Named Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical |
Documents: A Survey |
MAUD EHRMANN, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
AHMED HAMDI, University of La Rochelle |
ELVYS LINHARES PONTES, University of La Rochelle |
MATTEO ROMANELLO, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
ANTOINE DOUCET, University of La Rochelle |
After decades of massive digitisation, an unprecedented amount of historical documents is available in digital |
format, along with their machine-readable texts. While this represents a major step forward with respect |
to preservation and accessibility, it also opens up new opportunities in terms of content mining and the |
next fundamental challenge is to develop appropriate technologies to efficiently search, retrieve and explore |
information from this ‘big data of the past’. Among semantic indexing opportunities, the recognition and |
classification of named entities are in great demand among humanities scholars. Yet, named entity recognition |
(NER) systems are heavily challenged with diverse, historical and noisy inputs. In this survey, we present the |
array of challenges posed by historical documents to NER, inventory existing resources, describe the main |
approaches deployed so far, and identify key priorities for future developments. |
CCS Concepts: •Computing methodologies →Information extraction ;Machine learning ;Language |
resources ;•Information systems →Digital libraries and archives. |
Additional Key Words and Phrases: named entity recognition and classification, historical documents, natural |
language processing, digital humanities |
For several decades now, digitisation efforts by cultural heritage institutions are contributing an |
increasing amount of facsimiles of historical documents. Initiated in the 1980s with small scale, |
in-house projects, the ‘rise of digitisation’ grew further until it reached, already in the early 2000s, |
a certain maturity with large-scale, industrial-level digitisation campaigns [ 188]. Billions of images |
are being acquired and, when it comes to textual documents, their content is transcribed either |
manually via dedicated interfaces, or automatically via optical character recognition (OCR) or |
handwritten text recognition (HTR) [ 31,129]. As a result, it is nowadays commonplace for memory |
institutions (e.g. libraries, archives, museums) to provide digital repositories that offer rapid, time- |
and location-independent access to facsimiles of historical documents as well as, increasingly, |
full-text search over some of these collections. |
Beyond this great achievement in terms of preservation and accessibility, the availability of |
historical records in machine-readable formats bears the potential of new ways to engage with their |
contents. In this regard, the application of machine reading to historical documents is potentially |
transformative, and the next fundamental challenge is to adapt and develop appropriate technolo- |
gies to efficiently search, retrieve and explore information from this ‘big data of the past’ [ 98]. Here |
research is stepping up and the interdisciplinary efforts of the digital humanities (DH), natural |
language processing (NLP) and computer vision communities are progressively pushing forward |
the processing of facsimiles, as well as the extraction, linking and representation of the complex |
Authors’ addresses: Maud Ehrmann, maud.ehrmann@epfl.ch, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; Ahmed Hamdi, |
ahmed.hamdi@univ-lr.fr, University of La Rochelle; Elvys Linhares Pontes, elvys.linhares_pontes@univ-lr.fr, University of |
La Rochelle; Matteo Romanello, matteo.romanello@epfl.ch, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; Antoine Doucet, |
antoine.doucet@univ-lr.fr, University of La Rochelle.arXiv:2109.11406v1 [cs.CL] 23 Sep 20212 Ehrmann et al. |
Fig. 1. Swiss journal L’Impartial , issue of 31 Dec 1918. Facsimile of the first page (left), zoom on an article |
(middle), and OCR of this article as provided by the Swiss National Library (completed in the 2010s) (right). |
information enclosed in transcriptions of digitised collections. In this endeavor, information extrac- |
tion techniques, and particularly named entity (NE) processing, can be considered among the first |
and most crucial processing steps. |
Named entity recognition and classification (NER for short) corresponds to the identification of |
entities of interest in texts, generally of the types Person ,Organisation andLocation . Such entities |
act as referential anchors which underlie the semantics of texts and guide their interpretation. |
Acknowledged some twenty years ago, NE processing has undergone major evolution since then, |
from entity recognition and classification to entity disambiguation and linking, and is representative |
of the evolution of information extraction from a document- to a semantic-centric view point [ 156]. |
As for most NLP research areas, recent developments around NE processing are dominated by |
deep neural networks and the usage of embedded language representations [ 37,110]. Since their |
inception up to now, NE-related tasks are of ever-increasing importance and at the core of virtually |
any text mining application. |
From the NLP perspective, NE processing is useful first and foremost in information retrieval, |
or the activity of retrieving a specific set of documents within a collection given an input query. |
Guo et al. [ 78] as well as Lin et al. [ 118] showed that more than 70% of queries against modern |
search engines contain a named entity, and it has been suggested that more than 30% of content- |
bearing words in news text correspond to proper names [ 69]. Entity-based document indexing |
is therefore desirable. NEs are also highly beneficial in information extraction, or the activity of |
finding information within large volumes of unstructured texts. The extraction of salient facts about |
predefined types of entities in free texts is indeed an essential part of question answering [ 127], |
media monitoring [ 182], and opinion mining [ 9]. Besides, NER is helpful in machine translation [ 85], |
text summarisation [97], and document clustering [62], especially in a multilingual setting [181]. |
As for historical material (cf. Figure 1), primary needs also revolve around retrieving documents |
and information, and NE processing is of similar importance [ 35]. There are less query logs over |
historical collections than for the contemporary web, but several studies demonstrate how prevalent |
entity names are in humanities users’ searches: 80% of search queries on the national library of |
France’s portal Gallica contain a proper name [ 33], and geographical and person names dominate |
the searches of various digital libraries, be they of artworks, domain-specific historical documents, |
historical newspapers, or broadcasts [ 14,32,92]. Along the same line, several user studies emphasise |
the role of entities in various phases of the information-seeking workflow of historians [ 47,71], |
now also reflected in the ‘must-have’ of exploration interfaces, e.g. as search facets over historicalNamed Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 3 |
newspapers [ 49,145] or as automatic suggestions over large-scale cultural heritage records [ 72]. |
Besides document indexing, named entity recognition can also benefit downstream processes |
(e.g. biography reconstruction [ 64] or event detection [ 176]), as well as various data analysis and |
visualisation (e.g. on networks [ 194]). Finally, and perhaps most importantly, NER is the first step of |
entity linking, which can support the cross-linking of multilingual and heterogeneous collections |
based on authority files and knowledge bases. Overall, entity-based semantic indexing can greatly |
support the search and exploration of historical documents, and NER is increasingly being applied |
on such a material. |
Yet, the recognition and classification of NEs in historical texts is not straightforward, and |
performances are rarely on par with what is usually observed on contemporary, well-edited English |
news material [ 50]. In particular, NER on historical documents faces the challenges of domain |
heterogeneity, input noisiness, dynamics of language, and lack of resources. If some of these issues |
have already been tackled in isolation in other contexts (with e.g. user-generated text), what makes |
the task particularly difficult is their combination, as well as their magnitude: texts are severely |
noisy, domains and time periods are far apart, and there is no (or not yet) historical web to easily |
crawl to capture language models. In this context of new material, interests and needs, and in times |
of rapid technological change with deep learning, this paper presents a survey of NER research |
on historical documents. The objectives are to study the main challenges facing named entity |
recognition and classification when applied to historical documents, to inventory the strategies |
deployed to deal with them so far, and to identify key priorities for future developments. |
Section 2 outlines the objectives, the scope and the methodology of the survey, and Section 3 |
provides background on NE processing. Next, Section 4 introduces and discusses the challenges of |
NER on historical documents. In response, Section 5 proposes an inventory of existing resources, |
while Section 6 and 7 present the main approaches, in general and in view of specific challenges, |
respectively. Finally, Section 8 discusses next priorities and concludes. |
2.1 Objectives |
This survey focuses on NE recognition and classification, and does not consider entity linking nor |
entity relation extraction. With the overall objective of characterising the landscape of NER on |
historical documents, the survey reviews the history, the development, and the current state of |
related approaches. In particular, we attempt to answer the following questions: |
Q1What are the key challenges posed by historical documents to NER? |
Q2Which existing resources can be leveraged in this task, and what is their coverage in terms |
of historical periods, languages and domains? |
Q3Which strategies were developed and successfully applied in response to the challenges faced |
by NER on historical documents? Which aspects of NER systems require adaptation in order |
to obtain satisfying performances on this material? |
While investigating the answers to these questions, the survey will also shed light on the variety of |
domains and usages of NE processing in the context of historical documents. |
2.2 Document Scope and Methodology |
Cultural heritage covers a wide range of material and the document scope of this survey, centred |
on ‘historical documents’, needed to be clearly delineated. From a document processing perspective, |
there is no specific definition of what a historical document is, but only shared intuitions based on |
multiple criteria. Time seems an obvious one, but where to draw the line between historical and |
contemporary documents is a tricky question. Other aspects include the digital origin (digitised or4 Ehrmann et al. |
Title Type Discipline |
Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) proceedings CL/NLP |
Digital Humanities conference proceedings DH |
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (DSH) journal DH |
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) proceedings NLP |
International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) proceedings NLP |
International Journal on Digital Libraries journal DH |
Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities (JDMDH) journal DH |
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) journal DH |
Language Resources and Evaluation (LRE) journal NLP |
SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage proceedings CL/NLP/DH |
Table 1. Publication venues whose archives were scanned as part of this survey (in alphabetical order). |
born-digital), the type of writing (handwritten, typeset or printed), the state of the material (heavily |
degraded or not), and of the language (historical or not). None of these criteria define a clear set of |
documents and any attempt of definition resorts to, eventually, subjective decisions. |
In this survey, we consider as historical document any document of textual nature mainly, |
produced or published up to 1979, regardless of its topic, genre, style or acquisition method. The |
year 1979 is not arbitrary and corresponds to one of the most recent ‘turning points’ acknowledged |
by historians [ 26]. This document scope is rather broad, and the question of the too far-reaching |
‘textual nature’ can be raised in relation to documents such as engravings, comics, card boards or |
even maps, which can also contain text. In practice, however, NER was mainly applied on printed |
documents so far, and these represent most of the material of the work reviewed here. |
The compilation of the literature was based on the following strategies: scanning of the archives |
of relevant journals and conference series, search engine-based discovery, and citation chaining. |
We considered key journals and conference series both in the fields of natural language processing |
and digital humanities (see Table 1). For searching, we used a combination of keywords over the |
Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar search engines.1With a few exceptions, we only considered |
publications that included a formal evaluation. |
2.3 Previous surveys and target audience |
Previous surveys on NER focused either on approaches in general, giving an overview of features, |
algorithms and applications, or on specific domains or languages. In the first group, Nadeau |
et al. [ 130] provided the first comprehensive survey after a decade of work on NE processing, |
reviewing existing machine learning approaches of that time, as well as typologies and evaluation |
metrics. Their survey remained the main reference until the introduction of neural network-based |
systems, recently reviewed by Yadav et al. [ 200] and Li et al. [ 116]. The latest NER survey to date |
is the one by Nazar et al. [ 131], which focuses specifically on generic domains and on relation |
extraction. In the second group, Leaman et al. [ 111] and Campos et al. [ 29] presented a survey |
of advances in biomedical named entity recognition, while Lei et al. [ 114] considered the same |
domain in Chinese. Shaalan focused on general NER in Arabic [175], and surveys exist for Indian |
languages [ 142]. Recently, Georgescu et al. [ 68] focused on NER aspects related to the cybersecurity |
domain. Turning our attention to digital humanities, Sporlerder [ 177] and Piotrowski [ 147] provided |
general overviews of NLP processing for cultural heritage domains, considering institutional, |
documentary and technical aspects. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey on the |
application of NER to historical documents. |
1E.g. ‘named entity recognition’, ‘nerc’, ‘named entity processing’, ‘historical documents’, ‘old documents’ over https: |
//scholar.google.com and https://www.semanticscholar.org/Named Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 5 |
The primary target audiences are researchers and practitioners in the fields of natural language |
processing and digital humanities, as well as humanities scholars interested in knowing and |
applying NER on historical documents. Since the focus is on adapting NER to historical documents |
and not on NER techniques themselves, this study assumes a basic knowledge of NER principles |
and techniques; however, it will provide information and guidance as needed. We use the terms |
‘historical NER’ and ‘modern NER’ to refer to work and applications which focus on, respectively, |
historical and non-historical (as we define them) materials. |
Before delving into NER for historical documents, this section provides a generic introduction to |
named entity processing and modern NER (Section 3.1 and 3.2), to the types of resources required |
(Section 3.3), and to the main principles underlying NER techniques (Section 3.4). |
3.1 NE processing in general |
As of today, named entity tasks correspond to text processing steps of increasing level of complexity, |
defined as follows: |
(1)recognition and classification – or the detection of named entities, i.e. elements in texts |
which act as a rigid designator for a referent, and their categorisation according to a set of |
predefined semantic categories; |
(2)disambiguation/linking – or the linking of named entity mentions to a unique reference in a |
knowledge base, and |
(3) relation extraction – or the discovery of relations between named entities. |
First introduced in 1995 during the 6𝑡ℎMessage Understanding Conference [ 75], the task of NE |
recognition and classification (task 1 above) quickly broadened and became more complex, with |
the extension and refinement of typologies,2the diversification of languages taken into account, |
and the expansion of the linguistic scope with, along proper names, the consideration of pronouns |
and nominal phrases as candidate lexical units (especially during the ACE program [ 45]). Later |
on, as recognition and classification were reaching satisfying performances, attention shifted to |
finer-grained processing, with metonymy recognition [ 123] and fine-grained classification [ 57,122], |
and to the next logical step, namely entity resolution or disambiguation (task 2 above, not covered |
in this survey). Besides the general domain of clean and well-written news wire texts, NE processing |
is also applied to specific domains, particularly bio-medical [ 73,102], and to more noisy inputs such |
as speech transcriptions [ 66] and tweets [ 148,159]. In recent years, one of the major developments |
of NE processing is its application to historical material. |
Importantly, and although the question of the definition of named entities is not under focus here, |
we shall specify that we adopt in this regard the position of Nadeau et al. [ 130] for which “ the word |
‘Named’ aims to restrict [Named Entities] to only those entities for which one or many rigid designators, |
as defined by S. Kripke, stands for the referent ”. Concretely speaking, named entities correspond to |
different types of lexical units, mostly proper names and definite descriptions, which, in a given |
discourse and application context, autonomously refer to a predefined set of entities of interest. |
There is no strict definition of named entities, but only a set of linguistic and application-related |
criteria which, eventually, compose a heterogeneous set of units.3 |
Finally, let us mention two NE-related specific research directions: temporal information process- |
ing and geoparsing. This survey does not consider work related to temporal analysis and, when |
relevant, occasionally mentions some related to geotagging. |
2See e.g. the overviews of Nadeau et al. [130, pp. 3-4] and Ehrmann et al. [51]. |
3See Ehrmann [48, pp.81-188] for an in-depth discussion of NE definition.6 Ehrmann et al. |
Table 2. Illustration of IOB tagging scheme (example 1). |
Tokens (X) NER label (Y) POS Chunk |
Switzerland B-LOC NNP I-NP |
stands O VBZ I-VP |
accused O VBN I-VP |
by O IN I-PP |
Senator O NNP I-NP |
Alfonse B-PER NNP I-NP |
D’Amato I-PER NNP I-NP |
... ... ... ... |
3.2 NER in a nutshell |
3.2.1 A sequence labelling task. Named entity recognition and classification is defined as a sequence |
labelling task where, given a sequence of tokens, a system seeks to assign labels (NE classes) to this |
sequence. The objective for a system is to observe, in a set of labelled examples, the word-labels |
