EXAM:, Mammographic screening FFDM,HISTORY: , 40-year-old female who is on oral contraceptive pills. She has no present symptomatic complaints. No prior history of breast surgery nor family history of breast CA.,TECHNIQUE: , Standard CC and MLO views of the breasts.,COMPARISON: , This is the patient's baseline study.,FINDINGS: , The breasts are composed of moderately to significantly dense fibroglandular tissue. The overlying skin is unremarkable.,There are a tiny cluster of calcifications in the right breast, near the central position associated with 11:30 on a clock.,There are benign-appearing calcifications in both breasts as well as unremarkable axillary lymph nodes.,There are no spiculated masses or architectural distortion.,IMPRESSION:, Tiny cluster of calcifications at the 11:30 position of the right breast. Recommend additional views; spot magnification in the MLO and CC views of the right breast.,BIRADS Classification 0 - Incomplete,MAMMOGRAPHY INFORMATION:,1. A certain percentage of cancers, probably 10% to 15%, will not be identified by mammography.,2. Lack of radiographic evidence of malignancy should not delay a biopsy if a clinically suspicious mass is present.,3. These images were obtained with FDA-approved digital mammography equipment, and iCAD Second Look Software Version 7.2 was utilized.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Persistent pneumonia, right upper lobe of the lung, possible mass.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Persistent pneumonia, right upper lobe of the lung, possible mass.,PROCEDURE:, Bronchoscopy with brush biopsies.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , After obtaining an informed consent, the patient was taken to the operating room where he underwent a general endotracheal anesthesia. A time-out process had been followed and then the flexible bronchoscope was inserted through the endotracheal tube after 2 cc of 4% lidocaine had been infused into the endotracheal tube. First the trachea and the carina had normal appearance. The scope was passed into the left side and the bronchial system was found to be normal. There were scars and mucoid secretions. Then the scope was passed into the right side where brown secretions were obtained and collected in a trap to be sent for culture and sensitivity of aerobic and anaerobic fungi and TB. First, the basal lobes were explored and found to be normal. Then, the right upper lobe was selectively cannulated and no abnormalities were found except some secretions were aspirated. Then, the bronchi going to the three segments were visualized and no abnormalities or mass were found. Brush biopsy was obtained from one of the segments and sent to Pathology.,The procedure had to be interrupted several times because of the patient's desaturation, but after a few minutes of Ambu bagging, he recovered satisfactorily.,At the end, the patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.,
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
FINDINGS:,Axial scans were performed from L1 to S2 and reformatted images were obtained in the sagittal and coronal planes.,Preliminary scout film demonstrates anterior end plate spondylosis at T11-12 and T12-L1.,L1-2: There is normal disc height, anterior end plate spondylosis, very minimal vacuum change with no posterior annular disc bulging or protrusion. Normal central canal, intervertebral neural foramina and facet joints (image #4).,L2-3: There is mild decreased disc height, anterior end plate spondylosis, circumferential disc protrusion measuring 4.6mm (AP) and right extraforaminal osteophyte disc complex. There is mild non-compressive right neural foraminal narrowing, minimal facet arthrosis, normal central canal and left neural foramen (image #13).,L3-4: There is normal disc height, anterior end plate spondylosis, and circumferential non-compressive annular disc bulging. The disc bulging flattens the ventral thecal sac and there is minimal non-compressive right neural foraminal narrowing, minimal to mild facet arthrosis with vacuum change on the right, normal central canal and left neural foramen (image #25).,L4-5:
CC: ,Motor vehicle-bicycle collision.,HX:, A 5 y/o boy admitted 10/17/92. He was struck while riding his bicycle by a motor vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. First responders found him unconscious with left pupil 6 mm and unreactive and the right pupil 3 mm and reactive. He had bilateral decorticate posturing and was bleeding profusely from his nose and mouth. He was intubated and ventilated in the field, and then transferred to UIHC.,PMH/FHX/SHX:, unremarkable.,MEDS:, none,EXAM:, BP 127/91 HR69 RR30,MS: unconscious and intubated,Glasgow coma scale=4,CN: Pupils 6/6 fixed. Corneal reflex: trace OD, absent OS. Gag present on manipulation of endotracheal tube.,MOTOR/SENSORY: bilateral decorticate posturing to noxious stimulation (chest).,Reflexes: bilaterally.,Laceration of mid forehead exposing calvarium.,COURSE:, Emergent Brain CT scan revealed: Displaced fracture of left calvarium. Left frontoparietal intraparenchymal hemorrhage. Right ventricular collection of blood. Right cerebral intraparenchymal hemorrhage. Significant mass effect with deviation of the midline structures to right. The left ventricle was compressed with obliteration of the suprasellar cistern. Air within the soft tissues in the left infra temporal region. C-spine XR, Abdominal/Chest CT were unremarkable.,Patient was taken to the OR emergently and underwent bifrontal craniotomy, evacuation of a small epidural and subdural hematomas, and duraplasty. He was given mannitol enroute to the OR and hyperventilated during and after the procedure. Postoperatively he continued to manifest decerebrate posturing . On 11/16/92 he underwent VP shunting with little subsequent change in his neurological status. On 11/23/92 he underwent tracheostomy. On 12/11/92 he underwent bifrontal acrylic prosthesis implantation for repair of the bifrontal craniectomy. By the time of discharge, 1/14/93, he tracked relatively well OD, but had a CN3 palsy OS. He had relatively severe extensor rigidity in all extremities (R>L). His tracheotomy was closed prior to discharge. A 11/16/92 Brain MRI demonstrated infarction in the upper brain stem (particularly in the Pons), left cerebellum, right basil ganglia and thalamus.,He was initially treated for seizure prophylaxis with DPH, but developed neutropenia, so it was discontinued. He developed seizures within several months of discharge and was placed on VPA (Depakene). This decreased seizure frequency but his liver enzymes became elevated and he changed over to Tegretol. 10/8/93 Brain MRI (one year after MVA) revealed interval appearance of hydrocephalus, abnormal increased T2 signal (in the medulla, right pons, both basal ganglia, right frontal and left occipital regions), a small mid-brain, and a right subdural fluid collection. These findings were consistent with diffuse axonal injury of the white matter and gray matter contusion, and signs of a previous right subdural hematoma.,He was last seen 10/30/96 in the pediatric neurology clinic--age 9 years. He was averaging 2-3 seizures per day---characterized by extension of BUE with tremor and audible cry or laughter---on Tegretol and Diazepam. In addition he experiences 24-48hour periods of "startle response (myoclonic movement of the shoulders)" with or without stimulation every 6 weeks. He had limited communication skills (sparse speech). On exam he had disconjugate gaze, dilated/fixed left pupil, spastic quadriplegia.
REASON FOR VISIT: , Mr. ABC is a 30-year-old man who returns in followup of his still moderate-to-severe sleep apnea. He returns today to review his response to CPAP.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient initially presented with loud obnoxious snoring that disrupted the sleep of his bed partner. He was found to have moderate-to-severe sleep apnea (predominantly hypopnea), was treated with nasal CPAP at 10 cm H2O nasal pressure. He has been on CPAP now for several months, and returns for followup to review his response to treatment.,The patient reports that the CPAP has limited his snoring at night. Occasionally, his bed partner wakes him in the middle of the night, when the mask comes off, and reminds him to replace the mask. The patient estimates that he uses the CPAP approximately 5 to 7 nights per week, and on occasion takes it off and does not replace the mask when he awakens spontaneously in the middle of the night.,The patient's sleep pattern consists of going to bed between 11:00 and 11:30 at night and awakening between 6 to 7 a.m. on weekdays. On weekends, he might sleep until 8 to 9 a.m. On Saturday night, he might go to bed approximately mid night.,As noted, the patient is not snoring on CPAP. He denies much tossing and turning and does not awaken with the sheets in disarray. He awakens feeling relatively refreshed.,In the past few months, the patient has lost between 15 and 18 pounds in combination of dietary and exercise measures.,He continues to work at Smith Barney in downtown Baltimore. He generally works from 8 to 8:30 a.m. until approximately 5 to 5:30 p.m. He is involved in training purpose to how to sell managed funds and accounts.,The patient reports no change in daytime stamina. He has no difficulty staying awake during the daytime or evening hours.,The past medical history is notable for allergic rhinitis.,MEDICATIONS: , He is maintained on Flonase and denies much in the way of nasal symptoms.,ALLERGIES: , Molds.,FINDINGS: ,Vital signs: Blood pressure 126/75, pulse 67, respiratory rate 16, weight 172 pounds, height 5 feet 9 inches, temperature 98.4 degrees and SaO2 is 99% on room air at rest.,The patient has adenoidal facies as noted previously.,Laboratories: The patient forgot to bring his smart card in for downloading today.,ASSESSMENT: , Moderate-to-severe sleep apnea. I have recommended the patient continue CPAP indefinitely. He will be sending me his smart card for downloading to determine his CPAP usage pattern. In addition, he will continue efforts to maintain his weight at current levels or below. Should he succeed in reducing further, we might consider re-running a sleep study to determine whether he still requires a CPAP.,PLANS: , In the meantime, if it is also that the possible nasal obstruction is contributing to snoring and obstructive hypopnea. I have recommended that a fiberoptic ENT exam be performed to exclude adenoidal tissue that may be contributing to obstruction. He will be returning for routine followup in 6 months.
General Medicine
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Right inguinal hernia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Direct right inguinal hernia.,TITLE OF PROCEDURE: , Marlex repair of right inguinal hernia.,ANESTHESIA:, Spinal.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, The patient was taken to the operative suite, placed on the table in the supine position, and given a spinal anesthetic. The right inguinal region was shaved and prepped and draped in a routine sterile fashion. The patient received 1 gm of Ancef IV push.,Transverse incision was made in the intraabdominal crease and carried through skin and subcutaneous tissue. The external oblique fascia was exposed and incised down to and through the external inguinal ring. The spermatic cord and hernia sac were dissected bluntly off the undersurface of the external oblique fascia exposing the attenuated floor of the inguinal canal. The cord was surrounded with a Penrose drain. The hernia sac was separated from the cord structures. The floor of the inguinal canal, which consisted of attenuated transversalis fascia, was imbricated upon itself with a running locked suture of 2-0 Prolene. Marlex patch 1 x 4 in dimension was trimmed to an appropriate shape with a defect to accommodate the cord. It was placed around the cord and sutured to itself with 2-0 Prolene. The patch was then sutured medially to the pubic tubercle, inferiorly to Cooper's ligament and inguinal ligaments, and superiorly to conjoined tendon using 2-0 Prolene. The area was irrigated with saline solution, and 0.5% Marcaine with epinephrine was injected to provide prolonged postoperative pain relief. The cord was returned to its position. External oblique fascia was closed with a running 2-0 PDS, subcu with 2-0 Vicryl, and skin with running subdermal 4-0 Vicryl and Steri-Strips. Sponge and needle counts were correct. Sterile dressing was applied.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , Mesothelioma.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 73-year-old pleasant Caucasian male who is known to me from his previous hospitalization. He has also been seen by me in the clinic in the last few weeks. He was admitted on January 18, 2008, with recurrent malignant pleural effusion. On the same day, he underwent VATS and thoracoscopic drainage of the pleural effusion with right pleural nodule biopsy, lysis of adhesions, and directed talc insufflation by Dr. X. He was found to have 2.5L of bloody pleural effusions, some loculated pleural effusion, adhesions, and carcinomatosis in the parenchyma. His hospital course here has been significant for dyspnea, requiring ICU stay. He also had a chest tube, which was taken out few days ago. He has also had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, for which he has been on amiodarone by cardiologist. The biopsy from the pleural nodule done on the right on January 18, 2008, shows malignant epithelioid neoplasm consistent with mesothelioma. Immunohistochemical staining showed tumor cells positive for calretinin and focally positive for D2-40, MOC-31. Tumor cells are negative for CDX-2, and monoclonal CEA.,The patient at this time reports that overall he has been feeling better with decrease in shortness of breath and cough over the last few days. He does have edema in his lower extremities. He is currently on 4L of oxygen. He denies any nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, recent change in bowel habit, melena, or hematochezia. No neurological or musculoskeletal signs or symptoms. He reports that he is able to ambulate to the bathroom, but gets short of breath on exertion. He denies any other complaints.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Left ventricular systolic dysfunction as per the previous echocardiogram done in December 2007, history of pneumonia in December 2007, admitted to XYZ Hospital. History of recurrent pleural effusions, status post pleurodesis and locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer as per the biopsy that was done in XYZ Hospital.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: ,In the hospital are amiodarone, diltiazem, enoxaparin, furosemide, methylprednisolone, pantoprazole, Zosyn, p.r.n. acetaminophen, and hydrocodone.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is married and lives with his spouse. He has history of tobacco smoking and also reports history of alcohol abuse. No history of illicit drug abuse.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Significant for history of ?cancer? in the mother and history of coronary artery disease in the father.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As stated above. He denies any obvious asbestos exposure, as far as he can remember.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: He is awake, alert, in no acute distress. He is currently on 4L of oxygen by nasal cannula.,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 97/65 mmHg, respiration is 20 per minute, pulse is 72 per minute, and temperature 98.3 degrees Fahrenheit.,HEENT: No icterus or sinus tenderness. Oral mucosa is moist.,NECK: Supple. No lymphadenopathy.,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation except few diffuse wheezing present bilaterally.,CARDIOVASCULAR: S1 and S2 normal.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nondistended, and nontender. No hepatosplenomegaly. Bowel sounds are present in all four quadrants.,EXTREMITIES: Bilateral pedal edema is present in both the extremities. No signs of DVT.,NEUROLOGICAL: Grossly nonfocal.,INVESTIGATION:, Labs done on January 28, 2008, showed BUN of 23 and creatinine of 0.9. Liver enzymes checked on January 17, 2008, were unremarkable. CBC done on January 26, 2008, showed WBC of 19.8, hemoglobin of 10.7, hematocrit of 30.8, and platelet count of 515,000. Chest x-ray from yesterday shows right-sided Port-A-Cath, diffuse right lung parenchymal and pleural infiltration without change, mild pulmonary vascular congestion.,ASSESSMENT,1. Mesothelioma versus primary lung carcinoma, two separate reports as for the two separate biopsies done several weeks apart.,2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.,3. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.,4. Malignant pleural effusion, status post surgery as stated above.,5. Anemia of chronic disease.,RECOMMENDATIONS,1. Compare the slides from the previous biopsy done in December at XYZ Hospital with recurrent pleural nodule biopsy slides. I have discussed regarding this with Dr. Y in Pathology here at Methodist XYZ Hospital. I will try to obtain the slides for comparison from XYZ Hospital for comparison and immunohistochemical staining.,2. I will also discuss with Dr. X and also with intervention radiologist at XYZ Hospital regarding the exact sites of the two biopsies.,3. Once the results of the above are available, I will make further recommendations regarding treatment. The patient has significantly decreased performance status with dyspnea on exertion and is being planned for transfer to Triumph Hospital for rehab, which I agree with.,4. Continue present care.,Discussed regarding the above in great details with the patient and his wife and daughter and answered the questions to their satisfaction. They clearly understand the above. They also understand his very poor performance status at this time, and the risks and benefits of delaying chemotherapy due to this.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with acute hypercapnic respiratory failure.,2. Chronic atrial fibrillation with prior ablation done on Coumadin treatment.,3. Mitral stenosis.,4. Remote history of lung cancer with prior resection of the left upper lobe.,5. Anxiety and depression.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Details are present in the dictated report.,BRIEF HOSPITAL COURSE:, The patient is a 71-year-old lady who came in with increased shortness of breath of one day duration. She denied history of chest pain or fevers or cough with purulent sputum at that time. She was empirically treated with a course of antibiotics of Avelox for ten days. She also received steroids, prednisolone 60 mg, and breathing treatments with albuterol, Ipratropium and her bronchodilator therapy was also optimized with theophylline. She continued to receive Coumadin for her chronic atrial fibrillation. Her heart rate was controlled and was maintained in the 60s-70s. On the third day of admission she developed worsening respiratory failure with fatigue, and hence was required to be intubated and ventilated. She was put on mechanical ventilation from 1/29 to 2/6/06. She was extubated on 2/6 and put on BI-PAP. The pressures were gradually increased from 10 and 5 to 15 of BI-PAP and 5 of E-PAP with FIO2 of 35% at the time of transfer to Kindred. Her bronchospasm also responded to the aggressive bronchodilation and steroid therapy.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:, Prednisolone 60 mg orally once daily, albuterol 2.5 mg nebulized every 4 hours, Atrovent Respules to be nebulized every 6 hours, Pulmicort 500 micrograms nebulized twice every 8 hours, Coumadin 5 mg orally once daily, magnesium oxide 200 mg orally once daily.,TRANSFER INSTRUCTIONS:, The patient is to be strictly kept on bi-level PAP of 15 I-PAP/E-PAP of 5 cm and FIO2 of 35% for most of the times during the day. She may be put on nasal cannula 2 to 3 liters per minute with an O2 saturation of 90-92% at meal times only, and that is to be limited to 1-2 hours every meal. On admission her potassium had risen slightly to 5.5, and hence her ACE inhibitor had to be discontinued. We may restart it again at a later date once her blood pressure control is better if required.
General Medicine
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, The patient complains of chest pain. ,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,The patient is a 20-year-old male who states that he has had two previous myocardial infarctions related to his use of amphetamines. The patient has not used amphetamines for at least four to five months, according to the patient; however, he had onset of chest pain this evening. ,The patient describes the pain as midsternal pain, a burning type sensation that lasted several seconds. The patient took one of his own nitroglycerin tablets without any relief. The patient became concerned and came into the emergency department. ,Here in the emergency department, the patient states that his pain is a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10. He feels much more comfortable. He denies any shortness of breath or dizziness, and states that the pain feels unlike the pain of his myocardial infarction. The patient has no other complaints at this time. ,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, The patient's past medical history is significant for status post myocardial infarction in February of 1995 and again in late February of 1995. Both were related to illegal use of amphetamines. ,ALLERGIES:, None. ,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Include nitroglycerin p.r.n. ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 131/76, pulse 50, respirations 18, temperature 96.5. ,GENERAL: The patient is a well-developed, well-nourished white male in no acute distress. The patient is alert and oriented x 3 and lying comfortably on the bed. ,HEENT: Atraumatic, normocephalic. The pupils are equal, round, and reactive. Extraocular movements are intact. ,NECK: Supple with full range of motion. No rigidity or meningismus. ,CHEST: Nontender. ,LUNGS: Clear to auscultation. ,HEART: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmur, S3, or S4. ,ABDOMEN: Soft, nondistended, nontender with active bowel sounds. No masses or organomegaly. No costovertebral angle tenderness. ,EXTREMITIES: Unremarkable. ,NEUROLOGIC: Unremarkable. ,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT LABS:, The patient had a CBC, minor chemistry, and cardiac enzymes, all within normal limits. Chest x-ray, as read by me, was normal. Electrocardiogram, as read by me, showed normal sinus rhythm with no acute ST or T-wave segment changes. There were no acute changes seen on the electrocardiogram. O2 saturation, as interpreted by me, is 99%. ,EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT COURSE: ,The patient had a stable, uncomplicated emergency department course. The patient received 45 cc of Mylanta and 10 cc of viscous lidocaine with complete relief of his chest pain. The patient had no further complaints and stated that he felt much better shortly thereafter. ,AFTERCARE AND DISPOSITION: ,The patient was discharged from the emergency department in stable, ambulatory, good condition with instructions to use Mylanta for his abdominal pain and to follow up with his regular doctor in the next one to two days. Otherwise, return to the emergency department as needed for any problem. The patient was given a copy of his labs and his electrocardiogram. The patient was advised to decrease his level of activity until then. The patient left with final diagnosis of: ,FINAL DIAGNOSIS: ,1. Evaluation of chest pain. ,2. Possible esophageal reflux.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Jaw pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This is a 58-year-old male who started out having toothache in the left lower side of the mouth that is now radiating into his jaw and towards his left ear. Triage nurse reported that he does not believe it is his tooth because he has regular dental appointments, but has not seen a dentist since this new toothache began. The patient denies any facial swelling. No headache. No swelling to the throat. No sore throat. No difficulty swallowing liquids or solids. No neck pain. No lymph node swelling. The patient denies any fever or chills. Denies any other problems or complaints.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, CONSTITUTIONAL: No fever or chills. No fatigue or weakness. HEENT: No headache. No neck pain. No eye pain or vision change. No rhinorrhea. No sinus congestion, pressure, or pain. No sore throat. No throat swelling. The patient does have the toothache on the left lower side that radiates towards his left ear as previously described. The patient does not have ear pain or hearing change. No pressure in the ear. CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain. RESPIRATIONS: No shortness of breath. GASTROINTESTINAL: No nausea or vomiting. No abdominal pain. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No back pain. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: No vision or hearing change. No speech change. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No lymph node swelling.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , None.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, None.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS: , None.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient smokes marijuana. The patient does not smoke cigarettes.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98.2 oral, blood pressure is 168/84, pulse is 87, respirations 16, and oxygen saturation is 100% on room air and interpreted as normal. CONSTITUTIONAL: The patient is well nourished, well developed. The patient appears to be healthy. The patient is calm, comfortable in no acute distress, looks well. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. HEENT: Head is atraumatic, normocephalic, and nontender. Eyes are normal with clear cornea and conjunctivae bilaterally. Nose, normal without rhinorrhea or audible congestion. There is no tenderness over the sinuses. Ears are normal without any sign of infection. No erythema or swelling of the canals. Tympanic membranes are intact and normal without any erythema, bulging, air fluid levels, or bubbles behind it. MOUTH: The patient has a dental fracture at tooth #18. The patient states that the fracture is a couple of months old. The patient does not have any obvious dental caries. The gums are normal without any erythema, swelling, or evidence of infection. There is no fluctuance or suggestion of abscess. There is slight tenderness of the tooth #18. The oropharynx is normal without any sign of infection. There is no erythema, exudate, lesion, or swelling. Mucous membranes are moist. Floor of the mouth is normal without any tenderness or swelling. No suggestion of abscess. There is no pre or post auricular lymphadenopathy either. NECK: Supple. Nontender. Full range of motion. No meningismus. No cervical lymphadenopathy. No JVD. No carotid artery or vertebral artery bruits. CARDIOVASCULAR: Heart is regular rate and rhythm without murmur, rub, or gallop. RESPIRATIONS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No shortness of breath. GASTROINTESTINAL: Abdomen is normal and nontender. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No abnormalities are noted to the back, arms, or legs. The patient has normal use of the extremities. SKIN: No rashes or lesions. NEUROLOGIC: Cranial nerves II through XII are intact. The patient has normal speech and normal ambulation. PSYCHIATRIC: The patient is alert and oriented x4. Normal mood and affect. No evidence of clinical intoxification. HEMATOLOGIC/LYMPHATIC: No lymphadenitis is palpated.,DIAGNOSES:,1. ACUTE LEFT JAW PAIN.,2. #18 DENTAL FRACTURE, WHICH IS AN ELLIS TYPE II FRACTURE.,3. ELEVATED BLOOD PRESSURE.,CONDITION UPON DISPOSITION: , Stable.,DISPOSITION:, Home.,PLAN: , We will have the patient follow up with his dentist Dr. X in three to five days for reevaluation. The patient was encouraged to take Motrin 400 mg q.6h. as needed for pain. The patient was given prescription for Vicodin for any breakthrough or uncontrolled pain. He was given precautions for drowsiness and driving with the use of this medication. The patient was also given a prescription for pen V. The patient was given discharge instructions on toothache and asked to return to emergency room should he have any worsening of his condition, develop any other problems or symptoms of concern.
PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Left heart catheterization with coronary angiography and left ventricular pressure measurement.,2. Left ventricular angiography was not performed.,3. Right posterior descending artery percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty followed by stenting.,4. Right femoral artery angiography.,5. Perclose to seal the right femoral arteriotomy.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:, Patient presenting with a history of coronary artery disease in the past with coronary angiography in the early 1990s. The patient presented with what appeared to be a COPD exacerbation and had mildly positive cardiac enzyme markers suggestive of a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction. He was subsequently dispositioned to the cardiac catheterization lab for further evaluation.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE:, After informed consent was obtained, the patient was taken to the cardiac catheterization lab, where his procedure was performed. The patient was appropriately prepped and prepared on the table, after which his right groin was locally anesthetized with 1% lidocaine. Then, a 6-French sheath was inserted into the right femoral artery. Over a standard 0.035 guidewire, coronary angiography and left ventricular pressure measurements were performed using a 6-French JL4 diagnostic catheter to image the left coronary artery, a 6-French JR4 diagnostic catheter to image the right coronary artery, a 6-French angled pigtail catheter to measure left ventricular pressure. At the conclusion of the diagnostic study, the case was progressed to percutaneous coronary intervention, which will be described below. Subsequently, right femoral artery angiography was performed which showed right femoral artery which was free of significant atherosclerotic plaque, and an arteriotomy that was suitable for a closure device. Then, a Perclose was used to seal the right femoral arteriotomy.,HEMODYNAMIC DATA:, The opening aortic pressure was 91/63. The left ventricular pressure was 94/13 with an end-diastolic pressure of 24. Left ventricular ejection fraction was not assessed, as ventriculogram was not performed. The patient did have some elevated creatinine earlier in this hospital course which warranted limitation of contrast where possible.,CORONARY ANGIOGRAM:, The left main coronary artery was angiographically okay. The LAD had mild diffuse disease. There appeared to be distal tapering of the LAD. The left circumflex had mild diffuse disease. In the very distal aspect of the circumflex after OM-3 and OM-4 type branch, there was a long, severely diseased segment that appeared to be chronic and subtotal in one area. The runoff from this area appeared to be a very small PLOM type branch and continuation of a circ which did not appear to supply much territory, and there was not much to salvage by approaching this lesion. The right coronary artery had mild diffuse disease. The PLV branch was 100% occluded at its ostium at the crux. The PDA at the ostium had an 80% stenosis. The PDA was a fairly sizeable vessel with a long course. The right coronary is dominant.,CONCLUSION:, Mild diffuse coronary artery disease with severe distal left circumflex lesion with not much runoff beyond this lesion. This circumflex appears to be chronically diseased and has areas that appear to be subtotal. There is a 100% PLV branch which is also chronic and reported in his angiogram in the 1990s. There is an ostial 80% right PDA lesion. The plan is to proceed with percutaneous intervention to the right PDA.,The case was then progressed to percutaneous intervention of the right PDA. A 6-French JR4 guide catheter with side holes was selected and used to engage the right coronary artery ostium. The lesion was crossed with a long BMW 0.014 guidewire. Then, we ballooned the lesion with a 2.5 x 9 mm Maverick balloon. Subsequently, we stented the lesion with a 2.5 x 16 mm Taxus drug-eluting stent with a nice angiographic result. The patient tolerated the procedure very well, without complications.,ANGIOPLASTY CONCLUSION:, Successful percutaneous intervention with drug-eluting stent placement to the ostium of the PDA.,RECOMMENDATIONS:, Aspirin indefinitely, and Plavix 75 mg p.o. daily for no less than six months. The patient will be dispositioned back to telemetry for further monitoring.,TOTAL MEDICATIONS DURING PROCEDURE:, Versed 1 mg and fentanyl 25 mcg for conscious sedation. Heparin 8400 units IV was given for anticoagulation. Ancef 1 g IV was given for closure device prophylaxis.,CONTRAST ADMINISTERED:, 200 mL.,FLUOROSCOPY TIME:, 12.4 minutes.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Insertion of a VVIR permanent pacemaker.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal.,SITE:, Left subclavian vein access.,INDICATION: , This is an 87-year-old Caucasian female with critical aortic stenosis with an aortic valve area of 0.5 cm square and recurrent congestive heart failure symptoms mostly refractory to tachybrady arrhythmias and therefore, this is indicated so that we can give better control of heart rate and to maintain beta-blocker therapy in the order of treatment. It is overall a Class-II indication for permanent pacemaker insertion.,PROCEDURE:, The risks, benefits, and alternative of the procedure were all discussed with the patient and the patient's family in detail at great length. Overall options and precautions of the pacemaker and indications were all discussed. They agreed to the pacemaker. The consent was signed and placed in the chart. The patient was taken to the Cardiac Catheterization Lab, where she was monitored throughout the whole procedure. The patient was sterilely prepped and draped in the usual manner for permanent pacemaker insertion. Myself and Dr. Wildes spoke for approximately 8 minutes before insertion for the procedure. Using a lidocaine with epinephrine, the area of the left subclavian vein and left pectodeltoid region was anesthetized locally.,IV sedation, increments, and analgesics were given. Using a #18 gauge needle, the left subclavian vein access was cannulated without difficulty. A guidewire was then passed through the Cook needle and the Cook needle was then removed. The wire was secured in place with the hemostat. Using a #10 and #15 scalpel blade, a 5 cm horizontal incision was made in the left pectoral deltoid region where the skin was dissected and blunted down into the pectoris major muscle fascia. The skin was then undermined used to make a pocket for the pacemaker. The guidewire was then tunneled through the pacer pocket. Cordis sheath was then inserted through the guidewire. The guidewire and dilator were removed. ___ cordis sheath was in placed within. This was used for insertion of the ventricular screw and steroid diluted leads where under fluoroscopy. It was placed into the apex. Cordis sheath was then split apart and removed and after the ventricular lead was placed in its appropriate position and good thresholds were obtained, the lead was then sutured in place with #1-0 silk suture to the pectoris major muscle. The lead was then connected on pulse generator. The pocket was then irrigated and cleansed. Pulse generator and the wire was then inserted into the ____ pocket. The skin was then closed with gut suture. The skin was then closed with #4-0 Poly___ sutures using a subcuticular uninterrupted technique. The area was then cleansed and dried. Steri-Strips and pressure dressing was then applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well. there was no complications.,These are the settings on the pacemaker:,IMPLANT DEVICE: , Pulse Generator Model Name: Sigma, model #: 12345, serial #: 123456.,VENTRICLE LEAD:, Model #: 12345, the ventricular lead serial #: 123456.,Ventricle lead was a screw and steroid diluted lead placed into the right ventricle apex.,BRADY PARAMETER SETTINGS ARE AS FOLLOWS:, Amplitude was set at 3.5 volts with a pulse of 0.4, sensitivity of 2.8. The pacing mode was set at VVIR, lower rate of 60 and upper rate of 120.,STIMULATION THRESHOLDS: ,The right ventricular lead and bipolar, threshold voltage is 0.6 volts, 1 milliapms current, 600 Ohms resistance, R-wave sensing 11 millivolts.,The patient tolerated the procedure well. There was no complications. The patient went to recovery in stable condition. Chest x-ray will be ordered. She will be placed on IV antibiotics and continue therapy for congestive heart failure and tachybrady arrhythmia.,Thank you for allowing me to participate in her care. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact.
