1 00:00:20,990 --> 00:00:24,430 Okay بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اليوم إن شاء الله سوف 2 00:00:24,430 --> 00:00:30,130 نكمل التدريبات الواقعية على الفصل 8 أعتقد أن في 3 00:00:30,130 --> 00:00:33,150 السلسلة الأخيرة التي وصلنا إلى هذا النقطة كما ترى 4 00:00:33,150 --> 00:00:37,110 هذا هو مقارنة الاستثمار أو مقارنة الاستثمار المخطط 5 00:00:37,110 --> 00:00:43,210 الذي يظهر علاقة خاطئة بين قيمة الدفع والاستثمار 6 00:00:43,210 --> 00:00:49,720 المخطط دعونا نذهب إلى التدريباتالنسبة للنسبة 12.4 7 00:00:49,720 --> 00:00:55,280 مليون دولار، يمكن أن تتقل من 12 مليون دولار إلى 8 8 00:00:55,280 --> 00:01:00,420 مليون دولار إذا كان هناك تقل من 12 مليون دولار إلى 9 00:01:00,420 --> 00:01:01,920 8 مليون دولار إذا كان هناك تقل من 12 مليون دولار 10 00:01:01,920 --> 00:01:03,360 إذا كان هناك تقل من 12 مليون دولار إذا كان هناك 11 00:01:03,360 --> 00:01:04,540 تقل من 12 مليون دولار إذا كان هناك تقل من 12 مليون 12 00:01:04,540 --> 00:01:04,700 دولار إذا كان هناك تقل من 12 مليون دولار إذا كان 13 00:01:04,700 --> 00:01:04,700 هناك تقل من 12 مليون دولار إذا كان هناك تقل من 12 14 00:01:04,700 --> 00:01:04,980 مليون دولار إذا كان هناك تقل من 12 مليون دولار إذا 15 00:01:04,980 --> 00:01:06,620 كان هناك تقل من 12 مليون دولار إذا كان هناك تقل من 16 00:01:06,620 --> 00:01:10,820 12 مليون دولهنا لدينا إجابة تتعامل معها، لذا دعونا 17 00:01:10,820 --> 00:01:16,420 نجرب و نرى أيه هي الإجابة المناسبة رقم واحد او ايه 18 00:01:16,420 --> 00:01:20,740 إذا كان الحكومة تزيد اشارات الحكومة، لذا دعونا 19 00:01:20,740 --> 00:01:23,580 نعتمد على أن الحكومة تزيد اشاراتها أو اشارات 20 00:01:23,580 --> 00:01:29,120 الحكومة، هذا يعني ماذا؟ تزيد عمومات العمومات 21 00:01:29,120 --> 00:01:31,280 العامة، عمومات العمومة العامة 22 00:01:36,070 --> 00:01:42,210 Increasing Y Money Demand Increasing R Decreasing 23 00:01:42,210 --> 00:01:48,070 I This is the correct answer حلناها ده حلناها ده 24 00:01:48,070 --> 00:01:51,430 حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده 25 00:01:51,430 --> 00:01:51,510 حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده 26 00:01:51,510 --> 00:01:51,510 حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده 27 00:01:51,510 --> 00:01:51,510 حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده 28 00:01:51,510 --> 00:01:51,510 حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده 29 00:01:51,510 --> 00:01:55,530 حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده حلناها ده 30 00:01:55,530 --> 00:02:02,150 حلناها ده حلناها ده ح 31 00:02:03,710 --> 00:02:06,910 الجمهور يجب ان يجرب ايه؟ يجب ان يجرب C 32 00:02:16,790 --> 00:02:21,930 وهو نفس الأفعال لإزالة تدفع الحكومة، وهذا يؤدي إلى 33 00:02:21,930 --> 00:02:27,330 أزالة تدفع المجموعات، أزالة Y، أزالة أسعار المال، 34 00:02:27,330 --> 00:02:33,630 أزالة R، أزالة I، لذلك يمكن أن تدخل أو تتخلص 35 00:02:33,630 --> 00:02:38,580 الاستثمار المشروع إذا كانالحكومة تنقل أو تقوم 36 00:02:38,580 --> 00:02:42,000 بتقلي حجم المال من النار؟ دعنا نعتمد على حالة 37 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:49,220 عكسية إذا كانت المستخدمات التخزينية تنقل من 12% 38 00:02:49,220 --> 00:02:56,100 إلى 16%؟ تنقل، تنقل، تنقل 39 00:03:26,480 --> 00:03:31,300 ماذا هو الإجابة الأفضل هنا؟Bones in the open 40 00:03:31,300 --> 00:03:35,160 market فلنجرب أنه فينا Buying Bones Buying Bones 41 00:03:35,160 --> 00:03:39,460 شو بيعمل في ال money supply exactly so the second 42 00:03:39,460 --> 00:03:46,960 اللي هو ال B Buying Bones increasing 43 00:03:46,960 --> 00:03:53,170 money supplydecreasing R increasing I كمان هذه it 44 00:03:53,170 --> 00:03:56,970 should be correct لو بدى افترض انه في عندى 45 00:03:56,970 --> 00:04:00,890 analysis معين مظبوط ولا لأ طيب let's say another 46 00:04:00,890 --> 00:04:07,730 the planned investment decreased or could decrease 47 00:04:07,730 --> 00:04:12,130 from 12 to 8 million dollars if طبعا ان ال answer 48 00:04:12,130 --> 00:04:14,750 B خلينا نجربه انه increase in government purchases 49 00:04:14,750 --> 00:04:20,710 شفناthe same yes طيب عندنا decreasing في ال plan 50 00:04:20,710 --> 00:04:25,130 investment from 16 million to 12 million F the 51 00:04:25,130 --> 00:04:28,130 federal sell bonds خليني أشوف لو نعمل selling the 52 00:04:28,130 --> 00:04:35,790 bonds selling bonds bonds decreasing the money 53 00:04:35,790 --> 00:04:40,890 supply increase R decrease I so it should be the 54 00:04:40,890 --> 00:04:41,630 correct answer 55 00:04:44,870 --> 00:04:48,050 هلا في عندى increasing بيه ال planned investment 56 00:04:48,050 --> 00:04:53,930 from eight to twelve million dollars if جربونا و 57 00:04:53,930 --> 00:04:58,450 اعطينا ال answers دين نشوف مظبوط ولا مش مظبوط the 58 00:04:58,450 --> 00:05:01,530 federal lowers the discount rate so suppose there 59 00:05:01,530 --> 00:05:06,430 is a decreasing in the discount rateThis leads to 60 00:05:06,430 --> 00:05:10,750 increase in money supply, decrease R, increase I 61 00:05:10,750 --> 00:05:15,590 So it should be correct طب لو جربنا اشي تاني for 62 00:05:15,590 --> 00:05:21,210 the first case او the second case اشي جديد، ده 63 00:05:21,210 --> 00:05:26,980 بيخد اي case بيلاقي مش مطابق، لا ينطبقطيب، which 64 00:05:26,980 --> 00:05:30,940 of the following sequence of events follows an 65 00:05:30,940 --> 00:05:33,480 expansionary monitor policy؟ هذا السؤال جاء في 66 00:05:33,480 --> 00:05:37,960 الامتحان بال multiple choice العام الماضي زي هيك و 67 00:05:37,960 --> 00:05:41,880 خلّيني أخد different cases عليه السؤال إيش بيقول؟ 