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Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR |
University, USA |
Toxic conversations during software development interactions may have serious repercussions on a Free and Open |
Source Software (FOSS) development project. For example, victims of toxic conversations may become afraid |
to express themselves, therefore get demotivated, and may eventually leave the project. Automated filtering of |
toxic conversations may help a FOSS community to maintain healthy interactions among its members. However, |
off-the-shelf toxicity detectors perform poorly on Software Engineering (SE) dataset, such as one curated from |
code review comments. To encounter this challenge, we present ToxiCR, a supervised learning-based toxicity |
identification tool for code review interactions. ToxiCR includes a choice to select one of the ten supervised learning |
algorithms, an option to select text vectorization techniques, eight preprocessing steps, and a large scale labeled |
dataset of 19,651 code review comments. Two out of those eight preprocessing steps are SE domain specific. With |
our rigorous evaluation of the models with various combinations of preprocessing steps and vectorization techniques, |
we have identified the best combination for our dataset that boosts 95.8% accuracy and 88.9% 𝐹11score. ToxiCR |
significantly outperforms existing toxicity detectors on our dataset. We have released our dataset, pretrained |
models, evaluation results, and source code publicly available at: https://github.com/WSU-SEAL/ToxiCR). |
CCS Concepts: •Software and its engineering →Collaboration in software development ;Integrated and visual |
development environments ;•Computing methodologies →Supervised learning . |
Additional Key Words and Phrases: toxicity, code review, sentiment analysis, natural language processing, tool |
development |
ACM Reference Format: |
Jaydeb Sarker, Asif Kamal Turzo, Ming Dong, Amiangshu Bosu. 2023. Automated Identification of Toxic |
Code Reviews Using ToxiCR. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 32, 1, Article 1 (January 2023), 33 pages. |
https://doi.org/10.1145/3583562 |
Communications among the members of many Free and Open Source Software(FOSS) communities |
include manifestations of toxic behaviours [ 12,32,46,62,66,81]. These toxic communications may have |
decreased the productivity of those communities by wasting valuable work hours [ 16,73]. FOSS developers |
being frustrated over peers with ‘prickly’ personalities [ 17,34] may contemplate leaving a community for |
good [11,26]. Moreover, as most FOSS communities rely on contributions from volunteers, attracting and |
retaining prospective joiners is crucial for the growth and survival of FOSS projects [ 72]. However, toxic |
interactions with existing members may pose barriers against successful onboarding of newcomers [ 48,83]. |
Therefore, it is crucial for FOSS communities to proactively identify and regulate toxic communications. |
Author’s address: Jaydeb Sarker, Asif Kamal Turzo, Ming Dong, Amiangshu Bosu, jaydebsarker,asifkamal,mdong,amiangshu. |
bosu, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA. |
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the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be |
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requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from permissions@acm.org. |
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1049-331X/2023/1-ART1 $15.00 |
https://doi.org/10.1145/3583562 |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.arXiv:2202.13056v3 [cs.SE] 8 Feb 20231:2•Sarker, et al. |
Large-scale FOSS communities, such as Mozilla, OpenStack, Debian, and GNU manage hundreds of |
projects and generate large volumes of text-based communications among their contributors. Therefore, |
it is highly time-consuming and infeasible for the project administrators to identify and timely intervene |
with ongoing toxic communications. Although, many FOSS communities have codes of conduct, those are |
rarely enforced due to time constraints [ 11]. As a result, toxic interactions can be easily found within |
the communication archives of many well-known FOSS projects. As an anonymous FOSS developer |
wrote after leaving a toxic community, “ ..it’s time to do a deep dive into the mailing list archives or |
chat logs. ... Searching for terms that degrade women (chick, babe, girl, bitch, cunt), homophobic slurs |
used as negative feedback (“that’s so gay”), and ableist terms (dumb, retarded, lame), may allow you to |
get a sense of how aware (or not aware) the community is about the impact of their language choice on |
minorities. ” [11]. Therefore, it is crucial to develop an automated tool to identify toxic communication of |
FOSS communities. |
Toxic text classification is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) task to automatically classify a text |
as ‘toxic’ or ‘non-toxic’. There are several state-of-the-art tools to identify toxic contents in blogs and |
tweets [7,9,39,54]. However, off-the-shelf toxicity detectors do not work well on Software Engineering |
(SE) communications [ 77], since several characteristics of such communications (e.g., code reviews and |
bug interactions) are different from those of blogs and tweets. For example, compared to code review |
comments, tweets are shorter and are limited to a maximum length. Tweets rarely include SE domain |
specific technical jargon, URLs, or code snippets [ 6,77]. Moreover, due to different meanings of some |
words (e.g, ‘kill’, ‘dead’, and ‘dumb’) in the SE context, SE communications with such words are often |
incorrectly classified as ‘toxic’ by off-the-shelf toxicity detectors [73, 77]. |
To encounter this challenge, Raman etal. developed a toxicity detector tool (referred as the ‘STRUDEL |
tool’ hereinafter) for the SE domain [ 73]. However, as the STRUDEL tool was trained and evaluated |
with only 611 SE texts. Recent studies have found that it performed poorly on new samples [ 59,70]. To |
further investigate these concerns, Sarker et al. conducted a benchmark study of the STRUDEL tool and |
four other off-the-shelf toxicity detectors using two large scale SE datasets [ 77]. To develop their datasets, |
they empirically developed a rubric to determine which SE texts should be placed in the ‘toxic’ group |
during their manual labeling. Using that rubric, they manually labeled a dataset of 6,533 code review |
comments and 4,140 Gitter messages [ 77]. The results of their analyses suggest that none of the existing |
tools are reliable in identifying toxic texts from SE communications, since all the five tools’ performances |
significantly degraded on their SE datasets. However, they also found noticeable performance boosts (i.e., |
accuracy improved from 83% to 92% and F-score improved from 40% to 87%) after retraining two of the |
existing off-the-shelf models (i.e., DPCNN [ 94] and BERT with FastAI [ 54]) using their datasets. Being |
motivated by these results, we hypothesize that a SE domain specific toxicity detector can boost even |
better performances, since off-the-shelf toxicity detectors do not use SE domain specific preprocessing |
steps, such as preprocessing of code snippets included within texts. On this hypothesis, this paper presents |
ToxiCR, a SE domain specific toxicity detector. ToxiCR is trained and evaluated using a manually labeled |
dataset of 19,651 code review comments selected from four popular FOSS communities (i.e., Android, |
Chromium OS, OpenStack and LibreOffice). We selected code review comments, since a code review |
usually represents a direct interaction between two persons (i.e., the author and a reviewer). Therefore, a |
toxic code review comment has the potential to be taken as a personal attack and may hinder future |
collaboration between the participants. ToxiCR is written in Python using the Scikit-learn [ 67] and |
TensorFlow [ 3]. It provides an option to train models using one of the ten supervised machine learning |
algorithms including five classical and ensemble-based, four deep neural network-based, and a Bidirectional |
Encoder Representations from Transformer (BERT) based ones. It also includes eight preprocessing |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:3 |
steps with two being SE domain specific and an option to choose from five different text vectorization |
techniques. |
We empirically evaluated various optional preprocessing combinations for each of the ten algorithms |
to identify the best performing combination. During our 10-fold cross-validations evaluations, the best |
performing model of ToxiCR significantly outperforms existing toxicity detectors on the code review |
dataset with an accuracy of 95.8% and F-score of 88.9%. |
The primary contributions of this paper are: |
∙ToxiCR: An SE domain specific toxicity detector. ToxiCR is publicly available on Github at: |
https://github.com/WSU-SEAL/ToxiCR. |
∙An empirical evaluation of ten machine learning algorithms to identify toxic SE communications. |
∙Implementations of eight preprocessing steps including two SE domain specific ones that can be |
added to model training pipelines. |
∙An empirical evaluation of three optional preprocessing steps in improving the performances of |
toxicity classification models. |
∙Empirical identification of the best possible combinations for all the ten algorithms. |
Paper organization: The remainder of this paper is organized as following. Section 2 provides a brief |
background and discusses prior related works. Section 3 discusses the concepts utilized in designing |
ToxiCR. Section 4 details the design of ToxiCR. Section 5 details the results of our empirical evaluation. |
Section 6 discusses the lessons learned based on this study. Section 7 discusses threats to validity of our |
findings. Finally, Section 8 provides a future direction based on this work and concludes this paper. |
This section defines toxic communications, provides a brief overview of prior works on toxicity in FOSS |
communities and describes state-of-the-art toxicity detectors. |
2.1 What constitutes a toxic communication? |
Toxicity is a complex phenomenon to construct as it is highly subjective than other text classification |
problems (i.g., online abuse, spam) [ 53]. Whether a communication should be considered as ‘toxic’ also |
depends on a multitude of factors, such as communication medium, location, culture, and relationship |
between the participants. In this research, we focus specially on written online communications. According |
to the Google Jigsaw AI team, a text from an online communication can be marked as toxic if it contains |
disrespectful or rude comments that make a participant to leave the discussion forum [ 7]. On the other |
hand, the Pew Research Center marks a text as toxic if it contains threat, offensive call, or sexually |
expletive words [ 28]. Anderson etal.’s definition of toxic communication also includes insulting language |
or mockery [ 10]. Adinolf and Turkay studied toxic communication in online communities and their views |
of toxic communications include harassment, bullying, griefing (i.e, constantly making other players |
annoyed), and trolling [ 5]. To understand, how persons from various demographics perceive toxicity, |
Kumaretal. conducted a survey with 17,280 participants inside the USA. To their surprise, their results |
indicate that the notion toxicity cannot be attributed to any single demographic factor [ 53]. According to |
Miller et al., various antisocial behaviors fit inside the Toxicity umbrella such as hate speech, trolling, |
flaming, and cyberbullying [ 59]. While some of the SE studies have investigated antisocial behaviors |
among SE communities using the ‘toxicity’ construct [ 59,73,77], other studies have used various other |
lens such as incivility [ 33], pushback [ 29], and destructive criticism [ 40]. Table 1 provides a brief overview |
of the studied constructs and their definitions. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:4•Sarker, et al. |
SE study Construct Definition |
Sarker et |
