The reception of North has varied since its publication. It is Heaney's most controversial volume. A number of critics have received the volume positively. Helen Vendler, for example, labeled it "One of the few unforgettable single volumes published in English since the modernist era" and later as "one of the crucial poetic intervention of the twentieth century". Conor Cruise O'Brien wrote, "I had the uncanny feeling, reading these poems, of listening to the thing itself, the actual substance of historical agony and dissolution, the tragedy of a people in a place: the Catholics of Northern Ireland". Seamus Deane also responded positively to the volume, finding that the poems "interrogate the quality of the relationship between the poet and his mixed political and literary tradition". For Deane, this volume is less about politics than it is about the relationship of the poet to politics and the demand placed on Heaney for a political commitment. Other critics, however, have been less comfortable with Heaney's approach to violence and politics. Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin noted, relatively benignly, a "lack of ironic awareness" in North, identifying that lack as a limitation of the volume. Others leveled harsher criticism at Heaney's use of violent images from the past as metaphors for contemporary political violence. Notably, Ciaran Carson dismissed the volume and its positive reviews. In his review, he writes, "Everyone was anxious that North should be a great book; when it turned out it wasn't, it was treated as one anyway, and made into an Ulster '75 Exhibition of the Good that can come out of Troubled Times" Carson's primary critique is Heaney's blending of past and present, noting that "the real difference between our society and that of Jutland in some vague past are glossed over". Because of this, Carson saw Heaney in this volume as "the laureate of violence--a mythmaker, an anthropologist of ritual killing, an apologist for 'the situation,' in the last resort, a mystifier". In agreement with Carson, Edna Longley saw the volume as a misguided foray into political poetry. She writes, "North does not give the impression of the urgent 'mater of Ireland' bursting through the confines of 'the well-made poem'. Heaney's most 'artful' book, it stylises and distances what was immediate and painful in Wintering Out". She goes on to suggest that in the volume, Heaney "pluck[s] the heart out of his mystery and serve[s] it up as a quasi-political mystique". North has continued to receive positive and negative criticism, and it remains among Heaney's most important volumes. After Heaney's death in 2013, The Telegraph published an article listing Heaney's ten best poems, selecting three poems from North for the list, and scholarship continues to be published with a focus on this volume.
Elizabeth's stepson, "Silken Thomas" and her five brothers-in-law were executed for rebellion at Tyburn in 1537. Her own brother Leonard Grey, 1st Viscount Grane, the incumbent Lord Deputy of Ireland had put down the rebellion. Her eldest daughter, Elizabeth was sent to the household of Princess Mary at Hunsdon, and it was during that time that the poet Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey would immortalise the ten-year-old girl as "The Fair Geraldine" in his sonnet, The Geraldine which he wrote while he was briefly imprisoned for striking a courtier. Her eldest son, Gerald, who could not succeed to the earldom of Kildare as a result of its having been forfeited to the Crown, immediately went on the run in Ireland, where in County Tyrconnell, along with other disgruntled clans, formed the Geraldine League. When the federation was defeated in Monaghan in 1539, he fled to the Continent. As a result of Gerald's successful escape, Leonard Grey was attainted and executed for High Treason in July 1541 at the Tower of London by the orders of Henry VIII. Gerald first went to France, and then Italy, where he would remain until his return to England in 1548, in the company of Elizabeth's chaplain. He was received at court by the new King, Edward VI, who returned his confiscated lands. He succeeded to the title of 11th Earl of Kildare in 1554 in the reign of Queen Mary. After a career of fluctuating fortunes, he died in London in 1585, technically a free man but forbidden to return home to Ireland. Elizabeth Grey died on an unknown date sometime after 1548.
GGPO uses a netcode technique called “rollback”. Rather than waiting for input to be received from other players before simulating the next frame, GGPO predicts the inputs they will send and simulates the next frame without delay using that assumption. When other players’ inputs arrive, if any input didn’t match the prediction, GGPO rolls back the state of the game to the last correct state, then replays all players’ revised inputs back until the current frame. The hope is that the predictions will be correct most of the time, allowing smooth play with minimal sudden changes to the game state. The system in itself is highly similar to client-side prediction, but applied to a peer-to-peer setup. The client program can allow players to manually adjust latency in high-ping situations, either creating a possibly-jerky yet accurate representation or a smoother game with input delay.
Nicholas Scratch is the son of Agatha Harkness and was a resident of the hidden community of New Salem, Colorado, a secret community populated by magic users. Agatha left the reclusive community to live among normal people, and in time even became nanny to Franklin Richards, son of Reed and Sue Richards of the Fantastic Four. Scratch fathered seven children, who would come to be known as Salem's Seven. Scratch, now a warlock, became the leader of New Salem, and brought the community to believe that it had been betrayed by Harkness through her dealings with the outside world. The New Salem witches then abducted Agatha for her trial and execution. They also abducted Franklin Richards in the process, which then caused the Fantastic Four to follow them back to New Salem. Although initially defeated and captured, the Four escaped and confronted Scratch at Harkness's trial, where all of the New Salem community was present. They countered Scratch's claims against Harkness by explaining that they hadn't known of New Salem until Scratch's actions made them aware of it. Outraged, Scratch attacked, swaying the community against him. The New Salem community then exiled him and banished him to a dimension known as the Dark Realm. From the Dark Realm, Scratch restored the Salem's Seven's powers and took mental control of the Fantastic Four. He attempted a world conquest, but was thwarted and confined to the Dark Realm by Agatha Harkness. From the Dark Realm, he later took mental possession of Franklin Richards. He had Salem's Seven take over New Salem, but was defeated by Agatha Harkness and Gabriel, Devil Hunter. Scratch's powers were removed by Harkness, leaving him as a normal human being. Agatha Harkness eventually disowned Scratch as her son. Later, after the destruction of New Salem, Scratch resurfaced in the town of Centerville as "Mayor Nicholas." The whole town of Centerville and all of its inhabitants had entered a contract as an amusement park version of "America's Heartland Next-Door." When Patsy Walker returned to visit her hometown, she discovered that the town's whole population was possessed by demons. A team composed of Avengers and Thunderbolts helped clear the town, which was apparently being victimized by a convoluted conspiracy composed of the amusement park developers, the Sons of the Serpent, and Salem's Seven. After defeating them, the Avengers/Thunderbolts team departed but Patsy elected to remain in Centerville. Soon Patsy discovered that Scratch was the mastermind behind the ongoing haunting of Centerville. She defeated him and accused him of serving Mephisto, but in reply Scratch called down his true new master Dormammu. Abducting Hellcat, Dormammu then revealed his plans for domination via conquest of Hell, and that Scratch would become Sorcerer Supreme. Dormammu's plans were later defeated by the other Hell Lords causing Hell to freeze over. Dormammu then fled with Scratch. Scratch had not been seen until he was featured in The Resurrection of Nicholas Scratch three-part storyline in Marvel Knights 4 where Scratch manipulated Salem's Seven and the Fantastic Four into releasing Shuma-Gorath only for the Fantastic Four, Diablo, Doctor Strange, and his own children to defeat him and Shuma-Gorath. Scratch was banished to Hell, where he made an alliance with Mephisto.
In 1982, Apple officials looked outside the company and indeed the country for a designer who could help them establish the firm as a world-class company. Snow White refers to the seven projects code-named after the Seven Dwarves on which the new design language was to be applied. Several designers were courted by Apple under the Snow White project to see what they would come up with for the seven products (of which there were actually eight). The winner ultimately was Esslinger and the resulting style assumed the project's code name. The Apple IIc computer, and its peripherals, were the first Snow White design. Initially, Snow White debuted in a creamy off-white color known at Apple as "Fog" but later other products moved to the warm gray "Platinum" color, lighter than the previous Apple "Putty" color, used throughout the Apple product line from 1987 on. Esslinger favored a bright-white color originally for the IIc, but Jerry Manock successfully argued that it would attract fingerprints. Nevertheless, Esslinger detested the original Apple beige color and insisted all Snow White-styled products use the same off-white color as the IIc. Until the change to Platinum, no Snow White designs appeared in any other color, except for the Hard Disk 20SC in order to better match the beige color of the Macintosh Plus beneath which it was designed to sit. Beginning in 1990, the Apple Industrial Design Group gradually altered and phased out the use of the Snow White language.
Staddlethorpe station was opened by the Hull and Selby Railway in 1840. The original facilities included a water station, with a 1,250,000 imperial gallons (5,700 m³) reservoir and pumping engine. In 1842 a train guard slipped in wet weather, falling off the platform under moving coal wagons, resulting in very serious injuries leading to his death. In 1850 a train from Hull to Normanton had one of its engine's boilers explode near the station. Both the driver and fireman were badly scalded, and the fireman broke a leg. In 1869 the Hull and Doncaster Branch opened, branching south-westwards from a junction just west of the station. At around the end of the 19th century a goods shed, and sidings serving a creosote works were established south of the station. In the same period the line through here and on towards Brough was increased to four tracks. The reservoir was filled in in 1903. In 1987, the platform loop lines were removed (reducing the line to two tracks again) and the platforms themselves extended outwards to reach the remaining running lines. The works and area south of the station was redeveloped as an industrial estate in the 1970. The station had been known as Staddlethorpe prior to 1974 when it became known as Gilberdyke station. In 2006 a planning application was accepted for the demolition of the goods shed and the erection of three industrial units split into eighteen smaller business units.
