somewhat resemble when X»l, but the "surface"
of a polymer molecule remains soft, and any maxima
and minima in g(R) must be more diffuse than for the
hard sphere. We could reasonably begin by restricting
g(R) to monotonic functions. Two further conditions
on g(R) would seem advantageous: that g(R) can have
the form exp( -V(R)/kT) at small concentrations,
and that g(R) has the possibility of becoming identi
cally unity for all R at high concentrations. A g(R)
having these properties would be
lng= -Kl exp( -K2KA) ,
where Kl and K2 are variation parameters. However,
this form appeared to be too troublesome for hand
calculation of the double integral in Eq. (60), and we
consequently chose the qualitatively similar For the integral over Ra in Eq. (60), put
N= f Q(13) (g(23) -l)dRa. (66)
The integration over Ra can be effected by completion
of the squares in the exponential
(-N/kTX7rI) = (b+B)-la exp[ -b(1-b/b+B)R 122]
-(B/b+B) (2b+B)- Ja2 exp[ -b(1-b/2b+B)R 122].
For the remaining integrations in Eq. (60) we need to
specify use of Eq. (63) or (64); two equations result.
These are most concisely given by replacing (fJg/fJa n)
in (60) by
fJg/fJan~R2n exp( -bKA), (68)
where n=O, 1 furnishes the two equations to be solved;
see (63) and (64). Substitution of Eqs. (1), (62),
(67), and (68) into Eq. (60), and integration over R12
f" In[l -a exp( -bR2) ]KAn+2 exp( -bKA)dR
X1·3··· (2n+1)7r l
+ 2n+2(b+B),,+f
{ a1·3···(2n+1)
Introduce now the reduced variables
v=p(7r/B) I, (69)
g(R) = 1 -a exp( -bR2). (62) as in Eq. (44), and for convenience let
This form is not very good for large X and small con
centrations, because of the difficulty of making g(R)
stay small for sufficiently large R; but the analytical
convenience of Eq. (62) outweighs this disadvantage,
at least for a preliminary look at a concentration
region that has not yet received much study, either
experimental or theoretical.
In what follows we use the exact potential of Eq. (1),
and calculate the functions entering in to Eq. ( 60) .
From Eq. (62)
(63) A=X7ri/4. (71)
Substitution of these new variables into Eq. (69) gives,
upon putting n=O, 1, the final form of the variational
equations for a and a in terms of A and v
I2(a) +A (a/1+a)1
-Ava[(2+0)-! -a(1+0)-1(2+30)-I]=0, (72)
I4(a) + (3A/2) (0/1+0)5/2
-(3Ava/2) [(1+a) (2+a)-5/2
fJg/fJa= -exp( -bKA)
fJg/fJb=aKA exp( -bR2). (64) where
From Eqs. (1) and (52)
Q(13) =kTX[(exp -BR1S2) -(aB/b+B)
Xexp-(b+B)R1n. (65) Im(a) = f"ln[1-a exp( _x2) Jxm exp( -x2)dx. (74)
Equations (72) and (73) were solved for A>O by an
inverted procedure. Selected values of a and 0 were
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TABLE II. Variational theory. Parameters a and 0 in trial radial
distribution function g(R)=I-aexp-oB.R2, for potential
VCR) =kT(4Af,r·!) exp-B.R2, and p=p('1f"/B) I, with p the
number density.
1.0 A
1. 7776
1.0637 0=1
0=2 p
0.98621 0.9209 0.8322 p=O
0.6212) A p
0.0659 14.590
0.3065 0.0549
0.6578 2.6170
1.4290 2.2414
0.1481 60.866
0.6486 15.558
1.3102 9.1320
2.6298 6.7028
entered, and the corresponding values of A and II
computed. This procedure was dictated by the much
simpler way in which A and II appear than do a and ~.
The values of a and ~ were a=O.l, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0; ~=1,
1.5, 2, 3; a few miscellaneous values of a and ~ were
used before the ranges useful and appropriate to A> 0
became apparent. The integrals Im(a) , Eq. (74), were
computed by a four point Gauss numerical integration2I
after first bringing the range of integration to O<Z<l
by the substitution X= (lnZ-I)!. This procedure re
sulted in Table II. We obtained the entries under 11=0
in Table II by setting 11=0 in Eqs. (72) and (73), and
solving for A and ~ as functions of a.
An inspection of the entries under 11=0 in Table II
will immediately indicate a major problem. Because
g(R) has the physical meaning of a probability, g(R)
can have immediate physical significance only if
g(R)?O, and necessarily then a~1. Equation (74)
requires this inequality from a purely mathematical
standpoint if a is real. But the apparent result of this
restriction on a is that A ~ 1.064. It is not, of course, a
real result even mathematically; A is an independent
variable and can be assigned an arbitrarily large value.
The objective, and at least formally undisputable way
out of this dilemma, is to recognize that for A> 1.064
and a restricted to the real axis, our inability to find
solutions of Eqs. (72) and (73) together (for 11=0)
implies merely that a is no longer subject to arbitrary
variation in Eq. (60). Rather a=1 for A> 1.064, Eq.
(72) is rejected, as it arises from variation of a, and ~ is
obtained as a function of A from Eq. (73) only, with
a=1 and 11=0. If 11=0, then a can be a good variational
21 H. Margenau and G. M. Murphy, The Mathematics of
Physics and Chemistry (Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New
York, 1943), p. 462. parameter even for A> 1.064, but for any A> 1.064, as
II is decreased, II will eventually become too small for
real solutions of Eqs. (72) and (73) to exist, and then
we set a=l, and solve only Eq. (73) for~.
If A> 1.8, the required use of Eq. (73) only, extends
to a concentration so high that a great deal of over
lapping of molecules occurs, and S is very close to its
asymptotic value. Because Eq. (73), with a=l, is
relatively easy to solve (most conveniently by obtain
ing v as a function of A and ~; we record that 14(1) =
-0.14502), we will not take up space with a full tabu
lation of its solution.
We give in Table III a tabulation of corresponding
(horizontal entries) values of ~, a and II for values of
0< A < 1.8, where the entries for a< 1 were obtained
by graphical interpolation of curves constructed from
Table I1(A vs a, II vs a, for ~= 1, 1.5, 2,3). The entries
for a= 1 were obtained from Eq. (73), as heretofore
described, when the graphs indicated that no simul
taneous solution of Eqs. (72) and (73) for a and II
existed for the given A and ~.
A. General
For a calculation of the osmotic pressure on the basis
of the variational theory, we again use Eq. (31), but it
is pertinent to note, now that Table III shows g(R)~l,
TABLE III. Symbols as in Table II.
Ii a v o a v
A=0.2 A=O.4
3 0.137 46.8 3 0.261 25.5
2 0.216 15.0 2 0.395 7.83
1.5 0.277 5.84 1.5 0.498 3.32
1.0 0.362 0.42 1.0 0.607 0.60
0.928 0.377 0 0.854 0.640 0
A=0.6 A=0.8
3 0.374 16.9 3 0.478 13.1
2 0.548 5.78 2 0.678 4.80
1.5 0.663 2.69 1.5 0.782 2.42
1.0 0.765 0.68 1.0 0.870 0.78
0.791 0.796 0 0.722 0.902 0
A=l.O A=1.2
3 0.574 10.9 3 0.658 9.6
2 0.776 4.43 2 0.858 4.17
1.5 0.871 2.30 1.5 0.939 2.26
1.0 0.950 0.86 1.0 1 0.95
0.648 0.979 0 0.575 1 0
A =1.4 A =1.8
3 0.731 8.8 3 0.845 8.0
2 0.922 3.92 2 1 3.66
1.5 0.993 2.22 1.5 1 2.39
1.0 1 1.06 1.0 1 1.21
0.522 1 0 0.450 1 0
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all R, as II-HfJ , why we did not use the alternative4
which gives more accurate virial coefficients for at least
one approximate theory22 of g(R) and does not require
pairwise additivity of V(Rij). (There is, of course, no
reason to expect an approximate molecular theory to
give completely self-consistent thermodynamic func
tions.)23.24 Aside from the numerical disadvantage of
Eq. (75), a numerical integration being required to
obtain P, it depends most sensitively on the small
difference between g(R) and unity, and thus discards
the major information to come out of the variational
calculation, that g~1.
Substitution of Eqs. (1) and (62) into Eq. (31)
and is a function of A =X'/I"i/4, and II. Transformation
of p to the observed concentration variable c, Eq. (39),
and introduction of the "apparent second virial co
efficient" S, Eq. (40), gives
S=[(P/c) ---(RT/M)J(RTc)-1
As we previously noted, S reduces to A2 at zero con
centration. It is interesting to compare the A2 of Eq.
(7S) with that of Flory and Krigbaum. 2 The factor
multiplying 0---7]0) (where 7]0 is 7] at c=O), is the same
for both results, but the Flory-Krigbaum result has
instead of (1 -7]0) a numerically computed function
F(X), the correct multiplier for the potential of Eq.
(1). In Table IV (1-7]0) is compared with F(X) for a
range of X, and also with a closed approximation to
F(X), FOF(X), devised by Orofino and Flory,S and
utilized by Stockmayer25b
FOF(X) = (4/X'/I"I) In(1+X'/I"l/4)
=A-1ln(1+A). (79)
The range of A in Table IV is approximately that
covered by polymer systems hitherto studied, and
within that range the variational calculation gives
fairly good values of A2, almost as good as the data, or
the agreement of A2 theories with the data. At the
larger values of A, the predicted A 2 are too large because
22 J. K. Percus and G. J. Yevick, Phys. Rev. 110, 1 (1958).
23 G. S. Rushbrooke and H. 1. Scoins, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A216,203 (1953).
24 J. E. Mayer and G. Careri, J. Chern. Phys. 20,1001 (1952).
2i (a) W. H. Stockmayer, J. Polymer Sci. 15,595 (1955). (b) Also
see a paper presented at the International Symposium on Macro
molecules, Wiesbaden, October, 1959. (Private communication;
to be published.) Stockmayer used Eq. (79) in his comparison
with perturbation theory. TABLE IV. Proportionality factors in the second virial coefficient
against potential energy parameter A =X".i/4; (1-'10) from
variational calculation, F(X) from Flory and Krigbaum,' and
poF(X) from Orofino and Flory.
A 1-'10 F(X) poF(X)
0.2 0.927 0.93 0.911
0.6 0.815 0.80 0.784
1.0 0.719 0.72 0.693
1.4 0.650 0.65 0.625
1.8 0.605 0.59 0.572
2.6 0.542 0.51 0.492
3.8 0.480 0.42 0.412
5.0 0.439 0.37 0.358
the trial g(R) is unnaturally forced to rise too quickly
from its minimum value at the origin. A slightly more
flexible g(R) at large A, say g(R)=1---(1+dW)
exp( -bR2), should be completely adequate, and even
d=b, though yielding a more tedius variational calcu
lation than what we have used, d=O, should better
represent the physical situation.
With this encouragement we now anticipate a com
parison of theory and experiment. Such a comparison
requires first a consistent relationship between X, B
and precisely defined molecular parameters. We shall
not follow the identification made by Flory and Krig
baum,2 which to our mind rests on too literal an
identification of the radius of the segment density
distribution used to evaluate intermolecular potentials
with the radius of gyration. Rather we follow Stock
mayer25 and make an identification which agrees with
the perturbation theory of A2 and the excluded volume
effect. Without going into any but the most necessary
details, we observe that the perturbation theory of
A226,27 gives
where fJ is a segment-segment excluded volume, n is the
number of segments
R02 is the mean square end-to-end distance of the
random flight polymer chain, and ex is a factor which
accounts for molecular expansion due to intra-chain
repulsion. On the other hand, Eq. (1) gives exactly2
A2= ('/I"/B)!(N oX/2M2) (1-X21/S+···). (S2)
Comparison of Eqs. (SO) and (32) permits the identi
A =7.1SZ/a3
26 B. Zimm, J. Chern. Phys. 14, 164 (1946).
27 A. C. Albrecht, J. Chern. Phys. 27, 1002 (1957). (S3)
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3.0 • Q
'" z.a
'" ....
6 a 10 12 14 16
FIG. 2. Apl?arent second virial coefficient S = [(P / c) -
(RT/M](RTc)-l, with Pin g(wt)/cm', c in ~/cm3, for polyiso
butylene in eyc1ohexane7; M=9Xl()4, T=303 K. Points are ex
perimentaJ.7 Curve (1) Flory-Huggins theory. Curve (2) varia
tional theory, a=1.18, Ro=284Xl<rs cm. Curve (3) variational
theory, a= 1.21, Ro=257XlQ-s em.
If a is taken to be the expansion factor appropriate to
the radius of gyration of an isolated chain21),28, then
Eql!ation (85) permits elimination of Z from (83)
A =5.63(a2 -1), (86)
and so allows A and B to be expressed as functions of
polymer dimensions.
B. Comparison with Experiment
There do not seem to be many careful determinations
of the osmotic pressure in the full range of volume
fractions less than about 0.15. Furthermore, only very
good solvents are predicted to cause the flattening out
of S(c) in this concentration range, and since this is
the most unusual effect of the theory, we particularly
require data on very good solvents. Because of the lack
of data and also because some small quantitative,
though not qualitative changes in the theory are
expected when the variation of polymer dimensions
with conceI;ltration is taken into account, we will
confine our comparison to one experiment, that of
Flory and Daoust1 on the osmotic pressure of poly
isobutylene in cyclohexane, with M = 9 X 104, T = 303°K.
The comparison is most simply made if we write
28 E. F. Casassa, J. Chern. Phys. 31, 800 (1959) has suggested
a different choice of the numerical constant in Eq. (85) on the
basis of his calculation of intramolecular repulsion in the A.
theory. That is, a would not be the expansion of the radius of
gyration. His suggestion is well taken, but the effect of his change
would he minor here. Eq. (78) in the form
S(c) = S( 00) (1-71)
S( 00) = ('/r/B) iXNo/2M2. (87)
A rough estimate of S(O) =A2, and S( 00) is obtained
from the data, Fig. 2. From Eq. (87) then follows
(1-710) and entry into Table IV furnishes A. Equation
(88) then yields B. With B, Eqs. (39) and (44), one
obtains the proportionality constant relating c to II, and
hence the complete curve of S (c), by use of Table III
or its extension (see end of part IV) .
In Fig. 2 are displayed the data and two variational
Curve (2): A =2.2;
a=1.18; Ro=284X1crs cm (89)
Curve (3): A =2.6;
a=1.21; Ro=257XlO-8 cm, (90)
Also in Fig. 2 is a Flory-Huggins curve/ which describes
the system very well at the higher concentrations
displayed and beyond. The general form of this curve is
with VI the molar volume of solvent, x the ratio of the
molar volume of polymer to VI, and XI a constant with
respect to V2. With Vl=108 cm3/mole, and Xl =0.429,1
we obtain curve (1)
The values of the dimensional parameters a and Ro
in curves (2) and (3) may be compared with the
values determined by Fox and Flory13,29 from intrinsic
viscosity measurements
a= 1.30; Ro=238X1Q-S cm. (93)
The agreement of the experimental data and theo
retical curves (2) and (3) in Fig. 2, and the agreement
of the parameters in the theoretical curves with those
obtained from the fairly well-established viscosity
method is good, though not perfect. Such systematic
deviations as seem to occur may be rationalized or
over-rationalized, as follows: (1) The molecular weight
is probably closer7,8 to 8X1()4 than the considerably
extrapolated M = 9X 1()4 given by Flory and Daoust.
A smaller M would of course depress the experimental
points primarily at small c and favor a larger A; (2)
The expectation that a~l as c~oo makes it reasonable
29 T. G. Fox and P. J. Flory, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 73,1909 (1951).
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that an 0: taken independent of c, 0:",1.2 in (89) or
(90), should lie between unity and 0:=1.3 obtained at
infinite dilution.29
These rationalizations should not be taken too
seriously, but the agreement between experiment and
theory and between the different computations of A2
and As seems good enough to warrant acceptance of
three statements as working hypotheses: (1) The effect
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS observed by Flory and Daoust is not an experimental
artifact and is worth seeking elsewhere. (2) The calcu
lations presented herein give a semiquantitatively
accurate description of the thermodynamic properties
of chain polymer solutions up to a volume fraction of
ca 0.1. (3) An adequate basis has been laid for a calcu
lation of the change of 0: with c by free energy minimiza
Solvent Effects on n-+rr* Transitions in Pyrazine*
Whitmore Chemical Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
(Received February 5, 1960)
The T->S and S->S' spectra of pyrazine and 2,5-dimethylpyrazine in hydrocarbon and EPA glasses
has been measured. The S->S' and S->T spectra of the same compounds in ethanol and isopentane are
also reported. When due correction is made for the effect of the rigid media, solvent shifts (from hydro
carbon to EPA) of 60 cm-1 to the red in emission and the same amount to the blue in absorption are ob
tained for the (H) band. The absorption maximum is shifted by approximately 1200 cm-1 to the blue and
the emission maximum by about 600 cm-1 to the red. The data is explained in terms of the weak hydrogen
bonding and the Franck-Condon strain resulting therefrom. It is suggested that due tothe change in the ex
tension of the n orbitals in nitrogen atoms of N heterocyclics, a Franck -Condon destabilization energy results
in protonic solvents. The role of the Franck-Condon principle in the n->1t* blue shift phenomenon is found
to be of considerable importance in accordance with Pimentel's views. The previously reported discrepancy
of 500 cm-1 in the (H) bands of the T-.S emission and S->T absorption of these compounds is entirely
explained by media effects.
IN a previous communication! it was noted that a
discrepancy in S-+ T and T -+S 0-0 bands for
pyrazine multiplicity-forbidden transitions exist. In
the absence of media effects the 0-0 bands for emission
and absorption should be superimposed unless the
transition is orbitally forbidden. The purpose of the
present investigation is to ascertain whether this dis
crepancy is due to the media effects or due to the in
herent nature of the transition itself.
The results of this investigation throw some light on
the importance of the Frank-Condon principle in
solvent effects on n~* transitions. The restriction
placed by the Frank-Condon principle on solvent effects
has been recognized before 2.3 and extended more
rigorously by Pimente14 to cases where hydrogen
bonding effects the n~* spectra. However, no data on
n~* transitions has been available up to now for the
purpose of testing such a restriction, though its need
has been recognized by Pimente1.4 The major work on
* This investigation was supported by the Office of Naval
1 L. Goodman and M. Kasha, J. Mol. Spectroscopy 2,58 (1958).
2 H. McConnell, J. Chern. Phys. 20, 700 (1952).
3 N. S. Bayliss and E. G. McRae, J. Phys. Chern. 58, 1002
(1954) .
4 G. C. Pimentel, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 79, 3323 (1957). solvent effects on emission, though undertaken with a
different aim for '11'~* transitions has been due to
In the following, the singlet-singlet and triplet-singlet
spectra of two nitrogen heterocyclic compounds
pyrazine and its 2,5-dimethyl derivative-are compared
in a hydrocarbon and hydro xylic solvent and an inter
pretation suggested. The multiplicity-forbidden transi
tions studied here were unambiguously assigned
to be n~* transitions by both solvent effects and
substituent perturbation.6•7
As far as the Franck-Condon restriction is concerned,
emission and absorption differ in that in the former the
excited state and in the latter the ground state are in
equilibrium with solvent environment; thus a com
parison of the solvent shifts in emission and absorption
is of importance in understanding the role of the Franck
Condon principle in solvent effects. Such a study of
n~* transitions is necessary as there is a question as
to whether the n-7'1J'* blue-shift phenomenon can be
attributed to hydrogen bonding from the solvent to the
solute in the ground state involving the lone pair of
6 N. Mataga, Bull. Chern. Soc. Japan 29, 465 (1956).
6 F. Halverson and R. C. Rirt, J. Chern. Phys. 19, 711 (1951).
7 L. Goodman and R. W. Harrell, J. Chern. Phys. 30, 1131
(1959) .
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1.1715950.pdf | Apparatus for Studying Convection under the Simultaneous Action of a
Magnetic Field and Rotation
Yoshinari Nakagawa
Citation: Review of Scientific Instruments 28, 603 (1957); doi: 10.1063/1.1715950
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1715950
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Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:00:53THE
Apparatus for Studying Convection under the Simultaneous Action of a
Magnetic Field and Rotation*
Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
(Received April 8, 1957; and in final form, May 16, 1957)
.\n apparatus for the study of the instability of a layer of mercury heated from below and sUbjected to the
simultaneous action of a magnetic field and rotation is described. The equipment is designed to examine the
mode of convection and the dependence of the critical Rayleigh number (=ag{3,d4/KV, where g denotes
the acceleration due to gravity, (3, the critical adverse temperature gradient, a the depth of the layer, K
the thermometric conductivity, v the kinematic viscosity, and a the coefficient of volume expansion) for the
onset of instability on the values of nondimensional parameters Q,(=uH2d2/-rr2pv, where H is the strength
of the magnetic field, u the electrical conductivity, and p the density of fluid) and T, (=4n2d4/1I.4V2, where n
denotes the angular velocity of rotation), the features proven to be essential in such studies.
By using a reconditioned cyclotron magnet as a part of the experimental arrangement, this apparatus
covers wide ranges of parameters Q, (from 10 to 106) and T, (from 105 to 1010).
Typical results that can he obtained by this apparatus are discussed with a few illustrative examples.
IK this paper we describe an apparatus which permits
the study of the exact character of the onset of
instability in a layer of mercury heated from below and
subject to the simultaneous action of a magnetic field
and rotation. It is valuable to study such convection
under controlled laboratory conditions because the
theoretical approaches are limited by the complexity
of the problem,while the realization of such convection
is to be found only in astrophysical and geophysical
environments. (where g denotes the acceleration of gravity, a the
depth of the layer, {3 is the linear adverse temperature
gradient which is maintained and a, K, and II are the
coefficients of volume expansion, thermometric conduc
tivity, and kinematic viscosity, respectively), exceeds a
certain determinate critical value, and further that the
instability sets in as cellular convection of specified cell
In the classical experimentall and theoreticaP
studies, it has been established that a layer of fluid
heated from below becomes unstable when the Rayleigh
KII (1)
* The research reported in this paper has in part been supported
by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N60ri-02056 with
the Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies, University of
1 R. J. Schmidt and S. W. Milverton, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A152, 586 (1935); R. J. Schmidt and O. A. Sanders, Proc. Roy.
Soc. (London) A165, 216 (1938).
2 Lord Rayleigh, Phil. Mag. (6) 32, 529 (1916); H. Jeffreys,
Phil. Mag. (7),2,833 (1926); Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) AU8, 195
(1928); A. Pellew and R. V. Southwell, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A176, 312 (1940). Re-examining this problem under the circumstances
where an electrically conducting fluid is heated from
below and subject to the simultaneous action of a
magnetic field and rotation, S. Chandrasekhar has
found3 that the onset of convection is delayed; and that
the extent of this inhibition generally depends on the
value of the nondimensional parameters,
1JJ.L2 H2 cos2JJd2
and 1('2PII (2)
4Q2 cos2t'Jd4
Tl= (3)
where IJ, J.L, and p are the electrical conductivity, the
magnetic permeability, and the density of the fluid,
3 S. Chandrasekhar, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A225, 173 (1954).
Copyrigbt © 1957 by tbe American Institute of Physics
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Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:00:53604 YOSHINARI NAKAGAWA
FIG. L General view of experimental setup.
respectively, H is the strength of the magnetic field, Q
is the angular velocity of rotation, and iJ is the in~
clination of the direction of H (respectively, 0) to the
vertical. In particular, he has shown1 that in mercury,
instability can, depending on the value of Ql and TI,
set in either as convection and a stationary pattern of
motions or as overstability and oscillations of increasing
amplitude. Accordingly, the present apparatus waS
designed to cover a wide range of values of Ql and T 1
and at the same time, allow the determination of the
mode of convection as well as accurate values of the
parameters R, Ql, and Ti•
These specifications are satisfied by the apparatus to
be described. It consists of three major units. The first
unit, which we shall call external equipment, consists of
a reconditioned magnet of a 36Hnch cyclotron of the
University of Chicago and an electric motor with a
variable speed transmission. The reconditioned magnet
provides a uniform vertical magnetic field of a variable
strength and the electric motor facilitates a wide range
of variable speed of rotation. The second unit, the main
body of the apparatus, is an assembly of a mercury
container, a heating and a cooling system, and equip~
ment mounted on a nonmagnetic ball-bearing for
measuring the temperature gradient and the tempera~
ture of mercury. When this unit is put in the magnetic
field and is driven by the electric motor, the required
condition of the simultaneous action of the magnetic
field and rotation with heating from below is obtained.
The controlling and measuring equipment stationed
outside the magnetic .field comprise the last unit which
provides the remote control and measurement of the
strength of the magnetic field, the rate of rotation, the
rate. of heating and cooling, as well as the continuous
measurement of the adverse temperature gradient and
the temperature of the mercury. The general view of
the experimental setup with the motor and the main
4 S. Chandrasekhar, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A237, 476 (1956). body of the apparatus at its experimental positions is
shown in Fig. 1.
When the present apparatus is used with layers of
mercury of a depth of 3 to 6 em, magnetic fields of SO
to 10000 gauss, and rotation of 5 to 20 rpm, the ranges
of the values of Ql from 10 to 106 and Tl from lOS to 1010
become available for experiments.
In preliminary experiments, a layer of mercury 3
cm deep has been used and by rotating this layer of
mercury with a constant angular velocity of 5 rpm
the dependence of the critical Rayleigh number on the
value of Ql has been studied for the value of Tl approxi~
mately 106• The results of the experiments have
successfully confirmed the onset of the two different
modes of convection in qualitative agreement with the
theoretical predictions of S. Chandrasekhar. The details
of the experimental results vvill be pubHshed elsewhere.
Since an infinite horizontal dimension of the layer
subject to a uniform magnetic field has been assumed
in the theory, a large uniform external magnetic field
is required. Therefore the 32t-inch cyclotron magnet
of the University of Chicago with 8!-inch pole gap
has been used as a part of the equipment for the present
experimental arrangement.
In order to provide a means of continuous adjustment
of the magnetic field over a wide range, the original
control system has been modified and a new control
system has been added. A set of two 2S0-watt 2S00'ohm,
four lOO-watt lOOO-ohm fixed resistors, and one 280-
watt 1200-ohm Ohmite variable resistance with switches
is placed in series in the generator field current circuit.
A slight change in this resistance provides a fine
adjustment of the magnet current. When the whole
range of this resistance is used, the strength of the
magnetic field can be varied from 3000 to 13 000 gauss.
This arrangement is, however, insufficient to cover
the whole aspect of the problem, because the influence
of rotation is overcome by the magnetic field when the
magnetic field becomes strong. A wider range of adjusta
biIity of the strength of the magnetic field, especially
down to weaker magnetic field, is provided by another
set of resistances placed in series in the magnet power
circuit. This second set of resistances consists of sixteen
660-watt 11S-volt glow coils connected in parallel; and
through the combined use of these two resistances, the
continuous range of control is increased from 50 to
13 000 gauss.
Though the accuracy of adjustment is mostly limited
by fluctuations in the resistance and in the variations
of the generator, the adjustment is easily maintained
within ±1% of the assigned value. A portable po
tentiometer is used to measure the strength of the
magnetic field in terms of the magnet current at a
shunt placed in the power circuit.
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to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:00:53APPARATUS FOR STUDYI:\G CONVECTIO:\ 605
FIG. 2. Schematic
cross section of the main
body of the apparatus
and the function of
various units. A, base
plate; B, brass rotating
ring; C, mercury
trough; D, stainless steel
rod; E, mercury con
tainer; F, stainless steel
plate; G, heater; H,
thermopile; I, measuring
junction for the average
mercury temperature;
K, mercury vapor trap;
R, Bakelite coupling.
Nitrogen 300 V
Supply D.C.
Variable Speed Drive
A closed type i hp 3450 rpm constant speed Graham
motor with a variable speed transmission is used to
drive the main body of the apparatus. This motor is
located outside the magnetic field and the power is
transmitted to the apparatus by means of a V belt and
Bakelite pulley system (see Fig. 1). The rotational
speed is set by a micrometer control attached a~ the
variable speed transmission and is continuously vana?le
from 0 to 200 rpm with the whole range also bemg
available in the reverse direction.
The motor is mounted on i-inch thick aluminum
base plate with a i-inch thick felt sheet between the
base plate and the motor. This assembly is then
mounted on an aluminum frame which provides the
working support as well as the railways for the motor.
With four brass rollers attached to the bottom of the
base plate, tension of the V belt is adjusted by moving
the motor on the railways. Since the V belt and pulley
drive absorbs vibrations of the motor transmitted to
t he main body, smooth rotation is obtained in operation.
The main body of the apparatus is constructed in an
extremely compact manner because its dimensions a:e
limited by the size of the magnetic field. The schematIC
cross section of the apparatus is illustrated in Fig. 2.
A l-inch thick 23X 23 inch square brass plate A is used I
I L-------l I :-----l ~
: i ffiJ\1 r-------W ------+ I " I: 1/ I I ~ I I g
as the base for the apparatus and the equipment to be
placed within the magnetic field is mounted on this
plate. .
To provide for leveling and exact placmg of the plate
A three equally spaced leveling screws are attached to
the plate. At the bottom of this plate, four brass rollers
are attached. In case of alterations or adjustments, the
whole assembly is rolled out from the gap of the magnet
onto the side opposite the motor. The working support
and the railways for such transfers are provided by a
similar aluminum frame used to mount the motor which
can be seen in Fig. l.
The ball-bearings of the apparatus are composed of
nonmagnetic materials. Bronze balls i-inch in diameter
are used with brass bases. The bottom surface of the
bearings is formed by plate A on which the whole
assembly of the bearings is mounted within. a brass
enclosure and a rotating ring B bears agamst the
bronze b~lls through two 45° contacts (see Fig. 2).
Such contacts of the rotating ring B achieve a reduction
in the height of the bearing assembly and at the same
time provide a means for leveling and prevent the
wobbling of the rotating member of the apparatus. .
The eddy current induction in the rotating ring B IS
minimized by its small radial dimension. Though the
rotating member of the apparatus is grounded through
the ring B and the bronze balls, the uniform radial
distance of the contact induced no appreciable effect.
Smooth rotation of the main body up to the maximum
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitationnew.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:00:53606 YOSHINARI NAKAGAWA
FIG. 3. Lucite top plate, mercury container, and heater.
speed of 200 rpm in a magnetic field of 13000 gauss
thus has been successfully maintained.
To measure the angular velocity of rotation, a
stainless steel rod D is mounted on a Bakelite ring
placed on the top of the brass ring B. The outer end of
this rod is polished and when it passes in front of the
light source and photocell unit, the timing system
connected to the photocell is triggered. The light source
and photocell unit is made into a single assembly and
it is mounted on the base plate A. A semiconductor type
photocell is used in order to assure its operation in
strong magnetic fields.
A Pyrex glass cylinder E of lUi-inch nominal outside
diameter, i-inch wall thickness, and height 10 em is
used as the container for mercury; its poor thermal
conductivity assures good heat insulation on the sides.
The ends of the cylinder E are carefully ground because
of the importance of the correct vertical placing. For
convenience of assembly, two Bakelite rings are
cemented on this cylinder as can be seen in Fig. 3.
The bottom of this cylinder is sealed by a i-inch thick
stainless steel plate F with an a ring. The surface of this
plate F is carefully finished in order to eliminate the
formation of convection currents due to macroscopic
To apply uniform heating at the bottom surface of
the mercury, an electric heater G is placed underneath
the stainless steel plate F. The electrical heater G is
made of a i-inch thick transite plate; and this heater
consists of B & S # 20 Nichrome resistance wire
wound in a helical coil 136 inch in diameter and placed
in an equally spaced double involute groove of i-inch
depth. The coil is placed in such a manner that an
identical length of wire is in each spiral, to avoid
deformation of the magnetic field. The actual arrange
ment of this heater is shown in Fig. 3 where the con
tainer and the other units are shown in a semiassembled
fashion. Since alternating current will induce vibrations
in the heating elements, de was used.
The most important variable of the experiment, the
adverse temperature gradient, is measured by a nine
couple copper-Constantan thermopile H immersed in
the mercury. To assure that this thermopile H will
not interfere with the delicate convective circulation and at the same time respond quickly to any tempera
ture changes B & S # 30 wires are used. The junctions
of thermopile H are soldered with Divco #422 alloy.
The thermopile is wound noninductively on two
Bakelite rings which are supported from the Lucite
top plate in order to avoid emf induced by the magnetic
field. On these Bakelite rings, each set of nine junctions
is fixed at two separate levels and at each level the
junctions are spaced 1 em apart along a diameter of
the container E (see Fig. 3). By this arrangement, the
differences in the temperature due to the relative
positions of the junctions to the cells are averaged. To
assure that measurements are free from the effect of
boundary layers, the levels of the junctions are adjusted
at least! em from the top and the bottom surfaces of
the layer. The thermal emf of this thermopile has been
calibrated and is 36S.3±3.2 microvolts for a tempera
ture difference of 1°C between the two levels of the
Since the quantities involved in the critical Rayleigh
number and the nondimensional parameters Ql and
Tl depend on the temperature of the fluid, a single
copper-Constantan thermocouple is used to indicate
the average temperature of the mercury. The measuring
junction I of this thermocouple is placed outside the
magnetic field in a constant temperature bath (see
Fig. 2). The junction of this couple is also soldered
with Divco #422 alloy. The insulation of the junction
I and the thermopile H is achieved by Analac paint
which was kindly provided by Anaconda Wire and
Cable Company.
A cooled nitrogen circulation system is used in order
to remove heat at the top surface of the mercury so that
the temperature of the mercury can be kept constant
and at the same time a linear temperature gradient can
be established through the layer as postulated in the
theory of these phenomena. The cooled nitrogen enters
the rotating system through a rotating coupling R,
consisting of two concentric Bakelite tubes having
a-ring seals in between and placed at the center of the
base plate A. The nitrogen is introduced into the
cylinder through a 1-inch thick Lucite plate which
seals the top opening of the cylinder and provides the
support to the thermocouple and thermopile. To
distribute the cooled nitrogen gas evenly over the
surface of the mercury, six equally spaced holes i inch
in diameter are cut horizontally in a Lucite piece
which is attached to the top plate. Through these holes
the cooled nitrogen gas is flushed over the surface of
mercury from the circumference of a thin Lucite disk
(see Fig. 2). After its passage over the mercury surface,
the warm nitrogen gas is released from the cylinder
through the other set of six vertical holes i inch in
diameter spaced equally in the top plate and is led to
the vapor trap K.
The mercury vaRor trap K is made of a flat brass
cylindrical vessel and is mounted on a Bakelite disk
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to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:00:53APPARATUS FOR STUDYING CONVECTION 607
on the edge of the ring B. It is filled with mossy zinc
metal and the concentration of the mercury vapor is
reduced below toxic level by thi! trap K before the gas
is exhausted into the room.
The assembly of the container of mercury, the
heater, and the top piece is mounted on a !-inch thick
Bakelite base plate which in turn is mounted on the
brass ring B. At the bottom of this Bakelite plate, four
concentric copper cylinders and a set of B & S # 20 copper
and Constantan wires are placed. With a set of mercury
filled troughs C in which these copper cylinders and the
wires can rotate freely, the electrical contacts between
the rotating and nonrotating members of the apparatus
are maintained (see Fig. 2). The contacts between the
mercury and the rest of the nonrotating components of
the circuits are formed by identical metal rings such as
copper or Constantan imbedded at the bottom of the
troughs which are cut i-inch deep and 136-inch wide in
concentric fashion in a i-inch thick Lucite disk C
stationed at the center of the base plate A.
No significant emf or contact noise is induced by this
assembly; however, an unavoidable emf is created due
to the geometrical configuration of the system. Since
the contacts are maintained at different radii, when the
unit is rotated with an angular velocity (Q) in a magnetic
field (H), each contact cuts different amounts of
magnetic flux and induces an emf, I:lE= (R1+R2)
X (R1-R2)QHj4X10-2 microvolt, where Rl and R2 are
the radii of the contacts and Q is the angular velocity
in secI, H is the strength of the magnetic field in gauss.
Since this emf depends on the radii of the contacts, the
set closest to the center is used for the thermopile
circuit because of less effective percentage error in the
readings and the next set is used for the thermocouple
circuit. The heater circuit is maintained at the outmost
troughs as it is not affected by such induced emf. The
induced emfs which enter the thermopile and thermo
couple circuit are compensated by counter emf units
at the controlling and measuring units.
With the exception of the control system of the
motor, all units shown in the bottom half of Fig. 2 are
assembled and placed outside the magnetic field
alongside the control and measuring unit for the magnet.
The rotation counter and timer system consists of a
seven decimal counting unit and a lOO-kc crystal
oscillator. Since the triggering circuit is connected to
the light source and the photocell unit situated beside
the main body of the apparatus (see Fig. 2), by the
successive passage of the rod D, the time required for a
single or multiple revolution of the main body is
measured by this system directly to 10-5 sec.
The system which controls and measures the applied
rate of heating of the electric heater used to heat the
layer of mercury consists of a number of rheostats
connected in series in the 300-volt dc circuit with an
ammeter and a voltmeter. The rate of heating is adjusted and measured to a sufficient accuracy by this
system in the range from i to 2000 watts.
For continuous measurement and recording of the
adverse temperature gradient and the average tempera
ture of mercury, Weston 1411 Inductronic dc amplifiers
are used with Esterline-Angus milliammeter recorders.
The range of the critical adverse temperature gradient
as well as the average temperature of the mercury vary
considerably with the value of Q1 and T 1; accordingly,
in order to provide an appropriate amplification of the
thermal emf so that the measurements can be of uniform
accuracy, variable range standards are used with the
amplifiers to adjust the output. In this connection, to
compensate the induced emf at the mercury troughs,
counter-emf units are used in front of the amplifiers,
which consist of simple voltage divider networks with
mercury batteries and Helipot variable resistances.
Under ordinary circumstances, it is possible to change
the sensitivity of the amplifier from 100 microvolt to
SO millivolt for the full scale of the recorder with errors
in the measurement less than 1% of the total output.
The reference temperature for the measurement of the
average temperature of the mercury is obtained by the
thermometer placed in the constant temperature bath
which is exposed to continuously stirred water enclosed
in a Dewar flask.
The nitrogen circulation is maintained by a small
pressure head kept at the supply and the rate of the
flow is measured and adjusted at the flow meter. A
mixture of acetone and dry ice placed in a Dewar
flask is used for cooling the nitrogen gas. To assure
the efficiency of cooling, this unit is placed close to the
main body of the apparatus and Bakelite tubings
are used preferably for most of the nitrogen passage.
The onset of convection in any volume of fluid
placed in the container of this apparatus may be
observed through a wide range of the non dimensional
parameters Q1 and T 1. Also at any fluid depth and values
of Q1 and T], the temperature gradient is easily con
trolled through the amount of power supplied to the
heater unit. Thus various values of the adverse tem
perature gradient, namely various states of heat
transfer such as conductive and convective states, are
readily produced in this apparatus. Usually after the
values of Q, H, and d are determined, the apparatus is
set in rotation for 30 minutes before any measurement
is started. Then after the fluid reaches stationary
rotation, a series of measurements is performed in
cluding measurements of the adverse temperature
gradient, the rates of heating, the rate of cooling, the
strength of the magnetic field, the angular velocity of
rotation, and the average temperature of the fluid.
Therefore, for a set of fixed values of Q, H, and d, a
series of records of the temperature gradient and the
average temperature of the fluid is obtained.
Typical examples of such records, corresponding to
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Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:00:53608 YOSHINARI 1\'AKAGAWA
FIG. 4. Typical records of the adverse temperature gradient for
the case when instability sets in as overstability. Heater is turned
on and off as indieated. The rates of heating applied are 60 watts
(0.041 watt/cm2) for (a), 200 watts (0.136 watt/cm2) for (b) and
300 watts (0.205 watt/cm2) for (c). The values of various physical
parameters are: d=3 cm; 0=5 rpm; H = 750 gauss; Ql =3.59X 102;
T,= 7.72X 105•
three distinct modes of heat transfer are illustrated in
Figs. 4 and S. In both figures, the records (a) correspond
to low rates of heating and the gradual establishment of
a conductive equilibrium in the layer can be seen
clearly from the gradual increase and the subsequent
stationary behavior of the adverse temperature gradient
after the heating is started. With increasing rate of
heating, the rate of increase of the adverse temperature
gradient becomes more rapid and with the onset of
convection, mass motion of the warmed fluid produces a
decrease in the adverse temperature gradient as it
reaches the upper junctions of the thermopile; the
records of (b) and (c) illustrate such cases.
When a series of such records has been obtained at
each experimental determination and the maximum
adverse temperature gradient attained in the layer is
plotted against the corresponding rates of heating, a
diagram like Fig. 6 is obtained. In such a diagram, data
taken from the records of the type such as (a) in Fig. 4
and 5 produce a linear segment like aa. Similar plotting
of the peak adverse temperature gradient from the
records such as (b) and (c) provide segments like bb and
ee, respectively.
Since the segment aa corresponds to the state of
conductive heat transfer, the onset of convection is
immediately determined in such a diagram. In the
actual determination, the critical temperature gradient
is determined as the intersection between the extra
polated segment aa and cc after applying linear least
squares approximation for each segment, following the b
c ~\~-\-~_\ \ \ _\ \-~
V \ ---t---t<
/ off
1 / J J / /
I 71 I i I lon/ / / I
\ \ \ \ \\\\\\\
1 .1 _\ r'\'i\\\ \ \ \ \
) \
I off
J_ / / II / /
I r--------I--/ / / / I on / / I .L
J.-8min--l T
400/-Lv .i.
FIG. 5. Typical records of the adverse temperature gradient
for the case when instability sets in as convection. The rates of
heating are the same as in Fig. 4. The values of various physical
parameters are: d = 3 cm; 0 = 5 rpm; H = 1400 gauss; Q\
=1.25Xl()3; T\=7.72X105•
results established empirically by the studies of Y.
Nakagawa,S Y. Nakagawa and P. Frenzen,6 and Y.
Nakagawa and D. Fultz.7 The segment bb is ignored as
it represents a transitional stage and the data have poor
reproducibility. This method of the determination of
the critical temperature gradient is valid for both
convective and overstable instabilities.
E 1.2
co. .8
.4 f3c
.22 26
FIG. 6. Diagram of the adverse temperature gradient ({3) ~'S
the rate of heating. The linear segments aa, bb, and cc are obtained
in the conductive, transitional, and convective states of heat
transfer, respectively. {3c denotes the critical adverse temperature
gradient defined by aa and zc. The values of the various physical
parameters are: d=3 em; 0=5 rpm; H=l000 gauss; QI
=6.32XIQ2; T\=7.60X105•
5 Y. Nakagawa, Nature 175, 417 (1955); J. Sci. Earth 4, 85
6 Y. Nakagawa and P. Frenzen, Tellus 7,1 (1955).
7 D. Fultz and Y. Nakagawa, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A231,
211 (1955).
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Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:00:53APPARATUS FOR STUDYING CONVECTIO~ 609
The onset of ove.rstable convection is illustrated in
Fig. 4(b) and (c); though in both records of (b) and (c)
in Figs. 4 and 5 similar breakdowns of temperature
gradient-indicating the mass motion of warm fluid
are obtained, distinct differences between Figs. 4 and 5
can immediately be noticed. In Fig. 4, the records show
oscillatory damping of the temperature gradient after
the heat supply is cut, while in Fig. 5(a) smooth decline
of the temperature gradient is obtained. Further, after
the first breakdown in Fig. 4, fine oscillations of the
adverse temperature gradient are recorded in com
parison to Fig. 5.
Since the characteristic of the overstable convection
is the oscillatory motion of the convection, namely the
oscillatory behavior of the temperature gradient, the
records in Fig. 4 are identified as the overstable convec
tion by comparison with the results obtained by D.
Fultz and Y. Nakagawa.
The results illustrated above have been obtained in,
experiments with a layer of mercury 3 cm deep, rotating 5 rpm (T= 106), when the impressed magnetic field
had strengths of 750 gauss (for experiments included in
Fig. 4), 1400 gauss (for experiments included in Fig. 5),
and 1000 gauss (for experiments included in Fig. 6).
Identical rates of heating are used in both Figs. 4 and 5
for each of the records (a), (b), and (c).
It is, therefore, clear from the foregoing discussion
that the present apparatus can determine the mode of
convection and the type of instability, allowing the
necessary measurements for the study of the dependence
of the critical Rayleigh number on the nondimensional
parameters (Ql as well as Tl).
The author wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness
to Professor S. K. Allison and Professor S. Chan
drasekhar for their advice and encouragement. He also
owes thanks to Mr. K. Benford of the Electronics Shop
of the Institute for technical assistance in the design
and construction of the rotation time counter unit.
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Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 14:00:53 |
1.3060459.pdf | Chain Reactions
F. S. Dainton Henry Wise ,
Citation: Physics Today 10, 8, 24 (1957); doi: 10.1063/1.3060459
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3060459
View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/10/8
Published by the American Institute of Physics24
ciples and Selected Applications
By TERRELL L. HILL, University of Oregon.
432 pages, $9.00
A graduate text and reference, highly useful for
physics courses. Its aim is twofold: a) to sum-
marize the principles of statistical mechanics at
an intermediate level, and b) to present an or-
ganized and detailed account of certain important
applications of statistical mechanics which are
the most important part of the book. A review
of quantum mechanics is included.
and KENNETH V. MANNING, The Pennsylvania
State University. 624 pages, $8.00
This new book gives a precise presentation of the
important physical principles essential to further
work in science and technology. It is the '' calculus
version" of the authors' highly successful text
College Physics, giving students of science and
engineering insight into complex physical phe-
nomena. Emphasis is on the understanding of
fundamental ideas and methodology, rather than
on mere memorization of facts and laws. Becent
developments in modern atomic and nuclear phys-
ics and concepts in quantum theory and solid state
are included, along with a striking 8-page insert
depicting an actual nuclear power reactor.
By F. A. JENKINS, University of California, Berke-
ley, and HARVEY E. WHITE, Pittsburgh Radio
Station WQED. New Third Edition. 640 pages,
A revision of a leading undergraduate text in
Geometrical and Physical Optics. As before, em-
phasis is on the experimental side of the subject.
Each chapter is introduced by a description of
the observed facts and followed by an account of
the theory with stress on the understanding of
physical principles rather than on a rigorous math-
ematical treatment. New material includes graphi-
cal methods of tracing rays through prisms and
a brief introduction to concentric optics.
330 W»«l 42nd Str..t
N.w Y.rk 36, N. Y.scarcely (even with an extensive commentary) have
given the uninstructed reader a real idea of the issues
involved. And this is the more unfortunate because the
general reader may be tempted to think that from these
short excerpts he has mastered the whole subject. The
book will therefore be more useful and more instructive
to the trained scientist than to the general reader, and
to him it can be recommended without reservation.
This criticism applies most strongly to the final sec-
tion, which deals with modern cosmology. This is, most
unfortunately, a subject that the general reader has been
led to believe that he can grasp without the essential
background of mathematics and physics. The superficial
ideas of such general readers (which are not unknown
among college students) are the despair of the serious
If a section is to be devoted to modern cosmology,
it should, in fairness to the reader, be representative.
It should, moreover, contain at least one excerpt that
does not elide the mathematical difficulties. Rather than
including the frank popularizations of Gamow and
Hoyle, this section might have included one of Weyl's
carefully reasoned expositions. And instead of ending
with three simplified essays on the "perfect cosmological
principle", it should have included the now classic paper
by Bondi and Gold, in which the matter was first pre-
sented to the scientific world. It is no kindness to the
general reader to lead him to believe that he under-
stands what in fact he does not.
The final bibliography does indeed include some tech-
nical books; brief appraisals and descriptions would
have added to its value.
Chain Reactions: An Introduction. By F. S. Dainton.
183 pp. (Methuen, England) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 19S6. $2.90. Reviewed by Henry Wise,
Stanford Research Institute.
More than twenty years have passed by since Seme-
nov's book on chain reactions was published. During the
intervening period a large number of chemical reactions
have been studied which proceed by a chain mecha-
nism. Therefore it is rather timely to come across a
text which examines the underlying principles which ac-
count for some of the properties of the individual re-
actions involving chain centers.
Chain Reactions is written for the reader who is al-
ready acquainted with the general principles of reac-
tion kinetics. After a very brief review of the kinetics
of simple homogeneous reactions in gaseous or liquid
systems, the author describes certain distinguishing fea-
tures of chain reactions including the special experi-
mental procedures employed in their study. Among
these one finds methods for the determination of ex-
plosive boundaries in gaseous systems and the initiation
of chains in polymerization reactions in the condensed
phase. The following chapter is devoted to an analysis
of the various types of individual reactions which may
occur in a chain mechanism, such as initiation, propaga-
tion, branching, and termination. A few typical reac-
Tdnje cr rrererjce
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AUGUST 195726
tions are chosen to illustrate the principles and methods
involved in the various types of chain processes. The
most interesting section of the book deals with the
mathematical treatment of chain reactions including
nonsteady state conditions. The rigorous mathematical
representation may at first appear to be an exercise in
the solution of complex differential equations. How-
ever the labor is well justified in the application of the
theoretical results to an analysis of the characteristics
of spontaneously explosive reactions, such as the hy-
drogen-oxygen reaction and the oxidation of carbon
monoxide. The final chapter is devoted to the kinetics
of an unbranched chain reaction as encountered in ad-
dition polymerization of unsaturated compounds.
In general this book serves the very fine purpose of
examining the theoretical principles of the kinetics of
chain reactions, including the interplay of mass trans-
port and chemical interaction. The treatment is not di-
rected at the specialist engaged in research in chemical
kinetics, rather it is a brief account of a rapidly ex-
panding field of scientific endeavor. The keen interest
in combustion processes and polymerization reactions
coupled with the availability of modem computing de-
vices promises major advances in chemical kinetics dur-
ing the next twenty years.
An Introduction to Junction Transistor Theory.
By R. D. Middlebrook. 296 pp. John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., New York, 1957. $8.50. Reviewed by R. Hobart
Ellis, Jr., New York City.
As engineers take over radar's microwaves and the
nuclear chain reaction, the physicist's frontier seems to
be shifting to the study of solids. The ten-year-old
transistor is the most useful contribution to come from
this study. It is still so young that to most physicists
it is just a tiny substitute for a vacuum tube. This book
will serve as a simple path to a more subtle under-
For convenience we can divide transistor study into
semiconductor physics, electrical action of transistors,
and transistor circuitry. Dr. Middlebrook aims at the
second. He offers some semiconductor theory as a
foundation, discusses electrical function thoroughly, and
leaves circuitry to others. In terms of minority carrier
density and migration he describes transistor action for
us and develops in detail the equivalent circuit on which
he has worked at Stanford University.
The nonpragmatic scientist, curious about the nature
of things for the fun in it, may be a little unhappy at
the physics in the book. The relationships among elec-
tron orbitals, holes, and conduction electrons are not
clearly delineated. One hard-to-take model pictures hole
migration in terms of a cluster of negative mass elec-
trons that moves as a unit in a direction opposite to
the force of the electric field and carries the hole along
in the center. But the author frequently refers his
reader to Shockley's basic Electrons and Holes in Semi-
conductors, in which such matters are treated exactly.
He assumes the Fermi-Dirac population formula with-out derivation and discusses Brillouin zone conduction
in only a cursory manner.
We must compliment author and editor on the plan-
ning of the book. It has been wisely said that the way
to teach a subject is to describe it completely in a page,
then do it over again in a complete chapter, then at
book length, and so on. This book follows this plan.
Quantitative descriptions follow qualitative ones, and
the reader is kept constantly aware of what is ahead of
In a few years the term "circuit design" will not im-
ply only vacuum-tube circuits as it does in current book
titles. People will learn to use the transistor for its
unique properties as a current amplifier, and this book
will help them learn.
Statistische Thermodynamik. By Arnold Miinster.
852 pp. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Germany, 1956. DM
138.00. Reviewed by T. Teichmann, Lockheed Aircraft
While statistical and mechanical thermodynamics re-
main among the most basic and unifying aspects of
modern science, the development of new techniques and
their application to new problems lead to an inevitable
change of emphasis and approach. Professor Miinster
has recognized this in his work which essays to satisfy
the needs of the practicing physicist and physical chem-
ist while yet retaining some of the aspects of a text-
book and providing the student with a thorough foun-
dation. Naturally such an ambitious approach has ne-
cessitated certain restrictions in topics and methods—
for example, only equilibrium states of matter are con-
sidered and while the basic methods are thoroughly de-
scribed, many possible variants are omitted—but the
book remains the most comprehensive and palatable ac-
count presently available. In order to make this great
mass of material more accessible to beginners, the more
advanced topics for application are "starred" and can
be omitted at the first reading.
The book consists of four sections dealing with the
foundations of statistical mechanics, the theory of gases,
the theory of crystals, and the theory of liquids. It is,
of course, impossible in a review of this length to list
all the significant subjects described but certain fea-
tures of the treatment seem of particular interest. There
are included a very thorough treatment of Gibbs' method
and a discussion of the ergodic problem, and an ex-
tended discussion of phase transition including the new
methods of Lee and Yang, a description of the general
theory of condensation, and discussion of the Born-
Green theory of molecular distribution function. In the
section on crystals, a detailed description of the Kram-
ers-Wannier theory is given and Onsager's solution of
the two-dimensional Ising problem is presented in the
form first given by Montroll and Newell. The implica-
tion of this method for three-dimensional problems is
touched on, though not as thoroughly. The electron
conductivity of metals and the Nernst heat theorem are
also given thorough consideration in this section. The
1.1740562.pdf | Thermoelectric Behavior of Nickel Oxide
G. Parravano
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 23, 5 (1955); doi: 10.1063/1.1740562
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1740562
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 12:16:28THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 23, NUMBER 1 JANUARY, 1955
Thermoelectric Behavior of Nickel Oxide
The Franklin Institute Laboratories for Research and Development, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(Received June 7, 1954)
Measurements have been made on the thermoelectric power of several nickel oxide samples containing
foreign ions. Using an energy model recently propose~ for nickel ox~d.e, t~e eff~ct of the n~ture and concentra
tion of additions on the Fermi level, hole concentratIOn, and mobility IS denved and dlscu.ssed. For most of
the samples hole concentration can be related to chemical composition. A case of change m.valence of the
addition induced upon introduction into the matrix is found. The us: of the. therm.oelectnc effect to d:
termine impurity in nickel oxide is discussed. The energy scheme of mckel oXld.e which emerges from ~hls
work and that of Morin is emphasized as a drastic departure from the classical model of an electncal
A FUNDAMENTAL problem arising in connection
with oxide semiconductors is concerned with the
extent to which present concepts of the band theory of
solids can be successfully applied to the elucidation
of the electronic structure of metal oxides. In the case
of nickel oxide a discrepancy between theory and ex
periment has been repeatedly pointed out in the litera
ture. Although a d hole conductor, nickel oxide has an
electrical conductivity of the same order of magnitude
as cuprous oxide, which does not have unfilled d orbitals.
Different qualitative explanations had been advanced
to circumvent this theoretical difficulty. Recently the
problem has received new impetus from the proposal
by Morini of a new energy pattern, which has quanti
tatively explained the experimental data.
It is well known that the thermoelectric power of
electrical conductors is a truly thermodynamic quan
tity, part of which is thermostatic and part kinetic.
Theoretical considerations and experimental investiga
tions have shown that in some instances the kinetic
contribution to the total effect is negligible.2 In these
cases the thermoelectric power can be considered, to a
very good approximation, a thermostatic quantity.
Such a fortunate situation occurs with nickel oxide.1
Therefore thermoelectric investigations on nickel oxide
afford a simple, yet interesting, method of deducing
thermostatic characteristics of the oxide. Furthermore,
it has already been pointed out that measurements of
thermoelectric power of semiconductors are not likely
to be affected by the state of aggregation of the ma
teria1.3 This is a considerable practical advantage when
substances not in single crystal form are used. ~
With these considerations in mind, the present work
was undertaken in order to gain more knowledge about
the effect of the i~troduction of foreign ions into the
nickel oxide lattice. This communication refers to data
* Present address: Forrestal Research Center, Princeton Uni
versity, Princeton, New Jersey.
1 F. J. Morin, Phys. Rev. 93, 1199 (1954).
2 C. Herring and M. H. Nichols, Revs. Modern Phys. 21, 185
(1949); F. J. Morin, Phys. Rev. 83, 1005 (1951); 93, 1195, 1199,
(1954); C. A. Domenicali, Revs. Modern Phys. 26, 237 (1954).
3 H. K. Henisch, Z. physik. Chern. 198, 41 (1951).
5 on the thermoelectric power of different nickel oxide
samples, from room temperature up to 900°C in ai:.
It will be shown that the interpretation of the expen
mental results in terms of the energy diagram proposed
by :Morin leads to a quantitative fit of the data, and
allows a number of conclusions as to changes of the
electronic electrochemical potential and hole mobility
as a function of temperature and nature and concentra
tion of additions.
Nickel oxide samples were prepared from standard
ized solutions of cp nitrates, mixed in appropriate
amounts, dried at 110°C, and decomposed at 400°C
for four hours. The resulting oxides were thoroughly
ground and fired at 900°C in air for four additi?nal
hours. A pure nickel oxide sample was prepared In a
similar way; it was a gray-green material, whic~ had a
B.E.T. surface area of 2.2 sq mig. The chemIcal de
termination of the excess oxygen4 of this sample gave a
value of 7XIo-4 gO/gNiO.
The main source of error in measurements of thermo
electric power lies in the determination of the tempera
ture difference !1T between the two ends of the sample.
In order to reduce this error, the thermal contact be
tween the thermocouple and semiconductor should be
good and the thermocouple itself should not appreci.ably
change the temperature distribution in its surroundIng.s.
To meet the first requirement a large metal surface, m
the form of a platinum foil, was used to contact the
sample. The foil was used also as one member of a
thermocouple. In this way optimum thermal contact
between sample and thermocouple was assured. Further
more, in order to minimize heat conduction between
thermocouple junction and leads, the latter were made
out of wires of as small cross section as was compatible
with low electrical resistance and chemical homogeneity.
The apparatus finally adopted is shown in Fig. 1.
The powdered sample was placed inside a short l~ngth
of Vycor tubing (7 mm i.d.), between two ~at platInum
electrodes, which were cemented on lavite supports.
Each electrode had a small opening in its center (not
4 W. Krauss, Z. Elektrochem. 53, 320 (1949).
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FIG. 1. Thermoelectric cell.
shown in Fig. 1), through which a Pt-PtRh thermo
couple was placed. The tip of each of these two thermo
couples was electrically insulated from the sample. A
second thermocouple was welded onto each electrode on
the lavite side of the platinum foil. The eight ends of
the thermocouples were soldered to copper leads from
the switchboard, and each junction was set in a small
paraffin cup immersed in an ice water bath. The two
lavite supports were kept aligned and the electrode
assemblies were tightly pressed against the sample by
means of two stainless steel rings, which were clamped
together with two stainless steel bolts. In order to
reduce thermal convection currents, the apparatus was
mounted horizontally in the furnace. The temperature
of the furnace was controlled by an electronic thermo
regulator. Supplementary heating was provided by
means of two separate coils of nichrome wire, wound
around each lavite support.
T 500
~~ 450 ~3 o
OI&J >I&J 400 0: ",,,
ul&J I&JO
f3ffi 350
300 • • •
FIG. 2. Effect of AT on the thermoelectric power: o NiO, t=312°C, • NiO+Li.O, t=287°C. The temperature of each electrode, TI and T2, could
be separately measured by means of the welded thermo
couples. The difference in temperature, AT=T 1-T2,
between the two electrodes, could be best obtained by
direct measurement. For this purpose it was found that
the welded thermocouples were unsuitable, because, as
the resistance of the sample decreased, an appreciable
amount of current would flow through the sample,
thus introducing a serious error in the determination of
AT. This latter therefore was measured with the aid
of the central thermocouples, which were electrically
insulated from the sample by means of high tempera
rure cement. The insulation was continually checked
FIG. 3. Direct current resistivity curves for nickel oxide
contining foreign ions.
during an experiment. The thermoelectric voltage,
developed by each sample, was measured between the
two platinum wires of the welded thermocouples, with
the aid of a Leeds and Northrup type K-2 poten
tiometer. A high resistance mirror galvanometer was
used as a null instrument. A second K-2 potentiometer
was used to measure AT and the temperature of one of
the two ends of the sample. In high resistance samples
AT measurements were also checked by separate
measurements of TI and T2• The ambient temperature
was taken as the average of the temperatures of the two
ends of the sample. With these precautions the de
pendence of the thermoelectric power on temperature
gradient was small (Fig. 2). All measurements were
carried out with AT= 15-20°C. For all samples the
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 12:16:28THERMOELECTRIC BEHAVIOR OF NICKEL OXIDE 7
cold end of the specimen was found positive (hole
conduction). Resistance measurements were taken with
a test meter, using a calibrated rheostat. Due to the
limited use of resistivity data in this work, the approxi
mations involved in the determination of this parameter
by means of the above apparatus, would not invalidate
the general conclusions reached in this work. The re
producibility of the measurements was tested by re
peated experiments under similar conditions. Data
agreed within ±2.S percent.
For all samples conductivity data could be fitted to
a Boltzmann expression with more than one term
(Fig. 3). However, if the degeneracy temperature is
calculated with the well known formula:
where h is the Planck constant, k the Boltzmann con
stant, p the hole concentration, and m*, the effective
~ ~ .-------------------,
IJj ow >::!
><C) OW we
~ffi UlQ.
FIG. 4. Seebeck voltage per degree as a function of temperature.
electron mass (equal to the free electron mass), it
should be expected that some samples would show
degenerate behavior. The expected degenerate be
havior was not found experimentally, however. Its
absence can be explained by assuming that Eq. (1) is
not applicable to nickel oxide and/or that the effective
electron mass is much larger than the free electron mass.
The behavior of the conductivity and its tempera
ture dependence as a function of the nature of the
added ions is consistent with previous observations.'
At high temperatures the conductivity of all samples
tends to a common value, probably because of the
approaching range of intrinsic behavior. No appreciable
difference in conductivity from that of the pure oxide
was found in samples containing Mg, Th, AI. It is in
teresting to note that additions of Cl, which conceivably
enter the lattice substitutionally, produce effects similar
to the introduction of cations of charge greater than two.
5 Verwey, Haamyman, and Romeijn, Chern. Weekblad. 44,
705 (1948). w~~---------------------,
~5 ow >w
~ffi COO wa:
FIG. 5. Seebeck voltage per degree as a function of temperature.
Data on the Seebeck voltage per degree for different
samples are shown in Figs. 4 and S. The results for
samples containing alumina and thoria were found to
be similar to those for pure nickel oxide.
It is assumed, in accordance with the energy pattern
proposed by Morin,! that nickel ions form localized
levels in the energy gap between the filled and empty sp
oxygen bands (Fig. 6). This assumption leads, as shown
by Morin, to the conclusion that the kinetic energy
term of the expression for thermoelectric power is
negligible. Thus for a d hole conductor one has
in which Q is the thermoelectric power in volts per de
gree and EF is the distance between the Fermi and the
filled d levels from nickel ions (Fig. 6). Essentially this
energy scheme can be considered a quantitative inter
pretation of an earlier suggestion by Verwey6 on the
conduction mechanism in nickel oxide. The possibility
that electronic conduction in group VIII oxides involves
ion pairs, like Ni+2-Ni+3, has, of course, been widely
accepted in the case of magnetite. Values of EF, calcu
lated according to Eq. (2) from Seebeck voltage data,
are presented in Figs. 7 and 8. These plots indicate the
position of the Fermi level at different temperatures
and with different impurities and impurity concentra
tions. For all samples EF moves upward as the tempera-
WR/'#///////##//0///0 EMPTY SP BAND OF 02-
- - - - - - EMPTY LEvns OF Hi+'
- - - - - DONOR LEVEL
---------1-;---------- FERMI LEVEL
W//////'////?7/,/;///ff///~ FILLED SP BAND OF 0'-
FIG. 6. Energy diagram of nickel oxide (1). -----
8 J. H. de Boer and E. J. W. Verwey, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London),
49, (extra part) (1937).
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FIG. 7. Effect of temperature and foreign ions on the Fermi level.
~ ...
FIG. 8. Effect of temperature and foreign ions on the Fermi level.
ture increases. From the temperature dependency of EF
it is possible to deduce that in pure nickel oxide levels
at about 0.13 and 0.30 ev are present, which become
ionized at 100°C and 300°C, respectively. Upon intro
duction of Ag and Li the position of EF is shifted down
ward by the formation of low lying acceptor levels.
The case of Ag is noteworthy. Although the ionic
radius of Ag+ is much larger than that of Ni+2, the data
indicate that a definite interaction has occurred between
silver and nickel oxides. The silver-containing sample
was submitted to x-ray analysis with the hope of ob
taining supporting evidence for the interaction between
nickel oxide and silver oxide. The lattice constant of
this sample was found slightly larger (4.1775 A) than
that of pure nickel oxide (4.1767 A), but the poor
resolution of the diffraction lines prevented reaching a
definite conclusion. Increasing concentration of lithia
in nickel oxide lowers EF and forms new levels at 0.09
and 0.05 ev. The behavior of sample NiO+Li 20 CD is
anomalous at temperatures below 150°C. Additions of
tungsten trioxide raise the position of EF, producing an
impurity level at 0.34 ev. Thus these results parallel
those obtained from measurements of electrical con
ductivity, but are free from all the complicating fea
tures affecting conductivity data. At temperatures be
low 230°C, EF is raised by additions of nickel chloride,
while chromia produces a high lying level at 0.32 ev. For all samples investigated EF was found to continue
to rise with increasing temperature at high tempera
tures, which confirm the conclusion that the samples
have not yet entered the intrinsic region (EF(intrinsic)
Hole concentration, p, can be estimated from total
level density:
p=N·exp( -EF/kT) (3)
where N = 5.6X 1022 nickel atoms per cc of crystal.
Figures 9 and 10 have been computed using Eq. (3).
From these plots the effect of the nature and concentra
tion of additions on hole concentration and hole ioniza
tion energy can be evaluated. It is found that the con
centration of holes is increased and their ionization
energy correspondingly decreased by adding mono
charged cations to nickel oxide, while the opposite
effect occurs upon addition of cations having charges
higher than two. The behavior of sample NiO+ LbO CD
is again found to be anomalous. In this sample [Ni+3]
=9.7X1020 ions per cc, while [Li+]=6.7X1019 ions
per cc. It seems therefore that when [Li+] < [Ni+3], the
addition of lithia to nickel oxide decreases the hole
concentration and raises the position of EF with respect
to the pure oxide. This behavior is consistent with
z 0_ t=i <t" 0::" ... ~
z o
...J 020 J:
'" 2
FrG. 9. Hole concentration as a function of temperature
and foreign ions.
19 eNiO
DNiO+Th O2
FrG. 10. Hole concentration as a function of temperature
and foreign ions.
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 12:16:28THE R MOE LEe T RIC B E H A V lOR OF N I eKE LOX IDE 9
TABLE I. Additions of foreign ions to nickel oxide.
Addition concentration Hole concentration
(chemical) (electrical)
Sample atoms per cc holes per cc
NiO 9.8XlO20
NiO+Li20 CD 1.07X1()20 8.6X 1()20
NiO+Li20 (!) S.6X 1()20 6.3X1Q21
NiO+LhO (!) 1.02 X 1021 1.6X1Q22
NiO+Ag 2O 1.59 X 1021 2.SX1Q21
NiO+Cr a02 6.0X1()20 4.0X 1()20
NiO+WO a 8.0X 1()20 1.6X 1()20
NiO+Ce02 LOS X 1021 4.3X1Q2°
NiO+NiCb S.2SX 1()20 4.2X 1()20
data on the lattice constant of solid solutions of NiO
+Li20.7 Upon additions of lithia, the lattice constant
of nickel oxide increases until [Li+]=[Ni+ 3]. This is
caused by the formation of one Ni+2 for every Li+ intro
duced, by the filling up of cationic vacancies. Increased
amounts of lithia beyond the above value were found
to decrease the lattice constant, because of the forma
tion of one Ni+3 for every Li+ introduced.
From Figs. 9 and 10 the concentration of holes can be
estimated and compared with the chemical composition
of the samples. The results are presented in the follow
ing Table 1.
The nickel oxide used was not spectroscopically pure.
Its main impurity, sodium, was probably responsible
for an impurity level at about 0.15 ev with a hole con
centration of 9.8X 1020 holes per cc. The anomalous
behavior of sample NiO+ LbO CD has already been dis
cussed, and, with that data from Table I, the anomalous
behavior can almost quantitatively be accounted for.
In samples NiO+ Li20 ® and ®, the hole concen tra tion
is much larger than the amount of lithium added. No
explanation can be offered at present for this discrep
ancy. However, it must be recalled that the treatment
of the thermoelectric data followed in this work requires
that QT»kT, but in samples highly doped with ac
ceptors this is not true. In samples NiO+ Li20 ® and ®
For all other samples the ratio of the concentration
of addition to the concentration of holes formed or
destroyed in the pure oxide by the addition has been
computed and is reported in the last column of Table 1.
This ratio is found to be almost unity, except in the
case of the sample containing ceria, but this can be
explained by assuming that the solubility limit of ceria
in nickel oxide is less than 2.3 percent by weight. The
agreement between the concentration of addition and
the concentration of holes, formed or destroyed in the
pure oxide by the addition, enlarges the heuristic value
of the energy model, proposed for nickel oxide inasmuch
as this treatment can be used to analyze nickel oxide
electrically, with regard to deviations from stoichio
metric composition and with regard to impurity con
tent. One more interesting fact emerges from inspection
7 L. D. Brownlee and E. W. J. Mitchell, Proc. Phys. Soc. B65,
710 (19S2). Holes found Holes destroyed Ratio
(referred to pure NiO) (chemical!
holes per cc electrical)
1.2X 1()20 0.89
S.3X1Q21 0.10
1.51 X 1Q22 0.068
1.52 X 1021 1.04
S.8X 1()20 1.03
8.2X 1()20 0.98
S.SX 1()20 1.82
8.2X 1()20 1.06
of Table 1. In the sample containing tungsten, this
impurity was added as tungsten trioxide. However, the
data show that, to a very good approximation, for every
tungsten atom added one positive hole was destroyed.
Therefore the hexavalent tungsten ion has been changed,
upon introduction into the nickel oxide lattice, to some
sort of trivalent ion. It seems, therefore, that thermo
electric data on "nickel oxide" can be used to reveal
the valence acquired by the foreign ion upon introduc
tion into the nickel oxide lattice.
The process responsible for the ionization of acceptors
can be visualized as follows:
Ni+3~Ni+2+p. (4)
The oxygen equilibrium, viz:
4Ni+2+0~4Ni+3+2cv+2o--2 (cv=cationic vacancy),
does not appreciably affect the bulk properties of the
oxide up to temperatures of the order of 0.5T m(1115°K).8
At lower temperatures the number of Ni+3, ionized or
not, can be considered constant and equal to the excess
oxygen. The equilibrium constant of reaction (4) is
K = [Ni+3]/[Ni+2][p]. Since [Ni+2] is practically con
stant, from the concentration of holes and the excess
oxygen it is possible to calculate a value for K. For
pure nickel oxide, at 380° and 450°C, it is found that
K = 7.05 and 63, respectively. From these values,
LlF653= -1.5, LlF723= -3.5 kcal/mole, LlH = -14.5
kcal/ mole, LlS 66~LlS 723 = 41.4 eu. These values are
highly speculative, but they seem reasonable.
Hole mobility, calculated from conductivity and hole
concentration, was found dependent on the type and
concentration of impurity added, and the temperature.
This agrees with the findings of Morin.l Cations with a
charge higher than two decrease the mobility and in
crease its activation energy, while the opposite effects
occur with mono charged cations. This result shows that
great care should be exercised in deducing changes in
charge carrier concentration from conductivity data in
metal oxides of the type under discussion. This, un
fortunately, has not been widely done in the past, as
it has been customary to assume a constant mobility
value over large variations of impurity content, tem-
8 Bevan, Shelton, and Anderson, J. Chern. Soc. 1948, 1729.
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perature, and nature of the impurities. It is clear that
in the interpretation of future results for this type of
oxides, it will be necessary to take into account changes
of electron or hole mobility with temperature and
impurity content.
The picture of nickel oxide which emerges from the
work of Morin and the work presented in this paper is a
drastic departure from the classical one of a semi
conductor (germanium, silicon, zinc, or cuprous oxide).
Oxides containing electronic defects derived from d
electrons do not seem to have a typical conduction band.
Rather the conduction electrons migrate along localized
levels. The formation of ion pairs for such a process
depends on the energetic possibility of the lattice to
deviate from the stoichiometric composition. The ex
change of electrons within ion pairs is probably con
strained by the presence of the large oxygen anion. This
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS constraint is reflected in the low electronic mobility of
these oxides, and in the fact that it is necessary to
furnish energy to "activate" the electrons, even though
they have already been "separated" from the ionic
cores by an ionization mechanism. Clearly, under these
conditions, electrons are far from free, and such a solid
should be considered to be more a semi-insulator than a
I wish to thank Dr. F. J. Morin, of the Bell Telephone
Laboratories, for graciously providing me with his data
before publication, and Dr. C. A. Domenicali, of this
Laboratory, for critical discussions and much helpful
advice in the experimental part. Many fruitful discus
sions on this subject with Dr. D. P. Detwiler are grate
fully acknowledged. Finally I would like to thank Dr.
F. C. Nix for his interest in this work.
A Phenomenological Theory of the Soret Diffusion
Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Wright Air Development Center,
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
(Received February 22, 1954)
The classical Soret diffusion problem is solved analytically for the case of unrestricted composition in a
binary liquid system, taking account of the temperature-variation of the density of the mixture. Previous
treatments have neglected the phenomenon of thermal dilatation entirely and have not developed a unique
general solution which applies both to dilute and to nondilute mixtures.
The rigorous solution derived in the present work is similar in form to de Groot's well-known equation
for dilute mixtures, but contains additional parameters charncterizing the initial composition of the system
and its coefficient of thermal expansion. These parameters disappear in the asymptotic approximation for a
vanishing temperature gradient, but this approximation differs from that proposed by de Groot, even for
dilute solutions. The asymptotic expression has practical importance for estimating the Soret coefficient and
the ordinary diffusion coefficient of a system from experimental data taken during the thermodiffusional
unmixing period; some examples of its application in this connection are discussed.
WHEN a temperature gradient is applied to a
convection-free binary liquid confined between
horizontal plates, the pure Soret effect is observed; a
composition gradient develops with time and asymptoti
cally approaches an equilibrium state characterized by
the equality of the rates of the opposing effects
of ordinary diffusion and thermal diffusion. A mathe
matical analysis of the transient behavior in this process
was first given by de Groot,! but his treatment contains
two implicit assumptions which render it highly special
ized. These assumptions are that the mole fraction of
one component of the mixture is essentially unity and
that the density of the system is uniform throughout.
The first of these conditions restricts the theory to
dilute solutions, and the second (implying a vanishing
1 S. R. de Groot, Physica 9, 699 (1942). thermal expansion coefficient over a finite temperature
range) is logically unsatisfying because it does not
correspond to the behavior of any known liquid.
Thomaes2 has reproduced de Groot's result in a slightly
different form, and has also indicated the use of a
chordal approximation3 to extend it to the case of
systems that are not dilute; he also neglects the
phenomenon of thermal expansion.
Inasmuch as the theory of the Soret effect has appli
cation in the interpretation of thermodiffusion experi
ments,4 .• it is of interest to re-examine the problem with
a view to developing a single solution which is ap-
2 G. Thomaes, Physica 17, 885 (1951).
3 R. C. Jones and W. L. Furry, Revs. Modern Phys. 18 151
(1946). '
• S. R. de Groot, J. phys. radium 8, 129 (1947).
• C. C. Tanner, Trans. Faraday Soc. 49, 611 (1953).
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1.1722650.pdf | Measurement of Minority Carrier Lifetimes with the Surface Photovoltage
E. O. Johnson
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 28, 1349 (1957); doi: 10.1063/1.1722650
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1722650
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ]
Measurement of Minority Carrier Lifetimes with the Surface Photovoltage
RCA Laboratories, Princeton, New Jersey
(Received June 8, 1957)
The surface photovoltage method uses the junction-like properties of a semiconductor surface as a means
for studying the decay of excess carriers. No more than capacitive contact with the specimen is required to
detect the surface photovoltage which, in the millivolt range, is a linear function of the excess carrier density.
Theoretically, the surface method yields exactly the same carrier decay constant as the photoconductivity
method when the lowest diffusion mode prevails in the specimen. This has been quantitatively confirmed
for Ge: only qualitative confirmation has been made with Si.
For surfaces tending toward inversion, the surface method gives larger signals than the photoconductivity
method, particularly for semiconductors with low intrinsic carrier density. On the other hand, for accumu
lation layer surfaces the surface method usually gives smaller output signals.
THE decay of excess carriers in semiconductors has
been measured in a number of ways. Most
commonly known, perhaps, are the Morton-Haynesl
and photoconductivity decay methods.2 In the former,
lifetime is deduced from the decay, with distance, of
the excess minority carrier density injected by a light
spot. In the latter, the lifetime is determined by the
time decay of the photoconductance of a specimen that
has been subjected to a brief flash of light. Both of these
techniques require ohmic or rectifying contacts to the
specimen. A recent publication describes a new infrared
adsorption technique3 that does not require physical
contact to the specimen. It is the purpose of the present
paper to describe a particularly simple lifetime method
requiring only capacitive contact to the specimen.
This method takes advantage of the linear dependence
of the surface photovoltage on the excess carrier density
at low signal levels. The surface photovoltage is
analogous to the junction photovoltage (photovoltaic
effect) and arises from the surface space charge region
which has many properties in common with the
depletion region of a junction. The surface photo
voltage is generated by a brief light flash and is detected
by a small electrode capacitively coupled to the surface
of the specimen. The signal is fed to an oscilloscope
where the carrier decay constant is determined in the
usual manner.
The surface photovoltage monitors the excess
carrier density adjacent to the surface. If the lowest
diffusion mode prevails in the specimen, the surface
density of excess carriers decays with the same time
constant as carriers elsewhere in the specimen. Hence,
the surface measurement should yield the same decay
constant as the photoconductive decay method which
monitors the integrated density distribution. This
1 L. B. Valdes, Proc. lnst. Radio Engrs. 40, 1420 (1952).
2 D. T. Stevenson and R. J. Keyes, J. Appl. Phys. 26, 190
3 N. J. Harrick, J. Appl. Phys. 27, 1439 (1956). means that virtually all the considerations that apply
to the photoconductivity method apply to the surface
method. In particular, the contribution of the bulk and
surface recombination to the total effective lifetime
is the same in both methods. Thus, the surface method
should be as capable of measuring bulk and surface
recombination properties as the photoconductive decay
method. The methods do differ, however, in that the
surface method can be completely free of carrier drift
effects due to an externally applied electric field.
The surface technique can suffer from loss of signal
if the surface recombination velocity, s, is high. This
follows because the lowest mode excess carrier density
near the surface decreases as the value of s increases.
It is easy to show, however, that the loss of surface
signal due to the depreciation of the carrier density
at the surface will be, in all but the most extreme cases,
no greater than about 50%.
A picture of the energy bands at the surface of an
n-type semiconductor under equilibrium conditions is
shown in Fig. 1.4 For purposes of discussion the surface
is shown with a negative charge in the surface states.
Because of the over-all electrical neutrality require
ment, this trapped charge is balanced by an equal
positive charge composed of donors and holes in the
surface space charge region. The equilibrium potential
Yo across the space charge region can be deduced in
terms of the total space charge from Poisson's equation. fi
Most of the charge trapped at a semiconductor surface
appears to be in "slow states" which are in, or on, the
surface "oxide" layer and exchange charge with the
bulk material with time constants of the order of
seconds. The relatively less numerous "fast states,"
which have time constants in the microsecond range,
do not have any effect6 on the main conclusions of the
present discussion, aside from giving rise to surface
4 R. H. Kingston, J. Appl. Phys. 27, 101 (1956).
• W. H. Brattain and C. G. B. Garrett, Phys. Rev. 99, 376
6 E. O. Johnson (to be published).
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-+-+-.... + + + + + 1" + --DONORS
FIG. 1. Energy diagram of semiconductor surface.
recombination, and so do not need to be considered in
the analysis.
If excess carriers are injected with light and decay
at a rate that is fast compared to the slow state time
constant, the charge in these states will not have time
to change. Now, because over-all electrical neutrality
must be maintained, the surface space charge will also
remain constant. This, however, is necessarily ac
companied by a flattening of the energy bands at the
surface. The resulting change LlY in electrical potential
across the space charge region is termed the surface
photovoltage.5 This is defined by Ll Y = Y -Yo, where
Y is the space charge potential when excess carriers are
present. Both Y and Yo are expressed in kTle units
and are negative when the energy bands bend upward,
as shown in Fig. 2, and positive when the bend is
The surface photovoltage has almost the same
functional behavior as the junction photovoltage with
respect to the excess carrier density.6 It is a straight
forward matter to deduce the surface photovoltage
from Poisson's equation and the usual carrier statistics,
if the carrier diffusion lengths are assumed long com
pared to the width of the surface space charge region
(",,10-5 cm). An implicit expression yielding the surface
photovoltage is6
where Llp is the fractional increase in hole density due
to injection, Fo, is the space charge factor when no
excess carriers are present, Fy is the corresponding
factor when excess carriers are present, and A is the
doping factor. The fractional increase in hole density
is defined by Ll p = Ll pi po = Ll PiA ni; the doping factor,
by A = (pol no)! = pol ni = n;j no; and the space charge
factor Fy by
Fy=A(e-y -1)+A-I(e Y -1)+ (A-A-I)Y. The expression for the factor F 0 is obtained by replacing
Y by Yo. The excess hole density is defined by Llp
= p-po, where p, po, and the other quantities used
above have their usual meanings. If excess holes and
electrons are light-injected at equal rates, expressions
analogous to those above obtain for Lln and Lln.
Equation (1), as well as those to follow, are written
in terms of hole densities and are most conveniently
applied to n-type material. The complimentary expres
sions for p material, written in terms of electron
densities, can be obtained from the appropriate relations
noted above.
A linear relationship between the excess hole density
Llp and the photovoltage LlY,
Ae-Yo-A-leYo- (A-A-l) ni' (2)
is obtained if th e exponential terms in Eq. (1) are
linearized.7 Equation (2) is valid within a few percent if
10-1 (eYo+e-Yo-2) LlY$------
eYo-e- Yo (3)
Since Yo is almost always found to exceed one kTle
unit in magnitude, the linear approximation will hold
at room temperature if LlY is a few millivolts, or less.
In any case, the form of the photovoltage decay curve
will provide a fairly good check of linearity. The more
complicated case, where there is a background density
of excess carriers, also gives linear results at low levels
of the incremental signal.
If Yo is zero, then LlY vanishes and the surface
technique obviously fails. Fortunately, such a case is
unlikely unless special effort is exerted to bring it about,
such as by adjustment of the ambient.4
For strong inversion layer conditions, where Yo is
strongly negative and the exponential terms e-Yo
(PULSE RATE -5/5EC) t#f 0-'"
GAP --L--"""", t -~----'
~ __ ~ ~ENS ,-_-----,
SPECIM'E'N:j~_===~r=l) PREA'-P
TYPE 532
FIG. 2. Apparatus for carrier decay measurements.
7 Potentials developed inside the bulk material due to the
Dember effect would also be linearly related to the excess carrier
density at low densities.
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dominate, Eq. (2) reduces to
l:1p no :1Y=--=-:1p.
A ni n,:2 (4)
Since A < 1 for n-type material, the surface signal
increases linearly with the doping constant. This
follows because the hole charge dominates the surface
space charge when the surface has a strong inversion
layer. In the n-type specimen the holes decrease
inversely as the n-type doping. Thus, if very few holes
are present, due to heavy doping, the injected holes will
tend to have a relatively large effect on the surface
space charge and hence on the surface photovoltage.
Furthermore, if the doping is held constant to keep
the specimen resistance constant, :1Y increases in
versely as n;2. Thus, high band gap material should
yield the largest signals for a given excess carrier
density. Also, since ni decreases exponentially with
temperature and :1Y, in volts, decreases only linearly,
the surface signals should improve as the temperature
is decreased.
For intermediate negative values of Yo, :1Y has a
value intermediate between zero and that given by
Eq. (4).
For accumulation layer conditions, where Yo has a
large positive value and the eYo terms dominate,
Eq. (4) reduces to
:1p :1p :1Y=-A-=-, (5)
11; no
and :1 Y decreases with the doping. This is understand
able from the fact that majority carriers dominate the
space charge under accumulation layer conditions.
The intrinsic condition, where A= 1, is the limiting case
of no doping. The same general conclusions noted
above also apply to p materiaL
It is of interest to compare the size of the surface
signal :1Y with the signal that would be obtained from
a photoconductivity measurement on the same speci
men. For the photoconductivity measurement consider
a series circuit composed of the specimen, a battery of
potential VB, and a signal resistor equal to the dark
resistance of the specimen. The signal resistor is made
equal to the dark resistance of the specimen to maximize
the photoconductivity signal output. The algebra is
also simplified. A simple computation shows that the
signal :1 V developed across the signal resistor is given by
:1V =~[l+blA:1 ,
VB 4 A2+b.ki P (6)
for the case where V /V B«0.5, and b is the ratio of the
electron to hole drift mobility. For simplicity it is assumed that the excess carrier density is uniform
throughout the specimen. Equation (6) shows that the
photoconductivity signal decreases with doping. This
follows because the conductivity change due to excess
carriers will be proportionately less if there are many
majority carriers already present due to heavy doping.
Comparison of Eqs. (4), (5), and (6) shows that the
surface and photoconductivity methods give comparable
signals for accumulation layer surfaces. However, for
inversion layer surfaces the surface signal excels by the
doping factor squared. For a given resistivity the
majority carrier density is fixed. Hence, with high band
gap material, where l1i is low, the doping factor is large.
Thus, the surface technique can be very useful with high
band gap material when a tendency towards inversion
layer conditions is present. For example, for 7 ohm-em
n-type Ge, the doping factor is 1/50 and the surface
method gains by the factor 502• For n-type Si of the
same resistivity it gains by the factor 108• This factor
could overcome almost any conceivable loss in signal
due to a high surface recombination velocity. In
practice, surfaces are usually found in an intermediate
state, instead of in the complete inversion that would
give rise to the large gain factors noted above. Hence
the gain of the surface method could be expected to be
less than noted above.
The experimental arrangement is shown in Fig. 2.
The excess carriers in the specimen are generated by the
microsecond light flashes from the spark gap during the
periodic discharges of the 2000-l'f condenser. 8 The
O.S-cm air gap sparks at a repetition rate determined by
the supply voltage and the capacitance and resistance
of the charging circuit. For the values given in the
figure the repetition rate is several per second when the
supply voltage is adjusted to about six kilovolts.
The excess carriers in the specimen under semi
transparent electrode generate a surface photovoltage
that is picked up by this electrode and passed on
through the preamplifier to the oscilloscope. The
electrode used in these experiments was a perforated,
flat metal sheet with an optical transparency of about
fifty percent. It had an effective area of about i cm2•
For optimum signal output it is desirable to have the
electrode area no larger than the spot of illumination.
Electrode areas as small as 10-2 cm2 (the flattened end
of a wire) have been used successfully. The dielectric
between the electrode and the specimen can be air or
mica; no significant difference has been noted between
the two. The preamplifier input impedance should be
high compared to that of the capacitance that couples
the signal electrode to the specimen at the frequency
corresponding to the inverse of the specimen lifetime.
The equipment used in these experiments could handle
8 The spark gap light source used in these experiments was
built by J. Gannon and A. Moore of these laboratories.
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IP: On: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 23:05:591352 E. O. JOHNSON
photovoltage decays with time constants down to a
few microseconds.
The circuit return was capacitively coupled to the
specimen as shown. Ohmic or rectifying contacts could
also be used if desired. The salient requirement for the
back contact is that it couple to a region of surface
that is not exposed to excess carriers. Excess carriers
near this contact would generate a voltage that might
obscure or be confused with the desired signal at the
photovoltage electrode. The semiconductor specimens
used in these experiments were 10 to 50 mils thick
and had rectangular areas ranging from about one
quarter to one cm2• It was necessary to locate the
specimen in a shielded box well isolated from shocks
and vibrations. It is desirable to have the electrodes
make rigid capacitive contact with the specimen.
The additional simple circuitry for making photo
conductance measurements is not shown in the figure;
it is described in Sec. 4.
The measurements were carried out primarily for a
comparison of the surface and photoconductive
methods. Tens of n-and p-type Ge specimens, five
n-and p-type Si specimens, and one n-type InP speci
men were tested. The etches CP4 and No. 59 were used
in the initial surface treatment. Room air, dry oxygen,
and dry ozone were used as ambients on some specimens
to vary the surface potentials and also the surface
recombination velocity. The carrier decay time con
stants ranged from a few microseconds to hundreds of
microseconds. With Ge, whenever the surface and
photoconductivity techniques could be compared, they
gave exactly the same carrier decay time constants. The
comparisons were made by superimposing oscilloscope
photographs on top of each other. No differences in the
decay curves were ever detected beyond the decay
time when the higher diffusion modes had disappeared.
Roughly comparable signal amplitudes were obtained
from Ge with both measuring techniques when the
surface tendedlO toward an inversion layer. In these
cases the signal amplitudes from both methods were a
few millivolts. The battery potential in the photo
conductivity measurements was 1.5 volts. With Ge
surfaces having an accumulation layer, no measurable
surface signal was obtained with the rather weak light
source used. Very likely, I Yol was not sufficiently
large to make Eq. (5) apply.
With Si, and the one InP specimen tested, the surface
signals came from a surface that tended toward in
version and were, as expected, very large compared to
the photoconductivity signal. In fact, the photo-
9 To be published.
10 The term "tended" is used here and afterwards to denote
that the energy bands at the surface are bent in a direction to
enhance the minority carrier density at the surface. In the
absence of detailed surface potential measurements it is not
possible to say whether or not the surface conductivity type is
actually inverted. (o ) U IblQ
IoIU (dlQ
(elD (Ilt=]
(91~ (hID
('ID IilU
FIG. 3. Reproductions of oscilloscope photographs of surface
and photoconductive signals.
p-Type 100-cm Ge with n surface.
(a) Decay of surface signal. 50Ilsec/div.
(b) Tail of surface decay. 20Ilsec/div.
(c) Decay of photoconductivity signal. 50llsec/div.
(d) Tail of photoconductivity signal. 20 Ilsec/div. n-Type
3.50-cm Si with p surface.
(e) Decay of surface signal, 100 Ilsec/div. No background
(f) Decay of surface signal, 100 Ilsec/div. Background illumi
nation. n-Type O.lO-cm InP with p surface.
(g) Decay of surface signal, 100 Ilsec/div. No background
(h) Decay of surface signal, lOOllsec/div. Background illumi
natioIJ. p-Type 30-cm Ge specimen 0.14-cm thick with
n surface.
(i) Decay of surface signal, 50Ilsec/div. Light and electrode
on same side of specimen.
(j) Decay of surface signal, 50 Ilsec/ div. Light and electrode on
opposite sides of specimen.
conductivity signals were extremely small or not
detected at all, whereas the surface signals were in the
millivolt range and easily measurable. In the few cases
where comparisons of decay constants could be made,
the agreement between the two methods was reasonably
good. There was, however, always some ambiguity
from the fact that the decay constants were affected by
the varying background illuminations required to
reduce the nonexponential tails on the decay curves.
These tails were presumably due to trap effects.u The
surface technique seems to be more sensitive to these
effects than the photoconductivity method. This was
not studied in detail.
Germanium surfaces can be pushed toward n type
with wet air4 and No.5 etch.9 A surface freshly etched
11 J. R. Haynes and J. A. Hornbeck, Phys. Rev. 90, 152, (1953).
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with CP4 also tends toward n type.6 To drive a Ge
surface toward p-type dry oxygen, ozone,4 and almost
any strong oxidizing agent, like quinone,12 is effective.
Silicon surfaces respond roughly similarly to gaseous
ambients. There is no information on the effect of No.5
etch and quinone on Si surfaces. The dichromate
treatment13 of Nelson and Moore is effective in driving
a Si surface toward P type. Presently, little is known
about the behavior of III-V compound surfaces. Air
aged Si specimens were always found to have surfaces
which tended toward inversion, regardless of bulk
conductivity type.
Typical oscilloscope photographs of decay curves
obtained from both the surface and photoconductivity
methods for p-type Ge are reproduced in Figs.
3(a)-3(d). Figures 3 (a) and (b) refer to the surface
method, and Figs. 3(c) and (d) to the photoconduc
tivity method. The polarity of the surface signals
indicates that the equilibrium value of the surface
potential, Yo, was positive. That is, in the conventional
band picture, the energy bands bend downward. The
photovoltage curve in (a) shows the entire course of the
decay. A rapid decay is seen close to t=O. This is
followed by a portion of the curve that decays relatively
slowly. Finally, beyond about 100 to 150 J.lsec, the
curve decays exponentially with very closely the same
time constant of the photoconductive curve in (c).
The equality of the time constants is readily seen from
a comparison of (b) and (d) where the tails of the decay
curves are displayed on an expanded time scale.
Presumably, the nonexponential behavior of the initial
portion of the photovoltage decay curve stems from
higher diffusion modes. The surface method seems to
be more prone to nonexponential behavior during the
initial portion of the decay than does the photo
conductivity method.
The curves shown in Figs. 3(e) and (f) were obtained
with n-type Si where the surface tended toward an
inversion layer. The curve in (e) was taken without
background illumination; the curve in (f), with illumi
nation. The decrease in the decay rate with illumination
is quite commonly seen in Si with photoconductivity
measurements. The same type of behavior was found
for the InP specimen which displayed the typical
surface signals shown in (g) and (h).
The decay curves in Figs. 3(i) and (j) exemplify the
12 Brought to my attention by J. Hammes of the RCA Semi
conductor Division.
13 H. Nelson and A. R. Moore, RCA Rev. 17, 5 (1956). utility of the surface technique. Figure 3(i) shows the
carrier decay in a 3 ohm-cm p-type Ge specimen when
the light flash was transmitted through the photo
voltage pickup electrode in the same manner shown in
Fig. 2. Figure 3(j) shows the time behavior of the excess
carriers observed when the electrode and spot of
illumination were on opposite sides of the 0.14-cm
thick specimen. The oscilloscope trace was synchronized
to the "-'l-J.lsec light pulse. The delay time, as measured
by the hump in the curve occurring at 50 J.lsec, is in
rough accord with the drift time to be expected from
a diffusion process. The decay constants for the curves
in both Figs. 3(i) and (j) are seen to be the same if
only the portions of the curves beyond about 150 J.lsec
are considered. The amplifier gain was doubled when
the curve in Fig. 3(j) was taken. Detailed treatments of
carrier drift effects have to be attended with caution.
For example, in the technique described above care
has to be taken to localize the region where the excess
carriers are injected and, also, to distinguish between
possible potential changes in the bulk and those at the
In addition to its use in drift studies the surface
technique is well adapted for the measurement of
lifetimes at different regions of a specimen. For example,
the technique is particularly useful in studying effective
lifetimes near ohmic contracts.
A new technique for measuring the time behavior of
excess carriers in a semiconductor has been described.
This technique utilizes the junction-like behavior of a
semiconductor surface. It requires very simple equip
ment and is convenient and "clean" to use since no
contacts, other than capacitive, are needed. Theo
retically, the surface method yields exactly the same
carrier decay constant as the photoconductivity method
when the lowest diffusion mode prevails in the specimen.
This has been quantitatively confirmed for Ge: only
qualitative confirmation has been made with Si. The
surface method seems to be more sensitive to the
effects of traps and higher diffusion modes than the
older method.
The surface and photoconductivity techniques have
comparable sensitivities to small excess carrier densities
in Ge. With high band gap materials, however, the
surface technique can be greatly superior in sensitivity
and, thus, should be particularly useful for studies of
Si and the III -V compound semiconductors.
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1.1731720.pdf | Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Structure, Diffusion, and
Resonance Shifts in Titanium Hydride
B. Stalinski, C. K. Coogan, and H. S. Gutowsky
Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 34, 1191 (1961); doi: 10.1063/1.1731720
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1731720
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Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsTHE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 34, NUMBER 4 APRIL, 1961
Proton Magnetic Resonance Studies of Structure, Diffusion, and Resonance Shifts
in Titanium Hydride*
Noyes Chemical Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
(Received October 27, 1960)
Measurements of the proton magnetic resonance at "'26.9
Mc in titanium hydride samples, ranging in composition from
TiH1.61 to TiH1.97, have been made in the temperature range from
_196° to about 200°C. The second moment of the proton reso
nance at the lower temperatures shows that the hydrogen atoms
are randomly distributed among the lattice sites which are lo
cated tetrahedrally with respect to the titanium atoms. Self
diffusion of the hydrogen atoms narrows the proton resonance
above room temperature. The temperature dependence of the
correlation frequency for the proton motions, obtained from the
linewidths, leads to diffusional activation energies which increase
with hydrogen content from 9.4 kcal/g atom for TiH1.607 to 10.2
for TiH1.923. Moreover, the diffusion rate is directly proportional
to the number of unfilled tetrahedral holes in the metallic lattice,
which indicates that the self-diffusion takes place via a vacancy
THE original purpose of these experiments was to
investigate the nature of the anomalies observed
near room temperature in the magnetic susceptibility1.2
and in the specific heat3 of titanium hydrides ranging
in composition from about TiH1.5 to TiH2• X-ray4,6
and neutron diffraction6 studies have shown that in the
region of these anomalies, the titanium hydrides
undergo a small, continuous tetragonal deformation
typical of a second-order transition. At temperatures
above the anomalies, the hydrides have a face-centered
cubic arrangement of titanium atoms, surrounded by
hydrogen atoms apparently in the tetrahedrally located
holes. That is, when the composition approaches the
stoicpiometric compound, TiH2, it achieves the CaF 2
structure. Our particular interest was the possibility
that hydrogen diffusion is connected with the structural
transition and with the magnetic and specific heat
Nuclear magnetic resonance methods are attractive
* This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval
Research. t On leave of absence from the Institute of Technology and
the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of
Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland. t On leave of absence from the Division of Chemical Physics,
C.S.I.R.O. Chemical Research Laboratories, Melbourne, Aus
1 W. Trzebiatowski and B. Stalinski, Bull. acado polon. sci.
Classe III I, 131 (1953).
2 B. Stalinski, Zeszyty Nauk. Politech. Wroclaw. Chem.4, 25
(1957) .
3 B. Stalinski and Z. Bieganski, Bull. acado polon. sci. Serie sci.
chim. geol. geogr. 8, 243 (1960).
4 B. Stalinski and B. Idziak (unpublished).
6 H. L. Yakel, Acta Cryst. 11, 46 (1958).
6 S. S. Sidhu, L. Heaton, and D. D. Zauberis, Acta. Cryst. 9,
607 (1956) Proton resonance shifts to higher applied magnetic fields were
observed. They were measured at room temperature for all speci
mens and were found to increase from 0.01 % for TiH1.607 to
about 0.032% for TiH1.969. For these two extreme compositions,
the temperature dependence of the shift was measured between
-95°C and 190°C and was found to be similar to the bulk sus
ceptibility, the shifts for TiH1.969 exhibiting an anomaly at about
13°C as does the susceptibility. These results are interpreted
semiquantitatively in terms of exchange interactions which pair
spins of electrons in the conduction band with those of electrons
localized on the hydrogen. The results suggest that the hydrogen
is held in the lattice by a combination of covalent and ionic
bonding, the latter involving a net positive charge on the hydro
gen. The general importance of exchange interactions in inter
metallic compounds is commented upon.
for investigating self-diffusion in the solid state8•7,
Hydrogen diffusion is especially difficult to measure in
metal lattices by classical transport experiments,
because gross errors result from grain boundaries, pores,
cracks, and dislocations in the metals. For example,
the data reviewed by Barrer9 for hydrogen diffusion in
palladium include activation energies ranging from 4.6
to 17.8 kcaljg atom. The most extensive prior study of
hydrogen diffusion by proton magnetic resonance
appears to be the work done on the palladium hydride
system. Norberg10 found narrow proton resonance
lines in a series of samples up to PdHo.8 and obtained
activation energies for self diffusion by using rf pulse
techniques to observe the temperature dependence
of the spin-lattice relaxation time between 250° and
300oK. Similar results were reported by Torrey,!l
who also investigated the proton Tl in TiH1.77. A few
scattered observations have been made of the proton
resonance in other solid metal hydrides. Garstens12 has
looked at the proton resonance of NaH and CaH2,
finding broad lines typical of rigid-lattice solids. For
tantalum hydride he found13 a broad line at tempera
tures below 215°K with diffusional narrowing occuring
at higher temperatures.
In the case of titanium hydride, Garstens12 noted a
broad room-temperature, proton linewidth of about 12
gauss for three samples of composition TiRo.as, TiHo.72,
7 H. S. Gutowsky, Phys. Rev. 83,1073 (1951).
8 C. P. Slichter in Report of the Bristol Conference on Defects in
Crystalline Solids (The Physical Society, London, 1955), p. 52.
9 R. M. Barrer, Diffusion in and through Solids (Cambridge
University Press, New York, 1951), 2nd ed.
10 R. E. Norberg, Phys. Rev. 86,745 (1952).
11 H. C. Torrey, Nuovo cimento Supp!. to 9, Ser. 10, 95 (1958).
12 M. A. Garstens, Phys. Rev. 79, 397 (1950).
13 M. A. Garstens, Phys. Rev. 81, 288 (1951).
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1192 STALINSKI, COOGAN, AND GUTOWSKY
and TiHl.b7. Similar results were obtained in the more
recent room-temperature studies by Maluchkov and
Finkelstein I4; they also made some unsuccessful at
tempts to measure proton resonance shifts and to obtain
the second moment of the proton absorption and com
pare it with the value calculated for the rigid lattice.
Our more detailed studies which were outlined in a
preliminary report,15 failed to establish any direct
connection between the hydrogen diffusion and the
various anomalies which occur in the titanium hydrides.
However, it proved possible to characterize the diffu
sion process in very interesting detail by observing the
temperature dependence of the proton linewidth over
a wide range of composition and temperature. Also,
we have found large, negative Knight shiftsI6 in the
proton magnetic resonance position. The temperature
and concentration dependences of the shift parallel the
magnetic susceptibility and demonstrate that the
anomalies are associated with the conduction electrons.
The details of our various findings are presented here.
A. Preparation of Samples
The titanium hydride samples were of the composi
tion TiH1.607, TiH1.719, TiH1.776, TiH1.845, TiH1.933, and
TiH1.969. They were prepared by the absorption of
known volumes of high purity hydrogen in the appara
tus described previouslyP The hydrogen was obtained
by thermal decomposition of another sample of titan
ium hydride. The titanium was produced by E. 1. du
Pont de Nemours and Company. The purity was listed
as better than 99.5%. Spectral analysis revealed the
presence of the following impurities, in weight percent:
Si'"'-'lO-3, Mg'"'-'1O- 3, Mn'"'-'lO-4, Sn'"'-'1O-2, Cu'"'-'1O-3,
Fe'"'-'lO-3. Moreover, bulk magnetic susceptibility
measurements gave no evidence of ferromagnetic
The titanium metal powder used to prepare the
samples was obtained by powdering some of the
embrittled metal. The latter was made by saturating
the original sponge metal with hydrogen and then
degassing it by heating in a high vacuum for several
hours at a temperature of about 820°C. This tempera
ture should be somewhat lower than the a-fJ transition
point of the metal to prevent sintering. All of the
hydride samples, except TiH1.969, were synthesized by
slowly cooling 2.5 to 4 g of the metal powder, in contact
with the hydrogen gas, from 450°C to a temperature at
which essentially all of the gas had been absorbed. The
sample was then held for 20 to 40 hr at this tempera
ture, which was usually 250°C or somewhat higher.
14 O. T. Maluchkov and B. N. Finkelstein, Doklady Akad.
Nauk S.S.S.R. 127, 822 (1959).
16 B. Stalinski, C. K. Coogan, and H. S. Gutowsky, J. Chern.
Phys. 33, 933 (1960).
16W. D. Knight, Solid State Phys. 2, 93 (1956).
17 W. Trzebiatowski, A. Sliwa, and B. Stalinski, Roczniki
Chern. 28, 12 (1954). Of these five samples, all but TiH1.933 showed a dis
sociation pressure of 10-2 mm Hg or less at 200°C. The
TiH1.933 showed a dissociation pressure as high as 1
mm Hg at 200°C, so its hydrogenation was completed
at 150°C where the pressure dropped to about 10-2
The sample of highest hydrogen content TiH1.969
was prepared by gradually lowering the temperature
from 450°C to room temperature, using an excess
pressure of hydrogen. This sample was sealed under a
hydrogen pressure of 431 mm Hg to prevent decompo
sition in the magnetic resonance experiments carried out
above room temperature. At such pressures of hydro
gen, the saturation of the metal with hydrogen. is
essentially complete at temperatures below 200°C. This
is shown by the 5-mm drop observed in the hydrogen
pressure upon cooling a sample from 300°C to room
temperature. In the vacuum apparatus used, this
pressure change corresponds to a composition change of
TiH1.957 to TiH1.969.
Microscopic examination (X 100) of the particles
revealed, of course, a considerable apread in particle
size, but it was apparent that no particles were larger
than 10-3 cm in diameter. The samples actually used in
the magnetic resonance experiments were about 1
cc in volume and, except as noted for TiH1.967, they were
sealed under their equilibrium pressure of H2 in glass
tubes whose outer diameter was about 9 mm.
B. Apparatus and Procedure
The broad-line regenerative spectrometer used in
these experiments was similar to that described pre
viously.I8 It was operated at a fixed radio frequency of
about 26.92 Mc, and the derivative of the proton
absorption was observed by automatically sweeping
the field of the 6300-gauss permanent magnet. The
30-cps modulation amplitude was kept small to reduce
its broadening of the absorption, and in cases where
the modulation had to be large due to a low signal-to
noise ratio, the appropriate corrections were made.I9
Care was taken to prevent saturation of the lines, but
in some cases it appeared that these efforts were not
completely successful. The volume of the sample coil
was about 1.5 cc. The high conductivity of the samples
led to appreciable losses in the rf coil; this required the
use of higher plate voltages and greater feedback than
usual in the marginal oscillator stage of the spectrom
Measurements below room temperature were made
with a Dewar-type cryostat,18 using either liquid nitro
gen or a dry-ice and alcohol slush as the refrigerant.
Higher temperatures were obtained with a gas flow
cryostat. The temperature of the sample was measured
by means of a copper-constantan thermocouple at-
18 H. S. Gutowsky, L. H. Meyer, and R. E. McClure, Rev. Sci.
Instr. 24, 644 (1953).
19 E. R. Andrew, Phys. Rev. 91, 425 (1953).
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsPRO TON MAG NET I C RES 0 NAN C E IN TIT A N I U M H Y D RID E 1193
tached to the outside of the sample tube with a heat
resistant glass tape.
The resonance shifts were measured by comparing
the magnetic field at the center of the proton absorp
tion in the titanium hydrides with that in a silicone
polymer, Dow-Corning Silastic Gum 400. Small pieces
of the silicone gum were inserted. between the turns of
the rf coil, so that the spectrum recorded was that of
the hydride with a small signal from the silicone super
imposed. The proton linewidth in the silicone is about
2 cps at room temperature and it is narrow enough to be
a good reference over a wide temperature range. In
the case of the lowest temperatures, about -95°C,
at which the shift was measured, tetramethyl silane
was used as the reference. It was sealed into thin glass
capillaries which were inserted in the rf coil ~eside
the tube containing the hydride.
Our presentation of the results is divided into three
main sections: the low-temperature rigid-lattice second
moments, the diffusional narrowing of the absorption at
higher temperatures, and the resonance shifts. One
feature common to all of the experiments is that the
absorption lines are simple, bell-shaped curves with no
evidence of structure. Moreover, although the lines
narrow at higher temperature, their shape otherwise
remains essentially the same.
A. Low-Temperature Second Moments
Experimental Results
The broad absorption lines observed at liquid nitro
gen temperature do not begin to narrow appreciably
until room temperature or above, depending upon
hydrogen content. This suggests that the low tempera-
TABLE 1. Linewidths and second moments of the proton 'magnetic
resonance absorption in titanium hydride at -196°C.
Observed Observed Theoretical
Composition linewidtha,b second moment second momentc
TiH1.607 12,1±0,1 gauss 22. O±O. 7 gauss' 21.3 gauss2
TiH1.719 12.4±0.2 23.1±0.6 22.4
TiH1.77D 12.7±0.2 24.3±0.45 23.0
TiH1.845 13.1±0.1 24.5±0.15 23.7
TiH1.933 13.5±0.15 25.7±0.55 24.6
TiH1.969 13.5±0.2 25.8±0.45 24.9
a The full width between the maximum and minimum on the derivative curve.
b The errors are the standard deviations of from 5 to 10 measurements.
C These values assume that the protons are distributed, at random, in the
tetrahedral sites only; they were obtained by applying corrections for the
tetragonal deformation and thermal expansion to second moments calculated
for the fcc structure at room temperature. The latter were taken from the
straight line at the bottom of Fig. 1, drawn through the points calculated from
the room-temperature lattice parameters of various authors for different hydro
gen con tent. 32
.... 28 "'en en
0 01 ..... 24 ... z
2 20 0
0 z 16 0
~ (I)
1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
FIG. 1. The dependence of the proton second moment upon
the hydrogen content of titanium hydride. The upper curve is a
least-squares straight line fitted to the experimental points q,'for
-196°C. The lower solid curve is a least-squares straight line
fitted to secone! moments calculated for room temperature from
the fcc lattice parameters of the following authors: 0 B. Stalin
ski [Zeszyty Nauk. Politech. Wroclaw. Chem. 4, 25 (1957)];
() B. Stalinski and B. Idziak, uIpublished results; • H. L.
Yakel [Acta Cryst. 11, 76 (1958) J. The calculations assume a
random distribution of the protons among the tetrahedral sites.
The dotted curve represents the conversion to -196°C of these
room temperature theoretical values, by correcting for the
tetragonal deformation and thermal contraction.
ture corresponds to a "rigid lattice" and that some
structural information might be gained from a detailed
analysis of the second moments.
Experimental values for the second moments were
obtained by numerical integration of several derivative
curves recorded at -196°C for each of the six samples.
The results are summarized in Table I and show a
systematic increase with hydrogen content, from 22.0
gauss2 for TiH1.607 to 25.8 gauss2 for TiH1.969. The
linear extrapolation indicated in Fig. 1 gives a value of
26.3 gauss2 for the second moment of the stoichiometric
compound TiH2 at -196°C. These values have been
corrected for the magnetic-field modulation broadening
which was of the order of 4% for all of the measure
ments. The linewidths, defined as the separation in
gauss between the inflection points of the absorption,
show an increase from 12.1 to 13.5 gauss paralleling
that in the second moment. These values agree with
that of 12 gauss reported by Garstens12 for TiH1.67 at
room temperature. However, our linewidths and second
moments are about 20% less than the values reported
by Maluchkov and Finkelstei n14 for room temperature.
The discrepancies may be due, at least in part, to the
fact that the signal-to-noise ratio is much better at
-196°C than at room temperature.
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1194 STALINSKI, COOGAN, AND GUTOWSKY
Theoretical Second Moments
Theoretical second moments of the proton absorp
tion may be calculated from Van Vleck's results for
the dipolar broadening in a rigid lattice. For a crystal
powder, the relation is of the form20
AH22 = (!)I(I+1)g2J.1oW-ILrjk~, (1)
where, for our purposes, I and g are the proton spin
and magnetogyric ratio, respectively, N is the number
of protons in the crystal, and rjk is the separation of
protons j and k. There are similar terms20 for the dipolar
broadening of the proton resonance by the Ti47 and
Ti49 nuclei; however, they constitute only about 0.5%
of the total. Therefore, although they were included
in the numerical results given, we shall not refer to
them again.
In principle, the substitution into Eq. (1) of an
experimentally observed second moment c~n lead to
the determination of one structural parameter. How
ever there is also the observed, essentially linear ,
dependence of the second moment on hydrogen con
tent and an additional structural feature might be ,
inferred from it. The positions of the titanium atoms
in the unit cell have been obtained quite accurately
from x-ray diffraction studies.4,5 However, the loca
tion of the protons is not known with any assurance.5,6
In particular, there are two types of interstitial sites
which the protons might occupy in the titanium lattice.
One set is located in tetrahedral positions with respect
to the titanium atoms; the other, in octahedral. There
is also the question as to whether or not the sites occu
pied in the nonstoichiometric hydrides are located at
random. The situation is favorable, inasmuch as there
are two observed quantities and two structural ques
Nonetheless there are some complications in com
paring the experimental second moments with values
calculated for various possible distributions of the pro
tons. The experimental values are most accurate at
liquid nitrogen temperatures because of the better
signal-to-noise ratio at low temperatures. Moreover, at
low temperatures the residual motional narrowing of
the absorption will be less. However, most of the known
structural parameters and their dependence upon
hydrogen content have been determined at room
temperature. Also, because of the second-order phase
transition, the calculation of low-temperature second
moments from these data must take into account not
only the volume change at lower temperature but also
the slight tetragonal deformation of the unit cell.
Fortunately both effects are small and can be de
scribed with sufficient accuracy by a simple analytic
expression so that the comparison of experimental
20 H. S. Gutowsky, G. B. Kistiakowsky, G. E. Pake, and
E. M. Purcell, J. Chern. Phys. 17, 972 (1949). and theoretical second moments for different tempera
tures can be readily made.
The lattice constants of the tetragonal unit cell are
identified as a=b¥-c, where c=a(l+A); and the
lattice constant of the cubic cell, as ao. By comparing
the sums of the contributions from the first and second
nearest neighbors, which constitute about 90% of
Li>jrii~ in Eq. (1) for the tetragonal and cubic
crystals, we find that the two total lattice sums are
related by the following approximate equation,
a6L"'ao6(1-':2A+4A2) L. (2)
The subscripts t and c refer to the tetragonal and cubic
crystals, respectively, and it is assumed that A is small
compared to unity. Thermal expansion is incorporated
into Eq. (2) by using the relations VI=a3(1+A)
and Vc=ao3 to eliminate a6 and ao6 in Eq. (2). This gives
the final result
which permits us to interconvert second moments at
-196°C and at room temperature, providing we know
the cubic lattice parameter at room temperature, the
thermal expansion, and A.
The x-ray studies4,5 show that the axial ratio c/ a is
about 0.945 at liquid nitrogen temperature. Hence,
taking A to be -0.055 and introducing the observed
change in molar volume with temperature,5 Eq. (3)
leads to a second moment at -196°C which is about
2% larger than at room temperature. This agrees well
with the approximate 0.5-gauss2 difference actually
observed and suggests that there is no significant
change in the motional effects on going from room
temperature to -196°C.
