arXiv:2110.12687v1 [cs.CL] 25 Oct 2021Fine-tuning of Pre-trained Transformers for Hate, Offensi ve, |
and Profane Content Detection in English and Marathi |
Anna Glazkova1,*, Michael Kadantsev2, Maksim Glazkov3, |
1 University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia |
2 Thales Canada, Transportation Solutions, Toronto, Canad a |
3 Neuro.net, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia |
* a.v.glazkova@utmn.ru |
Abstract |
This paper describes neural models developed for the Hate Speech and Offensive Content |
Identification in English and Indo-Aryan Languages Shared Task 20 21. Our team called |
neuro-utmn-thales participated in two tasks on binary and fine-grained classification of |
English tweets that contain hate, offensive, and profane conten t (English Subtasks A & |
B) and one task on identification of problematic content in Marathi ( Marathi Subtask |
A). For English subtasks, we investigate the impact of additional co rpora for hate speech |
detection to fine-tune transformer models. We also apply a one-vs -rest approach based |
on Twitter-RoBERTa to discrimination between hate, profane and o ffensive posts. Our |
models ranked third in English Subtask A with the F1-score of 81.99% a nd ranked |
second in English Subtask B with the F1-score of 65.77%. For the Mar athi tasks, we |
propose a system based on the Language-Agnostic BERT Sentenc e Embedding (LaBSE). |
This model achieved the second result in Marathi Subtask A obtainin g an F1 of 88.08%. |
Introduction |
Social media has a greater impact on our society. Social networks g ive us almost limitless |
freedom of speech and contribute to the rapid dissemination of info rmation. However, |
these positive properties often lead to unhealthy usage of social m edia. Thus, hate |
speech spreading affects users’ psychological state, promote s violence, and reinforces |
hateful sentiments [4, 5]. This problem attracts many scholars to a pply modern tech- |
nologies in order to make social media safer. The Hate Speech and Of fensive Content |
Identification in English and Indo-Aryan Languages Shared Task (H ASOC) 2021 [27] |
aims to compare and analyze existing approaches to identifying hate speech not only |
for English, but also for other languages. It focused on detecting hate, offensive, and |
profane content in tweets, and offering six subtasks. We particip ated in three of them: |
•English Subtask A: identifying hate, offensive, and profane content from the |
post in English [24]. |
•English Subtask B: discrimination between hate, profane, and offensive posts |
in English. |
•Marathi Subtask A: identifying hate, offensive, and profane content from the |
post in Marathi [14]. |
1/10The source code for our models is freely available1. |
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains a brief review of related works. |
Next, we describe our experiments on the binary and fine-grained c lassification of En- |
glish tweets in Section 3. In Section 4, we present our model for hat e, offensive, and |
profane language identification in Marathi. We conclude this paper in S ection 5. Finally, |
Section 6 contains acknowledgments. |
1 Related Works |
We briefly discuss works done related to harmful content detectio n in the past few |
years. Shared tasks related to hate speech and offensive langua ge detection from tweets |
was organized as a part of some workshops and conferences, suc h as FIRE [22, 23], Se- |
mEval, [3, 10], GermEval [40, 43], IberLEF [42], and OSACT [29]. The pa rticipants |
proposed a broad range of approaches from traditional machine le arning techniques |
(for example, Support Vector Machines [15, 38], Random Forest [34 ]) to various neural |
architectures (Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN [35]; Long Sh ort Term Memory, |
LSTM [26, 28]; Embeddings from Language Models, ELMo [6]; and Bidirec tional En- |
coder Representations from Transformers, BERT [19,36]). In mo st cases, BERT-based |
systems outperformed other approaches. |
