Testing product states, quantum Merlin-Arthur games and tensor optimisation Aram W. Harrowand Ashley Montanaroy October 22, 2018 Abstract We give a test that can distinguish eciently between product states of nquantum systems and states which are far from product. If applied to a state j iwhose maximum overlap with a product state is 1 , the test passes with probability 1 (), regardless of nor the local dimensions of the individual systems. The test uses two copies of j i. We prove correctness of this test as a special case of a more general result regarding stability of maximum output purity of the depolarising channel. A key application of the test is to quantum Merlin-Arthur games with multiple Merlins, where we obtain several structural results that had been previously conjectured, including the fact that ecient soundness ampli cation is possible and that two Merlins can simulate many Merlins: QMA (k) =QMA (2) fork2. Building on a previous result of Aaronson et al., this implies that there is an ecient quantum algorithm to verify 3-SAT with constant soundness, given two unentangled proofs of eO(pn) qubits. We also show how QMA (2) with log-sized proofs is equivalent to a large number of problems, some related to quantum information (such as testing separability of mixed states) as well as problems without any apparent connection to quantum mechanics (such as computing injective tensor norms of 3-index tensors). As a consequence, we obtain many hardness-of-approximation results, as well as potential algorithmic applications of methods for approximating QMA (2) acceptance probabilities. Finally, our test can also be used to construct an ecient test for determining whether a unitary operator is a tensor product, which is a generalisation of classical linearity testing. 1 Introduction Entanglement of quantum states presents both an opportunity and a diculty for quantum comput- ing. To describe a pure state of nqudits (d-dimensional quantum systems) requires a comparable number of parameters to a classical probability distribution on dnitems. E ective methods are known for testing properties of probability distributions. However, for quantum states many of these tools no longer work. For example, due to interference, the probability of a test passing cannot be simply written as an average over components of the state. Moreover, measuring one part of a state and conditioning on the measurement outcome may induce entanglement between other parts of the state that were not previously entangled with each other. These counter-intuitive properties of entanglement account for many of the outstanding puzzles in quantum information. In quantum channel coding, the famous additivity violations of [27, 40] Department of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington; aram@cs.washington.edu . yDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge; am994@cam.ac.uk . 1arXiv:1001.0017v6 [quant-ph] 4 Nov 2012re ect how entangled inputs can sometimes have advantages against even uncorrelated noise. For quantum interactive proofs, the primary diculty is in bounding the ability of provers to cheat using entangled strategies [48]. Even for QMA (k) (the variant of QMA withkunentangled Merlins [50, 2]), most important open questions could be resolved by nding a way to control entanglement within each proof. Here, the recently discovered failure of parallel repetition for entangled provers [49] is a sort of complexity-theoretic analogue of additivity violations. The situation is di erent when we consider quantum states that are product across thensystems. In this case, while individual systems of course behave quantumly, the lack of correlation between the systems means that classical tools such as Cherno bounds can be used. For example, in channel coding with product-state inputs, not only does the single-letter Holevo formula give the capacity, so that there is no additivity problem, but so-called strong converse theorems are known, which prove that attempting to communicate at a rate above the capacity results in an exponentially decreasing probability of successfully transmitting a message [61, 73]. Naturally, many of the diculties in dealing with entangled proofs and quantum parallel repetition would also go away if quantum states were constrained to be in product form. 1.1 Our results In this paper, we present a quantum test to determine whether an n-partite statej iis a product state or far from any product state. We make no assumptions about the local dimensions of j i; in fact, the local dimension can even be di erent for di erent systems. The test passes with certainty ifj iis product, and fails with probability ( ) if the overlap between j iand the closest product state is 1. An essential feature of our test (or any possible such test, as we will argue in Section 5) is that it requires two copies of j i. The parameters of our test resemble classical property-testing algorithms [30]. In general, these algorithms make a small number of queries to some object and accept with high probability if the object has some property P(completeness ), and with low probability if the object is \far" from having property P(soundness ). Crucially, the number of queries used and the success probability should not depend on the size of the object. The main result of this paper is a test for a property of a quantum state, in contrast to previous work on quantum generalisations of property testing, which has considered quantum algorithms for testing properties of classical (e.g. [19, 6]) and quantum [59] oracles (a.k.a. unitary operators, although see Section 7 for an application to this setting). In this sense, our work is closer to a body of research on determining properties of quantum states directly, without performing full tomography (e.g. the \pretty good tomography" of Aaronson [1]). The direct detection of quantities relating to entanglement has received particular attention; see [37] for an extensive review. However, previous work has generally focused on Bell inequalities and entanglement witnesses, which are typically designed to distinguish a particular entangled state from any separable state. By contrast, our product test is generic and will detect entanglement in any entangled state j i. The product test is de ned in Protocol 1 below, and illustrated schematically in Figure 1. It uses as a subroutine the swap test for comparing quantum states [18]. This test, which can be implemented eciently, takes two (possibly mixed) states ,of equal dimension as input. The test uses an ancilla qubit initialised in state j0iand applies a Hadamard gate to this qubit to produce the state j+ih+j  . The test proceeds by applying a controlled-SWAP operation to the latter two registers, controlled by the ancilla qubit, then applies a Hadamard gate on the ancilla qubit, followed by a computational basis measurement. If the outcome is 0, the output of the test is \same"; otherwise, the output is \di erent". It is easy to show that this test outputs 2\same" with probability1 2+1 2tr. Protocol 1 (Product test). The product test proceeds as follows. 1. Prepare two copies of j i2Cd1  Cdn; call thesej 1i,j 2i. 2. Perform the swap test on each of the npairs of corresponding subsystems ofj 1i,j 2i. 3. If all of the tests returned \same", accept. Otherwise, reject. The product test has appeared before in the literature. It was originally introduced in [58] as one of a family of tests for generalisations of the concurrence entanglement measure, and has been implemented experimentally as a means of detecting bipartite entanglement directly [69] (but see also [66] for caveats). Further, the test was proposed in [59] as a means of determining whether a unitary operator is product. Our contribution here is to prove the correctness of this test for all n, as formalised in the following theorem. Theorem 1. Givenj i2B(Cd1  Cdn), let 1= maxfjh j1;:::;nij2:jii2B(Cdi);1ing: LetPtest(j ih j)be the probability that the product test passes when applied to j i. Then 12+2Ptest(j ih j)1+2+3=2: For some values of this bound is trivial, but we have the following weaker bound which applies everywhere: Ptest(j ih j)111 512: (1) More concisely, Ptest(j ih j) = 1(). This result is essentially best possible, in a number of ways. First, we show in Section 5 that the product test itself is optimal: among all tests for product states that use two copies and have perfect completeness, the product test has optimal soundness. We also show that there cannot exist any non-trivial test that uses only one copy of the test state. Second, our analysis of the test cannot be improved too much, without introducing dependence on nand the local dimensions. When  is low, we give examples of states j iwhich achieve the upper and lower bounds on Ptest(j ih j), up to leading order. We also give an example of a bipartite state for which is close to 1, but Ptest(j ih j)1=2, implying that the constant in our bound cannot be replaced with a function ofthat goes to 0 as approaches 1. (The bounds on this constant obtained from our proof could easily be improved somewhat, but we have not attempted to do this.) See Appendix B for all these examples. Finally, it is unlikely that a similar test could be developed for separability of mixed states, as the separability problem for mixed states has been shown to be NP-hard [38, 31] (and indeed we improve on this result, as discussed below). The proof of Theorem 1 is based on relating the probability of the test passing to the action of the qudit depolarising channel. In fact, we prove a considerably more general result regarding this 311 22 33 ...... nn j 1i j 2i Figure 1: Schematic of the product test applied to an n-partite statej i. The swap test (vertical boxes) is applied to the npairs of corresponding subsystems of two copies of j i(horizontal boxes). channel. It is known that the maximum output purity of this channel is achieved for product state inputs [5]; our result, informally, says that any state that is \close" to achieving maximum output purity must in fact be \close" to a product state. This is a stability result for this channel, which strengthens the previously known multiplicativity result. Somewhat more formally, let Dbe thed-dimensional qudit depolarising channel with noise rate 1, i.e. D() = (1)(tr)I d+ (2) fora arbitrary mixed state of one d-dimensional system, and de ne the Output Purity of Product states to be OPP() = tr(D n jihj)2(3) wherejiis an arbitrary product state. Then our main result, stated more precisely as Theorem 18 in Section 6, is that for small enough  >0, if tr(D n j ih j)2(1) OPP(), then there is a product statej1;:::;nisuch thatjh j1;:::;nij21O(). 