Preprint typeset in JHEP style - HYPER VERSION UCB-PTH-10/01 arXiv:1001.0014 Jet Shapes and Jet Algorithms in SCET Stephen D. Ellis, Christopher K. Vermilion, and Jonathan R. Walsh University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-1560, USA E-mail: , , Andrew Hornig and Christopher Lee Theoretical Physics Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Center for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA E-mail: , Abstract: Jet shapes are weighted sums over the four-momenta of the constituents of a jet and reveal details of its internal structure, potentially allowing discrimination of its par- tonic origin. In this work we make predictions for quark and gluon jet shape distributions inN-jet nal states in e+ecollisions, de ned with a cone or recombination algorithm, where we measure some jet shape observable on a subset of these jets. Using the framework of Soft-Collinear E ective Theory, we prove a factorization theorem for jet shape distri- butions and demonstrate the consistent renormalization-group running of the functions in the factorization theorem for any number of measured and unmeasured jets, any number of quark and gluon jets, and any angular size Rof the jets, as long as Ris much smaller than the angular separation between jets. We calculate the jet and soft functions for angu- larity jet shapes ato one-loop order ( O( s)) and resum a subset of the large logarithms of aneeded for next-to-leading logarithmic (NLL) accuracy for both cone and k T-type jets. We compare our predictions for the resummed adistribution of a quark or a gluon jet produced in a 3-jet nal state in e+eannihilation to the output of a Monte Carlo event generator and nd that the dependence on aandRis very similar. Keywords: Jets, Factorization, Resummation, E ective Field Theory .arXiv:1001.0014v3 [hep-ph] 15 Nov 2010Contents 1. Introduction 2 1.1 Motivation and Objectives 2 1.2 Soft-Collinear E ective Theory and Factorization 4 1.3 Power Corrections to Factorized Jet Shape Distributions 6 1.4 Resummation and Logarithmic Accuracy 7 1.5 Detailed Outline of This Work 11 2. Jet Shapes and Jet Algorithms 14 2.1 Jet Shapes 14 2.2 Jet Algorithms 14 2.3 Do Jet Algorithms Respect Factorization? 16 3. Factorization of Jet Shape Distributions in e+etoNJets 17 3.1 Overview of SCET 17 3.2 Jet Shape Distribution in e+e!3 Jets 20 3.3 Jet Shapes in e+e!Njets 26 3.4 Do Jet Algorithms Induce Large Power Corrections to Factorization? 27 4. Jet Functions at O( s)for Jet Shapes 30 4.1 Phase Space Cuts 30 4.2 Quark Jet Function 32 4.2.1 Measured Quark Jet 33 4.2.2 Gluon Outside Measured Quark Jet 34 4.2.3 Unmeasured Quark Jet 35 4.3 Gluon Jet Function 35 4.3.1 Measured Gluon Jet 36 4.3.2 Unmeasured Gluon Jet 37 5. Soft Functions at O( s)for Jet Shapes 37 5.1 Phase Space Cuts 37 5.2 Calculation of contributions to the N-Jet Soft Function 38 5.2.1 Inclusive Contribution: Sincl ij 40 5.2.2 Soft gluon inside jet kwithEg>:Sk ij 40 5.2.3 Soft gluon inside measured jet k:Smeas ij(k a) 41 5.3 TotalN-Jet Soft Function in the large- tLimit 42 { 1 {6. Resummation and Consistency Relations at NLL 43 6.1 General Form of Renormalization Group Equations and Solutions 43 6.2 RG Evolution of Hard, Jet, and Soft Functions 46 6.2.1 Hard Function 46 6.2.2 Jet Functions 47 6.2.3 Soft Function 48 6.3 Consistency Relation among Anomalous Dimensions 49 6.4 Refactorization of the Soft Function 50 6.5 Total Resummed Distribution 52 7. Plots of Distributions and Comparisons to Monte Carlo 54 8. Conclusions 61 A. Jet Function Calculations 62 A.1 Finite Pieces of the Quark Jet Function 62 A.2 Finite Pieces of the Gluon Jet Function 65 B. Soft function calculations 67 B.1Sincl ij 67 B.2Si ijandSmeas ij(i a) 69 B.2.1 Common Integrals 69 B.2.2Smeas ij(i a) 70 B.2.3Si ij 70 B.3Smeas ij(k a) andSk ijfork6=i;j 70 B.3.1 Common Integrals 71 B.3.2Sk ij 72 B.3.3Smeas ij(k a) 73 B.3.4Sk ij+Smeas ij(k a) 73 C. Convolutions and Finite Terms in the Resummed Distribution 74 D. Color Algebra for n= 2;3Jets 77 1. Introduction 1.1 Motivation and Objectives Jets provide troves of information about physics within and beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. On the one hand, jets display the behavior of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) over a wide range of energy scales, from the energy of the hard scattering, through intermediate scales of branching and showering, to the lowest scale of hadronization. On { 2 {the other hand, jets contain signatures of exotic physics when produced by the decays of heavy, strongly-interacting particles such as top quarks or particles beyond the Standard Model. Recently, several groups have explored strategies to probe jet substructure to distin- guish jets produced by light partons in QCD from those produced by heavier particles [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], and methods to \clean" jets of soft radiation to more easily iden- tify their origin, such as \ ltering" or \pruning" for jets from heavy particles [ 5,9,10] or \trimming" for jets from light partons [ 11]. Another type of strategy, explored in [ 12], to probe jet substructure is the use of jet shapes , which are modi cations of event shapes [ 13] such as thrust. Jet shapes are continuous variables constructed by taking a weighted sum over the four-momenta of all particles constituting a jet. Di erent choices of weighting functions produce di erent jet shapes, and can be designed to probe regions closer to or further from the jet axis with greater sensitivity.1While such jet shapes may integrate over some of the detailed substructure for which some other methods search, they are better suited to analytical calculation and understanding from the underlying theory of QCD. In this paper, we consider measuring the shape of one or more jets in an e+ecollision at center-of-mass energy QproducingNjets with an angular size Raccording to a cone or recombination jet algorithm, with an energy cut  on the radiation allowed outside of jets. We use this exclusive characterization of an N-jet nal state looking forward to extension of our results to a hadron collider environment, where such a nal state de nition is more typical. For the jet shape observable we choose the angularity aof a jet, de ned by (cf. [12,17]), a1 2EJX i2J pi T ei(1a); (1.1) whereais a parameter taking values 12R, we have 1 =t2<1=4. Notice that for back-to-back jets ( =),t!1 . Thus, for all cases previously con- sidered in the literature, the jets are in nitely separated according to this measure, and no additional criterion regarding jet separation is required for consistency of the factorization and running. A key insight of our work is that for an N-jet cross-section described by Eq. ( 1.2), the factorization theorem receives corrections not only in the usual SCET power counting parameter , but also corrections due to jet separation beginning at O(1=t2). 1.3 Power Corrections to Factorized Jet Shape Distributions As always, there are power corrections to the factorization theorem which we must ensure are small. One class of power corrections arises from approximating the jet axis of the measured jet with the collinear direction ni, which labels that jet in the SCET Lagrangian. This direction niis the direction of the parent parton initiating the jet. The jet observable must be such that the di erence between the parent parton direction and the jet axis { 6 {identi ed by the algorithm makes a subleading correction to the calculated value of the jet observable. In the context of angularity event shapes, such corrections were estimated in [17,29] and found to be negligible for a<1, and we nd the same condition for jet shapes. In the presence of algorithms, however, there are additional power corrections due to the di erence in the soft particles that are included or excluded in a jet by the actual algorithm and in its approximated form in the factorization theorem. We study the e ect of this di erence on the measurement of jet shapes, and nd that for suciently large Rthe power corrections due to the action of the algorithm on soft particles remain small enough not to spoil the factorization for infrared-safe cone and k T-type recombination algorithms. Algorithm-related power corrections to jet momenta were studied more quantitatively in [36], and their estimated Rdependence is consistent with our observations. We do not address in this work the issue of power corrections to jet shapes due to hadronization. Event shape distributions are known to receive power corrections of the order 1=(aQ), enhanced in the endpoint region but suppressed by large energy. The endpoints of our jet shape distribution near a!0, therefore, will have to be corrected by a nonperturbative shape function. Such functions have been constructed for event shapes in [37,38]. The shift in the rst moment of event shape distributions induced by these shape functions was postulated to take a universal form in [ 39,40] based on the behavior of single soft gluon emission, and the universality was proven to all orders in soft gluon emission at leading order in the SCET power counting in [ 41,42]. This universality relied on the boost invariance of the soft function describing soft gluon radiation from two back- to-back collinear jets. The extent to which such universality may survive for jet shapes with multiple jets in arbitrary directions is an open question that must be addressed in order to construct appropriate soft shape function models to deal adequately with the power corrections to jet shapes from hadronization. Nonperturbative power corrections to jet observables from hadronization and the underlying event in hadron collisions were also studied in [ 36], and hadronization corrections were found to scale like 1 =R. In this work, we focus only on the perturbative calculation and resummation of large logarithms of jet shapes, and leave inclusion of nonperturbative power corrections for future work. 1.4 Resummation and Logarithmic Accuracy Knowing the anomalous dimensions of the hard, jet, and soft functions in the factorization theorem allows us to resum logarithms of ratios of the hard, jet, and soft scales. We take this opportunity to explain the order of accuracy to which we are able to resum these logarithms. For an event shape distribution d=d (i.e. Eq. ( 1.2) with two jets and integrated against (12)), the accuracy of logarithmic resummation [ 43] is typically characterized by counting logs in the exponent ln R() of the \radiator," R() =1 0Z 0d0d d0; (1.5) where they appear in the form n slnmwithmn+ 1. At leading-logarithmic (LL) accuracy all the terms with m=n+ 1 are summed; next-to-leading-logarithmic (NLL) accuracy sums also the m=nterms, and so on. In more traditional methods in QCD, event { 7 {shapes that have been resummed include NLL resummation of thrust in [ 43,44], jet masses in [43,45,46,47], jet broadening in [ 48,49], theC-parameter in [ 50], and angularities in [17]. Resummation of an event shape distribution using the modern SCET method was rst illustrated with the thrust distribution to LL accuracy in [ 51]. Heavy quark jet mass distributions were resummed in SCET to NLL accuracy as part of a proposed method to extract the top quark mass in [ 52]. The N3LL resummed thrust distribution in SCET was compared to LEP data to extract a value for the strong coupling sto high precision in [53]. Angularities were resummed to NLL accuracy in SCET in [ 54] directly in a-space instead of in moment space as in [ 17]. Summation of logarithms in e ective eld theory is achieved by RG evolution. In the factorized radiator of the thrust distribution Eq. ( 1.5), one nds that the hard function contains logarithms of =Q, the jet functions contain logarithms of =(Qp), and the soft function contains logarithms of =(Q). Thus, evaluating these functions respectively at the hard scale H=Q, jet scaleJ=Qpand soft scale S=Qeliminates large logarithms in each function. They can then be RG-evolved to the common factorization scaleafter calculating their anomalous dimensions. The solutions of the RG evolution equations are of the form that logarithms of are resummed to all orders in sto a logarithmic accuracy determined by the order in sto which the anomalous dimensions and hard/jet/soft functions are known. This underlying hierarchy of scales is illustrated Fig. 1[in this case, with only one (measured) jet scale and soft scale and !=Q] along with a table that lists the order in sto which various quantities must be known in order to achieve a given NkLL accuracy in the exponent of the radiator Eq. ( 1.5). The power of the EFT framework is to organize of the logs of arising in Eq. ( 1.5) into those that arise from ratios of the jet to the hard scale and those that arise from ratios of the soft to the hard scale, which then allows RG evolution to resum them. For the multijet shape distribution in Eq. ( 1.2), the strategy to sum logs is the same, but is complicated by the presence of additional scales. This also makes trickier the clas- si cation of logarithmic accuracy into the standard NkLL scheme. Our aim will be to sum as many logs of the jet shapes aas possible, while not worrying about any others. For instance, phase space cuts induce logs of Rand =!