# Refer codes: https://github.com/nguyenvulebinh/lyric-alignment/blob/main/data_preparation/README.md # !pip install -q pydub ###########################################################################def import os import glob import re import random import string import json from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map # or thread_map from pydub import AudioSegment from pydub.effects import strip_silence import IPython.display as ipd from IPython.display import Audio import subprocess from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor from multiprocessing import Pool from tqdm import tqdm import IPython.display as ipd from IPython.display import Audio import soundfile as sf import librosa ###########################################################################def def pydub_play(sound_file,start_time,end_time): """ start_time, end_time = ms pydub_play('/content/songs/Anh_Cho_Em_Mùa_Xuân_ZZEB7E0F.mp3',37390,39250) """ #from pydub import AudioSegment #import IPython.display as ipd #from IPython.display import Audio ext = sound_file[-3:] audio_file = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_file, format=ext) audio = audio_file[start_time:end_time] audio.export(f'demo.{ext}',format=ext) ipd.display(ipd.Audio(f'demo.{ext}')) def torch_play(sound_file,start_time,end_time): """ start_time, end_time = ms torch_play('/content/songs/Anh_Cho_Em_Mùa_Xuân_ZZEB7E0F.mp3',37390,39250) """ import torchaudio import IPython.display as ipd from IPython.display import Audio waveform, sample_rate = torchaudio.load(sound_file) start_sample = int(start_time / 1000 * sample_rate) end_sample = int(end_time / 1000 * sample_rate) audio_to_play = waveform[:, start_sample:end_sample] torchaudio.save('output.wav', audio_to_play, sample_rate) ipd.display(Audio('output.wav')) ###########################################################################def def file_wav_16k(args): """ use for MFA alignment """ input_sound, out_dir = args os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) name = os.path.basename(input_sound) name = os.path.splitext(name)[0] output_sound= f'{out_dir}/{name}.wav' command = [ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", input_sound, "-ar", "16000", # Set sample rate to 16000 Hz "-ac", "1", # Set number of channels to 2 (stereo) "-acodec", "pcm_s16le", # Use WAV encoder output_sound ] try: subprocess.run(command, check=True,stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: print(f"Conversion failed: {error}") def folder_to_wav_16k(in_dir, out_dir): """ """ os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.mp3') + glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.wav') with Pool() as pool: with tqdm(total=len(files), desc="Converting MP3 to WAV") as pbar: for _ in pool.imap_unordered(file_wav_16k, zip(files, [out_dir] * len(files))): # Pass arguments as tuples pbar.update() ###########################################################################def def check_file(filepath): """ Hàm kiểm tra file âm thanh, nếu không hợp lệ thì xóa file đó. """ try: # Đọc dữ liệu âm thanh với soundfile (sf) data, sample_rate = sf.read(filepath) return True # Nếu file hợp lệ except Exception as e: # Nếu có lỗi, xóa file và thông báo lỗi os.remove(filepath) print(f"Removed {filepath} due to error: {e}") return False def remove_invalid_sound(in_dir): """ Hàm quét các file âm thanh trong thư mục, kiểm tra và xóa những file không hợp lệ. """ # Lấy danh sách các file âm thanh trong thư mục files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.mp3') + glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.wav') print('Start multiprocessing') # Sử dụng multiprocessing Pool để xử lý nhiều file cùng lúc with Pool() as pool: results = [] for file in files: # Đảm bảo args là một tuple (file,) result = pool.apply_async(check_file, args=(file,)) results.append(result) pool.close() # Sử dụng tqdm để hiển thị thanh tiến độ for _ in tqdm(results, desc="Processing files"): _.get() pool.join() def remove_bad_sound(x_files): """ remove invalid/bad sound files in list x_files x_files = get_audio_files('/content/raw_data') remove_bad_sound(x_files) """ #import os for filepath in tqdm(x_files): if not is_valid_sound(filepath): os.remove(filepath) print(f"\tDeleted invalid sound file: {filepath}") ###########################################################################def def name_no_ext(folder,ext='txt'): """ """ import os x_name = [] files = os.listdir(folder) for file in files: if file.endswith(f'.