correspondences and their most distinctive features in order to learn identification and classification |
patterns which can then be used to infer labels for new, unseen sequences of tokens. This excerpt |
from the CoNLL-03 English test dataset [ 190] illustrates a training example (or the predictions a |
system should output): |
(1)[𝐿𝑂𝐶 Switzerland] stands accused by Senator [𝑃𝐸𝑅Alfonse D’Amato], chairman of the powerful [𝑂𝑅𝐺 |
U.S. Senate Banking Committee], of agreeing to give money to [𝐿𝑂𝐶 Poland] (...) |
Such input is often represented with the IOB tagging scheme, where each token is marked as being |
at the beginning (B), inside (I) or outside (O) of an entity of a certain class [ 155]. Fig. 2 represents |
the above example in IOB format, from which systems try to extract features to learn NER models. |
3.2.2 Feature space. NER systems’ input corresponds to a linear representation of text as a sequence |
of characters, usually processed as a sequence of words and sentences. This input is enriched with |
features or ‘clues’ a system consumes in order to learn (or generalise) a model. Typical NER |
features may be observed at three levels: words, close context or sentences, and document. At the |
morphological level, features include e.g. the word itself, its length, whether it is (all) capitalised or |
not, whether it contains specific word patterns or specific affixes (e.g. the suffixes -vitch or-sson |
for person names in Russian and Swedish), its base form, its part of speech (POS), and whether |
it is present in a predefined list. At the contextual level, features reflect the presence or absence |
of surrounding ‘trigger words’ (or combination thereof, e.g. Senator andtopreceding a person or |
location name, Committee ending an organisation name), or of surrounding NE labels. Finally, at |
the document level, features correspond to e.g. the position of the mention in the document or |
paragraph, the occurrence of other entities in the document, or the document metadata. |
These features can be absent or ambiguous, and none of them is systematically reliable; it is |
therefore necessary to combine them, and this is where statistical models are helpful. Features are |
observed in positive and negative examples, and are usually also encoded according to the IOB |
scheme (e.g. part-of-speech and chunk annotation columns in Fig. 2). In traditional, feature-based |
machine learning, features are specified by the developer (feature engineering), while in deep |
learning they are learned by the system itself (feature learning) and go beyond those specified |
above. |
3.2.3 NER evaluation. Systems are evaluated in terms of precision (P), recall (R) and F-measure |
(F-score, the harmonic mean of P and R). Over the years, different scoring procedures and measuresNamed Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 7 |
were defined in order to take into account various phenomena such as partial match or incorrect |
type but correct mention, or to assign different weights to various entity and/or error types. These |
fine-grained evaluation metrics allow for a better understanding of the system’s performance |
and for tailoring the evaluation to what is relevant for an application. Examples include the |
(mostly abandoned) ACE ‘entity detection and recognition value’ (EDR), the slot error rate (SER) or, |
increasingly, the exact vs. fuzzy match settings where entity mention boundaries need to correspond |
exactly vs. to overlap with the reference. We refer the reader to [ 130, pp.12-15], [ 116, pp.3-4] and |
[136, chapter 6]. This survey reports systems’ performances in terms of P, R and F-score. |
3.3 NER resource types |
Resources are essential when developing NER systems. Four main types of resources may be |
distinguished, each playing a specific role. |
3.3.1 Typologies. Typologies define a semantic framework for the entities under consideration. |
They corresponds to a formalised and structured description of the semantic categories to consider |
(the objects of the world which are of interest), along with a definition of their scope (their realisation |
in texts). There exist different typologies, which can be multi-purpose or domain-specific, and with |
various degrees of hierarchisation. Most of them are defined and published as part of evaluation |
campaigns, with no tradition of releasing typologies as such outside this context. Typologies form |
the basis of annotation guidelines, which explicit the rules to follow when manually annotating a |
corpus and are crucial for the quality of the resulting material. |
3.3.2 Lexicons and knowledge bases. Next, lexicons and knowledge bases provide information |
about named entities which may be used by systems for the purposes of recognition, classification |
and disambiguation. This type of resource has evolved significantly in the last decades, as a result |
of the increased complexity of NE-related tasks and of technological progress made in terms of |
knowledge representation. Information about named entities can be of lexical nature, relating to the |
textual units making up named entities, or of encyclopædic nature, concerning their referents. The |
first case corresponds to simple lists named lexica or ‘gazetteers’4which encode entity names, used |
in look-up procedures, and trigger words, used as features to guess names in texts. The second case |
corresponds to knowledge bases which encode various non-linguistic information about entities |
(e.g. date of birth/death, alma mater, title, function), used mainly for entity linking (Wikipediaand |
DBpedia [ 113] being amongst the best-known examples). With the advent of neural language |
models, the use of explicit lexical information stored in lexica could have been definitely sealed, |
however gazetteer information still proves useful when incorporated as feature concatenated to |
pre-trained embeddings [37, 89], confirming that NER remains a knowledge-intensive task [157]. |
3.3.3 Word embeddings and language models. Word embeddings are low-dimensional, dense vec- |
tors which represent the meaning of words and are learned from word distribution in running |
texts. Stemming from the distributional hypothesis, they are part of the representation learning |
paradigm where the objective is to equip machine learning algorithms with generic and efficient |
data representations [ 16]. Their key advantage is that they can be learned in a self-supervised fash- |
ion, i.e. from unlabelled data, enabling the transition from feature engineering to feature learning. |
The principle of learning and using distributional word representations for different tasks was |
already present in [ 13,37,193], but it is with the publication of word2vec, a software package which |
provided an efficient way to learn word embeddings from large corpora [ 126], that embeddings |
started to become a standard component of modern NLP systems, including NER. |
4A term initially devoted to toponyms afterwards extended to any NE type.8 Ehrmann et al. |
Since then, much effort has been devoted to developing effective means of learning word rep- |
resentations, first moving from words to sub-words and characters, and then from words to |
words-in-context with neural language models. The first generation of ‘traditional’ embeddings |
corresponds to static word embeddings where a single representation is learned for each word |
independently of its context (at the type level). Common algorithms for such context-independent |
word embeddings include Google word2vec [ 126], Stanford Glove [ 143] and SENNA [ 37]. The |
main drawbacks of such embeddings are their poor modelling of ambiguous words (embeddings |
are static) and their inability to handle out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, i.e. words not present |
in the training corpus and for which there is no embedding. The usage of character-based word |
embeddings, i.e. word representations based on a combination of its character representations, can |
help process OOV words and make better use of morphological information. Such representations |
can be learned in a word2vec fashion, as with fastText [ 21], or via CNN or RNN-based architectures |
(see Section 3.4 for a presentation of types of networks). |
However, even enriched with sub-word information, traditional embeddings are still ignorant of |
contextual information. This short-coming is addressed by a new generation of approaches which |
takes as learning objective language modelling, i.e. the task of computing the probability distribution |
of the next word (or character) given the sequence of previous words (or characters) [ 17]. By taking |
into account the entire input sequence, such approaches can learn deeper representations which |
capture many facets of language, including syntax and semantics, and are valid for various linguistic |
contexts (at the token level). They generate powerful language models (LMs) which can be used for |
downstream tasks and from which contextual embeddings can be derived. These LMs can be at the |
word level (e.g. ELMo [ 144], ULMFiT [ 88], BERT [ 43] and GPT [ 153]), or character-based such as |
the contextual string embeddings proposed by Akbik et al. [ 4] (a.k.a flair embeddings). Overall, |
alongside static character-based word and word embeddings, character-level and word-level LM |
embeddings are pushing the frontiers in NLP and are becoming key elements of NER systems, be it |
for contemporary or historical material. |
3.3.4 Corpora. Finally, a last type of resource essential for developing NER systems is labelled |
documents and, to some extent, unlabelled textual data. Labelled corpora illustrate an objective |
and are used either as a learning base or as a point of reference for evaluation purposes. Unlabelled |
textual material is necessary to acquire embeddings and language models. |
3.4 NER methods |
Similarly to other NLP tasks, NER systems are developed according to three standard families of |
algorithms, namely rule-based, feature-based (traditional machine learning) and neural-based (deep |
learning). |
3.4.1 Rule-based approaches. Early NER methods in the mid-1990s were essentially rule-based. |
Such approaches rely on rules manually crafted by a developer (or linguist) on the base of regularities |
observed in the data. Rules manipulate language as a sequence of symbols and interpret associated |
information. Organised in what makes up a grammar, they often rely on a series of linguistic pre- |
processing (sentence splitting, tokenization, morpho-syntactic tagging), require external resources |
storing language information (e.g. triggers words in gazetteers) and are executed using transducers. |
Such systems have the advantages of not requiring training data and of being easily interpretable, |
but need time and expertise for their design. |
3.4.2 Machine-learning based approaches. Very popular until the late 1990s, rule-based approaches |
were superseded by traditional machine learning approaches when large annotated corpora became |
available and allowed the machine learning of statistical models in supervised, semi-supervised, andNamed Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 9 |
later unsupervised fashion. Traditional, feature-based machine learning algorithms learn inductively |
from data on the base of manually selected features. In supervised NER, they include support vector |
machines [ 94], decision trees [ 185], as well as probabilistic sequence labelling approaches with |
generative models such as hidden markov models [ 19] and discriminative ones such as maximum |
entropy models [ 15] and linear-chained conditional random fields (CRFs) [ 109]. Thanks to their |
capacity to take into account the neighbouring tokens, CRFs proved particularly well-suited for |
NER tagging and became the standard for feature-based NER systems. |
3.4.3 Deep learning approaches. Finally, latest research on NER is largely (if not exclusively) domi- |
nated by deep learning (DL). Deep learning systems correspond to artificial neural networks with |
multiple processing layers which learn representations of data with multiple levels of abstrac- |
tion [ 112]. In a nutshell, (deep) neural networks are composed of computational units, which take |
a vector of input values, multiply it by a weight vector, add a bias, apply a non-linear activation |
function, and produce a single output value. Such units are organised in layers which compose |
a network, where each layer receives its input from the previous one and passes it to the next |
(forward pass), and where parameters that minimise a loss function are learned with gradient |
descent (backward pass). The key advantage of neural networks is their capacity to automatically |
learn input representations instead of relying on manually elaborated features, and very deep |
networks (with many hidden layers) are extremely powerful in this regard. |
Deep learning architectures for sequence labelling have undergone rapid change over the last few |
years. These developments are function of two decisive aspects for successful deep learning-based |
NER: at the architecture level, the capacity of a network to efficiently manage context, and, at the |
input representation level, the capacity to benefit from or learn powerful embeddings or language |
models. In what follows we briefly review main deep learning architectures for modern NER and |
refer the reader to Lin et al. [116] for more details. |
Motivated by the desire to avoid task-specific engineering as much as possible, Collobert et al. [ 37] |
pioneered the use of neural nets for four standard NLP tasks (including NER) with convolutional |
neural networks (CNN) that made used of trained type-level word embeddings and were learned in |
an end-to-end fashion. Their unified architecture SENNA5reached very competitive results for |
NER ( 89 .86%F-score on the CoNLL-03 English corpus) and near state-of-the-art results for the |
other tasks. Following Collobert’s work, developments focused on architectures capable of keeping |
information of the whole sequence throughout hidden layers instead of relying on fixed-length |
windows. These include recurrent neural networks (RNN), either simple [ 59] or bi-directional [ 170] |
(where input is processed from right to left and from left to right), and their more complex variants |
of long short-term memory networks (LSTM) [ 86] and gated recurrent units (GRU) [ 34] which |
mitigate the loss of distant information often observed in RNN. Huang et al. [ 89] were among the |
first to apply a bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM) network with a CRF decoder to sequence labelling, |
obtaining 90 .1%F-score on the NER CoNLL-03 English dataset. Soon, BiLSTM networks became |
the de facto standard for context-dependent sequence labelling, giving rise to a body of work |
including Lample et al. [ 110], Chiu et al. [ 110], and Ma et al. [ 121] (to name but a few). Besides |
making use of bidirectional variants of RNN, these work also experiment with various input |
representations, in most cases combining learned character-based representations with pre-trained |
word embeddings. Character information has proven useful for inferring information for unseen |
words and for learning morphological patterns, as demonstrated by the 91 .2%F-score of Ma et |
al. [121] on CoNLL-03, and the systematically better results of Lample et al. [ 110] on the same |
dataset when using character information. A more recent study by Taillé et al. [ 186] confirms the |
role of sub-word representations for unseen entities. |
5‘Semantic/syntactic Extraction using a Neural Network Architecture’.10 Ehrmann et al. |
The latest far-reaching innovation in the DL architecture menagerie corresponds to self-attention |
networks, or transformers [ 196], a new type of simple networks which eliminates recurrence and |
convolutions and are based solely on the attention mechanism. Transformers allow for keeping a |
kind of global memory of the previous hidden states where the model can choose what to retrieve |
from (attention), and therefore use relevant information from large contexts. They are mostly trained |
with a language modelling objective and are typically organised in transformer blocks, which can be |
stacked and used as encoders and decoders. Major pre-training transformer architectures include the |
Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT, a left-to-right architecture) [ 153] and the Bidirectional |
Encoder Representation from Transformer (BERT, a bidirectional architecture) [ 43], which achieves |
92 .8%NER F-score on CoNLL-03. More recently, Yamada et al. [ 201] proposed an entity-aware |
self-attention architecture which achieved 94 .3%F-score on the same dataset. Transformer-based |
architectures are the focus of extensive research and many model variants were proposed, of which |
Tay et al. [187] propose an overview. |
Overall, two points should be noted. First, that beyond the race for the leader board (based on the |
fairly clean English CoNLL-03 dataset), pre-trained embeddings and language models play a crucial |
role and are becoming a new paradigm in neural NLP and NER (the ‘NLP’s ImageNet moment’ [ 167]). |
Second, that powerful language models are also paving the way for transfer learning, a method |
particularly useful with low-resource languages and out-of-domain contexts, as is the case with |
challenging, historical texts. |
Named entity recognition on historical documents faces four main challenges for which systems |
developed on contemporary datasets are often ill-equipped. Those challenges are intrinsic to the |
historical setting, like time evolution and types of documents, and endemic to the text acquisition |
process, like OCR noise. This translates into a variable and sparse feature space, a situation com- |
pounded by the lack of resources. This section successively considers the challenges of document |
type and domain variety, noisy input, dynamics of language, and lack of resources. |
4.1 The (historical) variety space |
First, NER on historical texts corresponds to a wide variety of settings, with documents of different |
types (e.g. administrative documents, media archives, literary works, documentation of archival |
sites or art collections, correspondences, secondary literature), of different nature (e.g. articles, |
letters, declarations, memoirs, wires, reports), and in different languages, which, moreover, spans |
different time periods and encompasses various domains and countless topics. The objective here |
is not to inventory all historical document types, domains and topics, but to underline the sheer |
variety of settings which, borrowing an expression from B. Plank [ 149], compose the ‘variety space’ |
NLP is confronted with, intensified in the present case by the time dimension.6 |
Two comments should be made in connection with this variety. First, domain shift is a well- |
known issue for NLP systems in general and for modern NER in particular. While B. Plank [ 149] |
and J. Einsenstein [ 56] investigated what to do about bad and non-standard (or non-canonical) |
language with NLP in general, Augenstein et al. [ 8] studied the ability of modern NER systems |
to generalise over a variety of genres, and Taillé et al. [ 186] over unseen mentions. Both studies |
demonstrated a NER transfer gap between different text sources and domains, confirming earlier |
findings of Vilain et al. [ 197]. While no studies have (yet) been conducted on the generalisation |
6Considering there is no common grounds on what constitutes a domain and that the term is overloaded, Plank proposes |
