Testing the limits of natural language models for |
predicting human language judgments |
Tal Golan1,2∗†, Matthew Siegelman3∗, |
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte1,3,4,5, Christopher Baldassano3 |
1Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY , USA |
2Department of Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er-Sheva, Israel |
3Department of Psychology, Columbia University, New York, NY , USA |
4Department of Neuroscience, Columbia University, New York, NY , USA |
5Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY , USA |
∗The first two authors contributed equally to this work. |
†To whom correspondence should be addressed; E-mail: golan.neuro@bgu.ac.il |
Neural network language models appear to be increasingly aligned with how hu- |
mans process and generate language, but identifying their weaknesses through ad- |
versarial examples is challenging due to the discrete nature of language and the |
complexity of human language perception. We bypass these limitations by turning |
the models against each other. We generate controversial sentence pairs for which |
two language models disagree about which sentence is more likely to occur. Con- |
sidering nine language models (including n-gram, recurrent neural networks, and |
transformers), we created hundreds of controversial sentence pairs through syn- |
thetic optimization or by selecting sentences from a corpus. Controversial sentence |
pairs proved highly effective at revealing model failures and identifying models that |
aligned most closely with human judgments of which sentence is more likely. The |
most human-consistent model tested was GPT-2, although experiments also revealed |
significant shortcomings of its alignment with human perception. |
Keywords— Language Models, Human Acceptability Judgments, Controversial Stimuli, Adversarial Attacks |
in NLP |
1 Introduction |
Neural network language models are not only key tools in natural language processing (NLP) but are also draw- |
ing an increasing scientific interest as potential models of human language-processing. Ranging from recurrent |
neural networks [1, 2] to transformers [3–7], each of these language models (explicitly or implicitly) defines |
a probability distribution over strings of words, predicting which sequences are likely to occur in natural lan- |
guage. There is substantial evidence from measures such as reading times [8], functional MRI [9], scalp EEG |
1arXiv:2204.03592v3 [cs.CL] 12 Sep 2023[10], and intracranial ECoG [11] that humans are sensitive to the relative probabilities of words and sentences as |
captured by language models, even among sentences that are grammatically correct and semantically meaning- |
ful. Furthermore, model-derived sentence probabilities can also predict human graded acceptability judgments |
[12, 13]. These successes, however, have not yet addressed two central questions of interest: (1) Which of the |
models is best-aligned with human language processing? (2) How close is the best-aligned model to the goal |
of fully capturing human judgments? |
A predominant approach for evaluating language models is to use a set of standardized benchmarks such |
as those in the General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) [14], or its successor, SuperGLUE [15]. |
Though instrumental in evaluating the utility of language models for downstream NLP tasks, these benchmarks |
prove insufficient for comparing such models as candidate explanations of human language-processing. Many |
components of these benchmarks do not aim to measure human alignment but rather the usefulness of the mod- |
els’ language representation when tuned to a specific downstream task. Some benchmarks challenge language |
models more directly by comparing the probabilities they assign to grammatical and ungrammatical sentences |
(e.g., BLiMP [16]). However, since such benchmarks are driven by theoretical linguistic considerations, they |
might fail to detect novel, unexpected ways in which language models may diverge from human language un- |
derstanding. Lastly, an additional practical concern is that the rapid pace of NLP research has led to quick |
saturation of these kinds of static benchmarks, making it difficult to distinguish between models [17]. |
One proposed solution to these issues is the use of dynamic human-in-the-loop benchmarks in which peo- |
ple actively stress-test models with an evolving set of tests. However, this approach faces the major obstacle |
that “finding interesting examples is rapidly becoming a less trivial task” [17]. We propose to complement |
human-curated benchmarks with model-driven evaluation. Guided by model predictions rather than experi- |
menter intuitions, we would like to identify particularly informative test sentences, where different models |
make divergent predictions. This approach of running experiments mathematically optimized to “put in jeop- |
ardy” particular models belongs to a long-standing scientific philosophy of design optimization [18]. We can |
find these critical sentences in large corpora of natural language or synthesize novel test sentences that reveal |
how different models generalize beyond their training distributions. |
We propose here a systematic, model-driven approach for comparing language models in terms of their |
consistency with human judgments. We generate controversial sentence pairs : pairs of sentences designed |
such that two language models strongly disagree about which sentence is more likely to occur. In each of these |
sentence pairs, one model assigns a higher probability to the first sentence than the second sentence, while the |
other model prefers the second sentence to the first. We then collect human judgments of which sentence in |
each pair is more probable to settle this dispute between the two models. |
This approach builds on previous work on controversial images for models of visual classification [19]. |
That work relied on absolute judgments of a single stimulus, which are appropriate for classification responses. |
However, asking the participants to rate each sentence’s probability on an absolute scale is complicated by |
between-trial context effects common in magnitude estimation tasks [20–22], which have been shown to impact |
judgments like acceptability [23]. A binary forced-choice behavioral task presenting the participants with a |
choice between two sentences in each trial, the approach we used here, minimizes the role of between-trial |
context effects by setting an explicit local context within each trial. Such an approach has been previously |
used for measuring sentence acceptability [24] and provides substantially more statistical power compared to |
designs in which acceptability ratings are provided for single sentences [25]. |
Our experiments demonstrate that (1) it is possible to procedurally generate controversial sentence pairs for |
all common classes of language models, either by selecting pairs of sentences from a corpus or by iteratively |
modifying natural sentences to yield controversial predictions; (2) the resulting controversial sentence pairs |
enable efficient model comparison between models that otherwise are seemingly equivalent in their human |
2consistency; and (3) all current NLP model classes incorrectly assign high probability to some non-natural |
sentences (one can modify a natural sentence such that its model probability does not decrease but human |
observers reject the sentence as unnatural). This framework for model comparison and model testing can give |
us new insight into the classes of models that best align with human language perception and suggest directions |
for future model development. |
2 Results |
We acquired judgments from 100 native English speakers tested online. In each experimental trial, the partic- |
ipants were asked to judge which of two sentences they would be “more likely to encounter in the world, as |
either speech or written text”, and provided a rating of their confidence in their answer on a 3-point scale (see |
Extended Data Fig. 1 for a trial example). The experiment was designed to compare nine different language |
models (Supplementary Section 6.1): probability models based on corpus frequencies of 2-word and 3-word |
sequences (2-grams and 3-grams) and a range of neural network models comprising a recurrent neural network |
(RNN), a long short-term memory network (LSTM), and five transformer models (BERT, RoBERTa, XLM, |
ELECTRA, and GPT-2). |
2.1 Efficient model comparison using natural controversial pairs |
As a baseline, we randomly sampled and paired 8-word sentences from a corpus of Reddit comments. How- |
ever, as shown in Fig. 1a, these sentences fail to uncover meaningful differences between the models. For |
each sentence pair, all models tend to prefer the same sentence (Extended Data Fig. 2), and therefore perform |
similarly in predicting human preference ratings (see Supplementary Section 7.1). |
Instead, we can use an optimization procedure (Supplementary Section 6.2) to search for controversial |
sentence pairs, in which one language model assigns a high probability (above the median probability for |
natural sentences) only to sentence 1 and a second language model assigns a high probability only to sentence |
2; see examples in Table 1. Measuring each model’s accuracy in predicting human choices for sentence pairs |
in which it was one of the two targeted models indicated many significant differences in terms of model- |
human alignment (Fig. 1b), with GPT-2 and RoBERTa showing the best human consistency and 2-gram the |
worst. We can also compare each model pair separately (using only the stimuli targeting that model pair), |
yielding a similar pattern of pairwise dominance (Extended Data Fig. 3a). All models except GPT-2, RoBERTa, |
and ELECTRA performed significantly below our lower bound on the noise ceiling (the accuracy obtained |
by predicting each participant’s responses from the other participants’ responses), indicating a misalignment |
between these models’ predictions and human judgments which was only revealed when using controversial |
sentence pairs. |
30 25% 50% 75% 100% |
human-choice prediction accuracyGPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-gram |
0 50 100 |
GPT-2 |
p(sentence) percentile020406080100RoBERTa |
p(sentence) percentile |
0 25% 50% 75% 100% |
human-choice prediction accuracyGPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-gram |
0 50 100 |
GPT-2 |
p(sentence) percentile020406080100RoBERTa |
p(sentence) percentile |
aRandomly sampled natural-sentence pairs |
bControversial natural-sentence pairsFigure 1: Model comparison using natural sentences. (a) (Left) Percentile-transformed sentence probabili- |
ties for GPT-2 and RoBERTa (defined relative to all sentences used in the experiment) for randomly-sampled |
pairs of natural sentences. Each pair of connected dots depicts one sentence pair. The two models are highly |
congruent in their rankings of sentences within a pair (lines have upward slope). (Right) Accuracy of model |
predictions of human choices, measured as the proportion of trials in which the same sentence was preferred |
by both the model and the human participant. Each dot depicts the prediction accuracy of one candidate model |
averaged across a group of 10 participants presented with a unique set of trials. The colored bars depict grand- |
averages across all 100 participants. The gray bar is the noise ceiling whose left and right edges are lower |
and upper bounds on the grand-average performance an ideal model would achieve (based on the consistency |
across human subjects). There were no significant differences in model performance on the randomly sam- |
pled natural sentences. (b)(Left) Controversial natural-sentence pairs were selected such that the models’ |
sentence probability ranks were incongruent (lines have downward slope). (Right) Controversial sentence pairs |
enable efficient model comparison, revealing that BERT, XLM, LSTM, RNN and the n-gram models perform |
significantly below the noise ceiling (asterisks indicate significance—two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test, |
controlling the false discovery rate for nine comparisons at q<.05). On the right of the plot, each closed circle |
indicates a model significantly dominating alternative models indicated by open circles (two-sided Wilcoxon |
signed-rank test, controlling the false discovery rate for all 36 model pairs at q<.05). GPT-2 outperforms all |
models except RoBERTA at predicting human judgments. |
