VGF-Net: Visual-Geometric Fusion Learning |
for Simultaneous Drone Navigation and Height Mapping |
Yilin Liu |
Shenzhen UniversityKe Xie |
Shenzhen UniversityHui Huang* |
Shenzhen University |
Abstract |
The drone navigation requires the comprehensive un- |
derstanding of both visual and geometric information |
in the 3D world. In this paper, we present a Visual- |
Geometric Fusion Network (VGF-Net), a deep network |
for the fusion analysis of visual/geometric data and |
the construction of 2.5D height maps for simultaneous |
drone navigation in novel environments. Given an initial |
rough height map and a sequence of RGB images, our |
VGF-Net extracts the visual information of the scene, |
along with a sparse set of 3D keypoints that capture |
the geometric relationship between objects in the scene. |
Driven by the data, VGF-Net adaptively fuses visual |
and geometric information, forming a unified Visual- |
Geometric Representation . This representation is fed to |
a new Directional Attention Model (DAM), which helps |
enhance the visual-geometric object relationship and |
propagates the informative data to dynamically refine |
the height map and the corresponding keypoints. An |
entire end-to-end information fusion and mapping sys- |
tem is formed, demonstrating remarkable robustness |
and high accuracy on the autonomous drone navigation |
across complex indoor and large-scale outdoor scenes. |
1. Introduction |
In recent years, we have witnessed the development of |
autonomous robotic systems that have been broadly used |
in many scenarios (e.g., autonomous driving, manufactur- |
ing and surveillance). Drone belongs to the robotic system, |
and is well-known for its flying capacity. Navigation is ex- |
tremely important to the drone fly, as it facilitates the effec- |
tive exploration and recognition of the unknown environ- |
ments. Yet, the navigation of drone remains a challenging |
task, especially for planning the pathway as short as pos- |
sible to the target/destination whilst avoiding the potential |
collision with objects in the unexplored space. The conven- |
tional navigation heavily relies on the expertise of human, |
who intuitively designs the drone flyby trajectory based on |
the spatial layout within the visible range. The resulting |
*Corresponding author: Hui Huang (hhzhiyan@gmail.com) |
Figure 1: We show a drone navigation trajectory (yellow |
curve) in 3D scene, which connects the starting and target |
points (red dots). During the navigation, our VGF-Net dy- |
namically updates the 2.5D height map (see the bottom-left |
corner) in new places (see pictures in red rectangles), which |
is used to timely update the navigation trajectory. |
navigation system lacks of the globe knowledge of scenes, |
leading to unsatisfactory or even failed path planning. |
To better leverage the global information of 3D en- |
vironment, researches on drone navigation have focused |
on collecting and memorizing the environmental informa- |
1arXiv:2104.03109v1 [cs.CV] 7 Apr 2021tion during the navigating process. Typically, the exist- |
ing works [11, 2, 3] employ the mapping techniques to |
construct 2D/3D maps with respect to the vacant/occupied |
space. The mapping result contains rich geometric relation- |
ship between objects, which helps to navigate. There have |
also been navigation approaches based on visual informa- |
tion [6, 10, 2], saving the computational overhead to con- |
struct maps. Nonetheless, these works purely condition the |
accuracy of navigation on either geometric or visual infor- |
mation. |
In this paper, we utilize 2.5D height map for autonomous |
drone navigation. There are growing computer applica- |
tions that use height map to represent the boundaries of |
objects (e.g., buildings or furniture). Nonetheless, there is |
nothing guaranteed for the quality of given height maps, |
as the mapping process likely involves incomplete or out- |
of-date information. Here, we advocate the importance |
of fusing geometric and visual information for a more ro- |
bust construction of the height map. The new trend of re- |
searches [24, 5] on the 3D object/scene understanding has |
also demonstrated that the geometric relationship between |
objects and visual appearance of scenes are closely corre- |
lated. We thus propose a Visual-Geometric Fusion Network |
(VGF-Net) to dynamically update the height map during |
drone navigation by utilizing the timely captured new im- |
ages (see Figure 1). |
More specifically, as illustrated in Figure 2, the network |
takes an initial rough height map together with a sequence |
of RGB images as input. We use convolutional layers to |
compute the visual and geometric information to renew the |
height map. Next, we apply the simultaneous localization |
and mapping (SLAM) [20] module to extract a sparse set |
of 3D keypoints from the image sequence. These key- |
points are used along with the renewed height map to con- |
struct a novel Visual-Geometric Representation , which is |
passed to a Directional Attention Model . This attention |
model exchanges visual and geometric information among |
objects in the scene, providing quite useful object relation- |
ship for simultaneous refinement of the height map and |
the corresponding keypoints, leading to the successful path |
