I0419 16:32:09.681955 22895081703232 logging.py:23] Flags: { |
"logtostderr": false, |
"alsologtostderr": false, |
"log_dir": "", |
"v": 1, |
"verbosity": 1, |
"logger_levels": {}, |
"stderrthreshold": "info", |
"showprefixforinfo": true, |
"run_with_pdb": false, |
"pdb_post_mortem": false, |
"pdb": false, |
"run_with_profiling": false, |
"profile_file": null, |
"use_cprofile_for_profiling": true, |
"only_check_args": false, |
"graph_file": "out/data/arxiv/v2/train_test_split/train_graph.json", |
"output_dir": "out/data/arxiv/v2/train_eval_split", |
"split_depth": 1, |
"split_prop": 0.3, |
"seed": 1, |
"?": false, |
"help": false, |
"helpshort": false, |
"helpfull": false, |
"helpxml": false |
} |
I0419 16:32:09.682769 22895081703232 data_model.py:86] Loading graph from out/data/arxiv/v2/train_test_split/train_graph.json |
I0419 16:32:10.245475 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:32] Splitting graph at depth 1, selecting 1/4 nodes |
I0419 16:32:10.246754 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:68] Depth 0: 100.00 |
I0419 16:32:10.246912 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:83] Depth 0: 75.00 |
I0419 16:32:10.246997 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:68] Depth 1: 75.00 |
I0419 16:32:10.247151 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:83] Depth 1: 96.30 |
I0419 16:32:10.247266 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:68] Depth 2: 96.25 |
I0419 16:32:10.247385 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:83] Depth 2: 100.00 |
I0419 16:32:10.247463 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:68] Depth 3: 100.00 |
I0419 16:32:10.247552 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:93] Depth 3: No edges |
I0419 16:32:10.247737 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:95] Overall: 96.19 |
I0419 16:32:10.247941 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:103] Overall: 96.19 |
I0419 16:32:10.248204 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:112] Saving train graph to out/data/arxiv/v2/train_eval_split/train_graph.json |
I0419 16:32:10.248481 22895081703232 data_model.py:70] Saving graph to out/data/arxiv/v2/train_eval_split/train_graph.json |
I0419 16:32:11.837151 22895081703232 train_test_split.py:114] Saving test graph to out/data/arxiv/v2/train_eval_split/test_graph.json |
I0419 16:32:11.837524 22895081703232 data_model.py:70] Saving graph to out/data/arxiv/v2/train_eval_split/test_graph.json |