Transformer based Generative Adversarial |
Network for Liver Segmentation |
Ugur Demir*, Zheyuan Zhang*, Bin Wang, Matthew Antalek, Elif Keles, |
Debesh Jha, Amir Borhani, Daniela Ladner, and Ulas Bagci |
Northwestern University, IL 60201, USA |
∗ulas.bagci@northwestern.edu |
Abstract. Automated liver segmentation from radiology scans (CT, |
MRI) can improve surgery and therapy planning and follow-up assess- |
ment in addition to conventional use for diagnosis and prognosis. Al- |
though convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have became the stan- |
dard image segmentation tasks, more recently this has started to change |
towards Transformers based architectures because Transformers are tak- |
ing advantage of capturing long range dependence modeling capability in |
signals, so called attention mechanism. In this study, we propose a new |
segmentation approach using a hybrid approach combining the Trans- |
former(s) with the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) approach. |
The premise behind this choice is that the self-attention mechanism of the |
Transformers allows the network to aggregate the high dimensional fea- |
ture and provide global information modeling. This mechanism provides |
better segmentation performance compared with traditional methods. |
Furthermore, we encode this generator into the GAN based architecture |
so that the discriminator network in the GAN can classify the credibility |
of the generated segmentation masks compared with the real masks com- |
ing from human (expert) annotations. This allows us to extract the high |
dimensional topology information in the mask for biomedical image seg- |
mentation and provide more reliable segmentation results. Our model |
achieved a high dice coecient of 0.9433, recall of 0.9515, and preci- |
sion of 0.9376 and outperformed other Transformer based approaches. |
The implementation details of the proposed architecture can be found |
athttps://github.com/UgurDemir/tranformer_liver_segmentation . |
Keywords: Liver segmentation ·Transformer ·Generative adversarial |
network |
1 Introduction |
Liver cancer is among the leading causes of cancer-related deaths, accounting for |
8.3% of cancer mortality [14]. The high variability in shape, size, appearance, |
and local orientations makes liver (and liver diseases such as tumors, brosis) |
challenging to analyze from radiology scans for which the image segmentation is |
∗Those authors contribute equally to this paper.arXiv:2205.10663v2 [eess.IV] 28 May 20222 Demir, Zhang et al. |
often necessary [3]. An accurate organ and lesion segmentation could facilitate |
reliable diagnosis and therapy planning including prognosis [5]. |
As a solution to biomedical image segmentation, the literature is vast and |
rich. The self-attention mechanism is nowadays widely used in the biomedical |
image segmentation eld where long-range dependencies and context dependent |
features are essential. By capturing such information, transformer based seg- |
mentation architectures (for example, SwinUNet [2]) have achieved promising |
performance on many vision tasks including biomedical image segmentation [7, |
15]. |
In parallel to the all advances in Transformers, generative methods have |
achieved remarkable progresses in almost all elds of computer vision too [4]. |
For example, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) [6] is a widely used tool |
for generating one target image from one source image. GAN has been applied to |
the image segmentation framework to distinguish the credibility of the generated |
masks like previous studies [11, 9]. The high dimensional topology information |
is an important feature for pixel levell classication, thus segmentation. For ex- |
ample, the segmented mask should recognize the object location, orientation, |
and scale prior to delineation procedure, but most current segmentation en- |
gines are likely to provide false positives outside the target region or conversely |
false negatives within the target region due to an inappropriate recognition of |
the target regions. By introducing the discriminator architecture (as a part of |
GAN) to distinguish whether the segmentation mask is high quality or not, we |
could proactively screen poor predictions from the segmentation model. Fur- |
thermore, this strategy can also allow us to take advantage of many unpaired |
segmentation masks which can be easily acquired or even simulated in the seg- |
mentation targets. To this end, in this paper, we propose a Transformer based |
GAN architecture as well as a Transformer based CycleGAN architecture for au- |
tomatic liver segmentation, a very improtant clinical precursor for liver diseases. |
By combining two strong algorithms, we aim to achieve both good recognition |
(localization) of the target region and high quality delineations. |
2 Proposed method |
We rst investigated the transformer architecture to solve the liver segmenta- |
tion problem from radiology scans, CT in particular due to its widespread use |
and being the rst choice in most liver disease quantication. The self-attention |
mechanism of the Transformers has been demonstrated to be very eective ap- |
proach when nding long range dependencies as stated before. This can be quite |
benecial for the liver segmentation problem especially because the object of |
interest (liver) is large and pixels constituting the same object are far from each |
other. We also utilized an adversarial training approach to boost the segmenta- |
tion model performance. For this, we have devised a conditional image generator |
in a vanilla-GAN that learns a mapping between the CT slices and the segmen- |
tation maps (i.e., surrogate of the truths or reference standard). The adversarial |
training forces the generator model to predict more realistic segmentation out-Transformer based Generative Adversarial Network for Liver Segmentation 3 |
Ground |
Truth |
Predicted |
Mask |
Real |
Fake Discriminator Transformer |
Blocks Transformer |
(Generator) |
Decoder Encoder |
Transformer |
Blocks Image to Mask |
Generator |
Decoder Encoder Transformer |
Blocks Mask to Image |
Generator |
Decoder Encoder |
Real |
Mask |
Fake |
Mask Mask |
Discriminator Real |
Image |
Fake |
Image Image |
Discriminator |
Ground |
Truth |
Input Input |
Predicted |
Mask |
Input a) Transformer-GAN |
b) Transformer-CycleGAN |
Fig. 1: Block diagram of the Transformer GAN. (a) Vanilla GAN and (b) Cycle- |
GAN with Transformer generator architectures. |
comes. In addition to vanilla-GAN, we have also utilized the CycleGAN [17], [13] |
