1 00:00:20,450 --> 00:00:27,090 السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ان شاء الله هذا 2 00:00:27,090 --> 00:00:32,630 سيكون الدراسة الأخيرة ونأمل 3 00:00:32,630 --> 00:00:41,730 ان جميعكم تحصلوا على مرات عالية وتنجحوا وتمنعوا ان 4 00:00:41,730 --> 00:00:43,950 شاء الله بالتوفيق جميعا في المواد كلها 5 00:00:46,660 --> 00:01:02,320 اللقاء اليوم هو phrasal verbs هناك 6 00:01:02,320 --> 00:01:07,560 الكثير من الأمثلة عن phrasal verbs في كتاب التقرير 7 00:01:07,560 --> 00:01:16,220 على مكتبة 58-59 أمثلة أتت وقعت وقعت وقعت وقعت وقعت 8 00:01:17,930 --> 00:01:23,470 it's exciting to end up in different cities etc we 9 00:01:23,470 --> 00:01:28,370 have about 10 phrasal verbs in the reading passage 10 00:01:28,370 --> 00:01:36,890 number two some phrasal verbs are literal and 11 00:01:36,890 --> 00:01:46,490 some are idiomatic it means some verbsهي بسهولة 12 00:01:46,490 --> 00:01:53,390 نستطيع ترجمتها كلمة بعد كلمة بدون أن نبقى بقية قلب 13 00:01:53,390 --> 00:02:03,930 نستطيع ترجمتها كلمة بعد كلمة فهي لترال ولكن بعض 14 00:02:03,930 --> 00:02:10,030 الكلمات الأخرى هي ادياميكية لذلك يجب أن نبقى 15 00:02:10,030 --> 00:02:17,950 معنىها بقية قلبيجب أن نبقى مصادرها قلبية وليس كلمة 16 00:02:17,950 --> 00:02:23,990 بعد كلمة. فالـPhrasal verbs عاماً هم ادياماتيك، 17 00:02:23,990 --> 00:02:27,150 ولكن في بعض الأحيان هم لترال 18 00:02:30,290 --> 00:02:36,370 literal she looked out of the window at the sunset 19 00:02:36,370 --> 00:02:42,470 now she looked out so we translate looked and we 20 00:02:42,470 --> 00:02:47,830 translate out so if we translate word by word it 21 00:02:47,830 --> 00:02:52,090 is literal so 22 00:02:52,090 --> 00:02:55,170 what 23 00:02:55,170 --> 00:02:58,510 did she do she looked out 24 00:03:00,260 --> 00:03:07,120 of the window but here the idiomatic one we don't 25 00:03:07,120 --> 00:03:11,860 translate it word by word no we translate it by 26 00:03:11,860 --> 00:03:18,020 heart we know its meaning before so look out take 27 00:03:18,020 --> 00:03:26,530 care not looking by eyes notake a look out take 28 00:03:26,530 --> 00:03:33,590 care that dog is going to bite you that dog is 29 00:03:33,590 --> 00:03:40,350 going to bite you so the same word looked out and 30 00:03:40,350 --> 00:03:45,870 looked out but this is literal we translate it 31 00:03:45,870 --> 00:03:48,830 according to the verb itself the meaning of the 32 00:03:48,830 --> 00:03:53,510 verb but here we translate it as a wholewe keep it 33 00:03:53,510 --> 00:03:58,570 by heart look out means means take care that dog 34 00:03:58,570 --> 00:04:02,410 is going to bite you so sometimes when we see the 35 00:04:02,410 --> 00:04:06,990 phrasal verbs if it is not literal it is idiomatic 36 00:04:06,990 --> 00:04:10,950 if it is not idiomatic it is literal but generally 37 00:04:10,950 --> 00:04:15,710 they are idiomatic but sometimes they are literal 38 00:04:15,710 --> 00:04:17,590 easy example 39 00:04:22,860 --> 00:04:27,600 مثال آخر لترال 40 00:04:27,600 --> 00:04:34,420 او ادياماتيك؟ يجب أن نقول إن الفرس الفرسي لترال او 41 00:04:34,420 --> 00:04:40,900 ادياماتيك؟ في هذه الاسماء الاسماء لترال او 42 00:04:40,900 --> 00:04:45,120 ادياماتيك؟ في هذه الاسماء الاسماء لترال او 43 00:04:45,120 --> 00:04:46,920 ادياماتيك؟ في هذه الاسماء الاسماء لترال او 44 00:04:46,920 --> 00:04:47,680 ادياماتيك؟ 45 00:04:51,800 --> 00:04:59,640 so here the plane has taken off the plane has 46 00:04:59,640 --> 00:05:04,820 taken off taken off take give me and take give and 47 00:05:04,820 --> 00:05:08,860 take no no no so it is idiomatic so take off here 48 00:05:08,860 --> 00:05:20,380 is idiomatic it is idiomatic please 49 00:05:20,380 --> 00:05:28,310 taketake off take off we translate take and off 50 00:05:28,310 --> 00:05:34,690 take off your coat and sit down so we translate 51 00:05:34,690 --> 00:05:38,250 this word and this word so it is literal 52 00:05:41,620 --> 00:05:47,760 المعنى هنا لترال ولكن المعنى هنا ادياماتيك اللترال 53 00:05:47,760 --> 00:05:53,160 يعني اننا نترجم كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة ولكن هنا 54 00:05:53,160 --> 00:05:56,960 لا نستطيع نترجمها كل كلمة كل كلمة لماذا؟ لانها 55 00:05:56,960 --> 00:05:57,680 ازهول 56 00:06:01,340 --> 00:06:09,860 أو لا النار خرجت مرة أخرى خرجت مرة أخرى ليس مشكلة 57 00:06:09,860 --> 00:06:17,580 تذهب و تأتي لا لا خرجت كشخص هناك فهو ايدياميكي 58 00:06:17,580 --> 00:06:31,630 توقف ايدياميكي يعني توقف رقم B إذا كنت تخرجtake an 59 00:06:31,630 --> 00:06:36,450 umbrella it's going to rain go out a matter of 60 00:06:36,450 --> 00:06:44,910 going really going go out so it is literal literal 61 00:06:44,910 --> 00:06:47,630 meaning it has a literal meaning we translate it 62 00:06:47,630 --> 00:06:54,510 word by word as it is it is not difficult so here 63 00:06:54,510 --> 00:06:59,540 it is idiomaticliteral idiomatic literal go out go 64 00:06:59,540 --> 00:07:09,120 out go out here stop but here no go out come in go 65 00:07:09,120 --> 00:07:14,740 out etc the third one a and b on the phone hello 66 00:07:14,740 --> 00:07:18,960 hello i can't hear you i think you have been cut 67 00:07:18,960 --> 00:07:29,230 off cut off cut no not cutنعم نحن لا نقول نحن .. 68 00:07:29,230 --> 00:07:33,090 نحن .. نحن لا نترجمها كلمة بعد كلمة لا نقول cut 69 00:07:33,090 --> 00:07:42,770 off كإدياماتيك لذلك رقم a هي إدياماتيك cut off cut 70 00:07:42,770 --> 00:07:46,350 the connection without connection stop the 71 00:07:46,350 --> 00:07:52,090 connection next 72 00:07:52,090 --> 00:08:02,020 she cutcut off so it is literal cut off the 73 00:08:02,020 --> 00:08:08,940 cutting yes cutting so it is literal she cut off a 74 00:08:08,940 --> 00:08:18,260 big piece of meat and gave it to the dog number 75 00:08:18,260 --> 00:08:26,290 four she looked up and smiled looklook by eyes yes 76 00:08:26,290 --> 00:08:34,850 look up so it is literal why because we translated 77 00:08:34,850 --> 00:08:41,930 it look and this is up in the sky we looked up yes 78 00:08:41,930 --> 00:08:44,870 the meaning of look the same the meaning of go and 79 00:08:44,870 --> 00:08:49,730 cut the same meaning but here i looked up the word 80 00:08:49,730 --> 00:08:56,320 in the dictionary no this isit means search search 81 00:08:56,320 --> 00:09:00,320 it does not it has not a connection with look no 82 00:09:00,320 --> 00:09:03,780 no not a matter of look no it is searching search 83 00:09:03,780 --> 00:09:07,700 search the word in the dictionary so this is 84 00:09:07,700 --> 00:09:14,480 idiomatic generally 85 00:09:14,480 --> 00:09:19,640 the literal words we don't look their meaning up 86 00:09:19,640 --> 00:09:23,110 in the dictionary why because they are easylook 87 00:09:23,110 --> 00:09:29,270 cut come put the same verb but if it is if it is 88 00:09:29,270 --> 00:09:32,450 if it has not a meaning like this literal so it is 89 00:09:32,450 --> 00:09:34,930 idiomatic I should look it up in the dictionary 90 00:09:34,930 --> 00:09:42,730 here can you pick up my pen for me it's under the 91 00:09:42,730 --> 00:09:49,670 the chair pick up give it to me so literal yes it 92 00:09:49,670 --> 00:09:58,880 is literal literal pickput down big up it is a 93 00:09:58,880 --> 00:10:05,220 matter of big and up I picked up some Italians 94 00:10:05,220 --> 00:10:10,900 when I was working in Rome but I know so this is 95 00:10:10,900 --> 00:10:17,340 idiomatic it means learn learn uh-huh so this isit 96 00:10:17,340 --> 00:10:21,240 is idiomatic it means learn so there is no 97 00:10:21,240 --> 00:10:24,380 connection between the word and the meaning when 98 00:10:24,380 --> 00:10:27,460 there is no connection it is idiomatic when there 99 00:10:27,460 --> 00:10:32,580 is connection it is literal so here's the question 100 00:10:32,580 --> 00:10:38,560 are these verbs literal or idiomatic the first one 101 00:10:38,560 --> 00:10:39,960 take off 102 00:10:42,650 --> 00:10:46,350 Idiomatic why I can't translate the word take then 103 00:10:46,350 --> 00:10:52,010 off no Here اه I translated take and off take off 104 00:10:52,010 --> 00:11:01,570 yes or take off gun out stop working but here go 105 00:11:01,570 --> 00:11:09,330 out go out walking here cut off no connection no 106 00:11:09,330 --> 00:11:11,830 connection but here cut 107 00:11:14,630 --> 00:11:22,330 أمر قطعي تنظر الى الأعلى تنظر بالعين فهو لترال 108 00:11:22,330 --> 00:11:31,250 ولكن هنا لا تنظر الى الأعلى يعني تبحث مرة أخرى بكب 109 00:11:31,250 --> 00:11:36,910 بكب بكب 110 00:11:36,910 --> 00:11:39,930 بكب 111 00:11:39,930 --> 00:11:41,350 بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب 112 00:11:41,350 --> 00:11:41,390 بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب 113 00:11:41,390 --> 00:11:41,390 بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب 114 00:11:41,390 --> 00:11:41,390 بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب 115 00:11:41,390 --> 00:11:44,670 بكب بكب بكب بكب بكب بI learned some Italian when I 116 00:11:44,670 --> 00:11:49,290 was working in Rome you understand this yes so 117 00:11:49,290 --> 00:11:53,510 here the answer the first one idiomatic, the 118 00:11:53,510 --> 00:11:58,090 second one literal, idiomatic, literal, idiomatic, 119 00:11:58,330 --> 00:12:01,170 literal, but here literal, idiomatic, literal, 120 00:12:01,290 --> 00:12:07,250 idiomatic, who can read yes the plane has just 121 00:12:07,250 --> 00:12:12,490 taken offtake off what's the meaning of take off 122 00:12:12,490 --> 00:12:16,370 not 123 00:12:16,370 --> 00:12:21,390 has a meaning leave 124 00:12:21,390 --> 00:12:30,770 the ground and they fly leave the ground and fly 125 00:12:30,770 --> 00:12:37,630 we studied it before leave the ground and fly but 126 00:12:37,630 --> 00:12:45,230 hereit is translated take off so it means remove 127 00:12:45,230 --> 00:12:54,570 remove yeah so the plane has just taken off please 128 00:12:54,570 --> 00:13:00,650 take off your coat and sit down thank you so here 129 00:13:00,650 --> 00:13:06,670 take off remove remove the jacket remove the coat 130 00:13:11,940 --> 00:13:19,700 two number a oh no الناس أخرجوا مرة أخرى number b 131 00:13:19,700 --> 00:13:31,880 إذا كنت تخرج اخذ رقم امبريله سوف يترين هنا يعني 132 00:13:31,880 --> 00:13:45,540 توقف وهنا يعنيleave the ground and fly leave the 133 00:13:45,540 --> 00:13:55,960 ground and fly number 134 00:13:55,960 --> 00:14:03,940 three yes on the phone hello hello I can't hear 135 00:14:03,940 --> 00:14:12,690 you I thinkwe have been cut off it means stop stop 136 00:14:12,690 --> 00:14:20,050 connection no connection stop connection no 137 00:14:20,050 --> 00:14:25,290 connection she cut off a big piece of meat and 138 00:14:25,290 --> 00:14:29,270 give it to the dog cut off it means cut 139 00:14:32,220 --> 00:14:36,280 So here on the phone hello yes who can read it 140 00:14:36,280 --> 00:14:40,940 again yeah on the phone hello hello I can't hear 141 00:14:40,940 --> 00:14:44,520 you I think we have been cut off cut off it means 142 00:14:44,520 --> 00:14:49,960 stop the connection no connection but here she cut 143 00:14:49,960 --> 00:14:54,540 off a big pieces of meat and gave it to the dog so 144 00:14:54,540 --> 00:14:59,520 cut off it means cut we say cut up it means cut 145 00:14:59,520 --> 00:15:05,400 into little piecescut up it means cut into little 146 00:15:05,400 --> 00:15:11,980 pieces but when I say eat eat eat up the food علي 147 00:15:11,980 --> 00:15:17,960 ate up the food it means he ate everything nothing 148 00:15:17,960 --> 00:15:24,720 left nothing left he ate up all the food it means 149 00:15:24,720 --> 00:15:31,260 he ate up the food nothing left yesSo this is 150 00:15:31,260 --> 00:15:34,580 idiomatic and this is literal because we translate 151 00:15:34,580 --> 00:15:39,060 word by word number four she looked up and smiled 152 00:15:39,060 --> 00:15:43,600 literal number b I looked up the word in the 153 00:15:43,600 --> 00:15:47,360 dictionary look up means search yes who can read 154 00:15:47,360 --> 00:15:51,840 number four she looked up and smiled 155 00:16:01,060 --> 00:16:09,280 it means search good now number five the last one 156 00:16:09,280 --> 00:16:14,600 yes pick 157 00:16:14,600 --> 00:16:20,720 up 158 00:16:20,720 --> 00:16:25,060 the same verb pick but here pick up means learn 159 00:16:25,060 --> 00:16:32,740 here it means learnلذلك نترجم أو نعطي معنى 160 00:16:32,740 --> 00:16:38,600 الفرزلبيرد اللي هم ادياماتيك ولكن اذا كانت لترال 161 00:16:38,600 --> 00:16:43,560 فهي تترجم بنفسها كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة 162 00:16:43,560 --> 00:16:43,940 كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل 163 00:16:43,940 --> 00:16:44,320 كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل 164 00:16:44,320 --> 00:16:45,580 كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل 165 00:16:45,580 --> 00:16:48,320 كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل 166 00:16:48,320 --> 00:16:48,360 كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل 167 00:16:48,360 --> 00:16:48,400 كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل كلمة كل 168 00:16:48,400 --> 00:16:56,860 كلمة كل كلمة كل 169 00:16:56,860 --> 00:16:57,700 كلمة 170 00:17:00,910 --> 00:17:18,310 yes number two yes 171 00:17:18,310 --> 00:17:27,380 so here go out easy easy yes number threeon the 172 00:17:27,380 --> 00:17:31,180 phone hello hello I can't hear you I think we have 173 00:17:31,180 --> 00:17:35,780 been cut off she cut off a big piece of meat and 174 00:17:35,780 --> 00:17:41,080 gave it to the dog so the second one is cutting 175 00:17:41,080 --> 00:17:47,540 but the first one no separated yes she looked up 176 00:17:47,540 --> 00:17:52,230 and smiled I looked up the word and then sheso 177 00:17:52,230 --> 00:17:55,750 looked here .. looked using the eyes but here no 178 00:17:55,750 --> 00:18:04,630 search .. searched the last one can you pick up my 179 00:18:04,630 --> 00:18:08,850 pen for me it's under your chair I picked up some 180 00:18:08,850 --> 00:18:15,470 italian when I was working in Romeهنا أخذ شيئ ما و 181 00:18:15,470 --> 00:18:19,930 أخذ شيئ ما ولكن هنا أخذ يعني ليون 182 00:18:39,450 --> 00:18:43,610 this exercise speaks about separable and 183 00:18:43,610 --> 00:18:51,530 inseparable we say direct indirect direct indirect 184 00:18:51,530 --> 00:18:57,990 separable inseparable we have two questions here 185 00:18:57,990 --> 00:19:04,370 replace the words in italics with a pronounالأول 186 00:19:04,370 --> 00:19:09,550 شيء هو تغيّر الكلمات بمعنى اول انظر الى اول كلمة 187 00:19:09,550 --> 00:19:17,450 انه اشتغل على الضوء هذه الكلمة الإيطالية مع ماذا؟ 188 00:19:17,450 --> 00:19:25,570 المعنى هو it انظر الى رقم 2 انا ابحث عن عيوني 189 00:19:25,570 --> 00:19:29,790 عيوني عيوني 190 00:19:33,750 --> 00:19:39,990 them them the pronoun is them here it singular 191 00:19:39,990 --> 00:19:44,190 here plural them number three she's taken off her 192 00:19:44,190 --> 00:19:52,010 boots them yeah number 193 00:19:52,010 --> 00:20:00,850 four he took up golf when he retired golf it yeah 194 00:20:02,090 --> 00:20:14,070 again I get on well with my parents them number 195 00:20:14,070 --> 00:20:23,930 six I came across the ad it seven 196 00:20:23,930 --> 00:20:30,130 I looked up the words in my dictionary the words 197 00:20:31,520 --> 00:20:36,620 them number 198 00:20:36,620 --> 00:20:42,800 eight the waiter took away the dirty plates them 199 00:20:42,800 --> 00:20:47,640 you 200 00:20:47,640 --> 00:20:53,380 understand at first he said replace the words in 201 00:20:53,380 --> 00:20:59,040 italics with a pronoun it or them you understand 202 00:21:00,260 --> 00:21:07,300 الثاني جزء من السؤال، جزء من الفرس الفرس الفرس 203 00:21:07,300 --> 00:21:09,340 الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس 204 00:21:09,340 --> 00:21:10,220 الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس 205 00:21:10,220 --> 00:21:11,940 الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس 206 00:21:11,940 --> 00:21:14,220 الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس 207 00:21:14,220 --> 00:21:16,180 الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس 208 00:21:16,180 --> 00:21:18,580 الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس 209 00:21:18,580 --> 00:21:18,580 الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس 210 00:21:18,580 --> 00:21:18,580 الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس الفرس 211 00:21:18,580 --> 00:21:27,840 الفرس الفرس 212 00:21:27,840 --> 00:21:33,910 الفbut with with the pronoun we have to use it 213 00:21:33,910 --> 00:21:42,970 after the pronoun example he turned on it no we 214 00:21:42,970 --> 00:21:47,530 can't say he turned on it no if it is a pronoun we 215 00:21:47,530 --> 00:21:55,950 should use the particle after it so here here 216 00:21:55,950 --> 00:22:05,440 i will omit thison and put it here why because it 217 00:22:05,440 --> 00:22:10,700 is a pronoun because it is a pronoun but if it is 218 00:22:10,700 --> 00:22:16,020 a noun we can use it before or after so we can say 219 00:22:16,020 --> 00:22:20,560 he turned on the light or he turned the light on 220 00:22:20,560 --> 00:22:27,670 but with it nohe turned it on we