arXiv:1001.0041v2 [math.MG] 2 Jul 2010Almost-Euclidean subspaces of ℓN 1via tensor products: a simple approach to randomness reduction Piotr Indyk1⋆and Stanislaw Szarek2⋆⋆ 2CWRU & Paris 6 Abstract. It has been known since 1970’s that the N-dimensional ℓ1- space contains nearly Euclidean subspaces whose dimension isΩ(N). However, proofs of existence of such subspaces were probabi listic, hence non-constructive, which made the results not-quite-suita ble for subse- quently discovered applications to high-dimensional near est neighbor search, error-correcting codes over the reals, compressiv e sensing and other computational problems. In this paper we present a “lo w-tech” scheme which, for any γ >0, allows us toexhibitnearly Euclidean Ω(N)- dimensional subspaces of ℓN 1while using only Nγrandom bits. Our re- sults extend and complement (particularly) recent work by G uruswami- Lee-Wigderson. Characteristic features of our approach in clude (1) sim- plicity (we use only tensor products) and (2) yielding almos t Euclidean subspaces with arbitrarily small distortions. 1 Introduction It is a well-known fact that for any vector x∈RN, itsℓ2andℓ1norms are related by the (optimal) inequality /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l1≤√ N/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2. However, classical results in geometric functional analysis show that for a “substant ial fraction” of vectors , the relation between its 1-norm and 2-norm can be made m uch tighter. Specifically, [FLM77,Kas77,GG84] show that there exists a subspace E⊂RNof dimensionm=αN, and a scaling constant Ssuch that for all x∈E 1/D·√ N/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤S/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l1≤√ N/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 (1) whereα∈(0,1) andD=D(α), called the distortion ofE, are absolute (notably dimension-free) constants.Overthe last few years,such “almos t-Euclidean”sub- spaces ofℓN 1have found numerous applications, to high-dimensional nearest neighbor search [Ind00], error-correcting codes over reals and c ompressive sens- ing [KT07,GLR08,GLW08], vector quantization [LV06], oblivious dimension ality ⋆This research has been supported in part by David and Lucille Packard Fellowship, MADALGO (Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, funded by th e Danish National Research Association) and NSF grant CCF-0728645. ⋆⋆Supported in part by grants from the National Science Founda tion (U.S.A.) and the U.S.-Israel BSF.reduction and ǫ-samples for high-dimensional half-spaces [KRS09], and to other problems. For the above applications, it is convenient and sometimes crucial th at the subspaceEis defined in an explicit manner3. However, the aforementioned re- sults do not providemuch guidance in this regard,since they use the probabilistic method. Specifically, either the vectors spanning E, or the vectors spanning the space dual to E, are i.i.d. random variables from some distribution. As a result, the constructionsrequire Ω(N2)independent randomvariablesasstartingpoint. Until recently, the largest explicitly constructible almost-Euclidean subspace of ℓN 1, due to Rudin [Rud60] (cf. [LLR94]), had only a dimension of Θ(√ N). During the last few years, there has been a renewed interest in the prob- lem[AM06,Sza06,Ind07,LS07,GLR08,GLW08],withresearchersusingide asgained from the study of expanders, extractorsand error-correctin gcodes to obtain sev- eral explicit constructions. The work progressed on two fronts, focusing on (a) fully explicit constructions of subspaces attempting to maximize the dimension and minimize the distortion [Ind07,GLR08], as well as (b) construction s using limited randomness, with dimension and distortion matching (at least q ualita- tively)theexistentialdimensionanddistortionbounds[Ind00,AM06,L S07,GLW08]. The parameters of the constructions are depicted in Figure 1. Qua litatively, they show that in the fully explicit case, one can achieve either arbitr arily low distortion or arbitrarily high subspace