{ext}'): name = os.path.splitext(file)[0] x_name.append(name) return x_name def the_same_name(dir_1,dir_2,ext1,ext2): """ the_same_name(dir_1,dir_2,'TextGrid','mp3') """ x1_name = name_no_ext(dir_1,ext1) x2_name = name_no_ext(dir_2,ext2) common = set(x1_name) & set(x2_name) return list(common) def get_pair_files(dir_1,dir_2,ext1,ext2): """ get_pair_files(dir_1,dir_2,'TextGrid','mp3') """ x1_name = name_no_ext(dir_1,ext1) x2_name = name_no_ext(dir_2,ext2) common = set(x1_name) & set(x2_name) return list(common) def remove_unpaired_files(folder_path,ext1,ext2): """ remove_unpaired_files('/content/songs','mp3','lrc') """ x_common = the_same_name(folder_path,folder_path,ext1,ext2) files = glob.glob(f'{folder_path}/*') len(files) for file in files: name = os.path.basename(file) name = os.path.splitext(name)[0] if name not in x_common: print(file) os.system(f'rm -f "{file}"') ###########################################################################def time_lyric_regex = r"[\[|<](\d\d):(\d\d.\d\d)[\]|>](.*)" time_regex = r"[\[|<](\d\d):(\d\d.\d\d)[\]|>]" def ignore_line(text): text_lower = text.lower().replace(' ', '').strip(' -.?!,)("\'…“”*_[]') if text_lower.startswith('bàihát:') or text_lower.startswith('casĩ:') or text_lower.startswith('cakhúc:') or text_lower.startswith('sángtác:') or text_lower.startswith('trìnhbày:') or text_lower.startswith('lyricby:') or text_lower.startswith('đk') : return True if len(text.strip(' -.?!,)("\'…“”*_[]')) == 0: return True return False def ignore_file(text): matches = list(re.finditer(time_regex, text, re.MULTILINE)) if len(matches) > 0: return True def handle_lrc(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: lines = file.read().strip().split('\n') timestamp = [] text = [] label = [] try: for line in lines: matches = list(re.finditer(time_lyric_regex, line, re.MULTILINE)) if len(matches) > 0: if ignore_file(matches[0].group(3)): return if not ignore_line(matches[0].group(3)): start_time = int(float(matches[0].group(1)) * 60 * 1000) + int(float(matches[0].group(2)) * 1000) timestamp.append(start_time) text.append(matches[0].group(3).strip()) except: print(file_path) return timestamp = timestamp[3:] text = text[3:] # print(len(text),len(timestamp)) return text, timestamp ###########################################################################def def random_name(num_letters=5): """ """ #import random #import string random_letters = random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=num_letters) random_string = ''.join(random_letters) random_number = random.randint(10000, 99999) out = f'{random_string}_{random_number}' return out ###########################################################################def # 3 parameters # args = sound_file,out_dir,num_seq def pydub_split(args): """ start_time, end_time = ms args = sound_file,out_dir,num_seq """ import os from pydub import AudioSegment sound_file,out_dir,num_seq = args # 3 parameters os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) subtile_file = f'{sound_file[:-4]}.lrc' text, timestamp = handle_lrc(subtile_file) ext = sound_file[-3:] audio_file = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_file, format=ext) for k in range(len(text)): #print(k) if k+num_seq < len(text): sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seq]) dur = timestamp[k+num_seq] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 20000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seq]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: f.write(sentence.lower()) else: sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seq-1]) dur = timestamp[k+num_seq-1] - timestamp[k] if dur < 20000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seq-1]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: f.write(sentence.lower()) # the last elif k+num_seq == len(text): sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seq]) dur = timestamp[-1] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 20000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[-1]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: f.write(sentence.lower()) def _zing_split(in_dir, out_dir,num_seq=4): """ """ os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.mp3') with Pool() as