Her literary output was interrupted until 1873 when she resumed activity with Bed-time Stories, the first of a series of volumes, including Firelight Stories (1883) and Stories told at Twilight (1890). Meanwhile, she had taken an important place in American literary society, writing regular critiques for the New York Tribune from 1870 to 1876. Serving as the paper's Boston literary correspondent, she wrote a series of interesting letters concerning the literary life of Boston, giving advance reviews of new books and telling of the affairs of the Radical Club. In all the six years during which these letters appeared, she never made in them any unkind statement, or wrote a sentence that could cause pain. Through all her critical work, she has exercised a tender regard for the feelings of others, as well as great generosity of praise, preferring rather to be silent than to utter an unkindness. Her first voyage to Europe was made in January 1876. Pausing in London long enough to see Queen Victoria open Parliament in person for the first time after the Prince Consort's death, she hastened through Paris on her way to Rome to view old palaces, gardens, and galleries, touched to tears by Pope Pius IX's benediction, enjoying the hospitality of the studios of Elihu Vedder, John Rollin Tilton, and others, and of the gracious and charming social life of Rome. Her descriptions of all this, overflowing with the sensitiveness to beauty which was a part of her nature, made her Random Rambles interesting reading. After Rome, she visited Florence, and then Venice, and then again Paris, and again London and the London season. Entertained by Lord Houghton, she met Robert Browning and Algernon Charles Swinburne, George Eliot, Alexander William Kinglake, Theodore Watts-Dunton, and others, seeing especially a great deal of Browning who said, "Her voice, wherein all sweetnesses abide," having as much to do with all this as her literary excellence. In the winter of 1876, the Macmillans brought out her first volume of Poems (renamed Swallow flights in the English edition of 1877), which was highly praised by the critics. The Examiner spoke of the power and originality of the verses, of the music and the intensity as surpassing any verse of George Eliot's, declaring that the sonnet entitled "One Dread" might have been written by Sir Philip Sidney. The Athenaeum also dwelt on the vivid and subtle imagination and delicate loveliness of these verses and their perfection of technique. The Academy spoke warmly of their felicity of epithet, their healthiness, their suggestiveness, their imaginative force pervaded by the depth and sweetness of perfect womanhood. The Tattler pronounced her a mistress of form and of artistic perfection, saying also that England had no poet in such full sympathy with woods and winds and waves, finding in her the one truly natural singer in an age of aesthetic imitation. "She gives the effect of the sudden note of the thrush," it said. "She is as spontaneous as Walther von der Vogelweide. The Times, The Morning Post, the Literary World, all welcomed the book with equally warm praise, and The Pall Mall Gazette spoke of her lyrical feeling as like that which gave a unique charm to Heinrich Heine's songs. She had met very few of these critics, and their cordial recognition was as surprising to her as it was delightful. Among the innumerable letters which she received, filled with admiring warmth, were some from Matthew Arnold, Henry Austin Dobson, Frederick Locker, and William Bell Scott. Her songs were set to music by Francesco Berger and Lady Charlesmont, and later on by Margaret Ruthven Lang, Arthur Foote, Ethelbert Nevin, and many others. Marston wrote her, "Much as we all love and admire your work, it seems to me we have not yet fully realized the unostentatious loveliness of your lyrics, as fine for lyrics as your best sonnets are for sonnets. 'How Long' struck me more than ever. The first verse is eminently characteristic of you, exhibiting in a very marked degree what runs through nearly all of your poems, the most exquisite and subtle blending of strong emotion with the sense of external nature. It seems to me this perfect poem is possessed by the melancholy yet tender music of winds sighing at twilight, in some churchyard, through old trees that watch beside silent graves. Then nothing can be more subtly beautiful than the closing lines of the sonnet, 'In Time to Come':— "'Which was it spoke to you, the wind or I? I think you, musing, scarcely will have heard.'" Marston wrote her again concerning "The House of Death" that it was one of the most beautiful, the most powerful poems he knew. "No poem gives me such an idea of the heartlessness of Nature. The poem is Death within and Summer without—light girdling darkness—and it leaves a picture and impression on the mind never to be effaced." The poem of "The House of Death" is unequalled in its tragic beauty and sweetness. It was apropos of this volume that in one of his letters to her Robert Browning said he had closed the book with music in his ears and flowers before his eyes, and not without thoughts across his brain. And it was concerning a later poem, "Laus Veneris," inspired by a painting of his own, that Edward Burne-Jones said it made him work all the more confidently and was a real refreshment. One of Moulton's most appreciative, scholastic, and discriminating critics was Professor John Meiklejohn. He has said with authority that she deserved to be classed with the best Elizabethan lyricists in her lyrics,—with Robert Herrick and Thomas Campion and Shakespeare,—while in her sonnets she might rightly take a place with John Milton and William Wordsworth and Christina Rossetti. "I cannot tell you how keen and great enjoyment (sometimes even rapture)," he wrote her, "I have got out of your exquisite lyrics." In a series of "Notes," following the poems, line by line, he asserted that the poet won her success by the simplest means and plainest words, as true genius always does, and that her pages were full of emotional and imaginative meaning, Nature and Poetry uniting in an indissoluble whole; and Shelley himself, he said, would have been proud to own certain of the lines. The poem "Quest" he found so beautiful that, in his own words, it was "difficult to speak of it in perfectly measured and unexaggerated language." Of the poem "Wife to Husband" he said that "the tenderness, the sweet and compelling rhythm, are worthy of the best Elizabethan days." The sonnet, "A Summer's Growth," "unites," he says, the "passion of such Italian poets as Dante with the imagination of modern English." This was in relation to her first volume, "Swallow Flights"; and in conclusion he said: "This poet must look for her brothers in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries among the noble and intense lyrists. Her insight, her subtlety, her delicacy, her music, are hardly matched, and certainly not surpassed by Herrick or Campion or Crashaw or Carew or Herbert or Vaughan."
The Arizona Informant was started by brothers Cloves C. Campbell Sr. and Charles R. Campbell in 1971. The brothers began the newspaper as a response to the lack of information the African American residents of Arizona were given. Cloves C. Campbell Sr. was the first black state senator for the state and spent his ten years in legislature fighting for the civil rights movement. Charles R. Campbell was an educator who had a master's degree in public administration and his doctorate in higher education. When the brothers started up the newspaper they chose to utilize it by creating a voice for the black community and remain informed on the matters of the community
The C6 Atlantic was designed as a high-wing monoplane, four-seat executive tourer, powered by a 185 hp (138 kW) Continental E-185-10 piston engine and based on the Auster J/5T with a tricycle landing gear and other modern items such as control wheels. One aircraft was built which, as a fitted out fuselage registered G-APHT, was statically displayed at the 1957 SBAC Show at Farnborough. Subsequently a pair of Autocrat wings were fitted and early flight tests were encouraging. However, these flights were curtailed by a nose leg collapse due to an inferior nosewheel strut which had been fitted only for the static display and not replaced with the correct item before the first flight. Although the airframe was repaired and modified, the directors considered the future of the Atlantic at length. An estimate was prepared of the projected development costs and this totalled in excess of £100,000, so that the break-even point required the sale of 300 aircraft. Since maximum sales were envisaged as probably 100 at the most, and with no outside financial help, development was reluctantly abandoned. The sole aircraft was stored until being brought out of storage in 1960 for comparison with the proposed Auster D.8; since production of the C.6 would have required the manufacture of new jigs, the D.8 was pursued instead, ultimately becoming the Beagle Airedale.
Unlike the Japanese, who drastically altered their tactics for the upcoming battle, the American invasion plan was unchanged from that of previous amphibious landings, even after suffering 3,000 casualties and two months of delaying tactics against the entrenched Japanese defenders at the Battle of Biak. On Peleliu, American planners chose to land on the southwest beaches because of their proximity to the airfield on South Peleliu. The 1st Marine Regiment, commanded by Colonel Lewis B. (Chesty) Puller, was to land on the northern end of the beaches. The 5th Marine Regiment, under Colonel Harold D. Harris, would land in the center, and the 7th Marine Regiment, under Col. Herman H. Hanneken, would land at the southern end. The division's artillery regiment, the 11th Marines under Col. William H. Harrison, would land after the infantry regiments. The plan was for the 1st and 7th Marines to push inland, guarding the 5th Marines left and right flank, and allowing them to capture the airfield located directly to the center of the landing beaches. The 5th Marines were to push to the eastern shore, cutting the island in half. The 1st Marines would push north into the Umurbrogol, while the 7th Marines would clear the southern end of the island. Only one battalion was left behind in reserve, with the U.S. Army's 81st Infantry Division available for support from Angaur, just south of Peleliu. On September 4, the Marines shipped off from their station on Pavuvu, just north of Guadalcanal, a 2,100-mile (3,400 km) trip across the Pacific to Peleliu. A U.S. Navy's Underwater Demolition Team went in first to clear the beaches of obstacles, while Navy warships began their pre-invasion bombardment of Peleliu on September 12. The battleships Pennsylvania, Maryland, Mississippi, Tennessee and Idaho, heavy cruisers Indianapolis, Louisville, Minneapolis and Portland, and light cruisers Cleveland, Denver and Honolulu, led by the command ship Mount McKinley, subjected the tiny island, only 6 sq mi (16 km²) in size, to a massive three-day bombardment, pausing only to permit air strikes from the three aircraft carriers, five light aircraft carriers, and eleven escort carriers with the attack force. A total of 519 rounds of 16 in (410 mm) shells, 1,845 rounds of 14 in (360 mm) shells and 1,793 500 lb (230 kg) bombs were dropped on the islands during this period. The Americans believed the bombardment to be successful, as Rear Admiral Jesse Oldendorf claimed that the Navy had run out of targets. In reality, the majority of the Japanese positions were completely unharmed. Even the battalion left to defend the beaches was virtually unscathed. During the assault, the island's defenders exercised unusual firing discipline to avoid giving away their positions. The bombardment managed only to destroy Japan's aircraft on the island, as well as the buildings surrounding the airfield. The Japanese remained in their fortified positions, ready to attack the American landing troops.
The O'Sheas also worked on several other projects. One of the O'Sheas carved statues for St Mary's church in Rhyl, Wales. One also worked for the architect J.F. Bentley, who described his attitude as "unbearable". Thomas Deane later employed Whelan to work in Oxford on the Meadow Building and at the Fleet Street Crown Life Office. Thomas Woolner, a sculptor also involved in the Oxford project, employed James O'Shea to create carvings for his home. The O'Sheas and Whelan went on to work with Woolner and the architect Alfred Waterhouse in the design of the Manchester assize courts, producing a series of capitals depicting gruesome forms of punishment in history. Though the original building was demolished following bomb damage in World War Two, the carvings survive in the replacement building. James O'Shea returned to Ireland to work in Callan as a monumental sculptor, specialising in Celtic crosses and establishing a new firm with his son Edward. A fine example of this work is the Celtic cross in memory of the children's author Talbot Baines Reed, which stands at Abney Park Cemetery in Stoke Newington, London.
Action Comics #850 presents the latest revision of Superman's origin, containing many subtle retcons to Superman: Birthright, the latest major revision of Superman's continuity. The current version indicates that Krypto was indeed the El family dog from the real Krypton (as in the Silver Age), showing an identical white dog present at Kal-El's birth. Although Action #850 does not deal with the specifics of how this dog was sent to Earth or when he arrived (Krypto is not clearly shown in any of the brief scenes of Clark's childhood), subsequent issues of the Superman title have contained references to Krypto being around when he was "young". Both inclusions retconned the origin of the current Krypto hailing from an ersatz Krypton and debuting during Superman's adulthood. Some time later, a back-up feature in Action Comics Annual #11, written by Geoff Johns, finally clarified the details of the "New Earth" origin of Krypto: "The Kryptonian canine of the House of El, Krypto was sent in a small prototype rocket created by Jor-El. Lost for years, Krypto was eventually found and rescued by Clark when he was a boy." This retcon brings the modern Krypto almost identically in line with the original Silver Age version. Krypto goes missing for over a year following the death of his previous owner Conner Kent, but Superman is unable to devote much time to search for him, having himself been without powers for much of that time. Krypto responds to the call from Jimmy Olsen's makeshift signal watch and makes his return. Krypto is quick to defend Jimmy who along with Superman fall under attack, and is badly injured as a result. Jimmy takes Krypto back to his apartment, and nurses the injured dog back to health. Superman later decides to let Krypto stay with Jimmy when he realizes that Krypto has always preferred the company of younger people, such as himself as a child and Kon-El. Jimmy gives Krypto the secret identity of "Pal", a play on the old Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen title.
The film, advertised by Pathé Frères as a féerie fantastique enfantine, was announced in Ciné-Journal on 8 February 1913, and ran at the Omnia Pathé cinema in Paris from the 21st to the 27th of the month. Jack Zipes, in a description of the film, notes that "Méliès appears to have run out of steam and joy in this last twenty-minute féerie. There are very few comic touches … Nevertheless, [it] is a tightly-knit fairy-tale film that shows Méliès as a nimble master." Zipes adds that the film may have autobiographical overtones, with the individualistic innovator Méliès attempting to defend his style from "the dark forces of corporate filmmaking."