can't say he 221 00:22:27,670 --> 00:22:33,310 turned on it now you understand so if the object 222 00:22:33,310 --> 00:22:39,430 is a pronoun we should use the particle after it 223 00:22:39,430 --> 00:22:46,460 not before it but if it is a nounbefore or after 224 00:22:46,460 --> 00:22:50,300 so the question here is replace the underlined 225 00:22:50,300 --> 00:22:55,040 words or the italic words with a pronoun and it 226 00:22:55,040 --> 00:22:59,260 changed so I say here he turned on the light it 227 00:22:59,260 --> 00:23:07,520 means he turned it on good so he turned it on not 228 00:23:07,520 --> 00:23:17,000 on it it on you understandأنا أبحث عن زجاجي انا 229 00:23:17,000 --> 00:23:26,960 أبحث عنهم لكن ماذا عن 4 اذا كانت الموضوع مقالة اذا 230 00:23:26,960 --> 00:23:31,480 كانت الموضوع .. هذا هو الموضوع اذا كانت الموضوع 231 00:23:31,480 --> 00:23:38,580 مقالة لا نستطيع أن نضعها وحدي بعد التسمة لا نستطيع 232 00:23:38,580 --> 00:23:40,840 لماذا؟ لأنه يحتاج 233 00:23:43,560 --> 00:23:50,880 مجرد مجرد مجرد مجرد مجرد مجرد مجرد مجرد مجرد مجرد 234 00:23:50,880 --> 00:23:53,740 مجرد مجرد 235 00:24:07,810 --> 00:24:13,230 إذا كان مقاومًا، فهذا مقاومًا، حسنًا، يجب أن 236 00:24:13,230 --> 00:24:20,930 أستخدمه، ولكن هذا لا، إنه غير مقاوم، غير مقاوم، 237 00:24:20,930 --> 00:24:28,580 لذلك هذا غير مقاوم، هل فهمت؟in separable what do 238 00:24:28,580 --> 00:24:31,700 you mean of separable we can separate it which one 239 00:24:31,700 --> 00:24:36,320 this one no this one can't be separated so it is 240 00:24:36,320 --> 00:24:41,520 inseparable but this one should be separated so it 241 00:24:41,520 --> 00:24:47,040 is separable we should we can separate it we can 242 00:24:47,040 --> 00:24:51,840 separate it with the noun but with the pronoun we 243 00:24:51,840 --> 00:24:56,910 shouldseparate it with the with the noun if it is 244 00:24:56,910 --> 00:25:01,170 the light we can put the particle after or before 245 00:25:01,170 --> 00:25:06,890 but if it is a pronoun it should be after the 246 00:25:06,890 --> 00:25:11,170 pronoun so the question is replace the italic 247 00:25:11,170 --> 00:25:18,390 words with a pronoun after this it can be 248 00:25:18,390 --> 00:25:22,810 separable or inseparable this one isunseparable 249 00:25:22,810 --> 00:25:28,550 this one she's taken off her boots she's taken her 250 00:25:28,550 --> 00:25:39,850 boots off but with them with them off we should 251 00:25:39,850 --> 00:25:46,110 use off after the object so we say she's taken 252 00:25:46,110 --> 00:25:52,250 them off can we say we'veshe's taken off them no 253 00:25:52,250 --> 00:25:56,590 but with the noun okay with the noun okay but with 254 00:25:56,590 --> 00:26:01,690 the pronoun no so here the answer is she's taken 255 00:26:01,690 --> 00:26:10,090 them off number four he took up golf when he 256 00:26:10,090 --> 00:26:15,370 retiredhe started doing started doing started 257 00:26:15,370 --> 00:26:27,230 doing something so here he took it up yes it up he 258 00:26:27,230 --> 00:26:32,670 took it up when he retired he took it up we can't 259 00:26:32,670 --> 00:26:38,040 say wehe took up it no because it is not a 260 00:26:38,040 --> 00:26:41,440 preposition it is a particle as we call them all 261 00:26:41,440 --> 00:26:44,600 of them we call them a particle but if it is a 262 00:26:44,600 --> 00:26:50,100 preposition we can't put it alone number four i 263 00:26:50,100 --> 00:26:56,640 get on well with my parents okay i'm i get on well 264 00:26:56,640 --> 00:27:04,200 with my with my parents with them them withلأ، 265 00:27:04,200 --> 00:27:12,440 فهذا is with is a preposition فهو غير مقابل يجب أن 266 00:27:12,440 --> 00:27:23,720 يكون هنا لا تغيره لماذا؟ لأن with هو مقال المقال 267 00:27:23,720 --> 00:27:32,220 يحتاج لعنوان أو يحتاج لعنوان بعد ذلك ولكن الوضع لا 268 00:27:32,220 --> 00:27:41,930 يحتاج إليهhere I came across the ad I came across 269 00:27:41,930 --> 00:27:48,190 it across here is a preposition yes so we can't 270 00:27:48,190 --> 00:27:58,270 move it we can't move it it should be here so 271 00:27:58,270 --> 00:28:06,280 number two five six are inseparable whyبسبب أربعة 272 00:28:06,280 --> 00:28:16,920 عبر هنا مثل مقالة نمبر سبع انا رأيت أعلى كلمات في 273 00:28:16,920 --> 00:28:25,680 مقالتي انا رأيتهم أعلى انا رأيتهم أعلى لذلك هنا 274 00:28:25,680 --> 00:28:30,060 ننقل أعلى من هنا و نضعه بعدها 275 00:28:37,270 --> 00:28:44,110 الجواب هو انا رأيتهم اعلى في دكتورتي انا رأيتهم 276 00:28:44,110 --> 00:28:47,630 اعلى اعلى 277 00:28:47,630 --> 00:28:47,630 اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى 278 00:28:47,630 --> 00:28:47,630 اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى 279 00:28:47,630 --> 00:28:47,690 اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى 280 00:28:47,690 --> 00:28:47,950 اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى 281 00:28:47,950 --> 00:28:49,310 اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى 282 00:28:49,310 --> 00:28:51,150 اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى اعلى 283 00:28:51,150 --> 00:28:57,650 اعلى اعلى 284 00:28:57,650 --> 00:29:01,750 اعلى 285 00:29:01,750 --> 00:29:04,790 اعلى 286 00:29:07,690 --> 00:29:17,110 نمبر اثنان واخيرا الواتر أخذهم أخذهم؟ لا أخذهم 287 00:29:17,110 --> 00:29:20,470 اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم 288 00:29:20,470 --> 00:29:23,110 اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم 289 00:29:23,110 --> 00:29:24,990 اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم 290 00:29:24,990 --> 00:29:26,630 اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم 291 00:29:26,630 --> 00:29:28,850 اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم 292 00:29:28,850 --> 00:29:31,430 اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم اخذهم 293 00:29:31,430 --> 00:29:35,010 اخذه 294 00:29:35,920 --> 00:29:40,700 القصة الصحيحة مع البرنامج لأن الآخر قام بتغيير 295 00:29:40,700 --> 00:29:45,640 الكلمات بالإيطاليكا مع برنامج اقرأهم مع البرنامج 296 00:29:45,640 --> 00:29:51,720 ولكن إذا كانت المشكلة مصطلحة لا تتحرك فيها لا تقوم 297 00:29:51,720 --> 00:29:58,620 بتقسيمها وإذا كانت المشكلة يجب أن نقوم بتقسيمها 298 00:29:58,620 --> 00:30:00,300 رقم واحد 299 00:30:04,390 --> 00:30:08,790 he turned it on separable or inseparable what is 300 00:30:08,790 --> 00:30:12,330 the separable the verb here is separable turned on 301 00:30:12,330 --> 00:30:21,410 inseparable number two yeah I'm 302 00:30:21,410 --> 00:30:26,370 looking for them inseparable not separable why 303 00:30:26,370 --> 00:30:30,230 because this is like a preposition it needs an 304 00:30:30,230 --> 00:30:35,890 object number threeshe is taking them off 305 00:30:35,890 --> 00:30:41,530 separable four he 306 00:30:41,530 --> 00:30:51,010 took it up when he returned separable five if I 307 00:30:51,010 --> 00:30:55,190 get on well with them hence their heartwith them 308 00:30:55,190 --> 00:31:00,550 inseparable we can't separate it we shouldn't 309 00:31:00,550 --> 00:31:10,430 separate it strong I came across inseparable away 310 00:31:10,430 --> 00:31:18,690 inseparable took them away inseparable so the 311 00:31:18,690 --> 00:31:29,300 answer here turn it onlook for them take them of 312 00:31:29,300 --> 00:31:40,140 look it up with them get on well with them I came 313 00:31:40,140 --> 00:31:52,440 across it I looked them up in my dictionarythe 314 00:31:52,440 --> 00:31:58,060 waiter took the ad no took them up took them away 315 00:31:58,060 --> 00:32:03,960 took them away take away take away took it away 316 00:32:03,960 --> 00:32:09,480 take it away not take it take away it no take it 317 00:32:09,480 --> 00:32:18,480 away look it up turn it on turn it on take it off 318 00:32:18,480 --> 00:32:19,600 take them off 319 00:32:26,460 --> 00:32:36,880 أه لذلك هنا اتنين كلمة مقارنة و لا مقارنة اتنين 320 00:32:36,880 --> 00:32:38,740 كلمة مقارنة و لا مقارنة اتنين كلمة مقارنة اتنين 321 00:32:38,740 --> 00:32:42,240 كلمة مقارنة اتنين كلمة مقارنة اتنين كلمة مقارنة 322 00:32:42,240 --> 00:32:45,420 اتنين كلمة مقارنة اتنين كلمة مقارنة اتنين كلمة 323 00:32:45,420 --> 00:32:47,300 مقارنة اتنين كلمة مقارنة اتنين كلمة مقارنة اتنين 324 00:32:47,300 --> 00:32:47,560 كلمة مقارنة اتنين كلمة مقارنة اتنين كلمة مقارنة 325 00:32:47,560 --> 00:32:53,380 اتنين كلمة مقارنة اتنين كلمة مقارنة اتنين كلمة 326 00:32:53,380 --> 00:32:53,420 مقارنة 327 00:32:57,660 --> 00:33:05,940 الان دعونا نحصل على التجربة الأخيرة على كلمتنا في 328 00:33:05,940 --> 00:33:11,480 الدراسة الأخيرة هذا هو التجربة الأخيرة في الدراسة 329 00:33:11,480 --> 00:33:18,640 الأخيرة نحن لدينا كم أسلوب؟ 5 .. 5 .. لا 10 .. 