PRESENT COMPLAINTS: , The patient is reporting ongoing, chronic right-sided back pain, pain that radiates down her right leg intermittently. She is having difficulty with bending and stooping maneuvers. She cannot lift heavy objects. She states she continues to have pain in her right neck and pain in her right upper extremity. She has difficulty with pushing and pulling and lifting with her right arm. She describes an intermittent tingling sensation in the volar aspect of her right hand. She states she has diminished grip strength in her right hand because of wrist pain complaints. She states that the Wellbutrin samples I had given her previously for depression seem to be helping. Her affect appears appropriate. She reports no suicidal ideation. She states she continues to use Naprosyn as an anti-inflammatory, Biofreeze ointment over her neck and shoulder and back areas of complaints. She also takes Imitrex occasionally for headache complaints related to her neck pain. She also takes Flexeril occasionally for back spasms and Darvocet for pain. She is asking for a refill on some of her medications today. She is relating a VAS pain score regarding her lower back at a 6-7/10 and regarding her neck about 3/10, and regarding her right upper extremity about a 4/10., ,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , She is afebrile. Blood pressure is 106/68, pulse of 64, respirations of 20. Her physical exam is unchanged from 03/21/05. Her orthopedic exam reveals full range of motion of the cervical spine. Cervical compression test is negative. Valsalva's maneuver is negative. Hoffmann's sign is negative. DTRs are +1 at the biceps, brachioradialis and trapezius bilaterally. Her sensation is grossly intact to the upper extremity dermatomes. Motor strength appears 5/5 strength in the upper extremity muscle groups tested.,Phalen's and Tinel's signs are negative at both wrists. Passive range of motion of the right wrist is painful for her. Passive range of motion of the left wrist is non painful. Active range of motion of both wrists and hands are full. She is right hand dominant. Circumferential measurements were taken in her upper extremities. She is 11" in the right biceps, 10 1/2" in the left biceps. She is 9 3/4" in both right and left forearms. Circumferential measurements were also taken of the lower extremities. She is 21" at both the right and left thighs, 15" in both the right and left calves. Jamar dynamometry was assessed on three tries in this right-hand-dominant individual. She is 42/40/40 pounds on the right hand with good effort, and on the left is 60/62/60 pounds, suggesting a loss of at least 20% to 25% pre-injury grip strength in the right dominant hand. , ,Examination of her lumbar trunk reveals decreased range of motion, flexion allowing her fingertips about 12" from touching the floor. Lumbar extension is to 30 degrees. The right SLR is limited to about 80 degrees, provoking back pain, with a positive Bragard's maneuver, causing pain to radiate to the back of the thigh. The left SLR is to 90 degrees without back pain. DTRs are +1 at the knees and ankles. Toes are downgoing to plantar reflexes bilaterally. Sensation is grossly intact in the lower extremity dermatomes. Motor strength appears 5/5 strength in the lower extremity muscle groups tested., ,IMPRESSION: , (1) Sprain/strain injury to the lumbosacral spine with lumbar disc herniation at L5-S1, with radicular symptoms in the right leg. (2) Cervical sprain/strain with myofascial dysfunction. (3) Thoracic sprain/strain with myofascial dysfunction. (4) Probable chronic tendonitis of the right wrist. She has negative nerve conduction studies of the right upper extremity. (5) Intermittent headaches, possibly migraine component, possibly cervical tension cephalalgia-type headaches or cervicogenic headaches., ,TREATMENT / PROCEDURE: , I reviewed some neck and back exercises. , ,RX:, I dispensed Naprosyn 500 mg b.i.d. as an anti-inflammatory. I refilled Darvocet N-100, one tablet q.4-6 hours prn pain, #60 tablets, and Flexeril 10 mg t.i.d. prn spasms, #90 tablets, and dispensed some Wellbutrin XL tablets, 150-mg XL tablet q.a.m., #30 tablets., ,PLAN / RECOMMENDATIONS:, I told the patient to continue her medication course per above. It seems to be helping with some of her pain complaints. I told her I will pursue trying to get a lumbar epidural steroid injection authorized for her back and right leg symptoms. I told her in my opinion I would declare her Permanent and Stationary as of today, on 04/18/05 with regards to her industrial injuries of 05/16/03 and 02/10/04. , ,I understand her industrial injury of 05/16/03 is related to an injury at Home Depot where she worked as a credit manager. She had a stack of screen doors fall, hitting her on the head, weighing about 60 pounds, knocking her to the ground. She had onset of headaches and neck pain, and pain complaints about her right upper extremity. She also has a second injury, dated 02/10/04, when apparently a co-worker was goofing around and apparently kicked her in the back accidentally, causing severe onset of back pain. , ,FACTORS FOR DISABILITY:,OBJECTIVE: ,1. She exhibits decreased range of motion in the lumbar trunk.,2. She has an abnormal MRI revealing a disc herniation at L5-S1.,3. She exhibits diminished grip strength in the right arm and upper extremity., ,SUBJECTIVE: ,1. Based on her headache complaints alone, would be considered occasional and minimal to slight at best. ,2. With regards to her neck pain complaints, these would be considered occasional and slight at best. ,3. Regarding her lower back pain complaints, would be considered frequent and slight at rest, with an increase to a moderate level of pain with repetitive bending and stooping and heavy lifting, and prolonged standing. ,4. Regarding her right upper extremity and wrist pain complaints, these would be considered occasional and slight at rest, but increasing to slight to moderate with repetitive gripping, grasping, and torquing maneuvers of her right upper extremity. ,LOSS OF PRE-INJURY CAPACITY: , The patient advises that prior to her industrial dates of injury she was capable of repetitively bending and stooping and lifting at least 60 pounds. She states she now has difficulty lifting more than 10 or 15 pounds without exacerbating back pain. She has trouble trying to repetitively push or pull, torque, twist and lift with the right upper extremity, due to wrist pain, which she did not have prior to her industrial injury dates. She also relates headaches, which she did not have prior to her industrial injury. , ,WORK RESTRICTIONS AND DISABILITY: , I would find it reasonable to place some permanent restrictions on this patient. It is my opinion she has a disability precluding heavy work, which contemplates the individual has lost approximately half of her pre-injury capacity for performing such activities as bending, stooping, lifting, pushing, pulling and climbing or other activities involving comparable physical effort. The patient should probably no lift more than 15 to 20 pounds maximally. She should probably not repetitively bend or stoop. She should avoid repetitive pushing, pulling or torquing maneuvers, as well as gripping and grasping maneuvers of the right hand. She should probably not lift more than 10 pounds repetitively with the right upper extremity. I suspect that prior to her industrial she could lift repetitively and push, pull, torque and twist at least 20 to 25 pounds with the right upper extremity. , ,CAUSATION AND APPORTIONMENT:, With regards to issues of causation, they appear appropriate to her industrial injuries and histories given per the 05/16/03 and the 02/10/04 injuries., ,With regards issues of apportionment, it is my opinion that 100% of her pain complaints are industrially related to her industrial injuries of 05/16/03 and 02/10/04. There does not appear to be any apportionable issues here.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Shunt malfunction.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Partial proximal obstruction, patent distal system.,TITLE OF OPERATION: , Endoscopic proximal and distal shunt revision with removal of old valve and insertion of new.,SPECIMENS: ,None.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,SKIN PREPARATION: ,Chloraprep.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: , Headaches, irritability, slight increase in ventricle size. Preoperatively patient improved with Diamox.,BRIEF NARRATIVE OF OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , After satisfactory general endotracheal tube anesthesia was administered, the patient was positioned on the operating table in the supine position with the head rotated towards the left. The right frontal area and right retroauricular area was shaved and then the head, neck, chest and abdomen were prepped and draped out in the routine manner. The old scalp incision was opened with a Colorado needle tip and the old catheter was identified as we took the Colorado needle tip over the existing ventricular catheter, right over the sleeve on top of it and when that was entered, the CSF poured out around the ventricular catheter. The ventricular catheter was then disconnected from the reservoir and endoscopically explored. We saw it was blocked up proximally. The catheter was a little adherent and required some freeing up with coagulation and on twisting of the ventricular catheter, I was able to free up the ventricular catheter, and endoscopically inserted a new Bactiseal ventricular catheter. The catheter went down to the septum and I could see both the right and left lateral ventricles and elected to pass it into the right lateral ventricle. It irrigated out well. There was minimal amount of bleeding, but not significant. The distal catheter system was tested. There was good distal run off. Therefore, a linear skin incision was made in the retroauricular area. Tunneling was performed between the two incisions and a ProGAV valve set to an opening pressure of 10 with a 1-5 shunt assist was brought through the subgaleal tissue, connected to the distal catheter and a flushing reservoir was interposed between the burr hole site ventricular catheter and the ProGAV valve. All connections were secured with 2-0 Ethibond sutures. Careful attention was made to make sure that the ProGAV was in the right orientation. The wounds were irrigated out with Bacitracin, closed in a routine manner using Vicryl for the deep layers and Monocryl for the skin, followed by Mastisol and Steri-Strips. The patient tolerated the procedure well. He was awakened, extubated and taken to recovery room in satisfactory condition.
PROCEDURE: ,Laparoscopic tubal sterilization, tubal coagulation.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Request tubal coagulation.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Request tubal coagulation.,PROCEDURE: ,Under general anesthesia, the patient was prepped and draped in the usual manner. Manipulating probe placed on the cervix, changed gloves. Small cervical stab incision was made, Veress needle was inserted without problem. A 3 L of carbon dioxide was insufflated. The incision was enlarged. A 5-mm trocar placed through the incision without problem. Laparoscope placed through the trocar. Pelvic contents visualized. A 2nd puncture was made 2 fingerbreadths above the symphysis pubis in the midline. Under direct vision, the trocar was placed in the abdominal cavity. Uterus, tubes, and ovaries were all normal. There were no pelvic adhesions, no evidence of endometriosis. Uterus was anteverted and the right adnexa was placed on a stretch. The tube was grasped 1 cm from the cornual region, care being taken to have the bipolar forceps completely across the tube and the tube was coagulated using amp meter for total desiccation. The tube was grasped again and the procedure was repeated for a separate coagulation, so that 1.5 cm of the tube was coagulated. The structure was confirmed to be tube by looking at fimbriated end. The left adnexa was then placed on a stretch and the procedure was repeated again grasping the tube 1 cm from the cornual region and coagulating it. Under traction, the amp meter was grasped 3 more times so that a total of 1.5 cm of tube was coagulated again. Tube was confirmed by fimbriated end. Gas was lend out of the abdomen. Both punctures repaired with 4-0 Vicryl and punctures were injected with 0.5% Marcaine 10 mL. The patient went to the recovery room in good condition.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, right upper extremity.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Same.,OPERATION:,
Pain Management
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Dural tear, postoperative laminectomy, L4-L5.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Dural tear, postoperative laminectomy, L4-L5.,2. Laterolisthesis, L4-L5.,3. Spinal instability, L4-L5.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED,1. Complete laminectomy, L4.,2. Complete laminectomy plus facetectomy, L3-L4 level.,3. A dural repair, right sided, on the lateral sheath, subarticular recess at the L4 pedicle level.,4. Posterior spinal instrumentation, L4 to S1, using Synthes Pangea System.,5. Posterior spinal fusion, L4 to S1.,6. Insertion of morselized autograft, L4 to S1.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 500 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DRAINS: ,Hemovac x1.,DISPOSITION: , Vital signs stable, taken to the recovery room in a satisfactory condition, extubated.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: , The patient is a 48-year-old gentleman who has had a prior decompression several weeks ago. He presented several days later with headaches as well as a draining wound. He was subsequently taken back for a dural repair. For the last 10 to 11 days, he has been okay except for the last two days he has had increasing headaches, has nausea, vomiting, as well as positional migraines. He has fullness in the back of his wound. The patient's risks and benefits have been conferred him due to the fact that he does have persistent spinal leak. The patient was taken to the operating room for exploration of his wound with dural repair with possible stabilization pending what we find intraoperatively.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL:, After appropriate consent was obtained from the patient, the patient was wheeled back to the operating theater room #7. The patient was placed in the usual supine position and intubated under general anesthesia without any difficulties. The patient was given intraoperative antibiotics. The patient was rolled onto the OSI table in usual prone position and prepped and draped in usual sterile fashion.,Initially, a midline incision was made from the cephalad to caudad level. Full-thickness skin flaps were developed. It was seen immediately that there was large amount of copious fluid emanating from the wound, clear-like fluid, which was the cerebrospinal fluid. Cultures were taken, aerobic, anaerobic, AFB, fungal. Once this was done, the paraspinal muscles were affected from the posterior elements. It was seen that there were no facet complexes on the right side at L4-L5 and L5-S1. It was seen that the spine was listhesed at L5 and that the dural sac was pinched at the L4-5 level from the listhesis. Once this was done; however, the fluid emanating from the dura could not be seen appropriately. Complete laminectomy at L4 was performed as well extending the L5 laminectomy more to the left. Complete laminectomy at L3 was done. Once this was done within the subarticular recess on the right side at the L4 pedicle level, a rent in the dura was seen. Once this was appropriately cleaned, the dural edges were approximated using a running 6-0 Prolene suture. A Valsalva confirmed no significant lead after the repair was made. There was a significant laterolisthesis at L4-L5 and due to the fact that there were no facet complexes at L5-S1 and L4-L5 on the right side as well as there was a significant concavity on the right L4-L5 disk space which was demonstrated from intraoperative x-rays and compared to preoperative x-rays, it was decided from an instrumentation. The lateral pedicle screws were placed at L4, L5, and S1 using the standard technique of Magerl. After this the standard starting point was made. Trajectory was completed with gearshift and sounded in all four quadrants to make sure there was no violation of the pedicle wall. Once this was done, this was undertapped at 1 mm and resounded in all four quadrants to make sure that there was no violation of the pedicle wall. The screws were subsequently placed. Tricortical purchase was obtained at S1 ________ appropriate size screws. Precontoured titanium rod was then appropriately planned and placed between the screws at L4, L5, and S1. This was done on the right side first. The screw was torqued at S1 appropriately and subsequently at L5. Minimal compression was then placed between L5 and L4 to correct the concavity as well as laterolisthesis and the screw appropriately torqued at L4. Neutral compression distraction was obtained on the left side. Screws were torqued at L4, L5, and S1 appropriately. Good placement was seen both in AP and lateral planes using fluoroscopy. Laterolisthesis corrected appropriately at L4 and L5.,Posterior spinal fusion was completed by decorticating the posterior elements at L4-L5 and the sacral ala with a curette. Once good bleeding subchondral bone was appreciated, the morselized bone from the laminectomy was morselized with corticocancellous bone chips together with demineralized bone matrix. This was placed in the posterior lateral gutters. DuraGen was then placed over the dural repair, and after this, fibrin glue was placed appropriately. Deep retractors then removed from the confines of the wound. Fascia was closed using interrupted Prolene running suture #1. Once this was done, suprafascial drain was placed appropriately. Subcutaneous tissues were opposed using a 2-0 Prolene suture. The dermal edges were approximated using staples. Wound was dressed sterilely using bacitracin ointment, Xeroform, 4 x 4's, and tape. The drain was connected appropriately. The patient was rolled on stretcher in usual supine position, extubated uneventfully, and taken back to the recovery room in a satisfactory stable condition. No complications arose.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left adnexal mass.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Left ovarian lesion.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Laparoscopy with left salpingo-oophorectomy.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 50 cc.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,FINDINGS:, The labia and perineum were within normal limits. The hymen was found to be intact. Laparoscopic findings revealed a 4 cm left adnexal mass, which appeared fluid filled. There were a few calcifications on the surface of the mass. The right ovary and fallopian tube appeared normal. There was no evidence of endometriosis. The uterus appeared normal in size. There were no pelvic adhesions noted.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 55-year-old gravida 0, para 0 Caucasian female who presents with a left adnexal mass on ultrasound which is 5.3 cm. She does complain of minimal discomfort. Bimanual exam was not able to be performed secondary to the vaginal stenosis and completely intact hymen.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was taken back to the Operative Suite, prepped and draped, and placed in the dorsal lithotomy position. A 1 cm skin incision was made in the infraumbilical vault. While tenting up the abdominal wall, the Veress needle was inserted without difficulty and the abdomen was insufflated. This was done using appropriate flow and volume of CO2. The #11 step trocar was then placed without difficulty. The above findings were confirmed. A #12 mm port was then placed approximately 2 cm above the pubic symphysis under direct visualization. Two additional ports were placed, one on the left lateral aspect of the abdominal wall and one on the right lateral aspect of the abdominal wall. Both #12 step ports were done under direct visualization. Using a grasper, the mass was tented up at the inferior pelvic ligament and the LigaSure was placed across this and several bites were taken with good visualization while ligating. The left ovary was then placed in an Endocatch bag and removed through the suprapubic incision. The skin was extended around this incision and the fascia was extended using the Mayo scissors. The specimen was removed intact in the Endocatch bag through this site. Prior to desufflation of the abdomen, the site where the left adnexa was removed was visualized to be hemostatic. All the port sites were hemostatic as well. The fascia of the suprapubic incision was then repaired using a running #0 Vicryl stitch on a UR6 needle. The skin was then closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a subcuticular fashion. The remaining incisions were also closed with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a running fashion after all instruments were removed and the abdomen was completely desufflated. Steri-Strips were placed on each of the incisions. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Sponge, lap, and needle count were x2. She will go home on Vicodin for pain and followup postoperatively in the office where we will review path report with her.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
PROCEDURE:, Delayed primary chest closure.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a newborn with diagnosis of hypoplastic left heart syndrome who 48 hours prior to the current procedure has undergone a modified stage 1 Norwood operation. Given the magnitude of the operation and the size of the patient (2.5 kg), we have elected to leave the chest open to facilitate postoperative management. He is now taken back to the operative room for delayed primary chest closure.,PREOP DX: , Open chest status post modified stage 1 Norwood operation.,POSTOP DX:, Open chest status post modified stage 1 Norwood operation.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,FINDINGS:, No evidence of intramediastinal purulence or hematoma. He tolerated the procedure well.,DETAILS OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was brought to the operating room and placed on the operating table in the supine position. Following general endotracheal anesthesia, the chest was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The previously placed AlloDerm membrane was removed. Mediastinal cultures were obtained, and the mediastinum was then profusely irrigated and suctioned. Both cavities were also irrigated and suctioned. The drains were flushed and repositioned. Approximately 30 cubic centimeters of blood were drawn slowly from the right atrial line. The sternum was then smeared with a vancomycin paste. The proximal aspect of the 5 mm RV-PA conduit was marked with a small titanium clip at its inferior most aspect and with an additional one on its rightward inferior side. The sternum was then closed with stainless steel wires followed by closure of subcutaneous tissues with interrupted monofilament stitches. The skin was closed with interrupted nylon sutures and a sterile dressing was placed. The peritoneal dialysis catheter, atrial and ventricular pacing wires were removed. The patient was transferred to the pediatric intensive unit shortly thereafter in very stable condition.,I was the surgical attending present in the operating room and in charge of the surgical procedure throughout the entire length of the case.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Alternating hard and soft stools.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,Sigmoid diverticulosis.,Sessile polyp of the sigmoid colon.,Pedunculated polyp of the sigmoid colon.,PROCEDURE: , Total colonoscopy with biopsy and snare polypectomy.,PREP:, 4/4.,DIFFICULTY:, 1/4.,PREMEDICATION AND SEDATION: , Fentanyl 100, midazolam 5.,INDICATION FOR PROCEDURE:, A 64-year-old male who has developed alternating hard and soft stools. He has one bowel movement a day.,FINDINGS: , There is extensive sigmoid diverticulosis, without evidence of inflammation or bleeding. There was a small, sessile polyp in the sigmoid colon, and a larger pedunculated polyp in the sigmoid colon, both appeared adenomatous.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , Preoperative counseling, including an explicit discussion of the risk and treatment of perforation was provided. Preoperative physical examination was performed. Informed consent was obtained. The patient was placed in the left lateral decubitus position. Premedications were given slowly by intravenous push. Rectal examination was performed, which was normal. The scope was introduced and passed with minimal difficulty to the cecum. This was verified anatomically and video photographs were taken of the ileocecal valve and appendiceal orifice. The scope was slowly withdrawn, the mucosa carefully visualized. It was normal in its entirety until reaching the sigmoid colon. Sigmoid colon had extensive diverticular disease, small-mouth, without inflammation or bleeding. In addition, there was a small sessile polyp, which was cold biopsied and recovered, and approximately an 8 mm pedunculated polyp. A snare was placed on the stalk of the polyp and divided with electrocautery. The polyp was recovered and sent for pathologic examination. Examination of the stalk showed good hemostasis. The scope was slowly withdrawn and the remainder of the examination was normal.,ASSESSMENT: , Diverticular disease. A diverticular disease handout was given to the patient's wife and a high fiber diet was recommended. In addition, 2 polyps, one of which is assuredly an adenoma. Patient needs a repeat colonoscopy in 3 years.
EXAM: , CTA chest pulmonary angio.,REASON FOR EXAM: , Evaluate for pulmonary embolism.,TECHNIQUE: , Postcontrast CT chest pulmonary embolism protocol, 100 mL of Isovue-300 contrast is utilized.,FINDINGS: , There are no filling defects in the main or main right or left pulmonary arteries. No central embolism. The proximal subsegmental pulmonary arteries are free of embolus, but the distal subsegmental and segmental arteries especially on the right are limited by extensive pulmonary parenchymal, findings would be discussed in more detail below. There is no evidence of a central embolism.,As seen on the prior examination, there is a very large heterogeneous right chest wall mass, which measures at least 10 x 12 cm based on axial image #35. Just superior to the mass is a second heterogeneous focus of neoplasm measuring about 5 x 3.3 cm. Given the short interval time course from the prior exam, dated 01/23/09, this finding has not significantly changed. However, there is considerable change in the appearance of the lung fields. There are now bilateral pleural effusions, small on the right and moderate on the left with associated atelectasis. There are also extensive right lung consolidations, all new or increased significantly from the prior examination. Again identified is a somewhat spiculated region of increased density at the right lung apex, which may indicate fibrosis or scarring, but the possibility of primary or metastatic disease cannot be excluded. There is no pneumothorax in the interval.,On the mediastinal windows, there is presumed subcarinal adenopathy, with one lymph node measuring roughly 12 mm suggestive of metastatic disease here. There is aortic root and arch and descending thoracic aortic calcification. There are scattered regions of soft plaque intermixed with this. The heart is not enlarged. The left axilla is intact in regards to adenopathy. The inferior thyroid appears unremarkable.,Limited assessment of the upper abdomen discloses a region of lower density within the right hepatic lobe, this finding is indeterminate, and if there is need for additional imaging in regards to hepatic metastatic disease, follow up ultrasound. Spleen, adrenal glands, and upper kidneys appear unremarkable. Visualized portions of the pancreas are unremarkable.,There is extensive rib destruction in the region of the chest wall mass. There are changes suggesting prior trauma to the right clavicle.,IMPRESSION:,1. Again demonstrated is a large right chest wall mass.,2. No central embolus, distal subsegmental and segmental pulmonary artery branches are in part obscured by the pulmonary parenchymal findings, are not well assessed.,3. New bilateral pleural effusions and extensive increasing consolidations and infiltrates in the right lung.,4. See above regarding other findings.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
TYPE OF CONSULTATION:, Wound care consult.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 62-year-old woman with a past medical history significant for prior ileojejunal bypass for weight loss (1980) and then subsequent gastric banding (2002 Dr. X) who was transferred to this facility following a complicated surgical and postoperative course after takedown of the prior gastroplasty and bypass (07/08/2008, Dr. Y). The patient has been followed by Cardiothoracic Surgery (Dr. Z) as an outpatient. She had a history of daily postprandial vomiting, regurgitation, and heartburn. She underwent a preop assessment of her GERD and postprandial vomiting including nuclear gastric emptying studies, which showed increased esophageal retention with normal gastric emptying. Preoperative barium swallow demonstrated moderated esophageal dysmotility with incomplete emptying and a small hiatal hernia. It was recommended that she undergo an exploratory laparotomy and possible redo fundoplication and possible gastrectomy. She had already undergone multiple EGDs with dilatations without success. She continued to have abdominal discomfort.,On 07/07/2008, she was admitted to hospital. She underwent an exploratory laparotomy with esophagogastrectomy with esophagogastric anastomosis and Dor fundoplication, repair of hiatal hernia, small bowel resection x2 with primary anastomosis, extensive lysis of adhesions, insertion of a red-rubber J tube, and esophagogastroduodenoscopy. She also had her ileojejunal bypass reversed. Postoperatively, she was able to be extubated. She was started on TPN, given the risk of not being able to tolerate enteral nutrition. Her operative note confirmed that the stomach pouch was enlarged with outlet obstruction where the band was. There was 2 hours of extensive lysis of adhesions. It took 2 hours to identify the colon. A defect was repaired in the transverse colon. The bypass segment of the anastomosis was seen between the proximal jejunum and the distal ileum, which was divided and the proximal jejunum was reconnected to the atretic blind limb of the small bowel. A red feeding tube was placed proximal to the anastomosis then tended to cross the anastomosis into the distal atretic small bowel for enteral feeds. The hiatal hernia was repaired as noted. The obstructed proximal gastric segment was resected. An anastomosis was made between the proximal intestine and the stomach and distal esophagus with Dor fundoplication. Omentectomy was performed due to devascularization. The wound was able to be closed with staples.,Postoperatively, the patient was started on IV antibiotics. She was able to be extubated. However, on 07/14/2008, she coded with shortness of breath and chest pain. She had respiratory failure, required endotracheal intubation and ICU management. CT scan of the abdomen and the pelvis confirmed that she had an anastomotic leak. Sputum cultures were positive ESBL Klebsiella. Blood cultures were negative. She was managed closely for sepsis with an elevated white cell count. She was also febrile. Her chest x-ray also showed left lower lobe consolidation. She had scattered contrast material in the anterior abdomen and left upper quadrant due to the anastomotic leak. Her antibiotics were adjusted. Of note, the patient did have a JP drain placed out to the surface during her initial surgery. Followup CT scan on 07/16/2008 confirmed the anastomosis as the likely site of a fistula, as there was continued extraluminal enteric contrast seen within anterior abdomen just beneath the peritoneum as well as the left upper quadrant adjacent to the spleen. No enteric contrast was seen surrounding the patient's known GE junction leak. A JP drain was noted at the posterior aspect of the fundoplication. There was only a small amount of pelvic fluid. Follow up scan again on 07/25/2008 showed no abscess formation. On 08/05/2008, she did underwent an advancement of the #14 French red-rubber catheter feeding tube distal to the dehiscence of fistula into the distal small bowel. At the beginning of the procedure, the catheter did appear to traverse through an anastomotic suture line in the wound dehiscence. At some point during her course, the patient did undergo a second operative procedure, but I do not have any operative note at this time. She subsequently was left with a large open abdominal defect, which was being managed by the wound care nurses, which at the time of her transfer to this facility was being managed with a "wound manager system." to low-continuous wall suction. She was also transferred on tube feedings via the red rubber catheter 20 mL per hour. She is only to have her tube feeds increased by 10 mL a week to ensure tolerance. During her course, she was started on TPN. She was transferred on TPN here.,At the time of her transfer, the patient was no longer on IV antibiotics. She is on Fragmin for DVT prophylaxis. During her course, she did have to undergo a tracheostomy. This has subsequently been removed and this site is healing. The tracheostomy was removed on 08/06/2008, I believe. At the time of her tracheostomy (on 07/22/2008), the patient also underwent a flexible bronchoscopy, which showed some secretions in the left airway (right was clear), which did not appear to be purulent. Of note also, pathology of her partial stomach resection showed Helicobacter pylori gastritis. There were no other significant abnormalities noted in the small intestine or omentum. On 08/11/2008, the patient was transferred to HealthSouth Monroeville LTAC for continued medical management, wound care, and rehab therapies.1,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,History of diabetes with peripheral neuropathy - on Lyrica and Cymbalta preoperatively. History of hypothyroidism, history of B12 deficiency related to prior gastric surgeries, history of osteoarthritis, history of valvular disease (no details available), and cardiac arrhythmias.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Status post bilateral total knee replacements, status post right rotator cuff repair, status post sigmoid colectomy - no further details available, status post right breast lumpectomy for benign lesion, history of bladder repair, status post hysterectomy/tonsillectomy/appendectomy, history of lumbar spinal fusion - no further details available. History of MRSA in knees (previous surgery).,ALLERGIES:, MULTIPLE INCLUDING TETRACYCLINE, ERYTHROMYCIN, MORPHINE, SULFA DRUGS, BETADINE, ADHESIVE TAPES, AND BANDAGE.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, Prior to admission, the patient lived alone in a one storied dwelling. She does have some equipment at home including a powered wheelchair, which she uses for longer distance. She does have some ambulatory devices also. She used to smoke, but quit about 10 years ago. She smoked 1 to 2 packs a day from age 18 to 54. She does not smoke.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Remarkable for cardiac disease with early death of her father at age 43 and mother had Alzheimer.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , According to her notes, the patient's weight 07/10/2008 was 256 pounds. She has a BMI of 44 indicating morbid obesity. She had had a significant weight loss in the 6 months prior to this of 7%. As noted, she is on TPN and enteral feeds. Her prealbumin level noted on 07/10/2008 was low at 7. Prior to admission, the patient ate a regular diet, but had most likely weight loss and inadequate intake due to her chronic postprandial vomiting and esophageal dysmotility. She is currently NPO with NG to suction. The patient has no complaints of abdominal pain or discomfort at the time of this exam. She was awake and alert. MRSA screen on 07/14/2008 was negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: The patient is a morbidly obese woman, who is in no acute distress at the time of this exam. She is lying comfortably on a low air loss mattress. She had just been assisted with cleaning up and had no complaints of pain or discomfort.,Vital Signs: Temperature is 98.9, pulse is 95, blood pressure is 123/69, and weight is 239 pounds.,HEENT: Normocephalic/atraumatic. Extraocular muscles intact. Her mentation is good.,Neck: Stout. There is good range of motion.,Cor: Regular rate and rhythm. No murmurs appreciated.,Lungs: Fairly clear anteriorly.,Abdomen: Remarkable for a large open abdominal wound with a collection system in place covering the entire wound in midline. There is a JP drain and a red rubber catheter present. At present, the wound manager system is somewhat collapsed. She had just been on her side. It is connected to low continuous wall suction and removing fluid.,Musculoskeletal: There is PICC line present in the right upper extremity. No significant pedal edema. Bilateral knee scars from prior surgeries.,Skin: Reported intact at this time (not seen by me).,Neurological: Cranial nerves II through XII grossly intact. She is able to answer questions appropriately. She is able to raise both arms over head. She is able to raise her legs, but does need assistance. She has fair bed mobility and requires much assistance for any turning. Gait and transfers not tested.,SUMMARY: , In summary, the patient is a 62-year-old woman with a remote history of ileojejunal bypass followed by gastric banding to facilitate weight loss. However, she subsequently developed reflux associated with postprandial vomiting, which was found to be secondary to esophageal retention. On 07/08/2008, she underwent exploratory laparotomy with esophagogastrectomy with esophagogastric anastomosis and Dor fundoplication, hiatal hernia repair, small bowel resection, and lysis of adhesions. She has had a fairly rocky postoperative course and has subsequently underwent some type of re-exploration after she was noted to have enteric contents draining from her JP drain with confirmed anastomotic leak. She has undergone placement on an NG tube. At present, she is on enteral feeds as well as TPN. During all these, she also coded and had respiratory failure, requiring vent management, but this has improved. Her trach has been removed and this site is healing. From the wound standpoint, her largest problem at this point is the abdominal wound, which is open. A wound manager system is currently in place, which is connected to low intermittent wall suction for drainage of the enteral contents still present. At present, the drainage is quite yellow in appearance. She has no significant complaints of pain at this time. At some point in her notes, there was mention of a negative pressure wound therapy being used to this wound, but this cannot be confirmed at this time. I will plan to contact Dr. Z's office to see whether or not they wanted to resume a wound VAC system to this wound. For now, we will continue with wound manager system. We will need to keep track of in's and out's of drainage from this site. Her fluid status will need to be monitored. In an attempt to get her mobilized, we will need extra care to be sure that this wound dressing/management system stays in place. She is eager and motivated to get mobilized. We will plan to ask Plastic (Dr. A) to be involved in following this wound also. Again, I will plan to call the surgeon's office for further directions. She is to follow up with Dr. Z in 2 weeks.,Later in afternoon, I was able to reach Dr. Z's office. I was called back by one of his nurses, who advised me that a wound VAC (negative pressure wound therapy) was not to be used on this wound. They are using the wound manager system. She did report that the confusion came about with the inability during her discharge summary dictation that she was only able to cite a "wound VAC" when describing the system that was in place on the patient. She was using a formatted discharge summary program. At present, the patient has had some leakage from the system. According to my discussion with our wound care coordinator at this time, this system has been removed, with leakage repaired, and replaced with another wound manager system with suctioning continuing. Pictures were also taken of the wound bed. There were several staples apparently in place. I was not present at the time that this system had to be changed.
