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شركات الخاصة درائب المباشرة على ال road users اللي هي مثل ترخيص المركبات و الغرامات و المخالفات على السائقين", "tokens": [35473, 24401, 12984, 8315, 36632, 11242, 995, 15844, 9122, 33911, 10632, 46811, 2407, 26895, 44945, 16606, 4032, 9381, 1829, 7649, 3660, 41950, 2288, 4587, 4032, 46958, 3615, 8315, 38637, 1211, 5718, 104, 23032, 2288, 4587, 3714, 43020, 8978, 11296, 46811, 2407, 26895, 41950, 2288, 4587, 3714, 43020, 6055, 8848, 37983, 14407, 20449, 45030, 11242, 41950, 16572, 28671, 16247, 12610, 7578, 25961, 2655, 4724, 995, 14851, 9778, 3215, 10943, 13412, 31747, 9307, 16490, 33546, 3660, 3714, 33599, 1829, 41950, 16572, 28671, 16247, 9778, 48923, 29538, 13412, 31747, 9307, 33962, 33546, 3660, 11778, 2288, 16373, 3555, 9673, 3555, 33599, 25720, 15844, 2423, 3060, 5022, 13672, 1829, 39896, 50113, 1211, 6055, 2288, 9778, 1829, 9381, 9673, 31747, 3555, 9307, 4032, 6024, 118, 2288, 10943, 9307, 4032, 9673, 9778, 6027, 5172, 9307, 15844, 21136, 16373, 4587, 9957], "avg_logprob": 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6905, 628, 23032, 1829, 3555, 32748, 9778, 1211, 45595, 20498, 1829, 13672, 1829, 39894, 5016, 36520, 25124, 31747, 3660, 6225, 3555, 9640, 3660, 18871, 11933, 1829, 3224, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.12714628662381852, "compression_ratio": 1.5545023696682465, "no_speech_prob": 2.205371856689453e-06, "words": [{"start": 307.43, "end": 307.99, "word": "بيخلّوا", "probability": 0.765234375}, {"start": 307.99, "end": 308.09, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.9765625}, {"start": 308.09, "end": 308.59, "word": " demand", "probability": 0.54248046875}, {"start": 308.59, "end": 309.61, "word": " يقل", "probability": 0.9269205729166666}, {"start": 309.61, "end": 311.19, "word": " بقيمة", "probability": 0.9505615234375}, {"start": 311.19, "end": 311.65, "word": " 500", "probability": 0.87939453125}, {"start": 311.65, "end": 312.33, "word": " مركبة", "probability": 0.9571940104166666}, {"start": 312.33, "end": 312.51, "word": " في", "probability": 0.96435546875}, {"start": 312.51, "end": 313.23, 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رياضي، نعمل حل رياضي، نعمل حل رياضي، نعمل حل رياضي، نعمل حل رياضي، نعمل حل رياضي، نعمل حل رياضي، نعمل حل رياضي، نعمل حل رياضي، نعمل", "tokens": [4117, 33911, 8717, 5172, 37983, 8978, 23758, 21136, 33604, 6027, 22807, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11203, 995, 28671, 12602, 1829, 46958, 10632, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 1975, 8592, 2655, 4587, 16606, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211, 11331, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 12399, 8717, 25957, 1211], "avg_logprob": -0.0885416645473904, "compression_ratio": 6.292929292929293, "no_speech_prob": 7.349252700805664e-05, "words": [{"start": 366.21999999999997, "end": 367.34, "word": "كيف", "probability": 0.50244140625}, {"start": 367.34, "end": 367.9, "word": " نفكر", "probability": 0.7039388020833334}, {"start": 367.9, "end": 367.98, "word": " في", "probability": 0.6279296875}, {"start": 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12174, 36150, 41850, 39894, 5016, 1211, 23275, 2304, 4724, 9566, 16572, 28671, 5551, 3555, 3794, 9566, 6225, 8592, 7649, 8717, 5172, 16095, 3224, 5551, 4117, 2655, 2288, 37279, 6027, 1829, 8717, 5016, 1211, 11296, 4724, 9566, 16572, 28671, 4724, 3794, 1829, 9566, 3660, 8717, 39648, 12174, 32640, 3660, 497, 39894, 2304, 12984, 1211, 2423, 9324], "avg_logprob": -0.230027167952579, "compression_ratio": 1.618421052631579, "no_speech_prob": 1.7881393432617188e-07, "words": [{"start": 382.84, "end": 383.18, "word": "الـ", "probability": 0.5194091796875}, {"start": 383.18, "end": 383.5, "word": " maximum", "probability": 0.5751953125}, {"start": 383.5, "end": 384.22, "word": " بيحصل", "probability": 0.81884765625}, {"start": 384.22, "end": 384.44, "word": " عند", "probability": 0.96923828125}, {"start": 384.44, "end": 386.9, "word": " مماس", "probability": 0.7178548177083334}, {"start": 386.9, "end": 387.82, "word": " اللي", "probability": 0.7802734375}, {"start": 387.82, "end": 388.16, 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30543, 9122, 3215, 33599, 8717, 28480, 3615, 11296, 22807, 16490, 2304, 3794, 3660, 6225, 46309, 12399, 3714, 2288, 5016, 37977, 3714, 2288, 5016, 37977, 11933, 15730, 8717, 39648, 497, 16, 37495, 22653, 3714, 2288, 5016, 37977, 16247, 12610, 7578, 9122, 2304, 39896, 30544, 6225, 3215, 3215, 9673, 31747, 3555, 9307, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.19360795481638474, "compression_ratio": 1.5896414342629481, "no_speech_prob": 1.7285346984863281e-06, "words": [{"start": 469.1, "end": 469.98, "word": "اللي", "probability": 0.560546875}, {"start": 469.98, "end": 470.16, "word": " هي", "probability": 0.806640625}, {"start": 470.16, "end": 470.6, "word": " per", "probability": 0.876953125}, {"start": 470.6, "end": 472.7, "word": " ..", "probability": 0.2098388671875}, {"start": 472.7, "end": 472.88, "word": " per", "probability": 0.9013671875}, {"start": 472.88, "end": 473.22, "word": " day", "probability": 0.9453125}, {"start": 473.22, "end": 473.94, "word": " تمام؟", "probability": 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12610, 9640, 680, 786, 11933, 15730, 5296, 10721, 3714, 4117, 41185, 39896, 4117, 20328, 5016, 22807, 39182, 39896, 4117, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.26062499443689985, "compression_ratio": 1.4658385093167703, "no_speech_prob": 1.0728836059570312e-06, "words": [{"start": 577.48, "end": 578.64, "word": "ألف", "probability": 0.6639404296875}, {"start": 578.64, "end": 578.8, "word": " و", "probability": 0.98974609375}, {"start": 578.8, "end": 579.54, "word": " خمسمية", "probability": 0.9288330078125}, {"start": 579.54, "end": 581.32, "word": " مضوبة", "probability": 0.702880859375}, {"start": 581.32, "end": 581.42, "word": " في", "probability": 0.931640625}, {"start": 581.42, "end": 582.62, "word": " إيه؟", "probability": 0.822021484375}, {"start": 