Deep Supervised Information Bottleneck Hashing for Cross-modal Retrieval |
based Computer-aided Diagnosis |
Yufeng Shi1, Shuhuang Chen1, Xinge You1*, Qinmu Peng1, Weihua Ou2, Yue Zhao3 |
1Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
2Guizhou Normal University |
3Hubei University |
fyufengshi17, shuhuangchen, youxg, pengqinmu g@hust.edu.cn, ouweihuahust@gmail.com, zhaoyhu@hubu.edu.cn |
Abstract |
Mapping X-ray images, radiology reports, and other medi- |
cal data as binary codes in the common space, which can |
assist clinicians to retrieve pathology-related data from het- |
erogeneous modalities (i.e., hashing-based cross-modal med- |
ical data retrieval), provides a new view to promot computer- |
aided diagnosis. Nevertheless, there remains a barrier to boost |
medical retrieval accuracy: how to reveal the ambiguous se- |
mantics of medical data without the distraction of superflu- |
ous information. To circumvent this drawback, we propose |
Deep Supervised Information Bottleneck Hashing (DSIBH), |
which effectively strengthens the discriminability of hash |
codes. Specifically, the Deep Deterministic Information Bot- |
tleneck (Yu, Yu, and Pr ´ıncipe 2021) for single modality is |
extended to the cross-modal scenario. Benefiting from this, |
the superfluous information is reduced, which facilitates the |
discriminability of hash codes. Experimental results demon- |
strate the superior accuracy of the proposed DSIBH com- |
pared with state-of-the-arts in cross-modal medical data re- |
trieval tasks. |
The rapid development of medical technology not only |
provides diverse medical examinations but also produces |
tremendous amounts of medical data, ranging from X-ray |
images to radiology reports. It is an experience-demanding, |
time-consuming, and error-prone job to manually assess |
medical data and diagnose disease. To reduce the work |
burden of physicians and optimize the diagnostic process, |
computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems including classi- |
fier based CAD(Shi et al. 2020; In ´es et al. 2021) and content- |
based image retrieval (CBIR) based CAD(Yang et al. 2020; |
Fang, Fu, and Liu 2021) have been designed to automatically |
identify illness. Although the two types of methods greatly |
promote the development of CAD, existing systems ignore |
the character of current medical data, which is diverse in |
modality and huge in terms of scale. Therefore, we introduce |
cross-modal retrieval (CMR) (Wang et al. 2016) techniques |
and construct a CMR-based CAD method using semantic |
hashing (Wang et al. 2017) to handle the above challenges. |
With the help of CMR that projects multimodal data into |
the common space, samples from different modalities can be |
directly matched without the interference of heterogeneity. |
*Contact Author |
Accepted by the AAAI-22 Workshop on Information Theory for |
Deep Learning (IT4DL).Therefore, CMR-based CAD can not only retrieve the se- |
mantically similar clinical profiles in heterogeneous modal- |
ities but also provide diagnosis results according to the pre- |
vious medical advice. Compared with the classifier-based |
CAD that only provides diagnosis results, CMR-based CAD |
is more acceptable due to the interpretability brought by |
retrieved profiles. Compared with the CBIR-based CAD, |
CMR-based CAD wins on its extended sight of multi-modal |
data, which meets the requirement of current medical data. |
Recently, extensive work on hashing-based CMR that |
maps data from different modalities into the same hamming |
space, has been done by researchers to achieve CMR (Li |
et al. 2018; Zhu et al. 2020; Yu et al. 2021). Due to its com- |
pact binary codes and XOR distance calculation, hashing- |
based CMR possesses low memory usage and high query |
speed (Wang et al. 2017), which is also compatible with |
the huge volume of current medical data. In terms of ac- |
curacy, the suitable hashing-based solutions for CMR-based |