the concept of “variety space”, defined as a “ unknown high-dimensional space, whose dimensions contain (fuzzy) aspects such |
as language (or dialect), topic or genre, and social factors (age, gender, personality, etc.), amongst others. A domain forms a |
region in this space, with some members more prototypical than others ” [149].Named Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 11 |
capacities of NER systems within the realm of historical documents, there are strong grounds to |
believe that systems are equally impacted when switching domain and/or document type. |
Second, this (historical) variety space is all the more challenging as the scope of needs and |
applications in humanities research is much broader than the one usually addressed in modern |
NLP. For sure the variety space does not differ much between today and yesterday’s documents (i.e. |
if we were NLP developers living in the 18C we would be more or less confronted with the same |
‘amount’ of variety as today), however here the difference lies in the interest for all or part of this |
variety: while NLP developments tend to focus on some well-identified and stable domains/sub- |
domains (sometimes motivated by commercial opportunities), the (digital) humanities and social |
sciences research communities are likely interested in the whole spectrum of document types and |
domains. In brief, if the magnitude of the variety space is more or less similar for contemporary and |
historical documents, the range of interests and applications in humanities and cultural heritage |
requires—almost by design—the consideration of an expansive array of domains and document |
types. |
4.2 Noisy input |
Next, historical NER faces the challenges of noisy input derived from automatic text acquisition |
over document facsimiles. Text is acquired via two processes: 1) optical character recognition (OCR) |
and handwritten text recognition (HTR), which recognise text characters from images of printed |
and handwritten documents respectively, and 2) optical layout recognition (OLR), which identifies, |
orders and classifies text regions (e.g. paragraph, column, header). We consider both successively. |
4.2.1 Character recognition. The OCR transcription of the newspaper article on the right-hand |
side of Figure 1 illustrates a typical, mid-level noise, with words perfectly readable ( la Belgique ), |
others illegible ( pu. s >s « _jnces ), and tokenization problems ( n’à’pas ,le’Conseiller ). While this does |
not really affect human understanding when reading, the same is not true for machines which |
face numerous OOV words. Be it by means of OCR or HTR, text acquisition performances can be |
impacted by several factors, including: a) the quality of the material itself, affected by the poor |
preservation and/or original state of documents with e.g. ink bleed-through, stains, faint text, and |
paper deterioration; b) the quality of the scanning process, with e.g. an inadequate resolution or |
imaging process leading to frame or border noise, skew, blur and orientation problems; or c) as per |
printed documents and in absence of standardisation, the diversity of typographic conventions |
through time including e.g. varying fonts, mixed alphabets but also diverse shorthand, accents |
and punctuation. These difficulties naturally challenge character recognition algorithms which are, |
what is more, evolving from one OCR campaign to another, usually conducted at different times by |
libraries and archives. As a result, not only the transcription quality is below expectations, but the |
type of noise present in historical machine-readable corpora is also very heterogeneous. |
Several studies investigated the impact of OCR noise on downstream NLP tasks. While Lo- |
presti [ 120] demonstrated the detrimental effect of OCR noise propagation through a typical NLP |
pipeline on contemporary texts, Van Strien et al. [195] focused on historical material and found a |
consistent impact of OCR noise on the six NLP tasks they evaluated. If sentence segmentation and |
dependency parsing bear the brunt of low OCR quality, NER is also affected with a significant drop |
of F-score between good and poor OCR (from 87%to63%for person entities). Focusing specifically |
on entity processing, Hamdi et al. [ 79,80] confronted a BiLSTM-based NER model with OCR outputs |
of the same text but of different qualities and observed a 30 percentage point loss in F-score when |
the character error rate increased from 7% to 20%. Finally, in order to assess the impact of noisy |
entities on NER during the CLEF-HIPE-2020 NE evaluation campaign on historical newspapers12 Ehrmann et al. |
(HIPE-2020 for short),7Ehrmann et al. [ 53] evaluated systems’ performances on various entity |
noise levels, defined as the length-normalised Levenshtein distance between the OCR surface form |
of an entity and its manual transcription. They found remarkable performance differences between |
noisy and non-noisy mentions, and that already as little noise as 0.1 severely hurts systems’ abilities |
to predict an entity and may halve their performances. To sum up, whether focused on a single |
OCR version of text(s) [ 195], on different artificially-generated ones [ 79], or on the noise present in |
entities themselves [ 53], these studies clearly demonstrate how challenging OCR noise is for NER |
systems. |
4.2.2 Layout recognition. Beside incorrect character recognition, textual input quality can also be |
affected by faulty layout recognition. Two problems surface here. The first relates to incorrect page |
region segmentation which mixes up text segments and produces, even with correct OCR, totally |
unsuitable input (e.g. a text line reading across several columns). Progress in OLR algorithms makes |
this problem rarer, but it is still present for collections processed more than a decade ago. The |
second has to do with the unusual text segmentation resulting from correct OLR of column-based |
documents, with very short line segments resulting in numerous hyphenated words (cf. Figure 1). |
The absence of proper sentence segmentation and word tokenization also affects performances, as |
demonstrated in HIPE-2020, in particular Boros et al [ 25], Ortiz Suárez et al . [137] and Todorov et |
al. [191] (see Section 6.3). |
Overall, OCR and OLR noises lead to a sparser feature space which greatly affects NER perfor- |
mances. What makes this ‘noisiness’ particularly challenging is its wide diversity and range: an |
input can be noisy in many different ways, and be little to very noisy. Compared to social media, |
for which Baldwin et al. [ 10] demonstrated that there exists a noise similarity from a medium to |
another (blog, Twitter, etc.) and that this noise is mostly ‘NLP-tractable’, OCR and OLR noises in |
historical documents appear as real moving targets. |
4.3 Dynamics of language |
Another challenge relates to the effects of time and the dynamics of language. As a matter of fact, |
historical languages exhibit a number of differences with modern ones, having an impact on the |
performances of NLP tools in general, and of NER in particular [147]. |
4.3.1 Historical spelling variations. The first source of difficulty relates to spelling variations across |
time, due either to the normal course of language evolution or to more prescriptive orthographic |
reforms. For instance, the 1740 edition of the dictionary of the French Academy (which had 8 |
editions between 1694 and 1935) introduced changes in the spelling of about one third of the French |
vocabulary and, in Swedish 19C literary texts, the letters <f/w/e/q> were systematically used instead |
of <v/v/ä/k> in modern Swedish [ 23]. NER can therefore be affected by poor morpho-syntactic |
tagging over such morphological variety, and by spelling variation of trigger words and of proper |
names themselves. While the latter are less affected by orthographic reforms, they do vary through |
time [23]. |
4.3.2 Naming conventions. Changes in naming conventions, particularly for person names, can also |
be challenging. Let alone the numerous aristocratic and military titles that were used in people’s |
addresses, it was, until recently, quite common to refer to a spouse using the name of her husband |
(which affects more the linking than recognition), and to use now outdated addresses, e.g. the |
French expression sieur . These changes have been studied by Rosset et al. [ 165] who compared the |
structure of entity names in historical newspapers vs. in contemporary broadcast news. Differences |
7https://impresso.github.io/CLEF-HIPE-2020/Named Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 13 |
include the prevalence of the structure title + last name vs.first + last name forPerson in historical |
newspapers and contemporary broadcast news respectively, and of single-component names vs. |
multiple-component names for Organisation (idem). Testing several classifiers, the authors also |
showed that it is possible to predict the period of a document from the structure of its entities, |
thus confirming the evolution of names over time. For their part, Lin et al. [ 117] studied the |
generalisation capacities of a state-of-the-art neural NER system on entities with weak name |
regularity in a modern corpus and concluded that name regularity is critical for supervised NER |
models to generalise over unseen mentions. |
4.3.3 Entity and context drifts. Finally, a further complication comes from the historicity of entities, |
also known as entity drift, with places, professions, and types of major entities fading and emerging |
over time. For instance, a large part of profession names, which can be used as clues to recognise |
persons, has changed from the 19C to the 21C.8This dynamism is still valid today (NEs are an open |
class) and its characteristics as well as its impact on performances is particularly well documented |
for social media: Fromreide et al. showed a loss of 10 F-score percentage points between two Twitter |
corpora sampled two years apart [ 65], and Derczynski et al. systematised the analysis with the |
W-NUT2017 shared task on novel and emerging entities where, on training and test sets with very |
little entity overlaps, the maximum F-score was only 40%[42]. Besides confirming some degree of |
‘artificiality’ of classical NE corpora where the overlap between mentions in the train and the test |
sets do not reflect real-life settings, these studies illustrate the poor generalisation capacities of |
NER systems to unseen mentions due to time evolution. How big and how quick is entity drift in |
historical corpora? We could not find any quantitative study on this, but a high variability of the |
global referential frame through time is more than likely. |
Overall, the dynamics of language represent a multi-faceted challenge where the disturbing factor |
is not anymore an artificially introduced noise like with OCR and OLR, but the naturally occurring |
alteration of the signal by the effects of time. Both phenomena result in a sparser feature space, |
but the dynamics of language appear less elusive and volatile than OCR. Compared to OCR noise, |
its impact on NER performances is however relatively under-studied, and only a few diachronic |
evaluations were conducted on historical documents so far. Worth of mention is the evaluation |
of several NER systems on historical newspaper corpora spanning ca. 200 years, first with the |
study of Ehrmann et al. [ 50], second on the occasion of the HIPE-2020 shared task [ 53]. Testing the |
hypothesis of the older the document, the lower the performance, both studies reveal a contrasted |
picture with non-linear F-score variations over time. If a clear trend of increasing recall over time |
can be observed in [ 50], further research is needed to distinguish and assess the impact of each of |
the aforementioned time-related variations. |
4.4 Lack of resources |
Finally, the three previous challenges are compounded by a fourth one, namely a severe lack of |
resources. As mentioned in Section 3.3, the development of NER systems relies on four types of |
resources—typologies, lexicons, embeddings and corpora—which are of particular importance for |
the adaptation of NER systems to historical documents. |
With respect to typologies, the issue at stake is, not surprisingly, their dependence on time |
and domain. While mainstream typologies with few ‘universal’ classes (e.g. Person ,Organisation , |
Location , and a few others) can for sure be re-used for historical documents, this obviously does not |
mean that they are perfectly suited to the content or application needs of any particular historical |
collection. Just as universal entity types cannot be used in all contemporary application contexts, |
8See for example the variety of occupations in the HISCO database: iisg.amsterdam/en/data/data-websites/history-of-work14 Ehrmann et al. |
neither can they be systematically applied to all historical documents: only a small part can be |
reused, and they require adaptation. An example is warships, often mentioned in 19C documents, |
for which none of the mainstream typologies has an adequate class. To say that typologies need |
to be adapted is almost a truism, but it is worth mentioning for it implies that the application of |
off-the-shelf NER tools–as is often done–is unlikely to capture all entities of interest in a specific |
collection and, therefore, is likely to penalise subsequent studies. |
Besides the (partial) inadequacy of typologies, the lack of annotated corpora severely impedes the |
development of NER systems for historical documents, for both training and evaluation purposes. |
While unsupervised domain adaptation approaches are gaining interest [ 154], most methods still |
depend on labelled data to train their models. Little training data usually results in inferior perfor- |
mances, as demonstrated—if proof were needed—by Augenstein et al. for NER on contemporary |
data [ 8, p. 71], and by Ehrmann et al. on historical newspapers [ 53, Section 7]. NE-annotated |
historical corpora exist, but are still rare and scattered over time and domains (cf. Section 5). This |
paucity also affects systems’ evaluation and comparison which, besides the lack of gold standards, |
is also characterised by fragmented and non-standardised evaluation approaches. The recently |
organised CLEF-HIPE-2020 shared task on NE processing in multilingual and historical newspapers |
is a first step towards alleviating this situation [53]. |
Last but not least, if large quantities of textual data are being produced via digitisation, several |
factors slow down their dissemination and usage as base material to acquire embeddings and |
language models. First, textual data is acquired via a myriad of OCR softwares which, despite the |
definition of standards by libraries and archives, supply quite disparate and heavy-to-process output |
formats [ 52,164]. Second, even when digitised, historical collections are not systematically openly |
accessible due to copyright restrictions. Despite the recent efforts and the growing awareness of |
cultural institutions of the value of such assets for machine learning purposes [ 139], these factors |
still hamper the learning of language representations from large amounts of historical texts. |
Far from being unique to historical NER, lack of resources is a well-known problem in modern |
NER [ 51], and more generally in NLP [ 96]. In the case at hand, the lack of resources is exacerbated |
by the somewhat youth of the research field and the relatively low attention towards the creation of |
resources compared to other domains. Moreover, considering how wide is the spectrum of domains, |
languages, document types and time periods to cover, it is likely that a certain resource sparsity will |
always remain. Finding ways to mitigate the impact of the lack of resources on system development |
and performances is thus essential. |
Conclusion on challenges . NER on historical documents faces four main challenges, namely |
historical variety space, noisy input, dynamics of language, and lack of resources. If none of |
these challenges is new per se—which does not lessen their difficulty—, what makes the situation |
particularly challenging is their combination, in what could somehow be qualified an ‘explosive |
cocktail’. This set of challenges has two main characteristics: first, the prevalence of the time |
dimension, which not only affects language and OCR quality but also causes domain and entity |
drifts; and, second, the intensity of the present difficulties, with OCR noise being a real moving |
target, and domains and (historical) languages being highly heterogeneous. As a result, with |
feature sparsity adding up to multiple confounding factors, systems’ learning capacities are severely |
affected. NER on historical documents can therefore be cast as a domain and time adaptation |
problem, where approaches should be robust to non-standard, historical inputs, what is more in |
a low-resource setting. A first step towards addressing these challenges is to rely on appropriate |
resources, discussed in the next section.Named Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 15 |
This section surveys existing resources for historical NER, considering typologies and annotation |
guidelines, annotated corpora, and language representations (see Section 3.3 for a presentation of |
NER resource types). Special attention is devoted to how these resources distribute over languages, |
domains and time periods, in order to highlight gaps that future efforts should attempt to fill. |
5.1 Typologies and annotation guidelines |
Typologies and annotation guidelines for modern NER cover primarily the general and bio-medical |
domains, and the most used ones such as MUC [ 76], CoNLL [ 190], and ACE [ 45] consist mainly of |
a few high-level classes with the ‘universal’ triad Person ,Organisation andLocation [51]. Although |
they are used in various contexts, they do not necessarily cover the needs of historical documents. |
To the best of our knowledge, very few typologies and guidelines designed for historical material |
were publicly released so far. Exceptions include the Quaero [ 165,166], SoNAR [ 125] and impresso |
(used in HIPE-2020) [ 54] typologies and guidelines adapted or developed for historical newspapers |
in French, German, and English. Designing guidelines and effectively annotating NEs in historical |
documents is not as easy as it sounds and peculiarities of historical texts must be taken into account. |
These include for example OCRed text, with the question of how to determine the boundaries |
of mentions in gibberish strings, and historical entities, with the existence of various historical |
statuses of entities through times (e.g. Germany has 8 Wikidata IDs over the 19C and 20C [ 55, |
pp.9-10]). |
5.2 Annotated corpora |
Annotated corpora correspond to sets of documents manually or semi-automatically tagged with |
NEs according to a given typology, and are essential for the development and evaluation of NER |
systems (see Section 3.3). This section inventories NE-annotated historical corpora documented |
in publications and released under an open license.9Their presentation is organised into three |
broad groups (‘news’, ‘literature(s)’ and ‘other’), where they appear in alphabetical order. Unless |
otherwise noted, all corpora consist of OCRed documents. |
Let us start with some observations on the general picture. We could inventory 17 corpora, whose |
salient characteristics are summarised in Table 3. It is worth noting that collecting information |
about released corpora is far from easy and that our descriptions are therefore not homogeneous. In |