582.62, "end": 584.68, "word": " two", "probability": 0.33447265625}, {"start": 584.68, "end": 585.66, "word": " point", "probability": 0.97216796875}, {"start": 585.66, "end": 585.92, "word": " two", "probability": 0.7763671875}, {"start": 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20498, 9673, 12984, 23942, 2423, 39326, 39896, 6225, 3555, 9640, 3660, 18871, 732, 3808, 37495, 22653, 6024, 110, 1829, 18513, 3660, 8032, 2655, 30544, 9122, 10943, 22807, 16490, 2304, 3794, 9957, 14941, 8717, 9381, 11778, 12610, 9640, 6156, 47432, 4032, 1863, 4117, 2655, 41185, 39627, 15730, 2423, 3095, 16247, 25513, 3615, 6055, 15040, 5172, 45595, 20498, 4032, 1863, 5016, 4587, 4587, 5551, 3615, 23942, 6225, 16373, 3215, 7251, 20498, 1829, 23758, 5551, 8592, 1829, 10874, 25708, 20666, 1863, 35457, 3660, 5296, 4117, 46811, 10943, 9122, 33911, 3714, 43020, 8717, 5016, 1211, 11296, 4724, 5016, 1211, 12602, 1829, 46958, 1829, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.19801683055284697, "compression_ratio": 1.7307692307692308, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 625.93, "end": 626.17, "word": "أقل", "probability": 0.8286946614583334}, {"start": 626.17, "end": 626.31, "word": " من", "probability": 0.99072265625}, {"start": 626.31, "end": 626.41, "word": " ال", "probability": 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35457, 20449, 18513, 37977, 691, 2423, 691, 20666, 12984, 13063, 3660, 23777, 3175, 398, 19446, 39896, 398, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.2568359486758709, "compression_ratio": 1.4903846153846154, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 719.95, "end": 720.29, "word": "فلو", "probability": 0.6668294270833334}, {"start": 720.29, "end": 720.57, "word": " كانت", "probability": 0.8681640625}, {"start": 720.57, "end": 721.07, "word": " X0", "probability": 0.57763671875}, {"start": 721.07, "end": 721.17, "word": " و", "probability": 0.251708984375}, {"start": 721.17, "end": 721.39, "word": " احنا", "probability": 0.7715657552083334}, {"start": 721.39, "end": 721.97, "word": " مازودناش", "probability": 0.762890625}, {"start": 721.97, "end": 722.25, "word": " اشي", "probability": 0.8367513020833334}, {"start": 722.25, "end": 723.01, "word": " فلو", "probability": 0.7616373697916666}, {"start": 723.01, "end": 723.23, "word": " كانت", "probability": 0.90283203125}, {"start": 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مضوبة في ايش؟ في X، لكن X مقسومة على قيمة", "tokens": [56, 6225, 3555, 9640, 3660, 18871, 1975, 1829, 8592, 22807, 1975, 8315, 43242, 7578, 28242, 3714, 4587, 11622, 20498, 3660, 1783, 36764, 24401, 3660, 8717, 4587, 1211, 16490, 2304, 38251, 10632, 12399, 1975, 15730, 34105, 43242, 7578, 8717, 995, 4587, 9381, 16490, 2304, 38251, 10632, 3714, 11242, 37746, 3660, 8978, 1975, 1829, 8592, 22807, 8978, 1783, 12399, 44381, 1783, 3714, 4587, 3794, 20498, 3660, 15844, 12174, 32640, 3660], "avg_logprob": -0.265625, "compression_ratio": 1.593984962406015, "no_speech_prob": 1.0132789611816406e-05, "words": [{"start": 749.64, "end": 750.52, "word": "Y", "probability": 0.2451171875}, {"start": 750.52, "end": 751.04, "word": " عبارة", "probability": 0.78094482421875}, {"start": 751.04, "end": 751.14, "word": " عن", "probability": 0.98828125}, {"start": 751.14, "end": 751.36, "word": " ايش؟", "probability": 0.66131591796875}, {"start": 751.36, "end": 751.52, "word": " انا", "probability": 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sign دي واحد، إذا النقصة خمس مية، لو كانت X خمسين، فالنقص هيكون اتنين في الخمس مية قلب، إذا هيك طلعنا معادلة الطول و معادلة ال volume، ال revenue بيساوي V في T", "tokens": [20292, 3224, 16490, 2304, 3794, 3660, 4032, 6225, 46309, 9957, 22807, 32239, 8592, 12174, 1211, 8315, 16490, 2304, 3794, 3660, 4032, 6225, 46309, 9957, 22807, 5296, 33456, 16490, 2304, 3794, 3660, 4032, 6225, 46309, 9957, 3714, 11622, 23328, 3660, 12399, 46811, 10943, 12399, 11933, 15730, 45164, 30767, 2407, 11703, 3215, 8315, 1783, 4724, 4587, 32640, 3660, 16490, 2304, 3794, 3660, 4032, 6225, 46309, 9957, 12399, 25961, 2655, 12174, 32640, 2655, 11296, 22807, 36764, 24401, 12399, 1465, 11778, 1829, 36764, 24401, 12399, 11933, 15730, 28239, 4587, 9381, 3660, 16490, 2304, 3794, 3714, 10632, 12399, 45164, 25961, 2655, 1783, 16490, 2304, 3794, 9957, 12399, 6156, 6027, 1863, 4587, 9381, 39896, 30544, 1975, 2655, 1863, 9957, 8978, 33962, 2304, 3794, 3714, 10632, 12174, 46152, 12399, 11933, 15730, 39896, 4117, 23032, 1211, 3615, 8315, 20449, 18513, 37977, 41950, 12610, 4032, 20449, 18513, 37977, 2423, 5523, 12399, 2423, 9324, 4724, 1829, 3794, 995, 45865, 691, 8978, 314], "avg_logprob": -0.24325980859644272, "compression_ratio": 1.9959349593495934, "no_speech_prob": 8.344650268554688e-07, "words": [{"start": 764.95, "end": 765.63, "word": "ليه", "probability": 0.52825927734375}, {"start": 765.63, "end": 765.97, "word": " خمسة", "probability": 0.778076171875}, {"start": 765.97, "end": 766.03, "word": " و", "probability": 0.97265625}, {"start": 766.03, "end": 766.73, "word": " عشرين؟", "probability": 0.7545166015625}, {"start": 766.73, "end": 766.93, "word": " ليش", "probability": 0.447998046875}, {"start": 766.93, "end": 767.11, "word": " قلنا", "probability": 0.578857421875}, {"start": 767.11, "end": 767.41, "word": " خمسة", "probability": 0.9818115234375}, {"start": 767.41, "end": 767.47, "word": " و", "probability": 0.99658203125}, {"start": 767.47, "end": 767.87, "word": " عشرين؟", "probability": 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3175, 1783, 6225, 3552, 8978, 5923, 4032, 51, 39894, 3794, 995, 45865, 8451, 30767, 1829, 1783, 30767, 1829, 19446, 11331, 4117, 1829, 8315, 5296, 15042, 8717, 11242, 25513, 16095, 8978, 45030, 11242, 691, 8978, 314, 8032, 1863, 5016, 36520, 15844, 20449, 18513, 37977, 16712, 2288, 21292, 3615, 10632, 16712, 6027, 10632], "avg_logprob": -0.18221507068066037, "compression_ratio": 1.9142857142857144, "no_speech_prob": 8.940696716308594e-07, "words": [{"start": 791.72, "end": 791.98, "word": "لو", "probability": 0.88330078125}, {"start": 791.98, "end": 