al. [77]Toxicity “includes any of the following: i) offensive name calling, ii) insults, |
iii) threats, iv) personal attacks, v) flirtations, vi) reference to |
sexual activities, and vii) swearing or cursing. ” |
Miller et |
al. [59]Toxicity “an umbrella term for various antisocial behaviors including |
trolling, flaming, hate speech, harassment, arrogance, entitlement, |
and cyberbullying ”. |
Ferreira et |
al. [33]Incivility “features of discussion that convey an unnecessarily disrespectful |
tone toward the discussion forum, its participants, or its topics ” |
Gunawardena |
et al. [40]Destructive |
criticismnegative feedback which is nonspecific and is delivered in a harsh or |
sarcastic tone, includes threats, or attributes poor task performance |
to flaws of the individual. |
Egelman et |
al. [29]Pushback “the perception of unnecessary interpersonal conflict in code review |
while a reviewer is blocking a change request ” |
Table 1. Anti-social constructs investigated in prior SE studies |
2.2 Toxic communications in FOSS communities |
Several prior studies have identified toxic communications in FOSS communities [ 21,66,73,77,81]. Squire |
and Gazda found occurrences of expletives and insults in publicly available IRC and mailing-list archives of |
top FOSS communities, such as Apache, Debian, Django, Fedora, KDE, and Joomla [ 81]. More alarmingly, |
they identified sexist ‘maternal insults’ being used by many developers. Recent studies have also reported |
toxic communications among issue discussions on Github [73], and during code reviews [33, 40, 66, 77]. |
Although toxic communications are rare in FOSS communities [ 77], toxic interactions can have severe |
consequences [ 21]. Carillo etal. termed Toxic communications as a ‘poison’ that impacts mental health |
of FOSS developers [ 21], and may contribute to stress and burnouts [ 21,73]. When the level of toxicity |
increases in a FOSS community, the community may disintegrate as developers may no longer wish |
to be associated with that community [ 21]. Moreover, toxic communications hamper onboarding of |
prospective joiners, as a newcomer may get turned off by the signs of a toxic culture prevalent in a |
FOSS community [ 48,83]. Milleretal. conducted a qualitative study to better understand toxicity in |
the context of FOSS development [ 59]. They created a sample of 100 Github issues representing various |
types of toxic interactions such as insults, arrogance, trolling, entitlement, and unprofessional behaviour. |
Their analyses also suggest that toxicity in FOSS communities differ from those observed on other online |
platforms such as Reddit or Wikipedia [59]. |
Ferreira et al. [ 33] investigated incivility during code review discussions based on a qualitative analysis |
of 1,545 emails from Linux Kernel Mailing Lists and found that the most common forms of incivility |
among those forums are frustration, name-calling, and importance. Egelman et al. studied the negative |
experiences during code review, which they referred as “pushback”, a scenario when a reviewer is blocking a |
change request due to unnecessary conflict [ 29]. Qiu et al. further investigated such “pushback” phenomena |
to automatically identify interpersonal conflicts [ 70]. Gunawardena et al. investigated negative code review |
feedbacks based on a survey of 93 software developers, and they found that destructive criticism can be a |
threat to gender diversity in the software industry as women are less motivated to continue when they |
receive negative comments or destructive criticisms [40]. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:5 |
2.3 State of the art toxicity detectors |
To combat abusive online contents, Google’s Jigsaw AI team developed the Perspective API (PPA), |
which is publicly available [ 7]. PPA is one of the general purpose state-of-the-art toxicity detectors. For a |
given text, PPA generates the probability (0 to 1) of that text being toxic. As researchers are working to |
identify adversarial examples to deceive the PPA [ 44], the Jigsaw team periodically updates it to eliminate |
identified limitations. The Jigsaw team also published a guideline [ 8] to manually identify toxic contents |
and used that guideline to curate a crowd-sourced labeled dataset of toxic online contents [ 2]. This |
dataset has been used to train several deep neural network based toxicity detectors [ 22,30,37,39,82,86]. |
Recently, Bhat et al.proposed ToxiScope , a supervised learning-based classifier to identify toxic on |
workplace communications [ 14]. However, ToxiScope’s best model achieved a low F1-Score (i.e., =0.77) |
during their evaluation |
One of the major challenges in developing toxicity detectors is character-level obfuscations, where one |
or more characters of a toxic word are intentionally misplaced (e.g. fcuk), or repeated (e.g., shiiit), or |
replaced (e.g., s*ck) to avoid detection. To address this challenge, researchers have used character-level |
encoders instead of word-level encoders to train neural networks [ 54,60,63]. Although, character-level |
encoding based models can handle such character level obfuscations, they come with significant increments |
of computation times [ 54]. Several studies have also found racial and gender bias among contemporary |
toxicity detectors, as some trigger words (i.e., ‘gay’, ‘black’) are more likely to be associated with false |
positives (i.e, a nontoxic text marked as toxic) [75, 85, 89]. |
However, off-the-shelf toxicity detectors suffer significant performance degradation on SE datasets [ 77]. |
Such degradation is not surprising, since prior studies found off-the-shelf natural language processing |
(NLP) tools also performing poorly on SE datasets [ 6,50,56,64]. Raman etal. created the STRUDEL |
tool, an SE domain specific toxicity detector [ 73], by leveraging the PPA tool and a customized version |
of Stanford’s Politeness Detector [ 25]. Sarker etal. investigated the performance of the STRUDEL tool |
and four other off-the-shelf toxicity detectors on two SE datasets [ 77]. In their benchmark, none of the |
tools achieved reliable performance to justify practical applications on SE datasets. However, they also |
achieved encouraging performance boosts, when they retrained two of the tools (i.e., DPCNN [ 94] and |
BERT with FastAI [54]) using their SE datasets. |
To better understand our tool design, this section provides a brief overview of the machine learning (ML) |
algorithms integrated in ToxiCR and five word vectorization techniques for NLP tasks. |
3.1 Supervised machine learning algorithms |
For ToxiCR we selected ten supervised ML algorithms from the ones that have been commonly used for |
text classification tasks. Our selection includes three classical, two ensemble methods based, four deep |
neural network (DNN) based, and a Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer (BERT) |
based algorithms. Following subsections provide a brief overview of the selected algorithms. |
3.1.1 Classical ML algorithms: We have selected the following three classical algorithms, which have been |
previously used for classification of SE texts [6, 20, 55, 84, 84]. |
(1)Decision Tree (DT) : In this algorithm, the dataset is continuously split according to a certain |
parameter. DT has two entities, namely decision nodes and leaves. The leaves are the decisions or the |
final outcomes. And the decision nodes are where the data is split into two or more sub-nodes [ 71]. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:6•Sarker, et al. |
(2)Logistic Regression (LR): LR creates a mathematical model to predict the probability for one of |
the two possible outcomes and is commonly used for binary classification tasks [13]. |
(3)Support-Vector Machine (SVM): After mapping the input vectors into a high dimensional non-linear |
feature space, SVM tries to identify the best hyperplane to partition the data into n-classes, where |
n is the number of possible outcomes [24]. |
3.1.2 Ensemble methods: Ensemble methods create multiple models and then combine them to produce |
improved results. We have selected the following two ensemble methods based algorithms, based on prior |
SE studies [6, 55, 84]. |
(1)Random Forest (RF): RF is an ensemble based method that combines the results produced by |
multiple decision trees [ 42]. RF creates independent decision trees and combines them in parallel |
using on the ‘bagging’ approach [18]. |
(2)Gradient-Boosted Decision Trees (GBT): Similar to RF, GBT is also an ensemble based method |
using decision trees [ 36]. However, GBT creates decision trees sequentially, so that each new tree can |
correct the errors of the previous one and combines the results using the ‘boosting’ approach [80]. |
3.1.3 Deep neural networks: In recent years, DNN based models have shown significant performance |
gains over both classical and ensemble based models in text classification tasks [ 52,94]. In this research, |
we have selected four state-of-the-art DNN based algorithms. |
(1)Long Short Term Memory (LSTM): A Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) processes inputs sequen- |
tially, remembers the past, and makes decisions based on what it has learnt from the past [ 74]. |
However, traditional RNNs may perform poorly on long-sequence of inputs, such as those seen |
in text classification tasks due to ‘the vanishing gradient problem’. This problem occurs, when a |
RNN’s weights are not updated effectively due to exponentially decreasing gradients. To overcome |
this limitation, Hochreiter and Schmidhuber proposed LSTM, a new type of RNN architecture, |
that overcomes the challenges posed by long term dependencies using a gradient-based learning |
algorithm [ 43]. LSTM consists four units: i) input gate, which decides what information to add from |
current step, ii) forget gate, which decides what is to keep from prior steps, iii) output gate, which |
determines the next hidden state, and iv) memory cell, stores information from previous steps. |
(2)Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM): A BiLSTM is composed of a forward LSTM and a backward |
LSTM to model the input sequences more accurately than an unidirectional LSTM [ 23,38]. In |
this architecture, the forward LSTM takes input sequences in the forward direction to model |
information from the past, while the backward LSTM takes input sequences in the reverse direction |
to model information from the future [ 45]. BiLSTM has been shown to be performing better than |
the unidirectional LSTM in several text classification tasks, as it can identify language contexts |
better than LSTM [38]. |
(3)Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU): Similar to LSTM, GRU belongs to the RNN family of algorithms. |
However, GRU aims to handle ‘the vanishing gradient problem’ using a different approach than |
LSTM. GRU has a much simpler architecture with only two units, update gate and reset gate. The |
reset gate decides what information should be forgot for next pass and update gate determines |
which information should pass to next step. Unlike LSTM, GRU does not require any memory cell, |
and therefore needs shorter training time than LSTM [31]. |
(4)Deep Pyramid CNN (DPCNN): Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are a specialized type of |
neural networks that utilizes a mathematical operation called convolution in at least one of their |
layers. CNNs are most commonly used for image classification tasks. Johnson and Zhang proposed a |
special type of CNN architecture, named deep pyramid convolutional neural network (DPCNN) for |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:7 |
text classification tasks [ 49]. Although DPCNN achieves faster training time by utilizing word-level |
CNNs to represent input texts, it does not sacrifice accuracy over character-level CNNs due to its |
carefully designed deep but low-complexity network architecture. |
3.1.4 Transformer model: In recent years, Transformer based models have been used for sequence |
to sequence modeling such as neural machine translations. For a sequence to sequence modeling, a |
Transformer architecture includes two primary parts: i) the encoder , which takes the input and generates |
