Grounding Spatio-Temporal Language with |
Transformers |
Tristan Karch, Laetitia Teodorescu |
Inria - Flowers Team |
Université de Bordeaux |
firstname.lastname@inria.frKatja Hofmann |
Microsoft Research |
Cambridge, UKClément Moulin-Frier |
Inria - Flowers team |
Université de Bordeaux |
ENSTA ParisTech |
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer |
Inria - Flowers team |
Université de Bordeaux |
ENSTA ParisTech |
Abstract |
Language is an interface to the outside world. In order for embodied agents to use |
it, language must be grounded in other, sensorimotor modalities. While there is |
an extended literature studying how machines can learn grounded language, the |
topic of how to learn spatio-temporal linguistic concepts is still largely uncharted. |
To make progress in this direction, we here introduce a novel spatio-temporal |
language grounding task where the goal is to learn the meaning of spatio-temporal |
descriptions of behavioral traces of an embodied agent. This is achieved by |
training a truth function that predicts if a description matches a given history of |
observations. The descriptions involve time-extended predicates in past and present |
tense as well as spatio-temporal references to objects in the scene. To study the role |
of architectural biases in this task, we train several models including multimodal |
Transformer architectures; the latter implement different attention computations |
between words and objects across space and time. We test models on two classes of |
generalization: 1) generalization to randomly held-out sentences; 2) generalization |
to grammar primitives. We observe that maintaining object identity in the attention |
computation of our Transformers is instrumental to achieving good performance |
on generalization overall, and that summarizing object traces in a single token has |
little influence on performance. We then discuss how this opens new perspectives |
for language-guided autonomous embodied agents. We also release our code under |
open-source license as well as pretrained models and datasets to encourage the |
wider community to build upon and extend our work in the future. |
1 Introduction |
Building autonomous agents that learn to represent and use language is a long standing-goal in |
Artificial Intelligence [20,39]. In developmental robotics [ 7], language is considered a cornerstone |
of development that enables embodied cognitive agents to learn more efficiently through social |
interactions with humans or through cooperation with other autonomous agents. It is also considered |
essential to develop complex sensorimotor skills, facilitating the representation of behaviors and |
actions. |
Embodied Language Grounding [50] is the field that studies how agents can align language with |
their behaviors in order to extract the meaning of linguistic constructions. Early approaches in |
Equal Contribution |
35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021).arXiv:2106.08858v2 [cs.AI] 11 Oct 2021shake |
grow |
- ‘Shake red cat’ |
- ‘Shake thing right of lamp’ |
- ‘Shake thing was left of lamp ’- ‘Was grasp blue cactus’ |
- ‘Was grasp thing top most’ |
- ‘Was grasp thing was right of parrot’(a) Grow action with spatial or |
attribute reference to object(b) Shake action with spatio-temporal |
reference to object (c) Grasp past actions description with |
spatio-temporal reference to object |
- ‘Grow blue chameleon’ |
- ‘Grow thing left of tv ’ |
- ‘Grow thing left most ’ |
- ‘Grasp green water ’ |
Traces of interactions Sampled |
descriptionsNatural |
English |
version ‘You are currently growing the |
blue chameleon’‘You are currently shaking some - |
thing that used to be at the left of |
the lamp’‘You previously grasped some- |
thing that used to be at the right |
of the parrot’Figure 1: Visual summary of the Temporal Playground environment: At each episode (column |
a, b and c), the actions of an agent (represented by a hand) unfold in the environment and generate |
a trace of interactions between objects and the agent body. Given such a trace, the environment |
automatically generates a set of synthetic linguistic descriptions that are true at the end of the trace. |
In (a) the agent grows an object which is described with spatial (underlined) or attribute (highlighted) |
reference. In (b) it shakes an object which is described with attribute, spatial or spatio-temporal |
(underlined) reference. In (c) it has grasped an object (past action underlined) which is described |
with attribute, spatial or spatio-temporal (highlighted) reference. The natural english version is given |
for illustrative purposes. |
developmental robotics studied how various machine learning techniques, ranging from neural |
networks [ 40,45,24] to non-negative matrix factorization [ 32], could enable the acquisition of |
grounded compositional language [ 42,41]. This line of work was recently extended using techniques |
forLanguage conditioned Deep Reinforcement Learning [31]. Among these works we can distinguish |
mainly three language grounding strategies. The first one consists of directly grounding language |
in the behavior of agents by training goal-conditioned policies satisfying linguistic instructions |
[40,45,23,22,9]. The second aims at extracting the meaning of sentences from mental simulations |
(i.e. generative models) of possible sensorimotor configurations matching linguistic descriptions |
[32,1,12,34]. The third strategy searches to learn the meaning of linguistic constructs in terms of |
outcomes that agents can observe in the environment. This is achieved by training a truth function that |
detects if descriptions provided by an expert match certain world configurations. This truth function |
can be obtained via Inverse Reinforcement Learning [49,3] or by training a multi-modal binary |
classifier [ 14]. Previous work [ 14,3] has shown that access to this reward is enough for sucessfully |
grounding language in instruction-following agents. |
While all the above-mentioned approaches consider language that describes immediate and instanta- |
neous actions, we argue that it is also important for agents to grasp language expressing concepts |
that are relational and that span multiple time steps. We thus propose to study the grounding of new |
spatio-temporal concepts enabling agents to ground time extended predicates (Fig. 1a) with complex |
spatio-temporal references to objects (Fig. 1b) and understand both present and past tenses (Fig. 1c). |
To do so we choose the third strategy mentioned above, i.e. to train a truth function that predicts when |
descriptions match traces of experience. This choice is motivated by two important considerations. |
First, prior work showed that learning truth functions was key to foster generalization [ 3], enabling |