CAD are deep supervised hashing (DSH) methods (Xie et al. |
2020; Zhan et al. 2020; Yao et al. 2021). With the guid- |
ance of manual annotations, deep supervised methods usu- |
ally perform hash code learning based on the original data |
via neural networks. Inspired by the information bottle- |
neck principle (Tishby, Pereira, and Bialek 1999), the above- |
mentioned optimization procedure can be viewed as build- |
ing hash code Gabout a semantic label Ythrough samples |
in different modalities X=/braceleftbig |
X1,X2/bracerightbig |
, which can be for- |
mulated as: |
maxL=I(G;Y)−βI(G;X), (1) |
whereI(·;·)represents the mutual information, and βis a |
hyper-parameter. As quantified by I(G;Y), current DSH |
methods model the semantic annotations to establish pair- |
wise, triplet-wise or class-wise relations, and maximize the |
correlation between hash codes and the semantic relations. |
Despite the consideration of semantic relations, the neglect |
ofI(G;X)will result in the retention of redundant infor- |
mation in the original data, thus limiting the improvement |
of the retrieval accuracy. I(G;X)measures the correlation |
between the hash code Gand the data from two modalities |
X, which can be used to reduce the superfluous informa- |
tion from medical data, and constrain the hash code to grasp |
the correct semantics from annotations. Therefore, it can be |
expected that the optimization of Eq. (1) can strengthen thearXiv:2205.08365v1 [cs.LG] 6 May 2022discriminability of hash codes, which improves the accuracy |
of CMR-based CAD. |
To perform CMR-based CAD, we design a novel method |
named Deep Supervised Information Bottleneck Hash- |
ing (DSIBH), which optimizes the information bottleneck |
to strengthen the discriminability of hash codes. Specifi- |
cally, to avoid variational inference and distribution assump- |
tion, we extend the Deep Deterministic Information Bot- |
tleneck (DDIB) (Yu, Yu, and Pr ´ıncipe 2021) from single |
modality to the cross-modal scenario for hash code learning. |
To summarize, our main contributions are fourfold: |
• The cross-modal retrieval technique based on semantic |
hashing is introduced to establish computer-aided diag- |
nosis systems, which is suitable for the current large- |
scale multi-modal medical data. |
• A deep hashing method named DSIBH, which optimizes |
the hash code learning procedure following the informa- |
tion bottleneck principle to reduce the distraction of su- |
perfluous information, is proposed for CMR-based CAD. |
• To reduce the adverse impact of variational inference |
or distribution assumption, the Deep Deterministic In- |
formation Bottleneck is elegantly extended to the cross- |
modal scenario for hash code learning. |
• Experiments on the large-scale multi-modal medical |
dataset MIMIC-CXR show that DSIBH can strengthen |
the discriminability of hash codes more effectively than |
other methods, thus boosting the retrieval accuracy. |
Related Work |
In this section, representative CAD approaches and hashing- |
based solutions of cross-modal retrieval are briefly reviewed. |
To make readers easier to understand our work, some knowl- |
edge of the DDIB is also introduced. |
Computer-aided Diagnosis |
CAD approaches generally fall into two types including |
classifier-based CAD and CBIR-based CAD. Thanks to the |
rapid progress of deep learning, classifier-based CAD meth- |
ods (Zhang et al. 2019; de La Torre, Valls, and Puig 2020) |
can construct task-specific neural networks to categorize |
histopathology images and employ the outcomes as the diag- |
nosis. On the other side, CBIR-based CAD can provide clin- |
ical evidence since they retrieve and visualize images with |
the most similar morphological profiles. According to the |
data type of representations, existing CBIR methods can be |
divided into continuous value CBIR (Erfankhah et al. 2019; |
Zhen et al. 2020) and hashing-based CBIR (Hu et al. 2020; |
Yang et al. 2020). In the age of big data, the latter increas- |
