•the serial numbers of any equipment must be retained along with any documentation relating to its
•the applicant must retain a register of all equipment
•the equipment must be available for inspection
•the applicant must advise if there is an intended change to the stated use of the equipment
Purchase of production rights, animals, land or plants
The purchase of production rights, animals, land and plants (or the planting of plants) are not eligible
Investment in milk, pigs and poultry
Limitations will be applied on assistance given per business for dairy, pig and poultry production,
consistent with the scale of crofting activities.
•fattening / breeding of pigs
Assistance is limited to work related to the provision or upgrading of a maximum of 300 fattening pig
places in one business. A business must have sufficient cereal cropping land to produce 35 per cent of
its pig feedstuff requirements, even if it does not actually produce the feedstuff. Assistance should not be
given to non-land based intensive pig fattening units.
•poultry and egg production
Poultry includes all domestic fowl, turkeys, ducks, geese and game birds for the production of meat or
eggs. Assistance may be given only where the number of birds does not exceed 1,000. If the number of
birds exceeds 1,000 no assistance will be given.
Use of organic materials
Where organic materials are used in investment in land management operations the full cost of the
materials used can only be claimed if the claimant is registered with an approved organic body. Examples
•Scottish Food Quality Certification Ltd
•Biodynamic Association
•Soil Association Certification Ltd
Rural Payments and Services - © Crown copyrightCrofting Agricultural Grant Scheme - Crofting Agricultural Grants Scheme full guidance Page 19 of 23
•Organic Food Federation
•Organic Farmers & Growers Ltd
If you are not registered with an approved organic body your claim will be restricted to the value of non-
organic alternative inputs.
Secondhand equipment
European Commission regulations specify that the purchase of secondhand equipment may be regarded
as eligible expenditure when the following four conditions are met severally and jointly.
1. A declaration by the seller of the equipment confirms its exact origin and that the equipment has not
already been the subject of national or community assistance.
2. The purchase of the equipment represents a particular advantage to the project or is made necessary
by exceptional circumstances (e.g. no new equipment is available on time, threatening the execution of
the whole project).
3. A reduction of the costs involved as compared with the cost of the same equipment purchased new,
while maintaining a good cost / benefit ratio.
4. The equipment acquired must have the necessary technical characteristics consistent with the
requirements of the project.
The application should contain the necessary documentation to show that these requirements have been
complied with.
Appendix B – Examples of how work undertaken can meet
scheme objectives
Scheme objectives
1. reduce production costs
2. improve and redeploy production
3. improve quality
4. preserve and improve the natural environment, hygiene conditions and animal welfare standards
5. promote the diversification of farm (croft) activities
Operation Description Outputs Scheme objective
Create capacity to in-winter
(additional) stock (number/type
stock) which will lead to:5 and 3
_% reduction in fodder wastage 1
_% reduction in calf mortality. 1
_% reduction in vet bills 1
An increase in average calf
weights by _kgs1
Reduce weekly man hours by
_hrs2Stock housing
Increase grazing period by _
To extend production season
by _ days (provide details of
extended season)1
Increase output (provide
details)2Agricultural buildings –
operation one
Erection of polytunnel
Increase range of crops
(provide examples of increased
range)1 and 2
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Achieve a recognised quality
Reduction wastage of hay/
straw by _kgs1
Reduce cost of purchased feed
through buying in bulk (provide
amount saved per tonne)1Storage
Reduce cost of purchased hay/
straw through purchasing in
summer (provide estimate of
cost saved per tonne)1
Increase fully usable grazing
area by _ha which will lead to:1
An increase in lambing
percentage (provide estimate)2
An increase in weaned lamb
weight (provide estimate)2
An improvement in sheep
and cattle health through a
reduction in bracken poisoning
resulting in overall increased
output3Land management – operation