terms of language coverage, the majority of corpora are monolingual, and less than a third include |
documents written in two or more languages. Overall, these corpora provide support for eleven |
currently spoken languages and two dead languages (Coptic and Latin). With respect to corpus |
size, the number of entities appears as the main proxy and we distinguish between small (< 10k), |
medium (10-30k), large (30-100k) and very large corpora (> 100k).10In the present inventory, very |
large corpora are rather exceptional; roughly one third of them are small-sized, while the remaining |
are medium- or large-sized corpora. Next, and not surprisingly, a wide spectrum of domains is |
represented, from news to literature. This tendency towards domain specialisation is also reflected |
in typologies with, alongside the ubiquitous triad of Person ,Location , and Organisation types, a |
long tail of specific types reflecting the information or application needs of particular domains. |
Finally, in terms of time periods covered, we observe a high concentration of corpora in the 19C, |
directly followed by 20C and 21C, while corpora for previous centuries are either scarce or absent. |
9Inventory as of June 2021. The Voices of the Great War corpus [ 27] is not included for not released under an open license. |
10For comparison, the CoNLL-03 dataset contains ca. 70k mentions for English and 20k for German [ 190], while OntoNotes |
v5.0 contains 194k mentions for English, 130k for Chinese and 34k for Arabic [151].16 Ehrmann et al. |
Corpus Doc. type Time period Tag set Lang. # NE s Size License |
Quaero Old Press [165] newspapers 19C Quaero fr 147,682 xl elra |
Europeana [132] newspapers 19C per,loc,org fr, de, nl 40,801 l cc0 |
De Gasperi [180] various types 20C per,gpe it 35,491 l cc by-nc-sa |
Latin NER [60] literary texts 1C bce-2C per,geo,grp la 7,175 s gpl v3.0 |
HIMERA [189] medical lit. 19C-21C custom en 8,400 s cc by |
Venetian references [36] publications 19C-21C custom Multi 12,879 m cc by |
Finnish NER [169] newspapers 19C-20C per,loc,org fi 26,588 m n/a |
droc [106] novels 17C-20C custom de 6,013 s cc by |
Travel writings [178] travelogues 19C-20C loc en 2,228 sn/a |
Czech Hist. NE Corpus [90] newspapers 19C custom cz 4,017 s cc by-nc-sa |
LitBank [12] novels 19C-20C ace(w/o wea) en 14,000 l cc by-sa |
BIOfid [2] publications 18C-20C extended GermEval de 33,545 l gpl v3.0 |
HIPE [55] newspapers 18C-21C impresso de, en, fr 19,848 m cc by-nc-sa |
BDCamões [74] literary texts 16C-21C custom pt 144,600 xl cc by-nc-nd |
Coptic Scriptorium corpora literary texts 3C-5C custom cop 88,068 l cc by |
GeoNER [104] literary texts 16C-17C geo fr 264 s lgpl-lr |
NewsEye [81] newspapers 19C-20C impresso -comp. de, fr, fi,s v 30,580 l cc by |
Table 3. Overview of reviewed NE-annotated historical corpora (ordered by publication year). |
5.2.1 News. The first group brings together corpora built from historical newspaper collections. |
With corpora in five languages (Czech, Dutch, English, French and German), news emerges as the |
best-equipped domain in terms of labelled data availability. |
The Czech Historical NE Corpus [ 91] is a small corpus produced out of the year 1872 of the |
Czech title Posel od Čerchova . Articles are annotated according to six entity types—persons, institu- |
tions, artifacts & objects, geographical names, time expressions and ambiguous entities—which, |
despite being custom, bear substantial similarities with major typologies. The corpus was manually |
annotated by two annotators with an inter-annotator agreement (IAA) of 0.86 (Cohen’s Kappa). |
Europeana NER corpora11[132] is a large-sized collection of NE-annotated historical newspaper |
articles in Dutch, French and German, containing primarily 19C materials. These corpora were |
sampled from the Europeana newspaper collection [ 133] by randomly selecting 100 pages from all |
titles for each language, considering only pages with a minimum word-level accuracy of 80%. Three |
entity types were considered (person, location, organisation), yet no IAA for the annotations is |
reported. Instead, the quality and usefulness of these annotated corpora were assessed by training |
and evaluating the Stanford CRF NER classifier (see Section 3.4.2). |
The Finnish NER corpus12[169] is composed of a selection of pages from journals and newspapers |
published between 1836 and 1918 and digitized by the national library of Finland. The OCR of this |
medium-size corpus was manually corrected by librarians and NE annotations were made manually |
for half of them, semi-automatically for the other (via the manual correction of the output of a |
Stanford NER system trained on the manually corrected subset). Overall, the annotations show a |
good IAA of 0.8 (Cohen’s kappa). |
The HIPE corpus13[55] is a medium-sized, historical news corpus in French, German and English, |
created as part of HIPE-2020. It consists of newspaper articles sampled from Swiss, Luxembourgish |
and American newspaper collections covering a time span of ca. 200 years (1798-2018). OCR |
quality of the corpus corresponds to real-life setting and varies depending on the digitisation time |
and preservation state of original documents. The corpus was annotated following the impresso |
11https://github.com/EuropeanaNewspapers/ner-corpora |
12https://digi.kansalliskirjasto.fi/opendata/submit (Digitalia (2017-2019) package). |
13Version 1.3, https://github.com/impresso/CLEF-HIPE-2020/tree/master/dataNamed Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 17 |
guidelines [ 54], which are based on and are retro-compatible with the Quaero guidelines [ 166]. |
The annotation tag set comprises 5 coarse-grained and 23 fine-grained entity types, and includes |
entity components as well as nested entities. Wrongly OCRed entity surface forms are manually |
corrected and entities are linked towards Wikidata. NERC and EL annotations reached an average |
IAA across languages of 0.8 (Krippendorf’s alpha). |
The NewsEye dataset14[81] is a large-sized corpus composed of articles extracted from news- |
papers published between mid 19C and mid 20C in French, German, Finnish, and Swedish. Four |
entity types were considered (person, location, organisation and human product) and annotated |
according to guidelines15similar to the impresso ones; entities are linked towards Wikidata and |
articles are further annotated with authors’ stances. The annotation reaches high IAAs exceeding |
0.8 for Swedish and 0.9 for German, French and Swedish (Cohen’s kappa). |
The Quaero Old Press Extended NE corpus16[165] is a very large annotated corpus composed of |
295 pages sampled from French newspapers of December 1890. The OCR quality is rather good, with |
a character and word error rates of 5% and 36.5% respectively. Annotators were asked to transcribe |
wrongly OCRed entity surface forms—similarly to what was done for the HIPE corpus—which |
makes both corpora suitable to check the robustness of NER systems to OCR noise. The annotator |
agreement on this corpus reaches 0.82 (Cohen’s Kappa). |
5.2.2 Literature(s). The second group of corpora relates to literature and is more heterogeneous in |
terms of domains and document types, ranging from literary texts to scholarly publications. |
To begin with, two resources consist of ancient literary texts. First, the Latin NER corpus17[60] |
comprises ancient literary material sampled from three texts representatives of different literary |
genres (prose, letters and elegiac poetry) and spanning over three centuries. The annotation tag set |
covers persons, geographical place names and group names (e.g. ‘Haeduos’, a Gallic tribe). Next, |
the Coptic Scriptorium corpus18is a large-sized collection of literary works written in Coptic, the |
language of Hellenistic era Egypt (3C-5C CE), and belonging to multiple genres (hagiographic |
texts, letters, sermons, martyrdoms and the Bible). Besides lemma and POS tags, this corpus also |
contains (named and non-named) entity annotations, with links towards Wikipedia. In addition to |
persons, places and organisations, the entity types include abstract entities (e.g. ‘humility’), animals, |
events, objects (e.g. ‘bottles’), substances (e.g. ‘water’) and time expressions. Entity annotations |
were produced automatically (resulting in 11k named entities and 6k linked entities), a subset of |
which was manually corrected (2,4k named entities and 1,5k linked entities). |
Then, several corpora were designed to support computational literary analysis. This is the case |
of the BDCamões Collection of Portuguese Literary Documents19[74], a very large annotated |
corpus composed of 208 OCRized texts (4 million words) representative of 14 literary genres and |
covering five centuries of Portuguese literature (16C-21C). Due to the large time span covered, texts |
adhere to different orthographic conventions. Named entity annotations correspond to locations, |
organisations, works, events and miscellaneous entities, and were automatically produced (silver |
annotations). They constitute only one of the many layers of linguistic annotations of this corpus, |
alongside POS tags, syntactic analysis and semantic roles. Next, the LitBank20[12] dataset is a |
medium-sized corpus composed of 100 English literary texts published between mid 19C and |
beginning 20C. Entities were annotated following the ACE guidelines—with the only exception |
14Version 1.0, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4573313 |
15https://zenodo.org/record/4574199 |
16http://catalog.elra.info/en-us/repository/browse/ELRA-W0073/ |
17https://github.com/alexerdmann/Herodotos-Project-Latin-NER-Tagger-Annotation |
18https://github.com/copticscriptorium/corpora |
19https://portulanclarin.net/ |
20https://github.com/dbamman/litbank18 Ehrmann et al. |
of weapons as rarely attested—and include noun phrases as well as nested entities. Finally, the |
Deutsches ROman Corpus (DROC) [ 106] is a set of 90 richly-annotated fragments of German novels |
published between 1650 and 1950. The DROC corpus is enriched with character mentions, character |
co-references, and direct speech occurrences. It features more than 50,000 character mentions, of |
which only 12% (6,013) contain proper names and thus correspond to traditional person entity |
mentions (others correspond to pronouns or appellatives). |
Next, two of the surveyed corpora in this group focus specifically on place names. First, Travel |
writings21[178] is a small corpus of 38 English travelogues printed between 1850 and 1940. Its tag |
set consists of a single type ( Location ), which encompasses geographical, political and functional |
locations, thus corresponding to ACE’s gpe,locandfacentity types altogether. Second, the |
GeoNER corpus22[104] is a very small corpus consisting of three 16C-17C French literary texts by |
Racine, Molière and Marguerite de Valois. Each annotated text is available in its original version, as |
well as with automatic and manual historical spelling normalization. Despite its limited size, this |
corpus can be a valuable resource for researchers investigating the effects of historical normalisation |
on NER. |
Finally, moving from literature to scholarly literature, three corpora should be mentioned. First, |
BIOfid23[2] is a large NE-annotated corpus composed of ca. 1000 articles sampled from German |
books and scholarly journals in the domain of biodiversity and published between 18C and 20C. The |
annotation guidelines used for this corpus build upon those used for the GermEval dataset [ 18], with |
the addition of time expressions and taxonomies ( Taxon ), i.e. systematic classifications of organisms |
by their characteristics (e.g. “northern giant mouse lemur”). Second, HIstory of Medicine CoRpus |
Annotation (HIMERA)24[189] is a small-sized corpus in the domain of medical history, consisting |
of journal articles and medical reports published between 1840 and 2013. This corpus is annotated |
with NEs according to a custom typology comprising, for example, medical conditions, symptoms, |
or biological entities. While all annotations were performed on manually corrected OCR output, the |
annotation of certain types was carried out in a semi-automatic fashion. Globally, the annotation |
reaches good IAAs of 0.8 and 0.86 for exact and relaxed match respectively (F-score). Third, the |
Venetian References corpus25[36] contains about 40,000 annotated bibliographic references from a |
corpus of books and journal articles on the history of Venice (19C-21C century) in Italian, English, |
French, German, Spanish and Latin. Components of references (e.g. author, title, publication date, |
etc.) are annotated according to a custom tag set of 26 tags, and references themselves are classified |
according to the type of work they refer to (e.g. primary vs. secondary sources). |
5.2.3 Other. We found one corpus in the domain of political writings. The De Gasperi corpus26[192] |
consists of the complete collection of public documents by Alcide De Gasperi, Italy’s Prime Minister |
in office from 1945 to 1953 and one of the founding fathers of the European Union. This large |
corpus includes 2,762 documents published between 1901 and 1954 and belonging to a wide variety |
of genres. It was automatically annotated with parts of speech, lemmas, person and place names (by |
means of TextPro [ 146]). This corpus consists of clean texts extracted from the electronic versions |
of previously published volumes. |
21https://github.com/dhfbk/Detection-of-place-names-in-historical-travel-writings |
22https://github.com/PhilippeGambette/GeoNER-corpus |
23https://github.com/FID-Biodiversity/BIOfid |
24http://www.nactem.ac.uk/himera/ |
25https://github.com/dhlab-epfl/LinkedBooksReferenceParsing |
26https://github.com/StefanoMenini/De-Gasperi-s-CorpusNamed Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 19 |
5.3 Language representations |
As distributional representations, embeddings and language models need to be trained on large |
textual corpora in order to be effective. There exist several large-scale, diachronic collections of |
historical documents, such as the Europeana Newspaper collection [ 133], the Trove Newspaper |
corpus [ 30], the Digi corpus [ 99], and the impresso public corpus [ 52] (to mention but a few), which |
are now used to acquire historical language representations. Given their usefulness in many NLP |
tasks, embeddings and language models are increasingly shared by researchers, thus constituting a |
growing and quickly evolving pool of resources that can be used in historical NER. This section |
inventories existing historical language representations, an overview of which is given in Table 4. |
5.3.1 Static embeddings. As to traditional word embeddings, we could inventory two main re- |
sources. Sprugnoli et al. [ 179] have released a collection of pre-trained word and sub-word English |
embeddings learned from a subset of the Corpus of Historical American English [ 40], considering |
37k texts published between 1860 and 1939 amounting to about 198 million words. These embed- |
dings of 300 dimensions are available according to three types of word representations: embeddings |
based on linear bag-of-words contexts (GloVe [ 143]), on dependency parse-trees (Levy et al. [ 115]), |
and on bag of character n-grams (fastText [ 21]).27Doughman et al. Doughman et al . [46] have |
created Arabic word embeddings from three Lebanese news archives, with materials published |
between 1933 and 2011.28Archive-level as well as decade-level embeddings were trained using |
word2vec with a continuous bag of words model. Given the imperfect OCRed, hyper-parameter |
tuning was used to maximise accuracy on a set of analogy tasks. |
Another set of traditional word embeddings consists of diachronic or dynamic embeddings, i.e. |
static embeddings trained on different time bins of a corpus and thereafter aligned according to |
different strategies (post-hoc alignment after training on different time bins, or incremental training). |
Such resources provide a view of words over time and are usually used in diachronic studies such |
as culturomics and semantic change, but can also be used to feed neural architectures for other |
tasks. Some of the pioneers in releasing such material were Hamilton et al. [ 82], who published a |
collection of diachronic word embeddings29for English, French, German and Chinese, covering |
roughly 19C-20C. They were computed from many different corpora by using word2vec skip-gram |
with negative sampling. Later on, Hengchen et al. [ 83] released a set of diachronic embeddings |
of the same type in English, Dutch, Finnish and Swedish trained on large corpora of 19C-20C |
newspapers.30More recently, Hengchen et al. [ 84] pursued these efforts with the publication of |
diachronic word2vec and fastText models trained on a large corpus of Swedish OCRed newspapers |
(1645-1926) (the Kubhist 2 corpus, 5.5 billion tokens). Thanks to its ability to capture sub-word |
information, their fastText model allows for retrieving OCR misspellings and spelling variations, |
thus being a useful resource for post-OCR correction and historical normalisation. |
5.3.2 Contextualised embeddings. Historical character-level LM embeddings are currently avail- |
able for German, French, and English. For historical German, Schweter et al. [ 172] have trained |
contextualised string embeddings (flair) on articles from two titles from the Europeana newspaper |
collection, the Hamburger Anzeiger (about 741 million tokens, 1888-1945) and the Wiener Zeitung |
(some 801 million tokens, 1703-1875). Resulting embeddings are part of the Flair library.31Next, |
in the context of the HIPE-2020 shared task, fastText word embeddings and flair contextualised |
27For the link to the published embeddings see https://github.com/dhfbk/Histo. |
28Models as well as evaluation details can be found at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3538880. |
29https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/histwords/ |
30https://zenodo.org/record/3270648 |
31With the ID de-historic-ha-X (HHA) and de-historic-wz-X (WZ) respectively.20 Ehrmann et al. |
Publication Type(s) Model(s) Language(s) Training Corpus |
Hamilton et al. [82] classic word embeddings PPMI, SVD, word2vec de, fr, en, cn Google Books +COHA |
Hengchen et al. [83] classic word embeddings word2vec en, nl, fi, se newspapers and periodicals |
Hengchen et al. [84] char.-based word & word embeddings fastText, word2vec sv Kubhist 2 |
Sprugnoli et al. [179] char.-based word & word embeddings dependency-based, fastText, GloVe en CHAE |
Doughman et al. [46] classic word embeddings word2vec ar Lebanese News Archives |
Ehrmann et al. [52, 55] char.-based word & char.-level LM embeddings fastText, flair de,fr,en impresso corpus |
Hosseini et al. [87] all types word2vec, fastText, flair, BERT en Microsoft British Library corpus |
Schweter et al. [172] character-level LM embeddings BERT, ELECTRA de, fr Europeana Newspaper corpus |
Bamman et al. [11] word-level LM embeddings BERT la various Latin corpora |
Table 4. Overview of available word embeddings and LMs trained on historical corpora. |
string embeddings were made available as auxiliary resources for participants.32They were trained |
on newspaper materials in French, German and English, and cover roughly 18C-21C (full details |
in [55] and [ 52]). Similarly, Hosseini et al . [87] published a collection of static (word2vec, fastText) |
and contextualised embeddings (flair) trained on the Microsoft British Library (MBL) corpus. MBL |
is a large-scale corpus composed of 47,685 OCRed books in English (1760-1900) which cover a |
wide range of subject areas including philosophy, history, poetry and literature, for a total of |
