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2304, 16572, 4117, 995, 4724, 1829, 38251, 2407, 11296, 5109, 676, 1975, 2407, 1737, 676, 1975, 15042, 9122, 19528, 3660, 17205, 44945, 5172, 16095, 16472, 39896, 6225, 3555, 9640, 3660, 18871, 1975, 1829, 3224, 22807, 8032, 41260, 3794, 3660, 41950, 2288, 4587, 4724, 8592, 28820, 6225, 10943, 10874, 2304, 40228, 14739, 14407, 3615, 41950, 2288, 4587, 1975, 15730, 39894, 45761, 8315, 5038, 293, 1715, 295, 43747], "avg_logprob": -0.16652589714204943, "compression_ratio": 1.6639004149377594, "no_speech_prob": 1.1324882507324219e-06, "words": [{"start": 124.34, "end": 125.34, "word": "بعض", "probability": 0.8955078125}, {"start": 125.34, "end": 125.56, "word": " الدول", "probability": 0.977783203125}, {"start": 125.56, "end": 126.18, "word": " بتسميها", "probability": 0.872314453125}, {"start": 126.18, "end": 127.12, "word": " motorways", "probability": 0.622802734375}, {"start": 127.12, "end": 127.74, "word": " يعني", "probability": 0.5933837890625}, {"start": 127.74, "end": 127.9, 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9307, 21542, 11242, 16572, 12399, 23032, 3555, 11933, 1829, 8592, 6225, 4117, 3794, 3224, 22807, 11165, 12399, 11165, 37495, 22653, 9673, 1863, 41193, 4587, 2423, 16572, 5172, 10632, 12399, 9673, 1863, 41193, 4587, 33962, 1211, 2407, 10632], "avg_logprob": -0.17862215920379668, "compression_ratio": 1.6433333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 3.7550926208496094e-06, "words": [{"start": 168.67, "end": 169.39, "word": "تمام؟", "probability": 0.591827392578125}, {"start": 169.39, "end": 169.71, "word": " لأن", "probability": 0.71728515625}, {"start": 169.71, "end": 169.95, "word": " هذه", "probability": 0.86767578125}, {"start": 169.95, "end": 170.33, "word": " الأشياء", "probability": 0.992431640625}, {"start": 170.33, "end": 170.41, "word": " في", "probability": 0.6865234375}, {"start": 170.41, "end": 170.77, "word": " الحقيقة", "probability": 0.9876302083333334}, {"start": 170.77, "end": 171.01, "word": " احنا", "probability": 0.8057454427083334}, {"start": 171.01, "end": 171.25, "word": " 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يعني الأهداف تبع هذا المساق this course introduces the student to لازم نحكي عن مقدمة ان هذا المساق عبارة عن مقدمة لعلم المواصلة the basic design concepts of traffic engineering", "tokens": [5172, 3615, 6027, 6156, 1211, 1863, 7251, 10859, 4117, 2655, 3555, 28239, 7435, 39319, 30731, 23758, 9673, 8592, 32887, 3615, 15961, 37495, 22653, 16247, 3224, 28259, 5172, 6055, 3555, 3615, 23758, 9673, 3794, 995, 4587, 341, 1164, 31472, 264, 3107, 281, 5296, 31377, 2304, 8717, 5016, 4117, 1829, 18871, 3714, 28543, 46007, 16472, 23758, 9673, 3794, 995, 4587, 6225, 3555, 9640, 3660, 18871, 3714, 28543, 46007, 5296, 3615, 19528, 9673, 2407, 33546, 37977, 264, 3875, 1715, 10392, 295, 6419, 7043], "avg_logprob": -0.20235339800516763, "compression_ratio": 1.5022831050228311, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 394.65, "end": 395.69, "word": "فعال", "probability": 0.8414713541666666}, {"start": 395.69, "end": 396.67, "word": " فلن", "probability": 0.8974609375}, {"start": 396.67, 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28543, 2288, 