arXiv:1001.0034v1 [math.NT] 4 Jan 2010NEW IDENTITIES INVOLVING q-EULER POLYNOMIALS OF HIGHER ORDER T. Kim AND Y. H. Kim Abstract. In this paper, we present new generating functions which are relat ed to q-Euler numbers and polynomials of higher order. From these genera ting functions, we give new identities involving q-Euler numbers and polynomials of higher order. §1. Introduction/ Preliminaries LetCbe the complex number field. We assume that q∈Cwith|q|<1 and theq-number is defined by [ x]q=1−qx 1−qin this paper. The q-factorial is given by [n]q! = [n]q[n−1]q···[2]q[1]qand theq-binomial formulae are known that (x:q)n=n/productdisplay i=1(1−xqi−1) =n/summationdisplay i=0/parenleftbiggn i/parenrightbigg qq(i 2)(−x)i,(see [3, 14, 15]) , and 1 (x:q)n=n/productdisplay i=1/parenleftbigg1 1−xqi−1/parenrightbigg =∞/summationdisplay i=0/parenleftbiggn+i−1 i/parenrightbigg qxi,(see [3, 5, 14, 15]) , where/parenleftbign i/parenrightbig q=[n]q! [n−i]q![i]q!=[n]q[n−1]q···[n−i+1]q [i]q!. The Euler polynomials are defined by2 et+1ext=/summationtext∞ n=0En(x)tn n!, for|t|< π. In the special case x= 0,En(=En(0)) are called the n-th Euler numbers. In this paper, we consider the q-extensions of Euler numbers and polynomials of higher orde r. Barnes’ multiple Bernoulli polynomials are also defined by (1) tr /producttextr j=1(eajt−1)ext=∞/summationdisplay n=0Bn(x,r|a1,···,ar)tn n!,where|t| N,ℜ(w)>0. Form∈Z+, we have ζN(−m,w|a1,···,aN) =(−1)mm! (N+m)!BN+m(w,N|a1,···,aN). In this paper, we consider Barnes’ type multiple q-Euler numbers and polynomials. The purpose of this paper is to present new generating functi ons which are related toq-Euler numbers and polynomials of higher order. From the Mel lin transformation of these generating functions, we derive the q-extensions o f Barnes’ type multiple zeta functions, which interpolate the q-Euler polynomials of higher order at negative integer. Finally, we give new identities involving q-Euler numbers and polynomials of higher order. §2.q-Euler numbers and polynomials of higher order In this section, we assume that q∈Cwith|q|<1. Letx,a1,... ,a rbe complex numbers with positive real parts. Barnes’ type multiple Eul er polynomialsare defined by (2)2r /producttextr j=1(eajt+1)ext=∞/summationdisplay n=0E(r) n(x|a1,... ,a r)tn n!,for|t|