approximately 5.1 billion tokens. For each architecture, authors released models trained either on |
the whole corpus or on books published before 1850. |
Word-level LM embeddings trained on historical data are available for Latin, French, German |
and English. Latin BERT is a LM for Latin trained on 640 million tokens spanning 22 centuries.33 |
In order to reach a sufficiently large volume of training material, a wide variety of datasets was |
employed including the Perseus Digital Library, the Latin Wikipedia (Vicipaedia), and Latin texts |
of the Internet Archive. Extrinsic evaluation of the model was performed on POS tagging and word |
sense disambiguation, for which Latin BERT demonstrated state-of-the-art results. For historical |
German and French, Schweter [171] published BERT and ELECTRA models trained on two subsets |
of the Europeana newspapers corpus, consisting of 8 and 11 billion tokens for German and French |
respectively. The German models were evaluated on two historical NE datasets, on which the |
ELECTRA models over-performed the BERT ones, leading to an overall improvement on the current |
state-of-the-art results reported by Schweter and Baiter [172] . Finally, for 19C English, BERT-based |
language models trained on the MBL corpus are available in the histLM model collection [ 87]. One |
model was trained on the entire corpus, and additional models were created for different time |
slices to enable the study of linguistic and cultural changes over the 19C, by fine-tuning an existing |
contemporary model (BERT base uncased). |
Conclusion on Resources. Resources for historical NER are not numerous but do exist. A few |
typologies and guidelines adapted for historical OCRed texts were published. More and more |
annotated corpora are being released, but the 17 that we could inventory here are far from the |
121 inventoried in [ 51] for modern NE processing. They are to a large extent built from historical |
newspaper collections, a type of document massively digitised during the last years. If historical |
newspaper contents lend themselves particularly well to NER, this preponderance could also be |
taken as an early warning of the risk of reproducing the news bias already observed for contempo- |
rary NLP [ 149]. Besides, NE-annotated historical corpora show a modest degree of multilingualism, |
and most of them are published under open licenses. As per language representations, historical |
embeddings and language models are not numerous but multiply rapidly. |
32Available at files.ifi.uzh.ch/impresso/clef-hipe-2020/ and on Zenodo platform under DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3706808; Flair |
embeddings were also integrated into the Flair framework: https://github.com/flairNLP/flair. CC BY-NC 4.0 license applies. |
33https://github.com/dbamman/latin-bertNamed Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 21 |
This section provides an overview of existing work on NER for historical documents, organised by |
type of approach: rule-based, traditional machine learning and deep learning. The emphasis here |
is more on the implementation and settings of historical NER methods, while strategies to deal |
with specific challenges—regardless of the method—are presented in Section 7. Since research was |
almost exclusively done in the context of individual projects, and since there was no shared gold |
standard up to recently, system performances are often not comparable. We therefore report results |
only when computed on sufficiently large data and explicitly state when results are comparable. |
All works deal with OCRed material unless mentioned otherwise. In absence of obvious thematic |
or technical grouping criteria, they are presented in order of publication (oldest to newest). Table 5 |
presents a synthetic view of the reviewed literature. |
6.1 Rule-based approaches |
As for modern NER, first NER works dealing with historical documents were mainly symbolic. |
Rule-based systems do not require training data and are easily interpretable, but need time and |
expertise for designing the rules. Numerous rule-based systems have been developed for modern |
NER, and they usually obtain good results on well-formed texts (see Section 3.4.1). |
Early work performed NER over historical collections using the GATE language technology |
environment [ 38], which supports the manual creation of rules and gazetteers. Those work do |
not include formal evaluations but are worth mentioning as early exploration efforts, e.g. the |
adaptation of rules and gazetteers by Bontcheva et al. [ 22] to recognise Person ,Location ,Occupation |
and Status entity types in 18C English court trials. Among other difficulties, authors mention |
historical occupation names not present in gazetteers, orthographic variations (punctuation, spelling, |
capitalisation), and person name abbreviations. |
Thereafter, most systems relied on custom rule sets and made substantial use of gazetteers, with |
the objective of addressing the domain and language peculiarities of historical documents. Jones et |
al. [95] designed a rule-based system to extract named entities from the Civil War years (1861-1865) |
of the American newspaper the Richmond Times Dispatch (on manually segmented and transcribed |
issues). They focus on 10 entity types, some of them specific to the period and the material at |
hand such as warships, military units and regiments. Their system consists of three main phases: |
gazetteer lookup to extract easily identifiable entities; application of high precision rules to guess |
new names; and learning of frequency-based rules (e.g. how often Washington appears as a person |
rather than a place, and in which context). Best results are obtained for Location andDate, while |
the identification of Person ,Organisation andNewspaper titles is lower. Based on a thorough error |
analysis, authors conclude that shorter but historically relevant gazetteers may be better than long |
ones, and make a plea for the development of comprehensive domain-specific knowledge resources. |
Working on Swedish literary classics from the 19C, Borin et al. [ 23] designed a system made |
of multiple modules: a gazetteer lookup and finite-state grammars module to recognise entities, a |
name similarity module to address lexical variation, and a document centred module to propagate |
labels based on documents’ global evidence. They focused on 8 entity types and evaluated system |
modules’ performances on an incremental basis. On all types together, the best F-measure reaches |
89%, and recall is systematically lower than precision in all evaluation iterations (evaluation setting |
is partial match). The main sources of error are spelling variations, unknown names, and noisy |
word segmentation due to hyphenation in the original document. |
Grover et al. [ 77] focused on two subsets of the Journal of the House of Lords of Great Britain, |
one from the late 17C and the other from early 19C, OCRed with different systems and at different |
times. OCR quality is erratic, and suffers from numerous quotation marks as well as from the22 Ehrmann et al. |
presence of marginalia and of text portions in Latin. An in-house rule-based system, consisting of a |
set of rules applied incrementally with access to a variety of lexica, is applied to recognise person |
and place names. Before NE tagging, the system attempts to identify marginalia words and noisy |
characters in order to ignore them during parsing. The overall performance is evaluated against |
test sets of each period, which comprise significantly more person than location names. Results are |
comparable for person names for both 17C and 19C sets (ca. 75%F-score), but the earliest period has |
significantly worse performance for locations ( 24 .1%and 66 .5%). In most configurations, precision |
is slightly above recall (evaluation setting not specified, most likely exact match). An error analysis |
revealed that character misspellings and segmentation errors (broken NEs) were the main factors |
impacting performances. |
The experiments conducted by Broux et al. [ 28] are part of an initiative aiming at improving |
access to texts from the ancient world. Working with a large collection of documentary texts |
produced between 800 BCE and 800 CE, including all languages and scripts written on any surface |
(mainly papyrological and epigraphical resources), one of the objective is to develop and curate |
onomastic lists and prosopographies of non-royal individuals attested as living during this period.34 |
Authors apply a rule-based system benefiting from a huge onomastic gazetteer covering names, |
name variants and morphological variants in several ancient languages and scripts. Rules encode |
various sets of onomastic patterns specific to Greek, Latin and Egyptian (Greek names are ‘simpler’ |
than the often multiple Roman names, e.g. Gaius Iulius Caesar ) and specifically designed to capture |
genealogical information. This system is used to speed up manual NE annotation of texts, which |
in turn is used for network analysis in order to assist the creation of prosopographies. No formal |
evaluation is provided. |
Fast-forwarding to contemporary times, Kettunen et al. [ 100] experimented with NER on a |
collection of Finnish historical newspapers from late 19C - early 20C. Authors insist on the overall |
poor quality of the OCR (word level correctness around 70%−75%), as well as on the fact that |
they use an existing rule-based system designed for modern Finnish with no adaptation. Not |
surprisingly, this combination leads to rather low results with F-scores ranging from 30%to45% |
for the 8 targeted entity types (evaluation setting is exact match). The main sources of errors are |
bad OCR and multi-word entities. |
A recent work by Platas et al. [ 150] focuses on a set of manually transcribed Medieval Spanish texts |
(12C-15C) covering various genres such as legal documents, epic poetry, narrative, or drama. Based |
on the needs of literary scholars and historians, the authors defined a custom entity typology of 8 |
main types (plus sub-types). It covers traditional but also more specific types for the identification |
of name parts, especially relevant for Medieval Spanish person names featuring many attributes |
and complex syntactic structures ( Don Alfonso por la gracia de Dios rey de Castiella de Toledo de |
Leon de Gallizia de Seuilla de Cordoua de Murcia e de Jaen ). The system is composed of several |
modules dedicated to recognising names using rules and/or gazetteers, increasing the coverage |
using variant generation and matching, and recognising person attributes using dependency parsing. |
Evaluated on a manually annotated corpus representative of the time periods and genres of the |
collection, the system reached satisfactory results with an overall F-score of 77%, ranging from |
74%to87%depending on the entity type (evaluation setting is exact match). As usual, recall is |
lower than precision, but differences are not high. Although these numbers are lower than what |
neural-based systems can achieve, this demonstrates the capacities and suitability of a carefully |
designed rule-based system. |
34Onomastic relates to the study of the history and origin of proper names (Oxford English dictionary), and prosopography |
relates to the collection and study of information about a person.Named Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 23 |
Finally, it is also worth mentioning a series of work on the geoparsing of historical and literary |
texts. With the aim of analysing the interplay between geographical and fictional landscapes, |
Moncla et al . [128] experimented with a rule-based system relying on extensive gazetteers to |
recognise names of streets, houses, bridges, etc. in French Parisian novels from the 19C. With |
spatial entities featuring a high degree of regularity, the system reached very good results on a |
relatively small test set (evaluation settings are not entirely clear). Adapting the existing Edinburgh |
Geoparser system (derived from Grover et al . [77] above) for historical texts, Alex et al. [ 5] carried |
out experiments to recognise place names in different types of 19C British historical documents. |
Besides the impact of OCR errors, main observations are that it is essential to perform place and |
person name recognition in tandem in order to better handle homonyms—even when dealing with |
place names only—, and that gazetteers need substantial adaptation, with careful switching on |
and off of standard vs domain-specific lexica. This system was also applied on a set of historical |
Edinburgh-specific documents, this time targeting fine-grained location names and considering |
three types of material: OCRed documents from 19C British novels, manually crowd-corrected |
OCRed texts from the Project Gutenberg collection, and contemporary (born-digital) texts from |
Scottish authors [ 7]. Not surprisingly, place name recognition performs best on contemporary texts |
(but remains low with an F-score of 75%), worst on historical OCRed text (F-score 68%), and roughly |
in-between on crowd-corrected OCRed documents (F-score 72%). Precision scores are similar across |
the three collections, but recall scores vary considerably. Much research has been done on the |
geoparsing of cultural heritage material but is not further surveyed here. |
Conclusion on rule-based approaches . Symbolic approaches were applied on a large variety |
of document types, domains and time periods (see Table 5 for an overview of characteristics). |
In general, rule-based systems are modular and almost systematically include gazetteer lookup, |
rule incremental application, and variant matching. They have difficulties dealing with noisy and |
historical input, for which they require normalisation rules and additional linguistic knowledge. |
The number of work we could inventory, from the beginning of the 2000s until today, confirms |
the long-standing need for NER on historical documents as well as the suitability of symbolic |
approaches that can be better dealt with by non experts. Research nevertheless moved away from |
such systems in favour of machine learning ones. |
6.2 Traditional Machine Learning Approaches |
Machine learning algorithms inductively learn statistical models from annotated data on the basis of |
manually selected features (see Section 3.4.2). Heavily researched and applied in the 2000s, machine |
learning-based approaches contributed strong baselines for mainstream NER, and were rapidly |
adopted for NER on historical documents. In this section we review the usage of such traditional, |
pre-neural machine learning approaches on historical material, first considering works which apply |
already existing models, second which train new ones. |
6.2.1 Applying existing models. Early achievements adopted the ‘off-the-shelf’ strategy with the |
application of pre-trained NER systems or web services to various historical documents, mainly |
with the objectives of assessing baselines and/or comparing system performances. This is the |
case of Rodriquez et al. [ 163], who compared the performances of four NER systems (Stanford |
CRF classifier, OpenNLP, AlchemyAPI, and OpenCalais) on two English datasets related to WWII: |
individual Holocaust survivor testimonies from the Wiener Library of London and letters of soldiers |
from King’s College archive. Evaluated on a small dataset, the recognition of Person ,Location and |
Organization reached an F-score between 47%and 54%for the testimonies (Stanford CRF being the |
most accurate), and between 32%and 36%for the letters (OpenCalais performing best). Surprisingly, |
running the same evaluation on manually corrected OCR did not improve results significantly.24 Ehrmann et al. |
Major sources of errors were different ways of naming and metonymy phenomena (e.g. warships |
named after people), and lack of background knowledge, especially for organisations. |
Along the same line, Ehrmann et al. [ 50] conducted experiments on French historical newspapers |
on a diachronic basis (covering 200 years) for the types Person andLocation , with the objective of |
investigating whether NER performance degrades when going back in time. Their study includes |
four systems representative of major approaches for NER: a rule-based system, a supervised machine |
learning one (MaxEnt classifier), and two proprietary web services offering NER functionalities |
(AlchemyAPI and DandelionAPI). They showed that, compared to a baseline on contemporary news, |
all systems feature degraded performances, both in absolute terms and over time (maximum of 67 .6% |
F-score for person names for the best system, with exact match). As for time-based observation, |
precision is quite irregular, with several ups and downs for all systems for both entity types, but |
recall shows less variability and a slight but regular increase for Person , suggesting that person |
names are less stable than location names and therefore better recognised when more recent. |
Focusing on the impact of historical language normalisation (in this respect see also Section |
7.2), Kogkitsidou et al. [ 104] also used and benchmarked several systems (rule-based and machine |
learning) for the recognition of Location names in French literary texts from the 16C and 17C. |
When applied without any adaptation, systems features very diverse performances, from very low |
(36%) to reasonable ( 70%) F-scores, with rule-based ones being better at precision, and machine |
learning ones at recall. |
Ritze et al. [ 160] worked on historical records of the English High Court of Admiralty of the |
17C and used the Stanford CRF classifier with its default English model to recognise Person and |
Location types (others were considered but not evaluated). Given the very specific domain of this |
corpus, obtained results were reasonable, with a precision in the 77%for both types (recall was not |
reported). |
Finally, some adopt the approach of ensembling systems, i.e. of considering NE predictions not |
from one but several recognisers, according to various voting strategies. Packer et al. [ 138] applied |
three algorithms (dictionary-based, regular expressions-based, and HMM-based) in isolation and in |
combination for the recognition of person names in various types of English OCRed documents. |
They observed increased performances (particularly a better P/R balance) with a majority vote |
ensembling. Won et al. [ 198] worked on British personal archives from 16C and 17C and applied |
five different systems to recognise place names. They too observed that the combination of multiple |
systems through a majority vote (with a minimum of two to a maximum of three votes) was able to |
consistently outperform the individual NER systems. |
Mere application of existing systems, these work illustrate the inadequacy of already trained |
NER models for historical texts. Performances (and settings) of these baseline studies are extremely |
diverse, but the following constants are observed: recall is always the most affected, and the Location |
type is usually the most robust. |
6.2.2 Training models. Other work trained NER systems anew on custom material. Early attempts |
include the experiments of Nissim et al. [ 135] on Location entity type in manually transcribed |
Scottish parish registers of the late 18C and early 19C. They trained a maximum entropy tagger |
with its in-built standard features on a dataset of ca. 6000 location mentions and obtained very |
satisfying performance ( 94 .2%F-score), which they explained by the custom training data and the |
binary classification task (location vs non-location). |