dimension, but not (yet?) bo th. In the low-randomness case, one can achieve arbitrarily high subspace dim ension and constant distortion while using randomness that is sub-linear in N; achieving arbitrarily low distortion was possible as well, albeit at a price of (super )-linear randomness. Reference Distortion Subspace dimension Randomness [Ind07] 1+ǫ N1−oǫ(1)explicit [GLR08] (logN)Oη(logloglog N)(1−η)N explicit [Ind00] 1+ǫ Ω(ǫ2/log(1/ǫ))NO(Nlog2N) [AM06,LS07] Oη(1) (1−η)N O(N) [GLW08] 2Oη(1/γ)(1−η)N O(Nγ) This paper 1+ǫ (γǫ)O(1/γ)N O(Nγ) Fig.1.The best known results for constructing almost-Euclidean s ubspaces of ℓN 1. The parameters ǫ,η,γ∈(0,1) are assumed to be constants, although we explicitly point out when the dependence on them is subsumed by the big-Oh nota tion. 3For the purpose of this paper “explicit” means “the basis of Ecan be generated by a deterministic algorithm with running time polynomial i nN.” However, the individual constructions can be even “more explicit” than t hat.Our result In this paper we show that, using sub-linear randomness, one can constructasubspacewitharbitrarilysmalldistortionwhilekeepingit sdimension proportional to N. More precisely, we have: Theorem 1 Letǫ,γ∈(0,1). GivenN∈N, assume that we have at our dis- posal a sequence of random bits of length max{Nγ,C(ǫ,γ)}log(N/(ǫγ)). Then, in deterministic polynomial (in N) time, we can generate numbers M >0, m≥c(ǫ,γ)Nand anm-dimensional subspace of ℓN 1E, for which we have ∀x∈E,(1−ǫ)M/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l1≤(1+ǫ)M/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 with probability greater than 98%. In a sense, this complements the result of [GLW08], optimizing the dist ortion of the subspace at the expense of its dimension. Our approach also allows to retrieve – using a simpler and low-tech approach – the results of [GLW 08] (see the comments at the end of the Introduction). Overview of techniques The ideas behind many of the prior constructions as well as this work can be viewed as variants of the related developmen ts in the context of error-correcting codes. Specifically, the construct ion of [Ind07] resem- bles the approach of amplifying minimum distance of a code using expan ders developed in [ABN+92], while the constructions of [GLR08,GLW08] were in- spired by low-density parity check codes. The reason for this stat e of affairs is that a vector whose ℓ1norms and ℓ2norms are very different must be “well- spread”, i.e., a small subset of its coordinates cannot contain most of itsℓ2 mass (cf. [Ind07,GLR08]). This is akin to a property required from a g ood error- correcting code, where the weight (a.k.a. the ℓ0norm) of each codeword cannot be concentrated on a small subset of its coordinates. In this vein, our construction utilizes a tool frequently used for (lin ear) error- correcting codes, namely the tensor product . Recall that, for two linear codes C1⊂ {0,1}n1andC2⊂ {0,1}n2, their tensor product is a code C⊂ {0,1}n1n2, such that for any codeword c∈C(viewed as an n1×n2matrix), each column of cbelongs toC1and each row of cbelongs toC2. It is known that the dimension ofCis a product of the dimensions of C1andC2, and that the same holds for the minimum distance. This enables constructing a code of “large ” block- lengthNkby starting from a code of “small” block-length Nand tensoring it k times. Here, we roughly show that the tensor product of two subs paces yields a subspace whose distortion is a product of the distortions of the su bspaces. Thus, we can randomly choose an initial small low-distortion subspace, and tensor it with itself to yield the desired dimension. However, tensoring alone does not seem sufficient to give a subspac e with distortionarbitrarilycloseto1.Thisisbecausewecanonlyanalyzeth edistortion of the product space for the case when the scaling factor Sin Equation 1 is equal to 1 (technically, we only prove the left inequality, and rely on t he general relation between the ℓ2andℓ1for the upper bound). For S= 1, however, the best achievable distortion is strictly