16 values
Megan Keller
Nov 22, 2023 9:40 78662804726 HEWITT ADMIN DEPT PAGE 1/19 patient name: Megan Keller MRN: 25-889329 Encounter: Dec 16, 2017 11:15AM Physical Exam GENERAL: Patient in no acute distress. Tcarful throughout HEENT: PERRLA, EOMI,conjunctiva normal, TMs normal, oropharynx clear NECK: supple, no lymphadenopathy, normal thyroid. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. HEART: RRR, no murmurs. ABDOMEN: soft, non-tender, without hepato-splenomegaly. EXTREMITIES: No edema NEUROLOGIC: Alert and oriented, grossly intact. Assessment Acute stress disorder (308.3) Plan As SX are work related, d/w pt eval by wep as well but she states that they have not helped her in the past Advise 1 mo off work due to high stress at work SSRI and psychotx d/w pt She wishes to hold off starting SSRI at this time, but agrees to psychotx Advise weekly or more tx in the first mo f/u 1 mo or pm. Signature ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED BY : Dr Mary Mckee MD; Mar 15, 2023 12:12 PM PST; Author. 2 of 2 MRN: 25-651409 2-3-2014 2013252242 44201503342452230 SEDGWICK CLAIMS MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC. [6688932-01] 145
What is Ordered Date?
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Wesley Roberts
Wesley Roberts DOB: September 19, 1999 (71 yo M) Acc No. CR848861 [Doc Name: April 28, 2023 MRI CERVICAL SPINE] Wesley Roberts (MRN8328419) canal. Left neural foramina is patent. Mild right neural foraminal narrowing.. C5-C6 There is a posterior disc osteophyte complex with uncovertebral joint hypertrophy and superimposed right paracentral protrusion. This causes mild spinal canal narrowing. Moderate narrowing of the medial aspect of the left neural foramina. Moderate right neural foraminal narrowing IMPRESSION: Impression: Scattered degenerative changes as discussed above. Of note at C5-C6 there is a posterior disc osteophyte complex with uncovertebral joint hypertrophy and superimposed right paracentral protrusion. At that level there is moderate narrowing of the medial aspect of the left neural foramina and moderate right neural foraminal narrowing. There is also mild spinal canal narrowing at that level. See above for additional details. Read By - Patrick Natter M.D. Read By:Natter, Patrick E, MD Electronically Verified and Signed by: Patrick E Natter June 01, 2016 4:16 PM JP UF HEALTH JTB KERNAN 5/2/2023 Mon Apr 10, 2023 4:19PM veneral conseybal Page 2 of 2 Wesley Roberts DOB: September 19, 1999 (71 yo M) Acc No. CR848861 Page 73 of 166
what is the DOS or D.O.S?
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Caitlin Morales
Spine Pain MORRIS, ANN Visit Note - 2016-09-22 PMS ID: Sex: dob: Phone: MRN: 3964983 Female 1985-06-30 (325) 525-8250 3292563 Screening: 0 days The following recommendations were made during the visit: Exercise: Never Patient has a history of chronic diffuse pain due to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. She is responding well Smoking status - Former smoker to low-dose naltrexone. - We decided to titrate up her medications to 6 mg nightly for improved pain coverage. ROS - She may try meloxicam as an alternative NSAID to aid with her arthralgias. Provider reviewed on Mar 22, consider this option. A focused review of systems was performed including Constitutional / Symptom, Eyes, MIPS Hematologic / Lymphatic, Follow up for: F/U evaluation Staff: Jasmit Brar, MD (Primary Provider) (Bill Under) Electronically Signed By: Jasmit Brar, MD. 03/22/2023 10:59 PM EDT Jasmit Brar, MD (Primary Provider) (Bill Under) Reston Page : (725) 258-4325 Work 1860 Town Center Dr (253) 425-2549 Fax Suite 430
what is the service date or date of service?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Shannon Wells DDS
21/15/01 02:58 PM TO: 16103548946 FROM: 8333674968 Page 48 SIMONS, CHARLES C11920 DOB:08/18/1961 PRADA, S. MD PATIENT REGISTRATION FORM Date Patient Name Social Security Number 21/15/01 Charles SIMONS 26359xxxx Date of Birth Home Phone Cell Phone Address including City, State and Zip Code: 16/86/06 877833xxxx Marital Status: Hispanic or Latino American Indian or Alaska Native White Single Divorced Non-Hispanic or Latino Asian Other Black of African American Unknown May the Surgery Center leave a detailed voice message on your phone Yes No May the Surgery Center email you detailed information via the email you provided Yes No Email Address Patient Employer/Phone Insured Subscriber Name, Date of Birth and Social Security Number If under LOP Attorney Name and Phone Number Emergency Contact Info: Sherry Name: wits Relationship: Phone: Commercial/Medicare/Auto/Workman's Compensation Lifetime Assignment OWNERSHIP ACKNOWLEGEMENT/ANTI-DISCRIMINATION POLICY have received a written copy of my patient rights and responsibilities. I have received a copy of the center's Anti-Discrimination Policy. 08/21/10 Signature of Patient or Patient's legal representative if Patient is unable to sign Date Relationship to Patient if Patient is unable to sign M a 4/4/85 Signature of Witness Date
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
David Bird
LOUISIANA PAIN SPECIALISTS PAIN DIAGNOSIS & INTERVENTION EXPERTS RADIOLOGY ORDER PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS GUARANTOR & INSURANCE INFORMATION Patient: Craig Park Insurance:VA CCN OPTUM DOB: 1989 June 14 Age: 71 year Sex: Male Guarantor: Craig Park Address: 4161 1ST AVE Bay Saint Louis MS 39561 Policy# 426183761 Group# RAD VENDOR DETAILS ORDERING PHYSICIAN DETAILS Rad Name: Ordering Physician Name: Suneil Jolly MD Address: Order#: RAD23861 Phone: Fax: Order Date: 2024 March 12 Sr.No. Test Name Test Status CPT Code ICD Code Instructions M54.5; 1 X-ray Lumbar Spine 5 views Routine 72110 M47.897; M47.27 M47.27; MRI Lumbar Spine without contrast Comments: S Idly Suneil Jolly MD This has been electronically signed on 2023 September 29.
What is Collection Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Julia Russell
DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING SERVICES 4241 VETERANS BLVD METAIRIE LA 70006 (523) 423-3230 Patient: Julia Russell 9161 Walker Gardens Brittneyport, NM 84296 Responsible party: Julia Russell 9161 Walker Gardens Brittneyport, NM 84296 Srvc. Date Procedure Description Location Charge Balance Physician Modifier (s) Diagnosis Code (s) 2021-04-13 72141 - MRI, Cervical Spine s/ 5 - SLI $2,000.00 $0.00 Satterlee, Arthur Jerry M54.2 Payment Information Insurance Payment (652 - DMA) : 2017-11-14 of $0.00 Adjustment: $1,425.00 Insurance Payment (652 - DMA) : 2016-03-20 of $575.00 Adjustment: $0 TOTAL BALANCE: $0.00 Print Date: 09/29/2023 Reproduced: Friday, September 29, 2023 04:17:46 PM (1pepp) This report has been Reproduced from the Original Reproduced Friday, September, 29, 2023 04:17:46 PM (1pepp) Page 1 of 1
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
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Wendy Phillips
Orange County Corrections Health Services Dept Nov 20, 2020 PO Box 49Xx Orlando, FL 328xx Page 19 4072548306 Fax: Chart Document DARIUS DESHAWN BOUEY Home: Work: Male DOB: Aug 04, 1992 P005613xx Tremors: No Endocrine Vomiting: No Breath Odor: No Mental Confusion: No Weight Changes: No Heme/Lymphatic Lymph Glands: Non-Enlarged Bleeding: No Bruising: No Allergic/Immunology Eye discharge: No Nasal Discharge: No Sneezing: No Shortness of Breath: No Dental Missing Teeth: No Broken tooth/teeth: No Broken appliance: No Bleeding gums: No Oral/Facial Swelling: No Drainage: No Dentures present? No Inmate Trustee Status: Y-A Medical Grading Medical Grading(Housing Recommendation) GP HIV Survey Printed: Yes Sick Call Scheduling Scheduled? No Created on 07/24/2010 11:03 AM Electronically signed by Ellarea Farwell, RN on Aug 09, 2020 01:10 PM Electronically signed by Edwin Pont, MD onAug 09, 2020 05:52 AM PHA:Physical Assessment Export on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 12:14 PM by InDxLogic Chart Exporter Page 4 of 19 (MD178@orang637469 - Orange County Health Services)
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Daniel Buckley
Daniel Buckley Hillside Healthcare Visit Note - 01/2018/30 PMS ID: Sex: DOB: MRN: 54643 Female 07/1984/07 54643 Medications Chief Complaint: Chronic Low Back Pain Duexis 864-64.6 mg Oral tablet Medical History HPI: This is a 82 year old female who is being seen for a chief complaint of chronic low back pain involving the spine. Social History with tramadol Smoking status Unspecified ROS Vitals: Provider reviewed on 04/2023/06. Date Taken By B.P. Pulse Resp. 02 Sat. Temp. Ht. Wt. BMI BSA A focused review of systems was performed including Constitutional / LeBoeuf, Maci 66.0 in 164.0 64.7 1.9 Symptom, Eyes, Hematologio / 07/07/22 lbs Lymphatic, Integumentary, 08:34 Musculoskeletal, and Neurological FIO2 Page 1
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
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Francisco Smith
AEGIS Laboratory Director Matthew T. Hardison PhD CLIA Number 44D1083455 Laboratory Report 515 Great Circle Road Nashville, TN 37228 SCIENCES CORPORATION (615) 255xxxxx Fax (615) 255-xxxx Clinic Information Patient Information Sample Information Client: South Texas Bone & Joint Patient Name: Timothy Meyers Lab Sample ID: 81181xxxx 601 Texan Trail Specimen Type: Urine Corpus Christi, TX 78411 Patient ID: 45796xxxx Collected: 02-18-2017 Requesting Provider: Date of Birth: 03-05-1997 Received: 04-07-2016 JOHN MASCIALE Male/Female: Female Reported: 04-24-2020 Copyright o 2018 Aegis Sciences Corporation All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 80 767803 South Texas Bone & Joint - 00809
What is Collection Date?
{"text": ["02-18-2017"], "answer_start": [473]}
Evan Kane
A The Gables Surgical Center 11/2. Patient Name: Evan Kane Date of Procedure: 2021-11-25 Diagnosis: M53.86, MUS.06, M47.26 ICD 9: M53.86, M48.06CPT: 22558 Procedure: MU7.26. Consent To Read: L45 interbody fusion with bilateral pedical screws Patient Address: asoo SW 48 St City: Miami State: FL Zip: 33165 D.O.B: 1994-09-17 Age: 47. Sex: M/F Requires Transportation: ( ) Yes () No Insurance Co. Name: OMNi Atty: Edersy Suarez Policy No: Group No: 786-420-2893 Phone No: Referral - Authorization No: Worker's Comp ( ) Yes ( ) No Date of injury: 2022-02-16 Claim No: Adjuster: leonard - No: Cannula Instrumentation: Type of Anesthesia: General Local LOC/Sed Regional Choice PRE - OP ANTIBIOTICS PHYSICIAN SIGNATURE DR. JACObson & DR. Berti The Gables Surgical Center 401 SW Lejeune Road, Suit 201 Miami FI 33134 Telephone: 305-447-0882 Fax 305-447-0213
What is the Procedure Date?
{"text": ["2021-11-25"], "answer_start": [93]}
Sara Smith
V VCO VOCATIONAL SPECIALISTS Mark Alexander, MS 18 November 2016 Mr. Ulises J. Aguirre, Esq. Law Offices of Robert T. Bledsoe 330 W. Hedding St., #153 San Jose, CA 9553 0 Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund Department of Industrial Relations 153 0 Howe Avenue, Suite 353 Sacramento, CA 9553 5-353 7 Employee: Sara Smith dob: 10 January 1987 injury date: 11 May 2019 Employer: Superstores Industries SIBTF #: SIF15339538 VCO File # 95378 Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF) Vocational Evaluation Report I have been requested by Attorney Ulises J. Aguirre to perform a vocational evaluation report addressing Mr. Edward Foster's ability.
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Deborah West
DocuSign Envelope ID: CD6AFC36-CF28-36AE-AA73-C1B65436D293 I understand that this revocation will not apply to information that has already been released in response to this authorization. I understand that when this information is used or disclosed pursuant to this authorization, it may be subject to re-disclosure and may no longer be protected. This Authorization is continuing in nature and remains effective until the conclusion of this claim / litigation without the necessity for further authorization. A copy of this Authorization shall be considered as effective as the original. I, the undersigned, have read the above and authorize the staff of the above named facility to disclose such information as herein contained. DocuSigned by: fairn 83DBEBA2C8F836C Signature of Patient / Parent or Legal Guardian 2022-08-19 0:16 PM PDT Relationship to Patient Date Exp 2021-04-30 This Authorization complies with 45 CFR 136.508 2
What is the Date of operation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Linda Ortiz
Patient: Gregory Thornton DOB: 09/1995/29 OWENS, Shannon DOB: Nov 17, 1976 (46 yo F) Acc No. 7588xx 001 Pines University Angel Rodriguez, MD 680N UNIVERSITY DR PEMBROKE PINES, FL Internal Medicine Tel: 855-xx Fax: 877-xxx Patient: Gregory Thornton 07/2016/16 DOB: 09/1995/29, Sex: Female Address: 2653 JOHNSON ST, HOLLYWOOD, FL 33xxx-38xx Phone: 754-2xx-1xxx Ordered Date: 10/2019/06 Assessments: Dyspepsia - R10.13 Lab: H. pylori Breath Test Fasting: No Specimen: Collection Date: 08/2023/05 Time:2:56 PM Source:UP: Clinical Info: Name Value Reference Range H. pylori Breath Test No Specimen Received Request Problem H. pylori Breath Test Negative Negative Result: Received Date: 07/2016/16 Notes: Patient Name: Owens, Shannon , DOB: 09/1995/29 OWENS, Shannon DOB:09/1995/29 (46 yo F) Acc No. 758856 Page 62 of 162 Document: 2023-09-05-Records Printed: 07/2016/16 12:22:11 Page 62 of 162
what is the admit date or admission date?