792.42, "word": " ضربنا", "probability": 0.7835286458333334}, {"start": 792.42, "end": 792.6, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.86376953125}, {"start": 792.6, "end": 792.76, "word": " V", "probability": 0.6533203125}, {"start": 792.76, "end": 793.0, "word": " في", "probability": 0.69677734375}, {"start": 793.0, "end": 793.22, "word": " T", "probability": 0.82861328125}, {"start": 793.22, "end": 794.52, "word": " هنحصل", "probability": 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44381, 6225, 3215, 3215, 11296, 4724, 1829, 30544, 5551, 4117, 2655, 2288, 5296, 3794, 3224, 3714, 43020, 8717, 7435, 1829, 3555, 13412, 3555, 4117, 3660, 5551, 34740, 7578, 6055, 39237, 12984, 1211, 2423, 2654, 11344, 13672, 1829, 39896, 41950, 2288, 4587, 32748, 47283, 1211, 10632, 34051, 9673, 5016, 1211, 10632], "avg_logprob": -0.09996157792992279, "compression_ratio": 1.7206477732793521, "no_speech_prob": 2.980232238769531e-07, "words": [{"start": 1011.21, "end": 1011.61, "word": "طيب", "probability": 0.9786783854166666}, {"start": 1011.61, "end": 1011.83, "word": " لو", "probability": 0.818359375}, {"start": 1011.83, "end": 1012.11, "word": " جينا", "probability": 0.990234375}, {"start": 1012.11, "end": 1012.55, "word": " إلى", "probability": 0.5517578125}, {"start": 1012.55, "end": 1013.47, "word": " شبكة", "probability": 0.9818115234375}, {"start": 1013.47, "end": 1014.77, "word": " الداخلية", "probability": 0.9534912109375}, {"start": 1014.77, "end": 1015.23, "word": " أكثر", 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3555, 14407, 25124, 2407, 9640, 3615, 4724, 40228, 28480, 14407, 2423, 4386, 8032, 1211, 8978, 25124, 2407, 9640, 3615, 3714, 9381, 3215, 35571, 3660, 22807, 8978, 11296, 37893, 995, 28820, 22807, 37893, 8978, 11296, 37893, 995, 28820, 12602, 39319, 11622, 16472, 4117, 2423, 2141, 34051, 2423, 9451, 16247, 9778, 11242, 2288, 20449, 8315, 47395, 23032, 2288, 4587, 10874, 25708, 3660, 46952, 16572, 27884, 16247, 9381, 5172, 2288, 20449, 8315, 47395, 8978, 3224, 4724, 9566, 4587, 4724, 3794, 1829, 9566, 34105, 16247, 5016, 29973, 20449, 8315, 47395, 29739, 9566, 4587, 4724, 11622, 25708, 16070, 10721, 3794, 23328, 20449, 8315, 47395, 1975, 11622, 3215, 5016, 10943, 13412, 16254, 3215], "avg_logprob": -0.16731296229536516, "compression_ratio": 1.8910505836575875, "no_speech_prob": 5.364418029785156e-07, "words": [{"start": 1051.65, "end": 1051.87, "word": "هي", "probability": 0.58837890625}, {"start": 1051.87, "end": 1052.25, "word": " بيسموها", "probability": 0.9130859375}, {"start": 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[39237, 10943, 22807, 37037, 24192, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 8978, 9122, 2655, 13546, 3714, 3215, 1863, 47525, 10721, 2655, 6055, 14851, 9778, 40448, 29538, 41950, 16572, 28671, 13672, 1829, 39896, 43242, 4117, 2950, 11028, 34051, 3714, 23557, 4587, 49401, 11331, 31747, 3660, 21136, 13546, 4032, 28814, 15730, 4724, 1211, 11622, 2304, 6055, 3215, 9778, 1211, 8608, 16572, 3615, 6156, 3555, 2655, 3555, 34268, 27188, 2288, 28671, 13672, 31377, 46007, 24976, 2655, 3215, 9778, 1211, 4032, 5551, 5016, 1829, 7649, 995, 4724, 9381, 13546, 6055, 3215, 9778, 1211, 2950, 8978, 45030, 11242, 9673, 1863, 41193, 4587, 3714, 43020, 6055, 2655, 5016, 24793, 8978, 2423, 4386, 50113, 15040, 4386, 33688, 8592, 9640, 9307, 4386, 33688, 8592, 9640, 9307, 6024, 114, 2407, 19986, 10632, 4032, 8978, 32771, 13546, 11296, 9154, 3714, 4117, 2655, 3555, 1975, 7435, 3714, 3555, 33599, 25720, 46811, 10943, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.1653368760508003, "compression_ratio": 1.778181818181818, "no_speech_prob": 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المطار طبعا انتوا عارفين في المنطقة هذه، في خطة لعمل جزيرة في البحر يكون فيها ميناء ومطار ومحطة كهربا و .. إلا", "tokens": [3215, 3224, 3714, 9957, 16606, 31767, 1829, 18513, 9957, 4724, 3794, 8978, 25961, 16490, 9566, 3660, 5296, 19528, 9957, 16606, 25724, 16254, 3215, 7251, 30544, 34105, 12399, 8978, 16490, 9566, 3660, 10874, 16254, 41891, 5296, 19528, 9957, 16606, 7251, 30544, 8978, 9673, 1863, 9566, 28671, 13672, 1829, 34105, 43242, 4724, 36081, 11778, 3224, 25528, 12399, 9673, 9566, 9640, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 16472, 2655, 14407, 6225, 9640, 5172, 9957, 8978, 9673, 1863, 9566, 28671, 29538, 12399, 8978, 16490, 9566, 3660, 5296, 25957, 1211, 10874, 11622, 48923, 8978, 29739, 5016, 2288, 7251, 30544, 8978, 11296, 3714, 9957, 16606, 4032, 2304, 9566, 9640, 4032, 2304, 5016, 9566, 3660, 9122, 3224, 25513, 995, 4032, 4386, 11933, 15040], "avg_logprob": -0.1066576080477756, "compression_ratio": 2.125, "no_speech_prob": 5.602836608886719e-06, "words": [{"start": 1145.88, "end": 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6055, 5016, 31845, 19913, 25894, 11296, 6156, 3224, 8315, 3714, 7435, 2288, 3215, 6055, 2288, 31371, 3555, 4724, 8592, 28820, 19753, 34740, 4551, 3431, 13672, 7578, 16472, 2655, 14407, 6225, 9640, 5172, 9957, 8032, 7578, 13412, 31747, 9307, 9673, 4587, 995, 12610, 9307, 4032, 13412, 31747, 9307, 29739, 33546, 9307, 4032, 32771, 13546, 11296, 18260, 9504, 37495, 22653, 8032, 7578, 4724, 1829, 30544, 14407, 3714, 33604, 3794, 3794, 9307, 11331, 4117, 20498, 10632, 39894, 2407, 11242, 3615, 16247, 1863, 19913, 46007, 4032, 25062, 2407, 7649, 9957, 9673, 46456, 46538, 3660, 6019, 9504, 3714, 33604, 3794, 3794, 9307, 6156, 3215, 2288, 6027, 10632, 5296, 1211, 1863, 14407, 1829, 9307, 9673, 2655, 24401, 3660], "avg_logprob": -0.1483333319425583, "compression_ratio": 1.8493150684931507, "no_speech_prob": 2.3245811462402344e-06, "words": [{"start": 1179.36, "end": 1180.1, "word": "تذكروا", "probability": 0.582763671875}, {"start": 1180.1, "end": 1180.62, "word": " اتحدثنا", "probability": 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تقريبا نسبة القطار، فالقطار لو بدنا ننقل البضائع ليه، لازم ان القطار من المصنع ينقل الشاحنات، الشاحنات تنقل البضائع من المصنع حتى للقطار و من القطار، لما ننزل بقى أي أشخاص .. فلو بتستخدم القطار هو هحتاج أيضا الشاحنة، لأن القطار ما بيوصع