import bz2 |
import json |
import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree |
import re |
import sqlite3 |
from urllib.parse import quote |
import mwparserfromhell |
import requests |
import os |
import coremltools as ct |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer |
import numpy as np |
from usearch.index import Index, Matches |
import multiprocessing |
from multiprocessing import Pool |
def download_wiki_dump(lang, date): |
"""Download the Wikipedia dump file.""" |
local_filename = f"{lang}wiki-{date}-dump.xml.bz2" |
if os.path.isfile(local_filename): |
print(f"Using existing file: {local_filename}") |
return local_filename |
base_url = f"https://dumps.wikimedia.org/{lang}wiki/{date}/" |
dump_status_url = base_url + "dumpstatus.json" |
response = requests.get(dump_status_url) |
dump_info = json.loads(response.text) |
for filename, info in dump_info["jobs"]["articlesmultistreamdump"]["files"].items(): |
if filename.endswith(".xml.bz2"): |
file_url = base_url + filename |
break |
else: |
raise ValueError("Couldn't find the multistream dump file") |
with requests.get(file_url, stream=True) as r: |
r.raise_for_status() |
with open(local_filename, 'wb') as f: |
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): |
f.write(chunk) |
return local_filename |
def parse_and_clean_wikicode(raw_content, parser, lang): |
"""Strips formatting and unwanted sections from raw page content.""" |
wikicode = parser.parse(raw_content) |
re_rm_magic = re.compile("__[A-Z]*__", flags=re.UNICODE) |
media_prefixes = "|".join(["File", "Image", "Media"]) |
re_rm_wikilink = re.compile(f"^(?:{media_prefixes}):", flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) |
def rm_wikilink(obj): |
return bool(re_rm_wikilink.match(str(obj.title))) |
def rm_tag(obj): |
return str(obj.tag) in {"ref", "table"} |
cat_prefixes = "|".join(["Category"]) |
re_clean_wikilink = re.compile(f"^(?:{cat_prefixes}):", flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) |
def is_category(obj): |
return bool(re_clean_wikilink.match(str(obj.title))) |
def clean_wikilink(obj): |
text = obj.__strip__() |
text = re.sub(re_clean_wikilink, "", text) |
obj.text = text |
def try_replace_obj(obj): |
try: |
clean_wikilink(obj) |
except ValueError: |
pass |
def try_remove_obj(obj, section): |
try: |
section.remove(obj) |
except ValueError: |
pass |
sections = [] |
for section in wikicode.get_sections(flat=True, include_lead=True, include_headings=True): |
heading = section.filter_headings()[0].title.strip() if section.filter_headings() else "Lead" |
for obj in section.ifilter_wikilinks(recursive=True): |
if rm_wikilink(obj): |
try_remove_obj(obj, section) |
elif is_category(obj): |
try_replace_obj(obj) |
for obj in section.ifilter_tags(matches=rm_tag, recursive=True): |
try_remove_obj(obj, section) |
section_text = re.sub(re_rm_magic, "", section.strip_code().strip()) |
if section_text.startswith(f"{heading}\n"): |
section_text = section_text[len(heading):].strip() |
sections.append((heading, section_text)) |
return sections |
def construct_url(title, lang): |
return f"https://{lang}.wikipedia.org/wiki/{quote(title)}" |
def process_wiki_dump(filepath, lang): |
"""Process the Wikipedia dump and yield cleaned articles.""" |
total_pages = 0 |
main_namespace_pages = 0 |
articles_with_content = 0 |
redirects = 0 |
total_sections = 0 |
try: |
with bz2.BZ2File(filepath) as f: |
context = etree.iterparse(f, events=("end",)) |
for _, elem in context: |
if not elem.tag.endswith("page"): |
continue |
total_pages += 1 |
namespace = elem.tag[:-4] |
title = elem.find(f"./{namespace}title").text |
ns = elem.find(f"./{namespace}ns").text |
id_ = elem.find(f"./{namespace}id").text |
if ns != "0": |
elem.clear() |
continue |
main_namespace_pages += 1 |
red_ = elem.find(f"./{namespace}redirect") |
if red_ is not None: |
redirects += 1 |
elem.clear() |
continue |
raw_content = elem.find(f"./{namespace}revision/{namespace}text").text |
elem.clear() |
if raw_content is None or raw_content.strip() == "": |
continue |
articles_with_content += 1 |
try: |
sections = parse_and_clean_wikicode(raw_content, parser=mwparserfromhell, lang=lang) |
except (mwparserfromhell.parser.ParserError) as e: |
print(f"💥 mwparserfromhell ParseError: {e}") |
return |
if not sections or len(sections) == 0: |
return |
sections = [(heading, text.strip()) for heading, text in sections if len(text.strip()) > 1 and heading != "References" and heading != text.strip()] |