7251, 1863, 5172, 8848, 29538, 9673, 3224, 9640, 3660, 4724, 1829, 30544, 1975, 1829, 3224, 22807, 19446, 995, 14851, 5172, 18513, 8592, 1975, 1829, 8592, 37495, 22653, 22807, 1975, 1829, 8592, 37495, 22653, 22807, 281, 5876, 264, 6741, 6419, 4487, 9154, 11331, 1829, 12984, 1975, 1829, 3224, 22807, 9154, 11331, 1829, 12984, 2423, 6419, 4188], "avg_logprob": -0.15405035973752587, "compression_ratio": 1.951219512195122, "no_speech_prob": 7.748603820800781e-07, "words": [{"start": 451.24, "end": 451.46, "word": "to", "probability": 0.78125}, {"start": 451.46, "end": 452.26, "word": " identify", "probability": 0.92578125}, {"start": 452.26, "end": 452.84, "word": " the", "probability": 0.87744140625}, {"start": 452.84, "end": 453.54, "word": " existing", "probability": 0.95556640625}, {"start": 453.54, "end": 454.14, "word": " traffic", "probability": 0.91552734375}, {"start": 454.14, "end": 455.56, "word": " conditions", "probability": 0.89794921875}, {"start": 455.56, "end": 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من الطريق نفسها عندنا هذا كله هنعمله ان شاء الله بشكل عملي ما هي البيانات اللي هنجمعها travel time قبل شوية حكينا على travel time زمن الرحلة من إلى delays هل هناك تأخير أم لا speed ما هي السرعة اللي بتمشي فيها المركبات نحسبها ال volume", "tokens": [3224, 15730, 9673, 4587, 16758, 1211, 9307, 20449, 16247, 8592, 9778, 33546, 23758, 20449, 8315, 47395, 819, 22711, 10874, 2304, 3615, 9673, 30241, 20498, 9307, 9154, 41950, 16572, 4587, 8717, 36178, 11296, 43242, 8315, 23758, 28242, 3224, 8032, 1863, 25957, 43761, 16472, 13412, 16606, 21984, 4724, 8592, 28820, 6225, 2304, 20292, 19446, 39896, 2423, 21292, 7649, 9307, 13672, 1829, 8032, 1863, 7435, 2304, 3615, 11296, 3147, 565, 12174, 36150, 13412, 2407, 10632, 11331, 4117, 1829, 8315, 15844, 3147, 565, 30767, 27842, 34892, 5016, 37977, 9154, 30731, 28610, 8032, 1211, 34105, 4117, 6055, 10721, 9778, 13546, 5551, 2304, 20193, 3073, 19446, 39896, 21136, 2288, 27884, 13672, 1829, 39894, 2304, 8592, 1829, 8978, 11296, 9673, 31747, 3555, 9307, 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بفضل كلمة flow اكتر من volume طبعا capacity ساعة الطريق طب عند ال flow عند الساعة هل يضطر الساعة مناسبة ولا لأ طبعا هذا كله لازم يعني نستطيع", "tokens": [5016, 7435, 2304, 1975, 1829, 8592, 22807, 11331, 7435, 2304, 9673, 2288, 13063, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 1975, 2407, 4386, 1975, 2407, 46740, 24525, 2304, 6055, 7649, 1829, 3095, 6156, 7578, 8717, 32277, 8032, 1829, 38251, 2407, 3224, 4386, 8032, 2655, 8592, 38688, 14407, 39182, 13412, 2407, 10632, 6156, 7578, 8717, 32277, 4724, 1829, 38251, 2407, 3224, 6419, 5523, 4032, 6156, 7578, 8717, 32277, 4724, 1829, 38251, 2407, 3224, 6419, 3095, 7251, 43020, 1975, 8315, 4724, 5172, 11242, 1211, 9122, 19528, 3660, 3095, 1975, 4117, 2655, 2288, 9154, 5523, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 6042, 8608, 995, 27884, 41950, 16572, 4587, 23032, 3555, 43242, 2423, 3095, 43242, 21136, 995, 27884, 8032, 1211, 7251, 11242, 9566, 2288, 21136, 995, 27884, 3714, 8315, 35457, 3660, 49429, 5296, 10721, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23758, 28242, 3224, 5296, 31377, 2304, 37495, 22653, 8717, 14851, 9566, 