Consult - History and Phy.
CC:, Horizontal diplopia.,HX: , This 67 y/oRHM first began experiencing horizontal binocular diplopia 25 years prior to presentation in the Neurology Clinic. The diplopia began acutely and continued intermittently for one year. During this time he was twice evaluated for myasthenia gravis (details of evaluation not known) and was told he probably did not have this disease. He received no treatment and the diplopia spontaneously resolved. He did well until one year prior to presentation when he experienced sudden onset horizontal binocular diplopia. The diplopia continues to occur daily and intermittently; and lasts for only a few minutes in duration. It resolves when he covers one eye. It is worse when looking at distant objects and objects off to either side of midline. There are no other symptoms associated with the diplopia.,PMH:, 1)4Vessel CABG and pacemaker placement, 4/84. 2)Hypercholesterolemia. 3)Bipolar Affective D/O.,FHX: ,HTN, Colon CA, and a daughter with unknown type of "dystonia.",SHX:, Denied Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,ROS:, no recent weight loss/fever/chills/night sweats/CP/SOB. He occasionally experiences bilateral lower extremity cramping (?claudication) after walking for prolonged periods.,MEDS: ,Lithium 300mg bid, Accupril 20mg bid, Cellufresh Ophthalmologic Tears, ASA 325mg qd.,EXAM:, BP216/108 HR72 RR14 Wt81.6kg T36.6C,MS: unremarkable.,CN: horizontal binocular diplopia on lateral gaze in both directions. No other CN deficits noted.,Motor: 5/5 full strength throughout with normal muscle bulk and tone.,Sensory: unremarkable.,Coord: mild "ataxia" of RAM (left > right),Station: no pronator drift or Romberg sign,Gait: unremarkable. Reflexes: 2/2 symmetric throughout. Plantars (bilateral dorsiflexion),STUDIES/COURSE:, Gen Screen: unremarkable. Brain CT revealed 1.0 x 1.5 cm area of calcific density within the medial two-thirds of the left cerebral peduncle. This shows no mass effect, but demonstrates mild contrast enhancement. There are patchy areas of low density in the periventricular white matter consistent with age related changes from microvascular disease. The midbrain findings are most suggestive of a hemangioma, though another consideration would be a low grade astrocytoma (this would likely show less enhancement). Metastatic lesions could show calcification but one would expect to see some degree of edema. The long standing clinical history suggest the former (i.e. hemangioma).,No surgical or neuroradiologic intervention was done and the patient was simply followed. He was lost to follow-up in 1993.
PRELIMINARY DIAGNOSES:,1. Contusion of the frontal lobe of the brain.,2. Closed head injury and history of fall.,3. Headache, probably secondary to contusion.,FINAL DIAGNOSES:,1. Contusion of the orbital surface of the frontal lobes bilaterally.,2. Closed head injury.,3. History of fall.,COURSE IN THE HOSPITAL: , This is a 29-year-old male, who fell at home. He was seen in the emergency room due to headache. CT of the brain revealed contusion of the frontal lobe near the falx. The patient did not have any focal signs. He was admitted to ABCD. Neurology consultation was obtained. Neuro checks were done. The patient continued to remain stable, although he had some frontal headache. He underwent an MRI to rule out extension of the contusion or the possibility of a bleed and the MRI of the brain without contrast revealed findings consistent with contusion of the orbital surface of the frontal lobes bilaterally near the interhemispheric fissure. The patient remained clinically stable and his headache resolved. He was discharged home on 11/6/2008.,PLAN: , Discharge the patient to home.,ACTIVITY: ,As tolerated.,The patient has been advised to call if the headache is recurrent and Tylenol 650 mg 1 p.o. q.6 h. p.r.n. headache. The patient has been advised to follow up with me as well as the neurologist in about 1 week.
Discharge Summary
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Foreign body, right foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Foreign body, right foot.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Incision and drainage, right foot.,2. Removal of foreign body, right foot.,HISTORY: , This 7-year-old Caucasian male is an inpatient at ABCD General Hospital with a history of falling off his bike and having a root ________ angle inside of his foot. The patient has had previous I&D but continues to have to purulent drainage. The patient's parents agreed to performing a surgical procedure to further clean the wound.,PROCEDURE:, An IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia in the preoperative holding area. The patient was transported to the operating room and placed on the operating table in a supine position with a safety strap across his lap. General anesthesia was administered by the Department of Anesthesia. The foot was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile orthopedic fashion. The stockinette was reflected and the foot was cleansed with wet and dry sponge. There was noted to be some remaining periwound erythema. There was noted to be some mild crepitation about 2 cm proximal from the entry wound. The entry wound was noted to be over the third metatarsal head dorsally. Upon inspection of the wound, there was noted to be hard foreign filling substance deep within the wound. The entry site from the foreign body was extended proximally approximately about 0.5 cm. At this time, a large wooden foreign body was visualized and removed with a straight stat.,The area was carefully inspected for any remaining piece of foreign body. Several small pieces were noted and they were removed. The area was palpated and there was no more remaining foreign body noted. At this time, the wound was inspected thoroughly. There was noted to be an area along the third metatarsal head more distally that did probe to the bone. There was no purulent drainage expressed. Area was flushed with copious amounts of sterile saline. Pulse lavage was performed with 3 liters of plain sterile saline. Wound cultures were obtained, aerobic and aerobic. The wound was then again inspected for any remaining foreign body or purulent drainage. None was noticed. The wound was packed with sterile new gauze packing lately and dressings consisted of 4x4s, ABDs, Kling, and Kerlix.,The patient tolerated the above procedure and anesthesia well without complications. The patient was transported to the PACU with vital signs stable and vascular status intact. The patient is to be readministered to the pediatrics where daily dressing changes will be performed by podiatry. The patient had a postoperative pain prescription written for Tylenol, Elixir with codeine as needed.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES: , Bilateral chronic otitis media,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:, Bilateral chronic otitis media,ANESTHESIA:, General mask,NAME OF OPERATION:, Bilateral Myringotomy with placement of PE tubes,PROCEDURE:, The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in the supine position. After adequate general inhalation anesthesia was obtained, the operating microscope with brought in for full use throughout the case. First, the left and then the right tympanic membrane, was approached. An anterior-inferior radial incision was made in the left tympanic membrane. Suction revealed a substantial amount of mucopurulent drainage. A Sheehy pressure equalization tube was placed in the myringotomy site. Floxin drops were added. The same procedure was repeated on the right side with similar findings noted of mucopurulent drainage. The patient tolerated the procedure well and returned to the recovery room awake and in stable condition.
ENT - Otolaryngology
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic pelvic pain.,2. Endometriosis.,3. Prior right salpingo-oophorectomy.,4. History of intrauterine device perforation and exploratory surgery.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Endometriosis.,2. Interloop bowel adhesions.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH).,2. Left salpingo-oophorectomy.,3. Lysis of interloop bowel adhesions.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: ,400 cc.,FLUIDS: , 2300 cc of lactated Ringers, as well as lactated Ringers for intraoperative irrigation.,URINE: , 500 cc of clear urine output.,INTRAOPERATIVE FINDINGS: , The vulva and perineum are without lesions. On bimanual exam, the uterus was enlarged, movable, and anteverted. The intraabdominal findings revealed normal liver margin, kidneys, and stomach upon palpation. The uterus was found to be normal in size with evidence of endometriosis on the uterus. The right ovary and fallopian tube were absent. The left fallopian tube and ovary appeared normal with evidence of a small functional cyst. There was evidence of left adnexal adhesion to the pelvic side wall which was filmy, unable to be bluntly dissected. There were multiple interloop bowel adhesions that were filmy in nature noted.,The appendix was absent. There did appear to be old suture in a portion of the bowel most likely from a prior procedure.,INDICATIONS: , This patient is a 45-year-old African-American gravida7, para3-0-0-3, who is here for definitive treatment of chronic pelvic pain with a history of endometriosis. She did have a laparoscopic ablation of endometriosis on a laparoscopy and also has a history of right salpingo-oophorectomy. She has tried Lupron and did stop secondary to the side effects.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After informed consent was obtained in layman's terms, the patient was taken back to the Operating Suite and placed under general anesthesia. She was then prepped and draped in the sterile fashion and placed in the dorsal supine position. An indwelling Foley catheter was placed. With the skin knife, an incision was made removing the old cicatrix. A Bovie was used to carry the tissue through to the underlying layer of the fascia which was incised in the midline and extended with the Bovie. The rectus muscle was then sharply and bluntly dissected off the superior aspect of the rectus fascia in the superior as well as the inferior aspect using the Bovie. The rectus muscle was then separated in the midline using a hemostat and the peritoneum was entered bluntly. The peritoneal incision was then extended superiorly and inferiorly with Metzenbaum scissors with careful visualization of the bladder. At this point, the intraabdominal cavity was manually explored and the above findings were noted. A Lahey clamp was then placed on the fundus of the uterus and the uterus was brought to the surgical field. The bowel was then packed with moist laparotomy sponges. Prior to this, the filmy adhesions leftover were taken down. At this point, the left round ligament was identified, grasped with two hemostats, transected, and suture ligated with #0 Vicryl. At this point, the broad ligament was dissected down and the lost portion of the bladder flap was created. The posterior aspect of the peritoneum was also dissected. At this point, the infundibulopelvic ligament was isolated and three tie of #0 Vicryl was used to isolate the pedicle. Two hemostats were then placed across the pedicle and this was transected with the scalpel. This was then suture ligated in Heaney fashion. The right round ligament was then identified and in the similar fashion, two hemostats were placed across the round ligament and using the Mayo scissors the round ligament was transected and dissected down the broad ligament to create the bladder flap anteriorly as well as dissect the posterior peritoneum and isolate the round ligament. This was then ligated with three tie of #0 Vicryl. Also incorporated in this was the remnant from the previous right salpingo-oophorectomy. At this point, the bladder flap was further created with sharp dissection as well as the moist Ray-Tech to push the bladder down off the anterior portion of the cervix.,The left uterine artery was then skeletonized and a straight Heaney was placed. In a similar fashion, the contralateral uterine artery was skeletonized and straight Heaney clamp was placed. These ligaments bilaterally were transected and suture ligated in a left Heaney stitch. At this point, curved Masterson was used to incorporate the cardinal ligament complex, thus was transected and suture ligated. Straight Masterson was then used to incorporate the uterosacrals bilaterally and this was also transected and suture ligated. Prior to ligating the uterine arteries, the uterosacral arteries were tagged bilaterally with #0 Vicryl. At this point, the roticulator was placed across the vaginal cuff and snug underneath the entire cervix. The roticulator was then clamped and removed and the staple line was in place. This was found to be hemostatic. A suture was then placed through each cuff angle bilaterally and cardinal ligament complex was found to be fixed to each apex bilaterally. At this point, McCall culdoplasty was performed with an #0 Vicryl incorporating each uterosacral as well as the posterior peritoneum. There did appear to be good support on palpation. Prior to this, the specimen was handed off and sent to pathology. At this point, there did appear to be small amount of oozing at the right peritoneum. Hemostasis was obtained using a #0 Vicryl in two single stitches. Good hemostasis was then obtained on the cuff as well as the pedicles. Copious irrigation was performed at this point with lactate Ringers. The round ligaments were then incorporated into the cuff bilaterally. Again, copious amount of irrigation was performed and good hemostasis was obtained. At this point, the peritoneum was reapproximated in a single interrupted stitch on the left and right lateral aspects to cover each pedicle bilaterally. At this point, the bowel packing as well as moist Ray-Tech was removed and while re-approximating the bowel it was noted that there were multiple interloop bowel adhesions which were taken down using the Metzenbaum scissors with good visualization of the underlying bowel. Good hemostasis was obtained of these sites as well. The sigmoid colon was then returned to its anatomic position and the omentum as well. The rectus muscle was then reapproximated with two interrupted sutures of #2-0 Vicryl. The fascia was then reapproximated with #0 Vicryl in a running fashion from lateral to medial meeting in the midline. The Scarpa's fascia was then closed with #3-0 plain in a running suture. The skin was then re-approximated with #4-0 undyed Vicryl in a subcuticular closure. This was dressed with an Op-Site. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The sponge, lap, and needle were correct x2. After the procedure, the patient was extubated and brought out of general anesthesia. She will go to the floor where she will be followed postoperatively in the hospital.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Foul-smelling urine and stomach pain after meals.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Stomach pain with most meals x one and a half years and urinary symptoms for same amount of time. She was prescribed Reglan, Prilosec, Pepcid, and Carafate at ED for her GI symptoms and Bactrim for UTI. This visit was in July 2010.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, HEENT: No headaches. No visual disturbances, no eye irritation. No nose drainage or allergic symptoms. No sore throat or masses. Respiratory: No shortness of breath. No cough or wheeze. No pain. Cardiac: No palpitations or pain. Gastrointestinal: Pain and cramping. Denies nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Has some regurgitation with gas after meals. Genitourinary: "Smelly" urine. Musculoskeletal: No swelling, pain, or numbness.,MEDICATION ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,General: Unremarkable.,HEENT: PERRLA. Gaze conjugate.,Neck: No nodes. No thyromegaly. No masses.,Lungs: Clear.,Heart: Regular rate without murmur.,Abdomen: Soft, without organomegaly, without guarding or tenderness.,Back: Straight. No paraspinal spasm.,Extremities: Full range of motion. No edema.,Neurologic: Cranial nerves II-XII intact. Deep tendon reflexes 2+ bilaterally.,Skin: Unremarkable.,LABORATORY STUDIES:, Urinalysis was done, which showed blood due to her period and moderate leukocytes.,ASSESSMENT:,1. UTI.,2. GERD.,3. Dysphagia.,4. Contraception consult.,PLAN:,1. Cipro 500 mg b.i.d. x five days. Ordered BMP, CBC, and urinalysis with microscopy.,2. Omeprazole 20 mg daily and famotidine 20 mg b.i.d.,3. Prescriptions same as #2. Also referred her for a barium swallow series to rule out a stricture.,4. Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo.,
DIAGNOSIS: , Cognitive linguistic impairment secondary to stroke.,NUMBER OF SESSIONS COMPLETED:, 5,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The patient is a 73-year-old female who was referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy secondary to cognitive linguistic deficits. Based on the initial evaluation completed 12/29/08, the patient had mild difficulty with generative naming and auditory comprehension and recall. The patient's skilled speech therapy was recommended for three times a week for 8 weeks to improve her overall cognitive linguistic abilities. At this time, the patient has accomplished all 5 of her short-term therapy goals. She is able to complete functional mass tasks with 100% accuracy independently. She is able to listen to a narrative and recall the main idea plus at least five details after a 10 minute delay independently.,She is able to read a newspaper article and recall the main idea plus five details after a 15 minute delay independently. She is able to state 15 items in a broad category within a minute and a half independently. The patient is also able to complete deductive reasoning tasks to promote her mental flexibility with 100% accuracy independently. The patient also met her long-term therapy goal of functional cognitive linguistic abilities to return to teaching and improve her independence and safety at home. The patient is no longer in need of skilled speech therapy and is discharged from my services. She did quite well in therapy and also agreed with this discharge.
Discharge Summary
CC:, Memory loss.,HX:, This 77 y/o RHF presented with a one year history of progressive memory loss. Two weeks prior to her evaluation at UIHC she agreed to have her sister pick her up for church at 8:15AM, Sunday morning. That Sunday she went to pick up her sister at her sister's home and when her sister was not there (because the sister had gone to pick up the patient) the patient left. She later called the sister and asked her if she (sister) had overslept. During her UIHC evaluation she denied she knew anything about the incident. No other complaints were brought forth by the patients family.,PMH:, Unremarkable.,MEDS:, None,FHX: ,Father died of an MI, Mother had DM type II.,SHX: , Denies ETOH/illicit drug/Tobacco use.,ROS:, Unremarkable.,EXAM:, Afebrile, 80BPM, BP 158/98, 16RPM. Alert and oriented to person, place, time. Euthymic. 29/30 on Folstein's MMSE with deficit on drawing. Recalled 2/6 objects at five minutes and could not recite a list of 6 objects in 6 trials. Digit span was five forward and three backward. CN: mild right lower facial droop only. MOTOR: Full strength throughout. SENSORY: No deficits to PP/Vib/Prop/LT/Temp. COORD: Poor RAM in LUE only. GAIT: NB and ambulated without difficulty. STATION: No drift or Romberg sign. REFLEXES: 3+ bilaterally with flexor plantar responses. There were no frontal release signs.,LABS:, CMB, General Screen, FT4, TSH, VDRL were all WNL.,NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION, 12/7/92: ,Verbal associative fluency was defective. Verbal memory, including acquisition, and delayed recall and recognition, was severely impaired. Visual memory, including immediate and delayed recall was also severely impaired. Visuoperceptual discrimination was mildly impaired, as was 2-D constructional praxis.,HCT, 12/7/92: , Diffuse cerebral atrophy with associative mild enlargement of the ventricles consistent with patient's age. Calcification is seen in both globus pallidi and this was felt to be a normal variant.
The patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to the Recovery Room in stable condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Intrauterine pregnancy at term.,2. Arrest of dilation. ,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Intrauterine pregnancy at term.,2. Arrest of dilation.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:, Primary low-transverse cesarean section.,ANESTHESIA: , Epidural.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , 1000 mL.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,FINDINGS: ,Female infant in cephalic presentation, OP position, weight 9 pounds 8 ounces. Apgars were 9 at 1 minute and 9 at 5 minutes. Normal uterus, tubes, and ovaries were noted.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient is a 20-year-old gravida 1, para 0 female, who presented to labor and delivery in early active labor at 40 and 6/7 weeks gestation. The patient progressed to 8 cm, at which time, Pitocin was started. She subsequently progressed to 9 cm, but despite adequate contractions, arrested dilation at 9 cm. A decision was made to proceed with a primary low transverse cesarean section.,The procedure was described to the patient in detail including possible risks of bleeding, infection, injury to surrounding organs, and possible need for further surgery. Informed consent was obtained prior to proceeding with the procedure.,PROCEDURE NOTE: ,The patient was taken to the operating room where epidural anesthesia was found to be adequate. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion in the dorsal supine position with a left-ward tilt. A Pfannenstiel skin incision was made with the scalpel and carried through to the underlying layer of fascia using the Bovie. The fascia was incised in the midline and extended laterally using Mayo scissors. Kocher clamps were used to elevate the superior aspect of the fascial incision, which was elevated, and the underlying rectus muscles were dissected off bluntly and using Mayo scissors. Attention was then turned to the inferior aspect of the fascial incision, which in similar fashion was grasped with Kocher clamps, elevated, and the underlying rectus muscles were dissected off bluntly and using Mayo scissors. The rectus muscles were dissected in the midline.,The peritoneum was bluntly dissected, entered, and extended superiorly and inferiorly with good visualization of the bladder. The bladder blade was inserted. The vesicouterine peritoneum was identified with pickups and entered sharply using Metzenbaum scissors. This incision was extended laterally and the bladder flap was created digitally. The bladder blade was reinserted. The lower uterine segment was incised in a transverse fashion using the scalpel and extended using manual traction. Clear fluid was noted. The infant was subsequently delivered atraumatically. The nose and mouth were bulb suctioned. The cord was clamped and cut. The infant was subsequently handed to the awaiting nursery nurse. Next, cord blood was obtained per the patient's request for cord blood donation, which took several minutes to perform. Subsequent to the collection of this blood, the placenta was removed spontaneously intact with a 3-vessel cord noted. The uterus was exteriorized and cleared of all clots and debris. The uterine incision was repaired in 2 layers using 0 chromic suture. Hemostasis was visualized. The uterus was returned to the abdomen.,The pelvis was copiously irrigated. The uterine incision was reexamined and was noted to be hemostatic. The rectus muscles were reapproximated in the midline using 3-0 Vicryl. The fascia was closed with 0 Vicryl, the subcutaneous layer was closed with 3-0 plain gut, and the skin was closed with staples. Sponge, lap, and instrument counts were correct x2. The patient was stable at the completion of the procedure and was subsequently transferred to the recovery room in stable condition.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a two-and-a-half-month-old male who has been sick for the past three to four days. His mother has described congested sounds with cough and decreased appetite. He has had no fever. He has had no rhinorrhea. Nobody else at home is currently ill. He has no cigarette smoke exposure. She brought him to the emergency room this morning after a bad coughing spell. He did not have any apnea during this episode.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Unremarkable. He has had his two-month immunizations.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 99.1, oxygen saturations 98%, respirations by the nurse at 64, however, at my examination was much slower and regular in the 40s.,GENERAL: Sleeping, easily aroused, smiling, and in no distress.,HEENT: Soft anterior fontanelle. TMs are normal. Moist mucous membranes.,LUNGS: Equal and clear.,CHEST: Without retraction.,HEART: Regular in rate and rhythm without murmur.,ABDOMEN: Benign.,DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES:, Chest x-ray ordered by ER physician is unremarkable, but to me also.,ASSESSMENT:, Upper respiratory infection.,TREATMENT: , Use the bulb syringe and saline nose drops if there is any mucus in the anterior nares. Smaller but more frequent feeds. Discuss proper sleeping position. Recheck if there is any fever or if he is no better in the next three days.
General Medicine
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left distal both-bone forearm fracture.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Left distal both-bone forearm fracture.,PROCEDURE:, Closed reduction with splint application with use of image intensifier.,INDICATIONS: , Mr. ABC is an 11-year-old boy who sustained a fall on 07/26/2008. Evaluation in the emergency department revealed both-bone forearm fracture. Considering the amount of angulation, it was determined that we should proceed with conscious sedation and closed reduction. After discussion with parents, verbal and written consent was obtained.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: ,The patient was induced with propofol for conscious sedation via the emergency department staff. After it was confirmed that appropriate sedation had been reached, a longitudinal traction in conjunction with re-creation of the injury maneuver was applied reducing the fracture. Subsequently, this was confirmed with image intensification, a sugar-tong splint was applied and again reduction was confirmed with image intensifier. The patient was aroused from anesthesia and tolerated the procedure well. Post-reduction plain films revealed some anterior displacement of the distal fragment. At this time, it was determined this fracture proved to be unstable.,DISPOSITION: , After review of the reduction films, it appears that there is some element of fracture causing displacement. We will proceed to the operating room for open reduction and internal fixation versus closed reduction and percutaneous pinning as our operative schedule allows.,
EXAM:,MRI SPINAL CORD CERVICAL WITHOUT CONTRAST,CLINICAL:,Right arm pain, numbness and tingling.,FINDINGS:,Vertebral alignment and bone marrow signal characteristics are unremarkable. The C2-3 and C3-4 disk levels appear unremarkable.,At C4-5, broad based disk/osteophyte contacts the ventral surface of the spinal cord and may mildly indent the cord contour. A discrete cord signal abnormality is not identified. There may also be some narrowing of the neuroforamina at this level.,At C5-6, central disk-osteophyte contacts and mildly impresses on the ventral cord contour. Distinct neuroforaminal narrowing is not evident.,At C6-7, mild diffuse disk-osteophyte impresses on the ventral thecal sac and contacts the ventral cord surface. Distinct cord compression is not evident. There may be mild narrowing of the neuroforamina at his level.,A specific abnormality is not identified at the C7-T1 level.,IMPRESSION:,Disk/osteophyte at C4-5 through C6-7 with contact and may mildly indent the ventral cord contour at these levels. Some possible neuroforaminal narrowing is also noted at levels as stated above.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Pressure decubitus, right hip.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 30-year-old female patient presenting with the above chief complaint. She has a history of having had a similar problem last year which resolved in about three treatments. She appears to have residual from spina bifida, thus spending most of her time in a wheelchair. She relates recently she has been spending up to 16 hours a day in a wheelchair. She has developed a pressure decubitus on her right trochanter ischial area of several weeks' duration. She is now presenting for evaluation and management of same. Denies any chills or fever, any other symptoms.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Back closure for spina bifida, hysterectomy, breast reduction, and a shunt.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, She denies the use of alcohol, illicits, or tobacco.,MEDICATIONS:, Pravachol, Dilantin, Toprol, and Macrobid.,ALLERGIES:, SULFA AND LATEX.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Other than the above aforementioned, the remaining ROS is unremarkable.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: A pleasant female with deformity of back.,HEENT: Head is normocephalic. Oral mucosa and dentition appear to be normal.,CHEST: Breath sounds equal and present bilateral.,CVS: Sinus.,GI: Obese, nontender, no hepatosplenomegaly.,EXTREMITIES: Deformity of lower extremities secondary to spina bifida.,SKIN: She has a full-thickness pressure decubitus involving the right hip which is 2 x 6.4 x 0.3, moderate amount of serous material, appears to have good granulation tissue.,PLAN:, Daily applications of Acticoat, pressure relief, at least getting out of the chair for half of the time, at least eight hours out of the chair, and we will see her in one week.,DIAGNOSIS:, Sequelae of spina bifida; pressure decubitus of right hip area.