Location of the Hydrogen Atoms
Let us now consider the question of the location of
the hydrogen atoms. If octahedral as well as tetrahedral
sites are occupied, the observed second moment will
be the following average of the second moments for
protons in each of the sites,
AH22 = foct (AH22) oct+ ftet (AH22) tet, ( 4)
where the f's are the fractions of the protons in each
type of site. We now assume a random distribution
within each type of site and define the probability of an
octahedral site being occupied as a and a tetrahedral
site f3. Bearing in mind that there are twice as many
tetrahedral sites as octahedral, this gives
foct= a/(2f3+a) and ftet=2f3/(2f3+a). (5)
Furthermore, in the compound TiH2-B, a and (3 are
related to 8 as follows,
(2(3+a) =(2-8) or 2f3=(2-8-a). (6)
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Eq. (4) require the computation of the lattice sums
N-l~i>j1'i;~ of Eq. (1). However, the octahedral
sites are equivalent, as are the tetrahedral. Therefore,
we need only to pick a particular filled site of each kind,
labeled 0 and t, and compute the sums ! ~j1'oj~ and
! E j1' Ij ~ to all other filled sites j. The assumed random
distribution of filled sites makes it easier to take the
sums over all sites k, weighting each by the probability
of its being occupied. For the protons in the octahedral
sites, this approach gives
(.:1H22)oct= (~)I(I + 1) g2JLo2! E1'oj~, (7)
~1'oj~= ~1'ok~Pk= ~1'o!--6a+ E1'om-6,B
i " I m
= (115.6a+1322,B)ao~. (8)
The indices land m designate all octahedral and all
tetrahedral sites, respectively, surrounding the nucleus
at the origin of the summation. Similarly, for the pro
tons in the tetrahedral sites, one finds
E1'tj-6= E1'tk~Pk= E1'IZ-6a+ E1',m-s,B
i " I m
= (660.5a+537.7,B)ao~. (9)
The numerical values for the sums in the fcc structure
are from the literature21j they may be assigned by
noting that the octahedral-tetrahedral spatial relation
ship is equivalent to that of Ca and F in CaF2, and
that the octahedral holes and tetrahedral holes lie on
a fcc and a simple cubic lattice, respectively.
The appropriate substitution of Eqs. (5)-(9) in
Eq. (4) gives the dependence of the second moment
upon the probability a of an octahedral site being
.:1H2!=[(2-20+2.92a-1.46ao-1.74a2+0.50 2) /(2-0)]
X (.:1H22)tetO, (10)
where (.:1H22)tetO is the second moment for the stoi
chiometric hydride with only tetrahedral sites occupied.
For the case 0=0, or TiH2' this becomes
.:1H22 = (1+1.46a-0.87a2) (.:1H22)tetO. (11)
A value of 24.6 gauss2 is obtained for (.:1H22) tetO by
extrapolating the theoretical values in Fig. 1 to 0=0.
This is to be compared with the experimental value of
25.7 gauss2, which is the 26.3 gauss2 observed at
-196°C, corrected for thermal expansion and the
lattice change. Thus the observed second moment is
about 4% larger than that calculated for the fcc
hydride with only tetrahedral sites occupied. It follows
from Eq. (11) that a=0.025 and that the proportion
of all hydrogen atoms in octahedral sites is about 1.25%.
21 H. S. Gutowsky and B. R. McGarvey, J. Chern. Phys. 20,
1472 (1952). Actually this is an upper limit to the fraction of
protons occupying octahedral sites because there are
several other factors which can give an increase in the
second moment. One might expect the observed second
moment to be low because of the residual motional
narrowing effects. However, the symmetry of the lattice
is such that for even moderately large amplitude oscilla
tions, as many interproton distances are decreased as
are increased and by about the same amount, so the
net effect is very small. On the other hand, there are
several possible broadening mechanisms, including
spin-lattice relaxation, saturation, nonrandom distri
bution of the protons, and anisotropy in the tetragonal
lattice of the large proton resonance shifts. The Tl
broadening could be as much as 0.3 gauss2 if the proton
Tl were related to the resonance shift in the same fashion
as found for pure metals21j but direct measurement of
the proton T 1 gives somewhat longer timesll ("'-'0.3 sec)
than predicted on this basis ("-'0.1 sec), and the proba
ble broadening from this cause is correspondingly less.
The Tl is long enough for saturation broadening to
occur and there was some evidence for it even though
efforts were made to operate the experiments at very
low rf levels. In Sec. IILB., it is pointed out in the
discussion of the diffusion mechanism that about 1.25%
of the tetrahedral sites are inaccessible to hydrogen. If
these inaccessible sites are clustered, as indeed appears
to be very likely, then the second moment of TiH2--o.o25
should be (.:1H22)tetO, which would account for about 1
of the 4% discrepancy. The tetragonal deformation is
about 5% at -196°C; if there were a corresponding
anisotropy in the large proton shifts, it alone would
account for the difference.
A final argument on this point also concerns the
question of random versus nonrandom distribution of
the hydrogen in the lattice. In principle, the latter
question can be answered by the dependence of the
second moment upon hydrogen content. If the protons
were distributed at random among the tetrahedral
sites, one would predict, for example, that the second
moment would be given by
which is obtained by setting a=O in Eq. (10). At the
other extreme, if the "clustering" of protons were
complete so that the sample was a two-phase system of
pure metal and pure stoichiometric hydride TiH2 the
second moment would be (.:1H22)tetO, independent of
average composition. Less extensive clustering leads to a
smaller second moment, but one still larger than that
for a random distribution.
At first glance, Eq. (12) would seem to predict a
straight line through the origin. However, (.:1H22)tetO
is itself a function of 0 via the dependence of the unit
cell size upon hydrogen content. The calculated values
plotted in Fig. 1 include this dependence j the result
over the composition range of 0=1.55 to 0=1.98 is
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1196 STALINSKI, COOGAN, AND GUTOWSKY
12 -.. ..
~ .. o' 10
00 8
S 6
1&1 4 z
2 1.
6. 5,6
TiH 1.775
TiH 1.845
TiHI.969 FIG. 2. The observed proton line
width plotted as a function of tem
perature for the titanium hydride
samples. Not all experimental
points have been shown, to avoid
confusion. The effect of decom
position in sample 6 at high tem
perature is shown by the dotted
o ~ __ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ____ L-__ ~ ____ -L ____ ~~~~ __ ~ ____ ~
-200 -150 -100 -50 o 50 100
nonetheless a good straight line, but it has a 0=0
intercept of about 7 gauss2 rather than zero. The
experimental points agree quite well with this cal
culated line except for the 4% displacement already
noted. Also, the experimental line has a slightly steeper
slope than the theoretical, and the experimental
points could be fitted somewhat better by a parabolic
curve, concave downwards. This sort of nonlinear
behavior, if real, could result from a small tendency
for cluster formation. On the other hand, if the excess
broadening is from anisotropy of the proton resonance
shift, the strong concentration dependence of the
latter would account for the difference in slope and
shape of the theoretical and experimental curves. The
latter explanation is favored. 150 200 250
B. Diffusional Narrowing
Experimental Results
Figure 2 shows the linewidth plotted as a function
of temperature for each of the six samples. The line
width is defined here as the full separation between the
maximum and the minimum of the first derivative of
the absorption. It can be seen that the linewidth is
substantially constant at low temperatures but that
the absorption narrows quite rapidly with increasing
temperature starting near room temperature. More
over, the temperature at which the line width reaches
half its maximum value depends on the hydrogen
content of the sample, increasing from 66°e for TiH1.607
to 1300e for TiH1.933, as listed in Table II. In the region
TABLE II. Summary of quantities obtained from the diffusional narrowing of the proton resonance observed in the nonstoichiometric
hydrides TiH2--!.
Ii T.a Ea Ab POC
0.393 66°C 9A±0.5 kcal 1.69XI011 sec-1 OAIXlO12 sec-1
0.281 88 9.85 2.08 0.80
0.225 86 9.85 1.64 0.80
0.155 97 10045 2.35 1. 74
0.067 130 10.2 0.56 1.23
0.031 232(?)
a Tj is the temperature at the center of the linewidth change.
b A is the frequency factor obtained by fitting the logve vs liT plots with the equationvc=A exp(-EaIRT).
c .. o is the frequency factor corrected for the dependence oiPe upon the probability that a hydrogen has a neighboring vacant site into which it can jump; see
Eq. (15).
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of rapidly changing linewidth, it was found to be
important to "equilibrate" the sample for about an
hour before making a measurement. Otherwise, thermal
inhomogeneities could lead to appreciable errors.
Decomposition of a sample at higher temperatures
also could lead to spurious results. If decomposition
did occur, the sample would give results expected for a
sample of lower hydrogen concentration, and the ap
parent linewidth change would be displaced to lower
temperatures from the actual curve for the undecom
posed specimen. Evidence for such decomposition was
found only in the case of TiH1.969, the sample containing
the largest concentration of hydrogen. For this sample,
decomposition at high temperatures led to a discon
tinuous decrease in linewidth. However, upon slow
recooling, the sample reverted to its original composi
tion, as shown by its linewidth and second moment.
None of the other samples exhibited such behavior or
any thermal hysteresis in the line shape, so it is believed
that decomposition was important only in TiHl.969
at high temperatures. This is consistent with the condi
tions under which the samples could be prepared.
Activation Energy for Hydrogen Diffusion
The only type of motion which can produce the
observed averaging out of the dipolar broadening is
self-diffusion of the hydrogen. The extent of the narrow
ing depends upon the rate at which the motions occur,
as shown by the analyses of BPP22 and of Kubo and
Tomita.23 The rate of the motions is described by the
correlation frequency lie, which may be calculated from
the width 8H of the partially narrowed line by means
of the following slightly modified form of the BPP
lIe=2(2In2)1.l1l/ tan[lI'(oH/oH o) 2/2], (13)
where .lll is the observed linewidth in cycles per second,
and oHo is the observed rigid-lattice linewidth in gauss.
This equation is applicable only to a line shape which is
Gaussian in the low-temperature limit.
Fortunately, the proton line shapes observed in the
hydrides are very nearly Gaussian, as borne out by the
fact that the ratio of oH to the root second moment,
.lH2, is approximately 2. In addition, the general
shape of the absorption is preserved in the narrowed
lines, so that any errors resulting from the slightly
non-Gaussian character should be systematic. In
any event, we have used Eq. (13) to calculate the
temperature dependence of lie from the observed
temperature dependence of oH. These calculations
were made only for linewidths for which oH/oHo lies
between about 0.1 and 0.85. For narrower linewidths,
inhomogeneity and Tl broadening introduces errors;
while for broader lines, errors result from approxima
tions in the BPP theory.
22 N. Bloembergen, E. M. Purcell, and R. V. Pound, Phys.
Rev. 73, 679 (1948).
23 R. Kubo and K. Tomita, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 9, 888 (1954). ~
I.!I 9 7,0
4.5 I. TiH1,607
2. TiH1.719
3. TiHI.775
4. TiH1•845
5, nH1,933
I 32
40 L..._---'-__ ..1-__ ..L-__ ./..-_--i-_-J
2PO 2.25 2.75 3.00 325 3.50
FIG. 3. The Arrhenius plot of the diffusional correlation fre
quency Pc, for the five samples for which this plot was possible.
The values for Pc were obtained from the linewidths given in
Fig. 2, using Eq. (13). The least-squares straight lines are drawn
through the data for each sample.
The logarithm of lie has been plotted in Fig. 3 as a
function of the inverse of the absolute temperature.
It can be seen that these Arrhenius plots give a straight
line for each of the samples. The straight lines in the
figure were obtained by a least-squares fit of the data
for each sample. The lines are very nearly parallel to
one another. The activation energy Ea for self-diffusion
of the hydrogen can be obtained from the slopes of
the lines. The values range from 9.4±0.S kcaljg atom
for TiH1.607 to lO.4±O.S kcaljg atom for TiH1.933. The
results are listed in Table II and are plotted as a func
tion of composition in Fig. 4. It appears that there is a
small linear increase in Ea with hydrogen content;
however, the increase is of the same order as the possible
experimental error. The least-squares linear fit of the
data gives an extrapolated value of 10.5 kcalj g atom
for Ea in the stoichiometric hydride TiH2. These results
are considered in more detail in a subsequent paper.24
It describes a very simple electrostatic model which
leads to a semiquantitative explanation of the diffu
sional activation energy and the dependence upon
hydrogen content.24a
24 C. K. Coogan and H. S. Gutowsky, J. Chern. Phys. (to be
published) .
24& W. Spalthoff has recently investigated the proton magnetic
resonance in a number of hydrides including one titanium hydride,
of composition TiH1.98. For this sample he reports a low-tempera
ture (-190°C) linewidth of 11.8 gauss and the narrowing of the
absorption at higher temperatures, centered at approx 150°C.
In addition, his analysis of the linewidth change gives an activa
tion energy for proton diffusion of S.8±O.8 kcal/mole. These
values are all significantly below those which we report. Dis
crepancies of this nature would result if his sample had suffered
decomposition at the high temperatures 2S0-300°C which he
used in his experiments. We wish to thank Dr. Spalthoff for mak
ing his manuscript available to us prior to its future publication
in Z. physik. Chern.
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E o
"0 12.0 .--------------,
~ cr 10.0 w z w
z 9.0 o
~ 8.0 L--_-'--_-'-_-'--_----'--_--'
u ..: 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
FIG. 4. The activation energy for hydrogen-diffusion as a
function of composition. The activation energies!shown are de
termined from the least-squares analysis o(~he.:data given in
Fig. 3.
Diffusion Mechanism
The nature of the diffusion mechanism in our samples
is shown with remarkable clarity and directness by the
dependence of the diffusional jump frequency Vc upon
the hydrogen content. This dependence is obtained in
simple graphical form by taking the logvc versus 1/ T
curves for the different compositions in Fig. 3 and
constructing Vc versus composition isotherms from them,
as shown in Fig. 5. The points plotted on this diagram
are averages in that they were taken from the least
squares straight lines of Fig. 3, for each specified
temperature, and not directly from the experimental
points because Vc was not measured for all the samples
for exactly the same temperatures. It may be seen in
Fig. 5 that to a very good degree of approximation,
Vc is directly proportional to the stoichiometric defect
'" 8
,,>V 6
o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
FIG. S. Isotherms giving the dependence of Pc upon the stoichio
metric defect 0 in the compounds TiH2-<l. The data plotted here
are taken from the least-squares lines of Fig. 3. 0. The latter describes the concentration of vacant
tetrahedral sites. Therefore, it is clear that the diffu
sion occurs via a vacancy mechanism, i.e., a hydrogen
atom can diffuse only by jumping into an unoccupied,
neighboring tetrahedral site, at least for the tempera
tures over which oH changes rapidly.
Our results are fitted approximately by a single
equation of the form
vc=von(0/2) exp(-Ea/RT) , (14)
where 1'0 is a frequency factor, n is the number of neigh
boring tetrahedral sites to which a proton can jump, and
(0/2) is the probability of a tetrahedral site being
vacant. Equation (14) predicts that the isotherms will
be a family of straight lines going through the origin.
Scrutiny of Fig. 5 shows that this is essentially so.
The most striking exception is that the curves converge
at the point vc=O, 0=0.025 rather than at the origin.
This requires that (0/2) in Eq. (14) be replaced by
(!) (0-00) where 00=0.025.
Also, it may be seen that the experimental points for
large 0 fall above the straight line portion of the iso
therms for smaller 0, and that this is more pronounced
for the lower temperature isotherms. Deviations of this
sort would be expected from the linear dependence of
Ea upon o. However, the deviations are actually much
smaller than would be expected from this cause alone,
because they are very largely compensated by the
dependence of 1'0 upon o. This dependence is also
linear, as shown by the values summarized in Table
II. So we can write v~voO(1-Bo) and Ea=Ea°(1- Co),
where 1'0° and Eao refer to the stoichiometric compound
TiH2• With these revisions, Eq. (14) becomes
vc=vo°(1-Bo)n(!) (0-00) exp[ -(EaO-Co)/ RT].
The o-dependent term in the exponential can be approxi
mated as (1+Co/RT) , for small 0 and large T, giving
vc=vo°(1-BO)n(!) (0-00) (1 + Co/ RT)
X exp(-Eao/RT). (16)
The values of Band C/ RT are nearly equal so that
(1-Bo) (1 +Co/ RT""1, at least for moderate values
of 0, and our final result is
vc""voOn(!) (0-00) exp( -Eao/RT) , (17)
which describes the isotherms in Fig. 5 very well.
The "Frequency Factor" in the Diffusion Rate Law
Aspects of Eqs. (14)-(16) which merit further com
ment include n, the value of 1'0 and its dependence on 0,
and the significance of 00. All of these affect the fre
quency factor in the rate expression for the diffusion
of hydrogen. The value of n depends upon the type of
path along which the hydrogen diffuses. The tetra
hedral sites occupied by the hydrogen in the fcc titan-
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsPROTON M A GN ETl C R ESO NAN C E IN TITANIUM H YD Rl D E 1199
ium hydride lattice are in a simple cubic arrangement
with a cube edge of ao/2. It appears that the most
probable diffusion path is along the body diagonals of
these cubes.24 A given tetrahedral site has 8 such
diagonals leading from it; however, four are blocked
by the titanium atoms, so n is 4.
The experimental source of the frequency factors is
Fig. 3. Extrapolation to infinite temperature of the
logl'c vs l/T plots gives an Arrhenius frequency factor
which is the A in the equation I'c = A exp( -Ea/ RT).
These values, which are listed in Table II, include the
dependence of I'c upon the probable number, n(0/00)/2,
of neighboring vacant sites to which the hydrogen can
jump. The "true" frequency factor25 1'0 may be cal
culated from A by the relation, obtained from Eq.
(15) ,
1'0 = A/n(!) (0-00). (18)
The values which result are listed in Table II. It is
found that they increase with decreasing o. If this
dependence upon 0 is fitted by the linear relation 1'0=
1'0°(1-Eo), the values of 1'0 in Table II lead to a value
for 1'0° of about 1.8X1012 and for E of about 2.
The frequency factor is a weighted mean26,27 of the
vibrational spectrum of the hydrogen atoms in the
lattice. At first glance the numerical values of 1012
sec1 may seem to be low, but they are compatible
with the rather flat potential function calculated24
for the hydrogen in the vicinity of the tetrahedral
sites. Moreover, the steepness of the potential function
and also the value of the vibrational frequency should
increase with Ea; this agrees qualitatively with experi
ment. The difficulty in obtaining very accurate values
of 1'0 renders a more detailed discussion profitless at this
As to the significance of 00, it does not seem probable
that the passing of the isotherms in Fig. 5 through this
point could arise from experimental error. Each of the
isotherms is well defined and linear to a high degree in
the region of interest, and all the lines intersect at the
same point within very close limits. This nonzero
intercept can be interpreted according to the vacancy
mechanism as representing the nonavailability for the
purpose of self-diffusion of a small fraction 00/2 =0.013
of the tetrahedral sites. Such an interpretation agrees
with the experimental fact that it was not possible to
produce titanium hydrides with more hydrogen than
about TiH1.9s. The inaccessibility of this 1 % of the
tetrahedral sites could arise from several causes. One
possibility is suggested by the work of Bevington,
25 In this discussion, Pc should not be identified as precisely
equal to the frequency with which a proton jumps from one site
to another. They are related by a constant, of the order of unity,
whose value depends upon the complex correlation function
which describes the diffusional motions. See e.g., H. C. Torrey,
Phys. Rev. 92. 962 (1953) and the work cited in footnote II.
26 S. A. Rice, Phys. Rev. 112. 804 (1958).
27 D. Lazarus, Solid State Phys. 10. 86 (1960). Martin, and Matthews,28 who found that the addition of
small amounts of 0, N, and C to zirconium and titanium
reduces the saturation concentration of hydrogen in
the metal. The effects increase with the atomic radius
of the impurity; one atom of oxygen inhibits the solu
tion of one atom of hydrogen, while one atom of nitro
gen inhibits 4 to 6 atoms of hydrogen. Thus, only 0.2%
of the sites would need to be occupied by nitrogen to
produce the observed effect, and this is not unlikely.
Another possibility is that 00 represents sites which
are rendered inaccessible by edge dislocations. Cottrell29
has shown, using a simple elastic stress model, that a
considerable binding energy for interstitial atoms
occurs on the stress-favored side of the dislocation.
On the other side of the dislocation, the interstitials
are squeezed out. In order to have 1 % of the tetra
hedral sites inaccessible from this cause, there would
need to be about 1012 dislocations/cm2, with about 20
sites affected per atom plane. These figures are reasona
ble as the metal was cold-worked in the preparation of
the powder and was probably not annealed to a suffi
ciently high temperature subsequently to destroy the
dislocations. Determination of the actual cause of 00
requires further experiments, preferably ones in which
the value of 00 is changed reproducibly by cold-working
and annealing of the metal or by the controlled intro
duction of impurities.
Relation of Diffusion to the Crystal Structure
Because of the neutron diffraction 6 and proton
second-moment studies, it has been assumed in this
discussion of the diffusion mechanism that only tetra
hedral sites are occupied by hydrogen and that this
occupation is random. In addition, the diffusion iso
therms themselves afford very strong evidence for the
first of these points. If the octahedral sites were oc
cupied to a fractional extent d, then the concentration
of tetrahedral vacancies would be (d+ 0), the I'c for
diffusion would be approximately proportional30 to
(d+o) and the intercept of the diffusion isotherms
would be at approximately o=-d. The fact that the
intercept is observed at +0.025 and that there is
independent support for this being equal to the con-
o centration of inaccessible vacancies is strong evidence
that even though the protons go through the octahedral
sites, they don't sit there long.
However, the diffusion data offer no conclusions
on the question of random occupancy of the tetra
hedral sites. If the vacancies coalesce to form vacancy
pairs or groups of higher order, as do negative-ion
28 C. F. Bevington, S. L. Martin, and D. H. Matthews, Proc.
11th Int. Congress on Pure and App!. Chern. 1, 3 (1947).
29 A. H. Cottrell, Dislocations and Plastic Flow in Crystals
(Oxford University Press, New York, 1953).
ao There would be some deviation from a linear relationship be
cause occupation of an octahedral site would partially block dif
fusion to an adjacent tetrahedral site, if it were vacant; but this
effect would approach zero as the tetrahedral vacancy concen
tration became small.
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1200 STALINSKI, COOGAN, AND GUTOWSKY
vacancies in alkali halides, the probability of there
being a vacancy adjacent to a particular hydrogen
atom will be reduced. The net result is that "c is reduced
by a factor of the form (1-k20-kg02 ••• ) where k2,
kg· •• incorporate the association equilibrium con
stants and give the net effect of the association on the
diffusion probability. Unfortunately, this functional
form is indistinguishable from the dependence of "0
upon Ea, and thus upon 0, which was discussed in con
nection with Eq. (15).
Finally, there does not appear to be any direct rela
tion between the diffusion of the hydrogen and the
various structural anomalies which occur just below
room temperature. In fact, the diffusion rate is too
low at these temperatures to produce any significant
narrowing of the dipolar broadening, so there is little
hope of detecting any anomalous change in the diffu
sion rate in the vicinity of the other anomalies.
C. The Proton Resonance Shift
Experimental Results
It was found, by the method outlined in Sec. ILB,
that the proton resonance is shifted upfield in the
titanium hydride samples from its position in the
silicone reference. That is, the shift is in the opposite
direction to that of the Knight shift found in most
metals.I6 The shifts are from 0.6 to 2 gauss out of 6300,
which is very large for protons. However, because of
the dipolar broadening, the shifts are a modest fraction
of the linewidth, so considerable pains were taken to
determine whether or not the shifts were real and, once
this was apparent, to obtain accurate measurements of
Inasmuch as an external reference was used in the
shift measurements, the effect of magnetic field in
homogeneities was checked by changing the relative
positions in the rf coil of the sample and of the silicone.
This caused small changes in the apparent shift, but
they were, at most, less than T\ of the observed shift.
The magnetic field was swept from high to low fields,
as well as from low to high, to ensure that magnetic
hysteresis or lags associated with the integrating and
recording system did not contribute to the apparent·
shift; but no differences were found.
None of the particles of titanium hydride were larger
than 10-3 cm in diameter, so that one would predict31
any skin effects upon the resonance position to be less
than a part in 105, which is small compared to the ob
served shifts of several parts in 104• As a precaution
against the possibility of larger effects being produced
by aggregation of the small particles, a sample was
mixed with carbon tetrachloride to break up surface
contacts between particles. The same shift was ob-
31 A. C. Chapman, P. Rhodes, and E. F. Seymour, Proc. Phys.
Soc. (London) B70, 345 (1957). tained. Moreover, the absorption lines did not show
any evidence of the asymmetry typical of skin effects.
Any correction for the bulk magnetic susceptibility
is also small compared to the resonance shifts. If we
assume that the sample approximates an infinite
cylinder normal to the magnetic field, the measured
bulk susceptibilityl leads to a correction of the order of
three parts in 105. However, this is a maximum because
the reference was contiguous with the sample proper.
The results of all these experiments are consistent
with the proton shifts being a real phenomenon, to be
attributed to interactions at the atomic and nuclear
levels, rather than to an instrumental or a bulk effect.
Therefore, detailed measurements were made of the
dependence of the shifts upon hydrogen content and
temperature. Each shift reported is the mean of at
least ten measurements; this number of measurements
were made because the shifts are a small to moderate
fraction of the line width and the signal-to-noise ratio
left something to be desired. No effort was made to
apply any corrections for bulk susceptibility effects
because of their relative smallness and uncertainty.
The proton shift was measured at room temperature
for all six samples. From the results plotted in Fig. 6,
it can be seen that the shift is a definite function of
hydrogen content. It is approximately constant at
0.01 % between TiH1.6 and TiH1.85, but then increases
sharply to 0.03% for TiH1.97. The temperature de
pendence of the proton shift was measured for TiH1.607
and TiH1. 969, which are the samples at the end of the
composition range investigated. The results given in
Fig. 7 show that the shift in TiH1.607 is virtually inde
pendent of temperature while that in TiHl. 969 shows a
pronounced anomaly at about 15°C.
C\I 0.04F-__ ~
: 0,03
I en
~ 0.02
!r 0.01
OL-__ -L __ ~L_ __ _L __ __'
1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
FIG. 6. The room-temperature shifts in the proton resonance,
plotted as a function of hydrogen content. The errors shown are
the standard deviations of ten or more measurements. All shifts
are in the direction of higher applied magnetic fields. The curve
fitted to the experimental points for TiH1.607 and TiH1.969 was
calculated by means of Eq. (32). The curve at the top of the
figure is the bulk susceptibility, in cgs units per gram, as re
ported in the;work cited in footnote 1.
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsPROTON MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN TITANIUM HYDRIDE 1201
0.05 5.0
Ti HI•969
"'2 0.04 TiH 4.0
.. Ti
":.. 0.03 3.0 "'2 ... " :;: t ~ (f)
2.0 w
!c( ....
1.0 w 0: 0.01
oL---~--~~~~=-~~~~~ -100 -50 0 +50 +100 +150 .+200
FIG. 7. The shifts in the proton resonance of TiIL.so7 and
TiHl 969 plotted as a function of temperature. The errors shown
are the' standard deviations of ten or ~ore meas~rements. All
shifts are in the direction of higher applied magnetlc fields. The
curve fitted to the experimental points for TiH1•969 at -100°
and 15°C and that for TiH1.607 at room temperature were calcu
lated by means of Eq. (32). The curves at the top <?f the figure
are the bulk susceptibility, in cgs units per gram, as mterpolated
from the results reported in the work cited in footnote 1.
Comparison of the Shifts with Other Observations
The most striking aspects of the proton shifts are
their large magnitude and their direction. The shifts
observed in the titanium hydrides are an order of
magnitude larger than the total range of 3 parts in 105
for proton shifts in ordinary diamagnetic compounds.
For example, we searched for a shift in solid CaH2, at
room temperature, but without positive results, that is
ItJ.H/H I <0.001 %. Nor, apparently, is there a report
for any of the other stoichiometric hydrides of a proton
shift of the magnitude found for TiH2_o• However,
proton shifts have been found in two other nons to i
chiometric hydrides. In the case of VHO•66 Oriani et al.32
found a relatively large upfield shift of 0.0095%, which
is comparable with those reported here for the titanium
hydrides of lower hydrogen content; but they also
reported a negligible proton shift in TaHo.33• On the
other hand, in PdHo.6, NorberglO found a small down
field shift of 0.0017%, which is the direction of the
normal Knight shift.16 Thus, it seems probable that
large shifts are to be found only in the interstitial,
metal hydrides, but not in all of them.
Except for their direction, the proton shifts in the
titanium and vanadium hydrides are reminiscent of
the Knight shift in metals. In fact, the hydrides exhibit
electrical conductivity and bulk paramagnetism similar
to the pure metals. The Knight shift in metals is well
knownI6 and arises from the interaction of the conduc
tion electrons, near the Fermi surface of the metal,
with the metal nuclei. In an externally applied magnetic
field H, these unpaired electrons have a net sp~n
polarization x;H which contributes a local magnetIc
field at the nucleus. This local field l:!.H is proportional
82 R. A. Oriani, E. McClirnent, and J. F. Youngblood, J. Chern.
Phys. 27,330 (1957). to the product of xpH and the density < ItM(O) 12)AV
of the conduction electrons at nucleus M. In particular,
the local field shifts the resonance position by a frac-
tional amount
l:!.H/H= (8'n/3)xpa( IlfM(O) 12)AV, (19)
where the superscript a on Xp indicates that the Pauli
or spin susceptibility is in atomic units. If the suscepti
bility is given in cgs units per gram, XpG, Eq. (19)
where M is the atomic or molecular weight of the
In this expression, < ItM(O) !2)AV is unknown and
cannot be calculated for most metals, and so the
assumption is made that an indication of its value can
be obtained from the equivalent expression for the
free atom, IlfA(O) 12• There are several ways of obtain
ing the latter,16 of which the most direct is from the
experimental determination of the atomic hyperfine
coupling constant, a(s), which is given by
a(s) = (167l'/3) (fJ.r/I»)J.B IlfA(O) 12, (21)
where fJ.r and I are the nuclear magnetic moment and
spin, respectively, and ILB is the Bohr magneton. With
the further definition of ~ as
~= < IlfM(O) !2)AV/ ItA (0) 12, (22)
which is of the order of unity, we can write Eq. (20) as
where gr is the nuclear magnetogyric ratio. It is to be
noted that the shift results from the contact part
teO) of the electronic wave function and that, therefore,
only s conduction electrons make a direct contribution.
The shifts predicted by this equation are opposite in
sign to those observed for protons in the titanium
hydrides; but the magnitudes can be comparable
depending upon the values of ~ and XpG. In fact, both
positive and negative proton shifts of the same magni
tude as those in the titanium hydrides have been
found in solid free radicals.33 These shifts are proportional
to the spin susceptibility and distribution in the radical
of the unpaired electron and depend upon the electron
nucleus hyperfine interaction as do the Knight shifts.
Therefore it is of interest to compare the proton shifts
with the spin susceptibility of the titanium hydrides.
Unfortunately, the latter is not directly available, as
it is difficult to separate the spin and diamagnetic
components from the bulk susceptibility x. However,
the spin susceptibility is of the same order as the bulk
susceptibility, and for the transition metals it is a pretty
fair approximation to take them as equal because the
33 T. H. Brown, D. H. Anderson, and H. S. Gutowsky, J. Chern.
Phys.33, 720 (1960); and earlier work cited therein.
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1202 STALINSKI, COOGAN, AND GUTOWSKY
effective mass m* of the electron is large.84•35 On this
basis, Eq. (23) predicts that the proton shifts should be
proportional to the bulk molar susceptibility, x=Mxu•
However, the change in hydrogen content causes M to
vary only from 49.5 to 49.9 g mole-I, which can be
neglected; therefore, our comparisons are given in terms
of the XU values from the literature.
Figure 6 includes the dependence upon hydrogen
content of XU as well as of the proton shift. It may be
seen that both XU and the shift increase with increasing
hydrogen content. However, XU has a small anomaly
at TiH1.79, for which there may be no counterpart in the
shift, but more shifts would need to be measured in the
vicinity of this composition to establish the point.
Probably of more importance is the fact that over the
range of hydrogen content investigated, the shift
increases by a factor of three while XU increases by only
about 15%. In Fig. 7, the temperature dependence of
XU parallels that of the shift for the two samples in
vestigated. Particularly striking is the correspondence
between the anomaly in the shift and in XU at 15°C
for TiH1.969. This shows very clearly that the proton
shifts are directly related to the magnetic susceptibility
of the electrons in the hydrides. However, again the
quantitative comparison is poor in that the shift at the
anomaly is larger than that at -50°C by a factor of
about 1.5 while XU is only about 5% larger.
It seems that there is no simple, direct link between
the diffusional motion of the hydrogen and the proton
shifts. The sample of TiH1.969 exhibits an anomaly in
the shift over a temperature range where there is
negligible diffusion. On the other hand, for TiHl.607 the
lie for diffusion is of the order of 10" secl at 50°C, lie
changes considerably over the temperature range for
which the proton shift was measured, and yet there are
no anomalies in the shift. Of course, it is conceivable
that there is an inverse relationship between the
anomaly and the hydrogen diffusion; that is, the hydro
gen diffusion disrupts the interactions producing the
anomaly and reduces the magnitude of the anomaly in
the samples of lower hydrogen content.
Origin of the Proton Shifts
From the results discussed in the foregoing section,
we conclude that the proton shifts are related to some
electronic interaction or property which makes an
appreciable, but not dominant contribution to the bulk
magnetic susceptibility of the titanium hydrides. There
are several such possibilities. The diamagnetic or orbital
effects of the conduction electrons produce shifts to
higher fields. However, detailed calculations35 have
shown that these contributions are at most of the
order of a few percent of the spin effects, so it seems
reasonable at this stage to consider further only the
34 C. Kittel, Solid State Physics (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, 1956), 2nd ed., p. 295.
36 T. P. Das and E. H. Sondheimer, Phil. Mag. 5, 529 (1960). There are three ways in which the spin polarization
of the conduction electrons can lead to a shift in the
proton resonance:
(a) The conduction electrons themselves can have a
finite density at the protons. This, however, would
give rise to a Knight shift which we have already noted
is opposite to the observed shifts. Therefore, any con
tribution of this nature must be overcome by the
mechanism(s) responsible for the negative sign of the
observed proton shifts.
(b) There can be a direct bonding overlap between
the conduction electrons and electrons localized in 1s
orbitals centered on the protons. By the Pauli exclusion
principle, this would pair the spin of the 1s electron
antiparallel to that of the conduction electron, and
there would result a proton shift opposite to the Knight
shift. This type of effect we will denote as a "direct
exchange" interaction.
(c) The conduction electron density on the titanium
atoms can participate in an exchange interaction with
the bonding electrons in atomic orbitals centered on
the titanium atoms. This Hund's rule coupling tends
to orient the spins of the bonding electrons parallel to
those of the conduction electrons. The bonding elec
trons centered on the titanium atoms transmit the
spin polarization, with a change in sign, to the protons
via the exchange interaction in the covalent part of
the Ti-H bond. The model is similar to that for the
C-H fragment,a6 where a positive spin polarization oi
an odd electron in the 71' orbital on the carbon gives rise
to an upfield shift of the proton resonance.33 This
mechanism will be called an "indirect exchange."
It is beyond the scope of this work to attempt a
general a priori calculation of the various electron
electron, electron-nucleus, spin-spin interactions which
we have divided in the fashion just described. For
example, it is very difficult to estimate the indirect
exchange to better than an order of magnitude in the
simpler, isolated-fragment case.36 Instead, we will
present an ad hoc analysis which seeks to identify the
factors responsible for the major features of the ob
served proton shifts. These include the sign and magni
tude of the shifts and their dependence upon tempera
ture and sample composition.
From a phenomenological viewpoint, we assume that
the proton shift is proportional to XHa, where the latter
is the spin susceptibility of electrons "on" the hydrogen
atoms, expressed in gram atomic units. The effects of
the direct and indirect exchange interactions between
the conduction electrons, which presumably are con
centrated on the titanium atoms, can be combined in
the expression
This means that there is a probability 1/ for the spin
36 H. M. McConnell and D. B. Chesnut, J. Chern. Phys. 28,
107 (1958); and prior work cited therein.
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsPRO TON MAG NET I eRE SON A NeE IN TIT A N I U M H Y D RID E 1203
susceptibility XTi" of conduction electrons "on" the
titanium atoms to be transmitted with a change of sign
to electrons about the protons. As defined here, '1'/
includes the effects of both the degree of the spin
exchange and the extent to which the orbital on the
hydrogen is occupied. One might next be inclined to
say that XP, the spin susceptibility of the conduction
electrons, should equal XTi". However, this leads to the
result that XTia is directly proportional to xu, and that
the proton shift is also directly proportional to xu.
But this is incompatible with the observed tempera
ture dependence of the proton shifts, unless the polariza
tion exchange probability '1'/ in Eq. (24) is very sensi
tive to temperature. To be sure, one would expect some
dependence of '1'/ upon temperature and hydrogen
content; however, for simplicity we will assume it to
be constant and explore the consequences.
A comment on notation may be helpful here. The
symbol XP has been used to designate the Pauli sus
ceptibility, which is the spin susceptibility of the con
duction electrons. Titanium hydride differs from metals
in that according to our atomic orbital model, XP is
but one of several contributions to the total molar
spin susceptibility x.. Nonetheless, one would still
expect the latter to be approximately equal to the bulk
susceptibility in the hydride, i.e., x.=Mxu, just as
xp=Mxu in the metals. The effective mass of con
duction electrons is large in the transition metals, so
their diamagnetic, orbital contributions to the bulk
susceptibility are very smaIl34,35; and one would expect
this to apply to the titanium hydride as well, because
the Ti-Ti distance in the hydride is not very different
from that in the metal and the conductivity is of the
same order. Moreover, in the hydride, the electrons
centered on the protons contribute mainly to x. be
cause they are s electrons.
With '1'/ constant, the temperature dependence of
the proton shift can be fitted by assuming that there is
a relatively large, constant component of x. which is
not involved in the exchange interactions; that is
where xo and Xou are constants and X.,exM is the net
component, in gram mole units, of the spin suscepti
bility of electrons associated with the exchange inter
actions. This latter quantity consists of opposing con
tributions from electrons centered on titanium and
hydrogen atoms. For TiHz_6, this approach leads to
the relation
which, upon substitution of Eq. (24) and rearrange
ment, becomes
This can be related to the observed bulk susceptibility per gram XU via Eq. (25), giving
XHa= -M(xg-xoJl) 1[1-(2-6h]' (28)
Equation (28) provides a basis for calculating from the
bulk susceptibility the proton shift produced by the
exchange interactions.
For this purpose, we modify Eq. (23) for the Knight
shift by substituting XHa for Xp. This gives
(AHIH)ex=a(s)xHa~H/2gIJ.l.B' (29)
where ~H is the ratio of I~(O) IH2 for a ls electron on a
hydrogen atom in the titanium hydride solid to that for a
free hydrogen atom. In addition to the exchange inter
action, there is the possibility that the conduction
electrons themselves have an appreciable density at
the protons and thus makes a direct Knight-type
contribution to the proton shift.37 This requires a model
similar to that applied with considerable success to the
case of substitutional alloys,16 except that allowance
must be made for the difference in conduction electron
density about the hydrogen atom compared to the
titanium atom. A difficulty arises, however, in deter
mining the value of the spin susceptibility to be as
sociated with this direct Knight shift. Probably it is as
reasonable a choice as any to use XTi" for this purpose
On this basis one obtains
(AHIH)K=a(shTia~TiH~H/2gIJ.l.B, (30)
where hiH is defined as the ratio
~TiH= < 1~(H) !2)AVI < 1~(Ti) 12)Av. (31)
In both Eq. (29) and Eq. (30), a(s) is the hyperfine
interaction constant for the free hydrogen atom. The
Knight-type contribution can be expressed in terms of
the bulk susceptibility XU by elimination of XTia with
Eqs. (24) and (27). The final result is
=[a(s)~H/2gIJ.l.BJ 1-(2-6)71 . (32)
The various experimental observations of the proton
shifts are fitted at least semi quantitatively by this
equation with more or less reasonable values for the
four adjustable parameters ~H, ~TiH, '1'/, and Xou•
Comparison of the Exchange Interaction M odd
11.!ith Experiment
For the temperature dependence of the proton shift
in a specific hydride, Eq. (32) reduces to the form
37 This contribution was not included in the preliminary analysis
reported in work cited in footnote 24. However, if it is not in
cluded, an unreasonably low value of 0.125 is required for ~H in
order to fit the data.
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1204 STALINSKI, COOGAN, AND GUTOWSKY
where the "constant" Aa depends upon o. A value of
3.25 is obtained for Xou by fitting this equation to the
experimental proton shifts and bulk susceptibilities
at -100° and 15°C for TiH1.969. The solid curve drawn
through the experimental shifts plotted in Fig. 7 for
TiH1.969 was calculated from the bulk susceptibility at
the top of the figure by means of Eq. (33) with this
value of 3.25 for Xou• The parameter 'Y/ can now be
evaluated via Eqs. (32) and (33) from the ratio of
Aa for samples of two different compositions. In this
manner a value of 0.37 is obtained for 'Y/ from the room
temperature proton shifts and bulk susceptibilities
of TiH1.607 and TiHl.969. The temperature dependence
of the proton shifts in TiH1.607 has been calculated
from the experimental bulk susceptibilities given at the
top of Fig. 7, using Eq. (33) with 'Y/=0.37 and Xog=
3.25. The solid curve at the bottom of the figure shows
the results.
Thus far we have considered only the relative
values of the proton shifts. The various constants in
Eqs. (32) and (33), excepting 'Y/ and Xog but including
~H and hiH have been treated as a scale factor. The
latter two remaining parameters can now be evaluated
by fitting Eq. (32) to the numerical values of the shift
and bulk susceptibility at a point. For consistency, we
have used the values for TiH1.607 at room temperature.
The result is not a unique value for both ~H and hiH but
a function relating one to the other, namely,
By employing this condition in Eq. (32) along with
'Y/=0.37 and xou=3.25, we have calculated the depend
ence of the proton shift upon sample composition from
the bulk susceptibilities plotted at the top of Fig. 6.
The result is the solid curve drawn at the bottom of
the figure.
It can be seen that this and the other calculated
curves agree reasonably well with experiment. The
temperature dependence of the shifts is fitted very
well. However, the observed dependence upon composi
tion is nearly an exponential rise as the stoichiometric
compound is approached, while the calculated curve is
hyperbolic. In treating the dependence upon composi
tion, one might argue about the effects of the inaccessi
ble sites. For instance, should not the term in the
denominator of Eq. (32) be (2-0-(0) rather than
(2-o)? If the former is used, one obtains a slightly
different value for 'Y/; however, the agreement between
calculations and experiment is not affected materially.
There is some slight evidence that the positive charge
on the hydrogen increases with hydrogen content24; if
true, this would decrease 'Y/ and improve the fit between
the calculated and experimental shifts.
The values of the various parameters obtained by
fitting the experimental data with Eqs. (29)-(34)
appear to be feasible. Although Eq. (34) does not
provide a numerical value for either hiH or ~H, an independent estimate can be made for ~H. Even here,
there are a large number of factors which could affect
the value, such as a van der Waals expansion of the
electron orbital,38 electrostatic effects of the surround
mg titanium atoms, and reduction of orbital overlap by
contraction of the hydrogen orbital. Hydrogen is most
closely related to the alkali metals and for Li, Na, Rb,
and Cs, ~ increases in the sequence16 0.43, 0.72, 1.00,
and 1.3, respectively. Therefore, a value of about 0.4
seems appropriate for ~H; and, in any case, one would
not expect ~H to be greater than unity. Accordingly,
hiH would be about 0.27 and no larger than 0.32.
Returning to Eqs. (29) to (32), we note that this
requires the Knight contribution to the proton shift to
be nearly i as large as the exchange contribution.
Hence, the analysis suggests that the proton shifts
result from a fractional difference in the opposing
effects of the Knight and exchange contributions.
The value of hiH itself seems feasible. It represents
the decrease of the conduction electron wave function
in the vicinity of a titanium atom, and the estimated
value of 0.27 is certainly less than unity as would be
expected. Moreover, a value as large as 0.3 is not out of
the question because each hydrogen atom is surrounded
by a tetrahedral first shell of titanium neighbors for
which the H-Ti internuclear separation is only "'-'1.9 A.
Of course, if XP were used, instead of the smaller quan
tity XTia, to calculate the Knight-type contribution,
hiH would be less by a reciprocal factor.
This raises the question of the significance of Xou. It
represents a large component of the spin susceptibility
which does not participate in the exchange interactions.
This is compatible with our use of XTia in Eq. (30),
which assumes that Xou does not participate in the
Knight-type contribution to the proton shift, because
both involve the conduction electron distribution at the
"exterior" of the titanium atoms. This suggests that
Xou be interpreted as a contribution to the spin suscepti
bility from the titanium "cores." The outer electron
configuration of titanium is 3d24s2 and it is possible that
either the d or s electrons are involved preferentially
in the exchange interactions. In principle, this could be
checked by observing the titanium resonance shift in
the hydrides. In this regard it is suggestive that Xou is
very nearly the same as XU for the pure metal. In fact,
the experimental results can be fitted somewhat better
by using XU for the pure metal in Eqs. (32) and (33)
instead of Xog = 3.25. This procedure gives a slightly
lower value for 'Y/, 0.34 instead of 0.37, with a correspond
ing modification in Eq. (34) for the value of hiH•
The picture emerging is one in which each hydrogen
atom donates some fraction of its 1s electron to the
conduction band of the solid hydride. The proton shift
and the change in bulk susceptibility of the hydride
from that of the metal are determined largely by the
electrons contributed to the conduction band and by
38 F. J. Adrian, J. Chern. Phys. 32, 972 (1960).
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsPRO TON MAG NET I C RES 0 NAN C E I N TIT A N I U M H Y D RID E 1205
the electron density remaining localized in the hydrogen
Is orbital. Accordingly, the fact that TJ is less than unity
results at least in part from incomplete occupancy of
the hydrogen Is orbital; and it would seem that the
hydrogen has a net positive charge, counter to what
would be expected from electronegativity arguments.
The value of 0.37 found for TJ is acceptable insofar as
we can jUdge. It equals the extent to which the hydro
gen Is orbital is occupied times the factor describing
the extent of the spin coupling by the exchange mechan
ism(s). Thus, the value of 0.37 for TJ corresponds to a
range in occupation number from unity to 0.37 while
the reciprocal range for the coupling factor is 0.37 to
unity. In the . C-H radical fragment, for which the
hydrogen Is orbital is essentially fully occupied, a
factor of about 0.05 describes transmission by the
indirect exchange mechanism of the spin polarization
of the unpaired 7r electron to the hydrogen Is electron.
This factor should be several fold larger for titanium
because of its larger nuclear charge. However, it is
unlikely to be as large as the required minimum value
of 0.37, which suggests that the direct exchange inter
action is important.
An entirely different approach to the nature of the
shifts can be based upon the relation between the
Knight shift and the spin-lattice relaxation time in
metals. Korringa39.40 has derived the following ap
proximate expression for the metal nucleus,
Experimental values of the proton Tl are availablell
for TiH1.77 from room temperature to 400°C. The Tl
value remains virtually constant over the lower 60°C
of this range, decreasing from 0.39 sec at room tempera
ture to 0.35 sec at 90°C. The effects of self-diffusion
begin to be important at higher temperatures and the
Tl decreases sharply. However, the Tl at lower temper
atures is due presumably to the interactions with the
conduction electrons. If Eq. (35) applies to the protons
as one would expect for the model described, the room
temperature shift of 0.01 % corresponds with a Tl of
0.09 sec. The factor of 4 between this value and experi
ment is within the approximations. Moreover, the
temperature dependence observed for Tl is in accord
with Eq. (35). It is of interest that the net proton shift
must be used in Eq. (35) to obtain agreement with
experiment. If the Knight or the exchange contribution
to the shift were used, or the sum of their absolute
values, the observed TJ would be 35, 65, and 200 times
longer, respectively, than that calculated with Eq.
39 J. Korringa, Physica 16, 601 (1950).
40 N. Bloembergen and T. J. Rowland, Acta Met. 1, 731 (1953).
A recent careful study of the shifts in NaTI, by W. D. Knight
and H. E. Schone, has substantiated that the shifts are -0.16%
for Na and -0.5% for TI, in qualitative agreement with Bloem
bergen and Rowland (private communication); H. E. Schone,
Ph.D. thesis, University of California (1961). Negative Knight Shifts in Other Systems
On the basis of the very limited information available
on proton shifts in other nonstoichiometric hydrides,
they appear to be related to the nuclear charge Z of
the metal. Starting at low Z, the room-temperature
proton shifts are -0.012% for TiH1.607, -0.009 5% for
VHO.66,32 0.0000% for TaHo.3332 and +0.0017% for
PdHo.66.1O In view of the sensitive balance of opposing
factors which govern the shifts, this apparent Z de
pendence could very well be accidental. Further study
of these systems is needed to check the basic features
of the model proposed before one can inquire, for
example, whether the differences in the proton shifts
of particular hydrides result mainly from the effects
of the radius ratio and electro negativity of the metal
on TJ or from other differences in the nature of the
conduction band.
In our preliminary report/5 there was included an
attempt to evaluate TJ for VHO•66 using the observed
proton shift in combination with that for V51 in the
hydride compared to that in the metal. It is now
apparent that the situation is more complex than was
then assumed. However, there are some qualitative
features which illustrate what might be gained by
detailed studies of the metal as well as of the proton
resonance shifts. By combining Eqs. (24), (29), and
(30), we can express the proton shift in vanadium
hydride as
/lH/H=aH~H(~yH_TJ)xva/2gH/.I.B. (36)
Also, Eq. (23) gives the Knight shift for the vanadium
resonance in the hydride to be
ky=/lH/H =aY~Vxk.va/2gy/.l.B, (37)
where Xk.ya is that portion of the Pauli spin suscepti
bility which contributes to the V51 Knight shift, and
Xya is that involved in the exchange interactions.
A value of 0.72% is obtained for ky in VHO•66 by
adding the 0.17% downfield shift observed for the V51
resonance in it compared to the metal,32 and the 0.55%
Knight shift for the metal itself.16 Upon substitution
of this and the other available experimental data into
Eqs. (36) and (37) and dividing the latter, one finds
TJ=~yH+0.094(~Y/~Ii) (Xk.ya/xya). (38)
If the same values, 0.3 and 0.4, are assumed for ~y H
and ~H as were employed for titanium hydride, and a
value of 2.7 for ~y,16 Eq. (38) becomes
Even when allowance is made for the fact that 2.7 is
probably too large a value for tv, Eq. (39) gives a
reasonable result for TJ only if Xk.ya<Xya. That is, the
spin susceptibility of conduction electrons contributing
to ky is less than that of the conduction electrons
participating in the exchange interactions with the
hydrogen atoms. However, even though this might be
Downloaded 23 Nov 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1206 STALINSKI, COOGAN, AND GUTOWSKY
explained by saying that the exchange interaction
involves only the d electrons of the vanadium 3d34s
outer configuration, the 0.17% V61 shift between the
hydride and the metal requires that the s electrons be
affected as well. More detailed analyses of such ques
tions can be based upon the bulk susceptibilities.
Moreover, it would be helpful if the resonance of the
conduction electrons could be observed.
The first report of negative Knight shifts was made
by Bloembergen and Rowland,40 who observed nega
tive shifts for both components in an ordered inter
metallic compound NaTl. There is some doubt about
the Na23 shift, which is small (-0.016%) and may be
due to a chemical shift or to uncertainty about the
datum for shifts. The authors tentatively suggested
that the effect may be due to configurational interac
tion,41 in which an inner s electron is promoted to a
higher s-type orbit in the conduction band. Negative
Knight shifts have also been reported for the Al27
resonance in the magnetic rare earth intermetallic
compound s42 having the cubic Laves structure, for ex
and (3 Mn,43 for Pt,44 for Sn and Ga in the intermetallic
41 A. Abragam and M. H. L. Pryce, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A205, 135 (1951).
42 V. Jaccarino, B. T. Matthias, M. Peter, H. Suhl, and J. H.
Wernick, Phys. Rev. Letters 5, 251 (1960).
43 V. Jaccarino, M. Peter, and J. H. Wernick, Phys. Rev.
Letters 5, 53 (1960).
44 T. J. Rowland, J. Chern. Phys. Solids 7,95 (1958). compounds NbaX and VaX,45 and for the Pt, Ga, Sb,
and Si resonances in the intermetallic vanadium com
pounds VaX.46 An exchange interaction between the f
electrons localized on the rare earth atom, and the
conduction electrons has been proposed as the origin of
the negative aluminum shifts.42 Our results for titanium
hydride have been interpreted in terms of exchange
interactions of somewhat different character, and it
appears likely that the negative shifts in the intermetal
lie compounds also involve exchange interactions.
One of us (B.S.) would like to thank the Institute of
International Education and the Ford Foundation for a
Visiting Senior Scholarship which made this work
possible. Another (C.K.C.) would like to thank the
C.S.I.R.O. for leave of absence and to acknowledge
with gratitude the support given by the International
Cooperation Administration under the Visiting Scien
tist Program administered by the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America.
4l> R. G. Shulman, B. T. Wyluda, and B. T. Matthias, Phys.
Rev. Letters 1, 278 (1958).
46 W. E. Blumberg, J. Eisinger, V. Jaccarino, and B. T. Mat
thias, Phys. Rev. Letters 5, 149 (1960).
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1.1722230.pdf | Physical Properties of Titanium. II. The Hall Coefficient and Resistivity
Georgiana W. Scovil
Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 27, 1196 (1956); doi: 10.1063/1.1722230
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Downloaded 10 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 27. NUMBER 10 OCTOBER. 1956
Physical Properties of Titanium. II. The Hall Coefficient and Resistivity*
Bryn Mawr College, Bryn M awy, Pennsylvania
(Received April 26, 1956)
The Hall coefficient of titanium has been measured over a temperature range from 3500K to 1 tOO oK. The
coefficient is -2.0X to-Um3/coulomb near room temperature, reverses sign at (675±30)OK, and increases to
a value of +3.5X to-um3/coulomb at l100oK. The measurements were made on titanium samples which had
a purity of 99.99%. The samples were heated by direct current, and the temperatures were determined
indirectly from the resistivity measurements which were made with each Hall measurement. The resistivity
is 0.48 microhm m at 350oK. It increases to a maximum of 1.76 microhm m at the crystal transi
tion temperature.
MEASUREMENTS of the Hall coefficient and the
resistivity of a metal supply information which
is useful in determining the densities and the mobilities
of the charge carriers which take part in electrical
conduction. This information for titanium is of special
interest because titanium is a transition metal with a
hexagonal structure at ordinary temperatures and a
body centered cubic structure above 1155°K. Since
both electrons and holes contribute to conduction in
the transition group no quantitative deductions can be
made from these data alone. However, it is hoped that
a study of the variation of these electrical properties
with temperature in the regions on both sides of the
crystal transition may lead to further information on
the electronic structure. The results for the low tem
perature a phase are reported in this paper.
The titanium samples which were used for these
Hall measurements were supplied by Rem-eru Tita
nium, Inc. A chemical analysis of one sample showed an
over-all purity of 99.99%. The principal impurities were
silicon, nitrogen, and oxygen. Although no analysis
was available for the other samples, the agreement
among the measurements indicates that they were of
comparable purity.
Each filament, 12 cm in length and about 0.3 cm in
width, was cut from either 10-or 20-mil sheet titanium.
It was mounted along the central axis of a chamber
which could be evacuated, and it was held under tension
by means of a titanium spring. The filament passed
through a 0.95-cm air gap between 4A5-cm diameter
soft steel pole pieces of an electromagnet which supplied
magnetic fields of between 0.35 and 0040 wb/m2•
Two different Hall probe arrangements were used; a
three probe1 and a two probe system. In both cases the
leads of 0.002-in. platinum wire were welded directly to
the titanium near the center of the filament and then
brought to O.057-in. Nichrome leads mounted perma
nently to the chamber cover. Resistivity leads were
welded to the filament at points about 3 cm each side
of the Hall leads.
* This paper is a portion of the thesis submitted by the author,
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor
of Philosophy, to the faculty of Bryn Mawr College. The samples were heated by direct current, and the
temperatures were determined indirectly. Each time an
equilibrium condition was reached, both the Hall
voltage and the resistivity were measured. The tem
peratures corresponding to the resistivities are shown in
Fig. 1. This curve was determined using the equation
for the power dissipated in the central section of a
J2pL/bd= 2 (b+d)Lft(]'(T4- To4),
where I is the current, band d are the width, and the
thickness of the filament, L is the distance between the
resistivity leads, ft is the total emissivity, (]' is the
Stefan-Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature of
the filament, and To is the ambient temperature. The
values used for the total emissivity were those reported
by Michels and Wilford in the first paper of this series.2
Their resistivity curve for the commercial metal is
shown for comparison. The lower resistivities and
higher temperatures obtained with the present samples
are indicative that the purity of the titanium is higher
than was that of the wire available in 1948. The Hall
voltages were amplified by means of a Liston-Becker,
model 14, breaker type de amplifier, which under ideal
conditions has a noise level which is within a factor of
two of the limiting Johnson noise. The amplifier has a
twenty-ohm input resistance. The amplified signal was
fed to a Brown recording potentiometer.
I 160 0 /' + FILAMENT 8
I-120 / • FILAMENT 9
;; / MICHELS &
t= / WILFORD If) 80 l/)
20 1000 1400
FIG. 1. Resistivity vs temperature for titanium.
t Now at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York.
1 F. Kolacek, Ann. Physik 4, 1491 (1912). 2 W. C. Michels and S. Wilford, J. Appl. Phys. 20, 1223 (1949).
Downloaded 10 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsHALL COEFFICIENT OF TITANIUM 1197
At each temperature the Hall voltages were deter
mined as follows: The compensating circuit was ad
justed to minimize the deflection obtained when the
filament current was reversed in the absence of a
magnetic field. With the filament current flowing in a
given direction the magnetic field was established and
the voltage between the probes was recorded. The
magnetic field was reversed 10 to 15 times at half
minute intervals. Then the filament current was re
versed and the process repeated. The average change
of voltage on reversal was determined as twice the Hall
voltage. To check any unknown variation which might
have occurred during a reading, a third set of data was
recorded with the filament current again in the first
direction. A known test signal was included with each
recording. Measurements were generally made at in
creasing temperatures, but at frequent intervals the
temperature was lowered and a check measurement was
taken. Figure 2 shows the variation of the Hall coeffi
cient with temperature.
The Hall coefficient for titanium reverses in sign from
negative to positive at a temperature of (67S±30tK.
This reversal occurs well below the transition tempera
ture at which the crystal form changes from the hexago
nal to the body-centered cubic form. Therefore it cannot
be explained in terms of a gradual shift in the relative
amounts of the two crystal forms present.
Titanium has a hexagonal structure in the entire
range in which these measurements have been made
and it is probable that the coefficient of thermal ex~
pansion differs along the various crystal axes throughout
this range. This would indicate a change in the relative
crystal dimensions and, therefore, in the interactions of
the atoms. The shapes of the energy bands may there
fore be expected to change and the mobilities of the
current carriers and their contribution to the Hall
effect to be affected. The density of states curve for
"body-centered cubic nickel" has been calculated in
dependently by Slater and Koster3 and by the writer
but the more difficult calculation for the hexagonal
structure has not been completed. If the latter cal
culation were made, it would be possible to determine
whether a change in the d band with an increase in
temperature was in the necessary direction to explain the
observed reversal of the Hall coefficient. Figure 1 shows
an extreme nonlinearity in the resistivity curve at
temperatures well below the transition point. This
would support the assumption of a change in the d band
with temperature, for an increase in either the density
of carriers or their mobilities would account for the
departure from linearity. If this is the major factor
influencing the conducting properties of titanium the
change in the energy bands must favor an incr~ased
mobility for the holes.
As the temperature is increased any change in the
relative densities of the holes and electrons would also
3 J. C. Slater and G. F. Koster, Phys. Rev. 94, 1498 (1954). f
Z w
~ Or---4~O~0---r--~~~+---~~-+--~1~0~00~-+
::I:-2 + FILAMENT 9
FIG. 2. Hall coefficient vs temperature for titanium.
lead to a change in the Hall coefficient. If the over
lapping 4s band shifts its position with respect to the
3d band, the position of the Fermi level will shift and
there will be a change in the fraction of the carriers in
each band. If the shift favors a decrease in the density
of holes there will be an increase in the hole mobility and
the positive Hall coefficient would be favored.
It would be of interest to make Hall measurements in
the region above the transition temperature. If the ob
served increase in the Hall coefficient is a result of a
nonsymmetrical thermal expansion of the hexagonal
structure, the coefficient would be expected to level off
in the body-centered cubic region.
Several effects found superimposed on the Hall effect
limited the temperatures reached in this investigation.
As the. temperature increased, a consistent drift ap
peared m the ~ecor.ded voltages, its direction depending
on both the dlrectlOn of the maanetic field and on the
direction of the filament curren~. The temperature at
which the drift first appeared was different for each
filament, and an extrapolation back to the time of the
magnetic field reversal gave good agreement with the
readings which did not show the drift. A second voltage
appeared superimposed on the Hall voltage. It could be
separated from the Hall voltage for it did not reverse
with the magnetic field. However, it did increase in size
with increasing temperature and did decrease the
accuracy with which the Hall voltages could be deter
mined. Investigation seems to indicate that these two
difficulties were due to a lack of symmetry in the
~hermal system. Plans are under way to redesign and
Improve the methods used in an effort to minimize these
limiting effects and make possible a determination of
the Hall coefficient in the neighborhood of the crystal
transition temperature.
The experimental results reported in this paper show
the variation with temperature of the Hall coefficient for
the low temperature a phase of titanium. The coefficient
is -2.0X 1O-1lni.3/coulomb just above room tempera
ture. The change as the temperature is raised indicates
Downloaded 10 Mar 2013 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jap.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions1198 GEORGIANA W. SCOVIL
an increasing contribution to the conductivity by holes.
The coefficient reverses sign at (67S±30tK and
reaches 3.SX lO-nm3/coulomb at 1100oK. Several pos
sible reasons for this reversal have been suggested and
further work has been proposed which may lead to
more definite information on the density of states of
this transition metal.
This work was carried out while the author held the
Pennsylvania-Delaware Fellowship awarded by the American Association of University Women, and was
done as part of a broader program supported by a
Frederick Gardner Cottrell Grant of the Research
Corporation. The author wishes to express appreciation
for the support of both of these groups, and to extend
thanks to Rem-Cru Titanium, Inc. who supplied the
titanium samples. The encouragement and valuable
criticism generously given to the author by Dr. Walter
C. Michels is gratefully acknowledged.
Viscoelastic Properties of Ice
Department of Physics, Polytechnic Institllte of Brooklyn, Brooklyn 1, New York
(Received April 9, 1956)
An apparatus has been constructed for the study of deformation under tension of single and polycrystalline
ice. Deformations down to 10-5 cm could be measured. Deformation of single and polycrystals was investi
gated as a function of time, stress, and temperature. Whereas the strain rate for polycrystaIIine ice decreases
with time, that for single glacier ice increases linearly with time. The deformation for fine-grained poly
crystalline ice consists of an instantaneous elastic deformation, a transient creep and a steady state creep.
Deformation curves can be represented by empirical equations. The recovery curves on removal of the loads
have also been investigated and the plastic flow has been deduced from the residual deformation after
complete recovery. This plastic flow was found to be Newtonian within the range of stresses investigated
and the viscosity coefficients can be represented by an exponential relationship as follows: 'II = 7.5· e+l6100IRT
poises, where 16 100 calories is the energy of activation for the plastic flow. The total deformation can be
represented satisfactorily by a large number of Voigt units representing a distribution of retardation times,
in series with a MaxweII unit.
The experimental results are further discussed in the light of current theories of dislocations and tentative
mechanisms for the deformation of single and polycrystalline ice are proposed.
VERY little quantitative and systematic informa
tion on the viscoelastic properties of ice is avail
able. Hessl investigated the deformation of ice bars and
V. V. Lavrov2 measured the plastic flow of bars under
constant load. More recently Glen3 made a study of the
mechanical properties of ice cylinders, especially under
The present work is concerned with the strain experi
enced by poly and single crystalline ice cylinders under
tension. These measurements were performed over a
range of stresses and temperatures. The recovery of
the specimens after removal of the load was also investi
gated. The analysis of the experimental results throws
light on the mechanism of the deformation of ice.
(a) Apparatus and Technique
The apparatus is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a steel
frame resting on a heavy plate as shown in the figure.
* Present address: S.I.P.R.E., Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army,
Wilmette, Illinois.
I H. Hess, Z. Gletscherkunde, 21, 1 (1940-41).
2 V. V. Lavrov, Zhur Tekhn. Fiz. 17, 1027 (1947).
3 J. W. Glen, Proc. Roy. Soc. A228, 519 (1955); with H. F.
Perut .... , J. Glaciol. 2, 111 (1952); Nature 172, 721 (1953). This apparatus rests on a metal plate, which can be
levelled horizontally. One of the steel columns carries a
Statham strain gauge, which can be moved vertically
along the steel column. There is also a gear arrangement
for fine adjustment, enabling vertical movements of the
order of 10-4 cm to be carried out. The other column
carries a small brass platform, which can be slid ver
tically along the column and screwed tight to it at any
desired height. The platform itself can be raised or
lowered at any fixed position at the column by means
of a spring and lever device. The whole apparatus is
placed in a thermostated and well insulated wooden
box. A bare thermocouple inside the box showed tem
perature variations not larger than 1/20°C. The output
of the Statham gauge was passed via an amplifier to a
Leeds and Northrup Pen Recorder. For the highest
sensitivity used, one division on the recorder (total
100 divisions) corresponded to a deformation of the
ice specimen of 2 x 10-0 cm.
Ice blocks of about 2.5 x 2.5 x 10 cm were frozen
directly on to aluminum cylinders of 2.5 cm diameter
and 2.5 cm height. The surface of these cylinders onto
which the ice was frozen was suitably roughened to in
crease the adhesion between metal and specimen. The
other surface was machined flat except for a rod of 3 cm
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1.1735152.pdf | Effect of Space Charge Fields on Polarization Reversal and the Generation of
Barkhausen Pulses in Barium Titanate
A. G. Chynoweth
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 30, 280 (1959); doi: 10.1063/1.1735152
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1735152
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IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:56:18JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 30, NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1959
Effect of Space Charge Fields on Polarization Reversal and the Generation
of Barkhausen Pulses in Barium Titanate
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated, Murray Hill, New Jersey
(Received June 13, 1958)
The rate of generation of Barkhausen pulses in barium titanate when the polarization direction is slowly
reversed is profoundly influenced by the form of the voltage cycling given to the crystal. It is concluded
that the rate of nucleation of new domains is determined by the field near the electrodes which, in turn, is
the resultant of the applied field and a relaxing space charge field. This result follows directly if the Bark
hausen pulses represent individual nucleations though this assumption is not crucial since the generation
rate of the pulses parallels the total current at all stages of the polarization reversal. It is concluded also
that the majority of the Barkhausen pulses occur independently of each other and of their surroundings.
COMPLETE reversal of the polarization state of
barium titanate crystals takes several seconds or
even minutes if suitably low applied field strengths are
used. During this period many individual charge pulses,
called Barkhausen pulses, c-ani'le resolvedl and a study
of these has-been made in the hope that it would yield
information about the details of the polarization
reversal process. In these investigations it was observed
that the Barkhausen pulse behavior was influenced by
the form of the field cycling and from the experiments
described in this paper it is concluded that relaxing
space charge fields were modulating the nucleation rate
of new domains. The results of a study of the Bark
hausen pulses themselves and their interpretation have
been published elsewhere.2
The single crystals of barium titanate were entirely
c domained with the polarization vector in the thickness
direction. They were grown by the Remeika method3
from a melt containing 0.2 atomic percent of iron to
counteract, somewhat, the effects of reduction at high
FIG. 1. (a) Circuit used for production and detection of Bark
hausen pulses. (b) Voltage cycle applied to crystal.
I Newton, Ahearn, and McKay, Phys. Rev. 75, 103 (1949).
2 A. G. Chynoweth, Phys. Rev. 110, 1316 (1958).
3 J. P. Remeika, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 76,940 (1954). temperatures. The processed units were about 3 mm
square and of the order of 10-2 cm thick, They were
provided with circular evaporated platinum electrodes
on opposite major faces and contact to these was made
by thin strips of silver foil affixed by minute spots of
air-drying silver paste.
The circuit used for producing and measuring the
Barkhausen pulses is shown schematically in Fig. 1 (a).
To obtain reproducible data it was necessary to subject
the crystal to regular voltage cycling and accordingly,
the switches Sl, S2, in the circuits that controlled the
voltage cycle were actuated by cams on a steadily
rotating shaft.
10 0'----,3o":O--"6o---:9':-o---:~20::-----:-:'15-:0--:-:18'::O--:-'210
FIG. 2. Barkhausen pulse counting rate versus time during
switching for different values of the applied voltage.
When both switches Sl and S2 were in position 1, a
positive voltage was applied to the crystal. With the
switch S3 connected to the large condenser Cl, this
voltage increased slowly with the time constant RICl•
With S 3 connected to the much smaller condenser
C2, and with Rl=O, a steady voltage was applied to
the crystal; the value of C2 was sufficient to insure that
the voltage source presented a very low impedance
to the crystal circuit for the frequencies equivalent to the
Barkhausen pulses. At the end of the time tl, indicated
in Fig. 1 (b), SlA moved to position 2, thereby dis
charging condenser Cl (or C2). Shortly afterwards, S2A
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IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:56:18SPACE CHARGE FIELD EFFECTS IN BaTiO a 281
moved to position 2, thus applying a negative voltage,
V 2 to the crystal. After a time t2, switch S2.4 returned
to position 1 followed by S 1.4 returning to its position
1, thus restarting the voltage cycle with the positive
voltage VI.
The spurious noise signals that entered the amplifiers
when SlA closed to position 1 were prevented from
being recorded by the scaler by switch SIB, ganged to
SIA. SIB controlled a voltage applied to a gating circuit
on the scaler; the time delay, a fraction of a second,
between SIAl closing and the scaler being gated on was
controlled by the integrating circuit R3C. and the
settings of the trigger levels in the gating circuits. In
all cases, this delay resulted in a negligible number of
pulses being missed by the scaler. Barkhausen pulses
were counted only while positive voltage was applied.
At the end of 11 the scaler was gated off, thereby
avoiding further spurious counts from transients.
The voltage pulses arising from the Barkhausen
effect were fed on to the grid of a cathode follower
FIG. 3. Barkhausen pulse counting rate versus time during
switching with a positive voltage immediately after having a
negative voltage applied to the crystal for various periods. The
value of the positive voltage was 3.0 v and it was applied for,
approximately, 120 sec.
through an RC coupling circuit, the constants of which
were chosen so as to maintain a sufficiently high input
impedance consistent with the further requirements
that the circuit should have an adequate integrating
time constant for the pulses and that the voltage swing
at the grid due to the positive voltage should quickly
die out. The resistor R completed the necessary de
circuit for the crystal while its value determined the
integrating time constant for the input circuit. Per
manently connected into the circuit was the small
calibrated condenser Ce. Voltage pulses of known height
applied to this condenser produced charge pulses of
known magnitude allowing the input circuit to be cali
brated. The voltage pulses were led from the cathode
follower to the conventional pulse amplifiers and finally
through a pulse height analyzer to a scaling circuit or a
ratemeter. The latter was used for the experiments
described in this paper.
The variation of the counting rate with time was
measured when the crystal was subjected to square w
i= Z 10
° u ~ r--
If r'\
J h
'/ .
' I r----t
I' I
3 I
2 I -...
~ i ----
'\ ~
\ I ------
c-__ ---f--------
~ V2 12
'-.::!..O TS
,~ ~ ~ :-...,
"-.~ ~ " " 6
4\ 5 9"
~ '" f"...
10 2 \
o 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
FIG. 4. Barkhausen pulse counting rate versus time during
switching with a positive voltage immediately after having various
negative voltages applied to the crystal. The value of the positive
voltage was 3.0 volts and the negative field was applied for 10 sec.
voltage cycling, that is, with switch S3 connected to the
smaller condenser C2. The discriminator bias level was
set at about twice the noise level and the input circuit
time constant was made long compared with the rise
times of the majority of the pulses but short enough to
avoid pulse pile-up in the amplifier at the counting
rates involved. It was verified that under these condi
tions, all but a small fraction of the total number of
Barkhausen pulses was recorded. The integrating time
constant of the ratemeter was made short compared
with the rate at which the counting rate varied. The
output signal from the ratemeter was recorded as a
function of time on a paper recorder.
Semilogarithmic plots of counting rate versus time
are given in Fig. 2 for various values of the applied
field with /2= 30 sec and V 2= 24 v. For the highest
values of VI used, the counting rate, R, increases im
mediately to a high value followed by a decay which is
exponential to within the errors of measurement.
(Because of the necessarily short ratemeter time con
stants, the recorder traces, in general, were rather noisy
and the curves plotted in Figs. 2, 3, and 4 represent
smoothed data.) At lower values of VI, R at first in
creases slowly, passes through a peak, and then decays,
again approximately exponentially. The initial increase
in R takes place more and more slowly as VI is lowered
while the time, 1M, taken for R to reach its peak in
creases. Figure 3 shows a rather similar trend in the
curves as the time 12 is increased, all other parameters
being kept constant. A tendency towards a similar
pattern occurs again in Fig. 4 as V2 is increased. These
sets of curves obtained by varying Vj, V2, and t2 in turn
are typical of the behavior of the many crystals tested.
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IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:56:18282 A. G. CHYNOWETH
Curves very similar to those of Fig. 2 have been ob
tained by Kibblewhite.4
In further experiments the period between the nega
tive field pulse and the subsequent positive field pulse
was varied. It was found that as this period was in
creased, the subsequent ratemeter curves progressively
changed from rapidly rising and falling to the more
slowly rising and falling forms. Thus, during the off
period, whatever effect the negative field had on the
crystal gradually died out.
By integrating under the ratemeter curves, it was
established that the total number of pulses generated
by the crystal during switching was unaffected by any
of the field treatments to within the limits of experi
mental error. This fact has been repeatedly confirmed
in other measurements.2
Experiments described elsewhere2 have shown that
in the crystals used for these experiments, the genera
tion rate of the pulses is proportional at all times to the
total switching current throughout the polarization
reversal. Therefore, since the current, at low fields, is
controlled by the nucleation rate, so likewise will the
rate of generation of the Barkhausen pulses follow the
+1 +
+ +
+ ++ -
+ + 2// + 'Z~
(C) 1-fJ + +
++ + + - +
+ +
,cW-t1'H <9' ___ 1.._ ],.
o -t
FIG. 5. piagrams illustratiI1;g !he space charge model proposed
for explammg the charactenshc shapes of the counting rate
• A. C. Kibblewhite, Proc. lnst. Elect. Engrs. (London) I02B
59 (1955). ' nucleation rate. It has also been suggested that Bark
hausen pulses represent domain nucleation events
though such a direct relation is not essential to the
present argument and in fact, in view of more recent
studies,6 it is now known that at least some Barkhausen
pulses have their origin when sideways moving domain
walls approach each other closely. For present purposes,
it is sufficient to suppose that domain nucleation events
take place at the crystal surfaces and that nucleation
will depend markedly on the field conditions near the
electrodes. Thus, the pulse generation rate, which is
proportional to the nucleation rate, will reflect the field
conditions near the crystal surfaces. It will be assumed
that, over the limited range of fields used in these experi
ments, the number of domains (nucleating sites) is
independent of the field, so that the number of Bark
hausen pulses is proportional to the number of domains.
(This assumption follows directly from the fact that the
total number of pulses is independent of the field if the
pulses represent either domain nucleations or domain
walls colliding.)
Letting N be the total number of pulses and n the
number that have been generated by time t, we can
then put the counting rate R= (dn/dt), proportional to
the product of (N-n) and the nucleation probability.
For the latter, Merz6 arrived at a function of the form
exp (-a/E), where a is a constant and E is the field
strength. Because, for a given field, the field factor is
constant while (N-n) is continually decreasing, (dR/dt)
must be negative at all times. This is clearly not the
case, indicating that some additional process or factor
has been overlooked.
From inspection of Figs. 2, 3, and 4, it is clear that
increasing either V 2 or t2 produces an effect qualitatively
equivalent to reducing VI. One possible mechanism that
could produce such effects would arise if the negative
field gradually drives out residual domains that act as
nuclei during the subsequent positive pulse. In this
case, however, the subsequent ratemeter curve would
be unaffected by the duration of the off-time between
the negative and positive, which is contrary to experi
ence. Furthermore, the constancy of N argues against
this hypothesis. A more plausible hypothesis is that the
magnitude and duration of the negative field can affect
the switching processes when a positive field is subse
quently applied through the agency of relaxing space
charge fields. The presence of space charge fields would
result in a field distribution in the crystal different from
that produced by the applied field alone. Furthermore,
if the charges are somewhat free to move, the resultant
field inside the crystal will vary with time. The following
model is proposed, therefore, to explain, qualitatively,
the observed behavior.
Consider the crystal to be initially in a space charge
free or neutralized condition and suppose that there is
• R. C. Miller, Phys. Rev. 111, 736 (1958).
6 W. J. Merz, Phys. Rev. 95, 690 (1954).
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IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:56:18SPACE CHARGE FIELD EFFECTS IN BaTiO a 283
present in the crystal a supply of carriers of both sign
that are able to move under the influence of a field. (It
is not essential to the argument to have both signs of
carrier mobile.) An externally applied field will cause a
drift of the negative charges towards the anode and of
the positive charges toward the cathode. As the elec
trode-crystal contacts are almost certainly imperfect
there will be some pileup of carriers at the two elec
trodes, as indicated in Fig. Sea), an equilibrium space
charge field distribution eventually being attained as
shown in S(b). The resulting space charge fields in the
regions close to the electrodes will be strong and in the
same direction as the applied field while in the interior
of the crystal there is a much weaker space charge field
opposing the applied field. Thus, the field near the
electrode will increase with time in a manner suggested
in Fig. S(c) where E+ is the applied field strength and
E8+ is the equilibrium space charge field close to the
electrode. When the applied field is reversed to E_, the
space charge fields near the electrodes at first oppose
the applied field. Gradually, however, they will disperse
and collect in the configuration opposite to the previous
one, as in Fig. S (d) with the resulting space charge field
distribution represented in Fig. See). The variation of
the effective field with time while E_ is applied will be
as in Fig. 5 (f). Reversing the applied field again the
effective field will vary with time as indicated in Fig.
S(g). It will be supposed in the following that all meas
urements are made while the positive field is applied
and that it is maintained long enough for the space
charge field to reach its saturation value E.+ On the
other hand, it will not be assumed, necessarily, that the
space charge saturation field Es-is attained with the
negative field. Let J1. represent the change in the space
charge field from its value E,+ while the negative field
is applied. Then J1.=/E,+/+/Es-/ if saturation is
attained in the negative direction. Let A=E++Es+.
Then, at time t= 0 with the positive field applied, the
effective field strength near the electrode is (A -J1.).
Clearly, if the effect of the negative field on the space
charge distribution is only slight, (A -J1.) > E+, and
the space charge aids the applied field throughout the
switching while the net field shows very little time vari
ation. On the other hand, if the space charge field is
modified appreciably while the negative field is applied,
(A-J1.) <E+, and the space charge field at first opposes
the applied field but eventually helps it. Probably, the
time variation of the net field in the positive direction
can be represented to fair approximation by an expres
sion of the form
E=A-J1. exp( -t/T), (1)
where T is the relaxation time for the movement of the
space charge.
Thus the main effect of a mobile space charge will be
to produce time variations of the net field in those
regions of the crystal where nucleation is supposed to be
taking place, that is, mainly near the surfaces of the 5 ,-,
U '<,.-
':' 10-~l~
~ 5
19 2
~ 10-2
:J o
o 5 /
~ 10-3
:J 5 / <lC
2/1 ::;
0: o z 10-0 I\. 1 :--b-.
"'""" 1/
VI !\ '\
II 1\
\ 1\
1\ -5000
\ /.1-500 VOLTS/CM
-i-----t:::::. r-.. 1500 -1200
i"'-I r-
~ 1000 -.-;
,\3000 2000 I,r-j-t-
t\4~ t- J'..
I\. ......
1 .... -r--;-t--\ I
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 3540 4550 55 60 65 70
FIG. 6. Forms of the counting rate curve for various positive
fields, as obtained from theoretical analysis of the space charge
crystal. 6 There will be much smaller effects in the
interior of the crystal resulting in net fields slightly
lower than the applied field. This may reduce by a
proportionate amount the velocity of a domain wall.
Hence, from the model presented, it is expected that the
most important effect of the space charge fields will be
on the nucleation rate.
The expression for the counting rate can now be
R~ (df/dt)=K(l-f)
Xexp{ -a[A-J1. exp( -t/T)]-I}, (2)
where K is a dimensional constant and f=n/N. Then
f=O at 1=0. Solutions to this equation have been com
puted for various values of the field strength param
eters, A and J1.. Merz has shown7 that the value of a that
is determined from switching current pulse studies
depends on the crystal thickness, with a decreasing
towards a constant value of about 5000 v cm-I as the
thickness increases. For thin crystals it is believed that
the apparently higher values of a arise because the sur
face layers of the crystal do not take part in the switch
ing on account of the large space charge fields located
there. For the present analysis, the above value (as
sumed to be the true one) was taken for a. From in
spection of the counting rate curves, a reasonable value
for Twas 7.5 sec. This choice is not critical since the
time scale can be normalized.
Figure 6 shows solutions of Eq. (2) for various values
of A (in volts cm-I), a value of 500 v cm-I being chosen
for J1.. Varying A corresponds to the experimental situa
tion where V I is varied, and comparing Figs. 2 and 6
it is apparent that Eq. (2) represents very well the
various experimental curves as long as suitable values
are chosen for A. To be noted is the similarity between
Figs. 2 and 6 as regards the spread in the slopes of the
curves for large t and the position of the maxima. In
particular, the spread in the values of VI in Fig. 2 is
relatively much less than the spread in the values of A
7 W. J. Merz, J. Appl. Phys. 27, 938 (1956).
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IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:56:18284 A. G. CHYNOWETH
.-. 10-....,
·W 1
~ 10-2
Z ;:::
:::J o 5
U 10-3
o w
II 5
§! 10-4 I-
I /
I ~ ~ ~o, I t--. ~ ~ ~t-... '10100 "0 5~~~S
"~"I' -=--
i'. = 2000
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
FIG. 7. Forms of the counting rate curve for a given positive
field as obtained from theoretical analysis of the space charge
model for various degrees of disturbance of the space charge field
while the negative field is applied.
required to produce a comparable array of curves. This
fact will be discussed in the following.
From the above discussion of the behavior of the
space charge field it is reasonable to suppose that the
change, J.I., in the space charge field while the negative
voltage is applied increases with both V2 and t2• How
ever, it is clear that the set of curves obtained by vary
ing J.I. in (2) will not resemble the experimental curves
very closely. Varying /L alters the magnitude of the
time-dependent factor but does not alter the eventual
slope of the semilog plot of R versus t, the latter being
given by exp( -a/A). The solution of (2) for various
values of /L, A being put equal to 2000 v cm-1, are given
in Fig. 7. It is apparent that, as in the experiments,
there is an increase in tM with /L but, on the other hand,
Eq. (2) leads to very little variation of the peak value
of R with /L. Thus, Eq. (2) is an over-simplification
when it comes to explaining the dependence of the
counting rate curves V2 and t2. Better agreement could
no doubt be obtained if A were made some function of
/L and V 2 instead of VI alone. Furthermore, the assump
tion that T is a constant is probably a poor one; cer
tainly T will depend on the field and consequently, will
vary with the field throughout the crystal. Also, inspec
tion of Fig. 3 suggests that there may be at least two
relaxation times associated with the movement of the
space charge; if the series of curves for t2 ranging from
1 to 160 sec is extrapolated to t2= 0, the resulting curve
shows a decay in R still slow compared with that
obtained experimentally after momentary application
of V 2. This shows that /L changes considerably during
the first second of t2, and thereafter changes much more
slowly. In spite of approximations in the theory, how
ever, it is felt that the agreement with experiment is
sufficient to confirm the mobile space charge field
hypothesis. Further refinements could be made to the
theory in principle though the solution of the modified
Eq. (2) would be tedious to obtain; such a procedure is
unwarranted for the present experiments.
The final slope of the ratemeter curves yield values for A, the field strength in that part of the crystal where
nucleation is taking place. The values of A so obtained
cannot be regarded as the field right at the electrode,
however, as it is likely that nucleation occurs mainly in
some indistinct region towards the inner boundary of
the surface space charge layer. This might account for
the qualitative discrepancy between the spreads in the
values of V 1 and A referred to above. It also makes any
further analysis based on standard blocking-layer
theories of dubious value. However, with this caution
in mind, it is interesting to note that, using relations
that have been derived by von Hippel et al. for the space
charge behavior in alkali halide crystals,S estimates can
be made of the charge concentration and carrier mobility
with trapping. These are of the orders of 1014 em-a, and
10-7 cm2 secl v-1, respectively, while the corresponding
Debye length is about 10"-4 em which is not very dif
ferent from previous estimates of the space charge layer
thickness.7,9 The mobility estimate is consistent with
carrier drift with trapping at traps of about O.S to 0.7
ev in depth and this is equal to the value that has been
determined for the activation energy from conductivity
runslO on slightly reduced crystals of BaTiOa. Such
carrier drift is similar to the drift of F centers under an
applied field though color centers would not be visible
to the eye at the above cencentrations and, indeed, no
such color migration could be observed in these crystals.
However, in some crystals known to be markedly defi
cient in oxygen content, color centers have been ob
served to migrate with a sharp boundary dividing the
colored and uncolored regions.ll
From the experiments described in this paper it is
conduded that the time variation of the Barkhausen
pulse counting rate during slow switching is influenced
considerably by the behavior of space charge fields in
the crystal. Good qualitative agreement is obtained
between the results and a theory which assumes a
reasonable model for the way in which the space charge
field near the electrodes varies during the voltage
cycling and involves a previously established relation
between the nucleation probability and the electric
field strength. Consequently, the counting rate (or
switching current) curves can be regarded as very sen
sitive indicators of the effect of space charge fields on
the switching process. In this connection it is significant
to note that Kibblewhite4 found markedly different
shapes of the counting rate versus time curves for barium
titanate ceramics of different compositions. The results
emphasize the necessity for regular voltage cycling if
reproducible Barkhausen pulse data are to be obtained.
8 von Hippel, Gross, Jelatis, and Geller, Phys. Rev. 91, 568
9 A. G. Chynoweth, Phys. Rev. 102, 705 (1956).
10 A. G. Chynoweth and W. J. Merz (unpublished material).
II E. A. Wood and A. G. Chynoweth (unpublished material).
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IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:56:18SPACE CHARGE FIELD EFFECTS IN BaTiOa 285
Further conclusions concerning the Barkhausen
pulses themselves can be drawn from the preceding
experiments. First, as the probability of the occurrence
of a pulse appears to be determined by Merz's nuclea
tion probability expression, it is not inconsistent to
relate the Barkhausen pulse itself to an individual
nucleation. Second, Merz's conclusion that nuclei grow
from close to the crystal surfaces is consistent with the
conclusion that the occurrence of Barkhausen pulses is
determined by the field near the crystal surface. Finally, the fact that, in the situation where the nucleating field
is constant, the counting rate decays exponentially
justifies the implicit assumption that individual nuclea
tions occur independently of each other and of their
The author is indebted to S. Jankowski for his tech
nical assistance and to Dr. R. W. Hamming and his
computing staff for obtaining the solutions to Eq. (2).
Recombination Centers on Ion-Bombarded and Vacuum Heat-Treated
Germanium Surfaces
Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., Woburn, Massachusetts
(Received July 15, 1958)
Germanium surfaces were bombarded with argon ions and then heat-treated under high vacuum. Room
temperature values of surface recombination velocity, surface conductivity, dark field effect, and field effect
under illumination were measured after successive heat treatments. In addition, the temperature dependence
of these quantities was determined. It was confirmed that after annealing of the bombardment damage,
a large number of acceptor type surface states approximately clamped the surface potential. Two types
of recombination centers were identified: type 1, located near the middle of the gap and type 2, located near
the valence band. The various heat treatments produced changes in the density of the type 1 centers but did
not appear to effect the density of the type 2 centers.
RECENTLY, a technique has been developed by
Farnsworth and co-worker sI.2 to remove oxide
layers from etched germanium surfaces and to produce
atomically clean surfaces. The technique consists of
three steps. (1) A crystal is outgassed at temperatures
of 700°C or higher for several days. (2) The surface is
bombarded with positive argon ions. (3) The resulting
surface damage is annealed at temperatures around
500°C. From an examination of the surface by slow
electron diffraction,2 it is concluded that the surface is
atomically clean. Under high vacuum conditions, it is
possible to keep a clean surface uncontaminated for
a sufficiently long period of time so that various proper
ties of the surface can be measured.
Since then, many groups have used the same tech
nique or a variation of the technique to study the
work function,3.4 photoconductance,·-s surface con-
* Present address: Department of Electrical Engineering, Uni
versity of California, Berkeley 4, California. t Present address; Clevite Transistor Products, Waltham,
1 Farnsworth, Schlier, George, and Burger, J. Appl. Phys. 26,
252 (1955).
2 R. E. Schlier and H. E. Farnsworth, Semiconductor Surface
Physics, R. H. Kingston, editor (University of Pennsylvania Press,
Philadelphia, 1957), p. 3.
3 J. A. Dillon, Jr., and H. E. Farnsworth, J. App!. Phys. 28,
174 (1957).
4 F. G. Allen, Tech. Reports 236 and 237, Cruft Laboratory, ductivity,1-9 and field effect·,7,9 of the ion-bombarded
germanium surface. In the absence of electron diffrac
tion evidence, it is not always obvious whether the
techniques employed by various groups have indeed
furnished an atomically clean surface. In particular,
in much of the work step (1) has been omitted or
carried out at much lower temperatures in order to
avoid degradation of resistivity and lifetime. Where
this has been the case, there is considerable uncertainty
about the cleanliness of the surface.
In spite of possible variations in the technique, it is
generally agreed that the bombarded and annealed
surface is strongly p type and that the energy bands at
the surface are essentially fixed with respect to the Fermi
level due to the existence of an enormous number of
acceptor type surface states. There is also general
agreement that adsorption of small amounts of oxygen
makes the surface less p type and produces an increase
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 1955
(unpublished); F. G. Allen and A. B. Fowler, J. Phys. Chem.
Solids 3, 107 (1957).
6 G. Wallis and S. Wang, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. II, 1, 52
6 H, H. Madden and H. E. Farnsworth, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc.
Ser. II, 1, 53 (1956).
7 AutIer, McWhorter, and Gebbie, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. Ser. II,
1, 145 (1956).
8 ]. T. Law and C. G. B. Garrett, J. Appl. Phys. 27, 656 (1956).
• P. Handler, reference 2, p. 39.
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IP: On: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:56:18 |
1.1721299.pdf | Electrical Phenomena in Adhesion. I. Electron Atmospheres in Dielectrics
Selby M. Skinner, Robert L. Savage, and John E. Rutzler Jr.
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 24, 438 (1953); doi: 10.1063/1.1721299
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1721299
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Animal, by F. G. Sulman
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The Electron Atmosphere in Dielectrics
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 04:07:39438 JAMES E. MONAHAN
and that the effective mean 2k will be known to better
than 0.0001 in. This is an accuracy of about 0.05 per
cent. Hence if all other corrections can be held to about
0.01 percent, it may be possible to determine the abso
lute voltage scale at high voltages to about twice the
accuracy already achieved (0.1 percent).
An accuracy of 0.01 percent in analyzer length for a
40-in. radius is about 0.006 in. For the proposed value
of 2k, the value of d is approximately 0.1 in. for all
ratios given in Table I. Thus a length correction, r / d,
less than 0.06 can be neglected. In order to obtain
maximum ion current, it is necessary that b/k be
greater than or equal to 2-!; and finally, as mentioned
before, the radii Rand p must be of the order of the gap
dimensions. With the exception of p and q, which can be evaluated approximately from Eqs. (20) and (21),
the parameters listed in row 1 (Table I) are assigned
arbitrarily. However, once this initial calculation is
made, the behavior of the analyzer dimensions with
respect to the transformation parameters described by
Eqs. (22) and (23) may be used to obtain values of the
analyzer ratios successively closer to any desired set.
The ratios given in row 8 are within the limits of the
proposed dimensions of the present analyzer.
It is interesting to note that for the system described
by the last line of the table (r / d = 0.03), the end cor
rection neglecting the rounded corners gives tJd=0.37.
This would result in an error somewhat greater than
0.05 percent in the determination of the equivalent
length of the analyzer.
Electrical Phenomena in Adhesion. I. Electron Atmospheres in Dielectrics*
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Case Institute of Technology, Cle'IJeland 6, Ohio
(Received December 11, 1952)
Rapid breaks of metal-polymer-metal adhesive specimens have shown the presence of a charge density on
the metallic surface, provided the break occurs at the metal-polymer interface, and a much smaller charge
if it occurs in the interior of the polymer. This is analyzed in terms of the electron atmosphere existing ex
ternal to the metal in a dielectric region of low barrier. The barrier values in certain cases are otherwise
known to be of appropriate order of magnitude. Measured experimental surface charge densities permit esti
mation of the maximum limit of barrier height. Because of the presence of the charge distribution in the
polymer, there is an electrostatic force on the adherend metal directed toward the dielectric polymer, which
represents a contribution to the total adhesive forces opposing break. Such electrostatic contributions to
adhesion have not previously been considered; their order of magnitude and their relation to the thickness
of the adhesive are discussed. The qualitative agreement between the theory and a number of previously
unexplained experimental results in the literature is shown.
IN the course of a fundamental investigation of ad
hesion and the phenomena contributing to it, it
has been observed that when adhesive specimens, Fig. 1,
FIG. 1. Adhesive
* With the support of the Flight Research Laboratory, Wright
Air Development Center, U. S. Air Force, Contract AF33(038)-
26461. consisting of metal plates bonded by high polymer ad
hesives are broken in tensile test, electrical charges are
found on the two separating halves. If the opposite
charges on the two halves are permitted to flow through
an external circuit and the IR drop is recorded by a
cathode-ray oscillograph, traces such as those in Fig. 2
are obtained. The experimental arrangements and re
sults will be described in detail in the second article of
this series. It is the purpose of the present paper to
consider the possible origin of the charges; how the
charge distribution may be related to experimental
parameters, and what relation the charges may have to
adhesion. Accordingly, for the present purpose, the only
experimental facts resulting from this investigation
which are utilized are:
1. There is a charge distribution in the polymer if the
actual break occurs in a reasonably short time; the
period of stressing before break may vary between
wide limits, however, without alteration of the essential
2. The charge density is considerably greater if the
polymer is stripped from the metal (adhesive break),
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FIG. 2. Oscillograph traces of potentials.
than if the break occurs in the body of the polymer
(cohesive break). Even in the latter case, charge den
sities of low magnitude are observed.
3. The sign of the charge on each of the two halves
of the specimen depends upon the metal and the polymer
used in preparing the adhesive bond. The magnitude of
the charge varies with experimental conditions, and
breaks have been obtained in which the observed
charge density has apparently been limited only by the
breakdown potential of the air in the process of separat
ing the plates of the specimen.
4. The phenomena in 1~3 above have been observed
with a number of different adhesives, and with various
metals bonded to them.
Adhesion is a complex phenomenon, depending upon the simultaneous action of a number of different mecha
nisms. In industrial practice, empirical methods are
utilized to obtain the right amount of adhesion com
bined with other desired properties of the finished
materials. In the laboratory, it is found that the num
ber of parameters and possible mechanisms which must
be considered requires the application of painstaking
surface chemistry techniques, and care in minute pro
cedural detail, if the results are to be related to a single
cause rather than a mixture of various causes. The fact
that adhesion involves an interface between two differ
ent substances introduces a degree of complexity not
found in investigations of cohesive strengths. ~ot only
do the two surfaces to be joined possess the forces
which distinguish a surface from the interior of the
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material, but also local differences in chemical composi
tion, and adsorbed and other impurities affect their
behavior. If nonmetals are under investigation, the
use of high temperatures as an aid to obtaining clean
surfaces is precluded because of the permanent changes
which may be produced in the substance upon heating.
In such a case, a specific preparational procedure is
adopted, in order that successive specimens may have
reproducible (though not necessarily specifiable) sur
face characteristics.
On the other hand, strong, reproducible bonds can
be obtained quite regularly with suitable techniques.
This would not be possible, if the practice and research
in adhesives were entirely empirical, and the interface
were a random mixture of unknown impurities. The
adhesive bond is apparently less likely to suffer from
such random factors than is the free surface before
In general, the mechanisms employed to explain the
adhesion between substances have been van der Waals
forces (broadly defined), or, more specifically, -dispersion
(London) forces, dipole or quadrupole (Debye) forces,
and induction forces. While these forces can be related to
cohesion and to adhesion as well as to other behavior of
materials, such as solubility, swelling, or the molecular
association of certain organic substances, completely
satisfactory agreement with the many phenomena of
adhesion has not been obtained. This is in part due to
the differing experimental conditions under which ad
hesion data have been obtained, and in part to the com
plex set of mutually operating phenomena involved in
everyday adhesion. Experimental methods are required
which identify and disentangle such factors as the role
of the solvent and solvent concentration in the adhesive,
the effect of the bulk elastic properties of the adhesive,
the effect of surface structure of the adherend, or the
extent to which the dipole concept, for example, may
substitute for a direct consideration of the charge den
sity distributions and potential energy in the neighbor
hood of the interface. Accordingly.it becomes desirable
to investigate the phenomena which occur at adhesive
interfaces, and systematically to examine them for their
applicability and relation to the phenomenon of ad
hesion. The electric charge accompanying the breaking
of the sample is one such phenomenon.
Visualizing the adhesive specimen (Fig. 1) before
and after break, and without regard to the physical
nature of the adhesion before break, it is evident that
any charge which may remain on the surfaces after
break is directly related to a charge distribution an
alogous to that in a parallel plate condenser.2 It !s
possible to determine the total charge and often the
1 H. A. Perry, Jr., presented at the Symposium on Adhesion,
Case Institute of Technology, April 24-5, 1952.
2 The analogy is not perfect. This will be treated in a succeeding
paper. corresponding area of the plates, and thus to determine
the charge density. However, adhesives do not cooper
ate with the experimenter, and often the break is in
the body of the adhesive, or both plates show clean
metal portions and portions covered with adhesive.
An independent verification of the charge density is
desirable, and this can be done by suitable experimental
The metal surfaces were bonded with high polymer
adhesives either by prepolymerization and application,
or by polymerization in place. Mter a number of pre
liminary measurements, the sample was broken by a
modification of the ASTM test method3; electrical con
tact was made to the plates and the charge resulting
from the break passed through a high resistance shunted
by a cathode-ray oscilloscope. Since the plates are of
small mass, the large forces applied to produce break
cause rapid separation after break. This magnifies the
potential difference Eo between them; at the same time,
the flow through the external, measuring, circuit de
creases Eo. When the separation is sufficiently rapid,
an oscillograph trace with a maximum is obtained, the
maximum being from ten to a thousand times Eo.
As shown in another paper, analysis of the trace per
mits determination of the charge density initially left
on the metal surface by separation of the adhesive"
Since under appropriate experimental conditions, the
whole oscilloscope trace is obtained in from one to
fifteen milliseconds, and the portion of the trace con
cerned with the removal of the whole area of the ad
hesiveS is of the order of 10"-4 second or considerably less,
the experimental data are obtained before surface con
tamination or other effects can produce markedly
changed conditions of the surface.
The existence of the charge at break can be explained
qualitatively in several ways, according to the physical
limitations imposed. Accepted knowledge of the solid
state supplies what appears to be the most reasonable
explanation. The sample consists of a dielectric bonded
to metal plates on either side. The metal plates have a
characteristic Fermi distribution of electrons, the dielec
tric has a characteristic set of energy states modified
by impurities, surface states, and proximity to the
metal; between the two there is a barrier which de
pends upon the specific characteristic quantities of each.
Electrons or holes may be transferred between metal and
dielectric. In the dielectric there will occur a distribu
tion of charge dependent upon the barrier between
them; if this is a negative charge, it is equivalent to an
electron atmosphere. The break is made in a time of the
order of, or smaller than, the relaxation time of the
3 ASTM Method of Test for Tensile Properties of Adhesives,
No. D-897-49.
• Surface charge density, and not the initial electrostatic poten
tial between buttons is the object of the analysis.
5 The removal of the adhesive from the metal involves a succes
sion of breaking of individual bonds between successive surface
groups in the adhesive and metal. Obviously the time required
for the rupture of an individual bond is a small fraction of the
total time taken to strip the adhesive film from the metal.
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electrons in the atmosphere which has been established
in the dielectric external to the metal. Accordingly,
charges remain in the dielectric and opposite charges
are measured on the metal which has been pulled away
from it. The sign of the charge depends upon the par
ticular mechanism responsible, and upon whether the
barrier is positive or negative. The break mechanically
separates the metal from the dielectric against all
forces acting, with, in favorable cases, negligible pre
sumed disturbance of charge density.6 Thus, the surface
charge observed is directly related to the volume den
sity of charge in the dielectric, which in tum is directly
related to what amounts to an effective work function
between the two substances. The relationships will be
considered below assuming the transfer of electrons,7
and the experimental results will be covered subse
The existence of the charge in the dielectric of the
original sample before break, and the corresponding
opposite charge on the metal show that part of the ad
hesive force in metal-polymer adhesive pairs is electro
static. Such a force has not previously been included in
the analysis of adhesion. The possible significance is
discussed here.
Since charge was transferred, the various van der
Waals mechanisms are not suitable mechanisms for the
discussion. A possible interpretation is one involving
chemical bonding between the metal and the polymer,
such as the conversion of a double bond in a monomer
unit into a single bond with the other bond attached to
the metal. Under such conditions, a more stable state
may result if the electron from the metal moves into the
monomer structure, with an eventual increased electron
density about the carbon atom which originally was
double bonded. However, the picture is too simple since
it implies that the energy levels in the solid are equiva
lent to those in the free monomer.
Looked at quantum mechanically, the electrons en
tering the polymer will enter describable states, whose
specification must conform to the fact that the polymer
as a whole was electrically neutral before contact with
. the metal. The essential difference between a metal and
an insulator is that the metal has an energy band only
partially filled with electrons, so that with small ap
plied fields transitions to conducting states are possible,
whereas in the insulator, there is a discrete energy gap
6 The measured charge density is a lower limit to the actual
c~arg~ density which existed in the dielectric prior to break,
SInce If local fields' on the surfaces exceed the values at which
corona discharge into the air occurs, a portion of the charge is
lost, l!nd since, if the total ar.ea ?f adhesive break is not so great
as estimated, the charge denSity IS actually greater. Care is taken
to avoid, so far as possible, such high fields. For the analysis
corona discharge into air during separation wiII be left out of
consideration. This will be taken up in the next paper.
7 Analogous considerations are of course possible, if the sign of
the charge, or the direction of transfer is opposite to that chosen
here. separating two bands, the higher of which is empty at
low temperatures and the next lower filled. At ordinary
temperatures this gap cannot be traversed, but at high
temperatures, sufficient thermal energy is available to
permit electrons to make such transitions, and, for
example, salts become conducting.
Considerable theoretical and experimental investiga
tion has been devoted to establishing the details of the
metallic state. Less has been done with nonmetals,
except in the case of ionic crystals and semiconductors.
Since the adhesives considered here are high polymers,
much less is known about their detailed structure from
the quantum-mechanical point of view. X-ray results
show that some high polymers exhibit a microcrystal
line structure below the second-order transition
point, and that within the crystallite, there is a
certain quasi-periodicity of structure due to the
statistical linking of similar monomer units. On the
other hand, this structure is far from the regular lattice
exhibited by metals or regular crystals. Not only is the
molecular weight of the linked monomer units a statis
tical distribution determined by the course of the
polymerization and the various chain-terminating
mechanisms, but also there may exist within the mass
debris of the nature of branched and cross-linked chains,
and, depending upon the method of polymerization,
traces of the polymerizing agent or catalyst, or some
times even small concentrations of electrolyte. Insuffi
cient information is available with respect to a particular
sample of adhesive, no matter how carefully prepared,
to permit detailed calculations of the distributions of
energy levels and the degree to which they are filled,
the variation of atomic charge density throughout the
adhesive, or the contributions which may be expected
from impurities, surface or interface states, etc. For the
present purpose, it will be sufficient to treat in detail
a picture representing the polymer as a region in which
excess electrons Of sufficient energy can enter conduc
tion levels8 and move freely with a uniform potential
energy. This approximation corresponds to that made
in the Drude-Sommerfeld electron theory of metals.
Certain refinements of this concept will then be dis
When the barrier for the passage of electrons between
a metal and a contiguous material is of the order of a
few tenths of an electron volt or less, an electron at
mosphere of considerable magnitude may exist in the
latter substance at room temperatures. Such phenomena
are not normally observed in air surrounding metals,
since the potential barrier for evaporation of electrons
into air or vacuum is of the order of several electron
volts, and only at high temperatures is the thermal
energy sufficient to permit an appreciable fraction of
the electrons to exist in the vapor external to the metal.
8 Excited states in the insulator which are nonconducting are
not considered, since in ,such states the electron would remain
in the vicinity of a particular atom, whereas the experiments show
that there is often a very small but measurable charge on the
surfaces resulting from break within the interior of the adhesive.
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,-- - I
XI ill I XI I
1 I K I '--'-- X2
11>2 = 2KT I .::L
~XJA T I 09 K I 2 X2
11>2 I
A 1 FIG. 3. Barrier poten-
---(iI>l-t)~ I tials on contact between
I a dielectric and a metal. ._-
--Dielectric I - Dielectric I I
I A -
Dielectric 2 ----e::-B
Metal I Metal 2 Metal I
o d o 0
(0) Before equili brium
If the contiguous surface is another metal, separation
of the two permits observation of a contact potential.
Similarly, if a nonmetal is brought into contact with a
metal, potentials may be measured; complete investiga
tion is more difficult because dielectrics are relatively
nonconducting, and surface charges on insulators be
have erratically. A momentary contact between an
insulator and a metal is very different from an aged
adhesive bond ; leaving aside chemical interaction, the
former results in two interfaces with a thin film of gas
between the substances. For the electron, this consti
tutes an additional barrier, not existing in the intimate
contact achieved at an adhesive interface; at the latter,
the barrier may be very low or even negative. Certain
consequences of a very low barrier are very different
from those normally expected in ordinary experience.
In the air, or in contact with another dielectric, an ad
hesive substance, even with considerable "electron
affinity," may persist in a relatively neutral state,
because of the small availability of electrons. When
bonded to a metal, however, it is in contact with a
reservoir of electrons, whose diffusion into the adhesive
takes place under conditions similar to those involved in
thermionic phenomena. The charge which "evaporates"
into the adhesive is chiefly retained in the region nearest
to the metal, but under certain conditions appreciable
charge densities may exist in the body of the adhesive.
Let X be the work required to remove an electron
from the lowest state in the conduction band in the
insulator to infinity; the potential energy of the free
electrons in the insulator. is then -x, and X may be
called the "electron affinity"; similarly let cf> be the
work function of the metal. When the insulator is some
distance from the metal, the Fermi level of the electrons
in it will be different from that in the metal. If the two
substances are brought into contact, electrons flow from
the higher levels in the one to the lower, unoccupied
levels in the other. The exact description depends upon
the nature of the barrier; here, a step function will be
sufficient [Fig. 3(a)]. The flow of electrons alters the
occupied Fermi levels in the two until a minimum over
all energy is obtained when the Fermi levels are at the Dielectric 2
I I Metal B
d Q/ 0
(b) Space charge
same height. The insulator can carry current (and there
fore accumulate charge in its interior) only if electrons
are in the conduction levels. The necessary energy may
be obtained in several ways, one of which is tempera
ture agitation. If the barrier is large, insufficient energy
is gained in this way except at high temperatures; with
a low barrier, an appreciable fraction will have sufficient
energy to enter the conduction levels at roOIl?-tempera
ture. This fraction, from the expression for the Fermi
Dirac distribution, will be zero at OOK and increase with
temperature. As the electrons pass into the dielectric,
a space charge is formed, so that the potential seen by
subsequent electrons is successively higher. At equi
librium, a barrier similar to that in Fig. 3(b) will exist.
Consider two metal surfaces separated a distance D
in the direction of x, with two distinct dielectrics occupy
ing the space between them. It is assum~d that all
quantities depend only on the x coordinate. The field
approaches zero and the potential energy V increases
logarithmically, as x becomes large.l° For a point in
9 The following references will, in the text, be referred to by the
names of the authors. R. H. Fowler, Statistical Mechanics (Cam
bridge University Press, Cambridge, 1936), second edition; R. H.
Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim, Statistical Thermodynamics (Mac
millan and Company, Ltd., London, 1939); N. F. Mott and R. W.
Gurney, Electronic Processes in Ionic Crystals (Oxford University
Press, London, 1940), especially Chapter V; F. Seitz, Modern
Theory of Solids (McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York,
1940). Mott and Gurney particularly review the evidence for the
existence of low or negative potential barriers at the contact
between a metal and an insulator. Seitz gives a fairly detailed
account of surface states.
10 The derivation is given in N. F. Mott and R. W. Gurney
(reference 9), pp. 170--1; see also R. H. Fowler (reference 9), p. 367.
Essentially it is: Letting Ne be the volume density of charge in the
dielectric as a function of x, where e is the charge of the electron, v
and D the mobility and diffusion constant of the electrons, the con
dition that the electron atmosphere in either dielectric has reached
equilibrium is that no current is flowing. Therefore NveF-eDdN /
dx=O. (For distances so small that the electron has small prob
ability of collision, this relation is not strictly true; however,
to the order of approximation being used, it may be accepted.)
With the Einstein relation vkT= eD, this integrates into 10g(N /No)
=e/kT ./O"'Fdx, in which No is the density of electrons in the insu
lator at the contact with the metal surface. Upon passing into the
interior of the insulator N(x) will decrease. The positive charge per
unit area on the metal will correspond to the electrons lost by that
area of the metal into the interior of the dielectric. The potential
energy of an electron at a distance x from the metal surface is
V(x) = -e./O"'Fdx, where F is the field in the insulator; F obeys
the space charge relation dF/dx=47rNe/K. Integration of the
equations subject to the condition mentioned above yields Eq. (1).
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either space, integration of the space charge equations
v = 2kT log(ax+b), (1)
where a and b are constants to be determined by the
boundary conditions.
Figure 3(b) pictures the energy levels; the Fermi levels
are not in question in the dielectric. cp -X is the energy
gap between the highest occupied levels in the metal and
the lower edge of the conducting band in the dielectric.
Since the work functions of the two metals may be
different, and the depth of the conduction levels in the
two dielectrics may also differ, the boundary conditions
to be satisfied are (K being the dielectric constant),
plus two additional conditions, which become obvious
if the simpler case of the usual adhesive bonded speci
men is considered. In this special case, there is only one
dielectric, the plates are identical, and obviously the
field is symmetrical about the center plane, being
directed towards the two surfaces. In the present case,
there is no pressing reason to expect symmetry, but,
for not too great a disparity between the "emissivities"
of the metal plates, there certainly is a value of x
within the dielectrics for which the field changes direc
tion. Calling this value a, and denoting by g the ratio
of the absolute values approached by the (oppositely
directed) fields from the left and the right of a, the
where Region
h=-; '1/
X02 Fora~d
-xl+2kT log(1+6)
-x2+2kT log(1+~2) N(x}
N 02(1 + t2)-'l
K1(x-d)+K 2(d+xOl) t=-------------- (4.1)
NOl and N02 are the densities at x=O, D respectively,
if a~d 2K2a=Kl(D-d+x02)+K2(d-xOl),
if a~d 2Kla=Kl(D+d+x02)-K 2(d+xOl), (4.2)
so that if Kl=K2 and NOl=No2, the value of a is D12.
The condition determining which solution should be conditions are
Two cases must ,be considered, namely, those in
which a ~ d, and in which a ~ d; that is, when the change
in field direction occurs in the first dielectric and when
it occurs in the second.
Solution is made for V and from it are obtained F
and N by the relations
1 dV K dF
F= ----; .r =~-.
e dx 471"e dx
The value of g must still be fixed by a reasonable as
sumption. Since the metal surfaces may be regarded as
sources of electrons diffusing outwards into the dielec
tric, the location of a will depend upon the relative
effectiveness of the plates in furnishing electrons, i.e.,
upon the ratio of the charge densities from the two.
At the point at which the two charge densities from
each considered separately are equal, a displacement
into the dielectric in either direction will cause the
contribution of the plate which is approached to be
come dominant, and that from the other plate to
become less. The point at which the field changes
direction is therefore that at which the separate charge
densities from each plate are equal. When expressed
mathematically in terms of the expressions obtained
for the charge densities, it is found that g can only be
± 1. The value -1 is rejected since it is equivalent to
the simple case treated by Mott and Gurney. With the
value g=+l, the solutions are:
used is For a~d
-xl+2kT log(l+~I)
-X2+ 2kT logr
-x2+2kT log(1+6)
asd if Kl(D-d+x02)sK 2(d+xOl). (4.3)
As shown in the schematic diagram (Fig. 3), the poten
tial jump at the boundary between the dielectrics de
pends only upon the dielectric constants and the differ
ence of the metallic work functions, not upon the values
of X within the dielectrics.
The quantities xo are characteristic parameters
emerging from the analysis. They have the dimensions
of length, and may be regarded as scale factors affecting
the mapping of the potential or field. A somewhat more
intuitive picture may be obtained from the following
considerations. Although the solution is not valid in
the region beyond the dielectric, on the other hand,
Eqs. (4) show that if it were, xo would be the distance into
the metal at which the potential energy, field, and
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3 .-JI"C. eV ~-,(·C. 3eV
12 ~ ---- I r-()olo-'ct -----..., /' - "-10
/ ~ ~oao.:. -----\ , ./ \ '( --~ -r- "-
----......... \
5 / ---'\ 4,/
----C·1CJ""t> 0. I(T2cm ---\ 3/
V f---
"'" ',,-:,/
~ -6
" ! -8
-10 0..1
'" l\
"---o 1O-3crn -r--
---f-.. -D 1Cr4cm
0..2 0..3 0..4 0.5 0..6 0..7 0..8 0..9
Fractional Distance from One Edge of Adhesive Sandwich
~,·C oV .-,.0.. 3eV - -
.... _--O·1CT4crn -V -----r--C·lo-'cm V r----
---D·UT an D.~2an V r------0-10" an O .. 1(j em
O"KT" em / ---~-.. -r-- ---- r-----
0·00-' em \
~ VJ. v,
I /'
/ I
" / ,-
0..1 0.2 0..3 0..4 0..5 0..6 0..7 0.8 0.9 1.0.
o 0.6
~ 1 04
~ 0.2
~ F rocfionol Distance from One Edge of Adhesive Sandwich
~ Or-~~-r--,---~-,~~--~
Fractional Oistonc:o from One Edvo 01 Adhlli" Sandwich
..!. o
FIG. 4. (a) Potential in a bonded adhesive specimen. (b) Charge
distribution in a bonded adhesive specimen. (c) The effect of the
thickness of the dielectric layer on the charge distribution within
the dielectric.
charge density become infinite; thus, the field (and
other quantities) in the dielectric behave as if an
infinite charge density existed at a distance (in non
existent dielectric) of -Xo from the boundary. Within
the actually existing dielectric, the Xo may be regarded
as indicative of the range to which an appreciable
influence of the metal penetrates [see Eq. (4.3)J, recog-nizing of course that there is no sharp cutoff of any
sort within anyone dielectric. Obviously, the correct
interpretation is as a scale factor; the dependence of this
scale factor upon the energy levels in the dielectric and
the metal is given by the definition in Eqs. (4) and
by Eq. (5).