the higher dimensional vector representation, ii) the decoder , which generates the the output sequence |
from the abstract vector from the encoder. For classification tasks, the output of encoders are used |
for training. Transformers solve the ‘vanishing gradient problem’ on long text inputs using the ‘self |
attention mechanism’, a technique to identify the important features from different positions of an input |
sequence [87]. |
In this study, we select Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers, which is commonly |
known as BERT [ 27]. BERT based models have achieved remarkable performances in various NLP |
tasks, such as question answering, sentiment classification, and text summarization [ 4,27]. BERT’s |
transformer layers use multi-headed attention instead of recurrent units (e.g, LSTM, GRU) to model the |
contextualized representation of each word in an input. |
3.2 Word vectorization |
To train an NLP model, input texts need to be converted into a vector of features that machine learning |
models can work on. Bag-of-Words (BOW) is one of the most basic representation techniques, that |
turns an arbitrary text into fixed-length vector by counting how many times each word appears. As |
BOW representations do not account for grammar and word order, ML models trained using BOW |
representations fail to identify relationships between words. On the other hand, word embedding techniques |
convert words to n-dimensional vector forms in such a way that words having similar meanings have |
vectors close to each other in the n-dimensional space. Word embedding techniques can be further divided |
into two categories: i) context-free embedding, which creates the same representation of a word regardless |
of the context where it occurs; ii) contextualized word embeddings aim at capturing word semantics |
in different contexts to address the issue of polysemous (i.e., words with multiple meanings) and the |
context-dependent nature of words. For this research, we have experimented with five word vectorization |
techniques: one BOW based, three context-free, and one contextualized. Following subsections provide a |
brief overview of those techniques. |
3.2.1 Tf-Idf: TF-IDF is a BOW based vectorization technique that evaluates how relevant a word is to a |
document in a collection of documents. TF-IDF score for a word is computed by multiplying two metrics: |
how many times a word appears in a document ( 𝑇𝑓), and the inverse document frequency of the word |
across a set of documents ( 𝐼𝑑 𝑓). Following equations show the computation steps for Tf-Idf scores. |
𝑇𝑓(︀ |
𝑤, 𝑑)︀ |
=𝑓(︀ |
𝑤, 𝑑)︀ |
𝑡𝜖𝑑𝑓(︀ |
𝑡, 𝑑)︀ |
(1) |
Where, 𝑓(︀ |
𝑡, 𝑑)︀ |
is the frequency of the word ( 𝑤) in the document ( 𝑑), and |
𝑡𝜖𝑑𝑓(︀ |
𝑡, 𝑑)︀ |
represents the total |
number of words in 𝑑. Inverse document frequency (Idf) measures the importance of a term across all |
documents. |
𝐼𝑑 𝑓(︀ |
𝑤)︀ |
=𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑒(︀ |
𝑁𝑤𝑁)︀ |
(2) |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:8•Sarker, et al. |
Fig. 1. A simplified overview of ToxiCR showing key pipeline |
Here, 𝑁is the total number of documents and 𝑤𝑁represents the number of documents having w. Finally, |
we computed TfIdf score of a word as: |
𝑇𝑓𝐼𝑑 𝑓(︀ |
𝑤, 𝑑)︀ |
=𝑇𝑓(︀ |
𝑤, 𝑑)︀ |
*𝐼𝑑 𝑓(︀ |
𝑤)︀ |
(3) |
3.2.2 Word2vec: In 2013, Mikolaev etal. [58] proposed Word2vec, a context free word embedding |
technique. It is based on two neural network models named Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW) and |
Skip-gram. CBOW predicts a target word based on its context, while skip-gram uses the current word |
to predict its surrounding context. During the training, word2vec takes a large corpus of text as input |
and generates a vector space, where each word in the corpus is assigned a unique vector and words with |
similar meaning are located close to one another. |
3.2.3 GloVe: Proposed by Pennington et al. [ 68], Global Vectors for Word Representation (GloVe) is an |
unsupervised algorithm to create context free word embedding. Unlike word2vec, GloVe generates vector |
space from global co-occurrence of words. |
3.2.4 fastText: Developed by the Facebook AI team, fastText is a simple and efficient method to generate |
context-free word embeddings [ 15]. While Word2vec and GloVe cannot provide embedding for out of |
vocabulary words, fastText overcomes this limitation by taking into account morphological characteristics |
of individual words. A word’s vector in fastText based embedding is built from vectors of substrings of |
characters contained in it. Therefore, fasttext performs better than Word2vec or GloVe in NLP tasks, if a |
corpus contains unknown or rare words [15]. |
3.2.5 BERT:. Unlike context-free embeddings (e.g., word2vec, GloVe, and fastText), where each word |
has a fixed representation regardless of the context within which the word appears, a contextualized |
embedding produces word representations that are dynamically informed by the words around them. In |
this study, we use BERT [27]. Similar to fastText, BERT can also handle out of vocabulary words. |
Figure 1 shows the architecture of ToxiCR. It takes a text ( i.e., code review comment) as input and |
applies a series of mandatory preprocessing steps. Then, it applies a series of optional preprocessing based |
on selected configurations. Preprocessed texts are then fed into one of the selected vectorizers to extract |
features. Finally, output vectors are used to train and validate our supervised learning-based models. The |
following subsections detail the research steps to design ToxiCR. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:9 |
4.1 Conceptualization of Toxicity |
As we have mentioned in Section 2.1, what constitutes a ‘toxic communication’ depends on various |
contextual factors. In this study, we specifically focus on popular FOSS projects such as Android, |
Chromium OS, LibreOffice, and OpenStack, where participants represent diverse culture, education, |
ethnicity, age, religion, gender, and political views. As participants are expected and even recommended |
to maintain a high level of professionalism during their interactions with other members of those |
communities [ 35,65,69], we adopt the following expansive definition of toxic contents for this context.1: |
“An SE conversation will be considered as toxic, if it includes any of the following: i) offensive |
name calling, ii) insults, iii) threats, iv) personal attacks, v) flirtations, vi) reference to sexual |
activities, and vii) swearing or cursing.” |
Our conceptualization of toxicity closely aligns with another recent work by Bhat etel. that focuses |
on professional workplace communication [ 14]. According to their definition, a toxic behaviour includes |
any of the following: sarcasm, stereotyping, rude statements, mocking conversations, profanity, bullying, |
harassment, discrimination and violence. |
4.2 Training Dataset Creation |
As of May 2021, there are three publicly available labeled datasets of toxic communications from the |
SE domain. Raman et al.’s dataset created for the STRUDEL tool [ 73] includes only 611 texts. In our |
recent benchmark study (referred as ‘the benchmark study’ hereinafter), we created two datasets, i) a |
dataset of 6,533 code review comments selected from three popular FOSS projects (referred as ‘code |
review dataset 1’ hereinafter), i.e., Android, Chromium OS, and LibreOffice; ii) a dataset of 4,140 Gitter |
messages selected from the Gitter Ethereum channel (referred as ‘gitter dataset’ hereinafter) [ 77]. We |
followed the exact same process used in the benchmark study to select and label additional 13,038 code |
review comments selected from the OpenStack projects. In the following, we briefly describe our four-step |
process, which is detailed in our prior publication [77]. |
4.2.1 Data Mining. In the benchmark, we wrote a Python script to mine the Gerrit [61] managed code |
review repositories of three popular FOSS projects, i.e., Android, Chromium OS, and LibreOffice. Our |
script leverages Gerrit’s REST API to mine and store all publicly available code reviews in a MySQL |
dataset. We use the same script to mine ≈2.1million code review comments belonging to 670,996 code |
reviews from the OpenStack projects’ code review repository hosted at https://review.opendev.org/. We |
followed an approach similar to Paul etal. [66] to identify potential bot accounts based on keywords |
(e.g., ‘bot’, ‘auto’, ‘build’, ‘auto’, ‘travis’, ‘CI’, ‘jenkins’, and ‘clang’). If our manual manual validations |
of comments authored by a potential bot account confirmed it to be a bot, we excluded all comments |
posted by that account. |
4.2.2 Stratified sampling of code review comments. Since toxic communications are rare [ 77] during code |
reviews, a randomly selected dataset of code review comments will be highly imbalanced with less than |
1% toxic instances. To overcome this challenge, we adopted a stratified sampling strategy as suggested |
by Särndal etal. [79]. We used Google’s Perspective API (PPA) [ 7] to compute the toxicity score for |
each review comment. If the PPA score is more than 0.5, then the review comment is more likely to be |
toxic. Among the 2.1 million code review comments, we found 4,118 comments with PPA scores greater |
than 0.5. In addition to those 4,118 review comments, we selected 9,000 code review comments with |
PPA scores less than 0.5. We selected code review comments with PPA scores less than 0.5 in a well |
1We introduced this definition in our prior study [ 77]. We are repeating this definition to assist better comprehension of |
this paper’s context |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:10•Sarker, et al. |
Table 2. An overview of the three SE domain specific toxicity datasets used in this study |
Dataset # total texts # toxic # non-toxic |
Code review 1 6,533 1,310 5,223 |
Code review 2 13,118 2,447 10,591 |
Gitter dataset 4,140 1,468 2,672 |
Code review (combined) 19,651 3,757 15,819 |
distributed manner. We split the texts into five categories (i.e, score: 0-0.1, 0.11-0.2, and so on) and took |
the same amount (1,800 texts) from each category. For example, we took 1,800 samples that have a score |
between 0.3 to 0.4. |
4.2.3 Manual Labeling. During the benchmark study [ 77], we developed a manual labeling rubric fitting |
our definition as well as study context. Our initial rubric was based on the guidelines published by |
the Conversation AI Team (CAT) [ 8]. With these guidelines as our starting point, two of the authors |
independently went through 1,000 texts to adopt the rules to better fit our context. Then, we had a |
discussion session to merge and create a unified set of rules. Table 3 represents our final rubric that has |
been used for manual labeling during both the benchmark study and this study. |
Although we have used the guideline from the CAT as our starting point, our final rubric differs from |
the CAT rubric in two key aspects to better fit our target SE context. First, our rubric is targeted |
towards professional communities with contrast to the CAT rubric, which is targeted towards general |
online communications. Therefore, profanities and swearing to express a positive attitude may not be |
considered as toxic by the CAT rubric. For example, “That’s fucking amazing! thanks for sharing.” is |
given as an example of ‘Not Toxic, or Hard to say’ by the CAT rubric. On the contrary, any sentence |
with profanities or swearing is considered ‘toxic’ according to our rubric, since such a sentence does not |
constitute a healthy interaction. Our characterization of profanities also aligns with the recent SE studies |
on toxicity [ 59] and incivility [ 33]. Second, the CAT rubric is for labeling on a four point-scale (i.e., ‘Very |
Toxic’, ‘Toxic’, ‘Slightly Toxic or Hard to Say’, and ‘Non toxic’) [ 1]. On the contrary, our labeling rubric |
is much simpler on a binary scale (‘Toxic’ and ‘Non-toxic’), since development of four point rubric as |
well as classifier is significantly more challenging. We consider development of a four point rubric as a |
potential future direction. |
