text,label,class_name "Buyer: hi there Seller: Good Day! Buyer: how are you today? Seller: I'm well. Broke my arm and can't use my go pro for a while. Buyer: oh geeze, im sorry to here that. Seller: I can't use it but maybe you're interested? Buyer: Yes, A go pro is something I have been interested in for a while, how does $243 for it sound? Seller: That will work for me. I can't use it anyway!",2,electronics "Seller: Are you interested in renting my apartment? Buyer: yes i am however it is much higher then i can afford. i was lookng in the 1000-1500$ range Seller: I really can't go that low. I just renovated the kitchen and our tenants are great people. Buyer: well that may be so but with the lack of pets allowed, radiator heat, and having to pay electric its too high for those lack of or bad features. Seller: I can offer you a price of $1800 a month. ",4,housing Buyer: What kind of wood is it?,3,furniture "Seller: I would like 160 Buyer: The bike is in good condition, but not excellent. I can offer 140 Seller: I think that seems far. I like the deal. Lets do it.",0,bike "Seller: hello, are you intereste din the bed? Seller: I think 247 is rather low, anychance you can come up? Buyer: Perhaps if there are other perks to the item that I don't know about yet. Seller: well it is very well cared for and also does come with a mattress, both great quality and condition .",3,furniture "Seller: hello there if you are interested in the chair I am asking 299 . Buyer: Yes, very interested. Is the chair new? Seller: It was only used a few times. it is in excellent condition. Buyer: Will the chair work for someone who is under 6 feet tall? Seller: yes of course, but it has the capability to offer great support ofr those over 6 foot, so it is very versatile. Buyer: I'm just afraid that it will be too tall, since I am only 4 foot tall. Seller: Well I think it woudl work for you but that is your choice, I am looking to get rid of it because I am moving. I COULD COME DOWN TO 250 AND FREE DELIVERY. Buyer: Deal!",3,furniture "Buyer: Who is the manufacturer? Seller: Its Tom and Associates. They're pretty neat and good at their work ! Buyer: Oh, Ive own a piece from them in the past, it only lasted 5 years. Would you take $30? Seller: That's very low for me. I got the item for $80. The couch is very comfortable and in a very good condition. The item has very strong woods that last for years. Buyer: How old is it? Seller: Only one year old Buyer: All I have on me right now is $38, if you'd accept that, I can pick it up in under an hour. Seller: Lets make it $40 and I will offer to deliver it to you? Buyer: When can you deliver it? Seller: By tomorrow and I accept cash only Buyer: I won't be around tomorrow. But I can come right now if you'll take $38 Seller: okay then deal!",3,furniture "Seller: hello Buyer: Hi, does this have build in microwave? Seller: yes it does Buyer: What about a pool? Seller: yes and lounge area was just renovated Buyer: I will take it, if you are willing to take $150 off the listing price. Seller: i can take $100 off Buyer: Sorry, I can only pay $1660 per month",4,housing "Buyer: waddup, this looks so cool. I can finally replace my secretary, that worthless pos Seller: hi yes its very nice and brand new im selling it for 18 Buyer: do you have a secretary? Seller: no i do not Buyer: they're nice but expensive. I prefer this machine to paying them if you know whta I mean Seller: ok i see, so are you going to purchase? Buyer: i'll give you $10 for it Seller: im sorry but this is brand new Buyer: you're gonna have a hard time getting rid of this Seller: ok, so are you no longer interested? Buyer: here we go",2,electronics "Seller: Go ahead and ask me anything about the bike, I did a lot of research before I bought it. Buyer: Hi there I am intereste din the bike Seller: Great, I'm only asking $250 for it. I know that is really cheap for a Nirve, but I can't use it. Buyer: funny, if you researched it you got one too tall. Seller: I was looking for quality and customer reviews, never thought about ride height, I know, stupid me. Buyer: anyways..I could do 230? Seller: Hmm, I could do $240 Buyer: okay I suppose that is fair Seller: Great",0,bike "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi. Is the location great? how far is it from town? Seller: The location is amazing. It is not far from town. You can walk to alot of places. Buyer: Okay and is it fully furnished? Seller: Yes! Including a HW fir! Buyer: Cool. The price listed doesn't match my budget though. I have $1786 that I can afford Seller: That is over $500 of the listing price. I could do $2,00 at the lowest. Buyer: Okay that's fair for the furnished apartment. I will get that then! Seller: Deal!",4,housing "Seller: Hello Buyer: hello Seller: This is a great desk Buyer: Yes It is I was wondering if I offered you $75.00 for the desk if I could pick it up myself and throw in a xbox to give to you Seller: Sorry, I can't accept anything less than 110 and have no need for an xbox Buyer: okay that's understandable I will pay you $110.00 Seller: Sounds good",3,furniture "Seller: hello Buyer: hi there! I am very interested in your car! But, it is a little pricey. Would you accept $3000? Seller: It's a 2009 model in excellent condition and very well maintained with everything working. I'd be willing to go down to $7500. Buyer: Yes, but it's dirty, there isn't XM in the radio, and its only a 5 speed. The gas mileage is also very low on this vehicle, so how about $4000? Seller: I'd be willing to go down to $7000 because I like you, but I can't go any lower. Buyer: The highest I am willing to go is $4250. Cash in hand. I can pick it up in 10 minutes. ",1,car "Seller: Hello Buyer: hey Seller: This is a great vehicle",1,car ,3,furniture Buyer: I will give you 8 for it.,2,electronics "Seller: Hello are you intrested in the phone? Buyer: Yes, what Seller: Its a t mobile galaxy s2 Buyer: What is wrong with the phone? Seller: It loads but it won't go past the boot screen. I think it's an easy fix but I don't have the time or expertise. Buyer: Well, I happened to have bought a used Samsung Galaxy S6 last week for $30 Seller: Was it in good working condition? I'm asking 24 bucks Buyer: Well, I plan to resell this phone for $25, so I can't offer more than $18. Seller: Make it 20 and it's yours Buyer: I agree to $20.",5,phone "Buyer: Hi I am really interested in the apartment. Is it close to town? Seller: Hello, yes the apartment is about a 10 minute drive to the town Buyer: Is it fully furnished? Seller: The downstairs area is, the upstairs however is not Buyer: And what about the smoking requirement? is it a smoking area or not? Seller: Yes, Smoking is allowed Buyer: Okay. So what's the price for it? The amount I see is way too high for me. Can we work on that? Seller: The price is negotiable assuming you pass on a credit check. What is the current standing of your credit? Buyer: Its in an excellent standing, and before we get down to the price. What is the deposit? Seller: The deposit is one months rent. So the price we agree on will be the deposit Buyer: Sounds good. So the amount that I can propose is $1672 Seller: that's a nice starting point. However, I have many interested buyers. I will counter at $1850 Buyer: Okay, since I really liked the apartment, I would be willing to give that amount. Seller: Sounds good. $1850 it is",4,housing "Buyer: This house looks perfect! Is there a basement? Seller: unfortunately there is not a basement. Buyer: well is there anyway you could allow me to bring my cat along? I know you said no pets but I don't want to get rid of him Seller: once again. I am sorry, but i can't allow pets at this location. even the best pets do have occasional ""accidents"" and with this carpet can be very difficult to clean. i certainly hope this isn't a deal breaker to you, but i understand if it is. Buyer: If you could lower the price to 2000 I would still take it. Seller: what would you say to 2100 with a deposit of 1500, additionally, how is your credit? Buyer: I have decent credit but I just broke up with my boyfriend and all I can afford right now is to pay a little over 2000. I really need a place to live. Seller: I understand, if you don't mind me asking, what is your current source of income? Buyer: I am a school teacher. Seller: thank you for letting me know. I appreciate the work you do. you have been very pleasent during this process. i'm willing to go down to 2000 in this situation. assuming that you pass the credit check, which i'm sure that you will, we can get the lease agreement sorted out in about a week or so. Buyer: Thank you so much you won't regret this! Seller: alright. it sounds like 2000 is a deal. thank you for your time.",4,housing "Buyer: So, what's wrong with this phone? Seller: It starts but won't go past the boost screen. I am no phone expert though. Buyer: Well, I think we can make a deal, I would like to buy the phone on the chance I can get it to work again. Seller: Great. How much would you like to offer. Buyer: Well, are there any other problems with the phone besides the boot screen problem you mentioned? Seller: None I know. I am not an expert though. I just buy phones. Never fixed one myself. Buyer: Well, for a 6 year old used phone that may or may not work, that has been replaced by a new phone that costs only $75, I'm willing to take a chance and offer $15. Seller: Would you be willing to do $20? Buyer: No, I have to stay firm at $15, there's a good chance that the phone is in a permanent bootloop state that I can't do anything to recover, and then I'd have to just recycle it. Seller: Can we meet in the middle at 18? Buyer: I'll do $17, that's my best offer. Seller: Ok sounds good.",5,phone "Buyer: I'm interested in this desk, what is your lowest price? Seller: I am selling it for $125 Buyer: I'd have to paint it, when I get it, would you take 105 instead? Seller: Yes that is fine",3,furniture "Buyer: How much is the price? Seller: It's 18 bucks. Buyer: How about $15? Seller: It's brand new in the box. How about 16? Buyer: okay Seller: Great. The phone number is 347-567-6785.",2,electronics "Seller: Hi how's it going Buyer: Hello. I'm well. I hope you are too. I'd love to get this car but I can't afford the listed price. What deal can you make for cash? Seller: What is your offer? Buyer: I can take if off your hands for $7500 cash in hand. The car is nearing 100000 miles and I think it's a fair price for cash. Seller: Its still got about 16k miles until 100k. How about we meet in the middle? Buyer: What would be your counter offer? It's no hot rod. Seller: $9000 cash? Buyer: I don't have that much cash. That's pretty far from the middle. What about $7750? Seller: $8000 is as low as I can go. Buyer: $8000 is reasonable. Deal.",1,car "Buyer: Hi. Do you have a picture of this item? I'm very interested. Seller: no dio not have a picture of it. but i can tell you in very good condition Buyer: Okay. How wide is the shelf? Seller: it is wide enough to hold books and other items Buyer: Do you have exact measurements? Seller: no i do not have exact measurements but it is a reproduction of the french original Buyer: Okay. How much are you looking to sell it for? Seller: list price is 600 but am willing to negoitate Buyer: Okay good. How does 400 sound? I can pay cash and pick it up today or tomorrow.",3,furniture "Seller: Hello! What do you think of the apartment? Buyer: Hi, I'm interested in it. Do you think we could maybe do $2000 for the place. Seller: The apartment is newly renovatedand in such a great neighborhood. How do you feel about 2350? Buyer: 2350 still seems too much for the place given the fact that I have to use coins to use the laundry. Can we met half way at 2100? Seller: 2200 and you have yourself a deal. Buyer: 2150 Seller: 2175 and I can throw in some nice lavender linen spray Buyer: Hmm I'm not really interested in that, I would prefer 2150 Seller: 2150 will be acceptable.Welcome to your new apartment!",4,housing ,3,furniture "Seller: Hello Buyer: hi i am interesed in the chair your have sale but i want to know some details. i am 6ft 5in and weigh 250lbs. will this hold me? Seller: Well, good thing you asked because this chair is just the right size for you if you are over 6ft. Buyer: sweet! would you be willing to take $200 for the chair? Seller: Truth be told. My initial sale price for this is much, much higher. It's $340. We need to talk this out. Buyer: well they list at office max for $299 and this one is used. so the highest i would go is about $225 Seller: More accurately, though, this is refurbished. I only ""unboxed"" the package, and intermittently used it. Meaning the quality of it is still considerably higher than a used chair. $225 is severely underselling it. I want $275 because the condition is too close to new. Buyer: im sorry i cannot go that high $227 is im highest offer take it or leave it Seller: I have a counteroffer. $235 is the absolute lowest I can go on my part. If you buy a used chair anywhere else, it will not be as great of a condition as this.",3,furniture "Buyer: hey, I'm interesting in the desk! what can you tell me about it? Seller: It's an awesome piece. It's Paris inspired, solid wood. Very nice!",3,furniture "Seller: hi i am selling a toyota camry 2009 LE. Buyer: Hello I'm interested if the price is right. Seller: the price is $8000 Buyer: How many miles? Seller: im sorry that i dont know Buyer: In that case I am prepared to offer $6500 Seller: thats too low as its in a very good condition Buyer: Counter Seller: meaning? Buyer: Here is my final offer 7300 Seller: yeah that sounds about right",1,car "Buyer: Hi, I'm interested in the phone. What is the issue with it? Seller: it will not boot past the boot screen Buyer: I'm willing to buy it for 22 Seller: I would like to get the $24, I will even bring it to you, if we can meet somewhere public. Buyer: That sounds fair.",5,phone "Buyer: hello Seller: Hi, how much would you like to spend for this item? Buyer: i am looking to spend no more than 2000 Seller: Okay, are you willing to go a bit higher for a quality place? Buyer: maybe, if pets were allowed. Seller: Unfortunately no pets allowed Buyer: then my price is not adjustable unfortunately. Seller: Okay, the lowest I can go is $2200 Buyer: not $2000? Seller: No, only $2200",4,housing "Buyer: How new are the kitchen and bathroom? Seller: Both have been redone in the past year. Buyer: Does the bathroom have a shower and a bath? Seller: Yes. Buyer: And could you tell me what color it is? Seller: The bathroom is pained white, and the combo shower/bath is also white. Buyer: Sweet. Is there anyway you'd allow me to bring my dog? I swear she never pees in the house. Seller: Sorry, I can't make any exceptions to the no pets rule. Buyer: I'd really only like to pay 1890 then. Seller: Are you willing to pay 2000 if I throw in a $150 coupon package for local businesses? Buyer: Is that for any of the local businesses or just one in particular? Seller: It is for any local business. Buyer: Then you have a deal! Seller: Great!",4,housing "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi there I am interested in your car.. Seller: Great! It is very well maintained and has a lot of added features. My asking price for it is just $10,000 Buyer: How old is this car? Seller: Its a 2009, its an LE edition, and the brakes were just replaced, so its a great deal. Buyer: has it ever been in an accident? Seller: No accidents and it has all the papers with it. Buyer: If you could come down a little to say 6800, I would take it happily. Seller: I think you will like this car an I want to sell it to you, so how about I meet you half way and we settle for $8000 Buyer: The listing price is 8000. Seller: I feel that it is worth more than 8000. The listing price is the lowest I can go. Buyer: well you should have placed the add differently. I don't feel you open to offers then. Seller: Ok sorry we couldnt agree",1,car "Seller: This great townhouse is going for 2200! Buyer: There are no washer/dryer. I would consider it if you can make an offer of $1300 Seller: That depends on how your credit is? Buyer: My credit would be excellent with no doubt. Seller: And you would be able to pay that with no problem if I gave you that deal? Buyer: certainly. Seller: Then you have yourself a deal. Buyer: Deal. Thank you.",4,housing "Seller: Hello there.. Buyer: Hello this looks like a great car. Is there any problems with it? Seller: None at all, never ha d an accident and in great condition. Buyer: Have the tires been changed recently? Seller: All weather tires were put on 3months ago. Buyer: Just one last question then. How is the oil? Seller: Just changed. Buyer: I'd like to offer you 8000 for this Seller: That is a little low but wan to take care of this quickly, how about 8700? Buyer: I think I can work with that. Deal!",1,car "Seller: Get this car for the low price of $5100. Buyer: I really liked the car but the price is way too high for me Seller: Well I did some research and this is what most cars like this had been selling for. I thought it was a fair price. Buyer: I don't think its a fair price. I would appreciate it if you could reconsider the price. Is the car used? Seller: It is used. But it only has 15000 miles on the engine. Buyer: I am interested in it, but it only fits my budget if I can pay $3876? Seller: would you not be able to do at least 4000? Buyer: Okay, I could do 4000 but I need more details about the car though please! Seller: Well it is in excellent condition. it was 3 rows of seats, and if you don't need them they can fold down for storage. Buyer: Great thanks. So do you accept cash or credit? Seller: I prefer cash if you have it. Buyer: Sure thing we got a deal! Thanks",1,car "Seller: Hello there! This is a very elegant piece of furniture. Are you interested in purchasing it Buyer: yes i really like it Seller: Okay what do you want to know? Buyer: how good is its condition? Seller: Its in a very good condition Buyer: how about the price? Seller: $400 is the price Buyer: are you gonna come down alittle? Seller: I can do $380 Buyer: nothing less than that? Seller: no that's the last I could do because I assure you that you won't regret this purchase! Buyer: and will you be delivering it? Seller: I don't do delivery but in your case I could do that for you! Buyer: then 380 sounds good thank you. Seller: We got a deal! You're very welcome! Thanks for purchasing with me!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello I am interested in buying. Seller: Great! I am listing this at 2250 Buyer: I'm going to be honest with you, I am very very limited by my budget... I hope we can negotiate a fair price... Seller: I understand. However, this apartment has a lot of amenities that you may like. It's clean, large, and close to the bay. In fact, you can see the bay from the apartment Buyer: That sounds great. That countertop looks very outdated. I am stuck at 1350 but if the countertop was updated I could probably go much higher... Seller: Well, we are not finished updating just yet.We still have to do the kitchen. It's available on July 1st so we still have some time to replace it. What's the highest you think you could go? Buyer: I think 1750 would be fair with a new countertop. Seller: I really couldn't let it go for less than the 2250 asking price. I am remodeling more than just the counter. New carpet, new appliances, freshly painted and I put in an energy efficient HVAC so your utility bills will be lower. Buyer: That all sounds great but like I said I am limited by a very very low budget. I can forego the new countertop though if it means a fairer price. Seller: How would you feel if I waived the first month's rent, but you have to agree to a 12 month lease? Buyer: I can't go any higher than 1750 and I didn't think you were coming back so I submitted it as my final offer. Seller: I think with this location and the remodel's I'm putting in to it, I can't go 500 lower, so I'll have to reject your offer. Thank you for your interest, though. Buyer: Thanks for considering it. Have a good night.",4,housing Seller: I will accept $575,3,furniture "Buyer: hello Seller: Are you looking to rent an apartment? Buyer: yes i am Seller: I've got a great listing available. 1BR with large closets. Next to shopping and plenty of restaurants. Buyer: I see that, and what is the price? Seller: I can do $1735 a month with the first month free and no deposit. Buyer: I see.... I am sorry I was looking in the low 1100's.... I will have to look somewhere else then Seller: you won't find anything below $1800 in downtown Walnut Creek. Buyer: Ok that is clearly out of my price range. I have 2200 cash I was looking to pay up front as 1st and last so I will have to look elsewhere Seller: I'll do $1700 and I'll waive the application fee. The application fee saves you $300 off the bat. Buyer: Sorry",4,housing "Seller: 9000 Buyer: Hello. I am interested in this product. Is it new or used? Seller: Hello, it is used and ready to go! Buyer: What is the color? Seller: The cars color is Desert Sand Mica Buyer: Okay and how about the smog test? Seller: It just passed the smog test and it totally ready to go! Asking 9000 Buyer: you're asking 9000 for it? Seller: Yes we are! Buyer: Woah! That's too too much for me! Seller: Well, we may have a little wiggle room, so please make an offer. Maybe we can find a price that works for the both of us. Buyer: Well as per your ad, the listing item is for $7668. I wonder why you're asking 9000? Seller: Well, we have others that are interested in the vehicle as well. So due to popular inquiry, we had to raise the price. I am waiting to hear back from two clients. But if you can agree to purchase the vehicle I will sell it to you! Buyer: As per your listing price, I am willing to pay 7200? Seller: That is 1800 below my price!! How about we meet in the middle and agree at $8100? Buyer: How about 7800? Seller: OK, if you are willing to make that our final agreement, then I will accept! Buyer: Thank you so much!",1,car "Buyer: hello Seller: Hi Buyer: I would like more details about this apartment Seller: It's a great apartment. It has a ton of natural light and great closets. A large coat closet is by the door and the bedroom has a large walk in. Buyer: sounds good Seller: The asking price is 1729 Buyer: thats a bit high can you go any lower? say 1650 Seller: The lowest I can go is 1700. The first month is free and I will pay the first months utility. Buyer: thats a great deal but I really can't afford 1700 would you consider 1625 Seller: My bottom line is 1700 with a free month and all fees waived plus the utilities for a month. I will leave the deposit off as well. Buyer: this is really high and I understand you are throwing in a free month lets say we do 1650",4,housing "Seller: I can offer it to you for $250 and throw in a 60-day warranty Buyer: Is it new or used? Seller: new",3,furniture "Seller: Hello! How are you? Buyer: Good. Is this furnished? Seller: Yes. This house has amenities such as washer and dryer, new stainless steel appliances, and much more.",4,housing ,3,furniture "Seller: Hey you should get this amazing apartment for 2250 Buyer: The checkerboard tiles are very undesirable, i think 2250 might be a bit of an upsell",4,housing "Buyer: How sturdy is the desk. Seller: It can hold at least my weight Buyer: Would you be willing to take 45$ for it. Seller: 50 and i will deliver it to you Buyer: Sounds fair to me, 50$ it is.",3,furniture "Seller: hello Buyer: hey there. im interested in the bed you have for sale. I want to buy a new bed but Id be willing to purchase a used one for around 250 Seller: ok, as you can see from the picture this one is in great condition - just look at that wood! Buyer: sweet. yea it looks great! thanks for your cooperation Seller: will you pick it up? Buyer: yes i will pick it up from your place. that's fine Seller: ok, that will be fine - i know it is in good hands!",3,furniture "Seller: I will offer you this safe for $325 Buyer: What are your thoughts on taking less? I've been thinking of getting one, but that's kinda pricey. Seller: I am willing to negotiate. Buyer: I found a different one that I think I could probably make do with for 180, but if I could get what I really want for not much more than that, it would totally be worth it. Seller: Well it is in the original box and has a 1 year factory warranty. What about $275? Buyer: I was hoping closer to 240? Seller: It is in very good condition. How about 260? Buyer: Yeh, I'm not that into it. I think I'd go 250, but that's my max. Seller: Well I do have another buy that seems interested. Are you sure you can't go 260? Buyer: Nah. The Hollon is a good one, but I don't know that it's worth 70 more than the one that will do. It's getting stuck in the back of a closet. . . Sell me with some amazing facts, or 250 is the magic number. ",3,furniture "Seller: Hi, there. Are you interested in renting? Buyer: Good evening. I'm interested in the 3bedroom, 1 bath home. Seller: Great! I'm asking $2695 per month. Utilities aren't included, so you would also be responsible for those as well. Buyer: Ok, I'm thinking that's a bit high. I would like to pay $2479. Seller: How about $2500? It's newly renovated and includes a washer/dryer.",4,housing "Buyer: Hello I would want to purchase the desk and chair. It says its quite old. Is it maintained well? Seller: 40 dollars Buyer: Sorry? Seller: whats a good price for you Buyer: $120 is what I can pay and fits my budget Seller: i will take the $120 you got a deal Buyer: Thank you so much for considering!",3,furniture "Seller: Hi Buyer: Hello, I am interested in this item.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi! You have a nice item. If I buy it will it be shipped safely? Seller: Of course. The shipping will be done by a private shipping company which provides a fantastic service. Any damages per delivery will be covered by us. Buyer: That is great; I'm glad to hear it. What would you think of an offer of 350 for the item? Seller: I'm very sorry, but that is simply too low for such a fantastic and original item. This is an exact reproduction of the French original, and you will not buy anywhere else in America. Buyer: Understandable. What are you expecting for the item? Seller: Well the full price of the item is 600 dollars, and this is including our fantastic shipping option, covered by a non-damage warranty. I am willing to lower my price a bit but I can't go too low. Would 550 dollars be acceptable to you? Buyer: I'm willing to meet you in the middle since it is an exceptional item, but my budget is a bit tight. How about 450? Seller: Sadly I simply cannot go under the mark of 500 dollars. Buyer: Last offer, I can do 475 max. Seller: I thank you for your interest, but as I stated above, I cannot go under 500 for this spectacular item. My offer is 500 if you can accept it. Buyer: Sorry, that is too much for me. Thanks for your time and best of luck",3,furniture "Seller: Hey, so I have this car here and I'm looking for 8400 for it. Buyer: Like it interested Seller: Alright, so it's a 2008 Honda accord. Does 8400 sound good? Buyer: I cannot do that at that price Seller: Why not? It's fully loaded, and there's really nothing wrong.",1,car "Buyer: Hello Seller: Hi there. How can i help you? Buyer: I am interested in the phone. You say it is in good condition? Seller: Yes absolutely its in a very good condition. It has no sratches or cracks or scuffs of any sort. I have always used it with a screen protector Buyer: Is the interface still quick? Is the phone still up to date as far as updates? Seller: Yes absolutely the interface is quick and the phone is up to date as far the updates go Buyer: Is there a warranty? Seller: No there is no warranty associated with it. Buyer: Oh, that kind of makes me iffy. You want 150 for the phone? Right? Seller: yes because its as new as it was when I got it. I can give you for $130 if you will Buyer: Actually that sounds good. I am willing to pay that amount for this phone. Seller: Great then!",5,phone "Buyer: hi Seller: Hey hows it going? Buyer: Good, how old is the GE Motor Seller: about 3 years gently used Im selling it for a great price of $80 Buyer: that's a bit high for me can you lower the price a tad Seller: hmm i can for you my friend. $70 is as low as I can go. Buyer: i have $65 and i can come pick it up please work with me i acually needed somthing with higher amps Seller: ok, deal Buyer: great what time should i pick it up Seller: noon Buyer: ok deal thx man",2,electronics "Seller: Hey, so I have this desk for sale. It's treated me great, it's only $60. Buyer: Hi. I am interested in your desk. Would you be willing to accept and offer of $45? Seller: I can't do that, how about $55 and I'll drop it off. Buyer: I think that might work for me. Can you tell me anything else about the table, any defects? Seller: The table is scratched all on top, it wobbles, and one of the legs snapped on me and I had to glue it back on. Buyer: That being the case I don't think I'm interested after all. I'm looking for something that will actually be in pretty good condition and that will be durable. I'm afraid your desk just isn't a good deal for me. Seller: Look I'll go down to $25 it's really not all that bad. Buyer: No, sorry. The snapped leg being glued back on really decided things for me and I'm going to have to decline that offer. Too bad. Seller: Final offer, I'll take the time to nail the leg back into the table. Buyer: I'm sorry a final offer of what, the $25? Seller: Yeah Buyer: No, the best I could do with the condition of the desk is $15. Seller: Deal. Buyer: Great! Thanks!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello are you there? Seller: Yes, I am here to discuss with you the room? Buyer: Yes, the room seems adequate for my needs but the payment seems much too high. I want to shoot you another offer, I'm thinking 1300 is more than reasonable. Seller: I see where you are coming from, but given the location of the unit I find this to be a competitive price so going that low is just not possible at the moment. Is there any question you have about the unit? Buyer: Well I see it's near Berkeley, but I was wondering exactly how close it is to say restaurants around the area and how convenient it would be to travel around? Seller: Being one mile from West Berkley Bowl, it should be easy to find food. Even if you don't have transporation, there is major bus lines just a few blocks away and should be quite accessable. Buyer: Ah okay I see, well in the case I can understand the price but I am still on a tight budget. I am really looking to spend no more than 1410 for the room. Seller: Well I am really trying to stay within 2000 dollars and not go much further than that, the room is highly sought after. Buyer: I understand, can we settle for somewhere in-between maybe 1800? Seller: I'm afraid the lowest I can possible go is 1900. Woudl thsi work for you? Buyer: It's higher than I would like but I suppose that's very reasonable. I will accept the price of 1900. Seller: Great! I can assure you that you wont regret your decision.",4,housing "Buyer: Hi. I am interested in your Chevy you have for sale Seller: Hello, it's a classic in good condition Buyer: I've seen similar trucks for sale go for around $8,000. Seller: It only has about 50,000 miles, since it was driven rarely. The engine is in great condition Buyer: The other 1955 Chevy Belair I was looking at is $9000 and it has the same amount of miles and in the same condition. But it's a different color. I'd be willing to give you $9500 for this and I have cash in hand. Seller: that's a nice offer, but a little less than I'm willing to sell at. I have several interested buyers I am in negotiations with. I'm willing to go to $11,800 Buyer: $10,000 is the highest I can go. That's my final offer. Seller: ok, you have a deal at $10,000",1,car "Buyer: Hello! I saw your ad and was wanting to see if you would be willing to take $195 for it. Seller: For this nice bed that is much to low. Right now I'm selling it for $325. Buyer: I wouldn't be able to verify that I'd be paying a fair price considering the company no longer makes it. What would be the least you'd take? Seller: Since this comes with the mattress as well I would think about going down to about $300 Buyer: What if you sell just the storage bed? Seller: At this time I am selling them as a package deal. Buyer: okay, I can offer $225. Seller: What if I throw in a blanket, sheets, and a pillow all this for $285? Buyer: $250 and you have a deal. Seller: If you pay in cash I'll make that deal Buyer: I can do that.",3,furniture "Seller: hi Buyer: Hello. I'm very interested in buying your desk. Can you tell me a bit more about it? Does it have any scratches or bumps? Seller: it has some scuffs but other than that it's a perfect office desk has large drawers and shelves Buyer: The add didn't list anything about the material and the color of the item. Can you just specify a bit more? Seller: it's a office desk Buyer: Yes but is it a wooden one, a metal one? Colored wood? Seller: yes i'm willing to negotiate Buyer: Well since you really did not give me much information about it, highest I can offer is 48 dollars. If this is ok I can come pick it up right now, as I could really use a desk for tomorrow. Seller: that is to low i can go for $65 it has lots of shelf room and large drawers Buyer: But you didn't tell me anything about the appearance of it and there is no picture either. Since I really do need it quickly I can go up to 55 but that is my final offer. I can pick it up right away. Seller: ok u got me pick up a noon",3,furniture "Seller: Hello. Buyer: Hi there. I am interested in the Patio Coffee Table. Seller: Thank you for your interest. Any questions I can answer for you? Buyer: What condition is the table in? Seller: I've had it for a couple years so it could definitely use a paint job. Other than that, it's a fantastic table. Hate to part with it but I just have too much furniture at the moment. Buyer: Are you totally firm on the price? Seller: There is always room for negotiation, but I'd not go too low as I really do like the table. Buyer: I like the table, but I only have $20 cash on me. Seller: That would be ok, if you can pick up the table yourself.",3,furniture "Seller: Hi, thank you for your interest. How can I help you today? Buyer: Hi I have been looking for a chest like this, can you tell me more about it< Seller: Certainly, the armoire has 2 pull out drawers that hold a multitude of items you also the option to open the top portion an is sturdy enough to house a television. Buyer: That is good to know. How is the condition, it appears to be in very nice shape but do they have any scratches or damage? Seller: No scratches in excellent shape, I do have a matching night table i can include if interested. Buyer: I would be, I could offer you 600. Do you deliver? Seller: Unfortunately no, it needs to be picked up. Buyer: Oh ok. Wel I suppose I could get a friend who has a truck to help me. Would you take 600 for the both of them then? Seller: 600 is a bit low the asking price alone fort the armoire is 695, but i will give you the armoire and the night table for 675, lowest i can go. Buyer: Ok that sounds fair, I will bring a truck,, 675 it is thanks!",3,furniture "Buyer: hello, I am interested in your console you've got for sale. Is there anything wrong with it? Seller: No, it is custom made. Buyer: Ok, I feel like $500 is quite a lot, Can you do $300? Seller: I custom make these and the materials are quite expensive and they are labor intensive. The most I could offer is a 5% discount which would take it to $475. Buyer: Ok,I can do that",3,furniture ,5,phone "Buyer: How many bedrooms? Bathrooms? Seller: This is a great apartment on a lake, would you take it for $3200?",4,housing "Buyer: I am interested in this, but since this model is so outdated I would be willing to pay you $10 Seller: Hi, thanks for your interest. Unfortunately, $10 just doesn't work for me. I could go down to $20. If it gets fixed, this phone should be worth quite a bit more. Buyer: The technology is outdated I would pay you $12 Seller: Understood. The asking price is $24, but if you could give me $15 we could make a deal no. Buyer: I would do $14, but that is my final offer.",5,phone "Seller: hello. I am selling my ford focus what do you think about it? Buyer: It looks like a nice car. Is the inspection on it current? Seller: yes everything is up to date. its in great condition and has low mileage for a car purchased in 2008 Buyer: 2008 makes it 10 years old. Would you be willing to accept a lower price? Seller: I am willing how much lower? I am asking $4000 Buyer: I could get you $3000 in cash immediately and pick up the costs for the title transfer. Seller: that's not a bad offer a little low though how about $3500 Buyer: Ok. I can do that. ",1,car "Buyer: hello, I am interested in your lights you have for sale Seller: Hi thanks for your interest in like new LG phone I am not selling any lights Buyer: There is something messed up about this hit lol.. I keep getting told we have different ads. Seller: weird I am selling a 4 G phone though lol I guess we should end this one then",5,phone "Seller: Hello there Buyer: Hi there, I saw the post about the piano for sale and am interested. What can you tell me about it?",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi, I'm interested in buying your car, can you give me some information about it? Seller: sure its a 2009 toyota camry with low mileage, in great condition, well maintained, new rear brakes, abs power steering and a security alarm system Buyer: I see that it also comes with the video player, can you tell me a little more about that? Seller: sure it has a built cd dvd am/fm and video player so you can play dvds in ther car Buyer: where in the car is the video player located? Seller: it's in the back so the kids can watch. I am asking $8000 for it Buyer: alright cool, I can do 7200 Seller: thats a pretty good offer can you do $7500 Buyer: The most I can do 7350 Seller: thats decent I will accept 7350 Buyer: cool",1,car "Buyer: hello, I am interested in your bicycle you have for sale. Seller: Ok, what would you like to know about it? Buyer: I just want to double check, is there anything wrong with it? Seller: There's nothing wrong with it. I bought about 7 months ago, and now I have to sell it because I'm leaving the country.",0,bike "Buyer: hi Seller: hello and good evening Buyer: Are you interested in the bike?",0,bike "Buyer: Hi Seller: Good evening! Hope all is well. Are you interested in the iPhone 7? Buyer: Yeah, where are you located, could I get a lower price if I pick it up? Seller: If you can pick it up, I would be willing to sell the phone for $635. Buyer: My budget for a used phone is much lower than that... Seller: This phone was used very sparingly for only a couple of months, and even comes with a designer case and tempered glass screen. I think you would have a hard time finding an iPhone in this condition for a better price. I can ship it to you, for $625, and will warranty the phone for 6 months. Is that acceptable? Buyer: I can only do 390 unless something really great is added to the deal...",5,phone "Seller: hi Buyer: Hello I am interested in your desk but it is hard to tell much about it without a photo. Can you tell me about it... Seller: it's a very nice desk my kids have taken over my office so i'm letting it go, it has large drawers and large shelf space Buyer: Is it in good condition, does it have any dents or scratches? Seller: nope just needs a wipe down Buyer: Sounds good, would you consider 60 for it if I can come pick it up? Seller: i can do $60 since your gonna pick it up Buyer: Great, thanks Seller: pick up at noon",3,furniture "Seller: Hello. Buyer: hi Seller: You are interested in this bunkbed set? Buyer: yes i need it for my kids is it in good shape Seller: Well, let me tell you, it's what I would call a great bunk bed, and it comes with a sheet set. Buyer: thats a good deal can you lower the price to 180 and i pick up and it's a deal Seller: $180 for such a great bunk bed? I don't know, if you'll come up to $190 you have a deal. Buyer: $190 is fine i can do that Seller: Okay, come by my house tonight with $190 and the beds are all yours. Buyer: ok i call you when i'm on the way",3,furniture "Buyer: What are campy record parts? Is that the brand of the parts? Seller: Well, let me tell you, campy means Campagnolo, but as you're interested in this fine bicycle I'm sure you're already familiar with that. Buyer: Ah, yes I am a fine connasuer of bikes! I notice that the wheel size for this bike is difficult to come by these days and also that brakes tend to wear over time, even when not in use. So I am prepared to offer you 1400 for the bicycle. How does that sound? Seller: Oh, friend, this is a fine machine, I couldn't take only $1400 for it. It's a steal at $2000! Buyer: Since it's in mint condition, how about 1600? It will take me quite a while to find fresh treads for these wheels! Seller: Well, we're getting closer, but I'm afraid $1600 is still too low. Would you be willing to come pick the bike up? Buyer: Yes, I can drive to you and pick it up myself. Seller: Okay, if you're willing to come pick the bike up tonight, I'd be willing to let it go for $1750. I'm afraid that's my best price. Buyer: Deal.",0,bike "Buyer: How many rooms are included in the apartment? Seller: The apartment is a 2 bedroom, 1 bath space. Buyer: Ok great, my friend and I are currently looking for a new apartment. Seller: Well this corner apartment would a perfect fit for you two. A private backyard space is included with apartment. Buyer: How big is the backyard space? Seller: The backyard space is around 20ft by 20ft all fenced in for your privacy. Buyer: Are utilities included in the monthly rent? Seller: Yes water and garbage are both included in the lease but you need to handle the electrical bills. Buyer: That's a bummer. $2050 sounds a little to high ecspcailly since electricty isn't included Seller: What's the lowest you and your friend could pay monthly? Maybe we can make something work. Buyer: Ah the lowest we can pay is probably around $1500 a month. Seller: Both of you would be willing to sign a 1 year lease? Buyer: Yes!! We are actually pretty desperate for a new apartment rite now so we are willing to sign one asap. Seller: Ok so here's what I can do, I can do $1550 a month but that's the lowest the apartment managet will allow me to offer. Buyer: $1550 sounds great that extra $50 a month won't be hard to come up with. Seller: Great!",4,housing "Buyer: love the car Buyer: deal",1,car "Seller: A bed comes with a snowman and wreath? Buyer: Hi, I am interested in your item for sale, can you tell me a bit about it ... Seller: It's a bed with a mattress. Superlative condition. Also storage underneath. Perfect for any child Buyer: Hmmm superlative... I'm not sure I would want to store a child underneath but I do need a bed... Seller: Obviously I'm talking about the child storing his possesions underneath, miscreanant, You must be one of those child-free undesirables Buyer: Indeed. I was hoping this Captain's bed would come with some special perks fit for a Captain... Seller: It comes with a snowman and wreath. For an enjoyable winter holiday that musn Buyer: How do you prevent the snowman from melting... is this refrigerated storage we're talking about...because that sounds expensive to maintain... Seller: A magical hat keeps the snowman frigid year round",3,furniture ,4,housing "Buyer: Small but very loud. I like that. It's just like me. Seller: haha, so you're interested in the stereo speaker I'm selling? Buyer: I think I am. For the right price. What's the sound really like on that thing? Seller: Fantastic. Really fills the room. Buyer: I know EC Technology is world renown for its top notch acoustics. I'll give you $6 for it. Seller: I'm sorry, that's far too low. Since you know EC's reputation for quality, you know it's worth more than that. Buyer: Okay true. EC is worth $7.50 when I consider their high quality documentation. If that doesn't work for you please submit a counter offer. Seller: Again, it's worth more than that. How about 10? Buyer: I appreciate that you stand firm. And $10 sounds great. Thank you for doing business.",2,electronics "Buyer: I just love catching crabs and lice from used mattresses, let's see what's going on over here. Hello?",3,furniture "Seller: honey. before we start you should know this car is HAUNTED. Buyer: A haunted car? Seller: yes chile. my ex boyfriend practically bathed in Drakkar Noir. can't get the smell out to save my life. so it's worth quite a bit., Buyer: Well, I have chronic migraines and one of my triggers is any smell, so I'm afraid my interest has just plummeted :( Seller: did i say Drakkar Noir? i meant homeopathic alpine water that's been chanted over by monks for at least eight years. 