(where!is a typical hard jet energy), and the presence of multiple jets induces logs of jet separations ninjor ratios of jet energies !i=!j. We will not aim to sum these types logs systematically in this paper, only those of a(though we sum subsets of the others incidentally). In particular, resum- ming the phase space logs of Ror =!is complicated by how the phase space cuts act order-by-order in perturbation theory2, and the fact that a simple angular cut Ris less restrictive than a small jet mass or angularity on how collimated a jet must be. That is, an angular cut allows particles in a jet to be anywhere within an angle Rof the jet axis regardless of their energy, while a small jet mass or angularity forces harder particles to be closer to the jet axis. The former allows hard particles to lie along the edges of a jet, and 2The JADE algorithm is one well-known example in which resummability even of leading logarithms of the jet mass cut yis spoiled by the di erences in the jet phase space at di erent orders in perturbation theory [ 55]. Another example that will not work is using a k T-type algorithm with Rrandomly chosen for each recombination. This is clearly such that resummation of logarithms of Rcannot be achieved. { 8 {hard scale “unmeasured” jet scale soft scalesµµH=ω µmeas J=ωτ1 2−aaµunmeas J =ωtanR 2 “measured” jet scale µSγmeas Jγunmeas J γS EFT countingmatching/ matrix element LL tree 1-loop tree 1-loop NLL tree 2-loop 1-loop 2-loop NNLL 1-loop 3-loop 2-loop 3-loopΓcusp γH,J,S β[αs] µmeas S =ωτa/tan1−a(R/2)µΛR= 2Λtan(R/2)µΛ=2ΛFigure 1: An illustration of generic scales along with a table of log-accuracy versus perturbative order. A cross section with jets of energy !, radiusR, and energy  outside the jets, with some jets' shapes abeing measured and others' shapes left unmeasured, induces measured and unmeasured jet scales at meas J andunmeas J . Dynamics at these scales are described by separate collinear modes in SCET. Soft dynamics occur at several soft scales, andRinduced by the soft out-of-jet energy cut  and jet radius R, andmeas S induced by the measured jet shape a. RG evolution in SCET resums logs of ratios of jet scales to the hard scale Hindividually, and logs of the ratio of a \common" soft scale Sto the hard scale. Remaining logs of ratios of soft scales to one another are not resummed in current formulations of SCET. The accuracy of logarithmic resummation of these ratios of scales is determined by the order to which anomalous dimensions and matching coecients or matrix elements (i.e. hard/jet/soft functions) are calculated in perturbation theory. In this paper we perform the RG evolution indicated by the arrows to NLL accuracy. soft radiation from such con gurations that escapes the jets can lead to logs of  =!that are not captured in our treatment. These are not issues we solve in this paper, in which we focus on resumming logs of jet shapes a. (Some exploration of phase space logarithms in SCET was carried out in [ 31,32].) A way to understand how we sum logs and which ones we capture is presented in Fig. 1. The factorization theorem Eq. ( 1.2) organizes logs in the multijet cross section into those in the hard function, those in measured jet functions, those in unmeasured jet functions, and those in the soft function, much like for the simple thrust distribution. The di erence is the presence now of multiple jet and soft scales. Logarithms in jet functions can still be minimized by choices of individual jet scales, meas J!1=(2a) a for a jet whose shape a is measured, and unmeas J!tan(R=2) for a jet whose shape is not measured but has a radiusR. Thus logs arising from ratios of these scales to the hard scale can be summed { 9 {completely to a desired NkLL order. The complication is in the soft function. The soft function is sensitive to soft radiation into measured and unmeasured jets and outside of all jets. As we will see by explicit calculation, this induces logs of tan1a(R=2)=(!a) from radiation into measured jets, and logs of =(2) and=(2 tanR 2) from radiation from unmeasured jets cut o by the energy . In addition, though not illustrated in Fig. 1, there can be logs of multiple jet shapes to one another, i a=j a. No single choice of a soft scaleSwill minimize all of these logs. In the present work, we will start with the simple strategy of choosing a single soft scaleS!a=tan1a(R=2) for a jet whose shape awe are measuring and logs of which we aim to resum. We will calculate hard/jet/soft functions and anomalous dimensions corresponding to \NLL" accuracy listed in Fig. 1. By this we do not mean all potentially large logs in Eq. ( 1.2) are resummed to NLL, but only those logs of ratios of a jet scale to the hard scale or of the (common) soft scale to the hard scale. We do not attempt to sum logs of ratios of soft scales to one another completely to NLL accuracy (which can contain a). In the case that all jets' shapes are measured and are similar to one another, i aj a, our resummation of large logs of i awould be complete to NLL accuracy. We will nevertheless venture to propose a framework to \refactorize" the soft function into further pieces dependent on only a single soft scale at a time and perform additional RG running between these scales to resum the additional logarithms, and will implement it at the level of the O( s) soft functions we calculate. However, one cannot really address mixed logarithms such as log( i a=j a) that arise for multiple jets until O( 2 s), the rst order at which two soft gluons can probe two di erent physical regions. This lies beyond the scope of the present work. (We note, however, that our implementation of refactorization using the one-loop soft function does already seem to tame logarithmic dependence on  in our numerical studies of jet shape distributions.) These issues are related to some types of \non-global" logarithms described by [ 46,56, 57,58] that spoil the simple characterization of NLL accuracy. In [ 59] these were identi ed as next-to-leading logs of  R2=(!ia) and =Q(whenR1) that appear at O( 2 s) in jet shape distributions. These authors organized the radiator for a single jet shape distribution into a \global" and \non-global" part [ 58,59], R(i a;R;;!i;Q) =Rgl i a;R; Q RngR2 !iia; Q : (1.6) In this language, the calculations we undertake in this paper resum logs in the global part to NLL accuracy but not in the non-global part. The rst argument in Rngis related to ratios of soft scales illustrated in Fig. 1, and the second argument arises when there are unmeasured jets. In the case that all jets are measured, R1, and !ii a, the non-global logs vanish. While summing all global and non-global logs to at least NLL accuracy will be impor- tant for precision jet phenomenology, what we contribute in this paper are key developments and calculations necessary to resum even global logs of jet shapes for jets de ned with al- gorithms. We also believe the e ective theory approach and the idea of refactorizing the soft function will help us understand and resum many types of non-global logarithms. { 10 {1.5 Detailed Outline of This Work In this paper, we will formulate and prove a factorization theorem for distributions in the jet shape variables we introduced above, calculate the jet and soft functions appearing in the factorization theorem to O( s) in SCET, and use the renormalization group evolution of these functions to sum global logs of ato NLL accuracy. We consider Njets (de ned with a cone or k Talgorithm) produced in an e+ecollision, with Mof the jets' shapes (angularities) being measured. The key formal result is our demonstration of Eq. ( 1.3), the consistency of the anomalous dimensions of hard, jet and soft functions to O( s) for any number of total jets, any numbers of quark and gluon jets, any number of these jets whose shapes are measured, and any value of the distance measure Rin cone or k T- type algorithms (as long as t1). These results lead to accurate predictions for the shape of the adistribution near the peak, but not necessarily the endpoints for very smalla(where hadronization corrections dominate) and very large a(where xed-order NLO QCD corrections take over, which are not yet calculated and not captured by NLL resummation).3 In Sec. 2we describe in detail the jet shapes and jet algorithms that we use. We describe features of an \ideal" jet algorithm that would respect exactly the order of operations envisioned in the factorization theorem derived in SCET, and the extent to which cone and recombination algorithms actually in use resemble this idealization. In Sec. 3, using the tools of SCET, we will derive in detail a factorization theorem for exclusive 3-jet production where we measure the angularity jet shape of one of the jets, and then perform the straightforward extension to N-jet production with MN measured jets. We will give a review of the necessary technical details of SCET in Sec. 3.1. In the process of justifying the factorization theorem, we identify the new requirements listed above on N-jet nal states and jet algorithms that must be satis ed for factorization to hold. In Sec. 3.4we explore in some detail the power corrections to the factorization theorem due to soft radiation and the action of jet algorithms that cause tension with these requirements, and argue that for suciently large Rin infrared-safe cone and recombination algorithms, these corrections are suciently small. Next we calculate to O( s) the jet and soft functions corresponding to Ncone or kT-type jets, with Mjets' shapes measured. In Sec. 4we calculate the jet functions for measured quark jets, Jq !(a), unmeasured quark jets,Jq !, measured gluon jets, Jg !(a), and unmeasured gluon jets, Jg !, where!= 2EJ is the label momentum of the collinear jet eld in each jet function. We nd that in collinear sectors for measured jets, the collinear scale (and thus the SCET power counting parameter in that sector i) is given by !i1=(2a) a , and in unmeasured jet sectors, itan(R=2). In studying power corrections, however, as mentioned above, we nd that Rmust be parametrically larger than a. So, in collinear sectors for measured jets, iis set by the 3Jet shapes were also studied in the QCD factorization approach in [ 60]. In that work QCD jet functions for quark and gluon jets de ned with an algorithm and whose jet masses m2 Jare measured were calculated toO( s). The jet mass2corresponds to afora= 0,0=m2=!2(01). A xed-order QCD jet function as de ned in [ 60] is given by the convolution of our xed-order SCET jet function and soft function for a measured jet away from a= 0. { 11 {shapeawithR0 i, while in unmeasured jet sectors, itan(R=2). Thus one should understand tan( R=2) to be signi cantly less than 1 but much larger than any jet shape a. In Sec. 5we calculate the soft function. To do this, we split the soft function into several contributions from di erent parts of phase space in order to facilitate the calculation and elucidate its intuitive structure. We nd it most convenient to split the soft function into an observable-independent part that arises from soft emission out of the jets, Sunmeas, and a part that depends on our choice of angularities as the observable that arises from soft emission into measured jet i,Smeas(i a).Sunmeasis hence sensitive to the scale  while Smeas(i a) is sensitive to the scale !ii a. In Sec. 6, having calculated all the jet and soft function contributions to O( s), we extract the anomalous dimensions and perform renormalization-group (RG) evolution. We nd the hard anomalous dimension from existing results in the literature. The hard, jet, and soft anomalous dimensions have to satisfy the consistency condition Eq. ( 1.3) in order for the physical cross section to be independent of the arbitrary factorization scale . Our calculations reveal that, as long as the jet separation parameter tEq. ( 1.4) between all pairs of jets is much larger than 1, the condition is satis ed. Even after requiring t1, the satisfaction of the consistency condition is non-trivial. The hard function knows only about the direction of each jet and the jet function knows only the jet size R; the soft function knows about both. Furthermore, it is not sucient only to include regions of phase space where radiation enters the measured jets. We learn from our results in this Section that it is crucial to include soft radiation outside of all jets with an upper energy cuto of . Only after including all of these contributions from the various parts of phase space do the jet, hard, and soft anomalous dimensions cancel and we arrive at a consistent factorization theorem. We conclude Sec. 6by proposing in Sec. 6.4a strategy to sum logs due to a hierarchy of scales in the soft function, by \refactorizing" it into multiple pieces, each sensitive to a single scale, as suggested by the discussion surrounding Fig. 1. Our current implementation of this procedure does tame the logarithmic dependence of jet shape distributions on the ratio =!in our numerical studies, but we leave for further development the resummation of all \non-global" logs of ratios of multiple soft scales that begin at NLL and O( 2 s). To help the reader nd the results of the calculations in Sec. 4through Sec. 6just outlined, Table 1provides a summary with equation numbers. In Sec. 7we compare our resummed perturbative predictions for jet shape distributions to the output of a Monte Carlo event generator. We test both the accuracy of these predictions and assess the extent to which hadronization corrections a ect jet shapes. We will illustrate our results in the case of e+e!3 jets, with the jets constrained to be in a con guration where each has equal energy and are maximally separated. In both the e ective theory and Monte Carlo, we can take the jets to have been produced by an underlying hard process e+e!qqg. After placing cuts on jets to ensure each parton corresponds to a nearby jet, we measure the angularity jet shape of one of the jets. We compare our resummed theoretical predictions with the Monte Carlo output for quark and gluon jet shapes with various values of aandR. We nd that the dependencies on aandR of the shapes of the distribution and the peak value of aagree well between the theory and { 12 {Category Contribution Symbol Location measured quark jet function Jq !(a) Eq. ( 4.11) unmeas. quark jet function Jq ! Eq. ( 4.17) measured gluon jet function Jg !(a) Eq. ( 4.25) unmeas. gluon jet function Jg ! Eq. ( 4.26) NLO contributions summary of divergent| Table 2before resummation: parts of soft func. (any t) total universalSunmeasEq. ( 5.20)soft func. (large t) total measuredSmeas(i a) Eq. ( 5.22)soft func. (large t) anomalous dimensions: | | Table 3 measured jet function fi J(i a;i J)Eq. ( 6.42a ) NLO contributions measured soft function fS(i a;i J)Eq. ( 6.42b ) after resummation: unmeas. jet function Ji !