In order to determine the physical magnitude of the
electron atmosphere in the dielectric, it is necessary to
evaluate the No's. Obviously, these depend upon the
nature of the metal and the dielectric in contact. Within
the metal, the electron distribution is described by
Fermi-Dirac statistics. At the boundary, the condition
for equilibrium is that the absolute activities of the
electrons in the dielectric and the metal shall be the
same. This yields,l1 for barrier heights greater than
approximately 0.1 ev at ordinary room temperatures
To this approximation, the density corresponds to that
portion of the high energy tail of the Fermi-Dirac
distribution which exceeds the barrier energy. Table I
gives values of No and Xo as a function of q, -x. In
certain cases, for better accuracy, the calculations of the
above values have utilized interpolation between the
values of the Fermi-Dirac integral tabulated by Mac
Dougall and Stoner.12 However, for very low barriers
(q,-x=O.l or 0.05), Eq. (5) requires modification on
statistical grounds. For the usual barriers, metal to air,
the charge density is essentially zero, and Xo is astro
nomical; (Table I, first line).
In usual thermionic measurements, only the satura
tion current and not No can be measured; in the non
equilibrium separation (break) of an adhesive specimen
(with a sufficiently rigid adhesive) the surface charge
density (and thereby No) is measurable.
TABLE I. Boundary volume charge densities and values of the
characteristic distance Xo as a function of the barrier height and the
dielectric constant. (T=300°.)
Barrier eharge x. (em) for
height density q,-x. ev N. (em') K=1 K=4 K-IO
4.1 «10-") ( ... >10 .... ·)
2.0 6 X 10-16 2 X 109 4 X109 7 X 109
1.5 2 X1~ 1.3 X 105 2.7X105 4.3X105
1.0 4 X1()2 8.5XlO° 1.7 X 101 2.7X10'
0.8 9.1X 1()6 1.8XlO-' ·3.5XI0-' 5.6XIO-' 0.6 2.1X109 3.7X 10-3 7.4XI0-3 1.2X1()2
0.4 4.8X1012 7.7XI0-5 1.5X 10-' 2.4X10-<
0.3 2.3X 1014 1.1 X 10-5 2.2X 10-5 3.5X1O-5
0.2 1.1 X 1016 1.6Xl~ 3.2X1~ 5.1X1~
0.1 4.9X1017 2.4XI0-7 4.8X10-7 7.6XI0-7
0.075 l.4X 10'8 1.5X1O-7 2.9X10-7 4.6X 10-7
0.05 3.5XI0 '8 0.9XI0-7 1.8X 10-7 2.9XI0-7
11 R. H. Fowler and E. A. Guggenheim, reference 9, p. 475.
12 J. MacDougall and E. C. Stoner, Trans. Roy. Soc. (London)
A237, 67 (1938).
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From the general case just derived, there may be ob
tained, by specialization, the two cases of interest,
namely the equilibrium distribution of electron atmos
phere in (1) a metal surface with adhering dielectric
layer and another metal surface at a specified distance
from the free adhesive side, hereafter called the dielec
tric film case; and (2) the bonded specimen. The
former is obtained by letting K2= 1, and D-d have
any desired value. For the latter, KI=K2, 'and if the
two plates are of the same metal, N 01 = N 02. The result
of letting D= d in the dielectric film case is not at all
the same as the case of the bonded sample. It corre
sponds rather to an unbonded nonadhesive contact,
with an extremely small air film between the two. The
dielectric film solution is also the equilibrium distribu-'
tion, after break, and thus can be compared with the
nonequilibrium existing immediately after break, cor
responding to the bonded sample solution. It also
represents the potential occurring at contact between a
rigid nonmetallic solid and a metal.I3 The difference
between the two cases is illustrated in Fig. 5. For prac
tical purposes, the surface charge density on the metal
in air is zero in the after break equilibrium picture; in a
momentary contact, it would be a function of the time
of contact, and the mobility and mean free path of the
electrons in the dielectric. In the adhesive bond, on the
contrary, there is an equilibrium charge density of a
magnitude which is greater for smaller barrier heights.
I, The Bonded Sample
If the same metal constitutes both plates, the sample
is symmetrical with respect to its center plane, which,
thermodynamically, could be replaced by a nonconduct
ing boundary. The charge which has diffused into the
adhesive from one plate is all contained in the nearer
half of the adhesive.14 The total charge per unit area
of the metal surface will therefore be
and if (1= f N(x) ·e·dx=Noe . d/2 ( xod/2 ) 1
o xo+ d/2
d Xo»-,
2 (1= NofXr'
I (6)
I' As, for example, in the measurements of R. M. Fuoss [J. Am.
Chem. Soc. 59, 1703 (1937)J, in which the equivalent of a layer
of air of minimal thickness was corrected for.
l' This is analogous to the classiCal picture of the lines of force
from one metal plate ending on charges totally within that half
of the adhesive nearest to it. If the specimen is broken in a time short enough so
that the equilibrium charge distribution does not
change appreciably, this expression will represent the
surface density of charges remaining on the metal.
Within the dielectric, the charge is distributedl• as
shown by N in Eq. (4). The rapid decrease of charge
density from the interface into the interior is especially
interesting. One of the consistent results which de
manded explanation in the early experiments was the
fact that a cohesive break (one occurring in the body of
the adhesive rather than at the interface) showed little
or no oscillograph trace with the voltage sensitivities
used.16 Figure 4c shows that for surface charge densities
and adhesive thicknesses of the order of those measured,
the volume charge density decreases by several orders
of magnitude in the first 10-6 cm.
Figure 4 is drawn to show the potentials and charge
densities for two different barrier values. Since in the
bonded adhesive specimen with the same metal for
both plates, these quantities are symmetrical about the
center plane, one barrier value has been shown on the
left and the other on the right. The mirror image curves
FIG. 5. (a) Adhesive speci
men after break. (b) Electron
density distribution (if at
equilibrium) in adhesive before
and after break; distribution
after break is that for negligible
separation between adhesive
and right-hand metal plate.
I 0-2 Zz
Q -3
~ -4
-5 rtf:::'-rll
~ HJ-I : : Direction
Id ! of motion
x-o 0
- I. Adhesive Bonded
--'2. Broken SpecImen
if at equilibrium
with ntlgligible
Metal ~ I I I Di~leC~iC " ~Metal
o 01 0.2 03 04 05 0.6 07 08 0.9 1.0
x o
16 The charge density distribution is sensitive to the exact
model chosen. Surface states or acceptors and donors in the dielec
tric give a different volume or surface charge distribution in the
dielectric. Therefore, experimental study of the distribution can
contribute toward the choice between mechanisms. Qualitatively,
the effects are sufficiently similar for our purpose.
18 Actually, if there is a surface charge density in a cohesive
break, a very much larger potential would be expected than for
the same charge density in an adhesive break, as will be shown
SUbsequently. Accordingly, the experimental results show that
some charge, but of a much smaller order of magnitude, exists in
a cohesive break.
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(including the dotted ones) represent what would be the
distributions in the other half, for the one barrier.
In any case, the accumulation of charge in the bonded
adhesive must be a rate process, reaching eventual
equilibrium during or after preparation of the sample.
F or values of r/> -X of the order of 0.1 ev, the concen
tration of the charge at equilibrium, in the layer near
the surface in thick films permits consideration of the
metal-polymer interface as a sharply defined double
layer. However, the curves in Figs. 4 and 5 show
that when the thickness of the adhesive film decreases,
the charge spreads out through the volume, so that it
must be treated as a diffuse double layer or a volume
2. Mter Break
In this case, the charge density at the boundary be
tween the adhering film and the metal is N 01, as before,
and the dielectric constant is the same. The broken
surface, however, is in contact with air. In such case,
it is necessary to use the solution which considers two
different dielectrics. This solution differs considerably
from that just discussed. For example., at the boundary
between the adhering dielectric and the air, the charge
density changes discontinuously in the inverse ratio of
the dielectric constants, and the potential suffers a
jump of 2kT log(KI/K 2)+(r/>1-r/>2).
The surface charge densities on the metal plates,
when the second plate is still at essentially zero distance
from the outer edge of the film which adheres to the
first plate, are now: on the plate to which film still
0'1= .[d Nedx+ L'" Nedx
( XOld) Kl X02 =NOle ------0'2,
d+XOl K2 d+xol (7.1)
and on the plate from which the film was stripped
0'2= lim [fa Nedx]
(D-d)-+O D
These charge distributions warrant some discussion,
especially since this is the solution applicable both to
the specimen after break (if it were permitted to come to
equilibrium), and to the contact between a metal and
a surface film on another metal. The plate on the right
(Fig. 5) which, though stripped of film is still in virtual
contact with the film, has a charge density which de
pends upon the sign of the factor in the numerator of
Eq. (7.2); thus, if K1x02 is more than K2(d+xOl), this
charge is of the same sign as the space charge in the
dielectric. Since in practical cases of metal in contact with air, X02 is much larger than this value, it is evident
that a very different physical situation exists here than
existed in the bonded sandwich. Where before, the second
plate was attracted to the dielectric, now it is repelled byitY
The bonded joint before break is characterized by a
space charge in the dielectric and an opposite charge on
the metal. If the joint is broken, immediately the sys
tem is characterized by a new equilibrium condition
toward which it tends, though it is far from equilibrium.
Even while the separated plate is still effectively in
contact with the dielectric, such equilibrium would
consist of a reversal of charge so that the charge on the
plate now would be of the same sign as that in the
dielectric; the magnitude is (in practical cases) very
'much smaller than before. Similarly, if a dielectric film
is already adhering to a metal plate, and another plate is
brought up to the other side of the film, there will be a
slight repulsion between the dielectric film and the new
plate. Adhesion which is expected in a bonded joint,
is not now to be expected, from the electrostatic forces
arising from this (low temperature) thermionic mecha
nism. At large separations, it may be expected that the
surface charge density on the second plate will not be
affected by the conditions at the other metal plate and
its adhering film. For copper in air, this is of course
essentially zero.
In practice, other factors will enter. For example, the
microscopic roughness and rigidity of solid materials
will prevent close contact over a major fraction of the
surface, so that the degree of electrostatic binding which
is likely to exist will cause the metal to be charged in
accordance with Eqs. (6) or (7), only in the vicinity of
intimate contact between the two surfaces.
In addition to the London, Debye, and induction
forces which have been utilized in the explanation of
adhesion, it is evident that an electrostatic force of
attraction exists between the volume charged dielectric
and the oppositely charged surface. The energy supplied
to break the adhesive sandwich rapidly must not only
overcome any mechanical, van der Waals, dipole, etc.
forces, but also produce separation of the charges. The
existence of charges upon separation establishes this.
What remains is to determine whether the electrostatic
force is a significant contribution to the total force.
1. The Bonded Specimen
Although at atomic distances it is not justifiable to
consider charges smoothed out into a uniform surface,
17 Charge is transferred from the dielectric to the second plate
(the one which has broken away), giving it charge of the same sign
as the dielectric. If it were a neutral dielectric which furnished
electrons to the metal, the approximation to the Fermi-Dirac
integral, Eq. (5) (which is basic to Eq. (7.2)) would not be appro
priate. However, the charge received by the second plate comes
from the space charge in the dielectric, which originates in the
electron sea of the first metal plate, and therefore Eq. (7.2) is valid.
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the order of magnitude may be estimated in terms of
such a picture. The classical electrostatic forces on the
metal and dielectric include a tension on the metal
directed toward the adhesive of magnitude
f= 27ru2/ K, which here, for the bonded film,
27rNOle2[ XOI(D/2)]2 T [ D/2 ]2 (8) = =;\olkT.
KI XUI+(D/2) XOI+(D/2)
To a sufficient degree of accuracy, this is the electro
static contribution to the force of adhesion.1s As is
true for the charge density, this force is dependent upon
the ratio of the thickness of the film to Xo. When Xo is
much less than half the thickness of the adhesive film,
the expression (8) becomesl9
f=NokT (8.1)
and if the adhesive film half-thickness is much less
than Xo,
Accordingly, a dependence of strength upon thickness
will be observed. The magnitude of the electrostatic
contribution to adhesion increases rapidly with ad
hesive thickness at small thicknesses until D/2 is of
the order of Xo, after which it approaches the constant
value NokT, independent of how much thicker the
adhesive layer is made. The greater the barrier height,
the greater will be the critical adhesive film thickness,
and for a given thickness, the smaller will be the electro
static contribution to the adhesive force. Actually
observed thickness-strength relationships show either
increase, or decrease, of strength with decreasing thick
ness depending upon the adhesive and the metal.2°
It should be noted that for small barrier height (which
is true in any case for which the electrostatic contribu
tion is significant) the critical thickness is of the order
of 10-6 or 10-7 cm, which is unlikely to be achieved in
practice, so that a constant contribution is more likely
to be observed.
18 Within the adhesive the contained charge stresses the dielec
tric by the amount (K/81r-)Fl. Thus the increase in adhesion is
accompanied, classically, by a decrease in cohesive tensile break
ing stress. That portion of the increased stress which is analogous
to a uniform (negative) pressure must be added to any external
tensile stress applied to the material. For example, if the dielectric
is rigid enough to be treated by the Griffith or Sack crack theory,
the term Po can be replaced by (Po+KFl/87r) and the condition
for spreading of the crack and eventual rupture of the material
is then
( gE-y );
po= (l-cr2)c -KFl/87r
in which F is the field due to the contained charge, c is one-half the
length or radius, respectively, of the crack, Po is the final "pres
sure" at which break occurs, u, E, and 'I, are the Poisson ratio,
Young's modulus, and surface tension of the dielectric, respectively,
and g=2/1I" for the Griffith crack, and 7r/2 for the Sack (penny
shaped) crack, respectively.
19 See also Fowler (reference 9), p. 366.
'0 G. W. Koehn, presented at the Symposium on Adhesion,
Case Institute of Technology (April 24-25, 1952). The variation of the electrostatic component of the
adhesion force with temperature is determined by the
two quantities No and kT. A decrease of barrier (tf>-x)
increases No; temperature rise increases both No and
kT; thus, a fractional change in (tf>-x)/kT by change
of temperature produces more change in force than
does the same fractional change produced by change in
tf>-x only. Of course, an increase of temperature pro
duces other changes in the polymer which may override
this. The temperature variation of f for large thickness
is f 0:. T"12e-(<p-x) / k T and for small thickness or large
barrier heights is f 0:. T3e-2(q,-x)/kT. Thus, any attempt
to measure f with very thin films as a function of tem
perature would give a value of tf> -X differing from that
with thick films by a factor of two.
In practical cases, the microsurfaces of metals and
polymers are generally rough and relatively rigid.
Contact between them will occur at only a fraction of
the total macroscopic contact area. Charges transferred
at the points of contact will largely be bound into posi
tion electrostatically instead of being distributed
evenly over the surface of the metal. Therefore, the
charge is concentrated at points or small regions oc
cupying only a fraction of the surface. Up to a certain
point smoother surfaces should give greater electrostatic
adhesion. The techniques used to produce suitable
bonding, i.e., insuring wetting of the surface, or poly
merizing in place from the monomer, will produce
greater contact and therefore greater charge and conse
quent greater adhesion. Tacky surfaces and consequent
flexibility at the interface will permit closer contact
and the acquisition of the necessary charge over a
larger fraction of the interface, thus promoting adhesion.
Initial rigidity at the interface is prejudicial to and
liquidity is favorable to adhesion. The same is true
when other mechanisms are considered.21
2. The Sample after Break
For the cases dealt with here, namely metals bonded
with polymers, the barrier to air renders X02 for the
stripped metal so large that repulsion exists between
the metal after break and the dielectric, if time is
allowed for it to come to equilibrium. The actual break
is so rapid that equilibrium is not achieved, and what is
found is the charge distribution essentially character
istic of the bonded sandwich. Therefore, the same ex
pressions as before (Eqs. (4) and (6» may be accepted
for the forces and charge densities.22
21 For a discussion of the experimental data and review of such
other mechanisms, see the succeeding article in this series.
22 This is not true for the contact between an external metal
plate brought up to an adhering film on another metal surface.
When such a plate is brought up (in air) to the film, normally
K1x02 will be much more than K2(d+xOl), so that there will exist
a repulsion of approximately
211"u" =No2kT[1-~ (d+XOl)]. (8.3)
K Kl X02
With the values of No. characteristic of even the metals with the
lowest values of <Pthermionie, this force is negligible; however, it is
evident that electrostatically, adhesion is not favored.
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TABLE II. Values of NokT (T=3000K).
NokT NokT
No dyne cm-' lb in-'
lO17 4Xl()3 0.06
(1019) 4XI05 6
(1()31) 4XlO7 600
However, it is of interest to examine what may occur
in a very slow break. Assuming that contact is lost at a
very small portion of the area by statistical fluctuations
or otherwise, the charge in this region decreases, the
electrostatic forces likewise decrease, and since X02 be
comes very large in this small region, there is a tendency
for like charge density to that in the dielectric to ac
cumulate and consequently repulsion takes the place of
adhesion. The repulsion increases the likelihood, under
the existing tension, of neighboring areas being stripped,
which then repeat the process. Accordingly, it is to be
expected that a slow break will show less tensile
strength, so far as the electrostatic contribution to
adhesion is concerned, than will a fast break. Under
practical conditions this effect may be overshadowed
by other factors.
Actually the dielectric is more complex than the
simple model of a region of uniform potential energy,
-x. As in the Sommerfeld theory, the qualitative be
havior is pretty well accounted for by the first approxi
mation. However, when the various possible detailed
structures are considered, there emerges a change in
the volume electron distribution which is sensitive to
the exact model.
If energy levels are available below the conduction
band, the electron may enter such a level and tempor
arily be bound in its vicinity. Temperature agitation
will eventually furnish sufficient energy, for the electron
to enter the conduction band again. However, while it
is in any such nonconducting level, the electron is
contributing to the space charge between succeeding
electrons and the interior of the dielectric. The net
effect will be to cause a greater concentration of charge
in the vicinity of the interface than is indicated by the
previous treatment; this results in a greater field at the
interface and consequent greater force. Similarly, avail
able surface, or, in this case interface, states will cause
an increase of charge density in the neighborhood of the
The method of treatment of the first type of energy
level is similar to the treatment of donors and acceptors
given by Mott and Gurney,9 and 'will not be sketched.
For reasonable values of intermediate energy levels,
the electrostatic forces at the interface are up to' one
order of magnitude greater than for the simple picture,
and the charge distribution is intermediate between that
of the simple model, and that of interface states. An estimate of the effect of interface states may be
made using the treatment of surface states by Bardeen,23
developed for another purpose. Obviously, the effect
sought is that corresponding to a considerable density
of surface, or rather interface states, since the opposite
extreme yields the model just discussed. Accordingly,
his approximate solution, V""'lol1 is appropriate. The
surface state density, alone, may be estimated from his
Eq. (15), page 726,23 yielding measurable values of the
adhesive force as shown below. Taylor, Odell, and
Fan24 have shown that grain boundaries in germanium
are characterized by surface states. While actual densi
ties of such states are not known for metal polymer
interfaces, it is reasonable to expect that such densities
will be considerably higher than at interfaces between
grains of approximately the same chemical constitution.
It remains to give some attention to the orders of
magnitudes involved, and to various other possible
1. Orders of Magnitude
Table II gives some representative values of the
electrostatic contribution to the adhesive breaking
tension of bonded specimens for various barrier heights;
practical adhesive film thicknesses in these cases will
always be greater than Xo. Evidently on the simple
model, which was used to discuss the observed charge
densities occurring on break, the contribution to the
adhesive tensile strength is only a small fraction of the
total, except that it may be inferred that if values of
No of the order of 1()21 cm-3 could be achieved, the con
tribution would be significant. In the current experi
ments, surface charges implying No of the order of
1019 cm-3 have been obtained, with no definite experi
mental evidence of higher values, though these are not
precluded.6 Such a value corresponds to about one elec
tron per 1()4 atoms in the dielectric and indicates
barriers of 0.1 ev or less. Higher values would corre
spond to barrier heights of such sign and magnitude
that an amplification of the present picture would be
called for, for example, in the statistical mechanics of
the equilibrium between the metal and dielectric at the
With reasonable values for the magnitudes involved
in the surface (interface) states, electrostatic forces at
the interface up to 1()3 Ibjin.2 may be computed, which
is in the practical range.26 Interface states alone do not
23 J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. 71, 717 (1947), appendix, pp. 726-7.
See also F. Seitz (reference 9) pp. 320-6; J. J. Markham and P. H.
Miller, Jr., Phys. Rev. 75, 959 (1949).
24 Taylor, Odell, and Fan, Phys. Rev. 88, 867 (1952).
25 If Bardeen's (EO-'Po-p)/Eo is assumed to have the value 0.1,
and n the value lO14, /=21f'u,t/K is of the order of 1()3 Ib/in.2•
These are rather favorable values of the parameters; however, the
contribution of the volume space charge has been neglected. Ac
cordingly, it is reasonable to assume that interface levels or a
combination of such levels with volume space charge can, under
certain circumstances, result in adhesive forces of the order of
loalb for 1 square inch specimens.
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explain the charge densities observed ~t c?hesiv~ br~,
since they do not provide charge densIty m the. mtenor
of the dielectric.
2. Other Mechanisms
That values of cp -X in the range from 1 ev to 0.1 ev
and even negative values exist in insulators is well
known. That there exist charge densities in polymers
bonded to metals is shown by the present experimental
results. Various incidental references to what amounts
to such charges may be found in the literature in fields
other than adhesion.
An alternative explanation of the origin of the
charges, is that they result from the rupture of dipoles
which have been aligned at the interface due to the
forces involved in adhesion. What is referred to here is
not the surface electric moment due to the double layer,
but the Debye dipoles resulting from the asymmetric
distribution of charge within the polymer molecules.
They exist throughout the volume of the polymer, are
specific for particular chemical groups within the mole
cule, and are an accepted explanation of other polymer
properties. However, while calculation of interactions
between complete dipoles are relatively straightforward,
quite arbitrary assumptions are necessary in the transi
tion from dipole moments to charges resulting from
their rupture. In addition, a thermodynamic treatment
of such a mechanism meets the well-known difficulties
arising in 'any attempt to combine electrical and me
chanical quantities in a suitable thermodynamic cycle.
Since charges are involved, it is more appropriate to
consider the forces acting on such charges as a result
of dipoles, image effects, etc., all of whic~ are summed
together in the determination of the value of x. And,
whether or not there are dipoles ruptured, the electron
atmosphere or its equivalent will be present. Neither
partial nor total dipole moments alone show any direct
quantitative relation to cohesive forces,26 so that it is
somewhat optimistic to expect that they will do so to
adhesive tensile strengths.
The possibility that the charge densities result from
stripping a film of oxide from the surface of the metal
has been considered. In such case, however, the charge
densities found ~n the polymer faces in a cohesive break
are difficult to understand unless a mechanism similar
to that already treated is transferring electrons from the
oxide into the polymer volume; this would qualitatively
be similar to what has been discussed. The primary
experimental fact would then be that the adhesion
between polymer and oxide is greater than between
oxide and metal. Experiments are under way to in
vestigate what portion of the effects may be due to such
an oxide stripping.
Certain other data in the literature bear on the
present explanation, and at least raise the presumption
26 N. A. deBruyne and R. Houwink, Adhesion and Adhesives
(Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc., Houston, Texas, 1951), p. 16. that the flow of electrons into the polymer occurs in a
manner analogous to thermionic emission. For example,
Pohl27 has injected electrons into rocksalt from a pointed
electrode at 550°C' this cloud is visible and can be made
to move back or 'forth by appropriate fields applied
through plane parallel electrodes. It is known that color
centers in alkali halides are related to electron traps,
which may act as donors because of the small energy
gap between their levels and the conduction band.
Analogous motion of electrons in the interior of a
dielectric occurs for semiconductors and crystal
Meissner and Merrill28 have reported that the ad
hesion of polystyrene to metal is small upon initial
contact but increases with time of contact, and that the
greater the pressure, the more rapid is the increase.
It is well known that pressure sensitive adhesives show
a gradual approach to final adhesive strength as a
function of time. A portion of this time-dependent
phenomenon would be the time required for establish
ment of the charge atmosphere in the available levels in
the polystyrene. Such time dependence is inherent
and natural in the electron atmosphere picture but
must be brought in rather artificially in other mecha
nisms currently considered.
Havenhill, O'Brien, and ,Rankin29 have found electro
static contact potentials on various rubber and GR-S
compounds after contact with clean metallic surfaces
and later rapid (225 cm/sec) separation. The GR-S
was negative with respect to the metal. By compound
ing it with electropositive materials the contact poten
tial was reduced, and greater tensile strength in co
hesive break was obtained. Some samples showed
greater adhesion than cohesion, adhering to the metal
plunger and breaking in the body of the material. As
mentioned above, volume charges within the elastomer
would produce an internal repulsion resulting in de
crease in measured tensile strength for cohesive break.
In another set of experiments, they related the charge
picked up by a metal ball rolling down a rubber or GR-S
sheet to the tensile strength of the material.30 At high
temperatures (see Eq. (5) above), the GR-S and rubber
became more negative; the authors relate the greater
decrease in tensile of GR-S over rubber to the greater
"boiling off" of electrons. Milling less electronegative
materials into the stock produced little effect unless a
latex dispersion was used so that a relatively homo-
27 R. W. Pohl, Physik Z. 35,107 (1934). See also N. Kalabuchow,
"Transference of electrons from metals to dielectrics," Z. Physik
92, 143 (1934). . ..
28 H. P. Meissner and E. W. Mernll, Am. Soc. Testmg Matenals
Bull. 151, 80 (1948).
2i Havenhill, O'Brien, and Rankin, J. Appl. Phys. 15, 731
(1944) and 17, 338 (1946).
30 This technique may be regarded as similar to the break of an
adhesive sandwich, since there is a rapid separation of surfaces
temporarily in contact. In the succeeding article, it will be shown
that the measured potential in such an experiment is proportional
to the charge density which has passed through or is on a square
cm of the interface, i.e., tT in Eq. (6).
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geneous material resulted, at which time noticeable
effect was observed. Their Figs. 8, 10, and 11 are
pertinent; in particular, their variation of the "contact
potential" as a function of temperature agrees with
Eq. (5) if the barrier is taken as 0.088 ev for the standard,
and 0.069 ev for the silica ted stock. The agreement is
less good if a purely exponential function is assumed.
If the electrostatic contribution to the adhesive
force is of some magnitude, the recent experiments of
Meissnerll are qualitatively explained by the above
thermionic mechanism. Meissner measured the proper
ties of unsupported thin films of various substances.
His striking results included the fact that at and below
approximately 0.25 micron thickness, the film of any
substance measured adheres on contact with a clean
metallic surface. After contact has been made to a
metal adherend on one side, no adhesion is obtained
upon bringing another clean metal surface up to the
other side. Contact with the first metal surface would
establish an atmosphere of electrons in the first por
tions of the film which touched, thus drawing up the
remainder of the film to the metal (if its thickness were
not so great as to require forces greater than those
provided by the electron atmosphere), and eventually
establishing the atmosphere in the whole film, with
complete adherence. The si~uation would then be as in
Fig. 5; air would exist between the adhering film and
any second surface of metal approaching from the other
side. Reference to Eq. (8.3), shows that such a second
metal surface approaching the space charge filled ad
hesive film through the air would encounter a mild
electrostatic repulsion, and adhesion would not result.
Such phenomena would be true whether or not special
techniques had been used to remove initial electrostatic
charges from the films. If a barrier of not more than
0.3-0.4 ev is assumed, the critical thickness at which
constant and therefore maximum (electrostatic) ad
hesive force is approached is 10-' to 10-4 cm; thus,
films of the thickness used by Meissner would have
achieved their maximum electrostatic contribution to
the adhesive force; the limitation of the universal
adhesion to a thickness of 0.25 micron or less, of course,
would be a matter of achieving a sufficiently thin film
31 H. P. Meissner, reported at the Symposium on Adhesion
held at Case Institute of Technology, April 24-25, 1952; published
in J. Appl. Phys. 23, 1170 (1952). so that the force required to produce the deformation
necessary for intimate contact between film and metal
over microscopic irregularities would be no greater than
that achievable by the term f=NokT.
If it is accepted that electrostatic charges received by
the polymer from the metal by processes analogous to
thermionic diffusion or its variants, and the resulting
opposite charge on the metal, account for a portion of
the adhesive forces, qualitative agreement with experi
ments is obtained, and explanation of certain previously
unexplained phenomena results. The significance of the
electrostatic contribution can only be determined by
using the correct mechanism for the states into which
the charge (positive or negative) goes in the polymer.
One mechanism is treated in detail and others are
briefly considered here. Insufficient information is at
hand to determine whether the concentrations charac
teristic of the various mechanisms can reach magnitudes
such that the electrostatic force becomes of an order
of magnitude comparable with the total force necessary
to produce break. If they can, the difficulty encountered
in describing adhesive phenomena analytically using
current mechanisms is understandable, since the electro
static component depends upon factors such as the
dielectric constant and the work function, factors which
are not normally considered in fitting theory to experi
mental data when using traditional mechanisms. Lack
ing direct evidence, it is only possible to say that
whatever effect the electrostatic terms contribute is
qualitatively in detailed agreement with experiment in
a number of different areas.
The whole phenomenon is complex. Many things
are occurring at the same time. The electrostatic con
tribution is of course only a portion of the total forces
acting; other forces operate, as previously considered
in the literature, and calculations show that forces of
the correct order of magnitude may also be obtained
from them if suitable values for parameters are chosen.32
Disentanglement of the various mechanisms and
achievement of a means of estimating under what
conditions each is important or dominant remains a
formidable task for the experimenter.
32 As, e.g., in S. J. Czyzak, Am. J. Phys. 20, 440 (1952).
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1.1700446.pdf | Rotational Structure of the ν3 Raman Band of Methane
B. P. Stoicheff, C. Cumming, G. E. St. John, and H. L. Welsh
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 20, 498 (1952); doi: 10.1063/1.1700446
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1700446
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 18:41:21THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHVSICS VOLUME 20, NUMBER 3 MARCH, 1952
Rotational Structure of the "3 Raman Band of Methane*
McLennan LaboraJory, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
(Received November 12, 1951)
A multiple reflection Raman tube and a high dispersion quartz spectrograph were used to investigate the
fine structure of the 1'3 band of gaseous methane. Sixty-eight maxima were measured, and evidence for all
but one of the 15 theoretically predicted sub-branches was found. An evaluation of the rotational constants
by combination relations for Raman and infrared frequencies gives three different B values for the upper
vibrational state and surprisingly, three for the ground state. A more acceptable analysis, based on a single
set of rotational constants for the ground state, Bo=5.253 cm-1 and Do= 1.9x 10-4 cm-1, leads to B1 values
for the various branches in the range 5.202 to 5.235 cm-1• The analysis gives 1'0= 3018.7 cm-1 and 11 =0.056.
The constants obtained for the ground state are also used in an analysis of the 21'3 infrared band.
EXPERIMENTAL data on the rotational structure
of vibrational Raman bands of polyatomic mole
cules are extremely meager; only for methanel and
ethane2 has a partial resolution of such structures been
obtained. Since the intensity of Raman scattering is
low, the experimental difficulties associated with high
resolution Raman spectroscopy are formidable and are
accentuated in fine structure investigations by the
necessity of working at low gas densities to prevent
excessive line broadening. Nevertheless, it is important
to obtain Raman spectra with an instrumental resolu
tion approaching that achieved in infrared absorption,
since it is certain that many problems, in particular the
interaction of rotation and vibration, cannot be studied
adequately by infrared investigations alone. In addi
tion precise frequency data obtained from high dis
persion Raman spectra of gases can be used with good
effect in increasing the accuracy of molecular structure
Raman investigations at high resolution have been
made feasible to some degree by the development of
water-cooled Hg lamps of high intensity and by in
creasing the efficiency of Raman tubes for gases by
multiple reflections in a system of concave mirrors.3
These methods have been used to obtain considerably
greater detail of the V3 band of methane than was ob
served in the early investigation of Dickinson, Dillon,
and RasettLl This Raman band is one of the easiest to
investigate with high resolution since its intrinsic in
tensity is exceptionally high. However, it appears that
with an extension of the methods used it will be pos-
* A summary of some of the results of this investigation has
been published as a Letter to the Editor, Phys. Rev. 84,592 (1951). t Holder of a Garnet W. McKee-Lachlan Gilchrist Post-doc
torate Scholarship, School of Graduate Studies, University of
Toronto, 1950-51. Now in the Division of Physics, National Re~
search Laboratories, Ottawa, Canada.
t Holder of a scholarship under the Research Council of On
tario, 1950-51.
§ Holder of a Garnet W. McKee-Lachlan Gilchrist Scholarship,
1 Dickinson, Dillon, and Rasetti, Phys. Rev. 34, 582 (1929).
2 c. M. Lewis and W. V. Houston, Phys. Rev. 44, 903 (1933).
3 Welsh, Cumming, and Stansbury, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 41, 712
(1951). sible to resolve the fine structure of many Raman bands
of the lighter molecules.
Since methane is transparent in the ultraviolet, the
mercury line 2537 A was used for excitation. A two
mirror system for multiple reflections was incorporated
in the Raman tube; by this means the intensity of the
scattered light entering the spectrograph was increased
by a factor of nearly four.3 The tube was illuminated
over 36 cm of its length by four helical lamps of fused
quartz with water-cooled mercury pools. The lamps
were operated at a current of eight amperes; no gain
in intensity of the resonance line 2537 A is obtained at
higher currents, probably because of self-absorption of
the radiation in the lamp. A distressing feature of the
high current quartz lamp is the rapid decrease of the
ultraviolet transmissivity of the quartz; after 400
hours of operation the intensity of 2537 A radiation is
reduced by a factor of at least three. The transmissivity
can be restored to some extent by treating the inside
of the coil with hydrofluoric acid.
The spectrograph used is a two-prism quartz Littrow
instrument with an j:22 lens of focal length 155 cm,
giving a reciprocal linear dispersion of 27 cm-limm at
2537 A. The spectrograph and source unit are located
in a thermostated room, the temperature of which is
held constant to within ±0.2°C; in addition, the spec
trograph is lagged with a thick wooden box. The source
unit is surrounded by a plywood box from which the
air is continuously removed by a fan to the outside, in
order to dispose of ozone and excessive heat produced
by the Hg lamps. All exposures were taken during
periods of relatively constant (±2.5 mm Hg) atmos
pheric pressure to obtain good definition in the spectro
grams. For future work the prisms have been sur
rounded by a sealed metal box in which a constant
density of air is maintained.
In a concurrent investigation on the pressure broaden
ing of Raman lines, it was found that the half-widths
of the rotational lines of the Va band of methane in
crease linearly with pressure. Extrapolation of the
results to zero pressure and zero slit width gave a
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TABLE 1. Frequencies in the Pa Raman band of methane.
Observed frequency, Calculated frequency, cm-l Assignment cm-1
3300.5 S+(12) 3301.5
3288.8 SO(12) 3288.7
3280.9- S+(11) 3281.0
(3269.7)b SO(11) 3269.6
3260.4- S+(10) 3260.4
3250.4- SO(10) 3250.5
(3246.4) S-(10)
3239.8- S+(9) 3239.9
3231.1- SO(9) 3231.1
(3227.4) S-(9)
3219.5- S+(8) 3219.3
3211.38 SO(8) 3211.6
(3207.6) S-(8)
3198.6- S+(7) 3198.6
3192.18 S°(7) 3191.9
3177.9- S+(6) 3177.9
3171.88 SO(6) 3172.0
3157.2" S+(5) 3157.2
3152.28 SO(5) 3152.0
{ RO(12) 3147.5 (3147.1) R+(11) 3145.2
{RO(l1) 3138.2
3136.5 S+(4) 3136.2
R+(10) 3135.7
3131.9-{SO(4) 3131.9
R-(11) 3131.2
3126.4- R+(9) 3125.9
3115.6-{R+(8) 3115.8
S+(3) 3115.2
3105.3- R+(7) 3105.6
3090.1- RO(6) 3090.0
3084.8- R+(5) 3084.6
3079.98 RO(5) 3080.0
3073.98 R+(4) 3073.9
(3069.8)8 RO(4) 3070.0
(3066.7) R-(4) 3067.1
(3063.8) R+(3) 3063.1
3059.9- RO(3) 3059.9
3052.1 R+(2) 3052.2
(3047.4) R-(2) 3048.0
3041.5 R+(l) 3041.3
3021.5 Q+(max) Observed frequency, cm-1
2769.28 Assignment
r'(2) PO(2)
{P+(4) PO(4)
P-(4) f'(5) 00(3)
{00(4) p0(7)
f 0-(5)
{00(6) 0-(6)
0-(12) Calculated frequency, cm-1
2902.3 2900.6
2894.8 2889.4
2859.6 2857.1
a Frequency used in the analysis.
b The bracketted frequencies were measured only from microphotometer traces.
value of 2.5 cm-l for the half-width of the lines. In the
fine structure spectrograms a gas pressure of 60 psi
and a spectral slit width of 1.5 cm-l were used. Under
these conditions the half-width of unblended lines was
somewhat less than 3 cm-l•
For frequency calibration an Fe arc spectrum was
photographed in juxtaposition with each Raman spec
trum. The Raman shifts of most of the lines were deter-.
mined by measuring the spectrograms with a Hilger
comparator and plotting large scale dispersion curves
with standard Fe lines. Each plate was measured by two
observers and the results averaged. Very weak or dif
fuse lines were measured from density traces recorded
by a Leeds and Northrup microphotometer. Correc
tions for small displacements of the Fe spectrum with
respect to the Raman spectrum were made by using
the known frequency of the Hg line, 2759.712A, which
falls within the Raman band. Eastman 103a-0 Spec
troscopic plates were used. Methane gas taken directly from commercial cylin
ders fluoresced under irradiation, producing a dense
continuum which obscured the Va band. The fluores
cence was eliminated by passing the gas through a
glass-wool filter, condensing it at liquid air temperature,
and allowing it to evaporate slowly to give the required
pressure in the Raman tube.
The final values of the Raman shifts given in the
first column of Table I were obtained by averaging the
results from four spectrograms with exposure times of
14,20,47, and 48 hr. Sixty-eight maxima were measured
in the Raman pattern as compared with 14 measured
by Dickinson, Dillon, and Rasetti.1 A microphotometer
trace of the 14-hr spectrogram is shown in Fig. 1;
beneath the spectrum is plotted the structure of the
band as calculated from the results of the analysis
given below. .
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 18:41:21500 STOICHEFF, CUMMING, ST. JOHN, AND WELSH
0-~ II I~ 00 j-~ o. 1
I~ ~ I
II 1\
I , • ib
-t---lIJ---JI--t-'-,-. -t-I ----,. If-p. : __ 1-_1-1 _51-1 _4+-1 _!Jt---,Zrl pO :Q+
~1 __ ~,_6~1--,5t~~! __ 71_2*lP+ ~
J I I o-~
--~l----!rl----'zrl---OO ' __ ~ ~*---_--.l3!,..--_--.l! __ O. V.
I I I [ R+
I IJ. 12, 13~ 14 RO
i~ II~ R-
12 14 • • • ,
~I 5
A I 6
~ , 7
! I ~ , "
, 28,50
3250 ,
1& ~ 'l l
1\ 1\ I il I
I " J
" J I~ ,\ II I'
'4 " ~
• I "
I~ ~ I~ I~ 2950
I~ L I I , I
~'\ljl'J I I
I, !!
! , I 4
3350 1
II~ I S· 14 50
I 5· 14
FIG. 1. Microphotorneter trace of the Va Raman band of methane. The structure of the band calculated from the
results of the analysis is plotted under the trace.
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 18:41:21RAMAN BAND OF METHANE 501
A Raman line at dll= 3071.5 cm-I was measured by
Dickinson, Dillon, and Rasetti, and also by MacWood
and Urey,4 who interpreted it as the Al part of 2112,
the upper state of this transition being in Fermi
resonance with the upper state of III. In the high dis
persion spectrograms there is no indication of any line
extraneous to the rotational structure of 113 in this re
gion. It is probable that the line measured by the previ
ous investigators at lower dispersion is a group of un
resolved lines near the maximum of the R branch.
Nevertheless, it is certain that a line observed in liquid
methane5,6 at dll= 3053 cm-I must be interpreted as
2112; in this case the rotational lines which are a result
of anisotropic scattering are greatly broadened by the.
intermolecular forces, whereas 2112 caused by isotropic
scattering remains sharp.
The sharp intense line corresponding to III falls in the
region of the 113 band. Since this line was overexposed in
the fine structure spectrograms, short exposures of the
order of 15 min were made to permit an accurate
measurement of the wave-number shift. The value
obtained was 2916.5 cm-I; the values found by Dickin
son, Dillon, and Rasetti,t and MacWood .and Urey4
were 2914.8 cm-I and 2914.2 cm-I, respectively.
The 113 band arises from the fundamental transition
of one of the 2 triply degenerate (F 2) modes of vibra
tion of the molecule. It was pointed out by Teller7
that Coriolis interaction between rotation and vibra
tion causes a splitting of the rotational levels of the
v= 1 vibrational state. The energy terms of the three
rotational sublevels are given by
FI+(J) = BIJ(J+ 1)+2B ltl(J+ 1)-DJ2(J+ 1)2
Fl°(J)=BIJ(J+1)-DJ2(J+1)2 (I)
Fe(J) =BIJ(J+ 1)-2BltlJ -DJ2(J+ 1)2.
In these expressions BI is the rotational constant and
tl the vibrational angular momentum for the v= 1
state; the additional term DJ2(J+ 1)2 represents the
energy caused by centrifugal distortion. The theory has
been further elaborated by Shaffer, Nielsen, and
Thomas,8 who have considered the Coriolis interaction
with other vibrational modes, an effect first treated by
Jahn,9 and also second-order interactions including
centrifugal distortion and anharmonicity. The calcula
tions of Shaffer, Nielsen, and Thomas show that for a
simple valence force field, which is a good approxima
tion for methane, the value of D is given by
D= B03[(16/31112)+ (5/31122)],
where III and 112 are the frequencies of the totally sym
metric and doubly degenerate modes of vibration,
4 G. E. MacWood and H. C. Urey, J. Chern. Phys. 4, 402 (1936).
5 Rank, Shull, and Axford, J. Chern. Phys. 18, 116 (1950).
6 Crawford, Welsh, and Harrold, Can. J. Phys. March, 1952.
7 E. Teller, Hand-und Jahrbuch d. Chern. Physik 9, II (1934).
8 Shaffer, Nielsen, and Thomas, Phys. Rev. 56, 895 (1939).
9 H. A. Jahn, Proc. Roy. Soc. London 168, 469 and 495 (1938). respectively. Assuming Bo=5.2 cm-I, the theoretical
value of D is 1.9X1O-4 cm-I•
In infrared absorption the ground state combines
with the V= 1 state to give 3 branches R-(J), Q0(J) ,
and P+(J) as observed experimentally by Cooley,1O and
Nielsen and Nielsen.!1 According to the analysis of
Cooley'S results by Childs,t2 the formulas (I) do not sat.
isfy exactly the experimental data.
In the Raman effect all transitions in accordance w\th
the selection rules dJ=O, ±1, ±2, J'+J"~2 are
allowed between the ground state and the Conolis
sublevels of the upper state. Thus, the Raman band
consists of 15 sub-branches. The complexity of the
band is effectively lessened, however, by the differen
relative intensities of the various sub-branches. As
stated by Teller,1 the relative intensities for high J
values are
S+:so:S-=o-:oo:o+= 15:5: 1,
R+:Ro:R-=P--:po:p+= 10: 8:3, (II)
The highest intensities in the outer regions of the band
are therefore in the S+ and 0-branches; this is mani
festly the structure observed by Dickinson, Dillon,
and Rasetti.
In the present investigation evidence for all but one
(0+) of the 15 sub-branches was found. Because of the
complex structure of the band many of the maxima
measured are blends of two or more lines. In the analy
sis, therefore, only those lines were used which had
sufficient intensity for accurate frequency measure
ments, and which were shown by a preliminary analysis
to be unblended. These lines are marked in Table I.
Assuming rotational energy terms for the ground
state of the form,
Fo(J) =BoJ(J+ 1) -DJ2(J+ 1)2,
and the formulas (I) for the v= 1 state, the molecular
constants which can be calculated from the Raman and
infrared data are Bo, BI, D, tl, and the frequency of the
band origin 110. The infrared frequencies of Nielsen and
Nielsen,!l corrected to cm-I in vacuum, were used.
The values of 110, 1I0+3Bltl, and Bo-BI can be
obtained directly from the following sum relations:
(t){R-(J)+P+(J+ 1)} = 110-(Bo-BI)(J+1)2, (A)
(!){S°(J)+O°(J+2) )
=1I0-(Bo-B1)(J2+3J+3), (B)
=1I0+3B ltl-(Bo-BI)(P+3J+3). (C)
It should be noted that only infrared frequencies are
used in relation (A) and only Raman frequencies in
10 J. P. Cooley, Astrophys. J. 62, 73 (1925).
11 A. H. Nielsen and H. H. Nielsen, Phys. Rev. 48, 864 (1935).
I. W. H. J. Childs, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) 153, 555 (1926).
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's lOI6t----j-~~__t-~:__+----+-----j
f (J)
FIG. 2. Determination of po, po+3B lsl and Bo-BI from
the sum relation's (A), (B), and (C).
(B) and (C) and that the centrifugal distortion terms
on the right-hand side cancel out, provided D has the
same value in both vibrational states. When the left
hand side of (A) or (B) is plotted against the appro
priate function, f(J), a straight line is obtained with the
intercept on the ordinate axis equal to 110 (Fig. 2). A
calculation by least squares gives 110=3018.1 cm-l from
(A) (ignoring the first three points) and 110= 3018.7
from (B). The small systematic difference which thus
appears to exist between the Raman and infrared fre
quencies is eliminated in the rest of the calculations by
raising the infrared frequenciet> by 0.6 em-I. The inter
cept for (C) is 1I0+3Bltl=3019.6 em-I.
A departure from theory is revealed by the fact that
the slopes of the three straight lines are not the same.
From (A) and (C) in which lines involving FI+ and FI-
states are used, the values of Bo-BI are nearly equal,
but differ markedly from the value obtained from (B)
in which lines involving Flo states are used. It seems
advantageous, therefore, at this stage of the analysis
to designate by superscripts on the B's the type of
states involved in the derivation. Thus, the convergence
factors are
Bo+--BI+-=0.03S, from infrared data,
Bo+--BI+-=0.036,} Boo-Blo=0.050, from Raman data.
The value of BIt 1 can be found in two ways:
(a) The difference of the intercepts for relations (B)
and (C) gives directly 3B1tl=0.9 em-I.
(b) The combination relation
gives as the average of six values Bltl=0.29 or 3B1tl
= 0.87 em-I. The two values are in fair agreement;
however, the second is considered the more accurate
and is used in the subsequent calculations. DETERMINATION OF THE ROTATIONAL CONSTANTS
The rotational constants, Band D, for the lower and
upper vibrational states are usually evaluated from
appropriate difference relations. Since the infrared QO
branch has not yet been resolved, Raman data alone
must be used in calculating Boo and Blo; the So and 00
lines are most suitable for the purpose. The constants
for P+ and P-states can be determined from combina
tion differences of Raman and infrared frequencies.
This procedure should be most satisfactory when s+ and
0-lines are used since these are the most accurately
measurable Raman frequencies and yield the largest
. combination differences with the infrared frequencies.
The difference relations derived from Eqs. (I) are
{1/(8J+4)}{S°(J -2)-0°(J+2)}
. =Boo-DoO(2J2+2J+8), (E)
{1/(8J+4) }{S°(J)-O°(J)}
= BIO-DIO(2J2+2J+8), (F)
{1/(6J+ 12)} {S+(J)- P+(J+3)}
= Bo+-Do+(2J2+8J+ 12), (G)
{1/(6J+ 12) }{R-(J)-0-(J+3)}
=Bo--Do-(2J2+8J+12), (H)
{1/ (6J + 6)} {S+(J) -P+(.f) -6Blt I}
= BI+-DI+(2J2+4J+6), (I)
{1/6J} {R-(J) -0-(J)+6B ltl}
= BI--DI-(2J2+4J). (J)
When the left-hand side of each relation is plotted as
ordinate with f(J) as abscissa, a straight line is ob
tained whose intercept and slope are Band D, re-
~~ ~~14
N'" 3
'in 5Z2f----+----t-'~--+---1
f (J)
FIG. 3. Determination of Boo, Doo, Blo, and Dlo from the
difference relations (E) and (F).
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spectively. In Fig. 3 the graphs for (E) and (F) are
shown. The constants obtained from the six relations
by a least-square analysis are
B1-=5.197, Doo= 1.9X 10"-4,
Do+= 1.5 X 10"-4,
Do-= 1.0X1O--\
D1o= 1.6X 10-\
D1+= 1.0X 10-\
The surprising feature of these results is that Boo
is very different from Bo+ and Bo-although the three
values for Bl are nearly equal. Also, Doo is 1.9X 10"-4,
equal to the theoretical value, while all the other D
values are lower. There is, however, a certain con
sistency in the analysis since Boo-BID is 0.053 in
reasonable agreement with the value 0.050 from (B),
and Bo+ --B1+ -is 0.033 as compared with the values
0.035 and 0.036 from (A) and (C). The constants also
reproduce accurately the frequencies of the lines from
which they were derived. It might be expected that
these values of the rotational constants would repro
duce also the frequencies of the lines not used in the
analysis. However, the calculated frequencies of the
RO, po, S-, R+, and P-lines differ from the observed
frequencies by as much as 2 em-I, that is by an amount
greater than the experimental error.
There is in addition a fundamental diffic.ulty which
arises from the results of this analysis; each rotational
level of the ground vibrational state, as well as of the
upper state, appears to be split and the splitting is
proportional to J(J+1). This type of perturbation
might well ocCur in the upper state through a Coriolis
interaction with the E part of the nearby 'V = 2 state of
112. However, according to Jahn's rule,1a the ground
state (A 1) cannot be perturbed by a Coriolis interaction
with any of the lower vibrational states of the mole
cule. A splitting of the rotational levels in consequence
of centrifugal distortion14 also seems unlikely since
there is no reason why the sublevels should be desig
nated as Fo+, Foo, and Fo-, as they are according to this
analysis. It must therefore be concluded that the'
straightforward analysis based on. combination rela
tionships has yielded a result which is not understand
able from the theoretical viewpoint.
The basic assumption in the calculation of Bo by a
difference relation is that the upper rotational states
are the same for the two branches involved. If the
splitting of the rotational levels of the ground state as
manifested by the aforementioned different values of
Bo is considered an unacceptable result, it must be
assumed that the sublevels of the upper state, F1+(1),
F1°(1) , and F1(1), can have different values for the
13 Ii. A. Jahn, Phys. Rev. 56, 680 (1939).
14 E. B. Wilson, J. Chern. Phys. 3, 276 (1935). I ,
52 o~
~ .
7 5 I a 50 ~
0 ~
J(J+I) I
• S" Lines
00" ..
"'" ~
150 200
FIG. 4. Determination of B1° and D1° from S· and 0°
Raman lines, assuming 8°=5.253.
various branches. In the analysis which follows, the
ground state is assumed to be unperturbed and the
constants, Bo and Do, are taken to be equal to BoO and
DoD as calculated above from relation (E). It will be
shown that these values lead to a consistent analysis
of the Raman and infrared Va bands and also of the
infrared 2)1a band.
The rotational energy terms of the upper vibrational
state can be calculated from the frequencies of the
observed transitions and the known values of Bo, Do,
and Vo. The formula for the s+ lines is quoted as an
F1+(1)=s+(1 -2)-vo+ Bo(J -2)(1 -1)
-Do(J -2)2(1 -1 )2. (III)
Rotational constants for each branch are then obtained
graphically from relations, derived from Eqs. (I), of
the type
Fl+(J) -2B1fl(J + 1) ------=B 1+-D1+J(1+1). (IV)
J(J +1)
The points for both the SO and the 0° branches (Fig.
4) lie on a reasonably well-defined straight line from
which the values, B1o= 5.203 and D1o= 1.8X 10-4 are
obtained. The convergence factor, Bo-B1o= 0.050,
agrees with that calculated from relation (B). Although
comparatively few RO and po frequencies are available,
the points for the two branches lie on the same straight
line, indicating common upper states and giving B10
= 5.217 and D1o= 1.8X 10-4. Thus, the upper states for
the RO and po lines are not the same as those for the
So and 0° lines.
The points for the S+ and 0-lines lie on two very
different straight lines (Fig. 5) giving B1+=5.206, D1+
=1.0X10"-4, and B1-=5.235, Dl=3.8X1o--4.15 The
average value of the convergence factor, Bo"-Bl+-, is
0.034, in satisfactory agreement with the value 0.036
1. Although the DJ values for the S+ and 0-branches are not
equal to Do, relation (C) is still valid since a computation shows
that the centrifugal stretching terms effectively cancel.
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~ 5.Z em
3\ \ 2 \
5.2 /
~:; 5.20
~:3 . ...,
7... 5.19 I ..
• O-Lines
oS· "
~ ~
1"1>-. "
518 o 50 /00
J(J./) .150 200
FIG. 5. Determination of B, and D, from S+ and 0-
Raman lines, assuming Bo=5.253.
from relation (C). For the weak S-and 0+ series the
experimental data are insufficient to carry out an
analysis. The points for both infrared branches, R-and
P+, fall on the same straight line (Fig. 6) with B1+
=B1-=5.217, D1+=D 1-= 1.8X1G-4, and Bo-Bl+
= 0.036 in good agreement with the value 0.035 from
relation (A). Only five lines of the R-and P+ series
could be measured in the Raman spectrum since these
are the weakest of the Rand P sub-branches. The aver
age difference between the Raman frequencies and the
corresponding infrared frequencies is 0.4 em-I. Thus,
it is probable that the upper states for the R-and P+
lines are the same in Raman effect and in infrared ab
sorption. For the R+ and P-series the points on the
graph (Fig. 7) are more scattered, but there is no doubt
that the constants for the two branches are the same,
3, ~2
I " ."
'" '? 52 0-·
d5 ,'] N.., , 51
:J ;.:
51 9
7 • R' Infrared Lines
o p'
a 50 100 150 '00 250
J (J.,)
FIG. 6. Determination of B, and D, from R-and P+
infrared Jines, assuming Bo=5.253. B1+=Bl-=5.234 and Dl+=D 1-=2.9XI0-4• The re
sults of the analysis are summarized in Table II .
When the constants obtained from the R-and P+
branches are used to calculate the infrared frequencies,
the experimental values are reproduced to within 0.1
em-Ion the average. Since the analysis shows that the
same rotational constants satisfy both R-and P+
branches, it should be possible to calculate Bo and Bl
by combination differences of the infrared frequencies.
A least-squares analysis of the data with the relation,
{1/(4J+6)} {R-(J)-P+(J+2)}
= Bo-BlsI-Do(2J2+6J+6) (K)
gives Bo=5.249, Do= 1.7XIo-4, and B1=5.216, DI
= 2.0X 10-\ which show a satisfactory agreement with
the aforementioned values.I6 A further test of the con
sistency of the analysis is afforded by the evaluation
of Bltl from infrared data. It can be easily shown from
Eqs. (I) that
BlSl={Fl+(J)-FdJ)}/2(2J+l). (V)
The average of ten values is BIs1=0.290±0.003 which
confirms the value obtained from (D).
When the constants of Table II are used to calculate
the Raman frequencies, the agreement with the ex
perimental values is very good as shown in Table I.
The average discrepancy between observed and calcu
lated frequencies for the 42 lines used in the analysis
is only 0.14 em-I. The diagrammatic presentation of
the spectrum under the microphotometer trace in Fig. 1
was prepared from the calculated frequencies. Relative
intensities are indicated in the diagram by the width
of the lines. The total intensity of a given branch line
(e.g., S(6») was calculated from the formulas of Placzek
and Teller17 with statistical weights due to n.uclear
spin as given by Wilson.Is However, the intensity dis
tribution in the components of a given branch line
[e.g., S+(6), SO(6), and S-(6)] is only approximate; the
matrix elements for the sublevels are not available, and
it was necessary to use the relative intensities given in
Eqs. (II) which are correct only for high J values. For
low J values there are apparent intensity anomalies;
thus, for P(2) it is easy to show from the symmetry
species of the states involved that P-(2) has zero in
tensity, and from the experimental results it appears
that P+(2) has the greatest intensity. For the sake of
completeness the weak branches, S-and 0+, have been
included in the diagram although the constants for
these lines could not be evaluated; average values,
Bl=5.220 and DI=1.9X1G-4, were assumed.
It therefore appears that a single value of Bo and the
array of values of Bl, given in Table II, account for the
structure of the Raman and infrared spectra. The per-
16 The lack of agreement with the theoretical formulas, found
by Childs (see reference 12) for the infrared va band, appears to be
the result of the use of incorrect combination relations and neglect
cl~D~~ .
11 G. Placzek and E. Teller, Z. Physik 81, 209 (1933).
18 E. B. Wilson, J. Chern. Phys. 3, 276 (1935).
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turbation apparent in the spectrum has been ascribed
only to the excited vibrationai state; in this respect
this analysis is more satisfactory from the theoretical
viewpoint than the analysis based only on combination
relationships. However, the multiplicity of Bl values
is not immediately understandable. The most obvious
perturbation of the rotational levels of the v= 1 state
of 113 is that resulting from a Coriolis interaction with
the nearby and slightly higher v= 2 state of 112. From
the calculations of Jahn9 on a similar but much stronger
perturbation of 114 by 112, it appears that the Fl+, Flo,
and F 1-sublevels are split and also depressed from the
unperturbed values. If the perturbation is small, as
seems to be the case for lIa, the splitting of the sublevels
would lead only to a broadening of the spectral lines,
and the average depression of the sublevels would vary
as J(J+l). The depression would not be the same for
the three sublevels and would give in effect different
values for Bl+, Blo, and Bl-. These Bl values could also
vary slightly for the different changes in J, /1J = 0, ± 1,
±2, since the effective center of a given sublevel would
not necessarily be the same for different transitions to
that sublevel. This explanation, however, does not
TABLE II. Rotational constants of the upper state of the V3 band
of CH" assuming Bo=5.253 cm-I and Do= 1.9X 10-4 em-I.
R+, P-(R.E.)
RO, po (R.E.)
R-, p+ (LR. and R.E.)
5+ (R.E.)
So, 00 (R.E.) 5.235
5.203 3.8
adequately account for the distribution of Bl values in
Table II. It is probable that second-order perturbations
as a result of centrifugal distortion and anharmonicities,
such as those considered by Shaffer, Nielsen, and
Thomas, are of the same order of magnitude as the
perturbation caused by Coriolis interaction with 2112.
An examination of the problem from this point of
view might explain the different values of Bl and D1•
The average internuclear distance for the ground
vibrational state ro, as calculated from the Raman
value Bo=5.253, is 1.0927XIO- s cm. With the value
Bo=5.249 obtained from infrared data by relation
(K), ro is 1.0930 X 10-s. These values of ro are probably
of the same order of accuracy.
Although the individual lines of the Q branch were
not resolved, the contour at high dispersion is striking;
there is a sharp maximum of intensity at /111=3021.5
cm-I, a broad maximum at about /111=3017 cm-I, and
then a gradual decrease in intensity towards smaller
frequency shifts (Fig. 1 and on a larger scale Fig. 8).
According to Eqs. (I) the structures of the three Q 5.2
em .,
3'" ~ J
° R+ Lines
° p-..
0""'0 I
5.1 9
51 8 o 50 0,\ 0
J(J+I) . ~
150 zoo
FIG. 7. Determination of BI and DI from R+ and P
Raman lines, assuming Bo=5.253.
sub-branches are given by
Q+: 11= 110-(Bo-,B1)J(J+ 1)+2Bltl(J+ 1),
QO: 11= 110-(Bo-B1)J(J + 1),
Q-: 11= 110-(Bo-B1)J(J+ 1)-2Blt IJ.
Since Bo-Bl and Bltl are positive, the QO and Q
branches are degraded to lower frequency shifts, and
the extent of Q-is greater than that of QO• For Q+, on
the other hand, 2Bltl(J+l) is greater than (Bo-Bl)
XJ(J+l) at small J values and less at large J values;
hence this branch forms a band head, which corresponds
to the observed maximum at /111=3021.5 cm-l. At low
dispersion this head is the most prominent feature of
the Q branch and has been measured by the earlier
workers as "3' Actually, the band origin, as found from
Slit Width
FIG. 8. Microphotometer trace of the Q branch of the "3 Raman
band. The structure of the branch calculated from the results of
the analysis is plotted under the trace.
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relation (B), is at Av=3018.7 cm-t, close to the mini
mum. Assuming the values Boo-B1o=0.050 and Bo+
-B1+-=0.035, the frequencies of the Q branch lines
were' calculated and are plotted, with approximate
intensities, under the microphotometer trace in Fig. 8.
It is evident that all features of the contour are re
The values of the rotational constants Bo and Do
obtained from the Va Raman band can be used in an
analysis of the 2va infrared band, for which experi
mental data are available in recent papers by Nelson,
Plyler, and Benedict,19 and by McMath, Mohler, and
Goldberg.20 In the following calculations the frequencies
quoted by the former authors have been used. .
The branches of the 2va infrared band .can be desig
nated as R+(1), QO(J), and.P-(1), the upper rotational
levels of which are given by equations similar to (I).
Th!'! band origin Vo and the convergence factor Bo-B2
can be found from the relation
(t){R+(J -2)+P-(1+1)}
= vo-2B07' (Bo- B2+-)J2, (M)
and also, since the Q branch lines were resolved, from
the formula
Q0(1) = vo-(Bo-B2°)J(J+ 1). (N)
A graphical solution gives the values vo-2Bo= 5994.22
cm-I, Bo-B2+-=0.062 from (M), and vo=6004.71,
Bo-B2°70.067 from (N). Assuming Bo=5.253, the
19 Nelson, Plyler, and Benedict, J. Research Nat!. Bur. Stand
ards 41,651 (1948).
20 McMath, Mohler, and Goldberg, Astrophys. J.I09, 17 (1949). value of Vo from (M) is 6004.73 in good agreement with
the value from (N).
The difference between the values of Bo-B2° and
Bo-B2+-shows that for the 2va band, there is a de
parture from the simple theory similar to, but not as
great as, that found in the Va band. It seems therefore
appropriate to carry out an analysis of the same type
as that used for Va. Assuming Bo= 5.253 and Do= 1.9
X 10-4, the upper rotational energy terms F 2+(1),
F2°(1), and F2-(1) are calculated from the frequencies
of the R+, QO, and P-lines, respectively, by expressions
analogous to (III) above. If the B2 values for the R+
and P-branches are equal, as was found for the Va
band, the value of B2s 2 can be calculated readily from
an equation corresponding to (V). The average of nine
values gives B2s2=0.168±0.002 cm-I. The rotational
constants for the upper state, calculated by equations
corresponding to (IV), are B2°=5.187, D2°=2.1XlO':"'4,
and B2+-= 5.193, D2+-= 2.3X 10-4• Consistency in the
analysis is shown by the agreement of the values of
Bo-B2 with those obtained from relations (M) and
(N). The derived constants reproduce the observed
frequencies up to J = 9 with an average discrepancy of
less than 0.1 cm-I• The value of S2 as calculated from
B2+-S2 is 0.0324.
Th~se constants for the 2va band differ slightly, but
significantly, from those given by Nelson, Plyler, and
Benedict. The fact that two values of B2 are found for
2va from infrared data alone shows that the rotational
levels of the v = 2 vibrational state are probably per
turbed in a way similar to that found for Va. However,
since no Raman data· exist for 2va, the nature of the
perturbation cannot be studied in greater detail.
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1.1700723.pdf | Viscosities of Some Lower Aliphatic Alcohols at Constant Volume
A. Jobling and A. S. C. Lawrence
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 20, 1296 (1952); doi: 10.1063/1.1700723
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1700723
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:21:25THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 20, NUMBER 8 AUGUST, 1952
Viscosities of Some Lower AI~phatic Alcohols at Constant Volume
A. JOBLING,* Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, England
A. S. C. LAWRENCE, Chemistry Department, The University, Sheffield, England
(Received February 29, 1952)
From an analysis of all the published experimental data for methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, isobutyl, and n
octadecyl alcohols, it is shown that, even for these compounds, at constant volume log'l is a rectilinear
function of liT and the general pattern of behavior is similar to that described previously. S .. the energy
of activation of viscous flow at constant volume, is plotted as a function of volume, and the curve for ethyl
alcohol shows an apparently anomalous minimum.
IT has been demonstrated recentlyl both by direct
experiment and by analysis of published viscosity
and compressibility data, that at constant volume
there is a rectilinear relation between log?] and liT for
a number of simple organic liquids. It has been shown
that this is to be expected from a study of the fuller
viscosity theories of Andrade2,3 and Eyring! and that
the slope of the 10g?]-1/T isochore is a measure of Sv,
the energy of activation of viscous flow at constant
volume, which is a function of volume.
t c-0·0
R en
60 i
i i , -12d'C
~ -Ioo·e ,
i 4 _80°C
\ i h -60·e
\ .
V Ctc) -\~ -20°c
\ \
FIG. 1. LoglO'I ('I in poises) as a function of molecular volume, V
at constant temperature (n-propyl alcohol). e, Bridgman, 24°C
[Po W. Bridgman, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 77, 115 (1949)J; 0, Bridgman, 30°C (reference 5); X, Bridgman, 75°C (reference
5); 6, atmospheric pressure, various observers.
* Senior Student, Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851.
1 A. Jobling and A. S. C. Lawrence, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A206, 257 (1951).
2 E. N. daC. Andrade, Phil. Mag. 17, 497 (1934).
3 E. N. daC. Andrade, Phil. Mag. 17,698 (1934).
4 Eyring, Glasstone, and Laidler, Theory oj Rate Processes
(McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1941), Chapter
IX. Strong evidence for the correctness of the general
scheme of viscous behavior outlined in the previous
paper is the fact that the behavior of those lower
aliphatic alcohols for which sufficient experimental
evidence is available is found to conform to a similar
pattern. The log'Y/-1IT isochores are again rectilinear
but activation energies calculated from them are much
larger than those of the corresponding paraffins.
Figure 1 shows the variation of log?] with molecular
volume at constant temperature for n-propyl alcohol,
a typical example. From this, the variation of vis
cosity with temperature at constant volume is obtained
by interpolation (Fig. 2; compare the corresponding
Figs. 8 and 9 of the previous paperl).
Bridgman's measurements5 of the viscosity of ethyl
alcohol at high pressures are supplemented by those of
Faust6 at pressures up to about 3000 atmos but the
\·5 i i i i
1·0 i i i
0'$ /
51 en ...2
FIG. 2. Log1o'l ('I in poises) as a function of liT at constant
molecular volume V (n-propyl alcohol). Legend as in Fig. 1.
6 P. W. Bridgman, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 61, 57 (1926).
6 O. Faust, Z. physik. Chern. 86,479 (1914).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:21:25ALCOHOL VISCOSITIES 1297
t '·s
!! r To
40 45 i-I~o·c
~ -80·C
50 55
V (<.<) -(os
FIG. 3. Loglo>] (>] in poises) as a function of molecular volume V
at constant temperature (ethyl alcohol). 0, Bridgman, 30°C;
X, Bridgman, 75°C; e, Faust, O°C; 119, Faust, 15.1 °C; A, Faust,
30°C; ., Faust, 53.5°C; 6, various observers, atmospheric
pressure and different temperatures.
agreement is not very good. Bridgman7 has discussed
the disparity. The two sets of observations have been
combined with various atmospheric pressure measure-
f ,.5'
II ....
.2 To
FIG. 4. Loglo>] (>] in poises) as a function of liT at constant
molecular volume V (ethyl alcohol). Legend as in Fig. 3.
7 P. W. Bridgman, Physics of High Pressure (Bell and Com
pany, London, 1949). ~ooo
t 6000
-:d 5000 v '-'
0·80 o·es 0·90 0·95' ,·00
Relative volume_
FIG. 5. 6. as a function of relative volume (volume relative
to that at O°C and 1 atmos pressure). e, methyl alcohol; 0, ethyl
alcohol; X, n-propyl alcohol; 6, iso-butyl alcohol.
ments in Figs. 3 and 4 to illustrate the lack of agree
ment. The particular importance of the behavior of
ethyl alcohol will he made evident later.
Energies of activation of viscous flow at constant
volume 6v, calculated from the isochores of Figs. 2 and
4, are plotted as functions of relative volume in Fig. 5
together with the corresponding curves for methyl and
iso-butyl alcohols. The literature references to all the
relevant experimental work on these four alcohols are
listed in Table I.
The reason for the minimum in the 6v volume curve
for ethyl alcohol is not clear. It should be borne in
mind that the accuracy with which 6. can be calculated
is greatly reduced at the higher volumes where the
isochores are short and errors in the determination of
the viscosity are more significant. Bridgman5 has stated
TABLE 1. Viscosities and volumes of liquids at different
temperatures and pressures-collected references.
Viscosity Volume Viscosity Density
at high at high at low temperatures at
Substance pressures pressures atmospheric pressure
MeOH a, b d e,g
EtOH b,c d f, g
PrnOH a, b d f, g, h
BuiOH b d f, g
• P. W. Bridgman, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 77, 115 (1949).
b See reference 5.
o See reference 7.
d P. W. Bridgman, Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. 49, 3 (1913).
• S. Mitsukuri and T. Tonomura. Proc. Imp. Acad. Japan 3,155 (1927).
f S. Mitsukuri and T. Tonomura, Proc. Imp. Acad. Japan 5, 23 (1929).
g M. A. Veksler, J. Exp. Theor. Phys. USSR 9. 616 (1939).
b G. Tammann and W. Hesse, Z. anorg. u. allgem. Chern. 156, 245 (1926).
i W. Seitz and G. Lechner, Ann. Physik 49,93 (1916).
j S. Mitsukuri and Y. Kitano. Proc. Imp. Acad. Japan 5, 21 (1929).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:21:251298 A. JOBLING AND A. S. C. LAWRENCE
this region, and for other liquids slight deviations of
his measurements from those of other workers were
noted previously. However, the depth of the minimum
seems too large to be accounted for entirely by experi
mental error.
If the effect is genuine, it is surprising that it is not
observed for methyl alcohol also, since there is some
that his experimental errors are probably greatest in
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS rather uncertain evidence that a part of the 0v volume
curve for water also has a positive slope.
Straight lines are also obtained on plotting 10g1j
against liT from the experimental data of Van Wijk,
Van der Veen, ~rinkman, and Seeder8 for n-octadecyl
8 Van Wijk, Van der Veen, Brinkman, and Seeder, Physica 7,
45 (1940).
The X-Ray K Absorption Edges of Covalently Bonded Cr, Mn, Fe, and Ni*
Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
(Received December 10, 1951)
We discuss some recently measured absorption edges of covalent nickel complexes and edges of Cr, Mn,
and Fe in similar complexes already in the literature. Low energy absorption (generally resolved as a line)
is observed in all complexes where empty 4p orbital is expected from chemical or magnetic data. From the
position of the line it is concluded that the metal ion is near neutral in the covalent complex. Where the 4p
orbital is completely used in bonding, no low energy absorption line is observed. The method may be useful
as an additional experimental check on the assignment of bonding orbitals.
THE elements of the first transition series and their
compounds have been studied by a great many
x-ray spectroscopists. We will confine the present dis
cussion to the K edges1•2 which lie in the nonvacuum
region at 1 or 2A. The following results will be useful.
In the pure metals the absorption coefficient in
creases gradually, with increasing photon energy, from
a low value where no K shell ionization occurs to a
maximum, some nine times greater, where K electrons
are being excited into the empty 4p band of the metal.
This region of the principal absorption increase has an
energy extent of 15 or 20 ev in the elements under
consideration. It is followed by a series of relatively
small maxima and minima of the absorption coefficient
which extend for 200 or 300 ev. This is the region of the
Kronig structure3 with which we are not primarily
A fairly standard example of a metal absorption
edge in the region of present interest is that of Ni in
Fig. 1. In general, no strong absorption lines are found
before the main 4p absorption at 15 or 20 ev. The
natural width of the K excited state and a smaller
contribution from the finite resolution of the crystals
used in the x-ray monochromator combine to limit the
• Supported by the ONR and the Wisconsin Alumni Research
Foundation. t Now with the Capehart-Farnsworth Corporation, Fort
Wayne, Indiana.
1 W. W. Beeman and H. Friedman, Phys. Rev. 56, 392 (1939).
2 V. H. Sanner, thesis (Uppsala, Sweden, 1941). See also
Y. Cauchois, Les Spectra des Rayons X et la Structure Electronique
de la Matiere (Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1948).
3 R. de L Kronig, Z. Physik 75, 191 (1932). resolution in these spectra to about 2 ev. However,
since the absorption curve can be considered to be the
sum of a large number of overlapping resonance lines
of known shape, each of half-width 2 ev, analysis in
terms of such lines will sometimes reveal finer detail.
In particular one expects4 and findsl the initial absorp
tion (near zero ev in Fig. 1) to follow an arctangent
curve. The point of inflection of the arctangent gives
the photon energy necessary to excite a K electron
into the first empty level of the Fermi distribution.
This energy is conveniently chosen as a zero for a dis
cussion of absorption edge structure close to the edge
since only very rarely does an absorption of lower energy
occur in any of the compounds of the element. The
point of inflection can be located to about one-half ev in
most cases.
The structure of the metal edges can be qualitatively
understood 1 in terms of the electron band structure of
the metal. In a few other simple cases a qualitative or
semi-quantitative discussion of absorption structure
within 15 or 20 ev of the edge is available. ParraH"
measured the K edge of argon gas and found a number
of absorption lines which he identified as 1s-mp transi
tions, n=4, 5, 6, etc. Bearden and Beeman6 measured
the edges of Ni++, Cu++, and Zn++ in aqueous solution
and found two absorption lines whose separation agreed
with the assignments ls--+ip and an unresolved ls-mp,
n=5, 6, 7, etc. to the transitions. In addition the ex
pected separation of the ls-+4p line of the ion from the
4 Richtmyer, Barnes, and Ramberg, Phys. Rev. 46, 843 (1934).
6 L. G. Parratt, Phys. Rev. 56, 295 (1939).
6 W. W. Beeman and J. A. Bearden, Phys. Rev. 61,455 (1942).
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1.3067297.pdf | Perturbation Methods in the Quantum Mechanics of n-Electron Systems
E. M. Corson Irving Kaplan ,
Citation: Physics Today 4, 7, 25 (1951); doi: 10.1063/1.3067297
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3067297
View Table of Contents: http://physicstoday.scitation.org/toc/pto/4/7
Published by the American Institute of PhysicsAerodynamics
Supersonic Aerodynamics, A Theoretical Intro-
duction. By Edward R. C. Miles. 255 pp. McGraw-
Hill Book Company, New York, 1950. $4.00.
Foundations of Aerodynamics. By A. M. Kuethe
and J. D. Schetzer. 374 pp. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1950. $5.75.
Just to be arbitrary suppose we consider the two
books in the reverse order in which they appear above.
The Kuethe-Schetzer book is precisely the type of book
I should like to use for a group of advanced students.
It seems to me that the sophistication implied in their
approach is exactly what we should try to impart to all
students of fluid dynamics. The almost arithmetical fluid
dynamics which is frequently found in introductory
courses never gives the student the perspective he needs
to meet the problems in this field. From the outset
Kuethe and Schetzer use the methods of vector analysis
without which a really sound course in fluids is not
possible. Their book covers the usual topics with nota-
ble differences and additions. For example they have
put in chapters on energy and wave forms, both of
which deserve considerable attention (I wish the au-
thors had expanded these chapters even more) and have
not hesitated to introduce thermodynamics at numerous
points, in several instances devoting time specifically
to thermodynamics as such.
Somewhat on the debit side is the lack of a more
detailed discussion of viscous flow which is relegated
to a relatively brief treatment. However, this is not a
fault peculiar to this particular text, and actually the
treatment here is better than in most similar books.
Although the authors do not pretend to be writing a
book in applied aerodynamics, they do include sufficient
material to give the student a picture of some of the
problems involved in this area. There are two excellent
appendices, one on dimensional analysis and one on
the Navier-Stokes and Energy Equations. Several ta-
bles of coefficients and flow parameters are interspersed
throughout the text, which should prove very helpful.
The approach is, of course, principally analytical but
particularly in the sections dealing with turbulence the
authors describe some of the experimental techniques
and methods used in the laboratory.
Returning to Professor Miles' book we find a treat-
ment that would follow rather naturally from the
Kuethe-Schetzer work, although there is no intention
to imply that this is anything but coincidental. The
level at which Professor Miles has written his book fits
in very well for anyone who has had his initial prepa-
ration in aerodynamics with the Kuethe-Schetzer book;25
both use vector analysis freely and in general have the
same sophisticated approach to their subjects. Pro-
fessor Miles covers such topics as the potential equa-
tion, linear theory of plane flow, linear potential theory
in three dimensions, shock waves, and potential flow in
the hodograph plane among others. Since the author is
a mathematician a number of the problems take on a
rather mathematical form, almost, at times, to the ex-
clusion of the physical implications. It is not at all un-
usual in present-day aerodynamics and plasticity to
treat problems as though they were invented for the
edification of mathematicians, rather than for the pur-
pose of solving problems in the physical and engineer-
ing world. I would guess that Professor Miles suspected
this charge because in his preface he expresses the hope
that readers will find his book sufficiently "practical".
From the teacher's point of view the book is practical
but it will have to be left to the actual designers in the
field to determine how practical it may be for them.
While the Kuethe-Schetzer book needs a few more
problems, the Miles book has what appears to be an
ample supply which will probably keep both instructor
and student quite busy. From the teaching point of
view, the combination of these two books would make
an excellent three or four semester course starting in
perhaps the senior year of college and carrying on
through the first year of graduate work. There is plenty
of room for expansion by the instructor within this
framework and at the same time the student would be
given a preparation which gives an excellent picture of
modern aerodynamics and the trends it is taking. Not
only has aerodynamics advanced enormously as a sci-
ence in the past ten years but the art of writing text-
books in this field has also marched forward. Both
books should receive serious consideration in any school
offering work in this area and should surely be on the
bookshelf of all those interested in fluid dynamics.
James Bernard Kelley
Hojstra College
Many Particle Systems
Perturbation Methods in the Quantum Mechanics
of n-Electron Systems. By E. M. Corson. 308 pp.
Hafner Publishing Company, New York, 1951. $11.00.
Publication of Dr. Corson's book fills an important
gap in the literature of contemporary physics in that
it provides a unified and comprehensive treatment of
the quantum mechanics of many-particle systems.
There has been a great need for a book dealing with
the area between elementary quantum mechanics on
the one hand and the fields of specialized applications
on the other hand. Thus, there have been available
many adequate books on the elements of quantum me-
chanics, and a considerable number of treatises on such
specialized subjects as atomic spectra, radiation theory,
and solid state theory. Dr. Corson's book offers for the
first time, to this reviewer's knowledge, a thorough ex-
position of the theory and methods for studying the
JULY 195126
properties and behavior of many-particle systems, a
field which includes many of the most significant ap-
plications of quantum mechanics.
The scope of the book can be indicated by a brief
review of its contents. In the first four chapters, the
author develops the mathematical formalism which is
based on the Dirac-Jordan representation theory, and
discusses in a succinct, yet clear, manner the physical
principles of quantum mechanics. Although these chap-
ters constitute an introductory summary of the quan-
tum theory of states and observables, they succeed in
clarifying, at least for this reviewer, some bothersome
questions. For example, the author's treatment of fixed
and moving operators and representations, and of
change of state in time is particularly helpful. The
fifth chapter deals with the fundamentals of perturba-
tion theory. The sixth chapter considers some of the
properties of groups which are useful in the treatment
of many-particle problems. In chapter seven, the anti-
symmetry principle is studied as is the density matrix
in many-electron systems. Chapters eight and nine are
devoted to the methods for determining the eigen-
vectors which give the best approximation to the solu-
tion of the wave equation of a many-particle system
(the method of the self-consistent field). The varia-
tional method is treated first, with emphasis on the
derivation and physical aspects of the Hartree and Fock-
Dirac equations. This is followed by a discussion of the
statistical or semiclassical approximation which is used
to select the first approximation to the potential with
which to start the iterative process of solving the Har-
tree and Fock-Dirac equations. The section closes with
a discussion of the Thomas-Fermi approximation. Chap-
ter ten consists of a detailed treatment of the Dirac
vector model including its relationship to group theory.
Here the author has succeeded in avoiding an overly
formal group-theoretic approach without diluting the
elegance of the method. Applications to the theory of
valence are considered, and the four, six, and eight elec-
tron problems are discussed at considerable length. The
eleventh chapter deals with second quantization. The
author discusses its operational aspects, its place in the
general representation theory and its relationships with
the method of the self-consistent field, with the Dirac
vector model and with the hole formalism. The treat-
ment of this subject is excellent. The book closes with
a short chapter on the S-matrix theory.
The author is to be commended for undertaking the
formidable task of writing a book of this scope, and
for the successful achievement of his goal. His exposi-
tion is clear and logical; the mathematical treatment is
elegant. It is understandable that space limitations did
not permit including illustrative examples in all cases
where they might have been desirable. However, con-
sidering the many literature references cited, the gen-
eral theory and methods have been presented in a suffi-
ciently detailed way so that the volume should be very
useful. One must agree with the author's belief that the
subject matter presented constitutes a representative
cross section of applied nonrelativistic quantum me-chanics. For these reasons Dr. Corson's book is highly
recommended to research physicists and to graduate
students of physics.
Finally, the printers, Blackie and Son Ltd., of Glas-
gow, are to be congratulated on the beauty and artistry
with which this volume has been made. The book's
merits, both internal and external, should compensate
amply for its price. Irving Kaplan
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Cloud Physics
Cloud Physics. By D. W. Perrie. 119 pp. John Wiley
and Sons, Inc., New York, 1951. $4.50.
This is a book on a subject which has recently as-
sumed much popularity in scientific circles, as well as
among the news and magazine supplements, since it is
related to "rainmaking".
During the past fifty years, a number of books and
monographs have appeared based on the physical and
chemical properties of the atmosphere. Humphreys'
Physics of the Air is an example of a book covering
most of the general properties of the atmosphere.
Landsberg's Atmospheric Condensation Nuclei is a
monograph which deals with a highly specialized field.
As a result of the many excellent basic research stud-
ies in the field of meteorology which were started dur-
ing World War II and have continued up to the present
time, many new discoveries have been made in this
important science. Cloud Physics is apparently directed
toward partially filling the gap in the available printed
information dealing with clouds. As such, it will be
welcomed by all who are interested in the subject.
A useful feature of the book is the references it con-
tains to the historical development of the study of
clouds. These should not be accepted as completely
authoritative, however, without some additional check
on the references cited. An example of a reference to
the historic literature w:hich may be misleading is that
of the "seeding" of clouds with dry ice which was
carried out by Veraart in Holland during the 30's. A
study of Veraart's experiments shows that he employed
methods suggested by Gathman of Chicago in 1891 in
patent applications. This involved the dumping of large
quantities of dry ice into the atmosphere so that the
cooling of the air would either produce cloudiness or
precipitation in existent clouds. This use of dry ice to
affect clouds w:as thus based on an entirely different
idea than that which is used by the reviewer and his
colleagues when seeding supercooled clouds with dry
ice. To have any appreciable effect in the atmosphere
Gathman and Veraart's method would require countless
tons of dry ice. To modify supercooled clouds, a few
pounds of dry ice are enough to produce a major effect
in a cloud area several miles in diameter.
This book is recommended primarily since it indi-
cates the many gaps in our present knowledge of cloud
physics and the uncertainties which exist in this impor-
tant field of the physical sciences.
1.1721126.pdf | Reverse Characteristics of High Inverse Voltage Point Contact Germanium
J. H. Simpson and H. L. Armstrong
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 24, 25 (1953); doi: 10.1063/1.1721126
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1721126
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/24/1?ver=pdfcov
Published by the AIP Publishing
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 17:16:35JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS VOLUME 24, NUMBER 1 JANUARY, 1953
Reverse Characteristics of High Inverse Voltage Point Contact Germanium. Rectifiers
Radio and Electrical Engineering Division, National Research Council, OUawa, Canada
(Received June 13, 1952)
A theory of the reverse characteristic of high inverse voltage germanium rectifiers is developed, which
takes account of the radial symmetry of the point contact and the presence of positive holes in the "inversion
region" of the semiconductor. The field at the metal is found to consist of three components. The first com
ponent varies inversely with the radius of the contact and directly with the applied voltage for larger
voltages. The second component is produced by the impurity centers and varies approximately as the cube
root of the voltage. The third component is produced by the positive holes in the inversion region and is
approximately constant. This last component lowers the effective barrier height for rectifiers made of very
pure materia!. The first is the more important of the variable components and is responsible for increases in
current resulting from image force and tunnel effect at high voltages. In the former case the logarithm of the
current varies as Vi and in the latter as V2 approximately.
Current-voltage curves of the predicted forms have been found experimentally using short rectangular
pulses varying in length from 2 to 10 J.l.sec to minimize thermal effects. Where possible, barrier heights are
determined by measurements over a range of temperatures and detailed numerical comparisons of theoretical
and experimental data are made. The two sets of data are in remarkably good agreement thus implying that
the theoretical picture is essentially correct.
THE characteristics of high inverse voltage ger
manium rectifiers have been discussed in con
siderable detail in the literature and a summary of
experimental results has been given by Benzer.1 In his
discussion of the reverse characteristic, Benzer divides
the current into the following components:
(1) A saturation current which reaches a constant
value at low voltage.
(2) A component which increases linearly with
(3) A component which increases more rapidly than
linearly with voltage.
The first two components have been discussed in some
detail. Bardeen and Brattain2 suggest that the first
component may be the result of the motion of holes
from the semiconductor to the metal point contact and
that surface effects may account for the magnitude of
the current. The second component is usually considered
to result from the presence of small areas of low barrier
height in the contact between the metal and the semi
conductor.a It has also been suggested2 that the third
component may be the result of non-uniformity of the
barrier. It is the purpose of this paper to investigate
theoretically two other possible causes of components
(2) and (3), namely the field resulting from the geometry
of the contact and the presence of large numbers of
positive holes in the "inversion region" of the semicon
ductor immediately adjacent to the metal. Experi
mental data, obtained by pulse methods to minimize
thermal effects, are analysed in the light of the theo
retical predictions and detailed numerical comparisons
are given.
1 S. Benzer, J. App!. Phys. 20, 804 (1949).
2 J. Bardeen and W. H. Brattain, Phys. Rev. 75, 1208 (1949).
3 Johnson, Smith, and Yearian, J. App!. Phys. 21, 283 (1950).
The generally accepted picture of the barrier at the
surface of germanium is shown in Fig. 1, which is taken
from the important paper of Bardeen and Brattain.2
The region to the left of the dotted line is an "inversion
region" of the type described by Schottky and Spenke.4
It will contain many more holes per unit volume than
the body of the semiconductor. The presence of these
holes,-if they exist in sufficient numbers,-will have a
pronounced influence on the shape of the barrier. A
calculation of barrier shape taking account of this effect
may be made quite readily and is carried out below.
We first establish approximate values for the quanti
ties shown in Fig. 1. For germanium the energy gap
(ep e+ ep h) is usually taken to be 0.72 ev. A comparison of
the number of electrons in the conduction band of the
semiconductor with the number having energies in the
same range in the metal5 gives a value of 0.28 ev for
epeO, the value of epe in the body of the semiconductor,
if the number of free electrons no is 4X1014/cc and the
number of holes po is 1012/ cc, corresponding to a resis
tivity of 4.5 ohm cm.6 Hence epllO, the value of ep" in
the body of the germanium, is 0.44 ev. For ep.=:= 0.65
ev (epb=0.37 ev) the number of holes/cc at the metal,
pm, is about 2X1018/CC and even for the relatively low
barrier height, ep.= 0.57 ev, pm= 1017/cc. This relatively
large mobile charge probably makes the barrier more
uniform than would otherwise be the .case and may
account, . in part, for the high inverse voltage ratings
obtainable with these rectifiers.
To illustrate the influence of holes on the barrier
shape we consider a one-dimensional model. If we then
4 W. Schottky and E. Spenke, Wiss. Veroffent!. Siemens
Werken 18, 225 (1939).
6 N. F. Mott and R. W. Gurney, FJectronic Processes in Ionic
Crystals (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1940), p. 175.
6 J. Bardeen, Bell System Tech. J. 29, 485 (1950).
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 17:16:3526 J. H. SIMPSON AND H. L. ARMSTRONG
z o cr ... " ....
..J .... FERMI
FIG. 1. Schematic energy level diagram of barrier layer at
germanium surface showing inversion layer of p-type conducti
take the zero of energy at the bottom of the conduction
band in the body of the semiconductor, we have:
tPcp/dx2= (411"e2/ E) [no -Po+ChTI exp{(CPho+cp)/kT}
-C.T! exp{( -cf>.o-cf»/kT}]
= (411"e2/ e)[no-no exp( -cp/kT)
-po+Po exp(cf>/kT)], (1)
in which x is the distance measured into the semicon
ductor from the metal, cp is the energy of the bottom of
the conduction band, no is the number of free electrons
and po the number of free holes in the bulk material.
no is approximately equal to the number of donor im
purities a.t ordinary temperatures. E is the dielectric con
stant and T the absolute temperature. As outlined in
reference 2,
and C .rvChrv2(211"mk/h2) trv5X 1()1"
no= C .Tt exp( -cp.o/kT)
po=ChTt exp( -CPho/kT).
Integration of (1) with the condition that dcf>/dx=O
when cp=O gives:
(dcf>/dx)2= (811"e2/ E)[(nO -po)cp-(no+po)kT
+kTno exp( -cp/kT)+kTpo exp(cp/kT)], (2)
dy/dx= -[(811"e2/ EkT){ (no-po)y-(no+po)
+noe-II+ poell} ]!, (3)
where y=cp/kT, and the minus sign must be chosen to
satisfy the physical conditions. Equation (3) has been
integrated numerically on the assumption that CPb= 0.40
ev (Yb= 16) to give curve A of Fig. 2. Curve B shows a
"natural" barrier in which the space charge in the semi
conductor is assumed to be produced by impurity centers
only. The field strength near the metal is very much
larger when the presence of holes in the inversion region
is taken into account. Results of calculations of this type for a different value of cp b have been published
The magnitude of the field in the region near the
metal suggests the possibility of tunnel effect or strong
field emission (Schottky effect) when large reverse
voltages are applied. Under this application of reverse
voltages holes will migrate from the body of the ger
manium to the metal. If we then take more accurate
account of the geometry of the point contact than in
Sec. 2, the following relations may be assumed to hold:
ip= 211"r12ePOvD= 211"r[pev -eD(dp/ dr)],
tPcp/dr+(2/r)(dcp/dr) = (411"e2/ E) (p+no). (4)
In Eq. (5) the charge of the conduction electrons in the
barrier region and of the acceptors has been neglected
since these quantities are both small compared to the
number of holes p and the number of donors no. ip is the
hole current; r1 is the radius of the barrier-semicon
ductor interface; VD is the velocity of diffusion of holes
from the body of the semiconductor to the barrier (see
reference 2, p. 1222) ; v is the drift velocity of holes in the
barrier region and D is a diffusion constant. In view of
the results of Ryder and Shockley,8.9 it will be assumed
that v is constant and rvl07 em/sec. To estimate the
behavior of D in the barrier region is more difficult. The
behavior of v implies a decrease in mobility but there is
an accompanying increase in carrier temperature,9 so
that perhaps the most reasonable assumption,-which
will be made here,-is that D remains approximately
constant. This has the advantage of simplifying the
mathematics considerably. Also, in view of the short
ness of the mean free path because of collisions between
'" '" '" ..
... .8,----'-----,-------r----
'" .. -.. '" .. ~ o .. >
o '" .6~:--___;7''----+-------+----
,.0 "," .....
"'~ ZJ
~ .2r------+------+---
I..E vEL
FIG. 2. One-dimensional diagram of barrier layer, A-taking
account of both positive holes in the inversion layer and impurity
centers, B-taking account of impurity centers only.
7 W. Bosenberg and E. Fues. Z. Naturforsch. 6a 741 (1951).
8 E. J. Ryder and W. Shockley, Phys. Rev. 81, 139 (1951).
• W. Shockely, Bell. System Tech. J. 30, 990 (1951).
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holes and optical vibrations of the lattice, it is assumed
that (4) holds through most of the barrier.
In the simple model considered here the change of
hole velocity from VD to v is assumed to take place sud
denly at radius rl, so that to satisfy the current contin
uity relation there will also be a sudden change in the
number of holes there. The hole distribution used is
that given by the full line of Fig. 3 while the true dis
tribution probably follows a line such as that shown
dashed between A and B. To take account of this mathe
matically would complicate the calculation consider
ably and the error introduced by the approximation is
probably quite small. The hole densities at B are related
by the expression PIVI = POVD.
Integrating (4) we obtain
[p exp(-vr/D)Jrro
= -(PoVDrND)f.r
[exp( -vr/D)J(dr/r2)
P = exp( vr / D{ Pm exp( -vro/ D)
-(povDrND) lor [exp( -vr/D)J(dr/r) 1 (6)
Also from (5)
[r(tPq,/ dr2)+dq,/ dr J+dq,/ dr= (41Te2/ E)r(p+no), (7) Pm-
~ ... -' o
u. o
a: ... m
FIG. 3. Schematic diagram of positive hole distribution in
barrier layer. The IuUline represents the form of distribution used
in this paper.
[r(dq,/ dr)+q, Jr1ro
= (411"e2/ E{ nO(rlLr02)/2+ lorlprdr]. (8)
at r=r1, dr/>/dr=O, and r/>=eV -r/>., where V is the
applied voltage. At r="o, q,=r/>b, dq,/dr=F o.
Substituting these conditions and combining (6) and
(8) :
eV -q,.-q,b-roFo= (41Te2/ E>[ nohLr02)/2+Pm exp( -vro/D) f:1
-(povDrND) lor1
r{exp(vr/D)} lor{e~(-vr/D)}(dr/r)2,
(E/41Te2)(eV -r/>.-roF 0) = nO(r12-r02)/2+ [(DPm/v) exp( -vro/D)][(r1- D/v) exp(vrI/D)- (ro-D/v) exp(vro/D)]
-(PovDrNv{ (r1-D/v) exp(vr1/D) Ior1{exP( -vr/D)}(dr/r2)-log(r1/ ro)+(D/v)(1/ro-1/ r1) 1 (9)
Once 1'1 has been determined this equation can be used to obtain the magnitude of the field Fo (in ev/cm) at the
metal. To determine "1 we integrate (7) between the limits I' and 1'1 obtaining:
Integrating again + (povDrND) Jr1
r[exp(Vr/D)] i: [exp(-vr/D)J(dr/r)2.
(e/41Te2)[rr/> Jrlro= (E/411"e2)(e V -q,.) (1'1-1'0)- nO[r12r /2-r3 /6Jr1ro-Pm[exp( -vro/ D)] i"! r1[exp(vr /D) Jr(dr)2
ro r
+(povDrND) {,lfrlr[eXP(Vr/D)Jfr[exp(-vr/D)J(dr/r)2dr. (11) Jro r ro
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The integrations shown are elementary but tedious and lead to the following equation for rl,
(E/41re2) (cp.-e V)ro-norl2b -ro)/2+noCrtLr03)j6-(PmD/v)[expv(rl-ro)/DJ[Crt -D/v) crt -ro-D/v)+ D2/v2J
-(pmD2N) (ro-2D/v) + (povDrNv)[exp(vrl/ D) J[(rl-D/v) (rl-ro-D/v) + D2NJ i Tl[exp( -vr/D)J(dr/r2)
The following values are chosen tentatively for the
constant factors in (12): E= 16, ro= 5X 10-4 cm,
no=4X1014, pm= 1017/cc, v= -107 cm/sec, po= 1012/cc,
VD= -5000 cm/sec, D= 50 cm2/sec, the value applying
in the body of the germanium. If we now assume that
rl is about 10-3 cm,-a reasonable value in view of
results obtained in the case of a "natural barrier",
the relative importance of the terms of (12) may be
evaluated. Taking account of significant terms only,
(E/41re2)(cp. -e V)ro -nOrI2(rl -ro)/2
+ no (ria -roa)/6 -PmroV/v2= O. (13)
For voltages greater than 10, with which we shall be
concerned, the fourth term of (13) may be neglected.
The resulting equation for rl is that which would be
obtained if the presence of holes in the barrier region
were neglected. Thus for these higher reverse voltages,
the holes in the inversion region change the barrier shape
appreciably but the variation in its thickness is small.
This is, of course, due to the fact that the inversion
layer is very thin so that, in spite of the high density of
holes, the total number of holes there is small. This
result might have been expected in view of the one
dimensional picture shown in Fig. 2.
Dropping the fourth term in (13) and rewriting with
or, following substitution of numerical values,
2x3 -3x2-[(cp.-eV)/2.0J+ 1 = 0, (15)
where CPa and eV are in electron volts.
This equation may be solved by the standard method
(Cardan's solution) to give the following result, accur
ate to within a few percent for reverse voltages greater
than 10 volts,
x=rl/rO=[( -2V)t+C -2V)-t+1J/2. (16)
Typical values of rl (assuming '0= 5X 10-4 cm) are
shown in Table 1. The validity of the approximations
used in obtaining Eq. (13) is readily confirmed for these
values of rl.
It is now possible to determine the field at the metal
from Eq. (9). Using the previously listed numerical
TABLE 1. Outer radius of barrier for different applied voltages.
Applied voltage V
Barrier radius'l (cmXIOS) -32 -108 -256 -500
1.32 1. 79 2.28 2.77 values and rl",2X 10-3 cm, it can be readily shown that
Fo= -(CPa -eV)/ro-21re2 nO(rI2-r02)/ ETo + 41re2pmD/ Ev=F1+F2+Fa, (17)
the remaining terms of (9) being negligible. The terms
FI, F2, and Fa are the result of the applied voltage, the
impurity centers and the positive hole space charge,
respectively. In this approximation Fa is constant in
dependent of the applied voltage. Its magnitude is
about 1()8 ev/cm for pm=1018/cc. All terms of (17) are
negative since V and v are negative under reverse
voltage conditions.
In obtaining (17) the tendency of image force to in
crease the number of positive holes near the metal has
been ignored since at distances from the metal of the
order of a lattice spacing the magnitude of image force
becomes very uncertain. In view of other uncertainties
and assumptions mentioned above the image force
term may be considered to be absorbed into Fa. As far
as electron flow over the barrier is concerned, however,
image force plays a major role. This is considered in the
following section.
In this section we calculate the electron flow from
metal to semiconductor taking account of tunnel effect
and strong field emission on the following assumptions:
(a) The number of electrons flowing against the field
from semiconductor to metal is negligible. This must be
so since we consider only voltages greater than 10.
(b) Surface flow of holes has negligible effect on the
barrier shape. Such surface flow may be responsible for
the saturation current as suggested by Bardeen and
Brattain, but the space charge of the holes carrying
such a small current will be negligible compared to that
which produces Fa.
(c) The field is constant over the region of the barrier
for which tunnel effect and strong field emission are
important, (i.e., for r -ro::; 10-jl cm). This is obviously a
good approximation as far as F 1 and F 2 are concerned
but needs closer consideration in the case of Fa. The
field resulting from this component at distance r is
actually Fa exp[v(r-ro)/DJ, as can be shown by further
manipulation of the equations of Sec. 3, and this does
not differ appreciably from F 3 for r -ro::; lO-jI cm.
The form of the barrier is shown schematically in
Fig. 4. A one-dimensional model is used since
x= r -ro::; 10-jl cm. The full curved line represents the
barrier when image force is taken into account. Its
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equation is:
Strictly speaking the infrared dielectric constant should
be used. For germanium this is equal to E to within a
few percent, however.
For the reason outlined at the end of Sec. 3 the shape
of the barrier between x=o and x=SXlO-8 cm
probably has little significance. Except for very strong
fields it may probably be assumed, however, that the
macroscopic image force formula of Eq. (18) holds at
Xm= (e/2) ( _FoE)-l. Hence the barrier height is about
q,m= q,. -e( -Fo/ E)l.
The ratio of the number of electrons of energy W
transmitted through the barrier to the number incident
upon it is called the transparency. It may be determined
approximately by the W. K. B. method and is given byIO
where Xl and X2 are defined in Fig. 4. This cannot be
integrated in finite terms for the value of V given by (18)
and an approximate form for the barrier, OADC of Fig.
4, has been chosen. The transparency for the rectangular
section OADE may be calculated exactly.IO It does not
vary very much over the top quarter of the barrier and
varies much more slowly with applied voltage than the
transparency of the triangular section DEC. In view of 1-------- Xo =.~
FIG. 4. Schematic energy diagram of barrier layer showing the
effect of image force. The approximate form of barrier used in this
paper is OADC.
this our procedure will be to attempt to find, approxi
mately, the way in which the number of electrons
penetrating the triangular barrier varies with applied
voltage and to determine numerically whether, at high
field strengths, the magnitude of this component is
appreciable compared with that which passes over it.
The transparency of the triangular section deter
mined, using (19), is
T2=exp{ _2(2m/h2)ti~0-W(XO-Xm)/"'m [¢m(Xo-X)/(Xo-Xm)-WJ!dX}
=exp{ -(2m/h2)![4(q,m- W)!(xo-x m)/3¢mJ}. (20)
The number of electrons crossing unit area of the barrier from metal to semiconductor in unit time is, therefore,
nc= (47rmkT/h3)[A i",mexp{ -W/kT-(2m/h2)![4(q,m- W)!(xo-x m)/3q,m]}dW+ J"'exp( -W/kT)dW]. (21)
o "'m
Here the transparency is assumed equal to unity for
W> CPm and the factor A resulting from the rectangular
part of the barrier is taken outside the integral, since it
varies relatively slowly with W over the range of inter
est. Also, since this range includes the top third of the
barrier or less, the Boltzmann distribution is used.
From (21) the electron current per unit area becomes
i= [411"em(kT)2/h3J exp( -CPm/kT)
[ "'mlkt ]
X A i exp{y-a(Xo-Xm)Y!/¢m}dy+l,
a= (4/3)[811"2 m(kT)3jh2J!, CPm= cp.-e(1 Fol/ E)l,
y= (¢m-W)/kT. (22)
10 N. F. Mott and 1. N. Sneddon, Wave Mechanics and its Appli
cations (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1948); B. Jeffreys, Proc. Cam
bridge Phil. Soc. 38, 401 (1942). The integral in (22) may be evaluated numerically or
approximately by expansion about the maximum value
of the function. The latter method, which is similar to
the well-known method of steepest descents, leads to
the following expression for the integral,
1""[ (411"iCPm IF 0 I )/3a¢.J
Xexp{ (4/27) [CPmFo/ acp .]2}, (23)
~0.8X 10-51 Fo I exp[1.6X 1O-12Fo2J, (24)
where Fo is expressed in ev/cm. I has values of 0.8 and
5.0 for Fo equal to lOS and SX 105 ev/cm, respectively.
Since A is about 0.2, the integral term of (22) may thus
be neglected for fields less than SX lOS ev/cm. For larger
fields I increases very rapidly. It is fortunate that both
the W.K.B. method and the expansion method em
ployed in obtaining (23) become reasonably accurate
for fields of the order of 1()6 ev/cm, so that (23) may be
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used to obtain some idea of the form of the reverse
characteristic if such high fields exist in the germanium.
In order to determine the form of characteristic
predicted by (22) we must estimate the magnitudes and
variation with applied voltage of the terms of (17). For
voltages greater than 10, F 1 is substantially proportional
to the applied voltage, and we may put Fl=efJV/ro
where fJ is a factor, discussed by Schottky,U to allow.
for irregularities on the whisker surface. For lower
voltages, when Fa is the dominant term of (17), fJ is
probably about unity, since holes near the whisker will
tend to smooth out variations in field strength over the
whisker surface. Electrons will then flow into the ger
manium from all parts of this surface. For voltages at
which the field strength at isolated points on the whisker
surface becomes greater than Fa, fJ will begin to increase
and it will level off at a constant value when Fl becomes
the dominant term in (17). Under this high applied
voltage the effective contact area will be reduced.
The term F2, calculated using (16) is plotted in Fig. 5.
For voltages between 10 and 50 it may be assumed to
follow the dashed straight line, so that F2= 25000+ 1500
V. The fixed term may be added to Fa. The term pro
portional to V may be added to Fl, to which it compares
in magnitude at low voltages. At higher voltages, how
ever, when the factor fJ becomes appreciably greater
than unity and the slope of Fig. 5 decreases, this com
ponent is small compared to Fl and may be neglected.
Summarizing, the field at the metal consists of a
fixed term and a term which varies approximately di
rectly with voltage. The former is probably between
1()6 and 1()6 ev/cm; the latter is V[(1/ro) + 1500] at low
voltages and fJV fro at high voltages.
We may now predict the general form of the reverse
characteristic, correlating it with the purity of the
material and the height of the barrier as determined by
measurements at different temperatures. Since the
predicted characteristic for I F 0 I < I Fbi will be quite
different from that for IFol>IFbl, where IFbl is
" 30
E / /
/'" /"
~ /v -
<I ... ... ::. ...
...J ... ;;: 20
10 }/ V
100 200 300
VOLTS 400 500
FIG. 5. Field produced at metal by impurity center charge,
as a function of applied voltage.
11 W. Schottky, Z. Physik 14, 63 (1923). roughly 5 X 1 ()5 ev / cm, we consider the two regions
(a) Low Field Region
Here the integral term of (22) may be neglected and
we have
iz=[411'em(kT)2/h3] exp[ -c/>.+e(IFol/E)I]/kT. (25)
In the lower range of applied voltages for good rectifiers,
the fixed part Fa of F 0 is considerably larger than the
linear part Fl(F2 has now been absorbed into Fl and
F3) and (25) may be expressed
iz= [411'em(kT)2/ha][exp( -c/>mo/kT)]
X[1+(eFat/2kT Et)(Fl/Fa)], (26)
Hence i varies linearly with voltage in this region. At
higher voltages Fl becomes appreciably larger than Fa
and a plot of logi 'liS Vi should then be linear. At still
higher voltages the number of electrons crossing the
barrier will become so large that their space charge will
affect the shape of the barrier. The slope of the curve of
logi 'liS Vi should then decrease. This will occur when
i= en'll with n of order lOl6/cc. For '11= 107 em/sec and
contact area 10-6 cm2 this is about 10 mao
For poorer rectifiers with low barrier heights, Fa may
be negligible compared with F 1 for applied voltages
greater than 10. The Schottky (logi 'liS Vi) plot should
then be linear down to relatively low voltages (of order
20) and a linear region, if it occurs may be merely a
transition from the saturation to the Schottky region.
(b) High Field Region
In this case the linear part of the characteristic will
still occur. If the term in (22) containing the integral is
small compared with unity at low voltages, Eq. (26)
will still apply for the linear component. If, however,
the integral term is large compared with unity, the
current in (26) will be multiplied by an extra factor.
Using (22) and (23) with Fl«Fa we obtain
ih= iz(411'IA/3) (QFa) [1 + Fl/Fa][exp(4Q2FN27)], (27)
Q= (3c/>m/4c/>.e)[h2/8rm(kT)3]i, (28)
A is the factor, previously defined, for the rectangular
part of the barrier. The slope of the linear section will
thus be greater than that of a good unit showing
Schottky effect only .
For larger applied voltages, when Fl exceeds Fa, the
exponential term of (23) will then vary much more
rapidly than the linear term of (23) or the Schottky
term [exp( -c/>m/kT)] of (22). Hence
i=JTl exp[( -c/>m/kT)+(BV2/J'S)], (29)
where J and B are constants. Thus a plot of 10g(iT-l)
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against V2 should be linear. The variation of logi with
temperature for constant applied voltage will depend
upon the relative magnitudes of the terms in the square
bracket. In practical cases the first term will dominate
as the reverse current would otherwise be excessive.
Hence the variation of logi with temperature should be
similar to that given by (25).
Some idea of the relation between the values of <Pm
and the lengths of the linear sections in the two cases
may also be obtained. Tunnel effect will probably playa
part only in those units having high thin barriers and
small currents. Hence the fixed field F 3 will be larger for
these units than for those showing Schottky effect alone
and their linear component will exist over a wider volt
age range. Thus, if the linear part of the characteristic
can be ascribed to the mechanism mentioned, its length
should be greatest for the best rectifiers.
The extent to which characteristics obtained experi
mentally confirm these predictions is considered in the
following section.
In this section results obtained on a dozen commercial
rectifiers, tested at room temperature are summarized.
Characteristics of three units were taken at several
different temperatures to determine activation energies.
Most of the units were IN34's or IN39's made by two
manufacturers, but isolated examples of other types
(e.g., IN63's) were also tested. All units tested fitted into
one of the classifications described below and the
characteristics are believed to be intrinsic properties of
high inverse voltage germanium rectifiers and not the
result of a particular manufacturing technique.
The theoretical developments of preceding sections
take no account of thermal effects at the point contact
and these effects must, if possible, be eliminated by the
experimental method. In an attempt to do this, the
applied voltage was applied in short pulses, the duration
of which could be varied from 2 to 10 ILsec, at the rate
of one per second. Current and voltage were measured
oscillographically. The results obtained at the two ex
tremes of pulse length did not differ and no detectable
rise in current occurred during the time of application
of each pulse, even at the highest voltages. Thus, heat
ing effects, if they occur, seem to be relatively small.
The linear component which appears in dc results
occurs also under pulse conditions in many cases and has
a slope of about 0.3 lLa/volt for the best rectifiers tested.
This compares with values of 0.5 /l3./volt or higher ob
tained under steady current conditions. The difference
is apparently due to thermal effects. A slight initial
drift under dc conditions is in fact discernible at the low
value of 5 volts. For some good 'rectifiers at room tem
peratures this linear region may extend from 10 to 50
volts or somewhat higher, while for others, almost as
good, it may be quite short or missing entirely. For
poorer rectifiers there is usually no linear section under 1000
o ..
0.0 . o I
/ , .----,
/ V
// . /
25 V
.00 /
.5 . 200 25 vl'Z 20 . . . 300 400 SOD 600 V
FIG. 6. Schottky plot of reverse current, under pulse conditions,
of a good commercial rectifier (lN39) showing the decrease in
slope owing to the charge of the conduction band electrons.
pulse conditions although thermal effects may make part
of the characteristic essentially linear under dc condi
Above 50 volts the slope increases. Defining i. as the
zero voltage intercept, which should be approximately
equal to the saturation current, we may plot log(i-i.)
against Vi. A straight line results over a considerable
range for many units. A typical example is shown in Fig.
6. The linear part of the Schottky plot commences at
from 50 to 100 volts. The slope of the curve begins to
decrease when the current has reached a value of 10 or
20 rna, as predicted. It will be noted that under these
pulse conditions, the rectifier operates satisfactorily at
much higher voltages than its dc turnover voltage. This
is characteristic of all the units tested and apparently
confirms the suggestion12 that breakdown in these de
vices is the result of heating.
Plots similar to Fig. 6 have been made for different
temperatures for 1N39's and IN34's which showed pro
nounced Schottky effect. Some typical preliminary re
sults for a 1N39 are replotted in Fig. 7. These give
activation energies of 0.19 ev and 0.30 ev at 196 and
64 volts, respectively. Using (25), with Fo={3V/ro the
height of the barrier with no voltage applied may be
calculated. This is cf>. of Fig. 1 and its value is 0.45 ev
approximately. This is so low that the calculated value
of F3, the fixed field, is negligible. Corroborative evi
dence is the fact that the ordinary reverse character
istic has no appreciable linear section.
Data obtained for 1N34's are qualitatively similar to
the above but the barrier height is lower. One unit of
this type gave 0.28 ev for the zero voltage barrier height.
At 150v the barrier height is 0.1 ev.
Whether there exist units having appreciable linear
sections at low voltage and Schottky regions at high
voltage has not yet been ascertained. Many character-
12 L. P. Hunter, Phys. Rev. 81, 151 (1951).
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1000 r----r---.".---,----,------r---,
100 k--cc----t---t----+---t-----r---j
" 3-
3_0 3.1 3.2 3_3 3.·
FIG. 7. Activation energy plots for a good rectifier (lN39)
showing strong field emission (Schottky effect).
istics which appear linear over short ranges of voltage
may merely be the result of the transition from the sat
uration part to the Schottky part of the characteristic.
Thus, (26) has been neither verified nor disproved ex
Three units have been found in which the linear part
of the characteristic extends from about 20 to 80 volts
as shown for one unit in Fig. 8. The slope of the linear
part at room temperature is about t ~a/volt. The slopes
of the Schottky plots in these cases are constant from
60 to 100 volts approximately but then increase as
shown, for one unit, in curve A of Fig. 9. The logarithms
of these higher values are plotted against V2 in curve C
and indicate that the increase of current in this region is
probably caused by tunnel effect. Plots of logi against
V and V3 (curves B and D) confirm that the V2 curve
gives the closest approach to a straight line.
In view of the above it should probably be assumed
that the linear part of the SChottky plot in Fig. 9 has no
special significance and merely occurs during the transi
tion from a linear i-V characteristic to a "tunnel
effect" curve. The "Schottky region" does, in fact,
occur at a lower voltage than it would if the unit showed
a true Schottky effect.
The range of voltage in the above measurements was
limited in order to improve sensitivity at lower voltages.
In order to ascertain whether or not the expected
decrease in slope of the tunnel effect curve occurred at
larger currents, the apparatus was altered temporarily
and curve E of Fig. 9 taken on one of the units. It shows
the predicted drop at about 6 rna.
The form of (22) with (23) substituted for the integral
is so complicated that only the order of the slope of a
(logi vs V2) plot can be predicted. If the temperature
variation of the exponential term of (27) is ignored, how
ever, the barrier height can be obtained by plotting log
[slope linear partlTJ against 1jT, as can be readily
seen from (26). (It is shown in the following section that
the above procedure is probably acceptable). One unit unit analyzed in this manner had a barrier height of
0.45 ev approximately. This quantity is cf>. -e( 1 F 31 I E)!
and is thus different from the barrier height determined
from a Schottky plot.
A plot of 10g(iT-!) vs (liT) gives a straight line,
within the experimental error, but a (1/T3) plot gives a
result practically as good. Thus, the statement made in
connection with (29) cannot be confirmed by a plot of
this type using the data at present available. The mag
nitudes of the factors in the square bracket of (29) can,
however, be determined and the statement confirmed in
this manner. This is done in the following section.
It must be emphasized that all of the above results
are of a preliminary nature and that more accurate
measurements over wider ranges of voltage and temper
ature should be made to confirm them completely.
Also, in order to eliminate thermal effects positively,
single pulse methods are desirable. The general trend of
the experimental curves described in this section do
seem to confirm the theoretical predictions fairly well,
however. It remains to determine whether or not numer
ical values of slopes and magnitudes involved are of the
correct order and consistent among themselves.
(a) Units Showing Schottky Effect
We first consider the magnitude of the slope of the
Schottky plot in Fig. 6. Using Eq. (25) with Fl
=ej3Vlro substituted for Fo, the slope of Fig. 6 becomes
0.435 ({3/ro)! (300el E)t/kT. The measured value is
0.225. Putting ro=SXlO-4 we obtain {3~8, which is
quite a reasonable value. Using the same value of ro,
values of j3 ranging from 5 to 8 have been found for
IN39's and from 5 to 12 for IN34's. The number of
tests made has not been large enough to determine
whether whisker radius and roughness are factors in
determining differences between IN39's and IN34's,
" 200 j---I---+-:::7'~-+---t- --+----1
100 i------r---t-----:::J;,..-""--l--
o 20 40 60
VOLTS eo 23'C
FIG. 8. Reverse characteristics, under pulse conditions,
for a good rectifier having an appreciable linear section. 120
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but, in view of the differences in barrier height men
tioned in Sec. 5, this seems unlikely.