Using this rubric, two of the authors independently labeled the 13,118 texts as either ‘toxic’ or ‘non- |
toxic’. After the independent manual labeling, we compared the labels from the two raters to identify |
conflicts. The two raters had agreements on 12,608 (96.1%) texts during this process and achieved a |
Cohen’s Kappa ( 𝜅) score of 0.92 (i.e., an almost perfect agreement)2. We had meetings to discuss the |
conflicting labels and assign agreed upon labels for those cases. At the end of conflict resolution, we found |
2,447 (18.76%) texts labeled as ‘toxic’ among the 13,118 texts. We refer to this dataset as ‘code review |
dataset 2’ hereinafter. Table 2 provides an overview of the three dataset used in this study. |
4.2.4 Dataset aggregation. Since the reliability of a supervised learning-based model increases with the |
size of its training dataset, we decided to merge the two code review dataset into a single dataset (referred |
as ‘combined code review dataset’ hereinafter). We believe such merging is not problematic, due to the |
following reasons. |
(1) Both of the datasets are labeled using the same rubrics and following the same protocol. |
2Kappa ( 𝜅) values are commonly interpreted as follows: values ≤0 as indicating ‘no agreement’ and 0.01 – 0.20 as ‘none to |
slight’, 0.21 – 0.40 as ‘fair’, 0.41 – 0.60 as ‘moderate’, 0.61–0.80 as ‘substantial’, and 0.81–1.00 as ‘almost perfect agreement’. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:11 |
Table 3. Rubric to label the SE text as toxic or non-toxic, adjusted from [77] |
# Rule Rationale Example* |
Rule 1: If a text includes profane |
or curse words it would be |
marked as ‘toxic’.Profanities are the most common |
sources of online toxicities.fuck! Consider it |
done!. |
Rule 2: If a text includes an acronym, |
that generally refers to exple- |
tive or swearing, it would be |
marked as ‘toxic’.Sometimes people use acronyms of |
profanities, which are equally toxic |
as their expanded form.WTF are you doing! |
Rule 3: Insulting remarks regarding |
another person or entities |
would be marked as ‘toxic’.Insulting another developer may |
create a toxic environment and |
should not be encouraged....shut up, smarty- |
pants. |
Rule 4: Attacking a person’s identity |
(e.g., race, religion, national- |
ity, gender or sexual orien- |
tation) would be marked as |
‘toxic’.Identity attacks are considered |
toxic among all categories of on- |
line conversations.Stupid fucking super- |
stitious Christians. |
Rule 5: Aggressivebehaviororthreat- |
ening another person or a |
community would be marked |
as ‘toxic’.Aggregations or threats may stir |
hostility between two developers |
and force the recipients to leave |
the community.yeah, but I’d really |
give a lot for an oppor- |
tunity to punch them |
in the face. |
Rule 6: Both implicit or explicit Ref- |
erences to sexual activities |
would be marked as ‘toxic’.Implicit or explicit references to |
sexual activities may make some |
developers, particularly females, |
uncomfortable and make them |
leave a conversation.This code makes me |
so horny. It’s beauti- |
ful. |
Rule 7: Flirtations would be marked |
as ‘toxic’.Flirtations may also make a de- |
veloper uncomfortable and make |
a recipient avoid the other person |
during future collaborationsI really miss you my |
girl. |
Rule 8: If a demeaning word (e.g., |
‘dumb’, ‘stupid’, ‘idiot’, ‘ig- |
norant’) refers to either the |
writer him/herself or his/her |
work, the sentence would not |
be marked as ‘toxic’, if it does |
not fit any of the first seven |
rules.It is common in SE community to |
use those word for expressing their |
own mistakes. In those cases, the |
use of those toxic words to them- |
selves or their does not make toxic |
meaning. While such texts are un- |
professional [ 59], those do not de- |
grade future communication or col- |
laboration.I’m a fool and didn’t |
get the point of the |
deincrement. It makes |
sense now. |
Rule 9: A sentence, that does not fit |
rules 1 through 8, would be |
marked as ‘non-toxic’.General non-toxic comments. I think ResourceWith- |
Props should be there |
instead of GenericRe- |
source. |
*Examples are provided verbatim from the datasets, to accurately represent the context. We did not |
censor any text, except omitting the reference to a person’s name. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:12•Sarker, et al. |
Table 4. Examples of text preprocessing steps implemented in ToxiCR |
Step Original Post Preprocessing |
URL-rem ah crap. Not sure how I missed that. |
http://goo.gl/5NFKcDah crap. Not sure how I missed that. |
Cntr-exp this line shouldn’t end with a period this line should not end with a period |
Sym-rem Missing: Partial-Bug: #1541928 Missing Partial Bug 1541928 |
Rep-elm haha...looooooooser! haha.. loser! |
Adv-ptrn oh right, sh*t oh right, shit |
Kwrd-rem†Thesestaticvalues should be put at the |
topThese values should be put at the top |
Id-split†idp = self._create_dummy_idp |
(add_clean_up = False)idp = self. create dummy idp(add clean |
up= False) |
†– an optional SE domain specific pre-processing step |
(2) We used the same set of raters for manual labeling. |
(3) Both of the dataset are picked from the same type of repository (i.e., Gerrit based code reviews). |
The merged code review dataset includes total 19,651 code review comments, where 3,757 comments |
(19.1%) are labeled as ‘toxic’. |
4.3 Data preprocessing |
Code review comments are different from news, articles, books, or even spoken language. For example, |
review comments often contain word contractions, URLs, and code snippets. Therefore, we implemented |
eight data preprocessing steps. Five of those steps are mandatory, since those aim to remove unnecessary |
or redundant features. The remaining three steps are optional and their impacts on toxic code review |
detection are empirically evaluated in our experiments. Two out of the three optional pre-processing steps |
are SE domain specific. Table 4 shows examples of texts before and after preprocessing. |
4.3.1 Mandatory preprocessing. ToxiCR implements the following five mandatory pre-processing steps. |
∙URL removal (URL-rem): A code review comment may include an URL (e.g., reference to docu- |
mentation or a StackOverflow post). Although URLs are irrelevant for a toxicity classifier, they can |
increase the number of features for supervised classifiers. We used a regular expression matcher to |
identify and remove all URLs from our datasets. |
∙Contraction expansion (Cntr-exp): Contractions, which are shortened form of one or two words, are |
common among code review texts. For example, some common words are: doesn’t →does not, we’re |
→we are. By creating two different lexicons of the same term, contractions increase the number |
of unique lexicons and add redundant features. We replaced the commonly used 153 contractions, |
each with its expanded version. |
∙Symbol removal (Sym-rem): Since special symbols (e.g., &, #, and ˆ ) are irrelevant for toxicity |
classification tasks, we use a regular expression matcher to identify and remove special symbols. |
∙Repetition elimination (Rep-elm): A person may repeat some of the characters to misspell a toxic |
word to evade detection from a dictionary based toxicity detectors. For example, in the sentence |
“You’re duumbbbb!”, ‘dumb’ is misspelled through character repetitions. We have created a pattern |
based matcher to identify such misspelled cases and replace each with its correctly spelled form. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:13 |
∙Adversarial pattern identification (Adv-ptrn): A person may misspell profane words by replacing |
some characters with a symbol (e.g., ‘f*ck’ and ‘b!tch’) or use an acronym for a slang (e.g., ‘stfu’). |
To identify such cases, we have developed a profanity preprocessor, which includes pattern matchers |
to identify various forms of the 85 commonly used profane words. Our preprocessor replaces each |
identified case with its correctly spelled form. |
4.3.2 Optional preprocessing. ToxiCR includes options to apply following three optional preprocessing |
steps. |
∙Identifier splitting (Id-split): In this preprocessing, we use a regular expression matcher to split |
identifiers written in both camelCase and under_score forms. For example, this step will replace |
‘isCrap’ with ‘is Crap’ and replace ‘is_shitty’ with ‘is shitty’. This preprocessing may help to identify |
example code segments with profane words. |
∙Programming Keywords Removal (Kwrd-rem): Codereviewtextsoftenincludeprogramminglanguage |
specific keywords (e.g., ‘while’, ‘case’, ‘if’, ‘catch’, and ‘except’). These keywords are SE domain |
specific jargon and are not useful for toxicity prediction. We have created a list of 90 programming |
keywords used in the popular programming languages (e.g., C++, Java, Python, C#, PHP, |
JavaScript, and Go). This step searches and removes occurrences of those programming keywords |
from a text. |
∙Count profane words (profane-count): Since the occurrence of profane words is suggestive of a |
toxic text, we think the number of profane words in a text may be an excellent feature for a |
toxicity classifier. We have created a list of 85 profane words, and this step counts the occurrences |
of these words in a text. While the remaining seven pre-processing steps modify an input text |
pre-vectorization, this step adds an additional dimension to the post vectored output of a text. |
4.4 Word Vectorizers |
ToxiCR includes option to use five different word vectorizers. However, due to the limitations of the |
algorithms, each of the vectorizers can work with only one group of algorithms. In our implementation, |
Tfidf works only with the classical and ensemble (CLE) methods, Word2vec, GloVe, and fastText work |
with the deep neural network based algorithms, and BERT model includes its pre-trained vectorizer. For |
vectorizers, we chose the following implementations. |
(1)TfIdf:We select the TfidfVectorizer from the scikit-learn library. To prevent overfitting, we |
discard words not belonging to at least 20 documents in the corpus. |
(2)Word2vec: We select the pre-trained word2vec model available at: https://code.google.com/archive/ |
p/word2vec/. This model was trained with a Google News dataset of 100 billion words and contains |
300-dimensional vectors for 3 million words and phrases. |
(3)GloVe:Among the publicly available, pretrained GloVe models (https://github.com/stanfordnlp/ |
GloVe), we select the common crawl model. This model was trained using web crawl data of 820 |
billion tokens and contains 300 dimensional vectors for 2.2 million words and phrases. |
(4)fastText: From the pretrained fastText models (https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/english-vectors.html), |
we select the common crawl model. This model was trained using the same dataset as our selected |
our GloVe model and contains 300 dimensional vectors for 2 million words. |
(5)BERT:We select a variant of BERT model published as ‘BERT_en_uncased’. This model was |
pre-trained on a dataset of 2.5 billion words from the Wikipedia and 800 million words from the |
Bookcorpus [95]. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:14•Sarker, et al. |
4.5 Architecture of the ML Models |
This section discusses the architecture of the ML models implemented in ToxiCR. |
4.5.1 Classical and ensemble methods. We have used the scikit-learn [ 67] implementations of the CLE |
classifiers. |
∙Decision Tree (DT): We have used the DecisionTreeClassifier class with default parameters. |
∙Logistic Regression (LR): We have used the LogisticRegression class with default parameters. |
∙Support-Vector Machine (SVM): Among the various SVM implementations offered by scikit-learn, |
we have selected the LinearSVC class with default parameters. |
∙Random Forest (RF): We have used the RandomForestClassifier class from scikit-learn ensembles. |
To prevent overfitting, we set the minimum number of samples to split at to 5. For the other |
parameters, we accepted the default values. |
∙Gradient-Boosted Decision Trees (GBT): We have used the GradientBoostingClassifier class |
