▢◠◎◠▊ ▚◠▜◀◪◈◪▌◪▚ ▹◠◈◠◓ ◣▊◪◎▱◗ ◧▱◎◠◈◬◐▪▊◬ ◞◇▜▱◪◈◗▵
Wasn't important enough to waste a lot of time in court.
â–¿â–Šâ–Ÿâ–Š ◠◈◬▵▵▵
His name is...
â–¿â–Šâ–Ÿâ–Š ◠◈◬▵▵▵
We'll name her...
â–¿â–Šâ–Ÿâ–Š ◠◈◬▵▵▵
Her name...
â–¿â–Šâ–Ÿâ–Š ◠◈◬▵▵▵
'His name Merlin.'
◟◠▩◗■ â—‚â–Šâ–Ÿ ◀◹ ◳◭▢◈◪▊ ▫◚▫▟▚▱◠◎◠◈▪▱◠◓ ◎▪?
I mean, isn't that why they arrested him?
◀▟ ◍▩▢▎▱▎◓◗▊ ◎◪▊▢◗▱◗ ◫◉◪◓◫◞◗▊◈▎▵ ◝▟ ◍◭▢◪▱◪◓ ◠▫▎◒▱▎▊◎◪◈▎▊ ◞◠◈▎▌◪ ◀▮◒ ◈◠▚◫▚◠ ◇▊▌▎
are in range of these weapons and in the event of a launch would have only five minutes of warning
◎◹■ ▜◂▚◞◠ ◀◫◓◠▢ ◎◬ ◠▢◕◬▊◈◬?
Was she a lot or a little freaky?
▲▩▫◍▎▊ ◧◓◠◈◠ ◂▱◎◠▵
Please don't be here.
◝◫◓◗ ◞◗▩◗◓ ▚◓◫▢◗ ◕◪◉◗◓◗▻ ▚◚◓◠◀◗▜▎ ◗◞▫▎◈◗ ◈◗◳◪▱◗◎▵
Let's just say someone threw a huge tantrum and needed a cookie.
◒◠◓▞▱▪ ◈◗▢▎▱ ◀◗◓ ◎◂▫◧◓◠ ◞◠▷◗▻■ ◉◠▻ 5▵4■ â—žâ–«â—“â—‚â–š 6 ◗▩◉■ ◞◬▚▪◒▫◬◓◎◠ ◧◓◠▊◬ 18 ▮ 1■ ◚◪ 1■ 100 â—«â–Šâ—‰ â–šâ–©â–» ◈▎▻▱◠◞◎◠▊◬ ◚◠◓▵
It has a turbo-charged diesel engine, bore and stroke of 5.4 by 6 inches, a compression ratio of 18-to-1, and 1,100 cubic-inch displacement.
◱ ◞◪▊◫ ▚▎▊◈◫ ◠▜◠◓◬▊◈◠ ◈◠▩◞ ◪▫▫◗◓◪▌▎▚▵
She'll make you dance to her tunes.
▶▩◎ ◀▟▱◠◀◗▱◈◫◐◗▊ ◀▟ ◎◹?
Is that all you got?
◢◬◈▎◎◞◫▢ ◀◗◓ â— â–žâ— â–Šâ–ª ▎◐◫▫◗▜◧◓▟◎▵
I'm training a junior agent.
▶◠▊◓◬◎ ◪▱◗▊◈▎▊ ◳◫▜◪▌◪◐◫◎◫▢ ◀◹ ◠◓◎◠◐◠▊▱◠◓ ◗◉◫▊ ◀◫▢◫ â–šâ—šâ–«â—žâ— â–µ
Bless us, O Lord, for these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ, our Lord.
► ◅◂▹ ◣▢◪▱ ◀◗◓ ▚▟▫▱◠◎◠▵
- A really special one.
◆◭◉▱◭ ◧▱◎◠◞▪ â—•â–Žâ—“â–Žâ–šâ–µ â—…â–©â–Šâ–šâ—­ ◕◪▊◉ ▷◠▜◠▫◬▊▪▊ ◫▱▚
She'll need to be, because the race of her young life is sbout to begin.
◠◎◠ ▚▎◒◍▎◈◗▱◈◫◐◫ ◠▩ ◳◠▊▪▊◈◠◳◈◬◎▵
You know, the weird thing is, I was actually there when she got discovered.
◞◠▊▪◓◬◎ ◳◪◎▎▚ ▜◪◎◪▜◗ â–Ÿâ–Šâ—šâ–«â–«â–Ÿâ—Žâ–µ
I think I forgot to eat today.