40228], "avg_logprob": -0.1719850424519727, "compression_ratio": 1.8764940239043826, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-06, "words": [{"start": 600.0100000000001, "end": 600.7900000000001, "word": "حجم", "probability": 0.9739583333333334}, {"start": 600.7900000000001, "end": 601.57, "word": " ايش؟", "probability": 0.697265625}, {"start": 601.57, "end": 602.21, "word": " حجم", "probability": 0.9676106770833334}, {"start": 602.21, "end": 603.25, "word": " المرور", "probability": 0.83447265625}, {"start": 603.25, "end": 604.29, "word": " طبعا", "probability": 0.781005859375}, {"start": 604.29, "end": 605.35, "word": " او", "probability": 0.818115234375}, {"start": 605.35, "end": 605.45, "word": " ..", "probability": 0.455810546875}, {"start": 605.45, "end": 606.13, "word": " او", "probability": 0.886474609375}, {"start": 606.13, "end": 606.23, "word": " له", "probability": 0.2191162109375}, {"start": 606.23, "end": 606.49, "word": " اسم", "probability": 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8315, 22807, 6055, 4587, 41193, 3615, 23032, 2288, 4587, 3060, 33718, 1975, 2407, 15236, 3060, 15236, 1975, 2407, 3060, 33718, 8717, 36178, 2423, 33599, 1829, 6055, 9381, 2304, 32640, 11296, 9673, 3555, 18513, 19986, 16247, 3794, 32277, 10632, 24976, 2655, 9381, 2304, 32640, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23758, 3714, 2407, 11242, 45367, 23032, 2407, 26895, 13412, 2407, 10632, 44381, 1975, 5016, 8315, 34105, 12602, 39319, 8717, 47283, 3215, 9154, 3224], "avg_logprob": -0.17895299603796413, "compression_ratio": 1.75390625, "no_speech_prob": 2.980232238769531e-07, "words": [{"start": 681.09, "end": 681.29, "word": "The", "probability": 0.154052734375}, {"start": 681.29, "end": 681.67, "word": " course", "probability": 0.9453125}, {"start": 681.67, "end": 681.83, "word": " will", "probability": 0.87841796875}, {"start": 681.83, "end": 682.19, "word": " also", "probability": 0.75048828125}, {"start": 682.19, "end": 682.77, "word": " introduce", "probability": 0.85498046875}, {"start": 682.77, 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13672, 1829, 44945, 38251, 1829, 11296, 264, 3060, 5022, 12399, 46811, 10943, 22807, 2423, 3060, 5022, 13672, 1829, 4724, 1829, 14851, 9778, 40448, 14407, 41950, 16572, 4587, 12399, 9154, 16095, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.16494693058841634, "compression_ratio": 1.5547169811320756, "no_speech_prob": 1.0609626770019531e-05, "words": [{"start": 769.48, "end": 769.78, "word": "و", "probability": 0.53076171875}, {"start": 769.78, "end": 770.4, "word": " بتحاول", "probability": 0.9718017578125}, {"start": 770.4, "end": 770.84, "word": " تطور", "probability": 0.8919270833333334}, {"start": 770.84, "end": 771.42, "word": " الخدمة،", "probability": 0.8009033203125}, {"start": 771.42, "end": 771.7, "word": " بتعمل", "probability": 0.9132486979166666}, {"start": 771.7, "end": 772.38, "word": " أبحاثي،", "probability": 0.7556355794270834}, {"start": 772.38, "end": 772.54, "word": " هذا", "probability": 0.875}, {"start": 772.54, "end": 772.92, "word": " برضه", "probability": 0.98046875}, {"start": 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1829, 3714, 29245, 23328, 3660, 8978, 16712, 4587, 41193, 3615, 