arXiv:1001.0024v1 [q-fin.CP] 30 Dec 2009November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers c/circlecopyrtWorld Scientific Publishing Company BAYESIAN INFERENCE OF STOCHASTIC VOLATILITY MODEL BY HYBRID MONTE CARLO Tetsuya Takaishi† Hiroshima University of Economics, Hiroshima 731-0192 JAPAN † Received (Day Month Year) Revised (Day Month Year) Accepted (Day Month Year) The hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm is applied for the Bay esian inference of the stochastic volatility (SV) model. We use the HMC algorithm f or the Markov chain Monte Carloupdates of volatility variables of the SV model. First we compute parameters of the SV model by using the artificial financial data and compare the results from the HMC algorithm with those from the Metropolis algorithm. We find t hat the HMC algorithm decorrelates the volatility variables faster than the Metr opolis algorithm. Second we make an empirical study for the time series of the Nikkei 225 s tock index by the HMC algorithm. We find the similar correlation behavior for the s ampled data to the results from the artificial financial data and obtain a φvalue close to one ( φ≈0.977), which means that the time series has the strong persistency of the v olatility shock. Keywords : Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm, Stochastic Volatility Mode l, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Bayesian Inference, Financial Data Analysis 1. Introduction Many empirical studies of financial prices such as stock indexes, ex change rates have confirmed that financial time series of price returns shows va rious interesting properties which can not be derived from a simple assumption that th e price re- turns follow the geometric Brownian motion. Those properties are n ow classified as stylized facts1,2. Some examples of the stylized facts are (i) fat-tailed distribu- tion of return (ii) volatility clustering (iii) slow decay of the autocorre lation time of the absolute returns. The true dynamics behind the stylized fac ts is not fully understood. In order to imitate the real financial markets and to understand the origins of the stylized facts, a variety of models have been propose d and examined. Actually many models are able to capture some of the stylized facts3-14. In empirical finance the volatilityis an important value to measurethe risk. One of the stylized facts of the volatility is that the volatility of price retu rns changes in time and shows clustering, so called ”volatility clustering”. Then the histogram of the resulting price returns shows a fat-tailed distribution which in dicates that 1November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 2Authors’ Names the probability of having a large price change is higher than that of th e Gaussian distribution. In order to mimic these empirical properties of the vola tility and to forecast the future volatility values, Engle advocated the autore gressive conditional hetroskedasticity (ARCH) model15where the volatility variable changes determin- istically depending on the past squared value of the return. Later t he ARCH model is generalized by adding also the past volatility dependence to the vola tility change. This model is known asthe generalizedARCH(GARCH) model16. The parameters of the GARCH model applied to financial time series are conventionally determined by the maximum likelihood method. There are many extended versions of GARCH models, such as EGARCH17, GJR18, QGARCH19,20models etc., which are de- signed to increase the ability to forecast the volatility value. The stochastic volatility (SV) model21,22is another model which captures the propertiesofthevolatility.IncontrasttotheGARCHmodel,thevo latilityoftheSV model changes stochastically in time. As a result the likelihood functio n of the SV model is given as a multiple integral of the volatility variables. Such an in tegral in general is not analytically calculable and thus the determination of th e parameters of the SV model by the maximum likelihood