total_sections += len(sections) |
url = construct_url(title, lang) |
yield { |
"article_id": id_, |
"url": url, |
"title": title, |
"sections": sections |
} |
elem.clear() |
if articles_with_content % 1000 == 0: |
print(f"Processed article {articles_with_content}: {title} {id_}") |
finally: |
print(f"Total pages processed: {total_pages}") |
print(f"Pages in main namespace: {main_namespace_pages}") |
print(f"Redirects skipped: {redirects}") |
print(f"Articles with content: {articles_with_content}") |
def tokenize(text): |
return tokenizer( |
text, |
add_special_tokens=True, |
max_length=512, |
padding='max_length', |
truncation=True, |
return_attention_mask=True, |
return_tensors='np' |
) |
def tokenize_for_chunking(text): |
res = tokenizer( |
text, |
add_special_tokens=True, |
padding='do_not_pad', |
truncation=False, |
return_tensors='np' |
) |
return res['input_ids'].flatten() |
def embed(text): |
result = tokenize(text) |
token_ids = result['input_ids'].astype(np.float32) |
mask = result['attention_mask'].astype(np.float32) |
predictions = model.predict({"input_ids": token_ids, "attention_mask": mask}) |
return predictions['embeddings'][0] |
def build_section_header(section_name, article_title): |
return f"Page: {article_title}\nSection: {section_name}\n\n" |
def lazypack_chunk4(text, seps=["\n\n", ".\n", "?\n", "\n", ". ", "? ", " "], max_length=512, overlap=64, tokenize_fn=None): |
def count_units(chunk): |
return len(tokenize_fn(chunk)) if tokenize_fn else len(chunk) |
chunks = [text] |
if count_units(text) <= max_length: |
return chunks |
for sep in seps: |
new_chunks = [] |
for chunk in chunks: |
split_chunks = [sub_chunk.strip() for sub_chunk in chunk.split(sep)] |
packed_chunk = "" |
for split_chunk in split_chunks: |
if packed_chunk and count_units(packed_chunk + sep + split_chunk) <= (max_length - overlap): |
packed_chunk += sep + split_chunk |
else: |
if packed_chunk: |
new_chunks.append(packed_chunk) |
packed_chunk = split_chunk |
if packed_chunk: |
new_chunks.append(packed_chunk) |
chunks = [x + sep.strip() if sep.strip() and x != new_chunks[-1] else x for x in new_chunks] |
chunks = new_chunks |
if all(count_units(chunk) <= (max_length - overlap) for chunk in chunks): |
break |
final_chunks = [] |
previous_end = "" |
for i in range(len(chunks)): |
current_chunk = chunks[i] |
if previous_end: |
half_overlap_length = min(overlap, int(count_units(previous_end) / 2), int(count_units(current_chunk) / 2)) |
words = previous_end.split() |
overlap_text = "" |
overlap_count = 0 |
for word in reversed(words): |
overlap_count += count_units(word + " ") |
if overlap_count > half_overlap_length: |
break |
overlap_text = word + " " + overlap_text |
combined_chunk = (overlap_text + current_chunk).strip() |
if count_units(combined_chunk) > max_length: |
final_chunks.append(current_chunk) |
else: |
final_chunks.append(combined_chunk) |
else: |
final_chunks.append(current_chunk) |
previous_end = current_chunk |
return final_chunks |
def initialize_worker(): |
global model, tokenizer |
model = ct.models.CompiledMLModel('./msmarco_distilbert_base_tas_b_512_single_quantized.mlmodelc') |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("sentence-transformers/msmarco-distilbert-base-tas-b") |
def batch_embed(batch, db_name): |
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name) |
placeholders = ', '.join(['?'] * len(batch)) |
rows = conn.execute(f"SELECT * FROM article_sections WHERE id IN ({placeholders})", batch).fetchall() |
conn.close() |
print(f"🚜 starting embedding batch from {rows[0][0]} to {rows[-1][0]}...") |
keys = [] |
vectors = [] |
for row in rows: |
(section_id, article_id, url, title, seq_id, section, text) = row |
chunk_header = build_section_header(section, title) |
chunk_header_offset = len(tokenize_for_chunking(chunk_header)) |
max_chunk_length = 512 - chunk_header_offset |
chunks = lazypack_chunk4(text, max_length=max_chunk_length, tokenize_fn=tokenize_for_chunking) |
for chunk in chunks: |
chunk_embedding = embed(chunk_header + chunk) |
keys.append(section_id) |
vectors.append(chunk_embedding) |
print(f"🚜 finished embedding batch from {rows[0][0]} to {rows[-1][0]}.") |
return keys, np.array(vectors) |
def index_batches_parallel(db_name, index_name, precision, batch_size=2000, num_workers=3): |
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name) |