4sentence log probability (model 1) log probability (model 2) # human choices |
n1: Rust is generally caused by salt and sand. logp(n1|GPT-2 ) =−50.72 log p(n1|ELECTRA ) =−38.54 10 |
n2: Where is Vernon Roche when you need him. logp(n2|GPT-2 ) =−32.26 logp(n2|ELECTRA ) =−58.26 0 |
n1: Excellent draw and an overall great smoking experience. logp(n1|RoBERTa ) =−67.78 log p(n1|GPT-2 ) =−36.76 10 |
n2: I should be higher and tied to inflation. logp(n2|RoBERTa ) =−54.61 logp(n2|GPT-2 ) =−50.31 0 |
n1: You may try and ask on their forum. logp(n1|ELECTRA ) =−51.44 log p(n1|LSTM ) =−44.24 10 |
n2: I love how they look like octopus tentacles. logp(n2|ELECTRA ) =−35.51 logp(n2|LSTM ) =−66.66 0 |
n1: Grow up and quit whining about minor inconveniences. logp(n1|BERT ) =−82.74 log p(n1|GPT-2 ) =−35.66 10 |
n2: The extra a is the correct Sanskrit pronunciation. logp(n2|BERT ) =−51.06 logp(n2|GPT-2 ) =−51.10 0 |
n1: I like my password manager for this reason. logp(n1|XLM ) =−68.93 log p(n1|RoBERTa ) =−49.61 10 |
n2: Kind of like clan of the cave bear. logp(n2|XLM ) =−44.24 logp(n2|RoBERTa ) =−67.00 0 |
n1: We have raised a Generation of Computer geeks. logp(n1|LSTM ) =−66.41 log p(n1|ELECTRA ) =−36.57 10 |
n2: I mean when the refs are being sketchy. logp(n2|LSTM ) =−42.04 logp(n2|ELECTRA ) =−52.28 0 |
n1: This is getting ridiculous and ruining the hobby. logp(n1|RNN) =−100.65 log p(n1|LSTM ) =−43.50 10 |
n2: I think the boys and invincible are better. logp(n2|RNN) =−45.16 logp(n2|LSTM ) =−59.00 0 |
n1: Then attach them with the supplied wood screws. logp(n1|3-gram ) =−119.09 log p(n1|GPT-2 ) =−34.84 10 |
n2: Sounds like you were used both a dog. logp(n2|3-gram ) =−92.07 logp(n2|GPT-2 ) =−52.84 0 |
n1: Cream cheese with ham and onions on crackers. logp(n1|2-gram ) =−131.99 log p(n1|RoBERTa ) =−54.62 10 |
n2: I may have to parallel process that drinking. logp(n2|2-gram ) =−109.46 logp(n2|RoBERTa ) =−70.69 0 |
Table 1: Examples of controversial natural-sentence pairs that maximally contributed to each model’s |
prediction error. For each model (double row, “model 1”), the table shows results for two sentences on which |
the model failed severely. In each case, the failing model 1 prefers sentence n2(higher log probability bolded), |
while the model it was pitted against (“model 2”) and all 10 human subjects presented with that sentence pair |
prefer sentence n1. (When more than one sentence pair induced an equal maximal error in a model, the example |
included in the table was chosen at random.) |
2.2 Greater model disentanglement with synthetic sentence pairs |
Selecting controversial natural-sentence pairs may provide greater power than randomly sampling natural- |
sentence pairs, but this search procedure considers a very limited part of the space of possible sentence pairs. |
Instead, we can iteratively replace words in a natural sentence to drive different models to make opposing |
predictions, forming synthetic controversial sentences that may lay outside any natural language corpora, as il- |
lustrated in Fig. 2 (see Methods, “Generating synthetic controversial sentence pairs” for full details). Examples |
of controversial synthetic-sentence pairs that maximally contributed to the models’ prediction error appear in |
Table 2. |
We evaluated how well each model predicted the human sentence choices in all of the controversial synthetic- |
sentence pairs in which the model was one of the two models targeted (Fig. 3a). This evaluation of model- |
human alignment resulted in an even greater separation between the models’ prediction accuracies than was |
obtained when using controversial natural-sentence pairs, pushing the weaker models (RNN, 3-gram, and 2- |
gram) far below the 50% chance accuracy level. GPT-2, RoBERTa, and ELECTRA were found to be signifi- |
cantly more accurate than the alternative models (BERT, XLM, LSTM, RNN, 3-gram, and 2-gram) in predicting |
the human responses to these trials (with similar results when comparing model pair separately, see Extended |
Data Fig. 3b). All of the models except for GPT-2 were found to be significantly below the lower bound on the |
noise ceiling, demonstrating misalignment with human judgments. |
50 20 40 60 80 100 |
GPT-2 |
p(sentence) percentile020406080100ELECTRA |
p(sentence) percentileNothing has |
a world of |
excitement |
and joys. |
Diddy has a wealth of experience |
with grappling.Luke has a ton of experience |
with winning. |
a |
0 20 40 60 80 100 |
p(sentence) percentile0204060801003-gram |
p(sentence) percentileYou have to realize |
is that noise again. |
I wait to see how |
it shakes out.I need to see how |
this played out. |
bFigure 2: Synthesizing controversial sentence pairs. The small open dots denote 500 randomly sampled |
natural sentences. The big open dot denotes the natural sentence used for initializing the controversial sentence |
optimization, and the closed dots are the resulting synthetic sentences. (a)In this example, we start with the |
randomly sampled natural sentence “Luke has a ton of experience with winning”. If we adjust this sentence to |
minimize its probability according to GPT-2 (while keeping the sentence at least as likely as the natural sentence |
according to ELECTRA), we obtain the synthetic sentence “Nothing has a world of excitement and joys”. By |
repeating this procedure while switching the roles of the models, we generate the synthetic sentence “Diddy |
has a wealth of experience with grappling”, which decreases ELECTRA’s probability while slightly increasing |
GPT-2’s. (b)In this example, we start with the randomly sampled natural sentence “I need to see how this |
played out”. If we adjust this sentence to minimize its probability according to RoBERTa (while keeping the |
sentence at least as likely as the natural sentence according to 3-gram), we obtain the synthetic sentence “You |
have to realize is that noise again”. If we instead decrease only 3-gram’s probability, we generate the synthetic |
sentence “I wait to see how it shakes out”. |
2.3 Pairs of natural and synthetic sentences uncover blindspots |
Last, we considered trials in which the participants were asked to choose between a natural sentence and one of |
the synthetic sentences which was generated from that natural sentence. If the language model is fully aligned |
with human judgments, we would expect humans to agree with the model, and select the synthetic sentence |
at least as much as the natural sentence. In reality, human participants showed a systematic preference for the |
natural sentences over their synthetic counterparts (Fig. 3b), even when the synthetic sentences were formed |
such that the stronger models (i.e., GPT-2, RoBERTA, or ELECTRA) favored them over the natural sentences; |
see Extended Data Table 1 for examples. Evaluating natural sentence preference separately for each model- |
pairing (Extended Data Fig. 4), we find that these imperfections can be uncovered even when pairing a strong |
model with a relatively weak model (such that the strong model “accepts” the synthetic sentence and the weak |
model rejects it). |
60 25% 50% 75% 100% |
human-choice prediction accuracyGPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-gram |
0 50 100 |
GPT-2 |
p(sentence) percentile020406080100RoBERTa |
p(sentence) percentile |
0 25% 50% 75% 100% |
human-choice prediction accuracyGPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-gram |
0 50 100 |
GPT-2 |
p(sentence) percentile020406080100RoBERTa |
p(sentence) percentile |
aSynthetic controversial sentence pairs |
bSynthetic vs. natural sentences |
natural sentence synthetic sentenceFigure 3: Model comparison using synthetic sentences. (a) (Left) Percentile-transformed sentence probabil- |
ities for GPT-2 and RoBERTa for controversial synthetic-sentence pairs. Each pair of connected dots depict |
one sentence pair. (Right) Model prediction accuracy, measured as the proportion of trials in which the same |
sentence was preferred by both the model and the human participant. GPT-2, RoBERTa and ELECTRA sig- |
nificantly outperformed the other models (two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test, controlling the false discovery |
rate for all 36 model comparisons at q<.05). All of the models except for GPT-2 were found to perform below |
the noise ceiling (gray) of predicting each participant’s choices from the majority votes of the other participants |
(asterisks indicate significance—two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test, controlling the false discovery rate for |
nine comparisons at q<.05). (b)(Left) Each connected triplet of dots depicts a natural sentence and its derived |
synthetic sentences, optimized to decrease the probability only under GPT-2 (left dots in a triplet) or only under |
RoBERTa (bottom dots in a triplet). (Right) Each model was evaluated across all of the synthetic-natural sen- |
tence pairs for which it was targeted to keep the synthetic sentence at least as probable as the natural sentence |
(see Extended Data Fig. 6 for the complementary data binning). This evaluation yielded a below-chance pre- |
diction accuracy for all of the models, which was also significantly below the lower bound on the noise ceiling. |
This indicates that, although the models assessed that these synthetic sentences were at least as probable as the |
original natural sentence, humans disagreed and showed a systematic preference for the natural sentence. See |
Fig. 1’s caption for details on the visualization conventions used in this figure. |
7sentence log probability (model 1) log probability (model 2) # human choices |
s1: You can reach his stories on an instant. logp(s1|GPT-2 ) =−64.92 log p(s1|RoBERTa ) =−59.98 10 |
s2: Anybody can behead a rattles an an antelope. logp(s2|GPT-2 ) =−40.45 logp(s2|RoBERTa ) =−90.87 0 |
s1: However they will still compare you to others. logp(s1|RoBERTa ) =−53.40 log p(s1|GPT-2 ) =−31.59 10 |
s2: Why people who only give themselves to others. logp(s2|RoBERTa ) =−48.66 logp(s2|GPT-2 ) =−47.13 0 |
s1: He healed faster than any professional sports player. logp(s1|ELECTRA ) =−48.77 log p(s1|BERT ) =−50.21 10 |
s2: One gets less than a single soccer team. logp(s2|ELECTRA ) =−38.25 logp(s2|BERT ) =−59.09 0 |
s1: That is the narrative we have been sold. logp(s1|BERT ) =−56.14 log p(s1|GPT-2 ) =−26.31 10 |
s2: This is the week you have been dying. logp(s2|BERT ) =−50.66 logp(s2|GPT-2 ) =−39.50 0 |
s1: The resilience is made stronger by early adversity. logp(s1|XLM ) =−62.95 log p(s1|RoBERTa ) =−54.34 10 |
s2: Every thing is made alive by infinite Ness. logp(s2|XLM ) =−42.95 logp(s2|RoBERTa ) =−75.72 0 |
s1: President Trump threatens to storm the White House. logp(s1|LSTM ) =−58.78 log p(s1|RoBERTa ) =−41.67 10 |
s2: West Surrey refused to form the White House. logp(s2|LSTM ) =−40.35 logp(s2|RoBERTa ) =−67.32 0 |
s1: Las beans taste best with a mustard sauce. logp(s1|RNN) =−131.62 log p(s1|RoBERTa ) =−60.58 10 |
s2: Roughly lanes being alive in a statement ratings. logp(s2|RNN) =−49.31 logp(s2|RoBERTa ) =−99.90 0 |
s1: You are constantly seeing people play the multi. logp(s1|3-gram ) =−107.16 log p(s1|ELECTRA ) =−44.79 10 |
s2: This will probably the happiest contradicts the hypocrite. logp(s2|3-gram ) =−91.59 logp(s2|ELECTRA ) =−75.83 0 |
s1: A buyer can own a genuine product also. logp(s1|2-gram ) =−127.35 log p(s1|ELECTRA ) =−40.21 10 |
s2: One versed in circumference of highschool I rambled. logp(s2|2-gram ) =−113.73 logp(s2|ELECTRA ) =−92.61 0 |
Table 2: Examples of controversial synthetic-sentence pairs that maximally contributed to each model’s |
prediction error. For each model (double row, “model 1”), the table shows results for two sentences on which |
the model failed severely. In each case, the failing model 1 prefers sentence s2(higher log probability bolded), |
while the model it was pitted against (“model 2”) and all 10 human subjects presented with that sentence pair |
prefer sentence s1. (When more than one sentence pair induced an equal maximal error in a model, the example |
included in the table was chosen at random.) |
81.0 |
0.5 |
0.0 0.5 1.0 |
ordinal correlation between human ratings and models' |
sentence pair probability log-ratio (signed-rank cosine similarity)GPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-gram |
Figure 4: Ordinal correlation of the models’ sentence probability log-ratios and human Likert ratings. |
For each sentence pair, model prediction was quantified by logp(s1|m) |
p(s2|m). This log-ratio was correlated with the |
