import argparse import json import csv import pandas import numpy as np import random import re from dataclasses import dataclass from datasets import load_dataset, concatenate_datasets from difflib import SequenceMatcher from typing import Final, Any, Callable, Optional from tqdm import tqdm import webcolors # #### STATES #### STATE_ON: Final = "on" STATE_OFF: Final = "off" STATE_ACTIVE: Final = "active" STATE_UNKNOWN: Final = "unknown" STATE_OPEN: Final = "open" STATE_OPENING: Final = "opening" STATE_CLOSED: Final = "closed" STATE_CLOSING: Final = "closing" STATE_BUFFERING: Final = "buffering" STATE_PLAYING: Final = "playing" STATE_PAUSED: Final = "paused" STATE_IDLE: Final = "idle" STATE_STANDBY: Final = "standby" STATE_LOCKED: Final = "locked" STATE_UNLOCKED: Final = "unlocked" STATE_LOCKING: Final = "locking" STATE_UNLOCKING: Final = "unlocking" STATE_JAMMED: Final = "jammed" STATE_UNAVAILABLE: Final = "unavailable" STATE_OK: Final = "ok" STATE_PROBLEM: Final = "problem" STATE_CLEANING: Final = "cleaning" STATE_DOCKED: Final = "docked" STATE_RETURNING: Final = "returning" def closest_color(requested_color): min_colors = {} for key, name in webcolors.CSS3_HEX_TO_NAMES.items(): r_c, g_c, b_c = webcolors.hex_to_rgb(key) rd = (r_c - requested_color[0]) ** 2 gd = (g_c - requested_color[1]) ** 2 bd = (b_c - requested_color[2]) ** 2 min_colors[(rd + gd + bd)] = name return min_colors[min(min_colors.keys())] @dataclass class DeviceType: name: str possible_states: list[(str, float)] services: dict[str, list] random_parameter_generator: Optional[dict[str, Callable]] = None def get_all_services(self, extra_exposed_attributes): result = [] for service in args = set(extra_exposed_attributes).intersection([service]) result.append(f"{}.{service}({','.join(args)})") return result def get_random_parameter(self, param_name): return self.random_parameter_generator[param_name]() def get_random_state(self, extra_exposed_attributes=[]): states = [ x[0] for x in self.possible_states ] weights = [ x[1] for x in self.possible_states ] return random.choices(states, weights=weights, k=1)[0] class LightDeviceType(DeviceType): def __init__(self): super().__init__("light", possible_states=[ (STATE_ON, 0.5), (STATE_OFF, 0.5) ], services={ "turn_on": [ "rgb_color", "brightness" ], "turn_off": [], "toggle": [] }, random_parameter_generator={ "rgb_color": lambda: (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)), "brightness": lambda: random.randint(0, 100), } ) def get_random_state(self, extra_exposed_attributes=[]): state = super().get_random_state(extra_exposed_attributes=extra_exposed_attributes) if random.random() < 0.5 and "rgb_color" in extra_exposed_attributes: random_rgb = self.get_random_parameter("rgb_color") state = state + ";" + closest_color(random_rgb) + " " + str(random_rgb) if random.random() < 0.7 and "brightness" in extra_exposed_attributes: state = state + ";" + str(self.get_random_parameter("brightness")) + "%" return state class ClimateDeviceType(DeviceType): def __init__(self): super().__init__("climate", [], { "turn_on": [], "turn_off": [], "toggle": [], "set_temperature": ["temperature"], "set_humidity": ["humidity"], "set_fan_mode": ["fan_mode"], "set_hvac_mode": ["hvac_mode"], "set_preset_mode": ["preset_mode"] }, random_parameter_generator={ "fan_mode": lambda: random.choice(["On Low", "On High", "Auto Low", "Auto High", "Off"]), "temp_f": lambda: random.randint(60, 80), "temp_c": lambda: random.randint(15, 25), "humidity": lambda: random.randint(10, 90), "preset_mode": lambda: random.choice(["home", "eco", "away", "auto"]), "hvac_mode": lambda: random.choice(["heat", "cool", "heat_cool", "off", "auto", "fan_only"]), }) def get_random_state(self, extra_exposed_attributes=[]): """state;fan_mode;temperature;humidity""" state = self.get_random_parameter("hvac_mode") if "fan_mode" in extra_exposed_attributes: state = state + ";" + self.get_random_parameter("fan_mode") if "temperature" in extra_exposed_attributes: if random.random() > 0.5: state = state + ";" + str(self.get_random_parameter("temp_f")) + "F" else: state = state + ";" + str(self.get_random_parameter("temp_c")) + "C" if "humidity" in extra_exposed_attributes: state = state + ";" + str(self.get_random_parameter("humidity")) + "%" if random.random() < 0.8 and "preset_mode" in extra_exposed_attributes: # if it is not "on a preset" then don't add the mode state = state + ";" + self.get_random_parameter("preset_mode") return state with open("piles/pile_of_durations.csv") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) pile_of_durations = { x["duration"]: x["english_name"] for x in reader } with open("piles/pile_of_media_names.txt") as f: pile_of_media_names = [ x.strip() for x in f.readlines() ] with open("piles/pile_of_todo_items.txt") as f: pile_of_todo_items = [ x.strip() for x in f.readlines() ] class MediaPlayerDeviceType(DeviceType): def __init__(self): super().