planning [15] at each navigation moment. Compared to |
dense point clouds that require time-consuming depth es- |
timation [4] and costly processing, the sparse keypoints we |
use are fast to compute yet effective in terms of capturing |
useful geometric information without much redundancy. As |
the drone flies over more and more places, our network can |
achieve and fuse more and more the visual and geometric |
information to largely increase the precision of height map |
and consequently the reliability of autonomous navigation. |
We intensively train and evaluate our method on a bench- |
mark of seven large-scale urban scenes and six complex |
indoor scenes for height map construction and drone nav- |
igation. The experimental results and comparative statisticsclearly demonstrate the effectiveness and the robustness of |
our proposed VGF-Net. |
2. Related Work |
There have been an array of researches on the naviga- |
tion system that allows robots to smartly explore the real |
world. Below, we will mainly survey on the drone naviga- |
tion and environment mapping, as they are highly relevant |
to our work in the sense that their navigation systems are |
driven by the critical environment data. |
2.1. Drone Navigation |
The modern drone systems are generally equipped with |
various sensors (e.g., RGB-D camera, radar and GPS), |
which help the hardware devices to achieve accurate percep- |
tion of the real world. Typically, the data captured by sen- |
sors is used for mapping (i.e., the construction of map), pro- |
viding comprehensive information for planning the moving |
path of drone. During the navigation process, the traditional |
methods [11, 22] compute the trajectory of drone based on |
the pre-scribed maps. However, the construction of a pre- |
cise map is generally expensive and time-consuming. Thus, |
the recent works [6, 10, 2] simplify the construction of map |
to facility more commercially-cheap navigation. |
The advances on deep learning have significantly im- |
proved the robustness of visual navigation, leading to the |
emergency of many navigation systems that do not rely on |
the given maps. Kim et al. [14] and Padhy et al. [21] use the |
classification neural network to predict the direction (e.g., |
right, left or straight) of moving drone. Furthermore, Lo- |
quercio et al. [17] and Mirowski et al. [19] use neural net- |
works to compute the angle of flying and the risk of colli- |
sion, which provide more detailed information to control |
the drone flyby. Note that the above methods learn the |
actions of drone from the human annotations. The latest |
works employ deep reinforcement learning [23, 29, 26] to |
optimize the network, enabling more flexible solutions for |
autonomous drone navigation in novel environments. |
Our approach utilizes a rough 2.5D height map to in- |
crease the success rate of navigation in different complex |
scenes, which may have various spatial layouts of objects. |
Compared to the existing methods that conduct the mapping |
before navigation, we allow for real-time intelligent update |
of the height map during navigation, largely alleviating neg- |
ative impacts of problematic mapping results. |
2.2. Mapping Technique |
The mapping technique is fundamental in the drone nav- |
igation. The techniques of 2D mapping have been widely |
used in the navigation task. Henriques et al. [11] and Savi- |
nov et al. [22] use 2D layout map to store useful informa- |
tion, which is learned by neural networks from the imageOffset... ... |
Projection |
ConvConv |
Direational Attention ModelKeypoints |
N p{ } p |
t {I I} |
tMt+1rM tcM trR tcR |
Figure 2: Overview of VGF-Net. At the tthmoment, the network uses convolutional layers to learn visual and geometric |
representations from the RGB image Itand 2.5D height map Mt(produced at the (t 1)thmoment). The representations |
are combined to compute the residual update map Rc |
t, which is added to the 2.5D height map to form a renewed height |
mapMc |
t. Based on the new height map and the 3D keypoints fpt;1; :::; p t;Ng(produced by SLAM), we construct the VG |
representation for each keypoint (yellow dot), which is used by DAM to select useful information to refine object boundaries |
and 3D keypoints at the next moment. Note that the refined height map Mr |
t+1is used for path planning, which is omitted for |
a simple illustration. |
data of 3D scenes. Chen et al. [6] use the 2D topologi- |
cal map, which can be constructed using the coarse spatial |
layout of objects, to navigate the robot in an indoor scene. |
Different from the methods that consider the 2D map of an |
entire scene, Gupta et al. [10] unify the mapping and 2D |
path planning to rapidly adjust the navigation with respect |
to the surrounding local environment. Bansal et al. [2] uti- |
lize sparse waypoints to represent the map, which can be |
used to generate a smooth pathway to the target object or |
destination. |
Compared to 2D mapping, 3D mapping provides much |
richer spatial information for the navigation system. Wang |
et al. [27] use visual odometry to capture the geometric re- |
lationship between 3D points, which is important to recon- |
struct the 3D scene. Engel et al. [8, 7] integrate the tracking |
of keypoints into the mapping process, harnessing tempo- |