Likert ratings of each particular participant, using signed-rank cosine similarity (see Methods). This analysis, |
taking all trials and human confidence level into account, indicates that GPT-2 performed best in predicting |
human sentence probability judgments. However, its predictions are still significantly misaligned with the |
human choices. See Fig. 1’s caption for details on the visualization convention. |
2.4 Evaluating the entire dataset reveals a hierarchy of models |
Rather than evaluating each model’s prediction accuracy with respect to the particular sentence pairs that were |
formed to compare this model to alternative models, we can maximize our statistical power by computing the |
average prediction accuracy for each model with respect to all of the experimental trials we collected. Fur- |
thermore, rather than binarizing the human and model judgments, here we measure the ordinal correspondence |
between the graded human choices (taking confidence into account) and the log ratio of the sentence proba- |
bilities assigned by each candidate model. Using this more sensitive benchmark (Fig. 4), we found GPT-2 to |
be the most human-aligned, followed by RoBERTa; then ELECTRA; BERT; XLM and LSTM; and the RNN, |
3-gram, and 2-gram models. However, all of the models (including GPT-2) were found to be significantly less |
accurate than the lower bound on the noise ceiling. |
One possible reason for the poorer performance of the bidirectional transformers (RoBERTa, ELECTRA, |
BERT, and XLM) compared to the unidirectional transformer (GPT-2) is that computing sentence probabilities |
in these models is complex, and the probability estimator we developed (see Methods, “Evaluating sentence |
probabilities in transformer models”) could be non-optimal; Indeed, the popular pseudo-log-likelihood (PLL) |
approach yields slightly higher accuracy for randomly sampled natural-sentence pairs (Extended Data Fig. 5a). |
And yet, when we directly compared our estimator to PLL by means of generating and administrating new |
synthetic controversial sentences, our estimator was found to be markedly better aligned to human judgments |
(Extended Data Fig. 5b and Extended Data Table 2). |
Finally, a control analysis employing probability measures normalized by token count revealed that such |
normalization had minimal influence on the observed differences among models (Supplementary Section 7.2 |
and Supplementary Fig. S1). |
93 Discussion |
In this study, we probed the ability of language models to predict human relative sentence probability judgments |
using controversial sentence pairs, selected or synthesized so that two models disagreed about which sentence |
was more probable. We found that (1) GPT-2 (a unidirectional transformer model trained on predicting up- |
coming tokens) and RoBERTa (a bidirectional transformer trained on a held-out token prediction task) were the |
most predictive of human judgments on controversial natural-sentence pairs (Fig. 1b); (2) GPT-2, RoBERTa, |
and ELECTRA (a bidirectional transformer trained on detecting corrupted tokens) were the most predictive of |
human judgments on pairs of sentences synthesized to maximize controversiality (Fig. 3a); and (3) GPT-2 was |
the most human-consistent model when considering the entire behavioral dataset we collected (Fig. 4). And yet, |
all of the models, including GPT-2, exhibited behavior inconsistent with human judgments; using an alternative |
model as a counterforce, we could corrupt natural sentences such that their probability under a model did not |
decrease, but humans tended to reject the corrupted sentence as unlikely (Fig. 3b). |
3.1 Implications for computational psycholinguistic modeling |
Unlike convolutional neural networks, whose architectural design principles are roughly inspired by biological |
vision [26], the design of current neural network language models is largely uninformed by psycholinguistics |
and neuroscience. And yet, there is an ongoing effort to adopt and adapt neural network language models |
to serve as computational hypotheses of how humans process language, making use of a variety of different |
architectures, training corpora, and training tasks [11, 27–35]. We found that recurrent neural networks make |
markedly human-inconsistent predictions once pitted against transformer-based neural networks. This find- |
ing coincides with recent evidence that transformers also outperform recurrent networks for predicting neural |
responses as measured by ECoG or fMRI [11, 32], as well as with evidence from model-based prediction |
of human reading speed [33, 36] and N400 amplitude [36, 37]. Among the transformers, GPT-2, RoBERTa, |
and ELECTRA showed the best performance. These models are trained to optimize only word-level pre- |
diction tasks, as opposed to BERT and XLM which are additionally trained on next-sentence prediction and |
cross-lingual tasks, respectively (and have the same architecture as RoBERTa). This suggests that local word |
prediction provides better alignment with human language comprehension. |
Despite the agreement between our results and previous work in terms of model ranking, the significant |
failure of GPT-2 in predicting the human responses to natural versus synthetic controversial pairs (Fig. 3b) |
demonstrates that GPT-2 does not fully emulate the computations employed in human processing of even short |
sentences. This outcome is in some ways unsurprising, given that GPT-2 (like all of the other models we con- |
sidered) is an off-the-shelf machine learning model that was not designed with human psycholinguistic and |
physiological details in mind. And yet, the considerable human inconsistency we observed seems to stand in |
stark contrast with the recent report of GPT-2 explaining about 100 percent of the explainable variance in fMRI |
and ECoG responses to natural sentences [32]. Part of this discrepancy could be explained by the fact that |
Schrimpf and colleagues [32] mapped GPT-2 hidden-layer activations to brain data by means of regularized |
linear regression, which can identify a subspace within GPT-2’s language representation that is well-aligned |
with brain responses even if GPT-2’s overall sentence probabilities are not human-like. More importantly, |
when language models are evaluated with natural language, strong statistical models might capitalize on fea- |
tures in the data that are distinct from, but highly correlated with, features that are meaningful to humans. |
Therefore, a model that performs well on typical sentences might employ computational mechanisms that are |
very distinct from the brain’s, which will only be revealed by testing the model in a more challenging domain. |
Note that even the simplest model we considered—a 2-gram frequency table—actually performed quite well |
10on predicting human judgments for randomly-sampled natural sentences, and its deficiencies only became ob- |
vious when challenged by controversial sentence pairs. We predict that there will be substantial discrepancies |
between neural representations and current language models when using stimuli that intentionally stress-test |
this relationship, using our proposed sentence-level controversiality approach or complementary ideas such as |
maximizing controversial transition probabilities between consecutive words [38]. |
Using controversial sentences can be seen as a generalization test of language models: can models predict |
what kinds of changes to a natural sentence will lead to humans rejecting the sentence as improbable? Humans |
are sometimes capable of comprehending language with atypical constructions (e.g. in cases when pragmatic |
judgments can be made about a speaker’s intentions from environmental and linguistic context [39]), but none of |
the models we tested were fully able to predict which syntactic or semantic perturbations would be accepted or |
rejected by humans. One possibility is that stronger next-word prediction models, using different architectures, |
learning rules, or training data, might close the gap between models and humans. Alternatively, it might be |
that optimizing for other linguistic tasks, or even non-linguistic task demands (in particular, representing the |
external world, the self, and other agents) will turn out to be critical for achieving human-like natural language |
processing [40]. |
3.2 Controversial sentence pairs as adversarial attacks |
Machine vision models are highly susceptible to adversarial examples [41, 42]. Such adversarial examples are |
typically generated by choosing a correctly classified natural image and then searching for a minuscule (and |
therefore human-imperceptible) image perturbation that would change the targeted model’s classification. The |
prospect that similar covert model failure modes may exist also for language models has motivated proposed |
generalizations of adversarial methods to textual inputs [43]. However, imperceptible perturbations cannot be |
applied to written text: any modified word or character is humanly perceptible. Prior work on adversarial |
examples for language models have instead relied on heuristic constraints aiming to limit the change in the |
meaning of the text, such as flipping a character [44, 45], changing number or gender [46], or replacing words |
with synonyms [47–49]. However, since these heuristics are only rough approximations of human language |
processing, many of these methods fail to preserve semantic meaning [50]. Interactive (“human-in-the-loop”) |
adversarial approaches allow human subjects to repeatedly alter model inputs such that it confuses target models |
but not secondary participants [17, 51], but these approaches are inherently slow and costly and are limited by |
mental models the human subjects form about the evaluated language models. |
By contrast, testing language models on controversial sentence pairs does not require approximating or |
querying a human ground truth during optimization—the objective of controversiality is independent of cor- |
rectness. Instead, by designing inputs to elicit conflicting predictions among the models and assessing human |
responses to these inputs only once the optimization loop has terminated, we capitalize on the simple fact that |
if two models disagree with respect to an input, at least one of the models must be making an incorrect predic- |
tion. Pitting language models against other language models also can be conducted by other approaches such |
as “red-teaming”, where an alternative language model is used as a generator of potential adversarial examples |
for a targeted model and a classifier is used to filter the generated examples such that the output they induce |
in the targeted model is indeed incorrect [52]. Our approach shares the underlying principle that an alternative |
language model can drive a more powerful test than handcrafted heuristics, but here the models have symmetric |
roles (there are no “attacking” and “attacked” models) and we can optimize stimuli directly without relying on |
filtering. |
113.3 Limitations and future directions |
While our results demonstrate that using controversial stimuli can identify subtle differences in language mod- |
els’ alignment with human judgments, our study was limited in a number of ways. Our stimuli were all 8-word |
English sentences, limiting our ability to make cognitively meaningful claims that apply to language use glob- |
ally. 8-word sentences are long enough to include common syntactic constructions and convey meaningful |
ideas but may not effectively probe long-distance syntactic dependencies [53]. Future work may introduce |
additional sentence lengths and languages, as well as (potentially adaptive) controversial sentence optimization |
procedures that consider large sets of candidate models, allowing for greater model coverage than our sim- |
pler pairwise approach. Future work may also complement the model-comparative experimental design with |
procedures designed to identify potential failure modes common to all models. |
A more substantial limitation of the current study is that, like any comparison of pre-trained neural networks |
as potential models of human cognition, there could be multiple reasons (i.e., training data, architecture, training |
tasks, learning rules) why particular models are better aligned with human judgments. For example, as we |
did not systematically control the training corpora used for training the models, it is possible that some of |
the observed differences are due to differences in the training sets rather than model architecture. Therefore, |