greater than 1, and tensoring can make itonly larger. To avoid this problem, instead of the ℓN 1norm we use the ℓN/B 1(ℓB 2) norm, for a “small” value of B. The latter norm (say, denoted by /⌊ar⌈⌊l · /⌊ar⌈⌊l) treats the vector as a sequence of N/B“blocks” of length B, and returns the sum of theℓ2norms of the blocks. We show that there exist subspaces E⊂ℓN/B 1(ℓB 2) such that for any x∈Ewe have 1/D·/radicalbig N/B/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤/radicalbig N/B/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 forDthat is arbitrarily close to 1. Thus, we can construct almost-Euclide an subspaces of ℓ1(ℓ2) of desired dimensions using tensoring, and get rid of the “inner”ℓ2norm at the end of the process. We point out that if we do not insist on distortion arbitrarily close to 1, the “blocks” are not needed and the argument simplifies substantia lly. In par- ticular, to retrieve the results of [GLW08], it is enough to combine the scalar- valued version of Proposition 1 below with “off-the-shelf” random co nstructions [Kas77,GG84] yielding – in the notation of Equation 1 – a subspace E, for which the parameter αis close to 1. 2 Tensoring subspaces of L1 We start by defining some basic notions and notation used in this sect ion. Norms and distortion In this section we adopt the “continuous” notation for vectorsand norms. Specifically, considera real Hilbert space Hand a probability measureµover [0,1]. Forp∈[1,∞] consider the space Lp(H) ofH-valuedp- integrable functions fendowed with the norm /⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊lp=/⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊lLp(H)=/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay /⌊ar⌈⌊lf(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊lp Hdµ(x)/parenrightbigg1/p In what follows we will omit µfrom the formulae since the measure will be clear from the context (and largely irrelevant). As our main result c oncerns finite dimensional spaces, it suffices to focus on the case where µis simply the normalizedcountingmeasureoverthe discreteset {0,1/n,...(n−1)/n}for some fixedn∈N(although the statements hold in full generality). In this setting, t he functionsffromLp(H) areequivalent to n-dimensional vectorswith coordinates inH.4The advantage of using the Lpnorms as opposed to the ℓpnorms that the relation between the 1-norm and the 2-norm does not involve sc aling factors that depend on dimension, i.e., we have /⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≥ /⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊l1for allf∈L2(H) (note that, for the Lpnorms, the “trivial” inequality goes in the other direction than for theℓpnorms). This simplifies the notation considerably. 4The values from Hroughly correspond to the finite-dimensional “blocks” in th e construction sketched in the introduction. Note that Hcan be discretized similarly as theLp-spaces; alternatively, functions that are constant on int ervals of the type/parenleftBig (k−1)/N,k/N/parenrightBig can be considered in lieu of discrete measures.We will be interested in lialmost subspaces E⊂L2(H) on which the 1-norm and 2-norm uniformly agree, i.e., for some c∈(0,1], /⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≥ /⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊l1≥c/⌊ar⌈⌊lf/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 (2) for allf∈E. The best (the largest) constant cthat works in (2) will be denoted Λ1(E). For completeness, we also define Λ1(E) = 0 if noc>0 works. Tensor products IfH,Kare Hilbert spaces, H⊗2Kis their (Hilbertian) tensor product, which may be (for example) described by the following prop erty: if (ej) is an orthonormal sequence in Hand (fk) is an orthonormal sequence in K, then (ej⊗fk) is an orthonormal sequence in H ⊗2K(a basis if ( ej) and (fk) were bases). Next, any element of L2(H)⊗ Kis canonically identified with a function in the space L2(H ⊗2K); note that such functions are H ⊗K-valued, but are defined on the same probability space as their counterpart s fromL2(H). IfE⊂L2(H) is a