agents to efficiently self-train policies via goal imagination [ 14] and goal relabeling [ 12]. Hence the |
truth function is an important and self-contained component of larger learning systems. Second, this |
strategy allows to carefully control the distribution of experiences and descriptions perceived by the |
agent. |
2The Embodied Language Grounding problem has a relational structure. We understand the meaning of |
words by analyzing the relations they state in the world [ 18]. The relationality of spatial and temporal |
concepts has long been identified in the field of pragmatics [ 43,44] (see Supplementary Section C |
for additional discussion). Furthermore actions themselves are relations between subjects and objects, |
and can be defined in terms of affordances of the agent [ 19]. We acknowledge this and provide |
the right relational inductive bias [ 5] to our architectures through the use of Transformers [ 46]. We |
propose a formalism unifying three variants of a multi-modal transformer inspired by Ding et al. |
[16] that implement different relational operations through the use of hierarchical attention. We |
measure the generalization capabilities of these architectures along three axes 1) generalization to |
new traces of experience; 2) generalization to randomly held out sentences; 3) generalization to |
grammar primitives, systematically held out from the training set as in Ruis et al. [37]. We observe |
that maintaining object identity in the attention computation of our Transformers is instrumental to |
achieving good performance on generalization overall. We also identify specific relational operations |
that are key to generalize on certain grammar primitives. |
Contributions. This paper introduces: |
1. A new Embodied Language Grounding task focusing on spatio-temporal language; |
2.A formalism unifying different relational architectures based on Transformers expressed as |
a function of mapping and aggregation operations; |
3.A systematic study of the generalization capabilities of these architectures and the identifica- |
tion of key components for their success on this task. |
2 Methods |
2.1 Problem Definition |
We consider the setting of an embodied agent behaving in an environment. This agent interacts with |
the surrounding objects over time, during an episode of fixed length ( T). Once this episode is over, an |
oracle provides exhaustive feedback in a synthetic language about everything that has happened. This |
language describes actions of the agent over the objects and includes spatial and temporal concepts. |
The spatial concepts are reference to an object through its spatial relation with others (Fig. 1a), and |
the temporal concepts are the past modality for the actions of the agent (Fig. 1c), past modality for |
spatial relations (Fig. 1b), and actions that unfold over time intervals. The histories of states of the |
agent’s body and of the objects over the episode as well as the associated sentences are recorded in |
a bufferB. From this setting, and echoing previous work on training agents from descriptions, we |
frame the Embodied Language Grounding problem as learning a parametrized truth function Rover |
couples of observations traces and sentences, tasked with predicting whether a given sentence Wis |
true of a given episode history Sor not. Formally, we aim to minimize: |
E(S;W )B |
L(R(S;W);r(S;W)) |
whereLdenotes the cross-entropy loss and rdenotes the ground truth boolean value for sentence W |
about traceS. |
2.2 Temporal Playground |
In the absence of any dedicated dataset providing spatio-temporal descriptions from behavioral traces |
of an agent, we introduce Temporal Playground (Fig. 1) an environment coupled with a templated |
grammar designed to study spatio-temporal language grounding. The environment is a 2D world, |
with procedurally-generated scene containing N= 3objects sampled from 32 different object types |
belonging to 5 categories. Each object has a continuous 2D position, a size, a continuous color |
code specified by a 3D vector in RGB space, a type specified by a one-hot vector, and a boolean |
unit specifying whether it is grasped. The size of the object feature vector ( o) isjoj= 39 . The |
agent’s body has its 2D position in the environment and its gripper state (grasping or non-grasping) as |
features (body feature vector ( b) of sizejbj= 3). In this environment, the agent can perform various |
actions over the length ( T) of an episode. Some of the objects (the animals) can move independently. |
Objects can also interact: if the agent brings food or water to an animal, it will grow in size; similarly, |
if water is brought to a plant, it will grow. At the end of an episode, a generative grammar generates |
3sentences describing all the interactions that occurred. A complete specification of the environment |
as well as the BNF of the grammar can be found in Supplementary Section A.2. |
Synthetic language. To enable a controlled and systematic study of how different types of spatio- |
temporal linguistic meanings can be learned, we argue it is necessary to first conduct a systematic |
study with a controlled synthetic grammar. We thus consider a synthetic language with a vocabulary of |
size53and sentences with a maximum length of 8. This synthetic language facilitates the generation |
of descriptions matching behavioral traces of the agent. Moreover, it allows us to express four |
categories of concepts associated with specific words. Thus, the generated sentences consist in four |
conceptual types based on the words they involve: |
•Sentences involving basic concepts. This category of sentences talk about present-time |
events by referring to objects and their attributes. Sentences begin with the ’grasp’ token |
combined with any object. Objects can be named after their category (eg. ’animal’, ’thing’ ) |
or directly by their type ( ’dog’, ’door’, ’algae’, etc. ). Finally, the color (’red’, ’blue’, ’green’ ) |
of objects can also be specified. |
•Sentences involving spatial concepts. This category of sentences additionally involve |
one-to-one spatial relations and one-to-all spatial relations to refer to objects. An object |
can be ’left of’ another object (reference is made in relation to a single other object), or |
can be the ’top most’ object (reference is made in relation with all other objects). Example |
sentences include ’grasp thing bottom of cat’ or’grasp thing right most’ . |
•Sentences involving temporal concepts . This category of sentences involves talking about |
temporally-extended predicates and the past tense, without any spatial relations. The two |
temporal predicates are denoted with the words ’grow’ and’shake’ . The truth value of these |
predicates can only be decided by looking at the temporal evolution of the object’s size and |