12399, 16070, 3794, 2407, 26108, 11778, 3224, 4724, 2288, 5016, 1211, 3660, 12399, 46811, 10943, 22807, 37495, 22653, 9122, 2655, 13546, 9154, 16247, 5016, 1829, 7649, 4724, 1829, 30544, 21542, 26108, 3660, 15844, 9673, 8592, 40294, 3215, 12399, 15844, 21136, 2407, 26108, 20328, 5016, 1829, 5016, 12399, 4724, 3794, 8978, 3714, 2288, 9307, 9122, 2655, 13546, 4724, 1829, 30544, 21542, 26108, 3660, 15844, 9673, 8592, 40294, 3215, 23032, 1829, 3555, 12399, 18863, 9381, 2288, 16712, 6027, 2655, 13672, 1829, 31439, 8978, 3714, 14851, 9778, 40448, 1829, 41950, 16572, 4587, 2423, 5864, 12399, 9673, 31747, 49401, 8717, 36178, 11296, 12399, 19446, 39648, 1863, 33599, 18051, 289, 12399, 32239, 8592, 19446, 39648, 1863, 33599, 18051, 289, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.14911487956956632, "compression_ratio": 2.0513698630136985, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 819.26, "end": 819.88, "word": "نلتزمش", "probability": 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هحكي عن نوع واحد فقط علشان ما نشتتش الطلاب بعدين هنحكي عن ال capacity سعة الطريق و أنواعها و كيف حسابها و هذا هيدلنا على مفهوم اسمه level of service", "tokens": [41185, 9673, 1863, 9566, 28671, 29538, 15236, 1715, 34051, 33718, 1715, 32767, 5016, 3660, 8608, 16572, 27884, 18871, 11296, 8032, 1863, 47283, 3215, 8717, 45367, 36764, 24401, 6156, 47432, 9154, 16712, 4587, 41193, 3615, 9307, 8032, 5016, 4117, 1829, 18871, 28242, 14739, 14407, 3615, 38637, 2304, 8032, 5016, 4117, 1829, 18871, 8717, 45367, 36764, 24401, 6156, 47432, 11203, 8592, 7649, 19446, 8717, 8592, 2655, 2655, 8592, 41950, 15040, 3555, 39182, 9957, 8032, 1863, 5016, 4117, 1829, 18871, 2423, 6042, 8608, 27884, 41950, 16572, 4587, 4032, 14739, 14407, 3615, 11296, 4032, 9122, 33911, 11331, 3794, 16758, 11296, 4032, 23758, 39896, 3215, 1211, 8315, 15844, 3714, 5172, 3224, 20498, 24525, 2304, 3224, 1496, 295, 2643], "avg_logprob": -0.13507401551070966, "compression_ratio": 1.7261904761904763, "no_speech_prob": 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3615, 8592, 9122, 2655, 13546, 8978, 3224, 36145, 10874, 11622, 38207, 39894, 2655, 3615, 2288, 4587, 8978, 2423, 5038, 23758, 8032, 1863, 5016, 995, 12610, 8717, 17082, 9566, 1829, 3224, 8978, 8717, 11296, 10632, 27188, 36520, 46811, 10943, 22807, 29538, 9673, 2407, 46958, 40228, 16247, 3794, 32277, 10632, 12399, 4724, 39237, 7649, 14407, 14739, 24793, 6055, 29973, 14407, 25894, 11296, 9122, 2304, 7649, 3714, 25720, 4032, 6055, 5016, 995, 12610, 14407, 37495, 22653, 6055, 14851, 45367, 3555, 14407, 18863, 1863, 2407, 7649, 6055, 3555, 34268, 11296, 5551, 15042, 9673, 47341, 3615, 16247, 3794, 32277, 1829, 12399, 8978, 36632, 8608, 33604, 6027, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.17701480370995246, "compression_ratio": 1.8288590604026846, "no_speech_prob": 2.9206275939941406e-06, "words": [{"start": 942.42, "end": 942.84, "word": "مستوى", "probability": 0.906494140625}, {"start": 942.84, "end": 943.34, "word": " الخدمة،", "probability": 0.823974609375}, {"start": 943.34, "end": 943.44, "word": " 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2407, 33546, 1211, 9307, 1975, 2655, 1863, 9957, 4032, 24793, 7649, 12602, 39319, 6055, 14851, 3615, 