General Medicine
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent tonsillitis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Recurrent tonsillitis.,PROCEDURE: ,Adenotonsillectomy.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PROCEDURE DETAILS:, The patient was brought to the operating room and, under general endotracheal anesthesia in supine position, the table turned and a McIvor mouthgag placed. The adenoid bed was examined and was moderately hypertrophied. Adenoid curettes were used to remove this tissue and packs placed. Next, the right tonsil was grasped with a curved Allis and, using the gold laser, the anterior tonsillar pillar incised and, with this laser, dissection carried from the superior pole to the inferior pole and removed off the tonsillar muscular bed. A similar procedure was performed on the contralateral tonsil. Following meticulous hemostasis, saline was used to irrigate and no further bleeding noted. The patient was then allowed to awaken and was brought to the recovery room in stable condition.
SUBJECTIVE:, This is a followup dietary consultation for hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and possible metabolic syndrome. The patient reports that she has worked hard for a number of weeks following the meal plan prescribed, but felt like she was gaining weight and not losing weight on it. She is not sure that she was following it accurately. She is trying to walk 1-1/2 to 2 miles every other day, but is increasing her time in the garden and doing other yard work as well. Once she started experiencing some weight gain, she went back to her old South Beach Diet and felt like she was able to take some of that weight off. However she realizes that the South Beach Diet is not a healthy diet for her and so is coming back for better instruction on safe weight loss and low-fat eating.,OBJECTIVE:, Weight is 275 pounds. Food records were reviewed.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient experienced a weight gain of 2 pounds since our last consultation which was two months ago. I did carefully review her food records and evaluated calories consumed. While she was carefully tracking the volume of protein and carbohydrates, she was getting some excess calories from the fatty proteins selected. Thus we rearranged her meal plan a little bit and talked about how to track her fat calories as well. She was more open to reducing the amount of protein from the previous meal plan and increasing slightly the amount of carbohydrates. While this still is not as much carbohydrate as I would normally recommend, I am certainly willing to work with her on how she feels her body best handles weight reduction. We also discussed a snack that could be eliminated in the morning because she really is not hungry at that time.,PLAN:, A new 1500 calorie meal plan was developed based on 35% of the calories coming from protein, 40% of the calories from carbohydrate, and 25% of the calories from fat. This translates in to 10 servings at 15 grams a piece of carbohydrates throughout the day dividing them in to groups of two servings per meal and per snack. This also translates in to 2 ounces of protein at breakfast, 6 ounces at lunch, 2 ounces in the afternoon snack, 6 ounces at supper, and 2 ounces in the evening snack. We have eliminated the morning snack. The patient will now track the grams of fat in her meats as well as added fats. Her goal for total fats over the course of the day is no more than 42 grams of fat per day. This was a half hour consultation. We will plan to see the patient back in one month for support.
Diets and Nutritions
INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE:, The patient has presented with crushing-type substernal chest pain, even in the face of a normal nuclear medicine study. She is here for catheterization.,APPROACH:, Right common femoral artery.,ANESTHESIA:, IV sedation per cardiac catheterization protocol. Local sedation with 1% Xylocaine.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Less than 10 mL.,ESTIMATED CONTRAST:, Less than 150 mL.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:, Left heart catheterization, left ventriculogram, selective coronary arteriography, aortic arch angiogram, right iliofemoral angiogram, #6 French Angio-Seal placement.,OPERATIVE TECHNIQUE:, The patient was brought to the cardiac catheterization lab in the usual fasting state. She was placed supine on the cardiac catheterization table and the right groin was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. One percent Xylocaine was infiltrated into the right femoral vessels. Next, a #6 French sheath was then placed in the right common femoral artery by the modified Seldinger technique.,SELECTIVE CORONARY ARTERIOGRAPHY:, Next, right and left Judkins diagnostic catheters were advanced through their respective ostia and injected in multiple views.,LEFT VENTRICULOGRAM:, Next, a pigtail catheter was advanced across the aortic valve and left ventricular pressure recorded. Next, an LV-gram was then performed with a hand injection of 50 mL of contrast. Next, pull-back pressure was measured across the aortic valve.,AORTA ARCH ANGIOGRAM:, Next, aortic arch angiogram was then performed with injection of 50 mL of contrast at a rate of 20 mL/second to maximum pressure of 750 PSI performed in the 40-degree LAO view.,Next, right iliofemoral angiogram was performed in the 20-degree RAO view. Next Angio-Seal was applied successfully.,The patient left the cath lab without problems or issues.,DIAGNOSES:, Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure was 18 mmHg. There was no gradient across the aortic valve. The central aortic pressure was 160 mmHg.,LEFT VENTRICULOGRAM:, The left ventriculogram demonstrated normal LV systolic function with estimated ejection fraction greater than 50%.,AORTIC ARCH ANGIOGRAM: ,The aortic arch angiogram demonstrated normal aortic arch. No aortic regurgitation was seen.,SELECTIVE CORONARY ARTERIOGRAPHY:, The right coronary artery is large and dominant.,The left main is patent.,The left anterior descending is patent.,The left circumflex is patent.,IMPRESSION:, This study demonstrates normal coronary arteries in the presence of normal left ventricular systolic function. In addition, the aortic root is normal.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Desires permanent sterilization.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Desires permanent sterilization.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic bilateral tubal occlusion with Hulka clips.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 20 cc.,COMPLICATIONS: ,None.,FINDINGS: , On bimanual exam, the uterus was found to be anteverted at approximately six weeks in size. There were no adnexal masses appreciated. The vulva and perineum appeared normal. Laparoscopic findings revealed normal appearing uterus, fallopian tubes bilaterally as well as ovaries bilaterally. There was a functional cyst on the left ovary. There was filmy adhesion in the left pelvic sidewall. There were two clear lesions consistent with endometriosis, one was on the right fallopian tube and the other one was in the cul-de-sac. The uterosacrals and ovarian fossa as well as vesicouterine peritoneum were free of any endometriosis. The liver was visualized and appeared normal. The spleen was also visualized.,INDICATIONS: , This patient is a 34-year-old gravida 4, para-4-0-0-4 Caucasian female who desires permanent sterilization. She recently had a spontaneous vaginal delivery in June and her family planning is complete.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , After informed consent was obtained in layman's terms, the patient was taken back to the operating suite and placed under general anesthesia. She was then prepped and draped and placed in the dorsal lithotomy position. A bimanual exam was performed and the above findings were noted. Prior to beginning the procedure, her bladder was drained with a red Robinson catheter. A weighted speculum was placed in the patient's posterior vagina and the 12 o' clock position of the cervix was grasped with a single-toothed tenaculum. The cervix was dilated so that the uterine elevator could be placed. Gloves were exchanged and attention was then turned to the anterior abdominal wall where the skin at the umbilicus was everted and using the towel clips, a 1 cm infraumbilical skin incision was made. The Veress needle was then inserted and using sterile saline ______ the pelvic cavity. The abdomen was then insufflated with appropriate volume and flow of CO2. The #11 bladed trocar was then placed and intraabdominal placement was confirmed with the laparoscope. A second skin incision was made approximately 2 cm above the pubic symphysis and under direct visualization, a 7 mm bladed trocar was placed without difficulty. Using the Hulka clip applicator, the left fallopian tube was identified, followed out to its fimbriated end and the Hulka clip was then placed snugly against the uterus across the entire diameter of the fallopian tube. A second Hulka clip was then placed across the entire diameter just proximal to this. There was good hemostasis at the fallopian tube. The right fallopian tube was then identified and followed out to its fimbriated end and the Hulka clip was placed. snugly against the uterus across the entire portion of the fallopian tube in a 90 degree angle. A second Hulka clip was placed just distal to this again across the entire diameter. Good hemostasis was obtained. At this point, the abdomen was desufflated and after it was desufflated, the suprapubic port site was visualized and found to be hemostatic. The laparoscope and remaining trocars were then removed with good visualization of the peritoneum and fascia and the laparoscope was removed. The umbilical incision was then closed with two interrupted #4-0 undyed Vicryl. The suprapubic incision was then closed with Steri-Strips. The uterine elevator was removed and the single-toothed tenaculum site was found to be hemostatic. The patient tolerated that procedure well. The sponge, lap, and needle counts were correct x2. She will follow up postoperatively for followup care.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Basal cell carcinoma, right cheek.,2. Basal cell carcinoma, left cheek.,3. Bilateral ruptured silicone gel implants.,4. Bilateral Baker grade IV capsular contracture.,5. Breast ptosis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Basal cell carcinoma, right cheek.,2. Basal cell carcinoma, left cheek.,3. Bilateral ruptured silicone gel implants.,4. Bilateral Baker grade IV capsular contracture.,5. Breast ptosis.,PROCEDURE,1. Excision of basal cell carcinoma, right cheek, 2.7 cm x 1.5 cm.,2. Excision of basal cell carcinoma, left cheek, 2.3 x 1.5 cm.,3. Closure complex, open wound utilizing local tissue advancement flap, right cheek.,4. Closure complex, open wound, left cheek utilizing local tissue advancement flap.,5. Bilateral explantation and removal of ruptured silicone gel implants.,6. Bilateral capsulectomies.,7. Replacement with bilateral silicone gel implants, 325 cc.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURES,The patient is a 61-year-old woman who presents with a history of biopsy-proven basal cell carcinoma, right and left cheek. She had no prior history of skin cancer. She is status post bilateral cosmetic breast augmentation many years ago and the records are not available for this procedure. She has noted progressive hardening and distortion of the implant. She desires to have the implants removed, capsulectomy and replacement of implants. She would like to go slightly smaller than her current size as she has ptosis going with a smaller implant combined with capsulectomy will result in worsening of her ptosis. She may require a lift. She is not consenting to lift due to the surgical scars.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY,Significant for deep venous thrombosis and acid reflux.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY,Significant for appendectomy, colonoscopy and BAM.,MEDICATIONS,1. Coumadin. She stopped her Coumadin five days prior to the procedures.,2. Lipitor,3. Effexor.,4. Klonopin.,ALLERGIES,None.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS,Negative for dyspnea on exertion, palpitations, chest pain, and phlebitis.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,VITAL SIGNS: Height 5'8", weight 155 pounds.,FACE: Examination of the face demonstrates basal cell carcinoma, right and left cheek. No lesions are noted in the regional lymph node base and no mass is appreciated.,BREAST: Examination of the breast demonstrates bilateral grade IV capsular contracture. She has asymmetry in distortion of the breast. No masses are appreciated in the breast or the axilla. The implants appear to be subglandular.,CHEST: Clear to auscultation and percussion.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,EXTREMITIES: Show full range of motion. No clubbing, cyanosis or edema.,SKIN: Significant environmental actinic skin damage.,I recommended excision of basal cell cancers with frozen section control of the margin, closure will require local tissue flaps. I recommended exchange of the implants with reaugmentation. No final size is guaranteed or implied. We will decrease the size of the implants based on the intraoperative findings as the size is not known. Several options are available. Sizer implants will be placed to best estimate postoperative size. Ptosis will be worse following capsulectomy and going with a smaller implant. She may require a lift in the future. We have obtained preoperative clearance from the patient's cardiologist, Dr. K. The patient has been taken off Coumadin for five days and will be placed back on Coumadin the day after the surgery. The risk of deep venous thrombosis is discussed. Other risk including bleeding, infection, allergic reaction, pain, scarring, hypertrophic scarring and poor cosmetic resolve, worsening of ptosis, exposure, extrusion, the rupture of the implants, numbness of the nipple-areolar complex, hematoma, need for additional surgery, recurrent capsular contracture and recurrence of the skin cancer was all discussed, which she understands and informed consent is obtained.,PROCEDURE IN DETAIL,After appropriate informed consent was obtained, the patient was placed in the preoperative holding area with **** input. She was then taken to the major operating room with ABCD Surgery Center, placed in a supine position. Intravenous antibiotics were given. TED hose and SCDs were placed. After the induction of adequate general endotracheal anesthesia, she was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Sites for excision and skin cancers were carefully marked with 5 mm margin. These were injected with 1% lidocaine with epinephrine.,After allowing adequate time for basal constriction hemostasis, excision was performed, full thickness of the skin. They were tagged at the 12 o'clock position and sent for frozen section. Hemostasis was achieved using electrocautery. Once margins were determined to be free of involvement, local tissue flaps were designed for advancement. Undermining was performed. Hemostasis was achieved using electrocautery. Closure was performed under moderate tension with interrupted 5-0 Vicryl. Skin was closed under loop magnification paying meticulous attention and cosmetic details with 6-0 Prolene. Attention was then turned to the breast, clothes were changed, gloves were changed, incision was planned and the previous inframammary incision beginning on the right incision was made. Dissection was carried down to the capsule. It was extremely calcified. Dissection of the anterior surface of the capsule was performed. The implant was subglandular, the capsule was entered, implant was noted to be grossly intact; however, there was free silicone. Implant was removed and noted to be ruptured. No marking as to the size of the implant was found.,Capsulectomy was performed leaving a small portion in the axilla in the inframammary fold. Pocket was modified to medialize the implant by placing 2-0 Prolene laterally in mattress sutures to restrict the pocket. In identical fashion, capsulectomy was performed on the left. Implant was noted to be grossly ruptured. No marking was found for the size of the implant. The entire content was weighed and found to be 350 grams. Right side was weighed and noted to be 338 grams, although some silicone was lost in the transfer and most likely was identical 350 grams. The implants appeared to be double lumen with the saline portion deflated. Completion of the capsulectomy was performed on the left.
Hematology - Oncology
PROCEDURE: , Circumcision.,PRE-PROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: , Normal male phallus.,POST-PROCEDURE DIAGNOSIS: , Normal male phallus.,ANESTHESIA: ,1% lidocaine without epinephrine.,INDICATIONS: , The risks and benefits of the procedure were discussed with the parents. The risks are infection, hemorrhage, and meatal stenosis. The benefits are ease of care and cleanliness and fewer urinary tract infections. The parents understand this and have signed a permit.,FINDINGS: , The infant is without evidence of hypospadias or chordee prior to the procedure.,TECHNIQUE: ,The infant was given a dorsal penile block with 1% lidocaine without epinephrine using a tuberculin syringe and 0.5 cc of lidocaine was delivered subcutaneously at 10:30 and at 1:30 o'clock at the dorsal base of the penis.,The infant was prepped then with Betadine and draped with a sterile towel in the usual manner. Clamps were placed at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock and the adhesions between the glans and mucosa were instrumentally lysed. Dorsal hemostasis was established and a dorsal slit was made. The foreskin was fully retracted and remaining adhesions between the glans and mucosa were manually lysed. The infant was fitted with a XX-cm Plastibell. The foreskin was retracted around the Plastibell and circumferential hemostasis was established. The excess foreskin was removed with scissors and the infant tolerated the procedure well with a minimum amount of blood loss. Instructions for continuing care are to watch for any evidence of hemorrhage or urination and the parents are instructed in the care of the circumcised penis.
PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ,The patient denies any significant past medical history.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: , The patient denies any significant surgical history.,MEDICATIONS: , The patient takes no medications.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She denies use of cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.,FAMILY HISTORY: , No family history of birth defects, mental retardation or any psychiatric history.,DETAILS: , I performed a transabdominal ultrasound today using a 4 MHz transducer. There is a twin gestation in the vertex transverse lie with an anterior placenta and a normal amount of amniotic fluid surrounding both of the twins. The fetal biometry of twin A is as follows. The biparietal diameter is 4.9 cm consistent with 20 weeks and 5 days, head circumference 17.6 cm consistent with 20 weeks and 1 day, the abdominal circumference is 15.0 cm consistent with 20 weeks and 2 days, and femur length is 3.1 cm consistent with 19 weeks and 5 days, and the humeral length is 3.0 cm consistent with 20 weeks and 0 day. The average gestational age by ultrasound is 20 weeks and 1 day and the estimated fetal weight is 353 g. The following structures are seen as normal on the fetal anatomical survey, the shape of the fetal head, the choroid plexuses, the cerebellum, nuchal fold thickness, the fetal spine and fetal face, the four-chamber view of the fetal heart, the outflow tracts of the fetal heart, the stomach, the kidneys, and cord insertion site, the bladder, the extremities, the genitalia, the cord, which appeared to have three vessels and the placenta.,Limited in views of baby A with a nasolabial region.,The following is the fetal biometry for twin B. The biparietal diameter is 4.7 cm consistent with 20 weeks and 2 days, head circumference 17.5 cm consistent with 20 weeks and 0 day, the abdominal circumference is 15.5 cm consistent with 20 weeks and 5 days, the femur length is 3.3 cm consistent with 20 weeks and 3 days, and the humeral length is 3.1 cm consistent with 20 weeks and 2 days, the average gestational age by ultrasound is 22 weeks and 2 days, and the estimated fetal weight is 384 g. The following structures were seen as normal on the fetal anatomical survey. The shape of the fetal head, the choroid plexuses, the cerebellum, nuchal fold thickness, the fetal spine and fetal face, the four-chamber view of the fetal heart, the outflow tracts of the fetal heart, the stomach, the kidneys, and cord insertion site, the bladder, the extremities, the genitalia, the cord, which appeared to have three vessels, and the placenta. Limited on today's ultrasound the views of nasolabial region.,In summary, this is a twin gestation, which may well be monochorionic at 20 weeks and 1 day. There is like gender and a single placenta. One cannot determine with certainty whether or not this is a monochorionic or dichorionic gestation from the ultrasound today.,I sat with the patient and her husband and discussed alternative findings and the complications. We focused our discussion today on the association of twin pregnancy with preterm delivery. We discussed the fact that the average single intrauterine pregnancy delivers at 40 weeks' gestation while the average twin delivery occurs at 35 weeks' gestation. We discussed the fact that 15% of twins deliver prior to 32 weeks' gestation. These are the twins which we have the most concern regarding the long-term prospects of prematurity. We discussed several etiologies of preterm delivery including preterm labor, incompetent cervix, premature rupture of the fetal membranes as well as early delivery from preeclampsia and growth restriction. We discussed the use of serial transvaginal ultrasound to assess for early cervical change and the use of serial transabdominal ultrasound to assess for normal interval growth. We discussed the need for frequent office visits to screen for preeclampsia. We also discussed treatment options such as cervical cerclage, bedrest, tocolytic medications, and antenatal steroids. I would recommend that the patient return in two weeks for further cervical assessment and assessment of fetal growth and well-being.,In closing, I do want to thank you very much for involving me in the care of your delightful patient. I did review all of the above findings and recommendations with the patient today at the time of her visit. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I could be of any further help to you.,Total visit time 40 minutes.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
SPIROMETRY: , Spirometry reveals the FVC to be adequate.,FEV1 is also normal at 98% predicted and FVC is 90.5% predicted. FEF25-75% is also within normal limits at 110% predicted. FEV1/FVC ratio is within normal limits at 108% predicted.,After the use of bronchodilator, there is some improvement with 10%. MVV is within normal limits.,LUNG VOLUMES:, Shows total lung capacity to be normal. RV as well as RV/TLC ratio they are within normal limits.,DIFFUSION CAPACITY:, Shows that after correction for alveolar ventilation, is also normal.,Oxygen Saturation on Room Air: 98%.,FINAL INTERPRETATION:, Pulmonary function test shows no evidence of obstructive or restrictive pulmonary disease. There is some improvement after the use bronchodilator. Diffusion capacity is within normal limits. Oxygen saturation on room air is also normal. Clinical correlation will be necessary in this case.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
PROCEDURE: , Medial branch rhizotomy, lumbosacral.,INFORMED CONSENT:, The risks, benefits and alternatives of the procedure were discussed with the patient. The patient was given opportunity to ask questions regarding the procedure, its indications and the associated risks.,The risk of the procedure discussed include infection, bleeding, allergic reaction, dural puncture, headache, nerve injuries, spinal cord injury, and cardiovascular and CNS side effects with possible of vascular entry of medications. I also informed the patient of potential side effects or reactions to the medications potentially used during the procedure including sedatives, narcotics, nonionic contrast agents, anesthetics, and corticosteroids.,The patient was informed both verbally and in writing. The patient understood the informed consent and desired to have the procedure performed.,SEDATION: , The patient was given conscious sedation and monitored throughout the procedure. Oxygenation was given. The patient's oxygenation and vital signs were closely followed to ensure the safety of the administration of the drugs.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient remained awake throughout the procedure in order to interact and give feedback. The x-ray technician was supervised and instructed to operate the fluoroscopy machine. The patient was placed in the prone position on the treatment table with a pillow under the abdomen to reduce the natural lumbar lordosis. The skin over and surrounding the treatment area was cleaned with Betadine. The area was covered with sterile drapes, leaving a small window opening for needle placement. Fluoroscopy was used to identify the boney landmarks of the spine and the planned needle approach. The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle within the planned approach were anesthetized with 1% Lidocaine. With fluoroscopy, a Teflon coated needle, ***, was gently guided into the region of the Medial Branch nerves from the Dorsal Ramus of ***. Specifically, each needle tip was inserted to the bone at the groove between the transverse process and superior articular process on lumbar vertebra, or for sacral vertebrae at the lateral-superior border of the posterior sacral foramen. Needle localization was confirmed with AP and lateral radiographs.,The following technique was used to confirm placement at the Medial Branch nerves. Sensory stimulation was applied to each level at 50 Hz; paresthesias were noted at,*** volts. Motor stimulation was applied at 2 Hz with 1 millisecond duration; corresponding paraspinal muscle twitching without extremity movement was noted at *** volts.,Following this, the needle Trocar was removed and a syringe containing 1% lidocaine was attached. At each level, after syringe aspiration with no blood return, 1cc 1% lidocaine was injected to anesthetize the Medial Branch nerve and surrounding tissue. After completion of each nerve block a lesion was created at that level with a temperature of 85 degrees Celsius for 90 seconds. All injected medications were preservative free. Sterile technique was used throughout the procedure.,COMPLICATIONS:, None. No complications.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and was sent to the recovery room in good condition.,DISCUSSION: , Post-procedure vital signs and oximetry were stable. The patient was discharged with instructions to ice the injection site as needed for 15-20 minutes as frequently as twice per hour for the next day and to avoid aggressive activities for 1 day. The patient was told to resume all medications. The patient was told to be in relative rest for 1 day but then could resume all normal activities.,The patient was instructed to seek immediate medical attention for shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, chills, increased pain, weakness, sensory or motor changes, or changes in bowel or bladder function.,Follow up appointment was made in approximately 1 week.
Pain Management
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Rule out temporal arteritis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Rule out temporal arteritis.,PROCEDURE:, Bilateral temporal artery biopsy.,ANESTHESIA:, Local anesthesia 1% Xylocaine with epinephrine.,INDICATIONS:, I was consulted by Dr. X for this patient with bilateral temporal headaches to rule out temporal arteritis. I explained fully the procedure to the patient.,PROCEDURE: , Both sides were done exactly the same way. After 1% Xylocaine infiltration, a 2 to 3-cm incision was made over the temporal artery. The temporal artery was identified and was grossly normal on both sides. Proximal and distal were ligated with both of 3-0 silk suture and Hemoccult. The specimen of temporal artery was taken from both sides measuring at least 2 to 3 cm. They were sent as separate specimens, right and left labeled. The wound was then closed with interrupted 3-0 Monocryl subcuticular sutures and Dermabond. She tolerated the procedure well.
SOCIAL HISTORY, FAMILY HISTORY, AND PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Reviewed. There are no changes, otherwise.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Fatigue, pain, difficulty with sleep, mood fluctuations, low stamina, mild urgency frequency and hesitancy, preponderance of lack of stamina, preponderance of pain particularly in the left shoulder.,EXAMINATION: , The patient is alert and oriented. Extraocular movements are full. The face is symmetric. The uvula is midline. Speech has normal prosody. Today there is much less guarding of the left shoulder. In the lower extremities, iliopsoas, quadriceps, femoris and tibialis anterior are full. The gait is narrow based and noncircumductive. Rapid alternating movements are slightly off bilaterally. The gait does not have significant slapping characteristics. Sensory examination is largely unremarkable. Heart, lungs, and abdomen are within normal limits.,IMPRESSION: , Mr. ABC is doing about the same. We discussed the issue of adherence to Copaxone. In order to facilitate this, I would like him to take Copaxone every other day, but on a regular rhythm. His wife continues to inject him. He has not been able to start himself on the injections.,Greater than 50% of this 40-minute appointment was devoted to counseling.
Consult - History and Phy.
CC:, Memory difficulty.,HX: ,This 64 y/o RHM had had difficulty remembering names, phone numbers and events for 12 months prior to presentation, on 2/28/95. This had been called to his attention by the clerical staff at his parish--he was a Catholic priest. He had had no professional or social faux pas or mishaps due to his memory. He could not tell whether his problem was becoming worse, so he brought himself to the Neurology clinic on his own referral.,MEDS:, None.,PMH: ,1)appendectomy, 2)tonsillectomy, 3)childhood pneumonia, 4)allergy to sulfa drugs.,FHX:, Both parents experienced memory problems in their ninth decades, but not earlier. 5 siblings have had no memory trouble. There are no neurological illnesses in his family.,SHX:, Catholic priest. Denied Tobacco/ETOH/illicit drug use.,EXAM:, BP131/74, HR78, RR12, 36.9C, Wt. 77kg, Ht. 178cm.,MS: A&O to person, place and time. 29/30 on MMSE; 2/3 recall at 5 minutes. 2/10 word recall at 10 minutes. Unable to remember the name of the President (Clinton). 23words/60 sec on Category fluency testing (normal). Mild visual constructive deficit.,The rest of the neurologic exam was unremarkable and there were no extrapyramidal signs or primitive reflexes noted.,COURSE:, TSH 5.1, T4 7.9, RPR non-reactive. Neuropsychological evaluation, 3/6/95, revealed: 1)well preserved intellectual functioning and orientation, 2) significant deficits in verbal and visual memory, proper naming, category fluency and working memory, 3)performances which were below expectations on tests of speed of reading, visual scanning, visual construction and clock drawing, 4)limited insight into the scope and magnitude of cognitive dysfunction. The findings indicated multiple areas of cerebral dysfunction. With the exception of the patient's report of minimal occupational dysfunction ( which may reflect poor insight), the clinical picture is consistent with a progressive dementia syndrome such as Alzheimer's disease. MRI brain, 3/6/95, showed mild generalized atrophy, more severe in the occipital-parietal regions.,In 4/96, his performance on repeat neuropsychological evaluation was relatively stable. His verbal learning and delayed recognition were within normal limits, whereas delayed recall was "moderately severely" impaired. Immediate and delayed visual memory were slightly below expectations. Temporal orientation and expressive language skills were below expectation, especially in word retrieval. These findings were suggestive of particular, but not exclusive, involvement of the temporal lobes.,On 9/30/96, he was evaluated for a 5 minute spell of visual loss, OU. The episode occurred on Friday, 9/27/96, in the morning while sitting at his desk doing paperwork. He suddenly felt that his gaze was pulled toward a pile of letters; then a "curtain" came down over both visual fields, like "everything was in the shade." During the episode he felt fully alert and aware of his surroundings. He concurrently heard a "grating sound" in his head. After the episode, he made several phone calls, during which he reportedly sounded confused, and perseverated about opening a bank account. He then drove to visit his sister in Muscatine, Iowa, without accident. He was reportedly "normal" when he reached her house. He was able to perform Mass over the weekend without any difficulty. Neurologic examination, 9/30/96, was notable for: 1)category fluency score of 18items/60 sec. 2)VFFTC and EOM were intact. There was no RAPD, INO, loss of visual acuity. Glucose 178 (elevated), ESR ,Lipid profile, GS, CBC with differential, Carotid duplex scan, EKG, and EEG were all normal. MRI brain, 9/30/96, was unchanged from previous, 3/6/95.,On 1/3/97, he had a 30 second spell of lightheadedness without vertigo, but with balance difficulty, after picking up a box of books. The episode was felt due to orthostatic changes.,1/8/97 neuropsychological evaluation was stable and his MMSE score was 25/30 (with deficits in visual construction, orientation, and 2/3 recall at 1 minute). Category fluency score 23 items/60 sec. Neurologic exam was notable for graphesthesia in the left hand.,In 2/97, he had episodes of anxiety, marked fluctuations in job performance and resigned his pastoral position. His neurologic exam was unchanged. An FDG-PET scan on 2/14/97 revealed decreased uptake in the right posterior temporal-parietal and lateral occipital regions.
