1 00:00:21,010 --> 00:00:26,290 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم طبعا احنا في chapter four 2 00:00:26,290 --> 00:00:30,130 okay chapter four is related to the research 3 00:00:30,130 --> 00:00:36,210 philosophy I know this chapter is sometimes a 4 00:00:36,210 --> 00:00:41,530 piece of headache because the .. the key words in 5 00:00:41,530 --> 00:00:44,890 this chapter are sometimes fancy words and 6 00:00:47,290 --> 00:00:57,910 هو ليس مرتبط بما قد كنت تدرسه قبلها لذلك هناك 7 00:00:57,910 --> 00:01:04,530 مصطلحات مختلفة ستكون متوفرة في هذه القصة مرتبطة 8 00:01:04,530 --> 00:01:11,630 بالمفاهيم الانتقالية أولاً سأظهر لكم هذا البرنامج 9 00:01:16,020 --> 00:01:21,020 what this picture? it's a tree. what you observe in 10 00:01:21,020 --> 00:01:28,320 this tree? it's 11 00:01:28,320 --> 00:01:31,300 a big one and there's a small one. okay, fine. this 12 00:01:31,300 --> 00:01:35,340 big one and this is a large one. what else you see 13 00:01:35,340 --> 00:01:40,260 in the big picture? okay, what else؟ ايش احنا شايفين في 14 00:01:40,260 --> 00:01:42,880 هالصورة؟ تمام 15 00:01:46,770 --> 00:01:55,870 تمام. So if we write down what you said, some people 16 00:01:55,870 --> 00:02:01,290 say هدوء طبيعي okay طبيعي واحدة كبيرة و واحدة 17 00:02:01,290 --> 00:02:09,790 صغيرة. we have large and small. هي هدوء okay, anyway 18 00:02:09,790 --> 00:02:19,470 بس تحكوا معايا. ممنوع تحكوا مع بعضأه. اتفضل. green 19 00:02:19,470 --> 00:02:28,190 what you observe also in this picture? okay, okay 20 00:02:28,190 --> 00:02:34,330 what you observe in the tree? ايش 21 00:02:34,330 --> 00:02:43,860 بنشوف في الشجرة؟ معلها ثمار. okay. Do you see .. 22 00:02:43,860 --> 00:02:47,120 شايفين أنتوا بس الأوراق ولا إيش شايفين؟ أوراق .. 23 00:02:47,120 --> 00:02:53,760 في غير الأوراق شايفين؟ شايفين الساق؟ مظبوط. طيب 24 00:02:53,760 --> 00:02:59,360 let's go to the second picture. what you see in 25 00:02:59,360 --> 00:02:59,860 this picture? 26 00:03:02,540 --> 00:03:08,700 ما هو الفرق بين الأولى والأولى؟ هنا تفصيل تفصيل 27 00:03:08,700 --> 00:03:13,000 يعني على نفسي ماذا أخرى؟ انه مخفف في الفيلم الأول 28 00:03:13,000 --> 00:03:18,280 أيه مخفف؟ أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا 29 00:03:18,280 --> 00:03:18,760 أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا 30 00:03:18,760 --> 00:03:20,100 أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا 31 00:03:20,100 --> 00:03:20,160 أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا 32 00:03:20,160 --> 00:03:20,620 أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا 33 00:03:20,620 --> 00:03:30,520 أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا أولا 34 00:03:30,520 --> 00:03:32,240 أ 35 00:03:33,920 --> 00:03:42,440 نرى الأساسيات، بالإضافة نرى بعض الأشياء، هذا يعني 36 00:03:42,440 --> 00:03:49,080 في فلسفة البحث الفلسفية. فلسفة البحث. فلسفة هي أشياء 37 00:03:49,080 --> 00:03:55,940 مرتبطة بهذه الجزء، ما رأيته في بحثك هو هذه الجزء 38 00:03:57,550 --> 00:04:00,430 بقى in the research philosophy you should discuss 39 00:04:00,430 --> 00:04:05,470 the underneath, the just .. the .. the ground of 40 00:04:05,470 --> 00:04:08,910 your research, the abstract of .. of your research 41 00:04:08,910 --> 00:04:14,690 the very limited number of .. of researchers they 42 00:04:14,690 --> 00:04:19,110 are focusing on this part. why you are doing 43 00:04:19,110 --> 00:04:22,030 research is related to this area, but the research 44 00:04:22,030 --> 00:04:27,510 is here. وفي كلمات أخرى، الـmethodology والمثاليات 45 00:04:27,510 --> 00:04:34,510 في هذه الصورة إذا عدت إلى الصورة السابقة، ترى أعلى 46 00:04:34,510 --> 00:04:39,670 الأرض، أشياء أعلى الأرض، لكنها ليست .. الصورة لا 47 00:04:39,670 --> 00:04:46,770 تقدر تعطيني بعض التفاصيل، ما يحدث تحتها، وهذه 48 00:04:46,770 --> 00:04:54,290 الشجرة ليست مفتوحة من أسلوبها. and this is why in 49 00:04:54,290 --> 00:05:00,390 the research sometimes the research philosophy is 50 00:05:00,390 --> 00:05:05,070 in the subject and sometimes is not in the subject 51 00:05:05,070 --> 00:05:10,670 and this is give us the question: is it important 52 00:05:10,670 --> 00:05:14,690 to know the research philosophy or not? هل من المهم 53 00:05:14,690 --> 00:05:17,290 احنا نعرف الفلسفة التجارية ولا لا؟ 54 00:05:25,630 --> 00:05:31,150 Another example: is it important that the 55 00:05:31,150 --> 00:05:34,110 researchers write the research philosophy or not? 56 00:05:34,110 --> 00:05:37,550 نعم 57 00:05:37,550 --> 00:05:42,610 نعم. لذا لدينا إجابة هنا. okay, what else? is it 58 00:05:42,610 --> 00:05:45,590 important to understand research philosophy? yes 59 00:05:45,590 --> 00:05:54,300 or no? هل مهم إحنا نفهم فلسفة البحث؟ yes. Is it 60 00:05:54,300 --> 00:05:58,200 important to write it down in your research? yeah 61 00:05:58,200 --> 00:06:02,960 so some people saying yes and .. it is important 62 00:06:02,960 --> 00:06:06,100 to .. to understand your research philosophy. it is 63 00:06:06,100 --> 00:06:11,680 important, but it is not important to include it in 64 00:06:11,680 --> 00:06:15,820 your research because if you look at any article 65 00:06:16,630 --> 00:06:22,010 any journal article or any thesis or any thesis or 66 00:06:22,010 --> 00:06:28,490 any assignment, it's barely or hardly to find the 67 00:06:28,490 --> 00:06:33,890 research philosophy in your research, but you have 68 00:06:33,890 --> 00:06:37,290 to understand the research philosophy because 69 00:06:37,290 --> 00:06:42,040 research philosophy dictates your research 70 00:06:42,040 --> 00:06:47,960 methodology and research methods. if you think that 71 00:06:47,960 --> 00:06:54,420 this is the tree, okay, and this is the roots. the 72 00:06:54,420 --> 00:07:00,200 roots here represent the research philosophy. the 73 00:07:00,200 --> 00:07:05,280 research philosophy includes two main parts. the 74 00:07:05,280 --> 00:07:08,820 first one is the ontology 75 00:07:12,440 --> 00:07:20,220 and the second part is epistemology. so 76 00:07:20,220 --> 00:07:24,720 the roots of science in general. you are talking 77 00:07:24,720 --> 00:07:30,520 underneath .. underneath your research. it's the 78 00:07:30,520 --> 00:07:33,500 roots of your research is related to your 79 00:07:34,460 --> 00:07:38,380 أبسطمولوجي position and your ontology position. I 80 00:07:38,380 --> 00:07:40,700 know you are not familiar with these two different 81 00:07:40,700 --> 00:07:45,020 keywords because these two keywords are granted or 82 00:07:45,020 --> 00:07:49,200 abstracted from the Greeks philosophy, from Plato, 83 00:07:49,460 --> 00:07:57,280 from Dux and Socrates and other Thomas More and 84 00:07:57,280 --> 00:08:01,540 other philosophers. لذلك في هذه الحالة وفي ميزة 85 00:08:01,540 --> 00:08:07,820 التحقيق هي المهم أن تفهم فيروسفيا تحقيقك لكنها 86 00:08:07,820 --> 00:08:16,700 ليست مهمة جدًا لتضمنها في تحقيقك. ومن ثم بعد فهم 87 00:08:16,700 --> 00:08:22,120 أبسطامولوجيا وأبسطامولوجيا وأونطولوجيا فهي تدرس 88 00:08:22,120 --> 00:08:25,980 بقية تحقيقك وهو مرتبط بالميزة التحقيقية 89 00:08:28,810 --> 00:08:35,950 methodology. it's it's the it's the theory of or 90 00:08:35,950 --> 00:08:39,190 the it's the knowledge of of methods or the 91 00:08:39,190 --> 00:08:44,390 philosophy of of methods. and then the methods and 92 00:08:44,390 --> 00:08:49,610 beliefs consider. I like approaches, results, and you 93 00:08:49,610 --> 00:08:53,550 have the results, data collection, and results. لذلك 94 00:08:53,550 --> 00:09:00,010 مرة أخرى سوف ندخل في التفاصيل على فهم الانتولوجيا 95 00:09:00,010 --> 00:09:05,070 والإبستامولوجيا. الانتولوجيا 96 00:09:05,070 --> 00:09:12,530 مرتبطة بال .. مرتبطة بالعلم الموجود، 97 00:09:12,530 --> 00:09:19,660 والإبستامولوجيا مرتبطة بالفكرة العلمية. يعني احنا ال 98 00:09:19,660 --> 00:09:23,740 ontology هي علم الوجود. whether the reality is 99 00:09:23,740 --> 00:09:29,680 exist or not, the reality is one reality or multi 100 00:09:29,680 --> 00:09:35,060 version of realities. the epistemology: how we know 101 00:09:35,060 --> 00:09:39,040 what we know or what is the .. how we access the 102 00:09:39,040 --> 00:09:42,700 knowledge, how we know the .. the knowledge, and is 103 00:09:42,700 --> 00:09:46,180 much related to the theory of knowledge. إلى علاقة 104 00:09:46,180 --> 00:09:51,140 بشكل مباشر بنظرية المعرفة. okay, so we will go in 105 00:09:51,140 --> 00:09:53,880 details in both two ontological and 106 00:09:53,880 --> 00:09:58,380 epistemological aspects. okay 107 00:10:03,470 --> 00:10:09,890 look at this onion. it's a research onion. it's it's 108 00:10:09,890 --> 00:10:15,450 important to understand the the first one. if you 109 00:10:15,450 --> 00:10:19,810 look at here, it is the philosophy which is the 110 00:10:19,810 --> 00:10:26,320 main core in .. in your study. if you answer the 111 00:10:26,320 --> 00:10:28,760 philosophy question, then you can go in details 112 00:10:28,760 --> 00:10:33,740 about the rest of .. of your .. of your study. you 113 00:10:33,740 --> 00:10:40,600 can go to the data collection. okay 114 00:10:40,600 --> 00:10:46,080 okay 115 00:10:54,060 --> 00:10:59,300 الكتابة هذه مش مشكلة لما ان .. so this is the 116 00:10:59,300 --> 00:11:03,480 research onion. if you look at the research onion 117 00:11:03,480 --> 00:11:10,140 here, you have multi layers starting from the 118 00:11:10,140 --> 00:11:13,620 research philosophy as we explained. it's .. it's 119 00:11:13,620 --> 00:11:17,800 underneath. وهو يتأكد أنه يحتوي على أسباب انتقالية 120 00:11:17,800 --> 00:11:23,860 وإبستامولوجيا. وعندما تتأكد انتقالية وإبستامولوجيا 121 00:11:23,860 --> 00:11:29,020 فهو يتأكد من وجهة فلسوفيةك التي تأتي من 122 00:11:29,020 --> 00:11:33,680 الـPositivist، انظر هنا الـPositivist إلى 123 00:11:33,680 --> 00:11:36,840 الـPragmatism 124 00:11:41,180 --> 00:11:46,060 ففي رحلة من الـPositivism إلى الـPragmatism، تتجه 125 00:11:46,060 --> 00:11:53,160 إلى الواقعية والتفكير، حسنا؟ مرة أخرى، أعرف أنها 126 00:11:53,160 --> 00:11:59,720 شيء صعب، ولكن سأعطيك مثال لتحطيم عيون هذه المواضيع، 127 00:11:59,720 --> 00:12:07,000 لذلك لا تقلق عن الواقعية والتفكير، ثم عندما تحرر 128 00:12:07,000 --> 00:12:14,760 موقعك الفلسفي، ثم تذهب إلى أنك إما دراسي أو إدراسي 129 00:12:14,760 --> 00:12:18,360 إذا كنت تلاعب .. إذا كنت تلاعب في هذه اللحظة هنا 130 00:12:18,360 --> 00:12:27,820 إذا موقعك الفلسفي هو نظرية .. نظرية، ثم أنك دراسي، 131 00:12:27,820 --> 00:12:31,700 سأعطيك مثال، إنها مثال حقيقي هنا في هذه الدراسة 132 00:12:31,700 --> 00:12:38,760 إذا كنت أسألك .. إذا كنت أسألك سؤال صغير what you 133 00:12:38,760 --> 00:12:42,780 observe in this class ايش أنتو شايفين في هالصف 134 00:12:42,780 --> 00:12:52,500 students students let's see students teacher you 135 00:12:52,500 --> 00:12:58,160 have teacher video lecture في تصوير محاضرة yes 136 00:12:58,160 --> 00:13:05,280 okay videoing okay what else the more answers you 137 00:13:05,280 --> 00:13:06,700 give me the more