{ "audio1": "We have got a season of come it's well even coming up. So I've been behind that since morning. The GDG one blank posters, GD farms, RSVP, and everything and it stupidly is not working. always behind something else, so with another club. So I've been behind there. Then weekly current. Like I had to work on some lead stuff. Take care of Mia. Make them food, and then clean my bedroom, my daddy's mommy's bedroom. Then I had to Like what? Now I'm working on this since 7 o'clock. That's how my life is, it's kind of busy.", "audio2": "Here is the funny part, okay? Two days ago he come up to me saying that I have not worked with anything. That's the most funny part. So you know what? I don't gonna care. I'm just gonna work on it. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. Khalas, over time.", "audio3": "I cannot lie, I hate those seeds, oh my god, my OCD could never.", "audio4": "No, like listen, listen. You let me complete, little Lillias.", "audio5": "Okay, so yesterday, I took a lot of time to take amazing pics. Like temple pics, also, Belur temple's front. They were taking Belur temple's pictures, but then I saw one Poojari walking by. So, I took Poojari and the temple and all and took an amazing shot. I was so proud of myself. It was so nice. But, yesterday, while--and then yesterday, while Janasna was trying to send all those to her, she was like in a hurry, and then she accidentally deleted those. Like, delete in there, an option came. Like, \"Move all these to the Recycle Bin?\" or, \"Move to the Recycle Bin and directly--\"(No, no.) \"Delete the photos directly without moving to the Recycle Bin.\" She, in a hurry, took the second option, that is, \"Delete directly without moving it to the Recycle Bin.\" So, everything is gone. I was like really sad. She was trying to send all those pictures--but the ones which I took of them, temple pics, the sky ones, the sceneries... Everything went away.\nand after that it was fine because and then were crying so I said it's fine. Those are just pictures. So I am a person you know group photos then I don't like because if you give 45 minutes minutes full time photos minutes it's good. Okay so I'll be like watching the places and things like that. So yeah I didn't give much importance to the pictures. What was the effort I put out a lot of effort.\nSee, listen, it's not Kulusu, it's Pulusu. Okay, Ayyerda Pulusu. It's not a local thing, it's a global stuff. Oh my God.", "audio6": "Today was so bad. Oh my god, I did something bad. I got kicked out first. And then after that... Ayyo, I didn't know. Okay, so basically we were doing things. For 2.35 hours, we weren't getting an experiment. Okay, even after clicking, it wasn't coming up. A little later, out of nowhere, it worked. I don't even know my excitement rate. I was laughing so much and I hit my teammate. Sir came running around and said, \"What happened, what happened?\" I said, \"Nothing, sir, out of...\" (He said something about laughing) So embarrassing, everyone was looking at me. And second of all, it was kind of like a steel chair. Similarly, while getting up, it fell down from my hands twice. Ayyo, it was so embarrassing today. I feel like I should hide inside a good pool right now.", "audio7": "I was so hungry, like so hungry, that I had um what? Chapati and omelet. Yay!", "audio8": "Did you have lunch, Alosh?", "audio9": "I generally feel so sick to a point where I can't even walk. I don't know my internal system ഏത് നിമിഷം അടിച്ചു. എന്താണെന്ന് എനിക്കറിയില്ല. Is it funny? No. Is it something else? Yes. I don't know. I'm sick എനിക്കറിയാം. I know that. I don't know because of what and why.\nDude, you know what? I am the only person who took two more additional sheets that is like 10 pages in total. ഞാൻ എഴുതി തള്ളി വരുന്നു. So, I was like the last person to finish writing, okay? And then people were like, നീ എന്ത് ഇത്ര എഴുതുന്നത് എന്നൊക്കെ ചോദിക്കുന്നുണ്ടായിരുന്നു. What are you writing this much. It was all like that. The thing is that I was like writing down random idiotic stuff. I guess I don't know. I was writing a lot. Like, you know, I love writing. So, അപ്പോഴേ എഴുതി. എനിക്കറിയില്ല. pass ആവുമോ fail ആവുമോ whatever I have written like a lot yeah. And the most important thing is, it is weird, like, when you come out, like, people are like, നീ എന്താ ഇത്ര എഴുതികൊണ്ടിരുന്നത് എന്ന് ചോദിക്കുന്നുണ്ടായിരുന്നു. Like so yeah.", "audio10": "Uh, I feel so weak, that is what. Other than that, I saw the needle and half my life left me. All the courage also left me. I'm so scared of syringes in my life, man. They took a blood test, and my blood was flowing down in front of me. Couldn't handle that. Then what? I'm dead, basically. I am dead.