ingly become mainstream due to the low memory usage and |
high query speed brought by hashing. Although substantial |
efforts have been made to analyse clinical image, medical |
data such as radiology reports in other modalities are ig- |
nored. Consequently, CAD is restricted in single modality |
and the cross-modal relevance between different modalities |
still waits to be explored.Cross-modal Retrieval |
Cross-modal hashing has made remarkable progress in han- |
dling cross-modal retrieval, and this kind of methods can |
be roughly divided into two major types including unsuper- |
vised approaches and supervised approaches in terms of the |
consideration of semantic information. Due to the absence of |
semantic information, the former usually relies on data dis- |
tributions to align semantic similarities of different modali- |
ties (Liu et al. 2020; Yu et al. 2021). For example, Collec- |
tive Matrix Factorization Hashing (Ding et al. 2016) learns |
unified hash codes by collective matrix factorization with |
a latent factor model to capture instance-level correlations. |
Recently, Deep Graph-neighbor Coherence Preserving Net- |
work (Yu et al. 2021) extra explores graph-neighbor coher- |
ence to describe the complex data relationships. Although |
data distributions indeed help to solve cross-modal retrieval |
to some extent, one should note that unsupervised methods |
fail to manage the high-level semantic relations due to the |
neglect of manual annotations. |
Supervised hashing methods are thereafter proposed to |
perform hash code learning with the guidance of manual |
annotations. Data points are encoded to express semantic |
similarity such as pair-wise(Shen et al. 2017; Wang et al. |
2019), triplet-wise (Hu et al. 2019; Song et al. 2021) or |
multi-wise similarity relations(Cao et al. 2017; Li et al. |
2018). As an early attempt with deep learning, Deep Cross- |
modal Hashing (Jiang and Li 2017) directly encodes origi- |
nal data points by minimizing the negative log likelihood of |
the cross-modal similarities. To discover high-level semantic |
information, Self-Supervised Adversarial Hashing (Li et al. |
2018) harnesses a self-supervised semantic network to pre- |
serve the pair-wise relationships. Although various relations |
have been built between the hash code and the semantic la- |
bels, the aforementioned algorithms still suffer from the dis- |
traction of superfluous information, which is caused by the |
connections between the hash code and the original data, |
Consequently, for CMR-based CAD, there remains a need |
for a deep hashing method which can reduce the superfluous |
information to strengthen the discriminability of hash codes. |
Deep Deterministic Information Bottleneck |
Despite great efforts to handle the ambiguous semantics of |
medical data, the discriminability of hash codes still needs |
to be strengthened. To alleviate such limitation, a promising |
solution is Deep Deterministic Information Bottleneck (Yu |
et al. 2021) that has been proved to reduce the superfluous |
information during feature extraction. Before elaborating on |
our solution, we introduce basic knowledge on DDIB below. |
DDIB intends to adopt a neural network to parameterize |
information bottleneck (Tishby, Pereira, and Bialek 1999), |
which considers extracting information about a target signal |
Ythrough a correlated observable X. The extracted infor- |
mation is represented as a variable T. The information ex- |
traction process can be formulated as: |
maxLIB=I(T;Y)−βI(T;X). (2) |
When the above objective is optimized with a neural net- |
work,Tis the output of one hidden layer. To update theparameters of networks, the second item in Eq. (2) is cal- |
culated with the differentiable matrix-based R ´enyi’sα-order |
mutual information: |
Iα(X;T) =Hα(X) +Hα(T)−Hα(X,T),(3) |
whereHα(·)indicates the matrix-based analogue to R ´enyi’s |
α-entropy and Hα(·,·)is the matrix-based analogue to |
R´enyi’sα-order joint-entropy. More details of the matrix- |