CHIEF COMPLAINT: , Right shoulder pain.,HISTORY: , The patient is a pleasant, 31-year-old, right-handed, white female who injured her shoulder while transferring a patient back on 01/01/02. She formerly worked for Veteran's Home as a CNA. She has had a long drawn out course of treatment for this shoulder. She tried physical therapy without benefit and ultimately came to a subacromion decompression in November 2002. She had ongoing pain and was evaluated by Dr. X who felt that she had a possible brachial plexopathy. He also felt she had a right superficial radial neuritis and blocked this with resolution of her symptoms. He then referred her to ABCD who did EMG testing, demonstrating a right suprascapular neuropathy although a C5 radiculopathy could not be ruled out. MRI testing on the cervical spine was then done which was negative for disk herniation and she underwent suprascapular nerve decompression of the scapular notch on 12/18/03. She finally went to an anterior axillary nerve block because of ongoing pain in the anterior shoulder again by Dr. X. She comes to me for impairment rating. She has no chronic health problems otherwise, fevers, chills, or general malaise. She is not working. She is right-hand dominant. She denies any prior history of injury to her shoulder.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Negative aside from above.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Noncontributory.,SOCIAL HISTORY: ,Please see above.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Negative aside from above.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: ,A pleasant, age appropriate woman, moderately overweight, in no apparent distress. Normal gait and station, normal posture, normal strength, tone, sensation and deep tendon reflexes with the exception of 4+/5 strength in the supraspinatus musculature on the right. She has decreased motion in the right shoulder as follows. She has 160 degrees of flexion, 155 degrees of abduction, 35 degrees of extension, 25 degrees of adduction, 45 degrees of internal rotation and 90 degrees of external rotation. She has a positive impingement sign on the right.,ASSESSMENT:, Right shoulder impingement syndrome, right suprascapular neuropathy.,DISCUSSION: , With a reasonable degree of medical certainty, she is at maximum medical improvement and she does have an impairment based on AMA Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Fifth Edition. The reason for this impairment is the incident of 01/01/02. For her suprascapular neuropathy, she is rated as a grade IV motor deficit which I rate as a 13% motor deficit. This is multiplied by a maximum upper extremity impairment for involvement of the suprascapular nerve of 16% which produces a 2% impairment of the upper extremity when the two values are multiplied together, 2% impairment of the upper extremity. For her lack of motion in the shoulder she also has additional impairment on the right. She has a 1% impairment of the upper extremity due to lack of shoulder flexion. She has a 1% impairment of the upper extremity due to lack of shoulder abduction. She has a 1% impairment of the upper extremity due to lack of shoulder adduction. She has a 1% impairment of the upper extremity due to lack of shoulder extension. There is no impairment for findings in shoulder external rotation. She has a 3% impairment of the upper extremity due to lack of shoulder internal rotation. Thus the impairment due to lack of motion in her shoulder is a 6% impairment of the upper extremity. This combines with the 2% impairment of the upper extremity due to weakness in the suprascapular nerve root distribution to produce an 8% impairment of the upper extremity which in turn is a 5% impairment of the whole person based on the AMA Guide to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, Fifth Edition, stated with a reasonable degree of medical certainty.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Carpal tunnel release.,INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY: , Nerve conduction study tests diagnostic of carpal tunnel syndrome. The patient failed to improve satisfactorily on conservative care, including anti-inflammatory medications and night splints.,PROCEDURE: ,The patient was brought to the operating room and, following a Bier block to the operative arm, the arm was prepped and draped in the usual manner.,Utilizing an incision that was laid out to extend not more distally than the thumb web space or proximally to a position short of crossing the most prominent base of the palm and in line with the longitudinal base of the thenar eminence in line with the fourth ray, the soft tissue dissection was carried down sharply through the skin and subcutaneous fat to the transverse carpal ligament. It was identified at its distal edge. Using a hemostat to probe the carpal tunnel, sharp dissection utilizing scalpel and iris scissors were used to release the carpal tunnel from a distal-to-proximal direction in its entirety. The canal was probed with a small finger to verify no evidence of any bone prominences. The nerve was examined for any irregularity. There was slight hyperemia of the nerve and a slight hourglass deformity. Following an irrigation, the skin was approximated using interrupted simple and horizontal mattress #5 nylon suture. A sterile dressing was applied.,The patient was taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.,The time of the Bier block was 30 minutes.,COMPLICATIONS: , None noted.
EXAM:, Echocardiogram.,INDICATION: , Aortic stenosis.,INTERPRETATION: , Transthoracic echocardiogram was performed of adequate technical quality. Left ventricle reveals concentric hypertrophy with normal size and dimensions and normal function. Ejection fraction is 60% without any obvious wall motion abnormality. Left atrium and right side chambers are of normal size and dimensions. Aortic root has normal diameter.,Mitral and tricuspid valves are structurally normal except for minimal annular calcification. Valvular leaflet excursion is adequate. Aortic valve reveals annular calcification. Fibrocalcific valve leaflets with decreased excursion. Atrial and ventricular septum are intact. Pericardium is intact without any effusion. No obvious intracardiac mass or thrombi noted.,Doppler reveals mild mitral regurgitation, mild-to-moderate tricuspid regurgitation. Estimated pulmonary pressure of 48. Systolic consistent with mild-to-moderate pulmonary hypertension. Peak velocity across the aortic valve is 3.0 with a peak gradient of 37, mean gradient of 19, valve area calculated at 1.1 sq. cm consistent with moderate aortic stenosis.,IN SUMMARY:,1. Concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle with normal function.,2. Doppler study as above, most pronounced being moderate aortic stenosis, valve area of 1.1 sq. cm.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 68-year-old man who returns for recheck. He has a history of ischemic cardiac disease, he did see Dr. XYZ in February 2004 and had a thallium treadmill test. He did walk for 8 minutes. The scan showed some mild inferior wall scar and ejection fraction was well preserved. He has not had difficulty with chest pain, palpitations, orthopnea, nocturnal dyspnea, or edema.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY/SURGERIES/HOSPITALIZATIONS: , He had tonsillectomy at the age of 8. He was hospitalized in 1996 with myocardial infarction and subsequently underwent cardiac catheterization and coronary artery bypass grafting procedure. He did have LIMA to the LAD and had three saphenous vein grafts performed otherwise.,MEDICATIONS:, Kerlone 10 mg 1/2 pill daily, gemfibrozil 600 mg twice daily, Crestor 80 mg 1/2 pill daily, aspirin 325 mg daily, vitamin E 400 units daily, and Citrucel one daily.,ALLERGIES: , None known.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Father died at the age of 84. He had a prior history of cancer of the lung and ischemic cardiac disease. Mother died in her 80s from congestive heart failure. He has two brothers and six sisters living who remain in good health.,PERSONAL HISTORY: ,Quit smoking in 1996. He occasionally drinks alcoholic beverages.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,Endocrine: He has hypercholesterolemia treated with diet and medication. He reports that he did lose 10 pounds this year.,Neurologic: Denies any TIA symptoms.,Genitourinary: He has occasional nocturia. Denies any difficulty emptying his bladder.,Gastrointestinal: He has a history of asymptomatic cholelithiasis.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Weight: 225 pounds. Blood pressure: 130/82. Pulse: 83. Temperature: 96.4 degrees.,General Appearance: He is a middle-aged man who is not in any acute distress.,HEENT: Mouth: The posterior pharynx is clear.,Neck: Without adenopathy or thyromegaly.,Chest: Lungs are resonant to percussion. Auscultation reveals normal breath sounds.,Heart: Normal S1, S2, without gallops or rubs.,Abdomen: Without tenderness or masses.,Extremities: Without edema.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:,1. Ischemic cardiac disease. This remains stable. He will continue on the same medication. He reports he has had some laboratory studies today.,2. Hypercholesterolemia. He will continue on the same medication.,3. Facial tic. We also discussed having difficulty with the facial tic at the left orbital region. This occurs mainly when he is under stress. He has apparently had numerous studies in the past and has seen several doctors in Wichita about this. At one time was being considered for some type of operation. His description, however, suggests that they were considering an operation for tic douloureux. He does not have any pain with this tic and this is mainly a muscle spasm that causes his eye to close. Repeat neurology evaluation was advised. He will be scheduled to see Dr. XYZ in Newton on 09/15/2004.,4. Immunization. Addition of pneumococcal vaccination was discussed with him but had been decided by him at the end of the appointment. We will have this discussed with him further when his laboratory results are back.
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Nasal obstruction secondary to deviated nasal septum.,2. Bilateral turbinate hypertrophy.,PROCEDURE:, Cosmetic rhinoplasty. Request for cosmetic change in the external appearance of the nose.,ANESTHESIA: , General via endotracheal tube.,INDICATIONS FOR OPERATION: ,The patient is a 26-year-old white female with longstanding nasal obstruction. She also has concerns with regard to the external appearance of her nose and is requesting changes in the external appearance of her nose. From her functional standpoint, she has severe left-sided nasal septal deviation with compensatory inferior turbinate hypertrophy. From the aesthetic standpoint, the nose is over projected, lacks rotation, and has a large dorsal hump. First we are going to straighten the nasal septum and reduce the size of the turbinates and then we will also take down the hump, rotate the tip of the nose, and de-project the nasal tip. I explained to her the risks, benefits, alternatives, and complications for postsurgical procedure. She had her questions asked and answered and requested that we proceed with surgery as outlined above.,PROCEDURE DETAILS: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in supine position. The appropriate level of general endotracheal anesthesia was induced. The face, head, and neck were sterilely prepped and draped. The nose was anesthetized and vasoconstricted in the usual fashion. Procedure began with a left hemitransfixion incision, which was brought down into the left intercartilaginous incision. Right intercartilaginous incision was also made and the dorsum of the nose was elevated in the submucoperichondrial and subperiosteal plane. Intact bilateral septomucoperichondrial flaps were elevated and a severe left-sided nasal septal deviation was corrected by detachment of the caudal nasal septum from the maxillary crest in a swinging door fashion and placing it back into the midline. Posterior vomerine spur was divided superiorly and inferiorly and a large spur was removed. Anterior and inferior one-third of each inferior turbinate was clamped, cut, and resected. The upper lateral cartilages were divided from their attachments to the dorsal nasal septum and the cartilaginous septum was lowered by approximately 2 mm. The bony hump of the nose was lowered with a straight osteotome by 4 mm. Fading medial osteotomies were carried out and lateral osteotomies were then created in order to narrow the bony width of the nose. The tip of the nose was then addressed via a retrograde dissection and removal of cephalic caudal semicircle cartilage medially at the tip. The caudal septum was shortened by 2 mm in an angle in order to enhance rotation. Medial crural footplates were reattached to the caudal nasal septum with a projection rotation control suture of #3-0 chromic. The upper lateral cartilages were rejoined to the dorsal septum with a #4-0 plain gut suture. No middle valves or bone grafts were necessary. Intact mucoperichondrial flaps were closed with 4-0 plain gut suture and Doyle nasal splints were placed on either side of the nasal septum. The middle meatus was filled with Surgicel and Cortisporin otic and external Denver splint was applied with sterile tape and Mastisol. Excellent aesthetic and functional results were thus obtained and the patient was awakened in the operating room, taken to the recovery room in good condition.
ENT - Otolaryngology
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Urinary retention.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , This is a 66-year-old gentleman status post deceased donor kidney transplant in 12/07, who has had recurrent urinary retention issues since that time. Most recently, he was hospitalized on 02/04/08 for acute renal insufficiency, which was probably secondary to dehydration. He was seen by urology again at this visit for urinary retention. He had been seen by urology during a previous hospitalization and he passed his voiding trial at the time of his stent removal on 01/22/08. Cystoscopy showed at that time obstructive BPH. He was started on Flomax at the time of discharge from the hospital. During the most recent readmission on 02/04/08, he went back into urinary retention and he had had a Foley placed at the outside hospital.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, Positive for blurred vision, nasal congestion, and occasional constipation. Denies chest pain, shortness of breath or any rashes or lesions. All other systems were reviewed and found to be negative.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. End-stage renal disease, now status post deceased donor kidney transplant in 12/07.,2. Hypertension.,3. History of nephrolithiasis.,4. Gout.,5. BPH.,6. DJD.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:,1. Deceased donor kidney transplant in 12/07.,2. Left forearm and left upper arm fistula placements.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Significant for mother with an unknown type of cancer, possibly colon cancer or lung and prostate problems on his father side of the family. He does not know whether his father side of the family had any history of prostate cancer.,HOME MEDICATIONS:,1. Norvasc.,2. Toprol 50 mg.,3. Clonidine 0.2 mg.,4. Hydralazine.,5. Flomax.,6. Allopurinol.,7. Sodium bicarbonate.,8. Oxybutynin.,9. Coumadin.,10. Aspirin.,11. Insulin 70/30.,12. Omeprazole.,13. Rapamune.,14. CellCept.,15. Prednisone.,16. Ganciclovir.,17. Nystatin swish and swallow.,18. Dapsone.,19. Finasteride.,ALLERGIES:, No known drug allergies.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: This is a well-developed, well-nourished male, in no acute distress. VITAL SIGNS: Temperature 98, blood pressure 129/72, pulse 96, and weight 175.4 pounds. LUNGS: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm with a 3/6 systolic murmur. ABDOMEN: Right lower quadrant incision site scar well healed. Nontender to palpation. Liver and spleen not enlarged. No hernias appreciated. PENIS: Normal male genitalia. No lesions appreciated on the penis. Previous DRE showed the prostate of approximately 40 grams and no nodules. Foley in place and draining clear urine.,The patient underwent fill and pull study, in which his bladder tolerated 120 ml of sterile water passively filling his bladder. He spontaneously voided without the Foley 110 mL.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: ,This is a 66-year-old male with signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy, who has had recurrent urinary retention since the kidney transplant in 12/07. He passed his fill and pull study and was thought to self-catheterize in the event that he does incur urinary retention again. We discussed with Mr. Barker that he has a urologist closer to his home and he lives approximately 3 hours away; however, he desires to continue follow up with the urology clinic at MCG and has been set up for followup in 6 weeks. He was also given a prescription for 6 months of Flomax and Proscar. He did not have a PSA drawn today as he had a catheter in place, therefore his PSA could be falsely elevated. He will have PSA level drawn either just before his visit for followup.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Urinary hesitancy and weak stream.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Urinary hesitancy and weak stream.,2. Urethral narrowing.,3. Mild posterior wall erythema.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Cystourethroscopy.,2. Urethral dilation.,3. Bladder biopsy and fulguration.,ANESTHESIA: ,General.,SPECIMEN: ,Urine culture sensitivity and cytology and bladder biopsy x1.,DISPOSITION: , To PACU in stable condition.,INDICATIONS AND FINDINGS: ,This is a 76-year-old female with history of weak stream and history of intermittent catheterization secondary to hypotonic bladder in the past, last cystoscopy approximately two years ago.,FINDINGS AT TIME OF SURGERY:, Cystourethroscopy revealed some mild narrowing of the urethra, which was easily dilated to #23 French. A midureteral polyp was noted. Cystoscopy revealed multiple cellules and mild trabeculation of the bladder. Posterior wall revealed some mild erythema with some distorted architecture of the bladder mucosa. No obvious raised bladder tumor was noted. No foreign bodies were noted. The ureteral orifices were noted on the trigone just proximal to the bladder neck.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was moved to the operating room, general anesthesia was induced by the Department of Anesthesia. The patient was prepped and draped in normal sterile fashion and urethral sounds used to dilate the urethra to accommodate #23 French cystoscope. Cystoscopy was performed in its entirety with the above findings. The small area of erythema on the posterior wall was biopsied using a flexible biopsy forceps and Bovie cautery was used to cauterize and fulgurate this area. The bladder was drained, cystoscope was removed, scope was reinserted and bladder was again reexamined. No evidence of active bleeding noted. The bladder was drained, cystoscope was removed, and the patient was cleaned and sent to recovery room in stable condition to followup with Dr. X in two weeks. She is given prescription for Levaquin and Pyridium and given discharge instructions.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Hammertoe deformity, left fifth digit.,2. Ulceration of the left fifth digit plantolaterally.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:,1. Hammertoe deformity, left fifth toe.,2. Ulceration of the left fifth digit plantolaterally.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Arthroplasty of the left fifth digit proximal interphalangeal joint laterally.,2. Excision of plantar ulceration of the left fifth digit 3 cm x 1 cm in size.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , The patient is a 38-year-old female with longstanding complaint of painful hammertoe deformity of her left fifth toe. The patient had developed ulceration plantarly after being scheduled for removal of a plantar mass in the same area. The patient elects for surgical removal of this ulceration and correction of her hammertoe deformity at this time.,After an IV was instituted by the Department of Anesthesia, the patient was escorted to the OR where the patient was placed on the Operating Room table in the supine position. After adequate amount of IV sedation was administered by Anesthesia Department, the patient was given a digital block to the left fifth toe using 0.5% Marcaine plain with 1% lidocaine plain in 1:1 mixture totaling 6 cc. Following this, the patient was draped and prepped in a normal sterile orthopedic manner. An ankle tourniquet was placed on the left ankle and the left foot was elevated and Esmarch bandage applied to exsanguinate the foot. The ankle tourniquet was then inflated to 230 mmHg and then was brought back down to the level of the table. The stockinette was then cut and reflected and held in place using towel clamp.,The skin was then cleansed using the wet and dry Ray-Tec sponge and then the plantar lesion was outlined. The lesion measured 1 cm in diameter at the level of the skin and a 3 cm elliptical incision line was drawn on the surface of the skin in the plantolateral aspect of the left fifth digit. Then using a fresh #15 blade, skin incision was made. Following this, the incision was then deepened using a fresh #15 blade down to the level of the subcutaneous tissue. Using a combination of sharp and blunt dissection, the skin was reflected distally and proximally to the lesion. The lesion appeared well encapsulated with fibrous tissue and through careful dissection using combination of sharp and drill instrumentation the ulceration was removed in its entirety. The next further exploration was performed to ensure that no residual elements of the fibrous capsular tissue remained within. The lesion extended from the level of the skin down to the periosteal tissue of the middle and distal phalanx, however, did not show any evidence of extending beyond the level of a periosteum. Remaining tissues were inspected and appeared healthy. The lesion was placed in the specimen container and sent to pathology for microanalysis as well as growth. Attention was then directed to the proximal interphalangeal joint of the left fifth digit and using further dissection with a #15 blade, the periosteum was reflected off the lateral aspect of the proximal ________ median phalanx. The capsule was also reflected to expose the prominent lateral osseous portion of this joint. Using a sagittal saw and #139 blade, the lateral osseous prominence was resected. This was removed in entirety. Then using power-oscillating rasp, the sharp edges were smoothed and recontoured to the desirable anatomic condition. Then the incision and wound was flushed using copious amounts of sterile saline with gentamycin. Following this, the bone was inspected and appeared to be healthy with no evidence of involvement from the removed aforementioned lesion.,Following this, using #4-0 nylon in a combination of horizontal mattress and simple interrupted sutures, the lesion wound was closed and skin was approximated well without tension to the surface skin. Following this, the incision site was dressed using Owen silk, 4x4s, Kling, and Coban in a normal fashion. The tourniquet was then deflated and hyperemia was noted to return to digits one through five of the left foot. The patient was then escorted from the operative table into the Postanesthesia Care Unit. The patient tolerated the procedure and anesthesia well and was brought to the Postanesthesia Care Unit with vital signs stable and vascular status intact. In the recovery, the patient was given a surgical shoe as well as given instructions for postoperative care to include rest ice and elevation as well as the patient was given prescription for Naprosyn 250 mg to be taken three times daily as well as Vicodin ES to be taken q.6h. as needed.,The patient will follow-up on Friday with Dr. X in office for further evaluation. The patient was also given instructions as to signs of infection and to monitor her operative site. The patient was instructed to keep daily dressings intact, clean, dry, and to not remove them.
ADMITTING DIAGNOSES,1. Vomiting, probably secondary to gastroenteritis.,2. Goldenhar syndrome.,3. Severe gastroesophageal reflux.,4. Past history of aspiration and aspiration pneumonia.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSES,1. Gastroenteritis versus bowel obstruction.,2. Gastroesophageal reflux.,3. Goldenhar syndrome.,4. Anemia, probably iron deficiency.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, This is a 10-week-old female infant who has Goldenhar syndrome and has a gastrostomy tube in place and a J-tube in place. She was noted to have vomiting approximately 18 to 24 hours prior to admission and was seen in the emergency department and then admitted.,Because of her Goldenhar syndrome and previous problems with aspiration, she is not fed my mouth, but does have a G-tube. However, she has not been tolerating feedings through this prior to admission.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,GENERAL: At transfer to UNM on October 13, 2003 reveals a dysmorphic infant who is small and slightly cachectic. Her left side of the face is deformed with microglia present, micrognathia present, and a moderate amount of torticollis.,VITAL SIGNS: Presently, her temperature is 98, pulse 152, respirations 36, weight is 3.98 kg, pulse oximetry on room air is 95%.,HEENT: Head is with anterior fontanelle open. Eyes: Red reflex elicited bilaterally. Left ear is without an external ear canal and the right is not well visualized at this time. Nose is presently without any discharge, and throat is nonerythematous. NECK: Neck with torticollis exhibited.,LUNGS: Presently are clear to auscultation.,HEART: Regular rate without murmur, click or gallop present. ABDOMEN: Moderately distended, but soft. Bowel sounds are decreased, and there is a G-tube and a J-tube in place. The skin surrounding the G-tube is moderately erythematous, but without any discharges present. J-tube is with a dressing in place and well evaluated.,EXTREMITIES: Grossly normal. Hip defects are not checked at this time.,GENITALIA: Normal female.,NEUROLOGIC: The infant does have a suck reflex, feeding grasp-reflex, and a feeding Moro reflex.,SKIN: Warm and dry and there is a macular area to the left ___ that is approximately 1 cm in length.,LABORATORY DATA: , WBC count on October 12, 2003 is 12,600 with 16 segs, 6 bands, 54 lymphocytes, 13% of which are noted to be reactive. Hemoglobin is 10.4, hematocrit 30.8, and she has abnormal red blood cell morphology. RDW is 13.1 and MCV is 91. Sodium level is 138, potassium 5.4, chloride 103, CO2 23, BUN 7, creatinine 0.4, glucose 84, calcium 9.9, and at this dictation, the report on the abdominal flat plate is pending.,HOSPITAL COURSE: ,The child was placed at bowel rest initially and then re-tried on full strength formula, but she did not tolerate. She was again placed on bowel rest and her medications, Pepcid and Reglan, were given in an attempt to increase bowel motility. Feedings were re-attempted with Pedialyte through the J-tube and these did not result in production of any stool and the child then began having vomiting again. The vomitus was noted to be bilious in nature and with particulate matter present.,After consultation with Dr. X, it was determined the child probably needed further evaluation, and she had both of her drains placed to gravity and was kept n.p.o. Her fluids have been D5 and 0.25 normal saline with 20 mEq/L of potassium chloride, which has run at her maintenance of 16 mL/h.,CONSULTATIONS: , With Dr. X and Dr. Y and the child is now ready for transport for continued diagnosis and treatment. Her condition at discharge is stable.
Pediatrics - Neonatal
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Gastrostomy (gastrocutaneous fistula).,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Gastrostomy (gastrocutaneous fistula).,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Surgical closure of gastrostomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS: , This 1-year-old child had a gastrostomy placed due to feeding difficulties. Since then, he has reached a point where he is now eating completely by mouth and no longer needed the gastrostomy. The tube was, therefore, removed, but the tract has not shown signs of spontaneous closure. He, therefore, comes to the operating room today for surgical closure of his gastrostomy.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , After the induction of general anesthetic, the abdomen was prepped and draped in the usual manner. An elliptical incision was made around the gastrostomy site and carried down through skin and subcutaneous tissue with sharp dissection. The tract and the stomach were freed. Stay sutures were then placed on either side of the tract. The tract was amputated. The intervening stomach was then closed with interrupted #4-0 Lembert, Nurolon sutures. The fascia was then closed over the stomach using #3-0 Vicryl sutures. The skin was closed with #5-0 subcuticular Monocryl. A dressing was applied, and the child was awakened and taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic pelvic pain.,2. Dysmenorrhea.,3. Dyspareunia.,4. Endometriosis.,5. Enlarged uterus.,6. Menorrhagia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Chronic pelvic pain.,2. Dysmenorrhea.,3. Dyspareunia.,4. Endometriosis.,5. Enlarged uterus.,6. Menorrhagia.,PROCEDURE: , Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 100 mL.,DRAINS: , Foley.,ANESTHESIA:, General.,This 28-year-old white female who presented to undergo TAH-BSO secondary to chronic pelvic pain and a diagnosis of endometriosis.,At the time of the procedure, once entering into the abdominal cavity, there was no gross evidence of abnormalities of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tube. All endometriosis had been identified laparoscopically from a previous surgery. At the time of the surgery, all the tissue was quite thick and difficult to cut as well around the bladder flap and the uterus itself.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was taken to the operating room and placed in supine position, at which time general form of anesthesia was administered by the anesthesia department. The patient was then prepped and draped in the usual fashion for a low transverse incision. Approximately two fingerbreadths above the pubic symphysis, a first knife was used to make a low transverse incision. This was extended down to the level of the fascia. The fascia was nicked in the center and extended in a transverse fashion. The edges of the fascia were grasped with Kocher. Both blunt and sharp dissection both caudally and cephalic was then completed consistent with Pfannenstiel technique. The abdominal rectus muscle was divided in the midline and extended in a vertical fashion. Perineum was entered at the high point and extended in a vertical fashion as well. An O'Connor-O'Sullivan retractor was put in place on either side. A bladder blade was put in place as well. Uterus was grasped with a double-tooth tenaculum and large and small colon were packed away cephalically and held in place with free wet lap packs and a superior blade. The bladder flap was released with Metzenbaum scissors and then dissected away caudally. EndoGIA were placed down both sides of the uterus in two bites on each side with the staples reinforced with a medium Endoclip. Two Heaney were placed on either side of the uterus at the level of cardinal ligaments. These were sharply incised and both pedicles were tied off with 1 Vicryl suture. Two _____ were placed from either side of the uterus at the level just inferior to the cervix across the superior part of the vaginal vault. A long sharp knife was used to transect the uterus at the level of Merz forceps and the uterus and cervix were removed intact. From there, the corners of the vaginal cuff were reinforced with figure-of-eight stitches. Betadine soaked sponge was placed in the vaginal vault and a continuous locking stitch of 0 Vicryl was used to re-approximate the edges with a second layer used to reinforce the first. Bladder flap was created with the use of 3-0 Vicryl and Gelfoam was placed underneath. The EndoGIA was used to transect both the fallopian tube and ovaries at the infundibulopelvic ligament and each one was reinforced with medium clips. The entire area was then re-peritonized and copious amounts of saline were used to irrigate the pelvic cavity. Once this was completed, Gelfoam was placed into the cul-de-sac and the O'Connor-O'Sullivan retractor was removed as well as all the wet lap pack. Edges of the peritoneum were grasped in 3 quadrants with hemostat and a continuous locking stitch of 2-0 Vicryl was used to re-approximate the peritoneum as well as abdominal rectus muscle. The edges of the fascia were grasped at both corners and a continuous locking stitch of 1 Vicryl was used to re-approximate the fascia with overlapping in the center. The subcutaneous tissue was irrigated. Cautery was used to create adequate hemostasis and 3-0 Vicryl was used to re-approximate the tissue and the skin edges were re-approximated with sterile staples. Sterile dressing was applied and Betadine soaked sponge was removed from the vaginal vault and the vaginal vault was wiped clean of any remaining blood. The patient was taken to recovery room in stable condition. Instrument count, needle count, and sponge counts were all correct.
DIAGNOSES PROBLEMS:,1. Orthostatic hypotension.,2. Bradycardia.,3. Diabetes.,4. Status post renal transplant secondary polycystic kidney disease in 1995.,5. Hypertension.,6. History of basal cell ganglia cerebrovascular event in 2004 with left residual.,7. History of renal osteodystrophy.,8. Iron deficiency anemia.,9. Cataract status post cataract surgery.,10. Chronic left lower extremity pain.,11. Hyperlipidemia.,12. Status post hysterectomy secondary to uterine fibroids.,PROCEDURES:, Telemetry monitoring.,HISTORY FINDINGS HOSPITAL COURSE: , The patient was originally hospitalized on 04/26/07, secondary to dizziness and disequilibrium. Extensive workup during her first hospitalization was all negative, but a prominent feature was her very blunted affect and real anhedonia. She was transferred briefly to Psychiatry, however, on the second day in Psychiatry, she became very orthostatic and was transferred acutely back to the medicine. She briefly was on Cymbalta; however, this was discontinued when she was transferred back. She was monitored back medicine for 24 hours and was given intravenous fluids and these were discontinued. She was able to maintain her pressures then was able to ambulate without difficulty. We had wanted to pursue workup for possible causes for autonomic dysfunction; however, the patient was not interested in remaining in the hospital anymore and left really against our recommendations.,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:,1. CellCept - 500 mg twice a daily.,2. Cyclosporine - 25 mg in the morning and 15 mg in the evening.,3. Prednisone - 5 mg once daily.,4. Hydralazine - 10 mg four times a day.,5. Pantoprazole - 40 mg once daily.,6. Glipizide - 5 mg every morning.,7. Aspirin - 81 mg once daily.,FOLLOWUP CARE: ,The patient is to follow up with Dr. X in about 1 week's time.
