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1975, 5016, 8315, 4724, 39648, 11296, 3714, 3215, 9957, 3660, 9122, 15730, 9122, 15730, 3714, 3215, 9957, 3660, 24525, 2304, 5551, 38251, 16606, 6156, 3224, 15730, 24525, 2304, 11296, 3714, 3215, 9957, 3660, 41950, 5172, 39319, 13672, 1829, 39896, 9673, 4587, 41193, 3660, 2307, 3714, 3215, 9957, 3660, 41950, 5172, 39319, 29538, 8978, 3714, 3215, 9957, 3660, 9122, 31377, 995, 16490, 14851, 7649, 1829, 2423, 33052, 25124, 3615, 9640, 2423, 33052, 295, 341, 7586, 25961, 13412, 3615, 9640, 9673, 33604, 2655, 29973, 23758, 13672, 1829, 31439, 1585, 337, 439], "avg_logprob": -0.1745562137231319, "compression_ratio": 2.182795698924731, "no_speech_prob": 1.519918441772461e-05, "words": [{"start": 136.84, "end": 137.12, "word": "لو", "probability": 0.7137451171875}, {"start": 137.12, "end": 137.46, "word": " أجينا", "probability": 0.81201171875}, {"start": 137.46, "end": 138.16, "word": " للمقاطة", "probability": 0.85849609375}, {"start": 138.16, "end": 138.46, "word": " حتى", "probability": 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8315, 3794, 36145, 25961, 8978, 2423, 4743, 1941, 34051, 2423, 6416, 1941, 4724, 8592, 28820, 44650, 3794, 995, 45865, 31767, 5016, 3660, 24976, 7435, 2304, 40228, 8978, 6225, 10943, 8132, 5551, 16095, 44049, 38207, 23032, 1211, 3615, 8315, 8978, 3224, 9154, 23758, 9673, 33604, 2655, 29973], "avg_logprob": -0.1198407993564066, "compression_ratio": 1.7679324894514767, "no_speech_prob": 6.765127182006836e-05, "words": [{"start": 166.2, "end": 166.7, "word": "health", "probability": 0.1502685546875}, {"start": 166.7, "end": 167.54, "word": " for", "probability": 0.93359375}, {"start": 167.54, "end": 168.1, "word": " all", "probability": 0.9404296875}, {"start": 168.1, "end": 168.6, "word": " in", "probability": 0.9306640625}, {"start": 168.6, "end": 168.76, "word": " the", "probability": 0.87353515625}, {"start": 168.76, "end": 168.94, "word": " year", "probability": 0.9326171875}, {"start": 168.94, "end": 169.06, "word": " of", "probability": 0.53125}, {"start": 169.06, "end": 169.54, 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11296, 13672, 1829, 31439, 2423, 39184, 682, 68, 11286, 682, 68, 11286, 6225, 40448, 18863, 3215, 6027, 3660, 2423, 39184, 682, 68, 11286, 295, 1585, 3328, 1296, 4743, 293, 6416, 3517, 307, 31812, 37495, 22653], "avg_logprob": -0.2964743620310074, "compression_ratio": 1.6994818652849741, "no_speech_prob": 3.5762786865234375e-07, "words": [{"start": 280.24, "end": 280.98, "word": "التاني", "probability": 0.79315185546875}, {"start": 280.98, "end": 281.42, "word": " هو", "probability": 0.447509765625}, {"start": 281.42, "end": 281.7, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.5758056640625}, {"start": 281.7, "end": 282.5, "word": " Equality", "probability": 0.747802734375}, {"start": 282.5, "end": 285.76, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.7607421875}, {"start": 285.76, "end": 286.22, "word": " Equality", "probability": 0.873291015625}, {"start": 286.22, "end": 286.68, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.39581298828125}, {"start": 286.68, "end": 287.1, "word": " Equality", "probability": 0.921875}, 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8717, 47432, 3660, 