based R ´enyi’sα-order entropy functional can be found in |
(Yu et al. 2019). |
For the first item in Eq. (2), since I(T;Y) =H(Y)− |
H(Y|T), the maximization of I(T;Y)is converted to |
the minimization of H(Y|T). Given the training set |
{xi,yi}N |
i=1, the average cross-entropy loss is adopted to |
minimize the H(Y|T): |
1 |
NN/summationdisplay |
i=1Et∼p(t|xi)[−logp(yi|t)], (4) |
Therefore, DDIB indicates that the optimization of Infor- |
mation Bottleneck in single modality can be achieved with |
a cross-entropy loss and a differentiable mutual informa- |
tion itemI(T;X). Obviously, the differentiable optimiza- |
tion strategy of information bottleneck in DDIB can benefit |
DSH methods in terms of superfluous information reduction. |
Method |
In this section, we first present the problem definition, and |
then detail our DSIBH method. The optimization is finally |
given. For illustration purposes, our DSIBH is applied in X- |
ray images and radiology reports. |
Notation and problem definition |
Matrix and vector used in this paper are represented by bold- |
face uppercase letter (e.g., G) and boldface lowercase let- |
ter (e.g., g) respectively./bardbl·/bardbldenotes the 2-norm of vectors. |
sign(·)is defined as the sign function, which outputs 1 if its |
input is positive else outputs -1. |
LetX1=/braceleftbig |
x1 |
i/bracerightbigN |
i=1andX2=/braceleftbig |
x2 |
j/bracerightbigN |
j=1symbolize X- |
ray images and radiology reports in the training set, where |
x1 |
i∈Rd1,x2 |
j∈Rd2. Their semantic labels that indicate |
the existence of pathology are represented by Y={yl}N |
l=1, |
where yl={yl1,yl2,...,yld3}∈Rd3. Following (Cao et al. |
2016; Jiang and Li 2017; Li et al. 2018), we define the se- |
mantic affinities SN×Nbetween x1 |
iandx2 |
jusing semantic |
labels. If x1 |
iandx2 |
jshare at least one category label, they |
are semantically similar and Sij= 1. Otherwise, they are |
semantically dissimilar and thus Sij= 0. |
The goal of the proposed DSIBH is to learn hash functions |
f1/parenleftbig |
θ1;X1/parenrightbig |
:Rd1→Rdcandf2/parenleftbig |
θ2;X2/parenrightbig |
:Rd2→Rdc, |
which can map X-ray images and radiology reports as ap- |
proximate binary codes G1andG2in the same continuous |
space respectively. Later, binary codes can be generated by |
applying a sign function to G1,2. |
Meanwhile, hamming distance D/parenleftbig |
g1 |
i,g2 |
j/parenrightbig |
between hash |
codes g1 |
iandg2 |
jneeds to indicate the semantic similaritySijbetween x1 |
iandx2 |
j, which can be formulated as: |
Sij∝−D/parenleftbig |
g1 |
i,g2 |
j/parenrightbig |
. (5) |
Information Bottleneck in Cross-modal Scenario |
To improve the accuracy of CMR-based CAD, the super- |
fluous information from the medical data in the hash code |
learning procedure should be reduced via the information |
bottleneck principle. Therefore, the information bottleneck |
principle in single modality should be extended to the cross- |
modal scenario, where one instance can own descriptions in |
different modalities. |
Analysis starts from the hash code learning processes for |
X-ray images and radiology reports respectively. Follow- |
ing the information bottleneck principle, the basic objective |
functions can be formulated as: |
maxLIB1=I/parenleftbig |
G1;Y1/parenrightbig |
−βI/parenleftbig |
G1;X1/parenrightbig |
, |
maxLIB2=I/parenleftbig |
G2;Y2/parenrightbig |
−βI/parenleftbig |
G2;X2/parenrightbig |
. (6) |
In cross-modal scenario, X-ray images and radiology re- |
ports in the training set are collected to describe the com- |
mon pathology. Therefore, the image-report pairs own the |
same semantic label. To implement this idea, Eq. (6) is trans- |
formed to: |
maxLIB1=I/parenleftbig |
G1;Y/parenrightbig |
−βI/parenleftbig |
G1;X1/parenrightbig |
, |
maxLIB2=I/parenleftbig |
G2;Y/parenrightbig |
−βI/parenleftbig |
G2;X2/parenrightbig |
, (7) |
Furthermore, the same hash code should be assigned for the |