ral information to produce a more consistent mapping of |
the global environment. Futhermore, Huang et al. [12, 13] |
use a probabilistic Conditional Random Field model and a |
noise-aware motion affinity matrix to effectively track both |
moving and static objects. Wang et al. [28] use plane as |
a geometric constrain to reconstruct the whole scene. Be- |
sides 3D points, depth information is also important to 3D |
mapping. During the mapping process, Tateno et al. [25] |
and Ma et al. [18] use neural networks to estimate the depth |
map of a single image, for a faster construction of the 3D |
map. However, the fidelity of depth estimation is bounded |
by the scale of training data. To enhance, Kuznietsov et |
al. [16], Godard et al. [9] and Bian et al. [3] train the depthestimation network in semi-supervised/unsupervised man- |
ner, where the consistence in-between images are learned. |
Nowadays, a vast of real-world 3D models and applica- |
tions emerge, such as Google earth, and so there is abundant |
data of height maps available for the training of drone nav- |
igation system. Nonetheless, the accuracy and timeliness |
of such data is impossible to be guaranteed, thus hard to |
be directly used in practice. We deeply exploit the visual- |
geometric information fusion representation to effectively |
and dynamically update the given height map during navi- |
gation, yielding a significant increase of the success rate of |
the autonomous drone navigation in various novel scenes. |
3. Overview |
The core idea behind our approach is to fuse the visual |
and geometric information for the construction of height |
map. This is done by our Visual-Geometric Fusion Net- |
work (VGF-Net) to compute the visual-geometric represen- |
tation with respect to the visual and geometric consistence |
between the 3D keypoints and object boundaries character- |
ized in the height map. VGF-Net uses the fused representa- |
tion to refine the keypoints and height map at each moment |
during drone navigation. Below, we outline the architecture |
of VGF-Net. |
As illustrated in Figure 2, at the tthmoment ( t0), the |
network takes the RGB image Itand the associated height |
mapMtas input. The image Itis fed to convolutional lay- |
ers to compute the visual representation Vt. The height map |
Mtis also input to the convolutional layers for the geomet-ric representation Gt. The visual and geometric representa- |
tions are fused to compute the residual update map Rc |
tthat |
updates the height map to Mc |
t, providing more consistent |
information for the subsequent steps. |
Next, we use the SLAM [20] module to compute a sparse |
set of 3D keypoints fpt;1; :::; p t;Ng, based on the images |
fI1; :::; I tg. We project these keypoints to the renewed |
height map Mc |
t. For the keypoint pt;i, we compute a set |
of distancesfdt;i;1; :::; d t;i;Kg, where dt;i;kdenotes the dis- |
tance from the keypoint pt;ito the nearest object boundary |
along the kthdirection (see Figure 3(a)). Intuitively, the |
keypoint, which is extracted around the objects in the 3D |
scene, is also near to the boundaries of the corresponding |
objects in the height map. This relationship between the |
keypoint pt;iand the object can be represented by the vi- |
sual and geometric information in the scene. Specifically, |
this is done by fusing the visual representation Vt, geomet- |
ric representation Gc |
t(learned from the renewed height map |
Mc |
t) and the distances fdt;i;1; :::; d t;i;Kgto form a novel |
Visual-Geometric (VG) representation Uifor the keypoint |
pt;i. For all keypoints, we compute a set of VG representa- |
tionsfUt;1; :::; U t;Ng. |
Finally, we employ a Directional Attention Model |
(DAM), which takes input as the VG representations |
fUt;1; :::; U t;Ng, to learn a residual update map Rr |
tto refine |
the height map Mc |
t. The DAM produces a new height map |
Mr |
t+1that respects the importance of each keypoint to the |
object boundaries in different directions (see Figure 3(b)). |
Meanwhile, we use DAM to compute a set of spatial off- |
setsfpt+1;1; :::;pt+1;Ngto update the keypoints, whose |
locations are imperfectly estimated by the SLAM. We use |
the height map Mr |
t+1for dynamic path planning [15] at the |
(t+ 1)thmoment, and meanwhile input the image It+1and |
the height map Mr |
t+1to VGF-Net at this moment for next |
update. As drone flies, the network achieves more accu- |
rate information and works more robustly for simultaneous |
drone navigation and height mapping. |
4. Method |
We now introduce our VGF-Net in more detail. The net- |
work extracts visual and geometric information from the |
RGB images, the associated 2.5D height map and 3D key- |
points. In what follows, we formally define the informa- |
tion fusion that produces the visual-geometric representa- |
tion, which is then used for the refinement of the height |
map and keypoints. |
4.1. Residual Update Strategy |
The VGF-Net refines the height map and keypoints iter- |
atively, as the drone flies to new places and captures new |
images. We divide this refinement process into separate |
moments. At the tthmoment, we feed the RGB image |
It2RHIWI3and the height map Mt2RHMWMinto the VGF-Net, computing the global visual represen- |
tation Vt2RHMWMCand the geometric representation |