◩◓◠◀◠◎ ◉◠▱◬◒◎◠▜▪▊▌◠ ◧▫◧◀◭◞◪ ◀◗▊◎◪▚ ▢◧◓◚▊◈◠ ▚◠▱◈◬◎▵
My car wouldn't start, so I had to take the bus.
▯▎◈▎▊ ◕◪◓◫ ◈◇▊▎▱◗◎?
Why would we go back?
▯◇◓◂▊ ▟▜◠◓▪◎▪ ◠◎◪▱◫▜◠▫▪▊◬ ◀◗◓ ◞◠◠▫ ◫◉◫▊◈▎ ▷◠▢▪◓▱◠◓▪▢▵
We'll have the neurostimulation prepped in about an hour.
◄◠▊▫▪▚▱▪ ◧▱!
Be reasonable!
◄◠▊▫▪▚▱▪ ◧▱!
Let's be reasonable!
◄◠▊▫▪▚▱▪ ◧▱!
- Be reasonable.
◄◠▊▫▪▚▱▪ ◧▱!
Think about it!
◝◚◓◠▜◠ ◈◠ ◕◠▢▎▫◪ ◕▎▫◫◓◗◓◈◗ ◇▜▱◪ ◎◫?
This was on his round?
◯▱▞◫◎◠◪'▜▱◪ ◀◫◓ ◧◳◚▊ ◧▜▊◠▜◠▌◠◐▪◎◬
You might have heard that I will play a game with Iljimae
◖◠◳▎▫ ◡▟▱◫◠'â–Šâ–ª ◀▟▱◚◓◞◠◎?
And if I did find your Julia?
◱ ◍◗◒◫ ◉▎▚▫◫▵
Surnow pulled the plug.
▶◠▚▫▪◐▪▊ ◒◹ ◞◠◠▫ ▷◠▚▚◬▊◈◠▵
About that watch you wear.
► ○◍◓◗▹◠'◈◠ ◎▪?
In Africa?
◅◪◚◫◓◗ ▱▩▫◍◪▊▵
Translation, please?
▯▎◍◞◗ ◎▩◈◠◍◠◠ ◂▱◈◚◐▟ ◠▻◠◉◬▚ ◂◓▫◠◈◠▵
It was obviously self-defense.
◊◉◫◎▎ ◀◧◒◠▱◎◠◞◠▊ ◫▜◗ ◪◈◪◓◞◗▊▵
You better not fuckin' cum in me.
◙◭▩ â—•â–©â–Šâ–©â–Šâ—­â–Š ▊◠◞▪▱ ◕▎◉▫◗◐◫▊◗ ◞◧◓◎◠◈▪◎▵
- l didn't ask you how your day went.
▮▎▊◫ ◇▱◈▩◓◎▎▚ ◗◞▫▎◎◗◳◧◓▟◎■ ▊◪◈▎▊ ◣▱◈▩◓▎▜◗◎ ▹◗?
I don't want to kill you, why would I?
► ▶◚▌▚▎◓ ▚◂▊◚◒▟▜◧◓▵
Tucker here.
◠▫▱◠◓◠ ▷◪▻ ◇▢▎▱ ◀◗◓ ◫▱◕◗◎ ◚◠◓◈◬▵
Always had a thing for unicorns.
▧▱◎▩◒ ◧▱◈▟◐◚▊◠ ◫▊◠▊◠◎◬▜◂◓◚◎▵
I just can't believe she's dead. But, uh...
○◳◓▪▌◠ ◀▟ ▚▎◞◗▊▱◫▚▱▎▵▵▵ â–·â–Žâ—“ ▮◞▹◗ ◞▎◚◕◗▱◗/◎◫◞◠◍◗◓◗▊ ◈▟◳◎◠▚ ◫◞▫▎▜▎▌▎◐◗ ◒◪▜◈◗◓▵
Actually, it's exactly what Every ex-boyfriend/houseguest wants to hear.
◝◪▊ ◈▮ ▫◠◎ ▜◠◒◠◎▱◠◓▪▊◬▊ ▩▮ ▢◠◎◠▊ ◞◂▩ ◀▟▱◈▟◐◚▊◚ ▷▎◞◠▻▱◬▜◧◓◈▟◎▵
I was just determining the time they expired.
◝◹▩◹ ◈◚▜◎◠▱▪◞◬▊▵
You have to hear this.
◝◹▩◈◠▩ ▊◠◞◬▱ ▚▟◓▫▟▱◠▌◠◐▪◎◬ ◞◣▜▱◪!
Tell me how to take it away.
▲◠◚◓◠ ▢◪▚◫ ▚▪▢◈◬◓▵
Laura's a smart girl.