7800? Buyer: I'm sorry, I find homeopathy and any other pseudoscience to be profoundly upsetting as well. I'd be willing to go as high as $5100. Seller: hmmmmm. my ex is dropping a hot ass mix tape this week. i'll throw that in and let her go for a steal at 7700? Buyer: Has the HV battery been inspected? Seller: yep. full diagnostics run at least once a month since she was purchased. and that mix tape is going to be fire. Buyer: How much longer does the HV battery have before it needs to be replaced? Seller: i'd say another 10K miles or so. pretty sure Gucci Mane is doing a feature for my ex... Buyer: Well, if I need to replace the hv in 10,000 miles, that's roughly around $3000, plus tax and inspection. I'd still be willing to buy the car, but I don't think I could do better than $5500, in light of the work it will soon need. Seller: you've done quite a bit of research. i commend you. i'm going to need someone who loves cologne and rap music a bit more. it was a business doing pleasure with you.",1,car Buyer: Are there any issues with the home? ,4,housing "Buyer: Good morning, how old is the piano? Seller: Good morning! It's only a year old, I just don't use it. It's been covered up for the last 8 months Buyer: The description says your kids have used it for years? Considering I'll probably need to pay someone to lift it, I can pay $50 Seller: I'll take $50. Just looking for spare cash. ",3,furniture "Seller: hello Buyer: Hello, I would like to buy your answering machine. Would you be willing to take $12 for it? Seller: I would really like to get at least 15 Buyer: I could do $15 Seller: ok, we have a deal!",2,electronics "Buyer: hi i would love to buy this bike Seller: Great, it can be yours for $150. Buyer: saw one on amazon for 115 Seller: I didn't know you could get a vintage 1980/81 ladies 3 speed collegiate on amazon. Buyer: yes it evenships free i offer you $120 Seller: I'll tell you what. I'll come down to $130 if you're willing to come pick up the bike tonight. Buyer: that price is a bit high for me Seller: You're a bit high if you pass up on this incredible deal! Buyer: will $125 work i'l have it picked up Seller: Okay. I'll see you tonight. Buyer: ok thanks",0,bike "Buyer: sure Seller: Hello, I would like to offer this for $2550. Buyer: Sorry, I already sold it for 2800 and this is messed up",4,housing Seller: Hi are you interested in the sofa?,3,furniture "Seller: hi Buyer: Hello Seller: this bike is a collector's item and you would be so happy having it . Buyer: Is it in good condition? I see it has been stored for 27 years, but being stored improperly can damage a bike. Seller: actually I had it wrapped with plastic wrap and blankets for all the this time and not a single part of rust on it , it looks brand new Buyer: That sounds great! I really want to buy this bike, but I don't think I can afford the full price. Any chance you can lower it a bit for me? I will give you homemade cookies in exchange. Seller: i like the way you're thinking, I do like cookies, I can take off 150 off the price since your nice, but you have to come and get or you have to pay for the delivery charge, ok? Buyer: I can come and get it. I can make the deal if you lower it $500. You can pick the type of cookies I make. :) Seller: I tell you what, we can make it 400 less and we have a deal and don't forget the cookies Buyer: Sounds great! How does homemade oreos sound to you? Seller: perfect thank you , can you stop by today ?",0,bike "Buyer: Hi, how old is your bike? Seller: My bike is one year old, used lightly Buyer: It looks pretty good. Are the tires in good shape? Seller: Yes, they are the original tires, but since it hasn't been used much, they still have good treads Buyer: Are you willing to take an offer? Seller: What is your offer? Buyer: 147 Seller: You've got a deal. Buyer: great. when can I pick it up? Seller: Tomorrow at 3 pm? Buyer: that works for me. see you then.",0,bike "Seller: Hello Buyer: hey, really interested in that Peugeot bike you have listed, have you had it in for routine maintenance recently? Seller: Yes it's got a new chain and tubes. I have someone coming to see it in a couple of minutes but I wanna sell it face so I'll knock down $10. $180 Buyer: can you do $175, thats what I have for cash on hand and I can't find my ATM card. Where in Europe are you going? Seller: Sure I'll take $175. I'm going to Brussels. Buyer: awesome, you have a deal, I hear the sprouts there are delicious Seller: Lol thanks! The chocolate ain't bad either. Have a good day! Buyer: you too!",0,bike "Seller: I would at the lowest sell the bike for 160 if this is agreeable with you. Buyer: I really like this bike, but there is not enough information in the description for me to pay $160. I have $100 in cash right now and can meet you at your house. Seller: The bike is well made and the worth far more than 100 on the market. If you would be will to split the difference I would sell the bike to you for 130. Buyer: That is a great offer. I am willing to pay that amount if you can bring it to me. Seller: It's a deal.",0,bike "Seller: you forgot to click accept the offer Buyer: I don't see any offer was submitted? Seller: i put in 2000 try putting that in and send it Buyer: 2000?! The bed is only listed for $349 Seller: ohh weve got a bug i was talking to someone about renting an apartment Buyer: Dang it! ",3,furniture Buyer: Hi there can you tell me about this renal please ,4,housing "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hey I am instrested in this bunk bed Seller: Nice. It's a great bunk bed with a sheet set for the low price of $200. Buyer: What is the bed made of? And can you possible go lower Seller: It's made of solid wood. The mattress also comes with it. The asking price is $200, and I think that is already pretty fair. Buyer: does that price include delivery and set up? Seller: No, I would expect that you would pick it up. Buyer: I see, well considering I have to hire someone to help me and rent a truck to transport this item, I think $152 is reasonable Seller: I can't go that low. I'd be willing to go as low as $180 if you are the one to come get it. Buyer: I am coming to get because you said you do not deliver that's why I have to hire help because that is too much for me to do alone Seller: So, $180 then? Buyer: no 152",3,furniture "Seller: Hello, I am interested in buying the soft set advertised. Is it just the two seater shown in the picture or are there other pieces? Buyer: Good day to you. I see that you are interested in this wonderful recliner. I believe it comes with an entertainment center so there must be more. Seller: I did not see a picture of the entertainment center so its hard to judge its value. I live in New Jersey and UPS reports that shipping will cost me $110. I am asking for a discount to help me with the shipping costs. Buyer: I understand sir. I'll tell you what. I can lower the price to 300 and throw in the center for free because I have no idea what I'm doing here. Seller: Great, I accept. Thank you so much!",3,furniture "Seller: Hello do you like this bike Buyer: hi Buyer: yes i do, but the price I do not Seller: What do you feel is an acceptable price Buyer: 500 Seller: That is very low 600 seems fair Buyer: ok 590 and we have a deal, i really like it but I can't really pay higher Seller: okay sounds good Buyer: can you please deliver ? Seller: yes Buyer: thank you Seller: Thanks a pleasure doing business with you",0,bike "Buyer: Hello, I'm interested in your corner desk. What is it made of? Seller: The desk is made of solid wood Buyer: Excellent, and can you tell me what condition it's in? Seller: It has a few marks and it needs a good cleaning. Buyer: Allright, does it have drawers? Seller: Yes, it has large drawers and shelves. Buyer: I will give you $70 for it and come pick it up to get it out of your way! Seller: Would you be wiling to pay $75? Buyer: How about $73? Seller: That would be acceptable. Buyer: Allright! I'm on my way!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello! Why are you selling the bike? Seller: Oh yeah Buyer: What are your reasons for selling the bike? Seller: I found my dream bike and hopefully get to make up the difference since i bought my dream bike. Buyer: I know it only has 30 miles on it but does anything need replacing or work? Seller: Nah its ready to rock n roll Buyer: If I came and picked it up ASAP and brought cash would you be willing to come down? Seller: Brother I really cannot bring it down right now I am a college student with two bikes Buyer: What if I threw in a brand new helmet? I have 2 new helmets and I don't need both. Seller: Thanks I don't mind getting another helmet. I can knock off a few",0,bike "Buyer: I'm interested in buying the storage and closet organizer! It will be a great addition to my wife and I's first home. Seller: Ok, I'm looking to get $499 for this. What can you do? Buyer: $250 Seller: O wow, that's way too low. No way I can go south of 400 Buyer: Oh darn. That is a shame. That's way too much for me. Money is tight because we are buying a our first house. Seller: what is your best offer? Buyer: would you do $299 and I'll come pick it up? Seller: Since it's your first house, I can do $350 if you pick it up Buyer: How about $325 and we call it a deal? Seller: Ok, I guess I can do that Buyer: Sounds great.",3,furniture "Buyer: How are you? I am interested in your 2016 Cannondale Seller: Hi, I'm well thanks for asking. It is nice and only has 30 miles on it. Buyer: That's awesome, is there any damage to it? Seller: None at all. I'm asking 3000 but since it is not technically ""new"" I'd be willing to accept 2750 Buyer: Thanks for that, Would you be able to drop it to $2700? I can pay cash tonight. Seller: Sure, that will work. What time can I expect you? That will be cash right? Buyer: Sure will, about 7. Seller: deal",0,bike "Seller: HI, I see your interested in my red BMX bike? I'm currently asking $30 and it's in very good shape. Buyer: Hello. I am interested in the BMX Bicycle. How old is the bike, and were is the rust located? Seller: Little rust on the handles. Should be able to be buffed out. 1 year. Buyer: I would really have liked to see a picture of the bike before making an offer, but if I pick it up myself, I am willing to pay $24 for it. Seller: Perfect. ",0,bike "Seller: This desk is currently valued at $250 and I'm only asking $200. It's a desk and chair, and has a long life left to it. I need it picked up from my home.",3,furniture "Buyer: How are you? Seller: Good, and you? I see you are interested in my table? Buyer: I am, would you be willing to take $20 for it? Seller: Yes. $20 would work for me. Buyer: perfect!",3,furniture Buyer: Hi I am interested in your lot of fake iphones,5,phone "Seller: Hello. Buyer: Hello. I am interested in the mattress. I can offer you $115. Seller: If you come up to 125 in cash we can have a deal. Do you have any questions about the mattress. Boxspring is included! Buyer: $125 in cash is a deal, thank you for being so reasonable.",3,furniture "Seller: Hi, I'm selling a Highlander. Are you interested? Buyer: Yes, I was hoping to get it for about $4000. I see you are selling it for $5100. Seller: Yes $5100 is actually a great deal. This car is loaded with leather interior, navigation and even the original owner's manual is included. It is very clean! Buyer: Are you wiling to go any lower on the price? Seller: I could come down a little. What about $4800? Buyer: How about the 4500? The odometer is pretty high. Seller: The engine only has 15,000 miles on it, it was just put in last year. The lowest I can go is probably $4700. Buyer: $4700 sounds reasonable. Seller: Ok, I'll even fill the tank up for you! Thanks!",1,car "Buyer: Hello Seller: Hi there Buyer: What do you like about the white Queen leather bed? I like the wood finish. Seller: I know you havn't had the pleasure yet. . . . but its like sleeping on a cloud! Seriously. lol Only reason Im selling this item is the Mrs just accepted a position in Japan so we are shedding ALL our furniture unfortunately.. . . . it was tempting to stay State Side just to keep sleeping on the cloud plus our other items. :) Buyer: Well now im sure ill love it. would you be willing to knock down the price? I work at American Airlines cand could get you a discount or even more. Seller: The furniture is imported Italian and headboard, footboard, set of rails, 3 slats, and the memory foam mattress ALL together was just over $1200.. . . . Original Ad I was asking $600 for the set this $349 is already a reduced price. :'( Buyer: I see, it look perfect. i'm willing to buy it today if it comes with free shipping? Seller: Were you in need of a dresser or an antique chair? Again we are moving and need everything gone.. . . . . Make it an even $380 I can toss in the 4 drawer dresser shown in photo, the 3 pictures shown, and the white antique looking arm chair? WITH your free shipping sweety :) Buyer: Lol SOLD. I will take that offer. Seller: Excellent. Im jelly that your getting my cloud. . . . . may have to work out a sleep over on weekends. lol",3,furniture "Seller: Hello! Buyer: Hi there i'm very interested in the apartment you have can you please tell me a little more about it. Seller: I certainly can! The unit is located in a great spot with panoramic Bay views, close to BART. It has been fully remodeled with new carpeting. It is 2 bedrooms and they are very spacious. 800+ square feet in total Buyer: How are the local schools and the neighborhood.. Seller: The area is the San Leandro Foothills and the schools are rated the best in the bay area. The neighborhood is very safe! Buyer: Awesome! i do however have a very large dog would that be a problem? Seller: Pets are not preferred but with an extra pet deposit I think we can come to an agreement. Buyer: GReat, but the price is a little high for me do you think we can come to some sort of arrangement would you possibly take $1300 a month? Seller: Unfortunately, that is too low. The asking price is $2250 which includes utilities. Add on the pet deposit, which is $250, and you are looking at $2500 Buyer: the Highest i could possibly go is 1800 + deposit would that be ok with you? Seller: The only way that works is if you take utilities in your name. The total would then be $2050 with the pet deposit included. Buyer: i can do that :) Seller: Deal.",4,housing "Seller: Hello. Are you intersted in this item? Buyer: yes, I am, but I am only able to pay $1,200 for the item...Are you willing to negotiate on price? Seller: I am willing to drop it off for free, and also throw in a warranty for a year. Would you consider taking 1800? Buyer: no, that is just out of my price range Seller: Lowest I can go is 1400 Buyer: I don't know...I've seen similar items go for around $1325 from other sellers in the past few months Seller: But this one is near mint and comes with a warranty. 1375. Buyer: I understand...how much would you drop from that price if I pick up the item myself. You said you would drop it off, but you didn't realize that I am about 800 miles away Seller: I will accept your offer of 1325, agree? Buyer: sure, I can do that",2,electronics "Buyer: looking to buy Seller: I have a nice 4 bed & 2 bath for $2800 you might be interested in Buyer: can i have pets? i HAVE A big dog and small cat,plus fish in a aquarium. Seller: Pets are ok Buyer: Are lights,cable and internet included or is that separate? Seller: Utilities are separate Buyer: Since that is separate. Can you go lower to 2128? Seller: I would be willing to drop to 2500.",4,housing "Seller: Hi Buyer: Hello. I am inquiring about the 1 br apartment. Seller: yeah sure there will be one house is ther for the cost of 2100 what would be your budeget Buyer: I am looking to pay $1200. It also depends on the state of the apartment. It is an old building. Are the appliances new and is there wifi? Seller: All the appliances are new ",4,housing "Buyer: how are you Seller: Not bad, how are you? Are you interested in this answering system? Buyer: I am, but I don't have a lot of money this month. If I pick it up today could you do $12 Seller: Sorry I can't, I bought it for 30 and it's unopened, how about 20? Buyer: Wow, So the list price is $18 but now you are trying to highball me over the list price? I will go $15, but that's it Seller: 16 and you have yourself a deal Buyer: Ok",2,electronics "Seller: Good Morning! Buyer: Hello, I am interested in your GoPro. Is it in good condition? Seller: I am glad to hear of your interest! It is in excellent condition. It comes with the cable, a rechargable battery, and I am providing the flat adhesive mount that I found so helpful! Buyer: Awesome. Would you be willing to take $243 for the camera? Seller: The only thing missing is the other adhesive mount which retails at $5. Given that everything else is included and given the condition of the camera, would you be willing to pay $250? Buyer: I will pay $250 if I can pick it up today. Seller: Sounds great!",2,electronics "Seller: Hey, you're interested in a phone? Buyer: I am, but I can only afford $60. Would you still be interested in selling at that price? Seller: 70 and you have a deal Buyer: Sure. I can swing that.",5,phone "Buyer: hi, how many miles are on your camry? Seller: 900000 Buyer: wow, almost a million miles! Seller: That was a typo. My bad! I meant 90000 Buyer: haha, no problem. what kind of wear and tear does it have? Seller: None really, it's very clean and in well maintained condition. Buyer: how old are the tires? Seller: Just replaced. Buyer: and the breaks? Seller: Also just replaced this March. Buyer: 2009 camry's with 90k miles in great condition usually sell for around $6,500, so that's my offer Seller: Alright, well that's quite a bit lower than what I'd hoped for. Is there any chance you would settle on 7000? Buyer: i'll split the difference with you and pay 6750 since you have newer breaks and tires Seller: Okay that sounds alright with me.",1,car "Buyer: You have this beautiful piano? I've been meaning to get one. Seller: I am shoping a drafting lamp",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello, I am interested in your USB cables. Is there any wiggle room in the price? Seller: Yes there is. I would still like to get a fair price for these cables though Buyer: I would offer you $10. Seller: How about $12? Buyer: I think I could pay that. That sounds great! Seller: Well this was an easy trade! Glad you were willing to compromise",5,phone "Seller: Hello Are you interested in this desk and chair? Buyer: I am! Do you have any images of the chair? Seller: I do not, but it matches the desk. Buyer: Does it have a cushion or is it just solid wood? Seller: It is solid wood with light brown color. The chair does include a cushion you can add or easily remove. Buyer: Sounds good. Would it fit into the back of my car or would I need an SUV or truck? Seller: Actually for the price of 200, I will deliver it for free. Buyer: You've got a deal.",3,furniture "Seller: Hello are you interested in the desk? Buyer: Yes I am. what can you tell me about it?",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello, can you tell me anything about this item?",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi! has the vehicle ever been smoked in? Seller: Only been owned by non-smokers! No animals have been in the car either. Buyer: What is the gas mileage like? Seller: Around 22 city miles, and 25-30 highway miles Buyer: perfect! If I drive the 1000 miles to come get it, could you accept 4300? Seller: I would be willing to settle for $4700, we could meet halfway! My husband will follow in his vehicle. Buyer: 4600 and you have a deal Seller: 4600 it is, it's a deal. Buyer: thank you! Seller: thank you!",1,car "Buyer: Hey, nice car you have here, how long hve you hd? Seller: I have had it for about five years Buyer: I see. Well I'd be happy to give you 10k for it, the dealer would buy it back at lower than that Seller: This was a second vehicle so the millage is really low! We had it for when the grand kids came from out of town. Buyer: I see, so about how much mileage? Seller: This car only has 21,000 miles! It is fully loaded! You won't find another used car in this pristine condition. Buyer: Well my first car was used from a relative under similar conditions, so it's not that rare, but my budget's around 11000. Does this work for you? Seller: Honestly, I am pretty firm at $12300 but I would consider going down to $11800 for the right buyer! Buyer: It does have some amenities and it is low on mileage, I'll give you that, meet me in the middle at 11500. That's already above my budget. Seller: I will meet you at $11650 Seller: Is there any chance you can meet at $11650?",1,car "Buyer: hi , i am wondering if you could tell me some details Seller: Sure! It's a 1 bedroom with brand new kitchen and bathroom. Coin laundry on premisis. Utilities (water, heat, garbage) are not included Buyer: That is good to know, is interent included? Seller: No it's not Im sorry. Monthly rent is $2495 and I'll need first, sescurity, and a screening fee that I have no idea how much is. Buyer: well do you htink you can come down slightly in price? Your add did say the owner that woudl be you pays water, garbage , sewer and heat and you said now you don't pay that, so can youcome down to make up for that difference? Seller: Oh.. You're right. The ad does say owner. I'm sorry about that. But yes, I can come down. Would you like to do $2,300? Buyer: yes that would be wonderful. Seller: Great! So glad to have ypou as a tenent",4,housing "Seller: Hi are you interested in the desk? Buyer: I am interested in the desk but I am wondering if you would be willing to go down on the price?",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi I am interested in buying the piano. how heavy is it? Seller: 200 pounds. Buyer: that is pretty heavy but I am willing to pick it up. Would you take $80 for it Seller: I will like $90 for it. Buyer: I can pay $90 that is fair Seller: OK thanks",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey, I'd like to buy this item. I offer 7.50 for it. Seller: Sorry I can't go that low. How about $11? Buyer: 11 is just fine with me! Seller: great!",5,phone "Buyer: Im intersted in the item. Would you take $13? Seller: Hey there if you buy my bluetooth speaker for $15...I'll throw in the warranty that covers you for 1 year Buyer: sounds good",2,electronics "Seller: Are you interested in the apt? Buyer: Yeah I'm interested in the apartment...will you take $1500 a month? Seller: Will you go $1650? Buyer: How about 1600 if I do my own indoor maintenance? Seller: sure, soudns good",4,housing "Buyer: Thats a really nice studio. I see it has been on the market for 2+ years now. The price is simply too high. If you do $1000 I can take it right now! Seller: $1000 is a little too cheap for what i'm offering. The Granite Counters are expensive themselves, but i do know that the price is a bit steep. I can take 400 off the price and leave it at $2000 even, how does that sound? Buyer: Thats a start for sure. Its still too high for me, My bottom price is $1464. Seller: Thank you for working with me. Because of the scenery as well as the downtown location i don't think i would be able to go lower than $1700, specifically because of the Downtown scenery. How does that sound?",4,housing "Buyer: HI! Seller: Hi. Are you interested in the apartment? Buyer: What year is the apartment? Seller: The building is fairly recent, only being built in 2001. Buyer: Oh great. And does it have a parking space? Seller: Yes, there are assigned spaces as well as guest spaces. Buyer: Thanks. Can you go down a little bit. I have a $1400 budget Seller: Yes. I am willing to negotiate and work with you on a lower price. However, $1400 is a little low for me. Would you be willing to meet me almost in the middle and pay $1600 instead? Buyer: Err.. how about $1500 and I will guarantee you that I will take the apartment for 2 years. I go to a college near there and I will finish my study in about 2 years, or more maybe.. Seller: That's perfect. You've got a deal! Buyer: Thank you",4,housing "Buyer: Hi, I would like to purchase your bike for $50, I have a truck so I can come pick it up Seller: Oh wow, it sounds like you have made up your mind. I will sell it to you for $50. It's a great bike, hope you enjoy it!",0,bike "Buyer: nice sofa Seller: Thanks Buyer: i can offer you 200 for it Seller: $200 is rather low. Buyer: how about 303 and i'l even come pick it up Seller: I have paid 700 for it. What other offer can you give me? Buyer: all i have to spare is $303 deal are no deal Seller: How does 399 sounds? Buyer: i don't have it bub Seller: OK, $303 is ok Buyer: when can i pick it up Seller: anytime will be fine. Buyer: ok see you at about 3pm Seller: OK",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello, I am interested in the bike Seller: Great, its an awesome bike. I hate to get rid of it, but Im jist too short to ride it comfortably. Buyer: Great, the ad didn't mention what condition it's in...could you elaborate on that? Seller: It is in great condition. I only rode it a few times, and only a few minutes each time. It has a bit of dust on it from being in the garage, but Im planning on cleaning it up before I sell it. Buyer: Awesome! Are you selling just the bike? Or are you also throwing in a helmet/water bottle holder/ect? Seller: Im keeping my helmet, but I do have the basket I bought to put on the front, and I will throw it in for the $250. Buyer: Ok. Is it still under a warranty? Seller: Yes. It is covered for another 6 months thru the bike shop, and I still have the receipt. Buyer: ok! Is it possible you would be willing to go a bit lower than 250? Seller: I can go down to $225. Buyer: I can do 225! Sure Seller: Great! It's a deal! Buyer: Awesome! Thanks",0,bike "Buyer: Hi does the cabinet have any scratches or noticable dings? Seller: hi, interested in my armoire? Buyer: Yes very much so Seller: no it is in great condition Buyer: Ok are you willing to deliver to the Armoire or would I need to arrange picking it up from you? Seller: like my ad says must be pickedup, i haveno truck, sorry Buyer: Ok well it looks like a mover is going to charge me around $70 to pick up and deliever. I can come today to get it from you for $500. Seller: Are you interested inthe night table as well? Buyer: Yes, but I would need to see it in person first, the picture doesn't show me enough for me to make a decesion rite now. Seller: well I would be willing to do both for 550 for you, if you pick it up today. Buyer: Ok perfect thanks!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi, I am interested in your place. Seller: Hi there sure thing. What do you need to know or any questions? Buyer: is this a pet friendly building? Seller: No its not unfortunately Buyer: Does that mean even a fish is a no? Seller: No a fish would be okay as far as its not roaming around Buyer: lol, ok great. I was also wondering abotu parking, what is the situation with that? Seller: Its a gated parking for the residents Buyer: so it is included in the price? Seller: Yes it is Buyer: Would you be willing to take 1850 for it? Seller: That's too low. The last I can do is $2000 Buyer: hmm I guess since you allowed my fish to come, I could agree to $2000. Seller: Okay then we got a deal!",4,housing "Buyer: Hi there. how are you? Seller: I'm good and you? Buyer: hello? you still there? Seller: I am the chat keeps stalling Buyer: I see, well I am looking at your listing, I am wondering if we can make a deal? Seller: I'm good and you? Buyer: good thanks.. Seller: We can make a deal. You are interested in the USB cable? Buyer: correct. Seller: I am the chat keeps stalling Buyer: I am wondering if you can do $13, and I can come pick it up. Seller: $13 is very doable. So yes you have a deal.",5,phone "Buyer: Hello, I am interested in purchasing your Moonra Ebike! Seller: Hi sure. What do you need to know Buyer: Would you be willing to pay $285? Seller: that's too low its a great piece Buyer: I understand, $300 is all I have, will that work for you? Seller: yes sounds good to me. Will you come pick it up cause I don't offer shipping Buyer: For sure, I can ride it home!",0,bike "Buyer: I love this bike!! How much are you asking? Seller: Hello. Seller: It's listed at only $650 Buyer: Hmm, I am desperate and your bike is the only one listed near me. I really cant do anything over 400 Seller: This is a vintage Marcello Faggin, I couldn't let it go for only $400. Frankly, in this condition it would be a steal at twice the list price. Buyer: Yes, but you need it gone correct. Probably just sitting there collecting dust. How about $550. Knock 100 bucks off for a girl! Seller: Well, just consider the 6x2 drivetrain. In good condition those alone go for about $200 in some circles. It really is a fair price at $650, in a bike shop a used Faggin in this condition could go for $900 easily. Seller: Okay, great, I'm glad we could make a deal :)",0,bike "Seller: Hello. Buyer: Hi! I want to rent this apartment and am looking for a good deal! Can you give me some details? Seller: sure can, it is a 4 bed/1 bath duplex. It has a nice washer and dryer, newly renovated withvery nice new appliances. Buyer: Awesome! How does $3000 a month sound? Seller: I think you are in luck because I WANT TO TAKE CARE OF THIS VERY QUICKLY. Buyer: Perfect! Thank you!",4,housing "Seller: hello, I am asking $7668 for this fully loaded camry Buyer: its too much I can afford $4600 Seller: I could not go that low. I already have it at a discount as kbb says 10,000 and that is just for okay condition Buyer: how about 5000 Seller: Lowest I could go would be 7000 but I could throw in a detail and new tires Buyer: Well 7000 is too high I can't do that Seller: Could you do 6750? I will still go ahead and give the car a nice detail Buyer: okay then will take it",1,car ,3,furniture "Buyer: hi , I am interested Seller: Perfect! This answering machine is a great use for your home and your family! Buyer: yes does it till have the warranty ? Seller: It does not have a warranty unfortunately! We are currently selling the piece for $18 dollars, how does that sounds to you? Buyer: actually I would rather pay 14 dollars for it, what do you say Seller: We can do $15 over on this end my friend! Is that price a deal? Buyer: I gues we could that, but can you take care of shipping since it's small? Seller: Perfect! Youre phone number is 555-555-5555 correct? Buyer: yes thank you, and yours i 555-555-5555, correct ? Seller: Yes! I will go ahead and deliver that to your house. It should arrive this week Thursday! Buyer: thank you you can make that offer",2,electronics "Buyer: Hi! I am very interested in purchasing this car from you! Seller: Hi there yes sure. What do you need to know about it? Buyer: I wanted to know if there was an accident report on the vehicle? Seller: No there was never one on this vehicle Buyer: Ok and has the car ever had to have any major repairs? Seller: No as long as I held it, I never went for any major repairs except the daily maintenance that is required of any car. Buyer: Ok awesome. How much are you willing to sell it for, I mean the lowest price! Seller: I can give it to you for $12000 Buyer: That is much to expensive. I will buy it at a maximum price of $9750. How does that sound? Seller: Well 10000 then I can't go less than that \ Buyer: Ok you have a deal at 10,000! Seller: Great! Enjoy the car!",1,car "Buyer: I would like to purchase your USB Cables is the price negotiable? Seller: It certainly is. Id really like to get rid of them as I have no use for it and it is a perfectly brand new cable. Buyer: Would you be willing to take $8.",5,phone "Seller: Hi, selling a couch today. Buyer: Awesome! Can you tell me about some of the features? Why should I buy from you? Seller: well, I would say because i am offering a great price, high quality couch. Buyer: Ok, I saw this advertisement online with great features. I am willing to pay you $35 for the couch. Does that look like a deal to you my friend? Seller: I think you are lucky I want to get rid of them ASAP. Buyer: Awesome! Thank you!",3,furniture "Seller: hello? Buyer: HI is there anything wrong with this? Seller: Yes,I just made a deal and this is some kind of glitch. I am going to quit because I won't be able to submit any price now.",3,furniture "Buyer: hi Seller: Hello. I see your interested in the apartment on Lake Merritt. You won't be disappointed. It has such a fabulous view and so close to everything. Buyer: yes it's looks wonderful Seller: Did you want to schedule a time to see it? Buyer: first i would like to know is the price negotionable. Seller: Maybe some but I have 2 other people looking at it tomorrow. Buyer: whats the price to rent it Seller: $3200 and it includes water and garbage. Buyer: i can find lots of apartments for that price can you give me a better deal say $2000 Seller: This apartment has a great view and there's access to tennis courts, swimming pool, and a gym. There's also a community building that you can use for get togethers. Nothing like having friends over and spending the day on the lake or stepping out to go fishing. Buyer: is there a fire place i can go up a thousand Seller: There's a fireplace in the living room and it includes appliances in the kitchen right down to a new ultra quiet dishwasher. Buyer: can i have it for $3031 then and it's a deal Seller: make it $3050? Buyer: i really can't go that high my limit would be $3031. Seller: If you have great references, I'll go the $3031 and we can meet there this evening or first thing in the morning before I show anyone else. Buyer: sure thing that works for me. Buyer: thanks see ya then",4,housing "Seller: Hello. Are you interested in purchasing this speaker? Buyer: Yes. How long have you had them? Seller: I've had it for a month or so Buyer: What's the least you'll accept for them? Seller: $12 is what I can accept last. Buyer: Make it 11 and you've got yourself a deal Seller: Okay a dollar wouldn't make any difference to me! When can we arrange the pick up? Buyer: I'm available now if you are Seller: Sure thing! Pass by anytime from now and you got yourself this amazing speaker which you will enjoy!",2,electronics "Seller: Hey there, heard you were shopping for apartments? Buyer: I am.I'm very interested in this one. Is there anything that will need to be fixed? Seller: Place is in perfect condition! It's a beautiful 1900's building that's walking distance from downtown. Got a lot of biters on this one Buyer: Would I be able to move in right away? Seller: Absolutely, previous tenants already moved out. Buyer: Awesome. I'd love to offer $2000 today! Seller: Not going to be able to take that, this place is in such a high demand that the owner is wanting at least $3500 for the place. I could try talking to him and see if he'll lower it? Buyer: Yes please. I'd be able to go a little higher but not 3500 Seller: What's your budget currently? Buyer: between 1500 and 2500 Seller: Just got off the phone with the owner, lowest he said he'd do 3.2k. I know it may be a bit much but just remember the location, walking distance from downtown, nightlife, and public transport. The city is basically your oyster with this place Buyer: Okay I'll figure it out. I don't want to let this go so I'll take it!",4,housing "Seller: Hello. How are you? Buyer: I am good. How are you? Seller: Super special awesome. So you're interested in this bed? Buyer: I am. Can I make an offer? Seller: You have to be willing to pick it up today, and pay cash Buyer: Are you moving out? Seller: I'm not comfortable sharing that at the moment Buyer: $321? Seller: So you accept responsibilty for cash payments and picking it up today? We have to agree on that before we move on Buyer: Sure. Seller: Alright, $325 then? Buyer: $321? Seller: $324? Buyer: Ok",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi! What price are you asking for the bike? Seller: Was hoping for $40 but that's just so I don't have to drive it around Buyer: If it is in good condition, I'll come pick it up for $25 so you can get it out of your hair. Seller: That sounds great, bike is in good condition so you should have plenty of fun with it Buyer: Great! $25 then! Thanks",0,bike "Buyer: Hello, I am interested in the apartment you have for rent Seller: Great , What can I tell you about it Buyer: Do you have any flexibility on your pet policy? Seller: I don't really mind all pets, if it is a cat or a small dog that is quiet I usually will let you have it there but there is an additional fee of 25.00 per month. Buyer: Okay thank you. I do not have any pets but it's a good option to have in the future. The price is a little high for my budget at the moment. Would you be willing to lower the price if I pay water utilities? Seller: The utilities are included so no need to do that. I could lower the price to 1950 a month and just charge you one month security instead of a month and a half if that helps. Buyer: My budget really allows for around $1500 right now. Seller: That is really low for me to accept, the lowest I could go is 1700. I could divide the security deposit over several months so you would not have to pay it all at one time before moving in. Buyer: Okay I appreciate the flexibility. Let's do that. Where do we start? Seller: I will send you an offer , great!",4,housing "Buyer: HI! How much are you asking for on your IPhone? Seller: 80 and it is all yours Buyer: Since it's an older model (generations old), can you go $50? I just want a phone for my daughter to take on school trips and such. Seller: Can you do at least $70 Iphones are originally not cheap when they first come out but this will handle all your daughters needs.they are top line pieces of work. Buyer: I'll pay $60 and send a courier to collect it so that we don't have to deal with postage. Seller: 68 and I will take it to you. Buyer: That seems reasonable.",5,phone "Seller: Hello there Buyer: Hi. I am inquiring about the apartment. Seller: It is a beautiful and well maintained. It is close to shops and restaurant. And we have limited time offer for this month. Your first month will be free and we waive your application fees Buyer: Are you able to include any utilities in the price? Seller: If you go with the full price, I can get you cable and waive the water bill as well Buyer: I think that is a good