\nYeah, then I already called and they talked to the doctor. And the doctor's wife turned out to be working in my dad's hospital. So everything went okay and Mommy and my dad were just recurring, recurring, recurring. I'm really really very to. Yeah. Hello, okay, my dad called me, like got 100 times. My mom also called 1,000 times. Daddy wants to come Ernakulam and take me home but I'm not willing because Monday I got OS and COA together I can't fuck those up. So yeah.\nI am so hungry. So fucking hungry at this moment.", "audio11": "You seriously don't know how to deal with sick patients, no? That's why you ask ChatGPT what to ask sick people, no?", "audio12": "The talking, I mean, I was at the hospital. I got to friends quarreling with me again, and then they were like, \"Uh, you were drinking that? That is glucose. That's sugar. You shouldn't do that. Do you know how many calories that is?\" They were like basically making fun of me because, you know, right? This sugar thing guys they are wrong.\nAnd even the doctor was like, \"Can Madhuram കഴിക്കാറുണ്ടോ?\" (Do you usually have sweets) I said no. Okay, you should have more fruits. And then occasionally you should have the glucose stuff. You know, that this powder. What do you call it? Glucody or the green packet. And thinking you should have that I was listening to it. It felt like a nightmare. Now, now I was like, thought, if you said, I'm going to buy tons of sugar doesn't mean I'm going to make you have all that. Well, I'm not going to have it, first of all, no.\nDon't make me say anything. If I had an AK-47 right now, you know, I would put it on the chest of every woman lying here and shoot them, because I'm that angry, because I really loved that chain so much, and some bitch took it. Ugh, I hate people.", "audio13": "I don't know. I'm not a very big fan of Mandi, like.\nYou Mandi, you are a Mandi most of the time, no?\nSo, I'm not a very big fan of Mandi.\nI like Alfam, only from the place in front of my college.\nThat's where I've had the best Alfam.\nI wish we could talk to inside this, you know. Would have been nice if it was possible to talk to. It's fine.", "audio14": "I'm getting nauseous.", "audio15": "Like, what the fuck? Oh my God, why would someone do this? Like, for real? Oh.", "audio16": "I only have six minutes. Don't waste my time by telling stories.", "audio17": "Can you believe something? I was listening to someone the whole time. Like to us, just listening, what they're saying. I'm a good listener too, damn.\nOkay, so he came talking to me. I was like kind of alone the whole day. Like I had things to do, but like I can't come and go to full time with that, right? So in the middle, I think I just restarted the Techfest and event under All that's going to happen. So at 3:30 all my classes ended and after that I was there I was I was heading home because I was so tired. At that time, that person from the sports ground called me, \"Hey, Jewel.\" I said, \"Yeah, hi.\" And then like we just talked and then he's like what plans for Valentine's? I said, \"Nothing much.\" I'm like, I just listen to Harikrishnan songs because Harisankar songs. Oh Harikrishnan Harishankar, you know, he's coming for the Techfest, no? I said, yeah. Um, any Valentine or anything? I said, no.\nAnd then it's too nice. He said, \"You look pretty good. Uh, you rejected me.\" Like Instagram request it up. I don't let anyone in. then oh wow. And then he kept on talking and then he said said do you like to be, you know, like if there's no one else, is it okay if you become my Valentine? I was like, I don't know. I was listening to talk for like two hours. I'm going to he kept on saying you look good, you look nice, you have good hair, you have good face, no pimples. I said, which look at this pimple. Uh yeah, he kept on flattering me all the whole time, I don't know.