1.2 Applications and interpretations of the product test We describe several applications of the product test. The most important of these is that this test can be used to relate QMA (k) to QMA (2), as we will discuss in Section 3. The complexity class QMA (k) is de ned to be the class of languages that can be decided with bounded error by a poly-time quantum veri er that receives poly-size witnesses from kunentangled provers1[50, 2]. To put QMA (k) inside QMA (2) with constant loss of soundness, we can have two provers simulate k provers by each submitting kunentangled proofs, whose lack of entanglement can be veri ed with our product test. Indeed, this gives an alternate way to understand our test as a method of using bipartite separability to certify k-partite separability. Surprisingly, using this result as a building block also allows us to prove ampli cation for QMA (k) protocols. It has been conjectured [50, 2] that such protocols can be ampli ed to expo- nentially small soundness error. We completely resolve this conjecture, showing that QMA (k) pro- tocols can be simulated in QMA (2) with exponentially small soundness error, and hence QMA (k) = QMA (2) fork2. Indeed, we show that this result still holds if the veri er's \yes" measurement operator in a QMA (2) protocol is required to be separable (see Appendix C for the formal de nition of this class of measurements). As a further corollary, we can improve upon the results of [2, 12] to obtain a protocol in QMA (2) that veri es 3-SAT with constant soundness gap and O(pnpoly log(n)) qubits (where n 1We assume throughout this paper that kis at most polynomial in the input size. 4is the number of clauses). This in turn allows us to prove hardness of approximation results for 19 problems from quantum information theory and elsewhere which turn out to be closely related to QMA (2). The complete list of equivalent and related problems is given in Section 4.2; while most had previously been known, we believe that they had not been previously collected in one place. One example of such a problem is detecting separability, or in other words the weak membership problem for Sep( d;d), the set of separable quantum states on dddimensions. It was shown in Ref. [38] that Sep cannot be approximated to precision exp( d) in time poly( d) unless P=NP. In Refs. [52, 31], this result was improved to show that approximating Sep to precision 1 =poly(d) is similarly NP-hard. We show that there is a universal constant  >0 such that, if Kis a convex set that approximates SEP to within trace distance , then membership in Kcannot be decided in polynomial time unless 3-SAT 2DTIME (exp(pnlogO(1)(n))). Other such problems for which we can prove that no polynomial-time algorithm exists, under the same assumption about the hardness of 3-SAT, are estimating the minimum output entropy of a quantum channel up to a constant, and estimating the ground-state energy of quantum systems under a mean- eld approximation. We also prove hardness results for some tensor optimisation problems which are not apparently related directly to quantum information theory, examples of which include approximating the in- jective tensor norm of 3-index tensors and estimating the `2!`4norm of a matrix. Our proof that ampli cation of QMA (2) protocols is possible implies that one can derive stronger hardness results for all of these tasks, if one is willing to make stronger assumptions about the hardness of 3-SAT. Our nal application is that the product test can be used to determine whether a unitary operator is a tensor product or far from a tensor product in the Hilbert-Schmidt norm, promised that one of these is the case. This can be seen [59] as one possible generalisation of the well-studied problem of testing whether a boolean function f0;1gn!f0;1gis linear [13]. This application is described in Section 7. These di erent applications of the product test re ect the many di erent interpretations of Ptest(j ih j). It is related in a precise sense to The purity ofj iafter it is subjected to independent depolarising noise (see Appendix A). The maximum overlap of j iwith any product state (proved in Appendix B). The logarithm of this maximum overlap is an important entanglement measure known as the geometric measure of entanglement (see [71] and references therein). The overlap ofj i 2with the tensor product of the symmetric subspaces of Cd1 Cd1;:::;Cdn Cdn(discussed in Section 5). The average overlap of j iwith a random product state, and a quantum variant of the Gowers uniformity norm [33] (discussed in Appendix G). The average purity of j iacross a random partition of [ n] into two subsets (also discussed in Appendix G). 1.3 Implications for classical computer science The main result of our paper proposes a quantum solution to a quantum problem. Nevertheless, there are several implications of our product test that may be of interest to classical computing. Instead of viewing our results as concerning entangled states of many systems, they may be in- terpreted in terms of tensors with many indices. These tensors have been studied in the context 5of image processing [4], the planted clique problem [17], constraint satisfaction problems [25] and many other settings [67]. In this language, our results in Section 4 imply that many central tensor problems, such as the injective tensor norm (de ned in Section 4.2), are hard to approximate even to within constant factors. On the positive side, our Theorem 11 (together with the equivalences in Section 4.2) implies that if a heuristic or approximation algorithm existed to optimise over trilinear forms, it could be extended with little loss of accuracy, to perform optimisations over k-linear forms for general k. These connections have been further explored in [8], which shows that the `2!`4norm of a matrix is hard to approximate, and connects this problem to the small-set expansion problem. 1.4 Related work Our paper addresses a central problem in multipartite entanglement, which is too vast a eld to reasonably summarise here (one good recent survey is [44]). We therefore concentrate on reviewing work on quantum Merlin-Arthur games with multiple provers. The class QMA (k) was rst introduced by Kobayashi, Matsumoto, and Yamakami [50], who showed that ampli cation of the soundness gap of QMA (2) protocols implies that QMA (2) = QMA (k) (a result proven independently in [2]). Both these papers also showed that it is possi- ble to amplify completeness to exponentially close to 1 (see Lemma 8 for a restatement). Blier and Tapp showed [12] that graph 3-colourability can be decided using a QMA (2) protocol with messages of length O(logn) qubits and soundness 1 (1=n6). This soundness gap was improved to (1=n3+) by Beigi [10], and has recently been improved again to (1 =(npolylogn)) by Le Gall, Nakagawa and Nishimura [51]. By contrast, Aaronson et al. showed [2] that 3-SAT can be solved by aQMA (k) protocol with constant soundness, at the expense of increasing ktoO(pnpolylog(n)). Finally, Liu, Christandl and Verstraete have given a problem in QMA (2) which is not obviously in QMA [53]. Following the conference and arXiv versions of this work, there have been several interesting de- velopments related to QMA (k). First, it has been shown by Brand~ ao, Christandl and Yard [15, 16] that QMA (k) protocols, for constant k, are no stronger than QMA protocols if the veri er's mea- surement is restricted to be LOCC (implementable via local operations and classical communica- tion). One consequence of their work is that, if there existed an ecient LOCC product state test, QMA (k) = QMA . However, we show in Appendix D that no such test can exist. In the same work, the authors give a subexponential-time algorithm for optimizing over the set of separable states [16]; an alternative algorithm for this task has been given by Shi and Wu [64], who also prove that several special cases of QMA (2) protocols can be simulated in polynomial space. On the other hand, Chen and Drucker [21] have improved on the result of [2] and given an LOCC QMA (k) protocol that veri es 3-SAT with constant soundness gap for k=O(pnpoly log(n)). (In fact, their protocol ts in the more restrictive class known as BellQMA (k).) Chiesa and Forbes [22] recently gave a tight soundness analysis of this protocol, showing that the soundness gap increases smoothly with k. McKague has recently used one of our results (that the veri er's \yes" measurement operator may be taken to be separable) to prove that restricting the class QMA (2) to real Hilbert space does not change its computational power [57]. While it is natural to expect the real case to behave similarly to the complex case, we note that even for states with real coecients the closest product state may be complex [23]. Finally, another application of our results was found by [20], who have presented the only known nontrivial QMA (2)-complete problem: estimating the minimum energy 6of a sparse Hamiltonian over all bipartite product states. 1.5 Organisation The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, we give an overview of the proofs of our main results (details are in Appendices A and B). In Section 3, we apply the product test to prove that QMA (k) =QMA (2) fork2, and we give some complexity-theoretic applications of this result in Section 4, including an extensive discussion of problems related to QMA (2). In Section 5 we argue that the product test is essentially optimal, and in Section 6 we state our results for the depolarising channel. We discuss the use of the product test to test product unitaries in Section 7, and nish with some open questions in Section 8. 1.6 Notation For a vector space V, de neB(V) to be the unit vectors in V,L(V) to be the linear operators fromVtoV, andB(V) to be the density operators on V. More concisely, let B(d) denote the set ofdddensity matrices. If j iis a vector, let :=j ih j. De ne the set of separable states on CdA CdBto be Sep(dA;dB) := convf :j i2B(CdA);j i2B(CdB)g; (4) where conv( S) denotes the convex closure of a set S. The swap operator on Cd Cdis denotedF, and is de ned to bePd i;j=1jiihjj jjihij. For 1, letkMk denote the Schatten -norm of a matrix: tr( jMj )1= . For a density matrix 2B(Cd1  Cdn), andSf1;:::;ng,Sdenotes the density matrix obtained by tracing out (discarding) the systems not in S. To avoid excessive parenthesization, we write 2 S:= (S)2and tr2:= tr(2). 