(J) Eq. ( 6.43a ) universal soft function Sunmeas( S)Eq. ( 6.43b ) Total NLL Distribution: | | Eq. ( 6.40) Table 1: Directory of main results: the xed-order NLO quark and gluon jet functions for jets whose shapes aare measured or not; the xed-order NLO contributions to the soft functions from parts of phase space where a soft gluon enters a measured jet, Smeas(a), or not,Sunmeas; their anomalous dimensions; the contributions the jet and soft functions make to the nite part of the NLL resummed distributions; and the full NLL resummed jet shape distribution itself. Monte Carlo, with small but noticeable corrections due to hadronization. We can estimate these corrections by comparing output with hadronization turned on or o in Monte Carlo. In Sec. 8, we give our conclusions and outlook. We also collect a number of technical details and results for O( s) nite pieces of jet and soft functions in the Appendices. Our work is, to our knowledge, the rst achieving factorization and resummation of a jet observable distribution in an exclusive N-jet nal state de ned by a non-hemisphere jet algorithm.4Having demonstrated the consistency of this factorization for any number of quark and gluon jets, measured and unmeasured jets, and phase space cuts in cone and k T- type algorithms, and having constructed a framework to resum logarithms of jet shapes in the presence of these phase space cuts, we hope to have provided a starting point for future precision calculations of many jet observables both in e+eand hadron-hadron collisions. The case of ppcollisions will require a number of modi cations, including turning two of our outgoing jet functions into incoming \beam functions" introduced in [ 62]. We leave this generalization for future work. The reader wishing to follow the general structure of our ideas and logic and understand the basis of the nal results of the paper without working through all the technical details may read Secs. 1and2, and then skip to Sec. 7. Some short less technical discussion also appears in Sec. 3.4. 4Dijet cross sections for cone jets were factorized and resummed in [ 61]. { 13 {2. Jet Shapes and Jet Algorithms 2.1 Jet Shapes Event shapes, such as thrust, characterize events based on the distribution of energy in the nal state by assigning di ering weights to events with di ering energy distributions. Events that are two-jet like, with two very collimated back-to-back jets, produce values of the observable at one end of the distribution, while spherical events with a broad energy distribution produce values of the observable at the other end of the distribution. While event shapes can quantify the global geometry of events, they are not sensitive to the detailed structure of jets in the event. Two classes of events may have similar values of an event shape but characteristically di erent structure in terms of number of jets and the energy distribution within those jets. Jet shapes, which are event shape-like observables applied to single jets, are an e ective tool to measure the structure of individual jets. These observables can be used to not only quantify QCD-like events, but study more complex, non-QCD topologies, as illustrated for light quark vs. top quark and Zjets in [ 12,60]. Broad jets, with wide-angle energy depositions, and very collimated jets, with a narrow energy pro le, take on distinct values for jet shape observables. In this work, we consider the example of the class of jet shapes called angularities, de ned in Eq. ( 1.1) and denoted a. Every value of acorresponds to a di erent jet shape. As adecreases, the angularity weights particles at the periphery of the jet more, and is therefore more sensitive to wide-angle radiation. Simultaneous measurements of the angularity of a jet for di erent values of acan be an additional probe of the structure of the jet. 2.2 Jet Algorithms A key component of the distribution of jet shapes is the jet algorithm, which builds jets from the nal state particles in an event. (We are using the term \particle" generically here to refer to actual individual tracks, to cells/towers in a calorimeter, to partons in a pertur- bative calculation, and to combinations of these objects within a jet.) Since the underlying jet is not intrinsically well de ned, there is no unique jet algorithm and a wide variety of jet algorithms have been proposed and implemented in experiments. The details of each algo- rithm are motivated by particular properties desired of jets, and di erent algorithms have di erent strengths and weaknesses. In this work we will calculate angularity distributions for jets coming from a variety of algorithms. Because we calculate (only) at next-to-leading order, there are at most 2 particles in a jet, and jet algorithms that implement the same phase space cuts at NLO simplify to the same algorithm. At this order the two standard classes of algorithms, cone algorithms and recombination algorithms, each simplify to a generic jet algorithm at NLO. At NLO the cone algorithms place a constraint on the sep- aration between each particle and the jet axis, while the recombination algorithms place a constraint on the separation between the two particles. Cone algorithms build jets by grouping particles within a xed geometric shape, the cone, and nding \stable" cones. A cone contains all of the particles within an angle Rof the cone axis, and the angular parameter Rsets the size of the jet. In found jets (stable { 14 {cones), the direction of the total three-momentum of particles in the cone equals the cone (jet) axis. Di erent cone algorithms employ di erent methods to nd stable cones and deal with di erently the \split/merge" problem of overlapping stable cones. The SISCone algorithm [ 63] is a modern implementation of the cone algorithm that nds all stable cones and is free of infrared unsafety issues. In the next-to-leading order calculation we perform, there are at most two particles in a jet, and we only consider con gurations where all jets are well-separated. Therefore, it is straightforward to nd all stable cones, there are no issues with overlapping stable cones, and the phase space cuts of all cone algorithms are equivalent. This simpli es all standard cone algorithms to a generic cone-type algorithm, in which each particle is constrained to be within an angle Rof the jet axis. For a two-particle jet, if we label the particles 1 and 2 and the jet axis n, then the cone-like constraints for the two particles to be in a jet are cone jet:1n 3ij=2, this region vanishes completely (and this case of having only two collinear daughters is a worst-case scenario). This leads us to expect that, for any number of collinear splittings, for R&(i.e., not necessarily parametrically larger), power corrections due the action of the anti-k Talgorithm vanish. Cone algorithms such as the SISCone algorithm can also include regions that di er from the lowest-order region at higher orders in perturbation theory. We now argue that an arithmetic bound R&is sucient to minimize the power correction from these di erences, as for the anti-k Talgorithm. This situation arises due to the fact that stable solutions may exist with overlapping cones when collinear splittings are larger than the cone radius, i.e., R<ij. In these cases, the amount of radiation that falls into the overlapping region is used to decide whether the cones are split or merged. In either case, the boundary of the resulting jet(s) has roughly the appearance of Fig. 2A and the di erence between the region of soft radiation assumed in SCET and that by the actual algorithm is O(1). However, for R > ijfor the case of a single collinear splitting, all of the collinear radiation lies within a region of size Rand there will always be a stable cone that includes this radiation and thus the algorithm and the SCET soft function will be sensitive to soft particles in the same region of phase space. In summary, we have argued that for all the algorithms we consider (k T, anti-k T, infrared-safe cone), power corrections are negligible for suciently large R. While anti-k T and cone allow simply R&instead ofRas for k T, we will in fact always consider R(for thein a measured jet sector) in the remainder of this paper, guaranteeing small power corrections for all these algorithms. ( Rstill determines the scale in an unmeasured jet sector.) Our focus will remain on resumming logs of jet shapes such as angularities ain the presence of jet algorithms, without worrying about resumming logs ofRthemselves.11 10Soft particles in this region can also be removed from this region by merging with other soft particles outside of the region and vice-versa, but this average area suces for our discussion. 11Because small R(.0.3) jets cannot be well resolved in current experiments, resummation of logarithms ofRis not of primary practical importance in the near future. { 29 {4. Jet Functions at O( s)for Jet Shapes In this section, we calculate the quark and gluon jet functions for jet shapes at next-to- leading order in perturbation theory. The jet functions can be divided into two categories: those for measured jets, which are xed to have a speci c angularity a, and those for unmeasured jets, which are not. We will denote the quark jet function by Jq !, the gluon jet function by Jg !, where!is the label momentum, and a jet function Jq;g(a) with an argument of adenotes a measured jet. We will calculate the jet functions for the two classes of jet algorithms, k T-type and cone-type algorithms. In the course of these calculations, we will demonstrate the crucial role of zero-bin subtractions [ 65] from collinear jet functions in obtaining the consistent anomalous dimen- sions and the correct nite parts. In this case zero-bin subtractions are not merely scaleless integrals converting IR to UV divergences, but in fact contribute part (sometimes the most important part) of the correct nonzero result, as was already pointed out by [ 32,72]. The relation of zero-bin subtractions in SCET to eikonal jet subtractions from soft functions in traditional methods of QCD factorization was explored in [ 41,73,74]. In addition, we nd that the zero-bin subtraction removes the contribution of collinear emissions that escape a jet, leaving only power-suppressed pieces in  =!i. 4.1 Phase Space Cuts To calculate the jet functions for a particular algorithm, Figure 3: A representa- tive diagram for the NLO quark and gluon jet func- tions. The incoming mo- mentum isl=n 2!+n 2l+and particles in the loop carry momentum q(\particle 1") andlq(\particle 2").we must impose phase space restrictions in the matrix ele- ment. From the jet function de nitions, Eq. ( 3.26), these cuts take two forms. One kind, imposed by the operator N(^J);1 in Eq. ( 3.26), is common to every jet function. It is the set of phase space restrictions related to the jet algorithm, and requires exactly one jet to arise from each collinear sector of SCET. The other, imposed by the operator (a^a), is im- plemented only on measured jets and restricts the kinematics of the cut nal states to produce a xed value of the jet shape. In this section we describe these phase space cuts in detail. The typical form of the NLO diagrams in the jet functions is shown in Fig. 3. As shown in the gure, the momentum owing through the graph has label momentum lnl=!and residual momentum l+nl, and the loop momentum is q. We will label \particle 1" as the particle in the loop with momentum qand \particle 2" as the particle in the loop with momentum lq. For the quark jet, we take particle 1 as the emitted gluon and particle 2 as the quark. As usual, the total forward scattering matrix element can be written as a sum over all cuts. Cutting through the loops corresponds to the interference of two real emission diagrams, each with two nal state particles, whereas cutting through a lone propagator that is connected to a current corresponds to the interference between a tree-level diagram and a virtual diagram, each with a single nal state particle. Thus, the phase space restrictions and measurements we impose act di erently depending on where the diagrams { 30 {are cut. In addition, since we will be working in dimensional regularization (with d= 42), which sets scaleless integrals to zero, the only diagrams that contribute are the cuts through the loops. This means that we only need to focus on the form of phase-space restrictions and angularities in the case of nal states with two particles. The regions of phase space for two particles created by cutting through a loop in the jet function diagrams can be divided into three contributions: 1. Both particles are inside the jet. 2. Particle 1 exits the jet with energy E1<. 3. Particle 2 exits the jet with energy E2<. In contributions (2) and (3), the jet has only one particle, which is the remaining particle withE > . It is well known that collinear integrations of jet functions can be allowed to extend over all values of loop momenta so long as a \zero-bin subtraction" is taken from the result to avoid double counting the soft region already accounted for in the soft function [ 65]. We will demonstrate that contributions (2) and (3) are power suppressed by O(=!), which scales as2, after the zero-bin subtraction. The phase space cuts that enforce both particles to be in the jet depend on the jet algorithm. There are two classes of jet algorithms that we consider, cone-type algorithms and (inclusive) k T-type algorithms, and all the algorithms in each class yield the same phase space cuts. We label the phase space restrictions as  coneand  kT, generically  alg. For the cone-type algorithms, conecone(q;l+) =  tan2R 2>q+ q  tan2R 2>l+q+ !q : (4.1) These  functions demand that both particles are within Rof the label direction. For the kT-type algorithms, the only restriction is that the relative angle of the particles be less thanR: kTkT(q;l+) = 0 @cosR<~ q~lq2 qq l2+q22~ q~l1 A =  tan2R 2>q+!2 q(!q)2 : (4.2) In the second line we took the collinear scaling of q(q+q). While this is not strictly needed, it makes the calculations signi cantly simpler. For the phase space restrictions of zero-bin subtractions, we take the soft limit of the above restrictions. The zero-bin subtractions are the same for all the algorithms we consider. For the case of particle 1, which has momentum q, the zero-bin phase space cuts are given by (0) alg= (0) cone= (0) kT=  tan2R 2>q+ q : (4.3) { 31 {(B) (A) (D) (C) (A) (A)Figure 4: Diagrams contributing to the quark jet function. (A) and (B) Wilson line emission diagrams; (C) and (D) QCD-like diagrams. The momentum assignments are the same as in Fig. 3. The zero bin of particle 2 is given by the replacement q!lq. For all the jet algorithms we consider, the zero-bin subtractions of the unmeasured jet functions are scaleless integrals.12However, for the measured jet functions, the zero-bin subtractions give nonzero contributions that are needed for the consistency of the e ective theory. In the case of a measured jet, in addition to the phase space restrictions we also demand that the jet contributes to the angularity by an amount awith the use of the delta function R=(a^a), which is given in terms of qandlby RR(q;l+) = a1 !