from the scikit-learn library. We set n_iter_no_change =5, which stops the training early if the |
last 5 iterations did not achieve any improvement in accuracy. We accepted the default values for |
the other parameters. |
4.5.2 Deep Neural Networks Model. We used the version 2.5.0 of the TensorFlow library [ 3] for training |
the four deep neural network models (i.e., LSTM, BiLSTM, GRU, and DPCNN). |
Common parameters of the four models are: |
∙We setmax_features = 5000 (i.e., maximum number of features to use) to reduce the memory |
overhead as well as to prevent model overfitting. |
∙Maximum length of input is set to 500, which means our models can take texts with at most 500 |
words as inputs. Any input over this length would be truncated to 500 words. |
∙As all the three pre-trained word embedding models use 300 dimensional vectors to represent words |
and phrases, we have set embedding size to 300. |
∙The embedding layer takes input embedding matrix as inputs. Each of word ( 𝑤𝑖) from a text is |
mapped (embedded) to a vector ( 𝑣𝑖) using one of the three context-free vectorizers (i.e., fastText, |
GloVe, and word2vec). For a text 𝑇, its embedding matrix will have a dimension of 300𝑋𝑛, where |
𝑛is the total number of words in that text. |
∙Since we are developing binary classifiers, we have selected binary_crossentropy loss function for |
model training. |
∙We have selected the Adam optimizer (Adaptive Moment Estimation) [ 51] to update the weights |
of the network during the training time. The initial learning_rate is set to 0.001. |
∙During the training, we set accuracy (𝐴) as the evaluation metric. |
The four deep neural models of ToxiCR are primarily based on three layers as described briefly in the |
following. Architecture diagrams of the models are included in our replication package [76]. |
∙Input Embedding Layer: After preprocessing of code review texts, those are converted to input |
matrix. Embedded layer maps input matrix to a fixed dimension input embedding matrix. We |
used three pre-trained embeddings which help the model to capture the low level semantics using |
position based texts. |
∙Hidden State Layer: This layer takes the position wise embedding matrix and helps to capture the |
high level semantics of words in code review texts. The configuration of this layer depends on the |
choice of the algorithm. ToxiCR includes one CNN (i.e., DPCNN) and three RNN (i.e., LSTM, |
BiLSTM, GRU) based hidden layers. In the following, we describe the key properties of these four |
types of layers. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:15 |
–DPCNN blocks: Following the implementation of DPCNN [ 49], we set 7 convolution blocks with |
Conv1Dlayer after the input embedding layer. We also set the other parameters of DPCNN model |
following [ 49]. Outputs from each of the CNN blocks is passed to a GlobalMaxPooling1D layer to |
capture the most important features from the inputs. A dense layer is set with 256 units which is |
activated with a linear activation function. |
–LSTM blocks: From the Keras library, we use LSTMunit to capture the hidden sequence from |
input embedding vector. LSTM unit generates the high dimensional semantic representation |
vector. To reshape the output dimension, we use flatten and dense layer after LSTM unit. |
–BiLSTM blocks: For text classification tasks, BiLSTM works better than LSTM for capturing the |
semantics of long sequence of text. Our model uses 50 units of Bidirectional LSTM units from |
the Keras library to generate the hidden sequence of input embedding matrix. To downsample |
the high dimension hidden vector from BiLSTM units, we set a GlobalMaxPool1D layer. This |
layer downsamples the hidden vector from BiLSTM layer by taking the maximum value of each |
dimension and thus captures the most important features for each vector. |
–GRU blocks: We use bidirectional GRUs with 80 units to generate the hidden sequence of input |
embedding vector. To keep the most important features from GRU units, we set a concatenation |
ofGlobalAveragePooling1D andGlobalMaxPooling1D layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D calcu- |
lates the average of entire sequence of each vector and GlobalMaxPooling1D finds the maximum |
value of entire sequence. |
∙Classifier Layer: The output vector of hidden state layer project to the output layer with a dense |
layer and a sigmoid activation function. This layer generates the probability of the input vector |
from the range 0 to 1. We chose a sigmoid activation function because it provides the probability |
of a vector within 0 to 1 range. |
4.5.3 Transformer models. Among the several pre-trained BERT models3we have used bert_en_uncased , |
which is also known as the 𝐵𝐸𝑅𝑇_𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒model. We downloaded the models from the tensorflow_hub , |
which consists trained machine learning models ready for fine tuning. |
Our BERT model architecture is as following: |
∙Input layer: takes the preprocessed input text from our SE dataset. To fit into BERT pretrained en- |
coder,wepreprocesseachtextusingmatchingpreprocessingmodel(i.e. bert_en_uncased_preprocess |
4). |
∙BERT encoder: From each preprocessed text, this layer produces BERT embedding vectors with |
higher level semantic representations. |
∙Dropout Layer: To prevent overfitting as well as eliminate unnecessary features, outputs from the |
BERT encoder layer is passed to a dropout layer with a probability of 0.1 to drop an input. |
∙Classifier Layer: Outputs from the dropout layer is passed to a two-unit dense layer, which transforms |
the outputs into two-dimensional vectors. From these vectors, a one-unit dense layer with linear |
activation function generates the probabilities of each text being toxic. Unlike deep neural network’s |
output layer, we have found that linear activation function provides better accuracy than non-linear |
ones (e.g, 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑢,𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑚𝑜𝑖𝑑) for the BERT-based models. |
∙Parameters: Similar to the deep neural network models, we use binary_crossentropy as the loss |
function and Binary Accuracy as the evaluation metric during training. |
3https://github.com/google-research/bert |
4https://tfhub.dev/tensorflow/bert_en_uncased_preprocess/3 |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:16•Sarker, et al. |
Table 5. An overview of the hyper parameters for our deep neural networks and transformers |
Hyper-Parameters Deep neural networks (i.e., DPCNN, |
LSTM, BiLSTM, and GRU)Transformer (BERT) |
Activation sigmoid linear |
Loss function binary crossentropy binary crossentropy |
Optimizer adam Adamw |
Learning rate 0.001 3e-5 |
Early stopping monitor val_loss val_loss |
Epochs 40 15 |
Batch size 128 256 |
∙Optimizer: We set the optimizer as Adamw[57] which improved the generalization performance of |
‘adam’ optimizer. Adamwminimizes the prediction loss and does regularization by decaying weight. |
Following the recommendation of Devlin etal. [27], we set the initial learning rate to 3𝑒−5. |
4.6 Model Training and Validation |
Following subsections detail our model training and validation approaches. |
4.6.1 Classical and ensembles. We evaluated all the models using 10-fold cross validations, where the |
dataset was randomly split into 10 groups and each of the ten groups was used as test dataset once, while |
the remaining nine groups were used to train the model. We used stratified split to ensure similar ratios |
of the classes between the test and training sets. |
4.6.2 DNN and Transformers. We have customized several hyper-parameters of the DNN models to train |
our models. Table 5 provides an overview of those customized hyper-parameters. A DNN model can be |
overfitted due to over training. To encounter that, we have configured our training parameters to find the |
best fit model that is not overfitted. During training, we split our dataset into three sets according to |
8:1:1 ratio. These three sets are used for training, validation, and testing respectively during our 10-fold |
cross validations to evaluate our DNN and transformer models. For training, we have set maximum 40 |
epochs5for the DNN models and maximum 15 epochs for the BERT model. During each epoch, a model |
is trained using 80% samples, is validated using 10% samples, and the remaining 10% is used to measure |
the performance of the trained model. To prevent overfitting, we have used an EarlyStopping function |
from the Keras library, which monitors minimum val loss . If the performance of a model on the validation |
dataset starts to degrade (e.g. loss begins to increase or accuracy begins to drop), then the training |
process is stopped. |
4.7 Tool interface |
We have designed ToxiCR to support standalone evaluation as well as being used as a library for toxic |
text identification. We have also included pre-trained models to save model training time. Listing 1 shows |
a sample code to predict the toxicity of texts using our pretrained BERT model. |
We have also included a command line based interface for model evaluation, retraining, and fine tuning |
hyperparameters. Figure 2 shows the usage help message of ToxiCR. Users can customize execution with |
eight optional parameters, which are as follows: |
5the number times that a learning algorithm will work through the entire training dataset |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:17 |
Fig. 2. The command line interface of ToxiCR showing various customization options |
1from ToxiCR import ToxiCR |
2 |
3clf=ToxiCR(ALGO="BERT" , count_profanity=False , remove_keywords=True , |
4 split_identifier=False , |
5 embedding="bert" , load_pretrained=True) |
6 |
7clf . init_predictor () |
8sentences=[" this is crap" , "thank you for the information" , |
9 " shi ∗tty code" ] |
10 |
11results=clf . get_toxicity_class(sentences) |
Listing 1. Example usage of ToxiCR to classify toxic texts |
∙Algorithm Selection: Users can select one of the ten included algorithms by using the –algo ALGO |
option. |
∙Number of Repetitions: Users can specify the number of times to repeat the 10-fold cross-validations |
in evaluation mode using –repeat n option. Default value is 5. |
∙Embedding: ToxiCR includes five different vectorization techniques: tfidf,word2vec ,glove, |
fasttext , andbert.tfidfis configured to be used only with the CLE models. word2vec ,glove, |
andfastext can be used only with the DNN models. Finally, bertcan be used only with the |
transformer model. Users can customize this selection using the –embed EMBED option. |
∙Identifier splitting: Using the –splitoption, users can select to apply the optional preprocessing |
step to split identifiers written in camelCases or under_scores. |
∙Programming keywords: Using the –keyword option, users can select to apply the optional prepro- |
cessing step to remove programming keywords. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:18•Sarker, et al. |
∙Profanity: The –profanity optional preprocessing step allows to add the number of profane words |
in a text as an additional feature. |
∙Missclassification diagnosis: The –retrooption is useful for error diagnosis. If this option is selected, |
ToxiCR will write all misclassified texts in a spreadsheet to enable manual analyses. |
∙Execution mode: ToxiCR can be executed in three different modes. The evalmode will run 10-fold |
cross validations to evaluate the performance of an algorithm with the selected options. In the eval |
mode, ToxiCR writes results of each run and model training time in a spreadsheet. The retrain |
mode will train a classifier with the full dataset. This option is useful for saving models in a file to be |
used in the future. Finally, the tuningmode allows to explore various algorithm hyperparameters |
to identify the optimum set. |
We empirically evaluated the ten algorithms included in ToxiCR to identify the best possible configuration |
to identify toxic texts from our datasets. Following subsections detail our experimental configurations |
and the results of our evaluations. |
5.1 Experimental Configuration |
To evaluate the performance of our models, we use precision, recall, f-score, accuracy for both toxic (class |