\nIf anyone gets to know that I rejected this dude, everybody's going to like fucking swear at me because he's like he's got like he looks like Baki Hanma. Yeah, like that. He's got good hair. 6-4. Super build up. Doesn't matter. I don't care. Yeah, well, like he was like talking about his life. I just kept listening. That's it. I didn't say anything because that's when I realized, hey, mama good listener too. It's on just me yapping all the time.\nHe is known like the Saint College. Yeah, one minute. Same hair, same height. It's all pakka pakka. He was playing cricket over there. That's what he said. Super.", "audio18": "Okay, after the class, instead of cake, we changed things and ordered Domino's. So we did all that. After that, we got the cake, and from the site, we had collected cold water in a bucket. We held her down. She was really strong and was trying to get away, so we held her down. Then we poured it over her head like that. Ugh. Super.\nOh my god. I am liking this, oh my god. Look at what you're saying, is she a girlfriend? That's the worst choice. themo, are you not sensible?", "audio19": "Because she's got fucking senses. Oh, I would love to talk to him like for real. I'll be like, \"Hey, Ashley, how are you?\" I'm Johan, the girl he's talking about. He's so annoying, but we can team up and annoy him together. You in?", "audio20": "In the club, we are fame.", "audio21": "Dude, I called those people. They were like, you can come for free. If at all you are attending some workshops or other stuff only, you have to pay. That's it. Wow, it's so free. ഞങ്ങളിവിടെ ശ്രേഷ്ഠ തെക്ക് ഇവന്റിനൊക്കെ വി ആർ ചാർജിങ് 250 പെർ പേഴ്സൺ.", "audio22": "Yes, I I killed my pants. I corrected. എന്റെ എല്ലാം waist size എല്ലാം correct ചെയ്തു. It's amazing now. Yes, I'm thinking of wearing this fit. Make on when I come and eat it or something too. Looks nice.\nOkay. And today, I am wearing Liz Maria's dress. I'm wearing her top, I'm wearing my pant. I'm carrying one handbag with me. That's it. And yeah, some lipstick.", "audio23": "No, no, no, no, no. Don't like don't think like that. I'll initiate this even I want to, I'll initiate this and think this first. I'll talk to Rima today. I'll call her and then talk about this and she'll probably understand where this is coming from. Uh, no worries, I don't give a fuck. I am gonna do this. And then on 16th, I'll just initiate this. Like real real.\nIda, I tried calling my dad in Niyama. It's like, \"Daddy went to Thailand.\" I was like, \"What the fuck?\" And then they say, \"Daddy left four, what do you call it, four MREs and left.\" What? Daddy, I'm not able to reach daddy. And then, who are you going to ask for permission?\nOh my god. It's too bad. My Hyderathon is happening right now. And I'm just going because when I woke up in the morning around eight and the call. Whenever I try waking up, it comes back again. I couldn't wake up. It's still there. when I'm walking down the hill, the courage because Oh, I don't know. They're so hurried. Oh my God, why did this have to happen to me right now?\nAlright, it's okay. I'll figure the sound. Yeah.\nYeah, people are sort of, you know, curious for subtitles, you know, posters. But uh yeah, it's fancy for that.\nThen there's like a lot of anime t-shirts, which is like 700 and stuff. But stuff's good. Then there's a lot of badges, too. Badges are like 50 rupees, yeah.", "audio24": "The best decision I made today was to try this one coconut pudding, which was on like you know, store inside store was there. So first when just friends were like eating, um, they brought me saying, you'll like Jone, Jone will like. And then my friend brought and gave, saying, try, try, you will like. I'm like, I'm not sure. They said, no, no, no, it's like made for you. I said, why? Tasting it, it had zero sugar and it was just like, you know, coconut, coconut only. No sugar was there. I was so happy. I had a little slice. And after that I felt so guilty for having it. You know.", "audio25": "Some people's Python is not setting up. Some people's path is not setting up. Some people's notebook is not starting. Oh my God, some people are getting errors. If I call one place, the next person will call. Oh my God. One and a half hours is very cardio for me. They are calling everywhere.", "audio26": "It was supposed to be until 2 o'clock, but it stretched a bit. Now it's almost 3 o'clock. It will be over soon, it will be over soon, it will be over soon.", "audio27": "Arundhati didn't come, but then I talked to Reema. Reema said, ah, okay, okay, okay, okay. She's like, it's settled, do it, do it, there's no problem. And I also talked about the session. She says, ah, do it, do it. What is it, if you want to do it? No worries, full support. It was just like that. I said, okay.