(!q)a=2(l+q+)1a=21 !(q)a=2(q+)1a=2 :(4.4) In the zero-bin subtraction of particle 1, the on-shell conditions can be used to write the corresponding zero-bin -function as (0) R= a1 !(q)a=2(q+)1a=2 ; (4.5) (and for particle 2 with q!lq). 4.2 Quark Jet Function The diagrams corresponding to the quark jet function are shown in Fig. 4. The fully inclusive quark jet function is de ned as Z d4xeilxh0ja n;!(x)b n;!(0)j0iabn = 2 Jq !(l+); (4.6) and has been computed to NLO (see, e.g., [ 75,76]) and to NNLO [ 77]. Below we compute the quark jet function at NLO with phase space cuts for the jet algorithm for both the measured jet, Jq !(a), and the unmeasured jet, Jq !. As discussed above, we will nd that the only nonzero contributions come from cuts through the loop when both cut particles are inside the jet. 12Note that algorithms do exist that give nonzero zero-bin contributions to unmeasured jet functions [ 32]. { 32 {4.2.1 Measured Quark Jet The measured quark jet function includes contributions from naive Wilson line graphs (A) and (B) and QCD-like graphs (C) and (D) in Fig. 4. The sum of these contributions is ~Jq !(a) =g22CFZdl+ 21 (l+)2Zddq (2)d 4l+ q+ (d2)l+q+ !q 2(qq+q2 ?) (q)(q+)2 l+q+q2 ? !q (!q)(l+q+) algR:(4.7) The contribution proportional to d2 comes from the QCD-like graphs (C) and (D) in Fig.4. Only the Wilson line graphs have a nonzero zero-bin limit, which comes from taking the scaling limit q2of the naive contribution: Jq(0) !(a) = 4g22CFZdl+ 21 l+Zddq (2)d1 q2(qq+q2 ?)(q)(q+) 2 l+q+ (l+q+) (0) alg(0) R:(4.8) All jet algorithms that we use yield the same zero-bin contribution, since the phase space cuts are the same. To evaluate these integrals, we can analytically extract the coecient of (a) by integrating over aand using the fact that the remainder is a plus distribution, as de ned in Eq. ( A.2). We nd the naive contribution is ~Jq !(a) = sCF 21 (1) 42 !2tan2R 2!1 2+3 2 (a) + s 2~Jq alg(a): (4.9) The only di erence between the jet algorithms that we consider resides in the nite distri- bution ~Jq alg(a), which is a complicated function of athat we give in Appendix A. Note that the divergent part of the naive contribution is proportional to (a). This is due to the fact that the jet algorithm regulates the distribution for a>0. The divergent plus distributions come entirely from the zero-bin subtraction, which is given by Jq(0) !(a) = sCF 1 (1) 42tan2(1a)R 2 !2!1 (1a)1 1+2a: (4.10) Adding the leading-order contribution to all of the NLO graphs and expanding in powers of, adopting the MS scheme, we nd the total quark jet function, Jq !(a) =(a) +~Jq !(a)Jq(0) !(a) =( 1 + sCF " 1a 2 1a1 2+1a 2 1a1 ln2 !2+3 4#) (a) sCF " 1 1 1a(a) a# ++ s 2Jq alg(a):(4.11) This agrees with the standard jet function J(k+) given in [ 75,76] by setting a= 0 and k+=!a. We have shown the divergent terms explicitly, and collect the nite pieces in Jq alg(a), which we give in Eq. ( A.14). Note that there is no jet algorithm dependence in the divergent parts of the jet function at this order in perturbation theory. { 33 {4.2.2 Gluon Outside Measured Quark Jet In this section we calculate the contribution to the quark jet function from the region of phase space in which the gluon exits the jet carrying an energy Eg<. This cut causes the contribution to be power suppressed by  =!, which scales as 2. However, we elect to evaluate this case explicitly as it provides a clear example of the zero-bin subtraction giving the proper scaling to the total contribution. We only evaluate this contribution for the cone algorithm; the details of the k Talgorithm calculation are similar. Note that the contribution when the quark is out of the jet is power suppressed at the level of the Lagrangian given in Sec. 3.1, in which soft quarks do not couple to collinear partons at leading order in . For the cone algorithm, the gluon exits the jet when the angle between the jet axis, n1, and the gluon is greater than R. When the gluon is not in the jet, the cone axis is the quark direction, and so it makes no contribution to the angularity. Therefore, this region of phase space contributes only to the (a) part of the angularity distribution. For the naive contributions, requiring the gluon to be outside the jet and have energy less than , we have the integral ~Jq;out !(a) =g22CFZdl+ 21 (l+)2Zddq (2)d 4l+ q+ (d2)l+q+ !q 2(qq+q2 ?) (q)(q+)2 l+q+q2 ? !q (!q)(l+q+) q+ qtan2R 2  2q (a): (4.12) Note that the theta function requiring q<2 is more restrictive than qR for alli: (5.1) { 37 {Figure 6: Soft function real-emission diagrams. Diagrams (A) and (C) are interference diagrams of Wilson line emission from lines iandjand (B) and (D) are from lines iandk. The shaded region in the center represents the region of phase space corresponding to jet kde ned by the jet algorithm, and so the gluons in diagrams (A) and (B) are inside jet kand those in (C) and (D) are not. Each diagram has a corresponding mirror diagram (not shown). These conditions can be written in terms of theta functions on the gluon momentum k. We denote the energy restriction for out-of-jet gluons as (k0<); (5.2) and we denote the requirement that a gluon be in jet iin terms of the light-cone components kabout the direction of jet i,ni, as i Rk+ k (and does not contribute to k a). Sk ij: The gluon is in jet kwith energy Eg< (and does not contribute to k a). Sincl ij: The gluon is anywhere with Eg< (and does not contribute to any angularity). In terms of these pieces, the NLO soft function with Mmeasured jets and NMunmea- sured jets is given by S(1)(1 a;2 a;:::;M a) =X i6=j2 664X k2measSmeas ij(k a)MY l=1 l6=k(l a)3 775 +X i6=j" Sincl ijX k2measSk ij+X k=2measSk ij!MY l=1(l a)3 5:(5.6) From the de nitions above, it is easy to see that the term in large parentheses on the second line is equivalent to the sum of the last two contributions on the original list above, i.e., the contributions from a gluon not in any jet with Eg< and from a gluon in an unmeasured jet with any energy. We can simplify this expression by noting that the contribution from a gluon in jet kwith no energy restriction involves a scaleless integral over the energy that vanishes in dimensional regularization and thus Sk ij+Sk ij= 0: (5.7) Using this relation, the soft function simpli es to S(1)(1 a;:::;M a) =Sunmeas (1)MY l=1(l a) +X k2measSmeas (1)(k a)MY l=1 l6=k(l a); (5.8) where the rst term in Eq. ( 5.8) is a universal contribution that is needed for every N-jet observable, de ned as Sunmeas (1)X i6=j Sincl ij+NX k=1Sk ij : (5.9) The second term, de ned as, Smeas (1)(k a)X i6=jSmeas ij(k a); (5.10) { 39 {depends on our choice of angularities as the observable. We now proceed to set up the one-loop expressions for the contributions in Eq. ( 5.8). The integrals involved are highly nontrivial and so in this section we simply quote the result of each integral, referring the reader to Appendix Bfor details. Most of these integrals are most easily written in terms of the variable tij, de ned in Eq. ( 1.4) astijtan ij 2=tanR 2, where ijis the angle between jet directions iandj. (That is, ninj= 1cos ij.) In Table 2, we summarize the divergent parts of the soft function. The Feynman rules for the emission of a soft gluon from fundamental- and adjoint- representation Wilson lines (corresponding to quark and gluon jets, respectively) have the same kinematic structure. The di erence is entirely encoded in the color charge of the Wilson lines which, using the color space formalism of [ 80,81], we denote as Tifor emission from Wilson line i. Thus, we can consider the N-jet soft function without specifying the color representation of the nal-state jets. 5.2.1 Inclusive Contribution: Sincl ij The contribution to the soft function from a gluon going in any direction with energy Eg< is given by the integral Sincl ij=g22TiTjZddk (2)dninj (nik)(njk)2(k2)(k0) : (5.11) We evaulate this integral in Sec. B.1of the Appendix and nd Sincl ij= s 2TiTj (1)42 421 21 lnninj 22 6Li2 12 ninj :(5.12) Note that this calculation is related to the inclusive, timelike soft function that has applications elsewhere (see, e.g., [ 82,83,84]), generalized for non back-to-back jets: dSincl ij d=g22TiTjZddk (2)dninj (nik)(njk)2(k2)(k0)(k0): (5.13) 5.2.2 Soft gluon inside jet kwithEg>:Sk ij Using Eq. ( 5.7), the contribution Sk ijfrom a gluon emitted into jet kfrom linesiandjis given by the integral Sk ij=g22TiTjZddk (2)dninj (nik)(njk)2(k2)(k0) k R: (5.14) Much like for the Smeas ij contribution, if k=i;j, there is an additional divergence (arising fromnkk!0) relative to the case k6=i;j, and so we evaluate these two cases separately below. { 40 {Case 1:k=iorjThe integrals for this case are performed in Sec. B.2of the Appendix, with the result that Sj ijis Sj ij=Si ij= sTiTj 4" 1 21 (1)42 42 t2 ij t2 ij1tan2R 2! + Li 21 t2 ij1 + 2 Li 21 cos2 ij 2(t2 ij1)# : (5.15) Case 2:k6=i;j These contributions are at most 1 =divergent since the matrix element does not have the nkk!0 singularity. We show in Appendix B.3.2 that the result takes the form Sk ij k6=i;j= s 4TiTj1 lnt2 ikt2 jk2tiktjkcos ij+ 1 (t2 ik1)(t2 jk1) +F(tik;tjk; ij) ;(5.16) where ijis the angle between the i-kandj-kplanes and the nite function Fis given in Eq. ( B.33) and isO(1=t2). 5.2.3 Soft gluon inside measured jet k:Smeas ij(k a) The contribution of a gluon emitted into jet 1 (the measured jet) from lines iandjis given by the integral Smeas ij(k a) =g22TiTjZddk (2)dninj (nik)(njk)2(k2)(k0) k RR: (5.17) The singularity structure of this integral depends on whether or not k=iorj. Thus, we evaluate the case k=iorjand the case k6=i;jseparately below. Case 1:k=iorjWe consider rst Smeas ij(i a). Using the results of Sec. B.2of the Appendix, we obtain the result in terms of tij, Smeas ij(i a) =Smeas ji(i a) = s 2TiTj1 1 1a1 ia1+21 (1)42 !2t2 ij t2 ij1tan2R 2(1a) +1 +a 2(i a) Li21 t2 ij1 : (5.18) Case 2:k6=i;j The remaining contributions to the observed jet angularity are Smeas ij fork6=i;j. Using the results from Sec. B.3.3 in the Appendix, this contribution is Smeas ij(k a) i;j6=k= s 2TiTj1 ka1+2 lnt2 ikt2 jk2tiktjkcos ij+ 1 (t2 ik1)(t2 jk1) +(k a)G(tik;tjk; ij) ; (5.19) whereGisO(1=t2) and is given in Eq. ( B.36) and, again, ijis the angle between the i-k andj-kplanes. { 41 {contribution divergent terms Sincl ij 1  s 2TiTj 1 lnninj 2+ ln2 42 Si ij1  s 4TiTj 1 lnt2 ijtan2(R=2) t2 ij1+ ln2 42 Sk ij 1  s 4TiTjlnt2 ikt2 jk2tiktjkcos ij+1 (t2 ik1)(t2 jk1) Sunmeas (1)1  s 2hPN i=1T2 iln tan2(R=2) +P i6=jTiTjln(ninj=2)i +O(1=t2) Smeas ij(i a)1  s 4TiTjh 1 1a1 + ln2 !2 i + lnt2 ijtan2(R=2) t2 ij1 (i a)2 1a 1 ia +i Smeas ij(k a)1  s 4TiTjlnt2 ikt2 jk2tiktjkcos ij+1 (t2 ik1)(t2 jk1)(k a) Smeas (1)(i a)1  s 2T2 ih 1 1a1 + ln2 !2 i + ln tan2(R=2) (i a)2 1a 1 ia +i +O(1=t2) Table 2: Summary of the divergent parts of the soft function at NLO. The rst block contains the the observable-independent contributions: soft gluons emitted by jets iandjin any direction with energyEg< in row 1; soft gluons entering jet kwithEg> (withk=iorjin the second row andk6=i;jin the third). In the last row of the rst block, we summed over iandjand took the large-tlimit to get the total Sunmeas (1). Similarly, in the second block we give the contributions to the angularities k a(withk=iorjin the rst row and k6=i;jin the second) and summed over i andjand took the large- tlimit to get Smeas (1)in the third row. 5.3 Total N-Jet Soft Function in the large- tLimit In this section, we add together the necessary ingredients calculated above to obtain the N-jet soft function from Eq. ( 5.8). The results for the divergent pieces are summarized in Table 2. In Sec. 6we use Table 2to show that the consistency of factorization is explicitly violated by terms of order 1 =t2, and so in this section we give the full soft function (including the nite terms) to O(1=t2). Using color-conservation (P iTi= 0), we nd that the observable-independent part, Sunmeas (1), de ned in Eq. ( 5.9), is given for large tby Sunmeas (1) = s 2X iT2 i" 1 ln2 42 1 ln 2 42tan2R 2! (5.20) +1 2ln22 42 1 2ln2 2 42tan2R 2! 2 6# + s 2X i6=jTiTj" 1 lnninj 2+ ln2 42 lnninj 2 + Li 2 12 ninj# +O(1=t2): { 42 {We see that the nite parts of this contribution are sensitive to two scales, 2 and 2 tanR 2. For simplicity, in this paper, since we take tan( R=2)O(1), we will choose only a single scale Sto attempt to minimize logs in Eq. ( 5.20), where  S2 tan1=2R 2; (5.21) chosen as the geometric mean of the two. The remaining part of the soft function that is dependent on angularities as our choice of jet observable is the sum over Smeas (1)(i a) (de ned in Eq. ( 5.10)) for each jet i, where Smeas (1)(i a) is given by Smeas (1)(i a) = s 2T2 i1 1a(1 2+1 ln2 !2 itan2(1a)R 2 2 12 +1 2ln22 !2 itan2(1a)R 2 (i a) (5.22) 2" 1 + ln2tan2(1a)R 2 (!iia)2! (i a) ia# +) +O(1=t2): The nite part of this contribution is sensitive to the scale i S, where i S!ii a tan1aR 2; (5.23) which, in principle, di ers for each jet iand from the scale  Sin the unmeasured part of the soft function Eq. ( 5.20). After discussing resummation of large logarithms through RG evolution, we will describe in Sec. 6.4a framework to \refactorize" the soft function into pieces depending on multiple separated soft scales. This framework will enable us to resum logarithms of all of these potentially disparate scales. 6. Resummation and Consistency Relations at NLL The factorized cross section Eq. ( 3.34) is written in terms of hard, jet, and soft functions evaluated at a factorization scale . Since the physical cross section is independent of , the anomalous dimensions of these functions are closely related. We derive and verify this relation in Sec. 6.3. In Sec. 6.1and Sec. 6.2, we work out the form of the renormalization- group equations (RGEs) satis ed by the hard, jet, and soft functions, and obtain their solutions so that we can express each function at the scale in terms of its value at a scale 0where logarithms in it are minimized. In Sec. 6.4, we present a framework to refactorize the soft function and give the total resummed distribution in Sec. 6.5. 