deal. Seller: It is. Do we have a deal? Buyer: Yes we have a deal.",4,housing "Buyer: Hi Seller: hey there! Buyer: Can you tell me some details? Curious as to your pet policy Seller: no pets preferred but you can pay a deposit to have one at the property. Buyer: even for a goldfish? Seller: im sure a goldfish would be fine, as it won't damage thee property like a cat or dog. Buyer: lol, very true! what is the parking situation? Seller: it doesn't clarify, but parking lot/garage same as any other loft Buyer: but is that extra or included? Seller: included Buyer: Would you accept $1710? Seller: i could do 2150 how does that work for you? Buyer: can you do 2000? Seller: how about 2100 that's a good middle ground. can't really go much lower Buyer: fair enough. Seller: yay!!",4,housing "Seller: Hi there Buyer: Hello. Seller: are you interested in my car? Buyer: Yes, can you tell me the accident history? Seller: it is all clear of any accidents. really well maintained as well. Buyer: What's the mileage? Seller: 120000 Buyer: Has there been any other owners? Seller: nope just me, no accidents, well maintained, oil changes not too long ago. Buyer: I'd like to come down a little on the price. Any wiggle room? Seller: Yes I can work with you a little on the price. Buyer: What about $6,500 and you pay for tune-up? Seller: while you were gone... I had another offer of 7,000. I want to get rid of this quickly. can you beat or match that? Buyer: Sorry. Gotta stay closer to $6,000. I can pay cash though. Seller: If you can come pick it up with cash today, I will do that. Buyer: 6,500 for the car and tune-up? Seller: okay if you have cash today",1,car "Seller: Hello! Buyer: hello, are you interested in making a deal? Seller: I'm totally interested! Buyer: Okay, its in great shape, did you have any questions? Seller: What exactly is the model? Buyer: It is a tarmac pro racing bike. Has 11 speeds. Its only 15lb so easy to move around Seller: Okay! Forgive me, but I was looking at other information. What is your bottom line? Buyer: I can take 2200 for it Seller: Oh wow, that is a little out of my league. Can we get anywhere near the $2000 mark? Buyer: Sounds fine to me, $2000 it is",5,phone "Buyer: Hello I am interested in the apartment. Are utilities included? Seller: Water and garbage is. You will be responsible for electric and phone\internet. Buyer: Does it have new appliances? Seller: It has newer appliances. They match the excellent quality carpeting and paint. Just installed last year. Buyer: Since it is in the ghetto is there flexibility in the price? I would like to pay around $1000 Seller: This is an up and coming ghetto, not what you see on TV. I would be willing to go $1650\month Buyer: I have children and I will need to pay extra to protect them (security system, etc). Therefore I would like to pay $1000. However I am willing to pay $1200 Seller: If you could go to $1300, we have a deal. Buyer: Okay that works for me",4,housing "Seller: These items are in really good shape Buyer: Hello, I am interested in your Lee sofa set.. Are there any stains?",3,furniture "Seller: Hi! Buyer: hi Seller: How are you doing today? Are you interested in purchasing a product? Buyer: Yes, I am looking at the Samsung Gear S2 in white. Seller: Ok, that is not the product that I see here! Buyer: weird...ok",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello, is the apartment still available? Seller: Is your credit good? I'm sorry but I can only rent to people with good credit. Buyer: Yes my credit is fabulous Seller: Greaat! Let's make a deal then. The apartment is available and within walking distance to parks, schools, bus stops. New carpet, haardwood floors, high ceilings. Large front and back yard. Do you have any questions? Buyer: Yes. Is it pet friendly? Seller: Yes, What kind of pet are you thinking of? Buyer: I have a 60 lb German Shepherd Seller: Wow big dog! Well, we will need to add a pet deposit of $200. A one time fee Buyer: Okay that is fine. Are you flexible on the price? I have a large family and $2800 is not in my budget. We were looking for somewhere around $1600. Seller: I am flexible. Can we negotiate to $2,000? Buyer: Well I am currently on welfare and my monthly checks are $1800 so that is the highest I could go. This house would be perfect for my babies though. Could you consider $1800 for us? Seller: Okay. But we don't take section 8 vouchers. ",4,housing "Buyer: I am very interested place you have for rent. Is it in a good, quiet community? Seller: This is one of the best communities around. It is also very quiet. Not too many people around. Buyer: I like everything about it. Is there any room on the monthly price? Seller: As long as you can pay the deposit, and sign the 3 month lease there is some room to go down on the price Buyer: How about this. I would willing to sign a longer lease, say 6 months, if we could get the price down to say $2200/month. Seller: 6 months for 2200 a month works for me! Buyer: Alright, sounds like we have a deal.",4,housing "Buyer: Is this listing for an apartment or the house? Seller: This listing is for a duplex. Buyer: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't read that at first. Is it close to town or shopping? Like grocery stores or school? Seller: Yes, it is very close to a local strip mall, within walking distance. There is a whole foods and a chick fil a so this is a very hot location. Buyer: Oh, I love Whole Foods! Does it come with any amenities like washer/dryer, dishwasher? Seller: Yes, it has a dishwasher and you will have your own personal washer dryer. Samsung appliances, brand new last year. Buyer: That sounds fantastic! I am very interested but I just can't comfortably afford $3,395. Would you take $2,500?. Seller: I am willing to negotiate on the price a little. I could drop the price down significantly if you are willing to forgo the parking spot Buyer: That's a pretty big loss.. Is there street parking? Seller: Yes there is, however parking is a hot commodity so that space is worth a significant discount. I would still let you store a bicycle in the garage. You could fit a grocery bag in the basket of your bike. Buyer: I probably should walk more anyway... Alright, what would you be willing to let me rent it for without the parking spot? Seller: $2600 without the spot. That should be within your budget? Buyer: Yes! Thank you, new landlord!",4,housing "Seller: Hello, is that a stock photo or the actual car/ Buyer: Well, since you're selling it, I'd hope you'd know! Seller: LOL...Yep. That's the actual car. It looks good doesn't it? Buyer: I suppose, is there anything wrong with it? Seller: Nothing is wrong with it. It's in perfect condition and everything including the a/c works. I'm looking for $8000 for it Buyer: I don't know, how many miles are on it? Seller: 80,000 which is really great considering how old the car is Buyer: Well, an 8 year old car with 80,000 miles on it? I'd like to pay $4800. Seller: That's unacceptable. This car is in great condition. I can go for $6000 Buyer: If you're willing to come down to $5500, I'll come pick it up today. Seller: Ok, but I need cash. Buyer: Okay, I hope sweaty singles are okay, I work as a male stripper :(",1,car "Buyer: I love the Sofa! How long have you had it? Seller: I bought it in March of last year, so a bit longer than one year. Buyer: I love the color of it, as well. I saw something like this in another store and it was around $400 new... Is there a way we can get that price a little lower? Seller: I am willing to negotiate, sure. What price did you have in mind? Buyer: Given the year of usage and my personal budget, I would feel comfortable at $200. I have friends with a truck. So, you won't have to lift a finger. Seller: $200 is lower than I would feel comfortable letting it go for. It is not very old at all, and it really is in almost like new condition, seens a fairly little amount of use. I would be willing to meet you in the middle - how does $300 sound? Buyer: Little to no use? That's a plus! Could we meet at the ""new"" middle of $250? I really need another sofa... Seller: $285 is the best I can do. That really is more than fair I believe. Buyer: I think I could live with $285. It's a deal!",3,furniture "Buyer: Is this desk in good condition? Seller: It is in very good condition and i think there is still a little warranty left from the manufacturer even. Buyer: Do all of the drawers open on it? Seller: Yes they do. Buyer: I'll offer you $100 Seller: I think i can do that. Lets deal! Buyer: Great!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello How old is the chair. Seller: It is brand new. Buyer: Wow sounds great and 50 seems reasonable would be able to go any lower. Seller: If you can pick it up I can take $5 off. Buyer: you got it this should fit perfect in my office. I am on my way.",3,furniture "Buyer: Nice bike you got there. But it's a bit pricey. How about I pay you 390 and I come and take it off your hand? Seller: I'm willing to negotiate but this ia Faggin bicycle. It's worth the money. I can NOT go as low as 390. If you're willing to pick up the bike, I can go down to 550. Buyer: I can definitely come and pick it up. How about we do 525? We have a deal then Seller: I'll do 525. You have a deal",0,bike "Seller: Hi Buyer: Hi, how did you acquire this item/ Seller: I got it in one of those storage auctions Buyer: Cool. That was a good find. It looks well used. Have you tested it to make sure it works? Seller: Yes, I plugged it in, it seems to be in full working order Buyer: Great. I'm strapped for cash so would you accept $55 for it? Seller: I don't know. If I'm honest I'm strapped for cash myself (my wife says I need to stop bidding on storage container auctions, but they're just so damn exciting). How about $65? Buyer: That sounds good. I'll take it. Seller: Great! Thanks!",2,electronics "Seller: Good evening! Buyer: Hi, I am interested in your piano. Will you take $50 for it? I want it for my daughter. Seller: $50 is quite a bit lower than I was wanting to sell this piano for, it is a really great piano. I can offer it for $90, but I will make sure the piano gets tuned before you pick it up. Buyer: That's nice. I was wondering how much it would cost to get it tuned. Do you think you can do $80? I need to borrow a truck and get some help to load it. Seller: If we can leave the deal at $90, you can borrow my truck and I will make sure to have four of my friends here to help you load it. Buyer: I think that's a deal. Can I come look at it first though? Seller: Of course, I wouldn't expect you to buy it without seeing it first.",3,furniture "Seller: Hello. Are you interested in the Blackberry USB cables? Buyer: Hello, I am interested in your USB Cables. Would you be willing to take $10? Seller: These are brand new in the original package. I cannot let them go for less than $12. Buyer: I only have $11 cash, would that be okay? Seller: Cash works for me. You have a deal.",5,phone "Buyer: Hello I am interested in your bike for sale Seller: Okay, what are you offering? Buyer: I could offer $100 right now Seller: I can't take that. I would need at least $150. It is vintage and rare. Buyer: I don't know...if you can hold it a week I can maybe go upto $125 Seller: I would hold it for you for 2 weeks for $140. Buyer: okay deal",0,bike "Seller: Hi so I have a great closet organizer for just under $500. Do you have any questions? Buyer: Are you the original owner? Is this the actual picture of your item? Are there any dings, dents, chips in paint? Thanks for initiating convo! Seller: Yes, I am the only owner. It was well taken care of. The item of the photo is indeed mine. There's no chips, dents or dings. You have to pick it up. Buyer: Okay. Is this heavy? Will you be available to help load? Seller: No, my backs bad, you have to lift it yourself. Please have cash when you get here. My little niece can help you get it in your vehicle. Buyer: I can't go $499. Can you do $300, since I am meeting you and loading myself? Seller: Absolutely not, this is a designer closet rack. The lowest I could go is $420. Buyer: Elfa sounds like Ikea to me. I would hardly call it designer. $410 Seller: Meet me in the middle at $415 and you have to disassemble it. Buyer: It needs to disassembled before I get there. If I have to disassemble, I must go back and insist on $400 Seller: It's not worth my time to disassemble it for $15. You can do it when you get here. Buyer: Then I need a deeper discount. Disassembling is part of your job as the owner, especially if you want this gone. Seller: You just said you'd do $400. Buyer: I am sorry, I misread that. I will take it for 400, I pack up and disassemble. We have a deal? Seller: I don't know, is there anything else you can do for me? Buyer: I am disassembling and picking up, plus giving you $400. I think that is a hell of deal on your part Seller: Since I",3,furniture "Seller: Hi. Would you like to buy my phone package here? Buyer: I love the gold iPhone, however, what parts are missing from the box? I like to have everything there if I am going to be paying retail Seller: None of the parts are missing. Most haven't even been used. Buyer: oh, gotcha, I misread the statement. Would you consider negotiating the price? I love the phone, but not the price, hahahaha Seller: I would be able to part with it for $625. Buyer: How about 590 and I will pick up? I have cash in hand, ready to go into your hand Seller: That sounds fair. Deal.",5,phone "Buyer: Hey, you have a nice townhouse here in Fremont CA? Seller: Yes I do!! Do you have any questions about it? Buyer: The half bath downstairs, is that just a toilet/vanity? Seller: That is correct yes, upstairs has a full bath with shower, tub, toilet/vanity..downstairs just toilet and vanity Buyer: And is that a hard stance on no pets? Just been shopping round and this place does look really nice.. Seller: I can allow small pets, but would rather not have larger dogs as I've had bad experiences with damage Buyer: Oh, that's totally fine. I appreciate you making a concession. Does 2000 sound good? We have no credit issues etc. so the transaction would be pretty easy. Seller: I think we can make that work. Thank you Buyer: thank you too.",4,housing "Seller: Hi interested in premium living? Buyer: Who isn't? Yes, I am. Seller: Then come on down to our community at only 1810 a month you could be living your life in luxury, peace and tranquility. Buyer: I'm assuming that for a two bedroom arrangement, and I'm planning to be single for quite a while. Any chance you have a one bedroom apartment for sale? I was hoping to only pay a $1000 month. Seller: That is kind of a stretch but tell you what for you I can do 1610 a month with a free brochure on all our ammenities Buyer: What a bargain. I've got a better one for you. I'll do some work around the complex for you in exchange for cheaper rent. How's 10-20 hours labor a month and I'll pay $1050 in cash every month for rent. Seller: Hmm any special skills? Buyer: I've picked up a few skills while working as a cleaning person and I know some repair from helping my father. Seller: In the words of Consuela no..no..not good enough you pay 1600 and I will give you a complimetary pool key thats a 15 dollar value.",4,housing "Seller: hello Buyer: Hello Seller: Are you interested in the desk that I have for sale? Buyer: Yes, I would like to pay $115 for it Seller: Ok, that sounds like a fair deal. It is in great shape, you're sure to love it. Buyer: Great, let's do it!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello! How long have you had this bike? Seller: I had it a while. I'm only selling it because I need the cash otherwise I would keep it forever and will it to my son, you know? Buyer: I can definitely understand that! I have seen a few similar bikes listed around $550 would you be willing to take $575? Seller: That's almost 100 bucks off the list. I can't go that low. I could do 600 if you come and pick it up. Buyer: I will pick it up at that price! 600 it is! Seller: done deal ",0,bike "Buyer: Hey, what's the loveseat/sofa like? looks good Seller: Excellent condition, but need em out of here. Remind me of my ex and too big for my townhouse. What's your BEST OFFER? Buyer: Oh, like 400, I can't see the looks, but I want to help you get rid of them. Seller: I can let em go for $475 at the lowest and I'm being very serious here. I know I want to get rid of them, but they're a really high quality product Buyer: 450 and you hve deal Seller: Deal. Cheers!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey there, I'm interested in your nice table Seller: Yeah. it's gotta go, man. make an offer. 125 is a good price for it Buyer: Can we do 100? Doesn Seller: you come and pickk it up at 100? that's good Buyer: Oh yeah, when are you around? Seller: i'm here all day,. so any time works for me Buyer: Alright, I'll be there around 5, cya then",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi, what type of finish is the pressedboard on the table? Seller: Well, it's particle board with an ash veneer, like most light ikea desks. Buyer: ok, and the height is what? by adjustable legs I'm assuming it can be made shorter? I'm looking for an arts & crafts table for my grandkids. Seller: The height is 36"", and the feet are adjustable by around 1 inch, for uneven surfaces. The legs themselves don't telescope Buyer: oh I see. would you be willing to accept $36 if I pick it up tonight? Seller: I think that's a little lean. If you are willing to pick it up, I'd be willing to sell it for $50 Buyer: The best I can do is 40 I'm in a budget crunch but I'd really like to have this table. Seller: Well, I'll tell you what, come up to $60, and I'll throw in the swivel chair in the photo too. Buyer: Can you do 50? Seller: A desk and a chair for only $50? Well, I guess, if you're willing to pick it up tonight. Buyer: Absolutely! I can be there in 30 mins. Seller: Okay, great, I'll put on some clothes? Buyer: ok",3,furniture "Seller: Hello! How are you? Are you interested in this office chair? Buyer: Yes, but I need more information than what you've posted. Please tell me about the chair... Seller: What would you like to know? Buyer: Are they comfortable? Seller: Oh yes, very comfortable! The seat is soft yet firm. The back has great support! Buyer: Alright. Well, I'm gonna throw out an offer of $40 Seller: Would you be able to go to $45? Buyer: I could do that Seller: You have a deal!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi! Seller: hi. make an offer. if it's reasonable this car goes with you Buyer: Well I am not going to make an offer without some details! Seller: that's fair. what do you need to know? Buyer: Has the car gone through a documented inspection? Does it come with an accident/ damages report? Seller: Nothing like that, but it has no problems whatsoever. if you want, i can go smog it for you and it will pass no problems. and those rims and tires are over 1500 bucks. the mods on this car is off the hook. Buyer: Ok. Sounds reasonable, but you need to make sure in the future that your cars goes through this process if you want to sell them. I will do $5000 since this car lacks the requirements for sale. Seller: Um inspection is not an requirement in california. all we have to do is the smog. and there is no way I can sell this car for less than 8000. it has soem sentimental values because it belonged to my son who's in the marines now. you know. Buyer: I understand but I cannot risk buying a car that has internal damage. That is a liability to me and I will end up spending thousands in repairs. I will do $6300 Seller: the airbag light is probably the recall issue. the dealer will fix it for free. or i can get it fixed. and if you can't do 8000, we really can't do a deal here. Buyer: If you are able to get the airbag fixed I will go up to $6500, you probably wont get better than that from anyone my friend. Seller: yeah no deal then. good luck Buyer: Poor guy.",1,car "Buyer: Hi, that's a nice table you have there. Seller: it's a bargain for this delightful coffee table for your patio. everyone needs one! Buyer: I do need one but I see that I would have to paint it so that's work for me. Does it have any other defects? Seller: No other defects other than needing a good rinse and coat of nice paint. if you want I'll do it for you. it will take a couple of days to fully dry and smell free, but that's doable. Buyer: That would be good of you but only if you have the time and supplies. Would you be willing to accept $10 for it. I'll even pick it up. Seller: i do have the time and the supplies. but i can't do any lower than 20 for this. at 25 i'm already giving it away, practically Buyer: I appreciate the effort you are willing to put into it but I'm poor. How about $18? Seller: 18, but i don't do the refinishing job. that's on you. deal? Buyer: I guess that will work. $18 it is. Seller: good deal",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello, I'm interested in your bike you have for sale Seller: Yes sure! Buyer: Is the paint intact? Does it need ant TLC? Seller: The parts are all intact and no, it doesn't need TLC Buyer: Would you be willing to take 59 dollars for it if I picked it up Seller: I could give it for $60 Buyer: For $60, can you deliver it? Seller: I can deliver it but over the weekend Buyer: That would be great! Seller: Great we've got a deal then! Thanks",0,bike "Buyer: Hi I am interested in the house you just posted. Seller: Hello. Sure thing please let me know if you have any questions? Buyer: I see its been remodeled. Can you tell me what has been upgraded? Seller: The floor has been remodeled as well as the bathrooms Buyer: only 1 bathroom, correct? The houses I've been looking at in this area have at least 1.5 bathrooms and they are on the market for around $2000 Seller: Yes one bathroom. Well, the location is very much convenient, and tell you what? I can give it to you for $2200 with a 25% off for your first rent. Buyer: the location is convenient. Is that a 2 car garage or does the other garage belong to another house? Seller: No its 2 car garage Buyer: I can do $2200. Can I install indoor/outdoor security cameras from my current home? Seller: Yes absolutely! Buyer: great thanks!",4,housing "Buyer: Hello. I really liked this toyota highlander. Have been looking for it for a long time now, and this is something that caught my attention Seller: Yeah, it's a wonderful vehicle, very spacious and extremely reliable. As you can see it's recently gotten a brand new Engine and that's why I'm asking 5100. Buyer: Yeah but its very expensive for me. I am a student and can't afford this much. Would you be willing to sell it for me at about $3060? Seller: Ah, I can't come that low buddy. The newer engine replacement cost me about that much. You've got a car here that has 183,000 miles on the body but the heart of the car only has 15,000 miles. If you look online you will find the same vehicle listed at 5500 and above with 180,000 plus miles on the whole thing. I'm willing to come down to 4100 but any lower and I will be losing money. Buyer: Okay I can do that. As long as I am assured that this car has never had any major breakdown and that I will be happy with the purchase Seller: The car has never had any serious issues or accidents. The title is clean.",1,car "Buyer: Hi I see you have a go pro for sale Seller: Yes, it is in great condition. Buyer: How many times have you used it? Seller: Oh, I barely used it. I did use the curved adhesive mount so that is the only thing that I don't have. All in all I would say it was used about 3 hours. Buyer: Oh I see. You only have the flat mount? Are there Seller: Right, I just have the flat mount but the whole package is in great condition. The 3-way pivot arm is in perfect shape. There is barely any play in the motion but it is smooth and effortless so you get a nice panning action. Buyer: That sounds really good. Since I will have to purchase the additional mount, would you accept 200? Seller: Listen, I'll be honest, the list price is $265 and this thing is in new condition minus the mount. It's true that I have used it though minimally, so I'd be willing to let it go at $215. Buyer: I could do that...Agreed at $215? Seller: Great, that's a fair deal. I hope you get lots of use and enjoyment from it. $215, it's a deal.",2,electronics "Seller: hello how we doing today Buyer: Hello. I am interested in the Piano Buyer: What is the price?",3,furniture "Buyer: how we doing today Seller: I am wonderful. How are you? Buyer: I m good thanks, so lets get down to it Seller: Ok. Well I see you're in the market for a piano. I have one in great condition that I'm willing to part with for $100 Buyer: I bet it's a little old and needs tuning, how about I offer you 80 dollars Seller: Well it is a few years old and it does need tuning but it has been kept up very well. I think $90 would be better. Buyer: Ok let's do it for 90 but you have to promise me that you will deliver the piano to my home, fair enough ? Seller: It really heavy so you will have to help lift it but I'll go to your place to help unload it. $90 works though. Buyer: ok nice doing business with you, good day",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi there, may I know your offer? Seller: Well, I'm interested in selling this couch.",3,furniture "Buyer: what conditions are the rubbers? Seller: They are in pretty decent condition. Still got lots of life left. Are you interested? Buyer: yeah sure i need a bicycle to go to my place of work fromm my room Seller: Ok, cool. You want to come take a look at it? Buyer: ok sure but only have 90 dollars in this moment Seller: Sorry, I can't go that low. It is a Schwinn bike after all and in great condition. I can do $120 though. Buyer: yes good i can get the 30 dollars in the afternoon",0,bike "Seller: Hello are you interested in this car? Buyer: Hello, I'm interested. Seller: Ok well its a 08 honda accord 3.5 liter, great shape, runs good. one owner. Buyer: Are there any problems with the car? Seller: A airbag light stays on but the car runs great. Buyer: Okay, well, I'm interested. I'd like to pay $6400 Seller: That is kind of low, I just poured 2k into this car to get new tires. Buyer: Well, it's still a 9 year old car. Seller: I will offer you 8000 and i will throw in a warranty for you so if anything goes wrong it will be covered. Buyer: If you can come down to $7200 I'll come pick the car up. Seller: Will you go to 7400 and Ill throw in free tinted windows? Buyer: That sounds reasonable. Buyer: Okay, great.",1,car "Seller: Hello! I understand you are interested in the property I'm selling? Buyer: Yes, I am interested. How long has this house been on the market. Seller: The apartment has been on the market for about 2 weeks. Buyer: I like the details on the house and it seems nice. How is the neighborhood? How are the apartment neighbors? Seller: Great neighborhood! Very close to shops, Franklin Park, and public transport. Buyer: Sounds Great the price seems pretty steep, if you do not mind may you please accept my offer of $1500. Seller: I think $1500 is a bit low but could meet in the middle at $1800. Buyer: Does it come with any perks? Is there any gyms on site. Does the apartment complex come with a pool? Seller: This is an apartment inside of an old manor, so it is not in a complex with a gym or pool. The perks are the beautiful architecture, and the close proximity to nightlife and public transport. Buyer: okay.",4,housing "Seller: Hello, are you interested in a beautiful sofa to purchase? Buyer: I am interested. Would you be able to deliver? Seller: Potentially, I could do that. Buyer: How old is the set? Seller: It actually is fairly new. It's 2 years old. Buyer: I am interested although the limit I had set for myself was $500.00. Would you consider taking a bit less than what you are asking? Seller: I would consider that. This set does include both the sofa and loveseat, and the manufacturer is top-notch, creating sofas for Crate and Barrel and others, is made in America, with custom fabric. They are built to last a lifetime. As such, I'm wondering if you would come up a bit, such as to $550? I'd be willing to deliver them to you at that price. Buyer: I can do that. Thank you!",3,furniture "Buyer: hello I am interested in your buying your bed Seller: Sure, it is still available. Would you like to come take a look? Buyer: yes sure you can you tell me more about it? Seller: It's in great condition. We had it in our guest bedroom, so it's hardly used. We are turning the room into nursery, that's why we are selling it. Buyer: I see. I would like to offer $265 and I will come and pick it up. Seller: I can do $300. It's practically in new condition. We paid over $700 Buyer: Ok I can do $300 that seems fair. I can come over later today to pick it up. Seller: Awesome. Buyer: Ok I can do $300 that seems fair. I can come over later today to pick it up.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello, I'm interested in the Hollon safe.. Are you certain you will be able to transfer the warranty to me? Seller: yes Buyer: Great. Can you tell me the dimensions of the safe? I want to make sure it will hold my larger items Seller: sorry i dont have that",3,furniture "Seller: Good morning Buyer: Morning. Seller: How can I help you? Buyer: I see that you have this table for sale. How many people can it ft? Seller: I've been able to get 10-12 around it with ease Buyer: Oh that sounds great. Can I offer 110 because of the crack? Seller: Hmmm....where are you located? I'd be willing to drop the price to $115 and deliver it to you if you are reasonably close by. Buyer: With delivery I'd give you the 115. I'm on the outskirts of the city. Seller: OK, that's plenty close. Let's do the 115 with the included delivery. I think you'll really enjoy this table! Buyer: Great, I think I'll enjoy it as well. I'll email my address. Thanks so much!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey! I am very interested in the mattress. Would you say it is more on the firm or soft side? Seller: Hey there, thanks for contacting me. I'd say it's more on the soft side. It has a plush pillow top. Buyer: Awesome, I definitely prefer soft. Does it come with any sort of warranty? Seller: I did originally purchase it with a warranty. It was a 5 year warranty, so there's a year and a half left. Buyer: Makes sense. Does this include a boxspring as well? Seller: Oh yes. The boxspring is free. Buyer: What a deal! If I were to pick it up, would you be willing to take $130? Seller: How about 135 because of the added warranty? Buyer: That sounds good to me! $135 it is. Seller: Great. Contact me at 345-7878 when you're ready to pick it up.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi there, I was looking at your ad for the couch you listed, about how old is it? Seller: It is about 3 years old, but is in excellent condition. It has no stains or rips. Buyer: I was thinking about buying it for my Nana, you know how old couches get a little soft and hard to get out of. Are you sure you couldn't deliver? It would be a little difficult for me to pay so much and still have to pick it up, I mean, it's a 3 year old couch. Seller: I cannot deliver, but I can give it to you for $40 if you pick it up. Buyer: That sounds reasonable.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey so I'm interested in the closet rack, can you tell me about it? Seller: Sure! It's very sturdy and does not need to be attached to the wall as it has freestanding feet. It's 10feet wide with 12"" and 16"" deep shelves. All together it's 83"" tall Buyer: How's the condition, is it nice? Seller: Yes, it's in excellent condition, no rust or bending anywhere. Perfect for a library! Buyer: Is it already disassembled, or do I have to do that? Seller: It's assembled and will fit in most pickup trucks, but if you need to dissasemble it, it's super easy to put back together. Buyer: Ok, but I'm looking to pay more towards $225 if I have to pick it up and do all of that myself. It looks huge. Seller: That's a little too low.. can we do $275 and I'll help you move it? Buyer: I think you'd need to do most of the work for that price, you could consider the extra $50 a delivery fee. Seller: You have a really good point there. Alright, I'll do $225",3,furniture "Seller: Good morning Buyer: Hey there! What condition are the shelves in? Seller: They are in very good condition. I have used them in my food cellar for storage and they are nearly perfect. Buyer: What color are they? I can't really tell from the photo. Seller: They're kind of a dark gray...along the lines of a slate. Think of the color of a blackboard. Buyer: Makes sense. Can they hold a lot of weight? Seller: The shelves are very stable. When I bought them, the packaging indicated that each shelve could hold up to 250 pounds. Buyer: Excellent. If I picked them up, would you be willing to let them go for $459? Seller: Tell you what, for $459, I will deliver them to you. How about that? Buyer: What a deal! Sounds good.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey! Do you still have the couch available? Seller: Hello, yes I do. Buyer: It appears to be in pretty good condition from the photos but I'm not sure that I could come pick it up. I may have to rent a truck. Would $250 sound good to you? I can provide cash. Seller: It is in very good condition and is very comfortable. I do not think I can go that low. I will however throw in a warranty at 300.00 Buyer: If the warranty will cover any damage that may occur during transit, I can do $300",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi, do you still have the 2013 Elantra in stock? Seller: Yes I do, a nice little car that is also envronmentally sound. I am moving so I need to get ri of it so just looking for an easy sale to benefit us both Buyer: Ah great - a few questions? Have any pipe smokers driven the car or has it been in any accidents? Seller: I am the only driver and i don't smoke and tend to be quite boring so it is cldan and ready to go. Buyer: Great how flexible are you on the price? Seller: It does have a lot of miles so i have it listed for 10.5 but will go to 9 Buyer: What if I paid with a bag full of cash? Would that change the price? Seller: 8 Buyer: I think I could do 7400 Seller: you might but I cant go lower than 7.9 Buyer: How about 7800 and I will throw in a free car wash Buyer: 7 dollars? Ok then",1,car "Seller: Hi Buyer: Hi! what can you tell me about your sofa set please? Seller: Its a pretty crappy sofa , will you buy for 100? Buyer: are there any major holes?",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello do you still have the sofa? Seller: Yes I do, are you interested? Buyer: Yes I am. What kinda condition is it in? Seller: Its in excellent condition. We had it in our sitting room that never got used. Buyer: Okay. Are you willing to work with me on the price at all? Seller: I'm pretty firm on the $500, what price are you suggesting? Buyer: 500? It's listed at 400. Seller: Must have been a mistake but I am willing to give you a deal for $400 since it was listed in error. Buyer: Still too high. I've seen this sofa sell for 400 new so how about 150 Seller: $150 is way to low for this, it's practially brand new, How about $350? Buyer: It is still used though. Will you do 300? ",3,furniture "Seller: hello Buyer: Hello do you still have the Hyundai for sale? Seller: yes I do, it's absolutely still for sale Buyer: What condition is it in? Has it been in any accidents? Seller: it's never been in an accident and it's free of any dents or dings...looks great in person Buyer: Okay that sounds good. How many miles does it have on it? Seller: it has 84, 000 miles or so Buyer: Wow that is a lot of miles for a hyundai. Can you go lower on the price? Seller: it is a lot of miles but mostly highway. it's kept the engine really clean. I can come down in price. what number were you thinking? Buyer: Can you do 6750? Since it's such high miles Seller: I couldn't go that low. I'm more around 9500 bottom line Buyer: Okay how about we meet halfway then, how about 8400?",1,car "Buyer: that is a nice sofa Seller: It's really great! I wish I didn't have to get rid of it but I'm moving away soon. I bought the set for $800 last year and for$399 I think it's a steal. Buyer: indeed but it is still used and i will have to to get it in my house myseld. 350 dollars? Seller: Yeah, that seems fair Buyer: very well it's a deal",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello. Seller: Hello. Buyer: I might be interested in the car in your advertisement. Seller: Yes is there anything specific you are looking for in a car?",1,car "Seller: This car has been great to me and I think you'd love it Buyer: Well, what are the problems with the car? Seller: There is no problems with it whatsover. It has 84k miles though. ",1,car "Seller: Hey there are you looking to buy my 2013 Hyundai Elantra GLS? Buyer: Possibly, what kind of gas mileage does it get? Seller: Its definitely a gas saver. It has 84k miles and drives/handles like new. It packs a punch and is very powerful. Such a great car. Im asking for around $10000. Are you in the ballpark of that offer? Buyer: Would you be willing to take $8000? 2013 is getting kind of old. Seller: Hmm, actually that sounds very reasonable for this car since it is 2013, you're right that is getting pretty old. Thanks for your offer, glad we could reach a deal!",1,car "Seller: Hello there Buyer: Hi. Just saw your ad and I'm very interested in your sofa set! Seller: Great, it is in great shape but I need the buyer to pick it up, would that be a problem? Buyer: Have you had it long? Anything wrong with it? Stains, scratches, etc.? Seller: Nope, no stains or scratches, it is in great shape and it is leather so it really retains its value. Haven't had it too long but I have taken very good care of it. Buyer: Sounds good. $399 is a bit over my budget, Do you think you'd be able to take $199 for it? Especially being that I need to haul it myself. I'll probably need to hire some help, so factoring that in to the cost. Seller: Yes sounds great",3,furniture "Buyer: hello Seller: Hi! This is a brand new phone that I got from work, but since I have a phone already, I'm selling this one. Are you interested? Buyer: yes, I am I need a new phone because my old one broke. Seller: I understand your phone is broken. Can you pay $490, and I will drop off the phone to you? Buyer: The most I can really afford to pay is 300. Seller: What's wrong with your old phone? If the screen is just broken, I can get that fixed. I really feel for you and I want to make a deal. So if you give me your old phone, I can sell you the new phone for $450. Does that work? Buyer: I could go as high as 350. The old phone is in good condition it just has a crack in the screen. It is an android and I'd rather have an iPhone.",5,phone "Buyer: Hi Id like to buy the powerstation battery Seller: I can sell for $60 Buyer: I was wondering if you would accept 55 Seller: If it's cash I'll take it Buyer: Great I have cash, thank you",2,electronics "Buyer: Hello. I was hoping to buy your battery for $32 Seller: I cannot sell for that price, because I paid $125 for the battery originally. How about $60. This is a really reliable product. Do we have a deal? Buyer: Well, it is unopened. How about $50 if I come to you? Seller: We have a deal since this part of my asking price included the shipping cost. Thanks!",2,electronics "Seller: Hi! This is a great exercise bike with lots of features. I hate to let it go, but I need the cash. Are you interested in buying the bike? Buyer: Yes, I am interested in it. What canyou tell me about it and what price? Seller: It is really an all around fitness bike with lots of bells and whistles. It has plenty of connections to things like heart rate monitors and computers. I need the cash, so I would be willing to sell it for $100. Deal? Buyer: No, this is not a good book, I can only pay $65. my final offer. Seller: I don't know what you mean when you say ""This is not a good book."" I cannot take $65 for something that is worth almost twice that. Sorry, but no deal. ",0,bike "Seller: I'm starting to think nothing will meet their ""acceptance criteria"". Buyer: Oh, haha. So did you have any problems with this powerstation when you used it? Seller: It is unopened, so I did not use it. Buyer: Oh cool. Why are you selling it, did you get another one instead? Seller: I was planning on using it for my phone, but my car has a USB port, so I decided I didn't need it. Buyer: Will you take 58 cash today? Seller: I paid $60 for this, so I'm not going any lower than that, sorry. Buyer: If you throw in the original receipt, so I can have the warranty details, then we have a deal at 60. Seller: I do have the receipt, so that'll work. $60 it is. ",2,electronics "Buyer: Hi, I saw your post and am interested in it. Can you tell me more about it? Seller: Sure thing. It is a Brand New iPhone 6s. It is unlocked and ready to go. Selling for $499 OBO Buyer: Since it's brand new, why are you selling it? Seller: Won it in a contest and I am not an Apple user. Buyer: Ok, makes sense. So, I would like to get it, but it's a bit too expensive for me. I would like to offer 250 for it. Seller: Could you do $300? Buyer: Yes, I can do that, it's a fair price. Sounds great! Seller: Great, thanks!",5,phone "Buyer: Hi, I really like the bike and description. Any way you would consider letting it go for $60? Seller: $60 is a tad too low, the listing price is $110. Its a really well build bike and will help you achieve your fitness goals easier. Would you be willing to pay $90 if I deliver it to your place for free? Buyer: I can pay $80 if you deliver and throw in a helmet and lock for the bike. Deal? Seller: I can do all of that, but only for $90. Deal?",0,bike "Seller: Brand spanking new iPhone 6s. I swear I didn't steal it. Buyer: Okay...since you're not a retailer, and there is no warranties, or monthly plans due to you not being a retailer I want to make you an offer Seller: I can't go any lower than $500. But because I definitely did not steal this phone from an Apple Store, I'll cut my losses and sell it to you for 349",5,phone "Buyer: I am interested in your device and would like to offer $40 cash for it. Seller: I don't think I could go that low. Its unopened and retails at $70, so I think $65 is a fair offer. I got it as a gift but already have one, trust me they're great and work super well. 6+ hours of battery life extra if you're using a tablet, 9 hours with a small tablet, and 24 hours extra with a smartphone. well worth $65 IMO. Buyer: I could offer $45 Seller: I can't go lower sorry. Its worth $70, so $65 is a deal already. Like i said, unopened, never been opened, new. its worth $65 no less. final offer. Buyer: The most I could pay is $55. Are you willing to give a little? I can pay cash today. Seller: No, I'm sorry. the best I can do is $65 and I can deliver it to your house free of charge. Thats the best you'll get from me. Buyer: Guess we can't make a deal Seller: Okay, please reject my offer if you must.",2,electronics "Seller: Hi are you interested in my iPhone? Buyer: yes, mine was stolen so I need a new one, what kind of shape is it in? Seller: It is brand new! Buyer: ok, well I have $450 in cash to spend does that sound good? I can come to you to pick it up and save you gass Seller: $465 and you have a deal Buyer: I really only have $450 and I would be saving your the gas and time..that's worth $15 yeh? Seller: The phone is 64gb, never been used, and unlocked so I'm afraid I can't go any lower than that. $465 is my final offer. Buyer: ok, well i can buy it brand new for 500 so i will just do that",5,phone "Seller: Hey there, you looking to buy some headsets for your blackberry? Buyer: hi, what are you asking for the headsets Seller: Im asking for $10, they are new and still in the original package. Buyer: I see...well I'm probably the only old guy clinging to my Blackberry...can you come down to 7 maybe? Seller: Yeah I can do $7. glad we could make a deal today. Thanks a lot, I hope you enjoy your product.",5,phone "Buyer: Hi there Seller: Just looking to sell these real quick, pickup only. Buyer: Is it $7 if I pick it up? Seller: I'm starting at $10. They're brand new, sealed packaging. Seller: Okay, see you when you pick it up. ",5,phone "Buyer: Hi, are these orginal equipment Seller: yes they sure are Buyer: I'm probably the only guy in town still using this old Blackberry...would you take $5 for them? Seller: How about $6 Buyer: Well I do really need them and they're kind of hard to find...so I can do $6 if you can",5,phone "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi are these used or new? Seller: They are new and they are still in the package. Buyer: I'm sorry, I just noticed that. I see you are asking $10 for them. Can you go any lower than that? Seller: Well, since I am a kind person, I will go as low as 5 dollars for you. How does that sound? Seller: Nice doing business with you! Buyer: Sounds good! thanks.",5,phone "Buyer: hey so they'r still new right? not gonna have greasy ear wax on them? Seller: They are brand new in the package and I'm asking $10 Buyer: tell you what, i'll give you 7 bucks. i'll come and pick it up Seller: I can do $8 and I'll throw in a carrying case. Buyer: um... ok that's a deal Seller: $8 it is then",5,phone "Seller: Hi Buyer: Hello do you still have the headsets? Seller: yes I have 2 left 10 dollars for both Buyer: Awesome, are they in good condition? Seller: they are still in the original package so never been used Buyer: Oh okay. I saw these on sale earlier for less. Could you sell these to me for $5? Seller: 10 bucks is the best I can do. These are brand new and I can't do less than 10 Buyer: Okay I'll come up to 7 because they are new. Seller: I can include a couple pairs of earbud covers, if you buy them for the listed price of 10 dollars. Buyer: They should come with the earbud covers, come on you can't sell second hand items for retail price! 