1) and non-toxic (class 0) classes. We computed the following evaluation metrics. |
∙Precision ( 𝑃):For a class, precision is the percentage of identified cases that truly belongs to that |
class. |
∙Recall ( 𝑅):For a class, recall is the ratio of correctly predicted cases and total number of cases. |
∙F1-score ( 𝐹1):F1-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. |
∙Accuracy ( 𝐴):Accuracy is the percentage of cases that a model predicted correctly. |
In our evaluations, we consider F1-score for the toxic class (i.e., 𝐹11) as the most important metric to |
evaluate these models, since: i) identification of toxic texts is our primary objective, and ii) our datasets |
are imbalanced with more than 80% non-toxic texts. |
To estimate the performance of the models more accurately, we repeated 10-fold cross validations |
five times and computed the means of all metrics over those 5 *10 =50 runs. We use Python’s Random |
module, which is a pseudo-random number generator, to create stratified 10-fold partitions, preserving |
the ratio between the two classes across all partitions. If initialized with the same seed number, Random |
would generate the exact same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. At the start of each algorithm’s |
evaluation, we initialized the Randomgenerator using the same seed to ensure the exact same sequence |
of training/testing partitions for all algorithms. As the model performances are normally distributed, |
we use paired sample t-tests to check if observed performance differences between two algorithms are |
statistically significant ( 𝑝 < 0.05). We use the ‘paired sample t-test’, since our experimental setup |
guarantees cross-validation runs of two different algorithms would get the same sequences of train/test |
partitions. We have included the results of the statistical tests in the replication package [76]. |
We conducted all evaluations on an Ubuntu 20.04 LTS workstation with Intel i7-9700 CPU, 32GB |
RAM, and an NVIDIA Titan RTX GPU with 24 GB memory. For python configuration, we created an |
Anaconda environment with Python 3.8.0, and tensorflow /tensorflow-gpu 2.5.0. |
5.2 Baseline Algorithms |
To establish baseline performances, we computed the performances of four existing toxicity detectors |
(Table 6) on our dataset. We briefly describe the four tools in the following. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:19 |
Table6. Performancesofthefourcontemporarytoxicdetectorstoestablishabaselineperformance.Forourclassifications, |
we consider toxic texts as the ‘class 1’ and non-toxic texts as the ‘class 0’. |
ModelsNon-toxic ToxicAccuracy𝑃0𝑅0𝐹10 𝑃1𝑅1𝐹11 |
Perspective API [7] (off-the-shelf) 0.920.790.850.450.700.55 0.78 |
Strudel Tool (off-the-shelf) [73] 0.930.760.830.430.770.55 0.76 |
Strudel (retrain) [78] 0.970.960.970.850.860.85 0.94 |
DPCNN (retrain) [77] 0.940.950.940.810.760.78 0.91 |
(1)Perspective API [ 7] (off-the-shelf): To prevent the online community from abusive content, Jigsaw |
and Google’s Counter Abuse Technology team developed Perspective API [ 7]. Algorithms and |
datasetstotrainthesemodelsarenotpubliclyavailable.PerspectiveAPIcangeneratetheprobability |
score of a text being toxic, servere_toxic, insult, profanity, threat, identity_attack, and sexually |
explicit. The score for each category is from 0 to 1 where the probability of a text belonging to that |
category increases with the score. For our two class classification, we considered a text as toxic if its |
Perspective API score for the toxicity category is higher than 0.5. |
(2)STRUDEL tool [ 73] (off-the-shelf): The STRUDEL tool is an ensemble based on two existing tools: |
Perspective API and Stanford politeness detector and BoW vector obtained from preprocessed |
text. Its classification pipeline obtains toxicity score of a text using the Perspective API, computes |
politeness score using the Stanford politeness detector tool [ 25], and computes BoW vector using |
TfIdf. For SE specificity, its TfIdf vectorizer excludes words that occur more frequently in the SE |
domain than in a non-SE domain. Although, STRUDEL tool also computes several other features |
such as sentiment score, subjectivity score, polarity score, number of LIWC anger words, and the |
number of emoticons in a text, none of these features contributed to improved performances during |
its evaluation [ 73]. Hence, the best performing ensemble from STRUDEL uses only the Perspective |
API score, Stanford politeness score, and TfIdf vector. The off-the-shelf version is trained on a |
manually labeled dataset of 654 Github issues. |
(3)STRUDEL tool [ 78] (retrain): Due to several technical challenges, we were unable to retrain |
the STRUDEL tool using the source code provided in its repository [ 73]. Therefore, we wrote a |
simplified re-implementation based on the description included in the paper and our understanding |
of the current source code. Upon contacting, the primary author of the tool acknowledged our |
implementation as correct. Our implementation is publicly available inside the WSU-SEAL directory |
of the publicly available repository: https://github.com/WSU-SEAL/toxicity-detector. Our pull |
request with this implementation has been also merged to the original repository. For computing |
baseline performance, we conducted a stratified 10-fold cross validation using our code review |
dataset. |
(4)DPCNN [ 77] (retrain): We cross-validated a DPCNN model [ 49], using our code review dataset. |
We include this model in our baseline, since it provided the best retrained performance during our |
benchmark study [77]. |
Table 6 shows the performances of the four baseline models. Unsurprisingly, the two retrained models |
provide better performances than the off-the-shelf ones. Overall, the retrained Strudel tool provides |
the best scores among the four tools on all seven metrics. Therefore, we consider this model as the key |
baseline to improve on. The best toxicity detector among the ones participating in the 2020 SemEval |
challenge achieved 0.92 𝐹1score on the Jigsaw dataset [ 91]. As the baseline models listed in Table 6 are |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:20•Sarker, et al. |
Table 7. Mean performances of the ten selected algorithms based on 10-fold cross validations. For each group, shaded |
background indicate significant improvements over the others from the same group |
Group Models VectorizerNon-toxic ToxicAccuracy ( 𝐴)𝑃0 𝑅0 𝐹10 𝑃1 𝑅1 𝐹11 |
CLEDT tfidf 0.9540.9630.9590.8410.8060.823 0.933 |
GBT tfidf 0.9260.9850.9550.9160.6720.775 0.925 |
LR tfidf 0.9180.9830.9490.9000.6330.743 0.916 |
RF tfidf 0.9560.9820.9690.9160.8100.859 0.949 |
SVM tfidf 0.9290.9790.9540.8880.6880.775 0.923 |
DNN1DPCNN word2vec 0.9620.9660.9640.8700.8410.849 0.942 |
DPCNN GloVe 0.9630.9660.9640.8710.8420.851 0.943 |
DPCNN fasttext 0.9640.9670.9650.8700.8450.852 0.944 |
DNN2LSTM word2vec 0.9290.9780.9530.8660.6980.778 0.922 |
LSTM GloVe 0.9440.9710.9570.8640.7580.806 0.930 |
LSTM fasttext 0.9360.9740.9540.8530.7180.778 0.925 |
DNN3BiLSTM word2vec 0.9650.9740.9690.8870.8510.868 0.950 |
BiLSTM GloVe 0.9650.9760.9680.8950.8280.859 0.948 |
BiLSTM fasttext 0.9660.9740.9700.8880.8540.871 0.951 |
DNN4GRU word2vec 0.9640.9760.9700.8940.8470.870 0.951 |
GRU GloVe 0.9650.9770.9710.9010.8510.875 0.953 |
GRU fasttext 0.9650.9740.9690.8880.8520.869 0.951 |
Transformer BERT en uncased 0.9710.9760.9730.9010.8760.887 0.957 |
evaluated on a different dataset, it may not be fair to compare these models against the ones trained on |
Jigsaw dataset. However, the best baseline model’s 𝐹1score is 7 (i.e., 0.92 -0.85 ) points lower than the |
ones from a non-SE domain. This result suggests that with existing technology, it may be possible to train |
SE domain specific toxicity detectors with better performances than the best baseline listed in Table 6. |
Finding 1: Retrained models provide considerably better performances than the off-the-shelf ones, |
with the retrained STRUDEL tool providing the best performances. Still the 𝐹11score from the best |
baseline model lags 7 points behind the 𝐹11score of state-of-the-art models trained and evaluated on |
the Jigsaw dataset during 2020 SemEval challenge [91]. |
5.3 How do the algorithms perform without optional preprocessing? |
Following subsections detail the performances of the three groups of algorithm described in the Section 4.5. |
5.3.1 Classical and Ensemble (CLE) algorithms. The top five rows of the Table 7 (i.e., CLE group) show |
the performances of the five CLE models. Among, those five algorithms, RF achieves significantly higher |
𝑃0(0.956), 𝐹10(0.969), 𝑅1(0.81), 𝐹11(0.859) and accuracy (0.949) than the four other algorithms |
from this group. The RF model also significantly outperforms (One-sample t-test) the key baseline (i.e., |
retrained STRUDEL) in terms of the two key metrics, accuracy ( 𝐴) and 𝐹11. Although, STRUDEL |
retrain achieves better recall ( 𝑅1), our RF based model achieves better precision ( 𝑃1). |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:21 |
5.3.2 Deep Neural Networks (DNN). We evaluated each of the four DNN algorithms using three different |
pre-trained word embedding techniques (i.e., word2vec, GloVe, and fastText) to identify the best per- |
forming embedding combinations. Rows 6 to 17 (i.e., groups: DNN1, DNN2, DNN3, and DNN4) of the |
Table 7 show the performances of the four DNN algorithms using three different embeddings. For each |
group, statistically significant improvements (paired-sample t-tests) over the other two configurations |
are highlighted using shaded background. Our results suggest that choice of embedding does influence |
performances of the DNN algorithms. However, such variations are minor. |
For DPCNN, only 𝑅1score is significantly better with fastText than it is with GloVe or word2vec. The |
other scores do not vary significantly among the three embeddings. Based on these results, we recommend |
fastText for DPCNN in ToxiCR. For LSTM and GRU, GloVe boosts significantly better 𝐹11scores than |
those based on fastText or word2vec. Since 𝐹11is one of the key measures to evaluate our models, we |
recommend the GloVe for both LSTM and GRU in ToxiCR. Glove also boosts the highest accuracy |
for both LSTM (although not statistically significant) and GRU. For BiLSTM, since fastText provides |
significantly higher 𝑃0,𝑅1, and 𝐹11scores than those based on GloVe or word2vec. We recommend |
fastText for BiLSTM in ToxiCR. These results also suggest that three out of the four selected DNN |
algorithms (i.e., except LSTM) significantly outperform (one-sample t-test) the key baseline (i.e., retrained |
STRUDEL) in terms of both accuracy and 𝐹11-score. |
5.3.3 Transformer. The bottom row of Table 7 shows the performance of our BERT based model. This |
model achieves the highest mean accuracy (0.957) and 𝐹11(0.887) among all the 18 models listed in |
Table 7. This model also outperforms the baseline STRUDEL retrain on all the seven metrics. |
Finding 2: From the CLE group, RF provides the best performances. From the DNN group GRU with |
glove provides the best performances. Among the 18 models from the six groups, BERT achieves the |
best performances. Overall, ten out of the 18 models also outperform the baseline STRUDEL retrain |
model. |
5.4 Do optional preprocessing steps improve performance? |
For each of the ten selected algorithms, we evaluated whether the optional preprocessing steps (especially |
SE domain specific ones) improve performances. Since ToxiCR includes three optional preprocessing (i.e., |
identifier splitting ( id-split), keyword removal ( kwrd-remove ), and counting profane words ( profane-count ), |
we ran each algorithm with 23=8different combinations. For the DNN models, we did not evaluate all |
three embeddings in this step, as that would require evaluating 3*8= 24 possible combinations for each one. |
Rather we used only the best performing embedding identified in the previous step (i.e., Section 5.3.2). |
To select the best optional preprocessing configuration from the eight possible configurations, we use |
mean accuracy and mean 𝐹11scores based on five time 10-fold cross validations. We also used pair |