Most research on hate speech detection continues to be based on English corpora. |
Despite this, the harmful content is distributed in different langua ges. Therefore, there |
have been previous attempts at creating corpora and developing m odels for hate speech |
detection in common non-English languages, such as Arabic [1, 29], G erman [22, 23, 40, |
43], Italian [7, 37], Spanish [3, 42], Hindi [22, 23], Tamil and Malayalam [22]. Several |
studies have focused on collecting hate speech corpora for Chines e [41], Portuguese [11], |
Polish [33], Turkish [8] and Russian [16] languages. |
2 English Subtasks A & B: Identification and Fine- |
grained Classification of Hate, Offensive, and Pro- |
fane Tweets |
The objective of English Subtasks A & B is to identify whether a tweet in English |
contains harmful content (Subtask A) and perform a fine-graine d classification of posts |
into three categories, including: hate, offensive, or profane (Su btask B). |
2.1 Data |
The dataset provided to the participants of the shared task cont ains 4355 manually |
annotated social media posts divided into training (3074) and test ( 1281) sets. Table 1 |
presents the data description. |
Further, we tested several data sampling techniques using differ ent hate speech cor- |
pora as additional training data. Firstly, we evaluated the joint use of multilingual data |
provided by the organizers of HASOC 2021, including the English, the Hindi, and the |
Marathi training sets. Secondly, as the training sets were highly imb alanced, we applied |
the positive class random oversampling technique so that each train ing batch contained |
approximately the same number of samples. Besides, we experiment ed with the seq2seq- |
based data augmentation technique [17]. For this purpose, we fine- tuned the BART-base |
model for the denoising reconstruction task where 40% of tokens are masked and the |
goal of the decoder is to reconstruct the original sequence. Sinc e the BART model [18] |
1https://github.com/ixomaxip/hasoc |
2/10Table 1. Data description. |
Label DescriptionNumber of examples |
(training set) |
Subtask A |
NOTNon Hate-Offensive: the post does not contain |
hate speech, profane, offensive content1102 |
HOFHate and Offensive: the post contains hate, |
offensive, or profane content.1972 |
Subtask B |
NONEThe post does not contain hate speech, profane, |
offensive content1102 |
HATE Hate speech: the post contains hate speech content. 542 |
OFFN Offensive: the post contains offensive content. 482 |
PRFN Profane: the post contains profane words. 948 |
Table 2. Hate-related dataset characteristics. |
Dataset Size Labels |
HASOC 2020 4522HOF - 50.4% |
NOT - 49.6% |
HatebaseTwitter 24783hate speech - 20.15% |
offensive language - 85.98% |
neither - 23.77% |
HatEval 130001 (hate speech) - 42.08% |
0 (not hate speech) - 57.92% |
OLID 14100OFF - 32.91% |
NOT - 67.09% |
already contains the ¡mask¿ token, we use it to replace mask tokens . We generated |
one synthetic example for every tweet in the training set. Thus, th e augmented data |
size is the same size as the size of the original training set. Finally, we e valuated the |
impact of additional training data, including: (a) the English dataset , used at HASOC |
2020 [22]; (b) HatebaseTwitter, based on the hate speech lexicon f rom Hatebase2[10]; |
(c) HatEval, a dataset presented at Semeval-2019 Task 5 [3] ; (d) Offensive Language |
Identification Dataset (OLID), used in the SemEval-2019 Task 6 (O ffensEval) [45]. All |
corpora except the HatebaseTwitter dataset contain non-inter sective classes. Besides, |
all listed datasets are collected from Twitter. A representative sa mpling of additional |
data is shown in Table 2. |
We preprocessed the datasets for Subtasks A & B in a similar manner . Inspired |
by [2], we used the following text preprocessing technique3: (a) removed all URLs; (b) |
replaced all user mentions with the $MENTION $placeholder. |
2.2 Models |