Assange wrote on WikiLeaks in February 2016: "I have had years of experience in dealing with Hillary Clinton and have read thousands of her cables. Hillary lacks judgement and will push the United States into endless, stupid wars which spread terrorism. ...  she certainly should not become president of the United States." In July 2017, during an interview by Amy Goodman, Julian Assange said that choosing between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is like choosing between cholera or gonorrhea. "Personally, I would prefer neither." WikiLeaks editor, Sarah Harrison, has stated that the site is not choosing which damaging publications to release, rather releasing information that is available to them. In an Election Day statement, Assange criticized both Clinton and Trump, saying that "The Democratic and Republican candidates have both expressed hostility towards whistleblowers." In conversations that were leaked in February 2018, Assange expressed a preference for a Republican victory in the 2016 election, saying that "Dems+Media+liberals woudl [sic] then form a block to reign [sic] in their worst qualities. With Hillary in charge, GOP will be pushing for her worst qualities, dems+media+neoliberals will be mute.". Having released information that exposed the inner workings of a broad range of organisations and politicians, WikiLeaks started by 2016 to focus almost exclusively on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. In the 2016 US presidential election, WikiLeaks only exposed material damaging to the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton. WikiLeaks even rejected the opportunity to publish unrelated leaks, because it dedicated all its resources to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. According to The New York Times, WikiLeaks timed one of its large leaks so that it would happen on the eve of the Democratic Convention. The Washington Post noted that the leaks came at an important sensitive moment in the Clinton campaign, as she was preparing to announce her vice-presidential pick and unite the party behind her. The Sunlight Foundation, an organisation that advocates for open government, said that such actions meant that WikiLeaks was no longer striving to be transparent but rather sought to achieve political goals. WikiLeaks explained its actions in a 2017 statement to Foreign Policy: "WikiLeaks schedules publications to maximize readership and reader engagement. During distracting media events such as the Olympics or a high profile election, unrelated publications are sometimes delayed until the distraction passes but never are rejected for this reason." On 7 October 2016, an hour after the media had begun to dedicate wall-to-wall coverage of the revelation that Trump had bragged on video about sexually harassing women, WikiLeaks began to release emails hacked from the personal account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. CNN notes that due to extensive coverage of the Trump tapes, the leaks were an "afterthought" in news coverage. Podesta suggested that the emails were timed to deflect attention from the Trump tapes. In 2010, Donald Trump called WikiLeaks "disgraceful" and suggested that the "death penalty" should be a punishment for WikiLeaks' releases of information. Following the dump of e-mails hacked from the Hillary Clinton campaign, Donald Trump told voters, "I love WikiLeaks!" Trump made many references to WikiLeaks during the course of the campaign; by one estimate, he referenced disclosures by WikiLeaks over 160 times in speeches during the last 30 days of the campaign. In October 2017, it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica, a company working on behalf of the Trump presidential campaign, had contacted WikiLeaks about missing Hillary Clinton e-mails and the possibility of creating a searchable database for the campaign to use. After this was reported, Assange confirmed that WikiLeaks had been approached by Cambridge Analytica but had rejected the approach. WikiLeaks did not disclose what the subject of Cambridge Analytica's approach was.
From 1859, a continuous north-south main line was built from the Rhineland via Rhenish Hesse to Ludwigshafen in the form of the Left Rhine railway (Linke Rheinstrecke, Cologne–Mainz) and the Mainz–Ludwigshafen railway. However, the route through Mainz was indirect, so plans were made for a shorter route, which used the Nahe Valley Railway from Bingerbrück to Münster and then runs along the Alsenz in the area of the Donnersberg through Enkenbach and continues towards Neustadt. These plans were in competition with efforts to promote a railway from Stadernheim to Kaiserslautern along the Glan and Lauter to Kaiserslautern. The planned route in the Alsenz valley, which was to run immediately south of Münster, was finally supported by Bavaria. In order to cater to the interests of the city of Kaiserslautern, a connecting curve to Hochspeyer was built south of Fischbach to enable rail operations. The Hochspeyer–Winnweiler section was opened on 29 October 1870. The Winnweiler–Münster section followed on 16 May 1871. With the opening of this line, which was conceived as part of a north-south trunk line, the through station became a junction station. The duplication of the Rhine-Nahe Railway was completed in 1884.
Jean Colombera (born 2 February 1954 in Esch-sur-Alzette) is a politician and physician in Luxembourg. He currently sits as a member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Alternative Democratic Reform Party, representing the Nord constituency. Born in Esch-sur-Alzette, Colombera is an Italian Luxembourger. He was formerly an Italian citizen, but gained Luxembourgian citizenship in 1999. Originally a Green, after gaining citizenship (a condition for being a deputy), Colombera asked Jean-Pierre Koepp if the ADR had a spare slot on their list in Nord, in which his hometown of Vichten is located. In the 1999 election, Colombera was elected, narrowly finished second (behind Koepp) on the ADR's list, with two being elected. Colombera lost his seat in 2004, as the ADR lost its second seat in Nord and Colombera once again came second, again behind Koepp. He regained his seat in the 2009 election, after Koepp retired, allowing Colombera to re-enter the Chamber despite the ADR falling to fifth place in the constituency. Colombera is a campaigner in favour of legalising medical cannabis. He is head of the Francophone Union for Cannabinoids in Medicine (French: Union Francophone pour les Cannabinoïdes en Médecine). He is under investigation for prescribing cannabinoids to his patients, under Luxembourg's Narcotics Act.
The Bath Simple process starts online at their website where a customer can learn about the company and peruse the product catalogue and design ideas. Once a customer is ready to begin the design process, they answer a few questions about style and budget, whereupon the company arranges a free in-home consultation with a Bath Simple Certified Designer. Once the design is finalized, Bath Simple has all of the materials sent to their warehouse and then packaged in a box. The box is then sent to the customer as opposed to the customer receiving numerous boxes from numerous different manufacturers. Bath Simple pairs each customer with a local Bath Simple Certified Contractor for installation of their projects. Upon completion of a project, Bath Simple allows customers to place all of the old items from their bathroom in the box and ship it back to them to be recycled and/or disposed of responsibly.
The FTW Heavyweight Championship was created by ECW owner Paul Heyman to compensate for storylines that had to be dropped due to injuries. ECW World Heavyweight Champion Shane Douglas had a serious sinus infection and an elbow injury. Taz and Al Snow also missed their matches at WrestlePalooza '98 due to health problems. He gave the title to Taz, as it suited his "bad-ass, no-nonsense" attitude." Taz announced the creation of the FTW Heavyweight Championship on May 14, 1998 at It Ain't Seinfeld. In the storyline, he was frustrated by his inability to challenge for the ECW World Heavyweight Championship due to Champion Shane Douglas' injury and refusal to face him. Taz created and defended his own World title, billing himself as the "real" World champion. He states that fans appreciated the message conveyed by the belt, which represented contempt for bosses and society, and says that he believes it was more appreciated than the company's top title. The belt was billed as "unrecognized" by ECW. Taz lost the title only once, in a singles match against Sabu. This was an intentional loss, when he pulled an unconscious Sabu over himself on December 19, 1998 (he was confident that he would defeat Shane Douglas in an upcoming title bout, and thus no longer needed the FTW Heavyweight Championship). Taz regained the title at Living Dangerously on March 21, 1999, where he unified the FTW Heavyweight Championship with the ECW World Heavyweight Championship (which he then held) by defeating Sabu in a title versus title match. Taz then began using only the ECW World Heavyweight Championship belt, being the sole World Heavyweight Champion in the promotion.
In 2005, Barnabus Energy Inc., which was founded in 2002, acquired 20% of Solar Roofing Systems (SRS). After that, the company changed from developing oil and natural gas projects in Western Canada to the new technology of renewable energy under the name Open Energy Corp.. Senior Scientific Advisor was Dr. Melvin L. Prueitt who was theoretical physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for more than 30 years. In 2004 the share price was listed with more than 25 US$ in the NASDAQ, but declined in the following years. As the solar energy is still the main target, the company decided to change its name to Applied Solar in 2009. The largest investor is The Quercus Trust with about 10 percent. Applied Solar filed for Chapter 11 in 2002, converted to Chapter 7 in 2010 and sold its assets (no disbursement in connection with the liquidation went to shareholders). The company had $17.6 million in assets and $29 million in liabilities. It sold its assets to the Quercus Trust, the secretive investment firm run by David Gelbaum. Quercus earlier loaned money to Applied. No distribution was made to shareholders other than Quercus. The officers of Applied Solar have reopened as OneRoof Energy, Inc., dba ORE Solar.
The Salishan language family consists of twenty-three languages. Below is a list of Salishan languages, dialects, and subdialects. The genetic unity among the Salish languages is evident. Neighboring groups have communicated often, to the point that it is difficult to untangle the influence each dialect and language has upon others. A 1969 study found that "language relationships are highest and closest among the Interior Division, whereas they are most distant among the Coast Division." This list is a linguistic classification that may not correspond to political divisions. In contrast to classifications made by linguistic scholars, many Salishan groups consider their particular variety of speech to be a separate language rather than a dialect.
After his departure from the position of SG, Kaseke went into private practice, forming his own law firm Kaseke and Company, and took on a wide variety of high-profile cases. Beginning in 2007, Kaseke represented Mark Seawell in a long-running extradition case, until he withdrew from Seawell's defense team in May 2011. In 2008, he represented Ara Macao Resort in a libel suit. After the case was dismissed, Kaseke stated that recent court decisions were "suspect" and raised "concern" about the judiciary; however, his attorneys Derek Courtenay and Simeon Sampson appeared before the court to apologise for these statements. In 2010, he represented politician Jose Coye in an unsuccessful malicious prosecution lawsuit against businessman Alfred Schakron. In 2011, Kaseke defended American investor Allen Saum against charges of tampering with a legal document in a dispute with two local business partners, one of them Kimano Barrow (the nephew of PM Dean Barrow). Later that year he represented the Football Federation of Belize in its judicial review application against Minister of Sports John Saldivar, who was attempting to decertify it and ban it from using National Sports Council facilities under the Sports Act (Cap. 46). He appeared before the Caribbean Court of Justice in the first Belizean case it heard, unsuccessfully arguing that the government of Belize should not be permitted to bring an action for misfeasance against his clients Florencio Marin and Jose Coye regarding alleged wrongful sales of government land.
Georgia Conservancy president John Sibley remarked after MacKay's passing, "He was a larger-than-life person and an environmentalist who raised the level of the environmental movement in Georgia all by himself." MacKay recognized that public concern for the environment, stemming from the 1962 publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, needed to take root in Georgia. In January 1967, he assembled some of his colleagues to discuss forming the group that today is known as one of the leading environmental organizations in the nation. Under MacKay’s leadership, the Conservancy understood that seeing what was happening in Georgia is the best way to learn about places and issues, that being active rather than reactive leads to success, and that Georgia’s economy and ecology are inseparable. The Georgia Conservancy honored Jamie with its Distinguished Conservationist award in 2001. Sweetwater Creek, Panola Mountain, the Okefenokee Swamp, Chattooga River, Cumberland Island, and Fernbank are only a few of his legacies.