2 Overview of the proof of correctness In this section, we sketch the proof of Theorem 1; a full proof is given in Appendices A and B. We discuss here only the upper bound on Ptest, since the lower bound follows from continuity and the fact that product states pass the test with probability 1. First, we make precise the intuition that the product test is likely to pass precisely when the average subsystem is close to pure. Lemma 2. LetPtest(;)denote the probability that the product test passes when applied to two mixed states ;2B(Cd1  Cdn). De nePtest() :=Ptest(;). Then Ptest(;) =1 2nX S[n]trSS; and in particular Ptest() =1 2nX S[n]tr2 S: 7The proof itself is split into two parts, beginning with the case where is low. We write j i=p1j0ni+pjiwithout loss of generality, for some product state j0niand arbitrary state ji. This allows an explicit expression for tr 2 Sin terms of andjito be obtained. While the marginals ofjican be complicated (and worse, we need to consider products of expressions of the form tr Sj0ihj), we can simplify things by only considering the reductions in tr 2 Sthat occur whenj0iis combined with a state orthogonal to j0i. Thus, we do not need a detailed picture of ji, but instead will merely split it into a superposition of strings with di erent Hamming weight (i.e. number of positions orthogonal to j0i). Intuitively, the contribution to ES[n]tr 2 Sof a piece ofjiwith Hamming weight kshould be exponentially small in k, since each position that di ers from 0 leads to a constant reduction in weight when we project onto the symmetric subspace. In order to obtain a non-trivial bound from this expression, the nal stage of this part of the proof is to use the fact that j0niis the closest product state to j ito argue thatjicannot have any amplitude on basis states of Hamming weight 0 or 1. Ruling out basis states of Hamming weight 0 (i.e.j0ni) is obvious, since otherwise would be smaller. Less obvious is that jicannot have any amplitude on Hamming weight-1 states, but this too is contradicted by the fact that j0nihas overlap withjithat is a local maximum among product states, and nonzero amplitude on weight-1 states would mean an in nitesimal local rotation could reduce . As a result, we obtain a bound that is applicable when is small. Theorem 3. Givenj i2Cd1  Cdn, let 1= maxfjh j1;:::;nij2:jii2Cdi;1ing: Then 12+2Ptest(j ih j)1+2+3=2. In the case where is high, this result does not yet give a useful upper bound. In the second part of the proof, we derive a constant bound on Ptest(j ih j) based on considering j ias ak-partite state, for some k0:343,Ptest(j ih j)501=512<0:979. Between them, Theorems 3 and 4 imply Theorem 1. In fact, we can say precisely that Ptest(j ih j) = 1c( )for11 512c( )2. One feature of our proof that can be generalised is the expectation over S[n]. We e ectively chooseSby ipping a fair coin, but if we use a biased coin then this has an interesting alternate interpretation in terms of the output purity of the depolarising channel. This yields a similar result, which is not only that product states maximise the output purity (as was previously known), but that any state which even approximately maximises the output purity must be approximately product. See Section 6 for a precise statement. Since the correctness of the product test is a special case of this more general theorem, we rst prove the result about depolarising channels in Appendix A and then complete the details necessary for the product test in Appendix B. This completes the overview of the proof; we now discuss some applications of the product test. 83QMA (2)vs.QMA (k) In this section, we apply the product test to a problem in quantum complexity theory: whether k unentangled provers are stronger than 2 unentangled provers. This question can be formalised as whether the complexity classes QMA (k) and QMA (2) are equal [50, 2]. These classes are de ned as follows. De nition 1. A language Lis in QMA (k)s;cif there exists a polynomial-time quantum algorithm Asuch that, for all inputs x2f0;1gn: 1.Completeness: Ifx2L, there exist kwitnessesj 1i;:::;j ki, each a state of poly(n) qubits, such thatAoutputs \accept" with probability at least con inputjxij 1i:::j ki. 2.Soundness: Ifx =2L, thenAoutputs \accept" with probability at most son inputjxij 1i:::j ki, for all statesj 1i;:::;j ki. We use QMA (k)as shorthand for QMA (k)1=3;2=3, and QMA as shorthand for QMA (1). We always assume 1kpoly(n). We also de ne QMAm(k)s;cto indicate thatj 1i;:::;j kieach involve mqubits, where mmay be a function of nother than poly(n). Two of the major open problems related to QMA (k)s;care to determine how the size of the complexity class depends on kand ons;c. It has been conjectured for some years [50, 2] that in fact QMA (k) =QMA (2) for 2kpoly(n), and that the soundness and completeness can be ampli ed by parallel repetition in a way similar to BPP,BQP,MA,QMA and other complexity classes with bounded error. In fact, these conjectures are related: 2 kindependent provers can simulate k independent realisations of a QMA (2) protocol in order to amplify the soundness-completeness gap, and conversely, [50, 2] proved that QMA (2) ampli cation implies that QMA (2) = QMA (poly). In this section, we will fully resolve these conjectures, proving that QMA (2) = QMA (poly) and that QMA (k) can have its soundness and completeness ampli ed by a suitable protocol. The most direct way of putting QMA (k) inside QMA (2) is to ask two provers to each send the kunentangled proofs that correspond to a QMA (k) protocol. If k= poly(n), then each prover is still sending only polynomially many qubits. Then the product test can be used to verify that the states sent were indeed product states and can be used as valid inputs to a QMA (k) protocol. The speci c protocol is described in Protocol 2. First observe that for YES instances (instances in the language), kMerlins can achieve success probabilityc, so by sending two copies of this optimal state, two Merlins can achieve completeness 1+c 2cin this modi ed protocol. Now consider NO instances. Assume for now that the two Merlins always send the same state. Then according to Theorem 1, if the Merlins send states that are far from product, they are likely to fail the product test, whereas basic continuity arguments can show that if they send states that are nearly product then the success probability will not be much larger than the soundness of the original protocol. Thus, the soundness does not become too much worse. These ideas (with a detailed proof in Appendix E) establish Lemma 5. For anym,k,0ss> 0. Call these two cases \Y" and \N." Choose 1c0> s0>0such thatc0= 1 if and only if c= 1. Then there exists a matrixM0of sizedksuch that hSep(dk;dk)(M0)( c0in case Y s0in case N(6) Ifc= 1, thenk=O((1s)2log(1=s0)), and ifc<1, thenk=O((cs)3log(1=(1c0)) log2(1=s0)). Additionally M02SEP, andM0can be constructed eciently from M, even by a classical log-space transducer. 4 Complexity-theoretic implications 4.1 Evidence for the hardness of QMA log(2) A key application of Theorem 9 is to the protocol of Ref. [2] that puts 3-SAT on nclauses inside the complexity class QMA log(n)(pnpoly log(n))1 (1);1. Applying Theorem 9 lets us simulate this using two provers with perfect completeness and arbitrary soundness, so that we obtain Corollary 12. Let`:N!Nbe polynomially bounded. Then 3-SAT2QMA`(n)pnpoly log(n)(2)2`(n);1: 12In other words, there is a protocol for 3-SAT instances with nclauses that uses two provers, `(n)pnpoly log(n)-qubit proofs and has perfect completeness and soundness 2`(n). Therefore, making assumptions about the hardness of 3-SAT allows us to prove hardness results for the complexity class QMA log(2), and stronger assumptions naturally imply stronger hardness results. We formalise this correspondence as the following corollary. Corollary 13. The following implications hold. (i) If 3-SAT on nclauses is not in DTIME (exp(o(n))), then for arbitrary constant >0 QMA log(d)(2) 1 2;1*DTIME (dlog1d): (ii) If 3-SAT on nclauses is not in DTIME (exp(o(n))), then QMA log(d)(2)2plogd=polylog(log d);1*DTIME (poly(d)): (iii) If 3-SAT on nclauses is not in DTIME (exp(pnpolylog(n))), then QMA log(d)(2) 1 2;1*DTIME (poly(d)): More generally, assume that for some functions `;m :N!N, 3-SAT on nclauses is not contained in DTIME (m(exp(`(n)pnpolylog(n)))). Then, de ning d= 2`(n)pnpolylog(n), QMA log(d)(2)2`(n);1*DTIME (m(d)): Note that the assumptions on the hardness of 3-SAT made in the rst two cases are essentially equivalent to the (not implausible) Exponential Time Hypothesis of Impagliazzo and Paturi [46], which states that 3-SAT 62DTIME (exp(`(n))) for any `(n) =o(n). 4.2 QMA log(2)equivalences and reductions We now discuss a number of problems for which Corollary 13 allows us to prove hardness results. As described in Section 3.1, QMA log(d)(2) is intimately connected to hSep(d;d). Here we focus solely on the hardness of estimating hSep(d;d)(M) when 0MIis given explicitly as input. In other words, we will examine the part of the hardness of QMA log(2) that does notcome from having access to a poly-time quantum computation. One de nition we will repeatedly use is that of the weak membership problem . IfKis a convex set, >0 anddis a metric, then WMEM(d) (K) denotes the following task: given an input x, determine whether x2Kord(x;K), given the promise that one of these conditions holds. Hered(x;K) := infy2Kd(x;y). The reason for the is because the complexity of the problem can depend on the required precision, just as the size of QMA (k)s;cdepends on how close sandcare. See [35] for more background and equivalent formulations of the weak membership problem for convex sets. In many cases, dwill be the trace norm distance; in this case, we will simply write WMEM(K) for the weak membership problem. We also de ne Bd(K;) :=fx:d(x;K)g, and de ne the Hausdor distance between (not necessarily convex) sets K;L to bedH(K;L) := maxfsupx2Kd(x;L);supx2Ld(x;K)g, or equivalently, inf f0 :XBd(Y;) andYBd(X;)g. The following equivalences and reductions are a combination of known results ([72, 38, 28, 56, 29, 52, 17, 32, 8], and some unpublished and/or folklore) and consequences of our main theorems. 13Even though many of the reductions are straightforward, we are not aware of any similar list in the literature, despite many of the quantities being discussed individually. Equivalent problems 1. GivenMwith 0MI, determine whether hSep(M) := max 2Sep(d;d)trM= max j i;j i2B(Cd)trM( ) (7) iscors. As discussed above, this represents the acceptance probability of a QMA (2) protocol when the measurement is xed and the provers use an optimal strategy. This is our reference problem, and we will compare the problems below to this one. However, we observe that this problem is equivalent (up to a polynomial change of dimension described below) to versions with di erent choices of candsas long as 0 < s < c < 1 are constants independent of dimension. 