\nPlus, she was in a huge hurry. She left around 12:30. Because she's having cold and she seems so sick, like her face was super red.", "audio28": "I'll rub you the very good time over your eyes now.", "audio29": "Okay, now I'm going to tell you what happened right now.", "audio30": "And then he was like soap, was that like soap. so point is. Ayo, he wrote down. He noted down my number and my dad's number. And then like all of the second years', all their numbers, their parent's numbers. And then he pointed at me and said, \"Joanna, you watch out. I'm going to cut you. I have work to do on you.\" Ayo the thing is. And then the sir said, \"If you don't show up to the meeting tomorrow, for sure you're done for.\" You know what he was saying, he was laughing too. The thing is he knows about James. So, he's trying to scare me like that. I'm gonna call dad and tell him. I mean I hope you wouldn't. I said sir, I understand what sir meant but it's not there now. Sir needs to understand that. And then he said \"Either way, tomorrow definitely need to meet. I said, \"yes sir, of course.\"\nOkay, so since I'm the president of Toastmasters, last two weeks meetings are not conducted and was kind of pissed. So he called me to his office, like me, Matthew, and other second years who are in the club. And then he was like, \"എന്താ നിങ്ങടെ ഉദ്ദേശം? What are the future plans for the club?\" I was saying, \"Sir, we're going like this only.\" And he's like, \"എന്താ മീറ്റിംഗ് നടക്കാത്തത്?\" So the thing is he doesn't understand. Okay, since ഫെസ്റ്റ് ഒക്കെ ഉള്ളതുകൊണ്ട്, everyone was busy with stuff, so nobody could attend the meetings.\nGood morning. Yeah, I just took a bath and I came back and take took a look at my eyes. It's like red in color. Oh my god. Lack of sleep.", "audio31": "I am so proud of myself because my crocs looks whiter than your Colgate powder. Like it's shining. Wow. I should really start another business.", "audio32": "the best thing is when I got off from the Metro, I didn't know which which direction to go in order to get to the railway station and stuff. So there was a chatter like rushing. so I understood that he's going to the railway station too. I asked him which direction to go. he said direction I know I said yeah direction. we walked angotteke ennitu asked me engotta. I said Koikott then he said Express Yes same. I'm going to. that he's taking me to somewhere. I mean no not like that. We are here.\nThe number of people over here is like too much. Um, well, yeah, let's see.", "audio33": "Okay, here's the word-for-word translation:\n\"I just hope I don't die. My trauma pushes me out from 3:00 AM when I die. Yay!\"", "audio34": "To be honest, there was no need to rush this much, because it's still five, it's 5:25, and still your train hasn't arrived. Wow.\nOh my god, now the train mummy is here. She's gonna pass by. The train here now 12075 train is gonna pass by now. Oh God, I hope, she doesn't know that Namitha is not with me. Oh God.\nOkay, so I hopped into general class and it was like the worst place ever. So smelly, it was so bad. Worst thing is, then, in front of the side, in front of the side. And then I went to the place and I was like there were a couple people standing over there. I don't know. Then they started to talk about something, I was like is there any place over here, something with that one person. Then I talked and I said is there any space over here, I don't have a ticket. They were like do you not have a ticket? I don't have one, I need to take a general ticket but I don't have any money.