Brightman is the eldest of six children of businessman Grenville Geoffrey Brightman (1934–1992) and Paula Brightman, née Hall. Her younger siblings are Nicola, Claudia, Jay, Joel, and Amelia (aka Violet). She was raised in Little Gaddesden near Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, England. At the age of three she began taking dance and piano classes. She then went on to perform in local festivals and competitions. At age 11, she successfully auditioned for the Tring Park School for the Performing Arts, a school specialising in performing arts. She received her education at Elmhurst Ballet School, Birmingham, the Arts Educational School in Chiswick, West London, and the Royal College of Music. In 1973, at the age of 13, Brightman made her theatrical debut in the musical I and Albert at the Piccadilly Theatre, London, playing one of Queen Victoria's daughters (Victoria). In 1976 she was recruited into Arlene Phillips' troupe Hot Gossip in 1977. The group had a disco hit in 1978 with "I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper", which sold half a million and reached number six on the UK charts. She was also briefly with Pan's People after they parted with their host show Top of the Pops in 1976. Brightman, now solo, released more disco singles under her own label, Whisper Records, such as "Not Having That!" and a cover of the song "My Boyfriend's Back". In 1979, Brightman appeared on the soundtrack of the film "The World Is Full of Married Men" and sang the song "Madam Hyde".
The recantation of ugly laws preceded the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 where certain rights were granted to people with disabilities: Individuals with disabilities are a discrete and insular minority who have been faced with restrictions and limitations, subjected to a history of purposeful unequal treatment, and relegated to a position of political powerlessness in our society, based on characteristics that are beyond the control of such individuals and resulting from stereotypic assumptions not truly indicative of the individual ability of such individuals to participate in, and contribute to, society.
Hot Dog Days are informal events that are celebrated in communities throughout the hotdog-eating world, including the United States, Canada and Australia. Their origin is obscure. As the name suggests, the festivals revolve around eating hot dogs, but usually there are many other activities such as wiener dog races, root beer chugging contests, and face painting. Often the proceeds from a hot dog day are given to charity. Industry groups, such as National Hot Dog and Sausage Council in the USA, encourage, sponsor, and support the events. The Council designates July as National Hot Dog Month; National Hot Dog Day varies year to year – in 2019 it falls on Wednesday, July 17 – based on when the North American Meat Institute hosts its annual Hot Dog Lunch on Capitol Hill. The council also gives advice on hot-dog eating etiquette, which aren't considered strict, as most Hot Dog Day style events do not adhere to them.
In 1877 the Oregon Iron Company was sold to its creditors, Samuel H. Brown, Jr. and Ernest W. Crichton. These men were experienced iron masters from Ohio's Hanging Rock Iron Region. They had been employees of the Oregon Iron Company, hired when the company sought knowledgeable iron masters to run the furnace. They incorporated the Oswego Iron Company in 1878 and made many improvements. Sadly, they too fell into debt and sold the company to their creditors, Simeon Gannett Reed, and Henry Villard. Reed borrowed heavily from Villard to build a modern blast furnace, which opened in 1888 half a mile north of the old furnace. The new plant included the first pipe foundry west of St. Louis. The company looked poised to expand, however the economic crisis of 1893 dealt a fatal blow to the company, which had already been damaged by disputes among stockholders, competition from imported pig iron, and high labor costs. The furnace closed in 1894 and never reopened.
From the 2000 census, 285 or 12.2% were Roman Catholic, while 1,571 or 67.3% belonged to the Swiss Reformed Church. Of the rest of the population, there were 16 members of an Orthodox church (or about 0.69% of the population), there were 3 individuals (or about 0.13% of the population) who belonged to the Christian Catholic Church, and there were 167 individuals (or about 7.16% of the population) who belonged to another Christian church. There were 187 (or about 8.01% of the population) who were Islamic. There were 3 individuals who were Buddhist and 9 individuals who were Hindu. 117 (or about 5.01% of the population) belonged to no church, are agnostic or atheist, and 58 individuals (or about 2.49% of the population) did not answer the question.
Kirton was the son of Edward Kirton (died 1601) of Almsford and his wife Lettice Gilbanke. After a period of study at the Temple he entered the service of the Earl of Hertford in about 1582. In 1593, he was elected Member of Parliament for Great Bedwyn. He stated that from 1599 to 1608 he was employed in the matters of greatest trust on behalf of the Earl. In 1601 he was elected MP for Ludgershall and then re-elected MP for Ludgershall in 1604. In 1605 he was employed as the steward of the Earl of Hertford when he was ambassador to Brussels in 1605. He was re-elected a third time as MP for Ludgershall in 1614. In 1618 he was knighted and became J.P. for Somerset until 1619. Kirton died in 1620 and was buried in St Botolph’s, Aldersgate. At his death he owned the house and grounds of Almsford Park, land in South Cary, the patronage of Castle Cary, and property there. He had also acquired property in Sopworth and Kingston Deverill, Wiltshire.
The applicant argued that prohibiting membership of a trade union infringed the constitutional right of “every worker” “to form and join a trade union.” Turning to international law, as mandated by the Constitution, O’Regan considered the Convention on Freedom of Association, which specifically provides that soldiers and spies may join trade unions, but does not prescribe the facets of trade-union life to which soldiers and spies are entitled. These questions are left to the country in question to regulate and determine itself. Referring to the International Labour Organization’s construction of “worker”, Justice O’Regan interpreted the term “every worker” to include members of the armed forces, even though their relationship with the Defence Force is unusual and not identical to that of an ordinary employment relationship. One “enrols” in the permanent force; there is no job interview, etc., as a result of or requirement for enrolment. Furthermore, certain unusual rights and obligations are incurred. The court decided that this is a case in which a generous interpretation of the right is appropriate. Although members of the Defence Force may not be employees in the full contractual sense of the word, their conditions of enrolment in many respects mirror those of people employed under an ordinary contract of employment. In other words, they are not "employees" in the fullest sense, but there are some similarities between their position and that of employment. The court stated that, in appropriate circumstances, the constitutional right to join a trade union may be limited, provided that such a limitation is constitutionally justifiable. The question, therefore, was this: Does the legislation's blanket ban on trade-union activity for such workers limit the right enshrined in section 36 of the Constitution? If so, is that limit justifiable? The respondents contended that any infringement of the right was justified by the constitutional imperative to structure and manage the Defence Force as a “disciplined military force.” They maintained that a Defence Force could not be such a “disciplined military force” if its members belonged to trade unions and wished to exercise their rights to collective bargaining and strike action. The applicant argued that a trade union could function and further the interests of its members without participating in strike action. The court decided that the requirement of strict discipline would not necessarily be undermined by permitting Defence Force members to join a trade union, as the structure and scope of such a union might differ, given the military environment. A blanket prohibition on trade-union activity was therefore unjustifiable. The court decided that the order of invalidity in respect of trade-union membership would only come into force three months from the date of judgement. The court added as a proviso that, if the delayed order would cause either party substantial prejudice, such party might approach the Constitutional Court for a variation of the order.
Much of the disused line between Yatton and Cheddar today forms The Strawberry Line, a railway walk and part of the National Cycle Network route 26. The trail starts at Yatton railway station and is in good condition most of the way to the site of Congresbury railway station. A new section of path along the top of the Congresbury Yeo river bank avoids the busy A370 road running alongside. At Congresbury the platforms of the former station remain, as do houses built for railway workers. The route on to Sandford is surfaced. Upon reaching the rail bridge on the outskirts of Sandford the trail joins Nye Road for about half a mile (800 m), before turning right into a new off-road link. This passes large orchards before rejoining the track bed for a short stretch to the A368. After crossing the road the site of Sandford and Banwell railway station is visible. The site has been developed as "Sandford Station Retirement Village" a sheltered housing complex. There is a view of the station, goods shed and platform including a short section of track, with period carriage and open wagons. The station is now restored and open to the public on summer weekends with access from the trail. The scenery through to Winscombe changes from open moorland to railway cuttings, with the path in condition to match the previous sections. The former station platform is preserved, with a time line of local and world events along its length. The small red bricked façade of the demolished station building has been laid flat into its former foundation. Seats and lighting have been provided and there are public toilets. After Winscombe the line continues south to Shute Shelve Tunnel, which cuts underneath Shute Shelve Hill. Within the tunnel the central surface has been paved with tarmac but it is unlit except for a central guide line of small guide lamps. The north half of the tunnel is brick lined, but about midway it reverts to unlined rock for the southern half, marking a change in the underlying geology from sandstone to limestone. After the tunnel the line continues due south through a deep cutting and onto an embankment as the land falls away until meeting the A38 at the former level crossing. From this point the line turns eastwards and follows the southern edge of the Mendip Hills crossing the Cheddar Yeo. The track bed around Axbridge has now been made into the A371 road, but the station building, goods shed and station master's house are all in use. The Strawberry Line Trail goes through the town itself missing out the station site higher on the hillside behind the church. The railway track is regained opposite St Michael's Cheshire Home and there is a picnic spot overlooking the reservoir. The route comes to an end at the side of the former station which is now in use as a stonemason's surrounded by a small industrial estate, a mile (1.6 km) from Cheddar Gorge. It also includes parts of the Biddle Street Site of Special Scientific Interest.
A whole system of public and non-public (private) health institutions operates in the district to provide services and caring to the health of its citizens. In both municipalities operate 178 doctors (40 of which are family doctors) and 240 nurses and assistants. There are 5 hospitals, 11 health centers and 66 ambulances. In 2008 the central government provided funds to build a new hospital for the city. It was inaugurated 3 years later. The health services provided by all health institutions include the following: Pathology, Pediatrics, Surgery, Cardiology, Infectious Disease Control, Neurology, Psychiatry, Nephrology, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Orthopedics, Rheumatology, Hematology, Endocrinology, Emergency Services, Alergology, Physio-Therapy, Pediatrics, Gynocology, Obstretics.. etc. Dental Services are fully privatized with the exception of 9-year primary schools. A total of 8 private dental clinics operate in the city of Kavajë. Pharmaceutical Services are also fully private. In the whole district there are a total of 12 pharmacies.
Exarcheia is the site of a large migrant and refugee community. The overcrowding and abuse within Greek refugee camps has propelled a movement of squatting within Athens and across Greece. There are more than a dozen squats in Athens, primarily centered in Exarcheia, serving as housing, healthcare, and social centers for refugees, migrants, or anarchists. These squats provide space for highly diverse communities and coalitions. For example, the City Plaza squat houses Afghanis, Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians, Kurds, Palestinians, and Pakistanis within a single occupied hotel. Many of these spaces aim to recreate the feeling of home for displaced migrants and refugees. However, far-right, neo-fascist, and nationalistic organizations have been connected to multiple attacks and burnings of refugee squats. In addition, the Syriza government has recently evicted multiple squats in Athens. In addition, Exarcheia and bordering Omonoia have been the focus specialized policing tactics in Greece. These include MAT, (Public Order Restoration Units) an anti-protest police unit implemented after the dictatorship; Operation Virtue, which used blockaded areas and rapid raids of public spaces to capture undocumented migrants in the 1970s and 1980s; and Operation Xenios Zeus, which implemented stop-and-search and document checks for foreigners in 2012.