paired samples to guarantee the consistency among different |
modalities, which is achieved with the /lscript2loss: |
minLCONS =E/bracketleftBig/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleg1−gy/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2/bracketrightBig |
+E/bracketleftBig/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleg2−gy/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2/bracketrightBig |
,(8) |
whereGyrepresents the modality-invariant hash codes for |
the image-report pairs. |
Incorporating Eq. (7) and Eq. (8), the overall objective of |
the information bottleneck principle in cross-modal scenario |
is formulated as: |
maxLIBC=/parenleftbig |
I/parenleftbig |
G1;Y/parenrightbig |
+I/parenleftbig |
G2;Y/parenrightbig/parenrightbig |
(9) |
−β/parenleftbig |
I/parenleftbig |
G1;X1/parenrightbig |
+I/parenleftbig |
G2;X2/parenrightbig/parenrightbig |
−γ/parenleftBig |
E/bracketleftBig/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleg1−gy/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2/bracketrightBig |
+E/bracketleftBig/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleg2−gy/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2/bracketrightBig/parenrightBig |
. |
Deep Supervised Information Bottleneck Hashing |
Following the information bottleneck principle in cross- |
modal scenario (i.e., Eq. (9)), three variables including |
Gy,G1andG2should be optimized. To obtain modality- |
invariantGy, we build labNet fyto directly transform se- |
mantic labels into the pair-level hash codes. The labNet is |
formed by a two-layer Multi-Layer Perception (MLP) whose |
nodes are 4096 and c. Then, we build imgNet f1and txtNet |
f2as hash functions to generate hash codes G1andG2. For |
X-ray images, we modify CNN-F (Chatfield et al. 2014) |
to build imgNet with the consideration of network scale. |
To obtaincbit length hash codes, the last fully-connectedlayer in the origin CNN-F is changed to a c-node fully- |
connected layer. For radiology reports, we first use the multi- |
scale network in (Li et al. 2018) to extract multi-scale fea- |
tures and a two-layer MLP whose nodes are 4096 and cto |
transform them into hash codes. Except the activation func- |
tion of last layers is tanh to approximate the sign (·)func- |
tion, other layers use ReLU as activation functions. To im- |
prove generalization performance, Local Response Normal- |
ization (LRN) (Krizhevsky, Sutskever, and Hinton 2012) is |
applied between layers of all MLPs. One should note that the |
application of CNN-F (Chatfield et al. 2014) and multi-scale |
network (Li et al. 2018) is only for illustrative purposes; any |
other networks can be integrated into our DSIBH as back- |
bones of imgNet and txtNet. |
As described before, semantic labels are encoded as hash |
codesGy. To preserve semantic similarity, the loss function |
of labNet is: |
min |
Gy,θyLy=Ly |
1+ηLy |
2 (10) |
=−N/summationdisplay |
l,j/parenleftbig |
Slj∆lj−log/parenleftbig |
1 +e∆lj/parenrightbig/parenrightbig |
+ηN/summationdisplay |
l=1/parenleftBig |
/bardblgy |
l−fy(θy;yl)/bardbl2/parenrightBig |
, |
s.t.Gy={gy |
l}N |
l=1∈{− 1,1}c |
where∆lj=fy(θy;yl)Tfy/parenleftbig |
θy;yj/parenrightbig |
,fy(θy;yl)is the |
output of labNet for yl,gy |
lis the hash codes of fy(θy;yl) |
handled bysign (·), andηaims to adjust the weight of loss |
items. |
The first term of Eq. (10) intends to minimize the nega- |
tive log likelihood of semantic similarity with the likelihood |
function, which is defined as follows: |
p/parenleftbig |
Slj|fy(θy;yl),fy/parenleftbig |
θy;yj/parenrightbig/parenrightbig |
=/braceleftbiggσ(∆lj) Slj= 1 |
1−σ(∆lj)Slj= 0, |
(11) |
whereσ(∆lj) =1 |
1+e−∆ljis the sigmoid function. Mean- |
while, the second term restricts the outputs of labNet to ap- |
proximate binary as the request of hash codes. |
After the optimization of labNet, the modality-invariant |
hash codeGyis obtained. The next step is to optimize the |
imgNet and txtNet to generate G1andG2respectively fol- |