The magnitude of the current for the unit of Fig. 7,
calculated for a contact area of 10-6 cm2 using (25) and
the experimental values of barrier height, is a factor 10
or so larger than that obtained experimentally. Pre
sumably, a factor of this order should be allowed to
account for the fact that the experimentally measured
current does not come from all parts of the whisker, so
that the two results agree.
(b) Units Showing Tunnel Effect
The theoretical value of the slope of the (lni vs P)
curve is, using (24), 1.6X 1O-12(/3/ro)2. The experimental
value obtained from curve C of Fig. 9 is 0.5X 10-4. For
ro= 5X 10-4 this leads to /3= 3, a satisfactory value.
Using the experimental value above for the slope the
exponential term in (23) or (24) is found to be exp(2.3)
at 200 volts. The variation of this term over the range
of temperatures used is fairly small so that the pro
cedure above in which the temperature variation of the
second term of (29) was ignored is probably justified.
The fact that curve C of Fig. 9 becomes linear be
tween 150 and 200 volts indicates that the fixed field
Fa is probably between 100(/3/ro) and 150(/3/ro) or be
tween 6Xloo and 9Xloo ev/cm. The reduction in the
barrier owing to image force, with no voltage applied,
is e(1300Fal/E)t or 0.09 ev, approximately. There is a
further effective reduction of between kT and 2kT
because of tunnel effect before the e~perimental value
of 0.45 ev is obtained. Hence the "true" barrier height is
of the order of 0.6 ev. Using the data given at the be
ginning of Sec. 2, the value of pm, the number of holes at
the metal is found to be about 4XI017/cc. Using the
relation for Fa given in (17) with the previously men
tioned values for the various quantities gives Fa= 2X loo
ev / cm. The discrepancy between this value for Fa and
that estimated from the experimental data is not un
reasonable and may be readily accounted for by varia
tions of D or v from the values applying in the german
ium body or, perhaps, by inaccuracies resulting from
some of the approximations made.
The slope of the linear part of the tunnel effect
characteristic may be estimated very approximately
using (26), (27), and (28). It is about 0.1 ~a/volt, which
is in satisfactory agreement with the experimental
value of 0.3 ~a/volt.
In view of the results of this paper, we may make the
following statements concerning the reverse character
istic of high inverse voltage rectifiers:
(a) Data taken under dc conditions cannot be inter
preted theoretically, except possibly for voltages less
than 5, unless account is taken of thermal effects. A
calculation in which this were done would be of doubtful
value as rather drastic assumptions regarding dissipa-10,000 .-----,-,---,-r--r-,,-:;-:[;:"""
1.000 1----1-+-/-=-+-v.~--¥t---r-
~ 100 I-".i~~---j...t!!--+---:;~+"-'-'-Tt----jr-
I ."
100 10
200 15 20 V 1/2
10 v2 x 10-4
V ANO v3 X 10-5 I • 300
FIG. 9. Various plots for rectifiers showing tunnel effect.
A B, C, D--Plots of log(i-i,), for first unit, against Vi, V, P, and
V~, respectively. E-Plot of }og(i-i,) against P for sec~md unit
showing decrease in slope owmg to the charge of conductron band
tion of heat would be involved. The easier and more
fruitful approach is to make the experimental measure
ments under pulse conditions. Such data are susceptible
to theoretical interpretation.
(b) For most ordinary rectifiers and for some very
good ones, the increase in current under high reverse
voltages may be ascribed to lowering of the barrier
caused by image force. The field responsible for this lower
ing results chiefly from the geometry of the system. The
differences between ordinary rectifiers and very good
ones in this group are apparently the result of differences
in barrier height which in turn are probably the result
of differences in purity of the germanium, although
surface states may also playa part.
(c) For some very good rectifiers the increase of
current seems to be cheifly the result of lowering of the
barrier caused by tunnel effect, and Schottky effect is
almost completely masked. The main field in this case
is also that due to the geometry of the point and thus
varies with applied voltage, but a large fixed field is
apparently also present because of the existence of large
numbers of positive holes in the inversion region near
the point. The linear region which occurs in the pulse
characteristic of a unit of this type is largely owing to
the fact that this fixed field is much larger than the
variable field at low voltages. There is a possibility that
a fairly large fixed field may exist for some of the better
units described in paragraph (b) above. If so, these
units should also have linear sections in their character
istics. This has not yet been thoroughly investigated
The true barrier height seems to be greatest for those
units showing tunnel effect as expected. The difference
between true and "effective" barrier heights becomes
greater as the purity of the germanium, and the number
of positive holes near the metal, increases. Thus, the
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 17:16:3534 J. H. SIMPSON AND H. L. ARMSTRONG
increase in effective barrier height with purity of the
material becomes small when the number of holes near
the metal becomes large. There is some improvement in
the reverse pulse characteristic, however, because the
mobile charge causes a decrease in field strength at
irregularities on the whisker surface and increases the
length of the linear section at the expense of the more
rapidly rising part. If the whisker point could be made
very smooth, operation at very high voltages under
pulse conditions would probably be improved by in
creasing its radius. This would, of course, increase the
current at low voltages because of the increased area
but the very rapidly rising tunnel effect portion would
commence at a higher voltage. The same remarks prob
ably do not apply under dc conditions, however, as in
this case it is important to keep the current at lower
voltages as small as possible, so that a very small
whisker radius is desirable.
The agreement between experimental results and
theoretical predictions described above is quite remark
able and leads us to believe that the basic assumptions
made are essentially correct. There are, however, several
factors which may modify the conclusions reached in
certain cases. The most important of these is the exist
ence of areas of low barrier height which has been as
sumed in the multicontact theory of Johnson et al.3
Such areas may be important at low voltage especially
in poorer units and may account for the low barrier
heights of some 1N34's. For good units at the voltages considered here, however, it seems doubtful that they
are important, in view of the similarity of results on
different units and the agreement with theory.
A second factor which may be important is the trap
ping of holes near the metal. This has the effect of
decreasing the magnitude of the hole velocity and of in
creasing the fixed field term of Eq. (17). Further experi
mental data are required before the importance of this
factor can be assessed. It seems possible to explain the
results so far obtained without resorting to this mech
A lowering or change in thickness of the barrier of the
type described here will be produced by an increase in
the number of holes near the metal, resulting from an
injected hole current, so that one of the mechanisms
mentioned may play a part in transistor operation.
Since the collector barrier in a transistor is probably
lower than that of a crystal rectifier, Schottky effect
should be the dominant factor. Further discussion of
this subject is beyond the scope of this paper, however.
In conclusion, it may be observed that the experi
mental results described herein are in remarkably good
agreement with the theoretical predictions. While part
of this agreement may be fortuitous, there seems to be
little doubt that the basic concepts discussed are correct.
In fact the .results obtained seem to confirm exception
ally well the ideas concerning metal-semiconductor
barrier layers that haye developed during the past few
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1.1747293.pdf | Classification of Spectra of CataCondensed Hydrocarbons
John R. Platt
Citation: J. Chem. Phys. 17, 484 (1949); doi: 10.1063/1.1747293
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1747293
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same symmetry class. Each computed level properly
refers to the center of gravity of a singlet and
triplet of the same kind. The energies are expressed
in units of {3 (Coulson's 'Y), where {3, the resonance
or bond integral corrected jor overlap,' must be
determined empirically. For accurate comparison
with experiment, we must know the triplet levels.
In naphthalene, one of these, 3La, is known (Fig. 2),
and the other, 3Lb, can be estimated from the esti
mated singlet-triplet separation in benzene16 and
from the position of 1Lb• In azulene, it seems not
unreasonable to assume the same singlet-triplet
separations as for the corresponding levels in
The computed values for the two lowest states
are compared with the observed values in Table
III. With {3=22,200 cm-1 in naphthalene, both
centers of gravity are predicted within 100 cm-1.
With the same value of {3 in azulene, errors of 4500
cm-1 are found, but a lower value of {3, 18,500 cm-I,
will fit the data within 200 cm-1.
The comparison of the computations on the
upper states is quite crude since only the upper
singlets are known in either molecule. The computed
centers of gravity are on Fig. 2, using a {3 of about
23,000 cm-1 for both' molecules. (This figure is
taken from reference 12, where this value of (3 was
used in another comparison.) For each state, the
deviations of computed levels from observed sing
lets are in the same direction and of about the same
size in both molecules, if the assignments given are
correct. The method of making these assignments
16 C. C. J. Roothaan and R. S. Mulliken, J. Chern. Phys. 16,
118 (1948).
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS is discussed in detail elsewhere.12 This qualitative
agreement tends to support them. No intensity
computations were made here.
I t should be noted that the values for {3 for
azulene and naphthalene obtained from these spec
troscopic considerations are not in agreement with
the corresponding {3's obtained from thermochemi
cal (e.g., heats of combustion) measurements of
resonance energies. For example, the {3spect'S for
azulene, benzene, naphthalene, and anthracene are
respectively 18,500 em-I, 20,600 cm-I, 22,200 cm-I,
and 24,300 cm-1. The corresponding {3's, calculated
from heat-of-combustion resonance energies,16 are
(10,000 cm-1?), 13,400 cm-I, 14,000 cm-I, and
14,000 cm-1. No explanation of these discrepancies
is offered, and their investigation is desirable.
Here we have not compared the observed energy
levels in azulene with the HLSP computations of
Sklar.5•13 Although his predicted frequencies for
the lowest singlet-singlet transitions for a number
of compounds agree well with the observed position
of the first absorption bands, the spread in his
excited electronic levels is much too large in azulene
as well as in benzene and other molecules, and the
sequence of his predicted levels is wrong, for ex
ample, in benzene. He attributes the unduly large
spread to his neglect of ionic structures, which are
known to be essential for describing excited states
by the HLSP method.l3 The LCAO description
which Mayer and Sklar applied later to benzene17
is much more satisfactory in predicting excited
states,16 and a modification of the latter approach
has been used here for that reason.
17 M.G. MayerandA. L.Sklar, J. Chern. Phys. 6, 64S (1938).
Classification of Spectra of Cata-Condensed Hydrocarbons
Physics Department, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
(Received November 1, 1948)
The classification of 1I'-orbitals in a cata-condensed aromatic system is like that of the orbitals of a
free electron traveling in a one-dimensional loop of constant potential around the perimeter. To take
into account electron interaction, certain quantities corresponding to angular momenta may be
added or subtracted. Introduction of the cross-links in the molecule removes the degeneracy. The
first excited configuration in such systems gives two low frequency singlet weak absorption bands
and two higher singlet strong dipole absorption bands. Selection and polarization rules are given.
The levels are identified from the spectra and some of their properties are determined. An explanation
is given of the regularities found by Klevens and Platt. A systematic nomenclature is given. The
results agree qualitatively with LCAO theory, can be applied easily to unsymmetrical molecules,
and can possibly be extended to other types of ring systems.
THE aromatic spectra which were extended
into the vacuum ultraviolet in the preceding
paper1 (hereafter called I) show many empirical resemblances and regularities. In benzene, the
LCAO (linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals) mo-
1 H. B. Klevens and J. R. Platt, J. Chern. Phys. 17, 470
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lecular orbital theory satisfactorily explains the
excited levels.2•3 In the linear condensed-ring sys
tems, or polyacenes, only the centers of gravity of
singlet-triplet pairs have been calculated;4 and in
tensity predictions are too large, especially for the
low-frequency bands,! probably because electron
interactions have not been included. The LCAO
theory has not yet been applied to account for the
regularities in the spectra of the unsymmetrical
condensed ring systems. (Complete and up-to-date
bibliographies of other theoretical and experimental
work on aromatics will be found in I and in refer
ences 2, 4, 7, 12, 13, 16, 19,20,25, and 27.)
Another molecular orbital approach-the free
electron orbital method-will give less accurate but
more rapid results, if simplifying assumptions are
made. It can describe electron interactions in a
simple way. Without introducing parameters to be
determined empirically, it will give the approximate
height of the excited states. It gives correct polariza
tions, accounts for the general weakness of the
low frequency bands, and can easily be extended
to unsymmetrical molecules. It explains the regu
larities observed in I, and leads to a useful new
classification for the electronic states. Empirically
similar bands in different compounds are given the
same symbol, instead of different symbols as they
are in theories which emphasize symmetry con
The method assumes that the 1r-electrons of a
planar conjugated system are free to move along
the bonds throughout the system under a potential
field which is, in first approximation, constant. This
description was used to explain the diamagnetism
of aromatic molecules by Pauling5 and Lonsdale. 6
Schmidt7 generalized it further by thinking of the
conjugated system as simply a large flat box con
taining a Fermi gas of unsaturation electrons
(1r-electrons) in analogy to the two-dimensional
metal model of graphite. He discussed excited states
and spectra, but without any systematic correlation
with the known levels. The idea of almost-free
motion along the bonds has always lain in the back
ground of molecular orbital discussion. 8-11 Lennard
J ones9 coined the term "mobile electrons" to indi
cate this motion of the 1r-electrons throughout the
whole molecule. Hiickel8 used complex molecular
2 C. C. J. Roothaan and R. S. Mulliken, J. Chern. Phys. 16,
118 (1948).
3 M. G. Mayer and A. L. Sklar, J. Chern. Phys. 6, 645
4 C. A. Coulson, Proc. Phys. Soc. 60, 257 (1948).
5 L. Pauling, J. Chern. Phys. 4, 673 (1936).
6 K. Lonsdale, Proc. Roy. Soc. IS9, 149 (1937).
7 O. Schmidt, Zeits. f. phys. Chern. 47B, 1 (1940), and previ-
ous papers.
8 E. Huckel, Zeits. f. physik. 70, 204 (1931).
9 J. E. Lennard-Jones, Proc. Roy. Soc. ISBA, 280 (1937).
10 R. S. Mulliken, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 369 (1939).
11 C. A. Coulson and G. S. Rushbrooke, Proc. Carnb. Phil.
Soc. 36. 193 (1940). orbital eigenfunctions in treating benzene and re
lated problems. These represent electron waves
traveling around the benzene ring. He also used
"orbital ring quantum numbers" describing angular
momentum, as we shall do here, and showed how
they add and subtract to give a "total ring quantum
number" which characterizes the state of the
system. However, the LCAO method with real
co~fficients has usually been regarded as the best
starting point in molecular orbital theory. Bayliss!2
has recently returned to the idea of the Fermi gas
in one dimension to explain the spectra of polyene
chains. Kuhn!3 has announced that a modification
will predict the strong allowed frequency in poly
acenes; he makes no mention of the other transi
tions classified in the present paper.
In the present approach, it is assumed that the
1r-orbi tals retain their main 1r-electron property,
i.e., a node in the'molecular plane. This quantiza
tion perpendicular to the plane of the molecule is
assumed to be independent of the quantization in
the plane. The closed-shell IT or single-bond elec
trons are assumed to be more tightly and locally
bound than the 1r-electrons and cannot be treated
by a free-electron approximation. They will not be
further discussed here.
The cata-condensed ring systems, whose general
formula is C4n+2H2nH, include some of the most
important aromatics and carcinogens. In them no
carbon atom belongs to more than two rings and
every carbon is on the periphery of the conjugated
system. This makes possible a further simplification.
Postulate: The classification of 1r-orbitals in cata
condensed systems is like that of the orbitals of a free
electron traveling in a one-dimensional loop of constant
potential around the perimeter. The use of the
perimeter is a convenience in visualization because
of the importance of angular momentum in electron
interactions and in selection rules. This postulate
amounts to asserting that the wave equation for
1r-electrons is approximately separable in three
coordinates, one along the perimeter, one per
pendicular to the plane of the molecule, and one
perpendicular to these two at the perimeter, and,
further, that the main difference of the orbitals
frorn each other is with respect to quantization in
one of these coordinates only, i.e., along the
To find the perimeter-free-electron orbitals and
energies, the perimeter may first be distorted into
a circle of the same length. The orbitals are those of
a plane rotator. The energies are then
E=q2h2/2mI2= 1,21O,000q2/12,
where q is an integer, 0, 1, 2, ... ; h is Planck's
constant; m is the mass of the electron, I is the
12 N. S. Bayliss, J. Chern. Phys. 16, 287 (1948).
13 H. Kuhn, J. Chern. Phys. 16. 840 (1948).
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FIG. 1. One-electron sta tes ;
and shells.
length of the perimeter (in angstroms), and E is
the energy (in cm-I) measured upward from the
constant potential. The levels are quadratically
spaced as shown in Fig. 1 and are all doubly de
generate except the lowest, since electrons that have
a finite velocity may travel either clockwise or
counterclockwise around the loop.
The orbital ring quantum number g, which
measures angular momentum, determines the num
ber of nodes of the wave function and the selection
rules. It may be thought of as a vector perpendicular
to the plane of the molecule. In the zig-zag perim
eter, angular momentum is no longer a consta.nt of
the motion, because of the constraints, but lmear
momentum is. When the periodic potential due to
the atoms is introduced, g no longer describes
accurately any momentum. But it remains a good
quantum number because. it stilI determines the
number of nodes around the perimeter.
In many-electron systems, the vector q's of the
different electrons may be added and subtracted
algebraically and not vectoriaIIy,. since they ~re
restricted to one dimension-to gIve a total nng
quantum number Q for the system.I4 Th~s proce~ure
gives a qualitative model for electron mteractlOns
similar to the vector model for representing these
interactions in a diatomic molecule.
Shells, Configurations, and States
In cata-condensed systems of n rings, the 2 (2n+ 1)
carbons each bring one 7r-electron to the system.
These will fill the successive shells as shown in
Fig. 1. The highest filled shell will ~e fo~ q = n,
and we wiII designate the 4 electrons m thIS shell
as I-electrons, those in the next lowest shell as
e-electrons, and so on. The first empty shell will be
the g-shell, with g = n+ 1, the next, the h-shell, a~d
so on. Since the "optical" electrons are those m
the last one or two filled shells, it will be convenient
to have a notation which is the same for these top
shells in molecules of the same general type even
when the ring quantum numbers are different.
14 I am indebted to Prof. Mulliken for suggesting the names,
"orbital ring" and "total ring quantum number" for q and Q.
Huckel (see reference 8) used the symbols, k and K, for these
quantities. In the states of interest, the total momentum
number, Q, may take on the values, 0, 1, 2, ....
Such states we may designate by A, B, C, .... We
will see that it may also take on the values· .. , 2n,
2n+1, 2n+2,.·· .. These states we may designate
... , K, L, M, ... , the letters being kept the same
regardless of the value of n.
In the perimeter-constant-potential approxima
tion all of the states are doubly degenerate except
the A state since the total momentum may be in
either direction. Introduction of the crosslinks and
of the periodic potential due to the atoms alo~g
the perimeter removes the degeneracy except m
some states of highly symmetric molecules such as
benzene and triphenylene. Because of its removal,
the states will be split. The two components may
be given subscripts a and b, whose significance we
will examine later.
The most important spectra will be electron-hole
spectra, produced like those of the rare-gas atoms
by the excitation of one electron from a filled shell
to an empty one. Spectra produced by the excitation
of two electrons will be weak, as in atoms, and will
require higher excitation energies. The excited el:c
tron interacts with the remaining tenants of Its
former shell, or, more simply, with the hole it
leaves behind.
Thus, when an electron goes from an I to a g
orbital the new system has states with the I and g
ring q~antum numbers added or subtracted, i.e.,
with Q = (n+ 1) ±n = 1 or (2n+ 1). These are Band
L states. Removing the degeneracy, they become
Ba, Bb, La, Lb. The electron and hole spins may be
anti parallel or parallel, giving two sets of excited
states, singlets and triplets. This makes 8 type.s of
states for this j3g configuration. All singly eXClted
configurations will have 8 states.* The Pauli prin
ciple makes the ground state singlet and single ..
The lower configurations, and the states to whIch
they give rise, are given in Table I. .
The configurations have been grouped accordmg
to their arithmetic sum of momentum numbers, ~q.
(from ground
{' .... .f3i
· ... e'f4h
· . d'e4f4g
{ ... Ph
· . e~f4g
· .. .f3g
· .. .f4 States
1.3Da,b 1,'Na,b
1,'Da,b 1,'La,b
I, 'Da,b I, 'Ja,b
1,'Ca,b 1,'Ma,b
1,3Ca,b 1,3Ka,b
1,3Ba.b 1,3L •. b
* Note added in proof; This assumes ~hat degem;rate stat~s
are counted twice. There is also the obvIOUS exceptIOn of eXCI
tation from q=O states as in the e3f4g configuration of benzene.
Downloaded 18 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsCLASSIFICATION OF SPECTRA 487
2345234 log ~
, "-
L. "
'A " "
0 "-....
.... ....
0:) 0:::0 OXOO:XX:O ft
--:L 2"'+30
-ta-311 J.
'L. I .. . ..
Iforb] (allowedl
LCAO obs obs LCAO
OJ <0 's •
...... .: 'C.
" ...... - 'a.
GZ"'I u-/ :;r--
/ 'L. RZ·'3 "'1. / ,/ ,/
'''' .,.. ..,
LCAO obI ObW 0:::0
FIG. 2. Electronic energy levels of polyacenes and isomers. Comparison of LCAO center-of-gravity predictions with observed
singlets in naphthalene, azulene, anthracene.
Note: Lowest vibrational level shown. Remaining structure of each electronic band omitted for clearness. Length of horizontal lines indicates
logEmax of transition from ground state on scale at top of the figure. Lines for triplets drawn to left to indicate logEmn is less than 2.
In a large system with almost equally spaced one
electron states, the configuration energies will be
grouped the same way. In smaller molecules with
increasing spacing near the j-shell, the e--'>g absorp
tion bands will lie at lower frequencies than the
j--'>h bands. The first ultraviolet bands will therefore
be of j--'>g type and. the next of e--'>g type. Such
groupings may be seen in the energy levels of Fig. 2.
Higher bands become weak, and only the Rydberg
series bands, which fall outside this 1r-electron
classification, can be seen at very short wave
Empirically, the order of states of a given con
figuration is determined by the Hund rule, which
holds for molecules as well as atoms.15,a Triplets lie
below singlets; and within the singlet group, or the
triplet group, states of high Q lie below low Q
states. Thus in the states in Fig. 2, which have
been identified by this scheme as described below,
one 3L always lies below any lL; and the lL's
always below the lB's.
Selection and Intensity Rules
The selection rules are as follows.
1. Singlet-triplet strongly jorbidden. This is the
familiar rule in light atoms and in molecules con
taining light atoms. Triplet states in aromatics are
known only from phosphorescence and from absorp
tion with very long paths.
l6·G. Herzberg, Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure.
I. Diatomic Molecules (Prentice-Hall, New York, 1939), (a) p.
360, (b) pp. 136, 264. 2. ~Q must be odd in centrally symmetric systems.
This will be justified under Rule 3. ~Q= 1 is always
allowed and strong-the dipole transition when the
perimeter is a circle. The higher values of ~Q
would be forbidden multi pole transitions if the
perimeter were a circle. They would be allowed but
weak, as in polyenes,1O,12 if it were a double straight
line. They will therefore be generally weak, but
their exact strength will depend on the molecular
shape. Very high ~Q values, near 2n, will be practi
cally forbidden, but may become stronger through
vibrational interaction, like the forbidden bands in
Thus, in the observed spectra (see I), the lA -lB
transitions have oscillator strengths from O.S to 3.0.
The lA -lLb transitions in benzene as well as in
the other molecules have oscillator strengths near
0.002; and the lA -lLa, near 0.1.
3. ~'l:,q must be odd in centrally symmetric systems.
This is equivalent to Rule 2 in the molecules we
are discussing. In centrally symmetric systems, the
states may be divided into "even" and "odd," or
"g" and "u," depending on whether the electronic
wave function is symmetric or antisymmetric with
respect to reflection in the center of symmetry.
Even states have 'l:,q even; odd states have 'l:,q odd.
The proof of Rule 3 is therefore the same as the
proof of the selection rule evenf-todd, even~ I~even,
odd~l~odd; the procedure for this proof is like that
indicated for diatomic molecules by Herzberg.15h
Vibrations destroy the symmetry, and in several
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symmetric polyacenes, what seem to be even-even
tr~ns~tions .(1:4 _ICb) have been found (see Fig. 2)
wlth mtenslties 1/5 to 1/2 as strong as in the un
symmetric isomers. Large values of A};q become
more and more improbable by the Franck-Condon
principle, because they begin to involve large
changes in electron velocity.
By correspondence-principle, AIq gives the order
of the harmonic in the analogous classical flat metal
oscillator. A};q = 1 corresponds to the fundamentals,
A};q = 2 to the first harmonics, and so on.
The Polarization Diagram
At this point we examine the meaning of the
subscripts a and b, which are related to the polariza
tion of absorption bands.
If the perimeter were a circle, the states ABC , , ,
. .. would correspond to };, A, IT, ... of a plane
rotator configuration. A transition A~B corre
sponds to };~IT, and so on. The possible polariza
tions of such a transition are the same as those of
the corresponding one-electron transition, (f~7r.
They are determined by the location of the nodes
of a 7r-orbital.
This leads to a convenient diagram for deter
mining polarization of absorption from the ground
state. Draw the perimeter line. Indicate the atom
positions, and mark where the line is cut by planes
of symmetry. Expand the line to a circle. For the
transition between the ground state and a state of
momentum number Q, draw the nodes for a free
electron standing-wave orbital of momentum num
ber q = Q. Since the orbitals are doubly degenerate,
there will be two independent sets of these nodes.
Each set will have 2Q nodal cuts across the perim
eter. The nodes of one set will lie at antinodes of
the other set. Where there is a symmetry axis,
they are easy to construct. In one set the nodes will
lie on the axis, in the other set the antinodes. We
will call that set, a, which proves to have a nodal
line cutting crosslinks (see Fig. 3) when the perim
eter is returned to its normal shape; b, that set in
which the crosslinks are uncut.
The polarizations of transitions from the ground
state will be the same as if we located + and -
point charges at alternate antinodes, shrank the
perimeter back to its normal shape, and determined
the direction of the resulting electric moment.
If we normalize the sum of all + charges to +t,
and the sum of all -charges to -t, the size of the
electric moment in this diagram will give a rough
qualitative idea of the transition moment integral,
or effective dipole length Z (Q in the usual notation).
From this we can estimate the oscillator strength,16
f= 1.08XlO-6vGZ2cm/N
16 R. S. Mulliken and C. A. Rieke, Rep. Prog Phys VIII 231 (1941). . . , FIG. 3. Polarization diagrams for low absorption bands of
representative molecules.
where v is the frequency of the absorption band (in
wave numbers) ; where G is 1 for a non-degenerate
state, 2 for a doubly-degenerate state' and where Z
is the dipole length (in A). '
This method of estimating Z and f amounts to
replacing ClJFod'lr exe) in the transition moment in
by a real charge density, p, which has the same
symmetry properties and which represents the
corresponding transition in a one-electron system.
A normalization of p to +! and -! would corre
spond to approximating the vi's by two normalized
orthogonal point functions which each take th~
absolute value l/(n)t at n points in the molecule.
However, since the effective charges are not so
localized, but are distributed, the effective dipole
lengths are shorter by about a factor of 2, and this
can be taken into account by normalizing the p's
to + t and. -t as indicated above. Thus, for a long
polyene chain transition with one node we would
have effective charges of +t and -t ;t each end
of the chain, effective dipole length t the chain
length. Bayliss gives this dipole length from the
transition moment integral as 0.21 times the chain
length.12 Similarly in benzene, the one-electron
transition moment integral for an f~g transition
i~ a cir~ular ring i.s t the diameter, and the polariza
tlOn dlagram usmg the rules above would give
about the same value for the effective dipole length.
Perhaps it should be emphasized that such a
polarization diagram is a device for visualization
and not a classical model. It is not suited for accu
=ate inte~sity predictions, since they require proper
mtroductlOn of the total wave functions in the
~ra~sition moment integral; but it will give polar
lzatlOns correctly. Several of these diagrams are
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shown in Fig. 3 for some important transitions in
anthracene, phenanthrene, and azulene.
The two highly allowed IA -IB transitions are
always polarized along mutually perpendicular axes
in the molecule. It is these two transitions which go
over by the correspondence principle into the
classical fundamental electrical oscillations of a
fiat metal plate, which were used as analogies by
Lewis and Calvin.11· 18 Classically, i' would vary in
versely with Z in the above formulas, and the
intensity of each of these transitions would be
proportional to the molecular diameter, suitably
averaged, parallel to the transition axis.lO Empiri
cally, according to the assignment of Fig. 2, the
longitudinal transition, IA -IBb, lies at the longer
wave-length, as does its classical counterpart.
The IA _IG bands, as shown by Rule 2 and as
confirmed in Fig. 3, will be forbidden in centrally
symmetric systems. The polarization diagram for
the lA _1Gb band in long, non-centrally-symmetric
systems will presumably be cut by roughly parallel
nodal lines transverse to the length, as IA -IBb was,
and as shown in Fig. 3. If the system has no center
of symmetry, but has an axis of symmetry, as phe
nanthrene and azulene do, the transition, IA _1Gb,
will then be allowed and will have a moment
parallel to the symmetry axis. In all long bent
systems, this moment will probably be roughly
transverse to the long dimension, as in phenan
threne. The moment of IA -IGa will be perpendicu
lar to the symmetry axis, if any, or roughly
longitudinal in long bent systems.
The lA -IL bands will have the following special
property. In their polarization diagram, the number
of nodes on the perimeter is 2Q=2(2n+l), which
is just the number of carbons on the perimeter, so
the nodal separation is just the mean carbon
carbon distance. In the diagram for IA -ILa, every
peripheral bond will be cut by a node and we must
put the effective charges on the atoms. For IA -ILb,
the atoms are at nodes and the effective charges go
on the bonds. It is seen from Fig. 3 that in these
transitions the elementary dipoles are nearly can
celed within each ring, regardless of gross molecular
shape, so the total intensity will be very small.
Other transitions of high AQ are weak for the same
For hexagonal ring systems, when some bonds
are just parallel or perpendicular to a symmetry
axis, the IA -ILa moment will be parallel to these
bonds, the IA -ILb moment perpendicular. In azu
lene, which has an odd number of carbons in each
ring, the a and b naming is ambiguous by the· rule
given above, but we can continue to draw the
effective charges at the atoms in IA -ILa• As may
17 G. N. Lewis and M. Calvin, Chern. Rev. 25, 273 (1939).
18 G. N. Lewis and J. Bigeleisen, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 65, 520,
2102, 2107 (1943). be seen in Fig. 3, this interchanges the polarizations
in the two L bands from their directions in the
isomer, naphthalene (whose polarization diagrams
are like those of anthracene).
In the classical macroscopic fiat plate analogy,
the intensity of these very high multi pole lA -IL
transitions must approach zero, as they would
correspond to the oscillations of a line of microscopic
dipole charges around the edge of the plate. They
should therefore not correspond to the Lewis and
Ccrlvin fundamental vibrations; Coulson4 empha
sized that this correspondence did not hold for
the lowest frequency bands, which are the ones
identified here with lA -IL.
Height of Levels
The average height of a configuration should be
given by the energy of the one-electron jump from
the ground configuration. It is easily shown that
this would predict an average frequency of absorp
tion almost inversely proportional to the perimeter
length. Actually, the frequency of the strongest
band varies about inversely as the 0.3-0.5 power of
the length (see I). The same difficulty, that the
predicted frequency varies too rapidly with length,
is found in the free-electron theory of polyenesl2
and in the LCAO theory of polyeneslO and of
polyacenes.4 Addition of the periodic potential in
the free-electron model may improve the predic
The arrangement of le\'els of a given configura
tion is given by the H und rule, as noted above.
The particular advantage of the free-electron
model is that it may be extended easily to unsym
metrical cata-condensed systems. For all systems of
a given number of rings, the perimeter is the same,
the number of crosslinks is the same and the area
is the same. Therefore the location of the levels
should be approximately the same in isomers. This
is seen in the spectra of I for isomers having the
usual 6-carbon rings. The levels of azulene, with a
5-carbon and a 7-carbon ring are systematically
lower than those of its 6-carbon isomer, naphthalene.
Electron Density
The possible importance of high local charge
density in determining reactivity and potency in
carcinogenic hydrocarbons such as benzanthracene,
dibenzanthracene, and their derivatives, has been
emphasized by Schmidt,6 and quantitative pre
dictions of density variations have been made by
Daudel and Pullman and others.19 The free-electron
model with suitable boundary conditions will give
alternating charge densities in successive bonds
near the end of a polyene chain, though Bayliss
19 For bibliography, see P. Daudel and R. Daudel, J. Chern.
Phys. 16, 639 (1948).
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did not point this out. However, the perimeter
model gives uniform charge density for condensed
systems, if they are unsubstituted. Introduction of
crosslinks will produce local density variations of
Schmidt's type. Substitution on the perimeter will
introduce a perturbing potential, and cause mixing
of the wave functions and further variation of
charge density. In this way, the free-electron model
could probably be extended to account for directing
effects in benzene rings and for similar effects in
the carcinogens.
I t is unfortunate that the terminology proposed
here uses two letters, A and B, in different senses
from their use in group theory. But spectroscopy
has taken its toll throughout the alphabet and there
seems to be no other series of consecutive letters
with fewer conflicts. Especially, it seemed wise to
avoid the established angular momentum letters in
either English or Greek, since the case here is so
different. It is hoped that the different subscripts
will help to avoid confusion with the group theory
In I the levels of 17 cata-condensed systems were
identified according to the scheme just outlined.
Levels of a few important molecules are given
again in Fig. 2. Justification of this system of
naming must be in two parts: (a) justification of
giving the same names at all to levels of different
compounds; and (b) justification of the particular
names chosen, since they now imply definite proper
ties. Subsequently some general support from
LCAO theory, and some ambiguous identifications,
will be discussed.
(a) Empirical Identity of Levels in
Different Compounds
The following general results are derived from I;
details may be found there.
1. Levels of a given type have unambiguous idetttify
ing characteristics, which do not change from com
pound to compound. The most useful characteristics
are intensity and vibrational sharpness of the
transition from the ground state to the level in
question. There is almost no mixing or confusion of
2. Levels of a given type move in a systematic way
from compound to compound. All lie on smooth and
almost parallel curves as a function of length.
They generally lie near the same energy in isomers.
3a. Each empirical type occurs once and only once
in each compound.
3b. The number of lower levels remains constant
from compound to compound up to any particular upper level as far as the spectra have been carried.
There are a few reasonable exceptions where de
generacies occur or where a weak band is expected
to be overlapped by a stronger band and its upper
state cannot be located accurately.
Levels that resemble each other so much in
different compounds must have some important
properties in common. The same name should be
given to all of them to indicate these properties.
Actually, according to any present theories, in
cluding the free-electron method used for the
interpretation here, we should expect more change
than there is in the band characteristics, such as
the "forbiddenness" of the IA -ILb bands, in going
from benzene to the unsymmetrical 4-ring systems,
and we should expect more mixing and loss of
identity of band types than there is in the spectrum
of any of these larger systems. Nevertheless, the
empirical evidence for distinctness and preservation
of identity of band types seems fairly convincing.
We can proceed only by taking that evidence at
face value in justifying the names and predicting
the properties of the different types of states.
(b) Justification of Names
There is a band in benzene at 39,000 em-I.
LCAO theory shows the upper state is a singlet,
probably of symmetry B2u,3 though B1u is not ruled
out.2 Assuming B2u is correct, the polarization dia
gram must have nodal lines through the atoms.
This kind of state we have named ILb• If anything
like it exists in the larger molecules, it will also
be ILb• There is just one similar band found in
every aromatic molecule, except where it is ex
pected to be hidden by a stronger one. It always
has nearly the same intensity, logE"V2.5, and the
same kind of sharp vibrational structure running to
about 6 bands, as in benzene. The upper states of
these bands, when plotted against the number n of
rings, lie on a smooth curve starting with the 39,000
cm-1 state of benzene. We therefore call them ILb,
and hope that we have guessed correctly the com
mon property.
Similarly, by LCAO theory, the benzene 48,000
cm-1 state is IBI .. ,3 though IB2u is not ruled out.2
Assuming the former, our diagram must have nodes
between atoms. This state lies on a smooth curve
with similar levels in the longer molecules. All
transitions to these levels have 5 or 6 diffuse bands
with logE"V3.8. They are therefore lLa, according
to this scheme. The scheme predicts transverse
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polarization for lA -lL" in polyacenes (Fig. 3).
This has been found in naphthalene and anthra
cene. 4. 20 This correct prediction is an argument for
the correctness of our assumption that lLb has
symmetry lB2u in benzene and that lL" has sym
metry lBlu.
These should be together in benzene and split in
the other molecules studied in I. The benzene
55,000 cm-l transition is the strongest in benzene.
By LCAO it is allowed and of type lAlg_lE lu,
which corresponds to our definition of lA -lB. It
lies on a smooth curve with the strongest transitions
in the longer compounds, when plotted against
length. With increasing length, these bands have
an increasingly sharp first peak followed by two or
three weaker diffuse bands. The intensity of transi
tions on this curve increases with molecular length
as expected. In naphthalene and anthracene these
transitions are longitudinally polarized. 4, 20 They are
at the same wave-length as the strong bands of
polyenes of the same molecular length (see I).
Therefore they have all the properties expected of
the 10ngitudinailA -lBb bands.
In each of the compounds except benzene another
strong band lies higher. Its intensity does not in
crease much with molecular length. It can therefore
be the transverse lA -lBa, which should have this
lCb,lC a
A band appears between the two lB bands in
every compound but benzene. (A band which may
be similar appears above the B band in unsym
metrical alkylbenzenes.) It is doubtful in naphtha
lene, but clear in anthracene, about as strong as
lA -lLa• Its intensity increases in the non-centrally
symmetric isomers azulene and phenanthrene, be
coming about as strong as lA -lBa. Therefore it is
possibly forbidden in centrally symmetric mole
cules. Among the low transitions, this behavior is
expected of lA _lC and lA -lK bands. The intensity
when it is strong is more like the dipole lA -lB
than the multipole lA -lL so it is probably lA _lC.
Since no similar band appears lower, but one
appears higher in the 4-ring systems, the band
between the two 1 B bands can be assigned to
lA _lCb and the higher one to lA -lCa. Presumably
the lA -lK bands lie lower but are weaker than
lA _lC (and also forbidden in centrally symmetric
molecules), and are concealed by the strong lA -lBb
bands or by lA -lLa•
The phosphorescent level has been assigned to
3Blu (our 3La) in benzene3 but 3B2u(3Lb) has not
20 R. N. Jones, Chern. Rev. 41,353 (1947). been ruled out.2 In the whole group of molecules,
its separation from lLa varies smoothly with length,
from 19,000 cm-l in benzene to 12,000 cm-l in
three-and four-ring systems, and is constant among
isomers even when both levels move far. On the
other hand, its separation from lLb varies widely,
especially among isomers (cf. anthracene-phenan
threne in Fig. 2). Since the singlet-triplet separation
should be roughly constant, this phosphorescent
level then must be of the same type as lLa, and so
is called 3La• In turn, this is an argument for the
assignment of 3Blu to the phosphorescent level in
benzene, if we accept the reasoning above as
establishing the lLa level as lBlu in benzene. 2l
(c) Identifications and LCAO Predictions
Coulson4 calculated, by the LCAO method with
out neglect of overlap integrals, the center of
gravity positions and the polarizations of singlet
triplet pairs in polyacenes. If the center of gravity
of the lowest transverse pair of bands, as given by
the present assignments, is close to his lowest pre
dicted transverse center; and if the observed lowest
longitudinal center is close to his predicted lowest
longitudinal, then his calculations give a general
support to these assignments. This is found to be
the case, as was shown in I. Coulson's ignorance of
the triplet states and of lLb caused confusion in his
original comparison with the data.
The upper triplets are unknown, so Coulson's
calculations must there be compared with the
singlets, and they show as good agreement as they
do with the lower singlets. (See Fig. 2.) Thus his
predicted total spread of the states corresponding
to our f~g system is about 20,000 cm-l in naphtha
lene, 30,000 cm-l in anthracene where the total
spread of the singlets, according to our identifica
tions, is about 27,000 cm-l in both cases. In his
upper two singlet transitions, the longitudinal one
should be at lower frequencies. This agrees with the
present identifications of lBb and lB".
His predictions for the third forbidden transition
of e~g type in naphthalene and anthr~cene also
lie within about 5000 cm-l of the level we have
21 H. Shull at the University of California has also shown
from analysis of the phosphorescent band in benzene that it is
made allowed by the same types of vibrations as those which
would make the lA I. -IBlu band allowed. (Private communica
tion.) The two other independent pieces of evidence in the
present paper which show its empirical relation to this singlet
band are: (a) the almost constant separation of the phos
phorescent band in benzene and the larger molecules from
IA-IL., which we have concluded is probably lAl._IB lu in
benzene; and (b) the good agreement between the center of
gravity of this pair of bands in the different molecules and the
LCAO calculations-any other pairing would destroy the
agreement. Nevertheless, R. S. Mulliken points out that we
cannot conclude with certainty that the phosphorescent state
in benzene should be labelled 3Blu until the theoretical spectro
scopic combining properties of corresponding singlet and
triplet states have been established.
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named correspondingly, 1Gb• (See Table I.) The
two lower forbidden transitions, our IA -IK bands,
should also be weaker according to the present
arguments, and have not been found.
Mann's LCAO calculations on the azulene levels22
also support the identifications, as shown in Fig. 2.
The predicted centers of gravity deviate from the
singlets in the same direction and about the same
amount as the corresponding LCAO predictions
deviate in naphthalene. A mistake in identification
would have been revealed by large changes in these
Because of the reversal of polarizations from
naphthalene to azulene, Mann's results also confirm
the correctness of the nodal properties assumed
here in the polarization diagrams for the L bands.
In azulene, IA -ILb should be transverse, IA -ILa
longitudinal, as indicated by the diagram in Fig. 3.
These bands are identified at 14,000 em-I and
28,0'00 em-I, respectively, by the usual empirical
resemblances. Now the LCAO calculation also gives
the low singlet-triplet pair as transverse, the next
pair as longitudinal. The separation of the pairs is
great enough that the sequence of the singlet levels
could not reasonably be interchanged from the
LCAO-predicted sequence of the pairs, if we re
member how accurate the LCAO energy predictions
are in the polyacenes (I). Therefore, if the LCAO
has predicted these polarizations correctly, then the
properties assumed here for the L states also predict
them correctly.
The failure of the LCAO predictions of intensities
does not much weaken the im portance of the good
agreement on energies, because intensities are
known to be generally much more sensitive to the
accuracy of the wave functions than the energies are.
( d) Possible Misidentifications
There are three bands described in I in which
there is some question about the identifications
according to the present scheme.
The weak band called 1Gb in naphthalene, and
presumed to be forbidden, seems to be still weaker
or has moved in acenaphthene, which is essentially
an alkyl-substituted naphthalene. One would expect
it to be somewhat stronger. On the other hand, the
difference in strength is not much larger than the
experimental error.
The band called IA _1Gb in naphthacene, and
presumed to be forbidden, becomes stronger in bent
4-ring systems, as it should. However, the band we
have called IA _1Gb is also stronger in chrysene.
This molecule again has a center of symmetry, so
that this band should again be forbidden. If there
is not a mistake in identification, perhaps some
22 D. Mann, J. R. Platt, and H. B. Klevens, J. Chern. Phvs.
17. 481 (1949). . interaction with allowed transitions nearby will
account for the larger intensity.
On almost any theory, the IB state in triphenyl
ene, which has D3h symmetry, should be single and
doubly degenerate. However, two strong bands
have been found with about the usual IBb-IBa
separation, about 10,000 em-I. The higher band
must be of some type other than IBa, but it is not
certain what.
These points deserve further study. It does not
seem likely that they will invalidate the classifica
tion, since the latter is supported by nearly a
hundred other identifications in which the band
properties and their variations among isomers are
correctly predicted.
The free-electron method will also be justified by
its close basic correspondence with LCAO method
in the construction of orbitals and states, in cases
where the latter method has been worked out. The
comparison will be made for two such cases: ben
zene and anthracene.
In benzene, one free electron in the loop of
perimeter l = 8.4A would have energies
E= 17,000q2 em-I.
No arbitrary constants are involved in this for
mula. These one-electron states are plotted in the
left half of Fig. 4.
The quadratic spacing with interval ratios 1: 3: 5
agrees qualitatively with LCAO calculations which
include overlap integrals. The latter give the in
terval ratios 1: 4: 5, as shown on the right in Fig. 4.23
If the LCAO bond integral, -(3, is set at 28,000
em-I, the energies agree within about 10 percent
with the free-electron energies. However, a smaller
value of (3, about 20,000 em-I, fits the observed
st<!-tes better.2
The LCAO theory predicts only four one-electron
states, with the top one single, where free-electron
model predicts an infinity of higher states, all
doubly degenerate. The difference is due to the
restriction of LCAO to combinations of atomic
p-orbitals. The additional free-electron states corre
spond to combinations of d-andf-orbitals and so on.
The difference is unimportant in practice since the
observed spectra involve only the lowest excited
On the free-electron model, the classification of
the lower states in the six-7r-electron benzene prob
lem is as given in Table I I.
Excitation of an electron from the f-shell to the
g-shellieads to states with Q=2-1 and Q=2+1,
according as the electron and hole q-vectors are
23 C. c. J. Roothaan, private communication.
Downloaded 18 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissionsCLASSIFICATION OF SPECTRA 493
added or subtracted. These have angular mo
mentum 1 (B-state) and 3 (L-state) and would
correspond to 11-and ~-states, in diatomic notation,
with respect to the 6-fold axis. Because of the high
symmetry the B-state is not split, but the L-state is
so this configuration gives three singlet and three
triplet states.
Four of these six excited states are known as
shown in Fig. 2. The group-theory classification is
fairly well established2•3 except for the triplet whose
identity seemed to be established by the arguments
of the last section. The position of the other levels
has been estimated.2 The forbidden lA -IL bands
are supposed to become somewhat allowed through
vibrational interactions of the proper symmetry.
In the strong allowed transition, the polarization
diagram method gives an effective dipole length, Z,
about 1/4 of the greatest diameter, or 0.7A. This
gives J=0.59. This is in fair agreement with the
experimental value, 0.79 for the integrated J-+g
transition intensity.24 Because of the crudeness of
the method, only the relative intensity estimate as
compared to anthracene (below) is of significance.
The relative agreement is fairly good. The LCAO
method predicts J=2.35.16 When this is corrected
by a standard empirical factor of 0.3, it is in fair
agreement with the observed value.
The center of gravity of the levels of the f3g
system in benzene is estimated 2 from the spectrum
to lie at about 44,000 cm-1 which may be compared
with the free-electron prediction of 51,000 cm-I.
For anthracene, with one free electron on an
ideal perimeter loop of length 1 = 19.6A, the energies
will be
E = 3150q2 cm-I.
Again this quadratic spacing agrees well qualita
tively with the increasing spacing found in Coulson's
LCAO calculations4 (Fig. 5).
Configuration Free-electron states Group theory notation
fB 'B lEI" 3EI" .. .f3g IL 3La IBI" 3BI" IL: 'Lb lB," 'B2"
.... j< IA IAI•
Coulson's orbitals are divided into two groups:
without (P, Q) and with (R, S) a longitudinal
nodal line; and each of these into two sub-groups:
without (P, R) and with (Q, S) a transverse nodal
24 J. R. Platt and H. B. Kleve~s, Chern. Rev. 41. 301 (1948). E
80000 q
h 3-__ f3 ___ ·4.0
9 2
o o o '1.33
40000 ;;
----. 80 ~ ____ -..!.ll-
Free-electron lCAO
FIG. 4. Comparison of free-electron and LCAO states and
shells: benzene.
line across the center of the molecule. The free
electron q = 0 orbital with no nodes corresponds to
his Pl. The free-electron degenerate q= 1 with two
nodes on the perimeter corresponds to his two non
degenerate orbitals, QI with nodes at the sides, and
RI with nodes at the ends of the perimeter. Simi
larly q = 2 wi th 4 nodes on the perimeter corresponds
to his P2 and SI; and so on. The number of nodes
for corresponding levels is the same in the two
systems, and the only difference is in the removal
of the free-electron degeneracy. The surprising
thing is not that the degeneracy is removed, but
that the splits are not wider. Thus in naphthalene
and anthracene, the LCAO levels are arranged in
order of increasing free-electron q; and crossovers
occur first in naphthacene. (Coulson's levels for
anthracene are accidentally degenerate, as shown
in Fig. 5.) By choosing Coulson's LCAO factor
'Y = 23,000 cm-I, the energy predictions of the two
schemes agree as shown in Fig. 5. All but two of the
7 excited free-electron states lie between their split
LCAO counterparts. The maximum separation of
any free-electron state from the center of gravity
of its split counterparts is 7000 em-I.
The lower states of anthracene would then have
the correspondence in the two systems shown in
Table III.
The identification of the ol;>served states by this
system in Fig. 2 differs from Coulson's identifica-
Downloaded 18 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see http://jcp.aip.org/about/rights_and_permissions494 JOHN R. PLATT
40000 h
g /--- 5.-4.0
5 ---------P·R;2.21
U .L Q3s.-1.33
0 p. -46 g
3 . R. 37
8 2 ___ --=:::::::::?=.!~= 0'5, .78
______ ~ P'R l03 _..:::::::=....-_ Q,'1.33
ee _---..IL..lB 1
Free-electron LCAO
FIG. 5. Comparison of free-electron and LCAO states and
shells: anthracene.
tion. Coulson knew only the two singlet bands
26,000 cm-l (experimentally transverse) and 39,000
cm-l (experimentally longitudinal), and naturally
identified the latter with his longitudinal N -V2•
The identifications of Fig. 2, setting 39,000 cm-l as
his R2-S2 state and the hidden 28,000 cm-l as V2,
are in much better agreement with his energy pre
dictions, as was shown in I.
If this is correct, his intensity calculations on
N -Vl are about ten times too high, and those on
N -V2 are st;veral hundred times too high.l,4 Con
figurations involving his P 3 state actually make only
weak transitions to ground. The qualitative success
of the present model would imply that electron
in teractions, and the mixing of transverse R2 -P 3
with transverse Q2-S3, and of longitudinal Q2-P3
with longitudinal R2-S3, may have to be considered
in order to get the correct intensities by LCAO
The free-electron prediction of about 22,000 cm-l
for the center of gravity of the f3g states (Fig. 5) is
to be compared with its experimental location near
30,000 cm-l• The frequencies predicted by either
method become too low in long chains, as remarked
For intensities, the effective dipole lengths may
be estimated from the polarization diagram, giving
the values shown in Table IV. The lA -lBa transi
tion is across the molecule and its dipole length is correspondingly near that of benzene, about 1/4 the
width, or 0.7A. The lA -lBb transition is along the
molecule and its dipole length is taken as 1/4 the
chain length. The lA -lLa band has a polarization
diagram with nodes between the atoms, as seen in
Fig. 3. If we think of the end rings as having
balanced charges, the remaining center dipole with
1/7 of the charge will give an effective transverse
dipole length of about Ht·2.8A) or about O.IA.
The lA -lLb has a polarization diagram with nodes
at the atoms, as seen in Fig. 3. This would give a
zero moment if all the effective charges were equal
and the rings were perfectly hexagonal, but will
give a small longitudinal moment otherwise.
The known polarizations agree with these assign
ments, and the sequence of intensities is correctly
predicted. More accurate calculations do not seem
justified without introducing the periodic potential
and connecting links, and the vibrations, especially
in computing the multipole bands.
It is strange that the benzene lA -lL transitions
should have the same intensities as their counter
parts in larger, and even in unsymmetrical, mole
cules. In the latter there are many mechanisms
variations in bond distance and electron density,
the crosslinks, and so on-by which even multipole
transitions should gain intensity and "become
allowed," just as Coulson expected for the L bands.
It is similarly strange that these benzene bands
have much the same diffuseness or sharpness as in
the larger molecules. It is usually supposed that
lA -lLa is moderately strong and diffuse in benzene,
and lA -lLb is weak and sharp, because the former
is nearer the allowed transition and more perturbed,
or possibly because of predissociation in the former.
But lA -lLa gets far away from strong allowed
transitions in the other molecules and remains
moderately strong and diffuse, while lA -lLb comes
between it and the strong allowed transitions in
pentacene, yet remains weak and sharp. It seems
improbable that predissociation would occur just
TABLE III. Anthracene: names of states and polarizations of
absorption bands abbreviated.
electron Coulson Polarization
states notation Symmetry of transition
Configuration (Singlets and triplets) species to ground
. . d'e'f'g D • Q1-S2 B2a trans
Db R1-S2 B1a long
Jb Q1-P, B1. long
J. R1-P, or V. B'a trans
.. . e'i'g c • P2-S2 B'g forb
Cb 51-52 A1g forb
Kb p,-p, or V. A'g forb
K. Sl-Pa or Va B,g forb
. . . . pg B • Q,-S, B,. trans
B. R,-S, B,. long
L. Q2-P,orV2 B1a long
L. R,-P,or V, B,. trans
....... .f' 'A N A'g
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at the lLa level in all these molecules, especially
since this level moves more widely than any other.
Evidently there is more in common in corresponding
bands than current theory will allow. This is useful
for identification but puzzling.
Possibly all these sources of extra intensity in the
larger molecules are negligible, like the ones used
in the rough calculations of Table IV, which pre
dicted too low L-band intensities. If this were so,
the only important contribution to intensity in these
bands would always be the result of vibrations, just
as in benzene. Then, since vibration amplitudes and
charge densities must be much the same in com
pounds with similar force constants and masses and
1I"-electron densities, we would have an explanation
of the constancy of the L-band properties.
In benzene and anthracene, we see that the free
electron model does not contradict the LCAO
method in principle at any point. The only practical
divergence is on predicted L-band intensities, but
this may disappear when electrori interaction is
included in the LCAO treatment. No doubt by
introducing the periodic potential and making
vector-model-type estimates of the size of the
electron interactions in the free-electron scheme,
we could improve the quantitative predictions and
determine the sequence and location of the excited
states. This might mean a considerable increase in
the ease and accuracy with which we can describe
the spectra of unsymmetrical systems.
The free-electron model can be adapted to classi
fying other conjugated ring and ring-chain spectra.
The kind of classifications required may vary with
the type of topological connectedness of the con
jugated system. In simple polyene chains, for
example, the levels of the first excited configuration
reduce to our lBb and aBb, with selection rules and
intensities depending only on the bending of the
chain and its dimensions.
For ring-chain systems and peri-condensed sys
tems (in which some carbon atoms belong to three
rings), study of the spectra25•26 shows that in many
cases the lowest bands still seem to be of Band L
types. However, there is more mixing of characters,
both vibrational and intensity, just as is expected
in the larger cata-systems (Fig. 8 of I). Identifica
tion of types is correspondingly less certain in
many of the spectra.
We can account for the existence in these mole
cules of L states and other states giving weak
multipole absorption bands, by means of a theorem
of Coulson and Rushbrooke.lO This applies to sys-
26 E. C1ar, Aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1941). '
26 H. B. Klevens and J. R. Platt, unpublished results. TABLE IV. Estimated oscillator strengths in anthracene.
fobs Polar- (free-
Transition ization Z elect) (from I)
lA-lB. trans .7A 54,000 0.30 0.65
lA-lBb long 1.8A 39,000 1.4 2.28 lA-lL. trans .1A 26,000 .003 .10 lA-lLb long .OOA (28,000) .0000 (.002)
(phenan threne)
tems containing rings with only an even number
of carbon atoms. By LCAO theory with neglect of
overlap, the theorem says that the occupied and
unoccupied one-electron states may be classed in
pairs with equal and opposite binding energy. Call
the members of any pair, a and a'. If we translate
this into the language of classical interacting oscil
lators, state a corresponds to a particular phase
difference between adjacent oscillators. Call this
difference (11"/2) -a. Then state a' corresponds to
phase difference (1I"/2)+a. Similarly, translating
into free-electron terms, the phase difference in the
Schrodinger wave between the two ends of a bond
will be (11"/2) -a in state a, and (1I"/2)+a in state a'.
When an electron jumps from state a to a', the
electron and hole momenta in the two-dimensional
network may be added or subtracted. This gives
two kinds of states, with total momenta corre
sponding to a phase difference between adjacent
carbons of either 2a or 11". On the polarization dia
gram, an absorption band to the state with 2a has
only a few nodal lines across the molecule, i.e., it
is a dipole or a low "multipole." An absorption band
diagram to the state 11" will have nodal lines either
in the middle of every bond, in which case it is
like lA -ILa; or at the ends of bonds, in which case
it is like lA -ILb.
Thus it seems reasonable that the first few singlet
bands of the more complicated systems can again
be called lA -ILb, lLa, lBb, lBa. If mixing of char
acters is strong, a more exact treatment, or perhaps
a dIfferent kind of approximation, will be required.
Probably the first four distinctive bands in the
spectrum of pyrene25 are of these four types. In
aniline and styrene there are also four prominent
bands.26 In diphenyl,26 only three are seen, but the
fourth weak one reappears in fluorene, which is a
bent alkyl-substituted diphenyl so this weak band
may simply be hidden in diphenyl itself.
I must express my especial debt to Herzfeld27 for
his emphasis on the importance of the nodes, and
to Mulliken, Longuet-Higgins, and many other
colleagues for helpful criticisms and discussion.
Note added in proof: Several very recent applica.
tions of the free-electron method are described in a
footnote at the end of I.
27 K. F. Herzfeld, Chern. Rev. 41, 233 (1947).
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1.1698794.pdf | Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Metals. II. Temperature Dependence of the
Resonance Shifts
B. R. McGarvey and H. S. Gutowsky
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 21, 2114 (1953); doi: 10.1063/1.1698794
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1698794
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:10:142114 MIZUSHIMA, OHNO, AND OHNO
changing the value of the intermolecular potential, his
result may contain a numerical error.
Miyak09 used the same potential for all kinds of
collisions as in Boo(') (T), and obtains the value of B(T)
for the case of para :ortho= 1: 3. As -114A3 at 2SoK
and -128A3 at 200K this is larger than the result for
pure para hydrogen, while the experimental data shown
in Table VI seem to indicate that B(T) of pure para
hydrogen is larger than that of ordinary hydrogen. This
contradiction will be improved, if the dependence of the
intermolecular potential on the rotational quantum
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS number is taken into account as pointed out III Sec
tion V.22
The authors wish to thank Professor M. Kotani and
the members of his laboratory for their useful sugges
tions and economical help. They also wish to thank
Misses N. Mizushima and N. Sugawara for performing
numerical calculations, and Mr. Grayson for assistance
with English.
22 In the theory of viscosity also, the effect of statistics is known
to have the wrong sign (E. W. Becker and V. Stell, Phys. Rev. 87,
525 (1952».
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Metals. II. Temperature Dependence
of the Resonance Shifts*
Noyes Chemical Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
(Received July 16, 1953)
The temperature dependence of the nuclear resonance shift in metals has been investigated in lithium,
sodium, rubidium, cesium, and gallium. The resonance shifts were found to change by no more than 5 to 6
percent over temperature ranges of 200°, including the melting point. For sodium, the observed temperature
dependence of the resonance shift is correlated directly with the volume dependence predicted theoretically
for. the mass magnetic susceptibility due to the conduction electrons. In the other metals, effects appear
which are related apparently to the volume dependence of the wave functions for electrons at the top of the
conduction band. The room temperature resona.nce shifts of Sn1l7 and SnU9 and the temperature dependence
of the Rb87 line width are also reported for the metals. The resonance shift of tin is 0.705XID-2. The estima
tion of activation energies for self-diffusion from the temperature dependence of the line widths is discussed.
A PREVIOUS paper! was concerned primarily with
the magnetic resonance absorption line shapes
and widths and their temperature dependence in several
metals. In most of the metals the resonance line was
broadened significanbly by the interaction of the nu
clear spins with the conduction electrons, the interac
tion also determining the short spin-lattice relaxation
time. In the case of lithium and sodium, magnetic
dipolar broadening was important in the solid at tem
peratures below about 2S0oK, with self-diffusion nar
rowing the resonance line at higher temperatures.
The main part of this paper reports measurements of
the temperature dependence of the resonance shifts in
lithium, sodium, rubidium, cesium, and gallium. The
resonance shifts in metals were first observed by
Knight2 and have been attributed 3 to the magnetic
interaction between the nuclei and the conduction
* Supported in part by the U. S. Office of Naval Research. t U. S. Atomic Energy Commission Predoctoral Fellow. Present
address: Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
University of California, Berkeley 4, California.
1 H. S. Gutowsky and B. R. McGarvey, J. Chern. Phys. 20,
1472 (1952).
2 W. D. Knight, Phys. Rev. 76, 1259 (1949).
3 Townes, Herring, and Knight, Phys. Rev. 77, 852 (1950). electrons. The resonance shifts have been expressed by
Townes, Herring, and Knight as
where tJ.H = H c-H; H co the higher field, is the reso
nance field, at a given frequency, for a compound of the
metal and H is the resonance field for the metal; M is
the weight in grams of an atom of the metal; Xm is the
contribution of the conduction electron spins to the
mass susceptibility of the metal, and < I ~k(O) 12)F is the
value for the square of the conduction electrons' wave
functions at the nucleus, averaged over the top of the
Fermi band. The resonance shifts have been measured
for quite a few metals!-6 at room temperature, but,
except for a preliminary reportT on Na23, no investiga
tion of the effect of temperature upon the resonance
shifts seems to have been published.
In principle, the effect of temperature upon the reso
nance shifts may be obtained by considering in Eq. (1)
the two terms which are responsible for the shift and
4 D. F. Abell and W. D. Knight, Phys. Rev. 85, 762(A) (1952).
• W. D. Knight, Phys. Rev. 85, 762(A) (1952).
6 H. E. Walchli and H. W. Morgan, Phys. Rev. 87, 541 (1952).
7 H. S. Gutowsky, Phys. Rev. 83, 1073 (1951).
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its magnitude. To a first approximation, both Xm and
(l1fk(O) 12)F are independent of temperature. There is
possible a slight dependence upon atomic volume of each
of these terms, which could give rise to an indirect
dependence of the shift upon temperature. The small
changes observed in the shift with temperature are
evidently the net result of the volume dependence. The
interpretation is complicated by there being two terms,
neither of which is known independently.
In addition to the temperature dependence of the
resonance shifts in several metals, we report the reso
nance line widths and shifts observed for Sn117 and
SnU9 at room temperature, as well as the temperature
dependence of the Rb87 line width. The line widths in
tin are of interest in regard to possible mechanisms for
the broadening of the resonance lines in metals. All of
the other metals observed have nuclear spins greater
than! so that quadrupole coupling of some sort might
contribute to the line widths. But the spins of Sn117
and SnU9 are! and quadrupole effects cannot exist.
Nonetheless, the observed line widths in tin exceed the
predicted dipolar broadening, proving the importance
of other than quadrupole effects.
Most of the apparatus and procedures have been de
scribed.t·8 All of the measurements were made with the
larger of our permanent magnets, at a field of 6365±2
gauss. The sample of tin was a fine powder with an
oxide coating providing sufficient insulation for use
without further treatment. The other metal samples
were those used in 1.
The room temperature line widths and resonance
shifts in tin and the temperature dependence of the
Rb87 line width were measured with a super-regenera
tive spectrometer.8 This system can be operated at high
rf levels with a decent noise figure and is useful for
samples such as the metals which have a short spin
lattice relaxation time T1• The two tin isotopes with
magnetic moments are of low abundance (Sn1l7 -7 .54
percent, Snu9-8.62 percent) and their resonances
could not be detected in either the metal or salt with
any of our apparatus other than the super-regenerative
The resonance shifts for Snm and SnU9 were obtained
by measuring the resonance frequencies, at constant
magnetic field, of the metal and the salt. The metal and
the salt samples were placed alternately in the same rf
coil and the oscillator tuned to give a maximum output
from the narrow-band amplifier.8 The system detects
the dispersion rather than the absorption observed with
most setups, so the maximum in the derivative of the
resonance line is its center. The resonance frequencies
were then measured with a BC-221 Signal Corps fre
quency meter set by reference to WWV. Care was exer-
8 Gutowsky, Meyer, and McClure, Rev. Sci. Instr. 24, 644
(1953). cised to insure that the carrier frequency was measured
and not one of the side bands.
In I, the line width oH was taken to be the separa
tion of the two peaks of the derivative of the resonance
absorption line. However for rubidium the absorption
line became too weak for accurate measurement below
room temperature, because the line broadened. So the
derivative of the Rb87 resonance dispersion was plotted
several times at each temperature with the super
regenerative spectrometer, and the width of the center
peak at half-maximum intensity was determined. In the
next section these values are related to the customary
absorption line widths. The Rb86 resonance was not
observed ·because its low resonance frequency offsets
its high isotopic abundance to give a weaker signal than
Rb87• The constructional details have been given else
where8 for the cryostat used in these line-width measure
ments and in the temperature dependence of the reso
nance shifts.
The temperature dependence of the resonance shifts
was observed with a dual rf bridge system activated by
the same signal generator. Two identical metal samples
were used; one was placed in an rf probe at room tem
perature while the other was in the cryostat, the two
samples as close together as possible in the magnet gap.
A switch enabled the output of either bridge to be con
nected to the detection system. The resonances from the
cryostat and the reference were observed alternately
and the difference in applied field required for each was
measured as a function of temperature. For lithium,
sodium, and gallium the absorption lines were displayed
on an oscilloscope, while for rubidium and cesium the
derivative of the absorption line was observed with the
narrow-band amplifier and the line center taken as the
point midway between the minimum and maximum.
The measurements are reported in terms of the quan
tity o(AH/H) which is defined as follows:
o(AH) = H26°C-H T,
H H260C (2)
where H 25'C is the applied field for the resonance in the
sample at 25°C and HT is the resonance field for the
sample at temperature T, the radio-frequency remaining
constant. The temperature of the sample in the cryostat
was measured with a copper constantan thermocouple
immersed directly in the sample.
Line Width and Resonance Shift in Tin
The resonance shift was measured at room tempera
ture with respect to a saturated aqueous solution of
SnCb, which was 0.2 molar in MnCb. The paramagnetic
Mn+2 ions were added to reduce T 1 so the super
regenerative system would not saturate the resonance.
The resonance in the solution required the narrow-band
amplifier for detection even though the line was narrow.
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:10:142116 B. R. McGARVEY AND H. S. GUTOWSKY
'" 1.0
o.~ D
FIG. 1. Temperature dependence of the magn~tic .reso~ance ab
sorption line width for Rb87 in the metal. aH IS given In gauss.
The points plotted as squares were obtained from the resonance
dispersion, as described in the text.
The results are: for Snl17, (~H/Hc)=0.701XIO--2,and for
Snus (~H/Hc)=0.709XIO--2. The error is estimated to
be ~ 1 percent of the measured value, and within this
error the resonance shifts are the same for the two iso
topes. The metal sample was the (3 form, i.e., white tin,
as confirmed by x-ray analysis.s
The derivative of the resonance dispersion in the
metal was plotted for both isotopes at room tempera
ture giving curves similar in general appearance to
that'shown elsewhere8 for eu63• However, the discus
sion in I is based on the second moment and width of
the resonance absorption. When the dipolar broadening
is small, the absorption has the Lorentzian shape
f(~H)=4Tl[1+16TTl2(~H)2J-1, (3)
where ~H is the magnetic field separation from the line
center. The absorption and dispersion are related by the
1 f+OO f(~H)d(~H)
P(~Hl)=- ,(4)
'/r --'fJ ~H-~HI
where P(~Hl) is the dispersion shape function. The
width of the dispersion derivative at half-maximum,
8Himax, is given via Eqs. (3) and (4) in terms of the
width of the absorption derivative 8H by the ex-
The theoretical dipolar second moments ~H22 of
the absorption lines for both Snl17 and SnUB are about
0.06 gauss.2 The experimental 8H values for Snl17 and
Sn1l9 obtained through Eq. (5) are 2.5 and 3.0 gauss with
uncertainties of ±0.5 gauss. The relation between 8H and
~ 22 ·depends upon line shape; in the extreme case of
a rectangular shape, IJH = 2VJ~H2 so the maximum IJH
possible in tin from dipolar broadening is 0.9 gauss,
with 0.5 gauss a more likely value. Even allowing for the
g We are indebted to Walter E. Thatcher of the department's
x-ray laboratory for the analysis. .
10 G. E. Pake and E. M. Purcell, Phys. Rev. 74,1184 (1948). error introduced by assuming a Lorentzian shape in
computing 8H from the observed IJHlmax, the resulting
values are nearly double the maximum dipolar width.
TI values basedl upon the observed resonance shift
are 1.4XIQ-4 and 1.3XIQ-4 sec. If only TI broadening
were present, the line widths computed from the equa
tionl T 1= 1/2VJ'/r8H would be 0.4 and 0.5 gauss. In the
other metals the observed nondipolar broadening of
the resonance exceeds that predicted from the resonance
shift by a factor of about two. Adding the Tl and di
polar broadening, the line widths should be in the range
of 1 to 2 gauss, which, in view of the indirect procedure
used, agrees reasonably well with experiment. More
over, white tin is tetragonal and anisotropy in the
resonance shift with crystal orientation might also
contribute to the line width.
Temperature Dependence of the Rb87 Line Width
Absorption line widths of Rb87 were measured at
several temperatures above 3000K and the results re
ported in I. The dispersion line widths have since been
measured at lower temperatures with the super-regen
erative spectrometer. The absorption lines were nearly
Lorentzian in shape, 1 so IJH values can be estimated with
Eq. (5) from the observed IJH!max data. Both sets of
data are given in Fig. 1; the 8H values computed from
the dispersion curves are indicated by squares while the
directly observed 8H values are plotted as circles. The
data join very well, indicating the general validity of the
The rubidium resonance line is broad in the liquid
like that of cesiuml and is similar to lithiuml and so
dium7 in having a transition below the melting point.
But at lower temperatures it does not decrease like
cesium. The width at the higher temperatures and in
the liquid state is due mainly to the short spin-lattice
relaxation time TI as is the case in cesium, while the
greater width at the lower temperatures must be due
to the contribution of both dipolar and Tl broadening.
The dipolar contribution to the line width should be
_._" -EQUATION e
4. .. _ .......... ---EOUATION 10
>00 "0 4
FIG. 2. Temperature dependence of the resonance shift for Nail.
The broken lines represent the theoretical predictions of Eqs. (9)
and (10) for this metal. The solid circles are data reported pre
viously in reference 7.
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approximately 0.5 gauss in the rigid lattice, and this is
about the magnitude of the change in line width during
the transition which occurs below the melting point.
Therefore, this transition is evidently associated with
self-diffusion of the metal atoms as in sodium and
li~ium. The small discontinuous change at the melting
pomtll may be the effect upon the dipolar broadening
or upon Tl of a cooperative change in the self-diffusion
rate. The Tl broadening should decrease at low tem
peratures as it did in cesium because of the increase in
T 1; however, any line narrowing of this sort in rubidium
occurs below the 900K limit of our observations.
The combination of dipolar and Tl broadening in
rubidium prevents any very good estimate from the line
width transition of the activation energy for self-diffu
sion such as made for lithium! and sodium.7 The T!
broadening is negligible for the latter two metals but is
significant in the heavier elements. Moreover, it seems
likely that self-diffusion would produce time-dependent
field gradients in the metals. If the self-diffusion were
fast enough, the gradients would average substantially
to zero, but at slower rates there might be some broad
ening of the resonance line by quadrupole interactions
which could also contribute to TI. Seymour!2 has re~
ported a line-width transition in aluminum, centered
at 330°C, but did not obtain very reasonable values for
the diffusion processes. The TI, and perhaps quadrupole
effects as well, may cause the discrepancies.
Overhauser!3 has suggested that the method described
by Wert and Marx!4 could be used to estimate activa
tion energies for self-diffusion from the temperature
TM, at which the resonance line begins to narrow, rather
than from its change with temperature. The method
assumes a constant factor Vo in the equation v= voe-EalRT
-10 r-----------~.----------,-----~/~----.
----- - -EQUATION 10
00 ~>-
25'0 00
FIG. 3. Temperature dependence of the resonance shift for
Rb8? The broken lines represent the theoretical predictions of
Eqs. (9) and (10) for this metal.
11 The resonance shift increases upon melting so the line width
change cannot result from an increase in T, as suggested in r.
12 E. F. W. Seymour, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) A66, 85 (1953).
13 A. L. Overhauser, private communication. We wish to thank
~r. O~erh.aus~r for reading the manuscript of our paper and
dISCUSSing It wIth us.
14 C. Wert and J. Marx, Acta MetanurgicaJ,~113 (1953). 100r--,------r-------.--~
-SOL----"l;;,------ ....... 20b.O----------3..!O~O _-.J
Temper.ture ~K
FIG. 4. Temperature dependence of the resonance
shift for CSl33 in the metal.
and also requires in this case that there be the same
critical frequency of self-diffusion when the resonance
line starts narrowing in the different metals. Under
these conditions we have Ea=ATM, where A can be
evaluated from a known Ea and T M.
Using Nachtrieb's directly measuredI6 Ea of 10.5 kcal
for sodium and the line width7 TM of 160oK, A is 65.5
cal deg-I. Differences in the critical diffusion frequency
are corrected by adding the term RTM In (VNa/VM) to
ATM; VNa and VM are the frequency widths of the
resonance lines in sodium and in the metal, at TM•
In this way, activation energies of self-diffusion of
10.3, 13.9, 14.8, and 29.8 kcal are estimated for CSI33
LF, Rb87, and A127, respectively, from data in thi~
article and in I. The 13.9 kcal for lithium is to be com
pared with the 9.8-kcal value found in I from the change
in line width with temperature. The 29.8 kcal for
aluminum is in better agreement with the expected
value12 of 33 kcal than is the 21-kcal value obtained by
Temperature Dependence of the Resonance Shifts
The observed resonance shifts are given as a function
of temperature in Figs. 2, 3,4, and 5 for sodium, rubid-
300 350 400
. FIG. 5. Temperature dependence of the resonance shift for Gall
!n the metal. These da~a were ob~aIned with the setup described
In refer~nc~ 7. The pOint at 298 K was obtained in the super
cooled lIqUId; the resonance has not been detected in the solid.
16 Nachtrieb, Catalano, and Weil, J. Chern. Phys. 20, 1185
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ium, cesium, and gallium, respectively. In the case of
lithium, no measurable difference was found between
room temperature and 200°C, outside the experimental
error of ±2X 10--6, and this includes any possible
change occurring at 186°C, the melting point. Each
point on the sodium, cesium, and gallium plots is the
average of several separate measurements, while for
rubidium each measurement is plotted. The rubidium
data are given in this manner to demonstrate more
graphically the apparent realness of the peak in the
curve in the region of 254 OK. The broadness of the
rubidium resonance below 2200K and of the sodium
resonance 7 below 2000K precluded measurements of
significant accuracy; however, an observation of rubid
ium at 800K showed that its resonance shift below
2200K follows the general trend indicated by the solid
line in Fig. 3. The gallium resonance could not be found
in the solid below the melting point, 303°K, probably
because of quadrupole broadening in the tetragonal
The earlier measurements for sodium above room
temperature are plotted as solid circles in Fig. 2, and
they agree well with the present data. The previous
results at lower temperatures7 were inaccurate because
of an incomplete correction for changes in the field
at the sample caused by the materials of the cryostat
itself. The proton resonance in hexane was used to
determine the correction; however, possible differences
in the glass sample containers were overlooked. In
these experiments the latter were found to be important
below room temperature. The corrections are a signifi
cant fraction of the observed effects only for the sodium
measurements below room temperature.
From the data given, the resonance shifts are seen to
depend only slightly upon the temperature; the maxi
mum change over the temperature ranges investigated
is about 5 or 6 percent of the total shift. The smallness
of the temperature dependence accounts for the ap
parent absence of an effect in lithium; in it the resonance
shift is so small that the expected change with tempera
ture is within the experimental error. It was pointed
out in the Introduction that the observed temperature
effects express the net influence of the atomic volume
upon the two terms, Xm and (I ~k(O) 12)F, in Eq. (1). Of
the theoretical work on metals, none seems to give
any firm indication of how the latter term varies as the
lattice constant is varied. Fortunately, more can be
said concerning the possible volume dependence of the
spin paramagnetic susceptibility Xm.
One would expect Xm to increase with an increase in
volume. As the volume in which the conduction elec
trons are confined increases, the separation of the
different energy levels decreases; this increases the
energy-level density and gives a corresponding increase
in Xm. In this manner the Pauli theory16 for the para
magnetic susceptibility of metals predicts that Xm
18 W. Pauli, Z. Physik 41, 81 (1927). should be proportional to VI. In the preliminary ac
coune of temperature effects for Na23, the Pauli theory
was found to predict a rather smaller change in reso
nance shift than that observed. It was suggested that
chemical shifts of the resonance in different com
pounds of the metal could introduce some uncertainty
in the actual value of the conduction electron shift,
which might account for part of the discrepancy.
Another pertinent factor, which has been noted inde
pendently by Overhauser,13 is that the Pauli theory
assumes the conduction electrons are free and non
interacting. Sampson and Seitz17 have refined the Pauli
theory for the alkali metals by taking into account the
exchange and correlation energies of the electrons.
For Xm they obtain the expression
where JLo is the Bohr magneton and
1 2.32X 10-20
a= (h2/6m*) (9/3271'2)1 r/ r, (6)
(2r.+6.75X 10-8)
+1.46XlO-2°r8 • (7)
m* is the effective electron mass for the metal, and '.
is the radius of the atomic sphere for the metal and is
found from the equation
where V is the volume of the metal and N is the number
of atoms contained in that volume.
If the term (I ~k(O) 12)F were independent of volume,
the change in resonance shift would be given from the
Sampson-Seitz theory by the expression
This function is plotted for Na23 in Fig. 2 and for Rb87
in Fig. 3. For comparison the expression
which is what the simple Pauli theory would predict,
is also plotted for both Na23 and Rb87. Similar plots are
not given for CS133 and Ga7l since it is apparent from
Figs. 4 and 5 that neither Eq. (9) or Eq. (10) would
give a temperature dependence for the shift which
agrees with experiment.
As can be seen in Fig. 2, Eq. (9) gives quite well the
observed temperature dependence of the Na23 resonance
shift. In making this plot, the coefficients of volume
17 J. B. Sampson and F. Seitz, Phys. Rev. 58, 633 (1940).
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expansion used were Hackspill'sl8 for temperatures
above O°C and were Dewar'sl9 for temperatures below
O°C. The value used for the percentage volume change
at the melting point was that of Losana.2o There ap
pears to be a great deal of uncertainty about the latter
quantity, with reported valuesI8.2Q-23 varying between
the 1.5 percent of HackspilP8 and the 2.53 percent of
Endo.22 For all of the various values) Eq. (9) agrees
somewhat better with experiment than Eq. (10), but
Losana's value of 2.17 percent gives with Eq. 9 almost
the exact change at the melting point. The divergence
between experiment and Eq. (9) at lower temperatures
could be due to Dewar's datal9 being somewhat in
accurate. For the other metals the situation is more
complex. The Rb87 shift increases with temperature
but not nearly as much as predicted by either Eq. (9)
or (10), while the CSl33 and Ga71 shifts actually decrease
with increasing temperature. The thermal expansion
data used in plotting Eqs. (9) and (10) for Rb87 were
those reported by Hackspill,18 and the volume change
at the melting point was that reported by Losana,2o
which agrees well with that of other observers.19.22.23
The theory of Sampson and Seitz for Xm should be
particularly good for sodium, so that agreement be
tween Eq. (9) and the experimental data furnishes good
evidence that in this metal the term < 1 Y,k(O) 12)F is inde
pendent of volume. Or alternately, as we shall see later,
there is an indirect argument that Eq. (9) is a better
representation for Xm of sodium than is the free electron
theory. The exact volume dependence of Xm for the
other metals will probably not be given by either Eq. (9)
or (10), but it is very unlikely that Xm would decrease
with increasing volume. Thus it is clear for cesium and
gallium that the decrease in resonance shift with in
creasing temperature must come about from a decrease
in <1Y,k(O) 12)F.
The dependence of the latter term upon the volume
is a rather difficult question. For one thing, those
wave functions which have been computed for metals
are poorest in the region of interest to us, that is, at the
top of the conduction band. If an electron were perfectly
free, the square of its wave function at every point
would be inversely proportional to the volume, from
18 L. Hackspill, Ann. Chim. 28, 633 (1913).
19 J. Dewar, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A70, 237 (1902).
20 L. Losana, Gazz. Chim. Ital. 65, 851 (1935).
21 A. Bernini and C. Cantoni, Nuovo Chimento 8,241 (1914).
22 H. Endo, J. lnst. Metals 30, 121 (1923).
23 E. Hagen, Ann. Physik 19, 537 (1883). the normalization condition. But the effect of normal
ization on the volume dependence of the wave function
at a nucleus is not necessarily the same. An increase
in the volume over which the wave function is normal
ized will always trend to decrease the value of the wave
function at most points, but since the nature of the
wave function may also change with volume, the change
in value of the wave function at a specific point is
Assuming a free election model, we have the VI de
pendence of Xm from the Pauli theory and the V-I effect
of normalization upon <I Y,k(O) 12)F. These combine to
give a net v-t equation for the resonance shift. This
agrees qualitatively with the experimental results for
Ga 71 and CS133; however, the predicted decrease in the
resonance shift with increasing temperature is about
half that actually observed for these two metals. The
behavior of the rubidium shift suggests a decrease in
<1Y,k(O)12)F with increasing volume but not nearly a
V-I dependence, since the experimental data do not fall
too far below the curves plotted from Eqs. (9) and (10).
To summarize, it appears that <1Y,k(O) 12)p decreases
relatively little for sodium, if at all, with increasing
volume, more for rubidium, and so much for cesium
that the increase in Xm is overcompensated and a net
decrease in the resonance shift results. The systematic
trend with nuclear charge is probably significant. At
least it suggests that any change in < 1 Y,k(O) 12)F with in
creasing volume for sodium is probably a decrease
rather than an increase. Therefore, the better fit of the
data by Eq. (9) implies that the Sampson and Seitz
theory is really a better expression for Xm than is the
free-electron theory.
At present no explanation can be given the peak in
the rubidium resonance shift occurring at 254°K. No
transitions have been reported at this temperature for
any of the other properties of rubidium metal, such as
structure, heat capacity, or electrical resistance.
The continuing interest of Dr. C. P. Slichter in our
research on metals has been very helpful to us. The
direct observation of nuclear relaxation phenomena in
metals by his research group has been valuable in our
choice of experiments and in the interpretation of our
results. Also, we wish to thank Mr. R. E. McClure for
his assistance with the measurements on Ga71•
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1.1698725.pdf | Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption in Solutions of K and Na in Liquid NH3
Clyde A. Hutchison Jr. and Ricardo C. Pastor
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 21, 1959 (1953); doi: 10.1063/1.1698725
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1698725
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:53:38THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 21, NUMBER II NOVEMBER, 1953
Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption in Solutions of K and Na in Liquid NHa*
Institute for Nuclear Studies and Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
(Received August 2, 1953)
Paramagnetic resonance absorption in solutions of K and Na in liquid NHa has been investigated The
resonance has been studied at a frequency of approximately 7.0.106 cycle sec! and a magnetic field ~f 2.5
gauss. The measurements have been made at 240oK, 274°K, and 298°K and over a concentration range
from 0.004 M to 0.7 M. The intensities and susceptibilities, spectroscopic splitting factors widths shapes
and extents of saturation of the resonances have been determined. The paramagnetic partd of the ~agneti~
suscept!b!l!t~es in static ~elds ~ave been calculated from the rf data and have been compared with the
susceptlb!htl~s measured III stat.lc ~elds by other investigators. The relatIOns of the trapped electron model
of s~ch solutIOns to these quantItatlve measurements on the paramagnetic resonance absorption have been
AS. a result of .extensive in.vestigations1 ?f the phys
Ical properties of solutIOns of alkalI metals in
liquid NHa, it is clear that the metal is, in these systems
dissociated into positive metal ions and electrons, the
latter being trapped in the solvent. One of the important
lines of evidence leading toward the development of a
satisfactory model of these solutions has resulted from
the study of their magnetic susceptibilities in static
fields. These susceptibilities have been investigated by
Freed and Sugarman2 for the case of K and by Huster3
for the case of Na. Measurements were made at 2400K
and 2200K in the case of K and at 238°K and 198°K in
the case of Na. In the concentrated solutions and down
to concentrations of a few tenths molar, the static
magnetic susceptibility is quite small, of the order
found in the metal. As the concentration is decreased,
the molar susceptibility increases. It approaches in
dilute solutions something in the vicinity of the value
of the susceptibility of an Avogadro's number of free
electron spins. The susceptibilities increase with increas
ing temperature at all concentrations which were
investigated. (In the extremely dilute solutions the
susceptibilities presumably obey Curie's law with
variation of temperature.) It is apparent from these
measurements that increasing the concentration or
lowering the temperature results in a pairing of electron
spins. This is qualitatively the behavior to be expected
of a metal. But not only is the behavior of the magnetic
susceptibility not quantitatively that to be expected
for a metal, but also the electrical conductivity at the
concentrations for which the susceptibilities were
* This work w~s assisted by the U. S. Office of Naval Research.
1 For summanes of the results of these investigations with
reference to suitable models of such systems and for references to
the literature see:
(a) C. A Hutchison, Jr , and R. C. Pastor, Revs. Mod. Phys.
25, 285 (1953);
(b) C. A. Hutchison, Jr., J. Phys Chern. 57, 546 (1953)·
(c) J. Kaplan and C. Kittel, J. Chern. Phys. 21, 1429 (1953)·
(d) W. N. Lipscomb, J. Chern. Phys. 21, 52 (1953); ,
(e) T. L. Hill, J. Chern. Phys. 16, 394 (1948)·
(f) W. Bingel, Ann. Physik 12, 57 (1953). '
2 S. Freed and N. Sugarman, J. Chern. Phys. 11,354 (1943).
3 E. Huster, Ann. Physik 33,477 (1938). measured corresponds to electron mobilities at least 100
times smaller than those of electrons in a metallic
conduction band. It was proposed by Freed and Sugar
man2 that the electrons were trapped by the solvent and
that there were pairwise interactions between these
trapped electrons similar to those which lead to the F'
centers in crystals in which two electrons are trapped
in a single vacancy.4 These pairs would be expected to be
diamagnetic and would thus lead to lowered suscepti
bilities. This model was elaborated by Ogg5 who postu
lated the existence of cavities in the liquid which served
to trap single electrons and pairs of electrons. He cal
c~lated the radius of these cavities to be lOA. The large
SIze of these traps has been the subject of both experi
mental and theoretical controversy. More recent
detailed calculations by Lipscomb1(d) have shown that
the cavities which form the traps would be expected to
have sizes about the same as that of an NHs molecule
and that such a model is in agreement with the experi~
mental data on the volumes of the solutions. Kaplan
and KitteP(c) have considered the cavity trapping
model in some detail and have shown that it successfully
correlates much of the experimental knowledge of these
Hutchison and Pastor6 first reported the observation
of paramagnetic resonance absorption in solutions of K
in liquid NHs at microwave frequencies. Observations
of the resonance have also been made by Garstens and
Ryan7 and by Levinthal, Rogers, and Ogg.8 This
resonance was found to be extremely sharp and to have
the smallest width of any known paramagnetic reso
nance absorption. In fact the width, 0.1 gauss, initially
reported by Hutchison and PastorS proved to be caused
largely by field inhomogeneities.
In view of the intrinsically interesting features of this
paramagnetic resonance absorption and because of the
importance for an understanding of these solutions of
4 F. Seitz, Revs. Mod. Phys 18,384 (1946).
6 R A. Ogg, Jr., J. Chern. Phys. 14, 295 (1946),14,114 (1946);
J Am. Chern Soc. 68, 155 (1946); Phys. Rev. 69, 668 (1946)
6 C. A. Hutchison, Jr. and R. C. Pastor, Phys. Rev. 81, 282
(1951) .
7 M A. Garstens and A. H Ryan, Phys. Rev. 81, 888 (1951)
8 Levinthal, Rogers, and Ogg, Phys. Rev. 83, 182 (1951).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:53:381960 C. A. HUTCHISON, JR., AND R. C. PASTOR
the detailed magnetic information which such experi
ments yield, the investigations were extended over a
wide range of temperatures and concentrations.
Preliminary results of such experiments with K in
liquid NHa were reported in two symposia held re
cently.!(a) , !(b) This paper gives a detailed report and
discussion of the data on intensities and susceptibilities,
spectroscopic splitting factors, widths, shapes, and
saturation, for the paramagnetic resonance absorption
in solutions of K and N a in liquid NHa, and preliminary
results on K in NDa.
The solutions of alkali metals in liquid NHa were
prepared by distillation, first of alkali metal and then
of NHa into Pyrex capsules which were subsequently
sealed. The samples were prepared in an evacuated sys
tem. The storage vessel for the NHa was made of steel,
and it was joined to the Pyrex preparation system
proper by means of a copper-to-glass seal. The capsules,
1 cm in diameter and 3 cm in length, were attached to
the lower ends of vertical tubes 1 cm in diameter by
means of constrictions which facilitated the sealing.
Just above every constriction was a side arm, 0.5 cm
in diameter and 10 cm in length leading to a bulb in
which approximately 0.5 g of metal was placed before
the evacuation of the system. The side arms were con
structed with five right angle bends. The system was
evacuated, the alkali metal was fused and heated to
remove occluded gases, and the vacuum system was
baked by heating nearly to the softening point. Tank
NHa had originally been placed in the steel storage
cylinder with a large q~ntity of sodium metal. The
hydrogen which was evolved had been released from the
cylinder. NH3 from this cylinder was now condensed in
a glass bulb containing alkali metal in the preparation
system. This was the final step of purification of the
solvent. The metal in the bulbs at the end of the bent
side arms was then heated and moved along the walls to
form mirrors just above the constrictions. The side arms
were removed. The walls of the tubes on which the
mirrors were located were cooled with a swab which had
been dipped in a dry ice-acetone mixture, and the proper
amounts of metal were washed down into the capsules.
Additional NH3 was distilled into the capsules until the
desired levels of liquid were obtained. The contents of
the capsules were frozen in liquid N 2 and sealed off from
the vacuum system. The capsules were stored at dry ice
temperature when they were not being used for measure
The con tents of the capsules were anal yzed chemically.
The capsules were weighed and placed one at a time in a
stainless steel bomb which contained 25 cma of H20.
The bomb was placed in hot water causing the capsules
to explode. The contents of the bomb were filtered. The
residue of broken glass was dried, ignited, and weighed.
The filtrate was boiled down to such a small volume that all NH3 was removed. An excess of standard HCI
solution was added quantitatively, and the solution was
titrated at about 98°C to 100°C with a standard
solution of NaOH, using methyl red as the indicator.
The standard HCI was usually 0.005 M. Blank analyses
were made which indicated the presence of about
5.0.'10-7 mole of alkali, and this was deducted from the
determined numbers of moles in the samples. It is
believed that the errors were largely those of the titra
tion, and that they were equal in all cases to about 0.1
cm3 of 0.005 M HCI or 5.0.10-7 mole. This would be an
error of about 10 percent for a 0.005 M solution of
alkali metal in liquid NHa or an error of 0.5 percent for
a 0.100 M solution. Analyses of known solutions of
NaOH mixed with NHa carried through all steps of the
analytical procedure except the breaking of the capsules
confirmed this viewpoint. The errors introduced by the
procedure of breaking the glass capsules were probably
much smaller than the errors of titration.
The tris-p-nitrophenylmethyl samples, used as stand
ards, were made by the reaction between tris-p-nitro
phenylmethyl sodium and tris-p-nitrophenylmethyl
bromide in an atmosphere of dry N 2. The former com
pound was obtained by filtering the dark blue product
which resulted on treating a pyridine solution of tris-p
nitrophenylmethane with sodium ethoxide dissolved in
alcohol. The latter compound was the residue left on
refluxing tris-p-nitrophenylmethane with an excess of
Br2 for 24 hr and then evaporating the Br2 in a vacuum.
The residue was recrystallized from chloroform-ether.
The method used was a modification of the procedure of
Ziegler and Boye.9 The free radical content of a given
sample was determined from the volume uptake of O2
by a weighed portion, 1 mole of O2 being equivalent to
2 moles of tris-p-nitrophenylmethyl.
a. The Static Field
Since the resonance was extremely narrow, the width
at the points of maximum slope being as small as 20.10-3-
gauss, it was necessary to have a static magnetic field
that was homogeneous to better than 1.10-3 gauss over
the volume of the sample. The resonance was first
observed at 23700.106 cycle sec! the associated field
strength being approximately 8500 gauss. A field of this
value with sufficient homogeneity was not available.
The width of the resonance being essentially independ
ent of the field strength the investigations were carried
out at approximately 7.106 cycle sec!. The associated
magnetic field was approximately 2.5 gauss, and it was
not difficult to obtain such a field with sufficient
homogeneity. Moreover because of the narrowness, the
intensity was sufficiently great to permit the use of
these very low field strengths. (In the case of large
fields and frequencies difficulties were also encountered
9 K. Ziegler and E. Boye, Ann. 458, 248 (1927).
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because of the relatively large conductivity of the
The static field was supplied by a solenoid of circular
cross section 96.16 cm long and 12.591±0.002 cm in
outside diameter. The solenoid was wound with 33.225
±0.045 turns per cm as determined by means of a
travelling microscope and scale. (33.225 is SO times the
average of the reciprocals of the lengths of SO SO-tum
sections of the solenoid and 0.045 is SO times the mean
deviation from the mean of these reciprocals.) The
current for the solenoid came from an electronically
regulated supply. A motor driven potentiometer in the
supply circuit provided a very slow and nearly linear
variation of current with time. The voltage across a
resistor in series with the solenoid was measured and
recorded for 5 sec at intervals of 30 sec by a recording
potentiometer throughout each determination of a
magnetic resonance curve. The recording potentiometer
was calibrated by comparison with another potentiom
eter, and the resistor was calibrated by comparison
with a resistor which had been calibrated by the National
Bureau of Standards. The recorder chart was calibrated
in terms of the output of the other potentiometer
immediately after each scanning of the magnetic
resonance signal. For K or Na in liquid NHa the current
through the solenoid was scanned from 0.054 to 0.070
amp or a resultant field of 2.0 to 2.8 gauss and for
tris-p-nitrophenylmethyl, 0.000 to 0.120 amp or -0.6
to 5.2 gauss. The solenoid was mounted so that it could
be rotated both horizontally and vertically and main
tained in a desired position. The axis of the solenoid was
aligned parallel to the magnetic field of the laboratory
by means of the resonance signal from a solution of K
in NHa. The direction of the solenoid was varied until
the difference between the currents at constant fre
quency required to produce maximum resonance ab
sorption with (a) the angle between the solenoid field
and lab field less than 7r/2, and (b) this angle greater
than 7r/2 was a maximum.
b. The Modulating Field
The static field was modulated by means of an auxili
ary coil. The auxiliary coil was a short solenoid (2 cm
in length) with a single layer of 12 turns. It was located
just inside and at the midpoint of the main solenoid.
The £enter of the rf coil was located at the center of the
auxiliary modulating coil. The auxiliary coil was trans
former coupled to a power amplifier whose input signal
was a SO-cycle seci sine wave from an audio oscillator.
The potential across a resistor in series with the modu
lating coil was measured with an ac voltmeter which had
been calibrated against an electrodynamometer. The
field modulation Hw equivalent to a given voltmeter
reading was determined by employing the magnetic
resonance of K in NHa. The change in voltage across
the calibrated resistor in series with the solenoid which
was required to move the resonance frpm one extreme of the modulation to the other at fixed frequency was
determined. This together with the geometrical con
stants of the solenoid and the calibration of the resistor
in series with the solenoid was sufficient to determine
the amplitude of the modulation field as a function of
the reading on the voltmeter which was across the
resistor in series with the auxiliary coil. The range of
peak to peak modulation for solutions of alkali metals
in liquid NHa was from 0.0025 to 0.0218 gauss at 298°K,
0.0059 to 0.0238 gauss at 274°K, and 0.0198 to 0.0594
gauss at 240oK.
c. The Radio-frequency Field
The radio-frequency field was supplied by a coil
which together with a . variable condenser formed the
grid tank circuit of a regenerative oscillator-detector.
The coil consisted of 30 turns of number 20 Formex
coated copper wire, was 3.0 cm long and 1.27 cm in
outside diameter. The capsules containing the solutions
were fitted inside this coil. The coil was mounted with
its midpoint at the center of the static field solenoid and
with its axis perpendicular to that of the solenoid. It was
connected by a coaxial line to the remainder of the
circuit outside the' solenoid. It was completely sur
rounded by a copper box which served as a shield. The
frequency of the radio-frequency field was in the range
6.0.106 to 8.0.106 cycle seci and was usually 7.0.106
cycle seci. The voltage across the coil was controlled
by varying the regeneration and was measured con
tinuously during measurements of magnetic resonance
by means of an electronic voltmeter. The loaded Q of
the coil and the shunt capacitance C at resonance at the
working frequency were determined with a Q meter.
The frequency of oscillation was determined with a
heterdyne-type frequency meter and the measurements
of frequency were found to be accurate to 1 part in
All measurements of magnetic resonances with K or
Na in liquid NHa were made with 0.05 rms volt across
the coil. At circuit resonance, for a frequency of 7.0.106
cycle seci and a capacitance of 1.43.10-10 f, this
potential corresponds to 0.0051 gauss at the center of
the coil, and the rf field should be proportional to the
coil voltage. At room temperature, for a frequency of
7.0.106 cycle secI, the Q of the coil plus sample varied
from 90 to 120 for the range of concentration (0.65 M
to 0.004 M) of K in liquid NHa investigated, and the
capacitance needed for circuit resonance was about
1.43 .1O-1Of. The Q's obtained using the low-temperature
apparatus were about 20 percent lower. With solutions
of Na in liquid NHa the Q's were about 10 percent lower
at room temperature than those obtained with equiva
lent concentrations of solutions of K in liquid NHa.
d. The Detecting and Recording System
The detected SO-cycle seci audio signal from the
oscillator-detector circuit passed through three tuned
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stages of amplification followed by a phase-sensitive
detector. The reference signal for the phase-sensitive
detector was supplied from the generator for the auxili
ary modulating coil. The rectified output of the ampli
fication system was fed to a recording potentiometer.
By means of an automatic switch the same potentiom
eter was used for recording both the magnetic signal
and the current through the solenoid. A Watkins
PoundlO calibrator was used for determining signal
intensities. The regenerative oscillator-detector-ampli
fier-recorder system was used to compare the magnetic
signal with the calibrator signal produced when a 50-
cycle sec! signal of known amplitude was placed on the
grid of the calibrator tube at known fixed plate current.
The calibrator signal was supplied from the modulation
generator and measured with an electronic voltmeter
which had been calibrated against an electrodynamom
eter. The recorder chart was calibrated in terms of
calibrator gird voltage immediately after each scanning
of the magnetic resonance signal. In experiments in
which the Watkins-PoundlO radio-frequency spectrom
eter was substituted for the regenerative oscillator
detector, the magnetic signals were not detectably
different in shape from those obt.ained with the re
generative oscillator-detector. The regenerative circuit
was used because of its much greater signal to noise
For all measurements the amplitude of the modu
lation of the static field of the solenoid was sufficiently
small that the output of the phase-sensitive detector
was proportional to the first derivative of the magnetic
signal with field strength. The ratio of (a) af calibrator
volts necessary to simulate the magnetic derivative
signal to (b) the field modulation amplitude, was equal
to the slope of the curve of hypothetical dc calibrator
grid voltage versus field strength, i.e., to the slope of
the curve of magnetic signal versus field strength.
The data consisted of (a) curves drawn by the
recording potentiometer showing the variation of the
magnetic derivative signal and of the current through
the solenoid with time; (b) meter readings showing the
rf coil voltage and frequency, field modulation ampli
tude, calibrator ac grid voltage, Q of the rf coil and
capacitance across the coil; (c) thermometer and ther
mocouple readings; (d) results of chemical analyses of
the solutions and standards; (e) data obtained during
the calibration of the recording potentiometer, meters,
resistors, etc.
The magnetic derivative signal and the solenoid
current signal were both recorded along the width of
the chart of the recording potentiometer. The length
of the chart was proportional to time. At the conclusion
of each recording of the magnetic derivative signal,
10 G. D. Watkins and R. V. Pound, Phys. Rev. 82, 343 (1951). records of a series of calibrator signals and records of a
series of known voltages from another potentiometer
were made on the same chart paper. The calibrator
signals were produced by known ac grid voltages.
Hence, the number of calibrator ac grid volts per
nominal in. of chart width was determined. The cali
bration against the other potentiometer gave the num
ber of volts per nominal in. of width of chart and this
combined with (a) the measured slope of the current
signal versus length of chart, (b) the calibration of the
resistor in series with the solenoid (the voltage across
which gave the current signal), and (c) the geometrical
constants of the solenoid, determined the number of
gauss variation of field at the center of the solenoid per
nominal in. of length of chart. The width of the chart,
thus, could be converted to a calibrator ac grid volt
scale and the length to a magnetic field scale. The length
of the chart was divided into small intervals convenient
for numerical integration. The areas of these strips were
converted to volt gauss by use of the calibration factors
measured as just described. SumMations of the volt
gauss, corresponding to these strips, up to a given field
strength gave a quantity which when divided by the
constant field modulation amplitude was the number of
hypothetical calibrator dc grid volts that would simu
late the magnetic signal (not derivative signal) at that
given field strength. A plot of these first integrals up to
given field strengths versus the field strengths gave the
magnetic resonance absorption line. A second numerical
integration gave the areas under these curves of cali
brator dc grid volts versus field strength. These second
integral areas were proportional, in the absence of
magnetic saturation, to numbers of absorbers in the
samples being investigated, other things such as sizes
and positions of samples, frequency, etc., being kept
This may be seen as follows: The calibrator was
coupled to the rf coil in such a manner that if the rf
resistance of the coil is represented by <R, the voltage
placed on the grid of the calibrator was proportional to
'~<R/ <R2 where ~<R was the change in <R produced by this
voltage. It is also true that if the ~<R was produced by a
magnetic resonance absorption, then for a coil with
large Q, ~<R/ <R2= -~C/Qrnag where ~ is the ratio of (a)
the field energy stored within the boundary of the
sample to (b) the total energy stored in the field, and
Qrnag is the ratio of (a) the energy stored in unit volume
of the field in the sample to (b) the magnetic energy
absorbed per unit volume and per radian in the sample.
Now since Qmag-! is equal to 471' times x", the imaginary
component of the susceptibility, then ~<R/<R2 was equal
to -471'~wCxl/. The area obtained as the second integral
Jooo (calibrator dc grid Voltage) dH, described above was
proportional to Jooo (~<R/ <R2)dH. (The integral Jooo is
written assuming that the only contribution to spin
resonance absorption was in the region investigated.)
Therefore, from the immediately preceding discussion it
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is seen that
1 ~ i~ -f (calibrator dc grid voltage) dHo: X" (H)dH.
~wC 0 0
The experiment was carried out at a constant frequency.
For a sharp symmetrical absorption the integral,
fooox" (H)dH, for the present experiments may be
equated to the corresponding integral, Hm8:.:fooo
X (X" (v)/v)dv, for an experiment in which the field is
kept constant and the frequency is varied. (Hmax is the
value of H in the constant v experiment at which the
absorption is a maximum.) But fooo(x"(v)/v)dv is,
according to the Kronig-Kramersll relation, just X the
susceptibility in a static field (magnetic moment per
unit volume divided by field strength). Therefore it is
seen that
g~ i~ X 0: -- (calibrator dc grid voltage) dH.
~w2Ch 0
It should be noted that this X is just the paramagnetic
part of the susceptibility. X is proportional to the num
ber of absorbers per unit volume. It is therefore clear
that the numbers of absorbers per unit volume in the
samples were proportional to (~W2C)-1 times the results
of the second numerical integrations of the recorder
charts described above. The second integrals for the
samples of alkali metal in liquid NH3 were compared
with those for the standard substance, tris-p-nitro
phenylmethyl, and the proportionality constant was
thereby eliminated. Since only the part of the imaginary
susceptibility X" caused by the flipping of spins in the
static field was observed, it is clear that the static
susceptibilities calculated from the rf data were just the
paramagnetic parts of the susceptibilities and did not
depend upon any diamagnetic effects of the systems.
~ was not determined but instead a quantity R was
measured. R was defined as the ratio of the magnetic
energy stored within the boundaries of the sample to the
energy that would have been stored if the energy density
were everywhere the same as at the center of the coil.
It will be seen that the previous relation may then be
transformed so as to read
1 ioo
xmo:-- (calibrator dc grid voltage) dH,
mRw2C 0
in which m is the number of moles in the sample and
Xm is the molar susceptibility. Calling the .right-hand
side of this proportionality A/mRw2C, the static para
magnetic susceptibilities of the samples of alkali metals
in liquid NH3 were calculated by means of the relation,
X = N AvfJ2(_A_) (_A_) -1. f
m kT at mRw2C mRw2C I • ----
11 H. A. Kramers, Atti congr. intern. fisica, Como, 2, 545 (1927);
R. de L. Kronig. J. Opt. Soc. Am. 12, 547 (1926). N Av[f2 / kT at is the magnetic susceptibility of the standard
substance at the temperature at which its curve of
calibrator ac grid voltage versus field was recorded and
the subscript st everywhere refers to the standard
substance. CALF, the integral from zero up to maximum
absorption was actually employed for the comparisons
rather than A.) f is a factor which corrected for the
saturation. f was determined by measuring the maxi
mum deflections of the phase-sensitive detector as a
function of rf coil voltage at various concentrations of K
in liquid NH3. Since the width and shape did not vary
in the region 0.05 volt (operating voltage) and less, the
second integrals were proportional to these maximum
deflections. f is the ratio of the area extrapolated to
zero voltage to the area at 0.05 volt. The f values deter
mined at room temperature for K were used in the
treatment of the data for both K and Na at all tempera
tures. A curve drawn through the measured values of f
versus concentration was employed to interpolate the
values of f for given concentrations.
The experimental data entering into the calculation
of Xm and the values obtained for Xm are listed in
Tables I and II. (The data in these tables were obtained
from a series of measurements employing techniques
which were considerably improved over those used in
the measurements referred to as Series I and II in the
symposia mentioned above. None of the rf data of these
Series I and II is included in Figs. 1 to 4. Figs. 5 and 6
give results of all series of runs.) In Figs. 1 and 2 the
static molar susceptibilities Xm of K and Na in liquid
NH3 calculated from the rf data as described above are
plotted against the concentration at the three different
temperatures. The curves through the points were
visually fitted to them, and these curves were all drawn
so as to pass through the points, NAvf12/kT, at zero
concentration which are shown as horizontal bars on
ordinate axes. In Figs. 3 and 4 these visually fitted
curves are given, without the experimental points,
together with curves that were visually fitted to the
data of Freed and Sugarman2 and of Huster obtained
from measurements made in static fields.
The values of X were obtained by mUltiplying 10-3
. Xm by the concentrations M.
The lengths of recorder charts from the maxima of the
magnetic derivative signal to the minima were meas
sured. These lengths when mUltiplied by the factor
equal to the number of gauss variation of static field
per unit length of chart gave the widths AHM s between
the points of maximum and minimum slopes of the
magnetic resonance curves. In Fig. 5 these widths are
plotted as a function of concentration. To avoid con
fusion caused by overlapping of curves and points three
separate graphs are given corresponding to the three
temperatures. In Fig. 6 just the visually fitted curves are
presented without the experimental points and all with
the same ordinate scale. Data on widths for two concen
trations of solutions of K in ND3 are given in Table III.
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:53:381964 C. A. HUTCHISON, JR. , AND R. C. PASTOR
TABLE I. Experimental data for K in liquid NHa•
2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12
Amount Molar
Alkali Tempera- Geomet- Capaci- Modula- Width suscep- Suseep-
Serial Sample Concen- Metal ture Cel-trieal factor tanee tion amph- maXlmum Low field tlbihty tlb!lity
No. No. tratlOn ,10' sius '2 .1012 tude slope half area ,10' '10'
M m'lO' 2R C H .. I1HMB ALF x,,'lO' X'lO'
mole I-I
mole I-I mole deg farad gauss gauss volt gauss em'
1 K141 0.00402 0.3358 -33.2 1.82 124.6 0.0317 0.057 0.00979 981 3.94
2 K149 0.0138 1.183 -33.2 1.85 124.1 0.0475' 0.059 0.0210 595 8.21
3 KI43 0.0195 1.589 -33.2 1.85 124.5 0.0317 0.056 0.0275 574 11.2
4 Kl48 0.0267 2.306 -33.2 1.87 124.2 0.0594 0.062 0.0276 395 10.5
5 K142 0.0337 2326 -33.2 1.88 124.6 0.0317 0055 0.0226 315 10.6
6 K145 0.0361 2.797 -33.2 1.86 124.7 0.0317 0.055 00298 349 12.6
7 K150 0.0793 6.686 -33.2 1.87 124.3 0.0317 0.055 0.0363 176 14.0
8 KISS 0.155 14.00 -33.2 1.86 124.1 0.0317 0.052 0.0576 131 20.3
9 Kl44 0.177 1642 -33.2 1.86 124.3 0.0317 0.049 0.0587 113 20.0
10 K151 0.203 19.98 -33.2 1.82 124.2 0.0317 0.049 0.0715 115 23.3
11 Kl46 0.219 16.78 -33.2 187 124.7 0.0198 0.044 0.0632 117 25.6
12 K147 0.312 27.57 -33.2 1.83 124.4 0.0198 0.046 0.0770 86 26.8
13 K153 0.419 33.63 -33.2 1.90 124.2 0.0317 0.051 0.0569 48 20.1
14 K156 0.728 62.01 -33.2 1.90 124.8 0.0396 0.125 0.1089 50 36.4
15 K157 1.551 130.7 -33.2 1.88
16 K141 0.00376 0.3358 0.8 1.79 124.3 0.0238 0.040 0.01489 1549 5.82
17 K149 0.0129 1.183 0.8 1.81 124.3 0.0198 0.036 0.0337 978 12.6
18 Kl43 0.0182 1.589 0.8 1.81 124.3 0.0238 0.036 0.0399 869 15.8
19 K148 0.0250 2.306 0.7 1.85 123.8 0.0158 0.032 0.0517 763 19.1
20 K142 0.0315 2.326 0.8 1.87 124.2 0.0238 0.039 0.0479 687 21.6
21 K145 0.0338 2.797 0.8 1.83 123.9 0.0158 0.031 0.0615 750 25.4
22 K150 0.0742 6.686 1.2 1.85 124.2 0.00792 0.030 00826 406 30.1
23 KISS 0.145 14.00 0.8 1.83 124.2 0.00594 0.030 0.1191 277 40.2
24 KI44 0.166 16.42 08 1.83 123.7 0.00594 0.030 0.1275 256 42.5
25 K151 0.190 19.98 0.7 1.79 124.2 0.00792 0.030 0.1311 217 41.2
26 K146 0.204 16.78 0.8 1.85 124.7 0.00792 0.032 0.1123 217 44.3
27 K147 0.291 27.57 0.8 1.81 123.8 0.01190 0.039 0.1456 170 49.5
28 K153 0.392 33.63 0.7 1.87 124.2 0.00594 0.039 0.1462 129 50.6
29 K156 0.681 62.01 0.8 1.87 122.8 0.0792 0.190 0.2572 121 82.4
30 K157 1.451 130.7 0.8 1.87
31 K141 0.00356 0.3358 25.5 175 142.9 0.02176 0.024 0.01426 1301 4.63
32 K149 0.0123 1.183 24.6 1.79 142.4 0.01474 0.D25 0.0415 1054 13.0
33 Kl43 0.0172 1.589 25.2 1.79 142.6 0.01123 0.022 0.0490 919 15.8
34 Kl48 0.0237 2.306 25.2 1.83 142.4 0.00878 0.023 0.0606 767 18.2
35 K142 0.0299 2.326 25.2 1.84 142.7 0.01123 0.025 0.0616 766 22.9
36 K145 0.0320 2.797 25.0 1.81 142.5 0.00632 0.020 0.0738 778 24.9
37 K150 0.0703 6.686 24.2 1.83 142.4 0.00562 0.023 0.1144 496 34.9
38 KISS 0.137 14.00 24.2 1.81 141.2 0.00316 0.D25 0.1750 363 49.7
39 Kl44 0157 16.42 25.0 1.81 142.3 0.00421 0.027 0.2209 385 60.4
40 K151 0.180 19.98 25.3 1.75 142.3 0.00246 0.026 0.2280 336 605
41 K146 0.193 16.78 25.2 1.83 142.0 0.00351 0.032 0.2091 349 67.4
42 K147 0.276 27.57 25.2 1.77 141.3 0.00702 0.046 0.2487 255 70.4
43 K153 0.371 33.63 25.0 1.86 142.3 0.0176 0.061 0.2497 193 71.6
44 K156 0.645 62.01 26.5 1.86
45 K157 1.375 130.7 25.0 1.84
Graphs of the first integrals of the recorder curves sample gy to that of another g", was then given by
which give the shapes of the resonance absorption lines
gy/gz= (VI/[ IEII+ IE,::I]) y (VI/[ IEII+ lET ~I]):: have been given by Hutchison and Pastor.l(a)
Ratios of the spectroscopic splitting factors g for
different samples were determined by means of an
experimental procedure which involved reversal of the in which the subscripts f and r denote the forward and
direction of the current through the solenoid, thereby reverse directions of the current in the solenoid. From
cancelling the effect of the earth's field. With the 5 to 8 pairs E" E, were measured for each of a number
solenoid's axis aligned parallel or antiparallel to the of samples. The results are summarized in Table IV
earth's field, the output of the phase-sensitive detector along with the results on other substances and at other
was observed as the current through the solenoid was frequencies.
varied. The value of the voltage across the resistor in The magnetic saturation was investigated in a series
series with the solenoid at which this output passed of measurements in which the maximum magnetic
through zero on its way from maximum to minimum derivative signal with variation of field was examined
derivative signal was called E. The ratio of g for one as a function of the voltage on the rf coil. The results of
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:53:38MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN SOLUTIONS OF K IN LIQUID NHa 1965
TABLE II. Experimental data for Na in liquid NHa•
2 3 4 5 6
Amount Geomet-
alkali Tempera- trical
Serial Sample Concen- metal ture Cel- factor
No. No. tratlon ·10' SIUS ·2
M m·l0· 2R
mole I-I mole deg
1 Na135 0.0558 4.801 -33.1 1.91
2 Na138 0.0563 5.273 -33.2 1.90
3 Na137 00784 8.134 -33.2 1.87
4 Na136 0.210 19.45 -33.2 1.89
5 Na124 0.347 35.65 -33.2 1.84
6 Na139 0.982 104.2 -33.2 1.90
7 Na135 0.0521 4.801 0.6 1.89
8 Na138 0.0526 5.273 1.0 1.86
9 Na137 0.0732 8.134 0.8 1.84
10 Na136 0.1962 19.45 08 1.87
11 Na124 0.324 35.65 0.7 181
12 Na139 0.919 104 2 0.8 1.86
13 Na135 00495 4.801 24.1 1.88
14 Na138 0.0499 5.273 24.2 1.86
15 Na137 0.0696 8.134 23.8 1.82
16 Na136 01864 19.45 23.8 1.85
17 Na124 0.3080 35.65 24.3 1.78
18 Na139 0.873 104.2 24.0 1.86
these measurements at room temperature for several
concentrations of K in liquid NHa are summarized in
Table V along with data on the width of the resonance
as a function of coil voltage.
In order to calculate T1, the spin-lattice relaxation
time, the maximum magnetic derivative signal at zero
rf field was calculated by extrapolation of the measure
ments at finite fields. The ratio
maximum derivative signal Dex=------------------
maximum derivative signal at zero rf voltage
was equated to (1+r2HrrT1T2)-i according to Eq. (17)
of Bloembergen, Purcell, and PoundP T 1 was then
calculated from the relation
in which Hrf2 was obtained from coil geometry and
circuit constants and T2 is equal to 2/3lr!:.HMS. !:.HMS
is the width at point of maximum slope.