7 bucks Seller: They aren't second hand they are brand new.",5,phone "Seller: Would you like buy my printer for a deal at the price of ten dollars? Buyer: I would take it off your hands for $5 and pick it up today! Seller: Oh I can not do that I paid 18 for it. You are getting a deal and a smile at 9 bucks. I don't think I can go lower than. Half of what I paid for it. You are getting a great deal on this Cannon printer. Buyer: For $9 do you have any leftover photo paper for me to test it? Seller: I will tell you what I have a new pack. That I got with it, i'll throw that into the deal for 9 dollars. I mean I don't know why I bought a photo printer and way I have no photos to print. Buyer: Okay that is awesome! I will pick it up today for $9. Thank You Seller: Deal sounds good my friend. Buyer: :)",2,electronics "Buyer: Hello Seller: Hi. Buyer: So I'm interested in buying the parisian cornice double shelving Seller: Great. I am located in Mateca. When would u like to pick up? Buyer: I can pick up whenever. How much are you selling for? Seller: 600 is what I am asking Buyer: What condition is the shelving in? Seller: Good condition! Buyer: If I come to pick it up when you want and haul it away, would you be willing to do $525?",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey there, nice wagon you have here Seller: Thanks! I have a great car I want to sell, are you interested? Buyer: I am, but my budget is somewhat limited. Can you tell me a little more about the car? How long have you had it? Seller: It is a 1999 BMW 528i Touring Dinan wagon, and I have had it most of its life. Its around 360K Car runs with no issues New oil , plugs etc Buyer: Well I appreciate you doing all that maintenance with the car incl. new plugs and oil. The mileage is a little high, but I want to work with you on a good deal for the both of us. Is $2500 decent? Seller: I could meet you at $3000 as everything is current, registration, and even the wheels and tires are new. Buyer: 2900 and you have a deal Seller: Deal!",1,car "Buyer: I am interested in your canon picture printer Seller: yes its still for sale",2,electronics "Buyer: Hello Seller: Hi tehre are you interested in my couch? Buyer: Yes. I see you have a couch for 50 dollars. That is a bit too much for me. Can you lower your price a bit? Seller: It is a nice comfy couch from a smoke free home. If you come to pick it up, I would reduce it down to $40 for you. Buyer: That sounds good. How about 35 dollars then? That would be good for me, since I have to use gas to come and get it. Seller: Ok but no lower. thanks! Buyer: So do we have a deal?",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey, I'd like to talk to you about your beach bike Seller: Sure, it's like brand new! I only rode it a couple of times. Buyer: I see they run around $225 brand new, I was hoping I could get it for like $150 Seller: I bought this brand new for $350. It's top of the line. I am willing to let it go at $200 if you can pick up. Buyer: You're kind of a long drive away but how about $175 and I'll come pick it up? Seller: Okay, I can do that. Text me for address.",0,bike "Buyer: OMG Seller: Hi! Are you interested in mt sofa? Buyer: Oh yes dear, my boyfriend and I loooooooove Lee Sofas Seller: It's in great shape, and has a loveseat too. Only $600. Buyer: Well sure only $600 if your rich and gay, which I'm not, well one of those ! LOL Seller: Ha! If you want, I can deliver for free. Buyer: Hmz, well we are worried about if you had a cat or dog, I'm mean it's not a big deal, but... Seller: Nope. I have no pets. Buyer: Have you ever had it cleaned? By a professional, honey? Seller: No, but it's been kept clean, and it's only about a year old Buyer: Ok, but you know we are all a little dirty, especially on the loveseat, or do you have kids in your place. I'm sorry, maybe this is a wholesome set of furniture... Seller: It's quite wholesome. How much are you willing to pay? Buyer: Well, since you said it's clean, and you'll deliver, and it's practically BRAND neeew, we'll give you $420, and no we are straightedge, ha! Seller: How about $500? It's really in great shape. No kids. Buyer: Only if you go on a date with us honey, never negotiate with a gay man, $400. Seller: $450 is as low as I can go. Buyer: Oh I can't believe that, you gotta give me a reason, why are your credit cards so high? Ok, $420, that's high enough... Seller: I recently divorced, and I can't afford to be charitable. I'm sure there's SOMEONE who could pay $450. Buyer: Oh, it's not that I can't pay you $450, but like I said we aren't rich. So we are willing to pay a fair price. Really any material object is only worth 1/3 of the price of the list, especially after it's been used by any other person. Therefore, technically, and reasonably I could only give you $200 in order for me to not be a foolish capitalist. So, giving you even $420 with good humor is still way too much. So I'll double the reasonable offer a strong capitalist knows it is worth and give you $400. You need it, you have to pay the divorcee.",3,furniture "Buyer: Would you take 3,500 Seller: Hi, this is a great truck. $3,500 is too low. Do you have a vehicle to trade with it? If so, tell me about that vehicle. I might be able to take $4250 if you have a trade in. Buyer: HS this truck ever been in an accident? Seller: No, it has never been in an accident. Are you interested in buying it for $5000? Or do you have a trade in? Buyer: No, to high, the truck does not have any additions, it is a plain fleet work Truck and most likely doesn't even have power windows. Seller: What about your trade in? Buyer: I can give you $3,800 or 2006 honda atv, perfect condition, clean title and new large tires. Seller: Okay. I will take the ATV plus $3500. Deal? Buyer: No, one or the other, the truck is not worth anything over 3,800 Seller: Well I am sorry. I cannot take that deal. You are really trying to lowball me. Please stop wasting my time and give me a fair offer. Buyer: 3,800 firm, if not good luck trying to find someone to pay that much. ",1,car "Buyer: Hi! Seller: Hey there, you're interested in the home? Buyer: Yes I am. Is it in good condition and everything? Seller: Definitely, we redid the carpet, floor, and the ceiling is pretty high. You're wanting to move in soon? In addition, there's a large front and back yard. Buyer: I would like to move in asap. But, would you be willing to lower the price a bit for me? Seller: Well, I can't go too low. What's your budget? I don't think I could go below 2000 considering it's a 4 bed 2 bath Buyer: Would you be willing to lower it to 2500? It would help me out a bit as I am on a budget. Seller: Oh, yeah we can do 2500. Deal? Buyer: Sounds good. Deal.",4,housing "Buyer: Hello, Seller: dublin? Buyer: No not at all i would like to buy a phone? Seller: have mine only 149",5,phone "Seller: Is the bike available? Buyer: Hi, I am trying to buy a phone. What bike are you talking about? Seller: I;'m trying to buy a bike. I think we might be out of synch.",5,phone "Buyer: Hi, I'm interested in the IKEA desk...will you take $35? Seller: That's a little low for me. It is in like-new condition and not just any old table. The adjustable legs make it extra nice! How about $50? Buyer: I have $45 cash. I can come pick it up today. Seller: I really could use the space. I can go with $45. You are going to love this sweet table!",3,furniture "Buyer: hello Seller: Hey, so you were thinking about a BMW? Buyer: yes, i am very interested. Seller: Oh, well that's cool. Usually people see me and lowball me, I am obviously a gay surfer. Buyer: oh why would they do that? thats not fair Seller: Well, surfers live in their cars in the search for the right wave, so this thing has some wear and tear. But, listen, I have to drive all over the place to get the best wave. So, you know I pay the best mechanics. I don't know anything about mechanical engineering. Buyer: oh ok. i understand . that is awesome. you are one lucky guy! Seller: Sometimes, and this car has brought me lots of luck in the search. But, listen, I don't want you to think I'm a thief, I might be a pirate, but not a thief! LOL, really, Carfax is gonna tell you some mileage difference, it's because I bought a new engine off my Bulgarian mechanic. He trained on the BMW race team in Germany, look him up, stupid expensive. But this car will certainly get you where you need to go, and is the best BMW wagon on any US coast. Buyer: Lol! that is very important. i want a car that get me anywhere i need to go. This is a nice car; however, you are asking for too much. you know, it is not a brand new BMW. Seller: Totally, it is super used, like I said. But that is why I have it listed so high. It was a long time ago, and I bought it for $35,000, so I figured I would just cut a zero off. Still, though it is used. I'll five it to you for less than 10% of it's original tag, I'll GIVE you this ride, for $3000. But, you may have to sell it back to me in a year. No, no, just kidding. Buyer: LOL. come on! the price is still high. i will give you $1750 right now for the car. i am ready to take it home with me right at this moment! Seller: Ha, ok. It is high. But I'm not. How did you come up with 1750? You must be tired. Listen, you can sleep in the back. I have many a time. I'll even give you my old Yoga mat. Ok, ok, $2999, lets do this! Buyer: i know that you are not high! well, i am a young broke college student. i was able to save some of my financial aid money in order to buy this very nice car. i really need it. Do you know how many times i have to ask people for rides. This is a great opportunity for me to buy a car. i am willing to pay $1800.",1,car "Seller: Hi, so I have an amazing Ford truck for sale. It's very tough and reliable. Buyer: What is your reason for selling this truck? Seller: My wife has been yelling at me to get a minivan and I can't afford both insurance payments. Buyer: I am interested, but $5500 is too high of a price for a 10 year old truck. I have $3,800 cash in my hand. I could come and pick it up right now and take it off your hands Seller: It only has 173k the price is already low. I can knock $100 off if you can meet me later today. Buyer: 173k miles on a ford ranger really is a lot of miles, the most I can offer is $4,400 cash Seller: Ford's are built to last! $4,850 and you have a deal. Buyer: At $4,800 can you include a full tank of gas? I'm ready to head over right now Seller: Ok deal.",1,car "Seller: Hi there, I saw you were interested in my listing. Could I answer any questions for you? Buyer: hello, i was wondering if the location had upgraded appliances and how much the deposit is, also, are pets allowed",4,housing "Buyer: Hello, may I ask if the household had any animals? Seller: We do have one dog. ",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi how are you Seller: Hi well, I would like to sell you my couch for $50. What do you think? Buyer: To be honest, I think 50 is a little high. I don't care much for the floral pattern, but I do need a couch. How does 35 sound, I'll even pick it up myself. Seller: I have an extra chair I could throw in if our are interested. So the couch and the chair, you pick it up for $50 total? Buyer: i would love an extra chair, that sounds great, thanks!",3,furniture "Seller: Hi how are you? Buyer: I really like your Toyota Truck! Seller: Tahnks it is in VERY good condition i have taken very well care of her i am asking for $6400. Buyer: How many miles does it have on it? Seller: Only 56000 Buyer: Would you consider going a little lower for a 2003, say $3200? Seller: No that is half of my asking price it IS from 2003 but as i said it is in very good condition and only has 56000 miles on it. Buyer: Ok, I don't think Iwil lcoem across a deal like this again, so I accept.",1,car "Seller: want the apt? 1700 Buyer: Hi is this apartment on the bus route? Seller: yeah its close",4,housing "Buyer: Hi how are you? Seller: Great! I see that you are interested in purchasing my 2008 Honda Civic? Buyer: Very interested! however i dont have 6200 at the moment. I have 5500 and can borrow 80 for a final price of 5580 in cash today would you accept that? Seller: That's a little lower than I was hoping to get. It doesn't have too many miles on it and is in great shape (new tires, solid transmition). What if I threw in shipping costs- would you be able to do any more than 5580? Buyer: I could borrow a little more and give you 5800 but tha's as high as i can possibly go. Seller: Any possible way you can go up to 5900? I'll include the GPS and give it a detailed cleaning inside and out. Buyer: Sure!",1,car "Seller: Hi how are you Buyer: Hi there good thanks. I like your phone! Seller: Thanks, It's in great condition, nearly mint. I'm asking 160 for it. Buyer: Would you consider $135 for it? Seller: I think thats still too low, it is flawless. It's always had a case and screen protector on it. I'll take 145 Buyer: Ok sounds fair.",5,phone "Seller: Let's make this short and sweet. I have an apartment to move, you're looking for an apartment. Let's make something work. Buyer: Works for me! I'm interested, but I'd like to do it for $1,800 Seller: Sounds excellent to me. I'm trying to move it quickly.",4,housing "Seller: Hello, are you interested in the bike? Buyer: Yeah, yeah, it's for my son, he's a real lunatic and smashes the bikes. I don't know what's up with that. He keeps jumping off them and letting them fly into shit?! Seller: This bike seems like it would be perfect for him, there are some scratches but it is very durable. Buyer: I am sure he will fuck it up. I've only got $45 on me and I gotta go pick up my daughter before my wife kick my nuts. Will that work? Seller: I spent a lot of time rebuilding this bike. Would you be able to pay $47? Buyer: Shit, let me check, uh... I've got a quarter and a penny and oh a dime and here a pokemon card, listen I gotta roll, my wife is gonna kick my nuts so hard. $45 and what us 31 cents. Seller: $46 and you can come now Buyer: What I already am here, I'm out front, yeah hold on I have some more change oh shit another quarter, Hold On, damn fucking wife and shit kids, uh okay I'm like 20 cents short what do you know my wife or something?",0,bike "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi there Seller: Are you interested in this apartment? It is in great shape and a lot of people are interested. Buyer: Yes very interested. I can offer you 1470. I have a tight budget. Seller: That sounds good. This place has a lot to offer. But, I am not sure if that is a good enough offer. I guess I will accept it though. ",4,housing "Seller: Hello, are you interested in the LG G4? Buyer: I am, hi there. I am in the market for a new phone and was checking your out. Can you tell me about yours? Seller: Yes it is on the Tmobile network, it is in like new condition. I have always kept the screen protector and the case on it. So there are absolutely no scratches, scuffs, cracks or anything. Buyer: Would you consider $75 for it? Seller: $75 is too low, this phone is in perfect condition. Buyer: Ok how about $130 Seller: $135 is the lowest I am willing to go on this phone. For that price I will also throw in 5 new cases and 2 screen protectors that I bought for the phone. Buyer: Sounds like a deal.",5,phone "Seller: Hey there, you're interested in my truck? Buyer: Hi, I am, I would consider something cheaper though. How does 4900 sound, it has alot of miles Seller: Hm, 5000? It does have a lot of miles but she was really good to me. I recently did all the maintenance on it including things like the transmission and oil so that you won't have to worry about that for 100k or more miles Buyer: 5k sounds great too me, send me an offer!",1,car "Seller: Hi how are you? Buyer: Good how are you? Seller: Good are you interested in my bike? It's in wonderful condition ridden almost none. I'm asking 250 for it. Buyer: I'm wondering if you would take 125.",0,bike "Buyer: Hi how are you? I'm interested in your bike, what kind of shape is it in? How did you rebuild it? Seller: Hi Buyer: yeah hi, I like the bike but it looks scratched, would you sell it for 25? Seller: Thats too low Buyer: Well why should I pay more? it looks busted and old? To be honest, it kinda looks like it rides bad too. Seller: It works great you can be assured of that. nothing below 45 Buyer: well, I can't go above 30 for a piece of junk. Send me your offer, I'll probably reject it just like that junky bike. Seller: Thats your call you wanna reject just by looking at the pic. Trust me its worth it",0,bike "Buyer: Hey there, nice phone you have here. you can't get a blackberry anymore Seller: Nope, these things are pretty rare! Buyer: Yup, and I'm an FBI agent, even we have issues finding these things for bureau activities. Would you take 45? Seller: I'd really like to get $50 for it, could you pick up today? Buyer: Yup, I'll give you 48 and pick it up ASAP, I'm around the corner.",5,phone "Seller: Hello there! Buyer: Hi Seller: Are you interested in my standing desk for sale? Buyer: Yes I am how old is the desk Seller: It is a couple years old, very gently used and no scratches on it. The legs unscrew for easy transport. I am asking $60 for it. Buyer: I was looking for a desk around $15 or so but I liked the look of this one. How would you feel about 25 for the desk? Seller: I need to get at least $45 for this one, I am afraid $25 would be too low. Buyer: There doesn't seem to be much to the desk. It's pretty plain. How about around 35? Seller: Sorry no deal on anything lower , $45 is my limit. Buyer: I would be willing to go to 40 but that is my highest for the desk Seller: If you pick it up then $40 would be acceptable. Buyer: Okay that sounds reasonable. We will do $40. Seller: Great",3,furniture "Seller: Hello, are you here about the apartment for rent? Buyer: Yes, do you have any interior pictures? Seller: I don't have available right now, but I can send some to you later. Buyer: I would definitely need to see it. Is the price firm?",4,housing "Buyer: Hi, I see your couch is up for 600. Since I'd have to drive an hour to pick it up, could I get it for 500? Seller: I could sell it for $500 but I have a bad back and I will not be able to help you load it in your truck. Deal? Buyer: Hmm, I'll grab a friend to help. Deal!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi how are you? Seller: Great. how are you? Buyer: I am well i would love your cables what condition are they in? Seller: they are slightly used but still in good condition Buyer: I see well i can get them new on amazon for 20 but would like them today would you accept 10 dollars if i came and got them asap? Seller: how about 15 and i can drop them off Buyer: perfect",2,electronics "Buyer: Hey, you still have that bike for sale? Seller: Indeed I do. Would you like it? Buyer: I'm definitely interested. But I'm concerned about the quality. You said in the ad you had to rebuild it? Seller: Yeah, it's been through a lot. That's why I'm offering it for so cheap, only 50 bucks Buyer: That's still a bit higher than what I wanted to spend. Would you take $30 for it? I'll even come by with a pick up truck and pick it up myself. Seller: Hmm, really was hoping for a bit more, but I can go for 40 if you pay in two 20s. Easier to get from the ATM anyway :) Buyer: Haha, okay, I can't argue with that logic. $40 it is.",0,bike "Buyer: Hey, nice printer you got, is it newish? Seller: It has never been used. The store had a deal buy a camera get the printer free. I took it out of the box, but to be honest my other printer is better so I never even used this one. Buyer: It looks nice. I have a canon camera so it will sync and work well with the common software. I'll give you 7 bucks Seller: Well I can do 7 or if you would like, I have printer paper that goes with it was part of the package too. I can throw that in if you will do 10 the paper alone was $10 Buyer: 7 for the printer, sold to the highest bidder",2,electronics "Seller: Hi how are you? Buyer: I'm wonderful! Could i please buy the cable for $18? My son and his friend played jump rope with my last one and i can't use it anymore.. Seller: Sure that's a great price!",2,electronics "Buyer: What is the lowest price you would take for the bike? Seller: I can go down a little bit but not much. It's still in great condition and I barely used it at all. Buyer: Would you take 235 if I come and pick it up? Seller: I think 240 would be more fair since I already lowered the price when I listed the bike again. How's that sound? Buyer: Throw in a bike helmet and we have deal. Seller: Sure I can throw in my helmet no problem! We have a deal. ",0,bike "Seller: Hello, how are you today? Buyer: I'm doing great thank you how are you? Seller: I am doing well. Are you interested in this property? Buyer: Yes I just had a couple questions. Are pets allowed? And does it come with appliances? Seller: It does come with a washer and dryer in the unit. The stove, fridge and microwave are also included. We do allow outdoor pets. Buyer: Okay is there any way you can bring the price down? Seller: It is in a very great location, and has new flooring. So I do not want to go too low, I think $2400 is reasonable Buyer: 2300 and its a deal",4,housing "Buyer: Hey do you still have the cornice? Seller: I sure do. I do have quite a bit of interest in it though. Buyer: I had some questions about it. What is it made of and what is the condition like? Seller: It is made of oak and chrome with a dark finish. It is about 6.5 feet tall and in perfect condition Buyer: I'd really like to have it but my budget is around 500. Could you lower the price at all? Seller: The lowest that I can go right now is 575, this cost me over 1200 brand new and I have only had it a year. Just stuck moving and it won't fit in the new place. Buyer: Okay I think I could come up with maybe another 50. Would you take 550? It would be coming to a good home to someone who really appreciates it! Seller: I can do 550 but you have to come get it and just so you know I am in a 2nd story apartment. Buyer: That's fine I can come by and move it myself! Thank you! Seller: Your welcome.",3,furniture "Seller: Hey, are you interested in the media cables? Buyer: I am interested in them. Seller: Great, I have them available for $20. Buyer: Would you be willing to throw in free shipping? Seller: Yes, as long as it's not international. Buyer: I'm in the lower 48. Seller: Sure, so $20 and I cover shipping? Buyer: How about $18? Seller: Come on, be fair. I'm already throwing in free shipping for you. Buyer: OK",2,electronics ,5,phone "Seller: Hello. Buyer: Hello there, are you still selling the desk? Seller: Yes I am. The asking price is 60$ but I'm willing to negotiate. Buyer: Is the desk in good condition? My current desk has wobbly legs so I need something better. Seller: I don't think you'll have any issues with the legs. This table's legs unscrew so that you can transport it, but they tighten down quite nicely. Buyer: Okay does it come with the swivel chair in the picture? Seller: I can throw in the chair with the table. But I would ask for 60$ for both items. Buyer: Okay if you throw in the chair I will give you 60 for both items. Seller: Sounds like a deal. Thank you. ",3,furniture "Seller: I think it glitched Buyer: Hello are you selling the blackberry?",5,phone "Buyer: Hi, is the house still for rent? Seller: Yes it is still available. Buyer: Great! But I'm going to be honest. $2800 is a bit steep for me. Can you work with me on the price? Seller: I can work with you on the price a little bit but within reason. It's a nice place and it's in a good neighborhood as well. Buyer: I understand, but I'm on a really tight budget right now. I honestly can afford much more than $1400 a month. Seller: 1400 is out of the question, are you sure this is in your price range? I can come down to 2700. Buyer: Well the place is kind of big. Would you be open to letting me sublet? I can probably get 3 other people to rent the place with me so i can stay in budget and still get you $2700 a month. Seller: Yes that would be possible, so we have a deal at 2700? Buyer: Yea that works.",4,housing "Seller: Hello, you are here about my LG G4 posting? Buyer: Yes I am. Would you accept $90 for your phone? Seller: Hmm... $90 seems a little low considering it's condition. Buyer: I would be willing to pick it up, and I could pick it up in an hour. Seller: That sure would make things more convenient. How about I take $25 off of it since you're ready to buy. Buyer: Lets call it $120 and I'll head over right now. Does that work? Seller: That sounds good to me! I had a case with it but I was going to sell it separately. How about I throw that in as well since we were able to come to such a good deal? Buyer: Sounds good to me. I'll see you in a bit. Seller: See you then!",5,phone "Buyer: Hi I saw your post and was wondering if you still have the Parisian Cornice available? Seller: Yes it is still available. Buyer: Could you tell me a little more about it? How tall is it and what material is it made out of? Seller: Sure it's approx. 7 feet tall and it's Brown Oak Drifted color/finish. Buyer: And is it in pretty good condition? Seller: Yes, no damage at all. Buyer: I know you are asking 600 for it but I also noticed that you have had this ad up for over a month so I was hoping that you would be willing to take 200 for it? I could come get it right away. Seller: I would be willing to take 300 and I'll help you load it up when you come. Buyer: I can do 300 that seems fair enough. Thank you very much.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey, I love the bike- Is there a discount if I offer to come to you to pick the bike up? Seller: Yeah I can give you some money off. How much were you thinking? Buyer: I'm coming from about 75 miles away....would $50 off work? Seller: Sure, that's fair!",0,bike "Buyer: Is the box springs and bed rail included? Seller: Yes I will include the boxsprings for free with the mattress Buyer: Is there anyway you can come down a bit in price? I'm strapped for cash but really need a bed. Maybe $100? Seller: I'm giving you a good offer, lowest I can go is $125 Buyer: Well at $125 I can't afford to buy any sheets that would fit the matress. Could you throw in a few sheets and I would be wiling to go the $125 Seller: Sure that's fine, I'll throw in extra sheets for $125",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey, the printer looks good! Can I do $9 instead, if I come pick it up now? Seller: I could do $9. How soon can you meet and where?",2,electronics "Buyer: Hi do you still have the Blackberry? Seller: Yes I am still selling the Blackberry are you interested? Buyer: Is there anything at all wrong with it? Seller: No there is nothing wrong with it at all and it is in excellent condition. Buyer: Okay well I see that they are online refurbished for 53 so would you be willing to take $40 for it today? Seller: I'll sell it for $50 today and I'll even throw in a $20 case how does that sound? Buyer: That sounds good to me.",5,phone "Seller: I accepted your offer Buyer: Hi I didn't even make an offer yet Seller: Oh I think you must be new",1,car "Seller: Hey there. I'm interested in this BMW. What year is it and how many miles are on it? Buyer: I'm not offering a BMW Seller: Hi. Are you selling a BMW? Buyer: No I'm not - I'm selling an apartment",4,housing "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hello, I was interested in your printer and would like some more info regarding it Seller: I've never actually used it... ( I did take it out though to make sure everything was there) - I'm asking $10 for it BUT if you could come get it tonight or tomorrow I can throw in 4 ink cartiridges for free ( probably worth around $35) Buyer: I was hoping to get if for less than 10 but the ink carts sound pretty good. I can do the 10 if you would be willing to meet me somewhere in between both our locations possibly? Seller: Yes, I can do $10 WITH the ink cart. and can meet at the Target",2,electronics "Buyer: Hey! im interested in looking at your Toyota, could i get a few details before I come out to buy it? Seller: What would you like to know? Buyer: Im glad you have a clean title, but I'm curious, how many miles does the truck have? Seller: I don't honestly know off the top of my head Buyer: Well, shoot. What are you asking for it? Seller: $6400 Buyer: Shesh, that is a little steep for such an old truck. Could I meet you in the $5000 range? Seller: The lowest I could go is $6000. Its in good condition. Buyer: You say that, but I can see in the picture that the right blinker is held on with duct tape, let alone the dint in the side. I thought you would jump at such an offer. Seller: It's a good truck. The KBB value is $7800. $6000 is more than a fair price. I'm selling not giving it away Buyer: I was just looking for something to give to my son... I'm not trying to break the bank. Could we agree on $5500? Seller: How about $5800 Buyer: Hows $5700? Thats honestly the best I can do. Seller: $5700 and I keep the rack. Buyer: Deal. Seller: Ok deal",1,car "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi are you still selling the cables? Seller: Yes I am Buyer: Are they in good condition? Seller: They are in excellent condition Buyer: I can get a 3-pack of these cables at Walmart for $25 so would you take $15? Seller: I can do 17! Buyer: Okay we have a deal. Seller: Great :)",2,electronics "Seller: Hello??? Buyer: hi Seller: $290 sound fair? Buyer: Is that $290 a month?",1,car "Buyer: No, it is $290 one time Seller: Ok if you want to pay more thats fine Buyer: I am paying nothing, I am the seller. Seller: Lol on mine i'm the seller too",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi do you still have the bike? Seller: Yes, I sure do. Buyer: How old is the bike and is it in good condition? Seller: It's very new. I rode it three times and realized it's just too tall for me. Love the bike it's just too tall. It's like new! Buyer: How about selling it to someone who would put it to good use for $125?",0,bike "Buyer: Hi there, I am interested in your rental unit but would like to find out more. Seller: Hello, so I take it that you are very interested in buying this newly renovated apartment? Buyer: Yes, but the price you have listed is quite high. Seller: I think it is a fair price considering how close it is to Whole Foods, but I am willing to negotiate. Seller: Hello, so I take it that you are very interested in buying this newly renovated apartment? Buyer: I do like the proximity to Whole Foods, but the unit doesn't have its own laundry room, I would have to share the on-site one. Seller: Ok, does 1850 sound fair? Buyer: I think that's still too high. Consider that I'm only getting one bedroom, so I don't even have space for guests. Seller: Ok, does 1850 sound fair? Seller: I think it is a fair price considering how close it is to Whole Foods, but I am willing to negotiate. Seller: Well, it is only 6 miles from San Francisco, maybe you can visit friends there. How about 1700? Buyer: Are you able to offer any other amenities or incentives for that price? Seller: I can throw in free cable tv. Buyer: You make a tempting offer. My budget is pretty tight though, would you be able to knock it down to 1550 for that deal? Seller: Well, it is only 6 miles from San Francisco, maybe you can visit friends there. How about 1700? Seller: Sounds like a deal! Buyer: Great! Seller: I can throw in free cable tv. ",4,housing "Buyer: Hi, is your truck still for sale? Seller: Yes it is! Buyer: how many miles? Seller: It is actually pretty low mileage, my grandmother only drove it to church on Sundays. Church wasn't very far, so it only has 15,000 miles on it. Such a deal! Buyer: pretty cool grandma to be riding in a tacoma Seller: Yeah, I come from a long line of rabble-rousers! We originally got it for her for her rabbit farm, but she kept bring the bunnies in the house and not selling them. Did you need a bunny with the truck? Buyer: I don't need a bunny but is your grandma single? How about I take her out for a nice steak dinner and give you $4400 for the truck? Seller: Sorry, Grandma is a vegetarian and she needs more than that. She just received her medical marijuana farming license and there are a lot of start up costs. Although, you can become one of her ""special"" customers and get a deal on the new crop. Grandma can grow anything. (We are still recovering from the zucchini incident). Buyer: Would you accept $5000 and I'll give her 100 Sensi Star clones Seller: As the bunnies multiplied like, well, bunnies, sadly, we don't have quite enough room for the clones. If Grandma throws in the medical license, two bunnies (they are trained in the art of self defense and would make excellent body guards (one of the reasons we had difficulty selling them for meat). Also, the price the train car and the hydroponic system is quite high. $5000 doesn't cover it. Oh did I mention that the truck has a hot tub in the back?",1,car "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi there, I am interested in buying your couch. How old is it? Seller: It's only 3 months old practically like new. I even have a side table to go wtih it that I'll throw in free Buyer: Have the items been around pets? I have some allergies. Seller: pet free, smoke free home Buyer: I appreciate your offer but I don't really have space for a table, my unit is pretty small. Would you be willing to knock the price of the couch down to $35 without the table? Seller: $35 is lower than I'd like to go. How about we meet in the middle at $42? Buyer: That sounds fair! Seller: Great! Thanks!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello do you still have the mattress? Seller: I do! Buyer: Nice. Okay so is it in good condition? It doesn't look used does it? Seller: It's in excellent condition. One owner household, one person sleeping on it with minimal ware. No stains or discolorations. It's a beautiful plush pillowtop. Buyer: How old is it? Seller: I purchased it in December of 2013 so about 3.5 yrs. Buyer: Okay so it is kind of old. Would you take 100 for it? Seller: I'll take $125 cash if you pick it up.",3,furniture "Seller: Hey there, you were interested in the civic? Buyer: Hi. Is your car still for sale? Seller: It sure is, were you looking to buy it today? Buyer: Yes. I can give you $3100 cash today. Seller: ehh, that is way too low for me. What could I do to get you home in this car for at least $6000? Buyer: Will you accept $4500? That's stretching it for me. The car is almost 10 years old. Seller: Nearly 10 years yes, but the car only has 10,000 miles, there isnt a scratch on it. With the ammount of money you will save in this hybrid you could easily pay the full price, and have money to spare.. I guess I could go lower, but honestly $5000 is the best I can do. Buyer: You have a good point. $5000 is a good deal. Seller: Thank you.",1,car "Buyer: I am interested in your Toyota and would like to know more about it. Seller: Clean title, in verygood condition, how much do you offer? Buyer: Does it have new tires, and how many miles does it have on it? Seller: it does have new tires and 118000 miles Buyer: I could do $4480 cash and pick it up today Seller: how about $5200? Buyer: If you can deliver it to me, I would consider that.",1,car "Buyer: Hi! I am interested in the queen mattress you are selling. Seller: Hi. Great! The price is $150 which is a steal! Buyer: The bed looks to be in good condition but $150 is a little steep for a 3year old mattress. Would you take 135? Seller: Hi. It's a great mattress. You will sleep like a baby on it. I can take $140. How about that? I can deliver it to you for free also. Buyer: For only a mattress that is used that's a little out of my price range. I could pay 135 in cash and pick it up today if that works for you? Seller: I can accept that! Thanks",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello, could I interest you in a 1999 BMW? Seller: I'm actually selling a 1999 BMW. Would you like to buy it? Buyer: OOps! Yes, I would love to buy it! I am very interested. Seller: Great! The wagon is a reliable car, and I have it priced at $3500 Buyer: Wow, thats really steep. Its only a 1999. I can really only go 3,000. Seller: I've kept the car up to date on oil changes, and regular routine maintenance. I have a small auto shop where I do oil changes and can give you a 1 year subscription to free changes every 3 months if we can agree on $3250 Buyer: Wow, thats not bad at all. Lets do it!",1,car "Buyer: Hi, I am interested in the sofa and loveseat if it's still available. Seller: yes they are still available Buyer: Does it come from a pet/smoke free home? Seller: yes Buyer: Great! If you are willing to drop the price to $420 I could come pick it up now and pay cash. Seller: make it $475 and they are yours Buyer: Can we meet at $445? Seller: $475 is as low as I feel I can go. Buyer: $450 and I can be there as soon as you give me the address. Seller: I need to get rid of them so I will take that Buyer: SOLD!