20666, 10721, 19528, 4587, 41193, 3660, 40844, 4724, 15042, 7251, 2655, 30241, 4587, 20666, 39184, 5912, 6024, 48506, 4724, 15042, 7251, 2655, 30241, 4587, 4724, 39184, 5358, 40844, 4724, 15042, 7251, 2655, 30241, 4587, 20666, 39184, 42576, 5912, 9532, 8978, 43242, 8315, 5551, 12610, 8717, 47432, 3660, 13672, 1829, 39896, 16957, 1809], "avg_logprob": -0.19622093023255813, "compression_ratio": 1.8535714285714286, "no_speech_prob": 4.464387893676758e-05, "words": [{"start": 359.13, "end": 359.43, "word": "الـ", "probability": 0.81201171875}, {"start": 359.43, "end": 359.63, "word": " Health", "probability": 0.701171875}, {"start": 359.63, "end": 359.97, "word": " for", "probability": 0.71044921875}, {"start": 359.97, "end": 360.35, "word": " All", "probability": 0.5751953125}, {"start": 360.35, "end": 360.83, "word": " لأ،", "probability": 0.5919596354166666}, {"start": 360.83, "end": 360.95, "word": " نحن", "probability": 0.5650227864583334}, {"start": 360.95, "end": 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8978, 4724, 28259, 10632, 2423, 39184, 5912, 9561, 5296, 15042, 11331, 4117, 1829, 8315, 18871, 2423, 6194, 1496, 4032, 4587, 1211, 8315, 2423, 6194, 1496, 295, 1127, 39896, 1127, 5649, 538, 6194, 1585, 1127, 10898, 4032, 4587, 1211, 8315, 2423, 6194, 1585, 1127, 10898, 3714, 33753, 2407, 7578, 15844, 867, 10898, 30767, 1829, 2423, 3390, 3321, 14947, 30767, 1829, 2423, 50238, 14947, 30767, 1829, 2423, 32129, 4752, 14947, 30767, 1829, 2423], "avg_logprob": -0.20807549209877996, "compression_ratio": 1.828793774319066, "no_speech_prob": 9.5367431640625e-07, "words": [{"start": 443.29, "end": 443.97, "word": "بالنسبة", "probability": 0.97841796875}, {"start": 443.97, "end": 444.31, "word": " لـ", "probability": 0.612060546875}, {"start": 444.31, "end": 444.97, "word": " Include", "probability": 0.8359375}, {"start": 444.97, "end": 445.39, "word": " Primary", "probability": 0.25439453125}, {"start": 445.39, "end": 445.85, "word": " Health", "probability": 0.392333984375}, {"start": 445.85, 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6055, 3215, 25957, 538, 264, 15024, 295, 1585, 23032, 3555, 32239, 8592, 22807, 32239, 8592, 8717, 3215, 25957, 2423, 6194, 1585, 1127, 22807, 45164, 1975, 5016, 8315, 44945, 22488, 2423, 6194, 1585, 1127, 6194, 1496, 4032, 5016, 4117, 1829, 11296, 2423, 6194, 1496], "avg_logprob": -0.24877105670028857, "compression_ratio": 1.7584745762711864, "no_speech_prob": 1.6093254089355469e-06, "words": [{"start": 582.66, "end": 583.18, "word": "among", "probability": 0.529571533203125}, {"start": 583.18, "end": 583.56, "word": " health", "probability": 0.37890625}, {"start": 583.56, "end": 583.9, "word": " care", "probability": 0.8623046875}, {"start": 583.9, "end": 584.62, "word": " providers", "probability": 0.95703125}, {"start": 584.62, "end": 585.1, "word": " in", "probability": 0.88818359375}, {"start": 585.1, "end": 585.58, "word": " order", "probability": 0.9765625}, {"start": 585.58, "end": 585.84, "word": " to", "probability": 0.9755859375}, {"start": 585.84, "end": 586.3, "word": " 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171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171, 119, 119, 171], "avg_logprob": -0.06211805502573649, "compression_ratio": 