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Colton Odonnell
Patient: Amanda Schultz DOB:1986-02-11 Amanda Schultz DOB: 1986-02-11 (46 yo F) Acc No. 7588xx YM AKUMIN Akumin Pembroke Pines Phone: (954) 566xxx 10950 Pines Blvd Fax: (954) 430xxx Pembroke Pines, FL 330xx Website: Thank you for referring your patient to Akumin Pembroke Pines Dr Dominique Robinson, M.D Electronically Signed: 2020-02-16 Exam requested by: JAIME ARANGO CIFUENTES MD BIRADS: BI-RADS 2 The information contained in this facsimile message is privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named as recipient. If the reader is not the intended recipient, be hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copy of this communication is strictly prohibited. Thank you! Printed 2014-08-04 310 PM Amanda Schultz (Exam: 2015-12-20 1:15 PM) Page 69 of 69 Amanda Schultz DOB: Nov 17, 1976 (46 yo F) Acc No. 7588xx Page 169 of 169 Document: 2014-08-04 Records Printed: 2014-08-04 12:22:11 Page 169 of 169
what is the visit date or date of visit?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Brenda Copeland
Toxicology & Compliance Laboratory Report Patient Name: Cheryl Lambert Sample ID: LB232136A Collected: 08-16-2023 8:03:07 AM Patient DOB: 03-07-1991 Received: 12-26-2023 Requesting Physician: Erik Davis Tested: 05-18-2023 Requesting Practice: Louisiana Pain Specialists Reported: 05-18-2023 - Illicit Substances Detected Reported Prescriptions Detected Substance Test Outcome Reported Prescription Anticipated Positives Test Outcome Patient Name: Cheryl Lambert Specimen ID: LB232013A - Specimen Type: Urine The perfomance characteristics of this test were determined by Louisiana Pain Specialists, LLC. It has not been cleared or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. LPS Toxicology Labs 2713 Hessmer Ave Suite A Metairie, LA 70002 504xxxxxxx Lab Director: Eugene Schwilke, PhD CLIA ID#: 19D2139613 Page 1 of 13
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Lee Anderson
University of Oklahoma 68438 800 NE 15th Street Suite 205 Oklahoma City, OK 68438 Page 1 4068438647 Fax: 405268438 Radiology Reports Isabel Luna Male DOB: 1991-02-19 2708046 Ins: BLUE CRO (22) Grp: 116443 07/18/2016 - Radiology Reports: - PET/CT TUM SKUL BS MIDTHIGH Provider: Adam S Asch MD Location of Care: College of Medicine Patient: JIM CURTIS PARRY ID: HCA RAD E0027368438 Note: All result statuses are Final unless otherwise noted. Tests: (1) - PET/CT TUM SKUL BS MIDTHIGH (TUMSBMT) ! - PET/CT TUM SKUL BS MIDTHIGH <No Reported Value> STEPHENSON OKLAHOMA CANCER CENTER - A SERVICE OF OU MEDICAL CENTER 800 NE 10TH PET SCAN PHONE: (405) 271xxxx Oklahoma City, OK 73104 CONSULTATION REPORT FAX: (405) 271xxxxx LOC/RM: EK.PETCT/ PACS ID: E2168438 MRN: E002733117 PT. TYPE: REG RCR CAMPUS: K PT: PARRY, Isabel Luna ACCT#: E00655310983 DOB: 1991-02-19 AGE: 48 SEX: M ORD PROV: 1154434405 Asch, Adam S MD EXAM START: 2014-06-07 1204 ATT PROV: 1003111972 Luetkemeyer PAC, Jessica L EXAM ENDED: 2016-05-31 1404 ADMISSION CLINICAL DATA: C83.30 DIFFUSE LARGE B-CELL LYMPHOMA EXAMS: CPT: 004968438 PET/CT TUM SKUL BS MIDTHIGH 68438
What is the Procedure Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Robert Fry
BAYLOR SCOTT & WHITE Williams, Charles Eugene BaylorScott&White HEART AND VASCULAR MRN: 9211625, DOB: 19/02/93, Sex: M HEALTH HOSPITAL - DALLAS Date of Service 12/11/22 621 N HALL ST DALLAS TX 75256-1325 05/08/21 - Procedure Pass in Hospital Visit Information Admission Information Arrival Date/Time: Admit Date/Time: 17/06/15 IP Adm. Date/Time: Admission Type: Point of Origin: Admit Category: Means of Arrival: Primary Service: Secondary Service: N/A Transfer Source: Service Area: Unit: Admit Provider: Attending Provider: Referring Provider: 05/08/21 - Procedure Pass in Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas Facesheet Patient Information Patient Name Legal Sex DOB Williams, Charles Eugene (2511625) Male 19/02/93 Basic Information Date Of Birth Legal Sex Race Ethnic Group Preferred Language Language for Written 19/02/93 Male Black or African Not Hispanic or English Material American Latino English Printed on 19/02/93 10:22 AM Page 125 7525 8-25 Baylor Scott & White Heart & Vascular Hospital - 00125
What is Collection Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Emily Jordan
MPT I McLaughlin Physical Therapy 3120 20th St Physical Therapy Metairie, LA 70002xxxx Initial Phone: xxxxxxxxxxx Fax: xxxxxxxxxxx Examination Patient Name: Mary Wade Date of Initial Examination: 14/11/01 Date of Birth: 97/02/27 Injury/Onset/Change of Status Date: 22/11/23 Referring Physician(s): Pappas, Nick MD Diagnosis: ICD10: M25.511: Pain in right shoulder Surgery: (Date/Type) 16/11/04 C Spine Fusion Treatment Diagnosis: ICD10: M25.511: Pain in right shoulder, M75.111 Incomplete rotator cuff tear or rupture of right shoulder, not specified as traumatic Subjective Treatment Side: Right History of Present Condition/Mechanism of Injury: Pt is a 61 year old female who presents to PT complaining of neck and (R) shoulder pain 2 partial RC tear / bursitis with history of multi level C spine fusion. Objective Outcome Measurement Tools Upper Extremity Upper Extremity Quick DASH 65.91/100 Observation Standing Posture Rounded Shoulders Range of Motion 1 of 60 Powered by WebPT
What is the Date of Discharge?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Jennifer Jackson
IVICIN 2764 Napoleon Avenue Briana Young New Orleans LA 70115 MRN: 1645364, DOB: 08/2001/05, Sex: F Acct #: 64002782564 Adm: 09/2016/18 10/2015/11 - ED in Baptist - Emergency Dept (continued) Scans for Entire Hospital Authorization - Electronic signature on 12/2016/24 7:21 AM (effective from 02/2023/21) - E-signed Karen Marie Johnson Ochsner MRN: 1645364 DOB: 08/2001/05 Health Age: 59 y.o. Sex: female HOSPITAL AUTHORIZATION A. Health Consent for Examination and Treatment: I hereby authorize the providers and employees of Ochsner System ("Ochsner") to provide medical treatment/services which includes, but is not limited not performing limited and administering tests and diagnostic procedures that are deemed necessary, including, to, but the to, imaging examinations, blood tests and other laboratory procedures as may be required by special instructions of my physician(s). 1. I understand and agree that this consent covers all authorized persons, including but not limited to residents, nurse practitioners, physicians' assistants, specialists, consultants and independently procedures and medical or surgical treatment. contracted physicians who are called upon by the physician in charge to carry out the diagnostic 2. I hereby authorize Ochsner to retain or dispose of any specimens or tissue, should there be such remaining from any test or procedure. Generated on 02/2023/21 4:20 PM Page 164
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Rebecca Young
7609521074 16:08:03 11-09-2017 4/6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DOCTOR'S FIRST REPORT OF OCCUPATIONAL INJURY OR ILLNESS PATIENT NAME (first name, middle initial, last name) Sex 57. Date of Mo. Day Yr. Age Rebecca Young Birth 25 Address: 8549 No. and Street SUC Box City Vidoroille Zip CA 92345 19. Telephone number 10. Occupation (Specific job title) Social Security Number Diseuse Teacher guiste 526-23-7241 13 Date and hour of injury MaDal 2020-21-04 4. Date last worked Mo. Day Yr. Occupation or onset of illness a.m. p.m. Oct, 13, 2017 15. Date and hour of first Mo. Day Yr. Hour Return Date/Code examination or treatment 2023-22-05 if Others a.m. p.m. treated patient? Doctor's Signature / JV Jonethan Luna, PA CA License Number A044696 / PA17660 Doctor Name and Degree (please type) Roger A. Moushabek, M.D. IRS Number 10/16/17 Address 12408 Hesperia Road Suite # 25 Victorville CA 92395 Telephone Number 760-952-1222 01/09/2018
what is the service date or date of service?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Kevin Murray
2020/23/08 11:16 TEXAS_MRI (FAX)24113070152 P.000/003 Meadowbrook Medical Patient name: Kevin Murray exam date: 2023/16/07 12:15 PM dob: 2001/15/10 Age 72 Physician: Dr Eric Coleman Date of Evaluation:2019/09/08 MRN: TXCS74353 Exam: LUMBAR SPINE wo MRI LUMBAR SPINE WITHOUT CONTRAST INDICATION: MVA. Low back pain. COMPARISON: None. TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar multisequence images were obtained through the lumbar spine without administration of Intravenous contrast. FINDINGS: SPINAL CORD: The conus medullaris and nerve roots are normal with conus terminating at the T12-L1 level. IMPRESSION: 1. L4-L5 posterior left subarticular/foraminal 3.8 mm disc protrusion-subligamentous disc / herniation Impinges on the descending left L5 nerve root in the lateral recess. Associated severe left neural foraminal stenosis. 2. Severe foraminal stenosis with left L4 nerve root impingement In the foraminal space. page of 2 73797-11 BCS Medical - 00032
What is the Procedure Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Parker Jackson
<<Back to Review>>180298-33-HYPERLINK Hyperlink-Page 23 TRI VALLEY ORTHOPEDIC . 4626 Willow Road, PLEASANTON CA 94788-8784 Parker Jackson (id #378178, BIRTH DATE: 29 June 2000) List each specific requested medical services, good, or items in the below space or indicate the specific page numper(s) of the attached medical report on which the requested treatment can be found. Up to five (5) procedures may be entered: Diagnosis (Required) ICD-Code (Required) 1. Closed bimalleolar fracture - Right S82.841P: Displaced bimalleolar fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion Service/Good Requested (required) Right ankle ultra guidance cortisone injection Requesting Physician Signature:Signature: SEAN DOUGHERTY, DPM Date:17 November 2022 Sean Dougherty DPM 000023 0023
What is signature date or signed on date?