باب المصنع", "tokens": [41185, 41950, 2288, 4587, 9673, 5016, 1211, 10632, 12399, 23032, 2288, 4587, 9673, 5016, 1211, 10632, 12399, 11778, 47283, 1211, 9673, 3215, 9957, 3660, 12399, 45164, 44945, 1863, 19913, 2288, 50113, 15040, 15844, 16472, 4587, 1211, 29739, 11242, 16373, 3615, 12399, 44713, 9778, 3215, 10943, 50113, 15040, 25124, 39319, 8315, 2655, 12399, 3714, 43020, 7251, 30544, 23758, 29739, 11242, 16373, 3615, 8608, 16572, 7435, 3660, 6055, 4587, 16572, 3555, 995, 8717, 35457, 3660, 25062, 9566, 9640, 12399, 6156, 6027, 47432, 9640, 45164, 47525, 8315, 8717, 1863, 4587, 1211, 29739, 11242, 16373, 3615, 32239, 3224, 12399, 5296, 31377, 2304, 16472, 25062, 9566, 9640, 9154, 9673, 9381, 1863, 3615, 7251, 1863, 4587, 1211, 25124, 39319, 8315, 2655, 12399, 25124, 39319, 8315, 2655, 6055, 1863, 4587, 1211, 29739, 11242, 16373, 3615, 9154, 9673, 9381, 1863, 3615, 11331, 49975, 24976, 47432, 9640, 4032, 9154, 25062, 9566, 9640, 12399, 5296, 15042, 8717, 1863, 11622, 1211, 4724, 4587, 7578, 36632, 5551, 8592, 9778, 33546, 4386, 6156, 1211, 2407, 39894, 14851, 9778, 40448, 25062, 9566, 9640, 31439, 8032, 33753, 26108, 36632, 11242, 995, 25124, 39319, 1863, 3660, 12399, 5296, 33456, 25062, 9566, 9640, 19446, 4724, 1829, 2407, 9381, 3615, 4724, 16758, 9673, 9381, 1863, 3615], "avg_logprob": -0.222675884488839, "compression_ratio": 2.4480286738351253, "no_speech_prob": 4.172325134277344e-07, "words": [{"start": 1316.92, "end": 1317.3, "word": "في", "probability": 0.64599609375}, {"start": 1317.3, "end": 1317.7, "word": " الطرق", "probability": 0.7607421875}, {"start": 1317.7, "end": 1318.1, "word": " المحلية،", "probability": 0.798779296875}, {"start": 1318.1, "end": 1318.26, "word": " طرق", "probability": 0.8118489583333334}, 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3215, 7578, 19446, 4032, 4117, 3555, 47395, 20666, 8592, 39319, 1863, 3660, 12399, 6055, 35571, 26895, 3224, 16712, 1863, 11622, 26895, 4724, 24401, 29910, 9307, 3224, 12174, 3215, 7251, 30544, 37893, 28820, 3660, 12399, 4724, 1211, 10721, 16490, 1211, 11703, 1829, 25124, 39319, 1863, 3660, 3714, 33599, 10632, 12399, 4724, 3794, 11933, 15730, 25961, 47524, 31845, 3660, 45030, 25708, 3660, 10874, 28259, 4032, 25062, 9566, 9640, 50113, 15040, 8608, 16572, 3615, 34051, 6055, 28820, 5172, 47395, 5551, 4587, 1211, 12399, 5296, 10721, 3714, 43020, 5551, 14851, 9778, 40448, 25062, 9566, 9640, 12399, 3714, 2304, 2655, 31377, 5551, 15042, 28239, 4587, 1211, 20666, 1863, 35457, 3660, 24976, 3794, 5172, 2288, 3714, 43020, 8717, 1863, 4587, 1211, 4724, 11242, 995, 40228, 9122, 3555, 48923, 44381, 4724, 3555, 9566, 9957, 3660], "avg_logprob": -0.16026536196303767, "compression_ratio": 1.9759450171821307, "no_speech_prob": 1.8477439880371094e-06, "words": [{"start": 1345.64, "end": 1346.22, "word": 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طاقة أما إذا كان ال cost مهم و السرعة مش مهمة ممكن استخدام اللي هو ال train القطار ال train الطاقة يعني", "tokens": [2304, 12984, 6027, 718, 309, 312, 6055, 34268, 26890, 12924, 11, 4619, 11, 11358, 44381, 9673, 3794, 31845, 9307, 31767, 17082, 48923, 39894, 33753, 26108, 8608, 2288, 27884, 44650, 41779, 9566, 3660, 44381, 11933, 15730, 9673, 3794, 31845, 9307, 1975, 2655, 3555, 22488, 2655, 4032, 21136, 2288, 27884, 4386, 4032, 21136, 2288, 27884, 25961, 2655, 3714, 9566, 1211, 37746, 3660, 20449, 11933, 16095, 6027, 2423, 2063, 3714, 43020, 6055, 14851, 9778, 40448, 41950, 995, 28671, 23032, 995, 28671, 5551, 15042, 11933, 15730, 25961, 2423, 2063, 3714, 16095, 4032, 21136, 2288, 27884, 37893, 3714, 16095, 3660, 3714, 43020, 44713, 9778, 3215, 10943, 13672, 1829, 31439, 2423, 3847, 2423, 47432, 9640, 2423, 3847, 41950, 995, 28671, 37495, 22653], "avg_logprob": -0.20405982956927046, "compression_ratio": 1.9142857142857144, "no_speech_prob": 2.980232238769531e-07, "words": [{"start": 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3555, 3615, 995, 5551, 4587, 2304, 7578, 41950, 16572, 38149, 9957, 28239, 4587, 1211, 29739, 16572, 4032, 28239, 4587, 1211, 29739, 5016, 16572, 12399, 28239, 4587, 1211, 25724, 45865, 8978, 3224, 39894, 9778, 38688, 9154, 11296, 9122, 2655, 13546, 8717, 32277, 5551, 4117, 2655, 2288, 9154, 28239, 4587, 1211, 29739, 16572, 12399, 6156, 1211, 2407, 11933, 7435, 1829, 8315, 16247, 5016, 9381, 16373, 10632, 12399, 6225, 3215, 3215, 21542, 14407, 3215, 12984, 29739, 2288, 10632, 4032, 6225, 3215, 3215, 21542, 14407, 3215, 12984, 25724, 2407, 10632, 12399, 4724, 1211, 26108, 1829, 13672, 1829, 4724, 32640, 35473, 14407, 8978, 11331, 14407, 3215, 12984, 29739, 2288, 10632, 34051, 29739, 5016, 2288, 10632, 5551, 4117, 2655, 2288, 4724, 4117, 2655, 13546, 9154, 11331, 14407, 3215, 12984, 41950, 16373, 25720], "avg_logprob": -0.1664870617718532, "compression_ratio": 2.3486590038314175, "no_speech_prob": 1.8477439880371094e-06, "words": [{"start": 1473.91, "end": 1474.15, "word": "هي", 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6055, 7649, 10632, 4032, 7251, 5016, 995, 12610, 7251, 5172, 16095, 27188, 4117, 25720, 5296, 28814, 1863, 3714, 43020, 7251, 7435, 30241, 11296, 45030, 11242, 16247, 3794, 19986, 37977, 8978, 2423, 10943, 2655, 5016, 7649], "avg_logprob": -0.14718191498624428, "compression_ratio": 1.8341708542713568, "no_speech_prob": 2.384185791015625e-07, "words": [{"start": 1497.35, "end": 1497.65, "word": "إذا", "probability": 0.6009521484375}, {"start": 1497.65, "end": 1498.19, "word": " معناته", "probability": 0.9122721354166666}, {"start": 1498.19, "end": 1498.45, "word": " أن", "probability": 0.63134765625}, {"start": 1498.45, "end": 1499.03, "word": " الطائرات", "probability": 0.8828125}, {"start": 1499.03, "end": 1499.39, "word": " أكثر", "probability": 0.9423828125}, {"start": 1499.39, "end": 1499.91, "word": " أمانا", "probability": 0.811279296875}, {"start": 1499.91, "end": 1500.69, "word": " بالنسبالي", "probability": 0.6760009765625}, {"start": 1500.69, "end": 1501.21, "word": " 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293, 17205, 3209, 14739, 14407, 3615, 2423, 9590, 9673, 46456, 46538, 