Gt2RHMWMCas: |
Vt=Fv(It); G t=Fg(Mt); (1) |
whereFvandFgdenote the two sets of convolutional lay- |
ers. Note that the value of each location on Mtrepresents |
the height of object, and we set the height of ground to be 0. |
We concatenate the representations VtandGtfor comput- |
ing a residual update map Rc |
t2RHMWM, which is used |
to update the height map Mtas: |
Mc |
t=Mt+Rc |
t; (2) |
where |
Rc |
t=Fc(Vt; Gt): (3) |
Here, Mc |
t2RHMWMis a renewed height map, and Fc |
denotes a set of convolutional layers. Compared to directly |
computing a new height map, the residual update strategy |
(as formulated by Eq. (2)) adaptively reuses the information |
ofMt. More importantly, we learn the residual update map |
Rc |
tfrom the new content captured at the tthmoment. It |
facilitates a more focused update on the height values of |
regions that are unexplored before the tthmoment. The |
height map Mc |
tis fed to an extra set of convolutional layers |
to produce the representation Gc |
t, which will be used for the |
construction of the visual-geometric representation. |
4.2. Visual-Geometric Representation |
We conduct the visual-geometric information fusion |
to further refine the height map. To capture the geo- |
metric relationship between objects, we use a standard |
SLAM [20] module to extract a sparse set of 3D keypoints |
fpt;1; :::; p t;Ngfrom the sequence of images fI1; :::; I tg. |
Given the keypoint pt;i2R13in the camera coordinate |
system, we project it to the 2.5D space as: |
p0 |
t;i=pt;iSR+T: (4) |
Here, S2R33is decided by a pre-defined scale factor, |
which could be calculated at the initialization of the SLAM |
system or by GPS adjustment. T2R13andR2R33 |
translate the origin of the 3D point set from the camera to |
the height map coordinate system. In the height map co- |
ordinate system, the drone is located at (W |
2;0), where W |
represent the width of the height map. |
Note that the first two dimensions of p0 |
t;i2R13indi- |
cate the location on the height map, and the third dimension |
indicates the corresponding height value. The set of key- |
pointsfp0 |
t;1; :::; p0 |
t;Ngare used for constructing the visual- |
geometric representations. |
Next, for each keypoint p0 |
t;i, we compute its distances to |
the nearest objects in Kdifferent directions. Here, we refer(a) VG Representation (b) DAM |
height increase height decrease |
Figure 3: Illustration of fusing visual and geometric infor- |
mation for updating the 2.5D height map. (a) We construct |
the VG representation for each 3D keypoint (yellow dot) |
projected to the 2.5D height map. The information of VG |
representation is propagated to surrounding object bound- |
aries, along different directions (indicated by different col- |
ors). The distance between the keypoint and object bound- |
ary (black arrow) determines the weight for adjusting the in- |
formation propagation. The dash arrow means that there is |
no object along the corresponding direction. (b) Given the |
existing object boundary, we use DAM to select the most |
relevant keypoint along each direction. We use the selected |
keypoints to provide fused visual and geometric informa- |
tion, which is used for refining object boundary. |
to objects as the regions that have larger height values than |
the ground (with height value of 0) in the height map Mc |
t. |
As illustrated in Figure 3(a), we compute the Euclidean dis- |
tance dt;i;kalong the kthdirection, from p0 |
t;ito the first lo- |
cation, where the height value is larger than 0. We compute |
a set of distancesfdt;i;1; :::; d t;i;KgforKdirections, then |
useVt(see Eq. (1)), Gc |
tand this distance set to form the VG |
representation Ut;i2RKas: |
Ut;i;k=Fv |
k(Wt;i;kVt) +Fg |
k(Wt;i;kGc |
t;i); (5) |
where |
Wv |
t;i;k=KX |
k0=1exp( jdt;i;k dt;i;k0j): (6) |
Here, Gc |
t;i2RCdenotes the feature vectors located in p0 |
t;i |
in the map Gc |
t. In Eq. (5), Ut;i;kis represented as a weighted |
map with the resolution equal to the geometric representa- |
tion ( 2020by default), where Wt;i;kplays as a weight of |
importance that is determined by the distance from the key- |
pointp0 |
t;ito the nearest object boundary along the kthdirec- |
tion. As formulated in Eq. (5) and Eq. (6), longer distance |
decays the importance. Besides, we use independent set of |
fully connected layers (i.e., Fv |
kandFg |
kin Eq. (5)) to learn |
important information from VtandGc |
t;i. It allows the con- |
tent, which is far from p0 |
t;i, to have the opportunity to makean impact on Ut;i;k. We construct the VG representation for |
each keypoint infp0 |
t;1; :::; p0 |
t;Ng, while each VG represen- |
tation captures the visual and geometric information around |
the corresponding keypoint. Based on the the VG represen- |
tations, we propagate the information of the keypoints to |
each location on the height map, where the corresponding |
height value is refined. We also learn temporal information |
from the VG representations to refine the spatial locations |
of keypoints at the (t+ 1)thmoment, as detailed below. |
4.3. Directional Attention Model |
We use DAM to propagate the visual and geometric |
information, from each keypoint to each location on the |
height map, along different directions. More formally, for |
a location ph |
j2R13on the height map Mc |