1000 y Calculated StatiC Pararnagnehc
'" '" Suscephblhhes of K and No 11 LKluid NH3
~ 800 -\ from Resonance Absorptions
.. '( \! ~ ~ ap~~
l6OOY$'~" KmL">*I%. ___ --.. ---A -A
~ ~" ,,"-Y "'"l">*INH3 -y _ -.
:'400 -; ~+ <::""""t~-t----t--+-----I--l ', .... ~ ""'-!
200 ~~---""i------ ... -A...!-o .... A I ' .. -
WOO Q200 Q300 0IlOO Q50Q o.soo 0.700 o.aao
M.moJ rl
FIG. 1.
12 Bloembergen, Purcell, and Pound, Phys. Rev. 73, 679 (1948). 8 9 10 11 12
Capaci- Modula- Width suscep~ Suscep-
tance han amph- maX1mum Low field tlbihty tlbllity
·10" tude slope half area ·10' ·10'
C H .. tJ.HMS ALF Xm"lO' X·lO• volt mole I-I
farad gauss gauss gauss em'
124.3 0.0198 0051 0.0355 215 12.0
124.3 00198 0.056 0.0393 217 12.2
124.3 0.0198 0052 0.0448 163 12.8
124.3 0.0198 0.043 0.0763 111 23.3
124.4 0.0139 0.043 0.0994 77 26.7
124.2 0.00594 0.030 00876 539 28.1
124.6 0.00594 0.033 0.1086 615 32.3
123.9 0.00792 0.031 0.1242 463 33.9
1240 0.00594 0030 0.1856 276 54.2
124.1 0.00594 0.037 0.1922 154 49.9
127.8 0.00351 0.Q25 0.1196 718 35.5
128.2 0.00351 0.Q25 0.1722 947 47.3
128.0 0.00351 0.023 0.2248 816 56.8
127.1 0.00351 0.Q28 0.370 539 100.0
128.6 0.00351 0.032 0.354 278 85.6
The T l'S so calculated varied from 2 to 5 times the
inverse line width time T2•
The errors in the determinations of the integrals of
the recorder curves were essentially all in the intensity
determinations the measurement of the field making a
negligible contribution. The measurements of the
integrals for the solutions of K in NHa were most precise
in two intermediate concentration ranges from 0.06 M
to 0.1 M and from 0.2 M to 0.3 M where the errors were
probably of the order of 3 percent or less. The errors in
the determinations of relative amounts of tris-p-nitro
phenylmethyl in various independently chemically
analyzed samples was about 2 percent. Three factors
were responsible for loss of precision in the low, middle,
and high ranges of concentration of K in NHa. These
were (a) the fact that X decreased very rapidly in the
more dilute solutions although Xm was increasing
rapidly and this resulted in very weak signals; (b)
at the high concentrations although X was large, the
width was also large and this lowered all the intensities
1200 ~ A I Calculated Static F'<lramagnellc SusceptlbtlrtleS -
of.K and No 11 LIquid NH3 from Resonance AbsarptlOllS
T 1000 i900
~ 80
-;"7 '~H: -'-.-~-... -''':::-, K 1'1 liquid NH3-Set'It~m ---A ---~ --It. _ ~ "'.L,q""NH3 _.y -----l<
c-'~~~ I
r--A~~-;"'.L 't I f--' ,. I --';-.:::::.~
o ~ I I -~--L
't ----·1-= 00 ~ :.:",.;;;:..:..;-::--! 1
a -'",;:,,:~ ~ r-A ~~~~~~_L " -------::::::.--~ ~ T '=T'-------...., :--00<. I
0.010 0.000 0D30 0D40 a.oro Q.06() ().()7Q 0Il80 Q090 0100
M;N r'
FIG. 2.
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:53:381966 C. A. HUTCHISON, JR., AND R. C. PASTOR
1000 \ Calculated Static Paramagnetic
900 -\ Susceptibilities of K and No In liqt.id NH3
~ from Resonance Absorptions
800 -~ Room Ice BPLlqLIId
Temp PoInt NH3 '"'l-700 - KI1LlquldNH3.Serlesllo-- -__ _
13 600 -~'" No In LIQUJd NH3 ------
~ 500 _\~, ~ Susceptlbilifles Measured 11 Static Fl8lds
CD-400 -_\*-~":.~~~ - -K Freed and Sugorrrm -33·C
Q 300 \d~~~'1'-d,",,----- No....... -35'C
'" \ '<::----. ----200 ~ T--",-",~=::~-=--~-+--+--1
100 ,~-------~- __ ...l.=-=~=-_=_~~_=_~2:... o
o 0.600 0700 o.eoa
FIG. 3.
and gave small derivative signals; (c) at the middle
concentrations the magnetic derivative signals were
very intense, and in order to avoid overloading the
calibrator, the derivative signals had to be decreased by
means of reducing the field modulation amplitudes and
~~o---:-.--~---:-~-~--------, Calculated StQtlC Paramagnetic Susceptibilities
of K and Na In Liquid NH3 from Resonance Absorptions
FIG. 4.
this led to errors in the determination of the modu
lation amplitudes. The errors in the low, middle, and
high ranges were probably about 5 percent or 6 percent
except in the very dilute region where the errors of
chemical analysis predominated.
0 //
o~ .-/ -0 I'" • , ,
OJ' 0-Width of Resonance ot MaXimum Slope vs
Con~w~nCEFOff BPLKU)N-i3-~/
~ !; 0.100
li ODB 0 KW LIQUID Mi3.SERlES 1--... .. D __ .t.
.. m--A ---A
Na"LIQUD~ ¥ ){
OD' 0
o P1""*"-_ ... ;",,,,
~---"",-A-Al'o----- . 1
0.02 0 /
o.oao 1/
I -0 ;/A'
l'. 0.04 J...-r ......
II li o -If!-~ "t
aD20 ,~~ I'
cwo Q200 Q.3OO 0000
FIG. 5. , -r,' 1 I
"I ---;/ , I
I I I / /
Figures 1-4 summarize the calculations of the para
magnetic susceptibilities in static fields from the rf data
and compare the values so obtained with the suscepti
bilities measured in static fields by other workers.2, 3
The essential features of these curves are the following.
(a) At all temperatures and for both K and Na the static
molar magnetic susceptibilities calculated from the rf
data are relatively small at the higher concentrations
and increase with decreasing concentration until they
reach something near the value, NAv{32/kT in the very
dilute solutions. In this respect the behavior is similar
to that observed in static fields.2, a (b) At all concentra
tions which were examined the molar magnetic sus
ceptibilities increase with increasing temperatures.
Although presumably at the extremely low concentra
tions the reverse would be true the lowest concentra
tions which were employed were still above the cross
over point. In this respect the behavior is similar to that
observed in static fields.2, a In the present experiments
the range of temperatures is larger than was the case
for the static field measurements. (c) At the higher con
centrations, for the temperature at which both rf and
static field data are available (bp of NHa), the curves
for the two approach a small approximately constant
difference, the quantities obtained from the rf measure
ments being larger. In the dilute solutions the smooth
curves which have been drawn visually through the
points show the static field data for K slightly higher
and the static field data for Na slightly lower than the
values from the present research. (The rf curves for K
and Na are indistinguishable at this temperature.)
However, this happens only below 0.065 molar, and at
these low concentrations the possibilities of analytical
errors affecting all the curves (rf and dc) become much
more important, and the errors in the recorder curves
become larger because of the weak signals. The differ
ence between the rf curve for N a and K and the dc
curve for Na is just about constant over almost the
entire concentration range. (d) The rf curves for K and
Na are identical at the bp of NHa. At 274°K, the Na
curve is slightly higher than the K curve, and at the
highest temperature 298°K the Na curve is very much
higher than the K curve throughout the range from a
few thousandths to a few tenths molar.
The attempts to correlate the optical, chemical,
electrical, thermodynamic, and magnetic properties of
the solutions of alkali metals in liquid NHa by means of
a model capable of quantitative analysis have been
·numerous. One model which has received considerable
attention in recent years has consisted in supposing that
the metal is dissociated into positive metal ions and
electrons and that the electrons are trapped in cavities
in the solvent. Moreover, it has been supposed that the
electrons may be trapped singly or in pairs in these
cavities, there being a reversible dissociation of the
pairs on diluting the solutions. The pairs would pre-
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TABLE III. Experimental data for K in liquid ND3•
2 3 4 5 6
Amount Geomet-
alkali Tempera- trical
Senal Sample Concen- metal ture Cel-factor
No No. tration ·10' sius 2
M m·IO· 2R
mole I-I mole deg
1 K161 00329 2.05 29.5
2 K162 0.0648 2.15 292
sumably be in singlet states and therefore not contribute
to the paramagnetism of the solutions. Such a model has
its origins in the work of Kraus, was explicitly discussed
by Freed and Sugarman2 and was elaborated 'by Ogg."
Detailed discussions of the cavity trapping model and
calculations based on it have been presented by HillI(e)
and quite recently by Lipscomb. I (d) Most recently,
Kaplan and Kittel1(c) have discussed the model giving
particular attention to the spin resonance results.
One of the questions on which light is shed by results
of the paramagnetic resonance absorption experiments
is that concerning the diamagnetism of these solutions.
The diamagnetism of the electrons in the cavities is an
effect which is inherent in the cavity model of the
paramagnetic absorbers and one which cannot be
measured in static field experiments or rf experiments
TABLE IV. Spectroscopic splitting factors·
2 3 4
tratIOn 23600 '10' 14 10' 7·10'
mole I-I cycle sec-1 cycle sec-1 cycle sec-1
gH/gT 099973 099788 ±O 00012
KK/gH o 99882 ±0.00007
gK/gT 00036 0.99906±0 00012
KK/gT o 99855 ±O 00010
gK/KT o 157 o 99909 ±O 00006
gK/gT 0180 0.99904±0 00010
gK/gT 0276 o 99906 ±O 00006
gK relT 2.0008
gK relH 2.0013
gK relP 20012
gH relP 20037-20041-
gT relP 2.0039
& Depending upon onentatIOn of crystals.
Column Entnes
1 These are the symbols for the ratIOs of g factors and for relatlve
g·s. The symbols have the following meanings
gH g factor of hydrazyl.
gT g factor of tris-p-nitrophenylmethyl
EK g factor of K In liqUid NH,
gK "IY where Y IS H (hydrazyl) or T (tns-p-nitrophenylmethyl)
(KK/gy) ·20037. (See references 13,6,14.)
gx "IP where X IS H (hydrazyl), T (tns-p-mtrophenylmethyl),
or K (K In liqUid NH.)
~'3 0420 '10-'. (See references IS, 16)
(Proton and electron resonances were both measured in
the same field.)
2 These are the concentrations of solutions of K In liquid NH,; umt
mole I-I.
3 These are the values of the correspondmg entnes in column 1
measured at a frequency of 23 600 '106 cycle sec-I.
4 These are the values of the correspondmg entnes in column 1
measured at a frequency of 14 '10' cycle sec-I.
S These are the values of the correspondmg entries In column 1
measured at a frequency of 7 '10' cycle sec-I. -----
13 Holden, Kittel, Merritt, and Yager, Phys. Rev. 77,147 (1950).
14 Hutchison, Pastor, and Kowalsky, J. Chern. Phys. 20, 524
16 H. Taub and P. Kusch, Phys. Rev. 75, 1481 (1949).
16 J .. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. 73, 416 (1948). 8 Q 10 11 12
CapacI- Modula- Width suscep- Suscep-
tanC'e tlOn amph- lTlaximUm Low field tlbillty tlbillty .1012 tude slope half area 10' ·10'
volt Xm 106 x·IO' mole 1-1
farad gauss gauss gauss cm'
0.0176 0039
0.0176 0.035
taken by themselves. In the static field experiments,
only the sum of the diamagnetic and paramagnetic
susceptibilities is measured. The paramagnetic reso
nance experiment, as explained previously, gives just
the paramagnetic part of the susceptibility. Comparison
of the latter with the static measurements gives the
diamagnetism associated directly with the paramag
netic species. On the basis of the cavity trapping model
one may then form some opinion concerning the radii
of the cavities which contain the electrons.
At the highest concentration for which there are
available data from both the rf and static field experi
ments ("-'0.5 M) the value of Xm from the former is
55.10-6 and from the latter is 29· HI-6. At this con
centration the pairing of the electrons is nearly com
plete, the rf data showing that the pairs are only
0.035 dissociated. (The temperature in question is
the bp of NHs.) We may, therefore, cakulate the
mean-square radius for the electron's distribution in
the cavities in which the pairs are trapped assuming
that the diamagnetism of two electrons in a cavity of
given size is just twice that of a single electron in a
cavity of the same size. Qualitative calculations have
shown that a quite large correlation between the
positions of the two electrons has only a small effect on
the diamagnetism and the assumption is therefore
probably quite good. Since e2NAV/6mc2= 2.829·1OIO(r2)Av
we see that the difference in susceptibilities 26.10-6
corresponds to (r2)A.=3.0A. If now it is postulated that
the cavities are spherical boxes and the electrons have
vanishing probabilities of occurrence outside the boxes,
it is found that the boxes must have a radius of 5.7A.
On the other hand, if one imagines the situation which
must actually exist in which the wave functions pene-
0.100 Q200 Q.3OO O~ O!!OO 0,600 0.7'00 o.eoo
FIG. 6.
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TABLE V. Experimental values of ~aturation factor! and width
at maximum slope AHMs as a functIOn of concentratIOn at room
temperature for K in liquid NIIa.
1 2 3
Sample Concen4
No tration rf
mole 1-1 gauss
K57 0.0135 (0.000)
K53 0.0138 0037
K73 "-'0.02 (0.000)
K88 0.152 (0.000)
0.004 0.010
K166 0.380 (0.000)
• By extrapolatlon. 4
Max. Defi.
Mod Amp.
volt gauss-l
54.8 53.7
18.1 5
0.024 0.031
0.084 6
trate the dielectric to some distance it will be seen that
the cavities would be somewhat smaller than this.
The experimental data on volumes of dilute solutions
of Na in liquid NH3 show an increase in volume of
71A3 per dissolved Na.l(d) If this volume is increased by
amounts necessary to account for the difference in
volumes of Na+ and Na and also to take account of the
electrostriction caused by the Na+ the volume to be
accounted for by cavities in the NH3 is 143A3 according
to Lipscomb.I(d) This leads to 3.2A as the experimental
cavity radius of the singly trapped electrons. If one
minimizes the sum of the electron energy and dielectric
polarization energy of a single electron trapped in a
box in a dielectric he finds h2/2me2 or 10.3A as the radius
of the cavity with a single electron, and the size of the
cavities containing two such electrons would be con
siderably larger. However, Lipscombl(d) has carried out
a detailed calculation of the size of the cavity containing
a single electron including the effects of ~lectronic
polarization of the dielectric, electrostriction energy,
and surface energy of the cavity and gets about 4.8A
as the radius. He did not calculate the size of the
cavities containing two electrons; this problem has been
discussed by Hilll(e) but without consideration of all
the effects which entered into Lipscomb's calculation.
In principle it is of course possible from the assump
tion of a specific model in which single electrons are
trapped in cavities of one size and pairs are trapped in
cavities of another size, to determine the sizes of both by means of a comparison of the static and rf data.
The slope of the plot of (a) the difference between the
molar susceptibility calculated from rf data and the
static molar susceptibility versus (b) the ratio of the rf
molar susceptibility to N A,IN kT is just N A,e2 /6mc2 times
the difference between the mean-square radii of the two
different cavities. Unfortunately, however, the static
field data in the region from 0.1 M to 0.5 M are not
sufficiently numerous to fix the curve of susceptibility
versus concentration with sufficient precision for any
meaningful comparison with the rf data. It is clear that
if the single traps and double traps are of the same size,
then the difference between the susceptibilities calcu
lated from rf data and the static molar susceptibilities
should be constant over the entire range of concentra
tions which have been investigated. This is just about
the case for the difference between the rf data on Na
or K and the static data on Na, the latter being avail
able over a much wider range of concentrations than
are the static K data. However the Na static data are
apparently less precise than the corresponding data
It may be said that the value for the size of the
cavities in which pairs are trapped, (r2)A,i= 3.0A, as
determined from comparison of the rf and static field
susceptibility data are in reasonably good agreement
with Lipscomb's calculated value 4.8A lId) for the radius
of the cavities containing single electrons assuming no
penetration of the dielectric or with the expe~imental
value 3.2A for the radius of these cavities as determined
from measurements of volume changes.
The question of the manner in which the suscepti
bility should vary with concentration is one which has
been examined in detail by Hill I (e) and very recently by
Kaplan and KitteLl (c) Hilll(e) has considered the
transition from trapped pairs to trapped single electrons
to be a simple dissociation equilibrium and has given
both a classical and a quantum-mechanical discussion
of the manner in which the extent of dissociation
and hence the magnetic susceptibility should vary
with concentration. Hill I (e) evaluated the interaction
energy for two electrons in a cavity using first order
perturbation theory, and was led to the conclusion
that the energy of trapped pairs was greater than the
energy of trapped single electrons. He pointed out,
however, that treating the species involved as ideal
classical gases the extent of dissociation would still
increase with temperature. It should also be remarked
that he neglected the surface energy and electro
striction effects which were considered by Lipscomb.l(d)
He then made a calculation using Bose-Einstein
statistics for the pairs and Fermi-Dirac statistics for
the single electrons and found that at a temperature
equal to 220 oK, a concentration equal to 0.1 M and a
ratio of the energy of trapped pair to twice th~t of a
singly trapped electron equal to 4, that 0.28 of the
trapped electrons are singly trapped and the
remainder are held as pairs. The rf value of xmkT / N A,{12
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TABLE VI. Experimental values of degree of dissociation a; a times the square root of concentration, aMi; and one half the square
root of the equilibrium constant for the reaction e2-= 2e-, aMt/ (l-a)i, as functions of concentration and temperature.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a~t 10 11
a aMi (I-a)i
tration 2400K 274°K 298°K 2400K 274°K 298°K HooK 274°K 298°K
mole molei molei molei molei mole· mole· I-I 14 14 H H H H ev
0.002 0.822 0.953 0.968 0.0367 0.0426 0.0433 0.0970 0.195 0.243 0.101
0.006 0.616 0.858 0.905 0.0477 0.0665 0.0701 0.0760 0.176 0.228 0120
0.012 0.455 0.735 0.816 0.0498 0.0805 0.0893 0.0675 0.156 0.208 0.122
0.020 0.331 0620 0.709 0.0469
0.Q28 0.255 0.541 0.630 0.0426
0.036 0.205 0.483 0.573 0.0388
0.045 0.168 0.431 0.517 0.0357
0.060 0.134 0.364 0.446 0.0327
0.080 0.112 0.305 0.390 0.0317
0.100 0.0979 0.258 0.359
0.120 0.0883 0.229 0.328 0.0306
0.160 0.0768 0.186 0.281 0.0307
0.200 0.0697 0.155 0.246 0.0312
0.300 0.0544 0.113 0.188 0.0298
0.400 0.0435 0.0928 0.157 0.0275
0.500 0.0352 0.0848 0.143 0.0249
is (extrapolating the data to 2200K from the plots of
dln[aMi/(1-a)!J/dt versus l/T mentioned below)
found to be 0.063 which is considerably lower than
Hill's estimate. On the other hap.d, Hill finds that if the
energy ratio be taken as 1/1.4 instead of 4 the fraction
of the electrons that are singly trapped is 0.14 which
is considerably closer to the observed value. At 3000K
for the first choice of the energy ratio Hill gets 0.36 as
the fraction dissociated and the rf experiments give
0.36 for this fraction. The smaller value of the energy
ratio would give a much smaller fraction. For a solution
with concentration 0.2 M but with other conditions
the same as in the first case Hill gets 0.16 dissociation
and the experimental results are about 0.05. The
classical calculation for the first set of conditions gives
0.42 as the fraction of electrons singly trapped which is
in much worse disagreement with the rf data than is the
other calculation. The value 1/1.4 for the energy ratio
used above corresponds to 0.14 ev for the difference
between! the energy of a trapped pair and the energy of
a singly trapped electron. This is in quite good agree
ment with the value of this energy calculated from the
temperature dependence of the rf data as discussed
Kaplan and Kitte}lcc) have proposed a detailed model
for which minimization of the free energy leads to the
[1+a2(e2w/kT -1) J/ (l-a) = 2N/n, (1)
in which a is the ratio of Xm as determined in the rf
experiments to the free electron spin susceptibility,
namely NA,(32/kT; 2W is the difference in energy
between a pair of trapped electrons and two singly
trapped electrons; N is the total available number of
trapping sites, and n is the total number of trapped
electrons, i.e., the total number of dissolved alkali 0.0877 0.1003 0.0573 0.142 0.186 0.129
0.0905 0.106 0.0494 0.134 0.174 0.138
0.0915 0.109 0.0435 0.127 0.166 0.147
0.0913 0.110 0.0391 0.121 0.158 0.154
0.0891 0.109 0.0351 0.112 0.147 0.158
0.0862 0.110 0.0337 0.103 0.141 0.156
0.0793 0.114 0.0320 0.0903 0.139 0.167
0.0743 0.113 0.0319 0.0824 0.133 0.153
0.0693 0.110 0.0324 0.0754 0.127 0.146
0.0621 0.103 0.0306 0.0659 0.115 0.140
0.0587 0.100 0.0281 0.0617 0.108 0.142
0.0600 0.101 0.0254 ' 0.0627 0.109 0.137
metal atoms. Since at all concentrations investigated in
the present rf work e2w/kT»1 we may write
From the lowest concentrations up to somewhat higher
than 0.5 M it is true that a2e2w/kT»1 and with error no
greater than 10 percent over this range one may write
This is just the expression, as far as concentration
dependence is concerned, that would result from the
consideration of a simple dissociation equilibrium
between doubly and singly trapped electrons, i.e.,
a2M/(l-a) = constant
in which M is the concentration and a is the fraction
dissociated which in the present case on the basis of the
cavity trapping model is just XmkT/NA,(32. The con
stancy of this product is examined in Table VI. Kaplan
and Kitte}lcc) have in their paper chosen to discuss
their model in terms of a still further approximation
a«l which is seen from Table VI to be good to within
10 percent only down to 0.1 M. The constancy of
aM! is examined in Table VI. It will be seen that this
last approximation gives considerably better agreement
than does the better approximation mentioned above.
It is to be noted that at the bp of NH3 the static
magnetic susceptibilities calculated from rf data are
indistinguishable for K and Na within the errors of
the experiments in the range of concentration investi
gated. This fact is, of course, in agreement with the
predictions of all of the models that have been discussed
inasmuch as they assume the metal to be completely
dissociated into positive ions and trapped electrons
and the magnitude of the paramagnetism is determined
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only by the extent of the electron pairing. Thus, the
positive ions play no role in determining the magneti
zation. It will be seen, however, from Tables I and II
and Figs. 1 and 2. that as the temperature is raised, a
difference between the Na and K appears which
increases with temperatun;. At 0.100 M the suscepti
bility of Na is about 15 percent greater than that of K
at 274°K and about SO percent at 298°K. Apparently
some effect of the alkali metal ions on the relative
numbers of singly and doubly trapped electrons must
be taken into consideration. Whether Debye-Huckel
type interactions would be sufficient to account for
these pronounced effects or whether it would be
necessary to introduce the idea of electrons trapped on
positive metal ions to form metal atoms, and in equi
librium with singly and doubly trapped electrons, is
not clear.
The variation of the susceptibility with temperature
is of interest in the examination of any of the models.
The HilP(e) relation requires that
a2Mj d In- dT=d lnKjdT= IjT(!+2WjkT), l-a
whereas Kaplan and Kittel! (c) speak only of the ex
ponential term in T and one would write in this case
for the approximation (3) the expression
a2Mj d In- dT= 2W jkP. l-a
Plots of 10g[aMlj (l-a)lTiJ versus 1/T and 10g[aMlj
(l-a)lJ versus IjT gave only slightly curved lines over
the range of three temperatures and the slopes were
about the same in either case and varied very little with
concentration. The values of W calculated from the
plots of 10g[aMlj (l-a)lJ versus 1/T are given in
Table VI. The values for! the dissociation energy of
pairs to form singly trapped electrons according to
these plots range from 0.10 ev at the lowest con
centrations to a maximum of about 0.17 ev at about
O.lM and then drop to slightly lower values at the
higher concentrations. The plots of 10g[aMlj (l-a)lTIJ
versus IjT gave values of W which were essentially the
same as those in Table VI.
Three important observations concerning the spectro
scopic splitting factors or g's for K are that (a) they
are independent of concentration in the vicinity of
7.106 cycle sec!; (b) they are the same at the fre
quencies 23 500.106 cycle sec! and 7· 106 cycle sec!
if the g's of the standard comparison substances are
not different at these two frequencies; and (c) they
have the value 2.0012±0.0002. The fact that they are
independent of concentration over a rather wide range
is indicative of the fact that the electron is bound in the same manner at all concentrations. The value of the g
is about 0.0011 lower than the free electron value 2.0023.
As has been indicated by Kaplan and Kittel!(o) this
is compatible with binding on the protons of the NH3
molecules surrounding the cavity in analogy with the
binding that has been found by magnetic resonance
experiment to exist for the electrons trapped in vacan
cies in alkali halide crystals to form F centers.l7·!8
The Bloch-Siegert!)! effect which results in a shift of
the center of resonance by the factor
1-[(2H1)2/16H 02J= 1-1.6'10-7
is too small to be of importance in this connection.
One of the most striking features of this resonance is
its extreme sharpness. There is evidently an extra
ordinarily large narrowing associated with exchange
effects and with the great mobility of the electrons in
these solutions. Abrahams and KittePO find that for nl
spins per cm3 distributed randomly on a simple cubic
lattice the dipole-dipole width should be about nl·10-19
gauss. This would give as the width 4.3 gauss at 0.5 M,
2.16 gauss at 0.1 M and 0.84 gauss at 0.02 M which
makes it clear that the narrowing is very large. Kaplan
and KitteP(o) discuss the effect of the rapid diffusion
of the singly trapped electrons on the dipole-dipole
width using the methods of Bloembergen, Purcell, and
Pound!2 and find that below 0.1 M the diffusion narrowed
dipole-dipole broadening is very small compared with
the observed widths, but that such broadening might
be responsible for the increased widths at the higher
It has been seen that the spin-lattice relaxation time
Tl is of such a magnitude that it is not more than 2 to 5
times greater than the inverse line width time T2•
Kaplan and KitteP(c) have considered the problem of
the broadening caused by nuclear hyperfine structure
which has proved to be very important in the case of
the electrons trapped in vacancies in the alkali halides.2!
Motional narrowing must be considered here also and
the conclusion reached is that the broadening for
electrons trapped on the protons surrounding the
cavity might be expected to be of order 10 gauss for a
rigid structure. However, Kaplan and Kittell(c) estimate
that the rotational relaxation fluctuations might narrow
the line to 0.03 gauss at the bp of NH3. This is not too
far from the observed widths. They also estimate that
the characteristic frequency We of the fluctuations is
about 1011 radian sec1. Since in the present experi
ments W is approximately 4·107 radian sect, it is clear
that WTe«1. Bloembergen, Pound, and Purcell12 have
17 A. H. Kahn and C. Kittel, Phys. Rev. 89, 315 (1953).
18 C A. Hutchison, Jr. and G. A. Noble, Phys Rev. 87, 1125
(1952). .
19 F. Bloch and A. Siegert, Phys. Rev. 57, 522 (19401.
20 C. Kittel and E. Abrahams, Phys. Rev. 90, 171 (1953).
21 Kip, Kittel, Levy, and Portis, Phys Rev. 91, 1066 (1953).
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shown that when this condition obtains one would
expect that TI':::::.T 2• This is seen to be in agreement with
the present experimental observation that for K in liquid
NHa Tl is not much larger than T2•
It should be pointed out that the variation of the
width at infinite dilution would be expected to vary
with temperature inversely as the ratio of the tempera
ture to the viscosity. This relation will be seen to be
nearly quantitatively obeyed for the three temperatures
which were investigated.
It should also be remarked that the rapid rise of the
widths at the higher concentrations may perhaps be
associated with the increasing electrical conductivity.
Actually the very rapid rise begins at each temperature
at just the concentration at which the skin depth is
about 1 cm and this is the order of the linear dimensions
of the samples.
The preliminary data on solutions of K in NDa gave
at two concentrations widths which are considerably
greater than those for K in NHa. Two effects at least
are to be considered. One is that the deuteron nuclear
magnetic moment is much smaller than that of the
proton, and we might therefore expect somewhat
sharper absorptions because of residual effects of the
nuclear hyperfine structure which are not washed out
by the motional processes mentioned above. The other
is that the zero-point vibrational frequency of the
deuterons is very much less than that of the protons
and that the inversion frequency of NDa is very much
less than that of NHa and these effects might result in
considerably less motional narrowing and thus lead to
broader lines. Actually the interpretation of the
experimental results is very much beclouded by the
fact that the viscosity of NDa is unknown and in
particular the viscosities of solutions of K in NDa must
be measured before an interpretation of the results can
be given. In any event there is probably no marked
narrowing of the line at comparable viscosities and the
two effects on the width probably cancel each other
to a considerable extent.
The change of width with rf coil voltage begins only
at voltages considerably higher than that employed in
the determination of the rf susceptibilities. In the case
of a resonance as sharp as that of the alkali metals in
liquid NHa one must consider the Rabi width associated with the flipping of the spin by the perturbing rf
magnetic field. For very small rf fields such as were
used in these experiments the Rabi width is just
V1. rms rf field strength or for the conditions of the
present experiments 0.147·rms coil voltage. The
operating coil voltage was 0.05 volt so that the Rabi
width was about 0.006 gauss. This is not less by a very
great factor than the width of the narrowest resonances,
namely 0.020 gauss.
The shapes of the resonances are very close to Lorentz
ians and deviate greatly from the Gaussians.1(a) For
absorptions down to 0.2 to 0.1 of the maximum the
Lorentzian curve is followed closely and then at lower
absorptions the experimental curve drops appreciably
below the Lorentzian. This is in agreement with the
theory of Anderson and Weiss. 22
The spin-lattice relaxation times determined by the
method of Bloembergen, Purcell, and Pound12 from the
variation of the output voltage of the phase-sensitive
detector with rf coil voltage are several times as large
as the times corresponding to the widths of the absorp
tion lines. The fact that these determinations give
relaxation times of the same order of magnitude as the
inverse line width times indicates that the spin-lattice
relaxation may make a considerable contribution to the
observed widths. No calculations of spin-lattice relaxa
tion times on the basis of the cavity trapping model
have been made.
Most of the electronic equipment employed in these
experiments was designed and constructed by Clarence
Arnow. Edward Bartal constructed the solenoid and
its mounting and did other necessary machine work.
Jack Boardman carried ou t a large part of the numerical
integrations and other calculations. Arthur Kowalsky
synthesized the tris-p-nitrophenylmethyl and analyzed
it. Their help and assistance is gratefully acknowledged.
22 P. W. Anderson and P. R. Weiss, Revs Mod. Phys. 25, 269
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1.1748246.pdf | Near Infrared Pleochroism. II. The 0.8–2.5 Region of Some Linear Polymers
L. Glatt and J. W. Ellis
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 19, 449 (1951); doi: 10.1063/1.1748246
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1748246
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 22:16:57THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS VOLUME 19. NUMBER 4 APRIL. 1951
N ear Infrared Pleochroism. II. The 0.8 -2.St' Region of Some Linear Polymers
Department of Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, California
(Received July 21, 1949)
Polarized r~diation is. used to study. the. pleochrois~ of. aligned specimens of polythene, Nylon, polyvinyl
alc~hol, polYVinyl chionde, and polyvInylidene chionde, In the 0.8-2.5" overtone and combination region.
Assignments of observed absorption bands to various vibration modes of (coupled) >CHz, N -H, and
C=O groups are attempted. The symmetry of an infinite planar-zigzag >CH2 chain is discussed as an
approximation to ~hat of p~lythene an~, t~ a lesser ext~nt, Nylon. Some limitations in the interpretation of
observe~ pleoc~r~lsm .and In the application of. selectio~ rules are discussed. A pleochroism study, with
unpolanzed radiation, IS made of the molecular alignment In oriented "Parowax." A study is made also of the
rupture of the intermolecular N -H· . ·0 bonds in molten and premolten Nylon.
INFRARED absorption is, for a given vibration mode,
most intense when the exciting E-vector is parallel
to the direction (for degenerate modes, directions) of the
oscillating electric moment increment characteristic of
that mode. The infrared pleochroism of a specimen, or
variation of absorption intensity with respect to the
E-vector, can often yield considerable information as to
the vibration modes which are responsible for the vari
ous observed absorption bands and also concerning the
orientation of the molecules in the specimen. This is,
naturally, true only for a crystalline or ordered sub
stance in which, moreover, the molecules have some
element of symmetry.
Several investigations early in the century used
polarized infrared radiation to study crystals of in
organic salts. Schaefer and Matossi summarized, in
1930, the results of investigations on carbonates,
nitrates, and other ionic crystals.! Ellis and Bath, in this
laboratory, were perhaps the first to use infrared
(l c /f': --+-)I
He/' : ~"
FIG. 1. Section of a > CH2 chain.
* Most of this material was taken from a dissertation presented
in partial satisfaction of the requirements for a Ph.D. degree. t Now at the Cryogenic Laboratory, Ohio State University.
1 C. Schaefer and F. Matossi, Das Ultrarote SPektrum (Verlag.
Julius Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1930). pleochroism for the correlation of the vibration spectra
of organic substances with their structures.2.3 Several
such studies have been conducted recently, in England
for the most part. Reference will be made later to these
contemporary investigations.
The present report is concerned with some linear
polymers that were semi-aligned by mechanically
stretching or rolling the specimens. Polythene, "Paro
wax," 6.10 polyamide (a "Nylon"), polyvinyl alcohol,
polyvinyl chloride, and polyvinylidene chloride are the
substances discussed in this paper. Later papers will
deal with single-crystal as well as with polymer speci
mens. Whenever possible, the authors have attempted
the assignment of observed absorption bands to the
various vibration modes of (coupled) > CH2, 0-H,
N-H, and C=O groups. In making these assignments,
it was attempted to correlate the observed pleochroism
with available data on molecular orientation and with
symmetry selection rules.
Figure 1 shows a diagram of a normal saturated
> CH2 chain. The carbon atoms form a planar zigzag.
The planes of the CH2 groups, shown in projection, are
normal to the chain axis. The four single bonds about
each carbon atom are distributed essentially at the
tetrahedral angle. Schematic diagrams for the three
fundamental modes of a free CH2 group (not to scale)
are shown in Fig. 2. Similar figures are shown for the
three restricted rotation modes that result when the
> CH2 group is attached to the rest of the molecule.
Spectrograms of all the specimens were made on a
quartz prism recording spectrograph, which was used in
the overtone and combination band region between 0.6
and 2.7 p..4 The fundamental X - H bond stretching
region in between roughly 2.7 p. and 4.0p.. A Glan
Thompson type calcite polarizer was used with this
It is not possible, unfortunately, to send plane
polarized radiation through a non-isottopic medium
with the E-vector vibrating in any arbitrarily chosen
direction. The cross section of the index ellipsoid parallel
2 J. W. Ellis and J. Bath, J. Chern. Phys. 6, 221 (1938); 7, 862
3 J. W. Ellis and J. Bath, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 62, 2859 (1940).
4 J. W. Ellis, Rev. Sci. Instr. 4, 123 (1933).
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(0) )/ •. .<f>.
(b) [,
~H I
(e) ]/a
(d) (e) r
z (0) t.
FIG. 2. The three vibration and the three restricted rotation modes
of a >CH2 oscillator.
to the transmitting surface is, in general, an ellipse, the
major and minor axes of which are, for normal incidence,
the only two vibration directions for which plane
polarized radiation can be transmitted as such. If a
vibration direction for the incident beam other than one
of the above two mutually perpendicular ones is chosen,
then elliptically polarized light is transmitted through
the specimen. This limitation upon the use of polarized
radiation has not always been appreciated.
The converging beam of the quartz spectrograph has a
semi-angle of about 10°. This causes most of the light to
impinge upon the specimen at slightly oblique incidence.
The alignment between specimen and polarizer is
seldom reliable to better than 3°. These deviations from
the ideal condition cause the E-vector within the speci
men to vibrate in a compact bundle with slightly varying
azimuths and hence tend to diminish the variation in
absorption intensity with respect to polarization
The specimens were mostly in the form of aligned
multilayers imbedded in CCh to minimize scattering
loss. The total thickness of the various specimens ranged
from 0.04 to 0.5 mm. The two polarization directions
used were those perpendicular and parallel, respectively,
to the direction in which the films had be~n stretched or
rolled. Untreated polymer films exist in a composite phase in
which both crystalline and amorphous regions are dis
tributed at random.5o 6 Treatments such as stretching,
rolling, pressing, and annealing tend to increase greatly
the ratio of ordered to amorphous regions. A small
percentage of amorphous regions remain even in fully
stretched or rolled specimens. Short side groups, if
present, tend to disrupt the ordered structure in their
vicinity. Longer side chains line up with the parent
1. Polythene and "Parowaxll7; -(CH2)n-
Oriented specimens of polythene were graciously
supplied by Dr. Wilfried Heller, now at Wayne Uni
versity, and his former co-worker at the University of
Chicago, Dr. Hans Oppenheimer. These specimens were
plastic films which had been stretched until the align
ment of the molecular chain axes was as closely parallel
to the stretch direction as possible. 8
Unoriented specimens of "Parowax" were sliced froJ!!
a block. Semi-crystalline specimens were prepared by
slow cooling of a melt on a hot water surface. To mini
mize disorientation caused by the heat of the beam,
these latter specimens were placed at the exit slit of the
The crystal structure of polythene has been de
termined by C. W. Bunn9 and by A. Charlesby.lO Two
chain molecules pass through a unit cell, which contains
four CH2 units. The CH2 planes are all parallel to the
c(OOl) plane, but the symmetry axes of the CH2
triangles that belong to different chains are not parallel
to each other. The planes of the zigzag carbon backbones
are all parallel to the c-axis, but those of the two
adjacent chains passing through the same unit cell form
angles of ",82° with each other. The symmetry axes of
the CH2 triangles lie in the carbon planes and are thus
also inclined at ",82° to those of adjacent chains. In the
stretched specimens the various microcrystals have
their c-axes aligned with the direction of stretch, but
have their a-axes (and b-axes) randomly distributed in
the plane normal to this direction. Charlesby found in
his specimens an average angle of 9° between the c-axes
of the microcrystals and the stretch direction.
2. NyJonl1; -[NH-(CH2)6-NH-CO
(CH2)s -COJn-
A sheet of 6.10 polyamide 0.095 to 0.12 mm thick was
very kindly supplied by Mr. R. B. Aken of DuPont.
Fully stretched or rolled films were approximately 0.045
mm thick. Strips of rolled or pressed Nylon tennis string
• E. M. Frith and R. F. Tuckett, Trans. Faraday Soc. 40, 251
6 S. D. Gehman, Chern. Revs. 26, 203 (1940).
7 L. Glatt and J. W. Ellis, J. Chern. Phys. IS, 884 (1947).
8 W. Heller, Phys. Rev. 69, 53 (1946).
9 C. W. Bunn, Trans. Faraday Soc. 35,482 (1939).
10 A. Charlesby, Proc. Phys. Soc. (London) 57, 496 (1945).
11 L. Glatt and J. W. Ellis, J. Chern. Phys. 16, 551 (1948).
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were also examined. Nylon tennis string, as sold com
mercially, is pre-stretched. Some unstretched tennis
string, desirable for testing the orientation effects of
pressing, was also supplied by Mr. Aken. Spectrograms
were also made of molten Nylon specimens. A heated
absorption cell12 was used.
The crystal structure of two polyamides, 66 and 6.10,
have been fully determined by C. W. Bunn and E. V.
Garner.J3 There is only one chain molecule passing
through each unit cell. In a Nylon crystalloid, the
molecular backbone planes are thus all parallel to one
another. The chain axes are parallel to the crystallo
graphic c-axis. The oxygen atoms of one molecule lie on
the same level as the NH units of the next; the mole
cules are linked into parallel sheets by intermolecular
N -H· . ·0 bonds which extend perpendicularly to the
c-axis. Excellent structure diagrams are given by Bunn
and Garner.13
3. Polyvinyl Alcohol; -(CH 2-CHOH)n-
Dr. Maurice L. Huggins of the Eastman Kodak
Company supplied us with clear films of polyvinyl
alcohol. To orient the films, they were either rolled be
tween heated rollers or stretched under the heat of a
commercial infrared lamp. Spectrograms were made for
specimens oriented by each method.
An x-ray study of the structure of this substance has
been made by R. C. L. Mooney.14 Some features of her
synthesized model have been objected to by Bunn and
Peiser,t5 and by M. L. Huggins (in a correspondence
with the authors). It seems probable, however, that
Mooney was correct in concluding that the molecular
chains are in pairs linked together by hydrogen bonds,
with the C-C bonds in each molecular zigzag and the
0-H· . ·0 bonds between the two molecules both
tending to be in the (101) plane. The molecular chains
have their axes parallel to the crystallographic b-axis. It
is likely that there are departures of considerable
magnitude from this orientation resulting chiefly from a
randomness relative to the plane of the carbon zigzag of
the oxygen atoms in each chain ;15 there are two alterna
tive positions for each 0-H group. This randomness
was not considered by Mooney in her structure analysis.
Strips of polyvinyl alcohol that are rolled between
heated rollers become doubly oriented with the (101)
planes preferentially in or near the plane of the strip and
with the b-axes in the direction of roll. In stretched
specimens the double chains lie along the stretch direc
tion but in random orientation about it. Dr. Huggins
was so gracious as to communicate the above informa
tion to the authors.
12 A. E. Richards and H. W. Thompson, Trans. Faraday Soc. 41,
185 (1945).
13 C. W. Bunn and E. V. Garner, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London)
A189, 39 (1947).
14 R. C. L. Mooney, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 63, 2828 (1941).
1& C. W. Bunn and H. S. Peiser, Nature 159, 161 (1947). 4. Polyvinyl Chloride; -(CH2 -CHCI-CH2-
CCIH) n -and Polyvinylidene Chloride;
-(CH2 -CCI2)n-
Both of these substances, in the form of amorphous
sheets, were obtained from Dr. M. L. Huggins. Speci
mens were oriented by warming somewhat with a heat
lamp and then stretching. The long chain molecules of
the vinyl-polymer have their carbon backbones in a
planar zigzag; the fiber repeat distance is, however,
5.0A, approximately twice that for polythene and
polyvinyl alcohol. This has been interpreted as implying
that the chlorine atoms are alternately placed, first 011
one side and then on the other with respect to the plane
of the zigzag.16
The crystal structure of polyvinylidene chloride has
been investigated by R. C. Reinhardt;17 his results indi
cate that the carbon backbones are neither planar
zigzags nor uniform spirals. He postulates a sort of
serpentine configuration of the C-atoms with the
C-C-C bond angles at 122° rather than the usual
109°-112°. This sort of a configuration would cause the
CH2-(and the CCb-) planes to have an appreciable
inclination toward the chain axis, and thus considerably
diminish the pleochroism in the CH2 bands. It is there
fore significant that the> CH2 bands in polyvinylidene
chloride exhibit considerably less pleochroism than do
those of any of the other, planar zigzag, polymers in
vestigated (see Fig. 9), this, in spite of the fact that
oriented polyvinylidene chloride specimens have a very
high degree of crystallinity and very little branching in
the chainsP .
Consider an infinite normal > CH2 chain with the
planar zigzag carbon backbone in the yz plane (see
Figs. 1 and 2). The full spatial symmetry of such a chain
forms a "strip-group" of infinite order whose factor
group is isomorphic to the finite point group D2h. There
is point symmetry C2v(z) about a z-axis through each
carbon atom.
The normal modes of a > CH2 chain containing n links18
can be subdivided into nine sets of n-fold multiplets;
one multiplet set corresponding to each of the three true
vibration, three restricted rotation, and three restricted
translation modes characteristic of a > CH2 vibrator.
The multiplet component of a given set differ in the
phase relations between the various> CH2 links; their
frequencies can be expected to be closely packed or
overlapping. It is evident, even without resort to group
theory, that the net dipole moment increment of the
chain can be expected to be negligible for most of these
multiplet components.
18 M. L. Huggins, J. Chern. Phys. 13, 37 (1945).
17 R. C. Reinhardt, Ind. Eng. Chern. 35, 422 (1943).
18 Whitcomb, Nielsen, and Thomas, J. Chern. Phys. 8, 143
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(a) Y.so (b) ~If
/ "-7 ,/
(c) }lao (d) Va1T
FIG. 3. 0-and ... -coupled C-H bond stretching modes
in a > CH2 chain.
Winston and Halford19 have analyzed the classifica
tion of motions of a crystal and the selection rules for
spectra according to space symmetry. Their analysis
shows, impl~citly, that each of the nine sets of n-fold
multiplets contains either one normal mode only or
none at all with a non-zero dipole moment increment.
The sets containing an active fundamental can be
identified by analyzing modes of one> CH2 group under
its local point symmetry C2.(z). The active member of
the corresponding set is the mode that belongs to the
totally symmetric representation of the (invariant)
translation sub-group of the strip-group. This means
that for infrared active fundamentals there must be zero
TABLE I. Selection rules and band assignments frequencies of
polythene bands.
Freq. C,,(s) Mode (em-I)
A2; f
Bl; M. Va
B2; M. w 2853
(or 1375) Mode
va+t Binary combinations
Computed Observed Band
freq. freq. num~
(em-I) (em-I) bers
5790 ?{5782 2
5650 5782 2
4250 4247 5
5720 5671 3
4325 4322 4
4110 4216 6
(or 4180)
19 H. Winston and R. S. Halford, J. Chern. Phys. 7, 607-616
(949). phase difference between the motions of all > CH2 units
that are interchangeable by pure translations. Adjacent
> CH2 units are oppositely directed and cannot be
interchanged by pure translations. It is evident that for
infrared activity, the dipole moment increments of
adjacent units must reinforce rather than negate one
another. Of the modes shown in Fig. 3, for example, Jln
and Jla" are infrared active while JI.o and Jlao are inactive.
This would also follow from an analysis under the D2h
factor group representations.
The analysis of combination (and overtone) modes of
the CH2 chain is considerably complicated by the C-C
coupling of the chain units. Whereas the selection rules
for fundamentals permit infrared activity by, at most,
one component from each of the nine n-fold multiplets,
the space symmetry selection rules permit activity, for
any binary multiplet, by essentially n among the n2
pairs of components that can be formed. Thus, no
composite transition corresponding to an arbitrary pair
(or triplet, etc.) of multiplet sets is strictly forbidden by
symmetry considerations.19 .
Although it can be expected that most of these above
+ , ' UJ,oo Uy I ,
I.T~ tsr.!'
FIG. 4. Spectrograms with polarized radiation of stretchecl
polythene film: (a) E " stretch direction; and (b) E ..1 stretch
modes will have very weak absorption, if n is large and
they lie in a narrow frequency range, they mayaccumu
late to produce considerable absorption. Thus, even
neglecting anharmonicity, the center of the envelope for
a doubly excited mode need not fall at the sum of the
two active components. If the active fundamentals were
both the lowest members of their respective sets, then
the active combinations could well appear atfrequencies
exceeding their sum. If the active fundamentals were the
highest frequencies of their respective multiplet sets, the
converse could be true. It has been suggested by a
reviewer ofthis paper that the hypothesis outlined above
may account for the apparently anomalous shifts from
predicted positions, assuming normal anharmonicities,
of some of the observed absorption bands discussed later
in this paper.
The space symmetry representations of the n per
mitted binary transitions, for each pair of n-fold·
multiplets, contain all factor group, and thus also all
activity, representations of the space group. It is to be
expected, therefore, that there will be a diminution of
the pleochroism as well as possible apparent violations
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of the factor group and "site" symmetry selection rules.
It is nevertheless proposed, in line with arguments
advanced by Winston and Halford, to use as a suitable
approximation the selection rules of the "site" sym
metry, C2v(z), of the > CH2 units.
The C2.(z) selection rules will be applied, therefore,
to the observed > CH2 type bands of polythene and the
other polymers. It is realized, of course, that the above
discussion for an infinite extended > CH2 chain is only
approximately applicable, even for polythene. Aside
from the finite length of the polymer chains, there is
some branching, and also some units other than > CH2
exist to cause complications. There is the possibility,
moreover, that coupling by the crystal field between
adjacent chains cannot be neglected safely in compari
son to the coupling by the C-C bonds within a chain.
The symmetry species of some of the more important
> CH2 oscillator type modes are cataloged in Table I.
These symmetry species were derived from the character
FIG. 5. Spectrograms with unpolarized radiation of "Parowax:"
(a) specimen with molecules randomly oriented [(a'l wide slits];
and (b') specimen prepared from a melt on the surface of hot water
[(b) wide slits].
tables of the irreducible representations for the C2v(z)
point group.20 The symbols for the dipole moment com
ponents are listed adjacently to those of the irreducible
representations to which they belong, f meaning that
infrared activity is forbidden by the "site" symmetry
(but not strictly forbidden by the full spatial sym
metry). The wave number frequencies given for the
fundamental modes (see Fig. 2) are consensus values
from the literature for polythene. The alternate 1375
cm-1 frequency for the > CH2 "wagging" mode w is
more usually assigned to the symmetrical deformation
mode of the methyl units which are said to be present in
small quantities on the side chains of polythene.21. 22 This
1395 cm-1 band shows, however, the y-type activity ex
pected of a > CH2 w mode and has been so assigned by
20 J. E. Rosenthal and G. M. Murphy, Revs. Modern Phys. 8,
317 (1936).
21 H. W. Thompson and P. Tarkington, Proc. Roy. Soc.
(London) 184A, 3 (1945).
22 Elliott, Ambrose, and Temple, J. Chern. Phys. 16,875 (1948). I
l38~ I
FIG. 6. Spectrograms of stretched Nylon (6.10): (a) un
polarized radiation; (b) E II stretch direction; and (c) E .1 stretch
at least one investigator, T. Simanouti,23 who gives
arguments for questioning the methyl assignment.
The predicted frequencies given in Table I for the
binary combination and overtone modes were computed
by adding the observed frequencies of the appropriate
pairs of fundamentals and subtracting approximately 50
or 60 cm-1 as an anharmonicity term. It was pointed out
previously that the n-fold multiplicity of permitted
components in a composite binary transition can cause a
significant shift from frequencies computed in the above
A discussion of the proposed band assignments given
in the last column of Table I, together with some
possible alternative assignments, is given in the follow
ing sections of this paper. The arbitrary band numbers
listed after the observed (polythene) frequencies are
those assigned to the absorption bands in Figs. 4-9.
This section of the report shows reproductions of
spectrograms made on the quartz-prism instrument. All
of the spectrograms show several atmospheric water
vapor bands, and the band at 2.20}.l caused by the
quartz prisms. The numbered bands are those caused by
l.foB"., I
FIG. 7. Spectrograms with un~olarized light of Nylon (6.10):
(a) molten specimen kept at 300 C; and (b) solid specimen kept
at 200°C.
23 T. Simanouti, J. Chern. Phys. 17, 734--7 (1949).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 22:16:57454 L. GLATT AND J. W. ELLIS
1.38"., I
I.By. -----a ~----b
~A'-' -"=:;;:::==:=::; c
T 'IS?
FIG. 8. Spectrograms with polarized. radiation of vacuum
desiccator-dried polyvinyl alcohol: (a) rolled specimen; E II roll
direction; (b) rolled specimen; E 1. roll direction; (c) stretched
specimen; E II stretch direction; and (d) stretched specimen;
E 1. stretch direction.
absorption in the specimens. The positions and relative
intensities of the numbered bands are listed in tables.
Owing to causes which will be discussed later, it was
often quite difficult to determine these relative in
tensities with 1\.ny degree of accuracy. The comparative
intensities of widely separated bands are accurate to
only one significant figure. The relative intensities listed
were, in general, averaged from' several spectrograms
rather than taken from the particular spectrogram
shown in the figures.
1. Bands in the 1.7V (5900 em-I) and
2.3v (4300 em-I) Regions
Designations on the spectrograms reproduced in
Figs. 4-9 make it evident which of the absorption bands
of the other polymers correspond to those of polythene.
The positions of these> CH2 type bands are tabulated
in Table II; Table III gives their. relative intensities.
/.38"., I
/.8 '''''
FIG. 9. Spectrograms with polarized radiation of stretched
polyvinyl chloride and polyvinylidene chloride: (a) polyvinyl
chloride; E II stretch direction [(a') wide slits]; (b) polyvinyl
chloride; E 1. stretch direction reb') wide slits]; (c) polyvinylidene
chloride; E 1. stretch direction [(e') wide slitS]j' (d) polyvinylidene
chloride; E II stretch direction [(d') wide slits . The values for polyvinylidene chloride are tabulated
separately in Table IV.
a. Pleochroism in Nylon
Bunn and Garner13 outline procedures for obtaining
doubly oriented strips of Nylon film with the backbone
planes almost parallel to the surface. A specimen of this
sort would be expected to exhibit a considerably reduced
absorption for "x-active" and a somewhat enhanced
absorption for "z-active" modes. It will be recalled that
the x-axis was chosen normal to the plane of the carbon
backbone, and the z-axis parallel to the symmetry axes
of the CH2 triangles.
Nylon (6.10 polyamide) specimens initially in the form
of unoriented films, stretched fibers, and unstretched
fibers were variously treated, after the fashions outlined
by Bunn and Garner, in an attempt to obtain double
orientation. Unfortunately, only a limited degree of
double orientation was achieved. There was very little
significant contrast between the spectrograms of the
singly oriented stretched specimens and those of any of
TABLE II. Positions of the >CH2 bands.
Band Polythene Nylon Polyvinyl ale. Polyvinylenl.
No. freq. (em-I) freq. (em-I) freq. (em-I) freq. (em-I)
1 8237 8292 8319 8333
2 5782 5804 5838 5828
3' 5740
3 5671 5695 5688 5708
4' 4360
4 4322 4342 4329 4329
5 4247 4257 4255 4279
6 4216 4219
7 4184 4202 4202 4211
8 4130 4161
9 4095 4100
10 4018 4010 4010 4075.
the specimens in which it had been attempted to produce
double orientation. Some of the pressed fiber specimens
did, however, appear to show a slight decrease in the
intensity of band 3 relative to band 2 (see Fig. 6). This
intensity change, which was in the opposite direction
from that expected on the basis of the relative positions
of the bands, may have been only apparent. It was
difficult to estimate the correct background from which
to measure the intensity of the bands involved.
b. Pleochroism in Polyvinyl Alcohol
More definite evidence qLn be had by comparing the
spectrograms of stretched, with those of rolled polyvinyl
alcohol. It was remarked earlier that the rolled speci
mens are believed to have the zigzag carbon backbones,
and thus the CH2 z-direction preferentially located in or
near the plane of the sheet. It is evident from Fig. 8 and
Table III that the ratio of the intensity of band 3 to
that of band 2 is definitely diminished in rolled as
compared to the stretched specimens. The intensity
ratio of band 5 to band 4 is, on the other hand, slightly
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increased. This last is, however, somewhat unreliable.
The energy background in the 2.3JL region changes too
abruptly and is pulled down too severely by the
overlying 0-H· . ·0 absorption to allow accurate de
terminations of relative intensities. These same handi
caps also restrict the accuracy of the relative intensity
determinations in the 1.7JL region but not to so great an
extent. The relative intensities listed in Table III are
fairly reliable for the comparison of bands in the near
vicinity of each other. For widely separated bands the
listed intensities serve merely as orders of magnitude.
This is particularly true of the polyvinyl alcohol bands.
c. Assignments
The above discussed pleochroism observed in the
polyvinyl alcohol bands gives an admittedly flimsy basis
for the assignment of the 1. 7 JL and the 2.3 JL doublets to
vibration modes. The interpretation is further com
plicated by the existence of the carbinol C-H units.
The pleochroism evidence is the weakest for the 2.3JL
doublet; it appears safe, however, to assign band 4 to
the "x-active" va+o type modes and band 5 to the
"z-active" v,+o type modes (see Table I). These as
signments are in good agreement with positions, separa
tions, and relative intensities of the observed bands.
Four possible assignments, none of them completely
satisfactory, are shown below for the 1.7 JL doublet.
(4) Band 2 Band 3
(apparently "z-active")
2v. type; "z-active"
2va type; "z-active"
2va type; "z-active"
va+ v. type; "x-active" (apparently "x-active")
va+v. type; "x-active"
va+ v, type; "x-active"
2v. type; "z-active"
2v, type; "z-active"
None of the above assignments is completely for
bidden by the C2v(z) selection rules. The last two are,
however, in disagreement with the evidence from the
pleochroism observed in polyvinyl alcohol (and perhaps
in Nylon). The third of the assignments is the only one
for which the observed band pos}tions are in good
agreement with the frequencies computed from the
active components of the fundamental multiplets. This is
evident from Table I. It is difficult, however, to reconcile
so strong an activity as that observed in band 2 with
what would be expected from a "z-active" mode com
pounded out of "x-active" and inactive multiplet com
ponents. This latter criticism also holds for the second
assignment, which, however, is in agreement with the
observed pleochroism.
The first assignment is in agreement with the ob
served pleochroism and does not incur the difficulties
mentioned above. It is therefore somewhat hesitantly
favored by the authors even though it gives the poorest
agreement between observed and computed frequencies.
A justification, in terms of multiplet structure, has
already been advanced for the assumption of such large
frequency shifts. In addition, there is a precedent, from TABLE III. Relative intensities of the >CH 2 bands.
Stretched Stretched Stretched Rolled Stretched
Band polythene Nylon pvl. ale. pvl. a1c. pvl. chI.
No. .L II .L II .L II .L II
1 0.6 0.2 0.7 0.4 O.S 0.3 O.S 0.3
2 4 1.9 3.2 1.3 3 1.2 3.6 1.5 3'
3 1.7 1 2.2 1.2 1.7 0.7 1.2 0.9
4 10* 6 10* 7 10* 6 10* 7
5 8 5 10-7-9-5 10-6
6 0 3 0 1.7
7 n 0.5 6 0 4 0 5 0
9 5+ 0.5
10 2 0 5 5 5 5
* Intensity arbitrarily set at 10 .
.L E-vector perpendicular to stretch (or roll) direction.
II E-vector parallel to stretch (or roll) direction. .L II
0.3 0.2
4 2.5
0.05 0.05
1.6 1.3
0.1 0.2
10* 7
4 3.5
6 5
5 4
4 3
2 1
the spectra of water vapor, for the assumption of an
extraordinarily large negative anharmonicity term for
the va+v. type combinations.24 The authors have also
found a like phenomenon in the > CH2 bands of many
of the organic crystals that will be discussed in a later
paper. There is precedent also for the possible assump
tion of a positive anharmonicity term for the 2v. type
mode. In the v. type vibration of methane, CH., a
positive anharmonicity term is associated with the
repulsive forces between the H-atoms which approach
one another as they move on the surface of a hypo
thetical sphere.25 In 2v, type modes of> CH2 oscillators,
the two H-atoms approach one another as the C-H
lengths contract, and a repulsive force probably is
d. Polyvinyl Chloride and Polyvinylidene Chloride.
The absorption bands in these two polymers will not
be discussed in detail. The 1. 7 JL region in the former is
very similar to those in polythene, Nylon, and polyvinyl
alcohol. There is no distinct band that can be attributed
to the C-H bond in the CHCI units; this is similar to
what was found in polyvinyl alcohol. The bands in the
region beyond 2.2JL are too broad to be conveniently
classified with those of polythene and the other
The 1.7 JL region in polyvinylidene chloride is markedly
different from that of the other polymers. This difference
TABLE IV. The polyvinylldene chloride bands.
Band Freq. Relative intensity
No. (cm-') .L II
1 8439 0.4 0.4
2 5924 1.4 1.2
3 5787 4 3
4 5624 9 8
5 4370 10* 8+
6 4272 8 10-
7 4172 4 6
8 4125 3 5
24 G. Herzberg, Infrared and Raman Spectra (D. Van Nostrand
Company, Inc., New York, 1945), p. 282.
25 D. M. Dennison, Revs. Modern Phys. 12, 207 (1940).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the abstract. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 22:16:57456 L. GLATT AND J. W. ELLIS
TABLE V. The perturbed N-H···O and C=O bands in
stretched Nylon (6.10).
Band Frequency
Nos. (10-' 'cm-l)
I' 6.789
2' 6.636
3' 6.523
3'/ 6.757
4' 6.373
5' 6.223
6' 5.13
7' 4.975
8' 4.883
9' 4.70
10' 4.591 Relative intensities*
2.3 "
o 0.03
0.04 0 Assignments
Free 2v(N -H)
v+/l(O-H) of
bound H20
* The listed intensities are relative to the arbritrary value 10 for the CH,
band number 4.
is very probably caused by the difference in skeletal
structure.16 Band 2 (Fig. 9, c and d), which is definitely
absent from the spectrograms of the other polymers,
may be caused by the 2va type mode. Bands 3 and 4 are
quite broad and probably complex. This is also true of
the longer wavelength bands.
A comparison of the spectrograms of polyvinylidene
chloride with those of the other spectrograms shows that
there is a greatly reduced pleochroism, particularly in
the 1.7 p. region. It has been pointed out in an earlier
section of this paper that this decrease in pleochroism is
a logical result of the altered structure of the carbon
backbone. The authors wish to suggest that pleochroism
studies of this sort might prove to be a useful implement
to x-ray and electron diffraction methods in investi
gating the structure of long chain compounds. It may be
that the pleochroism in some of the longer wavelength,
skeletal type modes would give a fairly sensitive indi
cation as to whether the backbone structure was a
planar zigzag, a uniform spiral, etc.
2. Unusual Pleochroism in the 2.372-
(4216 em-I) Band
The weak band 6, at 4216 cm-l in polythene, is excited
only by the E-component vibrating parallel to the
molecular chain axes. The pleochroism exhibited by this
"y-active" band is thus not only the most pronounced
but also is in the direction opposite to that of any of the
other> CH2 bands. Figure 6 shows that this "y-active"
band also appears, considerably diminished, at 4219
cm-l in oriented Nylon specimens. It is too weak to be
evident in the unpolarized spectrograms of Nylon, and
is completely absent from the spectrograms made of
polyvinyl alcohol and of polyvinyl chloride.
Since band 6 appears distinctly for polythene speci-mens as thin as 50p., the mode responsible for it very
probably involves displacements within the CH2 units.
Table I shows that possible assignments of this band are
to the "y-active" v.+w or va+t type modes. The first of
these assignments is the more attractive. The w .. mode
is essentially a coupled motion of the entire chain in
which all the hydrogens vibrate against all the carbons
in a direction parallel to the chain axis. The oscillations
could be expected to be restricted severely by the
presence of the alternate CHX links in vinyl polymers,
and to a lesser extent by the -CO-NH -links in
Nylon. The above might also hold true for certain combi
nations of wand v type modes, particularly for v.o+w ...
This would explain the decreased intensity of band 6 in
Nylon and its failure to appear in the vinyl polymers.
The previously discussed "multiplet structure" of com
posite transitions can again be called upon to justify the
fact that the observed frequency is about 36 or 106 cm-I
higher than that computed from the active fundamentals,
depending upon the choice between the two w fre
quencies listed in Table I.
Band 6 could possibly be assigned to the va+t type
modes. One would, however, expect this type of mode to
be active only very weakly, if at all, since none of the
component Va or t type fundamentals belongs to a
"y-active" representation. It is, in fact, questionable
whether the fundamentals of the> CH2 "twisting" type
modes have been observed at all in the infrared.
3. Additional > CH2 Bands
Band 1, which occurs at 8237 cm-I in polythene, is
very likely caused by some sort of a 3v type mode. A
comparison of the position of this band with that of the
fundamental Va and v. modes shows that a rather large
(negative) anharmonicity term occurs. Bands 7, 8, 9,
and 10 may result from combinations of the> CH2 type
modes with some frequencies of the carbon backbone.
There is a slight possibility that some of these bands,
possibly 8 and 9, which are apparently absent from
Nylon and the vinyl polymers, originate in the methyl
side groups.
4. "Parowax"
The findings for "Parowax" are an example of a
pleochroism study made with unpolarized radiation.
The spectrograms made for amorphous "Parowax"
specimens (Fig. 5 j a, a/) are essentially identical with
those of unoriented polythene. The unpolarized light
spectrograms made for the crystalline specimens give
convincing proof of an excellent alignment of the chain
axes normal to the surface of the films.7. 26 As is shown in
Fig. S, band b', the "parallel" band 6 at 4216 cm-l is
completely missing and the intensity ratios and general
appearance of the observed bands are unmistakably
like those of the spectrograms made for oriented
36 J. J. Trillat and T. V. Hirsch, Compt. rend. 195, 215 (1932).
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polythene when the E-vector was directed perpen
dicularly to the chain axes.
5. N :-H···O and C=O Absorption in Nylon
The perturbed N-H···O and C=O bands in Nylon
were discussed in an earlier preliminary report ;11 so also
was the change in structure of certain of these bands in
molten specimens and in specimens kept at 200°C,
below the 260° melting point. The preliminary report
did not, however, show spectrograms. The N -H· . ·0
and C= 0 bands are indicated in the spectrogram of
Fig. 6 by primed numbers. The positions and relative
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS intensities of these bands are tabulated in Table V.
This table also gives assignments for some of the bands.
Figure 7 shows spectrograms of molten and of 200°C
specimens. Band 3'f, which appears at 6757 cm-1 in
these spectrograms, is caused by the free 2v(N -H)
bond stretching mode. The N -H· . ·0 bond ruptures in
the molten specimens, and apparently to some extent in
the hot unmolten specimens.27
The perturbed 0-H· . ·0 bands in polyvinyl alcohol
were discussed in a preceding report.28
27 Fuller, Baker, and Pope, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 62, 3275 (1940).
28 Glatt, Webber, Seaman, and Ellis, J. Chern. Phys. 18, 413
An Absolute Theory of Solid-State Luminescence*
General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, New York
(Received December 26, 1950)
The absorption and emission spectra of the thallium-activated
potassium chloride phosphor at various temperatures has been
computed theoretically. An ionic model is used. The radial charge
densities of free Tl+ in the ground 'So state and in the excited 3P,0
state are evaluated using the Sommerfeld modification of the
Fermi-Thomas method for the core and the Hartree self-consistent
field method for the two outershell electrons. From these wave
functions and from the known ionic radius, polarizability, and re
pulsion energy cohstant p for the ground state, these parameters
are evaluated for the Tl+ in the excited state interacting with Cl-.
The variation of repulsion energy with interatomic distance a is
shown to be equal to the variation of S2/a with a, where S is an
overlap integral. The Tl+ in the 'So and the 3P,0 states are sub
stituted in dilute concentrations for the K+ in KCl, and the change
THE quantitative interpretations of solid-state
luminescent phenomena have been phenomeno
logical. Fundamental interpretations based on the elec
tronic theory of solids haye produced only qualitative
results. Detailed atomistic explanations frequently have
been based on a configuration coordinate model,l
Diagrams of potential energy versus a position co
ordinate have been applied to problems of molecular
spectra2 and rates of chemical reactions.3 In these
applications, the position coordinate can be precisely
specified as an interatomic distance. To describe the
atomic rearrangements involved in electronic processes
in solids r~quires, in principle, energy contours in con-
* Presented October 10, 1950 at the National Academy Meeting
in Schenectady. See Science 112, 428 (1950) and Phys. Rev. 80,
306 (1950).
, F. E. Williams, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 39, 648 (1949).
2 A. G. Gaydon, Dissociation Energies (Dover Publications, New
York, 1950).
3 Glasstone, Laidler, and Eyring, Theory of Rate Processes
(McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1941). in total energy of the sy'stem is calculated as a function of the
change in the Tl+ nearest Cl-distance Aa with the condition that
the remainder of the lattice rearranges to minimize the total en
ergy. Madelung, exchange repulsion, van der waals, ion-dipole
and coulomb overlap interactions are included. The absorption
spectrum is computed by recognizing that the various atomic con
figurations of the system in the ground state have probabilities
in accord with a Boltzmann function. The emission spectrum is
similarly determined by summing over configurations of the sys
tem in the excited state. The computed spectra at various tem
peratures are found to be in good agreement with experiment. In
addition, new insight is obtained on the detailed mechanism of
solid-state luminescence.
figuration space having three times as many coordinates
as there are particles involved. In describing the transi
tions and rearrangements occurring during lumines
cence, a useful simplification consists of defining a
"center" as the excited atom plus the group of associ
ated atoms participating in the rearrangements and'
then vaguely describing the coordinates of the center
by a single average configuration coordinate. Seitz,4
Gurney and Mott,6 and Pringsheim6 have used such
potential energy diagrams to illustrate qualitatively
various effects in the luminescence of solids, and
Williams and Eyring? have correlated phenomeno
logically various diverse properties of luminescent
solids with calculations based on a simple configuration
coordinate model.
The use of a model involving potential energy plotted
against an unprecise coordinate to describe the lu-
4 F. Seitz, J. Chem. Phys. 6, 150 and 454 (1938).
6 R. W. Gurney and N. F. Mott, Trans. Faraday Soc. 35, 69
6 P. Pringsheim, Revs. Modern Phys. 14, 132 (1942).
7 F. E. Wil1iam~ ~nd H. Eyring, J. Chern. Phys. 15, 289 (1947).
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1.1747622.pdf | The Vibrational Spectra of Molecules and Complex Ions in Crystals III. Ammonium
Chloride and DeuteroAmmonium Chloride
E. L. Wagner and D. F. Hornig
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 18, 296 (1950); doi: 10.1063/1.1747622
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1747622
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This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 13 May 2014 17:27:12296 E. L. WAGNER AND D. F. HORNIG
cm-1 to the red (solvent not specined). Sheppard8
states, however, that while the shorter wave-length
bands are displaced to the red (solvent unspecined), the
longer wave-length bands move to the violet in solution. *
From Eqs. (10)-(12), one would expect AI' to be about
1/10,000 of AI' for the (V, N) transition. When the
electrostatic displacement becomes so small, other
effects such as that of the solvent cagel2,13 become
predominant, and the quantitative evaluation of AI'
becomes impossible.
For the well-known visible continua of bromine and
iodine we have j=0.002926 and j=0.015,21 respectively.
If a is chosen as 0.6A to conform to the results for the
(V, N) transition in Table I, Eq. (10) predicts AI'= 780
cm-1 for bromine in n-hexane. With the actual value of
a= 2.5A, the predicted AI' is about 10 cm-1• The experi
mental value is 100 cm-t,26 while for most solvents,
particularly if they are associated, the displacements
* Added in proof: K. Lauer and R. Oda (Berichte, 69, 851
(1936)) give data for the 2600A benzene system in 11 solvents.
The displacements to the red vary from 100 to 400 cm-l and are
qualitatively in agreement with the refractive index law.
2& Bayliss, Cole, and Green, Australian J. Sci. Research, Series
A 1, 472 (1948).
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS AI' are to the violet ranging to 1400 crrrl.26 Similar
experimental results obtain for iodine.27 These are
again cases where relatively small electrostatic dis
placements are superimposed by other influences such
as the solvent cage effectl2, 13, 26 which causes displace
ments to the violet. Other authors27 have ascribed the
violet shift of the iodine continuum in associated
solvents to solvate formation. Whether the true expla
nation be solvation or caging, these and the electrostatic
polarization effect are of the same order of magnitude
in weak bands, and the observed displacements must
be regarded as their resultant.
Subject to the complications arising out of the
superposition of the other effects particularly in weak
bands, the qualitative dependence of the electro!)tatic
polarization effect on j, a (or a), and n seems to be
jus tined by the experimental results. The quantitative
agreement is good for the (V, N) transitions in isoprene
and benzene, although the data do not allow one to
decide which of Eq. (10)-(12) is the best. The cases of
the ultraviolet absorption of bromine and iodine are
much less satisfactory from the quantitative viewpoint.
27 O. J. Walker, Trans. Faraday Soc. 31, 1432 (1935).
The Vibrational Spectra of Molecules and Complex Ions in Crystals
III. Ammonium Chloride and Deutero-Ammonium Chloride* t
Metcalf Research Laboratory, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
(Received July 11, 1949)
The infra-red spectra of thin non-scattering films of NH,Cl
and ND,Cl were obtained at 28°, -78° and -190°C. A convenient
low temperature transmission type cell usable for such films is
described. No indication of fine structure due to free rotation of
the NH,+ ions was found. Instead, evidence is presented for the
existence, both above and below the X-point, of a torsional lattice
mode involving the NH,+ ions. The limiting frequencies of the
torsional oscillations were observed at about 390 and 280 cm-I
for NH,CI and ND,CI, respectively. These values agree quite well
with the frequencies calculated on the basis of a purely electro
static potential function. The spectra of the low temperature
modifications indicate strongly that the structures belong to the
1. INTRODUCTION A LL of the simple ammonium salts have second
order phase transitions in the vicinity of -30°
to -60°C, but the nature of these transitions has never
* Based in part on a thesis submitted by Edward L. Wagner
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree
at Brown University (1948). t This work was supported in part by ONR under Contract
N60ri-88, T.O. 1. t Tennessee Eastman Corporation Fellow, Brown University
(1946-48). Present address: Department of Chemistry, State
College of Washington, Pullman, Washington. space group Ttll in which the NH4+ ion symmetry is Ttl. Of the
eight observed bands, two are assigned to the triply degenerate
fundamentals 1'3 and V4, one to the overtone 2v" one to the com
bination V2+V, which resonates strongly with Va, one to the com
bination of the totally symmetric mode, VI, with the limiting
lattice frequency, JI&, and two to the combinations involving the
lattice torsional mode, V6, i.e., V,+V6 and V2+"6. The spectra of
the room temperature modifications are consistent with a struc
ture in which the NH4+ ion tetrahedra are randomly distributed
between the two possible equilibrium orientations in each unit
cell. The X-point transformations are probably simple order
disorder transitions between the two modifications.
been clarined. Paulingl has advanced the hypothesis
that these transitions mark the onset of essentially free
rotation, while Frenkel,2 on the other hand, has sug
gested that such transformations are order-disorder
transitions in the orientations.
In the case of NH4Cl a considerable amount of ex
perimental data is available. Lawson3 has demonstrated
that the evidence obtained from the measurement of
1 L. Pauling, Phys. Rev. 36, 430 (1930).
2 J. Frenkel, Acta Physicochimica 3,23 (1935).
3 A. W. Lawson, Phys. Rev. 57, 417 (1940).
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the heat capacity at constant volume (Cv) in the vicinity
of the ~-point is strongly opposed to any rotation, or
even near rotation, in either phase. His data seem in
controvertible. Earlier spectroscopic evidence which
appeared to show rotational structure on at least one
of the vibrational bands4•5 has been shown to be defi
nitely incorrect,S although recently it has been argued
that Raman polarization measurements indicate rota
tion about a single threefold axis.7
The x-ray evidence of Smits and MacGillivry8 and
Ketelaar9 has confirmed that the N and the CI atoms
are arranged in a CsCllattice in both phases although
the lattice expands by one percent as the temperature is
raised through the transition at -30.5°C. It has been
shown that below the transition point NH4CI exhibits
a piezoelectric effectI°.ll which vanishes in the room
temperature phase. Similarly, the Raman spectro
graphic investigations of Menzies and Mills12 show a
distinct lattice line at 183 cm-1 in the low temperature
modification (Phase III)~ which is absent in the room
temperature modification (Phase II).~ However, Krish
nanl3 has found that this line (as well as several others)
persists in Phase II although with much less intensity.
None of these data are opposed to the structure of
Phase III which is consistent with the x-ray evidence,
namely a CsCI lattice with space group symmetry
T i, but they offer no definite evidence regarding the
nature of the phase transition.
In the first paper of this series14 it was shown that
the fundamental vibrations of the crystal which may
be active in the infra-red or Raman spectrum are those
which are allowed under the crystallographic point
group. The selection rules for the fundamentals of the
NH4+ ion may also be obtained from the local symmetry
of the ion in the crystal. Since the local symmetry of the
ion is T d if the space group is T dl, both of these sta te
ments lead to the conclusion that only those funda
mental vibrations allowed under the tetrahedral group,
T d, should be active in either spectrum if the symmetry
of the low temperature phase is indeed T i. Since all
of the fundamentals are then allowed in the Raman
spectrum, it does not afford a critical test. However,
4 R. Pohlman, Zeits. f. Physik 79, 394 (1932).
6 C. Beck, J. Chern. Phys. 12, 71 (1944).
6 E. L. Wagner and D. F. Hornig, J. Chern. Phys. 17, 105 (1949).
7 L. Couture and J. P. Mathieu, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 28A,
401 (1948).
8 A. Smits and C. MacGillivry, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie A166,
97 (1933).
9 J. A. Ketelaar, Nature 134, 250 (1934).
10 A. Hettich and A. Schleede, Zeits. f. Physik 50, 249 (1928);
Zeits. f. physik. Chernie A168, 353 (1934).
11 S. Bahrs and J. Engl, Zeits. f. Physik 105, 470 (1937).
12 A. C. Menzies and H. R. Mills, Proc. Roy. Soc. London 148A,
407 (1935).
~ This is the designation used by A. Eucken, Zeits. f. Elektro
chemie 45, 126 (1939). In this system the phase (or modification)
just below the melting point is designated by the number I and
successive phases at lower temperatures are designated by suc
cessively increasing Roman numerals. In ~CI Phase I has the
NaCI structure which changes to Phase II at 184.3°C.
13 R. S. Krishnan, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. A26, 432 (1947).
14 D. F. Hornig, J. Chern. Phys. 16, 1063 (1948). only the two triply degenerate internal modes and one
triply degenerate limiting lattice mode are allowed in
the infra-red spectrum.
No such definite predictions can be made regarding
Phase II. It seems clear from free energy considerations
that the transition must consist of some sort of dis
ordering process, in which case two possible effects can
appear in the spectra: (1) Selection rules may be re
laxed and the transitions not allowed in Phase III may
become active in Phase II, and (2) degeneracies may
be lifted and degenerate vibrations in Phase III may
be spread out into narrow bands in Phase II.
The infra-red spectrum of NH4Cl has been previously
studies by several investigators and Pohlman4 has most
recently studies both phases. The spectra obtained have
been used to argue either that the ammonium ion does
not possess tetrahedral symmetry, or that the simple
selec~ion rules previously mentioned are incorrect.lI;' 16
In order to throw further light on these questions the
infra-red spectra of both NH4Cl and ND4CI were
studied in Phase III at -190°C and -78°C and in
Phase II at 28°C on films essentially free of scattering
and with considerably higher resolution than pre
viously used. It appears that the difficulty was due to a
consistent misinterpretation of the spectrum of the
NH4+ ion. Since a torsional lattice vibration is observed
in both phases, there can be no question of free rota
tion in either phase, and it appears that the ~-point
transition is of the type suggested by Frenkel2 and con
sists of a change from relative order to relative disorder
of the equilibrium orientations of the NH4+ ions. A
detailed theory of the Bragg-Williams type based on
this idea has been developed for NH4CI by Nagamiya.n
The ammonium salts employed in these investigations
were reagent grade chemicals. Thin films of these salts
on rocksalt plates were used in obtaining the spectra.
The films were prepared by subliming the ammonium
or deutero-ammonium halide through a loose glass wool
plug onto a polished rocksalt plate which had been
cleaned with the high frequency discharge of a vacuum
leak tester. The sublimations were performed in a
closed glass system under a pressure of about lo--2-mm
Hg at 110-130aC. Under such conditions the films ob
tained were quite clear. They exhibited only very little
scattering in either visible or infra-red radiation pro
vided that the thicknesses were less than about 0.6
micron. The majority of the films investigated had
thicknesses, as estimated by the interference colors of
reflected white light, of about 0.1 to 1.0 micron.
The deutero-ammonium halides were prepared by
means of a simple exchange reactionl8 in which the
16 R. Ananthakrishnan, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. SA, 76 (1937).
16 L. Couture, J. Chern. Phys. 15, 153 (1947).
17 T. Nagarniya, Proc. Phys. Math. Soc. Japan 24, 137 (1942).
18 K. F. Bonhoeffer and G. W. Brown, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie
B23, 171 (1933).
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 13 May 2014 17:27:12298 E. L. WAGNER AND D. F. HORNIG
corresponding ammonium salt was dissolved in the
minimum amount of 99.6 percent D20 at approximately
70°C and the exchange water evaporated off in a vacuum
at room temperature. This process was repeated four or
five times with fresh batches of D20. A conversion to
99.5 percent deuterated ammonium salt has been
claimed for this procedure.19 Our samples contained
considerably more than 0.5 percent hydrogen at the
time the spectra were obtained, possibly acquired in
handling because of the somewhat more hygroscopic
nature of the deuterated compounds.
The halide films were maintained at the appropriate
temperature by means of the low temperature absorp
tion cell illustrated in Fig. 1. This is a direct trans
mission type cell which can conveniently be inserted
W '''~. ,~
.' )) ::
'\ \\
FIG. 1. Infra-red absorption cell for use at low temperatures.
into the beam of almost any infra-red spectrometer
without changing the optical path. The cell was com
posed of a copper cooling block, a coolant reservoir,
and an enveloping jacket. The cooling block consisted
of a piece of solid copper through which a rectangular
hole had been machined in such a way that a shoulder
existed in the center of the block. The rocksalt plate on
which the ammonium halide film had been sublimed
rested against this shoulder and was held in position by
means of an annular copper plug. A thin layer of vacuum
grease between this shoulder and the rocksaIt plate was
found necessary to obtain adequate thermal contact.
The temp~rature of the cooling block was measured by
19 Clusius, Kruis, and Schanzer, Zeits. f. anorg. allgem. Chemie
236,24 (1938). means of a fine thermocouple inserted into a thermo
well which was embedded in the block, and the tem
perature of the rocksalt plate was measured by another
fine thermocouple whose junction was embedded into a
hole drilled halfway through the salt plate. The glass
coolant reservoir was attached to the cooling block by
means of a copper to glass Housekeeper seal which gave
an extremely satisfactory vacuum-tight joint. The rock
salt or silver chloride windows were sealed onto the
flat ground ends of the glass jacket with clear Glyptal
Prior to cooling, the assembled cell was evacuated
to a pressure of about lo-4-mm Hg. Under such condi
tions it was found that the cooling block quickly at
tained the refrigerant temperature. However, at liquid
nitrogen temperatures the rocksalt plate supporting the
ammonium halide film was S° hotter than the block.
At -78°C no temperature difference between the block
and the plate could be detected. In the radiation beam
of the spectrometer the temperature of the rocksalt
plate did not increase. Under the normal operating
conditions of this cell less than 200 ml of liquid nitrogen
were required to maintain the temperature of the rock
salt plate at -190°C for one hour. When the cooling
block was maintained at liquid nitrogen temperature
the exterior windows did not cool perceptibly.
The spectra were taken with a modified Perkin
Elmer Spectrometer Model12B. The modification con
sisted of replacing the usual system for focusing the ra
diation source onto the entrance slit with a double beam
arrangement for shifting the beam alternately through
the sample and through a blank cell. With this instru
ment alternate point by point recordings of the trans
missions of the sample and a blank were obtained. In
addition, the instrument recorded the zero or base line
positions after each transmission point. This has the
advantage of essentially eliminating errors in transmis
sion due to base line drift, a factor which may become
significant in low temperature work.
The optical paths of the spectrometer were com
pletely enclosed. Prior to recording a spectrum the
housing was thoroughly flushed out with dry nitrogen
gas until the CO2 band at 4.26tL and the 2.67 tL. H20
band were hardly discernible. Under such conditions,
the maximum absorption in the 6.3tL water vapor band
was less than 10 percent. This procedure was adopted
when it was ascertained that the point by point method
of recording spectra leads to the appearance of spurious
peaks in the plotted spectrum. This results from the
paucity of points along the steep slopes of deep at
mospheric absorption bands. These false peaks do not
necessarily coincide with those of the atmospheric
bands, but may be situated along one or both of the
slopes depending upon their relative steepness.
Calcium fluoride and rocksalt prisms were utilized
in these investigations. The slit widths employed were
such that the theoretical widths of the frequency bands
resolved were (for the fluorite prism) 9 cm-l at 3tL,
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3.3 cm-1 at 7 p., (and for the rocksalt prism) 4.6 cm-I
at 8p. and 2.7 cm-1 at lOp..
The spectra obtained for NH4CI are shown in Fig. 2.
In these curves the noise level has not been smoothed
out nor have they been corrected for scattering. All
the data of these spectra pertain to a single film whose
thickness, as estimated from the color of reflected light,
was about 0.2 micron. In addition to the records re
produced here, spectra were also obtained for eight
other NH4CI films, ranging in thickness from 0.1 to 1.0
micron. No difference between the various spectra
could be detected except that in the thickest film the
frequencies of maXImum absorption seemed to be
shifted to higher frequencies by 5 to 10 em-I. Since it
has been shown that NH4CI smokes with particle sizes
about equal to the thickness of our films have the bulk
crystal structure,20 the cause of the apparent frequency
shift is probably not due to a change of crystal struc
ture with thickness.
The corresponding spectra of ND4Cl are given in
Fig. 3. Three different films of ND4CI were studied.
Unfortunately, the films of this salt were always con
taminated with some NDaH+ and ND2H2+ ions so
that some of the observed peaks must be ascribed to
these contaminations. This was done by analogy to the
corresponding deutero-methanes, all of which have
been studied,21 and by comparison with the Raman
spectra of the various deuterated ammonium chlorides.22
The observed frequencies of maximum absorption,
the relative integrated peak intensities, and our assign
ments are given in Tables I and II. In the case of over
lapping bands the intensities were partitioned in what
seemed to be the most reasonable way but, particularly
in the case of the 3.2p. region in NH4CI, this partitioning
was undoubtedly inaccurate. The relative intensities
of the bands are believed to be accurate to about 15
The most striking difference between the spectra of
NH4CI and ND4CI is the contrast between the very
strong single peak at 2336 cm-1 in ND4CI and the
strong doublet at 3080 cm-1 in the corresponding
NH4CI spectra. Relative to the sharp peaks at 1067
cm-1 in ND4CI and 1403 cm-1 in NH4CI, it is found
that the total intensity of the doublet at 3080 cm-1 in
NH4Cl is about equal to the intensity of the strong
single peak at 2336 cm-1 in ND4Cl. This suggests
strongly that the doubling is due to Fermi resonance
between the strong fundamental, va, and an almost
coincident combination level.
The temperature behavior of the bands at 1760 and
2000-2100 cm-l in the NH4Cl spectrum is very interest-
20 J. Trillat and A. Laloeuf, Comptes Rendus 227, 67 (1948).
21 See G. Herzberg, Infra-Red and Raman SPectra of Polyatomic
Molecules (D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York 1945),
22 R. Ananthakrishnan, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. SA, 175 (1937). 1-=_:;.;-;;:;.-:.=====---- + :;l q..
., . .,
on •
oS .,
N ..
I ~-
! , OJ
o o
", .. 8
o il
'" 299
~ -
This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 13 May 2014 17:27:12300 E. L. WAGNER AND D. F. HORNIG
PERCENT TRAw.PnSS~ ing. They change from broad symmetrical bands at
~ g i 0 0 .. OJ 2«> .. .. room temperature to curiously shaped multiple peak
::I. q § bands at -190°C. There is no evidence of discontinui-g-
ties in their behavior at the X-point. The details of the .... ~-.,.. .,; shape of the 1760-cm-1 band, determined on a thicker
5-g film, have been published in an earlier communication,6 eli
,i}-and those of the 200o-2100-cm-1 band are given in
iii 0 Fig. 4. It is interesting to note that these are the only 0
::I. two bands in the spectrum which are significantly 0-
iii 0 shifted in the spectra of the heavier halides of am-
::I. monium·11 "'-,.; One of the most salient features of the NH4Cl spec- 0 .... 0 .,..
::I. ~ trum is the complete disappearance at low temperature 0-,.; of the subsidiary peak on the high frequency side of the
0 0 1403-cm-1 band. The intensity of this peak, which
.; U amounts to 10 percent of the main peak at room tem-
0 0 perature, drops quite abruptly at the X-point but ap- 0 0
!!! ~ parently it does not completely disappear at this tem-:l, 0-
0 d perature. .; 0
t:: >-< All of the lines in the spectrum show a notable >-< >-<
'" sharpening as the temperature is lowered and the weak
0 '" U ::I. 0 oj peak in the center of the NH4CI doublet at 3080 cm-1 !!! ..<:: .. on-~ c 'i':? ,..; is only resolved at the lowest temperature. In general, z -0
~ 0 0 ~ the intensities of the fundamentals decrease by about 0 oj .. !!! !!! U , 30 percent between temperature and liquid 0 room
::E V)
::I. 0 '" .-..: nitrogen temperature, while the intensities of com-q-8 a: N
on N '" ..... bination and overtone bands are relatively less affected Q. oj
II> >-< by this temperature change. 0 '" >-<
0 ~ '" OJ ;a til oj
8 .5 The fundamental ion frequencies of the NH4+ ion ::I. N 0 "l-N .. may be expected to lie slightly higher than those of
~ ci .... Z methane. It seems apparent, therefore, that the low .,.. ---.. .... frequency bands at 1067 and 1403 cm-1 in the two 0
/"'-'-'-'-'---;'-0 E chloride salts may be assigned with confidence to the
~ ::l
.!:: N U triply degenerate bending mode, 1'4, of the tetrahedral ! '" c. model. Indeed, the ratio of these frequencies in ND4+ ::I. § til
0- -0 and NH4+, 0.7605, is very close to the corresponding .. OJ '" ....
~ ratio between CD4 and CH4, namely, 0.7622. The width
8 .t:
~ at half-height of this line in both salts is only 6 cm-1 at l6 >-<
...; -190°C. The sharpness of this degenerate vibration
8 '-' therefore affords strong evidence that the ion sym-... ~
OJ metry is genuinely tetrahedral at low temperatures.
2 Similarly, the very strong peak at 2336 cm-1 in the
OJ spectrum of ND4CI is certainly the triply degenerate
"- stretching frequency, Va. The corresponding frequency "'-~ § in NH4Cl must lie approximately at the 3080-cm-1
OJ doublet mean. If it is assumed that the combination
0 level "borrows" all of its intensity from the funda-
~ mental (certainly a good assumption since Va is by far
..... 8 the strongest band in the spectrum), a more accurate ..,.
ill estimate of the unperturbed frequencies of the two
i levels may be obtained from their relative intensities.
::I. A first-order perturbation calculation yields
§ o=S(R-l)/(R+1),
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ ~ !I 0'"
01 , , , I '1-I , I I I , II The data for the bromides and iodides will be presented at a e01 later date in this Journal.
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TABLE 1. Observed frequencies, relative intensities, assignments,
and inferred frequencies for NH.Cl and ND.Cl in Phase III.
Inferred Obs. freq. Obs. freq.
Assign- freq. at -78°C at -190°C
ment (em-I) (em-I) (em-q
"1+111 3231 3228 (3) 3223 (6) 2)1,+", 3219
.. (F.) [30861t 3126 (34) 3126 (41)
3090 (I) 3089 (5)
1'2+". [30861t 3047 (38) 3050 (42)
.. (A.) (3048)§ (3048)§
2., 2806 2833 (6) 2828 (8)
.2+11, 2074 2018tt(1) 200S-2100tt(2)
"4+"6 1788 (3) 1817}(4) 1794
.. (E) 1683 (1712)§
.,(F.) 1447 (I)
1402 (10) 1403 (10) .,(F,) 391
.,(F.) (l83)§ (183)§
* ND.H+ and ND.H,+. t Computed unperturbed trequencies. tt Broad band. ND,Cl
Inferred Ob •. freq.
freq. at -190°C (em-I) (em-I)
[232S1t 2336 (94)
[22721t 2260 (16)
2134 2142 (12)
1360} 1348 (4)
1067 (10)
§ From Raman spectrum (see references 12 and 13).
where h is the separation of the unperturbed levels, Sis
the observed separation of the peaks and R is the ratio
of the observed intensities of the two branches of the
resonating doublet. In this way the frequencies written
in brackets in the inferred spectrum columns of Tables
I and II were obtained. The Teller-Redlich frequency
product ratio for the two F2 species is then
For comparison, the harmonic value of this ratio is
0.5528, while the corresponding observed ratio for
CD4 and CH4 is 0.570. It is interesting that the fre
quencies of the two F2 modes are essentially identical
in the spectra of NH4CI, NH4Br and NH4I.
The band at 1794 cm-I in NH4CI has sometimes been
assignedl3 to the doubly degenerate bending vibration,
V2. However, the corresponding band in ND4CI, which
is plainly identified by its temperature behavior, oc
curs at 1348 em-I. The frequency ratio is then 0.7514,
whereas if it were actually V2 the ratio would be closer
to 0.707. The observed value of this ratio cited21 for
methane is 0.6906.** Thus, it seems unquestionable
that the 1794-cm-1 band in NH4Cl cannot be the
doubly degenerate vibration, V2. If we assume that the
level which resonates with Va in NH4CI is V2+V4 (the
only possible binary combination), and make a corre
sponding assignment to the peak at 2260 cm-l in
** It should be noted that the ",-modes have never actually
been observed in CH. and CD,. TABLE II. Observed frequencies, relative intensities; assignments,.
and inferred frequencies for NH,Cl and ND,Cl in Phase II.
Inferred Obs. freC!.
Assign- freq. at 28°C
ment (em-I) (em-')
"'+". 3209 3200
"3(F2) [3097Jt 3138 (39)
"2+'" [3085Jt 3044 (31)
"I(AI) (3041)§
2", 2806 2810 (6)
V2+". 2041 2000tt(1)
v.+". 1762 (3)
"2(E) 1682 (1710)§
J/,(F2) 1445 (1)
1403 (10)
".(F,) 359
".(Fo) (168)§
* ND,H+ and ND,H,+.
t Computed unperturbed frequencies. tt Broad band.
§ From Raman spectrum. ND,CI
Inferred Ob •. freq.
freq. at 28°C (em-I) (em-I)
[2337Jt 2350 (84)
[2265Jt 2252 (13)
2132 2129 (12)
1335 (3)
1200 (1215)§
1090}(10) 1066
ND4Cl, we obtain the frequencies 1683 and 1205 cm-l
for the values of V2 in NH4Cl and ND4Cl, respectively.
The frequency ratio is then 0.7159 and the isotope
check is good. A further check on this frequency, al
though a rough one, is supplied by the combination
band at 2000-2100 cm-l which we shall discuss in more
detail later. The corresponding room temperature
Raman lines occur at approximately 1710 and 1215
cm-l• These values are probably more correct than the
frequencies we have calculated.
The selection rules for fundamental vibrations are
exceedingly strict in that spectral activity is restricted
to those fundamentals which are totally symmetric
with respect to translation. This translational restric
tion is very much relaxed in the case of combinations
and overtones since the only requirement is that 1ihe
combining modes have the same wave number vector,"
and it is not necessary that, in the individual normal
vibrations, the vibrations of all cells be in phase. The
resultant level, however, is totally symmetric with
respect to translation. In the case of molecular modes,
the frequencies will not in general be strongly affected
by the phase shifts between neighboring molecules,
since the interactions are usually weak. Thus all fre
quencies within the branch lie in a narrow region. Con
sequently, the entire band of allowed frequencies com
prising the overtone or combination should lie close to
the value computed in terms of the totally symmetric
fundamentals. However, the resulting band is a dis
tribution function and may therefore show structure,.
23 M. Born and M. Bradburn, Proc. Roy. Soc. London 188A, 161
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including subsidiary peaks. The temperature behavior
of many of the combination bands indicates that they
may well be ternary bands where the third component
is the Debye frequency distribution. No calculations
on the detailed envelopes of such bands have yet been
The first overtone of 114 is observed as a band with a
maximum at 2828 cm-I in NH4CI and 2142 cm-I in
ND4Cl. In each case the frequency of maximum absorp
tion is slightly greater than 2114 when 114 is taken as the
limiting frequency which is itself allowed, If the fre
quency in the 114-branch increases in going from the
completely in-phase to the completely out-of-phase
motion, we expect the center of the overtone, 2114, to be
greater than twice the frequency of the in-phase motion
(which we observe) and also to have a width approxi
mately equal to twice the width of the 114-branch. The
shape of the band changes appreciably with tempera
ture, chiefly in that the low frequency side of the band
tends to vanish as the temperature is reduced. The
same phenomenon has been observed in the Raman
spectrumY; It is interesting that the intensity of this
overtone is just a? great or greater than that of the
fundamental. This may be cau:;ed by the fact that the
number of transitions entering an overtone is enor
mously greater than in the case of a fundamental, so
that although individual transitions may be exceedingly
weak the integrated intensity may become quite
The combination 114+ 112 has been discussed previously.
Because it is so closely coupled to the intense funda
mental 113, it is impossible to say anything about its
envelope or intensity in NH4Cl. However, if the 114-
distribution increases we would expect the 112-dis
tribution to decrease in going from in-phase to out
of-phase motion since the in-phase 112-motion has the
same phase relation between adjacent N - H bonds as
the out-of-phase 114-motion and vice versa. In this case
the 114+112-band would be relatively narrow since the
width should be approximately equal to the difference
between the two distributions. This is actually the
case as may be seen from the ND4CI spectrum where
the combination level does not resonate seriously with "3.
The bands observed at 1794 cm-I, 2020 cm-1 and
3223 cm-I cannot be accounted for in terms of intra
molecular frequencies. The latter can, however, be
interpreted as a combination between the totally sym
metric mode of the NH4+ ion (which has been assigned
to 3048 cm-1 on the basis of the Raman spectruml2)
a.nd the optical branch of the lattice spectrum whose
greatest density of frequencies is in the vicinity of the
Reststrahlen frequency, 183 cm-I. The other two bands
must involve still a different characteristic lattice
In addition to the vibrations of a CsCl type space
lattice, the NH4CI crystal lattice spectrum must also contain three branches arising from the coupled tor
sional oscillations of the NH4+ ion. The limiting fre
quency of this type of motion, which we shall designate
116, is of symmetry species FI so that it may be active in
the Raman spectrum as a fundamental but is forbidden
in the infra-red spectrum. In order to consider combina
tion bands which may involve these modes, an estimate
of the frequency of torsional oscillation would be useful.
The purely electrostatic potential energy in the
vicinity of a threefold axis in a CsCI structure is given by
v=~{ ~ ~ ~ [{ (l-a)+a( ~+ ~) r
+{ (m-a)-a( ¢-~) r+{ Cn-a)l2rt
-~ ~~ [{ (~-a )+a( ¢+ ~) r
+{ (~-a)-a( ¢-~) r
+{ (: -a) rrl (1)
where a is the lattice constant, a is the x, y, or z coordi
nate of a point on the threefold axis (the origin is taken.
at the center of the cube of eight chlorine atoms), ¢ is
the angle (small) about the z axis by which the point in
question is obtained from the point a, I, m, n are in
tegers, and u, v, ware odd integers only. If as a rough
model of the charge distribution on an NH4+ ion we
assume a charge fe on each hydrogen atom, where e
is the electronic charge, we find for the force constant
of the torsional oscillation about the z axis
+ (m-a)2+ (n-a)2} -0/2
-Cl+m)l (l-a)2+(m-a)2+(n-a)21- iJ
-L L L [3a(~_~)2j (~_a)2
"vw 2212
+(;-a Y+(: -a Yf-5/2
-(;+~){ (~-a r+(~-a Y
+(: -a y}-i]}. (2)
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..J ..
__ -,,---"'------ 90 ~
... _'" ):10 27°0 ----- 80 Z
-190"0 --- ~
FIG. 4. 4.9 micron band of NILCl in Phase II
at 27°C and Phase ITI at -190°C. iii
70 !1!
Using the value j=0.2 which was estimated by
Pauling,24 the values a=3.86A and rNH= 1.0A, we then
calculate for the torsional oscillation frequency, by
considering the contributions of 180 surrounding ions,
the value
li6= 262 cm-l.
It is interesting to note that considering only the 14
nearest neighbor ions this frequency comes out to be
265 cm-I. If instead we use the values suggested by
Nagamiya,17 j=0.277 and rNH= l.13A we obtain
li6=360 em-I.
These estimates neglect entirely the effects of repulsion
(which would lower the frequency), of the polarizability
of the halogen and NH4+ ions (which would raise the
frequency), and of multipolar terms due t~ the non
spherical charge distribution in the NH4+ IOns other
than the one considered (which would be small).
Since the frequency of oscillation is determined almost
entirely by the nearest neighbor halide ions, the fre
quency should not depend greatly on t~e relative phase
of the torsional motion of the NH,+ IOns. Hence the
distribution of frequencies in this branch should cover
only a narrow range compared, for example, to the
acoustic branches of the lattice spectrum.
If the band at 1794 cm-I in the low temperature
ammonium chloride spectrum, to which no combina
tion of internal modes can be assigned, is identified
with the combination li4+ li6, the torsional oscillation
frequency is approximately 391 cm-I. A corresponding
assignment to the band at 1348 cm-l in the deuterated
salt yields 281 cm-l. The ratio of the~ frequencie.s,
0.718, is in satisfactory agreement WIth the ratIO
predicted by the Teller-Redlich rule, 0.707.
Using our previously derived value of approximately
1680 cm-l for li2, this same type of assignment accounts
for the presence of the band at 2000-2100 em-I as
li2+ li6. Although this band also has a sharp low fre
quency edge at low temperature, it is quite broad and
apparently possesses several maxima. Its detailed
structure obviously requires further investigation.
Nevertheless, a qualitative estimate of the width .and
shape of this as well as the li4+li6-band ca~ be ?btamed
in the following way. If we assume that m gomg from
24 L. Pauling, Nature of the Chemical Bond (Cornell University
Press, Ithaca 1944), p. 72. the in-phase to the out-of-phase motion the frequency
of the torsional lattice mode, li6, decreases, we would
expect the li'+li6-band to be narrow since we found
previously that the overtone indicates that the li,-dis
tribution increases. This is indeed the case. Also, since
it has been shown earlier that the li2-distribution prob
ably decreases, the li2+ li6-band may be expected to have
a width approximately equal to the sum of the two
distributions and to be distributed to lower frequencies
than the value predicted from the in-phase modes. This
is consistent with the observed spectrum.
Furthermore, this one frequency, 390 cm-I, can ac
count qualitatively for a series of heretofore inexplicable
Raman frequencies observed by Krishnan;13 e.g., that
at 560 cm-I can be assigned to the limiting frequency
li6+ li6, where li6 is the Reststrahlen frequency; that at
760 cm-l can be assigned to the first overtone 2li6, and
the diffuse bands at 1065-1145 cm-I and 1280-1335
cm-I in the room temperature spectrum may be
assigned to the difference bands li, -li6 and li2-li6, re
spectively. Finally, this frequency, on the basis of
Eq. (2), should be sensitive to the lattice dimensions,
and should therefore be lower in NH,Br and NH,I.
It is found that the bands corresponding to the 1794
Cm-I and 2000-2100 cm-I frequencies in NH4CI are
the only ones in the spectrum which are significantly
shifted, in NH4Br both bands occur at frequencies ,
about 60 cm-l lower and in NH41 they occur about 110
cm-l lower. It seems inescapable, therefore, that the
torsional frequency occurs at about 390 cm-I in Phase
III of NH4Cl. If this conclusion is correct, this vibra
tion occurs at about 360 cm-l in Phase II. Consequently,
there can be no question of free rptation in this phase
in Pauling's sense.1
In order to interpret the envelope of the combina
tions involving li6 in detail it will be necessary to obtain
the complete frequency distributions for the li6 branch
and for the molecular branches as well as an intensity
estimate for all the combinations between branches.
The Raman spectrum of NH4Cl has been studied by
Krishnanl3 over the same temperature range as in this
work. Although Krishnan has listed a very large num
ber of lines, his microphotometer tracings ar~ in general
very similar to the infra-red spectra pubhshed here.
In particular, Krishnan has found li4 to be very sharp,
but in his case'it exhibits a double peak at low tempera
tures. It is not clear why this should be so, but it
should be noted, first, that li, hiLS never been observed
in the Raman spectrum of methane and, second, that
the lines obtained by Krishnan are of relatively low
intensity. The 3100 cm-I region of the Raman spectrum
is even more complicated than in the infra-red spectrum,
since in addition to the strong resonance doublet it
contains the even more intense totally symmetric
fundamental, lil. The Raman spectrum in the vicinity
of 1790 em-I and 2000-2100 cm-I parallels the spectrum
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reported here. Menzies and Millsl2 also observed a
Raman line at 1712 cm-1 in the spectrum at -150°C
which may be the doubly degenerate vibration, 1'2,
which we have placed at approximately 1680 em-I.
However, this fundamental is also unobserved in the
Raman spectrum of methane and, since its motion is
quite similar to that of 114, it is surprising that its in
tensity should be so much greater than that of 1'4 in
the ammonium halides. Krishnan has also observed a
series of frequencies between 3200 cm-1 and 3500 em-I,
all of which can be qualitatively accounted for in a
variety of ways using the assignments obtained here.
Polarization measurements have not been obtained
in Phase III, but Couture and Mathieu7 have de
termined the polarization of all the main Raman lines
at room temperature. In every case the reported polariza
tion is consistent with the assignments obtained here
on the basis of a tetrahedral model. Polarization meas
urements in Phase III as well as low temperature
Raman spectra of the deuterated compounds would
be of value in these interpretations.
The simplest crystal structure of NH4Cl consistent
with the x-ray data is that of space group Ti. In this
structure the ammonium ion tetrahedra are identically
situated in every unit cell and the hydrogen atoms lie
on the threefold axes. It is in terms of this structure
that it has been possible to interpret the low tempera
ture (Phase III) spectrum of NH4CI and ND4Cl. With
this symmetry the crystal may exhibit a piezoelectric
effect, which has been found by Hettich,IO may show a
first-order Raman lattice spectrum, as has been ob
served by Menzies' and Mills12 and by Krishnan,13
and should be optically isotropic, as is the case.lO
In order to interpret the phase transition, a similar
knowledge of the structure of the room temperature
modification (Phase II) is necessary. Now it is clear
for two reasons that the ammonium ions in this phase
are not rotating. First, the narrow line due to the
fundamental 1'4 is characteristic of a pure vibrational
transition and shows no evidence of rotational structure,
particularly on its low frequency side. (Rotational
lines might be expected to be spaced at about 15 cm-l
intervals.) Second, the identification of a torsional
oscillation frequency at a frequency much higher than
rotational frequencies removes all of the degrees of
freedom which might be available to rotation. However,
it is apparent that there are two equivalent equilibrium
orientations for the ammonium ion in a single unit cell
of a body-centered structure. In both of these the
'hydrogen atoms lie on the threefold axes. If, therefore,
the structure of Phase II is taken as one in which am
monium ions are randomly distributed between these
two possible orientations, the infra-red spectrum can
be satisfactorily interpreted. Couture and Mathieu7 have argued that a disordered
phase should yield a depolarization ratio p=6j7 rather
than the observed ratios which are characteristic of
cubic crystals. This argument would be valid for
completely random orientations such as would be ob
tained if there were free rotation, but for the model
suggested above the depolarization ratios would be
only slightly perturbed from those of an ordered cubic
crystal, since none of the axes of the tetrahedra are
shifted with respect to the crystal lattice.
In our Phase II structure the crystal symmetry is
lowered and, consequently, the symmetry of the crystal
line field about any ammonium ion is no longer genuinely
tetrahedral. A variety of symmetrically non-equivalent
configurations of nearest neighbor ammonium ions are
possible. Some of these configurations slightly displace
the chloride ions, and this, in turn, probably gives rise
to the main perturbation on the NH4+ ion. The most
obvious effect to expect is the destruction of the de
generacy of the triply degenerate vibrations, and,
indeed, the most striking change of the Phase III to
Phase II transformation is the shoulder which develops
on the high frequency side of 1'4. This is illustrated by
the spectra in Fig. 2.
It is interesting to compare this behavior with that
of NH4Br and NH4I, which in Phase III do not possess
tetrahedral NH4+ ion symmetry.tt
In these compounds there is a sharp second peak
which merges with the main peak as the temperature
is raised through the transition point and the line as
sumes a shape which is almost identical with that of the
chloride. The fact that the infra-red spectra of the three
halides in Phase II are essentially identical is consistent
with the idea that all three have the structure for
Phase II discussed above. A more detailed discussion
of this transition will be given at a later date. However,
it is reasonable to expect that, as in disordered alloy
structures, the near neighbor structures are chiefly
those of the most stable crystalline forms although
over any extended volume of the crystal there is com
plete randomness. In this case the Phase II structure
might be expected to approximate locally a mixture of
NH4CI and NH4Br structures, which is consistent with
the observed spectrum.
A further consequence of such a randomly oriented
structure would be that the lattice vibrations of the
crystal should be spread out by the destruction of
much of the lattice symmetry. This has been qualita
tively observed by Krishnan in the Raman spectrum
and may be the reason for the very considerable broad
ening of the bands at 1794 cm-1 and 2000-2100 cm-1
which involve the torsional lattice vibration.
tt The x-ray symmetry of NILBr and NILI in Phase III is
D4h7 so that the NIL+ ion symmetry is Yd. In Phase II all three
halides have the CsCI structure.
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1.1747022.pdf | Contributions to the Theoretical Treatment of Ammonium. I
J. I. Horváth
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 16, 851 (1948); doi: 10.1063/1.1747022
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1747022
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IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:16:52THE JOURNAL
Contributions to the Theoretical Treatment of Ammonium. I.
Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Technical College of Budapest, Hungary
(Received December 31, 1946)
In this paper we determine the electron distribution, the binding energy, and the ionic radius
of the positive ammonium molecule ion. The general idea of our method is that the molecule
is divided by a spherical surface which contains the protons and it is supposed, in our first
approximation, that the charge of protons is distributed uniformly on this surface. Now, we
we have inside our sphere a nitrogen nucleus, the charge of which is over compensated by ten
electrons and so a N3-ion is formed. The whole formation can be regarded from the outside of
the sphere as similar to the Na+ ion, because the charge of the four protons has been added to
the charge of the N nucleus. In a second approximation we pay attention to the fact that the
protons are not exactly uniformly distributed on the spherical surface but on the points of a
tetrahedron. We have taken into consideration the inhomogeneous field of protons by using
the perturbation calculation. The ionic radius of our molecule ion is determined as usual in
the statistical theory of atoms. Finally, we check our result with a cycle process. We do not use
semi-empirical parameters.
IT is interesting that there exist radicals com
posed of non-metallic atoms which have the
same properties as metals. The most common
example is ammonium, which forms salts similar
to those of alkali metals. It is obvious that the
four protons of the radical penetrate the electron
cloud-of the nitrogen and it may be presumed
that the molecule has, in addition to the closed
shell of the positive ammonium radical, one
s-electron, just as the alkali metals have.
The theoretical treatment of ammonium is an
especially interesting problem, because pure
ammonium is experimentally unknown. Con
sequently, its constants have not been estab
lished. We cannot ignore the exceedingly re
markable fact that, on the one hand, ammonium
(just as alkali metals do) forms an amalgam,
which, though sufficiently liable to decay, can be prepared under high pressure and has the same
properties as the amalgams of alkali metals; on
the other hand, up till now. pure ammonium
metal has not been produced.
In the first part of our paper we shall determine
the electron distribution, binding energy, nitro
gen-proton distance, and ionic radius of the
positive ammonium ion; in the second part the
wave function of the valence electron, ionization
energy of ammonium, and the eigenfrequencies
of NH4+ will be determined.
In the case of the positive ammonium ion,
nitrogen is linked with four hydrogens, while one
electron is given to the anion. The four protons
are on the surface of a sphere, which has a radius
R, and the molecule ion has tetrahedral symmetry.
The theoretical treatment of molecules of such * At prest!nt at the Institute of Physics, Med. Faculty,
)niversity of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary. type would be possible generally on grounds of
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IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:16:52852 J. 1. HORVATH
an ionic model,! supposing that in the center
would be a negative ion with a fourfold charge
surrounded by four protons. According to this
premise, the binding energy would be derived
from the Coulomb and polarization energy. For
this, however, the polarizability of the ion should
be known veryexactIy. This is possible in the
case of the halogen atoms (for this reason the
ionic model is a very good start for the discussion
of hydrochloric acid), but in the case of higher
negative ions the values of polarizability are
practically completely unreliable. Now, in the
case of ammonium it must be taken into con
sideration that the center is a negative ion with
triple charge which has to bind four protons.
This structure could not be explained electro
We have used Neugebauer's method2 for our
calculation. Neugebauer has calculated the
methane molecule with similar assumptions. The
general idea of this method is that the molecule
is divided by the surface of a sphere, which con
tains the protons and has a radius R. Further
more, it is supposed, in the first approximation,
that the charge of the protons is distributed
uniformly on this surface. Now we have inside
our sphere a nitrogen nucleus with a sevenfold
charge, which is overcompensated by the ten
electrons to a N3-ion. This is surrounded by the
four P.f0tons, the charge of which is handled in
the first approximation as uniformly distributed
on the spherical surface. The whole structure can
also be regarded, from the outside of the sphere,
as similar to the Na+ ion, because the charge of
the four protons has been added to the charge
of the nitrogen nucleus. In a second approxima
tion we pay attention to the fact that this
assumption is rough and the protons are really
on the points of a tetrahedron. We have taken
into consideration the inhomogeneous field of the
protons in terms of perturbation calculation,
where the energy is produced because the in
homogeneous distribution is small enough for the
application of this method, as will be shown m
the calculation.
I J. H. De Boer, Electron Emission and Absorption
Phenomena (Cambridge University Press, Teddington,
England, 1935), p. 31.
2 Th. Neugebauer, Zeits. f. Physik 98, 638 (1936);
Mat. Term. Tud. Ert. Budapest 36, 450 (1937); 57, 182
(1938). This model forms a transition between the
ionic and the covalent interpretation of the
chemical bond. It approaches the facts very well
and points out the indubitably right view that
the chemical bond is brought about by the
valence electrons, which are on a common energy
level. We do not use Slater and Pauling's theory
of valence forces,s because the relations of sta
bility are given automatically in case of tetra
hedral symmetry.
Let p(r) be the density distribution of valence
electrons which we wish to normalize so that the
number of valence electrons may be correctly
given far from the nucleus, that is,4
J p(r)dv=8, (1)
where dv is the element of volume and the
integral, now and always, if not otherwise stated,
shall be extended over the whole space. As, on
the one hand, the maximum of the density dis
tribution of electrons on the level Is is low inside
our tetrahedron, so, on the other hand, the
valency electrons bring about the chemical bond.
Therefore, we regard the charge of the Is elec
trons as being united with the nucleus. We have,
in this way, neglected the effect of two electrons
only and the calculation will be much shorter.
However, we mention that this approximation is
not to be used in the case of a central atom of
higher atomic number.
When determining energy terms we take the
mutual effects into consideration as follows: the
mutual effect among the protons, between the
protons and the nitrogen nucleus, between the
protons and electrons, between the nucleus and
electrons, and, finally, must take into considera
tion the mutual effect among electrons.
Electrostatically the mutual effect of protons
is given, based on a simple geometrical con
sideration, by
where a = 109°28' is the tetrahedron angle.
As we imagine the electrons on. the level Is
to be united with the nucleus, the repulsion
potential of the nucleus is 4(SjR). But the elec-
3 J. C. Slater, Phys. Rev. 38, 1109 (1931); L. Pauling,
Phys. Rev. 37, 1185 (1931).
4 We use Hartree's atomic units. See D. R. Hartree,
Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 24, 91 (1927-28).