position respectively. A predicate is transposed at the past tense if the action it describes |
was true at some point in the past and is no longer true in the present, this is indicated by |
adding the modifier ’was’ before the predicate. Example sentences include ’was grasp red |
chameleon’ (indicating that the agent grasped the red chameleon and then released it) and |
’shake bush’ ; |
•Sentences involving spatio-temporal concepts . Finally, we consider the broad class of |
spatio-temporal sentences that combine spatial reference and temporal or past-tense predi- |
cates. These are sentences that involve both the spatial and temporal concepts defined above. |
Additionally, there is a case of where the spatial and the temporal aspects are entangled: |
past spatial reference. This happens when an object is referred to by its previous spatial |
relationship with another object. Consider the case of an animal that was at first on the |
bottom of a table, then moved on top, and then is grasped. In this case we could refer to this |
animal as something that was previously on the bottom of the table. We use the same ’was’ |
modifier as for the past tense predicates; and thus we would describe the action as ’Grasp |
thing was bottom of table’ . |
2.3 Architectures |
In this section we describe the architectures used as well as their inputs. Let one input sample to |
our model be I= (S;W), where (Si;t)i;trepresents the objects’ and body’s evolution, and (Wl)l |
represents the linguistic observations. Shas a spatial (or entity) dimension indexed by i2[0::N]and |
a temporal dimension indexed by t2[1::T]; for anyi,t,Si;tis a vector of observational features. |
Note that by convention, the trace (S0;t)trepresents the body’s features, and the traces (Si;t)t;i> 0 |
represents the other objects’ features. Wis a 2-dimensional tensor indexed by the sequence l2[1::L]; |
for anyl,Wl2RdWis a one-hot vector defining the word in the dictionary. The output to our models |
is a single scalar between 0and1representing the probability that the sentence encoded by Wis true |
in the observation trace S. |
Transformer Architectures. To systematically study the influence of architectural choices on |
language performance and generalization in our spatio-temporal grounded language context, we |
define a set of mapping and aggregation operations that allows us to succinctly describe different |
models in a unified framework. We define: |
4i=0 |
i=2i=1 |
i=3 |
‘Grasp thing left most’qObject |
Encoder |
Language |
EncoderBody |
Encoder |
Positional |
Encodingq |
... |
reducerreduce |
q ... |
rreduceq |
reduce |
rq |
reduce(c) Unstructured Transformer ( UT) |
(d) Spatial-First Transformer ( SFT) |
(e) Temporal-First Transformer (TFT)(a) Input Encoding |
qreduce |
(b) Optional Word Aggregation (-WA) |
t=2 t=1 t=0 |
S0,2 |
S2,1S |
WS = |
W = |
W WS |
S |
S WW |
W |
Figure 2: Visual summary of the architectures used. We show the details of UT,SFTand TFT |
respectively in subfigures (c), (d), (e), as well as a schematic illustration of the preprocessing phase |
(a) and the optional word-aggregation procedure (b). |
•An aggregation operation based on a Transformer model, called reduce .reduce is a |
parametrized function that takes 3 inputs: a tensor, a dimension tuple Dover which to |
reduce and a query tensor (that has to have the size of the reduced tensor). Rlayers of a |
Transformer are applied to the input-query concatenation and are then queried at the position |
corresponding to the query tokens. This produces an output reduced over the dimensions D. |
•A casting operation called cast .cast takes as input 2 tensors AandBand a dimension d. |
Ais flattened, expanded so as to fit the tensor Bin all dimensions except d, and concatenated |
along theddimension. |
•A helper expand operation called expand that takes as arguments a tensor and an integer n |
and repeats the tensor ntimes. |
Using those operations, we define three architectures: one with no particular bias ( Unstructured |
Transformer , inspired by Ding et al. [16], or UT); one with a spatial-first structural bias – objects and |
words are aggregated along the spatial dimension first ( Spatial-First Transformer orSFT); and one |
with a temporal-first structural bias – objects and words are aggregated along the temporal dimension |
first ( Temporal-First Transformer , or TFT). |
Before inputting the observations of bodies and objects Sand the language Winto any of the Trans- |
former architectures, they are projected to a common dimension (see Supplementary Section B.2 for |
more details). A positional encoding [ 46] is then added along the time dimension for observations and |
along the sequence dimension for language; and finally a one-hot vector indicating whether the vector |
is observational or linguistic is appended at the end. This produces the modified observation-language |
tuple (^S;^W). We let: |
UT(^S;^W) := reduce (cast(^S;^W;0);0;q) |
SFT(^S;^W;q) := reduce (reduce (cast(^W;^S;0);0;expand (q;T));0;q) |
TFT(^S;^W;q) := reduce (reduce (cast(^W;^S;1);1;expand (q;N+ 1));0;q) |
whereTis the number of time steps, Nis the number of objects and qis a learned query token. See |
Fig. 2 for an illustration of these architectures. |
Note that SFTand TFTare transpose versions of each other: SFTis performing aggregation over space |
first and then time, and the reverse is true for TFT. Additionally, we define a variant of each of these |
architectures where the words are aggregated before being related with the observations. We name |
these variants by appendding - WA(word-aggregation) to the name of the model (see Fig. 2 (b)). |
^W reduce (^W;0;q) |
5We examine these variants to study the effect of letting word-tokens directly interact with object-token |
through the self-attention layers vs simply aggregating all language tokens in a single embedding |
and letting this vector condition the processing of observations. The latter is commonly done in |
the language-conditioned RL and language grounding literature [ 11,3,25,37], using the language |
embedding in FiLM layers [ 36] for instance. Finding a significant effect here would encourage using |
architectures which allow direct interactions between the word tokens and the objects they refer to. |
LSTM Baselines. We also compare some LSTM -based baselines on this task; their architecture is |
described in more detail in Supplementary Section B.3. |
2.4 Data Generation, Training and Testing Procedures |
We use a bot to generate the episodes we train on. The data collected consists of 56837 trajectories of |
T= 30 time steps. Among the traces some descriptions are less frequent than others but we make |
sure to have at least 50 traces representing each of the 2672 descriptions we consider. We record |