2. De ne ProdSym( d) := convf :j i2B(Cd)g. GivenMwith 0MI, determine whetherhProdSym(d)(M) isc=4 ors=4. 3. De ne SepSym( d) := convf :2B(d)g. GivenMwith 0MI, determine whether hSepSym(d)(M) isc=4 ors=4. 4. The set EW:=EW( d;d) ofentanglement witnesses [65] is the dual cone of Sep, meaning that EW(d;d) =fW: trW0;82Sep(d;d)g: (8) GivenM, determine whether min fkM+Wk:W2EW(d;d)giscors. 5. For a quantum channel N, determine whether the superoperator 1 !1 normkNk 1!1is cors, wherekNk 1!1:= maxkN()k1 kk1. 6. For a quantum channel N, determine whether the superoperator 1 !2 normkNk 1!2is 4c3 or4s3, wherekNk 1!2:= maxkN()k2 kk1. (This equivalence is only nontrivial for some values of c;s.) 7. GivenN, determine whether the minimum output R enyi entropy Smin 1(N) islog(1=s) or log(1=c). HereSmin 1:= minS1(), whereS1() :=logkk1. 8. GivenN, determine whether the minimum output R enyi entropy Smin 2(N) islog(2=ps) or log(2=pc). HereSmin 2:= minS2(), whereS2() :=logkk2. 9. Given a 3-index tensor T2Cd Cd Cd, determine whether the injective tensor norm kTkinj ispcorps. The injective tensor norm is de ned here to be kTkinj= max x;y;z2B(Cd)jhTjjxi jyi jzij (9) andTshould have the property that for some choice of indices it can be interpreted as a linear map from Cd!Cd2with operator norm 1. 10. Given a linear map TfromCdtoL(Cd) with operator norm 1, determine whether kTk`2!S1 ispcorps. Here`2is the usual vector 2-norm and we use S1to emphasise that the output norm is the Schatten 1-norm for operators. 1411. Given a pure state j i2B(Cd Cd Cd), de ne the geometric measure of entanglement Egeom(j i) =log max x;y;z2B(Cd)jh jjxi jyi jzij2: (10) Then determine whether Egeom(j i) islog(d=c) orlog(d=s), forj iABCsatisfying A= I=d. 12. Given a subspace VCd Cd, de ne the minimum entanglement of Vto be 1(V) := min j i2B(V)ktr1j ih jk1; (11) where tr 1means the partial trace over the rst subsystem. Then determine whether 1(V) iscors). 13. Given a Hermitian K2L(Cd Cd) with 0KI, de ne the mean- eld Hamiltonian Hn2L((Cd) n) by Hn:=1 n(n1)X 1i6=jnK(i;j); (12) whereK(i;j)indicates the operator with Kacting on systems i;jand identity matrices elsewhere. Let min(Hn) denote the smallest eigenvalue of Hn. Then determine whether limn!1min(Hn) is1s=2 or1c=2. The following problems can be reduced to and from estimating hSep, but unlike the above problems, the reductions no longer preserve the same completeness and soundness. Approximately equivalent problems 14. Separability testing: given a state and a promise that it is either separable or a constant distance away from separable in the trace norm, determine which is the case. In other words, solve WMEM (Sep(d;d)) for some >0. 15. Weak membership for entanglement witnesses (de ned in Eq. (8)), with distance de ned in operator norm; i.e. WMEM1 (EW). 16. Injective tensor norm for k-partite states with k4, geometric measure of entanglement fork-partite states with k4, mean eld for interactions that are k-local fork3 and hSep(d;d;d;::: )and weak membership in Sep( d;d;d;::: ) for more systems. 17. Estimating the `2!`4norm of a matrix, de ned as kAk`2!`4:= supx6=0kAxk`4=kxk`2, where kxk`p:= (Pd i=1jxijp)1=p. The following problems are at least as easy as hSep, meaning that they can be reduced to estimating hSep. We will discuss below the speci c parameters of the reductions. Easier problems 18. Deciding 3-SATlog2, which is de ned to be the class of 3-SAT instances with log2(d) variables andO(log2(d)) clauses. By Corollary 12, this reduces to QMA log(2)1=2;1. 19. The planted clique problem is to distinguish a Gn;1=2graph (i.e. an undirected graph with n vertices in which each edge is present with i.i.d. probability 1 =2) from the union of a Gn;1=2 graph and a random clique of size n . For certain values of , as we discuss below, this problem is known to reduce to estimating injective tensor norms. 15The following problems are at least as hard as estimating hSep, meaning that hSepcan be reduced to them, in the special case when c= 1. Harder problems (when c= 1) 20. Given a channel N, determine whether Smin (N) = 0 or islog(1=s). The minimum output R enyi -entropy ofNis de ned to be Smin (N) = minS (N()), whereS () = 1 1 log tr . 21. Determine whether the regularised minimum output R enyi entropy SR;min (N) is 0 or log(1=s). HereSR;min (N) = limn!11 nSmin (N n). Before explaining the connections between these problems, we note that Corollary 13 can be restated in terms of hSep, and thus also in terms of any of the equivalent or harder problems. Corollary 14. Tasks 1-13 and 20-21 cannot be completed in time poly(d)for any constants 0< s0. One subtlety is that the c= 1 case is not known to be equivalent to the c<1 case. Soundness, on the other hand, is always nonzero, since we always have hSep(d;d)(M)trM=d2. 2.Estimating hProdSym :We show this has equivalent diculty to estimating hSep. Initially assume that we have an algorithm for estimating hProdSym , and given M2L(Cd Cd), would like to compute hSep(M). Then de ne M0=j01ih01j M.M0is 4d2-dimensional, and if 0MI, then 0M0I. To calculate hProdSym , we can without loss of generality let j i=pp0j0ij i+pp1j1ij i; (13) wherep0+p1= 1 andj i;j i2B(Cd). Then tr M0( ) =p0p1trM( ). This is maximised when p0=p1= 1=2. Thus hProdSym(2 d)(M0) =1 4hSep(d;d)(M): Conversely, suppose we are given an arbitrary Mand the ability to compute hSep() and would like to estimate hProdSym (M). First we assume FMF=M. This can be done WLOG sincehProdSym (M) =hProdSym ((M+FMF)=2). Then de ne M0=d;2 sym+M 2. Our desired equivalence will follow from the following claim: hSep(M0) =1 +hProdSym (M) 2: (14) One direction is easy: if hProdSym (M) = trM( ) thenhSep(M0)trM0( ) = (1 +hProdSym (M))=2. To upper-bound hSep(M0) = max ; trM0( ), we de ne ;jai;jbi such that j i= cos(=2)jai+ sin(=2)jbi j i= cos(=2)jaisin(=2)jbi: 16To compute tr M0( ), rst we see that tr d;2 sym( ) = (1 + tr )=2 = 1sin2()=2. Next, we expand j ij i= cos2(=2)jaai+ sin(=2) cos(=2)(jbaijabi)sin2(=2)jbbi: When we expand h ; jMj ; i, the symmetry of Mmeans that terms such as haajM(jbai jabi) vanish, and we are left with cos4(=2)haajMjaai+ sin4(=2)hbbjMjbbisin2(=2) cos2(=2)(haajMjbbi+hbbjMjaai) + 2 sin2(=2) cos2(=2)hbajhabjp 2Mjbaijabip 2: SincekMk1, and using the de nition of hProdSym , we have trM0( )1sin2() 2+(sin4(=2) + cos4(=2))hProdSym (M) + sin2() 2 1 +hProdSym (M) 2: Maximising over all unit vectors ; , this establishes Eq. (14). We remark that Lemma 5 would also relate hSepandhProdSym but not in this exact fashion. 3.Estimating hSepSym :GivenM, letM0=MA1B1 IA2B2. ThenhProdSym (M0) =hSepSym (M). For the converse, we use the same construction as hProdSym . Assume that we have an algorithm for estimating hSepSym , and given M2L(Cd Cd), would like to compute hSep(M). Again we de neM0=j01ih01j M. Letachieve the maximum of tr M0( ), and expand =j0ih0j 00+j0ih1j 01+j1ih0j 10+j1ih1j 11;for someij2L(Cd). Then trM0( ) = trM(00 11). Since00;11are proportional to density matrices, and tr= tr00+ tr11, the rest of the analysis proceeds identically to in the case of hProdSym . 4.Entanglement witnesses: hSep(M) is a convex program whose dual is given by the minimisa- tion ofkM+WkoverW2EW. See [32] for a discussion of this point. 5.EstimatingkNk 1!1:This connection has been known for some time as folklore and has appeared before in Ref. [56] (which cites a personal communication from Watrous). Since the largest value of kN()k1occurs when is pure, nding it corresponds to optimising a trilinear form over unit vectors [72]; i.e. is equivalent to the injective tensor norm problem described in task 9. More concretely, de ne VN:Cd!Cd Cdto be the isometric extension ofN, so that tr EVNVy N=N(). Then kNk 1!1= max ; ; 2B(Cd)j(h j h j)VNj ij2: (15) This expression equals kTk2 inj(see task 9) forjTi=Pd i=1jii VNjii. 6.EstimatingkNk 1!2:De neM:= (Ny Ny)(I+F 2). ThenhProdSym (M) = maxf(1 + tr(N( ))2)=2 :j i 2B(Cd)g= (1 +kNk2 1!2)=2. By Eq. (14), there exists M0with hSep(M0) = (3 +kNk2 1!2)=4. 7.Estimating Smin 1(N):SinceSmin 1(N) =logkNk 1!1, this is equivalent to task 5. 8.Estimating Smin 2(N):Similarly, this is equivalent to task 6. 179.EstimatingkTkinj:This relates to hSepin a way that is analogous to the relation between the largest singular value of a matrix Aand the largest eigenvalue of AyA. kTk2 inj= max x;y;z2B(Cd) dX i;j;k=1Ti;j;kxiyjzk 2 = max x;y2B(Cd) dX i;j;k=1Ti;j;kxiyjjki 2 2 = max x;y2B(Cd)dX i;j;i0;j0;k=1Ti;j;kT i0;j0;kxiyjx i0y j0 =hSep0 @dX i;j;i0;j0;k=1Ti;j;kT i0;j0;kjiihi0j jjihj0j1 A: (16) We can think of Tas ad2dmatrix by grouping indices i;jtogether. By doing so, Eq. (16) becomes simply hSep(TTy) (and by our assumption about the operator norm of the matrix version ofT, we have that TTyI). To show the equivalence holds in both directions, observe that any M0 with rankdcan be written as TTyfor somed2dmatrixT. This rank restriction can be removed either by taking Tto be addd2tensor, or by suitable padding. 10.EstimatingkTk`2!S1:Observe that kTk`2!S1= max x2B(Cd)kT(x)kS1= max x;y;z2B(Cd)jhyjT(x)jzij: This last expression is the maximum of a trilinear form over triples of unit vectors, and so is equivalent to computing an injective tensor norm (see task 9). 11.Estimating Egeom(j i):Treatingj ias a 3-index tensor, it is apparent from the de nitions thatEgeom(j i) =logkj ik2 inj. The condition on Acorresponds to the requirement thatp dtimes the resulting tensor should be be an isometry when interpreted as a map from A!BC. Thus the estimation problems are equivalent. Thep dfactor also explains why we need to distinguish the cases Egeomlog(d=c) andlog(d=s). Interestingly, Theorem 1 shows that it is easy to distinguish whether the geometric measurement of entanglement is orC+for a suciently large constant C. 12.Estimating 1(V):Suppose that dim V=m. De neTto be an isometry from CmtoV. Then1(V) =kTk`2!S1, and estimating 1(V) is equivalent to task 10. For simplicity, one can assume that m=dby padding the appropriate dimensions; this does not a ect the complexity by more than a polynomial factor. 13.Mean- eld Hamiltonians: In Ref. [29], the quantum de Finetti theorem was used to show that whennd2, then the ground state of His very close to a product state. In the limit, nding the ground-state energy density of His equivalent to calculating the quantity max 2B(d)trK( ): This task is therefore equivalent to task 3. 