10 330 00:33:18,640 --> 00:33:24,900 أسلوب .. 1 .. 2 .. 1 .. 2 .. 1 .. 2 ..لذلك نحن 331 00:33:24,900 --> 00:33:30,700 لدينا كم أسلوب؟ 10 أسلوب ولكن إجابة نستخدم واحدة 332 00:33:30,700 --> 00:33:40,740 لـ2 واحدة لـ2 أسلوب فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة 333 00:33:40,740 --> 00:33:40,740 فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة 334 00:33:40,740 --> 00:33:40,840 فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة 335 00:33:40,840 --> 00:33:41,440 فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة 336 00:33:41,440 --> 00:33:51,120 فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة فرصة 337 00:33:51,120 --> 00:33:59,910 فand two particles how many three the verb and two 338 00:33:59,910 --> 00:34:06,510 particles the verb two particles the verb and two 339 00:34:06,510 --> 00:34:11,290 particles the verb and two particles so in this 340 00:34:11,290 --> 00:34:17,430 exercise we will have verbs with two particles we 341 00:34:17,430 --> 00:34:21,810 call them phrasal verbs phrasal verbs but with two 342 00:34:21,810 --> 00:34:27,720 particles not oneالان واحد كيف تستطيع .. كيف 343 00:34:27,720 --> 00:34:32,460 تستطيع .. كيف 344 00:34:32,460 --> 00:34:36,460 تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع 345 00:34:36,460 --> 00:34:36,460 .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف 346 00:34:36,460 --> 00:34:36,460 تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع 347 00:34:36,460 --> 00:34:36,880 .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف 348 00:34:36,880 --> 00:34:36,880 تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع 349 00:34:36,880 --> 00:34:36,880 .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف 350 00:34:36,880 --> 00:34:38,400 تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع 351 00:34:38,400 --> 00:34:45,460 .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف تستطيع .. كيف 352 00:34:45,460 --> 00:34:49,680 تستطيع .. 353 00:34:49,680 --> 00:34:58,370 كيف تthe same .. so how do you manage to .. how do 354 00:34:58,370 --> 00:35:05,770 you succeed in .. put up with the noisy from your 355 00:35:05,770 --> 00:35:11,920 neighborsyour neighbors is not good how do you 356 00:35:11,920 --> 00:35:17,820 manage to how were you able to put up with 357 00:35:17,820 --> 00:35:24,300 tolerate it means tolerate accept tolerate it 358 00:35:24,300 --> 00:35:30,000 means tolerate 359 00:35:30,000 --> 00:35:31,580 or accept 360 00:35:34,960 --> 00:35:37,280 إذا كيف تستطيع أن تستطيع أن تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع 361 00:35:37,280 --> 00:35:41,240 تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع 362 00:35:41,240 --> 00:35:44,320 تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع 363 00:35:44,320 --> 00:35:46,200 تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع 364 00:35:46,200 --> 00:35:46,600 تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع 365 00:35:46,600 --> 00:35:47,080 تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع 366 00:35:47,080 --> 00:35:47,200 تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع 367 00:35:47,200 --> 00:35:56,520 تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع تستطيع 368 00:35:56,520 --> 00:36:00,580 تست 369 00:36:01,280 --> 00:36:05,280 broke I have no money I broke all the money have 370 00:36:05,280 --> 00:36:12,420 gone ام look I have to come 371 00:36:12,420 --> 00:36:15,540 up 372 00:36:15,540 --> 00:36:19,260 with 373 00:36:19,260 --> 00:36:29,180 come up with means find means find it means find 374 00:36:31,280 --> 00:36:37,380 I have to find an idea I have to find an idea for 375 00:36:37,380 --> 00:36:41,180 making money All the money have gone I have no 376 00:36:41,180 --> 00:36:48,540 money I'm broke so I have to find an idea for 377 00:36:48,540 --> 00:36:53,460 making money The second one we need to come up 378 00:36:53,460 --> 00:37:06,400 with find come up withسلسلة لهذا المشكلة يجب أن 379 00:37:06,400 --> 00:37:16,740 نجد سلسلة لهذا المشكلة بسهولة هنا معنى is find هنا 380 00:37:16,740 --> 00:37:26,820 معنى is tolerate يعني تقبل تقبل تقبل الثالث لديه 381 00:37:26,820 --> 00:37:27,900 الفوتوكبيا 382 00:37:30,110 --> 00:37:45,590 run out of run out of finish it means finish 383 00:37:45,590 --> 00:37:51,690 health 384 00:37:51,690 --> 00:38:01,380 photocopia finish paper againالأطفال دائما .. 