68 00:05:41,880 --> 00:05:47,940 انه expansionary monitor policy أنه فيهم يتبع ل 69 00:05:47,940 --> 00:05:50,920 expansionary monitor policy expansionary monitor 70 00:05:50,920 --> 00:05:56,580 policy means the increasing money supplyDecrease 71 00:05:56,580 --> 00:06:02,120 R, Increase I, Increase Aggregate Exponential, 72 00:06:02,580 --> 00:06:07,420 Increase Y So which is the correct answer? C, 73 00:06:08,080 --> 00:06:12,900 Decrease R, Increase I, Increase Aggregate 74 00:06:12,900 --> 00:06:18,440 Exponential, Increase Y طب جرب A, A, Increase R 75 00:06:18,440 --> 00:06:23,240 وابتدالي هذا مش مظبوطالـ contraction طب جرب دي دي 76 00:06:23,240 --> 00:06:26,860 is a contraction but let us follow the procedures 77 00:06:26,860 --> 00:06:32,300 decreasing R decreasing I so it's not correct لأنه 78 00:06:32,300 --> 00:06:35,640 decreasing in R leads to increasing in I right 79 00:06:35,640 --> 00:06:40,340 okay what 80 00:06:40,340 --> 00:06:41,540 else yes 81 00:06:51,110 --> 00:06:55,350 هذا لـ crowding out if you remember هذا في المرحلة 82 00:06:55,350 --> 00:06:57,870 التانية تمام هيو 83 00:07:04,880 --> 00:07:09,660 بصبت بس you have to follow the process بتاكد تتبع 84 00:07:09,660 --> 00:07:13,720 العملية كلها من البداية ال expansion of monetary 85 00:07:13,720 --> 00:07:16,340 policy means انه increase in the supply وبالتالي 86 00:07:16,340 --> 00:07:18,920 شو ال effects على ال interest rate and ال planned 87 00:07:18,920 --> 00:07:21,620 investment the aggregate expenditure and so on 88 00:07:21,620 --> 00:07:25,900 right which 89 00:07:25,900 --> 00:07:29,500 is which of the following sequence of events 90 00:07:29,500 --> 00:07:35,950 follows a rise in the discount rate riseالدسكاوت 91 00:07:35,950 --> 00:07:44,390 ريت ديكريز الوضع المالي ديكريز R ديكريز I ديكريز 92 00:07:44,390 --> 00:07:49,510 aggregate expenditure ديكريز Y اذا اين هي السلسلة 93 00:07:49,510 --> 00:07:54,430 الصحيحة؟ السلسلة الصحيحة بيه لان هناك زيادة في R 94 00:07:54,430 --> 00:08:00,290 ديكريز I ديكريز aggregate expenditure ديكريز Y صعب 95 00:08:00,290 --> 00:08:02,130 لو في اشي زيك في الامتحان؟ 96 00:08:05,640 --> 00:08:08,660 طيب، which of the following sequence of events 97 00:08:08,660 --> 00:08:11,500 follows an expansion fiscal policy؟ Expansion 98 00:08:11,500 --> 00:08:14,020 fiscal policy means increasing the government 99 00:08:14,020 --> 00:08:17,360 spending or decreasing the taxes صح؟ So, 100 00:08:17,880 --> 00:08:20,700 increasing the government spending or decreasing 101 00:08:20,700 --> 00:08:24,060 taxes, this leads to increasing aggregate 102 00:08:24,060 --> 00:08:27,920 expenditure, increase Y, increase money demand, 103 00:08:28,980 --> 00:08:31,480 increase R, decrease I 104 00:08:34,550 --> 00:08:38,470 كمان أنه decrease في ال aggregate expenditure هذا 105 00:08:38,470 --> 00:08:42,670 اللي هو الموضوع ال coding out صح؟ طيب إذا which is 106 00:08:42,670 --> 00:08:46,490 the best answer؟ B because increasing aggregate 107 00:08:46,490 --> 00:08:51,430 expenditure هي increase Y increase money demand R 108 00:08:51,430 --> 00:08:57,030 decrease R and so on صعبين؟ طيب which of the 109 00:08:57,030 --> 00:09:01,390 following sequence of events follows an increase 110 00:09:01,390 --> 00:09:02,730 in the net taxes؟ 111 00:09:04,960 --> 00:09:09,100 التعافي المالي يعني أنه في نفس الاتجاه، في نفس 112 00:09:09,100 --> 00:09:13,100 الاحتياطات التي تتخلص من المستخدمات الحكومية، فهذا 113 00:09:13,100 --> 00:09:14,700 يعني تخلص من المستخدمات الحكومية التي تتخلص من 114 00:09:14,700 --> 00:09:18,920 المستخدمات الحكومية التي تتخلص من المستخدمات 115 00:09:18,920 --> 00:09:24,170 الحكوميةDecrease R, Increase I, Increase Aggregate 116 00:09:24,170 --> 00:09:28,570 Expenditure So which is the correct answer? D. 117 00:09:29,530 --> 00:09:32,450 Decreasing aggregate expenditure, decrease Y, 118 00:09:32,590 --> 00:09:38,950 decrease money demand and so on صح؟ If the planned 119 00:09:38,950 --> 00:09:43,850 investment does not fall when the interest rate 120 00:09:43,850 --> 00:09:44,490 rises 121 00:09:47,600 --> 00:09:52,680 this means انه مافيش sensitive او ال investment is 122 00:09:52,680 --> 00:09:58,320 ماله مش حساس لسالة الفادة the interest rate مصبوط؟ 123 00:09:58,320 --> 00:10:00,420 هلاش السؤال بيقول انه if the planned investment 124 00:10:00,420 --> 00:10:04,820 does not fall when the interest rate rises يعني مع 125 00:10:04,820 --> 00:10:09,420 الكلام انه هيكون vertical line exactly so this is 126 00:10:09,420 --> 00:10:14,790 the planned investment curve R Iالسؤال بيقول انه 127 00:10:14,790 --> 00:10:18,290 لما ال interest rate ارتفع ما ينزلش ال interest .. 128 00:10:18,290 --> 00:10:20,690 ال .. ال planned investment او ال investment so 129 00:10:20,690 --> 00:10:25,730 suppose this is a, b, and increasing in the .. the 130 00:10:25,730 --> 00:10:30,770 interest rate would not change or has no effect on 131 00:10:30,770 --> 00:10:33,470 the planned investment so in this case the planned 132 00:10:33,470 --> 00:10:36,390 investment curve is what؟ is a vertical line؟ the 133 00:10:36,390 --> 00:10:40,210 crowding out is what؟ zero equals zero مظبوط؟ the 134 00:10:40,210 --> 00:10:45,830 crowding out effect is zeroطب لو أنا مخطط انه ازود 135 00:10:45,830 --> 00:10:49,690 الناتج ب 200 او ب 400 بزيد بنفس النتيجة بنفس ال .. 136 00:10:49,690 --> 00:10:55,390 the same plan مظبوط او لا؟ طيب، so in this case no 137 00:10:55,390 --> 00:10:59,590 crowding out effect مش هيرجع الناتج يرجع .. ينزل 138 00:10:59,590 --> 00:11:04,910 مرة تانية طيب، the steeper the planned investment 139 00:11:04,910 --> 00:11:09,150 schedule curve ايش ماله هذا؟ steeper means يعني ال 140 00:11:09,150 --> 00:11:13,180 .. ال .. رايح باتجاه العموديالأكثر عموديا .. 141 00:11:13,180 --> 00:11:19,740 الميلو .. الأكثر ميلا الميلو قريب العموديا هذا إيش 142 00:11:19,740 --> 00:11:22,880 ميلو؟ اللي هو ال answer would be the smaller is 143 00:11:22,880 --> 00:11:26,080 the crowding out effect the stable means أنه يعني 144 00:11:26,080 --> 00:11:31,080 كل ما كان قريب من العمودي زي هيك أو قريب من هيك 145 00:11:31,080 --> 00:11:36,920 يعني يكون في عنده the smaller crowding out طب لو 146 00:11:36,920 --> 00:11:40,040 كان flatter .. flatter means قريب من ال .. ال 147 00:11:40,040 --> 00:11:43,900 horizontal lineبيكون في عندي high sensitivity 148 00:11:43,900 --> 00:11:48,900 between the investment and the interest rate هايو 149 00:11:48,900 --> 00:11:52,940 the flatter the planned investment curve اللي هو 150 00:11:52,940 --> 00:11:56,400 هيكون ايش ماله؟ the larger crowding out effect 151 00:11:56,400 --> 00:11:59,620 بظبط؟ or the greater crowding out effect؟ مين مش 152 00:11:59,620 --> 00:12:02,840 رايه بالنقطة هاي؟ نفس التحلي اللي بنشتغل عليها ال 153 00:12:02,840 --> 00:12:09,860 gate هذا طيبThere will no crowding out effect when 154 00:12:09,860 --> 00:12:12,480 the government increase spending and the planned 155 00:12:12,480 --> 00:12:16,820 investment and the planned investment casual or 156 00:12:16,820 --> 00:12:22,280 curve ازمنه vertical line Yes Assume 157 00:12:22,280 --> 00:12:25,980 that the investment spending depends on the 158 00:12:25,980 --> 00:12:28,520 interest rate يعني there is a relationship between 159 00:12:28,520 --> 00:12:30,940 ال interest rate و ال investment يعني جاي عادي هيك 160 00:12:30,940 --> 00:12:33,420 ال curve جاي هيك 161 00:12:39,850 --> 00:12:43,990 assume that the investment spending depends on the 162 00:12:43,990 --> 00:12:47,470 interest rate as the supply of money is increased 163 00:12:53,090 --> 00:12:58,310 هذا يعني أنه يتخلص من R يتخلص من I تمام، شوف شو 164 00:12:58,310 --> 00:13:03,610 الوضع الـ interest rate طبعا ماله تتخلص و ال 165 00:13:03,610 --> 00:13:10,690 investment plan يتخلص طيب، إذا كتابة الinvestment 166 00:13:10,690 --> 00:13:13,130 demand كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة 167 00:13:13,130 --> 00:13:20,550 كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة 168 00:13:20,550 --> 00:13:20,710 كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة 169 00:13:20,710 --> 00:13:20,710 كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة 170 00:13:20,710 --> 00:13:23,890 كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتابة كتلا مش 171 00:13:23,890 --> 00:13:29,390 صح in this case الـ efficient crowding out effect 172 00:13:29,390 --> 00:13:32,110 مظبوط؟ مش هيرجع النتج يعني لو سببز انه انا عملت 173 00:13:32,110 --> 00:13:36,070 increasing في ال government spending هيزيد النتج 174 00:13:36,070 --> 00:13:40,430 بنفس المعنى المخطط مش هيرجع النتج ينزل وبالتالي in 175 00:13:40,430 --> 00:13:43,850 this case the fiscal policy would be effective بس 176 00:13:43,850 --> 00:13:47,390 ال .. ال .. ال .. ال monitor is ineffective بالمرة 177 00:13:47,390 --> 00:13:50,570 مظبوط؟ تفكرين و هذا شرحناه المرة اللي فاتت و احنا 178 00:13:50,570 --> 00:13:55,920 بنرجع نعمل review على ال ..شباب إذا كان if the 179 00:13:55,920 --> 00:13:59,680 planned investment is a vertical line تمام مافيش 180 00:13:59,680 --> 00:14:02,500 crowding out يعني مش هيرجع النتيجة في مرحلة تانية 181 00:14:02,500 --> 00:14:07,040 ينزل وبالتالي إذا أنا مخطط أن أزيد النتيجة بكذا 182 00:14:07,040 --> 00:14:12,400 هيزيد بنفس المقدار اللي أنا مخطط فيه وبالتالي ال 183 00:14:12,400 --> 00:14:15,680 fiscal policy is effective و ال monetary 184 00:14:15,680 --> 00:14:18,380 ineffective بدا أرجع للنقطة هاي عشان و كأنهش أحس 185 00:14:18,380 --> 00:14:18,980 في إيش ambiguous 186 00:14:24,170 --> 00:14:28,710 Suppose we use an expansion fiscal policy استخدمنا 187 00:14:28,710 --> 00:14:34,450 سياسة مالية توسعية Increasing G leads to what? 188 00:14:34,510 --> 00:14:37,610 Increasing aggregate expenditure Increase Y 189 00:14:37,610 --> 00:14:45,250 Increase money demand Increase R Decrease I مش هيك 190 00:14:45,250 --> 00:14:51,770 الوضع؟aggregate expenditure decreased y with a 191 00:14:51,770 --> 00:14:59,790 small here small small small if the investment 192 00:14:59,790 --> 00:15:03,550 curve is a vertical line was a vertical line معناه 193 00:15:03,550 --> 00:15:06,930 الكلمة انه اي زيادة في ال interest rate مش هيأثر 194 00:15:06,930 --> 00:15:10,250 على ال investment وابتدا مش هينزل اذا ال monetary 195 00:15:10,250 --> 00:15:14,170 policy ما لها it's not effective or ineffectiveبس 196 00:15:14,170 --> 00:15:16,950 من اللي صار effective الفيسكال policy لأنه انا 197 00:15:16,950 --> 00:15:19,550 زودت ال government spending زاد الناتج زي ما بدي 198 00:15:19,550 --> 00:15:28,730 that's it صح؟ طيب let's go to this figure as you 199 00:15:28,730 --> 00:15:34,170 see we have aggregate expenditure zero one two 200 00:15:34,170 --> 00:15:38,730 كدهش 201 00:15:38,730 --> 00:15:42,150 ال slope تبع ال function هذا او ال margin of 202 00:15:42,150 --> 00:15:49,670 propensity consumedmbc فاكرين كيف نعمل ال mbc تمام 203 00:15:49,670 --> 00:15:54,590 خد triangle هيك و اعمل احسب لل margin of 204 00:15:54,590 --> 00:15:57,670 propensity consumed اللي هو هذا المسافة على هجم 205 00:15:57,670 --> 00:16:03,530 200 minus 100 exactly تمام ال mbc margin of 206 00:16:03,530 --> 00:16:10,070 propensity consumed equals 200 minus 100 over 200 207 00:16:10,070 --> 00:16:20,830 minus 0100 over 200 equals 0.5 that's it how much 208 00:16:20,830 --> 00:16:24,190 is the multiplier the government spending 209 00:16:24,190 --> 00:16:29,550 multiplier الgovernment spending multiplier one 210 00:16:29,550 --> 00:16:36,670 over mbs equals one over one minus mbc 0.5 equals 211 00:16:36,670 --> 00:16:41,960 twoقال له هذا السؤال هيك what is the multiplier in 212 00:16:41,960 --> 00:16:48,900 this economy تمام خلاص تو yes طيب how much is the 213 00:16:48,900 --> 00:16:58,220 tax multiplier خليني أحكي في tax multiplier minus 214 00:16:58,220 --> 00:17:06,480 MBC over MBS minus half over minus half sorry over 215 00:17:06,480 --> 00:17:14,130 positive minus oneصح؟ مظبوط؟ طيب جديش ال balance 216 00:17:14,130 --> 00:17:20,390 budget multiplier؟ one yes لأنه ال government 217 00:17:20,390 --> 00:17:23,890 spending multiplier plus the tax multiplier two 218 00:17:23,890 --> 00:17:32,270 minus one equals one صح؟ مظبوط؟ طيب let's 219 00:17:32,270 --> 00:17:37,870 go طيب refer to the figure twelve point seven 220 00:17:39,720 --> 00:17:51,340 الأساسي الأساسي هي الأول 221 00:17:51,340 --> 00:17:54,380 أساسي 222 00:17:54,380 --> 00:17:57,800 أساسي أساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي 223 00:17:57,800 --> 00:17:58,420 الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي 224 00:17:58,420 --> 00:17:58,500 الأساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي 225 00:17:58,500 --> 00:17:58,720 الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي 226 00:17:58,720 --> 00:17:58,760 الأساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي 227 00:17:58,760 --> 00:17:58,760 الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي 228 00:17:58,760 --> 00:17:58,760 الأساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي 229 00:17:58,760 --> 00:18:02,820 الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي الأساسي الأساسي هي 230 00:18:02,820 --> 00:18:05,160 الأساس 231 00:18:06,070 --> 00:18:10,870 على زيادة جي هذا بيقولنا انه سفينا increasing in G 232 00:18:10,870 --> 00:18:14,870 by 233 00:18:14,870 --> 00:18:21,570 one hundred million dollars قوله Delta G Delta G 234 00:18:21,570 --> 00:18:26,790 okay Delta G equals positive one hundred million 235 00:18:26,790 --> 00:18:30,630 dollarsأو value and the aggregate expenditure 236 00:18:30,630 --> 00:18:34,090 curve shifts to aggregate expenditure aggregate 237 00:18:34,090 --> 00:18:39,810 expenditure two ده هال two we know for sure that 238 00:18:39,810 --> 00:18:43,410 يعني احنا روحنا من وين من function اللي هو the 239 00:18:43,410 --> 00:18:46,690 aggregate expenditure note ل aggregate expenditure 240 00:18:46,690 --> 00:18:55,610 two قدش كان ال y 200 و ل new y 400 هلا في هاي 241 00:18:55,610 --> 00:19:01,230 الحالةفي عندى crowding out إذا بدى أعرف إنه كان في 242 00:19:01,230 --> 00:19:06,190 عندى crowding out ولا لأ شباب بدى أجيب بدى أستخدم 243 00:19:06,190 --> 00:19:08,630 قانون ال multiplier ال governance funding 244 00:19:08,630 --> 00:19:13,010 multiplier delta 245 00:19:13,010 --> 00:19:17,790 y over delta gتمام؟ طيب هل ال government spending 246 00:19:17,790 --> 00:19:21,410 multiplier قد يش عنده two equals delta y over 247 00:19:21,410 --> 00:19:25,670 delta g one hundred positive اذا delta y equals 248 00:19:25,670 --> 00:19:29,430 two hundred يعني صار في عنده زيادة بمقدار قد يش 249 00:19:29,430 --> 00:19:35,250 متين تمام؟ طب اه ارجع للشكل بس اذا زاد بمقدار مية 250 00:19:35,250 --> 00:19:39,830 و تمانين فالكلام في crowding out صح؟ هلأ اما هذا 251 00:19:39,830 --> 00:19:47,860 معناه طلع نفس الرقم شبابشايفين شو الوضع ال initial 252 00:19:47,860 --> 00:19:55,280 y قداش كانت 200 ال delta y زادت ل 400 اذا الفرق 253 00:19:55,280 --> 00:20:01,040 قداش 200 هذا اذا انا مخطط ازود الناتج من 200 ل 400 254 00:20:01,040 --> 00:20:05,240 و اعمليا زاد من 200 زاد بمقدار 200 اذا الكلام اذا 255 00:20:05,240 --> 00:20:09,520 there is no crowding out effect بس لو راح زاد هيك 256 00:20:09,520 --> 00:20:16,730 بعدين نرجع شويةوصار عندي ال y هيك 180 بيكون في 257 00:20:16,730 --> 00:20:25,030 عندي crowding out طبعا؟ طيب yes بيكون مش مخطط لأ 258 00:20:25,030 --> 00:20:29,410 بيكون أنا مخطط أزوده هنا باللأ ل 400 بس ما زادش ال 259 00:20:29,410 --> 00:20:38,570 400 زاد ل 380 صح؟ يعني سببز أن هذا هيك 380؟ طيب طب 260 00:20:38,570 --> 00:20:40,490 سببز أن الوضع ماكانش هيك 261 00:20:50,370 --> 00:20:54,790 مظبوط صحيح هي الصح اه هو هي in this case there is 262 00:20:54,790 --> 00:21:01,270 no crowding effect طيب suppose the initial يعني 263 00:21:01,270 --> 00:21:04,530 الوضع كان مختلف the initial or the original point 264 00:21:04,530 --> 00:21:10,630 was at E1 here وهذا ال aggregate expenditure note 265 00:21:10,630 --> 00:21:16,340 هي ال initial تمام؟وزدنا ال government spending 266 00:21:16,340 --> 00:21:23,780 بمقدار 100 واللي صار انه بعد الزيادة هذه صارت ال 267 00:21:23,780 --> 00:21:26,600 aggregate expenditure هي نفس aggregate expenditure 268 00:21:26,600 --> 00:21:34,840 note شوله ده؟ مش مثل بالمرة عارف ايه شو معناه هذا؟ 269 00:21:34,840 --> 00:21:38,580 هذا this means انه راح النتج ارتفع ل aggregate 270 00:21:38,580 --> 00:21:42,000 expenditure one او two و بعدين نزل مرة تانيةلنفس 271 00:21:42,000 --> 00:21:48,240 النقطة So there is a full crowding out صح؟ يعني في 272 00:21:48,240 --> 00:21:55,300 عندي crowding out كامل مظبوط 273 00:21:55,300 --> 00:21:58,720 كلامك صحيح The planned investment curve is a 274 00:21:58,720 --> 00:22:04,880 horizontal line Thank you افهمته؟ So اذا هنا هذا 275 00:22:04,880 --> 00:22:08,720 ال multiplierهذا اللي هو راح من aggregate 276 00:22:08,720 --> 00:22:12,640 expenditure 0 ل 2 شو اللي إجا ال answer بيه اللي 277 00:22:12,640 --> 00:22:16,060 هو the planned investment is perfectly incentive 278 00:22:16,060 --> 00:22:19,880 to that change in the interest rate vertical line 279 00:22:19,880 --> 00:22:24,220 و أجا كلامك في السؤال اللي بعده انه شو قالوا ال 280 00:22:24,220 --> 00:22:27,700 planned investment is perfectly sensitive to that 281 00:22:27,700 --> 00:22:32,990 وبتالي it should be a horizontal lineهدا وين؟ لما 282 00:22:32,990 --> 00:22:36,450 روحنا من aggregate expenditure note ل aggregate 283 00:22:36,450 --> 00:22:38,990 expenditure note لأنه ال government عامله 284 00:22:38,990 --> 00:22:46,030 increasing بمقدار مية full crowding out مظبوط طيب 285 00:22:46,030 --> 00:22:56,230 let's go to this diagram this figure suppose 286 00:22:56,230 --> 00:23:00,670 this is the original هدا why هيك؟ 287 00:23:03,980 --> 00:23:07,620 and this is the aggregate expenditure one هذا اللي 288 00:23:07,620 --> 00:23:11,820 هو aggregate expenditure one aggregate expenditure 289 00:23:11,820 --> 00:23:18,220 one E1 صافيان دي decreasing في ال planned 290 00:23:18,220 --> 00:23:20,100 investment هاي زي ما انتوا شايفين من التغير اللي 291 00:23:20,100 --> 00:23:23,760 صار فيه في ال in the planned investment نزل مش هي 292 00:23:23,760 --> 00:23:28,220 اللي شايفين و هيك صار طيب شو اللي خلى ال planned 293 00:23:28,220 --> 00:23:34,780 investment ينزل هذا السؤالال interest rate أكيد 294 00:23:34,780 --> 00:23:38,940 طلع، بس نتيجة إيش؟ ممكن ال money supply نزل، 295 00:23:38,940 --> 00:23:41,500 بصبوط؟ وبالتالي قد يكون فيه مستخدمين 296 00:23:41,500 --> 00:23:46,000 contractionary monetary policy، بصبوط؟ هاي السؤال، 297 00:23:46,000 --> 00:23:52,020 خدنا نروح للسؤال السؤال بيقول إن ال interest rate 298 00:23:52,020 --> 00:23:55,000 R1 is greater than interest rate R0 299 00:23:57,910 --> 00:24:03,310 هيو هذا معناه ان الانتقال تبعنا C زاد plus I plus 300 00:24:03,310 --> 00:24:11,190 G to C plus I dash plus G هذا كان سببه ايش؟ A a 301 00:24:11,190 --> 00:24:13,730 contraction of monetary policy اللي هو decreasing 302 00:24:13,730 --> 00:24:19,810 في ال money supply وداني 303 00:24:19,810 --> 00:24:24,280 اوين هذا؟عملت increasing في الـR و decreasing في 304 00:24:24,280 --> 00:24:27,360 الـI وهذا اللي أنا أصلا بدور عليه لأنه صار فيه 305 00:24:27,360 --> 00:24:29,500 أصلا ال decreasing اللي صار في aggregate 306 00:24:29,500 --> 00:24:32,120 expenditure function نتيجة أنه ال plan investment 307 00:24:32,120 --> 00:24:35,980 نزل طب لو شوف ال answer B ال contraction of fiscal 308 00:24:35,980 --> 00:24:39,960 policy هل contraction of fiscal policy مالهاش 309 00:24:39,960 --> 00:24:46,240 علاقةاللي هيه decreasing g مثلا leads to 310 00:24:46,240 --> 00:24:49,580 decreasing aggregate expenditure decrease y 311 00:24:49,580 --> 00:24:55,840 decrease money demand decrease r increase i so 312 00:24:55,840 --> 00:25:05,220 it's not correct جرب البجي مش هتظبط تمام let's 313 00:25:05,220 --> 00:25:09,340 go to this example 314 00:25:10,870 --> 00:25:17,330 إذا كنت مهتم بأن دولة الانفلاش مرتفعة كثيرًا، 315 00:25:17,330 --> 00:25:22,710 أي نوع من القرارات التالية يتم إقتراحها؟ 316 00:25:26,730 --> 00:25:30,310 النظام الوطني يجب أن يتخلص من المال المستعمل لأن 317 00:25:30,310 --> 00:25:35,710 المال ليس لديه قيمة في الحالة هذه، صح؟ لذلك، نقترح 318 00:25:35,710 --> 00:25:39,030 للنظام الوطني أن يستخدم قياس ومراعاة قياس ومراعاة 319 00:25:39,030 --> 00:25:39,110 قياس ومراعاة قياس ومراعاة قياس ومراعاة قياس 320 00:25:39,110 --> 00:25:41,510 ومراعاة قياس ومراعاة قياس ومراعاة قياس ومراعاة 321 00:25:41,510 --> 00:25:44,510 قياس ومراعاة قياس ومراعاة قياس ومراعاة قياس 322 00:25:44,510 --> 00:25:49,750 ومراعاة قياس ومراعاة قياس ومراعاة قياس ومراعاة 323 00:25:49,750 --> 00:25:54,070 قياس ومراعاة قياس ومExpansion fiscal with 324 00:25:54,070 --> 00:25:58,050 contractionary monetaryExpansion fiscal يعني إزالة 325 00:25:58,050 --> 00:26:01,910 تحويل الحكومة لإزالة تحويل المساعدة العامة إزالة Y 326 00:26:01,910 --> 00:26:07,930 إزالة دماغ مالية إزالة R وفي نفس الوقت 327 00:26:07,930 --> 00:26:13,330 Contractionary monetary had expansionary fiscal 328 00:26:13,330 --> 00:26:19,990 Contractionary monetary 329 00:26:22,420 --> 00:26:26,540 ماذا نفعل؟ نعمل Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل 330 00:26:26,540 --> 00:26:30,380 Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ 331 00:26:30,380 --> 00:26:38,760 Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل 332 00:26:38,760 --> 00:26:39,700 Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ 333 00:26:39,700 --> 00:26:40,160 Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل 334 00:26:40,160 --> 00:26:40,640 Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ 335 00:26:40,640 --> 00:26:40,700 Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل 336 00:26:40,700 --> 00:26:40,700 Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ 337 00:26:40,700 --> 00:26:40,700 Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل 338 00:26:40,700 --> 00:26:40,720 Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ 339 00:26:40,720 --> 00:26:40,720 Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل 340 00:26:40,720 --> 00:26:40,720 Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ 341 00:26:40,720 --> 00:26:42,140 Money Supply نعمل Decreasing لـ Money Supply نعمل 342 00:26:42,140 --> 00:26:47,140 Decreasing لـشو وضع ال why؟ شو وضع ال interest 343 00:26:47,140 --> 00:26:53,280 rate؟ دي answer دي the output to either increase 344 00:26:53,280 --> 00:26:57,240 or decrease or remain unchanged and the interest 345 00:26:57,240 --> 00:27:00,700 rate is to increase ال interest rate انت شوف شو 346 00:27:00,700 --> 00:27:04,140 وضعه ال interest rate انه increase هان increased 347 00:27:04,140 --> 00:27:07,660 so the interest rate should increase but what 348 00:27:07,660 --> 00:27:13,760 about why؟ why here increased؟بالتالي، قد تتحرر أو 349 00:27:13,760 --> 00:27:20,440 تتحرر أو تتغير أو يجب أن يكون عميق، أليس كذلك؟ 350 00:27:20,440 --> 00:27:23,640 قرار 351 00:27:23,640 --> 00:27:31,220 مزعج من تجارب تجارب ومحافظة تجارب تجارب تجارب مع 352 00:27:31,220 --> 00:27:37,920 محافظة تجارب هنا لدينا تجارب تجارب تجارب ومحافظة 353 00:27:37,920 --> 00:27:38,600 تجارب 354 00:27:41,000 --> 00:27:43,800 Expansion Monetary Expansion Monetary يعني إزالة 355 00:27:43,800 --> 00:27:50,980 المصادر الماليةتنقل R تنقل I تنقل تجارة الـ 356 00:27:50,980 --> 00:27:57,960 Aggregate تنقل Y لذا ماذا عن Y وR؟ Y تنقل هنا 357 00:27:57,960 --> 00:28:01,680 وتنقل هنا لذا بالتأكيد Y تنقل تجارة الـ Aggregate 358 00:28:01,680 --> 00:28:08,740 لكن ماذا عن R؟ R يجب أن يكون مضمون لأن هنا تنقل 359 00:28:08,740 --> 00:28:16,030 وتنقل لذلك ر قد تنقل وقد تنقل أو يبقى عادل صح؟صح 360 00:28:16,030 --> 00:28:21,250 شباب ولا في مشكلة؟ طيب a policy makes of a 361 00:28:21,250 --> 00:28:23,910 contractionary fiscal and contractionary monetary 362 00:28:23,910 --> 00:28:29,270 so we have contractionary fiscal with 363 00:28:29,270 --> 00:28:36,050 contractionary monetary contractionary 364 00:28:36,050 --> 00:28:36,370 fiscal 365 00:28:39,540 --> 00:28:43,380 Decreasing G Decrease Aggregate Expenditure 366 00:28:43,380 --> 00:28:48,140 Decrease Y Decrease Money Demand Decrease R 367 00:28:48,140 --> 00:28:53,660 Increase I Contraction 368 00:28:53,660 --> 00:29:00,560 of Monetary Decrease 369 00:29:00,560 --> 00:29:06,340 Money Supply Increase R Decrease I Decrease 370 00:29:06,340 --> 00:29:13,570 Aggregate Expenditure Decrease Yماذا عن Y؟ تتخلص، 371 00:29:13,570 --> 00:29:21,610 لذلك Y بالتأكيد ستتخلص، ولكن ماذا عن R؟ هنا تتخلص، 372 00:29:21,610 --> 00:29:31,390 تزاد، لذلك يجب أن يكون مضمون، صحيح؟ دعنا 373 00:29:31,390 --> 00:29:31,710 نقول 374 00:29:36,680 --> 00:29:39,360 the policy mix that would cause the interest rate 375 00:29:39,360 --> 00:29:44,940 to decrease؟ طب أنه فيهم هدولها ال policy mix that 376 00:29:44,940 --> 00:29:47,260 would cause the interest rate to decrease and 377 00:29:47,260 --> 00:29:51,540 investment to increase؟ بدك وقت بس احنا ماخدين هنا 378 00:29:51,540 --> 00:29:56,020 إجابة، انجرب contractual and fiscal، شو بدي أفعل؟ 379 00:29:56,020 --> 00:30:00,680 ايه؟ محلول فوق، تمام تمام هو المحلول هاجرب اللي هو 380 00:30:00,680 --> 00:30:04,660 ال contractual fiscal policy contractual fiscal 381 00:30:04,660 --> 00:30:07,480 policy means decreasing في ال government spending 382 00:30:07,480 --> 00:30:10,900 هاي يوم هذا هو السؤال بيقول would cause the 383 00:30:10,900 --> 00:30:16,040 interest rate to decrease هذا نزل ال interest rate 384 00:30:16,040 --> 00:30:20,400 and the planned investment to increaseBut have 385 00:30:20,400 --> 00:30:26,220 indeterminate effect on the aggregate output But 386 00:30:26,220 --> 00:30:30,480 have 387 00:30:30,480 --> 00:30:33,480 indeterminate effect on the aggregate output 388 00:30:43,320 --> 00:30:45,980 ما هي الإجابة المطلوبة؟ مع expression and monetary 389 00:30:45,980 --> 00:30:47,880 خلّينا نجرب expression and monetary ونشوف شو 390 00:30:47,880 --> 00:30:57,760 الإجابة expressionary monetary increase 391 00:30:57,760 --> 00:31:02,780 money supply increasing money supply decreased R 392 00:31:02,780 --> 00:31:06,480 increased I increased aggregate expenditure 393 00:31:06,480 --> 00:31:11,080 increased Yهلأ هو السؤال بيقول انه وين ال policy 394 00:31:11,080 --> 00:31:13,260 اللي بيكون فيه يعني ال interest rate decreased هلأ 395 00:31:13,260 --> 00:31:17,680 شوف ال interest rate شو وضعه decreased ال planned 396 00:31:17,680 --> 00:31:25,720 investment to increase هنا R مع R decreased I 397 00:31:25,720 --> 00:31:30,700 increased و ال Y ambiguous increased and decreased 398 00:31:30,700 --> 00:31:37,260 تمام؟ إيه هي هاي؟ هلأ ممكن أنا أستخدم شباب ال ISLM 399 00:31:39,110 --> 00:31:42,350 إنه أعمل expansion fiscal مع contraction monetary 400 00:31:42,350 --> 00:31:49,050 هذا هنشوفه كمان شوية نوصل الأفكار لنفس النتيجة طيب 401 00:31:49,050 --> 00:31:56,110 let's go to this figure or diagram in 402 00:31:56,110 --> 00:31:58,990 this diagram as you see there is an equilibrium in 403 00:31:58,990 --> 00:32:04,090 the money market money demand note intersects 404 00:32:04,090 --> 00:32:06,590 money supply suppose that the money demand 405 00:32:06,590 --> 00:32:11,070 declinedfrom MD0 to MD1 لان انت interested شو 406 00:32:11,070 --> 00:32:13,650 بيصير فيه الـ decline دوة بتاعي الأهل الـ planned 407 00:32:13,650 --> 00:32:16,330 investment بده increase طب شو اللي خلّي ال money 408 00:32:16,330 --> 00:32:19,670 demand ينزل خليني أشوف شو الأسئلة اللي موجودة 409 00:32:19,670 --> 00:32:23,770 عندنا ال money demand curve will shift from MD0 to 410 00:32:23,770 --> 00:32:30,010 MD1 اذا ماعطينا مجموعة answers بتقولنا شو ال 411 00:32:30,010 --> 00:32:32,970 reasons or causes بتخلي ال money demand انه ينزل 412 00:32:36,310 --> 00:32:38,870 Exactly، مظبوط، يعني اللي بيخلي ال money demand 413 00:32:38,870 --> 00:32:42,390 ينزل، maybe ال income decreased، ال prices 414 00:32:42,390 --> 00:32:46,070 decreased و ال number of transactions decreased أو 415 00:32:46,070 --> 00:32:48,710 declined، مظبوط ولا لأ؟ And vice versa، لو بدي 416 00:32:48,710 --> 00:32:51,690 أعمل ال increase في ال money demand، او خلانا 417 00:32:51,690 --> 00:32:57,050 نعملنا shifting من MD1 to MD0، شوله ده؟ Increase 418 00:32:57,050 --> 00:33:03,750 the priceexactly exactly so هذا ال answer is a 419 00:33:03,750 --> 00:33:07,390 refer to the figure if the money demand curve 420 00:33:07,390 --> 00:33:11,330 shifts from md0 to md1 شو اللي بصير فيه ال planned 421 00:33:11,330 --> 00:33:15,850 investment و ال aggregate output شوف شوله ده هذا 422 00:33:15,850 --> 00:33:18,330 ال answer دي انه ال planned investment will 423 00:33:18,330 --> 00:33:21,790 increase and aggregate output will increase السؤال 424 00:33:21,790 --> 00:33:27,620 انه فينا shifting من md0 ل md1 ده ارجع لرسمه هيكمن 425 00:33:27,620 --> 00:33:33,460 MD note ل MD one شو ال FX on ال aggregate output 426 00:33:33,460 --> 00:33:39,940 هو بده ال FX ولا بده ال reasons؟ اه شو بده يصير في 427 00:33:39,940 --> 00:33:42,360 ال planned investment ال decreasing اللي صار في ال 428 00:33:42,360 --> 00:33:46,690 money demandشو بيعمل في ال interest rate؟ R 429 00:33:46,690 --> 00:33:51,710 decline increased I increased aggregate 430 00:33:51,710 --> 00:33:56,150 expenditure increased Y. So Y would increase, the 431 00:33:56,150 --> 00:33:57,490 interest rate would decline, the planned 432 00:33:57,490 --> 00:34:00,610 investment would increase.الanswers دي ان ال 433 00:34:00,610 --> 00:34:04,090 planned investment will increase and Y would 434 00:34:04,090 --> 00:34:06,230 increase صح؟ 435 00:34:10,600 --> 00:34:13,400 Okay هذا السؤال كمان اجه بال .. بال exam المرة 436 00:34:13,400 --> 00:34:16,360 الماضية من ضمن الأشياء اللي .. اللي اجهت بال 437 00:34:16,360 --> 00:34:19,120 multiple choice which of the following sequence of 438 00:34:19,120 --> 00:34:22,460 any events is it true? increasing P leads to 439 00:34:22,460 --> 00:34:24,520 increasing money demand, decrease money demand, 440 00:34:24,620 --> 00:34:27,060 decrease R and so on فال .. ال .. ال correct 441 00:34:27,060 --> 00:34:29,580 answer اللي هو increasing Y leads to increasing 442 00:34:29,580 --> 00:34:33,050 money demand to increasing R، مظبوط؟هي لأنه زيادة 443 00:34:33,050 --> 00:34:36,070 في ال Y بيزود ال money demand increase R طب لو 444 00:34:36,070 --> 00:34:39,830 اجرب اي نقطة اي اش تاني for the first case A 445 00:34:39,830 --> 00:34:43,370 increasing P شو بتعمل في ال money demand increased 446 00:34:43,370 --> 00:34:50,150 لإن هذا غلط لإن ال increasing في ال price increase 447 00:34:50,150 --> 00:34:54,010 money demand increase R لإن هتلاقوا فيه جزئية لم 448 00:34:54,010 --> 00:35:00,820 يكن فيها خطأ صح؟ فكونوا حذرين في الأسئلة هذهطيب 449 00:35:00,820 --> 00:35:04,360 the price or at the price level of the economy 450 00:35:04,360 --> 00:35:10,960 increased or as .. as the price level of the 451 00:35:10,960 --> 00:35:13,120 economy increased which of the following sequence 452 00:35:13,120 --> 00:35:20,060 of events occurs؟ زيادة ال price شو بتعمل؟استخدام 453 00:35:20,060 --> 00:35:25,660 البرنامج لإزالة الأسعار باستخدام البرنامج لإزالة 454 00:35:25,660 --> 00:35:32,420 الأسعار 455 00:35:32,660 --> 00:35:36,620 شو ال answer C اللي هو هى increased money demand 456 00:35:36,620 --> 00:35:39,080 increased R decreased I decreased aggregate 457 00:35:39,080 --> 00:35:42,380 expenditure if you would like to complete decrease 458 00:35:42,380 --> 00:35:46,000 Y طيب as the price level of the economy decreases 459 00:35:46,000 --> 00:35:49,800 which is of the following sequence of events 460 00:35:49,800 --> 00:35:53,280 occurs اللي هو دى انه decreasing في ال prices شو 461 00:35:53,280 --> 00:35:59,650 بتعمل؟Decreased Money Demand Decreased R Increased 462 00:35:59,650 --> 00:36:05,250 I Increased Aggregate Expenditure او Aggregate 463 00:36:05,250 --> 00:36:11,470 Demand اذا فالجواب الأسل هو D Aggregate 464 00:36:11,470 --> 00:36:16,070 Demand ريزز عندما تتقل قيمة لغة لأن قيمة لغة أسفة 465 00:36:16,070 --> 00:36:25,290 تتقل قيمة لغة أسفة تتقل قيمة لغة 466 00:36:25,290 --> 00:36:28,320 أسفةخلّيني أحل ال decreasing في ال prices، بقول ال 467 00:36:28,320 --> 00:36:33,860 aggregate demand هذا زاد نتيجة أن ال price نزل، 468 00:36:33,860 --> 00:36:38,620 هذا وين؟ أثر على مين؟ طبعا هذا because the lower 469 00:36:38,620 --> 00:36:42,460 price level causes what؟ causes money demand to 470 00:36:42,460 --> 00:36:49,050 decrease or to decrease investment to increaseهي 471 00:36:49,050 --> 00:36:53,850 الإجابة، مظبوط؟ اذا which one دي؟ انه الانزول في 472 00:36:53,850 --> 00:36:55,790 ال prices هذا، ال decreasing في ال prices، شو 473 00:36:55,790 --> 00:37:00,590 يعمل؟ Causes the demand for money to fall, causing 474 00:37:00,590 --> 00:37:02,110 the interest rate to fall 475 00:37:07,620 --> 00:37:10,780 طيب ال aggregate demand decreased when the price 476 00:37:10,780 --> 00:37:13,660 level rises لحالة المعاكسة because انه ال money 477 00:37:13,660 --> 00:37:18,400 demand انه اللي طلوع في ال prices شو أثر زود ال 478 00:37:18,400 --> 00:37:21,240 money demand و زود ال interest rate عشان هيك ال 479 00:37:21,240 --> 00:37:26,920 aggregate demand نزل لصعب 480 00:37:26,920 --> 00:37:32,360 الأمور طيب سألك كويس طيب an increase in the money 481 00:37:32,360 --> 00:37:35,220 supply will cause the planned investment to what؟ 482 00:37:36,420 --> 00:37:39,920 to increase أكيد لإنه هاي ال increasing في المال 483 00:37:39,920 --> 00:37:45,270 ال supplyDecrease are increase in planned 484 00:37:45,270 --> 00:37:48,330 investment, increased aggregate expenditure or 485 00:37:48,330 --> 00:37:52,290 aggregate demand, and increasing Y طب ال 486 00:37:52,290 --> 00:37:56,030 consumption add consumption to what؟ to increase 487 00:37:56,030 --> 00:38:00,050 exactly لأن ال Y increased او هو نفس ال aggregate 488 00:38:00,050 --> 00:38:02,950 demand أو it's part of the aggregate demand so it 489 00:38:02,950 --> 00:38:06,390 should increase طيب the level of aggregate output 490 00:38:06,390 --> 00:38:11,780 demanded fallswhen the price level rises because 491 00:38:11,780 --> 00:38:15,620 the resulting increased interest rate will lead to 492 00:38:15,620 --> 00:38:19,840 what؟ شفتوا التحليل هذا؟ انه بيقولنا لو ال 493 00:38:19,840 --> 00:38:22,980 aggregate output demanded falls اللي ال Y نزلة 494 00:38:22,980 --> 00:38:30,200 نتيجة انه ال prices rises لأنه الاطلاع اللي صار في 495 00:38:30,200 --> 00:38:33,180 ال interest rate عمل شو؟ عمل decreasing في ال 496 00:38:33,180 --> 00:38:36,140 planned investment صح؟ ومن ثم decreasing في ال 497 00:38:36,140 --> 00:38:41,980 aggregate expenditure او ال consumptionطيب each 498 00:38:41,980 --> 00:38:46,800 point on LM curve represent the equilibrium in the 499 00:38:46,800 --> 00:38:50,460 أنه ماركت؟ ال LM العلاقة بمين؟ بال money market 500 00:38:50,460 --> 00:38:53,300 بال money market صحيح طيب ال IS او خلينا نروح لل 501 00:38:53,300 --> 00:38:59,760 diagram هذا in 502 00:38:59,760 --> 00:39:10,100 this figure we have IS LM curves and there isWe 503 00:39:10,100 --> 00:39:13,620 have an equilibrium interest rate and equilibrium 504 00:39:13,620 --> 00:39:20,280 على ال IS وين بتعملوا lift؟ shift او shifting او 505 00:39:20,280 --> 00:39:23,520 اين؟ rightward if we use an expansion fiscal 506 00:39:23,520 --> 00:39:29,340 policy IS will shift to the right to IS too قبل 507 00:39:29,340 --> 00:39:35,900 expansionary monetary بأثر ع مين؟ rightward 508 00:39:35,900 --> 00:39:40,570 shifting لل LMممكن يكونوا جد بعض ممكن يكونوا اقل 509 00:39:40,570 --> 00:39:47,390 من بعض او اكثر صح؟ صح يعني طب في هاي الحالة شو 510 00:39:47,390 --> 00:39:52,690 اللي شايفينه انتوا؟ يعني لو كانها انا هيك اوها 511 00:39:52,690 --> 00:39:56,510 اوها 512 00:39:56,510 --> 00:40:00,050 why in all cases would increase؟ لأن واحنا 513 00:40:00,050 --> 00:40:02,770 مستخدمين expansion .. expansion fiscal مع 514 00:40:02,770 --> 00:40:05,450 expansion monetary بس ال interest rate is 515 00:40:05,450 --> 00:40:10,160 ambiguous مظبوط؟