4.53030303030303, "no_speech_prob": 1.7285346984863281e-06, "words": [{"start": 610.49, "end": 610.85, "word": "هو", "probability": 0.58551025390625}, {"start": 610.85, "end": 611.07, "word": " أو", "probability": 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29538, 6055, 33753, 9673, 4587, 41193, 3660, 27606, 11203, 8592, 7649, 7251, 5016, 4587, 4587, 14407, 1585, 337, 439, 294, 264, 1064, 295, 8132], "avg_logprob": -0.1792499990463257, "compression_ratio": 1.9620253164556962, "no_speech_prob": 3.0994415283203125e-06, "words": [{"start": 804.11, "end": 804.59, "word": "طبعا", "probability": 0.9063720703125}, {"start": 804.59, "end": 805.05, "word": " بعد", "probability": 0.92041015625}, {"start": 805.05, "end": 805.29, "word": " هذا", "probability": 0.8349609375}, {"start": 805.29, "end": 805.81, "word": " المؤتمر", "probability": 0.989990234375}, {"start": 805.81, "end": 806.13, "word": " طبعا", "probability": 0.84814453125}, {"start": 806.13, "end": 807.13, "word": " الممثلين", "probability": 0.9513671875}, {"start": 807.13, "end": 807.31, "word": " بتوع", "probability": 0.471923828125}, {"start": 807.31, "end": 807.65, "word": " الدول", "probability": 0.695068359375}, {"start": 807.65, "end": 808.31, "word": " 134", "probability": 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2000", "tokens": [2407, 2407, 3224, 2407, 11778, 13546, 4117, 2655, 13063, 2423, 2407, 9640, 3215, 1585, 4475, 5391, 848, 321, 366, 37495, 22653, 12602, 5172, 3615, 8608, 1211, 29245, 7649, 4032, 4587, 6027, 35186, 10874, 15042, 27884, 5551, 2304, 10943, 2423, 3705, 19, 11778, 12610, 3660, 3714, 25720, 6055, 7649, 10632, 321, 366, 1400, 1314, 490, 1585, 337, 439, 294, 264, 1064, 295, 8132, 10874, 6027, 8315, 35186, 10874, 15042, 27884, 1975, 5016, 8315, 3714, 25720, 6225, 46309, 8608, 1863, 9957, 39182, 9673, 3615, 4587, 20498, 16247, 12610, 44381, 1975, 5016, 8315, 45030, 18513, 10874, 28259, 6225, 8592, 7649, 8717, 2407, 36520, 1585, 337, 439, 294, 264, 1064, 295, 8132], "avg_logprob": -0.26791857470066177, "compression_ratio": 1.642570281124498, "no_speech_prob": 2.2649765014648438e-05, "words": [{"start": 855.63, "end": 856.43, "word": "ووهو", "probability": 0.45947265625}, {"start": 856.43, "end": 856.99, "word": " ديركتور", "probability": 0.776025390625}, {"start": 856.99, "end": 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5296, 31377, 2304, 7251, 30544, 20449, 8315, 9494, 9673, 16572, 11242, 16070, 1605, 39894, 45761, 9673, 16572, 11242], "avg_logprob": -0.1422821936583278, "compression_ratio": 1.8436213991769548, "no_speech_prob": 3.0994415283203125e-06, "words": [{"start": 912.8, "end": 913.12, "word": "and", "probability": 0.231689453125}, {"start": 913.12, "end": 913.4, "word": " their", "probability": 0.94677734375}, {"start": 913.4, "end": 913.88, "word": " family", "probability": 0.87841796875}, {"start": 913.88, "end": 914.32, "word": " أو", "probability": 0.83251953125}, {"start": 914.32, "end": 914.74, "word": " patient", "probability": 0.412109375}, {"start": 914.74, "end": 915.1, "word": " and", "probability": 0.9248046875}, {"start": 915.1, "end": 915.42, "word": " their", "probability": 0.96044921875}, {"start": 915.42, "end": 915.88, "word": " family", "probability": 0.94140625}, {"start": 915.88, "end": 