while our results expose failed model predictions, they do not readily answer why these failed predictions arise. |
Future experiments could compare custom-trained or systematically manipulated models, which reflect specific |
hypotheses about human language processing. In Extended Data Fig. 5, we demonstrate the power of using |
synthetic controversial stimuli to conduct sensitive comparisons between models with subtle differences in how |
sentence probabilities are calculated. |
It is important to note that our analyses considered human relative probability judgments as reflecting |
a scalar measure of acceptability. We made this assumption in order to bring the language models (which |
assign a probability measure to each sentence) and the human participants onto a common footing. However, |
it is possible that different types of sentence pairs engage different human cognitive processes. For pairs of |
synthetic sentences, both sentences may be unacceptable in different ways (e.g. exhibit different kinds of |
grammatical violations), requiring a judgment that weighs the relative importance of multiple dimensions [54] |
and could therefore produce inconsistent rankings across participants or across trials [55]. By contrast, asking |
participants to compare a natural and a synthetic sentence (Fig. 3b, Extended Data Table 1) may be more |
analogous to previous work measuring human acceptability judgments for sentence pairs [24]. Nonetheless, it |
is worth noting that for allof the controversial conditions, the noise ceiling was significantly above the models’ |
prediction accuracy, indicating non-random human preferences unexplained by current models that should be |
accounted for by future models, which may have to be more complex and capture multiple processes. |
Finally, the use of synthetic controversial sentences can be extended beyond probability judgments. A |
sufficiently strong language model may enable constraining the experimental design search-space to particular |
sentence distributions (e.g., movie reviews or medical questions). Given such a constrained space, we may |
be able to search for well-formed sentences that elicit contradictory predictions in alternative domain-specific |
models (e.g., sentiment classifiers or question-answering models). However, as indicated by our results, the |
task of capturing distributions of well-formed sentences is less trivial than it seems. |
124 Methods |
4.1 Language models |
We tested nine models from three distinct classes: n-gram models, recurrent neural networks, and transformers. |
The n-gram models were trained with open source code from the Natural Language Toolkit [56], the recurrent |
neural networks were trained with architectures and optimization procedures available in PyTorch [57], and |
the transformers were implemented with the open-source repository HuggingFace [58]. For full details see |
Supplementary Section 6.1. |
4.2 Evaluating sentence probabilities in transformer models |
We then sought to compute the probability of arbitrary sentences under each of the models described above. |
The term “sentence” is used in this context in its broadest sense—a sequence of English words, not necessarily |
restricted to grammatical English sentences. Unlike some classification tasks in which valid model predictions |
may be expected only for grammatical sentences (e.g., sentiment analysis), the sentence probability comparison |
task is defined over the entire domain of eight-word sequences. |
For the set of unidirectional models, evaluating sentence probabilities was performed simply by summing |
the log probabilities of each successive token in the sentence from left to right, given all the previous tokens. |
For bidirectional models, this process was not as straightforward. One challenge is that transformer model |
probabilities do not necessarily reflect a coherent joint probability; the summed log sentence probability result- |
ing from adding words in one order (e.g. left to right) does not necessarily equal the probability resulting from a |
different order (e.g. right to left). Here we developed a novel formulation of bidirectional sentence probabilities |
in which we considered all permutations of serial word positions as possible construction orders (analogous to |
the random word visitation order used to sample serial reproduction chains, [59]). In practice, we observed that |
the distribution of log probabilities resulting from different permutations tends to center tightly around a mean |
value (for example, for RoBERTa evaluated with natural sentences, the average coefficient of variation was |
approximately 0.059). Therefore in order to efficiently calculate bidirectional sentence probability, we evaluate |
100 different random permutations and define the overall sentence log probability as the mean log probability |
calculated from each permutation. Specifically, we initialized an eight-word sentence with all tokens replaced |
with the “mask” token used in place of to-be-predicted words during model training. We selected a random |
permutation Pof positions 1 through 8, and started by computing the probability of the word at first of these |
positions P1given the other seven “mask” tokens. We then replaced the “mask” at position P1with the actual |
word at this position and computed the probability of the word at P2given the other six “mask” tokens and the |
word at P1. This process was repeated until all “mask” tokens had been filled by the corresponding word. |
A secondary challenge in evaluating sentence probabilities in bidirectional transformer models stems from |
the fact that these models use word-piece tokenizers (as opposed to whole words), and that these tokenizers are |
different for different models. For example, one tokenizer might include the word “beehive” as a single token, |
while others strive for a smaller library of unique tokens by evaluating “beehive” as the two tokens “bee” and |
“hive”. The model probability of a multi-token word—similar to the probability of a multi-word sentence— |
may depend on the order in which the chain rule is applied. Therefore, all unique permutations of token order |
for each multi-token word were also evaluated within their respective “masks”. For example, the probability of |
the word “beehive” would be evaluated as follows: |
13logp(w=beehive ) =0.5 |
logp(w1=bee|w2=MASK ) + log p(w2=hive|w1=bee) |
+0.5 |
logp(w2=hive|w1=MASK ) + log p(w1=bee|w2=hive) (1) |
This procedure aimed to yield a more fair estimate of the conditional probabilities of word-piece tokens |
and therefore the overall probabilities of multi-token words by 1) ensuring that the word-piece tokens were |
evaluated within the same context of surrounding words and masks, and 2) eliminating the bias of evaluating |
the word-piece tokens in any one particular order in models which were trained to predict bidirectionally. |
One more procedure was applied in order to ensure that all models were computing a probability distribution |
over sentences with exactly 8 words. When evaluating the conditional probability of a masked word in models |
with word-piece tokenizers, we normalized the model probabilities to ensure that only single words were being |
considered, rather than splitting the masked tokens into multiple words. At each evaluation step, each token was |
restricted to come from one of four normalized distributions: i) single-mask words were restricted to be tokens |
with appended white space, ii) masks at the beginning of a word were restricted to be tokens with preceding |
white space (in models with preceding white space, e.g. BERT), iii) masks at the end of words were restricted |
to be tokens with trailing white space (in models with trailing white space, e.g. XLM), and iv) masks in the |
middle of words were restricted to tokens with no appended white space. |
4.3 Assessing potential token count effects on sentence probabilities |
Note that, because tokenization schemes varied across models, the number of tokens in a sentence could dif- |
fer for different models. These alternative tokenizations can be conceived of as different factorizations of the |
modeled language distribution, changing how a sentence’s log probability is additively partitioned across the |
conditional probability chain (but not affecting its overall probability) [60]. Had we attempted to normalize |
across models by dividing the log probability by the number of tokens, as is often done when aligning model |
predictions to human acceptability ratings [12, 13], our probabilities would have become strongly tokenization- |
dependent [60]. To empirically confirm that tokenization differences were not driving our results, we sta- |
tistically compared the token counts of each model’s preferred synthetic sentences with the token counts of |
their non-preferred counterparts. While we found significant differences for some of the models, there was |
no systematic association between token count and model sentence preferences (Supplementary Table S1). In |
particular, lower sentence probabilities were not systematically confounded by higher token counts. |
4.4 Defining a shared vocabulary |
To facilitate the sampling, selection, and synthesis of sentences that could be evaluated by all of the candidate |
models, we defined a shared vocabulary of 29,157unique words. Defining this vocabulary was necessary in |
order to unify the space of possible sentences between the transformer models (which can evaluate any input |
due to their word-piece tokenizers) and the neural network and n-gram models (which include whole words as |
tokens), and to ensure we only included words that were sufficiently prevalent in the training corpora for all |
models. The vocabulary consisted of the words in the subtlex database [61], after removing words that occurred |
fewer than 300 times in the 300M word corpus (see Supplementary Section 6.1) used to train the n-gram and |
recurrent neural network models (i.e., with frequencies lower than one in a million). |
144.5 Sampling of natural sentences |
Natural sentences were sampled from the same four text sources used to construct the training corpus for the |
n-gram and recurrent neural network models, while ensuring that there was no overlap between training and |
testing sentences. Sentences were filtered to include only those with eight distinct words and no punctuation |
aside from periods, exclamation points, or question marks at the end of a sentence. Then, all eight-word |
sentences were further filtered to include only the words included in the shared vocabulary and to exclude those |
included in a predetermined list of inappropriate words and phrases. To identify controversial pairs of natural |
sentences, we used integer linear programming to search for sentences that had above-median probability in |
one model and minimum probability rank in another model (see Supplementary Section 6.2). |
4.6 Generating synthetic controversial sentence pairs |
For each pair of models, we synthesized 100 sentence triplets. Each triplet was initialized with a natural |
sentence n(sampled from Reddit). The words in sentence nwere iteratively modified to generate a synthetic |
sentence with reduced probability according to the first model but not according to the second model. This |
process was repeated to generate another synthetic sentence from n, in which the roles of the two models |
were reversed. Conceptually, this approach resembles Maximum Differentiation (MAD) competition [62], |
introduced to compare models of image quality assessment. Each synthetic sentence was generated as a solution |
for a constrained minimization problem: |
s∗= argmin |
slogp(s|mreject ) |
subject to logp(s|maccept )≥logp(n|maccept )(2) |
mreject denotes the model targeted to assign reduced sentence probability to the synthetic sentence compared |
to the natural sentence, and maccept denotes the model targeted to maintain a synthetic sentence probability |
greater or equal to that of the natural sentence. For one synthetic sentence, one model served as maccept and |
the other model served as mreject , and for the other synthetic sentence the model roles were flipped. |
At each optimization iteration, we selected one of the eight words pseudorandomly (so that all eight posi- |
tions would be sampled Ntimes before any position would be sampled N+ 1times) and searched the shared |
vocabulary for the replacement word that would minimize the logp(s|mreject )under the constraint. We ex- |
cluded potential replacement words that already appeared in the sentence, except for a list of 42 determiners and |