lowing Eq. (9). For the first item in Eq. (9), DDIB interprets |
it as a cross-entropy loss (i.e., Eq. (4)). In our implement, Gy |
is also used as class-level weight in the cross-entropy loss, |
which intends to make G1andG2inherent the semantic sim- |
ilarity of the modality-invariant hash code. Specifically, the |
non-redundant multi-label annotations are transformed into |
Ny-class annotations{¯yl}Ny |
l=1, and their corresponding hash |
codes are regarded as the class-level weights. The weightedcross-entropy loss is formulated as: |
min |
θmLm |
1=−1 |
NN/summationdisplay |
iNy/summationdisplay |
l¯yllog (ail), (12) |
ail,exp/parenleftBig |
(¯gy |
l)Tgm |
i/parenrightBig |
/summationtextNy |
l/primeexp/parenleftBig |
(¯gy |
l/prime)Tgm |
i/parenrightBig, |
wheremindicates the modality 1 or 2. |
For the second item in Eq. (9), we adopt the differen- |
tiable matrix-based R ´enyi’sα-order mutual information to |
estimate: |
min |
θmLm |
2=I(Gm;Xm). (13) |
For the third item in Eq. (9), the /lscript2loss is directly used: |
min |
θmLm |
3=N/summationdisplay |
i=1/parenleftBig |
/bardblgy |
i−gm |
i/bardbl2/parenrightBig |
. (14) |
By merging Eqs. (12), (13) and (14) together, we obtain |
the loss function of imgNet (or txtNet), formulated as the |
following minimization problem: |
min |
θmLm=Lm |
1+βLm |
2+γLm |
3, (15) |
whereβandγare hyper-parameters that are used to adjust |
the weights of loss items. |
Optimization |
The optimization of our DSIBH includes two parts: learning |
the modality-invariant hash code Gyand learning the hash |
codes G1andG2for X-ray images and radiology reports |
respectively. Learning Gyequals to optimize θy+. For hash |
codes of modality m,θmneeds to be optimized. The whole |
optimization procedure is summarized in Algorithm 1. |
Forθyof labNet, Eq. (10) is derivable. Therefore, Back- |
propagation algorithm (BP) with mini-batch stochastic gra- |
dient descent (mini-batch SGD) method is applied to update |
it. As for gy |
l, we use Eq. (16) to update: |
gy |
l=sign (fy(θy;yl)). (16) |
For imgNet and txtNet, we also use the BP with mini- |
batch SGD method to update θ1andθ2. |
Once Algorithm 1 converges, the well-trained imgNet and |
txtNet with sign(·)are used to handle out-of-sample data |
points from modality m: |
gm |
i=sign (fm(θm;xm |
i)). (17) |
Experiments |
In this section, we first introduce the dataset used for assess- |
ment and specify the experimental setting. Following this, |
we demonstrate that the proposed DSIBH can achieve the |
state-of-the-art performance on CMR-based CAD.Table 1: Comparison with baselines in terms of MAP on CMR-based CAD. The best results are marked with bold . |
MethodX→R R →X |
16 bits 32 bits 64 bits 128 bits 16 bits 32 bits 64 bits 128 bits |
CCA (Hotelling 1992) 0.3468 0.3354 0.3273 0.3215 0.3483 0.3368 0.3288 0.3230 |
CMSSH (Bronstein et al. 2010) 0.4224 0.4020 0.3935 0.3896 0.3899 0.3967 0.3646 0.3643 |
SCM (Zhang and Li 2014) 0.4581 0.4648 0.4675 0.4684 0.4516 0.4574 0.4604 0.4611 |
STMH (Wang et al. 2015) 0.3623 0.3927 0.4211 0.4387 0.3980 0.4183 0.4392 0.4453 |
CMFH (Ding et al. 2016) 0.3649 0.3673 0.3736 0.3760 0.4130 0.4156 0.4303 0.4309 |
SePH (Lin et al. 2016) 0.4684 0.4776 0.4844 0.4903 0.4475 0.4555 0.4601 0.4658 |
DCMH (Jiang and Li 2017) 0.4834 0.4878 0.4885 0.4839 0.4366 0.4513 0.4561 0.4830 |
SSAH (Li et al. 2018) 0.4894 0.4999 0.4787 0.4624 0.4688 0.4806 0.4832 0.4833 |
EGDH (Shi et al. 2019) 0.4821 0.5010 0.4996 0.5096 0.4821 0.4943 0.4982 0.5041 |
DSIBH 0.5001 0.5018 0.5116 0.5172 0.4898 0.4994 0.4997 0.5084 |
Query X-ray images Retrieved radiology reports via our DSIBH |
Query radiology reports Retrieved X -ray images via our DSIBH(a) |
(b)Theendotracheal tube tipis6cmabove |
the carina .Nasogastric tube tipis |
beyond theGEjunction andofftheedge |
ofthefilm.Aleftcentral lineispresent in |
thetipisinthemidSVC.Apacemaker is |
noted ontheright inthelead projects |
over the right ventricle .There is |
probable scarring inboth lung apices . |