1814.Separability testing: A classic result in convex optimisation [35] allows one to show that WMEM(Sep(d;d)) is roughly equivalent to estimating hSep. Unfortunately, known versions of this result give up 1 =poly(d) factors in the approximation guarantees. This fact has been used to show the NP-hardness of WMEM 1=poly(Sep) in Refs. [52, 31, 10] and, previously, of WMEM 1=exp(Sep) by Gurvits [38] (although the connection to QMA log(2) was only observed by [10]). We conjecture that WMEM (Sep(d;d)) should be NPlog2-hard for some  > 0; i.e. that Sep( d;d) cannot be approximated to (suciently small) constant accuracy in time poly(d). However, we are able to rule out only algorithms that have the further restriction of recog- nizing a nearly convex set that in turn approximates Sep to constant accuracy. The following result is an immediate consequence of Corollary 4.3.12 of [35] and Corollary 13. Proposition 15. Suppose that there exists a constant >0such that for all d, there exists a convex set Kdwith Hausdor distance toSep(d;d)such that WMEM 1=poly(d)(K)can be solved in time poly(d). Then 3-SAT2DTIME (exp(pnpoly log(n))). As a result, one possible alternate title for our paper could have been: Detecting pure entanglement is easy, so detecting mixed entanglement is hard. In fact, reductions between WMEM and approximating hSepgo in both directions. We have to be careful not to assume (as does [47]) that approximation algorithms for hSepoutput an approximately optimal density matrix. Indeed, some approximations (e.g. [16]) only output a scalar value approximating hSep. However, we can prove the following reduction. Proposition 16. Letf(M)be a convex function such that f(0) = 0 andjf(M)hSep(d;d)(M)j kMk1. Given oracle access to f, we can solve WMEM 2(Sep(d;d))in time poly(d). Proof. Suppose we are given a density matrix for which we would like to solve WMEM (Sep(d;d)). The algorithm computes Z:= maxftrMf(M) :IMIg: This can be done in polynomial time [35]. If Z, then we declare that 2Sep(d;d), and ifZ > then we declare that  =2B1(Sep(d;d);). To analyze the correctness of the algorithm, we prove rather that it is not wrong . In other words, we need to give the correct answer in the cases: (1) when 62B1(Sep(d;d);2), and (2) when2Sep(d;d). In case (1), then has trace distance >2from every point in Sep( d;d) and so there exists a MwithkMk11 for which tr M>h Sep(M) + 2. This implies that trM>f (M) +, and thatZ > . On the other hand, in case (2), we have 2Sep(d;d), which implies tr MhSep(d;d)(M) f(M) +for allM, and thusZ. 15.Weak membership for entanglement witnesses: For a Hermitian matrix M, we havehSep(M) if and only if M2B1(EW;). HereB1(S;) refers to the points within of a setSin the Schatten-1norm. This shows that if we can approximate hSepthen we can solve the weak membership problem for EW. Conversely, if we are given an algorithm for WMEM1 (EW), then on input Mwe can use binary search to nd approximately the smallest such that M I2EW. This will be within ofhSep(M). 1916.k-partite tensor norm problems: By adding more systems, we will not make any of the prob- lems any easier. To reduce from an injective tensor norm on k-tensors to the injective tensor norm on 3-tensors, we can use Lemma 5. The other reductions claimed in this point are similar. When performing these mappings, there is no direct penalty that depends on k. However, the dimensions of the spaces involved will scale exponentially with k. For example, estimating the support function of Sep( d1;d2;:::;dk) is harder than estimating hSep(d1;d2), and by Lemma 5 can be reduced to estimating hSep(d;d), whered:= poly(d1d2dk). 17.`2!`4norm: IfA=Pm i=1jiih ijwith eachj ii2Cn, then kAk4 2!4= max j i2S(Cn)jh ij ij2=hProdSym (X i 2 i) (17) To show a reduction in the other direction, we need to convert any measurement Minto an M0with similar hSepsuch thatM0can be written asP i i i. Theorem 11 instead allows us to write Min the formP i i i, but the desiredP i i iform can be achieved by takingM0= (p MA1B1 p MA2B2)(PA1B1sym PA2B2sym )(p MA1B1 p MA2B2). This construction is analyzed in [8]. As a result, it is NP-hard to approximate the 2 !4 norm to 1 =poly(d) accuracy, and it is NPlog2-hard to approximate it to within a constant multiplicative error. 18.3-SAT on log2variables: Corollary 12 explains how 3-SAT instances with O(log2(n)) variables can be reduced to determining whether hSep(n;n)(M) = 1 or is1=2, for some eciently- computable matrix M. It is an extremely interesting open question to determine whether the reverse reduction is also possible. 19.Planted clique problem: In [17], the problem of nding a clique of size ( n1=rr5log3(n) 2) planted in a Gn;1=2graph was reduced to determining whether kTkinjis ror1. Here 1 andTis a tensor in ( Cn) rwith all1 entries. Thus, we can trivially bound kTTyk1 nr(although we suspect that the norm should typically be O(nr1)). For concreteness, let us focus on the case of r= 3. In this case, [17] reduce the problem of nding a clique of size n1=3+o(1)toQMA log(2)1=n1:5;2=n1:5(orQMA log(2)1=n;2=n, if one assumes thatEkTTyk1O(nr1)). Since random graphs typically have no clique of size larger than 2 logn+ 1, the planted clique problem can always be reduced to a Circuit-SAT instance of size poly(n) withO(log2(n)) input variables. Since QMA log(2)1=n1:5;2=n3=2QMA log(2)1=2;133-SATlog2; this implies that the reduction of [17] achieves a reduction that is comparable to the previously known reduction to Circuit-SAT. It is an interesting open question to determine whether Circuit-SAT instances with size poly( n) andO(log2(n)) input variables can be placed in QMA log(2)1=2;1. If this were possible, then it would imply that the reduction of [17] would be strictly subsumed by the previous reduction of planted clique to Circuit-SAT. 20.Minimum output R enyi entropies: For any 0, we have Smin (N)Smin 1(N) but also Smin (N) = 0 i Smin 1(N) = 0. Thus, for any c >0, distinguishing between Smin = 0 and Smin cis at least as hard as distinguishing between Smin 1= 0 andSmin 1c. 2021.Regularised minimum output R enyi entropies: Our hardness result for Smin immediately gives us the equivalent hardness result for SR;min . The reason is that our proof of ampli cation for QMA (2) protocols (see Lemma 7) essentially works by constructing a channel Nfor which SR;min 1 (N) =Smin 1(N) by design. 4.2.1 Additional remarks Additivity violations: As a result of the connection between QMA (2) and estimating Smin 1, the question of whether QMA (2) protocols can be ampli ed to exponentially small error is di- rectly related to the question of additivity of the minimum output min-entropy (equivalently, multiplicativity of the maximum output in nity norm). Indeed, additivity violations for Smin 1 (e.g. [42, 41, 36]) translate directly into QMA (2) protocols for which perfect parallel repeti- tion fails2. Conversely, [56] observed that QMA (2) protocols obey perfect parallel repetition when the corresponding channel Nis known to have additive Smin 1, for example when Nis entanglement breaking. Indeed our Lemma 7 is a restatement of this point. Minimum output entropy: Beigi and Shor previously showed that it is NP-hard to compute the minimum output entropy up to 1 =poly(d) accuracy [11]. Our result improves their accuracy requirement, but under a more restrictive complexity assumption. For general channels, we automatically have SR;min (N)Smin (N); however, the famous failures of the additivity conjecture imply that sometimes this inequality can be strict, with examples known for 1 [40, 41] and for near 0 [24]. Still, these examples only demonstrate that SR;min can deviate very slightly from Smin . On the other hand, various lower bounds for SR;min are known [68, 74, 26, 75], and it may be that one of these bounds could be related to Smin , thereby proving that SR;min cannot be far from Smin . Our results do not rule out the possibility that Smin may be fruitfully related to SR;min . However, they do imply that these lower bounds on SR;min (and thereby on Smin ) are unlikely to be eciently computable, or if they are, they are likely to be extremely loose bounds in general. Mean- eld approximation: Previous work on the hardness of approximating ground-state energy of quantum systems generally had dconstant and only ruled out the possibility of 1=poly(n) approximation error. By addressing the case when approximation error is a con- stant fraction of the overall energy of the system, our result achieves one of the goals of the conjectured quantum PCP theorem [3]. However, we require dto grow asymptotically, and we achieve a hardness result much weaker than QMA-hardness. Indeed, due to the classical PCP theorem combined with the Exponential Time Hypothesis, nding the ground state of a system of d2log(d) bits (without any symmetry constraint) is likely to require time exp(d2log(d)), while our results merely imply an exp( (log2(d))) lower bound. Still, our re- sult provides a superpolynomial bound on an important class of Hamiltonians that had been previously considered to be computationally easy to work with. 5 Optimality of the product test Our product test has perfect completeness in the sense that if j iis exactly a product state then it will always pass the product test. Soundness could be in principle described by a functional relation 2Note that, taking the standard de nition of QMA (2), this is strictly speaking only true if the corresponding QMA (2) protocol can be implemented in polynomial time. 21between maximum acceptance probability and distance to the nearest product state. However, for our purposes, we can say that our test has constant soundness in that if j ihas overlap at most 1with any product state then it will pass the product test with probability at most 1 (). In fact, if we consider only product-state tests with perfect completeness, then we can show that our test has optimal soundness: that is, it rejects as often as possible given the constraint of always accepting product states. More generally, suppose that a product-state test Tis given j i kas input. Since the outcome of the test is binary, we can say that Tis an operator on the nk-qudit Hilbert space with 0 TIand that the test accepts with probability tr T k. LetSbe the set of product states in Cd1  Cdn, and de ne Skto be the span of fji k: ji2Sg. For a single system Cd, the span offji k:ji2Cdgis denoted SymkCd. This is the symmetric subspace of ( Cd) k, meaning that it can be equivalently de ned to be the set of vectors in ( Cd) kthat is invariant under permutation by the symmetric group Sk. This fact allows the projector onto SymkCd, which we denote sym d;k, to be implemented eciently [9]. Also, it implies that Sk= SymkCd1  SymkCdnand that the projector onto Sk, denoted Sk, is sym d1;k  sym dn;k. Now we return to our discussion of product-state tests. If tr T k= 1 for all 2S, then TSk. Thus,Twill always accept at least as often as Skwill on any input, or equivalently, takingT= Skyields the test which rejects as often as possible given the constraint of accepting every state in Sk. To understand Sk, note that the projector onto SymkCdis given by1 k!P 2SkPd(), where Pd() =X i1;:::;ik2[d]ji1;:::;ikihi(1);:::;i(k)j: (18) Fork= 1, Sym1Cdsimply equals Cd, and S1is the identity operator on ( Cd) n. Thus, no non-trivial product-state test is possible when given one copy of j i. Whenk= 2, Sym2Cdis the +1 eigenspace of ( I+F)=2, which is the space that passes the swap test. Thus, the product test (in Protocol 1) performs the projection onto S2and therefore rejects non-product states as often as possible for a test on j i 2that always accepts when j iis a product state. These arguments also imply that given j i k, projecting onto Skyields an optimal k-copy product-state test of j i. The strength of these tests is strictly increasing with k, but we leave the problem of analysing them carefully to future work. Finally, this interpretation of the product test allows us to consider generalisations to testing membership in other sets S. The general prescription for a test that is given kcopies of a state is simply to project onto the span of fj i k:j i2Sg. We will not explore these possibilities further in this paper, but see [70] for a subsequent paper that considers variations on this theme for the related problem of testing properties of unitary operators. 