the observed episodes and sentences in a buffer, and when training a model we sample (S;W;r ) |
tuples with one observation coupled with either a true sentence from the buffer or another false |
sentence generated from the grammar. More details about the data generation can be found in |
Supplementary Section B.1. |
For each of the Transformer variants (6 models) and the LSTM baselines (2 models) we perform an |
hyper parameter search using 3 seeds in order to extract the best configuration. We extract the best |
condition for each model by measuring the mean F1on a testing set made of uniformly sampled |
descriptions from each of the categories define in section 2.2. We use the F1score because testing |
sets are imbalanced (the number of traces fulfilling each description is low). We then retrain best |
configurations over 10 seeds and report the mean and standard deviation (reported as solid black lines |
in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4) of the averaged F1score computed on each set of sentences. When statistical |
significance is reported in the text, it is systematically computed using a two-tail Welch’s t-test with |
null hypothesis 1=2, at level= 0:05[13]. Details about the training procedure and the hyper |
parameter search are provided in Supplementary Section B.4. |
3 Experiments and Results |
3.1 Generalization abilities of models on non-systematic split by categories of meaning |
In this experiment, we perform a study of generalization to new sentences from known observations. |
We divide our set of test sentences in four categories based on the categories of meanings listed in |
Section 2.2: Basic, Spatial, Spatio-Temporal and Temporal. We remove 15% of all possible sentences |
in each category from the train set and evaluate the F1 score on those sentences. The results are |
provided in Fig. 3. |
First, we notice that over all categories of meanings, all UTand TFTmodels, with or without word- |
aggregation, perform extremely well compared to the LSTM baselines, with all these four models |
achieving near-perfect test performance on the Basic sentences, with very little variability across the |
10 seeds. We then notice that all SFTvariants perform poorly on all test categories, in line or worse |
than the baselines. This is particularly visible on the spatio-temporal category, where the SFTmodels |
perform at 0:750:020whereas the baselines perform at 0:800:019. This suggests that across |
tasks, it is harmful to aggregate each scene plus the language information into a single vector. This |
may be due to the fact that objects lose their identity in this process, since information about all the |
objects becomes encoded in the same vector. This may make it difficult for the network to perform |
computations about the truth value of predicate on a single object. |
Secondly, we notice that the word-aggregation condition seems to have little effect on the performance |
on all three Transformer models. We only observe a significant effect for UTmodels on spatio- |
temporal concepts ( p-value = 2:38e-10). This suggests that the meaning of sentences can be |
adequately summarised by a single vector; while maintaining separated representations for each |
object is important for achieving good performance it seems unnecessary to do the same for linguistic |
input. However we notice during our hyperparameter search that our -WA models are not very robust |
to hyperparameter choice, with bigger variants more sensitive to the learning rate. |
6Thirdly, we observe that for our best-performing models, the basic categories of meanings are the |
easiest, with a mean score of 1:00:003across all UTand TFT models, then the spatial ones |
at0:960:020, then the temporal ones at 0:960:009, and finally the spatio-temporal ones at |
0:890:027. This effectively suggests, as we hypothesised, that sentences containing spatial relations |
or temporal concepts are harder to ground than those who do not. |
Known sentences with novel observations. We also examine the mean performance of our models |
for sentences in the training set but evaluated on a set of new observations : we generate a new set |
of rollouts on the environment, and only evaluate the model on sentences seen at train time (plots |
are reported in Supplementary Section D ). We see the performance is slightly better in this case, |
especially for the LSTM baselines ( 0:820:031versus 0:790:032), but the results are comparable |
in both cases, suggesting that the main difficulty for models lies in grounding spatio-temporal |
meanings and not in linguistic generalization for the type of generalization considered in this section. |
Figure 3: F1scores for all the models on randomly held-out sentences. F1is measured on |
separated sets representing each category of concepts defined in Section 2.2. |
3.2 Systematic generalization on withheld combinations of words |
In addition to the previous generalization studies, we perform an experiment in a harder linguistic |
generalization setting where we systematically remove binary combinations in our train set. This is in |
line with previous work on systematic generalization on deep learning models [ 29,37,26]. We create |
five test sets to examine the abilities of our models to generalize on binary combinations of words |
that have been systematically removed from the set of training sentences, but whose components have |
been seen before in other contexts. Our splits can be described by the set of forbidden combinations |
of words as: |
1.Forbidden object-attribute combinations. remove from the train set all sentences contain- |
ing’red cat’ ,’blue door’ and’green cactus’ . This tests the ability of models to recombine |
known objects with known attributes; |
2.Forbidden predicate-object combination. remove all sentences containing ’grow’ and all |
objects from the ’plant’ category. This tests the model’s ability to apply a known predicate |
to a known object in a new combination; |
3.Forbidden one-to-one relation. remove all sentences containing ’right of’ . Since the |
’right’ token is already seen as-is in the context of one-to-all relations ( ’right most’ ), and |
other one-to-one relations are observed during training, this tests the abilities of models to |
recombine known directions with in a known template; |
4.Forbidden past spatial relation. remove all sentences containing the contiguous tokens |
’was left of’ . This tests the abilities of models to transfer a known relation to the past |
modality, knowing other spatial relations in the past; |
5.Forbidden past predicate. remove all sentences containing the contiguous tokens ’was |
grasp’ . This tests the ability of the model to transfer a known predicate to the past modality, |
knowing that it has already been trained on other past-tense predicates. |