method becomes difficult. To o vercome this difficulty in the maximum likelihood method the Markov Chain Monte Ca rlo (MCMC) method based on the Bayesian approach is proposed and de veloped21. In the MCMC of the SV model one has to update not only the parameter variables but also the volatility ones from a joint probability distribution of the p arameters and the volatility variables. The number of the volatility variables to be updated increases with the data size of time series. The first proposed upda te scheme of the volatility variables is based on the local update such as the Metro polis-type algorithm21. It is however known that when the local update scheme is used for the volatility variables having interactions to their neighbor variables in time, the autocorrelationtime ofsampledvolatilityvariablesbecomeslargeand thusthe local update scheme becomes ineffective23. In order to improve the efficiency of the local update method the blocked scheme which updates several variable s at once is also proposed23,24. A recent survey on the MCMC studies of the SV model is seen in Ref.25. In our study we use the HMC algorithm26which had not been considered seriously for the MCMC simulation of the SV model. In finance there ex ists an application of the HMC algorithm to the GARCH model27where three GARCH parameters are updated by the HMC scheme. It is more interesting to apply the HMC for updates of the volatility variables because the HMC algorithm is a global update scheme which can update all variables at once. This feature of the HMC algorithm can be used for the global update of the volatility variables which can not be achieved by the standard Metropolis algorithm. A preliminary stud y28shows that the HMC algorithmsamplesthe volatilityvariableseffectively.In t his paperwe give a detailed description of the HMC algorithm and examine the HMC alg orithm with artificial financial data up to the data size of T=5000. We also ma ke an empirical analysis of the Nikkei 225 stock index by the HMC algorithm.November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 3 2. Stochastic Volatility Model The standard version of the SV model21,22is given by yt=σtǫt= exp(ht/2)ǫt, (1) ht=µ+φ(ht−1−µ)+ηt, (2) whereyt= (y1,y2,...,yn) represents the time series data, htis defined by ht= lnσ2 t andσtiscalledvolatility.Wealsocall htvolatilityvariable.Theerrorterms ǫtandηt are taken from independent normal distributions N(0,1) andN(0,σ2 η) respectively. We assume that |φ|<1. When φis close to one, the model exhibits the strong persistency of the volatility shock. For this model the parameters to be determined are µ,φandσ2 η. Let us use θ asθ= (µ,φ,σ2 η). Then the likelihood function L(θ) for the SV model is written as L(θ) =/integraldisplayn/productdisplay t=1f(ǫt|σ2 t)f(ht|θ)dh1dh2...dhn, (3) where f(ǫt|σ2 t) =/parenleftbig 2πσ2 t/parenrightbig−1 2exp/parenleftbigg −y2 t 2σ2 t/parenrightbigg , (4) f(h1|θ) =/parenleftBigg 2πσ2 η 1−φ2/parenrightBigg−1 2 exp/parenleftbigg −[h1−µ]2 2σ2η/(1−φ2)/parenrightbigg , (5) f(ht|θ) =/parenleftbig 2πσ2 η/parenrightbig−1 2exp/parenleftbigg −[ht−µ−φ(ht−1−µ)]2 2σ2η/parenrightbigg . (6) As seen in Eq.(3), L(θ) is constructed as a multiple integral of the volatility vari- ables. For such an integral it is difficult to apply the maximum likelihood me thod which estimates values of θby maximizing the likelihood function. Instead of using the maximum likelihood method we perform the MCMC simulations based o n the Bayesian inference as explained in the next section. 