On June 26, 1895, Bertha was married to Pierre Lorillard Ronalds Jr. (1864–1928) at Ridgelawn in Bay Ridge on Long Island. Her bridesmaids were Mamie Field and Juliana Cutting and his ushers were James F. D. Lanier, Whitney Warren, H. Whitney McVickar, Eliot Gregory, J. Wadsworth Ritchie, F. L. Holbrook Betts, H. Pierrepont Perry and Herbert D. Robins. Ronalds, a hardware fixtures manufacturer with Ronalds & Johnson who was the son of Pierre Ronalds Sr. and Fanny Ronalds, and great-grandson of tobacco magnate Pierre Lorillard II. Her husband died in February 1928, leaving an estate worth more than $1,000,000, the bulk of which she inherited. After returning from living in Paris, Ronalds owned a ranch in Oregon where she raised Tennessee walking horses, Arabians and Shetland ponies (and which was turned into a Guest ranch known as "Metolius Meadows") and then lived in San Mateo, California for twenty-six years at 40 Crystal Springs Road. She died there at her home on February 3, 1963. Ronalds was interred at Cypress Lawn Memorial Park in Colma, California after a funeral that was officiated by the Rev. Leslie Wilder of the Episcopal Church of St. Matthew.
In 1776, the United Provinces were the first country to salute the Flag of the United States, leading to growing British suspicions of the Dutch. In 1778 the Dutch refused to be bullied into taking Britain's side in the war against France. The Dutch were major suppliers of the Americans: in 13 months from 1778 to 1779, for example, 3,182 ships cleared the island of Sint Eustatius, in the West Indies. When the British started to search all Dutch shipping for weapons for the rebels, the Republic officially adopted a policy of armed neutrality. Britain declared war in December 1780, before the Dutch could join the League of Armed Neutrality. This resulted in the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War, which diverted British resources, but ultimately confirmed the decline of the Dutch Republic. In 1782 John Adams negotiated loans of $2 million for war supplies, by Dutch bankers. On March 28, 1782, after a petition campaign on behalf of the American cause organised by Adams and the Dutch patriot politician Joan van der Capellen, the United Netherlands recognized American independence, and subsequently signed a treaty of commerce and friendship.
In 2004, Waits' fifteenth studio album, Real Gone, was released. Waits had recorded it in an abandoned schoolhouse in Locke. Hoskyns called the album Waits' "roughest, most unkempt music to date". It incorporated Waits beatboxing, a technique he had picked up from his growing interest in hip hop. The album also featured three highly political songs expressing Waits' anger at the Presidency of George W. Bush and the Iraq War. He stated that "I'm not a politician. I keep my mouth shut because I don't want to put my foot in it. But at a certain point, saying absolutely nothing is a political statement of its own." Real Gone made the Billboard Top 30 as well as the Top 10 in several European album charts. In October, he launched a tour in Vancouver before heading to Europe, where his shows were sell-outs. After several years of making no film appearances, he played a gun-toting Seventh-day Adventist in Tony Scott's 2005 film Domino. That year, he also appeared in Benigni's film The Tiger and the Snow, for which Waits had travelled to Italy. He followed this with a performance as an angel posing as a tramp in the 2007 film Wristcutters: A Love Story. In the summer of 2006, Waits embarked of a short tour of southern and Midwest states, titled Orphans. His son Casey played with him in the band accompanying him on the tour. In November 2006 he issued Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards, a 54-song three-disc box set of rarities, unreleased tracks, and new compositions. Waits described its contents as "songs that fell behind the stove while making dinner". Orphans made the top ten in several European charts. That year, he also made a guest appearance on the Sparklehorse album Dreamt for Light Years in the Belly of a Mountain. Waits's song "Trampled Rose" (from Real Gone) appeared on the critically acclaimed album Raising Sand, a collaboration between Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Waits also provided guest vocals on the song "Pray" by fellow ANTI- artists the Book of Knots on their album Traineater. On January 22, 2008, Waits made a rare live appearance in Los Angeles, performing at a benefit for Bet Tzedek Legal Services—The House of Justice, a nonprofit poverty law center. In 2008 Waits embarked on his Glitter and Doom Tour, starting in the U.S. and then moving to Europe. Both of his sons played with him on the tour. Waits was awarded the key to the city of El Paso, Texas during a concert on June 20, 2008. In his generally positive review of the opening show of the tour, The Wall Street Journal critic Jim Fusilli described Waits' music thus: The 58-year-old Mr. Waits ... has composed a body of work that's at least comparable to any songwriter's in pop today. A keen, sensitive and sympathetic chronicler of the adrift and downtrodden, Mr. Waits creates three-dimensional characters who, even in their confusion and despair, are capable of insight and startling points of view. Their stories are accompanied by music that's unlike any other in pop history. In 2009, music critic Barney Hoskyns published an unauthorized biography of Waits entitled Lowside of the Road: a Life of Tom Waits. Terry Gilliam's film The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus was released in late 2009, with Waits in the role of Mr. Nick. Production began in December 2007 in London. Star Heath Ledger's death in January 2008 cast doubt on the film's future, but the production was salvaged with the addition of new actors playing his character in scenes he did not complete. Waits found himself in a situation similar to his earlier one with Frito Lay in 2000 when Audi approached him, asking to use "Innocent When You Dream" (from Franks Wild Years) for a commercial broadcast in Spain. Waits declined, but the commercial ultimately featured music very similar to that song. Waits undertook legal action, and a Spanish court recognized that there had been a violation of Waits' moral rights in addition to the infringement of copyright. The production company, Tandem Campany Guasch, was ordered to pay compensation to Waits through his Spanish publisher. Waits later joked that they got the name of the song wrong, thinking it was called "Innocent When You Scheme". In 2005, Waits sued Adam Opel AG, claiming that, after having failed to sign him to sing in their Scandinavian commercials, they had hired a sound-alike singer. In 2007, the suit was settled, and Waits gave the sum to charity. In 2016, Waits embarked upon litigation against French artist Bartabas who had used several of Waits' songs as a backdrop to a theatrical performance that in many ways paid homage to Waits' work. Claims and counterclaims were made, with Bartabas claiming to have sought and been granted permission to use the material (and to have paid $400,000 for the privilege) but with Waits seemingly of the view that his identity had been stolen. The case in the French courts was lost and the circus performance was allowed to continue, although the threat of further litigation meant that it was not performed outside France and the resulting DVD release does not contain Waits' material.
During the AXIS storyline, Sabretooth appears as a member of Magneto's unnamed supervillain group during the fight against Red Skull's Red Onslaught form. Sabretooth experiences a 'moral inversion' that turns him into a hero when the attempt to bring out the Xavier elements of Onslaught backfire, prompting Steve Rogers to recruit him and the other inverted villains into a new team of 'Astonishing Avengers' to defeat the inverted heroes. At the end of the storyline, it is shown that his inversion from evil to good is permanent due to him having been protected by an energy shield generated by the inverted Iron Man- along with Havok- leaving him reflecting on what he has become. Sabretooth turned himself over to the authorities and plans to do good by Wolverine's example when he gets out. Sabretooth later joins the Avengers Unity Division and accompanies them to the High Evolutionary's Counter-Earth to look for Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. He also assists the main Avengers team in confronting the latest version of Ultron.
During fights, available punches to be thrown include jabs, hooks, crosses and uppercuts. In simulation mode it is possible to choose to throw any type of punch with either hand, whereas in arcade mode the player chooses which type of punch to throw and the AI determines which of the boxer's fists is the most appropriate to throw it. Defensive maneuvers include blocking and clinching. The more punches a boxer throws, the less damage his punches inflict. The game can be played in either arcade or simulation mode. Many in-game features are customizable, including round length, number of rounds, and the length of time a boxer must be on the canvas to be classed as knocked out. MegaTech gave the game 92% and a Hyper Game Award, stating that it "captures the atmosphere of boxing better than any other boxing game".
Steve Vantsis, who was Fish's permanent bassist from the Sunsets on Empire tour (1997) until 2008, was the main writing partner on this album (a role previously held by, among others, Mickey Simmonds, Steven Wilson, John Wesley and Bruce Watson). It features a rougher, more guitar-based and slightly industrial sound on a number of tracks and is therefore perceived as a departure by many fans. However, Fish had explored similar ideas as early as on Sunsets on Empire and Raingods with Zippos (1999). Also, a number of tracks have classic Fish hallmarks, significantly enhanced by the presence of his longtime companion Frank Usher on guitars. Most lyrics deal with, or are at least implicitly in reference to, Fish's failed relationship with Mostly Autumn singer Heather Findlay who left him in 2007, cancelling their scheduled wedding. The title 13th Star originally referred to her as being the 13th female significant other in Fish's life, but ended up as a metaphor for an (unknown) future relationship. The original title of the song "Zoë 25" was "Micklegate", after the place where Fish had proposed to Heather. The title also refers to the album as the 13th studio album of his career (four with Marillion and nine solo).
The squadron was first organized at Key Field, Mississippi in February 1943 as the 621st Bombardment Squadron, one of the four original squadrons of the 404th Bombardment Group. The squadron was initially equipped with a mix of Douglas A-24 Banshees and Bell P-39 Airacobras. In July 1943, the squadron moved to Congaree Army Air Field, South Carolina, where it was redesignated the 507th Fighter-Bomber Squadron The following month. In early 1944, the squadron converted to Republic P-47 Thunderbolts. Completing its training for combat in March, it deployed to the United Kingdom. The squadron arrived at its first overseas station, RAF Winkton, England in early April. It became operational on 1 May and began bombing and strafing targets in France to help prepare for Operation Overlord, the invasion of Normandy. At the end of the month, it dropped the "Bomber" from its name and became the 507th Fighter Squadron, but retained the air support mission. The squadron provided top cover for the landings on D-Day. A month later, on 6 July, the squadron moved to Chippelle Airfield in France, from which it provided air support for Operation Cobra, the Allied breakout at Saint-Lô, later that month. Despite suffering heavy losses from flak, the squadron helped cover four armored divisions duging the breakout. This support earned the squadron the French Croix de Guerre with Palm. The squadron supported the Allied advance across the Netherlands, operating from bases in France and from Sint-Truiden Airfield, Belgium. Its actions in this area, resulted in the squadron being cited in the order of the day of the Belgian Army and the award of the Belgian Fourragère for its contributions to the liberation of the Belgian people. On 10 September, the squadron participated in three armed reconnaissance missions. On these missions, despite adverse weather and heavy antiaircraft fire, the squadron attacked lines of communications, factories and rail targets as ground forces advanced. These missions earned the squadron the Distinguished Unit Citation. During December 1944 and January 1945, attacked German positions during the Battle of the Bulge. Later it supported Operation Lumberjack and the establishment of a bridgehead on the west bank of the Rhine in March 1945. The squadron also flew air interdiction missions, strafing and bombing troop concentrations, railroads, highways, bridges, ammunition and fuel dumps, armored vehicles, docks, and tunnels. It covered bombing missions by Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses, Consolidated B-24 Liberators, and Martin B-26 Marauders. On 4 May, the squadron flew armed reconnaissance missions that would prove to be its last combat missions of the war. The squadron briefly served with occupation forces in Germany before returning to the United States in August 1945. It reassembled at Drew Field, Florida on 11 September, but was inactivated on 9 November 1945.