prepositions such as “the”, “a”, or “with”, which were allowed to repeat. The sentence optimization procedure |
was concluded once eight replacement attempts (i.e., words for which no loss-reducing replacement has been |
found) have failed in a row. |
4.7 Word-level search for bidirectional models |
For models for which the evaluation of logp(s|m)is computationally cheap (2-gram, 3-gram, LSTM, and |
the RNN), we directly evaluated the log-probability of the 29,157sentences resulting from each of the 29,157 |
possible word replacements. When such probability vectors were available for both models, we simply chose |
the replacement minimizing the loss. For GPT-2, whose evaluation is slower, we evaluated sentence probabil- |
ities only for word replacements for which the new word had a conditional log-probability (given the previous |
words in the sentence) of no less than −10; in rare cases when this threshold yielded fewer than 10 candidate |
words, we reduced the threshold in steps of 5until there were at least 10 words above the threshold. For the |
15bi-directional models (BERT, RoBERTa, XLM, and ELECTRA), for which the evaluation of logp(s|m)is |
costly even for a single sentence, we used a heuristic to prioritize which replacements to evaluate. |
Since bi-directional models are trained as masked language models, they readily provide word-level com- |
pletion probabilities. These word-level log-probabilities typically have positive but imperfect correlation with |
the log-probabilities of the sentences resulting from each potential completion. We hence formed a simple |
linear regression-based estimate of logp(s{i} ← w|m), the log-probability of the sentence swith word w |
assigned at position i, predicting it from logp(s{i}=w|m, s{i} ←mask ), the completion log-probability |
of word wat position i, given the sentence with the i-th word masked: |
log ˆp(s{i} ←w|m) =β1logp(s{i}=w|m, s{i} ←mask ) +β0 (3) |
This regression model was estimated from scratch for each word-level search. When a word was first |
selected for being replaced, the log-probability of two sentences was evaluated: the sentence resulting from |
substituting the existing word with the word with the highest completion probability and the sentence resulting |
from substituting the existing word with the word with the lowest completion probability. These two word- |
sentence log-probability pairs, as well as the word-sentence log-probability pair pertaining to the current word, |
were used to fit the regression line. The regression prediction, together with the sentence probability for the |
other model (either the exact probability, or approximate probability if the other model was also bi-directional) |
was used to predict logp(s|mreject )for each of the 29,157potential replacements. We then evaluated the |
true (non-approximate) sentence probabilities of the replacement word with the minimal predicted probability. |
If this word indeed reduced the sentence probability, it was chosen to serve as the replacement and the word- |
level search was terminated (i.e., proceeding to search a replacement for another word in the sentence). If it |
did not reduce the probability, the regression model (Eq. 3) was updated with the new observation, and the |
next replacement expected to minimize the sentence probability was evaluated. This word-level search was |
terminated after five sentence evaluations that did not reduce the loss. |
4.8 Selecting the best triplets from the optimized sentences |
Since the discrete hill-climbing procedure described above is highly local, the degree to which this succeeded in |
producing highly-controversial pairs varied depending on the starting sentence n. We found that typically, nat- |
ural sentences with lower than average log-probability gave rise to synthetic sentences with greater controver- |
siality. To better represent the distribution of natural sentences while still choosing the best (most controversial) |
triplets for human testing, we used stratified selection. |
First, we quantified the controversiality of each triplet as |
cm1,m2(n, s1, s2) = logp(n|m1) |
p(s1|m1)+ logp(n|m2) |
p(s2|m2), (4) |
where s1is the sentence generated to reduce the probability in model m1ands2is the sentence generated to |
reduce the probability in model m2. |
We employed integer programming to choose the 10 most controversial triplets from the 100 triplets opti- |
mized for each model pair (maximizing the total controversiality across the selected triplets), while ensuring |
that for each model, there was exactly one natural sentence in each decile of the natural sentences probability |
distribution. The selected 10 synthetic triplets were then used to form 30 unique experimental trials per model |
pair, comparing the natural sentence with one synthetic sentence, comparing the natural sentence with the other |
synthetic sentence, and comparing the two synthetic sentences. |
164.9 Design of the human experiment |
Our experimental procedures were approved by the Columbia University Institutional Review Board (protocol |
number IRB-AAAS0252) and were performed in accordance with the approved protocol. All participants |
provided informed consent prior. We presented the controversial sentence pairs selected and synthesized by |
the language models to 100 native English-speaking, US-based participants (55 male) recruited from Prolific |
(www.prolific .co), and paid each participant $5.95. The average participant age was 34.08 ± 12.32. The |
subjects were divided into 10 groups, and each ten-subject group was presented with a unique set of stimuli. |
Each stimulus set contained exactly one sentence pair from every possible combination of model pairs and |
the four main experimental conditions: selected controversial sentence pairs; natural vs. synthetic pair, where |
one model served as maccept and the other as mreject ; a natural vs. synthetic pair with the reverse model |
role assignments; and directly pairing the two synthetic sentences. These model-pair-condition combinations |
accounted for 144 (36 ×4) trials of the task. In addition to these trials, each stimulus set also included nine trials |
consisting of sentence pairs randomly sampled from the database of eight-word sentences (and not already |
included in any of the other conditions). All subjects also viewed 12 control trials consisting of a randomly |
selected natural sentence and the same natural sentence with the words scrambled in a random order. The order |
of trials within each stimulus set as well as the left-right screen position of sentences in each sentence pair |
were randomized for all participants. While each sentence triplet produced by the optimization procedure (see |
subsection “Generating synthetic controversial sentence pairs”) gave rise to three trials, these were allocated |
such that no subject viewed the same sentence twice. |
On each trial of the task, participants were asked to make a binary decision about which of the two sentences |
they considered more probable (for the full set of instructions given to participants, see Supplementary Fig. S2). |
In addition, they were asked to indicate one of three levels of confidence in their decision: somewhat confident, |
confident, or very confident. The trials were not timed, but a 90-minute time limit was enforced for the whole |
experiment. A progress bar at the bottom of the screen indicated to participants how many trials they had |
completed and had remaining to complete. |
We rejected the data of 21 participants who failed to choose the original, unshuffled sentence in at least |
11 of the 12 control trials, and acquired data from 21 alternative participants instead, all of whom passed this |
data-quality threshold. In general, we observed high agreement in sentence preferences among our participants, |
though the level of agreement varied across conditions. There was complete or near-complete agreement (at |
least 9/10 participants with the same binary sentence preference) in 52.2% of trials for randomly-sampled |
natural-sentence pairs, 36.6% of trials for controversial natural-sentence pairs, 67.6% of trials for natural- |
synthetic pairs, and 60.0% of trials for synthetic-synthetic pairs (versus a chance rate of 1.1%, assuming a |
binomial distribution with p= 0.5). |
4.10 Evaluation of model-human consistency |
To measure the alignment on each trial between model judgments and human judgments, we binarized both |
measures; we determined which of the two sentences was assigned with a higher probability by the model, |
regardless of the magnitude of the probability difference, and which of the two sentences was favored by the |
subject, regardless of the reported confidence level. When both the subject and the model chose the same |
sentence, the trial was considered as correctly predicted by that model. This correctness measure was averaged |
across sentence pairs and across the 10 participants who viewed the same set of trials. For the lower bound on |
the noise ceiling, we predicted each subject’s choices from a majority vote of the nine other subjects who were |
presented with the same trials. For the upper bound (i.e., the highest possible accuracy attainable on this data |
17sample), we included the subject themselves in this majority vote-based prediction. |
Since each of the 10 participant groups viewed a unique trial set, these groups provided 10 independent |
replications of the experiment. Models were compared to each other and to the lower bound of the noise |
ceiling by a Wilcoxon signed-rank test using these 10 independent accuracy outcomes as paired samples. For |
each analysis, the false discovery rate across multiple comparisons was controlled by the Benjamini-Hochberg |
procedure [63]. |
In Fig. 4, we instead measure model-human consistency in a more continuous way, comparing the sentence |
probability ratio in a model to the graded Likert ratings provided by humans; see Supplementary Section 6.3 |
for full details. |
4.11 Selecting trials for model evaluation |
All of the randomly sampled natural-sentence pairs (Fig. 1a) were evaluated for each of the candidate models. |
Controversial sentence pairs (either natural, Fig. 1b or synthetic, Fig. 3) were included in a model’s evaluation |
set only if they were formed to target that model specifically. The overall summary analysis (Fig. 4) evaluated |
all models on all available sentence pairs. |
4.12 Comparison to pseudo-log-likelihood acceptability measures |
Wang & Cho [64] proposed an alternative approach for computing sentence probabilities in bidirectional |
(BERT-like) models, using a pseudo-log-likelihood measure that simply sums the log-probability of each token |
conditioned on all of the other tokens in the sentence. While this measure does not reflect a true probability |
distribution [65], it is positively correlated with human acceptability judgments for several bidirectional models |
[13, 66]. To directly compare this existing approach to our novel method for computing probabilities, we again |
used the method of controversial sentence pairs to identify the approach most aligned with human judgments. |
For each bidirectional model (BERT, RoBERTa, and ELECTRA), we created two copies of the model, each us- |
ing a different approach for computing sentence probabilities. We synthesized 40 sentence pairs to maximally |
differentiate between the two copies of each model, with each copy assigning a higher probability to a different |
sentence in the pair. Subsequently, we tested 30 human participants, presenting each participant with all 120 |
sentence pairs. Model-human consistency was quantified as in the main experiment. |
4.13 Data and code availability |
The experimental stimuli, detailed behavioral testing results, sentence optimization code, and code for repro- |
ducing all analyses and figures are available at github.com/dpmlab/contstimlang [67]. |
Acknowledgments |
This material is based upon work partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. |
1948004 to NK. This publication was made possible with the support of the Charles H. Revson Foundation to |
TG. The statements made and views expressed, however, are solely the responsibility of the authors. |
18Author Contributions |
T.G., M.S., N.K., and C.B. designed the study. M.S. implemented the computational models and T.G. imple- |
mented the sentence pair optimization procedures. M.S. conducted the behavioral experiments. T.G. and M.S. |
analyzed the experiments’ results. T.G., M.S., N.K., and C.B. wrote the paper. |