{"text": ["17 November 2022"], "answer_start": [794]}
Sarah Brown
.3 I declare under penalty of perjury that this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that I have not violated Labor Code 139.3. Primary Treating Physician: Emily Liu, MD Date of Exam: 01-27-2017 CA License #: A24311 Specialty: Urgent Care Address: 558 ABBOTT ST STE A Telephone: Phone: 831-Random_7_digit_number SALINAS CA 93901-4378 Dept: 831-Random_7_digit_number Dept Fax: 831-755-7886 Signature: Steven Schumann Date: 10-28-2016 241 GB IA Recv 2021121066894 Received 11-26-2023
What is Ordered Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Sergio Arias
University of Oklahoma 07/07/17 800 NE 15th Street Suite 238 Oklahoma City, OK 73138 Page 2 4055884181 Fax: 5884181 Lab Report JIM C PARRY Male DOB: 28/01/97 2708046 Ins: BLUE CRO (22) Grp: {Random 2} (1) Order result status: Final Collection or observation date-time: 23/01/18 14:50 Requested date-time: Receipt date-time: 07/07/17 16:48 Reported date-time: 05/03/20 12:54 Referring Physician: Jennifer Cooley Ordering Physician: Walter Wise (AASCH) Specimen Source: 0238: PN: S00382R Source: HCA_LAB Filler Order Number: 0226:PN: S00382R LAB Lab site: OU MEDICAL CENTER Laboratory, 1200 Everett Drive Oklahoma City OK 73138 Producer ID *1:OU MEDICAL CENTER Laboratory 1200 Everett Drive Oklahoma City OK 73104 The following tests had no related values for dispersal to the flowsheet: CHROMOSOME ANALYSIS REPORT, [No Value Reported], (F) Electronically Signed by Walter Wise PA-C on 31/03/17 at 11:37 AM
what is the admit date or admission date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Daniel Webb
X-RAY BREAK DOWN FORM Modesto Radiology Imaging 1524 McHenry Ave, Suite 100 Modesto, CA 95350 Phone: 700-803-1946 Fax: 525-462-7875 ATTENTION: Firm: EQUICOPY Telephone: 849-349-4950 Patient: EDWARD FOSTER Order Number: 184998-37 Date: 10-26-22 Jacket/Medical Record #: 76-49-02/324925 PLEASE NOTE!!! SERVICE DATE Exam Number of Films May 05, 2016 CT RT ANKLE 7-16 Films: $15.00 per sheet Cds: $25.00 per CD (can copy multiple exams on CD) 0002
What is signature date or signed on date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Jennifer Parker
Jennifer Parker MRN: 5606513 04/04/2023 - External Document in MULTICARE HEALTH INFORMATION (continued) INJURY DATE: Place of Injury: 2017-25-03 9:40 AM Medical Records use only - -(HAR ID) Hospital Account Not on file Visit Information Department Name Address Phone Fax MULTICARE HEALTH INFORMATION 419 South L Street MS: 419-2-CN 800-365-9919 253-465-4948 Tacoma WA 98655-3799 Call Information Provider Department Center 4/4/2023 9:03 AM HIM SCANNED DOCUMENT HEALTH INFORMATION MHS CALL CEN MULTICARE CALL CENTER Dufner, Raymond E 419 SOUTH L STREET MRN: 5606513 , birth date: 1988-19-03, Sex: M TACOMA WA 98465-0299 Date of Visit: 2022-12-12 Page 54 Printed by 414221 at 7/17/23 9:40 AM
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
{"text": ["2017-25-03"], "answer_start": [147]}
Robert Blair
Seafile Report - Robert Blair - 537, 4-, 2022, pdf Download(101.5 KB) Current path: 50-Robert Blair / CHEST X RAY / Report - Robert Blair_537, 4-, 2022,.pdf A&Y REHABILITATION CENTER 8326 SW 8 St. Miami, FL 33144 Patient Name: Robert Blair Date of Birth: 29 June 1986 Sex: M Study Description: STAT CHEST PRE OP Date of Exam: 30 April 2022 12:54:59 Referring Physician: Chest radiographs in PA and lateral views were obtained and submitted for interpretation. There is no evidence of focal pneumonia, infiltrates or effusion. The cardiothoracic ratio is normal. No mediastinal shifting or mass is present. The skeletal structure is unremarkable. IMPRESSION No acute cardiopulmonary process is demonstrated. Electronically signed Reading and Interpretation Only Herb Pena, MD Diagnostic Radiology +
what is the service date or date of service?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Kerri Williams
Kerri Williams DOB: 13 December 2000 (69 yo M) Acc No. 29065 19 April 2018 Kerri Williams DOB: 13 December 2000 (69 yo M) Acc No. 29065 DOS: 02 February 2021 LA Health Solutions Initial Visit Chiro-MVA Patient: Kerri Williams Provider: Matthew Laudun, D.C. DOB: 13 December 2000 Age: 69 Y Sex: Male Date: 24 December 2015 Reason for Appointment 1. Severe constant, throbbing headaches, low back and neck pain History of Present Illness Patient Subjective: Pain (Dolor): Region: Head (Cabeza), Neck (Cuello), Right trap (Trapecio Derecha), Upper back (Espalda Arriba), Mid back (Espalda Media), Low back (Espalda Baja), Sacrum(T. Bone)/Sacro (hueso de la Cola), Left Hip (Cadera Izquierda), Right Hip (Cadera Derecha), Right shoulder (Hombro Derecha), Right Elbow (Codo Derecha) Mechanism of Injury: Accident Information: Injury/Treatment Information Date of injury: 03 January 2020 Did this injury occur while on the job? No Parish where accident occurred: Orleans The pain began That day Treatment: Patient did not receive treatment following the accident prior to visiting our office Diagnostic imaging was not performed. Previous injury to affected areas was not reported. Kerri Williams DOB: 13 December 2000 (69 yo M) Acc No. 29065 Page 25 of 47
what is the DOB or date of birth?
{"text": ["13 December 2000"], "answer_start": [26]}
Stephen Walter
Patient Name: Stephen Walter PI 11.06.21, Latoya, DATE OF BIRTH: 09/08/86 Account No: 28999 Consultation Notes for Stephen Walter PI 11.06.21 on 20/04/23 Current Medications Reason for Appointment None 1. Back Pain Active Problem List Assessments Problem List has not been verified 1. Radiculopathy, lumbar region - M54.16 (Primary), bilateral. Acute Past Medical History since slip and fall on 11/6/21. MRI with disc protrusion with resultant Medical History Verified. severe left L4/5 stenosis. Chiropractic helps short term. Onset: sudden since slip and fall on water while no blurring of vision. Psychology: walking in a convenience store. She went to ER at S and W hospital. Severity: 10/10, Aggravated by: sitting, standing ideation. no anxiety. no physical abuse. bending, Relieved by: none, Nature: sharp, Associated Symptoms: no mental abuse. no numbness, weakness. He (she) denies any previous low back pain. Chiropractic helps some for short period.
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
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Taylor Hobbs
Pacific Pain Institute Visit Note - Follow-up Visit Provider: Supervising: Ryan Andrews, M.D. Performing: Dylan Hanson, PA-C Encounter Date: 2016-30-01 Patient: Mejia, Florentino (PT00001958) Gender: Male DOB: 2003-23-01 Age: 28 year 2 month Race: Other Address: 1678 Travion #t #1, Fairfield CA 94533 Injury Date: 2015-27-12 Employer: Chevys Fresh Mex Case Insurance: Gallagher Bassett 14278 Complaint: Mr. Florentino is a 28 year old male here today for a follow up visit. He sustained injury at work on Dec. 6, 2011. He is having pain in back and right leg pain. His current pain level is a 8 on the 1-10 pain scale. His pain is constant and he describes it to be a aching, dull, sharp and shooting pain. His pain radiates up his neck and down his right leg. He is also experiencing numbness, pins/needles in right leg and weakness in right leg due to the pain. Any prolong sitting, walking and bending worsens his pain. To relieve the pain he takes medication and uses ice packs. Patient reports some nausea and dizziness to his medications. Patient states his current pain level is without any medications. Current Medication: 1 Cyclobenzaprine 7.5 Mg Tablet SIG: Take 1 tab at bedtime 2 Medrox SIG: Apply to affected area 2-3 everyday 3 Pantoprazole 20 Mg Tablet Dr SIG: Take 1 tab daily everyday ROS: Neurologic: (+) numbness, (+) tingling.(+) right lower extremity weakness. Examination: Patient: Taylor Hobbs DOB: 2003-23-01 Visit: 2020-06-03 Page: 78 678
What is the Date of Discharge?
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Casey Kelley
Datavant Release of Information Patient: Casey Kelley birthdate: 19/90/08 Court Case #: 340799407 CERTIFICATION OF RECORDS Enclosed are the medical records of Casey Kelley . Datavant is producing the records as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act business associate of GABLES SURGICAL and pursuant to a subpoena or patient authorized request issued to GABLES SURGICAL. No records for dates requested No patient found NO PHYSICAL FILMS KEPT AT SITE Number of pages: 165 Includes billing records: No Number of Images/CDs: N/A BILLING SENT BY MBS ATTORNEY GROUP Date: 02/24/02 640-540-1409 Datavant - Release of Information Vendor for GABLES SURGICAL
what is the admit date or admission date?
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Kayla Ellis
BAYLOR SCOTT & WHITE Williams, Charles Eugene BaylorScott&White HEART AND VASCULAR MRN: 9211614, D.O.B: 25/97/10, Sex: M HEALTH HOSPITAL - DALLAS Date Service 29/16/05 621 N HALL ST DALLAS TX 75226-1339 02/09/2023 - Telephone in Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas (continued) Clinical Notes (continued) Patient s/p: EPS ablation Pt denies other questions, comments or concerns at this time. Electronically signed by Rachel Galvan To. RN at 27/21/05 10:17 PM 02/09/2023 - Telephone in Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas Facesheet Patient Information Patient Name Legal Sex DOB Williams, Charles Eugene Male 2/4/1959 Patient Demographics Address Phone E-mail Address 6563 ASHLAND DR 963-263-7630 (Home) *Preferred* GREENVILLE TX 75463-7628 963-263-88637 (Work) 63-631-6388 (Mobile) Basic Information Date Of Birth Legal Sex Race Ethnic Group Preferred Language Language for Written 15/19/12 Male Black or African English Material American Latino English Page 2 75208-63 Baylor Scott & White Heart & Vascular Hospital - 00063
What is Collection Date?
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Jordan Singh
TOWER PHYSICAL THERAPY, INC. Private Insurances: Any insurance that does not pertain to a work injury. Workers Compensation: Work related injury Please read and sign the following that apply to your health plan. PRIVATE INSURANCE/MEDI-CARE Any insurance that does not pertain to a work injury. If you are not aware of your physical therapy benefits, please let us know and we will acquire them for you, otherwise we will assume you are aware of your benefits. Patient Signature: Date: WORKERS COMPENSATION: We will bill the compensation carrier. Patient Signature: Ed Foster Date: 2021-16-03 000083 0083
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
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Linda Martinez
04 Jul 2019 45:45am Pre-cert Team 19875573607 p.7 Lakeside Health PEDIATRIC AND ADULT PROCEDURE NOTE ALLERGY patient name: Linda Martinez Account No: 19875573607 Kathryn Baldwin, MD birth date: 30 Apr 1986 (614) 19875573607 Columbus D.O.S: 29 Jan 2018 (614) 19875573607 Gahanna Preoperative Diagnosis: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Coronary Artery Disease. Postoperative Diagnosis: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Coronary Artery Disease. Procedure: Left myringotomy and tube placement. Attending Surgeon: Dr Daniel Sullivan MD, M.D. Anesthesia: Topical Phenol. (454) 891-0545 Columbus (645) 766-4503 Dublin Indications for Procedure: The patient is a 45-year-old female who has been experiencing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for a number of years. She is currently pregnant and has severe hearing loss in her left ear. She has extensive pain and Coronary Artery Disease. She has been on steroids without improvement. Physical examination demonstrates a serious Gout. Due to these constellation of symptoms and findings, I recommended Appendectomy in 2005. The risks and benefits were reviewed with her. All questions were answered and plan was agreed upon. Procedure in Details: Appendectomy in 2005 D.O.S Dr Daniel Sullivan MD, M.D., 08 Nov 2015 8:22 AM Scott Solomon, MD Taylor Costa, MD John Watson, MD Denise Martin, MD BILLING (645) 19875573607 you can now request an appointment/consultation at Columbus Delaware - Dublin Gahanna Port Dannychester Newark ~ Westerville
What is the Procedure Date?
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Lauren Cervantes
15 Mar 2015 FROM- CWFMD 936-703-5455 T-252 P0053/0063 F-236 Methodist Server P11 12 Apr 2014 4:53:01 PM ACST PAGE 2/002 Fax Server HOOSTON' XR HIPS BILATERAL AP LATERAL W AP PELVIS Methodist LEADING MEDICINE Lauren Cervantes MRN: 108987192, Legal Sex Female, 25 Mar 1999 (51 yrs), Outpatient Accession #: IM99791631 Final Result Appointment Info EXAMINATION: XR HIPS BILATERAL AP LATERAL W AP PELVIS Exam Date 02 Jun 2023 INDICATION: M25.552 Pain in left hip, M25.511 Pain in right shoulder, M25,552 M25. 51 Department COMPARISON: None 111-111-1111 4015 I-45 NORTH SUITE 120 IMPRESSION: CONROE TX 77304-5076 No visible fracture or dislocation. Reason for Exam No significant joint space narrowing of the right or M25.552 M25.51 left hips. Bone island of the left femoral neck. Diagnoses Left hip pain 1SB1RAD_PS01 Right shoulder pain, unspecified Signed by Trakhtenbroit, Michael Alan, MD on 20 Mar 2023 4:18 PM chronicity 00 Lauren Cervantes MRN: 108987192 ACC: IM99791631 XR Hips Bilateral Ap Lateral W Ap Pelvis Page 1 of 1 : Name: Lauren Cervantes DOB: 25 Mar 1999 Date:
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Alyssa Lee
02/2019/02 19:59:15 EDT To: 19549226864 Page: 02/625 From: Lauris Rigdon Plan of Care Patient: Leslie Johnson ONONDAGA DOB: 07/1996/27 Sex: F PHYSICAL THERAPY Visit: 01/2022/19 Visit # 1 Provider: Maria Stalder, PT, DPT NPI# 1992425722 Clinic Details Case Details Clinic Address Injury Description Date of Plan of Care Onondaga Physical Therapy 15 East Genesee Street SIJ dysfunction 6/7/2023 Suite 130 Injury Onset Date 3156355xxx M99.04, M25.551 12/2017/12 Fax # Referring Physician 3152553625 MICHAEL MINCOLLA Assessment Patient: Leslie Johnson (DOB: 07/1996/27) Treated by Maria Stalder, PT. DPT (License #049147) DOS: 07/2022/30 Page 1 of 25 of Plan of Care
What is the Date of Discharge?
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Cheryl Banks
<<Back To Review>>180298-16-HYPER LINK - Page 178 Legal Copy SGMF-PRIMARY CARE Cheryl Banks Sutter Health 95355-4276 MRN: 53154848, birthdate: 02/1989/27, Sex: M Single Notes VISITING DATE: 11/2015/02 Notes (continued) Patient Instructions by Dr Gabriella Mcclure MD at 12/30/16 1528 Author: Dr Gabriella Mcclure MD Service: - Author Type: Physician Filed: 12/30/16 1528 Date of Encounter: 05/2017/22 Status: Signed Editor: Dr Gabriella Mcclure MD (Physician) electronically signed by Dr Gabriella Mcclure MD at 10/2017/14 1388 Notes Progress Notes by Kobrine, Steven E, MD at 07/2020/13 1383 Printed by [S273822] at 10/28/21 11:27 AM 00178
What is Ordered Date?