Office Notes
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Stage IIA right breast cancer.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: ,This is an extremely pleasant 58-year-old woman, who I am following for her stage IIA right breast cancer. She noticed a lump in the breast in November of 2007. A mammogram was obtained dated 01/28/08, which showed a mass in the right breast. On 02/10/08, she underwent an ultrasound-guided biopsy. The pathology showed an infiltrating ductal carcinoma Nottingham grade II. The tumor was ER positive, PR positive and HER-2/neu negative. On 02/22/08, she underwent a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy. The pathology showed a 3.3 cm infiltrating ductal carcinoma grade I, one sentinel lymph node was negative. Therefore it was a T2, N0, M0 stage IIA breast cancer. Of note, at that time she was taking hormone replacement therapy and that was stopped. She underwent radiation treatment ending in May 2008. She then started on Arimidex, but unfortunately she did not tolerate the Arimidex and I changed her to Femara. She also did not tolerate the Femara and I changed it to tamoxifen. She did not tolerate the tamoxifen and therefore when I saw her on 11/23/09, she decided that she would take no further antiestrogen therapy. She met with me again on 02/22/10, and decided she wants to rechallenge herself with tamoxifen. When I saw her on 04/28/10, she was really doing quite well with tamoxifen. She tells me 2 weeks after that visit, she developed toxicity from the tamoxifen and therefore stopped it herself. She is not going take to any further tamoxifen.,Overall, she is feeling well. She has a good energy level and her ECOG performance status is 0. She denies any fevers, chills, or night sweats. No lymphadenopathy. No nausea or vomiting. No change in bowel or bladder habits.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Avapro 300 mg q.d., Pepcid q.d., Zyrtec p.r.n., and calcium q.d.,ALLERGIES:, Sulfa, Betadine, and IV contrast.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As per the HPI, otherwise negative.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Asthma.,2. Hypertension.,3. GERD.,4. Eczema.,5. Status post three cesarean sections.,6. Status post a hysterectomy in 1981 for fibroids. They also removed one ovary.,7. Status post a cholecystectomy in 1993.,8. She has a history of a positive TB test.,9. She is status post repair of ventral hernia in November 2008.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , She has no tobacco use. Only occasional alcohol use. She has no illicit drug use. She has two grown children. She is married. She works as a social worker dealing with adult abuse and neglect issues. Her husband is a high school chemistry teacher.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Her father had prostate cancer. Her maternal uncle had Hodgkin's disease, melanoma, and prostate cancer.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VIT:
SOAP / Chart / Progress Notes
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 41-year-old man with the AIDS complicated with recent cryptococcal infection, disseminated MAC and Kaposi's sarcoma. His viral load in July of 2007 was 254,000 and CD4 count was 7. He was recently admitted for debility and possible pneumonia. He was started on antiretroviral therapy, as well as Cipro and Flagyl and was also found to have pleural effusion on the right. His history is also significant for pancreatitis and transient renal failure during last hospitalization. He became frustrated since he was not getting better and discontinued all antibiotics. When taken home yesterday, he had symptoms consistent with a partial bowel obstruction. He was vomiting and had no bowel movements for a few days. Last night, was able to have a bowel movement and has not vomited since then. He was able to take small amounts of food. He now has persistent cough productive of clear sputum and some shortness of breath. He also complains of pain at his KS lesions on the right leg and left thigh, especially when touched, although that pain is incidental and not present when he is simply lying down. He has overall weakness.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Unremarkable.,MEDICATIONS: , Acetaminophen 650 mg q.6h. p.r.n. fever, which he has not been using, Motrin 400 mg q.6h. p.r.n. pain, which has not helped. His pain and dexamethasone with guaifenesin 5-10 mL q.4h. p.r.n. cough.,ALLERGIES:, He has no known allergies.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient is now staying with his mother. He is the youngest of six children. Code Status: DNR. His brother is the health care proxy.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, Blood pressure 140/80, pulse 120, and respirations 28. Temperature 103.9. General Appearance: Ill-looking young man, diaphoretic. PERRLA, 3 mm. Oral mucosa moist without lesions. Lungs: Diminished breath sounds in the right middle lower lobe. Heart: RRR without murmurs. Abdomen: Distended with soft and nontender. Diminished bowel sounds. Extremities: Without cyanosis or edema. There is a large Kaposi's sarcoma on the right medial leg and left medial proximal thigh, which is somewhat tender. Neurological Exam: Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact. There is normal tone. Power is 4/5. DTRs nonreactive. Normal fine touch. Mental Status: The patient is somnolent, but arousable. Withdrawn affect. Normal speech and though process.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. AIDS complicated with multiple opportunistic infections with poor performance status, which suggested a limited prognosis of less than six months. He will benefit from home hospice care and he declined any further antibiotic or antiretroviral treatments.,2. Pain, which is somatic nociceptive from KS lesions. The patient has not tolerated morphine in the past. We will start oxycodone 5 mg q.2h. as needed.,3. Cough. We will use oxycodone with the same indication as well.,4. Fever. We encouraged him to use Tylenol as needed.,5. Insomnia. We will use lorazepam 0.25-0.5 mg at bedtime as needed.,6. Psychosocial. We discussed his coping with the diagnosis. He is fully aware of his limited prognosis. Supportive counseling was provided to his mother.,Length of the encounter was one hour; more than half spent on exchange of information.,
Hospice - Palliative Care
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Displaced intraarticular fracture, right distal radius.,2. Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Displaced intraarticular fracture, right distal radius.,2. Right carpal tunnel syndrome.,OPERATIONS PERFORMED:,1. Open reduction and internal fixation of right distal radius fracture - intraarticular four piece fracture.,2. Right carpal tunnel release.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,CLINICAL SUMMARY: , The patient is a 37-year-old right-hand dominant Hispanic female who sustained a severe fracture to the right wrist approximately one week ago. This was an intraarticular four-part fracture that was displaced dorsally. In addition, the patient previously undergone a carpal tunnel release, but had symptoms of carpal tunnel preop. She is admitted for reconstructive operation. The symptoms of carpal tunnel were present preop and worsened after the injury.,OPERATION:, The patient was brought from the ambulatory care unit and placed on the operating table in a supine position and administered general anesthetic by Anesthesia. Once adequate anesthesia had been obtained, the right upper extremity was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Tourniquet was placed around the right upper extremity. The upper extremity was then elevated and exsanguinated using an Esmarch dressing. The tourniquet was elevated to 250 mmHg. The entire operation was performed with 4.5 loop magnification. At this time an approximately 8 cm longitudinal incision was then made overlying the right flexor carpi radialis tendon from the flexion crease to the wrist proximally. This was carried down to the flexor carpi radialis, which was then retracted ulnarly. The floor of the flexor carpi radialis was then incised exposing the flexor pronator muscles. The flexor pollicis longus was retracted ulnarly and the pronator quadratus was longitudinally incised 1 cm from its origin. It was then elevated off of the fracture site exposing the fracture site, which was dorsally displaced. This was an intraarticular four-part fracture. Under image control, the two volar pieces and dorsal pieces were then carefully manipulated and reduced. Then, 2.06 two-inch K-wires were drilled radial into the volar ulnar fragment and then a second K-wire was then drilled from the dorsal radial to the dorsal ulnar piece. A third K-wire was then drilled from the volar radial to the dorsal ulnar piece. The fracture was then manipulated. The fracture ends were copiously irrigated with normal saline and curetted and then the fracture was reduced in the usual fashion by recreating the defect and distracting it. Further K-wires were then placed through the radial styloid into the proximal fragment. A Hand Innovations DVR plate of regular size for the right wrist was then fashioned over and placed over the distal radius and secured with two K-wires. At this time, the distal screws were then placed. The distal screws were the small screws. These were non-locking screws, all eight screws were placed. They were placed in the usual fashion by drilling with a small drill bit removing the small introducers and then using its depth. Again, these were 18-20 mm screws. After placing three of the screws it was necessary to remove the K-wires. There was excellent reduction of the fragments and the fracture; excellent reduction of the intraarticular component and the fracture. After the distal screws were placed, the fracture was reduced and held in place with K-wires, which were replaced and the proximal screws were drilled with the drill guide and the larger drill bit. The screws were then placed. These were 12 mm screws. They were placed 4 in number. The K-wires were then removed. Finally, a 3 cm intrathenar incision was made beginning 1 cm distal to the flexor crease of the wrist. This was carried down to the transverse carpal ligament, which was divided throughout the length of the incision, upon entering the carpal canal, the median nerve was found to be adherent to the undersurface of the structure. It was dissected free from the structure out to its trifurcation. The motor branches seen entering the thenar fascia and obstructed. The nerve was then retracted dorsally and the patient had a great deal of scar tissue in the area of the volar flexion crease to the wrist where she had a previous incision that extended from the volar flexion crease of the wrist overlying the palmaris longus proximally for 1 cm. In this area, careful dissection was performed in order to move the nerve from the surrounding structures and the most proximal aspect of the transverse carpal ligament, the more proximally located volar carpal ligament was then divided 5 cm into the distal forearm on the ulnar side of the palmaris longus tendon. Incisions were then copiously irrigated with normal saline. Homeostasis was maintained with electrocautery. The pronator quadratus was closed with 3-0 Vicryl and the above skin incisions were closed proximally with 4-0 nylon and palmar incision with 5-0 nylon in the horizontal mattress fashion. A large bulky dressing was then applied with a volar short-arm splint maintaining the wrist in neutral position. The tourniquet was let down. The fingers were immediately pink. The patient was awakened and taken to the recovery room in good condition. There were no operative complications. The patient tolerated the procedure well.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Headaches, question of temporal arteritis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Headaches, question of temporal arteritis.,PROCEDURE:, Bilateral temporal artery biopsies.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , After obtaining an informed consent, the patient was brought to the operating room where her right temporal area was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. Xylocaine 1% was utilized and then an incision was made in front of the right ear and deepened anteriorly. The temporal artery was found and exposed in an extension of about 2 cm. The artery was proximally and distally ligated with 6-0 Prolene and also a side branch and a sample was sent for pathology. Hemostasis achieved with a cautery and the incision was closed with a subcuticular suture of Monocryl.,Then, the patient was turned and her left temporal area was prepped and draped in the usual fashion. A similar procedure was performed with 1% Xylocaine and exposed her temporal artery, which was excised in an extent to about 2 cm. This was also proximally and distally ligated with 6-0 Prolene and also side branch. Hemostasis was achieved with a cautery and the skin was closed with a subcuticular suture of Monocryl.,Dressings were applied to both areas.,The patient tolerated the procedure well. Estimated blood loss was negligible, and the patient went back to Same Day Surgery for recovery.
MEDICAL PROBLEM LIST:,1. Status post multiple cerebrovascular accidents and significant left-sided upper extremity paresis in 2006.,2. Dementia and depression.,3. Hypertension.,4. History of atrial fibrillation. The patient has been in sinus rhythm as of late. The patient is not anticoagulated due to fall risk.,5. Glaucoma.,6. Degenerative arthritis of her spine.,7. GERD.,8. Hypothyroidism.,9. Chronic rhinitis (the patient declines nasal steroids).,10. Urinary urge incontinence.,11. Chronic constipation.,12. Diabetes type II, 2006.,13. Painful bunions on feet bilaterally.,CURRENT MEDICINES: , Aspirin 81 mg p.o. daily, Cymbalta 60 mg p.o. daily, Diovan 80 mg p.o. daily, felodipine 5 mg p.o. daily, omeprazole 20 mg daily, Toprol-XL 100 mg daily, Levoxyl 50 mcg daily, Lantus insulin 12 units subcutaneously h.s., simvastatin 10 mg p.o. daily, AyrGel to both nostrils twice daily, Senna S 2 tablets twice daily, Timoptic 1 drop both eyes twice daily, Tylenol 1000 mg 3 times daily, Xalatan 0.005% drops 1 drop both eyes at bedtime, and Tucks to rectum post BMs.,ALLERGIES: , NO KNOWN DRUG ALLERGIES. ACE INHIBITOR MAY HAVE CAUSED A COUGH.,CODE STATUS:, Do not resuscitate, healthcare proxy, palliative care orders in place.,DIET:, No added salt, no concentrated sweets, thin liquids.,RESTRAINTS:, None. The patient has declined use of chair check and bed check.,INTERVAL HISTORY: , Overall, the patient has been doing reasonably well. She is being treated for some hemorrhoids, which are not painful for her. There has been a note that she is constipated.,Her blood glucoses have been running reasonably well in the morning, perhaps a bit on the high side with the highest of 188. I see a couple in the 150s. However, I also see one that is in the one teens and a couple in the 120s range.,She is not bothered by cough or rib pain. These are complaints, which I often hear about.,Today, I reviewed Dr. Hudyncia's note from psychiatry. Depression responded very well to Cymbalta, and the plan is to continue it probably for a minimum of 1 year.,She is not having problems with breathing. No neurologic complaints or troubles. Pain is generally well managed just with Tylenol.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Vitals: As in chart. The patient is pleasant and cooperative. She is in no apparent distress. Her lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion. Heart sounds regular to me. Abdomen: Soft. Extremities without any edema. At the rectum, she has a couple of large hemorrhoids, which are not thrombosed and are not tender.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN:,1. Hypertension, good control, continue current.,2. Depression, well treated on Cymbalta. Continue.,3. Other issues seem to be doing pretty well. These include blood pressure, which is well controlled. We will continue the medicines. She is clinically euthyroid. We check that occasionally. Continue Tylenol.,4. For the bowels, I will increase the intensity of regimen there. I have a feeling she would not tolerate either the FiberCon tablets or Metamucil powder in a drink. I will try her on annulose and see how she does with that.
General Medicine
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 26-year-old gravida 2, para 1-0-0-1, at 28-1/7 weeks who presents to the emergency room with left lower quadrant pain, reports no bowel movement in two weeks as well as nausea and vomiting for the last 24 hours or so. She states that she has not voided in the last 24 hours as well due to pain. She denies any leaking of fluid, vaginal bleeding, or uterine contractions. She reports good fetal movement. She denies any fevers, chills, or burning with urination.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , Positive for back pain in her lower back only. Her mother reports that she has been eating food without difficulty and that the current nausea and vomiting is much less than when she is not pregnant. She continues to yell out for requesting pain medication and about how much "it hurts.",PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:,1. Irritable bowel syndrome.,2. Urinary tract infections times three. The patient is unsure if pyelo is present or not.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Denies.,ALLERGIES: , No known drug allergies.,MEDICATIONS: , Phenergan and Zofran twice a day. Macrobid questionable.,GYN: , History of an abnormal Pap, group B within normal limits. Denies any sexually transmitted diseases.,OB HISTORY: , G1 is a term spontaneous vaginal delivery without complications, now a 6-year-old. G2 is current. Gets her care at Lyndhurst.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , Denies tobacco and alcohol use. She endorses marijuana use and a history of cocaine use five years ago. Upon review of the Baptist lab systems, the patient has had multiple positive urine drug screens and as recently as February 2008 had a urine drug screen that was positive for benzodiazepines, barbiturates, opiates, and marijuana and as recently as 2005 with cocaine present as well.,PHYSICAL EXAM:,VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 139/82, pulse 89, respirations 20, 98% on room air, 96 degrees Fahrenheit. Fetal heart tones are 130s with moderate long-term variability. No paper is available for the fetal heart monitor due to the misorder and audibly sounds reassuring.,GENERAL: Appears sedated, trashing intermittently, and then falling asleep in mid sentence.,CARDIOVASCULAR: Regular rate and rhythm.,PULMONARY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally.,BACK: Tender to palpation in her lower back bilaterally, but no CVA tenderness.,ABDOMEN: Tender to palpation in left lower quadrant. No guarding or rebound. Normal bowel sounds.,EXTREMITIES: Scar track marks from bilateral arms.,PELVIC: External vaginal exam is closed, long, high, and posterior. Stool was felt in the rectum.,LABS: , White count is 11.1, hemoglobin is 13.5, platelets are 279. CMP is within normal limits with an AST of 17, ALT of 11, and creatinine of 0.6. Urinalysis which is supposedly a cath specimen shows a specific gravity of 1.024, greater than 88 ketones, many bacteria, but no white blood cells or nitrites.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: ,The patient is a 26-year-old gravida 2, para 1-0-0-1 at 28-1 weeks with left lower quadrant pain and likely constipation. I spoke with Dr. X who is the physician on-call tonight, and he requests that she be transferred for continued fetal monitoring and further evaluation of this abdominal pain to Labor and Delivery. Plans are made for transfer at this time. This was discussed with Dr. Y who is in agreement with the plan.
Emergency Room Reports
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Septic left total knee arthroplasty.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Septic left total knee arthroplasty.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Arthroscopic irrigation and debridement of same with partial synovectomy.,ANESTHESIA:, LMA.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, Minimal.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DRAINS:, None.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is an 81-year-old female, who is approximately 10 years status post total knee replacement performed in another state, who presented a couple of days ago to the office with worsening pain without injury and whose symptoms have been present for approximately a month following a possible urinary tract infection. The patient' knee was aspirated in the office and cultures were positive for Escherichia coli. She presents for operative therapy.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: , After obtaining informed consent and the administration of antibiotics since her cultures had already been obtained, the patient was taken to the operating room and following satisfactory induction and the patient was placed on the table in supine position. The left upper extremity was prepped and draped without a tourniquet. The knee was injected with 30 mL of normal saline and standard arthroscopy portals were created. The arthroscopy was inserted and a complete diagnostic was performed. Arthroscopic pictures were taken throughout the procedure. The knee was copiously irrigated with 9 L of irrigant. A partial synovectomy was performed in all compartments. Minimal amount of polyethylene wear was noted. The total knee components were identified arthroscopically for future revision surgery. The knee was then drained and the arthroscopic instruments were removed. The portals were closed with 4-0 nylon and local anesthetic was injected. A sterile dressing was applied and the patient was placed in a knee immobilizer, awakened from anesthesia and transported to the recovery room in stable condition and tolerated the procedure well.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure.,2. Multiple strokes.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Ventilator-dependent respiratory failure.,2. Multiple strokes.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Tracheostomy.,2. Thyroid isthmusectomy.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal tube.,BLOOD LOSS: , Minimal, less than 25 cc.,INDICATIONS:, The patient is a 50-year-old gentleman who presented to the Emergency Department who had had multiple massive strokes. He had required ventilator assistance and was transported to the ICU setting. Because of the numerous deficits from the stroke, he is expected to have a prolonged ventilatory course and he will be requiring long-term care.,PROCEDURE: , After all risks, benefits, and alternatives were discussed with multiple family members in detail, informed consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the Operative Suite where he was placed in supine position and general anesthesia was delivered through the existing endotracheal tube. The neck was then palpated and marked appropriately in the cricoid cartilage sternal notch and thyroid cartilage marked appropriately with felt-tip marker. The skin was then anesthetized with a mixture of 1% lidocaine and 1:100,000 epinephrine solution. The patient was prepped and draped in usual fashion. The surgeons were gowned and gloved. A vertical skin incision was then made with a #15 blade scalpel extending from approximately two fingerbreadths above the level of the sternum approximately 1 cm above the cricoid cartilage. Blunt dissection was then carried down until the fascia overlying the strap muscles were identified. At this point, the midline raphe was identified and the strap muscles were separated utilizing the Bovie cautery. Once the strap muscles have been identified, palpation was performed to identify any arterial aberration. A high-riding innominate was not identified. At this point, it was recognized that the thyroid gland was overlying the trachea could not be mobilized. Therefore, dissection was carried down through to the cricoid cartilage at which point hemostat was advanced underneath the thyroid gland, which was then doubly clamped and ligated with Bovie cautery. Suture ligation with #3-0 Vicryl was then performed on the thyroid gland in a double interlocking fashion. This cleared a significant portion of the trachea. The overlying pretracheal fascia was then cleared with use of pressured forceps as well as Bovie cautery. Now, a tracheal hook was placed underneath the cricoid cartilage in order to stabilize the trachea. The second tracheal ring was identified. The Bovie cautery reduced to create a tracheal window beneath the second tracheal ring that was inferiorly based. At this point, the anesthetist was appropriately alerted to deflate the endotracheal tube cuff. The airway was entered and inferior to the base, window was created. The anesthetist then withdrew the endotracheal tube until the tip of the tube was identified. At this point, a #8 Shiley tracheostomy tube was inserted freely into the tracheal lumen. The balloon was inflated and the ventilator was attached. He was immediately noted to have return of the CO2 waveform and was ventilating appropriately according to the anesthetist. Now, all surgical retractors were removed. The baseplate of the tracheostomy tube was sutured to the patient's skin with #2-0 nylon suture. The tube was further secured around the patient's neck with IV tubing. Finally, a drain sponge was placed. At this point, procedure was felt to be complete. The patient was returned to the ICU setting in stable condition where a chest x-ray is pending.
DIAGNOSIS: , Chronic laryngitis, hoarseness.,HISTORY: ,The patient is a 68-year-old male, was referred to Medical Center's Outpatient Rehabilitation Department for skilled speech therapy secondary to voicing difficulties. The patient attended initial evaluation plus 3 outpatient speech therapy sessions, which focused on training the patient to complete resonant voice activities and to improve his vocal hygiene. The patient attended therapy one time a week and was given numerous home activities to do in between therapy sessions. The patient made great progress and he came in to discuss with an appointment on 12/23/08 stating that his voice had finally returned to "normal".,SHORT-TERM GOALS:,1. To be independent with relaxation and stretching exercises and Lessac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy Protocol.,2. He also met short-term goal therapy 3 and he is independent with resonant voice therapy tasks.,3. We did not complete his __________ ratio during his last session; so, I am unsure if he had met his short-term goal number 2.,4. To be referred for a videostroboscopy, but at this time, the patient is not in need of this evaluation. However, in the future if hoarseness returns, it is strongly recommended that he be referred for a videostroboscopy prior to returning to additional outpatient therapy.,LONG-TERM GOALS:,1. The patient did reach his long-term goal of improved vocal quality to return to prior level of function and to utilize his voice in all settings without vocal hoarseness or difficulty.,2. The patient appears very pleased with his return of his normal voice and feels that he no longer needs outpatient skilled speech therapy.,The patient is discharged from my services at this time with a home program to continue to promote normal voicing.
Discharge Summary
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Epistaxis and chronic dysphonia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Atrophic dry nasal mucosa.,2. Epistaxis.,3. Atrophic laryngeal changes secondary to inhaled steroid use.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Cauterization of epistaxis, left nasal septum.,2. Fiberoptic nasal laryngoscopy.,ANESTHESIA: , Neo-Synephrine with lidocaine nasal spray.,FINDINGS:,1. Atrophic dry cracked nasal mucosa.,2. Atrophic supraglottic and glottic changes likely secondary to inhaled steroids and recent endotracheal tube intubation.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 37-year-old African-American female who was admitted to ABCD General Hospital with a left wrist abscess. The patient was taken to the operating room for incision and drainage. Postoperatively, the patient was placed on nasal cannula oxygen and developed subsequent epistaxis. Upon evaluating the patient, the patient complains of epistaxis from the left naris as well as some chronic dysphonia that had become exacerbated after surgery. The patient does report of having endotracheal tube intubation during anesthesia. The patient also gives a history of inhaled steroid use for her asthma.,The patient was extubated after surgery without difficulty, but continued to have some difficulty and the Department of Otolaryngology was asked to evaluate the patient regarding epistaxis and dysphonia.,PROCEDURE DETAILS:, After the procedure was described, the patient was placed in the seated position. The fiberoptic nasal laryngoscope was then inserted into the patient's left naris. The nasal mucosal membranes were dry and atrophic throughout. There was no evidence of any mass lesions. The nasal laryngoscope was then advanced towards the posterior aspect of the nasal cavity. There was no evidence of mass, ulceration, lesion, or obstruction. The nasolaryngoscopy continued to be advanced into the oropharynx and the vallecula and the base of the tongue were evaluated and were without evidence of mass lesion or ulceration.,The fiberoptic scope was further advanced and visualization of the larynx revealed some atrophic, dry, supraglottic, and glottic changes. There was no evidence of any local mass lesion, nodule, or ulcerations. There was no evidence of any erythema. Upon phonation, the vocal cords approximated completely and upon inspiration, the true vocal cords were abducted in a normal fashion and was symmetric. The airway was stable and patent throughout the entire examination. The nasal laryngoscope was then slowly withdrawn from the supraglottic region and the scope was further advanced into the oropharynx and nasopharynx. The eustachian tube was completely visualized and was patent without obstruction. The scope was then further removed without difficulty. The patient tolerated the procedure well and remained in stable condition.,RECOMMENDATIONS AND PLAN: , The patient would benefit from Ocean nasal spray as well as bacitracin ointment applied to the anterior naris. At this time, we were unable to discontinue the patient's inhaled steroids that she is using for her asthma. If this becomes possible in the future, this may provide her some relief of her chronic dysphonia. The patient is to follow up with Department of Otolaryngology after discharge from the hospital for further evaluation of these problems.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Esophageal foreign body.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Esophageal foreign body.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:,1. Direct laryngoscopy with intubation by surgeon.,2. Rigid tracheoscopy.,3. Rigid esophagoscopy with removal of foreign body.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is an 8-month-old Hispanic male, who presented to the Emergency Department with approximately 12-hour history of choking event and presumed for esophageal foreign body. When seen in the Emergency Department, he was having no difficulty managing his secretions or any signs of any airway compromise. Imaging in the Emergency Department did demonstrate an esophageal foreign body at or above the level of the cricopharyngeus. Due to this, the patient was consented and taken urgently to the operating room for removal of this foreign body.,OPERATIVE DETAILS:, The patient was correctly identified in the preop holding area and brought to operating room #37. After informed consent was reviewed, general anesthesia was induced, initially with propofol, the existing IV. Following this after protective eye tape was placed, #9 Parson's laryngoscope was introduced transorally and used to perform a direct laryngoscopy. Normal anatomy was visualized. Following this, a 4-mm, 20-rigid endoscope was introduced through the Parson's laryngoscope and used to perform a direct tracheoscopy. The patient's supraglottis, glottis, and subglottis down to the level of the mid trachea were found to be benign with no abnormal-appearing anatomy. Following this, the rigid endoscope was removed and the patient was intubated with a 4-0 endotracheal tube cuffed without difficulty. After confirming bilateral breath sounds and positive end tidal CO2, this was secured to the patient by the anesthesia staff. Following this, the Parson's laryngoscope was removed and a size 4 rigid esophagoscope was inserted transorally and passed down to the level of the patient's cricopharyngeus were the foreign body was visualized. At this point, the coin grasper device was connected to the camera system and inserted through the existing esophagoscope. This was used to grasp the coin and the coin was removed under direct visualization and handed off as a separate specimen. Following this, the 34 mm 0-degree scope was inserted through the esophagoscope once the esophagoscope was passed down to the patient's GE junction. The entire esophageal mucosa was examined as the esophagoscope was backed out and there was only a minimal amount of superficial ulceration in the posterior wall of the esophagus near the level of the cricopharyngeus muscle. There were no other lesions or signs of further esophageal damage. Following this, all instrumentation was removed, and care of the patient was turned back to the anesthesia staff for stable wakeup.,FINDINGS:,1. Normal supraglottic, glottic, and subglottic anatomy.,2. Esophageal foreign body at the level of the cricopharyngeus.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, None.,DISPOSITION: , Stable to the PACU and then home.
REASON FOR CONSULTATION: , New murmur with bacteremia.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is an 84-year-old female admitted with jaundice and a pancreatic mass who was noted to have a new murmur, bacteremia, and fever. The patient states that apart from the fever, she was having no other symptoms and denies any previous cardiac history. She denies any orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. Denies any edema, chest pain, palpitations, or syncope. She has had TIAs in the past, but none recently.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Significant for diabetes, hypertension, and TIA.,MEDICATIONS: , Include:,1. Acidophilus supplement.,2. Cholestyramine.,3. Creon 20 three times daily.,4. Diovan 160 mg twice daily.,6. Lantus 10 daily.,7. Norvasc 5 mg daily.,8. NovoLog 70/30, 10 units at 12 noon daily.,9. Pamelor 15 mL every evening.,10. Vitamin D3 one tablet weekly.,ALLERGIES: , THE PATIENT IS ALLERGIC TO CODEINE, COREG, AND VANCOMYCIN.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,The patient's daughter apparently has history of a murmur, but no diagnosis of congenital heart disease. The patient's father died in his 80s of CHF.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient denies ever having smoked, denies any significant alcohol use, and lives with her daughter in Pasadena.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , The patient has had fever and chills. She has also had some jaundice. Denies any nausea or vomiting. Denies any chest pain or abdominal pain. Denies orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea or edema. She has had TIAs in the past, but denies any recent neurological symptoms such as motor weakness or focal sensory deficits. Denies melena or hematochezia. All other systems were reviewed and were found to be negative.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION,GENERAL: An elderly Caucasian female, awake and alert, and in no distress.,VITAL SIGNS: Temperature is 98.8, heart rate 96, sinus, blood pressure 138/55, respiratory rate 20, and oxygen saturation 92%.,HEAD AND NECK: Her head is atraumatic. She is normocephalic. Her neck is supple. There is no JVD. No palpable adenopathy or thyromegaly. There is some icterus of the sclerae bilaterally. Oral mucosa is moist.,CHEST: Symmetrical expansion with normal percussion note. There are no inspiratory crackles or expiratory wheeze.,CARDIAC: Heart sounds S1 and S2 are regular. There is a 2/6 systolic murmur heard through the precordium. There is no gallop or rub. There is no palpable thrill or retrosternal lift.,ABDOMEN: Soft, nondistended, and nontender with normal bowel sounds. No audible bruits.,EXTREMITIES: No pitting edema, no clubbing, no cyanosis, and peripheral pulses are 2+.,NEUROLOGIC: She exhibits no focal motor or sensory findings.,LABORATORY DATA: , The patient's sodium was 133, potassium 2.8, chloride 99, bicarbonate 31, glucose 75, BUN 12, creatinine 0.8, calcium 8.6, total bilirubin 3.2, AST 63, and ALT 43. White count 5.4, hemoglobin 9.1, hematocrit 26.6, and platelet count 128,000. Lipase less than 10.,DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING: , The patient had a CT scan of the abdomen that demonstrated a pancreatic mass with biliary obstruction. Previous biliary stent was present.,EKG shows normal sinus rhythm. There are no acute ST-T changes.,ASSESSMENT: , This is an 84-year-old female with newly found murmur. No previous history of heart disease. This murmur has occurred in the setting of fever and bacteremia. The patient also has a pancreatic mass with jaundice, history of hypertension, and now has hyponatremia and hypokalemia.,PLAN: ,The patient should undergo an echocardiogram to assess for the possibility of endocarditis, which may be contributing to her symptoms. Blood pressure control should be maintained with Diovan and Norvasc. Potassium should be replaced, and hyponatremia should be on proactive.