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IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:16:52AMMONIUM. I. 853
trons, which are inside our sphere, shield this
effect of the nucleus with one attracting term in
the form -(4/R)fp(r)dv (where the integral
must be extended over the inside of the sphere).
Therefore, the mutual effect between the protons
and the nucleus as well as between the protons
and the electrons inside our sphere is summed up
in the following term:
The mutual effect between the protons and the
electrons outside our sphere is given simply by
where the integral must be extended now outside
the sphere.
The energy term, which corresponds to the
attracting effect of the nucleus after uniting the
ls electrons with the nucleus, is given by
The greatest mutual effect between the elec
trons is that which follows in consequence of
electrostatic forces. At a distance r from
the nucleus, the potential energy is plainly
-f[p(r)/lr-r/IJdv. Therefore, the next en
ergy, term is
E6=t f f [p(r)p(r/)/ I r-r/l Jdv'dv. (6)
This term contains the mutual effect of each
electron on itself, which we do not correct here,
but shall take into consideration later.
As a result of Pauli's exclusion principles we
must pay attention to Fermi's kinetic zero-point
energy, which is
Then we ought to introduce the exchange ener
gies between the electrons with parallel spin and
with an antiparallel one. The first is given by6
6 W. Pauli, Zeits. f. Physik 41, 81 (1927).
6 P. A. M. Dirac, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 26, 376 (1930);
F. Bloch, Zeits. f. Physik 57, 545 (1927). Geiger-Scheel,
Handbuch der Physik (1933), Vol. 24, p. 485. H. Jensen,
Zeits. f. Physik 89,713 (1934); 93,232 (1935); L. Brillouin,
J. de phys. et rad. 5,185 (1934). TABLE I. The values of A (R) and C(R).
R 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
A(R) 4.58870 6.78759 9.99601 14.62811 18.93651 29.89032
C(R). 1.42999 1.32085 1.21955 1.13909 1.09742 1.04180
E7= -(3/4) (3/7I')1/3f p4/3(r)dv. (8)
This term also contains the mutual effect of
electrons on itself. As is shown by the statistical
theory of the atoms,7 this compensates for our
former error.
We write the second exchange energy, called
by Wigner correlation energyS and employed by
Gombas9 in the statistical theory of atoms in the
Es= -f [ap4/3(r)/(pI/3(r)+b)Jdv, (9)
where a=O.05647 and b=O.1216.10
Finally we pay attention to the polarization
energy which has its foundation in the inhomo
geneity of the proton tetrahedron. The same
thing happens as in the theory of crystals.u
We write the formula of polarization energy
in the form
where in the denominator there is one energy,
instead of the usual difference, one mean fre
quency, which we calculate so that tRe polariza
bility should be given correctly. In the numerator
the elements of the matrix are given by
H12(SS) = f ifi*v2ifidv, and
Hl(SS) = f ifi*vifidv, (11)
7 A. Sommerfeld, Atombau und Spektrallinien, II
(F. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig, 1939), second edition,
pp. 700-702.
8 E. Wigner, Phys. Rev. 46, 1002 (1934).
9 P. GombolS, Zeits. f. Physik 121, 523 (1943).
10 In connection with the two latter energy terms I have
to mention that in this case they mean only a lesser kind
of correction and do not considerably influence the place
of the minimum of the energy. But in the case of a molecule
having a central atom with higher atomic number (e.g.,
SiH4, see in Nature (in press)) they are more important
11 P. Gombols and Th. Neugebauer; Zeits. f. Physik 92,
375 (1934); Th. Neugebauer, ibid. 95, 717 (1935) and
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IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:16:52854 J. I. HORVATH
TABLE II. The energy terms and the total energy as a function of R.
R E. -E, -E, -E. E. E. -E, -E. -E. -E
1.6 2.44956 2.57690 4.36332 36.77885 22.28027 11.24672 3.99087 0.35492 0.11477 12.2308
1.6 2.29646 3.15352 3.87304 36.19630 22.07200 10.07200 3.83082 0.35411 0.08664 12.5788
1.7 2.14138 3.43661 3.26172 35.08775 21.53023 9.76558 3.70924 0.35402 0.07089 12.4304
1.8 2.04130 3.65737 2.74001 34.13760 20.91274 9.24820 3.57544 0.35391 0.05937 12.3146
1.9 1.93385 4.13677 2.00165 33.61115 20.52973 9.18355 3.53073 0.35202 0.05111 12.0630
2.0 1.83717 4.22810 1.63172 32.86035 20.03026 8.90180 3.42544 0.34824 0.04417 11.7879
where 1/1 is the wave function of the molecule-ion,
v is the perturbation energy which we will now
form into-a series of Legendre functions in the
usual way:
4 4
V= LVi=L:{[1/(R2+r2-2Rr COS~i)!]- (1/R) 1
i=l i=I
4 00
=L L Pk(Cos~i)(rk/Rk+I), r<R, (13)
i=l k=l
4 4
v= LVi= L {[1/(R2+r2-2R+cos~i);]- (1/ R) 1
i-I i=1
4 '" = L L Pk(COS~i)(Rk/rk+l)
i=1 k=1
+ L[(1/r) -(1/R)], r>R. (14)
In the last term 1/R is constant. Consequently,
we can now neglect it and as we have supposed,
1/r is united with the charge of the nucleus;
therefore, we can write (14):
4 00
V=L L Pk(COS~i)(Rk/rk+I), r>R. (15)
i=1 k=!
In our approximation we confine ourselves to the
first term.
Equations (2) to (lO) give the energy which is
necessary to carry the four protons and the eight
electrons from our molecule-ion into infinity.
Our calculations are as follows. As wave func
tion we have functions of N3-inside our sphere
and the wave functions of Na+ outside our
sphere ,which we write with the help of Morse,
Young, and Haurwitz's formula.12 They are
12 P. M. Morse, L. A. Young, and E. S. Haurwitz,
PhI'S. Rev. 48, 948 (1934). given by
1/IN'-1s: 9.78447·e-6,7r,
2s: 1.20799(r· e-l.67Sr -1.29134· e-6,14166r),
{V'1 cos~ (16)
2P: 0.74559·r·e-1.2884Ir. sin~·eil"
1/IN.,+ 1s: 19.74699·e-IO,7r,
2s: 6. 92899(r· e-3,34375r
-0.61030. e-IO,03J25r),
2p: 8.45082· r' e-3,39163r. sin~' eil" '
sin~·e-i .. (17)
where these functions are orthonormalized per
After neglecting 1s electrons we introduce the
electron density defined by
lC(R) {21 if;N3-, 2812
+61if;N3-.2pI2l, r~R,
p(r) = . (18)
C(R)A (R) {21if!Na+. 2.12
+61if;Na+.2pI2l, r;;;R,
where the constants C(R) and A (R) are deter
mined so that the wave functions of N3-and
Na+ may be equal at place R and that this may
satisfy the conditions (1), consequently
21if!N'-. 2.12+61 if;N'-, 21' 12
and =A (R) {21 if;Na+, 2812+61 if;Na+, 2p 121
C(R) { iR47rr2[21 if;N'-, 2.12+611/1N'-, 21' 12]dr
+A (R) f'" 47rr2[21 if;Na+. 2.12
R (19)
+61 if;Na+, 21' 12]dr} = 8. (20)
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IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:16:52AMMONIUM. I. 8SS
The derivatives of the wave functions are not
equal in the place R, but that does not matter
because it is possible to prove that this does not
playa part in the calculation of the energy, as
the protons deform the electron cloud in the
place R independently of this, and this effect
reduces our error.
We sum up the values of A (R) and C(R) as
functions of R in Table I.
We remark that in case of a central atom
which has more than one closed shell, we must
normalize the wave functions of different shells
separately, as can be understood without any
We have calcu1ated the integrals with the help
of Simpson's formulal3
where p is an even integer number and Yi is the
value of this function Y = f(x) in the ith point.
The error of this approximation is
(p 'w2/180)f(4)(~), a~~~a+pw. (22)
It is very difficult to determine the integral
(6). By means of one semiclassical argument by
Neugebauer2 we have written this double integral
"in the form
E5=t f"'{(1/rf) fT
o 0
+ j,"'47rr2(p(r)/r)dr }47rrf2p(rf)drf, (23)
which can be calculated by a machine without
great difficulty.
The appropriate term of the correlation energy
has pier) in its denominator. Consequently, the
calculation of the integral would be very lengthy,
if carried out exactly, but as we shall make no
greater mistake than 1 percent if we multiply b
also by the normalizing factor, we use this
simplification. \
In connection with the polarization energy we
make the following remark. It is well-known that
13 H. Geiger and K. Scheel, Handbuch der Physik (Berlin,
1928), Vol. 3, p. 626. if k= 1, 2 and
r ~P3(COSt?i) sint?dt?dcp "f2"{ 4 }2
Jo 0 ,-I
=(2/7)271'(4+12(11/17)1. (2S)
Furthermore, the second term vanishes because
j"Pk(COSt?) sint?dt?=O if k=l, 2, 3. (26)
Therefore, the polarization energy is
-(l/h;;) . (1/7H 4+ 12(11/17) 1
X (1/ R8) f 471'r2p(r)r6dr, r~R, (27)
"inside our sphere and
-(1/h;;) . (1/7)( 4+ 12(11/17) 1
XR6f"'47rr~(p(r)/r8)dr, r;;;.R, (28)
outside our sphere.
We shall determine the average frequency
at present unknown-by obtaining the known
a-polarizability of Na+ rightly based on the
a=[2·P2(SS)/h;;], (29)
00 +1 2"
P2(SS) = f J f r2 cos2t?p(r)drd(cost?)dcp. (30)
o -I 0
The polarizability of Na+ can be seen in well-
/ ",,+.fs,.t3JN
NI(CI- N+3H+H+Cr
-Eg t ltDJU
NHj:t Nt/-{-tHtfftcr
+QNH,Clf 'I +DHt
f~+2I{tlC{z Nt~tl(+CI-
iD.vtlDc~t ! -£11((
N+2H,,+CI--N+H,,+'r(+ CIt e
FIG.!. Cycle for computation of the NH.+ energy.
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IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:16:52856 J. I. HORVATH
known experimental tables,14 but in this case
we introduce with hv one semi-empirical con
stant. We can avoid this by using the theoretical
value of Gomba,s.lo This value is not very good
(agreeing only in magnitude with the experi
mental value), but can be used because this
energy term is only 7 percent of the total energy,
and therefore is unimportant.
So we find the total energy as the function of
R. Now, based on the "variation principle" we
determine its minimum, in this way obtaining the
stable state. The value of the energy terms and
of the total energy as a function of R is summed
up in Table II.
We can see that the minimum is at R= 1.6aH,
which is 0.845A. The calculated value of energy
is 12.56788e 2/aH = 340.34 ev.
It is not easy to check our result because we
have no experimental data. Therefore, we use the
following method.
In the statistical theory of the atom the
density distribution of electrons does not vanish
on the limit of the atom and the ion, but it has
there a definite value, which determines also the
radius of the ion.16 In case of a model, which is
supplemented by the correlation energy, this
value is, according to Gombas,to
_ p(ro) =0.003074. (31)
In our case this takes place at 3.1aH, which is
1.63A. Goldschmidt's crystallographic value17
of this is 1.43A, so our value is higher by 11.3
percent. This is natural because it is well known
that in crystals the ions are very compressed in
consequence of electrostatic forces. Therefore,
the crystallographic radii are always smaller.
We check our value of the energy with the
help of an extended cycle-process of Born and
Haber18 as is shown in Fig. 1.
As we have calculated the energy which is
necessary for us to remove the four protons and
-eight electrons from our molecule ion into
infinity, we start with a fivefold ionized nitrogen
14 K. Fajans and G. Joos, Zeits. f. Physik 23, 1 (1924),
«=0.196.10-24 cm3•
16 P. Gomba.s, Zeits. f. Physik 122, 497 (1944),
'" = 0.850 .10-24 cm3•
16 H. Jensen, Zeits. f. Physik 93,232 (1935).
17 V. M. Goldschmidt, Chern. Berichte 60, 1263 (1927).
18 M. Born and C. Lande, Verh. d. D. Phys. Ges. 20,
210 (1918); F. Haber, ibid. 21, 750 (1919). atom, four protons and eight electrons, and also
a chlorine ion. We unit the electrons with the
nitrogen atom and three protons, in this way
freeing the ionization energy of electrons (Jl,N,
J2,N, Ja,N, J4,N, J5,N, 3JH). We unite two hy
drogen atoms into a hydrogen molecule, and in
the next step a hydrogen atom and a proton into
a hydrogen molecule ion, thus gaining their dis
sociation energy (DH2, DH2+)' Now from the
negative chlorine ion we take away an electron
and add this to the hydrogen molecule ion. For
this we must invest the energy Eaff corresponding
to the electron affinity of chlorine, but this sets
free the ionization energy of the hydrogen
molecule (JH2). We change the nitrogen and the
chlorine atom into 'molecules, then we win their
dissociation energy (DN2, DCl2). When we unite
these molecules into ammonium chloride crystal
the heat of formation (QNH4C1) is set free. We
supply to the ammonium chloride its lattice
energy (Eg) because it dissolves to positive am
monium and negative chlorine ions. Finally we
supply ammonium with our calculated energy
and are back at our starting point again; we
finish our cycle process. The difference with zero
is our calculation error.
Our experimental data are as follows: The
ionization energies of nitrogen are 14.48, 29.47,
47.40, 72.04, 97.43,19 JH= 13.53,19 DH2 =4.72
(the zero-point energy here is 0.27),20 DH2+ = 2.78
(the zero-point energy is 0.14),20 Eaff=3.75,21
JH2=15.235,22 DN2=11.9,23 DCI2'=2.46, QNH4C1
= 3.28,24 every datum is to be taken in ev.
For the lattice energy of ammonium chloride
we have no experimental data. In order to
determine this we use the Madelung's formula2D
Eg=545(d/M)i, (32)
(d is the density of halogene and M is the
molecular weight) which is sufficient in case of
a crystal of the rock salt type. This data is also
written in ev.
In our cycle we must pay attention to the
19 I. Naray-Szab6, Kristalykemia (Mernoki Tovablkepz8
Intezet, Budapest, 1944).
20 O. W. Richardson, Proc. Roy. Soc. 152, 466 (1929).
21 F. A. Henglein, Zeits. f. anorg. Chemie 123, 159 (1922).
22 O. W. Richardson and P. M. Davison, Proc. Roy. Soc.
123,466 (1929).
23 R. T. Birge and H. Sponer, Phys. Rev. 28, 477 (1926).
24 V. F. Thomsen, J. prakt. Chern. (2) 21, 477 (1880).
26 A. Eucken, Lehrb. d. phys. Chem. (Akademische
Verlagsgesellschaft M, B. H., Leipzig, 1934), p. 370.
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IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:16:52AMMONIUM. II. 857
following corrections. The zero-point kinetic
energy of nuclei always appears in 'molecules.
Therefore, the calculated dissociation energy has
a smaller negative value than the experimental
data. In some cases we pay attention to this. In
our cycle a positive energy term corresponds to
the vibration, which comes from the nine degrees
of freedom of our molecule ion. But unfor
tunately, we have no experimental data for this. This does not cause any great mistake because
this error does not exceed 1-2 percent as shown
in other molecules.
The energy, which is calculated from our
cycle is 423.57 ev, or expressed in atomic units
11.94944e2/aH while our result was 12.56788
e2/aH. The difference is 5.17 percent, which is
satisfactory, if we pay attention to the error
beyond our control.
Contributions to the Theoretical Treatment of Ammonium. II.
Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Technical College of Budapest, Hungary
(Received December 31, 1946)
In this second part of our paper we have determined the ionization energy of the ammonium
molecule and the eigenfrequencies of the positive ammonium molecule ion. Because we know
the electron distribution of the positive radical, we can determine the eigenfunction of the
valence electron of ammonium in the same way as is done in cases of alkali metals with larger
atomic number. In Section I of Part II we review this method. In Section II we determine the
eigenfrequencies of the ammonium molecule ion by Neugebauer's method.
IN Part I of this paper! we have determined the
electron distribution of the positive am
monium ion. The substance of our method was
that the molecule is divided by the sphere surface
which contains the protons and it is supposed,
in our first approximation, that the charge of
the protons is distributed uniformly on this
surface. Inside our sphere we have a nitrogen
nucleus with sevenfold charge, which is over
compensated by the ten electrons and so a N3-
ion is formed; outside, as the charge of the pro
tons has been added to the charge of the nucleus,
an ion similar to Na+ comes into existence. In a
second approximation we have paid attention to
the fact that the protons are not really on the
sphere surface but on the points of a tetra
hedron. We have taken into consideration the
inhomogeneous field of the protons based on per
turbation calculation.
In this way we have also determined the
binding energy of our molecule ion, the distance
1 From the references of Part I T. Neugebauer's works
should be emphasized: Zeits. f. Physik 98, 638 (1936);
Math. Term. Tud. Ert. Budapest 56, 450 (1937); 57, 182
(1938). between nitrogen nucleus and protons and,
finally, its ionic radius. In every case the dif
ference between our result and our check was
small enough.
Now we complete our molecule ion with one
electron into an ammonium molecule, and later,
in. Section If, we determine~the eigenfrequencies
of NH4+.
Since, in respect to its chemical properties, the
ammonium molecule is quite similar to the
alkali metals, we may presume that, in addition
to the closed shell of the positive ammonium
molecule ion, the ammonium molecule has one
s electron, just as the alkali metals have. Since
the electron distribution of the positive radical
is known, we can determine the eigenfunction
of the valence electron of ammonium in the same
way as in the cases of alkali metals with higher
atomic number.
We ought to determine the eigenfunction of
the valence electron by solving SchrOdinger's
equation, but it is well known that it is impos-
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1.1723858.pdf | The Magnetic Susceptibilities of Metals Dissolved in Liquid Ammonia
Simon Freed and Nathan Sugarman
Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 11, 354 (1943); doi: 10.1063/1.1723858
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1723858
View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/jcp/11/8
Published by the American Institute of Physics354 S. FREED AND N. SUGARMAN
for similar peaks found in the case of liquid
phosphorus which also has a tetrahedral mole
cule. The peak near 6.4A represents the average
distance between the centers of adjacent mole
cules, whereas the subsidiary peaks between
about 3.5A and SA represent frequently re
curring distances between nearest approaching
atoms in different molecules. The presence of
peaks implies slight preferred orientations, proba
bly due to valence saturation within the mole
cule, and a consequent slight repulsion between
nearest chlorine atoms in different molecules.
In order to use the areas under reconstructed
isolated peaks for determining the number of
nearest-neighbor molecules, the areas under the
subsidiary peaks should be included, as well as
that under the large 6.4A peak, since these areas
arise from parts of neighboring molecules. Fur
thermore, it seems clear that other and probably
less well-defined peaks at distances greater than
THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 6.4A should exist, to correspond to distances be
tween atoms on opposite sides of adjacent mole
cules. Hence, the way in which the curve to
represent the nearest neighboring molecules
should be drawn in at distances greater than
6.4A is not well enough determined at present to
obtain any reliable molecular coordination num
ber. It is only possible to set a lower limit to this
number. Following the contour of the distri
bution curves from about 3.2A up to about 6.8A,
and then sloping off along the dotted line from
there on, gives an area corresponding to a
minimum number of nearest molecules. On the
questionable use of the same type of area equa
tion as was used for atomic scatterers, this leads
to a coordination number of about five from the
curves of Fig. 3. It is believed, however, that this
number should be considerably higher in accord
with the above interpretation of the significance
of peak areas.
The Magnetic Susceptibilities of Metals Dissolved in Liquid Ammonia
C. H. Jones Laboratory, Unive.rsity of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
(Received April 30, 1943)
Here are recorded data on the magnetic susceptibilities of
potassium and of cesium dissolved in liquid ammonia at
2400K and 220oK. Also included are a few data on calcium
and barium. These solutions throughout the entire range of
concentrations were regarded as representing an electron
gas. Such systems would permit the distributions of the
magnetic moments of the electrons to be followed con
tinuously from the degenerate region of the Fermi
Dirac statistics to those distributions where the quantum
and classical statistics are indistinguishable. The general
features of the magnetic behavior of a free electron gas
METALS dissolved in liquid ammonia have
the property, primary for the present in
vestigation, of dissociating into electrons and
positive metal ions.1
In dilute solution, the conduction is electrolytic
with the electrons as the negative ions carrying
1 This classical work of Kraus is summarized by him in J. Frank. lnst. 212, 537 (1931). Also in C. A. Kraus, The
Properties of Electrically Conducting Systems (Chemical
Catalog Company, New York, 1922). were recognized, overlaid, however, by interactions charac
teristic of the environment of the electrons in the solutions.
In the light of the magnetic susceptibilities as well as of
other properties, a description is proposed for the structure
of the solutions with special reference to the conduction
electrons. Barium was found to dissociate into two electrons
per gram atom and it is inferred that calcium dissociated
likewise, but much greater dilutions would be required for a
satisfactory demonstration. A method of considerable sensi
tivity and accuracy has been developed for measuring the
magnetic susceptibilities of substances at low temperatures.
most of the current. The conductivity changes
continuously with concentration and becomes
metallic in the strong solutions. When saturated,
a solution of sodium possesses about twice the
conductivity of mercury at room temperature.
Along with this behavior go changes in color
which is a pale transparent blue in great dilution,
deepens into a dense dark blue when more metal
is dissolved, and acquires in concentrated solu-MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITIES IN AMMONIA 355
tions a metallic bronze-like luster giving the
solution every appearance of being a liquid metal.
When the solven t is evaporated, the original metal
is regained. In the case of lithium and also of
calcium the metallic crystals which first deposit
from the solution contain ammonia bound
stoichiometrically, Li(NH3)4 and Ca(NH3)6. The
former even at low temperatures dissociates into
ammonia gas and the metal powder.
These phenomena speak strongly for regarding
the solutions as a liquid metal whose concentra
tion can be varied continuously over a great
range. Like metals, the solutions may presumably
be conceived as an electron gas which in better
approximation is to be counted as subject to the
microscopic fields in the solution.
The magnetic measurements were undertaken
in order to follow the distribution in spin or
magnetic moment among the electrons as a
function of concentration and temperature. At
high electron concentration, we would expect
according to Pauli's well-known work2 almost all
the electrons to have paired-off their spins, the
degenerate state of the Fermi-Dirac statistics,
whereas in very dilute solutions, the elementary
magnets would be independent of each other and
conform to those distributions of the Fermi-Dirac
statistics which are indistinguishable from the
distributions of the classical statistics. To achieve
a comparable variation in spin with the high
electron densities prevailing in metals, it would
be necessary according to theory to raise the
temperature above the so-called degeneracy tem
perature, the order of 20,000°. By diluting the
electrons of the metal, in our experiments with
liquid ammonia, the degeneracy temperature
would be greatly reduced, even considerably
below the temperature where magnetic measure
ments are possible.
The degeneracy temperature is given by
h2 (3N)~
To= 2mk 87r V '
where h is Planck's constant, m is the mass of the
electron, k is Boltzmann's constant, N is the
number of electrons in the volume V.
2 W. Pauli, Zeits. f. Physik 41, 81 (1927). In a previous work,3 it was shown that in its
general features, the course of the variation of the
susceptibilities was consistent with this outline.
When sodium was at a concentration O.SM, its
atomic susceptibility was of the same order of
magnitude as that of the bulk metal. The de
generacy temperature for this concentration was
about 2000°K, ten times higher than the temper
ature of the substance 2300K and, hence, the
electrons were degenerately distributed. At
FIG. 1. Apparatus for measuring magnetic susceptibilities
of substances at low temperature.
0.002M with the degeneracy temperature at
about SocK, the atomic susceptibility had in
creased about one hundred fold and had attained
values expected of an electron gas according to
classical statistics.
These results were confirmed in the more ex
tensive investigation of Huster and Vogt.4,5
However, the data lacked the precision required
for interpretation, especially in very dilute solu
tions where the actual forces to be measured were
as. Freed and H. G. Thode, Nature 134,774 (1934).
4 E. Huster and E. Vogt, Physik. Zeits. 38, 1004 (1937).
5 E. Huster, Ann. d. Physik 33,477 (1938). 356 S. FREED AND N. SUGARMAN
FIG. 2. Apparatus for preparing solutions of
metals in liquid ammonia.
extremely small. Since the atomic susceptibility
of sodium proved to have less than the theoretical
value, the measurements had to be pushed to
extreme dilutions in order to discover the limiting
susceptibility. For this reason, we turned to solu
tions of potassi~m whose electrons would sup
posedly be "freer" than those of sodium; the
conductivities at the same concentrations were
known to be consistently higher. The suscepti
bilities were actually found greater and a satis
factory precision was obtained in the measure
ments. Also included in this communication are
susceptibilities of solutions of cesium, of barium,
and of calcium.
A refinemen t6 of the Gouy method of meas
uring magnetic susceptibilities was made avail
able for substances at low temperatures without
appreciable decrease in accuracy.
A vertical tube divided into equal sections by a
horizontal partition is suspended from the arm of
a microbalance so that the partition comes into
the center of the pole gap of a magnet. One-half of
the tube is filled with the solution and the other
with the pure solvent. Under these conditions the
susceptibility of the dissolved substance per unit
volume in dilute solution is given directly by
K = Ksolution -Ksolvent A (HI2_H22) ,
6 S. Freed and C. Kasper, Phys. Rev. 36, t002 (1930). where K is the specific volume susceptibility of
the solution minus that of the solvent, F is the
vertical force exerted on the balanc~ arm, A is the
cross-sectional area of the tube, HI is the field
strength at the partition, while H2 is that at the
ends of the tube. In the more concentrated solu
tions, account must be taken of the fact that the
solvent material in unit volume of the solution
is not identical in amount with that in unit
volume of pure solvent. This correction is usually
small and altogether negligible in the more dilute
To extend the usefulness of this procedure for
substances at low temperatures, the method con
sisted in suspending the glass tube G (Fig. la) in
an atmosphere of stagnant hydrogen inside a tube
H which was kept at the low temperature by the
surrounding refrigerant liquid. A stream of dry
hydrogen entered the stationary tube H at the
upper end J and flowed to the outside atmosphere
at such a rate as to keep the air with its moisture
from descending during the experiment and
af.fecting the weight of the tube G. Bames with
small openings could be mounted horizontally on
the ends of the tube K which was perforated to
allow easy entry of the hydrogen from the tubes
J. The refrigerant, liquid ammonia, was kept in
the Dewar vessel F. Its cap, not shown, was
provided with connections to a manometer and
pump for reducing the pressure and consequently
the temperature of the refrigerant. The tubes T,
T contained single junction thermocouples which
abutted into H. The temperatures at the different
levels of the hydrogen atmosphere as read by the
thermocouples rarely varied by more'than one
half degree even under unfavorable conditions.
B was a capillary tube for the passage of air into
the liquid ammonia to lessen the bumping of the
liquid while it was being pumped.
The Dewar vessel F had a circular cross section
with exception of the region C (Fig. Ib). This
fi tted in to the pole gap and was therefore designed
to separate the pole pieces as little as possible and
yet accommodate the tubes T and B. The cylin
drical tubing had been here enlarged on one side
by means of a carbon form pressing out the glass
while it was heated and softened without
affecting the diameter of the circular portion.
G contained a trap at the lower end as shown MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITIES IN AMMONIA 357
(Fig. la). By this means the bubble of ammonia
gas occupying the space left between the liquid
and seal would not rise to the partition when the
tube was inverted to its normal position for
weighing. The liquid in G extended, then, in an
unbroken column except for the horizontal glas~
Calibration and Measurement
The Gouy method for determining susceptibilities re
quires three measurements of force, a blank run on the
container, a calibration with a substance whose absolute
susceptibility is known, and finally the measurement of the
material of interest.
Both portions of C were filled with liquid ammonia for
the blank run. Ideally under these conditions the force
would be zero but since the system was not perfectly
symmetrical small correction forces were to be expected.
The dissymetry due to the temperature gradient was so
small that it was ignored. The extreme variation in the
forces was as a rule not more than ;:1::0.003 mg from day to
day. Pure liquid ammonia served for the calibration. Its
susceptibility had been determined within an accuracy of
one to two percent by Huster. The relative susceptibilities
of the solute as measured by the present method were
practically independent of the value accepted for the
susceptibility of liquid ammonia. The absolute value was,
however, determined by it.
For the calibration, the upper part of the tubeC was
filled with liquid ammonia, the lower portion was left
evacuated and the net force noted on the balance at definite
field strengths, i.e., definite currents in the electromagnet.
The computations were made here as well as in all the
measurements at 15.0 amp. with the corresponding field at
about 15,000 gauss. The value at 15.0 was taken from a
graph of forces against current. Although the individual
points, in the measurements of the solutions, differed from
the average by as much as 0.005 mg, it was found that in
a twenty-four hour period, this average did not change by
more than ±0.002 mg. This variation together with that of
the blank produced a probable error of ±0.005 mg in the
net force.
The tube factor defined as the ratio of the susceptibility
to force changed less than 1 percent over the temperature
range -33°C to -53°C.
At lower temperatures, the weighings were somewhat
less accurate. When the bath was pumped to obtain lower
temperatures, the ammonia bumped. This was almost
entirely eliminated by aspirating air through the capillary
tube B. To obtain a uniform temperature throughout the
refrigerating liquid it was found necessary to heat the bath
slightly throughout its length, a function performed with
bare platinum resistance wire. In this manner, the tempera
ture of the bath could be controlled to better than a degree
with a temperature difference of less than one-half degree
between the top and bottom. Preparation of Solutions
Potassium and Cesium
The solutions were prepared in an.all glass vacuum line
system adapted by H. G. Thode and R. P. Metcalf of this
laboratory from the procedures developed by Kraus and by
Gibson and Phipps.7 The metal was introduced into D at
the point B (Fig. 2a) by distillation. A length of capillary
had been filled with the metal and a section of the appro
priate length was broken off for each concentration. The
desired amount, within ten percent, was slowly distilled
into D by the use of free flame. Ammonia which had been
twice dried over potassium was condensed into D. The
condensation was complete after there was enough solution
in D above the upper siphon so that C could be filled and an
aliquot portion of the remainder could be siphoned into T.
The solution was then stirred by creating a slight vacuum
and so bringing about vigorous boiling. The solution was
then successively siphoned into C, T, and S. C was sealed
off at E and the solutions in T, S, and D were kept for
Calcium and Barium
Because of the high melting points of these metals,
another method was devised for introducing them into D.
TABLE I. Susceptibilities per gramatom XA'
Force Free electron
Moles (corrected) K solxl5f NH3 gas
liter (mg) xA XIO' xA XI0'
Potassium 2400K
0.00341 0.123 0.00432 1268 1530
0.00384 0.127 0.00452 1180 1525
0.00406 0.152 0.00505 1240 1522
0.00481 0.160 0.00570 1180 1520
0.00812 0.222 0.00790 974 1505
0.00960 0.246 0.00819 853 1480
0.0318 0.359 0.01280 402 1060
0.482 1.126 0.0390 29.9 310
Potassium 2200K
0.00354 0.078 0.00286 809 1630
0.00422 0.100 0.00332 790 1620
0.00501 0.118 0.00417 834 1600
0.00844 0.116 0.00411 488 1550
0.0331 0.213 0.00765 232 1220
0.500 0.558 @.0194 -7.7 310
Cesium 2400K
0.00415 0.139 0.00470 1130 1500
0.00582 0.214 0.00724 1245 1480
0.00690 0.207 0.00700 1013 1460
Cesium 2200K
0.00432 0.096 0.00325 755 1620
0.00605 0.183 0.00618 1020 1580
0.00718 0.139 0.00472 657 1560
Calcium 2400K
0.00244 0.077 0.00274 1140 3060
0.0100 0.145 0.00531 938 2840
Calcium 2200K
0.00~5 0.069 0.00245 978 3300
0.01 0.079 0.00283 271 3040
Barium 2400K
0.00106 0.066 0.00235 2280 3400
7 G. E. Gibson and T. E. Phipps, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 48,
312 (1926). 358 s. FREED AND N. SUGARMAN
i(Oi~~2) \
1400 \
'O~ .!..(o.l1Z)
JI< l 2,40
i= 1000
;;; 800
~ ...
~ 600
::> '"
~ 400
~ 4:
A 240'K
V 220'K
<2SI 240'K
~ 220'K
0.005 0.010 0.015 0020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.OiOm'O.48t 0.~85 0.490 0.495 05~OO
FIG. 3. Atomic magnetic susceptibility as a function of concentration.
The apparatus represented in Fig. 2b was sealed onto the
vacuum line; F was joined to F on D (Fig. 2a). After the
system had been thoroughly pumped, flamed, and flushed
with gaseous and liquid ammonia, a piece of the metal was
put into B and the system highly evacuated. Ammonia
was then condensed on the metal so that the saturated
solution which formed ran down the spiral capillary tubing
C and through the filter plate D, a 01 Selas clay filter.
This solution was siphoned into D through the stopcock F.
Analyses of Concentrations
The volumes of the solutions contained in traps S, D,
and T were determined by distilling the ammonia into three
measuring cells of the type described by Kraus.8 After the
ammonia had been distilled from S, D, and T, the residue
was dissolved in water, boiled to remove ammonia and
titrated with O.OIN HC!. The concentrations of the solu
tions in D were usually about 5 percent higher than those in
T and S which agreed with each other within better than 1
percent. The higher concentration in D was doubtless due
almost entirely to some undissolved metal which had con
densed during the distillation considerably above the solu
tion line. Because of good agreement in the analyses of the
solutions in T and S and because siphonings were rapid, the
concentration was taken as the average in T and S. In a
few instances, D was averaged in if S0me mishap occurred
to one of the other.
Previous work9-u has shown that the densities of the
dilute solutions were practically identical with that of pure
ammonia. Only in the most concentrated solution of
potassium is the difference appreciable and the correction
was applied. The actual density was obtained by interpo
lation from the data of Johnson and Meyer.
The experimental errors were incurred almost solely
through the errors in weighing; the errors in analyses were
relatively small.
8 C. A. Kraus, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 43, 749 (1921).
9 C. A. Kraus, E. S. Carney, and W. C. Johnson, J.
Am. Chern. Soc. 49, 2206 (1927).
10 w. c. Johnson and A. W. Meyer, J. Am. Chern. Soc.
54, 3621 (1932).
u E. Huster, Ann. d. Physik 33, 477 (1938). The errors in the analyses of potassium and of cesium
amounted to less than 1 percent, in calcium 2 percent, in
barium 3.5 percent.
The data for the four metals measured are
gathered in Table I and are also presented in the
graph (Fig. 3).
The following features of the data support the
idea held at the beginning that the solutions may
be taken to represent an electron gas.
(1). In great dilution, the atomic susceptibility
approximates the value which would arise from
independent elementary magnets possessing one
half unit of spin.
(2). The concentrated solutions which obvi·
ously possess strongly metallic properties furnish
atomic susceptibilities in rough agreement with
the presence of an electron gas free to move
throughout the volume. For example, Huster
found that a saturated solution of sodium had an
atomic susceptibility of about 80 X 10-6 whereas
a free electron gas in the same volume would have
about 40X10-6•
(3). With increase in atomic volume, the
atomic susceptibility increased. At 240°, the
concentration where the steep increase sets in
occurred at about O.OtM. The ideal theory has
0.02M as the concentration where the degenerate
gas begins to pass into the classical distributions
at 2400K. With increasing temperature, Fig. 3
indicates, the difference between the correspond
ing concentrations diminishes.
It is evident that the model of a free electron MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITIES IN AMMONIA 359
gas must be extended to include interaction with
the environment. Free electrons would because of
their motion in a magnetic field show a dia
magnetism12 cancelling one third of the spin
magnetism. The data establish that such a
cancellation does not occur; the two-third value
of the spin paramagnetism indicated by the
lower horizontal line on the left of the graph is
exceeded and the susceptibilities continue toward
the full value due to spin, the upper horizontal
line. Peierlsla has raised the question whether
Landau's conclusions are valid for a condensed
system where the average frequency of collisions
between the electrons and their environment is
The actual susceptibilities are in general lower
than computed14 for a free electron gas (last
column of Table I) and even more drastic de
parture from such a model comes to light in the
temperature dependence of the susceptibilities
which decrease rather than increase with de
creasing temperature.
To account for such a behavior, the idea
naturally suggests itself that electrons are re
moved by the positive ions to form diamagnetic
potassium molecules
2K++2E--p.K 2.
It should be noted that the formation of potas
sium atoms or of molecular ions would instead
increase the susceptibilities. Huster had assumed
the presence of diatomic molecules ill solutions of
sodium. A computation shows, however, that the
concentration of the molecules needed for agree
ment with the susceptibilities appears in conflict
with the molecular weight of dissolved sodium as
revealed by Kraus'ls measurements of vapor
pressures. There are other factors too which indi
cate that the hypothesis of dissolved diatomic
molecules is rather forced. The very dilute solu
tions and the very concen tra ted solu tions both are
in agreement with a system consisting only of
electrons and separate ions. The existence of the
metals such as Li(NHa)4, Ca(NHa)6' Sr(NHa)6,
Ba(NHah containing the same number of am
monia molecules as completely surround the
12 L. Landau, Zeits. f. Physik 64, 629 (1930).
13 R. Peierls, Zeits. f. Physik 80, 763 (1933).
14 N. F. Mott, Proc. Carnb. Phil. Soc. 32,108 (1936).
15 C. A. Kraus, J. Am. Chern. Soc. 30, 1197 (1908). positive ions in their salts indicates strongly that
the ions are separated from each other in these
metals by ammonia. We shall take the single
point of view that throughout the entire range of
concentrations all these solutions consist of posi
tive ions and electrons in ammonia and that no
appreciable concentration of diatomic linkage
exists between metal atoms or ions. We shall then
inquire into the disposition of the conduction
electrons to which the lower susceptibilities may
be ascribed.
The specific volume susceptibility of a de
generate gas is given by16,17
K = 2p.2(dZjdE)E=Eo,
where K is the susceptibility per unit volume, p. is
the Bohr magneton, and (dZjdE)E=Eo is the
number of energy levels per unit energy range at
the top of the Fermi distribution. The energy of
interaction of the magnetic moments of the
electrons with the external field serves to
uncouple the pairs of electrons in the filled cells
and send some into empty ones so that the spins
are in line. The effectiveness of this process
depends upon the number of cells (or levels)
which are available to the energy of interaction.
Therefore, the more widely separate are the
levels, the lower is the susceptibility.
It has been shown by Bardeenl8 that when
resonance energies are included the resulting
decrease in the density of levels lowers the magni
tude otherwise computed for the heat capacity of
metals. Magnetic susceptibilities are affected in
the same general way.
This resonance binding may, we propose, be
represented as follows:
ion solvent
where the ammonia near the K+ corresponds to
16 W. Pauli, Zeits. f. Physik 41, 81 (1927).
17W. F. Mott and H. Jones, Theory of Properties of
Metals and Alloys (The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1936), p.
18 J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. 50, 1098 (1936). See, e.g., F.
Seitz, Modern Theory of Solids (New York, McGraw-Hili,
1940), p. 421. 360 S. FREED AND N. SUGARMAN
one of the molecules of solvation and the am
monia structure facing it represents the solvent,
in general, but may also on occasion stand for
ammonia of solvation of another potassium ion.
Structures with the electron near one of the
hydrogen atoms may be imagined stabilized by
the many equivalent or nearly equivalent struc
tures which the situation may assume. The
mobility of the electron in electrolysis may be
viewed as the passage of the electron from one
hydrogen atom to another with some differenti
ation between the ammonia molecules of solva
tion and of solvent.
Also contributing to the decrease in suscepti
bility and especially to its decrease with the
temperature is the interaction of pairs of electrons
which have some resemblance to pI centers
known in systems composed of a metal such as
potassium dissolved in a crystal as potassium
chloride. In a site where a negative ion is missing,
two electrons can lodge with some stability,19
This pair is probably diamagnetic. In addition to
the interaction having analogy with pI centers,
the electron pairs are further stabilized through
resonance in the same way as the unpaired elec
In our present schematization another electron
would be attached, let us say, to one of the
hydrogen atoms on the ammonia molecule to the
right. The interaction of these electrons to form a
diamagnetic pair would then account for the
decrease in paramagnetism. Here again the
electrical conductivity would be ascribed to the
quantum mechanical passage through barriers
somewhat as Farkas20 assumed in an over
simplified model. In this way there appears no
contradiction with the molecular weights as
derived from vapor pressure measurements.
19 N. F. Mott and R. W. Gurney, Electronic Processes in
Ionic Crystals (The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1940), p. 128.
20 L. Farkas, Zeits. f. physik. Chemie A161, 355 (1932). With further increase III electron concen tra
tion, the increased interaction may be viewed as
an increase in the Fermi zero-point energy which
operates to oppose the local trapping within
barriers. Such a process is consistent with the
gentle increase in susceptibilities at still higher
concentrations which Huster found.
The lower susceptibilities of sodium compared
with potassium (or of calcium compared with
barium) may be linked chiefly to the relative
sizes of these ions. The smaller ion induces a
greater polarization in the ammonia of solvation
with more positive charge localized on the hydro
gen atoms. Relative to these hydrogen atoms, the
exchange energies are increased with consequent
decrease in the density of energy levels. Asso
ciated with this influence lowering the suscepti
bilities there is another aspect-the deepening of
the energy barriers would favor an increased
stability and concen tration of the electron pairs. *
The fact that the atomic susceptibility of
barium is definitely greater than that arising
from one electron per gram atom is sufficient
evidence that the ion dissociates into two elec
trons per gram atom which interact of course,
with their environment. It appears highly prob
able that calcium dissociates in the same way
but, as would be expected, the interaction is
We wish to express here our gratitude for much
assistance to Dr. RichardP. Metcalf and to Dr.
Warren C. Johnson whose knowledge of the
properties of liquid ammonia systems was always
at our disposal.
* In a structureless medium, one expects on purely
electrostatic grounds that the pairing of electrons would
also take place to a greater degree with smaller ions. The
Debye-Hiickel ion atmosphere is here replaced by the
electron atmosphere and with increased electrostatic
potential from the smaller ion, there would be a greater
probability of having more than one electron at a given
distance from the center of this ion. |
1.1697596.pdf | Physics in 1946
Philip Morrison
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 18, 133 (1947); doi: 10.1063/1.1697596
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1697596
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51Journal
Applied Physics
Volume 18, Number 2 February, 1947
Physics in 1946
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
NINETEEN forty-six was the first year of
peace. Throughout the world, and espe
cially in the United States, the generally difficult
problems of reconversion began in earnest. Re
conversion meant much for physics and physi
cists. The strange symbols of wartime work
the SCR-S84 radars, the HVAR rockets, the
VT fuzes, the compounds of tuballoy-began to
lose their compelling interest and their jealously
guarded secrecy. The great" amateur" wartime
laboratories, where academic physicists and their
industrial and engineering colleagues had worked
so hard and so successfully on war program, be
gan to dwindle. The publication of volumes of
reports began. And physicists went back, a little
rustily, to the problems of the days before the
war. Most of those problems were still there, for
not much fundamental progress had been made
during the war years. But gone was the reluc
tance to do big things, gone the sometimes
valuable, sometimes hampering isolation of the
research worker. Physics, especially nuclear
physics and its related frontier fields, had grown
up. It was pretty well organized, in the wake of
the OSRD and the Manhattan Project.
The work of the year very much reflected the
problems of the physicist. Much work was be
gun, but not very much completed. People had
plans, often great and exciting ones, but still
only plans. Some wits began to talk of the latest
"Physical PREview." Teaching loads were heavy, and the flood of students, good and serious
and deserving students, drew many research
workers away fn?m problems they had almost
begun to remember. New laboratories had sprung
up, like Oak Ridge and the Argonne, and in the
first postwar year began to make their mark on
public research.
Most striking of all was the essential disap
pearance of the peacetime international com
munity of physics. The United States, tired
enough by years. of war bu t still incredibly rich
by the standards of Europe and Asia, was pre
eminently the home of physics. Our once good
communication with the rest of world had
atrophied with the secrecy and the contingencies
of wartime. By the end of the year, only a begin
ning had been made towards a return of the days
when physics was truly international. Few physi
cists hoped more wistfully for anything than for
the full restoration of the ways of peace in travel,
in publications, and in the spirit of a world-wide
The present account is for all these reasons a
fragmentary account, mainly of "work in prog
ress," and mainly of work here in America. But
it is work of the highest promise for physics,
work carried on with the highest hope that in
1947 and the years ahead the best of the old
spirit will come to employ the great new tools
which are the legacy of war.
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51SUPERCONDUCTMTY
One of the most spectacular results of the year
was in the tradition of the world before the war.
Professor Richard A. Ogg, working essentially
alone in the Chemistry Department of Stanford.
University, discovered a substance which is
electrically superconducting at liquid-air tem
peratures and even above.1 This statement has
little in common with the dramatic discoveries
of new particles, but this work may be as funda
mental a step towards the understanding of the
strange phenomenon of superconductivity as
was the finding of the neutron to nuclear physics.
For decades it has been known that some
metals and alloys cooled to very low tempera
tures lost all electrical resistivity. Resistances of
many ohms dropped by twelve or fourteen orders
of magnitude when the transition temperature
was reached. Strange electrical and thermal ex
periments could be performed with such extra
ordinary solids. By moving a ring of the material
out of a magnetic field in which it was cooled, a
current was induced. This current died away
witp a time constant given by the inductance
and the extremely small resistance of the cold
metal. It is told that the Leyden laboratory
workers delighted to prepare such persistent
currents, and to send the loop, still cold in its
Dewar, to a distant place where the lecturer
could demonstrate that the ~urrent was still
flowing, hours or even days after it had been
started up! Such conductors demonstrated Lenz's
law with a vengeance: their low resistivities
meant that the induced currents cancelled the
external fields to a T, and magnetic fields thus
cannot be set up within superconductors. They
are almost perfectly diamagnetic.
The large scale theory of such phenomena is
fairly clear, but it is quite unsure what is the
electronic and atomic mechanism by which the
state of superconductivity is caused. Only one
thing seemed essential: extremely low tempera
tures. No superconductor was known which
showed the effect above ten degrees absolute.
Ogg had long been interested in a famous and
strange set of substances, the solutions of the
alkali metals in liquid ammonia. For twenty
years these materials have provided work for
1 R. A. Ogg, Phys. Rev. 69, 243 (1946).
134 physical chemists concerned with the nature of
ionization in solution. The example which proved
so interesting was the dilute solution of sodium
in ammonia, in concentrations of twenty or
thirty grams of metal per liter of solvent. That
solutions of this kind are sufficiently strange in
their other properties was well known. They
look like metals, with a quickly-frozen solution
having a metallic steely blue luster. At -50°C
or so, the homogeneous solution separates in two
differently-colored phases, bronze and blue, if
slowly cooled. It is not hard to prepare the ma
terial. In one method, an annular glass trap is
employed, attached to a vacuum line.2 Water
and air must of course be kept out. The sodium
metal is placed in the system, and anhydrous
ammonia brought into contact with the metal.
The system is kept cool, below the boiling point
of the ammonia, at -34°C, and the solution
forms. To demonstrate the superconductivity it
is enough to place the liquid solution in its vessel
inside a solenoid coil, and to freeze it in liquid
air within a matter of ten seconds or so. When the
frozen ring is removed from the liquid air, it is
placed near a flip coil, and the magnetic field of
the ring detected by a galvanometer deflection.
A magnetic field will repel the ring strongly, be
cause of the very large negative susceptibility of
the substance. Such tests seem to prove the
superconducting nature of the substance.
It is not quite so simple as that, as usual. Out
of a few score preparations, only a few are suc
cessful. Apparently the large volume change on
freezing causes the solid to crack seriously, and
the resistance is the resistance of the cracks and
not of the solid itself. One must be patient to
find the effect. Two attempts3,4 to confirm Ogg's
work failed to do so, probably for this reason,
but it has been confirmed by at least one other
Why the interest? One more superconductor
for the handbooks does not sound exciting. But
there is a vast difference. This material is a super
conductor not at 5 or 10 degrees absolute tem
perature, but at more than 90oK. Recall that
thermodynamically the gap between these tem-
2 J. W. Hodgins, Phys. Rev. 70, 568 (1946).
3 Boorse, Cook, Pontius, and Zemansky, Phys. Rev.
70, 92 (1946).
4 Daunt, Desirant, Mendelssohn, and Birch, Phys. Rev.
70, 219 (1946). . .
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51peratures is much greater than the gap between
the temperature of liquid air and room tempera
ture. Consider, for instance, the amount of work
required to remove a given amount of heat
energy, say by the'use of a mechanical refrigera
tor. If the region to be cooled is at liquid-air
temperature and the condenser of the refrigera
tor at room temperature, less than one-third as
much work is required as if the heat had to be
moved from a region at lOoK to a condenser
cooled by liquid air. Thus Professor Ogg's
solutions hold the suggestion that a supercon
ductor can perhaps be made at room tempera
ture. One cannot predict such a result, of course,
but it would be a foolhardy statement now to
deny its possibility. A little speculation on what
would happen to laboratory apparatus and in
deed to all electrical devices if fairly large cur
rent density could be achieved without appreci
able ohmic loss is worth while. Even if no such
near-fantastic result ever ensues, the first super
conductor at temperatures so "high" as those
of liquid air is sure to prove a challenge and a
stimulus to the theory of this strange phenom
Ogg predicted this property of the sodium
ammonia system from his own theory5 of the
structure of this unusual substance. His theory
is formally strange and unconventional to most
physicists, and is unconvincing to this author at
least. It involves the notion of paired electrons
which move in cavities in the solvent, after
escaping from the valence bonds of the alkali
metal. These paired electrons have no resultant
spin and satisfy a condition years ago proposed
to explain superconductivity as an effect bound
to occur with particles which have no spin. The
stability of these arrangements and the order-of
magnitude of concentrations and temperatures
do not appear evident from Ogg's so far pre
liminary theory. It is to be hoped that the next
year will bring wider interest in this remarkable
problem both from the experimental and the
theoretical side. There is hardly a laboratory
which cannot make a superconductor now!
Liquid hydrogen generators and the rest of the
special techniques of cryogeny are no longer
5 R. A. Ogg, Phys. Rev. 69, 668 (1946).
The one most characteristic feature of nuclear
physics is the high energy per atom involved in
the reactions. Where chemical reactions release
a few electron volts for each atom involved, the
reactions of nuclear physics release or require
millions. The very fact of such high specific
energies makes it possible to' do experiments in
which only individual atoms take part, observ
ability following only from the highly energetic
nature of the motions and transformations of the
reactants. Nuclear physics-with of course the
spectacular and decisive exception of the chain
reaction of uranium--does not often work with
macroscopic amounts of matter.
But to give even single atoms the millions of
electron volts they need often requires large
scale apparatus. The engineering which is so
typical of such laboratories today began in the
first efforts to concentrate a few million volts in
ions of hydrogen and heavy hydrogen. Since
Rutherford's Cavendish days, this has been done
by simply setting up a few million volts potential
difference in the laboratory (with a,c., as in a
surge transformer set, with electrostaticaIIy
generated d.c., as in the familiar Van de Graaff
machines) and letting the ions .fall through the
potential difference in a vacuum tube. Always
the demand was for higher energy.
The first energy barrier· which it was sought to
overcome was the electrostatic barrier, the
energy required to bring one positively-charged
projectile very near the positively-charged
nucleus. One wanted the charges near enough so
that the nuclear matter could touch and "stick,"
to produce new radioactive nuclei and to initiate
nuclear reactions. The size of this barrier is easy
to compute: the energy of repulsion is Zze2/r,
where ze is the charge of the projectile (generally
e or 2e for protons, deuterons, or alphas), Ze the
charge of the target nucleus, ranging to 94e for
the heaviest known, and the distance r is the
nuclear radius, never much larger than 10-12 cm.
The answer turns out to be some ten million
electron volts needed to cross the barrier for the
most difficult cases. N"o one has yet established
a potential difference above six million or so.
But the desire to produce particles with such
energies has led to ingenious solutions.
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51The most famous of these is the cyclotron, in
which a modest radiofrequency potential differ
ence of a hundred or two kilovolts is applied
again and again to the moving particle which is
bent into a spiral path by a large magnetic field.
Successive passages across the r-f drop occur
uniformly spaced in time and, "re.sonant" with
the r-f frequency, lead to high final energies.
The Crocker cyclotron at Berkeley, the largest
machine of its kind, is capable of making forty
million-volt alpha-particles, which cross any
nuclear barrier with energy to spare, and make
possible many complicated reactions. Why go
The answer is, of course, that there are still
more remote objectives. The probing of nuclear
matter by bringing the" test charge" which is.
the rapidly moving projectile closer and closer
to the nucleus has given us information about
distances of the order of 10-12 cm or somgwhat
less; we would like to look at matter even more
intimately. The closer the impact, the more
energy transferred, the finer the detail of ex
ploration. We learned many years ago that there
were particles of very short life, which we can
not find in our laboratories, but which stream in
to the earth in the cosmic rays. These objects,
known now as mesotrons, because of their mass
of 200 electron masses (intermediate between
that of electron and proton), are believed on
quite general grounds to be associated with
those extraordinary attractive forces which
make nuclear matter sticky, which bind together
the neutrons and protons of the nucleus. The
argument for the connection is essentially this:
The electromagnetic forces are by now familiar.
They are long range forces, falling off as the
inverse square of the distance between two inter
acting particles. Now, these forces, which propa
gate, of course, with the finite velocity of light
can be thought of as caused by the transfer of
quanta between the moving charges. This is
quite evident for the transverse electromagnetic
waves, but it is true at least formally for the
static Coulomb field as well. From this point of
view electric charges are surrounded by quanta.
If there is energy available, these quanta may
be set free to go as far as they will. Otherwise
they must be emitted, last a very short while,
and then be reabsorbed by the particle which
136 emitted them or by another particle nearby. By
analogy the same mechanism is used to account
for nuclear forces by the exchange of mesons,
It turns out that the Compton wave-length,
A = h/mc, of the particles transferred determines
the effective range of the forces. Thus, for quanta,
the rest mass is zero, and the" Compton wave
length" infinite, and the range infinite. The
force decreases only for geometrical reasons, and
is simply inverse-square. But the nuclear forces
act only at short range, about 2 X 10-13 cm. The
rest mass corresponding to such a range is about
two hundred electron masses, just that observed
for the mesons of cosmic rays. The inference is
strong that around nuclear particles there is a
transient cloud of mesons, and that if one supplies
enough energy by collision or even by energetic
"light" quanta, such mesons can be set free. The
study of this mechanism would correspond for
the nuclear forces to the study of Maxwell's
equation, and could lead to the understanding of
the nuclear forces in detail. It must be said that
since the first suggestion of Yukawa in 1936 that
such mesons might exist, reinforced by their
discovery in the cosmic rays two years later, the
best theorists have worn thin their patience on
this theory. No consistent description has yet
been given of the properties of nuclear forces.
All the more has this challenged experimenters
to make mesons in the laboratory and there to
study them in the number and the detail which
is impossible while their source is still only the
cosmic ray.
How much energy does one need? No one
knows. There are clues. Certainly at least 100
Mev is needed, just for the rest energy, known to
be 200 times the 0.51 Mev which is the electron
rest energy. Perhaps they can be made only in
positive and negative pairs, as are electrons in
the field of a nucleus. Then at least 200 Mev is
needed. More will be required to make them in
some quantity, for one must do more than merely
tickle the threshold of the reaction. So a popular
target for the ingenious builders of machines has
been 300 Mev. There are some who think that
many mesons must be made at once rea,lly to
study the details of their creation; these p~~si
mists (or optimists) are planning in billions of
volts, but still for some years in the future!
The first postwar year saw active construction
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51on large machines and smaller prototypes, all
shooting at the 300-Mev target, or thereabouts.6
Most direct attack was that planned long ago at
Berkeley, where a giant cyclotron had been built.
This seventeen-foot magnet was built in 1940,
and used during the war in the experiments which
led to the construction of the great electromag
netic separation plant at Oak Ridge. By simply
extending the cyclotron design to real California
scale, 200-Mev deuterons were expected, some
what short of the popular goal, the more because
such particles directed at nuclear particles have
an effective velocity not much more than half
of that in the laboratory system of reference.
The transferrable energy is given by the velocity
with which the particles are brought together
computed in the frame of reference in which
their center-of gravity is at rest. Even this
energy is most difficult to get with a cyclotron.
In the cyclotron, the particles must all spiral
out in step, at constant phase, returning in each
circuit to the region between the D's, where the
high r-f voltage is applied. The familiar reson
ance condition is that 27rf = eH/mc = "', where
e and m are the charge and relativistic mass of the
. I' (rest energy + kinetic energy) partlc e, l.e., m = , c2
H the constant magnetic field, f the frequency
of the r-f oscillator and '" the angular velocity
of the particle. This implies that the particles
at all radii have the same resonant frequency,
though some go fast and others slow. This is
the key to the success of the machine. But the
mass value, hence the resonant frequency. is
not, in fact, constant, if the relativistic varia
tion of mass with velocity be considered For
200-Mev deuterons this is not a small effect.
The hope was, however, that by running up the
highest possible r-f voltage, several million volts,
some particles could be gotten out in spite of
their having fallen a little out of phase on each
step, for the number of times they need circle in
the machine. is only a hundred. The giant cyclo
tron has indeed been operating at Berkeley since
November 1, producing its deuterons as planned,
but the principle of operation is quite changed,
and the deuterons make not a hundred circles in
their spiral path, but nearer to ten thousand.
6 L. Schiff, Rev. Sci. Inst. 17,6 (1946).
VOLUME 18, FEBRUARY, 1947 And the r-f oscillator is not a giant device pro
ducing thousan.ds of kilowatts but an oscillator
which would be considered small even for an
ordinary-sized cyclotron.
The story of this change is also a story of 1946.
It began, of course, much earlier. The start was
probably the development of the betatron in
which the accelerating voltage is not applied by
any electrodes, but is simply the induced e.m.£.
caused by the changing magnetic flux in the a.c.
magnet, acting on the electrons in their vacuum.
doughnut as if they were the secondary turns of
a transformer. The total induced voltage in
present design is only some seventy-five volt"
per turn, but the electrons come out with a
hundred million volts in the General Electric
betatron. These particles have circled the
primary about a million times, traveling some
thing like a thousand miles in the vacuum tube.
The key to this machine is evidently the stability
of the electron orbits. so that a chance disturb
ance from stray fields or by collision with a gas
molecule does not throw too many electrons
against the glass walls of the vacuum tube. This
is a good machine for energies up to several
hundred million volts. The 100-Mev General
Electric model produced the first man-made
radiation of such high energy, but, in spite of
hopes and even the illusion of success, probably
has made no mesons. Professor Kerst is now en
gaged in constructing a 300-Mev model, of
quite advanced design, at the University of
Illinois in Urbana.
In 1945 Professor E. M. McMillan, then at
Los Alamos, of the University of California.
proposed a new type of acceleration. Actually,
the same proposal had been published months
earlier and completely independently by the
Soviet physicist V. Veksler. The McMillan
Veksler idea7 stems in a way from the demon
stration in the betatron that it was not foolhardy
to plan for very long paths in the vacuum tube,
if the conditions of stability are properly ful
filled by the design of the machine. The fact that
one could count on geometrical stability had
been proved in the betatron. McMillan began to
think of the use of radiofrequency accelerating
electrodes, as in the cyclotron, with stability in
7 E. McMillan, Phys. Rev. 68, 143 (1945); V. Veksler, J. Phys. (USSR) 9, 153 (1945).
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51FIG. 1. The first synchrotron to operate in America.
This device is installed at the General Electric Research
Laboratory at Schenectady, and is under the supervision
of Dr. H. C. Pollock. The vacuum tube is visible between
the magnet poles.
time, or, as he calls it, phase stability. With such
a condition, the resonance condition of the
cyclotron might be far from satisfied by all
particles, and yet eventually after many turns,
the particles might gain a large energy.
For definiteness, think of a particle in the
... _'t..------. __ ---. __
I 2 34
FIG. 2. An oscillogram showing operation of the 75-Mev
GE synchrotron. The trace is cut off every 100 microsec.
(1) marks the time of electron injection. At this time the
machine is operating as a betatron. At (2) the r-f voltage
is turned on. The electrons have by now about two-Mev
energy. At (3) the r-f is turned off and at (4) is a signal
from a photo-multiplier tube placed in the x-ray beam. For
this trace the energy was about 20 Mev.
138 cyclotron at perfect resonance. Each time it
reaches the gap between the accelerating elec
trodes the r-f voltage has reached its maximum.
If the particle happened to arrive a little early, the
r-f voltage has not yet climbed to its maximum
and the particle gets a little less energy than it
should have gotten. It will then make the next
turn in the field with a somewhat too high angu
lar velocity (the equivalent mass is too small)
and arrive still earlier next time. Such a particle
lacks phase stability and will gradually faIl more
and more out of step. It will never gain much
energy. Now consider a very different case, that
of a particle which arrives when the r-f voltage
drop across the gap between electrodes-the
accelerating field-has fallen to zero. This
particle is just 180 electrical degrees out of
phase with the r-f voltage. I t will be in resonance,
but it will gain no energy in passing the gap.
There are two such nodes in the complete cycle.
Let us consider the one in which the voltage
across the gap is changing from being slightly
accelerating through zero to be slightly decelerat
ing. (The other node will not provide stability.)
Now suppose the out-of-phase particle arrives
just a bit early. It will feel a small amount of an
accelerating electric field. It will gain energy, its
equivalent mass will increase, its angular velocity
go down, it will begin to lag, and next time it
will be more nearly 180 degrees out of phase
again. If it came a bit late, it would cross a small
decelerating potential drop, and be reduced in
energy. The mass would go down, the angular
velocity go up, and it would come more closely
to the 180 degree phase. A particle exactly out-of-
FIG. 3. Another oscillogram of synchrotron operation.
The length of the sweep is 1000 microseconds. The trace
begins at the time the r-f was turned off, and the electrons
soon begin to strike the internal target. The irregular signal
shown is taken from the output of a photo-multiplier tube
placed in the emergent x-ray beam. Note the complex
structure of the beam. This effect is still unclear. The
machine is operating between 60 and 70 Mev.
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51~ 5YNCH ROTRON
FIG. 4. The synchrotron
being built at Berkeley for
300-Mev electrons by the
group under Professor E. M.
McMillan. The flux bars re
ferred to bars of iron which
saturate at a modest field.
Until they saturate they
strengthen the central field
of the machine so that the
electrons will accelerate un
der betatron conditions.
\Vhen they saturate the
electrons are moving at a
modest energy, and the syn
chrotron r-f voltage is turned
on. WT" MNA'l "TO ~OW ''''''TlAIOIt..
phase then will have phase stability; it will tend
to maintain this condition both at low and at
relativistic velocities. Now suppose either the
magnetic field or the alternating frequency be
slowly increased, changing a little, but only a
little, during the time the particle is making its
turn in the magnetic field. The stability in phase
will act to insure that the particle increases its
mass to keep resonant with the increased fre
quency. The particle will cross the gap just
enough before the time when the electric field is
zero so that it gains energy sufficient to keep it
near resonance. As long as the frequency or
magnetic field changes slowly, the particle will
oscillate in phase back and forth across the 180
degree time, gaining on the average just enough
energy to be resonant under the new conditions.
Thus after many turns, picking up a very small
amount of the available accelerating energy on
each turn, the particle can reach high energy.
The frequency may be varied with constant
magnetic field, and the particle will spiral out as
its energy increases. Or the r-f frequency and
orbit radius may stay constant or nearly so and
the magnetic field increased. Or combined
changes may be made. In all such devices the
particles will not be accelerated in a steady
stream as in a cyclotron, but in pulses, repeating
as rapidly as the frequency is varied or the
magnetic field made to increase.
VOLUME 18, FEBRUARY, 1947 These devices, of which there is clearly a large
family, are generically called "synchrotrons."
The name is based on the analogy between the
motion of the particles and that of the rotor of a
synchronous motor. The rotor spins at exactly
the synchronous speed .with no load. But loading
the shaft does not change the speed. The phase
slips behind far enough so that the field differ
ences will supply the needed energy to the load.
In the same way the particles in the synchrotron
slip out of exact phasing, "hunting" in fact for
the node, but gaining energy just enough to
compensate for the changing frequency or
magnetic field. 8
The first American synchrotron completed is
a seventy-five million volt electron machine,
Fig. 1. The pulses of fast electrons from this
machine are shown in Fig. 2. A synchrotron was
made even earlier in Britain9 by placing a small
electrode for the r-f voltage inside a betatron
doughnut. The output of the machine went from
four millions to more than double that, since the
saturation of the central part of the magnet core
in the betatron limits the field at the orbit to less
than half of practical design saturation values.
The stability of orbits in the betatron demands
that the central flux change be larger by a
8 D. Bohm and L. Foldy, Phys. Rev. 70, 249 (1946);
H. C. Pollock, Phys. Rev. 69, 125 (1946).
9 Goward and Barnes, Nature 158, 413 (1946).
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:515VNC.HROTRON VACUUM CHAMl>ER A~EM illY
t;AC.H POLL P,f.(.L CDMRl5EO 0'-FORT.,.. ~C.T()II.~. ~ $ ... TO"
.......... >JATEI> OF .014 I"''''' T .. ,(.,,-$PE<;.j",,- STKL 4"nT ~~NJ'EU
Wl1"I1 ,....uL ... T' ... " <-, VA<'VWM-PR.oOF 'R~l)Ul(~ fI,IOIVIO\J"'<, $£"TO"'$ AU
",",PA,QAYtt:l W'i~ ji J~ ~&~R... '-A$1<.,5."T6.
LDWl:.R. rolE.
srUf> STt.M DRIVlfJG _ STE.M FIG. 5. The vacuum as
sembly for the Berkeley
synchrotron. Note the r-f
electrode "dee." It is con·
structed as a grid instead of
as a solid electrode to reduce
eddy-current losses and fields
which would be set up by the
strong a.c. magnetic field.
The r·f energy is supplied by
a pulsed water-cooled oscil
lator at about 48 megacycles.
The stubs are provided to
adjust the position of the
nodes on this rather high
impedance structure.
OOT"E.I\. (,R>D 110'.:>£0 -n:> O\J'l'E1l: VA". c.HAMeu WA.u... 1\1 A:>5C>J\1!IIx.
nRJ'-ltt-lG " $Tt1& $T£M~ ~"'fI.O Tl) o.>n\ot. OF ~u.... ,"",0 ~c..~D
T .. 'W WAu.. -ro 'IJJ.J~ 6ft10 <:If OEE.
definite factor than that at the orbit. Synchrotron
stability does not require any such condition, for
the voltage gain comes from the r-f field imposed
by electrodes, aI,.ld not from the transformer
effect except incidentally. The GE machine
actually begins the acceleration of its electrons
as a betatron; then, when they have reached an
appropriate starting energy, the r-f is turned on.
The giant cyclotron is working now accelerat
ing heavy particles not as a conventional cyclo
tron, but as a synchrotron, or as it is sometimes
called, a synchro-cyclotron. Frequency modula
tion of the r-f supply accomplished by a rapidly
rotating condenser in the plate tank of the r-f
FIG. 6. Photograph of a model of the Berkeley synchro
tron showing the driving stem and stubs.
140 oscillator brings out the high energy beam, after
thousands of turns, with a modest amount of
r-f power. The synchrotron principle maintains
resonance acceleration in spite of the relativistic
variation of mass.10 The synchro-cyclotron ac
celerates deuterons, which are caused so far to
strike an internal beryllium target, producing a
beam of very fast neutrons. The first operation
of the machine was on schedule, November 1,
1946, and experiments with the new fast neu
trons are already in progress. No mesons have
FIG. 7. The other side of the synchrotron model, showing
the vacuum pumps in their pit, and the large vacuum
10 Richardson, MacKenzie, Lofgren, and Wright, Phys.
Rev. 69,669 (1946).
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51FIG. 8. A general view of the giant Berkeley cyclotron, now operating for 200-j\Iev deuterons as a
synchro-cyclotron. Note the large radial crane of thirty-ton capacity overhead, the magnet with its
184" pole pieces (there is a man visible against the right leg of the magnet yoke), the two 32" oil
diffusion pumps used for evacuating the vacuum "can," whose thick iron walls are visible between
the pole pieces, and the rails, to the left of the pumps, used for removing the ion source. The tem
porary concrete block shielding wall and a cloud-chamber set-up are seen at the right. (The photo
graphs of this machine were furnished through the kindness of Professor R. L. Thornton, in charge
of the giant cyclotron group at Berkeley.)
yet been seen; but important results on the
nature of nuclear forces seem sure already
(December IS, 1946). It is planned to bring the
deuteron beam itself out of the machine in the
near future.
Michigan,!1 Massachusetts Institute of Tech
nology, Cornell, the General Electric Laboratory,
Berkeley, and no doubt other laboratories are
now engaged in design and construction of
synchrotron-type electron accelerators of the
300-Mev size, in a variety of ingenious exempli
fications of the same principle. The mechanical
and electrical engineering problems involved in
such work are not small, and many a design
variant may have its own special advantages.
General problems like starting the particles in
their orbits, removing the particles from the
machine after acceleration, detection methods
specially suited to these pulsed sources, and
11 H. R. Crane, Phys. Rev. 69, 542 (1946); Phys. Rev.
70, 800 A (1946); Pollock et al, Phys. Rev. 70, 798 (A)
VOLUME 18, FEBRUARY, 1947 many others may be expected to build up a whole
science of very high energy physics in the next
year or two.
One simple and elegant achievement of the
year in this field was the first successful removal
of a high energy electron beam from the Urbana
betatron, at about 20 Mev.12 The device which
did the work is simply a piece of iron shaped like
a U-channel, mounted in the vacuum doughnut
in the right position. The electrons enter the
U-shaped slot, where the iron walls shield them
from most of the magnetic field, and shoot out
in the field-free space in a straight line to a target
or a thin window outside the machine. The
success of this device should make possible many
experiments with fast electrons, up till now never
available in a well-directed beam.
The idea of bending the fast particles in circu
lar orbits and causing them to retrace their steps
is evidently economical. But if the magnet grows
12 Skaggs, Almy, Kerst, and Lanzi, Phys. Rev. 70, 95
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51FIG. 9. A view of the big cyclotron from the side oppusite to that shown in Fig. 8. In the
right foreground. on the truck which moves on rails in the floor. are mounted the round vacuum
housing for the rotating condenser, its associated vacuum pump, behind them the oscillator
housing. The vacuum chamber is here shown clearly in operating position in the field. To the
left may be seen the horizontal rod, which extends into the vacuum chamber holding the in
ternal beryllium probe against which the beam is made to strike. Neutrons were produced at
100 Mev or more on N"ovember 1, 1946.
to be very large the economy of the scheme begins
to seem less obvious. Perhaps it is better to let
the particles fly in a straight line down a long
tube. If one can set up a certain electric field
strength, the cost of the linear accelerator goes
up about as its length (the parts are simply re
peatedly placed end-to-end); but if a large
magnet needs to be scaled up with the magnetic
field kept constant, the volume, weight, and
hence the major part of the cost will go up as the
cube of the radius. But the energy of particles in
their equilibrium orbits goes up only as the radius
or, if they are still moving much more slowly
than light, as the square of the radius. Thus for
sufficiently high energy a linear accelerator will
be cheaper than a scaled-up magnetic device.
The idea is an old and unsuccessful one; but the
familiarity with microwave techniques gained in
wartime makes it appear practical once more.
Professor Alvarez at Berkeley is now engaged in
building a large linear accelerator for protons.
Protons enter the machine with a few million
142 volts energy, from a one-step accelerator, in this
case a Van de Graaff machine. The vacuum tube
down which they fly is one long resonator, made
of many resonant cavities placed back-to-back
and so driven by individual but phased micro
wave oscillators at 150 cm that the moving pro
tons enter each cavity in phase with an accelerat
ing electric field. By the time they cross the
cavity, one cycle has elapsed, the field behind has
dropped to zero, and the next cavity is beginning
to acquire an accelerating electric field. There is
one difficulty with this simple picture. The
protons do not move with uniform velocity, but
constantly increase in velocity. If the cavities are
driven, as they must be, by an oscillation of one
frequency, some trick must be used to keep the
protons in step. This is done by adjusting the
repeat length of the resonant cavities l so that
ll(f = Ale where A is the wave-length of the driv
ing oscillator and rIle the velocity of the particle
relative to that of light. If the outside cavity
diameter is held fixed, the cavities must be
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51modified in shape to keep them resonant, though
of different lengths. In transmission line language
the line is a loaded line. A short coaxial cylinder
is placed inside the outer cavity cylinder, and the
protons move down the axis of the whole cavity.
Adjusting the diameter of these central tubes
keeps resonance. Each cavity will during half
the cycle be decelerating: the electric field will
point the wrong way. During this time the
proton must be inside the central tubes, and
shielded from the wrongly-directed field. The
tubes are hence called drift tubes, because within
them the protons" drift" under no field.J3 To
maintain phase stability and geometrical focus
ing, it is necessary to place conductors athwart
the drift tubes, through which the protons must
pass. Thin beryllium foils have been developed
for this work. In trials more than a million volts
per foot has been developed in a cavity. As yet
no coupled cavities have been tried for accelera
tion, !:lut the first forty-foot unit is soon to be
tried out. It is expected that it will be delivering
protons at more than thirty-two million volts by
February, 1947. New high power radar oscillators
FIG. 10. A close-up of the rotating vacuum condenser
whose housing is seen in Fig. 9. The many teeth which
produce the varying capacity are plainly visible. The
oscillator frequency, which is in the neighborhood of 10
Mc, is varied about 20 percent at a modulation rate of a
few hundred times per second by means of this device.
13 Oppenheimer, Johnston, and Richman, Phys. Rev. 70,
447 A (1946); L Alvarez, Phys. Rev. 70, 799 A (1946).
VOLUME 18, FEBRUARY, 1947 FIG. 11. The forty-foot linear accelerator at Berkeley.
Note the large tank of the horizontal pressure Van de
Graaff machine at the far right. This is the ion source for
the machine. The outer steel tank for the linear accelerator
tube itself is conspicious, flanked by the thirty-odd war
surplus l.S-m radar oscillators on either side. Protons in
the thirty-to-forty-million volt range are expected by
February, 1947. New high power magnetrons are under
construction to replace the many oscillators shown here.
Only a few of the new magnetrons would be needed for a
forty-foot section. (Photo from Professor L. W. Alvarez,
heading the linear accelerator group.)
have been developed for the job, using the pulsed
magnetron principle. Here again the output
beam will be pulsed at a rather slow audiofre
quency, for the sake of magnetron cooling and
A similar linear accelerator but without the
drift tubes and without phase stability can be
built for particles moving near the speed of
light.14 High energy electrons are planned for
at M.LT. and at Purdue by groups working on
the design of such a device.
If mesons are not made in 1947, it will not be
for want of effort! It is to be hoped that enough
leisure will be left to plan the experiments which
these machines will make possible.
The year was marked by the widespread if
delayed publication of results of the key war
projects in physics, and above all, by the return
to their old laboratories of hundreds of war-ex
perienced physicists, brimful of information
about what had been done, and confident in
their understanding of whole fields of technique
which had been vague general possibilities in
14 J. Slater, Phys. Rev. 70, 749 A (1946).
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:511. Radar
To this author one of the most fascinating
p'art~ of micro~ave radar has been the duplica
tiOn m the radiO spectrum of the familiar results
of physical optics. The" optics" of microwaves
mirrors, ~~atings, diffraction at openings-are by
now famlhar to everyone. Not so familiar is the
microwave lens.16 An optical lens works, of
course, because the phase velocity of the electro
magnetic wave is reduced by the coherent scat
tering of the bound electrons in the dielectric.
Shaping the lens is a matter of adjusting the
delay introduced along each ray path to produce
a net wave front with the form desired usuallv
changing the radius of curvature while I~aving ~
spher~cal incoming wave still approximately
sphencal. No one has made bound electrical
oscillators on a larger scale for microwave optical
glass: But the fact has been used that the prop
agatiOn of a wave in a wave guide, a region
bounded by conducting walls, proceeds with an
increased phase velocity, greater than that of
light in free space. (If the reader is worried about
relativity, he should review the distinction 'be
tween wave and group velocity.) By spacing a
set of copper plates, their planes parallel to the
direction of propagation of the wave, a half
wave-length apart, a change in the phase velocity
of the microwave can be secured. Shaping these
plates in forms not unlike those of ordinary optics
(b.ut with a refractive index always less than one)
microwave lenses can be made which quite suc
cessfully act as condensing lens, and even pro
duce a fairly sharp focus. They are of course good
only for one wave-length. "Chromatic aberra
tion" is large!
Quite the opposite point of view has been used
with good effect in recently-reported experi
ments using microwave radar technique. These
experiments were really experiments in measur
ing the absorption spectrum of water vapor
molecules in the region of wave-lengths from 7
mm to about 1. 7 cm. An absorption line was
found at 1.34 cm and its shape measured as a
function of the pressure. The same line could be
predicted roughly from the older work on the
rotational fine structure in the infra-red region
around 20 microns wave-length. Absorption ~
16 W. E. Kock, Proc. I. R. E. 34, 828 (1946).
144 of course a quantum phenomenon and it is
satisfying to see that the analysis: of the in
strument-the "spectroscope"-employed came
very naturally if one remembered the quantum
nature of microwaves,16
The instrument consisted of an eight-foot
cubical box of copper, arranged to be filled with
moist air. Through the box were strung, at
random, the detectors, in this case thermo
couples .. The box was coupled to a pulsed magne
tron OSCillator-several were used to get points
a.t several wave-lengths-and the' space-and
ttme.-averaged energy density measured as pro
portt.onal to the thermoelectric e.m.f. This energy
denSity for a constant excitation is compared
with and without the water vapor. The oscillator
pumps a fixed number of quanta into the box
each second. These quanta are eventually ab
sorbed, either by the walls of the box, the thermo
couples, solder, air, and fingerprints of any actual
~xperiment, o~ by the molecules of water vapor
m the box. Smce the thermocouple reading is
proportional to the density of quanta built up
m the box, all that is required is to compare the
rate of loss due to the water vapor with some
known absolute rate of loss of quanta, and the
absorption of water vapor is known for that
particular wave-length. But how to get an
absolute loss rate? It is difficult to compute such
a quantity for walls of a copper cube, the more
because of the actual complex nature of the
experimental geometry. But the quantum idea
gives a direct method. It is necessary only to
make a hole in the side of the box. All the quanta
that strike the hole must leave the box. This
number can be calculated just as the number of
molecules leaving an orifice to form a molecular
beam can be calculated. The expression is just
the familiar kinetic theory formula: tM": 'amber
of quanta leaving through a hole of ar per
second is given by lnc, where n is the nmff 'er of
quanta per ,unit volume and c, of cours¢i!i-their
mean velocity-the velocity of light. The whole
method of procedure was checked both by ex
periment and by the more complicated exact
calculations of wave theory.
Randomness had to be guarante~d. No stand
ing wave pattern could be allowed. This was as-
16 W. E. Lamb, Phys. Rev. 70, 309 (1946); Becker and
Autier, Phys. Rev. 70, 300 (1946).
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51FIG. 12. A face of the shielding wall of the graphite
moderated pile at the Clinton Laboratories at Oak Ridge.
The operation shown is that of exposing a sample to a
strong neutron flux, for the production of a radio isotope.
The sample in an aluminum holder is being inserted into
a hole in a graphite block can be pushed back along a s!ot
into the interior of the pile. The slot is then filled with
more graphite blocks to complete the structure, and the
shield hole is then plugged. Note the many removable
"stringers" of graphite for which shield openings are pro
sured by the slow rotation of some copper
bladed fans within the enclosure, which changed
the geometry and made it sure that a random set
of normal modes was excited. Diffraction effects
were small, because the hole was made large
compared to the wave-length. Apertures up to
several hundred square centimeters in area were
used. The whole experiment not only gave re
sults and pioneered a method sure to be useful
for the study of molecular structure, but formed
a beautiful illustration of the unity of our dual
picture of radiation.
A number of other gas absorption studies have
been made at microwave frequencies, using more
conventional techniques, like attenuation in a
wave guide, or using the atmospheric propaga
tion itself.'7
2. Atomic Energy
The chain reaction of uranium and its con
sequences are too well known and too extensive
to give any general account here. The slow but
steady publication of the results of this project
will eventually form a sizeable branch of nuclear
physics, as they now do in secrecy. The great
17 Beringer, Phys. Rev. 70, 53 (1946); Dicke et al., Phys.
Rev. 70, 340 (1946); Townes, Phys. Rev. 70, 665 (1946).
VOLUME 18, FEBRUARY, 1947 FIG. 13. A face of the "hot lab" at the Clinton Labora
tories. This is a concrete cubicle fitted to permit the re
mote operation of chemical plant adequate f?r. the in
organic separations needed !o produce pure radIO Isot?peS
from fission product. The air and st~am valve~ and h!les,
the thermocouple potentiometer, plalll.ly seen III !he nght
foreground are typical for any chemical operatlO!l' The
periscopes through which the operators are ~atchlllg the
reaction behind the concrete wall are the eVidence of the
special problems met in the handling of kilogram equiv
alents of radium.
continuing laboratories at Chicago, Oak Ridge,
Los Alamos, and Berkeley, as well as the new
regional laboratory at Brookhaven, Long Island,
and the power development laboratory at Sche
nectady will become an integral part of American
physics. Some topics selected out of the many
possibilities from the Manhattan project wi'll be
sketched here.
a. Isotopes
Some hundreds of separate lots of artificial
radioactive isotopes have been sold to research
workers already by the Isotope Section, Research
Division, Manhattan Engineer District, PO Box
E, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This activity will
surely continue and expand under the newly
formed Atomic Energy Commission, which took
over control of the great project from the Army
on January 1, 1947. The long-lived soft beta
emitter, CI4, made in the high neutron flux of the
Clinton graphite pile by the reaction N14(n,p)C14
which goes well with thermal neutrons, is the
material of greatest interest as a tracer in bi
ological studies. The two-week beta-emitter,
P32, is also in demand, chiefly for its therapeutic
value in some cases of leukemia and related dis
eases. It is made by neutron capture in the
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51FIG. 14. A microphotograph of the first sample of the
new element americium (Z-95) ever isolated. The lower
part of the photograph shows the eye of an ordinary needle
to fix scale. Ab<?ve it is a smal! glass capillary, which is the
test tube for this sort of chemistry. In the capillary can be
seen the curved meniscus of the supernatant solution. At
the i;>ottom tip of the inside of the glass capillary is the
~raYlsh precipitate of americium hydroxide. (Photo furn
Ished by Professor G. T. Seaborg, discoverer of Am.)
normal phosphorus isotope, P31. A third popular
product is 1131, which is a fission product, pro
duced in the exposed uranium metal slugs of the
pile. These three are only examples, but they
indicate the three types of reactions which go
with ease in the reacting pile. The technique of
separating a particular radioactive isotope out
of the complicated mixture which may be formed
by bombardment is well shown in Figs. 12 and
13. It always involves remotely controlled
chemical operations, with all personnel pro
tected from the radiation emitted by thousands
or tens of thousands of curies of activity, The
handling of large amounts of radioactive sub
stances is now a well-developed branch of
b. The Transuranic Elements
The element of highest atomic number and
highest atomic weight which is found in nature
is of course uranium. But the periodic table now
goes well beyond that. In the year 1946 the dis
closure and naming of the transuranics had pro-
146 gressed through neptunium, number 93, and
plutonium, 94, to americium, 95, and curium,
96.18 In 1942 plutonium was produced only by
cyclotron bombardment beginning with natural
uranium. It was obtained in microgram amounts,
and the extraordinary techniques developed by
the radio chemists to handle such ultra-micro
chemistry have been admired widely by now.
The elements at the top of the table are still
made in microgram amounts by cyclotron
bombardment. But the starting point may now
be the man-made element plutonium, available
in kilogram lots! It is interesting that the chem
istry of the transuranics, especially of trivalent
curium and americium, seems to prove that a
new rare earth like series of the periodic table
begins with actinium, atomic number 90, and
that successive elements essentially are made by
adding electrons, not to the outermost 7 s shell,
but to fill the 5f shell. This is in close analogy to
the rare earths, which may be called the lan
thanides, for at lanthanum the 4f shell begins to
be filled. The transuranics we should call acti
It is appropriate here to say that identity and
name are now suggested, though not yet officially,
for all the elements of the table up to curium,
96.18 The blanks are to be filled in this way, all
by known radioactive isotopes of the element in
question: Element 43 will be named by Professor
Segre of Berkeley, probably to be called tech
nesium, from techne-art, to indicate that it is
artificial only. I t has no stable isotopes. The
previous identification of a stable 43, called
masurium, is certainly in error. Element 61 is
now known to be a rare earth fission product.
No name has been suggested as yet. Element 85,
an unstable halogen, will be called by the beauti
ful name astasine, from a-not, and stasis-stand
ing still. Element 87 is known from radioactive
work only, not chemically, and on these not
quite complete grounds may be named francium,
since it was discovered in this sense by a French
radio chemist, and is believed to be a homologue
of cesium.I9
18 Seaborg, Science (Oct. 25, 1946).
19 See, for example: Seaborg and Segre, Phys. Rev. 55,
808 (1939) for element 43, Corson, MacKenzie, and Segre,
Phys. Rev. 57, 459, 1087 (1940) for element 85, Perey, J.
de phys. et rad. 10,453 (1939) for element 87. Private com
munications from E. Segre, D. Corson, C. Coryell, and A.
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51c. The Pile as an Instrument
The chain-reacting pile forms an excellent
device for the determination of the probability
of neutron absorption, especially for thermal
neutron absorption, by any material. The sub
stance is placed into the reacting structure at a
point where the neutron density is fairly high.
At such a place, evidently, the absorption of
neutrons will have an important effect on the
criticality of the whole structure. Since the time
required for the neutron density to double in a
barely-critical pile is approximately proportional
to the difference between the actual reproduction
factor of the structure and unity, careful meas
urements of pile level changes with and without
samples introduced provide a very sensitive way
of measuring neutron absorption. Macroscopic
samples are used, of course, and the cross section
per atom can be measured at least relatively with
high accuracy. This method has been applied to
many elements-all that could be tried-and
even, for engineering purposes, to manufactured
materials. By oscillating the sample to and fro,
from one point of the pile to another where the
neutron density was quite different, sinusoidal
change in neutron level of the whole pile is pro
duced.20 This allows the elimination of slow drifts
and the amplification of the effects by the use of
resonant galvanometer systems. In the hands of
the group at Oak Ridge this has become a method
suitable for both precision measurement of ab
sorption cross sections, in favorable cases, and
in the detection of very small cross sections. A
general review of all the neutron cross sections
over the whole periodic table is in preparation
based on the extensive project work. The pile
work was mainly done at the Argonne Labora
tory in Chicago and the Clinton Laboratory at
Oak Ridge; very beautiful work in the region of
fast neutrons was done mainly at Los Alamos;
and neutron spectroscopy, with cyclotron veloc
ity selectors or with crystals (see below) at all
these places and by sub-contract at Cornell and
Columbia. Much of this work is in the press for
release; some has appeared this past year.21
20 E. O. Wollan, in press.
21 For example: Bailey et al., Phys. Rev. 70, 583 (1946)
Barschall, Battat, and Bright, Phys. Rev. 70, 458 (1946)
Rainwater and Havens, Phys. Rev. 70, 136, 154 (1946)
H. H. Goldsmith, a survey article in press.
VOLUME 18, FEBRUARY, 1947 d. The Pile as a Source of Neutrons
A well-collimated beam of thermal neutrons
defined by cadmium slits only millimeters wide
and meters apart was long a dream of neutron
physicists. When the intensity in addition leaves
little to be desired, real progress has been made.
This was made clear in 1946 by the experiments
reported from the Manhattan Project-still
only fragmentarily-in which the beam of neu
trons from a pile was put to work. The Bragg
crystal diffraction of neutrons is not a new effect.
It has been somewhat obscurely demonstrated
in several laboratories. A neutron moving with
the energy corresponding to thermal equilibrium
in the lattice of the block of graphite in which it
has been slowed has a wave-length of a few
angstroms. This is just right to give strong low
order diffraction maxima from natural crystal
gratings. The effect has been put to work in the
construction of crystal spectrometers,22 using not
x-ray tubes, sources of the diffracted waves, brass
slits, and photographic plates for detectors, but
cadmium slits defining a sharp beam of thermal
neutrons f[(?m the pile, and boron-filed ionization
chambers as detectors, The apparatus has had
many uses. At Chicag022 the neutrons have been
used to investigate the scattering of neutrons
from crystalline compounds. The neutron is
scattered with different phase and amplitude by
different nuclei. The intensity of scattering
FIG. 15. Another section of the face of the Clinton pile.
This suggests at least the kind of geometry applicable to
the production of a strong collimated neutron beam. A
beam is here emerging from a small hole in the pile face
(the opening marked 20) and being caught in the large lead
brick housing in the center of the photo.
22 Abstracts by Fermi, Zinn, Sturm, Turkel, and L.
Marshall, Phys. Rev. 70, 103 (1946); Borst et ai., Phys.
Rev. 70,557 (1946).
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51FIG. 16. J\ German-built V-2 rocket being made ready for
flight at the proving grounds in the White Sands region of
New Mexico. Note the truck at the left evidently supply
ing the liquid oxygen fuel to the rocket.
determines the probability of the process, or the
scattering cross section. This has long been in
vestigated. But the interference of the scattered
amplitudes from the planes of differing nuclei in
crystals, or even in molecules, gives a way to
measure the hitherto unmeasured phase shifts in
the scattered neutron wave. They show up in the
relative intensities of the different orders of
diffraction from various crystal planes, for ex
ample. This effect has no parallel in x-ray dif
fraction, where the wave is electromagnetic and
its phase shift uniform. When this complication
is unravelled, use of the neutron diffraction as a
supplement to x-ray crystal analysis is likely to
interest the workers in this field. Neutrons feel
the effect of hydrogen and especially deuterium
atoms much more than do x-rays, which are
capable of interaction only with the electron
cloud. This may lead to the study of the hydrogen
atom location in some compounds with the aid
of neutrons. The neutrons which have been
thermalized leak out of the pile with a velocity
distribution just that of a molecular beam of
hydrogen leaking out of a chamber at a little
above room temperature. Collimated and di
rected suitably against a crystal of salt or calcite
148 or what you will, a spectrum of the neutrons
will be spread out in angle, according to the
well-known Bragg law, n"A = dsinll. Here A is the
de Broglie wave-length, "A = h:mv, and thus the
distribution in angle is a distribution in velocity.
Putting absorbers in the diffracted beam at any
angle will serve to produce the attenuation for
the energy of neutrons present at that angle of
deflection. This is a physically monochromatic
beam of neutrons, not simply a device for
selecting the effects of a particular velocity
group, like all the familiar time-modulated
schemes. Energy resolution and range of usable
energies is about as good as the best time-modu
lation schemes, and-apart from the pile-very
much simpler. This scheme has been responsible
already for the mapping of several resonance
peaks in neutron absorption, for example those
of In, Rh, Sm, Eu, and Gd.
FIG. 17. A war-head of the V-2 fitted with research
apparatus, in this case the electronic circuits of a cosmic
ray telescope whose Geiger-Muller tubes "look" through
the openings in the war-head. This installation was made
by the Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins, at
Silver Springs, Maryland.
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51The strong beam has given us one result of
decisive importance, a precision re-measurement
of the magnetic moment of the neutron.23 At the
Argonne Laboratory, the heavy-water moderated
pile, which produces a strong thermal beam, was
used as the source for an experiment measuring
the magnetic moment of the neutron by polariz
ing and analyzing the neutrons with ferromag
nets through which they passed. The magnetic
moment was obtained by observing the resonant
frequency at which the polarized beam was
partly depolarized by induced transitions in a
magnetic field, coming from the Larmor preces
sion of the neutron magnetic moment. (This is
the exact experiment of Alvarez and Bloch, an
analog to those of Rabi with molecular and
atomic beams.) The proton and deuteron mo
ments were measured as calibrating data in the
same magnetic field, using the method of nu
clear induction in one form (see below). The
result was given a conservatively estimated pre
cision of one part in fifteen hundred. To this
accuracy the magnetic moment of the deutreron
is shown now to be just that of the free neutron
plus that of the free proton plus a small calculable
contribution arising from the non-spherically
symmetric motion of the proton in the deuteron,
the known slightly cigar-shaped distribution of
charge. No effect of the binding on the nuclear
particles themselves is found, to a rather high
accuracy. This point is a long debated one in the
theory of the lightest nuclei, and sets a necessary
condition to be met by any meson theory of the
3. Rockets
The great technical development of the Axis
Powers during the war was certainly the V-2
rocket. For the first time it was possible to launch
a projectile of some size into the region beyond
the atmosphere. This wartime feat again has
meaning for physics. Last year two dozen
rockets were launched in New Mexico, most of
them reaching altitudes of fifty miles or more.
The flight lasts for several minutes, and up to a
ton of apparatus can be carried aloft. In coopera
tion with the ordnance and industrial teams en
gaged in stud)ling the rockets as weapons,
23 Arnold and Roberts, Phys. Rev. 70, 766 (1946); d.
Alvarez and Bloch, Phys. Rev. 57, 111 (1940).
VOLUME 18, FEBRUARY, 1947 1-=
::> I-5
<:t 3150,000
100,000 J -"\, -200 5£.
1505£(; .... :.·
)' t , I. .,
:~ 100 SEC. 1
;.~ 250 SEC.
-.-300 SEC.
::-. 50 SEC.
o J o ii' J iii i J iii i I
50,000 100,000 I!5O,OOO
FIG. 18. The graph of the spectacular trajectory of a
successful V-2 flight, The high altitude data were obtained
by radar tracking. Note that about four minutes is passed
in regions beyond the reach of balloons or planes, above
100,000 feet. Not long, but something!
several laboratories have taken advantage of the
chance to study the region beyond the atmos
phere. Here are the cosmic-ray primary particles,
not yet complicated by cloudbursts of secondary
particles which they cause on striking the atmos
phere. Here may be measured the spectrum of the
sun and of the stars, not through the dark glass
of the air, but as they come through empty
space. Both spectra and cosmic-ray measure
ments have been made with interesting results.24
Too little has yet been done to draw any valid
conclusions, but it is certain that the exploration
24 GoHan, Krame, and Perlow, Phys. Rev. 70, 776 (1946);
private communication from Applied Physics Laboratory,
Silver Springs, Maryland.
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51of space beyond the air will have real importance
for more than one.field of physics.
For the years since its discovery, the meson
has been examined in the cosmic ray in an effort
to measure all its properties. Most fundamental,
after its charge, is perhaps its rest mass. If the
cosmic-ray meson is that predicted in connection
with nuclear force theories, its mass should be
somewhere between 150 and 250 times that of
the electron. Up until 1946 about twenty-five
mesons had been observed with sufficient ac
curacy to make possible some measurement of
their mass. The spread in values was great, and
it was by no means sure that the meson had only
one definite mass. Perhaps the meson was not a
unique particle but a whole family. .
An excellent experiment just reported25 seems
to have shown that the ordinary meson which
makes up the penetrating component of cosmic
rays at sea level has one mass, about 202 ± 5
times the electron rest mass.
This measurement was made by a very careful
and successful application of the usual technique.
The method of measuring the mass is ordinarily
this: The momentum of the meson can be meas
ured by measuring the curvature of its path as
made visible in a cloud chamber across which
there is applied a known constant magnetic
field. This measurement is made, di«icult»)' the
accidental deflections of the track C of droplets
caused by the irregular and turbulent motion of
air in the cloud chamber. Then the ionization
which the particle produces is measured, by
counting the droplets left in the chamber gas,
or by seeing what thickness of matter it will
penetrate before it comes to rest. This gives the
rate at which the particle loses energy by inter
action with the electrons of matter, and this is
known as a function of the velbcity of the particle.
The' scheme then is to measure the curvature of
the track and on the same particle to determine
what thickness of lead it will penetrate. The
experiment here reported divided up these
,measurements between two cloud chambers.
The upper chamber was free of any obstacles, and
carefully controlled in temperature. Track curva-
26 W. B. Fretter, Phys. Rev. 70, 625 (1946).
150 ture could be measured with minimum difficulty
from turbulence. A second chamber Illounted
two feet below the first and in the same plane was
expanded simultaneously, and photos were taken
of both chambers. The lower chamber was
crossed by eight half-inch sheets of lead. By
observing in which plate the track appeared to
end the range in lead could be gotten to fair ac
curacy, and the velocity calculated. The particles
observed could be assigned a momentum with a
spread due to the error in curvature measure
ment, and a range with the error coming from the
finite plate thickness and other sources. The
particles then could each be assigned a mass and
a definite error. The spread of values was from
142 to 264 electron masses. Statistical analysis
of the data gives the result that a unique mass of
202 m is quite consistent with the data. The
observations agree among themselves just as
well as can be expected from their individual
estimated errors. These mesons have the single
mass 202 m.
For some years the magnetic moment ,which is
intrinsic to nuclear particles and to their motion
within the nucleus has been an important object
of study. This is a very small magnetic moment
indeed, roughly two thousand times less than
that associated with a single atom. First evidence
for and some measurements of these tiny mag
netic dipoles were spectroscopic. They interacted
with the current respesented by the orbital
motion of the electrons around the nucleus in the
atom, and the different orientations the nuclear
magnetic moment assumed in the magnetic field
resulting from the electrons' motion gave rise to
atomic energy levels. These levels are very close
together: the energy difference is very small, and
the difference in frequency and hence wave
length of the emitted spectral lines very small
indeed. Lines which originate in this way are
said to be lines of the hyperfine structure of
spectra. About ten years ago another and more
elegant method was devised, which reached its
present form in the work of Professor Rabi and
his co-workers at Columbia. Here the nuclei are
examined as they stream in molecular beams.
Such beams are made to pass through strong in-.
homogeneous magnetic fields. The nuclear mag-
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51FIG. 19. The receiver-transmitter coils first used to meas
ure the nuclear magnetic moment by nuclear induction.
The four heavy turns are the transmitter coil, and the more
finely-wound receiver coil is seen within, its axis at right
angles to the transmitter coil. Within the receiver coil is
placed the sample encased in a half-inch spherical glass
bulb. The whole arrangement is shielded heavily. Openings
in the shield allow the installation of a rotating copper
paddle for adjusting stray fields from without. (Photo
graph by Professor Felix Bloch of Stanford University,
where this work was done.)
netic dipoles feel a force which will depend upon
their quantized orientation in space, and the
molecular beam will split into several compon
ents. These components are each deflected by a
different amount, and the deflection may be
measured. The deflections one gets with any
realizable magnetic fields are small, of the order
of hundredths of a millimeter. The method could
not by the nature of things be very precise. An
elegant adaptation of the molecular beam tech
nique was made by Rabi. He used'two equal but
oppositely directed inhomogeneous fields. The
beam passes through the first and is split into its
components. Then the beam is reunited by
passage through the second, and strikes a de
tector. But between the analyzer and the second
field there is placed a third region. Here a uniform
magnetic field is produced, and also a small
radiofrequency magnetic field. The large uni
form field has of course no effect on the nuclear
VOLUME 18, FEBRUARY, 1947 FIG. 20. Oscilloscope traces of the nuclear induction
signal. The vertical deflection is proportional to the
precessing magnetic moment (or its component in the
direction of the axis of the receiver coil), the horizontal
deflection to the applied d.c. magnetic field, which has a
small, 60-cycle variation in magnitude. The traces shown
are those of the proton signal from a water sample. In the
top trace the applied field is above the resonance field on
the average. The d.c field was lowered in about a second's
time to a value below resonance. The proton signal de
creased slowly. The next three traces were taken at suc
cessive five-second intervals after the reduction of the d.c.
field. Note that the signal slowly reverses to a below-re
sonance condition, though no external change is now going
on. This time lag, or "memory," is the consequence of the
time it takes for the small nuclear magnets to realign
themselves into thermal equilibrium with the new applied
field. The time is clearly a few seconds in the case of water.
(The double trace is a result of stray 6O-cycle pick-up,
which separated the forth-and back sweep in the camera
dipoles. But the radiofrequency "quanta" may
be absorbed whenever their frequency reaches a
value such that the quantum energy hv equals
the energy difference between one orientation of
the nuclear magnet in the uniform field and an
other one. Classically one writes hv = JLII, where
II is the uniform field strength and JL the mag
netic moment of the nucleus. Fields around a
thousand gauss correspond to resonant fre
quencies of a few megacycles for'typical nuclei:
Now the nucleus which" absorbs" the quantum
is flopped over to a new orientation, cannot be
refocused in the second field, and never reaches
the detector. By measuring the detector response
as frequency or magnetic field are varied, the
shapes of the lines corresponding to resonance
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:12:51with the nuclear magnetic moment can be found.
This leads to precision comparisons of nuclear
moments, depending only upon frequency meas
urements, always easy to do well. No nuclear
quantities are known with the precision with
f:'-,#",j<' ,
which nuclear magnetic moments can be found
in this way. But the apparatus is delicate and the
skill and patience required great. Nor can every
substance be gotten into a molecular beam and
It was exciting, then, when not only one but
two investigators suggested methods by which
the same phenomenon-the flip of the nuclear
magnets when they feel an oscillating field of the
. right frequency-could be detected with no
fancy molecular beam techniques. For the first
time the macroscopic effect of the nuclear mag
nets on the magnetic polarization of bulk ma
terial was taken into account. Think of a sample
of material placed in a magnetic field. The nu
clear magnets will line up in the magnetic field
to get into the state of minimum potential energy.
But of course the thermal agitation of the
molecules will act to disorient the magnets. The
net result will be given by th,e usual Curie
Langevin law: the resultant nuclear moment pe(..
cc at thermal equilibrium will be(~:pproximateIY.l
np.(JJHlkT), where n is the number of nuclei per
cc with magnetic moment p. per nucleus, H is the
applied magnetic field, and kT is Boltzmann's
constant times temperature. This is a small con
tribution to the paramagnetism at best. For
protons in water in even pretty high fields it is
almost unobservable. What is measured is not
the d.c. effect, but a resonant effect at radio
frequency. In one experiment, a resonant cavity
was made for about 30 mc.26 It was filled with
paraffin, and was placed in a strong magnetic
field, at about 7000 gauss. A weak r-f magnetic
field in the cavity was kept perpendicular to the
d.c. field. The d.c. field was slowly varied until a
sharp resonance absorption was observed. The
absorption of r-f energy had changed the Q of
the cavity, reduced its output, and affected a
detector which had been balanced out off re
sonance. The same advantages can be claimed
for this method as for the molecular beam.
An even simpler technique was applied some-
18 Purcell, Torrey, and Pound, Phys. Rev. 69, 37 (1946).
152 what later. Here the effect observed is the pre
cession of the resultant nuclear magnetic moment
as resonance is approached.27 The observation is
made, not of the reaction upon the driving circuit,
but of the e.m.f. induced directly by the preces
sing nuclear magnets in a pick-up coil in which
all e.m f. had been balanced out off resonance.
The nuclear-induced precessing field has a com
ponent perpendicular both to the constant field
and to the r-f field. It is this component which is
observed. No more is needed than a radio oscil
lator, a lecture table magnet, a transmitter
receiver coil arrangement, and appropriate
radiofrequency amplifiers and oscillograph cir
cuits. The coils of Fig. 19 are the heart of the
It should be noted that the methods of nuclear
induction, as they are called, depend upon the
nuclear magnets reaching thermal equilibrium,
with their moments odented not at random, but
with the equilibrium resultant value. It is just
the macroscopic want of cancellation which
makes the whole effect. But the mechanism by
which the nuclei come to thermal equilibrium is
complex and little-known. If it took weeks for
equilibrium to arise, the experiment would be
very difficult. The time taken will be a function
of the chemistry of the compound and of many
atomic features. A whole new subject in atomic
physics is opened up by this technique, as well as
a simple new supplement to the existing study of
magnetic moments. The use of the technique for
isotope analysis without any destruction of the
sample, isotope analysis by radio, so to speak,
may prove of great importance in tracer work
with stable isotopes. The whole subject is a good
example of how new ideas may arise in fields
believed already carried to their highest develop
ment. The world of physics is surely infinite.
This sketchy review of the first year of peace
is full of promise. The promise will be fulfilled
only if physicists can share with all men the pros
pect which carries all our hopes, the prospect of
the many years of peace that lie ahead.
I am glad to acknowledge the kind cooperation
of all the busy men who answered letters and
supplied photographs to make this account
27 F. Bloch, ·Phys. Rev. 70, 460 (1946) (theory); Bloch,
Hansen, and Packard, Phys. Rev. 70, 474 (1946) (exp't).
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1.1712751.pdf | Electrical Conductivity of Metals
John Bardeen
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 11, 88 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1712751
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712751
View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/11/2?ver=pdfcov
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14Ele.ctrical Condllctivity of Metals
Department of Physics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
I. Introduction
THE classical theories of the electrical con
ductivity of metals as developed mainly by
Drude and Lorentz, while succeseful in some re
spects, most notably in regard to the Weide
mann-Franz law, encountered serious difficulties.
These difficulties have been almost completely
removed by modern quantum theory as applied
to the problem by Sommerfeld, Houston, Bloch,
Mott, and others. Before discussing the modern
theories, it will be instructive to give a review
of some of the salient experimental facts which
an adequate theory of conductivity must explain,
and also to give a brief discussion of the older
theories, as they contain many elements of truth.
In fact, the basic concepts are largely un
changed, even though the formal theory is quite
different in appearance.
The fundamental idea of the theories of Drude
and Lorentz, and of all later theories, is that
the current is carried by electrons which have
become detached from the atoms which make up
the metal and may move about more or less
freely. The most direct experimental proof of
this fact was not obtained until some years
after the theory was first proposed. Experiments
of Tolman and various collaborators indicate
that the current is carried by particles of negative
charge and with a mass close to that of an elec
tron. The earliest is that of Tolman and Stewart.l
A coil of wire rotating at high speeds is connected
to a sensitive ballistic galvanometer. When the
coil is suddenly stopped from rotating, an im
pulse of current is sent through the galvanometer.
The kinetic energy which the electrons acquired
when the coil was rotating is dissipated by the
resistance. From the velocity of the coil and the
total charge carried by the impulse of current,
together with a knowledge of the resistance and
dimensions of the coil, one can find the ratio of
the charge to the mass of the particles that
carry the current. Tolman and Stewart find for
88 this ratio, elm, the following values:
for Cu
for Ag
for Al 1.60X107 e.m.u.
1.485 X 107 e.m.u.
1.54X107 e.m.u.
These values are rather close to the value for
perfectly free electrons,2 1. 77 X 107 e.m. u. Later
experiments made with the use of oscillating
cylinders gave similar results. These experiments
indicate that the current is carried by electrons
which move through the crystal lattice.
II. Summary of Experimental Facts
Perhaps the most important thing an adequate
theory of conductivity must explain is the re
markable difference in conductivity between
metals and insulators. The resistivity of metals
if of the order of 10-5 ohm cm, of insulators, the
order of 1012 ohm cm. There is no satisfactory
explanation on any classical basis.
At high temperatures, the resistance of a pure
metal is roughly proportional to the absolute
temperature. It decreases rapidly as the tem
perature is lowered, and at very low temperatures
is proportional to P. On the other hand, the
resistance of insulators increases as the tempera
ture is decreased. This is a characteristic property
which distinguishes metals and nonmetals.
Gruneisen3 has shown that the resistance of
most metals can be given by a universal function
of the temperature:
R=Ref(TIG). (1)
Here e is a characteristic temperature for the
particular metal, which is generally rather close
to the Debye characteristic temperature for
specific heats. Experimental points for a number
of metals are shown in Fig. 1.
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14There is thus indicated a close connection
between the conductivity of pure metals and
the thermal motion of the atoms which is
responsible for the specific heat. W. Wein has
suggested that the conductivity is proportional
to the mean square amplitude of the motion of
the ions. The resistance would then be pro
portional to the absolute temperature, T, at
high temperatures, and to T4 at very low
temperatures. The theoretical curve shown in
Fig. 1, which was used by Gruneisen, is based on
an approximate theoretical expression due to
Bloch, which will be discussed more at length
later on. According to this expression the re
sistance should be proportional to rs instead of T4
at low temperatures, and is in better agreement
with experiment. Both theory and experiment
indicate that one of the most important factors in
the resistance of a pure metal is the mean square
amplitude of motion of the atoms of the crystal.
The resistance of most metals decreases with
increasing pressure. Fig. 2, shows the resistance
0.1 .. AU e-175
• NA e-202
• eu e-333
.. ilL e·396
~ NI e-472
Q.2 0:4
FIG. 1. Temperature variation of resistance of various
metals. The curve is a plot of the Bloch-Gruneisen function
(Eq. (28». Data from values quoted by Meissner (d.
~:::----=======:::--==:::::=- NA
10.000 2.0,000 '0.000
FIG. 2. Pressure variation of resistance of various metals.
Data from Bridgman (reference 4).
as a function of pressure for a number of the
softer metals in the pressure range extending to
about 30,000 atmospheres. These curves have
been obtained recently by Bridgman.4 The re
sistances of a few of the metals (Li, Sr, Ca)
increase with increasing pressure; some (Rb, Cs,
Ba) show a reversal, decreasing at low pressures
to a minimum and then increasing as the pressure
is further increased. Most of the anomalous
metals are shown in the figure; the normal
behavior is a gradual decrease with pressure .
Gruneisen has explained this normal decrease as
due to the decrease in the thermal motion of the
atoms as the pressure is increased and the atoms
are bound with greater forces to their positions
of equilibrium.
Any actual metal contains a certain amount of
impurities and as the temperature is decreased
to the absolute zero, the resistance does not go
to zero, but approaches a constant value which
depends on the amount of impurity. The purer
the metal, the smaller is the residual resistance.
Matthiessen has pointed out that the resistance
is the sum of two terms,
R=Ro+R T, (2)
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14a constant term (independent of temperature),
which is proportional to the amount of impurity,
and a temperature dependent term, characteristic
of the pure metal, which goes to zero as the
temperature approaches the absolute zero. This
is known as Matthiessen's rule, and is in approxi
mate agreement with experiment for the increase
in resistance of a metal due to a small concentra
tion of a second metal in solid solution. Electrons
may be scattered by impurity atoms in the
lattice, giving rise to an added resistance. For
small concentrations, the resistances caused by
impurities and by thermal motion are additive.
In finding the resistance of a pure metal, a
correction is generally made for the residual
"'0 . 1& N
0 . :I
i= co
o 20 40 60 80 100 Y.
FIG. 3. Resistivity of heterogeneous mixtures. Data from
values quoted by Meissner.
If an alloy is made up of a mixture of micro
crystals of individual pure metals, the resistance
is roughly the average resistance of the com
ponents. Fig. 3 illustrates the curves for the
resistances of the Pb-Sn, Pb-Cd, Zn-Cd, and
Zn-Sn series as a function of concentration.
These metals are mutually insoluble in one
If, on the other hand, there is a solid solution,
the resistance is much greater than that of
either of the components. Results for the Ag-Au
alloys, which form a solid solution for all con
centrations, are given in Fig. 4. The resistance is
90 a maximum at about 50 percent concentration.
In this alloy there is no superlattice; the Ag and
Au atoms are distributed at random over the
lattice points. Let us now see what happens
when an ordered structure is formed. Fig. 5
illustrates the Cu-Au system, which has been
studied extensively by a large number of workers.
The quenched alloy, in which there is no super
lattice, has a resistance curve of the same
general shape as that of the Ag-Au system.
If the alloy is annealed, a superlattice is formed
in the neighborhood of 25 percent Cu, 75 percent
Au, and of 50 percent Cu, 50 percent Au. The Cu
and Au atoms then take up more or less regular
ordered positions in the lattice. It is seen that
the resistance drops markedly and approaches
that of a pure metal. We will consider this
system in more detail later on; we now merely
want to emphasize the fact that an ordering of
the atoms decreases the resistance.
The facts enumerated above indicate that
resistance is due to irregularities in the lattice,
and that these may be caused by either
(1) thermal motion of the atoms; (2) impurities,
or, in alloys, from a random solid solution.
A further cause is the disorder existing in a
liquid or amorphous solid.
These are but a few of the facts which a
complete theory of conductivity must explain.
The theory should give the absolute values of
the conductivities of the different pure metals
and their dependence on temperature and
pressure. Why does copper have a low resistance
and iron a comparatively high resistance?
III. Early Theories
The early theories of Drude and Lorentz5 did
not attempt to give an explanation of these
facts in any detail; they merely attempted to
give the mechanism of conductivity. It will be
instructive to consider the elementary theory of
Drude as it is very simple and its fundamental
notions are preserved in the later theories.
The essential idea is that the current is carried
by electrons which may move about more or
less freely, but are subject to collisions with the
crystal lattice. The mean time between collisions
will be called 2T (T is the time of relaxation). We
suppose that on the average the momentum of
the electron is destroyed at each collision. In
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14spite of the large interaction between electrons,
we suppose, for simplicity, that the electrons
move freely between collisions so that the
equation of motion is
mdvx/dt= -eF,
in which -e and m are the charge and mass of
the electron, and F is the field strength, which is
assumed to act in the x direction. The mean
drift velocity in the direction of the field is
Vd= ~. (-eF/m)· 2r= -eFr/m. (4)
If there are N electrons per unit volume, the
current will be J = -Neva, and the conductivity
Drude made the admittedly simplified assump
tion that all electrons move with the same
mean velocity, U, and that this velocity could be
obtained from the equipartition law:
where K is Boltzmann's constant. The mean free
path I is defined by:
1=2rU. (7)
• o II~----~----~----~~--~
• z o al
z o
> t: > Ii
iii III --...... "" "- / ,
/ ,
/ OOK' / ~ , , ,
E O~----~------~-----+----~ o 21 10
AS ATOMIO % 11 10096
FIG. 4. Resistivity of Ag-Au alloys. Curve for OOK extrapo
lated from results of Clay, quoted by Meissner.
In terms of the mean free path,
u=Ne21/2mU. (8)
This formula gives about the right order of
magnitude for the conductivity at room tem
perature if N is of the order of magnitude of the
VOLUME 11, FEBRUARY, 1940 11r---;---~----+----1
21 10 11
ATOMIC % 100"
FIG. 5. Resistivity of Cu-Au alloys. (a) Quenched from
650°C. (b) Annealed at 200°C.*
number of atoms per unit volume and I of the
interatomic distance. However, in order to
account for the temperature variation, it is
necessary to assume that I increases very rapidly
as the temperature is decreased. This peculiar
variation was difficult to explain. Furthermore,
one would expect that as the pressure is increased
and the mean distance between atoms is de
creased, 1 will decrease, and consequently the
conductivity will decrease. As we have seen, this
is contrary to the normal behavior.
Perhaps the most serious difficulty was in
connection with the specific heat. Classically the
electrons should contribute 3R/2 times the
number of free electrons per atom to the molar
heat capacity. However, most of the heat
capacity of metals is accounted for by the
thermal motion of the atoms. Any contribution
from the electrons must be very much less
than R. As is probably well known to most
readers, this difficulty was removed by Sommer
feld by the application of Fermi-Dirac statistics
to the electrons.
More refined calculations by Lorentz, based
on the same physical assumptions, merely served
to emphasize the difficulties inherent in the
Drude theory.
* Data from Johansson and Linde, Ann. d. Physik 25,
1 (1936).
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14The great success of the theory was its explana
tion of the Wiedemann-Franz law which states
that the ratio of the thermal to the electrical
conductivity is proportional to the absolute
temperature. On the same assumptions that were
used in the theory of the electrical Drude found
for the thermal conductivity:
so that
The constant of proportionality, which involves
only the fundamental physical constants, is in
approximate agreement with the experimental
In the classical theories there was no way to
calculate the absolute value of the conductivity
of a metal, nor to explain the differences in the
conductivities of different metals.