total_sections = conn.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM article_sections").fetchone()[0] |
conn.close() |
print(f"🔮 Beginning embedding {total_sections} sections...") |
batches = [(list(range(i, min(i + batch_size, total_sections))), db_name) for i in range(0, total_sections, batch_size)] |
with Pool(num_workers, initializer=initialize_worker) as pool: |
results = pool.starmap(batch_embed, batches) |
batch_count = len(results) |
print(f"🔮 Beginning indexing {total_sections} in {batch_count} batches...") |
allowed_precision = ['f16', 'f32'] |
index_precision = precision if precision in allowed_precision else 'f32' |
index = Index(ndim=768, connectivity=16, metric="ip", multi=True, dtype=index_precision) |
for keys, vectors in results: |
index.add(keys=keys, vectors=vectors) |
index.save(index_name) |
index_size = len(index) |
print(f"🔮 Indexing complete with {index_size} records; saved to disk at `{index_name}`.") |
def save_wiki_dump(lang, date): |
db_name = f"wikipedia_{lang}_{date}.db" |
db_exists = os.path.exists(db_name) |
if db_exists: |
print(f"📦 Found existing database `{db_name}`. Skipping download & clean.") |
else: |
print(f"☁️ Loading Wikipedia articles in {lang} from {date}...") |
dump_filepath = download_wiki_dump(lang, date) |
print(f"🔍 Downloaded dump file. Cleaning... {dump_filepath}") |
articles = process_wiki_dump(dump_filepath, lang) |
n_articles = articles.__sizeof__() |
if n_articles == 0: |
print("💩 No articles found!") |
print(f" - the data> {articles}") |
exit(1) |
print(f"📦 Found {n_articles} articles! Importing into sqlite `{db_name}`, embedding and indexing...") |
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name) |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
cursor.execute(""" |
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS article_sections ( |
article_id INTEGER, |
url TEXT, |
title TEXT, |
sequence_id INTEGER, |
section_name TEXT, |
text TEXT |
); |
""") |
batch_size = 1000 |
batch = [] |
total_articles = 0 |
total_sections = 0 |
for article in articles: |
article_id = article["article_id"] |
url = article["url"] |
title = article["title"] |
for seq_id, (section, text) in enumerate(article["sections"]): |
batch.append((article_id, url, title, seq_id, section, text)) |
total_sections += 1 |
total_articles += 1 |
if len(batch) >= batch_size: |
print(f"⚙️ Processing articles up to {total_articles}...") |
cursor.executemany(""" |
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO article_sections (article_id, url, title, sequence_id, section_name, text) |
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); |
""", batch) |
conn.commit() |
print(f"⚙️ Processed {total_articles} articles with {total_sections} sections...") |
batch = [] |
if batch: |
print(f"⚙️ Processing articles up to {total_articles}...") |
cursor.executemany(""" |
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO article_sections (article_id, url, title, sequence_id, section_name, text) |
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); |
""", batch) |
conn.commit() |
conn.execute("VACUUM;") |
count = conn.execute("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM article_sections;").fetchone()[0] |
conn.close() |
print(f"🌎 Initial processing complete! Total sections in database: {count}") |
index_precision = "f16" |
index_path = f"./{lang}wiki-{date}.{index_precision}.index" |
index_batches_parallel(db_name, index_path, index_precision) |
index = Index.restore(index_path, view=True) |
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name) |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
query = "What is the capital of AUS?" |
print(f"🔎 testing search... '{query}'") |
qembed = embed(query) |
res: Matches = index.search(qembed, 5) |
print(f" - Results:") |
for result in res: |
(title, section, text) = cursor.execute("SELECT title, section_name, text FROM article_sections WHERE id = ?;", (f"{result.key}",)).fetchone() |
snippet = text[:280].replace("\n", " ") |
print(f" - Key: {result.key} | Distance: {result.distance} | Excerpt from '{title}', '{section}': {snippet}") |
conn.close() |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
model = ct.models.CompiledMLModel('./msmarco_distilbert_base_tas_b_512_single_quantized.mlmodelc') |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("sentence-transformers/msmarco-distilbert-base-tas-b") |
lang = "simple" |
date = "20240720" |
save_wiki_dump(lang, date) |