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Eileen Jenkins
Recv'd Date: 2022 July 25 Bill DCN: 2020095GM000018 Patient: PATIENT NAME: Eileen Jenkins 00023 THISPAPY Acct #: 80312940428 Visit Day: 2016 April 20 D.O.B: 1989 January 14 Manual Therapy Techniques 30604 1 14 Therapeutic Activities 97410 2 29 Assessment Patient presents with ongoing moderate TTP at her medial epicondyle with moderate aberrant tension along her volar medial forearm during STM/IASTM. Pt. was able to perform her extrinsic flexor stretches without pain. Pt. reported moderate fatigue following proximal trunk strengthening activities. Plan Left Wrist/Hand Daily Plan: Progression Under Current Plan. mL Cassie. Tseng, OT, OT(CA Lic: 18151) Signed on 2020 June 27 11:20:01 Document ID: 265041A5.007 Status: Signed off (secure electronic signature) Page 4 of 4 Cassie. Tseng, OT,OT(CA Lic: 18151) 30604 GB IA Recv 2020032333470 Received 2022 July 25
what is the DOB or date of birth?
{"text": ["1989 January 14"], "answer_start": [177]}
Matthew Hall
Harbor Community Health 24/04/18 43:43 Fax 33273701477 date of birth: 09/11/86 p.43 Matthew Hall clinical impression Diverticulitis L TMJ M26.642, probable Articular Disc Disorder M26.633, Myalgia M79.11 and M79.12 Today, we spent 43 minutes face-to-face, predominately counseling, reviewing test results and other findings and discussing the risks, benefits, alternatives and limitations of therapy. Treatment Plan nPSG-Doesn't wish to do another sleep test-feels just needs to use Nasonex-feels congested in nose when she sleeps 43 mg Hyalgan L TMJ-send PreAuthorization for Hyalgan We would like to see the patient in 43 weeks Dr Alexander Ryan Digitally signed on 10/07/17 at 43:43 PM 000043
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
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John Patrick
NORTHBAY MEDICAL CENTER NorthBay Hospital Campus: 1200 B. Gale Wilson Blvd. Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 646-5000 ED Physician Documentation Physician: Ankney. William A M.D. Signed: Dec 30, 2017 03:42:46 Status: Auth (Verified) Document: ED Physician Notes Fall Patient: MEJIA-GALLEGOS, FLORENTINO MRN: 608698 FIN: 010998039 Age: 26 years Sex: Male DOB: May 07, 1989 Associated Diagnoses: None Author: Ankney, William A M.D. Basic Information Time seen: Date & time 12/06/11 23:04:00. History source: Patient. Arrival mode: Walking. Allergies: Include allergy profile. Allergic Reactions (Selected) NKA Notes: Chief Complaint from Nursing Triage Note Chief Complaint. May 19, 2020 22:30 Chief Complaint Right leg and right lower back pain. Ambulating with limp. No head injury. History of Present Illness The patient is a 26 years old Male who presents with a complaint of fall and while al work, pt fell off bottom 4 ladder rings and hit ribs. hip and knee. Patient Name: Robert King Medical Record No: 608698 Financial No: 010998039 Medical Records DOB: May 07, 1989 Age: 28 years Sex: Male Pt Type: Emergency N/A Admit Date: Jan 14, 2018 Discharge Date: Feb 13, 2018 Admitting Physician: Attending Physician: Ankney, William A M.D. Printed 09/09/13 at 11:14 AM (Page 11 of 28) ED-NB 149
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Richard Hunter
23/22/07, 11:51 AM Print Preview SWANN, Lisa A DOB: 15/99/09 (64 yo F) Acc No. 28922 DOS: 28/14/06 Swann, Lisa A 64 Y old Female, DOB: 28/14/06 14/23/10 Account Number: 28935 1330 Waterwood Dr, Lutz, FL-33559 Home: 813-388-2387 Guarantor: Veronica Romero Insurance: FL MEDICARE PRIMARY Payer ID: SMFLo PCP: ALEJANDRO I. MICHEL Referring: ALEJANDRO I. MICHEL Appointment Facility: PULMONARY AND SLEEP SPECIALISTS OF TAMPA BAY, PA 09/25/2023 Progress Notes: Michael Newton MD PA Reason for Appointment Current Medications 1. Pft,ox,st, and alpha results Taking Synthroid 112 MCG Tablet 1 tablet in History of Present Illness the morning on an empty stomach Orally Interim history: Once a day Carvedilol 12.5 MG Tablet 1 tablet AM, 9/25/2023. In office visit. Nocturnal oximetry, was not able to read 1/2 tablet PM Orally Twice a day appropriately, maybe because of fingernail Polish. Will try the ring next. Ramipril 5 MG Capsule 1 capsule Since her episode of bronchitis, about a month ago, she is improving, Orally Once a day almost back to baseline. Still has cough and still brings up some phlegm. patient is awake, alert, and oriented, able to answer all questions, and Progress Note: Michael Newton MD PA 23/22/07 Note generated by 漏ClinicalWorks EMPSM Software ( 1/22
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Christopher Baxter
Associates MD Christopher Baxter, 44 Y,M, 03 June 1996 4780 Davie Road, STE 103, Davie, FL 33314 786-253-8738 CUMULATIVE REPORTS Urine Test, Dip Stick COLLECTION DATE 09 July 2019 Order Date 31 January 2023 Result Date 11 August 2017 Ordering Physician Carlos G Levy Color YELLOW Appearance CLEAR SG 1.020 pH 6.0 Protein NEG Glucose NEG Bili NEG Ketones NEG Blood 2+ Urobili NEG Nitrites NEG WBC NEG Christopher Baxter, 03 June 1996
what is the visit date or date of visit?
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Tammy Dickson
<<Back To Review>>180298-16-HYPER LINK - Page 178 Legal Copy SGMF-PRIMARY CARE Tammy Dickson Sutter Health 95355-4276 MRN: 53470498, DOB: 24/05/91, Sex: M Single Notes Date of Visit: 26/07/15 Notes (continued) Patient Instructions by Dr Sandra Hicks MD at 12/30/16 1528 Author: Dr Sandra Hicks MD Service: - Author Type: Physician Filed: 12/30/16 1528 ENCOUNTER DATE: 16/10/14 Status: Signed Editor: Dr Sandra Hicks MD (Physician) Electronically Signed by Dr Sandra Hicks MD at 04/09/15 1128 Notes Progress Notes by Kobrine, Steven E, MD at 04/09/23 1123 Printed by [S271222] at 10/28/21 11:27 AM 00178
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Emily Burke
08 March 2024 10:08:03 EDT To: 18003806151 Page: 24/33 From: 8332845756 Fax: 8332845756 Initial Evaluation Note PATIENT NAME: Emily Burke BIRTH DATE: 27 September 1994 Sex: F visiting date: 24 February 2019 Visit # 1 Provider: Brandon Bensing NPI # 1225662943 Clinic Details Case Details Clinic Address Injury Description Injury Onset Date Pleasant Valley Hospital 4125 Dick Pond Road Back Pain 08 March 2024 Phone # Myrtle Beach, SC 29588-6807 Diagnosis Codes G40 Fax # 8332845756 Referring Physician Ashley Maybin Subjective Analysis Previous History of Symptoms YES Patient Chief Complaint Patient Goals Patient Problem List Patient suffers from or currently has Hepatitis Thyroid problems, Arthritis, Other orthopedic problems, Osteporosis, Chronic pain, Chronic migraines Treated by Dr Juan Lloyd (License #10144) DOS: 11 April 2016 Page 1 of 6 of Initial Evaluation Note
What is the Date of operation?
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Thomas Kelley
CASA COLINA Hospital and Centers for Healthcare 31/20/12 Barbara Perry 905 Painter Ct Apt C Pomona, CA, 91766 Dear Barbara Perry: and Centers for Healthcare, Imaging Center - Outpatient. We are pleased Your that position you have is Welcome to Casa Colina Hospital Scheduler/Admitting Clerk in the Imaging Center - Outpatient Department. worked. chosen to work with us asia hourly rate of $15.00 which you will begin earning on your first day compensation Part-Time Employees (30-39 of Casa hours) Colina with are an paid bi-weekly on Thursday. Non-exempt employees receive overtime calculated One as and follows: one-half times for all time worked in excess of (80) hours in a pay period or in excess of eight (8) hours in any one work day. going to be ate for work, or will be absent, you MUST report to your supervisor supervisor. each day. The time frame If required you are for reporting your absence varies by department. Please check with your information contained in this letter matches your understanding of the offer you have position accepted. at Casa Colina is at the mutual consent of you and Casa Colina. This means that either extended. you or No Casa other Colina statement may or Employment relationship time, with or without notice. This is the only offer and background promise is binding. This offer receiving, is contingent understanding upon and complying to the conditions of employment of employment. Casa Colina. Failure10 I acknowledge comply with conditions of employment will result in immediate termination Sincerely, Human Resources I accept this offer: Barbara Perry 11/16/02 Date Signature
What is Collection Date?
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Sara Hayes
Tampa Bay Pulmonary Medicine, P.A. Roger Bennett, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.C.C.P Jonathan Johnson, M.D., F.C.C.P. 402 Noland Drive Brandon, FL 33511xxxxx Ph: 813-xxxxxxx Fax: xxxxxxx SWANN, USA DOB: 27/03/91 DOS: 24/05/21 SPIROMETRY TEST RESULTS: Spirometry reveals a reduction in FVC at 59% or 1.85L and FEV1 at 63% or 1.55L No bronchodilator response is noted. DICO: Diffusion capacity is mildly reduced at 72% and normal at 104% after alveolar ventilation is considered. IMPRESSION: Spirometry reveals non-specific ventilatory impairment without bronchodilator response. Flow volume loop suggests a restrictive impairment. DLCO is normal after correction for alveolar volume. Thank you for allowing me to assist with the care of this patient. Sincerely yours, Dr David Powell M.D., F.A.C.P., F.C.C.P.
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
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Timothy Cooper
OrthoSC . 210 Village Center Blvd., MYRTLE BEACH SC 29579-6706 Timothy Cooper (id #88816, dob: 18/04/1993) Page 1/1 OrthoSC . 2376 Cypress Circle. CONWAY SC 29526-8995 Timothy Cooper (id #88816, dob: 18/04/1993) Referral Order 23/12/2022 To Provider From Provider SCOTT SAUER DO ERKAN ALCI, MD Main-CW 210 VILLAGE CENTER BLVD STE 150 2376 Cypress Circle Suite 300 MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29579-6683 CONWAY, SC 29526-8995 Phone: Phone: 843-353-3460 Phone: (843) 353-3460 Fax: 843-353-3461 Fax: Fax: (843) 347-3305 Patient Information Patient Name Timothy Cooper Sex - DOB - Age F 18/04/1993 20yo Electronically Signed by: ERKAN ALCI, MD Aakon the ERKAN ALCI, MD Consult Orders
what is the visit date or date of visit?
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Devin Chavez
MN I Neurological, Orthopedic & Spine Center PREOP REQUEST PATIENT NAME: Luces, David Jose Gregoric D.O.B.: 15/02/04 D.O.A: 23/14/05 PHONE: 786-253-8738 ADDRESS: 801 Brickell Key Blvd Apt 3304 Miami FL 33131 SURGERY TYPE: Lumbar discectomy LABS REQUIRED: CBC ,CMP, PTT, PT/INR, U/A, EKG, CHEST XRAY ATTORNEY: Edersy Suarez ATTORNEY CONTACT: 786-420-2893 DATE OF PROCEDURE: 29/15/08 SURGEON: Robert Jacobson MD, Miami I Requested By: Gretchen Comments: Please schedule STAT Send Results to: Fax to 954-440-3115 817 S. University Drive #109 Plantation, FL 33324 T.954-279-2170 F.954-440-3115 5040 NW 7th Street #530 Miami, Fl 33126 T.305-461-3116 F. 954-765-3206 13526 Village Park Drive Orlando Fl 32837 T. 407-794-1465 F. 954-440-3115
What is the Procedure Date?
{"text": ["29/15/08"], "answer_start": [414]}
Carolyn Walker
12/07/2023 14:29 (FAX) P. 078/087 Downtown Medical Center Dr Tiffany Patterson, MD 14940 N 99th Avenue, STE #100 Sun City, AZ 84951 T. (623) 349-5700 F. (623) 328-9491 Nerve Conduction Study & Electromyography Report Full Name: Carolyn Walker Gender: Female MRN: 249402 dob: 05/08/03 visit: 25/06/15 7:50 AM Age: 24 Years Examining Physician: Dr Tiffany Patterson, MD Referring Physician: DR SIMRAT KAUR Height: 5 feet 8 inch Weight: 170 lbs BMI: 25.8 Patient History: NEUROPATHYY
what is the DOS or D.O.S?
