arXiv:1001.0007v1 [astro-ph.CO] 30 Dec 2009Cosmicstarformation history revealedby the AKARI & Spatially-resolvedspectroscopyofan E+A(Post-starbur st)system Tomotsugu GOTO∗, the AKARINEPDteam†,M.Yagi∗∗andC.Yamauchi† ∗InstituteforAstronomy,Universityof Hawaii,2680Woodla wnDrive, Honolulu,HI,96822,USA †JapanAerospaceExplorationAgency,Sagamihara,Kanagawa 229-8510,Japan ∗∗NationalAstronomicalObservatory,2-21-1Osawa,Mitaka, Tokyo,181-8588,Japan Abstract. We reveal cosmic star-formation history obscured by dust us ing deep infrared observa- tionwiththeAKARI.Acontinuousfiltercoverageinthemid-I Rwavelength(2.4,3.2,4.1,7,9,11, 15, 18, and 24 µm) by the AKARI satellite allows us to estimate restframe 8 µm and 12 µm lumi- nositieswithoutusingalargeextrapolationbasedonaSEDfi t,whichwasthelargestuncertaintyin previouswork. We found that restframe 8 µm (0.386µm (S7,S9W,S11,L15,L18WandL24). The TIR LFs show a strong evolution comparedto localLFs. At 0 .251. In Fig.2, we also show the contributions to ΩTIRfrom LIRGs and ULIRGs. From z=0.35 to z=1.4,ΩIRby LIRGs increases by a factor of ∼1.6, andΩIRby ULIRGs increases byafactorof ∼10. Moredetailsarein Gotoet al. [3]. Spatially-Resolved Spectroscopy of an E+A (post-starburs t) System .We per- formed a spatially-resolved medium resolution long-slit s pectroscopy of a nearby E+A (post-starburst) galaxy system with FOCAS/Subaru [4]. Thi s E+A galaxy has an obvi- ous companion galaxy 14kpc in front (Fig.3, left) with the ve locity difference of 61.8 km/s. WefoundthatH δequivalentwidth(EW)oftheE+Agalaxyisgreaterthan7Å gal axy wide (8.5 kpc) with no significant spatial variation. We dete cted a rotational velocity in the companion galaxy of >175km/s. The progenitor of the companion may have beenFIGURE 3. (left) The SDSS g,r,i-composite image of the J1613+5103. The long-slit position s are overlayed.The E+A galaxy is to the right (west), with bluer c olour. The companion galaxy is to the left (east). (right) H δEW is plotted against D4000. The diamonds and triangles are f or the E+A core/north spectra, respectively. The squares and crosses are for the c ompanion galaxy’s core/north spectra. Gray lines are population synthesis models with 5-100% delta bur st population added to the 10G-year-old exponentially-decaying( τ=1Gyr)underlyingstellarpopulation.SalpeterIMFandmet allicityof Z=0.008 areassumed.Onthe models,burstagesof0.1,0.25,0.5and2 G yraremarkedwiththefilled circles. a rotationally-supported, but yet passive S0 galaxy. The ag e of the E+A galaxy after quenching the star formation is estimated to be 100-500Myr, with its centre having slightly younger stellar population. The companion galaxy is estimated to have older stellarpopulationof >2 Gyrs ofagewithnosignificantspatialvariation(Fig.3, ri ght). Thesefindingsareinconsistentwithasimplepicturewheret hedynamicalinteraction createsinfallofthegasreservoirthatcausesthecentrals tarburst/post-starburst.Instead, ourresultspresentanimportantexamplewherethegalaxy-g alaxyinteractioncantrigger agalaxy-widepost-starburstphenomena. REFERENCES 1. BabbedgeT.S.R., et al.,2006,MNRAS, 370,1159 2. CaputiK.I.,et al.,2007,ApJ,660,97 3. GotoT.,et al. 2010,A&AAKARI specialissue 4. GotoT.,YagiM.,YamauchiC., 2008,MNRAS, 391,700 5. HopkinsA.M.,ConnollyA. J.,HaarsmaD. B.,CramL. E.,200 1,AJ, 122,288 6. HuangJ.-S.,et al.,2007,ApJ, 664,840 7. KennicuttR. C.,Jr., 1998,ARA&A,36,189 8. LagacheG., DoleH.,PugetJ.-L.,2003,MNRAS, 338,555 9. LeFloc’hE.,etal., 2005,ApJ,632,169 10. MagnelliB., et al.2009,A&A,496,57 11. Pérez-GonzálezP. G.,etal., 2005,ApJ,630,82 12. RushB., MalkanM. A.,SpinoglioL.,1993,ApJS,89,1 13. SchiminovichD.,et al.,2005,ApJ, 619,L47 14. Wada T.,et al.,2008,PASJ, 60,517