Knowledge distillation from multi-modal to |
mono-modal segmentation networks |
Minhao Hu1;2?, Matthis Maillard2?(), Ya Zhang1(), Tommaso Ciceri2, |
Giammarco La Barbera2, Isabelle Bloch2, and Pietro Gori2 |
1CMIC, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China |
2LTCI, T el ecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France |
matthis.maillard@telecom-paris.fr |
yazhang@sjtu.edu.cn |
Abstract. The joint use of multiple imaging modalities for medical im- |
age segmentation has been widely studied in recent years. The fusion of |
information from dierent modalities has demonstrated to improve the |
segmentation accuracy, with respect to mono-modal segmentations, in |
several applications. However, acquiring multiple modalities is usually |
not possible in a clinical setting due to a limited number of physicians |
and scanners, and to limit costs and scan time. Most of the time, only |
one modality is acquired. In this paper, we propose KD-Net, a framework |
to transfer knowledge from a trained multi-modal network (teacher) to |
a mono-modal one (student). The proposed method is an adaptation |
of the generalized distillation framework where the student network is |
trained on a subset (1 modality) of the teacher's inputs (n modalities). |
We illustrate the eectiveness of the proposed framework in brain tumor |
segmentation with the BraTS 2018 dataset. Using dierent architectures, |
we show that the student network eectively learns from the teacher and |
always outperforms the baseline mono-modal network in terms of seg- |
mentation accuracy. |
1 Introduction |
Using multiple modalities to automatically segment medical images has become |
a common practice in several applications, such as brain tumor segmentation [11] |
or ischemic stroke lesion segmentation [10]. Since dierent image modalities can |
accentuate and better describe dierent tissues, their fusion can improve the seg- |
mentation accuracy. Although multi-modal models usually give the best results, |
it is often dicult to obtain multiple modalities in a clinical setting due to a |
limited number of physicians and scanners, and to limit costs and scan time. In |
many cases, especially for patients with pathologies or for emergency, only one |
modality is acquired. |
Two main strategies have been proposed in the literature to deal with prob- |
lems where multiple modalities are available at training time but some or most |
?The two rst authors contributed equally to this paper.arXiv:2106.09564v1 [cs.CV] 17 Jun 20212 M.Hu et al. |
of them are missing at inference time. The rst one is to train a generative model |
to synthesize the missing modalities and then perform multi-modal segmenta- |
tion. In [13], the authors have shown that using a synthesized modality helps |
improving the accuracy of classication of brain tumors. Ben Cohen et al. [1] |
generated PET images from CT scans to reduce the number of false positives in |
the detection of malignant lesions in livers. Generating a synthesized modality |
has also been shown to improve the quality of the segmentation of white matter |
hypointensities [12]. The main drawback of this strategy is that it is compu- |
tationally cumbersome, especially when many modalities are missing. In fact, |
one needs to train one generative network per missing modality in addition to a |
multi-modal segmentation network. |
The second strategy consists in learning a modality-invariant feature space |
that encodes the multi-modal information during training, and that allows for all |
possible combinations of modalities during inference. Within this second strat- |
egy, Havaei et al. proposed HeMIS [4], a model that, for each modality, trains a |
dierent feature extractor. The rst two moments of the feature maps are then |
computed and concatenated in the latent space from which a decoder is trained |
to predict the segmentation map. Dorent et al. [3], inspired by HeMIS, proposed |
U-HVED where they introduced skip-connections by considering intermediate |
layers, before each down-sampling step, as a feature map. This network outper- |
formed HeMIS on BraTS 2018 dataset. In [2], instead of fusing the layers by |
computing mean and variance, the authors learned a mapping function from the |
multiple feature maps to the latent space. They claimed that computing the |
moments to fuse the maps is not satisfactory since it makes each modality con- |
tribute equally to the nal result which is inconsistent with the fact that each |
modality highlights dierent zones. They obtained better results than HeMIS |
on BraTS 2015 dataset. This second strategy has good results only when one |
or two modalities are missing, however, when only one modality is available, it |
has worse results than a model trained on this specic modality. This kind of |
methods is therefore not suitable for a clinical setting where only one modality |
is usually acquired, such as pre-operative neurosurgery or radiotherapy. |
In this paper, in contrast to the previously presented methods, we propose a |
framework to transfer knowledge from a multi-modal network to a mono-modal |
one. The proposed method is based on generalized knowledge distillation [9] |
which is a combination of distillation [5] and privileged information [14]. Distil- |