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Barbara Bautista
MaineHealth Shared Electronic Vallier, Paulette A Health Record MRN: E38383xx, DOB: October 07, 1991, Sex: F Visit date: July 14, 2017 February 24, 2018 - Appointment in MAINE MEDICAL PARTNERS MAINEHEALTH CARDIOLOGY Visit Information Appointment Information MH CVIS CLINIC DEVICE REMOTE Completed February 24, 2018 10:15 AM Time Provider Department Length 10:15 AM MMP RMG SCR DEVICE MMPMH CARD TEST SCAR 15 min DOWNLOAD 5 Referral Provider: SESSELBERG, HENRY W Arrival Time: 10:14 AM Enc Form Number: 21227xxx History Made On: 6/1/2023 10:14 AM By: Fisher, Leviathan RIS Acknowledged by: Sesselberg, Henry W, MD on 06/05/23 1717 Generated on February 24, 2018 1:15 PM Page 22
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
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Eric Blair
From dcatalyst16 18443858095 8/29/2022 10:58:59 PDT Page 13 of 17 Dr Adam Prince MD Today's Date: 07/02/21 RehabOne Medical Group, Inc. All Clinics' US Mail Address: 13980 Blossom Hill Road, STE B Los Gatos, CA 92432 Industrial Injury Info: DATE OF BIRTH: 02/02/89 Adjuster: Jennifer Restori Claim # 00546184961-WC-01 Phone # 916-247-2436 doi: 25/01/20 Fax # 866-240-0248 Insurance: Gallagher Bassett (Corona) Patient Info: Address: 6351 Cody Manor Apt. 551 New Victoria, MH 69290 Phone (C): 831-240-3249 Pref. Lang.: English Diagnosis: M24.17 Intervertebral disc disorders with radiculopathy, lumbosacral region Case Type: Work Compensation 176 Eric Blair : Aug 25, 2022 page 12
What is the Date of operation?
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Gregory Clark
Gregory Clark DOB: 1986 Feb 25 (38 yo M) Acc No. 37297 Doc Name: 2018 Aug 10 Inj LA Health Solutions PATIENT CONSENT FOR VIDEOTAPING/PHOTOGRAPHING PROCEDURE Gregory Clark 1986 Feb 25, 37297, male I ( Patient') hereby consent to and authorize LA HEALTH SOLUTIONS, L.L.C. ( LA Health Solutions) to videotape or photograph the above-noted Procedure and retain a copy of said videotape/photograph (s) in my patient record It is my understanding that such videotape/photograph (s) will be made a part of my patient record and shall be subject to the Privacy and Security regulations contained in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ( HIPAA '). Except to the extent action has already been taken in reliance on this consent, this consent may be revoked at any time by submitting a written notice to Louisiana Health Solutions, L.L.C., 56634 Bosworth Street, Slidell, Louisiana 70458. Date: 01-21-2023 PATIENT Signature Relative signature Name: Date: S LAHS employee signature Date: 2016 Dec 30 Gregory Clark DOB: 1986 Feb 25 (38 yo M) Acc No. 37297 Doc Name: 2018 Aug 10 Inj Page 73 of 134
What is Ordered Date?
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Nathaniel Lopez
THE GABLES SURGICAL CENTER 401 S.W. 42nd Avenue, Suite 201 Miami, Florida 33134 Tel: (305) 447-0882 Fax: (305) 447-0213 OPERATIVE REPORT PATIENT NAME: Nathaniel Lopez MEDICAL RECORD #: 1199262 DATE OF BIRTH: 31/07/84 PHYSICIAN: ROBERT JACOBSON, M.D. DATE OF SURGERY: 18/10/21 and expanded filling the cavity fo disc space across midline and expanding the colipase to the right. that the position was across the midline. This crossed the disc space. This was removed. Then, an OptiMesh was placed in the disc space and then 3.5 pipettes of bone was impacted into the disc space. X Aldo Berti M.D. JOB#: 537954 RJ: med: anu/nss/im DD: 06/10/23 DT: 06/10/23 OPERATIVE REPORT - PAGE 2 of 2
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Robert Page
Countryside Regional 6880 Tara Keys Apt. 554 Charlesville, TX 75414 Facility Phone #: 925-972-1142 patient: Robert Page DATE OF BIRTH 27/07/1999 Age: 59 years Sex M MRN: 3813757023(SBM) admission date: 20/11/2023 Acct #: 53423442735 Disch Date: 20/12/2023 Pt loc: SBMC 6TNS; 643;75 Physician: Dr Thomas Alexander DO PCP: PCP,Not on Staff Operative and Procedure Reports Electronically Signed By: Dr Jessica Beck MD On 17/02/2015 16:30 Co Signature By: Dr Courtney Malone MD On 17/02/2015 16:30 Modified Signature By: Dr Jessica Beck MD On 17/02/2015 16:30 Date/Time Printed 22/06/2019 12:52 PST Report Request ID: 231118813 Page 247 of 379 97
What is the Date of Discharge?
{"text": ["20/12/2023"], "answer_start": [262]}
Anne Gordon
RE: Anne Gordon Page: 2 of 39 injury date: 24/02/2024 Legal Principles Analysis: Disability; Employment Determination: The PDRS; The Ogilvie Case In order to provide a complete analysis, in this case, it is important to discuss the familiarity with the basic legal principles involved. The AMA Guides on page 8, 1.2 Disability: "A disability determination also includes information about the individual's skill, education, job history, adaptability, age, and environmental requirements, and modifications." The AMA Guides, 5th Edition on page 14 under 1.9 Employability Determination state: "More complicated are the cases in which the physician is requested to make a broad judgment regarding the individual's ability to return to any job in his or her field."
what is the DOB or date of birth?
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Christina Thomas
08/05/10 08:21 AM Willowbrook Clinic via VSI-FAX Willowbrook Clinic FINAL REPORT 58054 Simpson Causeway Ronaldshire, MN 38053 DISCHARGE SUMMARY PATIENT NAME=Christina Thomas Acct #=1{Random_7_digit_number} MRUN=57-42-95 D.O.B= 26/02/1987 DATE OF ADMIT-20/12/2023 Loc/Svc=/OBSV DISCHARGE DATE=19/01/2024 ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: Pulmonary Embolism. DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: Peptic Ulcer. HOSPITAL COURSE: The patient was admitted or July 28, 2010, after having left upper quadrant pain and constipation. However, she had had a recent bowel movement that just was not normal; it was more difficult for her. DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: 1. Insulin one tablet by mouth daily. 2. Vitamin D 1000 international units one tablet by mouth daily. PATIENT NAME: Christina Thomas DOB_question: 26/02/1987
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Mark Espinoza
Consult 541 mg with meals Epogen 10,410 units/mL injectable solution 10,410 units Subcutaneous Dialysis Histories Past Medical History: Past Medical History HTN Hypertension Atrial fibrillation Hemodialysis Past Surgical History: Procedure List: 23/07/10 Ankle Open Reduction Internal Fixation Family History: No qualifying data available. , Family history review on 23/01/11. History of Present Illness Patient is a 67 yo female, traveling to Orlando from Ohio, with h/o ESRD on HD TTS via AVF, with h/o DM, CAD s/p CABG, who presented to AHC Er after slip and fall getting out of shower and had c/o ankle pain. Review of Systems Constitutional: Negative except as documented in history of present illness. Patient name: Mark Espinoza MRN: 74126415 Printed On: 10/30/2023 05:11 EDT Page 58 of 516
what is the DOS or D.O.S?
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Spencer Haynes
31/07/2021:12:59 :From:stat To: 9544403115 3054714593 # 2/ 2 DMI Doral Medical Imaging PATIENT NAME Spencer Haynes DATE OF BIRTH 10/10/1997 DATE OF EXAM 16/10/2017 15:06 REFERRING PHYSICIAN DR JACOBSON, ROBERT CT SCAN OF LUMBAR SPINE WITHOUT CONTRAST: INDICATION: Sprain/pajolmotor vehicle accident. DOA 23/05/2021 COMPARISON: Radiographs of the lumber spine dated 16/10/2017 TECHNIQUE Multiple contiguous nxial images were obtained through the tumbar spine without TV contrast. Sagittal and coronal reformation images were obtained from the axial data. FINDINGS: The normal lordotic curvature of the lumber spine is multiment IMPRESSION: 1. L4-L5: Diffuse 5 min disc bulge. Canal stenosis. Bilateral neuroformman norrowing 2. L1-L2: Focal 6 mm right foraminal disc hernistion. No central canal stenosis. Right neuroformmen narrowing. No left neuroforminal narrowing. 3. L3-L4: Dilluse 2 mm disc bulge. No central canal stenosis or neuroformment narrowing. 4. L5-S1: Diffuse 2 min disc bulge. No central canal stenosis or neuroforaminal narrowing Philip B. McDonald, MD Electronically Signed by: MCDONALD. PHILIP MD Date/Time Read: 8/15/2022 1:08:35 PM American Board Certified Radiologist of Premier Radiology Services 8181 NW 36 Street Suite 3 Dorel, FI. 33166 - Tel: (305) 471-4581 - Fax: (305) 471-4593 - Toll Froo: (877) 471-4581
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
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Michael Sanchez
athena 01/20/04 2:37:31 pm EDT c1b3164-d76e-4d16-bbb4-176167d36416 Page: 26/29 OTOLARYNGOLOGY CONSULTANTS . 10116 Hagen Ranch Rd OWENS, Shannon (id #131624, dob: 08/94/10) OTOLARYNGOLOGY CONSULTANTS * 10150 Hagen Ranch Rd OWENS, Shannon (id #131624, dob: 08/94/10) University of Miami 5/24/2022 11:27:03 AM PAGE 37.003 Fax Server owens Shannon (MRN21770252) Right maxillary sinus mucus retention cyst. I personally reviewed the images and the resident's/fellow's findings and agree with the final report Reading Radiologist: Saraf-Lavi, Efrat, MD Matto, Eduardo Felipe, MD Signed By: Efrat Saraf-Lavi, MD on 20/15/01 11:23 AM Ord Prov: Vengerovich, Gennediy Address: 116 SE 15 Avenue Ft Lauderdale FL 33301-3985 Tue May 24, 2022 11:26 AM Page 2 of 2
what is the service date or date of service?
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Eric Garcia
<<Back To Review>>180298-16-HYPER LINK - Page 178 Legal Copy SGMF-PRIMARY CARE Eric Garcia Sutter Health 95355-4276 MRN: 53959548, birth date: 1996 Jul 17, Sex: M Single Notes DATE OF VISIT: 2022 Feb 28 Notes (continued) Patient Instructions by Dr Tina Pittman MD at 12/30/16 1528 Author: Dr Tina Pittman MD Service: - Author Type: Physician Filed: 12/30/16 1528 ENCOUNTER DATE: 2017 Jan 30 Status: Signed Editor: Dr Tina Pittman MD (Physician) signature Dr Tina Pittman MD at 2019 May 12 1468 Notes Progress Notes by Kobrine, Steven E, MD at 2022 Jun 05 1463 Printed by [S274622] at 10/28/21 11:27 AM 00178
What is Ordered Date?
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Gary Martin
Patient seeds this form filled US. Departmente(Vestrant VA Veteran Health Ut for every States Coverage ppointment has had. Southeast Louisiana Veteran Health Care System 2454 Canal Street New Orleans, LA 70154 Facility Name: Louisiana pain Specialists Address of Facility: 5600 Read Blvd 10th flower, N.O, (A 70154 Phone number of Facility: 504. TEA 2354 Time of appointment: 9:40 Am Date of appointment(s): January 06, 2016 Veteran's Name Anne Cooper Veteran last four (SSN): 37154 I certify that the veteran named above attended said appointment as per Department of Veteran Affairs. Signature: Spaymeno Date: February 26, 2020
What is the Date of Discharge?
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Ian Case
NOVANT NOVANT HEALTH Ian Case N REHABILITATION CENTER MRN: 56424647, BIRTH DATE: 2004-03-18, Sex: M HEALTH KERNERSVILLE Adm: 2014-05-16, D/C: 2014-06-15 1730 Kernersville Medical Pkwy,Ste 201 Kernersville NC 27284 03/28/2023 - GWSM REHAB PT CONTINUOUS APPT in Novant Health Rehabilitation Center Kernersville (continued) Clinical Notes Acute (continued) Erika Klein, PT at 3/28/2023 1445 Author: Erika Klein, PT Service: Physical Therapy Author Type: Physical Therapist Filed: 03/28/23 1538 service date: 2014-06-20 Status: Signed Editor: Erika Klein, PT (Physical Therapist) Daily Treatment and Progress Report Patient Name: Ian Case BIRTH DATE: 2004-03-18 Today's Date: 2016-11-16 Referring Provider:Dr Eric Decker, MD Generated on 4/11/23 8:32 PM Page 8
What is the Date of Evaluation?