Competing Interests |
The authors declare no competing interests. |
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5 Extended Data |
24Extended Data Figure 1: An example of one experimental trial, as presented to the participants . The participant must |
choose one sentence while providing their confidence rating on a 3-point scale. |
GPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-grammodel 2 |
GPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-grammodel 10.93 0.88 0.86 0.83 0.87 0.76 0.82 0.78 |
0.93 0.90 0.83 0.88 0.89 0.80 0.84 0.82 |
0.88 0.90 0.87 0.84 0.90 0.83 0.90 0.86 |
0.86 0.83 0.87 0.84 0.83 0.77 0.83 0.77 |
0.83 0.88 0.84 0.84 0.86 0.81 0.79 0.77 |
0.87 0.89 0.90 0.83 0.86 0.87 0.91 0.84 |
0.76 0.80 0.83 0.77 0.81 0.87 0.84 0.89 |
0.82 0.84 0.90 0.83 0.79 0.91 0.84 0.91 |
0.78 0.82 0.86 0.77 0.77 0.84 0.89 0.91 |
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 |
between model agreement rate |
(proportion of sentence pairs) |
Extended Data Figure 2: Between-model agreement rate |
on the probability ranking of the 90 randomly sampled |
and paired natural sentence pairs evaluated in the exper- |
iment . Each cell represents the proportion of sentence pairs |
for which two models make congruent probability ranking |
(i.e., both models assign a higher probability to sentence 1, |
or both models assign a higher probability to sentence 2). |
25GPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-grammodel 2 |
GPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-grammodel 10.51 0.53 0.78 0.83 0.66 0.84 0.79 0.88 |
0.49 0.60 0.65 0.78 0.60 0.80 0.76 0.86 |
0.47 0.40 0.63 0.75 0.57 0.79 0.64 0.59 |
0.22 0.35 0.37 0.58 0.30 0.44 0.60 0.54 |
0.17 0.22 0.25 0.42 0.47 0.49 0.42 0.55 |
0.34 0.40 0.43 0.70 0.53 0.84 0.62 0.70 |
0.16 0.20 0.21 0.56 0.51 0.16 0.49 0.62 |
0.21 0.24 0.36 0.40 0.58 0.38 0.51 0.63 |
0.12 0.14 0.41 0.46 0.45 0.30 0.38 0.37 |
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 |
human choice aligned with model 1 |
(proportion of trials) |
GPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-grammodel 2 |
GPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-grammodel 10.55 0.61 0.79 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.76 0.92 |
0.45 0.36 0.60 0.89 0.81 0.96 0.94 0.95 |
0.39 0.64 0.49 0.88 0.89 0.95 0.98 0.95 |
0.21 0.40 0.51 0.71 0.73 0.86 0.78 0.90 |
0.16 0.11 0.12 0.29 0.51 0.70 0.72 0.91 |
0.15 0.19 0.11 0.27 0.49 0.79 0.65 0.71 |
0.14 0.04 0.05 0.14 0.30 0.21 0.32 0.55 |
0.24 0.06 0.02 0.22 0.28 0.35 0.68 0.67 |
0.08 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.09 0.29 0.45 0.33 |
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 |
human choice aligned with model 1 |
(proportion of trials)aNatural controversial sentences bSynthetic controversial sentencesExtended Data Figure 3: Pairwise model comparison of model-human consistency. For each pair of models (represented |
as one cell in the matrices above), the only trials considered were those in which the stimuli were either selected (a) or |
synthesized (b) to contrast the predictions of the two models. For these trials, the two models always made controversial |
predictions (i.e., one sentence is preferred by the first model and the other sentence is preferred by the second model). The |
matrices above depict the proportion of trials in which the binarized human judgments aligned with the row model (“model |
1”). For example, GPT-2 (top-row) was always more aligned (green hues) with the human choices than its rival models. In |
contrast, 2-gram (bottom-row) was always less aligned (purple hues) with the human choices than its rival models. |
GPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-grammodels assigned as mreject |
GPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-grammodels assigned as maccept0.21 0.24 0.43 0.23 0.29 0.36 0.17 0.22 |
0.21 0.16 0.29 0.51 0.29 0.23 0.18 0.39 |
0.17 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.27 0.40 0.27 0.20 |
0.14 0.18 0.27 0.44 0.23 0.25 0.33 0.20 |
0.07 0.07 0.11 0.16 0.17 0.13 0.08 0.22 |
0.03 0.01 0.07 0.04 0.17 0.06 0.16 0.04 |
0.05 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.04 0.06 |
0.04 0.03 0.02 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.06 0.04 |
0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.07 0.04 |
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 |
humans choice aligned with maccept |
(proportion of trials) |
Extended Data Figure 4: Pairwise model analysis of human re- |
sponse for natural vs. synthetic sentence pairs. In each optimiza- |
tion condition, a synthetic sentence swas formed by modifying a nat- |
ural sentence nso the synthetic sentence would be “rejected” by one |
model ( mreject , columns), minimizing p(s|mreject ), and would be |
“accepted” by another model ( maccept , rows), satisfying the constraint |
p(s|maccept )≥p(n|maccept ). Each cell above summarizes model- |
human agreement in trials resulting from one such optimization condi- |
tion. The color of each cell denotes the proportion of trials in which |
humans judged a synthetic sentence to be more likely than its natural |
counterpart and hence aligned with maccept . For example, the top-right |
cell depicts human judgments for sentence pairs formed to minimize |
the probability assigned to the synthetic sentence by the simple 2-gram |
model while ensuring that GPT-2 would judge the synthetic sentence |
to be at least as likely as the natural sentence; humans favored the syn- |
thetic sentence in only 22 out the 100 sentence pairs in this condition. |
261.0 |
0.5 |
0.0 0.5 1.0 |
ordinal correlation between human ratings and models' |
sentence pair probability log-ratio (signed-rank cosine similarity)RoBERTa |
aRandomly sampled natural-sentence pairs |
1.0 |
0.5 |
0.0 0.5 1.0 |
ordinal correlation between human ratings and models' |
sentence pair probability log-ratio (signed-rank cosine similarity)RoBERTa |
bSynthetic controversial sentence pairsExtended Data Figure 5: Human consistency of bidirectional transformers: approximate log-likelihood versus pseudo- |
log-likelihood (PLL). Each dot in the plots above depicts the ordinal correlation between the judgments of one participant |
and the predictions of one model. (a)The performance of BERT, RoBERTa, and ELECTRA in predicting the human judg- |
ments of randomly sampled natural sentence pairs in the main experiment, using two different likelihood measures: our novel |
approximate likelihood method (i.e., averaging multiple conditional probability chains, see Methods) and pseudo-likelihood |
(PLL, summating the probability of each word given all of the other words [64]). For each model, we statistically com- |
pared the two likelihood measures to each other and to the noise ceiling using a two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test across |
the participants. False discovery rate was controlled at q <0.05for the 9 comparisons. When predicting human pref- |
erences of natural sentences, the pseudo-log-likelihood measure is at least as accurate as our proposed approximate |
log-likelihood measure. (b) Results from a follow-up experiment, in which we synthesized synthetic sentence pairs for each |
of the model pairs, pitting the two alternative likelihood measures against each other. Statistical testing was conducted in the |
same fashion as in panel a. These results indicate that for each of the three bidirectional language models, the approximate |
log-likelihood measure is considerably and significantly ( q <0.05) more human-consistent than the pseudo-likelihood mea- |
sure. Synthetic controversial sentence pairs uncover a dramatic failure mode of the pseudo-log-likelihood measure, |
which remains covert when the evaluation is limited to randomly-sampled natural sentences. See Extended Data Table |
2 for synthetic sentence pair examples. |
270 25% 50% 75% 100% |
human-choice prediction accuracyGPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-gram |
Extended Data Figure 6: Model prediction accuracy for pairs of |
natural and synthetic sentences, evaluating each model across |
all of the sentence pairs in which it was targeted to rate the syn- |
thetic sentence to be less probable than the natural sentence. |
The data binning applied here is complementary to the one used in |
Fig. 3b, where each model was evaluated across all of the sentence |
pairs in which it was targeted to rate the synthetic sentence to be |
at least as probable as the natural sentence. Unlike Fig. 3b, where |
all of the models performed poorly, here no models were found to |
be significantly below the lower bound on the noise ceiling; typ- |
ically, when a sentence was optimized to decrease its probability |
under any model (despite the sentence probability not decreasing |
under a second model), humans agreed that the sentence became |
less probable. |
sentence log probability (model 1) log probability (model 2) # human choices |
n: I always cover for him and make excuses. logp(n|GPT-2 ) =−36.46 log p(n|2-gram ) =−106.95 10 |
s: We either wish for it or ourselves do. logp(s|GPT-2 ) =−36.15 logp(s|2-gram ) =−122.28 0 |
n: This is why I will never understand boys. logp(n|RoBERTa ) =−46.88 log p(n|2-gram ) =−103.11 10 |
s: This is why I will never kiss boys. logp(s|RoBERTa ) =−46.75 logp(s|2-gram ) =−107.91 0 |
n: One of the ones I did required it. logp(n|ELECTRA ) =−35.97 log p(n|LSTM ) =−40.89 10 |
s: Many of the years I did done so. logp(s|ELECTRA ) =−35.77 logp(s|LSTM ) =−46.25 0 |
n: There were no guns in the Bronze Age. logp(n|BERT ) =−48.48 log p(n|ELECTRA ) =−30.40 10 |
s: There is rich finds from the Bronze Age. logp(s|BERT ) =−48.46 logp(s|ELECTRA ) =−44.34 0 |
n: You did a great job on cleaning them. logp(n|XLM ) =−40.38 log p(n|RNN) =−43.47 10 |
s: She did a great job at do me. logp(s|XLM ) =−39.89 logp(s|RNN) =−61.03 0 |
n: This logic has always seemed flawed to me. logp(n|LSTM ) =−39.77 log p(n|RNN) =−45.92 10 |
s: His cell has always seemed instinctively to me. logp(s|LSTM ) =−38.89 logp(s|RNN) =−62.81 0 |
s: Stand near the cafe and sip your coffee. logp(s|RNN) =−65.55 log p(s|ELECTRA ) =−34.46 10 |
n: Sit at the front and break your neck. logp(n|RNN) =−44.18 logp(n|ELECTRA ) =−34.65 0 |
n: Most of my jobs have been like this. logp(n|3-gram ) =−80.72 log p(n|LSTM ) =−35.07 10 |
s: One of my boyfriend have been like this. logp(s|3-gram ) =−80.63 logp(s|LSTM ) =−41.44 0 |
n: They even mentioned that I offer white flowers. logp(n|2-gram ) =−113.38 log p(n|BERT ) =−62.81 10 |
s: But even fancied that would logically contradictory philosophies. logp(s|2-gram ) =−113.24 logp(s|BERT ) =−117.98 0 |
Extended Data Table 1: Examples of pairs of synthetic and natural sentences that maximally contributed to each |
model’s prediction error. For each model (double row, “model 1”), the table shows results for two sentences on which the |
model failed severely. In each case, the failing model 1 prefers synthetic sentence s(higher log probability bolded), while the |
model it was pitted against (“model 2”) and all 10 human subjects presented with that sentence pair prefer natural sentence |
n. (When more than one sentence pair induced an equal maximal error in a model, the example included in the table was |
chosen at random.) |
28sentence pseudo-log-likelihood (PLL) approximate log probability # human choices |
s1: I found so many in things and called. logp(s1|BERT (PLL) ) =−55.14 log p(s1|BERT ) =−55.89 30 |
s2: Khrushchev schizophrenic so far |
disproportionately goldfish fished alone. logp(s2|BERT (PLL) ) =−22.84 logp(s2|BERT ) =−162.31 0 |
s1: Figures out if you are on the lead. logp(s1|BERT (PLL) ) =−38.11 log p(s1|BERT ) =−51.27 30 |
s2: Neighbours unsatisfactory indistinguishable |
misinterpreting schizophrenic on homecoming |
cheerleading. logp(s2|BERT (PLL) ) =−16.43 logp(s2|BERT ) =−258.91 0 |
s1: I just say this and not the point. logp(s1|ELECTRA (PLL) ) =−34.41 log p(s1|ELECTRA ) =−33.80 30 |
s2: Glastonbury reliably mobilize disenfranchised |
homosexuals underestimate unhealthy skeptics. logp(s2|ELECTRA (PLL) ) =−11.81 logp(s2|ELECTRA ) =−162.62 0 |
s1: And diplomacy is more people to the place. logp(s1|ELECTRA (PLL) ) =−62.81 log p(s1|ELECTRA ) =−47.33 30 |
s2: Brezhnev ingenuity disembarking Acapulco |
methamphetamine arthropods unaccompanied |
Khrushchev. logp(s2|ELECTRA (PLL) ) =−34.00 logp(s2|ELECTRA ) =−230.97 0 |
s1: Sometimes what looks and feels real to you. logp(s1|RoBERTa (PLL) ) =−36.58 log p(s1|RoBERTa ) =−51.61 30 |
s2: Buying something breathes or crawls |