Burt joined the Bank of Scotland in 1975, working in the international and oil and energy department. He rose to become head of the international division in 1985, treasurer and chief general manager in 1988 and eventually Chief Executive in 1996. The main events of his stewardship were the failed takeover bid for the NatWest Bank and the merger with Halifax plc to form HBOS. Following the merger, he served as Deputy Chairman of HBOS and Governor of the Bank of Scotland, (a largely ceremonial role) from 2001 to 2003, and left the board afterwards. By September 2008 HBOS was revealed to be in a poor financial condition and word broke of advanced merger talks with Lloyds TSB, the reports were later confirmed. In light of this development, news surfaced on 8 November of a letter from Burt and his contemporary Sir George Mathewson to HBOS Chairman Lord Stevenson. The letter recommended the immediate resignation of Lord Stevenson and HBOS Chief Executive Andy Hornby. The letter explained that the roles of Chairman and Chief Executive would be filled by Mathewson and Burt respectively and that HBOS would continue to trade as an independent bank majority owned by The Treasury. However the proposal was rejected by the bank in a swift response by Lord Stevenson and failed to win the endorsement of the UK Government The proposal was withdrawn on 20 November 2008.
The ancient but natural transport route for Aylsham would have been the River Bure, but it was not open to substantial navigation. There was a scheme in the 18th century to widen the navigation from Coltishall to Aylsham and, after many difficulties, trading wherries from Great Yarmouth were able to reach a staithe at Aylsham. The final end for this scheme was the devastating flood of 1912. Road transport for Aylsham was very important. It was the principal coaching point on the Norwich-Cromer road, and the meeting point for other roads. Each day the coaches from Cromer and Holt would draw up at the Black Boys, the main inn in Aylsham market place. Coaching ended with the coming of the railways in the 1880s. There were many different plans for railways, but eventually two lines served Aylsham, with the town having both North and South stations until the 1950s. Aylsham once had two railway stations, both now closed, Aylsham South railway station (on the Great Eastern line between County School railway station, near North Elmham and Wroxham) and the Aylsham North railway station (on the M&GNJR line from Melton Constable to Yarmouth). Aylsham is also the terminus for the Bure Valley Railway (on the site of Aylsham South railway station) The Bure Valley Railway is a 15 in (381 mm) minimum gauge heritage railway which runs from Wroxham to Aylsham (9 miles or 14.5 kilometres) and is Norfolk's longest railway of less than standard gauge. Local entertainment in the town includes concerts by the Aylsham Band, which plays at venues in and around Aylsham; the Aylsham Players who host one or two productions a year; and Aylsham High School, which presents an annual school musical. Aylsham is the terminus of the long distance footpaths, the Bure Valley Path (to Wroxham) and Marriott's Way (to Norwich). Aylsham also lies on the Weaver's Way, which passes Blickling Hall, the great country house in the care of the National Trust, which is about a mile and a half (2 km) from Aylsham. With its dramatic symmetrical front, flanked by two great yew hedges, Blickling Hall is a fine example of a Jacobean brick-built manor house, and was the home of the young Anne Boleyn. Aylsham was once noted for its spa, situated about half a mile south of the town, comprising a chalybeate spring, formerly used by those suffering from asthma and other chronic conditions. The annual Aylsham Show features agricultural exhibits and takes place on August bank holiday Monday at nearby Blickling Park. The town is located on the A140 road, a route which runs between Ipswich and Cromer, via Norwich. It is served by a half-hourly bus service to Norwich, Sheringham and Holt.
Although the agreement went into effect in 2003, it was almost immediately challenged by groups of local farmers and environmentalists. Despite these challenges, the water transfers outlined in the agreement started on time and canal lining conservation projects have been completed. The Coachella Canal lining project was completed in 2006, and the All-American Canal lining project finished in 2010, conserving 93,700 acre-feet of water per year. While those conservation numbers are important to the agreement, the total amount of water transferred to the water authorities is set to increase significantly in 2018. The Imperial Irrigation District faced significant criticism in 2012 when it was reported that it was not conserving as much water as stipulated under the Quantification Settlement Agreement. The Imperial Irrigation District is required to deliver its water quota through conservation, rather than delivery from existing sources. Some have noted that this would be difficult for a rural region that depends heavily on water for irrigation purposes. One of the most comprehensive summaries of the implementation process has been written by the Colorado Foundation for Water Education. They note that "The first benchmark, set for December 31, 2002, required the California water agencies to enter into a Quantification Settlement Agreement." The same group notes that the Secretary of the Interior determined in July 2003 that the Imperial Irrigation District, which also has authority over the water supply for the Salton Sea, was wasting 300,000 acre-feet of water per year and threatened to remove that allotment without compensation under the QSA. The agreement has been associated with a large degree of litigation, with numerous parties and organizations filing motions in California state courts. As of December 8, 2011, the California Court of Appeal for the Third District has ruled in favor of the major state and federal water authorities, and determined that the Quantification Settlement Agreement does not violate the California Constitution. Opponents also argued that the Agreement violated the state's Clean Air Act, but this claim was rejected as well. In July 2013, the Sacramento Superior Court entered a final judgment upholding the agreement and dismissing all current challenges, but the San Diego County Water Authority still anticipates another round of appeals.
In 1975, the Blazers, playing out of Langley, BC, won their first of two BCJHL championships. After defeating the Kelowna Buckaroos 4-games-to-2 to win the Nat Bailey Cup, the Blazers moved on to the British Columbia Jr. A Championship, the Mowat Cup, against the Coquitlam Comets of the Pacific Junior A Hockey League. The Blazers swept the PJHL champion 2-games-to-none. In the Alberta/British Columbia Championship, the Blazers fell to the Alberta Junior Hockey League's Spruce Grove Mets 4-games-to-2. After winning their two home games in Langley to start the series, the Blazers were beaten in Spruce Grove in four consecutive games to end their season. For 1975-76, the Blazers briefly relocated to Maple Ridge. They returned to Bellingham in the summer of 1976, but the league placed an expansion team in Maple Ridge for 1976-77 to replace them. In 1979, the Ice Hawks won the league title 4-games-straight over the Kamloops Rockets, but the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association banned them from proceeding into the national playdowns as they were playing their home games in the United States.
After Ulrich's death Brenz was asked to prepare the confessio Wirtembergica for the Council of Trent, and with three other Wittenberg theologians and Johann Marbach of Strasbourg, he went to Trent in March 1552 to defend his creed (see Jakob Beurlin). Great was the surprise of the fathers of the council, but they refused to be instructed by those who were to obey them. The Interim was abolished. Brenz who had thus far lived at Stuttgart, Tübingen, Ehningen, and Sindelfingen as counselor of the duke, was made provost of the Cathedral of Stuttgart on 24 September 1554 and appointed ducal counselor for life. He was now the right hand of duke Christoph in the reorganization of ecclesiastical and educational affairs in Württemberg. The great church order of 1553–59, containing also the confessio Wirtembergica, in spite of its dogmatism, is distinguished by clearness, mildness, and consideration. In like manner, his Catechismus pia et utile explicatione illustratus (Frankfort, 1551) became a rich source of instruction for many generations and countries. The proposition made by Kaspar Leyser and Jakob Andreä, in 1554 to introduce a form of discipline after a Calvinistic model was opposed by Brenz, since he held that the minister should have charge of the preaching, the exhortation to repentance, and dissuasion from the Lord's Supper, whereas excommunication belonged to the whole church. At the instance of the duke, Brenz moved in 1553 to Neuburg, to arrange the church affairs of the Palatinate.
A number of the songs from the album were made available ahead of the album's release, either as singles or through other media. The first teaser of the project came in May 2015, when M.I.A. shared the demo version of the track "Platforms" on her SoundCloud page. "The New International Sound Pt. 2" was first released in June 2015, as part of French producer Surkin's project GENER8ION. "Swords" and "Borders" were both released later the same year. In March of the following year, M.I.A. debuted "MIA OLA" (later renamed "Visa") via her SoundCloud. The complete album, consisting of 12 tracks, was previewed on Periscope on 17 May 2016. "Go Off" was released on 15 July 2016 as the lead single from the album. The Blaqstarr-produced version of "Bird Song" was released on 12 August 2016 and the Diplo version of the same song six days later. "Freedun" was released as the fifth single on 2 September 2016 and "Foreign Friend" was previewed in an Internet podcast on 7 September.
A pink ribbon is a symbol of breast cancer awareness. It may be worn to honor those who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, or to identify products that a manufacturer would like to sell to consumers that are interested in breast cancer. Pink ribbons are sometimes sold as fundraisers, much like poppies on Remembrance Day. The pink ribbon is associated with individual generosity, faith in scientific progress, and an optimistic "can-do" attitude. It encourages individuals to focus on the emotionally appealing ultimate vision of a cure for breast cancer, rather than the reality that there is no certain cure for breast cancer, and no guarantee there will ever be such a cure (Sulik 2010, pp. 359–361). The practice of blindly wearing or displaying a pink ribbon without making other, more concrete efforts to cure breast cancer has been described as a kind of slacktivism due to its lack of real effects (Landman 2008), and has been compared to equally simple yet ineffective "awareness" practices like the drive for women to post the colors of their bras on Facebook (Borrelli 2010) Critics say that the feel-good nature of pink ribbons and "pink consumption" distracts society from the lack of progress in curing breast cancer (Sulik 2010, pp. 365–366) It is also criticized for reinforcing gender stereotypes and objectifying women and their breasts (Sulik 2010, pp. 372–374)
The game is set in the inner half of the solar system, and has the same branching level structure as Darius. Similar to the first Darius game, Darius II was programmed for multiple screens; while a three-screen version like the original exists, Darius II is more commonly and generally represented as a two-screen game. The red/green/blue powerups from the first game return, and have the same function: respectively, upgrades to the "missile" main weapon and "bomb" subweapon, and a shield to absorb some damage. Two new power-ups were added: a yellow powerup that adds a new "laser" main weapon that functions somewhat similarly to the bombs, and a rainbow powerup that grants one upgrade to all the players weapons. Actually acquiring these power-ups and the upgrade path is completely different from Darius: a formation of a specific enemy must be completely destroyed (and a given formation may not have a powerup), and every single powerup now grants some kind of upgrade. Further, the various weapons upgrade differently, though the shield upgrade the same as before. Another new feature in Darius II is the appearance of minibosses known as "captains"; large enemies that appear somewhere in the level before the main boss. In Darius II, these are all smaller versions of bosses from the first game, with similar abilities.