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi are you still selling the Blackberry? Seller: nope, im just trying to buy your impala",5,phone "Buyer: Hi are you still selling the Blackberry? Seller: Yes. I have it listed for $60 that is a great price for this phone.",5,phone "Seller: Hi. Interested in the phone? Buyer: Yes, but are you firm at 60$? Seller: As much as I'd like to be, we can work on a price. What are you thinking? Buyer: I was thinking maybe around 30$ Seller: Oh wow. That's much lower than I anticipated. I am trying to get rid of it, but I'd also not like to lose out on it. How about $45? Buyer: I could go 40$ and pick it up. Seller: $45 is the lowest I'm willing to go. It's a great phone and $45 is a steal! Buyer: Does it come with the charger and any accessories? Seller: Yeah, I've got a wall charger, car charger, and headphones. Buyer: Okay, I will do 45$.",5,phone "Buyer: Nice cables you have. Can you tell me about them? Seller: They are in good condition, 6 feet long, RCA cables Buyer: I see they are used, hopefully you can go down to $14? Would that be reasonable if I came to pick it up today? Seller: Could you do an even 15? Today would be great to pick them up Buyer: And there is nothing wrong with them? Seller: Nothing, we've just downsized a bit Buyer: Ok thanks. $15 is the offer. That is fair.",2,electronics "Seller: Hello, are you interested in the Trek bike? Buyer: Hey there! I am very interested in your bike as I am a short person! You said it looks very scratched up, can you elaborate? Seller: It appears scratched, but works GREAT! Buyer: Honestly I just need a bike to be able to get to work right now. Someone stole my car which had my purse and all my stuff in it I have been down on my luck and this bike sounds perfect. How low are you willing to go? Seller: Oh, I'm so sorry! It's such a great bike, that I have been re-building. Could you buy it for $45? Buyer: I could, but then I wouldn't have enough money for food this week since my purse was stolen too. Would you mind accepting $35 I really wouldn't usually ask but considering my situation I could really use the help. Seller: That is a bit too low, But, I'm willing to meet in the middle. How about 40? Buyer: What about one more offer at $35 and I can come pick it up? Seller: Well, you seem like a nice person. Let's say 38 and call it a deal!",0,bike "Buyer: Hello, I'm looking to rent your apartment Seller: Okay, are the terms as listed in the advertisement acceptable to you? Buyer: It seems good, is it in a god neighborhood? Seller: We like the neighborhood, yes. If you want we can schedule an appointment either during or outside of open house hours, and you can see for yourself. Buyer: thats okay. I am busy today. can you lower the price a bit for the poor college student? I can offer 1700 Seller: We could probably go as low as $1850. Buyer: How about 1800 and I pay today? Seller: We can do that.",4,housing "Seller: Hello ... Buyer: Hi is the house still available? Seller: It is still available, though have some other interested parties Buyer: How far away is it from stores and what is the flooring like also does it come with any appliances? Seller: It does come with washer and dryer. About 1 mile from supermarket, flooring is hardwood and new carpet. Buyer: That's good. The house is kind of in a bad part of town so I think it's a little overpriced are you flexible at all when it comes to the price? Seller: It is located in a good part of the neighborhood, and might give some consideration to price, though it is certainly comparable to other rates in this neighborhood. Buyer: Will you take $2,000 that's kind of where my budget is right now Seller: Sorry, bout couldn't go that low. Could go down to 2450. Buyer: I can come up to 2400 if you throw in utilities that possible? Seller: I could go to 2400 and pay garbage, but other utilities would be yours.",4,housing "Buyer: Hi, I'm very interested ni the T-Mobile LG G4 phone Seller: Ok great, I'm slightly flexible on the price. Did you have an offer for me? Buyer: Yeah, how do you feel about $85? Seller: That's a little too low for me. What about 100? Buyer: hmm.. Okay, I could do $100 ",5,phone "Seller: Hi there! are you interested in the Blackberry? Buyer: Yes I am! Does the screen have any scratches? And do all the keys work and light up? Seller: They do! Are you looking to buy or trade?",5,phone "Buyer: hello Seller: hi Buyer: I am interested in your bike for sale Seller: It's a great bike Buyer: I dont really need all the accessories with it, so is $45 an offer youre willing to accept? Seller: Without the accessories I would be able to do $70 Buyer: Thats still a little high, how about $50? Seller: I can do $65 if you come and pick it up Buyer: ok sounds good",0,bike ,0,bike "Buyer: Would you be willing to sell the bike for $15? Seller: How about $16? Buyer: Sure :) Seller: It's a deal!",0,bike "Buyer: Hi, what is the lowest you'll be able to sell it for? Seller: This chair is an excellent addition to any room! It is in perfect condition, and retails for around $450. So the lowest I could go is $250. Buyer: Would you be interested in lowering the price to, say $225, if I were to able to get it today and pay all in cash? Seller: Deal.",3,furniture "Seller: Greetings! Buyer: Hello there. I would like to buy your bike Seller: I'm more than happy to sell it. How does the list price of 75% sound? Buyer: I'd love to pay that, but I only have $65 I can spend this week. Seller: Sorry for the %, a typo. However I could do 65 dollars. Buyer: Ok you've got a deal.",0,bike "Buyer: Hi, interested in the chair listed here Seller: Hello would you like to buy by nice chair for 300 dollars? Buyer: I think it is nice, would you take $250 for it? Seller: would you take 275? Buyer: $270?",3,furniture "Seller: great price great bike! Buyer: Hi! Buyer: It does look nice. Seller: Hello, how will you be purchasing this bike today? Buyer: I was wondering if you would accept $65 cash Seller: what bike would be willing to lose for that price? Buyer: I'm not sure I understand. Will you sell for $65 cash? Seller: typing error, sorry. I meant to say what bike accesories are you willing to do without in order to get it for the 65$ cash? Buyer: Oh, I see. I could do without the training wheels. Seller: we have a deal then Buyer: Great!",0,bike "Buyer: Hello, I would like to purchase your chair! It is everything I have been looking for. Would you be willing to come down in price? Seller: Thanks for your interest, it is a very nice piece, moving and we have no room for it, would be willing to go to 280 for a sale today. Buyer: If I can to you and picked it up would you be willing to do 200? Seller: Can't afford to I'm afraid, already losing money on it. Tell you what, I'll deliver within 40 miles and final offer would be 270 Buyer: I will do 250, that is my highest offer. Seller: I paid 445 3 months ago and it is almost unused, certainly unmarked. 265 if you agree now, otherwise I'll just have to sell another day Buyer: 265 and free delivery? Seller: that's right, all part of the service Buyer: Alright we have a deal. Seller: Nice doing business with you!",3,furniture "Buyer: Wow, this looks like a great bike! Seller: It sure is! Excellent for kids and it's in excellent condition Buyer: Really? Is it new? Seller: it has been used but very lightly. Buyer: Very cool! Does it come with the helmet for the price? Seller: It sure does. Buyer: Wow, this looks great! Seller: Its an awesome bike! Buyer: Does it come with the helmet? Seller: It sure does. Buyer: How much?? Seller: Im asking for $75 Buyer: Wow, steep! Its old. How about 35 Seller: The bike is in excellent condition and it comes with a bunch of additional goodies. Those make this an excellent deal. I also deliver within 25 miles of town at my expense. Buyer: Thats all great! How about 50 and I pick it up? Seller: The add-on items make this a great deal. They are worth quite a bit alone. But I figured the deal would be sweeter as a package price. Because I'm a nice guy, I'd be willing to deliver and knock $15 off the price to make it $60 for the bike and all the valuable goodies. Buyer: DEAL!",0,bike "Seller: Hi there. Are you interested in the sofa? Buyer: Yes, I would be willing to pay 100 for the sofa Seller: I was looking to get 150 for it, but I'd be willing to take 135 Buyer: Can you deliver? Seller: I can deliver it within 5 miles for 50 bucks. Tell you what-- I'll sell you the sofa and deliver it for 175 Buyer: I will pick up the sofa and pay 125. Seller: It's in really good shape-- no pets and no smokers. I can't really accept less than 135 for it Buyer: how about 130? Seller: Alright I can do 130",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi, i'm very interested in this bike. Are the tires in good shape? Brakes work well? Seller: Everything is in rideable shape, It has been kept indoors so everything is rust free. Buyer: Great, do you have any wiggle room on the price? Seller: I feel $20 is pretty fair on the price, We could perhaps work out something. Buyer: Is there any way you could come off a couple bucks? I've got 18 bucks on me now and really don't want to go to the bank since I don't have a car. Seller: Alright, I could do $18 this time. This bike should get you there and back afterwards. Best of luck to you!",0,bike "Buyer: I'm interested in your couch. I'll come pick it up right now, cash in hand, $125? Seller: That's not a bad offer! For an extra $50, I can drop it off for you!? Buyer: That's a higher listed price than the original. 135$ is all I can afford right now Seller: I can take the $135",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi there. I'm interested in your bicycle. Could you give me some details about it? Seller: Hi there. Sure, its an Orange huffy rock it BMX bike. Its used but has been used only indoors. So its as new as it was. Its a great thing for a lower price. Buyer: Hmm. Okay. Is there any chance you could do 10$ for it? Seller: That's too low. I can give it to you for $15. But you will have to come get it yourself then. Buyer: I can do that. Seller: Great we can meet on Friday and I will text you the address. Please leave me your phone number and name and we can do the needful by the end of this week. Buyer: Okay, sure. Just accept the offer whenever you're ready.",0,bike "Buyer: Hello, I am curious about the bike, is there anything wrong with it? Seller: Other than being used, it is in great shape. I am selling it at a bargain price. Buyer: That is true, your price is not unreasonable, however I am on a budget. Could I pick it up myself and pay 12 for it? Seller: How about 15 if you pick it up by yourself? Buyer: Lets split the difference, and call it 14 and I will see you in an hour. Seller: 1 dollar should never keep two men from their drink. You have yourself a deal. ",0,bike "Buyer: Hi I am interested in the sofa bed, what is the condition of this item? Seller: This item is in good condition it does have fading of fabrics Buyer: Money is tight for me, but I really want this. Would you take $50 and I can pick up now Seller: Overall the item is good no pets or smokers I would be happy to help you carry to your car. How bout $100 Buyer: 100 is still a little too high. Would you take 75? Seller: Yes send the offer.",3,furniture "Seller: Hi. I need to get rid of this quick. Do you have an offer? Buyer: Could you first tell me how old the bike is? Seller: We bought it a few years back. I guess I'd say 2 or 3 years. Buyer: I could do $52 for the bike! Seller: Done!",0,bike "Buyer: Hi! I am interested in your bike. What size is it? Seller: haha im actually not sure what size it is Buyer: Honest.. I like it. Is it for adult or kids? Seller: could be a teens bike or adult Buyer: Ok, Is it in good condition? Seller: yes pretty good condition Buyer: Do you accept $14? Seller: yes Buyer: Cool .. thank you",0,bike "Buyer: Hi Seller: Hi! I see you've found my couch! Buyer: Yes. Is it ion good condition? I would like to buy it. Seller: It is in great condition. Very little wear and tear! Buyer: How much would you like for it? Seller: I would like $150 and can deliver it for another $50 Buyer: How about 140 with delivery? That ten bucks would be much appreciated. Seller: That's not a bad deal at all! I can do that Buyer: Thanks. I can pick it up myself too if you would like.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello! I'm interested in your chair. I have 200 cash right now and I'm willing to come pick it up! Seller: Awesome! I can deliver it to you for $250, its really clean and in nice condition. Its easy to clean so I clean it often, even if its not dirty. Buyer: How about I throw in 10 more dollars. That's the most I can do. Seller: Alright dude, Ill help you out if you help me out. Ill do $210 and you come pick it up. Buyer: Done!",3,furniture "Buyer: Do you still have the bike for sale? Seller: I have it now for $20 Buyer: It looks like a good bike. Could you go any lower on the price? Say $10? Seller: Its all in good shape, tires and chain. No rust . I'll go $18 Buyer: Do you still have the bike for sale? Seller: yes Buyer: So yes to $10? Seller: $18, no less Buyer: It looks like a good bike. Could you go any lower on the price? Say $10? Buyer: Sorry I think a message got in there by mistake. Seller: so you'll buy for 18? Buyer: So yes to $10? Buyer: No I can't go $18. If I come and pick it up today would you accept $14? Seller: No, sorry. I've got to get at least $18",0,bike "Buyer: Hello, I'm interested in your bike. What condition is it in? Seller: It is in good shape! I am positive your kid will like it! Buyer: How does $15 sound? Seller: Done! Buyer: Okay, thanks for negotiating. ",0,bike "Buyer: Hello. I'm interested in buying the chair. Is it in excellent condition? How old is it? Seller: It is like new. I bought it 2 years ago. Buyer: Understood. Would you be willing to accept $210 for the chair? Seller: $210 seems kind of low for this chair. I could accept $275 Buyer: I can't pay out that much. Would you be willing to accept $240 for it? Seller: It is like new. I bought it 2 years ago. Seller: If you can pick it up today I will let it go for $260. Buyer: $255 and we have a deal. Seller: $210 seems kind of low for this chair. I could accept $275 Seller: I can do $255.",3,furniture "Seller: howdy nice sofa for a sale. 200 bucks i get it too ya. you don't even have to move a finger Buyer: Hello im interested in the sofa but thats alittle high for me i could give you 100 and ill pick it up and load it so no inconvience for you. Seller: 100 is too low. the lowest i can do is probably 140. Buyer: i could do 125 that is about i can afford for a used sofa bed. I am willing to pick it up and load it up on my own. Seller: you know, just because i'm a nice guy. that's a deal ",3,furniture "Buyer: Is the bike still available? Seller: Yes. 75 is my bottom dollar Buyer: So there's no wiggle room? No negotiation? Buyer: Is the bike still available? Seller: 65? Buyer: So there's no wiggle room? No negotiation? Buyer: Well I don't really need the training wheels or knee pads. I can pick the bike up today for $40. Seller: We can do 50 and I'll bring it to you. Buyer: That's a pretty good deal. I'll take it. Buyer: Well I don't really need the training wheels or knee pads. I can pick the bike up today for $40.",0,bike "Seller: this is a steal. i need to get rid of this bike $20 or best offer Buyer: will you take 15? Seller: can you make it 18, this thing was stored in doors. its in really good shape Buyer: how about 17? Seller: that will work",0,bike "Seller: Hello. Buyer: Hi. Would you do 10$ on the bike and I'll come pick it up right now. My child has been dying for a bike and money is a little tight. I can do 10 if that's okay with you. Seller: I'm sorry, I'm not moving from $20. It's already too cheap as is. Buyer: 15 is the most I can do, please. I'll come get it! Seller: I'll meet you in the middle at $17.50. That's as low as I'll go. Buyer: Come on, that means I have to go get change to a store that's out of the way. Seller: I have change if that's an issue. Buyer: Fine but you bring it to me. Seller: Okay.",0,bike "Seller: Are you interested in the bike and accessories? Buyer: Yeah I guess how much are you selling it for? Seller: 75$ Buyer: Oh wow that's more than I was expecting. Seller: Would you like to make an offer? Buyer: I was thinking more around the 45$ range Seller: What if we do 50$ without the accessories? Buyer: I'll do 42$ for the bike and 10$ for the acssesories Seller: 52$ then Buyer: yeas",0,bike Seller: This bike is in great condition! Come get it today,0,bike "Buyer: Hi Erica. I was interested in the bike you have for sale! Seller: this bike is in great condition, it was stored inside so it has hardly any wear and tear. I need to let go if because i'm moving. $20 and its yours! Buyer: I'll come get it for 10$. My child has been wanted this bike for a while now! Seller: I want $20. this bike is more than worth it. you won't find a bargain like this at a store. act now before someone else gets it Buyer: Let's negotiate please, can we do 15? Seller: how about $18, if you come and pick it up Buyer: Come on 15. Seller: thats just not worth it to me. i'm giving you a real bargain here. $18 Buyer: Fine 18 but you bring it to me. Seller: ok",0,bike "Buyer: hows it going? interested in the chair you have for sale Seller: Good! You have any questions? Buyer: is it a comfy chair? Seller: It is very comfortable and classy. Buyer: ok great, i would be willing to pay $150 cash for it, and I can pick it up ASAP Seller: Look, this is an expensive chair if you are willing to buy it somewhere else. I-m only selling it cause I'm moving out of the country.Otherwise I'd keep it but I don't want to just give it away, you know? How about 250?",3,furniture "Buyer: I'm interested in your Ikea sofa bed. Seller: Wonderful, it's a beautiful piece and is in great condition! Buyer: Money is tight for me right now. Are you willing to negotiate? I'm looking to spend closer to $75 Seller: I'm willing to negotiate, I really would like to stick to the 100-125 price range though. Buyer: Can you do $90? I can come pick it up today. Seller: Could you meet me in the middle at $95? I think that's fair I'll even help you load it into your vehicle. Buyer: That works for me. Thank you for working with me on the price. Seller: No problem!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello Seller: this bike is a totally sweet looking orange color, and is in great condition because it was stored indoors. you interested? i'm asking $20 Buyer: I am interested. My son needs a new bike. Is this one in great condition? The tires are good and everything? Seller: the bike is in good condition, i'm in antioch if you are interested in taking a look at it Buyer: Yes I would like to take a look at it. Can you knock off a few bucks for the drive? Seller: if you decide you want to buy it, i'll let you have it for $18 for making the trip out Buyer: That sounds like a good deal. Thanks a lot.",0,bike "Seller: Hi there are you interested in the bike Buyer: Yes I am. What can you tell me about it?",0,bike "Seller: Hi, are you interested in buying this BMX bike? Buyer: This bike looks great Seller: Awesome, are you comfortable paying $20 for it? Buyer: That is a little much because it is used. Its used right? Seller: It is lightly used but has been well maintained and stored indoors to protect it from the elements. Buyer: Not bad at all. You're asking 20. How about 12? Seller: I'd be willing to go down to 16 but not much lower. I can throw in delivery! Buyer: Delivery and 15 and we have a deal! Seller: Alright! Buyer: Deal!",0,bike "Seller: Hi how can I help you Buyer: Hi, I am interested in your listing... can you tell me a bit about the item? Seller: It is a very nice chair, It has just been completely reupholstered. Brand new condition for $300 Buyer: It looks very nice, how soon could I see it in person? Seller: Today at any time that works for you Buyer: Great, if I come today and pay cash , would you consider accepting $270 for this chair?",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi, I'm interested in buying this sleeper sofa. How long has it been in use? Seller: I've used this for about a year and a half Buyer: Hmm. Would you be willing to sell it to me for $135? I could come pick it up myself. Seller: When would you be able to get it? Buyer: I can come pick it up anytime this week. Seller: If you could pick it up today and give me cash I could do 135 Buyer: Sounds like a deal! ",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi! that is a cute bike Seller: Hello I am glad you like it. It was my daughter's and now it can be all your for the cheap price of $75 Buyer: Does it work fine? Seller: It is in excellent condition. Functions great and I am throwing in the helmet, knee pads, and training wheels. Buyer: Cool. Will you accept $67? Seller: You got a deal! Buyer: Thanks",0,bike "Seller: Hi Buyer: Hello! I just saw your ad for the bike w/ the helmet knee pads, and training wheels. Seller: Yes. It is my daughter's bike and now she is too big for that. Works great and very cute Buyer: Oh great. Do you mind if I ask how old the bike is? Seller: It is about 2 years old but very well taken care of. A little scratch but it is not noticeable Buyer: Oh okay, so I wanted to make an offer. I don't have a lot to spend, but my daughters birthday is coming up and I know this would make her so happy Seller: Oh she will love this bike. How much do you have in mind/ Buyer: I was hoping we could make a deal for something close to $35. I'd be willing to come to your house or where ever you'd like to pick up the bike, Seller: How about $50? It includes helmet, knee pad, everything she needs to learn to bike Buyer: I could do $37. I make wonderful pies too, and I'd be more than happy to bake one for you! Whatever kind you like! :) Seller: That is no nice of you! Ok.. I think I can go with you. Happy birthday little girl!",0,bike "Buyer: Hello. How old is the bike? Seller: The bike is a few years old, my child grew out of it so I need a newer bike. I'm selling it for around $75. Buyer: Understood. Would you accept $37? Seller: I can accept $40 if you come and pick it up, if not I can deliver it to your place for $40. Buyer: $38 and we have a deal. I'll pick it up. Seller: Okay that works for me thanks!",0,bike "Buyer: Very nice radio, I've been looking for one like this. Would you take $100 for it?",2,electronics "Buyer: Hi. Seller: hi Buyer: I'm interested in your phone, but since it is an older version would you consider taking $45 for it? Seller: I could go 75 Buyer: It's older and only has 16gb....so how about 60 Seller: Okay, that would be good. Buyer: Great!",5,phone "Buyer: Is this an authentic item? Seller: yes, this is a genuine piece. Buyer: How old is it? Seller: Actually this is with my family from my childhood. May be some 40 years old. Buyer: I'm interested in this item, but the description says it is untested. How does $105 sound? Seller: Untested also means unused. It is kept idle for years such as a new one. Further this item is precious and available with only a few people as I know. I listed a nominal price only.",2,electronics "Buyer: i need this desk is it in good condition if so i have 10 up front cash and you deliver Seller: Yes, it is in good condition just slight chipping on edges. barely noticeable. It is for pick up only and I would take 15",3,furniture "Buyer: That bed is gorgeous. I would be willing to drive and pick it up for $320. Seller: The bed is in great condition an has no damage I would like to get $340 for it. Buyer: How long ago did you purchase the bed? Seller: about a year ago it was in my guest room never really had people over so decided to sell it. Buyer: Ok, I'd be willing to up my offer to $335. Seller: That sounds like a good offer I will take it. ",3,furniture "Buyer: does the radio work Seller: I actually do not know found it in a storage unit I bought. Buyer: i would give 50 Seller: There is no way that I can go that low. This thing is worth over $400 It is in great condition and even if it does not work its still worth over 200. Buyer: how about 100 cash Seller: How about $140 and I can deliver it? Buyer: thats great ",2,electronics "Seller: Hello Buyer: This apartment looks great, but it is a bit above my price range. Would you accept $2400? Seller: Thank You. As i'm sure you are aware this is a pretty exclusive area. Can we meet at $2500? Buyer: Yeah, that's why I am interested in this apartment. I do not think I can make the open house, but I really want an apartment in this area. Will you accept a bid around 2450? Seller: Sorry to hear you can't make it, perhaps we can schedule an alternative time for you to come by. $2450 should work. Buyer: That would worl Seller: Please accept the agreed offer",4,housing "Buyer: Hey. I'm interested in the desk/table. Is it in good condition? Seller: hi, yes it is. An ikea at 20... dirt cheap i would say Buyer: that is pretty cheap. what color is it? Seller: it's white, 20 and deal? Buyer: I like white. How about 17? Seller: ok that works, but you would pick up right? Buyer: Awesome. Yes, I'll pick it up. Is tonight good for you? Seller: sure Buyer: Thanks",3,furniture "Seller: howdy partner. 349 is a great price for a queen bed. it won't last long i tell you Buyer: It's a beautiful bed, but a little out of my price range. Can you tell me more about this bed? Seller: sure. italian design, asian rubberwood frame, comes with a headboard, footboard, and a set of rails. Buyer: It doesn't come with the mattress? Seller: mattress comes with it. of course. Seller: that's just too low",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey, I am interested in this product. Why are you selling it? Seller: Hello, I am selling it to help me pay for schooling. They are limited edition and still wrapped in plastic. Buyer: OK, 220 is a but high for me at the moment. Would $200 work? Is the color gold or am I seeing it wrong? Seller: Yes, the color is gold and they retail for around 300. I could let them go for 200, it's a deal. Buyer: Ok great.",2,electronics "Buyer: Hi , I love this bed and think it would go great with my bedroom decor. is it from a non smoking home? Seller: Yes it is and it is beautiful! Buyer: I could use this bed but am on a budget , would you consider 250.00 Seller: I could do $300 (cash only) and I'll deliver it Buyer: Ok sounds great, I can do that!",3,furniture "Seller: hello Buyer: hi, i like your apartment, the photos are nice. your asking price is slightly over though, i can offer 1435 Seller: I'm willing to work with you a bit. but this place is in a great neighborhood, right near a park. lots of good public transportation right near by. can you do 1950? Buyer: how old is it? and what all does it include? refrigerator, dishwasher, bathtub? Seller: its fully furnished. its perfect for a couple to move in right away Buyer: great, i see it's close to a hospital too... helps with my wife's condition. i can do 1850 today, will pay in cash Seller: I would be willing to do 1850 if you sign a 1 year lease. do we have a deal? Buyer: yes, i can do that Seller: great",4,housing "Buyer: hello, I am very interested in this apartment. I was wondering what the price included? it seems very high! Are there any amenities? Seller: it is very close to many different shops in the neighborhood, Buyer: is there gym access for this apartment complex? a pool? Seller: yes there is a pool located next to the club house with an adults only night on friday night. Buyer: okay awesome. I still would not be able to afford 2050 a month with having to keep my gym membership. But, I would be able to save on not going out every friday night so I could probably afford about 1500. would you be will to go down in price? Seller: no there is no way to lower the price that much,but if you go with the 2050 asking price I will be willing to pay for the water and trash pickup Buyer: if you throw wifi in with it then I would be able to do 2050. Seller: you drive a hard bargin but I will throw in wifi also for 2050 Buyer: great! we have a deal!",4,housing "Seller: Hi are you interested in the table? Buyer: Yes I am. How extensive is the chipping on them? Seller: The chipping is barely noticeable. They got chipped when my family moved last summer but it's something that can be easily repaired. Buyer: Taking in to account the minor chipping, I could offer you $15 today. Cash in hand, will pick up today. Seller: Ok I'll take $15 if you pick it up.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi is the radio still for sale? Seller: it is! It looks to be in excellent condition for its age Buyer: Yeah the pictures looks great. so you said the radio isn't tested, do you know when it worked last? Seller: It was my aunt's she used it daily until she put it in storage 7 years ago. Buyer: Ok no worries, I'm mostly isnterested in it as an antique for my collection. Seller: okay that is perfect! do you have any other questions? when could you pick up? Buyer: No more questions and I can offer you $135 and pick it up from wherever you are today. Seller: You have a deal if you are coming to me. 135 cash and its yours! Buyer: Thanks!",2,electronics "Buyer: hi, i am interested in your phone.. what's your best offer? Seller: Right now I'm asking 80$ for it. Buyer: tell me more about the condition Seller: It's in generally good condition. I think 80 is a fair price. Buyer: and what all is included? Seller: The phone and charger. I also have a case I could include. Buyer: ok, i can do 60... i am slightly tight on budget Seller: 60 is a touch too low. Could you go to 70? Buyer: i could.. if you can pay one month's bill.. i don't use the phone much, so bill shouldn't be more than 10$ Seller: That's still basically 60. Let's say just 65, and you pay the bill. Buyer: ok, i will do 65",5,phone "Seller: hello are you interested in this vehicle Buyer: howdy partner. nice wheels you got. Seller: thank you! do you have any questions? Buyer: what's the mileage on it? I see it's loaded Seller: only 46,000 miles Buyer: guess that's pretty good for a 9 year old car. the kbb for these are around 5K i believe Seller: KBB value is actually 6800 but, that is without it being loaded and everything else we have recently put into it. You are welcome to make an offer but, please do not low ball Buyer: I see. well i can do probably 7000, but really that's my max. Seller: I will take 7000 if you are bringing cash and can meet me tonight Buyer: that's a deal. ",1,car "Seller: Hello and how are you doing today? Do I have a deal for you. We are offering this vehicle for the low price of $8400. Buyer: Great looking car. I wonder if you'd entertain an offer of $7400 CASH today? Willing to pick up myself Seller: I think that is a fair deal. You got yourself a car! Buyer: Wow thanks, it's a deal!!",1,car "Buyer: How long have you guys had the bike? Seller: hi for 3 years Buyer: Cool. Is it red? Seller: yes same as lightning mcqueen in the movies Buyer: That's what I was wondering. Is there a Mcqueen graphic on it? Seller: it was modelled similar to mcqueen just the smaller version It was a collection item brought from disney directly Buyer: Ok, and I see the handle pads and the seat are torn. I can replace them if needed, but is there a seat at all or is the vinyl just ripped? Seller: seat is torn off a bit u can replace them Buyer: Ok, Can i get the bike for $5? Seller: I quoted 10$ because of these damages 5$ is very low Buyer: I was hoping to pay $5 so I could by a new seat and new handle bar pads. Seller: After spending soome 5$ i could sell 30$ but i cant use it thats why selling the item Buyer: Can you drop it off if I pay the $10? Seller: thats sound good ",0,bike "Seller: Hi, I got this great phone here what is your budget at? Buyer: I'm trying to stay under $50 if at all possible. ",5,phone "Buyer: hello, I am very interested in this motor home. Seller: Great! Do you have any questions about the motor home? Buyer: I see that this was your sister's project and sadly she passed away before she could finish it. I would like to inform you that i also have a gift for refurbishing things and would finish up this project in a way that would make her very proud. I am even willing to send you photos when the project is complete. My budget is far lower than your asking price but, I could pick it up tonight if you would accept 1250 cash. I will come to you Seller: I'm sorry, but I can't let it go for that little. I would get more if I donated it and took it off my taxes. Would $2000 work for you? Buyer: I understand that. If you could bring it to me so I dont have to pay anyone to help me haul it then, I could give 2000 for it. did your sister leave behind her ideas or materials to finish the project? Seller: Sure, I can bring it to you and give you some of the materials she had purchased for the motorhome for you to use. So we agree on $2000? Buyer: deal!",2,electronics "Buyer: I love this phone would love to have it for 56.00. Seller: $56 is a little low from what I am asking. It is unblocked, very clean and has a nice 16gig storage. I was asking 80 but I can go down to at least $70. Buyer: I will take the 70.00 deal if you throw in a pair of headphones . Seller: I can toss in 2, just for you! Buyer: It's a deal.",5,phone "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi! I am interested in this motorhome Seller: Oh that's great! What would you like to know? Buyer: Any damage to it? Seller: Well, No ""damage"" really, just wear and tear from age, the seats inside have tears here and there, paint outside could be redone Buyer: I am looking to buy pretty quickly. What year is it? Seller: It's a 1975, and I'm looking to sell quickly, so it sounds like you found the right guy! Buyer: The year I was born! What is the lowest you would be willing to go on this? Seller: I mean, I need to get rid of it, but it's sentimental to me too, I think $2100 is fair, you? Buyer: I understand completely. If I was to come today, with cash in hand, would you take $2000? Seller: If you promise to come today, we have a deal. Buyer: You have a deal!",2,electronics "Buyer: You still got the beats? Seller: I do! Still asking $220 for it as well. Buyer: I'd love to get them from you. I'm a little shy of $220. I have $200 cash on me. Would you be willing to negotiate? Seller: My AD dd say or best offer and I am good for $200. SOLD! ",2,electronics "Buyer: that's a cute listing i must say Seller: Haha, the idea was to attract attention. Buyer: i see, is it in all good condition or does it have some wear and tear that i have to take care of? Seller: It has much wear and tear, it's a pretty beat up old thing. Buyer: hmm.. i know 10$ is cheap but can you do 7.5 because of the condition? Seller: I suppose so, but you would have to pick it up. Buyer: umm.. that's slightly inconvenient for me because of my physical condition... let's do 9 with you arranging for delivery Seller: Sounds like a plan! Buyer: thanks a lot! good to do business with you",0,bike "Seller: Hi there! Are you interested in the vintage radio? Buyer: That is an awesome radio! Would you be willing to test it to see if it works? Seller: I could do that, sure. Give me a minute. Buyer: No problem. I appreciate you taking the time to do that. Seller: It does work. It is in excellent shape for it's age. The color and graphics are really nice on this. Buyer: I can imagine. I am into vintage items and would like to get this before someone else does. I really only want to spend $75 on it, but could offer a deposit on it if that is too low. Seller: I am really looking to get this sold asap. Could you do $130 on it? Buyer: Yes, I would be willing to buy for $130. It is in excellent shape and feel that is a fair price. Seller: Okay, great. You got yourself a deal.",2,electronics "Buyer: You still have the beats? Seller: Yes I do,. Buyer: They are nice I'd like to get them from you. Seller: Great. They are $220. $80 off retail! Buyer: I am a little slack on $220 I do have $200 cash on me. Your add says obo..Is that a reasonable offer?",2,electronics "Buyer: I'd like to buy the table. Considering the issues with it I will offer $10 for it. Seller: I will do $10 if you bring me a soda when you pick it up.",3,furniture "Buyer: I'll give you 50 bucks for it. Seller: Hmm I can't quite go that low, its in really good condition. I have one guy who offered me $60 already but he wont come and pick it up from my place, and I don't feel like delivering. Would you be willing to offer $60 and come to my place to pick up the phone? I'll gladly accept that. Buyer: Eh, works for me. Seller: Okay thanks a lot, I'll see you tonight!",5,phone "Buyer: Hi there. Is the apartment still available? Seller: Hello, I see you are interested in my 1 BR apartment in Berkeley, Ca? Buyer: Yes. Is it still available? Seller: It is still available though I have many currently interested. Time is running for this lovely apartment. I am asking $2050. do you have any questions?",4,housing "Buyer: Hey there! I'm in need of a deck. Is this IKEA deck/table good quality and sturdy wood? Seller: Hi, it is good quality sturdy wood, fully assembled. Buyer: Awesome. Would you be willing to sell it for $10, I will come and pick it up today in about an hour with cash. does that work? Seller: I could do $15 Buyer: Okay thanks a lot dude. That works for me. I'll be over soon to pick it up! ",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello, I am interested in the bike you have for sale. Are the wheels in good shape? Seller: Yes, they are in great shape. Like I said it is just the handel and the padded seat that we have fixed with tape. Buyer: I am interested and would like to pick it up today. I think $10 is kind of high would you be willing to take $5? Seller: I can't take $5, I need more than that. I would be willing to go down to $9. Buyer: How about $7 and I will be on my way now with cash? Seller: Okay, that will work if you can come get it now.",0,bike "Buyer: hey there. i have been looking for an air stream for so long! Seller: This one is ready to be restored Buyer: looks like you will donate it if it doesn't sell quickly? how about 2000 instead of that? :D Seller: Well , you haven't seen any pictures yet. I will get them on later today. If you still want it how about 2200.00 Buyer: yes, i am taking a bit of a gamble without the pictures because i don;t want you to donate it! can you do 2100? i can swing by in a couple of hours to take a look and pay up in cash! Seller: You know that sounds like a plan. I will give you my number to call for directions. It is 916-888-5555 Buyer: thanks man! great to do business with you!",2,electronics "Buyer: Hi there how are you? Seller: Hello! Would you like to look at the apartment? Buyer: I would when can i come over for a showing? Or if you want you can just describe the interior and condition and we can make a deal right here right now. Seller: We're having an open house on Tuesday between 4 and 5. I'm sure it will go quickly as there has been interest already for this trendy neighborhood. We're asking $2850 Buyer: I would be willing to take it off your hand right noow if you will accept 2565. I will do all grounds keeping and shoveling in the winter as well. Will you accept 2565? Seller: I can't do $2565 just to be fair to my other tenants. I'd be willing to do $2700 and not require a deposit. Would that help? Buyer: That helps tremendously thank you for working with me. Seller: No problem. I think you'll love this place.",4,housing "Buyer: Wow, its hard to come past one of these used. May I ask why you are selling it? Seller: Believe it or not, I got two for a birthday present! Buyer: Wow, you are lucky! I am super interested in it. Does it come with any warranty information? Seller: Well, that's all I got! ;) It does come with a warranty. I don't think you'll be disappointed. AND, you'll be the envy of your friends! Buyer: I hope that we can reach a price on such a rare item! You can treat yourself to a new birthday present. I only have $160 in cash. ",2,electronics "Seller: Hello! Buyer: Hi I am very interested in your beats. Seller: I'm very glad to hear that! I am trying to sell them for $220 since I have never used them and they are limited edition. Buyer: I understand that they are new and all but I was hoping that you would be willing to come down on the price. My son was just in a car accident with his dad and will be stuck in his bed for a while. He would love these. I can really only afford $120 though Seller: Definetely can't do that, it's way too low. Sorry.",2,electronics "Seller: Hello are you interested in renting my apartment? Buyer: Yes I am. I am relocating and am in need of an apartment. It is super cute. Is the internet provided or do I pay for it myself? Seller: You would have to pay for it yourself but it is close to a park and close to Starbucks and Whole Foods Market! Buyer: Ok that is fair enough. I work from home so would have to get that hooked up immediately. The starbucks is a perk of the neighborhood. Would you be willing to negotiate on the price? I need to move ASAP.",4,housing "Buyer: I love your apartment. It is really a place I could call home. What amenities are included? Seller: It is in a prime location. Close to public transportation. A great spot for a young professional or a young couple Buyer: Wonderful. Does it allow pets? I have a turtle I have had for 20 years that would be moving with me. Seller: Yes a turtle would be allowed with no fee. Buyer: Wonderful, I appreciate that. I need to move ASAP. What would be the lowest you'd be willing to go on this property? Seller: If you could move in asap I can lower it to 2000 Buyer: I could put the deposit down today for $2000. I wanted it a little lower but since I dont have to pay a pet fee I think that is fair. Thank you so much!",4,housing "Seller: HI, are you interested in the