7To avoid retraining all models for each split, we create one single train set with all forbidden sentences |
removed and we test separately on all splits. We use the same hyperparameters for all models than in |
the previous experiments. The results are reported in Fig. 4. |
Figure 4: F1scores of all the models on systematic generalization splits. F1is measured on |
separated sets representing each of the forbidden combinations of word defined above. |
First we can notice that the good test scores obtained by the UTand TFTmodels on the previous |
sections are confirmed in on this experiment: they are the best performing models overall. We then |
notice that the first two splits, corresponding to new attribute-object and predicate-object combinations, |
are solved by the UTand TFTmodels, while the SFTmodels and the LSTM baselines struggle to |
achieve high scores. For the next 3 splits, which imply new spatial and temporal combinations, the |
scores overall drop significantly; we also observe much wider variability between seeds for each |
model, perhaps suggesting the various strategies adopted by the models to fit the train set have very |
different implications in terms of systematic generalization on spatial and temporal concepts. This |
very high variability between seeds on systematic generalization scores are reminiscent of the results |
obtained on the gSCAN benchmark [37]. |
Additionally, for split 3, which implies combining known tokens to form a new spatial relation, we |
observe a significant drop in generalization for the word-aggregation ( WA) conditions, consistent |
across models (on average across seeds, 0:140:093, 0:150:234and 0:200:061for |
UT,SFTand TFTresp. with p-values <1e-04 for UTand SFT). This may be due to the fact that |
recombining any one-to-one relation with the known token right seen in the context of one-to-all |
relations requires a separate representation for each of the linguistic tokens. The same significant |
drop in performance for the WAcondition can be observed for UTand TFTin split 4, which implies |
transferring a known spatial relation to the past. |
However, very surprisingly, for split 5 – which implies transposing the known predicate grasp to the |
past tense – we observe a very strong effect in the opposite direction: the WAcondition seems to help |
generalizing to this unknown past predicate (from close-to-zero scores for all transformer models, |
theWAadds on average 0:710:186,0:450:178and0:520:183points for UT, ST and TT |
resp. and p-values <1e-05). This may be due to the fact that models without WAlearn a direct and |
systematic relationship between the grasp token and grasped objects, as indicated in their features; |
this relation is not modulated by the addition of the wasmodifier as a prefix to the sentence. Models |
do not exhibit the same behavior on split 4, which has similar structure (transfer the relation left of |
to the past). This may be due to the lack of variability in instantaneous predicates (only the grasp |
predicate); whereas there are several spatial relations (4 one-to-one, 4 one-to-all). |
Control experiment. We evaluate previously trained models on a test set containing hard negative |
examples. The aim of this experiment is to ensure that models truly identify the compositional |
structure of our spatio-temporal concepts and do not simply perform unit concept recognition. We |
select negative pairs (trajectory, description) so that the trajectories contain either the object or the |
action described in the positive example. Results are provided in Fig. 5. We observe a slight decrease |
of performances on all 5 categories (drop is less than 5%), demonstrating that the models do in fact |
represent the meaning of the sentence and not simply the presence or absence of a particular object or |
predicate. |
8Figure 5: Control experiment: F1scores for all the models on systematic generalization splits in |
the hard negative examples setting. |
4 Related Work |
The idea that agents should learn to represent and ground language in their experience of the world |
has a long history in developmental robotics [ 50,39,40,7] and was recently extended in the context |
of Language Conditioned Deep Reinforcement Learning [ 11,22,31,3]. These recent approaches |
often consider navigation [ 10,9] or object manipulation [ 1,22] tasks and are always using instructive |
language. Meanings typically refer to instantaneous actions and rarely consider spatial reference |
to objects [ 35]. Although our environment includes object manipulations, we here tackle novel |
categories of meanings involving the grounding of spatio-temporal concepts such as the past modality |
or complex spatio-temporal reference to objects. |
We evaluate our learning architectures on their ability to generalise to sets of descriptions that contain |
systematic differences with the training data so as to assess whether they correctly model grammar |
primitives. This procedure is similar to the gSCAN benchmark [ 37]. This kind of compositional |
generalisation is referred as ’systematicity’ by Hupkes et al. [26]. Environmental drivers that facilitate |
systematic generalization are also studied by Hill et al. [23]. Although Hupkes et al. [26] consider |
relational models in their work, they do not evaluate their performance on a Language Grounding |
task. Ruis et al. [37] consider an Embodied Language Grounding setup involving one form of time- |
extended meanings (adverbs), but do not consider the past modality and spatio-temporal reference to |
objects, and do not consider learning truth functions. Also, they do not consider learning architectures |
that process sequences of sensorimotor observations. To our knowledge, no previous work has |
conducted systematic generalization studies on an Embodied Language Grounding task involving |
spatio-temporal language with Transformers. |
The idea that relational architectures are relevant models for Language Grounding has been previously |
explored in the context of Visual Reasoning . They were indeed successfully applied for spatial |
reasoning in the visual question answering task CLEVR [38]. With the recent publication of the video |
reasoning dataset CLEVRER [47], those models were extended and demonstrated abilities to reason |
over spatio-temporal concepts, correctly answering causal, predictive and counterfactual questions |
[16]. In contrast to our study, these works around CLEVRER do not aim to analyze spatio-temporal |
language and therefore do not consider time-extended predicates or spatio-temporal reference to |
objects in their language, and do not study properties of systematic generalization over sets of new |
sentences. |
5 Discussion and Conclusion |
In this work, we have presented a first step towards learning Embodied Language Grounding of |