9957, 14407, 8978, 3224, 8978, 8608, 1863, 3660, 16490, 10943, 3794, 3660, 45164, 5551, 9778, 3215, 2655, 14407, 9673, 3794, 995, 4587, 33688, 9778, 31371, 9640, 13672, 1829, 31439, 7339, 6419, 7043, 46811, 10943, 6156, 3555, 39237, 7649, 7578, 6055, 8592, 2655, 16572, 2407, 3224, 38637, 2304, 7649, 3224, 12602, 39319, 7251, 30544, 4724, 3794, 1829, 9566, 8978, 3714, 4117, 2655, 49401, 41950, 6027, 3555, 6156, 3555, 30544, 10874, 25708, 45164, 11331, 36520, 2655, 14407, 47356, 16472, 3224, 8978, 47524, 16373, 1211, 9122, 2304, 7649, 5296, 31377, 2304, 6055, 5016, 1211, 14407], "avg_logprob": -0.1429746245083056, "compression_ratio": 1.804, "no_speech_prob": 3.5762786865234375e-07, "words": [{"start": 997.4, "end": 998.06, "word": "هينفعكم", "probability": 0.9470703125}, {"start": 998.06, "end": 998.2, "word": " في", "probability": 0.875}, {"start": 998.2, "end": 998.54, "word": " مساق", 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learning not teaching تحفظوها", "tokens": [40, 486, 406, 2924, 291, 13412, 5172, 2655, 14407, 27188, 2288, 4587, 22807, 1975, 15730, 452, 9776, 486, 406, 312, 281, 2924, 291, 281, 854, 291, 281, 1466, 1975, 34268, 28543, 27188, 2288, 4587, 9122, 3555, 13546, 1975, 2407, 20193, 5296, 10721, 1975, 15730, 4724, 29399, 3615, 28480, 20449, 45030, 11242, 8717, 31747, 11622, 15844, 2539, 406, 4571, 6055, 5016, 5172, 19913, 2407, 11296], "avg_logprob": -0.240625, "compression_ratio": 1.4567901234567902, "no_speech_prob": 2.980232238769531e-07, "words": [{"start": 1250.62, "end": 1250.82, "word": "I", "probability": 0.794921875}, {"start": 1250.82, "end": 1251.02, "word": " will", "probability": 0.92041015625}, {"start": 1251.02, "end": 1251.3, "word": " not", "probability": 0.95703125}, {"start": 1251.3, "end": 1251.64, "word": " teach", "probability": 0.94677734375}, {"start": 1251.64, "end": 1252.34, "word": " you", "probability": 0.9794921875}, {"start": 1252.34, "end": 1253.88, "word": " 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9957, 6055, 1211, 9307, 3660, 30731, 16490, 2304, 3794, 11203, 10943, 9307, 29538, 6156, 30543, 9673, 10632, 1392, 2572, 1139, 16490, 2304, 3794, 9957, 6156, 15040, 5016, 19913, 41950, 6027, 3555, 28239, 8592, 1829, 9566, 39896, 30544, 46740, 11331, 19913, 9122, 45865, 3794, 6156, 16095, 2655, 14407, 9122, 1829, 3224, 43242, 4117, 11331, 19913, 9122, 45865, 3794, 8978, 33962, 2304, 3794, 3660, 8978, 9673, 10632, 43242, 4117, 11331, 19913, 9122, 45865, 3794, 8978, 18863, 8592, 25720, 8978, 9673, 10632], "avg_logprob": -0.15500552675365348, "compression_ratio": 1.9061032863849765, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 1308.79, "end": 1309.31, "word": "بالإضافة", "probability": 0.8850504557291666}, {"start": 1309.31, "end": 1309.69, "word": " للحضور", "probability": 0.9034423828125}, {"start": 1309.69, "end": 1310.09, "word": " طبعا", "probability": 0.900634765625}, {"start": 1310.09, "end": 1311.71, "word": " bonus", "probability": 0.460693359375}, {"start": 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بحاجة واجب بسيط هتعملوه اليوم إيش كنتوا بتعملوا الليلة؟ كنتوا بتتفرجوا على فيلم تمام؟ بسيطة شغلة بسيطة بنشوف فيلم اسمه history of roads", "tokens": [38151, 521, 719, 23758, 8717, 19913, 10943, 25724, 10943, 27884, 14739, 3224, 5296, 31377, 2304, 6055, 5016, 11242, 2288, 4032, 11933, 15730, 39894, 17082, 1829, 3555, 5551, 4117, 2655, 2288, 9154, 3552, 4, 6156, 45340, 5172, 32887, 11242, 14739, 4117, 37495, 22653, 19446, 6055, 24793, 1211, 8592, 6156, 1863, 9381, 1829, 5016, 3660, 14739, 24793, 6055, 5016, 11242, 2288, 14407, 4032, 6055, 24793, 1211, 14407, 23032, 1829, 3555, 8717, 44510, 10721, 4724, 5016, 26108, 3660, 4032, 26108, 3555, 4724, 3794, 1829, 9566, 8032, 2655, 25957, 1211, 2407, 3224, 45595, 20498, 11933, 1829, 8592, 9122, 29399, 14407, 39894, 25957, 1211, 14407, 13672, 26895, 3660, 22807, 9122, 29399, 14407, 39894, 2655, 5172, 47341, 14407, 15844, 8978, 19528, 46811, 10943, 22807, 4724, 3794, 1829, 9566, 3660, 13412, 17082, 37977, 4724, 3794, 1829, 9566, 3660, 44945, 8592, 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23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23032, 3555, 3615], "avg_logprob": -0.10166666454739041, "compression_ratio": 4.414634146341464, "no_speech_prob": 8.940696716308594e-07, "words": [{"start": 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في مشاكل انهم يطلعوا وينزلوا على الطريق فهذا ممكن يكون حل مثالي لما يكون عند حركة مشارع عالية modes of transportation اش يعني modes او means of transportation وسائل النقل", "tokens": [19528, 8592, 995, 28820, 9122, 12984, 48923, 4032, 41361, 8978, 10874, 3794, 2288, 15844, 13412, 9640, 3615, 20328, 15040, 5016, 32748, 9957, 4724, 43042, 3224, 25961, 8978, 47356, 37893, 995, 28820, 9122, 2655, 13546, 8978, 25724, 10943, 27884, 16247, 2288, 3215, 1863, 10632, 5551, 2304, 10943, 11296, 6225, 42213, 14407, 9122, 2304, 7649, 10874, 3794, 2288, 4032, 6055, 4587, 16572, 3555, 995, 8978, 37893, 995, 28820, 9122, 2655, 13546, 1975, 15730, 9673, 8592, 9640, 3615, 3714, 16758, 1829, 5016, 3555, 14407, 1975, 2407, 8978, 37893, 995, 28820, 16472, 16095, 7251, 9566, 1211, 3615, 14407, 4032, 9957, 11622, 1211, 14407, 15844, 41950, 16572, 4587, 6156, 3224, 15730, 3714, 43020, 7251, 30544, 11331, 1211, 50113, 6027, 1829, 5296, 15042, 7251, 30544, 43242, 11331, 31747, 3660, 37893, 9640, 3615, 6225, 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1829, 2407, 7649, 9307, 12399, 6156, 3224, 8315, 47525, 7578, 7251, 14851, 9778, 40448, 25724, 42213, 12399, 21542, 9381, 7649, 12399, 21542, 2304, 9640, 4032, 4724, 995, 38436, 21542, 1829, 2407, 7649, 9307, 13672, 1829, 3714, 43020, 7251, 14851, 9778, 40448, 11296, 12399, 20193, 5016, 19913, 14407, 34105, 2423, 8712, 49610, 23328, 11933, 1829, 8592, 22807, 46952, 26895, 3660, 11331, 16254, 12984, 3660, 20449, 46952, 26895, 3660, 12174, 16254, 46007], "avg_logprob": -0.11863425815546955, "compression_ratio": 1.854368932038835, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1787.85, "end": 1788.17, "word": "أول", "probability": 0.874755859375}, {"start": 1788.17, "end": 1788.27, "word": " ما", "probability": 0.853515625}, {"start": 1788.27, "end": 1788.47, "word": " بدى", "probability": 0.833984375}, {"start": 1788.47, "end": 1789.09, "word": " الإنسان", "probability": 0.9898681640625}, {"start": 1789.09, "end": 1790.25, "word": " يتنقل", "probability": 0.99619140625}, {"start": 1790.25, 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995, 