sampled t-tests to check whether any improvement over its base configuration’s, as listed in the Table 7 |
(i.e., no optional preprocessing selected), is statistical significant ( paired sample t-test, 𝑝 <0.05). |
Table 8 shows the best performing configurations for all algorithms and the mean scores for those |
configurations. Checkmarks ( ✓) in the preprocessing columns for an algorithm indicate that the best |
configuration for that algorithm does use that pre-processing. To save space, we report the performances of |
only the best combination for each algorithm. Detailed results are available in our replication package [ 76]. |
These results suggest that optional pre-processing steps do improve the performances of the models. |
Notably, CLE models gained higher improvements than the other two groups. RF’s accuracy improved |
from 0.949 to 0.955 and 𝐹11improved from 0.859 to 0.879 with the profane-count preprocessing. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:22•Sarker, et al. |
Table 8. Best performing configurations of each model with optional preprocessing steps. Shaded background indicates significant improvements |
over its base configuration (i.e., no optional preprocessing). For each column, bold font indicates the highest value for that measure. †– indicates |
an optional SE domain specific pre-processing step. |
Group Algo VectorizerPreprocessing Non-toxic Toxic𝐴profane- |
countkwrd- |
removeid- |
split𝑃0 𝑅0 𝐹10 𝑃1 𝑅1 𝐹11 |
CLEDT tfidf ✓ ✓ -0.9600.9680.9640.862 0.8300.845 0.942 |
GBT tfidf ✓ ✓ -0.9380.9810.9590.901 0.7290.806 0.932 |
LR tfidf ✓ ✓ -0.9320.9810.9560.898 0.6980.785 0.927 |
RF tfidf ✓ - -0.9640.9810.9720.917 0.8450.879 0.955 |
SVM tfidf ✓ ✓ -0.9390.9770.9580.886 0.7360.804 0.931 |
DNNDPCNN fasttext ✓ - -0.9640.9730.9680.889 0.8460.863 0.948 |
LSTM glve ✓ ✓ ✓0.9440.9740.9590.878 0.7560.810 0.932 |
BiLSTM fasttext ✓ - ✓0.9660.9750.9710.892 0.8580.875 0.953 |
BiGRU glove ✓ - ✓0.9660.9760.9710.897 0.8560.876 0.954 |
Transormer BERT bert - ✓ -0.9700.9780.9740.907 0.8740.889 0.958 |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:23 |
Table 9. Performance of ToxiCR on Gitter dataset |
Mode Models VectorizerNon-toxic ToxicAccuracy𝑃 𝑅 𝐹1 𝑃 𝑅 𝐹1 |
Cross-validation |
(retrain)RF TfIdf 0.8510.9450.8970.8790.6990.779 0.859 |
BERT BERT-en-uncased 0.9310.9090.9190.8430.8770.856 0.898 |
Cross-prediction |
(off-the-shelf)RF TfIdf 0.8570.9770.9140.9450.7040.807 0.881 |
BERT BERT-en-uncased 0.8970.9490.9230.8970.8020.847 0.897 |
During these evaluations, other CLE models also achieved between 0.02 to 0.04 performance boosts in |
our key measures (i.e., 𝐴and𝐹11). Improvements from optional preprocessing also depend on algorithm |
choices. While the profane-count preprocessing improved performances of all the CLE models, kwrd-remove |
improved all except RF. On the other hand, id-splitimproved none of the CLE models. |
All the DNN models also improved performances with the profane-count preprocessing. Contrasting |
the CLE models, id-splitwas useful for three out of the four DNNs. kwrd-remove preprocessing improved |
only LSTM models. Noticeably, gains from optional preprocessing for the DNN models were less than |
0.01 over the base configurations’ and statistically insignificant (paired-sample t-test, 𝑝 >0.05) for most |
of the cases. Finally, although we noticed slight performance improvement (i.e., in 𝐴and𝐹11) of the |
BERT model with kwrd-remove , the differences are not statistically significant. Overall, at the end of our |
extensive evaluation, we found the best performing combination was a BERT model with kwrd-remove |
optional preprocessing. The best combination provides 0.889 𝐹11score and 0.958 accuracy. The best |
performing model also significantly outperforms (one sample t-test, 𝑝 < 0.05) the baseline model (i.e, |
STRUDEL retrain in Table 6) in all the seven performance measures. |
Finding3: Eight out of the ten models (i.e., except SVM and DPCNN) achieved significant performance |
gains through SE domain preprocessing such as programming keyword removal and identifier splitting. |
Although keyword removal may be useful for all the four classes of algorithms, identifier splitting is |
useful only for three DNN models. Our best model is based on BERT, which significantly outperforms |
the STRUDEL retrain model on all seven measures. |
5.5 How do the models perform on another dataset? |
To evaluate the generality of our models, we have used the Gitter dataset of 4,140 messages from our |
benchmark study [ 77]. In this step, we conducted two types of evaluations. First, we ran 10-fold cross |
validations of the top CLE model (i.e., RF) and the BERT model using the Gitter dataset. Second, we |
evaluated cross dataset prediction performance (i.e., off-the-shelf) by using the code review dataset for |
training and the Gitter dataset for testing. |
The top two rows of the Table 9 shows the results of 10-fold cross-validations for the the two models. |
We found that the BERT model provides the best accuracy (0.898) and the best 𝐹11(0.856). On the |
Gitter dataset, all the seven performance measures achieved by the BERT model are lower than those |
on the code review dataset. It may be due to the smaller size of the Gitter dataset (4,140 texts) than |
the code review dataset (19,651 texts). The bottom two rows of the Table 9 shows the results of our |
cross-predictions (i.e., off-the-shelf). Our BERT model achieved similar performances in terms of 𝐴and |
𝐹11in both modes. However, the RF model performed better on the Gitter dataset in cross-prediction |
mode (i.e., off-the-shelf) than in cross-validation mode. This result further supports our hypothesis that |
the performance drops of our models on the Gitter dataset may be due to smaller sized training data. |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:24•Sarker, et al. |
Table 10. Confusion Matrix for our best performing model (i.e., BERT) for the combined code review dataset |
Predicted |
ToxicNon-toxic |
ActualToxic 3259 483 |
Non-toxic 373 15,446 |
Finding 4: Although, our best performing model provides higher precision off-the-shelf on the Gitter |
dataset than that from the retrained model, the later achieves better recall. Regardless, our BERT |
model achieves similar accuracy and 𝐹11during both off-the-shelf usage and retraining. |
5.6 What are the distributions of misclassifications from the best performing model? |
The best-performing model (i.e., BERT) misclassified only 856 texts out of the 19,651 texts from our |
dataset. There are 373 false positives and 483 false negatives. Table 10 shows the confusion matrix of the |
BERT model. To understand the reasons behind misclassifications, we adopted an open coding approach |
where two of the authors independently inspected each misclassified text to identify general scenarios. |
Next, they had a discussion session, where they developed an agreed upon higher level categorization |
scheme of five groups. With this scheme, those two authors independently labeled each misclassified text |
into one of those five groups. Finally, they compared their labels and resolved conflicts through mutual |
discussions. |
False negative False positive |
0.0%10.0%20.0%30.0%40.0%MissclassificationsError categories |
Confunding contexts |
Bad acronym |
Self deprecation |
SE domain specific words |
General error |
Fig. 3. Distribution of the misclassifications from the BERT model |
Figure 3 shows distributions of the five categories of misclassifcations from ToxiCR grouped by False |
Positives (FP) and False Negatives (FN). Following subsections detail those error categories. |
5.6.1 General erros (GE). General errors are due to failures of the classifier to identify the pragmatic |
meaning of various texts. These errors represent 45% of the false positives and 46% of the false negatives. |
Many GE false positives are due to words or phrases that more frequently occur in toxic contexts and |
vice versa. For example, “If we do, should we just get rid of the HBoundType?” and“Done. I think they |
came from a messed up rebase.” are two false positive cases, due to the phrases ‘get rid of’ and ‘messed |
up’ that have occurred more frequently in toxic contexts. |
GE errors also occurred due to infrequent words. For example, “"Oh, look. The stupidity that makes |
me rant so has already taken root. I suspect it’s not too late to fix this, and fixing this rates as a mitzvah |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:25 |
in my book." – is incorrectly predicted as non-toxic as a very few texts in our dataset include the word |
‘stupidity’. Another such instance was “this is another instance of uneducated programmers calling any |
kind of polymorphism overloading, please translate it to override.” , due to to word ‘uneducated’. As we did |
not have many instances of identify attacks in our dataset, most of those were also incorrectly classified. |
For example, “most australian dummy var name ever!" was predicted as non-toxic by our classifier. |
5.6.2 SE domain specific words (SE):. Words that have different meanings in the SE domain than its’ |
meaning in the general domain (die, dead, kill, junk, and bug) [ 77] were responsible for 40% false positives |
and 43% false negatives. For example, the text “you probably wanted ‘die‘ here. eerror is not fatal.” , |
is incorrectly predicted as toxic due to the presence of the words ‘die’ and ‘fatal’. On the other hand, |
although the word ‘junk’ is used to harshly criticize a code in the sentence “I don’t actually need all this |
junk...”, this sentence was predicted as non-toxic as most of the code review comments from our dataset |
do not use ‘junk’ in such a way. |
5.6.3 Self deprecation (SD):. Usage of self-deprecating texts to express humility is common during code |
reviews [59,77]. We found that 13% of 373 false positives and 11% of 493 false negatives were due to the |
presence of self deprecating phrases. For example, “ Missing entry in kerneldoc above... (stupid me) ” is |
labeled as ‘non-toxic’ in our dataset but is predicted as ‘toxic’ by our model. Although, our model did |
classify many of the SD texts expressing humbleness correctly, those texts also led to some false negatives. |
For example, although “ Huh? Am I stupid? How’s that equivalent? ” was misclassified as non-toxic, it fits |
‘toxic’ according to our rubric due to its aggressive tone. |
5.6.4 Bad acronym (BA). In few cases, developers have used acronyms with with alternate toxic expansion. |
For example, the webkit framework used the acronym ‘WTF’ -‘Web Template Framework’6, for a |
namespace. Around 2% of our false positive cases were comments referring to the ‘WTF’ namespace from |
Webkit. |
5.6.5 Confounding contexts (CC). Some of the texts in our dataset represent confounding contexts and |
were challenging even for the human raters to make a decision. Such cases represent 0.26% false positives |
and 1.04% false negatives. For example, “This is a bit ugly, but this is what was asked so I added a null |
ptr check for |inspector_agent_|. Let me know what you think.” is a false positive case from our dataset. |
We had labeled it as non-toxic, since the word ‘ugly’ is applied to critique code written by the author |
of this text. On the other hand, “I just know the network stack is full of _bh poop. Do you ever get |
called from irq context? Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you thrash.” is labeled as toxic due to thrashing |
another person’s code with the word ‘poop’. However, the reviewer also said sorry in the next sentence. |
During labeling, we considered it as toxic, since the reviewer could have critiqued the code in a nicer way. |
Probably due to the presence of mixed contexts, our classifier incorrectly predicted it as ‘non-toxic’. |
Finding 5: Almost 85% of the misclassifications are due to either our model’s failure to accurately |
comprehend the pragmatic meaning of a text (i.e., GE) or words having SE domain specific synonyms. |
Based on our design and evaluation of ToxiCR, we have identified following lessons. |
Lesson 1: Development of a reliable toxicity detector for the SE domain is feasible. Despite of creating |