385 00:38:01,380 --> 00:38:06,760 دائما يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. 386 00:38:06,760 --> 00:38:10,980 يهربون .. يهربون 387 00:38:10,980 --> 00:38:12,960 .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون 388 00:38:12,960 --> 00:38:13,080 .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون 389 00:38:13,080 --> 00:38:13,080 .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون 390 00:38:13,080 --> 00:38:13,080 .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون 391 00:38:13,080 --> 00:38:13,100 .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون 392 00:38:13,100 --> 00:38:13,100 .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون 393 00:38:13,100 --> 00:38:17,740 .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. 394 00:38:17,740 --> 00:38:25,690 يهربون .. يهربون .. يهربون .. يهrunning out of 395 00:38:25,690 --> 00:38:28,570 school so what's the difference between run out of 396 00:38:28,570 --> 00:38:32,610 and run out of this is idiomatic and this one is 397 00:38:32,610 --> 00:38:38,650 literal so it is different we have two different 398 00:38:38,650 --> 00:38:50,750 meanings number four how well do you get on with 399 00:38:57,630 --> 00:39:02,850 how do you get on with your colleagues how is your 400 00:39:02,850 --> 00:39:05,930 good relationship with your friends with your 401 00:39:05,930 --> 00:39:09,370 colleagues classmates good we have good 402 00:39:09,370 --> 00:39:18,570 relationship so get on with good get on with yes 403 00:39:18,570 --> 00:39:25,360 so it means what havea good relationship with it 404 00:39:25,360 --> 00:39:35,800 means have a good relationship with 405 00:39:35,800 --> 00:39:39,520 how 406 00:39:39,520 --> 00:39:42,440 would you have a good relationship with your 407 00:39:42,440 --> 00:39:47,460 colleagues with your friends second one our 408 00:39:47,460 --> 00:39:56,920 teacher told us toto get on get on means continue 409 00:39:56,920 --> 00:40:03,020 continue continue continue the work continue with 410 00:40:03,020 --> 00:40:06,380 our 411 00:40:06,380 --> 00:40:14,260 work quietly go on continue with your work so this 412 00:40:14,260 --> 00:40:22,640 is the first one isand the second one is literal 413 00:40:22,640 --> 00:40:28,880 so our teacher told us to continue get on get on 414 00:40:28,880 --> 00:40:41,200 means continue on with yes continue the 415 00:40:41,200 --> 00:40:45,100 last one she's looking 416 00:40:49,070 --> 00:40:57,770 forward to going on holiday she waits with 417 00:40:57,770 --> 00:41:05,310 pleasure anticipate expect so she is expecting 418 00:41:05,310 --> 00:41:10,430 with pleasure going on holiday anticipating it 419 00:41:10,430 --> 00:41:17,170 means anticipate with 420 00:41:21,250 --> 00:41:23,650 pleasure anticipating with pleasure means 421 00:41:23,650 --> 00:41:27,050 expecting with pleasure expect with pleasure wait 422 00:41:27,050 --> 00:41:31,050 with pleasure so she is looking forward to going 423 00:41:31,050 --> 00:41:36,730 on holiday and we are looking forward to meeting 424 00:41:36,730 --> 00:41:43,250 you very much it means we are anticipating with 425 00:41:43,250 --> 00:41:51,480 pleasureto meeting you very muchهل تفهمين هذا؟ 426 00:41:51,480 --> 00:41:56,260 فالمعنى الاثنين هو نفسه هنا المعنى الاثنين هو نفسه 427 00:41:56,260 --> 00:42:01,140 الأول و الثاني هو نفسه والثاني و الثالث هو نفسه و 428 00:42:01,140 --> 00:42:06,500 هذا هو نفسه ولكن هنا لا لديه معنى مختلفين فالسؤال 429 00:42:06,500 --> 00:42:11,260 هنا تكمل كل مجموعة من الفرصة في الأسفل مع واحد من 430 00:42:11,260 --> 00:42:17,240 الفرصة من الكتب ولكن السؤال هو في أي مجموعة من 431 00:42:17,240 --> 00:42:20,590 الفرصةis the meaning of the phrasal verbs 432 00:42:20,590 --> 00:42:26,050 different in which one is different number three 433 00:42:26,050 --> 00:42:31,550 and number four و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و 434 00:42:31,550 --> 00:42:36,710 بركاته و بارك الله فيكم و تمانيات يلكم ان شاء الله 435 00:42:36,710 --> 00:42:39,830 جميعا بالنجاة و بالتوفيق و ان شاء الله بتجيبوا 436 00:42:39,830 --> 00:42:44,530 أعلى الدرجات و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته 437 00:42:44,530 --> 00:42:45,770 again thank you