4386, 6055, 2304, 8592, 1829, 15844, 29739, 9566, 9640, 1829, 9307, 4386, 4724, 1829, 30544, 8978, 11296, 1975, 5016, 31371, 41193, 32771, 31377, 4386, 10874, 2288, 3215, 32771, 31377, 4386, 46811, 8592, 1829, 4386, 11933, 15730, 16472, 47432, 34268, 33251, 3224, 25513, 995, 5296, 10721, 1829, 8608, 3555, 3555, 9154, 16247, 35457, 16758, 4386, 3714, 43020, 46811, 8592, 1829, 4117, 5296, 10721, 4587, 25513, 9154, 9566, 4587, 9307, 4386, 8608, 1829, 7649, 3660, 34051, 9154, 9566, 4587, 9307, 4386, 46811, 8592, 1829, 12145, 9122, 26895, 20498, 2655, 2288, 12174, 36150, 4386, 11331, 26108, 3660, 11933, 3615, 18513, 3660, 25124, 5016, 1863], "avg_logprob": -0.2369237516788726, "compression_ratio": 1.7660377358490567, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 2040.88, "end": 2041.64, "word": "المستقبل", "probability": 0.876220703125}, {"start": 2041.64, "end": 2042.4, "word": " وين؟", "probability": 0.8916015625}, {"start": 2042.4, "end": 2042.78, "word": " هذه", 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6055, 2655, 11242, 9566, 2288, 14739, 4117, 6055, 17082, 13546, 32767, 5016, 3660, 18871, 2423, 3060, 7880, 11933, 8592, 9640, 9307, 9673, 2288, 13063, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 29538, 10874, 11622, 38207, 9154, 11933, 8592, 9640, 9307, 11933, 8592, 9640, 9307, 3714, 46456, 46538, 3660, 43242, 4117, 11933, 8592, 9640, 9307, 6055, 1863, 19913, 32640, 10632, 11933, 8592, 9640, 9307, 11933, 2288, 8592, 18513, 10632, 29538, 32771, 6027, 3555, 995, 11933, 8592, 9640, 3660, 11933, 2288, 8592, 18513, 10632], "avg_logprob": -0.15542035187240197, "compression_ratio": 1.865, "no_speech_prob": 2.384185791015625e-07, "words": [{"start": 2098.59, "end": 2098.87, "word": "و", "probability": 0.916015625}, {"start": 2098.87, "end": 2099.33, "word": " البطارية", "probability": 0.89013671875}, {"start": 2099.33, "end": 2099.71, "word": " صالح", "probability": 0.9873046875}, {"start": 2099.71, "end": 2100.05, "word": " العمل", "probability": 0.91796875}, {"start": 2100.05, "end": 2100.41, "word": " لمدة", 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فممكن تسميه two lane highway per direction تمام؟ فبالتالي مجموع أربعة بالإضافة لل service road اللي على الجانب كمان في أظن حوالي two lanes كمان زي ال parking", "tokens": [20292, 8592, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 22807, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 5551, 25513, 27884, 6156, 16095, 2655, 14407, 9122, 3215, 3224, 22807, 46811, 12399, 38637, 2304, 7251, 43020, 5551, 4117, 2655, 2288, 12399, 7251, 43020, 5551, 4117, 2655, 2288, 31439, 5551, 19913, 1863, 7251, 25957, 1211, 2407, 3224, 1451, 12705, 12399, 732, 12705, 294, 1184, 3513, 4032, 25957, 1211, 2407, 3224, 9154, 9566, 28671, 30767, 1829, 7948, 15844, 25724, 7649, 3555, 37495, 22653, 11778, 3224, 13672, 1829, 7251, 34268, 26890, 2423, 12705, 5551, 3794, 32277, 1829, 6156, 2304, 43020, 6055, 38251, 1829, 3224, 732, 12705, 17205, 680, 3513, 46811, 10943, 22807, 6156, 3555, 6027, 2655, 6027, 1829, 3714, 7435, 2304, 45367, 5551, 25513, 27884, 20666, 28814, 11242, 31845, 3660, 24976, 2643, 3060, 13672, 1829, 15844, 25724, 7649, 3555, 9122, 2304, 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