spatio-temporal concepts, framed as the problem of learning a truth function that can predict if a |
given sentence is true of temporally-extended observations of an agent interacting with a collection |
of objects. We have studied the impact of architectural choices on successful grounding of our |
artificial spatio-temporal language. We have modelled different possible choices for aggregation of |
9observations and language as hierarchical Transformer architectures. We have demonstrated that in |
our setting, it is beneficial to process temporally-extended observations and language tokens side-by- |
side, as evidenced by the good score of our Unstructured Transformer variant. However, there seems |
to be only minimal effect on performance in aggregating temporal observations along the temporal |
dimension first – compared to processing all traces and the language in an unstructured manner – as |
long as object identity is preserved. This can inform architectural design in cases where longer episode |
lengths make it impossible to store all individual timesteps for each object; our experiments provide |
evidence that a temporal summary can be used in these cases. Our experiments with systematic |
dimensions of generalization provide mixed evidence for the influence of summarizing individual |
words into a single vector, showing it can be detrimental to generalize to novel word combinations |
but also can help prevent overgeneralization of a relation between a single word and a single object |
without considering the surrounding linguistic context. |
Limitations and further work. There are several limitations of our setup which open important |
opportunities for further work. First, we have used a synthetic language that could be extended: |
for instance with more spatial relations and relations that are more than binary. Another axis for |
further research is using low-level observations. In our setting, we wanted to disentangle the effect |
of structural biases on learning spatio-temporal language from the problem of extracting objects |
from low level observations [ 6,21,17,30,8] in a consistent manner over time (object permanence |
[15,48]). Further steps in this direction are needed, and it could allow us to define richer attributes |
(related to material or texture) and richer temporal predicates (such as breaking, floating, etc). Finally, |
we use a synthetic language which is far from the richness of the natural language used by humans, |
but previous work has shown that natural language can be projected onto the subspace defined by |
synthetic language using the semantic embeddings learned by large language models [ 33]: this opens |
up be a fruitful avenue for further investigation. |
A further interesting avenue for future work would be to use the grounding provided by this reward |
function to allow autonomous language-conditioned agents to target their own goals [ 14]. In this sense, |
the truth function can be seen as a goal-achievement function or reward function. While generalization |
performance of our method is not perfect, the good overall f1 scores of our architectures imply that |
they can be directly transferred to a more complete RL setup to provide signal for policies conditioned |
on spatio-temporal language. |
Broader Impact. This work provides a step in the direction of building agents that better understand |
how language relates to the physical world; this can lead to personal robots that can better suit the |
needs of their owners because they can be interacted with using language. If successfully implemented, |
this technology can raise issues concerning automation of certain tasks resulting in loss of jobs for |
less-qualified workers. |
Links. The source code as well as the generated datasets can be found at https://github.com/ |
flowersteam/spatio-temporal-language-transformers |
Acknowledgments and Disclosure of Funding |
Tristan Karch is partly funded by the French Ministère des Armées - Direction Générale de |
l’Armement. Laetitia Teodorescu is supported by Microsoft Research through its PhD Scholar- |
ship Programme. This work was performed using HPC resources from GENCI-IDRIS (Grant |
2020-A0091011996) |
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13Checklist |
1. For all authors... |
(a)Do the main claims made in the abstract and introduction accurately reflect the paper’s |
contributions and scope? [Yes] , we propose a summary of our results supporting our |
contributions in Section 5. |
(b) Did you describe the limitations of your work? [Yes] , in the concluding Section 5. |
(c)Did you discuss any potential negative societal impacts of your work? [Yes] , in a the |
Broader Impact paragraph in the Conclusion section 5. |
(d)Have you read the ethics review guidelines and ensured that your paper conforms to |
them? [Yes] |
2. If you are including theoretical results... |
(a) Did you state the full set of assumptions of all theoretical results? [N/A] |
(b) Did you include complete proofs of all theoretical results? [N/A] |
3. If you ran experiments... |
(a)Did you include the code, data, and instructions needed to reproduce the main experi- |
mental results (either in the supplemental material or as a URL)? [Yes] , the code is |
given as supplementary material. |
(b)Did you specify all the training details (e.g., data splits, hyperparameters, how they |
were chosen)? [Yes] , see Sections 3.1 and 3.2. |
(c)Did you report error bars (e.g., with respect to the random seed after running exper- |
iments multiple times)? [Yes] , all reported scores were averaged over 10 seeds and |
std is reported in all plots (Fig. 3, Fig. 4 of Section 3) and in the main text. We also |
performed statistical tests to measure significance. |
(d)Did you include the total amount of compute and the type of resources used (e.g., |
type of GPUs, internal cluster, or cloud provider)? [Yes] , details are given in |
Supplementary Section D.2. |
4. If you are using existing assets (e.g., code, data, models) or curating/releasing new assets... |
(a) If your work uses existing assets, did you cite the creators? [N/A] |
(b) Did you mention the license of the assets? [N/A] |
(c)Did you include any new assets either in the supplemental material or as a URL? [N/A] |
(d)Did you discuss whether and how consent was obtained from people whose data you’re |
using/curating? [N/A] |
(e)Did you discuss whether the data you are using/curating contains personally identifiable |
information or offensive content? [N/A] |
5. If you used crowdsourcing or conducted research with human subjects... |
(a)Did you include the full text of instructions given to participants and screenshots, if |
applicable? [N/A] |
(b)Did you describe any potential participant risks, with links to Institutional Review |
Board (IRB) approvals, if applicable? [N/A] |