916.4, "word": " in", "probability": 0.7548828125}, {"start": 916.4, "end": 916.58, 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8978, 2423, 39184, 34407, 712, 29706, 37495, 22653, 9673, 9381, 18513, 2288, 9673, 14851, 3215, 10943, 3660, 5296, 3215, 25957, 11296, 12399, 20193, 7251, 29245, 3215, 34105, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 14851, 3215, 10943, 3660, 5296, 3215, 25957, 28239, 19913, 10943, 31767, 5016, 1829, 34051, 19446, 41185, 8592, 745, 712, 462, 6877, 9321, 745, 712, 462, 6877, 9321, 37495, 22653, 44713, 4587, 2288, 9640, 28239, 19913, 10943, 2423, 21292, 19986, 1829, 2423, 5742, 12399, 11778, 9778, 1211, 27188, 2288, 3215], "avg_logprob": -0.2023809485965305, "compression_ratio": 1.8192307692307692, "no_speech_prob": 3.2782554626464844e-06, "words": [{"start": 1119.0, "end": 1119.38, "word": "هذه", "probability": 0.901611328125}, {"start": 1119.38, "end": 1119.78, "word": " سنتحدث", "probability": 0.59722900390625}, {"start": 1119.78, "end": 1120.0, "word": " في", "probability": 0.56591796875}, {"start": 1120.0, "end": 1120.42, "word": " العناص", "probability": 0.8043619791666666}, {"start": 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شغلة في الـ prerequisite of health", "tokens": [6027, 39184, 24415, 391, 12399, 2423, 39184, 10422, 293, 47675, 12399, 2423, 39184, 34407, 712, 29706, 12399, 2423, 39184, 745, 712, 462, 6877, 9321, 12399, 2423, 39184, 682, 1102, 11675, 11933, 15730, 28242, 18863, 1863, 33546, 2288, 29538, 3714, 29245, 23328, 3660, 4032, 2304, 2304, 2655, 31377, 3660, 12399, 7251, 30544, 8978, 43242, 8315, 22792, 5912, 8910, 281, 1677, 264, 561, 2203, 29538, 5551, 16095, 13412, 17082, 37977, 8978, 2423, 39184, 38333, 34152, 295, 1585], "avg_logprob": -0.2746710553765297, "compression_ratio": 1.3911111111111112, "no_speech_prob": 1.9073486328125e-06, "words": [{"start": 1182.63, "end": 1182.97, "word": "الـ", "probability": 0.79052734375}, {"start": 1182.97, "end": 1183.99, "word": " Shelter،", "probability": 0.673583984375}, {"start": 1183.99, "end": 1184.09, "word": " الـ", "probability": 0.86962890625}, {"start": 1184.09, "end": 1184.45, "word": " Justice", "probability": 0.7998046875}, {"start": 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4724, 3794, 3224, 12610, 3660, 41337, 5551, 3794, 3615, 9640, 20449, 39648, 3660, 11667, 32699, 44650, 39319, 3660, 5296, 7435, 2304, 40228, 9909, 39957, 292, 37495, 22653, 3714, 4587, 3555, 12610, 3660, 11933, 7435, 2655, 15042, 3615, 25528, 16712, 7649, 7578, 20666, 2304, 43020, 21542, 9381, 12610, 25894, 11296, 16701, 22345, 9840, 2024, 4866, 4032, 2304, 11622, 3615, 33427, 11622, 40228, 37495, 22653, 8717, 28543, 2288, 8717, 39648, 33427, 11622, 40228, 44650, 3794, 995, 45865, 49374, 9673, 5016, 31845, 19913, 9307, 25124, 2304, 6027, 10632, 12399, 32771, 11622, 3660, 12399, 2423, 41779, 9566, 12399, 32771, 7649, 11536, 3794], "avg_logprob": -0.15272556615055055, "compression_ratio": 1.6723549488054608, "no_speech_prob": 1.6689300537109375e-06, "words": [{"start": 1241.81, "end": 1242.37, "word": "وفعلاً", "probability": 0.7650146484375}, {"start": 1242.37, "end": 1242.63, "word": " هذه", "probability": 0.453369140625}, {"start": 1242.63, "end": 1242.77, "word": " الـ", 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