t, we conduct |
the information propagation that yields a new representation |
Qt;j2RCKas: |
Qt;j=NX |
i=1Gc |
t;jU> |
t;i: (7) |
Along the second dimension of the representation Qt;j, we |
perform max pooling to yield Q0 |
t;j2RCas: |
Q0 |
t;j;c= max( Qt;j;c; 1; :::; Q t;j;c;K ): (8) |
As illustrated in Eq. (7), Qt;j;c;k summarizes the influence |
of all keypoints along kthdirection. We perform max pool- |
ing on the setfQt;j;c; 1; :::; Q t;j;c;Kg(see Eq. (8)), attend- |
ing to the most information along a direction to form the |
representation Q0 |
t;j;c(see Figure 3(b)). To further refine the |
height map, we use the representation Q0 |
to compute another residual update map Rr |
t2RHMWM, |
which is added to the height map Mc |
tto form a new height |
mapMr |
t+12RHMWMas: |
Mr |
t+1=Mc |
t+Rr |
t; (9) |
where |
Rr |
t=Fr(Vt; Q0 |
t): (10) |
Again,Frdenotes a set of convolutional layers. We make |
use of the new height map Mr |
t+1for the path planning at the |
(t+ 1)thmoment. |
We refine not only the 2.5D height map but also |
the 3D keypoints at the (t+ 1)thmoment. Assume |
that we use SLAM to produce a new set of keypoints |
fpt+1;1; :::; p t+1;Ng. We remark that the keypoint sets at |
thetthand(t+ 1)thmoments are not necessary the same. |
To refine the new keypoint pt+1;j2R13, we use DAM to |
compute the representation p0 |
t+1;j2R3Kas: |
p0 |
t+1;j=NX |
i=1pt;iU> |
t;i: (11)Figure 4: Overview of our 3D urban navigation dataset, including 7 city scenes with different characteristics. |
In this way, DAM distills the information of keypoints |
at the tthmoment, which is propagated to the next mo- |
ment. Again, we use max pooling to form the spatial offset |
pt+1;j;c2R13for updating keypoint pt+1;jas: |
pt+1;j;c= max( p0 |
t+1;j;c; 1; :::;p0 |
t+1;j;c;K ):(12) |
We take the average of the updated keypoints pt+1;j+ |
pt+1;jand the estimated keypoints pt+1;jin place of |
the original one to construct the VG representation at the |
(t+ 1)thmoment. |
4.4. Training Details |
We use the L1loss function for training the VGF-Net as: |
L(Mgt |
t; Mr |
t) =TX |
t=1HWX |
j=1jMgt |
t;j Mr |
t;jj; (13) |
where Mgt |
tRHWis the ground-truth height map. Ac- |
tually, we select 8 pairs of RGB image and height map |
(T= 8) to construct each mini-batch for the standard SGD |
solver. We set the height and width of each RGB image |
(224224) and the height map ( 2020). The overall train- |
ing samples is nearly 24000 images randomly sampled in 3 |
scenes, while we test the model on the 24000 samples sam- |
pled on the other 3 scenes. Details about the dataset could |
be found in Sec. 5. We train the network for 30 epochs, |
and use the final snapshot of network parameters for test- |
ing. The learning rate is set to 0.001 at the first 15 epochs, |
and decayed to 0.0001 for a more stable optimization. |
By default, the backbone of FvandFgis a ResNet-18, |
while the remained FcandFris two stacked 33convo- |
lutional layer with max-pooling and batch normalization.Note that it is our contribution to learn spatial offsets |
of 3D keypoints, without explicitly using any ground-truth |
data. This is done by modeling the computation of spatial |
offsets as a differentiable function with respect to the VG |
representation. In this way, we enable the end-to-end learn- |
ing of spatial offsets, where the related network parameters |
can be optimized by the back-propagated gradients. It sig- |
nificantly reduces the effort for data annotation, while al- |
lows the network training to be flexibly driven by data. |
When constructing the VG representation, we set the |
number of directions K= 16 for each keypoint, and the |
number of keypoints N= 50 at each moment. We remark |
that these hyper-parameters are chosen based on the valida- |
tion results. |
5. Results and Discussion |
5.1. Description of Experimental Dataset |
To promote the related research on drone navigation, we |
newly collect a 3D urban navigation dataset. This dataset |
contains 7 models of different city scenes (see Figure 4). |
Note that New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Las |
Vegas are Google Earth models we download, which are |
similar to the real-world scenes with respect to the appear- |
ance but most objects inside are only buildings. We have |
also Shenzhen, Suzhou and Shanghai that are manually built |
based on the map by professional modelers, which contain |
rich 3D objects (e.g., buildings, trees, street lights and road |
signs, etc.) and other stuff (e.g., ground, sky and sea). There |
are various spatial configurations of objects, building styles |
and weather conditions in these 3D scenes. Thus, we pro- |
vide challenging data for evaluating the navigation system.Table 1: Statistics of our 3D urban navigation dataset. Note that in addition to buildings, there may also exist many other |
objects we must consider, such as trees, flower beds, and street lights, which highly increase the challenge for height mapping |
and autonomous navigation task. |
scene area (km2)objects (#) model size ( MB )texture images (#) texture size ( MB ) |
New York 7.4 744 86.4 762 122 |
Chicago 24 1629 146 2277 227 |
San Francisco 55 2801 225 2865 322 |
Las Vegas 20 1408 108 1756 190 |
Shenzhen 3 1126 50.3 199 72.5 |
Suzhou 7 168 191 395 23.7 |
Shanghai 37 6850 308 2285 220 |