(c)Did you include the estimated hourly wage paid to participants and the total amount |
spent on participant compensation? [N/A] |
A Supplementary: Temporal Playground Specifications |
A.1 Environment |
Temporal Playground is a procedurally generated environment consisting of 3 objects and an agent’s |
body. There are 32 types of objects, listed in Fig. 6 along with 5 object categories. Each object has a |
continuous 2D position, a size, a continuous color code specified by a 3D vector in RGB space, a type |
specified by a one-hot vector, and a boolean unit specifying whether it is grasped. Note that categories |
are not encoded in the objects’ features. The agent’s body has its 2D position in the environment and |
its gripper state (grasping or non-grasping) as features. The size of the body feature vector is 3 while |
the object feature vector has a size of 39. This environment is a spatio-temporal extension of the one |
used in this work [14]. |
All positions are constrained within [ 1;1]2. The initial position of the agent is (0;0)while the |
initial object positions are randomized so that they are not in contact (d(obj1;obj 2)>0:3). Object |
sizes are sampled uniformly in [0:2;0:3], the size of the agent is 0:05. Objects can be grasped |
when the agent has nothing in hand, when it is close enough to the object center (d(agent;obj)< |
(size(agent) +size(obj))=2)and the gripper is closed ( 1, 1when open). When a supply is on an |
animal or water is on a plant (contact define as distance between object being equal to the mean size |
of the two objects d= (size(obj1) +size(obj2))=2), the object will grow over time with a constant |
growth rate until it reaches the maximum size allowed for objects or until contact is lost. |
Category |
Object |
Typefurniture animal |
plantliving thing |
supply |
dog |
cat |
chameleon |
human |
flycactus |
carnivorous |
flower |
tree |
bushgrass |
algae |
tea |
rose |
bonsaiparrot |
mouse |
lion |
pig |
cowcupboard |
sink |
window |
sofa |
carpetdoor |
chair |
desk |
lamp |
tablewater |
food |
Can move independently, |
can be grown with food |
or waterCan be grown with water |
Figure 6: Representation of possible objects types and categories . Information about the possible |
interactions between objects are also given. |
15A.2 Language |
Grammar. The synthetic language we use can be decomposed into two components: the instanta- |
neous grammar and the temporal logic. Both are specified through the BNF given in Figure 7. |
Instantaneous grammar: |
<S> ::= <pred> <thing_A> |
<pred> ::= grow | grasp | shake |
<thing_A> ::= <thing_B> | <attr> <thing_B> | thing <localizer> | |
thing <localizer_all> |
<localizer> ::= left of <thing_B> | right of <thing_B> | |
bottom of <thing_B> | top of <thing_B> |
<localizer_all> ::= left most | right most | bottom most | top most |
<thing_B> ::= dog | cat | … | thing |
<attr> ::= blue | green | red |
Temporal aspect: |
<S> ::= was <pred> <thing_A> |
<thing_A> ::= thing was <localizer> | thing was <localizer_all> |
Figure 7: BNF of the grammar used in Temporal Playground . The instantaneous grammar allows |
generating true sentences about predicates, spatial relations (one-to-one and one to all). These |
sentences are then processed by the temporal logic to produce the linguistic descriptions of our |
observations; this step is illustrated in the Temporal Aspect rules. See the main text for information |
on how these sentences are generated. |
Concept Definition. We split the set of all possible descriptions output by our grammar into four |
conceptual categories according to the rules given in Table 1. |
Concept BNF Size |
1. Basic<S> ::= <pred> <thing_A> |
152 <pred> ::= grasp |
<thing_A> ::= <thing_B> | <attr> <thing_B |
2. Spatial<S> ::= <pred> <thing_A> |
156 <pred> ::= grasp |
<thing_A> ::= < thing <localizer> | thing <localizer_all> |
3. Temporal<S> ::= <pred_A> <thing_A> | was <pred_B> <thing_A> |
648<pred_A> ::= grow |shake |
<pred_B> ::= grasp |grow |shake |
<thing_A> ::= <thing_B> | <attr> <thing_B> |
4. Spatio- |
Temporal<S> ::= <pred_A> <thing_A> | was <pred_B> <thing_A> |
1716<pred_C> <thing_C > |
<pred_A> ::= grow |shake |
<pred_B> ::= grasp |grow |shake |
<pred_C> ::= grasp |
<thing_A> ::= thing <localizer> | thing <localizer_all> | |
thing was <localizer> | |
thing was <localizer_all> | |
<thing_C> ::= thing was <localizer> | |
thing was <localizer_all> |
Table 1: Concept categories with their associated BNF. <thing_B> ,<attr> ,<localizer> and |
<localizer_all> are given in Fig. 7 |
16B Supplementary Methods |
B.1 Data Generation |
Scripted bot. To generate the traces matching the descriptions of our grammar we define a set of |
scenarii that correspond to sequences of actions required to fulfill the predicates of our grammar, |
namely grasp ,grow andshake . Those scenarii are then conditioned on a boolean that modulates them |
to obtain a mix of predicates in the present and the past tenses. For instance, if a grasp scenario is |
sampled, there will be a 50% chance that the scenario will end with the object being grasped, leading |
to a present-tense description; and a 50% chance that the agent releases the object, yielding a past |
tense description. |
Description generation from behavioral traces of the agent. For each time step, the instanta- |
neous grammar generates the set of all true instantaneous sentences using a set of filtering operations |
similar to the one used in CLEVR [ 27], without the past predicates and past spatial relations. Then |
the temporal logic component uses these linguistic traces in the following way: if a given sentence |
for a predicate is true in a past time step and false in the present time step, the prefix token ’was’ is |
prepended to the sentence; similarly, if a given spatial relation is observed in a previous time step and |
unobserved in the present, the prefix token ’was’ is prepended to the spatial relation. |
B.2 Input Encoding |
We present the input processing in Fig. 8. At each time step t, the body feature vector btand the |
object features vector oi;t,i= 1;2;3are encoded using two single-layer neural networks whose |
output are of size h. Similarly, each of the words of the sentence describing the trace (represented |
as one-hot vectors) is encoded and projected in the dimension of size h. We concatenate to the |
vector obtained a modality token mthat defines if the output belongs to the scene (1;0)or to the |
description (0;1). We then feed the resulting vectors to a positional encoding that modulates the |
vectors according to the time step in the trace for btandoi;t,i= 1;2;3and according to the position |
of the word in the description for wl. |
We call the encoded body features ^btand it corresponds to ^S0;tof the input tensor of our model (see |
Fig. 2 in the Main document). Similarly, ^oi;t,i= 1;2;3are the encoded object features corresponding |