IV. The Hall Effect
One of the most important phenomena in the
historical development of the subject is the
Hall effect. An electric current flows in a plate
normal to which there is a magnetic field.
• • 6 • ~ • • • •
• • • c5 •
~ • • •
• • • • • • • FIG. 6. Illustrating transfer of charge by associated
electrons, according to Hall.
A potential difference is then set up across the
plate in a direction transverse to the direction
of the current. A very rough explanation is
that the paths of the electrons are bent by the
magnetic field. In order that there be no com
ponent of current in the transverse direction, a
potential gradient must be set up. The sign of
the gradient depends on the sign of the charge
92 which carries the current. For most metals, the
sign is such as would be expected for electrons
(negative charge), but some metals show an
anomalous sign (Zn, Cd). This fact gave rise to
the dual conduction theories, which were de
veloped mainly by Hall.6 He assumed that the
current is carried not only by "free" electrons
but also by "associated" electrons. An atom in
the metal may become ionized by giving rise to
a "free" electron. The ion is then left positively
charged. A bound electron from a neighboring
atom may be transferred to this ion. In this way
the position of the positively charged ion may
move through the metal (d. Fig. 6). A current
arising from such a transfer of charge would give
rise to an anomalous Hall coefficient. We will
see later on that the modern theory gives some
justification for this point of view.
V. The Sommerfeld-Bloch Theory
The remainder of the article will be devoted
mainly to modern theories of electrical con
ductivity and their applications to various
problems. Only a very brief discussion of the
basic concepts of the general quantum theory
of metals, which we shall need for the discussion
of conductivity, will be given here. For further
details, the reader is referred to the excellent
series of articles by Seitz and Johnson~hich
have appeared in this Journal, or to one of the
recent books on the subject (d. Bibliography).
According to the modern picture, the valence
electrons (i.e., the electrons outside of closed
shells) become detached from the atoms which
make up the metal and are free to move through
out the crystal lattice. These are the conduction
electrons, which not only give the metallic bond,
but also play the major role in the various
electric and magnetic properties. Our discussion
will be confined to these electrons; the ion cores
will usually be replaced by an effective potential
field in which the conduction electrons move.
This picture is not greatly different from that
of Drude and Lorentz. \Vhat is responsible for
recent progress is the application of quantum
rather than classical mechanics to the problem.
The two principles of quantum theory most
important for the new development are (1) the
wave property of electrons, and (2) the Pauli
exclusion principle.
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14A. ELECTRON WAVES
Associated with each electron is a wave which
is propagated in the direction of motion of the
electron. For free electrons (i.e., electrons subject
to no forces) the wave-length, X, is given by the
de Broglie relation:
X=hlmv, (11)
where h is Planck's constant, m is the mass of
the electron, and v is the velocity. This relation
has been verified experimentally by Davisson
and Germer, Thomson, and others. If the
electrons, instead of being free, are considered
to be moving in the periodic potential field of
the crystal lattice, the relation between wave
length and velocity is no longer given by (11)
but by a somewhat more complicated equation
which will be given later (Eq. (17)). Instead of
using the wave-length or velocity to define the
state of an electron, it is more convenient to
use the wave vector, k, whose direction is the
direction of propagation, and which has a magni
tude 27r IX. The energy of the electron, E(k),
will be a function of the vector k. For free
The latter equality is a consequence of (11) as
may easily be verified. Again, the general ex
pression for the energy of an electron moving
in a periodic field is more complicated.
The Pauli exclusion principle, as applied to
the present situation, states that at most only
two electrons can be in the same state, or; in
other words, have the same wave-length and
direction of propagation. The factor two arises
from the two possible values of the electron spin.
In an infinite crystal, the possible wave-lengths
are continuously distributed, but in any finite
crystal, they are limited to a discrete set of
values. As long as the wave-length is small
compared with the dimensions of the crystal,
the number of states between two wave-lengths
X and X+~X is proportional to the volume of the
crystal and is independent of its shape. Thus the
number of electrons per unit volume which can
have wave-lengths in the interval X, X+~X, is
independent of the size or shape of the crystal,
as of course it must be, if the properties of the
crystal are independent of size and shape.
One consequence of the exclusion principle is
that even at the absolute zero of temperature
the energies of the different conduction electrons
are spread over a wide band which may be
several electron volts in width. Fig. 7 shows the
average number of electrons in the different
states at T=OoK, and also at some higher
temperature. At T=OoK, all states with energies
below a certain maximum, Emax, are occupied;
FIG. 7. The Fermi distribution function, giving the
probability that an electronic state is occupied at a given
those above, unoccupied. At higher tempera
tures, a few electrons in states near the top of
the filled band become excited to states of higher
energies, and a distribution somewhat like that
shown in Fig. 7 results. The fraction of electrons
which are excited is of the order KT I Emax, and
the average energy of excitation of those elec
trons which are excited to higher states is of
the order KT. Thus the average thermal energy.
per electron is of order (KT)2jE max, and if there
is about one free electron per atom, the specific
heat is of order (KTIEmax)R where R is the gas
constant. Since at room temperature, KT j Emax is
less than 0.01 for most metals, the heat capacity
of the electrons is negligible compared with that
of the thermal vibrations of the lattice (,,-,3R).
It is only at very low (liquid He) temperatures
that the electronic specific heat can be observed.
As Sommerfeld first demonstrated, an applica
tion of the Pauli exclusion principle and Fermi
Dirac statistics gives an explanation of the
specific heat difficulty which was inherent in
the theories of Drude and Lorentz.
In the theory of Sommerfeld, as in the theory
of Drude, it is assumed that each electron moves
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14freely between collisions, and so is accelerated
by the field. The field acting on a given electron
due to the ions and due to the remaining electrons
is neglected. Drude's formula (8) for the con
ductivity will therefore apply. The maip. differ
ence is that the mean free path
l=2rU (13)
will be much larger, since U, the mean velocity
of an electron, will be much larger than that
obtained from the equipartition theorem (kinetic
energy=!KT). 1£ one assumes about one free
electron per atom, it turns out that the mean
free path at room temperature is of the order of
100 interatomic distances instead of, as in the
Drude theory, the order of the distance between
neighboring atoms.
The long mean free path is a consequence of
the wave property of the electrons. While it is
difficult to see how a particle could move very
far through a crystal lattice without being
scattered, it is not difficult to see that a wave
can be propagated without serious attenuation.
The situation is similar to the propagation of a
light wave, or perhaps better, an x-ray, through
a crystal: the wavelets scattered from each atom
interfere constructively so as to continuously
build up the wave front. An estimate of the mean
free path on this basis was first given by Houston.
The concept of electrons moving in an electro
static field having the period of the crystal
lattice was introduced by Bloch. Just as for the
case of perfectly free electrons, it is possible to
assign to each electron wave a definite wave
length and direction of propagation. Instead of
being plane, the waves are modulated by a
function having the period of the lattice. The
wave function is of the form
-.f;k(X, y, z)
= Uk(x, y, z) exp [i(kxx+klly+k.z)]. (14)
The vector k, with components (kx, ky, k.) is the
propagation vector defined above. The second
factor, exp [i(kxx+kyy+k.z)] is the wave func
tion of a plane wave; it is multiplied by a factor
Uk(X, y, z) which is periodic with the period of
the lattice. The energy, E(k) of an electron in
94 the state k depends on the particular field III
which the electron moves.
To obtain the velocity of an electron in the
state k, one may use the expression for the group
velocity of any waves. For the case of waves
moving in one dimension, this expression is:
v=dvld(l/A). (15)
In our case, the frequency v is given by Elh, and
since k = 27r lA,
v = (27r Ih)(dEldk). (16)
In the general case of three-dimensional motion,
the expression for, say, the x component of the
velocity is
vx= (27rlh) (iJEliJkx). (17)
The current contributed by the electron is
The total current can be obtained by summing
the contribution from each electron over all
occupied states. If more electrons are traveling in
one direction than the opposite, there will be a
net component of current in this direction.
Since the states we have been considering are
stationary states, this current will not diminish
in time. Thus a perfect periodic lattice will
have no resistance. Resistance is due to irregu
larities introduced by thermal motion, or by the
presence of foreign atoms, which destroy the
periodicity of the lattice. This is just what the
experiments seem to demand.
It is convenient to think of each electronic
state as represented by a point in a three
dimensional k space. The coordinates of the point
are the components (kx, kll, kz) of the wave
vector k. This k space is exactly similar to the
reciprocal lattice space, which has been of so
much use in the theory of x-ray diffraction.
Points representing allowed states are uniformly
distributed in k space. The number in the element
dkx, dky, dk. is (V /87r3)dkxdkydk. where V is the
volume of the crystal.
The energy of an electron is not in general
a continuous function of the wave vector. From
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14the theory of the motion of an electron in a
periodic potential field, it is found that the whole
of k space is divided up into regions or zones in
each of which the energy is a continuous func
tion of k. Across the boundary between two
zones, the energy jumps discontinuously from
one value to another. Each zone corresponds to
a band of allowed energies which may be sepa
rated by a gap of forbidden energies from the
next higher band. On the other hand, the energy
bands may overlap, the lowest level of the upper
band being lower than the highest level of the
lower band.
The zones or energy bands may be correlated
with the states of electrons in the free atom.
One may imagine that the lattice constant of the
crystal is continuously increased until the atoms
are so far apart that there is little interaction
between them. The energy bands will become
narrower and narrower, until finally they go over
to the discrete levels of the free atom. Thus one
speaks of the s band of a monovalent metal
which arises from the s level of the valence elec
tron of the free atom. The d levels of the transi
tion elements break up into several distinct d
bands in the metal. There can be two s electrons
in the free atom, and the total number of states
in the s band is such that it will accommodate
two electrons per atom. Similarly, the total
number of states in the d bands corresponds to
ten electrons per atom.
If every allowed state in a band is occupied by
an electron, the total current is zero, because for
every electron traveling in one direction there
will be another going in the opposite direction
with the same velocity. If a band is only partially
full, more electrons may be going in one direction
than the opposite, giving a resultant current.
The first case is characteristic of insulators, the
second of metals. In an insulator any band which
contains any electrons at all is full, and there is a
gap of forbidden energies to the higher, un
occupied bands. An insulator must have an even
number of valence electrons per unit cell. A metal
contains bands in which only a fraction of the
states are occupied. The divalent metals (Be, Ca,
etc.) have just enough electrons to fill the lowest
VOLUME 11, FEBRUARY, 1940 (s) band, i.e., two per atom. Since they are good
conductors, it must be concluded that a higher
band overlaps the lowest, so that there are
electrons in two different bands, each par
tially full.
The configuration of electrons in a metal may
be described by giving the distribution of over
the occupied states in k space. If an electric field
acts on the metal, the distribution will no longer
be symmetric about the origin, but will be dis
placed in the direction of the field, giving a
resultant current. The new distribution results
from an equilibrium between transitions among
the states due to acceleration by the field and
those due to the scattering which gives rise to
the resistance.
The classical expression for the acceleration of
an electron by an electric field F is
m(dv/dt) = -eF. (19)
If we use the relation mv=hk/27r, appropriate for
free electrons, it is found that the rate of change
of the wave vector k with time is
dk/dt= -27reF/h. (20)
What effect will the periodic field of the crystal
lattice have on the acceleration? It is not difficult
to show that (20) will still be valid, even though
Eq. (19) can no longer be used, and even though
the velocity is no longer proportional to k.
The energy of an electron as a function of k
along the direction of the applied field is illus
trated schematically in Fig. 8a. The wave vector,
k, according to Eq. (20) increases uniformly with
time, so that a point which represents the state
of an electron will move to the right with con
stant velocity. We have seen (Eq. 18) that the
velocity of the electron itself is proportional to
the slope, dE/dk. The velocity of an electron
whose state is represented by the point AJ
where the curvature is positive, increases with
time, since dE/dk increases as k increases. On the
other hand, the velocity of an electron whose
state is represented by A2 decreases with time,
since dE/dk is decreasing in this region. The
electron then acts like a particle with negative
mass. When the state reaches the point Aa, the
velocity is zero. At this point there is a very
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14small probability that the electron will jump to
the next higher band. Normally, the electron
will reappear at A3' (which really represents the
same state as A3) and then retrace its course over
the lower band. The electron suffers Bragg
reflection at A 3, and starts moving in the opposite
8a. -eF )II
k ...
FIG. 8. (a) Motion of electron in a band under the
influence of an applied electric field. (b) Motion of positive
hole in band.
Let us now suppose that all the states are
occupied except one, which is represented by the
point A 1 in Fig. 8b. If all the states were occu
pied, the resultant current would be zero; the
total current is therefore the negative of the
current carried by an electron in the state AI.
This is equal to the current carried by an electron
with velocity equal and opposite to that at Ai,
i.e., just the current of an electron in the state
A 1'. Under the influence of an electric field, F,
the whole distribution of electrons, and therefore
also the position of the unoccupied state or
"hole" will move to the right with uniform
velocity. Correspondingly, the point AI' will
move to the left in the direction in which a
positively charged particle would move. If, as
shown in the figure, the point A/ is in the region
of negative curvature, the velocity and current
will increase with time. Thus the "hole" in the
otherwise filled band acts like a particle of
positive charge and positive mass in the region
96 of negative curvature, and like a particle of
positive charge and negative mass in the region
of positive curvature near the bottom of the
band. We shall see (Section V) that the above
considerations may be used to give an explana
tion of the anomalous sign of the Hall coefficient.
In a normal metal, all the states with energies
below some maximum energy, Emax, will be
occupied, and those with energies greater than
Emax will be unoccupied. (We neglect, for the
moment, the small dispersion due to thermal
agitation.) All these electrons will be accelerated
by the applied field, so that the whole distribu
tion in k space will move in the direction of the
field. At first the density of electrons is changed
only in those states which lie near the surface
of the Fermi distribution, i.e., those with energies
near Emax. A plot of the density of the occupied
states in k space for a normal metal, and also
after an electric field has been applied for a
short time, is shown in Fig. 9.
Let J be the total current, as obtained by
summing the contribution from each electron,
jk, (Eq. (18» over all occupied states. We may
define the effective number of free electrons per
unit volume by means of the equationS
dJ/dt=e2 FNeff/m. (21)
In case the lattice field vanishes, so that the
electrons actually are free, Neff is equal to N,
the actual number of electrons per unit volume.
In general Neff may be either greater or smaller
than N. The expression for Neff is particularly
simple if the surfaces of constant energy are
spheres, so that E depends on the magnitude but
not the direction of k. In this case
47r2mN( 1 dE) Ncff=-----
h2 k dk E=Ern•x• (22)
Thus Neff is large for a wide band and small for
a narrow band. It is a measure of the relative
ease with which an electron may travel from one
atom to another in the crystal. If a zone is com
pletely occupied by electrons, Neff =0, since
dE/dk vanishes at the surface of the zone.
In a metal with finite resistance, the dis
tribution in k space will shift in the direction of
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14the applied field until an equilibrium has been
reached when the effect of the field will be just
balanced by collision processes. The equilibrium
distribution will be just that which would be
obtained if the electrons had been accelerated for
a time t = T in the absence of resistance. Here T is
called the time of relaxation (d. Section III).
For fields of ordinary magnitude, the equilibrium
distribution will differ but slightly from the
normal distribution in zero field.
The conductivity may be expressed in the
Drude-Lorentz form, we merely need to insert
Neff, as defined by Eq. (21) in place of N,
The factors which determine T will be discussed
later; we first wish to give an explanation of the
anomalous sign of the Hall coefficient exhibited
by some metals.
If the conduction band is only partially full,
so that the states near the top of the Fermi
distribution lie in the region where the curvature
(d2E/dk2) is positive, the electrons behave
normally; i.e., as particles of negative charge and
positive mass. The sign of the Hall coefficient
will be that which is expected for electrons. Let
us now suppose that the band is nearly full, so
that the electrons near the top of the Fermi
distribution (which are those important for con
ductivity) have states in the region of negative
curvature. It is then better to think of conduction
by the unoccupied states or "holes" near the
top of the band. These behave (d. Section V, H)
as particles of positive charge and positive mass.
They give rise to a Hall coefficient of anomalous
sign. In many metals, electrons occupy two
unfilled bands, in one of which conduction is by
"holes" and in the other by "ordinary" electrons.
The sign will then depend on which of these
gives the predominant effect. Conduction by
"holes" is the quantum-mechanical analog' of
conduction by associated electrons, as visualized
by Hall (Section IV). '
The magnitude of the Hall coefficient can be
worked out, and the correct order of magnitude
is found. Numerical agreement is obtained for
the alkali metals.
VOLUME 11, FEBRUARY, 1940 -eF ~
FIG. 9. Shift of the electron distribution due to an
a pplied field,
VI. Resistance of Pure Metals
The resistance of pure metals is due to the
thermal motion of the atoms. A time of relaxa
tion, T, may be defined for collisions due to
thermal motion only at high temperatures. At
low temperatures, the quantization of the differ
ent modes of vibration of the lattice is important.
At each collision a vibrational quantum of
energy, hll (II is the vibrational frequency) is
either taken from or given to the lattice, so
that the collisions are inelastic. If the energy
of the quantum is small compared with KT, as
it will be if the temperature is well above the
Debye characteristic temperature for the metal,
it is possible to neglect this quantization, and to
treat the vibrations classically. It then turns
out that the probability of a collision of an
electron with the lattice, and consequently 1/ T,
is proportional to the mean square amplitude of
motion of the ions in confirmation of Wien's
hypothesis. The mean square amplitude is pro
portional to the absolute temperature, and is
inversely proportional to the mass of the atom,
M, and to the square of the vibrational fre
quency, II,
Thus the resistance should be proportional to
the absolute temperature, in agreement with
experiment. The vibrational frequency is pro
portional to the characteristic temperature, 8,
so that
1/T,,-,(x2)ave"-'T/M8Z. (25)
A second factor of importance in (l/T) is the
density of states in energy near the top of the
Fermi distribution. A large density means that
there are a large number of states into which
the electrons can be scattered, and so a large
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14value for (l/T); The scattering probability is
directly proportional to the density. The density
is, of course, high for a narrow band and small
for a wide band.
FIG. 10. Plot of the relative resistance of various metals
divided by the absolute temperature, T, illustrating devia
tions from proportionality of resistance with T at high
temperatures. Data from values quoted by Gruneisen and
by Meissner (ef. Bibliography).
Deviations from the proportionality of re
sistance with absolute temperature at very high
temperatures ("-'1000°C) have been explained
by Mott as due to the change in e as a result of
thermal expansion. As the metal expands, e de
creases, so that R/T increases as the tempera
ture rises. This is the normal behavior, but for
some metals, in particular for those in the
transition group, R/T decreases with increasing
temperature. In this group of metals there is a
narrow d band, and at high temperatures the
density of states changes appreciably in the
range of energies of width KT at the top of the
Fermi distribution. The effective density de
creases as T increases, which explains the
decrease in R/T observed for these metals.
Fig. 10 gives a plot of R/T as a function of T for
various metals.
In order to discuss the temperature variation
of resistance at low temperatures, it will be
necessary to investigate the interactions of the
electrons with the lattice vibrations in somewhat
more detail. Following Debye, we may analyze
the vibrations into a system of independent
waves. The very long waves are just the ordinary
sound waves; the shortest waves correspond to
adjacent atoms vibrating in opposite directions.
Each wave is described by the propagation
vector q. The direction of q gives the direction
of propagation of the wave, and its magnitude is
98 27r/>', where>. is the wave-length. There are
three independent vibrations for each q., corre
sponding to the transverse and longitudinal
sound waves. If the velocity of the wave is c,
the frequency is
/I =c/X =cq/27r (26)
and the energy of the vibrational quantum is
In each collision of an electron with the lattice
a vibrational quantum is either emitted from or
absorbed by the lattice. The selection rules for
the transition of an electron from the state k to
the state k' are as follows
k'=k-q (emission)
(absorption). (27)
The vector relations are illustrated in Fig. 11.
The angle, IJ, between k and k' is the angle
through which the electron is deflected by the
collision. In addition to these rules, there is the
requirement of conservation of energy. Thus,
for absorption, the energy of the electron in the
final state, k', must be equal to the energy of the
electron in the initial state, minus the energy of
the vibrational quantum.
At low temperatures, the only vibrations which
will be excited are those with low energies, and
these have long wave-lengths and therefore small
values of q. The low resistance is due not only
to the fact that the amplitudes of vibration are
small, but also to the fact that the electrons are
deflected through small angles (d. Fig. 11). A
quantum can be absorbed by the lattice even
though no quanta are originally present. Thus it
would appear that a metal has resistance at the
absolute zero of temperature. However, a quan
tum can be absorbed only if the electron can lose
an equivalent amount of energy. The average
excitation ene"rgy of the electrons near the top
of the Fermi distribution is of the order KT. An
electron cannot lose more than this amount,
because all the lower states are occupied.
Bloch's derivation of the formula for the tem
perature dependence of resistance involved a
number of assumptions and approximations,
among which are: (1) Debye theory for the
thermal vibrations. (2) Thermal equilibrium of
vibrations. (3) E(k) a function of 1 k I. In addi
tion, certain assumptions about the form of the
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14interaction between the electrons and lattice TABLE I. Pressure coefficient of resistivity of various metals.
vibrations were made. The function giving the
distribution of electrons in k space, which was
used in calculating the conductivity, is only an
approximate solution of the Boltzmann equation.
The formula derived states that the resistance is
proportional t09
This formula was used by Gruneisen, and is
plotted in Fig. 1, together with the experimental
points for a number of metals. The check is
extremely good, especially when one takes into
account the approximate nature of the theo
retical derivation. In this respect the theory is
somewhat analogous to the Debye theory of
specific heats.
The formula shows that the resistance at very
low temperatures should be proportional to Ta.
This law can be derived independently, and is
on a firmer theoretical foundation. Most metals
seem to follow this law fairly well,1° but there
are some devia~ions. In particular, the resistance
of some of the transition metals at extremely low
temperatures « lOOK) seem to follow a P law.
Baberll finds a term proportional to P in the
resistance arising from collisions between elec
trons. The effect is never large, but should be
most pronounced in metals having a very narrow
conduction band, such as the d band of the
transition metals.
FIG. 11. Illustrating the vector relations for the scattering
of an electron wave by a lattice wave.
We have seen that the conductivity may be
expressed in the form
and that (1/1') is proportional to (1) the mean
VOLUME ll, FEBRUARY, 1940 -(d LOG Rldp)1012 (2,BV ole.) 10"
METAL (c.g.s.) (c.g.s.)
Li -4.0 21.
Na 73. 40.
Mg 5.9 9.
Al 4.8 6.
K 190. 91.
Ca -8.9
Fe 2.7 2.0
Co 1.1 2.0
Ni 2.1 2.0
Cu 2.3 3.0
Rb 200. 120.
Sr -47.
Mo 1.5 1.1
Ag 4.0 4.8
Cs 220. 157.
Ta 1.7 1.8
Pt 2.1 1.9
Au 3.4 3.3
Pb 15.4 12.5
square amplitude of the thermal motion of the
atoms, which, according to the Debye theory, is
proportional to T / Me2, and (2) the density of
the electronic states in energy at the top of the
Fermi distribution, which is inversely propor
tional to dE/dk.
As we have mentioned earlier, the normal
decrease of resistance with increasing pressure is
accounted for by the increase in e with pressure,
which results from the stronger binding forces
as the atoms are brought closer together. The
relative change in resistance with pressure due
to the change in e is
d log R/dp= -2d log e/dp. (29)
The dependence of e on pressure can be esti
mated from Gruneisen's formula12
{3Vo/KCv= -d log e/d log V,
where {3 is the volume coefficient of expansion,
K is the compressibility,* Vo is the volume occu
pied by one gram of the substance, and Cv is
the specific heat. Since the compressibility
d log e/dp={3V o/Cv• (30)
Values of -2d log e/dp as calculated from (30)
are compared with the observed values of
d log R/dp for a number of metals in Table I.
* We have also used K to denote the heat conductivity.
There should be no confusion.
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:140.7
1.1 -NA a
1.024 28 32 38 44
FIG. 12. Plot of a (Eq. (31» for sodium and lithium as a
function of volume.
The agreement, at least as to order of magnitude,
is in general good, but there are some notable
exceptions, e.g., Li, Ca and Sr, for which the
resistance increases with pressure. Since e cer
tainly increases with pressure, these anomalous
values must be attributed to electronic factors.
We will first discuss the monovalent metals and
then give a possible explanation, due to Mott,
of the anomalous behavior of some of the
divalent metals.
A plot of the variation of the resistance of the
alkali metals with pressure, as observed by
Bridgman, is shown in Fig. 2. Na behaves nor
mally, the resistance decreasing with increase of
pressure. The resistance of Li increases with
pressure, while K, Pb, and Cs show a minimum,
the resistance at first decreases and then, with
further increase in pressure, the curve reverses
and the resistance increases.
To a first approximation the electrons 111 a
monovalent metal may be treated as free elec
trons. The energy is then
E = ~mv2 = h2k2/87r2m.
A better approximation for E is
R = ah2k2/87r2m, ( 31)
where a is the effective number of free electrons
per atom. Values of a which have been computed
100 for Li and Na from fundamental principles14 are
plotted as a function of the atomic volume in
Fig. 12. It is found that a is about 0.65 for lithium
and decreases as the volume decreases. It is
nearly equal to unity for sodium and increases
slightly as the volume decreases. To make a very
rough calculation of the variation of resistance
with pressure, we may assume that the charac
teristic temperature, e, is inversely proportional
to the square root of the compressibility, K
(Einstein's formula). Since T is proportional not
only to 82, but also to dE/dk, or a, we find that
the resistance is proportional to
The subscript zero refers to the values at zero
pressure. Values of RjJ/ Ro for sodium as com
puted from Eq. (33) are compared with the ex
perimental values in Fig. 13. The agreement is
fairly good.
Similar calculations can be made for lithium.
The decrease in a with pressure would tend to
o.s Q. R/Ro [EXP)
h. O</<fJ,/rK/a':Io
O~L--- ____ ~ ________ ~ ________ ~ ___
o 10
FIG. 13. Comparison of experimental and theoretical
values of the relative change of resistance of sodium with
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14make the resistance increase. Frank13 has at
tributed the observed rise in resistance to a
decrease in Neff. However, the decrease in ex
shown in Fig. 12 is not sufficiently great to
counter-balance the effect of the increase in El,
so that Eq. (33) gives a net decrease in re
sistance, in contradiction with experiment. Of
course, the factors given in Eq. (32) are not the
only ones which affect the resistance. Another
important one is the term which represents the
interaction between the electrons and lattice
waves. Unpublished calculations by I. Weiner on
the basis of the author's theory17 indicate that
the further terms have little effect on the pressure
variation of resistance of sodium. They act in
such a direction as to increase the resistance of
lithium at high pressures, but the effect is not
very large, so that there ·is still a small net
decrease in the calculated resistance as the pres
sure is increased. There is some evidence that
the conduction electrons in lithium lie in two
overlapping bands, and it may be necessary to
take this into account to obtain complete agree
ment between theory and experiment.
A discussion of the conductivity of divalent
metals, where two Brillouin zones are of impor
tance, has been given by MotUS An excellent
qualitative discussion of his general method is
given in the introduction to the second of the
papers listed.16 If there are two overlapping
energy bands, which we may designate by a and
b, the conductivity is
Here Ta and Tb are the times of relaxation of the
electrons in bands a and b, respectively, and ex
and {3 are the corresponding effective members of
free electrons per atom. Mott shows that Ta and
Tb will be of the same order of magnitude, but
that ex and {3 may be very different. If there is a
low density of states in band a and a high density
in band b, then ex will be very much larger than {3,
and most of the current will be carried by elec
trons in band a. The resistance will then be due
largely to transitions which send electrons from
band a to band b, and the times of relaxation,
Ta and Tb, will be inversely proportional to the
density of states at the top of the Fermi distri
bution in band b. If, as the pressure is increased,
the overlap is increased so that the density of
VOLUME 11, FEBRUARY, 1940 states at the top of the Fermi is increased, the
resistance will increase, since Ta and Tb will
. decrease. This will occur if either a or b has lower
energy. A schematic diagram of two su~h over
lapping bands is shown in Fig. 14.
Manning and Krutter17 have made approxi
mate calculations of the energy bands of Ca.
They find a dense d band lying above and over
lapping the normal s band (which contains nearly
two electrons per atom). They find that the
overlap increases with pressure, so that the
resistance should increase with pressure, in
qualitative agreement with experiment.
ENERGy .....
FIG. 14. Occupied electronic states in two overlapping
bands at (a) zero pressure, (b) some high pressure (sche
We have seen that one of the important factors
which determine the resistance of a metal is the
square of the amplitude of vibration of the
atoms. Due to this calise alone, the conductivity
would be proportional to MEl2, where El is the
Debye characteristic temperature and M is the
atomic weight. In Fig. 15 we give a plot of
II / MEl2, which should depend on purely elec
tronic factors, as a function of the atomic number
of the element. The most striking features are
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!?I~ ~ .
11 v1 " ': <
~ \ IJ
FIG. 15. Values of u/ M02 plotted as a function ofthe atomic
number. There is a gap for the rare earth metals.
the relatively high values for the monovalent
metals, and the low values lor the transition
elements. Note, for example, the large difference
in the values of IT / M82 for the neighboring pairs
(Ni, Cu), (Pd, Ag) and (Pt, Au). In the transition
metals there is an incomplete d band which is
overlapped by an s band which is similar to the
s bands of the monovalent metals. (Cf. Fig. 16.)
The current is carried mainly by electrons in the
s band but the large resistance is due to scattering
from the s band to the narrow d band. The prob
ability of transitions of this type is large because
of the high density of states in the d band. Such
transitions cannot occur in the monovalent
metals, because the d band is fully occupied.
The comparatively high resistances of the
divalent metals is probably due to the small
effective number of free electrons for these
metals. This is true to a much greater extent for
such semi-metallic elements as Bi, Sb, and As.
A calculation of the absolute value of the
conductivity of a metal from fundamental prin
ciples is very difficult because little is known
about either the electronic wave functions or the
vibrational spectrum of most metals. Such calcu
lations have been attempted only for the mono
valent metals. To illustrate the degree of agree
ment that is obtained, results of a calculation by
the author18 are given in Table II. This calcula
tion was based on the following assumptions:
(1) The wave functions of the electrons were
assumed to be nearly the same as those for free
electrons throughout the major part of the
volume. (2) The Debye theory was used for the
lattice vibrations. (3) The perturbation potential,
102 which gives the scattering of electrons by the
lattice vibrations, consisted of two parts: (a) the
change in the potential of the ions, and (b) the
change in the potential of the self-consistent field
of the valence electrons when the ions are
moved from their equilibrium positions by the
lattice waves.
The agreement is fairly good for Na and K
(the metals for which the assumptions are prob
ably best justified), but the calculated conduc
tivities of the remaining monovalent metals are
too large.
The resistance of the ferromagnetic metals
rises rapidly as the Curie temperature is ap
proached. There is a discontinuity in the slope
of the resistance-temperature curve at the Curie
point, and above the curve is much like that of a
II. o
iii z
11.1 o 3d BAND
[IO,NI] 1'll,cU]
FIG. 16. Schematic picture of wide s band overlapping
narrow d band.
normal metal. The curve for nickel, which has
been investigated more extensively than any
other ferromagnetic metal, is shown in Fig. 17.
Gerlach19 has suggested that the resistance in the
neighborhood of the Curie point can be given as
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14the sum of a normal resistance, Rn, which is
given by the Bloch-Gruneisen function, and a
second term, RF, which is a function of the
spontaneous magnetization:
R=Rn+RI<,=Rn+C(102-J2). (35)
Here 10 is the intensity of the spontaneous mag
netization at the absolute zero, 1 the actual mag
netization at the temperature T, and C is a
con~tant independent of temperature.
The subject has been treated theoretically by
Mott.20 The resistance of nickel is due largely to
transitions which take electrons from the s to
the d band. Each state in the d band can ac
commodate two electrons, one of each spin. At
low temperatures, when the sp~ntaneous mag
netization reaches the saturation value, all the
states in the d band are occupied by electrons
whose spins are parallel to the direction of the
magnetization. The remaining electrons have
spins antiparallel but there are not enough to
completely fill the band. The chance that an
electron changes its spin during a collision is
rather small, so that only half of the electrons in
the s band, namely those with anti parallel spin,
can make transitions to the d band. At higher
temperatures, when the magnetization is not
complete, electrons of either spin can make these
transitions, so the resistance rises. The curves
a and c in Fig. 17 are suggested resistance curves
for paramagnetic nickel and for nickel mag
netized to saturation. The three points shown
give the resistances as computed by Mott for the
actual magnetizations at the given temperatures.
The calculations are rather complicated, and do
not yield the simple form suggested by Gerlach.
The agreement with the experimental curve is
fairly good.
The resistance decreases when the specimen is
magnetized by an external magnetic field. It is
TABLE I I. Electrical conductivity of monovalent metals.
T=O°C (ohm-1 cm-1 X 10-4).
Li -11.8 28
Na 23.4 23
K 16.4 20
Rb 8.6 33
Cs 5.3 22
Cu 64. 174
Ag 66. 143
Au 49. 142
VOLUME 11, FEBRUARY, 1940 not as yet certain whether this effect can be
quantitatively explained as simply due to the
change in magnetization.
FIG. 17. Resistivity of nickel as a function of tempera
ture. (a) Calculated for hypothetical paramagnetic nickel.
(b) Experimental curve. (c) Calculated for magnetization
at OOK. (0) Calculated for observed magnetizations at
given temperatures. (After Mott, reference 19.)
VII. Conductivity of Alloys
We have already discussed Matthiessen's rule
(Section II, D) which gives the increase in re
sistance due to a small concentration of a foreign
metal in solid solution. This rule receives a
simple explanation according to the quantum
theory of metals. A perfect periodic lattice has
no resistance. In a pure metal, resistance is due
to thermal motion, which destroys the perio
dicity of the lattice. In a solid solution electron
waves may also be scattered from the foreign
atoms present. For small concentrations, the
resistances due to these two causes are additive.
Matthiessen's rule will apply if the temperature
dependent part, resulting from the thermal vibra
tions of the lattice, is independent of the con
The increase in resistance due to the dissolved
metal is usually very large. At room tempera
ture, the resistivity of a metal may be doubled
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14by the presence of one atomic percent of im
purity. Resistance measurements are often used
as a test of the purity of a specimen.
The effects of different solute metals may vary
over a considerable range, and for the most part
have not been amenable to theoretical treatment.
Some interesting relationships have, however,
been pointed out by Norbury.21 By comparing
the increase in resistance caused by one atomic
percent of different metals dissolved in a common
solvent, he showed a marked dependence on the
valencies of the solvent and solute metals. In
general, the greater the difference in valencies (or
in the horizontal position in the periodic table),
the greater is the additional resistance. The effect
is most pronounced for metals dissolved in Cu,
Ag, and Au. In later work, Linde22 has found
that, for these metals, the increase in resistance
varies approximately with the square of the
difference in valencies. If Z + 1 is the number of
electrons outside of a closed d shell (so that
Z=O for Cu, Z=l for Zn, Z=2 for Ga, etc.) the
additional resistance varies with Z2, as shown in
Fig. 18. A simple explanation has been given by
Mott.23 All electrons outside of the closed d
shells, from the dissolved as well as from the
solvent metals, go to make up the conduction
electrons which are free to travel throughout the
metal. The core of a dissolved atom has an excess
charge over a solvent atom of amount Ze. Elec
trons are scattered by the field of this excess
charge. It follows from the Rutherford law that
the scattering is proportional to the square of the
charge (Ze) and it is this factor which makes the
additional resistance proportional to Z2. Quan
titative calculations, taking into account the
~IO :i o
I :I x ,g
AS screening of the excess charge by the conduction
electrons, give the correct order of magnitude for
the effect.
Mott24 has also investigated the additional re
sistance due to one atomic percent of metal A
dissolved in metal B as compared with that of
one atomic percent of B dissolved in A, and
found that under certain conditions, these should
be approximately equal.
In the present article we will be concerned only
with the conductivity of a single homogeneous
phase. (Many alloys consist of a mechanical
mixture of two phases; in this .. ase the conduc
tivity is roughly the weighted average of the
conductivities of the individual phases.) We first
limit the discussion to the case of a disordered
alloy; i.e., we assume that the atoms of the metals
making up the alloy are distributed at random
over the lattice points. Ordered alloys will be
discussed in the next section. The resistance of
an alloy may' be expressed as the sum of two
R=Ro+RT, (36)
a temperature dependent term, RT, which results
from the thermal motion of the atoms, and is
much the same as the resistance of a pure metal,
and a second term, Ro, which is the resistance at
the' absolute zero of temperature. The second
part represents the resistance caused by the fact
that the lattice is not perfectly periodic due to
the random distribution of the different atoms
which make up the alloy .
" a
~ AU x au 0 -S
FIG. 18. Increase in resistance due to one atomic percent of various metals dissolved in Cu, Ag, and Au. The abscissa
are proportional to the squares of the difference in valency between the solvent and solute metals. Similar results are
obtained if the solute metals come from other 'rows of the periodic table. Data from Linde (reference 21).
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14A theory of the resistance of binary mixtures
on the basis of the Bloch theory has been given
by Nordheim. He finds that if x is the concen
tration of atom A, so that (l-x) is that of atom
B, the resistance, Ro, is proportional to x(1-x).
A plot of Ro as a function of the concentration
x is a simple bell-:-;haped curve with a maximum
at a concentration of 50 percent. As we have
seen (Fig. 4) this is just the type of curve which
is found experimentally for the Ag-Au alloys.
Similar curves are found for other binary alloys,
the component metals of which are mutually
soluble in all proportions, and which exist in but
a single phase, e.g., K-Rb; Pt-Pd; In-Pb.
(Cf. Fig. 1 Q.)
A somewhat different type of curve is found
for alloys of the noble metals with the transition
metals, as illustrated in Fig. 20 for the case of
alloys of Cu, Ag, and Au with Pd. The maximum
resistance is shifted toward the Pd end of the
curve. The explanation of Mott is 'briefly as
follows. As we have already mentioned, the rela
tively high resistance of the transition metals,
including Pd, is due to the presence of an in
complete d shell, so that transitions from the s
band, which carries most of the current, to the
... o
:IE :x: o
o 20 IN-PS
40 80 80 100
ATOM I 0 "
FIG. 19. Resistivity of K-Rb, Pt-Pd, and In-Pb alloys
as a function of the atomic concentration. T= 25°C for all
curves. Data from International Critical Tables.
d band are possible. In the alloys under consider
ation the d band i:; incomplete for all concentra
tions of Pd above about 40 percent. The ab
normally high values of the resistances of the
alloys above this concentration are due to s-d
VOLUME 11, FEBRUARY, .1940 ... o
:I 40
~ 80 :I :x: o
FIG. 20. Resistivity of Cu-Pd, Ag-Pd, and Au-Pd alloys
as a function of the atomic percent Pd. Cu-Pd and Ag-Pd
from Svensson,* and Au-Pd from Geibel (International
Critical Tables).
In Fig. 21 we give a plot of the resistivity of
the Cu-Ni alloys at several temperatures, ac
cording to the measurements of Svensson. These
alloys are ferromagnetic for concentrations of
nickel above about 40 atomic percent. Constan
tan, with the approximate composition CuNi, is
a member of' this series. Svensson attempts to
correlate his results by expressing the resistance
as the sum of three terms: (1) RT, resulting from
thermal motion, (2) Ro, which gives the resistance
due to the random distribution of the different
types of atoms, and (3) RF, a ferromagnetic part
which is a function of the magnetization. A
qualitative theoretical discussion has been given
by Mott.20a
We have shown (Fig. 5) the resistance
concentration diagram for the copper-gold alloys.
The quenched alloys give a simple bell-shaped
curve similar to that of the silver-gold alloys. If
the alloys are annealed at temperatures below
400°C, the resistance drops sharply in the neigh
borhood of the compositions CuAu and CusAu.
On the basis of chemical and resistivity measure
ments, Tammann suggested that the atoms take
up more or less regular ordered positions at
these concentrations. The ordered structure was
* Ann. d. Physik 14, 699 (1932).
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14'" o ,. 50
2 040
% o
>... > 30
~ 20
FIG. 21. Resistivity of Cu-Ni alloys. At 0, 250 and 500°C
from Svensson.* At -273°C from Krupkowski and de
later definitely proved for the CuaAu alloy by
analysis of the "superstructure" lines in the
x-ray pattern by Johansson and Linde.26 Since
that time, many other ordered alloys have been
found. Resistivity measurements have played an
important role in both their discovery and in
vestigation, supplementing x-ray and specific
heat data. The copper-gold alloys have perhaps
been investigated more thoroughly than any
other system, and much of our discussion will be
confined to CuaAu as a typical example.
The face-centered lattice of the copper-gold
system can be considered to be a superposition of
four interpenetrating simple cubic lattices. At
high temperatures, the atoms are distributed at
random over the lattice points, but somewhat
below 400°C the gold atoms of CuaAu tend to
congregate on but one of these simple cubic
lattices, forming an ordered structure. At the
composition CuAu, below a certain critical tem
perature, the copper and gold atoms segregate on
alternate planes. The spacing between these
planes changes, and the structure changes from
cubic to tetragonal.
• Ann. d. Physik 25, 263 (1936). t Comm. Leiden No. 194, 1 (1928).
106 The equilibrium degree of order depends on the
temperature. The distribution is random above
the critical temperature, Te, and order gradually
takes place as the temperature falls below T".
A number of different definitions of the degree of
order existing in a crystal have been suggested,
perhaps the best known being that of Bragg and
\ViIliams.27 Let us designate the two types of
atoms in the alloy by A and B. When perfect
order exists, the,A atoms will occupy a subsidiary
lattice, and positions on this lattice will be called
a-sites. Similarly, the B atoms will occupy
f3-sites. In the partially ordered crystal, let the
probability that an A atom be on an a-site be PA.
Finally let rA. be the value of PA for a completely
random distribution (e.g., r A = i for Cu3Au, if A
refers to gold). The degree of (Ionr, distance)
order is defined as :
P.4 -rA S=---,
l-rA (37)
so that S= 1 for perfect order, and S=O for a
random alloy. This definition has been criticized
in that no account is taken of any ordering of
neighbors that may exist, and attempts to take
the local ordering into account have been made
by Bethe,28 Peierls,29 Kirkwood,30 and others. The
I~r-------------~~---- __
ffi 0.5
II: o
o 0.26 0.76 1.00
FIG. 22. Theoretical curves of long distance order, S,
as a function of TITe for an alloy of the type. A.B .. (a)
Bragg-Williams. (b) PeierIs (for face-centered cubiC lattice).
most suitable definition of order for considera
tions of resistivity measurements is not known.
The two critical distances are the electronic
wave-length ('" lOA) and the mean free path
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14('" lOOA); the amount of order existing in re
gions of each of these dimensions probably plays
a role.
Theoretical curves of Bragg and Williams and
of Peierls giving the degree of order, S, as a
function of temperature for an alloy of the type
A J3 are shown in Fig. 22. The long distance
order changes abruptly at the critical tempera
ture, and there is a latent heat at the transition
point. This is contrary to the behavior of alloys
of the type AB, for which there is no latent heat,
and the degree of order starts in at zero at the
transition point and gradually rises as the tem
perature falls. .
In Fig. 23 we show the resistivity-temperature
curves for Cua.Au as observed by Sykes and
Evans.a! Curve a is for the equilibrium state,
which was obtained after long annealing. In
curve b, the cooling rate was 30°C per hour.
Curve c is extrapolated from above the critical
temperature to the value obtained for an alloy
quenched from 450°C, and represents the re
sistance curve for the completely random alloy.
Due to the relatively slow rate at which different
atoms in the crystal interchange places, the rate
of approach to the equilibrium configuration is
slow except at temperatures close to the transi
tion point. At room temperature, the rate is so
slow that the alloy will exist indefinitely in a
metastable state. Measurements of the resis
tivity as a function of temperature for different
rates of cooling or heating have been found ex
tremely useful in determining the rates of ap
proach to equilibrium.
Unfortunately, however, resistivity measure
ments cannot be used for exact quantitative
work because the resistivity is not simply related
to the degree of order. Following the general
theory we have discussed earlier, we should ex
pect that the resistance is the sum of two terms,
a temperature dependent term, RT, which arises
from the thermal motion of the atoms, and a
second term, Ro, giving the resistance due to the
disordered arrangement of the atoms which will
be dependent on the temperature only indirectly
through its dependence on order. Purely for
simplicity, Bragg and Williams assumed that the
second term is a linear function of the degree of
order, S, vanishing when the order is perfect.
As may be seen from a comparison of Figs. 22
VOLUME 11, FEBRUARY, 1940 and 23, there is some justification for this as
sumption. The subject has been treated theo
retically by Muto,32 who extended Nordheim's
treatment of random alloys to cover the order
disorder alloys. He finds a quadratic dependence
of Ro on S. The calculation assumed no correla
tions between the types of atoms on neighboring
sites, and so neglected any local ordering that
may be present.
'" ~ 12
" 2 o
2 5 10
>-!: 8 > j:::
~ 6
FIG. 23. Resistivity as a function of temperature for
Cu.Au. (a) Quenched; (b) Cooled at a rate of 30°C/hr.
(c) Slow cooling, in equilibrium above 350°C. The path OA
is discussed in the text. Data from Sykes and Evans
(reference 30).
In a very interesting series of papers, Sykes
and J ones33 have investigated the formation of
nuclei and their effect on the resistivity of
CuaAu. The quenched alloy is heated rapidly to
about 350°C, and the resistivity rises to the
point 0 (Fig. 23), corresponding to a random
alloy. Ordering has not had time to set In. If the
alloy is kept at this temperature, the resistance
gradually drops along the line OA until finally
it reaches the equilibrium value. In each crystal,
the gold atoms may segregate on anyone of the
four simple cubic lattices which make up the face
centered I:'tructure. Nuclei may start on any of
these at random and grow until they meet one
another. The crystal then consists of a large
number of small regions in each of which the
structure is ordered, but there is a discontinuity
or jump in phase at the boundaries. Some of these
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14FIG. 24. Resistivity as a function of the apparent size
of nuclei. Annealing temperatures: (a) 376°C; (b) 346°C·
(c) 298°C. Data from Jones and Sykes (reference 22). '
regions will gradually grow at the expense of the
others, so that the nuclei increase in size. As this
happens, the resistance drops. The average size
of the nuclei during different stages of this
process were estimated by Sykes and J ones from
the widths of the superstructure lines in ·the
x-ray powder diagram. Different times of anneal
were taken, corresponding to about equal changes
in the resistance, and then the alloys were
quenched in water. In this way a whole series of
metastable states, corresponding to different
stages in the growth of the nuclei, were obtained
for the study of the resistivity and its dependence
on the size of the nuclei.
In Fig. 24 we give a plot of the resistivity as a
function of the apparent nuclei size for three
different temperatures of anneal as ohtained by
Jones and Sykes. The true size of the nuclei is
estimated to be about one-half of the apparent
size, f, as determined by x-ray methods. The
differences between the three curves are due to
the differences in the degree of order in the in
dividual nuclei at the various annealing tem
peratures. The curves become straight lines for
values of (1M below about 10-2 (f in A). In
this region the nuclei size is large compared with
the width of the boundaries, and the change in
resistance can be considered to be due to the
reflection of electrons from the boundaries. Tak
ing the effective number of free electrons per
atom equal to unity, Jones and Sykes estimate
that the reflection coefficient at a boundary is
108 about one-tenth. Actually, it may be somewhat
greater than this value.
There is an anomaly in the specific heat of the
quenched alloy as it is heated between 100° and
200°C, long before there is any appreciable effect
on the electrical resistance. This must represent
a very early stage in the formation of nuclei.
Probably a large amount of local ordering takes
place which involves comparatively large energy
changes, but which is confined to such small re
gions that it has little influence on the resistance.
The resistivity of an ordered alloy is changed
markedly by cold work. In Fig. 25 we give the
results of Dahl on the effect of Rlastic deforma
tion on the resistivity of a CU3Au alloy. With
sufficient deformation, the resistivity of the
annealed alloy approaches that of the quenched
alloy. As this occurs, the x-ray superstructure
lines disappear, indicating the return of a random
structure. A large change of resistance on cold
work is often taken to be an indication (although
not a certain one) of an ordered alloy.
As a second example of the effect of order on
resistivity, we show in Fig. 26 the resistance of
J3-brass (CuZn) as a function of temperature. The
o mo~
FIG. 25. Effect of plastic deformation on the resistance of
CU3Au alloy. Data from O. Dah\.*
structure is body-centered cubic, and in the
ordered state the Cu and Zn atoms tend to
segregate on the two interpenetrating simple
cubic lattices which make up the structure. Ac-
* Zeits. f. Metallkunde 28, 133 (1936).
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14cording to the theory of Muto,32 the resistance
due to disorder, Ro, should be proportional to
(1-.)'2) where S is the degree of order (Eq. (37)).
Plots of 1-S2 as a function of temperature ac
cording to the theories of Bragg and Williams
and of Bethe are shown below the resistivity
When a supersaturated alloy is quenched from
a high temperature, one or more of the phases
may begin to precipitate out of the solid solution,
either at room temperature or after annealing.
This causes a gradual change in the physical
properties of the alloy. The hardness usually
increases with time to a maximum, after which
there is a gradual decrease. The electric and
magnetic properties also change during the
hardening process. The resistance sometimes de
creases, but often there is an initial increase,
followed by a decrease. The maximum in re
sistance usually comes before the maximum in
The resistance will depend, of course, on the
distribution of atoms in the lattice. A random
distribution yields a high resistance, and a con
glomerate of crystals of individual pure metals
or compounds a comparatively low resistance
(d. Figs. 3 and 4). Thus one might expect the
resistance to decrease as a metal precipitates
from solid solution. However, as Mott35 has
pointed out, the random distribution may not be
the one which gives the highest resistance. If the
atoms are distributed in very small clusters, such
that the average size of a cluster is of the order
of magnitude of an electron wave-length ('" lOA)
they may be more effective in scattering the
waves than if the clusters are larger or smaller.
The maximum in resistance may therefore corre
spond to a very early stage in the precipitation.
VIII. The Weidemann-Franz Law
It is not our purpose to discm;s heat conduc
tivity, or such subjects as thermoelectricity and
the various galvano- and thermomagnetic effects
in metals, even though they are very closely
related to our present study. We must, however,
make some mention of the Weidemann-Franz
law. As is well known, heat may be conducted in
a metal either by the conduction electrons or
VOLUME 11, FEBRUARY, 1940 through the lattice itself, by means of the thermal
vibrations. In insulating crystals, only the latter
is effective. In metals, conduction by electrons is
usually much the greater of the two.
The Weidemann-Franz law can be derived
under quite general considerations on the basis
of the Bloch theory, and states that the ratio of
the heat conductivity, K, to the electrical con
ductivity, (T, is
~:f 2: 1
o 100 200 aoo 400 soo 600·0
FIG. 26. Top. Resistance of !3-brass (composition 51.25
atomic percent Cu, 48.75 percent Zn) as a function of
temperature. Data from W. Webb.* Bottom: Plot of I-52,
where S is the degree of long distance order, according to
the theories of Bragg and Williams and of Bethe.
The numerical factor is slightly larger than that
obtained from the Drude theory (7r2/3 in place
of 3) and agrees somewhat better with the experi
mental values. The derivation applies only to
conduction by electrons, and so neglects any
contribution to the heat conductivity by the
lattice vibrations. It is valid whether the re
sistance is due to disorder (as in alloys) or is due
to thermal motion of the atoms, but in the latter
case only for temperatures above the Debye
characteristic temperature. Furthermore, it is
supposed that KT is small compared with the
width of the conduction band, so that deviations
may be expected, for example, in the transition
metals at high temperatures.
* Phys. Rev. 55, 297 (1939).
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14IX. Conclusion
In this brief survey, no attempt has been made
at completeness. We have merely attempted to
give illustrative examples of some of the various
types of problems connected with the conduction
of electricity in metals and alloys, and, wherever
possible, to correlate them on the basis of the
Bloch theory. Among the subjects upon which
we have not touched are (1) dependence of re
sistance on crystallographic directions, (2) re
sistance of liquid metals, (3) the effect of poly
morphic transitions, (4) the influence of an
external magnetic field on the resistance, (5) the
temperature coefficient of the resistance of alloys,
(6) the structure sensitive properties, such as
the effect of cold work, and (7) the resistance of
thin films.
With a deeper understanding of the funda
mental causes of resistance in metals and alloys,
resistivity measurements promise to play an
increasing role in the study of other physical.
properties. This is especially true of problems
connected with the arrangement of different
types of atoms in an alloy. There is a great need
for further study, of both an experimental and a
theoretical nature, and if this article provides any
stimulus for further activity in this direction, it
will have served its purpose.
Before concluding, it might be well to point
out some phenomena for which the Bloch theory
has not as yet provided even a qualitative under
standing. The best known of these is, of course,
superconductivity. A second is the discovery of De Haas and co-workers35 at Leiden that there
is a minimum in the resistance-temperature curve
of gold at liquid helium temperatures. The in
crease in resistance becomes very rapid at ex
tremely low temperatures « 1 OK). The curve
suggests that the resistance may become infinite
at the absolute zero. The position of the minimum
depends on the purity of the gold, shifting to
lower temperatures as the amount of impurity is
reduced. No explanation of this phenomenon has
been given. A third example is provided by the
existence of a class of semi-conductors with in
completely filled d bands.36 We have mentioned
(Section V, G) that a necessary condition for an
insulator is that there be an even number of
valence electrons per unit cell; if the number is
odd, one would expect a metal. Substances like
MnO, CoO, Mn304, etc., violate this rule since
they are not metallic, but are semi-conductors.
The Bloch theory is based on the assumption
that each electron moves independently in a
periodic potential field. The electrostatic inter
action of the electrons is neglected, except insofar
as it is taken into account through the potential
of the average space charge of the electrons. The
theory is extremely valuahle because it provides
a simple physical picture which gives explana
tions (in many cases, quantitative) of a very wide
range of phenomena. It should be recognized,
however, that it may be necessary in some cases
to go beyond the Bloch picture to explain things
which depend to a large extent on electron inter
action, or on the cooperative action of a large
number of electrons.
(a) References to Books
The references given below refer only to the
few specific examples of various phenomena
which have been discussed in the text. A fairly
complete summary of the experimental literature
extending up to about the year 1934 is given by
W. Meissner, Handbuch der Experimentalphysik,
Vol. XI/2. Other sources of experimental data
1. G. Gruneisen, Handbuch der Physik, 24.
2. G. Borelius, Handbuch der Metallphysik, 1/1 (Leipzig,
110 3. W. Hume-Rothery, The Metallic State (Oxford, 1931).
The following books and articles devoted mainly
to the theory have been found useful:
1. A. Sommerfeld and H. Bethe, Handbuch der Physik
24/2 (1933).
2. N. F. Mott and H. Jones, Theory of the Properties of
Metals and Alloys (Oxford, 1936).
3. A. H. Wilson, Theory of Metals (Cambridge, 1936).
4. H. Frohlich, Elektromentheorie der MetaUe (Berlin,
5. A. H. Wilson, Semi-Conductors and Metals (Cambridge,
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 04:06:14(b) References to Journal Articles
1. R. D. Tolman and T. D. Stewart, Phys. Rev. 8, 97
(1916); 9, 164 (1917).
2. It has been shown by Darwin that the experiment
should give the free electron value of elm; the
"effective" mass does not enter. C. G. Darwin, Proc.
Roy. Soc. A154, 61 (1936).
3. E. Gruneisen, Verh. d. D. Phys. Ges. 15, 186 (1913);
Leipziger Vortrage, 46 (1930); Ann d. Physik 16,
530 (1933).
4. P. W. Bridgman, Proc. Am. Acad. 72, 157 (1938).
5. P. Drude, Ann. d. Physik I, 566 (1900); 3, 370, 869
(1900); 7, 687 (1902); 14,936 (1904). H. A. Lorentz,
Electromentheorie der Metalle (Leipzig, 1909).
6. The theory is summarized in a recent book: E. H. Hall,
A Dual Theory of Conduction in Metals (Cambridge,
7. F. Seitz and R. P. Johnson, J. App. Phys. 8, 84, 186,
246 (1937).
8. Cf. Mott and Jones, p. 96.
9. F. Bloch, Zeits. f. Physik 59, 208 (1930). See also
Gruneisen, reference 3. A simplified derivation has
been given by F. Sauter, Naturwiss. 7, 109 (1930).
10. W. J. de Haas and G. J. Van den Berg, K. Onnes Lab.
Leiden Comm. Nos. 241-252, Suppt. No. 82A
(1936), have measured the resistivities of a number
of metals between 10K and 200 K. The results can
be expressed in the form CTb with b usually between
4 and 5, but for Pt, b = 2.
11. W. G. Baber, Proc. Roy. Soc. A158, 383 (1937).
12. See, for example, J. K. Roberts, Heat and Thermo-
dynamics (Blackie, 1933), p. 437.
13. N. H. Frank, Phys. Rev. 47, 282 (1935).
14. J. Bardeen, J. Chem. Phys. 6, 369 (1938).
15. N. F. Mott, Proc. Phys. Soc. Lond. 46, 680 (1934);
Proc. Roy. Soc. A153, 699 (1936). See also the
theoretical discussion by A. H. Wilson, Proc. Roy.
Soc. A167, 580 (1938).
16. Cf. also Mott and Jones, p. 265.
VOLUME 11. FEBRUARY, 1940 17. M. F. Manning and H. M. Krutter, Phys. Rev. 51,761
18. J. Bardeen, Phys. Rev. 52, 688 (1937). Similar calcula
tions have been made by E. L. Peterson and L. W.
Nordheim, Phys. Rev. 51, 355 (1937).
19. W. Gerlach, Zeits. f. Physik 59, 847 (1930).
20. (a) N. F. Mott, Proc. Roy. Soc. A153, 699 (1936);
(b) A156, 368 (1936). See also A. H. Wilson, refer
ence 15.
21. A. L. Norbury, Trans. Faraday Soc. 16, 570 (1921).
22. J. O. Linde, Ann. d. Physik 10, 52 (1931); 14, 353
(1932); 15, 219 (1932).
23. N. F. Mott, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 32, 281 (1936).
24. N. F. Mott, Proc. Phys. Soc. Lond. 46, 680 (1934);
also reference 22.
25. For a general review of this subject, see F. C. Nix and
W. Shockley, Rev. Mod. Phys. 10, 1 (1938). See also
G. Borelius, Proc. Phys. Soc. 49E, 77 (1937).
26. C. H. Johansson and J. O. Linde, Ann. d. Physik 78,
439 (1925).
27. W. L. Bragg and E. J. Williams, Proc. Roy. Soc. A145,
699 (1934); A151, 540 (1935).
28. H. A. Bethe, Proc. Roy. Soc. AlSO, 552 (1935).
29. R. Peierls, Proc. Roy. Soc. A154, 207 (1936).
30. J. G. Kirkwood, J. Chem. Phys. 6, 70 (1938).
31. C. Sykes and H. Evans, J. lnst. Metals 58,255 (1936).
32. T. Muto, Sci. Papers lnst Phys. Chem. Res. 30, 99
(1936); 31, 153 (1937).
33. C. Sykes and F. W. Jones, Proc. Roy. Soc. A157, 213
(1936); A166, 376 (1938).
34. For a brief review of this subject, see C. H. Desch,
Proc. Phys. Soc. Lond. 49E, 103 (1937).
35. Discussion following a paper by M. L. V. Gayler, ].
lnst. Metals 60, 55 (1937).
36. W. ]. de Haas, H. B. G. Casimir and G. J. Van den
Berg, Physica 5, 225 (1938), where references to
earlier work may be found.
37. ]. H. de Boer'and E. J. W. Berwey, Proc. Phys. Soc.
Lond. 49E, 59 (1937).
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Thomas H. Osgood
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 13, 3 (1942); doi: 10.1063/1.1714797
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1714797
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16Physics in 1941
Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan
As through the streets at eve we went
It might be half past ten-
Oh! we fell out, my friend and I
About the cube of (x+y)
And made it up again.
And blessings on the fallings out
Between two learned men
Who fight on points which neither knows,
\Vho talk but never come to blows,
And make it up again!
SO we used to sing as undergraduates, happily
unaware of the significance of the topics on
which our professors were wont to disagree. In
passing, one heaves an academic sigh of regret
that all differences of opinion, however mo
mentous, cannot be debated and adjusted by the
amicable and civilized methods which character
ize scientific controversy. A case in point which
has recently added new interest to the study of
x-rays and crystals is the occurrence of unex
pectedly strong reflections in directions which
are not accounted for by elementary theory.
These anomalous reflections are found both when
the Laue method and when the Bragg method
of x-ray diffraction are used. The actual observa
tion of spots and streaks which do not fit into
a Laue pattern is a matter of many years'
standing, but it has been customary to pass them
off rather lightly in some quarters as due to
irregularities in the mosaic structure or in the
surface structures of individual crystals. Only
recently have attempts been made to devise
experiments which accentuate the intensity of
these anomalous reflections. As soon as this was
done, it became apparent that the spots were
not due to accidental variations from one crystal
to the next, but that they represented some
special scattering property of crystals in general.
I t is not possible to give here any logical sketch
of the theories involved, but a few facts will
indicate the present situation.
VOLUME 13, JANUARY, 1942 When a monochromatic beam of x-rays falls
on a crystal face, the crystal acts merely as an
absorber and scatterer unless the Bragg relation
nX = 2d sin (J is satisfied. In the latter case, of
course, a very strong reflection, or scattering in
a preferred direction, takes place. But no beam
of radiation is perfectly monochromatic, x-rays
scarcely ever come in parallel beams, and crystals
are not perfect. For these three reasons the
x-radiation reflected by a crystal at the Bragg
angle can never be in the form of an infinitely
narrow pencil, but possesses a finite width.
Under ordinary experimental conditions, reflec
tion is easily detected half a degree from the
Bragg angle even in the case of so-called perfect
crystals like diamond or calcite. If a calci te
cleavage face be lightly ground, so as to increase
the total reflected power, the range of reflection
increases about lO-fold on account of the
randomness introduced into the orientation of
the surface particles.1 It is therefore necessary
to use specially good cleavage surfaces in the
investigation of anomalous reflections near the
Bragg angle.
An experiment of Siegel's2 will illustrate the
occurrence of such reflections. A KCI crystal
was found which had so perfect a cleavage face
that a rotation of the crystal through 6 minutes
of arc in either direction from the Bragg angle
. for the copper Kala2 radiation was almost
enough to suppress the reflection of the character
istic copper lines. The crystal was mounted in a
Bragg spectrometer in the usual way; the
graduated circles were accurate to 1 minute or
better, and the customary ionization chamber
was replaced by a photographic plate. The
crystal was then set so that it was, let us say,
20 minutes away from the Bragg angle, and a
long exposure, perhaps 20 hours, was made.
The Bragg reflection was, of course, recorded on
the photographic plate, but only with reasonable
intensity in spite of the long exposure, because
of the slight offsetting of the crystal. Very close
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16to the Bragg spot in this exposure appeared
another, rather more fuz?y, but of comparable
intensity. Referring to Fig. 1, suppose that
radiation from a copper target were incident
along BC on the crystal, and that the KOi rays
would then be reflected along CB'. Then B CB'
FIG. 1. Reflection of monochromatic x-rays from a crystal
face A CA', showing the direction of the diffuse reflection
CD in relation to the Bragg reflection CE'.
represents the ordinary Bragg reflection. With
no other geometry could the reflected intensity
be greater. The angles BCA, B'CA' are, of
course, equal. Now suppose that the crystal is
offset a little, and that the incident radiation
falls on the crystal along RC. Some faint reflec
tion still occurs, along CR', with the angles RCA
and R'CA' still equal. But another reflection
occurs along CD, causing a fuzzy spot to appear
rather close to R', but always between R' and ]3'.
I t is this diffuse reflection over which there has
been so much argument-not about its occur
rence, but about its interpretation. A pictorial
idea of the phenomenon can be obtained from
Fig. 2, which was taken with an arrangement
like that of Fig. 1. The spots CL, Oi, in any strip
of Fig. 2 are found in the directions R', D of
Fig. 1. Diffuse spots are also shown in an even
more striking manner by two equal-scale photo-.
graphs (Figs. 3 and 4) reprinted from a paper by
Gregg and Gingrich.3 One print was made, as
in an ordinary Laue photograph, with continuous
radiation; the other with monochromatic radia
tion. In the latter case the Laue spots are
suppressed, and the diffuse spots, caused by
monochromatic radiation, stand out prominently
against the background.
In discussing their own experiments on the
subject, Raman and Nilakantan4 state: "We
presented evidence proving conclusively that
the lattice planes in a crystal give a second kind
of geometric reflection of x-rays which we
4 designated as the modified or quantum reflection,
to distinguish it from the unmodified or classical
reflection discovered by Laue and his collabo
rators in 1912. The process which results in the
modified reflection was clearly established by the
experimental results in the cases studied by us.
In the language of classical optics, a modified
reflection by the lattice planes results from the
dynamic variation of their structure amplitude
consequent on an oscillation, relative to each
other, of the interpenetrating lattices in the
structure of the crystal. In the act of such
reflection, the primary x-ray frequency is altered
by the addition or subtraction of one or another
of the characteristic infra-red frequencies of the
crystal, In the language of quantum mechanics,
the modified reflection represents an inelastic
collision of the photon with the crystal in which
the two exchange energy."
Zachariasen, however, has been developing
the theory of the diffuse scattering of x-rays by
crystals which accounts generally for the radial
streaks frequently found on Laue photographs.
He finds theoretically that under appropriate
conditions, the intensity along these streaks may
increase and decrease so fast that a streak is
recorded merely as a spot, the position of the
spot being calculable for a particular wave-length
in terms of the Bragg angle and the glancing
angle of incidence. He shows too, from a re
measurement of some of Raman and Nilakantan's
photographs with rocksalt and diamond crystals,
that the positions of the spots found by the
Indian authors are very satisfactorily accounted
for by his own theory. He even goes so far as to
say that "there seems to be no acceptable basis
for the assertion of Raman and Nilakantan that
the theory of diffuse scattering is incapable of
giving the correct positions of the diffuse
maxima. There is thus no experimental justifica
tion for the statement that the effect described
by Raman and Nilakantan (observed earlier by
others) is not a diffuse scattering phenomenon."
In their latest contribution to the discussion,
Raman and Nilakantan energetically contradict
the suggestion that the phenomenon dealt with
by them is explicable as "diffuse maxima in the
scattering of x-rays by elastic waves of thermal
origin," and to support their contention, consider
the following three points. First, the intensity
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16of the scattering of x-rays by elastic waves of
thermal origin is theoretically proportional to
the total number of atoms effective in scattering,
and the effects due to this type of scattering
would therefore be very small unless large
volumes of a crystal were involved. But their
effect can be recorded under the same experi
mental conditions as the Bragg reflection, and
with narrow beams and thin crystals. Second,
according to Raman and ~ilakantan's interpreta
tion of Zachariasen's theory, the scattering
coincides with the Bragg direction, and in such
circumstances, becomes indistinguishable from
it. At all other angles, they maintain, the
maximum should be smeared out, and no longer
appear as one sharp spot. Nevertheless, the
anomalous spots which they themselves observe
are still fairly sharp even when the crystal is
set as much as 10° from the position appropriate
for classical scattering. Third, since the diffuse
scattering depends on the thermal vibrations of
atoms, the scattered intensity should be sensitive
to changes in the temperature of the crystal.
FIG. 2. Three examples of diffuse reflection of x-rays.
Copper K radiation with a weak background of general
radiation was incident at glancing angles of about 36°,
31°, and 28° on a 100 cleavage face of rocksalt in strips
numbered 1, 2, 3, respectively. The diffuse 400 reflections
of the Ka-and K(3-rays are indicated by a and (3. The 400
Laue spots are labeled CL. The narrow lines on the ex
treme left are fiducial marks at the positions of the 200
Bragg reflection of the Ka line. (Courtesy of G. E. M.
However, their observations with ·diamond
crystals at ordinary and at liquid-air tempera
tures show very little dependence of the in tensi ty
upon temperature. This report may well be
contrasted with that of Baltzer,5 who finds, m
the case of rocksalt, a strong dependence of
the diffuse spot intensity on temperature.
VOLUME 13, JANUARY, 1942 In the discussion of these experiments and
theories, J auncey and others bring out some
significant points. ".According to Zachariasen
the clastic waves are a consequence of the
thermal agitation of the atoms in the crystal as
in Oebye's theory of the specific heats of solids.
According to Raman and Nath the clastic waves
are excited by the incident x-rays by means of a
quantum process," but it seems to be agreed by
others that these investigators offer no indis
putable proof of the change in frequency which
is a basic part of their theory. An approximate
equation which gives the positions of the
modified reflections, and which fits experimental
results well for rocksalt, for diamond, and for
sylvine "can be obtained by at least two-if not
three-different theories," and therefore cannot
be used, unless in a more exact form, to force a
decision. Kot only will it be necessary to give
more~study to the intensities as well as to the
positions of the spots before a choice between the
theories can be made, but the theories themselves
will have to undergo some reinterpretation.
In a recent letter to Nature, K. Lonsdale6
gets right to the heart of the matter. According
to her, the reason why many different assump
tions (the existence of small groups of atoms, of
waves of the Raman type, of elastic heat waves)
give in the various theories the same formula for
the displacement of the anomalous spot from
the center of the Bragg reflection, is that in the
derivation of the formula it is assumed that the
spreading of the intensity of reflecting power
around each reciprocal lattice point is inde
pendent of direction. The simple formula usually
quoted is just a geometrical way of expressing
the fact that near the reciprocal lattice points
the distribution is spherical. Actually, at greater
distances the distribution is far from spherical,
though the actual shape is not known. Even
Raman and Nath's more general formula is
simply a way of expressing a geometrical
relationship. The interpretation of the observa
tions according to one theory or the other is
therefore a matter of choice, for it cannot prove
that anyone is to be preferred. \Vhat is needed
is more information concerning the effects of
elasticity, crystal perfection, temperature, etc.,
on the positions of the anomalous spots; and
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16some increase in accuracy, for at the moment of
writing the agreement of calculated with ob
served positions is termed excellent when no
difference greater than 5 or 10 minutes of arc
is found.
New ways have been found of accomplishing
the fission of heavy atoms. From the University
of Rochester, Dessauer and Hafner7 report the
fission of uranium and of thorium by protons.
In their principal experiments, they allowed a
beam of 6.9-Mev protons from a cyclotron,
shown in Fig. 5, to fall on a 10-mil sheet of
FIG. 3. Laue pattern of rocksalt, for comparison with
Fig. 4. Some diffuse scattering is visible in the form of
streaks, due to the multiplicity of wave-lengths in the
radiation. (Courtesy of N. S. Gingrich.)
thorium, which was too thick to be penetrated
either by the proton beam or by fission frag
ments. If protons caused fission, therefore, only
the front face of this 10-mil thorium sheet could
release fission fragments. It was necessary,
however, to anticipate the possibility that the
impinging protons might cause a proton-neutron
reaction in the heavy metal. The neutrons thus
created would, of course, be able themselves to
cause fission. However, since neutrons can pene
trate even such a heavy metal as thorium with
some ease, any neutron-induced fission would
take place almost anywhere in the 10-mil thorium
sheet. As a result, if the fission in this experiment
was a secondary process due to the incidental
creation of neutrons, then fission products could
be collected not only from the front of the
6 thorium sheet, but also from the back. Dessauer
and Hafner found that no fission fragments
emerged from the back of the 10-mil thorium
sheet, but from the front there came recoiling
fragments which could be collected on a suitable
aluminum foil placed a short distance away.
As might be expected, the decay curve of the
recoil fragments caught on the aluminum foil
was such as to indicate the presence of many
different periods. The threshold energy for
thorium fission by protons was found to be at
5.8 Mev.
Since the specific charge of alpha-particles is
only half that of protons it would not be reason
able to expect the former to be able to enter
the nuclei of heavy atoms unless their energies
were considerably in excess of the threshold
quoted above for protons. The potential barrier
of a uranium atom, for an incident alpha
particle, is estimated to be nearly 30 Mev, an
energy which happens to be within the range of
the 60-inch cyclotron of the Crocker Radiation
Laboratory. Using this instrument, Fermi and
Segrc8 bombarded ammonium uranate with 32-
1Iev alpha-particles, finding among the products
several tell-tale isotopes of iodine and tellurium
which definitely establish the fission of uranium
by this bombarding agent.
Xeutrons, deuterons, gamma-rays, protons,
alpha-particles-an impressive list containing
all the simple massive particles-are now known
to be effective in splitting heavy elements. The
probabilities of the separate processes do not
differ by more than a few powers of ten, as
Table I shows. The detection. of the smaller
cross sections listed is almost at the limit of
present-day technique.
The fission fragments of uranium (235) under
impact of slow neutrons include both stable and
unstable isotopes of the clements numbered 35
to 43 and 51 to 57, inclusive. Those which are
unstable decay as beta-rayers, thus constituting
a number of radioactive series. Decay periods
have been measured with some accuracy, and in
about half of these cases, chemical analyses and
information from the field of artificial radio
activity have led to the identification of the
nature and the isotopic number of the element
responsible for a particular rate of decay. Until
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16the work of Anderson, Fermi, and von Grosse9
was published, however, only the roughest
qualitative estimates were available concerning
the proportions of fission fragments which
followed eg.ch of these radioactive series. These
TABLE I. Experimental cross sections for fission.
Particle Mev
Neutron Thermal
Neutron 0.2
Neutron 0.5
Neutron 1-10
Neutron >10
Proton 6
Deuteron 8
Deuteron 9
Alpha 32
Photon 6.3
Photon 17 U
3 X 10-24
1 X 10-25
6X 10-26
7X 10-25
> 1 X 1Q-28?
4X 10-27
3.5X 10-27
3 X 10-27? Th
1 X 10-25
1.4 X 10-25
1 X 1Q-28?
1.5 X 10-26
1.7 X 10-27
1.5 X 1Q-27?
investigators separated one convenient member
from each of a number of these known radio
active series, and compared the {3-ray counts
from a known quantity of each. The probability
of the occurrence, or branching ratio, of a
particular radioactive series from the slow
neutron fission of uranium could then be found.
As an indication of the results, it will be recalled
that the following three sequences, among many
more, occur in the decay of the fission products:
51Sb127 -(80 hr.)----752Te127 -(10 hr.)
----7531127 (stable),
52Te131- (25 min.)----753 P31-(8 days)
----754Xe131 (stable),
54Xe139- (30 sec.)----755CS139- (6 min.)
----756Ba139- (86 min.)----757La139 (stable).
The branching ratios turned out to be 0.18, 1.6,
and 6.4 percent, respectively. All told, these
three workers investigated 9 of the 12 series
known among the heavy products of fission,
and one among the light products. The sum of
the branching ratios of all 12 of the heavy
product series should be 100 percent. The actual
sum of the 9 which were examined comes to
only about 50, so the remaining 50 must be
accounted for ·either by the 3 not studied, or
else by other series not yet discovered.
\\Then neutrons of energy less than 10 Mev are
used to bombard uranium, the resulting fission
fragments all have atomic numbers between 35
and 57, but none occur with atomic numbers 44
VOLUME 13, JANUARY, 1942 to 50, incl usive. This unsymmetrical fission will
undoubtedly have important theoretical implica
tions, particularly in conjunction with the recent
experimental findings of Nishina, Yasaki, Ki
mura, and Ikawa.l° These authors find that with
increased neutron energy, the fission may take
place in a more symmetrical manner, though the
proportion of symmetrical fragments is relatively
small even with the 17 -Mev neutrons from the
Li(d, n)Be reaction. Among the elements now
found in the 44-50 gap (and these have been
checked by Segre and Seaborgll) are 46Pd111 and
46Pdl12 which decay as beta-rayers through 47Ag111
and 47Ag112 to stable 48Cdlll and 48Cd1l2, respec
tively. In addition, the Japanese workers found
Ru (44) and Rh (55) fragments after bombarding
pure uranium oxide with more than 100 micro
ampere hours of fast neutrons. To achieve this
identification it was necessary first to separate
rhodium (as a metal) and ruthenium (as a
sulphide) from the sample of uranium oxide.
Then each of these was carefully purified to be
sure that none of the more abundant fission
products such as molybdenum, palladium, silver,
cadmium, antimony, tellurium, iodine, cesium,
barium, and lanthanum remained. When this
was done, the rhodium fraction showed one
34-hour period, while the ruthenium showed two,
of 4 and 60 hours. Since Nishina and his col
leagues also found an indium isotope, the only
element of atomic number 35 to 57, inclusive,
not yet reported among the fission fragments
is Sn (50).
FIG. 4. Companion pattern to Fig. 3. Monochromatic
Mo Ka-radiation was used in place of polychromatic
radiation. The spots here are due to diffuse scattering of
the monochromatic radiation. They are not Laue spots.
(Courtesy of N. S. Gingrich.)
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16I t has been known for more than two years
that the fission fragments of uranium fall into
two groups, as judged by their ability to ionize
gases. Corresponding to this method of grouping,
the fragments were found to have ranges in air
of 1.S and 2.2 cm. The researches which have
been conducted under Bohr's guidance at
Copenhagen show that a similar distinction
between the light and heavy fragments can be
made from cloud chamber,observations. It might
be thought that there should be no ambiguity
in deciding from cloud-chamber pictures, such
as B¢ggild, Brostr¢m, and Lauritsen12 have
made, which tracks belonged to one group and
which to the other. But there are two difficulties
which prevent such a direct identification. First,
though the most commonly occurring fragments
have masses in the ratio of about 3 : 2, yet the
mean ranges in air of these particles appear to
be more nearly in the ratio 4 : 3. The inherent
stopping power of a thin layer of uranium,
though amounting to less than ten percent of the
range, nevertheless tends to make the grouping
less obvious. Second, in each group the straggling,
which may be described as the incidental
variation from the mean range, is large, much
larger than for alpha-particles. In classifying
the fragments, therefore, the actual length of a
track is of little value and some other criterion
must be used. It turns out that the number of
8 branches on the tracks, in a specified section of
each, is a reliable guide in separating the groups,
the heavier fragment having a shorter track and
more branches than the lighter. The figures for
the ranges derived from the cloud-chamber
observations reduced to standard air by the rules
which are applicable to alpha-particles are 19
and 2S mm (in argon) and 23 and 30 mm (in
helium). Setting beside these the 1S-and 22-mm
ranges quoted above, it is clear that there are
still some discrepancies to be explained between
the relative stopping powers of different gases
for the fission fragments, although the main
features13 of the slowing down process of these
heavy particles have been well established.
The act of fission by neutrons is presumed to
proceed along the following lines. A neutron is
temporarily captured by the heavy nucleus,
raising it to an excited state. Then, one of two
FIG. 5. 7-Mev protons emerg
ing from the Rochester cyclotron.
A short distance before the end
of its range in air the beam is par
tially intercepted by a fluorescent
screen. (CourtesyofG. Dessauer.)
things may happen; either a neutron is emitted,
or the nucleus divides. \Vith variation in the
incident neutron energy, and therefore in the
state of excitation, the relative probabilities of
these two happenings will change. In particular,
if a large incident neutron energy elevates the
U239 nucleus to a high state of excitation, neutron
emission will occur, but it may also happen that
the remaining U238 nucleus is still in such a high
state of excitation that it will itself undergo
fission. ~ow the higher the state of excitation of
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16U238, the more likely is fission to occur in com
parison with neutron emission. Therefore, if we
admit the possibility of fission of both U239 and
U238, an increase in the cross section for fission
may well be expected with increasing neutron
energies. The available experimental evidence
bears only indirectly on the details of the fission
process, but the scheme outlined hereI4 accounts
well for the observation of Ageno, Amaldi, and
othersI5 that the cross section for fission in
uranium by neutron impact remains practically
constant for neutron energies from about 1 Mev
to 10 Mev, but that it increases considerably
for neutrons with still higher energies. A sum
mary of these results is found in Table I.
Carbon has two stable isotopes, CI2 and C13,
whose' abundancesI6 are 98.9 and 1.1 percent.
Using these figures we find that CI2 is about
90.0 times as abundant as C13. A mass-spec
trometer study of the relative abundances of
C12 and CI3 recently completed by Murphey and
NierI7 discloses however, that the CI2jCI3 ratio
varies from 89.2 to 93.1 depending on the source
of the carbon. There is no doubt that limestones,
whatever their ages, give low values; that carbon
from plants is unusuaIly rich in C12; and that in
meteoric carbon intermediate values occur. But
it is too early yet to hazard an explanation of
the significance of the variations.
Of the radioactive isotopes of carbon, the
most useful as far as applications to other fields
of science are concerned is Cl4, an unstable
atom which decays by emitting beta-particlesl8
of energy about 145 kev. It can be manufactured
with deuterons according to the reaction
Cl3(d, p )Cl4 or by the action of slow neutrons on
nitrogen, Nl4(n, p)Cl4. The beta-particles, having
a range of nearly 20 mgjcm2 in aluminum,
equivalent perhaps to 0.2 mm of plant tissue,
are energetic enough to be detected by Geiger
counters even if produced in moderately thick
specimens. The period is so long that no appreci
able decay has been detected in a preparation 9
months old. Ruben and Kamen estimate the
half life to be between 103 and 105 years. Hence
this 04 isotope should prove very useful for
tracer work in living organisms.
All nuclei absorb neutrons, but with a facility
VOLUME 13, JANUARY, 1942 which depends markedly on the velocity of the
neutrons. In generctl, slow neutrons are absorbed
more readily than fast neutrons. There are also
particular narrow ranges of energy throughout
which, for a given nucleus, the probability of
neutron absorption is extremely high. When
this occurs, the capture is described as a reso
nance process. A beam of fast neutrons, reason
ably homogeneous as regards velocity, can now
be created without great difficulty from one of a
number of nuclear reactions such as Li(d, n)Be.
Of course, neutrons can be passed through
hydrogen-containing materials and the emerging
neutrons, called thermal neutrons, having suf
fered numerous collisions with particles of the
same mass as their own, are slow moving ones.
But the very process of slowing them down
spreads their velocities into a Maxwellian
distribution such as is found in the molecules of
a gas. The production of a homogeneous beam
of neutrons of very low energy (say 0.1 electron
volt) therefore requires the use of some kind of
velocity spectrometer, so that a beam with
velocities in a narrow range may be selected.
Methods of achieving the desired result by
modulating a high voltage source of ions have
already been referred to in this series of articles,
and convenient references to the original work
may be found in a paper by Baker and Bacher.19
These authors used beams of slow neutrons of
well-defined energy to investigate resonance
processes. Cadmium, for example, has for several
years been known to absorb thermal neutrons
very easily. Baker and Bacher show that this
strong absorption is due to a resonance phe
nomenon with a maximum probability of ab
sorption at 0.14 ev. The position which they find
for this maximum in cross section is much more
precisely determined, but of the same order of
magnitude as that given by other earlier investi
gators. Cadmium has eight stable isotopes
altogether, of which only two have relative
abundances less than 5 percent. It seems
probable that the resonance absorption of 0.14-
ev neutrons is due either to Cd111 or to Cd1l3,
which are present in ordinary cadmium to the
extent of only 13.0 and 12.3 percent, respectively.
The cross section at resonance turns out to be
4.2 X 10-20 cm2, an extraordinarily high value for
such a process, as a glance at Table I will show.
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16IV
At last a gratifying semblance of orderliness
is apparent in the deductions which can be made
from the various cosmic-ray experiments that
have been performed during the past decade.
Many of the older tentative hypotheses con
cerning the nature of the primary radiation can
now be abandoned in favor of one which provides
a logical background for the interpretation of
numerous counter experiments. The present
concept of the incoming primary radiation and
of its subsequent behavior in passing through
the atmosphere arises directly from the experi
ments of Schein, Jesse, and Wollan,20 and of
Swann21 and his collaborators, though it should
not be forgotten that the most recent work has
been guided by the experience of a host of
earlier investigators. An admirably clear state
ment of the present situation has been made by
Swann, who emphasizes the following points.
(1) "There is only one type of primary radiation,
a charged particle radiation-probably protons
--comprising particles of heavy mass." This is
an assumption without which many contradic
tions appear in the interpretation of the counter
experiments. (2) "By processes at present
unknown, the primary radiation gives birth,
probably indirectly, in the upper atmosphere,
to mesotrons." (3) "Those mesotrons which are
born approximately at rest will have such short
lives22 [and low speedsJ* that they will disinte
grate before they have travelled more than 300
meters. They will, in fact, disintegrate in the
stratosphere, and in so disintegrating, will give
rise to electrons which, on account of the
disintegration occurring from mesotrons at rest,
will emerge on the average equally in all direc
tions. (4) The mesotrons formed with higher
energy will disintegrate at lower altitudes,
because of their longer lives [and rapid motion],*
and because they disintegrate at high energy,
will give rise to electrons which possess on the
average a forward component at these lower
alti tudes."
We shall try to sketch the most straigh tforward
experimental evidence which is available in
support of these statements. Near sea level,
* Phrase in brackets added by the present reviewer.
10 counter-tube "telescopes" show the intensity of
cosmic-ray particles of 'all kinds arriving verti
cally at any particular locality to be much
greater than that of cosmic rays arriving from
near the horizon. At higher altitudes, however,
the maximum of intensity in the direction of the
zenith is much less pronounced. In other words,
the directions of travel of these cosmic-ray
particles are more random at high altitudes than
at low, where a strong concentration in the
vertical direction is observed. The statements
(3) and (4) above are consistent with these
experimental findings. If there were any appreci
able proportion of electrons in the primary
incoming cosmic rays, an intensity maximum
should occur in the zenith direction up to the
highest altitudes at which observations have
been made. In the absence of such an effect,
the most obvious deductions are that there are
no such incoming electrons, and that cosmic-ray
electrons are produced in the atmosphere, in
agreement with point (2) above. Fairly direct
evidence for the existence of penetrating massive
primary particles is offered by observations noted
below. At the moment, the production of
mesotrons by these primaries is merely an
inference made necessary by the knowledge that
mesotrons have but a transient existence. The
formation of mesotrons by protons has not yet
been observed in the laboratory. Perhaps the
new Berkeley cyclotron will provide protons
with energies in the range where the process
occurs with a reasonably high probability.
Conclusions of essentially the same nature
have been reached by Schein, Jesse, and Wollan
from their studies of the vertical intensity and
the production of mesotrons at high altitudes.
Their experiments measured the intensity of the
hard component up to heights at which the
barometric pressure was only 2 or 3 cm of
mercury. With different arrangements of coun
ters, like that shown in Fig. 6, these penetrating
particles were recorded only after they had
passed through thicknesses of lead varying from
4 to 18 cm. Strangely enough, the intensity was
not appreciably affected by variation in the
thickness of lead and the intensity curve rose
steadily as a function of altitude, showing no
signs of a maximum followed by a rapid fall near
the top of the atmosphere, as earlier experiments
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16seemed to show. "Because of the constancy of
the penetrating power of the particles we
measure," say these three authors, "and because
they are not shower producing, we conclude
that there are no electrons of energies between
109 and 1012 ev present at the highest altitudes
reached. Since the energy required for electrons
to penetrate the earth's magnetic field of 510
geomagnetic latitude is about 3 X 109 ev, and
since our measurements were carried out to
within the first radiation unitt from the top of
FIG. 6. Automatic cosmic-ray counting apparatus carried
to very high altitudes by balloons in the experiments of
Schein, Jesse, and vVollan. The two vertical rows of per
forated cylinders on the left are covers of amplifying tubes.
To the right of these are seen the shielded ends of six
counter tubes. The striped bundle at the lower right is a
package of dry batteries. Just above them is an air-tight
metal cylinder enclosing the high voltage supply. At the
lower left is a metal drum containing a camera for record
ing cosmic-ray intensity, barometric pressure, and tem
perature. The whole frame is covered during a flight with
Cellophane and silver paper to keep the temperature
inside reasonably constant. (Courtesy of \V. P. Jesse.)
t One radiation unit is the average distance in matter
which an electron goes before losing half of its energy
through radiative processes. This distance is about 0.4
cm in lead or 275 meters in standard air.
VOLUME 13, JANUARY, 1942 the atmosphere, it seems difficult to assume the
presence of electrons (E < 1012 ev) in the primary
cosmic radiation, and hence they must be
replaced by some penetrating type of charged
particles. The mesotrons themselves cannot be
the primaries because of their spontaneous
disintegration. Hence it is probable that the
incoming cosmic radiation consists of protons."
In support of these views they quote further
evidence which shows that mesotrons are pro
duced in multiples mainly by ionizing non
shower-producing particles (mesotrons can also
be produced by non-ionizing radiation); and
that the number of penetrating particles ob
served in their counter experiments near the top
of the atmosphere is approximately the same as
the number of primary particles deduced from
ionization chamber measurements.
The' problem of the nature of cosmic rays is,
however, still far from solution. A note by
Cocconi23 points out that the rather simple
picture which has just been given neglects some
important points. Chief among these is that it
fails .to account for the numbers of electrons
which are found at high altitudes or even at sea
level by at least an order of magnitude. It may
be necessary then to assume that the primary
protons, in addition to producing mesotrons
singly or in bunches,24 create also the photons
and electrons which produce large showers and
a considerable part of the electron component.
If this hypothesis be correct, the next step will
be to find under what circumstances the various
processes are most likely to occur.
Some comment on the lifetime of the mesotron
is desirable, since this concept plays an important
part in Swann's argument as stated above.
Yukawa had employed such a particle in
theoretical work a few years before it was found
experimentally, and from the beginning postu
lated that it must be unstable. After its recogni
tion as an important component of cosmic rays
several experimental estimates of its lifetime
were made, the values given in 1939 ranging
from 1.7 to about 3 microseconds. Mesotrons
do not all have the same penetrating power, and
therefore may be assumed to possess a range of
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16velocities, and the very fact of their motion will
make their lifetimes appear different from those
of mesotrons at rest. Rossi and HaI122 point out
that if to be the lifetime of a mesotron measured
in a frame of reference in which the mesotron is
at rest, and t the lifetime measured in a frame
of reference in which the mesotron is moving at
{3 times the speed of light, then t=to(1-{32)-~,
following one of the simplest rules of the principle
of special relativity. If now L be the average
distance traveled by mesotrons of velocity {3c
from their creation to disintegration points, then
L = c{3t = pto/ p. where p. is the rest mass and p 'the
momentum of a mesotron. The probability of
decay per centimeter path, 11L, is, therefore,
inversely proportional to the momentum. Hence,
theory predicts that fast moving mesotrons have
a longer expectation of life than slow ~oving
The test of this variation in lifetime depends
on the so-called "absorption anomaly." To
explain the principle of this test, let us consider
mesotrons moving vertically downwards over
Colorado. At Echo Lake (alt. 3240 m) an
observer might find how much the mesotron
intensity would be reduced by passing through
200 g/cm2 of iron. At Denver, nearby (alt.
1616 m), another observer might find how much
the mesotron intensity had been reduced after
passing through the 1624 vertical meters of air
lying between the two stations mentioned. The
thickness, 200g/cm2, of iron is chosen because
the difference between the average barometer
readings at Echo Lake and Denver is 108 mm
of mercury, or 147 g/cm2 of air. Using the best
available theories, it can be shown that if
mesotrons were stable, losing energy by collision
processes only, then 147 g/cm2 of air is equivalent
to 200 g/cm2 of iron. Should an experiment
reveal that 200 g/cm2 of iron is not equivalent
as an absorber to the layer of air between Echo
Lake and Denver, then the discrepancy must
be attributed to the decay of mesotrons. If the
observations could be made on mesotrons of
different momenta it would be possible to test
the equation L=pto/p.. This is just what Rossi
and Hall22 have tried to do.
The only feasible way of distinguishing be
tween mesotrons of different momenta is to see
12 if they can or cannot pass through specified
thicknesses of material. Whether or not lead is
actually used for the purpose, it is customary
to express the ranges of mesotrons in terms of
their penetration through this metal. By using
appropriate thicknesses of iron and lead around
and between their counter tubes, Rossi and Hall
were able to investigate separately two groups
of mesotrons: those with ranges between 196
FIG. 7. Equipment at Echo Lake under six tons of iron
plates used as an absorber. (Courtesy of B. Rossi.)
and 311 g/cm2 of lead, and those with ranges
greater than 311 g/cm2 of lead. The type of
experiment to be done determines roughly what
these thicknesses should be, though their precise
values have no particular significance. l\Iost
people think of Colorado as a vacation land, but
the handling of such thick absorbers, covering
counters from 25 to 60 cm long, at the altitude
of Echo Lake could scarcely be a restful contribu
tion to a holiday (Fig. 7). For both groups of
mesotrons it was found that the apparent
absorption caused by the 147 g/cm2 of tenuous
air between Denver and Echo Lake exceeded
that caused by the compact 200 g/cm2 of iron at
Echo Lake. This is merely an additional proof
of what was already known, viz., that in passing
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16through an absorber a beam of mesotrons is
reduced in intensity both by absorption and by
loss of mesotrons due to decay. The latter
process, though negligible in dense absorbers,
makes an important contribution to the absorp
tion in media of low density where the mesotrons
travel long distances.
The crux of the experiment, however, lies in
the observation that for the slower moving
mesotrons the excess absorption was 2.5 times
as great as for the faster moving mesotrons.
Now allowance must be made in this factor of
2.5 for the longer time required by the slower
moving mesotrons to traverse the 1624 vertical
meters of air between Echo Lake and Denver.
An application of the Bethe-Bloch formula
concerning the slowing down of moving particles
led Rossi and Hall to the conclusion that the
momenta of their two groups of mesotrons were
roughly in the ratio 3 : 2. Such a ratio of mo
menta (and therefore roughly of transit times)
is not nearly enough to account for the whole
factor 2.5 quoted above, so that the conclusion
seems inevitable that the slow-moving mesotrons
disintegrate in a shorter time than fast-moving
Definite as this result appears to be, the
experiment on which it is based will have to be
refined considerably before it can be used to test
quantitatively the theoretical dependence of a
mesotron's distance of travel upon its momentum.
The division of the cosmic-ray mesotrons into
only two momentum groups can hardly be called
resolving them into a momentum-spectrum, but
it will stand as a notable achievement of 1941.
Although the disintegration of mesotrons into
electrons and neutrinos is an essential part of
the description of the general behavior of cosmic
rays as summarized above, yet the justification
for this point of view has, up to the present
time, been found in the simplification it intro
duces into the general picture, rather than in the
weigh t of direct experimental evidence which
can be used to support it. The direct evidence,
indeed, consists of a few photographs of cloud
tracks, but much indirect evidence is available
from experiments on the anomalous absorption
of mesotrons in air and in solids. New direct
evidence, such as is contained in a series of
VOLUME 13, JANUARY, 1942 papers by Rasetti,25 is therefore of great im
portance. Rasetti's experiments were performed
with rather elaborate groupings of Geiger-Muller
coincidence and anticoincidence counters. One
group of counters recorded the absorption of
mesotrons in aluminum or in iron, and another
group was arranged to detect the delayed
emission of other particles, presumably the
disintegration electrons from the decaying meso
tr:ons. This second group of counters could be
made insensitive for various prearranged times,
of the order of 10-6 sec., immediately after the
tripping of the first bank of counters by a
flying mesotron. At the end of these prearranged
times, the second group of counters became, and
remained, sensitive. A series of observations,
with different delay times, thus furnished the
distribution in time of the secondary particles.
From it, Rasetti calculated the mean life of the
disintegrating mesotrons as 1.5 X 10-6 second,
a result in good agreement with other determi
nations carried out by different methods. On
the further details of this decay process we can
do no better than quote Rasetti's own words.
"The present experiments," he says, "seem to
indicate a number of disintegrating electrons
per mesotron definitely smaller than unity ....
The results, however, are in agreement with the
assumption that only half of the mesotrons
undergo free decay. Since the analysis of meso
tron tracks in a magnetic field has shown that
there are about as many positive as negative
mesotrons, or a small excess of positive, the
result found is what should be expected if only
mesotrons of one sign (positive) undergo free
decay. Actually, if, according to the calculations
of Tomonga and Araki, reactions with nuclear
particles are much more probable than spon
taneous disintegration for negative mesotrons,
then we should only record an electron for each
positive mesotron absorbed. The nuclear reac
tions produced by negative mesotrons will
probably lead to excited states of nuclei and
eventually give rise to electrons through pro
cesses of ,B-decay. It is exceedingly unlikely,
however, that such particles could be emitted
with sufficient energy and within a sufficiently
short time to be registered in the present
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16VI
"In the past, the acceleration of electrons to
very high voltage has required the generation of
the full voltage and the application of that
voltage to an accelerating tube containing the
electron beam. No convenient method f<?r re
peated acceleration through a small potential
has been available for electrons, although the
method has been highly successful in the cyclo
tron for the heavier positive ions at velocities
much less than the velocity of light." So Kerst26
begins his paper on "The acceleration of electrons
by magnetic induction." The emphasis here is
on the word electrons. To bring out its signifi
cance we must consider the repeated acceleration
of charged particles as it takes place in the
cyclotron dees. The operation of a cyclotron
depends essentially on the fact that the time, t,
taken by a particle of mass m and charge e,
moving with velocity v, to trace a semicircle of
radius r in a plane perpendicular to a uniform
magnetic field H is given by t= (m/e) (7r/H).
This expression is independent of v and of r;
therefore in the same field all particles with the
same m/e will describe semicircles, no matter
what their radii have to be, in the same time,
provided m/e does not vary with v. Since the
charge of a particle may be considered constant,
only the variation of m with v concerns us. For
a 2-Mev alpha-particle, the mass differs only by
about 0.05 percent from the rest mass, so the
time taken to cover the largest semicircle in the
cyclotron will differ from .the time required to
cover the smallest semicircle by about this
amount. The mass of a 2-Mev electron, however,
is about five times its rest mass. Hence, the time
required by such a light particle to cover the
largest semicircle in a cyclotron would be about
five times as long as the time required to describe
the smallest semicircle. Hence the various por
tions of an electron beam of high energy would
be hopelessly out of phase in cyclotron dees.
When the magnetic flux in a certain space is
changing, an e.m.f. is set up in a loop of wire
surrounding the space. The electric force is
present, indeed, whether the wire is there or not.
Suggestions and attempts to use this principle in
accelerating electrons have been made from time
to time during the last 15 years, but it is only
14 eighteen months since they were incorporated
in a successful working apparatus built at the
University of Illinois. Guided by the experience
gained there, Kerst has just completed the new
accelerator, shown in Fig. 8, in the Research
Laboratories of the General Electric Company.
We can give here but the barest outline of the
apparatus, the data referring to the Illinois
machine. A glass tube perhaps 5 cm across, in
the shape of a ring about 20 cm in diameter
(i.e., shaped like an American doughnut) sur
rounds the closely spaced pole pieces of a lami
nated magnet excited by a 600-cycle current.
Electrons, liberated from a filament near the
outer wall of the evacuated tube are accelerated
in gradually contracting orbits to a circle of
predetermined radius within the tube until they
strike a target. The magnetic field between the
magnet poles is not meant, at any instant, to be
uniform. It must vary radially in such a way
that electrons which happen to be circling a
little too far out or a little too far in are brought
quickly back to the proper orbit. To find out
how the ring of moving electrons is finally made
to deviate enough from its circular path to
strike a target, the reader must turn to the
original paper. We can merely indicate that it is
accomplished by having certain parts of the poles
reach saturation before others. The design of
the magnet controls the success or failure of the
instrumen t.
During each revolution the electrons are
accelerated by an amount equal to the instan
taneous e.mJ. which would be induced in a wire
placed at the position of the orbit. The accelera
tion is completed during the first quarter-cycle,
while the field is increasing, but the electron
speeds are so high that perhaps 100,000 revolu
tions are possible in this time, before the electrons
strike the target. During the third quarter-cycle,
acceleration of the electrons proceeds in the
rev~rse direction, so that the target, bombarded
from both sides, will emit x-rays intermittently
1200 times per second, but with a marked spatial
asymmetry. Currents to the target in the
Illinois instrument are about one-thirtieth micro
ampere at 2.3 Mev. The induction accelerator
is a promising source of high energy photons;
and when some mechanical difficulties have been
overcome, the electron beam will be brought out
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16of the accelerating chamber to provide a strong
source of electrons for nuclear investigations,
and it may soon be possible to duplicate some
low energy cosmic-ray phenomena under con
trolled conditions in the laboratory.
In strong contrast to the modest dimensions
of this new induction accelerator, Fig. 9 shows a
recent photograph of the new giant cyclotron
now under construction in California. This
picture was taken on October 3, 1941. Half of
the steel frame of the walls of the 24-sided
building which will cover the cyclotron is
already in place. When finished, it will be 160 ft.
in diameter. The magnet itself consists of 3700
tons of 2-inch steel plates
bolted together into a rec
tangular frame, one side
of which is below ground
level. One bolt is allowed for
every 10 ft.2 of surface. To
guard against damage by
earthquake the plates are
also welded together at the
edges. Each of the 92 plates
in a horizontal member is 52
ft. long and 6.25 ft. deep,
with a weight of 13.5 tons.
This leaves a rectangular
opening 45.3 ft. wide and
17.5 ft. high in the middle of
which the pole pieces will be
placed. Most of the lower
pole piece is already in posi
tion ; when the upper one has
been assembled and hung in
place, an air gap of depth 40
inches and diameter 184
inches will remain to accom
modate the accelerating
chamber containing the
dees, To excite the magnet,
nventy-four "pancakes"
wound from copper strip
4 X 1: inch will be used, twelve
around the upper core and
twelve around the lower.
These windings will be cooled
by circulating oil. will be needed to complete the construction.
The equipment is designed so that at the start
70-Mev deuterons should be produced, and
it is expected that this energy can be raised to
100 Mev. At this latter energy the magnetic
field required will be 10,000 oersteds, and the
oscillator providing the dee voltage will operate
at a wave-length of 40 meters. The instrument
is being set up on the Berkeley campus of the
University of California, at an altitude of 881 ft.
above sea level. Those who are familiar with
this campus may be able, from the picture, to
verify that it is about 100 yards behind the
Big C.
I t is expected that ap
proximately two more years FIG. 8. The new induction accelerator constructed in the Research Laboratories
of the General Electric Company. 13-Mev electrons have already been produced
by it, and higher energies are expected. (Courtesy of D. W. Kerst.)
VOLUME 13, JANUARY, 1942 15
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16VII
Those who have seen Darrow's racy review27
of the present knowledge of Helium, the Super
fluid will be interested in two short papers by
Kapitza and Landau28 concerning the thermo
dynamic properties of this remarkable substance.
It will be remembered that liquid helium can
exist in two different forms, depending on the
temperature, which are known as He I and
He II. Of these, the latter is the colder, the
transition temperature or A-point between the
two forms having been established with some
accuracy at 2.19°K. Chief among He II's re
markable properties are its extremely low
viscosity, lower than that of hydrogen gas if
measured by conventional methods, and its
ability to transport heat at a prodigious rate.
The reasons for this abnormal "conductivity"
are not entirely clear since they depend on the
theoretical concept of the liquid's structure. It
is certain, however, that next to none of the heat
transferred is carried by the classical process of
conduction. When a temperature gradient is
maintained across a volume of He II, it seems
that a strange counter current is set up, the
liquid behaving as though it consisted of two
separate components. There is a current of
"normal" He II which carries heat from the
hot region to the cold region, and a counter
16 current of "superfluid" liquid directed from the
cold to the hot part. This differs from the
ordinary mechanism of convection in that the
return current of superfluid liquid carries no
heat, and travels without friction. Thus, if two
vessels of liquid helium II at slightly different
temperatures are connected by a narrow tube,
the pressures applied at the ends of the tube
being the same, heat will be "conducted" from
the warmer to the colder, through the liquid in
the tube, nearly as fast as the warmer liquid
could run away unimpeded through the tube if
FIG. 9. The giant cyclotron
now under construction on the
University of California campus
at Berkeley. The size of the mag
net can be judged by the figures
of two men working under and
near it. (Courtesy of D. Cooksey.)
the colder vessel were removed. If such a
fantastic behavior seems to the reader to be
beyond the bounds of reason, we hasten to
explain that in order to bring out the differences
between He II and ordinary liquids we have
perhaps been guilty of an over-bold simplification
of the process. Nevertheless, although the
presence of a counter-current is, in the present
review, based on a few qualitative remarks in
Kapitza's and Landau's papers, yet its existence
is in agreement with the observations of Daunt
and Mendelssohn on the passage of He II
through a porous plug, and with those of Allen
and Jones29 on the fountain effect.
Landau's concept of the nature of He II, as
far as can be gathered from his brief paper in
The Physical Review, is that it is a quantum
liquid in which there can be no continuous
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16transition between the states of potential motion
and vortex motion, but only a discrete finite
jump. The identification of the superfluid with
the lower state of potential motion, and of the
normal He II with vortex motion is then a
natural development. Not until the liquid is in
the higher vortex state can there be any possi
bility of dissipation of energy, and the motion
of the superfluid is therefore thermodynamically
reversible since there is no entropy change
associated with its passage from one place to
another. The quantization of the liquid is in
terms of longitudinal compressional waves and
must therefore be a kind of macroscopic quanti
zation, quite different from any atomic or
molecular quantization. At temperatures above
the X-point, of course, the superfluid state of He
is not present (or should one say, not occupied?).
But it is only fair to state that the two types of
liquid appear first in the mathematical formula
tion of the problem. How much their physical
counterparts have independent existence is a
matter for further experiment.
The electrical failure, and the causes of elec
trical failure in crystals, glasses and other
insulators are matters of some importance in the
field of applied physics, but it is only recently
that experimental results on electrical breakdown
have been consistent enough to warrant their
use as a test of present-day theory. Two papers
by von Hippel and Maurer,30 and von Hippel
and Lee31 give a readable summary of the
present situation. \Vhen a crystal such as KBr
is broken down by a gradually increased electric
field it is found that the voltage at which
failure occurs depends upon the temperature of
the specimen. From about 3 X 105 volts/cm at
-200°C to about 8Xl05 volts/cm at +60°C
the breakdown field increases more or less
smoothly. But above this higher temperature
the field necessary to cause breakdown grows
smaller, drppping to 5 X 105 volts/cm at 200°C,
On the hypothesis that breakdown is due to a
cumulative ionization-by-collision process within
the crystal, a qualitative explanation of the
behavior of KBr in the lower temperature range
can be given in terms of the motion of electrons
VOLUME 13, JANUARY, 1942 through the lattice. When the crystal is cold the
small thermal energy of vibration keeps the
lattice points relatively undisturbed, so that
electrons pass easily; but with increasing temper
ature the agitation of the lattice grows more
violent, and electrons, formerly nearly free to
run through the periodic field, are now much
more likely to be scattered from their original
direction. The scattering thus introduces a more
frequent "stop and go" motion among the
electrons and higher applied fields are required
to cause ionization by collision.
I t seems necessary, however, if the same kind
of theoretical explanation is to be used for the
higher temperatures as for· the lower, to assume
further that the number of secondary electrons
needed to constitute a breakdown current can
be formed at lower fields, if the temperature is
higher. Another way of saying this is that the
number of free secondary electrons per cm path
produced by collision must be an increasing
function of the crystal's temperature. Here,
already, the fundamental ideas of Townsend's
theory of ionization by collision in gases are
being extended to situations they were not de
signed to cover. Some objections may be raised
against such an extrapolation, but nonetheless
it is profitable to pursue this line of thought as
far as possible. Von Hippel and Lee suggest that
in addition to simple ionization by collision, two
other effects should be taken into account. These
are, first, the possible capture by atoms of slow
electrons, just after their liberation, to make
negative ions. This would diminish enormously
the mobility of the charges so captured, making
them no longer effective in liberating new free
electrons by collision. There is fairly good
evidence from absorption spectra that such a
process occurs, but it will be prevented from
gaining control by the re-liberation of the elec
trons from the negative ions by thermal vibra
tions of the crystal. Briefly, then, Townsend's
theory of cumulative ionization gives a fair
explanation of the increase of breakdown voltage
with increasing temperature, as indeed, Froh
lich32 and others have shown; but in order to
account for the subsequent decrease in break
down voltage at somewhat higher temperatures,
auxiliary assumptions along the lines suggested
by von Hippel and Lee are required. This more
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16elaborate theory does not yet appear to have
been worked out in any detail.
Quite a different situation is found in studying
the electrical breakdown of a permanently
disordered substance like glass. The most
interesting case which von Hippel mentions is
that of silica glass, whose behavior he contrasts
with that of a single crystal of quartz. The
latter, in the range -80°C to +60°C, shows a
variation in breakdown voltage continually
increasing with temperature, the magnitude
depending slightly on the direction of the crystal
axes; but the amorphous silica glass, over the
same temperature range, shows an ever-quick
ening diminution in breakdown voltage remi
niscent of the behavior of a crystal in which
disorder of thermal origin is already well ad
vanced. The orderly arrangement of a crystal
la ttice is therefore characterized by a breakdown
voltage with a positive temperature coefficient,
the amorphous state by a negative coefficient.
A few years ago the magnetic moments of some
nuclei were measured experimentally by an
ingenious method developed by Rabi, Millman,
Kusch, and Zacharias.33 For a' new type of
apparatus the experiments possessed a highly
creditable precision, the error being of the order
of a few tenths of one percent. The LF nucleus,
for example, was found to have a magnetic
moment of 3.250 nuclear magnetons. The method
used by these four workers involved a combina
tion of magnetic fields, inhomogeneous, homo
geneous, and oscillating, the accuracy of the
final result depending on the precision with
which the value of the steady field was known,
which had to be measured in more or less
standard fashion by flip-coils. It turned out that
the lines in the radiofrequency spectrum could
be located with an accuracy far in excess of
that available for measuring the magnetic field.
Therefore, to make the fullest use of this pre
cision another way of measuring the field had
to be developed.
When an atom emits radiation while it is in a
magnetic field, the spectrum shows a Zeeman
pattern, a splitting of normally single lines into
various components whose arrangement can be
18 calculated if the strength and direction of the
field are known. In atomic spectra there are some
lines in whose Zeeman patterns the separation
of the component lines depends strongly on the
strength of the field used; and there are other
lines whose Zeeman pattern separations are
quite insensitive to slight changes in the field.
Millman and Kusch34 reversed the usual pro
cedure of determining a Zeeman pattern from
the field and instead proceeded to measure
magnetic field strengths from the separation of
the Zeeman components. That is, Zeeman
patterns were used to calibrate the magnetic
field. This amounted essentially to comparing
the magnetic moment of an electron in an atom,
responsible for the Zeeman effect, with the
magnetic moment of a nucleus.
The latest values of the moment of the Li7
nucleus and of the proton, to quote only two
examples, are 3.2532, and 2.7896. The latter
value is measured, of course, from observations
on the behavior of molecules like N aOH and
KOH, which contain a proton, and derives its
importance from the fact that it enables. a
determination to be made of the moment of the
neutron, by subtracting the proton's moment
from that of the deuteron. The neutron's
moment thus found can then be compared with
the value obtained for free neutrons. The ques
tion has been raised by Rarita and Schwinger,
however, whether a simple subtraction of the
two moments really gives the moment of the
neutron. They suggest a rather more complicated
way of calculating which leads to a slightly
different result. The figures are: -1.933, by
simple subtraction; -1.911, by Rarita and
Schwinger's calculation; and -1.935, experi
mentaJ.35 At the moment of writing, the accuracy
is overwhelmingly in favor of Millman and
Kusch's indirect method, and, therefore, to
quote these authors, "it is highly desirable that
the moment of the free neutron be measured
with a precision comparable to that obtained
for the difference" between the moments of the
deuteron and proton.
Another topic of perennial interest in the field
of optics is the velocity of light. It has long been
regarded as one of the fundamental constants of
nature which plays an increasingly important
part in atomic physics, yet its absolute value is
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16not known to better than one part in 20,000.
Suggestions have been made, on the basis of the
experimental results of the last three quarters
of a century, that this velocity may be a slowly
varying periodic function of time, but determi
nations made before 1900 possess so large a
probable error that these suggestions can hardly
be taken seriously. Prior to 1936, all the meas
urements which ha:ve any claim to reliability
involved the visual measurement of the displace
ment of a spot of light, or the manual control of
the return of a spot of light to a prearranged
position. Most physicists will therefore read
with interest a paper by
W. C. Anderson36 in which he
summarizes his experimental
values of the velocity of
light determined by a purely
automatic method. Personal
errors in this experiment
could come in only in the
measuremen t of the films on
which the records were made. into voltages which are amplified and recorded. It
can be shown that the resultant voltage is
dependent upon the phase relation of the orig-inal
lig-ht modulations and this voltage will be either
a maximum when the beams are .in phase, or a
minimum when one beam is an odd number of
half-cycles behind the other. By noting the path
difference for a given minimum position, the
velocity of light is readily computed by the
relation: c=2fs/n, where n=the number of half
cycles phase difference, s = the optical path
difference between the two light beams, f = the
The method can hardly be
described more briefly than
in Anderson's own words.
"A light beam is passed
through a modulator where
it is made to vary sinus
oidally in intensity about
some steady value. From the
modulator the beam passes
through a half-silvered
mirror, a portion being re
flected from the surface over
to a movable mirror. From
this mirror the beam is re
turned, passing through the
half-silvered mirror to a
photoelectric cell. The other
portion of the original beam
transmitted by the half
silvered mirror passes over a
much longer path and is re
turned along the same path,
being reflected this time from
the half-silvered mirror over
to the same photoelectric
cell. A tuned circuit converts
these photoelectric currents FIG. 10. The Smith-Putnam Wind Turbine on Grandpa's Knob in the Green
Mountains, Vermont. The dimensions of the structure may be estimated from the
figure of a man near the wind-indicating instruments at the left center of the
picture. (Courtesy of J. B. Wilbur.)
VOLUME 13, JANUARY, 1942 19
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16frequency of modulation of the beams, and
c = the velocity of light."
In this velocity determination, just as in the
majority of earlier experiments, the directly
measured velocity was not the velocity in free
space, but rather the velocity in air. Therefore
the measured values had to be corrected, as the
phrase goes, to vacuum, using the known
refractive index of air. Furthermore, the directly
measured velocity was the group velocity whose
magnitude depends upon the relative speeds of
disturbances of different wave-lengths in the
medium. A satisfactory reduction to vacuum,
in which there is no dispersion, thus requires
a knowledge and use of the dispersion caused
by air. Anderson seems to have paid more
attention to this group velocity correction than
his predecessors did, justifying his procedure by
the statement that in some cases the correction
amounted to as much as 7 km/sec. The final
result of his experiments gave the' velocity as
299,776±14 km/sec. In 1935 Michelson, Pease,
and Pearson reported the velocity to be 299,774
km/sec., but the closeness of this to Anderson's
value must be regarded as somewhat fortuitous,
since the 1935 experiments revealed a monthly
periodic variation of velocity with time, of the
order of 20 km/sec., an effect which, if it be
real, has thus far received no satisfactory
The winds and the tides, the most restless of
the elements, are nevertheless among the most
difficult to harness on a commercial scale. For
some time now an interesting experiment in
applied physics, a serious large-scale attempt to
derive useful electric power from the wind, has
been under way on a hill in Castleton, Vermont.
This is the Smith-Putnam Wind turbine on
Grandpa's Knob in the Green Mountains.
Although no technical details are available for
publication, we believe that a professional eye
will discover much that is scientifically inter
esting in the picture reproduced in Fig. 10. We
have no information as to its performance, but
it is said to have been constructed to feed into
the regular electrical power network in Vermont.
Teachers of physics may like to use it in problems
on angular motion in mechanics; and their
20 students may be surprised to find that if the
speed of the turbine were 18 r.p.m., and if it
were developing 1500 hp, then the main shaft
would need to have about the same diameter as
the propellor shaft of a 20,000 ton ship, and the
wing tip would be traveling at 100 mi./hr.