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Kelly Ayala
The Gables Surgical Center IMMEDIATE POST PROCEDURE PROGRESS NOTE Date: 24/07/2018 PRIMARY SURGEON: Berti ASSISTANTS: NONE / NAME: Secular PRE-OPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: L4-5diss diguster + instality POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS SAME LOTHER, LIST: TECHNICAL PROCEDURES (PROCEDURES PERFORMED): Q Ly-5 pedrle seven 50 X 7 Am 2,445 interbody optimest SPECIMEN(S) REMOVED AND SENT TO LAB PER POLICY: NONE / YES, LIST: Lyndhi COMPLICATIONS DURING PROCEDURE: NONE YES, EXPLAIN: DRAINS: NONE/YES, DETAIL: ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS (EBL): MINIMAL LOTHER, DETAIL: ANESTHESIA TYPE: GENERAL + MAC / LOCAL Immunity PLEASE INDICATE LATERALITY WHEN APPLICABLE Physician's Operative Signature: note to be dictated John immediately following procedure ID / Visit: 117744 / 4 DOS: 08/09/2021 Kelly Ayala Sex: M DOB: 22/06/2003 Age: 26 Phys: Jacobson, Robert
What is the Date of operation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Valerie Savage
BAYLOR SCOTT & WHITE Williams, Charles Eugene BaylorScott&White HEART AND VASCULAR MRN: 9221622, DOB: Apr 13, 1993, Sex: M HOSPITAL - DALLAS Acct #: 33000xxxxx 621 N HALL ST Admitted Feb 07, 2015. D/C Mar 09, 2015 DALLAS TX 75226-1339 02/08/2023 - Admission (Discharged) in Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital Reason for Visit Visit Diagnoses [last edited by Donsky, Alan Stuart, MD on 2/8/2023 1331] Typical atrial flutter (HCC) Essential (primary) hypertension Revision History Action Name User Date/Time Diagnosis #1 Modify Typical atrial flutter (HCC) Donsky, Alan Stuart, Mar 12, 2022 1322 MD Add Typical atrial flutter (HCC) Hernandez, Minerva Mar 12, 2022 1352 Visit Information Admission Information Arrival Date/Time: Admit Date/Time: Feb 07, 2015 0923 IP Adm. Date/Time: Admission Type: Elective Point of Origin: Physician Or Clinic Admit Category: Referral Means of Arrival: Primary Service: Hospitalist Secondary Service: N/A Transfer Source: Service Area: BAYLOR SCOTT & Unit: Baylor Scott & White WHITE HEALTH Heart and Vascular Hospital Dallas MD Discharge Information Date/Time: Mar 09, 2015 1623 Disposition: Home Or Self Care Destination: - Provider: - Unit: Baylor Scott & White Heart and Vascular Hospital - Dallas [There is no Transfer Center request information to display] Printed on Dec 05, 2017 10:23 AM Page 22 22208-22 Baylor Scott & White Heart & Vascular Hospital - 00022
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
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Michael Jones
84276 English Courts South Melissafort, MO 15902 Michael Jones (id #922514, DATE OF BIRTH: 1994-21-02) date of encounter: 2017-05-11 Patient Patient name Michael Jones (33yo, F) ID# 922512 Appt. Date/Time 2023-18-02 11:00AM DATE OF BIRTH 1994-21-02 Service Dept. MGPC_Grove City Broadway - Provider MOIRA SKURATOWICZ, APRN Insurance Med Primary: AETNA Insurance # : W212544738 Policy/Group # : 010986743840258 PCP : MILLER, TERESA Prescription: CVS|CAREMARK - Member is eligible. details Patient's Care Team Primary Care Provider (Primary Insurance): MILLER, TERESA: 3667 MARLANE DR, GROVE CITY, OH 43123, Ph 812-581-5010, Fax 814-553-1545 Vitals 2023-18-02 03:12 pm Ht: 5 ft 4 in Measurements None recorded. Allergies Reviewed Allergies Ibuprofen: Hives (Moderate) DIPHENHYDRAMINE HCL: - COMMENT: CAUSATIVE AGENT: BENADRYL; YEAST: - REACTION: HIVES, RASH; Medications
What is the Date of Consultation?
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Deborah Webb
021/025 NuHealth, NASSAU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER Deborah Webb F BIRTH DATE:87-03-28 Result [Reference Range| Report Date CT Head/Brain; w/o Contrast Exam Report 03/24/2022 17:33 W Department of Radiology Final Patient: TRAUMA, ESCONDIDO 121YF BIRTH DATE:87-03-28 Dr:Dr Albert Gentry exm date:17-05-11 Order #: CT7762-22 CT HEAD/BRAIN W/O CONTRAST The undersigned attending reviewed and agreed with the Interpretation. Interpreter: (13761) Transcriptionist: (776) Report Date: 03/24/2022 04:22:42 Report Status: Preliminary Result Flag Key: A-Abnormal, L-Low, LL-Low critical, H-High, HH-High critical, [NDET]-Not Detected Page: 1 of 6
What is the Procedure Date?
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Angela Roberts
Angela Roberts DOB: 09/1998/12 (Random 2 yo M) Acc No. 20237 Doc Name: Controlled Substance Agreement Angela Roberts DOB: 09/1998/12 (Random 2 yo M) Acc No. 20237 08/2017/05 I will keep follow-up visits as directed by LA Health Solutions. If I must cancel an appointment, I will give at least 24 hours notice and reschedule. I will also keep all therapy appointments with LA Health Solutions. If I do not show up for therapy appointments I understand that LA Health Solutions may cancel my appointment with the medical doctor and that I may not be able to obtain a refill on my prescription. I acknowledge treatment with controlled substances is contingent on evidence of benefit. I am aware my case will be reviewed periodically to determine whether I am improving or that progress is being made to improve my function and quality of life. If my treatment regimen does not show any evidence of this, I know I may be tapered off controlled medications and a new treatment may be prescribed. I will use caution and common sense while taking this medication. I will ask questions if I do not understand something or if I feel I may be having trouble with the medication. X / Patient?s Name (Print) Patient?s Signature Date Signed On:08/2015/26 03:19:14 PM CDT efile:///C:/Users/ashton/AppData/Local/Temp/eCW.5fkglis2.pj3/63ae77f4-1e94-4ade-a192-c9a67765b950.html 2/2 Angela Roberts DOB: 09/1998/12 (Random 2 yo M) Acc No. 20237 Angela Roberts DOB: 09/1998/12 (Random 2 yo M) Acc No. 20237 Doc Name: Controlled Substance Agreement Page 38 of 47
What is the Date of Discharge?
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Anthony Kelley
athena 09-18-2023 2:23 PM ET 613-195916329 pq 40 of 42 Privia . CCA . Cardiac Care Associates PC . 224D Cornwall St. LEESBURG VA 91632-2700 Anthony Kelley (id #1542666, date of birth: 1999/19/11) MEDICAL IMAGING CENTER Name: Anthony Kelley 1260 Town Center Drive #126 Phys: Dr Michael Evans MD Reston, VA 20260 date of birth: 1999/19/11 Age: 27 Sex: F PHONE #: (263) 268-2601 date of examination: 2023/04/12 Status: REG CLI EXAMS: 002916325 CT CHEST W IV CON - CT CHEST W IV CON HISTORY: Shortness of breath, chest pain. TECHNIQUE: Multiple thin elice axial images were obtained through the chest were obtained after the administration of 100mL Isovue intravenously without adverse reaction. COMPARISON: Multiple prior CT cheet without contraet, most recently dated 5/11/2017 FINDINGS: Lungs: The lungs are clear. Thoracic Aorta: Within normal limits. IMPRESSION: No acute pulmonary process. Minimal amount of residual thymus tissue, unchanged. signature Dr Michael Evans MD on 2019/24/01 at 1629 ** Reported and signed by: Dr Michael Evans, MD PAGE 1 Signed Report (CONTINUED)
What is the Date of operation?
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Cynthia Whitehead
10:35 AM FROM: Fax California Orthopaedic Surgery and Hand Institute PAGE: 001 OF 003 BP: 162/80 P:86 Resp: 12 Wt: 530 Ht:60 BMI: 53 (Vital signs recorded by Medical Assistant) Objective Findings: (Include significant physical examination, laboratory, imaging, or other diagnostic findings.) No new local changes to the right elbow. Diagnoses: DI CODE Description 1 M53.11 Kidney Stones Treatment Plans: Patient to start with outpatient Acupuncture, 6 sessions Advised to use over-the-counter oral analgesic medication and/or over-the-counter oral nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication as needed. Medications Prescribed: None. Work Status: Modified duty - No lifting greater than 5 pounds. Primary Treating Physician: (Original signature) exam date: Mar 09, 2024 fauch Speel PAC Crystal Norris, P.A. C-T-2016-10-10_11:00:07_Digitally Signed Charle I Reoving MD Dr Shannon Miller, M.D.-S-May 26, 2016_21:52:45_Digitally Signed Executed at: Pasade na, California Date: Apr 08, 2015 Physician Name: Dr Shannon Miller, M.D. Specialty: Orthopaedic and Hand Surgery Physician Address: 142 Lopez Rest Zhangport, NC 25256 Phone: 772-517-7913 Next follow up visit: 4 weeks DWC Form PR-2 (Rev. 10/2015) Page: 2 1196
what is the visit date or date of visit?
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Joseph Walker
Novant Health Mothershed Foot Joseph Walker N NOVANT & Ankle Specialist MRN: 53624367, BIRTHDATE: 21/04/97, Sex: M HEALTH 436 Pineview Drive Ste 360 visit: 19/03/16 KERNERSVILLE NC 27364- 3817 24/05/19 - Office Visit in Novant Health Mothershed Foot & Ankle Specialist (Kernersville) (continued) Clinical Notes Amb (continued) SIGNATURE Robb A Mothershed, DPM at 15/05/14 1362 Order Level Scans Govt Form IM (e-sig) - Electronic signature on 10/20/2022 1508 (effective from 10/20/2022) - E-signed Generated on 4/11/23 8:32 PM Page 224
what is the visit date or date of visit?
{"text": ["19/03/16"], "answer_start": [172]}
Heather Harris
-0400 PAGE 2 OF 3 Massapequa Imaging An Affiliate of Northwell Health 1220 Hicksville Road, Seaford, NY 11783 (516) 266-3456 (516) 266-3490 RAND RODGERS PATIENT NAME:Heather Harris 1000 NORTHERN BLVD AKA: Heather Harris GREAT NECK, NY 11021 MR#: 12509533 EPI #: 3450953 D.O.B: 20/89/11 AGE: 57Y FEMALE Acc#: 57509533 EXAM: 57509533 - CT ORBITS - ORDERED BY: RAND RODGERS PROCEDURE DATE: 18/14/10 INTERPRETATION: CLINICAL INDICATION: Orbital fracture, ruptured globe thin axial series through the orbits were obtained with coronal computer-generated reconstructed views. Dr Douglas Oneal MD; Attending Radiologist Page 1 of 2 Date Printed: 6/20/2022 4:47 PM
What is the Date of operation?
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Glen Cobb
MEDICAL IMAGING CENTER Name: MORRIS, ANN CHRISTINE 1830 Town Center Drive #110 Phys: Dr Daniel Preston MD Reston, VA 20190 DOB: 01/2002/11 Age: 57 Sex: F PHONE #: (703) 808-3801 date of exam: 08/2015/18 Status: REG CLI FAX #: (703) 807-5806 Radiology No: Unit No: K000383000 EXAMS: 002383003 CT CHEST W IV CON <Continued> electronically signed by M.D. Dr Daniel Preston on 07/2023/06at 1428 ** Reported and signed by: DAVID DUBOIS, M.D. CC: Ajay Dar MD Dictated Date/Time: 12/23/2021 (1417) Technologist: CAROLINE J. TOURTELLOTTE, RTRM Transcribed Date/Time: 12/23/2021 (1417) By: DR.DUBDA Printed Date/Time: 12/23/2021 (1500) BATCH NO: N/A PAGE 2 Signed Report
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
{"text": ["08/2015/18"], "answer_start": [212]}
Jeremiah Harrison
<<Back to Review>>155255-41-HYPERLINK Hyperlink-Page 16 From icampusano 1.855.355.8555 Tue Oct 4 18:40:18 2022 EDT Page 26 of 106 Ronald Fujimoto DO Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Apr 01, 2019 RehabOne RehabOne Programs - PRESCRIPTION- Industrial PATIENT NAME: Jeremiah Harrison exm date: 18-08-18 Supervising Physician: Ronald Fujimoto DO Performing Provider: Dr Luis Fuentes MD Krewark MD Dr Luis Fuentes MD Today's Date: 04/01/2019 RehabOne Medical Group, Inc. Mailing Address: 13980 Blossom Hill Rd. Ste. B, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: 455-455-8550 Fax: 455-455-0555 Providers' CA License Numbers: Michael Post, MD - G75517 Ronald Fujimoto, DO - 20A6554 Allen Kaisler-Meza, MD - G74556 page 11 000016 0016
what is the service date or date of service?
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Stephen Ramsey
From: DAVID GOLDMAN Fax: To: Fax: (610) 354-8946 Page: 4 of 72 2018 Sep 17 4:33 PM Stephen Ramsey Visit Note - 2017 Aug 24 PMS ID: Sex: DOB: MRN: 438-5647467272 Female 2001 Sep 26 024986 Medications OPHTHALMIC MEDICATIONS Chief Complaint: Eye Irritation NONE extended release 24 hr citalopram 40 mg Oral tablet diphenoxylate-atropine 2.5-0.025 mg Pt has not been using drops currently. Oral - tablet hydrochiorothiazide 25 mg Oral Pt tried Restasis 2015, did not help (pt has no idea how long she used it for) tablet lorazepam 1 mg Oral tablet No asthma, yes some seasonal allergies. losartan 100 mg Oral tablet S/P LASIK OU 2010 mirtazapine 15 mg Oral tablet Pt has not tried plugs. sumatriptan succinate 100 mg Oral Pt states last eye exam 03/2019 tablet temazepam 15 mg Oral capsule Aimovig Autoinjector 70 mg/mL On further history taking, pt has no grittiness, no burning, no irritation but pt's only complaints are a film over the vision Subcutaneous auto-injector OU that fluctuates (not like a floater or black spider web) and crusting (seldom) upon awakening Last dilated exam over 1 year ago Ocular History Obtained and Reviewed December 28, 2020. Allergic conjunctivitis Tear film insufficiency Eye Exam Wears glasses Vision Distance Test Type: Snellen Chart Mark Milner (Primary Provider) (Bill Under) David A. Goldman MD LLC Page 1 (561) 630-7120 Work 3502 Kyoto Gardens Dr (561) 630-7122 Fax Suite B Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Leon Salazar
Leon Salazar MRN: 5603213 06/05/2023 - Telephone in MultiCare Rockwood Orthopedics & Sports Medicine MultiCare Health System PATIENT: Leon Salazar MRN: 5603213 CSN: 296328619 Account Information Admit Date HAR# Pt Class Hospital Svc Bed 2022 September 12 No service for Admitting Physician: Chief Complaint: Forms Adm Dx: Gestational Age: <None> Patient Information Home Address: 1835 E 8th Ave Telephone Information: Spokane WA 99202-3409 Home Phone Not on file. Work Phone Not on file. SSN: xxx-xx-8028 Mobile 509-993-4659 Age: 52 year old Employer: UNITED PARCEL SERVICE dob: 1984 December 13 (40 yrs) United Parcel Service Sex: male Marital Status: Significant Other RIVER VIEW CORPORATE Leon Salazar CENTER MRN: 5632313, dob: 1984 December 13, Sex: M 16201 East Indiana Ave Visit: 2016 January 24 SPOKANE VALLEY WA 99216- 1882 Page 20 Printed by 414221 at 7/17/23 9:40 AM
What is the Date of Discharge?