3. Bayesian inference for the SV model From the Bayes’ rule, the probability distribution of the parameter sθis given by f(θ|y) =1 ZL(θ)π(θ), (7) whereZis the normalization constant Z=/integraltext L(θ)π(θ)dθandπ(θ) is a prior disti- bution of θfor which we make a certian assumption. The values of the paramete rs are inferred as the expectation values of θgiven by /an}bracketle{tθ/an}bracketri}ht=/integraldisplay θf(θ|y)dθ. (8) In general this integral can not be performed analytically. For tha t case, one can use the MCMC method to estimate the expectation values numerically .November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 4Authors’ Names In the MCMC method, we first generate a series of θwith a probability of P(θ) =f(θ|y). Letθ(i)= (θ(1),θ(2),...,θ(k)) be values of θgenerated by the MCMC sampling. Then using these kvalues the expectation value of θis estimated by an average as /an}bracketle{tθ/an}bracketri}ht=1 kk/summationdisplay i=1θ(i). (9) The statistical error for kindependent samples is proportional to1√ k. When the sampled data are correlated the statistical error will be proportio nal to/radicalbigg 2τ kwhere τis the autocorrelation time between the sampled data. The value of τdepends on the MCMC sampling scheme we take. In order to reduce the statis tical error within limited sampled data it is better to choose an MCMC method which is able to generate data with a small τ. 3.1.MCMC Sampling of θ For the SV model, in addition to θ, volatility variables htalso have to be updated sincetheyshouldbeintegratedoutasinEq.(3).Let P(θ,ht)be thejointprobability distribution of θandht. ThenP(θ,ht) is given by P(θ,ht)∼¯L(θ,ht)π(θ), (10) where ¯L(θ,ht) =n/productdisplay t=1f(ǫt|ht)f(ht|θ). (11) For the prior π(θ) we assume that π(σ2 η)∼(σ2 η)−1and for others π(µ) =π(φ) = constant. The MCMC sampling methods for θare given in the following21,22. The prob- ability distribution for each parameter can be derived from Eq.(10) b y extracting the part including the corresponding parameter. •σ2 ηupdate scheme. The probability distribution of σ2 ηis given by P(σ2 η)∼(σ2 η)−n 2−1exp/parenleftbigg −A σ2η/parenrightbigg , (12) where A=1 2{(1−φ2)(h1−µ)2+n/summationdisplay t=2[ht−µ−φ(ht−1−µ)]2}.(13) Since Eq.(12) is an inverse gamma distribution we can easily draw a value ofσ2 ηby using an appropriate statistical library in the computer.November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 5 •µupdate scheme. The probability distribution of µis given by P(µ)∼exp/braceleftbigg −B 2σ2η(µ−C B)2/bracerightbigg , (14) where B= (1−φ2)+(n−1)(1−φ)2, (15) and C= (1−φ2)h1+(1−φ)n/summationdisplay t=2(ht−φht−1). (16) µis drawn from a Gaussian distribution of Eq.(14). •φupdate scheme. The probability distribution of φis given by P(φ)∼(1−φ2)1/2exp{−D 2σ2η(φ−E D)2}, (17) where D=−(h1−µ)2+n/summationdisplay t=2(ht−1−µ)2, andE=/summationtextn t=1(ht−µ)(ht−1−µ).(18) In order to update φwith Eq.(17), we use the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm30,31. Let us write Eq.(17) as P(φ)∼P1(φ)P2(φ) where P1(φ) = (1−φ2)1/2, (19) P2(φ)∼exp{−D 2σ2η(φ−E D)2}. (20) SinceP2(φ) is a Gaussian distribution we can easily draw φfrom Eq.(20). Letφnewbe a candidate given from Eq.(20). Then in order to obtain the correct distribution, φnewis accepted with the following probability PMH. PMH= min/braceleftbiggP(φnew)P2(φ) P(φ)P2(φnew),1/bracerightbigg = min/braceleftBigg/radicalBigg (1−φ2new) (1−φ2),1/bracerightBigg .(21) In addition to the abovestep we restrict φwithin [−1,1]to avoida negative value in the calculation of square root. 3.2.Probability distribution for ht The probability distribution of the volatility variables htis given by P(ht)≡P(h1,h2,...,hn)∼ (22) exp/parenleftBig −/summationtextn i=1{ht 2+ǫ2 t 2e−ht}−[h1−µ]2 2σ2 η/(1−φ2)−/summationtextn i=2[ht−µ−φ(ht−1−µ)]2 2σ2 η/parenrightBig .November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 6Authors’ Names Thisprobabilitydistributionisnotasimplefunction todrawvaluesof ht.Aconven- tional method is the Metropolis method30,31which updates the variables locally. There are several methods21,22,23,24developed to update htfrom Eq.(22). Here we use the HMC algorithm to update htglobally. The HMC algorithm is described in the next section. 4. Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm Originallythe HMCalgorithmis developedforthe MCMCsimulationsofthe lattice QuantumChromoDynamics(QCD) calculations26. Amajordifficultyofthe lattice QCDcalculationsistheinclusionofdynamicalfermions.Theeffectoft hedynamical fermions is incorporated by the determinant of the fermion matrix. The computa- tional work of the determinant calculation requires O(V3) arithmetic operations29, whereVis the volume of a 4-dimensional lattice. A typical size of the volume is V >104. The standard Metropolis algorithm which locally updates variables do es not work since each local update requires O(V3) arithmetic operations for a deter- minant calculation,which results in unacceptable computational cos t in total. Since the HMC algorithm is a global update method, the computational cos t remains in the acceptable region. The basic idea of the HMC algorithm is a combination of molecular dynamic s (MD) simulation and Metropolis accept/reject step. Let us conside r to evaluate the following expectation value /an}bracketle{tO(x)/an}bracketri}htby the HMC algorithm. /an}bracketle{tO(x)/an}bracketri}ht=/integraldisplay O(x)f(x)dx=/integraldisplay O(x)elnf(x)dx, (23) wherex= (x1,x2,...,xn),f(x) is a probability density and O(x) stands for an function of x. First we introduce momentum variables p= (p1,p2,...,pn) conjugate to the variables xand then rewrite Eq.(23) as /an}bracketle{tO(x)/an}bracketri}ht=1 Z/integraldisplay O(x)e−1 2p2+lnf(x)dxdp=1 Z/integraldisplay O(x)e−H(p,x)dxdp. (24) whereZis a normalization constant given by Z=/integraldisplay exp/parenleftbigg −1 2p2/parenrightbigg dp, (25) andp2stands for/summationtextn i=1p2 i.H(p,x) is the Hamiltonian defined by H(p,x) =1 2p2−lnf(x). (26) Note that the introduction of pdoes not change the value of /an}bracketle{tO(x)/an}bracketri}ht. In the HMC algorithm, new candidates of the variables ( p,x) are drawn by integrating the Hamilton’s equations of motion, dxi dt=∂H ∂pi, (27) dpi dt=−∂H ∂xi. (28)November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 7 In general the Hamilton’s equations of motion arenot solved analytic ally. Therefore wesolvethemnumericallybydoingthe MDsimulation.Let TMD(∆t) beanelemen- tary MD step with a step size ∆ t, which evolves ( p(t),x(t)) to (p(t+∆t),x(t+∆t)): TMD(∆t) : (p(t),x(t))→(p(t+∆t),x(t+∆t)). (29) Any integrator can be used for the MD simulation provided that the f ollowing conditions are satisfied26 •area preserving dp(t)dx(t)dx=dp(t+∆t)dx(t+∆t). (30) •time reversibility TMD(−∆t) : (p(t+∆t),x(t+∆t))→(p(t),x(t)). (31) The simplest and often used integrator satisfying the above two co nditions is the 2nd order leapfrog integrator given by xi(t+∆t/2) =xi(t)+∆t 2pi(t) pi(t+∆t) =p(t)i−∆t∂H ∂xi xi(t+∆t) =xi(t+∆t/2)+∆t 2pi(t+∆t). (32) In this study we use this integrator.The numericalintegration is pe rformedNsteps repeatedly by Eq.(32) and in this case the total trajectory length λof the MD is λ=N×∆t. At the end of the trajectory we obtain new candidates ( p′,x′). These candidates are accepted with the Metropolis test, i.e. ( p′,x′) are globally accepted with the following probability, P= min{1,exp(−H(p′,x′)) exp(−H(p,x))}= min{1,exp(−∆H)}, (33) where∆Histhe energydifferencegivenby∆ H=H(p′,x′)−H(p,x). Sinceweinte- grate the Hamilton’s equations of motion approximately by an integra tor, the total Hamiltonianisnotconserved,i.e.∆ H/ne}ationslash= 0.Theacceptanceorthe magnitudeof∆ H is tuned by the step size ∆ tto obtain a reasonable acceptance. Actually there ex- ists the optimal acceptance which is about 60 −70%for 2nd order integrators32,33. Surprisingly the optimal acceptance is not dependent of the model we consider. For the n-th order integrator the optimal acceptance is expected to be32∼exp/parenleftbigg −1 n/parenrightbigg . We could also use higher order integrators which give us a smaller ener gy dif- ference ∆ H. However the higher order integrators are not always effective sin ce they need more arithmetic operations than the lower order integra tors32,33. The efficiency of the higher order integrators depends on the model we consider. ThereNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 8Authors’ Names also exist improved integrators which have less arithmetic operation s than the con- ventional integrators34. For the volatility variables ht, from Eq.