Table 2: Comparisons with different strategies of information fusion, in terms of the accuracy of height mapping (average L1 |
error). We also show the accuracies ( %) of predicting height values, with respect to different ranges of error ( <3m, 5mand |
10m). All strategies are evaluated on the testing (i.e., unknown and novel) scenes of San Francisco, Shenzhen and Chicago. |
methodaverage L1error ( m) accuracy w.r.t. error 2[0;3]m(%) |
San Francisco Shenzhen Chicago San Francisco Shenzhen Chicago |
w/o fusion 4.57 4.57 4.49 68.95% 68.02% 70.05% |
w/ fusion 2.37 2.93 3.41 85.09% 83.63% 78.44% |
w/ fusion and memory 2.81 3.44 4.02 79.86% 79.20% 72.86% |
w/ fusion, memory and exchange 2.35 3.04 3.80 80.54% 82.36% 74.73% |
full strategy 1.98 2.72 3.10 85.71% 86.13% 80.46% |
methodaccuracy w.r.t. error 2[0;5]m(%) accuracy w.r.t. error 2[0;10]m(%) |
San Francisco Shenzhen Chicago San Francisco Shenzhen Chicago |
w/o fusion 75.02% 74.08% 76.86% 83.96% 83.96% 85.71% |
w/ fusion 89.20% 87.39% 84.12% 93.87% 92.25% 91.18% |
w/ fusion and memory 86.35% 84.56% 80.36% 93.00% 91.31% 89.51% |
w/ fusion, memory and exchange 86.13% 86.43% 81.41% 93.33% 91.85% 89.94% |
full strategy 89.22% 88.90% 85.30% 94.10% 92.56% 91.67% |
The models are input to the render for producing sequences |
of RGB images. All RGB images and the associated 2.5D |
height maps are used to form a training set (i.e., New York, |
Las Vegas and Suzhou) and a testing set (i.e., San Francisco, |
Shenzhen, and Chicago). We provides more detailed statis- |
tics of the dataset in Table 1.To train our VGF-Net, which takes as input a rough im- |
perfect height map and outputs an accurate height map, |
we use 5 types of manipulations (i.e., translation, height |
increase/decrease, size dilation/contraction, creation and |
deletion) to disturb the object boundaries in the ground- |
truth height map. One time of the disturbance increases orBefore disturbance After disturbance Residual map050100 |
Translation + Dilation |
DilationHeight increaseHeight decrease |
Translation |
TranslationCreationDeletion |
Figure 5: Illustration of disturbance manipulations. Actu- |
ally, these manipulations can be combined to yield the dis- |
turbance results (e.g., translation and dilation). The bottom |
row of this figure shows the difference between height maps |
before/after disturbance. The residual map is learned by our |
VGF-Net, for recovering the disturbed height map to the |
undisturbed counterpart. |
decreases height values by 10 min certain map locations. |
See Figure 5 for an illustration of our manipulations. |
5.2. Different Strategies of Information Fusion |
The residual update, VG representation and DAM are |
critical components of VFG-Net, defining the strategy of |
information fusion. Below, we conduct an internal study by |
removing these components, and examine the effect on the |
accuracy of height mapping (see Table 2). |
First, we report the performance using visual informa- |
tion only for height mapping, disabling any visual and geo- |
metric fusion. Here, the visual information is learned from |
RGB images (see the entries “w/o fusion” in Table 2). But |
visual information is insufficient for reconstructing height |
maps, which requires the modeling of geometric relation- |
ship between objects, yielding lower performances com- |
pared to other methods using geometric information. |
Next, we examine the efficiency of residual update strat- |
egy. At each moment, the residual update allows VGF-Net |
to reuse the mapping result produced earlier. This strategy, |
where the useful visual and geometric contents can be ef- |
fectively distilled and memorized at all moments, improves |
the reliability of height mapping. Thus, by removing the |
residual update (see the entries “w/ fusion” in Table 2) from |
VGF-Net (see the entries “full strategy”), we degrade the |
performance of height mapping. |
We further study the effect of VG representation on the |
performance. The VG representation can be regarded as an |
information linkage. It contains fused visual and geometric |
information, which is exchanged among objects. Withoutthe VG representation, we use independent sets of convo- |
lutional layers to extract the visual and geometric represen- |
tations from the image and height map, respectively. The |
representations are simply concatenated for computing the |
residual update map (see the entries “w/ fusion and mem- |
ory” in Table 2). This manner successfully disconnects the |
communication between objects and leads to performance |
drops on almost all scenes, compared to our full strategy of |
information fusion. |
We find that the performance of using memory of height |
values lags behind the second method without using mem- |
ory (see the entries “w/ fusion” in Table 2). We explain that |
the information fusion with memory easily accumulates er- |
rors in the height map over time. Thus, it is critical to com- |
pute the VG representation based on the memorized infor- |
mation, enabling the information exchange between objects |
(see the entries “w/ fusion, memory and exchange”). Such |
exchange process provides richer object relationship to ef- |
fectively address the error accumulation problem, signifi- |
cantly assisting height mapping at each moment. |