3660, 44945, 7435, 3215, 14739, 36632, 3714, 3215, 9957, 3660, 8978, 18863, 45340, 6055, 4587, 3615, 6055, 33753, 36764, 24401, 9154, 16247, 1863, 19913, 46007, 6024, 104, 1211, 5718, 104, 3660, 16712, 6027, 10632], "avg_logprob": -0.13897058823529412, "compression_ratio": 1.5810810810810811, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 1526.97, "end": 1527.23, "word": "ننتقل", "probability": 0.735107421875}, {"start": 1527.23, "end": 1527.45, "word": " الآن", "probability": 0.7099609375}, {"start": 1527.45, "end": 1527.65, "word": " إلى", "probability": 0.78076171875}, {"start": 1527.65, "end": 1528.09, "word": " موضوع", "probability": 0.985107421875}, {"start": 1528.09, "end": 1528.63, "word": " تصنيف", "probability": 0.9342041015625}, {"start": 1528.63, "end": 1529.11, "word": " الطرق", "probability": 0.87548828125}, {"start": 1529.11, "end": 1530.15, "word": " road", "probability": 0.3857421875}, 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35571, 10874, 28259, 4032, 8592, 9640, 3615, 19446, 41185, 8592, 47356, 11331, 28259, 12399, 46599, 6027, 2655, 6027, 1829, 23758, 4724, 1829, 4587, 1211, 1211, 9154, 33688, 11622, 3215, 5016, 10943, 4032, 21292, 3794, 3224, 11703, 2304, 21542, 31747, 3660, 15844, 2423, 8315, 3794], "avg_logprob": -0.1346387971531261, "compression_ratio": 2.110655737704918, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 1687.35, "end": 1687.89, "word": "توزيع", "probability": 0.888427734375}, {"start": 1687.89, "end": 1688.41, "word": " شبه", "probability": 0.9117838541666666}, {"start": 1688.41, "end": 1689.03, "word": " متساوي،", "probability": 0.9103515625}, {"start": 1689.03, "end": 1689.21, "word": " بلاش", "probability": 0.7071940104166666}, {"start": 1689.21, "end": 1689.33, "word": " أقول", "probability": 0.55780029296875}, {"start": 1689.33, "end": 1690.49, "word": " متساوي،", "probability": 0.93388671875}, {"start": 1690.49, "end": 1690.79, "word": " يعني", "probability": 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البركة اللي موجودة هنا تمام أما ال linear system هو أنه بينشأ بسبب وجود تداريس تمنع الانتشار سواء ال campus بال radial أو بال grid system", "tokens": [28814, 15730, 44381, 9673, 3215, 9957, 3660, 21542, 16254, 12984, 3660, 10748, 1185, 4032, 46958, 5016, 25124, 2407, 9640, 3615, 9673, 2655, 25957, 41891, 4032, 23758, 41950, 16572, 4587, 34892, 19986, 1829, 3794, 1829, 13672, 1829, 31439, 6225, 2304, 9640, 9673, 46456, 9640, 4032, 23758, 29739, 5016, 2288, 30767, 1829, 19446, 16472, 2655, 14407, 6225, 9640, 5172, 9957, 4032, 34105, 9154, 9566, 28671, 25124, 7435, 45761, 10632, 4032, 29538, 32771, 6027, 3555, 995, 9154, 9566, 28671, 25124, 1829, 9778, 12602, 11242, 2407, 7649, 37893, 9122, 3215, 3224, 2423, 26890, 4117, 3660, 13672, 1829, 3714, 29245, 23328, 3660, 34105, 46811, 10943, 5551, 15042, 2423, 8213, 1185, 31439, 14739, 3224, 4724, 9957, 8592, 10721, 4724, 35457, 3555, 49610, 23328, 6055, 3215, 9640, 1829, 3794, 46811, 1863, 3615, 2423, 7649, 2655, 8592, 9640, 8608, 2407, 16606, 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3215, 9957, 3660, 8717, 16758, 1211, 3794, 11933, 1829, 8592, 39894, 39237, 1829, 11622, 22807, 6055, 4587, 3615, 19446, 49374, 10874, 36150, 9957, 4386, 19446, 24525, 2304, 3224, 25724, 36150, 9957, 4386, 15450, 23758, 7251, 15040], "avg_logprob": -0.23913043526851613, "compression_ratio": 1.7555555555555555, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1913.62, "end": 1914.16, "word": "الأمثلة", "probability": 0.8330078125}, {"start": 1914.16, "end": 1914.36, "word": " على", "probability": 0.81005859375}, {"start": 1914.36, "end": 1914.84, "word": " ذلك", "probability": 0.99365234375}, {"start": 1914.84, "end": 1915.34, "word": " وجود", "probability": 0.897705078125}, {"start": 1915.34, "end": 1915.84, "word": " جبال", "probability": 0.99169921875}, {"start": 1915.84, "end": 1917.18, "word": " مثال", "probability": 0.807861328125}, {"start": 1917.18, "end": 1917.94, "word": " واضح", "probability": 0.9609375}, {"start": 1917.94, "end": 1918.22, "word": " على", "probability": 0.9453125}, 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[2407, 10874, 3555, 6027, 4032, 3615, 25720, 12399, 21136, 16758, 4587, 19446, 19452, 8592, 8978, 3224, 33688, 2304, 41361, 1829, 9307, 12399, 9673, 25528, 3224, 12399, 30731, 19753, 34740, 4386, 23032, 3555, 19446, 39896, 3714, 1829, 11622, 9307, 4032, 8608, 1211, 21292, 9307, 2423, 8213, 1185, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.28336588355402154, "compression_ratio": 1.2666666666666666, "no_speech_prob": 1.6093254089355469e-06, "words": [{"start": 1960.01, "end": 1960.71, "word": "و", "probability": 0.58984375}, {"start": 1960.71, "end": 1961.27, "word": " جبال", "probability": 0.6852213541666666}, {"start": 1961.27, "end": 1961.97, "word": " وعرة،", "probability": 0.5054931640625}, {"start": 1961.97, "end": 1962.53, "word": " السابق", "probability": 0.88916015625}, {"start": 1962.53, "end": 1962.89, "word": " ماكنش", "probability": 0.8610026041666666}, {"start": 1962.89, "end": 1963.01, "word": " فيه", "probability": 0.953369140625}, {"start": 1963.01, "end": 1964.11, "word": " الإمكانيات،", 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2407, 5016, 25708, 6055, 31747, 3555, 9154, 36632, 8717, 47432, 3660, 5296, 10721, 1829, 8717, 47432, 3660, 9673, 2407, 33546, 1211, 9307, 18863, 10943, 3660, 8608, 3224, 37977, 41950, 16572, 4587, 37495, 22653, 39894, 2655, 2407, 3224, 8592, 29739, 1211, 3215, 8978, 21542, 6027, 3660, 29538], "avg_logprob": -0.18337500619888306, "compression_ratio": 1.6642335766423357, "no_speech_prob": 3.5762786865234375e-07, "words": [{"start": 1970.82, "end": 1971.52, "word": "الميزات", "probability": 0.8544921875}, {"start": 1971.52, "end": 1971.98, "word": " تبعته", "probability": 0.8260498046875}, {"start": 1971.98, "end": 1972.14, "word": " ان", "probability": 0.451416015625}, {"start": 1972.14, "end": 1972.3, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.91455078125}, {"start": 1972.3, "end": 1972.48, "word": " main", "probability": 0.7021484375}, {"start": 