aesthetically to decorate. logp(s2|RoBERTa (PLL) ) =−9.78 logp(s2|RoBERTa ) =−110.27 0 |
s1: In most other high priority packages were affected. logp(s1|RoBERTa (PLL) ) =−71.13 log p(s1|RoBERTa ) =−61.60 30 |
s2: Stravinsky cupboard nanny contented burglar |
babysitting unsupervised bathtub. logp(s2|RoBERTa (PLL) ) =−21.86 logp(s2|RoBERTa ) =−164.70 0 |
Extended Data Table 2: Examples of controversial synthetic-sentence pairs that maximally contributed to the pre- |
diction error of bidirectional transformers using pseudo-log-likelihood (PLL). For each bidirectional model, the table |
displays two sentence pairs on which the model failed severely when its prediction was based on pseudo-log-likelihood |
(PLL) estimates [64]. In each of these sentence pairs, the PLL estimate favors sentence s2(higher PLL bolded), while the |
approximate log-likelihood estimate and most of the human subjects presented with that sentence pair preferred sentence |
s1. (When more than one sentence pair induced an equal maximal error in a model, the example included in the table was |
chosen at random.) Sentences with long, multi-token words (e.g., “methamphetamine”) have high PLL estimates since |
each of their tokens is well predicted by the others tokens. And yet, the entire sentence is improbable according to |
human judgments and approximate log-probability estimates based on proper conditional probability chains. |
296 Supplementary Methods |
6.1 Language models |
N-gram models. N-gram models [68], the simplest language model class, are trained by counting the |
number of occurrences of all unique phrases of length N words in large text corpora. N-gram models make |
predictions about upcoming words by using empirical conditional probabilities in the training corpus. We |
tested both 2-gram and 3-gram variants. In 2-gram models, all unique two-word phrases are counted, and |
each upcoming word probability (probability of w2conditioned on previous word w1) is determined by |
dividing the count of 2-gram w1, w2by the count of unigram (word) w1. In 3-gram models, all unique three- |
word phrases are counted, and upcoming word probabilities (probability of w3conditioned on previous |
words w1andw2) are determined by dividing the count of 3-gram w1, w2, w3by the count of 2-gram |
w1, w2. In both such models, sentence probabilities can be computed as the product of all unidirectional |
word transition probabilities in a given sentence. We trained both the 2-gram and 3-gram models on a large |
corpus composed of text from four sources: 1. public comments from the social media website Reddit |
(reddit .com) acquired using the public API at pushshift .io, 2. articles from Wikipedia, 3. English |
books and poetry available for free at Project Gutenberg ( gutenberg .org), and 4. articles compiled in |
the American Local News Corpus [69]. The n-gram probability estimates were regularized by means of |
Kneser-Ney smoothing [70]. |
Recurrent neural network models. We also tested two recurrent neural network models, including a |
simple recurrent neural network (RNN) [1] and a more complex long short-term memory recurrent neural |
network (LSTM) [2]. We trained both of these models on a next word prediction task using the same corpus |
used to train the n-gram models. Both the RNN and LSTM had a 256-feature embedding size and a 512- |
feature hidden state size, and were trained over 100 independent batches of text for 50 epochs with a learning |
rate of .002. Both models’ training sets were tokenized into individual words and consisted of a vocabulary |
of94,607unique tokens. |
Transformer models. Similar to RNNs, transformers are designed to make predictions about sequential |
inputs. However, transformers do not use a recurrent architecture, and have a number of more complex |
architectural features. For example, unlike the fixed token embeddings in classic RNNs, transformers utilize |
context-dependent embeddings that vary depending on a token’s position. Most transformers also contain |
multiple attention heads in each layer of the model, which can help direct the model to relevant tokens in |
complex ways. We tested five models with varying architectures and training procedures, including BERT |
[3], RoBERTa [4], XLM [5], ELECTRA [6], and GPT-2 [7]. |
• We used the large version of BERT (bi-directonal encoder representations from transformers), con- |
taining 24 encoding layers, 1024 hidden units in the feedforward network element of the model, and |
16 attention heads. BERT is a bi-directional model trained to perform two different tasks: 1. a masked |
language modeling (MLM) task, in which 15 percent of tokens are replaced with a special [MASK] |
token and BERT must predict the masked word, and 2. next sentence prediction (NSP), in which |
BERT aims to predict the upcoming sentence in the training corpus given the current sentence. |
• RoBERTa is also a bi-directional model that uses the same architecture as BERT. However, RoBERTa |
was trained on exclusively the masked word prediction task (and not next sentence prediction), and |
used a different optimization procedure (including longer training on a larger dataset). This makes |
empirical comparisons between BERT and RoBERTa particularly interesting, because they differ only |
in training procedure and not architecture. |
30• XLM is a cross-lingual bi-directional model which, too, shares BERT’s original architecture. XLM is |
trained on three different tasks: 1. the same MLM task used in both BERT and RoBERTa, 2. a causal |
language modeling task where upcoming words are predicted from left to right, and 3. a translation |
modeling task. On this task, each training example consists of the same text in two languages, and the |
model performs a masked language modeling task using context from one language to predict tokens |
of another. Such a task can help the XLM model become robust to idiosyncrasies of one particular |
language that may not convey much linguistic information. |
• The ELECTRA model uses a training approach that involves two transformer models: a generator |
and a discriminator. While the generator performs a masked language modeling task similar to other |
transformers, the discriminator simultaneously tries to figure out which masked tokens were replaced |
by the generator. This task may be more efficient than pure masked token prediction, because it uses |
information from all input tokens rather than only the masked subset. |
• GPT-2, the second iteration of GPT OpenAI’s GPT model, is the only unidirectional transformer |
model that we tested. We used the pretrained GPT-2-xl version, with 48 encoding layers and 25 |
attention heads in each layer. Because GPT-2 is unidirectional it was trained only on the causal |
language modeling task, in which tokens are predicted from left to right. |
6.2 Selection of controversial natural-sentence pairs |
We evaluated 231,725eight-word sentences sampled from Reddit. Reddit comments were scraped from |
across the entire website and all unique eight-word sentences were saved. These sentences were subse- |
quently filtered to exclude blatant spelling errors, inappropriate language, and individual words that were |
not included in the corpus used to train the n-gram and recurrent neural network models in our experiment. |
We estimated logp(s|m)for each natural sentence sand each model mas described above. We |
then rank-transformed the sentence probabilities separately for each model, assigning the fractional rank |
r(s|m) = 0 to the least probable sentence according to model mandr(s|m) = 1 to the most probable |
one. This step eliminated differences between models in terms of probability calibration. |
Next, we aimed to filter this corpus for controversial sentences. To prune the candidate sentences, we |
eliminated any sentence sfor which no pair of models m1,m2held(r(s|m1)<0.5)and(r(s|m2)≥0.5), |
where r(s|m1)is the fractional rank assigned for sentence sby model m. This step ensured that all of the |
remaining sentences had a below-median probability according to one model and above-median probability |
according to another, for at least one pair of models. We also excluded sentences in which any word (except |
for prepositions) appeared more than once. After this pruning, 85,749candidate sentences remained, from |
which 85749 |
2 |
≈3.67×109possible sentence pairs can be formed. |
We aimed to select 360 controversial sentence pairs, devoting 10 sentence pairs to each of the 36 |
models pairs. First, we defined two 360-long integer vectors m1andm2, specifying for each of the |
360 yet unselected sentence pairs which model pair they contrast. We then selected 360 sentence pairs |
s1 |
1, s2 |
1 |
, |
s1 |
2, s2 |
2 |
..., |
s1 |
360, s2 |
360 |
by solving the following minimization problem: |
{(s1 |
j∗, s2 |
j∗)|j= 1,2, ..360}= argmin |
s1,s2X |
j |
r(s1 |
j|m1 |
j) +r(s2 |
j|m2 |
j) |
(5) |
subject to ∀jr(s1 |
j|m2 |
j)≥0.5 (5a) |
∀jr(s2 |
j|m1 |
j)≥0.5 (5b) |
All 720 sentences are unique. (5c) |
31To achieve this, we used integer linear programming (ILP) as implemented by Gurobi [71]. We repre- |
sented sentence allocation as a sparse binary tensor Sof dimensions 85,749 ×360×2 (sentences, trials, |
pair members) and the fractional sentence probabilities ranks as a matrix Rof dimensions 85,749 ×9 (sen- |
tences, models). This enabled us to express and solve the selection problem in Eq. 5 as a standard ILP |
problem: |
S∗= argmin |
SX |
i,jSi,j,1Ri,m1 |
j+Si,j,2Ri,m2 |
j(6) |
subject to Si,j,1Ri,m2 |
j≥0.5 (6a) |
Si,j,2Ri,m1 |
j≥0.5 (6b) |
∀iX |
j,kSi,j,k≤1(each sentence iis used only once in the experiment) (6c) |
∀jP |
iSi,j,1= 1 |
∀jP |
iSi,j,2= 1) |
(each trial jis allocated exactly one sentence pair) (6d) |
Sis binary (6e) |
6.3 Evaluation of model-human consistency: Correlating model log-probability |
ratios to human Likert ratings |
For every model mand experimental trial i, we evaluated the log probability ratio for the trial’s two sen- |
tences: |
LR(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|m) = logp(s2 |
i|m) |
p(s1 |
i|m)(7) |
The human Likert ratings were recoded to be symmetrical around zero, mapping the six ratings appear- |
ing in Extended Data Fig. 1 to (−2.5,−1.5,−0.5,+0.5,+1.5,+2.5). We then sought to correlate the model |
log-ratios and with the zero-centered human Likert ratings, quantifying how well the model log-ratios were |
associated with human sentence-likeliness judgments. To allow for an ordinal (not necessarily linear) asso- |
ciation between the log-ratios and Likert ratings, we rank-transformed both measures (ranking within each |
model or each human) while retaining the sign of the values. |
For each participant h: |
r(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|h) = sign( y0(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|h))·R y0(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|h) |
, (8) |
where y0(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|h))is the zero-centered Likert rating provided by subject hfor trial iandR(·)is rank |
transform using random tie-breaking. |
For each model m: |
r(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|m) = sign( LR(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|m))·R LR(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|m) |
, (9) |
A valid correlation measure of the model ranks and human ranks must be invariant to whether one |
sentence was presented on the left ( s1) and the other on the right ( s2), or vice versa. Changing the sentence |
order within a trial would flip the signs of both the log-ratio and the zero-centered Likert rating. Therefore, |
the required correlation measure must be invariant to such coordinated sign flips, but not to flipping the sign |
of just one of the measures. Since cosine similarity maintains such invariance, we introduced signed-rank |
32cosine similarity , an ordinal analog of cosine similarity, substituting the raw data points for signed ranks (as |
defined in Eq. 8-9): |
ir(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|m)r(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|h)qP |
ir(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|m)2qP |
ir(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|h)2. (10) |
To eliminate the noise contributed by random tie-breaking, we used a closed-form expression of the |
expected value of Eq. 10 over different random tie-breaking draws: |
E(SCSR) =P |
iE |
r(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|m) |
E |
r(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|h) |
pPn |
k=1k2pPn |
k=1k2=P |