to^Si;t,i= 1;2;3. Finally ^wlare the encoded words and the components of tensor ^W. |
We callhthe hidden size of our models and recall that j^btj=j^oi;tj=j^wlj=h+ 2. This parameter |
is varied during the hyper-parameter search. |
Object |
EncoderLanguage |
EncoderBody |
Encoder |
............bt |
bt |
oi,t |
oi,twl |
Positional |
EncodingPositional |
EncodingPositional |
Encoding |
wlm |
mm |
Figure 8: Input encoding. Body, words and objects are all projected in the same dimension. |
17B.3 Details on LSTM models |
To provide baseline models on our tasks we consider two LSTM variants. They are interesting |
baselines because they do not perform any relational computation except for relations between inputs |
at successive time steps. We consider the inputs as they were defined in Section 2.3 of the main paper. |
We consider two LSTM variants: |
1.LSTM -FLAT : This variant has two internal LSTM : one that processes the language and one |
that processes the scenes as concatenations of all the body and object features. This produces |
two vectors that are concatenated into one, which is then run through an MLP and a final |
softmax to produce the final output. |
2.LSTM -FACTORED : This variant independently processes the different body and object |
traces, which have previously been projected to the same dimension using a separate linear |
projection for the object and for the body. The language is processed by a separate LSTM . |
These body, object and language vectors are finally concatenated and fed to a final MLP and |
a softmax to produce the output. |
B.4 Details on Training Schedule |
Implementation Details. The architectures are trained via backpropagation using the Adam |
Optimizer[ 28]. The data is fed to the model in batches of 512 examples for 150 000 steps. We use a |
modular buffer to sample an important variety of different descriptions in each batch and to impose a |
ratio of positive samples of 0.1 for each description in each batch. |
Model implementations. We used the standard implementations of TransformerEncoderLayer and |
TransformerEncoder from pytorch version 1.7.1, as well as the default LSTM implementation. For |
initialization, we also use pytorch defaults. |
Hyper-parameter search. To pick the best set of parameters for each of our eight models, we |
train them on 18 conditions and select the best models. Note that each condition is run for 3 seeds |
and best models are selected according to their averaged F1score on randomly held-out descriptions |
(15% of the sentences in each category given in Table 1). |
Best models. Best models obtained thanks to the parameter search are given in Table 2. |
Model Learning rate Model hyperparams |
hidden size layer count head count param count |
UT 1e-4 256 4 8 1 :3M |
UT-WA 1e-5 512 4 8 14 :0M |
TFT 1e-4 256 4 4 3 :5M |
TFT-WA 1e-5 512 4 8 20 :3M |
SFT 1e-4 256 4 4 3 :5M |
SFT-WA 1e-4 256 2 8 2 :7M |
LSTM -FLAT 1e-4 512 4 N/A 15:6M |
LSTM -FACTORED 1e-4 512 4 N/A 17:6M |
Table 2: Hyperparameters. (for all models) |
Robustness to hyperparameters For some models, we have observed a lack of robustness to |
hyperparameters during our search. This translated to models learning to predict all observation- |
sentence tuples as false since the dataset is imbalanced (the proportion of true samples is 0.1). This |
behavior was systematically observed with a series of models whose hyperparameters are listed in |
Table 3. This happens with the biggest models with high learning rates, especially with the -WA |
variants. |
18Model Learning rate Model hyperparams |
hidden size layer count head count |
UT-WA 1e-4 512 4 4 |
UT-WA 1e-4 512 4 8 |
SFT 1e-4 512 4 4 |
SFT-WA 1e-4 512 4 8 |
SFT-WA 1e-4 512 2 4 |
SFT-WA 1e-4 512 4 4 |
TFT 1e-4 512 4 4 |
TFT-WA 1e-4 512 4 8 |
TFT-WA 1e-4 512 2 4 |
TFT-WA 1e-4 512 4 4 |
Table 3: Unstable models. Models and hyperparameters collapsing into uniform false prediction. |
C Supplementary Discussion: Formal descriptions of spatio-temporal |
meanings |
The study of spatial and temporal aspects of language has a long history in Artificial Intelligence and |
linguistics, where researchers have tried to define formally the semantics of such uses of language. |
For instance, work in temporal logic [ 2] has tried to create rigorous definitions of various temporal |
aspects of action reflected in the English language, such as logical operations on time intervals (an |
action fulfilling itself simultaneously with another, before, or after), non-action events (standing |
still for one hour), and event causality. These formal approaches have been complemented by work |
in pragmatics trying to define language user’s semantics as relates to spatial and temporal aspects |
of language. For instance, Tenbrink [43] examines the possible analogies to be made between |
relationships between objects in the spatial domain and relationships between events in a temporal |
domain, and concludes empirically that these aspects of language are not isomorphic and have their |
own specific rules. Within the same perspective, a formal ontology of space is developed in [ 4], |
whose complete system can be used to achieve contextualized interpretations of language users’ |
spatial language. Spatial relations in everyday language use are also specified by the perspective |
used by the speaker; a formal account of this system is given in [ 44], where the transferability of |
these representations to temporal relations between events is also studied. These lines of work are of |
great relevance to our approach, especially the ones involving spatial relationships. We circumvent |
the problem of reference frames by placing ourselves in an absolute reference system where the x-y |
directions unambiguously define the concepts of left,right ,top,bottom ; nevertheless these studies |
would be very useful in a context where the speaker would also be embodied and speak from a |
different perspective. As for the temporal aspect, these lines of work focus on temporal relations |
between separate events, which is not the object of our study here; we are concerned about single |
actions (as opposed to several events) unfolding, in the past or present, over several time steps. |
19D Supplementary Results |
D.1 Generalization to new observations from known sentences |
Figure 9: Generalization to new traces of observations. F1 scores of all models on the train |
sentences with new observations. UTand TFToutperform other models on all four categories of |
meanings. |
D.2 Computing Resources |
This work was performed using HPC resources from GENCI-IDRIS (Grant 2020-A0091011996). |
We used 22k GPU-hours on nvidia-V100 GPUs for the development phase, hyperparameter search, |
and the main experiments. |
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