pool: with tqdm(total=len(files), desc="Split pair files: mp3+lab") as pbar: for _ in pool.imap_unordered(pydub_split, zip(files, [out_dir] * len(files), [num_seq] * len(files))): pbar.update() ###########################################################################def def remove_bad_lrc(lrc_dir): """ """ import os import glob from tqdm import tqdm files = glob.glob(f'{lrc_dir}/*.lrc') print(f'num_files: {len(files)}') for file in tqdm(files): try: text, timestamp = handle_lrc(file) except Exception as e: print(f"Error in splitting files: {e}") os.remove(file) print(f'removed {file}') ###########################################################################def def _split_1(args): """ start_time, end_time = ms slide window + overlay """ #import os #from pydub import AudioSegment sound_file,out_dir,num_seg = args # 3 parameters #os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) subtile_file = f'{sound_file[:-4]}.lrc' text, timestamp = handle_lrc(subtile_file) ext = sound_file[-3:] audio_file = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_file, format=ext) for k in range(len(text)): if k+num_seg < len(text): sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[k+num_seg] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seg]] audio.export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: f.write(sentence.lower()) else: sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg-1]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[k+num_seg-1] - timestamp[k] if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seg-1]] audio.export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: f.write(sentence.lower()) # the last elif k+num_seg == len(text): sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[-1] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[-1]] audio.export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: f.write(sentence.lower()) def _split_2(args): """ start_time, end_time = ms slide window, no overlay """ #import os #from pydub import AudioSegment sound_file,out_dir,num_seg = args # 3 parameters #os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) subtile_file = f'{sound_file[:-4]}.lrc' text, timestamp = handle_lrc(subtile_file) ext = sound_file[-3:] audio_file = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_file, format=ext) for k in range(0,len(text),num_seg): #print(k) if k + num_seg < len(text): sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[k+num_seg] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seg]] audio.export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: f.write(sentence.lower()) else: sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg-1]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[k+num_seg-1] - timestamp[k] if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seg-1]] audio.export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: f.write(sentence.lower()) else: # the last sentence = " ".join(text[k:]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[-1] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[-1]] audio.export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: f.write(sentence.lower()) def _zing_split(in_dir, out_dir,num_seg=4,overlay='yes'): """ """ import os import glob os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.mp3') with Pool() as pool: with tqdm(total=len(files), desc="Split pair files: mp3+lab") as pbar: if overlay.lower() == 'yes': for _ in pool.imap_unordered(split_1, zip(files, [out_dir] * len(files), [num_seg] * len(files))): pbar.update() else: for _ in pool.imap_unordered(split_2, zip(files, [out_dir] * len(files), [num_seg] * len(files))): pbar.update() def _zing_split(in_dir, out_dir,num_seg=4,overlay='yes'): """ """ import os import glob os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.mp3') with Pool() as pool: with tqdm(total=len(files), desc="Split pair files: mp3+lab") as pbar: try: if overlay.lower() == 'yes': for _ in pool.imap_unordered(split_1, zip(files, [out_dir] * len(files), [num_seg] * len(files))): pbar.update() else: for _ in pool.imap_unordered(split_2, zip(files, [out_dir] * len(files), [num_seg] * len(files))): pbar.update() except: pass ###########################################################################def def check_and_remove_empty_folder(folder_path): """ """ if os.path.exists(folder_path): if not