__init__("media_player", [ (STATE_ON, 0.15), (STATE_OFF, 0.54), (STATE_IDLE, 0.1), (STATE_PLAYING, 0.1), (STATE_PAUSED, 0.05), (STATE_STANDBY, 0.05), (STATE_BUFFERING, 0.01), ], { "turn_on": [], "turn_off": [], "toggle": [], "volume_up": [], "volume_down": [], "volume_mute": [], "media_play_pause": [], "media_play": [], "media_pause": [], "media_stop": [], "media_next_track": [], "media_previous_track": [] }, random_parameter_generator={ "media": lambda: random.choice(pile_of_media_names), "volume": lambda: round(random.random(), 2), }) def get_random_state(self, extra_exposed_attributes=[]): state = super().get_random_state(extra_exposed_attributes=extra_exposed_attributes) if "media_title" in extra_exposed_attributes and state in [STATE_PLAYING, STATE_PAUSED, STATE_BUFFERING, STATE_ON]: state = state + ";" + self.get_random_parameter("media") if "volume_level" in extra_exposed_attributes and state != STATE_OFF: state = state + ";vol=" + str(self.get_random_parameter("volume")) return state SUPPORTED_DEVICES = { "light": LightDeviceType(), "switch": DeviceType( name="switch", possible_states=[ (STATE_ON, 0.5), (STATE_OFF, 0.5) ], services={ "turn_on": [], "turn_off": [], "toggle": [] }, ), "fan": DeviceType( name="fan", possible_states=[ (STATE_ON, 0.5), (STATE_OFF, 0.5) ], services={ "turn_on": [], "turn_off": [], "toggle": [], "increase_speed": [], "decrease_speed": [], }, ), "garage_door": DeviceType( name="garage_door", possible_states=[ (STATE_OPEN, 0.49), (STATE_CLOSED, 0.49), (STATE_OPENING, 0.01), (STATE_CLOSING, 0.01) ], services={ "open_cover": [], "close_cover": [], "stop_cover": [], "toggle": [], }, ), "blinds": DeviceType( name="blinds", possible_states=[ (STATE_OPEN, 0.49), (STATE_CLOSED, 0.49), (STATE_OPENING, 0.01), (STATE_CLOSING, 0.01) ], services={ "open_cover": [], "close_cover": [], "stop_cover": [], "toggle": [], }, ), "lock": DeviceType( name="lock", possible_states=[ (STATE_LOCKED, 0.5), (STATE_UNLOCKED, 0.5), ], services={ "lock": [], "unlock": [], }, ), "media_player": MediaPlayerDeviceType(), "climate": ClimateDeviceType(), "vacuum": DeviceType( name="vacuum", possible_states=[ (STATE_CLEANING, 0.2), (STATE_DOCKED, 0.6), (STATE_RETURNING, 0.1), (STATE_IDLE, 0.05), (STATE_PAUSED, 0.05), ], services={ "start": [], "pause": [], "stop": [], "return_to_base": [], }, ), "timer": DeviceType( name="timer", possible_states=[ (STATE_IDLE, 0.2), (STATE_ACTIVE, 0.6), (STATE_PAUSED, 0.1), ], services={ "start": ["duration"], "pause": [], "cancel": [], }, random_parameter_generator={ "duration": lambda: random.choice(list(pile_of_durations.keys())), "remaining": lambda: f"{random.randint(0, 3):02}:{random.randint(0, 60)}:{random.randint(0, 60)}" } ), "todo": DeviceType( name="timer", possible_states=[ (f"{i}", (1/32)) for i in range(32) ], services={ "add_item": ["item"], "pause": [], "cancel": [], }, random_parameter_generator={ "todo": lambda: random.choice(pile_of_todo_items), } ), } stacks_of_device_names = { x: [] for x in SUPPORTED_DEVICES.keys() } with open("piles/pile_of_device_names.csv") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) pile_of_device_names = list(reader) for device_dict in pile_of_device_names: try: device_type = device_dict["device_name"].split(".")[0] stacks_of_device_names[device_type].append(device_dict) except KeyError as ex: print(ex) with open("piles/pile_of_templated_actions.csv") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) pile_of_templated_actions = list(reader) processed_pile_of_templated_actions = [] for action in pile_of_templated_actions: try: multiplier = int(action["multiplier"]) except Exception: raise Exception(f"line has a bad multiplier: {action}") for x in range(multiplier): processed_pile_of_templated_actions.append(action) pile_of_templated_actions = processed_pile_of_templated_actions with open("piles/pile_of_specific_actions.csv") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) pile_of_specific_actions = list(reader) pile_of_responses = pandas.read_csv("piles/pile_of_responses.csv") var_pattern = re.compile("<(.*?)