i¯r(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|m)¯r(s1 |
i, s2 |
i|h)Pn |
k=1k2, (11) |
where ¯r(·)denotes signed rank with average-rank assigned to ties instead of random tie-breaking, and n |
denotes the number of evaluated sentence pairs. The expected value of the product in the numerator is |
equal to the product of expected values of the factors since the random tie-breaking within each factor is |
independent. The vector norms (the factors in the denominator) are constant since given no zero ratings, |
each signed-rank rating vector always includes one of each rank 1ton(where nis the number of sentence |
pairs considered), and the signs are eliminated by squaring. This derivation follows a classical result for |
Spearman’s ρ[72] (see [73], appendix C, for a modern treatment). We empirically confirmed that averaging |
SCSR as defined in Eq. 10 across a large number of random tie-breaking draws converges to E(SCSR)as |
defined in Eq. 11. This latter expression (whose computation requires no actual random tie-breaking) was |
used to quantify the correlation between each participant and model. |
For each participant, the lower bound on the noise ceiling was calculated by replacing the model-derived |
predictions with an across-participants average of the nine other participants’ signed-rank rating vectors. The |
lower bound plotted in main text Fig. 4 is an across-subject average of this estimate. An upper bound on the |
noise ceiling was calculated as a dot product between the participant’s expected signed-rank rating vector |
(¯ r/pPk2) and a normalized, across-participants average of the expected signed-rank rating vectors of all |
10 participants. |
Inference was conducted in the same fashion as that employed for the binarized judgments (Wilcoxon |
signed-rank tests across the 10 subject groups, controlling for false discovery rate). |
7 Supplementary Results |
7.1 Randomly sampled natural-sentence pairs fail to adjudicate among mod- |
els |
As a baseline, we created 90 pairs of natural sentence pairs by randomly sampling from a corpus of 8-word |
sentences appearing on Reddit. Evaluating the sentence probabilities assigned to the sentences by the dif- |
ferent models, we found that models tended to agree on which of the two sentences was more probable |
(Extended Data Fig. 2). The between-model agreement rate ranged from 75.6% of the sentence pairs for |
GPT-2 vs. RNN to 93.3% for GPT-2 vs. RoBERTa, with an average agreement between models of 84.5%. |
Main text Fig. 1a (left-hand panel) provides a detailed graphical depiction of the relationship between sen- |
tence probability ranks for one model pair (GPT-2 and RoBERTa). |
We divided these 90 pairs into 10 sets of nine sentences and presented each set to a separate group of 10 |
subjects. To evaluate model-human alignment, we computed the proportion of trials where the model and the |
participant agreed on which sentence was more probable. All of the nine language models performed above |
33chance (50% accuracy) in predicting the human choices for the randomly sampled natural sentence pairs |
(main text Fig. 1a, right-hand panel). Since we presented each group of 10 participants with a unique set of |
sentence pairs, we could statistically test between-model differences while accounting for both participants |
and sentence pairs as random factors by means of a simple two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test conducted |
across the 10 participant groups. For the set of randomly sampled natural-sentence pairs, this test yielded |
no significant prediction accuracy differences between the candidate models (controlling for false discovery |
rate for all 36 model pairs at q<.05). This result is unsurprising considering the high level of between- |
model agreement on the sentence probability ranking within each of these sentence pairs. |
To obtain an estimate of the noise ceiling [74] (i.e., the best possible prediction accuracy for this dataset), |
we predicted each participant’s choices by the majority vote of the nine other participants who were pre- |
sented with the same trials. This measurement provided a lower bound on the noise ceiling. Including the |
participant’s own choice in the prediction yields an upper bound, since no set of predictions can be more |
human-aligned on average given the between-subject variability. For the randomly sampled natural sen- |
tences, none of the models were found to be significantly less accurate than the lower bound on the noise |
ceiling (controlling the false discovery rate for all nine models at q<.05). In other words, the 900 trials |
of randomly sampled and paired natural sentences provided no statistical evidence that any of the language |
models are human-inconsistent. |
7.2 Comparing the accuracy of unnormalized and normalized sentence prob- |
ability estimates |
Previous studies (e.g., [13]) have found that normalizing language model sentence probability estimates by |
the sentences’ token counts can result in greater alignment with human acceptability judgments. While we |
deliberately used unnormalized sentence log probability when designing the experiment, we evaluated the |
prediction accuracy of each model under such normalizations through a control analysis. |
Rather than predicting human judgments based only on the relative log probabilities of the two sen- |
tences, we instead used cross-validated logistic regression to predict human judgments using a combination |
of unnormalized log probability differences (“LP”) and two measures from Lau and colleagues [13] that |
incorporate information about the token counts in each sentence. The “MeanLP” measure normalized each |
sentence’s log probability by its token count T, whereas the “PenLP” measure divided each sentence’s log |
probability by a dampened version of its token count, |
(5 +T)/(5 + 1)0.8. For models trained on whole |
words (LSTM, RNN, 3-gram, and 2-gram), we used character count instead of token count. |
For each language model m, we fitted a separate logistic regression to predict the individual binarized |
sentence choices across the entire main experiment dataset by weighing the three predictors “LP,” “MeanLP,” |
and “PenLP.” We did not include an intercept due to the symmetry of the prediction task (the presentation |
of sentences as sentence 1 or 2 was randomized). We cross-validated the logistic regression’s accuracy by |
leaving out one sentence pair at a time, using data from all conditions of the experiment. |
Taking token count into consideration led to minor improvements in the prediction accuracy of most |
models (an average improvement of 0.95%), but this adjustment did not change the hierarchy of the models |
in terms of their human consistency (Supplementary Fig. S1). We hypothesize that the greater disparities |
between unnormalized and normalized probability measures, as observed by Lau and colleagues [13] com- |
pared to those found in our study, may be attributed to their experiment involving sentences of markedly |
different lengths. |
347.3 Models differ in their sensitivity to low-level linguistic features |
While the controversial sentences presented in this study were synthesized without consideration for partic- |
ular linguistic features, we performed a post hoc analysis to explore the contribution of different features |
to model and human preferences (Supplementary Fig. S3). For each controversial synthetic sentence pair, |
we computed the average log-transformed word frequency for each sentence (extracted from the publicly |
available subtlex database [61]). We also computed the average pairwise correlation between semantic |
GloVe vector representations [75] of all eight words, based on neuroimaging research showing that there |
are specific neural signatures evoked by dissimilarity in semantic vectors [10, 76]. We performed paired |
sample t-tests across sentence pairs between the linguistic feature preferences for models vs. humans, and |
found that GPT-2, LSTM, RNN, 3-gram, and 2-gram models were significantly more likely (vs. humans) |
to prefer sentences with low GloVe correlations, while ELECTRA was significantly more likely to prefer |
high GloVe correlations (controlling the false discovery rate for all nine models at q<.05). For word fre- |
quency, the RNN, 3-gram, and 2-gram models were significantly biased (vs. humans) to prefer sentences |
with low-frequency words, while ELECTRA and XLM showed a significant bias for high-frequency words. |
These results indicate that even strong models like GPT-2 and ELECTRA can exhibit subtle misalignments |
with humans in their response to simple linguistic features, when evaluated on sentences synthesized to be |
controversial. |
358 Supplementary Figures |
0 25% 50% 75% 100% |
human-choice prediction accuracyGPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-gram |
a |
0 25% 50% 75% 100% |
human-choice prediction accuracyGPT-2 |
3-gram |
2-gram |
bUnnormalized sentence probability estimates |
Normalized sentence probability estimates |
Supplementary Fig. S1: The predictivity of normalized and unnormalized log-probability measures. |
(a)Predicting human judgments from all conditions using only unnormalized log probability differences |
(equivalent to Fig. 4 in the main text, except using binarized accuracy as a dependent measure). (b)Binarized |
accuracy of the logistic regression optimally combining LP, MeanLP, and PenLP for each language model. |
Relative model performance is nearly identical in these two analyses, indicating that tokenization differences |
across models did not play a large confounding role in our main results. |
36Supplementary Fig. S2: The task instructions provided to the participants at the beginning of the experimen- |
tal session. |
37abSupplementary Fig. S3: Linguistic feature values for synthetic sentence pairs. (a) GloVe correlation |
values of the preferred and rejected sentence for each synthetic sentence pair. Each panel depicts preferences |
for both humans (red) and a specific model (black), for sentence pairs that this model was involved in |
synthesizing. Black sub-panel outlines indicate significant differences between the preferences of models |
and humans on that particular set of sentence pairs, according to a paired sample t-test (controlling for false |
discovery rate across all nine models at q<.05). (b)Same as (a), but for average log-transformed word |
frequency. |
389 Supplementary Tables |
modelaccepted sentence |
has more tokensequal |
token-countsrejected sentence |
has more tokens p-value |
GPT-2 24 13 3 <0.0001 |
RoBERTa 6 18 16 0.0656 |
ELECTRA 12 21 7 0.3593 |
BERT 4 8 28 <0.0001 |
XLM 2 16 22 <0.0001 |
Supplementary Table S1: Token count control analysis. For each transformer model, we considered syn- |
thetic controversial sentence pairs where the other targeted model was also a transformer (a total of 40 |
sentence pairs per model). For each such pair, we evaluated the token count of the synthetic sentence to |
which the model assigned a higher probability (“accepted sentence”) and the token count of the synthetic |
sentence to which the model assigned a lower probability (“rejected sentence”). For each model, this table |
presents the number of sentence pairs in which the accepted sentence had a higher token count, both sen- |
tences had an equal number of tokens, and the rejected sentence had a higher token count. We compared the |
prevalence of higher token counts in accepted and rejected sentences using a binomial test ( H0:p= 0.5) |
controlled for False Discovery Rate across five comparisons. |
GPT-2 assigned significantly more tokens to accepted sentences, whereas BERT and XLM assigned sig- |
nificantly more tokens to rejected sentences. For RoBeRTa and ELECTRA, no significant difference was |
found. Note that since the controversial sentences are driven by relative model response properties, a sig- |
nificant difference for a particular model does not necessarily indicate that token count biases the model’s |
sentence probability estimates. For example, GPT-2’s apparent preference for sentences with a greater token |
count might reflect biases of the alternative models pitted against GPT-2. These models might prefer shorter |
sentences that exhibit undetected grammatical or semantic violations over longer but felicitous sentences. |
Overall, these results indicate that while certain models’ probability estimates might be biased by to- |
kenization, lower sentence probabilities were not systematically confounded by higher token counts. |
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