Subsequently, the most frequently used system is the Stanford CRF classifier35[63], particularly |
on historical newspapers. Working with the press collection of the National Library of Australia, |
Kim et al. [ 103] evaluated two Stanford CRF models, the default English one trained on CoNLL-03 |
35https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/CRF-NER.htmlNamed Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 25 |
Publication Domain Document type Time period Language(s) System Comp. |
Rule-based |
Bontcheva et al. [22] legal court trials 18C en-GB rule-based |
Jones et al. [95] news newspapers mid 19C en-US rule-based |
Borin et al. [23] literature literary classics 19C sv rule-based |
Grover et al. [77] state parliamentary proc. 17C & 19C en-GB rule-based |
Broux and Depauw [28] state papyri 4C-1C bce egy, el, la lookup |
Kettunen et al. [100] news newspapers 19C-20C fi rule-based |
Alex et al. [5] state/literature parl. proc./classics var en-scotland lookup |
Alex et al. [7] literature novels 19C en-scotland lookup |
Moncla et al. [128] literature novels 19C fr lookup |
Platas et al. [150] literature poetry, drama 12C-15C es rule-based |
Traditional machine learning |
Nissim et al. [135] admin parish registers 18C-19C en-scotland MaxEnt |
Packer et al. [138] mix various - en ensemble |
Rodriquez et al. [163] egodocs letters & testimonies WWII en-GB several |
Galibert et al. [67] news newspapers 19C fr several |
Dinarelli et al. [44] news newspapers 19C fr CRF+PCFG |
Ritze et al. [160] state admiralty court rec. 17C en-GB CRF |
Neudecker et al. [134] news newspapers 19C-20C de, fr, nl CRF |
Passaro et al. [141] state war bulletins 20C it CRF |
Kim et al. [103] news newspapers - en CRF |
Ehrmann et al. [50] news newspapers 19C-20C fr several |
Aguilar et al. [1] news medieval charters 10C-13C la CRF |
Erdmann et al. [60] literature classical texts 1C bce-2C la CRF |
Ruokolainen et al. [169] news newspapers 19C-20C fi CRF+gaz |
Won et al. [198] egodocs letters 17-18C en-GB ensemble |
El Vaigh et al. [58] news newspapers ( hipe) 19C-20C de, en, fr CRF |
Kogkitsidou et al. [104] literature theatre and memoirs 16C-17C French several |
Deep Learning |
Riedl et al. [158] news newspapers 19C-20C de BiLSTM-CRF ♢ |
Rodrigues A. et al. [162] bibliometry journals & monographs 19C-20C multi BiLSTM-CRF |
Sprugnoli [178] literature travel writing 19C-20C en-US BiLSTM-CRF |
Ahmed et al. [2] biodiversity scholarly pub. 19C-20C de BiLSTM-CRF |
Kew et al. [101] literature alpine texts 19C-20C multi BiLSTM-CRF |
Schweter et al. [172] news newspapers 19C-20C de BiLSTM-CRF ♢ |
Labusch et al. [108] news newspapers 19C-20C de BERT ♢ |
Dekhili and Sadat [41] news newspapers ( hipe) 19C-20C fr BiLSTM-CRF ♦ |
Ortiz S. et al. [137] news newspapers ( hipe) 19C-20C fr, de BiLSTM-CRF ♦ |
Kristanti et al. [105] news newspapers ( hipe) 19C-20C en, fr BiLSTM-CRF ♦ |
Provatorova et al. [152] news newspapers ( hipe) 19C-20C de, en, fr BiLSTM-CRF ♦ |
Todorov et al. [191] news newspapers ( hipe) 19C-20C de, en, fr BiLSTM-CRF ♦ |
Schweter et al. [173] news newspapers ( hipe) 19C-20C de BiLSTM-CRF ♦ |
Labusch et al. [107] news newspapers ( hipe) 19C-20C de, en, fr BERT ♦ |
Ghannay et al. [70] news newspapers ( hipe) 19C-20C fr ♦ |
Boros et al. [25] news newspapers ( hipe) 19C-20C de, en, fr BERT ♦ |
Swaileh et al. [184] economy financial yearbooks 20C de, fr BiLSTM-CRF |
Yu et al. [203] history state official books 1 bce-17C zh BERT |
Hubková et al. [91] news newspapers 19C-20C cz BiLSTM |
Table 5. Historical NER literature overview. Papers are grouped by family of approaches and ordered by |
publication year. ‘ Comp. ’ stands for comparable and denotes works whose results are obtained on same test |
sets.26 Ehrmann et al. |
English data, and a custom one trained on 600 articles of the Trove collection (the time period of the |
sample is not specified). Interestingly, the model trained on in-domain data did not outperform the |
default one, and both yielded F-scores around 75%forPerson andLocation , with a drop below 50%for |
Organisation . Neudecker et al. [ 134] focused on newspaper material in French, German and Dutch |
from the Europeana collection [ 132], on which they trained a Stanford CRF model with additional |
gazetteers. The 4-fold cross-evaluation yielded F-scores in the range of 70-80% for Dutch and French, |
while no results were reported for German. For both languages, recall was significantly lower than |
precision. Working on Finnish historical newspapers, Ruokolainen et al. [ 169] considered Person |
andLocation and trained the Stanford CRF classifier on manually corrected OCRed material, with |
large gazetteers covering inflected forms. The model gave satisfying performances with F-scores of |
87%(location) and 80%(person) on a test set taken from the same manually corrected data, and of |
78%and 71%on non-corrected OCR texts (with recall being lower than precision). This time on |
French, and taking advantage of the Quaero Old Press corpus, Galibert et al. [ 67] organised a small |
evaluation campaign where three anonymous systems participated. Stochastic systems performed |
best (especially on noisy entities), with an F-score of 65 .2%across all types (person, location and |
organisation). Also working on French newspapers in the context of HIPE-2020, Elvaigh et al. [ 58] |
(slightly) fine-tuned the CRF baseline provided by the organisers and reached 66%on all types |
(exact match), two points more than the baseline. |
Going back in time, Aguilar et al. [ 1] experimented NER on manually transcribed Latin medieval |
charters from the 10C to 13C. Focusing on person and place names, they used dedicated pre- |
processing and trained a CRF classifier using the Wapiti toolkit.36Results are remarkable, on |
average in the 90%for both types, certainly due to the regularity of the documents in terms of |
names, naming conventions, context and overall structure. |
Finally, Passaro et al. [ 141] attempted to extract entities from WWI and WWII Italian official |
war bulletins. They focused on the traditional entity types, plus Military organisations ,Ships and |
Airplanes . The Stanford system was trained (without gazetteers) on semi-automatically annotated |
data from the two periods as well as on contemporary Italian news, and various experiments mixing |
in- vs. out-of-time data were carried out. Results showed that performances are highest when |
the model is trained on data close in time, that entities of type Location are systematically better |
recognised, and that custom types (ships, military organisations, etc.) are poorly recognised. |
Conclusion on traditional machine learning approaches. Overall, the availability of machine |
learning-based NER systems that could either be applied as such or trained on new material greatly |
fostered a second wave of experiments on historical documents. Settings are quite diverse, and |
so are the performances, but F-scores are usually in the order of 60−70%, which is significantly |
lower than those usually obtained on contemporary material (frequently in the 90%). The Stanford |
CRF classifier is by far the most commonly used, as well as CRF in general. Not surprisingly, |
performances are higher when systems are trained on in-domain material. |
6.3 Deep Learning Approaches |
Latest developments in historical NER are dominated by deep learning techniques which have |
recently shown state-of-the-art results for modern NER. Deep learning-based sequence labelling |
approaches rely on word and character distributed representations and learn sentence or sequence |
features during end-to-end training. Most models are based on BiLSTM architectures or self- |
attention networks, and use a CRF layer as tag decoder to capture dependencies between labels (see |
Section 3.4.3). Building on these results, much work attempt to apply and/or adapt deep learning |
approaches to historical documents, under different settings and following different strategies. |
36https://wapiti.limsi.fr/Named Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 27 |
6.3.1 Preliminary comments. Let us begin with some observations on the main lines of research. |
In a feature learning context the crucial point is, by definition, the capacity of the model to learn |
or reuse appropriate knowledge for the task at hand. Given a situation of time and domain shifts |
and of resource scarcity, what is at stake for neural-based historical NER approaches is to capture |
historical language idiosyncrasies (including OCR noise) and to adequately leverage previously |
learned knowledge — a process made increasingly possible with the usage of pre-trained language |
models in a transfer learning context. Transfer learning (TL) refers to a set of methods which |
aims at leveraging knowledge from a source setting and adapting it to a target setting [ 140]. TL is |
not new in NLP but was recently given considerable momentum, in particular sequential transfer |
learning where the source task (e.g. language modeling) differs from the target task (e.g. NER). |
In this supervised TL setting, a widely used process is to first learn representations on a large |
unlabelled corpus (source), before adapting them to a specific task using labelled data (target). The |
previously learned model can be adapted to the target task in different ways, the most frequent |
being weight adaptation, where pre-trained weights are either kept unchanged (‘frozen’) and used |
as features in the downstream model (feature extraction), or fine-tuned to the target task and used |
as initialisation in the downstream model (fine-tuning) [168]. |
To date, most DL approaches to historical NER have primarily focused on experimenting with |
a) different input representations, that is to say embeddings of different granularity (character, |
sub-word, word), learned at the type or token level (static vs. contextualised) and derived from |
domain data or not (in vs. out-of-domain), and b) different transfer learning strategies. Those aspects |
are often intermingled in various experiments reported in the literature, which does not easily lend |
itself to a clear-cut narrative outline. The discussion which follows is organised according to the |
demarcation line ‘words vs. words-in-context’, complemented with observations on TL settings and |
types of networks. However imperfect this line is, it reflects the recent evolution of incorporating |
more context and of testing all-round language models in historical settings. As a complement, |
and in order to frame further the discussion, we identified a set of key research questions from the |
types of experiments reported in publications, summarised in Table 6. |
6.3.2 Approaches based on static embeddings. First attempts are based on state-of-the-art BiLSTM- |
CRF and investigate the transferability of various types of pre-trained static embeddings to historical |
material. They all use traditional CRFs as baseline. |
Focusing on location names in 19-20C English travelogues,37Sprugnoli [ 178] compares two |
classifiers, Stanford CRF and BiLSTM-CRF, and experiment with different word embeddings: GloVe |
embeddings, based on linear bag-of-words contexts and trained on Common Crawl data [ 143], |
Levy and Goldberg embeddings, produced from the English Wikipedia with a dependency-based |
approach [ 115], and fastText embeddings, also trained on the English Wikipedia but using sub-word |
information [ 21]. Additionally to these pre-trained vectors, Sprugnoli trains each embedding type |
afresh on historical data (a subset of the Corpus of Historical American English), ending up with |
3×2 input options for the neural model. Both classifiers are trained on a relatively small labelled |
corpus. Results show that the neural approach performs systematically and remarkably better than |
CRF, with a difference ranging from 11 to 14 F-score percentage points, depending on the word |
vectors used (best F-score is 87.4 %). If in-domain supervised training improves the F-score of the |
Stanford CRF module, it is worth noting that the gain is mainly due to recall, the precision of the |
English default model remaining higher. In this regard, the neural approach shows a better P/R |
balance across all settings. With respect to embeddings, linear bag-of-words contexts (GloVe) prove |
to be more appropriate (at least in this context), with its historical embeddings yielding the highest |
scores across all metrics (fastText following immediately after). A detailed examination of results |
37Corpus presented in Section Ehrmann et al. |
Research questions Experiments Publication |
Input representation |
Which type of embedding is best? |
Test different static embedding algorithms [178] |
Test different static embedding granularity [162] |
Use modern static embeddings (word2vec, fastText) [91] |
Use modern char-level LM embeddings (Flair) [184] |
Use modern word-level LM embeddings (BERT, ELMo) [70, 152, 203] |
Uses stack of modern embeddings [105, 137, 162] |
Transfer learning |
How well modern embeddings can transfer to historical texts? |
What is the impact of in-domain embeddings? |
Is more task-specific labelled data more helpful than big or in-domain LMs? |
Test modern vs. historical static embeddings [158] |
Test modern vs. historical char-level LM embeddings [41, 101, 137, 172, 173] |
Test modern vs. historical word-level LM embeddings [2, 108, 172] |
Test stack of embeddings [2, 25, 108, 172, 173, 191] |
Test feature extraction (frozen) vs. fine-tuning [91, 152, 162] |
Test different training corpus sizes [2, 105, 158] |
Test cross-corpus model application [25, 105, 108, 158, 191] |
Test cross-corpus model training [158] |
Neural architecture |
How neural approaches compare to traditional CRFs? |
What is the best neural architecture with which decoder? |
Compare BiLSTM and traditional CRF [137, 158, 162, 178] |
Compare CRF decoder vs. softmax decoder [162] |
Compare BiLSTM and LSTM [91] |
Test single vs. multitask learning [162, 191] |
Compare transformers and BiLSTM [25] |
Table 6. Synthetic view of DL experiments mapped with research questions. |
reveals an uneven impact of in-domain embeddings, leading either to higher precision but lower |
recall (Levy and GloVe), or higher recall but lower precision (fastText and GloVe). Overall, this |
work shows the positive impact of in-domain training data: the BiLSTM-CRF approach, combined |
with in-domain training set and in-domain historical embeddings, systematically outperforms the |
linear CRF classifier. |
In the context of reference mining in the arts and humanities, Rodriguez et al. [ 162] also inves- |
tigate the benefit of BiLSTM over traditional CRFs, and of multiple input representations. Their |
experiments focus on three architectural components: input layer (word and character-level word |
embeddings), prediction layers (Softmax and CRF), and learning setting (multi-task and single-task). |
Authors consider a domain-specific tagset of 27 entity types covering reference components (e.g. |
author, title, archive, publisher) and work with 19-21C scholarly books and journals featuring a |
wide variety of referencing styles and sources.38While character-level word embeddings, likely to |
38Corpus presented in Section 5.2.2Named Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 29 |
help with OCR noise and rare words, are learned either via CNN or BiLSTM, word embeddings |
are based on word2vec and are tested under various settings: present or not, pre-trained on the in- |
domain raw corpus or randomly initialised, and frozen or fined-tuned on the labelled corpus during |
training. Among those settings, the one including in-domain word embeddings further fine-tuned |
during training and CRF prediction layer yields the best results ( 89 .7%F-score). Character-level |
embeddings provide a minor yet positive contribution, and are better learned via BiLSTM than |
with CNN. The BiLSTM architecture outperforms the CRF baseline by a large margin (+ 7%), except |
for very infrequent tags. Overall, this work confirms the importance of word information (rather |
in-domain, though here results with generic embeddings were not reported) and the remarkable |
capacities of a BiLSTM network to learn features, better decoded by a CRF classifier than a softmax |
function. |
Working with Czech historical newspapers,39Hubková et al. [ 91] target the recognition of |
five generic entity types. Authors experiment with two neural architectures, LSTM and BiLSTM, |
followed by a softmax layer. Both are trained on a relatively small labelled corpus (4k entities) and |
fed with modern fastText embeddings (as released by the fastText library) under three scenarios: |
randomly initialised, frozen, and fine-tuned. Character-level word embeddings are not used. Results |
show that the BiLSTM model based on pre-trained embeddings with no further fine-tuning performs |
best ( 73%F-score). Authors do not comment on the performance degradation resulting from fine- |
tuning, but one reason might be the small size of the training data. |
Rather than aiming at calibrating a system to a specific historical setting, Riedl et al. [ 158] |
adopt a more generic stance and investigate the possibility of building a German NER system |
that performs at the state of the art for both contemporary and historical texts. The underlying |
question—whether one type of model can be optimised to perform well across settings— naturally |
resonates with the needs of cultural heritage institution practitioners (see also Schweter et al. [ 172] |
and Labush et al. [ 108] hereafter). Experimental settings consist of: two sets of German labelled |
corpora, with large contemporary datasets (CoNNL-03 and GermEval) and small historical ones |
(from the Friedrich Temann and Austrian National library); two types of classifiers, CRFs (Stanford |
and GermaNER) and BiLSTM-CRF; finally, for the neural system, usage of fastText embeddings |
derived from generic (Wikipedia) and in-domain (Europeana corpus) data. On this base, authors |
perform three experiments. The first investigates the performances of the two types of systems on |
the contemporary datasets. On both GermEval and CoNNL, the BiLSTM-CRF models outperform the |
traditional CRF ones, with Wikipedia-based embeddings yielding better results than the Europeana- |
based ones. It is noteworthy that the GermaNER CRF model performs better than the LSTM of |
Lample et al. [ 110] on CoNLL-03, but suffers from low recall compared to BiLSTM. The second |
experiment focuses on all-corpora crossing, with each system being trained and evaluated on all |
possible combinations of contemporary and historical corpora pairs. With no surprise, best results |
are obtained when models are trained and evaluated on the same material. Interestingly, CRFs |
perform better than BiLSTM in the historical setting (i.e. train and test sets from historical corpora) |
by quite a margin, suggesting that although not optimised for historical texts, CRFs are more robust |
than BiLSTM when faced with small training datasets. The type of embeddings (Wikipedia vs. |
Europeana) plays a minor role in the BiLSTM performance in the historical setting. Ultimately, the |
third experiment explores how to overcome this neural net dependence on large data with domain |
adaptation transfer learning: the model is trained on a contemporary corpus until convergence and |
then further trained on a historical one for a few more epochs. Results show consistent benefits |
for BiLSTM on historical datasets (ca. +4 F-score percentage points). In general, main difficulties |
relate to OCR mistakes and wrongly hyphenated words due to line breaks, and to the Organisation |
39Corpus presented in Section 5.2.130 Ehrmann et al. |