>") def get_included_vars(response: str): result = [] for var in var_pattern.findall(response): if var == "device_name": continue result.append(var) return ",".join(sorted(result)) pile_of_responses["contains_vars"] = pile_of_responses["response"].apply(get_included_vars) class NoResponseAvailableException(Exception): pass def get_random_response(*, service: str, language: str, persona: str, question_template: str, short: bool) -> str: required_vars = list(set([var for var in var_pattern.findall(question_template) if "device_name" not in var])) possible_results = pile_of_responses.loc[(pile_of_responses['service']==service) & (pile_of_responses['language']==language) & (pile_of_responses['persona']==persona) & (pile_of_responses['short']==(1 if short else 0)) & (pile_of_responses['contains_vars']==",".join(sorted(required_vars))) ] if len(possible_results) == 0: raise NoResponseAvailableException(f"No responses matched the provided filters: {persona}, {service}, {language}, {required_vars}, {short}") return possible_results.sample()["response"].values[0] with open("piles/pile_of_status_requests.csv") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) pile_of_status_requests = list(reader) with open("piles/pile_of_system_prompts.csv") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) pile_of_system_prompts = { line["persona"]: line["prompt"] for line in reader } def format_device_line(*, device_name: str, friendly_name: str, state: str): return (f"{device_name} '{friendly_name}' = {state}") # generate a random list of devices for the context def random_device_list(max_devices: int, avoid_device_names: list[str]): num_devices = random.randint(2, max_devices) local_device_names = { k: v[:] for k,v in stacks_of_device_names.items() } avoid_climate = False for avoid_device in avoid_device_names: avoid_type = avoid_device.split(".")[0] filtered_possible_devices = [] for possible_device in local_device_names[avoid_type]: similarity_ratio = SequenceMatcher(None, avoid_device, possible_device["device_name"].split(".")[1]).ratio() if similarity_ratio < 0.4: filtered_possible_devices.append(possible_device) local_device_names[avoid_type] = filtered_possible_devices if avoid_type == "climate": avoid_climate = True possible_choices = [] for device_type in local_device_names.keys(): possible_choices.extend(local_device_names[device_type]) device_types = set() device_list = [] device_lines = [] # TODO: randomly pick attributes for this list extra_exposed_attributes = ["rgb_color", "brightness", "temperature", "humidity", "fan_mode", "media_title", "volume_level", "duration", "remaining", "item"] while len(device_list) < num_devices: choice = random.choice(possible_choices) if choice["device_name"] in device_list: continue try: device_name = choice["device_name"] device_type = device_name.split(".")[0] friendly_name = choice["description"] # don't add random thermostats. we need to be careful about how we handle multiple thermostats if avoid_climate and device_type == "climate": continue state = SUPPORTED_DEVICES[device_type].get_random_state(extra_exposed_attributes=extra_exposed_attributes) device_lines.append(format_device_line( device_name=device_name, friendly_name=friendly_name, state=state )) device_list.append(device_name) device_types.add(device_type) except Exception as ex: print(f"bad device name: {choice}") print(repr(ex)) return device_lines, list(device_types), list(extra_exposed_attributes) def generate_static_example(action: dict, language: str, persona: str, max_devices: int = 32): question = action["english_phrase"] service_name = action["service_name"] device_type = service_name.split(".")[0] target_device = f"{device_type}.{action['device_name']}" friendly_name = target_device.split(".")[1].replace("_", " ").title() device_list, device_types, extra_exposed_attributes = random_device_list( max_devices=max_devices, avoid_device_names=[target_device]) # insert our target device somewhere random in the list index = random.randint(0, len(device_list)) state = SUPPORTED_DEVICES[device_type].get_random_state(extra_exposed_attributes=extra_exposed_attributes) device_list.insert(index, format_device_line( device_name=target_device, friendly_name=friendly_name, state=state )) # gather a list of all available services available_services = [] for x in set(device_types + [device_type]): available_services.extend(SUPPORTED_DEVICES[x].get_all_services(extra_exposed_attributes)) response = get_random_response( service=action["service_name"], language=language, persona=persona, question_template="", short=False ).lower() response = response.replace("", friendly_name) return { "states": device_list, "available_services": list(available_services), "question": question.lower(), "answers": [ response ], "service_calls": [ { "service": service_name, "target_device": target_device } ] } def generate_templated_example(template: dict, language: str, persona: str, max_devices: int = 32): template_device_types: list[str] = template["device_type"].split("|") service_names: list[str] = [ f"{x}.