os.listdir(folder_path): os.rmdir(folder_path) print(f"Removed empty directory: {folder_path}") def split_one(sound_file,out_dir,num_seg): """ This use for manual transcription checking, augmentation """ import os song_name = random_name(5) out_dir = f'{out_dir}/{song_name}' os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) try: subtile_file = f'{sound_file[:-4]}.lrc' text, timestamp = handle_lrc(subtile_file) ext = sound_file[-3:] audio_file = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_file, format=ext) for k in range(len(text)): if k+num_seg < len(text): sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[k+num_seg] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 30000: #print(k) new_name = f'{song_name}_{k:02d}' audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seg]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: #f.write(sentence.lower()) f.write(sentence) else: sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg-1]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[k+num_seg-1] - timestamp[k] if dur < 30000: #print(k) new_name = f'{song_name}_{k:02d}' audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seg-1]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: #f.write(sentence.lower()) f.write(sentence) # the last elif k+num_seg == len(text): sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[-1] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 30000: #print(k) new_name = f'{song_name}_{k:02d}' audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[-1]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: #f.write(sentence.lower()) f.write(sentence) except Exception as e: print(f"\nError processing {sound_file}: {e}") check_and_remove_empty_folder(out_dir) # Finished def mp_split_one(in_dir,out_dir): """ """ import os import glob from tqdm import tqdm from multiprocessing import Pool os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.mp3') + glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.wav') print('Start multiprocessing') with Pool() as pool: results = [pool.apply_async(split_one, args=(file, out_dir, 1)) for file in files] # Dùng tqdm để hiển thị tiến trình for result in tqdm(results, desc="Processing files"): result.get() # Đảm bảo chờ quá trình hoàn thành ###########################################################################def # Split sounds from Audacity transcription def audacity_split_one(audio_file,out_dir): """ """ import os song_name = random_name(5) out_dir = f'{out_dir}/{song_name}' os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) # Đọc file âm thanh y, sr = librosa.load(audio_file, sr=None) # Đọc nội dung từ file text subtile_file = f'{audio_file[:-4]}.txt' with open(subtile_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: lines = f.readlines() # Lặp qua từng dòng trong file transcription để cắt và lưu file for i, line in enumerate(lines): parts = line.strip().split('\t') start_time = float(parts[0]) end_time = float(parts[1]) content = parts[2] if len(parts) > 2 else "" #print(content) start_sample = int(start_time * sr) end_sample = int(end_time * sr) # Cắt đoạn âm thanh segment = y[start_sample:end_sample] # Tạo tên file cho đoạn âm thanh segment_file = f'{out_dir}/{song_name}_{i+1:02d}.mp3' # Lưu đoạn âm thanh sf.write(segment_file, segment, sr) #print(f'Saved: {segment_file}') # Tạo file lab tương ứng with open(f'{out_dir}/{song_name}_{i+1:02d}.lab', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as lab_file: lab_file.write(content) print(f'\nSaved to {out_dir}') def mp_audacity(in_dir,out_dir): """ """ import os import glob from tqdm import tqdm from multiprocessing import Pool os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.mp3') + glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.wav') print('Start multiprocessing') with Pool() as pool: results = [pool.apply_async(audacity_split_one, args=(file, out_dir)) for file in files] # Dùng tqdm để hiển thị tiến trình for result in tqdm(results, desc="Processing files"): result.get() # Đảm bảo chờ quá trình hoàn thành ###########################################################################def def split_1(sound_file,out_dir,num_seg): """ start_time, end_time = ms slide window + overlay """ try: subtile_file = f'{sound_file[:-4]}.lrc' text, timestamp = handle_lrc(subtile_file) ext = sound_file[-3:] audio_file = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_file, format=ext) for k in range(len(text)): if k+num_seg < len(text): sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[k+num_seg] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seg]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: #f.write(sentence.lower()) f.write(sentence) else: sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg-1]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[k+num_seg-1] - timestamp[k] if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seg-1]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: #f.write(sentence.lower()) f.write(sentence) # the last elif k+num_seg == len(text): sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[-1] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[-1]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: #f.write(sentence.lower()) f.write(sentence) except Exception as e: print(f"\nError processing {sound_file}: {e}") def split_2(sound_file,out_dir,num_seg): """ start_time, end_time = ms slide window, no overlay """ try: subtile_file = f'{sound_file[:-4]}.lrc' text, timestamp = handle_lrc(subtile_file) ext = sound_file[-3:] audio_file = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_file, format=ext) for k in range(0,len(text),num_seg): #print(k) if k + num_seg < len(text): sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[k+num_seg] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seg]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: #f.write(sentence.lower()) f.write(sentence) else: sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seg-1]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[k+num_seg-1] - timestamp[k] if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seg-1]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: #f.write(sentence.lower()) f.write(sentence) else: # the last sentence = " ".join(text[k:]) #print(sentence) dur = timestamp[-1] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 30000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[-1]] audio.set_channels(1).export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: #f.write(sentence.lower()) f.write(sentence) except Exception as e: print(f"\nError processing {sound_file}: {e}") def zing_split(in_dir, out_dir, num_seg=4, overlay='yes'): """Split audio files into multiple segments using multiprocessing.""" import os import glob from tqdm import tqdm from multiprocessing import Pool os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.mp3') print('Multiprocessing...') with Pool() as pool: results = [] for file in files: if overlay.lower() == 'yes': result = pool.apply_async(split_1, args=(file, out_dir, num_seg)) else: result = pool.apply_async(split_2, args=(file, out_dir, num_seg)) results.append(result) pool.close() # Use tqdm to display the progress bar for _ in tqdm(results, desc="Processing files"): _.get() pool.join() ###########################################################################def def trim_head_tail(sound,head_threshold=-30, tail_threshold=-40, chunk_size=10): """ sound = AudioSegment.from_file(wav_in) """ #from pydub import AudioSegment forward = sound reverse = sound.reverse() dur1 = 0 # ms dur2 = 0 # ms sound_len = len(sound) assert chunk_size > 0 # to avoid infinite loop while forward[dur1:dur1+chunk_size].dBFS < head_threshold and dur1 < len(forward): dur1 += chunk_size forward = sound[dur1:] while reverse[dur2:dur2+chunk_size].dBFS < tail_threshold and dur2 < len(reverse): dur2 += chunk_size reverse = sound[dur2:] #print(dur1,dur2) sound = sound[dur1:sound_len-dur2] #print(f"trim: heading={dur1}ms, tail={dur2}ms") return sound def trim_middle(sound,silence_len=250, silence_thresh=-35, padding=100): """ sound = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_file) if found silence_len(ms) < silence_thresh(dB) will be replace with padding(ms) """ #from pydub.effects import strip_silence #before_len = len(sound) trimed_sound = strip_silence(sound, silence_len=silence_len, silence_thresh=silence_thresh, padding=padding) #after_len = len(trimed_sound) #print(f'trimed: {before_len - after_len}ms') return trimed_sound def _del_silence_file(args): """ """ sound_file, out_folder = args try: sound = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_file) trim1 = trim_middle(sound, silence_len=150, silence_thresh=-35, padding=5) trim2 = trim_head_tail(trim1, head_threshold=-30, tail_threshold=-50, chunk_size=10) trim2.export(f"{out_folder}/{os.path.basename(sound_file)}", format=sound_file[-3:],bitrate='256k') except Exception as e: #print(f"Error processing {sound_file}: {e}") pass def del_silence_file(sound_file, out_folder): """ """ #sound_file, out_folder = args try: sound = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_file) trim1 = trim_middle(sound, silence_len=200, silence_thresh=-35, padding=100) trim2 = trim_head_tail(trim1, head_threshold=-30, tail_threshold=-50, chunk_size=10) #trim2.export(f"{out_folder}/{os.path.basename(sound_file)}", format=sound_file[-3:],bitrate='256k') trim2.set_channels(1).export(f"{out_folder}/{os.path.basename(sound_file)}", format=sound_file[-3:], bitrate='256k') except Exception as e: #print(f"Error processing {sound_file}: {e}") pass def _del_silence_folder(in_dir, out_dir): """ """ os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.mp3') with Pool() as pool: with tqdm(total=len(files), desc="Remove silence") as pbar: for _ in pool.imap_unordered(del_silence_file, zip(files, [out_dir] * len(files))): # Pass arguments as tuples pbar.update() def _del_silence_folder(in_dir, out_dir): """ """ os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.mp3') + glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.wav') for file in tqdm(files): del_silence_file(file, out_dir) def del_silence_folder(in_dir,out_dir): """ """ import os import glob from tqdm import tqdm from multiprocessing import Pool os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.mp3') print('Multiprocessing...') with Pool() as pool: results = [] for file in files: result = pool.apply_async(del_silence_file, args=(file, out_dir)) results.append(result) pool.close() # Use tqdm to display the progress bar for _ in tqdm(results, desc="Processing files"): _.get() pool.join() ###########################################################################def def play_pair(audio_file,lab_ext='lab'): """ """ #import IPython.display as ipd #from IPython.display import Audio text = open(f'{audio_file[:-4]}.{lab_ext}').read() print(text) ipd.display(ipd.Audio(audio_file)) def play_random(sound_dir,num_sound=5): """ play random sounds in folder """ import glob import random files = glob.glob(f'{sound_dir}/*.mp3') + glob.glob(f'{sound_dir}/*.wav') print(f'Number of sound files: {len(files)}\n') k = random.randint(0,len(files)-num_sound) for file in files[k:k+num_sound]: print(file) play_pair(file) def test_subtitle(sound_file,num_seq=4): """ files = glob.glob('/content/Hà_Trần_Vocals/*.mp3') files.sort() for file in files[:5]: print(file) test_subtitle(file,3) """ import os import random from pydub import AudioSegment out_dir = "tmp_dir" os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) os.system(f"rm -f {out_dir}/*") subtile_file = f'{sound_file[:-4]}.lrc' text, timestamp = handle_lrc(subtile_file) ext = sound_file[-3:] audio_file = AudioSegment.from_file(sound_file, format=ext) for k in range(5): #print(k) if k+num_seq < len(text): sentence = " ".join(text[k:k+num_seq]) dur = timestamp[k+num_seq] - timestamp[k] len_text = len(sentence.split()) if dur < 20000: new_name = random_name(5) audio = audio_file[timestamp[k]:timestamp[k+num_seq]] audio.export(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.mp3',format='mp3',bitrate='256k') with open(f'{out_dir}/{new_name}.lab','w') as f: f.write(sentence.lower()) files = glob.glob(f'{out_dir}/*.mp3') print(f'num_samples: {len(files)}') k = random.randint(0,2) play_pair(files[k]) #for file in files[:1]: # play_pair(file) ###########################################################################def def _split_folder(in_dir,out_dir,pair_ext=['mp3','lrc'],window=20): """ in_dir = '/content/Thu_Phuong_clean' out_dir = '/content/Thu_Phuong_recheck' split_folder(in_dir,out_dir,pair_ext=['mp3','lrc'],window=20) """ import glob from tqdm import tqdm import shutil ext1 = pair_ext[0] # mp3/wav ext2 = pair_ext[1] # lab/txt files = glob.glob(f'{in_dir}/*.{ext1}') print(f'Number of files: {len(files)}') for i in tqdm(range(len(files) // window)): move_files = files[i * window: (i + 1) * window] dir_name = f"{out_dir}/{i:04d}" os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True) for file in move_files: shutil.copy(file,dir_name) shutil.copy(f'{file[:-4]}.