Consult - History and Phy.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 68-year-old man who returns for recheck. He has a history of ischemic cardiac disease, he did see Dr. XYZ in February 2004 and had a thallium treadmill test. He did walk for 8 minutes. The scan showed some mild inferior wall scar and ejection fraction was well preserved. He has not had difficulty with chest pain, palpitations, orthopnea, nocturnal dyspnea, or edema.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY/SURGERIES/HOSPITALIZATIONS: , He had tonsillectomy at the age of 8. He was hospitalized in 1996 with myocardial infarction and subsequently underwent cardiac catheterization and coronary artery bypass grafting procedure. He did have LIMA to the LAD and had three saphenous vein grafts performed otherwise.,MEDICATIONS:, Kerlone 10 mg 1/2 pill daily, gemfibrozil 600 mg twice daily, Crestor 80 mg 1/2 pill daily, aspirin 325 mg daily, vitamin E 400 units daily, and Citrucel one daily.,ALLERGIES: , None known.,FAMILY HISTORY: ,Father died at the age of 84. He had a prior history of cancer of the lung and ischemic cardiac disease. Mother died in her 80s from congestive heart failure. He has two brothers and six sisters living who remain in good health.,PERSONAL HISTORY: ,Quit smoking in 1996. He occasionally drinks alcoholic beverages.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,Endocrine: He has hypercholesterolemia treated with diet and medication. He reports that he did lose 10 pounds this year.,Neurologic: Denies any TIA symptoms.,Genitourinary: He has occasional nocturia. Denies any difficulty emptying his bladder.,Gastrointestinal: He has a history of asymptomatic cholelithiasis.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,Vital Signs: Weight: 225 pounds. Blood pressure: 130/82. Pulse: 83. Temperature: 96.4 degrees.,General Appearance: He is a middle-aged man who is not in any acute distress.,HEENT: Mouth: The posterior pharynx is clear.,Neck: Without adenopathy or thyromegaly.,Chest: Lungs are resonant to percussion. Auscultation reveals normal breath sounds.,Heart: Normal S1, S2, without gallops or rubs.,Abdomen: Without tenderness or masses.,Extremities: Without edema.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:,1. Ischemic cardiac disease. This remains stable. He will continue on the same medication. He reports he has had some laboratory studies today.,2. Hypercholesterolemia. He will continue on the same medication.,3. Facial tic. We also discussed having difficulty with the facial tic at the left orbital region. This occurs mainly when he is under stress. He has apparently had numerous studies in the past and has seen several doctors in Wichita about this. At one time was being considered for some type of operation. His description, however, suggests that they were considering an operation for tic douloureux. He does not have any pain with this tic and this is mainly a muscle spasm that causes his eye to close. Repeat neurology evaluation was advised. He will be scheduled to see Dr. XYZ in Newton on 09/15/2004.,4. Immunization. Addition of pneumococcal vaccination was discussed with him but had been decided by him at the end of the appointment. We will have this discussed with him further when his laboratory results are back.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Obstructive sleep apnea.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Obstructive sleep apnea.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Tonsillectomy.,2. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty.,ANESTHESIA:, General endotracheal tube.,BLOOD LOSS: , Approximately 50 cc.,INDICATIONS: , The patient is a 41-year-old gentleman with a history of obstructive sleep apnea who has been using CPAP, however, he was not tolerating used of the machine and requested a surgical procedure for correction of his apnea.,PROCEDURE: , After all risks, benefits, and alternatives have been discussed with the patient, informed consent was obtained. The patient was brought to the operative suite where he was placed in supine position and general endotracheal tube intubation was delivered by the Department of Anesthesia. The patient was rotated 90 degrees away and a shoulder roll was placed and a McIvor mouthgag was inserted into the oral cavity. Correct inspection and palpation did not reveal evidence of a bifid uvula or submucosal clots. Attention was directed first to the right tonsil in which a curved Allis forceps was applied to the superior pole. The needle-tip Bovie cautery was used to incise the mucosa of the anterior tonsillar pillar. Once the tonsillar pillar was identified and the superior pole was released, the curved forceps with a straight Allis forceps and the dissection was carried down inferiorly, dissecting the tonsil free from all fascial attachments. Once the tonsil was delivered from the oral cavity, hemostasis was obtained within the tonsillar fossa utilizing suction cautery.,Attention was then directed over to the left tonsil in which a similar procedure was performed. Once all bleeding was controlled, the mucosa of both the hard and soft palate was anesthetized with a mixture of 1% lidocaine and 1:50000 epinephrine solution. Now attention was directed to the posterior pillars. A hemostat was used to clamp the posterior pillar, which was then taken down with Metzenbaum scissors. The posterior pillar was then approximated to the anterior pillar with the use of #3-0 PDS suture so as to create a box shaped soft palate. Now, the uvula was reflected onto the soft palate and #12 blade scalpel was used to incise the mucosa of the soft palate extending down onto the uvula. The mucosa was dissected off with the use of Potts scissors. Now the uvula was reflected onto the soft palate and sutured down in place with use of #3-0 PDS suture approximated with deep muscle layers. Now the mucosa of the soft palate and the uvula were approximated with interrupted #3-0 PDS sutures. Finally, #4-0 Vicryl sutures were placed intermittently between the PDS to further secure the uvula, which had been reflected onto the soft palate. A final #3-0 PDS suture was used to further approximate the anterior and posterior tonsil pillars. Final inspection did not reveal any further bleeding. The mouth was then irrigated with saline and suctioned. At this point, the procedure was complete. He was awakened and taken to recovery room in stable condition. He will be admitted as an observation patient to the Telemetry Floor for routine postoperative management. Of note, IV Decadron was administered during the procedure.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Sinus problems.,SINUSITIS HISTORY:, The problem began 2 weeks ago and is constant. Symptoms include postnasal drainage, sore throat, facial pain, coughing, headaches and congestion. Additional symptoms include snoring, nasal burning and teeth pain. The symptoms are characterized as moderate to severe. Symptoms are worse in the evening and morning.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:,ROS General: General health is good.,ROS ENT: As noted in history of present Illness listed above.,ROS Respiratory: Patient denies any respiratory complaints, such as cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing, hemoptysis, etc.,ROS Gastrointestinal: Patient denies any nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dysphagia or any altered bowel movements.,ROS Respiratory: Complaints include coughing.,ROS Neurological: Patient complains of headaches. All other systems are negative.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Gallbladder 7/82. Hernia 5/79,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, Negative.,PAST SOCIAL HISTORY:, Marital Status: Married. Denies the use of alcohol. Patient has a history of smoking 1 pack of cigarettes per day and for the past 15 years. There are no animals inside the home.,FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY:, Family history of allergies and hypertension.,CURRENT MEDICATIONS:, Claritin. Dilantin.,PREVIOUS MEDICATIONS UTILIZED:, Rhinocort Nasal Spray.,EXAM:,Exam Ear: Auricles/external auditory canals reveal no significant abnormalities bilaterally. TMs intact with no middle ear effusion and are mobile to insufflation.,Exam Nose: Intranasal exam reveals moderate congestion and purulent mucus.,Exam Oropharynx: Examination of the teeth/alveolar ridges reveals missing molar (s). Examination of the posterior pharynx reveals a prominent uvula and purulent postnasal drainage. The palatine tonsils are 2+ and cryptic.,Exam Neck: Palpation of anterior neck reveals no tenderness. Examination of the posterior neck reveals mild tenderness to palpation of the suboccipital muscles.,Exam Facial: There is bilateral maxillary sinus tenderness to palpation.,X-RAY / LAB FINDINGS:, Water's view x-ray reveals bilateral maxillary mucosal thickening.,IMPRESSION:, Acute maxillary sinusitis (461.0). Snoring (786.09).,MEDICATION:, Augmentin. 875 mg bid. MucoFen 800 mg bid.,PLAN:,
ENT - Otolaryngology
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Displaced left subtrochanteric femur fracture.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Displaced left subtrochanteric femur fracture.,OPERATION: , Intramedullary rod in the left hip using the Synthes trochanteric fixation nail measuring 11 x 130 degrees with an 85-mm helical blade.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,TOURNIQUET TIME:, None.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS:, 50 mL.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,INDICATIONS: ,The patient suffered a fall at which time she was taken to the emergency room with pain in the lower extremities. She was diagnosed with displaced left subcapital hip fracture, now was asked to consult. With this diagnosis, she was indicated the above-noted procedure. This procedure as well as alternatives to this procedure was discussed at length with the patient and her son, who has the power of attorney, and they understood them well.,Risks and benefits were also discussed. Risks include bleeding, infection, damage to blood vessels, damage to nerves, risk of further surgery, chronic pain, restricted range of motion, risk of continued discomfort, risk of malunion, risk of nonunion, risk of need for further reconstructive procedures, risk of need for altered activities and altered gait, risk of blood clots, pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction, and risk of death were discussed. She understood these well and consented, and the son signed the consent for the procedure as described.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was placed on the operating table and general anesthesia was achieved. The patient was then placed in fracture boots and manipulated under fluoroscopic control until we could obtain near anatomic alignment. External positions were felt to be present. At this point, the left hip and left lower extremity was then prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. A guidewire was then placed percutaneously into the tip of the greater trochanter and a small incision was made overlying the guidewire. An overlying drill was inserted to the proper depths. A Synthes 11 x 130 degrees trochanteric fixation that was chosen was placed into the intramedullary canal to the proper depth. Proper rotation was obtained and the guide for the helical blade was inserted. A small incision was made for this as well. A guidewire was inserted and felt to be in proper position, in the posterior aspect of the femoral head, lateral, and the center position on AP. This placed the proper depths and lengths better. The outer cortex was enlarged and an 85-mm helical blade was attached to the proper depths and proper fixation was done. Appropriate size screw was then tightened down. At this point, a distal guide was then placed and drilled across both the cortices. Length was better. Appropriate size screw was then inserted. Proper size and fit of the distal screw was also noted. At this point, on fluoroscopic control, it was confirming in AP and lateral direction. We did a near anatomical alignment to the fracture site and all hardware was properly fixed. Proper size and fit was noted. Excellent bony approximation was noted. At this point, both wounds were thoroughly irrigated, hemostasis confirmed, and closure was then begun.,The fascial layers were then reapproximated using #1 Vicryl in a figure-of-eight manner, the subcutaneous tissues were reapproximated in layers using #1 and 2-0 Vicryl sutures, and the skin was reapproximated with staples. The area was then infiltrated with a mixture of a 0.25% Marcaine with Epinephrine and 1% plain lidocaine. Sterile dressing was then applied. No complication was encountered throughout the procedure. The patient tolerated the procedure well. The patient was taken to the recovery room in stable condition.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Multiple pelvic adhesions.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Multiple pelvic adhesions.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,Lysis of pelvic adhesions.,ANESTHESIA: , General with local.,SPECIMEN: , None.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,HISTORY: , The patient is a 32-year-old female who had an 8 cm left ovarian mass, which was evaluated by Dr. X. She had a ultrasound, which demonstrated the same. The mass was palpable on physical examination and was tender. She was scheduled for an elective pelvic laparotomy with left salpingooophorectomy. During the surgery, there were multiple pelvic adhesions between the left ovarian cyst and the sigmoid colon. These adhesions were taken down sharply with Metzenbaum scissors.,PROCEDURE: , A pelvic laparotomy had been performed by Dr. X. Upon exploration of the abdomen, multiple pelvic adhesions were noted as previously stated. A 6 cm left ovarian cyst was noted with adhesions to the sigmoid colon and mesentery. These adhesions were taken down sharply with Metzenbaum scissors until the sigmoid colon was completely freed from the ovarian cyst. The ureter had been identified and isolated prior to the adhesiolysis. There was no evidence of bleeding. The remainder of the case was performed by Dr. X and this will be found in a separate operative report.
DIAGNOSIS:,1. Broad-based endocervical poly.,2. Broad- based pigmented, raised nevus, right thigh.,OPERATION:,1. LEEP procedure of endocervical polyp.,2. Electrical excision of pigmented mole of inner right thigh.,FINDINGS: , There was a 1.5 x 1.5 cm broad-based pigmented nevus on the inner thigh that was excised with a wire loop. Also, there was a butt-based, 1-cm long endocervical polyp off the posterior lip of the cervix slightly up in the canal.,PROCEDURE: , With the patient in the supine position, general anesthesia was administered. The patient was put in the dorsal lithotomy position and prepped and draped for dilatation and curettage in a routine fashion.,An insulated posterior weighted retractor was put in. Using the LEEP tenaculum, we were able to grasp the anterior lip of the cervix with a large wire loop at 35 cutting, 30 coagulation. The endocervical polyp on the posterior lip of the cervix was excised.,Then changing from a 50 of coagulation and 5 cutting, the base of the polyp was electrocoagulated, which controlled all the bleeding. The wire loop was attached, and the pigmented raised nevus on the inner thigh was excised with the wire loop. Cautery of the base was done, and then it was closed with figure-of-eight 3-0 Vicryl sutures. A band-aid was applied over this.,Rechecking the cervix, no bleeding was noted. The patient was laid flat on the table, awakened, and moved to the recovery room bed and sent to the recovery room in satisfactory condition.
Obstetrics / Gynecology
INDICATIONS:, Dysphagia.,PREMEDICATION:, Topical Cetacaine spray and Versed IV.,PROCEDURE:,: The scope was passed into the esophagus under direct vision. The esophageal mucosa was all unremarkable. There was no evidence of any narrowing present anywhere throughout the esophagus and no evidence of esophagitis. The scope was passed on down into the stomach. The gastric mucosa was all examined including a retroflexed view of the fundus and there were no abnormalities seen. The scope was then passed into the duodenum and the duodenal bulb and second and third portions of the duodenum were unremarkable. The scope was again slowly withdrawn through the esophagus and no evidence of narrowing was present. The scope was then withdrawn.,IMPRESSION:, Normal upper GI endoscopy without any evidence of anatomical narrowing.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Adrenal mass, right sided.,2. Umbilical hernia.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1. Adrenal mass, right sided.,2. Umbilical hernia.,OPERATION PERFORMED: , Laparoscopic hand-assisted left adrenalectomy and umbilical hernia repair.,ANESTHESIA: ,General.,CLINICAL NOTE: , This is a 52-year-old inmate with a 5.5 cm diameter nonfunctioning mass in his right adrenal. Procedure was explained including risks of infection, bleeding, possibility of transfusion, possibility of further treatments being required. Alternative of fully laparoscopic are open surgery or watching the lesion.,DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION: ,In the right flank-up position, table was flexed. He had a Foley catheter in place. Incision was made from just above the umbilicus, about 5.5 cm in diameter. The umbilical hernia was taken down. An 11 mm trocar was placed in the midline, superior to the GelPort and a 5 mm trocar placed in the midaxillary line below the costal margin. A liver retractor was placed to this.,The colon was reflected medially by incising the white line of Toldt. The liver attachments to the adrenal kidney were divided and the liver was reflected superiorly. The vena cava was identified. The main renal vein was identified. Coming superior to the main renal vein, staying right on the vena cava, all small vessels were clipped and then divided. Coming along the superior pole of the kidney, the tumor was dissected free from top of the kidney with clips and Bovie. The harmonic scalpel was utilized superiorly and laterally. Posterior attachments were divided between clips and once the whole adrenal was mobilized, the adrenal vein and one large adrenal artery were noted, doubly clipped, and divided. Specimen was placed in a collection bag, removed intact.,Hemostasis was excellent.,The umbilical hernia had been completely taken down. The edges were freshened up. Vicryl #1 was utilized to close the incision and 2-0 Vicryl was used to close the fascia of the trocar.,Skin closed with clips.,He tolerated the procedure well. All sponge and instrument counts were correct. Estimated blood loss less than 100 mL.,The patient was awakened, extubated, and returned to recovery room in satisfactory condition.
TITLE OF OPERATION:, A complex closure and debridement of wound.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY:, The patient is a 26-year-old female with a long history of shunt and hydrocephalus presenting with a draining wound in the right upper quadrant, just below the costal margin that was lanced by General Surgery and resolved; however, it continued to drain. There is no evidence of fevers. CRP was normal. Shunt CT were all normal. The thought was he has insidious fistula versus tract where recommendation was for excision of this tract.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Possible cerebrospinal fluid versus wound fistula.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Possible cerebrospinal fluid versus wound fistula.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , The patient was brought to the operating room and willing to be inducted with a laryngeal mask airway, positioned supine and the right side was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. Next, working on the fistula, this was elliptically excised. Once this was excised, this was followed down to the fistulous tract, which was completely removed. There was no CSF drainage. The catheter was visualized, although not adequately properly. Once this was excised, it was irrigated and then closed in multiple layers using 3-0 Vicryl for the deep layers and 4-0 Caprosyn and Indermil with a dry sterile dressing applied. The patient was reversed, extubated and transferred to the recovery room in stable condition. Multiple cultures were sent as well as the tracts sent to Pathology. All sponge and needle counts were correct.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Rotator cuff tear, right shoulder.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Massive rotator cuff tear, right shoulder.,2. Near complete biceps tendon tear, right shoulder.,3. Chondromalacia of glenohumeral joint, right shoulder.,4. Glenoid labrum tear, right shoulder.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: ,1. Arthroscopy of the arthroscopic glenoid labrum.,2. Rotator cuff debridement shaving glenoid and humeral head.,3. Biceps tenotomy, right shoulder.,SPECIFICATION: , The entire operative procedure was done in Inpatient Operating Suite, room #1 at ABCD General Hospital. This was done under interscalene block anesthetic in the modified beachchair position.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS: , This is a 61-year-old white male who is dominantly right-handed. He had increasing right shoulder pain and dysfunction for a number of years prior to surgical intervention. This was gradually done over a period of time. No specific accident or injury could be seen or pointed. He was refractory to conservative outpatient therapy. After discussing alternatives of the care as well as the advantages, disadvantages, risks, complications, and expectations, he elected to undergo the above-stated procedure on this date.,Preoperatively, the patient did not have limitation of motion. He had gross weakness to his supraspinatus, mildly to the infraspinatus and subscapularis upon strength testing prior to his anesthetic.,Intraarticularly, the patient had an 80% biceps tendon tear that was dislocated. His rotator interval was resolved as well as his subscapularis with tearing. The supraspinatus was completely torn, retracted back beyond the level of the labrum and approximately one-third or so of the infraspinatus was involved with the remaining portion being greatly thinned as far as we could observe. Glenoid labrum had degenerative tear in the inferior surface. Gross chondromalacia was present to approximately 50% of the humeral head and approximately the upper 40% of the glenoid surface.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: , The patient was laid supine upon the operative table. After receiving interscalene block anesthetic by the Anesthesia Department, he was safely placed in a modified beachchair position. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. The portals were created outside the end posteriorly and then anteriorly. A full and complete diagnostic arthroscopy was carried out with the above-noted findings. The shaver was placed anteriorly. Debridement was carried out to the glenoid labrum tear and the last 20% of the biceps tendon tear was completed. Debridement was carried out to the end or attachment of the bicep itself.,Debridement was carried out to what could be seen of the remaining rotator cuff there, but then the scope was redirected in a subacromial direction and gross bursectomy carried out. Debridement was then carried out to the rotator cuff remaining tendon near the tuberosity. No osteophytes were present. Because of the massive nature of the tear, the CA ligament was maintained and there were no substantial changes to the subacromial region to necessitate burring. There was concern because of instability that could be present at the end of this.,Another portal was created laterally to do all of this. We did what we could to mobilize all sections of the rotator cuff, superiorly, posteriorly, and anteriorly. We took this back to the level of coracoid base. We released the coracohumeral ligament basically all but there was no excursion basically all to the portion of the rotator cuff torn. Because of this, further debridement was carried out. Debridement had been previously carried out to the humeral head as well as glenoid surface to debride the chondromalacia and take this down to the smooth edge. Care was taken to not to debride deeper than that. This was done prior to the above.,All instrumentation was removed. A Pain-Buster catheter was placed into a separate anterolateral portal cut to length. Interrupted #4-0 nylon was utilized for portal closures. Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, Elastoplast tape were placed for a compression dressing.,The patient's arm was placed in an arm sling. He was transferred to his cart and to the PACU in apparent satisfactory condition. Expected surgical prognosis on this patient is quite guarded because of the above-noted pathology.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Soft tissue mass, right knee.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Soft tissue mass, right knee.,2. Osteophyte lateral femoral condyle, right knee.,PROCEDURES PERFORMED:, Excision of capsular mass and arthrotomy with ostectomy of lateral femoral condyle, right knee.,SPECIFICATION: , The entire operative procedure was done in Inpatient Operating Suite, room #1 at ABCD General Hospital. This was done under a local and IV sedation via the Anesthesia Department.,HISTORY AND GROSS FINDINGS:, This is a 37-year-old African-American male with a mass present at the posterolateral aspect of his right knee. On aspiration, it was originally attempted to no avail. There was a long-standing history of this including two different MRIs, one about a year ago and one very recently both of which did not delineate the mass present. During aspiration previously, the patient had experienced neuritic type symptoms down his calf, which have mostly resolved by the time that this had occurred. The patient continued to complain of pain and dysfunction to his calf. This was discussed with him at length. He wished this to be explored and the mass excised even though knowing the possibility that they would not change his pain pattern with the potential of reoccurrence as well as the potential of scar stiffness, swelling, and peroneal nerve palsy. With this, he decided to proceed.,Upon observation preoperatively, the patient was noted to have a hard mass present to the posterolateral aspect of the right knee. It was noted to be tender. It was marked preoperatively prior to an anesthetic. Upon dissection, the patient was noted to have significant thickening of the posterior capsule. The posterolateral aspect of the knee above the posterolateral complex at the gastroc attachment to the lateral femoral condyle. There was also noted to be prominence of the lateral femoral condyle ridge. The bifurcation at the tibial and peroneal nerves were identified and no neuroma was present.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was laid supine upon the operating table. After receiving IV sedation, he was placed prone. Thigh tourniquet was placed. He was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. A transverse incision was carried down across the crease with a mass had been palpated through skin and subcutaneous tissue after exsanguination of the limb and tourniquet utilized. The nerve was identified and carefully retracted throughout the case. Both nerves were identified and carefully retracted throughout the case. There was noted to be no neuroma present. This was taken down until the gastroc was split. There was gross thickening of the joint capsule and after arthrotomy, a section of the capsule was excised. The lateral femoral condyle was then osteophied. We then smoothed off with a rongeur. After this, we could not palpate any mass whatsoever placing pressure upon the area of the nerve. Tourniquet was deflated. It was checked again. There was no excessive swelling. Swanson drain was placed to the depth of the wound and interrupted #2-0 Vicryl was utilized for subcutaneous fat closure and #4-0 nylon was utilized for skin closure. Adaptic, 4x4s, ABDs, and Webril were placed for compression dressing. Digits were warm _______ pulses distally at the end of the case. The tourniquet as stated has been deflated prior to closure and hemostasis was controlled. Expected surgical prognosis on this patient is guarded.
CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Neck pain, thoracalgia, low back pain, bilateral lower extremity pain.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, Ms. XYZ is a fairly healthy 69-year-old Richman, Roseburg resident who carries a history of chronic migraine, osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, hyperlipidemia, and mitral valve prolapse. She has previously been under the care of Dr. Ninan Matthew in the 1990s and takes Maxalt on a weekly basis and nadolol, omeprazole and amitriptyline for treatment of her migraines, which occur about once a week. She is under the care of Dr. Bonaparte for hyperlipidemia and hypothyroidism. She has a long history of back and neck pain with multiple injuries in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. In 2000, she developed "sciatica" mostly in her right lower extremity.,She is seen today with no outside imaging, except with MRI of her cervical spine and lumbar spine dated February of 2004. Her cervical MRI reveals an 8 mm central spinal canal at C6-7, multilevel foraminal stenosis, though her report is not complete as we do not have all the pages. Her lumbar MRI reveals lumbar spinal stenosis at L4-5 with multilevel facet arthropathy and spondylitic changes.,The patient has essentially three major pain complaints.,Her first pain complaint is one of a long history of axial neck pain without particular radicular symptoms. She complains of popping, clicking, grinding and occasional stiffness in her neck, as well as occasional periscapular pain and upper trapezius myofascial pain and spasms with occasional cervicalgic headaches. She has been told by Dr. Megahed in the past that she is not considered a surgical candidate. She has done physical therapy twice as recently as three years ago for treatment of her symptoms. She complains of occasional pain and stiffness in both hands, but no particular numbness or tingling.,Her next painful complaint is one of midthoracic pain and thoracalgia features with some right-sided rib pain in a non-dermatomal distribution. Her rib pain was not preceded by any type of vesicular rash and is reproducible, though is not made worse with coughing. There is no associated shortness of breath. She denies inciting trauma and also complains of pain along the costochondral and sternochondral junctions anteriorly. She denies associated positive or negative sensory findings, chest pain or palpitations, dyspnea, hemoptysis, cough, or sputum production. Her weight has been stable without any type of constitutional symptoms.,Her next painful complaint is one of axial low back pain with early morning pain and stiffness, which improves somewhat later in the day. She complains of occasional subjective weakness to the right lower extremity. Her pain is worse with sitting, standing and is essentially worse in the supine position. Five years ago, she developed symptoms radiating in an L5-S1 distribution and within the last couple of years, began to develop numbness in the same distribution. She has noted some subjective atrophy as well of the right calf. She denies associated bowel or bladder dysfunction, saddle area hypoesthesia, or falls. She has treated her back symptoms with physical therapy as well.,She is intolerant to any type of antiinflammatory medications as well and has a number of allergies to multiple medications. She participates in home physical therapy, stretching, hand weights, and stationary bicycling on a daily basis. Her pain is described as constant, shooting, aching and sharp in nature and is rated as a 4-5/10 for her average and current levels of pain, 6/10 for her worst pain, and 3/10 for her least pain. Exacerbating factors include recumbency, walking, sleeping, pushing, pulling, bending, stooping, and carrying. Alleviating factors including sitting, applying heat and ice.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY:, As per above and includes hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism, history of migraines, acid reflux symptoms, mitral valve prolapse for which she takes antibiotic prophylaxis.,PAST SURGICAL HISTORY:, Cholecystectomy, eye surgery, D&C.,MEDICATIONS:, Vytorin, Synthroid, Maxalt, nadolol, omeprazole, amitriptyline and 81 mg aspirin.,ALLERGIES:, Multiple. All over-the-counter medications. Toradol, Robaxin, Midrin, Darvocet, Naprosyn, Benadryl, Soma, and erythromycin.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Family history is remarkable for a remote history of cancer. Family history of heart disease and osteoarthritis.,SOCIAL HISTORY:, The patient is retired. She is married with three grown children. Has a high school level education. Does not smoke, drink, or utilize any illicit substances.,OSWESTRY PAIN INVENTORY:, Significant impact on every aspect of her quality of life. She would like to become more functional.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, A thirteen-point review of systems was surveyed including constitutional, HEENT, cardiac, pulmonary, GI, GU, endocrine, integument, hematological, immunological, neurological, musculoskeletal, psychological and rheumatological. Cardiac, swelling in the extremities, hyperlipidemia, history of palpitation, varicose veins. Pulmonary review of systems negative. GI review of systems is positive for irritable bowel and acid reflux symptoms. Genitourinary, occasional stress urinary incontinence and history of remote hematuria. She is postmenopausal and on hormone replacement. Endocrine is positive for a low libido and thyroid disorder. Integument: Dry skin, itching and occasional rashes. Immunologic is essentially negative. Musculoskeletal: As per HPI. HEENT: Jaw pain, popping, clicking, occasional hoarseness, dysphagia, dry mouth, and prior history of toothache. Neurological: As per history of present illness. Constitutional: As history of present illness.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:, Weight 180 pounds, temp 97.6, pulse 56, BP 136/72. The patient walks with a normal gait pattern. There is no antalgia, spasticity, or ataxia. She can alternately leg stand without difficulty, as well as tandem walk, stand on the heels and toes without difficulty. She can flex her lumbar spine and touch the floor with her fingertips. Lumbar extension and ipsilateral bending provoke her axial back pain. There is tenderness over the PSIS on the right and no particular pelvic asymmetry.,Head is normocephalic and atraumatic. Cranial nerves II through XII are grossly intact. Cervical range of motion is slightly limited in extension, but is otherwise intact to flexion and lateral rotation. The neck is supple. The trachea is midline. The thyroid is not particularly enlarged. Lungs are clear to auscultation. Heart has regular rate and rhythm with normal S1, S2. No murmurs, rubs, or gallops. The abdomen is nontender, nondistended, without palpable organomegaly, guarding, rebound, or pulsatile masses. Skin is warm and dry to the touch with no discernible cyanosis, clubbing or edema. I can radial, dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial pulses. The nailbeds on her feet have trophic changes. Brisk capillary refill is evident over both upper extremities.,Musculoskeletal examination reveals medial joint line tenderness of both knees with some varus laxity of the right lower extremity. She has chronic osteoarthritic changes evident over both hands. There is mild restriction of range of motion of the right shoulder, but no active impingement signs.,Inspection of the axial skeleton reveals a cervicothoracic head-forward posture with slight internal rotation of the upper shoulders. Palpation of the axial skeleton reveals mild midline tenderness at the lower lumbar levels one fingerbreadth lateral to the midline. There is no midline spinous process tenderness over the cervicothoracic regions. Palpation of the articular pillars is met with mild provocation of pain. Palpation of the right posterior, posterolateral and lateral borders of the lower ribs is met with mild provocable tenderness. There is also tenderness at the sternochondral and costochondral junctions of the right, as well as the left bilaterally. The xiphoid process is not particularly tender. There is no dermatomal sensory abnormality in the thoracic spine appreciated. Mild facetal features are evident over the sacral spine with extension and lateral bending at the level of the sacral ala.,Neurological examination of the upper and lower extremities reveals 3/5 reflexes of the biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, and patellar bilaterally. I cannot elicit S1 reflexes. There are no long tract signs. Negative Hoffman's, negative Spurling's, no clonus, and negative Babinski. Motor examination of the upper, as well as lower extremities appears to be intact throughout. I may be able to detect a slight hand of atrophy of the right calf muscles, but this is truly unclear and no measurement was made.,SUMMARY OF DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING:, As per above.,IMPRESSION:,1. Osteoarthritis.,2. Cervical spinal stenosis.,3. Lumbar spinal stenosis.,4. Lumbar radiculopathy, mostly likely at the right L5-S1 levels.,5. History of mild spondylolisthesis of the lumbosacral spine at L4-L5 and right sacroiliac joint dysfunction.,6. Chronic pain syndrome with myofascial pain and spasms of the trapezius and greater complexes.,PLAN: ,The natural history and course of the disease was discussed in detail with Mr. XYZ. Greater than 80 minutes were spent facet-to-face at this visit. I have offered to re-image her cervical and lumbar spine and have included a thoracic MR imaging and rib series, as well as cervicolumbar flexion and extension views to evaluate for mobile segment and/or thoracic fractures. I do not suspect any sort of intrathoracic comorbidity such as a neoplasm or mass, though this was discussed. Pending the results of her preliminary studies, this should be ruled out. I will see her in followup in about two weeks with the results of her scans.