6.1 General Form of Renormalization Group Equations and Solutions We will build solutions for the hard, jet, and soft functions from two forms of RGEs. The rst form is for a function which does not depend on the observable aand is multiplicatively renormalized, Fbare=ZF()F(); (6.1) { 43 {and satis es the RGE, d dF() = F()F(); (6.2) where the anomalous dimension Fis found from the Z-factor by the relation F() =1 ZF()d dZF(); (6.3) and takes the general form, F() = F[ ] ln2 !2+ F[ ]: (6.4) We call F[ ] the \cusp part" of the anomalous dimension and F[ ] the \non-cusp part". They have the perturbative expansions F[ s] = s 4 0 F+ s 42 1 F+ (6.5) and F[ s] = s 4 0 F+ s 42 1 F+: (6.6) The RGE Eq. ( 6.2) has the solution F() =UF(; 0)F(0); (6.7) where the evolution kernel UFis given by UF(; 0) =eKF(;0)0 !!F(;0) ; (6.8) whereKFand!Fwill be de ned below in Eq. ( 6.15). The second form of RGE is for a function dependent on the jet shape aand is renor- malized through a convolution, Fbare(a) =Z d0 aZF(a0 a;)F(0 a;); (6.9) and satisfying the RGE d dF(a;) =Z d0 a F(a0 a;)F(0 a;); (6.10) with an anomalous dimension calculated from F(a;) =Z d0Z1 F(a0 a;)d dZF(0 a;); (6.11) and taking the general form F(a;) =F[ s]2 jF(a) a +ln2 !2(a) + F[ s](a): (6.12) { 44 {The solution of an RGE of the form Eq. ( 6.10) has the solution [ 82,85,86,87,52] F(a;) =Z d0UF(a0 a;; 0)F(0 a;0); (6.13) where the evolution kernel UFis given to all orders in sby the expression UF(a;; 0) =eKF+ E!F (!F)0 !jF!F(a) (a)1+!F +; (6.14) where Eis the Euler constant. In Eqs. ( 6.8) and ( 6.14), the exponents !FandKFare given in terms of the cusp and non-cusp parts of the anomalous dimensions by the expressions !F(; 0)2 jFZ s() s(0)d [ ]F[ ]; (6.15a) KF(; 0)Z s() s(0)d [ ] F[ ] + 2Z s() s(0)d [ ]F[ ]Z s(0)d 0 [ 0]: (6.15b) In the case of Eq. ( 6.8) or if F[ ] happens to be zero, we de ne jFto be 1. To achieve NLL accuracy in the evolution kernels UF, we need the cusp part of the anomalous dimension to two loops and the non-cusp part to one loop, in which case the parameters !F;KFin Eq. ( 6.15) are given explicitly by !F(; 0) =0 F jF 0" lnr+ 1 cusp 0cusp 1 0! s(0) 4(r1)# ; (6.16a) KF(;0) = 0 F 2 0lnr20 F ( 0)2r1rlnr s() + 1 cusp 0cusp 1 0! 1r+ lnr 4+ 1 8 0ln2r : (6.16b) Herer= s() s(0), and 0; 1are the one-loop and two-loop coecients of the beta function, [ s] =d s d=2 s 0 s 4 + 1 s 42 + ; (6.17) where (with TR= 1=2) 0=11CA 32Nf 3and 1=34C2 A 310CANf 32CFNf: (6.18) The two-loop running coupling s() at any scale in terms of its value at another scale Qis given by 1 s()=1 s(Q)+ 0 2ln Q + 1 4 0ln 1 + 0 2 s(Q) ln Q : (6.19) { 45 {In Eq. ( 6.16), we have used the fact that, for the hard, jet, and soft functions for which we will solve, the cusp part of the anomalous dimension F[ s] is proportional to thecusp anomalous dimension cusp[ s], where cusp[ s] = s 4 0 cusp+ s 42 1 cusp+: (6.20) The ratio of the one-loop and two-loop coecients of cuspis [88] 1 cusp 0cusp=67 92 3 CA10Nf 9: (6.21) 1 cuspand 1are needed in the expressions of !FandKFfor complete NLL resummation since we formally take 2 slnaO( s). 6.2 RG Evolution of Hard, Jet, and Soft Functions 6.2.1 Hard Function The hard function is related to the matching coecient CNof theN-jet operator in Eq. ( 3.33). If there are multiple operators with di erent color structures, CNis a vec- tor of coecients. The hard function is then a matrix Hab=Cy bCa. The hard function is contracted in the cross section Eq. ( 3.34) with a matrix of soft functions. The anomalous dimensions of the matching coecients Cahave been calculated in the literature (for example, Table III of Ref. [ 89]). For an operator with Nlegs with color charges T2 i, the anomalous dimension is CN( s) =NX i=1 T2 i( s) ln !i+1 2 i( s) 1 2( s)X i6=jTiTjlnninji0+ 2 ; (6.22) where Tiis a matrix of color charges in the space of operators, and iis given for quarks and gluons by q=3 sCF 2; g= s 11CA2Nf 6: (6.23) The coecient ( s) is the cusp anomalous dimension and is given to one-loop order by ( s) = s=. The anomalous dimension of the hard function itself is given by H= y CN+ CN, and takes the form of Eq. ( 6.4), with cusp and non-cusp parts H[ s] and H[ s] given to one loop in Table 3, with the result H( s) =( s)T2ln2 !2 HNX i=1 i( s)( s)X i6=jTiTjlnninj 2; (6.24) where T2=PN i=1T2 iis the sum of all the Casimirs, and the e ective hard scale  !H appearing as the scale !in the logarithm in Eq. ( 6.4) is given by the color-weighted average of the jet energies, !H=NY i=1!T2 i=T2 i (6.25) { 46 {F[ s] F[ s] jF! HP iT2 iP i iP i6=jTiTjlnninj 21 !H Ji(i a) T2 i2a 1a i 2a!i meas S(i a)T2 i1 1a0 1!itan1+aR 2 Ji T2 i i 1!itanR 2 unmeas S 0 P iT2 iln tan2R 2+ P i6=jTiTjlnninj 21 | O(1=t2) 0 P i6=jTiTjh i=2meas2 lnt2 ij t2 ij11 | +P k6=i;j k=2measlnt2 ikt2 jk2tiktjkcos ij+1 (t2 ik1)(t2 jk1)i Table 3: Anomalous dimensions for the jet and soft functions. We give the cusp and non-cusp parts of the anomalous dimensions, F[ s] and F[ s]. is the cusp anomalous dimension itself, equal to s=at one loop. iis given for quark and gluon jets in Eq. ( 6.23). The third column gives the value of jFappearing in Eq. ( 6.12) or Eq. ( 6.15). The last column gives the values of !appearing in the logarithm ln 2=!2multiplying the cusp part of the anomalous dimension in Eqs. ( 6.4) and ( 6.12). The scale  !His the color-weighted averages of all jet energies de ned in Eq. ( 6.25). All rows except for the last are given in the large- tlimit and in the last row we give the remaining terms that are present for arbitrary t. This last row explictly violates consistency at O(1=t2). The rst group of rows are needed for measured jets and the second group for unmeasured jets. In the large- tlimit, for any number of measured and unmeasured jets, the consistency relation Eq. ( 6.33) is satis ed. 6.2.2 Jet Functions There are two forms of jet functions, those for measured and those for unmeasured jets. Unmeasured jet functions Jq;g !() satisfy multiplicative RGEs, with anomalous dimensions given by the in nite parts of Eqs. ( 4.17) and ( 4.26), Ji= ( s)T2 iln2 !2 itan2R 2+ i; (6.26) which falls into the general form Eq. ( 6.4), with cusp and non-cusp parts of the anomalous dimension given in Table 3, and the scale !in Eq. ( 6.4) being!itanR 2. The part iis given by Eq. ( 6.23). Measured jet functions satisfy RGEs of the form Eq. ( 6.10), with anomalous dimensions given by the in nite parts of Eqs. ( 4.11) and ( 4.25), Ji(i a) = T2 i( s)2a 1aln2 !2 i+ i (i a)2( s)T2 i1 1a(i a) ia +; (6.27) { 47 {which takes the form Eq. ( 6.12) with cusp and non-cusp parts of the anomalous dimension split up as in Table 3, and the scale !in Eq. ( 6.12) being!i. 6.2.3 Soft Function The totalN-jet soft function is given by Eq. ( 5.20) for unmeasured jets added to the sum over measured jets of Eq. ( 5.22). This soft function depends on the Mjet shapes 1 a;:::;M a, and satis es the RGE d dS(1;:::;M;) =Z d0 1d0 M S(10 1;:::;M0 M;)S(0 1;:::;0 M;):(6.28) From the in nite parts of the soft function given in Table 2, we nd the anomalous di- mension S(1;:::;M;) decomposes, as required by the consistency condition Eq. ( 6.33) given below, into a sum of terms, S(1;:::;M;) = unmeas S ()(1)(M) +MX k=1 meas S(k;)Y j6=k(j); (6.29) where the pieces unmeas S () and meas S(k;) are given in terms of their cusp and non-cusp parts in Table 3, with the result unmeas S () =NX i( s)T2 iln tan2R 2+ ( s)X i6=jTiTjlnninj 2; (6.30) which takes the form of Eq. ( 6.4) with no cusp part, and meas S(k;) =( s)T2 k1 1a ln 2tan2(1a)R 2 !2 k! (k)2(k) k + ; (6.31) which takes the form of Eq. ( 6.12) with no non-cusp part, and the scale !in Eq. ( 6.12) being!k=tan1aR 2. The solution of the RGE Eq. ( 6.28) is given by S(1;:::;M;) =Z d0 1d0 MS(0 1;:::;0 M;0)Uunmeas S (; 0)MY k=1Uk S(k0 k;; 0); (6.32) whereUunmeas S is given by the form of Eq. ( 6.8) andUk S(k a) by the form of Eq. ( 6.14). The solution Eq. ( 6.32) is appropriate if all the scales appearing in the soft function are similar, and thus all large logarithms in the nite part can be minimized at a single scale0. As we noted in Sec. 5.3, however, the potentially disparate scales !ii a, set by the jet shapes of the measured jets, and , set by the cuto on particles outside jets, appear together in the soft function, and logarithms of ratios of these scales may be large. In this case, the soft function should be \refactorized" into pieces depending only on one of these scales at a time. We describe a framework for doing so below in Sec. 6.4. But rst, we verify the consistency of the anomalous dimensions for the hard, jet, and soft functions to the order we have calculated them. { 48 {6.3 Consistency Relation among Anomalous Dimensions We summarize the anomalous dimensions of the hard, jet, and soft functions in Table 3. We separate contributions to the jet and soft anomalous dimensions that arise from measured jets, from unmeasured jets, and those that are universally present. In all rows except the last row, we take the large- tlimit and give the additional terms that arise (from the soft function) for arbitrary t. Consistency of the e ective theory requires that the anomalous dimensions satisfy 0 = H() + unmeas S () +X i=2meas Ji() (i a) +X i2meas Ji(i a;)) + meas S(i a;) : (6.33) From the results tabulated in Table 3, up to corrections of O(1=t2), we see that, remark- ably, this relation is indeed satis ed! This is highly nontrivial, as jet and soft anomalous dimensions depend on the jet radius Rand the jet shape a, while the hard function does not; in addition, the hard and soft functions know the directions niof allNjets, while the jet functions do not. These dependencies cancel precisely between the R-dependent pieces of unmeasured jet contributions to the jet and soft functions, between a-dependent pieces of the measured jet contributions, and between ninj-dependent pieces of the hard and soft functions. The sum of all jet and soft anomalous dimensions then precisely matches the hard anomalous dimensions, satisfying Eq. ( 6.33). Making the satisfaction of consistency even more nontrivial, individual contributions to the in nite part of the soft function, and therefore its anomalous dimension, given by Table 2depend on the energy cut parameter  as well. However, these terms cancel in the sum over the contributions Sincl ijandSi ijin the rst two rows of Table 2. The double poles of the form1 ln  arise from regions of phase space where a soft gluon can become both collinear to a jet direction (giving a 1 =) and soft (giving a ln ). These regions exist in the integral over all directions giving Sincl ijbut are subtracted back out in the contributions Si ij. In the surviving \Swiss cheese" region the regions giving these double poles are cut out. TheO(1=t2) terms that violate consistency arise whenever there are unmeasured jets. While this limit is not required for the contribution of measured jets to the anomalous dimension to satisfy the consistency condition Eq. ( 6.33), the nite parts of measured jet contributions to the soft function contain large logarithms of != that can not be minimized with a scale choice but are suppressed by O(1=t2) (cf. Eq. ( B.37) of Appendix B). This is the manifestation of the fact that jets need to be well-separated, as explained in Sec. 3. For the remainder of the paper, we work strictly in the large- tlimit. It may seem mysterious that the calculations of the hard, jet, and soft functions them- selves and requiring their consistency lead to the condition of a large separation parameter t. Although we already speci ed qualitatively in the proof of factorization the requirement of well-separated jets, it may not be immediately apparent where it is implemented in the actual calculations. It enters in the de nition of the collinear jet functions. In the large- t limit, theNjets are in nitely separated from one another according to the measure given { 49 {by Eq. ( 1.4). And indeed, when N-jet operators are constructed in SCET, each collinear jet eld contains a Wilson line Wn, de ned below in Eq. ( 3.9), of collinear gluons in the directionnthat were emitted from the back-to-back direction  n, for which the separation measuret!1 . (This is similar to QCD factorization proofs of hard scattering cross sections, e.g. in [ 17], in which this direction  nis chosen to be along some arbitrary path that is separated by an O(1) amount from the jet direction n.) Furthermore, the ni- collinear jet function knows only its own color representation, and not those of the other jets. Meanwhile, the hard and soft functions we calculate \know" about all Njets and their precise directions and color representations. Therefore it is no surprise that, when we actually calculate the anomalous dimensions of these functions, we nd that they are consistent with one another only in the limit that the separation parameter t!1 . 