(22), the Hamiltonian can be defined by H(pt,ht) =n/summationdisplay i=11 2p2 i+n/summationdisplay i=1{hi 2+ǫ2 i 2e−hi}+[h1−µ]2 2σ2η/(1−φ2)+n/summationdisplay i=2[hi−µ−φ(hi−1−µ)]2 2σ2η,(34) wherepiis defined as a conjugate momentum to hi. Using this Hamiltonian we perform the HMC algorithm for updates of ht. 5. Numerical Studies In order to test the HMC algorithm we use artificial financial time ser ies data generatedbythe SVmodel with a setofknownparametersand per formthe MCMC simulations to the artificial financial data by the HMC algorithm. We als o perform the MCMC simulations by the Metropolis algorithm to the same artificial data and compare the results with those from the HMC algorithm. Using Eq.(1) with φ= 0.97,σ2 η= 0.05 andµ=−1 we have generated 5000 time series data. The time series generated by Eq.(1) is shown in Fig.1. From those data we prepared 3 data sets: (1)T=1000 data (the first 1000 of the time series), (2)T=2000data (the first 2000ofthe time series)and (3) T=5000 (the whole data). To these data sets we made the Bayesian inference by the HMC and M etropolis algorithms.Preciselyspeakingboth algorithmsareusedonlyfor the MCMC update of the volatility variables. For the update of the SV parameters we u sed the update schemes in Sec.3.1. For the volatility update in the Metropolis algorithm, we draw a new can didate of the volatility variables randomly, i.e. a new volatility hnew tis given from the previous value hold tby hnew t=hold t+δ(r−0.5), (35) whereris a uniform random number in [0 ,1) andδis a parameter to tune the acceptance. The new volatility hnew tis accepted with the acceptance Pmetro Pmetro= min/braceleftbigg 1,P(hnew t) P(hold t)/bracerightbigg , (36) whereP(ht) is given by Eq.(22). The initial parameters for the MCMC simulations are set to φ= 0.5,σ2 η= 1.0 andµ= 0. The first 10000 samples are discarded as thermalization or burn -in process. Then 200000samples are recorded for analysis. The tot al trajectory length λof the HMC algorithm is set to λ= 1 and the step size ∆ tis tuned so that the acceptance of the volatility variables becomes more than 50%. First we analyze the sampled volatility variables. Fig.2 shows the Mont e Carlo (MC) history of the volatility variable h100fromT= 2000 data set. We take h100 as the representative one of the volatility variables since we have ob served theNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 9 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000t-6-4-20246yt Fig. 1. The artificial SV time series used for this study. 50000 55000 60000 Monte Carlo history-2-10123h100HMC 50000 55000 60000 Monte Carlo history-2-10123h100Metropolis Fig. 2. Monte Carlo histories of h100generated by HMC (left) and Metropolis (right) with T= 2000 data set. The Monte Carlo histories in the window from 5 0000 to 60000 are shown. similar behavior for other volatility variables. See also Fig.3 for the sim ilarity of the autocorrelation functions of the volatility variables. AcomparisonofthevolatilityhistoriesinFig.2clearlyindicatesthatth ecorrela- tion of the volatility variable sampled from the HMC algorithm is smaller th an that from the Metropolis algorithm. To quantify this we calculate the auto correlation function (ACF) of the volatility variable. The ACF is defined as ACF(t) =1 N/summationtextN j=1(x(j)−/an}bracketle{tx/an}bracketri}ht)(x(j+t)−/an}bracketle{tx/an}bracketri}ht) σ2x, (37) where/an}bracketle{tx/an}bracketri}htandσ2 xare the average value and the variance of xrespectively. Fig.3 shows the ACF for three volatility variables, h10,h20andh100sampled by the HMC. It is seen that those volatility variables have the similar co rrelation behavior. Other volatility variables also show the similar behavior. Thu s hereafter we only focus on the volatility variable h100as the representative one. Fig.4 compares the ACF of h100by the HMC and Metropolis algorithms. It is obvious that the ACF by the HMC decreases more rapidly than that by theNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 10Authors’ Names 0 20 40 60 80t0.010.11ACFh10 h20 h100 Fig. 3. Autocorrelation functions of three volatility vari ablesh10,h20andh100sampled by the HMC algorithm for T= 2000 data set. These autocorrelation functions show the si milar behavior. 