\nAnd then we were waiting for the community to go and because like that. And then, each channel, and the other channel, and there were so many channel members here, and then they started coming here, you know. See, put on your \"sarikkari\" (police uniform), they told me. Then, this one channel came to me and gave me this ticket and said, \"Your police, keep it in your hand.\" I was like, \"Huh? Police?\"\nHe was so kind and he gave me his ticket. അതുകഴിഞ്ഞ് എന്നിട്ട് ചേച്ചി വന്നതിനുശേഷം ചേച്ചി அங்கேயிருந்து சூப்பர் க்ளாஸ் பத்தாவது சைடு அதர் பர்த் சம்திங் 36 37 समथिंग with that. I went and slept over there and I woke up in the morning. Then I came back and I gave the ticket back to the police. It was like, I don't know. It was good. I thought I'd be stuck in the general class but then God's plans, yes.\nWhen socialize and when you meet new people, it was like a whole new experience. It was nice. It was good.", "audio35": "I don't know. It was so random. I was wondering how I ended up in this general compartment, because it was that bad. One nice thing happened, I just stood on the side. I met some people and one turned out to be a police and he gave me a ticket and I got upgraded to a sleeper class. I slept over there and the TT came there and even I socialized with the TT. He said, where are you going? I asked him, he said, he's from Jharkhand and he also asked me that. That's how we spoke, and then he also asked for rupees, and then I gave him 100 rupees.", "audio36": "Wow!", "audio37": "That was a whole new experience.\nOkay, so after getting the memento, we went to have like chai and stuff, okay. As him, the whole time Irfan was hugging onto the memento. He was not letting it go. Like a baby gets a toy car or something. He was like, at the same time he was like, full time, . all the time.\nOh, but you had a heated in the morning. When I woke up, it was just saying. Word. അതിൽ കൂടെ എയർ മാത്രമായിരുന്നു ഇരുന്നത്. It was coming up because the rest I couldn't I couldn't talk properly. It was that bad. ഞാനിപ്പോ I had some hot water. Now I'm like this.\nEveryone came to my house, came to my house, saw my father, spoke, had a nice time, went out and had food with them. Then they went up. Now that we are at Kubaba, had Mandi. I didn't even eat a quarter of a quarter after I ordered. I was so full. I don't know I was on the mood. I gave my whole Alfam piece to Jeevan. I don't know, the capacity of guys is like too much.\nYeah, daddy as usual inside the car was advising me on that. He was saying, \"You can do this, you can do that, you can do that, you can do that,\" all the time. He was like, \"You want to try to be a man, you can do that, you can do that, you can do that,\" such.", "audio38": "Hey, this guy, I shouldn't blame him for quitting. With just a CPR Honors degree, how will we get a new job? We won't get a job with just this. I told Daddy, no matter why you quit, you won't get a job. I don't know, my mood is very bad right now. When one changes his opinion, one changes one's thinking that is a lot. Just suit and I want to run away from...\nI want to grow a lot more, but then I don't know how I will if my dad keeps something things up like this. I've been trying for almost two years now and there's no progress. God knows when this livelihood change for real.", "audio39": "My siblings are so fucking corrupted to avoid that, I don't know what to do. So Njan, I was like, Mea and Minachun called me to play a game. I was like, okay fine. Njan varam. We were playing the game between it was so hot, so I told them okay, njan korache fridge-ne kurache paal odichittu varam. Appo Minachun sided-yinnu, Njan tharanthadhaa madi Jayanthi Chechi. I was like, what the fuck. Then everyone went into the silent mode. Miya started laughing a lot, Minachun and the evil laugh. Oh, God, ee ivarude okke prayathil Njan mannu vaari kalikkaayirunnallo.\nPoor Meesun, what happened to him?\nSo, are you sure that I should go for the blue one? Or there's another, right? Blue or red? I have, I have no idea. I'm like super confused.", "audio40": "So, I'm on the way to the church nearby the college. It's an Orthodox one, Saint George. So, in these two years, it's my second time visiting the Pally. Note the point, second time. Yeah. Yeah. [Malayalam phrase]. So, [Malayalam phrase]. Today's [Malayalam phrase] is, I had one more puffs. So, I'm trying to burn that. Some distance away, there is this Pally, so I'm walking, walking, walking.