We conduct our experiments with neural models based on BERT [12] a s they have |
achieved state-of-the-art results in harmful content detectio n. For example, BERT- |
based models proved efficient at previous HASOC shared tasks [22 , 23] and SemEval |
[32,45]. |
We used the following models: |
2https://hatebase.org/ |
3https://pypi.org/project/tweet-preprocessor |
3/10Table 3. Model validation results for English Subtask A, %. |
Model F1 P R |
BERT 79.24 79.74 78.82 |
BERTweet 78.65 79.36 78.08 |
Twitter-RoBERTa 81.1 80.01 82.65 |
LaBSE (English dataset) 78.83 79.5 78.29 |
LaBSE (English + Hindi) 79.32 79.95 78.8 |
LaBSE (English, Hindi, and Marathi) 79.27 81.74 77.79 |
Adding extra data to Twitter-RoBERTa |
+ random oversampling 79.97 79.9 80.04 |
+ BART data augmentation 79.24 78.44 80.31 |
+ HASOC 2020 78.79 77.66 80.47 |
+ HatabaseTwitter 81.19 79.99 82.93 |
+ HatEval 74.31 75.53 73.64 |
+ OLID 79.29 78.17 80.93 |
•BERT base[12], a pre-trained model on BookCorpus [46] and English Wikipedia |
using a masked language modeling objective. |
•BERTweet base[30], a pre-trained language model for English tweets. The corpus |
used to pre-train BERTweet consists of 850M English Tweets includin g 845M |
Tweets streamed from 01/2012 to 08/2019 and 5M Tweets related to the COVID- |
19 pandemic. |
•Twitter-RoBERTa basefor Hate Speech Detection [2], a RoBERTa base[20] model |
trained on 58M tweets and fine-tuned for hate speech detection w ith the Tweet- |
Eval benchmark. |
•LaBSE [13], a language-agnostic BERT sentence embedding model su pporting 109 |
languages. |
2.3 Experiments |
For both Subtask A and Subtask B, we adopted pre-trained models from HuggingFace |
[44] and fine-tuned them using PyTorch [31]. We fine-tuned each pre -trained language |
model for 3 epochs with the learning rate of 2e-5 using the AdamW op timizer [21]. We |
set batch size to 32 and maximum sequence size to 64. To validate our models during |
the development phase, we divided labelled data using the train and va lidation split in |
the ratio 80:20. |
Table 3 shows the performance of our models on the validation subse t for Subtask A |
in terms of macro-averaging F1-score (F1), precision (P), and re call (R). As can be seen |
from the table, BERT, BERTweet, and LaBSE show very close result s during validation. |
Despite this, LaBSE jointly fine-tuned on three mixed multilingual dat asets shows the |
highest precision score. The use of Twitter-RoBERTa increases th e F1-score by 1.5-2.5% |
compared to other classification models. Based on this, we chose Tw itter-RoBERTa for |
further experiments. We found out that neither the random over sampling technique |
nor the use of the augmented and additional data shows a perform ance improvement, |
except the joint use of the original dataset and the HatebaseTwit ter dataset that gives |
an F1-score growth of 0.09% and a precision growth of 0.28% compar ed to basic Twitter- |
RoBERTa. |
For our official submission for Subtask A, we designed a soft-votin g ensemble of five |
Twitter-RoBERTa jointly fine-tuned on the original training set and the HatebaseTwit- |
4/10Table 4. Performance of our final models for English Subtasks A & B, official results, |
%. |
SubtaskF1 (our |
model)F1 (winning |
solution)P (our |
model)P (winning |
solution)Avg F1Number of |
submitted |
teamsRank |
A 81.99 83.05 84.68 84.14 75.7 56 3 |
B 65.77 66.57 66.32 66.88 57.07 37 2 |
ter dataset (see Table 4). For Subtask B, we used the following one -vs-rest approach to |
discrimination between hate, profane, and offensive posts. |
•First, we applied our Subtask A binary models to identify non hate-of fensive |
examples. |
•Second, we fine-tuned three Twitter-RoBERTa binary models to de limit exam- |
ples of hate-vs-profane, hate-vs-offensive, and offensive-v s-profane classes. The |
training dataset was extended with the HatebaseTwitter dataset . |
•Finally, we compared the results of binary models. If the result was d efined |
uniquely, we used it as a predicted label. Otherwise, we chose the labe l in propor- |