There arenonew areas ofconsolidation . |
There isupper zone redistribution and |
cardiomegaly suggesting pulmonary |
venous hypertension .There isno |
pneumothorax . |
There iscardiomegaly .Apacemaker is |
present with thelead overlying theright |
ventricle .Anapparent Swan -Ganz |
catheter ispresent, with tipoverlying the |
distal right pulmonary artery .There is |
upper zone re-distribution, with mild |
vascular plethora, butnoovert CHF.No |
focal infiltrate isdetected .Possible trace |
fluid attheleftcostophrenic angle .Ascompared totheprevious radiograph, |
thepatient hasreceived aright -sided |
chest tube .The tube isincorrect |
position, the right lung isnow fully |
expanded, there isnoevidence ofright |
pneumothorax .Incomparison with thestudy of___,the |
patient has taken abetter inspiration . |
Continued enlargement ofthecardiac |
silhouette with minimal central vascular |
congestion .Right PICC lineisstable .No |
evidence ofacute focal pneumonia . |
Since prior radiograph from ___, the |
mediastinal drain tube hasbeen removed . |
There isnopneumothorax .Both lung |
volumes arevery low.Bilateral, right side |
more than left side, moderate |
pulmonary edema has improved . |
Widened cardiomediastinal silhouette is |
more than itwas on___;however, this |
appearance could beexacerbation from |
lowlung volumes .Patient isstatus post |
median sternotomy with intact sternal |
sutures .Atelectasis; Pleural Effusion; |
PneumothoraxAtelectasis; Pleural Effusion; Support |
DevicesAtelectasis; CardiomegalyAtelectasis; Cardiomegaly; Pleural |
Effusion; Support DevicesAtelectasis; Cardiomegaly |
Edema; Enlarged Cardiomediastinum ; |
Support DevicesEdema; Lung Opacity; Pleural Effusion; |
Pneumonia; Support DevicesCardiomegaly; Pleural Effusion; |
Support DevicesAtelectasis; Pleural Effusion; Support |
DevicesCardiomegaly; Edema; Pleural |
Effusion; Support Devices |
Figure 1: The top 4 profiles retrieved by our DSIBH on the MIMIC-CXR dataset with 128 bits. |
Experimental setting |
The large-scale chest X-ray and radiology report dataset |
MIMIC-CXR (Johnson et al. 2019) is used to evaluate the |
performance of DSIBH. Some statistics of this dataset are |
introduced as follows. |
MIMIC-CXR1consists of chest X-ray images and radi- |
ology reports sourced from the Beth Israel Deaconess Med- |
ical Center between 2011-2016. Each radiology report is as- |
sociated with at least one X-ray image and annotated with |
a 14-dimensional label indicating the existence of pathol- |
ogy or lack of pathology. To evaluate the performance of |
CMR-based CAD, we adopt 73876 image-report pairs for |
assessment. During the comparison process, radiology re- |
ports are represented as bag-of-word vectors according to |
the top 617 most-frequent words. In the testing phase, we |
randomly sample 762 image-report pairs as query set and |
regard the rest as retrieval set. In the training phase, 14000 |
pairs from the retrieval set are used as training set. |
The proposed DSIBH is compared with nine state-of- |
the-arts in hashing-based CMR including CCA (Hotelling |
1992), CMSSH (Bronstein et al. 2010), SCM (Zhang and |
Li 2014), STMH (Wang et al. 2015), CMFH (Ding et al. |
1https://physionet.org/content/mimic-cxr/2.0.0/2016), SePH (Lin et al. 2016), DCMH (Jiang and Li 2017), |
SSAH (Li et al. 2018), and EGDH (Shi et al. 2019). CCA, |
STMH and CMFH are unsupervised approaches that depend |
on data distributions, whereas the other six are supervised |
methods that take semantic labels into account. For fair com- |
parison with shallow-structure-based baselines, we use the |
trainset of MIMIC-CXR to optimize a CNN-F network for |
classification and extract 4096-dimensional features to rep- |
resent X-ray images. We set η= 1,β= 0.1andγ= 1 |
for MIMIC-CXR as hyper-parameters. In the optimization |
phase, the batch size is set as 128 and three Adam solvers |
with different learning rates are applied (i.e., 10−3for lab- |
Net,10−4.5for imgNet and 10−3.5for txtNet). |