1972.48, "end": 1972.8, "word": " traffic", "probability": 0.9150390625}, {"start": 1972.8, "end": 1973.18, "word": " flow", "probability": 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فيه لو سكر هذا الشارع سكرت البلد كلها اذا من ال disadvantages أنه هي نفسها هتكون disadvantage ان ال measured way بيخدم both internal و external و إلى أخر هي بيصيحي عندك congestion بيصيحي عندك overload okay", "tokens": [1211, 19452, 29538, 33688, 1829, 7435, 16758, 10632, 39896, 4724, 24401, 29910, 9307, 11296, 8608, 46152, 10632, 20328, 3615, 49401, 5296, 11296, 5296, 28814, 1863, 28242, 21542, 31747, 3660, 8032, 2655, 2655, 31747, 11622, 8978, 23758, 25124, 9640, 3615, 28242, 6024, 110, 35571, 3660, 8032, 2655, 3794, 13546, 8978, 3224, 45164, 8608, 37983, 23758, 25124, 9640, 3615, 8608, 37983, 2655, 29739, 1211, 3215, 28242, 11296, 1975, 15730, 9154, 2423, 37431, 14739, 3224, 39896, 8717, 36178, 11296, 8032, 2655, 30544, 24292, 16472, 2423, 12690, 636, 4724, 1829, 9778, 40448, 1293, 6920, 4032, 8320, 4032, 30731, 5551, 34740, 39896, 4724, 1829, 9381, 1829, 5016, 1829, 43242, 4117, 40816, 4724, 1829, 9381, 1829, 5016, 1829, 43242, 4117, 28777, 1392], "avg_logprob": -0.2839209544352996, 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مافيش عنده طرق يعني ممروعة بديلة طيب هذه كيف حلوا؟ هذه صورة من مدينة لندن جزء من مدينة لندن يعني هذه صورة تمثيلية الحقيقة توضح roundabout", "tokens": [39237, 10943, 44381, 29538, 4724, 24401, 29910, 9307, 11296, 4724, 43042, 3224, 24292, 5296, 33456, 3224, 8978, 43242, 3224, 34105, 9856, 295, 6419, 8978, 9673, 1863, 41193, 4587, 9673, 31747, 11622, 10632, 4032, 39182, 9957, 8978, 43242, 3224, 38783, 11344, 9652, 3004, 9154, 8717, 36178, 9673, 41361, 13672, 1829, 6055, 2655, 7435, 2304, 3615, 8978, 3224, 4032, 5011, 295, 12873, 24996, 18242, 19446, 41185, 8592, 43242, 3224, 23032, 2288, 4587, 37495, 22653, 3714, 29973, 2407, 27884, 4724, 16254, 37977, 23032, 1829, 3555, 29538, 9122, 33911, 11331, 1211, 14407, 22807, 29538, 20328, 13063, 3660, 9154, 3714, 3215, 9957, 3660, 5296, 41260, 1863, 10874, 11622, 38207, 9154, 3714, 3215, 9957, 3660, 5296, 41260, 1863, 37495, 22653, 29538, 20328, 13063, 3660, 46811, 12984, 26895, 10632, 21542, 38436, 28671, 6055, 2407, 11242, 5016, 3098, 21970], 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23032, 3555, 20193, 5016, 19913, 8315, 16472, 8978, 43242, 7578, 23032, 2288, 4587, 1975, 1829, 8592, 3714, 6027, 11296, 11778, 16373, 2288, 10632, 20193, 5016, 19913, 9957, 11296, 19446, 3224, 1829, 29538, 41950, 2288, 4587, 32748, 16373, 2288, 10632, 37495, 22653, 4032, 46958, 5016, 3660, 34105, 8978, 3714, 41779, 4117, 2407, 1975, 4117, 2655, 2288, 29538, 41950, 2288, 4587, 32748, 16373, 2288, 10632, 7251, 38251, 2407, 11296, 4875, 11344], "avg_logprob": -0.17950859233623243, "compression_ratio": 1.9873949579831933, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 2101.88, "end": 2102.22, "word": "وين", "probability": 0.799560546875}, {"start": 2102.22, "end": 2102.86, "word": " اربيل؟", "probability": 0.752783203125}, {"start": 2102.86, "end": 2103.46, "word": " في", "probability": 0.3388671875}, {"start": 2103.46, "end": 2103.8, "word": " العراق", "probability": 0.861328125}, {"start": 2103.8, "end": 2104.06, "word": " طبعا", "probability": 0.891357421875}, {"start": 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وفي المدينة الجديدة هتلاقي grid system ننتقل إلى موضوع آخر وهو road classification يعني تصنيف الطرق طب إيش يعني تصنيف الطرق؟ من حيث المستوى", "tokens": [28814, 15730, 1975, 2655, 5172, 4587, 8315, 36145, 3224, 3714, 3215, 9957, 3660, 32771, 11622, 3660, 11933, 1829, 8592, 28239, 19913, 10943, 9673, 29245, 23328, 8978, 11296, 22807, 10748, 293, 38783, 8978, 29739, 1211, 3215, 25062, 16254, 46007, 8032, 2655, 15040, 38436, 38783, 1185, 4032, 41185, 9673, 3215, 9957, 3660, 25724, 16254, 41891, 8032, 2655, 15040, 38436, 10748, 1185, 8717, 29399, 4587, 1211, 30731, 3714, 2407, 11242, 45367, 19753, 34740, 37037, 2407, 3060, 21538, 37495, 22653, 6055, 9381, 22653, 5172, 41950, 2288, 4587, 23032, 3555, 11933, 1829, 8592, 37495, 22653, 6055, 9381, 22653, 5172, 41950, 2288, 4587, 22807, 9154, 11331, 1829, 12984, 9673, 14851, 2407, 7578], "avg_logprob": -0.1182827118122689, "compression_ratio": 1.7117903930131004, "no_speech_prob": 2.980232238769531e-07, "words": [{"start": 2201.12, "end": 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30455, 831, 12399, 13412, 16572, 7649, 1829, 12399, 12602, 19986, 1829, 3794, 12399, 3714, 14851, 2407, 7578, 16712, 7649, 1829, 23960, 12399, 6055, 7435, 2304, 40228, 1829, 12399, 3714, 14851, 2407, 7578, 16712, 6027, 2655, 2654], "avg_logprob": -0.18760850032170615, "compression_ratio": 1.6293706293706294, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 2260.08, "end": 2260.38, "word": "الدراسة", "probability": 0.498681640625}, {"start": 2260.38, "end": 2260.64, "word": " الأولية", "probability": 0.7635904947916666}, {"start": 2260.64, "end": 2260.9, "word": " عنده", "probability": 0.847900390625}, {"start": 2260.9, "end": 2261.14, "word": " تلت", "probability": 0.8115234375}, {"start": 2261.14, "end": 2261.92, "word": " أسماء،", "probability": 0.82562255859375}, {"start": 2261.92, "end": 2262.16, "word": " تلت", "probability": 0.962890625}, {"start": 2262.16, "end": 2263.22, "word": " مستويات،", "probability": 0.96689453125}, {"start": 2263.22, "end": 2263.54, "word": " 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2304, 32640, 44381, 20666, 32277, 2304, 44945, 39648, 23758, 9681, 30455, 831, 23758, 11165, 30455, 831, 37495, 22653, 5551, 9778, 3215, 8717, 36178, 2423, 32277, 2304, 23032, 1829, 3555], "avg_logprob": -0.09877232162814055, "compression_ratio": 1.9567099567099566, "no_speech_prob": 3.4570693969726562e-06, "words": [{"start": 2277.4, "end": 2277.88, "word": "يعني", "probability": 0.9443359375}, {"start": 2277.88, "end": 2278.56, "word": " تنطبق", "probability": 0.91123046875}, {"start": 2278.56, "end": 2278.76, "word": " على", "probability": 0.884765625}, {"start": 2278.76, "end": 2278.9, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.9423828125}, {"start": 