6.4 Refactorization of the Soft Function Our results for the soft function in Sec. 5.3make clear that in general there are multiple scales that appear in the soft function: the 1 S;:::;M Sassociated with the Mmeasured jets and the scale  Sassociated with the out-of-jet cuto  (see Eq. ( 5.21)). When these scales are all comparable, we can RG evolve the soft function from the single scale S. However, when any of them di er considerably from the others, we need to \refactorize" the soft function into multiple contributions, each of which is sensitive to a single energy scale. For illustration, take the scales i Sto be such that 1 S2 SM Sas in Fig.7. We also take l1 S Sl Sfor our discussion, but the result is independent of whether Slies in the range 1 S< S<M Sor not. We can express the soft function appearing in Eq. ( 3.34) as Figure 7: Soft scales.S(1 a;2 a;:::;M a;) =h0jOy S(^)MY i=1(i a^i a)OSj0i; (6.34) where the operator i areturns the contribution to aof nal-state soft particles entering jet i, and ^ returns the energy of nal-state soft particles outside of all Njets. We have kept the dependence on the scales i Sand on  implicit on the left-hand side. There areNWilson lines appearing in the operator OS, OS=Y1:::YMYM+1:::YN; (6.35) corresponding to the Mmeasured jets and NMunmeasured jets. The scales associated with soft gluons entering the Mmeasured jets whose shapes are measured to be 1;:::;M are1 S;:::;M S, given by Eq. ( 5.23). The scale associated with soft gluons outside of measured jets is  Sgiven by Eq. ( 5.21). We have illustrated the ladder of these scales in Fig. 7. Each of these soft scales can be associated with di erent soft elds Ai swhose momenta scale as 2 i!iwhereiis associated with the typical transverse momentum i!i of the collinear modes for the ith jet. For measured jets, iis determined by i a, while for unmeasured jets itan(R=2). For soft gluons outside jets, however, the soft momentum is set by the cuto scale , which is why  Sappears in the ladder of Fig. 7. { 50 {At a scalelarger than all i Sand S, the soft function is calculated as we presented in Sec. 5. In particular, we take the quantities i aand  to be nonzero and nite. At a scale below1 S, we integrate out soft gluons of virtuality 1 Sand match onto a theory with soft gluons of virtuality 2 S. The scale 1 Sassociated with 1 ais taken to in nity, and phase space integrals for soft gluons entering the measured jet 1 become zero (see, e.g., Eq. ( B.17)). Therefore, the matching coecient from the theory above 1 Sto the theory below is just the measured jet 1 contribution Smeas(1 a) to the soft function given by Eq. ( 5.22). The same occurs when matching from the theory above each scale i Sfor soft gluons entering measured jet ito the scale below i S, giving a matching coecient Smeas(i a). When going through the scale  S, in the theory above this scale, the calculation of unmeasured contributions to the soft function gives the result Eq. ( 5.20), by treating  as a nonzero, nite cuto . In the theory below  S, we take  to in nity, making all phase space integrals originally cuto by  to be scaleless and thus zero. So the matching coecient between the theory above and below  Sis justSunmeas. After performing the above matchings all the way down to the lowest soft scale in Fig. 7, we nd that the original soft function S(1 a;:::;M a;) can be expressed to all orders as S(1 a;:::;M a;) =Sunmeas()MY i=1Smeas(i a;)h0jOy SOSj0i; (6.36) where to next-to-leading order SmeasandSunmeasare given by Sunmeas() = 1 +Sunmeas (1) () (6.37) Smeas(i a;) =(i a) +Smeas (1)(i a;); (6.38) whereSunmeas (1)is given by Eq. ( 5.20) andSmeas (1)is given by Eq. ( 5.22). Note that no operators restricting the jet shape or the phase space appear in the nal matrix element of soft elds living at the lowest scale on the ladder in Fig. 7. If all the scales on the ladder are at a perturbative scale, we can now just use hOy SOSi= 1 to eliminate the nal matrix element. If any scale is nonperturbative, we should have stopped the matching procedure before that scale, and de ned the surviving soft matrix element still containing additional delta function operators as a nonperturbative shape function. Since the factors Sunmeas() andSmeas(i a;) are now matching coecients between two theories above and below the respective scales  Sandi S, we can run each of the individual factors separately from their natural scale, instead of from a single soft scale 0 as in Eq. ( 6.32). The result for the RG-evolved soft function is then Eq. ( 6.36) where each factor at NLO is given by the solution of its RGE, Sunmeas() =Uunmeas S (; S)Sunmeas( S) (6.39a) Smeas(i a;) =Z d0Ui S(i a0;;i S)Smeas(0;i S): (6.39b) These solutions allow us now to resum logarithms of all of the scales appearing in the ladder in Fig. 7when these scales are widely disparate. However, the result we obtained in Eq. ( 6.28) when we took all scales to be of the same order and had a single soft scale { 51 {has the form Eq. ( 6.39) at NLL accuracy. We will use equation Eq. ( 6.39) in all cases to interpolate between these two extremes. 6.5 Total Resummed Distribution Collecting together the above results for the running of hard, jet, and soft functions in the factorized cross section Eq. ( 3.34), we obtain the RG-improved N-jet cross section di erential in Mjet shapes, 1 (0)dN d1a1dMaM=H(H)H !H!H(;H)NY k=M+1Jk !k(k J) k J !ktanR 2!!k J(;k J) Sunmeas( S) MY i=1(  1 +fi J(i a;i J) +fi S(i a;i S) i Stan1aR 2 !i!!i S(;i S) i J !i(2a)!i J(;i J)1 [!i J(;i J)!i S(;i S)]1 (ia)1+!i J(;i J)+!i S(;i S)) + exph K(;H;1;:::;N J;1;:::;M S; S) + E (;1;:::;M J;1;:::;M S)i ; (6.40) where !His de ned by Eq. ( 6.25), the evolution parameters !F(;F) andKF(;F) are de ned in Eq. ( 6.15), and we have de ned the collective parameters, K(;H;1;:::;N J;1;:::;M S; S) =KH(;H) +NX i=1Ki J(;i J) +MX j=1Kj S(;j S) +Kunmeas S (; S)(6.41a) (;1;:::;M J;1;:::;M S) =MX i=1 i(;i J;i S)MX i=1[!i J(;i J) +!i S(;i S)]:(6.41b) Using results from Appendix C, we obtain the functions fi J;Sgenerated by the nite pieces of the measured jet and soft functions, fi J(i a;i J) = s(i J)T2 i 2(max ai a)42a 1aln2i J !i(ia)1 2a+1 1a1 1a 22 6 (1)( i) + ci+2 1aH(1 i)" 2 lni J !i(ia)1 2a+1 2aH(1 i)# + (42a) ln2tanR 22ciln tanR 2 + s(i J) 2dJ(i a) (6.42a) fi S(i a;i S) = s(i S)T2 i 1 1a(" lni Stan1aR 2 !iia+H(1 i)#2 +2 6 (1)( i)+dS) ; (6.42b) { 52 {whereci= 3=2 for quark jets and 0=(2CA) for gluon jets. max ais the upper limit on i a found in the nite part of the na ve jet function, given in Appendix A.H(1 i) is the harmonic number function, with igiven by Eq. ( 6.41b ). (1)is the rst derivative of the digamma function, (1)(z) = (d=dz)[0(z)=(z)]. The terms dJ;Sare additional contribu- tions from the nite parts of jet and soft functions that do not contain any logarithms, wheredS=2=24, anddJis given in Eq. ( C.6) in the Appendix. dJ;Sare not needed at NLL accuracy. Similarly, the terms containing large logarithms in the unmeasured jet functions and unmeasured contribution to the soft function are Ji !(J) = 1 + ( s(J))T2 iln2J !tanR 2+ k[ s(J)] lnJ !tanR 2+di J (6.43a) Sunmeas( S) = 1 + ( s( S))X iT2 i ln S 2 tan1=2R 2 ln tan2R 22 8 + ( s( S))X i6=jTiTj ln S 2lnninj 2+ Li 2 12 ninj ; (6.43b) wheredi Jis the part of the unmeasured jet function containing no large logarithms (given in Eqs. ( A.19) and ( A.30) in the Appendix). The nite parts of the measured and unmeasured jet and soft functions given in Eqs. ( 6.42) and ( 6.43) show that to minimize large logarithms in the O( s) nite parts in the resummed distribution Eq. ( 6.40), we should choose initial scales for the running to be H= !H (6.44a) i J=!i(i a)1 2a; k J=!ktanR 2(6.44b) i S=!ii a tan1aR 2;  S= 2 tan1=2R 2: (6.44c) These choices eliminate all large logarithms in the O( s) hard, jet, and soft functions. They still leave logs of tanR 2andninjin the unmeasured part of the soft function, and logs of tanR 2in the measured jet function, but we already take Rnumerically ofO(1)14 to minimize power corrections from our implementation of the jet algorithm as discussed in Sec. 3.4, andninj1 since the jet separation parameter tijis large compared to 1. All logs ofR, , andi aare eliminated in the unmeasured jet function and measured part of the soft function. 14We still consider tan( R=2) to be of order kin the collinear sectors describing unmeasured jets, as implied by Eq. ( 6.44). This means kis e ectively much larger than the parameter iin a measured jet sector. In fact, note that Eq. ( 6.44) tells us that tanR 2must be parametrically larger than ( i a)1 2a; otherwise, the jet scale falls below the soft scale in the measured jet sectors, invalidating the use of SCET and, thus, the validity of the factorization theorem. { 53 {7. Plots of Distributions and Comparisons to Monte Carlo Having resummed the jet shape distributions in ato NLL accuracy, in this section we plot the distributions for various values of aandR, compare to Monte Carlo simulated events, and perform scale variation on the resummed distribution. We use the process e+e!3 jets to study our predictions of jet shapes, where the jets arise from partons in the \Mercedes-Benz" con guration, with each parton having equal energy. In these con gurations, the partons lie in a plane and are equally separated with a pairwise angle of 2=3. This allows us to study event shape distributions of well-separated jets where tis reasonably large. We choose three values of Rto study,R= 1:0, 0.7, and 0.4. With these values of R, the 1 =t2suppression factor for corrections to the large- tlimit are 0.10, 0.044, and 0.014 respectively. We will measure the angularity of only one of the three jets; the other two jets will be unmeasured. In general, the TiTjcolor correlations in the soft and hard functions lead to operator mixing in color space under RG evolution. This implies that the RG kernels USandUH are matrices in color space and must be studied on a process-by-process basis (see, e.g., [89,90,91,92,93,94]). For the case of N= 2;3 jets there is only one color-singlet operator and hence no mixing. This can be seen, for example, by noting that all color correlations reduce to the Casimir invariants ( CFandCA) in this case (cf. Appendix D). We have restricted the example process we use in this work to N= 3 jets, avoiding the additional complication of color-correlations that comes with a larger number of jets. The NLL resummed distribution for one quark or gluon jet shape (jet 1) in a three-jet nal state, written as the derivative of the radiator Eq. ( 1.5), is 1 (0)d3 d1a=H !H!H(;H)1 J !1(2a)!1 J(;1 J) 2 J !2tanR 2!!2 J(;2 J) 3 J !3tanR 2!!3 J(;3 J)  1 Stan1aR 2 !1!!1 S(;1 S) exp K(;H;1 J;2 J;3 J;1 S; S) + E (;1 J;1 S) [1 + ^fJ(1 a) +^fS(1 a)]1 [ (;1 J;1 S)]" 1 (1a)1+ (;1 J;1 S)# +; (7.1) where the various evolution parameters !i J;S; ;Kare all de ned in Eqs. ( 6.15) and ( 6.41), and ^fJ;Sare given by fJ;Sin Eq. ( 6.42) with thedJ;Sterms set to zero (accurate to NLL). The best scale choices Eq. ( 6.44) for this case are H= !T2 1 1!T2 2 2!T2 3 3 1 2CF+CA(7.2a) 1 J=!1(1 a)1 2a; 2;3 J=!2;3tanR 2(7.2b) 1 S=!11 a tan1aR 2;  S= 2 tan1=2R 2: (7.2c) In Eq. ( 7.1) we have used tree-level initial conditions for the hard, jet, and soft functions at these scales. Eq. ( 7.1) evolves these functions to the arbitrary scale at NLL accuracy. { 54 {τaq jet R=1g jet R=1 q jet R=0.7g jet R=0.7 q jet R=0.4g jet R=0.41 σ(0)dσ dτa a=0a=-1/2 a=-1/4 a=1/4a=1/2 τa0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010050100150200250300 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020010203040506070 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.0100100200300400500 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020020406080100120 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.0100200400600800 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020050100150200Figure 8: Quark and gluon jet shapes for several values of aandR. The NLL resummed distribu- tion in Eq. ( 7.1) is plotted for a=1 2;1 4;0;1 4;1 2for quark and gluon jets with R= 1;0:7;0:4. The plots are for jets produced in e+eannihilation at center-of-mass energy Q= 500 GeV, with three jets produced in a Mercedes-Benz con guration with equal energies EJ= 150 GeV, and minimum threshold  = 15 GeV to produce a jet. With these choices, we plot Eq. ( 7.1) in Fig. 8for several values of aandRfor a quark or gluon jet shape in a three-jet nal state in e+eannihilation at center-of-mass energy Q= 500 GeV.15The jets are chosen to be in a Mercedes-Benz con guration, where all jets have equal energies of 150 GeV. We choose the jet energy cuto  to be 15 GeV. We choose the factorization scale to be =H. 15The distributions plotted with the ^fJ;Sterms included in Eq. ( 7.1) exhibit a small negative dip near a= 0 (not shown) that can be cured by convolving with a nonperturbative shape function with a renormalon- free gap parameter [ 38,54]. This is beyond the scope of the present work, so we only plot the perturbative distributions where they are positive. { 55 {τa τa1 σ(0)dσ dτa a=1/2, R=0.4 τaa=0, R=0.4 a=-1/2, R=0.4a=1/2, R=0.7 a=0, R=0.7 a=-1/2, R=0.7a=1/2, R=1 a=0, R=1 a=-1/2, R=1Legend Quark jets (blue) Gluon jets (red)Theory NLLMonte Carlo hadronization offMonte Carlo hadronization on 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.0100501001502002500.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010010203040506070 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.01401002003004005000.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.0140501001500.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.0140102030405060 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.0200501001502002503000.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.0200204060801001201400.