Mean average precision (MAP) is adopted to evaluate the |
performance of hashing-based CMR methods. MAP is the |
most widely used criteria metric to measure retrieval accu- |
racy, which is computed as follows: |
MAP =1 |
|Q||Q|/summationdisplay |
i=11 |
rqiR/summationdisplay |
j=1Pqi(j)δqi(j), (18) |
where|Q|indicates the number of query set, rqirepresents |
the number of correlated instances of query qiin database |
set,Ris the retrieval radius, Pqi(j)denotes the precision ofAlgorithm 1: The Optimization Procedure of DSIBH |
Input : X-ray images X1, radiology reports X2, semantic |
labels Y, learning rates λy,λ1,λ2, and iteration numbers |
Ty,T1,T2. |
Output : Parameters θ1andθ2of imgNet and |
txtNet. |
1:Randomly initialize θy,θ1,θ2andGy. |
2:repeat |
3: foriter=1 toTydo |
4: Updateθyby BP algorithm: |
θy←θy−λy·∇θyLy |
5: Update Gyby Eq. (16) |
6: end for |
7: foriter=1 toT1do |
8: Updateθ1by BP algorithm: |
θ1←θ1−λ1·∇θ1L1 |
9: end for |
10: foriter=1 toT2do |
11: Updateθ2by BP algorithm: |
θ2←θ2−λ2·∇θ2L2 |
12: end for |
13:until Convergence |
the topjretrieved sample and δqi(j)indicates whether the |
jthreturned sample is correlated with the ithquery entity. To |
reflect the overall property of rankings, the size of database |
set is used as the retrieval radius. |
The efficacy of DSIBH in CMR-based CAD |
CMR-based CAD stresses on two retrieval directions: using |
X-ray images to retrieve radiology reports ( X→R) and |
using radiology reports to retrieve X-ray images ( R→X). |
In experiments, we set bit length as 16, 32, 64 and 128 bits. |
Table 1 reports the MAP results on the MIMIC-CXR |
dataset. As can be seen, unsupervised methods fail to pro- |
vide reasonable retrieval results due to the neglect of se- |
mantic information. CCA performs the worst among these |
unsupervised methods due to the naive management of data |
distribution. Compared with CCA, STMH and CMFH can |
achieve a better retrieval accuracy, which we argue can |
be attributed to the coverage of data correlation. By con- |
trast, shallow-structure-based supervised methods includ- |
ing CMSSH, SCM, and SePH achieve a large performance |
gain over unsupervised methods by further considering se- |
mantic information to express semantic similarity with hash |
codes. Benefiting from the effect of nonlinear fitting abil- |
ity and self-adjusting feature extraction ability, deep super- |
vised methods including DCMH, SSAH and EGDH out- |
perform the six shallow methods in the mass. Due to the |
extra consideration of superfluous information reduction, |
our DSIBH can achieve the best accuracy. Specifically, |
compared with the recently proposed deep hashing method |
EGDH by MAP, our DSIBH achieves average absolute in- |
creases of 0.96%/0.47% on the MIMIC-CXR dataset. |
Meanwhile, we also visualize the top 4 retrieved medical |
profiles of our DSIBH on X→RandR→Xdirections |
using the MIMIC-CXR dataset in Figure 1. These resultsconfirm our concern that DSIBH can retrieve pathology- |
related heterogeneous medical data again. |
Conclusion |
In this paper, to preform computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) |
based on the large-scale multi-modal medical data, the |
cross-modal retrieval (CMR) technique based on semantic |
hashing is introduced. Inspired by Deep Deterministic In- |
formation Bottleneck, a novel method named Deep Super- |
vised Information Bottleneck Hashing (DSIBH) is designed |
to perform CMR-based CAD. Experiments are conducted |
on the large-scale medical dataset MIMIC-CXR. Compared |
with other state-of-the arts, our DSIBH can reduce the dis- |
traction of superfluous information, which thus strengthens |
the discriminability of hash codes in CMR-based CAD. |
Acknowledgements |
This work is partially supported by NSFC (62101179, |
61772220), Key R&D Plan of Hubei |
Province (2020BAB027) and Project of Hubei Univer- |
sity School (202011903000002). |
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