صح طيب لو كان عندى الوضع هيك ان 516 00:40:10,160 --> 00:40:15,160 احنا مستخدمين expansion fiscal with contractionary 517 00:40:15,160 --> 00:40:20,420 monetary يعني suppose الوضع هيك we use an 518 00:40:20,420 --> 00:40:23,540 expansion fiscal بأثر على مين ال expansion fiscal 519 00:40:23,540 --> 00:40:29,660 where exactly 520 00:40:29,660 --> 00:40:35,600 اذا وين هنروح rightward shifting لمين لل IS هذا 521 00:40:35,600 --> 00:40:40,390 expansion fiscalto IS2 هدا expansion of the fascia 522 00:40:40,390 --> 00:40:44,710 طيب contractionary monetary و بدى اعمل three cases 523 00:40:44,710 --> 00:40:48,290 جد بعض اكبر من بعض اقل من بعض exactly leftward 524 00:40:48,290 --> 00:40:52,130 shifting to the LM curve يعني خلينا نجيب و هيك مرة 525 00:40:52,130 --> 00:41:05,710 smaller جد بعض اكبر ال M3 ال M2 ال M3 ال M4 خد ال 526 00:41:05,710 --> 00:41:06,310 first case 527 00:41:10,280 --> 00:41:13,560 هنا R زي زي زي زي زي زي زي زي زي زي زي زي زي زي زي 528 00:41:13,560 --> 00:41:16,760 زي زي زي زي 529 00:41:23,850 --> 00:41:28,690 هن why decreased and why increased in all cases if 530 00:41:28,690 --> 00:41:32,030 we use an expansion fiscal policy with contraction 531 00:41:32,030 --> 00:41:36,210 and monitor policy in this case our would increase 532 00:41:36,210 --> 00:41:40,830 and why ambiguous exactly طب لو استخدمنا 533 00:41:40,830 --> 00:41:45,650 contraction مع contraction why would decline و لا 534 00:41:45,650 --> 00:41:52,150 R و should ambiguous طيب let's go to the exercises 535 00:42:02,140 --> 00:42:05,380 طيب refer to the figure an expansion fiscal policy 536 00:42:05,380 --> 00:42:10,240 shifts فراغ space curve to the what؟ ال expansion 537 00:42:10,240 --> 00:42:16,280 fiscal شو بتعمل؟ IS to the right that's it طيب ال 538 00:42:16,280 --> 00:42:24,440 contractionary monitoring ال M to left exactlyas a 539 00:42:24,440 --> 00:42:28,180 result of space the equilibrium interest rate 540 00:42:28,180 --> 00:42:31,340 increased and the equilibrium output level 541 00:42:31,340 --> 00:42:33,620 increased يعني شو الحالة اللي بيصير في عنا 542 00:42:33,620 --> 00:42:37,040 increasing بال interest rate و increasing في ال 543 00:42:37,040 --> 00:42:43,580 aggregate output سيسة توسعية في إيش expenditure 544 00:42:43,580 --> 00:42:48,840 fiscal جرب ال expenditure fiscal هاي ال ISLM this 545 00:42:48,840 --> 00:43:01,270 is IS one LM oneE1 R1 Y1 جرب كل ال policies مش ال 546 00:43:01,270 --> 00:43:04,170 mixed العادية maybe expansionary contractionary 547 00:43:04,170 --> 00:43:10,810 and so on لو جربنا expansion fiscal rightward 548 00:43:10,810 --> 00:43:20,110 shifting لمين لل IS to IS2 here E2 R2 Y2 so وين ال 549 00:43:20,110 --> 00:43:22,390 R increase و ال Y increase في ال expansion fiscal 550 00:43:23,320 --> 00:43:30,080 طب لو استخدمنا contractionary fiscal R يتخلص و Y 551 00:43:30,080 --> 00:43:37,740 يتخلص طيب تمام هي كده واضحة الأمور؟ طيب هذا نفس 552 00:43:37,740 --> 00:43:41,740 السؤال which of the policy mixed؟ طيب هدف ال 553 00:43:41,740 --> 00:43:45,340 policy mixed و بنستخدمه على ال IS و LM على ال 554 00:43:45,340 --> 00:43:51,270 policy mixedWhich policy mixed would definitely 555 00:43:51,270 --> 00:43:55,930 increase the equilibrium interest rate؟ هنقول 556 00:43:55,930 --> 00:43:59,450 المؤكد هيزود ال interest rate طبقناها قبل شويه في 557 00:43:59,450 --> 00:44:03,110 ال policy mixed اللي هو خليني ناخد الإجابة و نرجع 558 00:44:03,110 --> 00:44:06,350 الفعل و نتأكد منها مظبوط ولا لأ ال expansion of 559 00:44:06,350 --> 00:44:08,590 fiscal and contraction of monetary اللي طبقناها 560 00:44:08,590 --> 00:44:13,290 قبل شويه expansion of fiscal مع 561 00:44:13,290 --> 00:44:16,430 contractionary monetary نجربها على الرسم نشوف شو 562 00:44:16,430 --> 00:44:20,970 الوضعهل فعلا بتزيد ال interest rate definitely؟ 563 00:44:20,970 --> 00:44:25,530 expansion fiscal شو بتعمل؟ rightward shifting ل ال 564 00:44:25,530 --> 00:44:32,570 IS to IS2 طب contractionary monetary ممكن يكون هيك 565 00:44:32,570 --> 00:44:42,850 maybe هيك for the first case R increased طب لو 566 00:44:42,850 --> 00:44:43,550 جربنا هنا 567 00:44:47,300 --> 00:44:52,100 الثالث حالة برضه اكتشفت صح؟ بس ال why is ambiguous 568 00:44:52,100 --> 00:44:57,040 صح؟ طيب ال curve that illustrates the positive 569 00:44:57,040 --> 00:45:00,760 relationship between the equilibrium values of 570 00:45:00,760 --> 00:45:03,120 aggregate output and the interest rate انا اللي 571 00:45:03,120 --> 00:45:05,060 باعمله؟ ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. 572 00:45:05,060 --> 00:45:06,100 ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال 573 00:45:06,100 --> 00:45:07,020 .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. 574 00:45:07,020 --> 00:45:07,620 ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال 575 00:45:07,620 --> 00:45:07,620 .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. 576 00:45:07,620 --> 00:45:08,020 ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال 577 00:45:08,020 --> 00:45:08,020 .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. 578 00:45:08,020 --> 00:45:08,020 ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال 579 00:45:08,020 --> 00:45:08,020 .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. 580 00:45:08,020 --> 00:45:09,750 ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. ال .. الالـ IS 581 00:45:09,750 --> 00:45:14,210 curve تظهر مجموعة من الانترنت ومجموعة من الانترنت 582 00:45:14,210 --> 00:45:21,010 مرتبطة بالإيقاليبيوم في مجموعة المال فالس هذا مش 583 00:45:21,010 --> 00:45:24,650 ال IS طيب إذا تتقل المعقدة المالية فال curve 584 00:45:24,650 --> 00:45:31,230 للمالية تتقل يعني تتقل في المعقدة المالية بيعمل 585 00:45:31,230 --> 00:45:35,430 decreasing في ال LM مظبوط طيب إذا تتقل المعقدة 586 00:45:35,430 --> 00:45:36,010 المالية تتقل 587 00:45:38,560 --> 00:45:41,080 حقًا لأنها تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب 588 00:45:41,080 --> 00:45:46,820 تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب 589 00:45:46,820 --> 00:45:49,260 تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب 590 00:45:49,260 --> 00:45:51,980 تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب 591 00:45:51,980 --> 00:45:52,000 تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب 592 00:45:52,000 --> 00:45:52,000 تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب 593 00:45:52,000 --> 00:46:01,960 تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب تجارب 594 00:46:01,960 --> 00:46:05,220 ت 595 00:46:06,740 --> 00:46:11,880 إذا تزوية الحكومة تزوى، فالـ IS curve تزوى صحيح 596 00:46:11,880 --> 00:46:13,060 يعطيكم العجز