Consult - History and Phy.
TITLE OF OPERATION: ,Total thyroidectomy for goiter.,INDICATION FOR SURGERY: ,This is a 41-year-old woman who notes that compressive thyroid goiter and symptoms related to such who wishes to undergo surgery. Risks, benefits, alternatives of the procedures were discussed in great detail with the patient. Risks include but were not limited to anesthesia, bleeding, infection, injury to nerve, vocal fold paralysis, hoarseness, low calcium, need for calcium supplementation, tumor recurrence, need for additional treatment, need for thyroid medication, cosmetic deformity, and other. The patient understood all these issues and they wished to proceed.,PREOP DIAGNOSIS: , Multinodular thyroid goiter with compressive symptoms and bilateral dominant thyroid nodules proven to be benign by fine needle aspiration.,POSTOP DIAGNOSIS: , Multinodular thyroid goiter with compressive symptoms and bilateral dominant thyroid nodules proven to be benign by fine needle aspiration.,ANESTHESIA: , General endotracheal.,PROCEDURE DETAIL: , After identifying the patient, the patient was placed supine in a operating room table. After establishing general anesthesia via oral endotracheal intubation with a 6 Nerve Integrity monitoring system endotracheal tube. The eyes were then tacked with Tegaderm. The Nerve Integrity monitoring system, endotracheal tube was confirmed to be working adequately. Essentially a 7 cm incision was employed in the lower skin crease of the neck. A 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine were given. Shoulder roll was applied. The patient prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. A 15-blade was used to make the incision. Subplatysmal flaps were raised to the thyroid notch and sternal respectively. The strap muscles were separated in the midline. As we then turned to the left side where the sternohyoid muscle was separated from the sternothyroid muscle there was a very dense and firm thyroid mass on the left side. The sternothyroid muscle was transected horizontally. Similar procedure was performed on the right side.,Attention was then turned to identify the trachea in the midline. Veins in this area and the pretracheal region were ligated with a harmonic scalpel. Subsequently, attention was turned to dissecting the capsule off of the left thyroid lobe. Again this was very firm in nature. The superior thyroid pole was dissected in the superior third artery, vein, and the individual vessels were ligated with a harmonic scalpel. The inferior and superior parathyroid glands were protected. Recurrent laryngeal nerve was identified in the tracheoesophageal groove. This had arborized early as a course underneath the inferior thyroid artery to a very small tiny anterior motor branch. This was followed superiorly. The level of cricothyroid membrane upon complete visualization of the entire nerve, Berry's ligament was transected and the nerve protected and then the thyroid gland was dissected over the trachea. A prominent pyramidal level was also appreciated and dissected as well.,Attention was then turned to the right side. There was significant amount of thyroid tissue that was very firm. Multiple nodules were appreciated. In a similar fashion, the capsule was dissected. The superior and inferior parathyroid glands protected and preserved. The superior thyroid artery and vein were individually ligated with the harmonic scalpel and the inferior thyroid artery was then ligated close to the thyroid gland capsule. Once the recurrent laryngeal nerve was identified again on this side, the nerve had arborized early prior to the coursing underneath the inferior thyroid artery. The anterior motor branch was then very fine, almost filamentous and stimulated at 0.5 milliamps, completely dissected toward the cricothyroid membrane with complete visualization. A small amount of tissue was left at the Berry's ligament as the remainder of thyroid level was dissected over the trachea. The entire thyroid specimen was then removed, marked with a stitch upon the superior pole. The wound was copiously irrigated, Valsalva maneuver was given, bleeding points controlled. The parathyroid glands appeared to be viable. Both the anterior motor branches that were tiny were stimulated at 5 milliamps and confirmed to be working with the Nerve Integrity monitoring system.,Attention was then turned to burying the Surgicel on the wound bed on both sides. The strap muscles were reapproximated in the midline using a 3-0 Vicryl suture of the sternothyroid horizontal transection and the strap muscles in the midline were then reapproximated. The 1/8th inch Hemovac drain was placed and secured with a 3-0 nylon. The incision was then closed with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl and Indermil for the skin. The patient has a history of keloid formation and approximately 1 cubic centimeter of 40 mg per cubic centimeter Kenalog was injected into the incisional line using a tuberculin syringe and 25-gauge needle. The patient tolerated the procedure well, was extubated in the operating room table, and sent to postanesthesia care unit in a good condition. Upon completion of the case, fiberoptic laryngoscopy revealed intact bilateral true vocal fold mobility.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Post infarct angina.,TYPE OF PROCEDURE: , Left cardiac catheterization with selective right and left coronary angiography.,PROCEDURE: , After informed consent was obtained, the patient was brought to the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, and the groin was prepped in the usual fashion. Using 1% lidocaine, the right groin was infiltrated, and using the Seldinger technique, the right femoral artery was cannulated. Through this, a moveable guidewire was then advance to the level of the diaphragm, and through it, a 6 French pigtail catheter was advanced under hemodynamic monitoring to the ascending aorta and inserted into the left ventricle. Pressure measurements were obtained and cineangiograms in the RAO and LAO positions were then obtained. Catheter was then withdrawn and a #6 French non-bleed-back sidearm sheath was then introduced, and through this, a 6 French Judkins left coronary catheter was then advanced under hemodynamic monitoring to the left coronary ostium, engaged. Cineangiograms were obtained of the left coronary system. This catheter was then exchanged for a Judkins right 4 coronary catheter of similar dimension and under hemodynamic monitoring again was advanced to the right coronary ostium, engaged. Cineangiograms were obtained, and the catheter and sheath were then withdrawn. The patient tolerated the procedure well and left the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory in stable condition. No evidence of hematoma formation or active bleeding. ,COMPLICATIONS: , None. ,TOTAL CONTRAST: , 110 cc of Hexabrix. ,TOTAL FLUOROSCOPY TIME: ,1.8 minutes. ,MEDICATIONS: , Reglan 10 mg p.o., 5 mg p.o. Valium, Benadryl 50 mg p.o. and heparin 3,000 units IV push.
DIAGNOSIS:, Status post brain tumor removal.,HISTORY:, The patient is a 64-year-old female referred to physical therapy following complications related to brain tumor removal. The patient reports that on 10/24/08 she had a brain tumor removed and had left-sided weakness. The patient was being seen in physical therapy from 11/05/08 to 11/14/08 then she began having complications. The patient reports that she was admitted to Hospital on 12/05/08. At that time, they found massive swelling on the brain and a second surgery was performed. The patient then remained in acute rehab until she was discharged to home on 01/05/09. The patient's husband, Al, is also present and he reports that during rehabilitation the patient did have a DVT in the left calf that has since been resolved.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Unremarkable.,MEDICATIONS: ,Coumadin, Keppra, Decadron, and Glucophage.,SUBJECTIVE: , The patient reports that the pain is not an issue at this time. The patient states that her primary concern is her left-sided weakness as related to her balance and her walking and her left arm weakness.,PATIENT GOAL: ,To increase strength in her left leg for better balance and walking.,OBJECTIVE:,RANGE OF MOTION: Bilateral lower extremities are within normal limits.,STRENGTH: Bilateral lower extremities are grossly 5/5 with one repetition, except left hip reflexion 4+/5.,BALANCE: The patient's balance was assessed with a Berg balance test. The patient has got 46/56 points, which places her at moderate risk for falls.,GAIT: The patient ambulates with contact guard assist. The patient ambulates with a reciprocal gait pattern with good bilateral foot clearance. However, the patient has been reports that with increased fatigue, left footdrop tends to occur. A 6-minute walk test will be performed at the next visit due to time constraints.,ASSESSMENT: , The patient is a 64-year-old female referred to Physical Therapy status post brain surgery. Examination indicates deficits in strength, balance, and ambulation. The patient will benefit from skilled physical therapy to address these impairments.,TREATMENT PLAN: , The patient will be seen three times per week for 4 weeks and then reduce it to two times per week for 4 additional weeks. Interventions include:,1. Therapeutic exercise.,2. Balance training.,3. Gait training.,4. Functional mobility training.,SHORT TERM GOAL TO BE COMPLETED IN 4 WEEKS:,1. The patient is to tolerate 30 repetitions of all lower extremity exercises.,2. The patient is to improve balance with a score of 50/56 points.,3. The patient is to ambulate 1000 feet in a 6-minute walk test with standby assist.,LONG TERM GOAL TO BE ACHIEVED IN 8 WEEKS:,1. The patient is to ambulate independently within her home and standby to general supervision within the community.,2. Berg balance test to be 52/56.,3. The patient is to ambulate a 6-minute walk test for 1500 feet independently including safe negotiation of corners and busy areas.,4. The patient is to demonstrate safely stepping over and around objects without loss of balance.,Prognosis for the above-stated goals is good. The above treatment plan has been discussed with the patient and her husband. They are in agreement.
Physical Medicine - Rehab
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Cataract, right eye.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS (ES):, Cataract, right eye.,PROCEDURE:, Right phacoemulsification of cataract with intraocular lens implantation.,DESCRIPTION OF THE OPERATION:, Under topical anesthesia with monitored anesthesia care, the patient was prepped, draped and positioned under the operating microscope. A lid speculum was applied to the right eye, and a stab incision into the anterior chamber was done close to the limbus at about the 1 o'clock position with a Superblade, and Xylocaine 1% preservative free 0.25 mL was injected into the anterior chamber, which was then followed by Healon to deepen the anterior chamber. Using a keratome, another stab incision was done close to the limbus at about the 9 o'clock position and with the Utrata forceps, anterior capsulorrhexis was performed, and the torn anterior capsule was totally removed. Hydrodissection and hydrodelineation were performed with the tuberculin syringe filled with BSS. The tip of the phaco unit was introduced into the anterior chamber, and anterior sculpting of the nucleus was performed until about more than two-thirds of the nucleus was removed. Using the phaco tip and the Drysdale hook, the nucleus was broken up into 4 pieces and then phacoemulsified.,The phaco tip was then exchanged for the aspiration/irrigation tip, and cortical materials were aspirated. Posterior capsule was polished with a curette polisher, and Healon was injected into the capsular bag. Using the Monarch intraocular lens inserter, the posterior chamber intraocular lens model SN60WF power +19.50 was placed into the inserter after applying some Healon, and the tip of the inserter was gently introduced through the cornea tunnel wound, into the capsular bag and then the intraocular lens was then inserted inferior haptic first into the back and the superior haptic was placed into the bag with the same instrument. Intraocular lens was then rotated about half a turn with a collar button hook. Healon was removed with the aspiration/irrigation tip, and balanced salt solution was injected through the side port to deepen the anterior chamber. It was found that there was no leakage of fluid through the cornea tunnel wound. For this reason, no suture was applied. Vigamox, Econopred and Nevanac eye drops were instilled and the eye was covered with a perforated shield. The patient tolerated the procedure well. There were no complications.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS:, Rule out temporal arteritis.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ,Rule out temporal arteritis.,PROCEDURE:, Bilateral temporal artery biopsy.,ANESTHESIA:, Local anesthesia 1% Xylocaine with epinephrine.,INDICATIONS:, I was consulted by Dr. X for this patient with bilateral temporal headaches to rule out temporal arteritis. I explained fully the procedure to the patient.,PROCEDURE: , Both sides were done exactly the same way. After 1% Xylocaine infiltration, a 2 to 3-cm incision was made over the temporal artery. The temporal artery was identified and was grossly normal on both sides. Proximal and distal were ligated with both of 3-0 silk suture and Hemoccult. The specimen of temporal artery was taken from both sides measuring at least 2 to 3 cm. They were sent as separate specimens, right and left labeled. The wound was then closed with interrupted 3-0 Monocryl subcuticular sutures and Dermabond. She tolerated the procedure well.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Cleft soft palate.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Cleft soft palate.,PROCEDURES:,1. Repair of cleft soft palate, CPT 42200.,2. Excise accessory ear tag, right ear.,ANESTHESIA: , General.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: , The patient was placed supine on the operating room table. After anesthesia was administered, time out was taken to ensure correct patient, procedure, and site. The face was prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. The right ear tag was examined first. This was a small piece of skin and cartilaginous material protruding just from the tragus. The lesion was excised and injected with 0.25% bupivacaine with epinephrine and then excised using an elliptical-style incision. Dissection was carried down the subcutaneous tissue to remove any cartilaginous attachment to the tragus. After this was done, the wound was cauterized and then closed using interrupted 5-0 Monocryl. Attention was then turned towards the palate. The Dingman mouthgag was inserted and the palate was injected with 0.25% bupivacaine with epinephrine. After giving this 5 minutes to take effect, the palate was incised along its margins. The anterior oral mucosa was lifted off and held demonstrating the underlying levator muscle. Muscle was freed up from its attachments at the junction of the hard palate and swept down so that it will be approximated across the midline. The Z-plasties were then designed, so there would be opposing Z-plasties from the nasal mucosa compared to the oral mucosa. The nasal mucosa was sutured first using interrupted 4-0 Vicryl. Next, the muscle was reapproximated using interrupted 4-0 Vicryl with an attempt to overlap the muscle in the midline. In addition, the remnant of the uvula tissue was found and was sutured in such a place that it would add some extra bulk to the nasal surface of the palate. Following this, the oral layer of mucosa was repaired using an opposing Z-plasty compared to the nasal layer. This was also sutured in place using interrupted 4-0 Vicryl. The anterior and posterior open edges of the palatal were sewn together. The patient tolerated the procedure well. Suction of blood and mucus performed at the end of the case. The patient tolerated the procedure well.,IMMEDIATE COMPLICATIONS: , None.,DISPOSITION:, In satisfactory condition to recovery.
PROCEDURE PERFORMED:,1. Left heart catheterization, left ventriculogram, aortogram, coronary angiogram.,2. PCI of the LAD and left main coronary artery with Impella assist device.,INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE: , Unstable angina and congestive heart failure with impaired LV function.,TECHNIQUE OF PROCEDURE: , After obtaining informed consent, the patient was brought to the cardiac catheterization suite in postabsorptive and nonsedated state. The right groin was prepped and draped in the usual sterile manner. Lidocaine 2% was used for infiltration anesthesia. Using modified Seldinger technique, a 7-French sheath was introduced into the right common femoral artery and a 6-French sheath was introduced into the right common femoral vein. Through the arterial sheath, angiography of the right common femoral artery was obtained. Thereafter, 6-French pigtail catheter was advanced to the level of the distal aorta where angiography of the distal aorta and the bifurcation of the right and left common iliac arteries was obtained. Thereafter, a 4-French sheath was introduced into the left common femoral artery using modified Seldinger technique. Thereafter, the pigtail catheter was advanced over an 0.035-inch J-wire into the left ventricle and LV-gram was performed in RAO view and after pullback, an aortogram was performed in the LAO view. Therefore, a 6-French JL4 and JR4 guiding catheters were used to engage the left and right coronary arteries respectively and multiple orthogonal views of the coronary arteries were obtained.,ANGIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS: ,1. LV-gram: LVEDP was 15 mmHg. LV ejection fraction 10% to 15% with global hypokinesis. Only anterior wall is contracting. There was no mitral regurgitation. There was no gradient across the aortic valve upon pullback, and on aortography, there was no evidence of aortic dissection or aortic regurgitation.,2. The right coronary artery is a dominant vessels with a mid 50% to 70% stenosis which was not treated. The left main coronary artery calcified vessel with disease.,2. The left anterior descending artery had an 80% to 90% mid-stenosis. First diagonal branch had a more than 90% stenosis.,3. The circumflex coronary artery had a patent stent.,INTERVENTION: , After reviewing the angiographic images, we elected to proceed with intervention of the left anterior descending artery. The 4-French sheath in the left common femoral artery was upsized to a 12-French Impella sheath through which an Amplatz wire and a 6-French multipurpose catheter were advanced into the left ventricle. The Amplatz wire was exchanged for an Impella 0.018-inch stiff wire. The multipurpose catheter was removed, and the Impella was advanced into the left ventricle and a performance level of 8 was achieved with a cardiac output of 2 to 2.5 l/min. Thereafter, a 7-French JL4 guiding catheter was used to engage the left coronary artery and an Asahi soft 0.014-inch wire was advanced into the left anterior descending artery and a second 0.014-inch Asahi soft wire was advanced into the diagonal branch. The diagonal branch was predilated with a 2.5 x 30-mm Sprinter balloon at nominal atmospheres and thereafter a 2.5 x 24 Endeavor stent was successfully deployed in the mid-LAD and a 3.0 x 15-mm Endeavor stent was deployed in the proximal LAD. The stent delivery balloon was used to post-dilate the overlapping segment. The LAD, the diagonal was rewires with an 0.014-inch Asahi soft wire and a 3.0 x 20-mm Maverick balloon was advanced into the LAD for post-dilatation and a 2.0 x 30-mm Sprinter balloon was advanced into the diagonal for kissing inflations which were performed at nominal atmospheres. At this point, it was noted that the left main had a retrograde dissection. A 3.5 x 18-mm Endeavor stent was successfully deployed in the left main coronary artery. The Asahi soft wire in the diagonal was removed and placed into the circumflex coronary artery. Kissing inflations of the LAD and the circumflex coronary artery were performed using 3.0 x 20 Maverick balloons x2 balloons, inflated at high atmospheres of 14.,RESULTS: , Lesion reduction in the LAD FROM 90% to 0% and TIMI 3 flow obtained. Lesion reduction in the diagonal from 90% to less than 60% and TIMI 3 flow obtained. Lesion reduction in the left maintained coronary artery from 50% to 0% and TIMI 3 flow obtained.,The patient tolerated the procedure well and the inflations well with no evidence of any hemodynamic instability. The Impella device was gradually decreased from performance level of 8 to performance level of 1 at which point it was removed into the aorta and it was turned off and the Impella was removed from the body and the 2 Perclose sutures were tightened. From the right common femoral artery, a 6-French IMA catheter was advanced and an 0.035-inch wire down into the left common femoral and superficial femoral artery, over which an 8 x 40 balloon was advanced and tamponade of the arteriotomy site of the left common femoral artery was performed from within the artery at 3 atmospheres for a total of 20 minutes. The right common femoral artery and vein sheaths were both sutured in place for further observation. Of note, the patient received Angiomax during the procedure and an ACT above 300 was maintained.,IMPRESSION:,1. Left ventricular dysfunction with ejection fraction of 10% to 15%.,2. High complex percutaneous coronary intervention of the left main coronary artery, left anterior descending artery, and diagonal with Impella circulatory support.,COMPLICATIONS: , None.,The patient tolerated the procedure well with no complications. The estimated blood loss was 200 ml. Estimated dye used was 200 ml of Visipaque. The patient remained hemodynamically stable with no hypotension and no hematomas in the groins.,PLAN: ,1. Aspirin, Plavix, statins, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors as tolerated.,2. Hydration.,3. The patient will be observed over night for any hemodynamic instability or ischemia. If she remains stable, the right common femoral artery and vein sheaths will be removed and manual pressure will be applied for hemostasis.
HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 63-year-old white male who was admitted to the hospital with CHF and lymphedema. He also has a history of obesity, hypertension, sleep apnea, chronic low back pain, cataracts, and past history of CA of the lung. This consultation was made for better control of his blood sugars. On questioning, the patient says that he does not have diabetes. He says that he has never been told about diabetes except during his last admission at Jefferson Hospital. Apparently, he was started on glipizide at that time. His blood sugars since then have been good and he says when he went back to Jefferson three weeks later, he was told that he does not have a sugar problem. He is not sure. He is not following any specific diet. He says "my doctor wants me to lose 30-40 pounds in weight" and he would not mind going on a diet. He has a long history of numbness of his toes. He denies any visual problems.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , As above that includes CA of the lung, COPD, bilateral cataracts. He has had chronic back pain. There is also a history of bilateral hip surgeries, penile implant and removal, umbilical hernia repair, and back pain with two surgeries with details of which are unknown.,SOCIAL HISTORY: , The patient has been a smoker since the age of 10. So, he was smoking 2-3 packs per day. Since being started on Chantix, he says he has cut it down to half a pack per day. He does not abuse alcohol.,MEDICATIONS: ,1. Glipizide 5 mg p.o. daily.,2. Theophylline.,3. Z-Pak.,4. Chantix.,5. Januvia 100 mg daily.,6. K-Lor.,7. OxyContin.,8. Flomax.,9. Lasix.,10. Advair.,11. Avapro.,12. Albuterol sulfate.,13. Vitamin B tablet.,14. OxyContin and oxycodone for pain.,FAMILY HISTORY: , Positive for diabetes mellitus in the maternal grandmother.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: , As above. He says he has had numbness of toes for a long time. He denies any visual problems. His legs have been swelling up from time to time for a long time. He also has history of COPD and gets short of breath with minimal activity. He is also not able to walk due to his weight. He has had ulcers on his legs, which he gets discharge from. He has chronic back pain and takes OxyContin. He denies any constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting. There is no chest pain. He does get short of breath on walking.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:,The patient is a well-built, obese, white male in no acute distress.,Vital signs: Pulse rate of 89 per minute and regular. Blood pressure of 113/69, temperature is 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit, and respirations are 18.,HEENT: Head is normocephalic and atraumatic. Eyes, PERRLA. EOMs intact. Fundi were not examined.,Neck: Supple. JVP is low. Trachea central. Thyroid small in size. No carotid bruits.,Heart: Shows normal sinus rhythm with S1 and S2.,Lungs: Show bilateral wheezes with decreased breath sounds at the bases.,Abdomen: Soft and obese. No masses. Bowel sounds are present.,Extremities: Show bilateral edema with changes of chronic venostasis. He does have some open weeping sores. Pulses could not be palpated due to leg swelling.,IMPRESSION/PLAN:,1. Diabetes mellitus, type 2, new onset. At this time, the patient is on Januvia as well as glipizide. His blood sugar right after eating his supper was 101. So, I am going to discontinue glipizide, continue on Januvia, and add no-concentrated sweets to the diet. We will continue to follow his blood sugars closely and make adjustments as needed.,2. Neuropathy, peripheral, query etiology. We will check TSH and B12 levels.,3. Lymphedema.,4. Recurrent cellulitis.,5. Obesity, morbid.,6. Tobacco abuse. He was encouraged to cut his cigarettes down to 5 cigarettes a day. He says he feels like smoking after meals. So, we will let him have it after meals first thing in the morning and last thing at night.,7. Chronic venostasis.,8. Lymphedema. We would check his lipid profile also.,9. Hypertension.,10. Backbone pain, status post back surgery.,11. Status post hernia repair.,12. Status post penile implant and removal.,13. Umbilical hernia repair.
General Medicine
VITRECTOMY OPENING,The patient was brought to the operating room and appropriately identified. General anesthesia was induced by the anesthesiologist. The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. A lid speculum was used to provide exposure to the right eye. A limited conjunctival peritomy was created with Westcott scissors to expose the supranasal and separately the supratemporal and inferotemporal quadrants. Hemostasis was maintained with wet-field cautery. Calipers were set at XX mm and the mark was made XX mm posterior to the limbus in the inferotemporal quadrant. A 5-0 nylon suture was passed through partial-thickness sclera on either side of this mark. The MVR blade was used to make a sclerotomy between the preplaced sutures. An 8-0 nylon suture was then preplaced for a later sclerotomy closure. The infusion cannula was inspected and found to be in good working order. The infusion cannula was placed into the vitreous cavity and secured with the preplaced suture. The tip of the infusion cannula was directly visualized and found to be free of any overlying tissue and the infusion was turned on. Additional sclerotomies were made XX mm posterior to the limbus in the supranasal and supratemporal quadrants.
PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES:,1. Enlarging nevus of the left upper cheek.,2. Enlarging nevus 0.5 x 1 cm, left lower cheek.,3. Enlarging superficial nevus 0.5 x 1 cm, right nasal ala.,TITLE OF PROCEDURES:,1. Excision of left upper cheek skin neoplasm 0.5 x 1 cm with two layer closure.,2. Excision of the left lower cheek skin neoplasm 0.5 x 1 cm with a two layer plastic closure.,3. Shave excision of the right nasal ala 0.5 x 1 cm skin neoplasm.,ANESTHESIA: ,Local. I used a total of 5 mL of 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine.,ESTIMATED BLOOD LOSS: , Less than 10 mL.,COMPLICATIONS:, None.,PROCEDURE: , The patient was evaluated preop and noted to be in stable condition. Chart and informed consent were all reviewed preop. All risks, benefits, and alternatives regarding the procedure have been reviewed in detail with the patient. Risks including but not limited to bleeding, infection, scarring, recurrence of the lesion, need for further procedures have been all reviewed. Each of these lesions appears to be benign nevi; however, they have been increasing in size. The lesions involving the left upper and lower cheek appear to be deep. These required standard excision with the smaller lesion of the right nasal ala being more superficial and amenable to a superficial shave excision. Each of these lesions was marked. The skin was cleaned with a sterile alcohol swab. Local anesthetic was infiltrated. Sterile prep and drape were then performed.,Began first excision of the left upper cheek skin lesion. This was excised with the 15-blade full thickness. Once it was removed in its entirety, undermining was performed, and the wound was closed with 5-0 myochromic for the deep subcutaneous, 5-0 nylon interrupted for the skin.,The lesion of the lower cheek was removed in a similar manner. Again, it was excised with a 15 blade with two layer plastic closure. Both these lesions appear to be fairly deep nevi.,The right nasal ala nevus was superficially shaved using the radiofrequency wave unit. Each of these lesions was sent as separate specimens. The patient was discharged from my office in stable condition. He had minimal blood loss. The patient tolerated the procedure very well. Postop care instructions were reviewed in detail. We have scheduled a recheck in one week and we will make further recommendations at that time.
ADMISSION DIAGNOSIS: , Microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix.,DISCHARGE DIAGNOSIS: , Microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix.,PROCEDURE PERFORMED: , Total vaginal hysterectomy.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: , The patient is a 36-year-old, white female, gravida 7, para 5, last period mid March, status post tubal ligation. She had an abnormal Pap smear in the 80s, which she failed to followup on until this year. Biopsy showed a microinvasive carcinoma of the cervix and a cone biopsy was performed on 02/12/2007 also showing microinvasive carcinoma with a 1 mm invasion. She has elected definitive therapy with a total vaginal hysterectomy. She is aware of the future need of Pap smears.,PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: , Past history is significant for seven pregnancies, five term deliveries, and significant past history of tobacco use.,PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: , Physical exam is within normal limits with a taut normal size uterus and a small cervix, status post cone biopsy.,LABORATORY DATA AND DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES: , Chest x-ray was clear. Discharge hemoglobin 10.8.,HOSPITAL COURSE: , She was taken to the operating room on 04/02/2007 where a total vaginal hysterectomy was performed under general anesthesia. There was an incidental cystotomy at the time of the creation of the bladder flap. This was repaired intraoperatively without difficulty. Postoperative, she did very well. Bowel and bladder function returned quickly. She is ambulating well and tolerating a regular diet.,Routine postoperative instructions given and understood. Followup will be in ten days for a cystogram and catheter removal with followup in the office at that time. ,DISCHARGE MEDICATIONS:, Vicodin, Motrin, and Macrodantin at bedtime for urinary tract infection suppression. ,DISCHARGE CONDITION: , Good.,Final pathology report was free of residual disease.
Discharge Summary
INDICATION: , Syncope.,HOLTER MONITOR SUMMARY ANALYSIS: , Analyzed for approximately 23 hours 57 minutes and artefact noted for approximately 23 seconds. Total beats of 108,489, heart rate minimum of approximately 54 beats per minutes at 7 a.m. and maximum of 106 beats per minute at approximately 4 p.m. Average heart rate is approximately 75 beats per minute, total of 31 to bradycardia, longest being 225 beats at approximately 7 in the morning, minimum rate of 43 beats per minute at approximately 01:40 a.m. Total ventricular events of 64, primarily premature ventricular contraction and supraventricular events total beats of 9 atrial premature contractions. No significant ST elevation noted and ST depression noted only in one channel for approximately three minutes for a maximum of 2.7 mm.,IMPRESSION OF THE FINDINGS: , Predominant sinus rhythm with occasional premature ventricular contraction, occasional atrial premature contractions and Mobitz type 1 Wenckebach, several episodes, Mobitz type II, 3 to 2 AV conduction disease noted as well approximately two episodes and one episode of atrial bigeminy noted. No significant pauses noted.
Cardiovascular / Pulmonary