type. Overall, this work shows that BiLSTM and CRF achieve similar performances in a small-data |
historical setting, but that BiLSTM-CRF outperforms CRF when supplied with enough data or in a |
transfer learning setting. |
This first set of work confirms the suitability of the state-of-the-art BiLSTM-CRF approach for |
historical documents, with the major advantage of not requiring feature engineering. Provided |
that there is enough in-domain training data, this architecture obtains better performances than |
traditional CRFs (the latter performing on par or better otherwise). In-domain pre-training of static |
word embeddings seems to contribute positively, although to various degrees depending on the |
experimental settings and embedding types. Sub-word information (either character embeddings |
or character-based word embeddings) also appears to have positive effect. |
6.3.3 Approaches based on character-level LM embeddings. Approaches described above rely on |
static, token-level word representations which fail to capture context information. This drawback |
can be overcome by context-dependent representations derived from the task of modelling language, |
either as distribution over characters, such as the Flair contextual string embeddings [ 3], or over |
words, such as BERT [ 43] and ELMo [ 144] (see Section 3.3.3). Such representations have boosted |
performances of modern NER and are also used in the context of historical texts. This section |
considers work based on character-based contextualised embeddings (flair). |
In the context of the CLEF-HIPE-2020 shared task [ 53], Dekhili et al. [ 41] proposed different |
variations of a BiLSTM-CRF network, with and without the in-domain HIPE flair embeddings |
and/or an attention layer. The gains of adding one or the other or both are not easy to interpret, |
with uneven performances of the model variants across NE types. Their overall F-scores range from |
62%to65%under the strict evaluation regime. For some entity types the CRF baseline is better than |
the neural models, and the benefit of in-domain embeddings is overall more evident than the one |
of the attention layer (which proved more useful in handling metonymic entities). |
Kew et al . [101] address the recognition of toponyms in an alpine heritage corpus consisting of |
over 150 years of mountaineering articles in five languages (mainly from the Swiss and British |
Alpine Clubs). Focusing on fine-grained entity types (city, mountain, glacier, valley, lake, and cabin), |
the authors compare three approaches. The first is a traditional gazetteer-based approach completed |
with a few heuristics which achieves high precision across types ( 88%P,73%F-score), and even very |
high precision ( >95%) for infrequent categories with regular patterns. Suitable for reliable location- |
based search but suffering from low recall, this approach is then compared with a BiLSTM-CRF |
architecture. The neural system is fed with stacked embeddings composed of in-domain contextual |
string embeddings pre-trained on the alpine corpus concatenated with general-purpose fastText |
word embeddings pre-trained on web data, and trained on a silver training set containing 28k |
annotations obtained via the application of the gazetteer-based approach. The model leads to |
an increase of recall for the most frequent categories, without degrading precision scores ( 76% |
F-score). This shows the generalisation capacity of the neural approach in combination with context- |
sensitive string embeddings and given sufficient training data. Finally, authors experiment with |
crowd-corrected annotations and observe that already a small number of corrections on the silver |
data has a positive impact (+3 F-score percentage point). |
Swaileh et al . [184] target even more specific entity types in French and German financial |
yearbooks from the first half of 20C. They apply a BiLSTM-CRF network trained on custom data |
and fed with modern flair embeddings. Results are very good (between 85%to95%F-score depending |
on the book sections), with the CRF baseline and the BiLSTM model performing on par for French |
books, and BiLSTM being better than CRF for the German one, which has a lower OCR quality. |
Overall, these performances can be explained by the regularity of the structure and language as |
well as the quality of the considered material, resulting in stable contexts and non-noisy entities.Named Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 31 |
6.3.4 Approaches based on word-level LM embeddings. The release of pre-trained contextualised |
language model-based word embeddings such as BERT (based on transformers) and ELMo (based on |
LSTM) pushed further the upper bound of modern NER performances. They show promising results |
either in replacement or in combination with other embedding types, and offer the possibility of |
being further fine-tuned [ 116]. If they are becoming a new paradigm of modern NER, the same |
seems to be true for historical NER. |
Using pre-trained modern embeddings. We first consider work based on pre-trained modern |
LM-based word embeddings (BERT or ELMo) without extensive comparison experiments. They |
make use of BiLSTM or transformer architectures. |
Working on the “Chinese Twenty-Four Histories”, a set of Chinese official history books covering |
a period from 3000 BCE to 17C, Yu et al. [ 203] face the problems of the complexity of classical |
Chinese and of the absence of appropriate training data in their attempt to recognise Person and |
Location . Their BiLSTM-CRF model is trained on a NE-annotated modern Chinese corpus and |
makes use of modern Chinese BERT embeddings in a feature extraction setting (frozen). Evaluated |
on a (small) dataset representative of the time span of the target corpus, the model achieves |
relatively good performances (from 72%to82%F-score depending on the book), with a pretty good |
P/R balance, better results for Location than for Person , and on recent books. Given the complete |
‘modern’ setting of embeddings and training labelled data, those results shows the benefit of large |
LM-based embeddings—keeping in mind the small size of the test set and perhaps the regularity of |
entity occurrences in the material, not detailed in the paper. |
Also based on the bare usage of state-of-the-art LM-based representations is a set of work from |
the HIPE-2020 evaluation campaign. These work tackle the recognition of five entity types in about |
200 years of historical newspapers in French, English, and German.40The task included various NER |
settings, however only the coarse literal NE recognition is considered here. Ortiz Suárez et al . [137] |
focused on French and German. They first pre-process the newspaper line-based format (or column |
segments) into sentence-split segments before training a BiLSTM-CRF model using a combination |
of modern static fastText and contextualised ELMo embeddings as input representations. They |
favoured ELMo over BERT because of its capacity to handle long sequences and its dynamic |
vocabulary thanks to its CNN character embedding layer. In-domain fastText embeddings provided |
by the organisers were tested but performed lower. Their models ranked third on both languages |
during the shared task, with strict F-score of 79%and 65%for French and German respectively. |
The considerably lower performance of their improved CRF baseline illustrates the advantage of |
contextual embeddings-based neural models. Ablation experiments on sentence splitting showed |
an improvement of 3.5 F-score percentage points on French data (except for Location ) confirming |
the importance of proper context for NER neural tagging. |
Running for French and English, Kristanti et al. [ 105] also make use of a BiLSTM-CRF relying |
on modern fastText and ELMo emddings. In the absence of training set for English, authors use |
the CoNLL-2012 corpus, while for French the training data is further augmented with another NE- |
annotated journalistic corpus from 1990, which proved to have positive impact. They scored at 63% |
and 52%in terms of strict F-score for French and English respectively. Compared to the French results |
of Ortiz Suàez et al., Kristanti et al. use the same French embeddings but a different implementation |
framework and different hyper-parameters, and does not apply sentence segmentation. |
Finally, still within the HIPE-2020 context, two teams tested pre-trained LM embeddings with |
transformer-based architectures. Provatorova et al . [152] proposed an approach based on the fine- |
tuning of BERT models using Huggingface’s transformer framework for the three shared task’s |
languages, using the cased multilingual BERT base model for French and German and the cased |
40Corpus presented in Section Ehrmann et al. |
monolingual BERT base model for English. They used the CoNLL-03 data for training their English |
model, the HIPE data for the others, and additionally set up a majority vote ensemble of 5 fine-tuned |
model instances per language in order to improve the robustness of the approach. Their models |
achieved F-scores of 68%,52% and 47% for French, German and English respectively. Ghannay |
et al. [70] used CamemBERT, a multi-layer bidirectional transformer similar to ROBERTa [ 119,124] |
initialised with a pre-trained modern French CamemBERT and completed with a CRF tag decoder. |
This model obtained the second-best results for French with 81%strict F-score. |
Even when learned from modern data, pre-trained LM-based word embeddings encode rich prior |
knowledge that effectively support neural models trained on (usually) small historical training sets. |
As for HIPE-related systems, it should be noted that word-level LM embeddings systematically |
lead to slightly higher recall than precision, demonstrating their powerful generalisation capacities, |
even on noisy texts. |
Using modern and historical pre-trained embeddings. As for static embeddings, it is logical to expect |
higher performances from LM-embeddings when pre-trained on historical data, in combination |
with modern ones or not. The set of work reviewed here explores this perspective. |
Ahmed et al . [2] work on the recognition of universal and domain-specific entities in German |
historical biodiversity literature.41They experiment with two BiLSTM-CRF implementations (their |
own and Flair framework) which both use modern token-level German word embeddings and |
are trained on the BIOfid corpus. Experiments consist in adding richer representations (modern |
Flair embeddings, additionally completed by newly trained ELMo embeddings or BERT base |
multilingual cased embeddings) or adding more task-specific training data (GermEval, CoNLL-03 |
and BIOfid). Models perform more or less equally, and authors explained the low gain of in-domain |
ELMo embdedings by the small size of the training data (100k sentences). Higher gains come with |
larger labelled data, however the absence of ablation tests hinders the complete understanding |
of the contribution of the historical part of this labelled data, and the use of two implementation |
frameworks does not warrant full results comparability. |
Both Schweter et al. [ 172] and Labusch et al. [ 108] build on the work of Riedl et al. [ 158] and |
try to improve NER performances on the same historical German evaluation datasets, thereby |
constituting (with HIPE-2020) one of the few sets of comparable experiments. Schweter et al. seek |
to offset the lack of training data by using only unlabelled data via pre-trained embeddings and |
language models. They use the Flair framework to train and combine (“stack”) their language |
models, and to train a BiLSTM-CRF model. Their first experiment consists in testing various static |
word representations, with: character embeddings learned during training, fastText embeddings |
pre-trained on Wikipedia or Common Crawl (with no sub-word information), and the combination |
of all of these. While Riedl et al. experimented with similar settings (character embeddings and |
pre-trained modern and historical fastText embeddings), it appears that combining Wikipedia and |
Common Crawl embeddings leads to better performances, even higher than the transfer learning |
setting of Riedl et al. using more labelled data. As a second experiment, Schweter et al. use pre- |
trained LM embeddings: flair embeddings newly trained on two historical corpora having temporal |
overlaps with the test data, and two modern pre-trained BERT models (multilingual and German). |
On both historical test sets, in-domain LMs yield the best results (outperforming those of Riedl et |
al.), all the more so when the temporal overlap between embedding and task-specific training data |
is large. This demonstrates that the selection of the language model corpus plays an important role, |
and that unlabelled data close in time might have more impact than more (and difficult to obtain) |
labelled data. |
41Corpus presented in Section 5.2.2Named Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 33 |
With the objective of developing a versatile approach that performs decently on texts of different |
epochs without intense adaptation, Labusch et al. [ 108] experiment with BERT under different |
pre-training and fine-tuning settings. In a nutshell, they apply a model based on multilingual |
BERT embeddings, which is further pre-trained on large OCRed historical German unlabelled |
data (the Digital Collection of the Berlin State Library) and subsequently fine-tuned on several |
NE-labelled datasets (CoNLL-03, GermEval, and the German part of Europeana NER corpora). |
Tested across different contemporary/historical dataset pairs (similar to the all-corpora crossing of |
Riedl et al. [ 158]), it appears that additional in-domain pre-training is most of the time beneficial |
for historical pairs, while performances worsen on contemporary ones. The combination of several |
task-specific training datasets has positive yet less important impact than BERT pre-training, as |
already observed by Schweter et al. [ 172]. Overall, this work shows that an appropriately pre-trained |
BERT model delivers decent recognition performances in a variety of settings. In order to further |
improve them, authors purpose to use the BERT large instead of the BERT base model, to build |
more historical labelled training data, and to improve the OCR quality of the collections. |
The same spirit of combinatorial optimization drove the work of Todorov et al. [ 191] and |
Schweter et al. [ 173] in the context of HIPE-2020. Todorov et al. build on the bidirectional LSTM- |
CRF architecture of Lample et al. and introduce a multi-task approach by splitting the top layers |
for each entity type. Their general embedding layer combines a multitude of embeddings, on |
the level of characters, sub-words and words; some newly trained by the authors, as well as pre- |
trained BERT and HIPE’s in-domain fastText embeddings. They also vary the segmentation of |
the input: line segmentation, document segmentation as well as sub-document segmentation for |
long documents. No additional NER training material was used for German and French, while for |
English, the Groningen Meaning Bank42was adapted for training. Results suggest that splitting |
the top layers for each entity type is not beneficial. However, the addition of various embeddings |
improves the performance, as shown in the very detailed ablation test report. In this regard, |
character-level and BERT embeddings are particularly important, while in-domain embeddings |
contribute mainly to recall. Fine-tuning pre-trained embeddings did not prove beneficial. Using |
(sub-)document segmentation clearly improved results when compared to the line segmentation |
found in newspapers, emphasising once again the importance of context. Post-campaign F-scores |
for coarse literal NER are 75%and 66%for French and German (strict setting). English experiments |
yielded poor results, certainly due to the time and linguistic gaps between training and test data, |
and the pretty bad OCR quality of the material (in the same way as for Provatorova et al . [152] and |
Kristanti et al. [105]). |
For their part, Schweter et al. [ 173] focused on German and experimented with ensembling |
different word and subword embeddings (modern fastText and historical self-trained and HIPE |
flair embeddings), as well as transformer-based language models (trained on modern and historical |
data), all integrated by the neural Flair NER tagging framework [ 3]. They used a state-of-the- |
art BiLSTM with an on-top CRF layer as proposed by [ 89], and perform sentence splitting and |
hyphen normalisation as pre-processing. To identify the optimal combination of embeddings |
and LMs, authors first selected the best embeddings for each type before combining them. Using |
richer representations (fastText<flair<BERT) leads to better results each time. Among the options, |
Wikipedia fastText embeddings proved better than the Common Crawl ones, suggesting that similar |
data (news) is more beneficial than larger data for static representations; HIPE flair embeddings |
proved better than other historical ones, likely because of their larger training data size and data |
proximity; and BERT LM trained on large data proved better than the one trained on historical |
42https://gmb.let.rug.nl/34 Ehrmann et al. |
(smaller) data. The best final combination includes fastText and BERT, leading to 65%F-score on |
coarse literal NER (strict setting). |
Finally, Boros et al . [25] also tackled NER tagging for HIPE-2020 in all languages and achieved |
best results. They used a hierarchical transformer-based model [ 196] built upon BERT in a multi- |
task learning setting. On top of the pre-trained BERT blocks (multilingual BERT for all languages, |
additionally Europeana BERT for German43and CamemBERT for French [ 124]), two task-specific |
transformer layers were optionally added to alleviate data sparsity issues, for instance out-of- |
vocabulary words, spelling variations, or OCR errors in the HIPE dataset. A state-of-the-art CRF |
layer was added on top in order to model the context dependencies between entity tags. For base |
BERT with a limited context of 512 sub-tokens, documents are too long and newspaper lines are |
too short for proper contextualization. Therefore, an important pre-processing step consisted in the |
reconstruction of hyphenated words and in sentence segmentation. For the two languages with in- |
domain training data (French and German), their best run consisted in BERT fine-tuning, completed |
with the two stacked transformer blocks and the CRF layer. For English without in-domain training |
data, two options for fine-tuning were tested: a) training on monolingual CoNLL-03 data, and b) |
transfer learning by training on the French and German HIPE data. Both options worked better |
without transformer layers, and training on the French and German HIPE data led to better results. |
Final F-scores for coarse literal NER were 84%,79% and 63% for French, German and English |
respectively (strict setting). |
Conclusion on deep learning approaches. What conclusions can be drawn from all this? First, |
the twenty or so papers reviewed above illustrate the growing interest of researchers and practi- |
tioners from different fields in the application of deep learning approaches to NER on historical |
collections. Second, it is obvious that these many publications also equate with a great diversity |
in terms of document, system and task settings. Apart from the historical German [ 108,158,172] |
and HIPE papers, most publications use different datasets and evaluation settings, which pre- |