{y}" for x, y in zip(template_device_types, template["service"].split("|")) ] question_template: str = template["english_phrase"] # choose a random device for this template chosen_devices = [] for device_type in template_device_types: device_dict = random.choice(stacks_of_device_names[device_type]) device_dict["type"] = device_type chosen_devices.append(device_dict) device_list, device_types, extra_exposed_attributes = random_device_list( max_devices=max_devices, avoid_device_names=[d["device_name"] for d in chosen_devices]) # insert our target device somewhere random in the list for device_dict in chosen_devices: index = random.randint(0, len(device_list)) if "" in question_template and "brightness" not in extra_exposed_attributes: extra_exposed_attributes.append("brightness") if "" in question_template and "rgb_color" not in extra_exposed_attributes: extra_exposed_attributes.append("rgb_color") if ("" in question_template or "" in question_template) \ and "temperature" not in extra_exposed_attributes: extra_exposed_attributes.append("temperature") if "" in question_template and "humidity" not in extra_exposed_attributes: extra_exposed_attributes.append("humidity") if "" in question_template and "fan_mode" not in extra_exposed_attributes: extra_exposed_attributes.append("fan_mode") if "" in question_template and "duration" not in extra_exposed_attributes: extra_exposed_attributes.append("duration") state = SUPPORTED_DEVICES[device_dict["type"]].get_random_state(extra_exposed_attributes=extra_exposed_attributes) device_name = device_dict["device_name"] friendly_name = device_dict["description"] device_list.insert(index, format_device_line( device_name=device_name, friendly_name=friendly_name, state=state )) # gather a list of all available services with arguments available_services = [] for x in set(device_types + template_device_types): available_services.extend(SUPPORTED_DEVICES[x].get_all_services(extra_exposed_attributes)) # pick an appropriate response and generate the question if len(template_device_types) == 1: # TODO: pick correct resonse here (also probaly need to pass in language and persona) answer_template = get_random_response( service=service_names[0], language=language, persona=persona, question_template=question_template, short=False ) question = question_template.replace("", chosen_devices[0]["description"]) answer = answer_template.replace("", chosen_devices[0]["description"]) else: question = question_template answers = [] for i in range(len(template_device_types)): question = question.replace(f"", chosen_devices[i]["description"]) answer = get_random_response( service=service_names[i], language=language, persona=persona, question_template=question_template, short=True ) answers.append(answer.replace(f"", chosen_devices[i]["description"])) # TODO: support different "and" words per language answer = " and ".join(answers) # generate the list of service calls and answers service_calls = [] for device_dict, service in zip(chosen_devices, service_names): service_calls.append({ "service": service, "target_device": device_dict["device_name"] }) if any(["climate" in service for service in service_names ]): climate_device_type = SUPPORTED_DEVICES["climate"] if "" in question: hvac_mode = climate_device_type.get_random_parameter("hvac_mode") question = question.replace("", hvac_mode) answer = answer.replace("", hvac_mode) service_calls = [ { **call, "hvac_mode": hvac_mode} for call in service_calls ] if "" in question: fan_mode = climate_device_type.get_random_parameter("fan_mode") question = question.replace("", fan_mode) answer = answer.replace("", fan_mode) service_calls = [ { **call, "fan_mode": fan_mode} for call in service_calls ] if "" in question: temp_f = climate_device_type.get_random_parameter("temp_f") question = question.replace("", str(temp_f)) answer = answer.replace("", str(temp_f)) service_calls = [ { **call, "temperature": temp_f} for call in service_calls ] if "" in question: temp_c = climate_device_type.get_random_parameter("temp_c") question = question.replace("", str(temp_c)) answer = answer.replace("", str(temp_c)) service_calls = [ { **call, "temperature": temp_c} for call in service_calls ] if "" in question: humidity = climate_device_type.get_random_parameter("humidity") question = question.replace("", str(humidity)) answer = answer.replace("", str(humidity)) service_calls = [ { **call, "humidity": humidity} for call in service_calls ] if any(["light" in service for service in service_names ]): light_device_type = SUPPORTED_DEVICES["light"] if "" in question: brightness = light_device_type.get_random_parameter("brightness") question = question.replace("", str(brightness)) answer = answer.replace("", str(brightness)) service_calls = [ { **call, "brightness": round(brightness / 100, 2) } for call in service_calls ] if "" in question: random_rgb = light_device_type.get_random_parameter("rgb_color") random_rgb_name = closest_color(random_rgb) actual_random_rgb = webcolors.name_to_rgb(random_rgb_name) actual_random_rgb = (,, question = question.replace("", str(random_rgb_name)) answer = answer.replace("", str(random_rgb_name)) service_calls = [ { **call, "rgb_color": str(actual_random_rgb) } for call in service_calls ] if any(["timer" in service for service in service_names ]): timer_device_type = SUPPORTED_DEVICES["timer"] if "" in question: duration = timer_device_type.get_random_parameter("duration") duration_name = pile_of_durations[duration] question = question.replace("", duration_name) answer = answer.replace("", duration_name) service_calls = [ { **call, "duration": str(duration) } for call in service_calls ] if any(["todo" in service for service in service_names ]): todo_device_type = SUPPORTED_DEVICES["todo"] if "" in question: todo = todo_device_type.get_random_parameter("todo") question = question.replace("", todo) answer = answer.replace("", todo) service_calls = [ { **call, "item": todo } for call in service_calls ] return { "states": device_list, "available_services": list(available_services), "question": question.lower(), "answers": [ answer.lower() ], "service_calls": service_calls } def generate_status_request(template: dict, language: str, persona: str, max_devices: int = 32): device_type: str = template["device_type"] state_name: str = template["state"] question_template: str = template["english_phrase"] answer_template: str = template["assistant_response"] # choose a random device for this template chosen_device = random.choice(stacks_of_device_names[device_type]) # build a random list of devices device_list, device_types, extra_exposed_attributes = random_device_list(max_devices=max_devices, avoid_device_names=[ chosen_device["device_name"] ]) # insert our target device somewhere random in the list index = random.randint(0, len(device_list)) # generate the question question = question_template.replace("", chosen_device["description"]) answer = answer_template.replace("", chosen_device["description"]) # insert other templated variables if device_type == "climate": climate_device_type = SUPPORTED_DEVICES["climate"] temp_f = climate_device_type.get_random_parameter("temp_f") answer = answer.replace("", str(temp_f)) state_name = state_name.replace("", str(temp_f)) temp_c = climate_device_type.get_random_parameter("temp_c") answer = answer.replace("", str(temp_c)) state_name = state_name.replace("", str(temp_f)) humidity = climate_device_type.get_random_parameter("humidity") answer = answer.replace("", str(humidity)) state_name = state_name.replace("", str(temp_f)) if device_type == "light": light_device_type = SUPPORTED_DEVICES["light"] brightness = light_device_type.get_random_parameter("brightness") answer = answer.replace("", str(brightness)) state_name = state_name.replace("", str(brightness)) random_rgb = light_device_type.get_random_parameter("rgb_color") random_rgb_name = closest_color(random_rgb) actual_random_rgb = webcolors.name_to_rgb(random_rgb_name) actual_random_rgb = (,, state_name = state_name.replace("", str(random_rgb_name) + " " + str(actual_random_rgb)) answer = answer.replace("", str(random_rgb_name)) if device_type == "media_player": media_player_device_type = SUPPORTED_DEVICES["media_player"] volume = media_player_device_type.get_random_parameter("volume") random_media = media_player_device_type.get_random_parameter("media") answer = answer.replace("", str(volume) + "%") state_name = state_name.replace("", str(volume) + "%") answer = answer.replace("", random_media) state_name = state_name.replace("", random_media) if device_type == "timer": timer_device_type = SUPPORTED_DEVICES["timer"] duration = timer_device_type.get_random_parameter("duration") duration_name = pile_of_durations[duration] remaining = timer_device_type.get_random_parameter("remaining") answer = answer.replace("", duration_name) state_name = state_name.replace("", duration) answer = answer.replace("", remaining) state_name = state_name.replace("", remaining) device_list.insert(index, f"{chosen_device['device_name']} = {state_name}") # gather a list of all available services available_services = [] for x in set(device_types + [device_type]): available_services.extend(SUPPORTED_DEVICES[x].get_all_services(extra_exposed_attributes)) return { "states": device_list, "available_services": list(available_services), "question": question.lower(), "answers": [ answer.lower() ], "service_calls": [] } def format_example_raw_chatml(example, persona): """Don't use this one anymore""" sys_prompt = pile_of_system_prompts[persona] services_block = "Services: " + ", ".join(sorted(example["available_services"])) states_block = "Devices:\n" + "\n".join(example["states"]) question = example["question"] answers = " ".join(example["answers"]) system_block = "\n".join([ "<|im_start|>system", sys_prompt, services_block, states_block ]) + "<|im_end|>" user_block = "\n".join([ "<|im_start|>user", question]) + "<|im_end|>" assistant_block = "<|im_start|>assistant\n" + answers if len(example["service_calls"]) > 0: json_calls = [ json.dumps(x) for x in example["service_calls"] ] code_block = "\n```homeassistant\n" + "\n".join(json_calls) + "\n```" assistant_block = assistant_block + code_block assistant_block = assistant_block + "<|im_end|>" example_lines = [system_block, user_block, assistant_block] result = "\n".join(example_lines) if " 0: json_calls = [ json.dumps(x) for x in example["service_calls"] ] code_block = "\n```homeassistant\n" + "\n".join(json_calls) + "\n```" assistant_block = assistant_block + code_block # replace aliases with their actual values assistant_block = assistant_block.replace("blinds.", "cover.").replace("garage_door.", "cover.") states_block = states_block.replace("blinds.", "cover.").replace("garage_door.", "cover.") services_block = services_block.replace("blinds.", "cover.").replace("garage_door.", "cover.") conversation = [ { "from": "system", "value": "\n".join([ sys_prompt, services_block, states_block ])}, { "from": "user", "value": question }, { "from": "assistant", "value": assistant_block }, ] return { "conversations": conversation } def generate_example_file(filename: str, seed: int, format_func: Callable, languages: list[str], personas: list[str], *, static_factor: int, template_factor: int, status_request_factor: int): random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) print("Generating...") def run_factor_times(func, examples, data, language, persona, factor): if factor >= 1: for i in range(factor): examples.append(format_func(func(data, language, persona), persona)) else: if random.random() < factor: examples.append(format_func(func(data, language, persona), persona)) generated_examples = [] missing_responses = set() for lang in languages: for person in personas: for action in tqdm(pile_of_specific_actions): try: run_factor_times(generate_static_example, generated_examples, action, lang, person, static_factor) except NoResponseAvailableException as ex: missing_responses.add(str(ex)) for templated_action in tqdm(pile_of_templated_actions): try: run_factor_times(generate_templated_example, generated_examples, templated_action, lang, person, template_factor) except NoResponseAvailableException as ex: missing_responses.add(str(ex)) for status_request in tqdm(pile_of_status_requests): run_factor_times(generate_status_request, generated_examples, status_request, "en", "assistant", status_request_factor) print(f"Generated {len(generated_examples)} examples. Saving...") for missing in sorted(missing_responses): print(missing) with open(f"{filename}.jsonl", "w") as f: for item in generated_examples: json_record = json.dumps(item) f.write(json_record + '\n') print("Done!") def format_alpaca(example, format_func: Callable): question = example["instruction"] if "input" in example and example["input"]: question = question = "\n" + example["input"] answer = example["output"] device_list, device_types, extra_exposed_attributes = random_device_list( max_devices=32, avoid_device_names=[]) available_services = [] for x in device_types: available_services.extend(SUPPORTED_DEVICES[x].get_all_services(extra_exposed_attributes)) text = format_func(example={ "states": device_list, "available_services": list(available_services), "question": question, "answers": [ answer ], "service_calls": [] }) result = { "text": text } return result def merge_with_dataset(dataset_name, seed, output_name, format_function, dataset_column_names, format_func): alpaca_dataset = load_dataset(dataset_name)["train"].train_test_split(test_size=0.1) home_assistant_dataset = load_dataset("json", data_files={ "train": "home_assistant_train.jsonl", "test": "home_assistant_test.jsonl" }) random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) alpaca_dataset = combined_dataset_train = concatenate_datasets([home_assistant_dataset["train"], alpaca_dataset["train"]]).shuffle(seed=42) combined_dataset_test = concatenate_datasets([home_assistant_dataset["test"], alpaca_dataset["test"]]).shuffle(seed=42) combined_dataset_train.to_json(f"home_assistant_{output_name}_merged_train.jsonl") combined_dataset_test.to_json(f"home_assistant_{output_name}_merged_test.jsonl") # TODO: add examples for ambiguous requests. asking a clarifying question # TODO: make more randomized names for devices (random words or people's names) # TODO: answer questions about more than one thing in the state list at once # TODO: add examples for rooms/groups of devices. i.e. "turn off all the lights in the kitchen" # TODO: add personas for responses. different system prompts should invoke different response tones (pirate, robot, and mean) # TODO: add time, weather, and calendar/reminders (next 3 events?) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate the full dataset from the CSV piles") parser.add_argument("--sample", action="store_true", help="Set this flag to enable generation of the train dataset.") parser.add_argument("--test", action="store_true", help="Set this flag to enable generation of the train dataset..") parser.add_argument("--train", action="store_true", help="Set this flag to enable generation of the train dataset.") parser.add_argument("--merge", help="Set this flag to merge the generated datasets with the specified dataset.") train_size_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() train_size_group.add_argument('--small', action='store_const', const='small', dest='size') train_size_group.add_argument('--medium', action='store_const', const='medium', dest='size') train_size_group.add_argument('--large', action='store_const', const='large', dest='size') train_size_group.add_argument('--xl', action='store_const', const='xl', dest='size') dataset_format_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() dataset_format_group.add_argument('--raw_corpus', action='store_const', const='raw', dest='format') dataset_format_group.add_argument('--sharegpt', action='store_const', const='sharegpt', dest='format') args = parser.parse_args() languages = ["en"] personas = ["assistant", "pirate", "robot"] if not args.sample and not args.train and not args.test and not args.merge: parser.print_usage() if not args.format or args.format == "raw": format_func = format_example_raw_chatml elif args.format == "sharegpt": format_func = format_example_sharegpt if args.sample: generate_example_file("sample", 42, format_func, languages, personas, static_factor=1, template_factor=1, status_request_factor=1) if args.train: if args.size == "small": generate_example_file("home_assistant_train", 42, format_func, languages, personas, static_factor=1, template_factor=10, status_request_factor=8) elif args.size == "medium": generate_example_file("home_assistant_train", 42, format_func, languages, personas, static_factor=5, template_factor=15, status_request_factor=12) elif args.size == "large": generate_example_file("home_assistant_train", 42, format_func, languages, personas, static_factor=5, template_factor=20, status_request_factor=15) elif args.size == "xl": generate_example_file("home_assistant_train", 42, format_func, languages, personas, static_factor=7, template_factor=25, status_request_factor=18) else: raise Exception(f"Unrecognized dataset size: {args.size}") if args.test: generate_example_file("home_assistant_test", 12345, format_func, languages, personas, static_factor=0.25, template_factor=1, status_request_factor=2) if args.merge == "alpaca": merge_with_dataset("yahma/alpaca-cleaned", 42, "alpaca", format_alpaca, ["input", "output", "instruction"], format_func) elif args.merge == "wizardlm70k": merge_with_dataset("WizardLM/WizardLM_evol_instruct_70k", 42, "wizardlm70k", format_alpaca, ["output", "instruction"], format_func) if __name__ == "__main__": main()