Accord? Buyer: Yes I interested. Seller: Any questions? Buyer: How is the engine? Seller: It's in great shape, it hums quietly. My son says there aren't any major issues with it, the only minor issue is the airbag light comes one and stays on every once in a while. Buyer: Oh that's ok. My old car's engine light says on all the time even though the engine is fine. What year model is it? Seller: Yeah, I had a car like that and they could never find anything wrong with it. This is a 2008. Buyer: How is the air conditioner because it is so hot now and my current car's air don't work. Seller: The air works great. It blows cold and cools the car quick. Buyer: Wonderful. How much are you asking? is there room to negotiate? Seller: well we're asking $8,400. Buyer: How about $5000? Seller: That's a bit low, how about $7500 Buyer: Ok.",1,car "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hello I am very interested in your item. I can pay $198 for it. Seller: 198 is a little too low for it. How bout we talk a bit more. it is in great condition and it was 300 dollars when I bought it. I need a bit more for it, if it is not too much trouble. Buyer: I just sank myself in debt building this music studio. $200 is the highest I can go. Seller: Okay 200 can work, but you will need to pick it up as well. Is that alright with you? Buyer: You've got a deal. Seller: Have a good day. Thanks for doing business with me.",2,electronics "Seller: Hello. Are you interested in the car? Buyer: Hi! Yep, is it in good condition? Seller: Yes, everything runs like new. I replaced everything specifically to sell it, so no need to fix or replace everything. I did an oil change, got the timing belt checked out, added new tires and rim, and a lot of other stuff. Buyer: That sounds great. But I see in the description that the airbag light is on, will probably cost me a few hundred to get that checked. Would you be willing to come down on price a bit? Seller: I can get that looked at and fixed for you if you'd like. Buyer: Okay, so the listing is at $8400. What do you say if I pay $7500 in cash today and pick up the car myself, no need to even check the airbag light? Seller: Alright sounds good to me. You've got a deal Buyer: Awesome!",1,car "Buyer: Hello- how old is the radio? Seller: Hello, I'm not certain of its age. It has been an heirloom in the family for over 25 years. Buyer: Id love to take it off your hands for $50 Seller: That is a little lower than I would like to accept. Right now the lowest I can take is $100. Buyer: argh... id really like this.. how about $75? Seller: Okay, $75 sounds good!",2,electronics "Buyer: Can you tell me more about this Iphone? Seller: It comes with a bright pink 'my pretty pony' case. Its clean, no cracks, dings or scratches. I'm asking only $80 for it. A real deal. Buyer: And it is unlocked to any carrier correct? Seller: That it is. Buyer: I will accept this phone since it comes with a case also!",5,phone "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi. Can you tell me how you got this radio? Seller: This was my grandfathers Buyer: Does it have any scratches? Seller: No, nothing major. Buyer: How heavy is it? Seller: I would say around 30 pounds. Buyer: Can I give you $135 for it? Seller: I would need at least $140 Buyer: Yes that is fine. Seller: ok great",2,electronics ,2,electronics "Buyer: Hi! I would like to make an offer of 100 dollars for the Shortwave Radio. Seller: Great would you like to know more information about the radio? Buyer: What else is there to know? It's untested, I need to pick it up, and I need to pay cash. I can maybe go as high as 110 dollars. Seller: I will accept the $110 you have a deal",2,electronics "Seller: Hey there! Buyer: Hello, I just moved here from Colorado. I am starting my medical residency at the local hospital and I need a car desperately. I am very interested in your car and I am willing to pay $5880 cash and I can come right away with my mechanic and fill out the paper work. Seller: Hmm. That actually sounds very reasonable, and I'm trying to get rid of this sooner rather than later. If we can call it an even $6000 then you have yourself a deal! Buyer: Excellent you have a deal. Thank you so much. I see that this car has a lot of sentimental value to you as well and I want you to know that it is in good hands. Thanks again! Seller: Awesome! Thanks for being reasonable! ",1,car "Buyer: Hey there. I'm looking for an apartment and I saw your listing for this one. What can you tell me about this place? Seller: Well it is a spacious 1200sqft apartment which is huge for the area. All utilities are included and it does have a washer and dryer in the unit. Buyer: Awesome! That sounds great! Just what I need. Lets talk about price. Could you guys go down to $1800? I'd buy right now if so, this place is very attractive for me.",4,housing "Seller: Hello there Buyer: Hi I am very interested in your apartment is it still available? Seller: Yes it is! Do you have any questions? Buyer: Well does the price include any utilities, is there a washer and dryer and do you have any specials going on right now, the price is a bit much for me Seller: There is a laundry and it does include utilities, but there are no specials. Sorry but this place is in high demand, so I don't have time for lowballing. I can help and drop the price a bit to $2850.",4,housing "Seller: Howdy, so whatcha think-a my bike here? Buyer: I'm actually really interested in it, but I think it's a little pricey. Would you be willing to knock it down a bit? Seller: so you think 600$ is a little too high? I never used it for competition and this is one of the best japanese bikes every produced, not easy to find here in the us Buyer: I can understand that, but my problem is that I'm on a really tight budget. Would you be willing to go for ",0,bike "Buyer: Hello, i would like to negoiate the price Seller: Alright how low are you trying to go? Buyer: My budget only allows me to do 1800 a month Seller: I can do that.",4,housing "Seller: Hi are you interested in the item? Buyer: Hello, I am interested in this item. What is the lowest you're willing to sell it for? I can pick it up. Seller: Hi there. Thank you for your interest. Well, I can bring it down to $550 Buyer: I was hoping for $540. Can you come down a little lower so I can come pick it up today? Seller: Okay I can give it to you for $540 but I will need some advance today itself? Buyer: Okay. When did you want me to come get it? Seller: You could come today afternoon. I can text you my address and we can meet up and finalize the deal. How does that sound to you? Buyer: Great. Just let me know the details. Seller: Sure thing! Thank you!",0,bike "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi there. Are you selling the car still? Seller: Yes I am. Are you interested? It is in great condition. Buyer: Yes I am very much interested in it. How long has it been used? Seller: Only a year. It does not have many miles on it at all. How much are you looking to pay for it? Buyer: I am willing to pay $3600 Seller: How about 3800? It is in great condition. I don't think 3600 is high enough for me. Buyer: Does $3700 work? I really cant afford much just now as I have to pay off my student loans. I would appreciate you helping me out here. I mean I can give you the amount right away as that what I have saved for my car. Seller: That can work. Wanna come by ans take a look at it today? Buyer: Yes definitely. Would appreciate that. Thanks so much! Seller: No problem",1,car ,4,housing ,4,housing "Buyer: Hello, I am very interested in your vehicle Buyer: I had questions about it..",1,car "Buyer: Hello, any utilities included? Seller: No utilities Buyer: 1950/month then? Seller: I can agree to that Buyer: sold! Seller: Great, thank you",4,housing "Buyer: Hello, I saw your ad listed for the Mercedes E350. Im wondering how many miles are on the vehicle? Are you the only owner? Seller: It only has around 70,000 miles on it. I am the first owner with title in my name. Are you interested? Buyer: I am very interested. Are you willing to offer a lower price if I am able to come test drive the vehicle and bring cash or a certified check in person? I can come as soon as today if the price is right Seller: I will let it go for 5,300 dollars if you are coming to me. However, if you want to negotiate any lower than that I will have to swap out the wheels for some base model Mercedes wheels I have that aren't as nice as the ones in the photo. ",1,car "Buyer: Hi is the apartment still available for rent? Seller: Hello. Yes it is. Are you interested in it? Buyer: Yes! My last apartment burned down a few days ago, so I'm desperate for a place. Can you tell me about it? Seller: Sorry to hear that. This apartment is in a great neighborhood. It has wide windows in the kitchen and it has all the major conveniences. Buyer: Yeah the pictures all look really good and that's great utilities are included. When's the soonest I could move in? Seller: Next week Buyer: Ok can you negotiate on the price with me? I'm willing to pay $1552 a month and I'll sign a 2 year lease. Seller: That sounds good to me. I think that is fair. Buyer: Thanks! Seller: Yep",4,housing "Buyer: Hi is the headphones still available? Seller: Yes the headphones are still available. They are Sony brand Wireless Headphones with bluetooth. Paid $149.99 PLUS TAX a month ago for them, have no issues they are great headphones I just upgraded to a more expensive pair and got Beats by Dre wireless. Asking $70 Firm for the Sony headphones Buyer: Hi is the headphones still available? Buyer: Surely there is always negotiation room? Since they are used somewhat I would like to offer $30 for them. Buyer: Surely there is always negotiation room? Since they are used somewhat I would like to offer $30 for them. Seller: I am sorry that is way to below my asking price, and no there is not much wiggle room for the NEW barely 4 week old headphones and because they are Sony they are not cheap. Best I could accept for this item would be $65 for pick up. I just posted this Ad and have had many responses so these headphones wont be around long. Buyer: That's way too high for me. If you deliver them, I would pay $60.",2,electronics "Buyer: Hey, I'm interested in your twin sized bed. How firm is that price point? Seller: Are you willing to pick it up? I do have some flexibility... Time value of money kinda stuff. Buyer: Yeah, I would definitely be willing to come scoop it up. It looks very well taken care of. I was thinking somewhere around 240? Seller: Great Condition! All in for 275 and I'll Help load on my end and be there at the time of your convenience as well as throw in the Snowman and wreath if you would like. Buyer: Wow that sounds like a great deal to me. Consider it done!",3,furniture "Seller: Hello Buyer: May i know the car millege? Seller: yes of course, it has 45,000 Buyer: Is there any accident history? Seller: No accidents just eben used for some long trips in the past but had had full maintenance done since then Buyer: Okay. Where is car located? Seller: I am in downtown. Buyer: What payment options do you have? Seller: well I can take cash, cheque .. Buyer: Can i offer $2,500 cash? Seller: I am willing to work with you but that is still too low. $3400 is the lowest I CAN TAKE. Buyer: What about $2,800 Seller: I want to get rid of it quickly but I don't want to loose that much money, $3100 lowest offerI will accept. Buyer: I am willing to add additional $200 Seller: I am firm on the $3100. Buyer: Deal for $3000?",1,car "Buyer: Hello Seller: Hello. Buyer: Saw your post for a red bike. Is it still available? Seller: Yes it is. Buyer: Cool. Where is the rust at on the bike? Want to make sure it's not is a serious place. Seller: It has a little rust below the seat and the wheel guard. No rust near the welding points. Buyer: Okay. The rust makes me a little nervous, but I'm willing to take a shot and see if I can repair it. How's $25 sound? Seller: I really wanted $30 but I'll accept your offer since you'll be doing the repairs yourself. Buyer: Awesome. Thanks a lot!",0,bike "Seller: Hello, are you interested in the car I have available? Buyer: Hello, yes I am interested. Seller: Great, do you have any questions? I'm asking $4,000. Buyer: Yes I am wondering how bad the scratches are? And could you take less? Seller: The scratches are really fine and not noticeable to anyone passing by. You would have to inspect the car closely to reveal them. Buyer: How is the motor? How many miles? Seller: Motor is in great condition. I just replaced the time belt, water pump and cam seals. This was mainly used as a family car so the mileage is a little higher, but mainly highway. Buyer: Would you offer any warranty? Seller: Car will be sold as is. What about $3,700? Buyer: How about 2000? Seller: A little low for what I'm needing. $3,300 Buyer: The miles is high how about 2500? Seller: I'll meet you at $3,000. That would be my lowest. Buyer: Do you have receipts for all the parts you have replaced? Seller: Yes Buyer: Ok I can do 3000 because I can see that you have done a lot of work to it. ",1,car "Buyer: Hi, how many miles does this car have? Seller: Hi, there. I'm selling my Toyota Avalon. It's in good shape and has 75,000 miles on it. I'm looking to sell it for $4000, but I'm willing to negotiate a little bit. Buyer: $75,000 isn't bad for a car this age. Seller: Do you have an offer on the price? Buyer: I meant just 75,000. Haha, not in dollars. Well it is 16 (almost 17 years old), I was thinking $3450? Seller: I accept your offer of $3450 if you can pay for it in the next 48 hours.",1,car "Seller: Hi Buyer: whats up partner! Seller: Are you interested in renting this unit? Buyer: looks nice, price is a bit steep though. if i do a 2 year lease can you bring it down to $1000 a month? Seller: Absolutely that sounds very reasonable. Buyer: 1000 a month for a 2 year lease. perfect! thank you",4,housing "Buyer: Hello Seller: Hello there. Buyer: Do you still have the headphones for sale? Seller: I do! Buyer: How do they sound? ",2,electronics "Buyer: Hello there. I am interested in this bike. Is it in good condition? Seller: It is in a very good condition. If not that it will cost me a lot travelling with the bike i would have gone with it because its one of the best bike i have ever had to ride Buyer: Sounds good. Can I come and take a look at it? Seller: It depends on how far you live i can ride to your place. Buyer: Are you willing to lower the price a bit? Seller: What are you will to offer. Name your price Buyer: I would like to pay 100 dollars. Seller: The bike depreciation value is more than that but lets close it up at $130 Buyer: Sounds good",0,bike "Buyer: Good afternoon. I'm interested in the storage bed you have for sale. Seller: Great! It is in very good condition and so is the mattress. My son has outgrown it. Buyer: Excellent. I have done some pricing based on similar models, and I'm willing to offer you $292 for it. Seller: Well, I was looking to get a bit more but if you come pick it up today it is yours for 292. Buyer: I'm happy to come pick it up today.",3,furniture "Buyer: nice dresser is it new Seller: It is not new.However it is in good condition. It does have minor usage on top surface. Buyer: what kind of wood is it Seller: It is Honey Maple. Buyer: i can offer you $30 Seller: The lowest I can go is $50 and I will even deliver it to you and throw in a matching nightstand. Buyer: is it in very good condition Seller: Yes. It is in good condition. Buyer: ok i can do $47 if that works for you i'll pick it up no worries Seller: You have yourself a deal. Buyer: thanks",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi, how long ago did you purchase the phone? Seller: I got the phone about a year and a half ago. Buyer: Okay, that's great. I can meet you at your office for pick up, I trust that it's unlocked but I was really hoping to spend closer to $100. Do you think you could budge a little? How about $135? Seller: I can definitely budge if you're willing to pick the phone up. 135 is reasonable for me. How's five pm sound? Buyer: That's perfect. I trust that it's working fine, but i do have any problems with it after trying to set it up, can I call you? Seller: Absolutely. I will leave my number with you when you pick it up. Feel free to call with any questions.",5,phone "Buyer: Hi i am interested in this apartment please Seller: Hello! Glad to see you're interested. The last tenant just moved out so we're in the process of laying new carpet and paint Buyer: Great and where is the location? Seller: Only a couple minutes from BART Buyer: Great and is it fully furnished?",4,housing "Seller: Hello do you have anyway to haul this? Buyer: I do have a truck to haul this and would be willing to come by this afternoon. Seller: Are you prepared to pay 75 dollars? Buyer: Would you accept 50 dollars? Seller: How about 60 dollars? Buyer: Can we split the different at 55 dollars? Seller: Oh you are good. OK fine! We got a deal. Buyer: Sounds great, thank you!",3,furniture "Seller: Hi were you interested in the listing? Buyer: Yes, but I don't have much money. Can you tell me more about it? Seller: It's in a really highly sought after location. It's also a very nice unit that will be freshly painted. This is around the price you could expect in the area. If you're willing to sign a longer lease agreement I can come down a bit, though. Buyer: Yes I could be willing to do that. How good is the area, and what condition is this property in? Seller: The area is very safe and very well kept. A lot of booming new businesses. You also have very nice views on this particular unit. Buyer: Would you be willing to sell for $1500 if I move in right away and sign a longer lease? Seller: I could do 1650 and a 2 year lease. I will throw in free parking for the term of the lease at that price. Buyer: That sounds great to me.",4,housing "Seller: What is your offer? Buyer: 1109 Seller: That's too low. Buyer: how much are you willing to negotiate? Seller: I'm thinking around 1500 Buyer: that's too much for me. I can't afford that Seller: What is the highest Buyer: $1200 is the highest I can pay. Seller: It does include some nice appliances. Buyer: Are you willing to accept 1200? Seller: meet me half way that is too low for me. Buyer: 1300? Seller: 1400 Buyer: sorry then I have to pass on this. I can't go beyond 1300 Seller: 1300 it is then Buyer: Great thank you so much!",4,housing "Buyer: Hi! I saw the post for the apartment. It looks good, but the location is not super convenient. Would you accept $1400 because of the location? Seller: You mean the location is not super convenient for you? Are you willing to pay Cash?If you are willing to pay cash i can accept $1405 Buyer: Yes, I will pay cash. So we have a deal.",4,housing "Buyer: I like your place, can you tell me about it? Seller: Sure. Its 1 bed/1 bath. The floors are new, and the kitchen has been upgraded with stainless steel appliances. Its in a quiet neighborhood. Buyer: Would $1256 be a good offer not sure if you can go lower? Seller: I can't really go much lower. But, for ease of budgeting, I can go to 1250 a month. Deal? Buyer: That would be better. I appreciate the deal.",4,housing "Seller: Hi there. Do you have any questions regarding this product? Buyer: Hi, Is their any rips or tears on the love seat? Seller: Not at all. There is no rips or tears at all. Its in a great condition. Buyer: Okay great, do you have any animals or smoke? Seller: Not at all. I have no pets nor do I smoke. I live alone so that's not an issue at all. Buyer: would you be able to accept 55.00? I would be able to be there in 20 minutes I have the cash and can unload it with my friend and we have a truck Seller: Okay since I wanna get rid of it, I will accept that. Will be waiting for you then! See you Buyer: sounds great thank you see you soon",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi im interested in your studio apartment Seller: Hi! Great! It is completely redone inside with new carpet, updated bath and kitchen, all utilities included, and for only $1750 a month! Buyer: i would also need to sign a 1 year lease too. Seller: Yes, that would be great. I won't charge any rental fee.\ Buyer: I could do 1500 per mont for 1 year. Seller: For this great location and all these amenities, I couldn't accept less that $1600 per month for one year. Buyer: I can do 1600 per month ",4,housing "Buyer: Hello, you still have those headphones? Seller: Yes I do. Buyer: well, I checked out the AD and I really need some wireless headphones like this and just in my color! Can you tell me are they brand new or used? Seller: They're new and very much never used. Buyer: Awesome. There was no picture included so I had to ask. You are listing them for $70 but unfortunately I am on a tight budget. will you take $49 for them? Seller: I can send you the picture wherever you want it like email or text message. I am sorry $49 is too low. I can accept $55 for it. The headphones are great, and are high tech usage. Buyer: Does it come in their original packaging? Seller: Yes it does Buyer: Will you accept $50? And I will come out today and pay in cash. Seller: $55 is the last I can go! Buyer: Okay then $55 it is. Text me your address when you can and I'll head out there and pick them up. Seller: Sure thing!",2,electronics "Buyer: hello i am interested in this apartment for rent Seller: Hi, it is a great apartment! All utilities are included in the rent and it has new carpets. Buyer: thats great! i am by myself so money is somewhat of an issue, but i started a new job. how does 1150 sound? Seller: I can negotiate a bit, but I can't go that low on monthly rent. I could do $1400 and waive the one time rental fee. Buyer: oh wow that sounds awesome! i will accept! thank you so much! Seller: Great, hope you enjoy it!",4,housing "Seller: Hello, Are you interesting in buying my Iphone 7? Buyer: Yes its brand new right? Seller: Yes. Brand new and still in it's original box. Buyer: Do you have a selection of colors or its just this one? Seller: It's just this one. The black is a nice matte color. Buyer: Great. How many years is the warranty/ Seller: 1 year Buyer: Does it work for any carrier? Seller: Yes. Buyer: Great. Will you accept $670? Seller: That sounds good. Buyer: Thank you so much! Seller: You're welcome and thanks",5,phone "Seller: Hello! Buyer: Hi, I seen your ad for these amazing corvette and it seems to be just the car I've been looking for to add to my collection. Can you tell me a little more about it, as in what is the milage, etc? Seller: It is a beauty. My baby :). I bought it brand new off the lot but I recently got married and had a kid so it's not very practical for a family. It only has 15K for the millage. It was my ""fun"" car and I mainly drive a sedan for work.",1,car "Seller: hello Buyer: Hi, OI'm interested in the bicycle. Seller: Wonderful, I still have it! Buyer: your ad says there is a bit of rust, since there will need to be alot of clean up. Could you take around 20$. Seller: I actually have a spray kit thatll get the rust right out for you. I can even deliver it. How bout we do $30 Buyer: If you will hang out and show me how to ride then you have a deal at 30$ . I've never ridden a bike before. Seller: How could I refuse that! deal!",0,bike "Seller: Hello, How are you today? You are interested in the apartment correct? Buyer: Hi! I am very interested in this listing! It's a bit above my budget is there a way to decrease my monthly rent? Seller: I might be able to pull a little wiggle room in the monthly rent, How soon were you looking to move in? Buyer: I can move in as soon as this weekend if rent can be brought down to 2025. I am willing to sign a lease today! Seller: That is a bit too low for me as it is all freshly remodeled and such. The lowest I could possibly do for you today is say $2100. How does that sound? Buyer: is there a fitness center on site? If I could cancel my gym membership I could swing 2100 Seller: That is part of the current remodeling, It will be ready in a month. Buyer: okay great! You have a deal at 2100!",4,housing "Buyer: Hi, how many chairs are included in this set? Seller: It comes with 6 chairs, all matching to the set. And the fabric is in perfect condition Buyer: What fabric is the upholstery? Seller: Its a solid cream color, it has been scotch guarded but i can throw in the plastic covers as well! Buyer: Oh that's great. If I come pick it up, could you do 1100? Seller: I would love to but my husband bough this set brand new, I cant take less then 1150 for the set, or if you would like i can give you the table and end tables for 1100, so everything except the coffee table Buyer: I can do 1150 for the set! Let me know when's a good time to come pick it up",3,furniture "Seller: Hello Buyer: are you the original owner any accidents any major work on the car about how many miles is this the original paint ion car do you have the title Seller: I am the original owner, yes. No issues with vehicle; drives like a bird. Clean title with carfax. No accidents with it. Its been taken care of Buyer: how many miles on the 2009 fusion Seller: only 65,000 Buyer: 3779 Seller: On KBB, it goes for 5,500 and up. The reason Im selling it low is because im moving to NY, and i wont need a vehicle out there. Meet me a notch up at 4199 Buyer: 3801 not much detail offered and unbelievable 65000 miles on 2009 fusion Seller: The car was barely used. I usually ride my bike to work as its a 15 min trip for me. The mileage is low, the engine is great, no accidents, one owner. Youre getting a vehicle thats gonna last you for SEVERAL years.",1,car "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi - I'm interested and I would take it immediately, as is, for cash for $1200 Seller: That is a bit too low. I will need more than that. Also, this is a very desirable neighborhood. Buyer: How about $1300 and a 1980 signed poster from Kiss Seller: I prefer Iron Maiden. And 2200 is the lowest I could go for you. Buyer: Too high - but if you like iron maiden I have their debut album and a signed guitar pick from the original bassist Seller: Okay, but let's just talk price here. How about 200 even? Buyer: 200? I'll accept that was a miskey not going more than $1400 that album is worth a grand and that and anything steve harris is gold Seller: 1400 is great for me. Let's do it.",4,housing "Seller: Here is some info on the home we require deposit of one months rent. You will need good credit ot a co-signer with good credit. We do not allow pets. Buyer: Not even cats? Seller: No sorry we have a no pets rule. Buyer: Okay. My cat would have to stay with my mother. Are there any schools in the area? Seller: Yes we have great schools in the area. Buyer: Great. My daughters in elementary school but she'll be graduating soon. Are there any Jr. high schools in the area as well? Seller: Yes, we have a Elementary, Jr. High and High school in the area. All are rated high for education and safety. Buyer: Great. Sometimes I like to soak in the tub as oppossed to just taking showers. Does the bathroom come with a bath tub? Seller: Oh yes, it has a huge tub that you should definitely enjoy if you like to soak. The house in total has full bath upstairs and a half downstairs. Buyer: Sounds great. Would you accept $1600. Seller: I have someone else wanting to come look that is offering more, I could take 1875 if you could come soon and place a deposit with me. Buyer: Yes. I could come tomorrow. Would that be Okay? Seller: Yes that is fine. Sound great look forward to meeting with you.",4,housing Buyer: is it work for you,3,furniture "Buyer: Hi, I'm interested in your cell phone accessories. I need one for my daughter. I feel like $1 would be a better price. Seller: $1 is too low and I would be loosing money. The lowest I can go is $8. Buyer: The ad says its available for $2. Seller: $1.50 is my final offer. Buyer: Can you ship it to me? Seller: Absolutely! Buyer: Great, I will submit my offer. Seller: Wonderful, looking forward to doing business with you. Buyer: There must be an error because it won't let me type anything into the offer box.",5,phone "Buyer: Hello! Seller: Hi how are you today? Buyer: I am well thanks. Can you tell me about your cell phone accessories? Seller: Yes I have both selfie clickers and wall chargers available for both apple and android phones. These normally go for $5 a piece but I have closed my store so I have greatly discounted them to only $2 a piece Buyer: Would you take $1 for them, since you wan to get rid of them fast? Seller: Well as I said I have already discounted them by more than half. I could go down to 1.75 if that would be better for you. Buyer: How many of them are there? Seller: I actually have exactally what is in the pic, 5 of the wall chargers and 3 of the selfie clickers Buyer: Ok sounds good. I will take the lot at 1.75 each. Thanks! Seller: great thank you",5,phone ,5,phone "Buyer: Hi, I am interested in your Aeron Chair. Is it brand new? Seller: it is in very good condition and fits tall people very well. Buyer: Okay, I am actually not that tall, but I really like the look of the chair, but since it is not brand new, I'd prefer to pay $200. Seller: It is very lightly used since I barely set in it. I'll take $250 Buyer: I am in the middle of renovating my home office, so I am unable to surpass my $230 budget for the chair. I will come pick it up if that works. Seller: Yes. $230 is fine.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi how are you doing? Seller: Great are you interested in the place? Buyer: Yes I am but I have some questions if that's okay? Seller: Ask away. Buyer: I am trying to get the cost down by 600 is it's possible too? I was wondering how close is the place to shopping and stuff because my car is broken down right now and I might have to buy a new one and if so that will take me some time to replace it. Seller: It is very close to shopping and to a bus stop. I can't go to 600 but I can do $750. and keep the water, trash and internet in my name. Buyer: Hmm I think that would work for me since you're willing to keep those bills on for me, thank you. Seller: I will wave the security deposit for you too. Buyer: Oh that's perfect, thank you for doing that. When can we get started? Seller: The unit is ready so when ever you are ready. Buyer: Alright sounds great, please send me the offer and I will accept.",4,housing "Seller: Hi! Buyer: Hi, I'm really interested in the corvette. has she been in any accidents? It talks about the seatsa re in good shape. Are there any dents, dings or scratches on the body? Any door dings? Seller: Its in great condition. No accidents, and very low miles. Its always garaged, so the paint and everything is well maintained through the years. $30600 is the asking price. Buyer: Great. I saw the asking and was wondering if you would accept $15,300 Seller: haha no way man. I think you're looking at the wrong car if you think 1/2 of the asking price is acceptable. If you're actually interested in this car then the lowest I'll go is $25999. I hope you can understand.",1,car "Buyer: Hi, I am very interested in your bike! Seller: Great! It's almost new. 50 miles or less has been put on it and it's in great shape. I can do $1225 if you come pick it up Buyer: I was thinking more of 1100! You said you are accepting offers, usually that entails more than 25 off. Seller: Yeah, but this is an $1800 dollar bike! Dual-shocks, fully accessorized. There is no way I can let it go for less than $1190 Buyer: hmm, okay if you can drop it off to me I can swing 1190. Seller: Agreed. I'll even throw in some cool riding gloves. You like Hello Kitty? Buyer: okay great that sounds good! I do actually like hello kitty!",0,bike "Buyer: Hi I see that the hutch is in fair condition, so it sounds like I will need to put some work in restoring it. Also, I will have to borrow a truck to transport it, it I purchase it. Would you take $175? Seller: That all sounds great. Almost too quick and easy.... if you know what I mean... Buyer: Gotcha! Thanks. Deal.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi! I would like to purchase your outdated iPhone but your price is too high. I was thinking like $75? Seller: i just changed the battery on this which cost me a bit. Buyer: I understand. But I have concerns with the bright spot on the phone. I don't like disorder. How about $100? I will come to your office. Seller: Ok, that sounds fair to me, I will take the 100. ",5,phone "Seller: HI Buyer: Hello, I am interested in your headphones. About how many hours have they been used Seller: My son used them approximately 6 hours but he went off to basic in the Army and can no longer use them so he wants to sell them Buyer: oh ok, great! are their any scratches or damage Seller: NO they are in like new condition he took very good care of them in the short time that he used them Buyer: Well i have a budget i have to stick in will you take 60 if i come and pick them up! Seller: I can understand being on a budget if you can come soon to pickup I can do $60 for you.",2,electronics "Seller: Hello! Buyer: Greetings, I am interested in the 2bed 1 bath apartment Seller: Do you have any questions? Buyer: Can you tell me about the following? Neighbors, condition of interior, condition of appliances? Seller: This is in a wonderful neighborhood. Very quit and low crime rate. The interior and appliances are all in top notch condition. There has only been one renter, a older couple that moved to arizona for retirement. ",4,housing "Buyer: Hello, do you still have the cel phone accessories? Seller: I sure do are you interested in just 1 or all of them? Buyer: I am looking for a charger for my T-mobile phone and a decent pair of headphones. Seller: Well I do have a charger but I do not have any headphones the only other thing I have are the selfie clickers Buyer: Selfie Clickers? That's interesting. I can use those. Heck, I'll just take all that's listed. It says your asking $2 but will you take $1.50? Seller: Well if you are taking them all I can lower the price a bit but these are normally $5 a piece. Would $1.75 work for you? Buyer: You seem to be giving me a great offer. I'll do $1.75. Can you send me your address and I'll be out to pick them up at your convenience. Seller: sounds great",5,phone "Seller: Hi, I see you are interested in this chaise I have for sale. Buyer: yes, I would like to pay $150 for it and can pick it ASAP Seller: $150 is going to be too low for me. It is a beautiful statement piece. I'd be willing to sell it for $200 with free delivery. Buyer: How about $160. That's all the money I have right now Seller: Can you pick it up today and pay in cash? If so, deal. Buyer: deal!",3,furniture "Buyer: hi, how are you? I am extremely interested in this property. Seller: Hello! And thank your for contacting me regarding this beautiful apartment. This one is a 2 BR and 1 Bath and I'm asking $2495. It is upstairs and a handicap ramp is available. Buyer: It looks really beautiful. The rent price seems a bit high but, if utilities are included then it would be understandable! are utilities included? Seller: All utilities and Cable TV are included in the rental lease. The lease ends 7/31/2018 and you have the option to renew. No pets allowed. Buyer: oh wow! That is a steal! Is there also a fitness center on site? Id love to be able to cancel my gym membership Seller: Yes, in fact there is a gym on site, a swimming pool, laundry facility and it's a gated community. Buyer: oh wow! You guys blow your competitors out of the water! I will be by tonight to sign a lease. is that okay? Seller: That is great! See you soon. ",4,housing "Seller: hello Buyer: Hi, I am interested in the chair. What condition is this chair in? Seller: The chair is in excellent condition. If you dont know about the products Aeron makes, they create some of the most luxurious leather chairs. Buyer: That's great! I am remodeling my home office and have a budget for $250 for a new chair. However, since this one seems so nice, I'd be willing to pay $26( Seller: This chair values online for $849.99. Ive had it for roughly 6 months and im going to be moving to another state so i want to lug as little as possible back. whats really awesome about this chair is that its adjustable all the way to 6 4"". It also has tremendous resale value if you decide you dont like it. Unfortunately, ill have to stick to 299 as its a steal Buyer: I apologize for the previous typo. Something startled me. That was supposed to read $269. I will go up to $280 if you can deliver it.",3,furniture "Seller: Hey there, i noticed your interest in the sewing machine part. Buyer: Looks to me like the item is kind of very old. How hold is the sewing machine? Seller: Well, yeah, it is an old part, and has been used a little, which is why the price is so dramatically low. Its to fit an older model. Buyer: How much does it weigh and how big is the sewing machine it can lift Seller: It is for use with models: 15, 66, 28, 27, 15-91, and 201. the part itself weighs about 15 grams. Buyer: Oh great thanks for the info. Can i offer you $12 dollars for it. Its really old you know Seller: It is old, because it is for an older machine, as I said before. I am willing to negotiate, but 12 dollars is ignorantly low. Buyer: How low can you go then. Can I pay 13.50. Seems to me its okay at the price. Seller: I just cant go that low. I could let it go for $15 if you come and get it yourself. Buyer: No. $14 is the highest i can go. Its old. Deal? Seller: $15 is the bottom line. Buyer: $14 Deal",3,furniture "Buyer: HI can you tell me about the schools in the area Seller: such an amazing apartment, in the ideal location of East Dublin, CA. Buyer: How are the schools Seller: The schools are loacted next to lawrence Livermore national labs, funded by the best paid engineers in southern california. They rank in the top 25% of all test scores in the region Buyer: Will you allow me to have my cat Seller: animals allowed, but I cannot lower the asking price due to the nature of cleaning and not having a deposit. Buyer: Ok if I don't bring my cat and leave her with my mother would you be willing to accept 2587 Seller: 2875 Buyer: So you will take 2587? Seller: eys Buyer: Great thanks Ill come soon",4,housing "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hello, I'm interested in buying the bike. What type of condition is it in? Seller: It is in very good condition. The tires are great and everything is pretty new on it. Buyer: How long did you have it? Seller: I had it for about 1 month only. Buyer: So it's practically brand new. I'll pay $25. Seller: Great, do you want to pick it up? Or, should I bring it to you? Buyer: It would be great if you could bring it to me. Would I have to pay extra? Seller: No, I will not charge anything to deliver it to you. Buyer: Great. Then please bring me the bike and I'll pay $25 cash.",0,bike "Buyer: i'm very interested in your mercedes cna you tell me more about it? Seller: Hey. It is a 2007 black E350. Great 3.5L naturally aspirated v6 engine. Buyer: im not really sure what that means but alright. how far do the back seats fold down? Seller: It is a 4 door sedan so the back seats do not fold down. Buyer: oh they don't fold down to expand the trunk? bummer. do you think you could take a little less for it then? does it have a clean carfax report? Seller: I am willing to negotiate, however I can't accept offers that are too low. A carfax report can be provided upon request. Buyer: alright. I would like to do 5500 and i'll pay for a carfax report Seller: Sounds great to me. Thank you. Buyer: great i'll let you know my final decision after is ee the report",1,car "Buyer: Hello! I am interested in your apartement. is it still available? Seller: Yes it is! I'm asking $1725 a month for it.",4,housing "Buyer: Hello Seller: HI are you interested in this item, Ill be glad to answer any questions Buyer: Yes I am. Is it in good condition? Seller: It is in very good condtion, it has normal wear and tear from age and use. It has no significant chips or scratches. It should fit fine if you have model 15,66,28,27,15-91,201. Buyer: Sounds good. Can I come by and take a look at it? Seller: Yes you may I am only asking $20 for it which is a great price Buyer: Can you knock off a couple bucks since I am driving there? Seller: How about $17 and its yours? Buyer: Sounds great. Thanks a lot",3,furniture "Seller: HI, are you interested in getting the love seat? Buyer: i would definitely be interested. but i was wondering since the leather looks so worn if you'd bring the price down to $45 if i come pick it up and haul it out myself Seller: The leather isn't worn. What you're seaing are the wrinkles in the fabric with shadows because the lightening is poor. That's my fault. It's a great piece in great shape and only 1.5 years old. The $75 is a good price.",3,furniture "Buyer: 1 bed 1 bath apartment in oakland? I'd like to be interested if we could agree to 1500/mo Seller: That would be a fair price if it were Missouri. This is West Oakland and it's refurbished. I'll pay for your cleaning service, $1650. Buyer: 1615 and we call it square, no service needed. Seller: Deal",4,housing ,3,furniture "Seller: Hello how are you doing this evening/ Buyer: Hello, I'm doing good. Is your love seat still available? Seller: Yes it is do you have any questions about it my friend? Buyer: Yes I do. Are you the original owner? Seller: I am the second owner and when it came to me it was in great condition like they had never even used it. The seat was then used by me in a spare bedroom (so lightly used) still in very nice condition and I am trying to get 75 for it? Buyer: How old is the loveseat? Seller: It is about 2 years for me and the last owner I'm not sure how long they had it Buyer: Would you accept $50 for it if I pick it up? Seller: Yes that is acceptable, I will send you the offer.