understanding 138 00:13:09,660 --> 00:13:13,480 أه no I'm asking you I know the answers so I can 139 00:13:13,480 --> 00:13:18,040 answer in different ways okay so if I ask you 140 00:13:18,040 --> 00:13:24,060 again the question بس what what you observe 141 00:13:24,060 --> 00:13:35,980 students students okay okay discussions okay what 142 00:13:35,980 --> 00:13:41,780 else Okay عمر باينز yeah why you laughing she 143 00:13:41,780 --> 00:13:50,840 observed this what you noticed also knowledge 144 00:13:50,840 --> 00:13:56,460 what is the knowledge sorry okay you can answer 145 00:13:56,460 --> 00:14:01,360 information كمان delivering some information all 146 00:14:01,360 --> 00:14:04,640 these things observed do you observe other things 147 00:14:06,820 --> 00:14:10,100 do you observe other things? furniture okay you 148 00:14:10,100 --> 00:14:18,820 have furnitures okay okay the class what 149 00:14:18,820 --> 00:14:22,680 other things? what you observe you? laptop yeah 150 00:14:22,680 --> 00:14:31,580 please what you observe? laptop oh yeah yes what 151 00:14:31,580 --> 00:14:36,550 he's doing? what what you observe what what other 152 00:14:36,550 --> 00:14:44,110 things you observe in this meeting sorry okay so 153 00:14:44,110 --> 00:14:47,110 so let's let's say let's say in other in other 154 00:14:47,110 --> 00:14:49,930 words what what you observe is what you observed 155 00:14:49,930 --> 00:14:55,430 again what you observed is what you observed you 156 00:14:55,430 --> 00:15:02,610 observed what is on the ground Okay؟ So you have 157 00:15:02,610 --> 00:15:06,250 students, you have teachers, you have cameras, you 158 00:15:06,250 --> 00:15:13,170 have .. So it's facts Do you observe other things؟ 159 00:15:13,170 --> 00:15:16,270 أه please So for .. for .. for me I observe 160 00:15:16,270 --> 00:15:18,370 different things I observe some people smiling 161 00:15:18,370 --> 00:15:22,210 Students talk to each other Yeah, so it's students 162 00:15:22,210 --> 00:15:24,430 talking to each other Why you are not observing 163 00:15:24,430 --> 00:15:30,250 this? I observe some students are upset some some 164 00:15:30,250 --> 00:15:34,290 students are laughing others they are okay 165 00:15:34,290 --> 00:15:40,350 sleeping others so the more you give your brain 166 00:15:40,350 --> 00:15:45,850 time to see a particular phenomenon then you can 167 00:15:45,850 --> 00:15:50,210 extract extract more knowledge or more information 168 00:15:50,210 --> 00:15:52,770 and sometimes 169 00:15:55,330 --> 00:15:57,710 أو كمهمة للحصول عليها كمهمة للحصول عليها كمهمة 170 00:15:57,710 --> 00:16:01,630 للحصول عليها كمهمة للحصول عليها كمهمة للحصول عليها 171 00:16:01,630 --> 00:16:02,190 كمهمة للحصول عليها كمهمة للحصول عليها كمهمة للحصول 172 00:16:02,190 --> 00:16:05,170 عليها كمهمة للحصول عليها كمهمة للحصول عليها كمهمة 173 00:16:05,170 --> 00:16:08,450 للحصول عليها كمهمة 174 00:16:08,450 --> 00:16:16,350 للحصول عليها كمهمة للحصول عليها كمهمة للحصول 175 00:16:16,350 --> 00:16:20,230 عليها كم 176 00:16:20,400 --> 00:16:25,400 الكاميرا في المجلد، لدينا أضواء، لدينا كل هذه 177 00:16:25,400 --> 00:16:31,020 الأشياء حقيقية، لذلك فلما تتكلم عن الحقيقية، فأنت 178 00:16:31,020 --> 00:16:39,340 مبتدئ، مبتدئ يعني أنك تدرسهم، حسنا، يمكنك تقيمهم، 179 00:16:39,340 --> 00:16:43,600 لديك رقم من السرير، لديك كاميرات، لديك رقم من 180 00:16:43,600 --> 00:16:48,410 الأضواء، حسنا، رقم من المدرسين However, when you 181 00:16:48,410 --> 00:16:51,490 are talking about the number of students, you talk 182 00:16:51,490 --> 00:16:56,550 at a student as an object, so be careful for what 183 00:16:56,550 --> 00:17:01,270 the terminology that I use, you use student as 184 00:17:01,270 --> 00:17:01,790 object 185 00:17:05,820 --> 00:17:09,600 objects بقى you didn't mentioned for the 186 00:17:09,600 --> 00:17:12,340 relationship between students only one of the 187 00:17:12,340 --> 00:17:14,280 student mentioned oh some student they are talking 188 00:17:14,280 --> 00:17:16,640 together they are they are they they contact each 189 00:17:16,640 --> 00:17:21,800 other so this observation it's go underneath your 190 00:17:21,800 --> 00:17:25,900 observation okay I will give you the example again 191 00:17:25,900 --> 00:17:31,780 what you observed okay 192 00:17:31,780 --> 00:17:34,280 what you observed in the class 193 00:17:49,400 --> 00:17:56,920 Okay, so machines again I repeated the question to 194 00:17:56,920 --> 00:18:00,060 motivate you to think in different ways but still 195 00:18:00,060 --> 00:18:03,440 you are interested to be or to think in a positive 196 00:18:03,440 --> 00:18:07,130 way الـ positive لا يعني الـ positive اللي تعرفه 197 00:18:07,130 --> 00:18:13,010 positive، okay؟ plus، لا، يعني هذا، يعني أنك تكتشف 198 00:18:13,010 --> 00:18:19,250 أشياء في مشكلة نيوميرية جدًا، ترى 199 00:18:19,250 --> 00:18:22,610 الحقيقات، على سبيل المثال، إذا كنت أفسر السيارة، 200 00:18:22,610 --> 00:18:26,610 ترى أنها لديها أربع حركتين و أربع ويندوز و أربع 201 00:18:26,610 --> 00:18:31,870 أبواب و etc، أنت لا تتكلم عن عملية السيارة، وهي 202 00:18:31,870 --> 00:18:39,240 مختلفة Okay؟ So it's important what is the level 203 00:18:39,240 --> 00:18:44,240 you are looking at and your brain is bringing you 204 00:18:44,240 --> 00:18:47,460 to a particular place that's reflecting your 205 00:18:47,460 --> 00:18:52,460 experience So positivism is much related to the 206 00:18:52,460 --> 00:18:59,150 facts Okay it's facts number of students number of 207 00:18:59,150 --> 00:19:05,370 lights okay number of people so we can tell okay 208 00:19:05,370 --> 00:19:08,390 the relationship between the size of the class and 209 00:19:08,390 --> 00:19:14,530 the number of students if we bring 200 students to 210 00:19:14,530 --> 00:19:19,360 this class we couldn't afford them in this class so 211 00:19:19,360 --> 00:19:21,460 we build the relationship between two different 212 00:19:21,460 --> 00:19:24,880 items in terms of numbers so we have two hundred 213 00:19:24,880 --> 00:19:28,300 students we cannot bring them this class so two 214 00:19:28,300 --> 00:19:31,740 hundred students and the space of the class is not 215 00:19:31,740 --> 00:19:35,300 going together in terms of the space but if we 216 00:19:35,300 --> 00:19:38,800 bring fifty students on this class okay the class 217 00:19:38,800 --> 00:19:45,060 can afford them وهي تبني الاتصال بين الأشخاص وأيضًا 218 00:19:45,060 --> 00:19:52,680 هي علاقة لـ Positivism ونذهب 219 00:19:52,680 --> 00:20:00,500 إلى الواقع الواقع هو مرتبط بـ It's real لدينا 45 220 00:20:00,500 --> 00:20:07,220 طلاب It's real، هذا فقط واحد من الحقيقة فقط واحد 221 00:20:07,220 --> 00:20:11,250 من الحقيقة توجد Can you claim we have more than 45 222 00:20:11,250 --> 00:20:15,870 students? No, because it's real 45 students, you 223 00:20:15,870 --> 00:20:20,170 can talk about the space, you can say okay we have 224 00:20:20,170 --> 00:20:26,330 four cameras, okay, so it's real four cameras, you 225 00:20:26,330 --> 00:20:30,570 cannot claim that we have six or seven cameras, so 226 00:20:30,570 --> 00:20:35,310 realism it's accept only one reality 227 00:20:38,700 --> 00:20:42,220 and again for the relationship between X and Y 228 00:20:42,220 --> 00:20:47,300 it's real relationship between the space of this 229 00:20:47,300 --> 00:20:52,080 room and the number of students the more number of 230 00:20:52,080 --> 00:20:56,360 students we have we have the more space in the 231 00:20:56,360 --> 00:21:02,220 rooms so this is the it's it's real انظر إلى الـ 232 00:21:02,220 --> 00:21:13,620 Onion مرة أخرى، لديك فرق بين الواقع والتفكير ماذا 233 00:21:13,620 --> 00:21:23,400 يعني التفكير؟ التفكير يعني كيف تشعر بالعلم كيف .. 234 00:21:23,400 --> 00:21:28,780 ما هي توقعك حول العلم وفي هذه الطريقة يعني أنك 235 00:21:28,780 --> 00:21:33,530 تقبل حقيقات مختلفة different version of realities 236 00:21:33,530 --> 00:21:39,230 you may accept okay we have many students around 237 00:21:39,230 --> 00:21:44,110 some students are laughing and talking to each 238 00:21:44,110 --> 00:21:50,830 other we may ask a question whether they not 239 00:21:50,830 --> 00:21:54,830 respect the class or other things if you are 240 00:21:54,830 --> 00:21:59,620 positivist إذا كنت مجرد positivist، تبني حقيقتك 241 00:21:59,620 --> 00:22:03,400 باعتبار القوانين في الجامعة، هذا يعني أن أي طلاب 242 00:22:03,400 --> 00:22:09,800 يتحدث في الجامعة بدون أي اعطاء، هذا يعني أنه يخطر 243 00:22:09,800 --> 00:22:17,280 القوانين، حسنا؟ لكن دعنا نضعها بطريقات مختلفة هل 244 00:22:17,280 --> 00:22:21,660 تلاحظ طلاب يتحدثوا مع بعض؟ إذا نعم، حسنا، لماذا 245 00:22:21,660 --> 00:22:25,280 يتحدثوا مع بعض؟ whether they want to violate the 246 00:22:25,280 --> 00:22:30,960 rules or they are discussing the questions if they 247 00:22:30,960 --> 00:22:33,280 are discussing the questions so in this way you 248 00:22:33,280 --> 00:22:36,340 accept you give your your time or you're trying to 249 00:22:36,340 --> 00:22:41,860 accept different version of realities okay أنه 250 00:22:41,860 --> 00:22:49,660 احنا نسمح لنفسنا نختبر أكتر من ال reality الحقيقة و 251 00:22:49,660 --> 00:22:56,520 الانتاج مقارنة مع بعضها البعض، الحقيقة تقبل فقط 252 00:22:56,520 --> 00:23:00,240 واحد من الأشياء الحقيقية، المدرسة تقريبا 50 شخص، 253 00:23:00,240 --> 00:23:06,360 المدرسون يضحكوا في المدرسة لأنهم غيروا القواعد، 254 00:23:06,360 --> 00:23:08,860 ولكن في الحقيقة الحقيقية مختلفة 255 00:23:11,330 --> 00:23:16,310 إذا نعود إلى عدد الطلاب نقول حسنًا لدينا 50 طالب 256 00:23:16,310 --> 00:23:20,890 في الدراسة لأنهم يحبون هذه الدراسة، فهي مختلفة 257 00:23:20,890 --> 00:23:27,190 الآن، لذلك نتصل نتصل the presence of students with 258 00:23:27,190 --> 00:23:30,570 with different realities, the students coming to 259 00:23:30,570 --> 00:23:34,230 this class because okay they like this meeting, 260 00:23:34,230 --> 00:23:37,670 okay they have many things to deliver, they have 261 00:23:37,670 --> 00:23:41,410 many things to talk about, so just we are not dealing 262 00:23:41,410 --> 00:23:45,550 with the students as numbers، نتعاملش مع الطلاب as 263 00:23:45,550 --> 00:23:50,830 أيش؟ أرقام، as an object, we talk about students as a 264 00:23:50,830 --> 00:23:54,520 subject. Okay, we may accept some students coming to 265 00:23:54,520 --> 00:24:01,160 this class not to... to have the knowledge, the 266 00:24:01,160 --> 00:24:03,320 students coming to class because their dad's or mom's, 267 00:24:04,080 --> 00:24:08,180 because they're parents، لأن أمهم وأبوهم بدهم هيك، so 268 00:24:08,180 --> 00:24:11,820 it's another explanation for the reality of having 269 00:24:11,820 --> 00:24:15,710 a student in this meeting، يعني ال reality تبعته 270 00:24:15,710 --> 00:24:18,410 الطلاب okay, because they are enrolled in this 271 00:24:18,410 --> 00:24:20,970 meeting, in this class, yes, they are enrolled, but 272 00:24:20,970 --> 00:24:24,430 there is another explanation why the students are 273 00:24:24,430 --> 00:24:30,150 here, so I don't want to go into details because in 274 00:24:30,150 --> 00:24:36,230 the next slides we will see the in-depth meeting, 275 00:24:36,230 --> 00:24:43,370 the pragmatism, they don't care، البراجماتيزم لا يهتم 276 00:24:43,370 --> 00:24:48,650 إذا أنا أقبل حقيقة واحدة أو أقبل مجموعة من الحقائق 277 00:24:48,650 --> 00:24:53,350 لذلك السؤال، البراجماتيزم من نفسه يجعلني أقبل حقيقة 278 00:24:53,350 --> 00:24:57,210 واحدة أو مجموعة من الحقائق، لذلك هذا هو السبب في 279 00:24:57,210 --> 00:25:01,290 اسمه البراجماتيزم، والبراجماتيزم ليس بالطبع أنه 280 00:25:01,290 --> 00:25:05,580 يتكلم عن فلسفة البراجماتيزم، مش كتير مهم بالنسبة لهم، 281 00:25:05,580 --> 00:25:10,980 يحكوا على ال research، فرصة ال most important thing 282 00:25:10,980 --> 00:25:15,740 in the pragmatism, whether your research question 283 00:25:15,740 --> 00:25:19,560 is working or not, whether the results of your 284 00:25:19,560 --> 00:25:25,840 research is working or not, this is pragmatism، يعني 285 00:25:25,840 --> 00:25:33,720 نتائج البحث تبعتكم هل بتعمل تحسين؟ إلها انعكاسات؟ 286 00:25:35,190 --> 00:25:41,290 مهمة. So what is the what is the implications of 287 00:25:41,290 --> 00:25:45,070 the other philosophies if your research question 288 00:25:45,070 --> 00:25:49,430 is not working, or if the answers on research 289 00:25:49,430 --> 00:25:54,150 question is not applicable, for instance if you 290 00:25:54,150 --> 00:25:58,490 suggest recommendations in your research and these 291 00:25:58,490 --> 00:26:02,710 recommendations are not feasible, so it is not worth 292 00:26:02,710 --> 00:26:06,310 your research, so the pragmatism looking at the 293 00:26:06,310 --> 00:26:09,650 outcomes of your research, it doesn't matter what 294 00:26:09,650 --> 00:26:14,470 is your research engines، يعني بغض النظر عن 295 00:26:14,470 --> 00:26:17,650 research engines تبعتنا، كتير مهم نتطلع على ال 296 00:26:17,650 --> 00:26:20,890 pragmatism, okay. 297 00:26:27,410 --> 00:26:32,870 وبعد ذلك يمكنك التحدث عن إذا كنت مخصص أو غير مخصص 298 00:26:32,870 --> 00:26:43,470 غير مخصص يعني أنت مخصص في المبادئ والواقعي، غير 299 00:26:43,470 --> 00:26:49,810 مخصص، أنت مخصص في المقارنة أو المقارنة ومخصص 300 00:26:52,030 --> 00:26:55,710 Okay, so this is the idea of the research engines. 301 00:26:56,090 --> 00:26:59,550 So after setting the parameters of your research 302 00:26:59,550 --> 00:27:04,950 philosophy, now you go all of the grounds. So this 303 00:27:04,950 --> 00:27:09,570 is underneath and then okay, I'm positivist, then 304 00:27:09,570 --> 00:27:13,710 I'm deductive, then after that okay, I may use one 305 00:27:13,710 --> 00:27:16,550 of these methods, 306 00:27:18,740 --> 00:27:21,960 survey, case study, action research، دكتور أنا 307 00:27:21,960 --> 00:27:26,860 دكتور، وأنت دكتور، أنا قاعد اللي... أنا سأشرحهم لك 308 00:27:26,860 --> 00:27:31,120 جميعاً، okay, survey, case study, experiments, etc., 309 00:27:31,120 --> 00:27:34,640 okay. 310 00:27:34,640 --> 00:27:39,580 So, 311 00:27:39,580 --> 00:27:44,920 the research philosophy is much related to how the 312 00:27:44,920 --> 00:27:50,520 knowledge is developed، كيف تطوير المعرفة، is much 313 00:27:50,520 --> 00:27:55,960 related to the knowledge paradigm, knowledge 314 00:27:55,960 --> 00:28:02,100 paradigm. 315 00:28:02,100 --> 00:28:05,900 يسموها 316 00:28:05,900 --> 00:28:09,900 هرم المعرفة، also I will go into details about the 317 00:28:09,900 --> 00:28:10,760 knowledge paradigm. 318 00:28:14,640 --> 00:28:20,960 إذا ذهبت لتحقيقك، يجب أن تتطور، كيف تتطور المعرفة 319 00:28:20,960 --> 00:28:26,760 المرتبطة مع تحقيقك لأنك 320 00:28:26,760 --> 00:28:35,160 لم تَنفصل من بقية الآخرين، لأن إحنا مش مفصلين عن 321 00:28:35,160 --> 00:28:37,940 others. You are not the first one to come and to 322 00:28:37,940 --> 00:28:41,620 investigate a particular social and economic 323 00:28:41,620 --> 00:28:44,300 phenomenon. So it's important to you to... to see 324 00:28:44,300 --> 00:28:47,440 how the knowledge is developed and what are the 325 00:28:47,440 --> 00:28:51,610 mechanisms by which the knowledge is developed، وإيش 326 00:28:51,610 --> 00:28:55,250 هي ال mechanisms، الأدوات اللي من خلالها ال 327 00:28:55,250 --> 00:28:59,290 knowledge is developed, they could use in your exam. 328 00:28:59,290 --> 00:29:01,650 I may not ask you in details about these things 329 00:29:01,650 --> 00:29:05,950 because I know, despite of having this chapter in 330 00:29:05,950 --> 00:29:10,070 this book, I know sometimes, sorry. 331 00:29:12,300 --> 00:29:17,440 I know this, so don't worry, this is for... for your 332 00:29:17,440 --> 00:29:23,600 knowledge and for your understanding، كل ال chapter 333 00:29:23,600 --> 00:29:33,060 مطلوب، okay, so it's it's it's understanding, okay, so 334 00:29:33,060 --> 00:29:40,260 and how the knowledge is developed, how the 335 00:29:40,260 --> 00:29:46,140 knowledge is developed، هي مرتبطة مع موقع 336 00:29:46,140 --> 00:29:52,960 إبستامولوجيا، كيف تتطور المعرفة، ما هي نظريات 337 00:29:52,960 --> 00:29:59,320 المعرفة مرتبطة مع إبستامولوجيا، ولكن طبيعة المعرفة 338 00:30:00,460 --> 00:30:04,360 هو إذا كانت المعرفة حقيقية أو لا، فهي مرتبطة بالـ 339 00:30:04,360 --> 00:30:09,900 Ontology، لذلك مرة أخرى، إذا قمنا بتعديل فلسفة 340 00:30:09,900 --> 00:30:12,660 المحققية، فهي مرتبطة بشكل كبير بجانب الـ Ontology 341 00:30:12,660 --> 00:30:16,460 وبجانب الـ Epistemology، لذلك جانب الـ Ontology 342 00:30:16,460 --> 00:30:19,920 مرتبط بشكل كبير بجانب الـ Whether the knowledge 343 00:30:19,920 --> 00:30:25,870 exists or not، بالنسبة للإبسطومولوجيا مرتبطة بكيف تم 344 00:30:25,870 --> 00:30:31,650 تطبيق المعرفة وماذا هي الأسلوبات وكيف تدخل المعرفة 345 00:30:31,650 --> 00:30:36,550 مرة أخرى بالنسبة لطبيعة المعرفة مهما كانت معرفتك 346 00:30:36,550 --> 00:30:42,970 صح أو خاطئ أو هل هذا صح أو ليس صح؟ هل صح أن يكون 347 00:30:42,970 --> 00:30:49,870 هناك 45 طالب؟ أو ماذا؟ فالفكرة هنا في تدخل الفلسفة 348 00:30:49,870 --> 00:30:54,020 التحققية، تبحث عن اتنين أشياء، أولاً موقع 349 00:30:54,020 --> 00:31:00,080 إبستامولوجيك، تتعامل مع نظرية المعرفة، وانتولوجياك 350 00:31:00,080 --> 00:31:04,740 مرتبطة بالبشرية، أنا أستخدم كلمات مختلفة فقط 351 00:31:04,740 --> 00:31:11,540 لأتعامل مع مصطلحات مختلفة، فهي... هي البشرية مرتبطة 352 00:31:11,540 --> 00:31:18,320 بالوجود، حسنا مرتبط بالوجود، حتى وإن الحقيقة موجودة 353 00:31:18,320 --> 00:31:23,470 أو لا، because sometimes you think it's real, but 354 00:31:23,470 --> 00:31:27,250 when you go into details it's not real، زي إن أنتو 355 00:31:27,250 --> 00:31:33,670 بتشوفوا مثلاً من بعيد سراب، it's not real, yeah, it's 356 00:31:33,670 --> 00:31:36,870 not real, but if from your point of view it's real, 357 00:31:36,870 --> 00:31:40,070 but when you become closer and closer it's not 358 00:31:40,070 --> 00:31:45,540 real. Okay, so the idea is here is to examine your 359 00:31:45,540 --> 00:31:48,920 knowledge first, how your knowledge is developed, 360 00:31:49,620 --> 00:31:53,260 how the areas of this subject is developed, which 361 00:31:53,260 --> 00:31:56,660 is related to the epistemology, okay, what are the 362 00:31:56,660 --> 00:32:00,340 philosophical foundations of related knowledge, 363 00:32:00,820 --> 00:32:04,200 and the second question, what is the reality of 364 00:32:04,200 --> 00:32:11,300 your knowledge, okay? And in addressing these 365 00:32:11,300 --> 00:32:15,480 things we have ontology, epistemology, and 366 00:32:15,480 --> 00:32:20,440 pragmatism, also the things related to the 367 00:32:20,440 --> 00:32:23,540 ontology, epistemology is the axiology, I don't 368 00:32:23,540 --> 00:32:27,240 know it's written in this textbook or not, axiology, 369 00:32:27,240 --> 00:32:31,100 okay. 370 00:32:31,100 --> 00:32:35,860 So it's axiology, axiology. 371 00:32:38,240 --> 00:32:43,740 So axiology is related to the values, your values, 372 00:32:43,740 --> 00:32:48,100 for instance, when I ask you questions about the 373 00:32:48,100 --> 00:32:53,850 tree, some students say it's called place, others 374 00:32:53,850 --> 00:32:56,770 they are looking at the tree, others look at the 375 00:32:56,770 --> 00:33:00,490 green space, others they are looking at the 376 00:33:00,490 --> 00:33:03,370 leaves, others are looking at the ground, so 377 00:33:03,370 --> 00:33:08,070 explaining these things is bringing from your 378 00:33:08,070 --> 00:33:13,970 experience because you may like places with green 379 00:33:14,930 --> 00:33:19,150 أو مكانين مرعبين تقول إنّها مكان مرعبين أنت تنظر في 380 00:33:19,150 --> 00:33:26,050 الشجرة في الصورة لأشياء تتوافق باتصالك أنت تنظر و 381 00:33:26,050 --> 00:33:30,870 بعض الطلاب لا ينظرون إلى الشجرة نفسها على الرغم من 382 00:33:30,870 --> 00:33:35,030 أنّ الشجرة كانت كبيرة جدا في الصورة إذا تنظر، أعود 383 00:33:35,030 --> 00:33:36,270 لإجابتك 384 00:33:38,200 --> 00:33:45,280 لكنّ الشيء هو عندما أسأل طلابهم يركزوا على البيئة، 385 00:33:45,280 --> 00:33:48,460 الأشياء المرتبطة بالطعام، وتركز على الطعام، 386 00:33:48,460 --> 00:33:51,100 ومجموعة طلاب محددة 387 00:33:51,100 --> 00:33:51,460 388 00:33:51,460 --> 00:33:52,800 389 00:33:52,800 --> 00:33:53,480 390 00:33:53,480 --> 00:33:55,680 391 00:33:55,680 --> 00:33:58,880 392 00:33:58,880 --> 00:34:04,820 393 00:34:04,820 --> 00:34:05,200 394 00:34:08,300 --> 00:34:12,360 based on your experience, okay, sometimes you are 395 00:34:12,360 --> 00:34:16,600 not looking at the picture itself, you are looking 396 00:34:16,600 --> 00:34:21,760 at your experience in the picture, which is related 397 00:34:21,760 --> 00:34:24,700 to the philosophical foundation in your research 398 00:34:24,700 --> 00:34:27,640 and this is you are looking things in the 399 00:34:27,640 --> 00:34:31,360 observation that meet you، يعني بتطلع على أشياء 400 00:34:31,360 --> 00:34:37,050 that meet you اللي بتلاقوها في حالكم. Okay, so this 401 00:34:37,050 --> 00:34:41,150 is the values, axiology، يعني اتقال الفلسفة لازم 402 00:34:41,150 --> 00:34:44,510 تكون من الناس experience؟ sorry؟ الفلسفة لازم 403 00:34:44,510 --> 00:34:48,470 ناخدها من الناس experience؟ هي بتطلع دواعي الناس 404 00:34:48,470 --> 00:34:52,390 بقى، بس مش ضروري. I don't understand the question. 405 00:34:52,390 --> 00:34:54,530 يعني إذا احنا بنعمل الفلسفة لازم احنا نكون 406 00:34:54,530 --> 00:34:57,330 experience ولا ناخدها من الناس؟ No, it's not 407 00:34:57,330 --> 00:35:00,710 related to .. to .. to have experience or not, 408 00:35:00,990 --> 00:35:07,150 it's .. it's related to you to you, but when I read 409 00:35:07,150 --> 00:35:10,450 your research because you are doing research, I may 410 00:35:10,450 --> 00:35:14,650 read your philosophical foundation, your your your 411 00:35:14,650 --> 00:35:17,630 philosophical foundation, I can see you are 412 00:35:17,630 --> 00:35:21,890 positivist, you are realist, you are relativist, you 413 00:35:21,890 --> 00:35:25,170 are critical realist, you are critical relativist. 