◟◧▱◈◠ ▷◠◞▫◠▊◪▜◪ ◕◗◈◪◓▚◪▊ ◙◓▵ ◙◠▟◈◗▎◓'◗▩ ▫▟▫◚◳◧◓◈◚◎▵
Um, I was holding Dr. Daudier's hand on the way to the hospital.
► ◊▊▱◠▫◎◠◞◬▊◠ ◕◪◓▎▚ ◳◂▚▵
- She didn't have to.
► ▮▎▊ ▊◪◈▎▊ ◞◣▢ ▎◈◗◳◧◓◞▟▊?
- What are you talking about?
▫◠▚◬◎▪ ◌◓◪◈◈◳'◫▵▵▵ ◳◬▱▱◠◓◈◠▊ ◀▮◓◗ ◀◫▱◫◳◧◓▵
He and his team have had Freddy in their sights for years.
◝▮▩ ▶◠▊◓▪ ◳◧▱▟▊◈◠ ▜◭◓▩▜◂◓◚◎■ ◠◎◠ ▚◧◓▚◠◓▪◎ ◞▮▩ ▜◧▱▱◠◓◈◠ ▜▩◓▩◳◧◓◞▟▊▵
It is my path to God, but I see now that it might not be yours.
► ◝◫◓ ◒▎▜▱▎◓ ◈◭◒▩▊◎▎▱◫◳◗▢▵
We must think of something!
▯◗▊◠ ◠▹◒◠◎ ◞◠◠▫▱▎◓◗▊◈◪ ◠▌◬◈◠▊ ◒◫▚◠◳◪▫◉◗▜◈◗▵
Nina was complaining of pain earlier in the evening.
◘▩ ◭◞▫ â–šâ— â–«â— â–  ◈◂▚▫◧◓▵
All the way up, doctor,
▭◧▥◠◓◈'▪▊ ◗▩◒◠ ▎▫▫◫◐◫ ◠▱▎▫►
The device that Howard built...
▮◗▚▫◗◐◗◎◫▊ ◂◓◧◞▻▟◞◚!
Fucking bitch!
◆▎▱◗▊■ ▷◧◒ ◕◪▱◈◫▊◫▢■ ▷◂◒ ◕▎▱◈◫▊◫▢▵
Come, welcome, welcome.
◘◚◪▫■ ▶◠◓◞◚◞'◠ ◚◠◓◈▪◐▪◎ ▢◠◎◠▊ ▜◠▊◬◎◈◠ ◳◭▢ ▹◗◒◗ ◧▱◠▌◠▚▵
Yes, by the time I get to Tarsus, I will have a hundred followers.
▭◠▜◠▫▪▊ ◈◗◐◪◓ ▚◬◞◎▪▊◬ ▜◠◒◠◎◠▚ ◕◗◀◗▵
It's like getting into a part.
◢▪▱▪▌▪ ▚◂▱◚▊ ◕◫◀◗ ▚▟▱▱◠▊!
The strength of a sword is measured by the arm that wields it!
◩◎◠ ◀▩▜▩▚◀◠◀◠◎ ◳◠▚▱◠◒◬▚ â——â–šâ—« ◞◠◠▫ ◣▊▌◪ ◇▱◈▩▵
But my grandfather died about two hours ago.
▭◪◓ ▊▎▜◞◪ ▹◧▩◹ ◒◹ ▹◗ ◂▜▟▊▌▟▱◠◓ ◀◠▩◠ â—‚â–Šâ–Ÿ ▷◠▫◬◓▱◠▫◬◳◂◓▵
Anyway, the point is, some of the players remind me of him.
◆▎◓◉◪▚◞◠◈◠▚◠▫◫▊◗▢ ◄◪◈◗▌◫ ▷◠▊◪◞◫▊◪◈◫◓■ ◢◠▻▫◠▊▵
Your true loyalty is to the Medicis, Captain.
▲◧◓◈◚◎; ◀◪▊◫■ ◀◫◓ ◳◠▫◬◓◬◎◬◎◬▢▱◠ ◫▱▎ ◫▱◕◗▱◗ ◀◭◳◭▚ ◀◗◓ ▚◠◓◎◠◒◬▚▱◬▚▱◠ ▚◠◓◒▪▱◠◒◎◬◒ ◧▱◠◀◗▱▎▌◪◐◗◎◫▢ ◞◧▊◚▌▟▊◠ ◕◇▫◭◓▎▊ ◀◫◓ ◓◠▻◂◓ ◠▱◈◬◎▵
My lord, I have received a report that leads me to conclude we may have encountered a grave complication with one of our assets.