tion to the number of examples in the training set. |
This can be illustrated briefly by the following examples. |
–Let the models show the following results: |
∗hate-vs-profane →hate; |
∗hate-vs-offensive →hate; |
∗offensive-vs-profane →offensive. |
Thus, classes have the following votes: hate – 2, offensive - 1, pro fane – 0. |
Then we predict the HATE label. |
–If the results are: |
∗hate-vs-profane →profane; |
∗hate-vs-offensive →hate; |
∗offensive-vs-profane →offensive, |
we have the class votes, such as hate – 1, offensive - 1, profane – 1. Then we |
choose the PRFN label as the most common label in the training set. |
3 Marathi Subtask A: Identifying Hate, Offensive, |
and Profane Content from the Post |
3.1 Data |
For the Marathi task, we used the original training and test sets p rovided by the orga- |
nizers of the HASOC 2021. The whole dataset contains 2499 tweets , including: 1874 |
training and 625 test examples. The training set consists of 1205 te xts of the NOT |
class and 669 texts of the HOF class. We used raw data as an input fo r our models. |
Following [25,39], we experimented with the combination of the English, the Hindi, and |
the Marathi training sets provided by the organizers. |
5/10Table 5. Model validation results for Marathi Subtask A, %. |
Model F1 P R |
XLM-RoBERTa (Marathi dataset) 83.87 85.39 83.39 |
XLM-RoBERTa (Marathi + Hindi) 83.23 83.82 82.76 |
XLM-RoBERTa (Marathi + English) 84.83 85.03 84.64 |
XLM-RoBERTa (Marathi + Hindi + English) 84.35 84.82 83.95 |
LaBSE (Marathi) 87.76 87.82 87.68 |
LaBSE (Marathi + Hindi) 87.62 88.21 87.13 |
LaBSE (Marathi + English) 87.62 88.21 87.13 |
LaBSE (Marathi + Hindi + English) 86.34 86.63 86.08 |
Table 6. Performance of our final model for the Marathi Subtask A, offic ial results, %. |
F1 (our |
model)F1 (winning |
solution)P (our |
model)P (winning |
solution)Avg F1Number of |
submitted |
teamsRank |
88.08 91.44 87.58 91.82 82.55 25 2 |
3.2 Models |
We evaluated the following models: |
•XLM-RoBERTa base[9], a transformer-based multilingual masked language model |
supporting 100 languages. |
•LaBSE [13], a language-agnostic BERT sentence embedding model pr e-trained on |
texts in 109 languages. |
3.3 Experiments |
We experimented with the above-mentioned language models fine-tu ned on monolingual |
and multilingual data. For model evaluation during the development p hase, we used |
the random train and validation split in the ratio 80:20 with a fixed seed. We set the |
same model parameters as for English tasks. |
Table 5 illustrates the results. It can be seen that LaBSE outperfo rms XLM- |
RoBERTa in all cases. Moreover, the F1-score of LaBSE fine-tune d only on the Marathi |
dataset are higher than the results of LaBSE fine-tuned on multiling ual data. XLM- |
RoBERTa, on the other hand, mostly benefits from multilingual fine- tuning. |
For our final submission, we used a soft-voting ensemble of five LaB SE fine-tuned on |
the official Marathi dataset provided by the organizers of the co mpetition. The results |
of this model on the test set are shown in Table 6. |
Conclusion |
In this paper, we have presented the details about our participatio n in the HASOC |
Shared Task 2021. We have explored an application of domain-specif ic monolingual and |
multilingual BERT-based models to the tasks of binary and fine-grain ed classification of |
Twitter posts. We also proposed a one-vs-rest approach to discr imination between hate, |
offensive, and profane tweets. Further research can focus on analyzing the effectiveness |
of various text preprocessing techniques for harmful content d etection and exploring |
how different transfer learning approaches can affect classifica tion performance. |
6/10Acknowledgments |
The work on multi-label text classification was carried out by Anna Gla zkova and sup- |
ported by the grant of the President of the Russian Federation no . MK-637.2020.9. |
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