414 00:35:25,170 --> 00:35:30,650 So it's it's a matter of, as as a supervisor, to 415 00:35:30,650 --> 00:35:36,090 understand you. بسبب أنّك كتابة تحضر أفكارك، تحضر 416 00:35:36,090 --> 00:35:43,090 معلوماتك، تحضر قيمتك، لتحضيرك. حسناً، فهي كلمة أخرى. 417 00:35:43,090 --> 00:35:48,550 إذا كنت تؤمن بالرقم والفيجوريات، فأنت كتابة جيدة 418 00:35:48,550 --> 00:35:58,010 تبحث عن علاقة بين X و Y، هذه ليست الأشياء، إنّك الآن 419 00:35:58,010 --> 00:36:02,190 إذا كنت تؤمن بالرقم والفيجوريات، تبحث عن the 420 00:36:02,190 --> 00:36:06,690 statistical relationship between two items، تمام؟ 421 00:36:06,690 --> 00:36:11,570 But if you are not look .. not looking at 422 00:36:11,570 --> 00:36:14,590 positivist, you are looking at the relationship 423 00:36:14,590 --> 00:36:18,610 between students, okay, it's the social actions 424 00:36:18,610 --> 00:36:21,170 between students here in this meeting, in this 425 00:36:21,170 --> 00:36:24,110 class, because when I ask a question related to the 426 00:36:24,110 --> 00:36:28,040 what you observe in the class, I don't ask you to 427 00:36:28,040 --> 00:36:31,800 count number of students in the class, you can look 428 00:36:31,800 --> 00:36:35,560 at, okay, see students are sitting in a particular 429 00:36:35,560 --> 00:36:38,680 order, for instance, friends sitting together, people 430 00:36:38,680 --> 00:36:42,500 who enrolled in the same time or in the same year 431 00:36:42,500 --> 00:36:48,830 sitting together, clever students sitting مقابلين لا 432 00:36:48,830 --> 00:36:52,170 يجلسون مع بعضهم البعض، فهذه هي فعالية السياسة من 433 00:36:52,170 --> 00:36:57,910 مقابلتك، لذلك مقابلين مقابلين يعني إذا كانت 434 00:36:57,910 --> 00:37:00,890 مقابلتك في هذه المجلس أو في هذه الدراسة، يمكنك أن 435 00:37:00,890 --> 00:37:04,690 تجلس مع بعضك، ربما أبيك وأبيها أصحي أصحي صديق، 436 00:37:04,690 --> 00:37:10,570 لذلك أنت .. لذلك الوضع السياسيلذلك عندما تدخل في 437 00:37:10,570 --> 00:37:15,050 التفاصيل في السؤال اللي هو أنا فقط أرسل سؤال واحد 438 00:37:15,050 --> 00:37:19,890 في المجلد ما تشاهده في هذه المجلدة يمكنك الذهاب 439 00:37:19,890 --> 00:37:23,590 إلى علاقة الاجتماعية لماذا الطلاب يجلسوا بهذه 440 00:37:23,590 --> 00:37:27,430 الطريقة؟ لماذا الطلاب يجلسوا بهذه الطريقة؟ هذا 441 00:37:27,430 --> 00:37:32,560 يعني أنني لا أسأل في مجلد إيجابي، and I ask in 442 00:37:32,560 --> 00:37:35,780 relativist، so I'm bringing my experience now on 443 00:37:35,780 --> 00:37:38,520 the table، okay، students sitting، can you explain to 444 00:37:38,520 --> 00:37:42,880 me the question how students sitting in this class 445 00:37:42,880 --> 00:37:45,980 or why students sitting in this manner؟ على طول 446 00:37:45,980 --> 00:37:53,460 يعني أشوفه لأ يعني ليش الطلاب بيقعدوا القاعدة هذه 447 00:37:53,460 --> 00:37:59,440 يعني التشكيلة هذه نشوفوها friends مثلاً هذه واحدة 448 00:37:59,440 --> 00:38:06,450 friends أصدقاء .. bottles ممكن .. آه .. group .. 449 00:38:06,450 --> 00:38:12,730 group works ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن 450 00:38:12,730 --> 00:38:13,950 .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. 451 00:38:13,950 --> 00:38:15,310 ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. 452 00:38:15,310 --> 00:38:17,330 ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. 453 00:38:17,330 --> 00:38:22,430 ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. 454 00:38:22,430 --> 00:38:31,720 ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. ممكن .. Okay, and your 455 00:38:31,720 --> 00:38:38,480 friends, what .. what you say؟ آه تمام 456 00:38:38,480 --> 00:38:42,060 okay, another .. another explanation. اعطوني تفسيرات 457 00:38:42,060 --> 00:38:49,220 أخرى. آه، اعطوني تفسيرات أخرى. تفضل. آه، they are 458 00:38:49,220 --> 00:38:54,540 matching what they .. yeah، their mind. آه يعني they 459 00:38:54,540 --> 00:39:00,180 have match brains. آه، يكون comfortable with the 460 00:39:00,180 --> 00:39:07,040 friends، comfortable. آه، yes, because you are left 461 00:39:07,040 --> 00:39:10,220 hand، so you are looking at .. you select your 462 00:39:10,220 --> 00:39:14,000 friends، I mean you are sitting with the friends 463 00:39:14,000 --> 00:39:18,720 okay، if the left hand side chair is here, you will 464 00:39:18,720 --> 00:39:23,190 sit down here. إذا كان الكورس الشمال موجودة هل هتقعد 465 00:39:23,190 --> 00:39:27,410 هنا أو هتقعد عند صحابك؟ Yes, so you see, so this 466 00:39:27,410 --> 00:39:33,930 is the context إنّه if the left hand side is in 467 00:39:33,930 --> 00:39:39,590 here, so she will bring friends with her. Okay, so 468 00:39:39,590 --> 00:39:43,990 this is social context. So again, 469 00:39:45,850 --> 00:39:52,310 this setting is not observed هي ليست ملاحظة للناس 470 00:39:52,310 --> 00:39:56,310 الذين يأتوا للمرة الأولى، لذا عليك أن تتعامل في 471 00:39:56,310 --> 00:40:00,890 المقابلات الاجتماعية لتفهم ما يحدث في الجامعة، بتقوم 472 00:40:00,890 --> 00:40:05,110 انتوا تتدخله في ال social settings، but numbering 473 00:40:05,110 --> 00:40:08,630 anyone coming from outside they can okay، number 474 00:40:08,630 --> 00:40:11,430 the students one, two, three, four, five, fifty، so 475 00:40:11,430 --> 00:40:14,990 we have fifty students، we have five cameras، we 476 00:40:14,990 --> 00:40:17,810 have .. so let's go back to the to the same 477 00:40:17,810 --> 00:40:21,590 question which needs more experience، the 478 00:40:21,590 --> 00:40:27,030 relativist or the positivist؟ relativist، okay. 479 00:40:27,030 --> 00:40:31,810 relativist because .. because .. because relativist 480 00:40:31,810 --> 00:40:36,650 .. because relativist needs to understand 481 00:40:36,650 --> 00:40:42,090 underneath the social settings، you need to 482 00:40:42,090 --> 00:40:45,430 understand the social mechanisms that's bringing 483 00:40:45,430 --> 00:40:48,590 students together to set up in a particular place. 484 00:40:49,230 --> 00:40:52,010 Okay, I will ask you a question، why you are 485 00:40:52,010 --> 00:40:55,530 sitting in this place؟ شهيرة Why, what is the 486 00:40:55,530 --> 00:40:58,010 things you and shaheera؟ my friends. She is 487 00:40:58,010 --> 00:41:02,250 friends, okay، okay، both of you، why you sitting in 488 00:41:02,250 --> 00:41:06,030 this؟ friends، friends. What other things؟ friends، 489 00:41:06,190 --> 00:41:10,330 okay، so friends، why you sitting in this place؟ 490 00:41:10,630 --> 00:41:13,410 friends، friends، friends، friends، friends، 491 00:41:13,410 --> 00:41:14,650 friends، friends، friends، friends، friends، 492 00:41:14,650 --> 00:41:14,730 friends، friends، friends، friends، friends، 493 00:41:14,730 --> 00:41:15,650 friends، friends، friends، friends، friends، 494 00:41:15,650 --> 00:41:17,410 friends، friends، friends، friends، friends، 495 00:41:17,410 --> 00:41:17,670 friends، friends، friends، friends، friends، 496 00:41:17,670 --> 00:41:21,740 friends، friends ما نعش ألا أعرف ال friends؟ آه؟ no 497 00:41:21,740 --> 00:41:25,420 no، tell me the truth، is because of friends or you 498 00:41:25,420 --> 00:41:29,040 you would like to be in the first row؟ first row. 499 00:41:29,040 --> 00:41:32,820 okay، okay، you laughing، so why you sitting in this 500 00:41:32,820 --> 00:41:40,120 okay، friends، so sorry، you would like in the middle 501 00:41:40,120 --> 00:41:44,100 Okay, yes, so so she's reflecting things and to be in 502 00:41:44,100 --> 00:41:57,030 the middle المشكلة هي، كما قلت، في الـPositivist، 503 00:41:57,030 --> 00:42:01,370 يمكنك أن تعدد، يمكنك أن تبني علاقة بين أشياء 504 00:42:01,370 --> 00:42:06,510 مختلفة، لكن في الـRelativist، إنها تجارب مجتمعية، 505 00:42:06,510 --> 00:42:11,470 ميكانيزمات مجتمعية، الـPositivist، إنها مرتبطة 506 00:42:11,470 --> 00:42:17,110 بشكل كبير بالعلم الطبي، العلم الطبي. الـRelativist 507 00:42:17,110 --> 00:42:21,690 هو مرتبط بشكل كبير بالعلم الاجتماعي، فهذه الأشياء 508 00:42:21,690 --> 00:42:29,310 الاثنين مختلفة، حسناً، أرجوك، أجزاء الـOntology، 509 00:42:29,310 --> 00:42:34,890 أجزاء الـOntology، لدينا Objectivism أو Objective 510 00:42:34,890 --> 00:42:42,460 وSubjective، دعونا نعود إلى السؤال الـ .. الـ 511 00:42:42,460 --> 00:42:46,400 ontology... the ontology it's come from the Greek 512 00:42:46,400 --> 00:42:54,400 words is ontas ontas it means the... the being so 513 00:42:54,400 --> 00:42:57,600 it's the science of being or the science of 514 00:42:57,600 --> 00:43:06,240 existence يعني علم الوجود okay أو علم الحقيقة it 515 00:43:06,240 --> 00:43:10,870 is a truth that we have for the students. ولكن إذا 516 00:43:10,870 --> 00:43:15,510 قبلنا مختلفية الحقيقة، فهي الحقيقة، مرة أخرى، هي 517 00:43:15,510 --> 00:43:22,290 الحقيقة، لدينا 45 طالبًا، لذلك نحن مهتمون، نحن 518 00:43:22,290 --> 00:43:27,570 مهتمون، ولكن إذا تتكلم عن الوضع الاجتماعي، فأنت 519 00:43:27,570 --> 00:43:33,230 مهتم، مرة أخرى، الطلاب هم الطلاب، ولكن يمكن اعتبارك 520 00:43:33,230 --> 00:43:40,470 كطالب، طالب، كسياسي or you can consider as a 521 00:43:40,470 --> 00:43:44,490 student as objective. Objective it means object 522 00:43:44,490 --> 00:43:51,530 أشياء. The feelings attitudes is not intervene in 523 00:43:51,530 --> 00:43:54,330 the social settings. ما بتتأثرش في الـsocial 524 00:43:54,330 --> 00:43:58,590 settings in terms of research. In terms of research 525 00:43:58,590 --> 00:44:01,250 إذا احنا بنرتبع في الـresearch there is a big 526 00:44:01,250 --> 00:44:04,410 difference between objectivism and subjectivism. 527 00:44:06,570 --> 00:44:09,670 For objectivism, the people who believe on 528 00:44:09,670 --> 00:44:14,990 objectivism, they think that the social actors are 529 00:44:14,990 --> 00:44:18,370 disengaged from the social settings or from the 530 00:44:18,370 --> 00:44:21,870 business and economic settings. يعني أنتو ما قلكوا 531 00:44:21,870 --> 00:44:24,570 مش علاقة في. You are just applying rules. Why you 532 00:44:24,570 --> 00:44:28,470 are in the class because I'm I'm recorded in this 533 00:44:28,470 --> 00:44:33,690 class. I'm enrolled in this class. ليش أنتو موجودين 534 00:44:33,690 --> 00:44:36,750 في الـ... في الـ... في المحاضرة هذه لأنه أنا مسجل 535 00:44:36,750 --> 00:44:40,830 فيها، so it's... it's... it's a positivist. It is 536 00:44:40,830 --> 00:44:43,250 ... I consider any student enrolled in the class, he 537 00:44:43,250 --> 00:44:45,430 can be or he... he or she can be in this... in 538 00:44:45,430 --> 00:44:50,370 this meeting. Subjectivism is different. It's in 539 00:44:50,370 --> 00:44:53,610 different in different ways. It means the social 540 00:44:53,610 --> 00:44:57,350 entities by itself it changed the social phenomena. 541 00:44:57,350 --> 00:45:00,710 In next meeting I will go in details about the 542 00:45:00,710 --> 00:45:04,610 understanding of subjectivism and objectivism. 543 00:45:04,610 --> 00:45:08,270 Sorry for this meeting. This much of headache. 544 00:45:08,270 --> 00:45:10,030 يعطيكم العافية