vents result comparison; what is more, the sensitivity of DL approaches to experimental settings |
(pre-processing, embeddings, hyper-parameters, hardware) usually undermines any attempt to |
compare or reproduce experiments, and often leads to misconceptions about what works and what |
does not [ 202]. As shown in the DL literature review above, what is reported can sometimes be |
contradictory. However, and with this in mind, a few conclusions can be drawn: |
–State-of-the-art BiLSTM architectures achieve very good performances and largely outper- |
form traditional CRFs, except in small data contexts and on very regular entities. As inference |
layer, CRF is a better choice than softmax (also confirmed by Yang et al . [202] ). Yet, in the |
fast-changing DL landscape, transformer-based networks are already taking over BiLSTM. |
–Character and sub-word information is beneficial and helps the model to deal with OOV |
words, presumably historical spelling variations and OCR errors. CNN appears to be a better |
option than LSTM to learn character embeddings. |
–As for word representation, the richer the better. The same neural architecture performs |
better with character or word-based contextualised embeddings than with static ones, and |
even better with stacked embeddings. The combination of flair or fastText embeddings plus |
a BERT language model seems to provide an appropriate mix of morphological and lexical |
information. Contextualised representations also have positive impact in low resource setting. |
–Pre-trained modern embeddings prove to transfer reasonably well to historical texts, even |
more when learned on very large textual data. As expected, in-domain embeddings contribute |
positively to performances most of the time, and the temporal proximity between the corpora |
43https://github.com/stefan-it/europeana-bertNamed Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 35 |
from which embeddings are derived and the targeted historical material seems to play an |
important role. Although a combination of generic and historical prior knowledge is likely to |
increase performances, what is best between very large modern vs. in-domain LMs remains |
an open question. |
–Careful pre-processing of input text (word de-hyphenation, sentence segmentation) in order |
to work with valid linguistic units appears to be a key factor. |
Ultimately, apart from clearly outperforming traditional ML and rule-based systems, the most |
compelling aspect of DL approaches is certainly their transferability; if much still need to be |
investigated, the possibility of having systems performing (relatively) well across historical settings— |
or a subset thereof—seems to be an achievable goal. |
We report here on the main strategies implemented by the different types of approaches to overcome |
OCR noise, adapt to language shifts and deal with lack of resources. Table 7 provides a synthetic |
view of the challenges, their impact, and the possible solutions to address them. |
7.1 Dealing with noisy input |
There exist two main strategies to deal with OCR and OLR noise: adapting the input, i.e. correcting |
the text before parsing it, or adapting the tool, i.e. making the NER system capable of dealing with |
the noise. Let us recall here that OCR and OLR noise mostly correspond to: misrecognised characters, |
erroneously truncated or connected word parts, spurious word hyphenations and incorrect mix of |
textual segments, all of these translating into OOV words and/or inconsistencies affecting both |
entities and their context. |
The first strategy corresponds to OCR/OLR post-correction and aims at recovering correct word |
forms and rebuilding linguistically motivated token sequences. Such processes depend on the |
specifics of each input (e.g. in terms of layout, typographic conventions, presence of marginalia) |
and are not easy to implement given the countless erroneous punctuation marks added by OCR |
and the subtle difference between soft and hard hyphens, an information often lost through the |
different digital versions of a document. In this context, most work apply a mix of well-known |
and ad hoc correction strategies based on corpus examination, including: a) correction of the ‘long |
s’, an archaic from of the ‘s’ letter systematically confused with ‘f’ by OCR engines [ 6]; b) word |
de-hyphenation, which consists in removing the end-of-line soft hyphens and checking the validity |
of the resulting word form [ 6,44]; c) word OCR post-correction based on the edit distance between |
input tokens and a list of most frequent OOV words manually corrected (allowing to correct |
the majority of mistakes) [ 44]; d) application of a generic spelling correction system [ 93]; and e) |
application of sentence segmentation [ 25,137]. Word de-hyphenation and sentence segmentation |
(or an approximation of it, depending on the quality of the input) are beneficial for all types of |
systems but are particularly critical for neural-based systems. Word correction have positive albeit |
moderate and irregular impact on the performances [ 44], which illustrates the difficulty of OCR |
post-correction and raises the question of under which conditions it is most beneficial. Using a |
generic spelling correction system, Huynh et al. [ 93] precisely leave aside the fine-tuning of OCR |
correction to focus, instead, on the question of when to apply it. They show that post-OCR correction |
is most beneficial with character and word-level error rates above 3% and 20% respectively, while |
it degrades NER performances for lower rates, due to spurious corrections. Overall, input noise |
correction or reduction is beneficial but should be adjusted according to the type and importance |
of noise.36 Ehrmann et al. |
Challenges Impact Possible solutions |
Noisy input |
sparser feature space, |
low recall.OCR post-correction |
string similarity |
historical LMs |
in-domain training data |
sub-word tokenisation•OOV |
•broken token sequences |
Dynamics of language |
sparser feature space, |
low recall.normalisation |
historical LMs |
in-domain training data•spelling variations |
•name irregularities |
•entity drift |
Lack of resources |
limited learning capacities, |
limited system comparison.transfer learning |
active learning |
data augmentation |
resource sharing•inappropriate typologies |
•lack of NE-annotated corpora |
•paucity of historical LMs |
Table 7. NER on historical documents: main challenges, their impact, and possible solutions. |
Another approach is to leave the input untouched but to provide the system with relevant |
information about the noise, mainly in the form of embedded language representations for neural- |
based approaches. In this regard, word embeddings computed at the character and sub-words |
levels (fastText [ 21]) as well as character-level LM embeddings (flair [ 4]) are particularly efficient |
in dealing with miss-recognised characters. For example, a BiLSTM-CRF model based on flair |
historical embeddings could correctly recognise and label T«i*louse (Toulouse) and Caa.Qrs (Ca- |
hors) as Location , and o˚an (Jean) asPerson [20]. Beside input representations, transformer-based |
architectures such as BERT integrate sub-word tokenizers based on e.g. Byte-Pair Encoding [ 174] |
or WordPiece [ 199] algorithms. Such tokenisation allows to consider word pieces not present in |
the LM vocabulary, thereby learning representations of OOV words. This is however not the total |
answer since resulting sub-words depend on the anatomy of the misspelling: if character insertion |
mostly results in known sub-word units, substitution or deletion produce uncommon units which |
still cause difficulties [ 183]. Boros et al. [ 24] (outperforming their previous work [ 25]) carried out an |
in-depth error analysis of the performances of different variants of a BERT-based system augmented |
(or not) with extra transformer layers, considering among others the percentage of OOV words and |
the severeness of OCR noise in entity mentions. Conclusions are that the representation capacity |
of the extra layers is beneficial for both recall and precision: while misspelled entities are better |
recognised in general, the system with extra layers does not over-predict entities, as is the case for |
the non-augmented system. Authors also highlight the possible over-fitting of the base model on |
OCR-related patterns in frequent entities, a question on which further research is necessary. |
In general, language models and transformers thus appear as good options to deal with noisy |
input with the least effort, but the effectiveness of targeted correction heuristics should not be |
underrated. Let us conclude with Fig. 2, which illustrates the results of three different systems on |
noisy texts. |
7.2 Dealing with dynamics of language |
Similarly to noise, adaptation to dynamics of language aims at reducing the gap between the text to |
analyse and the knowledge of the system. Let us recall the issues at stake here: historical spelling |
variations, evolving naming conventions, and entity drift. There is no single and clear-cut answer |
to each of these issues, but rather a set of possibilities which can help address them.Named Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 37 |
English: [who] was the general Chapedelaine, who was never mentioned in [the military annals]PERSONPERSONétaitle généraiChapecUlaine, dontiln'ajamaisétéquestion dansétaitle généraiChapecUlaine, dontiln'ajamaisétéquestion dansétaitle généraiChapecUlaine, dontiln'ajamaisétéquestion dansétaitle généraiChapecUlaine, dontiln'ajamaisétéquestion dans(1) |
PRODUCTEnglish: "[the] attacks that the Wäschfra [has taken the liberty to conduct] against [...]". Angriffe, welches sichDie „3Sd)cb.fra" gegenAngriffe, welches sichDie „3Sd)cb.fra" gegenAngriffe, welches sichDie „3Sd)cb.fra" gegenAngriffe, welches sichDie „3Sd)cb.fra" gegen(2) |
Fig. 2. Results of a CRF, BiLSTM-CRF and BERT-based NER systems on excerpts from the French Swiss |
Gazette de Lausanne of August 4 1818, p.4 (1), and from the German Luxembourgian Luxemburger Wort of |
July 21 1868, p.2 (2) (HIPE data), compared to the ground truth (NE GT). |
As previously mentioned, rule-based and traditional ML systems using gazetteers often suffer |
from low recall due to vocabulary mismatches between name variants and gazetteer entries. Several |
approaches can help alleviate this issue. First, the lookup conditions can be loosened using a string |
similarity measure with an empirically determined threshold. In this respect, Borin et al. [ 23] |
showed that allowing a small Levenshtein distance between input tokens and gazetteers entries |
allows to capture orthographic variations between 19C and 20C Swedish names and thus to increase |
the performances of their rule-based system, particularly recall (+5 percentage points). Another |
option consists in normalising historical spellings using transformation rules, either manually |
crafted, such as in Neudecker [ 132] and Platas et al. [ 150], or automatically acquired on aligned |
texts such as in Kogkitsidou et al. [ 104]. Results obtained on normalised versions of texts or entities |
are usually better, though a somehow contrasted picture emerges depending on the system, the |
type of texts, and the time period — as per OCR post-correction. |
When trying to adapt the knowledge of the system rather than the input, the key factor is, |
not surprisingly, temporal proximity. Here word embeddings and language models derived from |
temporally close corpora seem to be better able to capture historical language idiosyncrasies, |
including spelling variations [ 108,172]. There is no clear evidence yet regarding what is best |
between pre-training from scratch on historical texts or fine-tuning a modern model on historical |
texts (in a supervised or unsupervised manner) and further research is necessary on this point. |
Beyond technicalities, an important aspect to consider when adapting a system to time is its |
application scope, i.e. whether it is intended to perform well on a unique target (one document |
type, one time period) or across several. |
7.3 Dealing with the lack of resources |
As emphasised in Section 4.4, the situation of lack of resources is not unique to historical NER and |
corresponds here to inappropriate typologies, and lack of labelled and unlabelled historical corpora. |
With respect to typologies, one can only adapt and/or define a typology when existing tag sets |
are not appropriate [ 2,150,189]. As easy as it may seem, two comments are in order here: first, |
this represents a time-consuming process which requires several expertise (in linguistics, in the |
historical domain at hands, and in knowledge representation) and needs to be documented, notably |
via annotation guidelines. Specifically, phenomena such as nested entities and metonymy did not38 Ehrmann et al. |
received much attention in modern NER but are of high interest for humanists’ (re)search needs. |
Second, careful attention should be paid to typologies interoperability, without which resources |
are mere silos and need an extra mapping step [161]. |
Several strategies can be adopted to cope with the lack of training data. The most widely used so |
far is transfer learning, as described in Section 3.4.3. Another option is active learning, where a ML |
system asks an oracle (or a user) to select the most relevant examples to consider, thereby lowering |
the number of data points required to learn a model. This is the approach adopted by Erdmann et |
al. [60] to recognise entities in various Latin classical texts, based on an active learning pipeline |
able to predict how many and which sentences need to be annotated to achieve a certain degree |
of accuracy, and later on released as toolkit to build custom NER models for the humanities [ 61]. |
Finally, another strategy is data augmentation, where an existing data set is expanded via the |
transformation of training instances without changing their label. This approach, which has not yet |
been deployed in a historical context, has been successfully tested by Dai et al. [ 39] on biomedical |
data, where several data augmentation techniques, in isolation or in combination, led to improved |
performance, especially with small training datasets. |
We presented an extensive survey of research, published in the last 20 years, on the topic of NER |
on historical documents. We introduced the main challenges of historical NER, namely document |
type and domain variety, noisy input, dynamics of language, and lack of resources. We inventoried |
existing resources available for historical NER (typologies and annotation guidelines, annotated |
corpora and language representations), and surveyed the approaches developed to date to tackle |
this task, paying special attention to how they adapt to historical settings. |
What clearly emerges from this review is, first, that research on historical NER has gained real |
momentum over the last decade. The availability of machine-readable historical texts coupled with |
the recent advances in deep learning has led to increased attention from researchers and cultural |
heritage practitioners for what has now become a cornerstone of semantic indexing of historical |
documents. Second, the body of research on historical NER started by following state-of-the-art |
approaches in modern NER (with rule-based and then traditional ML approaches), before fully |
experimenting with the various possibilities arising from diachronic transfer learning with neural- |
based approaches. This last development helped increase the performances of NER systems on |
historical material with F-scores going from 60-70% on average for rule-based and traditional ML |
systems to, for the best neural systems, 80%. As of today, it is therefore possible to design systems |
capable of dealing with historical and noisy inputs, whose performances almost compete with |
those obtained on contemporary texts. This success, however, should not conceal the progress still |
to be made. In this regard, we outline a set of key priorities for the next generation of historical |
NER systems: |
(1)Transferability . We emphasise that beyond addressing a specific type of document and/or time |
period lies the question of systems’ portability across historical settings. While addressing |
system adaptability across both time and domain at once might be overly ambitious for |
the time being, having systems performing equally well across one or the other is highly |
desirable—especially for cultural heritage institutions—and represents to next great challenge. |
In this respect, we encourage to pursue and especially systematise further the transfer learning |
experiments undertaken so far. |
(2)Robustness . Although a great deal of headway has been made to enable systems to deal |
with atypical historical inputs, we highlight that OCR/OLR noise and historical spellings are |
still the main sources of errors of NER systems on historical texts. One of the way forwardNamed Entity Recognition and Classification on Historical Documents: A Survey 39 |
includes a better assessment of which type of noise is detrimental and to which extent in |
order to devise more systematic and focused strategies to deal with it. |
(3)System comparability . The systematic comparison of the advantages and shortcomings of |
approaches to historical NER was made difficult because of the variety of settings to which |
they applied (domains, time periods, languages) and of the corpora against which they were |
evaluated. We stress the importance of gold standards and of shared tasks on historical |
material to enable system comparison and drive progress in historical NER. |
(4)Finer-grained historical NER . The (re)search interests of scholars go beyond the recognition |
of main entity types and we underline the need to carry out finer-grained NER, taking into |
account e.g. nested entities, entity name composition, and entity metonymy. |
(5)Resource sharing . All recent advances in deep learning were made possible by the availability |
of large-scale textual data. While the sharing of such resources has just begun, we emphasise |
the need for access to large-scale historical textual data or to language models derived thereof. |
This sharing should also extend to typologies, annotation guidelines, and training material, |
with a special attention to interoperability. |
NER on historical documents is an exciting field of research with high added-value for both NLP |
researchers and digital scholars. While the first can test the robustness of their approaches and gain |
new insights with respect to domain, language and time adaptation, the second can benefit from |
more accurate semantic indexing and text understanding of historical material. Lastly, we wish to |
mention two facets which, even if not directly related to development of historical NER systems, |
should be considered while working on this topic: any large-scale endeavour around historical NEs |
should acknowledge ethical and legal obligations related to personal data protection, and is most |
likely to be useful if humanities scholarship knowledge and needs are taken into account within an |
interdisciplinary framework. |
The work of Maud Ehrmann and Matteo Romanello was supported by the Swiss National Science |
Foundation under the grants number CR-SII5_173719 ( Impresso - Media Monitoring of the Past) |
and number PZ00P1_186033 (only for MR). The work of Ahmed Hamdi, Elvys Linhares Pontes |
(now employed at the Trading Central Labs company) and Antoine Doucet was supported by the |
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant 770299 (NewsEye). |
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