It is obviously unnecessary to review in any
detail the many important papers or groups of
papers which have appeared during the last year
in the Journal of Applied Physics. In the tenth
of a series of articles on lubrication contributed
by the Gulf Research and Development Com
pany, Morgan, Muskat, and Reed37 study the
curious stick-slip process which occurs when one
solid slides over another. This phenomenon, as
recorded in these reviews some years ago, was
first reported by Bowden and Leben, who found
that the process of slipping was an intermittent
one, and that during the slip-stick cycle, con
siderable local heating occurred. The explanatory
mechanism suggested by Bowden and Leben,
and the observations which they made have
been examined and tested in the current paper
by Morgan, Muskat, and ~eed. Not only is the
problem an interesting one for experimental
investigation, but there is ample scope for new
theoretical work by reason of the compressional
waves which must inevitably be set up by such
a sequence of rapid jerks.
Historians of the future, we believe, will
choose the cyclotron and the electron microscope
as the most notable new instruments of the age.
Both are remarkable because they contribute to
several fields of science. By its massive design
and large dimensions, the cyclotron has un
doubtedly captured popular imagination; but
from a strictly technical point of view it might
be argued that the electron microscope is a tool
of wider application. Physicists, biologists, engi
neers, chemists, bacteriologists-all have prob
lems whose solution is, in a short time, almost
Papers will be found in earlier issues of this
Journal describing how the instrument has been
adapted to study thicker specimens than before ;38
to observe surface structure ;39 and to measure
the thicknesses of tiny objects.4o By increasing
the attainable resolving power of scientific
instruments by more than an order of magnitude
it has indeed become the herald of a new era.
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:46:16Under appropriate circumstances its performance
transcends that of the best modern optical
microscope by as much as the first optical
microscope added to human vision. A poe't,
perhaps, untrammeled by the traditional meticu
lousness of the language of technical papers,
could do justice to its possibilities. And while
we wait for a poet, let us at least rejoice, in our inarticulate way, that we live when our science,
too, is alive.
The writer is indebted to several of his
colleagues at Michigan State College for their
helpful criticism of parts of the manuscript;
and to those gentlemen who, in addition to
providing illustrations for thi~ article, have
aided him by friendly correspondence.
(1) P. Kirkpatrick, Phys. Rev. 59, 452 (1941).
(2) S. Siegel, Phys. Rev. 59, 371 (1941).
(3) R. Q. Gregg and N. S. Gingrich, Phys. Rev. 59, 619
(1941). Many other pictures can be found in Proc.
Roy. Soc. A179, 8 (1941).
(4) Nearly all the work dealing with this point can be
traced from a few papers: C. V. Raman and P.
Nilakantan, Phys. Rev. 60, 63 (1941); G. E. M.
Jauncey and O. J. Baltzer, Phys. Rev. 59, 699
(1941); and W. H. Zachariasen, Phys. Rev. 59,
766 (1941); 59, 860 (1941).
(5) O. J. Baltzer, Phys. Rev. 60, 460 (1941).
(6) K. Lonsdale, Nature 147, 481 (1941). See also G. D.
Preston, Nature, 147, 467 (1941).
(7) G. Dessauer and E. M. Hafner, Phys. Rev. 59, 840
(8) E. Fermi and E. Segre, Phys. Rev. 59, 680 \1941).
(9) H. L. Anderson, E. Fermi, and A. von Grosse, Phys.
Rev. 59, 52 (1941).
(10) Y. Nishina, T. Yasaki, K. Kimura, and M. Ikawa,
Phys. Rev. 59, 323 (1941). See also reference 15.
(11) E. Segre and G. T. Seaborg, Phys. Rev. 59, 212
(12) J. K. B~ggild, K. J. Brostr~m, and T. Lauritsen,
Phys. Rev. 59, 275 (1941).
(13) N. Bohr, Phys. Rev. 59, 270 (1941); W. E. Lamb, Jr.,
Phys. Rev. 58, 696 (1940).
(14) N. Bohr, Phys. Rev. 58, 864 (1940).
(15) M. Ageno, E. Amaldi, D. BocciareIli, B. N. Cacia
puoti, and G. C. Trabacchi, Phys. Rev. 60, 67
\1941). See also reference 10.
(16) J. J. Livingood and G. T. Seaborg, Rev. Mod. Phys.
12, 30 (1940).
(17) B. F. Murphey and A. O. Nier, Phys. Rev. 59,771
(1941). ,
(18) S. Ruben and M. D. Kamen, Phys. Rev. 59, 349
VOLUME 13, JANUARY, 1942 (19) C. P. Baker and R. F. Bacher, Phys. Rev. 59, 332
(20) M. Schein, W. P. Jesse, and E. O. Wollan, Phys. Rev.
59, 615 (1941).
(21) W. F. G. Swann, Phys. Rev. 59, 770 (1941).
\22) B. Rossi and D. B. Hall, Phys. Rev. 59, 223 (1941).
(23) G. Cocconi, Phys. Rev. 60, 532 (1941).
(24) E. O. WoIlan, Phys. Rev. 60, 532 (1941).
(25) F. Rasetti, Phys. Rev. 60, 198 (1941).
(26) D. W. Kerst, Phys. Rev. 60, 47 (1941); see also D. W.
Kerst and R. Serber, Phys. Rev. 60, 53 (1941).
(27) K. K. Darrow, Rev. Mod. Phys. 12, 257 (1940).
(28) P. L. Kapitza, Phys. Rev. 60, 354 (1941); I". Landau,
Phys. Rev. 60, 356 (1941).
(29) J. F. Allen and H. Jones, Nature, 141,243 (1938).
(30) A. von Hippel and R. J. Maurer, Phys. Rev. 59, 820
(31) A. von Hippel and G. M. Lee, Phys. Rev. 59, 824
(32) See M. F. Manning and M. E. Bell, Rev. Mod. Phys.
12, 215 (1940).
(33) I. I. Rabi, S. Millman, P. Kusch, and J. R. Zacharias,
Phys. Rev. 55, 526 (1939).
(34) S. Millman and P. Kusch, Phys. Rev. 60, 91 (1941).
(35) L. W. Alvarez and F. Bloch, Phys. Rev. 57, 111
(36) W. C. Anderson, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 31,187 (1941).
(37) F. Morgan, M. Muskat, and D. W. Reed, J. App.
Phys. 12, 743 (1941).
(38) V. K. Zworykin, J. Hillier, and A. W. Vance, J. App.
Phys. 12, 738 (1941).
(39) L. Marton and L. I. Schiff, J. App. Phys. 12, 759
(40) V. K. Zworykin and E. G. Ramberg, J. App. Phys.
12, 692 (1941).
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1.1714934.pdf | Thermionic Emission from an OxideCoated Cathode
H. Y. Fan
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 14, 552 (1943); doi: 10.1063/1.1714934
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1714934
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[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:11:37Thermionic Emission from an Oxide-Coated Cathode
Radio Research Laboratory, National Tsing Hua University, Kunming, China
(Received May 18, 1943)
The properties of thermionic emission from a cathode coated with barium oxide are studied.
The cathode is indirectly heated and its temperature is measured by a thermocouple. It is
found that the emitted electrons have a Maxwellian distribution corresponding closely to the
temperature of the cathode. The emission is studied with accelerating voltages up to 1300 volts.
The current rises more steeply than predicted by Schottky's theory but begins to bend at the
upper end. The variation of the work function and the factor A with the state of the cathode is
studied by glowing the cathode at different temperatures. It is found that both the work func
tion and the factor A vary. No appreciable decay of emission with time is obserVed. The effect
of drawing emission on the work function and the factors A is small.
THERMIONIC emission from oxide-coated
cathodes has been studied extensively.
Many results are, however, contradictory and
the properties of such emitters are not yet thor
oughly clarified. We present in this paper the
results of experiments made on a cathode coated
with barium oxide. Emissions in retarding and
accelerating fields were studied and the variations
of emission constants with the state of the
cathode were investigated. The experiments were
made at low temperatures, so that the state of
the cathode was not affected by the measurement
For measurements of emission in a low field it
is necessary to eliminate the potential drop along
the cathode. In the case of oxide-coated cathodes
the indirectly heated type is best suited for this
purpose. The cathode used' consists of a nickel
alloy tubing, 2 mm in diameter and 4 cm long,
with a loop of tungsten wire, embedded in
alumina, serving as the heater. The coating is
barium oxide, applied in the form of barium
carbonate with amyl acetate and a trace of
collodion as binder. The collector is a nickel
cylinder, 1.29 cm in diameter and 1 cm long, with
a nickel guard ring at each end. The guard rings
are of the same diameter and 1.S em long each.
They serve to eliminate the end effect of the
applied field and the effect of the non-uniformity
of the cathode temperature at the two ends.
The cathode temperature is usually measured
552 by one of three methods: (1) direct optical
pyrometer measurement; (2) measurement of
the heating power input; (3) measurement of
the core resistance. The first method is not
applicable at low temperatures. The second
method involves determination of the total emis
sivity of the coating surface, which varies with
temperature. Besides, in the case of indirectly
heated cathodes it is difficult to determine ac
curately how much of the total heating power
is dissipated through the central portion of the
cathode where the temperature is different from
the two ends. In using the third method there is
also the difficulty of non-uniform temperature of
the cathode. In the case of filaments potential
leads could be used to measure the resistance of
the central portion. When the cathode is in the
form of a tubing as in our case, this method is not
applicable. We measure the temperature of the
cathode by means of a thermocouple. A tungsten
wire is spot-welded to the inside of the cathode
near the center. The wire is held under tension,
so that it does not touch the cathode at other
places except the welded spot. The temperature
of the core is measured by the thermal e.m.f. of
this joint. This method is not applicable to
filaments because of the fact that the wire welded
to a filament disturbs its temperature. The core
of our cathode is tubing 2 mils in thickness and
the tungsten wire used is 3 mils in diameter. It is
thought that the cathode should be massive
enough for the disturbing effect of the tungsten
wire to be negligible. To check this assumption
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:11:3750
0 L.
/ V
0 V
0 L V
o / II
10 10 30 J.
T/'~rmQ/ emf (t.neJt,n caModeJ Nil/volts
FIG. 1. Calibration of tungsten-cathode thermocouple.
a tube is made with two wires spot-welded to the
cathode, one on the inside and one on the outside,
at two different points on the same circum
ference. The outer wire should cool the welded
joint whereas the inner wire, being nearer the
heater, should heat the joint. For a wide range
of the heater current the thermal e.m.£. of the
two joints showed no difference. We feel, there
fore, justified in using this method. The thermal
e.m.£. of the tungsten-core couple is calibrated
against a Chromel-Alumel thermocouple. For the
calibration the two thermocouples are placed in
an evacuated quartz tubing which is heated to
different temperatures by an electric heater
wound on the outside. To prevent any tem
perature difference the joints of the two thermo
couples are spot-welded together and their
thermal e.m.f.'s are taken simultaneously. Figure
1 shows the calibration curve. The thermocouple
measures the temperature of the core. The tem
perature of the oxide surface should be lower.
However, according to Moore and Allisonl the
1 G. E. Moore and H. W. Allison, J. App. Phys. 12,431
VOLUME 14, OCTOBER, 1943 temperature drop across the coating (thickness
less than 100J..!) cannot be more than a few
degrees. Furthermore; in such a composite
cathode the emission could not be a function of
the oxide surface alone but should depend upon
the temperature of the bulk of the oxide also.
In view of these considerations we shall take the
thermal e.m.f. as measuring the "cathode tem
perature.' ,
The structure of the tube is shown in Fig. 2.
To seal to the glass envelope the thermocouple
wires have to be welded to lead-in wires. The
joints between these wires are removed far from
the rest of the tube to prevent them from heating
up. Figure 2 shows also the electric circuit used
for measurement. The emission current flows
through a high resistance in the grid circuit of
the FPS4 tube. The potential drop across the
resistance is balanced by the potentiometer Pl'
There is, then, no potential difference between
the collector and the guard rings during the
measurement. The collector current is measured
by the voltage supplied by the potentiometer Pl.
The current is measured down to 10-12 ampere.
The thermal e.m.f. indicating the cathode tem
perature can be measured with an accuracy of
0.02 mv, which corresponds to less than 1°C. The
accuracy of the temperature measurements
depends, however, upon the accuracy of the
calibration of the Chromel-Alumel thermocouple,
for which the table given by Hoskins Manu
facturing Company in the Handbook oj Chemis-
FIG. 2. ~easure
ment circuit.
try and Physics is used. This table differs slightly
from the table given in the International Critical
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:11:37ELECTRON EMISSION IN A RETARDING FIELb
If the conduction electrons in the cathode have
a Fermi-Dirac or Maxwellian distribution and if
the surface potential barrier allows all electrons
with velocities (normal to the surface) above
a certain value to pass through and reflects all
electrons with velocities less than this value, then
the emitted electrons should have a Maxwellian
energy distribution corresponding to the tem
perature of the cathode. Such results have been
obtained for pure tungsten and platinum
cathodes. For composite emitters, however,
surface reflection may vary with the energy of
the electrons in a more complicated manner.
Indeed, Nottingham2 has shown that electrons
emitted from thoriated tungsten do not follow
the Maxwellian distribution curve corresponding
to the temperature of the cathodes and that at
low retarding fields the emission current has a
much smaller slope. Nottingham explains this as
due to surface reflection of the type R:=: e-E./c•
In the case of oxide-coated cathodes Koller3
and Rothe4 found that, although the energy dis
tribution of the emitted electrons was Ma.x
wellian, it corresponded to a temperature much
higher than the observed cathode temperature.
This, in fact, is similar to Nottingham's result
for thoriated tungsten. On the other hand,
Davisson5 and Demski6 found that the electron
temperature calculated from the energy distri
bution curve agreed c1o~ely with the cathode
temperature. The tube used by Rothe did not
have suitable structure necessary for such
measurement. The experiments of Davisson and
Koller were not reported in detail. Demski
measured the cathode temperature by an optical
pyrometer and worked in the range 1110 to
14SQ°K. The electron temperature checked
within a few percent with the temperature of the
cathode, the difference becoming larger the
higher the temperatures (13.3 percent at 14S00K).
He explains this as due to variation of cathode
activity with measurement. To avoid such
trouble it is best to work at low temperatures.
'W. B. Nottingham, Phys. Rev. 49, 78 (1936).
3 R. Koller, Phys. Rev. 25, 671 (1925).
4 H. Rothe, Zeits. f. Physik 36,737 (1926).
6 L. H. Germer, Phys. Rev. 25,795 (1925).
6 A. Demski, Physik. Zeits. 30, 291 (1929).
554 This is possible with our method of measuring
cathode temperature.
Schottky7 has shown that if the emitted elec
trons have Maxwellian energy distribution, then
the relation between the current and the retard
ing potential is given by
Xd[(eV)iJ+f'" ceVlkTd[(eV)iJ}. (1)
kT (peV/kT)i kT
In our case p!=[R2j(R2_r2)]i= 1.011. Setting
this factor equal to one, the second term on the
left-hand side is the probability integral, the
value of which can be taken from tables. If the
ratio Rjr is very large, the integral in the first
term could be set equal to one. We have
Rjr= 6.43; such a' simplification would not be a
good approximation. We calculate log i/io for
different values of e VjkT, evaluating the integral
by numerical integration. From such data theo
retical curves for different values of T can be
plotted. Figure 3 shows the experimental points
and the corresponding theoretical curves for
different temperatures of the cathode in the
range 582 to 9S1°K. For curves 3,4, S, and 6,
the saturation current was not measured. In
fitting the experimental points to the theoretical
curves we used the contact potential found from
curves 1 and 2 to fix the relative horizontal posi
tions, but the relative vertical positions were not
fixed, the saturation currents not being known.
The relative vertical positions of the experimental
points and the theoretical curves shown for these
curves are arbitrary. Each point was taken
twice, on increasing and on decreasing voltage.
In most cases the two readings differed so little
from each other that, to avoid confusion, they
are not shown separately.
We see from Fig. 3 that in cases 1 and 2 the
experimental points fall very closely on the
theoretical curves. In cases 3,4, 5, and 6 we can
at least say that the experimental points lie very
nearly paralIel to the theoretical curves. Actu-
1 W. Schottky, Ann. d. Physik 44, 1011 (1914).
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:11:37I /
! I I /
i i v 1/ I II 1/
I /
I : V V v v 17 I /
J I. I l7 17' )1 11 j IJ I ---FIG. 3. Emission in
retarding fields.
I l2.~ /-..~ 1/', / T't,aq'Jo;
l!,':'~~n"IC 7 / ~-+----
I V /
r [7 l7
i ~ :/ I~
! ." ." -j.O ·os
ally, in cases 2, 3, 4, and 5 the experimental
points have a slightly steeper slope giving the
energy distribution of the emitted electrons a
temperature lower than that of the cathode. The
difference between the two temperatures is,
however, less than 5 percent in the worst case.
We conclude that the emitted electrons have
Maxwellian distribution corresponding to the
cathode temperature within experimental error.
Assuming mirror image force between the
emitter and the electrons Schottky8 derived the
following relation between the emission current
and the accelerating field E
The logarithm of i plotted against yE should be
a straight line with the slope e'/kT. Experimen
tally this relation does not hold at low fields, since
the emission current rises much faster with in
creasing field. The curve becomes a straight line
with the predicted slope only at sufficiently high
fields. For composite surfaces, such as thorium
on tungsten, the departure from Schottky line
depends upon the degree of activation, being
larger for partially activated states. To explain
such phenomena, the patch theory has been
8 W. Schottky, Physik. Zeits. 15, 872 (1914).
VOLUME 14, OCTOBER, 1943 / v V r{".SU"K
/ I
/' 1/ J 1/ .
/ ., , .. ..
coltettar volta.ge: volts
proposed. It takes into account the surface in
homogeneity of the emitter due to different
emission properties of the various crystal facets
in the case of clean metal cathodes, or due to
different amounts of adsorbed active material
at various parts of the surface in the case of
composite cathodes. Becker9 showed, by using a
simplified model, that with the proper choice of
the size of the areas of different activities and
the degree of difference in activity a curve could
be obtained to fit the experimental points. His
calculatioIts show that the smaller the size of the
areas the higher must be the field for the current
to approach the Schottky line and the larger the
difference in work function between the various
areas, the larger is the departure and the slower
is the approach to the Schottky line. Electron
optical pictures10 of emission from oxide-coated
cathodes actually show strongly varying inten
sity. Thus one should expect departures from the
Schottky line on the strength of the patch theory
Figure 4 shows the experimental curves taken
at various temperatures. There is some irregu
larity at small fields, the cause of which is not
known. Above E= 150 volt/cm the curves are
straight within experimental error. The slopes
are, however, over three times higher than the
values predicted by Schottky's theory. The range
of the accelerating voltage was then extended to
9 J. A. Becker, Rev. Mod. Phys. 7, 95 (1935).
10 Benjamin, Huck, and Jenkins, Proc. Phys. Soc. SO,
345 (1938).
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:11:371300 volts. The results are shown in Fig. S. The
curves are straight up to E=2500 volt/em, the
o.s o.lt ~ 1---+--+---t----;;:::>!II!or----t-~
~'o!:---!---+---+. --+s---fl.,,:----;-l,t
vVz votts'"
FIG. 4. Emission" in accelerating fields.
slopes are given in Table I, together with the
corresponding values according to Schottky's
equation. The slopes of the experimental curves
are much higher than predicted by Schottky's
Temperature Theoretical slope Experimental,slope Ratio of the
OK loglO/voltl IOglO/volt< slopes
827 0.00635
0.00536 0.0242
0.0196 3.81
theory, but the ratios of two corresponding values
are about the same for the three different tem
peratures. At the higher end of the voltage range
the curves begin to bend with decreasing slope.
Unfortunately, the insulation of the tube does
not permit carrying the measurement to much
higher voltages to see whether the curves will
approach the Schottky line. In this connection,
indirectly heated cathodes are not the most
suitable type to use for investigation. On account
of the large diameter of the cathode, very high
voltages must be used to obtain large fields.
According to Benjamin, Huck, and J enkins10
the size of the areas with different activities cor
responds to the size of carbonate particles from
which the oxide coating is prepared. The particle
size is usually of the order of 10-3 or 10-4 cm. It
556 is interesting to note that this is the right order
of magnitude required by Becker's patch theory.
The oxide coating of a thermionic cathode is
an impurity semi-conductor with excess Ba, Sr,
or Ca atoms as impurity supplying electrons to
the conduction band. Fowlerll has derived, on
the basis of the theory of semi-conductors, the
following equation for the emission current
(8k5?rm)l i=De . n!T5/4E!(llEl+llE.)-llE./kT
where n is the concentration of impurity atoms
in the oxide, f1El is the energy gap between the
bottom of the conduction band and the top of
the next lower band (2), f1E2 is the energy dif
ference between the energy level of the impurity
atoms and the top of band (2), f1E", is the energy
difference between the top of band (2) and the
energy of an electron at rest outside the oxide,
and D is the transmission coefficient of the oxide
surface. In contrast to the emission from clean
metals, A I is not a universal constant hut
depends upon n. In fact, A for oxide-coated
cathodes is very small compared with values for
clean metals. This is not entirely due to D which
may not be so greatly different from one. Thus
:! 0 ,
S v .
0 ~V t---. vr V· ~ V ~ 1" ", /" /.
V ~ V ~ l\1·1f
5!~ / 1~"4,
/ II
, " " " " " " ..
VV2 volts'l.t
FIG. 5. Emission in accelerating fields.
11 R. H. Fowler, Statistical Mechanics (Macmillan Com
pany, New York, 1936), second edition, p. 401.
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:11:37A should vary with the state of the oxide, both
on account of its variation with n and on account
of the variation of D with the surface condition.
The factor .:lE",-H.:lEl+.:lE2) is equivalent
to the work function. Of the three factors, .:lEl
and .:lE2 are approximately fixed for a given
oxide, whereas t>.E", may vary with the surface
condition such as the amount of adsorption of
barium or strontium and oxygen. Thus the work
function should also vary with the state of ac
tivation. In this respect it is interesting to
consider the point of view adopted by de Boer.12
He considers the emission not as the passing of
conduction electrons through the surface but as
thermal ionization of the individual atoms ad
sorbed on the surface. According to this picture,
the electrons inside the oxide pass from one
barium atom to another, each time transforming
these atoms into ions, until they reach the atoms
adsorbed on the surface, where they are emitted
by thermal ionization. So far as electron con
duction inside the coating is concerned such a
picture is merely an equivalent way of looking
at the matter, but the factor A will depend not
only upon the concentration of barium or stron
tium atoms inside the oxide due to its effect on
electron conduction, but also upon the number
of atoms adsorbed on the surface, beiRg directly
proportional to it. What is more important is that
the work function is now the energy required for
the thermal ionization of the adsorbed atoms.
According to de Boer, when the adsorption is low
(less than a full layer), the effect of the adsorbed
atoms on the ionization energy of each other is
negligible; consequently the work function of the
oxide should be independent of the state of
activation and should remain constant. It seems
to us that even with this picture the work func
tion should not remain constant, since the
amount of adsorption certainly affects among
other things, the difference between the energy
levels inside and outside the oxide, on account
of the double layer effect. The energy levels of
the adsorbed atoms are more or less fixed with
respect to those of the oxide. With variation of
the amount of adsorption, the energy required to
12 J. H. de Boer, Electron Emission and Adsorption
Phenomena (Macmillan Company, New York, 1935).
VOLUME 14, OCTOBER, 1943 release an electron from an adsorbed atom and
emit to the outside space should not remain
unaffected. From the above considerations we
expect that both A and the work function will
vary with the state of activation of the oxide.
The experimental results conflict with each
other. Some claim that the work function remains
constant while A varies;13 other results are just
the opposite ;14 still others state that both A and
the work function vary.IS It seems, however, that
most of these results are not reliable enough to
be conclusive, because the temperature range
used has been too short to give reliable Richard
son plots or the temperature has been too high
to prevent a change of the state of the oxide
during measurement. .
To determine the emission constants one has
to measure the zero field emission. On account
of the space charge there is no sharp breaking
point where the curve goes through zero field.
We find, however, that in the region of low
accelerating voltage the current rises very slowly.
The fact that our cathode has a large diameter
and that the field increases rather slowly with
the voltage is helpful in this respect. Negligible
error is made if we take the current at 0.1 or 0.2
volt on the accelerating side, instead of at zero
field. This is evident from Fig. 6, curve (a). We
FIG. 6. Effect of po
tential difference be
tween collector and
guard rings. •
0 " \
/" '( •
o.s 10 1.0 V volts
have observed a peculiar phenomenon: Some
times the curve log i versus V shows a hump
near zero field. The hump appears every time
after glowing the cathode at a sufficiently high
13W. Espe, Wiss. Ver. Siemens-Konz. 5, No.3, 29, 46
(1927). H. Kniepkamp and C. Nebel, Wiss. Ver. Siemens
Konz, 11, 75 (1932).
14 W. Heinze and S. Wagener, Zeits. f. Physik 110, 164
15 F. Dete1s, Zeits. f. Hochfrequenz. 30, 10, 52 (1927);
W. S. Huxford, Phys. Rev. 38,379 (1931).
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:11:37temperature and disappears after a large current
is drawn at sufficiently high temperature. We
conclude that the hump is due to a contact
potential difference between the collector and the
guard rings. Although these are made of the
same material, because of the difference in tem
perature between the central portion and the
two ends of the cathode the rate of evaporation
of barium and oxygen and their deposition on
the collector and the guard rings is different,
causing a potential difference. Curves (c) and
(d), taken at the same time, are for the guard
rings 0.1 volt positive with respect to the col
lector, in the case of curve (d), and 0.1 volt
negative in the case of curve (c), and bear evi
dence to this explanation. Curve (c) has just the
same shape as curve (b). The fact that only
curves with a hump like curve (c), but none
with poor saturation like curve (d), were ob
served, indicates that the collector is sometimes
positive, but never negative, with respect to the
guard rings. The magnitude of the hump of
curve (c) far exceeds the worst case observed.
Fortunately, with an accelerating voltage of
over one volt, the two curves (c) and (d) approach
the same value, which differs but little from the
zero field current. It should be mentioned that
the measurement of emission in retarding and
accelerating fields was made with the tube in the
condition showing no hump.
The contact potential between the collector
and the cathode, as determined from the bending
position of the log i versus V curve, varied from
0.1 to 0.7 volt. Had the surface condition of the
collector remained unchanged, this variation of
the contact potential difference should corre
spond to the change in the work function of the
cathode. But the latter, as obtained from the
Richardson plot, showed no correlation with the
shift of the bending position of the log i versus V
curve. Furthermore, since the collector is made
of nickel, its work function should be around
5 ev, at the same time the work function of the
cathode varied from 1.5 to 1.8 ev. The contact
potential difference should thus be several volts.
The fact that it was less than one volt, and
varied with no apparent correlation with the
work function of the cathode, shows that the
surface condition of the collector was not that
558 of clean nickel and that it varied with the treat
ment of the tube. Since barium as well as oxygen
may be evolved from the cathode and deposited
on the collector, such phenomena are not sur
prising. We found that, in general, after glowing
the cathode at high temperature the bend in
the curve log i versus V shifted to higher
accelerating voltage, whereas drawing large
emission had the opposite effect. For the de
termination of emission constants, low cathode
temperatures were used, 480° < T < 7200K, so
that no change of contact potential difference
took place during each set of measurement.
Figure 7 shows a set of log i versus V curves
+ 4 /'
, / V
I V V ,/ i//
~I V ~
/ /
/ L(
0 0.< a, 02 0' 04
V volts
FIG. 7. Emission at different temperature. 05
and Fig. 8 shows the Richardson plots for various
states of activation. Since the current i is not
sensitive to the power of Tin Eq. (3), we used
P instead of P/4 to reduce Eq. (3) to the form
of Richardson equation for comparison with the
data of others. Figure 8 shows that the points
fall very closely on straight lines. The current
measurement is accurate to within 2 or 3 percent.
Any small deviation of the points must be due
to inaccuracy in temperature measurement. The
largest deviation of a point from the straight line
corresponds to about 5°C. The experimental
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:11:37-,
:S i 1\
<4 I~
1\ \ [\
\ :~.
1\ \ ~
\ \ f\
\ ",,\
\ \ ,\
\ !\ ~
" . " " ., ,.0
FIG. 8. Richardson plot.
points in the Richardson plots cover a range of
more than 4 for loglo i. The upper limit is im
posed by the precaution against a change of the
state of the cathode due to high temperature and
large emission, whereas the lower limit is set by
the tube leakage. Table II gives the emission
Cathode glowing
Temperature Duration Work function
No. oK min. ev IOglOA
1 1390 7 1.691 -0.21
2 1350 4 1.571 -0.25
3 1200 30 1.520 -1.02
4 1270 10 1.571 -0.43
5 1320 7 1.689 -0.15
6 1300 10 1.590 -0.56
7 1100 30 1.521 -0.97
8 1320 4 1.641 -0.14
9 1320 7 1.696 -0.33
10 1120 60 1.551 -0.65
11 1200 30 1.560 -0.45
12 1150 45 1.503 -1.06
13 1390 7 1.830 +0.34
14 1140 30 1.605 -0.79
VOLUME 14, OCTOBER, 1943 constants determined after various treatments
of the tube. The numbers of the Richardson
plots in Fig. 8 correspond to the numbers in this
table. An examination of the table shows that
high temperature flashing increases both the
work function and A, which come back to lower
values after glowing the cathode at a lower tem
perature. Our cathode, being indirectly heated,
has a large heat capacity, which makes its tem
perature variation slow. After flashing it may
reactivate to some extent as the temperature
drops slowly, so that we could not vary its state
of activation over a wider range. The lowest
value observed for the work function is about
1.5 ev. After flashing the cathode at high tem
peratures several times successively we could no
longer bring the work function to this value:
It was then about 1.6 volt. This is probably due
to poising by oxygen liberated at high tempera
tures. Figure 9 shows the relation between the
work function and log A. Poor scattering of the
points may be due to the inaccurate determina
tion of the latter.
<C -<>5 l.------/ . l---.::.-'
~ ~ ~
1,0 I
'I, .
t6 1.1
Work function .I,dron volts
FIG. 9. Relation between work function and log A.
I t has been reported in several papers that
when emission is drawn from an oxide-coated
cathode the emission current decays with time,
approaching a final value considerably smaller
than'the initial current, sometimes less by a
factor of ten or more. In the range 6500K < T
<1000oK, the greater part of the decay takes
place in the first few minutes, and the lower the
temperature the slower the approach to the
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:11:37final value. All these measurements were made
on cathodes coated with a mixture of barium and
strontium oxides.is
In our case the measurements made for the
Richardson plots were carried up to 7000K and
in the measurements with accelerating fields the
temperatures used were as high as 8S0oK. The
emission current was steady and showed no sign
of decay. To make sure of this fact four curves
were taken at 790oK, 880oK, 9S0oK, and 990oK,
with a constant voltage of 22.5 volts. The cathode
was first glowed at the test temperature for some
time. Then the collector voltage was applied by
dosing a switch and the emission current was
taken at different time intervals. The curves are
shown in Fig. 10. Curve 4 shows no change of
$t(01'l4$ mirUlteo"
FIG. 10. Variation of emission with time.
emission with time, whereas curves 1, 2, and 3
show a slight drop within the first few seconds.
However, in these cases the cathode temperature
also dropped slightly as the voltage was applied.
This was indicated by a deflection of gal
vanometer G1 shown in Fig. 2. The galvanometer
reading came back to the balanced position again
when the collector voltage was removed. The
slight drop in emission was thus apparently
associated with the drop in cathode temperature
due to emission.
The emission current has also the effect of
heating the cathode by going through the oxide.
Figure 11 shows the cathode temperature and
16 J. A. Becker, Phys. Rev. 34, 1323 (1929); J. A.
Becker and R. W. Sears, Phys. Rev. 38, 2193 (1931);
H. Kniepkamp and C. Nebel, reference 13; J. P. Blewett,
Phys. Rev. 55, 713 (1939).
560 ,. ,..---,-----,----,---,
/. f---+----+-_-+ __ -j(lfO
s ,JOti
Time minutu
FIG. 11. Variation of emission and cathode temperature
with time.
the emission current at 1125°K with an applied
voltage V = 11 0 volts. Upon applying the col
lector voltage the cathode temperature fell
below the original value, then rose above it.
Apparently the cooling was due to emission and
the heating was due to conduction of the emission
current through the oxide. The variation in
emission was evidently to a great extent due to
the variation of the cathode temperature.
I t seems that, at temperatures and emission
densities corresponding to the curves in Fig. 10,
the emission of current has very little effect on
the state of the oxide. In cases such as shown in
Fig. 11 it is difficul t to tell, due to the disturbing
effect of the large variation of cathode tem
perature. Table III gives the emission constants
Cathode Tube treatment
tempera- Emission drawing Work
ture Voltage Current Duration function No. OK volt rna min. ev log,. A
1 1065 120 1.592 -0.73
2 1065 20 2.5 120 1.592 -0.73
3 1120 120 1.648 -0.42
4 1120 60 13 90 1.620 -0.57
5 1120 110 30 45 1.608 -0.60
7 1065 180 1.598 -0.84
8 1065 110 8 60 1.590 -1.06
determined after various treatments of the tube.
When emission was drawn the collector voltage
was removed after the heating current, otherwise
the effect of drawing emission might be reduced
due to the slow cooling of the cathode. It is seen
that the effect of drawing emission is small, both
log A and the work function are slightly reduced.
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 12:11:37 |
1.1714951.pdf | Physics in 1942
Thomas H. Osgood
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 14, 53 (1943); doi: 10.1063/1.1714951
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1714951
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19Journal
Applied Physics
Volume 14, Number 2 February, 1943
Physics in 1942
Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan
N EARLY twenty years ago, alpha-particles
from natural radioactive sources and
protons resulting from the disintegration of light
elements were counted by scintillations, lumi
nescent points of light which are visible under a
microscope when such particles impinge on a
screen of zinc sulfide. As gracious expressions of
professional courtesy, workers in the field of
radioactivity would sometimes exchange speci
mens of the zinc sulfide which they used in their
experiments. In 1924, the late Lord Rutherford
received such a gift from a friend in Germany.
Upon examining the powder, he found it too
coarse for his liking, and therefore directed his
laboratory assistant, Crowe, to grind it to a finer
size in a mortar before sprinkling it on the
castor-oil smeared glass plate which served as a
screen. When this was done, it was a source of
keen disappointment to Rutherford and all who
participated in his experiments to find that the
new screen was quite unsatisfactory, in as much
as only a small fraction of the incident alpha
particles and protons produced observable scin
tillations. After some correspondence, a new
sample' of zinc sulfide was received from the
same source, with a suggestion that the material
be used in its coarser form. This time it proved
to be thoroughly satisfactory; but there remained
S3 the unanswered question, why did the grinding
destroy the luminescent properties of the
In the intervening years, experimental and
theoretical work on photo-conductivity and
related topics have added enormously to our
understanding of the behavior of atoms, ions
and electrons in crystals, and make it possible to
give a fairly satisfactory answer to the question
now. Complete summaries of recent work, and
of the present knowledge of solids, are available
in two books by Mott and Gurneyl and by Seitz,2
as well as in a series of papers by many authors,
stemming from the early work of Poh!.
A qualitative answer to the twenty-year-old
question will give at least an inkling of the
concepts which enter into one aspect of the
modern theory of solids, though it can give little
idea of the scope of the theory as a whole. First
it is necessary to mention that studies of the
photo-conductivity of crystals have led to a
clear understanding of the relations between
crystals and photons, and have provided a good
explanation of the coloration and darkening of
crystals under the influence of light-matters
which are of extraordinary importance in the
theory of the photographic· process. One of the
most significant observations is that crystals of
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19the alkali halides, for example, when heated in an
atmosphere of their proper alkali vapor, can
absorb an excess of these alkali atoms, even in
chemically distinguishable amounts. The ab
sorption is not a surface effect, so there must be
within the crystals some sorts of vacancies.
known as trapping centers where these excess
atoms can reside.
N ow all specimens of zinc sulfide are not
fluorescent, nor is all zinc sulfide photo-con
ducting. To prepare the fluorescent variety, the
ordinary sulphide is heated alone, or with a
small amount of another heavy sulfide, such as
copper, manganese, or silver. This treatment not
only renders the crystals fluorescent, but at the
same time causes them to become photo-con
ducting. It appears, then, that there is a close
connection between the two effects. As the heat
treatment proceeds, the zinc sulfide decomposes
slightly, and a preferential evaporation of sulphur
atoms takes place from the surface. An ab
normally large number of zinc atoms is thus
left behind in the solid, and metallic atoms of
the accompanying heavy sulfides may also infil
trate to the crystal. These excess foreign or zinc
atoms diffuse throughout the crystal, perhaps as
positive ions, but more likely as neutral atoms.
If some are in the form of ions, there must be a
corresponding number of free electrons wander
ing, or trapped, in the lattice, for the crystal is
electrically neutral. Be that as it may, the
luminescence of the crystal under the influence
of ultraviolet light or of flying particles is def
initely conditioned by the presence of these
excess zinc atoms or ions, which may be raised
by a local stimulus to excited levels. During the
return to their normal levels, the light which
constitutes fluorescence or a scintiIIation IS
However, the internal economy of such a
luminescent crystal is sensitive to external dis
turbances. Even the mechanical forces involved
in crushing the crystals in a mortar, or the
heating which may be a secondary effect accom
panying rupture, may be enough to cause the
excess zinc atoms or ions in the finely powdered
crystal to form small aggregates of zinc' metal,
which will be definitely anchored at one spot in
the crystal. Indeed, the process is probably
closely akin to that whereby a photographic
54 film, upon exposure to light, or upon being
pinched, undergoes local electrolysis, forming
free bromine and numerous tiny bunches of free
silver atoms which are the black grains in the
developed emulsion. Once this has happened in
zinc sulfide, the excess solitary metallic atoms are
no more, and scintillations will be produced but
rarely by impinging alpha-particles or protons.
Different kinds of molecules can usually be
separated from a mixture by combinations of
physical and chemical means. With the dis
covery of isotopes, and with the recognition of
their importance in the study of artificial radio
activity, the need has grown more urgent for a
method of separation involving physical means
alone. While the problem has become more
pressing, it has also become more difficult,
because the only differences between isotopes are
differences of mass amounting usually to not
more than a few percent. Maxwell's demon could
do the trick, but something much more practical
is required. A mass spectrograph can also
achieve a complete separation, but with a yield
only about one-ten-millionth of what is desired.
Several new methods have been tried in the
last twenty years, many achieving partial
success.3 Perhaps the most promising at the
moment is that involving thermal diffusion. This
is nqt the same effect as the ordinary diffusion
process which is described in elementary accounts
of the kinetic theory of gases, and which occurs
and is manifest in a gas mixture maintained at a
uniform temperature. By virtue of the process
of ordinary diffusion a local concentration of a
foreign gas, introduced artificially into a gas-filled
chamber, will distribute itself uniformly within
the limits of statistical error throughout the
whole volume, merely because all the molecules
are moving. On the other hand, thermal diffusion
shows itself in a mixture of different kinds of
particles which is kept at a non-uniform tem
perature. For the sake of simplicity, let the gas
mixture under consideration be confined between
two vertical parallel walls Hand C,' a short
distance apart. Let H be heated and C cooled.
Then thermal diffusion creates a concentration
gradient perpendicular to Hand C, the lighter
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19particles being the more numerous near the
wall H. Strong convection currents then come
into play, carrying the abnormal concentration
of light particles upward and the abnormal con
centration of heavy particles downward. Thus,
after a time, the upper part of the enclosure will
be over-populated with lighter particles, the
lower part with heavier particles, whence these
"fractions" can be drawn off by appropriate
Unfortunately, this argument amounts to
nothing more than a statement of the facts of
the case; as an explanation it appears to be
entirely illusory, for nearly all writers on the
subject are emphatic in their statements that
an explanation of the phenomenon cannot yet
be expressed in simple terms. In estimating the
success with which the separation of a binary
mixture of molecules of dissimilar masses may be
carried out it is customary to calculate4 the
value of a thermal diffusion factor a, which
connects the coefficient of ordinary diffusion with
the coefficient of thermal diffusion and with the
concentrations of the two types of particles
whose separation is desired. The expression for
IX in terms of the fundamental characteristics of
the mixture involves, in addition to the masses
of the constituents, a function which depends on
the law of force which is assumed to be operative
between the particles. If a spherically sym
metrical power law of repulsion is considered,
such that the force between a pair of particles is
inversely proportional to the nth power of their
distance apart, then IX is found to contain a
factor (n-5). Hence it follows that for n=5,
that is, for what are known as Maxwellian par
ticles, the thermal diffusion factor a is equal to
zero. Therefore, for such particles, no separation
by thermal diffusion is possible. It also follows
that the concentration gradient between the
walls Hand C mentioned above may be reversed
in direction, depending on whether n is greater
than 5 or less than 5. The simplest available
derivation of the general shape of the function
representing the diffusion factor is to be found
in a note by Frankel,5 who employs dimensional
analysis for the purpose. The factor has also been
interpreted in a somewhat different fashion by
Grew,6 whose experiments show the reversal of
VOLUME 14, FEBRUARY, 1943 sign in the separation of mixtures of varying
proportions of ammonia and neon.
It is, of course, certain that the forces between
. molecules are not in general spherically sym
metrical nor describable by an inverse power
law. Nevertheless, the closeness with which such
a law approaches the truth may be gauged by
the accuracy with which it can be used to predict
a thermal diffusion factor which can be compared
with an experimental value. In the case of neon,
whose force field should, by any elementary
argument, be spherically symmetrical, the agree
ment between theory and experiment is only
moderately satisfactory. In the case of methane,
whose force field is known not to possess the
required symmetry, the agreement is poor. A
further difficulty arises because the simplf'
assumption of a spherically symmetrical field of
force leads to a value of a which is independent
of temperature. Experimental results show that
this is not even approximately true.
In spite of the many defects of the theory, the
process of thermal diffusion is in practice an
effective separator of isotopes. Clusius and
Dickel, whose work is mainly responsible for the
renewed attention which is now being paid to
this subject, used a multiple-tube unit with an
effective length of 36 meters, and obtained from
ordinary hydrogen chloride light and heavy
samples of chlorine which were about 99.5 per
cent pure. Since the method is applicable also to
liquids, it will no doubt be used by those who
seek to develop practical sources of atomic
energy in an effort to separate the priceless 235
isotope from ordinary uranium.
The exploration of the atomic nucleus is not
exploration in the true sense of the word. No
one can look into a nucleus to see what is there.
Rather, thc problem is one of deriving a plausible,
but in the first place tentative, structure, and
then seeing how it withstands various tests that
can be applied to it. The process might be
likened, indeed, to the task of a geographer of
the middle ages who attempted to describe a
foreign country, its people, and its physical
features, solely on the basis of what goods were
carried to it and from it in ships.
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19There arc two parts in the problem of nuclear
structure: First, what is a nucleus composed of;
second, how is it held together? The answer to the
first question is now fairly definite, but the
second requires much more research. The forces
which are familiar in the laboratory, and upon
which the operation of most laboratory instru
ments depends, forces like those described by
Coulomb's law, are still in control when atomic
distances of the order of 10-8 or 10-9 cm are
involved. But at distances only one-ten thou
sandth as great it is not surprising that new types
of forces appear. These new forces are what hold
the components of the nucleus together. They
come into play only when the components
approach very close to one another. In technical
language, we are interested in the proton-proton
and proton-neutron interaction. The most ob
vious way of finding out about such interactions
is to let protons be scattered by other protons
or neutrons by protons and so on. By varying
the speed of the incident particles the closeness
of approach can be varied, and the short-range
forces can be found as functions of the distance
of separation. The investigation of the scattering
of protons by protons has been going on for
several years, but only in a few places because of
the complexity of the apparatus required to
S6 FIG. 1. The vertical acceler
ating tube, guarded by external
metal rings, of the voltage quad
rupling outfit used by Ragan,
Kanne, and Taschek at the
IT niversity of \Visconsin. In the
background is a bank of con
densers and the power supply
unit for the arc. (Courtesy of
R. F. Taschek.)
provide the necessary stream of fast-moving
particles. The general nature of the proton
proton forces is known up to incident proton
energies of about 2 Mev. A great deal of a more
detailed nature remains to be discovered. Ex
periments of half a dozen years ago showed that
the scattering of protons by hydrogen, that is by
other protons, was far from what could be
expected from a simple Coulomb law of force.
The scattering was such as might occur if the
repulsive Colomb force, operative at compar
atively large distances, changed rather suddenly
into a strong attractive force, when the distance
between the particles was of the order of 10-13
cm. Now there must be some critical distance
(for some particular velocity of the incident
protons) at which these two types of force com
pete, as it were, for control of the scattering
process. Should an incident particle pass just
outside this critical distance, it will be scattered
normally by the Coulomb field; but should it
pass just inside, it will be whipped around the
target nucleus and will suffer a deflection which
differs considerably from that which occurred in
the former case. There will therefore be a scarcity
of scattered particles at some definite angIe with
respect to the incident beam, for some particular
energy of incidence, which must, however, be
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19large enough to bring true nuclear forces into
play. This minimum in the scattering curve has
been shown to lie at 45° for 400-kev protons, but
until Ragan, Kanne, and Taschek7 studied the
region in detail the available information was
only approximate.
The space-variation of the short-range nuclear
forces of which we have spoken cannot, it is
found, be described by a simple power law such
as r-n• The variation may not even be con
tinuous. Probably the most successful and com
pact way of representing these forces is to specify
what kind of a potential weIl they are equivalent
to. For example, Breit8 and his co-workers in
1939 published an analysis of proton scattering
up to that date, and concluded that the results
could be represented over a range of 2 Mev by
supposing that each proton behaved as a square
"potential well" superposed upon an existing
Coulomb field. Unfortunately, the relevant data
were not able to give an unambiguous estimate
of the shape of the weIl; a considerable latitude
had to be permitted. Now the new observations
of Ragan, Kanne, and Taschek remove the am
biguity. With a high voltage generator at the
University of Wisconsin they studied the scat
tering of protons by hydrogen in the region 200
to 300 kev. A view of the accelerating tube of
this outfit, which has already been described in
the literature, is shown in Fig. 1, and the
FIG. 2. The spider-like unit on
the right is one of the scattering
chambers used by Ragan, Kanne,
and Taschek. By changing the de
tector from one arm to another,
protons can be observed scattered
at various angles from the primarY
beam, which comes down the
large inclined tube behind the
chamber. Part of the pumping
system is seen at the left.
(Courtesy of R. F. Taschek.)
VOLUME 14, FEBRUARY, 1943 pumping and detecting systems, situated a short
distance below the accelerating tube, are seen
in Fig. 2.
The reasons for choosing this range of energy
for particular study are as follows. On either side
of the minimum referred to above, that is, about
300 kev, or about 500 kev, the scattering is par
ticularly sensitive to the shape of the potential
weIl which is chosen to represent the proton.
Hence, an accurate determination of the amount
of scattering in one or both of these neighbor
hoods wiIl give information from which a correct
choice can be made of the well parameters. ";t
the time of their theoretical work, Breit, Thaxton,
and Eisenbud could not decide whether a well
of width 2e2jmc2 and 10.5 Mev deep, or a weIl
three-quarters as wide and nearly twice as deep
represented the results the better. Both gave
the same scattering at voltages around 2 Mev,
and the scattering at lower voltages was not
known precisely enough to make a distinction
between the two weIl-forms possible. The new
work from the University of 'Wisconsin, even
though difficult to perform with the necessary
accuracy because of the low penetrating and
ionizing power of the low-energy protons, decides
conclusively in favor of the potential weIl 10.5
Mev deep and 2e2jmc2 across. This is, however,
not the only type of potential well which can be
made to fit the observed data. Others have been
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19tried, with moderate success. But the problem
does not end here. With a knowledge of proton
neutron interaction as well, binding energies, and
then masses can be calculated for such particles
as He3 and He4• If the assumed potential well for
the proton leads to the wrong result for these
masses, then the constants describing the poten
tial well must be further modified, or a new
shape must be tried. The first attempts are
naturally made with the simplest forms of well
which offer some prospect of success.
The interaction between pairs of elementary
particles, such as proton-proton or proton
neutron, are known to be of very nearly the same
magnitude. Nevertheless, the theoretical bases
on which the detailed calculations of nuclear
structure rest amount to little more than a series
of assumptions, in need of being tested. If an
experimental result is in agreement with anyone
set of assumptions, the validity of the others may
be ruled out, but this agreement, in itself, does
not imply the absolute correctness of the
hypotheses with which the agreement is found.
Experimental work thus proceeds asymptotically,
as it were, towards a complete understanding of
these short-range nuclear forces. The time is not
ripe for a critical experiment which can solve the
problem completely, but during the last year
several contributions have been made towards
the solution of certain aspects of the problem.
For example, Carro1l9 has studied the interaction
of slow neutrons with protons, using as target
material the hydrogen nuclei in a series of hydro
carbons. This has a bearing on the prediction
made by Fermi that the cross section under such
conditions is influenced by molecular binding. As
typical results, Carroll found the cross section
of the proton to slow neutrons to be 32 X 10-24
cm2 for hydrogen gas, and 49 X 10-24 cm2 for
gaseous butane, thus showing that the effective
target area per proton increases with increasing
complexity of the bombarded molecule. In a
paper published a few months ago, TatePO re
ported an investigation of the protons scattered
by high energy neutrons. For experimental con
venience, of course, the neutrons were flung at
the more or less stationary protons, some of
which recoiled under the influence of close col
lisions, and were detected in ionization chambers.
He found that the scattering, referred to the
58 center of gravity of the system of particles, was
isotropic, within the ten percent accuracy of his
experiments. Such a result is interesting because
of its relation to the earlier theoretical work of
Rarita and Schwinger,u These two authors
worked out the consequences to be expected in
proton-neutron scattering on the basis of three
different assumptions. One of these assumptions,
which predicted asymmetrical scattering, now
appears to be ruled out.
When theory and experiment concern them
selves with scattering by very complicated nu
clei, a much more general point of view has to
be taken. No longer can the details of the process
be considered separately; a statistical or thermo
dynamic treatment is required, in which the
heavy scattering nucleus is considered to possess
some of the attributes of a drop of liquid. Such
a nuclear model has already had some success in
the interpretation of the results of nuclear
fission. When it is applied to the scattering of
neutrons by lead, an energy spectrum of the
inelastically scattered neutrons can be predicted.
Several years ago, Weisskopf predicted that fast
neutrons, all of one velocity, incident upon a
heavy element would be scattered inelastically
in such a way that the neutrons, after scattering,
should show a Maxwellian distribution of
velocities. This point has been tested by Dunlap
and Little12 using neutrons from the D - D
reaction with an energy about 2.5 Mev. The
distribution of scattered neutrons turns out not
to be Maxwellian, but to have a much greater
proportion of high energy particles than a clas
sical distribution would have. The reason for
expecting a Maxwellian distribution is that the
moving neutron is presumed to be captured
temporarily by the scattering nucleus, then
ejected like a molecule evaporating from a warm
drop of liquid. It seems more likely now that the
re-emission of a neutron takes place, or may take
place, before "thermal" equilibrium has been
attained in the nucleus, and that the scattered
neutron ~merges from the temporary nucleus at
some point where a fortuitous concentration of
kinetic energy still exists. This mechanism would
account for scattered neutron energies in excess
of those corresponding to a calculated equi
librium temperature of the nucleus. Such a
definite, mechanical picture of the nucleus must,
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19however, be developed further with caution, and
only insofar as additional experimental checks
are available.
Until about ten years ago it was generally
believed that a nucleus was built up of protons,
or groups of protons and negative electrons. The
emission of beta-particles and of alpha-particles
by naturally radioactive nuclei with energies
greater than could be derived from the extra
nuclear structure was considered almost sufficient
evidence of their presence there. But with the
discovery of the neutron there came a change in
point of view, which threw into strong relief the
difficulties attending the assumption that elec
trons existed in the nucleus. These difficulties
were concerned with such things as nuclear spin,
nuclear magnetic moments, potential barriers,
and the distribution in space of the electron
matter waves. Protons and neutrons are now
believed to make up the nucleus. What then of
the negative electrons which are, without doubt,
emitted by radioactive material? The modern
view is that such disintegration electrons are
created at the moment of their emission, just as
a photon can be created and emitted by the
extra-nuclear structure when a change of total
energy occurs.
Thus some of the difficulties of the continuous
beta-ray spectrum are solved, but not all of them.
Here we are not concerned with the line spectrum
of beta-rays, which arises through the action of
nuclear gamma-rays on outer electrons. The beta
particles which appear to come from the nucleus
have a wide energy spectrum, from zero to a
definite upper limit, which is different for dif
ferent members of a radioactive series. Thus
there is a fixed change in the energy of the
original nucleus, but a varying amount appears
as energy of the beta-ray. In the face of the
enormous mass of evidence which elsewhere
supports the conservation laws of energy and of
momentum, it seems unreasonable to throw them
aside for this one case. Another solution of the
difficulty is needed. Fermi, in 1934, assumed that
another undetected particle, t~e neutrino, took
part in the disintegration, carrying away a
varying amount of energy so that the desired
balance could be maintained.
VOLUME 14, FEBRUARY, 1943 In one sense this is a very logical solution, but
since it puts the burden on something which
cannot complain, it can hardly be called a satis
factory one; for the properties which the neutrino
must possess to function as it is supposed to are
nearly all negative~no mass, no charge, no
magnetic moment, spin one-half. The problem
is therefore to detect the neutrino to see if it
carries away about the amount of energy
The usual physical methods are useless, so
that secondary effects must be used. Several
attempts have been made to demonstrate the
neutrino's existence by measuring the recoil
momen ta of other particles which take part in
the disintegration process. Any unexpected
momentum they possess must have come from
the neutrino's recoil. The results of such experi
ments have not been entirely convincing, but, as
the years pass, and data accumulate, the exist
ence of the neutrino becomes more and more
certain. A new investigation of this matter by
Allen13 is probably less clouded by ambiguitites
of interpretation than any previous work.
To simplify the problem as much as possible,
it is desirable to deal with a simple nuclear reac
tion. At least three entities must be involved, the
nucleus, the beta-particle, and the neutrino.
Therefore, to measure the momentum of the
neutrino, it is necessary to measure the sum of
the momenta of a nucleus and of a disintegration
electron. The experimental technique would be
simpler if the momentum of only one particle
had to be observed. Kan Chang WangH has
pointed out that such a situation can be realized
when a radioactive nucleus moves one step
lower in the atomic sequence by absorbing a K
electron into the nucleus. Be7 is an unstable
nucleus of this type, with a half-life of 43 days.
If its decay is traced from counts registered by
thin-walled Geiger-Muller tubes, it is found, by
interposing suitable absorbing screens, that only
gamma-rays are emitted, not accompanied by
electrons. The reactions involving Be7 appear
to be
Be7+ek~Li7+17+1 Mev,
Be7+ek~Li7*+?]+O.SS Mev,
Lj7*~Lj7+hv+O.4S Mev,
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19though recent evidence from other studies
suggests that the numerical parts of these equa
tions may be in error by ten percent. In one case,
an intermediate excited nucleus Li7* is formed,
but in any event, a neutrino, denoted by 1/ is
emitted. The detection of the neutrino therefore
involves the observation of the Li7 recoil nucleus.
Allen impregnated a platinum foil with active
Be7, platinum being used on account of its high
work function. By a preliminary heating, Be
atoms were encouraged to diffuse to the surface
of the foil, whence the resulting Li7 atoms could
recoil with as little energy loss as possible.
Because of the relative values of the work func
tions, Li7 atoms resulting from the disintegration
of Be were given off as positive ions, but other
atoms evaporated in the neutral state. By virtue
of their charge, the Li7 ions were easy to handle.
They emerged from the treated platinum foil
with a range of velocities, depending upon the
depth at which they originated.
Some of these recoiling nuclei were caught by
the first electrode of an electron multiplier tube,
which increased the current to such an extent
that it could be handled readily with vacuum
tubes. Such current was, of course, propor
tional to the number of Li7 ions striking the first
electrode of the multiplier. These ions, on their
way to this electrode, were controlled by a
retarding potential, and their number was
measured as a function of the retarding potential
until that potential was large enough to prevent
any of them from being detected. In this way
Allen found that the maximum energy of the
recoiling Li7 nuclei was about 45 electron volts.
If there were no neutrino at all, then the energy
of these nuclei would be that derived from the
recoil of the gamma-ray of 0.45 Mev, or perhaps
from the 1.0-Mev gamma-ray. The latter possi.
bility was ruled out by the results of a supple.
mentary experiment with coincidence counters
which showed that no gamma-ray of this higher
energy was observed at the instant when any
Li7 ion was being detected. The O.4S-Mev
gamma-ray could give the recoiling nucleus only
15.6 electron volts of energy. This is so far below
the figure of 4S electron volts found by Allen
that it is safe to conclude that the difference
(about 30 electron volts) was given to the
recoiling nucleus by the neutrino.
60 Theoretical considerations show that the
amount of excess energy, 30 electron volts, is
only slightly dependent on the mass of the neu
trino. The usual assumption is that the neutrino's
mass is zero; but if it were as large as 0.2 of the
electron's mass, the excess energy would be
diminished by only one electron volt. In this
respect Allen's experiment is inconclusive, but it
has increased enormously the probability that
the neutrino really exists.
I t was remarked a year ago that a gratifying
semblance of orderliness had been brought into
the study of cosmic rays by the hypothesis that
practically all of the primary incoming radiation
consisted of fast moving particles, probably
protons. Although this conception is definite and
clear cut, yet there has not been time for it to
make its mark in simplifying the interpretation
of the behavior of cosmic rays subsequent to
their entry into the atmosphere. The nature of
the primary cosmic rays on the one hand and
their behavior in passing through matter on the
other, therefore remain as two distinct problems.
A helpful summary of the processes which occur
during the interaction of cosmic rays with
matter has recently been given by Rossi and
Greisen15 in the Reviews of Modern Physics. They
summarize the phenomena which occur in a
qualitative way and also treat most of them
mathematically. Some of these effects involve
nuclear transformations; others do not involve
nuclear change at all. The nuclear processes are
comparatively rare and do not contribute sig
nificantly to those effects which are observed by
counter trains, effects such as the absorption and
scattering of mesotrons, and the production of
showers by electrons and photons. The non
nuclear effects are of two kinds, collision processes
and radiation processes. In the former of these
the primary particle affects atomic electrons
directly. The atom may be raised to an excited
state, and slow-moving electrons may be ejected.
In the latter, the primary particle is accelerated
by the field of the nucleus and in doing so gives
out radiation. For some particles one of these
two effects predominates; for mesotrons and
protons of moderate energy, for example, the
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19energy lost in passing through the atmosphere
is due almost exclusively to collision processes.
Photons are emitted by charged particles only
when they interact closely with the electric field
of the nucleus. It may seem to be a step backward
to state in 1942 that according to the classical
electromagnetic theory a charged particle emits
radiation whenever it undergoes acceleration, and
to base on it parts of the theory of the passage
of cosmic rays through matter. But it enables
the role played by the controlling variables to
be estimated in a qualitative way. For example,
the radiation loss will be a rapidly increasing
function of the atomic number because the ac
celeration which a particle experiences will
depend on the charge of the nucleus. By the
same token, the radiation loss suffered by elec
trons will be much larger than that of heavier
particles like mesotrons or protons because the
latter will not suffer nearly such severe accelera
tions in a nuclear field as will the lighter electrons.
The energy lost by radiation processes is
carried away by photons having a spectrum of
very wide limits, but in anyone act a large per
centage of the available energy is usually trans
formed. Hence, in strong contrast to the behavior
of mesotrons and protons, whose energy is
frittered away gradually, very fast electrons in
passing through matter surrender only trivial
amounts of their energy to low-energy processes,
while changing a great deal into energetic
quanta. These high energy quanta may now
produce positive and negative pairs or else may
produce new fast-moving electrons by Compton
recoils. Thus a new supply of fast-moving light
particles is created. The give-and-take continues;
these fast-moving electrons again lose energy by
radiation and the resulting photons again produce
fast-moving particles. The whole process is sum
marized in the phrase "cascade shower." It is
obvious from the description given that a shower
may begin either with a high energy photon or
a high energy electron.
It will be clear that if cosmic rays go through
a very thin layer of material, the chance of a
well-developed shower being formed is rather
slight. On the other hand, if the rays enter
extremely thick material, many of the ~howers
which are produced will be absorbed in the
VOLUME 14, FEBRUARY, 1943 material itself. There must exist a certain thick
ness of material, different, of course, for different
materials, at which the showers are most fully
developed. Transition curves, which show the
growth of the ionization due to these showers,
indicate that the thickness at which full develop
ment occurs is not quite the same for photons as
for electrons. Since the penetrating ability of
photons and of electrons is not the same, they
will, in the first instance, begin to produce
showers at different depths, but after the cascade
process has been established there should be no
essential difference in the transition curves for
the two types of primary agent. Theory predicts
that on the average, the photon-induced process
should lag behind the electron-induced process
by about the distance in which a photon has a
twenty-five percent chance of being absorbed.
The theory, which is quantitative, and which is
much more specific than this qualitative state
ment implies, predicts the distance to be 0.3
cm in lead. Nereson16 finds an experimental value
very close to this figure.
The secondary processes accompanying the
absorption of cosmic rays are very complicated.
One method of attack on the problem is simply
to find out with the help of suitable coincidence
counters what different events occur simul
taneously, with the presumption that such simul
taneous events may be causally related. When
simultaneous events have been recognized, then
the conditions under which they are observed
can be made increasingly stringent, and the
number of variables controlling their appearance
can be reduced to a reasonable number. Although
no one experiment can be considered a crucial
one, yet the data obtained from a well-chosen
series may be expected, upon analysis, to indicate
the key events which occur.
Along these general lines, Korff and Clarke,17
in the high Rockies, have searched for a con
nection between the occurrence of showers and
the production of neutrons. They find that coin
cidences between these events occur for showers
generated in a variety of substances. The rate of
production of neutrons is small, being of the
order of 10-3 or 10-4 neutron per g per sec. at the
summit of Mt. Evans, an altitude where cosmic
rays are much more intense than at sea level.
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19FIG. 3. View near the top of Mt. Evans, Colorado. The simple prismatic building is the cosmic-ray laboratory operated
jointly by the Cniversity of Denver, the University of Chicago, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (Courtesy
of S. A. Korff.)
The site of their experiments is shown in Fig. 3.
In the middle distance is a hut which appears to
be, and is, nearly all roof. This is the cosmic-ray
laboratory maintained jointly by the University
of Denver, the University of Chicago, and Mas
sachusetts Institute of Technology.
In the same laboratory, Bostick18 used a cloud
chamber to study the non-electronic particles
which accompany showers. He found heavy
particles, which he interpreted as slow mesotrons
or slow protons, in about 6 percent of his pic
tures; and in about 1 percent of the total
expansions, there were pairs of penetrating par
ticles, which must obviously have been produced
nearby, and could not be primary particles
coming from outer space or from the fringes of
the earth's atmosphere. In closely related experi
ments, Auger19 also found some low energy
mesotrons accompanying the soft component.
The origin of the soft component of the rays
is still a matter of debate. I t is known to consist
62 of electrons, which may arise from a variety of
secondary processes, and may even include the
last remnants of primary electrons, much slowed
down by their journey through the atmosphere.
Another possibility is that practically all the
soft component can be accounted for by the
electrons which are one of the decay products of
mesotrons. This last hypothesis has been de
veloped mathematically by Rossi and Greisen,20
who were able to compare their theoretical
results with the experimental values found by
Greisen21 for the intensity of the soft component
as a function of altitude and of zenith angle. It
will hardly surprise the reader to learn that the
comparison led to the conclusion that there was
something correct and something incorrect about
each of the hypotheses. l<.ossi and Greisen sum
marize this phase of their work in the statemen t
that electrons arising from the action of meso
trons, by decay or otherwise, should show a much
less rapid variation of intensity, both with alti-
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19tude and with zenith angle, than is actually
observed. The source of this fast-varying elec
tronic component in soft cosmic rays is therefore
probably to be found in secondary processes
accompanying the absorption of fast primary
electrons. At sea level, however, and also in the
very high atmosphere, the numbers of electrons
arising from mesotron decay appear to be nearly
adequate to account for the whole intensity of
the soft component.
The facts that mesotrons are produced in the
high levels of the atmosphere, and decay on their
subsequent downward flight have been among the
most helpful basic concepts in the correct inter
pretation of cosmic-ray phenomena. Going one
step farther, Auger and Daudin22 have inquired
whether or not other parts of the atmosphere
may not also make contributions to the mesotron
population. Their experiments showed that some
particles emitted under thick layers of lead have
the same penetrating power as low energy meso
trons. This result would indicate that at least
some such particles are normally produced in air
at low altitudes.
In a further search for quantitative data,
Rossi23 and his friends have continued their ex
periments to determine the lifetime of the
mesotron. Since the lifetime of a mesotron varies
with its momentum, being longer for energetic
particles, it is necessary to specify its rest
lifetime, as it were. Most values taken from the
literature in the last two or three years run from
one to three microseconds. In the recent experi
ments of Rossi, the value comes out at 2.8±0.03
Turning now to the problem of the primary
radiation, Millikan, Neher, and Pickering24 have
recently coordinated several results of a world
wide cosmic-ray survey (Figs. 4 and 5) to provide
a working hypothesis concerning the distribu
tion-in-energy of the rays as they enter the
earth's atmosphere. They are very careful,
however not to commit themselves as to the
actual nature of the incoming radiation, beyond
admitting that 60 percent of it may consist of
charged particles, and it is to be regretted that
they are yet unable to point out the features of
their theory which are, and those which are not,
in agreement with the proton hypothesis.
The general argument which these writers
VOLUME 14, FEBRUARY, 1943 follow is this. They point out that all competent
authorities agree that the only acceptable origin
of stellar energy is the transformation of mass
into other forms of energy, following the well
known Einstein relationmc2=E. Stellar energy
is apparently adequately provided for by as
suming, inside stars, the synthesis of simple
atoms into more complex ones, but such a
process does not give particle or photon energies
as large as are observed in cosmic-ray experi
ments. It is therefore very satisfactory to know
by direct observation that cosmic rays do not
come from the stars but from a much more
uniform distribution of sources throughout the
nearby uniyerse. Millikan, Neher, and Pickering
assume that in interstellar space complete atomic
annihilation is going on. The energy thus released
is adequate to account for the observed cosmic
ray energy, and is much larger than that avail
able from the synthesis of heavy atoms from
simpler ones. The spectrum of the radiation thus
generated in space will be governed by the total
energies of the atoms which are most frequently
found there, and here astrophysical evidence
shows that the commonest atoms are hydrogen,
helium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and silicon.
These occur in the approximate ratios 100, 10,
1, 1, 1, 1, respectively. Taking each of these
atoms in turn, the three authors show that the
magnetic fields of the sun and earth would debar
radiation due to the annihilation of hydrogen
from reaching the earth's surface, but that radi
ation from the other five annihilation processes
would be able to reach the earth in certain
localities. The less energetic rays will be able to
reach low altitudes in the earth's atmosphere
only at high magnetic latitudes, while the most
energetic ones will penetrate to sea level at the
geomagnetic equator. The five species of atoms,
helium, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and silicon
give rise to radiations of energy approximately
2 billion electron volts, 6 Bev, 7 Bev, 8 Bev, and
14 Bev, respectively. In proceeding northward
or southward at a fixed altitude from the mag
netic equator, the cosmic-ray intensity, due only
to the 14-Bev component at the equator, will
be enhanced by the appearance and detection of
the less energetic components, each coming in
at a fairly definite magnetic latitude. The 8-Bev
radiation begins to be detected, for instance, at
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19a magnetic latitude of 33° or 34°, but is not found
between this and the equator. Hence the over-all
result is a series of steps or plateaus in the
cosmic-ray intensity curve. The experimental
evidence is not nearly as straightforward as these
simple statements imply, but from an analysis
of data from many parts of the world Millikan,
Neher, and Pickering make out a fairly reason
able case for their hypothesis. The relative
abundances of interstellar atoms should provide
a check on the relative intensities of these five
energy bands. At the moment, it is safe to say
that the predicted energy in each band is not in
contradiction to the observed energy, but quan
titative estimates are still so rough that it is too
early for a test of the whole hypothesis on this basis. What the general reader would welcome
would be an interpretation of the findings of
other schools of cosmic-ray research in terms of
this five-band theory.
Considerable differences of opinion still exist
concerning the diffuse reflections of x-rays from
crystals. It will be remembered that a paper by
Zachariasen25 a few years ago revived an interest
in the occurrence of faint spots in diffraction
patterns obtained either by the Laue or the
Bragg method. Since that time the pages of
several journals have been enlivened by spirited
discussions as to the real cause of these anomalous
spots. A very extreme point of view is held by
FIG. 4. Launching pilot balloons to carry an electroscope to near the limit of the atmosphere at Bismark, North Dakota.
Readers who are not familiar with western states will find intersting extremes of terrain in Figs. 3 and 4. (Courtesy of
R. A. Millikan.)
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19Raman and his school in India, which is at
variance with views now current in Great Britain
and the United States of America. A clear sum
mary of the situation has been given by Preston,26
who is quoted directly in the following account.
The progress made in the investigation of this
interesting subject in India has recently been
reported in the Proceedings of the Indian Academy
of Science of October, 1941, which is wholly
devoted to a "Symposium of Papers on the
Quantum Theory of X-Ray Reflection and the
Raman Reflection of X-Rays in Crystals." This
description of the subject matter reflects very
clearly the difference in the interpretation of the
phenomena which exists between French, inner
ican, and British physicists on one hand, and the
group of Indian physicists at Bangalore working
under the leadership of Sir C. V. Raman on the
\Vhen a single crystal of, say, aluminum,
rocksalt, or sylvine is mounted in a beam of
x-rays which traverse the crystal in a direction
parallel to a cubic axis, a Laue photograph is
obtained if the beam consists of white radiation.
In addition to the Laue spots, there appears on
well-exposed plates a number of streaks, running
through the Laue spots, which apparently should
have no business there. \Vhen the composite
x-ray beam is replaced by a monochromatic
beam, the usual theory of crystal diffraction
tells us that no reflection should be observed
unless the crystal is oriented in a particular way.
In general, the condition for reflection will not
be satisfied, except by a lucky accident, and a
blank photograph should result. However, in
fact, reflections are observed. They are faint,
but have the symmetry proper to the crystal
axis in which the incident x-ray beam lies. It is
this background of non-Laue diffuse reflections
that is attracting the attention of x-ray crystal
lographers. To what is it due?
There appear to be several possible answers to
this question. The most comprehensive is perhaps
to say that the diffuse background arises as a
direct result of departures from geometrical per
fection in the crystal architecture. A periodic
flaw, a regular precipitation of an impurity, and
the temperature vibrations of the atoms are all
possible and probable causes. It is the task of
the experimenter to devise means of identifying
VOLUME 14, FEBRUARY, 1943 FIG. 5. Two young Indian gentlemen watch while \V. H.
Pickering receives cosmic-ray signals coming from a
transmitter high in the atmosphere. The scene is the top
of a building at Agra, India. (Courtesy of R. A. Millikan.)
the differen t causes so that use may be made of
the machinery provided by the mathematician
to enlarge our knowledge of the solid state. Those
features of the background reflections which
occur in crystals of pure substances, so that flaws
and chemical segregation are excluded from con
sideration, are evidently of great importance.
There is general agreement on all sides that this
background is due to movement of the atoms or
molecules of the crystal from the positions of
perfect geometrical alignment. The differences
of interpretation arise in assigning the cause of
the movement, and in the mechanism of x-ray
scattering. In Great Britain and the United
States, the whole effect is ascribed to the static
geometry of the crystal, so the diffuse background
is a picture of the dynamic vibrations of the
crystal. The undisturbed crystal can be regarded
as a medium in which the density varies periodi
cally in space, and the effect of the temperature
vibrations is to superimpose a spectrum of much
longer elastic waves on the natural periodicity of
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Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19the crystal. The whole crystal then diffracts as
a unit, and the resulting pattern consists of the
usual Laue reflections plus a background due to
the motion of the atoms.
The point of view adopted by the Bangalore
group of physicists is rather different. To begin
with, the quantum aspect of the interaction of
x-rays with the atoms of the crystal is em
phasized. The radiation scattered from an oscil
lating atom is stated to consist of three com
ponents the amplitudes of which depend on the
amplitude of oscillation of the atom, and which
differ in frequency. The first component, which
gives rise to the normal reflections, has the fre
quency /I of the primary x-ray beam, while the
other two have frequencies /I±/I', where /I' is the
frequency of atomic oscillation. The frequency
change is unfortunately too small to be measured
directly. This description of the mode of forma
tion of the anomalous spots can be shown to
lead to certain contradictions. For example, it
can be used to show that the diffuse spots must
be in part controlled by the elastic properties of
the crystal; but such a dependence is essentially
denied by Raman's primary assumptions.
Preston concl udes, perhaps wi th undue cau tion,
by saying that the quantum hypothesis as set
out by Ramah is unlikely to be reconciled with
the elastic wave explanation unless one or the
other hypothesis is radically altered; and that
it must be admitted, at aU events, that the
thermal-elastic theory gives a reasonably ac
curate account of the observed facts. On the
other hand, Lonsdale,27 who, jointly with Smith,
is responsible for the majority of the experi
mental work on this subject in England, is a
much bolder champion of the "classical" theory
than others. She calls attention to some inac
curacies in experiment, and to some errors in
interpretation which affect the conclusions of
Raman and his colleagues, and emphasizes the
validity of the classical interpretation of the
Indian work.
The real importance of the anomalous x-ray
spots is not, however, in this argument about
their origin but in the use to which they may be
put to help in the solution of other problems. As
Lonsdale hinted nearly two years ago, the diffuse
spots are very closely bound up with the elastic
properties of the crystal. The original theory of
66 Waller has been interpreted and applied by
Jahn28 in such a way as to relate the appearance
and size of the spots to the elastic constants of
the crystal. In general, the more inelastic the
crystal, the bigger and fuzzier the spots are. The
pattern for tungsten, for example, which is
highly elastic, is much tidier and less intense
than that for sodium or lead.29 The diffuse spots
of tungsten, indeed, appear to be only one
thirtieth as strong as those of sodium; while
those for lead are half as intense as those of
sodium. These values are in agreement with
estimates made from J ahn's calculations. This
is by far the most important result which has
emerged from these studies to date, and it
promises to be of very great practical importance
in the future. It will allow elastic constants to
be determined without straining the crystal.
There is a fascination about active nitrogen
which brings its devotees back after years of
absence. First discovered in 1900, the main
features of its behavior are well known, but in
the detailed explanations which have been
offered for these there were many contradictions.
The customary mode of excitation is by a high
frequency electrodeless discharge. Under its
influence the nitrogen glows with a yellowish
light, which, under the proper conditions, remains
visible for several hours after the discharge
Lord Rayleigh30 has recently published a new
series of papers on the subject, which provide
some definite facts to be taken into account in
any theoretical explanation of the phenomenon.
In the first place he has, by means of a simple
photometer, measured the luminosity of a known
quantity of active nitrogen at intervals of a few
seconds during its initial rapid decay; and from
the data has arrived at the integrated light
emitted per cm3 of nitrogen under the most
favorable conditions. This turns out to be 3.18
candle-sec. per cm3 under standard temperature
and pressure. Thence, knowing approximately
the average wave-length of the emitted light, it
is possible to calculate how many quanta are
emitted per molecule of nitrogen under the con
ditions of the experiment. The answer is 1.3
X 10-3•
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19If active nitrogen be compressed, its brightness
increases, and vice versa. Raleigh finds that if the
gas be handled in a simple manner as in a pump,
the brightness varies inversely as the cube of the
volume. This result is in agreement with two other
series of experiments. In one of them, additional
ordinary nitrogen was admitted to a bulb con
taining the glowing gas, increasing the pressure
about fivefold. The increase in brightness was
very closely of the same order of magnitude, so
that the brightness is proportional to the con
centration of inert nitrogen, because here the
concentration of active nitrogen remained fixed.
In the other series, two bulbs containing nitrogen
at equal pressures were connected by a stopcock.
First, the gas in one was activated. Upon opening
the stopcock, the active component diffused
throughout the double volume of inert gas,
reducing the active concentration to one-half
of its original value. The intensity of the light
was found to drop to one-fourth of its original
intensity. Hence the luminosity is proportional
to the square of the concentration of active
nitrogen. Therefore, in a simple "pump" experi
ment, wherein the concentrations of the active
and inert gas must be increased together, the
luminosity would be expected to vary as the
cube of the concentration, in agreement with the
result quoted above. A difficulty was found here,
however, for upon allowing partially active
nitrogen to expand into a vacuum, so that both
concentrations were diminished by the same
factor, the cube law was found to be a-somewhat
inaccurate prophet of the inte~sity. -
Rayleigh noticed that pieces of sheet gold,
silver, copper, or platinum could be made red
hot or even melted by immersion in active
nitrogen, and he used this property to make an
estimate of the amount of energy which must be
abstracted from the gas in the process. The
results are startling. In a "continuous flow" ex
periment, in which the active gas passed in a
stream from the site of the discharge to another
bulb containing the small sheet of metal, it was
found that the power radiated by the hot metal
was such that it was necessary to assume that
every molecule which passed through the dis
charge carried some 5 or 10 electron volts to the
metal foil. This might conceivably be interpreted
as implying that the energy is carried by dis-
VOLUME 14, FEBRUARY, 1943 socia ted atoms which associate again to N 2 at
the surface of the foil, but only on the assumption
that every molecule was dissociated. At first
sight this seems so unlikely that it might be ruled
out of consideration. It would follow that the
luminous energy radiated as the familiar after
glow, under favorable conditions, represents only
a tiny fraction of the total energy transported by
the gas to the metal.
The addition of a little oxygen to glowing
nitrogen has an important effect on the intensity.
In one case it was increased 32-fold. Rayleigh
shows that this must be a wall effect. The logical
thing to do, then, is to experiment with various
treatments of the walls. As found by Herzberg,
strong preliminary heating in vacuum diminishes
the subsequent afterglow. It is now found that
heating in nitrogen at atmospheric pressure does
the same. Heating in oxygen, even at 1-mm
pressure, restores the container to its original
helpful state. It seems clear that these effects
cannot be explained easily by the formation or
removal of surface layers of gas. The behavior of
the glass surface is therefore complex. The
behavior of the gas itself away from the wall is
of more fundamental interest. By studying the
glow at the center of a large flask, it was shown
that the best results were obtained with very
pure nitrogen, and that the addition of a trace
of oxygen had no favorable effect in promoting
the active nitrogen phenomena.
Nearly all these details of behavior now
receive an explanation in a paper by Debeau,31
who learned by repeating an old observation of
J. J. Thomson's that nitrogen is practically com
pletely dissociated in the electrodeless discharge.
Once this is established, it is possible to construct
a very definite picture of the process of formation
and decay. After the dissociation, according to
Debeau, the first stage is the formation of a
"collision complex," which may then react with
another molecuI-e to form nitrogen in the B3II
excited state with 9.84 electron volts of energy,
which subsequently degenerates into the A 3~
metastable state with emission of afterglow
radiation. Alternatively, the collision complex
may descend directly to the l~ state, the ground
state of the nitrogen molecule, with liberation
of energy as in Rayleigh's experiments on the
heating of metal foils. This latter is much the
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
Downloaded to ] IP: On: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 01:33:19more probable course of events, so that the
heating phenomenon is a parallel and inde
pendent rather than a previous or subsequent
step in the life of active nitrogen.
The physics journals of this country grow
slimmer and slimmer as an increasing number of
her scientists turn from academic problems to
investigations of military, naval, and aeronautical
importance, the results of which cannot be
broadcast to the world. Very few reports on
entirely new topics are being published, and most
recent papers, like those summarized in this
article, are concerned with gathering up the
loose ends of research programs initiated several
years ago. Publications in the field of applied
physics, such as appear monthly in this journal,
are frequently devoted to general topics viewed
from different angles. An experimental observa
tion, being a matter of fact, need not be of
recent date to be interesting. What makes it
interesting is the light in which it is viewed, and here it often happens that modern theories from
exceedingly diverse branches of physics can be
trained on a single problem. For this reason the
various reports of conferences which are pub
lished from time to time take on an added
importance for industrial work. These trends
of the professional journals will undoubtedly be
accentuated in the immediate future, and as
time goes on, the need will grow greater for that
peculiar type of intuition which is able to see the
significant cross-relations between what may be
superficially unrelated topics.
In a year when physicists have little time to
spare, the writer is grateful for the cooperation
of those men who have lent him photographs to
illustrate this article. He is also deeply in the
debt of the authors of those papers which he has
read recently, and from which he has quoted
freely, often without specific acknowledgment.
Finally, thanks are due to his colleagues, espe
cially C. D. Hause and J. W. McGrath, who have
read the manuscript and have given him many
helpful suggestions.
(1) N. F. Matt and R. W. Gurney, Electronic Processes
in Ionic Crystals (Oxford University Press, 1940).
(2) F. Seitz, The Modern Theory of Solids (McGraw-Hill
Book Company, 1940).
(3) A simple account is given by J. M. Kendall, Nature
150, 136 (1942).
(4) R. C. Jones, Phys. Rev. 58, 111 (1940), and other
references quoted there.
(5) S. P. Frankel, Phys. Rev. 57, 661 (1940).
(6) K. E. Grew, Nature 150, 320 (1942).
(7) G. L. Ragan, W. R. Kanne, and R. F. Taschek, Phys.
Rev. 60, 628 (1941).
(8) G. Breit, H. M. Thaxton, and L. Eisenbud, Phys.
Rev. 55, 1108 (1939).
(9) H. Carroll, Phys. Rev. 60, 702 (1941).
(10) H. Tatel, Phys. Rev. 61, 450 (1942).
(11) W. Rarita and J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. 59, 556 (1941).
(12) H. F. Dunlap and R. N. Little, Phys. Rev. 60, 693
(13) J. S. Allen, Phys. Rev. 61, 692 (1942).
(14) Kan Chang Wang, Phys. Rev. 61,97 (1942).
68 (15) B. Rossi and K. Greisen, Rev. Mod. Phys. 13, 240
(16) N. Nereson, Phys. Rev. 61, 111 (1942).
(17) S. A. Korff and E. T. Clarke, Phys. Rev. 61, 422
(18) W. H. Bostick, Phys. Rev. 61, 557 (1942).
(19) P. V. Auger, Phys. Rev. 61, 684 (1942).
(20) B. Rossi and K. Greisen, Phys. Rev. 61, 121 (1942).
(21) K. Greisen, Phys. Rev. 61, 212 (1942).
(22) P. Auger and J. Daudin, Phys. Rev. 61, 549 (1942).
(23) B. Rossi, K. Greisen, J. c. Stearns, D. K. Froman,
and P. G. Koontz, Phys. Rev. 61, 675 (1942).
(24) R. A. Millikan, H. V. Neher, and W. H. Pickering,
Phys. Rev. 61, 397 (1942).
(25) W. H. Zachariasen, Phys. Rev. 57, 597 (1940).
(26) G. D. Preston, Nature 149, 373 (1942).
(27) K. Lonsdale, Nature 149, 698 (1942).
(28) H. A. Jahn, Proc. Roy. Soc. A179, 320 (1942).
(29) K. Lonsdale and H. Smith, Nature 149, 21 (1942).
(30) Rayleigh, Proc. Roy. Soc. A180, 123 (1942).
(31) D. E. Debeau, Phys. Rev. 61, 668 (1942).
[This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions.
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1.1712767.pdf | Stellar Temperatures
G. P. Kuiper
Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 11, 241 (1940); doi: 10.1063/1.1712767
View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1712767
View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/jap/11/4
Published by the American Institute of PhysicsStellar Temperatures*
Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
1. Introduction
THE temperatures found m astronomical
literature may be classed into two main
groups, referring, respectively, to (1) the ob
servable surfaces of the stars and planets, and
(2) the interiors of these bodies. The first group
depends directly on observations, although some
well-established theoretical results are usually
needed in the reductions; the second group
depends entirely upon theoretical deductions, in
connection with observed values for the boundary
in order to make the problem defined. In addition
we have temperature determinations of the
highly diluted material filling the large spaces
between the stars; they depend on observations
interpreted with the aid of atomic physics.
The total range of temperatures thus covered
runs from about 30 absolute to about 50,000,000°.
The lower limit is well exceeded by that obtain
able in the physical laboratory; but the upper
limit remains reserved (or the domain of as
tronomy, as are the upper limits of pressure and
density found in astronomical bodies. The reason
is that all three limits can only be reached or
approached as a result of the action of gravity on
large compressible masses.
Although the high pressures and densities
found in the interiors of some of the stars can in
no way be duplicated in the laboratory, some
aspects of the high temperatures (the high
kinetic energy of the particles) can now be
covered by the fast particles produced in the
study of nuclear processes. The energy generation
in the stars, which is a result of the high tempera
tures and densities prevailing near the center, is
therefore accessible to physical interpretation.
The progress made in interpretating this process
of energy generation may in turn be considered
to provide a general confirmation of the tempera
tures computed for the interiors, on which the
energy generation appears to depend in a very
sensitive manner.
* Presented at the American Institute of Physics Tem
perature Symposium, New York, New York, November
VOLUME 11, APRIL, 1940 2. Surface Temperatures of the Stars
Obviously it is not possible to measure the
surface temperatures of the stars by contact
methods; but two other methods are applicable,
depending, respectively, (1) on the laws of
radiation, and (2) on the laws of ionization, in
combination with those of atomic physics.
The observed spectral-energy curve, corrected
for absorption in our atmosphere, provides the
empirical data for both methods. The first
method deals largely with the "continuous
spectrum," i.e., the intensity distribution of the
smoothly-varying background in the spectrum on
which absorption and emission lines appear. The
second method deals with the total intensities (or
profiles, if high dispersion can be used) of these
absorption and emission lines.
The empirical data are restricted to the wave
length interval of about 2900A to 140,000A, the
absorption in our atmosphere being practically
complete outside these limits. The lower ab
sorption limit is caused by the ozone in our
atmosphere. From about 3000A to 25,000A the
atmosphere is comparatively transparent, al
though several heavy absorption bands due to
water vapor and carbon dioxide occur in the
near infra-red. These absorptions become even
heavier between 25,000 and 80,000A (2.5 and 8
microns). Finally from 8 to 14 microns our
atmosphere is comparatively transparent, at
least if it is dry. The long-wave cut-off at 14
microns is due to carbon dioxide. The trans
mission curve of the atmosphere for the Mount
Wilson Observatory, published in 1930 by Pettit
and Nicholson,! is reproduced in Fig. 1. It was
computed for 0.7 em of precipitable water. Since
that time many new details of the transmission
curve, and their identifications, have been pub
lished by AdeJ.2 As is well known, much of the
earlier work on the transmission of the atmos
phere is due to Langley, Abbot, and Fowle of
the Smithsonian Institution; Fig. 1 is largely
based on their work.
241 ! O.&1-1~;1HI~U..
I0.4~'4!1.<H~C" ,M'---\,HI-.-I'
3. Stellar Temperatures Derived from the
Continuous Spectrum
The continuous spectrum has so far been the
more important of the two sources of information
on stellar temperatures. With the transmission
curve of our atmosphere known (Fig. 1) it is
possible to reduce the observed energy curves of
the Sun and the brightest stars to true energy
curves (as they would be observed outside our
atmosphere). It now appears that these energy
curves roughly, but not exactly, correspond
to those due to "blackbodies," i.e., to Planck
curves. We must distinguish now between two
cases: (1) the diameter of the star is known (like
for the Sun); (2) the diameter is not known. In
the first case the ordinates of the energy curve
may be reduced to absolute units (ergs emitted
per cm2 per sec.); but in the second case the
ordinates are only relative. In the latter case,
therefore, in fitting a Planck curve to the ob
served energy curve only the shape can be used;
and if the wave-length interval is rather small,
only the slope. Nevertheless we shall find only
one value of the temperature giving the best fit,
because the slope varies in a monotonic way with
temperature. This temperature is called color
temperature. 3 If the star should radiate like a
blackbody this color temperature (Tc) would be
the true temperature of the emitting layer.
Actually deviations from a Planck curve always
appear if the wave-length interval covered is
large. This shows that Tc will depend on the wave
length used, and has no fundamental significance.
I ts significance is a purely practical one: Te is
easily determined empirically for a great number
242 FIG. 1. Transmission curves of
(a) the atmosphere above Mount
Wilson (the shaded curve); (b)
water vapor 0.082 cm precipi
table water; (c) microscope cover
glass, 0.165 mm thick; (d)
fluorite 4 mm; and (e) rocksalt
2 mm.
of stars. Because after it has once been de
termined for a few bright standard stars, further
determinations can be made relative to these
standards by making observations at the same
zenith distance; then the atmospheric absorption
is the same at corresponding wave-lengths for the
stars compared, and is therefore eliminated in
the ratio of the energies. If these spectrophoto
metric comparisons are made photographically,
with large telescopes, color temperatures may
thus be determined for stars 10,000 times fainter
than the faintest stars visible with the naked eye.
We shall later mention some cases where this
technique is of special interest.
More progress can be made if the diameter of
the star is known. \Ve saw that then the ordinates
of the energy curve may be expressed in ergs/cm2
sec. We can still derive the color temperature, as
before, but in addition the total amount of
radiant energy leaving the star per cm2 per sec.
may be found, by integration over the energy
curve. This total flux is obviously a fundamental
quantity; we may express it in terms of tempera
ture by means of Stefan's law. In astronomy this
temperature is called the effective temperature,4
abbreviated as Te. It is a precisely defined
quantity, of great importance for the equilibrium
of the stellar atmosphere, and related to the total
luminosity, L, by the relation:
(R is the stellar radius, (J the radiation constant).
The aim of stellar temperature determinations
is the evaluation of Te for as many stars as
possible. The color temperatures, Te, are only
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS derived as an intermediary step, simply because
they are more easily determined for a great
number of stars, and are already a first approxi
mation to effective temperatures. They may be
reduced to effective temperatures once the rela
tion between Tc and Tc is established by means of
those stars where both can be determined
empirically. There is well-founded hope, however,
that in the near future this relation may be
reliably determined from theoretical consider
ations, after the theory of the continuous ab
sorption coefficient for the stellar atmosphere has
been completed satisfactorily.
From Eq. (1) it follows that Te may be found
for those stars for which both Land R are known
(or for which the emission per unit surface area,
L/47rR2 may be derived). Only for the Sun
are these quantities accurately known; Te(Sun)
= 5713° absolute. For three. eclipsing binaries the
data are still useful. Finally there are half a
dozen stars for which the angular diameter could
be measured interferometrically at Mount Wilson
Observatory. They can be used also, since the
apparent brightness gives L/D2, if D is the
unknown distance to the Sun, and the angular
diameter gives R/ D; hence L/ R2 is found
independently of D.
These ten objects exhaust the list at present,
and they would be entirely inadequate if the
color temperatures were not already good ap
proximations to the effective temperatures, so
that only some adjustments remain necessary.
On the basis of the foregoing discussion it
would seem natural to tabulate the Te just
derived against Te. But there is an observational
quantity even more easily determined with accu
racy than Tc and closely related to it. It is the
so-called spectral type. Originally the stars were
ordered by their spectra according to the
symbols A, B, ... etc.; but later several symbols
were dropped as superfluous, and the order of the
remaining ones, if arranged according to de
creasing surface temperature, is now 0, B, A, F,
G, K, M, if we omit a few rare types from con
sideration. These types are further subdivided
into 10 smaller steps: BO, B1, B2, .. ·B9, AO, A1,
... A 9, FO, etc. Most of the stars in a volume of
space belong to the sequence 0, B, ... M, in
which the radii of the stars progressively de
crease, and also the luminosities. But the latter
VOLUME 11, APRIL, 1940 TABLE I. The stellar temperature scale.' d = dwarf; g = giant.
dM2 Temperatures in centigrade absolute.
3200 sP.
gM8 5200°
3580 3400
1 For the details of the derivation, see a paper by the author.
Astrophys. J. 88, 429 (1938). Table I of this paper corresponds to
Table 13 of the paper quoted.
decrease very much faster than the former,
because most of the decrease of the luminosities
is due to the decrease in Te (d. Eq. (1)). These
stars are said to belong to the main sequence (or
the dwarf stars) ; the Sun is one of them. For this
sequence there is practically a one to one corre
spondence between spectral type and Te, and also
between Tc and Te. Hence the most practical
procedure is to give Te immediately as function of
the spectral type. This is done in Table I.
In addition to the main sequence (or dwarfs)
there are giant stars which are roughly lOO times
larger in diameter than the dwarfs, and have
somewhat larger masses. Since the value of the
surface gravity is proportional to M / R2 it follows
that the surface gravities, and consequently the
pressures and densities in the atmospheres, are
roughly 10LlO4 times lower in giants than in
dwarfs. In general the spectral type is based on
the strength of the spectral lines, and is therefore
a measure of the degree of ionization and
excitation in the stellar atmosphere. With the
greatly diminished densities in the giants lower
temperatures than existing in the dwarfs are
sufficient to produce the same degree of ionization
(or the same spectral type). This difference in
temperature between giants and dwarfs is con
siderable for types G and K, as is shown in
Table I. Certain complications arise at the ends
of the spectral sequence, connected with the sig
nificance of the criteria used in the classification.
We have indicated how L/D2 is obtained from
integration over the energy curve (L = lumi
nosity, D=distance of star to Sun). In practice
it appears to be sufficient to do this for a number
243 of standard stars of different spectral type, and
then to determine which corrections should be
applied to the apparent visual brightnesses in
order to obtain the so-called apparent bolometric
brightness, L/D2. Such corrections are called
bolometric corrections. The word bolometric
refers in both cases to the nonselective recording
of energy by the bolometer.
For the Sun the energy curve has been deter
mined in considerable detail,5 but for stars it is
not possible to use high dispersion in the infra
red, where the sensitive photographic methods
cannot be used. For cool stars (T. < 4000°), which
have a considerable infra -red in tensi ty, the energy
curve is most readily studied by means of a
sensitive thermocouple placed in the focus of a
large telescope; the different intervals of wave
length are then separated by means of filters.6 If
the known atmospheric absorption is allowed for
the true energy curve is at once obtained. For
stars of about the solar temperature (with the
maximum of the energy curve near 5000A)
either the photographic or the photoelectric
method of recording energies in the spectrum are
useful; but both methods need a calibration by
means of a standard having a known energy
distribution, before the true energy curve is
found. For still higher temperatures the same
two methods may be used, but for temperatures
much higher than 10,000° the results become
uncertain, since the maximum of the energy
curve then falls below 3000A. Fortunately for these
high temperatures additional information may
be obtained by the method discu~sed in Section 5.
4. Applications
The previous discussion indicates how the
energy curve, L/D2, Tc, and T. are determined.
We have also mentioned the importance Te has
for the interpretation of the steIIar spectrum, and
the mechanism of the atmosphere. But the most
urgent reason for making precise Te determi
nations is a different one.
The three most fundamental empirical data
about a star are its mass, M, its luminosity, L,
and its radius, R. It is the object of theoretical
astrophysics to use these data for as many stars
as possible in a study of stellar structure, stellar
energy generation, and stellar evolution, which
are perhaps the most fundamental astronomical
244 problems. The determination of masses is re
stricted to certain suitable groups of binaries.
For one of these groups (visual binaries with
well-known D), L may be found, but R has to be
computed from Eq. (1), after T. has been
determined; whereas for the other group (eclipsing
binaries) R is found in absolute units, but L can
only be found by (1) from Rand Te, since D for
these objects is too large for a determination
from the parallax. 7
Another application of T. determinations is
made in the study of white-dwarf stars. They are
stars of low luminosity (dwarfish), rather high
surface temperature (white), and hence, by Eq.
(1), of very small radius. Since the masses of
these stars are roughly equal to that of the Sun,
the average densities (being proportional to
M/R3) are excessively high, 10LI08 times water.
The matter of these objects, except for an outer
fringe which is gaseous, is in the degenerate state,
obeying Fermi-Dirac Statistics. Here again we
have conditions far outside the range obtainable
in physical laboratories. Because the essential
conclusions depend directly on the results of T.
determinations the writer's recent results on
eight of these objects are given in Table II. They
are the first measures of temperature made on
white dwarfs (most of which are very faint), and
are only approximate and somewhat provisional
except for the second star, which is well de
termined. There is no doubt, however, that the
orderof magnitude is correct for all stars included.
It is necessary to point out that for white
dwarfs the relation between the observed Tc and
the desired T. cannot be established empiricaIIy.
Fortunately the theory of the continuous ab
sorption coefficient is sufficiently well advanced
to be useful here; it appears that with exception
of a certain range of temperatures, the relation of
Tc to T. is the same as for the main sequence,
where this relation is known empirically.
In Table II we have expressed Land R in
terms of the Sun; they are fairly well established.
The mean densities, depending on "~1/R3, are less
well known, first, because errors in R are in
creased more than threefold in these values, and
second, because M is known empirically only for
the first three stars. For the remaining stars
M has been computed from R by means of
Chandrasekhar's theoretical relation between
JOURNAL OF ApPLIED PHYSICS these two parameters. This relation involves,
however, the mean molecular weigh t per electron,
which may vary between 1 and 2 depending on
the amount of hydrogen present. We have given
the minimum values of the mean density, based
on the extreme case in which no hydrogen is
present. The other extreme, valid for pure
hydrogen stars, would give values about 4 times
higher; the actual value is probably closer to the
lower limit than to the upper limit.
The foregoing discussions will suffice as illus
trations of the importance of the temperature
problem in astronomy. In the next section we
mention briefly how surface temperatures ranging
from 10,000° to 100,000° are determined.
5. Stellar Temperatures Derivedfrom Spec
tral Lines
The strength of an absorption line in a stellar
spectrum depends on a great number of factors,
of which the temperature is only one: it depends
on the ratio of the absorption coefficient inside
the line (taken for each wave-length separately)
to that just outside the line, in the continuous
spectrum. This means that a theoretical predic
tion of the strength of a line requires the knowl
edge of the mechanism responsible for the con
tinuous spectrum as well as of the concentration
of atoms in the level from which the absorption
takes place, the atomic transition probability,
and the various effects which broaden the line
(radiation damping; Doppler effect of the atoms,
due to temperature motion as well as to con
vection currents of the gases; and pressure
effects). The concentration of atoms in the level
under consideration depends on the abundance of
the element, the degree of ionization' (which
depends on temperature and surface gravity), the
excitation potential of the level, and again the
temperature. Since, however, in a stellar atmos
phere no strict thermodynamic equilibrium ob
tains (since otherwise no lines would be visible!)
the populations of atoms in different levels is not
strictly governed by the Boltzmann law. The
precise allowance for this deviation from thermo
dynamic equilibrium is very difficult. Hence it is
in general not practicable to obtain temperatures
from absolute intensities of absorption lines, even
apart from the difficulty caused by the uncer
tainty of the abundance of the element.
VOLUME 11, APRIL, 1940 TABLE II. Surface temperatures of white dwarfs, and results
derived therefrom.
Sirius B 95000 0.0030 0.020 170,000
40 Eridani B 13,500 .0080 .016 160,000
van Maanen 2 8200 .00016 .0062 12,000,000
AC 70°8247 35,000± .021 .0039 >30,000,000
Ross 627 15,000± .0010 .0046 > 19,000,000
Wolf 489 5070 .00007 .0105 > 1,000,000
Wolf 457 10,000± .00011 .0034 >50,000,000
Wolf 219 15,000± .00052 .0033 >50,000,000
Several of these difficulties are avoided if the
behavior of a line or a series of lines originating
from the same level (as the Balmer series of
hydrogen) is studied along the main sequence
(0, B, A, etc.). Assume for a moment that the
continuous absorption coefficient were constant
along this sequence. Then the variation in the
strength of the line (or the series) would indicate
the variation of the number of atoms in the
appropriate level. Now consider as an example
the Balmer series, which does not originate from
the ground level of hydrogen, but from the
second level. For low temperatures nearly all of
the atoms are in the ground state, and very few
in the second state. For very high temperatures
nearly all of the atoms are ionized, and again
very few atoms will be in the second state. In
either case the Balmer lines will be weak. But
there will be an intermediate temperature at
which the ionization is not yet too far advanced,
but which is yet high enough to raise many of the
neutral atoms to the second quantum level.
Obviously this interplay of two opposing tend
encies will lead to a maximum of intensity of the
Balmer series at medium-high temperatures.
Actually the position of the maximum will be
somewhat affected if we now take into account
the known variation with temperature of the
continuous absorption. But the assumption of
the constant abundance along the main sequence
remains unavoidable. Fortunately we have evi
dence that most of the stars of the main sequence
have roughly the same composition; furthermore,
the position of the maximum is not based on one
star, but on many stars, so that individual
variations of abundance are mostly eliminated in
the mean result. Finally we have not one, but
several elements which are suitable for this
analysis: H, He, N, Si, C, and 0, some of them in
245 TABLE III. The stellar temperature scale. Temperatures in
centigrade absolute.
SPEC. LOG Te T, SPEC. LOG Te T, ----
OS 4.9 80,000° B2 4.31 20,000°
06 4.8 63,000 B3 4.27 18,500
07 4.7 50,000 B4 4.23 17,000
08 4.60 40,000 B5 4.19 15,500
09 4.50 32,000 B6 4.16 14,500
BO 4.40 25,000 B8 4.09 12,300
B1 4.36 23,000 AO 4.03 10,700
various stages of ionization. These different ele
ments give independent results, in which the
small variations in abundance remaining in the
determination of the intensity maxima enter as
accidental errors. From the remarkable accord
between the temperature determinations as a
function of spectral type, obtained from the
different elements, we conclude that the effect of
variations in abundance on the temperature scale
may be considered to be negligible.8
The resulting temperature scale is found in
Table III; it has been taken from a paper by
the writer,9 and is largely based on computations
by Pannekoek (cf. reference 8).
6. Planetary Temperatures
For stars we have no a priori knowledge of the
surface temperatures. But for the planets and the
Moon we are able to predict the surface tempera
tures with fair accuracy if we assume that the
planetary heat is due entirely to absorbed solar
radiation, and not partly to internal sources.
Suppose the planet absorbed and emitted as a
blackbody. Then, if L is the known luminosity of
the Sun, the energy received by the planet per
unit area at a point where the Sun is in the
zenith, is L/47rD2, if D is the known distance of
the planet from the Sun. Since by hypothesis all
this energy is absorbed and re-radiated, the
surface temperature T is given by
~=fJT\ or T= (~)}.~= 390:K, (2)
471'D2 471'fJ D' D,
if the numerical values of Land fJ are substituted,
and if D is expressed in astronomical units
(distance Sun -Earth = 1).
Actually the planets and the Moon are not
black; but their reflectivity can be determined
from the measured brightness and the known
distances of the planet from the Sun and the
246 Earth, together with the known brightness of the
Sun. These reflectivities vary from about 0.07 for
the Moon and Mercury, to about 0.59 for Venus.
The light that is not reflected is absorbed, and its
amount is therefore also known. We may call the
absorbing power A. The emissivity for planetary
radiation, E, can only be estimated. Eq. (2) now
AL ---= fJET4 or
471'D2 ' (3)
This relation holds for a nonrotating planet,
for the so-called subsolar point (the point that
has the Sun in the zenith). If we take a point
where the zenith distance of the Sun is Z the
amount of heat received and emitted per unit
area will obviously contain the additional factor
cos Z, and the temperature (cos Z)l. If the planet
rotates fast (so that the daily temperature
variation is small) an additional factor 1/7r is
introduced in the amount of heat received, and
71'-1 in the temperature. If the planet rotates
slowly the temperature fluctuations around this
"average" will be greater, depending on the
properties of the planetary atmosphere, and the
speed of rotation.
The principle of determining planetary temper
atures empirically is the same as that described in
Section 3 for stars. Although at first sight the
case might seem more complicated because the
radiation received from the planet does not only
consist of the heat radiated by the planetary
surface but also of reflected sun light, yet this
complication disappears in practice since the two
kinds of radiation are practically entirely sepa
rated in wave-length, so that a filter may be used
to distinguish between the two. This separation
is a result of the difference in temperature be
tween the two sources, about 6000° and 3000K,
so that the wave-lengths of the maxima fall at
about 5000A and 100,000A (0.5 and 10 microns),
respectively. Fortunately our atmosphere is fairly
transparent between 8 and 14 microns if it is
sufficiently dry (Fig. 1), so that the surface
temperatures of most of the planets, and the
Moon, may be measured. Only for the planets
beyond Saturn the distance to the Sun becomes
so large (D> 10) that the temperatures drop
below 100oK; for these planets the radiation of
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS FIG. 2. March of absolute temper
ature, T, of energy received from the
sun by the moon, ER, and of energy
radiated, E, during the total lunar
eclipse of June 14,1927. o
" I ! ! :
I , ,
I ,
, I I ,-
~\ 0 / /
\ 0 /1
wave-length shorter than 14 microns is too weak
to be measured.
For the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter,
and Saturn, and for the Moon, temperatures have
been determined empirically, chiefly at the
Mount \N'ilson and Lowell observatories.
For Mercury (which has no atmosphere) Pettit
and Nicholson1o found about 330°C for the
subsolar point when the planet has its mean
distance from the Sun. This value is only about
10°-15° lower than computed theoretically for a
nonrotating planet (as indicated above). Part of
the difference may be due to conduction.
For Venus Coblentz and Lampland,ll and
Menzepz found about 50°C at noon. Pettit and
Nicholson13 found lower values, but at both
observatories the day and night temperatures on
the planet were found to be rather similar, indi
cating that the planet is rotating slowly. (A fast
rotation is excluded on the basis of measured
Doppler shifts.) The temperature found for
Venus may well refer to some average layer in the
atmosphere, since this atmosphere is quite opaque
to visual, and even infra-red, light.
On Mars the temperature at the subsolar point
is near O°C, probably somewhat higher in certain
dark areas. The polar caps are about -70°C.
The night at Mars is probably very cold, perhaps
-60°C. The dew point at Mars is probably about
as low as this latter value, in view of the ex
tremely small water-vapor content of the atmos
phere. The existence of liquid water on the planet
(for which there is no direct observational evi-
VOLUME 11, APRIL, 1940 \~ -- -___ 0 __ ..j../
~~ -"'-.. ... --_ ... -... .., ....... -..... -........... -I"'. """ -.. -... -~ l
II 11. I 2-
PAc-me STA/lPJ\Rl> TIl'!!. I
dence either) can therefore probably be excluded.
Jupiter appears to have a temperature of about
-135°C, Saturn -150°C, and Uranus less than
-185°C. These temperatures refer to an atmos-
pheric layer in each case. For none of the planets
is there definite evidence that the measured
tern pera tures are higher than those to be expected
theoretically; hence there is no evidence of
internal heat raising these temperatures.
For the Moon, Pettit and Nicholson14 found
for the sub solar point + 134°C when viewed from
above, and only +85°C if viewed horizontally.
The difference is explained by the rough surface
of the Moon which allows more heat to escape
vertically than horizontally. Taking into account
the solar radia tion lost by reflection the theoretical
temperature at the subsolar point comes out to be
101°C. The dark side of the Moon was found to be
about -150°C, a value difficult to determine
with precision because of its extreme lowness.
A series of very interesting observations was
made by Pettit and Nicholson during a lunar
eclipse. A point near the edge of the Moon was
kept under observation for about 5 hours, during
which it was first illuminated by the Sun, then
passed into the shadow of the Earth, and finally
emerged again. The diagram showing the temper
ature variation is reproduced in Fig. 2. It shows
the extremely rapid cooling of the surface (from
about 70°C to -115°e) which must be the result
of a small conductivity, comparable to that of
pumice or volcanic ash which, on the basis of
measures of the polarization of the reflected light,
247 had already been assumed to cover the surface of
the Moon.15
7. Interstellar Temperatures
Although interstellar space is a far better
"vacuum" than the best obtainable in the phys
ical laboratory, it is by no means devoid of
matter. The dark obscuring clouds in the Milky
Way, as well as the "interstellar" absorption and
emission lines prove this conclusively.
These two lines of evidence point at once at
the two kinds of matter occupying space. The
obscuring clouds are composed of dust particles
of which a good fraction have diameters between
0.1 and 1 micron; this follows from the scattering
properties of these particles, and estimates that
may be made of the mass of absorbing clouds.
The interstellar absorption and emission lines
prove the existence of gases in the atomic state.
Hydrogen is by far the most abundant interstellar
element, as was recently shown by Struve.
Calcium, sodium, titanium, and potassium have
been found from their absorption lines; oxygen
and nitrogen are present in emission. Some
interstellar lines are still unidentified.
The temperatures to be ascribed to the inter
stellar particles need some explanation. There is
no more difficulty in assigning a definite tempera-
. ture to a dust particle than to a planet, and it
may be computed by an equation similar to (2)
or (3). A particle far away from anyone star
would be exposed, on the average, as we are on a
clear night by the starry skies except, of course,
that no atmosphere would absorb the ultraviolet
light, and that the stars would cover a sphere,
not a hemisphere. Eddington has shown16 that
such a particle would assume a temperature of
about 3°K.
But the radiation in interstellar space is very
far from being blackbody radiation corresponding
to 3°K. It contains much ultraviolet light due to
the 0 and B stars in the sky. Hence ionization
and excitation of atoms will take place in spite of
the low energy density. Since the density of
matter is also very low, recombinations will
occur at a very slow pace. Without computations
it is seen, therefore, that a fair proportion of the
atoms may well be ionized. The ionizations will
in turn lead to considerable velocities of the ions
and electrons. Since collisions between particles
248 are still sufficiently frequent the velocities of the
particles forming the interstellar gas will approxi
mate a Maxwellian distribution corresponding to
a high temperature, roughly 10,000°, and in the
proximity of hot stars even higher. Obviously
there is no universal temperature of the inter
stellar gas; it depends on the position with
respect to the stars, as the planetary tempera
tures depend on the distance from the SunY
8. Internal Temperatures of Stars
It can be easily shown1s that if a star as a whole
is in hydrostatic equilibrium (which is probably
true for normal, constant, stars), and if the
perfect-gas law holds throughout (this assump
tion can be verified afterwards, and found to be
justified), it is possible without any further
assumptions about the internal structure of a
star to obtain a minimum value for the average
internal temperature, T:
T>3,840,000(,umM/R, (4)
in which lvi is the mass of the star, R its radius,
both expressed in terms of the Sun, ,u its mean
molecular weight, and (3 the ratio of the gas
pressure to the total pressure (gas+radiation).
For stars with M < 10 we have (3""'1. Since the
matter in a star is mostly ionized, and since the
atomic weight is roughly double the atomic number
except for hydrogen, we have ,u""'2 if no hydrogen
is present, and ,u= ~ if the matter is all hydrogen.
If the additional assumption is made that the
stars are built on the same pattern (except for
factors of scale) then the relation
T= C· (,u(3)M/R (5)
holds for corresponding points in these stars, C
depending on the point selected, and on the
pattern common to the stars considered.
We derive some interesting conclusions from
(5). For stars on the main sequence in the
neighborhood of the Sun (types A, F, G, and K),
having the same hydrogen content (I-' = constant),
the internal temperatures will vary only slowly,
because (3"'1, as mentioned before, and M and R
change in the same direction. But since M
changes faster than R, the internal temperatures
will increase if M increases. It is this slow in
crease in internal temperature which is sufficient,
in connection with the high sensitivity of the
energy generation on T(,...., P8) to cause a very
70 Oph. A
Capella A TABLE IV. Central temperatures.
considerable increase of L with M (empirically
L = M4i for the range of masses considered).
The numerical values of the internal tempera
tures depend on numerical integrations which
cannot be discussed here.I9 We quote the values
for a few stars in Table IV.
It follows from (5) that the giants (with large
radii) will have low internal temperatures. This
gives rise to difficulties with the explanation of
the energy generation which have not yet been
solved completely. On the other extreme are the
massive 0 stars having comparatively small
radius. If they were built on the same model as
the less massive stars their in'ternal temperatures would exceed 100,OOO,OOO°C, and the energy
generation would be too large by a considerable
factor. Chandrasekhar has recently removed this
difficulty by proposing a shell-source model for
these stars, which leads to a more homogeneous
density distribution than that of ordinary stars,
and requires much lower temperatures for the
hydrostatic equilibrium, temperatures not much
higher than the minimum values required by (4),
about 40,000,000°.
Perhaps the highest internal temperatures
occur in sub-dwarfs, stars roughly t to t of the
diameter of the Sun, having a small hydrogen
content (M'-"2). The internal temperatures of
some of these stars may well exceed 50,000,000°;
their small hydrogen content would not lead to
difficulties with the energy generation.
White dwarfs have still smaller radii, but Eq.
(5) is not applicable to them, because the matter
is degenerate. The internal temperatures are still
somewhat uncertain, but are probably at most
about 20,000,000°.
1. E. Pettit and S. B. Nicholson, Astrophys. ]. 71, 104
2. A. Adel, Several papers in the Astrophysical Journal,
3. The astronomical usage agrees here with that recom
mended in the glossary of the Temperature Sym
4. It corresponds to the radiation temperature of the
glossary. The astronomical usage dates back several
5. Cf. A. Unsold, Physik der Sternatmosphiiren (1938),
pp. 27-40.
6. Reference is made to the extensive series of measures
by E. Pettit and S. B. Nicholson with the 100-inch
telescope at Mount Wilson, Astrophys. ]. 68, 279
(1928), and 78,320 (1933). The instruments used in
astronomical measurements of radiation, and their
complete theory, are described by B. Stromgren,
Handbuch der Experimentalphysik 26, 795 (1937).
7. The reader will find the details of the derivation of
M, L, and R for many stars in a paper by the
author, Astrophys, ]. 88, 472 (1938). A theoreti
cal discussion of the empirical data is found in
Chandrasekhar's recent monograph, Stellar Struc
ture (University of Chicago Press, 1939).
8. Space does not permit us to indicate more than some
of the principles involved. For a more "technical
account, d. A. Pannekoek, Astrophys. ]. 84, 481
(1936). (Pannekoek's results for temperatures lower
than 8000° have to be modified in view of more
VOLUME 11, APRIL, 1940 recent work; but those for higher temperatures, in
which we are chiefly interested, still stand.) For a
general account on the interpretation of absorption
lines, d. O. Struve, Popular Astronomy 46,431-451,
497-509 (1938). Also: D. H. Menzel, ibid. 47,
6-22,66-79, 124-140 (1939).
9. G. P. Kuiper, Astrophys. ]. 88, 429 (1938).
10. E Pettit and S. B. Nicholson, Astrophys. ]. 83, 84
11. W. W. Coblentz and C. O. Lampland, Popular
Astronomy 30,551 (1922).
12. D. H. Menzel, Astrophys. ]. 58, 65 (1923).
13. E. Pettit and S. B. Nicholson, Popular Astronomy 32,
614 (1924).
14. E. Pettit and S. B. Nicholson, Astrophys. J. 71, 102
15. For further information about plaJ1etary temperatures
the reader is referred to the papers already quoted,
and to: Menzel, Coblentz and Lampland, Astro
phys. J. 63, 177 (1926). H. N. Russell, The Solar
System and Its Origin (Macmillan, 1935). T. Dun
ham, Pub!. Astr. Soc. of the Pacific 51, 253 (1939).
16. A. S. Eddington, The Internal Constitution of the Stars
(Cambridge University Press, 1926), Chapter 13.
17. For an analysis of the physical conditions of the
interste!lar gas, particularly of hydrogen, cf. B.
Stromgren, Astrophys. J. 89, 526 (1939).
18. Cf. B. Stromgren, Ergeb. d. exakt. Naturwiss. 16,
467-470 (1937). Chandrasekhar, reference 7.
19. Chandrasekhar, reference 7.
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