lation has originally been designed for classication problems to make a small |
network (Student) learn from an ensemble of networks or from a large network |
(Teacher). It has been applied to image segmentation in [8,15] where the same in- |
put modalities have been used for the Teacher network and the Student network. |
In [15], the Student learns from the Teacher only thanks to a loss term between |
their outputs. In [8], the authors also constrained the intermediate layers of the |
Student to be similar to the ones of the Teacher. With a dierent perspective, |
the framework of privileged information was designed to boost the performance |
of a Student model by learning from both the training data and a Teacher model |
with privileged and additional information. In generalized knowledge distillation,KD-Net 3 |
one uses distillation to extract useful knowledge from the privileged information |
of the Teacher [9]. In our case, Teacher and Student have the same architec- |
ture (i.e. same number of parameters) but the Teacher can learn from multiple |
input modalities (additional information) whereas the Student from only one. |
The proposed framework is based on two encoder-decoder networks, which have |
demonstrated to work well in image segmentation [7], one for the Student and |
one for the Teacher. Importantly, the proposed framework is generic since it |
works for dierent architectures of the encoder-decoder networks. Each encoder |
summarizes its input space to a latent representation that captures important |
information for the segmentation. Since the Teacher and the Student process |
dierent inputs but aim at extracting the same information, we make the as- |
sumption that their rst layers should be dierent, whereas the last layers and |
especially the latent representations (i.e. bottleneck) should be similar. By forc- |
ing the latent space of the Student to resemble the one of the Teacher, we make |
the hypothesis that the Student should learn from the additional information |
of the Teacher. To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst time that the |
generalized knowledge distillation strategy is adapted to guide the learning of |
a mono-modal student network using a multi-modal teacher network. We show |
the eectiveness of the proposed method using the BraTS 2018 dataset [11] for |
brain tumor segmentation. |
The paper is organized as follows. First, we present the proposed framework, |
called KD-Net and illustrated in Figure 1, and how the Student learns from the |
Teacher and the reference segmentation. Then, we present the implementation |
details and the results on the BraTS 2018 dataset [11]. |
KD loss GT loss KL loss |
128×128×128×1 |
128×128×128×4 |
MaxPool3d Trilinear interpolation Softmax Conv3d InstanceNorm3d LeakyReLUReference |
segmentation |
Teacher |
Student |
Fig. 1. Illustration of the proposed framework. Both Teacher and Student have the |
same architecture adapted from nnUNet [7]. First, the Teacher is trained using only |
the reference segmentation (GT loss). Then, the student network is trained using all |
proposed losses: KL loss, KD loss and GT loss.4 M.Hu et al. |
2 KD-Net |
The goal of the proposed framework is to train a mono-modal segmentation |
network (Student) by leveraging the knowledge from a well-trained multi-modal |
segmentation network (Teacher). Except for the number of input channels, both |
networks have the same encoder-decoder architecture with skip connections. The |
multi-modal input xi=fxi |
n;n= 1:::Ngis the concatenation of the Nmodalities |
for theithsample of the dataset. Let EtandDt(resp.EsandDs) denote the |
encoder and decoder parts of the Teacher (resp. Student). The Teacher network |
ft(xi) =DtEt(xi) receives as input multiple modalities whereas the student |
networkfs(xi |
k) =DsEs(xi |
k) only one modality xi |
k,kbeing a xed integer |
between 1 and N. |
We rst train the Teacher, using only the reference segmentation as target. |
Then, we train the Student using three dierent losses: the knowledge distillation |
term, the dissimilarity between the latent spaces, and the reference segmentation |
loss. Note that the weights of the Teacher are frozen during the training of the |
Student and the error of the Student is not back-propagated to the Teacher. |
The rst two terms allow the Student to learn from the Teacher by using the |
soft prediction of the latter as target and by forcing the encoded information |
(i.e. bottleneck) of the Student to be similar to the one of the Teacher. The last |
term makes the predicted segmentation of the Student similar to the reference |
segmentation. |
2.1 Generalized knowledge distillation |
Following the strategy of generalized knowledge distillation [9], we transfer useful |
knowledge from the additional information of the Teacher to the Student using |
the soft label targets of the Teacher. These are computed as follows: |
si=(ft(xi)=T) (1) |
whereis the softmax function and T, the temperature parameter, is a strictly |
positive value. The parameter Tcontrols the softness of the target, and the higher |
it is, the softer the target. The idea of using soft targets is to uncover relations |
between classes that would be harder to detect with hard labels. The eectiveness |