6 Stability of the depolarising channel As discussed in Section 2, the correctness proof of the product test in fact applies to a larger class of processes acting on two copies of n-partite states. In general, choosing Saccording to a binomial distribution on [ n] and taking the expectation of tr 2 Sis equivalent to evaluating the output purity ofnuses of the depolarising channel D(as de ned in (2)). A special case of this corresponds to the probability of the product test passing. 22Lemma 17. We have tr(D n )2=12 dnX S[n]d2 12jSj tr(2 S); and in particular tr(D n 1=p d+1)2=1 (d+ 1)nX S[n]tr(2 S); and for pure product states, OPP() := tr(D n (j 1ih 1j  j nih nj))2=d1 d2+1 dn : We will see that it is possible to prove a more general version of Theorem 1. Theorem 18. Givenj i2(Cd) n, let 1= maxfjh j1;:::;nij2:j1i;:::;jni2Cdg: Then (recalling the de nitions of DandOPP()from equations (2) and (3)), tr(D n j ih j)2OPP() 14(1)d2(12) (1+(d1)2)2+ 43=2(12)2+d24 (1+(d1)2)22! : In particular, tr(D n 1=p d+1j ih j)2OPP(1=p d+ 1) 1+2+3=2 : The idea of the proof is more or less the same as the outline sketched in Section 2 and the details can be found in Appendix A. 7 Testing for product unitaries As well as being useful for testing quantum states, the product test has applications to testing properties of unitary operators. The results we obtain will be in terms of the normalised Hilbert- Schmidt inner product, which is de ned as hM;Ni:=1 dtrMyNforM;N2M(d), whereM(d) denotes the set of ddmatrices. Note that, with this normalisation, jhU;Vij 1 for unitary operatorsU,V. We consider the problem of testing whether a unitary operator is a tensor product. That is, we are given access to a unitary Uon the space of nqudits (for simplicity, restricting to the case where each of the qudits has the same dimension d), and we would like to decide whether U=U1  Un. This is one possible generalisation of the classical problem of testing linearity of functionsf:f0;1gn!f0;1g[13]. To see this, observe that fis linear (i.e. f(xy) =f(x)f(y) for allxandy) if and only if the function g:f0;1gn!f 1gde ned byg(x) = (1)f(x)is a product of individual functions gi(x) = (1)aixi, forai2f0;1g. Thus the diagonal unitary operator Uon nqubits de ned by Uxx=g(x) is a tensor product if and only if fis linear. In Protocol 3 we give a test that solves this problem using the product test. The test always accepts product unitaries, and rejects unitaries that are far from product, as measured by the 23normalised Hilbert-Schmidt inner product. Several papers have proposed property tests with similar performance for other sets of unitary matrices: e.g. Pauli matrices [59], Cli ord gates [54, 70] and many other sets [70]. The following correspondence (also known as the Choi-Jamio lkowski isomorphism) underlies our ability to apply the product test to unitaries. Let jibe a maximally entangled state of two d-dimensional qudits, written as1p dPd i=1ji;iiin terms of some basis B= (j1i;:::;jdi). For any matrixM2M(dn), de nejv(M)i:= (M I)ji n. Thenhjjhkjv(M)i=hjjMjkip dn. In particular, for any matrices M;N2M(dn),hM;Ni=hv(M)jv(N)i= trMyN=dn. Protocol 3 (Product unitary test). The product unitary test proceeds as follows. 1. Prepare two copies of the state ji n, then in both cases apply Uto then rst halves of each pair of qudits to create two copies of the state jv(U)i2 (Cd2) n. 2. Return the result of applying the product test to the two copies of jv(U)i, with respect to the partition into n d2-dimensional subsystems. Let the probability that this test passes when applied to some unitary UbePtest(U). Then we have the following theorem, which proves a conjecture from [59]. Theorem 19. GivenU2U(dn), let 1= maxfjhU;V 1  Vnij2:V1;:::;Vn2U(d)g: Then, if= 0,Ptest(U) = 1 . If.0:106, thenPtest(U)11 4+1 162+1 83=2. If0:106.1, Ptest(U)501=512. More concisely, Ptest(U) = 1(). The proof is given in Appendix F. It is not quite immediate from the previous results; the key problem is that the closest product state to jv(U)imay not correspond to the closest unitary operator to U. Our test is sensitive to the Hilbert-Schmidt distance of a unitary from the set of product unitaries. One might hope to design a similar test that instead uses a notion of distance based on the operator norm. However, this is not possible. For example, if we could detect a constant di erence in the operator norm between an arbitrary unitary Uand the set of product unitaries then we could nd a single marked item in a set of size dn. By the optimality of Grover's algorithm, this requires ( dn=2) queries to U. More generally, any test that uses only a constant number of black-box queries to Ucan only detect an (1) di erence in an (1) fraction of the dndimensions thatUacts upon. 8 Open problems We conclude with a discussion of open problems related to our work. 1. Our main result can be seen as a \stability" theorem for the output purity of the depolarising channel (cf. Section 6).. It is an interesting problem to determine whether a similar result 24holds for all output R enyi entropies for the depolarising channel, or even for all channels where additivity holds. 2. Can Theorem 1 be tightened further, perhaps by improving the constant in the 3=2term? It would also be interesting to improve the constants in Theorem 1 in the regime of large , as at present they are extremely pessimistic. The regime of large is generally somewhat mysterious: for example, we do not know the minimum value of Ptest, or the largest distance from any product state that can be achieved by a state of nqudits. This is equivalent to determining the maximal value of the geometric measure of entanglement [71] which can be achieved by a pure state of nqudits; see the PhD thesis [7] for a review of recent work concerning bounds on this quantity. 3. Suppose the goal is to test whether a given state is of the form j'i nfor some unknown j'i. Can we substantially improve on the performance of the product test, say with a test whose acceptance probability decreases exponentially in the number of positions not equal to j'i? Ideally we would achieve performance comparable to the exponential de Finetti theorem [63], but without any dependence on dimension. The natural test for this problem is to project onto the symmetric subspace of all 2 npositions. 4. The relationship between QMA andQMA (2) remains unresolved. Our Theorem 9 proves that QMASEP(2) = QMA (2), while the result of [15] implies that QMALOCC(2) = QMA . Can this gap be closed? One possible way to do this would be to improve our results to show that QMALOCC(2) = QMA (2); but see also Appendix D for a proof that an ecient LOCC product test does not exist. Alternatively, one might improve the simulation of [15] to apply to separable measurements instead of only LOCC measurements, but the obvious approaches to modifying their proof do not appear to work. Finally, if QMA (2) is not shown to be in QMA , one might hope for any upper bound on its complexity that is better than NEXP . 5. Is there an oracle separation between QMA andQMA (2)? The equalities in the previous point relativise, so this is equivalent to showing a separation between QMASEP(2) and QMALOCC(2). A The depolarising channel LetDbe the qudit depolarising channel as de ned in equation (2). We will be interested in applying the n-fold productD n to states of nqudits, and in particular in the purity of the resulting states. This has the following characterisation. Lemma 17. We have tr(D n )2=12 dnX S[n]d2 12jSj tr(2 S); and in particular tr(D n 1=p d+1)2=1 (d+ 1)nX S[n]tr(2 S); and for pure product states, OPP() := tr(D n (j 1ih 1j  j nih nj))2=d1 d2+1 dn : 25Proof. Consider some Hermitian operator basis for B(Cd) which contains the identity and is or- thonormal with respect to the normalised Hilbert-Schmidt inner product hA;Bi=1 dtrAyB, and extend this basis to B((Cd) n) by tensoring. Expand in terms of the resulting basis as =X t2f0;:::;d21gn^tt: where ^t2R,trepresents an element of the tensor product basis corresponding to the string t2f0;:::;d21gn, and the identity is indexed by 0 at each position. Then we have tr(2 S) =d2njSj0 @X t;ti=0;8i2S^2 t1 A; and hence, for any , X S[n]jSjtr(2 S) =d2nX S[n](=d)jSj0 @X t;ti=0;8i2S^2 t1 A=d2nX t^2 t0 BBB@X S[n]; ti=0;8i2S(=d)jSj1 CCCA =d2nX t^2 t0 @njtjX x=0njtj x (=d)x+jtj1 A =d2nX t^2 t(=d)jtj(1 +=d)njtj = (d(d+))nX t^2 t(=(+d))jtj = (d+)ntr(D np =(+d))2: Rearranging completes the proof; the two special cases in the statement of the lemma can be veri ed directly. Using the above lemma, we can see that maximal output purity is obtained only for product states, since only product states saturate the inequality tr 2 S1 for allS[n]. We will now prove our main result, which is a \stability" theorem for the depolarising channel: if a state achieves close to maximal output purity, it must be close to a product state. Theorem 18. Givenj i2(Cd) n, let 1= maxfjh j1;:::;nij2:j1i;:::;jni2Cdg: (19) Then tr(D n j ih j)2OPP() 14(1)d2(12) (1 + (d1)2)2+ 43=2(12)2+d24 (1 + (d1)2)22! : In particular, tr(D n 1=p d+1j ih j)2OPP(1=p d+ 1) 1+2+3=2 : 26Proof. Without loss of generality assume that one of the states achieving the maximum in Eq. (19) isj0i n, which we will abbreviate simply as j0ni, orj0iwhen there is no ambiguity. We thus have j i=p 1j0i+pji for some statejisuch thath0ji= 0, andji=P x6=0 xjxifor somef xg. We write down explicitly :=j ih j= (1)j0ih0j+p (1)(j0ihj+jih0j) +jihj: By Lemma 17, tr(D n  )2=12 dnX S[n] jSjtr 2 S; where we set =d2=(12) for brevity. Now X S[n] jSjtr 2 S=X S[n] jSj tr((1)j0ih0jS+p (1)(j0ihjS+jih0jS) +jihjS)2 ; and for any subset S, tr 2 S= (1)2trj0ih0j2 S+(1) tr(j0ihj+jih0j)2 S+2trjihj2 S + 2p(1)3=2trj0ih0jS(j0ihj+jih0j)S+ 2(1) trj0ih0jSjihjS + 23=2p 1trjihjS(j0ihj+jih0j)S: We now bound the sum over S(weighted by jSj) of each of these terms, in order. Note that we repeatedly use the notation [ E] for a term which evaluates to 1 if the expression Eis true, and 0 ifEis false. 