approach to investigate the eect of cycle consistency constraint on the segmen- |
tation task. Figure 1 demonstrates the general overview of the proposed method. |
2.1 Transformer based GAN |
Like other GAN architectures [10], Transformer based GAN architecture is com- |
posed of two related sub-architectures: the generator and the discriminator. The |
generator part could generate the segmentation mask from the raw image (i.e., |
segmentation task itself), while the discriminator tries to distinguish predictions |
from the human annotated ground truth. GAN provides a better way to dis- |
tinguish the high-dimensional morphology information. The discriminator can |
provide the similarity between the predicted masks and the ground truth (i.e., |
surrogate truth) masks. Vanilla GAN considers the whole segmentation to decide |
whether it is fake or not. |
2.2 Transformer based CycleGAN |
One alternative extension to the standard GAN approach is to use transformer |
based segmentation model within the CycleGAN setup. Unlike a standard GAN, |
CycleGAN consists of two generators and two discriminator networks. While the4 Demir, Zhang et al. |
rst generator accepts the raw images as input and predicts the segmentation |
masks, the second generator takes the predicted segmentation maps as input |
and maps them back to the input image. The rst discriminator classies the |
segmentation masks as either real or fake, and the second discriminator distin- |
guishes the real and the reconstructed image. Figure 1 illustrates this procedure |
with liver segmentation from CT scans. |
To embed transformers within the CycleGAN, we utilized the encoder-decoder |
style convolutional transformer model [13]. The premise behind this idea was |
that the encoder module takes the input image and decreases the spatial dimen- |
sions while extracting features with convolution layers. This allowed processing |
of large-scale images. The core transformer module consisted of several stacked |
linear layers and self-attention blocks. The decoder part increased the spatial |
dimension of the intermediate features and makes the nal prediction. For the |
discriminator network, we tried three convolutional architectures. The vanilla- |
GAN discriminator evaluates the input image as a whole. Alternatively, we have |
adopted PatchGAN discriminator architecture [8] to focus on small mask patches |
to decide the realness of each region. It splits the input masks into NxN regions |
and asses their quality individually. When we set the patch size to a pixel, |
PatchGAN can be considered as pixel level discriminator. W have observed that |
the pixel level discriminator tends to surpass other architecture for segmenta- |
tion. Figure 1 demonstrates the network overview. In all of the experiments, |
the segmentation model uses the same convolutional transformer and pixel level |
discriminator architectures. |
3 Experimental setup |
We have used Liver Tumor Segmentation Challenge (LiTS)[1] dataset. LiTS |
consists of 131 CT scans. This dataset is publicly available under segmentation |
challenge website and approved IRB by the challenge organizers. More informa- |
tion about the dataset and challenge can be found here1. |
All our models were trained on NVIDIA RTX A6000 GPU after implemented |
using the PyTorch [12] framework. We have used 95 samples for training and |
36 samples for testing. All models are trained on the same hyperparameters |
conguration with a learning rate of 2 e 4, and Adam optimizer with beta1 |
being 0.5 and beta2 being 0.999. All of the discriminators use the pixel level |
discriminator in both GAN and CycleGAN experiments. We have used recall, |
precision, and dice coecient for quantitative evaluations of the segmentation. |
Further, segmentation results were qualitatively evaluated by the participating |
physicians. Our algorithms are available for public use. |
4 Results |
We presented the evaluation results in Table 1. Our best performing method |
was Transformer based GAN architecture, achieved a highest dice coecient |
1https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/17094#learn_the_detailsTransformer based Generative Adversarial Network for Liver Segmentation 5 |
Input Segmentation |
Input Segmentation |
Fig. 2: Transformer based GAN liver segmentation results. Green: True positive, |
Red: False Positive, Blue: False Negative. |
Table 1: Performance of Transformer based methods on the LITS dataset. [1] |
Method Dice coecient Precision Recall |
Transformer [16, 13] 0.9432 0.9464 0.9425 |
Transformer - CycleGAN (ours) 0.9359 0.9539 0.9205 |
Transformer - GAN (ours) 0.9433 0.9376 0.9515 |
of 0.9433 and recall rate of 0.9515. Similarly, our transformer based CycleGAN |
architecture has the highest precision, 0.9539. With Transformer based GAN, we |
achieved 0.9% improvement in recall and 0.01% improvement in dice coecient |
with respect to the vanilla Transformers. It is to be noted that we have used also |
post-processing technique which boosts the performance for "all" the baselines |
to avoid biases one from each other.6 Demir, Zhang et al. |
Figure 2 shows our qualitative results for the liver segmentation. We have ex- |
amined all the liver segmentation results one-by-one and no failure were identied |
by the participating physicians. Hence, visual results agreed with the quantita- |
tive results as described in Table 1. |
5 Conclusion |
In this study, we explored the use of transformer-based GAN architectures for |
medical image segmentation. Specically, we used a self-attention mechanism |
and designed a discriminator for classifying the credibility of generated segmen- |
tation masks. Our experimental result showed that the proposed new segmenta- |
tion architectures could provide accurate and reliable segmentation performance |
as compared to the baseline Transfomers. Although we have shown our results |
in an important clinical problem for liver diseases where image-based quanti- |
cation is vital, the proposed hybrid architecture (i.e., combination of GAN and |
Transformers) can potentially be applied to various medical image segmentation |
tasks beyond liver CTs as the algorithms are generic, reproducible, and carries |
similarities with the other segmentation tasks in biomedical imaging eld. We |
anticipate that our architecture can also be applied to medical scans within the |
semi-supervised learning, planned as a future work. |
Acknowledgement |
This study is partially supported by NIH NCI grants R01-CA246704 and R01- |
R01-CA240639. |
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