Finally, we investigate the importance of DAM (see the |
entries “w/ fusion, memory and exchange” in Table 2). We |
solely remove DAM from the full model, by directly us- |
ing VG representations to compute the residual update map |
and spatial offsets for refining the height map and key- |
points. Compared to this fusion strategy, our full strategy |
with DAM provides a more effective way to adjust the im- |
pact of each keypoint along different directions. Therefore, |
our method achieves the best results on all testing scenes. |
5.3. Sensitivity to the Quality of Height Map |
As demonstrated in the above experiment, it is impor- |
tant to the iterative information fusion for achieving a more |
global understanding of 3D scene to perfect the height map |
estimation. During the iterative procedure, the problematic |
height values may be memorized to make a negative im- |
pact on the production of height map at future moment. In |
this experiment, we investigate the sensitivity of different |
approaches to the quality of height maps, by controlling |
the percentage of height values that are dissimilar to the |
ground-truth height maps. Again, we produce dissimilar |
height maps by using disturbance manipulations to change |
the object boundaries. |
At each moment, the disturbed height map is input to |
the trained model to compute the new height map, which is |
compared to the ground-truth height map for calculating the |
average L1error. In Figure 6, we compare the average L1 |
errors produced by 4 different information fusion strategies |
(i.e., see the entries “w/ fusion”, “w/ fusion and memory”, |
“w/ fusion, memory and exchange” and “full strategies” in |
Table 2), which learn geometric information from height |
maps. As we can see, heavier disturbances generally lead to |
the degradation of all strategies.w/ fusion w/ fusion and memory w/ fusion, memory and exchange full strategy20%Error (m) |
Dissimilarity to GT Dissimilarity to GT Dissimilarity to GT40% 60% 80% 20%271217 |
40% 60% 80% 20%24610 |
8 |
04 |
2610 |
8 |
40% 60% 80%Shenzhen San Francisco ChicagoFigure 6: We disturb the 2.5D height maps, which are used to examine the robustness of different information fusion ap- |
proaches. We evaluate different approaches on the testing sets of San Francisco, Shenzhen and Chicago. All results are |
reported in terms of L1errors. |
Figure 7: The five indoor training scenes selected from the S3DIS dataset [1]. |
Figure 8: The successful navigation trajectories produced by VGF-Net in a complicate indoor testing scene from the S3DIS |
dataset [1]. |
The strategy “w/ fusion and memory” performs the worst |
among all approaches, showing very high sensitivity to the |
quality of height maps. This result further evidences our |
finding in Sec. 5.2, where we have shown the unreliabil- |
ity of the method with memory of height information but |
without information exchange. Compared to other meth- |
ods, our full strategy yields better results. Especially, givena very high percentage (80%) of incorrect height values, our |
full strategy outperforms other methods by remarkable mar- |
gins. These results clearly demonstrate the robustness of |
our strategy.Table 3: We compare VGF-Net with/without using depth to other methods. All methods are evaluated on the outdoor sets |
(i.e., San Francisco, Shenzhen and Chicago) and the indoor set (i.e., S3DIS). Results are reported in terms of the success |
rates of navigation. |
outdoor testw/ depth w/o depth |
ground-truth depth estimated depth [3] VGF-Net |
San Francisco 100% 27% 85% |
Shenzhen 100% 34% 83% |
Chicago 100% 19% 82% |
indoor testw/ depth w/o depth |
LSTM [10] CMP [10] VGF-Net LSTM [10] CMP [10] VGF-Net |
S3DIS 71.8% 78.3% 92% 53% 62.5% 76% |
5.4. Comparison on the Navigation Task |
The quality of 2.5D height maps, which are estimated |
by the height mapping, largely determines the accuracy of |
drone navigation. In this experiment, we compare our VGF- |
Net to different mapping approaches. All methods are di- |
vided into two groups. In the first group, the approaches |
apply depth information for height mapping. Note that the |
depth information can be achieved by scanner [10], or esti- |
mated by deep network based on the RGB images [3]. The |
second group consists of approaches that only use RGB im- |
ages to reconstruct the height map. In addition to an ini- |
tial height map that can be easily obtained from various re- |
sources, our VGF-Net only requires image inputs, but can |
also accept depth information if available without changing |
any scheme architecture. We set the height of flight to be |
1030mfor drone, evaluating the success rate of 3D navi- |
gation on our outdoor dataset. Overheight (e.g., 100 m) al- |
ways leads to successful navigation, making the evaluation |
meaningless. On the indoor dataset [1] (see also Figure 7 |
and Figure 8) , we report the success rate of 2D drone navi- |
gation, by fixing the height of flight to 0.5 m. All results can |
be found in Table 3. |
Obviously, using accurate depth information can yield a |
perfect success rate of navigation (see the entry “ground- |
truth depth”). Here, the depth data is directly computed |
from the synthesized 3D urban scenes, without involving |
any noise. However, due to the limitation of hardware de- |