1. Asj0iis product, clearly X S[n] jSjtrj0ih0j2 S=X S[n] jSj= (1 + )n: 2. We have tr(j0ihj+jih0j)2 S= trj0ihj2 S+ trjih0j2 S+ 2 trj0ihjSjih0jS: It is easy to see that the rst two terms must be 0 for all S(as only the o -diagonal entries of the rst row of the matrix j0ihjcan be non-zero). For the third, we explicitly calculate j0ihjSjih0jS=X x6=0j xj2[xi= 0;8i2S]j0ih0j k; and hence X S[n] jSjtrj0ihjSjih0jS=X x6=0j xj2X S[n] jSj[xi= 0;8i2S] =X x6=0j xj2nX k=jxj knjxj nk = (1 + )nX x6=0j xj2 1 + jxj : 273. It clearly holds that tr jihj2 S1, so as in part (1), X S[n] jSjtrjihj2 S(1 + )n; and this will be tight if and only if jiis product itself. 4. Using the same argument as in part (2), tr j0ih0jSj0ihjS= trj0ih0jSjih0jS= 0. 5. Write the state =jihjas =X x;yx1;:::;ynjx1ihy1j  jxnihynj: Then, for any S=fi1;:::;ikg, S=X x;y[xi=yi;8i2S]x1;:::;ynjxi1ihyi1j  jxikihyikj; which implies trj0ih0jSjihjS=X x[xi= 0;8i2S]j xj2; and hence, similarly to part (2), X S[n] jSjtrj0ih0jSjihjS=X x6=0j xj2njxjX k=0 knjxj k = (1 + )nX x6=0j xj21 1 + jxj : 6. The last term can be trivially bounded using jtrjihjS(j0ihj+jih0j)Sj2: However, it is possible to get a better bound with a bit more work. We expand X S[n] jSjtrjihjSj0ihjS= X S[n] jSjX x;y;z x  y  z[zi= 0;i2S][xi=yi;i2S] trjx1ihy1j0ihz1j  jxnihynj0ihznj =X S[n] jSjX x;y;z x  y  z[zi= 0;i2S][xi=yi;i2S][yi= 0;i2S][xi=zi;i2S] =X jy^zj=0 y_z  y  zX S[n] jSj[yi= 0;i2S][zi= 0;i2S] =X jy^zj=0 y_z  y  z jzj(1 + )njyjjzj: 28This expression can be upper bounded as follows: X jy^zj=0 y_z  y  z jzj(1 + )(jyj+jzj) sX jy^zj=0j yj2j zj2vuutX jy^zj=0 2jzj (1 + )2jy_zjj y_zj2 0 @X x(1 + )2jxjj xj20 @X jy^zj=0 2jzj[y_z=x]1 A1 A1=2 = X x1 + 2 (1 + )2jxj j xj2!1=2 : (20) Combining these terms, we have X S[n] jSjtr 2 S(1 + )n((1)2+ 2(1)X x6=0j xj2(1 + )jxj( jxj+ 1) +2+ 43=2p 1 X x1 + 2 (1 + )2jxj j xj2!1=2 ): Note that (1 + )jxj( jxj+ 1) decreases with jxjfor all >0, as does (1 + 2)jxj(1 + )2jxj. To complete the proof, we will show that jihas no weight 1 components (i.e. x= 0 forjxj<2). In the contribution from Eq. (20), this implies that only the jxj4 terms contribute (since x=y_z andy^z=;). Therefore,jihaving no weight 1 components would imply that X S[n] jSjtr 2 S(1 + )n 14 (1 + )2 (1)(1 + 2)2 (1 + )2 1=2 ; which would imply the theorem. Now, for any ,', we have 1j(cosh0j+ei'sinh1j) h0j n1j ij2. Pickingsuch that cos=jh0j ijp jh0j ij2+jh10n1j ij2; and'such thatei'h10n1j i>0, it is easy to see that 1jcosh0j i+ei'sinh10n1j ij2=jh0j ij2+jh10n1j ij2: However, we have assumed that 1 =jh0j ij2, so this implies that h10n1j i= 0. Repeating the argument for the other n1 subsystems shows that j iis indeed orthogonal to every state with Hamming weight at most 1, so jihas no weight 1 components. B Proof of Theorem 1: correctness of the product test In this appendix, we prove correctness of the product test (Theorem 1). Let the test be de ned as in Protocol 1. The following lemma from [59] expresses the probability of passing in terms of the partial traces of the input states; we include a proof for completeness. 29Lemma 2. LetPtest(;)denote the probability that the product test passes when applied to two mixed states ;2B(Cd1  Cdn). De nePtest() :=Ptest(;). Then Ptest(;) =1 2nX S[n]trSS; and in particular Ptest() =1 2nX S[n]tr2 S: Ifd1=d2==dn=d, for somed, then Ptest() =d+ 1 2n tr(D n 1=p d+1)2: Note that we can in fact assume that d1=d2==dn=dwithout loss of generality by settingd= max(d1;:::;dn), and embedding each of Cd1;:::;CdnintoCdin the natural way. This padding operation neither a ects the probability of the swap tests passing nor changes the distance to the closest product state. Proof. LetFdenote the swap (or ip) operator that exchanges two quantum systems of equal but arbitrary dimension, with FSdenoting the operator that exchanges only the qudits in the set S. Then we have Ptest(;) = tr( )I+F 2 n =1 2nX S[n]tr( )FS=1 2nX S[n]trSS: The second part then follows from Lemma 17. We now analyse the probability of the product test passing for general n. We rst note that, in the special case where n= 2, it is possible to analyse the probability of passing quite tightly. The proof of the following result, which is implicit in previous work of Wei and Goldbart [71], is essentially immediate from Lemma 2. Lemma 20. Letj i2Cd1 Cd2, whered1d2, be a bipartite pure state with Schmidt coecientsp1p2p d1. Then Ptest(j ih j) =1 2 1 +X i2 i! ; while 1:= max j1i;j2ijh j1ij2ij2=1: In particular, 1+d1 2(d11)2Ptest(j ih j)1+2: We are nally ready to prove Theorem 1. The proof is split into two parts, which we formalise as separate theorems. The rst part holds when is small, and depends on the results proven in Appendix A. The second part holds when is large, and is proved using the rst part. 30Theorem 3. Givenj i2Cd1  Cdn, let 1= maxfjh j1;:::;nij2:jii2Cdi;1ing: Then 12+2Ptest(j ih j)1+2+3=2: Proof. The lower bound holds by general arguments. It is immediate that, if applied to j1;:::;ni, the product test succeeds with probability 1. As the test acts on two copies of j i, which has overlap 1withj1;:::;ni, it must succeed when applied to j iwith probability at least (1 )2. The upper bound follows from Lemma 2 and Theorem 18. The statement of Theorem 18 only explicitly covers the case where the dimensions of all the subsystems are the same; however, as noted above, we can assume this without loss of generality. This result is close to optimal. At the low end, the state j i=p1j0ni+pj1nihas Ptest(j ih j) = 12+ 22+o(1). At the high end, for j i=p1j00i+pj11i,Ptest(j ih j) = 1+2. We also note that this result does not extend to a test for separability of mixed states; the maximally mixed state on nqudits is separable but it is easy to verify that Ptest(I=dn) = ((d+ 1)=2d)n, which approaches zero for large n. Theorem 3 only gives a non-trivial upper bound on the probability of passing when is small (up to=1 2(3p 5)0:38). We now show that the product test also works in the case where the state under consideration is far from any product state. We will need two lemmas. Lemma 21. Givenj i2Cd1  Cdn, letPP test(j ih j)be the probability that the P-product test { the test for being product across partition P{ passes. Then, for all P,PP test(j ih j)Ptest(j ih j). Proof. The subspace corresponding to the usual product test passing is contained within the sub- space corresponding to the P-product test passing. Lemma 22. Letj i,jibe pure states such that jh jij2= 1, and letPsatisfy 0PI; e.g.Pmight be a projector. Then jh jPj ihjPjijp. Proof. We can directly calculate1 2kj ih jjihjk1=p. This then gives the claimed upper bound onjtrP(j ih jjihj)j(see [60, Chapter 9]). Theorem 4. Givenj i2Cd1  Cdn, let 1= maxfjh j1;:::;nij2:jii2Cdi;1ing: Then, if11=32>0:343,Ptest(j ih j)501=512<0:979. Proof. For simplicity, in the proof we will use a quadratic upper bound on Ptest(j ih j) that follows by elementary methods from Theorem 1: Ptest(j ih j)13 4+ 22. For a contradiction, assume thatPtest(j ih j)>p:= 501=512, while11=32. For any partition Pof [n] into 1knparts, letjPibe the product state (with respect to P) that maximises jh jij2over all product states ji(with respect to P). If 1hjh jPij21`; where for readability we de ne `:= 1=32 andh:= 11=32, then by the quadratic bound given above theP-product test passes with probability PP test(j ih j)p, implying by Lemma 21 that 31Ptest(j ih j)p. Therefore, as we are assuming that j iis a counterexample to the present theorem, there exists a ksuch thatjh jij2>1`for somejithat is product across kparties, and yetjh jij2<1hfor alljithat are product across k+ 1 parties. So, for this k, letj1ijkibe a state that maximises jh j1;:::;kij2. Thus there is some 0<`such that we can write j ias j i=p 10j1ijki+p 0ji: Ifk= 1, then trivially j1i=j iand0= 0. Assume without loss of generality that j1iis a state of two or more qudits. Now we know that max j0 1;1i;j0 1;2ijh1j0 1;1ij0 1;2ij2(10)<1h; (21) orj0 1;1ij0 1;2ij2ijkiwould be a ( k+1)-partite state with overlap at least 1 hwithj i. (Here we have used the fact that for k>1, by the arguments at the end of Theorem 18, jiis orthogonal toj0 1;1ij0 1;2ij2ijkifor any choice ofj0 1;1i,j0 1;2i.) Let 1= maxj0 1;1i;j0 1;2ijh1j0 1;1ij0 1;2ij2. Then Eq. (21) implies that 1<1h 10<1h 1`=21 31: Using the exact expression given in Lemma 20, we nd that Ptest(j1ih1j)<751=961 (if 10=31< 1=2, this follows from Ptest(j1ih1j)1++2; if1=2, thenPtest(j1ih1j)3=4 always). Next we use Lemma 22 to obtain Ptest(j ih j)Ptest(j1ih1j  jkihkj) +p 0