of using a temperature parameter to soften the labels was demonstrated in [5]. |
The knowledge distillation loss is dened as: |
i |
(1 Dice (si;(fs(xi |
k)))) +BCE (s |
i;(fs(xi |
k)) |
(2) |
whereDice is the Dice score, BCE the binary cross-entropy measure and s |
i |
the binary prediction of the teacher. We need to binarize sisince the soft labels |
cannot be used in the binary cross-entropy. The dice score ( Dice ) measures the |
similarity of the shape of two ensembles. Hence, it globally measures how the |
Teacher and Student's segmentation maps are close to each other. By contrast, |
the binary cross-entropy ( BCE ) is computed for each pixel independently andKD-Net 5 |
therefore it is a local measure. We use the combination of these two terms to |
globally and locally measure the distance between the Student prediction and |
the Teacher soft labels. |
2.2 Latent space |
We speculate that Teacher and Student, having dierent inputs, should also |
encode dierently the information in the rst layers, the ones related to low- |
level image properties, such as color, texture and edges. By contrast, the deepest |
layers closer to the bottleneck, and related to higher level properties, should be |
more similar. Furthermore, we make the assumption that an encoder-decoder |
network encodes the information to correctly segment the input images in its |
latent space. Based on that, we propose to force the Student to learn from the |
additional information of the Teacher encoded in its bottleneck (and partially in |
the deepest layers) by making their latent representations as close as possible. |
To this end, we apply the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence as a loss function |
between the teacher and student's bottlenecks: |
LKL(p;q) =X |
iX |
jqi(j) logqi(j) |
pi(j) |
(3) |
wherepi(resp.qi) are the
attened and normalized vector of the bottleneck |
Es(xi |
k) (respEt(xi)). Note that this function is not symmetric and we put the |
vectors in that order because we want the distribution of the Student's bottleneck |
to be similar to the one of the Teacher. |
2.3 Objective function |
We add a third term to the objective function to make the predicted segmen- |
tation as close as possible to the reference segmentation. It is the sum of the |
Dice loss (Dice ) and the binary cross-entropy ( BCE ) for the same reasons as in |
Section 2.1. We call it LGT: |
i |
(1 Dice (yi;(fs(xi |
k)))) +BCE (yi;(fs(xi |
k)) |
: (4) |
whereyidenotes the reference segmentation of the ithsample in the dataset. |
The complete objective function is then: |
L=LKD+ (1 )LGT+LKL (5) |
with2[0;1] and2R+. The imitation parameter balances the in
uence |
of the reference segmentation with the one of the Teacher's soft labels. The |
greater the value, the greater the in
uence of the Teacher's soft labels. The |
parameter is instead needed to balance the magnitude of the KL loss with |
respect to the other two losses.6 M.Hu et al. |
3 Results and Discussion |
3.1 Dataset |
We evaluate the performance of the proposed framework on a publicly avail- |
able dataset from the BraTS 2018 Challenge [11]. It contains MR scans from |
285 patients with four modalities: T1, T2, T1 contrasted-enhanced (T1ce) and |
Flair. The goal of the challenge is to segment three sub-regions of brain tumors: |
whole tumor (WT), tumor core (TC) and enhancing tumor (ET). We apply a |
central crop of size 128 128128 and a random
ip along each axis for data |
augmentation. For each modality, only non-zero voxels have been normalized by |
subtracting the mean and dividing by standard deviation. Due to memory and |
time constraint, we subsample the images to the size 64 6464. |
3.2 Implementation details |
We adopt the encoder-decoder architecture described in Figure 1. Empirically, |
we found that the best parameters for the objective function are = 0:75,T= 5 |
and= 10. We used Adam optimizer for 500 epochs with a learning rate equal |
to 0.0001 that is multiplied by 0.2 when the validation loss has not decreased |
for 50 epochs. We run a three fold cross validation on the 285 training cases |
of BraTS 2018. The training of the baseline, the Teacher or the Student takes |
approximately 12 hours on a NVIDIA P100 GPU. |
3.3 Results |
In our experiments, the Teacher uses all four modalities (T1, T2, T1ce and |
Flair concatenated) and the Student uses only T1ce. We choose T1ce for the |
Student since this is the standard modality used in pre-operative neurosurgery |
or radiotherapy. |
Model comparison: To demonstrate the eectiveness of the proposed frame- |
work, we rst compare it to a baseline model. Its architecture is the same as the |
encoder-decoder network in Figure 1 and it is trained using only the T1ce modal- |
ity as input. We also compare it to two other models, U-HVED and HeMIS, using |
only T1ce as input. Results were directly taken from [3]. The results are visible |
in Table 1. Our method outperforms U-HVED and HeMIS in the segmentation |
of all three tumor components. KD-Net also seems to obtain better results than |
the method proposed in [2] (again when using only T1ce as input). The authors |
show results on the BraTS 2015 dataset and therefore they are not directly |
comparable to KD-Net. Furthermore, we could not nd online their code. Nev- |