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.0200102030405060 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.0100200400600800Figure 9: Quark vs. gluon jet shapes with comparison to Monte Carlo. Solid, straight curves represent the resummed jet shape distribution in Eq. ( 7.1), and jagged curves are histograms from the Monte Carlo, normalized as described in the text. The solid histogram has no hadronization, while the dashed histogram includes the e ects of hadronization. The distributions are plotted fora=1 2;0;1 2with quark (blue) and gluon (red) jets compared on the same plot, for jets of sizeR= 1:0;0:7;0:4. Gluon jet shape distributions peak at larger values of athan quark jets, indicative of their broader shape. The plots are for jets in e+eannihilation at center-of-mass energy Q= 500 GeV, with three jets produced with equal energies EJ= 150 GeV, angular separation = 2=3 between all pairs of jets, and minimum threshold  = 15 GeV to produce a jet. We compare the results of a jet algorithm implemented on Monte Carlo simulated events with our NLL resummed predictions for a variety of aandRvalues in Fig. 9. Because the resummed NLL distribution we choose to study applies to an exclusive process, three- jet events in the Mercedes-Benz con guration, we implement cuts on the simulated events to obtain a sample that matches onto this con guration. We use MadGraph/MadEvent v.4.4.21 [ 95] to generate parton-level e+e!qqgevents at a center-of-mass energy Q= 500 GeV, with cuts imposed to obtain partons in the Mercedes-Benz con guration. We shower and hadronize the events with Pythia v.6.414 [ 96] usingpT-ordered parton showers. The process of hadronization will induce a shift in the angularity distribution, which we do { 56 {not model in our resummed distribution. Therefore, we produce two samples: one sample with only QCD nal-state showering, no initial-state radiation, and no hadronization, and another sample with complete showering, initial-state radiation, and hadronization. The anti-k Tjet algorithm is run on the nal state particles from Pythia, and we use FastJet [ 97] to implement the jet algorithm. The anti-k Talgorithm is particularly well suited for this comparison, as very few particles at an angle >R to the jet axis are included in the jet. With anti-k T, the phase space cut on an individual particle matches well with the phase space cuts in the next-to-leading order calculation. To select a sample of events to compare to our resummed distributions, we make cuts on the nal state jets, requiring each of the three hard, well-separated partons from MadGraph to be associated with a jet. This involves a cut on the jet direction and momentum: ppartonpjet jppartonjjpjetj>0:9 andjjppartonjjpjetjj jppartonj<0:15: (7.3) We analyze events passing these cuts, and tag each associated jet as coming from a quark or a gluon based on which parton it matches onto. The angularity value for each jet is computed from the constituent particles of the jet, using the matching parton direction as the jet axis. The jet direction only di ers from the parton direction by a power correction (see Sec. 3.2). In Fig. 9, we isolate some of the quark and gluon jet shapes in Fig. 8and compare to Monte Carlo events. The relative normalization between the distribution of Monte Carlo events and the NLL resummed angularity distribution requires some explanation. Both our calculation and the Monte Carlo simulation are most accurate in the region that includes the peak of the distribution and the larger- side of the peak, but both are inaccurate as !0 and in the tail region. Therefore, each will di er in the relative normalization between the peak region and the tail region. An accurate prediction of the tail region requires matching onto a calculation at xed-order in sin full QCD as in [ 43,53,54]. In Fig. 9, we choose to normalize the area of the Monte Carlo distribution to the total area of the NLL aτpeak a gluon jets quark jetsR=1 R=0.7 R=0.4 R=1 R=0.7 R=0.4 /Minus1.0 /Minus0.5 0.0 0.50.0000.0020.0040.0060.0080.0100.0120.014 Figure 10: Location of peak of jet shape distribution as a function of afor quark and gluon jets. We plot the value of aat the peak of the jet shape distribution for abetween -1.0 and 0.8 for quark vs. gluon jets, using R= 1;0:7;0:4. { 57 {quark jets1 σ(0)dσ dτagluon jets hard scale variation hard scale variation scale variation scale variation unmeasured jet scale variation unmeasured jet scale variation measured jet scale variation measured jet scale variation measured soft scale variation measured soft scale variationµΛ µΛ τa τafactorization scale variation factorization scale variation 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010050100150200 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020010203040500.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.02001020304050 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.0100501001502000.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.02001020304050 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.0100501001502000.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020010203040506070 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.0100501001502002500.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.0200102030405060 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.0100501001502002500.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.02001020304050 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010050100150Figure 11: Scale variation of quark and gluon jet shapes. For a= 0 andR= 0:7, we display the variation of the NLL resummed jet shape distributions with the hard scale H, the jet cuto scale S, the unmeasured jet scales 2;3 J, the measured jet scale 1 J(a), and the measured soft scale S(a). In each case we vary the scale between 1 =2 and 2 times the natural choices in Eq. ( 6.44), except for the measured soft scale, which we varied between 1 and 2 times the choice in Eq. ( 6.44). We keep the factorization scale xed at the default hard scale given by Eq. ( 7.2),=!i. { 58 {resummed theory distribution. We nd the area under the theory curves for quark and gluon jets to be approximately 0.3 for R= 0:4, 0.5 forR= 0:7, and 0.7 for R= 1. A more accurate prediction of the normalizations may require summing remaining unsummed logs of the phase space cuts in the theory and Monte Carlo predictions. These plots should be interpreted as comparisons of the predictions of the shapes in aand these shapes' scaling as we vary aandR, rather than the overall normalization. The shapes of the theory and Monte Carlo distributions are largely similar, though they display noticeable di erences at the leftmost endpoint near a= 0 and in the \sharpness" of the peak. These may be due to the di erent ways the two approaches deal with the growth of the strong coupling for small a, the di erent orders of log resummation (LL vs. NLL) and the need to match the tails onto xed-order QCD predictions. Since neither the Monte Carlo nor theory partonic predictions without inclusion of hadronization e ects is yet a prediction of a physically observable quantity, we use this comparison as an intermediate diagnostic rather than a conclusive test of either method. Nevertheless, comparing the way the shapes of the distributions and locations of the peaks vary over the range of values of aandRthat we sample, the behavior agrees very well between the theory distributions and the Monte Carlo distributions without hadronization for both quark and gluon jets. In Fig. 10we plot the location of the peak of the jet shape distributions as a function ofafor three values of R, displaying the di erent variation of the peak of quark and gluon jet shape distributions. The peak value increases with increasing Randa, as wide angle radiation is included (increasing R) and less suppressed (increasing a). Although the di erence in the peak value between the quark and gluon jet angularity distributions is large, the width of each distribution creates substantial overlap in angularity values between quark and gluon jets. Distinguishing between quark and gluon jets using jet angularities is a complex task which we will explore in future work; for now, we note only that the NLL resummed distributions indicate that discrimination between quark and gluon jets using jet angularities is possible. As a rough estimate of the theoretical uncertainty in our NLL resummed predictions, we show in Fig. 11the change in the a= 0 quark and gluon ajet shape distributions for R= 0:7 when the various scales that appear in the resummed cross section Eq. ( 7.1) are varied. These are the initial scales at which the hard, jet, and soft functions are evaluated to minimize logarithms in the NLO xed-order part, from which the evolution kernels run them to the common factorization scale . In the top row of Fig. 11, we varybetween !H=2 and 2!H. The tiny variation is a sign of the consistency condition satis ed by the anomalous dimensions in Eq. ( 6.33). In the next four rows, we vary the hard scale H, the soft jet energy cuto scale  S, the unmeasured jet scales 2;3 J, and the measured jet scale1 J(1 a) between half and twice the natural values given in Eq. ( 7.2). In the last row, we vary the measured soft scale 1 S(1 a) between one and two times the value in Eq. ( 7.2). This is because too low a value of 1 S(1 a) asa!0 brings it into the nonperturbative region where s(1 S) blows up, so that the perturbative estimate of uncertainty is not so meaningful. We note that, while the uncertainty in the vertical scale of the distributions is considerable in some cases, the location of the peak is much more stable. Finally, in Fig. 12we give a sense for how robust our theoretical predictions are for other { 59 {0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.0050100200300400 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.0050501001502002503001 σ0dσ dτ1 0 τ1 0 τ1 0ψnear=π/2 ψnear=π/3 Measured “near” jets Measured “far” jetsτ1 0 τ1 0ψnearblue q near g green q near q red g near q blue q far red g far0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005050100150200250300 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005050100150200250Figure 12: Jet shapes for other kinematic con gurations. We compare our theoretical predictions to Monte Carlo simulations for the shape 1 0(a= 0) for a quark or gluon jet found in a three-jet con guration where the two jets with narrowest separation angle nearhave equal energy. We consider the two cases near==2 and=3. In the rst row, we plot shapes of one of the jets in the \near" pair. The blue solid curve is the shape of quark jet found near a gluon jet, the green dotted curve is a quark found near an antiquark, and the red solid curve is a gluon found near a quark. In the second row, we compare shapes of a quark or gluon jet found far from the near pair. kinematic con gurations. We consider e+e!qqgevents where the angle nearbetween two partons is either =2 or=3, and these partons have equal energy. We nd jets using the anti-kT algorithm with R= 0:4, and plot jet shapes for a= 0. The selection cuts to choose events from the Monte Carlo are the same as the Mercedes-Benz con guration. In these events there are ve distinct characterizations for a single parton. If the event has the quark (or antiquark) as the \far" (most well separated) parton, then each parton in the event is distinct: there is the far quark, the near quark, and the near gluon. If the event has the gluon as the far parton, then there are only two distinct types of partons: the far gluon and the near quark (antiquark). In Fig. 12, we plot all these con gurations for both near==2 and near==3. The agreement between the theory predictions and the Monte Carlo are as good as in the Mercedes-Benz case, a good indication that our calculation applies to a broad range of kinematic con gurations of multijet events. Additionally, we observe features consistent with our intuition about the relative di erences between the jet shape distributions between di erent jets in these con gurations. As one would expect, the distribution of near jet shapes is weighted more heavily towards larger athan the far jet shapes, due to the enhanced soft radiation in the near jet system. When the near quark is near a gluon, the distribution is weighted more heavily towards larger athan when the near quark is near an antiquark, due to the enhanced radiation coming from a gluon rather than a quark. These distributions serve as further evidence that jet shapes may be an e ective discriminant between quark and gluon jets. { 60 {8. Conclusions In this work, we have factorized an N-jet exclusive cross section di erential in MN jet observables and resummed global logarithms of the jet observable ato NLL accuracy, leaving summation of non-global logarithms to future work. We demonstrated that the anomalous dimensions of the hard, jet, and soft functions in the factorization theorem satisfy the nontrivial consistency condition Eq. ( 6.33) toO( s), for any number of quark and gluon jets, any number of jets whose shapes are measured, and any size Rof the jets, as long as the jets are well-separated, meaning t1. This condition ensures the validity of an e ective theory with Ncollinear directions that are assumed to be distinct. We identi ed and estimated important power corrections to the factorized form of the cross section. We also illustrated that zero-bin subtractions give nonzero contributions to the anomalous dimensions crucial for consistency. Armed with consistent factorization and the xed-order jet and soft functions, we resummed large logarithms in the jet shape distribution by running each individual function from the scale where logs in it are minimized to the common factorization scale . We thereby resummed, to NLL accuracy, global logs of the jet shape aand logs of the scale =EJof soft radiation outside of jets, but leaving some non-global logs and logs of the angular cut R(but we took Rto be numerically of order 1). This is the rst such calculation of a resummed jet shape distribution in an exclusive multijet cross section. We constructed a framework to deal with all the scales that appear in the multijet soft function which depends on the values i aof allMjet shapes and the phase space cuts ;R. By refactorizing the full soft function into individual pieces depending on one of these scales at a time, we were able to sum logs of ratios of these scales. We demonstrated the accuracy of our results by comparing our resummed prediction for quark and gluon jet shapes in e+e!3 jets to the output of Monte Carlo event generators, MadGraph/MadEvent and Pythia. We compared our predictions with the Monte Carlo output without hadronization. The changes in shape and location of the peak value as functions of aandRmatch quite well between the theory and Monte Carlo. Our results provide a basis for future studies of other jet observables at both e+eand hadron colliders, requiring recalculation of those parts of our jet and soft functions that depend on the choice of observable. Studying jets at hadron colliders requires constructing observables appropriate for that environment and the switching of two of our outgoing jets to incoming beams, which can be described by beam functions in SCET [ 62]. Precision calculations of jet shapes will allow improved discrimination of jets of di erent origins. We are applying the results of our predictions of light quark and gluon jet shapes to distinguish quark and gluon jets with greater eciency than achieved before. Extensions to the shapes of heavy jets and calculations of other types of jet shapes such as the ( r=R) shape introduced in [ 14,15,16] can also be performed. Note added in nal preparation: As this paper was being completed, Ref. [ 98] appeared reporting the calculation of a quark jet function for a jet de ned with a Sterman-Weinberg algorithm and whose invariant mass sis measured. This jet function is related to our { 61 {measured jet function Jq !