Juan Reyes (Mario Cimarro) is the eldest sibling. He is a tall, strong man with shoulder-length brown hair. He is extremely protective of his siblings, especially Libia. He is usually quiet and calm, but when provoked he can be very impulsive and violent. He is deeply hurt by his sister's death since he loved her very much. He is ready to avenge Libia's death, by tricking Bernando's daughters as he had done with Libia. When he meets Norma Elizondo (Danna García), he is amazed by her beauty and feels a connection to her. She has long light brown hair and an exquisite face. She was forced to marry Fernando Escandón (Juan Pablo Shuk), a rather insensitive and cruel man, to escape family shame. She was raped by three intruders years ago and is so shaken by it, she cannot let any man touch her, including her husband. But when she meets Juan, all those fears go away and she falls in love with him. She and Juan have an affair while she was married to Fernando and she becomes pregnant. They separated for a year because Norma and Jimena found out that the Reyes brothers were plotting against the Elizondos. During their time apart, Juan becomes Franco's ranch manager and Norma divorces Fernando and gives birth to her and Juan's son, Juan David. After a chance meeting, Juan and Norma reconcile but it was cut short when Dinora Rosales falls for Juan and conspired with Gabriela and Fernando to separate them but they were able to get past the lies that the trio was feeding them and decide to get married. Out of desperation, Dinora kidnaps Juan two days before their wedding and attempts to make Juan fall in love with her but when Juan refused to reciprocate that love, she attempted to kill him and Ruth (who went out and looked for him)
After failing to qualify for the European Championship, Republic of Ireland manager Jack Charlton resigned shortly after the game. Charlton bid Irish fans an emotional farewell after ten memorable years in charge which saw him help Ireland qualify for their first ever European Championship in 1988 and their first and second ever World Cups in 1990 and 1994. In my heart of hearts, I knew I'd wrung as much as I could out of the squad I'd got – that some of my older players had given me all they had to give. — Charlton speaking in his autobiography on his decision to retire. The Netherlands advanced on to Euro 1996, where they finished second in Group A behind hosts England, thus qualifying them for the knockout stage. In the quarter-finals, they drew 0–0 after extra time to France, before losing 4–5 on penalties, as Clarence Seedorf missed his spot kick.
Pacelli was made a Cardinal-Priest of Santi Giovanni e Paolo on 16 December 1929 by Pope Pius XI, and within a few months, on 7 February 1930, Pius XI appointed him Cardinal Secretary of State, responsible for foreign policy and state relations throughout the world. In 1935, Pacelli was named Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church. As Cardinal Secretary of State, Pacelli signed concordats with a number of countries and states. Immediately on becoming Cardinal Secretary of State, Pacelli and Ludwig Kaas took up negotiations on a Baden Concordat which continued until the spring and summer of 1932. Papal fiat appointed a supporter of Pacelli and his concordat policy, Conrad Gröber, the new Archbishop of Freiburg, and the treaty was signed in August 1932. Others followed: Austria (1933), Germany (1933), Yugoslavia (1935) and Portugal (1940). The Lateran treaties with Italy (1929) were concluded before Pacelli became Secretary of State. Catholicism had become the sole recognized religion; the powerful democratic Catholic Popular Party, in many ways similar to the Centre Party in Germany, had been disbanded, and in place of political Catholicism the Holy See encouraged Catholic Action, "an anaemic form of clerically dominated religious rally-rousing". It was permitted only so long as it developed "its activity outside every political party and in direct dependence upon the Church hierarchy for the dissemination and implementation of Catholic principles". Such concordats allowed the Catholic Church to organize youth groups, make ecclesiastical appointments, run schools, hospitals, and charities, or even conduct religious services. They also ensured that canon law would be recognized within some spheres (e.g., church decrees of nullity in the area of marriage). As the decade began Pacelli wanted the Centre Party in Germany to turn away from the socialists. In the summer of 1931 he clashed with Catholic chancellor Heinrich Bruning, who frankly told Pacelli he believed that he "misunderstood the political situation in Germany and the real character of the Nazis". Following Bruning's resignation in May 1932 Pacelli, like the new Catholic chancellor Franz von Papen, wondered if the Centre Party should look to the Right for a coalition, "that would correspond to their principles". He made many diplomatic visits throughout Europe and the Americas, including an extensive visit to the United States in 1936 where he met President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who appointed a personal envoy—who did not require Senate confirmation—to the Holy See in December 1939, re-establishing a diplomatic tradition that had been broken since 1870 when the pope lost temporal power. Pacelli presided as Papal Legate over the International Eucharistic Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 10–14 October 1934, and in Budapest in 25–30 May 1938. At this time, anti-semitic laws were in the process of being formulated in Hungary. Pacelli made reference to the Jews "whose lips curse [Christ] and whose hearts reject him even today". This traditional adversarial relationship with Judaism would be reversed in Nostra aetate issued during the Second Vatican Council. According to Joseph Bottum, Pacelli in 1937 "warned A. W. Klieforth, the American consul to Berlin, that Hitler was 'an untrustworthy scoundrel and fundamentally wicked person', to quote Klieforth, who also wrote that Pacelli 'did not believe Hitler capable of moderation, and ... fully supported the German bishops in their anti-Nazi stand'. This was matched with the discovery of Pacelli's anti-Nazi report, written the following year for President Roosevelt and filed with Ambassador Joseph Kennedy, which declared that the Church regarded compromise with the Third Reich as 'out of the question'." Historian Walter Bussmann argued that Pacelli, as Cardinal Secretary of State, dissuaded Pope Pius XI—who was nearing death at the time—from condemning the Kristallnacht in November 1938, when he was informed of it by the papal nuncio in Berlin. The draft encyclical Humani generis unitas ("On the Unity of the Human Race") was ready in September 1938 but, according to those responsible for an edition of the document and other sources, it was not forwarded to the Holy See by the Jesuit General Wlodimir Ledóchowski. The draft encyclical contained an open and clear condemnation of colonialism, racial persecution and antisemitism. Historians Passelecq and Suchecky have argued that Pacelli learned about the existence of the draft only after the death of Pius XI and did not promulgate it as Pope. He did use parts of it in his inaugural encyclical Summi Pontificatus, which he titled "On the Unity of Human Society". His various positions on Church and policy issues during his tenure as Cardinal Secretary of State were made public by the Holy See in 1939. Most noteworthy among the 50 speeches is his review of Church-State issues in Budapest in 1938.
With the beginning of the violence of the Reign of Terror (1793–94), those in Britain who had initially supported the French Revolution began to rethink their position and the government became increasingly concerned about the possibility of a British revolution akin to that of the French. The ardour of radicalism that had prevailed in the early 1790s dissipated. Booksellers were arrested and tried for seditious libel, and many of Johnson's authors either stopped writing or became more conservative. Only a few, like Paine, veered further left. After being forced to testify at the trial of Paine and Thomas Hardy, Johnson published fewer incendiary works, among them Joel Barlow's Advice to the Privileged Orders (1792). Braithwaite describes it as "without doubt the most extreme that Joseph Johnson ever published (taking him immoderately close to what he later, jokingly, described as a 'hanging' offence)". However, once it became clear that Barlow, like Paine, was becoming radicalized, Johnson refused to publish any more of his works. In 1794 Johnson even considered emigrating to America with Priestley to escape the increasing pressure he felt from conservatives and the government.
At an extraordinary general meeting that year the club decided to drop its first team back down to Minor A. This automatically pushed the second team back to Minor B level, which was much more suitable for them. At that general meeting also, the club was one of the few in Ireland to pass a motion against the proposed Irish tour of South Africa. That year the first team reached the semi-final of the Minor A Cup but were beaten by Cork Con, 16-13. Also in that season, Ballincollig seriously got involved in under age rugby. Trained by Jack Quaid, the Under 18 team won the West Cork Cup. They beat Bandon 12-3 in the final.
Joseph Henri Goguen was born to Olivier Goguen, and Marie (LeBlanc) Goguen, on March 8, 1899 in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. His parents came from New Brunswick and were of Acadian descent. When Goguen was five years old his family moved to Leominster, Massachusetts. Goguen attended parochial school in Leominster, a private school in Nova Scotia, Assumption High School, Assumption College, and the College of the Holy Cross; from which he received his B. A. in 1922. Goguen commuted from Leominster to Worcester while attending Holy Cross and worked at a factory in Leominster during the summer. Gougen also studied at the Northeastern University School of Law, which had a campus in Worcester, and the Sorbonne in Paris.
The Church walls are hand pressed sandstock bricks, rendered inside and out, on mudstone foundations with stone windows and door surrounds. It is cruciform in plan, 105 ft long, 92 ft across transepts, the nave is 30 ft wide. The high pitched timber roof trusses have hammer beams and support purlins, rafters and boarding under the present aluminium sheeting which replaced at least two previous coverings. Most pews are of the original cedar, restored, All the windows are of stained or pressed glass, some are original. The Walker two manual pipe organ was made and installed in 1866. The Hall walls are also sandstocks on stone foundations with a galvanised iron roof, the former two-storied master's house is now the hall kitchen, entrance hall and meeting room, with Sunday school quarters above. The Church dimensionally is as it was when built, the hall was extended in 1904, and some Georgian features lost at that time were restored when it was worked over before its reopening in 1985. All work was heritage approved. Both the church and church hall were reported to be in good condition as at 4 May 2000.
Manishtushu was the third king of the Akkadian Empire. He was the son of Sargon of Akkad and Queen Tashlultum, brother of En-hedu-ana, Rimush, and Shu-Enlil, and the father of Naram-Sin. He became king in c. 2270 BC after the death of his brother Rimush. Manishtushu, freed of the rebellions of his brother's reign, led campaigns to distant lands. According to a passage from one of his inscriptions, he led a fleet down the Persian Gulf where 32 kings allied to fight him. Manishtushu was victorious and consequently looted their cities and silver mines, along with other expeditions to kingdoms along the Persian Gulf. He also sailed a fleet down the Tigris River that eventually traded with 37 other nations, conquered the city of Shirasum in Elam,and rebuilt the destroyed temple of Inanna in Nineveh in c. 2260 BC. In c. 2255 BC he died, assassinated by members of his own court, and was succeeded by his son Naram-Sin. A pyramidal stele erected by Manishtushu bearing a long cuneiform inscription in Akkadian is featured in the Louvre.
Richardson was a philologist of the school of John Horne Tooke. In 1815 he published Illustrations to English Philology, consisting of a critical examination of Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language and a reply to Dugald Stewart's criticism of Horne Tooke's Diversions of Purley. The book was reissued in 1826. In 1818 the opening portions of an English lexicon, by Richardson, appeared in the Encyclopædia Metropolitana. In 1834 he issued the prospectus of a New English Dictionary, and the work itself was published by William Pickering in parts between January 1835 and the spring of 1837. It was published in volumes, with additional front matter and some omitted words including "retrospect" appended, in April 1837. The dictionary is a republication of the lexicon, with improvements and additions. Richardson's principle was to rely on etymology. He was severely criticised by Noah Webster in his Mistakes and Corrections (1837), especially for his ignorance of oriental languages. "Tooke's principle", wrote Webster, "that a word has one meaning, and one only, and that from this all usages must spring, is substantially correct; but he has, in most cases, failed to find that meaning, and you [Richardson] have rarely or never advanced a step beyond him". In quotations from authors the dictionary was far more copious than any previous work of its class in English. Despite many technical failings the work was commended by the Quarterly Magazine and the Gentleman's Magazine. An abridged single volume edition, without the quotations, appeared in 1839, with a new preface, but uncorrected. He also published a book on the study of language, an explanation of Tooke's Diversions of Purley (1854). He contributed papers to the Gentleman's Magazine, and wrote essays on 'English Grammar and English Grammarians,' and on 'Fancy and Imagination.'