p > 0:978. We have reached a contradiction, so the proof is complete. One might hope that this theorem could be improved to show that, as !1,Ptest(j ih j) necessarily approaches 0. However, this is not possible. Consider the dd-dimensional bipartite stateji=1p dPd i=1jiii. It is easy to verify using Lemma 20 that Ptest(jihj) = 1=2(1 + 1=d) while maxj1i;j2ijhj1ij2ij2= 1=d. Combining Theorems 3 and 4, we obtain Theorem 1 and thus have proven correctness of the product test. The constants in Theorem 4 have not been optimised as far as possible and could be improved somewhat. C Classes of measurement operators In this appendix, we de ne the classes of measurement operators used in our paper and other relevant literature on QMA (2), such as [15]. Our de nitions mostly follow the conventions of quantum information theory. Each class of measurement operators describes operators on Cd Cd. 32BELL is the set of Mthat can be expressed as M=X (i;j)2S i j; (22) whereP i i=IandP j j=I, andSis a set of pairs of indices. In other words, the systems are locally measured, obtaining outcomes iandj, and then the veri er accepts if ( i;j)2S. LOCC 1is the set of Mthat can be realised by measuring the rst system and then choosing a measurement on the second system conditional on the outcome of the rst measurement. SuchMcan be written as M=X i i Mi; (23) whereP i i=Iand 0MiIfor eachi. LOCC is the set of Mthat can be realised by alternating partial measurements on the two systems a nite number of times, choosing each measurement conditioned on the previous outcomes. An inductive de nition is that M is in LOCC if there exist operators fEig;fMig, withP iEiIand eachMi2LOCC, such that either M=P i(pEi I)Mi(pEi I) or M=P i(I pEi)Mi(I pEi). For the base case, it suces to take I2LOCC. SEP is the set of Msuch that M=X i i i (24) for some positive semide nite (WLOG rank one) matrices f ig;f ig. (Note: other works de ne SEP to be the smaller set of Mfor which both MandIMcan be decomposed as in Eq. (24), and use the term SEP YESto describe the measurements for which only Mhas to satisfy Eq. (24).) SEP-BOTH is the set of Mfor whichM2SEP andIM2SEP. PPT (positive partial transpose [62, 43]) is the set of Mfor whichM0, where is the partial transpose map de ned by ( jiihjj jkihlj)= (jiihjj jlihkj). Again note that this de nition does not require IM2PPT. PPT-BOTH is the set of Mfor whichM2PPT andIM2PPT. ALL has no restrictions on Mother than 0MI. We note that SEP-BOTH and PPT-BOTH are natural relaxations of LOCC because they preserve the property that both MandIMmust be realisable through local operations and classical communication. On the other hand, SEP and PPT are more natural when we consider Mby itself and do not wish to consider additional constraints on IM. These sets satisfy the following inclusions, all of which are known to be strict BELLLOCC 1LOCCSEP-BOTHPPT-BOTH \ \ SEP PPTALL 33D Nonexistence of an LOCC product test A natural extension of the idea of product state testing is to a distributed setting where two parties, each of whom receives one copy of an n-partite statej i, must determine whether j iis product using only local operations and classical communication (LOCC). Indeed, following the completion of an initial version of this work, it was shown by Brand~ ao, Christandl and Yard that, if there were an ecient LOCC protocol for product state testing, then QMA (k) =QMA [15, 16]. In this appendix, we show that unfortunately no such LOCC protocol exists. In fact, we rule out the larger class of PPT-BOTH measurements (de ned in Appendix C). Our impossibility result holds for the easiest version of this task, in which n= 2. For simplicity, here we only consider the case where the test uses 2 copies of j i; one can show a similar result when the number of copies is larger but the proof is signi cantly more complicated [39]. Formally, we de ne a product test as a measurement fM;IMgthat acts onj i 2=j iA1B1 j iA2B2with outcome Mcorresponding to \product" and IMcorresponding to \not product." There is no good canonical way to express the validity of a product test. One rather general way we might do this is to say that there are functions f() andg() such that ifj ihas overlap 1 with the closest product state then its probabity Ptestof passing the product test satis es f()Ptestg(): (25) For example, Theorem 1 shows that our product test satis es Eq. (25) with f() = 1c1and g() = 1c2withc1>c2>0. For our impossibility result, we will use a di erent and simpler success measure. De ne the completeness cof a product test to be the average probability of accepting a random product state j i=j Ai j Bi, and de ne the soundness sto be the average probability of accepting a random bipartite statej i. While strictly speaking a random bipartite state may sometimes be close to a product state, it has an overwhelmingly high probability of being close to maximally entangled. Thus, this demand for a product test is nearly as undemanding as possible. Finally, de ne the bias of the test as b=cs. Theorem 23. Any 2-copy PPT-BOTH product test for bipartite dd-dimensional product states has bias which is O(1=d). Proof. Letj ibe a bipartite dd-dimensional state on the system AB. Imagine we have a protocol which takes as input two copies of j i, writtenj i1j i2, and attempts to determine whether j iis product across systems A and B. Consider two distributions D0,D1on bipartite ddstates. Let Mbe a measurement operator which accepts states drawn from D1with probability at least c, and rejects states from D0with probability at least s. Then E D1ED0trM(  )cs; implying trM(E D1( )ED0( ))cs: TakingD1to be the uniform distribution over product states, via a standard calculation we obtain E D1( ) =E E( A B) 2=1 d(d+ 1)(I+F)A1A2 1 d(d+ 1)(I+F)B1B2 ; 34where as elsewhere Fis the swap operator. Now let D0be the uniform distribution on bipartite ddstates. In this case we have ED0( ) =1 d2(d2+ 1)(I+F)12: Thus  := E D1( )ED0( ) =1 d2(d+ 1)2(IA1A2 FB1B2+FA1A2 IB1B2)2 d(d2+ 1)(d+ 1)2(I+F12): Assume that Mis PPT across the 1:2 split. We want to maximise tr M assuming that I MIandIMI, where the second is the PPT constraint. Further, as distributions D0 andD1are invariant under product unitaries, we can without loss of generality assume that M commutes with UA1 UA2 VB1 VB2for all unitaries UandV, which implies that M=wI+x(FA1A2 IB1B2) +y(IA1A2 FB1B2) +zF12 for somew,x,y,z. By direct calculation trM =1 d2(d+ 1)2 2d3w+ (d2+d4)x+ (d2+d4)y+ 2d3z +O(1=d) =x+y+O(1=d): On the other hand, M=wI+xd(A1A2 IB1B2) +yd(IA1A2 B1B2) +zd2(A1A2 B1B2); whereji=1p dPd i=1jiii. Sojx+yj=O(1=d), and we are done. E Proof of correctness of the protocol to put QMA (k)inQMA (2) This section proves several of the claims made in Section 3. First we prove Lemma 5 by showing the validity of Protocol 2. Lemma 5 (restatement). For anym,k,0s1=q(n), for some polynomial q(n), then we rst have to apply Lemma 8 with `=p(n) + log(243 q(n)2p(n)) to replace the soundness with 1 1=3q(n) and the completeness with 1 exp(p(n)) 243q(n)2p(n). Next, we apply Lemma 6 to leave the completeness the same, reduce the number of provers to 2, guarantee the measurement is in SEP and replace the soundness with 11=243q(n)2. Finally, we repeat 243 q(n)2p(n) times and obtain soundness exp( p(n)) and completeness 1exp(p(n)). F Proof of correctness of the product unitary test This appendix is devoted to the proof of Theorem 19. In order to analyse the product unitary test in Protocol 3, we will need to relate the maximum overlap of an n-qudit unitary with a product operator to the maximum overlap of that unitary with a product unitary. Lemma 24. GivenU2U(dn), let 1= maxfjhU;A 1  Anij2:Ai2M(d);hAi;Aii= 1;1ing: Then, if1=2, there exist V1;:::;Vn2U(d)such thatjhU;V 1  Vnij2(12)2. Proof. For all 1in, let the polar decomposition of AibejAijCi, wherejAij=q AiAy iand Ci2U(d). SetA=Nn i=1Ai,C=Nn i=1Ci. Then hC;Ai=1 dnnY i=1trCy ijAijCi=1 dnnY i=1trjAij=1 dnmax V2U(dn)jtrVAjp 1: This implies that we can expand U=p 1A+D; C =p 10A+E for some0and matrices D;E such thathD;Di=,hE;Ei=0,hA;Di= 0,hA;Ei= 0. So jhU;Cij=jp 1p 10+hD;Eijjp 1p 10pp 0j12; for1=2. This implies the lemma. We are now ready to prove correctness of the product unitary test. 38Theorem 19 (restatement). GivenU2U(dn), let 1= maxfjhU;V 1  Vnij2:V1;:::;Vn2U(d)g: Then, if= 0,Ptest(U) = 1 . If.0:106, thenPtest(U)11 4+1 162+1 83=2. If0:106.1, Ptest(U)501=512. More concisely, Ptest(U) = 1(). Proof. By the Choi-Jamio lkowski isomorphism, there is a direct correspondence between operators M2M(d) withjhM;Mij= 1 and normalised quantum states jv(M)i. If we de ne 10:= maxfjhU;A 1  Anij2:Ai2M(d);hAi;Aii= 1;1ing; then by Theorem 1, if 0.0:0265,Ptest(U)10+02+03=2, and if0&0:0265,Ptest(U) 501=512. If01=2, then the result follows immediately. On the other hand, by Lemma 24, if01=2, there exist V1;:::;Vn2U(d) such thatjhU;V 1  Vnij2(120)2140. Thus we have1 40. The theorem follows by combining the bound on and the bound on Ptest(U). G Interpretation of the product test as an average over product states We have seen (via Lemma 2) that the probability of the product test passing when applied to some statej i2(Cd) nis equal to the average purity, across all choices of subsystem S[n], of trj ih jS. One interpretation of the proof of correctness of the product test is therefore that, if the average entanglement of j iacross all bipartite partitions of [ n] is low, as measured by the purity, thenj imust in fact be close to a product state across all subsystems. In this appendix, we discuss a similar interpretation of our results in terms of an average over product states, via the following proposition. Proposition 25. Givenj i2(Cd) n, Ptest(j ih j) =d(d+ 1) 2n Ej1i;:::;jni jh j1:::nij4 : Proof. Similarly to before, let the input to the product test be two copies A, Bof a state :=j ih j, and letFdenote the swap operator that exchanges systems A and B. Then Ej1i;:::;jni jh j1;:::;nij4 =Ej1i;:::;jni[tr( A B)((1  n)A (1  n)B)] = tr( A B) Eji[A B] n = tr( A B)I+F d(d+ 1) n =2 d(d+ 1)n Ptest(j ih j): We note that, in this interpretation, our main result is reminiscent of the so-called inverse theorem for the second Gowers uniformity norm [33, 34], which we brie y outline. Let f:f0;1gn! Rbe some function such that1 2nP xf(x)2= 1, and let the p-norms offon the Fourier side be 39de ned ask^fkp=P x2f0;1gn 1 2nP y2f0;1gn(1)xyf(y) p1=p :Then it is straightforward to show thatk^fk4 1k^fk4 4k^fk2 1, where the quantity in the middle is known as the (fourth power of) the second Gowers uniformity norm of f. That is,k^fk2 1(representing the largest overlap of fwith a parity function) is well approximated by k^fk4 4(the average of the squared overlaps with parity functions). This simple approximation has proven useful in arithmetic combinatorics [33]. Via the correspondence of Proposition 25, Theorem 1 shows that a similar result holds if we replace the cube f0;1gnwith the space ( Cd) n: the largest overlap with a product state can be well approximated by the average squared overlap with product states. Note that if one attempts to use the classical proof technique for the Gowers uniformity norm to prove this result, one does not obtain Theorem 1, but a considerably weaker result containing a term exponentially large in n. Intuitively, this is because the set of overlaps with parity functions for some function f:f0;1gn!R is essentially arbitrary, whereas the set of overlaps of some state j iwith product states is highly constrained. Acknowledgements We did most of this research while working at the University of Bristol. AM was supported by the EC-FP6-STREP network QICS and an EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. AWH was supported by the EPSRC grant \QIP-IRC", by NSF grants 0916400, 0829937, 0803478, DARPA QuEST contract FA9550-09-1-0044 and the IARPA MUSIQC and QCS contracts. 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