0 100 200 300 400 500t0.010.11ACFHMC Metropolis Fig. 4. Autocorrelation function of the volatility variabl eh100by the HMC and Metropolis algorithms for T= 2000 data set. Metropolis algorithm. We also calculate the autocorrelation time τintdefined by τint=1 2+∞/summationdisplay t=1ACF(t). (38) The results of τintof the volatility variables are given in Table 1. The values in the parentheses represent the statistical errors estimated by the jackknife method. We find that the HMC algorithm gives a smaller autocorrelation time tha n the Metropolis algorithm, which means that the HMC algorithm samples the volatility variables more effectively than the Metropolis algorithm. Next we analyze the sampled SV parameters. Fig.5 shows MC histories of the φparameter sampled by the HMC and Metropolis algorithms. It seems t hat both algorithms have the similar correlationfor φ. This similarity is also seen in the ACF in Fig.6(left), i.e. both autocorrelation functions decrease in the sim ilar rate with timet. The autocorrelation times of φare very large as seen in Table 1. We also find the similar behavior for σ2 η, i.e. both autocorrelation times of σ2 ηare large. On the other hand we see small autocorrelations for µas seen in Fig.6(right). Furthermore we observe that the HMC algorithm gives a smaller τintforµthanNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 11 φ µ σ2 η h100 true 0.97 -1 0.05 T=1000 HMC 0.973 -1.13 0.053 SD 0.010 0.51 0.017 SE 0.0004 0.003 0.001 2τint 360(80) 3.1(5) 820(200) 12(1) Metropolis 0.973 -1.14 0.053 SD 0.011 0.40 0.017 SE 0.0005 0.003 0.0013 2τint 320(60) 10.1(8) 720(160) 190(20) T=2000 HMC 0.978 -0.92 0.053 SD 0.007 0.26 0.012 SE 0.0003 0.001 0.0009 2τint 540(60) 3(1) 1200(150) 18(1) Metropolis 0.978 -0.92 0.052 SD 0.007 0.26 0.011 SE 0.0003 0.003 0.0009 2τint 400(100) 13(2) 1000(270) 210(50) T=5000 HMC 0.969 -1.00 0.056 SD 0.005 0.11 0.009 SE 0.0003 0.0004 0.0007 2τint 670(100) 4.2(7) 1250(170) 10(1) Metropolis 0.970 -1.00 0.054 SD 0.005 0.12 0.008 SE 0.00023 0.0011 0.0005 2τint 510(90) 30(10) 960(180) 230(28) Table 1. Results estimated by the HMC and Metropolis algorit hms.SDstands for Standard Deviation and SEstands for Statistical Error. The statistical errors are es timated by the jackknife method. We observe no significant differences on the autocorr elation times among three data sets. that of the Metropolis algorithm, which means that HMC algorithm sam plesµ more effectively than the Metropolis algorithm although the values of τintforµ take already very small even for the Metropolis algorithm. The values of the SV parameters estimated by the HMC and the Metr opolis algorithms are listed in Table 1. The results from both algorithms well r eproduce the true values used for the generation of the artificial financial d ata. Furthermore for each parameter and each data set, the estimated parameter s by the HMC and the Metropolis algorithms agree well. And their standard deviations a lso agree well. This is not surprising because the same artificial financial data, thus the same likelihood function is usedfor both MCMC simulationsby the HMC and Met ropolis algorithms. Therefore they should agree each other.November 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 12Authors’ Names 40000 45000 50000 MC history0.940.950.960.970.980.991φ HMC 40000 45000 50000 MC history0.940.950.960.970.980.991φ Metropolis Fig. 5. Monte Carlo histories of φgenerated by HMC (left) and Metropolis (right) for T= 2000 data set. 0 1000t0.010.11ACFHMC Metropolis 0 100 200 300t0.0010.010.1 ACFHMC Metropolis Fig. 6. Autocorrelation functions of φ(left) and µ(right) by the HMC and Metropolis algorithm forT= 2000 data set. 6. Empirical Analysis In this section we make an empirical study of the SV model by the HMC algorithm. The empirical study is based on daily data of the Nikkei 225 stock inde x. The sampling period is 4 January 1995 to 30 December 2005 and the numbe r of the observations is 2706. Fig.7(left) shows the time series of the data. Letpibe the Nikkei 225 index at time i. The Nikkei 225 index piare transformed to returns as ri= 100ln( pi/pi−1−¯s), (39) where ¯sis the average value of ln( pi/pi−1). Fig.7(right) shows the time series of returns calculated by Eq.