The Purnell Model facilitates the potential to acquire information directly relevant to various cultures due to consideration given to each patient's circumstances. Flexibility has been recognised as a critical quality of the model, as it is able to improve the prospective pertinence, of the model, to a range of settings like nursing. The importance of the model is also acknowledged due to its ability to represent multiple outlooks on the world; that assist when providing individuals with culturally competent care. The model has additionally been recognised to incorporate suppositions that are coherent in relation to the model's foundations, as well as containing well-defined explanations of the domains. Angela Cooper Brathwaite, who has conducted assessments on a variety of cultural competence models, has stated that the model is “comprehensive in content, very abstract, has logical congruence, conceptual clarity, demonstrates clinical utility and espouses the experiential-phenomenological perspective”. The utilisation of a systems theory model is considered to be a beneficial quality of the framework, as well as the non-sequential scale provided to attain cultural competence. Purnell's model is also perceived to have precision and coherence in reference to the clarity of the structure and its comprehensibility for intended users.
The surprise challenge by Sir Michael Fay caught the San Diego Yacht Club unprepared. They initially rejected the challenge, but were compelled to respond when Mr. Fay brought the matter before the New York courts. The court's decision was handed down in November 1987, leaving little time to prepare for the 1988 challenge race. As the challenge used the original Deed of Gift as its basis, the design requirements specified only that she be a single masted yacht no more than 90 feet at the waterline. The San Diego Yacht Club and Dennis Conner's syndicate chose to respond with an assuredly faster multi-hull design. Conner enlisted the help of designers Morrelli, Chance & Hubbart & MacLane, and aircraft manufacturer Scaled Composites. Two Stars & Stripes cats were built, one with a conventional soft sail (Stars & Stripes S1), and the second with a wing mast (Stars & Stripes H3) built by Scaled Composites. The wing masted boat proved to have superior performance, and so was used in the defense. To no one's surprise, Stars & Stripes dominated its match races with KZ 1, the challenger from New Zealand. Following the race the New Zealand team sued and initially won the America's Cup trophy in a court case. The decision was reversed on appeal, and the San Diego Yacht Club retained the Cup. After the 1988 America's Cup, the wing masted catamaran was bought by Mexican yachtsman Victor Tapia and currently sails in Mexico. The soft sail yacht was bought by Steve Fossett and used to set speed records in various yacht races. The soft sail yacht suffered a dismasting during a Mackinac race which resulted in her being stored for several years. In 2015, Freddie Mills acquired the vessel and has re-rigged and re-commissioned her as a private racing yacht operating out of Newport, Rhode Island. In October 2017 Stars and Stripes was acquired by Key Lime Sailing Club and Cottages in Key Largo to be used for day charters and racing.
The schools offers the USA’s Common Core curriculum at all grade levels, and Advanced Placement courses for high school. The Common Core, used by most states in America, is a set of high-quality academic standards . These learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each grade. The standards, based on evidence and research,and informed by other top-performing countries, were created by experts and educators from across the USA to ensure that all students graduate from high school with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in college, career, and life, and prepared for success in today’s global economy and interconnected world To ensure all students are ready for success after high school, the Common Core establishes clear, consistent guidelines for the knowledge and skills that every student should have, from kindergarten through 12th grade. The standards are designed to ensure students are prepared for today’s entry-level careers, freshman-level college courses, and workforce training programs. The Common Core standards are based on rigorous content and the application of knowledge through higher-order thinking, and focus on developing the critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that students will need to be successful. The standards also provide a way for teachers to measure student progress throughout the school year and ensure that students are on the pathway to success in their academic careers.
After the case of Harvey Lillard, Palmer stated: "I had a case of heart trouble which was not improving. I examined the spine and found a displaced vertebra pressing against the nerves which innervate the heart. I adjusted the vertebra and gave immediate relief – nothing "accidental" or "crude" about this. Then I began to reason if two diseases, so dissimilar as deafness and heart trouble, came from impingement, a pressure on nerves, were not other disease due to a similar cause? Thus the science (knowledge) and art (adjusting) of Chiropractic were formed at that time." D.D. Palmer asked a patient and friend, Rev. Samuel Weed, to help him name his discovery. He suggested combining the words cheiros and praktikos (meaning "done by hand") to describe Palmer's treatment method, creating the term "chiropractic." D.D. initially hoped to keep his discovery a family secret, but in 1896 he added a school to his magnetic healing infirmary, and began to teach others his method. It would become known as Palmer School of Chiropractic (PSC, now Palmer College of Chiropractic). Among the first graduates were Andrew P. Davis MD, DO, William A. Seally, MD, B.J. Palmer (D.D.'s son), Solon M. Langworthy, John Howard, and Shegataro Morikubo. Langworthy moved to Cedar Rapids, Iowa and opened the second chiropractic school in 1903, the American School of Chiropractic & Nature Cure (ASC & NC), combining it with what would become naturopathic cures and osteopathy. D.D. Palmer, who was not interested in mixing chiropractic with other cures, turned down an offer to be a partner. D.D. Palmer established a magnetic healing facility in Davenport, Iowa, styling himself ‘doctor’. Not everyone was convinced, as a local paper in 1894 wrote about him: "A crank on magnetism has a crazy notion that he can cure the sick and crippled with his magnetic hands. His victims are the weak-minded, ignorant and superstitious, those foolish people who have been sick for years and have become tired of the regular physician and want health by the short-cut method…he has certainly profited by the ignorance of his victims…His increase in business shows what can be done in Davenport, even by a quack."
D. saxonica is similar to its yellowjacket relatives with the black and yellow stripes on its body. However, the Saxon wasp is larger than most of its relatives and can also be identified by the three dots on its head. The Saxon queens are largest with a body length ranging from 15–19 mm (.59–.75 in), while the males range from 13–15 mm (.51–.59 in) and the workers from 11–15 mm (.43–.59 in). The male body consists of a copulatory casing at the end of their gaster and seven gastral tergites – hardened plates, or sclerites that are divided on the dorsal side of the body – and sternites, which are sclerites on the ventral side of the thorax. On the other hand, the female has six gastral tergites and sternites and a sting at the end of their gaster. D. saxonica is an aerial nester, meaning that the wasps build their nests above ground, often in trees, shrubs, or buildings. The nests of D. saxonica are ball-shaped and can be roughly 250 mm (9.8 in), which is small relative to other wasp nests. Nest construction is done quickly, allowing the nest population to increase rapidly. On average, nests contain three to five combs, while a large nest can contain up to five. The Saxon wasps build their nests from rotting wood, using the fibres from the wood to form a grey coloured nest that can contain yellow lines or patches on the exterior. The external side of the nest is smooth and does not have any ventilation holes. Instead, there is a single opening at the bottom where wasps can enter and exit and where waste can leave the nest.
Currently, N. chrosomus is a species of relatively low conservation concern and does not require significant additional protection or management, monitoring or research action. However, a detailed recovery plan for the Mobile River Basin aquatic ecosystem, to which N. chrosomus is native, is underway. The plan was created by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and aims to protect the Basin’s native aquatic fauna and flora through aquatic ecosystem management. The decline of many other aquatic species within the Basin is a result of increasing human populations, modifications to meet their needs, and impacts of current land use. Human populations and their associated needs for housing, recreation, and agricultural products is projected to increase within the Basin. The recovery plan therefore seeks to emphasize stewardship responsibilities shared by all inhabitants of the Basin by promoting three basic tenets: 1.Use to the fullest practical extent existing laws, regulations, and policies to protect listed populations and to develop a stream management strategy that places high priority on conservation and restoration. 2.Encourage voluntary stewardship through joint initiatives and individual actions as the only practical and economical means of minimizing adverse effects of private land use and activities within watersheds. 3.Continue to promote research efforts on life histories, sensitivities, and requirements of imperiled aquatic species, and develop technological capabilities to maintain and propagate them. By seeking to improve habitat conditions within the Basin, it is likely that populations of N. chrosomus will continue to remain stable or increase with these improvements.
This historic district developed in the late 1890s when the San Francisco and San Joaquin Valley Railway occupied 57 acres (230,000 m²) of land in the area that is now the neighborhood downtown of Point Richmond. The acres were bought by the Santa Fe Railroad upon completion and at the same time the Pacific Coast Oil Company (later Standard Oil, today Chevron) acquired adjacent lands and built an oil refinery. The completion of these projects attracted the first residents to this area. Point Richmond served as the downtown district of Richmond until the city expanded along the central flatlands of western Contra Costa County during the beginning of the 20th century. This city's expansion led to a larger downtown to the northeast which was exacerbated by tens of thousands of World War II shipbuilding workers. Point Richmond was the terminal of the East Shore & Suburban Railway's Refinery-County Line route; that rail system was a predecessor of the Key System. Today maps are provided by the city of Richmond's Convention and Visitors Bureau for individuals to take walking tours of the historic zone. The historic area is now only a small portion of the larger neighborhood but still serves as the center for neighborhood businesses and civic affairs. There was much controversy regarding the inclusion of a Starbuck's café in 2004 as the area had up until that point not had any chain stores, although many residents opposed the coffee shop it opened in that same year and the residents have calmed regarding the subject. The Historic District is accessible from Interstate 580, Richmond Parkway, Macdonald Avenue, Cutting Boulevard. AC Transit bus route 72M MacDonald connects with the Richmond BART and Amtrak Station. Golden Gate Transit routes 40 and 42 connect with the station and Marin County; the former serves del Norte Station.
Jenkins was born in Bromley, Kent, to Lionel Jenkins, who worked in a bank, and his wife Dora (née Page). His family were Methodist. He was educated at St Dunstan's College, Catford. Having attended a Church of England ordination conference at Bangalore during his service in India, he took up a scholarship to enter Queen's College, Oxford, where he graduated in 1954. During the Second World War, he was called up in the autumn of 1943. He was commissioned in the Royal Artillery after officer training at Harrogate in April 1945. At the end of the war he was a staff officer at General Headquarters in India. In 1946 he was attached to the 10th Indian Field Regiment, Royal Indian Artillery before its disbandment. He demobilised as Captain in 1947.
In 1939, he headed the Colombian delegation to the League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, the actual United Nations. Amid the expansion of the Third Reich across Europe, president Eduardo Santos named him as Minister Plenipotentiary to Great Britain, from September 1940 to 1943. Jaime Jaramillo bought the present Colombian Embassy in London, and suffered, too, the Blitz of the German bombing. During World War II, he was appointed also as Minister Plenipotentiary to the Governments in Exile, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Norway, based in the British capital. Thanks to a decree of president Alfonso López Pumarejo, he became the first Colombian ambassador to the United Kingdom, from 1943 to December 19, 1945.