► ◝▮▩◗ ◞◚▜◠ ◞◂▚◎◠◳◬▊!
- Don't make me come in the water.
◢◂◒◠◓◠▚ ▚◠◉▫◬◎■ ◚▮ ▚▎▊◈◗◎◫ â–«â— â—šâ— â–Š ◠◓◠◞◬▊◠ ◞◠▚▱◠◈◬◎▵
I rushed back here and hid myself in the attic.
▮◪▊ ▻◂▱◫◞◗▊ ◀◗◓◫◳▱◪ ◠◓▚◠◈◠◒▱◬▚ ▎◈◫▜◧◓◞◚▊▵
And you... How could you even be friends with one?
► ◖◇▜▱▎ ◧▫▟◓◠▱◬◎▵
Go ahead, have a seat.
◧▱ â—žâ–Žâ–Šâ—« ◞◪◚▎▌◪◐◫ ◀▎▱▱◗▵
▭▮◓ â—’â–Žâ–œ ◀◪▊◗ ◈▎▱◗◓▫◗◳◧◓▵
This whole thing is making me crazy.
◚◠◓■ â—’â–Ÿ ◠▩ ▢◠▜▪◍◞▪▊▵
You need blood, you're weak right now.
◛▱▟ â—Šâ–Ÿâ—•â—šâ—žâ–«â—šâ—žâ–  ▀◂◎◠'▊◬▊ ◗▱▚ ▟▱◚ ◫◎▻◠◓◠▫◂◓◚■ ▊◠◞◬▱ ◧▱▟◓ ◈◠ ▀◂◎◠'▊▪▊ ◚◪ ▫◭◎ ◈◭▊▜◠▊◬▊ ▎▊◈◫◒▎ ▎▫▫◫◐◫ ◕◫◀◫ ▚◠▱▪▊▫▪ ◂▱◠◓◠▚ ▚◠▱◠▌◠◐▪▊◬ ▷◠◳◠▱ ▎◈◪◀◗▱◫◓?
The great Augustus, Rome's first true great emperor how could he have imagined that Rome the whole world, as far as he was concerned, would be in ruins?
◝◹ ▜▩▢◈◪▊ ▚◠▱▻ ▚◓◗▢◫ ◕◪◉◗◓◪◀◗▱◫◓◞◗▊▵
You're going to give yourself a heart attack.
▶◂◓◧▊▫◧'◈◠ ▚▎▊◈◫ ◞◪◓◀▎◞▫ ▷◪▚◫◎▱◫◐◗◎◗ ◠◉◎◠◳◠ ▹◠◓◠◓ ◚▎◓◈◗◎▵
I've decided to set up my own private practice here in Toronto.
▮◪▱◠◎▵ ◝◹ ◞◪▊◫▊ ◇▢◕▎◉◎◫◒◫▊ ◎◗?
Hi, is that your resume?
◚▮ ◈◧◐◠◀◫▱◪▌▎▚ ◈◠▷◠ ▚◣▫▩ ◞◧▊▟◉▱◠◓◠ ▚◠▫▱◠▊◎◠▚ ▢◧◓▟▊◈◠ ▚◠▱◠▌◠▚▱◠◓▵
Neglect this and abide by the consequences... which shall be worse than than the rust in the wheat.
◅◂▌◚▚▱◠◓ ◫◉◗▊ ▚◂▻▜◠◞▪▊◬ ◠▱◈◬◎▵
I made a carbon copy for the kids.
▶▩◍◪◐◗ ◠▫▎◒▱▎▜◪▊ ▚◗◎◈◫?
Who fired that musket ball?
◝◫▱◎◪▚ ◳◠◒◠◎◠▚▫◠▊ ◈◠▷◠ ◍◠◓▚▱▪▵
Knowing's different than living it.
◢◠▻▪▱◠◓◬▊◠ ▚◂◒◠◀◗▱◪▌◪◐◗◎◫▢ ◀◫◓ â— â–Šâ–Šâ—ª ◀◠◀◠◎▪▢
There's no running to mom and dad.
"◀◠◓◬▊ ▎◚▱▎▊◞◪▚ ▊◠◞◬▱ ◧▱◚◓?" ◈◫◳◪
"What if we got married tomorrow?"
◑◗▌▫◂◓◫◠■ ◰◈◕◪ ◧◍ ▶◧◎◂◓◓◂▥'◈◠ ◀▟ ◧▱◈◚◐◚▊◈◠ â–Šâ—ª ◉▎◒◫▫ ◀◗◓ ◈▎▱◫▱◫▚ ◳◠▻▫◬◐◬▊◬ ◞◇◳▱▎◞▎▊◪▵
Victoria, tell me what crazy thing you did on Edge of Tomorrow when this situation came up.