linear subspace, E⊗Kis – under this identification – a linear subspace of L2(H⊗2K). As hinted in the Introduction, our argument depends (roughly) on the fact that the property expressed by (1) or (2) “passes” to tensor p roducts of sub- spaces, and that it “survives” replacing scalar-valued functions b y ones that have values in a Hilbert space. Statements to similar effect of various degrees of generality and precision are widely available in the mathematical liter ature, see for example [MZ39,Bec75,And80,FJ80]. However, we are not awar e of a ref- erence that subsumes all the facts needed here and so we presen t an elementary self-contained proof. We start with two preliminary lemmas. Lemma 1 Ifg1,g2,...∈E⊂L2(H), then /integraldisplay/parenleftbig/summationdisplay k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 H/parenrightbig1/2dx≥Λ1(E)/parenleftBig/integraldisplay/summationdisplay k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 Hdx/parenrightBig1/2 . ProofLetKbe an auxiliary Hilbert space and ( ek) an orthonormal sequence (O.N.S.) in K. We will apply Minkowski inequality – a continuous version of the triangle inequality, which says that for vector valued functions /⌊ar⌈⌊l/integraltext h/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤/integraltext/⌊ar⌈⌊lh/⌊ar⌈⌊l– to the K-valued function h(x) =/summationtext k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊lHek. As is easily seen, /⌊ar⌈⌊l/integraltext h/⌊ar⌈⌊lK=/⌊ar⌈⌊l/summationtext k/parenleftbig/integraltext /⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊lHdx/parenrightbig ek/⌊ar⌈⌊lK=/parenleftbig/summationtext k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 L1(H)/parenrightbig1/2. Given that gk∈ E,/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk/⌊ar⌈⌊lL1(H)≥Λ1(E)/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk/⌊ar⌈⌊lL2(H)and so /vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/integraldisplay h/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble K≥Λ1(E)/parenleftBig/integraldisplay/summationdisplay k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 Hdx/parenrightBig1/2 On the other hand, the left hand side of the inequality in Lemma 1 is exa ctly/integraltext /⌊ar⌈⌊lh/⌊ar⌈⌊lK, so the Minkowski inequality yields the required estimate. We are now ready to state the next lemma. Recall that Eis a linear subspace ofL2(H), andKis a Hilbert space.Lemma 2 Λ1(E⊗K) =Λ1(E) IfE⊂L2=L2(R), the lemma says that any estimate of type (2) for scalar functionsf∈Ecarries overto their linear combinations with vector coefficients, namely to functions of the type/summationtext jvjfj,fj∈E,vj∈ K. In the general case, any estimate for H-valued functions f∈E⊂L2(H) carries over to functions of the form/summationtext jfj⊗vj∈L2(H⊗2K), withfj∈E,vj∈ K. Proof of Lemma 2 Let (ek) be an orthonormalbasis of K. In fact w.l.o.g. we may assume that K=ℓ2and that (ek) is the canonical orthonormal basis. Consider g=/summationtext jfj⊗vj, wherefj∈Eandvj∈ K. Then also g=/summationtext kgk⊗ekfor some gk∈Eand hence (pointwise) /⌊ar⌈⌊lg(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊lH⊗2K=/parenleftbig/summationtext k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 H/parenrightbig1/2. Accordingly, /⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL2(H⊗2K)=/parenleftbig/integraltext/summationtext k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 Hdx/parenrightbig1/2,while/⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL1(H⊗2K)=/integraltext/parenleftbig/summationtext k/⌊ar⌈⌊lgk(x)/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 H/parenrightbig1/2dx. Comparing such quantities is exactly the object of Lemma 1, which imp lies that /⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL1(H⊗2K)≥Λ1(E)/⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL2(H⊗2K).Sinceg∈E⊗Kwasarbitrary,it follows that Λ1(E⊗K)≥Λ1(E). The reverse inequality is automatic (except in the trivial case dim K= 0, which we will ignore). IfE⊂L2(H) andF⊂L2(K) are subspaces, E⊗Fis the subspace of L2(H ⊗2K) spanned by