vice, it is difficult for the scanner to really capture the accu- |
rate depth data of outdoor scenes. A simple alternative is to |
use deep network to estimate the depth based on the RGB |
image (see the entry “estimated depth”). Depth estimation |
often produces erroneous depth values for the height map- |
ping, even with the most advanced method [3], thus severely |
Input Predicted GTFigure 9: Examples of height mapping. All the height maps |
are selected from the outdoor dataset. Here, we compare |
the height maps with noise (in the first column), predicted |
height maps (in the second column) and ground-truth height |
maps (in the last column).misleading the navigation process. Similar to depth infor- |
mation, the sparse 3D keypoints used in our approach also |
provide valuable geometry information of objects. More |
importantly, our VGF-Net uses visual cues to assist the |
learning of geometric representations. Therefore, our ap- |
proach without using depth produces better results than that |
of using depth estimated by state-of-the-art techniques. We |
have shown an example of trajectory for 3D drone naviga- |
tion in Figure 1. We also show examples of height mapping |
in Figure 9, where the height map with redundant boundary |
(see the first two rows of Figure 9) or missing boundary (see |
the last two rows of Figure 9) is input to the VGF-Net. Even |
given the input height maps with much noise, our network |
still precisely recovers the height information. |
Depth data of indoor scenes (see Figure 7) can be more |
easily achieved. With the available depth information, we |
can trivially input the RGB image along with the associated |
depth to the VGF-Net, producing the height map. We com- |
pare VGF-Net to the recent approach [10] (see the entries |
“LSTM ” and “CMP”) that produces state-of-the-art indoor |
navigation accuracies. Our method achieves a better result |
under the same condition of training and testing. Without |
depth, our approach still leads to the best result among all |
image based methods. It demonstrates the generality and |
ability of our approach, in terms of stably learning useful |
information from different data sources. In Figure 8, we |
show more navigation trajectories planned by our approach |
in an indoor testing scene. |
6. Conclusions and Future Work |
The latest progress on drone navigation is largely driven |
by the active sensing and selecting the useful visual and ge- |
ometric information of surrounding 3D scenes. In this pa- |
per, we have presented VGF-Net, where we fuse visual and |
geometric information for simultaneous drone navigation |
and height mapping. Our network distills the fused infor- |
mation, which is learned from the RGB image sequences |
and an initial rough height map, constructing a novel VG |
representation to better capture object/scene relation infor- |
mation. Based on the VG representation, we propose DAM |
to establish information exchange among objects and select |
essential object relationship in a data-driven fashion. By us- |
ing residual update strategy, DAM progressively refines the |
object boundaries in the 2.5D height map and the extracted |
3D keypoints, showing its generality to various complicate |
outdoor/indoor scenes. The mapping module runs at nearly |
0.2sec on a mobile GPU, which could be further optimized |
by compression and pruning in an embedded system. |
VGF-Net eventually outputs the residual update map and |
spatial offsets, which are used for explicitly updating the |
geometric information of objects (i.e., the 2.5D height map |
and 3D keypoints). It should be noted that we currently use |
convolutional layers to learn implicit representation fromthe fused information, and update the visual representa- |
tion. The visual content of the sequence of RGB image |
shows complex patterns, which together form the global ob- |
ject/scene relationship. However, these patterns may be ne- |
glected by the implicit representation during the learning |
process. Thus, in the near future, we would like to investi- |
gate a more controllable way to update the visual represen- |
tation. Additionally, complex occlusion relations in the real |
scenarios often lead to inaccurate height mappings in the oc- |
cluded areas. In the future, we would like to further utilize |
the uncertainty map of the environment, together with the |
multi-view information to improve both the accuracy and |
the efficiency of the mapping process. Moreover, since the |
geometric modeling (triangulation of sparse keypoints) is |
commonly involved in the optimization pipeline of SLAM, |
effectively collaborating the 3D keypoints detection and the |
height mapping would be quite interesting to explore. |
Acknowledgment |
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for |
their constructive comments. This work was supported |
in parts by NSFC Key Project (U2001206), Guangdong |
Outstanding Talent Program (2019JC05X328), Guangdong |
Science and Technology Program (2020A0505100064, |
2018A030310441, 2015A030312015), DEGP Key Project |
(2018KZDXM058), Shenzhen Science and Technology |
Program (RCJC20200714114435012), and Guangdong |
Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy |
(Shenzhen University). |
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