I0419 16:33:13.868044 22695587407680 logging.py:23] Flags: { "logtostderr": false, "alsologtostderr": false, "log_dir": "", "v": 1, "verbosity": 1, "logger_levels": {}, "stderrthreshold": "info", "showprefixforinfo": true, "run_with_pdb": false, "pdb_post_mortem": false, "pdb": false, "run_with_profiling": false, "profile_file": null, "use_cprofile_for_profiling": true, "only_check_args": false, "graph_file": "out/data/arxiv/v2/train_test_split/train_graph.json", "output_dir": "out/data/arxiv/v2/train_eval_split", "split_depth": 1, "split_prop": 0.3, "seed": 2, "?": false, "help": false, "helpshort": false, "helpfull": false, "helpxml": false } I0419 16:33:13.868621 22695587407680 data_model.py:86] Loading graph from out/data/arxiv/v2/train_test_split/train_graph.json I0419 16:33:14.432791 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:32] Splitting graph at depth 1, selecting 1/4 nodes I0419 16:33:14.433861 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:68] Depth 0: 100.00% nodes in train, 100.00% nodes in test. 100.00% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 1 nodes. I0419 16:33:14.434020 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:83] Depth 0: 75.00% edges in train, 25.00% edges in test. 0.00% shared edges. 100.00% covered edges. Total 4 edges. I0419 16:33:14.434109 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:68] Depth 1: 75.00% nodes in train, 25.00% nodes in test. 0.00% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 4 nodes. I0419 16:33:14.434272 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:83] Depth 1: 50.62% edges in train, 49.38% edges in test. 0.00% shared edges. 100.00% covered edges. Total 81 edges. I0419 16:33:14.434384 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:68] Depth 2: 51.25% nodes in train, 50.00% nodes in test. 1.25% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 80 nodes. I0419 16:33:14.434504 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:83] Depth 2: 100.00% edges in train, 0.00% edges in test. 0.00% shared edges. 100.00% covered edges. Total 20 edges. I0419 16:33:14.434582 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:68] Depth 3: 100.00% nodes in train, 0.00% nodes in test. 0.00% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 20 nodes. I0419 16:33:14.434670 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:93] Depth 3: No edges I0419 16:33:14.434860 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:95] Overall: 61.90% nodes in train, 40.00% nodes in test. 1.90% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 105 nodes. I0419 16:33:14.435078 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:103] Overall: 60.95% edges in train, 39.05% edges in test. 0.00% shared edges. 100.00% covered edges. Total 105 edges. I0419 16:33:14.435151 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:112] Saving train graph to out/data/arxiv/v2/train_eval_split/train_graph.json I0419 16:33:14.435426 22695587407680 data_model.py:70] Saving graph to out/data/arxiv/v2/train_eval_split/train_graph.json I0419 16:33:15.247678 22695587407680 train_test_split.py:114] Saving test graph to out/data/arxiv/v2/train_eval_split/test_graph.json I0419 16:33:15.248057 22695587407680 data_model.py:70] Saving graph to out/data/arxiv/v2/train_eval_split/test_graph.json