(39). We perform the same MCMC sampling b y the HMC algorithm as in the previous section. The first 10000 MC samples are d iscarded and then 20000 samples are recorded for the analysis. The ACF of samp ledh100and sampled parameters are shown in Fig.8. Qualitatively the results of t he ACF are similar to those from the artificial financial data, i.e. the ACF of the v olatility and µdecrease quickly although the ACF of φandσ2 ηdecrease slowly. The estimated values of the parameters are summarized in Table 2. The value of φis estimated to beφ≈0.977. This value is very close to one, which means the time series has th e strong persistency of the volatility shock. The similar values are also seen in theNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 Instructions for Typesetting Manuscripts (Condensed Titl e for the Paper) 13 HMC φ µ σ2 η h100 0.977 0.52 0.020 SD 0.006 0.13 0.005 SE 0.001 0.0016 0.001 2τint560(190) 4(1) 1120(360) 21(5) Table 2. Results estimated by the HMC for the Nikkei 225 index data. 050010001500200025003000t10000150002000025000 Nikkei 225 Index 050010001500200025003000t-505rt Fig. 7. Nikkei 225 stock index from 4 January 1995 to 30 Decemb er 2005(left) and returns(right). 0 20 40 60t0.010.11ACFh100 0 200 400 600800 1000t0.010.11ACFφ ση2 µ Fig. 8. Autocorrelation functions of the volatility variab leh100(left) and the sampled parameters (right). previous studies21,22. 7. Conclusions We applied the HMC algorithm to the Bayesian inference of the SV mode l and examined the property of the HMC algorithm in terms of the autocor relation times of the sampled data. We observed that the autocorrelation times o f the volatility variables and µparameter are small. On the other hand large autocorrelation times are observed for the sampled data of φandσ2 ηparameters. The similar behavior for the autocorrelation times are also seen in the literature22. From comparison of the HMC and Metropolis algorithms we find that th e HMCNovember 10, 2018 20:49 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE svJCSC3 14Authors’ Names algorithmsamplesthevolatilityvariablesand µmoreeffectivelythantheMetropolis algorithm. However there is no significant difference for φandσ2 ηsampling. Since the autocorrelation times of µfor both algorithms are estimated to be rather small the improvement of sampling µby the HMC algorithm is limited. Therefore the overall efficiency is considered to be similar to that of the Metropolis a lgorithm. By using the artificial financial data we confirmed that the HMC algor ithm cor- rectly reproduces the true parameter values used to generate t he artificial financial data. Thus it is concluded that the HMC algorithm can be used as an alt ernative algorithm for the Bayesian inference of the SV model. If we are only interested in parameter estimations of the SV model, t he HMC algorithm may not be a superior algorithm. However the HMC algorithm samples thevolatilityvariableseffectively.ThustheHMC algorithmmayservea sanefficient algorithm for calculating a certain quantity including the volatility varia bles. Acknowledgments. The numerical calculations were carried out on SX8 at the Yukawa In stitute for Theoretical Physics in Kyoto University and on Altix at the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. Note added in proof. After this work was completed the author noticed a sim- ilar approach by Liu35. The author is grateful to M.A. Girolami for drawing his attention to this. 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