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello Seller: HI are you interested in my car it is in great shape and good milage good tires and brakes. Has many other awesome features I am asking $5500 Buyer: I am very interested. This seems like a great offer. Is there anything wrong with the car at all? Seller: NO it is in great shape, I have kept up good maintanence on the car and have smog and clean title in hand Buyer: Can I come by and take a look at it? Seller: Yes I am availabel anytime Buyer: Great, can you lower the price at all? Seller: I am willing to negotiate some. Buyer: I would like to pay 3000 Seller: Sorry that is very low, this car is in great condition and has power everything and moonroof everything it is loaded with features and has been upkept greatly. I can do 4750 Buyer: that works for me Seller: Great I will see you soon",1,car "Buyer: Is this phone unlocked? Seller: Hello, yes this phone is unlocked. Buyer: It is new in box also correct? Seller: It is new but not in the original box. The phone has the protective film still all aound it so it's not getting scratched. Buyer: Would you accept $650 cash can meet today since it is new and unlocked. I will pick it up myself",5,phone "Seller: hello Buyer: Is the bookcase still available? Seller: sure is. :) Buyer: Can you tell me if there are scratches? Seller: Nope the unit is only about 6 months old, came from Ikea and is still in like new condition. I can even load it in my truck and deliver it directly to you for an even $40 cash? :) Buyer: That would be great. I live on the same side of town as you and that would be perfect.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello Seller: Hello! Buyer: I am interested in this apartment. Is it in a nice area? Seller: Yes! The area around the apartment complex is nice and the people who live in the apartments are great people. Buyer: Great. Can I come by and see it today? Seller: Absolutely! Buyer: Are you flexible on the price? Seller: What were you thinking? Buyer: I was hoping to pay 1800. Is that alright with you? Seller: Can we get closer to 2000? I'm paying for water, garbage, sewer and heat Buyer: That could work. I will pay the 2000. Thanks for lowering the price.",4,housing "Buyer: Can you take $400 for it if I pick it up myself and throw in a free cat? Seller: haha I do not want a cat but thank you for the offer. Its a brand new iPhone 7. $745 is asking price Buyer: How about $500 plus an old Iphone 6 in good condition? Seller: Cash only, no trades. How about $700 and you come pick it up Buyer: How about $600 plus I pick it up, and give you the cat with cat food and litter box? Seller: I guess that works. $600 and you can pick up tomorrow Buyer: Perfect, thank you!",5,phone "Buyer: Hello, how old is the bike? Seller: The bike is a couple years old, it has been in storage and is in excellent condition. I am looking to get $25 for this. Buyer: I am trying to get a bike today for my son who recently had his stolen. All the cash I have on me is $18. Can you part with it for that if I come pick it up today? Seller: Could you do 20 at all? $25 is pretty low already. Buyer: I can scrounge up another $2, sure.",0,bike "Buyer: Hello. Is the Hutch still available? Seller: Hello, yes it is available? Buyer: Great. If I decide to buy, are you willing to deliver? Seller: Yes, I would be able to deliver this if you need it to be done. Buyer: Thanks. I see you have it listed for $200 but would you accept $100? Seller: Ouch that is a price difference. This is original wood and has been taken very good care of. I would be willing to do $175 but I wouldn't be able to deliever if that was the case. Buyer: I understand. I can't pay that much but would you accept $150 and I'll pick it up? Seller: Yes, I think I could go that low if this is a good home. Buyer: It will be going to a good home. Thanks!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi there is the item avaialble? Seller: Yes it is, its an amazing bike Buyer: Is it used? Seller: It is used but simpel road riding not for competition Buyer: how old is it? Seller: Its from the late 80s Buyer: and what color is it I cant see any picture here so just wondering? Seller: Its black, it has a 55cm size aluminum frame Buyer: Oh I see. The price is too high for me. Is there any room for negotiation here? Seller: I can work with you. what is your best offer? Buyer: $540 Seller: How about $560 and I will deliver it myself Buyer: Okay that is a plus for me since I don't have to come all the way to pick it up! Seller: Sounds good, $560 it is",0,bike "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi how are you? Seller: I'm well. Are you interested in my Chaise? Buyer: Yes I am is the condition very good, the photo looks like it might not be the best condition? Seller: It has been used yes, but it is in good condition. It's suede that is why it looks scuffed. Buyer: Great, so I see that you're asking 295 and was wondering if you could possible reduce to 265? Seller: Would you be willing to pick this up or need it delivered?",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi there how are you Seller: I am doing great how are you? Buyer: Very well thanks! Can you tell me a little about the property? Seller: Yes it is a very spacious studio apartment with around 850 sqft of living space. This unit was just recently remodeled so you get new carpet as well as granit counter tops. We include all utilites and all you have to sign is a 1 year lease and it is yours for only $1750 a month Buyer: That all sounds wonderful but i have a very tight budget and a very high saving account because of it! Would you be willing to accept 1575 if i gave you security deposit and 6 months rent cash up front? Seller: Well if you would be willing to do that I can lower the rent a bit to help you out but the lowest that I can go would be $1650 Buyer: Ok that works thanks for working with me!",4,housing "Buyer: Hi! I'm interested in your bookshelf. Are you willing to negotiate? Seller: Yes. I am willing to negotiate a little. Buyer: Can the shelf support sound equipment? Seller: Yes, the shelf would be able to support sound equipment and can be adjusted to whatever height is suitable. Buyer: Throw in those crates in the photo, I could offer as high as 28 dollars. Seller: If I threw in 4 crates instead of just the 3 in the photo I would take $30 if you were able to pick up. Buyer: I could only do $30 if you deliver. Seller: I could do that if I could deliver today. ",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi. Is this car still for sale? Seller: Hi how are you tonight? Seller: Yes it sure is. Buyer: How clean is it on the inside? Has it been recently detailed? Seller: It is in perfect shape. I never had kids pets or any smoking in it. I have not had it detailed recently but I keep this car in amazing shape. It has been my baby even since I bought it. Buyer: Well I was only wanting to pay $9450 but i'm willing to pay your asking price of $13500 if you have it detailed and deliver it to me in person. Seller: I can do that no problem as long as you don't live on the other side of the country or anything. Buyer: Nope. I live right across town. Then we have a deal? Seller: yes we do",1,car "Seller: Are you interested in the chair I have? Buyer: Yes. What else can you tell me about it? Seller: It is in great condition and is made to fit people over 6 feet and the lumbar padd is fully loaded. Buyer: I like it. I'll offer you $125. Seller: I can come down but How about $160 and I will deliver it. Buyer: I accept at $160 delivered. ",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello are you interested in my rental? Seller: I'm renting a 1 bedroom/ 1 bath. Are you interested?",4,housing "Seller: Hi. Are you interested in my home? Buyer: Hi, yes, it's a beautiful property. I'm wondering if it includes any utilities? Seller: It does not but it does have a big garage and it have a laundry room ! this place is amazing. Buyer: Hmm, $2875 seems a bit steep. I was hoping to find a 2 bedroom closer to the $2000 range per month if the unit doesn't include utilities. Do you at least pay for water, sewer and trash removal? Seller: I could pay for the sewer and trash removal if you willing to accept my offer of $2100 in I will pay your first light bill! Buyer: That sounds like a fantastic deal! Thanks for your flexibility!",4,housing "Buyer: Hello. Is the townhouse still available? Seller: Hello, yes it is Buyer: How old is it? Seller: The townhouse is only a few years old. It is in great, move-in ready condition. Buyer: Great. I know you have it listed as $2200, but would you be willing to accept $1100? Seller: I don't think I could go so low as half price, but yes the price is negotiable. Buyer: I understand. Would $1800 work? Seller: That is still quite a discount and you haven't really justified such a price reduction. I could go as low as $2000 though. Buyer: $1980 and we have a deal.",4,housing "Buyer: I am very interested in buying your car Seller: Hello. I am glad to hear it. Do you have any questions or concerns for me? Buyer: Yes how many miles does it have? Are you the 1st owner? Seller: Yes I am the original owner. It has 88,000 miles on it. Buyer: How about the interior? Is it in great condition? does the radio/cd work? Seller: It has a am/fm/hd radio with a cd/mp3 player with bluetooth. Everything works. The interior is in good condition. Buyer: I can offer $6750. How does that sound? Seller: I am willing to negotiate some on price but I can't go that low. Is there anything I can do for you to sweeten the deal? Buyer: How about 9500? Maybe thrown in a car wash",1,car "Seller: Hey there are you interested in my car I have for sale? Buyer: I sure am, can you give me more specif details about the mileage? Seller: Its in amazing condition. Great tires and breaks, only 20k miles on it. Just like the day I bought it pretty much! The leather interior is pristine. Buyer: are you the only owner that it has? Seller: Yes I am. I am selling it for $5500. What do you say? Buyer: well I can offer you $4000 in cash and I can go pick it up tomorrow morning, what do you think Seller: That will work for me if its cash and you're picking it up. Thanks a lot for the sale!",1,car "Seller: Hi. Are you interested in the bookcase? Buyer: yes",3,furniture "Seller: Hello. Thanks for viewing the listing. Buyer: Hello How is the condition of your chaise? Seller: It's in great condition. Almost new. Buyer: Awesome I see that you're asking 295 for it is that negotiable? Seller: Yes I'm asking $295, but what would you be willing to pay? Buyer: I would like to pay 265 if that's possible/ Seller: That's a little low. Would you be able to do $280? Buyer: Yes but is it possible for you to help me move it for that price because my truck is not available right now? Seller: That's no problem at all. I'll even do it for $280 it is. Buyer: Alright that works and thank you!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi. I have a few questions about the studio apartment. 1) It says it's a fourplex, how many are living there now? 2) Are the walls good and sound proofed? Seller: It is a great little place that is well updated and is roomy. All utilities are included and you cannot hear your neighbors. Buyer: That's good. I'm in a place right now, I know exactly what my neighbors are watching on TV. Okay, I want the apartment but could we get the price down. I'm good at lawn maintenance. If I took care of lot, would you be willing to cut the price to say... $700? Seller: I cannot do $700 but can do $800 if you pay the utilities Buyer: How about I pay $900, I'll mow the grass, trim the hedges, even plant you a garden if you buy the plants, and utilities are included? Seller: Okay you ahve yourself a deal. Buyer: Excellent.",4,housing "Seller: Hello! are you interest in the one bedroom unit? Buyer: Hi I am interesting in your place!",4,housing "Seller: Hi! Are you interested in the upper unit? Buyer: Hi I am interested in your property could you tell me more about it please? Seller: Sure! It's a beautiful 1 bed 1 bath apartment with new flooring, great closet space, awesome shared yard. All utilities are included. Buyer: Awesome that sounds nice is the price negotiable? Seller: Sure, I'm asking $1725. What makes sense for your budget? Buyer: I would like to pay something like 850 but I understand that is way off from what you want, is there any middle ground here? Seller: Could we meet at 1300? Buyer: Yes I think that is very kind of you and I can afford that ",4,housing "Buyer: Hello, I am interested in your love seat. Seller: Make an offer. Buyer: $70? Seller: Sold! Buyer: Thank you. ",3,furniture "Seller: Hi how are you doing today? Buyer: Hi the house looks dilapidated in the picture. Was the picture taken before or after the house was remodeled? Seller: It was taking before , I can send you new picture if you want me to? Buyer: Okay great. Is the Studio Furnished? Seller: The studio is furnished in the kitchen but not anywhere else, the starting price is 1795 Buyer: Okay. Can i offer you $100? Seller: That's way too low friend, the best deal I can do for you and be approved is something like 1450 with one month of free rent, how does that sound? Buyer: Sorry i meant $1000. But i can add a 100 more. Can we make a deal for $1100? Seller: Yes that will work but I will not be able to include the free one month at that rate, did you still want the deal? Buyer: Yes Will you accept Cheque? Seller: Yes that is fine!",4,housing "Buyer: Hi! I am interested in your hutch. Can you tell me a little bit about it's story? Seller: Bought this myself and it has sat in the same spot for twenty years. Buyer: Any scratches? Seller: Yes here and there, it's in fair condition though. Buyer: What else classifies it as fair?",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello Seller: Hello Buyer: Nice apartment, although too expensive, can I ask you a couple of questions about it? Seller: Yes , please I will be glad to answer all of them. Buyer: Thanks. This is a gated community? Are any playgrounds for kids nearby? Seller: Yes, this is private gated community and we do have many amenities such a swimming pool, tennis court and most importantly, great playground for children. The playground is a minute away from this particular apartment. It is well worth the price. Will you be interested to see it? Buyer: Yes sure. But I am really concerned about the price, any special offers? Seller: I understand, we are willing to give you First month half off. Buyer: Hmm, I was hoping for something better, any chance you can give me a 30% discount for the first year? I am willing to sig a 3-year contract and accept a raise of 20% for the last 2 years. What do you think?",4,housing "Buyer: Hello I am looking for a place in West Oakland! Seller: This is a great place in a quiet area. On street paring and a patio in the rear. Buyer: Sounds wonderful, will you be able to come down on your price at all? Seller: What were you considering? Buyer: I was hoping to save at least 100-200 on the rent from your asking price is this possible? Seller: It may be possible. Be aware there are no pets with this discount. It would be the $1795 plus an additional $200 per pet. Buyer: Oh I don't have any pets so that is no problem for me! Seller: Great. Did you want to see the place? this weekend is good. Buyer: Yes that works for me!",4,housing "Seller: Hey there! Buyer: Hi. How big are the apartment? How many bedrooms? Seller: Its very big, 3 bedrooms. Buyer: It sounds nice, although not a fan of steam radiators but.. It's gonna be me and a friend. We were hoping to stay under $2300. Can you do that? Seller: We could definitely do $2300, you will love the place I assure you of it. Be aware though, the deposit is equal to 1.5 months rent.",4,housing "Seller: Hi. Are you interested in the dining room set? Buyer: I am. Can you tell me if there are any defects? Seller: No. It's in perfect condition. It wasn't for everyday use. Buyer: Perfect. What pieces come in the set? Seller: Six chairs and the table. I'm also throwing two end tables and a coffee table. Buyer: Nice! If you're price is negotiable, I have $800 cash today and could come pick up the furniture at your convenience. Seller: The tables are in excellent condition. How about $1100? Buyer: I'm sure they are nice but that is just out of my budget right now. I can probably come up with $850. Seller: Ok how about $900 for the table and chairs. I'll keep the coffee table and end tables.",3,furniture "Seller: Hi there how are you? Buyer: Hello there! I'd love to buy this bike! What can you tell me about it! Seller: The bike is in great condition and selling because I am moving and can't take it with me. The frame is smaller with 20'' wheels and asking 190 for it! Buyer: Okay sounds good! Would you be willing to take $150 for it If I swing by in about 30 minutes to pick it up with cash? Seller: Yes that is just fine! Hope to see you soon! Buyer: Sweet thanks a lot! See you soon!",0,bike "Seller: Hey there are you interested in this car? Buyer: Hi! Yes I am Seller: It's got all of the state of the art features like bluetooth, heated mirrors, power moon roof, traction control, 6 airbags, 28 hw mpg. keyless ignition. Selling for $13500 Buyer: It is a beautiful car! That's a little higher than I was looking to pay... Seller: Well it's already an excellent deal. I'm afraid the lowest we can go is $11500. I hope this is reasonable for you, as we believe you won't find a better deal for such a nice car.",1,car "Buyer: Hi, I ahve a vintage singer cast iron machine and I think this will fit perfectly. I wonder how much rust there is? Seller: Hello I have kept this in very good condition there are no scratches. It has a shiny black glossy finish Buyer: It looks great, would you be willing to ship it. It's a bit far to drive for something so small. Also would you take $10 for it? Seller: I was thinking of $20 since it is in great condition. Buyer: Split the difference at $15? Seller: Ok, I will accept your offer for $15",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi :-) what kind of shape is this in? Seller: It's still in very good shape. I've only used it for basic road riding. No competitions or anything too intense. Buyer: Nice :-) so no rusty bits or problems with chains or gears? I like why your're selling it, btw Seller: Thanks. Yeah, no mechanical issues or worn out parts. It was a classic design, and I did my best to take care of it. Buyer: I understand they have different sizes for these bikes? I'm on the short side, would it work for me? Seller: It's a 55 cm frame, which is designed for people 5'6"" to 5'9"", but of course you can adjust the handlebar and seat height to your preferences. Buyer: Perfect, sorry about the dumb question. Its listed for 600, but I only have a budget of 400, could that work? Seller: I think I could probably go $500. Would that work? Buyer: It's for such a good cause, I can't go as high as five though (I'm sorry) but I do have my mad money :-) It's not much, but I can get together 450... Seller: I think that'll work for me. You seem like you're going to give it a great home. Buyer: I'll try :-) thanks!",0,bike "Buyer: Hi. I'm very much interested in your Vette. But the price is a bit high for my wallet. Could you go down to about 25000? Seller: I would have to get a bit more than that. It has low miles and lots of extras! Buyer: I do see it has a lot of aftermarket additions...Would you at least be able to meet me in the middle between your listing price and my offer? Seller: How does 29000 sound? It's really a very nice car and you won't be disappointed. Buyer: If you can do 28000 I'll come write you the check today and we'd have a deal. Seller: You've got a deal!",1,car "Buyer: Hi! I'm interested in your chaise lounge. Is it in good condition? Seller: It is is good condition. I am a bigger person and since one of the cushions is attached it makes the seat a little smaller than I was wanting, so this is why I am selling. Buyer: Well, I'm happy you are. Could you maybe come down a little on the price? Its a gift for my grandmother. Is $225 acceptable? Seller: I would love to be able to sell it for that but to replace this with another chair in my house I am needing at least $250. I could deliver today. Buyer: Would you consider $240 if I come get it? Seller: Yes. I could do that. We have a deal. ",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi there! Seller: Hi, are you interested in buying the BMX Bike? Buyer: Yes I sure am! What can you tell me about it? Seller: We have had it for about 5 years it was my sons before he got into girls and bands so now he no longer rides it. It's been in the garage a while. there is some slight rust on the frame where the front tire meets the bike, other than that its' in good shape Buyer: Awesome! I could pick it up later from your place if that works for you. I have $30 in cash. Seller: Great. You have a deal. Buyer: Thanks so much for the understanding! I'll see you later today to pick it up!",0,bike "Buyer: Hello . How long have you owned the dresser? Do you have any idea how old it is? Seller: We have had it for 7 years, it's 7 years old. we bought it brand new from a local artisan. It's very sturdy. They don't build them like this any more. Buyer: It's a unique looking piece, which is part of why I'm so interested. I've never seen one like it before. Has it ever been painted? Seller: No, this is the original stain there are only a few scratches on the top Buyer: Excellent. I would have lost All interest if it had been painted. My mother always told me never to pay full price. $70? Seller: I can do $8. Buyer: $8?? Seller: $80, sorry, i can sell it for $80 Buyer: Well you give in just a little more and go $75? Seller: if you pick it up right away Buyer: We can be there in three hours.",3,furniture "Buyer: I'm really interested in the bike. You say it has less than 50 miles on it. HOw long have you owned it? Seller: Hi :-) it's an awesome bike, I've had it two years, I keep it in the garage and its in tip top shape! Buyer: I want the bike cut can't afford the 1250, I can pay $625 Seller: Oh man, I am so sorry, I can't come down that low on it. I would maybe consider that a down payment, and we can do payments on it, if you're really serious. Buyer: I could do that. Seller: Okay, so let's say the $625 is the first payment, and that leaves another $625 due. How about two hundred a month? Could you work that okay? Buyer: That works. Seller: Cool, you're going to love this bike :-)",0,bike "Buyer: Hello there! Seller: HI you want to buy the iphone? Buyer: Yes I would love to! Is it in good condition? Not scratched or slow or anything? Seller: No scratches, there is one pixel that is bright and lit up, but it works fine even with that, and it doesn't obscure your view. It's in really good shape and has an otterbox case that comes with it. Buyer: Awesome! Would you accept $157 for it in cash? I can stop by today and pick it up. Seller: $160 even and you have a deal Buyer: Okay that will work! Thanks!",5,phone "Seller: HI! Are you interested in my dining room set? It's a beautiful set! Buyer: Yes I am! Can you tell me how many people it can sit? Seller: It can sit 4 without the inserts but if you add them (there are 2) you could sit 8 comfortably. Buyer: Ok great, I need 6 so that will work! $1250 is a little out of my price range. I'm assuming it is pretty heavy, I can come get it and load it myself tonight if you'd be willing to accept $850. Seller: I could do $1100! It also comes with 2 end tables and a coffee table. They are all in beautiful shape and barely used. Buyer: That is great! I'm really not looking for a coffee table, but I'm sure they are also very nice. Can we do $1000? I'm already over my budget I agreed on with my husband... Seller: Yes we can do $1000! You have a deal Buyer: perfect! Thanks ",3,furniture "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi I am interested in your listing. Seller: Great! The unit is available for immediate move in and it is in great condition. Buyer: Is the neighborhood nice? Seller: It's very nice and quiet. There is a front yard and a back yard, so lots of space. Buyer: Cool, would you be able to move the price down a bit if I sign a longer lease? I was thinking a year for 1980. Seller: If you have good references, can do security and first and last month, we could definitely negotiate the price. We could do $2000 for a one year lease. Buyer: That works for me. You've got a deal!",4,housing "Seller: Hello. Buyer: HI, I've always wanted an Altron. I would love to buy this from you. Are you he only to have owned it since the 80's? Seller: Yeah, just me. I've only used it for simple road riding, never used it for competitions. It has been very well maintained and is in great condition. Buyer: Would you accept $420 for it? Seller: I don't think I could go that low. I am asking $600 and this is a really great piece of Japanese worksmanship. Buyer: I understand. How about $500 Seller: I mean...you're just throwing numbers at me... I am asking $600. I can take $50 off if you come pick it up tonight and pay cash. But that's about all I can do. Buyer: well thanks anyway",0,bike "Seller: Hello Buyer: Hi, is this bookcase in good condition? Seller: Yes it is. It is in great shape. I just don't have any need for it anymore. Buyer: It looks like you had it pretty weighted down. I didn't know Ikea furniture could hold that much weight. I'd like to buy it for 25 Seller: How about 30 and I will bring it to you myself? Buyer: Sounds good! Seller: I think we should make sure we want to do this deal. Do you want to come take a look at it first?",3,furniture "Seller: Hello Buyer: hello, so you just bought your bike. Did you ride it a lot? are the tires worn out? Seller: I have not used it much. Only a couple of times. The tires are pretty new. Everything is on great condition on the bike. Buyer: from the picture everything looks great, although I'd probably get a different saddle for it. Would you take 150? Seller: I might. Want to come by and take a look at it? Buyer: I'm going out of town tomorrow I can come pick it up today and pay cash Seller: That sounds good to me. I want to get rid of it quick, so I will accept your offer.",0,bike "Buyer: Hello, are there any issues with the dresser I should know about? Seller: It is a beautiful honey maple color. It is in very good condition with just a few minor usage on the top. Buyer: Okay well the color is not good for me. Since I'll have to restain it, how about 75 for it? Seller: I can take $75 but it has to be cash and you have to come pick it up. Buyer: Well, I don't have a car so I'll give you $5 for gas. That'll be $80 from me. Seller: You've got a deal.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi how are you? Seller: I'm good, how about yourself? are you interested in my Vette? Buyer: I'm great, and yes I am interested and hoping to reach an agreement with you. Seller: okay, what were you thinking? Buyer: I was hoping to give you 22000 and then I may have some items that you would like that I could throw in to make it a fairer deal for you. Seller: First I need to make sure that just because you won't pay a higher price you won't value it at a higher price. This car has to go to someone who will take good care of it and keep it in good condition Buyer: Oh I see the value and should say that I love cars and treat them very nicely! Seller: okay, what else do you have to offer me? Buyer: Well I have a john boat and also some tools and I have some other things, is there anything in particular that you would want? Seller: nothing that I can think of that's worth 8600 Buyer: Okay I didn't really want to part with this but I see that you're looking for something very special and rare. I just so happen so have something that you may consider. These are special herbs from overseas and you cannot get them in USA. These are coming from an ancient culture of indigenous peoples. I met the shaman of the people and he gifted for me several pounds of this different types of herbs, I could part myself with 2lbs of this one that is very good for you and then give you 25000? Will this work for you? Seller: 25000 and the tools, do you have a hydraulic jack or a welder? Buyer: I do I have both and am willing to also put these into the pile.",1,car "Buyer: Hello Seller: Hello there, are you interested in the bed? Do you have any questions about it? Buyer: I am very interested in it. Is it in good condition? Seller: It's in very good condition and very well taken care of. The mattress is also in good condition. Buyer: Great. I would like to come by and take a look at it. Can you lower the price at all? Seller: I may be able to come down a bit for you, what do you have in mind? Buyer: I would like to pay 162 for it. Is that possible? Seller: That's a pretty low price for this bed. You can't find them anymore in solid wood. I could do 275, Buyer: That works for me Seller: great",3,furniture "Seller: Hi, are you looking for a place in Fairfield? Buyer: Yes I am and this place looks awesome but over my budget. Can you work with me? Seller: Yes I can, I am able to offer your some other perks as well that might even it out for you a bit, do you have any questions about the apartment? Buyer: Yes, are utilities included and does it have washer and dryer hookups? Seller: The washer and dryer are included and the utilities is something that I am authorized to offer you as an extra, if you are willing to come in this week and start the process? Buyer: I can most definitely do that if the price is right. Since the place is so small, I'm willing to offer $800 Seller: I understand your position with the minimum wage in CA being only 10.50. Do you have a good job here? Buyer: Not yet which is why I can't pay too much until I have stable income. Seller: I see, well maybe this would help you out some. The difference between 800 and 1500 is about 700. If you are good with maintenance type of work and can show some good work then I need some help around with some of my rentals. I can pay you at about 10 per hour and allow you to work for about 10-20 hours per week and we could put 500 towards that difference and then you can keep the extra and that will also give you time to look for a solid job. How does that sound to you?",4,housing "Buyer: cool beans, a bike for my kid Seller: Yes, my son outgrew it so we had to purchase a new one. It is Hot Wheels red color and a 16"". Buyer: Fantastic, would you be willing to take $15? Seller: I can do $20. Buyer: $20 is more than fair, thank you so much! Seller: Your welcome.",0,bike "Buyer: Hi I am interested in your Ford Fusion. How does the A/C work? Seller: It works perfectly, really great condition! Buyer: Awesome, how many miles does this baby have on it? Seller: You won't believe this, but only 5,000 miles! Buyer: Wow, that's incredible. How firm is that price? Seller: Yeah I bought it for rap video shoots. So mostly women just sat on the hood of it. Price is pretty firm, it's a steal though IMO Buyer: Awesome. I can only do around 3600 right now. Is it cool if I pay you the rest in a month. We can draw up a contract? Seller: Hmmmmm. Can you do 3900 right now and pick it up yourself? I'm about 60 miles outside of the city. Buyer: Okay sounds good to me.",1,car "Seller: Hi how are you today? Buyer: Great! Hope you're doing well. Seller: I am. So are you interested in my apartment? Buyer: I am! I was hoping for a lower price though. I was thinking $800 Seller: oh that is much too low. This apartment is in a very high demand area and does include all of the utilities. Buyer: I see that, it looks great. What would you be willing to go down to? Seller: Well if you are willing to sign a 2 year lease I can reduce the price by 200 which would make it $1385 a month. Buyer: I plan on staying in this area for quite awhile. What could you do for a 5 year lease with 2 months rent up front? Seller: With a 5 year lease I could go down as low as 1185 a month but that is the lowest that I am able to go. Would that work for you? Buyer: Yes, that sounds great!",4,housing "Buyer: Hi I am interested in the bike you have listed is it still for sale? Seller: Yes it is. It's ready to go today Buyer: Is it in good shape? And do you have any idea what the age recomendation is for this size? Seller: This bike is the perfect size for a 7-10 year old. And it is in very good shape. My kid prefers to skate so he hardly used it. Buyer: Perfect my 8 year old would love it. Would you be willing to take $20 for it? I can come right away. Seller: Well I'd like to buy a pack of skittles so how about $23? Buyer: I can do 23 for it that sounds fair. Thank You.",0,bike "Seller: HI are you interested in my love seat it has no rips or tears its white still good condition I am sking $75 Buyer: Hi I really like it. Do you know if anyone could help me load it if I was to come pick it up? Seller: I would definitely be willing to help you and we have easy elevator access to get it from my apartment to the driveway Buyer: Cool. I would be willing to pay the full 75 then. You got yourself a deal! Seller: Great I will get you directions for pickup.",3,furniture "Seller: Hello, are you interested in the 2br/1bath? Buyer: I am! Would you be willing to go down if I signed a multi-year lease? Seller: I require a one year lease to start then you have a month to month option or another year. Buyer: I was looking to pay around 1300 Seller: This is a newly renovated apartment. Fully remodeled. It has new carpet and fresh paint. Minute s from BART access. It's going for $2250 right now. That's a steal for the area. ",4,housing "Buyer: Hi! I'm interested in your Kitchen Hutch. How worn is it? Seller: It's not worn very much. It's 20 years old but the stain is still in great condition. Buyer: Its says fair condition, any scuffs or scratches in the wood? Seller: There's just some wear on the bottom inside of the legs. It's not really scratches in the wood as much as it is small scratches in the stain. You can see them when the light hits it the right way. Buyer: I really like the hanging wine-glass rack. Would you take $150? It is 20 years old after all.",3,furniture "Seller: Hi were you interested in my kitchen hutch? Buyer: I am can you tell me a little more about the condition Seller: It's in fair condition. Theres a bit of scratching in the coating. Nothing has worn into the wood. Nothing crazy. It's 20 years old. Buyer: I am actually wanting it for a project so I really don't want to spend too much. Would you take $100 I mean it is rather old and dated. Seller: If you are willing to come pick it up I could let it go for 120 Buyer: I can come right now that is perfect thank you very much. Seller: Awesome! Enjoy!",3,furniture "Buyer: What condition is this phone? Seller: Hello, The Iphone 7 is brand new, unlocked. I am asking $745 for it Buyer: Would you take $521 cash right now? Seller: That is a bit out of my ballpark sorry, If you come pick it up I could perhaps go a bit lower since you would be saving me the time and gas but I don't see it going that low. Buyer: How about $690 and I will come right now to pick it up? Seller: Make it an even $700 and we have ourself a deal.",5,phone "Buyer: Hello, how are you? Seller: Hello im good, youre interested in my apartment? Buyer: yes! I love the location of it and the access to everything. My only problem though is that I think 2250 is a lot for what looks like a small space, would you consider lowering the price? Seller: Well the price is because of its amazing location and panoramic bay views. It is also fully remodeled and new carpet/new paint Buyer: I do like all of that, like I said though I could only afford a reduced price, like 1500-1900. Seller: The lowest i'm allowed to offer is $2000 Buyer: You know what, that's fine. I will do 2000 if thats fine with you since I'm so excited about your views and location.",4,housing "Buyer: Would you take 27,000 for the car? Seller: I am pretty firm on the $30,600. Its low miles, Everything is in mint condition. Ill knock off the $600 for you if you can come take it this week, How is that?",1,car "Buyer: Hello, I am interested in the cell phone accessories you have Seller: Hi. Thanks for your interest. Buyer: Will the charger work on any phone? I have both a Samsung and an iPhone and it would be great if it worked on both Seller: Sure! As I mentioned in the ad, the accessories are compatible with both android and apple ios. Buyer: Oh sorry, it doesn't say that on my end. Could you tell me a little about the single item in the green box that says ""SNAP""? Seller: To be honest, I purchased the item as a bulk deal and haven't used the item. It comes as a bonus along with the selfie clicker and wall chargers. Buyer: Oh these are all sold together i thought they were individual. I was going to offer $2 for a selfie clicker and wall charger Seller: Sounds good to me. Thanks. ",5,phone "Seller: Hey! i see that you are interested in the apartment! Buyer: Yes, I was wondering if you accept pets as well? Seller: We do allow pets, and the hardwood flooring helps clean after them easier as well. Buyer: Is the yard fenced by chance. i like to let my dogs run wild. Seller: im sorry, if you want to do these hits, you are going to have to be a little quicker, and actually try. I am not here to roleplay. Buyer: well. you clearly didnt read the directions. ",4,housing "Buyer: Hey there if you still have the bike, I am interested. Seller: Yes! I am, Its $1250 Buyer: Why are you getting rid of it? Is it trashed? Seller: Nope, im thinking of getting another bike and don't have space for 2 in my apartment Buyer: Will you take $1000 for it? Seller: thats too low! how about $1150 and i transfer the one year warranty it has on it? Buyer: I can do that thank you man. So ready to get back out on the trails. Seller: Great!",0,bike "Seller: hello, Are you interested in my bike? Buyer: I am, How firm on are on the $190 you are asking? Would you be willing to go lower on that price if I came soon with cash in hand? Seller: yes I would be willing to do that but this bike has a super rare Peugot frame made in Canada! It can even be shortened, too, for smaller people to ride. What price were you thikning of? Buyer: Ideally I would like to pay $95 for this. It is an older used bike, The fact that it is super rare makes it harder to get any parts for it and I will have to deal with possible tire dry rot and anything else wrong with it. Seller: You raise some valid points. Could we do an even $100? Buyer: I can swing $100. Ill see you this evening?",0,bike "Seller: Hello there, how can I help you? Buyer: Hello. Is the hutch still available? Seller: It is, were you looking for yourself or a friend? Buyer: For myself. Is there any major dents or scratches? Seller: Nothing major, it is 20 years old but I've had it the whole time and just normal wear and tear. I'm only asking $200 for it. Buyer: Thanks for the information. I can't do $200, but would you be willing to accept $180 for it? Seller: Do you have a track and can come pick it up? Buyer: I don't have a truck so I would need it delivered. Seller: If you need me to deliver I'm at $200 firm. Do you have anything you can trade as well? Buyer: I'm sorry but I have nothing else to trade. I'll rent a truck and pick it up if you can do $190. Seller: You sound like a good person, I can do $180 for you.",3,furniture "Buyer: Your cell phone accessories look interesting. How old are they? Seller: Goodmorning, they are new in the box and unused Buyer: But what year did you buy them? Seller: I just bought them last year. I intended on using them but they are just sitting on the shelf so I am going to sell them Buyer: I can stop by in a few minutes and take them off your hands, but I'm only willing to give you $1. Seller: I'm willing to go lower but I can't take just $1, I'm sorry Buyer: $1.50? Seller: yes, $1.50 is fine. I am willing to accept that",5,phone "Seller: Hey there, you interested in my phone? Buyer: yes I most definitely am Seller: It is brand new. I got it on a buy one get the 2nd one free. It is still in box and it is unlocked so can use with any network. Buyer: That was a great deal. Can you tell me how long the warranty is for? Warranty is very important to me. Seller: It is a 2 year warranty and it covers breakage and theft. Even covers if you get it wet. Buyer: Awesome! I wanted to ask if you were willing to negotiate the price on the phone? Seller: I definitely am willing to negotiate. Buyer: Would you accept $372? Seller: I can't go quite that low but I could do $450. and I can meet you some place near where you live. Buyer: It's more then what I wanted to pay but considering it is brand new and unlocked, comes with a 2 year warranty, $450 is fine Seller: Great want to meet today? Buyer: yes sure!",5,phone "Buyer: HI! is the convertible still available? Is this the original engine? Seller: Yes. It is still available and in a very good working condition. Want to sell because we are relocating Buyer: This looks like the car I have been searching for! I would like to come see it and look at the service records but I am so excited I would like to offer you $21500 cash this week with title trade? Seller: Good but step up a bit. What about $28,000 Buyer: Would you be willing to throw in a fresh oil change and tire rotation? If so I could swing $27000? Seller: Will do. Good deal i guess Buyer: Great! I will see you tomorrow!",1,car "Buyer: Hey there Seller: Hi! I have unit #7 current available! It has a deposit but we are having a special this month only. That deposit would be waved. All this for $2400 per month! Buyer: Can you tell me how many sq the apartment is? Seller: The apartment is 1495 sq feet and has a nice sized galley kitchen. It comes with blinds on the windows Buyer: How about $1800 a month? Seller: Well this unit is remodles in the kitchen and bathroom so that is why the price is a little higher than most. I could do $2100 and pay your cable, phone and security for the first year? Buyer: That sounds perfect.",4,housing "Buyer: Good afternoon. I'm interested in the mirror you have for sale. What condition is it in? Seller: great condition Buyer: Excellent. Are you willing to work with me on the price? Money is tight for me right now, and I'm looking to spend closer to $80. Seller: sorry the least i can do is 150 Buyer: That's way higher than I can spend. I'm willing to come pick it up today for $104, but that is all the money I have. Seller: 120 and its yours Buyer: That's acceptable. A little more than I wanted to pay, but it is a beautiful piece.