ertheless, the results of HeMIS [4] on BraTS 2015 (in [2]) and on BraTS 2018 |
(in [3]) suggest that the observations of BraTS 2018 seem to be more dicult |
to segment. Since the method proposed in [2] has worst results than ours on a |
dataset that seems easier to segment, this should also be the case for the BraTS |
2018 dataset. However, this should be conrmed.KD-Net 7 |
Table 1. Comparison of 3 models using the dice score on the tumor regions. Results |
of U-HVED and HeMIS are taken from the article [3], where the standard deviations |
were not provided. |
Model ET TC WT |
Baseline (nnUnet [7]) 68:11:27 80 :282:44 77 :061:47 |
Teacher (4 modalities) 69:471:86 80 :771:18 88 :480:79 |
U-HVED 65:5 66 :7 62 :4 |
HeMIS 60:8 58 :5 58 :5 |
Ours 71 :671:22 81 :451:25 76:981:54 |
Ablation study: To evaluate the contribution of each loss term, we did an |
ablation study by removing each term from the objective function dened in |
Eq. 5. Table 2 shows the results using either 0 or 4 skip-connections both in the |
Student and Teacher networks. We observe that both the KL and KD loss im- |
proves the results with respect to the baseline model, especially for the enhanced |
tumor and tumor core. This also demonstrates that the proposed framework is |
generic and it works with dierent encoder-decoder architectures. More results |
can be found in the supplementary material. |
Table 2. Ablation study of the loss terms. We compare the results of the model |
trained with 3 dierent objective functions: the baseline using only the GT loss, KD- |
Net trained with only the KL term and KD-Net with the complete objective function. |
We also tested it with 0 or 4 skip-connections for both the Student and the Teacher. |
Skip |
connectionsModel Loss ET TC WT |
4 Baseline GT 68:11:27 80:282:44 77:061:47 |
4 Teacher GT 69:471:86 80:771:18 88:480:79 |
4 KD-Net GT+KL 70:001:51 80:851:82 77 :081:29 |
4 KD-Net GT+KD 69:221:19 80:541:66 76:831:36 |
4 KD-Net GT+KL+KD 71 :671:2281 :451:25 76:981:54 |
0 Baseline GT 42:953:42 69:441:37 69:411:52 |
0 Teacher GT 42:592:54 69:791:63 75:930:33 |
0 KD-Net GT+KL 47 :590:98 70:961:73 71:411:2 |
0 KD-Net GT+KD 44:81:1 70:122:42 70:191:4 |
0 KD-Net GT+KL+KD 46:232:91 70:732:47 71 :931:26 |
Qualitative results: In Figure 2, we show some qualitative results of the |
proposed framework and compare them with the ones obtained using the base- |
line method. We can see that the proposed framework allows the Student to8 M.Hu et al. |
discard some outliers and predict segmentation labels of higher quality. In the |
experiments, the student uses as input only T1ce, which clearly highlights the |
enhancing tumor. Remarkably, it seems that the Student learns more in this |
region (see Figure 2 and Table 1). The knowledge distilled from the Teacher |
seems to help the Student learn more where it is supposed to be \stronger". |
More qualitative results can be found in the supplementary material. |
Fig. 2. Qualitative results obtained using the the baseline and the proposed framework |
(Student). We show the slice of a subject with the corresponding 3 segmentation labels. |
Observations: It is important to remark that we also tried to expand the |
Student network by rst synthesizing another modality, such as the Flair, from |
the T1ce and then using it, together with the T1ce, for segmenting the tumor |
labels. Results were actually worse than the baseline and the computational |
time quite prohibitive. We also tried sharing the weights between the Teacher |
and the Student in the deepest layers of the networks to help transferring the |
knowledge. The intuition behind it was that since the bottlenecks should be the |
same, the information in the deepest layers should be handled identically. The |
results were almost identical, but slightly worse, to the ones obtained with the |
proposed framework presented in Figure 1. In this paper, we used the nnUNet[7] |
as network for the Student and Teacher, but theoretically any other encoder- |
decoder architecture, such as the one in [6], could be used.KD-Net 9 |
4 Conclusions |
We present a novel framework to transfer knowledge from a multi-modal segmen- |
tation network to a mono-modal one. To this end, we propose to use a twofold |
approach. We employ the strategy of generalized knowledge distillation and, in |
addition, we also constrain the latent representation of the Student to be similar |
to the one of the Teacher. We validate our method in brain tumor segmen- |
tation, achieving better results than state-of-the-art methods when using only |
T1ce on Brats 2018. The proposed framework is generic and can be applied to |
any encoder-decoder segmentation network. The gain in segmentation accuracy |
and robustness to errors produced by the proposed framework makes it highly |
valuable for real-world clinical scenarios where only one modality is available at |
test time. |
5 Acknowledgment |
M.Hu is grateful for nancial support from China Scholarship Council.This work |
is supported by SHEITC (No. 2018-RGZN-02046), 111 plan (No. BP0719010), |
and STCSM (No. 18DZ2270700). M. Maillard was supported by a grant of IMT, |
Fondation Mines-T el ecom and Institut Carnot TSN, through the \Futur & Rup- |
tures" program. |
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