(a) for a cone jet at a= 0 given in Eq. ( 4.11), sinces=!20. We have checked that the corresponding results between the two papers agree. Acknowledgments We are grateful to C. Bauer for valuable discussions and review of the draft. The authors at the Berkeley CTP and in the Particle Theory Group at the University of Washington thank one another's groups for hospitality during portions of this work. AH was supported in part by an LHC Theory Initiative Graduate Fellowship, NSF grant number PHY-0705682. The work of AH and CL was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231, and in part by the National Science Foundation under grant PHY-0457315. The work of SDE, CKV, and JRW was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under Grants DE-FG02-96ER40956. A. Jet Function Calculations A.1 Finite Pieces of the Quark Jet Function Measured Quark Jet Function The nite pieces the jet functions, which depend on the jet algorithm, share common features. For cone-type algorithms, the nite piece of the naive part of the quark jet function, ~Jq alg(a), is given by ~Jq cone(a) =CF7 2+ 3 ln 22 3 (a) +CF 1a 2 Iq cone(a)(max aa) a +(A.1) where in this Appendix, plus distributions are de ned by [ 62] [(x)g(x)]+= lim !0d dx[(x)G(x)]; withG(x) =Zx 1dx0g(x0); (A.2) de ned so as to satisfy the boundary conditionR1 0dx[(x)g(x)]+= 0. The quantity Iq cone depends implicitly on aandRand is given by Iq cone=Z1xcone xconedx2(1x) +x2 x= 2 log1xcone xcone3 2+ 3xcone: (A.3) The parameter xcone=xcone(a) is the lower limit on the x=q=!scaled gluon momentum integral imposed by the cone restriction. It is given by the solution of the equation fcone(xcone) =a tan2aR 2; (A.4) wherefcone(x) is de ned as fcone(x)x2a[x1+a+ (1x)1+a] (A.5) in the range 0 < x < 1=2, which is plotted in Fig. 13A. The limit max ais given by the maximum value over xof Eq. ( A.5). Similarly, for k T-type algorithms, ~Jq kT(a) is given by ~Jq kT(a) =CF13 222 3 (a) +CF 1a 2 Iq kT(a)(max aa) a +: (A.6) { 62 {x(A) (B)x2a−22a−2 τa tan(2−a)R/2x fcone (x) fkT(x) fkT(x) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 x1 1−x1 x2 x1 1−x1 1−x20.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 xcone 1−xcone (C)x xFigure 13: Regions of integration for the (A) cone and k T-type algorithms for (B) a >1 and (C)a <1. The allowed region of xis when the (blue) functions fcone;kT(x) lie above the (red) lines of constant a=tan(2a)R=2. Whena <1 for the k Talgorithm, there are two regions of integration when a>2a2tan(2a)R=2. Iq kTis given by Iq kT=Z Rdx2(1x) +x2 x(A.7) whereRis the region in xwhere the constraint fkT(x)x2a(1x)2a[x1+a+ (1x)1+a]a tan2aR 2(A.8) is satis ed. We plot this region in Fig. 13B and C for the cases a >1 anda <1, repsectively. The boundaries of this region are the points x1;2illustrated in the gure, and are given by the equation fkT(x1;2) =a tan2aR 2; (A.9) where we take x2>x 1ifx2exists. The upper limit max ais given by the maximum value overxof the right-hand side of Eq. ( A.8). In general, the constraint Eq. ( A.8) is symmetric aboutx=1 2, and so the region Ris symmetric about the same point. In general, if a>1 ora<2a2tan(2a)R 2, thenRis a single range in x. Otherwise,Ris two disjoint ranges inx. Sincea2a2tan(2a)R 2can only occur for a<1, we can writeIq kTas Iq kT=Z1x1 x1dx2(1x) +x2 x a>2a2tan(2a)R 2Z1x2 x2dx2(1x) +x2 x (A.10) Note thatIq coneandIq kTinvolve the same integrand, but for each algorithm the integral is over di erent ranges. In addition, both xconeandx1approach the same limiting value for smalla, xa!0!a tan(2a)R 2: (A.11) Thus, we can extract the small abehavior of both distributions by writing 1 aln1x x +=" 1 aln a tan(2a)R 21x x!# +" 1 aln a tan(2a)R 2!# +;(A.12) { 63 {wherex=xconeorx1for the cone and k Talgorithms, respectively. De ning rq(x) = 3x+ 2 ln1x x; (A.13) using Eq. ( A.12), and including the zero-bin subtraction in Eq. ( 4.10), we nd that the nite distributions of the full measured quark jet functions are Jq cone(a) =CF" 3 2ln2 !2tan2R 2+1a 2 1aln22 !2+ 1a 2 ln2tan2R 2+7 2+ 3 ln 2 2 6 2 +1a 2 1a# (a)CF" 4 1alntan1aR 2 !a! (amax a) a# + CF 1a 2" (a)(max aa) a3 2+2a 1aln2 !21 1a=2 a rq(xcone)2 lna tan2aR 2# +(A.14a) and Jq kT(a) =CF" 3 2ln2 !2tan2R 2+1a 2 1aln22 !2+ 1a 2 ln2tan2R 2+13 2 2 6 4 +1a 2 1a# (a)CF" 4 1alntan1aR 2 !a! (amax a) a# + CF 1a 2(a)(max aa) a3 2+2a 1aln2 !21 1a=2 rq(x1)2 lna tan2aR 2+  1 2aa>2 tanR 2 rq(x2)3 2 +: (A.14b) Fora= 0, these expressions for the jet functions can be simpli ed further to give Jq cone(0) =Jq incl(0) +CF" 3(0) tan2R 20 0+ tan2R 2+ 0tan2R 2 0 2 ln0 tan2R 2+3 2!# ; (A.15a) for the cone jet function, and Jq kT(0) =Jq incl(0) +CF( (0)1 4tan2R 20 0" 3x1+ 2 ln 1x1 x10 tan2R 2!# + 01 4tan2R 2 0 2 ln0 tan2R 2+3 2!) ; (A.15b) for the k Tjet function. In Eq. ( A.15b ),x1is given by its value for a= 0, x1=1 2 1s 140 tan2R 2! : (A.16) { 64 {In Eq. ( A.15), we have divided the cone and k Tjet functions into the contribution Jq incl(0) to the inclusive jet function [ 75,76], given by Jq incl(0) =CF (0)3 2ln2 !2+ ln22 !2+7 22 2 (0) 03 2+ 2 ln2 !2 + ; (A.17) and algorithm-dependent parts. The algorithm-dependent part of the a= 0 cone jet function Eq. ( A.15a ) agrees with [ 98]. Note that if one takes Rto be parametrically larger than0(cf. Sec. 3.4and Eq. ( 6.44)), the algorithm-dependent parts of Eq. ( A.15) are power suppressed, and the cone and k Tjet functions reduce to the inclusive jet function. Unmeasured Quark Jet Function The nite pieces for the unmeasured quark jet function are Jq alg=3CF 2ln 2 !2tan2R 2! +CF 2ln2 2 !2tan2R 2! +dq;alg J; (A.18) where the constant term dq;alg Jis given by dq;cone J=CF7 2+ 3 ln 252 12 ; dq;kT J=CF13 232 4 ; (A.19) for the cone and k Talgorithms, respectively. A.2 Finite Pieces of the Gluon Jet Function Measured Gluon Jet Function The nite distributions of the naive gluon jet function are given by ~Jg cone(a) =(a) CA137 36+11 3ln 22 3 TRNf23 18+4 3ln 2 +1 1a 2 Ig cone(a)(max aa) a +; (A.20) and ~Jg kT(a) =(a) CA67 922 3 TRNf23 9 +1 1a 2 Ig kT(a)(max aa) a +; (A.21) where the integrals Ig algare given by Ig alg=Z dx CA1 x(1x)+x(1x)2 +TRNf(12x(1x)) ; (A.22) with the cone and k Tregions of integration the same as for the quark jet functions. The valuemax ais the same as in the measured quark jet function, for the respective jet algo- rithm. { 65 {Going through similar steps as for the quark jet function, de ning rg(x) = 2CAln1x x +CAx2 3x2x+ 4 TRNfx4 3x22x+ 2 ;(A.23) and using Eq. ( A.12) to make all logarithmic dependence on aexplicit, we nd for the cone and k T-type jet function nite distributions Jg cone(a) =(a)" 0 2ln2 !2tan2R 2+CA1a 2 1aln22 !2+CA 1a 2 ln2tan2R 2(A.24a) +CA137 36+11 3ln 22 6 2 +1a 2 1a TRNf23 18+4 3ln 2# " 4CA 1alntan1aR 2 !a! (a)(amax a) a# +1 1a 2" (a)(max aa) a  0 2+2a 1aCAln2 !21 1a=2rg(xcone)2CAlna tan2aR 2!# +; and Jg kT(a) =(a)" 0 2ln2 !2tan2R 2+CA1a 2 1aln22 !2+CA 1a 2 ln2tan2R 2(A.24b) +CA67 92 6 4 +1a 2 1a TRNf23 9 " 4CA 1alntan1aR 2 !a! (a)(amax a) a# + 1 1a 2( (a)(max aa) a" 0 2+2a 1aCAln2 !21 1a=2 rg(x1)2CAlna tan2aR 2+  1 2aa>2 tanR 2 rg(x2) 0 2#) +; wherexconeandx1;2are given in Eqs. ( A.3) and ( A.8). Fora= 0, the simpli ed result for the gluon cone jet function is Jg cone(0) =Jg incl(0) +(0) tan2R 20 0+ tan2R 2f 0 0+ tan2R 2! + 0tan2R 2 0 2CAln0 tan2R 2+ 0 2! ;(A.25) where f(x)CA2 3x2x+ 4 TRNf4 3x22x+ 2 : (A.26) { 66 {Fora= 0, the gluon k Tjet function is given by, Jg kT(0) =Jg incl(0) +(0)1 4tan2R 20 0" rg(x1) + 2CAln0 tan2R 2# + 01 4tan2R 2 0 2CAln0 tan2R 2+ 0 2! ;(A.27) wherex1is given by Eq. ( A.16), andrg(x1) is given by Eq. ( A.23). In Eqs. ( A.25) and (A.27), the contribution Jg incl(0) to the inclusive gluon jet function [ 34,35,78,79] is Jg incl(0) =(0)" 0 2ln2 !2+CAln22 !2+CA67 182 2 10TRNf 9# " 0 2+ 2CAln2 !20! (0) 0# +(A.28) As for the quark jet functions Eq. ( A.15), the gluon jet functions split up into the inclusive jet function and algorithm-dependent pieces that are power suppressed for 0R. Unmeasured Gluon Jet Function For the unmeasured gluon jet functions, the nite pieces are given by Jg alg=CA 2ln22 !2tan2R 2+ 0 2ln2 !2tan2R 2+dg;alg J(A.29) where the constant part dg;alg Jfor the cone and k Talgorithms is given by, respectively, dg;cone J=CA137 36+11 3ln 252 12 TRNf23 18+4 3ln 2 (A.30a) and dg;kT J=CA67 932 4 TRNf23 9 : (A.30b) B. Soft function calculations B.1Sincl ij To evaluate the expression Eq. ( 5.11), we rst de ne Sincl ij1 1 (1) s 242 42 TiTjIincl(ninj): (B.1) We needIincltoO(). Working in a coordinate system with ~ nialigned along the z-axis and~ njin thexz-plane and de ning n1ninj=nz j, we have Iincl(ninj) =ninj4(1) 2p(1 2)Z 0dsin2Z 0dsin121 1cos 1 1nx jsincosnz jcos =4 2(1)Z+1 1du(1u)1(1 +u)1n 1un2~F11 2;1; 1;z (B.2) { 67 {wherez=(1n2)(1u2) (1un)2. The integration over u= coshas singularities at the points u= 1 andu=nwhich correspond to z= 1 andz= 0, respectively. To isolate these singularities, we split the integration over uinto the ranges (1;) and (;1) wheren<< 1, Iincl(ninj) =Iincl 1(ninj) +Iincl 2(ninj); (B.3) where Iincl 1(ninj)4 2(1)Z 1du(1u)1(1 +u)1n 1un2~F11 2;1; 1;z Iincl 2(ninj)4 2(1)Z1 du(1u)1(1 +u)1n 1un2~F11 2;1; 1;z :(B.4) Over the range of integration of uinIincl 1,z2[0;1) for<1. ForIincl 2,z2(0;1]. Furthermore, the singularity at u=ninIincl 1is made more explicit through the use of the identity 2~F11 2;1; 1;z =fa(z) +fb(z) fa(z) =p cos ()1nu junj1+2 2~F11 2;;1 2; 1z fb(z) = cos () (1=2)(1)2~F11 2;1;3 2; 1z : (B.5) fa(z) gives anO(1=) contribution and we proceed by using the following trick that we exploit multiple times throughout the Appendix. To integrate a product of functions f(x;)g(x;) wherefdiverges at the point x0as (xx0)1+O(), we write the integation as Z dxf(x;)g(x;) =Z dxf(x;)g(x0;) +Z dxf(x;) g(x;)g(x0;) : (B.6) The rst integral has relatively simple xdependence since g(x0;) does not depend on x. The term in parenthesis in the second integral vanishes as xx0for regular functions g and so the entire integrand can be expanded in . We can now evaluate fa(z) by adding and subtracting the non-singular part of the integrand (which is the hypergeometric function) evaluated at u=nas in Eq. ( B.6), whereasfb(z) isO() and so we can simply expand about = 0. Adding these contributions, we nd that Iincl 1(ninj) =4 2"p(1) 1n2 cos()1 2Z 1du junj1+2 Z 1dusgn(nu) 1u 1ln4(nu)2 1n2! +Z 1du 1u2 junjtanh1junj 1nu# : (B.7) { 68 {ForIincl 2, the part of the integrand that is not singular at u= 1 is everything that multiplies (1u)1, and so we add and subtract this part as in Eq. ( B.6). This gives Iincl 2(ninj) =4 2" 1 2(1)+Z1 du un 1 +1n 1ulog(n1)2(u+ 1) 4(nu)2 log(1u) +un 1ulog(2)!# : (B.8) The integrals in Eqs. ( B.7) and ( B.8) give rise to many terms. However, we nd that, after some lengthy algebra, the dependence on cancels in the sum as it must and that the result can be simpli ed to Iincl(ninj) =1 + lnninj 2 +2 6+ Li 2 12 ninj : (B.9) B.2Si ijandSmeas ij(i a) B.2.1 Common Integrals In evaluating the soft contributions Si ijandSmeas ij(i a), we nd an integral of the following form: I( ; ;t ) = 2t2Z1 0du uu2 f(u; ;t); (B.10) wheret>1 and f(u; ;t) =(tan2R 2+u2)2  (u+t)22F1 1;1 2; 12;4tu (u+t)2 : (B.11) To evaluate this integral, we add and subtract the part of the integrand that is not singular atu= 0, namely f(u; ;t), as in Eq. ( B.6). This allows us to write I( ; ;t ) = 2 tan4 R 2Z1 0du u1+2  +1 t2u2 u+ 2 ulnu+t2 ulnt2 t2u2+ t2 uln 1 + tan2R 2u2 ; (B.12) where we used that f(0; ;t) =1 t2tan4 R 2; (B.13) and that the expansion of the hypergeometric about = 0 fort>u is 2F1 1;1 2; 12;4tu (u+t)2 =t+u tu 1 + 2lnt2 t2u2+O(2) : (B.14) Evaluating the integals, we obtain I( ; ;t ) =tan4 R 2 t2 t21  + + 2 2 Li21 t21 2 Li2 1 +t2tan2R 2 t21! +O(2): (B.15) { 69 {B.2.2Smeas ij(i a) To evaluate Eq. ( 5.17) for the case that k=i, we use light cone coordinates in the frame of jet i,k+=nikandk= nik. In terms of these variables, the on-shell condition can be used to give njk=k+cos2 ij 2+ksin2 ij 2p k+ksin ijcos; (B.16) with cos ij= 1ninj, andthe angle in k?-space (the azimuthal angle about ~ ni). We can do the k?andk+integrals using the on-shell and adelta functions respectively. The resultingSmeas ij(i a) has non-trivial integrals over kand: Smeas ij(i a) = s 442 !2 (ninj)(TiTj)1p(1 2)2! 2a1 (ia)2Z 0dsin2 Z1 0dk (k)2!i a k1  tan2R 2!i a k2 2a!!i a k21a 2a "!i a k2 2a cos2 ij 2+ sin2 ij 2!i a k1 2a sin ijcos#1 : (B.17) Making the change of variables u= cotR 2p k+=k= cotR 2 !i a k1 2a, we nd that Smeas ij(i a) can be written as Smeas ij(i a) = s 2TiTj1 (1)42 !2tan2(1a)R 21 ia1+2 I(1a;0;tij);(B.18) whereI( ; ;t ) is de ned in Eq. ( B.10). Using Eq. ( B.15) we nd the result given in Eq. ( 5.18). B.2.3Si ij The -functions in Eq. ( 5.14) are easiest to deal with if we shift to variables where each -function is in a di erent variable. The simplest choices are just the arguments of the  functions  and i R,k0andu= cotR 2p k+=k, respectively, where kare de ned with respect to direction ni. This gives a form similar to the integral in Smeas ij(i a), Sj ij=1  s 4TiTj1 (1)42 42tan2R 2 I(1;1;tij): (B.19) whereI( ; ;t ) is de ned in Eq. ( B.10) and evaluates to Eq. ( B.15). This gives Eq. ( 5.15). B.3Smeas ij(k a)andSk ijfork6=i;j We again use light cone coordinates centered on jet k. The integrations involved in Smeas ij(k a) andSk ijonly give rise to a 1 =pole as explained in the text, but integrating the eikonal factor 1 =(nik)(njk) is more complicated than for the other cases since there is a third direction, nk, involved. { 70 {For unmeasured jets when there are n3 total nal state jets, Sk ijis needed. However, as we explain in the text, measured jets violate consistency at O(1=t2) even forn= 2 (non back-to-back) jets and the contribution of Sk ijdoes not ameliorate this fact when n3. To show this, we need to evaluate the divergent contribution of Sk ij. In addition, we give the form of the nite pieces which are O(1=t2). For each measured jet when there are n3, the sum Smeas ij(k a) +Sk ij(k a) is needed. However, in this case the 1 =pole cancels in this sum and we are left with only a single, nite integral to evaluate. This is clear from the expressions for Smeas ij(k a) andSk ijwhich we derive in Sec. B.3.2 and Sec. B.3.3 , respectively. We evaluate the sum explicitly in Sec.B.3.4 . B.3.1 Common Integrals We nd the following integral arising in both Smeas ij(k a) andSk ij: I(u;ta;tb; )2 Z 0d1sin21Z 0d2sin122t2 a+t2 b2tatbcos u2+t2a2utacos1 1 u2+t2 b2utb(cos cos1+ sin sin1cos2) =I(0)(u;ta;tb; ) +I(1)(u;ta;tb; ) +O(2); (B.20) where theO(0) andO(1) parts ofIare I(0)(u;ta;tb; ) =2 Z 0dA A2B2t2 a+t2 b2tatbcos u2+t2a2utacos(B.21) I(1)(u;ta;tb; ) =2 Z 0d2 ln (sin)A A2B2+B A2B2logAB A+Bt2 a+t2 b2tatbcos u2+t2a2utacos; where we de ned A=u2+t2 b2utbcos cos B= 2utbsin sin: (B.22) We can evaluate I(0)straightforwardly. For the range of our interest, ta;b>1 and 0