2278.9, "end": 2279.2, "word": " rural", "probability": 0.65234375}, {"start": 2279.2, "end": 2279.88, "word": " system", "probability": 0.9609375}, {"start": 2279.88, "end": 2280.74, "word": " وعلى", "probability": 0.90185546875}, {"start": 2280.74, "end": 2281.12, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.96337890625}, {"start": 2281.12, "end": 2281.44, 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2423, 30455, 831, 12399, 7251, 7435, 3555, 14739, 7251, 30544, 8978, 23032, 16572, 4587, 46952, 1829, 9566, 37037, 2407, 2423, 23960, 23032, 3555, 32239, 8592, 19446, 8717, 8592, 3555, 4117, 14407, 8978, 45030, 11242, 22807, 32239, 8592, 8717, 25957, 1211, 8032, 6027, 5172, 2288, 4587, 2423, 3224, 16373, 1211, 49374, 16095, 22807, 8032, 2655, 9381, 13546, 11331, 14407, 3215, 12984, 12399, 8032, 2655, 9381, 13546, 44713, 5016, 10943, 9307, 12399, 8032, 2655, 9381, 13546, 5551, 40448, 6156, 3615, 6027, 10632, 24976, 1863, 19913, 10943], "avg_logprob": -0.17385285300544545, "compression_ratio": 1.7862068965517242, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 2305.14, "end": 2305.58, "word": "كمان", "probability": 0.8876953125}, {"start": 2305.58, "end": 2306.14, "word": " ملاحظة", "probability": 0.984765625}, {"start": 2306.14, "end": 2307.0, "word": " مهمة،", "probability": 0.84722900390625}, {"start": 2307.0, "end": 2307.2, "word": " هل", "probability": 0.896728515625}, {"start": 2307.2, 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9154, 3714, 2407, 33546, 5172, 9307, 3224, 16247, 3794, 32277, 10632, 14739, 3224, 5296, 31377, 2304, 7251, 30544, 6666, 1975, 1829, 8592, 37495, 22653, 6666, 22807, 37495, 22653, 8978, 10874, 11622, 48923, 20666, 41779, 9566, 6055, 5172, 36520, 1975, 2655, 7435, 40294, 9957, 9673, 2655, 3615, 995, 4117, 3794, 9957, 29538, 5551, 16095, 20328, 5172, 3660, 9154, 20328, 5172, 9307, 2423, 5932, 676, 6225, 8592, 7649, 47525, 3224, 7251, 30544, 8608, 16572, 3615, 9122, 2304, 7649, 9154, 20328, 5172, 9307, 3224, 16247, 34740, 7578, 9673, 16095, 3660, 14739, 3224, 5296, 31377, 2304, 7251, 30544, 2423, 9307, 7435, 40294, 2423, 14407, 24401, 8978, 3224, 15844, 16247, 4587, 1211, 1045, 25397], "avg_logprob": -0.1368189130264979, "compression_ratio": 1.9822064056939501, "no_speech_prob": 1.6689300537109375e-06, "words": [{"start": 2481.38, "end": 2481.94, "word": "طيب", "probability": 0.9244791666666666}, {"start": 2481.94, "end": 2482.44, "word": " الآن", "probability": 0.5132598876953125}, 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11242, 2407, 10632, 50113, 15040, 12399, 6156, 3615, 15040, 12399, 1975, 15730, 20666, 2655, 6027, 1829, 4724, 1829, 30544, 18871, 16254, 10874, 3794, 2288], "avg_logprob": -0.21318068893829195, "compression_ratio": 1.6570048309178744, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 2563.97, "end": 2564.75, "word": "مثلا", "probability": 0.884765625}, {"start": 2564.75, "end": 2565.43, "word": " وصلة", "probability": 0.7578938802083334}, {"start": 2565.43, "end": 2566.05, "word": " سريعة", "probability": 0.9571940104166666}, {"start": 2566.05, "end": 2566.43, "word": " على", "probability": 0.85791015625}, {"start": 2566.43, "end": 2566.65, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.85302734375}, {"start": 2566.65, "end": 2567.09, "word": " motorway", "probability": 0.774169921875}, {"start": 2567.09, "end": 2567.19, "word": " او", "probability": 0.6729736328125}, {"start": 2567.19, "end": 2567.31, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.87255859375}, {"start": 2567.31, "end": 2567.61, 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3224, 1829, 19986, 3660, 29538, 16712, 3224, 1829, 19986, 3660, 6225, 3555, 9640, 3660, 18871, 23032, 16572, 4587, 47524, 7649, 3215, 4724, 1829, 38251, 2407, 3224, 43741, 12705], "avg_logprob": -0.11048274542858351, "compression_ratio": 1.421383647798742, "no_speech_prob": 6.9141387939453125e-06, "words": [{"start": 2584.08, "end": 2584.54, "word": "أو", "probability": 0.805419921875}, {"start": 2584.54, "end": 2585.22, "word": " نفق", "probability": 0.9874674479166666}, {"start": 2585.22, "end": 2585.98, "word": " عند", "probability": 0.97314453125}, {"start": 2585.98, "end": 2586.84, "word": " التقاطعات", "probability": 0.95546875}, {"start": 2586.84, "end": 2587.74, "word": " عشان", "probability": 0.8955078125}, {"start": 2587.74, "end": 2588.2, "word": " تنتقل", "probability": 0.9736328125}, {"start": 2588.2, "end": 2588.34, "word": " من", "probability": 0.99169921875}, {"start": 2588.34, "end": 2588.72, "word": " طريق", "probability": 0.9010416666666666}, {"start": 2588.72, 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43042, 3224, 3714, 14851, 2407, 7578, 5551, 4587, 1211, 13412, 2407, 10632, 3714, 43020, 7251, 30544, 2423, 2105, 13412, 9640, 3615, 3714, 17082, 1211, 4587, 8978, 6024, 95, 34740, 9122, 2304, 7649, 37495, 22653, 6156, 7578, 4724, 3794, 3714, 7435, 2288, 3215, 11778, 2407, 9640, 11331, 1829, 12984, 6055, 3215, 13546, 21136, 1829, 9640, 3660, 4032, 6055, 47341, 3615, 30767, 7578, 19446, 13412, 38688, 8315, 8978, 34892, 38251, 3660, 13672, 7578, 12174, 36150, 13412, 2407, 10632, 9122, 3215, 3224, 30767, 7578, 9122, 3215, 3224, 37495, 22653, 46811, 10943, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.15970897242313123, "compression_ratio": 1.7736625514403292, "no_speech_prob": 4.231929779052734e-06, "words": [{"start": 2651.03, "end": 2651.41, "word": "الحاجات", "probability": 0.7005615234375}, {"start": 2651.41, "end": 2651.67, "word": " في", "probability": 0.7431640625}, {"start": 2651.67, "end": 2652.77, "word": " بريطانيا", "probability": 0.933984375}, {"start": 2652.77, "end": 2653.07, "word": " أضعف", 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12984, 21136, 2288, 3615, 9307, 9154, 11331, 1829, 12984, 9673, 2407, 33546, 5172, 9307, 9673, 46456, 46538, 3660, 39894, 27842, 7578, 6055, 4587, 2288, 33604, 14407, 6055, 14851, 5172, 25708, 14407, 9154, 3224, 9122, 2304, 12984, 6027], "avg_logprob": -0.18160860936661236, "compression_ratio": 