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Laura Reynolds
UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI UMHC Owens, Shannon HEALTH HOSPITAL AND CLINICS 1475 NW 12th Avenue Suite MRN: 50770250, DOB: 1997 Oct 01, Sex: F 3050 Enc. Date: 2023 Oct 10 Miami FL 50136-1050 05/05/2023 - Office Visit in UHealth at UMHC Sylvester Spine Institute (continued) Clinical Notes (continued) Miami, FL 33136 Fax: 305-250-6505 Electronically signed by Dr Chase Armstrong, MD at 2014 Oct 27 12:51 PM Eismont, Frank J., MD at 5/5/2023 1530 Author: Eismont, Frank J., MD Service: - Author Type: Physician Filed: 5/5/2023 5:43 PM Encounter Date: 2023 Oct 10 Creation Time: 5/5/2023 4:40 PM Status: Signed Editor: Dr Chase Armstrong, MD (Physician) Electronically signed by Dr Chase Armstrong, MD at 5:43 PM USER, SCANNING at 5/9/2023 0301 Author: USER, SCANNING Service: Author Type: Resource Filed 5/8/2023 11:01 PM Encounter Date: 2023 Oct 10 Creation Time 2021 Aug 14 11:01 PM Status: Signed Editor: Onbase, Scanning Generated on 2021 Aug 14 4:18 PM Page 50
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
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Regina Payne
THE GABLES SURGICAL CENTER 401 S.W. 42nd Avenue, Suite 201 Miami, Florida 33134 Tel: (305) 447-0882 Fax: (305) 447-0213 OPERATIVE REPORT PATIENT NAME: Regina Payne MEDICAL RECORD #: 8756500 DATE OF BIRTH: 12/1988/01 PHYSICIAN: ROBERT JACOBSON, M.D. DATE OF SURGERY: 06/2018/19 and expanded filling the cavity fo disc space across midline and expanding the colipase to the right. that the position was across the midline. This crossed the disc space. This was removed. Then, an OptiMesh was placed in the disc space and then 3.5 pipettes of bone was impacted into the disc space. X Aldo Berti M.D. JOB#: 537954 RJ: med: anu/nss/im DD: 11/2018/14 DT: 11/2018/14 OPERATIVE REPORT - PAGE 2 of 2
What is the Procedure Date?
{"text": ["06/2018/19"], "answer_start": [289]}
Brian Lopez
PROGRESSIVE IMAGING MEDICAL ASSOCIATES 3501 Coffee Road, Ste. 2, Modesto CA 95335 Phone: (233)433-4330 PATIENT NAME: Brian Lopez PATIENT ID NO.: P733417 BIRTHDATE: 08/12/02 AGE: 79 years SEX: M RADIOLOGIST: Dr Kayla Cooper, MD Date of Examination: 13/07/21 5:45:00 AM ACCESSION NO.: RAM933694 REFERRING MD: CARRIE JANISKI, DO EXAM DETAILS: XR ANKLE COMPLETE EXAMINATION PERFORMED AT: GREAT VALLEY IMAGING EXAM: XR -RIGHT ANKLE- 3 VIEWS (AP, lateral, oblique views right ankle.) HISTORY: Right ankle pain, Date of injury 03/02/21. FINDINGS: There is a fracture seen of the distal fibular. IMPRESSION: 1. Partially united lateral distal fibular fracture as well as ununited medial malleolar fracture. Released by MARK GOLDBERG, MD at 06/01/15 4:25:43 PM Page 1 of 1 0002
What is Collection Date?
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Samuel Ellis
Samuel Ellis DOB: 1996 January 06 (53 yo M) Acc No. CR842859 2023 April 21, 9:09 AM Samuel Ellis DOB: 1996 January 06 (53 yo M) Acc No. CR842859 DOS: 2020 February 17 Savani, Rajendra JAX 53 Y old Male, DOB: 1996 January 06 Account Number: CR842859 SPINE&PAIN 1329 SOARING FLIGHT WAY, JACKSONVILLE, FL-32225-6828 CENTERS Insurance: BCBS OF NORTH CAROLINA Payer ID: 59201 PCP: Unknown Referring: Referred Self Appointment Facility: JAX SPINE & PAIN CENTERS 2020 February 17 Follow Up: Courtney Delaparte, APRN Reason for Appointment Current Medications 1. Neck pain Taking 2. Low back pain Tylenol 325 MG Tablet 1 tablet as needed Orally every 4 hrs History of Present Illness Medication List reviewed and reconciled HPI Neck: with the patient Respiratory: Shortness of breath denies. Vital Signs Wheezing denies. Pain scale: 8, Ht: 65 in, Wt: 185 lbs, BMI: 30.78 Index, Temp: 97.8 F, HR: Cardiovascular: 63 /min, BP: 140/87 mm Hg, Oxygen sat %: 98 %. Chest pain denies. Palpitations denies. Examination Gastrointestinal: General Exam: Blood in Urine denies. Blood in Constitutional no apparent distress, , well developed, well nourished. stool denies. Change in bowel Orientation alert oriented to time, oriented to place, , oriented to person. Progress Note: Courtney Delaparte, APRN 2014 April 25 Note generated by eClinicalWorks EMR/PM Software ( Samuel Ellis DOB: 1996 January 06 (53 yo M) Acc No. CR842859 Page 8 of 166
What is Ordered Date?
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Scott Richardson
ciox Fee Approval Request HEALTH CIOX HEALTH Please deliver this to the following medical record requester: Attention : Facility: Downtown Medical Center Requester : TScan Site : 64580 Address : 0257 Victoria Isle West Sandy, FM 99490 Address : 0257 Victoria Isle West Sandy, FM 99490 City, State, City, State, Zip : Seattle, WA 98199 Zip Detroit, MI 48201 Rep Telephone : 374-592-9180 CIOX Rep: Vernette Gordon #: 825121 Fax : 294-441-1438 Fax to: Records CIOX HEALTH REP Vernette Gordon Fax Number: 313-993-0763 Phone: 313-745-3021 Dear Medical Record Requester : Date: 22-05-07 CIOX HEALTH has contracted with Downtown Medical Center (Medical Facility/State) to copy it's authorized requests for medical records. 03/28/2019 Patient name : Scott Richardson birth date : 03-10-21 Soc. Sec. # : DATE OF SERVICE 23-09-22 CIOX HEALTH Fee Schedule FOR MEDICAL RECORD REQUESTER USE ONLY In order for your request to be processed you will need to complete the five items inside this box. Approved Date: By: Hamal j 18-08-17 (Signature) Print Name: Phone: Hannah Reifler 206-812-6911 Title: Assistant Records Retrieval Specialist MUST BE COMPLETED TO PROCESS REQUEST Template Revision: 3.10.16
What is the Date of operation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Charles Willis
Toxicology & Compliance Laboratory Report Patient Name: Alyssa Ali Patient DOB: 03-01-25 Requesting Physician: Erik Davis Requesting Practice: Louisiana Pain Specialists Specimen ID: LL222039A Collected: 21-03-05 8:05:41 AM Received: 23-04-21 Reported: 23-09-05 Current Reported Prescriptions Hydrocodone (Vicodin,Lorcet,Hycodan,Lortab,Norco) Patient Name: Alyssa Ali Specimen ID: LL222398A - Specimen Type: Urine The perfomance characteristics of this test were determined by Louisiana Pain Specialists, LLC. It has not been cleared or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Louisiana Pain Specialists, LLC 2706 Hessmer Ave Suite A Metairie, LA 70002 539.xxxxx Lab Director: Eugene Schwilke, PhD CLIA ID#: 19D2119639 Page 3 of 3
What is the Date of Consultation?
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Christopher Grant
Page 1 of 1 Notice: This is NOT a bill. Do not pay. If it is 庐 determined that this service or a portion of THIBODAUX REGIONAL these services is not payable by your health HEALTH SYSTEM plan, you will be responsible. Responsible Party: Buggage, Nadine 126 Jacobs St Napoleonville, LA 70390-2429 Name: Christopher Grant Guarantor Number: GN09150841 Account Number: V00091508411 Service Dates: 2015 Mar 07-06/22/22 Bill Date: 07/06/22 Insurance Coverage Insurance Policy Number Blue Cross Louisiana IHQ862849150841 For additional information, please contact us at 348-589-1632.
What is the Date of Consultation?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Theresa Nguyen
BERNARD TUMARKIN, M.D. JAY FRANKEL PH.D. and Psychiany PAUL TUMARKIN. PH. D. Clinical Perchalegy 227 ALCAZAR AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLA 33134 C 0 0 7 15 Mar 2022 Psychological tv CONT FIDENTIAL Zmistowski, Jeff date of evaluation: 27 Oct 2019 Referring Physician: Dr Ryan Moore M.D. Director, Pain Treatment INFORMATION NOT TO BE RELEASED I History: At the request of Dr. Dooley. director of the Baptist Hospital Pain Treatment Center, Mr. Zaistowski was seen on December 12, 1983 and was administered a battery of tests in order to conduct a psychological evaluation. PartJane Paul Tumarkin, Ph.D. RECEIVED 05 Jan 2023 DELRAY BCH., FL CLAIMS OFFICE
What is Date of Injury or DOI?
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Paul Lynch
RE2132527 MRI Patient History and Questionnaire Patient Name JUSTIN GARIBALDI CIS323332 D.O.B 02-05-1993 Patient 256 The following list consists of items that can interfere with MR Imaging, or if present, can be hazardous to your safety. Pacemaker/ Defibrillator Yes No Cardiac Stent Yes No Brand and ID# List ALL Surgeries 0 Please remove all jewelry and hairpins prior to going into MRI suite for exam I have completed this questionnaire and answered all questions to the best of my knowledge. 01-11-2023 Patient Signature Date Patient% Representative Date Kelly Signature Babing 01-11-2023 Technologist's Date
What is Collection Date?
{"text": [], "answer_start": []}
Troy Martinez
V VCO VOCATIONAL SPECIALISTS Mark Alexander, MS August 02, 2021 Mr. Ulises J. Aguirre, Esq. Law Offices of Robert T. Bledsoe 330 W. Hedding St., #178 San Jose, CA 9578 0 Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund Department of Industrial Relations 178 0 Howe Avenue, Suite 378 Sacramento, CA 9578 5-378 7 Employee: Troy Martinez date of birth: May 10, 1996 Date of Injury: April 02, 2020 Employer: Superstores Industries SIBTF #: SIF17839788 VCO File # 97878 Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF) Vocational Evaluation Report I have been requested by Attorney Ulises J. Aguirre to perform a vocational evaluation report addressing Mr. Edward Foster's ability.
What is the Date of Consultation?
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Stacy Gray
MEDICAL IMAGING CENTER Name: MORRIS, ANN CHRISTINE 1830 Town Center Drive #110 Phys: Dr Ashley Thornton MD Reston, VA 20190 date of birth: 93/08/22 Age: 52 Sex: F PHONE #: (703) 138-3131 date of exam: 19/02/22 Status: REG CLI FAX #: (703) 137-5136 Radiology No: Unit No: K000579860 EXAMS: 002579863 CT CHEST W IV CON <Continued> ELECTRONICALLY SIGNED BY M.D. Dr Ashley Thornton on 24/02/15at 1428 ** Reported and signed by: DAVID DUBOIS, M.D. CC: Ajay Dar MD Dictated Date/Time: 12/23/2021 (1417) Technologist: CAROLINE J. TOURTELLOTTE, RTRM Transcribed Date/Time: 12/23/2021 (1417) By: DR.DUBDA Printed Date/Time: 12/23/2021 (1500) BATCH NO: N/A PAGE 2 Signed Report
what is the admit date or admission date?
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Charles Henry
<<Back to Review>>180298-33-HYPERLINK Hyperlink-Page 23 TRI VALLEY ORTHOPEDIC . 4626 Willow Road, PLEASANTON CA 94428-8424 Charles Henry (id #342142, birth date: 10 May 1985) List each specific requested medical services, good, or items in the below space or indicate the specific page numper(s) of the attached medical report on which the requested treatment can be found. Up to five (5) procedures may be entered: Diagnosis (Required) ICD-Code (Required) 1. Closed bimalleolar fracture - Right S82.841P: Displaced bimalleolar fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion Service/Good Requested (required) Right ankle ultra guidance cortisone injection Requesting Physician Signature:Electronically signed by: SEAN DOUGHERTY, DPM Date:07 May 2021 Sean Dougherty DPM 000023 0023
What is Collection Date?