{ext2}',dir_name) def split_folder(in_dir,out_dir,pair_ext=['mp3','lrc'],window=20): """ in_dir = '/content/Thu_Phuong_clean' out_dir = '/content/Thu_Phuong_recheck' split_folder(in_dir,out_dir,pair_ext=['mp3','lrc'],window=20) split_folder(in_dir,out_dir,pair_ext=['mp3','lab'],window=20) """ import glob from tqdm import tqdm import shutil ext1 = pair_ext[0] # mp3/wav ext2 = pair_ext[1] # lab/txt pair_files = get_pair_files(in_dir,in_dir,ext1,ext2) for i in tqdm(range(len(pair_files) // window)): copy_files = pair_files[i * window: (i + 1) * window] dir_name = f"{out_dir}/{i:04d}" os.makedirs(dir_name, exist_ok=True) for name in copy_files: file1 = f'{in_dir}/{name}.{ext1}' file2 = f'{in_dir}/{name}.{ext2}' shutil.copy(file1,dir_name) shutil.copy(file2,dir_name) def combine_pair(in_dir,out_dir): """ copy all files in subfolders to a target folder make pair files (mp3+lab), remove unpaired files """ import os import shutil from tqdm import tqdm os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) x_files = [] for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(in_dir): for file in files: full_path = os.path.join(path, file) x_files.append(full_path) for file in tqdm(x_files): shutil.copy(file,out_dir) print(f"\nCopied {len(x_files)} files to {out_dir}") # make pair files remove_unpaired_files(f'{out_dir}','mp3','lab') files = glob.glob(f'{out_dir}/*.mp3') print('-'*100) print(f'Final number of MP3 files: {len(files)}') print('-'*100) ###########################################################################def # Check and delete bad files with: play_wav, checkbox, text/lab def show_audio(folder_path,start_id,end_id): """ """ import os import glob from IPython.display import Audio, display import ipywidgets as widgets files = [file for file in os.listdir(folder_path) if file.endswith('.mp3') or file.endswith('.wav')] files.sort() delete_checkboxes = [widgets.Checkbox(description=file, value=False) for file in files[start_id:end_id]] for checkbox, file in zip(delete_checkboxes, files[start_id:end_id]): name = os.path.splitext(file)[0] text = open(f'{folder_path}/{name}.lab').read() print('-'*100) print(text) display(checkbox, Audio(folder_path + '/' + file)) return delete_checkboxes,files[start_id:end_id] def remove_files(folder_path, delete_checkboxes, files): """ """ import os from tqdm import tqdm files_to_delete = [file for checkbox, file in zip(delete_checkboxes, files) if checkbox.value] for file in tqdm(files_to_delete): file_path = f'{folder_path}/' + file print(file_path) os.remove(file_path) ###########################################################################def def get_audio_files(folder_path): """ x_files = get_audio_files('/content/raw_data') """ import os audio_files = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(folder_path): for filename in files: if filename.endswith(".mp3") or filename.endswith(".wav"): filepath = os.path.join(root, filename) audio_files.append(filepath) return audio_files def get_dur(sound_file): """ """ x,sr = sf.read(sound_file) dur = x.size/sr # unit = senconds(s) return dur def total_time(elapsed_time): """ total_dur = 0 for file in tqdm(x_files): dur = get_dur(file) total_dur = total_dur + dur total_time(int(total_dur)) > 15h:17m:50s """ if elapsed_time < 60: print(f"\n{elapsed_time:02d}s") elif elapsed_time >=60 and elapsed_time < 3600: minutes, seconds = divmod(elapsed_time, 60) print(f"\n{minutes:02d}m:{seconds:02d}s") else: hours, remainder = divmod(elapsed_time, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) print(f"\nTotal time: {hours}h:{minutes:02d}m:{seconds:02d}s") def report_time(folder): """ report_time('/content/Ha_Tran_clean_small_dirs/0000') > Total time: 2h:40m:33s """ x_files = get_audio_files(folder) total_dur = 0 for file in tqdm(x_files): dur = get_dur(file) total_dur = total_dur + dur total_time(int(total_dur)) ###########################################################################def def clean_lab(lab_dir,min_len=8,max_len=25): """ """ import glob from tqdm import tqdm import os count = 0 files = glob.glob(f'{lab_dir}/*.lab') print(f'num_files: {len(files)}') for file in tqdm(files): words =open(file).read() words = words.split() if len(words) > max_len or len(words) < min_len: os.remove(file) count = count + 1 print(f'\nDeleted {count} files') ###########################################################################def