1.8709677419354838, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 2722.41, "end": 2722.83, "word": "وإيش", "probability": 0.82415771484375}, {"start": 2722.83, "end": 2723.65, "word": " مواصفاتها", "probability": 0.9834798177083334}, {"start": 2723.65, "end": 2724.57, "word": " التفصيلية", "probability": 0.90146484375}, {"start": 2724.57, "end": 2725.45, "word": " يعني", "probability": 0.6549072265625}, {"start": 2725.45, "end": 2725.77, "word": " مثلا", "probability": 0.96484375}, {"start": 2725.77, "end": 2725.97, "word": " هذا", "probability": 0.77734375}, {"start": 2725.97, "end": 2726.37, "word": " primary", "probability": 0.35791015625}, {"start": 2726.37, "end": 2727.15, 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3660, 8978, 23758, 25124, 9640, 3615, 16472, 3224, 5296, 19528, 8592, 1829, 5296, 1211, 26108, 2655, 15042, 3615, 9307, 24976, 2655, 7435, 9640, 3660, 2105, 11344, 4724, 43042, 3224, 8717, 36178, 25124, 1829, 38207, 6156, 33753, 26108, 16472, 43242, 4117, 3714, 2407, 33546, 5172, 9307, 5296, 28820, 13412, 9640, 3615, 39627, 24192, 41950, 16572, 28671, 6156, 3555, 9778, 20292, 4117, 37279, 28480, 20666, 19913, 3555, 9566, 1975, 1829, 8592, 9673, 4587, 9381, 23328, 8978, 28242, 8717, 45367, 9154, 29538, 16247, 1863, 14407, 3615], "avg_logprob": -0.15256605424532077, "compression_ratio": 1.7638376383763839, "no_speech_prob": 1.3113021850585938e-06, "words": [{"start": 2751.08, "end": 2751.88, "word": "أو", "probability": 0.6754150390625}, {"start": 2751.88, "end": 2752.24, "word": " أخدنا", "probability": 0.8231201171875}, {"start": 2752.24, "end": 2752.4, "word": " هنا", "probability": 0.904296875}, {"start": 2752.4, "end": 2752.54, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.919921875}, {"start": 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3714, 9566, 32887, 3215, 12399, 11331, 49975, 8978, 41950, 3555, 9778, 3660, 6024, 118, 25513, 10632, 32771, 6027, 3555, 995, 19446, 41185, 8592, 23032, 16572, 4587, 6055, 38251, 1829, 3224, 3714, 9566, 32887, 3215, 12399, 5296, 10721, 12399, 16712, 4587, 41193, 3615, 9307, 33251, 12984, 48923, 13672, 1829, 3714, 29245, 23328, 3660, 25894, 8315, 12399, 6055, 1211, 17082, 1829, 15844, 23032, 12610, 12399, 3714, 27842, 45367, 7251, 30544, 8978, 3224, 6055, 4587, 41193, 3615, 12399, 35186, 10874, 38251, 35186, 8717, 5172, 4587], "avg_logprob": -0.1826603919003917, "compression_ratio": 1.9576719576719577, "no_speech_prob": 1.6689300537109375e-06, "words": [{"start": 2797.15, "end": 2797.85, "word": "حقيقة،", "probability": 0.492034912109375}, {"start": 2797.85, "end": 2798.59, "word": " مثلا", "probability": 0.931396484375}, {"start": 2798.59, "end": 2798.71, "word": " في", "probability": 0.87255859375}, {"start": 2798.71, "end": 2798.99, "word": " غزة", "probability": 0.9280598958333334}, 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الطول تبعها لإجمال الـ 297 كيلومتر طرق معبدة في قطاع غزة ككل هي موزعة حسب ناطق القطار شمال غزة وغزة نفسها ودير البلح خانيونس .. اوه فاهم ..", "tokens": [2407, 3224, 2407, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 4386, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 4386, 1392, 23032, 1829, 3555, 4386, 6024, 48506, 13412, 3555, 4117, 3660, 41950, 2288, 4587, 13672, 1829, 8978, 12174, 9566, 45761, 32771, 11622, 3660, 13412, 5172, 8315, 11296, 12174, 36150, 36632, 10943, 9122, 19528, 3660, 4032, 38149, 25894, 8315, 12174, 12610, 8315, 41950, 12610, 6055, 3555, 3615, 11296, 5296, 28814, 7435, 2304, 6027, 2423, 39184, 9413, 22, 9122, 26895, 20498, 2655, 2288, 23032, 2288, 4587, 20449, 44510, 3660, 8978, 12174, 9566, 45761, 32771, 11622, 3660, 9122, 28820, 39896, 3714, 2407, 11622, 27884, 11331, 35457, 8717, 41193, 4587, 25062, 9566, 9640, 13412, 2304, 6027, 32771, 11622, 3660, 4032, 17082, 11622, 3660, 8717, 36178, 11296, 4032, 3215, 13546, 29739, 1211, 5016, 16490, 7649, 1829, 11536, 3794, 4386, 1975, 2407, 3224, 6156, 995, 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9957, 12399, 6225, 8315, 13412, 2407, 9640, 3615, 6225, 46309, 9957, 12399, 6225, 8315, 13412, 2407, 9640, 3615, 46811, 7649, 10632, 12399, 6225, 8592, 25720, 12399, 37495, 22653, 11933, 15730, 3714, 43020, 8717, 5016, 995, 12610, 4386, 41850, 37893, 6225, 9640, 5172, 20666, 19913, 3555, 9566, 11933, 1829, 8592, 29739, 2655, 41779, 9566, 13672, 1829, 21542, 38436, 38436, 12399, 44381, 8717, 47395, 1829, 10721, 20292, 45164, 3714, 43020, 7251, 30544, 49374, 16490, 2304, 3794, 3660, 6225, 46309, 9957, 24976, 2655, 1211, 9307, 9957, 12399, 7251, 43020, 12399, 16490, 33546, 3660, 36145, 25124, 2407, 9640, 3615, 18863, 16572, 11242, 3660, 23032, 2407, 26895, 3660, 12399, 46811, 10943, 22807, 47525, 4117, 14739, 2655, 16490, 3215, 11296, 8978, 6225, 9957, 42963, 34268, 3555, 9640], "avg_logprob": -0.15474759663144746, "compression_ratio": 2.1659751037344397, "no_speech_prob": 1.6093254089355469e-06, "words": [{"start": 2899.16, "end": 2899.44, "word": "طب", "probability": 0.930908203125}, 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6027, 5551, 9566, 2407, 9640, 41950, 2288, 4587, 20666, 4117, 26895, 20498, 2655, 2288, 12399, 7251, 9566, 2288, 5016, 9154, 11296, 4032, 7251, 8592, 38688, 8717, 35457, 3660, 41950, 2288, 4587, 9673, 3615, 44510, 3660, 5296, 28814, 7435, 2304, 6027, 41950, 2288, 4587, 34051, 24976, 9566, 2288, 4587, 32771, 13546, 20449, 44510, 3660, 4032, 7251, 5016, 35457, 20292, 20666, 2655, 4587, 16572, 3555, 5551, 24793, 3714, 20292, 11536, 11778, 12610, 9640, 3714, 33753, 26108, 9957, 5296, 2655, 3615, 21292, 3215, 10874, 2304, 40228, 41950, 2288, 4587, 3714, 43020, 22807], "avg_logprob": -0.1318655273679531, "compression_ratio": 1.9147982062780269, "no_speech_prob": 3.5762786865234375e-07, "words": [{"start": 2921.11, "end": 2921.35, "word": "لو", "probability": 0.91845703125}, {"start": 2921.35, "end": 2921.77, "word": " افترضنا", "probability": 0.95126953125}, {"start": 2921.77, "end": 2922.25, "word": " 25", "probability": 0.76513671875}, {"start": 2922.25, "end": 2922.43, "word": " او", 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