\nHey, when I compare the age of the other people in college to that of the teachers, she's very pretty. Like, so cute.", "audio41": "By the way, let me ask you something. When you sit inside this moving train and look at your phone, you don't feel nauseous or what? Dizzy or motion sickness or whatever? Don't you feel anything?", "audio42": "The thing is, I just got rid of my externally goth things. But, aalkar kaanaathirikaan vendi ennu thonnunu. I still love black so much. That's why everything, every single underwear, bra, whatever, every single thing is black. Like black, black, black, black, black. I don't know, I just love it so much. It gives me this oru vibe, oru energy. Next time, I should go for extra bright pink. Let's see.\nI know what the problem is in that, they say it's a good event. But then, only 25 people have registered. ₹50 is ₹50 rupees. So, that, um, everyone is from outside college. That is the principal problem. I am not a part of this TEDx one. They simply just asked, \"Do you want me help?\" And they're like, \"We need a speaker to go and go to every class.\" I was like, \"Okay.\" Enikku etavum ishtam enikk Duke University-il irikkaand irikkanda.\nYeah, main thing, I asked her to help out, so because I need to leave for class. Otherwise, the class is boring, class. So, I'll get duty leave, then I can do whatever I want. Yippee!", "audio43": "I have an incident that, when our seniors, one published, they got it for people. And when I went and published everywhere, we got 32 people in my life.", "audio44": "Not like how you're thinking, hey, this has a certain steps. There are steps. According to those steps, only then, they will give marks. Got it? So those steps, you have to learn by heart, study and write according to it. That's why I study and go for such exams. That's right. I'll study then.", "audio45": "Hello. Aarum class-il illa. Aake paade IDC, Excico members aanu full black-il. Ande idekke eee njaan class excico member aanennu paranju ennae vellichondhu avan class-il keriyou. But I went for that and I really look like an IDC member. I mean, ya Exxico.", "audio46": "I swear to God, I have no idea how you bagged this hottie. Like, swear.", "audio47": "Ladies and gentlemen, look at this child and second, looking at the right, wearing a black shirt, I mean sorry, a white shirt with I don't know, some sort of a design. It's good, it's good. This one is good. As Badwan, it's nice.", "audio48": "Homeless.", "audio49": "Dude, why does this college - Is this a college? Is it supposed to be a college? This place looks amazing.\nThis place seems so futuristic, like, oh my God. What would the fees be here now? I'm jealous. Look at the seating arrangement. It is centralized AC. Oh my God, I'm so fucking jealous.", "audio50": "Ugh, I'm gonna struggle with this essay. I didn't wear any proper, my nipples are hard. It is very evident. Amazing. Imagine in between the session something like it's hard. Ooh, my nipples are getting hard literally.\nThe session just got over and everyone is so happy with it, including me, it's so fun. Oh, I loved it, man. They all came up to me saying, Joya chechi, idhuvare ithrayum fun ayitt oru session iranittille, ingane manasile session illayirunnu. So happy, oh yeah, I'm so happy.", "audio51": "I mean there were a lot of guys over here and one guy showed there there a speed about something. Uh one guy just came up to me and showed me some other person's phone and the question goes for and what do you like the most about the event? And then he was showing what his friend typed the speaker. Oh my God.\nI was not part of the subcom. I was not part of the Execom. I was not part of anything. Ha, but I got a free pass into this, he he he. It's because I had the promotion. I got the goodies. I got a Execom in unity t-shirt. Pinne I got a I got a mug. Pinne a lot of other things here.", "audio52": "Hey, wasn't it you who got a pro show ticket? When are you going, little one?", "audio53": "Okay, Kochu, I'll hit you, hit you, hit you, break you, and I'll stop you like that. How dare you be disrespectful? Hahaha.", "audio54": "Yeah, these people are providing dinner too. So I have to go eat dinner. After that I'll get to the hostel. Call me, okay?" }