an ensemble of multiple NLP models (i.e., Perspective API, Sentiment score, Politeness score, Subjectivity, |
and Polarity) and various categories of features (i.e., BoW, number of anger words, and emoticons), the |
6https://stackoverflow.com/questions/834179/wtf-does-wtf-represent-in-the-webkit-code-base |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:26•Sarker, et al. |
STRUDEL tool achieved only 0.57 F-score during their evaluation. Moreover, a recent study by Miller |
etal. found false positive rates as high as 98% [ 59]. On the other hand, the best model from the ‘2020 |
Semeval Multilingual Offensive Language Identification in Social Media task’ achieved a 𝐹11score of |
92.04% [92]. Therefore, the question remains, whether we can build a SE domain specific toxicity detector |
that achieves similar performances (i.e., 𝐹1=0.92) as the ones from non-SE domains. |
In designing ToxiCR, we adopted a different approach, i.e., focusing on text preprocessing and leveraging |
state-of-the-art NLP algorithms rather than creating ensembles to improve performances. Our extensive |
evaluation with a large scale SE dataset has identified a model that has 95.8% accuracy and boosts 88.9% |
𝐹11score in identifying toxic texts. This model’s performances are within 3% of the best one from a |
non-SE domain. This result also suggests that with a carefully labeled large scale dataset, we can train |
an SE domain specific toxicity detector that achieves performances that are close to those of toxicity |
detectors from non-SE domains. |
Lesson 2: Performance from Random Forest’s optimum configuration may be adequate if GPU is not |
available. |
While a deep learning-based model (i.e., BERT) achieved the best performances during our evaluations, |
that model is computationally expensive. Even with a high end GPU such as Titan RTX, our BERT |
model required on average 1,614 seconds for training. We found that RandomForest based models trained |
on a Core-i7 CPU took only 64 seconds on average. |
During a classification task, RF generates the decision using majority voting from all sub trees. RF is |
suitable for high dimensional noisy data like the ones found in text classification tasks [ 47]. With carefully |
selected preprocessing steps to better understand contexts (e.g., profanity count) RF may perform well |
for binary toxicity classification tasks. In our model, after adding profane count features, RF achieved an |
average accuracy of 95.5% and 𝐹11- score of 87.9%, which are within 1% of those achieved by BERT. |
Therefore, if computation cost is an issue, a RandomForest based model may be adequate for many |
practical applications. However, as our RF model uses a context-free vectorizer, it may perform poorly |
on texts, where prediction depends on surrounding contexts. Therefore, for a practical application, a user |
must take that limitation into account. |
Lesson 3: Preprocessing steps do improve performances. |
We have implemented five mandatory and three optional preprocessing steps in ToxiCR. The mandatory |
preprocessing steps do improve performances of our models. For example, a DPCNN model without these |
preprocessing achieved 91% accuracy and 78% 𝐹11(Table 6). On the other hand, a model based on the |
same algorithm achieved 94.4% accuracy and 84.5% 𝐹11with these preprocessing steps. Therefore, we |
recommend using both domain specific and general preprocessing steps. |
Two of our pre-processing steps are SE domain specific (i.e., Identifier Splitting, Programming Keywords |
removal). Our empirical evaluation of those steps (Section 5.4) suggest that eight out of the ten models |
(i.e., except SVM and DPCNN) achieved significant performance improvements through these steps. |
Although, none of the models showed significant degradation through these steps, significant gains were |
dependent on algorithm selection, with CLE algorithms gaining only from keyword removal and identifier |
splitting improving only the DNN ones. |
Lesson 4: Performance boosts from the optional preprocessing steps are algorithm dependent. |
The three optional preprocessing steps also improved performances of the classifiers. However, per- |
formance gains through the these steps were algorithm dependent. The profane-count preprocessing |
had the highest influence as nine out of the ten models gained performance with this step. On the other |
id-split was the least useful one with only three DNN models gaining minor gains with this step. CLE |
algorithms gained the most with ≈1% boost in terms of accuracies and 1 -3% in terms of 𝐹11scores. On |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.Automated Identification of Toxic Code Reviews Using ToxiCR •1:27 |
the other hand, DNN algorithms had relatively minor gains (i.e., less than 1%) in both accuracies and |
𝐹11scores. Since DNN models utilize embedding vectors to identify semantic representation of texts, |
those are less dependent on these optional preprocessing steps. |
Lesson 5: Accurate identification of self-deprecating texts remains a challenge. |
Almost 11% (out of 856 misclassified texts) of the errors from our best performing model were |
due to self-deprecating texts. Challenges in identifying such texts have been also acknowledged by |
prior toxicity detectors [ 41,88,93]. Due to the abundance of self-deprecating texts among code review |
interactions [ 59,77], we believe that this can be an area to improve on for future SE domain specific |
toxicity detectors. |
Lesson 6: Achieving even higher performance is feasible. Since 85% of errors are due to failures of |
our models to accurately comprehend the contexts of words, we believe achieving further improved |
performance is feasible. Since supervised models learn better from larger training datasets, a larger |
dataset (e.g., Jigsaw dataset includes 160K samples), may enable even higher performances. Second, NLP |
is a rapidly progressing area with state-of-the-art techniques changing almost every year. Although, we |
have not evaluated the most recent generation of models, such as GPT-3 [ 19] and XLNet [ 90] in this |
study, those may help achieving better performances, as they are better at identifying contexts. |
In the following, we discuss the four common types of threats to validity for this study. |
7.1 Internal validity |
The first threat to validity for this study is our selection of data sources which come from four FOSS |
projects. While these projects represent four different domains, many domains are not represented in |
our dataset. Moreover, our projects represent some of the top FOSS projects with organized governance. |
Therefore, several categories of highly offensive texts may be underrepresented in our datasets. |
The notion of toxicity also depends on multitude of different factors such as culture, ethnicity, country |
of origin, language, and relationship between the participants. We did not account for any such factors |
during our dataset labeling. |
7.2 Construct validity |
Our stratified sampling strategy was based on toxicity scores obtained from the perspective API. Although, |
we manually verified all the texts classified as ‘toxic’ by the PPA, we randomly selected only (5,5107 |
+ 9,000 =14,510) texts that had PPA scores of less than 0.5. Among those 14,510 texts, we identified |
only 638 toxic ones (4.4%). If both the PPA and our random selections missed some categories of toxic |
comments, instances of such texts may be missing in our datasets. Since our dataset is relatively large |
(i.e., 19,651 ), we believe that this threat is negligible. |
According to our definition, Toxicity is a large umbrella that includes various anti-social behaviour such |
as offensive names, profanity, insults, threats, personal attacks, flirtations, and sexual references. Though |
our rubric is based on the Conversational AI team, we have modified it to fit a diverse and multicultural |
professional workplace such as an OSS project. As the notion of toxicity is a context dependent complex |
phenomena, our definition may not fit many organizations, especially the homogeneous ones. |
Researcher bias during our manual labeling process could also cause mislabeled instances. To eliminate |
such biases, we focused on developing a rubric first. With the agreed upon rubric, two of the authors |
7Code review 1 dataset |
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., Vol. 32, No. 1, Article 1. Publication date: January 2023.1:28•Sarker, et al. |
independently labeled each text and achieved ‘almost perfect’ ( 𝜅=0.92) inter-rater agreement. Therefore, |
we do not anticipate any significant threat arising from our manual labeling. |
We did not change most of the hyperparameters for the CLE algorithms and accepted the default |
parameters. Therefore, some of the CLE models may have achieved better performances on our datasets |
through parameter tuning. To address this threat, we used the GridSearchCV function from the scikit- |
learn library with the top two CLE models (i.e., RandomForest andDecisionTree ) to identify the best |
parameter combinations. Our implementation explored six parameters with total 5,040 combinations for |
RandomForest and five parameters with 360 combinations for DecisionTree. Our results suggest that |
most of the default values are identical to those from the best performing combinations identified through |
GridSearchCV . We also reevaluated RF and DT with the GridSearchCV suggested values, but did not |
find any statistically significant (paired sample t-tests, 𝑝 >0.05) improvements over our already trained |
models. |
For the DNN algorithms, we did not conduct extensive hyperparameter search due to computational |
costs. However, parameter values were selected based on the best practice reported in the deep learning |
literature. Moreover, to identify the best DNN models we used validation sets and used EarlyStopping . |
Still we may not have been able to achieve the best possible performances from the DNN models during |
our evaluations. |
7.3 External validity |
Although, we have not used any project or code review specific pre-processing, our dataset may not |
adequately represent texts from other projects or other software development interactions such as issue |
discussions, commit messages, or question /answers on StackExchange. Therefore, our pretrained models |
may have degraded performances on other contexts. However, our models can be easily retrained using a |
different labeled datasets from other projects or other types of interactions. To facilitate such retraining, |
we have made both the source code and instructions to retrain the models publicly available [76]. |
7.4 Conclusion validity |
To evaluate the performances our models, we have standard metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, |
and F-scores. For the algorithm implementations, we have extensively used state-of-the-art libraries such |
as scikit-learn [ 67] and TensorFlow [ 3]. We also used 10-fold cross-validations to evaluate the performances |
of each model. Therefore, we do not anticipate any threats to validity arising from the set of metrics, |
supporting library selection, and evaluation of the algorithms. |
This paper presents design and evaluation of ToxiCR, a supervised learning-based classifier to identify |
toxic code review comments. ToxiCR includes a choice to select one of the ten supervised learning |
algorithms, an option to select text vectorization techniques, five mandatory and three optional processing |
steps, and a large-scale labeled dataset of 19,651 code review comments. With our rigorous evaluation |
of the models with various combinations of preprocessing steps and vectorization techniques, we have |
identified the best combination that boosts 95.8% accuracy and 88.9% 𝐹11score. We have released our |
dataset, pretrained models, and source code publicly available on Github [ 76]. We anticipate this tool |
being helpful in combating toxicity among FOSS communities. As a future direction, we aim to conduct |
empirical studies to investigate how toxic interactions impact code review processes and their outcomes |
among various FOSS projects. |
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