--- license: apache-2.0 annotations_creators: - machine-generated language_creators: - found task_categories: - sentence-similarity language: - ro multilinguality: - monolingual tags: - sentence similarity - paraphrase - romanian - nlp task_ids: - text-scoring - semantic-similarity-scoring - semantic-similarity-classification pretty_name: Romanian Bible Paraphrase Corpus size_categories: - 100K - **Homepage:** [https://github.com/AndyTheFactory/ro-paraphrase-bible](https://github.com/AndyTheFactory/ro-paraphrase-bible) - **Repository:** [https://github.com/AndyTheFactory/ro-paraphrase-bible](https://github.com/AndyTheFactory/ro-paraphrase-bible) - **Point of Contact:** [Andrei Paraschiv](https://github.com/AndyTheFactory) - ### Dataset Summary A paraphprase corpus created from 10 different Romanian language Bible versions. Since the Bible has all paragraphs uniquely numbered an alignment between two versions is straighforward. We compiled a complete combination of paragraph pairs from the following Bible versions: - Română Noul Testament Interconfesional 2009 - Biblia în versuri 2014 - Biblia Traducerea Fidela 2015 - Biblia în Versiune Actualizată 2018 - Ediția Dumitru Cornilescu revizuită 2022 - Noua Traducere Românească - Noul Testament SBR 2023 - Versiunea Biblia Romano-Catolică 2020 - Biblia sau Sfânta Scriptură cu Trimiteri 1924, Dumitru Cornilescu - Traducere Literală Cornilescu 1931 In order to provide a similarity score between two paragraphs, we use FuzzyWuzzy library to compute the partial_token_sort_ratio (PTSoR) between the lemmatized versions of the two texts. The final similarity score between matching paragraphs was computed as follows: > score = 50 + ptsor // 2 where ptsor = partial_token_sort_ratio(lemmatize(text1), lemmatize(text2)) We also provide a set of non-matching texts, generated from a random pairing of paragraphs. The score for the non-matching paragraphs was computed using this formula: > score = int(ptsor / 2 +10) The final dataset contains 904,815 similar records and 218,977 non matching records, totaling 1,123,927 ### Languages Romanian ## Dataset Structure ### Data Instances An example record looks as follows. ``` { 'text1': 'Poporul a început să strige: „Este glasul lui Dumnezeu, nu al unui om!”', 'text2': 'Norodul a strigat: „Glas de Dumnezeu, nu de om!”', 'score': 82 } ``` ### Data Fields - `text1`, `text2`: compared Paragraphs - `score`: 0 - 100 matching score (integer) - records with score > 50 are matches ### Data Statistics **Score Distribution**: ![Score distribution](https://github.com/AndyTheFactory/ro-paraphrase-bible/blob/main/Score_distribution_dataset.png?raw=true) Statistics for matching record scores: ``` count 904950.000000 mean 83.998228 std 7.083741 min 50.000000 25% 80.000000 50% 84.000000 75% 89.000000 max 100.000000 ``` Statistics for non-matching record scores: ``` count 218977.000000 mean 29.400873 std 3.339921 min 10.000000 25% 27.000000 50% 29.000000 75% 32.000000 max 40.000000 ``` ## Dataset Creation ### Curation Rationale ### Source Data Romanian Language Bible translations #### Initial Data Collection and Normalization #### Who are the source language producers? ### Annotations #### Annotation process #### Who are the annotators? ### Personal and Sensitive Information ## Considerations for Using the Data ### Social Impact of Dataset ### Discussion of Biases ### Other Known Limitations The dataset is biased towards some archaic language. Additionally, it involves religious figures and phrase constructions that are rarly used in the common language. ## Additional Information ### Dataset Curators ### Licensing Information This data is available and distributed under Apache-2.0 license ### Citation Information ``` tbd ``` ### Contributions