f⊗gwithf∈E,g∈F. (For clarity, f⊗gis a function on the product of the underlying probability spaces and is defined by (x,y)→f(x)⊗g(y)∈ H⊗K .) The next proposition shows the key property of tensoring almost- Euclidean spaces. Proposition 1. Λ1(E⊗F)≥Λ1(E)Λ1(F) ProofLet (ϕj) and (ψk) be orthonormal bases of respectively EandFand let g=/summationtext j,ktjkϕj⊗ψk.Weneedtoshowthat /⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL1(H⊗2K)≥Λ1(E)Λ1(F)/⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL2(H⊗2K), where thep-norms refer to the product probability space, for example /⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL1(H⊗2K)=/integraldisplay /integraldisplay/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay j,ktjkϕj(x)⊗ψk(y)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble H⊗2Kdxdy. Rewriting the expression under the sum and subsequently applying L emma 2 to the inner integral for fixed ygives /integraldisplay/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay j,ktjkϕj(x)⊗ψk(y)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble H⊗2Kdx=/integraldisplay/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay jϕj(x)⊗/parenleftBig/summationdisplay ktjkψk(y)/parenrightBig/vextenddouble/vextenddouble H⊗2Kdx ≥Λ1(E)/parenleftBig/integraldisplay/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay jϕj(x)⊗/parenleftBig/summationdisplay ktjkψk(y)/parenrightBig/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 H⊗2Kdx/parenrightBig1/2 =Λ1(E)/parenleftBig/summationdisplay j/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay ktjkψk(y)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 K/parenrightBig1/2In turn,/summationtext ktjkψk∈F(for allj) and so, by Lemma 1, /integraldisplay/parenleftBig/summationdisplay j/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay ktjkψk(y)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 K/parenrightBig1/2 dy≥Λ1(F)/parenleftBig/integraldisplay/summationdisplay j/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/summationdisplay ktjkψk(y)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 Kdy/parenrightBig1/2 =Λ1(F)/⌊ar⌈⌊lg/⌊ar⌈⌊lL2(H⊗2K). Combining the above formulae yields the conclusion of the Proposition . 3 The construction In this section we describe our low-randomness construction. We s tart from a recap of the probabilistic construction, since we use it as a building blo ck. 3.1 Dvoretzky’s theorem, and its “tangible” version For general normed spaces, the following is one possible statement of the well- known Dvoretzky’s theorem [Dvo61]: Givenm∈Nandε>0there isN=N(m,ε)such that, for any norm on RN there is an m-dimensional subspace on which the ratio of ℓ1andℓ2norms is (approximately) constant, up to a multiplicative factor 1+ε. For specific norms this statement can be made more precise, both in describing the dependence N=N(m,ε) and in identifying the constant of (approximate) proportionality of norms. The following version is (essentially) due to Milman [Mil71]. Dvoretzky’s theorem (Tangible version) Consider the N-dimensional Eu- clidean space (real orcomplex) endowed with the Euclidean norm /⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊l2and some other norm /⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊lsuch that, for some b>0,/⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤b/⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊l2. LetM=E/⌊ar⌈⌊lX/⌊ar⌈⌊l, whereX is a random variable uniformly distributed on the unit Euclidean sphere . Then there exists a computable universal constant c >0, so that if 0< ε <1and m≤cε2(M/b)2N, then for more than 99% (with respect to the Haar measure) m-dimensional subspaces Ewe have ∀x∈E,(1−ε)M/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤(1+ε)M/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2. (3) Alternative good expositions of the theorem are in, e.g., [FLM77], [MS8 6] and [Pis89]. We point out that standard and most elementary proofs yield m≤ cε2/log(1/ε)(M/b)2N; the dependence on εof orderε2was obtained in the important papers [Gor85,Sch89], see also [ASW10]. 