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi, I saw an add for this 6 bedroom apartment and I am interested in it. Seller: Helo, thank you for the interest. Let me know if you have any questions Buyer: I would like to offer $7696 for it Seller: I'm sorry that is 30% lower than the listing price Buyer: Would you take $9000? Seller: I'd be willing to offer about 10% off.. at $10000 per month Buyer: Can you do 15 % off? Seller: $9800 final offer Buyer: Ok, I can do that. Seller: great, thank you",4,housing ,0,bike "Seller: Hi Buyer: Hi, I saw an add for the springy chairs and I am interested Seller: I'm asking $50 for it. Buyer: Imwas thinking $25? Seller: Sorry, I cannot go that low. If you're willing to come get it today though, I would do $40. Buyer: They are not new and",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi! That is a nice bike! Seller: 120 and its yours Buyer: Everything is great? and is it for adult or kids? Seller: yes it is a great bike for adults Buyer: Any rust? Seller: no Buyer: Will you take $80? Seller: how about 110? Buyer: I am sort of low in cash right now. How about $100 and I'll pick it up tomorrow? Seller: ok deal Buyer: Thanks",0,bike "Buyer: this bike is in great working condition. everything is in working order. i'm looking for $150. its a nifty ride Seller: well first let me give you a little bit of information about it, it's a vintage schinn colegiate bike. It's in very good condition, front and back brakes are good. It's the perfect bike to cruise around town in. Buyer: awesome , i can give you $130 cash for it. i'll come and pick it up if you are ready Seller: yes $130 is good Buyer: alright i'll be by at 5pm to pick it up",0,bike "Buyer: Hello. I am interested in your iphone! Seller: thats great because it is available Buyer: Great. Is it locked to a network? Seller: no, it is unlocked Buyer: Great. Let's make a deal. Seller: sounds great I am asking $480 and I can deliver to you Buyer: Hmm.. What condition is the phone in $480 seems a bit much. Seller: it is in perfect condition. No scratches, has always been in a case Buyer: I can offer $435. CASH!! I can come to you. And I can have a police escort if you feel uneasy! Seller: $450 and its a deal Buyer: Can we agree on $440? Seller: ok I can agree to $440 Buyer: Ok. DEAL!",5,phone "Buyer: Hello. I'm interested in the table you have for sale. Seller: Great do you have any questions about it? Buyer: How long have you had it for? Seller: Oh I haven't had it for too long I would say about 3 months it's in a great condition! Buyer: It's a little more than I'm willing to pay. I've seen a few tables for a little less, and I'm looking or something cheap for my apartment. I'm looking to spend closer to $7. Seller: Would you be willing to pay 10 so that we sortof meet in the middle and I can help you with the loading this afternoon? Buyer: That's acceptable. I accept your offer.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey Im interested in your truck that's for sale anything wrong with it? Seller: Hello would you like to make am offer ? Buyer: is there anything wrong with the truck? Seller: No issues with this truck its a great work truck! Buyer: that is awesome..I can't afford $5900 would you take any less? Seller: well this truck is in great condition and has a work truck you are making an investment more than anything. I don't wanna give it away but how much are you able to spend? Buyer: I'm able to afford $4000 cash today Seller: The lowest I can go is 5500 Buyer: but the truck is over 10 years old...I could do 4200 and go right now to pick it up Seller: Its still a money making truck. Its age aside you will make money with this truck Buyer: but im not looking to make money i need it to get to work otherwise i'll loose my job Seller: 5200? Buyer: I can'rt afford that much how about $4800 right now? Seller: I have other offers right now so I am trying to be fair. 5250 cash is s low as I can go.",1,car "Seller: Hello, are you interested in my car? Buyer: Hi there. Yes I am very much interested. How old is it? Seller: great, it's a 1970 nova. Buyer: yes but it says its sat for more than 10 years. Does it still run well? I mean ten years is a really really long time! Seller: yes, it hasn't been driven in 10 years but it works fine! i drove it recently to update the tags and confirm the title, for a 1970 car it runs well. Buyer: when was the last service done? Seller: about 6 months ago, i can show you papers if you decide you want to come and check out the car. if you are seriously interested you can also test drive it around first. Buyer: Great! Yes I am really interested but the price is high for me. Is there any room for negotiation here? I am ready to pay $7650 Seller: hmm, well since it's so old i'm willing to drop the price down but since it's also in great condition i want to make sure it's sold for its value. i don't want to sell it for under $7800. Buyer: Well that's what I can afford. Please if you can consider something I would appreciate it. I am a student and really desperate for a car at the moment and my budget is what I mentioned. Seller: im sorry but like i said i don't want to under sell the car, since you are a student and have a tight budget i will drop to $7750 but nothing below. Buyer: Great that works thank you!",1,car "Buyer: will you take less since i have to buy a batterie Seller: How much are you willing to pay? Buyer: 105",0,bike "Buyer: Hello, I'm here to inquire what you're selling exactly? Seller: Hi, yeah the ad got really garbled and it doesn't make much sense now does it? I'm selling an iphone 7 . It is brand new. Buyer: Thank you for clearing that up. I'm definitely interested in buying, is there anyway we could negotiate a price? I have about $280 to spend. I would be willing to trade you my current phone as well if that would help any? I'm also willing to drive to you to pick it up today. Seller: Well I don't really have use for a used phone. And $289 is considerably lower than the asking price, which is already very reduced for a brand new iphone 7 ... Buyer: What else does the phone come with? I'm pretty tight on a budget and $280 is already more than I was willing to spend, but I was hoping to come to some sort of agreement. I'm definitely not here to waste your time and appreciate you talking to me. Seller: Well the phone comes with an accessories kit that includes a charger, a case, and that sort of thing Buyer: Would you take $290 and my current phone? You could sell it and make a profit close to what you're asking for. I'm also willing to come pick it up still. Seller: No there is no way I can sell a brand new iphone 7 for $290. I can do $400 if you are willing to pay cash and come get it right now.",5,phone "Seller: How's it going today? Buyer: I am doing well. How about yourself? I'm interested in your chairs. How much were they again? Seller: $50, but I'm in a good mood today, name a price. Buyer: Well, I'm a college student, so I'm on a budget. I could give you 25 and a coupon for a free pizza. Seller: That sounds good!",3,furniture "Seller: What is the most you can do? Buyer: Can I ask some questions first? Seller: Sure Buyer: When was this unit builded? Seller: Spring 2017 Buyer: How are the neighbors? Loud or rude? Seller: 2. They are fine Buyer: How many bathrooms? Seller: 3 Buyer: I have $1277 I can give you today for it. Seller: Sorry. The lowest is $1800 Buyer: If I can give you that can you pay my first month of utilities? Seller: Yes Buyer: Ok. It's a deal.",4,housing "Seller: Hi there! Buyer: Hello! I was just looking at your ad for the typing desk. I didn't see a photo, but was wondering if I might be able to ask a few questions about it. What are the dimensions? Can you tell me the condition? Seller: Sure! It's a wonderful vintage typing desk. It's 47"" long, 26.5"" high and has a depth of 18.5"". It's in good condition with beveled wood drawers and chrome wheels. I hate to get rid of it but I'm downsizing and won't have room for it. Buyer: I completely understand! I think I saw one just like it at a flea market recently, but the price was a bit lower...would you be willing to take $70.00 cash if I come today to get it? Seller: Oh, I don't know if the one you saw was like this. It's a Danish vintage typing desk. I would be willing to go down to $100 if you paid in cash. Buyer: I can't go that high right now...I'm sorry. The best I can do would be $80. Seller: You know, I have a chair that I use with this desk that I really won't need anymore...I can throw it in with the desk if we can go to $85. Would that work? Buyer: Sure, sounds great! Thank you so much! It's a deal!",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi, how are you? Seller: Hi I'm great. Do you have any questions? Buyer: Yes.. How many miles does this have on it? Any problems? Been up to date w/maintenance? Does it come from a smoke free home? Seller: Well, I do smoke in my home. But, i have never smoked in this car. It only has 95,000 miles on it! Buyer: Ok.. Anything wrong with the hardtop? Seller: Nope, i just replaced it a few years ago. Buyer: Awesome.. I have $2500 cash in hand and can come and get it now. Seller: Deal!",1,car "Seller: HI! HOw are you today? Buyer: Good. How is your day going? Seller: Great! Are you interested in my 1970 Nova I'm selling? Buyer: I have a few questions for you. First, what is the mileage? Seller: It has just over 100,000 miles on it. An older couple owned it before I did and they hardly ever drove it. They had it parked in their storage garage most of the year. They never drove it in the winter either. Buyer: sitting for 10 years must have really hurt the car. I could use some parts, though. What's the asking price? Seller: I'm asking 800 for it! It runs great !! The interior is in excellent condition. Buyer: The parts wouldn't be worth that much to me Seller: Sorry I mistyped I'm asking 8500 for it",1,car "Seller: Hello, how are you? Buyer: I am good. How are you? Seller: I am well. How may I help you today? Buyer: Do you have a Iphone for sale? Seller: I do. I have 7 and plus Buyer: What condition? Seller: Used, but good condition. Buyer: Is it unlocked? Seller: Yes, it is Buyer: Would you accept $336 I can pay today and pick it up myself? Seller: Ok, I could do that. Seller: Thank you!",5,phone "Seller: hi, were you interested in this apartment? Buyer: Hi I most certainly am, this looks absolutely beautiful Seller: it is flawless. literally. do you have any questions? Buyer: Do you have certain days or times where people can come look at them? Seller: mon-fri 8a-5p Buyer: Are you also willing to go lower on the price? Seller: what price are you after? I may be able to cut you a deal Buyer: well my sister is looking for a place to stay and she is on a budget Seller: whats her budget? Buyer: she was looking to pay no more than $900 but if that is not possible then she can go a little higher Seller: 900 is way too low for a community like this. but, I can waive her deposit which is 1800 to help ease the burden and get her into a place. If she can sign an 18 month lease for a 1 bedroom I would be able to get the price down to 1200 Buyer: okay I just talked it over with her, an she says she can sign the 18 month lease for $1200. She is willing to do a 1 bedroom Seller: sounds great tell her to come see me tomorrow. ask for connie Buyer: thank you",4,housing "Seller: Hello there Buyer: HI! How are you? I see you are selling a Chevy work truck. I'm interested in it. Seller: I am well. And you. Yes, I am selling my old work truck. Buyer: Does it have any dents? Seller: No cosmetic damage to the truck at all. Buyer: Oh great! Does the a/c work? My work truck I have now the a/c went out. I need a/c !! Seller: Yes, The a/c works well in the truck. Buyer: Oh good!! It just gets too hot out! Would you be willing to take $2950 for it in cash? I can get it this evening. Seller: I can offer 3000 even and this evening is great. Buyer: That would be great! You have a deal!! I'll take it!! Seller: Awesome. Thank you. ",1,car "Seller: Hi, I am interested in your 1970 nova Buyer: Hello, actually I saw a post that you are selling this car. Seller: sorry, im the seller...yes i am selling it. Buyer: ...Okay great. Is there anything else I should know about the car? It seems to be in great condition! Seller: It is, it has been on the road, but i Garage it every night. Buyer: It is beautiful! How low can you go? I'm on a budget but I really want this car Seller: I am definitely negotiable. I was looking for around $8700. Buyer: is there anyway I can pay $6000? Seller: No way, this car is in excellent shape for how old it is. Just considering the motor itself, I couldn't do less than $8500 Buyer: I was factoring in the rust spots...how much do you think it will cost me to get that repaired? Seller: I am not n expert at those things, but I would say maybe $500 dollars Buyer: for older cars I know it usually is more expensive to get work done on them thats why I was asking. Okay, is there anyway $7500 cash today will work I really want this car but my pockets aren't heavy. Seller: If you do cash today, I agree to $7500 Buyer: Okay! ",1,car "Buyer: Hello I am interested in the Blade Z Seller: Hello. Do you have any questions about it? Buyer: Yes how old is it? How long have you had it? Buyer: Hello I am interested in the Blade Z Seller: Yes it is only 7 months old. Buyer: And problems with it? Buyer: Yes how old is it? How long have you had it? Seller: Nothing wrong with it just need new batteries charger is included. Everything works perfectly. Buyer: Well I would love to get this for my son. I would like to offer $120/ Buyer: And problems with it? Seller: No problems at all. Could you pick it up today? Buyer: I could pick it up today. ",0,bike "Seller: hello! are you interested in the phone? Buyer: Hi, yes I am definitely interested in this phone. I'm looking to get this for a gift for my son's birthday Seller: Oh great, how nice of you! He will love it, it's a great phone and this is a great price for an unlocked iPhone Buyer: yes he said he wanted an iphone for his birthday so I'm trying to see just how responsible he will be in taking care of it. Is the price negotiable for this phone? Seller: Ii could probably come down a little, what did you have in mind Buyer: I would like to pay $256 for it Seller: Yes that sounds reasonable, I would like to help you out for your sons birthday Buyer: Thank you so much ",5,phone "Buyer: Hi. I am interested in more details about your apartment Seller: Hello! What else do you need to know? Buyer: Is there any way you could consider coming down on the monthly costs? I have 4 children and it is just a hair over my budget",4,housing "Seller: HI! How are you ? Are you interested in the mirror I'm selling? Buyer: Hi. I love the mirror! Can you tell me if Cherry Tree Design practices sustainable harvesting methods for their trees? Seller: From what I have read they do! This is a beautiful mirror! Buyer: Oh good. Good. Also, what size is this mirror? Any scratches or defects? Seller: Its approx. 24"" x 12"". It does have a tiny imperfection on the mirror about the size or a marker point. But it's really not noticeable unless you are really studying the mirror. Buyer: I do tend to study mirrors. Narcissism mixed with OCD do not pair well. Would you discount it some? Say $135? Seller: I could go as low as $145. It's a beautiful mirror! Buyer: I guess I can do that. I will just have to hang it in a darker room. Deal!",3,furniture "Seller: Hi. I see you're checking out our beautiful apartment homes Buyer: Yes, they are nice but a bit expensive. Could you come down on the price? I would like to pay $2000. Seller: That price is much too low. These do come with a load of amenities. We have modern unites with free internet access and brand new appliances. Buyer: If I sign a 13 month lease, could you take $2500? Seller: Yes! That would be great",4,housing "Buyer: Hi is the bicycle still for sale? Seller: It sure is! Buyer: Ok great! Is anything wrong with it? Seller: It is in great condition. It just had a tune up as well. Buyer: How long have you owned it? Seller: I have had it about 10 years. Buyer: Oh wow that's a long time. Well I'd like to buy it from you today. Would you $70 if I come and pick it up from later this afternoon? Seller: It is a really great bike. If you are able to get it today then I can agree on $70 as I need this gone right away since I am moving. Buyer: ok thanks",0,bike "Buyer: Hello Seller: Hi there how are you? Buyer: I am great and you? Seller: Good thanks! Are you interested in this bike? Buyer: Yes, I am. It will be a great bike for my daughter. Seller: Yes absolutely! I have used it and its great and very comfortable. Buyer: Great. We can pick it up tonight if that is okay? Could you possibly take $105 for it? Seller: I can accept 120 for it just for you :) Buyer: Aww, Thank you. That sounds great. See you later Seller: Okay then see you around later!",0,bike "Buyer: Hi I was curious to know more about your scooter! How old is it? Seller: It is about 5 months old it only needs new batteries. Everything works great. Buyer: Any scratching or anything? Only 5 months old, may I ask why you're selling? Seller: My son was no longer interested in it. No scratches or scuffs on the Blade Z Buyer: Would you be willing to take $100 for it? Seller: I can do $115 and throw a free helmet in. I can also deliver it free. Buyer: That would be awesome! I can actually pick it up tomorrow if that works? Seller: Great we can do tomorrow. That works fine.",0,bike "Seller: Hi are you interested in the apartment? Buyer: Hello is the apartment still available Seller: Yes it is. Do you have any questions I can answer about the property? Buyer: Is it pet friendly Seller: We do allow pets but they must be leashed at all times. Buyer: Ok sounds good how far away is the mall? Seller: The mall is only 2 blocks away from the apartment. Within walking distance. Buyer: a dream come true! I do not have the full amount of $3992 I can afford $2794 Seller: Ok make it $2800 and you have a deal. Buyer: Ok I can do that ",4,housing ,3,furniture "Buyer: Omg! please tell this house is still available Seller: Yes it is! Buyer: how are the schools in that area? Seller: They are great and pretty close by too do you have any other questions? Buyer: how is the parking i have 3 cars Seller: There is a regular size place you might have an issue with 3 cars but maybe not, I can setup appointments to come and look at the place! Buyer: Ok Im in the process of selling the other car. So it will not be an issue for much longer. I see the listing price as $2695 Seller: Yes I can negotiate with the price but I can't go too low, do you have an offer? Buyer: I was thinking $2425 Seller: I think that will work out will you be able to come by this week? I can send you the offer? Buyer: Yes, I will be there this week. ",4,housing "Seller: Hi, I see that you're interested in buying the mirror that I placed an ad for? Buyer: Yes, I am/ What condition is it in? Seller: Wonderful, the item is in really excellent condition. There's one very small imperfection on the mirror itself that's about the side of a sharpie point, but it's hardly noticeable. The frame is made from solid cherry wood and is quite sturdy. Buyer: Ah, that's good/ I see you have it for 160 but I can only afford to do 100. Would that work? I can pick it up. Seller: It's a really nice mirror and the frame is just tremendous craftsmanship. It's great that you can pick up the item yourself, I could let it go for $140. Buyer: I understand. How about this. I can do 112 and I also have a $25 Amazon gift card. Would that work? Seller: So it would be $137, of which $112 in cash and $25 as an Amazon gift card? You would come and pick up the item yourself. I could agree to that deal.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello is the bike still for sale? Seller: Hello. How are you? Seller: Yes the bike is still for sale. Buyer: Ok great. Is anything wrong with it? Seller: No everything works great and the bike is still in good condition. Buyer: How long have you owned it for? The pictures look great. Seller: Only four months. Buyer: Ok would you be willing to accept $90 if I come and pick it up from you later today? Seller: Can you do $100 and I will bring it for free? Buyer: Sure I can do that. Seller: Great ",0,bike "Buyer: Hello, I am interested in your ad for the garden furniture. Seller: Hi. It is a lovely season to buy outdoor furniture and I am offering a great deal on these chairs for only $50! Buyer: I see in your ad it says that the chairs are weathered some but still functional, about how old are they? Seller: I've used them for 2 summers. Very comfortable, and quite fashionable if I do say so myself. Buyer: Ok, that sounds pretty good. I really could use a pair of chairs for my patio. Would you accept $40 for them? Seller: It is a great deal for you, but I no longer have room for these. So I will do $40.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hi do you have the phone still available?> Seller: Hi, Yes I do. It was a great phone, is in excellent condition, and unlocked. Buyer: And how old is it? Seller: a year old Buyer: and any scratches or anything visible? Seller: Nope, excellent condition! I'm asking $285 and I will include the apple care service. Buyer: That's too much for me. Are you willing to agree on $199? Seller: Hmm, that is slightly lower than I am willing to go. Would you be willing to meet at $225? Buyer: does 200 work please? Seller: Sorry, that is only $1 more than your last offer, I cannot go that low. I will go $220, final offer. Buyer: okay then I will accept that Seller: Thanks!",5,phone "Buyer: Hello! I saw your beautiful condo listed for rent and was curious if it was still available? Seller: Yes, the condo is still available. would you be interested? Buyer: Is it just the one bedroom? All I saw was the Master bedroom listed. Seller: Yes, it only has a master bedroom, but it is exceptional. Buyer: Is there any wiggle room on the price? I found another apartment close to this but it was about $600 cheaper. I'm trying to do some research. Seller: Yeah, I could come down a bit, what are you thinking? Buyer: I was hoping to do all in $1800 (water and trash included). Seller: That's a bit lower than I can go, everything is up to date and it's close to a lot of sites. I was originally looking to get $2450. You seem like you would be a great fit for the apartment. How about $2150? Buyer: Sorry, that's a bit more than I can afford at this time. Thank you though. Seller: I could even go as low as $2000, if that would help you out. Buyer: Thank you for the offer, I'd need to stay below $2000 a month with utilities, so unfortunately I don't think it will be a good fit. It's a beautiful place though! Seller: Yeah, it is great. You really seem like you would be a great fit. How about $1950 and I'll pay the water, sewer, garbage , and cable.",4,housing "Seller: Hello Sir! Thank you for responding to my ad. Buyer: is this still for sale Seller: Yes Sir! It's a great product!. I have only used it a few times. I'm selling it for 150.00 Buyer: how fast does it go Seller: Very Fast! You only need a battery. Buyer: Great i can afford $60 Seller: That's far too low. That's below market value for a bike of this size in this condition. I'm willing to sell it for 100. Plus, I will deliever it to your house at no additional charge. Buyer: i can afford $75 and i can pick it up Seller: What about $80.00? That's the lowest I'm willing to go. I'm pretty sure you won't be able to find another bike like this. It's a classic. Buyer: that works for me",0,bike "Seller: HI! How are you today? Are you interested in the mountain bike I have for sale? Buyer: Absolutely, can you tell me about it? Seller: Yes it's a 1995 Gary Fisher Tasssajara. I just had it tuned up and it runs great! Buyer: It seems nice, but a little old. What are you asking for it? Seller: I'm asking $120 cahsh! Buyer: Hmmm, I'll offer you $95 dollars since it is from '95. That seems more than fair for this bike. Seller: I can do $115 for it. It really does run great! Buyer: Will you meet me halfway at $105. Seller: I can. Can you come get it before Friday!",0,bike "Seller: Hello are you interested in my Mercedes? Buyer: Hi, I see that you are selling your SL500 from 199. It looks very old, I'd like it for an even $3000 Seller: Alright, do you have any questions about my car? It has good tires and rack included",1,car "Buyer: Hello. I've seen your ad and interested in this car. Seller: Hi Seller: Great, do you have any questions? Buyer: Yes. Can you please provide additional information about this Mercedes. Do I need to do any additional repairs? Seller: No, actually there's nothing wrong with it, but I want to get a truck. Buyer: Cool! I see you are offering 3500 for this Benz. Are you willing to negogiate? Seller: I really think 35 is fair, but I'm open to a little bit of movement around that price. What did you have in mind? Buyer: The book value for a car of this condition and make is only 1750. I'm willing to offer that? Seller: Oh, I'm sorry. I could go lower, but not that much lower. Buyer: Sorry sir. We won't be able to reach a deal. Good luck in your in search for a prospective buyer.",1,car "Buyer: Hello! I saw your post about the apartment. Seller: Good evening! Yes, it is still available. You're more than welcome to come see it. I'm asking $3992. Buyer: I see. If I signed an 18 month lease, could I get it for $3592? Seller: If you can have 3 months up front, yes I could lock you in at $3592. I have another potential renter coming tomorrow at 5pm if it's still open, so could you do the 3 months and make it by 5 tomorrow? Buyer: Yes, I can do that.",4,housing "Buyer: Hi there! Seller: Hi! Are you inquiring about my cell phone accessories Buyer: yes. I see you have a collection of them. Do they look good on the cellphone? Seller: Yes they look great and they are compatible with both android and iphone Buyer: thats great. Do you have them in various colors? Seller: Yes but at this time we only offer green and black Buyer: okay sounds good to me. They're new correct? Never used? Seller: Yes they are brand new in the box Buyer: would you accept $1 for them? Seller: I think that's a fair price, sure! Buyer: Great thanks !",5,phone "Seller: Hello! So you are interested in this very desirable apartment? Buyer: Hi! Yes I am, How close to the base is it? Seller: It's just minutes away from the base. Buyer: Great! I need to be extremely close. Can you go any lower on the rent price. I have about 6 months of payments saved up to sign a 6 month lease. I dont have any pets and I dont smoke and I have amazing credit. Id be more in the range of 1640. If thats an option? Seller: I could go down to 1700 if you sign a 12 month lease. You don't have to pay 6 months up front! Buyer: I could do $1700. And ok I can buy the new car I want. One more question, Is it gated? Seller: Yes, it is gated. $1700 is a deal! Buyer: Great!",4,housing "Buyer: HI I am interested in your 1999 SL500 Mercedes Benz Seller: Great! Any questions? Buyer: Yes I do. How are the insides of the car? Is the interior in good shape? Seller: The interior is tan leather and is in good shape considering that it hasn't been used much Buyer: I am looking to add an additional car and this Benz looks like it would be good to have. How many miles does it have? Seller: It has less than 3000 Buyer: Are you willing to go lower with the price? Seller: Yes, at least 3300 Buyer: I was wanting to offer you $3150 for it Seller: I can do 3250 if you pay up front Buyer: Not too bad of a deal, sure, that will work",1,car "Seller: Hello! Buyer: Hello, is the apartment still available? Seller: Yes, it is. Would you like to see it? Buyer: Before I see it, I have a few questions. Are any utilities included in the rent. $10995 is a bit much and are pets allowed? Seller: No, utilities are not included, and small pets are allowed with a pet deposit. Keep in mind that you could have 18 or more people sharing the rent, depending on how you furnish the bedrooms, so that brings down the per-person price a lot! Buyer: Yeah, more people equals less per person, but I don't want too big a crowd. Some people just aren't clean. How about we start out at $5000 for 5 people and renegotiate later if I need to bring more people in? Seller: That's less than half price! My boss would kill me! I can't go lower than $8000. How many people you share with is up to you. Buyer: Okay, I'm just trying to save you the eviction process if we can't pay. I think I can find 3 more people and get you $8000 but we'll need water and gas covered. Seller: I could do that.",4,housing "Buyer: hi, I am lo9oking to move to west oakland and love the house. how much are you asking? Seller: Asking $2695 a month.",4,housing "Seller: Looks like you're in the market for a table today! Buyer: I sure am! No picture though, bummer. I could come by and look at it tonight or tomorrow though. If I pick up and load myself, could you do $8? Seller: You can come and look at it for sure. I'd like $15 for it. You won't be disappointed. Buyer: Hey, $12 and you have a deal. Seller: Are you paying cash? Buyer: Yes, I am. Seller: Then $12 will do it. Do you need help loading it? Buyer: I should be able to manage! Thanks though. :) Seller: You're welcome.",3,furniture "Buyer: Hey I'll give you 5000 for the place Seller: Well, the asking price is 10,995. I feel that 5000 is a little on the low side, but I'm willing to negotiate. Buyer: Fine, 9800 final offer. Seller: That seems fair. Agreed on price is 9800? Buyer: agree Seller: Nice chatting with you!",4,housing "Buyer: Hi! Seller: You interested in the phone? Buyer: Yes, how new is it? Seller: It's brand new I just got it at the apple store Buyer: Does it come with a case? Seller: No, unforutantely Buyer: Too bad, I'll pay 150 for it Seller: 200 if you pick it up yourself Buyer: Deal, but only if you give me free headphones Seller: Sounds fair",5,phone "Buyer: Hi do you still have the chairs? Seller: Hello there how are you today Buyer: Pretty good thanks! Seller: I do still have charis Buyer: I am interested but I wanna know how old are these? Seller: less than a year old and still in good shape Buyer: any stains or anything that makes it look used? Seller: No in pristine condition Buyer: cool! Are you willing to accept 25 for it? Since they're used and only chairs? Seller: 25 for both? Buyer: yes please I am really tight on the budget. Seller: Cant do 25 for both, could you go 45 for the pair? Buyer: that's too much. Can we come middle ground? Maybe 35? Seller: I can do 35 if you can come pick up the chairs by the end of the day! Buyer: Yes sure. I am off of work right now and will come get it immediately. Thank you! Seller: See you soon!",3,furniture "Buyer: hi i am very interested in this item! Seller: Great! It's a fantastic piece in really fabulous condition, practically mint! Buyer: there are no issues? Seller: No, none at all. I inherited it from my grandmother and we have both taken really good care of it. It's nearly 4 feet by a little over 2 feet, so a really nice size/ Buyer: wow that sounds great! and perfect for what I want to use it for. Would you be willing to take 100? I could pick it up today. Seller: I appreciate the offer, but do you think you could do $110? Buyer: 110 sounds perfect! I will come pick it up tonight! Seller: Great! Pleasure doing business with you!",3,furniture "Buyer: hi, i am very interested in this condo Seller: Hi, any questions? Seller: Great1 Buyer: are utilities included? Seller: Yes they are?! Buyer: awesome! If I were tosign an 18 month lease how much would the monthly rent go down? Seller: By at least 2150 Buyer: okay, since utilities are included i could do 2150. Can I come by to sign a lease tomorrow? Seller: Sure Buyer: great!",4,housing "Buyer: HI! How are you? I'm interested in your 3 bedroom you have available Seller: Hi. I'm great! It's still available. Any questions? I'm asking 2695. Buyer: Yes can you have pets? Seller: Yes, just no snakes or tigers. Buyer: Ok well I'm all good there. Just a small dog. Is that a garage I see in the picture? Is it extra for it? Seller: That's great. Yes, there is a garage. Comes with 2 garage door openers, no extra fee. We have great security in place too. Buyer: Sounds like a nice place! Would you be willing to take $1886 for it? Seller: If you can pay me 2 months up front, I can do $2200. Buyer: I can do that. When is it available?",4,housing "Buyer: Hello, Im interested in your iphone se. Any scratches? ICloud locked? Seller: The phone is unlocked. Ready to go. No scratches at all. I'm asking $285 for it. Buyer: Ok and you said it has the apple care, how much longer until it expires? Seller: It's paid for another year. You can definitely extend it once it expires. Buyer: Ok, Would you be willing to negotiate? Does it have any other accessories besides the apple care warranty? Seller: It comes with the charger and a phone case. No other accessories. How much were you thinking about? Buyer: Im thinking I want to be right at $200. Its for my son, and thats how much he has saved up to buy one. Seller: Unfortunately, I cannot discount it that much. Can you do $260? Buyer: How about $240? Seller: I can meet you in the middle and do $260. Final offer. Buyer: $250 is fine. Thank you. Seller: Sorry, meant $250. ",5,phone "Buyer: Hi, I am very interested in this set Seller: They will be great for your needs! Only $15 for the pair! Like new condition. Buyer: The size is what concerns me, I am willing to offer $10 Seller: There are two sizes to choose from. You really can't beat $7.50 a desk! The lowest I'd be willing to go is $13. Buyer: I could meet you at $12 Seller: I'm sorry, I really can't go lower than $13. How about I throw in a matching chair? Buyer: That sounds great!",3,furniture "Buyer: HI! I am interested in your house. Can you tell me more about it? Seller: Awesome! This is a fully remodeled single family home. There are 3 bedrooms and 1 bath. It offers hardwood floors, washer/dryer, and other renovations. Buyer: is it near restaurants and grocery store? Seller: Yes, it is ideally located and i am only asking $2695! Buyer: Wow.. too bad I have a low budget. Can you accept $1400? Seller: wow, you are looking in the wrong zip code with that kind of offer. I will entertain serious offers only. I can drop to $2499. Buyer: I am sorry. How about if I offer $1900 and I'll lease it for at least 2 years. I am going to attend school nearby and it will take at least 2 years. Seller: that is at least more reasonable. However, it is still too low. If you lease for 2 years, I will drop to $2250 and that is a final offer. Buyer: I am sorry. $2000 is the most I can do. Seller: i believe we are at an impass then. Buyer: No worries. I'll keep finding the right house Seller: Good luck",4,housing "Seller: Hi Buyer: Hi! I'm very interested in your desk! Seller: Glad to hear it is very nice and almost new condition Buyer: Are there issues I need to be aware of? Seller: None at all but I can only accept cash Buyer: I can definitely offer cash. How does $85 sound to you? Seller: would you be able to pay a little more, this is a very nice desk and you will not be dissapointed. Can you give me 95 for it? Buyer: I could do $95 if you can deliver the desk. Is that possible? Seller: Yes I can deliver Buyer: Great! You've got a deal!",3,furniture "Seller: HI! How are you? Are you interested in the Truck I have available? Buyer: I sure am, I seen you are asking $5900, The mileage is a bit on the high end. Would you be able to go a bit lower? That truck is 13 years old now. Seller: Yes I am. It's clean inside and out. It also comes with a ladder rack and spot light with remote control. Buyer: I could do $5300 in the morning If it works good for you, I would like to come check it out. Seller: I could do 5500 cash Buyer: Hmm, That seems fair. I can do $5500 cash, Youve got yourself a deal. ",1,car "Buyer: Hi there is this available ? Seller: the 2004 Chevy 2500 truck? yes it is. Buyer: yes! How long has it been used? Seller: It is a 2004, company truck, 175K miles clean title original paint, good condition Buyer: does it ride smooth? Seller: Yes it does, it also has leather seats, clean inside and out, and comes equipped with a remote control flood/spot and ladder rack. Buyer: Are you willing to lower the price? Seller: I can do 4900 Buyer: that's perfect! Thank you so mucH! Seller: my pleasure",1,car "Buyer: hello Seller: hello Buyer: I see that you are selling an Ikea desk does it have any scratches? Seller: Yes I am, No scratches it is like new im asking $15 Buyer: Ok are you able to deliver? I have $13 cash right now that I can give you Seller: Yes I can deliver umm.. I can do $13 for the desk and since you are not to far from me $1 for delivery for a total of $14 sound good?",3,furniture "Buyer: Hello, I was interested in purchasing your cherry wood mirror. Seller: Great. It is very beautiful mirror. Buyer: I see you are asking $160. Does it have any scratches or anything? I see it is used. Seller: It does not have any scratches on the wood There is a small imperfection on the mirror. It is very small about the size of a sharpee tip. It isn't noticable I just wanted to make sure you knew. Buyer: Could I perhaps pick it up in the morning for $140? Seller: That is fair if you will be picking up. I will only accept cash is that okay? Buyer: That would be perfect, Thank you. ",3,furniture "Seller: Hi are you interested in this? Buyer: Yes I'm interested in the 2 bedroom Seller: do you have any questions or concerns? Buyer: I see you are asking for $1825, do you have any move in specials or anything? Seller: Yes we do have specials which are elaborated when you sign the lease with us! Buyer: 1825 is a little high for me, would you accept 1000? Seller: that's very low for me. I am sorry, I can only accept 1500 last Buyer: what is the security deposit? Seller: $150 Buyer: I can do 1500 with the low deposit. Seller: okay then you got a deal!",4,housing "Seller: Hi there! Buyer: Hi! I'm interested in the Chevy you have listed. Can you tell me what you're asking for it? Seller: $5900 for it! Buyer: With 175K miles, I'm not sure it's worth quite that much. Are you willing to come down at all? Seller: I can go down to 5000 Buyer: I budgeted $4500 for a new truck. Any chance you're willing to come down a little more? Seller: 4800 is the last price I can give you this truck for! Buyer: I think that's fair. I'm willing to pay $4800 for the truck. ",1,car "Seller: hello Buyer: Hi Seller: are you interested in the garden furniture I have for sale? Buyer: I am, I see you're looking for $50 for it.. any chance you could go lower? I was thinking $35 Seller: They are in good functional conditioned, they are super comfortable and would look great on your patio. How about $40 Buyer: I am willing to spend $40 - thanks!",3,furniture "Seller: Hello. Buyer: Hello is the apartment still available? Seller: Yes it is. I am surprised that it is. It is an amazing 6 bedroom apt Buyer: How would you rate the safety of the neighborhood? Seller: On a scale of 1-10. I find it is a 10. They are no issues in this area. Buyer: When would I be able to move in? Seller: You will be able to move in Aug. 1st. Buyer: What floor is the apartment on? Seller: The first floor. Buyer: Is cable included in the rent? Seller: Yes, Cable and DSL are included. Buyer: OK I'm interested but it's a little out of my price range. Could you do 7000? Seller: I could do that. Do you have anymore questions about the apt? You can come in the morning to fill out paperwork. Buyer: I will be there in the morning. THank you! Seller: You are welcome. ",4,housing "Buyer: Hello im very interested in your springy chairs. Why are you selling them? Are they in good condition? Seller: Hi, I am going to be moving in a couple weeks, They are in decent shape. The weather over the years have gotten to them a bit. Nothing a tiny bit of TLC couldn't fix up though. Buyer: How about the cushions? Are they in good shape? Do they have any smell? Seller: They have been cleaned. They are in good shape. I am asking $50 for the pair. Ive washed everything all up. Its mostly just the sun that has gotten to them a bit. Buyer: Ok well how about 45 for them and I can pick them up? Seller: 45 seems fair. Could you bring cash? That would be great. ",3,furniture