â—°â—žâ–šâ—« ◀◫◓ ▀▟◞◞▚◫ ▀◆►6 ◪▱ ◀◂◎◀◠◞▪ ◍▪◓▱◠▫◬▌◬◞▪▵
An old Russki RG-6 grenade launcher. Whoa.
◘◚◓◪▊◪ ◀◇▜▱◪◞◫▊◪ ◎▟▫▱◠▚▪▜◪▫◉◗ ◀◫◓ ◀◠▚◬◒ ◠◉▪◞▪■ ◞◗▢◫ ◈◪ ◪▊◈◫◒▎▱◪▊◈◫◓◎◗◳◂◓ â—Žâ–Ÿâ–  ◓◠▷◫◀▎?
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe?
◆◣▢◭◎▱▎ ◕◇◓◎▮▹ ◫◞▫◗▜◧◓◚◎▵
I need visual confirmation.
►◄◗▊◞▚'◪ ◎◗ ◕◗◈◗▜◧◓◞◚▊?
- Oh, you're going to Minsk?
◈◂▱◠◓ ◚▮ ▚◫◓▱◗ ◉◂▌◚▚ ◀◪▢◗!
Eighteen ratty dollars and a filthy diaper...
◝▟ ◫◒▱▎◓◈▎ ◗▜◗▜◫◎◈◫◓■ ◰◈■ ◀◚▊▟ ▜◠▻◠◀◫▱◪▌◪▚ ▹◠◈◠◓ ◗▜◫ ◎◗▜◫◎ ◀◫▱◎◗▜◧◓◚◎▵
I'm good, Ed, but I don't know if I'm that good.
◈▩◒▩▊◭◳◂◓◞◠▊◬▢▵▵ ▯◠◞▪▱ ◀◫◓◒▎▜ ◀◚▱◠◒▫◬◐◬▊◬▢ ▚◧▊▟◞▟▊◈◠ ▷◫◉◀◗◓ ◍◗▚◓◗▊◗▢ ◳◂▚ ◈▎◎◪▚▫◫◓▵
If you're trying to push me you have no idea who you're dealing with.
▿▊◈◠▊ ◞◂▩◓◠ ◕◗◈▎▌▎◐◫▢▵
And then we'll move on.
◢◫▫◠◀▪▊ ◞◠◳◍◠▱◠◓▪ ◠◓◠◞▪▊◈◠ ◓◠▷◠▫▱◬◐◬ ◀▟▱◈◚▚▱◠◓◬▊◈◠■ ▌▷◠◧◞ ◧◓▫◠◳◠ ◉◬▚◠▌◠▚▵
They will find comfort in the bosom of the book. Then there will be chaos.
◈▮ â—žâ–Žâ–Šâ—«â–Š ◗◉◗▩ ▎◈◫◳◂◓▟◎ ◆▱▎▊▊▵
I pray for you, Dina. I pray for you, too, Glenn.
◢▪◓◎◬▢◬ ▫◠▚▚◪▊◫▊ ▷â▱â â–·â—­â–šâ—Žâ—­ ◚◠◓ ◎◬?
Is the red hat still of any value?
▭◠▜▪◓■ ▷▎◓▚◪◞ ◕◠▜▎▫ ◗▜◗▵
Sure. No, everybody's fine.
▮▎◉◎▎ ◒◠▊◞▪◎◬▢ ◳◂▚▵
We have no choice.
â—Ÿâ— â–Šâ—« â–šâ—«â—Ž ◀◗▱◫◓?
I mean, who knows?
► ◝◠◒ ▶▩▌▌◠◓■ ▱◭▫◍▎▊▵
- Please, Head Merchant.
◟◠◓▪▊■ â–Žâ—“â–«â–Žâ—žâ—« â—•â—­â–Šâ–µ
Tomorrow. The next day.
► ▭◠▻◫◞▷◠▊▎ ◕◫◀◫▵ ◩◎◠ ▎◐▱◪▊▌◪▱◫
Sorta like prison, but it'll be fun.
◘▩ ◠▢◬▊◈◠▊ ◂▩◈◠▩ ◕▎◓◗◳▎ ▚◠▱◠▊▱◠◓◬▊▵
At least what is left of it.
► ◝◠▩◠ ◗▱◕◫ ◈▮ ▩▮ ◀◇◳▱◪? ◝◠▩◠ ◀◠▚◠▊▵▵▵
Everyone's gonna stare.