3.2 The case of ℓn 1(ℓB 2) OurobjectivenowistoapplyDvoretzky’stheoremandsubsequent lyProposition 1 to spaces of the form ℓn 1(ℓB 2) for some n,B∈N, so from now on we set/⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊l:=/⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊lℓn 1(ℓB 2)To that end, we need to determine the values of the parameter Mthat appears in the theorem. (The optimal value of bis clearly√n, as in the scalar case, i.e., when B= 1.) We have the following standard (cf. [Bal97], Lecture 9) Lemma 3 M(n,B) :=Ex∈SnB−1/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l=Γ(B+1 2) Γ(B 2)Γ(nB 2) Γ(nB+1 2)n. In particular,/radicalBig 1+1 n−1/radicalBig 2 π√n>M(n,1)>/radicalBig 2 π√nfor alln∈N(the scalar case) andM(n,B)>/radicalBig 1−1 B√nfor alln,B∈N. The equality is shown by relating (via passing to polar coordinates) sp heri- cal averages of norms to Gaussian means: if Xis a random variable uniformly distributed on the Euclidean sphere SN−1andYhas the standard Gaussian distribution on RN, then, for any norm /⌊ar⌈⌊l·/⌊ar⌈⌊l, E/⌊ar⌈⌊lY/⌊ar⌈⌊l=√ 2Γ(N+1 2) Γ(N 2)E/⌊ar⌈⌊lX/⌊ar⌈⌊l The inequalities follow from the estimates/radicalBig x−1 2<Γ(x+1 2) Γ(x)<√x(forx≥1 2), which in turn are consequences of log-convexity of Γand its functional equation Γ(y+1) =yΓ(y). (Alternatively, Stirling’s formula may be used to arrive at a similar conclusion.) Combining Dvoretzky’s theorem with Lemma 3 yields Corollary 1 If0< ε <1andm≤c1ε2n, then for more than 99%of the m-dimensional subspaces E⊂ℓn 1we have ∀x∈E(1−ε)/radicalbigg 2 π√n/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l1≤(1+ε)/radicalbigg 1+1 n−1/radicalbigg 2 π√n/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2(4) Similarly, if B >1andm≤c2ε2nB, then for more than 99%of them- dimensional subspaces E⊂ℓn 1(ℓB 2)we have ∀x∈E(1−ε)/radicalbigg 1−1 B√n/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤√n/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2 (5) We point out that the upper estimate on /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊lin the second inequality is valid for allx∈ℓn 1(ℓB 2) and, like the estimate M(n,B)≤√n, follows just from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Since a random subspace chosen uniformly according to the Haar me asure on the manifold of m-dimensional subspaces of RN(orCN) can be constructed from anN×mrandom Gaussian matrix, we may apply standard discretization techniques to obtain the followingCorollary 2 There is a deterministic algorithm that, given ε,B,m,n as in Corollary 1 and a sequence of O(mnlog(mn/ǫ))random bits, generates sub- spacesEas in Corollary 1 with probability greater than 98%, in time polynomial in1/ε+B+m+n. We point out that in the literature on the “randomness-reduction” , one typ- ically uses Bernoulli matrices in lieu of Gaussian ones. This enables avoid ing the discretization issue, since the problem is phrased directly in terms of random bits. Still, since proofs of Dvoretzky type theorems for Bernoulli m atrices are often much harder than for their Gaussian counterparts, we pre fer to appeal in- stead to a simple discretization ofGaussian random variables.We not e, however, that the early approach of [Kas77] was based on Bernoulli matrices . We are now ready to conclude the proof of Theorem 1. Given ε∈(0,1) andn∈N, chooseB=⌈ε−1⌉andm=⌊cε2(1−1 B)nB⌋ ≥c0ε2nB. Corollary 2 (Equation 5) and repeated application of Proposition 1 give us a sub space F⊂ℓν 1(ℓβ 2) (whereν=nkandβ=Bk) of dimension mk≥(c0ε2)kνβsuch that ∀x∈F(1−ε)3k/2nk/2/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2≤ /⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l ≤nk/2/⌊ar⌈⌊lx/⌊ar⌈⌊l2. Moreover,F=E⊗E⊗...⊗E, whereE⊂ℓn 1(ℓB 2) is a typical m-dimensional subspace.Thusin ordertoproduce E, henceF,weonlyneed togeneratea“typi- cal”m≈c0ε2(νβ))1/ksubspace of the nB= (νβ))1/k-dimensional space ℓn 1(ℓB 2). Note that for fixed εandk >1,nBandmare asymptotically (substantially) smaller than dim F. 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