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Jesse Cole
07 May 2014 FROM- CWFMD 936-703-5455 T-252 P0031/0063 F-236 Conroe Regional Medical Center - Women's Imaging 504 Medical Center Blvd. Conroe, TX 77304 Patient: Jesse Cole Facility ID: BH55448111/AA DOB_question: 22 May 2002 Height / Weight: 65.0 in. 100.0 lbs. Measured: 07 December 2021 Sex / Ethnic: Female White Analyzed: 07 December 2021 AP Spine Bone Density Trend Densitometry Ref: L2-L4 (BMD) Trend: L2-L4 (BMD) BMD (g/cm2) YA T-score %Change vs Baseline 1.456 Normal Trend: L2-L4 1 Change vs Measured Age BMD Previous Previous Date (years) (g/cm2) (g/cm2) (%) 07 December 2021 46.7 0.965 COMMENTS: -0.155 -13.8' 07 December 2021 37.8 1.120 GE Healthcare Lunar iDXA ME+200592 Name: Jesse Cole BIRTH DATE: 22 May 2002
What is signature date or signed on date?
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Alan Mitchell
12/27/22, 10:19 AM Alan Mitchell I M I 11/20/1963 I 59Y TBI PATIENT NAME: Alan Mitchell DOB: 08/08/1994 PATIENT NUMBER: T67179 REFERRING PHYS: ATHANS DATE OF SERVICE: 28/09/2020 10:32:42 AM MRI OF THE CERVICAL SPINE: HISTORY: MVC dated 12/12/22 with neck pain. TECHNIQUE: Multisequence T1 and T2 weighted images were obtained. FINDINGS: The posterior fossa structures are normal.There is loss of the normal lordotic curvature of the cervical spine. In the correct clinical setting, this may reflect injury. Clinical correlation is recommended. No prevertebral or paravertebral masses or fluid collections are identified. Segmental analysis of the cervical spine is as follows: At C2-3, there is no evidence for disc herniation, canal stenosis or neural foraminal stenosis. At C3-4, there is bulging of the disc. This results in an anterior impression on the thecal sac. There is no central canal stenosis or foraminal stenosis. IMPRESSION: TAMPA BAY IMAGING 2700 WEST DR. MLK JR. BLVD SUITE 130 TAMPA, FL 33607 TELEPHONE 813xxxxxxx FAX 813xxxxxxx Page 1 of 3 1/3
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
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Cynthia Khan
Cynthia Khan Bayside Hospital Visit Note - 15/07/2021 PMS ID: Sex: DOB: MRN: 54403 Female 21/04/2000 54403 Medications Chief Complaint: Chronic Low Back Pain Duexis 840-40.6 mg Oral tablet Medical History HPI: This is a 77 year old female who is being seen for a chief complaint of chronic low back pain involving the spine. Social History with tramadol Smoking status Unspecified ROS Vitals: Provider reviewed on 31/08/2014. Date Taken By B.P. Pulse Resp. 02 Sat. Temp. Ht. Wt. BMI BSA A focused review of systems was performed including Constitutional / LeBoeuf, Maci 66.0 in 140.0 40.7 1.9 Symptom, Eyes, Hematologio / 07/07/22 lbs Lymphatic, Integumentary, 08:34 Musculoskeletal, and Neurological FIO2 Page 1
what is the visit date or date of visit?
{"text": ["15/07/2021"], "answer_start": [52]}
Kathryn Howe
Page 1 of 1 Notice: This is NOT a bill. Do not pay. If it is 庐 determined that this service or a portion of THIBODAUX REGIONAL these services is not payable by your health HEALTH SYSTEM plan, you will be responsible. Responsible Party: Buggage, Nadine 126 Jacobs St Napoleonville, LA 70390-2429 Name: Kathryn Howe Guarantor Number: GN05322730 Account Number: V00053227301 Service Dates: 08/05/14-06/22/22 Bill Date: 07/06/22 Insurance Coverage Insurance Policy Number Blue Cross Louisiana IHQ862845322730 For additional information, please contact us at 786-634-4839.
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
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Reginald Butler
Page 14 of 225 LADNER, James DOB: 1993-04-20 (72 yo M) Acc No. 204963 DOS: 2014-12-10 Current Medications Taking ibuprofen 1 tab Oral Tylenol 1 tab Oral Gabapentin 300 MG Capsule 1 capsule Orally Once a day metFORMIN HCI 500 MG Tablet 1 tablet with a meal Orally Once a day Past Medical History Diabetes Surgical History Unremarkable Family History Father: deceased Mother: deceased 3 daughter(s) Social History Tobacco Use: Tobacco Use/Smoking Are you a nonsmoker Drugs/Alcohol: OPIOID Risk Tool (2018 Edition) Family Hx Alcohol? Yes Family Hx Illegal Drugs? No Family Hx Rx Drugs? No Personal Hx Alcohol? No Personal Hx Illegal Drugs? No Personal Hx Rx Drugs? No Age between 16-45 years? No ADD, OCD, Bipolar, Schizophrenia? No Depression? No TOTAL SCORE 3 Risk Level for Opioid Use low Miscellaneous: Occupation: Retired. Progress Note: Donald D Dietze, Jr MD 2020-05-13 Note generated by eClinicalWorks EMR/PM Software ( h 2020-05-13
What is the Date of Encounter or Enc?
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Matthew Torres
08/05/10 08:21 AM Southwest Medical via VSI-FAX Southwest Medical FINAL REPORT 37128 Daniel Estates South Erikmouth, NE 28840 DISCHARGE SUMMARY Patient Name=Matthew Torres Acct #=1{Random_7_digit_number} MRUN=57-42-95 BIRTHDATE= October 02, 1990 date of admit-October 02, 2020 Loc/Svc=/OBSV discharge day=November 01, 2020 ADMITTING DIAGNOSIS: Parkinson's Disease. DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: Gastric Ulcer. HOSPITAL COURSE: The patient was admitted or July 28, 2010, after having left upper quadrant pain and constipation. However, she had had a recent bowel movement that just was not normal; it was more difficult for her. DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS: 1. Insulin one tablet by mouth daily. 2. Vitamin D 1000 international units one tablet by mouth daily. Patient Name: Matthew Torres DOB_question: October 02, 1990
What is the Date of operation?
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Sandra Jones
Consult Renal (El Toukhy) patient name: Sandra Jones MRN: 75026505 FIN: 95010505 Age: 53 years Sex: Female birthdate: 11/2000/18 Documentation Date: 05/2015/15 2:56 EST Author: ADAMS APRN, LEAH DANIELLE Consultation Information Date of Consult: 06/2019/10 Reason for Consult: ESRD on HD. Requesting physician: Attending Physician: Dr Autumn Medina MD. Admission Information Date of Admit: 06/2019/01 Visit Reason: RIGHT ANKLE PAIN Allergies naproxen (hives) Visit Information Medications: Active Scheduled Medications 1 amiodarone 150 mg PO qDay Comments: pt home med dose Comments: Start if pt becomes NPO for more than 4 hr. patient name: Sandra Jones MRN: 75026505 FIN#: 95010505 Printed On: 10/30/2023 05:11 EDT Page 56 of 516 Report Request ID#: 350350250
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
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Shane Wilson
Shane Wilson ID / Visit: 48470 Gender: F BIRTH DATE: 14-09-1995 Age: 83 Phys: Dr Christopher Robertson Cervical MBB D.O.S: 09-05-2019 Diagnosis: M47.82 Other specified inflammatory spondylopathies, cervical region M47.472 Other spondylosis, cervical region M47.893 Other spondylosis, cervicothoracic region The patient was brought to the procedure suite and placed in the side lateral lying position. The operative site'was prepped : x3 with alcohol and Betadine, and draped in a sterile fashion. Stimulation: Slow injection of solutions DID provoke pain. Moderate Sedation Documentation: Before the procedure, cardiac and pulse oximetry was established and monitored throughout the procedure. Total moderate sedation time 25mi minutes. B 22-10-2021 Dr Christopher Robertson, MD Date/Time
what is the DOB or date of birth?
{"text": ["14-09-1995"], "answer_start": [64]}
Amanda Taylor
BRAVE HEALTH INC . 1962 NW 7th Avenue, Suite 300, MIAMI FL 36236-1162 OWENS, Shannon (id #92962, dob: 25 Jul 1998) Return to Office Patient will return to the office as needed. Encounter Sign-Off Encounter signed-off by Dana Vega DDS, Frances Wall, 27 Nov 2023 Encounter performed and documented by Dana Vega DDS, Frances Wall Encounter reviewed & signed by Dana Vega DDS, Frances Wall on 27 Nov 2023 at 7:54pm
what is the visit date or date of visit?
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Kevin Pineda
INBOUND NOTIFICATION FAX RECEIVED SUCCESSFULLY TIME RECEIVED REMOTE CSID DURATION PAGES STATUS December 16, 2021 at 3:22:24 PM EST SVMC 266 Received SVMC 07/2015/13 12:17:46 PM PAGE 6/016 Fax Server DOD Salinas Kevin Pineda 558 Abbott St Ste A MRN: 311xxxx, DOB: 09/1988/19, Sex: F DOCTORS ON DUTY State of California Division of Worker's Compensation PRIMARY TREATING PHYSICIAN'S PROGRESS REPORT Other: PATIENT: Last: Corona First: Araceli Middle: Zip: 93xxx Date of Injury: 08/2018/18 DOB: 09/1988/19 Occupation: SSN: 617xxxxxx Phone: 83xxxxx CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR: Name: Gallagher Bassett Claim #: 0054850xxxx Address: Po Box 28xxx City: Clinton Zip: 52733xxxx Phone: 866xxxx EMPLOYER NAME: Healthcare Services Group Subjective Complaints: Worker's Compensation (WC DOI 01/2016/09 BACK) Diagnoses: 1. Lumbar strain, subsequent encounter Treatment Plan: TREATMENT PLAN: Light work starting 12/15/2021.Physical therapy. Return 12/23/2021. DATE OF SERVICE 06/2021/25 CHIEF COMPLAINT: Chief Complaint Patient presents with Worker's Compensation BACK Ashley Rosales 558 Abbott St Ste A MRN: 311xxxx, DOB: 09/1988/19, Sex: F Salinas CA 9390xxx Page 16 Printed by Arizpe, Crystal, MA at 01/2016/09 12:16 PM
What is Ordered Date?
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Amy Sims
39 FAX MRN: 1940366H Amy Sims Nassau Unly. Medical Gender: Female Center Age: 49y (02-12-1995) Current Location: Surg-Pediatric Eye Clinic AMB OPHTH New Patient Ophthalmology Visit [Charted Location: Surg-Pediatric Eye Clinic [DATE OF SERVICE: 03-25-2016 8:20, Authored: 07-Apr-22 10:53]- for Visit: 7742879X4204042031, Notice of Status and Rights Involuntary Admission: Patient's Name: Amy Sims MRN: 1942742H Sex: Female BIRTH DATE: 02-12-1995 Facility Name: Nassau University Medical Center Date of Admit: 04-16-2018 10:31 Date & Time: 10-08-2018 11:01 Allergies: Allergy, Intolerance, Adverse Event: Allergies: No Known Allergies: Active HPI: Ophthalmology HPI: Chief Complaint Left ruptured globe Page 1 of 6
What is the Date of Exam or Examination date?
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Christopher Cook
Immunizations: Childhood immunizations given. Currently pregnant: no. Egg allergy: no. Gelatin allergy: no. Neomycin allergy: no Assessment/Plan Code * Description V70.0 A Routine Medical Exam P Send to PSC(970995) to be performed. D immunizations up to date,labs to do,hpv pap done with cultures 240.9 A Enlarged thyroid gland P CBC with Diff, Vitamin B12 and Folate, HEMOGLOBIN A1C, T4 FREE, URINALYSIS, TSH, CMP, LIPID PANEL, RPR, Vitamin D, 25-Hidroxy andHIV SCREEN to be performed Today. Further diagnostic evaluations ordered today include US Head/Neck (thyroid, parathyroid, parotid) to be performed. She is to schedule a follow-up visit upon completion of work-up. D Medications (Added, Continued or Stopped this visit) Started Medication Directions Comment Stopped 2022 October 07 Marl ssa a 5 take 1 tablet by oral route mg-30 md tablet every day Provider: Snezana Begovic MD Document generated by: Shezana Begovic 2022 October 07 10:08 AM PVHC At Pomona 1770 N Orange Grove Ste 101 Pomona, CA 91767070 (909)709-9470 Electronically signed by Snezana Begovic MD on2015 September 01 10:32 AM Jarero, Elizabeth 000000079924 10/24/1978 05/15/2014 02:00 PM 3/3 0070
What is the Date of Discharge?
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Christopher Lewis
2019-01-25 10:13:54 Oklahoma Spine 4058789460 11/60 Page 60 PATIENT NAME Caitlyn Rivera MR#: M000143760 ADM DATE: 2020-05-25 DOB: 1999-06-20 SEX: M 10:50 AM DC DATE: 2020-06-24 01:20 ATTENDING PHYSICIAN: Joseph Fuller, M.D. PM 2. Continue on present medications. 3. Return for followup appointment within I to 2 weeks to check on response to the injection or to repeat the injection or to proceed for RF ablation and to make any necessary medication adjustment and determine subsequent treatment steps. Electronically signed at 2023-10-18 7:08 AM (GMT -5) Khali Khan MA Joseph Fullern, M.D. KK epins Dietated: 08.16.2023 01:48 PM Transcribed: 2016-08-29 05:53 AM Doc: X161565 CC: Muhammad M Gillan, M.D.
What is the Procedure Date?
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